Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish


Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish
Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco
Roman Catholic Parish
250 - 21st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
216 - 27th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Parish Office at 250—21st Street
Phone: 718-768-3751
Fax: 718-768-4689
Mon. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-6:30pm
Tues. - Thurs. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-7:30pm
Friday 9:00am-3:00pm
Sat. 9am-12pm
Rev. Kenneth J. Grande, Pastor
Saturday Vigil Mass:
Sunday Masses:
Mon.-Fri. Masses:
Friday Mass:
No matter who you are,
or where you are on
life’s journey,
you are welcome here.
No importa quién eres,
o donde está usted en
el viaje de la vida,
usted es bienvenido aquí.
Mass Intentions
April 2
All Members of Our Parish Family
April 3
FitzGerald & Sokoloski Families
Ana Muñiz
Requested by Joseph Sokoloski
De parte de Son-John
Saturdays 4:30pm - 5:00pm
Sábado a las 4:30pm - 5:00pm
Please call the parish office
for more information.
Por favor, llame la oficina de la Parroquia
por más información
Luis Berrios
De parte de John Crespo
Carmen y Ralph Montalvo
De parte de Jeanette Irizarry
Raul Teran
De parte de Herminia Teran
Ana Nazario Soto
Requested by Mother, Sisters & Family
April 4
Anthony Zoltowski
Requested by Daughter
April 5
Annie Schiralli
Requested by Gerard Lockwood
Wednesday April 6
The Sick of Our Parish Family
April 7
Helen Pfirrman
Requested by Gerard Lockwood
April 8
Increase in Vocations to the Priesthood
Guillermina & Taurino Garcia
De parte de Veronica y Jose Garcia
April 9
All Members of Our Parish Family
Please pray for the repose of the souls of:
Rosa Espinoza
Please pray for the homebound, the elderly, those
who are alone, the sick and especially for the sick
of our parish: Liza & Lisette Ferreiro, Amanda Lara, Te-
resa Zapata, Emilio Alarcon, Ramon Gonzalez, Victoria Dubitsky, Alfredo Rivas, Jack Reitz, Manuel Polanco, Dana
Rutyna & Estela Olivry
The 2016 Mass Book is Opened: We ask that you come
to the rectory to reserve Masses for the year 2016 on
Tuesday through Thursday only from 1:30 P.M. to 3:00
P.M. This will give us a better opportunity to serve your
Libro De Misa Del 2016: Ya está abierto el libro de las
Misas para el año 2016. Los que quieren mandar celebrar
una misa en el año 2016 pueden venir a la rectoria en las
horas de oficina para reservar fecha y pagarla.
Religious Education Classes Registration:
Registration for our parish Religious Education
Faith Formation Classes is now taking place in
the parish office. Registration fee is $40.00 for
the first child and $30.00 for each additional child
of the same family. Please bring a copy of the
child’s Baptismal Certificate and a copy of the
Birth Certificate.
Registración para las clases de Educación
Religiosa: La inscripción para nuestras clases
de Educación Religiosa, para la Formación de
Fe, es4 teniendo lugar ahora en la oficina de
nuestra parroquia. El costo de inscripción para
un niño es de $ 40.00, y $30.00 por cada niño
adicional de la misma familia. Por favor traiga
una copia del Certificado de Bautismo del niño y
una copia del acta de nacimiento.
First Penance Celebration
Saturday - April 23, 2016
9:30am at Saint John the Evangelist Church
First Holy Communion Mass
Saturday - May 14, 2016
9:30am at Saint John the Evangelist Church
Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy
241 Prospect West, Brooklyn, NY 11215 Phone:
Take Care Of Yourself
Dr. Vincent Adamo, a member of our parish family, would like to help us live and remain healthy.
He is a very caring and friendly holistic doctor and
puts his faith into action by helping anyone who is
suffering or in pain. He is helping many people in
our diocese to live a better life. His office is located at 446 Bay Ridge Parkway in Brooklyn and is
phone number is 718-921-5483. You can find
or Call him today
to schedule your appointment.
First Holy Communion Practice/Practica de la Primera Comunión
Tuesday - April 19, 2016
5:00pm - 6:00pm Saint John the Evangelist Church
Martes - Abril 19, 2016
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Parroquia San Juan Evangelista
Second Sunday of Easter
2º Domingo de Pascua
"Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them,
'Peace be with you.'" The disciples were paralyzed by
fear. After the Crucifixion, they had locked themselves in
a room and were keeping a low profile. They didn't want
to end up how Jesus had ended up. But the Lord
stepped right into this paranoia and dispelled it in an instant: The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.
Although these first Christians were very concerned
about preserving their lives, the fact is that living holed
up in an attic wasn't a life of much freedom or joy. Jesus
wanted his followers to have the fullness of life, but this
required trust in him and his promises. As today's Gospel puts it, through the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son
of God, "you may have life in his name." When we come
to really accept who Jesus is, there is no more need for a
life of slavery to fear--whatever that fear may be, whether it's fear for our health; fear for our reputation; fear for
our comfort; or even fear that our sins are too big for
forgiveness. Today as we celebrate the feast of Divine
Mercy, we remember that God's love is strong enough to
conquer the greatest of all human fears: death itself. This
confidence leads us to a renewed joy. As Pope Francis
wrote in his declaration of this, the Year of Mercy,
"Mercy is the force that reawakens us to new life and
instills in us the courage to look to the future with
hope." Once we are firmly established in this hope, we
are called to be witnesses of mercy to others. The Holy
Father continues with a challenge for all of us, "Jesus
asks us also to forgive and to give. To be instruments of
mercy because it was we who first received mercy from
Es bueno recordar que la Pascua es una de las temporadas más largas del año litúrgico: 50 días desde el
Domingo de Pascua hasta el Domingo de Pentecostés. Estas semanas son llamadas "de Pascua", no
después de la Pascua, ya que es una sola celebración.
Todas las lecturas son del Nuevo Testamento, con
énfasis en el Libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles y
el Evangelio según San Juan. El prefacio eucarístico
enfatiza la temporada litúrgica que estamos celebrando. Durante la Pascua se nos recuerda la resurrección de Jesús, tanto como la nuestra. Esto debe renovar el gozo del mundo entero al saber que hemos
sido llamados a resucitar. El Domingo de Pentecostés proclama y envía el Espíritu Santo a todos
nosotros. ¡Dios ha completado el misterio pascual!
Ninguna otra temporada desborda tanta vida y
promesa en su Hijo resucitado. ¿Estamos de acuerdo con esto? Si es así, actuemos pues como hombres
y mujeres nuevos en Cristo. Si no, hoy es nuestra
oportunidad de hacerlo. Todos los domingos segundos de Pascua escuchamos el Evangelio referente a
Santo Tomás. También nosotros, en algún momento de nuestra vida, hemos sido como él: solamente si
tocamos al Señor, creemos. Tomás tocó sus manos y
su costado, y enseguida de hacerlo afirmó fuertemente la divinidad de Cristo en el Evangelio: "¡Señor
mío y Dios mío!" ¿Qué podemos aprender de la afirmación de Santo Tomás? ¿Qué representa para nosotros Jesús resucitado? Durante esta temporada de
Pascua, demos gracias a Dios por el regalo de la vida
nueva. Solo Dios nos puede ayudar a profundizar
nuestra fe en el Resucitado.
Por favor, oren cada día de este Año Santo la oración
por la misericordia de nuestra Papa Fransico.
O Dios todopoderoso que revelas tu amor por nosotros
en tu Hijo Jesucristo, el rostro de tu misericordia. Derrama tu misericordia sobre nosotros para que podamos
Ilevar a cada persona tu bondad y tu termurasignos de
tu Reino presente entre nosotros. Qué seamos misericordiosos como tú, Padre, eres misericordioso. Por
nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, quien vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espiritu Santo, Dios único.os siglos
de los siglos. Amén
Please pray each day of this Holy Year
Pope Francis’ prayer for mercy.
Almighty God, you reveal your love for us in your Son, Jesus
Christ, who is the face of your mercy. Pour out your mercy upon
us that we may bring to every person your goodness and tenderness
signs of your Kingdom, present among us. May we become merciful like you, Father, are merciful. Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Sharing the Gospel
After Jesus died on the cross, the disciples were afraid people would want to hurt them, too.
They stayed together in a room and locked the door. Then Jesus came to his friends, to show
them he was really alive again. Jesus changed their fear into gladness. Have you ever been so
afraid that you just wanted to hide? Remember that Jesus is with you when you are afraid, too.
Jesus, the best friend of the apostles, had just been killed for his teachings. The apostles were
afraid the soldiers would come and kill them, too. They were so frightened that they locked all
the windows and the doors in the upper room where they had the Last Supper. They huddled together in fear. When Jesus appeared right in the middle of them, they were amazed. He said, "Do
not be afraid. I am with you."
Dear Jesus, thank you for being with me when I am afraid.
Something to Draw
Draw a picture of Jesus next to you when you are afraid.
Mission for the Week
Talk to Jesus whenever you are afraid.
2016 Annual Catholic Appeal - Share The Joy Of The Gospel
The 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal teaches the importance to renew our faith through acts of charity and
emphasizes the responsibility parishioners have in supporting their parish, as well as the diocesan ministries, programs and services that are carried out in our communities through the Annual Catholic Appeal. A Catholic Steward reaches out in many ways. Through the Annual Catholic Appeal we support
many programs, ministries and services and most importantly, people. This year’s theme captures the
call to be Church through our Holy Father Pope Francis’ Encyclical Evangelii Gaudium - The Joy of the
Gospel to go forth as a community of missionary disciples who take the first step, who are involved and
supportive, who bear fruit and rejoice. We are encouraged in a special way in this 2016 Annual Catholic
Appeal to share the Joy of the Gospel: by teaching and modeling Christian values; by practicing works of
mercy, charity, and consolation; by giving to the ACA whose ministries and services share our Catholic
faith throughout Brooklyn and Queens. Through your ACA donations we share the Joy of the Gospel
with our children, our youth and young adults, our sick and elderly. We share the Joy of the Gospel
when we help young couples prepare for marriage, prepare for the baptism of their child, prepare their
children for First Holy Communion. We share the Joy of the Gospel when we support our seminarians
through prayer and financial gifts. When you give a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal your dollars are
distributed among the services and ministries that are carried out in our diocese of Brooklyn and
Queens and in our parish. Please prayerfully consider the sacrificial pledge you would like to make to
our Diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal for this year 2016. Whatever the amount of your gift, it will be accepted with gratitude and deeply appreciated. Thank you, Fr. Kenneth J. Grande
La Campaña Católica Anual del 2016 - Compartir la Alegría del Evangelio
La Campaña Católica Anual de este año 2016 nos enseña la importancia de renovar nuestra fe a través
de actos de caridad y enfatiza la responsabilidad que los feligreses tiene en apoyar su parroquia, al igual
que los ministerios, programas y servicios diocesanos que se desarrollan en nuestra comunidades a
través de la Campaña Católica Anual. La Corresponsabilidad Católica ayuda de diversas maneras.
Ayudamos a través del apoyo a los diferentes programas, ministerios, servicios; y mas importante a las
personas. El tema se este año esta enfocado en el llamado de ser Iglesia a través de la encíclica Evangelii Gaudium – La Alegría del Evangelio de nuestro Santo Padre Francisco, La Iglesia en salida es la comunidad de discípulos misioneros que primerean, que se involucran, que acompañan, que fructifican y
festejan. Nos animamos de una manera especial en esta Campaña Católica Anual del 2016 a compartir
la alegría del Evangelio: Enseñando y siendo modelos de valores Cristianos; practicando obras de misericordia, caridad y consolación; dando a la Campaña Católica Anual cuyos ministerios y servicios comparten nuestra fe Católica a través de Brooklyn y Queens. Por medio de su donación a la Campaña estamos
compartiendo la Alegria del Evangelio con nuestros niños, nuestros adolecesntes y jovenes adultos, con
nuestros enfermos y ancianos. Compartimos esta Alegria cuando ayudamos a preparar las parejas para
el matrimonio, preparar el bautismo de sus niños, preparar sus niños para su Primera Santa Comunión.
Compartimos la Alegría del Evangelio cuando apoyamos nuestros seminaristas a través de la oración y
su donación financiera. Cuando usted da una donación a la Campaña Católica Anual su dinero se distribuye entre los servicios y ministerios que se llevan a cabo en nuestra diocesis de Brooklyn y Queens y
en nuestra parroquia.
Por medio de la oración considere la promesa de sacrificio
que le gustaría hacer a nuestra Compana Catolica Anual Diocesana para este año 2016.
Cualquiera que sea la cantidad de su donación, será aceptada con gratitud y profundamente apreciado.
Gracias, Padre Kenneth J. Grande

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