Libraries - Ville de Sherbrooke
Libraries - Ville de Sherbrooke
Libraries Borough of Mont-Bellevue BIBLIOTHÈQUE MUNICIPALE ÉVA-SENÉCAL 450, rue Marquette 819-821-5860 INTRODUCTION TO USING THE LIBRARY FOR TEENS, ADULTS AND GROUPS VISIT THE LIBRARY’S PAGE ON THE VILLE DE SHERBROOKE WEB SITE: Location: 420, rue Marquette HOURS Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday: 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturdays, April 28 and May 26 10 to 11:30 a.m. The library will be closed: • Monday, June 25 (St. Jean Baptiste) • Monday, July 2 (Canada Day) Groups may schedule a visit at other times. It’s free! Reservations must be made at the information desk in the adult section. Reservations: 819-823-8000, ext. 5508 Please note that guided tours are not offered in June, July and August. Residents of Sherbrooke can enjoy free membership to the Éva-Senécal library! INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET Other types of membership are available for groups and non-residents. An introduction to the Internet in two parts. Information: 819-823-8000, ext. 5596. THE VILLE DE SHERBROOKE’S 2012 GRAND PRIX DU LIVRE The Grand Prix du livre (book award) highlights the outstanding quality of literary works produced by authors from the Sherbrooke area. These can include stories, novels, books of poetry, theatre, news, and works in the fields of humanities and social science. Contest details are available on the Bibliothèque Éva-Senécal’s page on the Ville de Sherbrooke Web site. Winners will be announced in spring 2012. Location: 420, rue Marquette Choose the session that suits you: • Thursdays, April 19 and 26, 8:45 to 9:45 a.m. • Thursdays, May 17 and 24, 8:45 to 9:45 a.m. Part 1: Learn to surf the Web Part 2: Learn to do research using the Web Members: Free Non-members: $5 Information: 819-823-8000, ext. 5508 or by e-mail at: [email protected] TEA TIME Structured discussions in French for adults Location: 420, rue Marquette Cultural Life FREE MEMBERSHIP! Libraries Guided tour of the library and presentation of its services. Thursday, May 3, 2 p.m. Guest speaker: Paule Noyart Theme: Memories of youth, Belgium, and the wars Thursday, June 7, 2 p.m. Guest speaker: Josée Garceau Theme: Intergenerational relationships ADULTS BOOK CLUBS Would you like to start a book club or do you already belong to one? The Éva-Senécal library offers you CLÉS reading kits and a place to meet. Visit our Web page for more information. Call us at 819-823-8000, ext. 5598 or send us an e-mail: [email protected] Please note that there will be no meetings in July and August. Partner: Association des auteures et auteurs des Cantons de l’Est (AAACE) Members: Free Non-members: $5 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 75 Libraries Borough of Mont-Bellevue (continued) BIBLIOTHÈQUE MUNICIPALE ÉVA-SENÉCAL (continued) Libraries ADULTS (continued) THE JOY OF READING FOR CHILDREN UNDER 3 LE CLUB MÉLOMANE DIAPASON Location: Main entrance, Family room 450, rue Marquette Appreciation of classical music and its performers Location: 420, rue Marquette With their child, parents will discover activities aimed at developing their child’s early interest in reading Sunday, April 22, 1 p.m. Theme: Ercole su’l Termodonte by Antonio Vivaldi Activities Second and third Tuesday of each month, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Sunday, May 20, 1 p.m. Theme: Clari by Ludovic Halévy Sunday, June 10, 1 p.m. Special presentation as part of the Club Mélomane Diapason’s 25th anniversary Theme: “Phantom of the Opera” musical Two identical sessions each month. For more information [email protected] Reserve a pass at the information desk in the youth section. Reservations are accepted starting nine days before the first session each month. The Club Mélomane Diapason will take a break for the summer and will be back in September. Members: Free Non-members: $5 Members: Free Non-members: $5 Reservations: 819-823-8000, ext. 5597 STORY TIME YOUTH Cultural Life Next sessions May 8 and 15, June 12 and 19, July 10 and 17, August 14 and 21 TD READING CLUB WITH THE THEME “IMAGINE” For ages 5 to 12 Between July 11 and August 8 This summer with the TD Reading Club at the Bibliothèque Éva-Senécal, we’ll explore fantasy books, travel the universe of the astonishing, the fantastic, and the phantasmagorical. A magical get-together with the mythical creatures that have been populating our imagination since the dawn of time. Participants will receive a reading kit that includes a poster, stickers, and an activity book. Meeting dates will be provided when you register for the reading club. Location: Main entrance, Family room 450, rue Marquette Lively storytelling with activities for children ages 3 to 6, accompanied by a parent. Until June 2 Every Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. Every Saturday, 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. June 6 to September 1 Every Wednesday and Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Please arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the activity is scheduled to start. Reserve a pass at the information desk in the youth section. Reservations are accepted starting nine days before the activity. Registration: June 10 to July 8 Members: Free Non-members: $5 For library members only: Free Reservations: 819-823-8000, ext. 5597 Limited number of passes available at the youth counter. 76 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 Libraries BIBLIOTHÈQUE MUNICIPALE ÉVA-SENÉCAL (continued) Monday, April 23, 1 to 2 p.m. Ages 6 to 10 MAKE A BOOKMARK As part of the World Book and Copyright Day, come and make a bookmark using ideas from books. Leader: Chantal Gagnon Friday, May 18, 10:30 a.m. to noon Ages 5 to 12 BILLIONS OF TINY FRIENDS: INSECTS Are insects friend or foe? From butterflies to grasshoppers, the search is on. Make an insect cage and catch the bug! Leader: Club des Débrouillards Thursday, July 5, 10:30 a.m. to noon Ages 7 to 12 FREE AS THE WIND The kite is king of the skies – it was also considered to be the toy of gods. It has a fascinating history! Why not take the opportunity to build one? Leader: Pascale Simard Thursday, July 19, 11 to 11:50 a.m. – SHOW Ages 3 to 10 MUSICAL PUPPET THEATRE – LES DRAGONNERIES As the moon threatens to crash to Earth, a wise old sage convinces a young girl to travel to the moon and seek help from the dragon that lives there. Interspersed with melodies from more than a dozen instruments, this musical tale invites you to meet a martial storyteller, intriguing puppets, a madcap animal tamer and an endearing dragon. The show presents a musical and visual exploration of those innumerable and fragile strings that weave a child’s imagination. Leader: Karine Gaulin – Dragonneries Reserve a pass at the information desk in the youth section, available nine days prior to the activity. Reservations are not accepted. For workshops Members: Free Non-members: $5 For the show Members: Free Non-members: $6 Information: 819-823-8000, ext. 5597 Libraries Location: 450, rue Marquette Thursday, August 2, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Ages 6 to 12 DO YOU KNOW ALFRED LITTÉRAIRE, THE SCIENCE-FICTION NUT? He’s a magician that knows how to bring to life characters from books. Experience the magic of reading and meet the first extraterrestrials to discover the Earth. Discover the fate of mankind with the help of a science-fiction enthusiast. Leader: Théâtre Mobilus Please arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the activity is scheduled to start. EXHIBITIONS During library hours ENTRANCE HALL Until May 3 Collège du Sacré-Cœur de Sherbrooke May 7 to 28 Séminaire Salésien June 14 to July 11 Aquarellistes du lundi BOOK EXHIBITS Cultural Life WORKSHOPS FOR YOUTH ADULTS Until mid-June New Quebec authors June to August Summer activities in Quebec YOUTH July 11 to August 10 A fantastic summer: Discover fantasy books! August 13 to September 14 Books to get ready for school SPECIAL EVENTS WORLD BOOK AND COPYRIGHT DAY Monday, April 23 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 77 Libraries Libraries Borough of Brompton Borough of Lennoxville Bibliothèque Gisèle-Bergeron LENNOXVILLE LIBRARY 81-1, rue du Curé-LaRocque 819-846-6645 [email protected] Ask for your PIN! Consult our Web site. 101, rue Queen Tel.: 819-562-4949 Fax: 819-562-4949 [email protected] Hours Monday, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday and Friday, 2:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon Hours Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday and Monday: Closed Summer hours Closed in July, except Wednesday, July 4 Activities May Miniature canvas with easel, Lorraine Girard – Workshop Youth (ages 6-10) Saturday, May 12, 9 to 10:30 a.m. Cost: Free Registration required Cultural Life May to June Exhibitions Painter Laurent Desjardins Basket-making, Sylvie Berthaud June TD Summer Reading Club for Children Theme: Imagine Exhibition by the RÉSEAU de l’Estrie Paintings, reproductions of famous artists Dolls, by volunteers We have a puzzle corner! Let us know if you have items you would like to exhibit. We offer a showcase for artists, artisans, and collectors. Services offered • Borrow large-print and audio books. • Books on Wheels service for people who are unable to visit the library – we deliver! • Free computer and Internet access. • An “Easy Reads” collection. This series of fiction and non fiction books is available for different reading levels. If you don’t have a lot of time to read or you like easy-to-read books, you’ll enjoy this collection. • Book reviews are highlighted every Friday in The Record’s Lennoxville Link’s “Good Reads” column. Information about library activities is also included. • We accept donations of books in good condition to add to our shelves or sell in our annual used book sale in June. Activities for Adults • Books and Brown Bags The second Wednesday of the month, noon to 1 p.m. • Book Sale – Friendship Day, June 9 Program and borrow books, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. At the Bibliothèque Lennoxville Library Children’s Activities (May to September) • Storytime for preschoolers Second Tuesday of the month, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. •TD Summer Reading Club, Theme: Imagine This year, the Lennoxville Library will take part in the TD Summer Reading Club. Children can improve their reading skills and reduce summer learning loss while having fun. This is a bilingual program open to children ages 12 and under. All participants will receive a reading kit that includes a poster, stickers, and an activity book. 78 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 Libraries LENNOXVILLE LIBRARY (continued) BIBLIOTHÈQUE DU SECTEUR DE SAINT-ÉLIE HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 4505, chemin Saint-Roch Nord 819-566-8312 May 5 to May 12 National Children’s Book Week An author, illustrator, or storyteller will visit the Library. Winners of the children’s story contest will be announced. Free admission June to August Check Them Out: Early 20 th Century Books exhibition by the Lennoxville-Ascot Historical and Museum Society (LAHMS). Uplands Cultural and Heritage Centre July and August Monday and Wednesday, 1 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Closed on Saturday For information on the Bibliothèque du secteur de Saint-Élie visit the Web site and enter “Saint-Élie” in the box “localité.” CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES Story time Lively reading of a story with activities for children ages 3 to 6. Reserve your spot 10 days prior to the activity by calling 819-823-8676. Only 15 places available. Saturdays, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. July (date and time to be confirmed) Tea & Tales: 100 years to Celebrate! Uplands Cultural and Heritage Centre Enjoy tea while listening to readings from books written in the past century. This event complements the LAHMS book exhibition. Bibliothèque du secteur de Rock Forest Theme on April 21: Marine animals Theme on May 5: Mother’s Day For details, visit our Web site! TD Summer Reading Club For a 9th consecutive year, the Library and Archives Canada is proud work with Canadian libraries to offer the TD Summer Reading Club to youth ages 13 and under. Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie– Deauville BIBLIOTHÈQUE DU SECTEUR DE ROCK FOREST 968, rue du Haut-Bois Sud 819-823-8676 [email protected] Libraries Saturday, April 21, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Food Festival Amédée-Beaudoin Community Centre •Cooking demonstration with The Pampered Chef and Epicure Selections. •Cookbooks and Tupperware products available for sale. Hours September through June Monday, and Wednesday: 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to noon Bibliothèque du secteur de Saint-Élie Theme on April 28: Marine animals Through games, storytelling, and craft activities, the TD Summer Reading Club offers a structured reading environment throughout the summer and increases the number of young people in libraries. Cultural Life The Bibliothèque de Lennoxville Library celebrates its 100th birthday this year with a multitude of events each month. Upcoming activities include: Would you like a reading kit? It’s easy... just visit your library! Hours Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 6 p.m. Wednesday and Friday, 1 to 5 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to noon, 1 to 5 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m. A book drop is available to make it easier to return books. INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 79 Exhibitions MUSÉE DE LA NATURE ET DES SCIENCES MUSÉE DES BEAUX-ARTS DE SHERBROOKE Permanent exhibitions Exhibitions The Cycle of the Seasons Until June 3 Insertion. Contamination. Dispersion. Eight promising artists present their view of museology: a unique, intriguing, and passionate exhibit! Terra Mutantès An astounding multi-sensory experience! Exhibitions Temporary exhibits May 4 to September 30 Sport vs. Science – The Perfect Match Would you like to understand the various aspects of sports? It’s easy! Try out a few sports with Ludo, a young soccer player, who’s curious and fascinated by science. June 13 to September 3 Ornithoptera, Birdwing Butterflies Discover the majestic beauty of the Ornithoptera that comes from their harmonious combinations of rich, velvety colours, and transparency. Cultural Life Schedule Wednesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily for school groups (by reservation only) Until June 10 Passages, engravings by Lisa Tognon Through her works, Lisa Tognon invites us to submerge ourselves in a world of light and colour. June 16 to October 14 Still Life, by photographer Jean-François Bouchard The exhibit explores the surprising relationship some people have with erotic dolls: social interaction or marginal way of life? Hours Tuesday to Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. Summer hours June 24 to September 3 Daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Summer hours June 25 to September 7 Daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Adults: $7.50 Seniors: $6 Students: $5 Ages 0 to 3: Free Ages 4 to 17: $8 Ages 18 to 54: $12 Ages 55 and up: $10 Students: $10 (upon presentation of a valid student card) Families: $35 (2 adults and 2 children) Information 241, rue Dufferin 819-821-2115 [email protected] SOCIÉTÉ DE GÉNÉALOGIE DES CANTONS DE L’EST Information 225, rue Frontenac 819-564-3200 [email protected] Hours Until June 16 Tuesday to Saturday, 1 to 5 p.m. Closed June 17 to July 9 Summer hours July 10 to August 17 Tuesday to Friday, 1 to 5 p.m. Terra Mutantès The Cycle of the Seasons 80 Information 275, rue Dufferin (Centre d’interprétation de l’histoire de Sherbrooke) 819-821-5414 [email protected] INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 LA SOCIÉTÉ D’HISTOIRE DE SHERBROOKE FOREMAN ART GALLERY BISHOP’S UNIVERSITY Permanent exhibit Exhibitions Sherbrooke, A Place To Call Home Bilingual and interactive April 18 to May 5 Community Art Lab: Special Event with Spurse In its third year, this annual project acts as a platform to investigate the ties between art, education, and civic engagement in our local community. Invited artists: Spurse (New York). Until October 29 Let the Music Begin! Immerse yourself in the history of music in Sherbrooke. A journey of close to 200 years. The dates and themes of the temporary exhibitions and other activities are subject to change without notice. Please contact us for the current schedule and for upcoming public activities. Activities •Educational activities for school groups and daycare centres (by reservation only). •Boutique with publications on the history of Sherbrooke and the Eastern Townships and original gift ideas. Hours Tuesday to Friday, 9 a.m. to noon, and 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. Summer hours June 26 to August 19 Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Passes for exhibits Adults: $7 Members: Free Special rates for groups, families, seniors, students, and children. Information 275, rue Dufferin (Centre d’interprétation de l’histoire de Sherbrooke) 819-821-5406 [email protected] Accredited private archives open to the public Help with research mainly in old regional newspapers and other available documents. New! Consult our online database. Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Cost for research Members: Free Non-Members: $7.50/hour Additional fees for scanning and photocopying. Information 275, rue Dufferin (Centre d’interprétation de l’histoire de Sherbrooke) 819-821-5406, [email protected] May 16 to June 30 Alluring Things The exhibition examines the predominant role played by material culture in the epistemological configuration of nature. It looks at recent art practices that have integrated an attention centered on objects and social mechanisms into an ecological rhetoric. Schedule: Tuesday to Saturday, noon to 5 p.m. Free admission Information 2600, rue College 819-822-9600, ext. 2687 [email protected] June 25 to August 10 2012 Summer Art Camp A new adventure each week. Discover the pleasure of creating and art in a fun, bilingual setting! For ages 7 to 12 Schedule Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Daycare available Children: $125 per week Cultural Life Temporary exhibits Exhibitions Exhibitions Information 2600, rue College 819-822-9600, ext. 2279 [email protected] ANNUAL WATERCOLOUR EXHIBITION By the l’ÔBELLE artists May 18, 19 and 20, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Location: Armand-Nadeau pavilion at Parc Jacques-Cartier A free exhibit – don’t miss it! Information: 819-566-0199 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 81 Exhibitions Dance GALERIE D’ART DU CENTRE CULTUREL DE L’UNIVERSITÉ DE SHERBROOKE SURSAUT DANCE COMPANY Exhibitions Exhibitions | Dance April 19 to May 19 Graduates of the Université de Sherbrooke’s Certificat en arts visuels program June 6 to August 24 Longueur d’onde, by Jonathan Villeneuve Hours Tuesday to Saturday, noon to 5 p.m. On evenings when there are shows at the cultural centre, 6 to 9:30 p.m. On Sundays during the Choux-Bizz shows, noon to 5 p.m. Free admission Information 2500, boulevard de l’Université (Irénée-Pinard pavilion) 819-820-1000 819-821-8000, ext. 63748 (for groups, by reservation only) [email protected] Cultural Life UPLANDS CULTURAL AND HERITAGE CENTRE • Historical and contemporary exhibitions Free admission •2.2 km heritage walking tour in the Borough of Lennoxville (with MP3 player and map): Free •Concerts, workshops and other cultual activities available. Wednesday, June 6 and Thursday, June 7 (school matinees only) Saturday, June 9 (public) Dance Happening In Situ Outdoor event. Short choreographies as part of a unique production will offer audience members some surprises… Centre des arts de la scène Jean-Besré 250, rue du Dépôt Hours Wednesday, June 6, 1:15 p.m. Thursday, June 7, 9:30 a.m. Saturday, June 9, 3:30 and 7:30 p.m. In case of rain, performances will be postponed until the follow day at the same times. Adults: $15 Students: $10 Monday, July 9 to Friday, July 13, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Dance day camp for children ages 6 to 12 This day camp specializing in dance seeks to stimulate children’s creativity through the art of movement. Centre des arts de la scène Jean-Besré 250, rue du Dépôt Information 819-822-8912 [email protected] Hours Until June 23 Wednesday to Sunday, 1 to 4:30 p.m. Summer hours June 25 to September 2 Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Traditional English Tea Hours Until June 23 Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 4:30 p.m. June 25 to September 2 Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cost: Between $8.50 and $13.50 Information 9, rue Speid 819-564-0409 [email protected] 82 Dance Happening In Situ Dance day camp INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 Music Auditions: Monday, April 30 to Saturday, May 5 •Séminaire de Sherbrooke •Serge-Garant auditorium, École de musique de l’Université de Sherbrooke •Bandeen Hall, Bishop’s University Performance by finalists: Sunday, May 6 • Centennial Theatre, Bishop’s University Schedule of performances by finalists Ages 13 and under, 10:30 a.m. Ages 14 and over, 3 p.m. Information 819-864-9438 [email protected] ORCHESTRE SYMPHONIQUE DES JEUNES DE SHERBROOKE Saturday, May 12, 7:30 p.m. OSJS concert Under the direction of Julien Proulx Invited soloist: Nicolas Kerr Barr in Spohr’s Clarinet Concerto no. 3 Thursday, May 3 to Sunday, May 27 OFF Festival des harmonies et orchestres symphoniques du Québec More than 300 concerts, meal-concerts, educational workshops, and performances. Downtown restaurants, Carré Strathcona, Marché de la Gare, Lac-des-Nations promenade and CSRS schools. Free activities Information 819-821-7016 Music Monday, April 30 to Sunday, May 6 23rd edition of the FCMS This contest is open to all musicians pursuing classical training ages 6 to 28 (age 31 for singing) in the Estrie region. More than $15 000 in scholarships. LA CORPORATION DU PRINTEMPS MUSICAL DE SHERBROOKE COMITÉ ORGANISATEUR DU FESTIVAL DES HARMONIES DU QUÉBEC Thursday, May 17 to Sunday, May 20, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Festival des harmonies et orchestres symphoniques du Québec Gathering of 10 000 orchestra musicians: wind, symphonies, drumlines, string ensembles, stage bands, and choirs. Main campus Université de Sherbrooke Four-day pass: $30 Day ticket: $19 Ages 10 and under: Free Information 819-821-7016 Cultural Life FESTIVAL-CONCOURS DE MUSIQUE DE SHERBROOKE ET DE LA RÉGION DE L’ESTRIE Salle Maurice-O’Bready Université de Sherbrooke Cost per concert Adults: $21 Seniors: $18.50 Students: $8 Subscription Adults: $55 Seniors: $45 Students: $20 Printemps musical Information 819-864-9438 [email protected] Festival des harmonies Printemps musical INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 Festival des harmonies 83 Music Music | Singing | Media Arts STENTORS, CORPS DE CLAIRONS ET TAMBOURS Almost daily beginning June 24 Drum and bugle corps (dances – learning music and performances) Prepare for music and dance performances in parades and shows, and participate in competitions in North America. Practice, camp, and trip. For youth ages 13 to 21 Collège du Mont-Sainte-Anne, during the school year DUAL-ADE site in the industrial park, during summer Performances across Quebec, Ontario and the US Cost: $850, plus volunteering (training, uniforms, transportation, meals during camps and trips lasting about 20 days, and certain recreational activities). Possibility of financial assistance Public performances, Saturday, July 21 (to be confirmed) and Sunday, August 12. Information 819-570-2556 (voice mail) [email protected] Saturday, May 19, 7:30 p.m. Des chants qui racontent! Year-end concert. Follow our youth to an outdoor camp as they sing around the campfire. Théâtre Granada 53, rue Wellington Nord Purchase your tickets from choir members: $12 Information 819-346-4548 [email protected] CHŒUR POP DE SHERBROOKE Thursday, May 24 to Saturday, May 26, 8 p.m. Le sourire au Chœur Choeur Pop de Sherbrooke’s annual concert: 68-member choir accompanied by eight musicians under the direction of Geneviève Blais. Centennial Theatre Bishop’s University Singing Cultural Life ”OISILLONS” CHOIR CHŒUR SYMPHONIQUE DE SHERBROOKE Sunday, April 22, 3 p.m. Cherubini’s Requiem in C-minor About 100 choir singers, 30 musicians, and much more. Don’t miss this concert! Église Sainte-Famille 630, rue Papineau Adults: $25 Students ages 5 to 25: $10 Information 819-563-0542 [email protected] Information 819-812-3021 [email protected] Media Arts COURSE ESTRIE Until Sunday, May 20 Submit your application to the Course des Régions 2012 The Course des Régions 2012 is looking for up-and-coming filmmakers seeking to launch their careers on the national scene. A great way to enter the business! Submit your candidacy online. Registration fee: $30 Information 819-674-5850 [email protected] Stentors 84 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 THÉÂTRE DU DOUBLE SIGNE PETIT THÉÂTRE DE SHERBROOKE Sunday, April 22, 10 a.m. Le Prince des Jouisseurs Presented as part of the “Petits dimanches matins de lecture publique,” script by Gabriel Sabourin and read by Normand Chouinard. Thursday, April 26 to Sunday, May 6 Petits bonheurs Sherbrooke Third edition of this cultural event that places children six and under at the heart of the creative process. Performances, workshops, round tables, and training will be offered to children and adults. Centre des arts de la scène Jean-Besré 250, rue du Dépôt Cost with breakfast Students: $15 Adults: $18 Wednesday, May 2 to Saturday, June 9, 8 p.m. Le Printemps des ateliers-théâtre (theatre workshop presentations) The six Double signe workshop groups take the stage to share their love of theatre. Théâtre Léonard-Saint-Laurent 200, rue Peel Schedule: Wednesday to Saturday, 8 p.m. LES FOUL’ART THEATRE TROUPE Tuesdays, 6:30 to 9 p.m. Rehearsals Our group writes, develops, and presents one play each year. We are amateur performers who are open to welcoming new members (there may be a waiting list). Centre communautaire et culturel de l’arrondissement de Jacques-Cartier 2070, boulevard de Portland At the door Adults: $17 Ages 18 and under: $14 Summer schedule Tuesdays, 6:30 to 9 p.m. Break during July and August Information 819-565-5536 [email protected] Cost per year: $100 Information 819-564-0620, Brigitte Roy [email protected] Cultural Life In advance Adults: $12 Ages 18 and under: $9 Groups: $10 Information 819-346-7575 [email protected] Theatre Theatre Les Foul’art INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 85 Cultural Events TAKE A RIDE IN A VINTAGE CAR Mid-April to end of October By request, Wednesday to Sunday A ride through Sherbrooke’s old North Ward – a unique way to relive the past! A friendly and attentive driver will help you discover the city’s various heritage sites. Information 819-349-0485 or Antique car exhibit May 2 to October 10 Every Wednesday From 6 p.m. until sunset. Admire beautiful automobiles from yesteryear at the Marché de la Gare de Sherbrooke and meet their owners. Saturday, June 23 to Sunday, September 30 Saturdays and Sundays Regional artists and artisans welcome you to the Marché de la Gare de Sherbrooke to share their talents. Admire their creations and discover their production methods. It’s a date! Site managed by Destination Sherbrooke Information 819-821-1919 or Jazz AT THE marché! Sundays during summer, 2 to 5 p.m. For your entertainment, come jazz it up at the Marché de la Gare de Sherbrooke! Sunday afternoons, enjoy jazz classics from the 1950s to the 70s. These popular musical Sundays will delight you and take you back with their enchanting melodies! Site managed by Destination Sherbrooke Event in cooperation with Destination Sherbrooke Information 819-821-1919 or Information 819-821-1919 or Cultural Life Cultural Events This event is offered in cooperation with Destination Sherbrooke Artist and Artisan Market at the Marché de la Gare de Sherbrooke 86 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 Cultural Events • Satuday, May 5, 8 p.m. As part of the “Rendez-vous… conte de la relève” series Contes de votre grand-père, with Éric Chalifoux For adults Duration: about 75 minutes Salle de Littorale 138, rue Wellington Nord, 2nd floor Admission: $7 • Sunday, April 29, 10 a.m. As part of the “Contes pour enfants” series Les contes de petite souris, with Jacinthe Lavoie For children ages 3 to 8 Duration: about 45 minutes • Satuday, May 19, 10 a.m. La valise aux histoires, with Françoise Diep For children ages 4 to 7 Duration: about 40 minutes Salle de Littorale 138, rue Wellington Nord, 2nd floor Children: $3 Adult: $5 Families: $15 • Saturday, June 2, 8 p.m. As part of the “Rendez-vous… conte” series Les contes du chemin, with Jean-Michel Hernandez Duration: about 90 minutes Salle de Littorale 138, rue Wellington Nord, 2nd floor Admission: $12 • Sunday, May 27, 7:30 p.m. Terre et Mer, with Patti Warnock and Michel Boudreau This series is organized by the Cercle des conteurs des Cantons-de-l’Est and features up-and-coming artists. Public La Mare au diable 151, rue King Ouest Suggested donation: $10 • Tuesdays, May 8 and June 12, 7:30 p.m. Contes sous l’arbre à palabre Do you like listening to stories? Would you like to tell some? The Cercle des conteurs des Cantons-de-l’Est invite you to join them for an open-mike night. Public L’Arbre à palabre 147, rue Wellington Sud Free admission • Thursday, May 10, 7 p.m. Veillées du Haut-Bois, with Marie Lupien-Durocher Friendly performances presented one Thursday per month with our two storytellers at Productions Littorale, Marie Lupien-Durocher and Petronella, alternating from one month to the next. Centre culturel Pierre-Gobeil 970, rue du Haut-Bois Sud Admission by donation Information 819-566-6996 [email protected] INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 Cultural Events • Friday, April 27 and May 25, 5 p.m. Les poèmes du deuxième New “5 à 7” series where local poets pay tribute to great poets. Salle de Littorale 138, rue Wellington Nord, 2nd floor Admission by donation • Sunday, April 29, 7:30 p.m. As part of the “Les contes de la Mare au diable” series Airs Printaniers, with Ariane Labonté and Marie Lupien-Durocher Cultural Life PRODUCTIONS LITTORALE 87 Cultural Events Cultural Events GRANDE VIRÉE ARTISTIQUE Saturday, June 30 to Sunday, July 8, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. La Grande Virée Artistique de Sherbrooke 2012 La Grande Virée Artistique is a self-guided tour that allows the public to meet 24 visual artists and artisans and see their works, either in their studios, during seminars, or during a group exhibit. Saturday, June 30 to Sunday, July 8, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Group exhibit Saturday, June 30 to Monday, July 2 and Friday, July 6 to Sunday, July 8, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Studio visits, self-guided tour Register in the lobby Centre culturel Pierre-Gobeil 970, rue du Haut-Bois Sud Free admission Information 819-993-1524 [email protected] PRODUCTIONS TRACES ET SOUVENANCES Year round (groups and school groups) Traces et Souvenances Enjoy a bus ride with fascinating and endearing historical figures from the 19th century… Settle in comfortably for a trip back in time! You’ll experience two centuries of history in 2.5 hours! Departure location Centre d’interprétation de l’histoire de Sherbrooke 275, rue Dufferin Cultural Life Tuesday, July 3 to Thursday, July 5, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Art seminars and workshops four times a day Year round (groups only) La Petite épopée de Mary O’Malley (in English or French) With her sense of humour and outspoken manner, Mary O’Malley will guide you through the city. You will be introduced to this Irish woman’s favourite areas of the city and see the most beautiful murals in Sherbrooke! Hours: Monday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Departure location Bureau d’information touristique 785, rue King Ouest Groups only: $26 per person (taxes included) Groups only: $13 (includes taxes) July 14 to September 23 (public) Until October (groups) Par le Chemin des fresques Climb aboard the discovery bus and let yourself be swept away as history unfolds on the “Par le Chemin des fresques” tour! Experience a theatrical adventure between fact and fiction in the heart of the city! Guaranteed fun! Information 819-821-1919 (public) 819-842-4710 (groups) [email protected] Departure location Bureau d’information touristique 785, rue King Ouest “La Petite épopée de Mary O’Malley” Hours Saturday and Sunday, 2 p.m. (public) Monday to Sunday (groups) Cost (taxes included) Adults: $30 Ages 6-12: $15 Ages 5 and under: Free Groups: $26 per person “Traces et Souvenances” “Par le Chemin des fresques” 88 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 Socio-cultural Activities CLUB D’ÉCHECS DE SHERBROOKE Du Triolet school 2965, boulevard de l’Université Free admission Les Débrouillards en fête! Offer your child a science-themed birthday party! Our dynamic activity leaders will come to you and offer the children an amazing party! Based on your schedule (by reservation only) Information 819-565-5062 [email protected] LES MOTS D’ESTRIE (SCRABBLE CLUB) Until June 20, every Wednesday, 7 p.m. Scrabble Fun Scrabble games played in a pleasant and cordial atmosphere. You don’t need to be a Scrabble champion to participate! Word enthusiasts welcome! Wednesdays, until May 16, 7 p.m. Centre communautaire de loisir Sherbrooke 1010, rue Fairmount, Le Rond Point room Wednesdays, May 23 to June 20, 7 p.m. Location to be confirmed Participation fee Federation members: $2 Non-members: $3 Information 819-823-9162 (Francine Plante) [email protected] Friday, 6:30 to 11 p.m. For adults Bibliothèque municipale Éva-Senécal 420, rue Marquette Schedule Registration begins at 6:30 p.m. Tournaments begin at 7 p.m. Membership from January to May: $30 Single session: $5 Saturday, 9:15 to 11:30 a.m. For youth Bibliothèque municipale Éva-Senécal 420, rue Marquette Schedule Registration begins at 9:15 a.m. Tournaments begin at 9:30 a.m. Membership from January to May: $20 Single session: $3.50 Friday, May 25 to Sunday, May 27 Tournoi Ouvert de Sherbrooke 2012 A five-round tournament open to chess players from across Quebec and elsewhere, and rated by the Fédération québécoise des échecs (FQE). Prizes awarded to winners. Bibliothèque municipale Éva-Senécal 420, rue Marquette Schedule Friday, Round 1 begins at 6 p.m. Saturday, Rounds 2 and 3 begin at 9 a.m. Sunday, Rounds 4 and 5 begin at 9 a.m. Early registration Adults: $55 Ages 16 and under: $40 Onsite registration Adults: $65 16 years and under: $50 Socio-cultural Activities Friday, May 4 Défi génie inventif This year, take part in the “Visez juste” challenge. Come and encourage high school students who will amaze you with their pitching machine prototypes. Chess games, lessons and tournaments Regular activities of the Club d’échecs de Sherbrooke Cultural Life CONSEIL DU LOISIR SCIENTIFIQUE DE L’ESTRIE Information 819-569-9702 (José Lopez) [email protected] INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 89 Socio-cultural Activities Socio-cultural Activities CLUB MACINTOSH DE L’ESTRIE GROUPE D’ÉCRITURE EXPRESSION Mondays, May 14 and June 11, 7 to 10 p.m. Monthly meetings Presentations on Macintosh-related topics, door prizes. Bibliothèque municipale Éva-Senécal 420, rue Marquette, Room 3 First visit: Free Residents: $5 Non-residents: $6 Membership available Mondays, April 30 and May 28, 7:30 to 10 p.m. Mac-exchange Monday Open discussion workshops, troubleshooting, bring your Mac. Bibliothèque municipale Éva-Senécal 420, rue Marquette, Room 3 Free admission Information 819-569-0379 [email protected] Thursdays, April 26 and May 31, 1 to 4 p.m. Monthly Meetings Budding amateur writers (ages 50 and over) share their short literary creations, and critique their peers in a spirit of mutual support. Bibliothèque municipale Éva-Senécal 420, rue Marquette, Room 3 Cost for the year: $50 (in two instalments, September and January) Information 819-563-7583 (Ginette Masson) 819-837-2088 (Gilles Rivard) ARTISTES-PEINTRES ASSOCIÉS DE SHERBROOKE Permanent exhibition Les Seigneuries du Carrefour 445, rue des Érables Free admission Cultural Life April 20 to June 22 Artist Monique Robert LES AQUARELLISTES DU LUNDI June 26 to October 12 Artist Thérèse Pelchat Wednesday, June 13, 5 to 7 p.m. Vernissage Borough of Mont-Bellevue 600, rue Thibault This year, the Aquarellistes du lundi celebrate their 20th anniversary, an event that will be highlighted during the vernissage. Free admission Bibliothèque municipale Éva-Senécal 420, rue Marquette, Room 4 Saturday, April 28 to Sunday, April 29, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Expo-Art Exhibition featuring 20 to 25 artists. Drawing for a painting valued at $300. Club de golf Sherbrooke 1000, rue Musset Free admission June 14 to July 11 Vu d’un autre œil, exhibition Lobby of the bibliothèque municipale Éva-Senécal 450, rue Marquette Hours: During library hours Free admission Information 819-846-3094 (Jocelyne Brasseur) [email protected] Temporary exhibits Tuesday, June 19 to Monday, June 25, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Exhibition featuring about 100 works. Drawing for a painting valued at $300. Armand-Nadeau pavilion Parc Jacques-Cartier Fee admission Information 819-820-8468 (Huguette Théberge) 90 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 Socio-cultural Activities Lectures Tuesday, May 1, 7 p.m. Les clématites, with Caroline Giroux Tuesday, May 15, 7 p.m. Rosiers d’ici et d’ailleurs, with Jean-Claude Vigor Bibliothèque municipale Éva-Senécal 420, rue Marquette Members: Free Non-members: $5 Information 819-822-1933 [email protected] DANSE SANS FRONTIÈRE DE SHERBROOKE Saturday, May 12, 8 to 11:30 p.m. Kalbelia class with Julie Dufort Dance with DJ Claudia Saturday, June 9, 8 to 11:30 p.m. East coast swing class with Janie and Jean-François Dance with DJ Yanick Armand-Nadeau pavilion Parc Jacques-Cartier Hours Class, 8 p.m. Dance, 9 to 11:30 p.m. Residents: $5, dance Non-residents: $7, dance Class and dance: $10, residents and non-residents Information: 819-569-4284 Socio-cultural Activities Cultural Column SOCIÉTÉ D’HORTICULTURE ET D’ÉCOLOGIE DE SHERBROOKE Cultural Column A LIBRARY WITHIN REACH… AND MUCH MORE! DID YOU KNOW THAT: •the library is open seven days a week, except during statutory holidays; •membership is free for Sherbrooke residents; •the library’s collection includes more than 250 000 documents in various formats: books, magazines, periodicals, DVDs, games, CDs, comic books, and bestsellers to borrow or rent; •the library staff is about 45 employees; •close to 1000 people visit the library each day; •members and visitors have access to Internet stations; •activities for children and adults are offered on a regular basis; •the library has a partnership with BiblioPôle Sherbrooke and members can borrow, under certain conditions, documents from universities, CEGEPS, and specialized libraries in Sherbrooke; •members can consult the library’s catalogue and reserve and renew books online by visiting the library’s page on the Ville Web site; •free wireless Internet is available with “ZAP Sherbrooke” network for those with laptop computers; •members can conduct research from home by consulting documents online: encyclopedias, periodical indexes, magazines, and journals from data banks, etc.; •novels and documentaries are lent to several seniors’ residences and long-term care facilities; •a drop box for books and another one for audiovisual materials are located on Marquette street; •the library has four activity rooms that residents can rent, based on certain conditions. Cultural Life Public libraries are one of the most popular services offered to residents and the Bibliothèque municipale Éva-Senécal is no exception. Opened more than 20 years ago, the library offers many collections and services that will benefit from greater public exposure. Finally, did you know that Sylvie Fournier has been head of the Éva-Senécal library since December 14, 2011? With a Masters in Library and Information Science, she has more than 25 years of experience, including four years at the Saint-Eustache municipal library, 11 years at the Gabrielle-Roy library in Quebec City, and eight years at the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (Grande Bibliothèque and preservation centre) in Montreal. With this expertise, Ms. Fournier plans to rise to the challenge of increasing services offered to Sherbrooke residents. She and her team look forward to meeting you! Bibliothèque municipale Éva-Senécal 450, rue Marquette INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 91 In the Boroughs Borough of Brompton Maison des arts et de la culture June 23, 2 p.m. Official opening of the gardens with artists and invited guests. Maison des arts et de la culture’s 10th anniversary exhibitions To conclude the 10th anniversary activities of the Maison des arts et de la culture, we offer two exhibitions that highlight Bromptonville’s heritage and rich history. Cultural Life In the Boroughs 1, rue Wilfrid-Laurier Tel./Fax: 819-846-1122 [email protected] Hours Wednesday to Friday, 1 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. Summer hours June 23 to August 19 Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Program – Visual Arts Until April 29 Motifs détourés – Chantal Lagacé The city slowly, subtly and continually changes. These changes are the result of the residents who give the city its rhythm; mould its shape, and who continually leave their mark in different ways. Chantal Lagacé’s drawings, paintings and photographs aim to draw our attention to these transformations before they completely disappear. May 5 to June 10 Dans le décor – Guillaume Tardif Through installation and photographs, the artist explores the notion of trash and obsolescence. He explores the aesthetic potential of industrially-produced items that have reached the end of their useful life. June 23 to August 19 Jardins réinventés de la Saint-François, 5th edition A captivating experience at Parc de la Rive! Walk down the path and look, smell, and listen… Using your senses, discover artistic gardens designed by artists from two disciplines, the visual arts and architectural landscape. Take a moment to stop and see what nature inspires. June 23 to August 19 Dresses made with Cashmere toilet paper Kruger room With these creations by major Quebec designers, we wish to connect the cultural side (arts and heritage) of the Maison des arts et de la culture with the presence of Kruger Inc. in our community. This company has played a key role in the town’s economic and social development for more than 50 years. This exhibition highlight’s a significant component of Bromptonville’s heritage. One or two historic photos of the mill over the years will complete the exhibit. June 23 to August 19 Bromptonville’s built heritage – Small rooms – 2nd floor With photos of 19th century homes and antique items, the exhibition features major figures who shaped Bromptonville’s history. Recorded testimonials by people in the Borough of Brompton recounting stories and memories will enhance the exhibit. This installation will provide a preview of the heritage tour that will be available as of June 2013. The departure point will be Parc de la Rive and lead into the heart of Old Brompton. Catherine Longpré Guillaume Tardif Chantal Lagacé 92 Andréanne Bergeron INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 In the Boroughs Maison des arts et de la culture (continued) Program – Cultural Activities Please note that the program is subject to change without notice. Consult our Web site at for details. Information Clément Drolet, Cultural Life Coordinator 819-846-1122 Cultural Life Saturday, April 28 Musiqu’art Les petits bonheurs with Steve St-Pierre and Amalia Biron Clientele: ages 5-6 (accompanied by an adult) Music speaks to our bodies… Young and young at heart are invited to take time to listen and let their hands dance across the paper! Explore various techniques (markers, wax, oil pastel, soft pastel, charcoal). Together, participants will create a small exhibit inspired by a variety of musical styles with this artistic duo. Visit the Web site for the time and cost of this workshop. Fridays in July July 6, 13, 20 and 27 Les Midis musicaux, 12:15 p.m. Four free outdoor concerts Program coordinated by Sylvie L. Bergeron In the Boroughs Sunday, April 15, 2 p.m. Paroles d’Afrique, storytelling and music With Essouma Long, storyteller-researcher from Cameroon Tickets: $10 Essouma Long Midis musicaux INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 93 In the Boroughs Borough of Fleurimont Centre culturel et communautaire du Cœur-Immaculé Salle du Parvis,* art-culture May 10 to June 17 Exhibition of works by Suzanne St-Pierre and Katia Tchirieff Thursday to Sunday, 1 to 4 p.m. Free admission In the Boroughs 987, rue du Conseil 819-566-6264 [email protected] Program May 18, 8 p.m. Trilogie du bonheur, French a cappella Katherine Gouin, soprano, Anne St-Laurent, alto, Yanick Lemay, bass April 20, 8 p.m. Voluntad Musical group inspired by world colours April 28, 8 p.m. Sierra morena and the Marco Cloutier quintet Bossa Nova-Jazz-Latin Until May 6 Exhibition: Épistémè, Olivier Bonnard Thursday to Sunday, 1 to 4 p.m. Free admission Cultural Life May 4 Ha de de, Petits bonheurs Petit Théâtre de Sherbrooke May 20 Thé à la menthe, fundraising activity With Honorary President Malika Bajjaje, President of the Festival des traditions du monde de Sherbrooke June 16 Evening: “Honneur à la présence et à l’implication des pères au processus d’éducation de leurs enfants” Léona Nkoghe, coordinator June 21 to August 26 Exhibition by Céline Maheu, Paysages des Cantons de l’Est Thursday to Sunday, 1 to 4 p.m. Free admission May 5 Pöla, Petits bonheurs Petit Théâtre de Sherbrooke July 20 Kréyol Gospel Parts, Martinique Concert with a Caribbean flavour *Please note that the Salle du Parvis will be closed from July 23 to August 7. Voluntad Sierra morena and the Marco Cloutier quintet Malika Bajjaje Katia Tchirieff 94 Trilogie du bonheur INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 Céline Maheu In the Boroughs Borough of Jacques-Cartier Borough of Lennoxville L’ÔBELLE LENNOXVILLE ART GROUP A group of watercolour artists who meet every Monday afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Armand-Nadeau pavilion in Parc Jacques-Cartier from September to May. Activities Annual vernissage, exhibition and sale Would you like to join us? Welcome! Information Johanne M. 819-566-0199 SEPTEMBER 7, 8 AND 9 The organizing committee for the Rendez-vous d’Howard is seeking volunteers for its 11th edition. The contribution of volunteers is vital to the success of this cultural weekend event taking place at Parc du Domaine-Howard. If you would like to get involved in this unforgettable event, please contact Louise Gauvin at 819-821-1919 or by e-mail at [email protected]. ANNUAL WATERCOLOUR EXHIBITION Information Sonia Palik 819-823-7897 LENNOXVILLE-ASCOT HISTORICAL AND MUSEUM SOCIETY 9, rue Speid Tel.: 819-564-0409 Fax: 819-564-8951 [email protected] Hours Wednesday to Sunday, 1 to 4:30 p.m. The Lennoxville-Ascot Historical and Museum Society is located on the second floor of Uplands Cultural and Heritage Centre. Exhibitions rooms featuring the collections are open to the public and admission is free. The archives are open by appointment only. All activities and meetings are published in local newspapers, and on our Web site, our Facebook page, and Twitter. Cultural Life Seeks volunteers Vernissage Friday, June 8, 7 to 9 p.m. Exhibition and sale Saturday, June 9, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, June 10, 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. In the Boroughs Schedule Rendez-vous d’Howard See page 81. Location Amédée-Beaudoin Community Centre 10, rue Samuel-Gratham ACTIVITIES OFFERED Exhibitions Chores of Yore in the Great Outdoors To come Check Them Out: Early 20th Century Books Cake and ice cream social on Friendship Day Saturday, June 9, in the afternoon Uplands Cultural and Heritage Centre 9, rue Speid Information Kathryne Owen 819-564-0409 See our Web site for more information! INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 95 In the Boroughs Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville In the Boroughs COMITÉ ARTS ET CULTURE (CENTRE CULTUREL PIERRE-GOBEIL) In the same building as the library; parking at the back. Performances 970, rue du Haut-Bois Sud 819-564-1091 [email protected] The Centre culturel’s hall, much appreciated by musicians for its exceptional acoustics, features a wide variety of live performances. Open Wednesday to Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m., except statutory holidays. Exhibitions You will be delighted by our varied and exciting exhibitions: from drawings to watercolours, acrylic to photography, not to mention multimedia arts. Our region has a wealth of artists so we can feature an incredible palette of talent, making it possible to hold different exhibitions and present a large number of creators. Cultural Life April 14 to May 13 Le tissage un art à redécouvrir Presented by the Cercle de Fermières Rock Forest and the Cercle de Fermières Beaulieu. Stained glass will be presented by the Club du vitrail Deauvillois. June 27 to July 8 Grande Virée Artistique 24 exhibitors, various seminars. Upcoming concerts: April 29, 8 p.m. Le Groupe en rappel A band that features sounds from every country. May 10, 7 p.m. La veillée de conte du Haut-Bois Storytelling for adults. Classes Several classes are offered to help you develop your drawing, computer, and photography skills. One of these will surely meet your needs. Don’t hesitate to contact us and visit our Web site for details on our upcoming events. Have a great culturally-rich season! 10th anniversary June 18 to 22 Program to be determined. You’ll find surprises and new activities. Launch of our new logo and our 2012-2013 season. Cercle de Fermières Artdramus productions Actors – join our theatre company! Cercle de Fermières 96 Information Liette Couture, or Yoland Roy 819-562-8156 [email protected] INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 P31229_InfoSherb_marsEn.pdf 1 12-03-26 14:29 DE L’ NEXT CULTURAL OUTING: DISCOVERING C M NEW TALENTS J CM MJ CJ CMJ N TICKETS ON SALE AT THE CENTRE CULTUREL 819 820-1000 JAZZ CLASSICAL PERCUSSION CHORAL SINGING STAGE BAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA WIND ENSEMBLE Concerts of the 2012-2013 season at : INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012 97 98 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2012
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