June 26, 2016 • 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Pro Cathedral Founded September 1, 1772 Mass Schedule Saturday: 7:00 am, and 5:30 pm Vigil Sunday:: English Sunday English:: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 6:00 pm Spanish: 12:30 pm and 7:30 pm Weekdays:: 7:00 am and 12:10 pm Weekdays Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday:: 4:00 - 4:30 pm Saturday 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time • June 26, 2016 J ubilee Year of Mercy June 26, 2016 • 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yet again in Ordinary Time, Jesus seems to demand extraordinary commitment. A would-be disciple enthusiastically volunteers to follow Jesus “wherever” (Luke 9:57). Jesus replies that “wherever” means “nowhere to rest his head” (9:58). To other candidates, Jesus brusquely denies reasonable requests to fulfill family obligations (9:59, 61), declaring that discipleship demands total commitment—now! But Jesus also demands that we not judge how others respond. When James and John volunteered to “call down fire from heaven” (9:54) to destroy an unwelcoming town, Jesus “turned and rebuked them” (9:55). All violence of any kind is completely unacceptable among Jesus’ disciples, a lesson this Jubilee Year of Mercy is teaching the Christian community once again. Paul’s challenge to the Galatians and us reinforces Jesus’ decisive command to James and John that they express their commitment to him through compassion for others. We must abandon the violence of “biting and devouring one another” (Galatians 5:15), choosing instead to “serve one another through love” (5:13).. Monthly Mass at Old Mission Cemetery The monthly 1st Saturday Mass at the Old Mission cemetery for July will be July 2nd at 10 am celebrated by Fr. Philip Garcia. All are welcome to join us. A CONTEMPLATIVE ROSARY Saturday, July 2, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at MISSION SAN LUIS OBISPO DE TOLOSA —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday, July 1, 2016 7:30 am to 4:30 pm in the Oratory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (former Sister’s chapel). Divine Mercy and Rosary at 3 pm. Petitions and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 4 pm. Soon it will be the birthday of our country, July 4th. Please come to adore our Lord in the Eucharist and Spend time in prayer with Jesus. We want our country to continue to have freedom of religion on which it was founded. Please visit Our Lord and ask for guidence in our lives and our for country. May God bless all who make an effort to visit Him. Sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of America. For more information call 594-1219. With Mission Singers, and Piano Praying the Joyful Mysteries with Scripture and Song. A Contemplative Rosary is a pastoral response to Pope JohnPaul II’s Apostolic Letter on the Most Holy Rosary (Rosarium Virginis Mariae), composed by Bob Hurd in San Jose, California, May 2005 PAGE 2 Parish Center Administration Rev. Russell Brown, Pastor Rev. Braulio Valencia, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jim Nisbet, In Residence Deacon Chuck M. Roeder, Permanent Deacon Deacon Jim Burrows, Permanent Deacon Mr. James D. Childs, Principal Mission College Prep Ms. Tina Ballantyne, Principal Old Mission Elementary Office: 751 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone: (805) 781-8220 Fax (805) 781-8214 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 am to 5 pm Wednesdays Noon to 5 pm Chapel Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 am to 4 pm The History of the Diocese Monterey In his article in the May 29th Bulletin, Fr. Russ wrote: “In recognition of our golden anniversary as an independent diocese of the central coast, Bishop Garcia has commissioned a commemorative book titled The History of the Diocese Monterey. I was able to preview a draft copy of this publication recently and it will be a beautiful addition to any home library. The quality of printing and binding is exceptional. The book contains a full history of the Church in California, our Catholic schools and religious orders, and an account of the establishment of every parish our in diocese. The cost of this volume is $35 and it will be available in either English or Spanish. We must preorder, as there will be only one publishing. It would be helpful to know of your interest. If you notify the parish office that you wish to receive a copy of The History of the Diocese of Monterey, we will reserve a copy for you which you may purchase upon delivery, estimated to be September-October 2016.“ As he stated, we must pre-order, so if you are interested in reserving a copy, please contact the Parish Office before they are all gone..... Website: www.missionsanluisobispo.org MUSICIANS NEEDED Use your bar code scanner for quick access to our Parish Website Parish Staff & Ministries Unless otherwise noted, all phone numbers are Ext. # (Voice Mail Extensions) Pastor 16 Fr. Braulio Valencia Parochial Vicar 32 Deacon Chuck Roeder Permanent Deacon 14 Deacon Jim Burrows Permanent Deacon 11 Theresa Shipsey Business Practices 13 Corina Onato Office Manager 20 Erika Zaldumbide Office Assistant 15 Terry Burrows Faith Formation, Altar Servers 29 Evan O’Reilly Youth Ministry 35 Donna Fioravanti Baptisms 23 Erika Siciliano Faith Formation Assistant 18 Rosalba Torres Office Assistant, Translations 19 Patty Moyer Pepper (441-7901) Pastoral Care Ministry 38 Gayne Pinto-Bennett (704-1373) Bereavement Ministry Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors Gift Shop Manager 22 Iva Svitek • Music Ministry Jocelyn Roeder • (544-2707) Liturgy Coordinator Nancy Kelso-Doody (748-0775) Events & Environment Coordinator Jack & Eunice Pierce (541-4464) Landings Program Is music your prayer? 781-8220 26 Fr. Russell Brown 36 Minerva Soto VOCALISTS † ACCOMPANISTS Finance Council Gayla Newman Ann Palmer Charles Porter Bernie Suttle Chris Will Schools & Campus Ministry Old Mission School (543-6019) Ms. Tina Ballantyne, Principal 761 Broad St., SLO 93401 www.oldmissionschool.com Mission College Preparatory (543-2131) Mr. James D. Childs, Principal 682 Palm St., SLO 93401 Newman Catholic Center (543-4105) Fr. John Ulrich, S.M. and Fr. Kevin Duggan, S.M. 1472 Foothill, SLO 93401 Ministries Gift Shop & Museum (543-6850) Open 7 days per week 9 am - 4 pm (Winter hours) (9 am - 5 pm Summer hours) Social Justice Ministry If so, then this is the place for you! Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa has openings for Cantors, Pianists, Guitarists, Choral Group Singers • Paid positions available • Liturgical training provided • Reading music is preferred, but not required • Bi-lingual (English/Spanish) singers, a plus! • Must be available to work weekends ☺ Contact: Iva Svitek, Director of Music Ministries (805) 781-8220 x 22 e-mail: [email protected] Our music ministry teams work together to provide music for 7 liturgies each weekend as well as special liturgical celebrations on Holy Days and Solemnities. COME JOIN US TODAY! Delores Winje (543-4064) St. Vincent de Paul (544-7041) Public Assistance Tuesdays at Prado 2-3 pm Thursdays at Old Mission 3-4 pm by Appointment only Catholic Charities Office 541-9110 Old Mission Thrift Store www.missionthrift.com 2640 Broad Street, SLO (544-0720) Mon-Sat 10 AM - 6 PM, Sunday 12 - 4 PM Old Mission Cemetery (541-0584) Care for Creation Some more fun ideas you may not have thought of – from Catholic Update “Pope Francis and the Environment” http://www.liguori.org/catholic-update • hang clothes to dry, • wear sweaters or short sleeves as applicable to save on heating and cooling costs, • carpool or bike whenever possible, • avoid eating beef – commit to meatless Fridays, • sell your leaf blower – buy a rake. PAGE 3 R Readings For This Week EFLECTION OF THE WEEK June 26, 2016 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Jesus began his return and final journey to Jerusalem in today’s Gospel. He first had to go through Samaria where he was most unwelcome because he was traveling to Jerusalem’s temple where the Samaritans would not go. The irony of this inhospitality is that Jesus would not be welcomed in the temple either! Referring to an earlier action by Elijah, James and John wanted to call down fire on these unkind Samaritans. Jesus scolded them for their thinking and they went on. As they traveled they met three would-be disciples. The first wanted to follow Jesus wherever he went but was reminded that he would have no place to call his own. The second one wanted to bury his father, while the third wanted to say good-bye to family members. Jesus cautioned those who wanted to follow that anyone who intended to go forward but looked backwards would not be able to be part of the Kingdom of God. Reflection question: Adult: When have you faltered or looked back during your journey of faith? Child: What can you do to be a stronger follower of Jesus this week? Reflection and questions from RCL Benziger. http://rclblectionary.com Listen and remember through Word and Bread Sun, 6/26: 1 Kgs 19:16b,19-21; Ps 16:1-2,5,7-11; Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62 Mon, 6/27: Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Ps 50:16bc-23; Mt 8:18-22 Tue, 6/28: Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Ps 5:4b-8; Mt 8:23-27 Wed, 6/29: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 Thur, 6/30: Am 7:10-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 9:1-8 Fri, 7/1: Am 8:4-6,9-12; Ps 119:2,10,20, 30,40, 131; Mt 9:9-13 Sat, 7/2: Am 9:11-15; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 9:14-17 Sun, 7/3: Is 66:10-14c; Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 Mass Intentions Initials in italics indicate scheduled Presider SATURDAY JUNE 25 7:00 (BV) †Juan Rivera 5:30 (JN) †Ernie Martin Sr. †Irene Reis SUNDAY JUNE 26 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 (JN) †Bernard & Ruth Dusek Int of Karen Brown 9:00 (DM) †Solenna Ucciferri †Sister Anne Vari Joachim 11:00 (GZ) †Moses Luis †Richard Bennett 12:30 (BV) †Edward Limon 6:00 (JN) †Eddie Sanchez †Livia Seim 7:30 (BV) Intention of Parishioners MONDAY JUNE 27 7:00 (JN) Int of Susan Ricolcol 12:10 (JN) Int of Victor Ostria & Bertha Loera Int of Leonardo Quintanilla TUESDAY JUNE 28 Confused Catholic? Inactive Catholic? Alienated Catholic? An Invitation to Consider COMING HOME AGAIN (We’ve missed you.) If you’ve been away from the church, or are drifting away from it, if you’ve been hurt by the church, or are confused or angry because of your Catholic experience, please consider our invitation to come and talk with us. If you are an active Catholic who would like to assist with this ministry, we welcome your help. LANDINGS Mission San Luis Obispo Jack Pierce • 541-4464 7:00 (JN) †Bob Lawson 12:10 (JN) †Richard Bennett WEDNESDAY JUNE 29 7:00 (JN) †Patti Moerman 12:10 (BV) †Enrico Bongio THURSDAY JUNE 30 7:00 (BV) †Mary Flor Serpa, Family & Friends 12:10 (BV) Int of David & Alanna Mack FRIDAY JULY 1 7:00 (BV) Int of all Living & Deceased Veterans †Patti Moerman 12:10 (BV) †Greg Morris SATURDAY JULY 2 7:00 (BV) †Mary Flor Serpa, Family & Friends 5:30 (JN) †Nicolas M. Baran †Rita Marie Goehner SUNDAY JULY 3 L ist of Music for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Chant: # 415 All Are Welcome Kyrie: # 924 Mass of Spirit and Grace Gloria: # 925 Mass of Spirit and Grace READINGS BEGIN ON PAGE 185 Responsorial Psalm 16: You Are My Inheritance BB # 739 Alleluia: # 926 Mass of Spirit and Grace Presentation of the Gifts: # 507 Come, Follow Me Mass of Spirit and Grace: Holy # 928 • Mystery of Faith # 931 Amen # 932 • Agnus Dei # 933 Communion Chant: # 312 Here, At This Table # 431 Seek Ye First Sending Forth: # 381 Take the Word of God With You 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 (RB) †Jim Zanoli 9:00 (RB) †Joe & Lena Parotti †Moses Luis 11:00 (RB) †Flavio De Vera †Richard Bennett 12:30 (BV) Intention of Parishioners 6:00 (JN) †Irene Reis 7:30 (BV) Intention of Parishioners PAGE 4 Prayer Requests... Enrico Bongio, Betty Arbogast R.I.P. † and All who have died this week. Fr. Jim Nisbet’s Scripture Class 7:00 pm Mondays in the Hall 10:30 am Tuesdays in the Hall The classes run one hour each in the form of a lecture with opportunity for questions at the end. They are separate areas of studies. Scripture Study Reflect on Readings for this coming Sunday’s Masses. Scripture study meets each Wednesday at l:00 pm, following the 12:10 Mass in the Serra room. We read the scripture for the following Sunday and reflect on and discuss the readings. As a group we nourish one another by sharing our faith and reflecting on our own experiences in our journey. Missalettes and other materials are provided. Any questions? Please call the Parish Center at 781-8220. Pray the Rosary With Us Every MONDAY evening at 5:45 pm, we pray the Rosary. Share devotions and petitions while praying as a spiritual community in our historic Old Mission CHAPEL. Please join us and stay for one or more decades of the rosary. Ave Maria, Friends! Would you like to support someone who is on a journey to grow in relationship with Christ! We need your help. Contact Terry 7818220 ext. 15 for more info. Infant Baptism: Registered parishioners may call 781-8220, x35 for information and dates about baptism for their children. Baptism classes: Spanish class will be July 5 at 7 pm English class will be June 26 at 2 pm Social Justice Ministry Meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7 pm in the Serra Center. Join us to learn what our new projects are, and what you can do to help. Lord, when did we see you hungry? Bread for the World is a presence whose members send letters and emails, make phone calls, and visit their members of Congress about legislation that addresses hunger in the U.S. and around the world. Bread equips its members to communicate with Congress and to work with others on advocacy. It educates members on hungerrelated issues and inspires members to be legislative activists as a way of putting their Christian faith into action. Find out how you can participate: www.bread.org Will you pray for an end to hunger? You can make prayers to end hunger part of your regular prayer life. When you pray Give us this day our daily bread, include people who are hungry in our country and around the world in your petition. P lease, continue to pray for adequate rain. The Little Ones Jim Burrows ©2016 Jim Burrows www.jimburrowsartist.com If you or a member of your family would like the faith community of Mission Parish to join you in prayers for special needs, contact the parish office at 781-8220. We do occasionally take some names off of the list printed in the bulletin. The current list contains names received since Jan. 30, 2015. If we have taken a name from the printed list of a person still in need of prayers, please give us a call and we will happily put him or her back on. Please take some time this week to remember the following in your prayers: • For all in our parish family who are suffering serious or terminal illness • For Armed Forces Men and Women on Active Duty, and for Nate Kovesdi Rose Aeck Rachel Kovesdi The Allwein Family Tina Marie Ladd Dave Anderson Jason Lal Virginia Aranico Valerie Lambert Santos Arrona Pam Lawler Margaret Askelund David Lewelling Juan Barron Maria Limon Cindy Bebereia Terry Lovejoy Joann Bernadette Maria Teresita Luna Ines Bongio Manuel Luvano Paul Bonjour Ben Mangabat Adrianne Bright Susan & Renee Kevin Bright Martinez&family Karen Brown Vern Mason Charlene Casciola Nancy McDonough Jim Ciernia Carol McDowell Regina Clarke Georgina Mele Shawn Clarke Enrique Melendez Baby Colburn Garrett & Terra Colburn Trish Michalski Keith Middleton Cathy Connor Ellen Miller Ty Cooper Dawn Mirabelli Elena Corbelli Humberto Monge David, Alanna & Baby Brian Myracle John Deering Jr. Anita Naylor John Deering Sr. Cira Mejia Nevi Imelda Delossanpos Cecilia Nievez Santiago, Camila Diaz Jesse Nieves Carolyn Dolecki Julian Nieves Elise Duclos Julianna Nievez Jinah Duncan Nievez Family Richard Engel Eileen O’Melveny & family Sally Equinoa Nancy Page Laurie Laird Ellen Connie Pillsbury Janel Ferguson Jack & Christine Charles Fetyko Poggemeyer & Family Faith Ann Fieldhouse Brian Porterfield & family James Fowler Gladys Fraund & Family Sean Porterfield Alex Putnam Charles Freeman Dana Rasmissen Mary Ella Garder Frank Reed Nadia Ghobrial Rosemary Rivera Hank Gibbs Paprocini Rodriguez Spencer Godsey Gloria Rosinni & Family Dorothy Ellis Goldberg Charles Saint Vincent Walt Gonyer Jenna Scott Mary Grimes Dennis X. Shea Paula Gurney John Silva Garney and Vicky Hall Connie Smith Randy Havens Fr. Mark Stetz Li Way Way Hernandez Diane Suderman Kay Heaton Susi & Erich Claire Hester Shannon Thompson Gary Hitchcock Joyce Villa Geri House Marcos Villalobos Maria Jackson Keona Walker Bea Jeong Diane Whittaker Barry Karleskint Paul Willis Russ Kiger Carolyn Wirth Marcia Kinneavy ADULT ENRICHMENT PAGE 5 June 26, 2016 • 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time L a Mesa Committee Needs your HELP! Our annual fundraising dinner La Mesa de los Padres is in need of some help acquiring items for our silent and live auction. We need help in securing items for gift basket and a few live auction gifts. Can you help? Phone help, picking up items, making the gift baskets, asking those businesses that you know to provide items for the baskets. These are just a few of the ways you can help. Please leave your name with the Parish Office, 781-8220, and someone will contact you. S acraments for Adults If you would like to complete your initiation through the Sacrament of Confirmation or if you would like to know more about walking your faith journey as a Catholic Christian, please contact Terry in the parish office. Y outh Ministry If your family would like to be on the email list, please email [email protected] to inquire about middle school and high school youth group and service opportunities over summer. R CIA Pray for those who don’t know Christ. Remember you may be the only Christ someone ever encounters. No pressure! A E lementary Faith Formation Hope you are enjoying this time – now that summer is upon us. Looking for fun ideas over the summer. Try CatholicMom.com http://catholicmom.com/2016/06/01/ catholic-gospel-coloring-worksheetssunday-mass-june-2016/ Or short form http://tinyurl.com/gnpfy2h Terry Burrows at 781-8220 ext. 15, or [email protected] T een Confirmation This Week........................... Saturday June 25 4 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Sunday 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday Tuesday June 28 10:30 am Fr. Jim’s Scripture Study -Hall Wednesday G Saturday We welcome many visitors to our fair city. San Luis Obispo has been named one of the best places to live in the country and one of the friendliest cities as well. A true reflection of the spirit of SLO will be found in our staff here in the Gift Shop. You will see our staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and always eager to help. So come in and browse, sit a while and read. There is something for everyone – whether you are looking for a special gift or just looking we welcome you as always. Visit us online @www.missionsanluisobispo.org and enjoy a secure shopping experience. We are here to serve you 7 days a week, from 9-4 PM. June 27 5:45 pm Rosary Group -Chapel 7 pm Fr. Jim’s Scripture Study -Hall Confirmation preparation starts in high school, and our parish has a two-year process with monthly sessions. To signup/inquire about the first year of Confirmation, please email evan. [email protected]. For families with rising 2nd year teen candidates, please watch for the yearly schedule which will be sent out towards the end of summer. ift Shop News June 26 June 29 1 pm Scripture Study -Serra Ctr NO ProCathedral Choir-Summer break Thursday June 30 Friday July 1 7:30 am to 4:30 pm in the Chapel Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament July 2 10 am 1st Saturday Mass at Cemetery 10 am Sung Rosary - Church 4 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Sunday July 3 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time nnual Ministries Appeal As of June 20th, we have received 126 pledges totalling $ 38,495, which is just over 92.5% of our Diocesan goal of $41,600. We still need $ 3,105 to meet our goal. Any funds received over that amount will be returned to the parish. If you have not yet made your pledge, envelopes are available in the church, or at the parish office. Call 781-8220. You can also pledge for our parish on the Diocesan Web site: www.dioceseofmonterey.org Click on “Give” at the top of the page, and then on Give to the Annual Appeal. Or use the QR code for quick access to the site. Our Weekly Offering 13,500 The Old Mission Budget requires $10,557.00 per week to meet expenses. 11,500 The collection for Sunday, June 19, 2016 12,500 10,500 9,500 00 was $ 10,075. * *includes $ 2,575.00 Electronic Funds Transfer donations this week. We thank you for your continued support and generosity. 8,500 7,500 LA VOZ LATINA Decimotercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario C ONCÉNTRATE EN LA MISIÓN “Hay tantas cosas que hacer”. “Tenemos tan poco tiempo”. ¿Cuántas variantes de estas afirmaciones has oído o incluso dicho tú mismo? En realidad, ninguna de las dos es completamente verdadera. Hay muchas cosas que hacer en esta vida, pero realmente pocas cosas que son de vital importancia. Esforzarse, buscar, actuar en convivencia y preocuparse en pos del “desorden egoísta del hombre”, como nos dice san Pablo en la segunda lectura de hoy, no es en absoluto productivo. ¿Tan poco tiempo? Cuando tomamos la libertad que Cristo nos ofrece, tenemos todo el tiempo que necesitamos en este mundo y aún más en el que sigue. Eliseo, el sirviente elegido del profeta Elías, estaba un tanto aturdido sin saber qué debía hacer. Cuando Elías lo llamó, regresó a despedirse de sus padres y a darle comida a su gente. Sólo después lo siguió. Jesús nos pide algo diferente, algo digno de sus discípulos. Nos pide una determinación absoluta para dejar todo y seguirlo. Ahora, no después. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. BAUTISMOS Los feligreses registrados en la Misión de San Luis Obispo pueden llamar al 781-8220 para obtener información y fechas para bautizar a sus hijos. Las clases de bautismo en español son el primer lunes de cada mes. Nuestro Catecismo No tendremos clases durante el verano pero no se les olvide inscribir a sus niños para el próximo año escolar de catecismo. Háganlo lo antes posible ya que el cupo es limitado. Los formularios estan disponibles en la oficina parroquial. Terry Burrows - [email protected] - 781-8220 ext 15 Quinceañeras Avisar a la oficina con seis meses de anticipación. 1. Llame para verificar que el templo y el sacerdote están disponibles para la fecha deseada. 2. Llame a la coordinadora de Ceci Pimienta, al (805)806-0536 para iniciar el proceso de preparación. CUIDANDO DE LA CREACIÓN Algunas ideas más que tal vez no habian considerado: - Pongan sus ropas a secar al aire libre, tiéndanlas en vez de usar la secadora. - Viajen en transporte colectivo o en bicicleta. - Eviten comer carne - pueden empezar por comprometerse a hacerlo los días viernes. - También pueden vender sus máquinas sopladoras y aspiradoras de hojas y en su lugar, utilizar rastrillos de jardinería. A ño Jubilar de la Misericordia 26 de junio de 2016 Decimotercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario En este, un domingo más del Tiempo Ordinario, parece que Jesús exige un compromiso extraordinario. Un aspirante entusiasmado a ser discípulo se ofrece de voluntario para seguir a Jesús “a donde sea” (Lucas 9:57). Jesús le contesta que “a donde sea” significa “no tener donde recostar la cabeza” (9:58). A otros aspirantes, Jesús bruscamente niega sus peticiones para seguirlo pues les antepone razonablemente sus responsabilidades y obligaciones familiares (9:59, 61), expresando que ahora ser discípulo exige compromiso completo. Pero Jesús también exige que no juzguemos cómo responden otras personas. Cuando Santiago y Juan se ofrecen para “hacer caer fuego del cielo” (9:54) para destruir una ciudad que no los recibió, Jesús “los reprende” (9:55). Cualquier tipo de violencia es completamente inaceptable entre los discípulos de Jesús, una lección este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia es enseñar una vez más a la comunidad cristiana. El desafío de Pablo a los gálatas y a nosotros refuerza el mandamiento decisivo de Jesús a Santiago y Juan que ellos expresaran su compromiso hacia los demás con compasión. Debemos dejar de ser violentos y dejar “comernos y devorarnos unos a otros” (Gálatas 5:15), eligiendo en su lugar“servir uno al otro por medio del amor” (5:13).. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Citas del Papa Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Usadas con permiso. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El último sábado de junio o el primero de julio en un ayuntamiento de Valcidacos, España, se pone en escena el Miserere escrito por Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (1836-1870). Esta obra relata como un músico llega de noche a la Abadía de Fetero pidiendo posada. Los hermanos del monasterio lo invitaron a pasar la noche. Allí él les contó su vida pecaminosa y su deseo de encontrar un Miserere (Salmo 51) digno de expiar sus pecados ante Dios. Le contaron del Miserere del Monte que cantaban durante la noche los monjes difuntos de un Monasterio que había sido destruido siglos atrás. El músico afanado por encontrar su Miserere, corrió a la montaña donde escuchó aquel lamentoso y bello canto. Al regresar a la Abadía intentó escribir la música de aquel Miserere, pero lo único que logro fue volverse loco. Aquel pobre hombre murió sin reconocer que cada quien debe entonar a su manera su propio y pobre Miserere mei (piedad de mi). Dios no nos perdona por la belleza o la fuerza de nuestra confesión, sino por su amor y su misericordia. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. ¿Te perdiste la oportunidad de hacer la Confirmación en la escuela secundaria y el Espíritu Santo te está llamando para completar tu iniciación a través del Sacramento de la Confirmación? AHORA es tu oportunidad. Para más información llama a Terry Burrows al 781-8220 X 15 PROBADO POR FUEGO Puesto que el oro y la plata, que tan sólo son metales corruptibles, son purificados y probados por el fuego; es razonable creer que nuestra fe, que sobrepasa todas las riquezas del mundo, sea probada. —San Pedro Claver SANDRA SOUZA CHRYSLER - DODGE - RAM - JEEP - MAZDA BC-HIS, ACA 3550 Broad Street • San Luis Obispo • CA 93401 Audioprosthologist 805.543.7321 Jeff Cole 5/9/44 – 3/16/16, You Are Missed www.coleautos.com Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences 3830-5 Broad St., SLO (In Marigold Center) 805.547.9500 1704 Spring St., Ste. 101 Paso (Spring & 17th) WEIPERT’S R.V. STORAGE Motor Homes • Trailers • Boats • Cars 4355 Vachell Ln. 543-7179 Whether caring for your healthy pregnancy or easing the transition to menopause, we offer a range of OB/Gyn services from routine medical screenings and treatments to complex urogynecologic surgery. 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Ser ving SLO County for 35 years. a 501c 3 non-profit organization For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 For Those Just Right Appearances Following Jesus Every Day: University Barber Shop 543-8253 GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Appt. Not Always Necessary Women & Children Welcome Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and University Sq. 892 Foothill Blvd., SLO a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 RIZZO FAMILY CAFÉ ROMA IS NOW OPEN ON SUNDAY FOR DINNER AT 5PM ALSO BANQUET FACILITIES ARE AVAILABE 1020 RAILROAD AVE. an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA 800-566-6150 • www.wlp.jspaluch.com/13182.htm www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com 805.541.6800 FAX 786.2522 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” JOHN A. 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