'r' il~ T,Iran ci Boost For Better JI S»bscripfion $ 1.5)0 Roads . Into Price 1 In Kendrick Aadvance OFFICIAL PAPER OF LATAH COUNTY 'EM!B NIEI!A!SY IDAHO, FRIDAY, I)]A'E'NTBllR KENDRICK, TATA'OUNTY, VOLUME XXXIX IIO"kk,"", IIII" ', I14;III 0 ",l ","'„'...",',; '; '„"'"""':';"",ll"'' JO CHUHCHES !I llSICAL N BASKET IN 'Fh'IOIIHAM Thon)ffon. I]c leaves a CHRISTMAS CANTATAmx c'bj]ave» Cora, nnd THE WONDROUS LIGHT Vi»ie,'li)no u»d C]eo, n fou)'l)i Ot>hca's>— The 1'resIbytprjan aiid the M. Aust'iii; u iso L". ohurc1)es of Kendrick will escow- U inaa'» The new joiii fences Sunday evening at ]and, Idi)h'0; Jesse of Bm1don, the ATcthodjst eliureh in. render' ot ct th new surihlrs. i)rg u, 'bea»tif»f an(li one sisfer, Oregon; CanChristmais p ]'ace from demage inei'(lentul tt) of Central tata. Sari]la, Hacfhardso» ra.i'ns. t<he heavy Poja)t, Oregon. The community choir has been t'han 2,100,000 acres, More cousideraible expense purchasto wi]I wj5han the niuitjona] forests GOOD SHOWS FOR for )t)us)jo and Ipvefparin'g ing acp]caning, a&ifici& a'equire THE HOLIDAY SEASON thi's can<tata so fvjends fev and eordIinig to the Ff) vesit Service, near eiovdha]]y urged to attend wi]] and Th outre The Kendrick give a large offering. Af)ter the expenses are ta'ken put f)he ment for f)he 'hio]i]avs. On Fri- effering will be divided evenly day and Satuvdiay evening of administrate)1 t])hs week, pur OM frjenI(]I Tom between . the tf<vo eh>uvres of 'tinder federal have''0 denuded these areas,Mm appeam in .„Soft Bm]ed t<hjs city. t>hat tihey eau be'ade to g)uw ' ~mixfure of action By R. M. STULCS „ p]eaeng roenaLnee, fun andi death defying In>tro(h)ction: Parb I Hatto», we]] known! On iOhrjstm>as night,'ecemiber Chen)e 1. Opeuing twen y y .'Ii25 Buster Keaton, the funny man m v)e.+a"> p@d Sound." The Glad '0]d store 'bill at Nose>ew lust I)vj]], etar ))1 ''Sp)fe aMvr)age 2. Ta'b]eau H>aymona . " amount and. 'ng . had) sc']iopl bus] rt ba]1 teaans sturted. the seas'on's sc'ht'da)]e against Deary ]Iigh School 'fiere hist It'riday night. The g'it ls game w'hac]) was played fn& ended in u, score of'. 30 10 in favor of: Deary. Kendbecause rick wus >handicapped four of the regulars werc out The girls wWit]L the mumps. p]ayed a good gaane and. dcse<vve .'PI)c <]a»ghfcr of.'), I uii(l M'rs. ('I)us, »)fili pf': a]»]if)(af>f)Lff NEW LAW PROPOSED FOR RECKLESS DRIVERS Sp»tfi Ca)aljnu 'fhe I»]and iciatjo nis in fff)c against 'ivhich iveu]td re'ckless depriv 'hiver him —"There suecee<led in nesjng ]'aa" tp puy tih'e judgment within 7 6. RN]p]L B]cvjns,l s)pep%ed time or ']vis 1)cense puf, Weve Shepherds" ]cadi»gIwo»fd be revoked. No new hTenor an(1 Oliarles Davis were Ohprus, 4. Women'' wascense wou]d'e jssiied»nt)] the Wihile sco)>1> for K H. S. Wade Ohprue S>0]o tuna Deary 1» "gmp))t was s Aisf)ed best performer foi Shepherds Watched Their Flocks th<, scorjn); two baskets By Night" METHODIST CHURCH NOTICE Mens'horus at)jo)L whio — npf,'eary —" KNICK — — I — close»«- — " '"'G:30, I -.. — I ee k —" 's ~ Was'vor» ''.,'e I — —" — —" '(. — — . — — - L'1 ~ Come'5). n comb .Tie<~hnn) —" —"It S single iheue from. Aiito»iobile Asso- October 3, 1928 to Ocf>o])cr 3, favor of u law 1929 wus $ 1123,69. The Lvem'ge "<V'hIjte — has i)»a<le an. <,»vjrah]c 1 e(ord in pv<)f'its'ble c~gg p10<111('f ip» tII)e (lill )nf, ])Iasf ypur. ITI)s ),"l"oss i)leo»1'<) f)'01)1 200 Kceler. > Ivc>o HETUHNS 'figures anny be, t)hev dio tell t)he 'wiho]c story. Asi a mu,t- " tcv pf. fact, the hens (Lid better .fff)an f]ic figures 1»dhcatc. Eggs,. used for. f)1) e Dnaniha»ld family, w'as t'u!b]c-~and t>he numIE)er eonsjderufb]0~vere not connie@ . /TESTON Tuib]eau at a]l. iMnrcovev> tihe feed. bill "He Rhall Feed '>ast Saturday evening Ke»d 6, Quartete Kendrick f fg80 ot o»lv su ]ied pie ITis Flock" and. Ohorus rick h1gI]L schoo] p]ayed: Cf'a»- ! Siii)day bchp'0] 10 A. rM <: ]0 200 .hens 1<.. L]hp susibuaned one 7; 'l'ableau sf pn High Se])oo] on f)he 1'at- I'Oo»1)» unity Ch) jstmus Progru»). g no<i .siizc<l ma] k gpuit tfhvuput 8. Soprano Solo, Duet "het t'erc's f]eor. In a See program 1Ntonday fhc year; as if: this were no't given. us New go Even, TJnto Bcfffh]e- fo(<g])t Kame, tihe score stop< evening at 7:30, u sp]cn(] j(1 eniough, it suffice'd to ti)'ansfor)n Ihem" before t)hc 0]'ose> Su)id'ay Scho'ol program av'i]L l)c- t]ie family pig from u. 50lb pne minute urges th'at Id!aho 'bond itsc]f for, fice Upont'he I3 12 in Ke)M]1"ick's fa«r given ut ttbe e'h»rch. Hve)'ybody Came Ohon)s 9. aristoc).'uti(', stvjipp]i>ng to an money sufficient t'0 impveve all mont']), a t ta] of $ 10640>-'34[ n, Mjdnfjgi])t Clear" C]arksbon made ta bas et 11)st is heartily welcome. o'f '350 po sv iitd])ork'i ds tax mo)iey having 'bee)1 receIve] ReiuidIjng —.Dust ef the Road, a)did TS tp tho one weie tn po)s. Tl)'js is iegarded as the on]y way» t 0] 't S t1 Nay — Nr. Gvoth. the fana] score maLkn)'g Su)id>ay Schon] u f 10 und gross income'Nie value of the 'to rjd the state of'. n)j»tous cp)f)Pa.rt II 'home, an(1 inio) ning worship 0 f 11 A. i)I I eggs cons1) med at petitioai. betLL'een t d~rjcts foal ANOTHER PLAY COMING oducton: Intr L'pyovth hcag»c Devot'imi- eiibfg)<ct f om tbo fep(l, bill f)ho shiares in tIhe present fuml'. Glory to 1. Trip]e Quartet val'lip. of: fmlc v)"heat 'rind c'0'rn The Orofano 'Oom)nercia] p]'nb! 'Phe Mct)hodist hadies'Aid sto C]a Duv)s. God'. Oharles fc(] to the goat )a)d pig, onc Ohrjef)»)a)s comm»»ity thc Eve, ;.','jg'pe']fing th() ussistanoe "of t)he,sl)pns'erjng' phLy 'v> hach )vi]] be Turb]enu t'e <tons)()a:wou](l I]iav<; giLjna't <i »<4 income gymnasju)n state Uuiveraity to detemtiiue, pnt on about tike liitter per. t and '%omens'uartet cat<.') than the <vub]y love']y v))i'd <;nnsjslj»g pf flic 1»ogrum g) $743. f)he experimentation> p f Ja»1«ary. through "New When Jesus 'Ohiorue )omf)- page:.Lilt ""T<I hff 1'~p]c" aI)<1 ]It seems rl. alla Mrs tlhe nct that probe]e fe1)tj]'jzer for best am1 ches<pest Watch for furf'lier paittijcu]Iavs in Bef)hlehean" a read)j»g 'by fff)e pastor anIdi a a'»comp w'onl(1'asi]y reaip>h $800, in the w hi eh wi'I >be gijven f)%m fime t j 4. Mens'ontble cliovei ''uml «L]if a]f0, and Quartet, t>haf, is, $4.00 per ihen. few ofi»er ane)n>be)~. Wr. ror(liju]O]eu'Loafer region. time. 5. Solo —."Starof Hope" entirr «01»ma)nity invite the 'I+err ly dionibt]ess s rp any '11he Pacific I'ewer and Light of high t G. 0)pis1s f BIG BEAR-'>'RIDGE >d tbo de co attend explaatna oi'accrete" un>num employ an . 'ompany'i]l's'h01t],) Bhiuetlh" Th<Lt PRESEYTER<AN KENDRICK C])AUD1>. W GROTII nusfo) in>~ Mv D))mba»]d s success Hc <Lgricu]tural agent. to be ait the l Thei.e wi]l be u pv Taibleau Ihus fnl]'owe<1 the ch!ieken game 'ce of far)net. T]vjs service Christ>nias gree ut. fhe Cen)au» And Iio, 8. Baritone 8olo '-IT)'. 'Frank u»d Iilrs. Boyd 'u T))s1.. fo» 12 vpars, and. (h) ring Ltt offered Ohrisfanus now t1iut be sj'mi]a)'n Theite will is jt> Ha]], De;. 24. Evc)q pne The Star Went Before Them" wei'p v)sit01's Thurs- this. ffjm ~+'jst>on ] the the aiid nt miorning Pacific t])e'Northern Him" co'why]]y'nvite by 9. Trio "Guide Ue To . prob]ief)ns of cgg prddiuction per; 1 nion Paic)f)c ra)]ways. 10. Chorus "As '9 fit]1 Glrad- 'Sunday school hour, 10 0'c]pek. »ay — — gia'v. has learned sistentl]y;in'(I progra>m He the . >Men 0]d" Ftp]]owing liosPita] ut 'Cof>to»- Iiome fro)n Sf)pkane P]'ans fo)' of ness 'resbyterian Ladies'id' dnia]]y, ihy <;xpenjc»cc. He bewood are ) upidly tuk)ng shupe spent the past 3 )no»ths. 11. Qui)1>tet Wit>h Soprano Ob- I esf'er Tabor will fill ffhe pus Thud>jew'i'(]c ]ieves t])at «aref»l attention tp The Preebyteviun ChrisItmus f)])e and. preach pit 'has, started tahe commissioi. ]igufo "Braghest and. Beet" A movement for,«meets thrjs afternoon at thc h'omp (]etaile c«eh und rve)ry (]iav i8 "I'or Se1sntoa). We tare asking Who God, 8o]0 A]to 12. favnlers, growel's Cottonwood Cihea) 200 M 1)e<l, orp <unong Frmery 'it, 2:30 fun(]ua»enfjLI to sue<.pss. Next jJ1 anid cordial «>'T)'s ra f»ll attenidanee, towar(] the uwho]esu]c pu)+hase met, u tb .'Iiilosac>oiv a week ago Co)na»anded The bight," Chl'lstlnas aa»T)'<) v'tun>< p to g)rjs pevhaps,, is Is) A jd u Th< is foll(. Kcnid1'ick jnspi f>at)io~ tp thc 13. Tab]cia» of. gasp]inc for the entire prairie T(ies(luy to dijscuse the prob]e1iis pa)ty., puvohaec ','ofo jnt1s)dk<rin the <hea(]Iwork no Ifev. Taibor needs If all t)he farmers will sagn1 up> of theiir jndust1~. It divas show». 14. Fina]eThy bight Is I)iimibu<1E<] will. f<)e<]. M).. buys hii friends and.',h'is many tjon; Offe1&ry one gigantic order will be sii")- fhuit t)he average yf)e]d. for four DA'NCE t'e 'HRISTMAS toi), cihance of agai», E)y i 'hav fine f)he pay jug casIh s. Sopranos: iMrs. Car]son, M1 ani>f)ted tp th'e var)oue companies years in thc norffh Idaiiio dIistrict 'best possiible »s t<)nd the Tjet gctf)»g preacih. him )hearing fs VTuf Mrs. for bids. By this meu»s a cu»- hus 'been 900 to 950 pounds per 'Lon),", Mvs. Pic]id, f'an»jng's orchestru of Tjcwjs- pric. 11<) sec»res Ihas wiheat, sertu reu1 Chvjst>mas this )niake Emr) iaaf)s. Altos: Thiomas:; y menace hus Mrs. sadevab]e saving can bc effected iacre. The weevil toi) wjl] br jn Kcindrjck IVpzla)es- pats u»<] <)prn <]Ijvc<t]y frIoan I» vank]in, vice. Mrs. to M) s. Ramev, amounting icause<1 (]amage )n harvesfhng operutip»s diay cvc»a»g tp play nf, the fa) mc) I» thp fall of fihe year. Pastor. It'RANKTjIN, It:. . N. Wu.]ker, ift'Lrs. Oppen'bpr».; A new Oat)ho]'je c'hur(.h will $ 500,000 duis»g t'his perio<1.'. Mrs. B)cow»'s ]Ic sells IE)js eggs in E]k Raver, — — iii Oh)'jstanus dance M)'. Eanery, MM. Gvoifih, Jo'hn Kite Arf)h ur Iha]l.. Phpj)'o»g a»d dunce fijfs'un<1 vccrjbes fi]ip grip price. Durr Em be built ut, Moscow at u cpsf!)equcsf; was sent to the. fed«an] Tenors: Ruaney; enfomo]ogy fo) .h» jl1- 14'I i . iklcDowe]], of $ 'hav<. bren the sa)hject of: m»ch i»g the p;Lst ye>sr the "'average Frank- Foster and Itay hong. " i<Tv. Wa]]acr, of.'ffhe pt I w<II r i! Basses: thf:r. There are 'only twp county yestigatjon '"''favovsl)1P eommcnf hr)P. p)ice was a litle move tlhan 30c lin, Mr. Hil], Mr. )IVuttsb in the Latufh " ionnty diiseas'e. II vuser. pvisoners McIil).. Dun)bu))]d hsjtate<]'o tell Header Nona pro'(hj«', i<l Idiah>0 18,500,000 Tableau fal LEW)STON FIRM jai]s at tbc present tnane but A>ice>A Albpi te Ac'tempaniiat bfrrc. atom. for 'fear'that a~e oj. l>,ie t'er Allis 20 federal, .prisoners are beinig >pounds of . creamc)y 1»ifter last Duanin)are] I .]'oseph Robert an increuse >of 1,500,000]h ihoueed there. Rosuibc]]c Director Mrs. Mary I'lizaIbeth 'ar]son previorns In spile t'hut the over the year. It; is a curiou futct ja1. Fru1)]d we] I, 'however. realize f)hat Shepherd~C]iHord pf production a)ymbev of (]e]jnquent boys iii. )of an increaser t]ir fu(fs I]is re Ihp as );jvjn Idaiho decreased by 143 over the I'butter, hioweve)., thp sale Of o]c)'j<]ge, v site<] th<) G;) zrtt«, p»f'«jon )Ln,] I)is curpfu]y kef)t !Bear mounts h~jghp)'nd yeav before, Ibnt the number of oinargerine recent]y 0» 'b»sa»css fo) hjs Pm; re<0) <]s spr'Il( for t}iemse]vcs dc]ijn<f»ent f>iris increaed by 4(i. hiigher. especially iin Novf)h I<]».ploy<.rs, the V)issur Mort))ary of I'or ho. Pla1)s are gou1g forvrard I"'"iuf]" 46,000 ACRES WILL t'0 itic)n'be)'s of f)hc wheat grow4)ow thc annual poultry inf crrste<]l iai I) js wn)'k there, REFORFSTED IN ut Colfax have he]d at hcwjsfon, Ti)»»a)".v 14, crs'oop«ra)hive and he seci»s <,sp< 0 jal]y pron<1 LATAH AND CLEARWATE@ sjg))edi up for ffhe»)ark&i»«nf 15>16. of. the fact f list; 'hfdf pmp]nypvs A v'heat growers'oe u1 w'as 450,000 busIhe]s. members of Tf)P Onlei'f l))rc Neu).f> 46000 acres o erg>aired at Lewieton last week~ 'A rope> >efrom t'bc calle,'c of t'hr Go]d'en Hule. a nuf irma! Pr- Ii» huta];)»d O]eurwatcr coiin! und 170,000 'usheLs w'el'e s11'b- Agrlc11]ture a't il>loseow sys t]) ut 'i»0) tj<iaa»s t]laf; It)ps I'ga»izatloll'f se]1)ng The five Idiah>0 c]ovr) seed scribed i)nmedhate]y. kstr)vps to sti'e»gfhe» und iipho]<l 'f 't thc fariners because diaectors of thhe local have set,, vemllily, the staimvds of thr. Prof<'ss'P». Idu'Iip's npiw Eaw it was dpci .tfhe '<have a]]ewed the pvodnet tp 'bushels us 1,500,000 ! .Viisear's; he says. hav .. been Iuf the .t ite <mppevuItive ])oard a>mount which f)hcy wll seek for~onto f)he market in u, state of Iin b»sinese since 1900, th<, 0]deut lof forpstmr jii spmon ihere %Ton fhc pool. It is said thet Alon-! ]ow puvjty." The report suys d1rcect w,'"0 l<luy;lffcv»0<)r1 rlincral excfllsive and eve~rug. T]le character- tihat if farinevs w<»ild comanund wus day'e anent'ing the. stuff. T]iey ure licensed in I,n'i)) un<] a good pk<(rice for f]reir sped !Idaho, %Veil)jngton:In'd azed! by grca'b enfihusiasm Orcgo)i IG>ovc) ne) H. C Bu]drjdgp hopefulness on tihe purf of tJiosc Ithey m1ist produce u p»re p)~.Bra&les two ]ice»se(l embalm era I)ecis!jo)) to <lpclur ti])e proper,duct., prceent. iev fiuve a ]ady assists»t With "There an u, refnr<,stutao» area divas'LvWiush.— is t'y I')'jzes 'Spokun!p. approxtotaling Boise.— new rolling 'stock und the ]at„sf exumanu'u'ftp) 'cxfendcd for ouf]took 'f)ave bviglhf been value pxceptIIODa]]y 4)0 in imately $ !sq»jpnierit ut ff)<.j< ])eadq»;)rtcr» con(htcfe<I wiIfnesscs tin» by by won <by four 'aiho schools in for 'm]jfc in tfhe Pacjfjc 1%ort'I)Iin ind Grun"-pvi]]c Tjpwjston Ga]'1'i~, P»eral. tornevat tihe football season which c]oscd !we@." ) cporf)hs Presi(le»t Ttlh)fo T]nip»toivn, tf)c) ur<; prcl)a) p<] '1 ww Thanksrivi1)g Duy with tlie state!'huv(]t; of t]ie Fe(]eral han(1 Ban]r fo rfBao)1 for tf)e hc'ur»)g s»pervjsjnii prrsoiin] give I.'Of u TJ»mhpr bee)i latch l)us fjf(II the The> c by bi+ween! of Spoku»e. game c'h'amT)ionshi]a 01v»pr I)f I'I)p. ]vs»<1,:u)d Itupeit 0»d I(laho Fu]'ls, it. 'is !40 percent reductio)L i)i fax d<M) q]in<]»»d ])is I n-)rri)]<r) s Ici)'i»f")»yI I''IV. tfip yeuv ussjsfa»t gcn1]I»mjsto», (l»rjng un»o»nce(] 'fiy 'LV.'. Prl)tt:. sc- ]in<fur»ries '{0<,] flint jf; i» uii ]Io»pi ft) be u f)1) e repr«senif<t<l )i) l <u u»ager, of f'hc sf)ate at])1<'.tjc ~en(1«<i Neve»)]jc) 30. 1929> there crc'tary Or<]I'r 0 f till r ! 1» «'ill'I)<')'f 1 ]i <. jton )'c(1»cf in boa)'(]. be'for<, the I]): pffe)'rd f])e )s u]co been a ~vhich commission, u»,] f])<,y 1, »,f p<,o,co)»pu))y Some Neai'pvi]1 p1jzes. Each of. the four teams! furn1 lu»'<1 fisc«clos»res. u sfp))t]y O'I)oiif if. 'I 0 f'fiis! f<)i<))v I)l It»f)crt b»ying of la»ds fore»i«i ]y fn)'<'Numpa, )'cfog'cst »I'f0 0 ill'ca » civ iof Siindpoint. I 'I»'i c ll<1 f fi('y il l'I,''»»»1)1 g ll spl'jcs cps 1)rj <»f 1» wou, u»<l. »0 I]ravijnig <)lose<], Ii<]'uI]10't 'I2,40+.5) fl('rcs )n u]]s, ~leo»sjsfs Of I. 'I'1)I all(1 (Iuzci«, <II'<lvt rt is< ni<»fs in of their <] js- ask«(1. Tlovill and; )ipur f'hrii'[Tt')full) c<»i»fy, f)he ehumpionshiif) fh)if;irr )iotcworfhy for . I'>1k fili« apices River $2,830,000 wj]] 'I) e sp«» t, 0) i in l13>,<IG1.'Il tricts> wa]] receive $75 worf]i in<I trop<i 1;isfr, <Ij<."»jfv. their S«t I jon of (.'Ii.ur)r')'I «r c<»iufy. of at])e]etjc equipment, tp be se-ki])j):hIvay repaiR i)»tl I"0»sfr»ctit»1 v;if pe. , f EI< jv ( <lii(;) f junul ]ected by f)hem uLLd bmigtht by jn dla)h'0 durjng 19']0. $5 extra, f sure c((re for t])e g]oom1es); case OrdIistanaisi money for ffhe aner- kpf the gffpry b]ning a ]pve &ant's sons. IIatton was Play- loaded wath ]aug<hs and a ssn'a]] pavt wath a st)oc]c twenty Taxes are De]mquent at Moscwv coinPuny the contracfedI and years ago Monday, Dec, 23 1)il] a»id 1eft without set)tling it. goes'e s]rmv 5)'at even Taxes u)L reul und persona] a movie star may 'have a con- pvopevty must be puiid. by 8 t the r """"l',I",,""'-""""'"ll" "", I, EXCELLENT CONT!kUES SECUIIES »in»Iber pf eggs pcr hen was of a 208, an(1 the overage t>vross inlicense when hc fails to puy a <'io»)c per hcn, $5.61, '1~he feed, fine. Thas "sufety responisibil- ibjll for tfhe year totalled'380, yeur support. quite itv" ]atw hus already been pas- leaving a net income of $743.69, of ffhe ]pea]'eys Sed by I 1 states and an effort or a net in come pe1" hen 'to sutbm>it Ibe an'ade 3.72. ~vi]] IdaWc c»nct t)he it pvoposjii< $ first team faon tfbat <a b)rd tIhat >will brfnig w~ )njnus the services of George ho ian(li Washin'giton. 3.72 net in'come to its owner The safcIty responsbidiity law, $ Da)n IIpward Bailey, center and 'u>s Pro])used i» one year is nn loafer. That )»ietor the cl»b, by The score at maven, forward . kjud of u biddy con1a<Lan'ds <)ur wou]id'equire drjver who '() a has the Ihalf was 27 Bark, f)her end pf ihia] a'cciden't ]rad an w])ic']) respect. in u, seconId f was p1ayed by A~Illjshjng. )LC the above cmkbjm- jude»cut ])as been givcil agai»st a Fr~ha»am-sophomore ~' b POULTHY!IN 'I I t """" ",", 5,L hosf»feil 'rif 9:30 <)11(1 ay>is bilvicil MR DUMBAULD TELLS TEAMS PLAY DEARY i.ill 'f'll<.' eor»)al 1] ilI (.'e»)et«i y HOW TO MAKE MONFY AND CLARKSTON f'<j lu<) )ft I 'i(,» I), 1<I 1)09, WITH LEGHORNS i>if) s. it Tn)'f I» will Ir. rcii) 0 m bc) 0I I Deary B,B. Game i) ljss I])crc us Ilr]cn Keel«) ~, jIT)'. 'Ariel 1)iim'hu»](l, f)ou]try- OF f No, BALL, NTEHST EXCHANGES Mjna)je FOR BENEFIT OF GAZETTE wjd»w !Uretba, READERS SUMMARY 20, 1929 'u'pp]jes ' I — 30,000,. 'ure'a»"of 'r. I — — — 'ear.— — Gvoth'him — ~ '« 'E l is'et ~ We Take This Opportunity to Wish You One and All A Sierra Cgrisfens .. 1'c']'t '), < 'p I l xe 4azeI;te I TIP KANS)RECK GAZETTE 'W w'w&wv''Tw&F V "Quality Products Rolhen IT IS @trrg ((llrt8tN88 At N. B. Long and Sons. Only 3 More Daya TO DO Your Christmas Shopping. It Will Be A 'Pleasure for You To Do Your Shopping at This Store. poflmer Clearwater C,:-'"'"" Many Good Prints at ow, l les HandkerCh'jefS I' -'r5C " s ]', Quality 1,'gs' pick ]( emb ~err biggest, brightest evsr] lunches st Perryman's 'There sre just twn places 'to eat ch.. r>', 'of, 5 b,'ght. .II, „,t ~yyy@g@~rk%%h%%%%%AXXX6@rr>~err'k~~~%~~~~~~%>7~ I!md)>h ,'fe'ed'nto'e man'gcr. 7Phen hc thc 'i "-'" """" """""" )hn)d'ttended to Ia]f an(1 'ave a special 1930 calendar for pondered 't'e'hlings told by We achoo]B and we would like to get one in.every school s»phcrd~. )yttbout b!c bnn> s!tar]jtdit; "Within t!he house tributary to Kendrick. They w)fl be greatly app'recia.'t. the. g od: ta "EI. ted by the 'students. If you haven't received one, 'please",„'"ch;mm,'s" p;,'","" t'h",'y'";h';d' You Seen The Fine Assortment of We have prepared ~ Christmas Cards wn)s d, call and we w]l'liuppl yyou with one. I -." r is the N.B. LOng R SOnS rts~ ' 's]]rrounded']y of rm rptgtpga~ ~gegg e== )-.Ig '-~'-.ll —— Q~ ~ H T l to drove> "EEomer' j and LerwistonI So't Betts and wife brat& griPP " J'itm]itage gj o', yen'rs; 'Hapolfld f ehildh5od ]oat h]s . >f>an]ar]y amnd Yeu Can't Beat Our prices Wllitinlger. hc '>se'd a > A Simple 'phinffing Matter is in he thc ".acce 1,pi;%>E '' ton - !)8 ICH r rni 't '" ' ' La " g ', n' -.him and r'o>OTn. AHis sn>E garaer'- of Lewis- "ed'or'ds 'of'.Icheer and comfort 'his, lde]atjivtIs fr'om ~ they. help ":; - mectano. I,Ths: '.,', '. ', , East!atch lips. '.61'adly would !ham d(ywansta)irs to the 'eg'".ofgiOe2e '"kt ., .-* I'" I', .;" info. tike en(ig]ht'..Che -whi]'e Cc. tcicphonc ' And'so,'to '4) so)nthing up to Bay to pp a 'taff 'to our many'riends, 1 we . offer'he B>A I))ASSA+~Q+Tui)k they ",'';.,m';,:, said.""You-wan(,te ';>see'tjhc,. e],ctidj one the'Sc]tOO] hg5se rreal v'&am" "He'vh~]e .'-'They h8d their annual Ltd ','; '~ eXteuu -')rvIjth > ,toiub met at the home of ilfrsr But would they. dataw. the curtcr:.csun!. aB day min badk that'hc'couid'iook.m>t lzonns'uesday 'a ja ~Pirit Or ~nriSmaS an~ ~ as friends Spirit established through mleasant bus]ness rela- .vti@jffjN)i'g till after the hobdSys. in Good will and warm With fr]end,jjneSS jS th@ true, c thn]i: )bye snd 'woes '9(rs. Ted'%i]iiCed ~ ~ simple matter. Remembering our adherence to the Golden Rule, wc have only to d put it into effect, and dp as we wfhw , I>!PT BY I W, ycirs bore'g!hard -upon Rev. Pear&a& of" Myrtle heId !be'ol]]d 'not:.]eave .ha's se'rviees "a't )8th U:IB. 'bhurvch hot% ch.]fdi ~)s ch ld~rn h]EAct!IIBO / gnp ~+ h pp SERV[CE ( 'tlh. t6'noiv tro~]ed se]f s out EIis rHPin'g 'emembering '. t.'~ ' St>tom d'm, 'the 'worries.'f We day. werc, lhcart warmedi, lb'rjd!gcd the tlhe'uiidlayl. guests "'at 'Jo)hn'ettenmaier's !home'un'd'ay."' j-'!- slra .- . hm>sc Ihts EmplOyeceS:iW, , : werdl !Ip in his'ami'fy. " g]earn&!t 'gay 'or]]kkm'ents bedecked t)he tree. %'cary, with: workaday It)pi] .and responsitbj]ho ShougMb Oh'at but for tSn 'o't)heirs he fa'in w'ould do a'wy nvith all tlhlis t'in!sel]cdr Christmas,sh(y]v andi rest. 'lhen 'jf) c room went dlark. "Only the tree stood out nfig(ht. They. sang 'toge(f]]]er, "Holy night 'ilea]t a lgiht." And strange]y, in som e degree the peace and cyafm and de~ - The Gazette Office ']'iglht9 !g 8C AT o'hc'-t:u'. 'B.t ~iy Imerry Ohrjstmaa.. Thc man 'stood I . ]jfprff Sill'1'f],ClJ1'18tn]SSB f])1'Kt)pfmn11t w]ance '... ' —- FIome! the deep he t])olij+t,t'o hamee]f it e To Teachers Not the mitf It shone so stc!!d>iiy'oub one. : $'J .00 8'ev'eI)al st'yles, —an d doon 't.fororgeet those rncbnr" nigt)t" avas shored:"-'To Icha]] and clear. Stars 'vank]ed stopppnrd'n p(k ."hsrnya d o ' Ice Cream andy'en's ~ ]"r<e G'-'ish"leis '" "."' '1, '"" ' 'ypufjh pink,, 'o . tf tl~ ~le'he ',d;d"the'e'vemng. 'eco'c I Sets, He arms try)rnara tints giihtdnod ': star '4 1 o. h Beat Qual)ty tl!u; en!ough, .fLstened ffhe star 'IKI!-o]bc':<cp'''~'thc'Ch ghhm -'It rand up fm the'other'~ ' Sets, 7-pc, rom or 'stur'e! !hii8 shuibby " The , , lass Salt and "pebper ': S I ~,l 50 5 I 95 Wear Munsing c' ' ''ater +pa)cry Chop>pae G']fftt raised thc'iivery 'V'V"are pepartrmendt 'lass Goblets, set 6. rose or pinl, '" ' I "'Thc'>aby; io'ok! Itc sees 'tar! "'- And ', f"m.O"" C""," G'",'. in't'af 39> C>,, kgl A -'i~~ ~ .: !: 9S 49C, RaIIloIla V. C. Straight Princess The child sat on his mother' lap an'dl gazed: at the Chris0mt].-., tree,: slhinang wilth candles. Ignis bro!t)hers 'and B]jsjtcae 'ave)]t )hi<]tig about wirfh'racs" of grlcc over all the'tli!i>nlgs jtktat!Sant'a cia»u'hdl brbu'pbt. But tlhe )it- t tie! one jusjt 's'at 'ahnd looked'ith round eyes a't the splendor of it sB.'fo'tiitn'd basic i>i» nnr!y g+nna+XjXXX%~~~+h+ head >)n se'e into r>hc topsncst .h~rjgg~~jggQ$ Pictures Make Ideal j ts Pfl s $1.50 Fntered at the Post Office at Keadrick as secorid class mail matter. - Some Timely Suggestions en's 4-in-„., and T)es - Price Subscription in flour and mixed feeds D)cker son !n pol!ecs )odeum>dent Ioh. <' ""'" Lctmumm~" Ni)tyh LKW/STN, DAHO gy " ',,4 'PI.!:: as. benefit to 'be. d(cl]ivcd (from n son, eEimmie Stuther]and, h!ad'the ]narketang association) nnd if so ]Msfortunc ')0 cate']1 (his 'al(m We tO yOu Our s H)amer Hayward ad;rhett-". The Genesee News s"1»'hat t4is section v'ants in on it,an@the e]eetric amming maehtine olas: pete St>urn!p, Joc Tse!hantz', the farmers of the Oenesee co>n- if t'here nrc no benefits to he and bad]y brut)lhcd lt: SinCereSt WiSheS fOr ., C. A, Cmidy an'd T. J:.Anni> ntutdty i>avs tlakon uo action I»"I n>>hat t"e",t. 'iaddc Cinrk is move!g his terai(d joining the ]marketing . fami]y 1 into t'hi %'.,%', 3'bhnsott Thc s"aro ho!does arc rspntrt hd>tnc(ation NeW bantam t">'u t'tc T T*)gg phnpnrty on Mam t)t y a ' ( 111g the lines tli at were 'tom Pteaxrnicrs 'n'ion tb ey are ah+ad/ ' I Th e hi'I. R . 8luid 'wil t>y Sh c recant >vind 'hand, i!'trong!y orgsniasd anti in Poar. !gra. Arnold Bchrono entnr- have thjn>r Pra>gmjla~tshsay selt~] jf n dJe+wSt: -" ow'Ch'r>s( y ur Storm. "'itfI]'ttO'"del(rite >any benef'itS rV)hieb taj]ie'd the i4etllo']itb at t(fifsir Iflar. EVC 'if,,8 'O'C]AC/. Vhe'lib". Itd]ton MeCoy nnd wife nnd may., be 'nvnillnble to wheaIt i Ohltistmes party,:9"edneisAhiy <popes <zpsii ]ic"is xtr'viitcd! to cost)e. .Bernard sn7d'er sp()nt'".Rundale, 1(krowcrs. Jf]c "lv('ws feel's t'bst af>tel)nhoot]. Ttfie" e I ) dfjnnei tjabl'e ivan -'- iH'is,'ammI)nd.'"h'as . " 'Int, tfie Beu MCCgy: ..'ihOine. bceIt'eonOfie k'j(fe Of tfie Cl]SC haS fbe'at]tearful]y ''eeora'f& Writ]]I fl]iied 'l(f'1@'c".bed 'VeVeriil Qeot CalvetC of Clark- Scen sta'ted', and itt invites n sma]tl 'f'ec, ar'0'one ' ;Iston was in'tolnvnd(Tjiesday.-' 'full and frnnk- d]js(,'uhsjon of tih'c mere piled. After t) it t)]]IB gift] AII,'tf]i j'ri6ng 'sfie'is] 'bi'emtfei': e three course 'l>]d i jSotnd'crt M]rs. tons nf (In'estiht], pl'o'Ail'edyn, S oppc. in its 'dlii]t]er 'htiw'as -served "~, " tlf]'c r.j ftths 'g K A 'Crescent.wsra in +Mjjjf> tm>n> nol»»>na, Tneadsy, Tl>s >he>va aaya tp>itr tvore 'istr>bated >v B .v ] "n,'loiiv anti y" B'htoppjng. . fi ink]y) tk>n t sp fn r rrn(] >h'avc tilt](t j'o]]io!w(td ] aiid ]I'Irs. 'f. 0. Orcelrfe'.. ., be';rrd:Onfr fiaom t!ki] Oi.gwuzcrs) 'hose'T]lhpqent >e and'puck.!moved'o were ', JULIAXTTA E. A. Clarlre, pres, t fiat "they 1)y nr! nienns J(]nc];, A}exander; "Or'uc]]ilgesdames H]i chison yl'oI)erty Monde'. ploiiek rcpi'csent the ]eton] producers." iNutt; A(dnTns 'ihiob]c Mi<. ]~la>njord Nutt' an1t BjdIj!isa i)Ir. Jof]ns tnnd;Orve Poo]e 0'hvi'ously t'hc Nenws ir from AIIjs- j Cochrnn, C]ark . nnd WV. Carroll, Cashier dt]li'fp])ter, rrhy Mrs. Crruc]LAqf„, were Lcrr~ston vj~itors Tncs- soiirj. nnf] wants t 0 b(, vhorv]]. Jones of ']]here L(.rviston 'froppers Tucslt ivljlf jntfecd f)e .jute)'nstjng to 3li', nnd Nrs. Tnck llcncor" dof hcv,,'f. A. 3T( Ivce of 3V;If]a, 1'cn(l 1'fie. 1(tttc) s ivlij(:1) netu(11 flnyfnn,'nsh., A fa]acivc]1 (1nncc wns given )])Vnfn will prone'h at tf]c Al.]". I)]'o(fn'(ac]s mny ivrjt( jn ]'e'"'nr(f nnd Sund'ny rvjtf1 sp(.»t S)htu]vfi)y Mrs. Ileilcnh,"s Iit 11)c Elc]'i]zc IT'111 ]]'st S»»>tny''o>ni», !I>en. In tl>e t»eat!»». jp>r>nl». Itlr. 'tn<1 >res. !!eb>'ens fne I!'eie» "2. nt 11 o'clock. Ii»>e B!jfpp ghn wilt Fofforvj)rg t'1)i siiggemta in of'j ]mt]jf(] n]](1 If;I]'of(] 01'n(11 f)c ]1]jssed 1]i" f]e Vounto Spegtd On tbe Ruilg ]to'n) t!11e NC'rvn. W('n iit t'I) lheiiv 't>1] nt ('s) Inc nfl f 1'Oin Tge W(St i)1) fv>,')t]iit pq]].'0 >) The first n]lie-a.i»lnu(e pun ln tlio i4'Tr. u itliil . v Rny Cook of Tn]j'Icttn tfi«'ofn»]ns i)f ll«' iiz('tte t«j(fni to spcnil lf]c rr 01-1 ( Unftod States wns rno ]e oIi the 8 .'. trans;ietcd (nrl ]r irritf]I Qf 'bnyjn(,ss jn 1>hc']]d)'j('1-;)I'I'f)rn] f n'I (1lsenssjon of .;In for( ', N;1 iiv]11, ani ', ~1 liy Foiiv1 fl't'11']]'I]t'f]cl', "n r"a" " Srhose colors ]vere hlnil'nd onin„e, rv(.rc '011icrvjston i]i'.. visitors i Ti iliiiiti']it i lf]'s. Ifjfes Pjer(e ~ ~ ., ' ' ' tiOnS~ip " a Chijatmaa and a fuff n] en t pf pnz es. ': ', Happy YCaj'jCh f 0 an d, J' Ho!p e, Se'e,,~g -. 'n ',BLIIIB ":- '']h]g j'ev. 'ac ' ~ ', 'n,'. . ~ ~ l J. " ' ITEMS»n(l . 'ecil Ken'd]rj'(,];.; Fr'id'n>y'hnrn!> '"" l ~ '"'"''ondny. I fjvt'., t's, ~ I ~ THE 5J» rr'"$ 48QXRhi„,.u" To EASY ~'.:,"" GAZETTE KPNDRIOK .: CLEAN OUT SINK V/ASTE ductiion '"")ly''';;, )Iyde, in 'his annulil !prince report to to st(by """o,":,"I'",';,"'ur— )ill! t'e Presidcynty I e'gta1'dlin'g, ')vthe'lit Itlhte vpboat )situation, the gitziat!)(on, on tjhe ''e, ld'e as on. in Un)It@(I ' 'pryfrt$ $Arr(!").I'.)Itf'dbol 'brn@$ i)k A Christmas Message of Cheer and Good Will Lv " ot4' iyo22 'th'e into chine and happiness " ~ 'Iay surprise you anfI bring genuine happint,ss. I I I , rslyopfhrof) g)eaning,,Ouut au $)pk, Stl(l )fill I 'I «r~rtbqP".: I I t' ',;,'. by thc vn)toi) stalac Dopartmon( "'Or A)rrtcu)turn.) ', „Small obsttrucftogs. are..often, forced down or dlawn uP bv the use of 8 8)lnP)e rubber force clip, sometimes called "the P)umber'8 friend," cosUsg 80 to 50 cents. The cuP is Placed over '-'t))t) f)xture outlet and the fixture is screw the cleanout plug and wash oul Part)ally, doled With Water. The WOOd handle of,,the, .cup,.is then worked any obstructing matter or. pull.,it ou't with a wire bent to form.a,book, sa 8 raPldiy dow)),anf)„))p;caus)nga)ternate emu)s)on of -the water.'.from benealll the Vnltcd States Depaltment of'grl the cuP; and suction uPward throux i cu)ture. Grease, ba)r, or lint, can often scraped out with a slick when the tbe,waste Pipe and traP. Chemical;sni trap has. been opened. grounds, vents are sometinles needed to free are among the commonest sources of the Pipes. Causlir soda or Potash arc sometimes user). Directions for tlieir stoppage at the trAp. Melted wax used for sealing jeily g)asses finds its way Preparation and nse mav l>e found in 1426-F, "Farm into the trap, )Ind )vhcn hardened is Farmers'ulietin another frequent cause of trouble. 'lumbing." !"II.- iilriit fr(nr Ty;ap . (fc I(rrl 'ill ~( II', I I t lives of'otkera that you mill receive trvly the presentc 'the total''w'ld ')ug author)tiea. of Ithe country, feels that.cattle and isheep feeders, )ike supply for 1929-30 'isi'(PIIIIy, a'b'out 'he dairyman,: could make greater 860,000,000 iburfheils less this)1 til)e prof) ts,hyl fife()ing silage. ~ 9ecember 25th Institution %ill Not Be Olyened All Day Nedfbesday Tlbis ,.;:,,;:4(p),.',,'„:,:,,:,1IQ~QJ/l(IIP Kendrick State Sank <,% pJ :":;:-:;:-:-:-::d!:,,-;::,:bv I'I)ihj-,: jj)ji:::.::,:Q::-:-':,;:. I,::::-:::::: 5 3II!'I'i Il "A Home 8)knit" -K"NMIC«, IDAHa ~ ".5&kwep~Fee'Mi$ ~48',5554 I'ess Bulky Fertiiizelz Encouraged by Farmernj )Murr KmswenE'l)tls! %es aims tmhhmd), ',,p'Voic'e From'the Ranks 0'pop(bred by the Vn)to() States r)opftrtyftout of Aerlcu)turn.) breed assoc)at)ons in the yn)ted States, are over)ook)ng an )rs portant means of improving tbe)r;re. Spective breed8 in 1 eeping their herd books,c)osed to, the many'ur)reg)stered Qa)rry high-producing accord)ng to cows'f, exc'client type, o, .F,. Reed, chief of the United industry of Agriculture. f re the nnual conven S ml' tlon of tbe Ho)stetn-Fr)ca)an assocla t)on in philadelphia, Mr. Reed suggestsdm:the tdes)rab)))ty of..the. nations) d associations giving "some study b of dairy States Department bureau f ) 1 the herd which will. Perry)t enter)ni')n e 1 t red animals that have b ks ssacbedya.h)gh."de'gree of purljg for a ~ — ,,I,",;, dght)f of thii'Inal 'irginia t(Idge of 100,000'cole .. Ssbs)'atcd by @+ )b)rraau of Ai)ry:,)nd))rr)ryu 70000 war+ t)<%i 30,)O)i I )o h'e"..Sa)d t W Prat)d)Iced it)pcjs, tm))e >> )8 Fsvordd. There,.are'riany',',Iunrel)hteijed capes)ty Ihs)a)s of 'reat productfve 'and eXCeileat typt) )n the,gn)ted pe playir))rect)yluPon )hem., 48, tht) Iraen,>%a)tedu the, Wprd,tp adr felt. vr)nce, tbst,company,„co)pmander )t ih)S id))<yr,tq, «drtee theut -that,t/i)8 was,. a,;moSt,dt)depurate,adtvqnturer,t))l whkh they were, about to,start. 8)s o)fin, i)nstruct)or)e,, be cp(pla)nedb w()28 hot I m~))C,ge mergy hail .b~n t dd . tbst i be, mus)r:.8))ln)natt) r',those. psst)fergus.,Yar)ks., Then, depart)ng somewhat from str)ct i>i)itary„d)sp)p pllne, he ))sheds.whether ))py, )r)d)v)dr). a) Present.cared to ruak(r .rt suggoe', t)on 1 ..whter@y„ the .'On()ury'8„: battery could bs taken with„ tbe „Io)ts)I p()g-, )r)b)s )()eel .of life., h pause,,befei). Xe one, it seemedl COu)d;t))jn)r r)f()kn eas)i)r very, ))haut tbe or)(lj tt)rt)sly cidt)'6 r)p!)n...,.. I ii, A private. who )rtuttsrt)d,had)~ byqks (he «)Ies)cs: r)it-: I States gpday „tbst e()u)I),,:be,)Irja'elf...use jef in our breed)f)g 'operat)()us:,,w)th yrodt, he said. h sya)tern of .jrate)stj)rr. p)onty nf bac) lng such an)ma),.l jlng, and )t,can bt),,mr)dP, gin'et)ca)g s(tund. Gr()at,,Bf)tilt), Hot))sjbd, ar)d ~ther couafr)a'8 fr)rrIor)q,fear:tb())'r'r)+ htrrds anIII I)'()eke'}i)vvrti'eed "sr)'cb 8 ~tern .lr)) fht), past),r)2)d Pt)po)fo))ow In)s prttcUce,nf admitting, r)ii)mr)~ls,tbat kiev)) tl}rt)e'W,t)vq tap erassea..'of v))g. l ! llr)tered'")rIrss. ','))ti')))bud)II)hg t'lie'plar), ilhr. Re()4 ))n)r)~'r)t:that lt "vt'obid 'rrt)t mean an )rnmI)d)ate'vtjIIh)'t)8818'i'tlg. lf (Ibp ~hrtrat)or)II)'g,'j)reIde,',ea'ft)s,', Sop erne'sii. wer'8 hei)utisd tbfe+ fnr, t))'8're~- 'lstyt)t)ON t)f ferns)es anil e())I ~ic)t)ves lhr thc crosses wert) fer)ts)es, w)))cII is .hn pro b a hl e, .hu stated tt would ta)ts sa R. ftbdt)da r )stared :lr) the herd hook, "%-h-h-rt;a-t say), fe))orl, ).y s.s.s.s Just e-h-1-p in 8-n-d buy.the (()j) byt)ho M N h d-a~r)t)d 8 elc t t train)nX chicks t'o yoqet, ii )8 n the roosts..)ew. oo(l i)lan p an to have j)oo( tbt) Oi'ten it 18 ne<.essary to P)ace tw)ce or once ).'oos)s eh)tike uplln the t ev wwiii find i)lat such roosts 8soon thev are muc i )afire 'ei', iind they w))) habit. qutcl'iy ad»ill i)le roosiing Tn l(J~ Cere)d) sp(bt)gd) Stir )()tn two cupfuls cooked w))eat f'crea), the ))eaten white of ot)e egg van))ja and one tens)tnonfu) cereal shou)I) be t}))n., if ii is ti)ick. '' ' ', I:, '* . r ~r) Sgwl I: ' I * u ~ Ar)'.. I'ur Pr tl ': y' e) * )'tein r;'or I ' 'a" 'y'Q ~ a+~ I 0 r,. :"C~"~+; - 'I e:::.:.'. y I . ' I i I ~ '-; — I VHI ' I tt it I „-,, O'AJHIN6YM WAI) KwVKN CO. I iolil»ig o 'Ineriased'.121'er Ituptt cent. 'I t".t:e tt rp I.,, t4ii b~);: does'@9)j 'l 'oarse estele'ng --f'; Making Silo Air Proof Most Practical Plan , it .di i co)jsiderab)e -pr''.. n)trog'en not be fused as in Skim Milk Too Valuable to Vfaste Nutriment nutr~ I"ully 'l0 Prr cent-,of: the, ln milk le COntalr)84 II) t) This ie too mok pOWder, Wbie)),:: valuable fond fr)r huirfs)j use';.1)).5)r+'! )ng new uses ovt)@ p'e'tlr. Ifrogieaidd" bakers here a))4.'theiif) ))Xe ue)r)g thle) Ofralum, One e)))t, tWO tabieepOOnfuls )n the mak)ng of It&ad areIb powder of ga))nns four and of lye tesspnonfu) cakes. As b)gh as f per <mt rr)ay water, p)us ttt)ough cement to make )t Nn(I )t )ir said ihiit to advt)ntage used of paste. the co))s)stency In some cases, the inside of the 8))() eoetomere are qu)+ to t)pprec))bte the doors «re lined with paper or tbs 'd)fferenct) betweeu bretad uonta)))lug cracks /11)ed w)th clay to keep out nlr. 'mi)lc powder and tbnt with no milks Another scheme is to sow oats or cane In fact, the superior 4u(t)ity of rr)ose. oC at the top oi'he s))L These grains home-made bread la dus to the r)eebakwhere many mixing iho in milk and silage t)prout qu)eMy in the warm luakthe matted growth serves ae aa )nsu- sr)es use only wat(tr. Ice cream )uf(ter)st of this lot u)fl))g 8 ale ers )agor exclu(ling the air. «ml it also etliers into the lnaking of )I)P41)1)ng, cllocolaics and i In()r)tro))I, I many kiods oi'an(lies, The Blue river in Nebraska )8 ve)ter vrrapper9 garded as )lie nation'8 most high)y 1Il)ve d)eve)ope() power s(I eau). printed at the Gazette. hn Iowa farmer who hae had witle leer)ence dndS that SPP)ling Of )Il)())ue the w)uter cah be lessened by the S)IO'r Wni)'On the inc)de a so)ntion that keeps out a)r. phs m)xture consists, of oue pound u ii cent greater than ill( tpni)age i)ur. nu I chased in ]d)o~ saks Bainls tide ls not a true picture or what has Along w)th this slnall inhappened. crease in tonnage, tile)e luis been alt )ncreaso in the concentration of the fprt)))zers sold, ivhich hae made the sales,,of total p)an) food materials )nt 1028 )nrrease 20 .Per,cent over the same'sales )ii,p))2t.".. ' ..Barrie'lieck 8))ows,)hat the sale of phosphoric acid increased 9 Per cent 1n the six-year period; sales of potash — ) — t .:p -";r.. 'i-:II ehouldt 'f ~ gee Higher concentration of plant foo(II )n mixed fertilizers, than was cu&tomary six years ago, has resulted Q Ohio farmers buying "0 Per cent morg plant food in columerclal fertniser )n. 1928 than they bouglit in 1022, while g" peor" cent mo,e 'f,ei pay)„g only and bagging cliarges, E. E. names„ oi the soils depart)neat ot'he O)))(p State university, bns checked the tendencies in the use of fertilizer on Oh)n farms, through fertilizer sliies ieporis made to the state d»;artment of agrlculture. "Artual tonnage nf fertilizinx The Inclusion of, birds In the horses, the first cutting of al- that have other than'tra)ght Ind)ylduak'. 18 more benef)e)a) than thy sec; bones 18 rt'r)atte)r,fpy'he ond and third mittleus. Ileeond and to heretic. is lileidtlsabte te cuttings are pp'ef()rable,'qr drt) jy males tv)th th)t), pefectt, no matte tjf) because ths etemst arie,not as what may be decided.'rstgardlr)g 'maes. an4,there )i a,larger.prdpprtlqit leaf area.'or horses, l)ovreuvt)r,.the,,h..csrooked bgeSr)t,4)% 8 defer)edtF.I pret cr)tt)ig,)8 better a» )t. )8 r)ot- however', ",Wary" and p COareer. It ie COmmpnIIhe trap-neater, POee)b)V, )S mr()ar» ly advised to.cut alfalfa when or)ie- Bke)y, to uee breeding birds rr)th,th))e third )n blooin, snd this 18 highly 4))-, deformity than a breeder, not krto()yrslrable for. the dairy cow. Alfalfa ls )ng actual record of the b)rda better as g fee'd, for horses, however, Where birds have been, trap-nes0% if it is cut at a later stage when 8)- )t will be an easy matter tp )eive out those birds w))kh do bot lay norNo better reuughage exists for grow- msl-shaped or standard;s)eed e)ms. ing colts than alfalfa hay. The h)gh .It. )s not expected that each b)re! proto)n'nd )lme content of ibis hay will )ay exhibition-quality ogge, but attnormsfi le fust treat the dronlnp nslmitl needs adds tlirt sre'prononuemlly tO bulltl arm muoele and danae bOne. PPIII certainly.nOt stre Oetlmttul rssu)ts. ''",'. You' alfalfa fa and half timothy. I g I'j: contain "" ~;,""-'" ~ ~ In~+W' r.-,,„o MakeS a — ): '",themselves — .," ""i~~u<.j) " 'rh i 'alfa 'h))'d. 'OSi''att)e I ailg ~+ h - Iggg Q'pII))t)O f cdpldbtn. to )r) . Pr)ete . ',:. t" ii.' "I':i!.' CXpFCII . '~a~SCRAIIGxe g) I iidd '(va Pin n)1)k ipr li)nil)s. Sieve for I)(,is(lrt wiib 8 sof) c ll 8 i I I r d. ' ~ botht)j'somei,gupe.. a. New'ystem ri ', .' I:- the:.Pu "-':----:: -: recur'e ef:p'' . . caPts)nr $I;ar)nho)t',8 OP)npar)y sbquld,. captprs,,tht) bsttevy, I rtnd;. sl. rt)g)stared:,$ ]))s,~eartt .that„, un)ess Wt)II)) (),I ' $ Well-Balanced Ha'tiOn. 'ith ~~~ ~~.'se)II,."o: i(II,",rl~ —.— -.—,"~ b.fheeer .'jour" N, g- >~)fs'liaff@'-'' that some . one. data))t,must, dew)sed ta,better?, Plan, 'eunde Ot m))))r and P(8)r)de Of.PWt'I. rush,ChI) h))l,,by,r),freut)tl abtaeg „It. N)rfat 'a 'y'star, e)nj,the ';a>i)rage W++ a)NO,m)S)nt Igia<,tbe, )le)erassault)r)g. ibs reg)stereo,,cattI(); hveisged '7.878 goree. mar)l suffer )Ieavy„caeualt)es yoi)r('.8,'of,, m))k; «nd; g08 Pour)ds of even lf It were not enti);ely destroyed;. d)tirencer,ef ou)v 7'q)„tb))retiwas no cevgr. They must bstterfit, p()r)nds of m))k and 10. pounds of butcharge th'e etuemy acqqse,. an repen 'tepfat in faVOr'Of the rerg)Steered Ct'stt)S Syaee. Where the federal, p)eqt)8 might Iejsdss ar)d %be, gradei; A. I t QOrn Alfalfa hay can safely be fed either the sole roughage for horses, or to oft) ti o o hays, according to A. O. Rhoad of the New York state college of agri culture. Experiments have shown that horses at 'hard work and fed alfalfa hay as the sole roughage, mahitainpd tlieir weight on 20 to 22 per Petit iess grain thun others fed timothy hay. Alfalfa makes a well-balanced rdtlon when f'ed with corn alone. T)p)othy hay may not be fed with corn alone, as this ration 18 low )n P'rotein, and needs a «upplement to ba'lance, )t. grains other .than corri spc)) 8» ~ ~~ .:: ~e ,~~1 I commerc)(PI)i'heerd))I 'P Fed Wj+ 'ra)r)e i ~I ALFALFA HAY IS FOR HORSEg 'OOD 's 8. bloody I "Is ENTRANCE.. 'lt lseprnfsr p)k4 Rank Hs/el 'j;,',i„)s)h)psfgn'hort)g Nfprjs j, 'Reed,:;.')t'ai')I)itted this sugge@)orr Th''ey'i)'eral "etngiigeiiierr)t hand eOm. r)eight Seem -'))eke"".ra))k, beret)y .tp thud Prpfpns)t)quet albeit',gaVe nOt;tbOughtt;.,the n)er)Ce)j)... The M) gadi. tO; Wh)Chr, Cap. )o )ain Far)nho)fl„be)opgep was. „drawn Q)rt ':be)er)))sd:atter)t)on the fa'Ct,'ut>at,aQ:.Cat)it)",LIOW reg)Stere() uP,.)ny,reeerye„aWqlt)ng the COmmarnd M,orre ~rang (frbom;,t))e rc'omm'o)t','herd. battery, Of to, )tdvance,ifwhen,.a,small ,ever, ben())t()od dgurers, shawu))Ig the very jpi()n gpnsu,onpeneI) .upon, it frf))n, the )lh te)lgbt ditfpretier()jlei)st)ngI)e<veq)I tp))„,,()f a, npafby,b)J), dOing Cpue)derr ~duct)or)'.,',)f„urnrjeg)sprgd':ar))II;ilieg)s a))y damage,, hn., or()ern,twas given I AS.,< NADER)V) FORM UTII IZED BY ANTIMI CII)RTI'STM'ARI .v J IGHTING BEiN6 GRBHTINIG OF CHRISTMAS OUTDOOR H FAIIINHOLT, CRFA'Sjl'V)6 NUMBER OF CITIZFdNS THROVGI&OUT DEPICTS nOW deCeaeed Wae One Of tbe SCENE ABOVE THIS YEAR. THH that Essex COUNTRY most gallant soldiers ISCHHt)t!H ARRAN6HD ABOUT'A.. HO1)IFd I)IGHTING TY'PILI> county, Virginia, sent to the Confedcrate army and i'f you don't believe IN ARTIS'I'IC tAIND I1NIJ'RUAI EFFECTS ARE ACIDEVED Essex sent out her.fuii sl)ale of bard VARIED OF USFi THF, dghters in 1801 lust,ask any native THFSH I IGIITIXG (vCIIEI)[ITS BY TRAMPS. IN SON F> CAHFf S of, the county that's all. The old COLORS IiV TISH INCAINDHSCF~NT RHFMCTOBS gentleman Wae a famOus,etOry, teller. FRONT o ARE FLOOD-iliIGHTFi'D IVITH H One of his favorites had to do (v)tb an «etna) occurrence of the Civil war'n which cool grit in the face of almost certain deal)i was nlingled, I thInk, in just the Proper ProPortion, I with a beautiful sense of bumor,, The man from whom I get the yarn uyedt r to, go,on hunting, expeditions wi'th'the'aptain. informant My . gN cou)gn't recall the name,.of the..bate t))'Pyj iw ".ch,ithe, t iing,. occur)'ed .hut C W d,",,",'; V he was quite sure it was one of the + BII.LV CAPTAIN I I'j'lljriltm)IN Open Herdbooks BreedS.. i', rtd Smg 't )s advisable to clean ilut sink or laundry tub waste traps from time to 'th a Dirt collects in ihe bottom of them and g esse ad4eres to the sides of tbe pipes. It is not'hard to 'm- OverDairy Associations looking Means of ImprovIng Theu bringing sun- experierrre a nemyoyin viouis" oropyy'ea'r, I Season. t r I thih'a'ppy 0'ur greeting to you at Nay an average„of ~O,tria)S with production 'two-year-old States. The c)jpoI steers, gains Ion. Silage-, Russi'a and fe()„patt)e cost,$ 1,"2 a hundred)veight of, twhcat,outside ; China in 1929, aceordiinig to tlhe :)easel than.,onf steers fed no silage. fn Peepoi&y now .. avaI'll'able, is a'bout these tests a ton of silage rep)aced 27 3,400,000,000 busihels,.:. ai 500,- 'pounds„,,qf r.lconcentratese and 605 II I 000,000 ., less, tjhan, tn)e,,,)reeor(1 pp'unde'uofuc)ov'er h()y, long. ppof.„lgorrisonie has,. bepj(t, .6)'e c'aITy'qveI 1925."; As poor 'crop of . ,considered one of the foremost feed;, divas 'arger. t'i)a'n 'tjhat" of utihp ''yeI I)';:gal i even more, r(iason to build a silo and feed sii;1-e than the d)a)rymen, a«cording tn experiment ala(ion results. Yet nearly .all d:lirylueri feed sii a„"e, while the . majorii y of lloeg men and sheep men do not. . After summarizing the results of all. t xperilnental data. availabio. Prof, 'F,, B. Morrison, director of tlie New Yp)k Experiment station, finds (4))t tile average. ton value of siia„-c, for da)ry cows js approximat«iy one-(bird that of „ood mixed hay, while t))()I Ppr acre. yield of sila e is, four or f)ve times gradate); )han that of. hay. 1<'or beef, c()ttle, he fiuds silage worth balf Ias„mucli par !top as cloVer bay, and .fof, sheep morq than half as much,,; jvjrorld as, well of beef cattle and sheep Feeders luive 'e- . however, tu'j Ensilage Is Essential to Cattle and Sheep 1928-1929 seasoii. A"redlretion in our wihes)t ot)tput j)s offset by ciazryover an increase in'jh(', froz)I flhe previ'ous sisal'n. Styooks on July 1 totkledi 24'~,(100,0I)0 bu@iels compared. wiQ) 128,000.000 Ibusihels On Ithe same date in 1928. Inoolne Rom nvhea't. pends, 1)as lovel."'e'crctttry 1)<)s tA)ris situlbtion.: "Though this S(.ason'8 i)~heat crop is eonsjiderably sgnailer f)han tihat of 1928, it rn()y return t'lie gTOWSIrS a 1)II'8CP II1k~.".''"':""'-.':.':.""-'-",, colne. Whent pr('.cs have be(ln '.snlhsjt(tniti))lly higher so far this suason tl)lan t'hey were <hi)ning the edrrCSpOndlin)r peziir,l'f tiie I 19"8-29. in reindiic))ted rajiscd the world avalistbl() LARGER RETURN supply tihe Nevert9)eless, PROM %W)-<T LIKELY TP'AP ml))t.'))r)ug vr))uab)t)'to.waste.)ind."8k))rl'reat)r)g p)seer'Ve»')0) Q yIN)I'll KLXDRICK THE McDOWELL'S SHEpHERD MIDGET CAFE Meals iGoOQ 'ns a Specialty Lunches is still at Troy and wants '.,I'> for dates. These trucks J Jo incorporate and Wcgner,werc FOR SALE: Frucht] Sa<mt>ni]] at 'avendish. J. h. Fruc)hl], Lc47 — nore, R.F.D. 4p. M >s. 1]. '>Vn]ifc eve> 0 av 'st»r(]ay. Cattle, Hogs ai>d Sheep Wool. Poultry tw iC,E E l'0 NE]gllAIIIS Q ~ ksne Tt!RKRs, A]Ill liili'II<RIAls If you wnnt to know asha< is being sannufac aad snasketed in'any and a>l lines of buaineaa, you can ob<ain Fice and witbrrut Oblige<ion "Cataioit<e and Aover<isiog Matter pe<<a>n>ns fo.alsyil<te of Businenn or frsoductn iu'wihieh you ase interested. by wrti»g <othe " horse drawn B N..EBS]IIETT 4 00. .'t, g 'g ~'' m Sat- tp Wcdncwlhsy Now OIi n for Business Under X<:w Management keep I' of Mr Ctir] Mrs. W(„rncr is tl l>t<]) li) '. Mrs, I/ev>nj)s<ton It re<]'e]ebv)unn Th>irst(]i>y. 4 I I ])b]r»><(]I M)rs H<h~>) 1n )>]eyer ". nnd jl> an( 1 ])] 1'S. C l I Weg- AMERICAN ]NO]]ATRIAL OSRARY ncr "lii ~ ith Dining Room and Cafe Saturdta phones: 'once sls, Rea isis Maho; „, - Kendrick, >', as @ ~S d., of Estate of the h M. t t went to Le>vhston Frjdtay. untd'evwent:>n Mrs. Weaner entertained ne I ™,sf(Ialnes John8ehwrerz guce Meals and Short Orders d'a»"«0~'g Pursuant to an.o']der;of.<laid Probate court, ruede on the z/th dev of Nov/emhey, Li>29,,notice is hereby Surgeon Dental „I ,', Matter the HENRY;P. HULL Dec I a>'. ' Miss Bmma a:I-Irtun'g Dr. GEO. W. MolEEVER ~+Out 'i HOW i', i1'I 'we''() ~ ' <.;Cine „3 r,,an)d'lerbe)1>t Mie'Ike; at All Hours Herbert, Ib ]929, at 2 ociock P. M December fltutt 1»tu])a>I Oaigrar ~ the Celluloid goopy Better haVe them 6xed gs a!it ',, I '."e ~ e . Harness P.,HULL, Practice,:h $ .'pr '-+N++H+N""""-I"5+4+1'H ~ h s>toc Re airin 'tg]ipra] . MAIN STREET ii deceased, 'he in 1929. 0am eront '""'. eh E. Walker N. '.,'endrick '. Idaho",, - +++++ r-":::=':-'='-:-'t-""l~+ by Experienced Mechanic Automobile Ace~0 Badger Tires and S+uhe, 'Ward pppp, very t)a)ke $ 8pp d(y>vn, balance easy terms. Wou]d".se]] serf d'esired. Inqtdre <Ia- zct)te offiiee. FOR S~ g B]g. ~@eh,'ne at Car]~ Phone 232 or 732 5] 4 The i>v)Qncrrr were p>'cscntcd ', FOR SALE: 7 qhoats weighing o Close t)0 100 libs, <hca]4ihy am(l Pr>zcs t'e evenof In t9ic latter Part fat: also R. ]'. Red eockere]s. $ ] tthe gi'fts, brought by the '.''. each at ihome, $1.5p trn cra<tc for ing Wm. F. MCC1'e]]and, g ' shipping. hast but, nest least., the guests fdia Sout)hwhck 5] 2t served ta de]jcjous lunch by the Mrs. E]>]en, after w)hhc)h BIDS WANTED hio'nic cx-;,'; for guests departed Wood For Sale, also posts any them Prcsshn'g size to 01 der. Claud Craig, LeSc)hoo] District No. 24 ta most deli h'tfu] even',sTojntrecchve 28 tf iw<j]] land. . bids for s)jxty-five enjoyed LEWJiSTON, IDAHO Attorg>ey-at-Law W'e are '....~, '' ', ', 'ere ', fo~y~ " '; >jn ;,'acks of,sanaller ~ '10 ',,", ' „,. 'th'~ ]'HE ~ ~es ' — '7 — — ~,".:, -,'; rt...,. , 9 'r ' I > ~ Dated, DrR~+ING SAIiioWAY Frit ters t xu u 1 lng or App]c >.r( i of Tic)nor) I'jc (/))neo]ate Tr,;1 fleuu ~mmr Mf of (/nea>>i Ce]e>p 80u]) Fruit, l ntnl'a'10 CnmtbjnatjnT) Salad Pickles Boast ']'urkcy Jointed Cranbe>ory and ant] - " Chicken -Mashede OI'a@ Ruuoc S')uec (/>'eanl "Potatoes Baked Sweet ]btattocs "M'otck Oysters Pca s C ea 'ed Gard Fruit Jello wit)h Wihopped Cream I'ic M jnce 01 Cranberry Purnpkhn, (",hi)'<..plate or Tca Coffee, o w ow o weo-o o wow oww rw ow wtw vo"o o"o wt o"o"o"o o to"o"rta Wan rw o"o wt o"o"o"o wm Wv ww ~e ~ iaCe i O ~uZ X MILL FEED and FLOUR COAL and WOOD, Highest .ilia Price» for Your Grain and Beeas Market —oOoFAIf~lfjl . a 1,, OQRPANY F" l's s ' I I tr ) 'endrick —:nntfggP ''W ~ UNION WAREHOUSE Miaetf<a, I(labo P ' .: otaQ>' rw» — oo . Pg,l I, ~ i! ig= s y 0 ] 'I --OTTO G. EHI>RN, pastoy 10, 1929.— NOTICE TO CREDITORS Bib<ITHN)t<S 37-tf gsentc of IIirgh D. Stnitcttr, Heptember Corn C]lr»>tu>a» ', the market for 1000 pjne wood jueh~ Iong LUTHERAN CHURCH r]ots of field to ibe do]jvered at th h 'ouse at Kendrick Ida'ho, in .. ~ 1434 I!f>hla~, Lewlston, Ida Camerps, Emanu,el ANS q.p., Idewigton, Idaho..... JuI>e, 1930. Bid's to bc filed with bseh<ynl Sundtay ~t 9:30 end ., (I,— mays perfect Our aim is ty r @,e C]erk T)he B a~t in .Ger10:30 SALE: $25 at dljvbjnc 'i sni] means of/bi'inr~|)s you,", H USE F s]], tan or to re praetitces Ssturq InoItth. Mw; Prograwn I>aura Ham 'ids '~evA m)an. per coiII>fort and pv'rifacy and .will children I<t 5<. The 5135 A. ',! N. rL<dgetwood St,, tey, dny, chive etl Spe'eialied SerII .eed, D c Iq Iqgq " 'tf. and'eimcc 50 a Wish. lead program jn 81>okanc, vice. C. A. OppE!NBOHN «]) rk Eve beginning at iLewiston Phone 275 51,~t, on P.Christ)n>as M. Ahristankssh Day services ';. $100,00 REWARD $100 00 ''.at 10 A. M. it] t)he German lanAUCTION SALE Hardware Oo. guagc. A11 arc cordhaly invited T>he undiersigned will pay a Keild rick,- 'Idiih'0 5 .. reward ioqftron',e .-.h.n-ndrcd dosars . " S. ' We will sell st Public coction ' ee. y in cash for informatson leading on tbe scree<a of Kendrick the " Sunday mhoot at I:30 and to ihe anest and conviction o> folowing srtiicles: snv. person stealing or having ~»»<W»ga I Heater Stove, 3 tables, 5 stoien "fr'om our ranches in itis Siscksmithirig, Wood Work, . ta'h County Idaho stock bI an(]. Tire Sett>ng % ag/on evening of 8ho» eases, 1 Fire siafe, 1 Ko mdy take Ps>t on the Sha'rpe'ning, Dis'e ' q~k . D j v jn 0 Autoes, e d w 1i t h o u r b r a n d, a s fo110w s, Ia k 1 C sm e ra, 1. 0 r ( u, 2 (/ u . 25t h, t 7 o p De0 . g Q p a 1r]n g d G f h to-wjt: the letter ."A." on t'e boards s]1 kjnds cr(>cks j,'<> s servicest on second Christmas C(ympton Day at 10 a'h. !)I. jrn t]>e Qe>M»n FRANK OR rjght ribs and an undcrbjt on 'lnai>y other articles BROWER WANN CO Dressing 1 <bicry Mf(e e,'>ch (.<>cutest 'bvjth aPProprirate of', Oyster in<1 I v :ec Oh)0)jer p]c from Carmeron sndt vjeiirnhty at a Oh'rjstmss P'»ty. was scbool The parochial O]ever]y (]ecovatcd in keeping wit)h t!he season. 'Vhe evcniing .was spent, jn 'a d ip]ay)j gt gs)medf tryj gl to outdo 'the opposing Bi<des in t!h'c contests held. vattjous novelty W]„t, g]wtrjc SALE or Spiral Wind. Croquignole 'Finger No Waving Req>iared. The Best 'Wave in the market. On]y $7.50. I/oujse Tay]or Young ain St. Lewiston, Idaho, aI>d Morrison Barber Dirks Bhop. Phone 1682 nfPCCk he]Pin„' (Too late for last week) w'ondshedt, fruit celler, T Fi<jday evening the Revast A]so trees business garden. and'rts. ercnd 0. G. Eh]en encemeI1t )a]vnost :buh]dhng, 20x50, Htardtwa>.e. Montgomery (Ih jck 0» er ment Tubes an(l Ms si>c(I 1"otatocs Browne<1 Hwcct,Potatoes 'ond'ition, O ptleai ~pmpany Near wj]]j»m Tn'hnson thc Past week Geo. %'j]kcn. iFr je(l car> n g scho01 Camernn will FOR SALE: T]>«c ]ot,, 7~0>n c]rose Ip>jda'y nft!ternnnn for t']ie Fine X))>ss hn]<)(]ays. C];)sscs wtjll retb1uiga]ow !house, sty]c inside >bud!„Out. Cc- sue>v" wvork, AA'I'o" day Dcc. 30. W'ouM. Ida'hp wee ci]( M>.s 'rs. 3 The 49— 'arsee EYES TESTE D pytheyn Repairing kutomnbide 4h is of Celery Soup Crea)m Turk<ey Raast h~c. Hnd~cr Rllssell ADRIAN NELSON s probat Iudge. spent 1 DECESMBER 22 SUNDAY for hear- ai>d 56f BtllllN ', the iSSuanCe tp 'her, Of, LetterS h T t when h any Testamentary, t apdd rwhere a>>d person interested may appear contest thte same. ' ll up fOr Winter JriVi g AttOrney-at-ham,;h the, County .of Latah, has been ap; he;t)jI>pc 'and,p]accfor .proving the Will of:said HENRY i, 1])ate] Ca>uu>prrial 11(bi<bert I/ewiston in P (>Wqnr L/n<>ineegin<>Baits»n<>.C>s>oat>o.n>>noise hearse.: $V<)]f'nd hn'usc fo>'are t'Wc<mcr while l)fs'ASgfAg- it@ visit'ors I~cbvi~ton „]. ~w w w w 'w M'nn'(i<ay FOR SA'LE: Hi>ah gliiad'e hbrary opcrattjot> Sated'ay tnorn)jul't ta!b]e. For sale at k>A:, baT g>M'n, Ht Auto Equipment, Lady Attend- 'o]]<jtcnr Djokerson Gazel)tc nftrs. an h<>var z ohn ant Stock n'f goods in Keid- '; anid haw>and s)nnb, 1 lte>(bert rick. Phoae 462 Kendrick or Saturwere ii> Lewvjston rence, 6R T~y,:,or see IN THE PROBATE COURT J. F We]']rer, KCI>drjck; or OF THE COUNTY OF LATAH, AIr. Kruger and daugthtc>', STATE OF IDAHO Sn>il]> ..Bros., Lc]and R0Sat]rje, Were PC<>V)iStnu .Vjsj&ra furnish r Cail wait, a 'u w w w Md]<]re<I an'(I liight. Sit<tow aud M . A. 0. Seli>li> 'f i . Undortaker Stu- <iver ni„ht guest of We< ne>', ~ w w w w w .r v ITEMS 1 tor > >n gQ p K=,IC FLKQD o CANER ON er Ch C~ion qua]indies. F. Neely snd sons, Moscow, 123 W 4th St. debn eb l'>ltd I nmnnaessmts~nmnmsmanmmmnmen ' "- LiCenSed .Eutbalmer aud """''"'""''- 0 ~ expense:I'x&M 'ufed i~ 8 to cry that sale. Hides TRUCKS from I/z ton, Trncks The Auctioneer Phone him at 4is — ERSKINE STUDEBA'lr~ Lacal Ads GAZETTE ' J LSIAI ~ 'kenariCX ~a@age Decease(l. and ChIhst>nas'Tot>tc<> s thereby given hy t']ic s ~ I Mr. ()nd 4AI<>~. 'I'. lT. DaughernoveMics In)ade to orcler. Rnse undcrsh„nci(] Omp ctxcout I nf th, ty ](.ft F> j(I ay for <pokat>c tn stt.i>IIC of 'Iingh D. St'itn<tn)>, dtc- visit th(r~>.']>] Ii'gt]>ter, ij'ltws. ything that' De<hbal<f Bgt>s, tro>pa to the creditors of., an'd Bring(>], rctur>ijng on Friday. 4'I an'd ]'>eus. Turn]IaugII> CHRIST]~8 r. OARDNI,) Il person>s H>>evjug (]ai'> is BLaf>>/ t sp PI>one '654 Re» id ] The -I t esbyterjari Iyadics Aid the said! deecasied, 40 exhi'bjt''Ijs>d Ruby Ifef fcl zert> wjt'h t!he 'nccoss(»y vouch- guests an<i: Mrs. Jaines Kendrick, Maho. f>n exc]usjve line of Christ- them cve'nh»g. inont)hsi IXeltoru Monday after. >v)jt>hhn Hhx t'hese. crs card's. Be sure to see inas ~ gENDRICg DRAY i!k ICI', ~']r. al I!he fj>'s!, p». vrisit,. tie's notice, tn the dsu<y]ite> s wc>t. T~ewtjstnn of b]jeatioT) ~ T>)es('lay. s on of office (>> FOR SALE: 5 roon> house 4 s>bj(] exec»t/or nt the <..'Ijfford Pni>re]] is weatqIng t]te t!lie Tu(]gc. Moscow, gf>rage; radio, ]'In]>ate ](>tsf vr<to(1s]>ed, nevri ''iietrrs tiie <sihrr/ umiir. over tiili el for ne'mc Ale piece snn i f o ti 5 tn'he, <Fsds; ht + I< S n q fiitie irniriitimi ~I'.—.<nsnttnttngunttnanti 1»'s burne, Dec'een son at rival of bustiness nf a of the and')Irs Whlliam C]aa trsnsdctinn Alr 198. H. ( Craig Phone vdsi)tin at the —CloafL]nl PrcsfiE y g g batterv sct.) wcr(b ] ewjston visjtnt~a over the 45 tf saib estate, in Latch County, 14. ]inme DaII»narc]. g )I>'s Tii n] sug] wcr ' '">te O'']a')0 ')I l. 1]jrth ]ay party was given tv iek t]ITY DYE WORKS ]I ' Ij ] ' " ~ -i 0V<.) the w(><'k Miss guiby I<'ri<]tay vjSitn>s fllija( and r>vjs!nn Thornton ]:>st s. Ifeffel —.=. and Alteratlcns Repairs D;it< tl iit 3] nsc<iiv, I(l:v]w, I)e- c„,i ']<>>r>1-;>>)<f]<i(,. ITnfI))>»» cs]]cd B rrgjst> y; coin exe" . <>Ii„'di'b]r tn Mrs. ant] Mr. )itight by Relining Q ]<o)'I «"»'>" gn"<I ]'«I'>I'"'. 'X 4l>.;))«I >Iri I'»»CS TIC]tn>) I);iugli. Tthnge preaent Were tnein- ](0!)<>I; 'I'I)0)')>tn» 4(p)<>C Sunday. ar>d B]OCk Hat'8 —. C]ean ' W 'I'h<) Le]'>))d l.";<diesr Mission bock bcis of thc I~c]an(l <]) jgh scl>nol. i»<)!<it) e<l In ]i<1vist<I» an(l w<eks <I]<]': Prj<te $2). A<'<')'e<]i!~>o w )>i< I i('ty at the home of i. sn< tiiu)0 iiy < Pliiyjng AA a gno(l t'0>'< Tii< g<l>i> . F'ugs g)< I) Is f Trade Naif<dig fof Ilci'(l; I i'<'0 I I'011) e< I '];,'><V00<h>urd ]'a@ Ol')li'S..I. refreb(h))><))ta WCC](]'(>jnrty .ili'.'. W;)S,'> I'1(SI))i)0)) par>)CS, lb. I)i!i;i S e l.]10)')!];<i SiXth I")'<'(I A<I'<I)'<'SS hi«)<I< i<a)i)ta igi< Ie for Ap>)rt 122 Nem j;>I)nr!i)<))iu f(t>',))) ]'!)))>eg<I;>V ()]I (l(iy meet< <'1>k<I;>)><I je]]O Wcr(> Se> Ve<1. j)i]., >hlnat 01>, I<I;ilin. Xn..t fuVS «rr I>) V<))'<'<I)t uSC I y the fur ))<] Vi~itii) iii ].< mian»). P(>Stage Paid One W'ay (Contjnr>cd nu page 6) 3]'jss 1]el'f'c'] receive(I p)'cs<.nts )>] 1 t., Industry. DRESSMAKING F>'an'ea~oe<l, nf'r. snT>yet'ave ~ < ~ ~ J. I I I — '''"'"' ~ I ~ ~ r') '. '1 ]929.. — =.m '' 'i'x«.ut .........' 'l) ~ '. IitIOIII!OI!)ISIIIIS!ltWIIIWIISIIWllllSIIItSNSHllSBW — < any THE GAZETTE T<R,"<<DR,ICE CHRISTMAS BAY A . FRI. AND SAT rrrjt .l,,Ãrlll (..}r18t:rltarr To All Our Friends Is The Wish of I , .. carson s Store Unusual Values fO1'RtuX'Clat+ I I Men's Genuine J. B. Coffee 2-lb. Can, 98c M. Leather Coats $9.50 3. B. Rice Free 1 lb. M. <I A Ladies'ose 3 Holiday Nutmargarine }ba. 49c ~KEAH3N Oat tQQOlfHY SEBA.MM do '5PffEIt<lttt~ea Kendrick Theater ou. sd.wr-. M~. The Kendrick Theater Otto Schu pfer, Manager Silk Rom Top-to-Toe. All You Pair.. Nant 87c Super Suds 3 packages, 28c GRADE Pounds Babbitt's Cleanser .On Rubber Footwear , 19c 4 cans, Admission a descri p- 7he the Ann)c" was cbscussed by t<he grade literature clam. The poet's life wats tio}jd to .the stuthlird of'eek. dent's; ea.tsotli s 'f Picture fia<mous painttings were shown to t)he fourth gravc }rrr)guage e}ass Rnid. each S:o.te 10c and 35c Rockies by Jean B)gelow written yester(}ey as I was out walkmemibers of tahe c]<ass: ing, a beaut@u} sigh<t met my The Lonesome Trail . eyes There }ay night before me ib'y .Franklin Aibvams tl})e most, beautiful sight I II'ad When children wa]k t)})rough evc v seen. There was a t<hhs passage every thing is still, ]Rkc hv'Ith the pine trees It hs Rhvays beautiful in th'e Ibitte cf}ected in the water.. Atbove <spring time. If t'his road could the lal-c there nwere tan, blue tal}- you wou}d knoiw w1)at Is)c}cs covered ~~th moss. There i«fr)i"e r L'onesome Trail <1 was in» as a Iuountain not far away 0]de)i days. PI oba'bly a great icoveve(1 i@it}h snowq The 8ky <many oxen have walked through was e gi"ayish, blue color. the pass many a time. 3rd and 4th Grades A Texas Blue Bonnet Pie]tl T}ie 'booklets "Forest I')ires in by Phyl]is Thou)as lda})o" She Forest There was R loneIy little Prier" were cbscussed by'tbc ranclh upon a hill. It. was even- tihhrcl grac}e pupils. ing and there was a beautiful "Hpw Idead Pencils are sunse<t, It was blended with ye}- <3'I'R(}c" was stu(bed by tt}ie ]ow, orange Rucl purple. Then foui tt}I grade. out in tlhie field were white "The Magic Parasol", an insheep grazing. The grass was 'terest<ing st<pry of how PRImgiwcn and. tlhere werc purple olive soap is'ade was d'iscusdaisies tinted hvit'h bits of rec}. sed 'by t<h<e f)}tird grade. There was a lonely little house, a little brown 'hlouse on tlhe ihil}, h]v, Rnd, Mvs. Chas. Keeler, A spreading tree stood in t'e! attencled the funeral of the litbae«yard. tie 'rnndaon at hew<eton Florida . tive theme !tihemes were Tlhe Can<ad'jan fto]}owtrng 'by t)hree 'AL 'nd stud<en'writte We %is}i To Thank the People of This Vicinity for', the Way They Have Responded to Our Opening Sale. Our Aim Is To Give Better Values Every Day . NOTES The following pensons receiv100% in the 150 word'ni}1 in t'e t'bird grade: Ethel Fraser, and Dick Carlson.. The t<}iird grade nature stuc}y c]ass made R general stjt)dy of t'e different wi]ld flowers. The stujd<ent8 of t)})e 8}iivd gi"Rde langugae cl'ass enjoyedthe s'tudv of t<he poem, "Iiitit]e Boy Blue." Interestting pictures were sho)vn which niade tihe picture o f. the poem more realistic to thchu. The story 'upon whic}I tthe poem is based. was told to t)})e c'hi]dieu. The Sour})h grade nature study class found the story, "The Bobo]inl-," to be very interestii)g. "Little Oighane The poem I 10+ Discount SCHOOL e'd a i', 10c and 35c Admission 2SO Needle Pure Thread I +++C~H+4++++++++++++++l~ lM r. Rnid Mrs. Bryan Destbo]d sn(} Mrs Otto Sehupfe v ThiursLe<))aston vislitors lani(} family, Mr. and. IMrs. Clyd» (}Ry. Daug'herty and! family Rnd. Mrs. Mv. au<(1'rs. e}ames Howe}l the fi nm Portland visited at v)sIt'ors Ttiesday. Mrs. home of their 'daughter, anc} Mrsr R..T. PearNH) Ouse.adti from Suinday tN) Thurs+g + h) erc Lehvisto)h visitlors 8un(lay, day. Mr. Rnd. Mrs. Onsta(lt acSons has snovecl thisi fami}y froiu them as far as u}iactta tto 8}re .F. nirtrelker visiting thoiv nePhew, . Rcu'ben companied Th'uvsday. at W'hite's hosPital, apartnne)h<t, in Ken<drickp where 1'carson Reaulben is s}ohv]y recovering. he wi]l. 'bc ueai his wo'rk. LELAND Mv. Rud; Mrs. l40y Th'omPsohi th'} vs C )<h<r. Ql"0th Rccup<hed t}ic Cont}nunc(1 from page 5)) Oraigmo'nt< attended tho i'rhg. Tihere were rri})ot)tt 25 prepulpit alt f)})c M. E, churoh 8urh- froui , c}ay )njt)stion at tt})e Cameron .ehap- sent. ]3inncr. was served. at n'oon lby Mrs. bVoodward Rsslisted by 'P}tr'. ));)ll) u 81 '0'})i'()ken ))I'(r.}bcCk R))t(t )<I vs. It[is. A. J. 'by tlhe M. }<i. Ladlies'i(1 motlhev, jh]Is. glary..Deabo](}, IIR.rvy Smith.. in 'tahe ibnseuicnt of the churc'I being ir)utiated. PRI'}I Burr))s visite'd M(61'day ~4)) h»I (}iry evening w Rs enjoyed hf I s . 9u s t W e g n e r fr 0m 8o u t h nigh t R t t'e Virgil Fleshmiau p p d a)i r cd ( r 0w d Tp t R ] 'i .wic}c,hvas a g()cst of her 'daug- })<pirl e. receiptts <werc <!t60 'er, '}y[R s; Bi~or) Dea'bold Ironi Sonny Blankens])hp l)as been The fo)"rn'R] OPcru»g of Ohc Si)nd<ay tp'i)esday.. T])uvsday quito se))tonusly i]1 the past 6i))<ir)g rooui of t}ie Coinmeriacl eveiiing tthe Bison Deab'o]d f r<in- wce]c. Dr. Ti~)itt was ca}}ec}and hotel under thc new )nalh'age1]y Rccornpunie'd< l}ler }Io)ne R)h(} st(ye(} R day Rnd night at the ment 0(„curred Sunday. Ohickeii f)( ] dinn t t'h A]b It W o lbomc. TIe is s}owly improving at and Turkey di))ucis weve s<evvth)s wvttiing. ed. }y[v. My'ets has (}0))e co))sic[I' T}lc 0]dc)'}'lr)}(el)s})'I}) c})j<}dJtf T}lion): Qd Mrs. Boy pso)1 el 8 hie I'cnjovatlin g since, cohr) j)1 c, I'0'n 'f<)'ou) }1Rvc '})ccii sita'p%u g cit tl}ie Crai'gmont weve over .night ibis to new }ocatiorl, arid th, <yuests at tt})e Ed Deoba](l home Oltcy WR]]cev 1vomc while Snuny !hotel loo]'s sp}ck Rni(} s})RI) .. r ]thIee WolldeIfli.'! EIIIe.'<gs Mr e ta " 'ore "'!""'" '"""'"" 6 K}LI~ ek0t d,tt;» (}<i)hue)'erve(1 < car}pad.'f a jmixecl O'Rs Tucsdrty, ~]t I})p .:hogs R)1(1 }fowai'cl'elano }, is assisting hvee]c ave Mv. Delano, is MorFi<mmei catt]c to 8pokane 'Wcdn(s(lay. his father, Mv, C<'el)tiny ex<pccts'p refit)) ii is Grocery. t octav. Bud Mc'22}eal vctuvnc(l Hetman Sct})upfel >vus R troy l}lu sin css vis}to) Mond;l y. 'jj(I)'. aud M!s Pfcr<mrrn cr<mrrn Rchu c nip-) its[. flir Rnd Mvs. E<. %a}kev Ij(aymetp)h ViSit<MS '.P}I<urS@ay F<ie]d entertaiue(} ]Owiui«at venting: T}rouh,rsa the Ru(1 D<ranccs,'Hund checkers Messrs Mo)w'li)y ~ t have ',, ',. 1 .f2<0)1) rJ(llhiCtf.;l ~and $5a00 Per ~montti, s,with your light bil/ caring nvaavl Tuesdiay. %[I's, IAICV Hoff<I)1,'I il ing 'hcr S<mitt}), (}<ahrg}I'tcr, Nvs. )s VIS I l:Rn C. is going to ]is vc Fri'(}i)h Rftcl )toot) Rnd F<) iclsy even}u<y th)e C})ristmss pvog)'RI)) an(} tree hvi}} be lie!(} in the T, O. O. F. }tall. A}v;) Crnig }iss ) c'tui n< (1 hn)uc fro)n Scut<f l'0 ill)d w(uht to wpv]c on f!lleih 1 irnl)cr c]i)i tn g(.<ting The ]ACR})0]C} it S})pnme)'. M) S. /~hajj andr yer a<a<<oned ord ie aei.'al p(area in Tie}aucl. Three Eurekas in One Package Junior Vactt)ttrt sclhpo'1 Cleaner'onvenient th(ttti'rc'0 logs, A. )<VR}<1)celt Ru(l vite cli}R )niSC(}Q)leoua the, Oncy '9'I) lkev lv(true, lc(} Rt WRS;t lu)IC})epu'ueSt Rt''lle Il. ])Cabp](l V<)eeirell Tries<};iy R ftentoon, hcuite B. T}tou)pso)h Th)ivs(l»y.;) }ot of <beaut)fu] end its( ful il Rpibcvt Dvspcv 0 ii(} hvifc wcvr jg[ts, '}', ll, T)r))tg}t(,t'tv of I <1(wistn)) visitovs ou W<r<}nest} iy. ]R)h(1 visitccl Rt thc <ho)tr( Ot'hobevt Rnd Kllei) P(;ivspii, sjoil M) . Rrvd iRII>, Clyde D(rrrg})cr't'y Rud dau~>htcr of Id..T. Pettvsp)), F}<1ve You I' (it tet'l'Rp })el's 3))yec]nesduy and. Th'ut&'ay. are on tbc sick }<)st. pvinterl Rt the Grisette. Bi'(ld<)SOII Terms~ $2.00 Dotvn t'nhe'v. Hi h jest) s. 1<.'. I<'}'Rgg encl ch'ildreu 'nfs Ramey. Rmey';II, c } v visiting Rt t'e Geo, Aftel w}lie}1 }}'[~v. Pie](} sclvct '.g ls nurs[deist h'omc.„, Ml's'. F}(igg a del}ciious lune'h. ing hr)h another, Mrs. Leitth, Mrs. Mr. su'd Mrs. G. }T. E<mevy Leit}i 'has <been confined t)o 'hcv an'd'~'}:cs(1<t)ones Dempsey. Rn(} })ome foh several weeks on Rcvisi't'oh s count Fie}(T wc) e Lowistnit Of i]]ness. Wc hope to Satul'(lsy eve)1'l!I)g. 9[v. E)))cvy,scc 'her u}) r)nd about very sho)'tattc»(lc(1. tthe bankers'o)iveri]y. tion Rnd'an<luct, hv})I}c the ~[s ) K C ls c If vt 'u 1'Rc}ies went s}to})ping;)»(1 R tc»c}Of. host fvicn(ls Rt }lcv. '})omc C(l R ii(1 OW. Fi i(lay }n ho))or of }t}vs. Eil i)<}1'Si, t Rn'd .L)mcy„B}evens,!(}Ry. 'Z<}}is Peavson. <went, to <Mr. <Rlsp At Christmas time each year we have a ial Eureka opportunity. Now comes the interesting and attractive Eureka offe have yet presented. It is in fact three Eur at the special low price of $5 7,50 cash or a bit more on terms of $2.00 down, This complete set of three-Kurekas is special Eureka Christmas package a set wife or mother vyill be happy to receiv Christmas time, .Jesse Thornton his}to(} his iuhifc inft)ut son,'}ro Rr e In a T~ehvistpn hospital, on Haturdhiy. jl}'). De]uuo hvas R Spokattc )jlt"opdrow F]es'hiu(in went tn visit ov fvnm Tuesday fo T)niv»wor}t for DOAVtiutci Rn(1'our}- l'1} the 'ol- this Rncl Avno}ct T<r}g}n Rnc} F<.1 vin Tunney mar). T<']est})<)nun sic}c list tihc nu Dohha}(l rJO<})neon. T'hey tihc 2)runIT)s. I'vidlsy f1~0)n a tiwo weeks trapi1'[rs. Hci) vy Tiones is })t}u'g ait A}I})tona. Mr. }Vt]cNet(1 says trapping wss not at its f'OI. 3'Irs.. C}iffor(1 Powel}. A} v. jhlr. l 1 Those %2ureka Special Vacuum CleanerI I 1 evening., nary .I'.ac49e Or<-'Eureka Junior Vacuum Cleaner. S~ ""'""-"'Eu'e]".aHair Drying AttaChment) g Idew-'ston „,, CI:hr}fsfmas Il}t Egg]'> small size <snare eae!b rarre-orle<el ~ bard ice< eeod ear<<. i<rica anir on<rite adtb ~ uurw «<r. Out cleaner fot automobiles, upholstery and hat'd to get at places. Iu the Eureka Christmas Package Btsreka Special Vacuum Cleaner Err)eka Dectrtc Hair Dryer Powerful, full size Eu- 1-l«re is an at tach ti)i'(it for your Eur«ka. Rcmovcs the chill from reka-that'ets every bit of the dirt and dust, even the deeply embedded dust in rugs and carpets. 'n the Eureka Christmas Package your bathrooru;inc!. drier deeip, n're hair wit'h warm forced air. In the Eureka<btnta3 Paul,age T. ~le 0 BSAlflg IOIl SBdeE'POEPej" CO Electricity ~ to Scree Yo)i ARMS