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SALEM-KEIZER PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2011 – 2012 OPTIONS is Salem-Keizer Public Schools way to provide instruction to all students wherever, whenever, and however they need it. These needs include flexible programs that provide some students with more structure and guidance to complete their education, while others provide an opportunity for students to move ahead at a more accelerated pace. W h e r e To G e t M o r e I n f o r m ati o n HIGH SCHOOL McKAY HIGH SCHOOL • Guidance Office.............................503-399-5566 • Main Number...............................503-399-3080 SPRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL • Guidance Office.........................503-399-3265 or 503-391-4082 • Main Number............................... 503-399-3261 McNARY HIGH SCHOOL WEST SALEM HIGH SCHOOL • Guidance Office............................. 503-399-3147 • Guidance Office............................ 503-584-6440 • Main Number............................... 503-399-3233 • Main Number............................... 503-399-5533 NORTH SALEM HIGH SCHOOL • Guidance Office.............................503-399-3223 • Main Number............................... 503-399-3241 SOUTH SALEM HIGH SCHOOL • Guidance Office.............................503-399-2644 • Main Number...............................503-399-3252 ROBERTS HIGH SCHOOL • Credit Link....................................503-399-5550 • Downtown Learning Center............503-399-3421 • SK Online..................................503-399-5550 or www.skonline.org • Structured Learning Center.............. 503-399-5550 • Teen Parent Program................... 503-365-4800 EARLY COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL (ECHS) • Main Number.............................. 503-365-4800 Students considering options should always consult with their guidance counselor to determine which option is best suited for them. High School Credit/Making Room For E xtra Courses Grade Option Description Level Correspondence Courses 9-12 Early/Late Bird Classes 9-12 General Work Experience 11-12 Community Service Independent Study In-School Alternative Programs 11-12 11-12 9-12 Additional Information First Steps Accredited schools and colleges offer correspondence courses for high school credit that meet specific needs of some high school students. Students are responsible for all costs and deadlines. School Counselor These classes are offered during an extra period scheduled before or after school in limited subjects. Varies from school to school Students can earn pass/no pass elective work experience credit through paid employment. Application process varies by school. 65 hrs. paid employment = .5 credit Students can earn pass/no pass elective community service credit through school-approved community service programs Application process, number of hours and other course requirements may vary by school. --- School Counselor Career Ed. Coordinator or School Coordinator Students contract with the school to complete a specific course of study to earn credit in various subjects. Varies from school to school. Curriculum Assistant Principal or School Counselor Each high school operates an alternative classroom offering students individual and small group opportunities to earn credit in a non-traditional setting. Varies from school to school. School Counselor or Assistant Principal – See back cover for additional information Students must have completed personal fitness. .5 credit only School Counselor or SK Online School Counselor; Career Ed. Coordinator Personal Enhancement 11-12 Students pursue a physical education activity beyond the classroom and are expected to design, implement, and complete an individualized plan. Structured Work Experience 10-12 Students can earn credit by working in areas such as banking, auto mechanics, medicine, food service, retail, office and management. Varies from school to school. 6-12 Any Salem-Keizer student may take selected courses through the Internet. Licensed content teachers teach these Internet classes. Content may be accessed at any time, allowing each student to advance through the curriculum at his or her own rate of learning. Entry depends on the semester calendar. No fee for students fully enrolled in Roberts High School.Tuition $265 for other 24J students. Online Courses School Counselor or Assistant Principal www.skonline.org Secondary Alternative E nrollment Grade Option Description Level Additional Information First Steps Bridge 11-12 Bridge offers online courses at an accelerated pace for credit deficient juniors and seniors. All courses are delivered in a Pass/No-Pass format, with support by instructional assistants and highly qualified teachers. Students receive lab support for at least two hours per day. Bridge computer lab is located at the District Literacy Center. School Counselor GED Preparation Program 10-12, age 16 & older Located at 360 Commercial St. NE, the GED Preparation Program offers preparation and testing to earn a GED certification. GED Option requires 10 grade reading level. School Counselor SK Online offers letter-graded online courses for acceleration, scheduling conflicts, medical, and other considerations, for students who are self-motivated and have a strong academic work history at the secondary level. See www.skonline.org School counselor Structured Learning Center helps expelled or referred students in grades 6-12 continue their education while developing behavioral skills and maintaining academic progress. Placement at SLC is by arrangement for one year or less. Principals, Assistant Principals Located at Grant Elementary School 503-508-2074 SK Online Structured Learning Program 9-12 6-12 Tech Prep Academy 11-12, age 16 & older Students focus on employment and career skills through internships and mentoring. High school diploma requirements are met through completion of online courses. Teen Parent Program --- Teen Parent Program offers onsite child care, parenting support, health services support, and regular high school classes leading to diploma completion for pregnant and parenting students. Winema 16 – 18 years of age Winema provides high school courses in a highly accountable & structured setting for credit deficient students. --Located on the Chemeketa College campus. Seats are limited. School Counselor School Counselor School counselor College Credit O pportunities Grade Option Description Level International Baccalaureate (IB) 11-12 College Credit Now! 10-12 Advanced Placement (AP) 10-12 Gifted Scholars Program 12 Early College High School Chemeketa Dual Enrollment 9-13 11-12 The International Baccalaureate Program offers motivated students a highly academic program for grades 11-12. Students in grades 9-10 are encouraged to take the pre-IB classes. Students may take individual courses for possible college credit in English, social science, sciences, languages, mathematics, and electives that can be combined for a full program accepted at colleges throughout the world. Additional Information --- First Steps Chuck Chamberlain 503-399-3252 College Credit Now provides credit in a variety of college-level courses taught by high school teachers. The credit can transfer to Oregon’s four-year universities as well as community colleges. There is a $30 per course fee. College-level courses vary from school to school. School Counselor or The Mid-Willamette Education Consortium at Chemeketa C.C. 503-399-5239 AP courses are offered in English, social studies, mathematics, science and second languages. Students who take exams in these subjects may be able to obtain college credit. Varies from school to school. Fee for AP examinations. School Counselor The Gifted Scholars Program at Willamette University is available for a limited number of seniors at each school who have excelled in accelerated course work at their high school and need additional academic challenges. Contact Willamette University at 503-370-6303 School Counselor Early College High School (ECHS) is collaboration between Salem-Keizer School District and Chemeketa Community College. This is a college preparatory program for students who are highly motivated, and who may need extra resources and support to enter college. ECHS students can exit at grade 13 (year 5) with both a high school diploma and an associates or transfer degree. School Counselor Students may take coursework through Chemeketa Community College while enrolled in their high school program. Contact Chemeketa Community College at 503-399-5120. School Counselor A lternative E ducation P rograms Within H igh S chools P R O G R A M S McKAY HIGH SCHOOL PLATO SOUTH SALEM HIGH SCHOOL STARS/SK-Online Students who need to recover credits due to previous failures in high school classes can take advantage of the PLATO courses offered through the Alternative Education Program at McKay. PLATO allows students to make up course credits in Math, Science, English and Social Studies while working at their own pace. This is an option for students who are credit deficient. It is available to sophomores through seniors. Alternative Education Alternative Education is a credit recovery program for 11th and 12th grade students. SK-Online Its purpose is to provide online learning 24 hours a day, seven days a week to any school‑aged student for any reason, including: acceleration, remediation, credit deficiency, scheduling conflicts at his/her regular school, medical or other considerations, a supplement to home school. McNARY HIGH SCHOOL Community Experience in Career Education (CE2) This class is for 11th and 12th grade students who are lacking credits for graduation. Students focus on personal growth, credit recovery and how to succeed in life. Work experience is available in the community. SK-Online This program is offered to McNary students for credit recovery. This program is open to 10th through 12th graders who are full-time students at McNary. Students considering this program should be strong readers, organized and highly self motivated. NORTH SALEM HIGH SCHOOL STARS/SK-Online SPRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL SK-Online This online class program is open to credit-deficient sophomores through seniors. Students attend during the regular day and should be strong readers and highly self-motivated. Each online class takes the space of a regular class in the student’s schedule. Bridge This program meets 2:45-4:45 p.m. daily and is for seriously credit deficient juniors and seniors. Online classes are completed at Sprague and at home. Students should be strong readers and highly selfmotivated. Both programs require counselor referral. WEST SALEM HIGH SCHOOL SK-Online/STARS This program is offered to West Salem student for credit recovery. This program is open to 10th through 12th graders who are full-time students at West Salem. Students considering this program should be strong readers, organized and highly self-motivated. This is an option for students who are credit deficient. It is available to juniors and seniors. Transitions Transitions is a program that primarily targets freshman and sophomore students who need additional assistance to be successful in the regular classroom environment. Students will complete online courses in addition to being enrolled in regular education classes. The amount of time during the school day in the transition program will vary depending on the needs of the student. (11th and 12th grade students can be served on a space available basis.) Sandy Husk, Superintendent September 2011 Salem-Keizer Public Schools promotes equal opportunity for all individuals without regard to age, color, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion or creed, sex or gender, sexual orientation, or veteran status. P R O G R A M S Rev. 7/11 Manuals are continually revised and improved. Users of this manual should check the QAM website for the most recent version. INS-M007