1993 september 93
1993 september 93
::tJ;~ELLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA ~ SAL A B A N C ,~., HET T I ." Alla Villa Carlotta si mangia, si beve e si balla, in una sala privata capace di ospitare 150 persone. A voi la scelta dell'occasione da ftsteggiare!! Contattare Sig S. Roberis 07.1 637 11114.1 39 Charlotte Street London WIP lHA 2 September 93 :/f;~FlLA Sommario COMUNITA'ITALlANA - Contents Servizi Speciali Si guadagna e si risparmia L'imbarco dei muli Weddings Unsung Hero Processione della Madonna Letters Settembre - September p. 5 p. 10 p.11 p. 14 p.26 p.32 Regular Features Due Parole The Hill Cronaca della Comunita' p. 4 p. 8 p.14 Le Signore a Bath Anglo Italian Football League Avviso del Consolato Consorelle del Sacro Cuore Len Mancini Tony Grieco ed amici Dall'Italia In Cammino con Carmelo For a Rainy Day Ecclesia Nostra Art Lives i I I ~ p.23 p.24 p.33 p.36 p.37 p. 38 p. 39 p. 42 Notices - A vvisi Chiesa di San Pietro Noticeboard L'amore e I'amicizia che ci riunisce iI giorno della nostra gioiosa Processione. Vedete pagina 26 To advertise in Backhil/ write to: Anna Advertising Department Backhill Magazine 4 Back Hill London Eel R 5EN 0718371966 p.23 p.44 Printed by Sterling Printing Co. Ltd. Settembre 93 < !._--~~ ~ Entertainment, Leisure & Sport Sportlight Italsport Mamma's Ricetta :/ © 1993 BACKHILL, 136 Clerkenwell Road, London ECl 78 Bounds Green Road. London N.II 2EU 3 - --- -------------.,-----,-,--.,------,--,------------------ :t:~F1LA COMUNlTA'ITALlANA Due Parole CariAmici, Eccoci alIa chiacehierata che ci fa riprendere in pieno tutta l'attivita'. Siamo tutti a casa qui a Londra, piu' 0 meno: sia. noi che gIr inglesi: non st~ dicendo che ci rivediamo dopo le vacanze: quest'anno come sono andate le vacanze? Ma le abbiamo falle queste vacanzei Mi sa che le abbiamo un po' accorciate 0 le abbiamo dimenticate per quest'anno. Se siamo andati in qualche parte all'estero, certo non abbiamo trovato tullo facile, ne per noi, ne per gli altri. Quando in casa abbiamo famiglia, miltrimoni,. batt~simi, non si puo' certo fare tullo: e' meglio fare solo alcune cose, le piu' importanti, e cercare di farle bene, con tanta pazienza perche' con la pazienza la vita cresee, riprcnde la sua forza, porta iI suo frollo. La nostra pazienza nella vita in tUlli i suoi aspelli matriali e spirituali, e' la nostra fede in Dio: cioe' la nostra fede nella pazienza di Dio.. Ed e' bella la pazienza di Dio perche' ci fa capire tante cose della nostra vita. Ci fa meditare proprio su quello che faceiamo. Guarda Dio come e' paziente. Sono passati duemila anni da quando ha annunnciato iI suo Regno di giustizia e di pace, ed iI traguardo sembra tanto lontano, come a noi sembra lontana la nostra pace. Ma iI Signore Dio non ci risponde. Ci prende pero' e ci porta a vedere un campo, dove c'e' un granello di senapa, che diventera' un Padre Roberto Russo grande albero. Poi ci porta a vedere una donna di casa, che ha messo iI Iievito nella pasta e aspetta prima che tullo sia Iievitato. L'insegnamento e' chiaro: ci sono cose che si possono fare in fretta e ci sono cose che vengono bene solo se amore. E allora la prima cosa che tutti dobbiamo fare e' quella di essere pazienti. Non possiamo avere un mondo in pace, non possiamo avere una Chiesa santa, non possiamo avere la farniglia perfetta. Dobbiamo essere giusti e pieni di misericordia e dobbiamo avere fede in Dio, nella bonta' di Dio che e' onnipotente e che portera' iI bene sopra ogni cosa. Noi dobbiamo avere fede in Dio. Non dobbiamo avcre fede nel nostro orgoglio. Dio e' paziente, noi invece vogliamo cambiare subito tullo, con forza, con falsa intelligenza, con tulle quelle virtu' che non sono di Dio, perche' da Dio viene I'amore, la pazienza, la misericordia, I'aiuto. Dio cammina nel e'meglio di farle bene,. che fare le cose in freua mondo insieme con iI vengono falle adagio. La crescita di male; alIa fine vincera' iI suo bene. una persona e' cosi': richiede tempo e Noi siamo uniti a Dio, camminiamo pazienza. Noi dobbiamo avere tempo con Lui e preghiamo con Lui. Abe pazienza per noi stessi. Dio ei vuole biamo quindi pazienza con tUllO e con tanto bene, vuole che cntriamo nella tUlli, con tulle le persone del mondo e sua pazienza: perche' quello che Dio con tulle le allivita' del mondo. E' vuole fare e' meraviglioso: Dio vuole Dio presente in tullo, e' Dio che ci creare una persona nuova. Le persone guarda, e' Dio che ci ama, e' Dio che nuove siamo noi: noi con la pazienza fa e che crea, con iI nostro aiuto, se di Dio e con la nostra pazienza, con la pero' entriamo nella sua vita con la Iiberta' di Dio e con la nostra Iiberta', nostra preghiera. con I'amore di Dio e con iI nostro Another Day Over I'd also like to say "thanks", Lord. I've quite enjoyed today. It's good just to be alive, seeing friends, being Well, Lord, that's another day over. Can we talk? I've outside, laughing; thanks, God. And then, can I pray for others too, Lord. It's just that I a few things on my mind, a few things I need to say. First, I'm sorry, for as with evcry other day, today I've saw a few friends' today who need help. Could you give done some things wrong. In fact, I've done a lot of things them a hand, help them get sorted out and make sense of wrong, and sadly, most of the time, I'm not even aware of things? it. And finally, can you help me make tomorrow a bit Lord, I hope I haven't hurt anyone, or caused too mueh better than today? I don't want to keep messing things up. trouble. I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Help me to accept Could you give me a hand as well, Lord? (Extra;;t from "Can we talk. Lcrd?" Copyright Kevtn Meyhew: criticism, judgement, punishement, and help me to learn licence no. 29S0Jl) from my mistakes. 4 September 93 . :J;~FJU COMUNITA'rrAIJANA Si guadagna e si risparmia Bologna e MiJano sono le piu' ricche. Avellino, a sorpresa, e' la provincia che rispannia di piu'. A Verona impcrano i consumisli. E' questa I'immagine (bensi' i dali risalgano al 1991) che I'istituto Tagliacarne ha diffuso con la pubblicazionc del "Rapporto sui reddito delle famiglie". Un'indagine che pcrmette di mettere a fuoco con prccisione iJ "peso" del portamonete degli italiani. In vetta alia montagna di cifrc elaborate dalla ricerea delI'islituto che fa capo all'Unioncamere, emerge sazio e soddisfatto iI eittadino bolognese: e' lui che in media, ogni anno, ha a disposizione un rcddito pari a 26 milioni e 800 mila lire, piu' del doppio delle disponibilita' medie degli abitanti di Brindisi, citta' ultima in c1assifica. Per trovarc iI primo centro meridionale, nella c1assifica per reddilo pro capita, bisogna scenderc molto piu' in giu' e arrivarc fino al 53csimo posto dove figura la provincia di Pescara e dove iI rcddito disponibiJe in media da ogni cittadino e' di 18,8 milioni di lire. Segue iI gruppone delle cilta' del Sud: la piu' povera e' Brindisi con un reddito di 12,4 milioni. Paradossi e contraddizioni si moltiplicano quando si scende nel dettaglio delI'analisi di come gli italiani Settembre 93 Ri:sparmio in % suI reddito I Avellino 28,9 28,8 2 Latina 3 Frosinone 28,3 4 Como 27,8 5 Bencvento 25,6 25,0 6 Varcse 7 Aosta 24,8 8' Potenza 24,8 9 Novara 24,4 10Iserina 24,4 Media Ila/ia 19,9 dis~buiscono iJ proprio reddito Ira risParmi e consumi. Si scopre cosi' che ...Avellino, .11 67esimo poste dell.1 c1as~ca generale con un reddilo di 15,5 milioni, e' la provineia dove si risPamJia di piu', addirillura una volta e Inezzo iJ prodollo intemo lordo della.. zona. L'.1vellinese medio melle da ~rte iJ 28,9 per cento del reddito circa. 4,4 milioni. , Guida la c1assifica delle "cieale" d'Ita:lia la provineia di Bari dove eo' desU:nato ai consumi provincia di Bari dove:, e' destinato ai consumi ('85,7 cento del rcddito disponibile. per Seguono Trapani, Forii'o' Taranto, Verona.. Palermo e Trieste. Bologna, piu' ricea, in lermini assoluti, si colloca solo .11 14esimo posto. Milano .11 F. Spirito Reddito Pro-capite nel '91 Dali in milioni di lire I Bologna 2 MiJano 3 Trieste, 4 Parma 5 Aosta 6 Vercelli 7 Modena 8 Firenze 9 Verona 10 Pavia 26,8 26,7 24,6 23,6, 23,2 23,1 23,1 23,1 22,8 22,7 39esimo, Roma al 63esimo posto. I piu' poveri sperperano di pi~'1 N0!1 e' proprio cosi': la presenza dl provmce meridionali con meno reddilo in vetta a questa classifica significa soltanto che la maggior parte del reddito dcve essere spesa, e dunque consumata, per la sussistenza (aflillO, abbigliamento, alimentare). Non e' cosi', invece, per le province ricehe come Verona: .e' ottava in italia per reddilo pro-caplle e quinta per lasso di consurni pari .111'84,7 per cento del reddito. Firenze: n,8 5 TAR-OX TAR-OX Performal1ce Braking Products A range of brake discs and brake pads to improve braking efficiency of vehicles for road and track. The brake discs are manufactured from special cast iron and have up to 40 grooves per surface to increase stopping power. The brake pads can be supplied in different compounds to suit the driver's requirements. Replacement Parts For FIAT - Yugo - Lada - Polski Lanci~ - A/fa Romeo The Bomboniere ractory If you are BUYING, LETTING, SELLING or RENTING BOMBONIERE FOR ALL OCCASIONS your BEAUTIFUL BOMBONIERE AT UNBEATABLE PRICES ! RESTAURANT or other CATERING 000 Call either Anna-Maria or Jayne on 081·4454548 eves only 081-882 2326 eves only FAX 071-284 0509 45 HOLMES ROAD, KENTISH TOWN LONDONNW53AN 6 CONTACT - PHIL GAUDINI TCl: 071-837 3388 September 93 ine she was a constant visitor to the little welfare in Pine Street! To cut a long story short, during one of my many sorties into the archives at the Finsbury Library in SI. John Street, there was the photograph again, alongside two groups taken on the same occasion. There she was, I was righl, in the third row, third from thc' lefl. The poser for Famiglia Bcsagni, is which of therri:is the baby that she's holding? Bruno, my husband, thinks that it's him, because it's not a particularly pretty baby and he was reputed to have been an ugly baby, (his words not mine). However, I showed the photos to a couple of people at the Procession, and it seems more likely that it was taken in the year 1927, in which case it was probably his sister Lidia. What a wonderful l1.1y that must have been for the mammas from "11 Quartiere" to know that there was going to be an Il.1lian doctor in attendance. It must have been a nightmare for them when they were worried, to convey their problems to people who, however caring, couldn't understand them. Think of the infant mOr!.1lity rate in those early years. Diseases that are extinct today were rife in the overcrowded insanilary conditions of the time. I was pleased to nole, that, in spile of the struggle that it must have been raising their young families in the environment of "11 Quartiere", how well dressed and well shod the children sealed in the front of the group were. c Quiz no. 2 The School photograph. If you remember, Educated Evans, Shorty or the Ciseo Kid, then you were probably in Class 3 at St. Peter's Italian School in the emly thirties. (Sce photo right). Let's hem from you. I must thank the Finsbury Library for supplying the Pine Street Welfare photos and the Famiglia Nastri for the school photo. Arrivederci. Olive. Settembre 93 9 -b~ :.,J::> , RIVJSl'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA L'imbarco dei muli L'imbarco dei muli mi e' stato veramente impresso e it ricordo mi fa rivivere ancora quei momenti di unica occasione mai vista prima. In quel gennaio del 1942 it freddo era intenso, e it gelido faccva turbinare nevischio sullungo mare"del porto,di Bari. Avevano certamente capito -che era successo qualcosa di non bello, di strano d'inconsueto. Si e' vero, avevano vicino it loro, master' a cui erano legati da un senso di fiducia di affetto, obbedienti e disciplinati, ma it farsi sollevare da terra era veramente una cosa nuova e quindi cercavono di opporsi, sgambettando; La voce del master ccrcava con parole di ordine e di comando a calmare -it scnso di paura. 11 mulo, a udire questa voce familiarc si convinccva che non era la fine e che nella vita di soldato ci si deve aspettarsene di tutti i colori. 10 Mulo, quadrupede, con it mio scnso innato di esperto, guidavo sicuro le penne nere. 10 che sono it vero amico degli alpini. Loro, sono tutto per mc, sono la mia vita. 11 mio Master, a cui sono devoto come un cucciolo, mi fa carezze, mi da oltre alIa musetta persino dei pczzi di pane dalla sua razione. Questo mi fa proprio capire che mi uol veramente bene. In fondo, e' proprio questo it mio mondo. Vorrei tanto poter parlarc e dirgli di contare su di me, ma questo non e' possibile perche' sono un mulo, un quadrupede, pero' vedo e capisco tutto e le carezze mi danno un piacere da non dire. Vorrei tanto ,poter contracambiare queste dimostrazioni di bene, ma come devo fare? Si e' vero, qualche volta mi scappa di strusciare it muso vicino alia sua persona, procurandomi immensa soddisfazione ma mi sembra di esagerare e penso anche che questo non sarebbe altro chc una dimostrazione di de' bolezza. Non voglio lasciarmi trasportare da queste assurde conclusioni. 10 sono forte e basta. 11 mio master mi ammira, mi stima, mi rispclta; non se ne approfitta mai con un carico' eccessivo c questo mi lega scmpre di piu' al dovere con la mia totale ubbedienza, aI sistema e alia disciplina degli Alpini. Quindi, devo capire una volta per scmpre che negli Alpini e' piu' di un pivilegio appartenerci e sc faccio I'esame di coscienza vengo, a confermarc che non esiste pOsto migliore. Ma questa openizione, di sollevarmi nell'aria; mi ha veramente innervosito. Ho chiuso gli occhi per non vedere che tutti gli altri rimanevano a terra. 'Con la, testa picna di pensieri disordinati, un lieve sobbalzo mi ha fatto 'capire di esscrmi fermato; ho socchiuso appena appena g1i occhi per rendermi conto e avere un'idea reale della situazione, ma 10 spettacolo che mi si e' presentato, mi ha paralizzato. Ero tutto un brivido, intomo a me non vedevo' piu' nessuno; ad un,lato in lontananza vedevo nient'altro che acqua. In uno stato di panico ho richiuso gli occhi, proponendomi questa volta di non aprirli piu'. Mi era dimenticato del freddo che c'era, ma tutto ad un tatto 10 perccpi' nella sua completa intensita'. Ad un tratto qualcosa si e' mosso. Con gli occhi semprc chiusi ho scntito it mio cuore battere dentro di me come non avevo mai scntito prima. Questo ccrtamente vuol dire paura. Si, avevo scmpre qualcosa da imparare, sebbene ero convinto di esscre nel gruppo it piu' in gamba, per la mia forza e la mia intelligenza. Oli alpini mi conoscono e mi chiamamimo per nome, "ei Rosco, forza Rosco". Mi passano vicino e non mancano di farmi una carezza. Quanti pensieri e quanti ricordi ono ammassati nella mia mente. Qualcosa si muove, ma sono talmente sopra pensiero e intontito che mi sono dimenticalo di esscre sospeso nell'aria come un Ciondolo. Si, qualcosa si muove verament. I miei scnsi perccpiscono un particolare" cambiamenta; it freddo e' ccssa'to e, it vento non si diverte piu' nel volermi congelare e giocare con la mia criniera. Ora mi scnto molto meglio, ma altrattanto insicuro, e dovrei dccidermi e pren- Egidio Badini dere una decisione: gli occhi Ii devo scmpre tenere chiusi, 0 cercarc di diventarc nOrrna1e una volta per scmpre? A questo interrogativo ho toccalO terra. Ho aperto gli occhi e un brivido mi scorsc tutto dalla coda alle orecchie: 11 cuore mi batteva ancora forte quando scnti'una mano appoggiarsi 'SU di me che mi portava alIa realta'. 11 sangue e' tomato a sco~re nelle mie vene e le cinghie che mi fasciavono mi sono state tolte: ero libcro. Finalmente potevo guardarrni in giro e rendermi conto di dove mi avevano portato: un posto strano, un posto scnza porta, scnza finestre, 'piu' tetro di una prigione. Ma, non sara' per caso una tomba? Non avevo ancora tenuto conto del rumore intomo e sopra di mc, una via e vai incredibite. 11 mondo era drasticamente cambiato. Questa stalla cosi' diversa da tutte le prcccdenti, non era per me per niente piaccvole, ma da quando in poi un soldalo si sceglie lui stesso it posto per dormire? Non sapevo proprio che cosa stava succedendo, ma se in questa operazionc, c'era qualcosa 'di' veramente nuovo vuoleva dire che mi ero anche arricchito di nuova esperienza. Questo mi consolava, e poi sapevo anche che qua' in giro c'era pure it mio master, che sarcbbe vemito a vederrni. Ho deciso di mettere it cuore in pace e non pensarci piu', Pero', I'odore e it caldo in questa temporanea stalla aumentava la mia stanchczza e mi sono addormentalo. Ho sognalo di quando era ancora giovanissimo che poppavo it latte dalla mamma, che a brevi intervalli mi concedeva abbondante con dedizione e tanto amore. Ho sognato le lunghe marcc invenali con gli alpini e i bivacchi all'aperto, uno vicino all'altro per tenersi caldo. Ho sognato le alte vette bianche che toccavono it cielo e le gioiose marce del rientro in scde; e ho sognalo gli alpini, allegri, che cantavano le loro tradizionali e bcllissime canzoni delI'arma. Ho sognalo la mia fortuna, la mia ricchezza, le sfilate in completo assetto, prcccdute dall'inconparabile fanfara. Tutto questo, avvolgeva iI mio cuore con inmensa felicita', September 93 10 , THE GARTH HOT.EL BANQUETING & CONFERENCE SUITES The hotel has two new purpose built confcrcnce and banqueting suites capablc of accommodating up to .300 pcoplc'. Each suite is e1ega ntly furnishcd and cquippcd ,to thc highcst standards with purposc built bars, filII audio visual and lighting 6cilities,. which help to providc thc atmosphcrc for any occasion. l A selcction of nlcnus arc availablc for banqucts with an clllphasis on Italian cuisinc. For morc' in fornlation or a brochurc' pack plcasc contact Mr Marino at thc Hotcl. ij~1I GARTHHOTEL Hmloll Wly' Cridk\\",J'1ooJon NW2 1NL RESERVATIONS 081-209 1511 Set/embre 93 7 :tJ;~FJJ..A The Hill COMUNITA'ITALIANA Olive Besagni Another Procession has come and gone, another year has slipped by. Where do the years go? .I'm giving myself an extended break from my stories this month. Time being of the essence, what with the Mazzini GaribaIdi Annual Scampagnalli in July, an event which, I might add, Brono and I, my children and grandchildren wouldn't miss for the world. Plus the Procession of Our Lady of Mount Cannel, the month's break that the volunteer contributors toBACKHILL are granted by. the Ed has gone in what seems like a weekend. So, ·ieader, ,L thought that you would be interested in these photographs. I'm relying onyou readers, to scan 'the photos; look for •your nonna, your .'" . mamma or zia.· Pine Street-Welfare The photos were taken either in the year 1927 or in the early thirties. Let me know if you recognise any relatives, via BACKHILL, because it would be nice to know exactly what year this is,'in what must have been a momentous occasion for mammas of "n Quartiere Italiano ". I first spotted the photo on the next page top right in an exhibition of photographs' of Clerkenwell,. I thought, that of the two' mammas reading the notice, that the lady in the hat could be my late moiher~in-Iaw, Signora Anita Besagni. There was a strong possibility that it was her, as she had given birth to ten babies in the years that spanned the early twenties into the forties. As you can imag- 8 September 93 :iJ;~FlLA COMUNITA'ITAlJANA Weddings alIa Chiesa Italiana Corbo e Moretto Having met at a bus stop in Finehley, A1cssio Corbo and Angela Morcllo took their journey together a step further with their wedding on 10th July. Best Man was Cannine 0' Alcssio; Maid of Honour, Carrnela 0' A1cssio; Bridesmaids - Luisa Swindell, Chrislina Petrucci and Julia Swindell. Page Boy was Vincenzo Petrucei. Before selling off for their honeymoon in Turkey, the couple, their family and friends enjoyed the rest of the day at the Cafe' Royal. We wish them a long and peaceful journey in the years ahead. Ragazzo e Marioni Congratulations to Robcrto Ragaand Paola Marioni who celebrated their wedding on 12th June. = Best Man for the special day was Remo Povinelli with Naolia Pini as Chief Bridesmaid. The other bridesmaids were Julia Schia, Chiara Aimi and Sara Schia with page boy Stcven Woollon. The 250 plus guests, including family from Italy and France, then moved onto the Grosvenor Banqueting Suite for their reception. The couple have still not got round to having their honeymoon whieh seems extraordinary since both are travel agents!! Set/embre 93 11 .:t:~ '.. .----..:..-;--'----'-----~...;;,.".-.., i =====locks&tooIs • HAND & POWER TOOL SPECIAUSTS • PLANT HIRE & POWER TOOL REPAlRS • ARCHITECTURAL & BUILDERS IRONMONGERS • LOCKSMITHS COMUNITA' ITALIANA , 0 4 NEGRONI• THE ITALIAN STAR AT YOUR TABLE HeadOffJCe: 278 ttolloway Road, LondooN7 WE" alS:oat: 1....146KentlShTownRoad.l.ondonNW19OB TefePhOne: on-GO? 2200 Telephone; 071·267 3\38 High speed colour printing. Annual Reports MUSICA PER OGNI OCCASIONE Leaflets and Brochures Sposalizi, balIi, parties etc ..... Ramon Gallo ed iI suo Complesso Ravello si e' esibito. con grande successo alia Royal Albert Hall nel ballo 'La Veneziana, 'Holiday Show Earls Court Italian Theme 1989' ed a '11 festival di Musica' a Henley per Martini Rossi. Prezziragioncyoli. MUSICPLA YED LIVE AROUND THE TABLES ANDFROMSTAGE Sterling Printing Company limited Continuous Stationery 12 78 Bounds Green Rd. London NIl 2EU 081-888 9153 Musica tradizionale e modcma, italiana, inglcsc', contincntalc. Raimondo Gallo Tel: 081-888 4666 September 93 . -=-~_::::__~=RIVISr:. : .:.:.A:.:D.: :;FUA;:.:CO: : MlJNIT:=.: :. .:A~·IT: .: ALJAN=.: :.:A=_ _ .-- __, UROPE _XPRESS 125 SYDENHAM ROAD, LONDON, SE26 5HB TEL - 081-776 7556 OR 081-778 8260 FAX - 081-776 7606 CONTINENTAL ROAD TRANSPORT AND REMOVALS WEEKLY SERVICE TO AND FROM ITALY DOOR TO DOOR PACKING AND STORAGE SPECIALISTS IN FINE ART AND ANTIQUES ESTABLISHED IN 1969 bomboniere tulle confetti liori BOMBONIERE NELLA PIU' BELLA TRADIZIONE ITALIANA Claudia Simioni FOR FREB ESTIMATE. OR ADVICE CALL. TONY MORGAN OR JOHN CAREY LEASEHOLD FOR SALE 77 Pine Walk Carshalton Beeches Surrey SM5 4HA Tel: 081-6427 172 EST 1965 R.PROIETTI ITALIAN CAR SPECIALISTS ,,-"'ll::::=~ SELLING DUE TO RETIREMENT WELL KNOWN, REPUTABLE, FAMILY RUN CAFE IN NORTH LONDON. • SERVICING .GENERALREPAIRS • BODYWORK • RESTORATIONS FOR YOUR CLASSIC/NEW FIAT * ALFA * LANCIA SECOND HAND FIAT UNOS + PANDAS FOR SALE 071-607 0798 CONTACT: 081-445 8547 EVE ONLY Setlembre 93 2 BLUNDELL STREET, LONDON N7 9BJ 13 -b~ " ~ RIVISI'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA Unsung Hero Warth Mill, Bury, a name which of the British Italian .Community as a centre for detainees in 1940 - is again in the.news. Messrs. Macpherson, the present owners, after having occupied the building for something like forty years, .have announced plans to switch' paint production to 'company owned plants in other places. At a time when jobs are scarce, locals are anxiously speculating whether some other industrialist might be prepared to take over the premises and put them to some local MP was informed it could easily be adapted'to house European Voluntary Workers. The last 'of the POWs had obviously left by then, a time when British Industry was desperately short of manpower. Since acquiring the building, Messrs. Macpherson have added much to the premises and renovated the older sections. The surrounding grounds have been landscaped in an imaginative Way, while the River Irwell, which at one time resembled an open scwer has been improved considerably, giving the other use. Whatever may happen, the departure of Macphersons marks the end of yct another chapter in the history of Warth Mill. Built originally for a collon manufacturer in 1860, the mill was engaged in the textile trade until the 1930s when it was closed. The authorities acquired the premises early' in 1940 and first used it as a camp for Germand and Austrians; these were replaced by Italians in June 1940. Among the very first of the latter group was a Fr.(now Monsignor) Gaetano Rossi, of Glasgow, his detention putting an abrupt end to his vacation at Lytham SI. Annes. His impressions of this episode can be read in his Memories of 1940. For most of World War 11, Warth mill seems to have been occupied by prisoners of war, though in 1948 a whole area a more pleasing appearance. Labels SUch as 'dark satanic mill' or even 'Wrath Mill' sometimeS. applied by the unhappy inmates, are no longer valid. Not far from Warth, along the River Irwell, the site of another former camp at Burrs is also undergoing a transformation. Once a textile community, during World War 11 Burrs was adapted for use as a POW camp and later housed co-operators or EVWs: it now forms the centre piece for a country park. Although not· as well known as Warth, Burrs briefly made the news headlines in the days of the second' world War because of the efforts of four Italian POWs to rescue two local child "Cn from the River Irwell. Ca(herin~ and Betty Goodwin, aged five and ten respectively, were saved, while Santo Verde, has been etched in the consciousness 14 ). Dunleavy who assisted in their rescue, lost his life. Press reports at the time related how the two sisters paddling in the Irwell, got into difficulties. Verde, along with three companions, Salvatore Lo Popolo. Enrieo de Nunzio, and Pasquale Marocco, with little consideration for their own safety, sct about trying to .. rescue the two girls. Wearing his boots. trousers and shirt, Verde 'plunged into ·the water, swimming towards the two girls who were about fifty yards from the bank. Verde managed to reach Belly' and started to push her with one hand towards an island, some seventy or eighty feet away. Having covered part of the distance he reached the point where the current was at its strongest; here he was seen to throw up his arms and disappear below the suface. The child Verde had been assisting was helped to safety by MarOeco who then joined in the allempts to find Verde. He was thwarted in this by the depth of the 'river, about fifteen feet, .and the murkY water, which made it impossible to find Verde. De Nunzio joined in the efforts to locate Verde but found' the current was' too strong for him and he had to give up. Liguori went into the water four times to try and find Verde butio no avail, the depth of the water and the discolouration making it an impossible task. Even so he persisted, later entering the river secured by a wire, though again without success. Eventually the body was recovered with the aid of grappling irons and despite attempts at resuscitatio... ,he was certified dead at the local·hospital. . Catherine Goodwin in the' meantime, had been brought to safety thanks to the efforts of local man, Albert Poxton. who had previously rescued children from the same river. Until this incident there had been little in the life of Santo Verde to distinguish' him from millions of his generation. Born at San Antimo. Naples in 1918, he had worked on the I:md prior to joining the Italian army. Captured in Libya he was brought to this country and in 1945 he was employed with several of his countrymen at the September 93 :tJ;~Fn.A COMUNITA'ITALIANA Star Bleach Works at Burrs earning forget that Verde died helping to save tcn shillings per week. one of them," Officiating at the The treatment of these events by Requiem Mass and the Cemetery was the press - coming as they did when Fr. 10seph Rector, parish priest of the end of the war in Europe was Guardian Angels, who had done so expected hourly - make interesting much for the Italians since being reading. The normally staid Bury assigned to Bury in 1940. Times for instance carried a three Santo Vcrde was buried in a grave column headline on its front page: alongside another Italian soldier and "Coroner praises gallantry of Italian his remains rested at the Bury Cemprisoners of war. Helped civilian to etery until 1958 when both were rescue drowning children"; while the exhumed and transferred to BrookManchester Evening' News pro- wood Cemetery in Suerry, where so claimed: "Women weep at the funeral many Italians have found a last of Italian Prisoner hero". The followresting place. ing number of the BUlY Times reVerde's heroism did not go unnoported "Village will tend grave of ticed. Following the inquest the coroItalian prisoner" and published a ner brought the matter to the attention photograph of the man who was not of the authorities and the Camegie known personally to most villagers. Hero, Fund Trust forwarded a memoFollowing the f1ag-draped coffin to rial certificate and a grant of £50 to Bury Cemetery were most of the' Signora Verde. Pasquale Maroeco revillagers, including the Goodwin fam- ,ceived a certificate and £15, as did ily who sent a letter of gratitude to Albert Poston. The Royal Humane the Verde family. The Goodwin sis- Society awarded Verde an In Memoters, Catherine and Betty, placed a riam certificate, while a testimonial wreath on the grave. "All the Italians on parchment went to Maroeco, Ligmake a fuss' of our children," said uori, de Nunzio and Poxton. one of the mourners. "We shall never The story of Santo Verde, worthy of inclusion in any history of the Italians in modem Britain, illustrates the change whieh had overcome British attitudes towards Italians in the space of five years. The suspicion, even hostility displayed in 1940, had been replaced by greater toleration even cordiality in some cases by 1945. If the internment policy of whieh Warth Mill had been a symbol had been designed to drive a wedge between Britons and Italians then by 1945 it had obviously failed. By the war's end there Were more Italians than ever in Britain. What is more, given the long-drawn out campaign in Italy, British'forces 'had been able to becOme acquainted with the Italian people at first hand. Evidence suggests the experience proved to be mutually advantageous. The Warth Mill episode, whieh caused so mueh pain and anxiety early in the war had given way by 1945 to co-operation and sympathy such as was seen at Burrs. Kennedy's children ETCETERA 3 , H EAT R EO OIf<II:)/JIISlil ~ IIGK~ MI'1 011 lI2l111 Ipicturethisl presents a play directed by Paul Jepson September 7 - 26, 9.15pm (except mondays) Tickets £6.50 I £5.50 cone. £5 on tuesdays 1!!:e!lIUl!1 Settembre 93 15 ,,:!f:.IJfff11f!~J" COMUNlTA'ITALlANA attivita' della comunita' [ A_D_g_I_o_I_ta-,l_ia_D..,..'_F_o_ot_b_a_ll_L_e_a_g_u_e_---Jl Nel corso della festa presso iI Centro Sealabrini, sabato 26' giugno 1993, l' Anglo Italian Football Leagne ha premiato i campioni deU'attivita' ealeistiea 1992/93. Alia manifestazone sono intervenuti circa 160 sportivi e amici dei vari clubs aderenti alIa Lega per celebrare la ~nclusione d!=1 Campionato e riccvere gli arnbiti trofei. Ottima la 'cem, pJ:.Cparata e servita del personale del Centro, ,0ttima'l'atrnosfera, allegra e'sportiva. 1I regretario della Lega, signor R. Nante, ha ringraziato i padri sealabrini per la "Ioro ospitalita' e per aver dato I'opportunita' di celebrare degnarnente la coD1usione del Campionato. . Il Medagliere 1993 ANGLO·ITALIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE League Division 1 Winners.' 'Valtaro Alivini R,unners Up:'A.C. Valceno League Division 2 Winners: TolIi & Pizza Time Runners Up: Di Sotto Ice Cream F.C. St. Peter's Cup Winners: Di Sotto Ice Cream F.C. Runners Up: F.C. Olympic Manzi Challenge Cup Winners: AC. Valceno· Runners Up: A.C. Italia Trofeo Negroni Winners: Valtaro Alivini Runners Up: ltalia Unita . ·Ferrarelle League Cup Winners: Valtaro Alivini Runners Up: De Mennato Tailors National Cup Winners: A.C. Valceno Runners Up: Di Sotto Ice Cream F.e. Sponsored by .-... """" =" ........ CIASSIFICA FINALE DIVISION 1 VAtTAAOWiN AC,VAtWO "AlIAW.\S!£ESJJ«16 oe llfmI,TO lo\l.ORS ITAUAlNTA A..C.AACENZA AC, """" S u. 0ffK:[ [QUP. WfI' CKAlUSOO ..o.liil AFJ.N-S. ~ 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Won llr.lo<l lost V.." Per.io "" 13 13 9 3 ~ ~ 3 3 6 6 10 8' 10 13 14 6 4 6 0 4 1 8 6 8 6 1 3 2 ~ 2 TCC3I goalS scort'd: La Voce deglf Italiani Sportsmanship For "'51" '9 40 21 25 32 34 31' 16 9 313 ~ 16 21 32 21 ~ 42 '8 28 44 26 313 tyU_ PoWt> :,- I'Itl5 ~ .35 24 20 18 16 16 15 8 6 5 -28 1.48 a14 7ZJ 7.61 7.11 1,68 1.41 1.45 6.n 6 10 -11 1.n ~ 28 .28 .a .o -10 -14 .2 1 8 4 9 3 1 ~ .-... ~;~ Division J: A.C. Valceno Division 2: Lombarda DIVISION 2 nlJJ &PlllA 11.( llISOTlOSaO£JOl w.~ fCQ.n.PC »t\~ 'C ~1J:NX110 ''<Wa'll" ~ 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 ltW<'" 18 I! LHSTA 18 l~llIDBlmJ) I'm lnoo IDsI V..., Per.io 15 1 2 4 12 ~ 4 I~ 2 4 ~ 1l! "" 8 7 3 3 •3 2 2 5 5 2 2 8 9 '0 III 12 13 For P1:r 81 53 31 33 42 45 21 21 21 20 3BS ~ 21 28 24 28 40 '9 44 ... 43 6' 315 ...- tyu_ PoWt> I'Itl5 31 +ID 26 .28 26 +6 22 .5 18 .2 16 -t 12 .17 11 .11 III .16 8 .... :,. a01 5!il an 7.:Jl 525 al3 839 7.13 8W 8<3 5 9 1 8 10 4 3 6 7 2 Valtaro Alivini, vincitori del Trofeo Negroni 16 September 93 :;!f;~F:1LA Len Mancini ] ( COMIJNITA'ITAIJANA 11 nostro earo Len ha fcsteggiato i suoi 70 anni: il fratello e gli amici hanno organizzato un riccvimento nei locali del nostro social club. E' stata una riunione piena di tanto affetto e commozione. 11 nostro earo Len e' pieno di vitalita' e con la fede in Dio ha semprc acccttato i dolori della vita come una partccipazione alia volonta' di Dio: e quindi con tanto eoraggio. Chi si avvieina a Len si sente compreso, aiutato e incoraggiato. Grazie Len per i tuoi 70 anni: ti auguriamo ehe si mollipliehino iI piu' possibile, pcrehe' e' bello stare ~n te e eon i tuoi earl. Len Mancini a 70 anni ( Tony Grieco e Amici ) Tony Grieeo e i suoi amlel sono venuti da Liverpool a Londra: un bel viaggetto. Questi earl ragazzi camminando piano piano 0 con la scdia a rotcllc hanno passato una giomata diversa dallc altre. 11 tempo di Londra e' stato accogliente, e accogliente e' stalo anehe iI nostro Club ehe ha preparato iI mangiarc per questi nostri cari amici di Liverpool. E' stata una occasione per vivere il Vangelo in amicizia. ( Avviso dal Console Generale d·ltalia] " 11 Governo italiano ha emanato rcccntemente diverse misure di contenimenlo della spcsa pubblica ehe eomportano anehe una riduzione del bilancio del Ministero degli AlTari Esteri. In laic nuova siluazionc iI Minstro degli Esteri ha stabilito, fra I'altro, la riduzione del contingente degli inscgnanti dcstinali ai corsi di lingua c cultura italiana previsti dalla Lcgge 153nl. Contemporaneamente il Ministro degli Esteri ha peru' ribadilo I'intenzione di non diminuire il numero dei corsi stessi. Percio' e' stato dcciso ehe le cattcdre rcscsi Vac.1nti in seguilo al riehiamo degli insegnanti di ruolo vengano coperte da doccnti locaIi scclti e gestiti dai COASIT e da altri enli cd associazioni locali analoghe. A questo scopo iI Ministero degli Esteri anmentera' i contributi ai suddelli enti per conscntire loro di far fronte a questo nuovo impcgno. Si tratta, pcro'. pur scmpre di un "conlributo" e non di un "finanziamento" e in quanto tale csso non coprira' la totalita' delle spesc per gli insegnanti: la differenza dovra', pertanto, esscre coperta attraverso fonti suppletive cd aulonome di finanziamcnto. Luca Brofferio Set/embre 93 -b~ ~ . RIVISTA DELLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA Cronaca ( continua da pagina 17 ) Consacrazione ConsorelIe La festa del Saero Cuore ha visto quest'anno la Consaerazione di altre quattordiei Consorelle. Quindi si e' arricchito it numero gia' eosi' forte delle nostre Consorelle. La messa e' stata celebrata da Padre Carmelo, ehe ha ricordato a questo nostro caro gruppo di Signore, I'importanza ehe esse hanno nella vita della Chicsa, proprio perche' si dcdicano alia preghiera per le vocazioni sacerdotali. Esse appartengono anehe al Monastero sitenzioso: it gruppO di preghiera che offre aI Signore le sofferenze della malattia' perehe' nella Chiesa ci siano sempre santi sacerdoti. Dopo la messa ci siamo .riuniti nel Social club, come al solito, it nostro Club si e' messo a' disposizione con tanta generosita',. orgimizzando una abbondante cena: e tutti abbiamo cantato, aecompagnati dalla fisarmonica di Sandra Ferdenzi. La consacrazione ( Le Signore a,Bath ) La prima domenica di luglio le nostre care Signore hanno fatto una passeggiata veramente bella. Guidate da Vittorio, it Presidente del Club, e Don Russo. Siamo stati a Bath. E' stato tutto veramente bello. Siamo'partiti con I'assistenza del eielo, del sole, delle nuvole, tutto un po' misehiato. Abbiamo cantato all'andata, ma un po' meno aI ritorno, perche' eravamo un poco ubriachi, infatti Vittorio ci ha organizzato un pranzo in un ristorante inglesc ehe ce 10 ricorderemo sempre. . Abbiamo visitato la bellissima eittadina di Bath con un coach speciale, abbiamo prcso it gelato; c'era tanto movimento simpatico. Siamo andati nei parchi, shimo andati suiI'altalena. Le Signore e le gambc delle Signore erano bellissime con le gonne al vento, specialmente quando una delle nostre amiehe e' caduta a gambe all'aria, c'e' stato tanto da ridere e da divertirsi. Noi vogliamo bene al Signore e sappiamo che it Signore e' gioia, e ci divertiamo, perche' prendiamo quello che Dio ei manda e che e' scmpre per it nostro bene. Per qucsto siamo sereni e non ei piacc parlare del pcccalo ma ci piacc pariare di Dio e di quello che Dio ci da, perche' e' scmpre amore e l'amorc c· gioia. 18 September 93 ~~ , ~ RIVISl'A DEU.A COMUNlTA'ITALIANA It ITALIAN RESTAURANT 150 Southampton Row London WCl 'Zl" 071-8374584/5837 Open 11.30am untilllpm. WE WELCOME WEDDINGS, BANQUETS AND PARTIES IN OUR COMPLETELY REFURBISHED DOWNSTAIRS RESTAURANT @lluil» ~~ ~~ Photography &. Video Production 5 Backhill, London Eel Tel: 071·278 6722 'P 'P 'P 'P 'P 'P 'P 'P Weddings Portraits Christenings Video Wedding Invitations Wedding Cars Passport Photos Selection of Designer Albums from Italy YOGA. AND MEDITATION STRETCH YOUR BODY - RElAX YOUR MIND RElAXATION THROUGH YOGA AND MEDITATION ~::~~~ High quality service at affordable price ~:;~~ The studio is located next to the Italian Church ~ "",,~----,~~~ Open every'day including Sunday morning Seltembre 93 EVERY TUESDAY 7.45pm TO 9.00pm Starting 21st September 1993 ITAUAN LADIES CLUB 20 BRIXTON ROAD. LONDON SW9 6BU TEL: OBI660 1525 19 -I $'~gy~~1 , *' $ * . *-. _ --:-~- '",.,,) "m,,« Q {mEU i ,it ;SOli, •;'1 :( ;, , " -'l ~'!'."\ :t''' ' I:JJ;*', ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t: ~ I ~~ ~I ~ Unit 10 & 11, The Deacon Estate Cabinet Way (off North Circular Road M06) Chingford .. London E4 8QF Tel: 081 523 5858 Fax: 081 5233435 <::> '" -b~ .,J:;- RIVISl'A DEILA COMUNITA'rrAIJANA Dall'ltalia news from Italy A Nigerian was arrested after 40 Three borses died in Siena's parrots were allegedly found in his famous bareback horse race, the Palio, luggage at Fiumicino airport. The causing an outclY from animal protecbirds had apparently been drugged tion groups. Celebrities, including before being tied together by their film director Franco Zeffirelli (bebeaks and packed into a case, said low), called for its cancellation. But Italian police. The man had stopped Siena mayor PierIuigi Piccini insisted off in Rome while flying from Lagos that the next race would go ahead as to Istanbul. planned. L'economia italiana torncra' a crcsccre dall'anno prossimo: su questo dato concordano i dati dell'ultimo rapporto Cer e di una ricerca dell'Economic Intelligence Unit presentato a Roma in occasione dell'annuale convegno di business' international. La crescita del prodotto interno lordo nel 1994 e' prevista atorno all'1,5 per cento. Thieves who tried to tunnel their way into a bank vault in Naples stopped to pay their respects when they came across a pile of human bones. Police found a lighted votive candle in front of a box where the thieves had put the remains. Medical history was made on 5 July when a pig in Milan was operated on by a surgeon across the Atlantic in Los Angeles. The surgeon's place in the operating theatre was taken by a robot which was controlled in its cvcry movement with the aid of a tclecamera and a satellite link. The experiment was the brainchild of leading Italian engineer Profcssor Rovelta who said "The technique will solve a common problem in treating patients. How to save a man who is lying ill in onc place when the doctor is somewhere else and time is running out." Pcrhaps it was bound to happen evcntually. For years, referees and linesmen have put up with dissent and threats from footballers. Now a linesman has struck back. The occasion was a regional league match in Italy, between Amerina and Citta' di Castelli>. During the match and Amerina player, Massimiliano Valeriani, went to complain about a ruling by Paolo Burati, the'linesman. Allegedly, Burati hc.1d-bulted the complaining player and put him in hospital. Settembre 93 r:_~1~f~l~~;~_A ~~. '~~~~~1~ l~~"--".D ~i.t; • ~ .-- _up- I , "' 1 Di che colore sara' iI voto degli italiani all'cster07 Sccondo i risuItati di un sondaggio, che saranno pubblicati dal scttimanale "11 Mondo", gli ollre un milion e 558 mila elettori preferirebbero la Dc (26,4%), iI MsiOn (16,7%), iI Pds (15,7) e is Psa (9,6). Staocata la Lega (5,3). The mayors of two top resorts on the northern Riviera have banned bikinis and other swimsuits from being worn on the streets. Both mayors, Robcrto Avagadro of AIassio and Danile Nagro of Pielra Ligure, are members of Italy's pro-autonomy Northern League. A magician was ordered off a British Airways plane at Milan after attempting his own version of inflight entertainment. The joker "swallowed" coins, banknotes and his boarding card. Teres Martini, an airline spokeswoman, said: ,"He brought Numerosi fossili, tra cui elefanti, the items back up by slapping his rinoceronti, cervi, bisonti, micomam- chest. They were all intact." miferi e molluschi, risalenti a circa un mUione di anni fa, sono stati recu· Health ministry undersecretary perati nel corso di ricerche in localita' Nicola Savino warned cigarelte smok· Steggio di Possagno, in Provincia di ers that radioactive conlrabaDd cigaTreviso. 11 Silo di Steggio appare eltes which were stored in contamicome una localita' fossilifera di pri- nated warehouses may be entering maria importanze, con iI repcrimento Italy from Russia. Savino said that he d.i oIIre cento resti fossili di avarie had received the tip-off from airport specie di mammiferi estinti: una sco- hcalth authorities whose information, pana che pcrmelte la ricostruzione di he said, had been based on warnings importanti fasi delle vicende del terri- circulated in Germany and the former tOrio. Yugoslav republics by the maker of the Marlboro brand. But Marlboro Italy has been shocked by advice manufacturer Philip Morris had no given to boy scouts and girl guides to idea how the scare began. be prepared for any emergency - even to the point of keeping a condom in An avalanche on the Italian side their rucksacks. A former scoutmaster, of Mont Blanc killed eight climbers Ottavio Losana, writes in "Scout" on Europc's highest mountain. Italy's magazine: "The condom is a child civil protection department listed the against Aids and also a useful emer- victims as three climbers from Vegency measure". rona, three Germans and two Frenchmen. The incident took place on the Con un appello all'ardimento, ai- Grandes Jorasscs. a section of the I'umilta', all'equilibrio e all'unita' Mont Blanc massif on the Italian· Mino Martinazzoli ha apcrto iI 28 French border \\;th a peak of more lug!io aRoma i lavori della costitu- than 4,000 metres. The victims had cnte democristiana che. prevedibil- been wilh a party of 18 climbers. mente, sanzioneranno la scomparsa They were about ,3,000 melres up the della Dc e la nascita del Partito mountain when a mass of ice and rock came loose and fell. Popolare. 21 tvIrAJ/I- -b ,.' .P ., . RIVISTA DELLA COMUNlTA'ITALlANA In Cammino Con Carmelo giomo abbiamo celebrato in duoino la Messa solenne per gli emigranti. Nel pomeriggio ci siamo incontrati Mi sento di benedire il Signore per la splendida festa in onore della a Blfltto con centinaia di emigranti di Londf<\. Nella piazza aci:anto alia Madonna del Cannine. parrocchia c'e' stato un incontro della Ringrazio di cuore e con com· Giunta Comunaie con le associazioni mozione tutti coloro che ci hanno dei cittadini emigrati e la popolazione. aiutato per la Processione e la Sagra. Carissimi Fratelli e Sorelle, Verso la meta' di agosto, sono andato per poehi giomi nella Luni· giana, invitato dall'On. Ferri e dal- I brattesi hanno preparato un ricco rinfresco. Ho visitato varie case a Bratto e poi a Braia. Anche qui e' 11 prossimo anno organizzeremo la giornata dell'Emigrazione a Naro, in Sicilia. Vi auguro di ripiendere il cammino insieme con noi sacerdoti della Parrocchia con coraggio e serenita'. Vi assicuro che c' bello lavorarc nella vigna del SignoreI Ciao a tutti. .' I'Associazione Lunigianesc tramite la Sig.ra Tosca Bertolini. Sono rimasto vcramente commosso per I'aecoglianza c sono' stati giomi molto inteitsi c, credo, fruttuosi. 11 12 agosto alle 10,30 ho dato I'espcrienza nella sala consigliare di Pontremoli, seguito da un vivace dibattito, alia prescnza del Vescovo di Massa e Carrara, Mons. Eugenio Binini c' l'On. Ferri. Verso mezzo- 22 stato bello rivedere tanti volti conoscuti c luminosi di commozione. Con amici e rOn· Ferr; accanto P. Carmelo La serata si c" conclusa con un concerto nella Villa Dosi ai Chiosi df Pontremoli. Sono ritomato a Londra con il cuorc pieno di gioia e di riconscenza. Negli anni precedenti ero stato gia' a Calabritto, Sencrchia, Castelfranci ed altri paesi, pieni della nostra gentc. September 93 ____l :i!!J;~FJLA COMUNITA'rrAIJANA La Vita dellanostra Parrocchia Sono nati alia vita di Dio con iI Santo Battesimo Alronso Romeo Papa: AIfonso Papa e Margaret Batborini Natalia Vittoria Vicaria: Andreas Vicaria e Cannela Caruso Ava Lilly Aliee·Szczerek: lanusz Szczerek e loanna Stawecka Danny Gary Michael Crook: G:uy Crook e Gina Adams Terry Gary Crook: G:uy Crook e Gina Adams Emma Andrews: Keith Andrews e Irene Madaschi Sabrina Nadia Violino: Enrico Violino e Rita Rossetti Lumnie Sopi: Idriz Sopi e Doranna Santi Gabriella Saponara: Mareo Saponara e Sueli Texeira Braz Claudia Noto: Pietro Noto e Antonella Rallo Massimo Squillante: Gerardo Squillante e Fiorella Foradori Michael ThClmas Fitzgibbon: Peter Fitzgibbon e Paula Mancini Sarah Elizabeth Fitzgibbon: Peter FilZgibbon e Paula Maneini Lisa Yuriko Omata: Yoshiyuki Omata e Maria Cocco France:lea D'Aiuto: Giuseppe D'Aiuto e Shirley West Julia Ailis Doyle: Anthony e Elizabeth Doyle Rosie Louise Boland: loseph Boland e Agostina Oddi Harry .James Boland: lames Boland e Lisa Donoghue Ivana Santa Seatola: Antonino Scatola e Lucia Azzariti Talia Angelica Boffa: Antony Boffa e Sandra Isaac Pia Tess ZelilOda lIoldsworth: Christopher Holdsworth e Ama Lim Giorgia Ferri: WaIter Ferri e Dcborah Solari Hanno unito le loro vite davanti a Dio nel Matrimonio lohn Da Silva - Elena Pipere Giuseppe Bellini - Angela Frangiamore lohn Tackley - Maria Di zazzo Alessio Corbo - Angela Moretlo David Harvey - Linda Inzani Massimo LulZU - Christine Kilden Paul Kennedy - Filomena Pilla Carlo D'Esposito • Caterina MaJugani Paolo Frangiamore • Anna DeSio John Moran - Sharon PaJagi Paul Laban • Giuseppina Aulelta Piclro Nicastro - Rosaria Conigliaro Tony Rocco • Dawn lohnson Giovanni Covclluzzi • Anna Di Cicco Tony Boffa - Lisa Bracey lohn Moore - Daniela Schiavetta Leonardo Manfredi - Laura Matraxia Riposa~o nella Pace del nostro Signore Fiorentina Pini Harry Brown' Giuseppe Solari Domenico Zucconi Rina Freeman Remo Capitelli Giuseppe Guarino Settembre 93 23 -• -btJhJ/I- " ~ RIVISTA DELLA COMUNITA'rrALIANA !TAL WINDOWS &SECURDOOR TOP QUALITY INSTALLATION OF ALL RANGES OF WINDOWS IN UPVC AND ALUMINIUM DOUBLE GLAZING. PATIO DOORS, WITH SPECIAL SELECTION OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL SECURITY DOORS IMPORTED FROM ITALY 2JUlQUSES INSTALLED1N ONE ROAD ALONE. GOOD BACKUP SERVICE AND MAXIMUM DISCOUNT OFFERED A COMPLETE DOOR FITTED WHEN YOU ORDER WINDOWS WITH US. FINANCE AND CREDIT FACILITIES AVAILABLE CALL NOW FOR A FREE QUOTATION FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL MR. VINCENZO TEL: 081-905 0861 OR 081-422 9213 "THE BESTJOB AT A VERY GOOD PRICE" STUDIO PARIS 1'1I0TOGRAPIIY & VIDEO A Personal and Friendly Service for your Specialists in Italian Cheeses, Fresh Pasta and Meat Products Importers and Distributors of Wines and Provisions CARNEVALE HOUSE BLUNDELL SfREET LONDON N7 9BN TEL:07I·607 8777 FAX:071·6078774 24 QUEENS MILL ROAD HUDDERSFIELD HDI 3PG WESf YORKSHIRE TEL:(0484)SI4117 FAX:(0484)432861 Wedding Day. Prints in Colour, Black and White and Black and White Hand Painted and Toned. A Good Selection of Hand-Made Italian Leather Albums. A Two Camera Video Service also available. Book botl. PllOtograp"Y and Video to receive a Free 20" x 16" Canvas P"otograpl. of your c"oice. For an Appointment to View our Work ring Arturo on 081 851 8975 or 081 852 7362 wit" no obligation. OTIIERPIIOTOGRAPIIICSERVICES Commerdal • P.R• • Social September 93 J ~FnA COMVNITA'ITALIANA ,t, ~ FORTE HOTUS EXCLUSIVE HOTELS -!- FORTE GRAND FORTE Wha1:ever you wish ,to say; Thank you; Well Done; Good LuckForte Leisure Cheques are the perfect gift anyone can buy or receIVe, They are redeem "'~ or goods and services thr.,SuiH uN e extensive Forte grou.p, {ii~ltt t~~~> er 800 hotels and I,OOO~§t«~ ants. orte Leisk(eCiJ~~~~ open upait ,,' '~:, . t ',. varzetY\QPop~~f{ nities frl;t1l'~"': ~q,!t,c~ikef:~~t:~~~:: j~'f::~~~t!i~t~ '" FORTE CREST -!- FORTE Posthouse ",,",,<, '\: FORTE I(STAUIANU ~ ~ ,./ So;..i t.'§l.u're loo mg for e'· di/1e;-ent ideas tor gifts, call The..uncentii/es D aftment "'Oh£mii;tfW~ Available in denominations of £1, £5, £10 and £SO you may place your order by credi-x. card, or send a cheque to: 3 '1- FORTE Travelodge ~ .. ~ ® Forte Leisure Cheques Dept., Regent Palace Hotel Piccadilly Circus London, W1A 4BZ. RIN(; & BR'IMER (_",tIII~.""..... J{JI}"..... FOR HO""TEL RESERVATIONS CALL 0345404040 .. FORTE WORLD <:>FCOLf Settembre !J3 2S :tJ;~EILA COMUNlTA'ITALIANA Processione della Madonna To celebrate this year's moving Processione della Madonna del Carmine we are pleased to print a selection of photographs taken by Alessia Berardo (SJudio Medici), Gerardo Castagno and Felice Minoletti. We extend our thanks to all the participants, all those who attended, and to our able photographers who captured the emotion of the day so well. 26 September 93 ~ ~~ ,J;P Settembre 93 RIVISl'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITALlANA 27 ~~ ~ RIVISrA DELLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA Processione 28 continua da pagina 27 .Sep/ember 93 :J!;~FJJ..A COMUNlTA'rrALIANA \~ , Look out for next month's on sale Sunday, 3rd October Settembre 93 29 -b~ .. r-------~--'.;..:. . .P' __ . _JUVIS[--.,;;.;;.;J\.;.:D---,EU;.:.A.:::CO::::MUNrr==;:.;.:A.:...:'IT;:.;.:A.LJAN=.:::A~ Bridalwear Specialists Weddin Da s We indiVidually design and handmake· Wedding Dresses Bridesmaids Dresses Pages Dresses Veils etc... Christenings first Communion Amanda Maccini Linda Bertola Te1: 092J 8J5041 Te1: 081 940 J807 FELIX BUREAU AOENZIA PILA VORO SPECIALIZZATO PER PERSONALE ALBERGHIERO HA A DISPOSIZIONE POSTI VACANTI PER PERSONALE . QUALIFICATO NEL SETTORE FOR ALL CATERJJVG STAFF EMPLOYMENT.pUREAU MANAGERS, HEAD WAITERS, WAITERS, WAITRESSES,lstj2nd/3rd CHEFS, VEG COOKS, KITCHEN PORTERS, SNACK BAR COUNTER HANDS AND STAFF ETC... 80 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE , LONDONWl TEL: 071-437 8513 OR 071-4714/4840/4467 30 --, JUVENTUS - AC MILAN - NAPOLl - Etc.•• CAMICE DEL CALCIO PER TUTTE LE SQUADRE ITAUANE . ALLSP($)RTS WE CAN SUPPLY ANY SHIRT SINGLES OR TEAM STRIPS CLUB DISCOUNT PRINTING AND NUMBERING SERVICE MATCH BALLS FROM £10 071- 833 8731 176 COPENHAGEN STREET LONDON Nl OST !Frant Pepe ITALIAN DELICATESSEN & PROVISIONS HAND MADE FRESH PASTA RAVIOLI Pork, Moriadella& Parma Ham Mushroom & Ricotta Cheese Aubergine & Mushroom Spinach & Ricotta Cheese Gorgonzola & Ricotta Cheese CANNELLONI Spinach & Ricotta Cheese Pork, Mortadella & Parma Ham STRUCCOLI Flat ribbons ofpasta rolled with Spinach & Ricotta Cheese ALL FRESH PASTA £3.45 per LB 31 CHURCH HILL ROAD. EAST BARNET Tel: 081-364 9553 September 93 :#~Fn.ACOMlJNlTA'ITALIANA 'RISTORANTE' E'SALA BANCHEITI' SITUATO IN UN LUOGO GRADEVOLE TRA POTrERS BAR & HATFIELD SULLA STRADAAIOOO SIA UN MATRIMONIO, COMPLEANNO,ANNIVERSARIO, CRESIMA ECC. ECC. OPPURE UNA SERATA SPECIALE SAN FELICE IS THE IDEAL VENUE FOR CELEBRATING THAT SPECIAL OCCASION ENJOY GOOD FOOD AND EXCELLENT SERVICE IN AN INFORMAL & FRIENDLY ATMOSPHE~ WEDDINGS & PARTIES A SPECIALITY AMPLE CAR PARKING GREAT NORTH ROAD BROOKMANS PARK. BELL BAR HATFIELD, HERTS AL9 6NA TELEFONO: 0707-649930/649973 F'~:0707-649927 Settembre 93 31 -b~ .,J::> . RIVISrA DE.LLA COMUNITA'ITAIJANA Letters dai nostri lettori Dear Editor. We would be very pleased if you could convey our gratitude to all those who helped raise £1,650.00 in memory of our Giuseppe Solari. As you may know Giuseppe died in July after a year's illness. His pain was cased by the help and care of Bamet General Hospital and, towards the end, the North London Hospice. Most of all wc would like to thank his friends who were there for him during his illness and who gave him their strength arid love. Yours . Famiglia Solar; P.S. Could you please publish the enelosed the leller of thanks from the North London Hospice.. (~.9\ ""~ NOftTIlOI.UNnUN II~O-SPICa-; ., "~EW, ............. Frl.' L•• ~ Nil " , "','4' "4' ,.,1 .".,., '''I CDlsw/93-0IS6 MnSoW! .. Kenvcr Drive N120PG Oat Mn Sobri. 00 behalf of &be Nonh Loadoa Hospice I wcv14 Ii.kc 10 IIhank you &lid mcmbcn of St. Petu"s ItaJian. QW'th for the'VC'CY z:mcrous dlcquc ~Ln& tl6S0.00. ~11he kQl docwiocu RCdvcd.i.Qmemof)'oIyourbusboaAd. ' , 1& 'NU 101 all 0( UI .".a.klng bcrc at the hospice lA booow lAd bldeed most ~ 10 have looked af\cr • Joe-. I eoc:Iose a pow.t' ff;6 you to display (:11 the churth nocioe boud, woncSc:d\ll dooalioa for which we are most It&teJ~ ~ing receipt of this Giuseppe Solari I White Hart COllage•. Colchester Road Chelmsford, Essex Dear Sir, You very kindly printed my leller concerning /hmily history in your May issue. 1 did, about the same time ask for help in tracing ancestors in a magazine called "Family Trcc". I reccived about 20 lellers asking for help from people in a similar shuation. Most of these are people whose ancestors lived 50 years or more ago. Most married English partners so do not spc.1k Italian. Amongst the lellers I received was one from a woman in America who 32 told me that on her return to England she is going to start an AnglolItalian Family History Soeiety. This is obviously good news for those of us trying to trace our roots in Italy. These S<icieteies are not usually run for a profit but as a self-help group. It occurred to me. that your magazine might keepbaek issues. Is this so? How long have you been publishing it? I· answered most of the cries of help by wroting back telling them of "Little Italy"· where I grew up and of BACKHILL. I recently bought a surname index of the Census carried out in 1851 in those areas and was able to help with the names· Colia, Anloni 1929 - 1993 and Pedrazoli. Along the way, I saw others, like Ferrari, Molinari, Castiglioni, Franchi, Belli, Bemi, Conti, Ghirandani, Orsi and I even came across a Faldo - could this be an ancestor of the famous Nick? Your sincerely, Linda Fauani Dear Linda, The proposed society you refer to would be certain to provoke a very interested response from our readers: please kcep us informed of its progress. BACKHILL has been published continuously since February 1977 and wc can supply photocopies of specifie articles on request. Ed September 93 j \ :iff:.~EUA COMUNITA'ITALIANA For a Rainy Day Inheritance Tax Planning your possible exposure to 00. The first step is to draw up a comprehenPart One sive schedule of your assets (what you Inheritance Tax (UIT) is the most own) and your liabilities (what you recent in a long line of taxes charged owe). You should not include in your on the value of a person's estate - i.e., calculations any Exempt Transfers the value of what a person owns, less that you have made during your liabilities. It was introduced in 1986 lifetime nor any gifts you propose to as a replacement to Capital Transfer make under the terms of your will on Tax, which itself replaced Estate Duty your death whieh are exempt for 00 in 1974. purposes. HIT relates to "chargeable tansOnce the value of your ehargeable fers" made by a person either at estate has been calculated, you will death or during a person~s lifetime, in need to add back into your calculathe form of gifts. For the purposes of tions the total value of any Potentially HIT, lifetime gifts are claSsified as Exetnpt Transfers and Chargeable follows:Transfers made within the previous a) Exempt Transfers - gins which seven years he<'ause, if you were to are not included in your HIT calculations, irrespective of when they were . made. b) Potenlially Exempt Transfers gifts which are only included in your lIlT calculations if they were made within seven years of your death. c) Chargeable Transfers" gifts on which HIT is payable at the time the gift is made, at half the normal rate, and which incur additional tax if they were made within five yems of your death. All gifts must be made "without reservation" - the person who grants Make a will the gin. must nonetain any interest in the asset involved, It must, be an die tomorrow, lIlT will fall due for outright gift with no strings attached, paytnent. The actual amount is calcuotherwise it will still be regarded as lated on a reducing scale (kno\m as forming part of the donor's estate for "tapering relief'), depending on the lIlT purposes, and any possibility in time that has elapsed since the lifereducing your tax liability will be time gin was made. lost. Whcn the value of your estate lIlT is not payable on the first exceeds £150,000 your heirs and ben· £150,000 of a person's eS!<1te. There- eficiaries to your estate \vill have to after, it is levied at 40% on the pay 40% (that is 40p in the £) of any remaining balance of the .estate. If you surplus in 00. On an estate worth have an es!<1te worth £150,000 or less, £300,000 the amount of lIlT payable lIlT planning is not a problem. This by them would be £60,000 (i.e. also applies if the total value of gins £300,000 - £150,000 x 40%). classified under (b) and (e) above, If" you do not want them to be made within any seven year period, burdened \vith this problem you can does not go above this "Nil Rate take number of measures to reduce Band" of £150,000. This seven year (i.e. "mitigate,") your liability to lIlT. period, during which e.1rlier gifts are The various options are outlined be· taken into account in calculating lIlT, low. They should be used in a is called the "Cumnlation Period", combination that best suits your par· If you feel that the value of your ticular circumstances and preferences. estate is likely to excced £150,000 on 1) Do make plans: the aim of lIlT your death, you will need to find the planning is to keep a balance between tilne and make the effort to caleulate minimising your tax liability and a Scttcmbre 93 Richard Si/via retaining enough capital and income for you to live. You should not give away more than you can afford. Having reduced your liability to IHT as far as is practical, you will nced to protect your heirs and beneficiaries against any anticipated liability. This is where the benefit of life assurance comes into its own: as a means of protecting your family against 00 once you die. Flexibility is essential, as your circumstances are bound to change. You must take the trouble periodi· cally to reassess your liability to 00 and adjust your plan for any variation that has taken place. You may, for example, acquire additioual assets or reduce/eliminate a liability - both of which increase the value of your estate. 2) Make a will: one should always be made, regardless of how much you own, simply because it expresses your wishes and ensures that they \vill be carried out legally aftcr your death. In the context of lIlT planning, this provides you with an ideal opportunity to arrange your affairs so that the impact of lIlT is reduced, as the destination and distribution of your estate on your death will be govcrned by the contents of your will. When you die the follo\ving legacies can be made, all of which are exempt from 00: a) between husband and wife provided both live, as thcir main residence (i.e. "domiciled") in the U.K.; b) to be registcred charity; c) to a political party. Othcr examples exist, but are beyond the scope of this article. If a \vill is not made your estate \vill be distributed according to the rules of intestacy • which may not reflect the way· you intcnded your estate to be distributed. Continued ncxt month 33 AVVOCATO GEORGE PAZZI-AXWORTHY (STUDIO LEGALE GRIFFINHOOFE) SE AVETE PROBLEMI RIGUAROANTI o immobili in Italia o eredita' in Italia o testamenti che debbono reggere sia in Italia che in Inghilterra o relazioni commerciali con I'ltalia Vi suggeriamo di consultare I'Avvocato George Pazzi-Axworthy Per qualsiasi pratica inglese troverete poi allo studio Griffinhoofe chi sara' in grado di consigliarVie di esserVi e di assisterVi nella Vostra lingua. E'sempre meg/io le/efonare in anticipoperche'abbiamo senipre genIe. Awocato George Pazzi-Axworthy Studio Legale Griffinhoofe 5 Coldbath Square. Rosebery Avenue, London ECl R 5HL Tel: 071 7137887 - Fax: 071 7137707 - OX 53325 CLERKENWELL TO TREASURE THE BEST MOMENTS OF YOUR LIFE GOAU.DIAN U<:>VAI ... HX<;IIANGH J.:INA.N<;IAI.. I\tIANAC;HMHN'I- 1...11\'11..... IU> LJFETI~E FINANCIAL SECURITY YOU cim plan to achieve financial security by using Guardian Royal Exchange Financial Management's computerised financial planning report. The service is free and without obligation. To Learn More Telephone RICHARD 081-3434556 NOW! . RICHARD J. SILVIO B.A.(HONS), ALIA(dip) ApPoInM Rtprtstntadn 01 Guardian Royal Exthanle rnarketin&: lroup(lmmbtu of wtJtb Ut Mfmbtn of LauU'o and IMRO) only 10' lbe PUf(l'O)# of advlsint on and Rllina; lil. usuranc:e. ~n.s:ion. unit kwt and ~r_al ~ui11 plan proo:JIKtI bt.rlnt Cuudbn Royal Exc:hanlt'lI' nlmt. 34 PHQTQGRAPHER & . . YIDEO ~RQDUCER 8A, Spencer Hill - Wimbledon London SWI9 4NY WEDDINGS * BANQUETS COMMERCIAL * STUDIO PORTRAITS CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHED AT HOME PHONE: 081 - 879 1378 Good selection of top quality frames and albums available on request September.93 :J;:~FJ:LA " COMUNITA'ITAUANA f I I i, :i I • KEYS CUT WHILE-U-WAlr. • LOCKS SUPPLIED & FinED • • DIGITAL DOOR LOCKS • • INTERCOM SYSTEMS SUPPLIED & FinED • • SECURITY GRILLS SUPPLIED & FinED • • FAST & EFFICIENT SERVICE. I I - - BOSCH - MAKITA - ELU .... i I _ Head Office 1 ~ , TRAOE PAINT CENTRE i Power Tool Centre SUPER CENTRE Macpherson 329/331 GRAYS INN ROAD LONDON WCIX 8BZ PAINT BRUSH & ROLlER CENTRE TEL: 071-278 8628/1308/6014 Branches Also At: 20 GOLDHAWK RO~D SHEPHERDS BUSH LONDON W12 4 CROWNDALE ROAD CAMDENTOWN LONDON NWl 2TU 22 PANCRAS ROAD KINGS CROSS LONDON NWl 2TB TEL: 081-7496909/081-7461347 TEL: 071·387 6782 TEL: 071·833 4736 Setlembre93 35 ,I 1.' Ecclesia Nostra Judaism Historical Note. Religion centred around the historical evenls of the Old Testament and the tcachings of the Old Testament. Most racial groups contain Jewish ,communities within them. Dress. Ordinarily there are no dress requirements for Jews except that the more orthodox may wish to wcar a yarmulka, and that the head is always covered whilst in the synagogue. During the s.1ying of prayers and during ceremonies a tallith may be worn. Some Jews may wish to wear phylacteries when saying prayers. Jewish women may wish to keep their hair covered. Gloria (Scptember/October) Succoth - Tabernacles (September) Hanukkah - Feast of Lighls (December)' . Pesach - Passover (March) Shavouth - Feast of Weeks (May) Sikhism Historical Note. It is the youngest of the major world religions (about 500 years) and formed as a breakaway from Hinduism and the caste system. For reasons of self preservation from invaders, Sikhs have build up a warrior tradition. Sikhs arc followers of the teachings of 10 Gurus; Sikhism teaches the unity of God, the equality of all men and women, their duty to offer devotion to God, the belief in reincarnation and liberation through meditation and union with God. The Caste system does not exist in Sikhism; Meat and milk may not be cooked, served or eaten together therefore all Diet. To the Jew the pig is an Sikh men take the religious name unclcan animal, so the diet should be Singh which· means lion, and Sikh pork frce and no ingredients from women the common' surname Kaur pork should be used in the prepara- which means princess. Singh may be tion. Meat and milk products may not used as a surname or middle name. be cooked, served or e<1!en together. Dress Any mc.1t for consumption must Saihajdhari - An "apprentice" for have been slaughtered by the sche- whom there is no dress requirement. ehita method and thus Kosher. Uten- Those who wish to move towards sils used for the preparation of non- keeping onc or more of the five kosher food must not be used for symbols ,of Sikhism (sce below) are kosher food unless c1c.1nsed in the permitted to do so, after consultation prescribed manncr. Some Jews may with a Sikh minister. cat halal mc.1t. Amritdhari - A baptised Sikh who Work. Most work is aeceptable wears the five symbols: 'keshas, except with pigs. The Jewish Sabbath kangha, km;a, kirpan and kachchas extends from sunset on a Friday to Kesh - uncut hair and beard, represunset on a Saturday. senting spirihmlity. Major Jewish Festivals Kangha - a comb used to keep the Rosh Hashanah - New Yc.1r (Scptcm- hair in place. ber) Kirpan - a sword or dagger, originally Yom Kippur - Day of Atonemcnt a means of protection, symbolising 36 dignity and self respect. Kachs - short trouses worn by men and women. Kara - a steel bracelet, worn on the . right wrist. Baptised male Sikhs wear a turban. Sikh Women - UsUally grow the hair long, often worn in a plait for convenience. Wear either a sari or shalwar, karnccz and chadar. Diet. Most Sikhs arc meat eaters provided the animal has not been slaughtered in the Muslim or Jewish way. Sikhs will not usually car pork or beef. All intoxicanls, including alcohol, should be avoided. Tobacco is forbidden. Work. Thcre arc no restrictions. Main Religious Festival (Gurpurbs) Guru Gobind - Anniversary of the tcnth Guru's birth. Singh's Birthday (variable date December/January) Guru Nanaks" - Annivcrsary of the birth of the first Guru (founder) (variable date November) Melas: Diwali - Festival of Light - Anniversary of the release fro imprisonment of the sixth Guru. . Baisakhi ( New Year's Day) - Foundation Day. Baptism of the Khalsa by the tenth Guru (13 April) Hola Mohalia - Spring Festival (FebruarylMareh) Sikhs are excused from work for Bais.1khi and Guru Nanak's birthday. Worship - Most Sikhs will begin the day with an early morning bath, followed by prayer, meditation and hymns. Most will pray again in the evening before going to bed. Congregational worship is important and may be led by any respected member of the Sikh community. Other Points On entering a gurdwara the head should be covered and the shoes removed. Remove all smoking requisites. At the conclusion of other ceremonies and invariably when visiting a gurdwara the visitor is offered spiced sweetmeat (kura prashad) or other ceremonial food as a token of friendship. September 93 :1f:.~Fll.A COMUNITA'ITALTANA Art lives Boccaccio Giovanni Boccaccio was born perhaps in Paris, perhaps in Ccnaldo, within the period 1312-1314. He wrote' Italian lyrics frequently; throughout his life. His lyric vcin was not deep, and his Rime have little individual character. Dantesque and Pctrarchan motifs are imitated frcely, and much use is made of classic names. His several early works in Italian, listed in what is very probably the order of their composition are as follows: ' 1336-38 'Caccia di Diana 1337-39 Filoeolo 1339-40 Filostrato 1340-42 Teseida 1341-42 Ameto 1342-43 Amorosa visione 1344-46 Fiammetta 1346-49 Ninfale fiesolano It is obvious that Boccaccio, as a writer, was remarkably versatile, and that he was to an extraordinary extent a literary pioneer. With the Filocolo, though it is naive in many respects, Boccaccio enters definitely the area of literary achievement. The tale grows, under his eager and industrious pen, from minstrel brevity to a length approaching that of the Dccameron. The eentral' story is told with abundant verbiage and is adorned with many inserted episodes. In the Roman di Troie, Boccaccio's interest is not in the plot, as it had been in the Riloeolo, but in thesc three persons Troiolo, Criseida, and Pandaro, whom he seeks to present as idc.1l types. Troiolo is for him the ideal lover, Criseida the ideal ladylove, and Pandaro the ideal friend. Thc story, then, is one of love and friendship; and the development of the friendship theme is on the same level of imponancc as the development of the themc of love. As a work of art the Filostrato is definitely superior to the Filocolo, not. only in its concentration on persons, but in its unity and in its style. There arc no irrelevant episodes, and no passages of superfluous adornment. The Teseida was a much more ambitious undertaking. Dante had said, in the Dc vulgari eloquentia, that no Italian had yet won distinction as a poet of arms: Boccaccio set out Seltembre 93 EH. Wilkins deliberately to win such distinction. His p<>cm was to be definitely an epic. Though the background of the Teseida is amply martial, the foreground is filled with a romance which seems to have been essentially Boccaccio's own creation. The Amorosa visione is an incoherent allegory, intended to signify the ascent, through love, from the life of the senses to the life of the spirit. The poet, with a majestic lady as guide, comes to a wall in which there are two gates: a narrow gate, leading to eternal peace. and a wide gate, leading to earthly happiness. TIle Amorosa visione has the dubious distinction of being the world's hugest acrostic. Boccaccio first wrote three sonnets, which together contain about 1500 letters, and then so wrote his poem that the initials of the suc=ssive tercets and single final lines of his fifty capitoli correspond exactly to the letters of the sonnets. Sh akespe are's Cymbeline and All's Well That Ends Well inspired by Doecacc;o. Ninfale ficsolano is the best of Boccaccio's poems, in the clarity of the narrative, in the simplieity and strength of its emotions, in the beauty of some of its scenes, and in the fresh lyric quality of many of the octaves a quality at times very close to that of folk poetry. If it were not for the execrably bad taste of a very few stanzas, the Ninfale would be one of the most charming of all idylls. But Boccaccio's greatest achievement of this period was the Dccameron, the most famous of the world's hundreds of collections of short stories_ It moves from the terror of the Black Death, deseribed at length and in vivid detail, to the placid relief of joyous villa girdens. Tcn young people go first to one villa then to another, spending in all two weeks in the two retreats. For each of these ten days onc of the company is chosen to serve as king or qucen and eaeh tells a story on each day. The stories are told extremely well. They are well introduced, the plots excite and satisfy' curiosity, the settings are clearly visualized, the dialogue is good, the narrative moves to a definite point of conclusion. The Dccameron is in,'ihe main a book of laughter - lahghter that runs the full gamut from gentle merriment to raucous obscenity. Yet the changes of mood are so frequent, and there is here and there so much seriousness, that there is no monotony. Among, the most famous individual stories are those of The Three Rings, Bernabo' of Genoa (the Cyrnbeline story), GilIette of Narbonne (the All's Well That Ends Well story) and The Patient Griselda. The influence of the Decameron has been extraordinarily great. Among the English, Irish, and American writers who have made use of material derived directly or indirectly from the Dccameron are Grccne, Shakespeare, Ben .1onson, F1etcher, Dryden, Swift, Pope, Godlsmith, Byron, ,Keats, Tennyson, George Eliot and Longfellow. Boccaccio's last important writings in Italian were a Trattatello in laude di Dante and an incomplete commentary on the Divine Comedy. The Trattatello is a eulogy, not a biography and it is notable both for its expression of Boccaccio's ardent admiration of Dante and for a digression on the nature of poetrY. In one of his last works Boccaccio makes a vigourous defence on poetrY: "For poetry, which the negligent and the ignorant despise, is a ccrtain fervour of exquisite invention, and of the eloquent expression, in speech or writing, of what you have invented. This fervour, which comes from the bosom of God, is granted at birth, I believe, to only a few minds: wherefore since it is so wondrous a thing, poets have always been very rare. The effects of this fervour are sublime, as thus: it arouses in the mind a desire for utterance; and it leads to the devising of new and beautiful inventions, to the orderly composing of what had been devised, to the adornment of the composition with a new fabric of words and sentences, and to the covering of truth \\ith a becoming veil of fiction.· 37 ::tt:~Ell.A COMUNITA'ITAUANA Sportlight There have been some extraordinary events this cricket season. Ted Dexter has questioned the position of the planets on the astrological charts as a possible explanation for the poor performance of our national sides. Even more remarkable is the comment his manager, Keith Fletcher, made that really there was not very much difference between the two sides apart ·from the rub of the green going the Aussie's way. That may be what he would like to think. It was certainly what I thought before the series began. But how anyone can seriously proffer that statement when at the time. of dictating this article before the Oval Test England are 4-0 do\VR in the five matches played, I· rcally do not know. Was he at Lords to witness four Australian wickets falling in two days only to sce as many English timbers tumble in one session between lunch and tca? But before my regular readers come to the conclusion that I am about to embark upon another seleetor bashing exercise may I ·immediately declare some sympathy for the responsible men this summer. . Fletcher commented that the first six in the batting line up for the initial two tests were probably the best players in England and save for one notable exception, it is hard to disagree radically with that view point. Gooch, Atherton, Gatting, Smith, Hick and Steward would have been names fcaturing on most pundit's lists. Taking into account the leg spin risk of Warne, however, it was difficult to understand why no. left hander was included and the omission of Gower seemed positively perverse. At 2-0 down, it was decided that drastic action was required. The cry went out - we must have new blood. L.'thwClI, Thorpc, and Hussain wcre drafted in to the batting order. Out went the old guard of Gatting and Hick. Hick's demotion was regrett.,ble as his best chance to establish himself as a Test player was against Aussie spin rather than Caribbean pace. I must say I thought Hussain was very lucky to get the <:.,11 ahc.,d of Maynard and L.,thwell instc.,d of Glamorgan's Morris who just happened to be another left hander. Lathwell is a little bit more of a worry. Having bcen picked for the one day squad, it is a pity that when England' were 2-0 down, he was not blooded for the third match. At that time he was bang on form. It is just as dangerous to blood 38 RiChard Evans young talent too soon as it is as to keep a player languishing in the reservesl Surely these dificiencies should have been apparent to our test selectors and addressed by the player before plunging him in to the Ashes cauldron? From everything I have heard, L:lthwell is a promising test player of the future but I would advocate taking . things very slowly with him. I have always been against wholesale changes in a team. Evolution •should be the order of the day with young blood constantly challenging for places but the side always maintaining a balance betwcen maturity and youth. For me, there have been two alarming features of this Ashes series. First, I happen to believe the Australian team is not that good. They started the tour with McDermott as their main strike bowler. He was rushed to hospital during the second test and has not been able to take any part since. This mc.,nt that at Lord's, Australia only had Hughes as a fast bowler aided by the spinners May and Warne. They had to make do with the Waugh brothers as bowlers in order to supplement the attack. In spite of this they ran through an experienced English batting line up with little problem. What will our boys do when they face a full five man Test attack? Secondly, England just do not look capable of bowling out any batting side. Where is the penetration to come from? Caddick, IIIott, Bicknell, Foster, DeFreitas, MeCague have all been tried and found wanting in some respect. What are they going to do on the fast West Indian pitches? Incidentally, I thought the Australian complaints about the selection of MeCague bordered on hypocrisy. We are a cosmopolitan society and cricket merely reflects that fact. In the off spin department such had a fine game in the first test, although I have to say that Glamor- gan's Croft would have been a more adventurous choice. Emburcy was recalled so that England played two off spinners in the fifth test rather than the left armer who would have moved the baIl away from the right handed batsmen. Atherton (see photo) was correctly chosen to captain the side when Gooch resigned and Dexter has now gone. There is talk that he will be replaced by Mike Smith of Warwickshire but will this be more of the same? I read a very interesting article in The Times defending Dcxter on the grounds that his role was largely misunderstood. He had a ~rcater responsibility· for English cncket than simply picking the test side and indced tended not to interfere in the selection process. Which was left to Fletcher and Gooch. Undoubtedly this combination favoured the players they knew i.e. from Essex. In my opinion there is a considerable public misunderstanding about the precise division of roles between chairman of selectors, . tcam manager and captain. I believe there should be one cricket supremo who is responsible for picking the England team in conjunction with the captilin. It is sad to say that Fletcher's track record in India and in this series raises serous doubts about his ability for this role. I understand my own first choice, Mike Brearley, is not available for the job. From the others who remain, Ray IIIingworth is the most experienced candidate but it is now over 20 ycars since he .captained a test side and his managerial reeord at Yorkshire was not outstandingly successful. David L10yd has earned a good reputation in Lancashire and would be a bold choice. But who should go to the West Indies? My tour party would read, Atherton (captain)1 Morris H; Smith; Thorpc; Stewart; Gatting; Maynard; Hick; Cork; Fraser; McC'gue (if not fit, Malcolm); Igglcsden (if not fit, C,ddick); Such; Tufnell; Salisbury; Russell. I think it is unlikely that the gamble on Salisbury will be taken in which case Malcom should get the nod with C,ddick and Bicknell tmvelling if both McCague and Igglcsden are unfit. Finally, a thank you to Len Mancini for notifying us of the promising Italian speedway talent riding for Rc.,ding who will have competed in the World championship in Germany in August. We will be doing a full fcature on him in either the October or November issue. September 93 1 ! :if;~FllA COMUN\TA'ITAUANA Italsport Coni Mario Pescante e' iI nuovo presidente del Coni, iI comitato 01impico nazionale. Nella votazione del eonsiglio nazionale, con 42 presenti, ha ottenuto 30 voti. Arrigo Gattai, presidente uscente, ha ottenuto 12 voti. I. I Ciclismo Nuova elassifiea mondiale dopo iI Tour de France. Indurain e' scmpre iI numero uno davanti agli svizzeri Rominger e Zuelle. Gli italiani: 4 Fondriest, 5. Chiappucei, 6. Bugno, 14.. Cassani,. 15. Seiandri, 16. Cipollini, 17. Argentin, 20. Furlan, 23. Ghirotto. Nella graduatoria a squadre la spagnola Once precede la Bancsto e I'italiana GB-MG.. Sandro Pratoli Calcio Trauma cranico di Lentini dopo in incidenle stradale vicino a Villanova d'Asti. Le sue condizioni sono migliorale in ospedale ma non si sa quando potra' lornare a giocare. Pallanuoto Dopo 1'000 ai giochi olimpici di Barcellona cd 000 agli Europei a Sheffield ad agosto, ora I'obicllivo del scllebcllo (la squadra ilaliana travolgente di pallanuoto) sono i Mondiali di Roma '94. Calcio A Londra Paul Gascoigne ha presentato la sua sponsorizzazione con la Lotto, I'industria di Montebelluna. L'aceordo triennale e' stato siglato sulla base di 7 miliardi di lire. Calcio II Perugia, promosso quest'anno in serie B, e' stato retroceso in serie Cl per iIleeito sportivo pcrehe' aceusato di averc corrotto I'arbitro della partita Siraeusa-Perugia, terminata I-I, Emanuale Senzacqua. Nella serie cadetta c' stato promosso automaticamente I'acireale. I I Calcio Sono Signori e Balbo i favoriti al titolo di capo-cannonicre pcr i bookmakers inglcsi: la quota e' 2,75. Seguono Baggio (3,50), Sosa (7), Moeller e Bergkamp (10), Vialli c Papin (12). Basket La scandalo del premio a vincere poomesso della Fortitudo Bologna ai gioeatori di Modena in oceasione della partita contro la Marr Rimini nella terz'u1tima giornata dei playout, e' sfociato in un verdello pesante. La commissione giudicanle della Fcderbasket, presieduta daI dotlor Martone e completata dai colleghi magistrari D'Andria e Izzo, ha condiviso i convineimenti dell'accusa e ne ha sostanzialmenle accolto le riehiesle. La Fortitudo, ritenuta coJpevole di "responsabilita' oggettava in frode sportiva tentata da un sostenilore", non viene ne' radiata ne' retrocessa, ma deve partire da -6 punti nel prossimo campionato di AI. Tennis Marzia Grossi, n. 156 della e1assifica Wta, ha vinto la terza cdizione degli intemazionali femminili di .San Marino ballendo in finale (3-6, 7-5, 6-1) la tedesea Rittner, n. I del tabeJlone e 29 della elassifica mondiale. Sport Un solo nome, quello del Milan. Una sola mglia, quella rossonera. Lo· spor( milanese quello che ruota allomo della ,Fininvcst, palra' contare su una mamce comune. Nasce la Polisportiva Milan, uflicialmente deneminata "Milan Athletic Club", la prima di qucsto tipo in llaIia, e a tenerla a ballcsimo e' stato Silvio BerIusconi. "E qucsto - come sollolinea il prcsidente - nonostanle i costi enormi e le difficolta' di ogni tipo. Vogliamo utilizzare la grande organizzazione del Milan caleio per unificare sollo la stessa bandiera tulle le nosue societa.... Avremo cosi' il Milan rugby, il Milan hockey, il Milan volley e (ma soltanlo successivamente perehe' il' campionato e' aneera in corso) il Milan baseball. La formazione di rugby che, perso Carnpesc, potra' contare ·su Paolo Vaccari sara' costretta a gioeare nel fatiscente impianlo del Giuriati. Calcio Proscgue la corsa dei tifosi interisti a1I'abbonamento. Gia' vendute 30,531 tessere. Intanto oggi if presidente Pellegrini pranzera' ad Appiano Gentile con i gioealori neraz- wm. Canoa L'azzurro V1adi Panalo ha vinto la mcdaglia d'oro ai mondiali di canoa della VaI di Sole, nel trentino. Nella categoria canadese mOo noposto di discesa, ha preceduto 10 sloveno Andrej lelenek cd il francese lcanlue Christin. L'altro azzurro' Mirko Spelli ha concluso scllimo. Calcio Nella Eurocoppe saranno impegnati nel prima tumo i dieci internazionali italiani (Amendolia e Ccccarini in Coppa campioni) Auto L'alfa Romco 155 V6 Ti di Nicola Larini ha rnantenuto 58 punli di vantaggio sulle Mercedes di Ludwig e Asch dopo il scltimo appuntamento del campionato Dim disputalo sulla pista ricavata dall'aeroTennis Gianluca Pozzi avanza porto di Diepholz, 50km a sud di nella e1assifica Alp: da numeoo 68 e' Brema. AI termine del campionato mancano tre appuntamenti per 6 gare. diventalo numero 54. Settembre 93 39 .,, AT 3 BACK HILL YOU WILL FIND: A First-Class Italian and English Newspapers & Magazines GEORGE &GRAHAM Newsagents Tel: 071-278 1 770 Watch Repairer WTCWATCH REPAIRERS Tel: 071-278 4502 ... and you will also find A. FRANCE & SON Catholic Undertakers SERVIZI FUNEBRI ALL'ITALIANA FUNERALS ARRANGED IN LONDON, THE COUNTRY, AND ITALY 'll "', ~~': Ll!f. '. '1 !~ '. !mo~t%tt . f ~~. ,~'--'4 :. . ;'} ~ c<t.·_~jf. '. . Ij; J!l;!~l --~~;:J PRIVATE CHAPEL OF REST HEAD OFFICE: Also At: 45 Lambs Conduit Street, London WCl 41 Monmouth Street, London WC2. 14 Watrord Way, London NW4 166 Caledonian Road. London NI ~ ~ 40 071-4054901 071-4052094 September 93 Tempo Libero DAVVERO? NON Cl CREDO! AlI'eta' di 81 anni, Agatha Christic, la famosa autriee di romanzi giaili, poso' per la scultrice Lyn Kramer, che doveva riprodurre le sue fattezzc per il celebre. Museo delle Cere di madame Tussaud, a Londra. Per essere in carattere con il suo genere letterario, l'arzilla scrittrice volle indossarc, durante le pose, un abito di sgargiante seta giaila, con il quaie venne poi rivestita la statu a di cera. Il carat/ere di Degas, il grande piltore impressionista francese, era un intreccio d'impetuosita' e ditimidezza, e quest'ultima 10 rendtiva spesso insicuro e privo di spontanieta'. In una let/ere ad una sua sorella, la pittrice Berthe Morisot ricorda con queste parole il suo incontro con ['artista: «E' venuto a sedersi vicino a me, dicendo che mi avrebbe fatto la corte, ma questa corte si e' limitata ad un lungo commento al proverbio di Solomone: La donna e' la rovina del giusto». WHAT IS IT? . r 9• ~ .33· 31· • 35- ·30 2<> 28. -34 ·36 12. 20 39"'-;L..-'7 :i6 ~ $. ·18 it 2• 1 ~. .22 .24 [ .11~ ·16 ·6 )4 ·15 lO 37 21_ 27. -25 )3 .23 CHERISATA! Un celebre chirurgo, che insegna alia facolta' di me· dicina, interroga uno studente durante un esame: - Se vi trovaste davanti ad un caso molto grave, che cosa fareste? • Verrei a cercarvi per un consulto Happy birthday, Matilda ! COME FARESTE, VOI? 11 signor Anselmo ha comperato delle uova, ma non e' convinto che esse siano ben fresche. Egli sta percio' lambiccandosi il cervello per trovarc un metodo semplice che gli permella di acccrtarc con assoluta sicurczza se questo suo dubbio e' j' In Inghilterra, nel '600, i bevitori impenitenti venivano rinchiusi in una botte munita di fori per la testa, le mani e le gambe, e cosi erano lasciati finche' non avessero smaitito i fumi dell'aicool. Il viadotto dell'Autostrada del Sole nei pressi di Bagnara Calabra e' uno dei piu' arditi d'Europa: misura 245 metri d'altezza ed ha una luce di 370. Se/tembre 93 oppure no. l__-=:~~~~==~~ giustificato Come rarcste, voi? Ve<lete poi la rispo... pubblical1 ne! prommo numtro di nacklull r1 cl rr ~ """ p -f <:> """'T ~C 1.1 A F='I/ '0 .. Solution to last month's spot the difference puzzle. ~ ., "R'" T j T 41 -btvMtIt- .~ RIVISrA DELLA COMUNlTA'ITAUANA ' Mamma's Ricetta Mrs M.G. Polpettone di Verdura alia Gina Vegetable Loaf alia Gina Ingredienti Ingredients Ikg di patate bollite Ikgdi fagiolini bolliti 3 uova 80gr parmigiano grattugiato 80gr pane grattugiato un manciata di prezzcmolo tritato 50gr olio d'oliva ' extra pane grattugiato sale pepe 21bs potatocs cooked lib french beans cooked 3 eggs 30z parmigiano ,30z bread crumbs handful of chopped parsley 20 oz olive oil exlra brcadcrumbs sail pepper Metodo Method Pass.~te le patate cd i fagiolini nel passa verdure. Amalgamate insieme tutti gli ingredienti. Inburrate uno stampo da plum cake. Infoderalelo con pane grattugialo. Versale iI composlo. Coprile con pane grattugiato e fiocchetti di burro. Pass.~te nel forno presc.~ldato 190/n5 per 45 minuti. Mash the potatocs and the beans. Mix all the ingredients together. Grease a lib loaf tin. Cover the sides and bottom wilh breadcrumbs. Put lhe mixture in the tin. Cover with breadcrumbs and a few knobs of butter. Place in oven 190/n.5 for 45 minutes. Idina's Courgettes with Sage Zucchini con Salvia al Idina Ingredienti Ingredients 500gr zuechini 1 spicehio d'aglio 2 cucchiai di olio 4 cucchiai di aceto 6 foglie di s.~lvia lib courgettes 1 clove of garlic 2 tablespoons of oil 4 lablespoons of vinegar 6 sage leaves s.~le s.~11 Metodo Method Tagliate gli zucchini in bastoncini larghi 2cm e lungi 5cm, circa. Fate frigere Paglio nel olio. Agginngete gli zucchini, la s.;lIvia ed iI sale e falele cuocere a fuoco basso, coperte per circa mezz'ora. Mescolale di tanlO in tanlO che non si attacano. Quando sono cotte, unite l'acelo e fatelo evaporare (2 minuti). Lcvate gli zucchini dal fuoco. Servileli freddi 0 tiepidi. 42 Cut the courgettes into sticks, about 2ins long and 3/4 ins wide. Fry the garlic in the oil. Add the courgettes, sage and salt; and cook them covered over a low heal for about half an hour. Stir them every now and then to prevent them sticking. When they are cooked add the vinegar and lel it evaporale (2 mins). Remove from heat. Serve tepid or cold. September 93 ~ " :tJ;~FJLA L'abbonamento annuale (10 edizioni) con spcse postali, solo per la GB, costa. £10.00. Ricordatevi che BACKHILL vicne prodotto da volontari e non ha scopo di profitto. Qualunque vostro dono ci aiutera' a continuare a servire la comunita' Italiana. COM1lNlTA' ITAUANA The annual subscription (10 issues) including postage, UK only, is £10.00. Please remember that BACKHILL is a voluntary and non profit making publieation, and any additional donation you make will help us to continue this service to the Italian Community. BACKHILL Subscriptions 11 Fieldview Court, Fryent Close, London NW9 Name Nome DateIData Address Indirizzo SubslAbbonamento DonationfDouo Total Enclosed Somma Acclusa £ Cheques payable to: "BACKHILL" .. Vaglie Intestate a: "BACKIIILL" / Settembre 93 43 "
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