October 11, 2015 - New Castle Catholic Community
October 11, 2015 - New Castle Catholic Community
October 11, 2015 The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time MARY, MOTHER OF HOPE PARISH 124 North Beaver Street New Castle, PA 16101 www.marymotherofhope.com Phone: 724-658-2564 E-mail: [email protected] Confession Schedule: Sundays - 10:45 am—11:15am SAINT JOSEPH THE WORKER PARISH 1111 South Cascade Street New Castle, PA 16101 www.stjoeworker.org Phone: 724-658-1683 E-mail: [email protected] Confession Schedule: Mondays - 5:15 pm—5:45 pm SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH 1 Lucymont Drive New Castle, PA 16102 www.stvincentnewcastle.org Phone: 724-652-5829 E-mail: [email protected] Confession Schedule: Saturdays - 5:00 pm—5:30 pm SAINT VITUS PARISH 910 South Mercer Street New Castle, PA 16101 www.stvitusnc.org Phone: 724-652-3422 E-mail: [email protected] Confession Schedule: Saturdays - 11:30 am—12:30 pm The Adoration Chapel in the Religious Education Building on North Beaver Street (across from St. Mary’s Church) is open for adoration and prayer. Anyone wishing to visit may come between dawn and dusk. Adoration Chapel Hours: Open Sunday at 1:00 PM until Monday at 4:00 PM Closed Monday 4:00 PM—7:00 PM (CCD) Open Monday 7:00 PM until Saturday 2:00 PM Those wishing to sign up for one hour per week—or every other week—or once a month—may do so by calling Vickie at 724-652-5829 x 8. Rev. Frank D. Almade Pastor Readings For the Week of October 12, 2015 Monday: Rom 1:1-7; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Rom 1:16-25; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Rom 2:1-11; Ps 62:2-3, 6-7, 9; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Rom 3:21-30; Ps 130:1b-6ab; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Rom 4:1-8; Ps 32:1b-2, 5, 11; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: Rom 4:13, 16-18; Ps 105:6-9, 42-43; Lk 12:8-12 Sunday: Is 53:10-11; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Heb 4:14-16; Mk 10:35-45 [42-45] Rev. Larry Adams Parochial Vicar Rev. William P. Siple Parochial Vicar The Catholic Community in New Castle Parish Directory Clergy Rev. Frank D. Almade, Pastor Rev. William P. Siple, Parochial Vicar Rev. Larry Adams, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Pastoral Associate Lauren DeFelice [email protected] 724-652-3422 Business Manager [email protected] 724-652-3422 Bulletin Editor Susan Dexter [email protected] Bulletin Information Deadline: Fridays 12 NOON Mary, Mother of Hope Parish 724-658-2564 Fax—724-658-9024 Office Hours: 8:30 AM—4:00 PM Monday-Friday Janet Book, Office: 724-658-2564 x 10 [email protected] Susan Dexter, Office: 724-658-2564 x 11 [email protected] Sheryl Skowronski, CCD: 724-658-2564 x 21 [email protected] James M. Hackett, Music: 724-658-2564 x24 [email protected] St. Joseph the Worker Parish 724-658-1683 Fax—724-654-7076 Office Hours: 8:30 AM—4:00 PM Monday-Friday Rosemary Colgrove, Office: 724-658-1683 [email protected] Sheryl Skowronski, CCD: 724-698-7136 [email protected] James M. Hackett, Music: 724-658-2564 x 24 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Parish 724-652-5829 Fax—724-656-0413 Office Hours: 8:30 AM-1:30 PM Monday-Thursday Mary Ann Salmon, Office: 724-652-5829 x 3 [email protected] Steven Empfield, Office: 724-652-5829 x 5 [email protected] Edna Hill, Safe Environment: 724-652-5829 x 6 [email protected] Vicki Onufrak, Music: 724-652-5829 x 8 [email protected] St. Vitus Parish 724-652-3422 Fax—724-652-2322 Events and Meetings The complete four parish calendar of events can be found online at www.catholicnewcastle.org/calendar 724-652-3422 Rev. Joseph Pudichery, In Residence Nancy Bonk www.catholicnewcastle.org Gift Shop: 724-654-8851 Office Hours: 8:30 AM—4:00 PM Monday-Friday Cheryl Passerrello, Office: 724-652-3422 [email protected] Joyce Sapienza, CCD: 724-654-9371 Louis Bosco, Jr. High: 724-923-4190 [email protected] Sandra DeCarbo, Music: 724-652-3894 Marcia Miot, Music: 724-652-8234 Your Church Contribution Envelopes may be dropped off at any parish—please be sure that the parish name is on the outside of the envelope. Online giving is also available—visit your parish website for more information. Our Campaign for the Church Alive! payments should be directed to: Our Campaign for the Church Alive, Diocese of Pittsburgh, PO Box 4, Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0004. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Sunday, October 11, 2015 NO CCD Mary, Mother of Hope Grades K-6 (Columbus Day) NO CCD St. Vitus (Grades K-6) (Columbus Day) Jr. High CCD St. Vitus School Building 11:30am-1:30pm St. Vitus Gift Shop 12 Maitland St. 10:00am—Noon St. Vitus Ladies Guild Cavatelli Dinner & Bake Sale Fabbri Hall 11:30am-3:30pm Monday, October 12, 2015 NO CCD St. Joseph the Worker Grades 1-6 - Mary, Mother of Hope CCD Building (Columbus Day) Adult Catholic Education Program "Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible" Mary, Mother of Hope Marian Room 7:00pm to 8:30pm Tuesday, October 13, 2015 ♦ St. Vitus Gift Shop 12 Maitland St. 10:00am 5:00pm Adult Education Creed: The Profession of Faith Mary, Mother of Hope Marian Room 6:30—9:00pm Confirmation 2015 St. Vitus Church 7:00pm ♦ ♦ ♦ 500 Card Club MMOH Marian Room 1:00pm MMOH Ladies Guild Meeting 6:30pm Knights of Columbus Meeting MMOH 7:30pm ♦ St. Jude Novena St. Vincent de Paul Church after 8:00 am Mass St. Vitus Gift Shop12 Maitland St. 10:00am 5:00pm Mary, Mother of Hope Thursday Night BINGO(Kitchen Opens at 5:00 PM; Regular Bingo @ 7:00 PM) Teacher Training Morality: Life in Christ St. Vitus Parish 6:30pm to 9:30pm ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Thursday, October 15, 2015 Saturday, October 17, 2015 St. Joseph the Worker Food Pantry Noon Dates To Remember October 11th 6:00—8:00 PM Catholic Family Movement Event: “Living Rosary” St. James the Apostle, Pulaski 16143 All Members of our parish families are welcome! October 18th 6:00 PM Night of Praise (St. Vitus Church) “Building Strong Witnesses for the Church: For our Youth & for Increased Vocations.” October 24th 8:30 AM—4:00 PM Lawrence County Men’s Fellowship Group 4th Annual 1-Day Gathering Event St. James the Apostle Church Hall Registration Forms available in all local Catholic churches Please Clip & Save October 11, 2015 Faithful Chronicles By Father Frank D. Almade This past Tuesday St. Vitus Parish hosted the Vicariate 4 fall conference for priests and deacons. Much of the meeting was Bishop Zubik giving us an update on the movement and timing of “On Mission for the Church Alive!” diocesan initiative. Perhaps your only familiarity with “On Mission” has been the prayer we say together to conclude the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass. Let me go over some of the basics of “On Mission” and explore where we are going. The core of “On Mission” is Bishop Zubik’s call for our local church (the diocese, its 200 parishes, all schools and institutions) to make spiritual and structural changes. The spiritual call is very biblical. Jesus Christ preached the coming reign of God, and sent out his disciples to do the same (see Luke 9:1-6). After his resurrection, Jesus told his followers, “Go, make disciples of all the nations, baptizing…and teaching.” (Matthew 28:16-20) The entirety of the Acts of the Apostles is stories of apostles (particularly focusing on Saints Peter and Paul) spreading the Good News of the Death and Resurrection of Christ. Missionaries travelling to foreign lands are an essential part of the Church’s history, in all centuries. St. Thomas the Apostle went to India, St. Philip preached to the Ethiopian eunuch, priests spread the Catholic faith to all lands around the Mediterranean Sea. In the age of European explorers, friars accompanied Christopher Columbus on his journeys to America, St. Francis Xavier travelled to the Far East, to Japan and China. The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time governance. But structural changes can only work if they are built on a foundation of trust in God and focus on the call of Jesus for all his followers to be missionaries. This means more attention to hospitality, service, stewardship and fervent prayer. Religious orders of women and men were (and are) missionaries and educators on all continents. Today, the missionary impulse is still strong. But St. Pope John Paul II also called for areas which had been fervent in the faith and had lost many active members to conduct “the new evangelization.” It’s in this spirit of being missionaries at home, in our own families and neighborhoods, that “On Mission for the Church Alive!” challenges all of us to share the Good News of God’s love and Christ’s salvation. In the Diocese of Pittsburgh we also need structural change. It is no secret that for two decades the number of active priests has been declining. At the same time the number of deacons, lay ecclesial ministers and active volunteers is increasing. Fewer people attend Sunday Mass regularly, and there continue to be population shifts in various areas of the diocese. Structural changes may include new patterns of spiritual leadership (such as Deacon John Carran becoming administrator of our neighboring parishes, Christ the King, HillsvilleBessemer, and St. James the Apostle, Pulaski, or team ministries in Greene and Washington Counties), consolidations of parishes under one pastor (such as our own situation of four parishes with one pastor in New Castle), and in a few cases closing church buildings and merging parishes. All parish communities have to work harder at collaboration and sharing ministries. In August TIME magazine interviewed Archbishop Charles Chaput about Pope Francis’s trip to the U.S. He is the leader of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, appointed five years ago to address the financial and spiritual problems left by his predecessors. Archbishop Chaput was blunt in saying, “I moved from a church that was focused on mission (the Archdiocese of Denver) to one that was focused on maintenance and survival.” He is trying to change the Philadelphia archdiocese to focus on mission. This spotlight on mission is also what Bishop Zubik has called for in the six counties of our diocese. Please pray for “On Mission for the Church Alive!” throughout the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Pray our New Castle parishes can receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit to carry out the commands of Christ “go teach all nations” and witness to the love of God right here in Lawrence County. Right now “On Mission for the Church Alive!” is in a stage of prayer and study. Bishop Zubik asks each parish and all the faithful to pray that we hear more urgently the missionary call of Christ. Next spring pastors and parish council members will begin studying statistics, situations and different modes of pastoral If you receive envelopes, there is one in your packet for this important annual diocesan collection. There will be a second passing of the baskets for this collection at all Masses the weekend of October 17th—18th. Please be generous to the important work of Missionaries throughout the world. World Mission Sunday is October 18th. The Catholic Community in New Castle To have a Tabernacle Lamp lighted In Memory of or In Honor of a loved one, please call your parish office. Mass Schedule Sunday October 11th—The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am William & Emma Jayne Flynn (Children) 11:30 am Patricia Eakin (Russin & Eakin Family) Wednesday October 14th— Weekday 7:00 am Ashley Viray (Olette & Nicole Viray) Friday 7:00 am October 16th—Weekday Darlene Cancel (Family) Sunday October 18th—The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Pierz & Lada Family (Bob Pierz) Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelly & Family (Tom Kelly) 11:30 am Rudy “Bugsy” DeMase & Bernie Chmielewski (Nancy DeMase, Matt, Marci & Mattison Chmielewson, Michele & Bob Costello & Family, Rudi Lyn & Vern Kuntz & Family) The October Meeting of the Christian Mothers/Ladies Guild of Mary, Mother of Hope will be held on Wednesday, October 14th at 6:30 PM (We hosted the Family, Faith Friends Dinner on our regular meeting night.) Please join us for our meeting. All Are Welcome! Save the Date: We will make Nut Rolls November 9th & 10th The MMOH Activities Committee Will meet to Wrap Up Night at the Races and Kick Off Easterfest 2016 on Wednesday, October 21st at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center. Please bring us your Ideas for 2016 Events! Financial Stewardship: Mary, Mother of Hope Weekly Offering in Envelopes…...…..….……………...…..$ 3,936.00 Weekly Offering Loose Money……………………………….$ 875.13 Total Offering 9/27/15.….…..………………………...……..$ 4,811.13 Electronic Giving 9/21—9/25/15…………………………..$ 90.28 Families Registered in Parish: 1,324 Number of Envelopes Used: 280 Number of Envelopes Received from other churches: 53 2015 Parish Share Goal…………………………………………...$ 84,990.00 2015 Parish Share Collected This Week…………………....$ 205.00 Parish Share Total Paid…………………………………….……...$ 77,529.04 Amount Needed to 2015 Goal…………………………….…...$ 7,460.96 Mary, Mother of Hope Parish Ministry Schedule October 18 8:00 Mass Lector: M. Caughey Eucharistic Ministers: R. Hardy, M. Lagnese, M. Smith Altar Servers: B. Hardy, S. Hardy 11:30 Mass Lector: M. Pfahles Eucharistic Ministers: J. Colia, J. Fee, R. Schnabel Altar Server: A. Stone, C. Stone We are so grateful to all those who supported our Night at the Races. Please thank individuals and support businesses! Totals will be announced at a later date! Race Sponsors Colia Plaza North MMOH Ladies Guild Colonial Lanes East Side Pharmacy UNEEDA Tire Castle Auto Glass Ed & Don DeCarbo Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc. Del's Garage, Inc. Doran Construction, Inc. Amodie 4 Judge Tri-Medical Rehab Supply Patterson Consulting LLC Steven Gabriel M.D. PC Ed Wish Pizza Joe’s Noga Ambulance Service Haven Convalescent Home Bob Pierz J. Bradley McGonigle Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc. Castle Asphalt & Construction Herman, Starr & Barth Central Heating & Plumbing Dr. & Mrs. George Watters Knights of Columbus #512 Slippery Rock Commercial Roofing Contractors GNC Community Federal Credit Union First Merit - Anita McKeever Patterson Excavating Basket Sponsors Janie & Kathy Con Yeager Spices (2 Baskets) Rich Lucas (2 Baskets) Elaine Patterson Bill & Marylou Miller The Fishovitzs The Wagners & The Flaks Sylvia & Jerry Rashid Nannicola, Inc. Giant Eagle (East Side) MMOH Ushers/Eucharistic Ministers Valerie Flora Anonymous (2 Baskets) Sears Beauty Shop St Vitus Gift Shop MMOH Bingo Kitchen Workers Father Almade Joan Bobek Donna Komarc Pizza, Food & Drink Sponsors Mangino’s Pizzeria Pizza Joe’s New Castle Chili Jefferson Poultry Little Johnny’s Pizza Gallo’s Italian Villa Twenty-Six Bar & Grill Augustine’s Pizza Cedars North Alice’s Pizza Farone Brothers Geoff Peluso Gift Card Sponsors Hito's Restaurant Dave & Estelle DelPrincipe Hill House Restaurant Crane Room Grille Farone Brothers Chuck Tanner's Edward’s Pagley’s Restaurant Del’s Garage, Inc. Chica’s Pizza "Shine" Nahla's Cedars Elham’s Mister B's Neshannock A Sincere Thank You to all who attended our event! A heartfelt thank you to all our friends from our city parishes who helped us plan and run our event! We greatly appreciate Fr. Almade, Fr. Siple & Fr. Adams for their support! We hope to see you all next year! The Catholic Community in New Castle Ministry Schedule October 18 St. Joseph the Worker Parish The Tabernacle Lamp burns this week for: 4:00 pm Mass: Lector: P. Genareo Eucharistic Ministers: D. Bailey, P LaScola, M. Nemeth Altar Servers: O. Kaminski, S. Kaminski, S. Kaminski Angelo Nocera by Wife & Children 9:30am Mass: Lector: L. Miloser Eucharistic Ministers: A. Bartley, C. Bartley, A. Graziani Altar Servers: A. Cumpston, D. Cumpston, M. Jefferson Penelope Rose Nicholson Daughter of Cody & Cameron (Flora) Nicholson Due to the new Mass schedule, the Saturday 4:00 PM Mass will be moved from St. Vitus Church as follows: October 17th moved to: St. Joseph the Worker Church January 16, 2016 moved to: Mass Schedule Saturday October 10th—Vigil: The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 pm Nicholas & Rose George (Adele George) Sunday 9:30 am October 11th—The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time David E. McCosby (McCosby Family) Monday 6:00 pm October 12th—Weekday Francis Benedict (Dennis Benedict) Tuesday 7:00 am October 13th—Weekday Donna Lutton (Mary Ann Vignone) Saturday October 17th—Vigil: The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 pm Robert E. Luptak, Sr. (Daughter, Son & Anna) St. Joseph the Worker Church Sunday Our Food Pantry is open the first and third Saturdays of the month from Noon to 1:00 PM. We have been serving over 40 families each time. A big thank you goes out to all those who volunteer their time, talent and treasure to the St. Joseph the Worker Food Pantry! Joint Choir Rehearsal for the St. Joe’s & Mary, Mother of Hope Choirs Thursdays in St. Joe’s Choir Loft. New Members Welcome! There are dark blue St. Vincent de Paul boxes for clothing & shoes located at St. Vincent de Paul & St. Joseph the Worker parishes. Items placed there are picked up from the boxes and distributed locally to those in need. Please send your gently-used items to the St. Vincent de Paul Societies so that they may continue to help those less fortunate in the local area. It’s convenient and a blessing to others! 9:30 am October 18th—The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Regina Querriera (Husband, Children & Grandchildren) If you have the Mass Intention for the Sunday Mass, please let the ushers know if you plan to bring up the gifts. For Funeral Mercy Dinners, please call Kay Nocera @ 724-652-9564 Financial Stewardship: St. Joseph the Worker Weekly Offering in Envelopes…...…..….……………………..$ 4,165.00 Weekly Offering Loose Money………………………………….$ 181.00 Total Offering 9/27/15…...……..……………………………....$ 4,346.00 Electronic Giving 9/21-9/25/15......………………………….$ 130.00 Families Registered in Parish: 804 Number of Envelopes Used: 221 Number of Envelopes Received from other churches: 40 2015 Parish Share Goal…………………………………………...$ 55,856.00 2015 Parish Share Collected This Week……………………$ 340.00 2015 Parish Share Total Paid……………………………………$ 33,542.00 Amount Needed to 2015 Goal………………………………….$ 22,314.00 The Catholic Community in New Castle St. Vincent de Paul Parish The Tabernacle Lamp burns this week for: Leonard Matarazzo by Mary & Nick Perrotta 10:00 Mass Lector: B.Tillia Eucharistic Ministers: P. Jones, W. Jones, J. Mann Altar Server: D. Data, D. Data Mass Schedule Friday 3:00 pm Ministry Schedule October17—18 6:00 Mass Lector: R. Carley Eucharistic Ministers: L. DeFelice, T .Walczak, R. Perrotta Altar Servers: Two Volunteers Needed October 9th—Weekday Nicholas Canal ♥ Natalie Russo—Nuptials Choir Rehearsals Wednesdays, at 7:00 PM in St. Vincent de Paul Church. Saturday October 10th—Vigil: The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 6:00 pm Stella Pilch (Irene Wozniak) New Members Welcome! Call Vickie @ 724-652-5829 Ext. 8 for information. Sunday October 11th—The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 am Leonard Matarazzo (Jo Ann Piccirillo) St. Jude Novena Tuesday October 13th—Weekday 8:00 am Phillip Magusiak (Mom & Dad) The St. Jude Novena began Thursday, September 3rd after the 8:00 AM Mass at St. Vincent de Paul. Novena prayers will be recited after Mass for nine consecutive Thursdays, ending on October 29th. Thursday October 15th— St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church 8:00 am Joseph Wrona (Doanld E. Kohan & Eleanor) Nut Roll Bake Sale Orders will be taken until Monday November 2nd Nut Rolls will be $12 Each Pick-Up Day is Monday, November 23rd from 9:00 AM till 4:00 PM. Saturday October 17th—Vigil: The Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1:30 pm Shane Kaufman ♥ Gillian Kline—Nuptials 6:00 pm Tony Tonsetic (Wife, Ann; Daughter, Sandy & Mark Ryan) Sunday October 18th—The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 am Nellie LaTona (Son, Joseph; Wife, Marge; Grandson, Joey & Family) Financial Stewardship: St. Vincent de Paul Weekly Offering in Envelopes…...…..….……………………..$ Weekly Offering Loose Money………………………………….$ Total Offering 9/27/15...……………………...………………...$ Electronic Giving 9/21-9/25/15.…………...………………...$ 2,978.00 113.00 3,091.00 156.00 To Order Call: Pauline @ 724-652-9671 Marylou @ 724-652-9571 Mark Your Calendars: Nut Roll Schedule We Need Your Help: Men Women Students Donuts, Coffee, Lunch will be provided. High School Students can earn their School Senior Project Hours Families Registered in Parish: 894 Number of Envelopes Used: 143 Number of Envelopes Received from other churches: 61 We will set up and measure ingredients for the Nut Rolls on Thursday, November 19th at 5:00 PM. 2015 Parish Share Goal……………………………………………..$ 48,655.00 2015 Parish Share Collected This Week………………………$ 627.00 2015 Parish Share Total Paid……………………………………..$ 33,677.50 Amount Needed to 2015 Goal…………...……………………...$ 14,350.50 We will make the Nut Rolls on Saturday, November 21st at 9:00 AM. Nut Roll Pick-up will be Monday, November 23rd from 9:00 AM till 4:00 PM The Catholic Community in New Castle St. Vitus Parish The Lamps burn this week for: Ministry Schedule October 17-18 1:30 pm Wedding Servers: Mason Finamore & Alyse Sfreddo 3:30 pm Wedding Servers: Hunter Williams & Matthew Moore 7:00 Mass Lector: G. Pagliaro Eucharistic Ministers: R. Doneluck, A. Scarnati, W. Humphrey, C. Merolillo, D. Papa Tabernacle Lamp, St. Vitus Church Margaret Meyers by Ed, Carol & Amy Mary & Joseph Altar Lamp Charles “Lou” Jenkins 9:00 Mass Lector: L. Fulena Eucharistic Ministers: B. Ondako, G. Natale, L. Betts, L. Watson, S. Huff Altar Servers: Z. Ondako, R. Stewart, A. Presjnar by Family Mass Schedule Rest in Peace. Please Remember in Your Prayers those who have passed from this life. Frank Didiano Sharri Servedio St. Vitus Choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the loft. New Members are always welcome! For any questions about joining the choir, please contact Marcia Miot @ 724-652-8234 St. Vitus Ladies Guild St. Vitus Ladies Guild Cavatelli Dinner & Bake Sale This Sunday, October 11th 11:30 AM—3:30 PM Fabbri Hall Adults $8 Children 12 & Under $5 Tickets sold after Mass or contact Carol @ 724-652-3212 for tickets Taking Orders for Pumpkin Rolls until October 26th Pick-Up November 20th & 21st in Fabbri Hall 11:00 AM—3:00 PM $8 Each Call Carol @ 724-652-3212 to order. St. Vitus School Fundraiser Casino Bus Trip to the Rockacino & Hard Rock Café Tuesday, November 10th Bus leaves St. Vitus parking Lot 9:00 AM $30 cost includes $20 play Call Vicki @ 724-510-5566 to reserve your seat on the bus! Financial Stewardship: St. Vitus Weekly Offering in Envelopes…...…..….…………….$ 12,615.00 Weekly Offering Loose Money………………………...$ 715.00 Total Offering 9/27/15….…………………................$ 13,30.00 Electronic Giving 9/21—9/25/15...………………….$ 615.55 Families Registered in Parish: 1,597 Number of Envelopes Used: 545 Number of Envelopes Received from other churches: 188 2015 Parish Share Goal (Revised)……...…………….$ 99,512.00 2015 Parish Share Collected This Week…………..$ 1,203.00 2015 Parish Share Total Paid…………………………..$ 55,352.12 Amount needed to 2015 Goal…………………………$ 44,159.88 Saturday October 10th—The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 pm Tim Rosati (Family) Sunday 7:00 am 9:00 am October 11th—The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Maria Pasquale Reino (Husband & Children) James Grippo (Joe & Susie Sciulli Family) Monday October 12th—Weekday 8:00 am Deceased Members of Wacikowski Family (Rossi & Hoover Families) Wednesday October 14th—Weekday 8:00 am Bonnie Appugliese (Anthony & Children) Friday 8:00 am October 16th—Weekday Peggy Cioppa (Michael & Elizabeth Cioppa) Saturday October 17th—Vigil: The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1:30 pm Dakota Barker ♥ Nicolle Benincase—Nuptials 3:30 pm Prentiss Brown ♥ Amber Capots—Nuptials 4:00 pm (Mass will be celebrated at St. Joseph the Worker) Sunday October 18th—The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 am Ann Burrelli (Anthony & Mary Ann Rosati) 9:00 am Joseph & Assunta Mastroianni (Children & Grandchildren) St. Vitus Gift Shop 12 Maitland Street Tuesdays/Thursdays 10:00 AM—3:00 PM New Sunday Hours: 10:00 AM—Noon Other times by appointment: 724-654-8851 Catholic Education in New Castle Sacrament Preparation Do you know someone between the ages of 13-17 who missed the opportunity for the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation? A new group is forming to help prepare children and teenagers who for different reasons, have not received the sacraments in the traditional manner. We will tailor the learning process to help your child receive the sacraments of our faith and grow in understanding and love of the Lord Please call Lauren DeFelice at 724-652-3422 for more information. Our new group of inquirers meets on Thursday evenings. The group has begun the Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate. The period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate is a time of inquiry for those interested in joining the Catholic Church. They are introduced to the Gospel message, begin learning about the teachings of the Church, and meet one another and other Catholics. It is an opportunity for the beginnings of faith. Please pray for the inquirers in our group from St. Joseph the Worker , St. Vincent DePaul, St. Vitus, Christ the King , and St. James the Apostle parishes. Handel’s Messiah The November 29th performance of the Messiah to be presented in St. Vitus church will mark the 75th anniversary of its performance in Lawrence County. Members of our community are invited to participate in this performance, which will be directed by Harry Cunningham. If you are, or know someone interested in joining the Messiah choir, please contact Marcia Miot at 724 652-8234. St. Vitus School: Pre-School, Kindergarten, Elementary 915 S. Jefferson Street New Castle, PA 16101 724-654-9297 www.stvituscatholicschool.org Cathy R. Ryan, School Principal: 724-654-9297 Upcoming St. Vitus School Events: November 10th—Rockacino Bus Trip November 12th—Light Up Night Float November 20th—22nd—Christmas Festival Jr. High CCD Jr. High CCD has a new Time AND a new Location: our 7th & 8th grade CCD classes will be meeting bi-weekly this year, on Sundays from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, and classes will be held in the St. Vitus School building. Registration Forms are available at all parish offices, or you may contact Louis Bosco, Director of Jr. High Faith Formation @ 724-923-4190. Pre-Order Tickets for St. Vitus School Spaghetti Dinner T.G.I.F. Schedule November 1, 2015 Attention all Teens Grades 9—12: Save the Date: Fall Retreat at Camp Allegheny (Ellwood) November 20th—22nd Cost is $30 Email [email protected] for Information & Permission Slips Prevent Child Abuse: If you or a loved one were harmed in any way by a Catholic priest or employee of a Catholic church at any time, please contact the Diocese of Pittsburgh's Victim's Assistance Hotline at 1888-808-1235. You may also call the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Abuse Hotline at 1-800-932-0313. The Catholic Church is committed to address every instance of child abuse, and to prevent this in the future. You need not carry this burden alone. Dinner: 11:00 AM—4:00 PM Take out or Eat in Ask Friends and Family Adult Ticket: $8.00 Child Ticket: $5.00 Call: 724-654-9297 Tickets available at door St. Vitus School Fundraising Opportunity Boxes of Daffin’s Candy Bars are available. If interested in a box of Candy Bars to display and sell at your business or office, please call Sandy Moore, School Fundraising Chair, at 724-699-6877. Don’t forget your Pittsburgh Catholic Newspaper, a weekly gift to you from our parish for your enjoyment. St. Vitus Big Festival Report: 2015 Another Record-Breaking Event! We are also very grateful for another year of perfect weather for the four days of our festival August 5th—8th. With a few minor unbilled expenses at this time, our profit is $65,461. Our income from all sources was $124,102 and our expenses to date are $58,641. In addition to the festival fundraising income, the Steeler Season Ticket Raffle raised $10,000 for St. Vitus School. Our delicious food brought in the most money and food supplies were our biggest expense. Other expenses included raffle prizes, entertainment, fireworks, the baby doll dance, the sound system, electrical supplies, booth rentals and security personnel. We also purchased more tables and chairs for the grounds and new umbrellas. New lighting in the additional seating area also added to the expenses. Thanks to Our Sponsors! Booth Sponsors Slippery Rock Commercial Roofing Keystone Specialty Contractors Bill & Naydine Klingensmith Mr. Joseph Abraham Karen & Ron Somma Knights of Columbus Council 512 Mrs. Gina Zumpella Anetakis Southpoint Personal Care Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Lamorella Attorney David Acker Statsko’s Radiators Mrs. Donna Librizzi Mr. & Mrs. Don Amato Substance Addiction Ministry Lori & Christopher Litrenta Ms Melissa Amodie & Chris Ann & David Antognoli Brad & Heather Taylor Mr. Tom Liverani Mr. Anthony Antonelli Mrs. Mary Ann Tofel Mrs. Diane Lombardo Mr. Anthony Appulgiese Rosalyn Uber Looks by Lisa Drs. Joseph & Marilyn Berkely Uneed A Tire Tom & Rayanne Maciarello Bill’s Bake Shoppe Valentino Cheese & Dairy Mr. Peter Masello Mr. & Mrs. James Caparoula, Sr. Lynn & Michael Viggiano Mrs. Anita Mills McKeever Mr. & Mrs. Nick Catarcio Mr. Daniel Vogler Mrs. Ruth Ann Venasco Castle Auto Glass Washington Centre McMonagle & Family Castle Uniforms & Police Supply Physical Therapy Gary & Dana McQuiston Central Heating & Plumbing Bruce & Jean Wilson Mr. Matthew Medure Cialella & Carney Floral Design Wolf Candle Mr. Sam Medure & Giftware Fireworks Sponsor Ed & Carol Meyers City Glass Mrs. Josephine Mezza Classi-Co. Foods Ed & Don DeCarbo Funeral Home Mr. Dave Micco Dr. Lynn A. Colaiacovo, MD Entertainment Sponsors David & Colleen Mojock Colonial Lanes Mr. Luca Molinaro D & G Mechanical, Inc. Gina Anetakis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Moore Brothers & Sisters of Rose Bullano Theresa Moses Bishop Nicholas C. Dattilo Butz Florists Dominick & Gerianne Motto Mr. Howard S. Davison, Sr. Castle Realty Sharon & Phil Napolitano Anthony “Bo” & Sandy DeCarbo Mr. & Mrs. Ron Esposito Mrs. Rosemarie Natale Ed & Don DeCarbo Funeral Home Gallo’s Italian Villa Nick’s Automotive William F. & Roger M. DeCarbo Attorney Carmen Lamancusa Renee & Richard Orrico Funeral Home Lindy B. Lauro Mike & Deanna Othites Mr. Thomas J. DeLorenzo Main Street Clothiers Ms Virginia Pagliaro Del’s Garage & Inspection Station Morelli & Sons Carol & Charles Peak Patsy & Kathy DeMatteis Attorney Richard Morelli Pediatric Therapy Professionals Ms Dolly DeMatteis Pizza Joe’s Piatt’s Lawn Care & Landscaping Amy & John DeSanti Jennifer Ridgeley Mrs. Zeta Piccirillo Family Practice Associates Dr. Paul WawrzynskiII Angie Pisula of Western PA, PC Wilmington Mini Storage Preston Motors Ms Christine Fellion, CPA Tom E. Zumpella Ms Angeline Rozzi Mr. & Mrs. Chester Flamino Mr. & Mrs. Tom Zumpella Jim & Diann Ruozzo Sherry Fortuna Two Steeler Season Tickets Ms Tessie Russo Vicki Francis Raffled for St. Vitus School Mrs. Cathy Ryan—St. Vitus School Frewmill Die Crafts Frank & Kay Salamon Ms Geri Fulena Anonymous Sue & James Salzano Carletta & Vince Fulena Four Steeler Tickets Maria & Chuck Sapienza, Jr. Mildred Gagliardo & Matt & Tricia Seamans Helen Morgan Gina Anetakis & Daughters Mr. & Mrs. William Humphrey Jennifer Ridgeley Mr. Thomas Sesko Jefferson Poultry Pittsburgh Penguin Tickets, Souvenir, Clothing Jennifer Ridgeley Cleaning & Grounds Crew DiCaprio Cleaning Nina’s Italian Ice Anthony DiThomas Meatball Ingredients Matty Medure All Who Donated Paper & Food Items Grand Raffle Winners: $4,000 Grand Prize: Ruth Ann McMonagle $500 Second Prizes: Mary Agnes Audia Richard Humphrey Basket Raffle Winners: Steeler Basket: Brian Pontius Wine Basket: Mary Ann Vignone Family Fun Day Basket: Jodi Muraca Summer Picnic Basket: Monica Salle Kid’s Fun Basket: Anthony DiThomas Our Lady of Guadalupe Basket: Dom DiNardo Golf Basket: Chris Tsangaris Angel Basket: Nancy Ackerman Lottery Basket: Mary Lou Lorello Snowman Basket: Jeanette Kahrer That’s Amore Pasta Basket: Anita McKeever Think Pink Basket: Rose Turchan So many to be grateful to. The St. Vitus Festival Committee acknowledges all who helped in any way with a very big thank you…..there are so many to thank—we tried to get it right. But if we forgot anyone, please excuse the oversight! To our volunteers: General Chairmen: Bo DeCarbo & Carmen Merolillo Committee Chairpersons: Basket Raffle: Natalie Dolquist Booth and Sign Sponsors: Mike and Sharon Marshall Electrical: Bob Hetrick Entertainment: Tom Zumpela Finance: Nancy Bonk Food: Cosmo Bulisco Grand Raffle: Liz Farone, Lori and Chris Litrenta, Inventory (Prizes): Gerry Cameron Inventory (Kitchen Supplies & Food): Sharon Marshall Kiddie Land: Sandy Moore Publicity: Ruth Ann McMonagle & Natalie Dolquist Security: Terry Dolquist Volunteers: Sherry Cherry Booth and Office Chairpersons: Basket Booth: Natalie Dolquist Beer Wagon: Pete Massello Casa Di Dolce: Joann Lombardo & Gail Sikora Cavatelli: Marlene DiThomas Computer Input: Guy Natale Dough: Tony Giuffre Food (Kiddie Land): Matt & Tricia Seamans Food Ticket Sales: Geri Fuleno Fried Dough: Deanna Othites Game Inventory: Jerry & MaryJo Cameron Instant Strip Tickets: Carol Ginocchi & Gloria Peak Italian Ice: Anthony DiThomas Inventory (Food & Kitchen): Sharon & Mike Marshall Lemon Shakes: Somma & Librizzi Families Money Counters: Mary ”Merk” Bullano: PA System: Chuck Chirozzi Pasta Fagioli: Marilee Micacchione & Antoinette LaMarca Pepperoni Puffs: Anita Perlozzi Sandwich Booth: Dolly DeMatteis & Carol Meyers Security Booth Pickup: Jim Caparoula Soft Drinks: Molinaro Family Spiral Fries: Humphrey Family St. Vitus Gift Shop: Sharon Napolitano Signs for Booths: Mike & Sharon Marshall Steak, Chicken & Lamb: Paul and Cheryl Passerrello & Jim Macon Verifiers and Bank: Jerry Prestopine & David Prestopine Special Thanks: To: Marilee Micacchione, who chaired the Steeler Season Tickets raffle. She and her team sold 1,000 chances to win Steeler Season Tickets and raised $10,000. To: Anthony Scarnati for coming each morning with his broom to sweep the entire festival grounds. To: Dr. Joe Ross, the Voice of the Festival, who kept everyone informed on the happenings and entertainment To: the makers of the 100 nut rolls sold at the festival and to all the bakers who baked and donated goodies to the Casa di Dolce To: the more than 300 parishioners from St. Vitus and our sister parishes who volunteered to work before the festival, during the festival, and after the festival. You worked tirelessly in the kitchen weeks before and during the festival to prepare our delicious food, made dough, and kept those pots and pans clean throughout the festival. You worked happily in the food booths selling tickets and filling orders for food. You worked enthusiastically in the Looking ride and game worked tirelessly on the electrical needs of the festival. Traveling? for abooths. Mass?You Visit www.masstimes.org To: Fr. Frank Almade, whose support and prayers fueled our energy, our joy, our enthusiasm, and our energy. BULISCO CONSTRUCTION, LLC DINE-IN TAKE-OUT Residential & Commercial Construction and Renovation, Plumbing & Sewer Inspection, Electrical, Masonry, and Concrete “Family Owned & Operated” • Fully Insured 116 South Wayne Street • New Castle, PA 16102 Dogs ✦ Cats ✦ Hamsters Guinea Pigs ✦ Rabbits ✦ Ferrets and select Small Birds (724) 698-7115 • 24 HR. PHONE (724) 944-0995 [email protected] 827 ADDIS ST. 724-658-9260 ALSO TRY OUR NEW LOCATION Dr.Maureen Altman • Dr.Erin Snyder • Dr.Barbara Harrington CEDAR NORTH PIZZA 1101 HIGHLAND AVE. TAKE-OUT DELIVERY ONLY (724) 656-0980 www.NMAHonline.com 724-652-7657 143 State Rt. 18, New Wilmington, PA 16142 JOHN KARSKI Owner 724-652-2341 • BURGLAR • FIRE • MEDICAL • ACCESS • CAMERAS Timothy M. McGonigle, F.D., Supervisor • J. Bradley McGonigle III, F.D. [email protected] 2539 Wilmington Road New Castle, PA 16105 Karen McGonigle Murphy, F.D. PRO-LIFE Just like you ALL Unborn Children Have A RIGHT TO LIFE 944600 Catholic Community in New Castle (C) 24 HOUR Local 911 & Noga’s Monitoring Your Best Choice for Physical Therapy NORMAN A. GABRIEL, PT (724) 654-2444 FAX (724) 656-1265 8 North Mill Street New Castle, PA 16101 www.washingtoncentrept.com www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Castle Builders Supply, Inc. – CONCRETE – Concrete Block • Builders - Supplies Jim Carna Owner/President 1409 Moravia St. • New Castle (724) 658-5656 1325 Broadway Ave. • Hermitage (724) 981-4212 305 Steel Street • Aliquippa (724) 375-0555 VALENTINO CHEESE & DAIRY CO. (724) 654-6777 100 Perry Hwy., Suite 109 Harmony, PA 16037 Phone: 724-473-8080 NEW MENU Cialella & Carney Floral Designs & Giftware Mechanical, Inc. “We love what we do!” HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL INSTALLATION SERVICE ESTIMATES BUSINESS PHONE P.O. BOX 231 (724) 528-1133 WEST MIDDLESEX, PA 16159 OHIO: (330) 542-2914 FAX: (724) 528-0321 Quality & Service Since 1943 1006 S. Mill St. New Castle, PA 16101 www.cialellaandcarney.com email: info@ cialellaandcarney.comcastbiz.net 724-652-8412 3198 West Pittsburgh Rd. • New Castle, PA LAW OFFICES of CARMEN F. LAMANCUSA, P.C. 724-652-4401 Carmen F. Lamancusa, Parishioner HILL HOUSE RESTAURANT A full Service Firm Serving the Community MONDAY-FRIDAY 7-7 • SATURDAY & SUNDAY 8-3 414 N. Jefferson St., New Castle 10% OFF Total Purchase (724) 658-3758 Southpoint at Jameson Personal Care Home SHARON 724-347-4411 Get Spoiled at Southpoint! Area’s Premier Personal Care Home. 24 hour care www.centralheatingandplumbing.com S. Mill Street at E. Long Ave. New Castle R D O ’S L O M B AE CARY H T APO provided by licensed nurses. Activities Director. Family Style Dining. Call 724-658-9262 for a personalized tour. Let Us Fill Your Next Prescription Phone 724-654-8100 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Germani’s Jewelry PUSH 652-6861 ........... ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Dr. Joseph J. Berkely Dr. Marilyn K. Berkely Dr. Christopher J. Berkely Matthew Morici Michael Morici Optometrists www.BerkelyEye.net 142 Enclave Dr., New Castle, PA 16105 Eye Associates, LLC 724-658-1781 “For All Your Glass Needs” 1064 Beckford Street 724.654.7241 New Castle, PA 16101 800.478.8188 [email protected] Fax: 724.654.6231 Locally Owned for 4 Generations 724-652-5379 www.HomeHelpers.cc John & Amy DeSanti, Owners 944600 Catholic Community in New Castle (B) 24/7 HELP $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Home Helpers provides your loved ones with care at home, in retirement communities, nursing homes wherever we are needed! Caregivers are bonded and insured. TALK ........... 39 N. Mercer St., New Castle • Grocery Shopping • Light Housekeeping • Transportation • Companionship • Errand Services • Meal Preparation 2409 WILMINGTON RD Board Certified Pathologist www.2tomato.org Pain Management $1.00 Off Happy Hour Specials from 4-6 218 West Moody Ave. 724-658-6367 New Castle, PA 16101 Fax 724-652-1109 facebook.com/RightAtHomeNorthPittsburgh GROVE CITY 724-458-6980 NEW LOCATION J. FRED STONER, M.D., P.C. Fax: 724-473-8072 NEW CASTLE 724-658-7111 (724) 658-3380 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Ed & Don DeCarbo 3000 Wilmington Road VINCE E. FULENO 941 South Mill Street DONALD G. DECARBO Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc. Supervisor Supervisor 724-658-4711 • www.decarbofuneralhome.com Consider M & M FLOOR Uneeda Tire Remembering COVERING “When Uneeda Change” Your Parish in 1007 Moravia St. • New Castle, PA 16101 George Liskooka Owner 724.654.8473 Carpet - No-Wax Vinyl - Ceramic Tile Accent Rugs - Vertical Blinds - Pergo Laminated Flooring 102 Plaza South 654-0886 Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. 201 S. Jefferson St. New Castle, PA 16101 Geri-Care Office Hours Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Thursdays 8:30 AM-7:00 PM www.gncfcu.com New Castle’s “Best of the Best” Family Practice Associates of Western Pennsylvania, P.C. Joann Lamb, M.D. Travis Bessell, PA-C Cascade Park CLAW ELECTRICAL & HIGH TECH CONTRACTORS RANDY CLAUSE New Castle, PA (724) 656-1223 email: [email protected] Comprehensive primary care: - Immunizations: child & adult - Ultrasound testing - Cardiac stress testing - Allergy testing & shots 188 Enclave Drive, New Castle, PA 16105 Phone: (724) 657-3221 Fax: (724) 657-3223 Keystone Specialty Co. INC WHERE LIFE IS ALWAYS CELEBRATED 724-656-9580 Licensed Personal Care PROVIDING TWO LEVELS OF CARE • FAMILY STYLE LIVING • SECURE MEMORY DISORDER SUPPORT UNIT IN-HOUSE THERAPY AVAILABLE (Physical/Occupational/Speech) RESPITE CARE & ADULT DAYCARE PRIVATE & SEMI-PRIVATE ROOMS 2016 West Washington St., New Castle, PA 16101 Located in Union Twp. NOGA FUNERAL HOME, INC. “For Funeral Pre-Planning and At Need Arrangements” J. Russell Noga, F.D., Supervisor One Stop Party Shop Birthday - Graduation - Wedding - Communion - Showers Chris DeJoseph, Owner 1029 S. Mill St., New Castle, PA 16101 • [email protected] 724.652.7600 BUSINESS DELIVERY ONLY Home or Office • 10 or More Family Style Catering 724-652-6700 10% OFF Mary’s Restaurant Dine-In Take-Out Only Middle Eastern Cuisine 131 E. Long Ave., New Castle 724-652-2447 SEAN DORAN 724-730-3161 JIM MEDURE 724-730-0165 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • FOUNDATIONS • WALLS • FLOORS 107 Taylor Street New Castle, PA 16101 BILL ZBEGAN, Agent FALL LEAGUES NOW FORMING 3210 Wilmington Rd. 944600 Catholic Community in New Castle (A) 724-654-5000 1 Mahoning Avenue New Castle, PA 16102-1331 Bus (724) 652-8561 Bus (724) 654-9141 Fax (724) 652-4633 [email protected] www.jspaluch.com BUSINESS: 724-654-4686 FAX: 724-654-8894 www.doran-concrete.com Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629