Saint Mary P arish - Waltham, MA Catholic Church


Saint Mary P arish - Waltham, MA Catholic Church
Solemnity of
The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
June 22, 2014
Parroquia de Santa María
1835 - 2014
Saint Mary Parish
Solemnidad del
Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
22 de junio de 2014
I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever;
and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world. John 6:51
Santa María de Waltham
22 de junio de 2014
133 School Street, Waltham, MA 02451
Website: stmar ywaltham.or g
Email: stmar [email protected]
RECTORY/Rectoría 781-891-1730 (Fax 781-209-0555)
Rev. Michael Nolan
Parochial Vicar/V icario Par.
Rev. David Martin Ssentamu
Parochial Vicar/V icario Par.
Rev. Agustín Anda
Carmen Kapishnikov
Business Mgr./Dir. de Negocios Mary McCarthy
Michael Welch
Lila Cleary
Choir Coordinators/Coordinadores de Coro
Ivan Colon (Español) , Michael Mukisa (Uganda),
Lila Cleary (Gregorian Chant)
MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de las Misas
Saturday Vigil /Sábado Vigilia 4:00 p.m. English
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
1:30 p.m. Luganda
Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 12:10 p.m. English
Wednesday/Miércoles Chapel/Capilla 7:00 p.m. Español
Friday/V iernes
Chapel/Capilla 7:00 p.m. Español
Church/Iglesia 8:00 p.m. Luganda
Holy Days/Dias de Precepto
7:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m. English
7:00 p.m. Español
IMMIGRATION CTR/Centro de Inmigración 617-817-7544
Deacon/Diácono Eduardo Mora
PRAY THE ROSARY/El Santo Rosario
Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 11:30 a.m. English
11:00 a.m. Español
Administator/A dmistradora
Nilvia Hernández
Adam Redjinski
AFTER SCHOOL PROG./Programa Después de la Escuela
Jennifer Acuña & Mark Chlapowski 781-577-2262
Mon.-Thurs./Lunes-Jueves 11:30 a.m. -12:00
Friday/V iernes
11:00 a.m. -12:00
3:00 p.m. - 3:45
11:00 a.m. -11:20
The church is open every day from 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
La iglesia está abierta todos los días de 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
Wednesday/Miércoles Chapel/Capilla 12:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Friday/V iernes
Church/Iglesia 12:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK/Unción de los enfermos
First Monday of the month during the 12:10 p.m. Mass and
by appointment.
El primer Lunes del mes durante la misa de las 12:10 p.m. o
por cita.
IMMIGRATION CENTER/Centro de Inmigración
Offers assistance to those seeking support for immigration
issues - citizenship, housing, ESL classes, and more.
Ofrece ayuda para aquellos que buscan apoyo para asuntos
de inmigración - ciudadanía, vivienda, clases de inglés como
segundo idioma, y más.
los hogares y enfermos
Call Ann Faulstich at 781-893-8953.
Llamar a el Diácono 617-817-7544.
BAPTISM/Bautism o
Third Sunday of the month at 3 p.m. for children under age
seven. Parents must call the rectory to arrange for baptism.
Preparation is required.
Padres y padrinos deben asistir a la preparación el primer
domingo del mes en el Edificio de Educación Religiosa y el
Bautizo se llevara a cabo el primer domingo del mes siguiente, después de la misa de las 11:30 a.m.
SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION/Sacramentos de Iniciación
Adults and children (age 7+) who want to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, or First Communion must
attend preparation classes. Call the rectory for information.
Los adultos y niños (mayores de siete años) que desean recibir los sacramentos del Bautismo, la Confirmación o la Primera Comunión pueden tomar clases de preparación para
los sacramentos. Llamar a la rectoría para información.
Call the rectory to arrange a meeting.
Comunicarse con el Diácono para los arreglos y requisitos.
Call the Deacon to schedule the celebration. The young adult
must be participating in the Confirmation Program.
Llame al Diácono para programar la celebración. La joven
debe estar participando en el Programa de Confirmación.
133 CLUB/Club 133
Numbers are available for the monthly drawing (third Saturday of month following 4 p.m. Mass). Prizes range from $25
to $1,000. Forms are at the church entrances and the rectory.
Los números están disponibles para el sorteo mensual
(tercer sábado del mes siguiente a 4 p.m. Misa). Los premios
van desde $25 a $1,000. Los formularios se encuentran en
las entradas de la iglesia y la rectoría .
We welcome you to register in the parish. Please introduce
yourself to the Pastor. Registration forms are available at the
doors of the church.
Lo invitamos a registrarse en la parroquia. Por favor
preséntese al Pastor. Los formularios de inscripción están
disponibles en las puertas de la iglesia.
Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
St. Mary Parish, Waltham
June 22, 2014
My brothers and sisters in Christ,
A few weeks ago, I received an email from a Minister in
Colorado. He was writing to Waltham Churches seeking
help for a young woman from Syria. This woman is a
student at one of their local colleges and this congregation
has supported her with housing and friendship during her
stay in Colorado. She is not able to return to her country
because of the violence and unrest so she was granted
asylum. The woman will be continuing her studies this Fall
at Brandies University and needs a place to live. She cannot
afford rent but can do some light housework and/or
babysitting in return for a room. She has been staying with a
family in Colorado who is happy to provide a reference and
testimony about her. If you know of any way that we as a
parish can help her get situated in Waltham please let me
know. In the meantime let us continue to pray for the people
of Syria and the Middle East, including in our prayers that
the Christian population will not be exterminated or forced
to flee their homeland and the land of our Savior.
- Father Michael
The Saint Mary’s After School Program finished its second
year this past week. The program helped children from all
over Waltham – Catholics, Christians, children of other
religions and some with no religious background or
affiliation. Many thanks to Christine, Jennifer, Mark and
Susan and all of the volunteers for their hard work. The
program served over fifty children and families at one of the
most critical and difficult times of the day for the families –
the hours after school when parents are still at work. The
children were introduced to numerous activities for the first
time in their lives. Some (but not all) of the activities were
cooking, gardening, taking books out of the library and
reading at home, praying the Rosary, learning new music,
learning to play African drums, playing Chess, making a
Nativity Crèche, attending a Cello Concert, Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament, Altar serving, praying the Stations of the
Cross during Lent, sewing, dancing, attending book
presentations with book authors, acting in dramas and public
speaking. They played games and sports each day. They
were guided in completing their homework assignments
every day. They prayed at Mass every Thursday. We are
grateful to all the parishioners for prayers and support of this
program. Numerous people say how they wish they would
see more children at Sunday Mass. This is how it happens.
You build a culture and make the Faith relevant to their lives
all week. You make the parish church their home. Then they
will have a reason to come to thank God on Sunday. We are
planting seeds that are going to bear fruit after we are gone.
As the Lord said, One sows and another reaps.
The following Mass Intentions are scheduled this week:
Saturday, June 21
4:00 p.m. - Raymond Cormier
Sunday, June 22
8:00 a.m. - Parish & Parishioners
10:00 a.m. - Susan Redfern
Tuesday, June 24
12:10 p.m. - Frederick Serr (living)
Saturday, June 28
4:00 p.m. - Ruth Caramanica - 1st Anniversary
Sunday, June 29
8:00 a.m. - Parish & Parishioners
10:00 a.m. - Catherine Coakley & Ann Sammartano
Those requesting a Mass Intention should speak to the
celebrant at least ten minutes before the Mass if they would
like to serve as gift bearers for that liturgy.
Thank you for your generous offering to our parish.
• 967 people participated in the first four Masses last
weekend and contributed $4,045 to the weekly collection
and $3,312 to the Special Monthly collection.
• The weekly collection at the 1:30 p.m. Mass on June 8
was $611 and the second collection for Seminarians was
Next weekend’s second collection is Peter’s Pence for the
Holy Father.
Bill, Mary Ryan, Nicole, Ernie O, Alice, Gena, Richard,
June, Carrie, Jane, Barbara M., Anne McCarthy, Maureen
Sullivan, Herb Finley, David Stack, Terry, Leona, Bill,
Today as we celebrate the gift of the Body and Blood of
Christ let us pray for those who are hungry, malnourished
and starving.
Your gift in the St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box will help the
poor to believe in the mystery of God’s love for them.
Thank you for your continued support of this parish
Christ Jesus, may your food strengthen us for our journey.
Your Eucharist is a sign of love, may the poor and outcasts
find a place at your table. Your Eucharist is a sign of unity,
may we embrace diversity with reverence and open hearts.
Christ Jesus, you are the bread that fills the longing of our
hearts, may this bread deepen our longing for justice. Christ
Jesus, you are the wine that satisfies our thirst for holiness,
may this wine deepen our desire for You. Amen
Solemnity of The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
Santa María de Waltham
22 de junio de 2014
The Holy Thursday procession accompanies Jesus in his
loneliness to the via crucis. The Corpus Christi procession,
on the contrary, responds symbolically to the mandate of the
Risen One… this universal aspect of the Eucharistic presence is shown in the procession of our feast. We take Christ,
present in the figure of bread, through the streets of our
city… With this gesture, we place before his eyes the sufferings of the sick, the loneliness of youth and the elderly,
temptations, fears, our whole life. The procession is intended
to be a great and public blessing for our city: Christ is, in
person, the divine blessing for the world… In the procession
of Corpus Christi, we accompany the Risen One on his journey through the whole world, as we have said. And, in this
way, we also respond to his mandate: “Take, eat… Drink of
it, all of you” (Mt 26:26 and following). The Risen One,
present in the form of bread, cannot be “eaten” as a simple
piece of bread. To eat this bread is to enter into communion
with the person of the living Lord. This communion, this act
of “eating” is really a meeting between two persons; it is to
allow oneself to be penetrated by the life of the One who is
Lord, who is my Creator and Redeemer. The purpose of this
communion is the assimilation of my life with his, my transformation and configuration with the One who is living love.
Therefore, this communion implies adoration, the will to
follow Christ, to follow the One who goes before us. Adoration and procession form part, therefore, of only one gesture
of communion. They respond to his mandate: “Take, eat.”
A meeting of ALL lectors will take place on Monday, June
23 at 4:00 p.m. in the church.
This weekend, June 21-22, representatives from Bethlehem
Handicrafts will be selling religious articles carved from
olive wood after all of the Masses. This organization supports Christians in the Holy Land who are experiencing economic challenges.
Please join Fr. David next weekend, June 28-29, following
all of the Masses for a 15-minute exhibition of his healthcare
work in one of the rural health centers in Uganda. For the
last two years Father David has made visits there with a
medical team from around New England. Don’t miss seeing
this inspiring exhibition! Refreshments will be served.
Volunteers at St. Charles are planning their annual bazaar on
October 25. If you have some items that you no longer want
or need, please consider donating them to St. Charles to be
sold at their bazaar. They cannot accept books, luggage, exercise equipment, TVs, or electronics. To arrange a drop off
of your items, please call the parish office.
I saw a man, radiant with glory
I asked Abba Timothy, ‘When you came here to the desert,
did you suffer a great deal?’
He said to me: ‘Yes, I suffered a great deal, my son, so
much that I threw myself to the ground on account of my
pain and grief, crying out to the Lord on account of my
many sins. I also suffered a great pain from an infirmity laid
upon me. Now I looked and saw a man radiant with glory
standing beside me. He said to me, “Where are you sick?”
‘My strength returned to me a little and I said to him, “Sir,
it’s my liver that hurts me.”
‘He said to me, “Show me where it hurts”, so I showed
him where my liver was hurting me. He stretched out his
hand over me, with his fingers joined together, and he cut
open my side as with a knife. He brought out my liver and
showed me the wounds in it. He healed them and bound
them up and put my liver back in its place again, and he
smoothed over the spot with his hands and rejoined the place
which he had cut apart. He said to me, “See, you are healed.
Do not sin again that no worse evil happen to you. But be a
servant of the Lord now and forever”.
‘Since that day all my insides have been healthy and the
pain in my liver has gone away. I have lived here in the desert without pain. And he taught me about the bindings
which he treated me with’.
Saint Mary Parish has surpassed its 2014 Catholic Appeal
goal of $27,425! We are truly grateful to the 196 parishioners and families that helped us reach our goal. The Catholic
Appeal provides critical funding to hundreds of Pastoral,
charitable, and educational programs that impact tens of
thousands within the Archdiocese of Boston. Our parish’s
support of the Catholic Appeal is a sign of our shared desire
to follow the messages of Cardinal Seán O’Malley and the
Holy Father to move the Church forward in hope. On behalf
of all who will benefit from your generosity, thank you for
your support.
We ask everyone to remember in the warm weather months
to dress for Mass in a way that corresponds to worshipping
and honoring the Lord. Beach attire is for the beach, not the
Church. We are honored that the Lord has invited us to his
banquet table – let us remember to show our gratitude in
every way we can, including in our dress.
Many thanks to all of you who send in your weekly contributions to the parish even when you are away on vacation.
We depend greatly on your steady stewardship at this time
of year. While people go away for periods of time, the bills
keep showing up each week. Thank you.
Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
St. Mary Parish, Waltham
June 22, 2014
We encourage everyone to continue reading the Acts of the
Apostles this week …
Paul and Barnabas at Iconium. In Iconium they entered the
Jewish synagogue together and spoke in such a way that a
great number of both Jews and Greeks came to believe, although the disbelieving Jews stirred up and poisoned the
minds of the Gentiles against the brothers. So they stayed for
a considerable period, speaking out boldly for the Lord, who
confirmed the word about his grace by granting signs and
wonders to occur through their hands. The people of the city
were divided: some were with the Jews; others, with the
apostles. When there was an attempt by both the Gentiles
and the Jews, together with their leaders, to attack and stone
them, they realized it and fled to the Lycaonian cities of Lystra and Derbe and to the surrounding countryside, where
they continued to proclaim the good news.
Saint Mary Parish is proud to present the Vatican International Exhibition of The Eucharistic Miracles of the W orld
from Wednesday, June 18 – Sunday, June 22 (Corpus Christi
Sunday). The exhibit will be open for 1 hour each weekday
following the 12:10 Mass, and on Corpus Christi Sunday
from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. This exhibit includes an extensive assortment of photographs and historical descriptions of some
of the principle Eucharistic Miracles throughout the ages and
across the globe. Each of the 140 miracles has been officially recognized by the Church.
Eucharistic miracles are God’s extraordinary interventions,
meant to confirm faith in the real presence of the body and
blood of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. By means of
this exhibit, you can “virtually visit” places of these great
miracles like 8th Century Lanciano where the Host turned to
Flesh and the Wine turned to Blood, and to Bolsena and Orvieto in 1263 and see the miracle that convinced Pope Urban
IV to extend the Feast of Corpus Christi to the universal
Church and prompted St. Thomas Aquinas to compose Tantum Ergo."
The Campion Health Center in Weston is sponsoring a blood
drive on Friday, June 27. Please consider donating blood if
you can. The blood drive will be in the American Red Cross
bus located at the Campion Health Center, 319 Concord
Road in Weston. Call 1-800-733-2767 for an appointment.
Sister Josephine HHCJ is a member of our parish while studying at Brandeis University. She is beginning a year of internship and needs a car to get back and forth. If anyone is
getting rid of a car and wishes to donate it to Sister Josephine, please contact her at 910-689-6519.
Islamic terrorists target Christians in attack on Kenyan town
Islamic terrorists slaughtered at least 48 people in the Kenyan town of Mpeketoni on Sunday evening, June 15, dragging men from their homes and killing those who identified
themselves as non-Muslims. Al Shabaab, the Somalia-based
Islamic group, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying
that it was a response to Kenya’s intervention in Somalia.
The terrorists, who arrived in two vans, also attacked a police station and set fire to two hotels. Bishop Emanuel Barbara of Malindi said that after the initial attack, the gunmen
“stopped passing motorists and pedestrians, asking them
whether they were Muslims or Christians. If they were
Christians they killed them.” Other witnesses reported that
Christian men were forced out of their homes and shot down
while their families watched.
Last year we began including questions and answers about
each line of the Creed to remind us what we mean when we
profess our faith. We will continue to do so until we reach
the end of the prayer. From the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church…
• How does the laity participate in the kingly office?
The laity participate in the kingly function of Christ because
they have received from him the power to overcome sin in
themselves and in the world by self-denial and the holiness
of their lives. They exercise various ministries at the service
of the community and they imbue temporal activities and the
institutions of society with moral values.
• What is the consecrated life?
The consecrated life is a state of life recognized by the
Church. It is a free response to a special call from Christ by
which those consecrated give themselves completely to God
and strive for the perfection of charity moved by the Holy
Spirit. This consecration is characterized by the practice of
the evangelical counsels.
• What can the consecrated life give to the mission of
the Church?
The consecrated life participates in the mission of the
Church by means of a complete dedication to Christ and to
one’s brothers and sisters witnessing to the hope of the heavenly Kingdom.
Come and experience a one-week Service Retreat in Eastern
Kentucky from August 9-16. Adults 18 and older are invited
to learn more about our 19th annual Working Retreat in one
of the poorest areas of our country by attending an Information Night, Friday, June 27 at 7:00 p.m. at Our Lady Help
of Christians (Lower) Church, 573 Washington Street, Newton, or by calling Fr. Ed Riley at 617-746-5425.
Solemnity of The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
Santa María de Waltham
22 de junio de 2014
Mis hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
Hace unas semanas, recibí un e-mail de un ministro en
Colorado. El ha estado contactando iglesias en Waltham para
que ayuden a una joven de Siria. Ella es una estudiante de la
universidad local y esa congregación ha estado ayudando a la
joven con alojamiento y amistad durante su estancia en Colorado. Debido a la violencia y disturbios, la joven no puede
regresar a su país y le fue otorgado asilo. En el otoño continuará con sus estudios en la universidad de Brandies y necesita un lugar donde vivir. No puede pagar renta pero puede
hacer labores ligeras o cuidar niños a cambio de un cuarto.
Ella ha estado viviendo con una familia en Colorado quien
esta más que feliz de dar referencias y testimonio sobre ella.
Si tu sabes de alguna manera en que como parroquia podamos ayudarla déjame saber. Mientras tanto vamos a continuar
pidiendo por la gente de Siria y el Medio Oriente, incluyendo
en nuestras oraciones que la población Cristiana no sea exterminada o forzada a huir de su tierra natal; la tierra de nuestro
- Padre Michael
La celebración de esta semana es una gran oportunidad para
reflexionar sobre como recibimos el Cuerpo y la Sangre de
¿Recibo la Sangre de Cristo cuando es ofrecida durante la
misa o solo paso de largo?¿Como me preparo para la misa
dominical? ¿Como me visto? ¿Llego a tiempo? ¿Me voy
antes de que termine la misa? ¿Ayuno una hora antes de la
misa? ¿Voy a confesarme cuando es necesario antes de
recibir la comunión? ¿Participo en las oraciones? ¿Canto?
¿Invito a otros a misa? ¿Es la misa del domingo una prioridad
en mi vida o solo voy a misa cuando tengo ganas?¿Estoy en
paz con mi familia, vecinos, compañeros de trabajo y mis
hermanos cristianos? ¿Reconozco el Cuerpo y la Sangre de
Cristo en como vivo, pienso, actúo, y amo a los demás?
La parroquia de Santa María se enorgullece en presentar la
Exhibición Internacional del Vaticano de Los Milagros Eucarísticos en el Mundo, del 18 al 22 de Junio. La exhibición
estará abierta de miércoles a viernes por una hora después de
la misa de las 12:10pm. y el domingo de Corpus Christi de
9a.m.-2p.m. Esta exhibición incluye una extensa variedad de
fotografías y descripciones históricas de algunos de los Milagros Eucarísticos principales a través de las diferentes épocas
y alrededor del mundo. Cada uno de los 140 milagros ha sido
reconocido oficialmente por la iglesia. Los milagros Eucarísticos son intervenciones extraordinarias de Dios, que tienen la
intención de confirmar la fe en la presencia real del cuerpo y
la sangre de nuestro Señor en el Santísimo Sacramento.
Representantes de las Artesanias de Belén estarán vendiendo
artículos religiosos después de las misas del domingo. Esta
organización ayuda a los Cristianos en Tierra Santa que están
pasando por dificultades económicas.
967 personas asistieron a las primeras cuatro misas el fin de
semana pasado contribuyendo con un total de $4,045 a la
colecta semanal y con $3,312 a la segunda colecta especial.
El 8 de junio, en la misa de 1:30p.m. se colectaron $611 y
$197 de la colecta para el seminario.
Su Eminencia, el Cardinal Sean O’Maley, invita a los matrimonios que este año estén celebrando sus 25vo y 50vo aniversario de bodas a una misa especial el día domingo 22 de junio a las 11:30a.m., en la Catedral de la Santa Cruz. La misa
incluira renovación de votos. Para registrarse ir a: AnniversaryMass.
Muchas gracias por mandar su colecta dominical aún cuando
salen de vacaciones. Dependemos grandemente de su apoyo
pués los recibos continuan llegando cada semana.
El Programa Después de la Escuela de Santa Maria concluyó
su segundo año la semana pasada. El programa ayudó a niños de todo Waltham– Catolicos, Cristianos, niños de otras
religiones y algunos sin ninguna formación o afiliación religiosa. Quiero agradecer a Christine, Jennifer, Mark, Susan
y a todos los voluntarios por su arduo trabajo. El programa
ha ayudado a más de 50 niños y sus familias en uno de los
momentos más criticos y dificiles del día—las horas después
de la escuela cuando los padres de familia aún se encuentran
en el trabajo. Los niños participaron en diferentes actividades por primera vez en sus vidas. Entre ellas podemos mencionar la jardinería, costura, cocina, tomar libros de la biblioteca y leer en casa, rezar el Rosario, aprender a tocar los
tambores Africanos, hacer manualidades tales como un
Nacimiento, aprender a jugar ajedrez, adoración al Santisimo
Sacramento, servir como acólitos o monaguillos, rezar la
estaciones de la cruz en Cuaresma, atendieron presentaciones de autores de libros, y concierto de Cello, participaron
en bailables, actuación en obras de teatro y hablar en publico. Los niños hicieron deportes y jugaron todos los días.
Recibieron ayuda diaria con sus tareas escolares. Participaron en la misa de los niños los Jueves.
Estamos muy agradecidos con los feligreses de la parróquia
que han orado y apoyado a este programa. Algunos de ellos
dicen que desearían ver mas niños en la misa del domingo.
Bien, es así como funciona. Construyes una cultura y haces
que la Fe sea relevante en sus vidas durante la semana.
Haces de la parroquia su hogar. Y entonces, tienen un razón
para venir los domingos a dar gracias. Estamos plantando las
semillas que algún día darán frutos. Como dice el Señor,
unos siembran y otros cosechan.
Jesús manso y humilde de corazón,
haz mi corazón semejante al tuyo.
Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, en Vos confío.
Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo