dictograph g41oo - Froula Alarm Systems, Inc.
dictograph g41oo - Froula Alarm Systems, Inc.
DICTOGRAPH G41OO Hookup and lnstallation lnstructions SECURITY SYSTEA/S Ft2545 3/90 DICTOGRAPH G41OO TABLE OF CONTENTS 11rlFduct1on,....,...,,...........,.,..,.,.........,.,.,...,,...,. 1 Syst€m Wrlnq and Hookup.,...........,..,....,,..,,. Wking Diagram................................................. 1 1 T€rminal Connect4ons.................,,.....................2 VS279 Hookup...................................................3 679 Hookup..........,............................................3 Koypad it|ounthg........,.,,....,..,..,.,,......,............4 Keypad Layout.....,.....................,.,......,,...,.......5 Keypad Sounder..............................,,...........6 systgm Operatlons ...,...........,.........,,,,....,........ 7 Powerup/System Reset....................,...........7 Arming...........................................................7 Stay Armin9...................................................7 lnstant Armin9............................................... 7 lnstam-$ay...........................................,.......7 Disarmin9........................,.............................7 R€set...........................,................................. 7 Bypass.......................................................... 7 Auto-Unbypass.......................,......................8 Manual Unbypass ............,,...........................8 User Code Programming..............................I DurEss/Ambush....................................-........8 User De1eti0n...............................,................9 Keypad Panic................................................9 system Pro9rammin9.,...............,....,.....,...,.....9 Programming Quest1ons...,....................,..,.....9 01 Primary Telephono Number.....................9 02 Secondary Telephone Number " . .. . .. .10 03 Dialer Opti0ns ....................... .................. 1 0 04 Account Number 1 ................................... 12 05 Account Number 2................................... 12 06 System Timeouts ..................................... 12 ZONE PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION..."..... 13 zoNE TYPE CHART................................."...... 14 07 zoNE #1 ................................................. 15 08 zoNE tr2.................................................. 15 09 zoNE #3.................................................. 15 1o zoNE #4.................................................. 15 15 1 1 ZONE #5.................................................. 12 ZONE #6.................................................. 16 13 AMBUSH/AC 1OSS............................,.... 16 '14 PanictLow Battery,............ .. ........ .. ..... 16 15Opervotose, 24Hr. Test .......................'l6 1 6 Bypass/Restore/Trouble............... .. ... .... 16 oo lnstaller code..................,......................17 Data Entry Vla Keypad,.........'.....".."........".'... 1 7 HowTo Enter P.ogramming Mods........ .....17 What You See On lhe Keypad............... .. ...17 Ready LED..................................,,......... 17 Zone LEDS...................... ..... ......... ... .17 Syslem status L8DS...... ..... ......... .. ....18 How To Enler 0ata........................................ 18 Movemenl Botween Ouestions......... .....'l8 Movement Within Ouestions.................... 18 Data Eniry................................... ...... .... 18 Quesiion Acknowledgment... .............. .. 19 HowTo Exit Programming Mode .... ......... 19 Summary ol System Programming .... .........19 System Detau1ts............'..............."................' 19 Programming WodGheet........."..............'......20 1. INTROTruCTON The DICTOGRAPH G41 00 ls a state ol lhe ad EEPROM based controucommunioalo.. The syslem loatures six lully prcgrammabl€ zon€s as woll as a wlred psnlc zon€. Programming can b€ pgrlonned lhrough the keypad or the sygtem can be uploadod and downloaded locally using the EZ-Mate Prcgrammer. The DICTOGBAPH G4100 contains up to six user cgdgs wilh an arbush code capability. All ol th6 keypads ar€ lour r,!,ir€ dgvlces, with up lo lour kgypads p6r system. Z. SYSTEM WIRING AND HOOKUP 2.1. SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAM CONNECTIONS FOR HOUSEHOLD FIRE/BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEMS U1985 AND 1023 DICTOGRAPH G4'IOO d..4a rl 9.m tund ud' 116 &ddd'rgnt!bc' NOIES: For uL lnr'2n.kn rH6' sFh.ril loc rux. pffi.vrr.bl r Fffr rFf duM €ebdo d!d.db' r 3Nid' e tEeb oi 4|rfr }ddq m.rlbd hN.tdEh.ii:e6d3.d^Ns obEbcd tur n. IFPA B&ry r&'cn P.fi adq, r.{ 0?a . 16 rjndi 7. &br @n la Ed'F6 sdby . . r.hn rui'lE !i. rry r{ r.d I Fa. uE ont.cr '3,ra€n6E "ond s l,lariiun or h r.!Fa lo{,tn'bdm'!'qbl.nu.!.!.d -! 2. 5@ r'4, *hd' r'd'rd6 r.rpad $ xffid-.bL tu-,6!m b d@rdd . Srh f,d b -F d r *€rt b:r rd 01 TH€SE CIRCUIJS LNLESS BY TNF LOC^L IIAVI'IG ^PPfrO!ED ^UIHORIIY Fogisralbn Nlmber 4E398E.69551 at-E Rl.E€r Equival€me 0 3tui* r ?55 id orm6 Maru.l I 5s DICTOGRAPH G4100 HOOKUP AND INSTALLATION Page 1 3. 3.1. KEYPAD MOUNTING G4lOORM METAL KEYPAD FLUSH MOUNTING USING OOUBLE GANG BOX 1' Create an opening and mounl a standard double gang box. 2- Secure leypad todouble gang box as shown in diagram below. Nole:The doublegang box should o hF molnled ilush wilh lhe wall in order lor lhe o3 aoo 3ooo a o o I] ao , keypad screws to lil. NOTE: For UL insiallalions, mouni the G4100RM to an earth grounded outlel box. FLUSH MOUNTING WITH MOUNTING RING (Using the oplional G4100TR) 1 - Create the desired opening where keypad is to be mounled, using lhe inside ol the rlounling ring as a lemplale. NOTE: This opening should be made between studs. ::FmA nnao "" -orto : 'b c-l" 2' Secure mounting plaletowall lhrough tho lour oulerholes using suitable mounting hardware (not provided). 3- Connecl keypad winng lo control panel and secure the keypad to lhe mounting ring using lhe lour painled screws provided- SURFACE MOUNTING (Using optional G4100RMBX) '1- Depending on type ol installation run the keypad widng out ol lhe rear,lop bottom or sides ol the backbox. 2- Attach backbox to wall al desired height 3- lnsert ldqtr G4100R[,4 keypad into backbox and secure wilhthe lour screws provided. 2=zz "a3ars DICTOGRAPH G4100 HOOKUP AND INSTALLATION Page 4 MOUNTING KEYPAD IN CONTROL PANEL ENCLOSURE 1- Remove keypad knockoul from lront of metal box enclosure as shown. 2' lnsed i "'lnEn " " IIOUL) G4100RM into opening lom lrcnt ol enclosurc. 3- Socure keypad to enclosure using the four " " nrlDn 3 . nann painled metalscrews and nuls provided. t1 I 4. KEYPAD LAYOUT a!-a^,i ->".,- L! - LlJ L:J - 9rr* a.-a.c/ F-l m Gl - - 6'tr8tr O.t.& td - td LeJ - 1) ZONE STATUS LEDS These LEDS display the curenl zone slalus including alarms, bypasses, troubles and laults. Each condition will cause these LEDSIo op€rats dillerently as lollows: ALARMS Fast Elink (approx. 150 ms. ON - 150 ms. OFF). TROUOLES Slow Pulse (approx. 600 ms. ON - 600 ms. OFF). BYPAS_S_ES Wink {100 ms. ON - 900 ms. OFF). Zone bypasses are displayed as a very slow wink ol ths zone LED light. FAULTED ZONES Solid_qN. .Fauted zones are lhe lowest pfiority indication, Faulted burglary zones are displayed wilh the LED solidly ON whilo the system is diSarme-d. NORMAL OFF 2) ARM/DISARM LED This LED indicates whelher the system is currently armed (ON) or disarmed (OFF). This LED will also blink fast to show thal alarms have occured or blink slowly upon lailure to communicate wilh lhe Central Station. 3) SrAV LED This LED displays whetherthe system has been armed in the STAY mode. ON lnterior zones are bypassed OFF lnlorior zones are normal 4) INSTANT LEO This LEDdisplayswhelherthe system has beon armed inthe lNSTANTmode, meaning thatthe system iscurrenlly armed and alldelay zon6s are instant. OICTOGRAPH G4100 HOOKUP AND INSTALLATTON Page s ON Delay zones are cllrrenlly inslanl OFF Delay zones aro nomal 5) AC/LOW BATTEFY LED This indicalor light displayslhe currenl pow€r stalus of the panelas lollows; ON AC is presenl OFF No AC, running on battery backup Slow Blink Low batlery condilion detectod 6) READY LED This LED displays whotherthe syslem is readyfor arming. The READY lighl js common lo all BURGLARY ZONES wilh the lollowin0 indications; ON System ready to be armed OFF Syslem not ready lo be armed Slow Blink lndicates lnstaller programming mode Fast Blink Alarm l/emory [.,lode 7) STAY BUTTON The STAY mode enables aming the system, excluding zones programmed as interior zones. This will provide exlerior prolection ol the location while allowing full access throughout the interior. 8) BYPASS BUTTON The BYPASS key is used 10 temporar ly exclude proleclion to a specific zone. 9) INSTANT BUTTON The INSTANT button enables arming of the system, eliminaling the entry/exit delay. 10) cooE BUTToN The CODE bullon is used lo enterthe inslaller programming mode and entry ol user codes. 4.1. KEYPAD SOUNDER The keypad so!nder annuncaates ditlerenllyto indicate lhe lollowing condillons: CHIRP Keypad emils a short chirp to conlirm each keyslroke. STEADY The keypad wiJl make a steady sound during eniry lime, and/or durinO burglary alarm. CHIME - sl€ady 1 second lone. ACKNOWLEDGE ' Upon successful enlry ol a cerlain commands the system will emit a sound tor approximalely hall a second. PULSING - A oulsinq souno {apDroximalely ha'l a second O\ rhen OFF) inoicales a lrouble condilion such as AC loss. LoW Batlery, bi Frre Zond. NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Uoon enlrv ol an illeoalcommand the kevoad willemit lour short beeps. Forexample, il allemptinq 1o deline a ndw usgr an"d lhe master user is iiot enlered, four shorl beeps willbe fiade indicating tha-t the command was unsuccessful. SOUNDER RINGBACK . Several short beeDs lo indicate successlu I communication lo the Central Stalion. This occurs lor all signals. ercludrnd ambush and silent zones. FAST PULSING SOUNDEB- Sound oenerated duino entrv lime oeriod AFTER an alarm condition has occurred and the svslem reached bellcutoll. A oulsin6 souhder will lollow lhe b€lloutout on Fire condilions. Tro uble' cond ilions also generale a pulsing-sounder and will lollow lhe loob or be silenced lhrough enlry of a valid Jser code. The keypad is non operational if none ol the LED'S are lit and lhe keypad does not beep when keys are pressed. This is indicaiion that service is requked. OICTOGRAPH G4100 HOOKUP AND TNSTALLATTON page 6 5. 5.1, sYsTEMoPERATToNS POWER UP/SYSTEM RESET Upon initlal po,xerup ot the G4100 , all o{ lhe lighis on lhe keypad will Oo on and the sounder will operale for approximatoly l0 sgconds. This occurs on a lotal powerup , system reset or alter complotion ol syslem prooramming. Il lhe totalsyslem powsa is losl lhen upon poworrosloral, the G4100 willreturn lo lhe prevlous armlng slate. 5.2. ARMING THE SYSTEM FAIL-SAFE ARMINGI ThE G4100 can be armed only il allburglary zones are good (notiaulted) and lhe READY LEo is on. ARMING: Ent€r any programmed lourdigit user code. NOTE: The factory delaul user #1 arming cod€ is 1234. The ARMED LED will light and the user may exil lhrough an exivenlry zone lorlhe lime period programmed asthe exil delay. 5.3. STAY ARMING Depress the STAY BUTTON followed by afourdigil user code. The ARMED and STAY LEDs will light. The syslem is armed al this time wilh all programmed inleior zones excluded. 5.4. INSTANT ARMING D€press the INSTANT BUTTON followed by alourdigit usercode. The ARIIED and INSTANT LEDs will light. Tho system is armed al this lime wilh allprogrammed delayzones instant. 5,5, INSTANT€TAYARMING Depress the |NSTANTthen STAY bultons and a Jour digil user code. The INSTANT STAY npde will arm th6 syslem with the characleistics oJ both the INSTANT and STAY rnodes. The systemwillbe armed wilh the interiorzones bypassed and the delay zones inslanl. 5.6. DISARMING Depress any valid fou(4) digit user code. The ARMED LED will exlinguish. lfan alarmcondition exists or had occurred while the syslem was amed,lhe respeclive zone(s) LED(s) ard tho READY LED willbe blinking rapidly. This condition is classitied aSALARM [/E[iORY and can bo cloared through entry ol avalid user cods. 5.7. RESET Reset is accomplished through the entry ol any valid usercode. This can be usedto r€set the smoke detectors atlached lo th€ syslem, silence any betls, or clearihe keypad display or sounder. 5.8. BYPASS Bypassing is per{orrn€d to temporarily exclude zoneswhich are laulty or nol ready lrom aclivating the system. Dspress the BYPASS button lollowed by any valid iour(4) digil user code, lollowed a number 1-6, which represents the respective zone to be bypassed. EXAMPLE: BYPASS ZONE 2 (Assume usercode ol 1234) BYPASS 1234 2 Subsequent bypasses can be nade by depressing lhe BYPASS bunon lollowed by another zone numbor wilhjn a len second pedod. Alterthis ten second peiod it will be necessary 1o enle.lhe entire command including lhe usercode. Alter a successlul bypass the keypad sounder will 6mit the acknowlodge boep, and the respective zone LED willWNK SLOWLY, DICTOGRAPH G4100 HOOKUP AND INSTALLATION Page 7 ln additionlhe lollowinq rules for bypass exisl; . ' . ' FIFE zones cannot be bypassed 24 hour zones can be bypassed, howeverthey CANNOT be unbypassed if they are violated Zones can onty bs bypassed while the system is disarmed, al which lime visual indicalion will bo displayed. Bypass signals will be transmitted to the Central Slalion UPON ARMING il a bypass code has been programmed. NOTE: Zones which are bypassed are not protected when lhe syslem is armed. 5.9. AUTO UNBYPASS 5.10. MANUAL UNBYPASS 5.11. USER CODE PROGRAMMING All burglary zones whi6h are bypassed witlbe aulomatrcaliy unbypassed upon syslemdisarm, assuming nootherzone(s) had been-in aiarm. 24 hourzonea which have been bypassed willbe unbypassed only it they are normal The UNBypASS J!nction removes an existing bypass from a currenlly bypassod zone. The procedure is the same as bypass. Users codes can be enlered or modilied direclly through the keypad. The DICTOGRAPH G4100 contains up lo six user codes (4 digils each)with the lollowing applications; USER 1 2 3 4 5 6 NUI4BER APPL]CATTON Masler User lDefauh = 1234] User #2 lDefault= null] User #3 [Default = null] User *4 [Default = null] User #5 [Default = null] Ambush Code or User *6 [Defaull - null] (user 1) can prooram or modi{y other users. number master user NOTE:Only the USEB DEFINITION PROCEDUREI coDE [usER] [usER#l lusERlD] CODE Code button on keypad IUSERI lraster User lD code (user#1) IUSER#l Desired userto be progrJmmed (1'6) IUSERIDI Four digil user code. valid dioils a.e 0-9 Examplel Define operator#3 with an lD o17493. (Assume master user code is 1234). coDE 1 234 3 7493 (steady tone) verilies a successtuluser code programming An acknowledge sound A negalive acknowledge sound (4 shod tones) indicates unsuccesslul programming ll additionaluser programming is necessary, repeatlhe procedure listed above Ljser programmlng can be per{ormed whlle the system ls olsARMEo oNLY. It a diating tormat is programmed which transmiis opening/closing by user lD, each user will report the respeciive user number. DUFESS/AMBUSH I ambush capabilily is required then an ambush lransmission coCi: musl be enterod wilhin the programming sequenco. When ambush has been enabled then the user #6 code will be used as an AMBUSH code. ln this rpde, entry ol the user #6 code wi ARM or DTSARM the system andlransmitthe ambush code to the CentralSlalion. Furthermore il opsning/closing by user reporting is programmed, user number 6 will be reponed along with lhe ambush code. ll ambush has not been programmed then user#6 can be used as an ordinary usercode. DICTOGRAPH G4100 HOOKUP aND INSTALLATION Pag6I \ - 5.12. USER DELETION Removal ol users fiom th€ G41OO can be performed as toltows; USEF DELETION PROCEDURE CODE IUSERI IUse] *l ' Where: IUSERI Master use. code IUser ' ' I 5.13. #l Represents lhe user number being d6let€d.(2-6). Note: User number 1 cannot be detetod. is the ' (asterisk) key lrom the koypad. KEYPAD PANIC The 24 hr keypad panic can be initialed through simultaneous depression otthe # and. keys. Th€ paniccondition can be silent (no belloulpu0 oraudible based onthe pogramming option. NOTE: The delault value for panic is audible. Audible panic can be RESET BY ENTERTNG ANy VALID USER CODE. 6. sYsrEM PRocRAMMTNG The DICTOGRAPH G4100 syslem can be programmed in any one ol lour methods; . . . . Directly through keypad EZ-MATE PROGRAMMER model7150 on-site. lusing model71B0 Cartridge and lhe 7180J conneclorl EZ-MATE PROGRAMMER model7150 re rnotety ' lUsing rnodetTlBO Cartrjdgel EZ-MATE PC DOWNLOADER modet 77OO remolety ' 'requires addition ol model4650 module to the G4100 panej. This manual describes syslem programming via the keypad. The olher programming producls include documentalion describing their programming procedures. Keypad programming is accomplished by underslanding and completing the PROGRAMMING SHEET located on lhe inside cover o{ lhis manual. There are 17 total programming questions numbered 00-16. Within each question there are several localions labeted Ll,L2, etc.lordata enlry. The G4100 is shipped lrom the lactory ui ith SPECIFIC DEFAULT VALUES which were selocled lor a typjcal insta ation. ll lhs defauft values are suilable lor your installalion then prcgramming can be simplified. The delault values are listed with each programming queslion and in the SYSTEM DEFAULT section oflhis manuat. I. PROGRAMMING OUESTIONS DICTOGRAPH G41OO This sectionolihe manualdefinesthe programming questions alongwjthlhevalues expectedloreachqueslion. Complete lhe Programming sheet and then enterlhe data lhrough the keypad as explained in lhe section titled Data Efiry Through the Keypad. NUMBER OUESTION 01 PRIMARY TELEPHONE DEFAULT:234AAAAAAAAAAAAA Enterlhe telephone number (including area code or dialing prefix lF NECESSARY)olthe primary cenlralslaton receiver in Ll - L'16. Valid dialing digits are 0-9 , B=' , and C=lhree second pause. An entryofthe digit A signifies the end oflhe phone number. REPORTING ROUTEI Th€ G4100 will report all signals to the primary receivor phone number. Furthemore the panelwill alternate between lhe p.imary and secondary receivers (il lhe second phone number is programmed)lora maximumol S attempls each inthe event the signal has not been acknowledged. DICTOGRAPH G4l(x) HOOKUP AND INSTALLATTON Page I DEFAULT:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OUESTION 02 SECONDARY TELEPHONE NUMBER Enter the tetephone number (including area code or dialing prelix lF NECESSARY) oi lhe secondary cantral sialion receiver in L1 - Ll6. Vatid diating digits are O-9 , B=' , and C= three second pause. An enlry oflhe digil A signiliesihe end ol the phone numbel. The secondary telephone numberwillbe used il the panelis unable lo reach the Central Slalion via the primary number. This is known as backup reporting. Ithe SpLtT REpORTtNG teature is programmed, then OPENING and CLOSING signals willbe directedtolhe secondary CS number only, while all other conditions will be reporled lo p mary number' tl neither splil or backup repoding is necessary lhen lhis queslion may be lett as factory delaulted and all conditions will be routed to lhe Primary Telephone number only. OUESTION 03. DIALER OPTIONS There are 4localions (11-L4)wilhin this queslion which detine various dialer and system oplions as lollows: L1 = L2 = L3 = L4 = Dialer Formats/Keyswitch Oplion Receiver Type Message length (ie:3x1 ,4x1 ,4x2) System Options (Panic Type, Split Reporting, 24 HrTesl, BellTest) FORMA|S DEFAULT: Enter the dioit lor the desired dialer,ormat lrom lhe charl below in localron L1; -O Pulse Diahnq, Standard Format or 4X2 (8lor this oplion wilh Keyswilch) 1 Touch Tone Diallng, Standard format or 4x2 (910r this option wilh keyswilch) 2 Pulse Dialing, Extended Formai (A lor this option wilh Keyswilch) 3 Touch Tone Dialing, Exlended Format (B for lhis oplion with Keyswilch) 4 Pulse Dialing, Parlial Exiended Format (C lor this oplion wilh Keyswilch) 5 Touch Tone Dialing, Parlial Exlended Fomal (D lor this option with Keyswitch) L1 DIALER 1 NOTE: It Keyswitch oplion is selecled, lerminals 10 & 13 will be used tor a keyswitch FORIVIAT EXPLANATIONS Slandard Standard lormat involves a 3 or4 digI account n!mber lol]owed by a singlg round evenl code. Examples: 123 3 ol 654A 2 Extended Fxtended lormal (somel'mes known as universalor erpanded lormal) lransmils two rounds ol i^?iiiiriiionlTrrt tiiii ijuiio iiril:iitds- inei accrjini ilm6ei irio an expbnsion characler whrle lhe second rornd repeals the expansion digil as account numberbelore idenlnylng lne zone cooe For examole; 333 1 4312 E EEEE 7 PARTIAL EXTENDED The oarlialertended lormat transmts a slandard siqndllor alarm condilions and an extetde-d message loridsiores and oll"er syslem condil'ons. NOTF: Tht exlended message codes must oe E rJ' Example: Alarm Condilion 853 1 Reslore 853 E EEE 1 DICTOGBAPH G4100 HOOKUP ANo INSTALLATION Page l0 DEFAULT:6 Enterthe digit forthe desired receiver type lrom the chart below inlocalion L2 L2. BECEIVER TYPE VALUE DESCRIPTION 0= 10 PPS, 1400 Hz., No Parity 1 10 PPS, 1400 Hz, Parity '10 PPS, 2300 Fh, Nc Parity 10 PPS, 2300 Hz, Parily 20 PPS, 1400 Hz, No Parily 20 PPS, 1400 Hz, Parily 20 PPS, 2300H2., No Parlty 20 PPS, 2300 Hz, Parily 40 PPS, 1400 Hz, No 40 PPS, 2300 Hz, No 40 PPS, 2300 Hz, Parily = 6= TYPICAL CS RECEIVEFS FBl, Ademco Slow, Silenl Knighl Slow FBI FBI FBI FBl, Silenl Knighl Fast, ADCOR , Ademco 685 FBt, Radionics slow (1400) Franklin, Sescoa, DCl, Quickalert, Varitech, Ademco 685 FBl, Radionics Slow (2300) Parily Parity FBI FBI FBl, Radionics Fast (2300) NOTET For UL installationslhe acceptable receivers are FBI CP220 {alllormats), A0EMCO 685 ialllormatswithoutpadly) ilent Knigh 8520 or 9000. Delault = 1 Enterthe digit forthe des;red message length and belllockout option lrom ihe chart below in location L3. 3x1, Belllockout 3 x 1 (3 dlgtt accouni, I dlglt evenl cgde), no bell A 4x1, Belllockoul 2 4 x 1 (4 digil account number, 1 digit evenl code), no bell lockout 4x2, Eelllockout C 4 4 x 2 (4dioil account number,2 digit evenl code), no belllockout The bell lockoui option il selecled witl allow a zono to activate the bellone limo only tor each arming cycle. This oplion onlyapplies to Burglary zones (nol24 hour zones).NOTE: For UL inslallalions belllockout must nol be selected. L3 - MESSAGE LENGTH / BELL LOCKOUT -1= = = lockout 9= = NOTE: PIea6€ c!nsult your Central Station manager to delemine the formals message lengths which are accepted by lhe recoiver. L+ SYSTEM OPTIONS Detault = 1 Erterthe digit lo.the desired system options lrom the chart below in localion L4. = 1= 23= 456= 7= 8= 9A= B= C= D= E= F= 0 Silent Panic Audlble Panlc Silent Panic, Split Reporling Audible Panic, Splil Reporting Silent Panic, 24 Hr Test Audible Panic, 24 HrTest Sil€nt Panic, Split Reporting, 24 HrTest Audible Panic, Splil Reporting,24 hrTest Silenl Panic, BellTest Audible Panic, BellTest Silent Panic, Split Repoding, BellTesl Audible Panic, Split Reporling, BellTesl Silent Panic, 24 HrTest, BellTesl Audible Panic, 24 hr Test, BellTest Silenl Panic, Splil Reponing, 24 HrTest, BellTest Audible Panic, Splil Reponing, 24 HrTest, BellTesi DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM OPTIONS l, Slleni/Audible Panlc - Determines whetherthe panic zones (keypad panic and lhe hardwired panic) willactivatethe bell. ln either case a signalwillbe transmitted lo lhe Central Station il a panic code has been programm€d. Spllt Rsponlng - The split reponing option willdirect allopening and closing signalstolh€ secondary rcceivertelephone number. Allother conditions {alarms, troubles restores etc.) willadhere to the reporting roule described inquestion 01.11split reporting is selected then lhe secondary receiver telephone number f,rusT be programmed. 24 Hour Tesl - ll 24 hour test is enabled thon the G4100 will transmit the test code to lhe Central Station every 24 hours inlhe absence of anyothersignal. Transmission ol any signalwill resei the 24 hourtest clock. Forexample if a business openod and closed 6 days aweekthen alest signalwillbe generated 24 hours alter the last closing signal. This is required for uL Comme.cial Burglary applications DICTOGRAPH G41m HOOKUP AND INSTALLATTON PaOe 11 /' Bgll ToEt ll lhis oplign is sslect€d the bell will be activated lor one second upon succasslul arming, Notg: For UL Comm€rcial Bu.glary applications lhe bgll test oplion ls required. 1 OUESTION 04 ACCOUNT NUMBEF DEFAULT = 1234 Ent€r lhe thrs€ (3) or lour(4) digil subscriber accou nt nu mbe r to r c€ nl ral stal ion phone nu mber 1 in locations ll a three(3) digil number ls used ihen enler an A ln localion L4. Valid entrios are 0-9, and B-F. The value A is inieFreted aslhe nullvalue tor account numbers. L1 -L4. 2 DEFAULT = AAAA QUESTION 05 ACCOUNT NUMBER Enter the three(3) or lou(4) digit subscriber accounl number tor central station phone number 2 in localions L1-L4. It a lhree{3) digit number is used ihen enler an A in location 14. Valid entries are 0'9, and B-F. The value A is intepreled asihe nullvalue lor account numbers. Itlhe sBcond phone n!mbor is not usod this question can be leli as laclory defaulted. THIS ACCOUNT NUMBER MUST BE ENTERED IF YOU HAVE PBOGRAMMED A SECOND RECEIVER PHONE NUMBER FOR BACKUP OB SPLIT REPOBTING, QUESTION O6 SYSTEM TIMEOUTS There are 4 locations (L1-L4) wilhin this quesiion which deline various system liming options as l0llowsl I OCATTONS nFFlllt TS L1 = Enlry Delay L2 = Exit Delay L3 = Burglary L4 = Fire BellCutofl EellCutotf Ll . ENTRY 30 seconds 60 seconds 15 minutes No Cutotf DELAY DEFAULT = 2 Enter the desired e ntry delay time in 1 5 second increments. The valid range ol in pul is 1 - F, with 1 indicating a 1 5 seco nd entry delay and F indicating 225 seconds. For U L applicalions the maximum entrance delay shallnot exceed 45 secondsior household applicalionsor 15 seconds lor commercial burglary applications. L2 - EXIT DELAY Delault = 4 Enierthe desired exittime in 15 second increments. The valid range ol input is 1 - F, with 1 indicaling a 15 second exit delay and F indicating 225 seconds. For UL applications the maximum €xit delay shall nol exceed 60 seconds. L3 - BURGLARY BELL CUTOFF Dofauft = 5 Ederthe desired bellcutofl time on alam conditions tor burglary and panic in 3 minute inlervals. Ths valid range ol input is 1 - F, with F indicating an inlinite burg bell cutotf. Example 3 = I minules. For UL inslallalions in commercial applications the minimum bell cutoll shallbe 15 minutes, or 4 minutes lor household burglary applicaiions. L4 - FIRE BELL CUTOFF Defaull = F Enter lhe desired bell cutotf time lor lire conditions in three minule inlervals. The valid range ol inpul is 1 - F, with F indicaling an inlinite lire bell culol{. Example 3 = 9 minules. For UL insiallations the minimum lire bell cutotl lime shall be 4 minutes. OICTOGRAPH G41(x) HOOKUP ANo INSTALLATION Page 12 7.1. ZONE PROGRAMMING Questions 07-12 represenl alltho options related to programmable zones 1-6. Each queslion conains lour(4) locations L1-L4. The lirsttwo localions (11-L2) definethe zone type- The secondtwo localions (13-L4) define the alarm codelransmitted to the Contral Station lor thal zone. ryEg Zones 1-O can be prcgrammed lor any one of lhe following zone types: ECES$EI3gUES DELAY This is lhe industry slandard exiuentry zone. When the syslem is armed exil lime begins. After exil expkes, any subsequenl violation ol thiszone willbegin entry lime. ll the system is nol disarmed wilhin the programmed enlry time an alann willoccur. The keypad sounderwill annunciale steadily dudng entry timg, unless there had been an alarm conditjon, al which time it will pulse. Delay zones will activale instanlly when the system is armed using the INSTANT mode. INTERIOR PERIMETER E@ All interior zones have exit delay time upon syslem arming. Fudh€rmor6, all interior zones will have enlry delay time il a delay zone is violated first. ll lhis zone is violated lirst however,il willgenerale an immediate alarm. lnleriorzones willaulomatically be bypassed ifthe system is armed inlhe STAY MODE. This zone type (sometimes known as INSTANT) will generale an alarm when violaled while the syslem is armod. RESTOFE llthis option is selectedon a burglary zone, then lhe prcgrammed reslore code willbe.eported upon bellculoff, assumingthe loop is restored. The reslorecode willalso be reported ifthe syslem is disarmed during an alarm. CHIME lf th is option is selected lhe keypad sou nder will annu nciate tor this zone is violated in the disarmed mode. DIALEB DELAY l{ 1 second when this option is selected the syslem will allow a 15 second delay beiore dialing, allowinglhe end userto ABORTthe transmission. Itthis option is not selected, any alarm condilion will resull in an immediate transmission lhat cannot be aborted. NOTE: For UL installations dialerdelay cann not be programmed, DAY FEATURE lfazonewiththisoption is violated while lhe system is DISABMED, th€ k€ypad sounde.and zone LED willpulse lor as long as the violalion remains.ln addition, the SYSTEM TROUBLE CODE willbe transmilted to the centralstation. THE SOUNDER CAN BE SiLENCEDihrough entry operalion of anyvalid usercode. While lhe system is amed, a DAY zone will acl as an alarm when violated. a.u@uEs FIRE FIRE zones on the G4100 contain Fire Verification Logic. Upon del€ciion olthe firsl violalion, smoke delector power will be resetlor a periodofS seconds. Alter this lime period, power is reslored. For a period ol5 secondsthe iire zone will not be scanned allowing the smoke deleclorslo settle. Fulure violalions within a two minute period will result in a PULSING BELL OUTPUI, RAPID PULSING ZONE LED,and lf.4MED|ATE transmission to the CS. Fire signals cannot be aborted. Enlry ol any valid user code will silence the sounder, b€ll and resel smoke delector power. lf the system detects ihat lhe lire zone is still violated wilhin 2 minulesol power resel, the zone LEDwillpulso slowly to indicate ali.etrouble. Therealler, srDke deleclor power will be reset every 4 minutes automatically in an allompl to clearthe iire zone. ln lhe evenl thelire zone experiences an open, the syslem indicateslire trouble by pulsingthe keypad zone LED and sounderslowly. The syslem troublecodo { tollowed by the zone code ) will be reponed to tho CS. Tho keypad sounder can be SILENCED through entry ot ANY VALID USER CODE, NOTE: FIRE ZONES can not be bypassed. DICTOGRAPH G41(n HOOKUP AND INSTALLATION Page'13 24 HR ALARM This zon9 lypo is always actlvo, lndependEnt of the syslem arming stetus, Programmlrg options lncludo audlbls (STEAoY BELL) or sll€nt (NO BELL or keypad indications), with or wiihout rosloro cod6s. Upon violation the zone LEDSwillpulsg rapidly (audible zonesonly) and an lmmedlate CStransmlsslon willoccurwhich cannol be aborted. 24 HourAlarm zones can be bypassed, however they cannot be unbypassod il a violalion exlsts on lhe zone terminals. 24 HR TBOUBLE This zone type is always active, ildependont ol the syslem arming status. Programmino oplions include audible (PULSING KEYPAD SOUNDER) or sil€nt, wilh or withoul restore codes. Upon violalion lho zone LED will pulse slowly. Trouble condition must exisl lor 15 seconds belore a transmission will occur. The keypad display and sou ndor will clear upon zone rcstoral. 24 HourTroublg zones can bo bypassod, howov€r lh6y cannol be unbypasssd il a violalion exisls on lhe zone lerminals. THE SOUNDER IUAY BE SILENCED THROUGH ENTRY OF ANY VALID USER CODE. rygrg Thelollowing lable contains lhe enldes required lor locations L1 and L2 of the zone type queslions; ZONE TYPES CONTROLLED ZONES 20 21 24 25 11 Psrim€lor, Ro9orc 12 Porimcler, Day 13 Pedmeter, Day. R€slore Pedmore!. Chime 15 Pedmel€r, Chimo, R€slore 18 Pafm.lor, Dial Dolay 19 Pedmet.r, Reslor6, Dial Dolay 1A Perim€tor. Day, Dial Dehy 1B Psrimeler, Day, Reslor6, Dial Delay 'lC Perim€ler, chimo. Dial Delay 1D Peimeler, Chim.. Restore. Dial D6lay 1zl @As previously specitied locations L3 and Delay D.lay, Reslor€ D.lay, Chime Dolay, Chime, F€3lor6 40lntorior 44ld€rior. Chimo ?l5 24 HOUR ZONES 8l Ahrrn 82 zit Hour Trcubl. 84 Farc 89 Hold-Up Alarm (no LED,sounder.b€ll) 8A Silenl Trcublo (LEO indicalion only) lnl€rior, Chim€, Reslor€ 48lnle.ior, Oial Dsley 49 lrne or, Beslor€, DialD.lay 4C lnto or, Chim6, DialDolay 40 lnl€rlor, Chim€, R€slor€, Dial Delay 92 24 HourTrolu€, Rostorc 94 Fire, R€slor€ 99 Hold-lJp, Reslore 9a Sil€ntTlouble. Restoro L4 o{ the zone queslions represent lhe alarm code that will be reponod to the centlal station. Based onthe dialerlormal select€d enterlhe alarm codo as follows; STANDABD FORMAT: Enterthe desired singlo digit alarm code in location 13. The valuo placed in L4 will not be used. Examplo: Desired lransmission l23 2 (accounl 123, alarm code 2) Enter a 2 in location L3 oi the zone Any value placed in L4 willbe not be used. EXTENDEO:EnIer th€ desired Jirst digit ol the alalm code in location L3 The second digit in L4. Example: Desired lransmission 123 3 333 4 Enter3 in L3, 4 in L4. DICTOGRAP'I G4100 IIOOKUP AND INSTALLATION Page 14 =\=:i PARTIAL EXTENDEO: Enterlhe dosired dioil in both locations L3 and L4. This willoen€rate a sinole round alarm lransmission and an oxlended lYansmission lor all syslem condilions suEh as ioalorbs: Exarple: Alarm Restore 123 3 123 E EEE 3 Enter3 in L3 and L4. 4x2:Enterthe d€sired lirst digil ot lhe alarm code in localion L3. The second digit in 14. Example: 476532 OUESTION 07 ZONE 1 DEFAULT= 2031 Enter 3 in L3, 2 in L4. Ther€ are 4 locations {Ll-L4) within this question which detine the oporalion oi zone 1. Ent€r a 2 digit number in locations L1 and L2 {rom lhe zone chart lorlho dosired type lorthis zone. Enterthe desired alarm code in locations L3 and L4 torlhis zone retalive to the diater formai setocted. LOCATIONS DEFAULTS . L1 L2 ZONE TYPE 20 DELAY L3-14 ZONEALARM COOE 31 OUESTION 08 ZONE 2 The.e are 4 locations (11-L4) within this question which define the operation ol zone 2. Enl€r a 2 digjl number in locations Ll and L2lrom tho charl above that.epresenls the dosired type lorlhis zone. Enterthe desired alarm code in locations L3 and L4loalhis zone relative to the dialer lormal selected. LOCATIONS Ll - L2 L3. L4 ZONE r'FFAIII TS ryPE ZONEALARM 40 INTEBIOB FOLLOWER CODE 32 ouEsTroN 09 zoNE 3 There are 4localions (L1-L4) within this queslion which define the operalion of zone 3. Enter a 2 digit number in locations L1 and L2lrom the chart above lhal represenls the desired type forthis zone. Enl€rlhe desired alam code in locaiions L3 and L4 forthis zone relative lo lhe d;alerlormat selecled. LOCATIONS DEFAULTS L1 .L2 ZONE TYPE 10 PERIMETER L3-14 ZONEALARM CODE 33 ouEsTtoN 10 zoNE 4 There are 4locallons (Ll-L4) within this question which deline the operalion oJ zone 4. Enter a 2 digil number in localions L1 and L2lrom the chart above that represents the desired lype iorlhis zone. Enterthe desirod alarmcode in locaiions LOCATIONS . L3L1 L2 L4 L-3 and L4 forthis zone relative lo lhe diater formal sstected. ZONETYPE ZONEALARI.4 CODE I}FFAIILTS 10 PERIIJETER 34 ouEsTroN 11 zoNE 5 Therg are 4 locations (L1-L4) within this question which detine the operation ol zone 5. Enter a 2 digit number in localions L1 and L2 from the chart above lhat representsthe desired type lorthis zone. Enterthe d€sired alarm code in locations L3 and L4lor this zone relative lo the diater lormat setected. LOCATIONS DEFATJLTS Ll . L2 ZONETYPE 10 PERIMETER 13. L4 ZONEALARM CODE 35 DICTOGRAPH G4100 HOOKUP AND TNSTALLATTON page 15 7-,t;;QUESTION 12 ZONE 6 There are 4locations (11'14)within lhis queslion which deline the operation of zone 6 Enter a 2 digil number in locations L1 and L2lrom the zone charl thal represents lhe desired type fo.this zone. E.lerthe desired alarm code in locations L3 and L4 forthis zone relalive to the dialerlormat sel€cled. LOCATIONS DEFAULTS FIRE L1 . L2 ZONETYPE 84 L3 L4 ZONE ALARII,,I CODE 16 OUESTION 13 AMBTJSH/AC LOSS There are 4 tocalions L1-L4 in this question. Ll - L2 is the alarm code lhat will be transmilted on AMBUSH. L3 - L4 is the AC LOSS CODE. The same rules for programming regarding dialerformat apply here. lf eilher, or bolh oJ these lransmissions are nol desired, program their respective localions AA AMBUSH transmissions are immediale and not aborlable. AC LOSS transmissions willbe repo(ed '15 minutes aller deleclion. DEFAULTS AA L1 AC AA L3 - LOCATIONS AMBUSH L2 LOSS L4 OUESTION 14 PANIC/LOW BATTERY There are 4 locations L1-L4 in this queslion. L1 , L2 is the alarm code that wlli be lransmilted on PANIC. This code will be transmilled lor KEYPAD as well as HAR0WIBE PANIC. L3 - L4 is lhe LOW BATTEFY CODE. The same rules lor programming regarding dialerlormat apply her€ lJ either or both ofthese lransmissions aae nol desired, program their respeclive localions AA PANIC transmissions are immediale and not abonable. LOW BATTERY transmissions will be roported 4 minutes afler deteclion. LOW BATTERY RESTORE CODE will be reported WITHIN 4 minuies atler detection ol GOOD BATTERY condition. DEFAULTS LOCATIONS 22 L1 - L2 PANIC LOW BATTERY AA L3 - L4 OUESTION 15 OPEN/CLOSE,24 HR,TEST CODE There are 4 iocalions L1-14 in this q!estion. L1 isthe single digit OPENTNG CODE. L2 isthe single digit CLOSING CODE. Entry ol AA intothese tlvo locations neans that openings ind c-tosings are nol desked. ll a dial;r fo.hai other than standard ls programmed lhen lhe second digit transmitled willbe the us6rnumber L3 " L4 is the 24 HR TEST CODE. Entry ol AA means that 24 hourlest is not enabled. lf 24 hour tesl code is selected then ANY valid transmission willreset the 24 hourlesl timer. DEFAULTS A OPENING A CLOSING LOCATIONS L1 CODE CODE L2 L3 - L4 24 HR TEST AA QUESTION 1 6 BYPASS/RESTORE/TBOUBLE/FUTURE There are tour(4) localions Ll - L4 in this queslion Ll is the singte digit system BYPASS CODE that will be reported lo the cenlral stallon iJ a zone is bypassed, UPON ARMING-Enlry ol an A means that bypasses are not transmitted. lf a two digil dialing lormat has been selected then the Bypass code willbe followed bylhe programmed second digit ofthe zones code. L2 is lhe single digil syslem RESTORE CODE reportedlo the cenlralstalion. Restoreswillbe reported forburglary or24 hour zones whiah htve been programmed wilh the restore oplion. Entry of an A means lhat rsstores are not transmilled. It atwo digit diater fo.mat has been programmed thenlhe reslore code will be followed bylhe programmed second digit olthe zones code. L3 isthe single digit syslem TROUBLE CODE repoded to the ceniralstation. This code willbe reponed on DAYTROUBLE and any FtRE iROUBLE. ll a two digil lormal has been programmed then this code will be ,ollowed by the second digit ol the respective zones code. OICTOGBAPII G4100 HOOKUP AND INSTALLATION Page 16 L4 is a spare location at thistime that may be usod in the luture. LOCATIONS DEFAULTS A L1 BYPASS A L2 RESTORE L3 TROUBLE F L4 SPARSFUTUBE A ouestlon 00 INSTALLER CODE There are 4 localrons L1 - L4 in lhis queslon. Enter any 4 digil (0-9 inslallercode desired. This code is used lo ENTER lhe syslem programming mode via the keypad. Typically each installing company would use a unique inslaller code in orderto prevent unaulhorized people lrom gaining access to their panels. Note: The lactory delault value Jorlhe inslallercode is 4600 in locations L1-L4 respeclively. O. DATA ENTRY VIA KEYPAD This seclion describes ln" Onr.'"",*"r.r* displayed on the keypad during programming operations. Actualkeypad programming should be performed attercompleiion ofthe programming sheel. 8..I. HOW TO ENTER PROGRAMMING MODE The SYSTEM programming mode can be entered WHILE DISAR[rED ONLY as followsi lhe CODE bulton. DEPBESS the * butlon. (asterisk) DEPRESS ENTER the lour digit INSTALLER CODE (detault = 5196) A.2. WHAT YOU SEE ON THE KEYPAD PROGRAM MODE = READY LED: Upon entedng lhe installer keypad programming mode ihe READY LED will slowly pulse, and will conlinue lo pulse until leaving this mode. OUESTION NUMBERS = ZONE LEDS: As previously slated there aro lT lolal queslions, each o, which conlains multiple dala enlry locations. Zone LEDS 1 through 5 display lhe curent OtJESTION NU[,4AER (not lhe specilic localion wilhin each queslion) as lollows: -+2 +16 _ lnthe diagrams above the questlon nunberis oblained by ADoING lhe values of allLEDSthal are ON. This applies to bolh the metaland plastic versions ol lhe keypad. EXAMPLESI Zone ON, Zones 2-5 OFF = ouEsTtoN 01 Zone 1 ON, Zone 2 ON, Zones 3'5 OFF = ouEsTloN 03 Zone 2 ON, Zone 3 ON, Zone 4 ON, Zones 1 and 5 OFF = ouEsTtoN 14 l DICTOGRAPH G41OO HOOKUP AND INSTALLATION Page 17 LOCATION CONTENTS = SYSTEM STATUS LEDS The remaining status LE0S (ARM,STAY,INSTANT,AC/LB) display the DATA that rssides in EACH localion within the cu.rsnt questlon. As p€r the diagram and €xplanatlon above, the value located nexi to each LED musi b9 ADDED to calc1llate lhe lotaldala,lor each localion. EXAMPLES: Arm ON, Slay,lnstanl,and AC/LB OFF, Arm ON, Slay ON, lnstant and AC/LB OFF = 3 The iollowing chart displays binary values that you will soe on lhese LEoS lor the letlers A-F which may be enlgred in some locations olthe program she€1. Slay & AC/LB = ON Arm,Slay, & AC/LB - ON lnstant, & AC/LB - oN ArmJnstant, & AC/LB = ON Stay,lnsianl, & AC/LB = ON Am,Slay,lnstant, & AC/LB - ON -'l A B c D E F 8.3. 10 1l 12 13 14 15 HOW TO ENTER DATA This seciion ol lhe manualdescribes the physical keystokes to enlerthe dala wrilten on lhe program sheel. MOVEMENT BETWEEN OUESTIONS Upon entry inlo the syslem program mode queslion number I is displayed Flandom jumps lo any question can be made by depressing the' (asterisk) builon and lhe 2 digil question number. Questions can be accessed randomly orsequenlially. Example: Jump lo queslion 07 - depress '0 7 The properqueslion number will be displayed by the zone LEDS and the olher status LEDS will display the conlents oflhe FIRST localion in that question. MOVEMENT WtTHtN OUESTTONS As previously statedlhe zone LEDS displaythe question number and the olher staius LEDS display the contenls (data) wilhin each location. Movemont lrom lo the last localion wilhin any queslion can be performed the * PoUND BUTToN. location L1 depressing by The oiher slatus LEDS willdisplaythe contents oi €ach location as ihls butlon is ENTRY de'ressed to alterlhe value in ANY 'ATA localion , enier lhe desired DlGlTirorn the program ShEEI, IhEN DEPRESS THE # BUTTON. THE # EUTTON I{!]sI BE DEPRESSED AFTER ENTRY OF DESIRED DIGIT. THE SYSTEM WILL NOT PROGRAM THE DIGIT UNIIL THE POUND (#) BUTTON IS DEPRESSED, THEREFORE IF A MISTAKE IS MADE IT CAN BE CHANGED. NOTE: Numoric enlriss o-9 can be perlormed by depressing the resp€ctive keypad bullon. However, entries ol A-F requiro 2 k€ystrokes as follows: Depress lhe CODE bullon lollowed by 1-6lorvalues A-F VALUE A B c D E F KEYSTROKES CODE 1 CODE 2 coDE 3 CODE 4 CODE 5 CODE 6 Examplel Enter an A = depress CODE lollowed by 1. ExlT SYSTEM PROGBAM MODE Afler all programming has been completed, depress the STAY bullon to exl the system trogram mode. All the LEDS will turn ON lor apploximately 10 seconds, belore the system retums lo normaldaily operation DICTOGRAP}I G4100 HOOKUP AND INSTALLATION Page 18 The keypad will omit a bEop between keyst.oke6. ln addiiion a beep will be generatgd corfirming advancsment belween qusstlong numbgrs. OUESTION ACKNOWLEDGMENT Fou. b€9p6 willbe generat€d if an lnvalkl inputis emor€d, Upon gnlry ol invalid lnpul you are postloned at lhe sam€ queslion numbor and locatlon as prlorlo lh6 lnpul enor. @ FUNCTION KEYSTROKES ENTER PROGRAMMING MODE EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE coDE'INSTALLER CODEI STAY ADVANCE BETWEEN LOCATIONS GO TO SPECIFIC {ENTER) # QUESTIoN .Iouestion Numb€4 Example:'0 5 0-9 Dala Er ry A - F enterod as tollows; A B c CODE I CODE 2 coDE 3 D CODE 4 E CODE 5 F 9. CODE 6 sYsTEMDEFAULTS Th6 DICTOGRAPH G4100 is preprogrammed lrom the lactory with delault valuos. These values have been selected to rneel lhe requirements ol a common installation and may suil your noeds. The panel can bE lorced to reload the delault values be shoding pins JP1 and JP2 on the circuil board while and re-applying power. OUESTION DEFAULT 5196 00lnstallerCode 2S4AAAAMAAAMAA 01 Phono #1 AAMAAAAAMMAAA (NONE) 02 Phons #2 Touch Tone, 20PPS, 2300h2, 3x1, Audible Panlc DlalerOptions 03 1234 04 Accoum #1 AAAA (null) 05 Account #2 Entry Delay = 30 sec., Exii Dolay - 60 seconds 06 TinEouts Burg BellCutofi = 15 minules, Fire BellCutotf = No Timeout Delay (20) Cod6 = 31 07 Zone #1 erior (40) Code = 32 08 Zone #2 Perimeter (10) tude = 33 09 zone #3 Perimeter (10) Code = 34 10 Zoro #4 PedmEt€r (10) Code = 35 11 zone #5 'l2 Zone #6 Fke (84) Code = 16 'I 3 Syslem Codos Ambush = AA (null) AC Loss = AA (null) Panrc - 22 Low Battery = AA (null) 14 System Codes Open = A (null) Close = A(Null) Tesl Code = AA (nulD l5 System CodEs Bypass - A (null) Restore=ETrouble=F 16 System Cod€s l USER CODES 1 2 4 5 6 1234 (null) (null (null) (null) (null) OICTOGRAPH G41OO HOOKUP AND INSTALLATION PAgE 19 /z/r i [.o / / DICTOGRAPH G41(n PROGRAMMING WORKSHEET 01 Primary Tolco. Numbe? EtEltsErtrEtElDtrtrntrtrnntr Ll6 Lr L2 L3 L4 Ls L6 L7 L8 L9 Lll L10 Secondary Telco. Numbe; L12 L13 L14 L15 [ItrDtrDDDOtrDDDOtrBtr L8 L9 L6 Ll L2 L3 L10 Ll1 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 Dialer lnlormalion Accounl Number I Ll L2 L3 LI 3or4 Account Numb€r 2 System Timeouts Enltv Ex( 8lrqBelFrr€ 8e Zone 1 L L1 L2 L3 L4 Zona Tyoe CS Code Zone 2 cotfrRoLLEo zolrEs Zone 11 Zone 5 EDtrtr L1 L2 L3 L4 Zone Tvpe CS Code 12 zone 6 1L2L3L Zons Tvp. CS Cod6 13 Ambush/Ac Loss 14 Panic/Low Battery Open Close TEst 16 Bypass Rostorg Ttouble 00 lnslaller CodE L1 L2 L3 L4 SYSTEM DEFAUL'IS 1 LIDALEBFO'IYA1S OEFAI'ITII o Flt or.lrc, ga,.n tddl q ax2 r trdr Lf oLlr!{, ttj|ci b[a c. 'ut 2 FrLOdrE En.qrldfcdl 3 lddt 10 Oi.lll, E rlaa fodl a f\rr.. o{.llrc, P.?ltl arLdS FoNl 5 Tqjclllo Odhc, P.d.l E tt(.dfdn: a rrro o 1 0.l1tr 2 - Slhd P.M, S ro PPs, 1ao0 rl:., tlo I P.dt Fgl, Lhr@ Sb'., s]ltr FBl, st.rr ljlCi F.n, ADCoF XdCn $d H!. Prrlty PPs,2!00 H:, No P.dy 10 PPS, 1r0O 23. .. 5 a ! 7. 3. s. cl.lr ll@r Ld ort) lr3Yglcro"rl<'l6 . . 10 10 PPS, &O H:, P.rny 20 PPS, 1,100 Hz, |]o P..ly 20 PPS, taoo 82, Psrny 2. ?Pl, 2sli, tlo P.,tt Fr.ri'lh s.@l ocr olddn, v.rr.dr 20 PPS, 400 H.. Pt'T y r0 PPS, 1a@ H2. No Pdry a0 PPs, 2300 Hr. No P.ny .0 PPS, 2lOO H:. Ptnry n.Potl.tc - tu6r P.na, Spu F.F.nic t- sianlPe.2rHrT.d 3 5. adhL' P.... 2. Hl T.i 6. Sil.in P.nb. sDfi n.00nh12. H.r.rl 7. Ardr. P.n€ SoL R.O.nrE 2atxt.r L Sir.d P.n. a.n T.a I - rlor Pan€, &r I.n A- Sir.d Plna spli R.9.nrE 6d I.r A- Arbl. P:n.. Soll R4b'tlE, 6.1T.c C- Sihrr P.n€. 2. Hl I.n, B.{ T.a D. Ai.5rPan.2at r.i. B.rrLd u.u€slrcEExorH luxx ZONE TYPE€ 2a Rv odrn.l of aY3lEr PfiocR^xn 6 tioui zollEs. E'{TER PROGR MMING MODE COOE'IINSTALLEF CODq EXITPROGRAMUINGMODE ADVrltcE B€TWEEN IOCATTO S Go To sPEch-lc STAY {ErTEFt olJ€sTloN I r lor.lro. Nuibt arrsi.,05 Dn. Enry A F.ri.nd .r rtud i@. .o l a c 0 Dd D.r.t rtuE ch, ,L.bq D'.r crr.t ! rob!i.: coDE 1 cooE 2 coDE3 cooE a E CODE 5 F CODE A _!la8r 5196 TarrAA loocll ld, 24F6. 23001!, ltl, A& ^^A(lEl Edr o.rY . !0 Burt a.a Clrl. *- i5 Ed D.ar - l0 P.ta .616 nru... Fn adarJlil.l{o lIEr h!!.r.r Itol cd. t3 F.trlir oo) cdl-!. P.irr. lr0l c.(.-s rrlr.M(n{rctf.r^(El) ?.r-12tdsd.Y.^ l.!o or.n-^r(,crr-^r^!!Y-o.d.-r Bira. A ld4l R.ao.. - C Tdd. F ln tha a.rn (nrl) di.qm.Do!.0E fE dr.l .d qlJ.nbn nur$ar 6 obr.h.d br aDolNG ih. v.!!F ol .n FLdic va6bB ol lhe LEDS th.l rta llyt .d. Zotr I ON, ZoFs 2.5 OF zorr r or. zoF 2 0N. zoir! 3.s oFF zolr. 20N zoE3 0x. zorr.o ,2061.d5oFF - ouEsnox 01 - olerroN 6 - ou€stloN 1a oN ftk.FpllBlo