A Great Past -- A Greater Future


A Great Past -- A Greater Future
A Great Past -- A Greater Future
"The Growth
of a Village "
Dwight Centennial Pagean t
Written by Mr . and Mrs . C. J . Ahern, Jr .
Produced b y
Dwight Woman's Club
Director : Miss Elma M . Spickard of Peoria
Dance Director : Mrs . Alvin Burkhar t
Co-Chairmen : Mrs . J . Frank Ziegler and Mrs. Victor A. Sondergaard .
Directing Committee : Mrs. Anton Kresl, Mrs . Howard Seymour . Miss Leila Mudge . Mrs . Howard Kelly ,
Jr., Mrs. C . J . Ahern, Jr., Mrs . Clyde Walsh, Mrs . Don Boundy .
Casting Committee : Mrs. Anthony Balms and Mrs . Earl Hager, co-chairmen.
Members of Committee : Mrs . H . P. Rosendall, Miss Jean Thole, Miss Genevieve Hagerty, Mrs. Robert
Brumbach, Mrs. Arnold Hahn, Mrs. James Oughton, Sr ., Miss Mary Smith, Mrs. Harold Kelly, an d
Mrs. C. J . Ahern, Sr .
Costume Committee : Mrs. Elmer Davis and Mrs. A . W . Erickson, co-chairmen .
Members of Committee : Mrs . Frank Clover, Mrs . Jerome Hurwich . Mrs . R . W. Spreng. Mrs . Warre n
Kuster, Mrs . Andrew McGee, Mrs . Grace Baker, Mrs . James Marcaccl, and Mrs . Catherine N . Stubbs
Music Committee : Mrs . J. J . Burns and Mrs . Ernest Beier, co-Chairmen .
Members of Committee : Mrs. Isaac Fisher, Mrs . Herman Ohlendorf, Mrs . Alvin Burkhart, Mrs.
Clifford H. Keith, Miss Gertrude Ketcham.
Properties : Mrs . Herbert Boyer and Mrs . Ralph Boyer, Co-Chairmen .
Members of Committee : Mrs . Joseph Campbell, Mrs . Elmer Christopher, Mrs. James O . McDevitt .
Miss Cody Smith, Mrs . Basil Ambler, Mrs . James Baker, Mrs . Elmer Gantzert, Mrs . John McNamara,
Mrs. Donald Tock, and Mrs. C . J . Steichen .
Scenery Committee : Mrs . Louis Groll, Chairman.
Members of Committee : Mrs . Earl Dippon, Mrs . Harry Reigel, Mrs . John
Oughton, Jr ., Miss Mary Ellen Krum, Mrs . Thomas Moffatt ,
Steichen, Mrs .
Director of Lighting : Mr . Louis Groll, Chairman .
Members : Clifford Keith, Clarence Smith and Peter Marchetti .
Electricians : Clarence Smith and Peter Marchetti . Construction Work : J . A . Mllbaucr, Contractor an d
Lumber : Hager Lumber Co ., Cleary Lumber Co ., and Tock Lumber Co .
Make-up : Mrs . Agnes Ferguson. Mrs. William Grubb, Mrs . George Marcinko, Miss Leah Beyer . Miss Leila
Mudge, and Miss Beds Erickson .
Stage Hands : James Marcacci . Earl Jacobsgaard . Dr . Charles Roskn, Basil Ambler, Reuel Hoffman, Ronald Wolfe, Ellsworth Scott, Wilbur Niesen, Robert Anderson .
Narrators : Dr. Gerald A . Sullivan, Mrs . C. J . Ahern. Jr., Mr . William Ohlendorf, Mr Dale Giles. Rev .
Chester E . Sheldon, Miss Sylvia Zappa, and womans understudy, Miss Norma Niemeyer.
Introductions : Presentation of Queens—Past and Present .
Prologue :
Franklin Pierce : Mr . Robert Sampson
Mrs Franklin Pierce : Mrs. Robert Sampson
'President of the United States)
Aide : Mr . Arthur Ker n
Prospectors : Mr . Donald Anderson
Driver : Mr . Sim Call
Mr. John Niesen
Driver : Donald Christma n
Mr. John R . McConnel
Indian Dancers : Mr. Joseph West and Mr . Albert Flaminl o
Other Indians : Robert Sullivan, Winston Steiniche . John McWilliams, William McDevitt, Duane An derson, Dean Anderson, Jimmie Brown, Ronald Brown, Jerry Steichen, Ronnie Leonard, Drnni s
Phillips, Jimmie Jacobsgaard .
Riders : Kenny Christopher . David Boesert, Dick Perschnlck. Myers Christensen .
SCENE I : Founding of Dwigh t
Richard P. Morgan : Earl Hager
James C . Spencer . C . J . Steichen
T . C . Price : Ivan Pfeffinge r
Railroad Men : Emery Anderson, Wm . Rhode
Other Railroad Men : Wm . Townsend
John Campbell : John Monferdini
Henry Gardner : Paul Finc h
Henry Dwight, Jr., : Fred Koeni g
SCENE II : First Train — Growth of Tow n
David McWilliams : John McWilliam s
McIlduff : Howard L. Burkhardt
John Conant : Howard Seymour
Girl .
Others : Mrs . Clarence Roeder, James 'Proust, Mr . andLittle
Mrs. S . O. Carol
Nelson, Mrs. James Baker, Barbar a
Jimmie, and Bobbie Baker, Barbara Boyer, Mrs . Evelyn
ler. Mrs . James Metta, Miss Florence McConne 11, Mrs Asa, Mrs . Augusta Branz, Mrs Robert Wel . Andrew Hoberg, Bill Walsh, Don Groll ,
Fl i eabeth Woolsey, Susan Wright, and Mrs . He rman Ohlendorf
SCENE III : School Scene
Sarah Snyder : Emma Siedentop
Bride and Groom : Mr . and Mrs . Del Hancoc k
Mr . Edwin Lathrop : Mr. Clarence Roeder
James C . Spencer : Mr . C . J . Steiche n
Truant : Bill Walsh
School Children : Jerry Steichen . Betty Ohlendorf, Catherine Cleary, Bob Walsh, Pamela Oughto
David Steiniche, Mary Ann Wright, Barbara Marcacci, Ronnie Feddersen, Jerry
. Perschnick, Kay
Watters, Ronnie Yasen and Gordon Sheldon
SCENE IV : Attempt to Change Name of Town — 1858
Tom Little : Robert Perschnick
Others : Same as Scene II
SCENE V : Visit of Prince of Wales — 1860
James C. Spencer : C . J. Steichen
Prince of Wales : Keller Knudsen
Prince 's Party : James DeLong and John SteIchen
Others : Same as Scene II and Scene III, IV .
Mr. and Mrs . Paul Finch, Marie Roost, Louise SImantel, Julia Townsend,
Ada Drechsel,
Pearl Stevensen, Mary Telford, Lurine Con don, Pearl Lindner, Mrs. R . W. Spreng . Elsie Nelson,
SCENE V : A Church on Sunday Morning during Prince
of Wales' Visi t
Characters same as Scene V .
SCENE VI : Civil War Period — Lincoln Funeral Trai n
Abraham Lincoln : Kenneth Christensen
Recruiting Sergeant : Arthur Kern
Recruits : George Stevens, Ray Fieldman, Bob Wals h
Others : Same as Scene V
SCENE VII : Early Farmin g
Farm Family : The Sherman Browns
Dr. Hagarty : Donald Turner
Newsboy : Russell Dippon
Jacob Smith : John Metzke
Others : Same as Scene V I
Square Dancers : Mr . Alvin Burkhardt, caller, Mr . and Mrs . Vernon Jacobsgaard, Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Bush, Mr . and Mrs . Roy Petrey . Mr . and Mrs . Bill Wollgast, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kanne, Mr .
and Mrs. Del Hancock, Mr . and Mrs Frank Perschnick, Mr . and Mrs. Laverne Feddersen, Shirley Humbert, James SteIchen .
SCENE VIII : Fire of 187 0
Firemen : George Phillips . Allan Patterson, Alvin Patterson, EdwardkDeLong. Oscar E. Jensen, Clarence Rieck, Elmer Lippold, Walter Hampson and Bruck Rearic
Others : Same as Scene VI
Mr, and Mrs. Orville Gillette, Mrs . Vincent Cleary . Mrs. Frances West .
SCENE IX : 1870's Granger Movement, etc .
W. B . Fyfe : Andrew Hoberg n
S . T . K . Prime : Albert Klehm
Edward Keine}•s : Jack Hallora
Policeman : Walter Smith
: Francis West
Drunk : Ralph Sassenger Tracy Malvey, Wm . Reed,Lamplighter
Clifford Tweedt .
Wm . Wollgast, Joe Tveedt,
Minstrels : Barbershoppers,
Outram .
Morgan Tambling, Wm . Lund . Clarence
Earl Dippon. Roy Tambling, Lyle 'rambling,
W . Perkins, John
John B . Allison, Gerald Anderson, Wm
Others : Same as Scene VI
SCENE X : Founding of Keeley Institut e
h Sodeini
Major Judd : Ralp
Drunk : Ralph Sassenger
Mr . Oughton : James Oughton
Daughter : Judy Sassenger
SCENE XI : Gay Ninetie s
Took .
as Scene
Barbershoppers : .Same
Mrs . Harold Mrs. George Hager,Dona lMrsd. Dote
Metzke, Mrs . George Yasen
Floradoras : Mrs John
Mrs . Robert Gay . Mrs .
Bush, Miss Coty
: Sharon Perschnick . Carol Perschnick, Karen Bossert
Can Perschnick,
Can Dancers
Donna May
. Wright, Susan McWilliams, Margaret Meier, Nancy Campbell
Tandem Riders : Barbara
Bike Riders : Judy Jording, Wanda Reed, Jimmy Christiansen, Jimmy Boyer, Duane Christianse n
Phillip Zappa, Bill Murphy, Terry Moyemont .
Auctioneer : Ted Hahn
Others : Mr. and Mrs . Hugh Thompson and Bonnie, Andrew Anderson, Mrs . Frank Andrews, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm . Call and Linda, Roy Denker, Mrs . Anna Drew, Miss Ethel Hoffman, Mrs . Robert
Perschnick, Mrs . Dale Giles and Ntla Mae Giles, Mr. and Mrs . Peder Pedersen, Pat Cleary .
Charles Bricker, Mrs . Don Turner, Mrs . Chester Pierce, Martin Paulsen and Mrs . David More hart .
SCENE NII : 20th Centur y
Medicine Man : Dan Christensen
Pitcher : Otto B . Mickelson
Ball Players : Dick Branz, Bob Weller, Jim Ste ichen, George Hoegger .
Mascot : David Keith
Irene and Vernon Castle : Mr . and Mrs. Frank Perschnic k
Waltzers : Mr . and Mrs . LaVerne Feddersen, Mr . and Mrs. Leo Noonan, Mr. and Mrs . Alvin Burk hart, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Perschnic k
Red Cross : Mrs. Georgians Cook
Rah Rah Boys : C . J. Ahern . Vic Sondergaard
Charleston Dancers : Arnold Hahn, Don Spilley, Mrs . John Steichen . Mr . Doten Bush, Mrs . Jack
Costello, Mrs. L. H . Neff, Mrs . Robert Brumbach, Miss Darlene Stallman, Mr . Robert Smilie ,
Mr . John Doran, Mr . and Mrs. Arthur Kern, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson . Vernon Von
Qualen, Joan Thompson, Margaret Tanner, Bud Seama n
Frank L. Smith : Rev . George Davies
American Legion Color Guard
Veterans of Foreign Wars Color Guar d
Others : Andrew Petersen, Miss Rita Coughlin, Miss Esther Fredenaborg, Mr . and Mrs. James Marcacci, Mrs . Charles Metzke, Mrs . J. A . Milbauer, Mrs. Hannah Osborne, Mrs . Ralph Soduu.
Mrs. Walter Smith, Phyllis and Marilyn McConnell, Sandra Noonan, Harold Lund . Mrs . George
Brady, Mrs . Robert Smilie, Mrs . Marvin Potthoff, Wm . Paletti, Shirley Anderson, Judith and
Alvin Jording, Yvonne Ambler, James D . Anderson, Keith Jensen, Lois Ely, George Hoegger ,
Kathleen Gram, Mrs . John Haegele• Rita Jensen, Mrs James Oughton, Jr . Ralph Basaert .
Janet Rearick, Margaret Thedieck, Mrs . Don Turner, Mary Campbell, Richard Burns . Donald
Worby, Mrs. C .J . Steichen, Marge McGee, Mrs . Bertha Edmunds, Bob Fischer, Mrs . Prank Clover
Don McNamara, Louis Davis, Judy Jepson, Betty Hallas, Mr . and Mrs. John L. McNamara ,
Mrs. Emory Anderson, Mr. and Mrs . Vincent Cleary, Dr . and Mrs . J . J Burns, Mr and Mrs .
Anton Baima, Mrs . Victor Sondergaard, Mr . Glen Bloxam. Mr. and Mrs . Elmer Christopher .
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kelly, Jr., Mrs . George Davies, Mrs . Roy Baker, Dr. Robert K . Ga y
Ira Scott, Percy Weaver. Frank Andrews . C. D . Pierce. president of the village ; Ruth
Brendley, village clerk ; Melvin H . Olson and Walter Smith .
SUNDAY. AUGUST 15 : Religious Observance Day
; Sunday Morning — Services at
each church at regular church times, recognizing opening of Centennial Week
Sunday Evening — at Oughton Athletic Field, 8 :15 p .m
., there will be a mass observance of opening of Centennial with Mr . Nathaniel Leverone as principa
speaker .
MONDAY . AUGUST 16 : Kiddieland Costume Parade at 7 p
.m . under supervision o f
Dwight Sunday Schools on East and West Main streets .
TUESDAY, AUGUST 17 : Centennial Ball, 9 . 1 . Chuck Foster's Orchestra . Crowning o
the Centennial Queen .
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18 : Water fights on East Main st . at 6 :30 p .m . with 8 teams
from surrounding towns competing . Historical Pageant at the Athletic Field a t
8 :30 p .m . followed by mammoth fireworks display.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 : Historical Pageant . Mammoth fireworks display . Free act s
show on Main street, afternoon and evening .
FRIDAY . AUGUST 20 : Water Fight Finals on East Main street at 6 :30 p.m. Stree t
Square Dance at 8 p .m . Judging of Beards. Free Acts on Main Street afternoo r
and evening .
SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 : Alumni Reunion . Historical Pageant . Free Acts afternoo r
and evening.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 22 : Gigantic Parade at 2 p .m . observing American Legion Hospit a
Day . Awards given for floats . Drum and Bugle Corps exhibition after parade .
parade .
Parade forms at intersection of North and Franklin Streets .
Moves West on North Street to Prairie Avenue .
Moves South on Prairie Avenue to Mazon Avenue .
Moves West on Mazon Avenue to Washington Street .
Moves South on Washington Street to Chippewa Stree t
Moves East on Chippewa Street to West Main Street .
Moves down West Main Street to Mazon Avenu e
Moves down E . Main Street to Chippewa Stree
Moves East on Chippewa Street to Chicago Stree t
Moves South on Chicago Street to Williams Stree t
Moves West on Williams St
. to Oughton Athletic Field
Children In Birthday Scen e
Mickey McDevitt . Marilyn McConnell, Phyllis McConnell, John McWilliams,
Barbara McWilliams ,
Eddie Murphy, Larry Murphy, Bill Morris, Terry Moyemont . Barbara Marcaccl, Phillip Mar Earline
cud, Barbara Niesen .
Nancy Niesen, Sandra Noonan, Patty Mullis . China Oughton . Pamela Oughton, Marjorie Pfef finger, Jeanne Patton, Betty Ohlendorf, Barbara Ohlendorf ,
Sue Ohlendorf . Glenda Partridge, Rodney Patterson, Roger Patterson . Danny Phillips, Roger
Phillips, Marty Sampson . David Potthoff, Kenneth Reinlaaoder, Barbara Rohlfs, Judy Rohlfs.
Ronnie Rohlfs, Pamela Seabert, Larry Seeman, Cheryl Seeman. Mary Selbold. John Se-Mold,
Ross Sloan, Bill Smilie, Billy Michaels, Diana Michaels . Sheila Michaels . Don Groll. Elizabet h
Woolsey . David Fortner, Sandy Sullivan, Bob Sullivan . Jerry Steichen, Andrew Sparrow . Richard Sparrow, Jimmy Sorensen, Louise Johnson, Bonnie Thompson . Cheryl Tahbert . Freid a
Stevens . Sharon Struebing. Winston Stelntche. Karen 8teiniche, Keith Von Qualen, Karen Vo n
Qualen. Johnnie Whalen, John Houck, Bill Houck, Arline Tunberg, Prank Tunberg . Ronnie DeLong. Donnie DeLong . Janie Rosendall . Da na Rosendall, Jerry Weaver . Kay Wafters, Bill
Walsh . Mary Lou Wilsin, Marie Schmidt . Barbara Wright . Delbert Wright . Ronnie 'laser', Jud y
Yasen . Barbara Zabel. Larry Zabel, Paul Zabel, David Zappa, Kenneth Zappa, Bonnie Zappa .
Denise Ogg. Susan Wright . Mary Ann Wright. Gayle Finley, Donnie Ely, Prank Zappa . Denny
Wright . Diana Wright . Bobbie Ervin. Barbara Buyer . Jimmy Boyer, Leroy Schultz, Cheryl Stall man, Terry Smith, Sheila Smith . Dennis Smith, Tommy Smith . Marilyn Von Qualen, Dianne
Von Qualen, Dougie Von Qualen . Jerry Perachnick Rita Feddersen, Terry Ode's, Karen Kohrt,
Sandra Noonan . Roger Boundy . Sydney Rae Christensen, Sandra Hume . Richard novelle . Beverly Brorsen. Peggy Burkhart, Jerry Burkhart . Patty Houck, Jimmy Andersen . Pam Burkhart ,
Barbara Burkhart, Maureen Clausen . Joyce Cornale Norman Dippon, Judy Jacobagaard . Dian e
Jacobagaard . Constance Love . Judy Grubb . June Marcinko, Jerry McKnight . Eugene Britt-1y .
David Ketch, Ronnie Feddersen, Jeanie Burkhart. Sandra Houck, Darlene Short . Sandy Burk hart, Catherine Cleary, Jimmy Baker, Linda Eddrngton . Richard Dippon, Nlla Mae Oiles . Harold
Lund.. Bill Boundy, Cheryl Burkhart. David Fortner . Diane Brown, Carol Burger . Keith Jensen ,
Danny Hoffman, Bill Hoffman . Beverly Hoffman, Dick Burkhart. Don Burkhart . Patty Burkhart.
Becky Burkhart . Peggy Dougherty . Sandra DeLong .
Organist : Mrs, Clifford Ketch .
Director : Mr. Joseph Clothes
Clarinet : Ivan Watters, Paula Ketch, Darlene Neville, Peggy Cleary, Phyllis Hopp, Jane Miller, Patsy
Davis. Wayne Reed. Ricky Haegele .
Cornets : Bill Kiesewetter, Allen Hoffman, Billy Stevens, Tom Hoffman, Lon Claugen, Jame* Scott ,
Jim Jacobsgaard
Flute : Elaine Hartmann, Janice Barachdorf, Mary Ciontea
Oboe : Anna Mary Hah n
Alto Saxaphone : Don Tock, Phil Finch, Nelson Stubbs . Jane Constantln e
Tenor Saxaphone : Bob Pierce, Terry Smith Barbara Burk
Horns : Julaine Short, Nancy Jacobagaard, Mary Elaine Morehart
Trombones : Helen Kiesewetter, Betty Hahn, Jim Weaver, Nell Householder . Sharon Morris, Billy
Erwin, Joan Hoffma n
Baritone : Joyce Spangler, Kay Roeder, John Meier, Roger Sheldon
Bass : Gary Welting. Bobby Ohlendorf, Roger Boumgartne r
Drums : Charles Nelson, Charles Christiansen, Bruce GrolL Clark Christiansen .
Director : Mrs . Gwen Jone s
William Reed . Earl Dippon, Villeroy Tambling . John B Allison, Marie Lund, Lsal Struebing, Eleanore Campbell, Annamae Zschau . June Fieldman. Elizabeth Von Qualen . Helen Pusher. Ethel
Hoffman . Gertrude Ketcham, Lila Beier, Elsie Tambling, Thelma Gannawsy, Edith Kepphnger.
Helen Stitzer, Russell Tambling, Robert Perschnick, John Tock, Taylor Moyemont, Frank Andrews, Evelyn Orr, Barbara Steiniche, Villa Eggleston, Agatha Hagarty, Hilda Schou, Louis Tam bang, Darlene Struebing, Mary Beiswanger, Elizabeth Houck. Norma J . Eeiswanger. Eleanor
Sterritt, Helen Dippun, Edna Boyer, Annette Mowat . Kiska Patten . Nadine Beyer . David More hart, Olen Tweedt, Jackie Oelschlager, Rita Steichen, Charmaine Sonaerga_trd . Cyril Finnegan .
John Int-Rout, Morgan Tambling, Roger Bull, Tracy Mulvey, Clifford Tweedt, William Salter.
Olivia Christiansen, Joe Tweedt, Raymond Burkhardt, Melvin Burkhart, Lyle Tambling .
So many willing hearts and able
hands have been extended to the success of the Dwight Centennial Pageant
that it is impossible to mention
all the names .
Any omissions or errors in naming the cast or committees are unintentional and sincerely regretted .
Attics have been ransacked for "old time wearing apparel and properties" — schedules have been altered so ready workers were availabl e
when needed — donations of time, material and equipment — all for thi s
"once in a 100 years . "
Thank you each and everyone who has aided in "The Growth of a
Village ."
Dwight Woman's Clu b
The Dwight Centennial Committee appreciates the help and cooperation which has come from the civic, fraternal, patriotic and religious organizations in the Village as well as the untiring work which has bee n
done by individuals . Without this united endeavor the Centennial coul
not have been undertaken and without this spirit it could not be brough
to a successful close . The Committee thanks you
That pleasant memories of the Dwight Centennial stay with you, i
the wish of your committee .
Edward C. Dickler, chairman
Wet Wash 8c a lb .
Drying 5c a lb .
Washing and Dryin g
10c a lb .
Ralph Grol l
Your Friendly Mobilgas Dealer
Dwight Witl
Frozen Dessert
' Imes
If You Would Like To Own A Store Like Thi s
— Contact —
Harold Von Quale n
Dwight, Illinois
205 W . North Street