Esplanade Frontenac and Place des Moulins Esplanade Frontenac
Esplanade Frontenac and Place des Moulins Esplanade Frontenac
Communications Division – Vol. 18, No. 7 – November 2004 Esplanade Frontenac and Place des Moulins A new venue to discover! he willingness of the Sherbrooke, Cité des rivières corporation to restore the banks along the Magog River in the vicinity of rue Frontenac, has helped provide the impetus for the creation of a new urban space within the city's downtown core. The designer of this projectcalled Esplanade Frontenac- is the internationally recognized architect, Melvin Charney. T Place des Moulins, located at the end of rue Wellington Nord, is an integral part of Esplanade Frontenac, which also provides access to the banks at the confluence of the Magog and St. Francis rivers. Because of the hydraulic force generated by the turbulent waters at this juncture, this urban space is strategically placed at the heart of the developing downtown area. In addition, the location represents an important symbol because of its position in the very cradle of Sherbrooke’s historical foundation. Melvin Charney presided over the landscaping, planting, integration of the artistic element, lighting and even the urban building component, all with the assistance of the Atelier Urban Soland inc. and Teknika inc. Place des Moulins Place des Moulins The overall plan of Esplanade Frontenac also includes a sculptural installation in the middle of the Place des Moulins that depicts the joining together of the Magog and St. Francis rivers. The living force of the water nearby is moulded into floating waves that rotate around the major axes. The water is rerouted from the main pipe via the shaft of the axes and is directed toward conduits where its power will be transformed into light. These sculptural elements are the principal features of Place des Moulins. The piece, entitled: UNE CÉLÉBRATION… DE L’EAU À LA LUMIÈRE is made of stainless steel. It is bolted and welded with a finish of ballbearing jets to create a satin surface. The light that flows outward from the ground and varies in intensity over time - as if it were drawn out by the hydroelectric forces of the river itself- is part of the entire staging effect. Esplanade Frontenac Esplanade Frontenac will help stimulate the complete refurbishing of rue Frontenac, from city hall down to the buildings at the northern end of rue Wellington, creating an attractive pedestrian walkway in the process. A granite-covered concrete wall is situated between the promenade, the café terraces and the riverbanks. Esplanade Frontenac The terraces offer an important advantage in drawing in passers-by to the area. The imaginative and tasteful tree planting on the site lends a pleasant and festive air, the perfect background for socializing. A novel lighting system ensures pedestrian comfort while at the same time giving added lustre to the palette of colours of the sector. infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 – 1 R E M I N D E R InfoSHERBROOKOIS is published by the Communications Division of Ville de Sherbrooke and distributed to all households by Publi-Sac Estrie. For the sake of brevity, unless otherwise indicated, the masculine gender is used throughout this publication. Division Chief: Charlotte Gosselin Editor-in-Chief and Coordinator: Françoise Beauchemin English-language adaptation: Gary Richards Editorial Board: Anne Berti Line Chabot Sarah Channell Richard Duplessis Christine Lessard Michel Martin Gilles Pelland Carmen Pion André Robert Lucine Laprise-Robidas François Salvail Serge Turgeon Graphic Design: CIBLE solutions d’affaires Photographs: Claude Roussel François Grégoire Martin Blache Photography bank Publicity: CIBLE solutions d’affaires 562-2222 Overnight parking during the Winter The municipal by-law states that it is forbidden to park a vehicle on a public road in the city during the snowy season - from November 15 to March 31 - between midnight and 7 h, except in the following areas, and only if there are temporary signs that allow parking: STREETS Boulevard Alexandre LaRocque De la Magog Island High Olivier Laurier Gillespie Brooks De l’Esplanade FROM: TO: Short Short George De Montréal De Montréal Notre-Dame Notre-Dame Montcalm Cliff Cliff King Ouest Queen Sud Additionally, no parking is allowed at any time on the side of the street where indicated by the signs for the period of November 15 to April 15, on the following streets: Borough of Fleurimont • Place des Ormeaux Borough of Mont-Bellevue • Laterrière • Léonard (from Galt Ouest to Denault) • Ypres • Saint-Gilles • Saint-Luc • Saint-Gérard • Lalemant (at the western end of Brébeuf) • Champlain (from Galt Ouest to Kingston) • Lincoln (from Dieppe to Haig) Borough of Jacques-Cartier • Argyll (between boulevard de Portland and rue du Dominion) • De Carillon (between Maisonneuve and Gadbois) • Howard • Walton (from du Québec to Queen Nord) • Richmond • De la Magog • Montcalm • De Vimy (north of Prospect) • William (from Summer to Bank) Printer: The Record Legal Deposit: Bibliothèque nationale du A SPECIAL PRIVILEGE for the residents of the municipalities and boroughs that own the Centre récréotouristique Montjoye New this year! The Accès Montjoye card This year, the Accès Montjoye card will be distributed free as a privilege to all the residents of the municipalities and boroughs that own the ski station, i.e. the cities of Sherbrooke, Waterville, Magog, Eastman and the Memphrémagog MRC. Starting November 22, 2004, the card will be available at the offices of the municipalities and boroughs. Contact these offices to find out their operating hours. Residents of the Ville de Sherbrooke may also pick up a card in the evening. Information is available through your borough Office. To obtain your Accès Montjoye card, you need to present proof of identity for each family member (birth certificate, report card, ID card with photo, health insurance card, etc.) You will also need to provide proof of residency (municipal or school tax assessment form, telephone or electricity bill, etc.). After this, all you have to do is go to the ticket office of the Centre récréotouristique Montjoye and show your Accès Montjoye card and proof of identity. You will automatically receive a 20% discount off the regular rate on a lift ticket for the day, half-day or evening. Please note that proof of identity must be presented at the ticket office for adults as well as for children. This cannot be combined with any other promotional offer. Québec Information: For Sherbrooke INFORMATION: 821-5572 Postal address: P.O. Box 610 Sherbrooke, Québec J1H 5H9 E-mail: communications@ SCHEDULE OF COUNCIL MEETINGS The following Mondays: November 15 and December 6 at 19 h, City Hall, 191, rue du Palais, in Sherbrooke. All residents of the Ville de Sherbrooke are invited to attend municipal council meetings. If you plan to attend a meeting, please call 821-5500 to make sure the date remains in effect. 2 – infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL OF THE SOCIÉTÉ DE TRANSPORT DE SHERBROOKE Public meeting: December 8, 2004 at 17 h Meetings are held at the council hall of the STS at 895, rue Cabana, in Sherbrooke. To make sure there have been no changes to the schedule, please contact customer services at 564-2687, before you come. Borough of Brompton ............................................................846-2757 Borough of Fleurimont ............................................................565-9954 Borough of Jacques-Cartier..................................................822-6060 Borough of Lennoxville ..........................................................569-9388 Borough of Mont-Bellevue ....................................................563-3993 Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville ..................564-7444 T H E B O RO U G H S B O R O U G H O F L E N N O X V I L L E Borough of Lennoxville Office THE LENNOXVILLE LIBRARY 150 Queen Street, Lennoxville, P. O. Box 610, Sherbrooke J1H 5H9 Tel.: (819) 562-4949 E-mail: [email protected] Website: To reach us: 569-9388 – E-mail: [email protected] Business Hours: from 8 h 30 to 12 h, and from 13 h to 16 h 30 Borough council meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the month. Upcoming meetings: Mondays, November 22 and December 13, at 17 h* * If you plan to attend a meeting, call the Borough Office to make sure that these dates have not been changed. SANTA’S VISIT 10 Depot Street, Borough of Lennoxville Opening Hours Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays ............10 h to 17 h Thursdays ............................................................10 h to 20 h Saturdays ............................................................11 h to 16 h Saturday Activities for Children: Activities for Adults • On Saturday, November 27, there will be a children's story time and crafts, all on the theme of animal hibernation. • November 17, December 1 and 15, from noon until 13 h, "Books and Brown Bags". Bring your lunch and tell the group about "a book I'd recommend." Attention! New date! Sunday, December 19, from noon until 16 h 30 • On Saturday, December 11, at 13 h, there will be a special Christmas program with stories, crafts, games and refreshments. Every year, the Lennoxville Volunteer Firefighters’ Association and the Borough of Lennoxville welcome Santa Claus to the Fire Hall. This year, Santa Claus will arrive on Sunday, December 19 to meet and greet the children of the Borough. This fun-filled family event is offered free of charge and is sure to please the young of age as well as the young at heart. UPLANDS CULTURAL AND HERITAGE CENTRE For more information contact the Borough Office at 569-9388. The schedule is as follows: Noon to 13 h 30 13 h to 14 h 13 h to 16 h 14 h to 16 h Entertainment, face painting and colouring Santa’s arrival by fire truck (Queen Street south) Rides in horse-drawn sleighs Crafts for the whole family The Lennoxville Volunteer Firefighters’ Association and the Borough of Lennoxville of the Ville de Sherbrooke invite everyone to come and visit Santa! Cider and delicious treats will be served to participants. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR THE 2004 OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Each year, the Borough recognizes people and organizations who have surpassed themselves in the areas of art and culture, community spirit, civic-mindedness and volunteer work, education, sports, urban planning and business development, heroism and youth leadership. 9 Speid St., Lennoxville – Tel.: (819) 564-0409 – Website: Operating Hours: Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 13 h to 16 h Admission is free. Exhibition: Our winter group exhibit ‘‘Bonheur d’hiver 2004’’ will run until December 19, 2004 Tea: Uplands will be hosting a tea party on November 28. Drop in for tea and scones between 14 h and 16 h or reserve ahead for our Traditional Cream Tea. Please note that offseason prices will be in effect: $8.50 for tea and scones and $11.50 for the traditional tea. Workshops: Please call the Centre for information on all other activities offered by Uplands and its user groups (quilting, artwork framing, Christmas decoration workshops), or visit our website. The Donald-Patrick Award for exceptional community service is also given. Please send in your nominations to the Borough of Lennoxville as soon as possible. A brochure describing admissibility criteria for candidates is available at the Borough Office (569-9388). The winners will be chosen by a committee and honoured at a special ceremony that will take place in February of 2005. Let us tip our hats to all those who help make this an exceptional Borough! THE BISHOP’S GAITERS BASKETBALL SCHEDULE (women’s and men’s teams) November 12: 18 h Bishop’s at Concordia (Lady Gaiters only) November 13: 18 h and 20 h UQAM at Bishop’s November 19: 18 h and 20 h Bishop’s at McGill November 26: 18 h and 20 h Concordia at Bishop’s November 27: 18 h and 20 h Bishop’s at Laval CALENDAR OF EVENTS Trio Rémi Bolduc (jazz) Wednesday, November 10, 20 h Ticket prices: $23 (regular), $18 (senior), $13 (student) Zatoichi (FILM– Independent series) Wednesday, November 17, 19 h Admission: $4 The Village (FILM) Thursday, November 18, 19 h and 21 h 30 Admission: $5 I, Robot (FILM) Thursday, November 11, 19 h and 21 h 30 Admission: $5 The Bourne Supremacy (FILM) Thursday, November 25, 19 h and 21 h 30 Admission: $5 Celso Machado (Brazilian music) Saturday, November 13, 20 h Ticket prices: $23 (regular), $18 (senior), $13 (student) Collateral (FILM) Thursday, December 2, 19 h and 21 h 30 Admission: $5 Information: FREE SKATING AT BISHOP’S UNIVERSITY A reminder that, starting Sundays, from November 7 to the end of March 2005, you can skate for free at the W.B. Scott Arena on the Bishop’s University campus, from 12 h 45 to 14 h 45. infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 – 3 Are you finally ready for another It’s just around the corner… Your role during a storm! Winter: just hearing the word evokes a sensation of cold, putting us in mind of the frosty days to come and of course, the inevitable snowstorms! Winter 2003-2004: last year’s version will remind many Sherbrooke residents of the exceptional quantity of snow that fell. We might as well realize that the cold season is approaching and there is no shelter from the storm! There are a few small gestures that you, as a responsible citizen, can undertake to facilitate operations and help us offer high-quality snow removal service. The Ville de Sherbrooke is girding its army of equipment and personnel to face whatever Mother Nature has to offer. The environment, roads and transport division, responsible for road clearing operations, is putting all of its resources into guaranteeing the safety of drivers throughout the territory of Sherbrooke. Its snow removal plan is being adapted to the overall territory of the city and will operate on the basis of priority actions. Everything is ready! Really? When it comes to snow removal, it is difficult - even impossible - to foresee every kind of problem, even with the best made plans. There are simply too many uncontrollable factors that come into play. Have you ever thought about all the different elements that can influence the quality and rapidity of snow removal operations? Here are a few examples: • Intensity of precipitation (cm/hr); • The type of snowfall (wet vs. dry); • Duration of precipitation; • Time of day precipitation begins (e.g. morning, evening, rush hour, etc.); • Exceptional climatic conditions (e.g. strong winds, rain, sleet, flurries, etc.); • Equipment breakdown; • And so on. 4 – infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 Some of these gestures can even be carried out now, before the arrival of the snowstorm season: You can: Have your winter tires installed immediately, if this hasn’t already been done… Don’t wait for the first storm of the season to do it! Adopt safe driving habits! As a driver of a motor vehicle, you should respect the priority of snowploughs and other snow removal equipment (don’t pass between them, or cut them off, etc.); this is not only prudent, but it contributes to improving the quality of services we offer. All pedestrians, should use sidewalks when they’re ploughed – this is safer and enables the snow removal team to do its job more effectively. Everyone, should listen to weather forecasts: if a snowstorm is predicted, then plan your travel accordingly, factoring in the extra time needed to get around. Install visual aids (e.g. high wood stakes) to indicate the presence of a small wall, a sidewalk, a hedge or any other fixed object that is covered by snow and that you wish to preserve. These guides enable snow removal teams to avoid causing any inconvenience or property damage. As well, we recommend that you install a geotextile membrane (available in large hardware stores) at the edge of your property adjacent to the road, to protect your property and facilitate cleanup of your lawn come spring. Make sure you have a place to put snow when you shovel it out of your driveway! Remember, it is strictly forbidden, under penalty of a fine, to shovel snow onto roads or roadsides. Also, keep in mind when you shovel that the snowplough travels in the same direction as traffic: avoid placing the snow on the opposite side, or else you will have to do it all over again! Take care in choosing the contractor who will open up your driveway, if necessary. Before you sign a snow removal agreement with a private contractor, make sure that the size of the equipment matches your driveway. Otherwise, your landscaping or lawn may be damaged. Also, make sure that the contractor knows where to pile the snow when the time comes. Snow banks must not obstruct sidewalks or streets; nor should they ever obstruct the view of drivers, either at driveway entrances or intersections. Plan your parking! To facilitate snow removal operations, municipal rulings stipulate that parking, between midnight and 7 h is strictly illegal on all public roads (except for those specifically indicated) in the city from November 15 to March 31. We therefore invite you to start planning for your own parking and that of your visitors right away! The Ville de Sherbrooke encourages you to respect all temporary parking signs that are installed at certain places during significant snowfalls. If a snowstorm occurs on the day of garbage collection, do not take out the garbage and the recycling material – give yourself a little break from this task! However, if they absolutely must be emptied, place them at the side of the street the morning of collection so they won’t be a nuisance for overnight snow removal teams. Tell your children about the danger of making snow forts and tunnels by the side of the street: a snowplough or a snow blower might pass by and cause serious or even fatal injury. Why not play in the backyard? For more information, consult the brochures detailing the citizen’s role during snowstorms or the one that describes the Ville de Sherbrooke’s snow removal operations. These brochures will soon be available. In the meantime, visit our website at: infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 – 5 Harmonizing street names To find out if you are affected by a change of address for your street name, consult the brochure published by Ville de Sherbrooke. Canada Post will be distributing the brochure throughout the territory between Monday, November 15 and Wednesday, November 17, inclusively. This information document will allow you to make suggestions to us if your street name is to be changed and you are not satisfied with the proposition made by the Toponymy Committee. In it, you will find the answers to many of your questions. Ville de Sherbrooke asks you to read it thoroughly before calling its services. You will also find a telephone number and e-mail address devoted exclusively to the harmonization of street names, available beginning on November 15. This information can also be found in the brochure. ON! ress ATTENTI your add y if d o . m Do not OF 2006 G N I R P S ly. e ccording before th a d e is v d be a You will The first stage in this process is information and consultation; it will be followed in 2005 by the adoption of new street names by the municipal council and, in the spring of 2006, by the application of the changes that will have been decided upon. Attention! Do not modify your address before the spring of 2006. Legal affairs division Off-road vehicles Ville de Sherbrooke has recently adopted a new by-law concerning the use of off-road vehicles, to better control the circulation of ATVs (all terrain vehicles) and snowmobiles. In this article you will find the main items that apply to this activity. OFF-ROAD VEHICLE CIRCULATION ON PRE-EXISTING PATHS With the reservation that Quebec’s Regulation Concerning Off-road Vehicles contains rules and limits on off-road vehicles, this type of activity is allowed on public lands of the municipality under the following conditions: 1) Vehicle drivers must belong to a member club of the Fédération québécoise des clubs motocyclistes associés or to a snowmobile club; 2) Circulation takes place on a trail that a member club of the Fédération québécoise des clubs motocyclistes associés or a snowmobile club has been authorized to adapt for use by the city. All off-road vehicle users must properly manage the trails they use, which includes posting signs and keeping trails well-maintained. It is also the club’s responsibility to ensure the safety of those using the trail, particularly through the use of patrols. Other than the trails adapted for use by recognized clubs, snowmobile traffic is also authorized on the following trails belonging to the municipality: 1) The multi-purpose trail of the Saint-François section, starting from the limits of the Borough of Brompton up to the northern limit of the Ville de Sherbrooke’s territory. 2) The multi-purpose trail of the Magog section between Comtois and de la Burlington streets. 6 – infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 OFF-ROAD VEHICLE CIRCULATION ON PUBLIC ROADS RESTRICTED TRAFFIC The Highway Safety Code forbids the circulation of offroad vehicles on public roads unless specially authorized by the city. To this effect, Municipal By-law No. 1, at articles and following, stipulates that for each Borough, the places where trails cross a public road as well as on public roads where off-road vehicle circulation is permitted, are authorized. The circulation of off-road vehicles at a distance of less than 30 m from a dwelling, a building used for healthrelated purposes or an area reserved for educational, recreational or sports activities is forbidden, except: When travelling on a public road, drivers of off-road vehicles must respect the following conditions: 2) On a public road in conditions where circulation is permitted under the law or the regulation in effect; 1) They must belong to a member club of the Fédération québécoise des clubs motocyclistes associés (ATV) or to a snowmobile club; 3) On a road that is open to public traffic of road vehicles; 2) They must use the right-hand side of the road in a corridor of, at the most, four metres; 3) They must always cede the right of way to all roadway vehicles, cyclists, hikers, cross-country skiers, snowshoe users, skaters or any other person on foot. ATV drivers must stop their vehicle and wait to be passed or crossed by those having priority; 4) They must never attempt to pass another vehicle that is in operation; 1) With the express authorization of the owner or tenant of the residence; 4) On a trail established on a railway line that is not in use and that is designated as such by a development and conversion plan; 5) In any other space determined by government regulation. RESPECT THE SIGNS Drivers of off-road vehicles must always respect the signs posted on public roads and trails, as well as the traffic regulations determined by the by-law concerning off-road vehicles and municipal regulations. INFRACTIONS 5) They must respect a maximum speed of 50 km/h or any other designated speed limit. Any person who commits an infraction according to one of the articles in the section on off-road vehicles of the municipal by-law is subject to a minimum fine of $100, plus costs. ENVIRONMENT RÉCUPEX inc.: The recycler of used textiles par excellence in Sherbrooke! Did you know it was possible to clear some space in your closet while helping lower-income families at the same time? How? By using the Récupex drop-off points! Founded in 1975 by Caritas-Sherbrooke, Récupex Inc. is a non-profit organization that specializes in recycling textiles and other used clothing accessories in the Estrie region. Recupex has placed over 20 drop-off points (bins or containers) throughout the Sherbrooke territory. Open all day, 365 days a year, these collection points enable you to drop off the materials and clothing you no longer use. The articles are picked up and then freely distributed to more than 70 clothing counters as well as to many developing countries. Ville de Sherbrooke is proud to be a long-term partner of this organization and encourages everyone to use the drop-off points. It’s another way to help the environment and the less fortunate! • • • • • • Métro Conseil, rue du Conseil Parc Boudreau, 11e avenue Sud Parc Bureau, rue Walsh Parc Charland, chemin Galvin Parc École Desjardins, rue des Jardins-Fleuris Rue Baron, near chemin des Pèlerins Borough of Mont-Bellevue • Parc Dufresne, rue Galt Ouest • Parc Goyette, rue Darche • Résidences Le Montagnais, boulevard de l’Université Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville • Rue Fortier, near boulevard Bourque • Terrasses Rock-Forest Here is the list of Recupex drop-off points in Sherbrooke: Borough of Jacques-Cartier Borough of Fleurimont • • • • • Canadian Tire, corner of King Est and Duplessis • Ecocentre Michel-Ledoux, rue Léon-Trépanier Corner, Lionel-Groulx and Richard Église Perpétuel-Secours, rue Desgagné Esso, corner of King Ouest and Jacques-Cartier Récupex, 2345, rue Hertel The BOTTIN VERT has been updated Important message: an update of the Bottin vert is now available. Note that most of the changes relate to contact information of recycling agencies. The vast majority of information concerning guidelines for collection and regulations remains valid. You can view the two-page list of corrections on the city’s website at: or at your Borough Office. You can also print out a complete copy of the updated Bottin vert in both French and English from the city’s website. The 3Rs and 1T of Christmas, or: How to bring the environment to the heart of the season Christmas and the environment, are they really irreconcilable? Not so. Here are a few ways to incorporate some of the 3 Rs and 1 T (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Transform) into your Christmas celebrations. It’s up to you! Reduction at the source We reduce at the source when we choose not to generate waste: by reducing our purchases, buying in bulk or by purchasing more durable materials. • We can ask ourselves questions about the gifts we buy. Are non-material gifts a possible alternative? For example, gift certificates for the movies or a restaurant, a ski pass or a romantic getaway to a delightful destination could be equally or even more of a pleasure to give and to receive. • Virtual cards are very popular and you can avoid the purchase of a conventional card. You will also save time and money. Reuse We reuse when we use the same object over again, when we buy a used object, or when we shop at second-hand or thrift stores. • This year, Christmas might provide an opportunity to replace an old piece of equipment, an appliance or a computer, with a new one as a gift. Hold onto your old objects and hold a garage sale next spring, or, even better, consider donating them to a charitable organization. Infodon is a community initiative whose goal is to inform the public of the material needs of various community organizations in Sherbrooke (http://www. You could also make a gift directly to the organization of your choice. • Making gift paper and cards from recycled materials could become a fun family activity. If this seems like a chore, you can at least purchase reusable gift bags. • Next summer, think ahead and buy your gifts at garage sales or second-hand shops. You can find many toys that are in excellent condition. Your little ones won’t see any difference. Not only are you being considerate of the environment by reusing, but you will also save a lot of money. Recycling Transformation Using consumer goods made from recycled materials rather than virgin materials in the production of consumer goods. Making use of materials in a way other than reuse and recycling, as is the case, for example, when we compost. • Would you like to give an original recycled gift? Boutique t.a.f.i. & cie, located at 81, rue Wellington Nord, offers the alternative to consumerism. There you will find recycled products, fair trade products and regional fare. The boutique’s philosophy also includes social reintegration. This is a great way to add value to your purchase! They make slippers, men and women’s vests, purses, wine totes and skirts from recycled leather, suede or fur. • If you would still prefer to use wrapping paper for your gifts, then don’t forget to put your used wrapping paper into the recycling bin. They are all acceptable for recycling. When it’s time to distribute the gifts, you can place a box in the room to collect the wrapping paper. • As it has done in other years, Ville de Sherbrooke will manage a special collection for Christmas trees. Watch for the December issue to get more details on the collection dates. Christmas trees are chopped up into bits of wood, then used in a variety of ways, such as for making compost. November 26, 2004: International Buy Nothing Day For the last few years, we have been hearing about International Buy Nothing Day. The purpose of this event, to be held this year on November 26, is to counter the shopping craze that reigns during the months before Christmas. Initiated by the editor of the Vancouver-based Adbusters Magazine in 1993, it is now observed in more than 55 countries. A day without spending is more than a challenge; it’s also an opportunity to step back and reflect on one’s consumer habits and the impact they have on the environment and on developing countries. infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 – 7 ENVIRONMENT During the winter, make sure your bins and containers are in the right place! During a snowstorm, can I place my recycling bin, my wheeled bin or any other garbage container at the side of the road? As much as possible, avoid placing your bins and other containers by the side of the road during snowstorms. Wait until the following week to put them out, unless of course, they really need to be emptied. In this case, place them by the roadside on the morning of collection so that they don’t interfere with overnight snow removal operations. And don’t worry – during the winter, there is nothing wrong with leaving your garbage bin in the backyard for two weeks. Can I leave my bins on the sidewalk? NEVER leave your bins or garbage containers on the sidewalk, as these are for the sole use of pedestrians. To prevent injury, the sidewalk must therefore be kept free of objects at all times. As well, for everyone’s safety, sidewalks must always be easily accessible for snow removal equipment and for spreading tractionenhancing material. Where should I put my recycling bin to ensure it will be emptied? In the winter, because of snow banks, the small recycling bin is not as visible to collection truck operators as the wheeled bin. So, a recycling bin concealed behind a snow bank might not get emptied. Place it to the right of your driveway (as you are looking out at the street). When the truck operator arrives in front of your residence, it will easily be seen. But above all, don’t place your wheeled bin in front of your driveway! How much space should I leave between bins? If you have a wheeled bin, leave a space of at least 50 cm between it and your recycling bin or any other bin or container. In this way, the lifter prongs of the garbage truck will not damage or knock over the other bins or containers. When should I place my recycling bin or my garbage bin at the side of the road? On collection day, place your bins or any other container at the side of the road in the morning. If possible, wait until the snowplough has gone by. In this way, you will greatly facilitate the operators’ job, whether they are working on snow removal or collecting garbage or recyclables. What you need to know about sewage back-up A few words about regulations An ounce of prevention… Ville de Sherbrooke has by-laws that oblige building owners to be equipped against sewage back-up. You can consult these regulations on the city’s website at: http://ville.sherbrooke. under the heading Règlements municipaux (Règlement no 1, Titre 6 Environnement, Chapitre 1 Services publics, Section 6 Construction des égouts privés). In this area, as they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The following measures will help you to avoid many problems and inconveniences: By ensuring that your building or residence conforms to the following requirements, you will reduce the risk of significant damage: • The basement floor must be at least 60 cm (0.6 m) higher than the inner ring of the principal municipal sewage duct (the upper part of the duct) (article 6.1.22). • The connections of the sewer system must be equipped with a clean-out device where they leave the building, at approximately one metre from the inner wall (article 6.1.36). • To avoid sewage back-up, all horizontal connections (toilet, washing machine, sink, drain, shower, etc) originating in the basement must be protected by a check valve (art. 6.1.30). If you do not respect these obligations, you become subject to a fine of between $50 and $1000. • Make sure that your eaves troughing is not connected in any way to the drains that surround the foundation of your house. • Use landscaping practices that help draw water as far away as possible from the house’s foundation. • Avoid installing openings such as doors or windows that are lower than the surrounding natural terrain. • Avoid planting certain species of trees with extensive root systems (such as poplars, willows and silver maples): their roots can obstruct your sewage duct. • If necessary, install a water evacuation pump in your basement. • Patch up any cracks in your foundation walls. • Inspect, clean and maintain the valves at least twice a year, to make sure that they are in good working condition. • Conserve at all times an easy access to all plumbing accessories in your basement. What should I do in the case of sewage back-up? Before you alert Ville de Sherbrooke of a sewage back-up, follow the steps listed next. You will save time and the process will be made more efficient. 8 – infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 THE ENVIRONMENT ON THE AGENDA Leaf collection In all boroughs: October 18 to November 19 Biodegradable paper bags must be placed at the side of the road before 8 h, on garbage collection day. Large-item garbage collection Borough of Lennoxville: the autumn collection period is over. A second busy and productive year for our awareness-raising patrol! Last August, the environmental awareness-raising patrol of Ville de Sherbrooke completed its second year of existence. Once again, our patrol, made up of six college and university students, accomplished some excellent work. Adding to the responsibilities of the first campaign, which essentially covered conservation of drinking water and raising awareness among youth, the patrol has innovated its approach by adding new themes to its mandate, such as recycling practices, pesticide use and ragweed. • Verify whether you’re dealing with an internal problem. A plumbing appliance or a section of an interior duct may not be functioning properly. Note if there is water in the cleaning plug and at the exit from the building (if there is not, this is abnormal). Drinking water • If the problem appears to come from outside the building, make sure that it is not a back-up of the main duct before opening a plumbing appliance in the basement. Otherwise, you could increase the severity of the problem, especially if it is during a period of heavy rain. Then, call our services at 821-5858. A service person will be dispatched to your building as quickly as possible. Pesticide use • Finally, if you have been subject to damages and you believe the municipality is at fault, you can address a written claim to the city, to the attention of the city clerk, Me Isabelle Sauvé. You have a maximum of 15 days to send your claim to the following address: Me Isabelle Sauvé, greffière de la Ville de Sherbrooke Case postale 610 191, rue du Palais Sherbrooke (Québec) J1H 5H9 For any additional information concerning regulations, please call 821-5500. The objective of the drinking water campaign is to raise citizens’ awareness about regulations concerning the outside use of drinking water, but especially to stress the importance of conserving the precious resource that is water. During the summer, patrollers performed 290 interventions with regard to this theme. Similarly, the purpose of the pesticide use campaign theme was to inform citizens and specialized businesses of the new regulations in effect. Patrollers were mandated to outline pesticide alternatives to citizens and to encourage tolerance of the various so-called nuisances. In total, 936 interventions were carried out in relation to this theme. Recycling practices Within this mandate, patrol members visited single-family residences and apartment-dwellers to raise their awareness of good recycling habits. Most of the buildingowners known not to have a recycling program in place were contacted in an effort to convince them to join in the collection, which is offered for free. Many of them accepted the wheeled bins for recycling, and in total, 321 interventions were performed. Raising awareness among youth Raising awareness among youth was an important part of the patrol’s responsibilities during the summer of 2004. Two thousand youth from 13 elementary schools and 500 children from early childhood centres (CPE) in Sherbrooke participated. Information on various themes, such as drinking water, recycling, air quality, among others, was shared with the children. Thank you! In conclusion, Ville de Sherbrooke wishes to thank its patrollers and their sponsors (Café Bistrot L’Ardoise, Restaurant La Piazzetta and Rona l’Entrepôt) for their commitment to the environment. ENVIRONMENT THE ECOCENTRE: A necessary service for the environment Last June, the Ecocentre Michel-Ledoux celebrated its first anniversary of operations. Since its opening on June 26, 2003, its popularity has steadily increased. In fact, the 10,000th visit was recorded this past September 24. The landmark proves the growing interest of Sherbrooke residents with respect to recycling. A recent survey, taken in August, shows that nearly 90% of users brought material to the Ecocentre because they knew it would be reused, recycled or composted. The first year of operations provided the opportunity to test and improve this innovative service: the number of employees was increased, summer hours were extended and new containers were added. These changes were greatly appreciated by all users. In fact, a strong majority of users declared their satisfaction with the welcome they received along with the information provided, the layout of the centre, registration times and access to unloading spaces. In the autumn of 2004, the Ecocentre had a record number of visitors. Without a doubt, the addition of the distribution of compost and the sale of biodegradable paper bags to the usual services of the Ecocentre turned out to be a winning formula. This is an experience that Ville de Sherbrooke will surely want to repeat. Note that two new Ecocentres are scheduled to open between now and 2008. Attention! The winter schedule begins! Summer hours end on November 20. From November 26, 2004 until April 16, 2005, the following hours apply: Fridays: 12 h to 16 h Saturdays: 8 h to 15 h 30 Reminder of Ecocentre rules Users are responsible for the transport of materials to the Ecocentre. Once on site, an employee will explain the steps to follow. Then users just have to sort and deposit their materials into the different containers and hangars identified according to the nature of the objects: metal, wood, compost materials, hazardous household waste (RRD), etc. Users who bring materials that are not sorted, that are difficult to sort or that are not accepted will be directed to the landfill site. There is a maximum limit of 1.8 m3 per visit (the equivalent of a trailer.) Address: 1000, rue Léon-Trépanier (east-end industrial park, accessible by rue Lavigerie) Fees • The first three visits are free for citizens (proof of residence required.) A few statistics about the Ecocentre’s first year (June 26, 2003 to June 30, 2004) • Beyond these three visits, a fee is applied ($10 per automobile and $20 per trailer) • Number of visits: more than 6000 • Quantity of materials received: 1400 tonnes • Small businesses must pay a fee from the first visit (reusable materials only). • Proportion of transformed materials: over 90 % Accepted materials • Examples of quantities of reusable materials received: 500 computers and electronic parts, 150 televisions and VCRs, 115 items of household furniture and appliances. • • • • • • • • • • • Christmas trees Wood (painted, treated, reusable or planks) Branches and wood trimmings Lawn, dead leaves and other garden residues Renovation and construction materials Granular materials (rock, concrete, bricks, asphalt) Accepted recyclable materials (paper, cardboard, glass, plastic and metal containers, etc.) Metal, iron, aluminium, empty paint containers Unusable or reusable objects: electrical appliances, furniture, clothes, textiles, bicycles, baby strollers, books, CDs and records, toys, sports equipment Computers and printer cartridges Automobile tires without the rim • Hazardous household waste (RDD) • Uncontaminated earth. Note: The maximum acceptable dimensions for pieces of metal, iron and construction materials are 2.4 m x 1.2 m. Materials that are not accepted • PCBs and cyanides • Sofas and recliners * • Animal carcasses * • Household waste * • Radioactive or biomedical waste • Storm drains * • Mattresses * • Insulating material* • Ammunition • Non-recyclable plastics * • Tires with rims • Explosives • Rugs * • Contaminated earth • Vinyl, PVC. * * Please proceed directly to the landfill site with these materials. For more information: • Call 822-6010 • Consult the website at: under the heading Environnement. Ecocentre Michel-Ledoux welcomes its 10,000 th visitor! On September 24, 2004, the Ecocentre MichelLedoux had the honour of greeting its 10,000th visitor, Mr. Claude Lefebvre. Pictured are: Mrs. Odile Goulet, head of the residual materials section (right) presenting Mr. Lefebvre (left) with a souvenir gift sporting the colours of Ville de Sherbrooke. On that day, Mr. Lefebvre was using his third free visit to the Ecocentre for the year. Ville de Sherbrooke thanks Mr. Lefebvre as well as all Ecocentre users who demonstrate their concern for the environment with each visit. infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 – 9 Sports and Leisure Time Activities Recreation, Sports, Culture and Community Life Services Aquatic Program Clubs sportifs Skating and Open Hockey PISCINE MONTCALM AND PISCINE DU PHARE For information: 821-5890 FREE SKATING 2004 – 2005 SEASON SHERBROOKE BOXING CLUB Open swimming – Piscine Montcalm Regular schedule until December 21 Family swimming Tuesdays ................................................................19 h to 20 h Thursdays and Fridays........................................19 h to 21 h Saturdays and Sundays ................................13 h to 16 h 30 CENTRE RÉCRÉATIF EUGÈNE-LALONDE Recreational / Introduction: This program is for people who want to try this sport to improve their physical fitness. FOR WHOM: men and women of all ages WHEN: Tuesday and Thursday, from 19 h to 22 h; Saturday, from 10 h to 12 h Children: This program introduces children (boys and girls) to precompetitive boxing. FOR WHOM: children, 7 to 12 years old WHEN: Tuesday, from 18 h 15 to 19 h 15; Saturday, from 9 h to 10 h Adult swimming (lap lanes) Mondays and Wednesdays ..............................19 h to 21 h Tuesdays ................................................................20 h to 21 h *Special Schedule Piscine Montcalm and Piscine du Phare Family swimming – School breaks November 22, December 10 ........................13 h to 16 h 30 Open swimming – Piscine du Phare Regular schedule until December 18 Family swimming Saturdays..........................................................13 h to 16 h 30 IMPORTANT Everyone must wear a bathing cap. Children 7 years and under must be accompanied at all times by an adult during the family swimming periods, both during the regular and school holiday schedules. COST (FOR BOTH INDOOR POOLS) Resident* Non-resident Child (17 years and under): Adult (18 years and over): Swimming pass: $1.50 $3.00 $25.00 $3,00 $6.00 $50,00 * You will be asked to provide an ID card with proof of Sherbrooke residence at the entrance to the Montcalm and du Phare pools. Swimming lessons – Children Winter season 2005 Piscine Montcalm and Piscine du Phare The Canadian Red Cross AquaQuest Program - Children 4 to 5 years old: AquaQuest 1 and 2 - Children 5 years and over: AquaQuest 3 and 12 Cost Children 4 to 5 years old Children 5 years and over Resident** *$24 *$32 Non-resident *$56 *$66 * Courses follow the Canadian Red Cross AquaQuest program and the cost of the compulsory learning tools ($4) will be added to each registration fee. ** You will be asked to provide an ID card with proof of Sherbrooke residence at the entrance to the pool. * A family rate is applicable for more than one registration from the same family residing in Sherbrooke. Registrations begin on December 6, 2004 for the two indoor pools, from 17 h to 20 h, at the entrance to Piscine Montcalm, accessible by rue Fraser in Sherbrooke. The registration period continues until January 28, 2005, from Monday to Friday, between 17 h and 20 h, and Saturdays and Sundays, between 9 h and 16 h. Please note that a special schedule will be in effect during the holiday period for 2004-2005. The aquatic program brochure for winter 2005 is available in all borough offices as well as at all recreational service points in Ville de Sherbrooke. Fall – winter session 2004 Timetable: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 15 h to 16 h 45, and Tuesdays from 14 h to 16 h 45. CENTRE RÉCRÉATIF IVAN-DUGRÉ Timetable: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 15 h to 16 h 45, and Wednesdays from 14 h to 16 h 45. OPEN SKATING WITH ADMISSION CHARGE CENTRE RÉCRÉATIF IVAN-DUGRÉ Timetable: Fridays, from 19 h to 20 h 45, Saturdays, from 15 h to 16 h 45, and Sundays, from 14 h to 15 h 45. COSTS: Resident Child (13 years and under): $1 Adult: $2 Non-resident child (13 years and under): $2 Adult: $4 Competitive program: This program offers the opportunity to acquire the boxing abilities necessary for competition. FOR WHOM: men and women, 13 to 35 years old WHEN: Monday and Wednesday, 18 h 45 to 20 h 45 Registration or information: Marcel Toulouse at 822-2659 OPEN HOCKEY FOR ADULTS GYMNASTICS CLUB SHER-GYM DE SHERBROOKE CENTRE RÉCRÉATIF EUGÈNE-LALONDE Winter session Pre-registration for members on December 11, from 9 h to 13 h, and for new members on December 16, from 17 h to 20 h, at 222, rue Frontenac (the session lasts from January 15 to March 19.) Timetable: Mondays and Wednesdays from 13 h to 14 h 45 Cost: resident: $5, non-resident: $7 Information about the activity timetable (recorded message): Centre récréatif Eugène-Lalonde : 821-5794 Centre récréatif Ivan-Dugré : 821-5866 INDOOR RINK RENTALS If you wish to rent ice time, some great timeslots are available at the Palais des sports Léopold-Drolet and at the centres récréatifs Eugène-Lalonde and Ivan-Dugré. For information and reservations: 821-5842 RENTAL COSTS Palais des sports Léopold-Drolet Monday to Friday, from 7 h to 16 h: $96.50, taxes included. Other timeslots: $148, taxes included. Club Sher-Gym, 206, rue Frontenac (in the Séminaire de Sherbrooke), 823-8986, [email protected] SHERBROOKE VOLLEYBALL CLUB ENVOLLEY For information, contact us: - by telephone at: 864-0344 - by e-mail: [email protected] - via our website at: CLUB DE TENNIS DE SHERBROOKE Junior group clinic, Saturdays and Sundays, organized in partnership with Tennestrie and the Club de tennis de Sherbrooke: 8 h to noon Centre récréatif Eugène-Lalonde Monday to Friday, from 7 h to 16 h: $96.50, tax included Other timeslots: $135.50, taxes included. 3rd session: begins January 8 and 9: registration on December 14 and 15, from 18 h to 20 h at the Centre récréatif de Rock Forest Centre récréatif Ivan-Dugré Monday to Friday, from 7 h to 16 h: $96.50, tax included. Other timeslots: $130.50, taxes included. For more information on clinics, contact Pierre Ouzilleau at 620-3915 or François Lefebvre at 578-8250. LES SENTIERS DE L’ESTRIE INC. Sports Clubs ARCHERY CLUB LES FLÉCHIVORES DE SHERBROOKE The indoor season at the Séminaire de Sherbrooke, 200, rue Peel, begins in mid-November. To find out about the training schedule and the cost of membership, contact Gilles Cyr at 346-4374 or by e-mail: [email protected]. SHERBROOKE SWIM CLUB Although the Sherbrooke Swim Club began its activities several weeks ago, it’s still possible to join the ranks of the club at all times. For more information, call Julie Roy between 17 h and 20 h, at 821-8000, ext. 2564. Saturday, November 20 - Fundraising activity End of season get-together. Community supper and evening program. Possibility of a walk in the country in the afternoon. Contact: 864-6314 November 27 and 28 - Theory session: initiation to off-trail skiing Registrations until November 20 For more information contact Marc-Jacques Gosselin (819) 564-0184 / (819) 872-3483 SHERBROOKE INTERNATIONAL BANTAM TOURNAMENT The Sherbrooke International Bantam Tournament is looking for families in the greater Sherbrooke region to billet young Bantam-level hockey players (13-14 years old) from Europe who will be present for the event from December 26 to 30. For more information, call Michel Grimard at 821-4501 or at 572-0077. Note: You can reach the tournament offices at any time by calling 569-2319. 10 – infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 Community Life Activities Recreation, Sports, Culture and Community Life Services Sherbrooke Volunteer Action Centre Want to be a volunteer but don’t know who to talk to? Contact Sherbrooke’s Centre d’action bénévole, and it will be our pleasure to meet with you and analyze your needs in order to direct you towards the organizations best suited to you. To make an appointment, contact Nathalie Langlois, at 823-6598. Visit our website at You will find: • Volunteer positions to be filled • Volunteer training opportunities • Volunteer responsibilities (guidelines) Training Program NOW AVAILABLE! Directory of Sherbrooke Community Organizations 2nd edition 2004-2005 To find out more about the different organizations and their services, you can obtain a copy of the 2004-2005 Directory of Sherbrooke Community Organizations at a cost of $12. Contact us at: Centre d’action bénévole de Sherbrooke 1255, rue Daniel, bureau 208 Sherbrooke (Québec) J1H 5X3 Telephone: (819) 823-6598 [email protected] Developed in partnership with the Ville de Sherbrooke, the Centre Saint-Michel, the Health and Social Services Agency, Emploi Québec and the Sherbrooke Volunteer Action Centre, the Programme de formation for community and recreational organizations in Estrie offers training sessions to permanent and volunteer staff, adapted to their needs and at a low cost. December 2004 Word 2 (6 h) Date: Thursday, December 2, from 9 h to 16 h Cost: $30 per person Registration deadline: November 23 Delegating with confidence and effectiveness: the art of getting things done (6 h) Date: Tuesday, December 14, from 9 h to 16 h. Cost: $30 per person Registration deadline: November 29 Training session fees are paid on site and are not reimbursable, unless a course is cancelled. All sessions cancelled less than six days in advance will be billed. Each participant must fill out and sign a registration form. For more information on our 2004-2005 program and session content, we invite you to visit our website at: Excel 2 (6 h) Date: Thursday December 9, from 9 h to 16 h Cost: $30 per person Registration deadline: November 30 If you are interested in taking a course, please contact Cécile Pouliot at: 823-0265, by fax at: 823-7549 or by e-mail: [email protected] Also available at: Biblairie G.G.C. and RENAUD-BRAY Solutions Budget Plus Solutions Budget Plus offers a course to help you with your own personal budget, to avoid traps such as credit and debt. Would you also like to use your computer to create a budget? Our course uses the CD-ROM program Le Budgéteur, and you will find it to be a valuable aid in managing your budget. Maison de la famille de Sherbrooke Are you interested in buying a home? Personal budgeting: Tuesday, November 30 and December 7, from 19 h to 22 h For information and registration call: 563-0535. Registration is confirmed upon payment. The Grande Table The Grande Table is looking for volunteers The Grande Table is a community organization that offers suppers to low-income families. We are presently seeking volunteers for the following positions: Host/hostess: every evening, from 16 h to 18 h 30 to meet customers, assign tables and preside over the cash register. Waiter/waitress: every evening from 16 h to 19 h, to set tables, take orders and clean the service area at the evening’s end. Profession… Parent! Children do not come with a how-to handbook. The abilities you need to develop or enhance differ with each child. This course is for all parents who wish to improve their parenting skills. I respect myself, you respect me… we respect each other! The value that each person places on the other has a huge influence on a couple’s relationship and on relationships within the family. For everyone. Monday November 29, from 19 h to 22 h Cost: $10 per person or $18 per couple Wednesdays, November 10, 17, 24; December 1 and 8, from 19 h to 22 h Cost: $50 per person I’m proud to be a dad! How much space do I leave for the role of man, partner and dad? For dads and future dads only. Thursday December 2, from 19 h to 22 h Cost: $10 per person Assistant cook: Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 15 h 30 to 19 h, to keep the meals hot, prepare the plates and make sure that the leftovers are properly refrigerated. Two persons for school service: from 11 h 30 to 14 h, for the hot lunch service in an elementary school. For more information, or to become a volunteer, please contact Geneviève Pépin at 821-5505. We look forward to meeting you! Sherbrooke Association for Intellectual Disability, Inc. (ASDI) ASDI is actively seeking children without intellectual disabilities who would like to participate in an integrated day camp for children 6-12 years old. This activity pairs an intellectuallydisabled child with a non-disabled child, with a total of 10 children under the supervision of 5 very competent (and experienced) instructors. The activity takes place on Saturdays, from 9 h to 16 h, every two weeks. In the morning, there are games in the rooms of the Centre Notre-Dame de l’Enfant and in the afternoon, children take a field trip into Sherbrooke (for bowling, museum visits, sliding, to see a movie…) The cost per child is $10. The purpose of the camp is to instil a sense of sharing and cooperation, and to help children open up to those different from themselves. All children between the ages of 6 to 12 years are welcome. For more information or to register your child, contact Brigitte at 346-2227. Association de Sherbrooke pour la déficience intellectuelle inc. 2984, rue des Chênes, local 200A Sherbrooke, QC J1L 1Y1 NOW ON-LINE! - L'infoSHERBROOKOIS - Borough recreational programs Sherbrooke infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 – 11 Éva-Senécal Municipal Library Recreation, Sports, Culture and Community Life Services Telephone: 821-5860 VISIT THE LIBRARY’S WEB SITE: LIBRARY HOURS Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 h to 20 h 30 Tuesdays, Wednesdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 h to 17 h 00 Saturdays, Sundays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 h to 16 h 30 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP AT THE BIBLIOTHÈQUE MUNICIPALE ÉVA-SENÉCAL For residents of Ville de Sherbrooke : Child/full-time student ......................$5 Adult....................................................$10 Family..................................................$15 Memberships for groups and non-residents are also available. For more information: 821-5596 A MEMBERSHIP GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR CD RENTALS, BESTSELLERS, DVDs, VIDEOCASSETTES, CD-ROMS, GAMES... ... A WONDERFUL IDEA FOR A PRESENT! EXHIBITIONS During library hours MAIN ENTRANCEWAY Until November 20 CARREFOUR DE SOLIDARITÉ INTERNATIONALE An organization devoted to raising awareness about the social, economic and political plight of people in developing countries. YOUTH SECTION Starting November 15 Exhibition of Christmas books ADULTS INTRODUCTION TO THE LIBRARY PROGRAM For adolescents, adults and groups 420, rue Marquette, room 1 Part 2 – Follow-up to part 1 Thursday, November 25 or December 23, from 19 h to 20 h 15 Brief presentation on chatrooms, discussion forums and news lists. Free electronic mail (hotmail) and tricks and tools of the trade for surfing the Web. Reservations are required. The number of available spaces is limited. Members: free upon presentation of membership card Non-members: $3 per session Reservations: 821-5508 TEA TIME Main entranceway, room 4 Thursday, December 2 at 14 h Program to be confirmed Collaboration: Association des auteurs des Cantons de l'Est Tickets are available at the information counter of the adult section, one month before the activity. Reservations are not accepted. Library members: free Non-members: $3 Information: 821-2221 CLUB MÉLOMANE DIAPASON Classical music and musician appreciation Entrance at 420, rue Marquette, room 1 Sunday, November 21, at 13 h 30 Roberto Devereux by Gaetano Donizetti, with B. Sills and J. Alexander Sunday, December 19, at 13 h 30 Joies de Noël Information: 821-5861 YOUTH STORY HOUR Animated story reading and activities Main entranceway, family room For ages 3 to 6, accompanied by a parent. Groups have the option of reserving another timeslot. Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 10 h 30 and 13 h 30 Activity leader: Céline Jacques To get the most out of the activity, please arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the scheduled time. Reserve a pass at the information counter of the youth section. Reservations are accepted starting nine days before the activity. Members: free Non-members: $3 Reservations: 821-5508 Reservations: 821-5597 Guided visit of the premises and presentation of services available at the library. Saturday December 11, from 10 h to 11 h 30 It’s free. All you have to do is reserve at the information counter of the adult section. INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET Entrance at 420, rue Marquette, room 1 or 3 Part 1 - Introduction to the Internet Thursday, November 18 or December 16, from 19 h to 20 h 15 Presentation of the basic function of navigational software Microsoft Internet Explorer and tools for doing research on the Internet. 12 – infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 YOUTH WORKSHOPS Main entranceway, room 4 Monday, November 22, at 13 h (ages 5 to 8) HOW MANY DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS? Children will make their own Advent calendar so they can count down the days until Christmas. Activity leader: Anne Guicherd Saturday, December 4, at 13 h (ages 7 to 12) A CHRISTMAS GIFT A little sugary treat for the holidays. Bring an apron. Activity leader: Chantal Gagnon Friday, December 10, at 13 h (ages 6 to 10) ANGELS FOR CHRISTMAS! Little angels are waiting for your own creative touch so they can radiate the magic of Christmas – hanging on the tree or decorating a table centre. A short story reading will give flight to your imagination. Activity leader: Céline Jacques Saturday, December 11, at 13 h (ages 6 to 10) A CHRISTMAS SURPRISE! Activity leader: Emilie De Almeïda Saturday, December 18, at 13 h (ages 7 to 10) CHRISTMAS BAUBLES FOR THE TREE Decorations that are easy to make and will look great on your tree. Children will use the models they find in books. A Christmas story will follow for everyone’s listening pleasure! Activity leader: Anne Guicherd To get the most out of these activities, we ask that you arrive 5 to 10 minutes before they are scheduled to begin. Get a ticket from the information counter at the youth section, available nine days before the activity. Reservations are not accepted. Library members: free Non-members: $3 Information: 821-5597 NEW ARRIVALS NEW ARRIVALS IN THE YOUTH SECTION Le dico philo, éd. Actes Sud junior, 2004, 191 p. “Showing that philosophy is not the exclusive domain of philosophers,” is the author’s objective in this work that assembles over 1200 quotations on various themes. FOREMAN, Michèle. L'histoire savoureuse d'une région – Bas-Saint-Laurent, éd. Stellaire, 2003, 127 p. The author, Michèle Foreman, a journalist specializing in gourmet tourism, takes the back roads of the regions of Quebec to find the artisans, producers, chefs and innkeepers that will make readers rediscover a part of their heritage. CLAYBOURNE, Anna. Les gènes et l'ADN, éd. Héritage jeunesse, 2004, 63 p. “An introduction to genetics, abundantly illustrated with photographs, diagrams and illustrations: its history, great discoveries, the possibilities it offers, as well as the controversies it creates. ” BEDEL, Jean. Le grand guide des styles, éd. Hachette, 1996, 223 p. A little encyclopedia of furniture, from ancient to modern times, from France and the rest of Europe. Wood, design and ornaments, practical advice and tricks of the trade used by professionals in furniture restoration. IN THE ADULT SECTION ANTONIETTO, Alain et François Billard. Django Reinhardt – Rythmes futurs, éd. Fayard, 2004, 520 p. A biography of a great French guitarist, one of the rare jazzmen in France to have an important influence on the genre. Includes interesting commentary on the compositions of this musical genius. COMPACT DISCS LES FRANCOFOLIES DE MONTRÉAL – Je t'aime à la Francofolie! A compilation of 13 titles that celebrate our musical heritage, featuring artists such as Jean Leloup, Daniel Boucher, Claude Léveillée, Eric Lapointe and Diane Dufresne... RAY CHARLES – Genius loves company A stellar assembly of famous GUILLEMAIN, Antoine. Mon pote Harry Potter, artists, performing duos with the genius of soul music, including éd. l'Archipel, 2004, 383 p. Norah Jones, Diana Krall, Natalie For friends of the young sorcerer, the Cole, Elton John, B.B. King, new edition of this guide offers James Taylor and others. commentary on the principal characters, a lexicon of sorcery terms, as well as magical formulas, practical advice, quizzes, critiques of websites and the abundant Potter literature, and a voyage into the dark halls of the Order of the Phoenix. Sociocultural Activities Recreation, Sports, Culture and Community Life Services Exhibitions Exhibitions GALERIE HORACE 74, rue Albert From November 10 to December 19 Space 1: Space 2: “Interventions urbaines” Group exhibition - Regroupement des artistes des Cantons de l'Est Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens, photography and text Information: 821-2326 MUSÉE DE LA NATURE ET DES SCIENCES 225, rue Frontenac Permanent exhibition “The cycle of the seasons” Nature meets science. “Your incredible brain” An entertaining interactive presentation, the only one of its kind in Quebec! “The hall of wonders” Our best specimens, under glass. Temporary exhibitions Until January 9 “From Rock to Metal” Follow the trace of metals, from prospecting to transformation, their extraction from the earth to sustainable development. From November 12 to April 26 “Pretty faces: Sharks of Canada” Discover these fascinating creatures, their lifestyle, their extraordinary senses, and human impact on their population. HOURS (open to the public) Sundays, from 10 h to 17 h Information: 564-3200 or [email protected] MUSÉE DES BEAUX-ARTS DE SHERBROOKE 241, rue Dufferin Permanent exhibition “Manières et matières. The collection of the Musée des beaux-arts de Sherbrooke” New presentation of the featured works of the collection, including 56 works by 52 major artists. Temporary exhibitions Until January 18 “Dutkewych” Fifteen sculptures. Until March 6 “Allan Edson. Fog and light” The artist lends photographic detail as well as a spiritual vision to his supremely romantic landscapes. HOURS Tuesday to Sunday, from 13 h to 17 h Wednesdays, from 13 h to 21 h Guided visits on Tuesdays at 14 h and Wednesdays at 19 h 30 Information: 821-2115 or [email protected] CENTRE D'INTERPRÉTATION DE L'HISTOIRE DE SHERBROOKE 275, rue Dufferin EASTERN TOWNSHIPS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Are you searching for your ancestors? Do you want to know more about their history and their daily lives? We have the research tools you need, and the volunteers to help you use them. Consult our website or visit us in person. HOURS Tuesday to Saturday, from 13 h to 17 h Wednesdays, from 17 h to 22 h SHERBROOKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Permanent exhibition “Sherbrooke 1802-2002. Two centuries of history” Come discover or revive your memories of Sherbrooke’s history. Temporary exhibitions Until November 21 - “Women’s work” A series of remarkable and moving photographs that illustrate the changes in women’s daily lives from 1860 to 1961. Music Music LES STENTORS Would you like to embark on an adventure where challenge and personal growth become a regular part of your life? Would you like to travel and perform with a group? The Stentors of Sherbrooke and the Relève musicale are currently recruiting new members. November 30 to March 13 - “50 years of history at the Université de Sherbrooke” The Relève is for young people between the age of 8 and 12 and the Stentors are for youth ages 13 to 21. For school groups Information: 570-Allo, ext. 2556 Ask about our educational activities program for 2004-2005. SHERBROOKE YOUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Private certified archives service Open to the public from Tuesday to Friday. HOURS Tuesday to Friday, from 9 h to 12 h, and from 13 h to 17 h Saturdays and Sundays, from 13 h to 17 h Information: 821-5406 or [email protected] UPLANDS CULTURAL AND HERITAGE CENTRE 9 Speid St., Borough of Lennoxville From November 14 to December 10 “Bonheur d'hiver 2004” Group exhibition Special activity Sunday November 28, from 14 h to 16 h Drop in for tea and scones or reserve ahead for our Traditional Cream Tea. HOURS Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays, from 13 h to 16 h 30 Free admission. Information: 564-0409 - ART GALLERY OF BISHOP'S UNIVERSITY Borough of Lennoxville November 10 to December 11 “Éphémères visions sur la route”, Margaret Lawther An exhibition of colour photos in large format with various views of the Trans-Canada Highway, the longest national highway in the world. HOURS Tuesday to Saturday, from 12 h to 17 h Information: 822-9600, ext. 2260 or 2687 Visual VisualArt Art CLUB PHOTO DE SHERBROOKE Tuesday, November 23 and December 14, from 19 h to 22 h Meetings Bibliothèque municipale Éva-Senécal 420, rue Marquette, room 4 Information: 822-8967 CORPORATION DES MÉTIERS D'ART DU QUÉBEC EN ESTRIE Wednesday to Sunday, November 24 to 28 15th annual “Salon des métiers d'art de l'Estrie” Édifice d'Expo-Sherbrooke 300, rue du Parc Free parking for all visitors. HOURS Wednesdays, from 19 h to 21 h 30 Thursday to Saturday, from 10 h to 21 h 30 Sundays, from 10 h to 17 h Information: 823-0221 or [email protected] Sunday, November 21, at 16 h Benefit Concert Benefit concert for the Fondation du CHUS featuring Nanette Workman and the four stand-ing of Don Juan. Saturday, December 4, at 20 h First concert Salle Maurice-O'Bready Université de Sherbrooke Theatre Theatre LE PETIT THÉÂTRE DE SHERBROOKE 174, rue du Palais Friday, November 12, at 19 h and Saturday, November 13, at 14 h “L'épopée de Gilgamesh” Storytelling, shadow theatre and music for children ages 7 and over and for the whole family. This is the fabulous story of the adventures of Gilgamesh, human child of the gods, who learns about friendship, death, courage and joy. A story concocted by the Sumerians over 5000 years ago takes on a new life on the stage of the Petit Théâtre de Sherbrooke, told by poet Michel Garneau and accompanied by composer Michel G. Côté. It’s a show that will take the young and old on a journey through myth and reality. Information and reservations: 346-7575 Sociocultural Activities Sociocultural Activities CONSEIL DU LOISIR SCIENTIFIQUE DE L'ESTRIE ANNIVERSCIENCE: Treat your child to experiments, discoveries, shocking demos and surprises on his birthday. Information: 820-1000 SHERBROOKE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA MISSION: CAREERS: We are recruiting passionate volunteers to lead our youth workshops in chemical engineering. Saturday, November 20, at 20 h “Wagner’s great overtures” JOBS IN LEADERSHIP: If you are an activity leader, a teacher, an educator or simply a passionate science-lover, the Club des Débrouillards invites you to register for our training session to familiarize yourself with its unique concept. Sunday, December 12, at 14 h “Si Noël m'était chanté” Salle Maurice-O'Bready Université de Sherbrooke Information: 820-1000 LE GROUPE SHOW Friday, November 12 and Saturday, November 13 “Un monde en couleurs” Faithful to its reputation, the show will go on again this year in a whirlwind of energy and colour. Fifty singers and dancers, accompanied by 11 hugely talented musicians. Salle Maurice-O'Bready Université de Sherbrooke Information: 820-1000 NATIONAL DAY OF THE DÉBROUILLARDS: On December 4, join Débrouillards from around the country to celebrate with the theme “La science, c’est physique.” An activity and experiment-filled day for children ages 6 to 12, at the pavillon MarieVictorin of the Université de Sherbrooke. Information: 565-5062 or [email protected] A FOREST OF TALENT! Cultural Events Cultural Events PRODUCTIONS LITTORALE 138, rue Wellington Nord, room 202 Friday, November 12, at 20 h “Chants libres à Pierre Levac” An evening of saucy songs… Saturday, November 13, at 20 h “Rendez-vous… conte avec Éric Gauthier” The man who collects useless knowledge… Friday, November 26, at 20 h “Chants libres à SEOBE” Djole and Yugo will bewitch us with their Gypsy songs Saturday, December 11, at 13 h 30 “Rendez-vous… conte-enfants avec Alice Duffaud” Alice the Malice and her devious stories… Saturday, December 11, at 20 h “Rendez-vous… conte avec Alice Duffaud” The forests of Brocéliande and elsewhere… Friday, December 17, at 20 h “Chants libres à Jacques Piette” Songs whose words remind us of the great era of the cabarets Saturday, December 18, at 20 h “Chants libres au Chœur Sangs mêlés” Christmas songs from around the world Information: 566-6996 On September 19, Art-Circuit highlighted its 5th anniversary with the theme " Les noces de bois " (a 5th anniversary of wood). More than 1200 spectators revelled in a veritable forest of talent, during a three-part circuit in downtown Sherbrooke. Visual artists and authors displayed their creations at the Musée de la nature et des sciences while the Petit Théâtre de Sherbrooke and the Théatre Granada hosted and set the stage for singers, dancers, video artists and musical groups. Sixty young Sherbrooke residents, aged between 15 and 25, lit a fire with their talent, benefiting from a showcase made possible by the financial partnership of Ville de Sherbrooke and Quebec’s Ministry of Culture and Communications. Don’t miss next year’s 6th Art-Circuit, to be held in September 2005. Information: 820-0236 (Summum communications) Information: 821-5414 infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 – 13 Fire Prevention Week 2004 This year’s launching of Fire Prevention Week took place at École Saint-Antoine in the Borough of Lennoxville. The theme of this year’s Fire Prevention Week in Sherbrooke this past October was “MY LIFE IS WORTH MORE THAN A BATTERY.” Because of the large number of children involved (nearly 5000) the prevention week was extended through the whole month of October. A very special program was designed by the Prevention Division of Sherbrooke’s Fire Protection Service. It was developed with children ranging from kindergarten to 6th grade in mind. The activity took place mainly in schools and consisted of meeting with children in their classrooms, and at the same time, introducing them to 6-8 fire prevention safety measures. After the elderly, young children are the most vulnerable to fires, with a mortality rate of 1.13 for 100,000 children, whereas the rate is 0.90 for the rest of the population. In 75 % of all fatal fires, there was either no smoke detector, or it did not function properly. Yet a smoke detector in working order can reduce by half the probability of dying because of a fire. And in Quebec, 75% of all fires take place in homes. It’s also in homes that most deaths occur due to fires. The absence of smoke detectors or of a battery inside is still the cause of too many deaths. The lack of an evacuation plan that is well-understood by all family members is also a reason for many deaths due to fires. To make evacuation easier, we need to again remind everyone of the importance of a functional smoke detector as well as making and rehearsing an evacuation plan. rth o w s i IFE is worth a BATTERY MyMyLLIFE ana BATTERY h more than t e r o m 14 – infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 "My life is worth more than a battery" is the unequivocal message that was sent to us this year by children. They are simply saying to us that their lives are in our hands and it’s up to us, the adults, to protect them. A battery doesn’t cost very much, while a child’s life is priceless. It’s not enough to just have a smoke detector, you need to make sure that it works all of the time. HOW ABOUT REALLY COSTEFFECTIVE ADVERTISING? Don’t miss this opportunity! SHERBROOKE MERCHANTS, now’s the time to book your advertising space in infoSHERBROOKOIS THE KEY MEDIA WHEN YOU WANT TO REACH EVERYONE IN TOWN, EVERY CITIZEN IN THE NEW VILLE DE SHERBROOKE! More than 80,000 French copies plus 5000 English copies in Lennoxville Distributed door-to-door, eight times a year CONTACT MR. VINCENT CLOUTIER, CIBLE SOLUTIONS D'AFFAIRES, AT (819) 562-2222 740 Galt Street West, suite 302, Sherbrooke QC J1H 1Z3 – Fax: (819) 562-2336 BUS I N E S S Give the gift of a season’s lift ticket for MONT BELLEVUE this winter! Make the most of the pre-season ticket sale and make the skiers in your life very happy! PRE-SEASON SALE DATES: Saturday and Sunday, November 20 and 21, between 12 h and 16 h at the chalet Antonio-Pinard After this period, tickets are available every weekend until the ski season starts. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR REGISTRATION Bring a passport-sized photo and a proof of residence during the season ticket sale. For a family pass, you need to bring a photo for every person you are registering. TELEPHONE NUMBERS TO REACH US Ski shop: 565-8626 Tickets: 821-5872 AN ACTIVITY-FILLED SEASON IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER Watch for the December issue of infoSherbrookois to find out all about the activities planed specially for you for the 20042005 SEASON AT MONT BELLEVUE. AN INVITATION TO ALL RESIDENTS OF SHERBROOKE AND THE SURROUNDING AREA G UI D E RU L E N O. 5 0 Ask for Help. We can’t always be the best at everything! When it comes to laws, regulations or ordinances, it’s much better to let somebody else handle things! ASK FOR HELP. When there’s a need for it, bring your business to the PME INTER NOTAIRES network and their insightful advisors. Individual and Business Taxation Death Settlements Marriage Contracts Sales Contracts The PME INTER NOTAIRES network offers the most important grouping of skilful legal advisors in Québec who will offer counsel and help you settle properly. Don’t hesitate to ask for help and apply rule No. 1. Call us! SYLVESTRE, SYLVESTRE, BRIÈRE, S.E.N.C. 234 DUFFERIN STREET, SUITE 110, SHERBROOKE J1H 4M2 819 563 4141 WE KNOW OUR BUSINESS 39 OFFICES infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004 – 15 16 – infoSHERBROOKOIS, November 2004
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