August 14, 2016 - Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa
Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Pro Cathedral Founded September 1, 1772 Mass Schedule Saturday: 7:00 am, and 5:30 pm Vigil Sunday:: English Sunday English:: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 6:00 pm Spanish: 12:30 pm and 7:30 pm Weekdays:: 7:00 am and 12:10 pm Weekdays Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday:: 4:00 - 4:30 pm Saturday 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time • August 14, 2016 From our Pastor...... In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses strong language to speak of his wish to transform the world. He says that he has come to light a fire and that his message will likely bring division before it will result in reconciliation among families and nations. Perhaps more than any similar passage in scripture, these words are a call to action. It is one thing to preach and to hear the Word of God; it is another to apply it to our own lives and to our communities. While many of our ministries are internal, liturgical and sacramental, Old Mission Church attempts to live out an authentic Gospel message through pastoral care to the sick and homebound, support of the Prado Center, and staffing of a homeless overflow shelter each January. Though significant, these ministries do not exhaust the actual needs that exist around us. Living where we do, we are blessed by a rich network of human service agencies, non-profits and neighboring churches that seek to improve the quality of life of those in need, from housing, to mental health to crisis pregnancy. It is not always necessary for every church or institution to create its own ministry, when similar programs already exist. Rather than duplicate efforts, it is often better to concentrate resources to achieve a greater impact. Periodically, throughout the year, we will be highlighting agencies and existing local ministries that may appeal to Mission parish members who are seeking to become engaged in making our community a place of true care and healing. Two such organizations dedicated to healthy birth and child care are featured today. San Luis Obispo Foster Care: become a Resource Parent or Family. There are approximately 300 children currently placed in Foster Care in San Luis Obispo County. However, the need for new placements continues to grow throughout our county for both short term and long term stays. Children range from infants (0-5) school age (5-18) medically fragile, to temporary emergency placement. Most needed, “compassionate, committed persons who can provide safe and stable home care and be a part of a team.” You will be trained, supervised and provided with the resources and assistance you need to make a difference in a child’s life. Visit or phone 805-781-1705. continued on page 2..... Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa ProCathedral Celebration of our Heritage Celebración de la Herencia Misionera August 19th is the Feast Day of our Patron, Saint Louis, Bishop of Tolouse. We try to schedule our Heritage Mass as close to the Feast Day as possible. Heritage Mass Misa de la Herencia Misionera Sunday, August 21, 2016 11:30 am Mass Fr. Russell Brown and Fr. Braulio Valencia Barbecue to follow in the Patio and gardens, we hope you will join us for this special day. There will be a Taco stand, barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs, lemonade and water. No charge but freewill offerings accepted. Dessert donations needed If you would like to bring something to share for our dessert table, drop your items off in the Parish Hall any time after the 7 am Mass that day. Cookies, brownies, cupcakes, or your favorite.......yum! IMPORTANT: On August 21, 2016, we have combined our 11:00 am and 12:30 pm Masses to one bilingual celebration at 11:30 am. PAGE 2 Parish Center Administration Rev. Russell Brown, Pastor Rev. Braulio Valencia, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jim Nisbet, In Residence Deacon Chuck M. Roeder, Permanent Deacon Deacon Jim Burrows, Permanent Deacon Mr. Michael Susank, Principal Mission College Prep Ms. Tina Ballantyne, Principal Old Mission Elementary Office: 751 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone: (805) 781-8220 Fax (805) 781-8214 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 am to 5 pm Wednesdays Noon to 5 pm Chapel Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 am to 4 pm .....continued from cover article. 40 Days for Life: is a community based campaign of prayer and witness to raise public awareness around the practice of abortion. Its Mission Statement reads, “to bring together the body of Christ in the spirit of unity during a focused 40-day campaign of prayer, fasting and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds…” Prayer is the centerpiece of the 40 Days campaign, whether at home, in church, and at locations where abortions are provided. The option of fasting is also a part of the 40-Days, very much in the pattern of Lenten sacrifice. The spirit of the 40-Day campaign is one of gentleness, compassion, prayerful vigil over the course of 40 days. If you feel called to join others in faithful witness from September 28 – November 6, contact Katie Collins 805-801-5680 or email [email protected] also Genevieve Czech (Old Mission Coordinator) 805-783-1991, or visit Website: Fr. Russ Brown, Pastor Old Mission San Luis Obispo Use your bar code scanner for quick access to our Parish Website Parish Staff & Ministries Unless otherwise noted, all phone numbers are Ext. # (Voice Mail Extensions) looking to grow in faith. 781-8220 26 Fr. Russell Brown Pastor 16 Fr. Braulio Valencia Parochial Vicar 32 Deacon Chuck Roeder Permanent Deacon 14 Deacon Jim Burrows Permanent Deacon 11 Theresa Shipsey Business Practices 13 Corina Onato Office Manager 20 Erika Zaldumbide Office Assistant 15 Terry Burrows Faith Formation, Altar Servers 29 Evan O’Reilly Youth Ministry 35 Donna Fioravanti Baptisms 23 Erika Siciliano Faith Formation Assistant 18 Rosalba Torres Office Assistant, Translations 19 Patty Moyer Pepper (441-7901) Pastoral Care Ministry 38 Gayne Pinto-Bennett (704-1373) Bereavement Ministry Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors 36 Minerva Soto Gift Shop Manager 22 Iva Svitek • Music Ministry Jocelyn Roeder • (544-2707) Liturgy Coordinator Nancy Kelso-Doody (748-0775) Events & Environment Coordinator Jack & Eunice Pierce (541-4464) Landings Program C ome and See • Calling all adults Finance Council Gayla Newman Ann Palmer Charles Porter Andy Carlin Chris Will Schools & Campus Ministry This month our topic is Parenting with Mercy. Come to hear some suggestions on how this Year of Mercy is reflected in parenting. And you are invited to share your own ‘best practices’ if you’d like. Stephanie Purvis, Director of Religious Education for Nativity of Our Lady parish, will be our presenter. See you on: Tuesday, August 16 at 6 pm in the parish hall. Old Mission School (543-6019) Ms. Tina Ballantyne, Principal 761 Broad St., SLO 93401 Mission College Preparatory (543-2131) Mr. Michael Susank, Principal 682 Palm St., SLO 93401 Newman Catholic Center (543-4105) Fr. John Ulrich, S.M. and Fr. Kevin Duggan, S.M. 1472 Foothill, SLO 93401 Ministries Gift Shop & Museum (543-6850) Open 7 days per week 9 am - 4 pm (Winter hours) (9 am - 5 pm Summer hours) Social Justice Ministry Delores Winje (543-4064) St. Vincent de Paul (544-7041) Public Assistance Tuesdays at Prado 2-3 pm Thursdays at Old Mission 3-4 pm by Appointment only Social Justice Ministry Meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7 pm in the Serra Center. Join us to learn what our new projects are, and what you can do to help. A FREE 5-part lecture series “Understanding Islam Today” will begin on Wednesday September 14 and continue each Wednesday through October 19. Seating is limited so call or email for free tickets: Phone 1-800-838-3006 or Google The series will be presented by Professor Steven Lloyd Moffett of Cal Poly who is Professor of of Philosophy and Religious Studies. You may have questions about Islam such as ‘Why did terrorist groups such as ISIS develope? How do they justify their existence?” This 5 week lecture series shoud have answers for these and similar questions. When: Wednesdays, beginning September 14 through October 19 Location: United Methodist Church, 1515 Frederick St, SLO Catholic Charities Office 541-9110 Old Mission Thrift Store 2640 Broad Street, SLO (544-0720) Mon-Sat 10 AM - 6 PM, Sunday 12 - 4 PM Old Mission Cemetery (541-0584) Care for Creation Stop unwanted junk mail – 40% goes into landfills, unopened. Visit to stop unwanted junk mail. Save natural resources, create less pollution (less mail to be delivered) and less waste!! PAGE 3 R EFLECTION OF THE WEEK August 14, 2016 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time As Jesus announced his mission, he made it clear that there would be no compromising. Called to repentance and challenged to be ready, discipleship would most likely divide households and communities. He knew already that there were divisions among the Jewish leaders. He warned his followers that they, too, might face divisions among their own families. While these repercussions would cause pain, it would also mark the coming of God’s Kingdom. Reflection question: Adult: When has your taking a strong stand on a moral issue created division rather than healing in the short term? Child: Is it important to do the right thing even if others are angry as a result? Why or why not? Reflection and questions from RCL Benziger. R CIA FREE: How God Hauled Me Kicking and Screaming into the Catholic Church: OSV Author Series presented by Kevin Lowry Mass Intentions Readings For This Week Listen and remember through Word and Bread Sun, 8/14: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Ps 40:2-4, 18; Heb 12:1-4; Lk 12:49-53 Mon, 8/15: Rv 11:19a;12:1-6a,10ab; Ps 45:10-12,16;1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Tue, 8/16: Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28,30,35cd-36ab; Mt 19:23-30 Wed, 8/17: Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 20:1-16 Thur, 8/18: Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 22:1-14 Fri, 8/19: Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-9; Mt 22:34-40 Sat, 8/20: Ez 43:1-7a; Ps 85:9ab,10-14; Mt 23:1-12 Sun, 8/21: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1, 2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30 R eturning and Inactive Catholics Welcome! If you are a Catholic who has been away, or are becoming less active, we invite you to be active again. LANDINGS is a program that offers a “safe place to land,” a place for listening and being heard, a place for asking questions and for reconnecting with the faith as an adult. If you are interested, please contact Jack Pierce, (805) 234-3854, (805) 541-4464 or email: [email protected] for more information. Why aren’t more people becoming Catholic? What are the stumbling blocks that keep non-Catholics, and fallen away Catholics, outside the Church? Kevin Lowry will answer those questions, and describe his tumultuous journey into the Church in this free webinar. Kevin was “hauled kicking and screaming” into the Catholic Church and his journey to Catholicism is fascinating, often funny, and demonstrates God’s unfailing, patient love for all of us. Kevin will discuss his new book and you’ll have a chance to ask him questions. You might even win a copy of his book! Aug 22, 2016: Noon - 1 p.m. Eastern time - to register, go to Initials in italics indicate scheduled Presider SATURDAY AUGUST 13 7:00 (BV) †Mary Flor Serpa, Family & Friends 5:30 (RB) †Ernie Martin Sr. Int of Jane Hansen SUNDAY AUGUST 14 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 (RB) †Ramona Cangialosi †Rose Agbunag 9:00 (RB) Int of Anna Garcia 11:00 (RB) †Moses Luis †Mary Torrez 12:30 (BV) †Polivas K. Abelkis 6:00 (JN) †Mary Flor Serpa, Family & Friends 7:30 (BV) Intention of Parishioners MONDAY AUGUST 15 7:00 (JN) †Patti Moerman †Ben Maddalena 12:10 (JN) Int of Our Lady of Fatima Gloria & Peter Vega Int of Aurea Cruz TUESDAY AUGUST 16 7:00 (RB) †Napoleon Dobkevicius †Christine Takahashi 12:10 (RB) Int of Rebecca Parsons WEDNESDAY AUGUST 17 7:00 (RB) †Vincent Jacinpo Corpus 12:10 (BV) †Julia Morris †Gloria & Peter Vega †Greg Morris THURSDAY AUGUST 18 7:00 (BV) †Mary Flor Serpa, Family & Friends 12:10 (BV) Int of David & Alanna Mack & Family FRIDAY AUGUST 19 7:00 (BV) Int of all Living & Deceased Veterans Int of Nelson Bermudez 12:10 (BV) †Lou Garcia” SATURDAY AUGUST 20 7:00 (BV) †Aleksandra Safonova Dobkevicius Int of Janet McIntyre Polk 5:30 (BV) †Paul Aloi †Ernie Martin Sr. or use this QR Link: SUNDAY AUGUST 21 L 7:00 (RB) †Manuel Limon & Int of Maria Limon †Ramona Cangialosi 9:00 (RB) Intention of Parishioners 11:30 (RB) †Mary Mapson †Bill Exline Note: 11 am & 12:30 pm Masses were combined today for our Heritage Mass at 11:30 am 6:00 (BV) †Joe & Lena Parotti †Pauline & Claire Bolton 7:30 (BV) †Jesus Leonardo Hernandez ist of Music for 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Chant: # 614 Rain Down Kyrie: # 924 Mass of Spirit and Grace Gloria: # 925 Mass of Spirit and Grace READINGS BEGIN ON PAGE 201 Responsorial Psalm 40 Lord, come to my aid! Lord, come to my aid! Alleluia: # 926 Mass of Spirit and Grace Presentation of the Gifts: # 513 Christ in Me Arise Mass of Spirit and Grace: Holy # 928 • Mystery of Faith # 931 Amen # 932 • Agnus Dei # 933 Communion Chant: # 357 Seed, Scattered and Sown # 518 Father of Peace Sending Forth: # 593 Thanks Be to God 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time P llease, ease, continue continue tto o pray pray ffor or a adequate dequate e rrain. ain. PAGE 4 Prayer Requests... If you or a member of your family would like the faith community of Mission Parish to join you in prayers for special needs, contact the parish office at 781-8220. We do occasionally take some names off of the list printed in the bulletin. The current list contains names received since June 30, 2015. If we have taken a name from the printed list of a person still in need of prayers, please give us a call and we will happily put him or her back on. Please take some time this week to remember the following in your prayers: • For all in our parish family who are suffering serious or terminal illness • For Armed Forces Men and Women on Active Duty, and for Pam Lawler David Lewelling Terry Lovejoy Manuel Luvano Ben Mangabat Dan Marshall Susan & Renee Martinez&family Vern Mason Ashley Mathis Carol McDowell Enrique Melendez Trish Michalski Keith Middleton Ellen Miller Dawn Mirabelli Brian Myracle Anita Naylor Cira Mejia Nevi Cecilia Nievez Jesse Nieves Julian Nieves Julianna Nievez Nievez Family Eileen O’Melveny & family Nancy Page Connie Pillsbury Jack & Christine Poggemeyer & Family Brian Porterfield & family Sean Porterfield Alex Putnam Dana Rasmissen Frank Reed Susan & Erich Reich Rosemary Rivera Paprocini Rodriguez Charles Saint Vincent Jenna Scott Connie Smith Diane Suderman Susi & Erich Phillip Tennell Shannon Thompson Joyce Villa Marcos Villalobos Keona Walker Diane Whittaker Carolyn Wirth R.I.P. † All who have died this week. Fr. Jim Nisbet’s Scripture Class 7:00 pm Mondays in the Hall 10:30 am Tuesdays in the Hall The classes run one hour each in the form of a lecture with opportunity for questions at the end. They are separate areas of studies. Scripture Study Reflect on Readings for this coming Sunday’s Masses. Scripture study meets each Wednesday at l:00 pm, following the 12:10 Mass in the Serra room. We read the scripture for the following Sunday and reflect on and discuss the readings. As a group we nourish one another by sharing our faith and reflecting on our own experiences in our journey. Missalettes and other materials are provided. Any questions? Please call the Parish Center at 781-8220. Pray the Rosary With Us Every MONDAY evening at 5:45 pm, we pray the Rosary. Share devotions and petitions while praying as a spiritual community in our historic Old Mission CHAPEL. Please join us and stay for one or more decades of the rosary. Ave Maria, Friends! G ift Shop News Words of Wisdom “Start by doing what is necessary; then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible” – St Francis of Assisi We welcome all visitors to our fair city. We have made many new and exciting additions to our Gift shop and hope you will all stop in and say hello. While here, you are welcome to browse and our staff is eager to help you. Whether you are looking for something special or just looking you are sure to find something to educate and inspire. We are open 7 days a week – from 9-5 pm. You may also visit us online @www. Go to the Gift Shop for a secure shopping experience. Celtic Spirituality Concert and Day of Recollection Sept 1st and 2nd St. Francis Retreat, San Juan Bautista Enjoy a Celtic banquet followed by a concert of Celtic Spiritual Music by Deirdre Ni Chinneide. Deirdre is a renowned singer, spiritual director and presenter and is coming in from Ireland to offer this Thursday evening concert and the day of recollection on Friday. Tickets for the Thursday Night Dinner and Concert are $49. Package tickets including the dinner, concert, room for the night and the Day of Recollection on Friday are $150 per person, or $200 per couple. For more information contact the retreat at 831-623-4234, or [email protected]. Check also The Little Ones Jim Burrows Infant Baptism: Registered parishioners may call 781-8220, x35 for information and dates about baptism for their children. Baptism classes: Spanish class will be Sept 6 at 7 pm English class will not meet in Aug. next class will be Sept 25 at 2 pm Youth Ministry If your family would like to be on the email list, please email Evan.oreilly@ to inquire about middle school and high school youth group and service opportunities over summer. ©2016 Jim Burrows Andrew Philip Nacional Rose Aeck Dave Anderson Santos Arrona Margaret Askelund Juan Barron Joann Bernadette Ines Bongio Paul Bonjour Adrianne Bright Kevin Bright Charlene Casciola Jim Ciernia Regina Clarke Shawn Clarke Baby Colburn Garrett & Terra Colburn Cathy Connor Ty Cooper Elena Corbelli David, Alanna & Baby John Deering Jr. John Deering Sr. Santiago, Camila Diaz Carolyn Dolecki Elise Duclos Sally Equinoa Laurie Laird Ellen Janel Ferguson Charles Fetyko Faith Ann Fieldhouse Gladys Fraund & Family Charles Freeman Anna Garcia Hank Gibbs Walt Gonyer Mary Grimes Garney and Vicky Hall Randy Havens Kay Heaton Claire Hester Gary Hitchcock Geri House Maria Jackson Bea Jeong Barry Karleskint Russ Kiger Marcia Kinneavy Nate Kovesdi Rachel Kovesdi Valerie Lambert ADULT ENRICHMENT PAGE 5 August 14, 2016 • 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Tickets still the Parish Office An Evening in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission San Luis Obispo La Mesa de los Padres Invites you to join us at Old Mission Parish Hall Saturday,, August 27, 2016 • Starting at 6:00 pm Saturday 6 pm Social • 7 pm Dinner Catered by the Del Monte Café and the Mission Crew Entertainment, Raffles, Live and Silent Auctions Tickets: $115 per person • Reserved Seating available at: Mission Parish Office, 751 Palm Street Or charge by phone: 781-8220 Mother of a World without Borders Weekdays 9 am - 5 pm (Wednesdays Noon to 5 pm) Auctioneer: Gil Stork Honorees: Bill & Faith Ann Fieldhouse Ma. Lolita & Nicholas Pimienta This Week........................... Saturday August 13 4 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Sunday August 14 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday August 15 5:45 pm Rosary Group -Chapel 7 pm Fr. Jim’s Scripture Study -Hall Tuesday August 16 10:30 am Fr. Jim’s Scripture Study -Hall 6 pm Come and See! - Hall E lementary Faith Formation Don’t forget to register your child for elementary faith formation. Space is limited. Registration forms are on our website and you can pick them up in the parish office. For a family discussion – at the dinner table or in the car - Who is someone you admire who really encourages you to pursue your goals? What do they do that really matters for you? Wednesday August 17 1 pm Scripture Study -Serra Ctr 7 pm Fr. Jim’s Scripture Study -Hall Thursday August 18 Friday August 19 Saturday August 20 Terry Burrows at 781-8220 ext. 15, or [email protected] SINGERS NEEDED Is music your prayer? Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Is calling YOU to ministry! Cantors (Paid) Weekends, Special Liturgies * Bi-lingual (English/Spanish) needed also! Choral Singers • Mission Singers – SSATB Special Liturgies, Celebrations, 2 Concerts T een Confirmation Confirmation preparation starts in high school, and our parish has a two-year process with monthly sessions. To sign-up/inquire about the first year of Confirmation, please email evan.oreilly@oldmissionslo. org. For families with rising 2nd year teen candidates, please watch for the yearly schedule which will be sent out towards the end of summer. • Mission ProCathedral Choir – SATB 11am Sunday Mass (3 Sundays/month), 2 Concerts Rehearsals every Wednesday 6:30-8:30pm Sept-May • Mission Youth Choir Middle school and High school ages Rehearsals Wednesdays 4:45-6pm Nov/Dec and Mar/Apr Liturgical/Cantor training provided Ability to read music is preferred, but not required Contact: Iva Svitek, Director of Music Ministries (805) 781-8220 x 22 e-mail: [email protected] Our music ministry works together to provide musicfor 7 liturgies each weekend & other liturgical celebrations on Holy Days and Solemnities. COME JOIN US TODAY! A Way Back Home al based healing of the wounds of PTSD based on ancient wisdom and traditions. November 13-17 St. Francis Retreat Center San Juan Bautista, CA The Healing Retreat is for those suffering from the wounds of military PTSD and is led by a team of four: Fr. Mike Cicinato, Pete Pepper, Peter Sternberg L.C.S.W., and Wendy Wade Phd., L.P.P.C. Single room with bath $600.00 Double room with bath $500.00 Some scholarships available. Donations welcomed. For retreat application or further information please contact Fr. Mike at [email protected] or download brochure and form from the retreat website: 9:30 am Docent Meeting -Serra Center 4 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Sunday August 21 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 11:30 am Heritage Mass - See Bulletin Cover Our Weekly Offering 13,500 The Old Mission Budget requires $10,557.00 per week to meet expenses. 11,500 The collection for Sunday, August 7, 2016 12,500 10,500 9,500 00 was $ 12,437. * *includes $ 1,785.00 Electronic Funds Transfer donations this week. We thank you for your continued support and generosity. S 8,500 7,500 acraments for Adults If you would like to complete your initiation through the Sacrament of Confirmation or if you would like to know more about walking your faith journey as a Catholic Christian, please contact Terry in the parish office. LA VOZ LATINA Vigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario LA VIOLENCIA DEL REINO DE DIOS Estamos acostumbrados a contemplar en Jesús sus actitudes de comprensión, de amor y de paz. Desde luego que contemplar esos aspectos en la vida de Jesús es tierno y emocionante. Pero se nos olvida que ese reino que El vino a traernos es también fuego y violencia. El fuego es un elemento que destruye, pero también purifica y transforma. En el evangelio de hoy Jesús nos manifiesta cómo Él tiene un deseo ardiente de que ese fuego transformador y purificante ya estuviera ardiendo, actuando, calcinando los males del mundo. Este es un fuego que solo arde cuando nosotros, cada uno personalmente, lo aceptamos y lo dejamos que se encienda aunque nos queme por dentro. No hay ninguna purificación sin sufrimiento. Cuando nos decidimos a cambiar en algo a lo que estamos muy acostumbrados, necesariamente vendrá un tiempo de sufrimiento, porque nuestro mal acostumbrado espíritu quiere volver a lo mismo de siempre. Y el reino de Dios también es violento. Cuando lo recibimos nos pone en lucha, nos pone en acción. Es por eso que como cristianos no podemos ser pasivos e indiferentes con las cosas que pasan a nuestro al rededor; especialmente cuando se trata de injusticias, vicios o malas costumbres. Debemos estar atentos, aprender a discernir sobre las conductas de personas, grupos o sociedad, que pueden convertirse en un mal social, para combatirlas con determinación y de esa manera salvar a la humanidad de males mayores. Los cristianos somos el ejército de Dios para combatir y derrocar los males del mundo. Para eso necesitamos determinación, convencimiento y una clara visión ante el tema de los valores y los antivalores. Con cuánta razón Cristo nos expresa su deseo de que su fuego llegue y arda en cada cristiano. -P. Braulio Valencia P or ffavor avor ccontinúen ontinúe en o orando rando para pa ara q que ue ccesen esen llos os iincendios ncendios yp para ara q que ue llu llueva ueva A ño Jubilar de la Misericordia 14 de agosto de 2016 Vigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia nos invita a llevar nuestra propia experiencia de la misericordia de Jesús hacia las “periferias” —así lo llama el Papa Francisco—, las personas marginadas, incluyendo a personas que juzgamos desagradables, invitándolas a que vengan a casa. Pero con toda esta misericordia, ¿por qué el caos de hoy día? “¿Piensan acaso que he venido a traer la paz a la tierra? De ningún modo. No he venido a traer la paz, sino la división (Lucas 12:51). Jesús va dando ejemplos de esas “divisiones” en detalles dolorosos para padres, hijos, suegros, suegras, nueras, yernos. Una palabra a considerar es “división”. Jeremías estuvo a punto de morir por dar testimonio (Jeremías 38:4). ¿No podemos nosotros al menos asumir una pequeña parte de lo que a veces despiadadamente cuesta compartir misericordia? La carta a los hebreos nos advierte mantener “fija la mirada en Jesús” y de quienes “dieron prueba de su fe”, para que “no se cansen ni pierdan la ánimo” mientras corremos “la carrera que tenemos por delante” (Hebreos 12:1–3). ¿No podemos llevar a cuestas nuestras pequeñas cruces por el bien de compartir misericordia? —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El otro día leí un artículo escrito por un pastor bautista sobre la necesidad de tener un altar en casa para educar a nuestros hijos en la fe y la oración. Lo leí con interés ya que el uso del altarcito tiene una larga historia en la Iglesia católica. En casa de mis abuelos paternos, en México, había un bello altarcito en forma de pirámide que contenía flores, velas y figuras de Jesús, María y algunos santos. Además de esto estaban también algunos instrumentos de oración como el rosario, la Biblia y algún otro libro de oración. También en casa de mi abuela materna, en Texas, había un rinconcito sagrado. Muchos latinos tenemos altarcitos familiares. Algunos son verdaderos altares como el de mi abuela, Mamá Lilia. Otros son rincones especiales como el de Mamá María, con alguna imagen y libro de oración y fotografías de nuestros parientes. A fin de cuentas no importa ni su tamaño ni su forma. Importa su existencia y sobre todo su uso para recordarnos de la presencia e importancia de Dios en nuestros hogares y familias. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Nuestro Catecismo No olviden inscribir a sus hijos para el Catecismo. El cupo es limitado. Pueden bajar los formularios de nuestro sitio de internet o pedirlos en la oficina. Terry Burrows - [email protected] - 781-8220 ext 15 ¿Te perdiste la oportunidad de hacer la Confirmación en la escuela secundaria y el Espíritu Santo te está llamando para completar tu iniciación a través del Sacramento de la Confirmación? AHORA es tu oportunidad. Para más información llama a Terry Burrows al 781-8220 X 15 CLASES GRATUITAS PARA APRENDER INGLÉS El programa de Educación Continua de Cuesta College estará ofreciendo clases de inglés como segunda lengua (ESL) en varios lugares en el Condado de San Luis Obispo. También ofrecerán clases de computación, orientación vocacional y de ciudadanía. Las inscripciones son esta semana, de lunes a jueves. Por favor llamen para hacer una cita e inscribirse o para obtener más información. Teléfonos:(805) 546-3941 o (805) 546-3942 Horas de oficina: lunes a jueves de 10:30 am a 7 pm SPACE AVAILABLE To Advertise Here... Contact VIVIAN LA FUENTE today at (800) 231-0805 [email protected] SANDRA SOUZA BC-HIS, ACA Audioprosthologist CHRYSLER - DODGE - RAM - JEEP - MAZDA 3550 Broad Street • San Luis Obispo • CA 93401 805.543.7321 Jeff Cole 5/9/44 – 3/16/16, You Are Missed Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences 3830-5 Broad St., SLO (In Marigold Center) 805.547.9500 1704 Spring St., Ste. 101 Paso (Spring & 17th) WEIPERT’S R.V. STORAGE Motor Homes • Trailers • Boats • Cars 4355 Vachell Ln. 543-7179 Whether caring for your healthy pregnancy or easing the transition to menopause, we offer a range of OB/Gyn services from routine medical screenings and treatments to complex urogynecologic surgery. Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and CONTRACTORS GLASS CO. families! 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