the kenya gazette - the Law Society Of Kenya
the kenya gazette - the Law Society Of Kenya
THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the RepubHc of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CXYII-No. NAIROBI, 29th January, 2016 8 CONTENTS , GAZETTE NOTICES PAGE I The Chil&en Act-Appoinunent .......................... 154 Directions Relating to Pauper Briefs Scheme and Pro Bono Services ................. Preventon of Cruelty to Animals hhe Water Act-Appointrnents .. 154-155 1fs' Act-Appoinhnent 155-156 . PAGE The Co-opemtive Societies Act-C6operativc Tribunal Sessions............... tf," Cirit Procedure Act-iractice fhe Price Sh 60 flhe Kenya Water Institute Act-Appointrnent........ ..... . . ,.. 156 179 Goods..... Closure of Private Roads................... l-ossofPolicies.. Change of Names...................... Disposal of Uncollected 179-l8O 180 180-186 l8Gl87 The National Transport and Safety Authority Act- . Exemption 156 ill," thyri"ol fmoers Registration Act-Appoinunent........ County Govemmens Notices........... rThe land Registration Act-Issue of Provsronal I Aa -TalIying Centres. etc. SUPPLEMENT Nos.4,5 end 6 15G159 Certficates, etc.. fThe Elections 156 59-170 170-172 .............................. Le gislative Supplemcnt LEGAL NonCE PAGE 2-The Transfer to Devolved Transfer of Functions....... The trgal Education Act-Passing'oi Council of kgal , klucation Examinations t73-176 and Pupilage,.-. . ......... .......... The Sacco Socrcstles Act-List of Sacco Societies Licensed to Undertake'DeposirTaking Sacco Busmess rn Kenya for the Year 2016............ iTfre Cornpanies Rct I The Mining Dissolution. crc. -lntended Act-Application for Special Lrcence.... .. . 3 -The Export Governments - - - - - - -. Processing Zones - - - Act- -...... Act- 3 Declaration of Export Proccssing, Zone .......... t76-t78 t'78-179 ..... No 179 zt-ll-The Competition 1363 Act-Proposed Acqursitiohs, etc l2 Tax hocedures Act, -The Commencement 136T1367 2015 - I 369 l Irsr THE KENYA GAZETTE 154 Mary Inyuma Wang'ele (Ms.)-Officc of thc Director of hblic No. 369 GAZETTE NoTICE 29th January, 2016 Prosecution. THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA Carolyne Atieno (Ms.)-Department (No. (Ms.)-Kenya [.aw Rcform Commission. Dennis Kiio-l.egal Resourccs Foundation Trust. Teresa Omondi-Adeitan (Ms.)-Fcderation of Womcn Lawycn, Kenya. Anthony Mwicigi- Judiciery. Lucy Gitari- Judiciary. Edna Nyaloti Amcyo (Ms.)-Witness hotcction Agency. Grace Ndirangu (Ms.)-Directorarc of Criminal Invcstigrtion.. I of20tr) THE CHILDREN ACT (No.8 oJZOOl) NCAJ TASKFORCE ON CHILDREN MAT'TERS Vcronice Wambui Mwangi (Ms.)-Kenya National Commisrion APP TNTMENT . ,on Human Rights. Marysheila Onyango-Oduor (Ms.)-l,aw Socicty of Kcnya. Florence Kerubo Omu ndi (Ms.) Prisons Dcpartmcnt. Ruth Juliet N. Gachanja (Ms.)-Thc Cradle. Duncan Okello-NCAJ. PURSUANT to the resolution of thc National Council on the 'of Justice (NCAJ) at its lsth mceting to have Administration established a taskforcc to addrcss emerging challenges facing children in the justice scctor; and in linc with thc provisions of the Constitution, sections 5 and 34 of thc Judicial Scrvice Act, and section 22 (3) of the Children Act, I, of Probation and Aftcrcerc Services. Josephine Sinyo THE JUDICIAL SERVICE ACT the Chicf. Justice of the Republic of Kenya, and Facilitators: Chairperson of the National Council on the Administration of Justice, Manuela Kinyanjui -ODCJ. Martha K. Mucni (Ms.)-OCJ appoint the NCAJ Taskforce on Children Matters with effect from 10th December,2015. Thc Taskforcc tcrms of reference: 1. To rcview and rrport on the status of childrcn in 3. Natiotnl Council on the Administration otJusticc (NCN), Examine the operative policy and lcgal rcgimes as wcll as thc emerging case law !o identify thc chdllcngcs and makc appropriarc recommcndations. GAzErrE NsncE No. 370 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA Assess, rcview, report and rccommcnd on the scrvicc standards of edch of the justice sector institutions with rcspcct to children THE IUDICATURE ACT matters. 4. Prcpare draft rulcs (Cap.8) of proccdurc for cnfohcmcnt of THE CIVIL PR@EDURE ACT fundamental rights of children. 5. 6. ' Conduct a situation analysis of the cxisting infrestructure and equipment in the criminal justicc system in rcgard to children mattcrsand devclop guidclines for the monitoring, supervision and inspections for holding facilitics. Devclop Guidclines for Child Prorcction Units and propose rirechanisms for thc establishmcnt of Child Policc Unit in thc Netional Police Scwice. 7. Devclop thc Court hactice Directions on Children 8. Develop the Diversion Regulations. 9. Dcvelop a Policy ori Mandatory Continuous cases. Profcssional Development program on child rights for justice and examinc and review the training curricula on children. 10. Dcvclop policies on re-inrcgration of childrcn accompanying ll.Dcvelop policics on scpantcd cells for children (include of children guidelines/minimum r,tandards facilities). of infrastructure h.o BoNo IN EXERCISE of thc powers undcr Articlc 161 (2) (a) end Aniclc 55 (5) of the Constitution of Kcnya, in pursuancc of scction l0 of thc Judicetrrc Act, which makes provisions for thc Cticf Justicc !o Ertc Rules of Court for regulating the practice and proccdurc in thc Hiih Court and the Civil Procedure Act and thc Civil hocedurc Rulel 2010. Pursuant to Article 50, 50 (2) and 50 (2) (ft) of thc Constitution of Kcnye, 2010, thc Civil Procedure Act, Ordcrs 33 and 44 rplrrcd to thc applicrtion of peuper briefs and plo bono scrviccs, thc Chicf lueticc of thc Rcpublic of Kenya gives the following practice dircctions: l. 2. accuscd pcrson, appellant or their family cngages an advocrtc. mcmbers shall include; Court Administrator, a rcprcsatrhtivd Society of Kenya and two nomincc of the Court Uscrs Committec that shall allocate pro bono briefs. National and County lcvel. of the law of the Tas kforc e : 7. The Taskforcc shell comprisc thc fullowing mcmbers: Koomc-Iudiciary -(Cluirperson) Chcruiyot-National Policc Scrvicc-(Vice- L,ady Justice Martha Cluirperson). (Sccrcury). ; All stations shall form pro bono committccs chairod by thc Registrrr, Dcputy Regisrar, or Hcad of Station rnd trc Improvc co-ordination of the Juvcnilc Justice Acton et the Joscphinc Oguyc (Ms.)-Deprruncnt ( An edvocatc appointed by thc statc shall bc dischargcd if drg Develop a form for prescnting thc P&C cascs in court (to bc included in thc court practice directions). Stanley K. j of Pro bono briefs shall be allocatcd to individual advocetcs rnd not firms. 14. Develop a coordinated sensitization and awsrness stratcgy. C ompo sition Pro bono scrvices shall bc offered in capital cases end crrcs children in c-onflict with thc law in the Magistretc Court. using a standard application form. Practice guidclines. 16. I Pro bono serviccs shall be offcred in thc Supremc Court, Court of Appeal, Hlgh Court and the Magistrarc Courts. To enhance accountability and provide a clcar framcwort of cntry and exit to the Scheme, advocat€s shall apply to $rvc ofthc guidelines for childrcn with spccial nceds. for inclusion of childrcn with special needs in the Juvenilc Justicc Actors procedure tq be includad in thc . SERvrcEs I I 3. Develop guidelines 15. (Cap.Zl) KACTICE DIR.Eg[oNs RBLATING To PAUPER BRIEFS SCIEME AND imprisoned mothcrs. 12. Developmcnt WLLYMUTI.]NGA, Chicf Justicc and Clnb, . thc administration of justicc. '. 2. . Datcd thc 20th January,2016. of Childrcn Serviccs Any ncw brief being allocatcd to an advocrt shrll bc evduatcd against pending pro bono work load of rn edvocaE. 8. The fees payable shall be an all -inclusive sum ofKSh. 30,000. ll t ,{ in 2 installmcnts: thc first instrllnr,nt after first appearance and the second instrllmcnt upon 9. The fecs shall be paid completion of thc bricf. I 10. Thc foes shall be managcd cenually rt thc Chicf Rcgistrer's GAzErraNcmcENo. 373 Officc. I 155 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2fth January, 2016 , l. the fccs payment shrll bc IIIEWATERACT bascd on ccrtification by thc stetion (No.tof2@2') pmbono Comrnitrcc. - of the rcspcctivc Qoufts shall kccp e rcgistcr of advocetcs involvcd in pro bono scrviccs whcre relcvrnt iaformcion fccdback on thcir pcrformmcc fhdl bc recorded. TANA WAIER SERVICES BOARI) 12. The Rcgistrars rll ArsoINrMB{T ud IN EXERCISE of thc powcrs confcnrd by Act, 2m2. 6c CSina SccreUry Ilrcsc dircctions shell tekc cffcct from lst July,2016. D.Ed thc 20th January,2016. WILLYMUTI.JNGA, Chicf Justicel Pre$dcnt, Suprcmc Court of Kcnya. to bc chriroen of thc Bord of Direcon of Tmr lYret Scrviccr Borrd, for e pcriod of thrce (3) ycrs, with cficct from 22nd Imurry, mrc. ' EUGENE LI,JMVIC WAMALWA, Cabiact Sccrcury for Waur ard lrigarbn. (Cap.3@) GAmrBNoncENo. 374 APPOINIIUIENT , IN E)(ERCISE of'thc powers confened by scction 36 of thc 'Prcvcntion of Cruclty to Animds Act, thc Cabinct Socctery for Agriculuuc, Livcstock rnd Fishcrics, rftcr consultation with 6c Kcnyr Socicty for horcction md Care of Animals, appointsIsmail Thoye Ngoke (Dr.), Joen Megcrc (Dr.), I ArmiPrfiimci, TI{EWATERACT (No.8 ol2@2) I,.AKEVIC]TORIA NORTH WATER SERVICES BOARD . Tinothy Agoi Eliffrr, Cdvin Sobmon Onyrngo, .j I APPOINN\,IE{T IN E)(ERCISE of thc powcn confcrcd by etkn 5l of thc Werr Act, 2002, thc Cabinct Secretery for Welcr end lrigrrho {poinB- Fcrcr K, Kiruondo, Fnncis G. Ng'rng'r (Dr.), Frcd Kisohr Miditih, Peulo Mufunyi Mutive, RoBERTWAT^I{GWA to bc mcmbcr of thc Boed of Dirccton of lrtc Vicrorir Norrt Wecr Scrviccs Board, for e pcriod of ttrec (3) yern, witb cffcct from 22nd Jenuary,2016. Ircob Lolorian Libwor, D.t Drvil Y. Merall, Frdclis Mwalimu, Fredcrfo k Atsiaya l.odcnyo, Amy L. Rrppo (Itils.), Julir Frenccs Tatton (Mrs.), b d thc 20th Jenurry, 2016. EUGENE LI.'DOVIC WAMALWA; Cabilut Sccrcuryhr Waat od lrltstlon. bc eutborizcd offrccrs for thc prrpoccg of thc Act This Grzorc Noticc rupcrrdcs thc prcviouc noticc. GAzarrE NcncE No. 375 . TI{BWATERACT (No.tofNl) DeLd thc 2,+rt Novcmbcr,2015. ' il16. 371 T}IE PREVENTION OFCRUELTY TOANIMA[.S ACT " retin Jl of drc Stucr rpoitrt!- tnigetim ItmnxueruKrnrenr Dercd thc Z)th January, GAzErENoncENo. fc Wrrr ud ADAI'{L{OHAMMED, NORTHERN WATER, SER.VICES BOARD At. Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture, Dvcsack and Fislprics. APPoBmr{E!.7 IN E)GRCISE of thc powcrr confcmcd by rcctirn 5l of fu \f,rcr Act, 2002, thc Crbincts.crEtrry.for Vfrtcr end lrrigetbn rppofttb- GAzErrE NsncE No. 372 AIIAJ AU ABD| BARITI{A I "pwArERACr (No.8of&L) ATFtr WATER SERVICBS BOARD Anonrnmn ] !o bc chdrmrn of thc Bolrd of Dirccton of Nordrcrn Stricr llrryhcs Board, for a pcriod of thrcc (3) ycers, *'ith cfrect from 22lld la ury, 2016. Drtcd thc 20th lenuery,2016. i IN HGRCISE of thc powcrs.confcrrcd by scction 5l of ttrc Watcr Act" zW\ tE Crbinct Sccrctary for WeCr rnd lrrigation appoints- I I' Maftin lVachira Meine Kan-(Clnlrran) JoshuaMutoaWerunga-(Mentbcr) GAZEI'TE NcrncE No. 376 b be chaimnn and nrcmbcr of the Borrd of Direcors of Atlri Wrtcr &rviccr Board, for a pcrM of threc (3) ycars, with cffcct frorn 22nd Lnuery,20l6 urd r,cvokcs tlrc appoinuncnts of- ' EUGENE LT.JDOVIC WAMALWA, Cabinct Sccrcmry lor ttaar and ltitarion. Mwengi Kiunjuri* lXckson Weithika*t APPuNruE{T EUGENELUDovIcwAMALwA, binct Sccrenryfur Watcr atd lrlgotion. *G.N. (No.toIN2) RIFT VALLEY WATER SENVICES EOARD Ilatcd 6c 20th January,2016. ' TTIEWATERACT 29l2l2il5 and *rG.N.7468/2015 IN E)(ERCISE of thc powcn confcrrcd by rcctkn 5l.of thc tVetcr Ac\ 2N2, tlrc CrbirEt Secrctry for lilrtcr md Inigrtion rppoinu - Dirar Ptrnicc Lukosi Muyokr (Ms.), Nmcy Nrkemi Ctolc (Mr.), THEKENYA GAZETTE, 156 to be members of the Board of Directors of Rift Valley Water Services Board, for a pcriod of three (3) years, with effect from 22nd January 2016. 29th January, 2016 GAzErrE NoTICe No. 38.0 THE NATIONAL TRANSPORT AND SAFETY AUTHORITY ACT (No.33 of2ol2) Datcd thc 20th January,2016. ExEMP,nON EUGENE LUDOVIC WAMALWA, Cabinet Secretary Jor Water and lrigation. GAzErrENoflcE No. 377 THEWATERACT (No.8 of2002) lN EXERCISE of thc powers confcrrcd by scction 26 (6) of tro National Transport and Safcty Authority Act" 2012, thc Ministcr for Transport and Infrastructure exempts Postal corpontion of Kcnyt from thc Provisions of rule 5 (1) (a) of the National Tranrport rnd Safcty Authgrity (Opcrations of Public Scrvicc.Vchiclcs) Rcguletbns, 2O14, for a period of three (3) years, with cffcct from llth Iuuary, 20t6. WATER APPEAL BOARD Dated the 7th January,2016. JAMES W. MACHARIA, Cabinet Secretary Jor Transprl and Intrastucturc. APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 84 (r) of thc Water Act, 20[J.2, the Cabinet Secretary for Waler and Irrigation appointsGAZE,TTE NOTICE _ Faith Waigwa (Ms.), Winnie Cherono Sabila (Ms.), No. 381 rTM PHYSTCEL PLANNERS REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of1996) !o be members of the Board of Dkeclors of Warcr Appeal Board, for a period of three (3) years, with cffect from 22nd lnuary,2Ol6. Darcd 20th Jenuary, 2016. EUGENE L1JDOVIC WAMALWA, Cabinet Secretary Jor $later and lrigation. APPoINTMENT IN EXERCISE of thc powers conferred by peragnph (d) of the Schcdulc to thc Physical Planners Rcgistration Act, thc Crbinct Sccrctary for [and, Housing and Urban DcvcloprEnt rppointsWIISoNK. NJoRA GAzErrE NoflcENo. 378 to bc a membcr of the Physical Planners Rcgisration Borrd, for THE WATER ACT r pcriod ofthrcc (3) years, with cffcct from thc 26th Octobcr,2015. Dated the l2th November,2016. (No.8 of20o2) FREDMATIANG'I. THE TANATHI WATER SERVICES BOARD Ag. Cabinet Secretary for Land, Housing and Urban Dcvclopunt. APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5l of thc Water Act, 2002, thc Cabinct Sccrctary for Water and lrrigation appoins- G^zEmE NCrucE No. 382 T}IE COUNTY GOVERNMENT ACT STEPHEN LUKEINE NKAB AsH (No. to be the Chairman, Board of Directors of Tanathi Watcr Serviccs Boerd, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 29th January, t7 ofi}lz) KAKAMEGA COI,TNTY TOURISM ACT 2016. (No.5 oJAot4) Dated the 27th Janunry,2016. BRAND KAKAMEGA COTINTY TASKFORCE MEMBERS EUGENE LUDOVIC WAMALWA, Cabinct Sccretaryfur Watcr and lrrigation. APPOINruENT IN E)(ERCISE of the powcrs conferred Kakamega County Tourism Act, GAzErrENoncENo. 379 THEKENYA WATER INSTITUTE ACT (No. 11 ol200l) Committcc mcmber for Trade, Indusnialization and Tourism rypoint3 thc pcrsons nanrcd below to be Brand Kakanrcga Cornty Trsldorcc mcmbcrs responsiblc for marketing and pmmoting Kakemcgr County as a tourism destination. KE}.IYA WATER INSTITUTE APFOINTMENT IN E)(ER.CISE of ttc powers conferred by scction 5 (l) (c) of thc KEWI Act, 2ml, thc Cebinct Sccretary for Watcr and lrrigation appoints- by section 9 (2) of thc County Exccutivc mA, tE Nzili Musyoki (Dr.). ' Rajinder Scmbi. Michacl Wanga. Bernerd Iselembo. Ramedhen Sakali. Sharon Adisa. BB.UAMINMUEVTA to be Chairman of thc Governing Council of Kcnya Water Institute, for e period of thrce (3) ycers, with cffect from 22nd Jenuary, 2016 and revokcs the appointmcnt of Amb. Mary M. Khimulu. Datcd thc 20th January,20t6. . EUGENELI,'DOVICWAMALWA, Cabinet Sccretary fur lVater and lrigation. Kentice Tikolo. Thc eppoinrncnt takes effect as from 27th Octobcr, 2[15, fa duration of threc (3) ycan. Darcd 25th November, 2015. ELSIEM[,,HANDA, MR/8,l()6267 for County Exec utivc Cottuttittcc l4anbcr Tradc, Industrialization and Tourism. 1 I THE KENYA GAZSTTE 29th January,2016 157 (a-fl; and sections K.5 and K.6 of the Human Resource Policies and Procedures Manual, April, 2015, the Govemor, Krtui County appornts a Committee to investigate alleged acts of gross misconduct by five (5) GMETTE NoTIcE No. 383 THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT County Govemment (No.17 of20t2) of Krtui public officers consisting of the following: TTM COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF KISII SPECIAL STT.I'ING oF I1IE CoUNTY ASSENIBLY oF Members of the Committee: KIsu PLIRSUANT to Standing Order No. 26 of the County Assembly Standiig Orders, 2013, the County Assembly convenes for special sitting on 2nd, 3rd and 4th February, Dl6 at 9.00 a.m. o5 in the Mwongela Munyoki (Dr.) (Cft airman) Teresia Muthui- (Vice Chairperson) Members: forcnoon. Joel Kinyua Kathumbi Kimanzi Musili Mwende Mutuvi Peter Mbuuko James P. Mbandi (Dr.) Thti purpose of ttris notice is to notify the County Assembly MembCrs and general public on the intended sitting to deliberate on the App,ropriation Amendment Bitl, 2016. Dat d thc 25th January,2016. Agnes Kambua David Kisengese'Mbebe Julius Mutemi Mwangangr Pastor Frednck Kiema , KEROSIONDIEKI, NII.t8757021 Speakcr. Joint Secretaries: GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 384 TTIE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS . Hellen Mutuku Tom Ojwang Kanini Musyoka ACT (No. l7 of2ol2) Mandate TIIE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF KAJIADO SpEcrAL Srr-IINc oF TI{E CoLrNTy AssE[,rBLy PURSUANT to Standing Order No. 26 (3) of the Standing Orders of 6e Cornty Assembly, it is notified for the information of Members The mandate of the Committee gross misconduct by the following is to investigate alleged acts of five (5) County Government of Kitui public offrcers who have been interdicted to facilitate investigations: l. Eng. Paul of the County Assembly of Kajiado and the general public that the Development. 2. 3. Dacd the 26th January,2016. JOHNSON P. OSOI, Spealrzr, County Assembly of Kajiado. MW8406257 GAZETTE TrrE CouNTy ASSEMBLY Emrna Kamene Kitemange-Chief Officer, Ministry of Youth, Culture, Sports, Gender and Social Services. 5. Evans Mumo Mwangangi (Dr.)-Deputy Dircctor/Ag. Chief Officer, Minristry of Health and Sanitation (at the time, assigned to perform duties of Chief Officer). fD/ Study and categorize as appropriate the alleged acts of gross , misconduct against each officer and issues for investigation; PUTSUANT to Standing Order No. 40 of the Standing Orders of the Kiapbu County Assembly, it is notifred for the information-of the Membcls of the Kiambu County Assembly, that a special sitting of the (c) Receive, study and analyze information relating to alleged acts ofmisconduct against each offrcer; in the Assembly Chamber in the Main Asscmbly Buildings, Kiambu, on Tlresday, 2nd February, 2016, at 2.30 p.m., fgr purposcs of communicating the nomination of members (d) may have relevant information on alleged acts GATHIIIRUNGU, Speaker, County Assembly of Kiambu. of gross misconduct; lntewiew relevant public offrcers, contractors, suppliers and of the public who may have information on the $ members No[cENo.386 . TTM CONSTITUTION OF KENYA (No.l7 of20l2) to the alleged acts ofgross misconduct; ' COMI,IITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ALLEGED ACTS OF GROSS MISCONDUCT OF FIVE (5) COTJNTY GOVERNMENTOF KITUI PUBLIC OEFICERS (h) Invesigate and establish whether the allegefl acts of gross misconduct for each of the five public oflicers have been proven or not giving reasons thereof; and (i) APPOWI"revr PURSUANT to Article 10, Article 47 (1), Chapter Six (6) Articles and (3); and Amcle 232 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010; ttre C.orlnty Govemnpnts Act,20l2, section 30 (2) (l) and sectibn 40 alleged acts ofgross misconduct; (g) Collect and clearly record all relevant material facts pertaining THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT (l) (!) have (e) Yisit and interview Land Registry stalf and other staff who Dat@ the 26th January, 2016. 75 Yisit srtes and other facilihes connected and/or that relevance to the alleged acts ofgross misconduct; to thc County Hospital Boards. MR/876?018 and (a) Study various documents including legislation, policies ,rules, regulations, interdiction letters, correspondence from lawyers, instructions to County Govemment of Kitui lawyers, among others that may assist the team in its investigation-s; KIAIvBU COUNTY ASSEMBLY STANDING ORDERS AsscmUy shall be held Muimi-Cliief Officer, Ministry of Finance The Terms oJ Reference (TOR) oJ the Committee are to: THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OFKIAMBU SrmNG oF Grace Kavinya Nyamai-County Secretary. 4. THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT SPECIAL Stanslous Musyoka Economic Planning. NgncE No. 385 (No. L7 of20r2) Christopher Kimali Kioko-County Executive Committee Member, Lands, Infrastructure and Urban Asscmbly shall have a special sitting on Tuesday, 2nd February., 2016 at 2.30 p.m. at the County Assembly Chamber in the County Assembly Buildirg, Kajiado. Prcpare a well written report'with clear findings backed by relevant evidence within the specified timeframes and subtnit the same to H.E the Govemor, Kitui County. l. In the performance of its frrnctions, the Committee.will have all the powers necessary to: \ I r58 THE KENYA GAZETTE (a) Rcvicw reports and literature that may inform it on its mandatc; (D) Havc eccrss to all rcports and dcuments neccssary cffcctivc dischargc of its mandarc; llavc ress to dl rcports and daurnents all gror-rps on necessary. for the cffcctivc discharge ofrts mandate; f) To (g) In line wift tlr requirement of section 59( 4) (r) of tlr Conty Government Act, No.. l7 of Nl2, thc Boed visitcd Fokot CcnEal grd Pokot South to inform and cducatc County Public Ofhccn or thc velucs and Principles of public service. This wes donc in thc mnth of the toll,o*ing complcmentary information and rcquircments for Thc Cotunircc is rcquired to prcparc and prcscnt thcir Co.tpt t{otc includhg clear inrcrpretation of thc rcrms of rc*rcncc urd r &ailcd programmc of work on or bcfore Tf,e County Govcnrmsrt will, through tlrcOffrcc of thc County SocrEEy, ftDilitrE trc u/urt of thc Committcc including pbviding drcrn with a$ officc from whcrc thcy will opcnr rs *tll u mrmrl office srctarial seriocs end logistitd support; lawsigsbns Commiuoc may rt{Srest thc Couily Gownmm tf Ki[ri to scdr Ure savices of any sgocialist d.ilEd essery b providc suppoft !o thc Commiucc in their 2.1 rcrk; (d/ Thc lst lnt€rim Rcport is to bc suhnittcd on or before Tuesdry, l5lh Mrrch, 2016; whilst thc Final Report shall bc submittcd on or befurc Thursdry, 28th April, 2016. Trc spccinea tiocfremcs rad &adlircs arc to bc sEictly edhcrod to sincc no cx:nsion of tirnc will bc granrcd; Rccruitment and absorption of { snff confiact on 5th January, 2015. Thc a6sorption of 8 doctors wtric{r includc; 5 medicat offtcus, I phanmcist end 2 dentd offrccrr who wcre postod by lflrltioi Authority (TA) *es rnedc on 29tr May, 2015. Rccmited Sub{ornty arrd Ward Adminirtrrtors for fiour (t) trd fircdy (20) Sub- Countics rnd Wards rcspocti\rcly orr l0rit l,hrci, 2015. Rtcruittd 3 amtity $rnrcyors, mcchedcrl fi gincci on 5$ I'Ioven$er, I ehctrirl tryiur rd I 2O1 5. The Boerd, followcd the orc-third (l/3) gcndcr rulc, ptidpb of cquity, natbnel unity, inclusivcncss .nd €quElity (fudclc t0 of &e Constirution of Kenye fr) I0) whcn it perforrred drc ebor= rCvlies. Thc Boad fully adhcred to its mandatc of bcing Grportive, profitpt md cffectivc md oquitrbl,e in drc provisirn of servicr* t' ltc pcopfe. (a) Remuncntkrn retcs for.the Committcc will bc as statcd in the payable rcmuneration which will oopulod on thc besis of signcd and dmrmented atErdarcc stficdulcd mcctings and satisfactorycompletion and delivery be of of spccifkd ouguts relating to the assignment and programme of work, rmong others; 2.2 Pronwtlns Promotions urcrc effected $ preyi(H in for in fudch 23l the Constiotion of Kenya 2010. The Board cqrsidercd nsit basis of promotions. cxpcditbusly. 3. Thc duration thc Committcc shalt undertake and complete tlre assignmcnt is thrcc (3) months from lst February, Z)16 to 30ttr April, (t) of rl the . ln subject to'approval by the Appointilg Autrcity, split into smaller groups or organize tlrcmselvcs in olhcr epprcprire ways to enabh them to undertake the work f) Tbe Tcem may, the moath of Octobcr, promotions for health pcrrmrol in cortrnon cadr was condrrced this ircludc; hcdth rcmds and information, nurition and dicrctics, pharnraccuticd, clinicrl ofiiccrs, clcricah, health aod administrioa, titoratory rcchnobgist, ncaicel engirc€ring tcthtroto$st, prblic hcalth officcrs, pLstsr ddvilrs .nd support staff. 2.3 20r6. Capacity ,|stcssficnt and Rationalizalbn of the Public senice (CARiPS) ercrcise. lictd D.Ertftc 2lsrJmury, ml6 ruUUS M. MAI,,OMBE, Gov e rng r, Kity i C o unr1. MR/E1063l7 GAElrtNsIIcENo. ofr in Ihc Borid wrs insrrmrntrl in tht cxtlcis $et Fe.bruery 2015. The orctdl objoctive of CARPS cxcrcirc b ro .lign Goverarncnt stnrctures and programfit€s to the functi:nu sf lihtirnel and C-ounty Gorrcmrnent to cnhroc€ efEciclcy and cfhctiw*rs in ptrblic *rvfoe dclivcry, A Bi' fictric dril crpue of cvay officcr was dorrc. A roport of the rcsults is still in progress. 387 2.4 THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT lNo. 17 WEST K)KOT COI'NTY PUBIrc SERVICE BOARD YEAX,LY N.EIORT FOR, THE PK'P.I{'D I S'[ JANUAN.Y , 20 I 5 idv$ud Job Evahation Ercrcise Thc Bord was involvtd in thc job cvrlurtion exercisc cod[cwd by thc Srlarics and Rcmuneration Commission. ol2}l2l COUNTY GOVENNMEI{T OF WEST POKO.T . I The West Pokot County Public Service Board ebsotttd r:loltl of 72 health staff working undcr Economic Stimulus ProgrurflE (tSP) {cl Tho s.prntc lcucr on aad pincipks Mey,Z)15 Tircsday, 16th February, 2O16 and submit samc to thc Ag. County Scuuary wfthin one (l) wcek of tlreir appointment for 4pmvd by thc 0ffrcc of the Goverrior; Ol The rcport is submittcd in fulfiIment of Section 59 (d) of the County Crovernmcnt Act, 2012, which rcquircs tlrc Bord b prtpfii regular reports for submission to th€ Couoty Asscrnbly. To rck clerifrcetion from any institution in line with fte usignrncat drell apfly: (a) cen be addrcssed. 2.O Progmnntcs undcrtulea ovmrds thc ptonntbn of xr&lcs Complenrcntrry lnformation and Requirements: ltc submifring this repgrt, the Board rccogniscs its primiry obligation to prcmotc thc velues end principlcs rcfcntd b ia Arrlclcs L0 and 232 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. Thc r€port will hightight on the achievcmcnts rcaliscd during the year, thc chrllcgges encountcrcd so far and rccommcndations on how best thc c-hrllargcb summon any one person decnr-d to hold Glcvant ioformrtim in trc coursc of this inquiry; and trundale. 2. achievements In i*iir€s rElcvrnt to its mandate; (c) I l-.O Overview of - tilest Pokot County Public Semice furd for the (c) Hold privae hcrrings whcnever it becomcs nccessary b instil cottfidcrrcc in the pcople appearing before the commisee to dlay thcir fuats of adversity or reprisals; (dl Rreivc writtcn mcmoranda from individuals and 29th January, 2016 ru DECEMBFX,, 2015 Ihis wrs crrried out in ttrc whole country b &tcrmirc ilF {ortlt of each Frblic scctor job and comc &p wift instiutimal 6fding surrctsrEs. A jnb endysis tDam wfi formed compriiint Inrmn Re.sunr Otfrcss and Directors fiqn all dcpaftrcnts. fto tern thertrffcr guidrd tlreir' collcrgucc in frlling dtc i* $rlyois Infudrrct*n questimnaires. Th Oounry Public Servrlo Board rs ri.ttto.y body creacd " Act, 2O12. Thc lVcst pulsuuf b sctipn 57 of fte Sunty.Go\rcrnment Fokot Cotnty hrblic Sen,rce Boari q,as iraugurated otr l8th Sop*ttbct,2013. 2.5 Policy Making Process In is nrendet of involving drc pcoplc in ftc ptctn of palicy mrking, thc Borrd capturcd ttrc contributions of merDcrs d lb Fbttc in drafting the CPSB Biil and its Stirtegt Ptrn 1 I I 159 THE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January, 2016 I i I I 2.5.1 fuNic Participation on the County Public Service Board Bill. Consequently, an intemal investigatron was carried out on onc as a driver with the Board. The invcstigations revcalcd that the said driver fraudulently used another person's ecadcmic certificates for purposcs of employment. officer working Tho County Pnblic Service Board Bill of August, 2014 was for*el{cd to County Asscmbly for thcir input and final debatc after pblic undcrgoing participation on 23rd March, 2015 at Mtclo Hall. - 2.5.2 Vest Pokot County Public Semice Board Strategic Plan Ttro Borrd &volopcd e fivo ycrr sratrgic phn to cover thc period Sccrctariat wcrc subjectcd !o a rigorous cxo{Eiso during this p(rc€ss. It wqs thereafter subjcctcd to public putlcidgion in tha rnonth of luly 2015. Tlre driver was issued with e rhrow crucc lctter givin$ him en opportunity to exonerate hims.lf. 20l+20lt.Thc Board and 2.6 V|lzlng In The offrcer was thcn givcn a porfoid of twcnty one (21) dtys to givc his reply. of Polytcchnb instructors ldcr b miintrin nudotof ninorcn (19) Thc disciplinary committcc discusscd thc givcn an opportunity to defcnd himself. high surfuds of profcssiond cthics, a total iil&rrcffii wrc vctted by the Boud. Fivc (5) firele rnd fourtco (l,l) melc. Ninc (9) wcre Diploma holdcn whib (hc (9) had certificatcr. Grc wrs engagcd on conEect tcrms of scrvicc sincc he had reached the age of fifty (50). Hc had an' crpriclcc of ovcr sixtern (16) years and was a manrgcr at wcrr 4.0 Ofuc was udcrtakcn botwecn 9th Augrst to 2015 with dro Comty Public Scrvicc Boerds of Busir, Nrrdt, IEtScyo Mrrelwct rnd Baringo cgunties. This was as pcr thc dfuGifp givca by Hir Erccllcncy thc Crovonrcr mrinly to. give " plrccmcnt of job goupr for Ward and Sub{ornty ueu of conccm . -bccn idcntified as majrx chellcngo. Thc Borrd thus reqwsts to have its own vote in thc ngxt finencid yclr. Vchiclcs The board does not have sufficicnt vchicles to cary out itr mrndate. Thc cxcrrisc cnded with a courtrsy cail !o ftc offices of the Rcmuncration Commission (SRC), hrblic Service Commifion (PSC) and thc Diroctorate of Public Scrvice Managenrcnt (DPlIrd for furthcr guidmec on thc above metters. Salrics and Tho Board conplied with the requircmcnt of scction 59 (4) (c) of Couty Covcrnrnont Act, No. 17 of 2O12, with a view o assessing rnd hsfccting thc rt ErB of compliarcc widr thc vducs and principlcs of publb scrvicc. fta ardit and vcrification of health strlf was conductcd from 7th to ltthrseptembcr, 20t5. The main objcctivc of thc excrcisc was 0o asccriail thc exact number ofhcalth steff. fie cxercise too, was !o guide on thc promotions that inrcndcd to mda in uhc finmcial 2.lO lhort listing and laurvicwing of Health Snff I i Provirion of rdcquatr resources and funding Dcvclopment of rclcvant polic'ics from thc Borrd Srrt comply with Constitution rcquircmcnts Feriodic Monitoring and Evaluation of cmployocr to cnBurc cffectivc and cfficient scriicc dclivcry. Recnritncnt ofpcrsonncl by the Board-that havc tbc rcquisita stilh end expertisc requircd in thcir arcas of servicr. Dated the 2fth January,2016. MR/8406372 CAROLINE CHEPTOO, SecretarylCEo, County Public Scmicc Eoard. of Bcgi*crcd Hcalth Community Nurses. . - *.giscrcd Clinical Officcrs. . I,eboritoryTechnologist. r lfutritionists. o Hcdth OfEccrs. r {trblic {hrrmaccuticelTcchnologist. r lbalth Rccords and lnformation Officcrs. o Qsmmunity Oral Health Officcrs. 'o Xtysiothcrapist. Rrdiogrephcrs. . I{cdicalEnginocringTechnologist. 3.0 Facilitation of cepacity building and civic educ*ion. yeer. The Boerd shortlisted and inrcn,iewcd health staffs in thc month NovonrDcr, 201 5 for various cadrcs es is shown bclow: . Reconunendations , and Verifrcatloa of Hcam Sbfr thc bc Thc Board dcs not have its own votc; it hrs bccn qcnting within thp Cnvenror's officc budgct votc. fur dris rcason it omnot dotorminc is ecfiral expcndirure. In@uarc funding end insufficicnt provicion of rcsour@t hrvc includcd; lpcruitsncnt, sohction lnd plrccmcnt of staff. $ary disperitics and rliowrnces for public scrvants. Schcmcs of scrvicc for different cadrcs of employecs. DcvelopmentofHRpolicies. Fyroll manrgerrcnt Uanrgerrcnt of crsuals and fomotion of staff. 2.9 A{tit SBace Budgct Algpit otbcr fu implcmentad in tlu pronbtion of wlucs Thc Bolrd lacks adequate office spacc to cetcr for its entirp steff. Excrcisc A frndmutring cxorcirc r . o . . .' . Recommcndations to and principhs Thc Board has faced various challcngcs in its pmmtion of thc Coooty Govcmnrcnt Act. No 17 of 2012, Adoinlaron, was valrrcs and principles. Ttrl Bord co-opcretcd with othcr institutions working in thc frcld of grood govrmrrrce in thc public sewicc (Article 59 (4) (h)) of 0rc 'guidrnp m ud b Furthcr investigations found the drivcr guilty of thc said oftncc 2.1 C+opcrotion with other instirutions 16tL reryonr and h was subsequendy dismissed. Kepcnguria Youth Polytechnic. 2.8 Btclmarking aken Stcps Dplsions node by the Board on tlu violotion of the values urd plnciples of public servicc Thc] Board on its own initiative carried out investigations op the violrtioh of the values ard principlcs of public scwicc. Consoqucntly, in thc rnonth of Mey it made I rcquest to thc Kcnya Nationel Exauirftion Council (KNEC) for vcrification of ccrtificatcs for Drirnl Rocordr Mrnrycrmnt Officon nd Wud Adminbrrb.r, GAZEITE NoflcE No. 388 TTft, LAND RECISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Dl2) ISSUE OF A TTOVISIONALCN,'IIFICATE WHEBEAS John Kimcli, of P.O. Box iSO-fOtm, EHonr in thc Rcpublic ofKcnyr, is registcrcd as propdctor lorrce ofell thet phcc of lrnd kmwn rs L.R. No. &B22llL, rituete in Eldorot Municiprlity in Usain Gishu Dishict, by virtuc of a certificetp of tith rcgistarnd u I.B. 1055E6/1, and whcreas sufficicnt cvidcnce hrs bccn rddrg.d to show that the said certificete of title har bceu lost, mtice ir givcn that aftor the cxpiration of sixty (60) days ftom rbe detc hcrcof, t shall irsue a provisional certificatc of ti0c providcd thrt no oblrtion hes bcon receivcd within thet pcriod. Datcd the 29th January,2016. c. N. Kmm, MR/8{)63E2 Rc gbfi ar of Tltb t, Nalrob i, r60 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAzErrE NoTCE No. 389 29th Jaauary,2O16 GAzErrE NcrncE No. 393 TI{E LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o12012) (No.3 of2Ol2) ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS (l) Abdul ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED Ng'ang'a Wainaina and (2) Elizabeth Wangui Ng'ang'a, both of P.O. Box 56675, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprielors in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.1 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nairobi, registered under title No. Dagoretti/Ruthimitu/639, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided ftat no objection has been received within that in WHER.EAS Augustine Oindo Olilo, of P.O. Box 87, Paw Akuche the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.34 hectarc or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, rcgistered under u'de No. 'Kisumu/Kombewall847, and whereas sufficient cvidcncc has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof hss becn lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days fmm the date hereoi I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. period. Dated the 29th January,2016. Dated the 29th January,2016. S. M. MR/8406347 l.and NABULINDO, Re gistrar, G. O. NYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu fustlWesl Districts. MR/8406381 Nairobi. GAzEmE NcflCE No. 394 GAzErrE NoTICE No. 390 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Ol2) (No.3 of20l2) ISSTIE oF A IssUE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED WHEREAS Samson Mugadi Mwawughaga, of P.O. Box 90423, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as prcprietor in freehold interest of that piece of land containing 0.0078 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Mombasa, registered under title No. MombasaZiwa La Ngombe/1424, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land htle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. in WHEREAS David Ogungo Abonyo, of P.O. Box 64312, Nairobi the Republic of Kenya, is registered as pmprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piecc of land containing 0.05 G. SAT, Land Registrar, Mombasa District. MR/8zlO64l7 hectarc oi thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, rcgistered under title No. KisumiriKonya/4504, and whercas sufficient evidence has bcen adduced to show that the land title deed issucd thereof has bccn lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from tb date hereol I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objcction has been received within that period. Dated the 29th January,2016. G. O. I.IYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Dktricts. Dated the 29th January,2016. H NEw LAND TITLE DEED MR/8,+05381 GAZETTE NoTIcE GAzEmE NoTIcE No. 39I No. 395 TI{E LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT '(No.3of20r2) ISsl,E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED Isst,E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED . WHEREAS John Wandera Magonda, of P.O. Box 88, Busia in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.16 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu/Korando/4163, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land tide deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 29th January,2016. G. O. NYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Distticts. MR/8406381 GAzEmE No[cE No. 392 WHEREAS (1) Fredrick Onyango Oyombo and (2) John Otieno Jaoko, both of P.O. Box 1818, Kisumu in the Republic of Kcnya,.ar€ registered as proprietors in absolute ownership intcrest of that piccc of land containing 0.07 hectare or thereabouts, situate in tlrc disaict of Kisumu, registered under title No. KisumuAilathorego836, and whereas sufficient cvidence has been adduced !o show that thc hnd title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given tha after the expiration of sixty (60) days ftom the date hereof, I shall issue a ncw title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 29th January,20l6. ' G. O. TIYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Disr/icts MR/8406381 GAzErrE NcrncE No. 396 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2.Ol2) (No.3 of2ol2) ISSUE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED IssI.IE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Dan Odhiambo Mtumbwa, of P.O. Box 9, Maseno in WHEREAS Washington Okello Sulc, of P.O. Box 679, Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya, is registerEd as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.12 hectare or the Republic of Kenya, is registercd as proprietor in Ssolute ownership interest of that piccc of land containing 0.12 hoctrrs or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu/Kolunje/106, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has treen lost, noticc is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been rcceived within that period. thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registercd undcr title No. Dated the 29th January,2016. MR/8406381 G. O. NYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu EastllYest Districts. Kisumu/Kasule/5651, and whereas sufficicnt evidence has ben addu&d to show that the land title deed issued thermf has becn bst, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from tlrc datc hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 29th January,2016. G, O, i.IYANGWESO, MR/8406381 Iand Registrar, Kisumu fustlWest Dislrbt$. I GAzErrE NcncE No. 397 GAzErrENcflcENo. z10l THE LAND RECISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) (No.3 of20t2) - ISSUE oFA NEw LAND TITLE DEED (l) Peterlis Ogola Ochiere and (2) Magdalina Akcyo Ogola, both of P.O. Box 7377, Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya,.are registcrcd as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of that picce of lend containing 0,15 hectare or thereabouts, situate in thc district of Kisumu, regisrcred under title No. Kisumu/Kanyakwar '8'/990, and whcr€as sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land titlc deed issued thereof has been lost, notlce is given that after the cxpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tidc dccd provided that no objection has been received within that pcriod. WHEREAS r6l THE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January, 2016 I ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Michael Deya Nyagudi, of P.O. Box Z)90, Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya, is rcgisrcred as proprictor in absolurc ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.06 hcctare or thercabouts, situate in thc district of Kisumu, registered under title No. KisumulNyalenda 'A'1759, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduccd o show that the land title deed iisued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hcreof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has bccn received within that period. Dated the 29th January,2016. Detcd thc 29th January,2016. G. O. NYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Districts. IVIR/844895 I G. O. NYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Districts. MR/8448987 GAzE.rrE NoTIcE No. 402 GMEmENoncENo. 398 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT . (No.3 of20t2) (No.3 ofz$t2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Geroge Onyango Obilo, of P.O. Box l, Kombewa in R.cpublic of Kenya, is rcgistered as pmprielor in absolutc owncrrhip intcrcst of that piecc of land containing 0.07 hectare or thcrcabouts, situate in the disrict of Kisumu, registered under titlc No. thc Kisumu/OthanylllZ, and whercas sufficient evidence has bccn adduccd b show that the Iand title deed issued thereof has bcen lost, noticc is givcn that after thc cxpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hcrcof, I shall issue a new tide deed provided that no objcction has becn rcccivcd within that period. Datcd thc 29th January,2016. G. O. NYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Districts. MR/8,148951 GAzErrE . the Republic or e N.ew LAND T]TLE DEED Margaret Adhiambo Owino and (2) Jcfrcy Owuor Owino, bo0r of P.O. Box 1923, Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya, are registercd as proprktors in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land conuiining 0.5 hcctarc or thcrcabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, rcgistcrcd undcr titlc No. Kisumu/KorandoftZ9, and whcrcas sufficicnt cvidcncc hrs bccn adduccd to show that the land titlc dccd isrucd thcrcof hes becn lost, noticc is given that aftcr the cxpiration of sirty (60) deys from thc darc hcreof, I shall issuc a ncw title deed providcd thrt no obiction has been rcceivcd within that pcriod. Deed thc 29th January,2016. G. O. NYANGWESO, Land Rcgtstrar, Kbumu EastlWes, Districts. MR/t448951 Dated the 29th I anuary, 20 I 6. G. O. NYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Districts. MR/8448951 NoflcE No. 4o3 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20l2) IsSt,JE oF A NEW LAND - fiTLE DEED WHEREAS Joram Odhiambo Abayo, of P.O. Box 120, Mascno in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as pnoprietor in absolurc ownership intercst of that\pie@ of land containing 0.04 hectare or thcrcabouts, situatc id thc disrict of Kisumq, rcgistered under title No. Kisumu/IGratcngll747, and whereas sufficient evidence has becn adduced to show that thc land title deed issucd thercof has becn lost, notice is given that aftcr thc expiration of sixty (60) days from thc datc hcrcof, I shall issue a ncw title dced providcd that no objc.ction has been reccivcd within thu period. Dated the 29th January,2016. G. O. NYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisutnu fustlWcst Districts MR/8448951 GAzErrENoflcENo.404 G^zErrENsflcENo.4O0 ' is rcgistercd as proprietor in absolutc of that picce of land containing 0.06 hectare.or Kenya, thcreabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu/Konya/2656, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduccd to show that the land titlc deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expfration of sixty (60) aays from the date hereof, I shall issuc a new title deed provided that no objection has been reccivcd within that period. T}IE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ofAolZ) ISSUE of ownership inErest GAZET,TE No[cE No. 399 ' WHEREAS (l) TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Ot2) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Ot2) IssuE oF A NEw LANDITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Morris Odhiambo, of P.O. Box 4960, Kotf0cle in thc Rcpublic of Kcnya, is registcred as proprietor in absolute owncrship intcrert of thet piecc of larid containing 0.7 hectarc or thercabouts, WHEREAS Vitalis Ondiek Ajul, of P.O. Box 86, Kisumu in the Rcpublic of Kenya, is registercd as proprictor in absolutc owncrship intcrest of that piccc of land containing 0.14 hcctarc or thercabouts, siantc situarc ' in thc district of Kisumu, rcgistered under title No. Kirumu/Chige/5, end whcreas sufficicnt evidence has bcen adduccd to show that thc land title decd issued thercof has been lost, notice is givcn that eftcr the cxpira(ion of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shdl issuc e new titlc decd providcd that no objection has bccn rcccivcd within that pcriod. Drtcd thc 29th lanuary,2016.. MR/8,148987 I WHEREAS Henry Onyango Owiti, of P.O. Box 3131, Kisumu in G. O. NYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu fustlWest Districts. in of the district Kisumu, registcred under titlc No. Kisumu/Dago/3333, and whercas sufficicnt evidencc has bcen adduccd to show that thc land title deed issued thereof has bcen lost, notice is given that aftcr thc expiration of sixty (6O) days tom thc date hcrcof, I shall issuc a new title decd pmvidcd that no objection has becn received within that pcriod. Darcd the 29ft January,2O16. , MN822093t G.O.NYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu fustlWest Districts. 162 THE KET.IYA GAZETTE GMEIENOflCENO.4$) GAZETTENSIICENo. 405 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oINt2) ISSI.E OP A NEW L^ND TIru DED ritfic in tc district of Kisumu, rcgbtcrEd undcr titlc No. lGrumuAlrnyiltr 'A'12635, and wherces sufficicnt evilcncc hes bccn ddu@d b show thrt tho hnd titlc dcod issued thcrcof hrs becn lost, noticc ir givcn thet rftcr thc orpintbn of sixty (60) deys from thc datc hn roccirrod within D.t!d thc 29tb r now titlc doed providod thrt no obirtion has tlnt period. WHEREAS Kipkocch Kigcn (ID06Z7|2), of P.O. Box ,00, hrt Victorir ia Kenyr, is registcred rs propriclor in ebsolua ovrrcrship interest of that piecc of land conteining 4.05 hccwca c ttcrtib<it' cituatc in thc disrict of Ursin Gishu, regi$crcd utdcr titlc ltb. Soy/Kipsombe Block 12 (Kipsomba/ll, end whcreas sufficbm evidcncc hes becn adduccd to show that thc lrnd titlc d..d isscd Laul Rjgistrar, Kisumu fustlWcst Districrs. t 4I0 of$lZ). (No.3 ISSUE A I'EW LAND TITLE DEED WHB,EAS Iohn Kinuthir Ngugi (ID2947379), is rcgistcrcd as popriotc in rbolutc ovrncnhip intcrest of thrt pierc of lend cootdning 0.(x5 h.cfii or thcrcebouts, sihtttc in thc district of Nrtunr, GdrtrrEd un&r titlo No. Dundori/Irtct Bhcl IIII15, and whcrcu rulncicnt cvidorrcc hu bc€n rdduccd !o show thet thc land titlc dccd irrttd ftatof h.! bccn lort, mticc is given 6rt rftcr tlrc cxpintioo .fi.irty tCOl deyr frour tho hcrcof, I sbrll issue r mw titlc dood providod that no obirction hrr bccn rcccivcd within that pcriod. ff NEIA/ I LANDTITLE DEM ^ K.bcti Mutoo, of P.O. Bor 239E2$lm, Nriobi in thc Rcpublic of Kenye, is rcghrrcd er propri;tor ir WHEREAS Chrrlcs tb ld .d pi*c of absolutc owncrship intclcat of cmtriniry f2.00 hccteres or tbcrcebout, sioarc in thc district of Nycri, cgistcrcd odcr wbcrcrs $d&id title No. GarerekwuGrtmtwr Bbci 1239, evidcncc hrs bcen rdduccd to show thrt thc hrd tith dood'is$6d thcrcof bes bccn lost, notico is given 6rt rfor thc oxfintkn of rirty (60) drys from thc detc hermf, I shrll issuc i ncw titlo dced provilod that no objrrction has bccn rcccived wi6in th.t pcrtod. Detrd thc 29th Janurry,2016. D.lcd thc 29th lenury,2016. C.W. SI,JNGUTI, Lond Registrat Na*ura Distrlct. R.W.NGAANYI, land Rcgbuar, Nyerl D'atlct. MR18,148993 TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT TIIE LAND REGiISTRATION ACT IssT,E oF A NEw LAND t WHEREAS (l) Sulumcne Mahutsa (ID/4153017) ud (2) A{utr in thc Rcptftlh of LILulr (minor), both of P.O. Box 15.10, Kcnya, arc rcgistcrcd rs propricton in rbsolu& owrrrdrip inEtrt of that pir:ce of lend containing 1.5 hcctares or thcroebout, situeE h ttc (Mryuge), end wbcrtes rufficicnt cvilrcDcc brs bccn tdducod tLo show tbil dE hrd tith dccd i$ucd tbcrlof hrs boen lost, noticc is givcn thrt rftortho cxpintion ofrixry (60) drys from thc drrc hcttof, I shdl issuc r rw titla dcd provklod thil no di?ction hrs bccn rcccivcd within hdpcrtoal. Drtcd thc 296 Jrnurry,2016. Krtamcgr/Shibunrmc/155, and whcrcas sufficicnt cvi&rcc hu bcm adduoed b show thrt thc hnd titlc dcod issuod drcrlof h.r bccn lod" noticc is given that rfter the cxpintion of sirty (60) drys from th drs hcrcof, I shall issue e ncw titlc decd providcd thrt no obirctioa hrr bccn rcceivcd within that pcriod M. SUNGU, Lotd Registra4 Nabru District. GAunBNoncENo.4oS I TII.E DEE (T NBW LAND Trn.E DEP ^ Wmd0rr WHEREAS Nromi Krgh (ID/l103t53), is rcgis&rcd rs prrybbr in ebeolua ovrrcrship intcrcst of thet picce of tand cooteining 0.(X6 hcchrc or thcl$ots, situ{c itr thc disrict of Nrturu, rcgictcrcd un&r titlc No. Nrtun/Municip.lity Block22lylS ISSIJB MR/ta06391 I W;.i olmt2) (No.toffrrl) K*rcgr district of K*rrrcga rcgistcred I i undcr thh I$. I i i -l Daad thc 29th January,2016. Ld MR/8,106453 J. M. FI,JNDIA, Rcgisnar, Katancee Dt*ia, GAzEmENorrcENo.4l2 TTIB LAND RE6iISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No..3of&t2) (No.3 of ff A NEwLANDT[T.EDBED lrlf Lirdtcd, ir rcgirtcrcd u IssT,E I I fr12) IssUE oF A NEw LAND Tm-E DEED proprioor in ebroluE ownh[ htrmrt of tlut pioco of hnd cmtaining 39.fl) 'hctor c thoradout, dturtc in thc diltrict of-Nrkunr, rgistcrcd un&r tirle l,Io. Nrkuru/RreNei$i/llm, rnd whcrors sufficicnt cvi&ncc tr! bocl adduccd b show thrt'thc lrnd title dcd issucd thcrcof h.t ben lost" noticc is givcn thet rfter thc cxpintion of sixty (@) dry: fiom thc drtc hseof, I rhrll irsuc e ncw titlc doed provided thrt ao objoctbn hnr ben rcccivcd wi6in thrt pcrM. Ihlod thc 29th lenurry,2015. WHE1IEAS Eliud Mango [mvidrha, is r€tiscrtd a propricbr in absoluc owncrship inrrest of that pkrcc of hnd coteining 15.50 hcctercs or thertrbout, sioarc in fte district of Katrmcgr, rcgirtercd undcr title No. Kakalrcga/Metsrtha/551, end whorprs sufficict* evidcncc has becn adduccd to Ehow hat thc hnd tilh dcod irnrd thereof hrs bccn lost, noticc is givca that aftcr thc expiotbn ofrsixty (60) deys ft,om the &tc hcrcof, I shdl issuc r ncw titlc dccd providcd thet no oblrction has bcn ruccivod within fiet period. I Detcd tbc 29th Jenuary,2016. C. O. BIRI.JNDU. MV84488t3 I GAETTBNSrICENo.4l I GAzEmENoflcElb. '()7 'WHEREAS Eco I THE LAND REOISTRATIdN ACT (No.Xol?.012) MR/&r49000 l I. SABTJI{I, land Rcgistrar, Uasta Gkhu Distrbt. MR/8406u4 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ' I povid GAzErrE NcrncE No. CAzErtENsrrcENo.406 * I thercof hes bccn lost, noticc is givcn thrt eftcr thc cxpiration of eixty (6()) days from thc &tc hcrtof, I shdl issw a ncw titlo doed that no objection has bccn receivcd within thet pcriod. C. O. NYANGWESO, ISST,E LANDTITLE DEED Dated the 29th January,2016. Jmurry, 2016. MRnl05o53 ol2tl2) (No.3 ISSIJE OF A NEW WHEREAS Boofrs Oyungu Opondo, of P.O. Box 77, Atd. in thc RoprHic of Kcoyr b rcgistctcd es propriclor in $oolutc owncrship intolort of 6rt piocc of knd conteining 0.03 hcctrre or thcrcaborts, hcrlof, I Odl ilrrrc 29th January, 2016 la nd Rcg,f,figr, N,d,Iru Dtttricr, J,M.FUNDIA, MR/&06.fir9 Land Rcgietrar, Xatnugo DJsntct I .i I 'i I 163 THE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January,2016 CAzErrENoflcENo.4l3 GAZETTE NoTlcE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT' No. 417 TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ot2) (No.3 oI2Ol2) ISST'E OF NEW LAND TITLE DEEDS IssuE oF A NEw LANDTII.I-E DEED WHEREAS Evclyn Oyiera Oyombera, is rcgisrcred as proprictor in absolue owncrship inrcrest of that piecc of land situarc in thc &trict of Kakemega, rcgistcred under titlc No. Nzoia/Moi's Bridge Block l/233, and whcreas sufficicnt cvidcncc has bccn edduced to show thet thc lend titlc dccd issucd therpof has bccn lost, noticc is $vcn thet eftcr thc cxpiration of sixty (60) days from thc datc hcreof, I issuc ncw titlc dced providcd that no objcction hes bccn ruccived within that period. $dl r Dard thc 29th lanuary,2016. J. M. FI.INDI,A, Land Registrar, Ka*nmcga District MR/E767004 WHEREAS Josephine Wangari Kiumu (ID/3491468), of P.O. Box 724%-m20f, Nairobi in the Rcpublic of Kenya, is registered as proprictor in absolutc ownership interest of those pieces of land containing 0.M32,0.0450,0.210 and 0.4 hectarE or thercabouts, situate in thc district of Murang'a, registered under title Nos. Nginda/Samar/Block W78, 838, toc. llll\4uchungucha/l948 and 2159, and whcrcas sufficient evidencc has bcen adduccd to ihow that thc land title dceds issucd thereof have been lost, notice is given that aftcr the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereol I shall issue ncw title deeds provided that no objection has been received within that period. Darcd the 29th January,2016. M. W. KAMAU, Land Registrar, Murang'a Dist ict. MR/8406447 OezgrrE NcrncE No. 414 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT .- GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 418 (No.3 of2ot2) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ISSUEOFANEWLANDTITLEDEED (No.3 of20l2) I WHEREAS Luka Soitah, is rcgistercd as proprictor in absolute Qwncnhip inrcrcst of that piecc of land containing 0.040 kctare or ticrcabouts, situarc in tre district of Kakanrega, regisrcrcd under title No. N/Kebras/Luandctil3l02, and whereas sufficicnt cvidcnce has ttcn dduccd to show thet the land titlc dccd issucd drcrcof has bccn bst, noticc is givcn that aftcr thc expiration of sixty (60) dais from thc drc hcrcof, I shall issuc a new title deed provided that no objcction hs bccn reccivcd within that pcriod. Detcd thc 29th January,2016. H. L. MBALITSI, Land Rcgistrar, Kal<anuga District. ltR/r767m4 ISSTTE OFNEW LAND TITI-E DEEDS WHEREAS Solomon Githinli (ID/7328116), is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of those pieces of land containing 0.04 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Murang'a, regisrcred undcr title Nos. l,oc. TlGtkoigol2l50 and loc. l8/Gachocho2813, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced !o show that thc land tillc dceds issued thereof have been lost, notice is given that after thc cxpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issuc ncw titlc dceds provided that no objection has becn receivcd within that pcriod. Darcd thc 29th lanuary,2016. N. N. NJENGA, Land Registrar, Murang' a District. MR/8,1O6442 OemmNsncENo.4lS GAzErENtrIcENo.4I9 TIIE LAND REC}ISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ?frr2) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT' IssUE oF A NEw LAND TIILE DEED (No.3 of2ot2) WHEREAS Moses Eric Ogweno Obuya, of P.O. Box 78158@507, Nairobi in the Republic of Kcnya, is rcgistered as prcprielor in $solurc owncrship intcrcst of that piece of land containing 0.O46 lcctare or thcrcabouts, situate in thc district of Machakos, rcgisrcrcd mdcr title No. Mevoko/Iown Block 217658, and whercas suflrcicnt oidcncc has bccn adduced to show that tlrc land titlc decd issucd ttcleof nes bccn lost, notice is givcn that after thc cxpiration of sixty (60) drys from the detc hereof, I shall issue a new titlc dccd providcd 6et no objcction hes becn received within that pcriod. Dercd thc 29th January,2016. R. M. S@, Land Registrar, Machakos District. MR/t406395 IssUE oF-A NEw LAND fiTLE DEED . I, WHEREAS Mathew Kariuki Mucembi (ID/1084957), of P.O. Box Kenol in the Republic of Kcnya, is registered as proprietor in absolutc owncrship inrcrest of that piece of land containing 0.801 hectarc or thcreabouts, situate in thc district of Murang'a, registered undcr titlc No. Makuyu/Makuyu Block 112024, and whereas sufficient cvidencc has bccn adduced to show tlrat the land tide deed issued thcreof has bccn lost, notice is given that after the expiration of Srxty (60) days from the datc hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objcction has been received within that period. Dated the 29th January.2016. F. M. MR/8.1O5377 WANJAMA, Land Registrar, Murang'a District. t GAzEmE f^zsrrBNsncENo.416 No[cE No. 420 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND RECISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) (No.3 of20t2) ISSUE oF A NEs, LANDTITLE DEED IdsuE oT e New LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Bcncdict Muema Kilei, of P.O. Box.676-90100, Mrchrtos in thc Republic of Kcnya, is regisrcred as proprietor in lbsolur owncrship intcr€st of that picce of land containing I I t I t t 0.8256 hcctrrc or thcreabouts, situatc in tlrc district of Machakos, regisrcrcd undcr tidc No. Machatos/Town Block 31748, and whercas sufficicnt Fvidcne has becn edduccd to show that thc land title dced issucd ilrcreof has bccn lost, noticc is givcn that efter the expiration of sixty (60) drys from thc darc hcreof, I shall issue a ncw titlc decd providcd hrt no obirction has bccn rcccivcd within thet period. adduccd b show that the land title deed issued thereof has been loS,. noticc is givcn that after the cxpiration of sixty (60) days from the ddte ' hereof, I shall issue a new title dced provided that no objection hhs bccn rcceivcd within that period. Datcd thc 29th January,2016. Dercd thc 29th Jenvuy,2O16. lrR/8,[061t4 WHEREAS Dorcas Wangui Gedion (ID/2570E1O), of P.O. Box 79, Gatundu in thc Rcpublic of Kenya,'is registered as proprietor in absolutc owncrship intcrcst of that piccc of land containing O.26 acre or thereabouts, situate in thc distict of Thika, registered undertitle No. Ndarugu/lvlbogoro/T. 159, and whereas sufficient evidencc has been K. MUNDIA, Lond Rcgi$rar, Machakos District. J. P. MR/8.106379 K. KIMANI, Land Registrar, Thika Disttict. 1& THE KENYA GAZETTE GAzEnE NorcE No. 42 I 29th January,2016 GAZE.mE NoTICE No. 425 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Ol2) , (No.3 o.f 2012) ISSUEoFANEwLANDTITLEDEED ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Mary Mumbi Kamau (ID/1910671), of P.O Box 361ffi232, Ruiru in dre Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor rn absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.891 hcctare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Thrka, registered under title No. Juja/Juja East Block ll90':, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from fte date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objcction hrb been received within that period. WHEREAS Mrchael Kinuthra Krnyua (IDl22-360938). of P O. Box 23417-{0100. Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya. is registered as proprietor in absolute orvnershrp rnterest of that piece of land contarnrng 0 024 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate rn the distflct of Kiambu, registered trnder title No Muguga/IVluguga/l283, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given ihat after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received wrthin that ' period Dated the 29th I anuary, 2O16. P. K. l,tIN&167026 KIMANI, Iand Regtstrar, Thtka District. Dated the 29th January,, 201 6- I N NIIRU, ktnd MR/84064 l 8 Reg.istrar, Kiambu Drstnct. GAzE'mENcrrIcENo'.422 GAZETTE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Ol2) NoncE No. 426 THE L,AND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ2Ol2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS David Muiruri Njuguna (1D121238597), of P.O. Box 827.802f0, Malindi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprieor in absolule ownenhip interest'of that piece of land containing O.O224 hectarc or thereabouts, situate in the drstrict of Tftika, regisrcred under title No. Ruiru/KIU Block 15/394, and whcrels sumcient evitlence has been adduced to show that the land titlc deed issued therpof has been lost, notice is given that after the cxpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title dced provided that no objection has been received within that pcriod. Datcd the 29th January,2016. B, K. LEITICH Land Registrar, Thika District MR/8406308 IssUE oF A.NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Margaret Murima Njoroge (1D12963201), of P.O. Box 39240200, Athl River in the Repubhc of Kenya, is reglstered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp lnterest of that prece of land contarnlng 0.100 hectare or thereabouts, situate tn the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. Krambaa/Kiharalll94, and wheteas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land htle decd issued thercof has been lost, notice ls given that afler the expirarod of' sixty (60) days from the date hereoi I shall issue a nerv trtle dced provided that no objection has been recerved wlthtn that penod Dated the 29th January.20l6 W N. MUGLTRO, ktnd Registrar, Kianfiu Dtstrrct. MR/8767006 GAzErrENsncENo. 423 GAZETIE NoTIcE No. 427 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE T,AND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) (No.3 ol'2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSI.Ii: oF A Ntl\I, WHEREAS Presbyterian Foundation P.C.E.A. (Dundon Parish Womans Guild), of P.O. Box 4632, Nakuru in the Repubhc of Kenya, is rcgistcled as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.0443 hectsre or thereabouts, situate in the district of Naivasha, rcgistered under title No. Miti Mingi/Mbaruk Block I AND TITI.T- DEED WHEREAS Esther Nlerr Grthunro (lD/:-r0-1557). of PO. Bor 442--00900, Krambu rn the Reputrhc of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp rnterest of that piece of land contarning 0.0465 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate in the distnct of 515E2, and whercas sufficient evidence has been adduccd tn show that Kiambu, regrstered under trtle No. N.dumber/Riabai/4041, the Iand fide dced issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after tre expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a 4f* title deed providcd that no objection has been received within whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been [ost, notice rs given that after the explratlon of srxty (6iJ) days from the date hereof. I shall rssue a new title deeti provrded that no ob;ection has been received withtn that penoJ thdfbdod. Bdrca u" 29th January,2o16. J M MWAURA. MN84o6r'.23 Dated the 29th January'.2016 Land Registrar, Naivasha Distrrct. K, G, NDEGWA. lt't<l Rtgittro, MRt8767027 GAZET TE NcrncE and Kiambu Dr.strfut No. 424 ,GAZETTE No rI('E T}IE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2012) THE LAND RECIS'TRATION ACT (No.3 of2O12) ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Joel Kimani Njuguna (lDl0153l14l63), of 195ffi0Dff| Kikuyu in the Republic of Kenya, is P O in absolde ownership interest of that containing 34.4 hgctarcs or thereabout, situate ln the drstrict of Naivasha, registered under title No. Maela./Ndabibi Block 2/87 (TaxabcE), and wher€as sufficient evidence has beeir adduccd to show that thc lend tittc {ecd issued thereofhas been lost, notice is given that aftc1 thg plpirafion of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a narY Sde decd provided that no objection has been recerved within that pcriod. .i,,,r.i i ., i , :1 i 1,rf i ISSLIE oF A NEw LANI),TrII-T, I-,ELD WHEREAS Daniel Mwangr Ngunyr (ID/8051745). js registered as proprietor in absolute orvnershrp iuterest of that prece of land containrng 0.61 hectare or thereabouts, siturte tn the district of Meru, regrstered under trtle No. Timau/Tirnau Block .5/301, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land tjtle deed issued thereof h:is been lost, notice ls glven that after the exptratlon of slxty (60) days frorn the date hereof, I shail rssue a new title deed provrdpd that no obJectlon has been reccrr,ed rvrthtn that perrbd Dated the 29th Januar1,. 20 I 6 Dated the 29th January, 2016. MR/E44EQQ&,,r . Box regrstered as plece of land prcp,rictor No. 428 Iand G. G. KARANI, Registrar, Naivasha District MR/8448998 r] S W }.{LTSUMIAH. t ttn.l Regtstrllr, l4eru L)t,slrljt. THE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January. 2016 GAZE.TTE NOTICE i I t t r GAzE-mE NoTICE No, 433 42S THI] LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT. (No.3 of20l2) (No.3 of20t2) ISSLIE oF A i I No 165 IsstJE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED NEw LAND TITLE DEED W}{EREAS John Ntarangwi M'Kinka (ID/8885094), is registered as pxrptbtq nl atxohlte ownership intcrest of that piece of land containur;g ti,l42 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Meru, regrsrred rhder trtJe No NyakillVlulathankari/I05|, and rvhereas sufficient evklence has heen adduced to show that the land tltle deed issued thircd has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratron of sixty (6O) dty" tiom rire date hereof, I shall issue a new tltle deed provided thal uu ohjc'ciru;r tra. L,icn received within that penod WHEREAS David Wanjala Masibo, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership intercst of th.t pioc? of land containing 0.08 hectare or thereabouts, situate tn tlrc dlstrict of Bungoma, registered under title No. E. Bukusu/S. Kandtryi/l2482, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land titlc dced issued thereof hds beed lost, notice is given that after the expifrtion of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a ncw tiil€ deed providcd that no objection has beeri recerved within that period. Dated the 29th lanuary ,2016. Datcd thc 29rh Januarru. l0 I 6. H W. MUSUMIAH, lnnd Registrar. Meru Dtstnct. MR/E44E99E S. P. K. SIBUCHI, Iand Registar, BungomalMt. Elgon Districts. MR/8406303 GAzE-mENcrncE No. 434 CAZEIENdflcE No. 430 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT tNo.3 ol2Ol2) (No 3 of2Ot2) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND ISSI.TE OF TIILE DEED WHfiEFS M'Ringeru M'Rarema (1Dt24925fi), rs rcgistered as absolute ownership intercst of that piecc of land conteining OiSl hectare or thcreabouts, situate in thc district of Meru, reglstered rfrder title No. Kiirua/lilaari-Maiteil490, and whereas sufficient evhence has been adduced to show that the land title deed proprietor if issued thcreof has been lost. notice is given that after the expiratron of sixty (6O) dtys from the date hereot, I shall issue a new trtle deed provrded thal no oblectron has been received within that penod. objection has been received wrthin that penod. Dated the 29th January,2016. Dated the 29th January, 2016. H. S, W MUSUMIAH, hnd Reqrstrar, Mcru Dstrict MR/8448998 A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Henry Kundu Mtoka, is registered rs proprieor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.5953 hdctares or thereabout, situate in the district.of Bungopa, registrrcd under title No. Bungoma/I{dalu/882, and whereas sufficient evidonce has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is giveq that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no P. K. SIBUCHI, ktnd Registrar, Bungoma/Mt. Elgon Districts. MR/8406301 GAZETTENoTIcE No, 435 CAZETTENTIilCE N0. 43I . THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT TI]E LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEFD ISSIIE oFA NEw LANDTITLEDEED WHERL,.AS Mhwiria Athuu (IDl244 6i177, ,, registered as propnetor i+ absolute ownersh;p interest of that plece of land ccfltalnrng 332 lrect,rrdr or thereabout, sttuate in the district of Meru. registercd uftier trtlc' No. Abothuguchr/Rurga./i041, and whereas sutbcielt erldence has heen adduced to show that the land tltle deed issued Jl'ered has been krst. notice is given that after the exprration of sntv lcir).idys ilo,n tlre date hereoi, I s!'all rssue a new t)tle deed pr *. r.!r{l th:,t il.' .,i;1rctii,,r has b-,n rc;eived rvrthin that perrod ll .,1 tirr: Jltl; I.r,,r"r,. l0!fi. B, K. KAMWARO, Laiul Regtstrar, Met u Dtstnct l,{R/8,i489qq (No.3 oJzol2) of20l2l WHEREAS Stanley Murage Njiri (ID/10953106), of 'P.O. Box 802, Kerugoya in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as propri€tor in absolute ownership interest of-that piece of land containing 0.10 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kirinyaga, rcgistered under title No. Mutira/Kaguytl?621, and whereas sufficicnt evidcncc has been adduced to show that the land title deed isqu'C ttrireof has been lost, nouce is given that after the expiration of slxty (6O) days from the date hereof. I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has becn received within that period. Dpted the 29rh Januar1,. 201 6 MR/84064 t6 land Re gistrar, C. W. NJAGI, Kirinyaga District. -+GAZb"rrE NoTICE No. 436 C.{ZETTE Nc,fiCE No. 4.]2 . THE, I,AND REGISTRATION THE LAND REGISTRATTON ACT ACT (No. (No.3 of2ol2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS M'Ktunga M'Ituuru ft)i88E2283), is registered as p!opnetor ul ahsolute olvnership intcrest of that piece of land contarning 0.13 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district ol Meru, regtstered under title No. Nyak/Nkabune/l 137, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to shurv that the land title deed rssued thereof ha.s hoen lost. nohce is given that after the expiratiorr of srxty ((rt)) days frorr the date hereof. I shall rssue a new title deed provided thar no objecfion has been recerved wrtliin that period t)aretl the 29lh January. 20 I 6. . of 2Ot2) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITI-E DF,ED - \'/HEREAS Duncan Gitahi Kragayu, of P.O. Box l2420=o04f[, Narrobi in the, Republic of Kenya, is registered as prcprictor in absolute ownership interest of that piecu of land containing 0.06 hectare or thercabouts. situxte in the dirtnct of KaliaCo, registeied under trtle No., Kajiado/Kitengelail2828, and whereas sufficient evidencr has been adduced to shorv that the l6,d trfle deed issued tnereof has been lost, notrce is grven that after the expirarion of sixty (60) days frorn the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that rro oblection has been recerved within that period. Dated the 29th January. 201 6. B, K. KAMWARO. MRl844r.qqf4 j Itnd Reglurar, Moru l)lilrlct. Mrui406445 J. M, WAMBUA, Iand Rtglfirar, Kafiada Dkhtcl 29th January ,2016 THE KENYA GAZETTE 166 NorcE No. zl4l CAzE'ffE GAZE.TTE NOTICE NO. 4.]7 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT . (No.3 ol2012) (No.3 IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Eluid Njagi Itotia (ID/3065230), of P.O. Box 28200208, Ngong Hills in the Republic of Kenya, ts registered as proprietor ln absolute ownership inter€st of that piece of land containing 0.41 hectare or thercabouts, sltuate in the district of Kajiado, registered under title No. Ngong/Ngongl3l46, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title dead rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratton of sixty (60) dziys from the date hereof, shall tssue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recetved withln that period. I Dated the 29th January,2016. M. MWINZI, lnnd Regrstrar. Kayado North D*trict. J. MR/8406479 { ol2ol2) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND i TIILE DEED WHEREAS Blasio Onyango Opiyo, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 6.2 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Ugenya, registcred under title No. North Ugenya,/Karadolo/807, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that fte land title ded issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated rhe 29th January,2016. . P. Innd MR/8406415 Re g istrdr, i I -l A. NYANJA, Districts. U genya/ U gurrlt I GAZETTE NoTIcE GAZE.I-|E NonCE No, 438 No. 442 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (Np.3 ol20t2) (No.3 ol2ot2) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEN WHEREAS Diocese of N1'en Trustees (Regrstered). of P.O Box 288, Nyerr rn the Repubhc of Keuya. ls registered as propnetor ln absolute orvnershrp interest of that proce of land containng 24.99 hectares or thereabout, srtuate in the distnct of Laikipia, registered under trtle No Nanyukr/Munrcrpality Block XI/194. and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show-that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notlce ls grven *rat after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, shall issue a new title deed provided that no objectron has been received wrthin that period. I WHEREAS Caroly O. Achok (Union of Catholic Mothers), is registered as proirietor in absolute ownership interest of that plece of land contalnrng 0.04 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Ugenya, registered under trtle No. Uholo/Ugunjall972, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notlce is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that pcriod. Dated the 29th January,2016. P. A. I.IYANJA, Dated the 29th January. 2016 P M. MUTEGI, Itnd MR/8406415 lnnd Regtstror, h*ryia Dtstrrct. MR/8406500 GAZETTE NoTCE GAzErrE NorrcE No. 439 Re g,is trar, U ge nya/ U gunja Di stricts. No. 443 TI{E LANDREGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2ot2) (No.3 of2Ol2) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED - ISSUEoFANEwLANDTITLEDEED WHEREAS Jacob Mwavuo Chondo (ID/4575362), of P.O. Box 89381-80100, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate in the district of Kilifi, registered under title No. Roka,/Uyombo/418, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice rs grven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that WHEREAS Samson Oluoch Wasambla, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land contrining 2.4 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Ugenya, registcred under title No. South Ugenya/Ambira/876, and whcreas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title dced issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provjded that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 29th January,20l6. period. P. Dated the 29th I anuary, 2016. , J.T. BAO, MR/8406452 Land Re gistrar, Kilifi/ Kalolenil Malindi/Ganze Disticts. Land MR/821O6415 A. I'IYANJA, Districts. Re gistrar, U ge nya/ U gwja GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 444 GAZET.IE NoTICE No. 440 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ofZol2) (No.3 of2o12) TIIB ISSL'E OF A NEW LENO WHEREAS John Oduok Ochanda, ISSI,'E OF NEW LAND TTTLE DEEDS DEEO of Siaya in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor rn absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 3.8 hectares or thereabout. situate in the district of Siaya, regrstered under htle No. Siaya/Komenya Kalaka4762, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been'lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 29rh larluary,2016. WIIEREAS Charles Mung;oma Olambo (ID/69'{4031), of P.O. Box 606, Sidindi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor rn absolute ownership interest of those pieces of land conaining 0.6 and 0.52 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Ugcnya, registered under title Nos. South Ugenya/SimenyalM afi 448, respectively, and whereas sufficient evidence has becn adduced to show that the land tifle deeds issued thereof have been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixry (60) days from the datc hereof, I shall issue new title deeds provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 29th January,20l6. P A. OWEYA, MR/8406433 Land Regtstrar, Siaya District P. MR/8406415 Land A. NYANJA, Districts. Re gistrar, U genyal U gunlt I I I t I GAzErrE NoTICE No.445 I GAZETTE NoIICE No. 449 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT . (No.3 of20t2) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS John Leperes ole Yiamat, of P.O. Box lll, Sare Awendo in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 6.08 hectares or thercabout, situate in the district of Transmara, registered under title No. Transmara./Isampin/495, and whereas sufificlent evidence hhs been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a nerv title deed provrded that no objectron llas been received within that penod. Dated the 29th January,2016. K. M. OKWARO, S. W. GITHINJI, Ltnd Registrar, MR/8406396 t t t ' GAzE-I-rE NCyTICE No. 450 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION.ACT (No.3 oJ20l2) (No.3 of2Ot2) ISSUEoFANEwLANDTITLEDEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHf,EAS (l) Asha Wdgechi Ch-arles KamauMuchovi (ID/I 1606858) and (2) Shaben (ID/13356248), both of P.O. Box 273, Embu of Kenya, are registered as proprietors in absolute in thc Ripublic ownenhip interest of that piece of land containing 0.19 hectare or i I I I there$drlts, situate in dre district of Mbeere, registered under title No. Mbeti/Kimuringal2315, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduccd b show that the land title deed issued thermf has been lost, notice is liven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days frorh the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been rcc$ived within that period. ' W(IEREAS Sahm Hassan Matano (ID/16102941), is the beneficial owner of that piece of land situate in the district of Kwale, reglstered under title No. Kwale/Ma1orenill026, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduoed to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 29th January,2016. C. K. NG'ETICH, LLnd Req$trar, Kh,ale Drstrrct MR/8406339 Deted the 29th January, 2Q16. N. K. NYAGA, ktnd Registrar, Mbeere District. MR/Mo6366 lI' ltn d Re gistro r, Tran s Mara District MR/84063t4 Vihi g al S ab at ial Hami u / Emu hay a D i s tr ic ts. GAZE TENoTICE No. 446 I (No.3 oJ2Ol2) WHEREAS Francis Karakacha Imbutira, of P.O. Box 115-50308, Serem in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 3.03 hectares or ftercabour, situate in the district of Hamisi, registered under title No. Nyangori,lKapsotik/661, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduccd b show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall iss_ue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dstedlthe 29th January, 2016. I 167 THE KENYA GAZETTE 29thJmtary,2O16 GAzErrE NoTICE No. 45 GAzErrBNcracE No.447 1 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT I TTIE L (No.3 oJ2otz) LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED WHEREAS Moses,Festo Mukongo (ID/I 1345985), of P-O Box 3906, Krtale rn the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate in the district of Trans Nzora, registered under fitle No. Kitale/lvlunicipality Bl6ck l3lGauailL7, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty.(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no obJection has been received withln that period. WHBEAS Meito ole Sinkalo, of P.O. Box 61, Kilgoris in the Republid of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership intercst of that piece of land containing 6.08 hectares or thereabout, situat h the district of Transmara. registered under title No. Transmalallvfoital23S, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thEreof has been lost, noticc islgiven that after the expiration of six$ (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recpived within that period. Dated the 29th January.20l6. A. KAVEHI, Deted the 29th January. 2016. OGWOKA. Re gistrar, Trans Mara Districl J. O. ltnd MRJ8/iO6374 Re gi strar, Kitale. GAzEmE NoTJCE No. 452 GAzErrh NorrcE No. 448 ] Itnd MR/8448875 rrmleND REcrsrRATroN THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ACT (No.3 oJ20I2) (No.3 of20tz) .Issue oF A NEw LAND TrrLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED wHbREAs Kiletia ololdikir, of P.O. Box 36-40701, Lolgorian in the R.equblic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute WHEREAS Joseph Aggrey Odongo. is registered as pioprietor in absolute owne'rship interest of that piece of land.containing 28.5 hectares or thereabouts, situate in the district of Bondo, registered under title No. North Sakwa/Maranda./12o4, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no oblectron has been recerved within that period. I owncrsllip interest of that piece of land containing 24.84 hectares or thercabqrt, situate in the district of Transmara, registered under title No. Trahsmara/Moyoill089, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thermf has been lost, noticc ii given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been re4tived within that period. Dated the 29th January, 20 I 6. Dat@ the 29th January,2016. MR/8,(b263 J. O. OGWOKA, Land Re gistrar, Trans Mara Distri c t. MR/8767028 Itnd G. M. MALUNDU, Registrar, Bondo District. I THE KENYA GAZETTE 168 GAzErrE NoT.ICE NO. 453 GAzE"r'l'E 29th January, 2016 No'r]cE No. 457 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2o12) (No 3 oJ2O72) IssT,E OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED RECONS RTICTION WHEREAS Africanus Omudeck Eryang, is registired as proprietor in_ absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing i.46 hectares or thereabout, situate in the distnct of Busia/Teso, registered under title No. South Teso/Amukura/2017, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle decd rssued thereof has been los! nouce is given that after the exprrtrtion of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that penod. Dated the 29th January,20l6. CONSOLATA WANYAMA, Land Registrar, Bus ia/Teso Dtstrrits MR/8406288 OT- LOS I OR DESTROYED LAND RECIS1ER WHEREAS Steel Scn Limrted, a limited liabrlity company, of P.O. Box 532O8-00200. Narrobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R No. 209/36113, situate in the city of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by virtu€ of an rndenture registered in Volume N 50, Folio 7/ll, File 15855, and whereas the land register in rcspect tlieleoi is iost or destrcryed, and whereas effcrts to loca0e the said land register have feiled, notice rs given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provrsrons of sectron -i3 (5) of the Act, provrded that no objection has been received within that period I I I .t { ! I Dated the 29th January,2015. G.M MUYANGA, GAzEmE NoTICE No. 454 ktnd MRi8448874 Re gistrar, Nairobi. TI{E LAND REGISTRATION ACT - (No.3 of20l2) GAZETTE NoTCE ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Stephen Wafula Onyango, ls regrstered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land contarnng 0.072 hoctares or thereabout, situate in thb district of BusrarTeso, registered under titlc No. Bukhayo/Bugengi/I 1586, and whereas sufficrenl evidcnce has been adduced to show that the land'title deed rssued thcreofhas been lost, notice is given that after the expiratron ofsixty (60) days ftom the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objection has bcen recerved within that penod. Detod thc 29th January,20l6. CONSOLATA WANYAMA, Innd Registrar, Busia/Teso Dislricts. MR/8406288 GAzErrE NoncE No. 455 (No. ,3 of 2012) REcoNsTRUC.uoN oF LosT oR DF-STRoYED LAND REOSTER WHEREAS Steel Son Limited. a timitd liability compuy, of P.O. Box 53208-O0200, Narrobi rn the Republic of Kenya, i6 rcgiitered as proprieror lessee of all that piece cf land known as L.R. Ir{o. 2@136114, situate rn the city of Narobr rn the Nairobi Area, by virtrre of an indenture rcgistrrerl in Volume N I I, Foko l97lm, filE 1032, and whereas the land register in respa€t thcralf is lost or desooyed, and whereas efforts made to loca0e the said land register have fuiled, notice is fiven that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register shall bc reconstructed under the provisions of section 33 (5) of the Act. provided that no obiction has been recerved within that penod. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Dated the 29th January,2015 G. M. (No.3 of2or2) ISSTJE No. 458 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Iand MR/8448874 MUYA}MA, Re gistrar, Nairobi oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Stcphen Omukaga Karani, is registered as propnctor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 2.2 GAZEI'I-E No1lcE No. 459 h*tares or thereabout, sifuate in the district of Busia,/Teso, registered undcr title No. South Teso/ChakoU832, and whereas sufficrent evidcnoe has been adduced to sfiow that the land title deed issued thercofhas been los! notice is given that after the expiration ofsixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been received within that penod. Dated the 29th January, 201 6. CONSOLATA WANYAMA, Land Re gis tra MR/8406288 GAZETTE r, Bus ia/Tes o D is tr i c ts NOICE NO. 456 TI{E LAND REGISTRATION ACT RECoNSTRUCT.IoN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Fainyays Royale Company Lrmited, a hmrted liabrlrty compqly, of F.O. Box 1588, Nairobi in the Repubhc of Kenya, is rcgister,Gd as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L R. No, ffi9l19343, situate in the city of Narrobi in tlie Nairobr Area, by virte of a grmt registered as I.R. 125841, and whereas thc iand rcgis,tcr iil rcspect thereof is l,:st rr dcstroyed, and whereas etforts madc to loct',e the said 1,.-:-'<t :egis*:r hare failed, notice is giv:n that alfrer the eipiration cf, snty (60) days from the date hereof, the propcf,ty reglster shall be re,:olstructed under the provisions of:ectron 33 (5) of the Acq pmvrdod that ao obFctron has been received within that perind. i'i*./8't48897 (No.3 ol20t2) RECOT.ISTRUCTION OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTB. WHEREAS Moharned Jama Noor, of P.O. Box 220*00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as propnetor lcssee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 209138016, situate in the crty of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, by vrrtue of an lndenture registered rn Volume N 44, Foho 2O4l5,Fie 13745, and whereas thc land register ln respect thereof rs lost or dcstroyed, and whereas efforts rrade to locate the said land reglster have farled, notice rs given ftet after the expiratron of slxty (60) days from the date hereof. the properly tegrster shall be reconstructed under the provisions cf section 33 (5) of the Act, provrded that no ob.lection has becn received witlrrn-that (No.3 of2ol2) Datod the 29th Jenuary, THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT 7.O1.5. G. M. MUYANGA, ' .:, Re4;rtrar, Nairobi. '- perid. Dated the 29th January.2015 G. M. MUYANGA, MR/8406251 [-a nd Reg istrar, l,hiro bi. GAZE'ITE NOTTCF, NO. 460 THE LAND REGISTP.ATION ACT (No.3 of10l2) l-oss or.-WzTITECARD WHEREAS Naomi Wairimu Mwaura (1D12934229), is regisrered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piccc of land corrtaining 0.04O0 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the disfict of Nakuru, registered under title No. Nakuru/l\duniclpality B[o&. n1676, arid whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to efuw {at ,the .vhrte card rssueC thereof has been lost. notice is given that afrer the :l 169 THE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January, 2016 expiratron ofsrxty ((r0) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new white card provided that no objectlon has been recelved wlthln that period. GAZETTENoTICENo 464 . Dated the 29th January,2015. THELANDREGISTRATIONACT (No.3 oJ20t2) C. W. SUNGUTI. REctsrRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT Innd Regtstrar, Nakuru Dtstict. .MR/8406392 i. __ GAZETTE NoTICE No. 461 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Ot2) LoSSoFGREENCARD . (l) David Mungai Mwauta (ID/9056358), (2) Paul Kioma Mwaura (ID18241368) and (3) Larvrence Ngethe Gaitungu (ID16254303), are registered as proprtetors in absolute ownershtp lnterest of that prece of land contarning 2.77 hectNes or thereabout, srtuate rn the drstnct of Kiambu, registered under title No. Nachu/Mrkuyurnl270, and rvhergas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the green card issued thereof has been lost, WHEREAS notice is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new green card provrded that no objection has been recerved within that period Dated the 29th January.2016 . WHEREAS Monica Nyauma Nguu (deceased), is registered as proprietor of that piece of land containing 0. I 3 hectare or thercebouts, known as Karai/Lusegeti/T. 139, situatc in the district of Kiambu, and whereas the princrpal magistrate's court at Kikuyu in succession cause No. 97 of 2014, has issued grant of letters of administration to Pcter Kimani Ngeene, and whereas the land title deed issued earlicr to thc said Monica Nyauma Nguu (deceased) has been reported missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been reccived within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said Jand title deed and proceed with registration of the said instrurrent of R.L. 19 and R,L. 7, and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Monica Nyauma Nguu (deceased), shall be deemcd to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 29th January, 2016. W. N. MUGTJRO, MR/8406419 GAZEmE NorIcE No. 465 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT W.N MUGURO, Innd Registrar, Kiambu Distrtct MR/8406349 Lend. Registrdr, Kiambu District. (No.3 o12012) REGISTRATION OF INSTRT,MENT WHEREAS Beatrice Wanjiru Ndcgwa alias Wanjiru Ndcgwa GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 462 . (deceased), is registered as proprietor of that piecc of land containing 5.0 acres or thereabout, known as loc. l/Kigio/4, situatc in the district THELANDREGISTRATIONACT of Thika, and whereas the chief magistrate's court at Thika (No.3 ol2012) succession cause RECoNSTRUCTION OF GREEN CARD WHEREAS (1) Geoffry Mbugua Kamau and (2) Nancy Wajiku Karanla, both of P.O. Box 248{)0606, Natrobi m the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.9615 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the distflct of Gilgrl, regrstered under tille No GilgiUGilgil Block V-3665 (Kekopey), and whereas suffictent evtdence has been adduced to show that the green card issued thereof has been lost, notlce is given that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date h€reof, I shall reconstruct the green card provrded that no obJectlon has been recetved Dated the 2c) administration to Stanley Irungu Kariuki, and whcreas thc land titlc deed issued earlier to the said Beatrice Wanjiru Ndegwn alias Wanjint Ndegwa (deceased) has been reported missing or lost, n{ice is givcn that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from thc date hi:reof, provided no valid objection has been received within ilrat period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with registration of the said instrument of R.L. ! 9 and R.L. 7, and upon such registration the land tide deed issued earlier to thc said Beatrice Wanjiru Ndegwa alias Wanjiru Ndegwa (deceased), shall bc deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 29th January, 2016. P.K.KIMAM, Land Registrar, Thil,,t District. MR/8767014 withrn that period. in No. 2383 of 2003, has issued grant of letters of th I anuaty, 20 1 6. G. G. KARANI, lnnd Registrar, Naivasha District MR/8406498 GAzE.rrE NoTICE No. 466 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20r2) GAZETTE NonCE No, 463 REGISTRANON OF INSTRUMENT THE LAND REGISTKATION ACT (No.3,oJ2O ti) IOSS OF LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Peter Nganga Ngugi tlD/14713360), of P.O. Box 1780. Thika ru the Republic of Kenya, is relistered as proprietor in absolute ownership lnterest of that prece of land situate in the drstnct of Thrka, registered under title No. Chanra./Makwa./T. 28, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land register (Green Card) of the satd ptece of land ts mrssing, and whereas all efforts made to locate the said land register (Green Cird;. have failed, notice is given that after the expirahon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall open another land register and upon such opening the said mrssing land register shall tre deemed obsolete and of no effect. WHEREAS Jacob Nkunja M'Ithara (deceased), is regisl*rcd as proprietor of that piece of land known as Nyaki/Munithtfzo23, situate in the dirstrict of lv[eru, ard whereas the High Conrt in succpssion cause No. 176 of 2012, has issued grant of lctters 6f adminisrafion and certilicate of confirmation of glant in favour of Damaris Mpinda Munyua, and whereas the said court has executcd an application to be registered as proprietor by transmission R.L. 19, and whereas the land trtle deed of the said piece of land is lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from 6e date hcreof, provided no valid objection has been received within ftat period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with registration of the said application to bc rcgistercd as proprietpr by transmission R.L. 19 in thc nqme of Demris Mpinde Munyua, and, upon such registration tbe land title dced issued earlier to the said Jacob Nkunja M'Ithara (deceased), shall be,deerrcd to bc cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 29th January, 2014. Dated the 29th January,2015 K. NJOROGE, LnnL:' e g l\tra r, Thika Distric B.K.KAMWARO,. J. MR,/8406387 t. MR/E406393 IAnd Registrar, Meru Dislrict. THE KENYA GAZETTE 170 GAzE-mE NcflcE No. 467 29th January, 2016 GAzErrE NcncE No. 469 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT TTIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2\ (No.3 of20t2) REGISTRATIoNoFINSTRTJMENT REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMET.IT WHEREAS Charles Oruko Obadha (deceascd),'of Yala in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of that piece of land WHEREAS Patrick Mudcnyo Oduor, of P.O. Box 34, BuErc in tho Rcpublic of Kcnya, is regiqtcrcd as proprictor of thrt piccc of known as uholo/Ugunja/1647, situatc in drc disrict bf Siryr ud whcrcas thc land titlc deed has been revoked undcr scc. 79 (2) of thc rcgistration Land Act, 2O12, and whcreas thc cxccutivc of[rccr of thc said court cxecutcd an instrument of transfer in ftvour of Flmncc Akoth Oticno, and whcreas all efforts madc to compcl thc rcgiocrcd proprictor to surrender thc land title decd issucd o thc land rcgirtrrr havc failcd, notice is given that after the cxpiration of hifiy (30) dryr from the darc hcreof, p-rovidcd no valid objcction has been rrccivcd wi0rin that period, I intcnd to dispcnsc with thc production of thc uid land titlc dccd and procecd with regisration of thc seid instrurrcnt of transfcr and issuc a land title dccd to the said Florcncc Akoth Otieno, and upon such registration thc land titlc dccd issucd carlicr to thc srid Patrick Mudcnyo Oduor, shall bc decnred to bc canccllcd end of m cffcct. . lld known as North Gem/i.,ldere/856, sioate in the district of Siaya, and whereas the principal magistrate's court at Siaya in succession causc No. H.C./47 of 2O12, has ordered that the piecc of land be registcrcd in the name of Alfred Ombus Oruko, and rfhercas cffiorts madc to recover the land title deed issued thereof by the land registrar havc failed, notice rs grven that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objcction has bccn reccivcd within that period, I intend to dispense with thc production of thc said land title deed and proceed with registration of the said grant document and issue a land title decd to thc said Alfred Ombus Oruko, and upon such registration the land title dced issued carlicr to the said Charles Oruko Obadha (deceased), shall be dcemed to be cancellcd and ofno cffect. Dated the 5th June,2014. P. Itnd MRn413927 A. OWEYA, Registrar, Siaya District. Datcd thc 29th January,2016. P. A. Land Rcgistrar, MR/8406415 GAzEmE NcrncE No.468 U gcnyalU NYANIA, gunfu Distictt. T}IE LAND REGISTRATION ACT G^ZETTE NcrncE No. 470 (No.3 of21l2) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT REoISTRATIoN oF NSTRT.,MENT (No.3 of2ol2) WHEREAS Virta Onyango Odongo, of P.O. Box 75, Scga in the Republic of Kcnya, is registered as proprietor of that piccc of lend known as East Ugcnya/Ligalal22l9, situarc in the district of Siaya, and whereas tlte land title deed has been revoked undcr scc. 79 (2) of thc registration Land Act, 20l2,.and whereas the exocutivc officer of the said court executed an instrument of transfer in favour of Maurice Oduor Odongo, and whereas all efforts made to compel the rcgistered propnetor to surrender tlre land title deed issued to thc land registrar have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been rcceived within that period, I intend to dispensc with the production of thc srid land title deed and proceed with registration of the said instmmcnt of transfer and issue a land title deed to the said Mauricc Oduor Odongo, and upon such registration the land title decd issued earlier to thc said Virta Onyango Odongo, shall be deemcd o be cancclled and of no REctsrRATroN oF INSTI, WHEREAS Muga Robi, is registcred as proprictor in $solur of that piecc of land containing 0.8 hcctlo c thcreabouts, situate in the district of Rachuonyo, rcgiitcrcd un&r dtlc owncrship intcrest No. West Karachuonyo/Kawadhgonc263, Dated the 29th January,2016. effect. MR/8'149352 Dated the 29th January,2016. P. A. NYANJA, Land hegistrar, U genyalU gunja Districts. MR/8406415 GAzErrE N(/IICE No. 47 and whcrcrs on the stengt of a court order issued from Oyugis Subordinatc Court in civil suil lrlo. 9 of 2010, noticc is givcn that after thc cxpiration of thirty (30) dryr from thc darc hercof, provided no valid objcction hes bccn reccivcd within thet pcriod, I shall dispensc with the production of thc srll hnd titlc dced and regisrcr a pending mutation to su{ividc it into porthnr that hrs bccn attcstcd by the Exccutive Of{iccr of thc said court md thc land titlc decd issued earlicr to the said Muga Robi shdl bG dccmcd to bc cancellcd and of no cffcct. ' J.O.O$OLO, LandRegistrar,RachuonyvSouthlNorthDisticrs. I TI{E CONSTITUTION OF KENYA THEELECTIONS ACT (No.24 ol2illl Tr{E ELECTTON (GENERAL) REGULATIONS, 2012 TALLYING CENIRES: BY-ELECTION FOR MASoNGALEM AND NYANC0RES WARD REPRESET.ITATIVES AssET,IBuEs. RESPECTIVELY FoR MAKI,JEM AND BoMET CoI,JNTY IN EXERCISE of the powers confcrrcd by Article 86, 88 (4) of thc Constitution of Kenya and rcguletions 84 (l) and (2) of thc Elcctisu (General) Rcgulations, 20l2,the Indcpcndcnt Elccoral and Boundarics Commission givcs noticc to the public that thc placcs listcd in the Scvcnth Column to the Schedule shall be the Tallying Ccnters for thc aboVc-mentiorrcd by-clections to be held on l2th Febnrary,2016. ScHEDULE County Code County Namc Constinency Consfinency Name County Asscmb$ County Assembly Name Namc oJTallying Ccntrc Cdc Codc 017 Makueni 088 Kibwczi East 0431 Masongaleni Kyumani Community 036 Bomet 195 Chcpalungu 0912 Nyangops Kyogong High School Hdl Dated thc 20th lanuary,2016. A. I. HASSAN, Clvirpcrsot, Indcpendcnt Electoral and Boun&rics Commkcion, I I I ( I 171 THE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January, 2016 GAzEnENcncENo. 472 TI{E CONSTITUTION OF KETIYA TI{EELECTIONS ACT (No.24ol20tt) . THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORAL AND BOIJNDARIES COMMISSION ACT (No.9 ol20rl) TI{E ELECTION (GENERAL) REGULATIONS, NoIIFIA-TED CANDIDATES -BY.ELECTIoN 20 I 2 FoR MASoNGALEM AND NYANGoRES WARD REPRESENTATIVES FoR MAKUENI AND BoMET CoT,NTY AssEMBu ES, RESPECTIVELY E;CnCISB of thc powers confcrred by Articlcs 81, 84, 85, 88 (4),177 (l) (a), 193 and 194 (l ) (a) of the Constitution of Kenya, section 4 (d), (7), O lnd (,t) of the Indcpendcnt Elecbral and Bounderies,Commission Act, 201l, sections 13,22,25,26,31,32 and 33 of the Elections Act, 2011, Prrtr III rnd VItr, end rcgulations 5l (2), (5) and 6 of thc Elections (General) Regulations, 2O12, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries n Commfsion givcs notice to the public that the persons lisrcd in Column conbstfor drc Masongaleni and Nyangores Wards for Makucni Svrnalp Othcr County MUrnfp uhrflG8 Dl7 County Namc Makueni Mlllyroki Kinlrn Richrrd Krevnki 017 Makucni Dodinic 017 Namtt Murlll Ndrvr 088 Code 088 and 2 to the First and Second Schedules hereto, stand validly nominated to Const. Name Assemblies, respectively. Ward Namc Party Party Name Kibwczi Ward Code 0437 Masongalcni 003 Kibwezi 0437 Masongalcni 036 Frt Code Fqs[ Mutotc rlorcncc Kesiku Philip Kisencri F Const. I andJ;::::il? Makucni The Labour Party of Kenva Chama Cha I Izalenrln OEE Kibwezi 0437 Masongalcni 050 Muungano Party o437 Masongalcni OIE 0/.37 Masongalcni 012 Thc Indcpendent Parw \urper Dcmocrauc Movement -Kcnya 017 MAI(uCNI OEE Bast l(rDw€zr Fqsl ot7 Makucni OEE Krbwczl Fast Abbrevta ton Svmbol LPK Star CCU Whistle Muungan Two Interlocking o Rinss TIP rhree lJgged Traditional Stool MI-'M-K Umbrella SEcoNDSCTEDUT-E Swnru Other Namcs lJrtrGh Richerd County Codc 036 county EonlDS 036 Bomct Ward Ward Name Party ParN Namc Abbreviation Symbol 195 o972 Nyangorcs o27 Jubilee Alliance P^rfv JAP Jummingbir<i with a Horn 195 o972 Nyangorcs 054 Peoples Patriotic PPPK Calabash 061 Partv of Kenva Citizens Convention Partv CCP Fishing Net const. ;onst. Flarra Naru Kiokorir n rnlrn Andrew Tcrt Bcnard Bomct 036 195 .nEPUutrgL o972 Nyangores Dahd the 20th lanuary,2016. c hairp e r s on, I nde pe nde nt Ele c to rot ara s ^ni;i"Ilrtl**rrr. No[cE No. 473 GAzsrFE . TIGCONSTTTUTIONOFKENYA TIIE ELECTIONS ACT (No.24 I of?.Olll TIIEELECTIONS (GENERAL)REGI.JLATIONS,2OI2 Votn pou.rxc srArroNs-By-ELEcTToNoFMASoNGALEM ANDNyHSffiYiyREPRESENTATTVES FoR MAKTTENT ANDBoMErCoulny IN EXERCISE of thc powcrs confcrcd by Articles t6, 88 (4), 193, 194 (l) (a) of the Constitution of Kenya, section 19 of the Elections Act, I rfd rcgulrtions 7 md 8 of thc Elcctions (Gcnenl) Rcgulrtions, ?.012, the lndcpcndent Elcctoral and Boundaries Commission gives notice that voting for the by-clcction for Masongalcni md Nyangorcs C-ounty Asscmbly Ward represcntatives for Makueni and Bomet Counry Asscmblies, rcrycclivcly, schcdulod for l2th February,2015. shall bc conductcd at thc places lisrcd in the Schcdule to this notice. 201 Artd thu: (a) (b) Tbc County Code o thc County is listcd in thc First Column to the schcdule. Thc County Nemc is listcd in thc Sccond Column to thc schcdule. (c)i Thc Consfitucncy Code numbcr is listcd in thc Third Coltrmn to,the schedule. (d) (c) A) Thc respcctivc codcs to thc County Asscmbly Wards are listed in ttre Fifth Column to the schedule. (e)]. Eech Constitucncy is respcctivcly dividcd into Polling Centres and thcir Codes are listed in the Sevcnth Column to the schedule. The Constiorcncy nrmc is spccificd in thc Fourth Column to the schedule. Evcry County Assembly Wards is listed in the Sixth Column to thc schcdulc. (h) T1rre Polling Strtions ere' spccificd in the Eighth Column to thc schcdule and arc each assigned with distinguishing numbers specified ' Strtion Codc in thc Scvcnth Column to thc schedule. SCHEDI.,LE MASONGALEM COI.'NTY ASSEMBLY WARD REPRESENTATIVE- MAKIJEM COI,]NTY Cou*y County Nanu Cod. 017 Makucni Constitucncy Codc 088 )onstiruency Nam Ward Codc Ward Name Kibwczi Eest 0437 Masonpaleni Polling Itation Codl oolline Station Nam 001 vlasimbani Primaw School as . t72 39th .IanuzLry. 20i6 Couttt-t' Code 017 Cottntt'Nunrc 0t7 Makucnr ( oltslitutil( \ i,, Crnle Makrrenr 088 088 "ir,*i,r,-. i- rr,,, I Krhurzr Krl,wczr [rart [:ast ll,tttl l,titttl ',,1, itrttutn Coclt llur? lr- I ( I- Ivfr*,,p'J.;;[ lt.",i,g.l"r' )"1-17 !tq1___ (x).1 o17 017 017 0t'7 Makuenr Makuenr Makuenr Makuen Makuen Makuen Makuenr Makueru Makneni Makuenr Makuenr Makuenr Makuenr Makuenr Makuenr Makueni Makueni Makucnr Makuenr Makuenr 0 '7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 '7 0 7 0 7 0 '7 0 7 o17 Makrrenr ot7 lV{ak uen o 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 o17 Makuenr Makuenr 0 7 0 '7 0 7 0 '7 088 088 08E 088 088 I!!ry"n_!3;! 088 088 088 088 088 088 088 088 088 088 088 K rlxvez r East 088 088 Makucni Makueni Makuenr Makucnr Maktrenr 088 088 088 088 088 088 088 088 088 088 Makuen 0ll8 Makuerrr r Krbrt c'zr East _ Krbgczr tait _ Krb*ezt East 088 ORR r K,ai;;rEa-.r K rbrr czr East K'h*;-r, I - ---fI r- i] | ll --l: I 0.r i?17 17 ]117 tsast Krbrr r,zr East Krhuczr Elrt _.0.1-l Krt Ea\l rr e Krbt c Er\t Krbu'e East East K rhrvc Krbrvczr F.ast Krbrvczr East K rbrvezr East Krhu ezr East KrhwczrEast Krbuezr L,ast Krhs ezr l-asl Counn Code 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 036 I Cuunty Constiluenct' Code Bomet Bomet Bomet Bomet Bomet 195 LI t95 u 195 t95 t95 Bome Borne l9s Borne Bome r95 Bonre Bome Bome Bome Bome Bome Bomet Bomet Bomel Bomet Bomel Bomel Bomet Bomet Bomet Bomet Bomet Bomet Bomet Bomet Bonret \ i^;;-"",,1.,,;- ry1q'rrngalenr llr\(,rl:rolcnr ffi;ffir.*- _ tz_ :- Gia_ lt]71 _ __ 7 , (-ottsttuency Namc Nlasungalen r Nlasonsalc'n n 0lJ r r _ai_ 0-l-+ ___ RF-PRF-SF,NTATIVF, BOMI]T COUNT\I'ttlhng ('rult Wurd Narne :;t(tnn o9l2 oq7. Nyangore" CtilL' o)1 \ 02t3 ngil )9'l 1 N1 atrgores ngu 0971 N1'angores 029 030 ) \-r.1,g,^ ( o9l N u-l I Nt nngores 032 195 'hepalungu ( Nva 01.1 'tq72 195 Chepalunqu ('lrepalungu 'hcpalungu 0972 o972 Nva 195 95 195 ).1.1 Nla 0.15 091 Ny angores 036 ilrepalu n.qu 097) Nv hnqores 0-17 197 1 038 197 1 Nyengores Nt angorer t N1 angores ( 95 Chcpalungu Chepalungu iheprit,ngu Chepalungu )97t Nl angore. 0.t 95 hepalungLr )q7 Nyangores t42 195 'hcpirlungu 'hepalungu 0972 l9/ ) ).1 195 'lrcDalu nEu t()7 r95 (-hcpalungu tq71 195 'he pal unu u )971 Nyangores Nyangores Nr ansores Nl arrgores N1 aneores )97 ) 195 ChepalLrn.qu )q7 a Nl augore: 195 hcpaJuusu 097 2 195 ('hcpalungu )lg ).1( ) I I t44 ).15 )+6 t)4-l 048 o49 t91) N\ angores Nt angore: 195 hc1lalu ngrr )912 Nvan )5r 95 heprlungu t91) )52 195 'hcpal t()'l Itfry:egr"!_ _ 195 'heoirlungu t()7) N1'algores 195 'hE-Daluriqi.r ot)]) Nyangores 195 'hcpalungu )q7 ) u ngu r umanr Prrmarv School I)L't,tl 097 195 I 0ll ihe'palungu 95 95 l 025 nl lvl \lasongalc- ll'urtl vluhlunr Pnman,School titr Pnnrarv School ve-lg}3 ryragrv sc!991 ranse Prinrarv School {)11 llr-s*llsry-HI- \{hi Salama l'flmaro School 03 ()l r Masongalenr Masongalenr __ L] -_ lt1f7 o.1t7 \1 0lt) 019 010 N{ason ga len Masongaler.l_L - 0lli 02l !:l1l-l__1 otl r 1 0.+.17..__- -__u1,l__, __!!l ___ll-|7_ l _ _ 0'1lz_ 01lz__l 026 oa7 02u 029 0I6 r i\la:ongalenr Masonsaleni o-+.171 01.1 __!lt_ Masongalen alen _ 'klaunr Prrmirr t' School 4wanyanr'Pnmarv School (atluani Prirnarv School 4rtonsuni Plinrarv Sbhool Jlilinz.i Prmarv School Irthl ululu Prrrnarv School -ltrnr Prrmarv School .ukenva Pr marl Schml ffander Prrnrarv School t'rkivuthr Prinrarv School (vusvanr Pnmarv School duansenr Prrmarv School rlsuunr Primarv School anguli Primarv School' vllumoni Prinrarv School (ahrna Kor Prrmarv School ongonr Prrmary School (rthiiani Prrrnarv School rkrtaa Prrmrrv Se hool (aliani Prrmarv School ,lgwata Pnmarv School ot2 0l I Masonsalenr o-+-17 v{rvernr Prrmrrt' Sehool (x)9 N{asL,1gx1gi, __ l,_+JZ .iz , ,,_ _ 0117.. )7 ___- ',Ia;e!u Ni&e9-Pl,-q_S499t ns'ola Prrmarr School o0R qu Ivlasongalcrrr P.unary r\v3-Pilmilr\ Sehool Masongalenr 0.1-17 1 [al;i.k Ntu*"r., ()06 (xr7 0 t.0 j N{a.ongalenr 1 i1 | I\1.r.unpalcnr ()-1 l,,-1 tl*,Irt* I irfatongalenr lr.f il +l71 I l![isongalerrr \ ASSt,MBL\- \\',\ItI) Nante I ( \t('L)NI) s( NYANGORES ('OIINl (x)-i ,r--I- Ha,';;,r.", _a{i 04 17 Krhrvezr East Krhl czi East Krhrvczr Easl Krhl r-z East 0q+_ (t,t \1 First I Krtru czr Ea.t Krbrrczr East Krb*'ezr East Krbrvezr Flast _ llla'onr'.rlcrrr 0.1-17 _ Krbrvr.zr East K rhwczr ] rrlllrilgrl _f- N{asongqle_U \1 0{]7 17 1!tz_ 013-li v I ila ichool i 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 '7 St"tttrttt Nunte Pr,rmary School' v4_ak_utano 0-s0 )5 1 )5,:1 )55 Nr 0-56 Polling Stutit,n Nume Kaotembrvo Prrmarv School Metipso Pnrnarv Scbool Itembe Pnmarv School Kesabrta Pnmary School Kapkwen Prinrary School Chebirir Prrmarv School Kasawet Pflmarv School Kansio Pnmaru School Sasenva Primarv School Kabrsose Pnmarv School Kimatrsio PrrnrarV School Kvosong Pnmary School Kaplele Pnmary School Cheboriot Pnnrary School Tebeswet Prlnary School Krpsegon Prunary School Kapkemor Primary School Kinrenderrt Prrmarv School Goitabsil rbwct Prrrnary School Marran grr Prrnary School Kiprrchert Prrmary School Kapkesosro Plmary Schml Kotorber Plrnarv School Chehors Prrmaru School Kemndut Prtmarv School Nvambuso Prirnarv School Cheotapum Prrnrarv School Kesesut Pnrnarv School Kaplewa Prrmary School Olesoi Priman' School Dated the 20th January, 20 I 6 1 t,u,,,1,r, ,,,,,, Itt,Lltt',ulenr b,let titnll utttl Bo,r,,flrl".llrti*r*U, GAZETTL N(,n( E No 173 I'HE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January, 2tt I 6 N()rl(ENo.475 474 THE LF]GA T, EDUC,A,TI(] (No.27 PASSINC ()F CoLINCIL ()F I-Fc,{L o./ \ TI]H LEGAL EDLICA'f ION,A.CT AL.J (\o.27 )01)\1 EDtI(,\ I toN ExAt"jiN \r I()N5 .\\rJ }},'.ISII.JLi oF' CoUNCII, PtIPIL,\GI1 it PURSUANT to Sectron I (1) (/) of Legal .Educarron ZUl2, is notifred for general :nformatron that thc- follorvrng 50 (fifty) p€rsons: 2010209 201o724 2011919 20 r 20090 20120201 20110261 20130352 20 1 30866 20131042 .2014p004 201401to 20140I -5 I 20r40165 201402u) 20140270 201402s8 20140345 20140403 20140502 20140503 20140543 2014{t666 Mosongo Frona Bosrbori Muhoro Edward Ndung'u Mukala Damaris M!-aki 2014069'7 20rN]0t) Muruka Raphaela Mutitu Evelyne WanJlru 20140753 20140'784 20tq92t 20140938 20140966 20140972 20140991 20t41031. ,20141084 20141,099 20141125 2014ll74 20t4tt% 20t41263 20141268 20t41285 2014129t 20141343 201 41401 20141451 20141478 Wanjohr Stephen Gichukr cLE20t l27t cLE20l 1520 Kyalo Lila Kokr Magina Amold Mailu Marypauhne Katumbi 20t4[539 20140818 20140896 20140905 cLE20r0140 Kraritha Rahab Wan-iiku Kunga Maureen Muthoni Mbrtr Mrchael Grtonga Wanyonyi Justlce Nasimlyu Ondiekr Samuel Oyugr Abdalla Azrza Sard Bayiga Dorcas Chichi Joyce Nafula Dave Payal Paresh Gathara Kelvrn Marna Juliana I'erryann Marna Kalla Yussuf Mohammed Kanuki Francrs Knnr.'ea Kihara Joyce Wandia Kyalo Esther Kathrni 201 30 r 99 lvfwangr Krmanr John Ndrrangu James Marumr Ndungu Gatambra Samuel Nganga Joyce Wanjiru Ngure Kelvrn Kamau NSoroge Chn stopher lnrnEIu Njuguna Danson Ng'ang'a Nyabuto Wyclrfe Omwangc Nyekmoi Recho Odongo Elizabbth Achteng Lrnzy Ongonyo Derrrck \/idanl a Okullo Arvino Amelea Ongwae Alcler rn Gechukr Opondo Judrth Akoth Sabuler Phrlemon Kiplagat Samrta Esther Khasoha Shikoli Ashrvaka Edmond Sian Rapei Wagura Robert Rrrtiro Waweru Janc Wamuinr Wan1rru Srkolia Stephen Kona Mohamed Hassan Abdullahr l3 ol the Advocates Act, (Cap. 16) of the laws of Ken1,a as to passrng of eyaminatrons and pupilage subJect to such exemptions as may ha\e becn granted under subsection (2 ) of the section have complred with the provrsrons of sectron W KLTLUNDU-BITONYE, Secr MN8767023 cLE20120265 cLE20l2028e cL820t20373 cLE20 I 20690 cLE20 I 20845 cL.tszo120879 cLE20t2t044 cLE20l 30004 cLE20t 30019 cLE20l30t02 cL820130122 CLE2OI3OIM cLE20 I 30332 cLE20 I 30367 cLE20 l 30368 cL820130372 cL820t30462 cLE20 I 30478 cI-E20 l 30493 cLE20r 30561 cLE20 I 30566 cLE20l 30628 cLE20130644 cLE20l -106.+8 cLE20l307l1 ct.E20130713 cL820130743 cLE20 | 30807 cLE20 l 30824 cLE20l 309-+5 ctttrt/Ch'ef Ete, ttttre O.fficcr. Clunt'tl of Le,sel Educctttott. .Abdulkadrr Yasmrn Sharrff Grace Muthonr Maina Nrdah Apiyo Odeny Peter Kamura Karongo lrene Mrtekho Khaoya Stephen Kibet Korrr lv{wangr Ritho Roussos Winnre Odera Andre w Okango Odhranrbo Krpkembot Levi Srrma Abubakar Karmu lrerr Ambao Dennis Mwingrrwa Nyangati Margaret Crchahi Joyce Salama Gona Barbara Kawra Japan Hellen Masakllwe Michael Mutinda Mbuvi Angehca Mecha Jerotrch Sheila Mengrch Zipporah Muthama Elizabeth Syokau Munra Drana Wanjrru Mwai Carolyne Nekesa Nyongesa Tercsra Nyokabi Ng'ang'a Lawrence Njuguna Nyoro Salorne Atieno Odero Jane Lrnet Adoyo Odhrambo Brlrah Nyangweso Ongrn Kelvrn Odhrambo Onguka Kevin Omondi Ouma Tony Kipkurui Tanut Albc( Munyakho Wafula Ivan Mugabe cLE20130972 Alex Singahale Nuwagab.a cLE20l 30985 cLE20l 3 I 058 cLE20r3r 156 Shrrekuli Faye Kaninr Emma Gracie Mutindi Kenan Egqge. Maureen Nafoyo Jalang'o Rukiya Akinyi Otieno Imelda Anne Aarit Brenda Shilunya Abutika Achen Daphine Errna Job Owuor Achokr Rita Achola Anthony Achura Adhi Guyatu Chepkwony Ahanred Christopher Mwangi Victor Okonda Alianga Emmah Akware cLE20lll 191 cLE20t3',t).44 cLE20 I 4000 I cI-E20 l 40007 cLE20r400r0 cI_E20 I +001 1 cLE20l400l2 cLE20l400l3 cLE20r400l5 cL820140024 cLE20 l 40030 cLE20 l 40038 cLE20 r 40043 cLE20140046 cLE20 140053 cLE20140056 cLE20140064 cLE20 l 4006s cLE20t40066 cLE20 r 40068 cL820t40076 CLE20l,+0085 cLE20 l 40087 cLE20 r 40096 cLE20140099 cLE20r40r0l Dated the 1 3th January, 20 I 6. LECAI- EDII('A'II0N EXAMINATIONS AND PLIPILA(II, Nantes N,, Ntune AOL Paul Otieno Srtieney Paul Kiprono Chek Tymm Geno Kagucia CeQtfrey Mburu )ltl1\ PURSUANT to sectron 8 (1) U) of the Legal Educatron Act,2012, rt rs notrlicd for general rntbrmahon that the followrng four hundred and {brty one (44 I ) persons: Intltx Admrssrnt No 0f oJ AliZatnab MrtcheI Ambasu Ayretsa Thelma Amonyi Nanlaya Amos Andama Leomard Amunze Anyonje Mary Pahefce Apal Apedu Edward Harry Stephen Ouma Arunda Rodgers Asitiba Atenya Ehakim Atumanya Rodgers Isaboke Atunga Chrrstopher Ezra Ayreko Vrctoria Namata Babirye Thomas Kennedy Balala cLE20l40l05 cLE20l40t07 Joshua Mureithi Baragu cl-l-?o140113 cLE20r401 l4 Janet Jebet Biwott Barack Chirchir Barkwang Qor Gladys Chepng'eno t74 THE KENYA GAZETTE Index No, cLE201401 Names 15 cLE20t40t16 cLE20t40t17 cLE20l401 l8 cL820140119 cLE20140129 cLE20t40t30 cLE20t40t40 cLE20t40t52 cLB20t40t53 cLE20140163 cLE20140167 cLE20 I 401 68 cL8201401,72 cL820140173 cLE20t4017s cLE20140180 cLE20l40l8l cLE20t40t84 cLB2ot40t87 cLE20140l 88 cL820140196 cLE20t40t97 cL820140199 cLE20t4020r cLE20t40204 cLE20140205 cLE20140212 cLBzot402t3 cLE20t4022l cL820140224 cLE20140227 cL820140229 cLE20t4023t cL820140232 cL820140238 cLE20140240 cL820140247 cLE20t40251 cL820140252 cL820140256 cL820140260 cLB2ot4026t cLF,20140264 cL820r40266 cL820140267 cLE20140269 cL820140273 cL820140274 cL820140276 cL820140279 cLB2ot4028t cLE20140288 cL820140291 cL820140293 cLE20140295 cLE20140300 Paul Mtrito Bosire Mathias Mwamuye Botany Samuel Waliaula Bukania Bullut Jeptum Kiptanui Violet Bosibon Bundi Erick Komolngole Changorok Brenda Chan Ngure Chnstopher Chengecha Njuguna Karen Jerop Chesoo Walter Sydney Akwabi Chiboli Mary Wairimu Cuna David Dorine Kalii Peter Alphonce Dede Ductoor Khadrjah Evelyn Echodu Hanan Hassan El-Kathiri George Engwau Mercy Dorcas Epiche Jeannette Ondisa Esami Feksi Ismene Mkasiaki Lilian Ndrnda Francis Evalyn WawiraCachoki Joan Nyambura Gachomba Noreen Gasansule Paul Maina Gathara Tabitha Nyamuya Gathua Elizabeth Mwihaki Gatuhi Gerald Sharon Atieno Isaiah Bonbegi Gesicho Diana N.;oki Gichumbi Davtd Mathea Gikunju Stella Muthoni Gitari Hannah Wambui Gitau Burton Ngari Githaiga Denis Kinyanjui Githeu Ronnie Gonahasa Ann Nyawira Guandaru Susan Anzemo Imbili Michael PhiLp Ireri Regina Mukami Ireri Moses Muguro Irungu Tabitha Adhiambo Jagero Christine Jeerobon Rutto Noele Jepchirchir Kirwa Caroline Jerono Jiberah Valencior Agonya Joumey John Sarah Amondi Jumma Nelson Owmo Jura Jackson Kaibung'a Kaberia Starvine Wairimu Kabunyi Jacqualine Makena Kaburu Kahura Mary Nuirgari Peter Kirimo Kaimba ' Miriam Kakenya Kaipoyi Samuel Ndegwa Kairu Emmaculate Nanjala Kalulu cLE20l4030l Victor Kazungu Kalume cL820140306 cLE201403 1 I George Ng'ang'a Kamau cLB2ot403t2 cL820140314 cLE20l403 1 8 cLE20140321 cL820140322 cL820140325 cLE20140329 cLE20140333 cLw0140334 cL820140335 cL820140336 cL820140339 cL820140340 cL820140342 cL820t40343 cLE20140346 cL820140347 cL820140349 Kamotho Karanja Bellata Kamugisha Anthony Kiratu Kamunya Margaret Waithera Kanja Jacklyne Nkatha Kanyika Carolyne Wangui Kanyingi Muthoni Kanyugo Esther Marigu Karanja Catherine Waithira Karanja Clara Wangari Karari Phillip Parsaloi Karasha Index No. Names cLE20t4035l Kevin Murimi Karula Peninah Katutu Ronnie Muiuma Kaumbuthu Faith Mbaika Kavita Kayoi Muthoni Ann cL820140359 cLE20t4036r cL820140363 cLE20t4036s cL820140367 cL820140373 cL8201403'74 cL820140375 cL82014037'7 cLE20140384 cL820140392 cL820140393 .cL820140406 cL8201404t0 cL820140416 cL820140422 cLE20140428 cLE20140430 cL820140435 cL820140436 cLE20140437 cL820140444 cL820140446 cL820t40450 cL820140452 cL820140457 cL820140459 cLE20t40463 cLE2014046r'. cL8201404'72 cL8201404't4 cL8201404'15 cLE20140488 cLE20r40493 cLE20140506 cLE20140508 cLE20l40so9 cLE20 1405 I 8 cLE20 1405 l9 cLE20140522 cLE20140538 cLE20140546 cLE2ot40s49 cLE20140557 cLE20140560 cLE20l40s6l cLE20t40566 cLE20140568 cL820t40574 cL820140575 cLE20140576 cLE20140577 cLE20r40578 . Kinywa Esther Kirigo Beatrice Nzula Kioko Beatrice Jcruto Kipkesei Lydia Jepkogei Kipyego Sarah Kirabo Josphat Mutuma Kirima NimrodMunene Kirimi Kisera Leonorah Adhiambo Kevin lvfbindyo Kitavi Kithunka Isabella Kambura Sylvia Karambu Kithunka Jamuel Mwakandana Kiwinga Wislay Orenge Kiyondi Brigid Jepchirchfu Koech Valerie Akinyi Krhoda Hanis Kukundakwe Lewis Kalia K.yengo Elijah Mwanzia Kyule Caroline Lagat Fidelis Limo Marabu John Limo Baranga Lucy Nkatha Martin Allan Magero Beaffice Wambui Maina \ Faith Nyambura Maina Louisa Chelangat Maina Maxwell Mwangi Maina Patrick Muraguri Maina Majanga Jungani Dcverell Makelo Duncan Aura Elkana Manguro Onyango CliffBwogo Manoti cLE20t40588 cLE20140589 cL820140593 cLE20140596 cLE20140598 cLE20140600 cLE20140603 Lucas Ongeri Manwa Linda Adongo Manyala Pauline Gatwiri Manyara Brenda Mugure Marai Job Nyakego Marasi Hellcn Wambui Martin Michael Mwita Marwa Clemence Waza Masinde Catherine Masua Mafinda Judith Nduku Matata Joy Katunge Mathcka Kennedy Kithinji K. Mathiu cLE20t40s82 cLE20140sM CLE2OI4O6M Joan Kavinya Mati cLE20140605 Julie Kemunto Matoke cLE20l406l0 Maxwell Mwirigi Dancan Ongori Mbaka Collins Muhia Mbatia cLB2ot406t4 cLE2ot406t6 cLEzot406t9 cL820140620 Stephen'Kinyua Karin githi Ahce Waithera Kariri Caroline Wangur Kariukr Charlene Wangui Kariuki Fredrick Ragui Karruki cLE2ot4062l . Vincent Kebari Masore Fiona Kemigisha Margret Kemigisha Ritah Kemishomo Kenya Anne Nlbatha Khasira Dorothy Atieno Anita Mwendwa Kiangura Jackline Jebiwott Kibet Juliah Chepkemoi Kiget Joseph Kamau Kiiru Dennis Kimaita Njau Kimani Rucuiya Laura Yula Kimeu Grace Waithira Kinuthia James Njuguna Kinyanjui cLE20l4038l Elijah Supeo Karei John Wageche Kariuki Kariuki Stephen Munlai 29th lanuary,2016 cLE20140630 cLE20140635 cL820r40653 cLE20t406s4 cLE20140663 cL820140667 Francis Njuguna Mberere Flora Kinya Mbii Lilian Mukii Mbithi Mbugua Njeri Henrietta Ng'endo Mburu Mochache Velnah Mong'ina Nelson Mukaya Mogaka Verah Kemuma Momanyi Silvia Kerubo Motari ' Index No. Names Index No Names cLE20140668 cLE20140680 cLE20140683 cLE20140688 cL820140702 cL820140703 cLE20140708 cL820140711 Viner Barasa Motari cLE20t40967 cLE20140973 cL820140977 cL820140978 cL820140983 cLE20140984 cLE20140986 cLE20140989 cL820140994 cLE20140995 Hilda Wanjrku Nloroge cLE20t407t3 cLE20t407l7 Patricia Gakii Mugambi Kennedy Musa Mugo Solomon Mukhama Winnie Maobe Mulihwana James Nzioki Mukula Mulama Aluckl'Anne Daisy Nantume Mulamuzi Susan Munyiva Muli Naomi Nafula Muliro cLE20t4072l Beverly Achieng'Mumbo Leah Wanjiku Muna Colin Warutere Munene Githiomi Mungai Jason Kiambi Mungania Emily Wangui Munyungu cLE20t40730 cLE20140735 cLE20140740 cLE20140743 cLE20t4075l "cLE20140754 cLE20140757 cL820140765 cLE20140767 cL820140770 cL820t40787 cLE20t4079t cL820140792 cL820140796 cL820140797 cLE20140798 cLE20140800 cLE20l4080l cLE20140802 cLE20140810 cL82014081 I cLE20140813 cLE201408 l6 cLEzot40E2r cLE20140823 cLE20t40825 cL820140828 cL820140844 cL820140845 cLE20140850 cLE20140853 cLE20l40815 Fridah Gathoni Muraya lsabella Muthoni Muriera Carolyne Nkirgte Murithi Philip Mwangale Musamia Ruth Mumbua Musau Margaret Mwende Musyimi Chrispus Mutabuza Isabella Mutazindwa Mutua Aidah Viata Loreen Nduku Mutuku Timothy Mating'i Mutuku Raphael Mutua Mutune Sarah Wangari Muturi James Frank Nganga Muturo Nelly Mbeyu Muzungu Alex Shukran Mwabonje Mwachia Rajabu Ramadhani Andrew $wasi Mwandoe Theresa Ngele Mwangeka Anthony Macharia Mwangi Joseph Njoroge Mwangi Mumbi Muthoni Mwangi Naomi Kirigo Mwangi Peris Wangui Mwangi Timottry Gatuiku Mwangi Ann Nyambura Mwaura cLE20l4l006 cLE20l4l01 l cL820141014 cLE20r41019 cLE20t41025 cLE20141026 cL820141027 cLE20 l4 l 033 cLE20t41035 cLE20 r41 036 cLE20t4t04l cL820141047 cLE20141049 cLE20l4t053 cLE20 I 4t 057 cL820141059 cLE20l4l060 cLE20t4t079 cLE20l4l080 cLE20 t4 1081 cLE20141085 cLE20141086 cLE20141089 cLE20t4t092 cLE20t4t095 cLE20l4l096 cLE20l4l 100 cLE20 14r r i3 cLE20141116 cLE20l41 I l8 Annrose Wambui Mwaura Sharon Mukami Mwenda Charles Kalimbo Mwero Samson Alexander Mwicigi Nabulindo Kahuya Nabwire cLB2ot4tl27 cLE20t4tt29 cLE20l4l l3l cLE20l4l 135 cLE20l4l 138 cLE20t4tt40 Dollan. cLE2014tr45 cLE20t4087l Naddamba Damalie Juliet Naluzzr Kirabo cLE201408'73 Angella Namirimu cL820140874 cLE20140882 cLE20140889 cLE20140890 cLE20140892 cLE20140895 cLE20140898 cL820140907 cLE20140908 Namulala Isabella Khakasa cLE20t4tt47 cLE2014fi54 cLE20l4l 158 cLE20t4tt79 cLE20l41l80 cLE20140862 cLE20140863 cLE20l40909 cL820140920 cLE20140926 cLEzor40930 cLE20t4093t cL820140932 cLE20t40933 cL820140940 cLBmt40941 cLE20140942 cL820140944 cLE20140947 cLE20140950 cLE20l4095l cLE20140960 cL820140962 cL820140963 L Moses Mugabe cLE20140720 cLE2or40'122 cLE20140724 cLBzot40'728 i r75 THE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January, 2016 Sophie Nassanga Lucy Wanzau Ndambuki Sharon Wambere Ndathi Dennis Wamae Ndegwa Faith Wanjira Ndirangu Esther Wachera Ndirangu Jacquline Wanjiku Ndungu. Kelvin Ndung'u Newton Njoroge Ndungu John Mburu Ng'ang'a Judy Chebet Ngeno Emmaculate Ndunge Ngoya Ngugi Benaditte Muthoni Ngugi Daniel Kamau Daisy Wacuka Nguku Ednah Ruth Ninsiima Maureen Ninsima Rebecca Niwagaba Cynthia Wawira Njagi Timothymutembei Njagi Caroline Njambi Njanja Mary Eunice Wanjiru Njau Pamela Wanja Njiru Duncan Wachira Njoki Sylvia Wanjiru Njoki cLE2014l 185 cLE20r4tl87 cLE20t4ll9l cLBzol4ll93 cLE20t4tt97 'cLE2ol4tt99 cLBzot4t203 cLE20t4t207 cLE20141208 cLE20141210 cLq2oi41212 cLE20141220 cL820141236 cLE20141239 cLBz0t4t243 cL820141249 cLE20141250 cL820141252 cLE20141256 cLE20141257 cLE20t412& cL820141269 cLE20l4t273 Dorothy Wangan N.;uguna Juhane Nduta N.;uguna Njuguna Julius Gathuku Marjorie Muthoni Nkonge Royford Mwenda Nkonge Catherine Kathure Ntarangwi Mercy Achieng Nyabenge Nyaduwa Nelson Odongo Ann Wawira Nyaga Nicole Kathini Nyamai Keziah Njeri Nyambura Dorcas Mwari Nyamu Paula Semo Nyamweya Charlotte Osebe Nyangeri Nyantabagia Fred Gekonde Juliet Kwamboka Nyarindo Edwin Mutevu Nzangi Faye Mwelu Nzioka Ruth Mwongeli Nzioka Nicolas Andrew Obara Fabian Mokua Oboso Brenda Moraa Kenyanya Obure George Ochieng Odhrambo Gaya Robert Ochieng' Ochieng' Sophie Akello Ochieng Lourine Linda Ochogo Winnie Achreng Odhiambo Odindo Ndiga Akech Stephen Oduor Odrnga Maureen Atieno Odongo Michael Omondi Odong'o Boniface Omondi Oduor Kennedy Oduor Wanyanga Ogembo Amina Mandere Ogode Robert Onyango Ivy Naba Ogott Edwin Saisi Okemwa Florence Akinyi Okeyo Okinyo Byron Barrack Samwel Ochieng'Okute' Olaha Julius Otieno Amanda Nerea Olao Wayne Jethrone Olonyi Lydiah Atieno Oludo Irene Nyanchera Omambia Hildah Kerubo Omboga Felix Ogechi Ombura Eric Joseph Omondr Vrctor Ochieng Omondi Alex Mwango Onyango Allan Odhiambo Onyango Joy Margaret Onyango Ooga Enock Nyabuti Leonida Akinyi Opondo Esther Bosibori Oribo Osino George Osanda Clarise Mbone Osore Annah Akinyi Otieno Edward Meshack Otieno Enock Opondo Otieno Grace Alang'o Otieno 'Joseph Oduor Otieno Desmond Davis Otwal Timon Oyucho Damaris Cherotich Pyaban Fredrick Muhul Raongo Hellen Nkatha Ringera Joel Gituni Riroh Terry Chebet Ronoh Fridah Wangui Rukahu Emily Njoki Rupiah Canen Sadia Aluoch Samuel Karanja Kariuki Brenda Reson Sapuro THE KE,NYA (iI\ZETTE t76 Names cLE20t4t286 Jerry Inyama Shrlrlu Shune Saadra Omar' Vrctor Okumu Simbr Srminyu Nekcsa Annette Santana Nahaka Simryu Joy Ch0rop Srtrener Cathenne Jebet Sogomo Sherla Nasambu Sorta Charles Mahranyu Thukrr Ronnah Tukundane Tumusrinre Wachrra Rachael Nyamhura Wafula Wakoko Chrisprnus Paul Wilkrnson Waga Elrzabeth Nyambura Wargu a Edrlh Wambur Warnaina Vanessa Nyakara Wakasiaka Agatha Loko Wambua Brran Wamhua Munyao Dorcas Wamhrrt Gladys Wamhur Harrtson Murrrlhi Wanrbrn Paql (iachenr Wambur Jane Nyamhura Wanden Kevrn Nangoye Wangatra Charles lv{bugua S'an1rru Phrhp Mburu Wanjiru Annette Ngrma Wanjohr Lucy Isabellah r,r,'anyanra Loyce Nafula \,!ere Crace Chepchumba Yehet Wrllram Aluoch Ongoro Ilency Odrcnl' Carohne Waihiga Wanrbugu Fstlrrr V, Warnayr Sidrnyu Gatul,u 'Ihulanrra Justre e Cynthra Awrno Cuya Erorre Nambr r\ndrerv R.ioba Nvachrro Kepher Omasrrc'Ndegc cLE20t4l298 cLE20i4130l cLE20l4t303 . cLE20141 305 cLE20141306 cLE20l4t323 cLE20t41328 cL820141334 cLEzlt4l34t cLE20l4t342 cLE20141347 cL820t41348 cLE20t4l357 cL820141363 cL820141364 cLE20141370 cLF,20141371 . G\ztiTTE N()Tt('F No htdet No cLE20141290 cLE20l41297 cLE20141172 cL8201413'i1 cLE20141-\76 cLE201l l3'r8 cLE20l4l3C1 cLE20l4t39r cLE201 4 I 391 CLE20l4l3i)4 cLE20r4l4t5 c.Le20141114 cLE20141421 cLE2014l4t1 cLE20l41421 cLE20141428 cLE2014l43tr cLE20l4t41l cLE20l4t443 cLEz1t4I414 CLE20t41:{-i cLE20141446 cLE201.4t448 cLE20 r-+ i.1'3 cLE2ot4r45i cLE20 t41 455 cL82014i456 ct_E20141Ji8 cLE2Ol4t.+'t cLE20l+i+.1 CLEI')iJi-r.t Willicd Nyanpra Mararrga Man'Ai.inyr Otreno cI_r:01r..r.') Aiair ivluganrbr i,lieru i'eter l\iah-rki Munlt'kr ('lirr rie '[aabn Nafulc CI f:.:()l4r."li(l hlcrct Chenrclr Brwotl Cl.f',20141 +{iI ..\. ct ,r..2014 t cLF:0141 5l.l 533 the Sacco Sooretres (a) the lrst of Sacco Socretres whrch have been duly hcenscd to calry out deposrt-takrng Sacco busrness in Kenya in accordance rvrth section 3 I :e tt ) of the Act ibr the frnancral year ending on st Dec'enrber , 201S as appears rn Schedule l, and ol Sacco Socreties granted restrictecl deposit-taking liconses rn rccordance with sectron 26 (3) of the Act for a penod of srr r 6,1 months, ending on 30th June, 2016 as appears in Schedulc lI lrerein {lrj the llst SCHEDI,|T,E I-LICFNSED SAACO SOCIETIES FOR PERIOD T]NDING DECEMBER,20I6 I !q1219 .!txs - - LA P.O llox 11607-{0/m0. Nairobi. -Nl\ Sdcco )O( lCl\ Llrnlted tvi s-r.,,, socierr L,,riteJ Ln I Auro-Chcrrr Sacco S(,crct\ Lrmrted P O. Box 944tJ107. Muhoront. nf f Cl ...r,., Sr*.,--S,rcreO P O. Box 2036 {llO0O. Thika. I I Lrrnrted I rL: d ^ I Ardhi Sact lA.4 P,O. tsox 28782 {0200. Nairobi. P Box .1e064-o0 l-qqJglfg!1 9501 1-80104 o Socictv Lrmited g1qc,2 Socrer) l o P.O Box rmrreci Balttlart Sacc.r So,--rcti' Lttnttctl Mombasa. Baraka Sac<,r Socre'iv l-rmrted P.O Box t548-10101, Ilaraloii I Lrrversit\' 5a.(r-) P,O Box 2500-301t10. F.ldoret Limited Brashara Sacro Socretv Lrmlted yg_S^.cn S o! lg_ly Lrm ited Boresha Sacco Socrr.r' l-rmrted Lsvred have comphed wlth the provrsrors of sectlon P.O Box l8q5-l0ltn. Nrcri O Box 43-t -10-10O. Kenlgo]'i. P.O. Bo\Eo 2crlol, Eld F Bg'412_@!00.$e4l P P.O 8o... P.O l2t)7 firll00. Menr. EgI{iU!!fqo,. 30 I 9 7{l{ rlUtl, Narrobi i;. P.O U.rt l9Po Ilo,t S()cie1 P tf !t!q'!" _1g ?9 " n Sa,-co Socrctv I-rmrted o. Box P.J llox { 35..-60i'C0. Nlaua P.O. [Jox 886.O{)q00, Kta'ttbrt. P O Bti-,r 84-li)600. Mararal. P.) Rox P.O P I7\- ll,!_;5.ESCIg!_ Bo': l3 of the Arlvrrcates Act. O -) - Bu.rr J0071 Ot) 100. /--50201 Nairobi P.O Box lr(16 l0l0l, Karatina P.O Box 448-.50400, Busta. P.O Box 589 {021 -l'rnt Cap 16 of the l-aws of Konya as to passing of Councrl of Lcgal Educatron examrnatlons and pupilage subjeci to sucli exttt-,pttous as may have been granted under subsectron (2) ofthe sectrcn F!4:t ?032_-60-1_Q9, pBoln 1 {'hcruiyot Regulatory Authority (Authority ), prlblisher tor the nrrtlflcatron ol the general pubitc !!e.! +l Davrd Krnranr Krnr an;rrr Lrhan V./an1rh \"e ;a i)aphne Kwamboka Onsomu 1'abitha Wanjrku Nlbugua l\'lrchael Edr.. ur Owino Wrlham Warthala Brhru Relrema Kassrr:t Khatrb Kugwa Wahrnya I Reguiations. 2010. Dhabrfl Saccrr locrer, L.rmrted Drmkes lacco S<ic]ety I-rmlted Prtrs f i-l:10I 41 5 ct Ft201415:r PURSI r.,\NT tJ scLirou 28 ol the Sacco Socreties Act, as rearl with li of the S.rcco Socretres (Deposit-Taking Sacco Business) re'gulatlon Sacco Socret)' l-imited l).rima Sacco Socrctv l.rmrted CL[']tll4lsrr' ct,Lt,Jl4l5l.1 !. I-rmrted CLf l(r,'11 \{)i) tt8 . ('crsmop,rlttan Sacco (IE2{ll1l{'i 5 I,IST oI' SACCO St )CIETIEIi I-ICENSED'IO UNDER TAKE DEPOSITTAKINC SACCO B jsINESs IN KENYA FoR THE FINANCJAI, YEAR i]NoIN(] DHCEMBITR.2016 Chuna Sacco S()cre1y l,rlnited rldrcv l(1fl 11!3 4 614 l,\ Olu.tch |)Frfa Arrrta Nduhukrie Ailriralru'e ct_H20l4lilI (CuP 4908) !&{q$s!ssc!L! cLL.201ii1';s CLLI(, l4l 'f}IF SACCO SOCIETIES ACT Capital Sacco Socrct) l-rurted ( cntenar./ Sacctr Soc rctv Lrnitetl ,{rrna Nawe Benlamin Kawamata Ilahra Nkirote N{unthr Sandra RridgeL Nakrre l\4ark Ashaba-Ahcbwa Jvirn lsmael A4uchtn Mutegr Petr'r Lista Kenruttto Ruth I'il,,abokc NyaLrrrr cL820141 4.',: .+76 Ravrne Syll ia Sarnaton Sanker CLE]O14i,I J Cr.F.:c1ri4;.,7 29th Januari-.2016 i Frrrturni Sacco Soi,"tv i-rimtJ P O FJox -559-tfi300 I"undihora Sacco Lrrnrterl ll,.O. Box 62000-00200, Nairobi (;astamec() Sacc(r So(-l{'tv Lu11gLi,P O Bo.,i 18q 60101. (;rthilnglrfl Darry & tr',,mmunityl P O Boxl]96-0021 Guthu l{arambee Sacco Sr)cicty Llnltcd irc s* -+7sl! ool Narrobi Hazrna Saeco So.let) Lrnlite!l P.O Box 59817- Narrobr. Dated the 26th January, 2016. , - P.O. W. KT.ILUNDU.BITONYE. Se MR/87670259 c re lary' /C h rcf Ete cu t n, e Ofic e r. Council oI Legul Educalion. B.i I r 50-50r j 1K.,k",,,"nr. 1-r i; ;i,,-"!]-u""r. *,at,!ri.i + ! ; t ; L I I I I I -l 29th Januar-r . l() 1,, tilri., l:1"*i',r (; \7-i'f'1 117 F NLtile t)f S()( It'l\ l'rtttulA,ltlres.t [' O Box 567(r-3--{]0200. I lrr rto Slre r o \,rr telr I mrrtetl Nat lco Sacr,r q()alet\ I-rlllrtc-d iN Itt"@- -B* I I\4urrrbrs.r JumuikaF:rtcoS,r'rct] t Krth*" -T;.1 S^- S*"r.{F0 Lrmrted I x.rp,ip"5r.*,fg@iol Kenversrty Saeeo Kcnya Ae lqstf_tf",.lt ,l_lP.O hrevr. _ S:rer',r S,re 1r'1.1 p 6 S.,* f5 I Nandt Fannet-: S,trco !0t I Lnnrtet! rcl Brrr I{rlnI I}1,I00.Narr()hr Ba\ 108{) l(rll)lr. Kr{rr Lrmrted O r Box 34525-00100. Nairobi Box 30586 O0100. Narrobr tlox 33-3-30301. Nand lls o. Ilox 1098-10400, Nanyuki l) l' O Box 158-20500. Narok. I | P C) Box 43338-O0100, Narobi. r P O I P.0. Box 400-16l P O Box 857 ] w:,ir,,nr O P P L) --l ios. 6{)f r:. Nkut,rr-- P u Naniukr s,r* lJlE ql l-:.q1i!i,-_1"!*Lt.L,ri, 1 xo,i-;-sirrool l.irnited ll'.O. Bor lJ Jl:lil.,\r,rrsr t " " ' I so.-" ty l;*,tJ Box ??-02240400, Nanobi. I K.rf '8""k-*t Slru -S*trrrfPOrqo\ :.f':r. ,rrr:i[, r,,,.,,1,, Lrmrted -_-_ po g,,r lln olrirv, I-h,kr -l K.'nya C"*.'^ -s*- {,', "ii Lrnrrled Ke;yu-fr ;r,lr s,".., sn.-,.tt1' O g1;-r0-3. t xr [r. ti.' " n,;l Ltmtte.l i .'.sr*i, fr*.n;rt -,l K*y; M;alil ,i'",.tliprr e;.-'s; i | r gl.rr r !,rnited. -- S,'.rety,lIP() Brrx-5lUJl (r()lllo. \.,tr()llt.l Kenva Prrtrrr. Sar' rmited i _l __ _ _t JotrtrsSactoSo*'ly l.rrrrrlcll . _lP-qn".,,ng lxl-'lq.Krrrril . Kinrhilro l)arrnr \rt,-,r 5{,rr(}1 i Lrm_rtetl P.O. Box ill 10.'.11. },rrrrrrl,r i O Ror .1i66-.r0 100. L,ldoret O Box 575-00902. Krku P O Box 735- 10300. K P I' I |_)lriarka Slreco Soe rct) l.rntttc! ' \r.tlturunt L rrto ja Srictr Sot l!,'"itl.t I N;'zria Vrsx-n Sacco P.O. Box rc 2183-20300 Nvahunrru Soclct' P O Btrx 21 -2o306,Ndaragwa. I I I I fle!9r11l11,rs119111luLaJ_-Iie !!\ ry 11 I I rir1i N.,, ^' r,, Kitrt,g^- tit,- t"* b".""{e ci tt.^ :-s rllita. a;,,;;iLrmrted _ ]____- _ P(, itrr' -',; .r,,':i-.,, .,., ,, frreSa..6S.,.u,. I trt,tt,.l -5 K,i;-iEiG.;' s^*,, ,. r7r u.,i-:ir ,,rlr,rr. rrui,l ] I rr I I I I "1.J Sherta Sitcc,r Sor':,''r l .r,rrlrLl Shlnka Sac.-o S,rtr,-'t, l-:rr, rturl lS",G. ( I*' S^*,,r*,.r' P Ln,,t",l ISrraii Sacro Sacrci!/ | :riulcrl I SkJr. S;*--s.,, "', O tsor -14i90 00100. P O. Box 4.1+lq P L) Box 977-20200. Kericho P O Box Private Bae. Timau. l']O. Box t-t.*,riLt- Narrobi {0100. Narrobi. 660-'20103. RavItte. B.-51,1-6010'i Chrk, I r,ri',.:' lqlrr' )1yr9!r _.)lltgl: -li-.. _lrrrtc is",i,, --". , 1 i PO .Bor 16 005O7. Narrobr i^,"""l-f,o B.* t0t',-10.111 rie-- . I __ ,,rr11rq,1-_ i't,r,].. \, , : , ,'t' I 'ir,', rl ri () Hr'r 75619 O0100. Narrobi , tt:., i t: t,.ri. _rL il," 9,,_. q4 -snig!. -,* it,Lll-l :li, Sul':1 ,\r(co _ I ] 'L,r,'tc.i Tcauher\ S(,, rct\,1 [>() Box 237--40305. Mbita 1 ._ ._ __L lSutr,,:rac.,'S(,1:rr\ | urllrdll'() Box17l.-20600.r\4aralal. c*.-s".'.H. i - B"lt'r,. (;rthrllgrrn. .li,.,l I r.'i | ?18-0021( | i,,,'t.,t li'o *x f o+o-!fl!!q_!i5!_ : I,11,, 1.1 _ j r,l_ t"t,l'. ott-3g!Q!.SEJL ir*,it-,-fi.* .s*'.'i' L,'r..,1 - I n-tt. n,o q-L-{o618. It'ra1al( I l'rrirr Sae.:rr [f GU:+ IL___._ I Suuii.r' t r_rf l5.;r ]-t[,f l1sf lf_L"r\ l rr:r!c{l ir"'t't.::L_ N.r,r,,br IP{ ) Bor rql -]0400. EL)E, i6,gr-:g..rr-rl1'.l';,rrrt.'J i'f.'',r.,.,.r,irri.r .ir.,,, Bomet, ch*" sl*..rih;o-n,-ilq6i-:nzoo.x,tul!60400. Chuka PO Bor .310 bU202. Nkubu P O Btrr 259 ?0-103. Ol'kalou. I't) I Bor 5.i7-30100. Kapsabet, t78 THE KENYA GAZETTE Name of Society Postal Address Ufanisi Sacco Sociew Limited Uchongaji Sacco Society Limited P.O. Box 2973-00200. Nairobr. P.O. Box 92503-80102 Mamhasa Ukristo Na Ufanisi Wa Angalicanr P.O. Box 872-00605, Nairobi. Sacco Society Limited P.O. Box 44071{X)10O. Naimbi. Ukulima Saco Society Limited P.O. Unaitas Sacco Society Limited 38791- 00100 Box Nairobi. Uni-Countv Sacco Societv Limited P.O. United Nations Sacco P.O. Socien Limited Box 10132-20100. Nakuru Box 30552 - 00100 Nairobi. Unison Sacco Sociew Limited P.O. Box 414-lO4O0. Nanvuki. 90100 Universal Traders Sacco Societr P.O. I imirFd Manhqtns Box 2ll9- Vihiga County Farmers Sacc< Societv Limited Vision Point Sacco Socicty Limite< Vision Africa Sacco P.O. Box 309-50317, Chavakali, P.O. Box 42-40502 Nvansionso. Socieq P.O. Box l'8263-20100. Nakuru. Limited Wakenya Pamoja Sacco Socieq P.O. Box 829-40200, Kisii. .29th January, 2016 Number Name ofCompany c.63645 Communication Solutions Energy l,ogistics Lirnircd Everlytic Kenya Limitcd cPRt2ot2t656n cPRt20t3n2356l Hightower Marketing Limircd Home Collection Limitcd c.168E17 c.tm29l c.142249 cPR/2013/l I 1088 Kasmex Agcncies Limied Kabekwc Enterprises Limircd Kurves Piping Kenye Limitcd Pristine Propcrties Limitcd Racing Claws Auto Limited Rashah Printers Limircd Rcsidcntial and lndustrid Door Solutbns c.152151 Safari Advcnturcs Worldwidc Kenyr cPR/2010/36576 South City Scrviccs Station Limitcd Simba Tyres [.ong Last Limited cPw20t5t2N284 cPR/201 1/59258 cPRt2ot2ntwz c.78177 cPR/2015/174509 Limiled Limited cPN20r3trr4t96 Squirrel Co Limited Ultravetis Crop Protcction Limitcd Xucme Clcaning Scrviccs Limitcd Zamil Stecl Kenya Limied cPR/2013/r 15880 c.147853 cPR/2010/16553 cPR/20r5l195785 ALICEMWENDWA, fur Rcgistar of Cottpdtics. I inif.d Wakulima Commercial Sacc< Societv Limited Wanaansa Sacco Societv Limited Wananchi Sacco Society Limited Wanandese Sacco Sociew Limiter Washa Sacco Society Limited P.O. Box 232-10103 Mukurweni. P.O. Box 3468G{0501. Nairobi. P.O. Box 9lG-I0106. Othaya. Pf) RnY IOn74J)nsIll Neir hi P.O. Box GAzErrE NorcE No. 478 THECOMPANIESACT 83256-80100 (Cap.486) Mombasa. Waumini Sacco Society Limited Wevarsitv Sacco Society Limited Winas Sacco Society Limited Yetu Sacco Society Limited P.O. Box 66121{)0800. Nairobi. P.O. Box 873-50100, Kakamesa P.O. Box 696{0100. Embu. P.O. Box 511-60202, Nkubu. SCHEDULE II_RESTRICTED LICENSES FOR THE PERIOD ENDINC 3OTH JUNE,2016 Name of Society Postal Address Aimrts Sa..^ Smictv T.imil..l Ainabkoi Sacco Societv Limircd Eco-Pillar Sacco Socictv Limited Good Faith Sacco Societv Limited Comoco Sacco Sociew Limited Teleoost Sacco Society Limited Pf) Rnv lQ(Yl1JYl501 Nqimhi P.O. Box 12O. Ainabkoi P.O. Box 48-306(X). Kaocnsuria P. O. Box 224-4O222. U olartds P.O. Box 30135401(X). Nairobi P.O. Box 49557-O0100, Nairobi P.O. Box 2l l-30300, Kapsabet Nandi Hekima Sacco Sociery DISSoLU.IIoN for PURSUANT to scction 339 (5) of thc Companics Act, it is notificd gencral informetion that thc under mcntioncd cDmprdca are dissolved. Number I,lamc oJCompany c.l15827 c.22922\ Antagu Forty Onc Limitcd CGB Fbods Limitcd Ejjcl Enrcrpriscs Limited Fivc Star Service Shtion Limitcd Galaiya Industrics Limied cPRJ2ot4lr483g Jambo Italia Limitcd cPwzot,/52205 Kccabo Invcstrnent Limitcd Masai Housing Estatc Limitcd Mbobo Solutions Limitcd Mister Kool (Kenya) Limitcd Oasis Group Inrcrnational Limitcd Panesar Industrics Limitcd Photo RadiantLimitcd c. l0l34l cPu20r2"rn97t 9,.264fi c.16563 cPR/2013/1 15765 c.48038 Limited cPN2014n59294 P.O. Box 295-50102. Mumias Nitunze Sacco SocieW Limited Transnational Times Sacco Socieq P.O. Box 227 4-30200' Kitale c.9531 c.94054 Limited Moi University Sacco Society P.O. Box 23-30107, Moi I Inivcrciru Limited Nvamira Sacco Sociew Limited P.O. Box 633-405fi). Nvamira Banana Hill Sacco Sociew Limitcc P.O. Box 333-O0219. Karuri cPR/2010/1951 l Pure Invcstmcns Limircd Razco Food Eoducts Limitcd Real Estatc Exchangc Limircd Scoopy (Kcnya) Limited Sembika Limited Total Quality Menagcmcnt l.cad.Ehip c.4283 cPR/20l2rlom c.4a714 c.19997 c.97878 Limircd Dated thee 26th January, 2016. JOHNMWAKA, MN8767024 Ag. Chief Executive Officer. Tobcnto tlYcstLimircd Tango Propcrtics Limitcd Stima Mcedows Company cPwzor,/6n526 c.47599 CPR/2013/113,()0 c.90402 TTIECOMPANIES ACT Limicd Virrual Africana Limitcd Virtud Officc Limited c.840,42 GAzErrENorrcE No. 477 Datcd thc 20th January,2016. ALICEMWEI.IDWA, (Cap.486) , Limird for Registrar of Cotpnics. IMENDEDDISSoLUIIoN PURSUANT to scction 339 (3) of the Companies Act, it is notificd that at the expiration of three (3) months frcm the date of this gazcttr, the names of thc under mentioned companies shali unlcss causc is shown to the contrary be struck off the rcgister of companies and the companies shall be dissolved. Number Name ofCompany cPw20r4t166522 c.r0690r c.t45967 Afrifresh Limircd Arihant Limitcd Bellissimo Limited c.73068 Broadband Access Limited GAzEr-rE NsflcE No. 479 THECOMPANIES ACT (Cap.486) ARDAN (CTVIL ENGINEERING) LIMITED SPECIAL RESoLWoN At an Extraordinary TO WINDIJP Gcncral Mceting of thc rbow-.nmcd Company duly convcncd and hcld at Neirobi on 30th Novcmbcr, 2015, thc following special rcsolution was duly passcd: "Thet ir has becn approved to thc satisfaction of this meeting that thc ompany cannot by reason of its liabilities continue its busincss and that it is advisable to wind up the samc, and accordingly the company be wound up voluntarily". Datod tbe 30th Novembcr,2015. KERETO MARIMA. MR/844t8t5 Joint Liquidator. ARDAN (MEDICAL SERVICES) LIMITED SPtscIAL RESOLTmoN TO WINDT,P Extraordinrry General Meeting of thc abovc-named Compaty fily convcned end held at Nakobi on 30tr Novembcr, 2015 thc follo, spccial resolution was duly passed: '"TbJ ii hrs bccn approved to the satisfaction of this rrceting that the cor4any cannot by reeson of its liebilities continue its busincss and lha(.it is advisable to wind up the samc, and accordingly thc bc wound up voluntarily". tb N/S DeB. Min. Sec- Etw 0.00 35 19 45.00 E a 5l 45.m 5l N 35 35 l9 3 15.00 15.00 N N 20 0.00 E E 4 5l 0.00 N 35 2D 0.00 E 5 5l 0.00 35 2fr 15.00 E 6 50 35 15.m 7 50 35 35 20 20 20 20 20 35 5 35 35 5 30.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 30.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 E E E E E E E E E 13 5l t4 55 45.00 45.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 45.00 45.00 0.00 15 55 0.00 N N N N N N N N N N N 16 53 30.00 t7 53 30.00 l8 t9 l5.m 20 53 53 52 2l 52 50 10 Gap.aEO' Drtcd Sec. 52 9 TIIE COMPANIES ACT co4mf Min. Deg. I Geze' rEl,brlcENo.480 At m t79 THE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January, 2016 1l t2 ,,. 30th Novembcr,2015. KERETOMARMA, MR/844t855 Joint Uquidotor 23 24 50 48 48 5l 15.00 45.00 45.00 52 15.00 52 52 15.00 0.00 35 35 7 35 7 35 2t 0.00 E N 35 2l 0.00 E N N N N N N N N 35 20 35 35 20 45.00 45.00 35 35 35 35 35 30.m 20 20 20 20 20 20 E E E 30.00 B 15.00 E E E E 15.00 0.00 0.00 SHADRACK M: KIMOMO, MR/8448639 Ag. Cotwnissloncr of Mlncs and Gcology. G^zE[BNgrrcENo.481 TIIE COMPANIES ACT GA2EmEN0ncENo.483 (CaP.486) . THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT ARDANLOGISTICS KENYA UMITED SPECIAL (Cap.49o) REsoLu[oN To wtN}UP Co.oPERAnvE TITBUNAL SEssroNs n At Extraordinary Crcncrel Meeting of the above-named CompmV dlty convcnod and hcld at Nairobi on 30frr November, 2015 thc follorinl special resolution was duly passed: "Thil is hes becn approved to the satisfaction of this mecting ftat thc cfirFhy cannot by rcason of its liabilitics continue its busincss and that'it-is adviseblc to wind up thc samc, and eccordingly ttrc comprny bc wound up volunterily. " Datcd tt* Thc Mombrsa sitting lhat was lisrcd fof l5th 30th November, 2015. KERETO MARIMA,. Joint liquidator. MR/844t85t IN EXERCISE of thc powcrs conferred by section 78 (3) of thc Co-opcntivc Societics Act, revised,2ffi5, thc Chrirman, Co-opcrativc Tribunal notilhs thc general public of the Tribunal's calendar of sittings ortsi& Nairobi, which has bcccn anrcndcd in thc following countics, during ftc financid year ?l15?nl6 as follows: o l9th Februry, 2016, hrs bccn amendcd with Nyeri for thc-samc &tcs ard the Nyeri sitting that wrs [sGd for 2lst to 25th March, 2016 has bccn emcndcd with Mombrsa for thc same dates. G^zE'rrB NqncE No. 482 I Datcd the l2th January,2016. AI.E.XMHUKU, T1fi MININGACT C hainnan, Co -opc (Cap.3O6) rativ e Triburul. APTCATIoN FoR SPECIAL LICENCE NOIICB is givcn thet an application under Section 17 of-thc Miniry Act les becn mdc by Mcssrs. Trichcm Holdings Lfuirit d, of P.O. Bor ISZSZ-oOtm, Nairobi, Kcnye for a spccial liccncr to prospoct for told over an arca &scribcd in thc schedrlc hcreto and thc GAzErrE NoIIcE No. 484 AUTOFINELIMITD DrsPosAL oF UNCoLLECTED GooDs said rpplication has bcen acccptcd for consideration. By vitri of thc abovc mcntioned scction of thc Mining Act, the seid erea of lrnd is thcrcfore re-opcned to prospecting and mining and by virtuc of lrectbn 7(lXd) of the sanre Act, the said area of land is frfir pmspectiqg ld cxcluded thcreof bcfot prospccting and or mining except as regards ariy mining righto granted in rcspcct of thc arca or aoy part the darc of this notice which are subsisting or any right of rpncwrl tlrreof. Any djqction to the grant of the special licence may be madc in writing to thC Commissioner of Mincs end Geology, P.O. Box 30009001m, Nrirdbi, Kcnya !o rcach him within thirty (30) days from the daa ofpubliqation ofthis notice. An ara of epproximately 92.1315 km2 situated in West Pokot !d,aorc particularly &rcribcd by tr following WGS E4 NOTICE I pursuant to scction 5 of tbe Disposrt of Act (Cap. 38) of thc laws of Kenya to Mark Kariuki of 0711237635, Nairobi, owncr of Scanie moor vchich rcg, No. KBP 971C, lying in the prcmiscs of Autofine Umitcd, off t unge Lunga Road, Industrial Area, Nairobi, !o take dclivcry of thc srrnc within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this noticc upon paymcnf of all slorage chargcs, failure to which the srid nrcor vchiclc will be sold by public auction or privat! txclty withort further.noticc to thc owner and irrocceds therc from will bc utilized to dcfrry thc storagc charges and any othcr incidcntal cost rnd any shordall will bc collccted from the owner ofthe vehiclc by lcgal procccdings. County coodinrr. is givcn Uncollected Goods PAI.JLNJOROGE, MR/&406399 Crcdit coatoller, THE KENYA GAZETTE 180 GAzEmE NoflcE No. 485 GAzErrE NoTIcE No. 489 PROMISE COMMERCIAL AGENCIES LIMITED THE ruBILEE INSIJRANCE COMPANY OF KE}.IYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box DISPoSAL oF UNCoLLECTED GooDS NOTICE is given under the provisions 3037ffi1m, Nahobi LOSS OF POUCY of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) of the laws of Kenya to the owner of motor vehicle KAQ 6845. to collect the said vehiclc from the prcmises of Albert Kipyegon Kipoi, plot No. 231287, Nakuru Municipa-lity (Naka Estate), within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice upon payment of storage charges, failure to which thc said vehicle will be disposed of either by public auction or privarc tneaty without further notice and proceeds will be utilized to dcfray storage and other incidental charges and or costs and the shortfall, if any, will be rccovered from the owner through legal proceedings. Policy No. 188379 in the name and on the life of Kipkttttoi Kibct. APPLICATION has been made to this company for thc issrancc of duplicatc of thc above-numbercd policy, thc origind hrvhg becn reportcd as lost or misplaced. Noticc is givcn that unlcss obirction is lodged to the contrary at thc officc of thc company within thirty (30) days from the datc of this noticc, duplicatc policy will bc issued, which will bc the sole evidence of thc contract. Dated the l2th Dccember,2015. Dated the 18th January,.20l6. MR/8,{06356 29th January, 2016 NJERI NJAGUA & COIVIPANY, Advocate for Promise Commerical Agencics. AI.EX M!VAilGI, Life Deparnunt. MR/8/t06450 GAzErrENcrncE No.490 GAZETTE NOIICB NO. 486 THE JUBILEE INSLJRANCE COMPANY OF KENYA TRADESAFE ENTERPRISES LIMITED Head Officc: P.O. Box DrsPosAL oF UNCoLLECTED GooDs LIIflTED 3037ffi0100, Nriroti I.oSS OF POUCY NOTICE is issued pursuant !o the provisions of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) of the laws of Kcnya, to thc owners of Man lorry reg. No. KBT 441G, Man lorry reg. No. KBT,l43G, Man lorry reg. No. KBT zt48G, Daf lorry rcg. No. KBW 967G, ttailer-ZE 5128, Daf lorry reg. No. KBR 822T, Man lorry reg. No. KBT 6198 and onc 4O ft. container with spares in it, to take dplivery of the said goods which have been lying at the premises of Tradesafe Enterprises Limited in Port Reitz, Mombasa, within thirty (30) days from the date Policy No. 204823 in the name and on thc lifc of Maina. butu flaithera APPLICATION has becn madc to this compeny for thc hsuancc of duplicate of the above-numbcrcd policy, thc originrl heving bcen rcportcd as lost or misplaccd. Noticc is given thrt unlcss cbirtion ir lodged to the contrary at thc officc of the company within thirty (30) days from thc date of this noticc, duplicatc policy will bc isrued, which publication of this notice upon paymcnt of storage charges, auctioneers costs and any other incidehtal charges plus costs of publishing this notice, failure to which the said items will be disposed off either by public auction of private treaty without any further reference to the owners' in order to defray the storage charges, auctioneers costs and other related charges in accordance with this Act, but should thcre be any shortfall the owners will bc liable of will be the solc evidcnce ofthe contract. Darcd the l2th Dccember,2015. ALEXMWANGI, Lifc Deprtmcnt. MR/8,106450 thcreafter. GAzEmENsncENo.49l Dated the 2lst January, 2016. TIIE JI'BILEE INSI.'RANCE COMPANY OF KEhIYA IIMITED Heed Officc: P.O. Box 3037ffD1@, NrLobt GEORGE MIJ}.IYAMBU KINYUA, Makini Auctioneers Agencies, Mombasa, MR/8406323 Pollcy DWA ESTATE LIMITED No.2ll3l7 in the natne atd on thc lile oJ Kipkmoi Kibct. APPLICATION has becn mrdc to this company for thc isruancc of duplicatc of tbc abovc-numbcrcd policy, ttrc origind hrvhrg bccn rcportcd as lost or misplaccd. Noticc is givcn that unler oblction is lodgcd to thc contrary at the officc of thc company widda thirty (30) days from thc date of this noticc, duplicar policy will bc islcd, which CLosr.,RE oF KIVATE RoADs NOTICE is given that all privatc roads and foopaths on the following properties owned and controllcd by DWA Estatc Limitcd, i./ L.R. No. 91714, 3685 and I1070, witl be closcd to thc public for a period of twcnty-four (24) hours ftom midnight on Saturday, 5th 1 :', I [.oss oF PoucY GAzEmE NcncE No. 487 ,l :l 'i I will bc the sole cvidcncc oftlrc contract. March,2016, until midnight Sunday, 6th March, 2016. Darcd thc l2th Dcccmbcr,2015. Dated the l4th January,2016. R. J. BOYD.MOSS, MR/8,m6450 'ALH(MWAI{GI, Lift Dcpartmcnt. Director. MR/8448996 GAzErrEN0ncE No. 492 GAzErrE NoncE No.488 THE JI.JBILEE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE ITJBILEE INSTJRANCE COMPANY OF KENYA LIMMED Heed Officc: P.O. Box 30376-o0lm, 'Loss Head Officc: P.O. Box 30376401(X), Nairobi Policy No. lE9(t0 Policy No.204822 in the name and on the life of bnma Waithera Maina. will bc thc sole.cvidence ofthe contract. I - rt thc nane and on thc ffi of Mctcy Oclwni Anunga. . APPLICATION has bcen mrdc o thir company for tho isrurncc of duplicetc of the ebovc-numbcrcd policy, thc qriginrl hrving bccn rcportcd as lost or misplaccd. Noticc is givcn thrt unlces ot&ction is lodged to thc contrary et thc officc of thc company wiftin 6irty (30) days from thc darc of this noticc, duplicarc policy will bc isrrd, which will bc thc solc evidcncc of thc conhact. I Dercd the l4th Dccembcr,2015. Darcd the 10th Deccmber,2015. ALEX MWANGI, MR/E,()6450 Nftobi or Poucv Loss oF PoucY APPLICATION has bccn madc to this company for thc issriance of duplicatc of thc above-numbcrcd policy, the original having bcen reportcd as lost.or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objcction is lodgcd to the contrary at the office_of the company within thirty (30) days from thc darc of this notice, duplicarc policy will be issued, which Ki]NYA UIVfITED Life Departmcnt. ALEXMWANGI, MR/8406450 Lilc Dcpartment. ii ;r 1 l8l THE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January,2O16 GAzEmE NoTCENo. 497 GAzEmE NcflcE No. 493 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPA}IY (K) LIMITED CORPORATE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) ' (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30375-{0100, Nairobi Head Offrce: P.O. Box 34172, Nairobi . Loss oF PoLICY I-asS oF PoLIcY Policy No. Cul2l5l28 in the nnme and on the life of Solomon Shwulu Policy No. 122-21154 in the name and on the lifu of GeraU Gakaru Muchugia. htsumu. eppLtCnfION has been made to this company for the issue of dupliiate of the above numbered policy, the original having been rcported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will bc the sole evidence of the contract. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thrrty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only vilid documents by the company for all future transactions. Dadd the lath lanuary, 2016. Datcd the 20th January,2016. JOAN NJIJKI, Iife Department. Mx/8,()6394 MR/8406458 U nde J. K. MTTEI, rwriting Manage r, Lift . GAzErrE NoTrcE No. 498 GAzErrE NcflcE No. 494 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED MADISON INSI,JRANCE ' (Incorporated I,OSS OF POLICY Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-{0100, Nairobi Policy No. LW 3270784 in the name of Kariuki Julliet Kathure, of P.O. bx'88-60400, Chuka. NOTICE is given that evidence of loss or destruction of the above has been submitted to the company and any person in posscssion of the policy documents or claiming to have interest thqrin should be communicated within thirty days (30) by registercd po* with the company, failing any such communication certified copics of the policies which shall be thp sole evidence of the contracts polcy documents will be issued. Loss oF PoLICY Policy No. 161-26997 in the name and on the life of lulius Kanabu Rukaria. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactlons.. Dated the l2th January,2016. Dated the l4th January,2016. JOSEPHAT MUTHWII, U nderwr i tin g Ma na g e r, Life. MR/8,{.06493 J. I[R/8406458 Pofpy No. SMI 4,t47& in the name of Stephen Agong' Gaya, of Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-{0100, Nairobi P.,O. LOSS OF POLICY Rot2104060I, Bondo. ,NOTICE is given that evidence of loss or destruction of the above polby documents has been submitted to the company and any person in possession of the policy documents or claiming to have intercst thepin should be communicated within thirty days (30) by registered post with the company, failing any such communication certified co1*s of the policies which shall be the sole evidence of the contracts will be issued. Dated the l4th January,2016. JOSEPHAT MUTHWII, Unde rwriting Manager, Life. MR 8406493 Policy No. 1614753 in thc name and on the life of Joseph Simon Kiguru Kahiga. REPORT having been made to'this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged !o British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 6th January,20l6. MADISONINSI,JRANCE loss (Incorporated in Kenya) oF NOTICE is givcn that evidenci of loss or destruction of the above poligy documents has becn submitted to the company and any person -in posscssion of thc policy documents or claiming to have interest thcrbin should bc communicated within thirty days (30) by registered post with the company, failing any such communication certified copics of thc policics which shall be the sole evidence of the contracts will bc issucd. Darcd the 14th January,2016. MRB,()6493 J. K. MITEI, riting Manag er, Life. BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED FoucY Polby No. I"A,3252528 in tlu name of Charles Muchiri Mwitari, of PO. Box 5704-0100, Nairobi. t U nde m MR/8406458 GAZEITE NoTICE No. 5OO GAzE'mE NCmcE No. 496 t. life. (Incorpotated in Kenya) I,OSS OF POLICY i r, BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPAT.IY (K) LIMITED MADISON INSTJRANCE I t K. MITEI, U nd e rwriting Manage GAzEmE NoTIcE No. 499 GArErrE NorrcE No. 495 i in Kenya) JOSEPHAT MUTHWII, rwritin g Mana g e r, Life. U nde Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-O0100, Nairobi Loss oF PoLrcY Policy No. 16l--24871 in the namc and on the lifu of Adino Christine Akinyi. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 6th January,2016. J. K. MR/8406458 MITEI, Unde rw ritin g Mana g e r, LiJe. 182 GAZETTE THE KENYA GAZETTE NcncE No. 501 29th January, 2016 G^zEmE NsrIcE No. 505 BRITISH AMERICAN INSI,JR.ANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED BRJTISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPA}.IY (K) (Incorporated in Kenya) Hcad Offrce: P.O. Box 30375-Slm, Nrirobi Hcad Officc: P.O. Box 30375{n100, Natobi Loss oF Poucy Loss oF PoucY Policy No. 12l-1369 in thc namc and on lhe litu of Patrick Wambua Murua. REFORT heving becn m.dc to this company on the loss of thc abovc nunficrcd policy, noticc is givcn thet unlesr objcction is lodgcd to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) deys from ilte dlte of this noticc, a duplicrtc policy will bc irswd rnd shall bc used es thc only valid docunrcntr by fte_compeny for all firturp trrnnections. J. K. U nderwriting MR/8406r58 No.l25-5553 ln Policy Tinona. the nanc ard oa the lifc of Elizabeth Ndt hu REPORT having been madc to this compny on tho hss of tho above nuntcrcd policy, noticc is givcn that unlcse ob|:ctim ie lgd6rd to British Amcrican Inzurence Company(K) Limied within thiry (30) drys from thc detc of this noticc, a duplicaic policy will bc irsrrd ad shdl be uscd rs thc only valid documents by drc compuy dl fuutrc trrnsactions. fc MITEI, Matugcr, Life. GAzEilE NoflcE No. 502 MW8406458 U ndc GAZETTE NcrncE BRITISH AMERICAN INSI,JRANCE COMPANY (K) LIMTED J. K. MITEI, rwriting lfutu g cr, ljft . No. 506 BRITISH AMERICAN INSI,JRANCE COMPANY (K) (Incorporetcd in Kcnya) (Incorporatcd in Kenya) Hcrd Officc: P.O. Box 30375-{Dlm, NrLobi Hcad Office: P.O. Box 30375{n100, Naircbi l,oss oF Poucy Loss oF Policy No. 160-1541 ln thc namc and onthc litc of Mward Charlcs Kabctu. LIMTED lbucY Policy No. 124-214 in thc nane and on the lifc o! Patick NJelfu Chuchu. REFORT heving bccn mado o this compeny on thc loss of the ebove nur$cred policy, noticr is givcn thet.unlcss obiction is lodged to Bdtish Amcricrn Inarrrncc Comprny (K) Limitc.d within thirty (30) drys from thc detc of this noticc, r duplicetc policy wiU be issud md shdl bc uscd as thc mly vdid documcnts by thc comprny for all fuhue trrnsections. Dlcd LIMTED (Incorporatcd in Kcnya) thc 6th Jenuary,2016. J. K. MR/8404158 fc futurc transactions. Datcd thc 6th January,2016. MITEI, U ndc rwr ltlng ilIana ge r, REFORT having bccn madc to this company on thc bss of tbc rbovc numbcrrd policy, noticc is givcn that unlcsr ob!rctioo if lodtad !o British Anrcricrn Inurancc Company (K) Limitcd within hirty (30) days from thq drtc of this noticc, a dupliceb policy wi[ be is$Ed rtd dl ehrll bc uscd as thc only valid documcnts by thc corryany Life GAzBnrE NsncE No. 503 U ndcrw MRA4()6458 GAzErrE NsrlcE No. 507 BRITISH AMER.ICAN INSI.JRANCE COMPA}.IY (K) UMITED BRITISH AMERJC,AN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) UMITED (Incorporatcd in Kcnya) (Incorporatcd in Kenyi) Hcrd Officc: P.O. Box 3O375{Plm, N&obi Hcad Ofhce: P.O. Box Loss oF FoucY Kcring. REFOR.T heving bccn-mrdc to this cornp$y on the loss of thc rbovc nus$crpd policy, notice is givcn thet unless objcctiott is lodged to British Arpricrn lnsrance Company (K) Limiad within thirty (30) drys from thc daE of this notice, a duplicat€ poticy will bc isqrcd shdl bc uscd as the only valid documentr by *.re company- for all futurc tnnsactions. ld Drtcd thc 6th Jrnuan 2016. J. K. MITEI, U nde rwririn g Mana g e r, LiJe. MR/8406458 30379U00, Ndrcbi Loss GFoLJcY Policy No. 2i115317 in thc name and on thc lifc of loel Kipkcmboi GAzErrE NcficE No. J:K. MITE" riting. lthna S cr, l{ft . lfu Policy No. 12U397 in the natrc and on thc lifc ol Jacob l4winzi. 'REPORT having bccn mrde to this comprny on tbc bsc of tlc ebove numbcrcd policy, noticc is givcn that unlesr objcctio ic lod3nd to British Amcrican Insunncc Company (K) Limitcd n'ithio ffriry (t0) deys from th€ detc of this noticc, e duplictc policy will bo i&ered lod shdl bc used rs ttrc only velid documents by thc corqrny fm rll firture transactions' J. K. MITBI, U ndcrwithg ltturuger, lift MR/8.r06458 'GAzsrrE NoncE No. 508 5(x { BRITISH AMERJCAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED BRITISH AMERICAN INSI.JRANCE COMPANY (K) UMITED (Incorporatcd in Kcnya) (Incorpontcd in Kcnya) Hcad Ofircc: P.O. Box Hcad Officc: P.O. Box 3037a.{Dlm, 30375-S10, Nairobi ' LSSOFTbUCY Policy No. ml37450 in thc namc ard on tlv Efc ol Banbanya Mramfu Kafumc. R.EFORT heving becn madc to this company on thc ldss of the rbovc nur$crcd policy, noticc is given that unless objoctim is lodged to British Amcricen lnsurancc Company (K) Limircd within thirty (30) drys from thc darc of this notice, a duplicrtc policy will be issrrcd and shdl bc uscd as thc only valid documcnts by thc conpany for ell futurp trrnsctions. hrd Nrtobi L6soFPoucY Policy No..1614299 in thc narue and on thc lifc oJ Clarcncc Oun Arot. REPORT having bcen madc to this company on thc har of llo above numbcrcd policy, noticc is givcn that unlcss objectln is lod3d to British Amcrican lnurrencc Company (K) Limited within thirty (30)' days from th€ of this noticc, a duplicatc policy will bc issuod shdl bc used rs thc only veliri documcnts by thc coryerry fut dl frrhlIc transactions. rd Datcd thc l2th lanuary,2016. 6c 6th lrnurry,2O16. MR/t400r58 . U nde ,. K. MITEI, nYrtt,J,,g thtu g c r, Ulc. I. K. T'ITEI, MB/840d158 U ndc rwrtthg *htsgo, I*,. GAZEITENOncENo. JI3 GMETTE NcrNcE No. 509 BRITISH AMERICAN INSI.JRANCE COMPANY (K) LIMMED (Incorporatod in BRITISH AMERICAN INSI.JRANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED Kcnyi) (Incorporetcd in Kenya) Hcad Office: P.O. Box 30375-&1ffi, Neirobi L,oss oF Hcad Officc: P.O. Box 30375-0100, Naimbi PoucY [,oss oF PoucY Pdicy No. 4ffi-1737 in the nomc atd on the lfe of Pcter ltanyoikc Vainaina. REFORT hrving treen mdc to this comprny m tbc lors of thc rb0ve numbcrcd policy, noticc is givcn that unlou obJocthn i! lodlld to British Amcricrn Insrtencc Company (K) LimlUd wl$in tltifty (30) days ftom thc date of this notice, e duplicec policy will bc lurrd rnd shlll be used as thc only valid documents by the compeny for dl fulre 183 TTIE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January, 2016 transactions. J. K. Botirc" REPORT hrving bccn rnadc to this company on tlrc loss of thc rbovc numbcrcd policy, riotkc ir givcn thet unless obtrtion is lodgcd b Britbh funcrkxn lnarflncc Compury (K) Limircd within thirty (30) dryr from thc &tc of this noticc, r duplicetc policy will bc issued md thdl bc uscd rs thc only valid docirmants by thc conpany for ell fuhlrc trrnrac(ons. l,lITEI, *lo*go, U nderurttlng M1v8406371 Policy No. l2l-8903 in thc rnme and on thc lile of Fclix Moruri LlJt. ClzEIrE N(,IICE No. 510 Mx/t'O6371 U nde oA?Jrrll NOnCE No. 5l,l IRITISH AMERICAN INSIJRANCE COMPANY (K) UMITED BRI1ISH AMERICAN INSI'RANCE COMPAI.IY (K) LIMITED (Incorporatcd in Kenye) (Incorpo'rrtcd in Kcnya) Hced Officr: P.O. Box 30375-O0lm, NrLobi , Hcrd Offtcc: P.O. Box 30375{Dlm, Nrirobi l,ossoFlbucY Po*l No. 4fi-g72 h furi.. thc'rumc and on thc tifc ,nSFORt having bccn mrde of [,GsoFPoUCY Mlr}txrel Wehwina o his cumpalry on tlro br of tlre rb{ac numbud policy, noticc is givcn that unlers obircthn h lodgtd b lfitish Atrtcricen Ing|rrnct Comprny (K) Limiud withh 6hty (30) drp iom drc drrc of 0ris noticc, a duplhrt policy will bc b$rd lrrd ilI be ui€d ll thc only velid &cumcntr by drc conpuy for rll fuilE trunsrctions. Dlcd fte l,tth January,2O16. K. T. ldraoo:zr U nde wv Policy No. 122-l5tt9 in l*.riithl. Head Office: P.O. Box thc ,. K. MITEI, Mtu8406371 U ndc ntritin g Mana gcr, I$e. BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMTED (Incorporrtod in Kcnyr) Loss oF PoucY Yt& libstno Poltcl No, 125-723OBl ia the nanc atil on thc life of Carolinc Akumt Nyadicro. tEpOnf having bccn madc to this comirany on thc h,$ of thc St1tc nur$ered policy, notice is givcn that unlcrs objecdor ir lod3td b titish Americen Insurencc Comprny (K) Limied wifiin 6lrty (30) dryl from thc der of this noticc, a duplicarc policy will bc l$rrcd md b. used as. thc only valid documcnts by thc conpeny for all $d frrtrlhe tansactions. R.BFORT hrving bccn rnrdc io thir compmy on thc losc of thc rbovc numbertd policy, noticc is givcn thet unlcss ob|:ctirn is lodgod to Britirh Amcrican Innrencc Comprny (K) Limitcd within thirty (30) dryr ftom fic &e of this ndticc, r duplicrtc policy will bc issrred and rhall bc uscd 1s thc only vdid documcnts by the compeny for dl fuiliE tnnlrctiohg. J.N,.MITE, U n d e nwiting MRIB40637'l lhmgt r, Ilfe. GAffiTENcrIIcENO. 5I2 iltMSU APMICAN r UMITED (Ircorporatod in Kcnye) 30375{tm, Nrirobi [.oss oF PoucY 16l-19687 in the name and on the li{e of Julius Mwangi IEPORT heving bcar m.dc to this company on thc loss of the nunrbcred policy, rrctkx is givcn that unless objcction is lodgcd s Erithh tuoctifin InsurmccC-ompany (K) Limited within thirty (30) dryl from thc drte of this noticc, a duplicrtc policy witl be issrcd and std bc uscd as thc only valid documcnts by the company for all $oh nrnrrcrions. prbd illc l{lh r.n$uy,2016.' llRl4{X3?1 J. K. MITEI, U nderw r iting Manage r, Lifc. MR/E406371 G^.ZETTE NO,IrcE NO. 5 15 INSUR,ANCE COMPANY (K) Hced OfFrce: P.O. Box fut: of Hcrd Officc: P.O. Box 30375-S10, Nrirobi Dade. Wo. Njcru ir givdn tlrt unlcr ob!rcti:n is lodgcd b Brttirh furrrlcrn Innnncc Comprny (K) Limltcd *ithin 6irty (3O) dryr from dtc drtc of thir noticc, r duplkrtE policy will bc irgucd rd rhdl bc urcd re tlrs only vrlld documrntr'by the corrpeny fu dl fotult Ernr*tionr. lbucY No. 2005541E in the name otd on thc lifc of hdo. ilu lile of Stcplan REPORT hrving bccn mrdc to this comprny on tlrc loss . 30375-Slm, Neirobi Loss oF Pot$a and on ebovo numborcd policy, notkE (Incorporatcd in Kenya) Fo*y runt OAZETIE NoTIcB No. 51 5 ercnrcAN,INStJRANcE coMpANy (K) UMITED - the MTBI. riting lulalltr,ger, Lifc, GAIEmENorrcENo.5ll hrnsg J. K. MITEI, ttt r iting llbna g c r, li;fc. BRITISH AMERICAN INSI.'RANCE COMPANY (K) LIMTED (Incorporetcd in Kcnya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-Slm, Nairobi I.oSS OF POUCY Policy No. 122-16981 in thc namc and on thc liJe of Sajjid Kashmiri. REPORT having been made to this company on thc loss of thc above numbcrcd policy, noticc is givcn that unless objetion is lodgcd to British Amcricen Insurance Compmy (K) Limied within thirty (30) days flom tlrc df,tc of this nothc, a duplicatc policy will bc issrrcd md shdl bc uscd as the only vrlid docunrcnts by thc Conpeny for dl futurc transections. DrEd the l4th lrnurry,2016. ,. K. MITEI, U de nrlriting t'hmg€r, Iife. MR/8,|O6371 J. K. Ii,TITEI, U adcrwritin g MarngcT, Lifc. THE KENYA GAZETTE. 184 GAzE.mE NoTIcE No. 5 GAZE.TTE NoTICE 17 LIBERTY' LIFE 29th January, 2016 AS SURANCE Head Offrce: P.O. Box KENYA LIMITED No. 52I LIBERTY LIFE ASSUruI]\TCE KENYA LMITED 30364{0100, Narrobi Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30364{0100, Nairobi Loss oF PoucY LoSS oF PoLICY Policy No. 6939393 in the narrc and on the life of Jael Adoyo Aliwa. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thrty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. of Pessy Busolo Opuka. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objcction is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thLty (30) days'from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shdl bc used as the only valid document by 'the company for all fu[uc ffansactions. Dated the 4th January,2016. ROSELYNE KHAMALA, MR/8,{O6375 Policy No. 8169590 in the name and on the life Deputy Manage.r of Customer Service, Liberty Life. Dated the 4th January,2016. MR/8406375 - ROSELYNEKHAMAI.,A, Deputy Manager of Customer Service, Iiberty bfe. GAZETTENoTIcE No. 518 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KE}[Y4 LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 303621-{0100, Nairobi Gazerre NoncE No. 522 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Offrie: P.O. Box 30362m100, Naircbi [,OSS OF POLICY Policy No.6968143 in the name and on the life of Emmanuel Katanct Joseph. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of above numbred policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used-as the only valid document by the company for all future fte transactions. GAZETTE NcrncE ROSELYNE KHAMALA, Deputy Manager oJCustomir Service, Liberty Life. No. 5 LosSoFPoUcY Policy No.6989273 in the name and on the life oJtfliniie Jelagot. APPLICATION having been made to this compiny on thc loss of the above numbered policy, notice is givcn that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Linitcd within thirty (30) days fiom the date of this notice, a duplicate'policy will be issued and shrll bc used as the only valid document by the company for all fuurc transactions. Dated die 4th January,20l6. Dated the 4th January, 2016. MR/8406375 ' MN84O6375 ROSELYNEKHAMALA, Deputy Manager of Customer Seruice, Liherty Lite. GAZE-ITE NOTICE NO. 523 19 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSI.JRANCE KE}.IYA LIMITED Head Offrce: P.O. Box 303621-O0100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Nairobi ' Loss oF PoucY [.OSS OF POLICY Policy No.70o1362 in the name and on the hJe of Wendy Christabel Oluoch. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thtty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all fuore transactions. ROSELYNE KHAMALA, Deputy Manager ol Customer Service, Liberty Life. Osicno APPLICATION having been made to this company on thc loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unlcss objcctiop ir lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within drirty (30) deys from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall bc used as the only valid documcnt by the company for all fuort transactions. MR/8406375 ROSELYNEKHAMALA, for Manager ofCustomer Service, Liberty Lifc. GAzEmE NoTIcE No. 524 GAzEmENgnCENo. 520 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSI.JRANCE KENYA LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Nairobi Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30364-00100, Nairobi Ioss LoSS OF POLICY Policy No.8132878 in the name and on the life of Lyndah Christine Jakandang'o. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days ftom the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the oqly valid documeni by the company for all future transactions. - Deputy Manager oF Poucy Policy No. 6961904 in the name and on the lifc of Joseph Wangai Ndirangu. APPLICATION having been made to this company on thc loss of the above numbercd policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thfuty (30) days firom the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issucd and shrll bc used as the only valid document by the compeny for all futurt transactions. Dated the 4th January,2016. Dated the 4th January,2016. lviPJ8406375 Hwin Okemwa. Dated the 4th January,2016. Dated the 4th January,2016. MR/8406375 Policy No. 6994452 in the name and on the life of ROSELYNEKHAMALA, oJ Customer Service, Liberty Lije. MR/8406375 ROSELYNE KHAMALA, for lulanager of Customer Semice, Ubcrty Ule. - I I GAZETTE NqrIcE No. 525 GAZETTE LIBERTY LIFE ASSI,]RANCE KENYA LIMITED Hced Office: P.O. Box 3O3dHnl0O, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box30364-{0100, Nairobi l.oss oFPoucY Loss oFPoucY APLrcATION having bccn madc o this comprny on the loss of thc ebovc. numbcred policy, notice is given that unlcss obiction is lodgcd to Libcrty Lifc Assurancc Limircd within thfuty (30) deys from this notice, a duplicatc policy will bc issucd md shall be thc d* d uscd u 6c only valid documcnt by the company for ell future nansactio*. . NcflcE No. 529 UBERTY LIFE ASSTJRANCE KENYA LMITED Policy No.8125778 itt the rnnu and on thc lifc of Rose Nyongcsa. t 185 THE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January, 2016 Dard6c llth MR/&06376 Policy No. 6967562 in the name and on the li,fe of Julius Kilonzi Mutua. APPUCATION having been made to this company on the loss of the pbove numbered policy, notiie'is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Lifc Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this noticc, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all firture transactions. Jenuary,2016. Dated the I lth January, 2016. ROSELYNEKHAMAIA, Dcputy Managcr of Customer Service, Iibcrty Lifc. ROSELYNEKHAMALA, MR/8,+06376 G^urrE llsncE No. 526 iramry urE ASsT.JRANCE I H..d Offr""' P.O. Box CAzErrE NoncE No. 530 KENyA LrMrrED r 3036,HU00, Nairobi TRERTYLIE ASSLJRANCE KEI.IYA LIMITED Head Off,rce: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Nairobi , l.oss oF PoucY . Policy Nd. tl6404l in the name and on the lifc of Sncy Wanjira I,oss oF PoucY Policy No. 814$71 in the namc and on the life of Priscah Jeptoo Wangan3a. APPIJCATION heving been made o this company on the loss of thc rbovcl'numbered policy, notice is givcn that unless ob]rction is lodgc.d to Ubcrty Lifc Assunncc Limited within thirty'(3O) drys from drc noticc, r duplicetc policy will be issued and shrll bc urcd tlc only ,valid documcnt by thc company for all futurr &t {fti! r Ernrraiol. D*d hc Dcputy.Matnger oJCustomer Scrvice, Iiberty Life. I APPLICATION heving been made to this company on the loss of thc abovc numbered policy, notice is given that unlcss objection is Iodged to Liberty Lifc Assurance Limircd within thirty (30) days ftom the drG of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future mnsactions. lth Janurry, 2016. . t MR/t06376 Dcputy Managcr Iulaizs. ROSELYNEKHAMALA, Drted the I lth January, 2016. of Customcr Scrvice, Libcrty Litc. MR/8,m6376 . ROSELYNEKHAMALA, Deputy Managcr oJCustomer Service, Liberty LiJe. GAzsrrE HcncE No. 527 GAzErrENsrIcENo. 531 irsERTy UFE AssuRANcE KENyA rJMrrED I LIBERTY LIFE ASSI.JRANCE KENYA LIMITED Hord O,fficc: P.O. sox 3b364-{Dlm,I.hirobi Hcad OfFrce: P.O. Box l.oss oFPoucY Polkry l I t159659 in du nanu and on thc liJe oJ John Wcbm Policy No.7005164 in the rwme and on the life of Onesmus Kihaa effqCeUON having bccn mede to this company on thc loss of thc ebovc numbcred policy, notice is givcn that unlcss objcction is lodgcd to [.ibcrty Lifc Assurancc Limitcd wilhin thirty (30) days from thc drE ol this noticc, e duplicarc policy will be issucd and shdl be uscd l Nd Waryonli. r tc 3036.m100, Nairobi [.oss oF PoucY only vrlid daumcnt by the company for all futurr transaatiorl. Prbd !b" llth lenrnry,'2016. MR/t4063?6 Thiong'o. APPUCATION having been made to this company on the loss of thc above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Libcrty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from thc darc of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be uscd as the only valid documcnt by the company for all future transactions. ROSELYNE KHAMALA, Dated the t tth lanuary, dOt6. ROSELYNEKHAMALA, Dcputy Manager of Customer Scrvice, Libcrty LiJc, MR/8406376 Deputy Manager of Customer Service, Uberty Ufe. GAZTITE NorIcE No. 52E GAzEr-rE-NoncE No. 532 l LIBER,TY LITE ASSTJRANCE KENYA LIMITED I rc.a Ofr.i ; I PIONEER ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED P.o. Box 3036,4{D10, Nrirobi Hcad Office: P.O. Box 20333{n200, Nairobi LossoFFoucY Loss oF PoucY l Policy I Not, Bwiri. 8139217 ia.the nanu and on the life of Florcnce Nafula ' I I AIPLrcATION hrving bcen mrdc to this compmy on thc loss of thc abovclnumbcrcd policy, noticc is givcn thet unless objcction is lodgcd o Ubcrty Life Asdunncc Limircd within thrfiy (30) deys ftom thG d.E of this noticc, a duplicetc policy will be issued md shdl bc urcd u fic only vdid document by thc company for trm8rctioil. dl future Dasd Se I lth Jenurry, 2016. MR/8406fl6 Dcputy ltlanagcr of ROSELYNEKHAMALA, Scrvicc, Libtty Ule. Cisancr Policy No.230[02ffJ3 in the namc and on the lile of Simion Komara Dhadlo. REPORT having bccn madc to this company on the loss of thc above numbercd policy, noticc is given that unless objection is lodged to Pionccr Assurance Company Limited within ttrfiy (30) days ft,om the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issucd and shall be used as the only valid documents by thc company for all future t:nsactions. Darcd the lSth January,2016. a MR/8406436 TIMOTHYMUTUA, Life Manager. . i THEKENYA GAZETTE 186 GAzErrE No[cE No. 533 29thlanuary,2O16 GAZETTE NoTtcE PIONEER ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box . No. 537 i OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSIJRANCE COMPANY LIMITED 20333{2fi), Nairobi (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box T.oss oF PoLTCY Policy No. nn0l423 in the name and on the life of Shadrack Munyao Kasuqru. RERIRT heving bcen made to this company on thc loss of the ebovc nusfrcrcd policy, noticc is given that unlcss objection is lodgcd to Pionecr Assurancc Coryany Limircd within thirty (30) days from 0rc dstc of this noticc, I dupliceE policy will be issucd and shall be uscd as thc only valid documcnts by the company for all futute tran$ctions. Loss oF 30059{U00, Natuobi I [bucY l Policy No.600971i in the nanv of Eunicc TMOTHYMUTUA, bfc Ltanager. I lrlito Lailrfu, APPLICATION has bccn mede to this company for fu irsuc of of thc abovc numbcrcd policy, thc originel hrvirg bccn reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unlesr dirction is lodged to thc contrary at the office of the company within ihfoty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicirte policy will bc isucd, which will be the sole evidence ofthe contract. duplicete DaEd th€ 18th January,2016. MR/8406r36 I LUCYKINN MNEM467 I i I I -I{I4, I aftccr"Clains. GAzErrE.NqilcE No. 53E GAzErrE NqncE No. 53,r PIONEER ASSURANCE COMPA}.TY LIMTED OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSI.,RANCE COMPANY UITIIIED i (Incorporatcd in Kenya) I Hcad Offrcb: P.O. Box 20333-&200, Nairobi I.cS Hcad Offrce: P.O. Box 30059-O0lm, oF FotJcY Policy No. ml4ABA5568 in the nane and on tlu life of Fekx Mastn lhoya. REFORT heving bccn madc to this company on thc loss of the it given that qnlcss objcction is lodgcd to Pirmr Arcurrtrcc Corrymy Limircd within thfuty (3O) {ays ftom trc d*c of ftir noticc, a duplicerc policy will be issucd and shall bc urcd the only vdid daunrcnts by thc company for ell funrrc ebovc numbcrcd policy, noticc r trrn astions. L,oss oF Policy No. ffi2334 in the rwrc of Hezekicl Anyona TMOTTIYMUTUA. t&,tw16 ObtW. APPLICATION hrs becn ma& to dris cunpny fu. lb isarc of of the above numbercd policy, thc origind hrtig hicn reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given thrt unhr djrction ir lodgcd to thc conrary at thc officc of the company withitllltty (30) days from the datc of this noticc, duplicate policy will bc irrod which will bc the solc cvidence of the contract. duplicate Dl6. Dlrcd drc lSrh lanury, Naircti PoucY LUCYKINUIIIIA, Aficir,Cbitru. MR/8,{06467 Lifc Manager. GAzEnB NoncE No. 539 G^zEmENc,IrcENo. 535 CHANGEOFNAIi,E OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSI,JRANCE COMPANY . IIMITED (Incorpontcd in Kcnyr) Had Office: P.O. Box 3(n59{U00, Nairobi [,oss oF [t)LrcY Policl No.37W557 in tlu namc of Miriam Kagendo Narobi. APPLICATION has been mede to this conpany for thc issuc of duplicetc of thc abovc numbered policy, the original having been rteorbd es bst or mispleccd. Notice is givcn thet unless oblrtion is lodgcd to thc cortrery at frc office of thc company within thirty (30) days ftom the datc of this noticg, duplicate policy will be issued, which will bc the solc evidence of thri contract. NOTICE is given thetby a ded poll detcd l3th July,2Ol5, duly exccritcd and regisrcred in thc Registry of Docurmnts at Nrirobi es hjcsentstion No. 3433, in Volurrc DI, Folb 29016215,61c,No. Tcrsal.Wanjiku Githinji, of P.O. Box 1243510100, Nyeri in.thc Republic of Kcnya, formcrly known er Tcreea Wanjiku Kibc, formally and absolutcly-renounccd end rbrpdqpcd thc thctcof usc of her formcr namc Teresa-Wanjiku'Kibc and foi assumed and adopted the name Tcrsal rilanjiku Githini, for all puryoscs and authorizcs and requests all persons rt ell tincr to dcsignate, describe and address her by her assumcd nime Tcrsal Wanjiku Githinji only. 'I\/I{XV, by our clicnt, lln j j I KIMANI KABUCHO MBENEKA &CCIiTPANY, MxJ8q6327 .,1 fur Tersal Vlanjiht Githinji, formcrly known as Teresalltqjlta Kibc. Advocates Detcd the l2th lenuery,2016. LUCYKINUTIIIA, Tfr,J8MI67 Oficcr, Claims. GAzEmENqflcENo.540 GAarrENoncENo.536 CHANGEOFNAME . OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSI,JRANCE Cb}VPANY LIMITED (Incorporatcd in Kenya) ltreed OfFrce: P.O. Box 30059-{0100, Nairobi Loss G Poucy Policy No.37016E50 rz the rumc of Philip Mutwethele Kimeu. APFLICATION hes bcen made to this compmy for thc issuc of duplicatc of thc abovc numbcred policy, the original having been rcportcd es lostor mieplaced. Noticc is given tlut unless lodgcd to the conrary at the officc of the company within thirty (30) deys from the detc of this notice, duplicatc policy will be issued, which will bc thc sole cvidcncc of the contrrct. Drted fte I lth January,2016. LUCYKINUTI{IA, MR/8406167 Oficer, Claims. NOTICE is given that by a decd poll'datcd 3lst,Bu*,2015, duly executed and rcgistercd in the Registry of Docurmir rt Nrircbi as Presentation'No. 2506, in Volumc DI, Folio 3181658i1, Ele No. lvIIvO(V, by our-clicnt, Catlrcrine Wairimu Mbugua, (gurdhn), on behalf of Joseph Ndung'u Njuguna (minor), of P.O. Box 671360O2OO, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formcrly known rs Breyrn Joe Ndungu, formrlly and abaotrrcly renounccd lud ibrdqEd the ttqeof use of his former name Brayan Joe Ndungu, rnd in , assumed and adoptcd the narne Joscph Ndung'u Njuiura, for dl purposcs and authorizcs and rcquests rll persons dl tincr !o designate, dcscribc end address him by his assurncd aarc,Jotcph Ndung'u Njuguna only. liu * HARIT $HETH, Advocatefor CatherineWairbtt Mbugua, Guardian on bclnlf of Joscph Ndung'u Niugttx(nircr), forner$ lorown as Brayan loe Ndungu. MR/840636O { THE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January, 2016 GAzErrE No[cE No. 187 GAZEITE NoTcE No. 545 541 CHANGEOFNAME CHANGEOFNAME NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 3lst August, 2015, duly executcd and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Prcsentation No. 2507, in Volume DI, Folio 318/6588, File No. MMXV, by our client, Catherine Wairimu Mbugua, guardian on bchalf of Kcziah Nyokabi Njuguna (minor), of P.O. Box 67136002m, i'Iairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Frida Kezzy Nyokabi, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoncd tlrc urc qf hcr former name Fida Kezzy Nyokabi, and in lieu thcrcof rssumcd end adoptcd the namc Kcziah Nyokabi Njuguna, for all pulpoacs end authorizes and rcquests all persons at all timcs to dcsignatc, dcscribc and addrcss her by her assumed name Keziah NyokrbiNjuguna only. NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 18th January,2016, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 1317, in Volume DI, Folio 6/48, File No. MMXVI, by me, Margaret Mueni Wasua (guardian) on behalf of Evans Edwin Munyao, of P.O. Box l4l-{O204, Athi River in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Evans Munyao Mule, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his.fonner name Evans Munyao Mule, and rn lieu thereof assumed and adopted the nemc Evans Edwin Munyao, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address hrr4 by his assumed name Evans Edwin Munyao only. MARGARET MUENI WASUA, MW84O6348 rrrygoeio+ Advocatefor ca,h"rr}ffi.Yr-ffi;rr, Keziah Nyokabi Njuguna (minor), formerly known as Frida Keuy Nyokabi. Guardian on belalf Guardian on behalf of Evans Edwin Munyao (minor), formerly known as Evans Munyao Mule. oJ GAzErrE NcflcE No. 546 CHAT.{GEOFNAME GAzrrBNcmcENo.542 CHANGEOFNAME NOTrcE is givcn that by a deed poll datcd l6th October, Z)14, duly cxc6ted and registercd in the Registry of Documcnts at Naimbi as Eesclsation No. 2164 in Volume DI, Folio 28916211, Filc No. MM)ry, lby our clicng Maryann Cary Wangari, of P.O. Box 159, Naircbi in thc Rcpublic of Kenya, formerly known as Mary Gethithi Wangrri,,formally end absolutcly renotrnced and abandoned thc usc of hcr fcnrlr nenr Mary Gathithi Wengari and in lieu thcredf assumcd and rdoppd thc namc Maryann Cery Wangari, for all purposcs and authorizcl rnd r€quests all pcrsons at all timcs to designatc, describe end eddrtfu hcr by hcr assumed nanre Maryanir Cary Wanlari only. NOTICE is given that by a dbed poll dated l8th January, 2016, duly cxccutcd and registered in the Rcgistry of Documents at Nairobi as Prcsentation No. 1318, in Volumc DI, Folio 6/49, File No. MI\DWI, by me, Margaret Mueni Wasua (guardian) on behalf of Trizah Ritah Ndinda (minor), of P.O. Box I4I4O2O4, Athi River in thc Rcpublic of Kenya, formerly known as Trizah Ndinda, formally and absolutcly renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Trizah Ndinda, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Trizah Ritah Ndinda, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all pcrsons at all times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Trizah Ritah Ndinda (minor) only. MARGARET MUENI WASUA, MR/84O6348 NDICHU, ANN & ASSOCIATES, for Maryann Car! \llangari, furmerly known as Mary Gathithi lAangarl MR/8406439 Guardian on behalf of Trizah Ritah Ndinda (minor), formerly known as Trizah Ndinda. Advocates GAzEmE NcrncE No. 547 ' GAzmENorrcBNo. 543 . CHANGEOFNAME NOIIpE is givcn that by a deed poll dated 3rd December, Z)15, duly cxcorcd and rcgisrcrcd in thc Rcgistry of Documents at Nairobi rs Pr,orcilation No. 4649 in Volumc DI, Folio 366n234, File No. MMXY, by our clicnt, Njcri Njcnga, of P.O. Box 69957-00400, N&obi ii thc Rcpublic of Kcnya, formcrly known as Zpporah Niri Njengt frmdly md.bsolurcly renounccd and abandoncd the usc of hcr fomqt nemc Zipponh Njcri Ninga and in licu thereof assumed end rdopled thc nanrc Njeri Njcnga, for all purposes and authorizcs end rcqucis all pcrsons at all times to dcsignatc, describc and addr€ss hcr by hclassumcd name Njeri Njenga only. LILAN & KOECH, Advocates for Njeri Njenga, MR/806441 CHANGEOFNAIT/IE NOTICE is given that by a decd poll dated lSth January, 2016, duly executed and registered in $e Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 1319, in Volume Dl, Folio 6/50, File No. MMXVI, by me, Margaret Mueni Wasua (guardian) on behalf of Felix Fidelis Musyoki (minor), of P.O. Box 14l-40204, Athi fuver in the Rcpublic of Kenya, formerly known as Felii Musyoki Mule, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Fclix Musyoki Mule, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Felix Fidclis Musyoki, for all purpos€s and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Felix Fidelis Musyoki only. MARGARET MUENI WASUA, MR/8/rc6348 Guardian on belwlf of Felix Fidelis Musyoki (minor), formerly known as Felix Musyoki Mule. formcrly known as Zpporah Njeri Njenga. GAzErrE NoncE No. 548 aezET rE[orcBNo.544 CHANGEOFNAME CHANGEOFNAIVIE NOTICE is givcn that by a decd poll darcd 30th November, 2015, duly cxccitcd and rcgistercd in the Registry of Documcnts at Nairobi rs PrcrcnEtion No. 1734 in Volume DI, Folio 34416932, File No. MMXV, !y our clicn! Ahmcd Adan Omar, of P.O. Box 7163100610, Nircbi in thc Rcprblic of Kcnya, formerly known as Abdi Sharif Abtiscmct, formdly and absolurcly renounccd and abandoned the usc of'his former narnc Abdi Sharif AMiscmet and in lieu thereof assumcd ad adoptcd tbe namc Ahmed Adan Omar, for all purposes and authqizes end requcsts all pcrsons at all times to designarc, dcscribc id rddrcss him by his assumcd namc Ahmed Adan Omar only. l'flU8404146 PAUL MI.JNGLA & COMPANY, Advocatcsfur Ahmed Adan Omar, formerly tnown as Abdi Sharif Abdkemet. NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated l5th Juty, 2015, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 1844, in Volume DI, Folio 27416039, File No. MMXV, by our client, Joseph Njenga Gitau, of P.O. Box 215820100, Nakuru in the Republic of Kenya, formerly knbwn as Joseph Murage Gitau, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Joseph Muragc Gitau, and iri lieu thereof assumcd and adopted the name Joseph Njenga Gitau, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Joseph Njenga Gitau only. Dated the lgth January,2016. MR/8448859 MIRUGI KARIIIKI & COMPAiIY, Mvocatcs for loseph Njenga Gitau, formerly known as Joseph Murage Gitou. 188 THE KENYA GAZETTE 29th Jantary,2016 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE KENYA GAZETTE ECONOMIC SURVEY,2Ol5 Price: KSh. l,5OO THE following notes are for the gurdmce of persons submitting rnclusron rn the Kepya Gaaefte, Supplemenl,etc. ( l) , THE FINANCE BILL, 2015 Price: KSft. 180 "opy" lbr Tlte Kenl'a Gdzelte 0ntaths Notices of a general nature which do not affect legislatlon. 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