7th Annual LA Wine Soirée | Saturday, October 8th


7th Annual LA Wine Soirée | Saturday, October 8th
LA Wine Soirée
7th Annual LA Wine Soirée | Saturday, October 8th
The Fruit of the Vine & Hospice…
A perfect pairing
he Southern California Hospice Foundation
was established in 2002 with a grand vision: to
open a hospice house in Southern California
that serves as a live-in facility for end-of-life care. As
we build that dream, your generous donations enable
us to provide community education, and direct patient
assistance. Overall, we seek to provide the terminally
ill children and adults we serve with love, dignity and
7th Annual LA Wine Soirée
Motivated by our mission, we gather each year
to celebrate those we serve, and to raise funds in
order to grow our vital work in the community. This
year, the LA Wine Soirée will be held on Saturday,
October 8th from 6:00 – 9:30 PM. The event will
feature a wide variety of wines, delicious food, an
amazing silent auction, and the “Start Your Own
Cellar” raffle where you can win 100 bottles of wine!
Only 100 tickets will be sold.
The Rooftop at the
LA Athletic Club
Enjoy breathtaking views of the downtown LA
skyline from the rooftop of the Los Angeles
Athletic Club, where you will experience traditional
elegance with beautiful decorations, rich colors,
and amazing class. Since 1880, The Los Angeles
Athletic Club has established a philosophy by
which health of mind, body and spirit flourish.
The Los Angeles Athletic Club is located at:
431 West Seventh Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014
*Please note the rooftop is only accessible by a
short staircase
LA Wine Soirée Saturday, October 8th
very level of sponsorship
greatly benefits SCHF in
its mission to help hospice
patients throughout the next year.
Your donation allows us to fulfill
the needs of patients receiving
hospice care, grant dying wishes,
educate our community about
end-of-life issues, and support
our dedicated caregivers. The
business and personal rewards
received through your association
with SCHF are beyond measure.
Because of you, patients are
treated with dignity, experience
respect, and feel truly valued. You
can’t put a number on that.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Choose a package that is right for you, or let us create one to specifically meet your unique needs.
Sponsor $10,000
• 8 tickets to the LA Wine Soirée with 4 hotel rooms at the LA Athletic
Club with welcome baskets
• Include featured “Presented by” with your logo on all promotional
• Featured “Presented by” with your logo on event banner
• Included as a Presenting Sponsor in all media communications including
press releases and interviews
• Featured link on our website with logo for one year
Sponsor $5,000
• 4 tickets to the LA Wine Soirée with 2 hotel rooms at the LA Athletic
Club with welcome baskets
• Include logo on all promotional printing
• Featured link on our website with logo for one year
• Include logo on event banner
Sponsor $2,500
• 2 tickets to the LA Wine Soirée with 1 hotel room at the LA Athletic Club
with a welcome basket
• Include logo on all promotional printing
• Featured link on our website with logo for one year
• Include logo on event banner
Sponsor $1,500
• 4 tickets to the LA Wine Soirée
• Include logo on all promotional printing
• Featured link on our website with logo for one year
• Include company name on event banner
Continued on back page...
LA Wine Soirée Saturday, October 8th
LA Wine Soirée
Wine Table Sponsor
- Product Donation
(11 available)
• Have a table at the LA Wine Soirée to promote your wine
• Featured link on website for one year & company logo on event banner
• Receive recognition on table signage and in the program as one of our
featured wines
Music Sponsor
for the
LA Wine Soirée
• 2 tickets to the LA Wine Soirée
• Recognition on signage, and in the program
• Featured link on website for one year
• Include company name on event banner
100 Bottles – Start
Your Own Wine
Cellar Raffle $100
(only 100 tickets
• This is your chance to win 100 bottles of premier wine at
the LA Wine Soirée
• Only 100 tickets sold for $100 a piece
In-kind Donation
• Opportunity to provide goods or services for raffle or silent auction
• Company logo to be displayed on table tents next to the item
• Individual Entry Tickets to the LA Wine Soirée: $150 – Includes dinner, wine,
beverages & live music. (Space is limited. Only 125 tickets will be sold!)
• Hotel rooms can be purchased at the LA Athletic Club for a special rate.
Please contact us for details at 877-661-0087 or [email protected].
Advertisement in Program
Full Page $500 – Black and White | ½ Page $250 – Black & White | ¼ Page $150 – Black & White
Business Card $75 – Black & White | Color $150 – Add color to any ad
¼ Page $400 – Color, Picture of loved one with 10 words
3.5" x 2" Business Card $100 – 10 words, no picture.
Advertisement Deadline: 9/9/16
We encourage you to contact us today to discuss the many benefits of sponsorship.
Please contact Michelle Wulfestieg at (877) 661-0087 or [email protected]
LA Wine Soirée Saturday, October 8th
2016 LA Wine Soirée
Sponsorship Form
Yes! We would like to support hospice at the LA Wine Soirée on October 8th:
❏ Presenting Sponsor $10,000
❏ Zinfandel Sponsor $1,500
❏ Champagne Sponsor $5,000
❏ Wine Sponsor (Product)
❏ Cabernet Sponsor $2,500
❏ Music Sponsor $1,000
❏ Start Your Own Wine Cellar Raffle Tickets $100 each: $ _____________________________________
❏ Silent Auction Sponsor, estimated value: $ ________________________________________________
If you are donating a silent auction or raffle item, please provide a description of the item:_ ________________
Advertisement in Program (Ad submission deadline: 9/9/16):
❑ Full Page: $500
❑ ¼ Page: $150
❑ ½ Page: $250
❑ Business Card: $75
❑ Add Color to any ad: Additional $150
In Memoriam:
❑ ¼ Page w/ color picture: $400
❑ Business Card, 10 words, no picture: $100
❏ LA Wine Soirée Tickets $150 pp: $ ________ (Space is limited. Only 125 tickets will be sold!)
❏ I am unable to participate, but please accept my donation of: $ __________
Organization: ___________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person: _________________________________________________________________________
Full Address: _ __________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________ Fax: ______________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Payment: Enclosed please find my check of $ ____________________________________
Credit Card #:___________________________________________________________________________
Exp. Date:_______________ Code: ________________ Amount $______________________
Name on Credit Card:_____________________________________________________________________
Billing Address:__________________________________________________________________________
Please return this form via mail, fax or email to:
SCHF, Attn: Michelle, 3200 Park Center Dr., Ste. 1250, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 | Fax: 714-557-4439
[email protected]. We will then contact you to discuss details of the sponsorship. | Tax ID #04-3720198