PEJABAT KESIHATAN JOHOR BAHRU JOHOR PROSEDUR PENGENDALIAN PESAKIT LUAR DI KLINIK KESIHATAN NO.DOKUMEN : JHR-PKJB-PK-AKK-04 KELUARAN :02 TARIKH KUATKUASA : 24/11/2014 PROSEDUR PENGENDALIAN PESAKIT LUAR DI KLINIK KESIHATAN DISEDIAKAN OLEH DILULUSKAN OLEH NAMA DR MARYEM SOKHANDAN FADAKAR JAWATAN PEGAWAI PERUBATAN DR ROHAYAH BINTI ABDULLAH PAKAR PERUBATAN KELUARGA TARIKH 17/11/2014 NO.SALINAN KAWALAN 24/11/2014 DIKELUARKAN KEPADA NO.DOKUMEN : JHR-PKJB-PK-AKK-04 REKOD PINDAAN TARIKH PINDAAN NO.KELUARAN/ NO.PINDAAN RUJUKAN/ MUKASURAT TERLIBAT 17/11/2014 JHR-PKJB-PK-AKK-04 KELUARAN:01/PINDAAN:00 05/01/2016 JHR-PKJB-PK-AKK-04 KELUARAN:02/PINDAAN:00 BUTIR-BUTIR PINDAAN DILULUSKAN OLEH Keseluruhan muka surat Perubahan / Penambahbaikan format Dokumen mengikut keperluan yang lebih mudah Dr Rohayah Binti Abdullah Muka surat 1 Perluasan skop lokasi dan penambahan rujukan Dr Siti Rupeah Togiman NO DOKUMEN: JHR-PKJB-PK-AKK-04 KELUARAN:02 PINDAAN:01 1.0 OBJEKTIF Prosedur ini menggariskan tatacara pengurusan dan perkhidmatan pengendalian pesakit luar di Klinik Kesihatan supaya setiap pelanggan yang datang mendapat rawatan yang optima. 2.0 SKOP Prosedur ini digunapakai oleh petugas kesihatan di semua klinik kesihatan dan klinik desa di Pejabat Kesihatan Johor Bahru untuk menguruskan perkhidmatan pengendalian pesakit di Unit Pesakit Luar. 3.0 RUJUKAN 3.1 Manual Kualiti, Pejabat Kesihatan Johor Bahru (JHR-PKJB-MK-01) 3.2 Polisi Perkhidmatan Pra-Hospital Negeri Johor 3.3 Panduan Amalan Klinikal (CPG) Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia website : ( 3.4 Akta Fee 1951 Pindaan 1982 3.5 Surat Pekeliling Ketua Setiausaha KKM Bil 8 Tahun 2015 Pelaksanaan Caj Penuh bagi Perintah Fi (Perubatan) (Kos Perkhidmatan) 2014 1 NO DOKUMEN: JHR-PKJB-PK-AKK-04 KELUARAN:02 PINDAAN:00 4.0 DEFINISI DAN TERMINOLOGI 4.1 Kaunter Saringan : Kaunter untuk pemeriksaan berat, tinggi, tekanan darah, ukur lilit pinggang dan saringan kesihatan berdasarkan keperluan 4.2 Pengenalan Diri : Kad pengenalan/ passport/ surat beranak/ Kad polis/ tentera/ Kad temujanji/ surat jaminan (Guarantee Letter)/Surat Nikah 4.3 Prosedur rawatan : Aktiviti rawatan selain konsultasi rawatan seperti pengambilan x-ray, dressing, kemasukkan / penukaran tiub Nasogastric, Urinary Catheter, pemberian Nebulizer, ECG, pengambilan darah dan lain-lain 4.4 Pegawai yang Berkaitan : Pakar-pakar hospital, Pegawai Sains Makanan, Pegawai Dietetik, Jurupulih Cara Kerja Anggota, Pegawai Sains Sosial dan lain-lain yang berkaitan 4.5 Kes kronik : Kes-kes yang memerlukan rawatan jangka panjang contoh kes diabetik, darah tinggi, asthma, mental, HIV, TB, Methadone 4.6 Kes biasa : Kes penyakit ringan seperti demam, batuk, selesema,cirit birit dan lain-lain 4.7 Borang siasatan : Borang makmal, X-ray dan lain-lain yang berkaitan 2 NO DOKUMEN: JHR-PKJB-PK-AKK-04 KELUARAN:02 PINDAAN:00 4.8 Kes-kes Kecemasan : Kes-kes yang memerlukan rawatan awal dan segera 4.9 Buku/Fail rawatan : Kes-kes yang menggunakan kad / buku / fail 5mengikut kategori kes yang tertentu mengikut kategori kes seperti Kes Diabetis, Hipertension, Asthma, Kesihatan Mental 4.10 CPG : Panduan Amalan Klinikal 4.11 BSSK : Borang Saringan Status Kesihatan Wanita Dewasa/ Lelaki Dewasa/ Warga Emas/ Remaja 4.12 SOP : Standard Operating Procedure 4.13 NDR : National Diabetis Register 4.14 NCD : Penyakit tidak berjangkit 4.15 FMS : Pakar Perubatan Keluarga 4.16 M&HO : Pegawai Perubatan Dan Kesihatan 4.17 PPP : Penolong Pegawai Perubatan 4.18 JK : Jururawat Kesihatan 4.19 JTMP : Juruteknologi Makmal Perubatan 3 NO DOKUMEN: JHR-PKJB-PK-AKK-04 3 KELUARAN:02 PINDAAN:00 4.20 PF : Pegawai Farmasi 4.21 PPF : Penolong Pegawai Farmasi 4.22 JM : Jururawat Masyarakat 4.23 PT : Pembantu Tadbir 4.24 PPK : Pembantu Perawatan Kesihatan 4.25 TPC : Sistem Teleprimary Care 4.26 WP : Waktu Pejabat 4.27 LWP : Luar Waktu Pejabat 4 NO DOKUMEN: JHR-PKJB-PK-AKK-04 KELUARAN:02 PINDAAN:00 5.0 CARTA ALIR CARTA ALIR Terima pelanggan Pendaftaran pelanggan PROSEDUR KERJA TANGGUNGJAWAB 5.1 Kategorikan pelanggan mengikut : i. Kes kronik ii. Kes biasa iii. Pengambilan darah iv. Prosedur rawatan v. Kes-kes kecemasan – perlu diberi rawatan awal dengan segera di bilik kecemasan (WP: kurang daripada 1 minit LWP: kurang daripada 15 minit) - Bagi Kes kronik kad perlu dikeluarkan dan disemak sebelum hari klinik. PT/PPK/PPP/ JK /JM - Senarai Semak Keskes Kecemasan (Malaysian Triage Category) - Laporan Pencapaian Kes-kes Kecemasan 5.2 Semua pelanggan perlu didaftarkan samada secara manual atau TPC. Kes-kes kronik perlu didaftarkan mengikut kategori kes atau program. PT/PPK/PPP/ JK/JM - Buku Daftar Kes-kes Yang Dilihat Di Bilik kecemasan - Buku Daftar Perubatan PL -101/102 - Sistem TPC - Buku Daftar Kesihatan Mental/Diabetis/NDR/ Methadone/TB/HIV 5.3 Perkara-perkara yang diperlukan semasa pendaftaran: PT/JK/JM/PPK - Akta Fee - Resit pembayaran - Kad Rawatan Pesakit / TPC i. ii. iii. iv. Minta dokumen pengenalan diri Pastikan urusan pembayaran dilaksanakan mengikut Akta Fee. Pesakit mendapatkan nombor giliran Serahkan kad rawatan pesakit mengikut kategori kes/TPC 5.4 Lakukan klinikal: Saringan pemeriksaan klinikal Pendidikan kesihatan saringan REKOD/DOKUMEN pemeriksaan i. Pengambilan berat badan / tinggi/ suhu badan /BP / glukometer mengikut kategori kes kecuali bagi kes pengambilan darah dan prosedur rawatan terus ke bilik-bilik berkaitan. PPP/JK/JM /PPK - Kad rawatan pesakit/ TPC - Rekod Keputusan Verifikasi ii. Saringan status kesihatan mengikut keperluan dan lengkapkan rekod yang berkaitan. FMS/M&HO /PPP/JK - BSSK/ NCD / Saringan Minda Sihat/ TPC iii. Siasatan dilakukan mengikut kategori kes dan lengkapkan borang yang berkaitan / TPC FMS/M&HO /PPP/JK iv. Pastikan keputusan ujian ada sebelum atau semasa tarikh temujanji - Borang siasatan/TPC Siasatan klinikal A B 5 NO DOKUMEN: JHR-PKJB-PK-AKK-04 KELUARAN:02 PINDAAN:00 CARTA ALIR A PROSEDUR KERJA TANGGUNJAWAB REKOD/DOKUMEN 5.5 Lakukan konsultasi, diagnosa dan rawatan mengikut kategori kes dan lengkapkan rekod yang berkaitan FMS/M&HO/ PPP/JK/JM - Kad rawatan pesakit/ TPC/ CPG/SOP yang berkaitan/ Buku MC 5.6 Rujuk kes jika perlu FMS/M&HO/ pegawai yang berkaitan - Surat rujukan/ TPC 5.7 Beri temujanji jika perlu FMS/M&HO/ JM/PPK - Kad temujanji (Perubatan 91) - Buku rekod temujanji/ TPC B Konsultasi rawatan Rujuk untuk rawatan lanjut Temujanji Farmasi 5.8 Pelanggan mendapatkan ubatubatan sekiranya perlu 6 PF/PPF - Prekripsi/kad rawatan pesakit/TPC NO DOKUMEN: JHR-PKJB-PK-AKK-04 KELUARAN:02 PINDAAN:00 6.0 REKOD KUALITI BIL REKOD TEMPOH PENYIMPANAN 5 Tahun LOKASI Kaunter Pendaftaran 1. Buku Daftar Perubatan PL101/102 2. Buku Daftar Kes-kes Yang Dilihat Di Bilik Kecemasan 5 Tahun Bilik Kecemasan 3. Buku Daftar Mengikut Program - Kesihatan Mental - Diabetes(NDR) - Methadone - TB - HIV 5 Tahun Kaunter Pendaftaran / Bilik Kad 4. Kad Rawatan -Pesakit Luar - Diabetes - Hipertensi - Mental -TB -Methadone 5 Tahun Bilik Kad 5. BSSK Mengikut Kategori -Remaja (BSSK/R/2008 Pind.1/2013) -Wanita Dewasa (BSSK/W/2008 Pind. 1/2013) -Lelaki Dewasa (BSSK/L/2008 Pind. 1/2013) -Warga Emas (BSSK/WE/2008 Pind. 1/2013) Pind.2/2011) 1 Tahun Kaunter Saringan / Bilik Konsultasi / Bilik Kad 6. Saringan NCD 1 Tahun Kaunter Saringan / Bilik Konsultasi / Bilik Kad 7. Saringan Minda Sihat 1 Tahun Kaunter Saringan / Bilik Konsultasi / Bilik Kad 8. Buku Resit 5 Tahun Kaunter Pendaftaran 7 NO DOKUMEN: JHR-PKJB-PK-AKK-04 KELUARAN:02 PINDAAN:00 BIL REKOD TEMPOH PENYIMPANAN 5 Tahun LOKASI Bilik konsultasi 9. Buku MC 10. Buku preskripsi 2 Tahun Bilik konsultasi 11. Laporan Pencapaian Keskes Kecemasan 2 Tahun Bilik kecemasan 12. Laporan Pencapaian HbA1c 2 Tahun Bilik diabetes 13. Senarai Semak Kes-kes Kecemasan (Malaysian Triage Category) 5 Tahun Bilik kecemasan 7.0 OBJEKTIF KUALITI 7.1 80% pesakit aktif diabetes menjalani ujian HbA1c sekurang-kurangnya setahun sekali. 7.2 100% kes-kes kecemasan (di bawah “TRIAGE category RED - Priority 1”) yang datang ke klinik semasa waktu pejabat diberi response (“attend”) dalam masa 1 minit. 8 LAMPIRAN 1 Daftar melalui TPC LAMPIRAN 2 LAMPIRAN 3 (I) LAMPIRAN 3 (II) LAMPIRAN 3 (III) LAMPIRAN 3 (IV) LAMPIRAN 3 (V) LAMPIRAN 3 (VI) LAMPIRAN 3(VII) LAMPIRAN 4(I) LAMPIRAN 4(II) LAMPIRAN 4 (III) LAMPIRAN 4 (IV) LAMPIRAN 4 (V) LAMPIRAN 4 (VI) LAMPIRAN 5 (I) LAMPIRAN 5 (II) LAMPIRAN 5 (III) LAMPIRAN 5 (IV) LAMPIRAN 6 LAMPIRAN 7 LAMPIRAN 8 LAMPIRAN 9 LAMPIRAN 10 LAMPIRAN 11 (I) JHR-PKJB-B02-AKK-04 KELUARAN: 01/PINDAAN:00 LAMPIRAN 11 (II) JHR-PKJB-B02-AKK-04 KELUARAN: 01/PINDAAN:00 LAMPIRAN 12 LAMPIRAN 13 MALAYSIAN TRIAGE CATEGORY TRIAGE LEVEL – RED ZONE: DESCRIPTORS FOR CATEGORIES Triage Category Response Description of Category Immediately Life-Threatening RED (Priority 1) Immediate assessment and treatment Conditions that are threats to life (or imminent risk of deterioration) and require immediate aggressive intervention Clinical Descriptions (indicative only) Imminently life-threatening The patient’s condition is serious enough or deteriorating so rapidly that there is the potential of threat to life, or organ-system failure, if not treated within 15 minutes of arrival RED (Priority 2) Assessment and treatment within 5 minutes (assessment and treatment often simultaneously) OR Important time-critical treatment The potential for time-critical treatment (e.g. thrombolysis, antidote) to make a significant effect on clinical outcome depends on treatment commencing within a few minutes of the patient’s arrival in the ETD Trauma shock Cardiac arrest Respiratory arrest Pneumothorax – trauma / tension Immediate risk to airway – impending arrest Respiratory rate <10 / min Extreme respiratory distress SBP < 80 (adult) or severely shocked child/infant Unresponsive or responds to pain only (GCS < 8) Ongoing / prolonged seizure IV overdose and unresponsive or hypoventilation Severe burns > 30% BSA Severe behavioral disorder with immediate threat of dangerous influence Airway risk – severe stridor or drooling with distress Severe respiratory distress Severe exacerbation of bronchial asthma Circulatory compromise: Cold and clammy skin, poor perfusion HR < 50/min or > 150/min (adult) Hypotension with hemodynamic effects Severe blood loss Chest pain of cardiac nature Very severe pain of any cause Glucose level < 2 mmol/L Drowsy, decrease responsiveness of any cause (GCS < 10) Acute hemiparesis / hemiplegia Fever with signs of lethargy (any age) Acid or alkali splash (eye – requiring irrigation) Major polytrauma requiring rapid organized team response Severe localized trauma – spinal injuries, major fracture, amputation High-risk history:: significant sedative or other toxic ingestion significant dangerous envenomation Severe pain suggesting PE, AAA or ectopic pregnancy TRIAGE LEVEL – YELLOW ZONE: DESCRIPTORS FOR CATEGORIES Triage Category Response Description of Category Potentially Life-threatening The patient’s condition may progress to life or limbthreatening, or may lead to significant morbidity, if assessment and treatment are not commenced within 15-30 minutes of arrival OR YELLOW Assessment and treatment starts within 15 minutes Situational Urgency There is potential for adverse outcome if time-critical treatment is not commenced within 15-30 minutes OR Humane practice mandates the relief of severe discomfort or distress within 15-30 minutes Clinical Descriptions (indicative only) Severe hypertension, asymptomatic Moderate blood loss – any cause Moderate shortness of breath with SaO2 90-95% Glucose level > 15 mmol/L Seizure (now alert) Any fever if immunosuppressed, e.g. oncology patient, steroid Rx Persistent vomiting Dehydration Head injury with GCS > 10 Burns <15% of BSA regardless of depth rd and/or <10% 3 degree burns Moderately severe pain – any cause, requiring analgesia Chest pain likely non-cardiac and moderate severity Abdominal pain without high risk features – moderate severity or patient age > 55 years Moderate limb injury – deformity, severe laceration, crush Limb – altered sensation, acutely absent pulse Trauma – high-risk history with no other high-risk features Stable neonate Child at risk Behavioral / Psychiatric: Very distressed, risk of self-harm Acutely psychotic or thought disorder Situational crisis, deliberate selfharm Agitated / withdrawn Potentially aggressive Poisoning / drug overdose which require immediate procedure TRIAGE LEVEL – GREEN ZONE: DESCRIPTORS FOR CATEGORIES Triage Category Response Description of Category Airway secured,, ambulant, hemodynamically stable patients and not in respiratory distress. GREEN Priority 1 The patient’s condition may deteriorate or adverse outcome may result, if assessment and treatment is not commenced within one hour of arrival in ETD. Symptoms moderate or prolonged. (G1 – Fast Lane) Clinical Descriptions (indicative only) GREEN Priority 2 (G2) Situational Urgency Assessment and treatment start within 60 minutes Require initial management or first aid before seen by doctors Non-critical cases GREEN Priority 3 (G3) Patients who can wait Children < 2 years old Senior citizen > 65 years old Acute pain: Pain Score < 4 Non-specific abdominal pain Mild hemorrhage POP complications – tight cast, no neurovascular impairment Swollen “hot” joint All OSCC cases (without resuscitation needs) Mild exacerbation of bronchial asthma Foreign body aspiration, no respiratory distress Acute urinary retention Elevated blood sugar without any major symptoms High Fever > 39’C Psychiatric complaints – without risk of self-harm Minor allergic reactions Hospital staff with minor complaints Vomiting or diarrhea without dehydration, normal mental status Minor trauma – not necessarily acute Head injury – alert, no sign and symptom of increase intra-cranial pressure Bumps and bruises Closed fracture of upper limbs Simple laceration and cuts – not requiring sutures Controllable bleeding Closed fracture of upper limbs or ankle without major angulation Chronic abdominal pain Menses related complaints General medical conditions or minor illnesses not requiring monitoring Sore throat – no respiratory symptoms Earache Nail prick Acute infective eye conditions GREEN Priority 4 COLD CASES / OUT PATIENTS (G4) Triage away to primary care or another center OR Will be seen in ‘After Office Hour Clinic’ in ETD (KRPSWP) GREEN Priority 5 CLINICOADMINISTRATIVE PROBLEMS (G5) Not seen in ETD Non-emergency cases The patient’s condition is chronic or minor enough that symptoms or clinical outcome will not be significantly affected if assessment and treatment are delayed up to two hours from arrival Non-emergency related conditions Chronic trauma injuries > 6 months Acute pyrexia < 38’C for adult < 65 years of age OR children between 2 to 12 years of age Simple skin diseases – chronic All pregnancies more than 20 weeks requiring antenatal follow-up Cough and cold Minimal pain with no high risk features Low-risk history and now asymptomatic Minor symptoms of existing stable illness Minor symptoms of low-risk conditions Missed appointments Medications exhausted Second opinion seeking STO Medical certificate Specialist clinic cases Medical check-up CONCEPT OF TRIAGE: It is a dynamic process – continuous evaluation and assessment of the patient is required to look for any sign and/or symptoms of deterioration, thus the decision to upgrade the patient. It is a process to sort out / prioritizing the patients that come to Emergency and Trauma Department to get treatment – those with higher priority (more critical) will be seen and managed first than those with lower priority (less critical) that will be seen later. The officer in the Primary Triage counter will do the prioritization of all the patients and will pass over the case to the respective clinical zones based on his early and rapid assessment of the patient’s condition. The officer in the Secondary Triage area/room will cater for all the Green Zone cases and do the initial assessment and treatment of the patients; such as taking the vital signs, do the dressing of the trauma patient, administer the ATT injection, ordering the radiological investigations (x-rays) under the order of the Medical Officer, requesting basic blood investigations etc. The patients will be asked to wait in the waiting area if this basic assessment show that they still fulfills the criteria of ‘green category’. They will be called by the Medical Officer later for complete medical examination