La spettroscopia dal campo alla tavola: composti bioattivi, autenticità
La spettroscopia dal campo alla tavola: composti bioattivi, autenticità
Spettroscopia NIR e NIR-imaging per monitoraggio in situ e controllo remoto in ambito agro-alimentare. Milano, 24 settembre 2015 La spettroscopia dal campo alla tavola: composti bioattivi, autenticità di prodotto e monitoraggio di processo Infrared spectroscopy from farm to fork: bioactive compounds, product authenticity and process monitoring Ernestina Casiraghi RATIONALE INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY Infrared spectroscopy has proven to be a successful analytical method for quantitative and qualitative modelling of a wide variety of foodstuffs and food production processes. ADVANTAGES • Speed of the analysis (10-60 s) • Absence of chemical reagents • Ease-of-use after initial method development • Non destructive techniques • Simultaneous measurements of several constituents INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY and CHEMOMETRICS Quantitative determination PCA, Cluster analysis, LDA, KNN, PLS-DA, Class modelling Qualitative determination MLR, PCR, PLS, Non-linear calibration methods (ANN) INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY and CHEMOMETRICS Green and on-site tool •to enhance food quality •to confirm food authenticity •to monitor food processing IR and FOOD number of pubblications number of documents 600 Iran France Germany Canada Brazil Italy Spain India United States China 500 400 300 200 100 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 83 87 89 102 110 113 163 241 288 673 0 200 400 600 800 BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS: RATIONALE AIM Infrared spectroscopy to explore product bioactivity 1. Development of a predictive methods for the determination of phenolic compounds in grape skin (by-product of wine industry) and blueberries; 2. Vitamin C content in Acerola by Hyperspectral Imaging. Phenolic compounds in grape skin High number of samples from white and red varieties on a three years period WINE INDUSTRY BY-PRODUCTS Barbera, Chardonnay (Vitis Vinifera L.) GRAPE POMACES Undistilled and distilled Parameters Method Polyphenols Folin-Ciocalteu assay Anthocyanins Abs 540 nm Procyanidins Acid-Butanol assay Antioxidant Activity FRAP-Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power Moisture Oven at 105㼻C for 12 h SKINS SEEDS RECOVERY - Fibre fractions - Sugar - Phenolic compounds APPLICATIONS This research was supported by AGER PROJECT Grant n. 2010-2222 - Development of innovative functional foods (baked goods) - Natural antioxidants and antimicrobials Phenolic compounds in grape skin WET GRAPE SKINS Partial least squares regression (PLS regression) models Red grapes White grapes Dependent Variable Min-Max Data PreLV Processing Calibration R2 RMSEC Cross-Validation R2 RMSECV Moisture (g\100g) 2.56-11.45 SNV-d1 5 0.862 0.604 0.827 0.691 Total Polyphenols (GAEg/100g) 1.93-7.71 SNV-d1 7 0.893 0.376 0.771 0.567 Proanthocyanins (CYAEg/100g) 1.29-7.26 SNV-d1 7 0.800 0.614 0.700 0.755 Antioxidant Activity (TEmmol/100g) 9.89-43.34 SNV-d1 7 0.779 3.925 0.662 4.987 Moisture (g\100g) 2.43-10.08 SNV-d1 6 0.919 1.630 0.898 1.848 Total Polyphenols (GAEg/100g) 2.95-10.94 SNV-d1 7 0.850 1.025 0.814 1.156 Anthocyanins (CYAEg/100g) 0.08-2.93 SNV-d1 5 0.857 0.062 0.819 0.072 Proanthocyanins (CYAEg/100g) 1.96-12.92 SNV-d1 7 0.877 1.234 0.841 1.423 Antioxidant Activity (TEmmol/100g) 16.05-68.93 SNV-d1 7 0.905 14.091 0.864 17.064 SNV= Standard Normal Variate, d1= first derivative, LV= number of latent variables, R2= coefficient of determination, RMSEC= root mean square error of calibration, RMSECV=root mean square error of cross-validation Phenolic compounds in blueberries Evaluation of quality and nutraceutical content of blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) by near and mid-infrared spectroscopy. Postharvest Biology & Technology. 50, (1): 31-36, 2008. Sinelli, N., Spinardi, A., Di Egidio, V. Mignani, I., Casiraghi, E. 132 samples of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) PLS models to evaluate phenolic substances and vitamin C Calibration Dependent variable IR method LV Total phenols (mg cateching/g) FT-NIR 10 FT-IR Total flavonoids (mg catechin/g) Data processing Cross Validation rcal RMSEC rcv RMSECV RPD MSC 0.98 0.10 0.96 0.14 3.84 4 SNV 0.95 0.12 0.93 0.14 2.83 FT-NIR 7 SNV-d1 0.99 0.12 0.96 0.20 3.77 FT-IR 8 SNV 0.98 0.10 0.97 0.15 4.14 Total anthocyanins (mg malvidin/g) FT-NIR 10 SNV 0.97 0.15 0.92 0.25 2.59 FT-IR 10 SNV 0.99 0.10 0.96 0.17 3.63 Ascorbic acid (mg/100g) FT-NIR 3 MSC 0.91 0.62 0.89 0.68 2.25 FT-IR 3 SNV 0.88 0.81 0.85 0.89 1.95 Vitamin C content in Acerola by Hyperspectral Imaging Acerola (Malphighia emarginata) v huge amount (from 1.0 to 4.5 mg/100 g) of ascorbic acid v green color, changing to yellow-reddish and finally to purple v a rapid deterioration is commonly observed, due to its high moisture content Vitamin C content in Acerola by Hyperspectral Imaging The AIM was the qualitative evaluation, by hyperspectral imaging, of vitamin C distribution in acerola fruit as discriminant quality parameter RESULTS The normalized coefficients of the two applied algorithms allowed the visualization of the spatial distribution of pixels highly correlated with vitamin C powder HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGING FOR FOOD QUALITY 1. Acquisition of vitamin C pure spectrum 2. Evolution of juice spectra with added value of vitamin C powder 6700 – 7200 3. Selection of a region of the spectra (6700-7200 cm-1) HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGING FOR FOOD QUALITY 4. Background removal using histogram of the intensity background fruit core fruit light 5. Application of SAM-spectral angle mapping and CC-correlation coefficient on the hypercube of the selected region of the spectra CORRELATION MAPS: PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY: RATIONALE AIM Infrared spectroscopy to unravel authenticity problems 1. Varietal discrimination of extra virgin olive oils by near-and mid infrared spectroscopy 2. Fish species authenticity: Red mullet vs. Atlantic mullet. Varietal discrimination of extra virgin olive oils Varietal discrimination of extra virgin olive oils by near-and mid infrared spectroscopy. Sinelli N., Casale M., Di Egidio V., Oliveri P., Bassi D., Tura D., Casiraghi E. (2010) Food Research International 43: 2126–2131. 82 monovarietal extra virgin olive oils obtained by single-cultivars C- CASALIVA (27 samples) L- LECCINO (28 samples) F- FRANTOIO (27 samples) CHEMICAL DATA PC3 (16%) Principal component analysis (PCA) PC1 (25%) Varietal discrimination of extra virgin olive oils NIR MIR 0.3 0.15 0.2 0.1 0.1 d2 [log(1/R)] d2 [log(1/R)] 0.05 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 12500 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 10500 8500 6500 Wavenumbers (cm-1) SELECT ALGORITHM (V-PARVUS package) 4500 3500 2800 2100 1400 Wavenumbers (cm-1) LINEAR DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS (LDA) 700 Varietal discrimination of extra virgin olive oils LINEAR DISCRIMINAT ANALYSIS (LDA) NIR MIR Ø Class 1: Cv “Casaliva” Ø Class 2: Cv “Leccino” Ø Class 3: Cv “Frantoio” Mean Classification ability (%) Mean Prediction ability (%) Prediction ability for class 1 (%) Prediction ability for class 2 (%) Prediction ability for class 3 (%) 90.5 83.0 74.1 89.3 85.2 Mean Classification ability (%) Mean Prediction ability (%) Prediction ability for class 1 (%) Prediction ability for class 2 (%) Prediction ability for class 3 (%) 94.2 86.6 81.5 93 85.2 The spectroscopic methods are able to discriminate the varietal origin of extra virgin olive oils PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY: RATIONALE AIM Infrared spectroscopy to unravel authenticity problems 1. Varietal discrimination of extra virgin olive oils by near-and mid infrared spectroscopy; 2. Fish species authenticity: Red mullet vs. Atlantic mullet. Red mullet vs. Atlantic mullet NIR sphere- Diffusive reflectance Range 12500-3750 cm-1 resolution 12cm-1; 64 scans NIR fiber- Diffusive reflectance Range 11000-4400 cm-1 resolution 12 cm-1;64 scans IR - ATR Range 4000-700 cm-1 resolution 4 cm-1 16 scans 132 RED MULLET– Mullus surmuletus 165 ATLANTIC MULLET Pseudupeneus prayensis Red mullet vs. Atlantic mullet PCA results FT-NIR sphere - smooth FT-NIR fiber - SNV 䖃 Red Mullet 䖃 Atlantic Mullet Good species distinction, especially in the case of the optical fiber data FT-IR - SNV+d1 Red mullet vs. Atlantic mullet LDA results Pre-treat.=smooth RM (%) AM (%) mean (%) External set 1 100 100 100 External set 2 100 100 100 External set 3 100 100 100 Pre-treat.=smooth RM (%) AM (%) mean (%) External set 1 100 100 100 External set 2 100 100 100 External set 3 100 100 100 AM (%) mean (%) Pre-treat.=SNV+d1 RM (%) External set 1 100 100 100 External set 2 100 100 100 External set 3 100 100 100 All IR techniques FT-NIR sphere FT-NIR fiber FT-IR 100% correct classification in prediction PROCESS MONITORING PROCESS MONITORING: RATIONALE AIM Infrared spectroscopy and Chemometrics to study microbial food fermentations 1. Lactic acid fermentation in milk to describe curd formation and, as a consequence, defining the end of the fermentation; 2. Malolactic biotransformation in red wine: prediction of L-malic, Llactic and total acidity; 3. Wort fermentation to green beer: process trajectories and regression for biomass, ethanol and solid content. PROCESS MONITORING To find a fast and reliable tool to get information about the main modifications occurring during a food fermentation process Infrared spectroscopy and Chemometrics a successful analytical method if compared to conventional analytical approaches MCR-ALS Multivariate Curve Resolution-Alternating Least Squares X C ST E It mathematically decomposes an instrumental response for a mixture into the pure contributions of each component involved in the kinetic of the system studied. LACTIC ACID (LA) FERMENTATION IN MILK Monitoring of lactic acid fermentation process using Fourier Transform near infrared spectroscopy. Grassi S., Alamprese C., Bono V., Picozzi C., Foschino R., Casiraghi E. (2013) Journal of NIR spectroscopy- Special Issue on Milk and Milk products, 21(4). DOI: 10.1255/jnirs.1058. MONITOR TIME-RELATED CHANGES OCCURING IN LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION IN MILK: PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS AND KINETIC MODELLING Modelling Milk Lactic Acid Fermentation Using Multivariate Curve ResolutionAlternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS). Grassi S., Alamprese C., Bono V., Casiraghi E., Amigo J.M. Food and Bioprocess Technology. DOI: 10.1007/s11947-013-1189-2. In press. MODELLING RHEOLOGICAL CHANGES IN MILK LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION BY MCR-ALS Applicazione di tecniche spettroscopiche IR al monitoraggio della produzione di latti fermentati Alamprese C., Grassi S., Picozzi C., Bono V., Casiraghi E. (2012) 5th Italian Symposium of NIR Spectroscopy. NIR Italia 2012, Agripolis, Legnaro, Padua, September 26-28, 2012 DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIFIC CALIBRATION MODELS FOR TOTAL ACIDITY, AND MAIN SUGARS INVOLVED IN THE FERMENTATION LA FERMENTATION IN MILK: material & methods S. thermophilus Skim milk (10% w/v) 37㼻C S. thermophilus + L bulgaricus 41㼻C L. bulgaricus 45㼻C Monitored for 7h30min • Dynamic oscillatory test (Physica MCR 300 rheometer) using concentric cylinders and applying a constant 1% strain at a fixed 1 Hz frequency • FT-NIR spectrometer (MPA, Bruker Optics) equipped with a fiber-optic probe, 1 mm path length. • Spectral range: 12,500-4,000 cm-1, resolution of 16 cm-1, 64 scans Spectral range reduced to 8,900-5,555 cm-1 SNV LA FERMENTATION IN MILK: methods MCR-ALS • Significant components: 3; • Initial estimates: three spectra (beginning, middle and end of fermentation batch); • Constraints: non-negativity and unimodality to concentration profiles; • Convergence criterion: 0.1%. Spectral Concentration NIR spectra (SNV) Residuals profile profiles E1 D1 C1 D2 C2 E2 D18 C18 E18 ST (F x N) LA FERMENTATION IN MILK: results MCR-ALS: concentration/status profiles FASTER F A S T E R 99.9% of explained variance; %LOF: 0.63665; S.D. residuals <0.007 Influenced by Liquid profile Transition profile Coagulated milk profile TEMPERATURE INOCULUM LA FERMENTATION IN MILK: results Rheological Analysis Dynamic oscillatory test: 1% strain, 1 Hz frequency MALOLACTIC BIOTRANSFORMATION (MLF) IN WINE Near and Mid Infrared Spectroscopy to detect malolactic biotransformation of Oenococcus oeni in a wine-model. Vigentini I., Grassi S., Sinelli N., Di Egidio V., Picozzi C., Foschino R., Casiraghi E. Accepted in Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology MONITOR TIME-RELATED CHANGES OCCURING IN MLF: PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS AND KINETIC MODELLING Near infrared and mid infrared spectroscopy in oenology: determination of main components involved in malolactic transformation. Grassi S., Vigentini I., Sinelli N., Foschino, R., Casiraghi, E. NIR news (2012). doi:10.1255/nirn.1300. DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIFIC CALIBRATION MODELS FOR MALIC ACID, LACTIC ACID AND TOTAL ACIDITY BEER FERMENTATION Beer fermentation: Monitoring of process parameters by FT-NIR and Multivariate data analysis Grassi S., Amigo J.M, Bøge Lyndgaard,C., Foschino R., CasiraghiE. Food Chemistry 155 (2014) 279–286 Beer fermentation monitoring by using FT-NIR spectroscopy Grassi S., Amigo J.M., Bøge Lyndgaard C., Vigentini I., Casiraghi E. Proceedings in “NIR 2013 – 16th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy” la Grande Motte, France, 2-7 June 2013 MONITOR TIME-RELATED CHANGES OCCURING IN BEER FERMENTATION : PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS AND REGRESSION MODELS Assesment of the sugars and ethanol development in beer fermentation with FT-IR and Multivariate Curve Resolution models Grassi S., Amigo J.M, Bøge Lyndgaard,C., Foschino R., Casiraghi E. Submittedto Food Research International MODELLING CHANGES IN SUGARS AND ETHANOL CONTENT IN WORT FERMENTING TO BEER BY MCR-ALS FUTURE PROSPECTIVES Use of Hyperspectral Imaging for bioactive compounds detection Development of NIR and IR procedure for food authentication purposes Implementation of infrared spectroscopy sensors in food industries Acknowledgments and thanks …To all the ones that contributed… Dr.ssa Cristina Alamprese Dr.ssa Veronica Bono Dr.ssa Valentina Di Egidio Prof. Roberto Foschino Dr.ssa Silvia Grassi Dr.ssa Cristina Malegori Dr.ssa Claudia Picozzi Dr.ssa Nicoletta Sinelli Dr.ssa Ileana Vigentini Ass. Prof. José Manuel Amigo Dr. Christian Bøge Lyndgaard Thanks!!