June 2015 - St Andrew`s Uniting Church
June 2015 - St Andrew`s Uniting Church
June 2015 St. Andrew’s Uniting Church News Mission Statement: To bring the Gospel of Christ to The People of the Hawkesbury. Pastoral Leaders’ Team (PLT) Rev Je-Kon Oh 4578 3820 (Office, Bus. Hrs.) After Hours: 0410 596 991 or 4578 3421. Email: [email protected] Lester Vincent ( 4575 1507), Justin Dacey (4574 1312) Audrey Morgan (4571 2087) (4578 4421) Margaret Bailey (4776 1487) Beryl Hedges Sandi Herbert (4573 1517) Margaret Wesmore (0419 211 594) Sunday Service Times 8:30am Church Traditional worship followed by morning tea & fellowship. There’s much to pray for. Come and join us! 9-10am each Friday Ministry Assistants Room Contact: Margaret Bailey, Sandi Herbert 10:00am Church In conjunction with our Kids’ Sunday program. A family celebration including programs from three years old to Secondary Year 9. Morning tea and fellowship follows. 6:00pm Sundays@Six; In the Auditorium. Modern worship with singers, drama and band, plus supper to follow. Blokes Breakfast Saturday 13th June 7.30am Our Special Guest Speaker Geoff Hatch President of Hawkesbury TOFM s—”Spe ak abo ut— Speech Patho logy Our first TOFMs for semester 2 was well attended. We tried a slightly different format in order to hear a presentation by a local Speech Therapist – Emily Balam. The mums and carers and children all had lunch together, then the mums went to listen to Emilie's presentation, She covered the important areas of child speech milestones. It was a great presentation and Emily answered many questions from the group. One of the other nice things was having lunch all together so the mums and carers got to know each other even better. Again thanks to our selfless carers who support this group Kerryn Johnson TOFMs 2 Every Friday at 7pm Every Friday during the school term our church youth group meets in the church auditorium. Our night consists of a small bible study, crazy games and a meal together. Youth is now open to year 5/6 students. Dinner is provided for a $5 donation. Please bring along your friends! 3 Worship Planner for June 2015 Date 8:30am Je-Kon Oh 10am Je-Kon Oh 6pm Je-Kon Oh 7 June (Infant Baptism) Je-Kon Oh Je-Kon Oh (HC) Je-Kon Oh Café Church Je-Kon Oh Je-Kon Oh Tony Blake Tony Blake Je-Kon Oh 14 June 21 June 28 June Remarks KFC ends. * Note: This worship plan can be changed at any time. Kids for Christ Texts 7 June (Paddlers): Growing God’s family (Acts 9:19-31) 7 June (Tweens): Trouble for James and Peter (Acts 12:19, 24) 14 June (Paddlers): Prison Praise (Acts 16:25-34) 14 June (Tweens): All part of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-31) 21 June (Paddlers): Shipwrecked! (Acts 27-28) 4 * June Church Activities __ For Services, See Page 1 Mon 1 9.30 Playtime Fri 19 7pm Youth Group Tues 2 7.30pm PLT Meeting Sat 20 Newsletter Items Sun 21 8.30am Worship Thurs 4 9.30 Fellowship Meeting Fri 5 10.15am IDA Service 7pm Youth Group Sun 10am 7 8.30 Worship 10am Mon 22 9.30am Playtime “ 11am St Andrews Singers Wed 10 9.45 T.O.F.M.S Tues 23 7.30pm Finance Mission Team Thurs 11 Adult Fellowship Misson Lunch Wed 24 Youth Group 9.45am T.O.F.M.S Fri 12 7pm Sat 13 7.30am Blokes Breakfast Fri 26 7pm Sun 14 8.30am Sun 28 8.30 10am 10am “ Thurs 25 12pm Seniors Luncheon Worship “ Youth Group Worship “ Mon 15 9.30am Playtime 11am St. Andrews Singers Thurs 18 10am Seniors Get Together A ‘THANK YOU’ TO ST. ANDREWS CONGREGATION and for all those who have given support, and prayers for my very satisfactory progress. I look forward to being with you again, sooner than once I had expected. Thanks be to God! John Sturgess “ We all wish you a complete recovery, John and look forward to having you back with us very soon. Take care, John and take it easy…..VERY easy!” Ed. 5 s Been ’ t a h W ning e p p a H Fellowship Fashion Parade Thursday 14 May, 2015 Thursday the 14th May, 2015 – the day the “Girls & Boys” got dressed up! 8.30a.m. the sun was shining but it was very cold – 2 degrees in Richmond that morning – the “Stafford Fashion” van arrived in St. Andrews car park and the unloading of racks & racks of clothing began. Our faithful, long-serving President was there to unlock the building and the kitchen volunteers started to arrive to prepare morning tea. 9a.m. the models, Irene, Beryl, Lorraine, Hazel, Denise, started to arrive Thus, begun much “to-ing & froing” between the auditorium and the change room and this continued until all the models had five changes of clothing and then they had all that changing again when the parade was on. It makes me tired just to think about it. While this was going on the people in the kitchen, Judith, Anthea & Evie, had been busy also buttering, jamming & creaming scones & pikelets. Can I at this time thank Joy Shepherd & Evie Inskip who are not members of the fellowship but made scones for us. 9.30a.m. and people started to arrive, the tea & coffee was made and soon there was a queue at the servery window requesting there hot drink. 10.30a.m. the parade began. For the first time we had two ushers - one either side of the stage, to assist the models up & down the stairs, didn’t they look dapper in their outfit – thank you so much Ron & David. These two men are members of our Fellowship and they with the other members would warmly welcome other people to join with us. After the parade the auditorium and the change room was extremely busy again with people “trying – on” the different outfits, they bought well and we thank them for that. There were approximately 55 people who attended and thereby supported our effort to raise money to support, not only St. Andrews but also other church & community organisations. The amount of approximately $670.00 was raised. We give thanks to our loving heavenly Father for the sun that shone, the people who came and for the strength and energy He gave to the workers and we pray that we were faithful to Him in the opportunity He gave us to witness for Him. 6 Photos from the Day. Photos By Cliff 7 Fam ily M ovie Nigh t 2n dM ay Move Night Review by Ben Miller On May 2 the church had a movie night. The movie was "Penguins of Madagascar" The movie was shown in the auditorium. We had popcorn, cheese balls and lolly snakes. There were more than 20 kids and more than 15 adults and 2 dogs watching the show. We sat on bean bags and chairs. It was a really good movie and my favourite bit was when they tried to get the egg at the start. My favourite penguin was "Private" I am looking forward to the next movie night Ben Miller 8 What’s going on at Youth Group Coal seam Gas exploration ? Or perhaps construction OF a removable NBA Court 9 ar y ibr L s w ndre A t S If you have never been challenged to your toenails, just try this compelling story of Frida Gashumba, who was 14 at the time of the terrible genocide in Rwanda in 1994. In a matter of weeks, 800,000 people classified as being Tutsis were slaughtered by their neighbours – people they grew up with – who belonged to the Hutu class. (This lifetime classification had been imposed years before by Rwanda’s South Belgian colonial power for the most trivial of reasons and it became a cruel source of prejudice and persecution). Frida lost most of her family – her grandparents, both of her parents, her two sisters and three brothers, plus numerous other relatives in this carnage. She should have died herself, but somehow, by the grace of God lived to tell the story. Her story begins with experiences leading up to the slaughter, when a period of increasing discrimination and school bullying gradually turned into a hideous call – a “Kill Them All” imperative. To an outsider, this could be acknowledged as just another human tragedy which took place among other people, in another part of the world. When you read it for yourself, please tell me what you think of it. I am sure it will challenge, inspire and confirm your own faith in Christ. 10 But Frida’s story is told in the “first person”, from her own horrible experiences. She describes how, when her own time came to be killed, she was given the choice of how to die – by a bullet or by a blow to the head. As she could not afford to pay for a bullet (!), she chose the alternative. That is enough graphic detail! than that. The story is of much more The compelling part of Frida’s story is that our Lord spared her to not only bear witness, but how she gradually came to have such a strong faith in the Lord Jesus and followed His powerful example of love and forgiveness. She actively sought her Hutu killer (who had been gaoled) and told him, face-to-face that she forgave him his terrible crimes against most of her family. It took quite some time for her to become strong enough to face this man. I have wanted for months to write this review of Frida’s story, but could not find the words to adequately describe Frida’s powerful faith example. In our comfortable existence here in Australia, she puts so many of us to shame. This little book, Frida can be borrowed from St Andrew’s Library (now that I have returned it!) Lester Vincent) “Frida – Chosen to Die, Destined to Live” Publisher: 11 Sovereign World WHAT’S HAPPENING DURING THE WEEK SUNDAYS (KFC) Paddlers – Age 3 to Year 1 9:45 -11:00am Tweenes – Years 2 to 6 9:45 -11.00am (Sandra House 4578 2064) (Margaret Wesmore 0419211594) MONDAYS Playtime – 9:30 - 11:30am – Parents and preschoolers (Sarah Jones 4577 5353) Andy’s Hands-on-Help 9:00 - 1 pm , Maintenance & Fellowship. (Bob Thuaux 4578 2309) TUESDAYS Church Council – 7:30pm 1st Tuesday odd number month. Greg Inskip (4573 1002) Pastoral Leaders Team – 7:30pm 1st Tuesday even number month. (Je-Kon Oh) WEDNESDAYS Time Out For Mums.– 9:45 -11:15am Fortnightly in school terms for Mums and preschoolers. (Sandra Brown 4576 6689) THURSDAYS 1st Thursday: Adult Fellowship 9:30am (Irene Milne 4578 1482) 2nd & 3rd Thursday: Seniors All Together 10:00am – 12 noon (Crafts) 4th Thursday: Seniors’ Lunch 12 noon – 1:45pm Senior’s Bible Study – 12 noon -1:30pm (except 4th Thursday) For information on Thursday seniors’ activities contact Sandi Herbert (4573 1517) FRIDAYS IDA Service First Friday, 10::15am. Youth Group (Years 6 - 10) every week in school term. (Greg. Inskip 4573 1002). SMALL/HOME GROUPS are a valuable and integral part of St Andrew’s ministry. We encourage all members to join a group. For further information please speak to our Minister Rev. Je-Kon Oh - Phone 4578 3421 (Home) CHURCH OFFICE MAIL: Post Office Box 450, Richmond 2753 PHONE: (02) 4578 3820 FAX: (02) 4578 0155 HOURS: 10.00am – 2:00pm most days Email: [email protected] Web: www.richmonduniting.org.au Centre Manager: Derek Scott: 4578 6015 Please send the editor your news and views and other articles for the newsletter. email [email protected] Ph. 4573 1002 St. Andrew’s Uniting Church 25 West Market Street, Richmond, NSW A congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia. St. Andrew’s is a member of the Assembly of Confessing Congregations. 12
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