Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Boulder, Colorado May 1


Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Boulder, Colorado May 1
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Boulder, Colorado
May 1, 2016
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Parish
Boulder, Colorado
Welcome to Sacred Heart of Jesus!
We extend a warm welcome to new parishioners and guests who are celebrating Mass with
us today. To find out about parish groups and programs, please call the Parish Center.
Sacred Heart of Jesus School has been the center for Catholic education in Boulder for
nearly 120 years. We offer outstanding programs for students in preschool through 8th
grade. Please visit the school’s website to learn about our
curriculum and activities.
New members, please fill out a registration card and place it in the collection basket or
return it to the Parish Center.
2312 14th Street, Boulder, CO 80304
303.442.6158, Fax 303.442.7905
Monday-Friday, 8 am-12 pm & 1-4 pm
Closed 12-1 pm
Parish Center
Parish Center Hours:
Parochial Vicar
Father Chris Renner
Father Warli Castro
Father Terry Ryan, CSP
Deacon David Luksch
Deacon Walter Sweeney
[email protected]
Deacon Christopher Byrne
Permanent Deacon
Permanent Deacon
Permanent Deacon
Director of Administration
Michelle Anderson
Business Manager
Patty Middleton
Facilities Manager
Francisco Hernandez
Music Director
Dr Adam Ewing
Volunteer Coordinator
Karen Harrison
Youth Leader
Ryan Balke
Staff email last name then first [email protected]
1317 Mapleton Avenue, Boulder, CO 80304
Parish School
Admissions Coordinator
Preschool Director
303.447.2362, Fax 303.443.2466
Roonie Leittem-Murrell
Jennifer Wilcomb
Kristen Oliver
2960 Valmont, Boulder, CO 80301
Monday-Friday, 8:30 –10:30 am & 1-3 pm
Thursday, 5-6:30 pm
Faith Offering
Week of April 24
$ 7,537
Thank you for your generosity!
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil (anticipatory)
5:00 pm English
5:30 pm English & Spanish*
*Neocatechumenal Way Mass in Jubilee Hall
8:00 am & 10:00 am English
1:00 pm Spanish
6:00 pm English
St Rita Mission Church, Nederland
9:30 am English
Weekday Masses
Monday — Friday
7:00 am & 12:10 pm English
Anointing Mass
Friday, May 6, at 7 am
Adoration — in the Parish Center Chapel
8 am—10 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation—Confessions
6 to 8 pm English and Spanish
11:30 am to 1:00 pm English
12 to 1 pm Spanish
Sacrament of Baptism for Infants through age 6
The preparation class for parents and godparents is on
the first Monday each month at 7 pm in the Parish
Center. The next class will be on Monday, May 2. Call
the Parish Center at 303.442.6158 to register in advance.
Sacramental Preparation
Children are eligible to prepare for First Reconciliation
and First Holy Eucharist beginning in the second grade.
Please call the Parish Center for more information.
Sacrament of Marriage
Call the Parish Center at least eight months in advance.
Anointing of the Sick
Please call the Parish Center to request Anointing of the
Sick or to arrange for Communion to be brought to
someone homebound, in a hospital or in a nursing home.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 1, 2016
Father Chris Renner is in Washington, DC, this week with SHJ’s 8th-graders.
Deacon Walter Sweeney offers insight into the Scripture Readings for next Sunday.
The Ascension of the Lord
to be celebrated on Sunday, May 8
Here are some thoughts on the Ascension of the Lord
and the Readings for next Sunday. Reading them over
and letting the Scriptures touch you is of great value
and it may help prepare you for the homily next week.
So enjoy them and bring your thoughts and questions
to the discussion on Wednesday, May 3, from 10 to
11:30 am in the Parish Center.
First Reading -- Acts 1:1-11. The Ascension is the
end of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Saint John Chrysostom
said, “Those we love and lose are no longer where
they were before. They are now wherever we are.”
And so it is with the Lord Jesus. At all times and
places we can each have Him with us to deal with
whatever we are dealing with. Do we take advantage
of this great gift?
Psalm 47: 2-3, 6-7, 8-9. This is an enthronement
psalm. It was sung to enthrone a new king and so
remind the people of the kingship of God. Our king is
divine. Great joy is expressed at having a just and allproviding king. At the Ascension the Father has put all
things in Jesus’ hands as He is seated with Him, at His
right hand, on the throne of Heaven. Is this the source
of your Christian joy? Is it one of them, anyway?
This reading deserves some
quality time and prayerful
meditation. Look it up, even if
you cannot attend our
Wednesday discussion group,
and let it touch and guide you
into a deeper appreciation of your Christian life. What
does it mean for you in the particular circumstances of
your life?
Luke 24: 46-53. Luke wrote the Gospel and also the
Acts of the Apostles as a sequel to the Gospel. In Acts
he seems focused on the end of Jesus’ ministry, so he
can begin to write about the beginnings of the Church.
Here, in the Gospel, the focus is on the future, the new
life accompanied by the glorified Jesus.
The era we are now living in is a time for us to
remember that “repentance, for the forgiveness of
sins, would be preached in his name to all nations,
beginning from Jerusalem”. We are each called to
participate in some way. How could the disciples do
that in their time and how can we ever do that!
Because Jesus sent “the promise of my Father upon
you,” you will be, or have been, “clothed with power
Second Reading -- Ephesians 1:17-23. Here Paul is from on high.” In Acts Luke calls this being “baptized
filling in some details of this new life we now
with the Holy Spirit” So the disciples returned to
possess with the resurrected and ascended Jesus. In Jerusalem to await the Pentecost “with great joy.”
this new life we possess a Spirit of wisdom and
Even though Jesus had left them, they were joyful
revelation so we can know something of who God is.
because they could look forward to a new life in the
The eyes of our heart are to be enlightened so we can Holy Spirit. How about you?
know the hope that belongs to His personal call to
each of us. And know the riches of the glory we share If you can make it on Wednesday, great! If not, enjoy
in our inherited participation among the holy ones. We the Lord’s Word to you.
are able to also know the wonderful greatness of the
Deacon Walter Sweeney
power he exercises on our behalf, in Jesus Christ
putting all things beneath His feet and giving Him
fullness in all things.
Scripture Readings
Week of May 1
Acts 15:1-2, 22-29/
Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8/
Rv 21:10-14, 22-23/Jn 14:23-29
Acts 16:11-15/Ps 149:1-6, 9/
Jn 15:26--16:4a
1 Cor 15:1-8/Ps 19:2-5/Jn 14:6-14
Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22--18:1/
Ps 148:1-2, 11-14/Jn 16:12-15
Acts 18:1-8/Jn 16:16-20
Acts 18:9-18/Ps 47:2-7/
Jn 16:20-23
Acts 18:23-28/Ps 47:2-3, 8-10/
Jn 16:23b-28
Next Sunday: Ascension of the Lord
Acts 1:1-11/Ps 47:2-3, 6-9/
Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23 or
Eph 1:17-23/Lk 24:46-53
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Please remember in prayer...
Cliff Belville
Sandy Cramer
Tom & Jeanette Denfeld
Guy Dorrel
Lillian Eck
Amy Forbis
Dr John Frederick
Paul Hill
Robin Jacobson
Ashleigh Jueong
Jim Kelly
Carl Lindegren
CeCe, Chance & Katie Long
James Maguire
Elaine Middleton
Dianna Oterro
Chrystal Aragon Pene
Donald Reinhardt
Richard & Family
Jett Rose
Bernie Strittmatter
Deacon Walter Sweeney
The Wernsdorfer Family
Steve Zeren
Sunday 5/1
8 am + Jana Rose
10 am + Joe Hibl
1 pm + Ascención Martinez
6 pm Pro Populo
Monday 5/2
7 am + Janice Morzinski
12:10 pm + Ed & Wilda Jersin
Tuesday 5/3
7 am + Chuck Brauer
12:10 pm + Betty Thompson
Wednesday 5/4
7 am + Edward Forney
12:10 pm Tom Hoover
Thursday 5/5
7 am + Robert & Mary Lou Luksch
12:10 pm + Bryan Morry
Friday 5/6
7 am Anointing Mass
7 am + Jan Jancosek
12:10 pm + Don Martin
Saturday 5/7
5 pm + Loretta Corcoran
Visit the Parish Center to arrange Mass Intentions.
Parish Picnic
Saturday, May 21, 11-3
Foothills Community Park
Please bring a salad (last names A-I), side dish (J-R) or dessert (S-Z).
Men’s Club will provide burgers, hot dogs, roasted pig & beverages.
or call the Parish Center, 303.442.6158.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Parish
2960 Valmont Road
May 1, 2016
SHJ School News
Broadway comes to Boulder!
Your contributions add up to providing
supplemental food needed by families and
individuals in Boulder who face food insecurity.
SHJ Parish & School donated 1,906 lbs of food
in this year’s Spring Food Drive. And the total
collected in the Hope Cans program: $ 4,835.
Thanks very much for your continuing support.
Respect Life at the Boulder Creek Festival:
For several years Boulder County Catholic churches have
staffed a pro-life booth at the annual Creek Festival. This
year volunteers are needed to set up the booth on Friday,
take it down on Monday and in between hand out material
and share our Catholic faith in non-confrontational and
loving ways — 9 am to 7 pm, May 27-30.
If you’d like to be part of this life-saving ministry, please
email Deacon George Thierjung, [email protected] or
[email protected] .
Father Terry Ryan reflects on the life and writings of
Thomas Merton, Wednesday, May 11, 7 to 9 pm at
St Thomas Aquinas. This is Part II of Father Terry’s
presentation on Merton, a seminal figure in the 20thcentury renaissance of contemplative prayer practice. A
prolific author, Merton often referred to his own experience
of this prayer: what it is and is not, its subtleties and its
benefits to those who feel called to it. The evening includes
a 20-minute Centering Prayer session. You needn’t have
attended Part I nor have experience with Centering Prayer.
Dine & Shop for SHJ
Sunday & Monday
May 1 & 2
Great breakfast and lunch sandwiches 8 am to 5 pm at
the Organic Sandwich Company, 16th & Pearl Sts.
50% of all SHJ customers’ orders will be donated to
our school, so be sure to tell them you’re from SHJ.
Check out their menu at
Ramble on Pearl, at 17th and Pearl, is a not-for-profit
boutique which serves as a job training site for people
with disabilities. Our school receives 10% of all SHJ
purchases. Check out
Annual May Crowning Luncheon for
Seniors: Wednesday, May 18, in
Jubilee Hall after the 12:10 pm Mass
Mother/Son Dodgeball !
Tuesday, May 17
5:30 pm
Bring a dish to share and join the celebration of
our Holy Mother’s role in our lives.
Call the Parish Center for details: 303.442.6158
The event starts with pizza in the Cafeteria, then
moms and sons compete with and against each other
to benefit SHJ School. $20 per family.
“Do not neglect to do good and to share what
you have; God is pleased by sacrifices of that
kind.” (Hebrews 13:16) The 2016 Archbishop’s
Catholic Appeal needs your financial support. If
you have already donated to the Appeal, thank
you! If you have not contributed, please do so
today. It is extremely important in the life of our wider
Church. As Christians, let us answer our vocation to be a
charitable people of God. Thank you. Please visit or call 303.715.3111.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
May 18, 19 & 20
6:30 pm
In the School Gym
Tickets $5 at the door
On Friday afternoons Father Warli will visit
parishioners unable to come to his office. Please contact
him at [email protected] or 303.442.6158 x114.
Iglesia Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
Pastor: Reverendo Christopher Renner
Vicario Parroquial: Reverendo Warli Castro
(303) 442-6158 x114
1318 Mapleton Avenue (Templo)
2312 14th Street (oficina) Boulder, CO 80304
6to. Domingo de Pascua Ciclo C
“Me voy y volveré a vosotros ”
Coordinadora de Voluntarios:
Karen Harrison (Ella habla español)
Teléfono: (303) 442-6158 Ext. 102
Horario de oficina: Lunes-Viernes 8 am-12 pm y 1-4 pm
Padre Warli Castro (303) 442-6158 x114
1 de Mayo del 2016
Cerrada entre 12 y 1 pm
1:00 pm Domingo
CONFESIONES: 12:00 a 1:00 pm Domingo, Viernes 6:00 a 8:00 pm
Rezo del Santo Rosario: 12:20 pm Domingo
Misa de Unción de los Enfermos: Viernes 6 de Mayo 7 am (Ingles)
MATRIMONIOS: Comunicarse a la Oficina para mas información:
Platicas Pre-matrimoniales del 8 de Mayo al 12 de Junio 2016, en el Jubilee Hall de 2:30 a 4 p.m.
CATECISMO: Coordinadora Catecismo: Micaela Ortiz (303) 499-3464
Primera comunión el 22 de Mayo a las 2:30 p.m.
BAUTIZOS: Platicas tercer sábado de Cada Mes 2 p.m. en el sótano de la Iglesia. Solamente adultos,
porque no hay cuidado de niños.—El Bautismo es cada segundo y cuarto sábado de cada mes.
(En este mes, sólo el 28 de Mayo)
Para platicas pre-bautismales contacte a: Ricardo y María Valdez (720) 643-9540
QUINCEAÑERAS: Comunicarse a la Oficina para mas información.
PRESENTACIONES AL TEMPLO PARA NIÑOS DE 3 AÑOS: Orientación: último domingo de cada
mes antes de Misa a las 11:45 AM: Bendición de Presentación: segundo Domingo de cada mes
después de Misa. Llame antes de la orientación con: Catalina Méndez (720) 903-6234
MONAGUILLOS: Francisco Hernández (303) 442-6158, Ext 103
1 de Mayo 2016
Carta de Nuestro Pastor
Alguien me indicó que si Jesús hubiera enviado a sus doce discípulos a tomar pruebas psicológicas,
ésta bien podría ser la respuesta que habría recibido:
“Gracias por enviar los currículum de los doce hombres que eligió para los
puestos de gerencia en su nueva organización. Todos ellos han tomado nuestra serie
de pruebas. Hemos corrido los resultados a través de nuestro propio ordenador.
Después de tener entrevistas de personalidad dispuestas para cada uno de ellos con
nuestro psicólogo y consultor de aptitud profesional, es la opinión de nuestro
personal que la mayoría de sus candidatos carecen de conocimientos educativos, y
aptitudes profesionales para la empresa.
“Ellos no tienen ningún concepto de equipo. Simón Pedro es emocionalmente
inestable y dado a arrebatos de mal genio. Andrés no tiene cualidades para el
liderazgo. Los dos hermanos Santiago y Juan dan lugar a intereses personales por
encima de lealtad a la empresa Tomas muestra un escéptico actitud que tienda a
socavar la moral. Mateo ha sido bloqueado por el Better Business Bureau de
Jerusalén. Santiago, hijo de Alfeo, y Tadeo, sin duda tienen inclinaciones radicales.
Uno de los candidatos sin embargo, muestra potencial real. Él es un hombre de
habilidad e ingenio, cumple bien a la gente, y tiene contactos en las altas esferas. Él
está muy motivado, ambicioso y responsable. Recomendamos a Judas Iscariote
como su controlador y mano derecha”
Padre Chris Renner
Jesús le respondió: «Si alguno me ama, guardará mi Palabra, y mi Padre le amará, y vendremos a él, y
haremos morada en él. El que no me ama no guarda mis palabras. Y la palabra que escucháis no es mía,
sino del Padre que me ha enviado. Os he dicho estas cosas estando entre vosotros. Pero el Paráclito, el
Espíritu Santo, que el Padre enviará en mi nombre, os lo enseñará todo y os recordará todo lo que yo os
he dicho. Os dejo la paz, mi paz os doy; no os la doy como la da el mundo. No se turbe vuestro corazón
ni se acobarde. Habéis oído que os he dicho: "Me voy y volveré a vosotros." Si me amarais, os
alegraríais de que me fuera al Padre, porque el Padre es más grande que yo. Y os lo digo ahora, antes de
que suceda, para que cuando suceda creáis.
Lecturas del 1 al 8 de Mayo del 2016
Domingo Mayo 1:Hechos 15:1-2, 22-29
Apocalipsis 21:10-14, 22-23 Juan 14:23-29
Lunes Mayo 2: Hechos 16:11-15 Juan 15:26-16:4
Martes Mayo 3: 1 Corintios 15:1-8 Juan 14:6-14
Miércoles Mayo 4: Hechos 17:15, 22-18:1 Juan 16:12-15
Jueves Mayo 5: Hechos 18:1-8 Juan 16:16-20
Viernes Mayo 6: Hechos 18:9-18 Juan 16:20-23
Sábado Mayo 7: Hechos 18:23-28 Juan 16:23-28
Domingo Mayo 8: Hechos 1:1-11 Efesios 1:17-23
Lucas 24:46-53
Santoral y otras Fiestas
San Jose Obrero
San Anastasio
Santos Felipe y Santiago
San Ángel Martir
Santo Domingo Savio, Niño
Beata Madre María de San José
Solemnidad de la Ascensión del Señor
Intenciones de oración del Papa Francisco para el mes de Mayo 2016.
Universal: Para que en todos los países del mundo, las mujeres sean honradas y respetadas y sea valorizado
su imprescindible aporte social.
Por la Evangelización: El Rosario. Para que se difunda en las familias, comunidades y grupos, la práctica
de rezar el santo Rosario por la evangelización y por la paz.
21 de Mayo
18 de Junio
Platicas Pre-Bautismales–
Las Platicas pre-bautismales se
imparten el tercer sábado de cada
mes a las 2 p.m. , en el Sótano de la
Iglesia—Jubilee Hall.
Pregunte por: Ricardo y María
(720) 643-9540
28 de Mayo
11 y 25 de Junio
Intenciones de la Misa
1 de Mayo + Ascension Martinez
8 de Mayo
Ascension of the Lord
15 de Mayo Pentecostes
22 de Mayo Santisima Trinidad
29 de Mayo Corpus Christi
Por las vocaciones sacerdotales
Recuerde a: Diego Valdez, Luis Bonilla Y
Ahisha del Moral, (Noviciado)
Nuestra Cruz Peregrina por las vocaciones, es
enviada cada domingo a una familia, siendo
anfitriones durante siete días y se reza por las
Dios amadísimo y generoso,
Tú eres quien nos llama por nuestro nombre y
nos pides que te sigamos.
Ayúdanos a crecer en el amor y en el servicio a
nuestra Iglesia.
Danos el entusiasmo y la energía de tu Espíritu
para preparar su futuro.
Danos líderes llenos de fe que abracen la misión de
Cristo en amor y en justicia.
Bendice la Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
con líderes de nuestras familias, que dediquen sus
vidas al servicio de su pueblo como sacerdotes, religiosos, diáconos y ministros laicos.
Inspíranos a conocerte mejor y abre nuestros
corazones para oír tu llamada.
Jesús nos dice que no debemos dejar que nuestros corazones se angustien porque Él nos
ha dado su paz; la paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento. También tenemos el
Espíritu Santo para dirigirnos y guiar nuestro matrimonio. Regístrese hoy para asistir a uno
de los próximos fines de semana de Encuentro Matrimonial.
En el Hotel Radisson en Aurora: 15 al 17 de julio, 16 al 18 septiembre. 4-6 de Noviembre
¿Preguntas? No dude en ponerse en contacto con Brenda & Gary Granger: 303.604.6202
22 de Mayo 2:30 p.m. Misa de Primera Comunión
20 de Mayo 6 p.m. en la Iglesia ENSAYO, primera comunión
Platicas Pre-matrimoniales
Invitamos cordialmente a todas las parejas que deseen recibir el sacramento del
matrimonio, a participar en las clases pre-matrimoniales. (Para parejas solteras, y
parejas viviendo en unión libre y que planean casarse)
Donde: En el Jubilee Hall (sótano de la iglesia).
Cuando: Domingo 24 de Abril al 12 de Junio del 2016
8 semanas (Domingos) en total.
Hora: 2:30 a 4:30 PM (Al terminar la Misa en español de 1PM)
NOTA: No tendremos servicio de cuidado de niños, por favor hacer arreglos
previos para guardería.
Para mas información hablar con Equipo de Matrimonios:
Padre Warli Castro 303.442.6158 ext. 114.
Benjamín Avitia y Martha Nava 720-331-3778
Iván y Mayra Montes: 303-579-6840.
El amor es
es servicial; el
es envidioso, no hace alarde, no se
amor no
envanece, no procede con bajeza, no busca su
propio interés, no se irrita, no tienen en cuenta el mal recibido, no se alegra de la injusticia, sino que se regocija con la verdad. El amor todo lo disculpa, todo lo cree, todo lo
espera, todo lo soporta. El amor no
pasará jamás.” 1Corintios 13:4-8

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