Saint Patrick Catholic Church - St. Patrick`s Catholic Church
Saint Patrick Catholic Church - St. Patrick`s Catholic Church
Saint Patrick Catholic Church 235 Glen Street Glen Cove NY 11542 “Sketch of Saint Patrick Church” A gift of the artist, Joseph M. Cherubini The Very Rev’d Dom Daniel Stephen Nash, Can. Reg. Pastor The Very Rev’d Dom Gabriel Rach, Can. Reg. Associate The Very Rev’d Dom Ambros Boyd, Can. Reg. Associate The Very Rev’d Dom Elias Matthew Carr, Can. Reg. In Residence Dcn. Frank Borchardt Dcn. Juan Guilfú Deacon Deacon PARISH OFFICE: 676-0276 Fax (516) 674-9137 BUSINESS OFFICE 674-8669 FAITH FORMATION 671-7223 MUSIC AND CHOIRS 676-0276 SOCIAL MINISTRY 676-5586 SPANISH MINISTRY 759-6039 The Very Rev’d Dom Gabriel Rach, Can. Reg. Ms. Bernadette Heym Fran Howlett Director Cantalicio Gamarra Cantalicio Gamarra Website: EMail: Parish office: [email protected] Fr Daniel: [email protected] Fr Gabriel: [email protected] Fr Ambros: [email protected] 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2016 Mass Schedule Weekdays 9:00 am Saturday 9:00 am 4:30 pm (Sunday A nticipatory) Sundays 7:45 am Spanish Mass: 8:45 am (Parish Hall) 10:15 am (Family Mass) 11:30 am (Choir) 5:00 pm This week at St. Patrick’s St. Patrick’s Parish Ministries Adoration Saturday, July 2nd. 9:00 AM: Angela Mooney 4:30 PM: Collective Mass Intentions Maura Kelly Kehew Anthony Lucidi Sunday, July 3rd. 7:45 AM: Emma Kabat 8:45 AM: Pro populo 10:15 AM: James D. Doran 11:30 AM: Edward Malloy 5:00 PM: Patricia Davis Monday, July 4th. 9:00 AM: John & Katherine Magrino Tuesday, July 5th. 9:00 AM: Frank Miceli Wednesday, July 6th. 9:00 AM: Jacquelyn Schnitzer Thursday, July 7th. 9:00 AM: Marie Meli Friday, July 8th. 9:00 AM: Arthur Reddick (Living - 90th Birthday) Saturday, July 9th. 9:00 AM: Frank Fuggini 4:30 PM: Collective Mass Intentions Pietro Lordi Thomas F. Reilly Sunday, July 10th. 7:45 AM: Jake Whitting 8:45 AM: Pro populo 10:15 AM: Mary Ann Rusnak 11:30 AM: Anthony Palmieri 5:00 PM: Christine Kucklinca The Blessed Sacrament in the Notre Dame Chapel (Convent) Tuesday and Wednesday 10 am to 9 pm, Thursday open from 6:00 pm to Friday 1:00 am, and reopens Friday from 5:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon) then, from 9:00 pm Friday through Saturday 2:00 pm. Closed Sunday. Sacrament of Baptism At 11:00 am on the 1st Saturday of the month. Please call the Parish Office for more information. Preparation classes: the last Saturday of each month. Sacrament of Marriage Engaged and planning your wedding? The process begins by reviewing our Marriage Prep Checklist. This document is available at the Parish Office, or at The link is located on the main page under "Announcements". Sacrament of Penance Saturday 3:30 pm to 4:15 pm (Church) Monday to Wednesday immediately after the 9:00 am Mass (Church). If possible, please inform the sacristan or priest before Mass. Parish Faith Formation Provides excellent formation in the Catholic Faith for children in non-Catholic private and public schools. Grades 1-6 and Children’s Catechumenate on Tuesday 4:15 - 5:30 pm Grades 1-8 and Children’s Catechumenate on Tuesday 7:00 - 8:15 pm R.C.I.A on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 pm. We will meet (mostly) at St. Rocco’s. All Saints Regional Catholic School Offers an excellent Catholic and academically rigorous education. Nursery to Eighth Grade. For more information please call the School Office (676-0762). Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Please contact the Office to arrange a time. In emergency please call the Parish Office/Emergency Line. Apostolado Hispano Celebramos la Eucaristía todos los Domingos a las 8:45 am, el Sacramento del Bautismo se administra el 2do. y el 4to. Domingo de cada mes. Se require previa charla de preparación. Para más información, llamar al 759-6039. Parish Social Ministry The family members who have entered into Eternal Life! Cory Moran The 2016 Mass book is open for Masses The offering is $20.00 We care for our brothers and sisters through our Parish Outreach and food pantry program. Open on Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. For further information please call 676-5586. Parish Thrift Shop Closed for r enovation. All donations can be dr opped off at the Parish Office on Mondays only from 9:00 am-5:00 pm. We Pray for our Sick..... The church unites in praying for those who are critically ill. Our prayers can be a very effective channel for the healing power of Christ. Some people have a crisis or illness. Others are chronically ill. Both types of situations need the care and concern of the entire Body of Christ. At the request of concerned family members, names of the critically ill will be placed on our prayer list and will remain on the sick list for four (4) weeks. After that time they will be removed from the list. If a member of the family or the sick person himself or herself wishes to remain on the list, they have only to call or e-mail us and we will be happy to oblige. Peggy Williams, Elizabeth Doxey, Tracy Johnston, Jim McCabe, Abigail Sadowski, Michelina Gambale, Eileen Guadagni, Jacob Sagaser, Samantha De Mato, Steve Valli, Gloria Cuellar, Katherine McCarthy, Peter Jablonski, Eileen Stapelton, Mike Solomito, Michelle Butler, Allyn Adams, Jack Swenson, Kim Pomeroy, Fernando Ayo, Angela Bezella , Dorothy Sagaser, Joseph Sagaser, Mary Tormey, Carter Suozzi, Raymond Dillon, Angela Grella, Elizabeth Comitino, Mackenzie Borchers, baby Grace Skuches, Maryann Curley, Concetta Macedonio, Philipe Pretto, Louis Guadagni, Alberta Sadowski, Mrs. Hazel Reukauf, John Devoti, Christine Williams, Nora Avci, Thomas Wright, Salomon Huamaní, Victor Tosner, Susan Robertson, Margaret Occhuito, Bobbie Brown, Frances Breen, Julianne Hennesy, Veronica Munoz, Sal Comitino, Hogan Family, Joan McCarthy, Eduardo Archuleta, Victoria Dobsovits, and Marty (Chiefy) Martinez.. Reflection- “The harvest is rich,” Jesus tells the seventy-two in today’s Gospel, “but the workers are few.” The situation is the same today. How can I help with God’s harvest? Am I called into the field? Am I one who could provide food, shelter or wages to those who toil in the fields of the Lord? General Intercession for Mass- That as merciful stewards, we recognize the call to be of service to all we encounter, we pray to the Lord . Living Stewardship- We are grateful this week for all stewards who accept that mercy is not free. Rather it is paid for with effort, an effort that requires dedication and sacrifice; it requires doing things God’s way, not our way. Adoration Chapel THE PARISH OFFICE Will reopen on Tuesday, July 5th at 10:00 am Will be closed on Monday, July 4th in observance of WEEKLY OFFERINGS June 26, 2016 Collection $9,931.00 Actual Budget* Healthy Parish** $14,176.00 $18,000.00 Over/Under -$4,245.00 -$8,069.00 * Actual Budget is based on historical collections only. It reflects only the bare minimum the parish needs. **Healthy Budget reflects what is really needed to run the parish and prudently maintain the facilities. Thank you for your continued generosity! Weekly Readings Monday: Hosea 2:16.17b-18.21-22./ Ps 145(144):2-3.4-5.6-7.8-9./ Mt 9:18-26. Tuesday: Hosea 8:4-7.11-13./ Ps 115(113B):3-4.5-6.7ab-8.9-10./ Mt 9:32-38. Wed.: Hosea 10:1-3.7-8.12./ Ps 105(104):2-3.4-5.6-7./ Mt 10:1-7. Thursday: Hosea 11:1-4.8c-9./ Ps 80(79):2ac.3b.15-16./ Mt 10:7-15. Friday: Hosea 14:2-10./ Ps 51(50):3-4.8-9.12-13.14.17./ Mt 10:16-23. Saturday: Is 6:1-8./ Ps 93(92):1ab.1c-2.5./ Mt 10:24-33. Sunday: Deut 30:10-14./ Ps 69(68):14.17.30-31.33-34.36.37./ Coloss.1:15-20./ Lk 10:25-37 Independence Day Thrift Shop Closed for Renovation All donations can be dropped off at the Parish Office. Mondays from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Thank you SUPER BONANZA RAFFLE $25.00 Daily Prize Winners June 26th—July 2nd 06/26 06/27 06/28 06/29 06/30 07/01 07/02 Jonathan S. Kavanagh Barbara Roldan Stephen Nemeth Edward Heintz Diane Gallo Stephen Kreyer Edward Sadowski Congratulations to all the Winners! Fr. Daniel’s Letter Dear Brothers and Sisters! Happy July 4th! Amidst fluttering flags and the wafting of tantalizing aromas from barbecuing victuals of various descriptions, the summer – and its promises, whether attainable or not, of vacations and estival excitement – begins now in earnest. Enjoy! Perhaps the era of Kate Smith belting out God Bless America as an acoustic icon of this day has vanished, but hopefully songs still stir us a bit on this holiday. And perhaps none is more needed than America the Beautiful. More lofty than GBA, more singable than our peculiarly grand National Anthem,1 and more majestic than the loveable and comfortable My Country ’Tis of Thee, the lyrics – the prayerful poetry of AtB B – utters, in the midst of a paean to what America can be, the reminder and the prayer we need. Surpassing the “spacious skies” and the “mountain majesties,” the second stanza (overlooking the dubious comment about pilgrims) says what we need: “America, America! God mend thine every flaw, confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law!” The third stanza builds on this: “heroes . . . who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!” And can we not all together pray that “all success be nobleness, and ev’ry gain divine”? But for us to let God (and who else could do this?) “mend [our] every flaw”, we cannot shy away from looking at those flaws, even as we celebrate. And would that our celebration were untrammeled! But it isn’t. Would that all we had to do on July 4th was revel in our freedoms. But that luxury is not ours. Vigilance and the at times soulcrushing sadness of confronting our flaws honestly make up true patriotism. Not that we are without hope – a Christian is never without hope – but that hope cannot dwell or function in an illusion separated from the realities confronting us. In fact, it is precisely the bringing of hope into the hopelessness of the world that is the duty and privilege of Christians. The travesties of the Supreme Court’s action and inaction this week cannot be ignored, not only regarding its massacre of life-and-freedom in striking down Texas’ abortion restrictions (doubly foul), but in its craven refusal to hear the appeal of a pro-life family running pharmacies in Washington State, which has been battling bravely (how brave am I in standing up for life?) since 2007 for its right not to have to sell abortion-inducing drugs! The Justices (huzzah!) dissenting from the refusal – Alito, Roberts and Thomas – wrote: “This case is an ominous sign. If this is a sign of how religious liberty claims will be treated in the years ahead, those who value religious freedom have cause for great concern….” If there is an issue – and one we can do something about - on our social and political horizon which comes close to the supreme value of supporting and defending the pro-Life cause (which is the beginning of all social justice, and the absence of which renders all those other good and needed strivings for justice hollow and false, and, of course, doomed to ultimate failure), then is it not the consideration of the future makeup of the Supreme Court? On a more beautiful, if also bittersweet, note, this past Wednesday, the 29th, the Solemnity of Saint Peter and Paul, marked the 65th anniversary of the ordination to the priesthood of the Pope Emeritus2 Benedict XVI. ______________________ 1 Am I, along with Miss Manners, one of the scant few who repudiate the now almost ubiquitous habit of clapping after the Star -Spangled Banner? And – tangentially – isn’t it wonderful to watch how the Queen of England stands silent (for obvious but no less laudable reasons) when God Save the Queen is sung? Less is more. And since I’ve mentioned this, my fourth favorite A (overall) National Anthem, I note how GStQ(K)B has the trippiest text of all – not the first verse, which is grand enough, but the second: O Lord our God arise, / Scatter her enemies, / And make them fall: / Confound their politics, / Frustrate their knavish [24] tricks, / On Thee our hopes we fix: / God save us all. Wouldn’t you love to sing that? A Sure – go ahead and guess the other three if you have nothing better to do. A bottle of Klosterneuburg wine is on offer for the first correct answer – list the other three anthems in the proper order! Hint: none of them is still officially in use, although two of the melodies are (but both with inferior (if perhaps, in one case, less objectionable) lyrics). You can choose the wine if you also can name one of the three runners-up. No submissions accepted until after 6:00pm on Sunday – after the last Mass! I guess that means I’m encouraging people to read this during the homily at the 5:00 Mass, but since I don’t think I’ll be the celebrant . . . B Yes, shameless and imperfect imitation of (but the sincerest form of flattery for) DFW. And I don’t mean the airport. I guess there’s a bottle of wine for this too, but the winner of one is excluded from winning the other, but one may enter both. Dependents of the Canonry of Saint Leopold may not enter the contest. But they never read this anyway. 2 That bizarre title! I cannot countenance the choice of it or its logical incoherence. But that’s a rant for another day. Together with his brother, the young Josef Ratzinger, who was, I would dare to state, the finest theological mind of this century and a peerless example of the powerful brilliance of what Western (and that is, of course, Catholic) culture could produce (whose like we shall not see again), prostrated himself on the floor of the Cathedral in Freising to offer up his life, and rose a priest. Anyone who has ever read his words – either as a theologian or as pope – must have had some experience of the pellucid, loving, profound and faithful vision of this gentle and most humble (what is greater humility than stepping away from the Chair of Peter? What does not pale in comparison!) man. A reminiscence of that day in his own words: “We were more than forty candidates, who, at the solemn call on that radiant summer day, which I remember as the high point in my life, responded ‘Adsum,’ Here I Am. We should not be superstitious; but, at the moment when the el derly archbishop laid his hands on me, a little bird – perhaps a lark – flew up from the high altar in the cathedral and trilled a little joyful song. And I could not but see in this a reassurance from on high, as if I heard the words, ‘This is good, you are on the right way.’ Baptized on the same day he was born,3 the future Benedict speaks to us of the heart of what it is to be a Christian: “Idem velle, idem nolle – wanting the same things, rejecting the same things … He knows me by name. I am not just some nameless being in the infinity of the universe. He knows me personally. Do I know him? The friendship that he bestows upon me can only mean that I too try to know him better; that in Scriptures, in the sacraments, in prayer, in the communion of saints, in the people who come to me, sent by Him, I try to come to know the Lord Himself more and more… [In] friendship, my will grows together with His will, and His will becomes mine: This is how I become truly myself.” Here is a great and gentle wisdom, and a way to see how our friendship with the Lord is developing. Do I want what He wants? Do I reject what He rejects? Do I know that I am not insignificant to Him? This is the cosmic terror of our age – that we are so small (a false conclusion foisted upon us by bad science) and meaningless. Do I try to know Him better? Might we all become truly ourselves, as Pope Benedict has done; might we all truly know the friendship the Lord Jesus offers not only to future popes but to each and every one of us. God bless, Fr Daniel ___________________________________ 3 Would that parents today would have their children baptized sooner! The recent trend of waiting many months, sometimes even years, shows a sad misunderstanding of the Sacrament and evinces a fundamentally confused ordering of priorities. That the child be baptized is far more important that relatives come to see the baptisms (it works without their presence, and the Baptism is about the child, not the relatives) or that there be a party (I’m all for parties – have many! But have the child baptized first!) The Church urges the prompt baptism of children not out of a superstitious fear but because of the immense grace which the Sacrament gives, a grace needed even from the very beginning of our lives. No one would say, “I’m not really going to feed my child until the whole family can get together.” Also, a child of a very few weeks doesn’t cry as much at the baptism! Thus do grace and nature work together. Fr. Gabriel’s Letter Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As you all know by now, this year has been a busy one at St Patrick. Some things, like the depigeonization of the church tower and the return of the bells, were very noticeable. Others, like our complete conversion to cheaper and cleaner natural gas, while not as flashy, were every bit as important to our future. Financially speaking, we were able to do these things through a combination of short-term diocesan loans, fundraisers like the Beacon Music Series, and tapping into some of our meager cash reserves. My intention here is not to give you a full financial review at this time, but I would like you to know that, while our financial position remains fragile, we are indeed (and finally) able to address projects like these while remaining afloat. That’s a great thing, and I thank you for your support for our parish that makes it all possible. The year, however, is not yet over! As you know, the current state of the Hill, in particular the stretch from Pearsall up to the back of the church, is less than smooth and in great need of repair. Every winter, and the plowing that comes with it, does more and more damage, and this is becoming an urgent need. A few weeks ago, Fr Daniel accepted a bid to repave this portion of the Hill. The good news is that despite all of these projects, the parish is still in the position, thanks in large part to the past mild winter and the associated savings, to be able to write a $25,000 check for this improvement without putting massive financial stress upon us, but... I think you might know what is coming next. Yes, we can write this check right now, but I wasn’t being dramatic when I said our cash position remains fragile. I would be far happier and more at ease if we could raise most or all of this cost with your generous support and go into the winter with a bit more in the tank (or rather in the account). That being said, I would like to ask if you might consider donating something extra, specifically to help defray the cost of this improvement? There are two opportunities for you to help fund this much-needed and high-value project: 1) For the next month, you may make a donation at any time to this project via WeShare: ( 2) We will also have a 2nd collection on July 24th specifically for this project. Thank you for your generosity, and enjoy your new driveway! Fr Gabriel The Religious Education Programs of St. Patrick and St. Rocco Are in need of catechists, aides, hall monitors and substitutes beginning this fall. If you or someone you know would like to volunteer one hour per week to the children of our parishes, or for further information please call. 671-7223 or 676-4691 St. Patrick Church Religious Education Registration 2016/17 for new students is OPEN! Forms are available at the Parish Office. Registrations received after August 15th will incur a $15 late fee child. All children from grades 1-8 should register. For more information call 516-671-7223. Thank you ~ The Mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul ~ Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. July 3: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - In the Gospel today we see how Jesus sent his Apostles out two by two. In this spirit, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul members “go out two by two” to visit those who are poor and needy in their homes. It is there, in the family setting, that Vincentians listen, offer humble advice, and render assistance. Know that the members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul bring your gift directly to the poor and suffering in our parish. A child with asthma needs an air conditioner to help make breathing EASIER IN THESE HOT HUMID MONTHS. A DONATION FROM YOU COULD BE LIFE CHANGING FOR A CHILD IN NEED!! Your financial support as a benefactor/donor will help families who have fallen on hard times. “Poor Box” donations and/or Checks payable to: Glen Cove Conference of St. Vincent de Paul Mail to: Glen Cove Conference of St. Vincent de Paul c/o The Church of St. Rocco 18 Third Street, Glen Cove, New York 11542 PLEASE VOLUNTEER - You can help us respond to requests from our neediest neighbors and help coordinate Parish events. Help is needed in many forms – home visits, paperwork, fundraising, phone calls and more… (Even something as easy as putting a notice in the bulletin like this one each week helps) Our Conference meets on the first Tuesday of the month. Join us at our next meeting this week on Tuesday, July 5 at St. Rocco’s Parish Center, starting at 7:30 PM We also connect on a spiritual level at every monthly meeting and each visit. All Saints Regional Catholic School Founded in 1990 Supported by the Parishes of: St. Boniface ~ St. Hyacinth ~ St. Mary ~ St. Patrick ~ St. Rocco Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Phone: 516 676-0762 Faith Foundation Future Congratulations Class of 2016 All Saints Catholic School was blessed with a beautiful day for graduation. The Commencement Exercises took place on Friday, June 17th. We were grateful to have two alumni participate in the ceremony, Melissa Lalonde sang the National Anthem accompanied by Paul Elizalde on the trumpet. Paul also played the trumpet for the Processional and Recessional. Father Ambros Boyd led the ceremony with the Invocation. Followed by an inspirational address to the graduates from Father Elias Carr, Headmaster. Father Daniel Nash presented the Chaplian’s Award to two deserving recipients, Maxwell Kramer and Richard Thill. John Blazich, one of our graduates, gave a heart felt address on behalf of the graduating class. Mrs. Joanne Fitzgerald, Academic Dean, presented the candidates while Father Daniel Nash and Father Elias Carr awarded the diplomas. After the diplomas were awarded, Mrs. Fitzgerald led the students in the transposition of the tassel. Richard Thill , one of our graduates, led his classmates in the presentation to parents. Prior to graduation, each student wrote a personal letter to their parents, these letters were presented to the parents at graduation along with a rose. The commencement concluded with a Blessing from Father Gabriel. Congratulations to all of our students! Free Before and After Care A letter from one of our Graduates: All Saints is offering free before and after care for the As I move on from All Saints to Chaminade, there are going to be a lot of things I will miss about ASR. Howev2016-2017 school year. er, the thing I will miss the most is the feeling of family present throughout the school. All students know each Free tutoring from certified teachers and aides other, like brothers and sisters. However, this feeling Springboard for after school sport programs isn’t only present throughout the students, but all with all Great opportunity to socialize with classmates. the teachers and staff. ASR has done a great job of Snacks included making me feel like family to the school, and that is what I am going to miss the most about it. Registration for the 2016-2017 is Ongoing Contact Carol Filippone in our Registration Office at 516 676-0762 ext. 202 ~ Richard Thill, 2016 St. Patrick’s Parish Theater Production Summer 2016 Sponsorship Opportunities ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Director Playwright Choreographer Actor Patron Includes 6 tickets and a Full Page ad Includes 4 tickets and a 1/2 Page ad Includes 4 tickets Includes 2 tickets $1000 $750 $500 $250 $____ Program Ads ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Back Cover Inside Back Cover Inside Front Cover Full Page 1/2 Page 1/4 page Approx. 5x8 in., color - Only one available Approx. 5x8 in., color - Only one available Approx. 5x8 in., color - Only one available Approx. 5x8 in. Approx. 5x8 in. Approx. 5x8 in. $500 $500 $500 $200 $100 $50 Please check the Sponsorship and/or Ad size you would like above and return with check to: St Patrick’s RC Church, Attn: Godspell, 235 Glen St, Glen Cove, NY 11542 Or use the link below to pay by Credit Card: Ad copy may be emailed to [email protected] or delivered to St Patrick’s Parish Office. If emailing, please put “Program Ad” in subject line. Deadline: July 20, 2016 Name _________________________________________ Phone _________________ Amount enclosed ______________ Outreach - Food Pantry St. Anastasia Church There will be a Healing Mass on Tuesday, July 12, 2016 7:00 PM Rosary, Mass & Healing Service Celebrant: Fr. Augustine Fernando For more information call: 718-631-4454 The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians St. Dymphna Division 8, Glen Cove Awarded its 2016 scholarship to Isabella Hanley, gr anddaughter of LAOH member Catherine Hanley And Tara McGillicuddy, daughter of LAOH member Carolyn McGillicuddy. Will be closed on Tuesday, July 5th. and will reopen on Thursday, July 7th. Thank you FAN Program This program offers food to people older than 60 years. Held the second Tuesday of every month from 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM in front of the Parish Hall. Immigration Services Summer Schedule July 11th & August 8th. 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm / John Paul II Room Convent building. Congratulations, Isabella and Tara! Al Anon Is there a drinking problem in your family? We can help! There is a regularly scheduled Al-Anon group that meets Monday at 12:30 pm John Paul II Room / Convent building. At the Glen Cove Knights of Columbus Hall 7:00 pm Friday night 81 Sea Cliff Ave., Glen Cove All proceeds go to charities. 2016 Morgan Park Summer Music Festival- The 57th Season Free Concerts in the Park at 7:30 July 3 Salute to America July 31 Strawberry Fields July 10 Young Performers in Concert August 7 Faith Festival Concert Pops of Long Island 2016 Talent Competition Winners Katharine Brady, voice; Siobhan Esposito, piano Dylan Wu, cello; Cici Fader, piano plus Select Performers followed by Glen Cove High School Select Chorale July 17 Celebrating Sinatra at 100 Frank Sinatra Tribute featuring Jerry Costanzo July 24 All Shook Up Elvis Presley Tribute featuring Plaza Productions Beatles Tribute August 14 Blonds Have More Fun Rod Stewart Tribute Featuring Rick Larrimore August 21 The Dave Matthews Tribute Band Featuring Big Eyed Phish August 28 ** Concert to start at 6:00 pm Second Annual MPSMF Folk Festival Headliner: Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul & Mary Featuring: Gathering Time Matt Grabows, Don Bikoff, Bryce Larsen All Saints Regional Catholic School Fundado en 1990 Apoyado por las Iglesias de: St. Boniface ~ St. Hyacinth ~ St. Mary ~ St. Patrick ~ St. Rocco Acreditado por la Asociación Middle States de Universidades y Escuelas Teléfono: 516 676-0762 Fe Fundamentos Futuro Felicitaciones a la Clase 2016 La Escuela Catolica de All Saints fue bendecida con un día hermoso para la graduacion. La ceremonia de graduacion se llevo a cabo el Viernes, 17 de Junio. Estuvimos muy agradecidos de poder contar con la participacion de dos ex alumnos que participaron en la ceremonia, Melissa Lalonde que canto el Himno Nacional acompanada por Paul Elizalde en la trompeta. Paul tambien toco la trompeta para la marcha de entrada y de salida. Padre Ambros Boyd inauguro la ceremonia con una Invocacion, seguido del discurso para los graduados por parte de Padre Elías Carr, Director. El Padre Daniel Nash otorgo el Premio “Chaplian” a dos destacados alumnos , Maxwell Kramer y Richard Thill. John Blazich, uno de nuestros graduados, dio un conmovedor discurso en nombre de la clase que se graduo. La senora Joanne Fitzgerald, Decano Academico, presento a los candidatos, mientras que el Padre Daniel y el Padre Elías otorgaban los diplomas. Despues que se otorgaron los diplomas, la Sra. Fitzgerald dirigio el cambio de la borla de los estudiantes. Richard Thill, uno de nuestros graduados, presento a sus companeros de clase a sus padres. Antes de la graduacion, cada estudiante escribio una carta personal a sus padres, las cuales fueron presentadas a ellos en la graduacion junto con una rosa. La ceremonia concluyo con la bendicion del Padre Gabriel. Felicidades a todos nuestros estudiantes! Gratis! Programa de cuidado antes y después de clases Todos los Santos está ofreciendo un programa de cuidado de niños gratis antes y después de clases para el año escolar 2016 -2017. Tutoría gratis por maestros y asistentes certificados. Trampolín para los programas de deportes después de la escuela. Gran oportunidad de socializar con los compañeros de clase. Incluye golosinas. La Registración para el periodo escolar 2016-2017 está abierta. Contacte a Carol Filippone en nuestra Oficina de Registración 516-676-0762 ext. 202 Carta de uno de nuestros Graduados: Van a haber muchas cosas que voy a recordar de ASR cuando vaya a estudiar a Chaminade. Sin embargo, lo que mas voy a extranar es el sentimiento de familia que siempre hubo en la escuela. Todos los estudiantes nos conocíamos como hermanos y hermanas . Sin embargo, este sentimiento no solo estara presente con los estudiantes , sino con todos los maestros y el personal. ASR hizo un buen trabajo de hacerme sentir como en familia dentro de la escuela, y eso es lo que voy a extranar mucho. ~Richard Thill, 2016 Isaías 66:10-14c Gálatas 6:14-18 ¿Te has puesto a observar a una madre con su bebé? Si el bebé está comiendo o sólo jugando, está feliz en los brazos de su madre. Esa es la imagen usada en la lectura de hoy para decir a los israelitas lo feliz que serían cuando Jerusalén sea restablecida. La ciudad santa es como una madre. Ella sabe lo mucho que sufrieron en el exilio. Ahora ella los confortará y los alimentará. También Dios los confortará como una madre y una vez más los envolverá con regalos. Algunos de los cristianos de Galatea pensaban que tenían que seguir todas las regulaciones del Antiguo Testamento. Pablo les dice que no tienen que seguir leyes rituales, como por ejemplo la circuncisión. Ellos habían sido creados "nuevos" en Jesucristo. Como Pablo, ellos debían confiar en la cruz de Jesús y no ser jactanciosos sino ser fieles al Señor. Lucas 10:1-12, 17-20 o 10:1-9 Nos puede parecer que lo que dice Jesús en esta lectura es algo muy serio. Y lo es. Lo que más le interesa en el mundo es que la gente entienda que el reino de Dios está cerca. Es por eso que envía a sus discípulos por todo el mundo. La siembra (la gente que no ha escuchado la buena nueva del evangelio) está lista ahora mismo. Jesús manda a los discípulos a ir rápido a la velocidad de la luz. Ellos tienen que llevar su paz, su sanación y proclamar el reino de Dios. Las lecturas de hoy nos hablan de la alegría que provoca el ser portadores o receptores de la Buena Nueva de la salvación. La Conferencia de Aparecida nos enseña: “Jesús invita a todos a participar de su misión. ¡Que nadie se quede de brazos cruzados! Ser misionero es ser anunciador de Jesucristo con creatividad y audacia en todos los lugares donde el Evangelio no ha sido suficientemente anunciado o acogido, en especial, en los ambientes difíciles y olvidados y más allá de nuestras fronteras. Seamos misioneros del Evangelio no solo con la palabra sino sobre todo con nuestra propia vida, entregándola en el servicio, inclusive hasta el martirio” (Mensaje Final 4). Por: Mariano de Blas | Fuente: Virtudes y valores. Catholicnet Que la vida es breve, lo sabemos todos; quizá los jóvenes se imaginan que sí es larga, pero a la medida que pasan los años va penetrando en la mente la irrefutable sensación de que los años pasan, vuelan y no retornan. Cuando una persona es abuelo por primera vez, es agridulce sorpresa, dulce por el nieto, agrio por lo de abuelo; pero... no hay más remedio que aceptarlo. Ante esta realidad de la brevedad de la vida, muchos toman sus precauciones, se apresuran desde la juventud a sacarle jugo a la vida; creen con fe ciega que esa es la mejor forma de aprovechar la juventud; y en realidad hacen una sola cosa, dedicar los primeros años de la vida a hacer infeliz el resto de ella, hacen alianza con el vicio: la botella, la droga, el sexo, uno de ellos o los tres a la vez..., mejor Patrona de Colombia. Fiesta 9 de Julio En el siglo XVI, los frailes dominicos evangelizaban el territorio colombiano. Un español, Antonio de Santana, recibió la encomienda de construir una casa para la administración de colonos e indígenas de la región de Chiquinquirá. En la los tres que uno; se triplica el placer. No es infrecuente en estos jóvenes la pereza y el abandono en el estudio, la ligereza e inmadurez en el amor con toda clase de experiencias y el abandono de los restos de fe y valores morales de la infancia. La "ley", es el "placer"; a más placer más vida. Si uno es avanzado en años suele apresurarse aun más que los jóvenes, porque piensa: ‘Estoy haciéndome viejo y no he disfrutado lo suficiente; comamos y bebamos, que mañana moriremos’, en el famoso adagio latino "Carpe diem": "Sácale jugo a la vida"... Y dicho y hecho, se dan prisa en apurar las copas, porque la fiesta se acaba. Pero algunos piensan que la vida es demasiado breve para ser pequeña, para ser mediocre; ellos también tienen prisa, pero otra clase de prisa y afán, y por eso, desde la misma juventud ponen las bases para hacer constructivo el resto de esa vida. No esperan a ser adultos para sentar cabeza y así: Aprietan en el estudio, aunque les llamen mataditos; no juegan con el amor, porque saben que se queman; no dan un puntapié a sus valores morales, porque saben que los necesitan. Si hacienda debería haber también una capilla. Los frailes consideraron que en la capilla debería haber una representación de la Virgen del Rosario; un pintor la terminó y en 1562 quedó instalada en la capilla. En 1574 se abandonó esa capilla y el cuadro quedó abandonado y prácticamente destruido por la humedad. En 1585 María Ramos decidió restaurarlo, pero, aunque lo situó en un lugar de honor y lo limpió, estaba desdibujado y dañado. Un día, Isabel, una mujer indígena vio cómo el cuadro brillaba y los colores se habían restaurado milagrosamente. Desde entonces es objeto de la devoción del pueblo colombiano. al llegar a la madurez se percatan de que van rezagados, aprietan el paso porque les queda menos tiempo para hacer algo grande en este mundo. Y si han llegado a la tercera edad, y ven su tarea bastante incumplida en esta vida, se apresuran a hacer y completar lo que no hicieron en la juventud y en la madurez, porque saben, porque ven que ya no tendrán más tiempo y que, ahora o nunca. Cuando llegan al final de la vida lo que se dieron prisa en divertirse y nada más, y los que se dieron prisa en cumplir su misión, ambos, miran hacia atrás; uno para decirse a sí mismo: ‘Más me valiera no haber nacido’, el otro para decir: ‘Valió la pena vivir’. La vida es breve, para ti, para mi, para todos... ¿Cuál es tu prisa? ¿"Carpe diem" o "aprovecha el tiempo" porque la vida es demasiado breve para ser mediocre.? 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