trojan tracks - Sacred Heart School
trojan tracks - Sacred Heart School
TROJAN TRACKS THE NEWSLETTER OF SACRED HEART SCHOOL “HOME TO THE SACRED HEART TROJANS” VOLUME 23, ISSUE 1 SUMMER 2016 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 2016 Laura Manuel, Valedictorian The Honor graduates for the Class of 2016: Laura Manuel, Valedictorian Grace Ardoin, Salutatorian Keaton Tate Lindsey Tate Sarah Soileau Megan Morein Baylee Guillory Marissa Meche Brendan Tate Kara Aguillard Caroline Duplechin Nicholas LaHaye John Christian LaHaye Grace Ardoin, Salutatorian The Class of 2016 has to date been offered more than $315,825 towards their pursuit of higher education in memorial, organizational and university scholarships combined. 41 of our 53 graduates also earned the initial composite score to be See page 3 2 TROJAN TRACKS Alumni Spotlight AN UPDATE ON SR. MARY MAGDALENE (CASEY SOILEAU, ’98) Pastor Father Tom Voorhies Principal, High School Department Mrs. Dawn Cox Shipp Principal, Elementary School Department Mrs. Virginia Morein Development Director Mrs. Kimberly C. Lejeune Booster Club President Mr. Barry Bordelon TROJAN TRACKS is published by the Sacred Heart School Development Office. We welcome your stories and requests contributing news of the impact SHS students and graduates make in our community and country. Please address any suggestions, photographs and news to: Kimberly C. Lejeune Development Director 114 Trojan Lane Ville Platte, LA 70586 Website: E-mail: [email protected] MISSION The mission of Sacred Heart School is to teach Roman Catholic doctrine, to provide academic excellence, and to build a Christian Community that instills morals, ethics, and the values found in the Gospels of Jesus Christ. Sr. Mary Magdalene has spent the last three and half years in Australia teaching at the University of Sydney and serving in campus ministry. This past January, she moved to St. Louis, MO where she taught Theology to 6th and 7th graders where she also served a church parish of over 5 500 parishioners, having to hold two ceremonies to accommodate the large number of baptism, Holy First Communion, and Confirmation candidates each year. This summer, along with fifteen other sisters, are studying in Steubenville, Ohio where she is perusing her Masters of Theology at the Franciscan University. There they also serve and help out with numerous conferences on weekends with guest speakers, masses, adoration, etc. Upon the end of the term on July 15th, she will then head back to her Mother-house in Nashville , TN for a few days then home to Ville Platte From July 20-24th, arriving in time to spend her Feast Day here on July 22nd. Sr. Mary Magdalene will be assigned to St. Louis again for next year. Please keep her in your prayers as she continues to answer her call as a Dominican Sister. Also, please continue to pray for our own Madeline Fontenot (Class of 2015) as she continues her second year of study in Nashville as she pursues her calling to also be a Dominican Nun. KALEB JON FONTENOT, ‘11 Congratulations to former Trojan, Kaleb Jon, on being drafted in the 21st round of the MLB draft by the Texas Rangers on June 11, 2016. Kaleb is currently in Spokane, WA pitching for the Spokane Indians. Kaleb is the son of John and Bridget Fontenot. He has two siblings, Kaygan Jones (‘06) and Karlie Grace Fontenot, upcoming sophomore at SHS. More information on Kaleb will be in the next issue of Trojan Tracks. DORI MONIER, ‘16 We would like to congratulate Dori Monier ('16) on receiving the following scholarships: * UL Monroe Academic Excellence Tier II award in the amount of twenty-four thousand dollars ($24,000) * Kings College of New York Scholarship in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) * UL Lafayette Academic Excellence Scholarship in the amount of seven thousand six hundred dollars ($7, 600) GRANT MOREIN, ‘16 BRENDAN TATE, ‘16 GABE SOILEAU, ‘16 Congratulations to Grant Morein on receiving the following scholarships at the State Rodeo Finals: Corbin Carpenter for $1,000 and LHSRA for $500. Congratulations to Brendan Tate on receiving the Cabot scholarship in the amount of $8,000.00. Congratulations to Gabe Soileau on receiving the following scholarships at the State Rodeo Finals: Corbin Carpenter for $2,000 and LHSRA for $1,000. 3 Continued from page 1 eligible for the TOPS Program. Of those forty-one graduates, thirteen earned a composite score of 23-26 and are eligible for the TOPS Performance Award, which would award them an additional $400 annual earnings for four years. In addition, seven earned a composite score of 27-32, which makes them eligible for the TOPS Honors Program, awarding an annual $800 earnings for four years. Students may also pursue a TOPS Tech award for their post-secondary education in which an additional twelve graduates received the necessary composite score to be eligible for the TOPS Tech Program. On behalf of the Class of 2016, Caroline Duplechin, class president, and Sophie Gil, a Dreams Come True recipient, presented a check in the amount of $1,758 to Mrs. Becky Prejean of Dreams Come True. The money donated to the organization was raised by members of the graduating class. Senior and Graduation photos courtesy of Angela DeVille Photography Top Photo (L-R): Mrs. Becky Prejean, Sophie Gil and Caroline Duplechin MARISSA MECHE, SENIOR Congratulations to Marissa Meche, Senior, for placing 1st in the short story category for the Writer’s Guild of Acadiana Short Story Competition. ANDREW DOUCET, LSUA RODEO TEAM Congratulations to Andrew Doucet, Class of 2016, on his signing with the LSUA Rodeo Team. Andrew is the son of Lenny and Nikki Doucet. Pictured (L-R): Coach Jared Lavergne, Andrew Doucet and Coach Chase Hammons SACRED HEART IMAGE INTERACT CLUB PRAYER GARDEN BRICKS Mr. Waven Boone’s drawing of the Sacred Heart is available to order through the Sacred Heart Development Office with all proceeds benefiting the Sacred Heart School Foundation. Mr. Boone has given Sacred Heart the copyright to this exquisite drawing. Michelle Morein (SHS Class of 1979) of Sacred Treasures is reproducing the drawing on Canvas, Slate, and Linens. It is only available for purchase through the Sacred Heart Development Office. If you would like to place an order or would like to view the Sacred Heart drawing on canvas, please contact the Development Office at 337-363-8050. Small Slate $ 18.00 Medium Slate $ 24.00 5x7 Canvas $ 20.00 8x10 Canvas $ 30.00 Flour Sack Kitchen Towel White or Ecru Tea Towels Muslin Bags $10.00 $10.00 $6.00 Interact Club of Sacred Heart is once again selling bricks for the Prayer Garden located on the high school campus on Main Street. The Prayer Garden is also open to the public. These special bricks are used to enhance the beauty of our Prayer Garden. You are invited to purchase a Donor/Memorial Brick that will remain a part of Sacred Heart history forever. 4”x8” brick $100 8”x8” brick $200 If you would like to purchase a brick, please contact the Development Office at 337-363-8050. 4 ST. JUDE CHILDREN’S RESEARCH HOSPITAL Our 2015-16 Trojan Dance Line raised over $6,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and was named as one of the top 10 groups (UCA cheerleaders and UDA dancers) in the country for raising the most money for this amazing cause. As a result of our dancers’ efforts, five were selected to receive an all-expense paid trip to tour and visit the patients of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee in April– Emily Bordelon, Victoria Fontenot, Natalie LeBas, Natalie Mire and Sarah Soileau. Due to the success of our previous donations, St. Jude’s requested our assistance to help be a part of a special night for their patients. Because many of them are unable to attend their own high school proms/dances, St. Jude’s gives their teens the opportunity to have the prom experience they may be missing by hosting an annual St. Jude Teen Formal in April. Sacred Heart School collected 25 dresses to help create a memorable experience for the female patients of St. Jude’s. A special thank you to all that donated prom dresses to St. Jude children’s prom dress project. Pictured (Bottom L-R): Sarah Soileau, Victoria Fontenot, Mrs. Dawn Shipp, Natalie Mire and Emily Bordelon PODIUM DONATED TO ELEMENTARY NASAO ART CONTEST WINNERS A special thank you to the Evangeline Parish Youth Basketball Association and Mr. Shane Darbonne for the donation of the new podium and wireless microphone for use by our Elementary Department. Also, thank you to Mr. Chris Menard for building the podium. We appreciate it very much! Congratulations to two of our Freshman students on winning the National Association of State Aviation Officials Art Contest. Anna Grace Tuminaro placed first and Whitney Tate came out second. Pictured (L-R): Anna Grace Tuminaro and Whitney Tate CAROLINE RICHARDSON ANTI ART CONTEST WINNER Congratulations to Caroline Richardson, 3rd grade on winning the Anti Art Contest sponsored by Keep Evangeline Beautiful. Caroline placed 1st in the first division at school and Parish overall. She won a $10.00 check for first division and a $25.00 check for Parish. Pictured (L-R): Mrs. Becky Buller and Caroline Richardson 2016 SACRED HEART DRAMA CLUB PRESENTS “THE JUNGLE BOOK” Congratulations to the many hardworking, dedicated, and talented students that took part in the fabulous rendition of the play, The Jungle Book! A very special thank you to our directors Mrs. Rachel Doucet and Ms. Virginia Bertrand who donated countless hours ensuring that our students were prepared and everything was perfect. BRAVO on a job well done! 5 TECHNOLOGY UPDATED IN SACRED HEART ELEMENTARY LIBRARY Beginning in January 2016, the Elementary Department acquired ChromeBooks donated from the SHS Foundation in the library servicing students in grades 4-8 and laptops in the library servicing students in grades K -3, library lessons centered around student use of digital tools/student use of technology for gathering, evaluating, using information they gathered from these devices; in researching, solving problems, and creating original; and in communicating and collaborating. Initial training in and consequent practice in basic skills for using the devices was necessary. For instance, kindergartners learned the names of the device parts, how to use a keyboard, how to move a keypad mouse, how to “click on”, how to use a stylus, how to adjust volume and screen size, and ultimately how to locate and access their grade folder. Eventually, these students followed grade-level on-screen instructions and moved through an online interactive activity. As an example, kindergartners practiced categorizing left, right, and middle by punching with the laptop stylus the appropriate item; third graders read/listened to an online article about Mardi Gras and then clicked on the appropriate responses to the accompanying quiz. Ultimately, classroom teachers and the librarian collaborated in forming lessons and activities that students could complete independently on the devices. To that end, on the K-3 laptops, we set up grade level folders where students accessed links and instructions, and on 4-8 ChromeBooks, we used various apps, including a drawing/painting app, Google Docs, Google Slides, and, most often, Google Classroom. Through Google Classroom, library students completed activities their subject-area teachers had assigned; a favorite was the creation of a facebook-like page each student designed for the assigned past President of the United States. At all grade levels, students practiced keyboarding skills through an online typing tutorial. Moreover, students regularly accessed both GALE Database and WorldBook through our SHS website. As the year ends, most students are comfortable on the various devices and can independently move through online assignments. STATE RALLY WINNERS Congratulations to our state rally winners: Biology I: Drew Latour- 2nd place Chemistry I: Emily Bordelon- 2nd place Financial Math: Brendan Tate- 1st place English I: Gabrielle Fontenot- 5th place Psychology: Wendy Maggio- 3rd place JUNIOR HIGH REGIONAL SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS FBLA CALENDAR FUNDRAISER FBLA is selling Sacred Heart School Calendars for the 2016-17 school year to help defray the cost of the National Conference this summer. These calendars have the academic schedules, and most of the club activities, team game schedules, religious events, and more for next school year. It is a great way to keep parents, grandparents, and students informed and organized. The calendars are $10 and can be purchased at the elementary and high school offices. Thank you for supporting FBLA. FBLA STATE OFFICERS SHS is proud to Congratulations to three of our students who moved on acknowledge that Wyatt to the Junior High State Science Fair in Baton Rouge. Savant and Natalie LeBas At regionals, Andrew Fontenot placed first and Evan have been selected as State Miller placed second in the mathematics category and FBLA officers. Wyatt will Ben Manuel placed first in the energy chemical serve as the 2016-17 FBLA category. District V Vice-President while Natalie will preside as the 2016-17 State FBLA Parliamentarian. They begin Pictured (L-R): Ben Matheir year of service at the nuel, Evan Miller and National Conference in Andrew Fontenot Atlanta, Georgia this summer. 6 CHRISTOPHER DUFFLEY VISITS SACRED HEART SCHOOL Christopher Duffley, a 13-year-old blind and autistic musician from Manchester, New Hampshire visited Sacred Heart School on Friday, April 29.Christopher loves to shine the light of love from churches to galas and sing the Star Spangled Banner among other classic songs. He shared his story and performed for our students Christopher first NH public singing was in 2009 during a Memorial Day assembly at Northwest Elementary. Since then he has sung the national anthem at so many places now, it's hard to keep track. Hockey, Football, Baseball, Gala's, Las Vegas, Boston and most notably, the Boston Red Sox in 2011 & 2013, the New Hampshire Motor Speedway 2011. Christopher looks forward to singing with his friends from around the US at Eight Days of Hope (a disaster relief organization in the US). He especially loves to sing with Mr. Terry Pickens, Paul Colman, Matt Maher and now his sister Grace. You can learn more about him at his Facebook page; or by watching some of his videos on YouTube. PASSION OF OUR LORD MAY CROWNING 7 ALUMNI NEWS Congratulations to Lindsay Brunet (‘09) on graduating College in August of 2015, from LSU with a Master’s Degree in Animal Science. Congratulations to Katherine Alexis Fontenot (‘12) Tregre on graduating College in May of 2016, from ULL with a 4.0 in Nursing. Congratulations to Margeaux Buller (‘09) on graduating College in May of 2016, from LSU Health Sciences Center School of Dentistry in New Orleans with a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene. Congratulations to Josh Castille (‘14) on graduating with an Associate Degree of Applied Science in Wildlife Management on May 14, 2016 from Southwest Texas Junior College in Uvalde, TX. Josh will continue his education at Texas A&M in Kingsville. Congratulations to Kaleb Jon Fontenot (‘11) on graduating College in May of 2016, from McNeese State University with a Bachelor’s in Management. Kaleb also graduated in May of 2015, from McNeese State University with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration. Congratulations to Melanie Deen (‘11) and Wesley Gaspard on their recent marriage. Wesley is from Eunice. They were married on May 21, 2016 at Our Lady Queen of All Saints in Ville Platte and have made their home in Scott, La. Bryan Savant (‘93) and Amanda Petitjean of Ville Platte, La. are proud to announce the birth of their son, Asher Paul, on May 22, 2016. He weighed 6lbs 9oz and 17 inches long. Asher Paul was welcomed home by big sister, Alexis Leigh Savant (’13) big brother, Wyatt Paul Savant, Aunt Maggie S. Dupre (‘79) and cousin Baylee Guillory (‘16). FR. MATTHEW BARZARE Congratulations to Fr. Matthew Barzare, who was named as the new pastor of St. Ann Church in Cow Island with its mission of Sacred Heart in Pecan Island as of June 27, 2016. We will truly miss you Fr. Barzare. May the good Lord bless you abundantly! Dr. Ryan Menard (’99) and his wife, Mindy of Tyer, TX. are proud to announce the birth of their son, Nicholas Ryan, on September 12, 2015. Grandparents are Carolyn (’76) and Harold Menard, Mary Benitez of California and William Campbell of California. Nicholas Ryan was welcomed home by big sisters, Chelsea and Shelby. Maggie Thevenot (‘04) and her husband, Pat Eades of Ville Platte, La are proud to announce the birth of their son, Andress Britt, on June 13, 2016. Andress was welcomed home by family and friends. Natalie Fontenot (‘05) and her husband, Barret Olivier of Opelousas, La. are proud to announce the birth of their son, Eli John, on December 10, 2015. He weighed 9lbs 7oz. Eli was welcomed home by his parents and big sister, Caroline. Casey Fontenot (‘06) and her husband, Robbie Roberie of Iota, La. are proud to announce the birth of their son, Trace Robert, on October 11, 2015. He weighed 5lbs 11 oz. Trace was welcomed home by his parents 10 days after his birth from being in the NICU. Jenna Cay Young (‘06) and her husband, Tre’ Stoma of Lake Charles, La. are proud to announce the birth of their twin girls, Olivia Noelle and Rose Claire, on May 17, 2016. Olivia weighed 5lbs and 9oz. and Rose weighed 5lbs and 11oz. Olivia and Rose were welcomed home by their parents. Kimberly Stagg (‘07) and her husband, Koby Guidry of Vidrine, La. are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jacob Matthew, on April 21, 2016. Jacob was welcomed home by family and friends. Courtney Cloud (‘14) and her husband, Tyla Godeaux, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Lucas Wayne, on June 2, 2016. Lucas weighed 7lbs 10oz. Lucas was welcomed home by family and friends. FR. TAJ GLODD We would like to welcome Fr. Taj Glodd to Sacred Heart Church as the new associate pastor as of June 27, 2016. He has been ordained two years and is a native of Crowley. Fr. Glodd has been at St. Pius X in Lafayette. We welcome you Fr. Glodd with open arms! SACRED HEART DEVELOPMENT OFFICE NEEDS YOUR HELP: The Development Office has been asked to offer a choice of a hard copy or digital copy of Trojan Tracks. Please Mail your choice to Development Office address or email your response to [email protected] Hard Copy of Trojan Tracks via U.S. Post Office Or Digital Copy of Trojan Tracks via Emailed to You TO REQUEST YOUR DIGITAL COPY, please send an email to [email protected] along with the email address where you would like the Trojan Tracks received. 8 Trojan Tracks MEMORIAL DONATIONS Donations to the Sacred Heart School Foundation Donations received beginning February 1, 2015 and ending May 31, 2016 Eddie Beauregard Jerome & Leona Buller Mr. & Mrs. Charles Buller Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine C. J. Bergeron Mrs. Eva F. Guillory Paula Bordelon Jerome & Leona Buller Mr. & Mrs. Charles Buller Leonard (Pomey) Coreil Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Sister Judith Dale Coreil Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Pat Derouen Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Gilbert Deshotel Larry & Sherry Vidrine Elizabeth Gayle Devillier Mr. & Mrs. Jake Ardoin Gayle Devillier Virginia Fruge Waverly Doucet Brent & Linda Coreil Ruby Duos Mr. & Mrs. Larry Doucet Jules Enicke Quinten Fontenot Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Dr. & Mrs. William Buller Mrs. Eva F. Guillory Keith James Donald Fontenot Evangeline Bank & Trust Co. Directors, Officers, and Employees Dr. J.S. Fontenot Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Rayford Fontenot Dr. & Mrs. William Buller Rynell B Fontenot Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Ernestine Fontenot Harold Foret Mr. & Mrs. Charles Buller Robert & Gloria Cifreo Mark & Connie Buller Leonard & Mary Alice Fontenot Mr. & Mrs. Charles Buller Larry & Sherry Vidrine Jerome & Leona Buller Leonard & Mary Alice Fontenot Jackie Dupre Fontenot Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Leonard & Mary Alice Fontenot Huey Foret Jimmie "Foo Foo" Fontenot, Sr. Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Lawrence Guillory John Earl Fontenot, Jr Mr. & Mrs. Charles Buller Mr. & Mrs. Larry Doucet Don Helmer Joseph G. "Tee Joe" Fontenot Mr. & Mrs. Bob Buroker Mr. & Mrs. Charles Buller Jerome & Leona Buller Dr. & Mrs. William Buller Joseph G. Fontenot Family Mr. & Mrs. Mayner Fontenot Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Della Lafleur Mr. & Mrs. Larry Doucet Dwight Lafleur Brent & Linda Coreil Larry & Sherry Vidrine Larry & Sherry Vidrine Mr. & Mrs. Charles Buller Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Sammy Lemoine Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Donald Manuel Dr. & Mrs. William Buller Mr. & Mrs. Charles Buller Jerome & Leona Buller Brent & Linda Coreil Dennis & Jan Fontenot Mrs. Eva F. Guillory Allie Lafleur Tammy V Matte & Family Chris & Phyllis Stromer Larry & Sherry Vidrine Vergie Lee Manuel Ronald & Faye St. Amand Emma Naquin Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Jed Olivier Dennis & Jan Fontenot Lawrence "Sidney" Ortego Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine J. H. Perrodin, Jr Mike & Jeanne Ardoin Jerome & Leona Buller Mr. & Mrs. Charles Buller Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Jerome & Leona Buller Gigi Fruge’ Molony & Family Joseph Herbert Perrodin, Jr Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Mr. & Mrs. Charles Buller Eura Mae Vidrine Melvin Joseph Fontenot Perry Lee Fontenot Myrtle Andree LeBas Bonnie Phillips Wayne Lafleur Brent & Linda Coreil Sebastien& Sandra Vidrine Fred Phillips Yvonne LaHaye Mr. & Mrs. Charles Buller Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine PLEASE FIND MY DONATION TO For your convenience, you can give online by clicking on the link that is located under Foundation on the website! THE SACRED HEART SCHOOL Email: [email protected] Please check with your employer about a matching gift program! Anniversary ____________________________ Birthday ____________________________ Graduation ____________________________ Homecoming ___________________________ Memory ____________________________ New Baby ____________________________ Other ____________________________ Given By: Name Address Sacred Heart School Development Office 114 Trojan Lane Ville Platte, LA 70586 337-363-8050 Send Acknowledgment Card To: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Any monetary gift is a fitting way to remember or honor a loved one. All gifts are fully tax deductible. Cards acknowledging the gifts are sent to the honored or the next of kin of the deceased with no amounts mentioned. Gift envelopes are available from the Development Office and local funeral homes. 9 J. William Pucheu Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Chris Reed Dennis & Jan Fontenot Larry & Sherry Vidrine Theresa Reed Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Dorothy Smith Dennis & Jan Fontenot Belva Soileau Mr. & Mrs. Charles Buller Mark & Connie Buller Dr. & Mrs. Wayne LaHaye Ronald & Faye St. Amand Sally Dupre Soileau Dr. & Mrs. William Buller Brent & Linda Coreil Mr. & Mrs. Terryl Fontenot Keith Suttles Ronald & Faye St. Amand Woodrow Veillon Terryl & Barbara Fontenot Employees of T&J Ford Marjorie Vidrine Dr. & Mrs. William Buller Larry & Sherry Vidrine Maude Vidrine Dr. & Mrs. Armand Coreil Melba David Ruby Vidrine GENERAL DONATIONS: Soileau Industries Dr. James Ryan Menard DONATIONS TO THE ELEMENTARY AND HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY: Rev. Fr. Tom Voorhies YEAR END APPEAL INDIVIDUAL & CORPORATE DONATIONS Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Coffin Dr. Robert P. Colligan Jay & Donna LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Bob Buroker Brent & Linda Coreil Dr. & Mrs. Wayne LaHaye Chris & Phyllis Stromer Ray Neil Stagg Dennis & Jan Fontenot Bobby Stevenson Sebastien & Sandra Vidrine Save the Date SHS FOUNDATION Dance, Buffet, & Auction Saturday, February 18, 2017 6:30 PM until 11:00 PM Ville Platte Civic Center Call 337-363-8050 Benefits Sacred Heart School Tickets are $80.00 per person Ticket price includes: Live Band Open Bar Dinner Dessert Opportunity to bid on unique items and outings The Sacred Heart School Foundation is proud to present The Roaring Twenties. You won’t want to miss this fun and exciting event. Tickets will be available to purchase in November. The Live Band will be the V-Tones from Baton Rouge, La. If you are interested in volunteering, donating to the auction or sponsoring the event, please call the Development office at 337-363-8050 or email at [email protected] 10 ELEMENTARY FITNESS MEET The Elementary Fitness Meet was held on Thursday, March 17, 2016. Six of our Elementary students competed. Congratulations to Hayden Droddy, 5th grade, for placing 2nd in the 600 and Emily Stagg, 5th grade, for placing 3rd in the 600. You all did a great job. Pictured (L-R): Hayden Droddy and Emily Stagg STATE 4-H SHOOTING COMPETITION RESULTS Congratulations to Evyn Soileau for placing 2nd in the State in the archery competition that was held in Gonzales on April 21, 22 and 23rd. SOFTBALL ALL PARISH TEAM Congratulations to the following girls for making the Softball All Parish Team: Honorable Mention- Erin Fontenot and Sydney Fontenot 1st Team- Gabbie Andrepont, Baylee Veillon, Kara Aguillard, Logan Shipp and Caroline Fontenot SOFTBALL CLASS 2A DISTRICT 5 ALL DISTRICT Honorable Mention: Sarah Soileau, Senior 2nd Team Catcher: Gabbie Andrepont, Senior 2nd Team Outfielder: Laura Beth Fontenot, Senior 2nd Team Utility Player: Sydney Fontenot, Junior 1st Team Outfielder: Caroline Fontenot, Junior 2nd Team Outfielder: Erin Fontenot, Junior 2nd Team 1st Baseman: Madison Hernandez, Junior 2nd Team Pitcher: Baylee Veillon, Senior 1st Team 2nd Baseman: Logan Shipp, Senior 1st Team Utility Player: Kara Aguillard, Senior GOLF REGIONAL TOURNAMENT Congratulations to Cole Brignac and Lane Wartelle on advancing to the Regional Golf Tournament. TENNIS RESULTS Congratulations to Catherine Poche’ who qualified for state in singles. Also, congratulations to the team on their performance at regionals. Pictured to the Right (L-R): Gracelyn Soileau-5th grade, Gracie McCauley– 5th grade, Emily Stagg-5th grade, Owen Smith– 5th grade, Hayden Droddy-5th grade and Parker Feucht-4th grade 5-2A BOYS' BASKETBALL ALL DISTRICT 2015-2016 RESULTS: 1st Team- Keaton Tate Honorable Mention- Seth Shipp All Defensive Team- Jacques Fontenot 5-2A GIRLS' BASKETBALL ALL DISTRICT 2015-2016 RESULTS: 1st Team- Gabbie Andrepont and Kara Aguillard 2nd Team- Catherine Poche' and Erin Fontenot 1st Team Defense- Moira Parks Honorable Mention- Mary Margaret Gil, Andie Landry and Whitney Tate HIGH SCHOOL STATE RODEO FINALS Congratulations to the following students for placing at the State Rodeo Finals: Andrew Doucet– 2nd in Bull Riding Remey Parrott– 8th Steer Wrestling and 11th Team Roping Gabe Soileau– 3rd Steer Wrestling Gabe Soileau and Gavin Soileau– 4th Team Roping Andrew Doucet, Gabe Soileau and Gavin Soileau represented Louisiana at Nationals in Gillette Wyoming which took place on July 17-23, 2016. ELEMENTARY RODEO RESULTS Congratulations to Brad Hesnor and Grant Soileau for qualifying for the national finals rodeo that was held in Lebanon, Tennessee on June 18-25, 2016. Brad Hesnor qualified to go to nationals in three events: Calf Roping, Team Roping and Ribbon Roping Grant Soileau qualified to go to nationals in two events: Team Roping and Chute Dogging BASEBALL ALL PARISH BASEBALL CLASS 2A DISTRICT 5 ALL DISTRICT First Team: Garrick Fontenot, Connor Fontenot, Jacob L. Lafleur, Caleb Soileau and Keaton Tate First Team: Connor Fontenot- Pitcher Keaton Tate– Infielder Caleb Soileau– Outfield Jacob L. Lafleur– Outfield Garrick Fontenot– Catcher 2nd Team: Sam Tuminaro, Jacob A. LaFleur, Nick LaHaye and Brandon Fontenot Honorable Mention: Nick LaHaye, Sam Tuminaro and Jacob A. LaFleur 11 2016 TROJANS FOOTBALL SCHEDULE DATE OPPONENT PLACE TIME COMMENT 8/26 Jamboree TBA TBA 9/2 Iota Home 7:00 9/8 Port Barre Away 7:00 9/16 Houma Christian Home 7:00 9/23 Jeanerette Away 7:00 District 9/29 Opelousas Catholic Home 7:00 District 10/7 Notre Dame Away 7:00 District 10/14 Loreauville Away 7:00 District 10/21 West St. Mary Home 7:00 Homecoming– District 10/28 Catholic New Iberia Home 7:00 District 11/4 Delcambre Away 7:00 District SACRED HEART school 2016 homecoming festivities Friday, October 21, 2016 Honoring classes 2017 « 2007 « 1997 « 1987 « 1977 1967 « 1957 « 1947 Mass 8:10 A.M. Alumni brunch - high school library 9:30 A.M. Pep rally & presentation 10:45 A.m. Parade 4:00 p.m. Game 7:00 p.m. shs trojans versus West St. mary wolfpack Please join us for a bountiful brunch prior to making your way to reserved seating in the gymnasium for the pep rally. Bring your school spirit and show our students how to cheer when your class is announced! Questions or comments: 337-363-8050 or [email protected]. Sacred Heart School Presents SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 2016 SACRED HEART HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS ADMISSION: $3 PER PERSON (INCLUDES OBSTACLE COURSE AND DINO DIG) FREE FOR AGES 5 AND UNDER VARIOUS GAMES: $1 FACE PAINTING: $1 COME ENJOY FOOD, FUN AND GAMES INCLUDING: SWEET SHOP ~ BINGO ~ CLASS COMPETITION ~ FACE PAINTING HIGH SCHOOL COOK OFF ~ OBSTACLE COURSE ~ DUNKING BOOTH PHOTO BOOTH ~ VARIOUS GAMES FOR ALL AGES ~ AND MUCH, MUCH MORE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Opening prayer and Pep rally– Football Field 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Games and Food– Pavilion and Gym 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM : High School Cook Off Judging– Football Field 12:00 PM – Until : Bingo– High School Commons 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM : Class competition for grades 7th-8th and 9th-12th– Football Field 4:00 PM : Fr. Tom invites you to join us for Mass at Sacred Heart Church, dressed as you are for this occasion C L A S S We want to hear from you! Graduate’s Name ____________________________________________ Class Year ___________ N O T E S Address ___________________________________________________ Phone ______________ ___________________________________________________ E Mail Address ____________________________________________________________________ News __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ C O U P O N __________________________________________________________________________ Let your classmates and fellow alums know what is going on in your life! Phone: 337-363-8050 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 337-363-0348 Non Profit U.S. Postage PAID Ville Platte, LA 70586 Permit No. 1202398 Development Office 114 Trojan Lane Ville Platte, LA. 70586 Sacred Heart School Foundation 12
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