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0 - Backhill online
, " " , , , I, i I I,,. , I •• _. , • " , 'I I , ! La Sala della Villa Carlotta e adattaalle vostre feste. Vi aiuteremo ad , , orgaImzzare un cocktail party, una riunione di lavoro, il battesimo del nuovo nato, 10 sposalizio dei · , .---.... glOvam, , •, il vostro , .' . .' ." , VILLA CARIOTTA ., ...., , • ", , " • , • "o. • '" •• , " • ,, , ." • ,' • • , • , • • • •0 ,• ." 0- , , .'• • '"'" ", " " , .; , ,• , ,, , ,'" ... " '0 ,"::' ~~ ;: ••• Ii , " • ,• '. <, ~ !• -, '. • .~ ,l'! " 1 • • • ~ • • ... • ,! ,• BANQUETING SUITE .........""r t-, ,.-.. • D .0 • , •, . _ ... . _'0 .. . ..'" ..~.> ." .. '0. "0 ~. •'. • : ,• • •" • • • • :.,.\ ~ .0:... .. .. t, .. , ~. ;'" • \ '. d . .. •• 0' • 0' • •• • '4'_ •" ',' • , • , . J I I • •• , ".. . • • 0/ ..o. .". . . . . . .. "0.. • .0 •••• Jo o ." - ~ •. , • , .. ..,,' eo • ". "0 , :" .. 11'\ .... , , ."•", • /, • .. ' - '. " - • 0 .J ,.\ "- ",\0' .,_...... . ... . '. )~",~';""~... -:::0:-: '." . , .:• • , , • '. • , • , "., . . ' . ,.. o ". 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AVVISOCONSOLARE p.5 • p.l0 CHIESADI SAN PIETRO p.14 WHERE TO BUY BACKHILL , p.17 CALENDARIO DELLA COMUNITA I p.16 . p.20 p.35 p.39 ,~ • SPORT, REVIEWS AND LEISURE REGULAR FEATURES • i DUE PAROLE THE HILL AUTOsrOP CRONACA DELLA COMUNITA': Amici di Casanova Calabritto Volpi Lunch CLIC Disco Nozze d'Oro Sartori NEWS FROM ITALY p.4 p.6 p.ll p.14 A-Z DEL BUON COMPORTAMENTO ARMCHAIR REVIEW CINEMA SPORTLIGHT PAGINA DEI PICCOLI MAMMA'S RICETTA p.23 p.27 p.29 p.31 p.34 p.38 • • • • • • • • p.19 COPYRIGHT 1987 BACKHILL, 136 Clerkenwell Road, London E.C.1. Printed by Sterling Printi,ng Co. ·Ltd., 78 Bounds Green Road, London Nll 2EU. , bbonamento L'abbonamento annuale (10 edizioni) con le spese postali, solo nella GB, costa £7.00. Ricordatevi che BACKHILL viene prodotto da volontari e non ha scopo di profitto. Qualunque vostro dono ci aiutera' a continuare •a servire la comunita' italiana• •• The annual subscription (10 issues) including postage, UK only, is £7.00. Remember BACK HILL is voluntary and non-profit making, and any additional donation you make will h~lp us to continue this service to the Italian Community~ .,":~A~~HlLL . Subscriptions 1:16 Clerkenwell Road London Eel • • ------------------------------------------------------ -----------------~-~~---------- Name Name.•••••••..••••.....................•......:..................... Date Data- . • Address • '" , I 11di rl~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~~~•••••••••••••••••• Subs!Abbonamento Donation/Dono •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cheques payable to:'BACKHILL' ==== Total enclosed Somma acclusa • £. . Vaglie intestati a:'BACKHILL' ::::'====' ::::::i:::=='====="== =' 3 ' Parole Due di Don Roberto Russo , Cari amici, il primo numero di questo nostro giornale esce sempre, durante I' anno a febbraio, e ogni volta noi cominciamo subito a parlare della Qua• reslma. Cominciamo a marzo, con il mercolel;1i' delle Ceneri; e • • • 'nol sentlremo nsuonare sempre le parole con cui le Cenere ci viene messa in fron,te. "Ricordati, uomo, che sei polvere, e in polvere ritornerai". Sentiremo risuonare queste parole, ma dove? In Chiesa o nelra profondita' del nostro cuore? > Sono anni che Dio ci d~ la grazia di ascoltare. Sono anni che noi le accogliamo, 0 almeno dovremino' accoglierle, con il cuore pieno di buona volonta' di preghiera, affinche' il Signore Dio ci faccia veramente entrare nel' significato profondo di queste parole, con il quale noi. cominciamo la Quaresima. 'Cominciamo un periodo di converSlOne; commClamo a vedere e a capire che tutto quello che non si mischia con I'amore di Dio e con • • 0 Dear Y~lUng Friends, almost as soon as this edition of BACKHILL comes out, Lent will begin with Ash Wednesday. It is a day in which meat may not be eaten; a day in which we will have the ashes on our foreheads; we will also repeat this on the first Sunday of Lent. This sombre gesture appears .almost to take away the JOY of life. In fact, it is really _a sincere gesture which tells us ,the truth, and the truth o o 4 • I'amore del prossimo e' pol,;, vere, ritorna in polvere ed e' disperso come la polvere. Tutto qui e' il momento della nostra meditazione e della nostra converSlOne. o Cominciamo a capire che quando siamo nati e' successa una cos!t pleravigliosa nel mondo. Cioe' siamo entrati noi portando I'immagine di .Dio in un modo che non c'era prima e non si ripetera' piu'; portandola cioe' nella nostra anima. Questo significa che siamo nati con qualche cosa da fare che Dio stesso ci ha affidati. Dio ci ha dato la forza di farlo proprio l)el giorno del nostro battesimo. Certo, dobbiamo dire la verita', sono cose che ci scappano via dalla testa, proprio perche' la polvere del mondo non ce le fa piu,' vedere chiaramente. E la polvere del mondo e il denaro, il potere, I' orgoglio, la vanita' ecc. E quest a 'polvere, siamo sinceri ce la abbiamo veramente; sapete, si nasconde sotto il desiderio della felicita', che e' un normale nostro desiderio, has come from God. Therefore the truth is good to know, because it also brings us God's love. On Ash Wednesday we will hear the words - "Remember, man, that you are dust and to dust you will return". These words,' according' to the liturgy of the Church mean - turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel, I leave these words for your meditation, for you to disc~>ver their meaning and I end this article with a few molto naturale. e molto spontaneo. Invece il deside'rio che ci dovrebbe guidare, che ci deve guidiue, e' quello di vole re esse re utili, cioe' di amare Dio insieme " .. a tutti quelli con cui vi"'" viamo, anche se non li conosciamo. E I'amore di Dio e' a sorpresa. Quando noi camminiamo secol)do un progetto e ad un dato momento il progetto si rompe completamente contro la nostra volonta' e rompe anche la nostra vita, allora quello e' il momento di 'convertirsi. Convertirsi alia volonta' di Dio che ci chiede di camminare per, :un'altra stmda. - • ~ o Sapete, anche il dolore puo' esse re una polvere che ci impedisce di vedere Dio; di vedere cioe' I' am ore di Dio. E qui non e' che possiamo fare 'tanti ragionamenti. A questo punto della nostra vita ci rimane solo la pteghiera che cL porta la luce di Dio nella mente e nel cuore. ' Questa luce di Dio SI chiama fede. o .,• ~ lines from the poem of an English monk, Fra' Giovanni (1513 AD) who says:- Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging it gifts by their covering, cast them away as ugly, or heavy or hard. Remove the covering, and you will find beneath it a living spleandour, woven of love, by. wisdom, with power• • I• Chi Sembra p~oprio che, a contrario 'di quanto si pensasse, anche' i Sovietici hanno imparato ad accettare le proprie responsabilita'. '. I ~ I I I I r I Per alcuni critici, iI nuovo "giovanotto" del Cremlino e' molto piu' f1essibile dei suoi predecessori, pronto a cont'rattare coil l'Ovest e conseguentemente a parlare piu' chiaro. Nel rapporto consegnato all' AlEA (Agenzia lnternazionale per I~Energia Atomica), l'Unione Sovietica ha aminesso che gli uomini e le donne a cui era stato affidato il compito di controllare la centrale nuCleare di Cernobyl sono responsabili del peggior incidente mai capitato nella storia dei reattori nuclEiari. Il dram ma dell'esplosione suI sommergibile sovietico e iI pronto allarme dei responsabili sovietici stanno a sottolineare quest a nuova corrente di detente. 11 fatto sta che ancora oggi nell'Unione Sovietica chi sbaglia paga (Crime and Punishment). Per questa ragione ho sempre esitato di shierarmi fra • colore che gridavano a bocca spalancata che I' Unione Sovietica voleva nascondere iI grave danno per non sembrare vulnerabile e ingenua nel campo della nucleare. In breve, quel . che successe fu che: dopo una serie di gravi errori i responsabili della centrale di Cernobyl hanno cereato di nascondere il danno al mondo intero incluso il Cremlino, ma questa ' volta la matassa era troppo grande. Logicamente, seoperta la marachella le autorita' sovietiche hanno 'cereato d'un modo 0 d'un altro di difendersi smentendo in un sba Ila primo tempo la gravita' del danno e scusandosi in un secondo tempo facendo paragoni fra Cernobyl e le "gaffe" fatte dagli Amerieani prima dell'ultimo lancio delle Shuttle americano Columbia, ma allo stesso am mE ttendo tempo che la piu' grande "gaffe" del secondo per quanto riguarda I' energia atomica era 'Made in USSR'. Ma adesso andiamo sui sodo; se'condo gli analisti sovietici i colpevoli del grave accaduto sono stati gli adetti della centrale ehe hanno commesso sei .. . gravlsslml errort. ~ 11 ,primo risale al 25 aprile quando fu deciso dai tecnici di ridurre iI Iivello di potenza del .reattore ·per fare qualche esperimento. A questo punto iI discorso diventa un po' piu' com-' plicato. In breve, quel • che successe dopo fu' perche' il sistemll di raffredamento era stato staccato, la produzione di energia del reattore era stata ridotta troppo rendendo piu' difficile iI controllo. . Inoltre, iI f1usso di acqua era stato diminuito a tal pumo da provocare iI surriscaldamento del teattore. Dato che iI sistema di raffreddamento di energia era stato disattivato, in pochi secondi una tremenda eseursione di potenza provoco' due esplosioni che risultarano in vari incendi. Le conseguenze bene 0 mali le sappiamo tutti: enormi quantita' di particelle e materiale radioattivo nell'.atmosfera sopra I'Unione Sovietica e nei cieli del l'Europa dell'Est e Ovest. I morti fino ad oggi sareb~ bero' una trentina ma quest a cifra, da soli> uit~idea' minima: infatti, degli esperti americani hanno concluso che piu' di ,5000 persone moriranno di cancro eausato dalle radiazioni. Inoltre, secondo gli stessi esperti statunitensi le analisi fatte dai sovi~tici sarebbero false e incomplete. • • Arrtvatt a questo punto, vorrei portare' all'attenzione di tutti che forse sappiamo piu' su Cernobyl di quanto sapessimo di Three Mile Island, dove qualche anno orsono si verifico' un' altro incidente nucleare (1979). Infatti a parte una questione rimane: dove si anivera' con I'energia nucleare? Qui in Inglilterra si sapra' solo I'anno prossimo se iI progetto 'della centrale nucleare di Sizewell sara' • • messo In aZlOne. Sui bl\nCO degli imputati la decisione che prima 0 poi dovra' prendeie iI governo italiano riinane: Energia nucleare si 0 Energia nucleare no grazie? Benche' in Italia essa rappresenta solo iI 2% dell' energia eomplessiva I'inte'resse si e' moltiplicato quando iI Partito Socialista ha lasciato capiire di volersi schierare contro la nucleare. I Iibri di storia parlano chiaro e nell'Unione Sovietica quelli che itanno sbagliato hanno sempre pagato. Fra tutte le incertezze una cosa e' certa: coloro che hanno sbagliato a Cernobyl hanno pagato pero' , ne passeranno ancora di anni prima che tutti gli effetti del piu' grave incidente nucleare verranno alia superfice. Gianearlo Valeri " Dear Readers, ANDY CAVACIUTI As always, it is a pleasure to receive news from a 'paesano' as far away as America. Our magazine BACKHILL finds its way ,to Andy courtesy of his sister who, by the way, does good work for our Church. . , Andy's family history (which follows), is gratefully received by BACK HILL. I have known Andy many , years; he gave good support to the Coach & Horses F .C. His - remarks in his article about our football boots reminds me of' our early .footBall teams in Little Italy who turn out With army boots, plimsolls and, if the family was a little bit better off, football boots, but that made no difference:- it' was the pride of playing for teams from 'il quartiere italiano' 'that was important. , To Andy and his family, thank you for your contribution which keeps alive memories of Little Italy. Ciao Pino ,Maestri P.S. Andy, don't, forget that drink in the Coach & Horses when you pay a visit to 'il quartiere italiano' 6 • Rusteghini(Piacenza) to Clerkenwell (Londo~) Born April 16th 1897;in Rusteghini, Morfasso Piacenza, Antonio ,Cavaciuti, my father, was no different from any other 'hardworking Italian. He was a proud man with the need ,and desire ,to provide the best he could for his family, and in doing so he became ,part of that very special breed of Italians who left their homes and land in I" Italy and eventually became a part of qerkenwell the Little Italy of London. The road was never smooth, in fact, at times it was quite bumpy, but it appeared to offer more than he had left in Rusteghini and he was anxious to maKe a good life for his sweetheart of, many years, Caterina Bellini. Before he was able to work in his own profession, mosaic and terrazzo, like many other Italians, he worked in the collieries in Wales and also served 15 months in the third battalion of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Finally he returned to Italy to marry Caterina and start their family, returning to Wales as a family of three in .1924. On May 24th 1925, the family moved to London and, resided at 4 Leicester Place, Clerkenwell. There were a few further moves and additions to the family before' a final move to 29 Calthorpe Street where we were to live for many years. We grew up as part of Clerkenwell, going to St. Peter's School when the playgrounds, were in the streets, and many times running home on the' recess only to be dragged' back to school by an angry' mother. In those days, weekends were used to collect empty " boxes, which my friends and I would chop up and cart around. the homes selling to the housewives . for the grand sum of one penny a sack. As far as school goes, we had good teachers, but for the most part, .we were not the best students and had many an ear pulled not to mention the whackings. What we were good at was sport. In those days, the Italians were nicknamed the Ice Cream Boys because most of the best ice cream was manufactured by the Italians in the Clerkenwell 'area and consequently, when as boys we played football against other schools, we were also referred to as "the ice cream boys" but the "ice cream boys" gave them hell many times. One of my happiest memories is when the St. Peter's team played the 'famous LaystaH Street team and won a very close game: we' were tying 1-1 when St. Peter's scored the final goal and on that day, I .played with one football boot borrowed from a "Iefty" because my parents couldn't afford to purchase boots for me. . .- As I said earlier, there w 7re many bumps along the road, but we all survived•• What we always haG was plenty of determination arid the am b'ition to improve ourselves which, of course was inherited from ou: parents who took the first step in leaving the land of their fathers. This is true of all' the Italian immigrants. Unfortunately,along the road' of ,life came World War' 11, a' situation that 'cha!!ged .many lives and "hurt all of us in the Italian community in London. Despite having served in the Royal Welsh Fusiliers in World War I, my father, along with many other '. i, I, , , ~, I ~ I I ,, 1 • !, , Italians from the. _,area, withfamilies'rem,aining in . Malvesi family with their cafe at the end of Calthorwas interned and E;nde.d,. up" . London, prayed. Fortunately, pe on the Arandora Star" ,th'e",:.powers that, be ~venStreet, the Azzali which was sunk by German tuaHy corrected that sltuabrothers, De Luca, Rospo U-boats. . Those fortunate tion, ,and sent the Italians and many many others. enough to survive did so on to the Isle of Man leaving row boats for five days the German prisoners in Antonio and Gaterina, my until they were picke~ up Shropshire. prents died several years by a Canadian destroyer, , ago at 29 Calthorpe Street. the St. Laurent, and, "taken ''LiI<e so many of the Italian My brother and sisters to Liverpool; so close to women, my mother struggled still live in Calthorpe home and yet so far; they during those difficult years Street, but in the course were taken on to Australia to raise th!! younger childof progress moved from 29 for the duration of the ren alone while her bread,. to 31, just next door. In War. winners were interned, not. 1953 I married an English even ,together; her son on girl, Margaret King, we Like everyone else in the Isle of Man and her have one son, a commercial those days, I left school husband thousands of miles photographer now aged 28 at 14 and started work in away in Australia. But and preparing to start his the Hanover restaurant to like aH bad things, the own family, by getting learn the business from war eventuaHy ended 'and married next June to an the bottom, so.,.to-speak. we returned to our family American girl, Mary Seigler. By the time I was .1,6 . I and agl!in became a ,part was also interned as T was of ClerkenweH. born in Italy and my parents For several years I had a had never changed ," iny small restaurant in ManhatI 'wonder if the present nationality because of the tan and- closed when the generation of Italians property in Italy. My landlord got inflated ideas living in London, or for brother and sisters were and the lease expired two that matter in New York, all born in England so,' as ,years ago. I have since ' . -realise just how much in many families, we 'had .joined!- my wife in business courage, strength and different nationalities and we import Mexican fortitude it took simply· to within the same family specialities incl1!ding' ftuits survive those ealier days. and while we all' thought vegetables, spices etc. of ourselves as Italian because of our heritage, ClerkenweH will always We have become very at the time of war it, only. have special meaning and much a typical American mattered who was or was memories .for' me and as I . family, but in reminiscing not born Italian. think back I fondly recall I realise the one .thing I the annual Procession, The worst part of the will always enjoy will be (what a day that always . to have a drink with the internment was initially 'old boys!. and I hope to being mix~d with Germa!1. .' was), St. Peter's School ,and. Church, the Italian prisoners who would cheer do that next time,' we're clubs, Exmouth St. Market, as German planes crossed in London, at the .Coach & Horses, of course." d people I grew .to bomb London while we, up with, the • .' r ~, {' I LOOK OUT FOR NEXT MONTH'S BACKHILL! , ' , 7 • " , ,G,G . • • , ".. ", ' • • G.G.B. (ENGINEERING SPARES)'LTO. , • ,- - . ' . ' . -. ~ 'l , , RES SUITABLE FOR FIAT LANCIA ,, • , • Yugo . . " RENAULT LADA 'Po/ski FSO , clutch,es, ~bles, brakes, exhausts, ignition, filters, pumps, gaskets, electriCs~ steering, suspension, head lamps, bodywork, etc. etc. • 01-8882354 PHONE 0274 733727 . 98 WHITE' HART i:ANE , ,WOOD GREEN, RUTLAND ST., , Off WAKEFIELD RD.. lONDONN.22 BRADFORD 4 . • ., • • . • , FELl BURE L I 80 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE 'LONDON W1 Tel. 01-437 8513 or 01-734 4714/4840/4467 , • , • , •• , AGENZIA DI LAVORO SPECIALIZZATO .' . ~.. , PER PERSONALE ALBERHIERO, . , HA· A DISPOSlZIONE POSTI VACANTI, PER PERSONALE QUALIFICATONEL SETTORE • FOR ALL CATERING STAFF EMPLOYMENT BUREAU • MANAGERS, HEAD WAITERS, WAITERS, WAITRESSES, 1st/2nd/3rd CHEFS, VEG COOKS, KITCHEN PORTERS, SNACK BAR COUNTER HANDS AND STAFF ETC. , , -----UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -----Fluent - English, Italian, French and Spanish Spoken • 8 . ' • • ! AYETE PR@BLEMI LEGA1.I:~l j. RIGUARDA ' '.. '~ t RISTORANTE 0,' .. • in HOLBORN - 120 Posti - aperto 7 giorni PROPRIETA IN ITALIA~ .. . EREDITA IN ITALIA? TESTAMENTI CHE DEBBONO REGGERE SIA IN ITALIA CHB'IN INGHILT~~? . ' .- .. . RELAZIONI'COMMERCIALI ': COLL' ITALIA? ". . - .~'/ VITTORIO E FRANCO sono lieU . ..' di darvl tutte le quotazlonl per I vostrl Matrimonl - Parties Prime Comunlonl • 3:. Southampton Row WC1 - Tel. 405 6230 Vicino alia Chiesa.di S.. Pietro Clerkenwell Road. '---------If you want to adverti$e • in , I .' " ~,.,' ','x ',',' ~. - ",. ;-'''~'. .Se vi servono consigli in merito a questi ed a1tri pr~blemi,. da noi troveret~ I'avvocato George Pazzl·Axworthy che e abilitato a consigliarVi in merito aI diritto Italiano oltre che aquello Inglese. Se poi in questo paese avete • • mtenzlone: Di cambiar casa, bottega 04 ufficio. Di far causa a qualcuno 0 meglio .. . . slstemare una.vertenza. Di rjsolvere questioni familiari. Oppure questioni di lavoro, 0 di tasse, 0 dl qualsiasi genere. Qui al nostro studio troverete semprc chi sara in grado di consigliarVi e di assisterVi nella Vostra lingua. Se pensate che Vi possia.mo essere di aiuto non esitate a telefonarc1 e se avete paura della spesa chiedete pure un • preventlvo. ;;;;- ~ . . . , Trovarci non e difficile, (sla!llo COSI· vicini all' angolo di Chancery Lane con High Holborl) ma c meglio telefonare prima perchc abbiamo sempre genre. • • • •• write for details to: BACKHILL 136 Clerkenwell London ECl Road Studio Lcgale Gamlens 3,4 e 6 Stone Buildi.igs Lincoln's Inn, London WX2A 3XS. telefono (01) 831·7345. telex 267206 9 ssicurazione ., L I ASSICURAZIONE MALATTIE NEL CONTESfO EUROPEO Un confronto con quanto avviene negli altri paesi del la Comunita' europea per-' inette di ri levare analogie e differenze ,(Commissione . . delle Comumta' europee, Tabelle comparative dei regimi di sictirezza ,sociale). Anche in Gran Bretagna opera iI servizio nazionale della sanita'. In alcuni paesi (Belgio) sonoproposte struttu re differenti alia erogazione delle prestazioni sanitarie .e di quelle economiche; in altri paesi (Germania),. cosi' come avveniva in Italia prima della riforma sani• • < • tana, e' la stessa cassa mutua ad,accuparsi di: en.,. trambe. In Grecial'istituto delle assicurazioni sociali (Ika) gestisce I' esazioite dei contributi per tutte, le branche assicurative, analo-' gamente a quanto fa l'lnps, ml!: in misura piu' ridotta. -, lavoratore. In Germania I'onere e' ripartito in uguale misura tra iI lavoratore e iI datore di lavoro. ~ > L'ambito dei beneficiari delle prestazioni sanitarie comprende tutti i residenti, oltre che in Italia" anche in Gran Bretagna e in Daniullirca., Tuttavia, anche negli altri paesi, I' ambito di applicazione e' molto ampio e include i familiari degli asslcuratl e certe categone meritevoli di ,maggiore at• • • • tenzlOne, come I penslOnatl e i minorati. I pensionati in alcuni non, sono esenti dal I'obbligo contributivo, ma vi sono assoggettati secondo aliquote ridotte. Molto dif-' fuso e' iI sistema del ticket sulle prestazioni sanitarie. Non mancano, in alcuni paesi (Gran Bretagna, Francia) aliquote contributive complessivamente piu' alte rispetto a quelle praticate in Italia per iI lavoro dipendente. In quasi tutti gli a.lt ri paesi e' invece piu' alta, rispetto al nostro, I' aliquota contrib,utiva, pO$ta a' cari<;p.del o .10 . malattie ~., . ' - ,,'" "'-(~~ , . ....," ..." • ~: , • • " > In Belgio, Francia, Grecia, e' richiesto un periodo minimo di iscrizione per la concessione di prestazioni in natura e di quellein denaro: negli alt ri vige, come in Italia, I' automatismo delle prestazioni. 11 periodo di carenza massimo, che e' di ire giorni, vige oltre che in Italia, in Gran Bretagna, in Irlanda, in F iancia, in G recia. Tale periodo e' ridotto a due giorni 'nei Paesi Bassi e ad un giorno in Germania e in Belgio (con abolizione in alcuni casi) merit re non e' previsto in Lussemburgo. La misura dell' indennita' e' uniforme in Gran Bretagna e Irlanda, pari al SO% della retribuzione in It alia, Grecia e Francia (paese in cui vengono pero' praticate maggiorazioni per i familiari a carica), mentre sale al 60 per cento in Belgio, al 1'80 per cento in Germania e (il 90 per cento in .Danimarca e' nei' Paesi Bassi. In Germania, in' base ad una legge del 1969, iI datore di lavoro e' tenuto, a continuare a corrispondere la retribuzione per sei settimane (Lohnfortzahlunggesetz): questa previsione equivale all' obbligo che sussiste in Italia del pagamento dello stipendio agliimpiegati ammalati. In' caso di ricovero ospedaliero I'indennita' viene ridotta anche in altri • 'paeSI, con un trattamento piu' alto per i ricoverati senza carico di famiglia. In Lusse!riburgo la riduzione, pari all'8S per cento del I' indennita', oper,a solo per iI periodo successivo al ricovero. La durata massima della • corresponslOne conosceuna' regolamentazione estrema• • mente diversificata: 78 settimane nell'arco di 'un triennio ,in Germania, 180 giorni all' annoin Italia e in G recia, un anno in Belgio, Francia, Lussemburgo e Paesi Bassi, iIIimitata in Danimarca (salvo per i pensionati) e in Irlanda (a determinate condizionicontributive, altrimenti e' di un anno). Rispetto agli altri paesi, l'Italia ha in atto disposizioni complessivamente piu' aperte per la tutela della maternita', tenuto conto della durata dell' assenza obbligatoria prima e dopo iI parto (cinque mesi); del I'importo dell'indennita' corrisposta, pari all'80 per centodella retiibuzione, cosi' come avviene in Germania (dove in alcuni casi, come anche in Lussemburgo e nei' Paesi Bassi, viene pagata I'intera retribuzione, mentre in Francia e in Danimarca I' indennita' e pari aI, 90 per cento); del fatto, infine, che non e' richiesto alcun periodo previo di contribuzione e di residenza. (Franco Pittau). -- -- -Da "Corrispondenza Italia" Notiziario ad use degli, ope'" ratori sociali e de.lla stampa italiana all' estero a cura dell'Istituto Nazionale per I' Assistenza Sociale (INAS)' entre di patronato della Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori (CISL). -- • If you want to advertise in ",write for details to: 136 Clerkenwell Road London ECl " »>}}») "utosto . " ' • THE RACING CAR SHOW AIe~dra Palace ,.. Jap. 87 .The parking seemed to. .,start in Wood Green; 'V.I.P. Parking Only' the sig~ sa,id. I, intrepid journalist, 'lolled up to the barrier and said "BACKHILL Magazine. I'm on a mission from God'.'. • heavily styled and modified times and has had nine of its drivers' win the World . Fiat Uno Turbo wearing a body styling kit by Hormann Championship.•• it alsct builds and B.B.S. alloy wheels: the world's finest rqad go':' • • • mg sportscars' - m case, you' 'Una Bestia'. didn't know! . This was the second Racing Car show that there, has been at the 'Ally Pall}')' and • the disphiy area has"' mcreased by 40% since last ),:e!tr. ", , , , It is;, in effect the year's firstmotorshow worthy of note, and is more specialist than "Motorfair" or the Birmingham shows become it has a lot of the 'smaller , specialist performance;I' and race-tuning firms able to give you> personal att'ention and advice. • • , , "L.R. Roadsters displayed McLaren MP4/2C their magnificent replica There were historic racing Ferrari Daytona Spider Approximately 100 stands, cars 'and best of all, you based on a Rover chassis slot-car racing, constaq~ facould" actually buy your but looking very, very good shion shows and a central race-wear, memorabilia, in, 'Rosso. ,Corsa' .and at display of 20 star P 'cars crash-helmets etc. One approximately £15,000 built, down the centre of the;·" hall. 90mpany even offered to it is prdbably t!le only way Formula One cars included sew your blood group ont~' most of us will ever have the McLaren MP4/2C;:,: the your race overall - a little a Daytona their market Williams FWll, the~; JPS pessimistic but ve"r'y' sensible. value being nearer £100,OOO! . • Lotus 98T and the neart11 Ansa 11 were there with Next year the show will breaking Ferrari 15,.6-85. True, Ferrari has had' 'limi-' their superb range of ex- " move to the rebuilt Palace. ted success on the . >~race haust systems and 10% off ; ,'It would seem to be developing into a" good value, track over' the past,C.ouple' for' all orders placed at accessible insight into the of years, but it is still the the show. Mike Spence most successful Fl team of fascinating world of Motor Motorsport of Reading • all time. It has been" ch"am- " brought their Lancia Thema Sport. Stefano Fabrizi constructor;', ~':eight T,urbo, and' also snowed a pion , ~. • '" '"&''' " ,,~ ~ " " " -RE , .. ~ UIRED "t)}' .'4 ~~~'"'.,,'/-.... , . Gents Hairstylist for a busy St. James Park Salon MINIMUM 5 YEARS EXPERIENCE , Contact: LA MARCA HAIRDRESSERS 1)1-222 6197 after 2.00 p.ro. • . "" • 11 • Viva Giuseppe Vefdi. A c?mposer of. "lyrical ,moments and passionate melodies".. , After my evening with "Verdi", presented by The Arlecchino Players, at the Jeanetta Cochrane Theatre, on 31st January, I soon learnt he was far more"" thim that. L must compliment' The Arlecchino Players who not ~>nly had the audacity ,to put on 'their own work but one of theatticaldaring with a iniJltitude of changing sC,en!ls. The play covered the' ,creative 70 year span of ,Verdi 's life, encompassing his career, his effect ,on the Risorgimento and. his .place in the· history of ~is country. However, the' professionalism of the Company and the 'precise direction of Peter 'Bertoncini gave a 'taut production and one .of which The Arlecchino ~hiyers' 'should b.e justly pr~ud. The phiy follows the com'poser's life 'from the early age,of 18" when he was re'" fused as .a student by the Milan Conservatory, to his, death' in 1901, at the age of 88. A play which gave me a fascinating evening in the theatre, not only for jts dramatic, but also informative content. • ~ > ,. Inspired by the writing of Manzoni and fired by the fervour ,of Cavour and Garibaldi; Verdi personified the spirit of the Italian • nation. Why do I, as a non-Italian, now know and understand this? Precisely because all this was conveyed in Peter Bertoncini and Giovanna Giacon'sgripping play, in, . terwoven with an' insight 12 '. I into the composer's charactel' and music. , ' But mere words are not enough. My compliments to a totally c.ommitted cast from first to last. Although difficult to single out any one performance, a special mention should be made of John Belli, who was Verdi from .youth to old agewhat more can one say? Colin Davey who confidently led his audience through Verdi's life as narrator and publisher friend. Yvana Reeves excelled as Verdi's mistress and second wife. The Piave of Hywel Sims and . the Barezzi of clifis Ruff also demand special mention. So too does Francesco Giacon who bravely undertook the roles of an elegantly swaggering Merelli and the architect brother of the famous libre,ttist 'Arrigo Boito, movingly played' by . Antonio Giacon. , All this was acted within a composite set, adequately. unobtrusive, whilst I was " tantalised by snatches of the maestro~ music underplayed in many scenes, in others, used to g~ea~dra matic effect. It would also be' right to mention the well presented progriimme which set the scene for the audience and prepared us for the scope of things to come. I A remarkable 'achievem'ent to all .those concerned' with "Verdi" but most especially Peter Bertoncini who not only co-wrote and directed the play, but also designed and made 'the beautiful , period costumes. I would like to conclude this article the same way as the play. I knew "Verdi" had made it's mark when I' joined the cast in Italy's spiritual anthem "Va Pen, siero". An inspiration to all, including .the creators of the play. . My congratulations arid my thanks to The Arlecchino Players for introducing' me to Giuseppe Verdi - "the patriot, ,the musician, the manu. Peter HuIsen ) , ; VERDI EVERYMAN'S MUSICIAN My very Music, dear friends • In • may- I yet once agam• • Impose on your patience • I , May I yet once ~gain impose on your patience and. time to 'go on a bit' about The Arlecchino Players i riveting production of 'Verdi'. This .is a play about my beloved; one and only Verdi. My congratulations and indeed thanks go to the authors, every member of the magnificent cast, production ,team, stage and back stage hands, -wardrobe, hair stylists, in ,fact everyone involved: It needed .. them an: , ' , From the very first instant , you could feel the complete of an.... the actors .absorbtion m the story they were portraying. They were not acting, they were 'being' , their part. The script they had to work from was of a depth, ,a quality that can'" not be questioned. No mean feat this. Every word uttered seivea to unfold the 'Storia Verdiana' in its entirety bljlfore you, with the utmost ease, simplicity and absolute accuracy. It was a perfect fusion of an aspects of this dear man's life during _. our beloved "suolo natal's" most turbulent years. His patriotism, his reverence' for the land, his loyalty, love and compassion towards his family and fenow man, and overall his great and profound belief in his Maker. No human could pen 'such melodies from the heart, from the soul as he did, .without this measure of 'belief, no Sir, no way. - You know my dear friends to appreciate the many great men, literary, scientific, artistic, musical, all giants in their own field, and God' has. created not a -.--._~--- , • few, you perhaps might need extreme studies, academic prowess, research, ,great l!Pplication and much learning. Not so with our Beppino .,. oh no! All you need is an insatiable thirst for the sublime, close your eyes, open your hearts and souls, ensconce yourself in a comfortable armchair and let it all flow over you, through I" you, into you.. I am most certain that those of you who knew little or nothing ab9ut Verdi left the Jeanetta Cochrane Theatre feeling some interest stirring within you, those of you who knew a' fair amount knowing a whole lot more, and those of you familiar with it all perhaps echoing Desdemona "10 questa sera ho la memoria piena di quella cantI'1 ena•.•• " There must be a special te'epathic current running through we 'Verdiani' because the Prelude to the third act of La Traviata (as was played in the death scene in the play) is for me the ultimate musical therapy whenever I lose " someone very close to me. Believe me, my dear friends, it does not alleviate the pain, but, dear God, it gives immense solace and' at long last allows the tears to flow; This 'is comfort. I - have to thank my father for all this: He, "., -'-'"~---~'" with my mother imbued us with the spirit and music of Verdi. Thank you papa', thank you mamma; who no doubt watched over you all, together with the great maestro himself from "... l' aura beata, del libero . 10 ..• " Cle Thank you The Arlecchino Players, God bless you all. Viva Parma. Viva Verdi Giovanna Servini in Cardetti ,• 13 ' Cronaca attivita della nostra comunita ASSOCIAZIONE AMICI DI CASANOVA-VALCENO LONDRA CELEBRAZIONE CAPO D'ANNO RITORNO AL CAFE' ROYAL La prestigiosa festa di fine anno che I' Associazione o.rganizza dal 1974 per brindare al Nuovo Anno insieme ai suoi Soci . . ed amici ha anche quest' anno riscosso da parte di 600 commensali , - il oloro caloroso elogio ed apprezzamento per il grande successo della Serata di Gala. Mentre I' anno scorso l' Associazione fu costretta 'a ripiegare s~ altra sede" essendo la maestosa sala, "Napoleon" del Cafe' Royal in fase di restauro, il iitoino a ."casa" fu pieno di, -gioia edallegria:. 'La g'rand,e sala" addobbata festosamente per I' occasione dal Comitato,_ ha contribuito . assieme alla squisita 'cena . ed alle allegre ~usiche del I'orchestra Vesuvio, a render la se rata indimenticabile e celebrare nel modo piu' . degno una, simpatica riunione tra i' Casanovesi ed i loro amici. L'unica nota di rammarico . e' stato il fatto di aver dovuto, per mancanza di. spazio, rifiutare oltre 400 richieste di altri amici • che avrebbero voluto intervemre. , lato un vivissimo augurio C:. ogni' bene e fortuna per I' Anno Nuovo. Ha assicurato che l' Associazione continuera' la sua opera di collaborazione in seno alla comunita' italiana di 'Londra e di appoggio ad istituzioni quali Villa Scalabrini, Chiesa edOspedale italiano, nonche' a vari enti britannici ed in particolar modo un sostanzioso contributo sara' devoluto a favore ai bambini dell' Etiopia. • Un particolare ringraziamento e' stato rivolto dal Presidente all'ospite d'onore Dr. REmato Toschi,. Direttore della Filiale di Bardi della Cassa di Risparmio di Parma che anche quest'anno ha voluto dare un tangibile contributo all' Associazione nonche' presentare una elegante agenda agli ospiti della serata. ,. La mezzanotte T • I , Bruno Lusardi conseg_ aI Dott. Toschi' il' regalo dell' Associazione T:"', . I ! • L' AssoCiazione - non ha dimenticato i giovani che, in nuniero di oltre 200, hanno partecipato in un' altra sala al .Dinner Disco organizzato appositamente per loro. Al termine della cena il Presidente Bruno Lusardi ha invitato gli ospiti a brindare in onore di S.M. la Regina Elisabetta e del Presidente della Repubblica Francesco Cossiga. E' seguito un breve discorso nel quale ha rin. . . .... grazlato I parteclpantl per' il loro continuo appoggio al I' Associazione ed ha formu14- I • Cronaca • • 11 Dr. Toschi ha assicurato che i~ suo. Istituto segue con stlma, slmpatia ed 'ammirazione il lavoro che I' Asso~iazione svolge a' favore del casanovesi e, I' appoggio che da' ai 'vari Enti in Inghilteria ed a Bardi (C~a di Riposo, AVIS, Assistenza Pubblica, Casa della Gioventu', Casa Materna ed Asilo). Una 'riuscita lotteria, il cui ricavato sara' interamente devoluto in beneficienza, ha concluso la tradizionale e riuscita festa dei casanovesi di Londra, i quali, anche quest'anno, hanno voluto dedicare questi magici momenti' diallegria e di unione alle loro valli ed alia loro terra della quale un piccolo 'lembo pulsa di lavoro e creativita ' ed e', quindi degnalTlenfe rappre,sentato anche in Gran Bre', tagna. UN RINGRAZIAMENTO UN AUGURlO UN INVITO Alia Chiesa di San Pietro il Parroco di Calabritto ha celebrato la Santa Messa. La Messa e' stata promossa dal Comitato Maria Santissima della Neve di Calabritto Londra (diretto' da Paolo Fichi). Presentiamo il messaggio di Don Silvano Brambilla ed il Sig. Giacomo Serchio• "La parola che piu' viene spontanea dopo alcuni giorni di permanenza qui in Inghilterra e' davvero "Grazie a tutti e Grazie di tutto". • Don Silvano Brambilla I" ,, I • i ," , , Membri del Comitato , Infine il Presidente, Signor Bruno Lusardi, ha rinnovato i voti augurali agli 800 presenti, ai Presidenti delle, Associazioni ed atutta la comunita' italiana. . " ' br:uno ,medici 47. w._-. Lordoo. SW. , Photogiapher Tit 01-834 450. • La cordialita'con cui siamo . brimini che risiedono in stati accolti e l'amicizia Inghilterra: I'augurio e' che , • • dimpstrata in occasione posslate sempre tener VIVO in voi 10 spirito di solidadegli incontri che abbiamo avuto ci hanno fatto sentire rieta' che vi unisce a ,chiun-' a casa nostra e ci hariilo que soffre 0 ha sofferto e • • • permesso di vivere giorni InSleme a questo VI• glunga il piu', cordiale augurio di meravig!iosi tra gente di famiglia. 11 ricordo •del Buon Natale e di Buon Anno' per il 1987• sisma del 1980 e la S. Messa celebrata in suffragio di tutte le vittime di quella, L'invito in fineriguarda proprio il prossimo anno e tragedia ci hanno permesso precisamente il prosSimo 5 di- sentirci ancora una volta agosto "1987, quando pouniti,. 'sia nella memoria tremo inaugurare I' opera di di cio' che e' avvenuto elett rificazione e di illusia nell'impegno per" reaminaziorie del Santuario lizzare una. 'maggiore unita' • MariaSS. della Neve, opera tra nOl. tanto de'siderata ·da,ttitti .El Un particolare ringraziamento tanto sostenuta da voi. ;'Buori • va a coloro che hanno orgaNatale, Buon. Aiino e·arrive. 'questa nostra Vlslta derCl la prossiina estate a n1zzato a Londra, specialmente a P. ." Calabritto. ' Russo e a P. Carmelo della Chiesa ·italiana e al Comitato 'DonSilvano Brambilla Maria • SS. della Neve di Parroco Londrll.· Giacomo Serchio .' . • Tesonere Formuliamo POI• un auguno e un inVIto a tutti.. j, cala~ '. . 0 - .... ' ... •• , ' '15 , , Cronaca AMICI DI VOLPI Numerosi amici si sono riuniti alia Chiesa Italiana domenica 8 febbraio, per partecipare alia Santa Messa; celebrata da Don Giuseppe Maserati, Parroco di Iggio (Pel1E;grino Parmense) iI quale e' venuto dall'ltalia per I'occasione. La Messa e' stata segufia da un pranzo squisito nell'ambiente conviviale del Cafe Royal. 11 ricavato del pranzo andra' a favore del mantenimento del cimitero 'a Volpi,' vicino a Pellegrino, dove riposano tanti parenti ed amici dei presenti. Nelle fotografie: C.L.I.C.DISCO, AT"THE' CAFE ROYAL The new CLIC (Central London Italian CliJb) organisation held aveiy successful Disco at the Cafe Royal, on Sunday 22nd December 1986. The teenage Committee (with one or two older bodies!), worked very hard and succeeded in making the 'evening an enjoyable one, .for the 300 or so partIcIpants, a marked contribution being. the music and ideas of Tony F'orzoni, the D.J., and BACKHILL as recipient of the proceeds of the Disco, is .particularly grateful to C.L.I.C. The money will be needed to keep this vener~ble organ going for another ten years. .' Amici.. ,di Volpi alIa 'Chiesa Italiana , Our warmest wishes to Luigi and Petronella Sartori who celebrate their Golden Luigi and Wedding. Petronella (nee Marney) • • • were married In ,St. Peter's Italian Church where Luigi has sung in the choir for nearly 70 years. , '. . Don Giuseppe Maserati • GOLDEN WEDDING (NEXT DISCO - EASfER SUNDAY AT THE CAFE ROYAL). In the next issue we hope to bring you reports of the following: The Italian Hospital Ball Villa Scalabrini Valentine • Dinner' Assoc. Parmigiani Valtaro " CONSOLATO OENERALE D'XTALXA rN LONDRA I AVVISO • Oggetto: giorni infrasettimanali di chiusura del Consolato d'ltalia in Londra per l'anno 1987. In ottemperanza alle vigenti disposizioni in materia di festivita' e conformente a' quanto stabilito dalla superiore Ambasciata si comunicano qui di seguito i giorni infrasettimanali per iI 1987 in cui questo Consolato Generale rimarra' chiuso: < I ./ , I ,• I venerdi' santo 17 aprile 20 aprile lunedi' di Pasqua 4 .maggio Bank Holiday 25 maggio Bank Holiday 31 agosto Bank Holiday 8 dicembrelinmacollita' .Concezione 25 dicembre Natale 26 dicembre S. Stefano 28 dicembre Bank Holiday 11 Console Reggente (Giorgio Guglielmino) 16 j r,, ' I , ,\ · · Letters, · • MUSIC AT THE PROCESSION London 9.1.87 Dear Editor, , I must agree with the reader in the November '86 issue who sees the need for band music at the Italian outdoor, Procession. In the old days to hear one band playing in the distance and one playing nearby would rouse the spirits of 'all, especially the participants as they left the church to face the huge crowd. outside. Silence is golden but not on a special day like 'this. Yours sincerely Mrs V. Carroll London N.7 BAD NEWS FROM ITALY Harrow 21.1.87 Egregio Direttore, Le scrivo quest a nota per esprimere il mio disappunto ed una certa nota di irritazione al mio primo incontro con la Sua pubblicazione "BACKHILL" (mese Dic. '86 Genn. '87). Non intendo entrare'iii discussione sui contenuto degli articoli di cronaca locale, bensi' sulle note a pag. 23: "News from Italy" con circa 15 pezzi di cronaca chiaramente estratti di quotidiani o settimanali. Non potevate produrre un'immagine piu' scialba e biasimante della societa' italiana odierna. Se per voi portare ad italiani all' estero notizie importanti del loro paese di origine, tali da "not to be missed", vuol dire illuminarli sulle vittime bravate della Mafia 0 sui dischi rubati a Bruce Springsteen, L'articolo si chiama "News from Italy you may have missed" (non not, to be misse(lii); dunque, indrca una certa banalita' 0 'superficialita' e francamente non pretendiamo altro con • • questo servlZlo. per me vuol dire solo un servizio di disinformazione e discriminazione, degno ' . quotl. dei piu' abberrantl diani della bassa plebaglia inglese. Mi meraviglio che un organo di informazione, peraltro collegato alia Chiesa italiana e con; molto probabilmente, benestare del nostro consolato, non riesca a fomire notizie tali da fare conoscere ai nostri connazionali che cos'e' veramente la reaita' italiana in questo momento. La nostra economia, la nostra cultura, il modo di abitare, vestirsi, divertirsi, i nostri progressi nel campo della scienza, fisica, medicina (vedi ultimo Premio Nobel e trapianti •• • • • cardlacl nm tantl centn autorizzati). In una parola, il nostro modo di vivere in Italia oggi e' per tanti nostri connazionali di vecchia e nuova generazione, " totalmente sconosclUta. Volete mettere questa gente nella condizione di sviluppare un immagine corretta e perlomeno obbiettiva dell'ltalia oggi!! 0 volete a tutti i costi fame degli Apolidi, timorosi di parlare bene di un'ltalia ,che non conoscono. , Per non essere derisi" da persone ignoranti (che ignorano)!! Non vorrei sembrare offensivo invitandovi a togliere il sarcasmo da questo minestrone composto da reminescenze nostalgiche. Pero', ci sembra che sia proprio esaggerato il Suo giu~izio spontaneo che n~n potevarrio "produrre In immagine piu' scialba e biasimente della societat, italiana odiema". La • "riferiamo, per esemplO, alle notizie "positive" relative a : la nuova macchina "Duna" della FIAT, la canonizazzione del Cardinale Tomasi, il salvoguardia di Venezia. Inoltre, non si puo' negare che esistano le vittime bravate della Mafia 0 che i furti sono troppo numerosi: . queste cose purtroppo, fanno parte della "realta' it~liana in 'questo momento". ' Portiamo da tanto' in tanto articoli piu' profondi riguar. danti, per eselli'pio, '!'economia e la politica italiana: dall' altra part,e ricono.scia!,Ilo che possiamo serripre fare di piu' per port~re ainpi~ notizie su van aspettl della vita italiana: special:' mente cultura e moda pero' nell' ambito dei nostri mezzi siano finanzari 0 di personale. ANGLO-ITALIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE Lasciatelo fare agli inglesi. Loro ne sono maestri. E forse "comincerete" a servire la comunita' italiana. CLASSIFICA DIVISION 1 CARNEVALE Franco Campana Harrow, Middx. Breve risposta della redazione La ringraziamo sentitamente per la Sua lettera' . 11.1,1987 • PltGRlMAlR ITALIA WASTEElS COM1T'WOKING &GOOAlMJllG VALTM'lJ AZZURRI WOKING DE MENNATO TAIlORS C!LS.E. INAS ' • -- ~ 15 11 14 10 12 7 11 8 2 2 0 7 10 • 5 7 7 17 • f,. • ~. ~ _ '., ,_ , , • • • ,, ; , i , ! , • I , , I Head· Office 329/331 GRAYS INN ROAD LONDON WC1X8BZ TEL: 01-2788628 01-2781308 • I • , . , •, .., T''. ' ," • also at 22 PANCRAS ROAD KINGS CROSS NW12QB TEL: 01-278 6014, I I KEYS CUT WHILE YOU WAIT .LOCKS SUPPLIED & FTITED • HAND & POWER TOOLS ETC. . ' , , • 18 • o ", • ,• , ,w ~ ,'" : ' a.re. O~j a.nt$t:n~ . .C\- ':'. , • , , Ca.:m.'br1, l- Sui-U • B~ or Vo.:J R -uss 11 S~'Wl--re 1JCJ ~ 4 COU-~~ l1Ln.ch,t2A t &'Ul.UlJ hUf • • 11.'\U'k. ...l?A, ,~ls Di-,co., 'f~1..1'1a.1tc.~h1- £12 "'A,),.uJl, £, 15 ,., Ch1-U1"Ut(~Ut 11) . 'be ob~i.t\.u1 om ComMttfut'S at 1" 1k.1ut& UUf d 40S soot OZ%.1.,"- M~t40fA p,M~1A.,1 '.... 368'1660 ~- 43'1 '61"1 VC' . 111.1 oni.... f<JLi-n.i-., S . -• Z~14fM.~(,1'io.... 6374811 2223001 241 D05 'I • .. '. . . An Evening at the House of Commons In aid of e Ita ian Hos. • ita Dinner ~nd Optional Tour of The House of Lords & The House of Commons Sponsored by BancaPopolare Di Novara Cassa Risparmio Di Firenze Cassa Di Risparmio Di Vicenza E Belluno Italian National Bank Banco Di Santo Spirito . Etrufin Reserco Limited Isveimer Monte De' Paschi Di Siena Gruppo Nordest: Banca Agricola Mantovana Banca PopolareDi Bergamo Banca Popolare Di Verona • • . Banca Popolare Dell'Emilia Banca Popolare Di Sondrio .Banca Popolare Di Vicenza Saturday 28th March 1987 Tour 6.30 pm Dinner 8 pm Tickets £30 each Includes Tour, Dinner & Wine • • • I • ews from 'it'll you may have missed • A court in 'Torino has ruled that a kidnap victim does not have to pay back, the £350,000 ransom paid by his son. Pietro Castagno, 78, known as the Chocolate King, was held by the Mafia in a cave for seven months. His son, Pier Luigi, sued his father for the money he had raised, but lost the case. ' , • More than 100 foreign tourists have been treated in a Florence hospital over the last 10 years for a mysterious illness known as the "Stendhal syndrome". They faint, or have heart attacks because they cannot take in the . beauty of the · ., City's m:onuments and. the Uffizi gallery in particular. J'he ,:synd~ome can lead to :loss ·of, 'ndentity, fear of dying anii even temporary madness. A typical example of the victims has been composed by psychiatrists; an English or French wo.,. .' man, 35, unmarried, travelling alone, and very emotional. Italians seem immune to the syndrome. - , I, , I I I I • Two Palestinians who hijacked the Achille Lauro were jailed for nine months in Milan for contempt of court after threlltening the state prosecutor. • Police are holding a Libyan who landed a twin., engine Cessna at' the Sigonella' NATO base iil' Sicily. , He said· he .....was,",on"his :way ....... Y!' •. , ..... .". \. to E:~gland:.to. ,see~\hls, mother 'when the plane ran out of fuel.' Magistrates • • • are mvestlgatmg. • ." .~ ~ ~.. ,>' • A blind wine tasting by 160 ' t"asterS', including 38 Masters of Wine, judged as top of the sparkling wine section, beating dozens of · ' champagnes, an vmtage Asti Spumante called" 'Fontanafredda I priced at £4.45. Italian wines won 25 medals, bettered only by France. • The Italian priVate television entrepreneur" Silvio Berlusconi, whose stations have overtaken RAI in terms of audience and advertising, is expectEi'd to sell Rete Quattro to Calisto Tanzl, owner of the Parma based Parmalat. Mr. Berlusconi would retain control of Canale 5 and Italia Uno. The sale is required under Italian law, which allows a , person to control only' two television stations. . • One:Italian crewman was ,seriously injured and a team colleague suffered a fr.actured' ankle during 'pra;ctice for the World Cup ! ' ,four ;man 'bobsleigh event , at Cervinia. • The French footballer, Michel Platini, and his family escaped unhurt from a bad car, accident in Turin. ~,S~·_. ",< , • Reinhold Messner, the Italian mountaineer, is planning an expedition to ,Tibet to· bring back photo,graphic,.;proof of the exis.,. ~ ,tence ~ {of the Yeti;. 'the mystenous creature otherwise k'nown as the abomi.' . nable Snowman. • . ' p ... • A man who traded himself for a 'friend being. held hostage by Sardinian bandits has been freed for a ransom of 600 million lire. Domenico Pittorra was 'set free after a month in"'captivity. , • Rome police stepped up their fight against traffic congestion in the capi tal, implementing a morning rush-hour, ban on' cars and heavy lorries from' parts of the city centre. ' • Italy's Transport Ministry has decided to 'allow competition from a private airline on the lucrative Milan-Rome route. Around 4,000 passen.gers a day travel on the route, which accounts for some 20% of domestic Italian air traffic. • After consulting film experts a Rome judge has ruled that "Last Tango in Paris", the 1972 film starring Marlon Brando ,and Maria Schneider, was no longer offensive to public decency and ended a ban against the film in Italy. , eA Red Brigade militant, Calogero Diana, was arrested in a Chinese restaurant· in Milan three months after he escaped from a high -.-secunty pnson. ,'-. , • Thousands of Italian surgeons closed operating theatres to all but the most urgent cases and went on strike to protest over pay scales .in public hospitals. 19 ,, ~ , i ' " I -\-, " " , . 'Chiesadi .- ='" . • LA VOSfRA CHIESA, I VOSfRI SACERDOTI, NELLA VITA DELLA NOSfRA COMUNITA'. , •• · " · Quando entrate nella chiesa italiana di San Pietro, guardate alia. sinistra dell' Altare Maggiore; c'e'una bella statua bianca di marmo. E'la statua del nostro fondatore San Vincenzo' Pall otti, ro!Jlano. Egli ha voluto questa C,hiesa,e questa Chiesa e' la prima Chiesa italiana costiuita nel mondo fuori dell' Italia, per .noi italiani. E' quindi un, primato che ci riempie di gioia. San Vincenzo Pallotti' ha fondato la Societa' dell' Apostolato Cattolico,cioe noi Padri Pallottini· con le . . Suo re. Quest'anno sono 151 anni della nostra fondazione; e' una grande festa per noi, e la cosa migliore e' ricordarvi quello che facciamo qui • • con VOI e per V01: .CON LE FAMIGLIE:partecipiamo alla vostra vlia e ai vostri problemi,cercando di darvi una mane per camminare insieme· verso Dio. .CON I VECCHI E MALATI Anoi.amo a .trovar!i il piu spesso possibile,non Ii lasciamo s~li, hanito precedenza '''' tutto. .CON ·1 POVERI:abbiamo un aluto e un mteressa• mento per tuttl , .• CON GLI SBANDATI:almeno li riceviamo e lr ascoltiamo. .CON I CARCERATI:stiamo ne a or~ ce a par ando di Dio e della. vita. • CON DROGATI E CON COLORO CHE SOFFROlllO: vogliamo che insieme a noi sentano che Dio e' 1'unica ragione .della vita. • CON I GIOVANI:vogliamo che. capiscano" if grande dono che Dio ha fatto, dando la vita. .CON TUTTI:vogliamo che con noi sentano. la bellezza e la gioia del Vangelo, la Croce e la Risurrezione. i Vogliamo che capiscano che questa e' una Chiesa viva che porta la parola di Dio dove Dio ci chiama. I sacerdoti di questa Chiesa infatti hanno una solo vita £Ia di loro, in comunita' la vita di Dio. • • . Ecco questo e' 10 spi rito che 'ci ha lasciato San Vincenzo Pallotti. Venite estate con noi, Padri Pallottiiti; vi sentirete meglio• , , I Venite principalmente ogni venerdi' sera alle 8.00 (ma non il primo venerdi I del mese); ci aiuteremo a vivere la .piuola di Dio, come ci ha insegnato il nostro fondatore San Vincenzo Pallotti. , Venite, raccontateci la vostra vita, sara' un aiuto per • tuttl. Vi ricordiamo il nostro indirizzo:4 BackHill,London ECl, Tel:Ol 837 1528/837 9071 , • • ,• .YOUR CHURCH, YOUR PRIESfS, IN THE LIFE OF OUR COMMUNITY. • When you enter St. Peter's Italian Church,take a look to the left of the main altar. There you will find a lovely white marble statue of our founder S. Vincent Pallotti, a roman. it was he who wanted this Church, and this Church is the first Italian Church built anywhere ip the world outside of Italy.Afirst therefore which fills us with great joy. S. Vincent Palotti then founded the Societa' dell' Apostolico Cattolico i.e. we Pallottine Fathers. and Sisters. This year marks the 151st year of our foundation; a time of great celebrati<)ll ·for us. This is just some of the work we under. take both with and for you. 20 " .WITH FAMILIES:we share in your lives ana your pro;;' blems, seeking to give you a helping hand to walk together towards God. .WITH THE ELDERLY & SICK:we visit as often as we can, never neglecting them, they come before all else. .WITH THE POOR: we offer a ~ping hand, slto\,!,ing concern for all. .WITH DOWN & OUTS:the least we can do is receive them and listen to them. WITH PRISONERS:we sit in thei r cells ,talking' aoout God and about life. • .•WITH DRUG ADDICTS:we want them ,to feer:that,as it is with us,God be their only reason for living• • WITH THE YOUNG:we want them to understand God's' greatest gift to us; life itself. • WITH EVERYONE:we would like the beauty tllat is the Gospel,the Cross and the Resurrectiqn. We want people to understand that this is a living church that speaks the living word of God, where God calls us. We priests have one life together,in community-the life of God. This is the spi rit of our founder. Come and spend some time with us. It might help. Come in particular on Friday evenings at 8.00 p.m•. but not the 1st Friday of the month).Let's help each other to live the word of God. • • " I San Pietro • •, '.• -,. , , GIOR~O MERCOLEDI' 4 MARZO, - DELLE CENERI • Giorno di astinenza e digiuno Le Messe saranno ai seguenti orari 10.00 a.m., 12.15 p.m., 7.00 p.m., 8.00 p.m•• Daremo le Ceneri tutto il giorno , anche dalla parte dell'ufficio parrocchiale se la Chiesa e' chiusa. ,• Daremo le Ceneri anche nella prima domenica di Quaresima. Inoltre, ogni domenica di Quaiesima lille 6.45 p.m. avremo la Via Crucis DOMENICA 29 MARZO E' il giorno della Mamma • Inoltre, comincia l'orario estivo inglese, cioe' gli orologi si mettono un ora avantl• DOMENICA 12 APRILE - DOMENICA DELLE PALME Distribuiremo le Palme tutto il giorno. La Benedizione Solenne sara alle 11.00 a.m. • Dopo la Messa delle 7;00 p.m. vi sara I il Passion Play • rappresentato dai nostri a~tisti di ogni anno , • • SONONATI ALLA VITA DI DIO CON IL SANTO BATTESIMO • Argano Giorgia. Cucchiara Rosaria , • • HANNO UNITO LE LORO VITE DAVANTI A DIO NEL MATRIMONIO • . Paul A masanti . Karen Granger Mario Plaza Sharon Hayes Gerardo Zecca Carmelina Arcadipane Alessandro Mingione Olga Mo~ales • • RIPOSANO NELLA PACE DEL NOSTRO SIGNORE . . - Giovanni Borsi Armando Bertuzzi Amanda • Angelo Michele Gasparro Filomena Padovano . . Lina Dagnolo Maria Della Corte ",-- '21 . Nel corso di un convegno di·· . ,Sahel africano. due giorni recentemente· or.. • ganizzato dalla Coinmissione. Ariche 'se, p~r il momimto, europea, una .sessantina .di ,gli .esperti dichiarano la seienziati 'europei e ameripropria impossibilita' di cani hanno discusso delle prevedere 'i mutainenti climodi fiche che potrebbero matici a livello regionale, derivare' al c1ima dall "'efla Comunita' ha: assolutafetto serra". 11 convegno, mente bisogno di sapere se, che rientrava net quadro del ad esempio, in seguito ai programma di ricerca climamutamenti del' regime delle tologica promosso poco precipitazioni deve prevedere tempo addietro daJla Comu''Iunghi' periodi di siccita'. nita', aveva 10 scopo di per tale motivo gli esperti fornire' orientamenii lii futuri chiedono che vengano inten·Iavori..aei 'ricercatori ·comu-, sificate le ricerche, al citalL I pa:iteCipailti sono fine ·di chiarire entro il • pero' andati, molto piu' in piu' breve tempo possibile Tratto. da "Eurofocus", un la', arrivando alia cOllclu": i lati ancora oscuri' del bollettino settimanale pub'siorie che occorre predisporproblema, di individuare le blicato daIla Direzione GeneraIe dell'lnformazione·della . re fin d' ora intervEmti attiregioni piu' vulnerabili e di a prevenire 0 a correggere mettere a punto procediCorn missione delle Comunita' • il fenome:no~ . meriti atti a misuril.l'e l!imeuropee. patto esercitato a livello • L'''effetto serra" e' la regionale dalle variazioni conseguenza dell' accumularsi climatiche, tanto sui• settori del gas caiboriico nell' atmoCLIMA piu' sensibili dell' economia sfera in seguito, al grande' L'"e ffetto" serra ei insidia. che sull'insieme della popouso di combustibili fossili .Iazione. • 11 XXIO secolo vedra' Jorse ,come il carbone,' il petrolio I'.inondazione delle regioni e il gas natura,le. Poiche' La Comunita' potrebbe ricostiere e la desertificail gas carbonico non lascia correre a tutta una serie di zione di zone' oggi fertili: passare i raggi infrarossi', il rimedi: risparmio' deIl'enercalore che si ,sviluppa sUlla questo quadro inquietante e' gia, ad esempioi;'e riduzione superficie' della terra non il frutto non ,gia' delle didell'uso dei'~ ·Combustibili '" . .,.. . puo' disperdersi nello spazio, vinazioni di un novello Noa,fossili a 'vantaggio' ,delle con conseguente aumento tradan:lUs, ma delle preVienergie . rinnovabiJie gel • della temperatura del piasioni., una volta' tanto unanuc1eare che non' producono neta. 11' fenomemo potrebbe nimi, di un gruppo di .esperti. sostanze capaci di modifiStando agli ,.spedalisti, inprovocare l'innalzamento del care negativamente il c1ima. Hvello del mare - da 20 a · ,fatti, i gas che' provocano Consigliabile e possibile 165 cm. - nonche' modifi-" I"',effetto·serra"" e in parti- , anche .una serie' di azioni che nel regime delle precicolare il gas carbonico, con"positive": rimboschimento, pitazioni .e dell 'umidificatinueranno ad accumularsi iniglior gestione delle risorse . . , zione del suolo: zone di colnella .nostra atmosfera, con idriche, miglioramento delle l' effetto di introdurre note- . ·~ura 'potrebbero 'venire spostecniche agricole e piu' voli mutamenti climatici nel tate, il che, del resto semefficace protezione dei terbra essersi verificato nel secolo venturo. reni. • • ~... •• ,/tiffiSs:", . nPATRICKS 'INTERNATIONAL. CENTRE 'Welcome •• 22 Young people from all countries .will find at St. 'Patrick's.a friendly welcome and the opportunity to make lots offriends and have a good time. Come along! We look forward to meeting you. 24 GREAT CHAPEL STREET, LONDON W1 just off Oxford Street· . ' near Tottenham Court Road Tube Station Tel: 01·734'2156 & 01·4390116 • .. z • 000 del buon comportamento . , ,- " , . , , ~ Beneficenza La beneficenza e' un dove re . di tutte le persone ricche. Attraverso la beneficenza molti nuovi ricchi hanno fatto le prime conoscenze • • Important!. Non ostentatela, 'dovrebbe essere un vostro dovere e non qualcosa di cui vantarvi. Non innamoratevi della vostra bonta', non date I'impressione al poverello, al· l' anziano o· al drogato che vi"ete anche per lui poi ve ne diment,icate appena 'girato I' angolo. , Caffe' "Ti aspetto per un caffe "'. Questa formula e ' ormai in • • uso per mvltare senza st ra., fare. 11 caffe' verra' servito dalla caffetteria e non presentato nelle tazzine gia' riempite e preferibilmente con un bi:icco di latte freddo. 'Si6come I'invito al caffe ' e ' un invito breve , non 'Iasciatevi desiderare. , nella stessa categoria e sono dunque soggetti alle stesse regole. • Cena ,, • , PuO' esse re di duetipi: in piedi 0 seduti; Sia per la cena seduta che per la cima in piedi, iI vestito deve essere da sera. Per gli uomini I'abito scuro, per le donne 0 un vestito nero ,~<;:he, anche se non di moda , risolve la situazione, o'al.'OJElnO ~n31 camicet!~ di· :se~~. In ogm 'modo, quel "che sla la vostra ' opinione fate almeno di arrivare con I' aria di chi sia appena uscito dall'ufficio, se questo vi resta .:inevitabile' bisogna almeno scusarsi. Facciamo I'esempio' di una ' se rata a· cena un po' noiosa. Qualunque sia iI caso la serata non puo' volgere alia conclusione se non mezz'ora dopo iI caffe'. La scusa migliore e' sempre"domani mattina devo andare a lavo• rare moho presto". . serviva un .tempo ad indicare un pasto piu' leggero a un , ora piu' tardi). , • Conversazione . 'Lalconversazione e' I'arte 'che "'igr~zie" al nostto progresso soffre ancor oggi di una grave decadenza. Sono ormai finiti i tempi della Parigi' del Settecento quando ; >•. ,. i signo~i e le signore, passa- :': vane dellE;! giornate, a discutere.'· NelliJ:"convers'azione ci deve .~ssei:e\. un elemento di ,: gioc() eKe' da. "appunto iI \.. senso della leggerezza. La confessione non e ' una confessione ne' un analisi approfondita. . Ci sono poi delle regole da , " • nspet,~ar~. , La .con\'ersazione a tavola: Un., 'signore seduto a tavola fra due donne dovra' rivolgere la parota sia all' una sia all' altra. , ,, Cappello Appena si entra in casa 0 in ·un luogo pubblico I' uomo si toglie subito iI cappello. Quando incontra una signora per strada fara I iI cenno di toglierselo, non bisogna neanche scappellarsi alia Zorro. La prima cosa che va tolta di mano all' ospite' maschio , non e I iI possibile regalo ma iI cappello. Da ricordare che. anche i berretti rientrano , Musica tradizionale e moderna: italiana, inglese, continentale, " . Tel: Ramon . . 'Gallo 01-888 4666 . , 23 -. , • _ .-~_ • • - " " • " •• -"., - "," " '. _'" "'. '''' _ '. ,., ,__ ". • . . ". • "_". ~..• > .,' .:_. ~_._,, _ _ ,... . . . . ~ ~~,.,.... . _ ....." '. . .. . , . · " ' . . . . . , . , , , . _. . ......,·""OjO<l ,-"", ..- ......... -- .~~ '-'~~-,"", ., ., , • • ' . c ",' .... ~. _~ .,,.....,. """"~~': ~._ ..... ' ••••• '-' >,~ -.r-' _ . ' •• ' • • • .. • • • •• • ,• • ,, ',' .. • ,.~-- '. . · , • • •; ·, ., • , ; • • • • • • '.•. • • • • • I , , • • • ,• , • • " • •• .~.~o ~ ~ , • 24 •• • • For information: TeL 01-8371966 • , The Committee reserve the right to refuse admission PRICE £5.00 ,. --' - ... ->.-" 7.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. • ----=-,-.< C.L.I.e. - Central London Italian Club _. ". "" ,= -. .. --" , ~ .-., ._~ • • , • , .. " , , \ - .' '., , )-. • ' , • . • ", , , (Monumental, Mason) , , , MARMISTA I " " '- • ' Specializzato ·in monumenti di stile italiano in marmo e granito ' Unit 9, Summerhouse Works, "Summerhouse Lane, :Harefield, Middlesex. • • Tel: Harefield (089582) 4395, (day) 01-573 8006, (evenings and weekends) • • , , CAR i~~; • FIAT PANDA 4S'INJTALY UP TO '7 DAYS * OFFER IS OPEN TO ANYONE BOOKING A PILGRIM·AIR • FLIGHT ARRIVING IN ITALY BETWEEN , , 1st NOVEMBER 1986. 31st MARCH 1987. ' * * * '* * INCLUDES LOCAL TAXES AND 200 KMS FREE. PICK UP THE CAR AT ANY OF THE 36ITALY·BY-CAR OFFICES. KEEP IT UP TO 7 DAYS. CARS MUST BE BOOKED ATLEAST 7 DAYS BEFORE TRAVELLING. . , KILOMETRES OVER FIRST 200 CHARGED AT 400 LIRE EACH PLUS 18% I.VA. (VA.T.I. PAYABLE LOCALLY. COLLISION DAMAGE WAIVER INSURANCE AND PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE NOT INCLUDED• • 01-6375333 Charter Flights 01-6375311 Scheduled Flights PILGRIM-AIR LIMITED 44 Goodge Street London W1P 1FH ATOL 173 26 I • rmchair ',View • "We've' only justb"egun•• ". But now I must end. Next month I hand "Armchair View over to a colleague. The Editor tells me he has other plans for me(!). So I end my short, but enjoyable, time with the follow• 109. MUHAMED ALl'S GREAT:: EST FIGHTS. 'Watch him 'float like a' butterfly, sting like a bee'. .' film • • TOP HAT, Astaire, Rodgers (Channel 5). At' £7.99 top value• my favourite Wait Disney••• BED KNOBS & BROOM STICKS (Wait Disney). Three children and a kind witch who rides a magic broomstick. UNDER FIRE, Nolte, Hackman (Rank). If you missed it at the cinema, do yourself a favour and rent it for the evening• A look at film maker, • GALLIPOLI; Gibson (CIC). Weir Underrated Peter , following two men during W.W.I. .TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, Peck. Oscar winning performance from this sup~rb Harper Lee story. FILMS • , HANCOCK, (BBC). I enjoyed the 'recent' re-run. If you missed them this • time... · JANE EYRE (BBC). One of a' well made series of Sunday afternoon classics by the Beeb. • THE LIVING ISLES (BBC). From the t.V. series shown last year at the usual BBC standard. WEST SIDE STORY (Warner). Slightly dated I'm afraid. THE SICILIAN CONNECTION Placido, Switzer (MGM/VA). Mafia thriller with two brothers on either side of the mob. • Peck's Oscar performance SWORD IN THE STONE (Wait Disney).' One of the few fully animated Disney videos available. Even the Editor would enjoy it! ' DUMBO(Walt Disney). That poor little ,thing with those big ears. (Dumbo, not the Editor). , SCOTLAND 1984 GRAND SLAM (a~c). How many of those have' they cheered . recently? BECKETI, O'Toole, Burton (Ooyssey). One of my favourites. And one where Burton does himself justice. , FORSYTH SAGA, More 'Porter, (BBC). If· you saw the recent episode and got hooked, here's your chance to see all 21 hours. , OTHER • MUSIC PUTIING IT TO'GETHER, Streisand (CBS/Fox). Documentary detailing the making of her 'Broadway' album. THE RACE AGAINST TIME (Video Collection). Events leading to 25th May '1986 when 20 million people ran the world (including a team from BACKHILL). Only £6.99. WHAM! FOREIGN SKIES, Michael, Ridgeley (CBS/Fox) As most know, the foreign sky was China. GREAT AUSTRALIAN HORSE RACING GAME, (Tevele). Someone has broadened the scope of the video'. A game using FF and RW for controls• Place your bets at £29.99 and see who wins. AN EVENING WITH LlZA . MINELLI, (TEVP). Doesn't she get to look more like he'r mother, and as talented. SPORTS , ELEPHANT MAN, Hurt, DECADE OF THE BRITISH Hopkins (TEVP). When OPEN 1970-79, (Quadrant). you see the video you'll Starting with Nicklaus/ wonder why it was ever Sanders progressing to ~hownon ,the. large screen.:C~ , ,Watsori/Palriler etlil.~-- , • AMERICAN THE FIRST TEENAGER (Thorn EM I). A documentary on the life of James Dean. Only three· films to his name, but what a mark he made! Joanna,Giacon 27 - ,-"- "'-. • , > i • ZANETTI • THE FAMOUS ITALIAN SEGAFREDO COFFEE ONCE AVAILABLE ONLY IN COFFEE BARS IS NOW ON SALE TO THE GENERAL " PUBLIC WATCH OUT FOR THE NAME SEGAFREoo ::::oN::T=HE=F=o=RM=U=LA=l:::R~AC:E=CI=RC::;~'SEGAFREDO ~~ ~~...,------4 ........ -E UNA 80NTA • • • , SOLE UK olsTRIBUToRs-PARMIGIANI &'LAWRENCE [IMPORTS] LIMITED: TELEPHoNE:01'9Bo 3333 . .' . , ' • . • • .. AT LASf you can buy a recipe book with all you~ favourite recipes:,.. MAMMA'S RICETTE BACKHILL 136 CLERKENWELL ROAD LONDON E:C.1 Date Name Data .-~ •••••..••.•••..••....••.••••.••..••••• Name •••••.•••••..•..••••••••••••••••.•...••••••.•..•..•••• Address Number of Copies Illcliri~~~......•.........................................~. Quan.titaa ••••••••••••••••••••• . _. . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~"- . . ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Post - • Total enclosed Somma acclusa £.••••••••••••• ~ •.;••••• Code/Codic~ Postale••••••••••••••••••' •••••••• Cheques payable to 'BACKHILL' Vaglie intestati a 'BACKHILL' • • .. , Cinema , 'By far and away, the most entertaining aspect· of The Colour of Money was the brilliant footage shot of all those pool balls hitting each other or the back of the pocket. From, ,the 'very first moment the credits begin, with a filter of cigarette smoke rising on a black background, the pool sequences could be called pure art, along with some excellent music from Verdi to Eric Clapton. . gam'eone needs, ."brairis . and balls". Launa has, much of the latter, but "IS· distinctly lacking in th!!' former. ' On to things of the future. I haven't scouted around the film studios for ages, so here goes. Newman and Cruise Shame the rest of the film was nothing to remember. O.K. Edera, it wasn't that bad, but it was close to it. It would be wrong' (and not just because director Martin Scorsese says it is) to co.mpare The Colpur of Money with 'Fast' Eddie Nelsons's first fil m Tile Hustler. Wrong, because the style, ,pace and essence of the films are so totally diverse. 'Fast' Eddie (Paul Newman)' now a liquor salesman, spots Vincent Lauria (Tom Cruise), a genius with a pool cue in a local club. Newman has ambitions for the boy, which, at first, are purely financial. Fresh faced and woiIdly naive, Lauria does not comprehend 'Nelson's ing - that to_- win, in the warn':' Steven Spielberg's version of jeffrey Archer's best seller A Matter of Honour. Is it true Mr. Archer was paid £2,000 for the film rights? Amy lrving retreading Bergman steps with Anastasia. Co-starring Rex Harrison. Kempinski's --award winning play, Duet for One, stars Alan Bates, Rupert Everett , and julie Andrews as a brilliant violinist who contracts MS. ' Mario Puzo, has penned Godfather III and Paramount have picked up the rights. .~ Bravely resisting for three quarters of the film, Nelson to inevitably succumbs picking up a cue himself. The story begins". In tow during all this is Carmen (Mary Mastrantonio), Lauria's' girlfriend - a totally unnecessary character. Enough' said. The film was unemotional, unfunny, and almost unmemorable. No doubt, some will disagree. But most must acknowledge that the major fault lay with Richard Price's uninspiring screenplay. . , • • , • Rupert Everett Indiana Jones III is coming. Spielberg and 'Ford are • returmng once more. Maurice, another E.M., . Forester book from Merchant-Ivory (the makers of the excellently received Room With A View). Starring julian Sands, Simon Callow and Denholm ElIiott. • Police Academy IV. If only_it were sub-titled "Tne Day the Gang Re-· tired". ' I hear rumours that Madonna will be playing the title role in Evita. Her husband, Sean Penn, failed to clinch the· role of Che. Rumours? Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie stars and joanne Woodward ,Karen Allen. Directed. by the former's husband Paul Newman.- , Yet another successful play and book and ... is 84 Charing Cross Rpail. This comedy stars Anne Bancroft opposite the versatile and in demand Anthony Hopkins. And the pick of the lot Rambo Ill. He's polished off those •'chinkies' now he's after the 'ruskies' in Afghanistan. Scheduled opening? Independence Day! Agrifoglio Bosco 29 • , • • , • , • • • , , • • - , •• ,- - .'HAND & POWER TOOL SPECIALISTS . -""" • PLANT HIRE & POWER TOOL REPAIRS • ARCHITECTURAL & BUILDERS IRONMONGERS • • BUILDING & PI:;UMBING • t . . , . ' SUPPLIES.- ~'. , • .' ,, . • - , • • . • . ''''.'. • • • ~ / , • · Head Office;278Ho~lo,,=ayRoad; Londo!l N.76NE , iils~ !It: 144;~entish:lo~n Road, L()ndon NW1 9QB • • • ,f,;, ".,,~,. , ), ' ....- , .t,;-' -·~,>" ~ . • • ' - • LOCKSMITHS '0'" , ... • -'~~' - - . - . J, ,. v",,' , Telephone: 01-i)Q9473112/3 01-607, 2200 Telephone: 01:-~973138 01-485 3829 . ~ • • , • • • • High speed colour printing , • . Artwork and Desigfl' • . .Plate, makir:lg , •'. , Photo typesetting , Stertlng Printing Company Umlted 78 Bounds Green Rd, London Nll 2EU 8889153 . 30• • salal}li made ill/tal)' . , ", " PIETRO NEGRONI LIMITED 24 New Wharf Road, London Nl 9BR Telephone: (01) 837 0426/7 . . • • ortli • ,, , Richard Evans writes ... • On 26th December 1986, A rsenalF.C. celebrated their lOOth year. In commemoration of ,this event, I would be grateful if you could kindly' grant me a • little self indulgence while I recount me own personalised history of this football club. ball slipped off his 'new jersey allowed the Cup to leave this country for the first and only time. Cardiff , won 1-0. Never again has a goalkeeper worn a jumper which has not been washed at least once before a Wembley final, (or at least that is what I have been told!). In :1930, Arsenal won the Cup for the first time. There was a further appearance in 1932 when they lost You will readily appreciate to Newcastle. More' imporfrom that description where'; taritly :there were League Championship wins in 1930/ my favours lie. From as long ago as I can remember, 31, 32/33 and 33/34. It was my father was recouriting , not' just the success of tales of queueing at mid": 'Chapman which made him day as, a young lad ,to, see such a legendary figure but the great side of Herbert it was the sheer vision of Chapman with Alex James in ; the man. Arsenal experihis baggy pants, Cliff Bastin ' mented with numbered dashing dowrithe 'wing and shirts, floodlighting and Wilf Copping who, legend even envisaged the develophas it, shaved on the morment of artificial pitches ning of a match., - (a controversial subject 59 years on). He cha~ged the But I am jumping ahead of name of the .local tube stamyself•. David Danskin and tion the Arsenal which took some of his .fellow workers consummate political skill at Dial Square in the Wooland as a disciplinarian he wich Arsenal formed 'the was second to none. Club which started its life at Plumstead. Nottingham was, succeeded by He Forest supplied a set, of red George Allison and success football shirts and with the continued up to the ,outlater • addition of white break of WWII. The names sleeves, the colours have literally roll off the tongue, been retained ever since. In Ted Drake, 'stopper' -centre 1913 the ,Club moved to half Herbie Roberts (who Highbury' and in 1919 joined died during the war in the First Division in slightly Italy), Frank Moss, George dubious circumstances· at the Male, Eddie Hapgood. For expense of rivals, Totten'the record, there was 'a furham. They have remained ther cup victory in 1936 (1, in the top echelon ever - 0 against Sheffield Utd.) since and no othe'r Club can , ". and League title wins in say that! 1934/35, (completing a hattrick) and 37/38. It was not until the arrival of Herbert Chapman from After the war trainer Tom Huddersfield in 1925, howWhittaker took over the ever, that success started reigns and with the Compton to come their way. In 1927 brothers and bandy legged, , , they reached their first Cup Joe Mercer, ·success contl• Final with Carlie Buchan nued although perhaps Arseleading their attack~ Sadly a mil's finest hour was in goalkeeping error by Welsh1952 when they lost 1-0 to man" Dim Lewis, when; ~;the Newcastle with, only 10 men following an injury to Wally Barnes. ," .'. '" '.\_.-~ - But then success dried up, ." ex:=playeis Jack Crayston and George Swindin, found the gloiy days an enormous millstone around the neck and that brings me nicely on to -my own schoolboy era. 30th Sept.emb~r, 1961 was :' my first 'visit to Highbury to :see Arsenal v Mansfield : reserves> in the Football Combination. The right sideWOIl 5~0:· One player shone above all: the rest. A little left winger who did not sc'ore but was .involved' in the game from fi rst to last - George Armstrong. The bug had bitten. A week later my father took me again but this time to see· the first- team play Blackpool. The score, 3-0, w,ith Mel Charles getting. two goals. On the right wing for the seaside club .was the legendary Stanley Matthe~s playing his last match ID London for them before returning to Stoke. The great man was well past his prime but I can still see him standing out on t~e f.!lr touchline, in splendid isohition, with arm raised calling for ',the ball, waiting t<? 'take on .the Gunner defence; , - , In those days, Dil-ve Bacuzzi (son 'of o\lr own much loved. Joe) , held .the right back berth, but own boyhoo.d hero was George East~am~ His thin, spindly, -frame stood apart from the other 21 robust physical f,gutl~s on the pitch but he domina..: ted events. Arms pumping, he would control 'the oall and sweetly glide it with his left foot inside the fullback. r can still remember vividly 2 magical goals he scored against Wolverhampton in a 5-4 win back in October 1962 and' another, 3· years later when Manchester Utd were defeated' 4-2. 31 my • •• . Eastham!s partner up front , . . was Joe ·Baker but the combination did not bring success for manager Billy Wright and i~ 196~.the.p·air were dropped. I recall. ·seeing a demonstration after a game- at Blackpoot It was a drab 0-0 draw and rightback bon Howebroke 'his leg 'with a young 'John Radford having just been introduced into the ·first. team. G e().rge ill full:. f.light ahnd e the left foot.ed' ... goal scored 'froin the.' edge of the penalty area against Newcastle but..'inqst.of all, of course, thir' - blistering right fo'ot dri.ve which whistled· past Ray Clemence to secure the' Double at Wembley in ;extra time against Liverpool•. McLintoc~ had been to Wembley five times without success. T~e sacking of my hero was more than I' could ·,bear· and The day was his and as Max B9yce would say, I was there., I had not been able to' go on the preVIous Monday when the, League Championship had been' secured at Tottenhain, but ·the two hours spent trying to' get the late~t .news .on . the radio from. White Hart Lane' was a .misery only ended with t~e D'ews flash. of Ray Kennedy's headed winning goaJ in the dying minutes of- the match. . ,. " at the age of' 13 . I wrote my first let~er. of protest about selec,torial inep,titude. To no avail~ Billy Wright was replaced by Bertie .Mee. Assisted first by co~ch D~ve Sexton and later by D!'n Howe, the scene began.!o -change. Arsenal reached, the League Cup Final in 1968 'but lost, 1'-0, to favourites Leed;;. The following year w~ .were back again. against ,Swindon. Town. Easiham was gone and had been replaced in my affections' by Bobby Gould. He scored .but the Swindon goaJkeeper played out of his skin. Jon Sammels did everything but score and a winger named Don Rogers ripped us apart in extra ,time to take the Cup bac~ to Wiltshire,.3-1~ • • - ~ The following year Arsenal were back but lost. to Leeds with Geoff Barnett in goal replacing Bob Wilson who. had been injured at Villa' Park' in the semi final against Stoke. I was at that game which Arsenal dominated but one could not feel a little, tinge of sympathy for the Potteries 'club who had also .been 'our opponents at the same stage the previous year. Only that time then had a 2-0 lead and a draw had only been se'cured courtesy of the last minute Peter Storey penalty. -." " Ham. There was also defeat on penalties at the hands of Valencia in the .' Cup Winners Cup' after a thrilling semi-final win in Turin over Juvimtus. Stapleton, MacDonald, O'Leary, Rix, were the new .stars but ultimate' success in the league champio!1ship could not be found and Don Howe took over. He, in turn, has ; been replaced by George Graham. My memories of "the Stroller" are' of a cultured ' player, b()ught from Chelsea • originally to lead the attack. He . dropped back iJ'ltO midfield and with foot on ball could control events at his pace. Standing . on .the North Bank, a biCycle ,. kicked goal against . scored . at : Wolverhampton the Clock End is a lastmg ; testimony to his skill. He has brought back to· Arsenal the solidity in defence which was such a 'hallmark in. the Double Year (Adams is a tremendous pro!'pect). • There are signs .. that . '" also ., he has been able to mtroduce . his . own craft and skill into the . likes of Rocastle, Davis, Hayes and at times, Quinn. I hope the . boys' win somethiJjg this ,year but. it will be.!1. struggle and they have to ·overcome a. 1-0':dEificit to Tottenham of lillpeople i~ the . second leg of tl1~ Littlewoods Cup Semi Fimil. But they are on. the right road and I am sure success will return. But triumph rose out of adversity which makes s\lccess' ·all the sweeter. By now I had obtained a season ticket and the ,memory of .that night when the. Inter Cit,ies Fairs Cup was won 'at .High"bury with a victory over . The middle to late seventies Anderlecht, 3-0; will long saw change. I got married remain. A new breed had and gave up my se~o~ After all, who else has arrived - Boo Wilson, Peter ticket .(although my wife had a murder thriller Storey, Bob McNab, Peter insists she had nothing' to written especially round .S impson, John Radford, do with the decision)• them for a feature film Eddie Kelly, George Graham • ("The Arsenal Stadium ,. and of course,. skipper .. Bertie Mee left and was. . MY!'t.ery~I..,.. F have It on Frank McLintock '·.who 'had' ' replaced' by . Terry ~ Neill. video if anybody wants to who brought back Don made the transformation see it) or a· special proHowe as coach. There from wing half to the ce~gramme all to themselves were three successive Cup tre of defence. in the ·BBC series on the Final appearances with a Thirties. thrilling victory over ManI went to every home game Here's to another 100 chester United sandwiChed in the Double Year and years for the aristocrats between defeats at the me'mories flood back. Thl:! of English football ••••• 0 himds of Ipswich and West shee'r exhilaration bfCharlie 32 , ~ . ---------- , , " • , • • DISCOTECA MOBILE COMPLETA CON LUCE PER OGNI OCCASIONE MUSICA ITAUANA E INGLESE , , bomboniere tulle ;:~, Qonletti liori Tel.MICHELE 553-1560 A MOBILE WITH. LIGHTS ., DISCO , FOR ANY OCCASION ~ • BOMBONfERI •NELLA PIU' BELLA• • TRADIZIONE ITALlANA Maurine Sandler 86 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 Tel: 01-584 2352/730 2093 It ~ @J ITALIAN . ' . RESTAURANT . 150 SOUTHAMPTON ROW LONnoNWCI Tel: 01-8374584/5837 Open 11.30 a.m. nnlil Illl.m. ~ sal~' • • di 120posUpersposalizi ricevimenti e ··parties·· • • - - - - --- , --==-...,-~=-=, . '--0'- . , 33 ." , oi • -\ ..• ". zJ._ '_ .' - , .:, ..:':" -.L. , I _#W I . \ - J \ Pa ina . 1 _......:•• .L , I dei' • I • . Piccoli ". ~ . j{). . _. -:~ ),i. r;:: ---:: - ... • ' , • • •• MARCH • The spring flowers and-' blossoms cheer up our 'countryside !lnd' gardens 'after the dullness of winter. , , " - . , .. ',,", , ,". . < . , . '.',-," ',~.'" .. ,': ':'~"" > ~. • .. ' , The wild flo"wers you most likely to see now "the yellow primroses 'mauve violets. on banks the roadside and in woods. In towns, 'green tips of bulbs can seen, breaking th~ough soil. are are and by the the be die ,nests where 'they can look after their young. , Many birds are coming back to our ,country now thin the weather is getting . warmer,. and are looking for , ,somewhere to build their You may find a bird's , nest in a hedge or tree or even in your shed or garage. Try not to disturb it until the young have flown. Find out where the migrant birds have come from, 'and wonder at their ability to survive such long journeys. • • 11' 4~ 'Comandamento I figli • si, devono onorare i ; !genitori" con I'amore, il rispetto e I'ubbidienza. , '0gni buon figliolo esprime il suo am ore verso il padre • e la madre non solo con buone parole, ma anche e soprattutto ,con una condotta • nspettosa e sottomessa. Non puo' certamente affermare di voler bene al papa' e alia mamma quel fanciullo che, ad un premuroso consiglio dei genitori , "sbuffa, 'risponde ,malaf!lente,. s'impunta, s'adira e non vuol saperne di ubbidire perche' gli costa una Heve rinuncia. Se i genitori danno dei consigli, comandano 0 proibiscono, anche ai figlioli che credono di saperne di' 'phi' perche' :34 hanno studiato, 10 fanno per maggio're esperienza di cio' che' e' bene e di ·cio' che e' male. ~:.; • , ,C! :; ~ , ~'""-~: ~}1'~;! .l ru.,lJ}.. L'1j 'f"·t'1 _ oil fatto questa promessa id benediziorie ai figli buoni: "Chi ama il padre suo, avra' consolazione dai figliuoli, e nel giorno di sua orazione sara' esaudito". Ha invece minacciato la ,maledizione ai figli cattivi ,con queste parole::' "Maledetto chi non OIiora il padre e la madre"• If you consider any action, ask two questions: 1. Is it sensible? 2. Will it cause any hurt? • iV, ' , ~ "\ . ' - Dio, come si legge Antico Testamento, nell' ha' ! If the answers are: 1. Yes and 2. No, then go ahead. Otherwise don't. Wher.e to bUy o "- • • .. o. .I·· , . , • .. • CLERKENWELL •• • CHIESA ITALlANA DI SAN PIETRO ,. FERRARO Continental Stores, Leather Lane, E.C.1. . , GEORGE & GRAHAM NEWSAGENT; .'Back, Hill, E.C.1. . .... '. .. • ISLINGTON •• • ,• , , . , D. SERVINI"(Delicatessen), 183 Caledonian Road, N.1. o ~. MARENGHI~(Delicatess.en), top of York Way, N.7. SOHO •• ANGELUCCI (coffee blenders), 23b Frith Street, W.l. CITY ROAD •• F;G.W. CITY LOCKSMITH, 129 Whitecross Street, E.C.1,' FINCHLEY •• SOLARI & ACHLER (Delicatessen), 739 High Road, North Finchley, N.2. F ABRIZI (Delicatessen), 289 Regents Park Road, N.3. WINCHMORE HILL " :, MARINO & ROBERTO (Delicatessen), Green Lanes, N.21. WOOD GREEN VITELLO D'ORO, Lordship Lalle, N:22. •• o VELlNA (Delicatessen), West Green Road, Turnpike Lane, N.15 BOUNDS GREEN •• ARNOS GROVE •• DIRENZO Delicatessen, Queens Parade, 5 Brownlow Road, N.U: ITALIAN DELICATESSEN, Bowes Road' . N.U. WILLESDEN •• , I PADRI STIMMATINI, 5 Hanover Road, Kensal Rise, BRIXTON •• CHIESA DEL REDENTORE, 20 Brixton ROa,d, S.W.9., 'KENNINGTON : . , • PRIMA DELICATESSEN, 38 Kennington Road, S.E.1. HOLBORN •• MAZZINI-GARIBALDI CLUB, 51 Red Lion Street SOUTHGATE •• ITALCIBO (Delicatessen), Ashfield Parade, Southgate 0 Ringraziamo tutti i' sopranominati per il 10ro aitito Our thanks also to St. Peter's Catholic Women!s Association, Romano SiIva, Aldo Antoniorii, Daniel Servini, Maria SterlinJ. and Franco Bosi for. ,the!r efforts. 35 - , Our country inns are so popular, some of the guests have been ,, coming back for years. , , •• I There's a welComing spirit at every Trusthouse Forte hotel. The friendly atmosphere brings people back year after year. We're always pleased to see our <;lId guests, even those ecce'ntrics who appear unannounced at our • ~,haunted country inns. • L • 1:;' , If you're spending a , day o'n business at one of our meeting roomsi, or taking.the family away for.a welI.. earned break" we'lI make sure you enjoy your stay. You've got a choice of around 200 hotels in Britain alone: romantic country inns, country mansions, or some of the most luxurious hotels in the world. We can keep you busy with alI kinds of activities ranging from. parachuting to golf. And wherever you go, we can guarantee a restful stay for even the most restless ofspirits. RleasecalI Reservations on 01-5673444. e Tmsthouse f'orte Hotels 36 • AT 3,BACK. HILL YOU ,WILL FIND: • . ' • • Italian and English Newspapers & Magazines A First-Class Watch Repairer • -........ .,. '-' '.-o#A r • , • "~ • \ • • WTCWATCH' REPAIRERS GEORGE & GRAHAM Newsagents Tel:'01-2784502 Tal: 01-'278 1770 , ... and ybuwill also find • --;;;;:;":=:'==== -, , • • " >", A. FRANCE &·SON Catholic Undertakers " . , J. • • SERVIZI FUNEBRIALL'ITALlANA .. .. . FUNERALS ARRANGED IN LONDON, THE COUNTRY, AND,ITALY . ' , , ~ • , , • • • PRIVATE ·CHAPEL OF REST . HEAD OFFICE: • :45 Lambs Conduit St., WC1 Tel 405 4901 405 2094 . . .. also at:' . 41 Monmouth St.,'WC2 14' Watford Way, NW4 166 Caledonian Rd.. N1 "=~ 37 • • . ' • • •. < • . . ._ . _ .' __- ' . , " . c " _. • __ ._ . • G."s Ricetta INVOLTINI ALLA MARSALA, , VEAL PARCELS IN MARSALA SAUCE • Ingredienti Ingredients 4 cotolette di vitello 1 ca rota 2 zucchini 1 costa di sedano 2 cucchiai di prezzemolo tritato 30 gr burro sale/pepe poco farina 125 gr funghi a fettine sottile 5 cucchiai di marsala 2 cucchiaini di farina 8 'chcchiai d' acqua 4 veal escalopes 1 carrot 2 zucchini 1 stick celery 2 tablespoons chopped parsley butter salt/pepper flour 50z mushrooms thinly sliced 5 tablespoons marsala 2 teaspoons cornflour 8 tablespoons water .MetOdo Method ~ Tagliate le carote, i zucchini ed il sedano .in strisciette fine hmghe circa 5 cms. Fate bollire la· carota finche' e' appena :tenera. Scolatela. Fate friggere la carota, i zucchini e sedano nel burro per circa 5 minuti. Aggiungete if prezzemolo il sale ed il pepe. Mettete un po del .ripieno su ogni fetta di vi~ello, arrotolate la carnee fermatela con un pic5<<?lo stecco. Passatela nella farina. Cucimiteli in olio finche' dorati da tutte le parte. • '(fogliete le stecche. Lasciate solo un cucchiaio di olio riella padella, cucinate i Versate la marsala funghi per 2 minuti. " ,e ;po.rt.atela.'aI.ebolIiziorie. Aggiungete la ·farina, gia'.' 'mescolata con I'acqua, El 'sempre mescolando cucinate finche la salsa sia densa. Rimettete .gli involtini nella salsa e' cucinatele per 2 minuti. 'Servitele. , • • • Cut the carrot, zucchini and celery into thin strips about 2 inches long. Boil carrot until just tender - drain. Lightly fry the carrot, zucchini and celery in the butter for about 5 minutes, then stir in the parsley, .salt and pepper. Put a little of the vegetable mixture onto each slice of veal. Roll the veal up and tuck in the .ends. Secure with a toothpick. Coat' iiivfiour. Fry. Remove toothpicks. Leave just one tablespoon of oil in pan. e , • Serve. •0 'b 'I... 'A '\1 ~ •• • 's • I N A rz T 0 A is t. ,• • , 0 • • Prize Crossword Unfortunately, we did not receive any correct entries for last month's Prize Crossword.' The entry with most correct answers was sUbmitte.d by P. Rossi of Sherrards Way,B.arnet and the £20.00 prize ,will soon be on its way to him for his efforts. See the filled in grid left for the correct solution. . • -, . '. . , Add the mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes. Add the marsala and bring to the .boil. Stir in the blended cornflour and water. Continue stirring until mixture thickens. Return the veal to the pan and simmer in sauce for 2 minutes. • 'S Y 'f<. I A " ,. P.S. The clue to 7 down should of course have been 'Non bassa' and not 'Non basso'. . " • • Calendario March , SABATO 7• • • • • • • • Dinner & Dance, Assoc. Buzzo, Casa San Vincenzo Pallotti SABATO 14 ••••••.• Dinner & Dance, Assoc. Trentini, Casa San Vincenzo Pallotti DOMENICA .15 • • _ _ • Lucchesi Briscola Tournament, Casa San Vincenzo Pallotti ., SABATO .21 ••••••• Dinner & Dance, Rovinaglia, Casa Sin Vincenzo Pallottl VENERDI' 27 • • • • •• Tutored Wine Tasting, Gruppo.Culturale Italiano, Casa San Vincenzo Pallotti. Tickets £2. Tel. 01-886 7588 DOMENICA 29 • • • • • Festa della Mamma, Pranzo. Scalabrini Centre, 20 Brixton Road, S.W.9. Tel. 01-735 8235. April SABATo. 4 _ • • • • • • Dinner & Dance, Catholic Women 's San Vincenzo Pallotti. Asso~iation, Casa SABATO 11 •• • • • • • Dinner & Dance, Toscana, Casa San Vincenzo Pallotti• DOMENICA 12 •••• •• Passion Play. Dopo la Messa delle 7.00 nella Chiesa di .San Pietro, 136 Clerkenwell Road. SABATO 18 _ •••••• Easter Disco, St. Peter's 'Italian Youth Club. DOMENICA 19 • • • • • LUNEDI' 20 •••••• , Easter Sunday Disco, 'C.L.I.C. at the Cafe Royal. Tickets: Tel. 01-837 1966 Briscola Tournament, St. Peter's Social Club. May LUNEDl' 4·. • • • • • Car Rally, St. Peter's Italian SOcial Club. SABATO 9 • • • • •• Voce degli Italiani Dinner & Dance. Hilton Hotel. Biglietti £30.00~(Tavola dei Giovani £25.00). Tel. 01-735 5164 CULTURAL EVENTS IN LONDON GHETTO, A NEW PLAY BY Seamus Finnegan at the Riverside Studios, Crisp Road, Hammersmith W.6. (Box Office 01-748 3354). March 11th-April 5th. CECE and SICILIAN LIMES from 3rd March at the Man in the Moon Theatre, King's Road, Chelsea. Presented by the Omerta Theatre Company, 'CECE and SICILIAN LIMES are translations of Pirandello's one act plays of these names. SIX CHARACfERS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR, by Luigi Pirandello. A National Theatre production at the Olivier Theatre, Sou,th Bank, London S.E.l. Tel: 01-928 2252. Continuing until April. 39 • -, ~ ...., , • , , •
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