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:t:~~IA COMUNlTA' ITAUANA ~ SAL A ~.~.", BANCHETTI e. Alla Villa Carlotta si mangia, si beve e si balla, in una sala prit-~ata capace di ospitare 150 persone. 4 voi la scelta dell 'occasione dafesteggiare!! Contattare Sig S. Roberts 07.1 637.9.94.1 ,39 Charlotte Street wndon WlP lHA 2 December 941Jallllury 95 :iJ;~D.LA Sommario Servizi Speciali L'Italia non condivide The Rock and the Roof The Fourth Tenor Dove inizia e finisce? The Young Criminal Londra-Roma in 10 ore My Lourdes Experience Letters A Terrible Crime Raleigh International Una Nuova Storia COMUNlTA'ITALIANA - Contents DicembreIJanuary p. 5 p. 8 p. 8 p. 10 p.11 p.23 p.30 p.31 p.34 p.35 p.38 Regular Features Due Parole The Hill Cronaca Dall'Italia In Cammino con Carmelo For a Rainy Day Face to Face p. 4 p. 14 p. 18 p.25 p.26 p.39 p.40 Entertainment, Leisure & Sport Cinema Sportlight Italsport Seria "A" Fantasy Football AI.F.L. Tempo Libero Mamma's Ricetta p.41 p.44 p.45 p.46 p. 46 p. 49 p. 50 Notices - A vvisi Chiesa di San Pietro Calendario Noticeboard Dicembre 94/Gennaio 95 Quale done faremo noi? Drawing by Roberta Carbone To advertise in Backhill write to: Anna Advertising Department Backhill Magazine 4 Back Hill London EC1 R 5EN 01718371966 Q 1994 BACKHILL, 136 Clerkenwell Road, p.27 p.51 p.52 LondonEC1 Printed by Sterling Printing Co. Ltd. 164 lIigh Street, Bornet, JIerts, EN65XP 3 tv1rAJIl:if: . ' RIVrSTA DELLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA Due Parole CariAmici, stiamo gia' eamminando nel· I'Avvento: ei avviamo ad incontrare Gesu' nel Natale: veramente Gcsu' 10 abbiamo gia' incontrato .nella nostra vita. Infatti"con iI Ballesimo abbiamo la vita di .Dio dentro di noi: con iI Ballesimo partccipiamo alia vita della Chicsa: sono pensieri molto forti: questi. Non siamo solo delle persone, siilmo anehe una societa': e la soci· eta' non e' un mucchio di persone ehe sono accatastate come dei sacehi di patate; la societa' e' una unione .di singole persone concrete che hanno un cuorc, un'anima. un doIorc, un Padre Roberto Russo coraggio, insomma una vita da portare avanti: singolannente ed insieme. E queste singole persone siamo ognuno di noi: ehe portiamo avanti la nostra vita ,personale e privata, e portiamo avanti la vita della ChicSa: perche' noi siamo la 'Chicsa, voluta da'Dio, naia dalla 'morte e risUrrezione di Gesu'. E cosi' Dio ci ha voluto nella sua chicsa: siamo tanti, ognuno con la propria vocazione fino ad arrivare aI Papa; e la Chicsa e' dove noi viviamo i Saeramenti di Gesu' e dove noi Ii melliamo in pratica nella vita di ogni giorno: noi melliamo in pratica i Saeramenti con la nostra vita person· ale, perche' la nostra vita porta i doni della Sl'irito Santo: 10 Spirito di Dio ci' ha dato i suoi doni nel giorno del nostro Ballesimo: sono tanti e diversi i doni di Dio che portiarito nella nostra anime e che sono la nostra vita: ,per questo .noi viviamo e viviamo insieme: perche' insieme risplendono tutti i doni cbe' Dio ci ha dato: ognuno porta i suoi: e insieme creiamo iI Regno di 010 che e' un Regno di pace, .verita', grazia. amore: quesia. e' la nostra vita di ogni giomo: e ognuno aluta I'altro. Siamo pcccatori, ma non ci fenniamo sui nostri pcccati: ab· biamo i nostri dolori e i nostri problemi: sono la crace che noi port.iamo con. Gesu': la Croce di Gesu' e la nostrlLCroce sono iI nostro cammino di morte e di risurrezione: iI cammino che crca la nostra Chicsa, iI cammino che ci prepara al nostro Natale; iI cammino della nostra preghiera, affinche' iI Signore \?.io, rispondendo alia nostra umile preghiera, ci possa aprire cuorc, mentc, anima, alia fede, cioe' a credere che noi portiamo i doni dello Spirito Santo e Ii portiamo per noi e per gli altri. E' grandiosa la nostra vita: non sciupiamola. Faceiamola rinascere ancora nel giomo del Natale di Gesu'; sara' anche iI nostro Natale. Sara' anche il nostro Natale Advent And here are a few ideas: Advent· is here again. It's the same every yc.,r. And we are so used to it that it's c.'sy to let the significance of the season pass us by. Literally Advent mcans "the coming": for Christians, it is the coming of Christ. It's a time to look baek to his first coming and forward to his sceond. So it's a mixture of celebrating and gelling rc.,dy. The Old Testament voice that cried "Comfort. comfort my peoplel" also cried "Prepare the way for the LOrd." We certainly have something to celebrate. God's coming to our world in the person of Christ is a powerful sign that He has not given up on us. It all happened a long time ago, but it is a fhct (well documented) that is worth hanging on to in the chaotic; frightening world we live in. Advent is the beginning of the Church's yc.,r, so it is a good time to be making resolutions! You and God If you don't do it alrc.,dy, spend a few minutes with God c.,ch day. Say a prayer. slowly and thoughtfully. Read. a part of the Christmas story, or reflcet on a particular word or phrase. For example, you might choose "Emmanuel"·"God with us"' and let your mind and hc.,rt consider what it means for you. You and Your Family Sit down with your family and ask c.,ch member \vhat they sce as most important for a good Christmas. Are you ready? "Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God", December 94/January 95 :tJ;~FlLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA L'ltalia non, condivide L'Italia non Sla facendo ab- dunque, le filosofie deU'Unione eurobastanza per ridurre iI debilo pubblico pea e quella degli esponenli del e occorrono misure aggiuntive per iI govemo italiano sono apparsc diverrisanamenlo deUc finanze deUo Stalo genii. NeUa sua rclazione, infalli, la sccondo gli obicltivi coneordati Ira Commissione punla sulla necessila' di Roma e l'Unionc euroapprofiltarc della buona pea al momenlo deUa congiunlura economica concessione del prcstilO per risanarc le finanze comunitario. E qucsto pubbliebe. migliorarc la I'ammonimenlo che viconvcrgenza delle ene da BruxeUes. dove iI economie e prcscnlarsi commissario agli affari Cosi' con le carte in economici c ·finanziari, regola in visla delle Henning Christophersen. scadenzc prcvisle per ba prescntalo a noveml'Unione monelaria. "u bre Ic previsioni ecomessaggio cbe mannomicbe aUlunnali deldiamo a tulli e' ebiaro: I'csecutivo comunilario. applicale i programmi Ma I'invilo rivolto al di convergenza. Per govemo ilaliano non quanlo riguarda in pardcve lrarrc in inganno: licolare iI caso ilaliano la relazionc di Cbristog1i obieltivi proposli dal pbcrsen e' stata tulta ncl govemo sono inferiori scgno deU·oltimismo. La alle noslrc previsioni. riprcsa economica. dicc La differenza va elimila CommissiOllc. e' ornala e iI modo per ragmai un dalo di falto giungerc queslo risulconsolidalo. E grazie ad lalo e' quello di inlroessa un buon numcro di durre misurc di bilaneio paesi polrebbe arrivarc aggiunlive". ha dello Henning gia' ncl '96 a rispeltare i Christopherscn. Christopherson parametri di Maaslricbl La lesi sostenula inper I'avvio dell'Unionc vece dal minislro degli monelaria, 0 quanlomeno ad avvici- Esteri italiano, e' che "la disciplina narsi in modo significalivo. finanziaria e' innegabilmenle auspicaLa prcsa di posizione deUa Com- bile di per c'.. ma riesce difficile missione c iI ricbiamo aU'Italia arriv- comprcnderc per quale molivo la ana proprio ncl giomo in cui. scmprc convergenza dovrebbe coslituirc una a BruxeUcs. iI ministro degli Esleri precondizione per la rcalizzazione Anlonio Manino sfida l'Europa ccr- della monela comune". Secondo Marcando di riaprire iI dibaltilo sull'Un- lino; ,"qualora continuassimo a perscione monelaria c sui crileri di conver- guirc I'altuale slralegia basala su una genza economica soltoscrilti dal nos- graduale convergenza sccondo i paraIro paese con iI traltalo di Maastricbt: melri di ,Maaslrichl. sara' improbabile crileri cbc Manino definiscc "arbi- raggiungere I'obiellivo di una monela lrari". L'idea che la convergenza unica europea", e si ollerra' I'unico deUe economic sia un prercquisilo per risullalo di dividere l'Ue ·"lra paesi I'unione monelaria. sosliene iI nOSlro "virtuosi", che sono riusciti a soddis.. minislro degli Esteri in un saggio lelto fare i crileri arbilrari di Maaslrichl, e aU'Inslilul Royal dcs Relations Inter- gli allri paesi presumibilmenle inadnalionales. ·"c' polilicamenle perico- alti ad csscre ammcssi al club esclulosa cd economicamenlc fhUacc". e sivo dei virtuosi". "porta aUa divisionc deIl'Europa". Quello che il minislro non dice. L'approccio deciso dai Dodici a ma che invece la rclazione economica Maaslricbl, comunquc, scmprc scc- della Commissione spiallella in modo ondo Manino, "non sembra averc mollo chiaro, e' che I·Ilalia. a meno grandi probabilita' di portare ad una di una radicale correzione di rolta, e' maneta comunc curopc<'l". destinata a divenlare scmpre piu' iI Mai come in queslo momenlo, fanalino di coda dell'Europa. E iI Dicembre 94/Gennaio 95 Andrea Bonanni "club esclusivo dei virtuosi" polrcbbe alia fine aprirsi a lulli 0 quasi lulli i membri dell'Unione, lranno che aU'Italia e alia Grccia. U nostro deficil pubblico, oggi pari aI 9,6%del ProdollO Inlemo Lordo (pi I), sccndera' solo di un punlo nel '95 e arrivera' aI 7.9% nel '96: ben aI di sopra del 3% stabililo a Maaslrichl. A parte la Grecia, lulli gli allri europei fanno mollo meglio di noi. La siluazione dell'indebilamenlo pubblico, poi, c' ancora peggiorc. L'Ilalia si prcscnla quest'anno con un debilo pari aI 123.7% del Pi I, I'anno prossimo salira' al 126.8 e nel '96 dobrcbbe loccarc iI 128.6%. Nel suo saggio su "u fuluro monelario deU·Europa·.... Anlonio Martino non enlra in quesli deltagli. Lo scopo deUa sua relazione e' dimostrarc la ·"faUaeila'" e I'arbilrariela' dei crileri di. Maaslrichl e spezzare una lancia in favorc di una "Costituzione monctaria" che sotlragga il govemo di una fulura mono· ela unica alia banca cenlrale europea Slabilendo, per accordo inlergovernalivo. una scrie di paramelri prcdclerminali che la banca cenlrale dovra" seguire in modo vincolanle per un periodo di alcuni anni. Le previsioni per I'Italia.., Prodolto Inlerno Lordo 1994 1995 Crcscita PiI (%) 2.4 3,0 Inflazione (%) 4,0 3,5 Disoecupazione 1996 3.2 3.5 11,8 11,1 10,4 Deficil (% Pi I) 9,6 Bilancia pagamenli (% Pil) 2,0 8.6 7.9 (%) 2.6 2,9 ,..e queUe per I'Europa (Deficil pubblico in % suI PiI) 1994 1995 1996 G. Bretagna 6,3 4,6 3.4 Francia 3.9 5.6 4.9 Germania 2,9 2.4 2.0 Grecia 14,1 13,2 12.9 Italia 9.6 8,6 7.9 6.2 5,8 4,8 Portogallo Spagna 7,0 6.0 4,7 da -11 Corriere dell. Sen,- 5 ~~~.' B'eautiful Homes .start with ELITES··· LE • I ! I :iJ;~Fll.A COMUNlTA'ITAIJANA TO TREASURE THE BEST MOMENTS OF YOUR LIFE Photographer & Video Producer SA, Spencer Hill - Wimbledon, London SW19 4NY WEDDINGS * BANQUETS COMMERCIAL * STUDIO POR.TRAITS CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHEDAT HOME Phone: 081· 879 1378 Good selection of top quality frames and albums available on request M aria. CLASSICMY?sCS Grace Registered residelltial Care !lome for t!le Elderly THE CLASSIC CHOICE FOR CLASSICAL MUSIC CLASSICAL DISCS CHRISTMAS PARTY AN EVENING OF FUN & GAMES CHAIRED BY PATRICK BADE Welcome to Maria Grace residential Care Home Monday 12th December at 6.30pm * Home/rom Home * The Home where individual tradition v?lue ~s the nooo. Providing24 hour long teoo Resldenllal Care. Short TermlRespite Care, Day Care, CommunitylDomicilial)' Care. A jolly light-hearted affair where there will be some great prizes, including a First Prize of our new Classical Discs Gift Vouchers to the value of £20. For Details Please. Call :- (0622) 755859 31 Buckland Road, Maids!one MEI6 6SL Mr. & Mrs. Cirelli Residenl Proprietors & Managers Registered Nurses-Specialists in the Care of.the Elderly. MEMBER OF K.C.HA Dicembre 94/Gellllaio 95" CLASSICAL DISCS GIFT VOUCHERS COME IN £5 AND £10 VALUES AND MAKE A PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFTII Tickets for the evening are £5 and include mulled wine and mince pies. COiltact: Mario Renzullo 38 Great Queen Street, London WC2B SAA Tcl: 071-4300240 Fax: 071-4300241 7 -b~ " "RIVISTA DELLA COMUNITA'ITALJANA ~ Th'e Rock and the Roof In the early 19th Century the potential benefactors who were prcvi-, Emancipation·Act was passed in Eng- ously suspicious were now won over. land - the emancipation of the Catho-, The fund raising was no miracle 'but Iies,that is. Therefore in the 1850s sheer hard work. The Pallottine Fawhen Vineenzo Pallotti's close col- thers sought finances from as far league R3ffaelc Melia wanted. to, es- afield as Poland. t:lblish a church forJtalians in LOndon·, New plans were drawn up ami it was vie\Vcd' upOn as: very;:ical 'building commencCd on"St. Peter's Church of All Nations. Even the name missionary work." was both, provocative and diplomatic. Provocative beCause St. Peter's could only denote a Catholic church; St. Peter's heir being the Pope. Diplomatic because the title Church of All Nations would not appear to exclude any part of the Catholic communiI)' - though everyone knew it was primamy for the Italian community in whose heart it was built. Yet over the years it has also opened its doors to the Polish, Irish, Spanish and Chinese communities. 'Like all ground breaking ideas the building works went enormously over budget. So much so, that the size of the church had, to be curtailed clear evidence of this is that it is onc of. the few churches with no back entrance. With Fr. Meliainvolved in the dayto-day building works plans changed drastically. Sirnplieity gave way to something more The danger is from above expensive. But aftcr writs, I~w suits, and a various recriminaAt first not all was well. There was still centuries old suspicion of the tions St: Peter's, ' Catholics: so-called Papists \Vcre' not was finafly mi~ popular in England. More importantly, opened in 1863. In the interEnglish Catholies were not comfortable with priests, from Rome. With vening years all this to contend .with, it is not changes have surprising that the original plans taken,. place. The drawn up in the early 1850s for a new SI. Joseph 3000 plus seater church, '\vith 'a mar- arid SI. Vincenzo ble front, large piazza and upper altars were biJilt gallery sC<1ting had to be scrapped and about, 30 years temporarily put to onc side whilst a ago; carpeting miracle eame to hand and a way of was laid; a .new organ and choirfunding the project could be found. The miracle came in the shape of C1rdinal Wiseman, primate of the Some tiles grimly hangi,ng on but Catholic church in England: He wel: with holes corned Fr. Melia and his aide Fr. Faa' appearing the di Bruno and recognized a. need for a evindence seems spiritual base for the growing Ilalian quite obvious community. With his support many 8 Jo Giacon loft added; the mosaic of Christ and t1ie Apostles on the front of the Church arranged. Memorials to the war dead and to those who perished on the Arandora Star erected. Redecoration has occurred intermittently throughout the years, most. recently in ,the 1980s. . '. , Yet esseniially for 130 years nothing has been, done, to the structure of the' Church. Nothing h3s had to be done - until now. Jesus referred to "the sensible man who built his' house on rock". Perhaps he did not say a house with no roof is rio house at all bCcausc it was so obviousI But this is the problem that is facing St. Peter's. Numerous'surveyors have examined the roofs condition and all have stated that if it is not completely renovated in the next few years all or part of it will collapse. The reason for its condition is something that most of us ,will 'come to terms with in our lives - old age. When sitting in the church you will sce a flat ceiling. This ceiling is the floor for a triangular "loft". The roof itself is an inverted '''V'' shape. The original 1C<1d tiles were nailed onto strips of wood which were themselves attached to' the main battens. As you can imagine the tiles themselves have taken 'a considerable battering over the years. Winters can be unkind to roofs. But this is not the primary problem. The mairi trouble is that the nails attaching the tiles to the December 94/Jdnuary 95 -btv1rAJ/I. -P.. RlVISTA DELLA COMUNITA'ITAIJANA battens (and therefore keeping them in plaee) arc quite simply rusting. Good going for 130 years, certainly but nevertheless action must be taken. Look in the church today and you will sce clear enough evidence of the paint peeling. This is where tiles have slipped out of position and the rain has found its way to the ceiling. Under the supervision of the surveyor of the Diocese of Westminster, the plan is to strip the entire roof (which of course includes the Youth Club and the Social Club), rebatten the roof, place a layer of felt (which does not currently exist), examine the quality of the tiles and relay them or replace them where necessary. All this work will be done under the supcrVision of the Lead Development Council and, since St. Peter's is a listed building, there" is a legal obligation to satisty English Heritage. Though this may sCcm a daunting task it is, if done carefully and sensible, only a question of hard work. There is, how.' '.' ever, the question of a miracle. All this costs moneyl The roof has to be renovated and then' the interiOl" has to' be redecorated. Fees have to be paid and building.costs met ~ an estimated £150,000 in total. . St. Peter's Italian Church was origi~ nally built for the Italian Community by money from' 31most . all over the world, Despite its Part ofthe roofthat covers the cuppola where tile are age it seems that the beginning to slip out ofplace Italian Church is Please send any donations to: still needed and used today. However, now the church beSt.Peter's Italian Church longs to the Italian Communily and it RoofRenovation Fund is for us to save her. 4 Back Hill London, ECIR 5EN The Fourth Tenor In my last article I wrote about a pcrformance of La Boheme that I had seen at La Scala, In particular I praised the performance of both Mirella Freni and the young tenor Roberto Alagna. My impression has been co!illrmed by the recent PCr7 formanccs of Goundod's Romco et Juliette at the Royal Opcra' House, here in London. For many years' now the famous three, Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti have ruled the roost. At last another tenor has arrived to challenge their supremacy. His· name? Robcrto Alagna: Having now heard him twice at La· Scala, Alfredo in Verdi's La Traviata and Rodolfo in Puccini's La Bcheme and now twice at the Royal Opcra Hose, Rodolfo again and now, as I write, appc.1ring as.Romeo ·in Gounod's opera, Romeo et Juliette; I am more than convinced. that. he is the natural successor, particularly to Pavarotti. We have bccn .\Vaiting a Jong time for the emergence of another tenor to stand beside the three and now, at last, in .Roberto Alagna we have a tenor .who .has steppcd out from their'" shadows to. take his place alongside. From' now on we' are able to refer to "The Four Tenors" f Dicembre94/Gennaio 9S As Romco it would be impossible to imagine any other tenor who looks and sounds so young. He has a beautiful Iyrie voice that he uses with considerable artistic maturily, employing all the dynamie shading and colour that is. the hallmark of the great singers. At the top of the'range· The challenge to the ruler? the voice, is full and ringing, (what you lialians· refer to as 'squillo'.). Also. he is not afraid to sing with a beautiful inezz:i. voce. I have to go back to the de~.ui, of Pavaiotti as RegSuter Rodolfo at the Royal Opera House in 1963, to recall being so impressed with a lyric voice. The only danger that I can sce is that he \\ill be offered cvery tenor role in the popular repertoire and it would be a great shamc if he were not to stay with the lyric rcpertory for another ten years. Let us hear him'in roles such as the Duke in Rigoletto, Edgardo in Lucia di Lammermoor" Nemorino in L'Elisir d' Amorc, Oronte in I Lombardi etc. Let Aida, Ballo, Trovatore, Tosca wait a while, Ihey will always be therel We have Seen many young singers tempted by money or glamour into singing the wrong roles too early. Alfrcdo Kraus is still singing loday because he has deliberately kept to a restricted repertoire, he is now reaping the benefit. Still singing when many of his conlemporaries have been forgotten. 1. look forward hopefully to hearing Roberto many times in the future. For any of you wishing for an example of his singing I suggest lhat a very fine Christmas present would be the recording of La Traviata from la Scala with Alagna as Alfredo. The conductor is Riccardo Muti and I can recommend the vidco 10 all overs of opera. 9 -b~ " ' 'RIVISTA DF.LLA COMUNlTA' ITAUANA .,J::> Dove ,inizia e finisce? Un anno fa, avevamo fallo pervePer questo, ,e' necessario' che iI nire al Ministero delle Finanze una Govemo con~ I'amnislia completa . nota con la quale si evidenziavano per gli errori di' forma commcssi in alcuni dei problemi incontrati dai passato e la eliminazione delle mulle nostri connazionali residenti all'estero dovute sia per. i ritardi nei pagamenti per qUanto riguarda. sia le;·dichi- cbe per precedenti' errori di sostanza, arazioni ai fini1:IRPEF e ICI' che iI scoperti 'anehe in fase di eontrollo, nei pagarilento di queste due imposte. caSi' in cui iI comPctente ufficio In questa occasione vorrei ricord- fiscale acccrti' la buona fede del are ai ·nostri lellori' alcune delle cose ,contribuente. ehe erano state delle allora e, riproE' necessario, inollrc estendere porle, sperando nel dellO "if at first I'applicabilita' delle norme della you don't succeed, try and try and try legge 75/93 anche ai fini IRPEF la' and try... later". . dove riconoscono come abitazione C'e' da riconosccrC che alcune principale, I'unica casa a disposizione difficolta' incontrate 10 scorso anno cbe iI connazionale resident': all'essono state superate, come per esempio tero possicde in Italia. I'obbligo di allegare ' Le 'recenti alia dichiarazione iI .------.,....------. scadenze 'dei pagaMod. 201 oppure le menli delle imposte ci 'fanno ricordare riccvute dei pagaancora la grande menti che dovevano difficolla' riseoncssere elfelluate entrata dai connazitro il mese di onali ai, memento giugno. E: questo un del pagamento sia fallo positivocbe pero' non elimina le dell'lRPEF cbe delnc/. . sanzioni previste dalla. normativa per 11 pagamento del sccondo accogli errori commcssi' nel pass.1lo. ' nto IRPEF imdava Nella magfallo entro il' 30 gioranza dei casi innovembre scorso e falli, i cilladini resistando alia 'nOrmadenti all 'estero tiva 31luale, poteva hanno commesso eressere effettuato rori ed irregolarita" tramitc Bonijico non percbe' volBancario intestato alia scde centrale di evano fare i .furbi, ma per difficolia' una banca italiana. oggelliye e per genuina ignoranza L'ICI, l'lmposta Comunale Immo" biliare, deve invecc essere pagalo dal della specifica nomativa. Inolire, iI ciltadino ilaliano resi- primo al venti dicembre. Vi ricordo cbe licr iI pagamento di dente in Gran Bretagna paragona e si adegua al sistema di questo Pacsc questa imposta erano stale impartite dove non esiste la prassi dell'auto- delle regole precise,verso la fine dello dicbiarazione: iI Comune invia al scorso anno cbe prevcdevano due tipi contribuente I'importo dovuto in di versamenti: Bonijico bancario da tempo utile mentre trallandosi di irre- versare in favore del Consorzio Nazigolarita' venute a galla durante i onale tra i Conccssonari del Servizio conlrolli da parte del, fisco, una voila di riscossione. prcsso la scde ccntrale acccrtatane la' mancanza di dolo, vi- della Banca di Roma 0 Vaglia pos/ale ene cbiesto ,all'interessato quanto do- in/ernazionale in favore dello' stcsso Consorzio localizzato prcsso l'Ulfccio vulo maggiorato degli inlercssi. Del resto, la drastica azione di P.T.' di Roma- EUR Inollre, iI concoscienle evasione da parte del cit- tribuente dovcva inviare, per raccotadino residente all'esteronon e' mandata, al Consonio Nazionale tra i fheilme!1te giustificabile se si i>ensa al 'Coneessionari del' Servizio' di r;'scossione, eOpia dellariccvuta del pagamodesto importo de1'tributo dovuto. 10 PietroMolle mento ed iI modello di bollellino dcbitamente compilato. ' Ci giunge ora la notizia che queste regole non sono state rhtnovate per i pagamenli di quest'anno.e quindi I'unico modo per poter pagare.questa imposta e' quello di rccarsi in ltalia cd effelluare iI pagamento di quanto dovuto direttamente, al conccssionario del comune in cui e' situaio I'immobile.. Nei casi in cui si hanno piu' immobili in diversi comuni e' necessario rccarsi in ogni comune, fare la coda tipica italiana cbe non si sa mai dove 'inizia e dove finiscc; 'e 'sperare nella buona sorte. E' questo un comportamento non acccttabile da parte di un govemo ebe da umi, parte melle iI contribuenle residente all'estero nella impossibilita' di elfelluare :i1 pagamento e dall'allo strombctta su tUlli 'i versanti la guerra alia cvasione. Ma 'ammcsso ·che, come, si suol farc; iI Ministero decide all'ulliJria ora di rinnovare le normi di pagamcnto in vigore 10 scorso anno, sin da ora ribadiamo cbe i predelli tipi di versamento sono estremamente onerosi per iI contribuente residente all'estero e in molli casi iI costo'delle opernzioni bancarie (tassa di spedizione, tassa di cambio, cambio maggiorato) aggiunto a quello delle spesc postali (costo delle raceomandate) e' superiore alI'importo dovuto al Fisco ed ai Comuni. " Per questo riproponiamo le seguenti richieste: I. riconoscimento di tulle le spcse relative al versamento, quale onere detraibile nella' misura del 100% sia dall'lRPEF cbe d.,II'ICI; oppure 2. possibilita" di versare tulle e due le imposte (IRPEF cd ICI) ad un ente bancnrio operante a Londra cbe, opportunamente . convcnzionato, non ehicde al contribuente iI pagamento delle spesc,bancarie. 3. in ogni caso, e' ·necessario portare il Iimite di esonero dal pagamento 'delle imposte da Lire 20.000 (IRPEF) e da Lire 4.000 (ICI) ad almeno Lire 60.000. Questa proposta non tende ad ell':nere nuovi, privilegi per gli emigrati masolo 'i1 dirillo di non essere discriminati 'ncL confronti del 'contribiIente residentc in Italia. December 94/January 95' :1f:.~FlLA COMlJN1TA'rrAUANA Y Dung Criminals SirJohn Smith This month we begin a series of extracts from a speech given recently entitled "Young Criminals - are they born or made? How far can we predict and prevent the development of juvenile crime" given by Sir John Smith, Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. Recent evidence suggests that "Yummy'" Sandifer. According to a more of our young people arc turning local shop keeper he had always been to erime at an earlier age. Many of in trouble:"He stood there on the the crimes are drug-related and often corner", he said '''and strong-armed involve the use of knives or, even other kids. No onc is sorry to sec him occasionally, firearms. Though these gone". children arc presently in a very small Though onc of the more harrowminority, I am very distressed by the ing, this event was not unique in developing. trend. America or even in Chicago during that week at the end of August - nor is it in any other week. The US Picture Every two hours an American What eaused me to focus on this child is killed by a bullet. Homicide problem was an incident that hapvictims and killers are gelling pened when I was in Ameriea reyounger eaeh year. The 'Justice Decently. I found the story shocking and partment talks of "a crisis of violence its implieations very worrying. by and against juveniles". More and One Sunday night in August, 14more American children are now year-old Shavon Dean was running an errand near her home in Chicago's sough side when she was shot in the head. She died almost instantly. Another teenager, Sammy, was playing football nearby. He fell to the ground when he felt a bullet enter his hand. The shots had been fired from close range by ll-year-old Robert Sandifer, armed with a semi-automatic weapon. He was on a mission of gang revenge when he mistakenly killed young Shavon and injured Sammy. It is likely he shot his victim from such close range to colleet points and gain rank within his gang. "Yummy" as Robert Sandifer was A liability disposed of know, because of his love of chocolate bars and biseuits, spent the next involved in violent acts -' they are three days on the run being shullled .killing and being killed in record from house to house by fellow teen- 'numbers. age gang members. Before he could The' trend has been developing give himself up - which he had over the last decade. Since 1981, intended to do - they took him out of hon*ide arrests of juveniles in mettown. His body was found lying in the ropolitan areas have tripled and, overmud in a railway underpass with two all, violent crimes committed by juvebullet wounds in the back of his head. niles in America have shown a 47% '''Yuminy's'' notoriety had made him increase in the last ten years. Figures a liability to his gang, so Ihey got rid for younger children show the same of him. gro\\th: arrests of children younger His funeral in mid-September at- than ten for violent crimes have tracted mothers illld cider brothers jumpcd50% over the same 10 year bringing little children to view the period. Wcapons are now being confissmall corpse and 'teddy bear lying in their .coffin. They hoped the sight cated in significant numbers in might haunt the children long enough American schools. Some are employto keep them safe. But few mourned ing seCurity guards to keep students Dicembre 94/Gennaio 95 moving in school corridors and to prevent loitering, Pupils must produce ID cards on demand. Schools in the urban districts of New York, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington are scanning pupils for fireanns each morning. A Family Division Judge commented Kids kill because somcone looked at them the wrong way or someone told them to shoot - and they did". There is· growing pressure on American courts to try some juvenile offenders as young as 14 in adult courts. And the US now has more young people in jail than ever before, Many of these young offenders belong to urban gangs. Gang leaders called "ministers" - usually in their 30s and 40s - recruit children to use as drug runners and hit-men because they are too young to be seriously punished if caught. Homicides resultinB from gang activity have increased sixfold in the four ycars to 1993 in Phoenix, Arizona and the city has now introduced a nightly curfew for teenagers. Of course I am not saying that these matters dominate all life on the other side of the Atlantic or that they affeet every citizen. But they are happening and American people are aware of them. I do not wish to be alarmist but I believe it is possible to sec similar, albeit slowly .~ng, trends to those already present in the United States starting to develop in the UK, even though the so-called gun cullure and re.1dy availability of firearms does not exist here. Continued next issue 11 -b~ ,;J;> RIVISrA DELLA COMUNrrA' ITALIANA THE GARTHHOTEL BANQUETING & CONFERENCE SUITES The hotel has two new purpose built conference al'ld banqueting suites capable of accommodating up to 300 people. Each suite IS elegantly furnished and equipped to the highest standards with purpose built bars, full audio visual and lighting facilities, which help to provide the atmosphere for any occasion. A selection of menus are available for banquets with an emphasis on Italian cuisine. For more information or a brochure pack please contact Mr Marino at the Hotel. G~" GARTHHOTEL Ikndon W,y' Cri,klcwood' London NW2 2NL RESERVATIONS 081.,.209 1511 12 December 941JuIIlIUry 95 Oggetti Religi'osi Potete trovare tutti gli oggetti religiosi per: Prima Comunione, Cresima, Matrimoni, Benedizione del Papa; Rosari,Bibbie, Statue, it Nuovo Catechismo delta Chiesa Cattolica, quadri, ecc... Melis Interior Designs SJI('('ialisl Curtain Mahr Modern & Antique Upholsh'ry allll R('pai,'s SHOWROOM: 2\ IIigh Su>'" Wahhl1ln Cro,,, lIerts ENB 7AA Tel. 0992 65\ 114 Fax. 0992 652333 bomboniere tulle confetti fiori BOMBONIERE NELLA PIU' SELLA TRADIZIONE ITALIANA , ~ ~ Dicelllbre 941Gennaio 95 Claudia Simioni 77 Pine Walk Carshalton Beeches Surrey SMS 4HA Tcl: 081-6427 172 COllfeziolle e Posa ill Onera: TCIidaggi . Tappezzeri~ . Tende Vertieali . CopriIetti . Trapunte. Rieopertura e Restauro di Salotli e Sedic. Vasto Assortimento di Tessuti e Parati Coordinati. . Interpellated! L'lvorazionc Arligianalc Italiana IJt~r1umfo ~.t:4.X Som:HlillO 13 -b~ ..P RlVISl'A DEIU COMUNITA'ITALlANA The Hill France.!!co Luigi Lurati Final Episode Well dear readers, Christmas is almost upon us, and I'm sure' that most of my generation will be enjoying time spent with families and grand children. I hope 'like myself that you. have discovered the joy of growing older and wiser together. When in the years gone by you viewed the dreaded approaching milestones ('God I'll be thirty on my next birthday'), with apprehension, you would go the mirror, your face for the signs of the ravages of time, breathe a sigh. of relief, nothing yet. You may be wondering what I' am going on about! I just want to share with you the knowledge that cach passing decade is as wonderful as the last. Merry Xmas & A Happy New Year to you all. At the conclusion of last months article we left Giuseppe, Franccsco's fhthcr, in France where during the Great' War his artistry was put to use painting the epitaphs on the crosses of the fallen. With the war behind him he returned home, to his wife and thrce little girls, Agnese, Teresa and Margherita. His parents celebrated the annistice with the birth of Franccsco, our story teller. I leave the rest to him. "My father as an artist, self taught by regular visits to the library in Holloway Road, mastered water-<:olours, oil-painting, tempcra (colours mixed with the white of an egg) portraits, etching, lithography, wood carving, fresco (painting on fresh plaster as in the 'Capclla Sistina', almost every aspect of art. My father although born here in England, was ardently drawn towards Italy, cradle of his religion and his art. He encouraged me to learn a poem. I recall the first stanzas: L'csula colla, lontano suI orizzontc Ovc, tingendo di Rosa iI Monte, Pur ora iI sole nel mar disccse Et il mio Paese VornS pos,1nni coll'aura molle Sui primi fiori del natio colic Baciar con dolce 'malinconia La TerraMia IJ tempio e I'ara ove primiera scan 14 Olive Besagni Feci al Signore la prima pregWera, ,E' come puro raggio de stella I'almit era bella In our garden in Beresford Road, Highbury Papa built a swing decorated with trellis ,work and a seesaw, although, the street was the great attraction with all the other boys and girls - and the games: skipping, cricket, football, whipping-tops, spinning tops, tin- can- copper, five sticks, marbles, conkers, ,Jimmy, Jimmy naeko.. various games played with cigarette cards - all had their seasons. . I Went to Italy for the first time in 1929, With the Colonic Estive. The faseio at that time, was at 98 Gt Russell St, by the' British Museum. We lined up outside in the road and marched to Victoria Station to entrain at 22.00 hours. My father and some of my sisters, with other 'families, came along. I was particularly glad of this because Papa' carried my "zaino" (rucksack).. We were two nightS and three days on the train. The train chugged through Belgium, France, Germany and Switzerland, picking up boys and girlS from the various towns. The train became longer and ,1,onger: engines at front, centre and back. Between the carriages there were observation platforms, open, like verandas, so that onc could feel part of the countryside. At around 05.00 hours, on the second morning wc arrived at Chiasso. The sun was not up, it was a cold, grey and misty morning. In a daze I heard "Lurati" being called up and down the platfonn. I peered out of the window and became aware of a crowd of people calling for ME! Upwards of fifty relatives: Pap's Zio Eugemio, 81 years old, down to Cugino Flaviano, 4 years old, in a black velvet suit with a frilly blouse: Cugino Giulio, ten years my sen- Francesco on his wedding day December 94/January 95 :1f:.~FJLA COMUNtTA'ITAlJANA During the Procession ior, lined me down from the high 'carriage window the doors were locked. I was shivering, half awake: Non hai qualehecosa calda da: metterti?" Of course" I had been well fitted out but had not thought of putting on the thick grey 'woollen pullover that nestled in my "zaino". Giulio called for my "za· ino"- and .discovered my pullover, meanwhile these wonderful people plied me with gifts, chocolate, cakes, uva, peaches, pere ... I handed them up to my companions hi the carriage and was taken to the station buffet where I was given warm goat's milk, the goats having just come down from the farm. I remember the great marble halls of "La Stazione di Milano" where we were all welcomed with a colazione of caffelatte etc. and divided into groups, to be sent to various mountain or sea resorts. I still have one of my arm bands which we wore during our stay, I was nine years old, I wept many tears of homesickness during those first days, but the warmth of hospitality and sun soon dispersed as .. ,, ,these tears. My first memories of my Palria ,L'Alabandiera with a prayer each morning, and the ensuing 8 weeks of a wonderful holiday are ,indelibly etcheQ' forever 'in my memory. This was the first of many such holidays with the Fascio (A fact which sealed my fate during the last war). When I arrived home, I was greeted 'with "We have a surprise for you!" • "What is it?". '''Something live'" - A rabbit" _·'·'Where is it?" - "Upstairs". I went up to my parents bedroom and, there, at last, was a brother Eugenio!. So ignorant? .... rather so innocent we were in those days that this was the first that I knew tt', of what was happening. Prior to this in 1926, my bed was by the side of my parents'; One night I was aware of a bit of a stir and'my bed was moved to the far corner of the rooin, behind the washstand - In Ihe morning I awoke to find that Maria had joined our happy band, on the 2nd February Candlemas Day. In 1945 I just skipPed ,"All fools day" and married Delfina Maria Rossolti on the 2nd April • she had waited for me - I don'i'know why throughout the four years of my internment - we are still living Happy Ever After". Francesco, Lurati... thank you.. We wish all our readers a Very Merry Christmas Dicembre941Gennaio 95 15 :!J;~ELLA • COMUNITA'ITALIANA . ,.E, '~anc and~ons Locksmiths • KEYS CUT WHILE-U-WAIT • • LOCKS SUPPLIED & FITTED • • DIGITAL DOOR LOCKS. elNTERCOM SYSTEMS SUPPLIED & FITTED • • SECURITY GRILLS SUPPLIED & FITTED • • FAST & EFFICIENT SERVICE, • - .-BoseH - MAKITA - ELU Power Tool Centre . Macpherson ~ TRADE PAINT CENTRE Head Office 329/331 GRAYS INN ROAD LONDON WCIX 8BZ SUPER CENTRE *~ _oc_.. . _.. '" flarrl·S ~)I(_.<OOl;_, PAINT BRUSH & ROLLER CENTRE TEL: 071-2788628/1308/6014 Branches Also At: 16 20 GOLDHAWK ROAD SHEPH~RDS BUSH LONDONW12 4 CROWNDALE ROAD CAMDENTOWN LONDON NWl 2TU 22 PANCRAS ROAD KINGS CROSS . LONDON NWl 2TB TEL: 081-7496909/081-746 1347 TEL: tl71-387 6782 TEL: 071-833 4736 December 94/Jallllury 95 It , . ITALIAN RESTAURi\NT' 150 Southampton Row London WCl 'U 071-8374584/5837 ,. Open 11.30am until 11pill. WE WELCOME WEDDINGS, BANQUETS AND PARTIES IN OUR COMPLETELY REFURBISHED DOWNSTAIRS RESTAURANT SilNDWICH BiIR I FORSilLE STUDIO PARIS SMALL WELL SITUATED AND ESTABLISHED BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF LONDON NEAR THE BANK STATION WITH A GOOD TURNOVER. A Personal & Friendly Service for Your Wedding Day PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO THIS EASILY RUN, RECENTLY REFURBISHED BAR WOULD IDEALLY SUIT A SMALL FAMILY. Colour, Black & W1Ilte and Hand-Tinted Photographs presented in Hand·Made Italian Leather Albums. FOR FURTHER DETAILS AND APPOINTMENTS TO VIEW PLEASE PHONE: Other Services Also Available: Two·Camera Video. Commercial, SOCial & P.R. 071-6262159 (Daytime) 081-445·5748 (Evenings) PLEASENO AGENTS Dicembre 9,4/Gen1!aio 95 17 -b~ ~. RMSI'A DELLA COMUNITA' ITALIANA Cronaca attivita' della comunita' Allravcrso un accordo con 1'1Association of. the British Italian Pensioners NAS, iI Sindacato Pcnsionati ltaliani ha dcciso di CSSCrc operativo sui tcrritorio italiano c su qucllo inglese. Si c' quindi formata l'ABIP'con iI Cav. Biasi alia Prcsidcnza c MrGiimni !)earpa.comc 'Scgrcatrio 'Nazionalc FNP-CISL-UK. Qucsta Assoeiazionc'vuolc csscrc I'appoggio moralcdcll'Anziano c ncllo stcsso tcmpO difcndcrc i suoi dirilli. 11 Scgrctario Scarpa ha affcrmato' chc i governi devono considerarc i pensionati come i cittadini che piu' di tutti hanno contribuito alia cassa. della Stato, costruendo quel bencssere di eui la Societa' alluale gode quotidianamente. Dalla sinistra: Sig. Scarpa, segL'Anziano, ha continuato iI Segretario Scarpa, e' un elemento vivo e operante retario Generale FNP-CISL; Sig. in tutti i sellori della Societa': ed e' determinante nella vita della Societa' con iI Rapa. Direttore INAS; Jack patrimonio di csperienza e di profcssionalita', mcsso a disposizione delle nuove Jones,del Trade Union NEP; generazioni. Comm. LonginoW; Cav. Biasi L'ABIP ha fallo sentire subito la sua prcsenza conereta con la protcsta dei dellaMAIE; Sig. Spaczinski del pensionati iialiani, rcsidenti in Inghilterra, comtro i tagli alle ,pensioni proposti dal . DSS; e C,:,mm. Rizzi Governo. L3 protcsta c' stata organizzata venerdi' 14 ollobre 1994.in coneom~ tmiza alla'.sciopero generale dituttc le ciltegorie, in Italia. Iiisieme allo.~iopero generale in Italia del 19 novembre, si svolgeranno qui altre manifetazioni di Foto: Salvatore Mancuso protcsta. L.' ABIP difende la dignita' dei nostri pensionati. [Catholic WoDi.en Association) Sabato 22 ollobre vi e' stata la solita fcsta delle C.W:k. Quando dico la solita fcsta" intendo .dire che.lo spirito di queste nostre Signore non tramonta inai. Non conoscono' la fatica, e, con iI passare degli amii, diventano sempre piu' pimpanti. La fcsta e" stata un succcsso sotto tulli i punti di vista: quello che a me piacc di piu'," e' la gente ehe si diverte e si rasserena e si uniscc· nell'amicizia, con la bencdizione di Dio. Foto: P. Russo [ An Outing with Don Carmclo ) On Saturday 29th October, Don Carmelo and friends went for an outing at Villa Scalabrini. A convoy of cars len the Italian chureh and trailed up the A I. As we,arrived ,we were greeted by Padre Vico. We had a get-together filled with' talks and discussions .follo\vcd by a Buon Appetito lunch cooked by our very own Chef Vincc. The group sOcialised.,and, dcispite "the rain outside, turn'cd the day into an memorable' family event. • We hope to organise another, outing in the near future:.. ' - 18 December 9-1IJanllary 95 [ ) Bruno BergOlliied Amici 11 nostro caro Bruno Bcrgonzi ha organizzato una festa per sostcncre i lavori che si fanno ncl Club. E' un vero arnico ed e'stalo aiutato da altri earl amici: tutti banno contribuito con entusiasmo e diverti" mcnto. Grazie, cari Amici, 'non' solo pc r I a ' somma rac.colla, ina anchc' perehe' avete sapUlO creare fra di noi un arnbicntc di scrcnita' e', di festa, ncl nome dcr Signore. " " ,['\., 'Viola Club '-'-'--,--'--'......) --''-_ _....:...,..;.;:--' Viola Club: Mareello Maneini, Presidenle; Poolo Biscioni, Consigliere; Kevin Tempeslini•. Viee-Presidenle;' MassilllO Cregul, Tesoriere. Folo: Dennis Ralllsey Oggi, 2? ollobrc 1994, qui a Londra si c' dato formalmcnte iI via alia costituzionc dcl primo Viola Club per I'lnghillcrra grazie all'idea di due fiorentini residenli nclla capitatc britannica, Kevin Tcmpcstini e MarceIlo Mancini, 'c ealorosamcnte sostcnuta da allri tifosi dcl)a Fiorenlina in gran partc attivi nel .cenlro finanziario della City. Questa fondazione vuole rapprescntare la palpitante cert= di vedcre quanto prima la Fiorenlina di nuovo protagonista nelle coppe curopce. Nella riunione con i soci fondatori sono state decisc le cariche sociali ehc saranno operative appena espletatc le formalita' previstc. il Presidente sara' iI Sig. Marcello Mancini, Vice-Presidcnte iI Sig. Kevin Tcmpcstini, Scgrctario iI Sig. Carlo Posarelli e Tesoricre iI Sigo" Massimo Cregul. 'La scdc sociatc c' loealizzata prcsso iI prestigioso albergo Hyde park Hotcl per gentilc concessionc dcl suo fiorcntinissimo Dircllorc Paolo Biscioni nco-Consiglicre del Viola Club Londra. La cerimonia di inaugurazione e' prevista per la sceonda meta' di novembre all'auspicata prescnza dcl Console Generale, DOll. Luca Brofferio, socio onorario, nonche' di esponenli della Socicta' Calcio Fiorentina e con iI patrocinio dclla Cassa di Risparmio di Firenzc. A mille miglia da Fircnze un allro Viola Club si unisce ai numerosi gia~ esistenti ovunque per incitarc appassionatamcntc la Squadra: Alc' Viola!lI Catholic Police Guild ) [ 1.-_--_--.:.'---On Wednesday 9 November the annual solemn requiem mass for all deceased Police Officers' in the United Kingdom took place at Westminster Cathedral. In the photograph we sce Fr. Carmeto \\lth Conor Dunne, a parishioner at SI. Peter's, and a senior Police officer, Foto: Robin Ilumphreys Dieembre 94/Gimnaio 95 19 ~.'. Cronaca ( continua da pagina 19 Mazzini-Garibaldi Dinner & Dance l This memorable and important annual event took place in the deluxe setting to the Napoleon Suite at the Cafe' Royal on the evening of the 12 November 1994. There was a large gathering of members and friends who combined the youth •and experience of the' club and its present membership. The 'guest of honour was ,Dott. Luea BrolTerio, the Italian Consul General who attended with his lady wife, Manucla and other special guests were Lord Charles Forte, the Patron of the Club with Lady Irenc also in attendance: the 'Club's Hon. President Comm. Lino , Q u a r a d e g h i n i ' and wife lole, with Mrs 'Tcresa Preston, Mr Brett McLean and MrScrgio, Viggiani and his daughtcr Franccsea adorning the top table with Padre RObCrto Russo of St.Pcter's Italian Church and Padre GiaJldomenico of the Sealabrini Centre. A splendid meal WaS accompal)ied by delightful 'music performed by Caludio Allodi and his orehestra and the Club ,President Gino'Bastiani"who attended with his wife Rita, Welcomed the guests with a review'of the past years' event ,and a fOCus of'the future. "" " • , Dott.Luea BrOlTerio made an impressive speech on behalf of the guests during which he announced the launch of the "Mazzini-Garibaldi Club Flood, Appeal'" which has been set up with the Istituto Baneario San Paolo Di Torino, Wren House, 15 Carter, Lane, Londn, EC4V SSP for the victims of the flood disaster which has swept through Italy in ! recent weeks. The :Vice-President of the Club, Avvocato John Zani who attended with his wife Cinthia, supplemented the, Consul's speech by 'expanding on the flood tragedy and by encouraging people who were in attendance not to forgeUhose less fortunate than thcmselves. During the course of the evening £4,600 was raised' for the, fund' from generous donations to the Auction. The Committee wish to thank all of those who supported the Appeal so generously. Particular thanks go to Lord Charles Forte, Mr Brett McLean and Mrs Teresa Preston in their generosity in relation thereto. It was a truly memorable evening for those who attended and a happy cordial atlllosphere was created,and enjoyed by all who stayed dancing through to the early hours. ' For those who wish to donate to the Flood Appeal please contact: Isiluto Btlncario SanPaolo Di Torino. Wren House. 15 Carter Lane. London. EC4V 5SP Tel: 0171-2/4 8000 ' , Account no. 38120000/ All proceeds will be going to the Italian Red Cross and the appeal will be closed at the end ofDecember '/994. Above from leflto right: Lord Forte, Sig.ra Bastiani, Doll. Brofferio. Gino Bastiani (president). Sig.ra BroJferio and John Zani (Vice-President). Right: Guests ofHonour - .foto: Salvalore Mancuso 20 December 94/January 95 . ~tViAtIl- P • RIVISl'A DEILA COMUNITA'rrALIANA I Backhill Golf Tournament Congratulations to Vinccnzo Vietro, a member of Hampstead Golf Club and the London Italian Golfing Society with a handieap of 9, who became the winner of the inaugural BACKHILL Matehplay golf knockout competition in aid of Leukaemia Research, beating Giovanni Romagnolo in a close final. Vietro, Romagnolo and the losing semi-finalists Victor Deritis and Nello Benaeei were presented with their prizes at the London Italian Golfing Society Meeting held at Walton heath Golf Club on Thursday 3rd November. The tournament, which attracted entrants from a variety of clubs has so far raised £450 for Leukaemia Research. The organiser, Peter Cicconc, would like to express his thanks and gratitude to the competitors for .their co-operation in cnsuring the competition ran smoothly, and those kind people who were unable to participate but made generous donations 10 this worthy cause. Anyone wishing to contribute to this cause is requested to' send their donation 10 BACKHILL. Details of the 1995 tournament, when Vinee will be defending his title, will be published carly in the new year. Top: Vinee Vietro. winner ofthe tournament, with runner-up Giovanni Romagnolo. Right: Semi-jinalist Nello Benaeci. Giovanni Romagnolo. tournament organiser Peter Cieeone., Vinee Vietro and semi-jinalist Victor Deritis Foto: Salvatore Mancuso 1 {\.__C_e_r_im_o_n_ia_a_B_r_o_o_ID_V_O_O_d Domenica 6 novembre, alia presenza dell'Ambasciatore d'ltalia Giacomo Allolico, delle autorita' militari e civeili italiane e di numerosi rapprcsentanti dclla collctivita' italiana in Gran Brctagna. si e' celebrata al Cimitcro Militare di Brookwood la solcnnc cerimonia di commcmorazione tradizionale e dedicata agli italiani caduti in gucrra. FOIo: Salvatore Mancuso { Lipizzi e Amici I '--~-~ Sabato 12 novembre nella Bishops Douglass School, vi e' stata una festa: come al solito bella e grandiosa, accompagnata dalle notc dell'orchestra Vesuvio. E' stata organizzata da Mr. Lipizzi e dai suoi Amici: gcnte allcgra, dinamica, simpatica, c.~pacc di organizzare feste in cui tUlli si divenono ed in cui si raccolgono soldi per opere valide. Quella sera la festa era per sostcncrc le spesc dclla squadra sponiva AC Italia e per le spcsc del tello della Chiesa. -11 nostro Lipizzi,- aiutato dalla generosita' degli Amici, ha raccolto £1925 per la AC Italia c altre £1925 per la Chiesa Jtaliana. E' veramentc un notcvole aiuto che ci commuove c ci incoraggia. La nostra comunita' italiana e' sempre fantastic.~. Dieembre 941Gennaio 95 21 • :tJ;~ELLA COMUNITA' ITAUANA L'ASSQCIAZIONE DEI PIACENTINI IN GB • . Q9{U?WJ<a cd :JaOi :kJoi e ~ cvnUoi WJ// eft Q/VataIe dr; juu:e e dr; bene ed WWJUt/Jwta d 0jY~ .. + '\ .. OO/n Wena & cffhuJ d'~ :Jf.~;.~ ~~ 8akw 31 PiJ~ 7.3Ojwn - ~ 1.9.94 I AI : 2.30Cl/Jn at ~~ 81~~ 8~-, Pl5u1ce 8tmd o/)f/1 ~I la ~ d W()/}1y'tkuo- et; Wkudw QQtt~. Q9{ /)Jw:<a<PJw!te .<iljUl/J1ta/JtWj~ Uda Q9f-lt11.00 !YJCVJwU()/Jw-, Qo/;I e W~I ~ a 6Ce1ta - fJlJ~ £50.00 ~,.--.. Q9;1.. Q9!/. !YJ~ - 081-76'.9 8/;.97 PiJ. ~ - 081-546' 815.9 .. j 22 i>eceliiber 94/J~1II11ary 95 I :tJ;~mLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA 'Londra-Roma in 10 ore L'Europa Eurostar viaggia a oltre 300 km all'ora••• e Londra-Roma in meno di died ore di treno diventa realta'. "Dope I'allacciamento ferroviario a gran velocita' Ira Londra e Parigi, c Londra e Brussels, c' la volta di acccllerare la viabilita' della commu-. nieazioni su strada ferrata tra Londra c Roma." 11 viaggio in treno tra le due ultime metropoli che attualmcnte non c' infcriore allc ventidue ore, dovrcbbc aggirarsi intomo allc nove orc cntro i prossimi quindici anni;. Qucsto quanto ha affcrmato il ministro dci trasporti italiano I'onorevolc Publio Fiorc, in visita ufficiale a Londra per incontrare il ministro dei trasporti britannico. L'onorcvolc Fiorc ha approfittato dcll'occasionc per vedere il tcrrninale intemazionale della stazione ferroviaria dfWaterloo. Londra-Roma in J0 ore: sara " una realta' 0 rimarra un sogno? Attualmentc, il pregetto. per la costruzione di una linea fcrroviaria a gran velocita' che unisea Londra c Roma c' ancora in attesa di ottcnere I'approvazione definitiva. Una volta approvato, si dara' la via alia crcazione di un tunnel alpino della lunghezza di SO km per metterc in comunicazione la Francia e ('Italia all'altezza di St Jean de Maurienne e Suse. La cos!Juzione del tunnel durcra' all'incirea sei anni. Pcr qucst'opera sara' ncccssario l'intcrVcnto di fondi privati per un ammont.1rc cquivalcntc al 60% dcl totale eapitale richicsto. Visto che talc progctto vcdc protagoniste alcunc delle aree piu' industrializzatc d'Europa, la raccolta Dicembre 941Gennaio 95 di fondi non rapprcsenta un prob· lema. L'onorevole Fiore ha infatt puntualizzato che gli investitori sono disposti a rischiare le loro disponibilita' economiche qualora queste g1i possano fruttare un rcddito sicuro e le zone 'in ques· tione sono zone di investimento si· ciuo. 11 progetto e' . gia' al centro dell'interesse di piu' paesi della Comunita' Euorpea poiehe" costiluisce un punlo d'incon· tro Ira due importanli assi transeuropei: da1 canale della Maniea aWl· talia meridionale e dalhi penisola ibcriea all'Austria e ai paesidell'Europa dell'est, attraverso iI ,corridoio ferroviario dell'ltalia scttentrionale, 11 termine ·"a1tavelocita'" e' comunemenle usalo per dcscrivere i scrvizi ferroviari che, negli ultimi deccnni, hanno miglioralo la velocita' operazionale e ridotto i tempi di viaggio. La velocita' massima raggun-' gibile • attualmente ollre i 300 kmIh • dipende dalle caratteristiche geografiehe, demografiche cd economiche della regione che questi treni attraversano. I primi treni ad alta velocita" iniziarono a operare in Giappone nel 1964 cd in Europa nel 1981. In Europat i treni ad "al13 velocita"" sono il TGV - vanlo delle ferrovie franc;esi (SNCF), la linea "diretissi· ma" che unisce Roma e Firenze c, nalurahnenle, la nuova linea dell'Eurostar c!>e dal 14 novembre copre le distanze .Londra-Parigi e I.on4ra-Bruscls in tre ore cirea: • Secondo alcune statistiche, iI traffico e' triplieato negli ultimi 20 anni e la erescita scmbra inarrestibile. Le opportunita" di far fronle a questo volume di traffico sono gia" immense e l'Eurostar ne e' la prova. 11 tramco aumentando ulleriormenle alimenta una cresccnle domanda del servizio ferroviario destinato a migliorare nella qualita' e ad espandersi in tutti i paesi europei, . Monica PeJligrineJli ,, MinsiriJ Fiore relax suI Eurostar L'allo sviluppo tecnologico delle infrastrutture ferroviarie dei prossimi aimi accorcera' ulteriormenle 10 spazio e i tempi, di viaggio per i passeggeri. E soprattutto, iI viaggio su rotaia rappresentera' un importanle mezzo di transito delle merei destinato a prendere il sopravvenlosul trasporto su gomma. Tutto questo andra' a beneficio dell'ambienle, delle comunita' coinvolle nella costruzione delle nuove strade ferrale, e di tUlta I'industria che vcdra' una diminizione dei costi di produzione. L'Eurostar marca 1'1nizio di una nuova epoca del viaggio su rotaia: l'Europa fa un a1tro passo verso la scoperta delle diversi lingue, abitudini e costumi delle genti che la popolano, e ognuno di noi ha ulleriori possi· bilita' di conscere e arricchirsi culturalmenle. EUroJtar Londra·Parigi offre al pubblico Ire combinazioni Ji \liaggio: "Discovery Gold", £/95.00 - viaggioandata e n'loma in prima classe comprensivo del pasta e della possiblUta°di combiare le date dellaprenotazione. "Discovery"'. £155.00· viaggio andala e ri·, toma in stconda clone con la pos.sibilita'" di cambiare la data dipreno1azione. "Discovery Special"•. £95.00 '. \';oggio an.. data e n'tomain second clane con l'obbligo della prenorazione flssa della data di viag. gio almeno 14 giomi prima della data di portemo. . 23 . adr/tJI/- -b ? . RIVISI'A DELLA COMUNlTA'ITALlANA ASSOCIAZIONEAMICI di CASANOVA·VALCENOLONDHA COMrrATO £SECUTJVO Pre~nl.: ea.... 8tuno Lus&rdi 12 Cor»lOn GarcJens Wembfey. '-WCI'll. HA9 8SO T.sort6,.~ ~v. UtI, f1Qrll"do Rllli S Protht1'O Gard$1'\$ londonttN43SJ Tet:(>SI·90-4 \390 rei:. 081·202 6667 S&gret~flo: Franee> luUtCSt 46 Coni$lon Gard'en$ Wet'r"J:PJy. Moddle. HAg 3SO ret ~1·908 4299 Cena e Ballo 'al Royal Lancaster Hotel Lancaster Terrace (by Lancaster Gate Tube Station) Sabato 31 Dicembre Biglietti £45 . • • Vesuvio ~ • • • con il complesso •• • • Per i biglietti contattare i membri del comitato. December 94/Jal/llUry 95 ---.'1 :tJ;~ Dall'ltalia Opera lover Armando Botelli's glass eye cracked when a soprano hit a top note at La Scala, Milan. The mayor of Pieve di Curtarolo in north-east Italy has banned residents ncar the local church from drying their underwcar on balconies. "certain families had no shame. They were hanging out all sorts of things and it wasn't fair on people walking past," said a spokesman. ' Dopo una lungamaalllia, e' morto in una casa di cum di Torino, Secondo Martini, fondatorc, assieme al fratello Luigi, e presidente della Fratelli Martini, ditta produllrice del noto Asti Spumante. Era nato a Coss-'mo Belbe (Cuneo) 71 anni fa. Alleged Sicilian underworld boss Salvatorc Ferraro Was in an Italian jail following his expulsion from Canada where authorities tracked him down. Authorities Said Ferraro, 47, was believed to have headed the Cosa Nostra crime syndicate in the central Sicilian town of Caltanissella and was wanted for racketeering, arms and drug trafficking. He was arrested in Toronto, where he had been living for ne;lrly three years on the grounds that his temporary visa had expired. Italy's mobile phone users have been told to pipe down or hang up in a new 30-page guide from Telecom Italia. After a ban on using mobile phones in Italy's parliamentary chamber the guide tells the rest of the nation how they can kecp their voices down, too. Discretion is advised in trains, buses cinemas, restaurants and bars. On the trend for using mobiles in churches the guide's advice is: wait until you've left - patience is a virtue. Two more cases of cholera were confirmed in Bari on the Adriatic coast, bringing the number of victims to ten in a week. For the first time, one case was believed to have been c.,uscd by c.,ting vegetables, raising fears that irrigation has contaminated 10c.,1 fields. Previous victims of the c.,ten intestinal infection had contaminated seafood. Diccmbre 94/Gcnnaio 95 COMUNITA'ITAIJANA news from Italy you may have missed Smokers are outraged at the government's latest clampdown on smoking in public places. A draft law, modelled upon legislation already in force in other European counties, would prohibit smokers from lighting up in hospitals, sehools, shops, restaurants, museums, theatres and on public transport. Fines for violators could be as high as £90. \ L'universita' si veste di rosa. Nello seorso anno aeeademico, la presenza femminile negli atenei ha superato, per la prima voila, iI Iivello del 50% sia tra gli iseritti (50,5%) sia tra i alureati e diplomati (52,8%). Serial killer Pietro Paceiani, the "Monster, of Florence" was sentenced to life for.!he murder of 16 people in and around Florence betwcen 1968 and 1985. The 69.year-old smallholder from Tuscany shot his victims with a .22 Beretta pistol. All but two were courting couples. ' Balzo in avanti per i risultati di Telccom Italia, gruppo Stet, nei primi sei mesi del '94. I dati della semestrale, contenuti nella lellera inviata agli azionisti, confermani che il risultato lordo, prima delle imposte, e' creseiuto del 119,3% rispello allo stcsso periodo del '93 at!estandosi a 2.174,9 miliardi. In aumento anche i ricavi, creseiuti del 25.1% a 14.276 miliardi, mentre gli oneri finanziari netti sono calati dei 38,2%. Nel semestre sono stati ralizzati invcstimenti per quasi 3.680 miliardi. Police raided an express train dubbed '''The Love Shut!/e'" and detained 120 suspected foreign prostitutes on their way home after a night's work in Milan. The \\'Omen were stopped as JI,ey boarded the Turin-bound dawn express at Milan's main railway station. The women, Michele Calo, 68, is searching the who were mostly Mrican, could be rubbish tip in Savona, for a cushion containing his £40,000 life savings. expelled as illegal immigrants. "My wife decided it was too old and A Venezia, le campane della chicsa threw it out," he said. ,"She didn't parrocchiale di San Pictro di Castello know I kept the money in it." hanno suonato per festeggiare iI recupero della pala d'a1tare di Luca Eduardo Castilli, 55, stopped •Giordano compiuto dagli uomini della while hobbling suspiciously through squadra mobile veneziana. II furto Milan airport, ,vas found to be dell'opera seicentcsca dalla navata wearing an incontinence nappy sinistra del tempio, che non dispone filled with 1611b of cocaine. di impianti di sicurezzza, .risaliva alia nolle del 3 ot!obre. Two priests took to fisticuffs in the town square of Caltanissella, Sicily, People are most likely to try to when one aceused the other of kill themselves by poisoning in 'the stealing his flock. "He's jealous of early evening, say Italian researchers. my full church,'" said Vincenzo A study at the Institute of Internal Romano, 40. "When he punched me I Medicine in Ferrara suggests that this had to defend myselr'. is due to the effect of biological rhythms on body temperature, Alfredo Toti, 48, abandoned by his heartbeat and the hormone cortisol. parents at the age of three, has They hope that this might lead to received an u",vanled inheritance. treatment with drugs which peak Police in Modena have served notice during the high.risk period. Italy has on him to pay a £200 debt left by the father he has not seen for 45 years. the EU's lowest rate of suicide. 25 .~ :/!f; RIVlSTA DELLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA InCammino Con Carmelo Carissimi Fratelli e Sorel/e, sulle martoriate popolazioni della Bosnia-Erzegovina e della vasta reAbbiamo vissuto insieme, nel gione del sud-est dell'Europa, dove la mese di novembre momenti di preghi- violenza pretende di imporre la proera, riflcssione e contemplazione nei pria legge senza aleuna. pieta' e cosi' eimiteri e in ehicsa. Ora esplode .1.1 pure in Mrica. L'annuncio gioioso del Natale, che gioia e la luee senza tramonto del S. Natale. Ci siamo preparati a ricevere quest'oggi risuona nel mondo, riporquesto Bimbo nella Nolle Santa, con pone I'arcano progello divino: fare dell'intera umanita' un'unica solidale le qUallro domeniehe dell'avvento. . ·Quonte volte 01 giorno? Possa giungere nei nostri cuori iI grido degli Angeli: Non abbiate paura vi annuncio una grande gioia, oggi e' nato per noi iI Salvatore. In questo mondo pieno d'imbrogli, incertezzc c precarieta', abbiamo tulli bisogno di questa buona notizia. Dio c' con noi, non c' contro di noi, ci ama di un amore intenso c profondo. Ma spcsso questo immenso amore di Dio' non 10 vcdiamo da nessuna parte, perche' tra di mezzo ci puo' esserc I'incrcdulita' e la nebbia. Questo' Bimbo piccolo cd umilc viene a levare' questa tenebra dai nostri Ocehi, per farci contemplarc la Luce.· ' II Papa ci ricorda: "Rifulga .11I'orizzontc del nostro tempo la luce di Be!lemme"c.Icchi' conforto c screnita' soprallullo alia ,yiltime delle umanc tragcdie della gucmi, dell'esilio, della fame, dell'ingiustizia. dell'odio c della paura. Risplenda. quella lucc. 26 vogliono sopprimere e far morire bambini. 'Ecco alcuni dati dell'UNICEF, soltanto 'alcuni, allualissimi che riguardano direttamente' la famiglia: - 6.000 bambini muoino ogni giorno per mancarnza di vaceinazioni. - 7.800.000 bambini muoiono ogni 3nnO per malattic che c' possibile curare e prevenire a costi basissinii; - la mancanza di vitamina A, causa di cecita' e di morte prernatura per 10 milioni di bambini potrebbe essere tenuta sollo controllo con sole 120 lire I'anno per ogni bambino. 'Negli ultiini dieci anni, 20 milioni dibambini sono stati in qualehe modo colpiti dalla guerra: ' - piu' di un milione e mezzo sono morti; - quallro milioni hanno subito mutilazioni; - 12 milioni hamio perso la casa; -, cinque milioni vivono in campi proflighi. . . In America, Latina ci contano 14 rnilioni di "mennos de man 0 "bambini di. strada", spcsso uccisi per servirsi dei loro corpi per iI tralIico di organi 0 avviati alia delinquenza, alIa prostituzione, alia droga. Infine nel mondo circa SO milioni famiglia. Si aprano le braceia c iI di bambini vengono abortiti ogni cuore ad acc<iglierc l'aUro, chiunque anno. Tullo qucsto, evidentemente non egli sia. Abbandoni le armi chi Ic brandiscc minaceioso; provvcda .11 c" pace, non e' vita e non c' nemmeno fratello' nel bisogno chi ha mezzi in famiglia. Possa questa famiglia di Nazareth, abbondanza;, si dilati in ogni angolo della terra 10 spazio della fratcrnita'. Giuscppe. Maria Gesu' inscgnarci iI II Natale', qucsto giorno bencdello c rispellO della vita spccialmente nei ' familiare. diventi per 'ciascuno giorno riguardi di ogni bambino. Carissime mamme e papa" insegdi speranza e di pace. Questa Luce viene ad iIIuminare ,i nostri cammini nale ai vostri figli I'amorc di Dio c iI rispello per ogni uomo. La vita non c' confusio" II Bimbo Gesu' nasce in una solo lavoro e cose materiale, ma famiglia. Quest'anno e' I'anno della anche rc.1Ua' spirituali. Stringiamoci tulli inlorno .11 Famigla cd oggi piu' che mai urgenle riscoprirc iI valore della famiglia, prescpe C contempliamo il Vcrbo di qualc comunita' basata suI inatrimo- Dio fallo carne per te c per me. Un grande abbraccio a tUlli c nio indissoiubile di un uomo c di una . donna che nell'amore fondono, in- Buon Natale. sieme le loro esistenzc c si aprono .11 dono della vita. Noi dobbiamo conosccre iI mondo in cui viviamo c s,1per disccrnere iI bene dal male, con I'aiuto di Dio e del magistero della Chicsa. Ci sono sempre degli' Erodi che I I " ., e December 94/Jonllary 95 . . , , r :/f:.~ELLA COMUNlTA'ITAIJANA La Vita della nostra Parrocchia Sono nati alia vita di Dio con iI Santo Battesimo , l r Roberto Miebael Di Bellonia: Leonardo Di Bellonia e Margarel Luccy Gabriel Henry Home Popham: Peler Popham e Daniela Bezzi Franecsca lIellena Abrami: Mario Abrami e lanel Malcolm Valenlina Miclc: Angelo Mielc c Luisa Falace Elisa Clirla Jane I\fariani: Mauro Mariani c Aunc Douglas Isabclla CaUini: Franco Caltini c lanice Mahoncy Slerano Giuseppe Dc Lucia: Michclc Dc Lucia e Elcna Difcde Harry Alan Simpson: Alan Simpson e Silvana Onorrio Gabriella Lutia Camerola: Anlonetto Camcrola e Maddalena CastaIdo lIebe Atzori: GianpaoIo e Elizabeth Atzori Natasha Angela Anastasi: Panayiotis Anastasi e Grazia Vicinanza Elia Roberto Panico Anaslasi: Panayiolis Anastasi e Grazia Vicinanza Ralph Leonardo Giacomo Bonino: Erik Bonino e RUlh Talbol Valentino Antonio Maggistro Conlcnla: Giacomino Maggislro Conlcnla c Vclina Bcrgfjord Alexandcr John Taeklcy: lohn Tacklcy e,Maria Di Zazzo Loredana Oriclla Avis Paganuzzi: Rcnzo Paganuzzi e Sandra DuIson Sebastiano Mario Zanre': Waltcr Zanre' e Mirclla Zucconi Lucio Alfonso Bragaglia: Pasquale Bragaglia e Nicole Belli Claudio Taibi: Mattco Taibi e Lilian Lombardo Louis Jean Dominic Slclla: Salvalorc Slella e Paola Duncan Paolo Giangiacomo Ruggcro Stclla: SaIvalore Slclla e PaoIa Duncan Hanno unitole loro vite davanti a Dio nel Matrimonio Michelina Rubinia • Martin Fcmandes Mauro Ispani • Tiziana Varani AngcIa Scenio • lIimal Singh Andrea Fugaccia - David lIartlcy Riposano nella Pace del nostro Signore Mafalda Papini Giorgio Piacquadio Charles Legal lohn Adams Elvira Bcschizza Alfonso e Wilma Escarini Giustina Nclla in Povinclli Nicola Pclolida Le Messe durante iI periodo natalizio dicembre 24 ore 10.00, 19.00, mezzanotte dicembre 25 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.15, 19.00 dicembre 31 ore 10.00, "19.00,23.30 1 gcnnaio 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.15, 19.00 Dicembre 9./IGennaio 95 27 :/f!:~~JA COMUNITA' ITAUANA ~ FORTE AgolP The 17 Forte Agip properties in Italy combine quality accommodati0':t. good service and exceptional value for money. ~~~~V~ientIY located on principal motorways : and access routes to major towns. .;:lto, ,F~~~ ~9T,~ ~otels are Ide<!l for !he modern travell~r. ~- o e aOLOGNA 0 (AGUAItI .sun from the <<rntre aI"od 1Oktn from the airport, 129 .w<ondi~ room~: fMUl,Il'.nt. W. P¥kJn9,., :F~r~_~'!tjon$ an"-f ' o "lnform.atlon (aIr '034$404040 - from anYM;''-eieJn~ rhe~ ,jK._ -~"-' ,~o/ the er/re_Cl.' a I~I call,,:~' t..r. p40rlUng. bl'"t;llltf,tstrooms«Vice. O'II!:ENl( COSENZA. 12kM to the Moth of eos..nz•. 6$ H<Ol"lditionot<S rooms,. ,tsU,utiUlt. b.1Ir. p40rltW'lg.. -: - < CATANIA 6bn from the city (lMtre ¥Id 12km from the Hport.. $6 alI-cOt\ditiQned looms" I SkM Mfth, of f!of'ff'I(e. 163: .ir<Onditionoed rooms with ~r. rtsu......nt" 2 ~"- gift shop,. ~J«1l.lnge f.aot~ o G LlVOIWO Slu'n from SUgflO. 12kM from Pisa a;'-port, SO p<onditlooMd ,oorns,., f~an\. b¥. parking. MllANO ASSAGO At Asw9Q on the W~t rin9 road t)1u'rli ,frorn d'ty (entre. 217 .iI'-<on<:litiON<! rooms. outdoot pooI,.l~t_iW'lf"bar, ~rldr'9:. OMOOENA 6km frOl'l"l ModeNI (f'ntre. 1$.4. .air-<ond't~ 100I'Yl50 r~M'lt f~ne¥by. o 'ALElItMO 4ktl'l~theCitY.1OS.iI'. (oncfitJoned 100I'Yl50 I~¥lt. bar. ~rtJng. ~kfast IOOl'l'l 5efVke. Q'1) Il0MA S Miks frona ~. within e;ny le.eta of the 2.airports. 21) 'ooms. g«dMs,. outdoot pool,. IftUur¥lt. ~r~ boW. o~-'1 r~~ILY€(ca..... ~SY'~ CD SAIlZANA '- 2km from S¥z.-N on the lh'Or~.IftCI(OfW¥f. S1 .iI'-<ond'tloned rooms. ,~t;aur"'t. W, e SVIl"CU$A Mt outside ~ a"ly «tWe••7 '''-condttionM rooms. r"uur..,,,, bar.. p.wklng.. br..lo.f~t rootn ~e. CD VENUlA ',~ ,rQl'l\ ~el"lke. Its ."-<onditloned rooms Mm rnlr'lI-bar. res~.nt" ~iUn"".br..kfolStIOOtl'l~e. .a:t CDTOlllNO TIlIESTE 10ktn from the CitY (entre ..-od 1Skm frOM .irport. 100 .1I'-cond'itJoned rooms, 2OkI'rl frOM Trieste M'1(11 SkffI frQl'l\ rest.ur.nt, W. ~ r~~ m bar, ~rUng. CD VICENZA VUONA 4ktl'lftQl'l\(eotr.onV~ SlcM 'rom VtrOftoJ (fontre 0I'l Mil¥tNtrOl'l' rnotOfW~. 1If ...... wnditloned rOQtl'lS" ,~¥ot,. bat• ........ uport. $0 ....-CoMiti00n0t4l00ms, . ,rnotOfW¥f. 1)2 "'-conditloned lOOI'Yl5o les~oIIlt",bM.~~ , I 28 December 94/Janllary 95 j '::.j; __~.;:RIVISr:..:..::.::;A:.=D:::;FJJA;.:.::::CO=MUNIT:::.::.::.:A;.:.rr::::AUAN=.::..:A~---...;....-;-._ -, .- Photography & Video Production 5 BackhilI, London Eel Tel: 071-278 6722 ! If . '1:> '1:> '1:> '1:> '1:> '1:> '1:> '1:> /~· .]I PATRICKS INTERNATIONAL, SCHOOL s Weddings Portraits Christenings Video Wedding'lnvitations Wedding Cars Passport Photos Selection of Designer Albums from Italy ....... ~::-~~~ High quality service at affordable price <:.-e-:-"~-:Ie-;> The studio is locit~ next to the Italian Church -e....-e-:-~~~ Open every day including Sunday morning English in Britain 24 Great Chapel Street· London W1 V 3AF Tel: 01·734 2156 & 01·4390116 Telex 295929 THOMAS B. TREACY FUNERAL DIRECTORS & MONUMENTAL MASONS 4 CHADWELL STREET, LONDON Eel (lKm from St. Peter's) FUNERAL DIRECTOR IN RESIDENCE. REPATRIATIONS TO ITALY ROMAN CATHOLIC MEMORIAL CARDS ITALIAN LAST SUPPER COFFINS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL OF REST STONEMASONRY WITH ITALIAN INSCRIPTIONS, PHOTOS, EMBLEMS AND PERSONAL HANDWRITTEN MESSAGK Diccmbrc 94/GCfllluio 95 TEL: 071-8371775 24 hour service 29 ------~--- , Enzo Gizzi • I have just come back from, Lourdes;" it 'has been one of the, most moving experiences of my life. My journey started at' London Heathrow at 6.30 am. wherel L caught th~ first British Ainvays flight to Paris' Orly and arrived at 7.35 a.m., reclaimed' my suitcase and proceeded to Orly'sWest' Terminal and waited, for a few hours, enough time to have a cOffce and one of the famous "petit pan au ehoeolat" and also time to think why I was going to Lourdes. The little town of Lourdes is situated in the extreme south west of France in the foothills of the Pyrenees. I had been before to this beautiful town but it was a rather 'rushed' day trip was o'n 8th December 1990. However, but in the short time I was there it still left me with an unexplainable feeling. It made me realise I had 'life' and a very happy 'life. What I saw around me confirmed just that. I was fortunate to have the gift of life and most of all the five senses whieh we all take very much for granted. I checked in for the flight to Lourdes daily service operated by Air Inter the domestic arm of Air France. The flight is the only seheduled service to LourdeslTarbes airport; it takes approximately one hour from Orly. We arrived at Ossun-LourdesTarhes airport with a ground tempera- ture of 21C and surrounded by a mountainous and very picturesque. scenery. The coach awaited the few of I us who were heading for Lourdes ceif!fal. I quickly found my hoi'el, 'Hotel de la Chapelle' on 27 rue Bemadette Soubirous even' the street name gave me a' cOnfident fceling! I visited the Grotto as soon as I amved and the next few hours were some- what special for me. Who could believe that 5 million visitors come to this little town year in and year out! The atmosphere was quiet and still, but the surrounding pilgrims were absorbed in deep prayer even after travelling thousands of miles from every corner of the world, in search of a cure or an answer to a prayer. I had with me dozens of petitions from friends and relatives who eaeh had 'hope' in what their petitions held. The petitions are burned un-<lpened after a period of time. As each pilgrim passed the Grotto I watched closely how their confidence was once again restored as, fervent prayers passed their lips, this in itself was an experience for one' to sce, and gave me an inner peace and most of all a unique strength. , I waited around until 8.45 p.m. this was the start of the famous 'torchlight procession'. It commenced promptly with organisation that led thousands of lost souls into a procession whieh left me wondering. I didn't really know what to expect in a procession as big as this; thousands gathered and groups assembled with candles that fliekered .with hope. From a distance all that could be seen was one mass of little lights that glowed an atmosphere that I simply cannot desCribe in words in this article. The Rosary preceded and each decade was recited in a different language, in betWeen each decade the Hymn to Our Lady of Lourdes was sung and the 'electric' atmosphere remained. The proceSsion lasted about an hour and left each one of us with even, more hope and a 'glowing' Sensation. I left next morning to continue with my journey through life; being in ,Lourdes for this short time was enough to make me realise how important life really is and especially to have the gift of contentment. Please try to visit Lourdes for yourself some time in your life and I am sure then you will realise why I have written this short chapter of my Lourdes experience. Look out for the next issue of ~~ on sale 5 February 1995 30 December 94/January 9S ,. :tJ;~FJLA COMllNlTA' ITAUANA Letters dai nostri lettori Caro Direttore, bocce, dalle mangiate associative (pranzo a st 17-25, cena Ti giunge il lamento di un italiano ehe da quarantaeinque anni vive e lavora a Londra, un italiano ehe domenica 13 novembre ha vissuto aleune ore di estremo disagio e grande delusione, giungendo alia conelusione che forsc i suoi connazionali qui vogliono dimenticare iI retaggio che abbiamo di cultra: pillura, seullura, musica, Commedia del'Arte, ed altro ancora. La F.A.I.E. aveva ivilato la Filodrammatica lIaliana di Leicester a mellere in sccna un pezzo teatrale presso la Greycoat Upper Sehool in Westminster, con presentazione di Filippo Dc Marco e regia di I1de Crociani Serra, annunciando I'avvenmento quotidianamente per ben quindici giorni alia Radio Spectrum e su La Voce degli ltaliani, ollre ad inviare un volantino ai Presidenti di tulle le Associazoni e i Circoli italiani di Londra e dintomi. I nostri connazionali evidentemente hanno preferito starsene a casa a guardare la partita, oppure a digerire iI pranzo, 0 magari recarsi in qualehe altro poste a consumarlo. Nella bella 5.11a spaZi05.1 poche erano le sedie occupate. Perche" non scntiamo il bisogno di un qualcosa di diverso dalle solite partite alle care, al biliardo 0 alle a SI. 35-60) e rileniarno che nonvalga la pena spcndeme 3 per un po' di teatro italiano? Perche' non sentiarno iI bisogno di nutrire anche la mente? Erano a disposzioni iI skelch scclti con oculatczza, un mix prodigioso di autori e di"mcssaggi", di vividi quadri di vila italiana, interprelati con slancio e compenetrazione dai nostri amici di Leicester. Cosa vale vantarci, spcsso e volentieri come capita, dei tangibili contributi dell'llalia alia cullura mondiale in tulle le sue forme, quando poi, aI momento di dimostrare ehe erediarno in quello ehe vantiarno, brilliamo per I'assenza? . E' morto in noi iI fuoco sacro che in passato ha iIIuminato, ha animate i grandi artisti della nostra terra? In fin dei conti, cssi erano, come noi, figli del popolo, ma un popolo che "sentiva" I'arte e percio' ha potuto dare i nalali a qucsti geni. Un popolo che· non sente I'arte, indipendentemente dalla forma ehe cssa assume, e' un popolo sterile. E' questo che vogliamo csscre? Prof, Roberto Matteoda Segratartio F ALE. Mia Cara lsabella, Sento il dovere di rispondere alia tua lellera pubblicala iI mcse di sellembre e debbo dirti ehe non posso contcstare afTallo la veridicita' dell'allro lato dell'amore che una delusione cocente 0 un improvvisa lacerazione possono produrre. E chi ti dice che io non 10 abbia provato? Tutlavia non dobbiamo mai fermarci, cercare sempre quel '''Iui'' ehe abbiamo sognato e dobbiamo rengire alle delusioni. L'amore e' la porta alia felicila', intcso in un senso completo, e Dio vuole vederci tutli feliei, quindi non disperare, non cssere piu' codareda. affidali aI Signore e pregalo e ama gli altrc con tutla te stessa; non ti inaridire nella tua sofTerenza e ti scntirai rinala e appagala. Anehe tu trovarai quello che il tUG euore dcsidera, forse prima di quanto tu possa immaginare, Dio legge nel nOSlro cuore, sente le urla innrticolate della nostra anima e ei e' sempre vieino. Elisabetta Puglisi Gissara Cara Isabella li dedico quesle poesie con la speranza che I'allesa non sia lunga... sii felice... L'Attesa Ti ho aspellnto ogni giomo dnll'nlba .11 tramonto, I'ardore del sole Ti cercavo nel biancore del ciclo nell'azzurro del mare nei cotori dell'arcobaleno. sccmava~ la mia spcranza svaniv3. GIi anni di solitudine sono scomparsi I'allesa febbrile ehe mi faceva soffrire, ungiomo... un raggio di luce mi ha bacialo... mi ha comptelamenle iIIuminato... Ancora una voila si celebra if mislero delJ'alllore, faccialllo si' che un lIIiracolo awenga nella nos/ra anillla per ricompensare Dio del bene grande che ci vuo/e. 11 Veeehio Barbone In quell'nngolo neascosto sogni un c.1re7.7.a che ti risc.11di iI euore, pcnsi a tua madrc perdutn per scmpre che dovevn esscre belln, Dicembre 941Gennaio 95 sogni unn casa nnche una spelonca ma pieno di amore. La gente C<1mmina incurante occhiale di sfuggita ti raggiungono. le,luci natalizie iIIuminano iI portone, iI v=hio cane ai luoi piedi fedele al suo padrone ti gtL1rda negli occhi mestamenle, la neve secnde dal cielo Icntamenle in fiori bianehi immacolati, si posa sulla lua mano leggermenle, iI freddo le lue membra pervade, chiudi gli occhi e ti appare un paradiso fclice col tuo cane. 31 -b~ ...P" . RIVISI'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA G CHAPMAN 7;AYLOR EXCLUSIVE CATERERS ince 1961 we have built our reputation on'quality, excellence and a personal service. We offer a wide range of venues which vary from exclusive city restaurants, banqueting and conference centres, to graceful, elegant and, in some cases, unusual surroundings. S Chapman Taylor are able to offer banqueting, conference or party packages specifically designed to offer high standards and value for money, for .groups as small as 10 to as many as 500. Of course we can ~equally tailor the function to suit your specific requirements and budget. But don't take our word for it - contact our sales office and we will be delighted to show you what Chapman Taylor Exclusive Caterers can offer. CHAPMAN TAYLOR EXCLUSIVE CATERERS Head Office: Unit 5 Bracken Industrial Estate, 185 Forest Road, Hainault, Essex. IG63HL. Tel: 081-5008654 081-5007783 Fax: 081-5598637 tranChi Highspeed colour printing =====IOcks&tooIs • HAND & pOWER TOO~ SPECIALISTS • P~NT HIBE & POWEATOOl.AEPAlBS • ABCHITECTUFlAL & BUILDERS IRONMONGERS • LOCKSMITHS Artwork and Design PlateMaking Sterling Prlnlfng ne.wOff~ 278HoGowayAooo1.l0nd0nN16NE: alSO,t. t44·t46"KenW\ TownAoad.lor'QonMYI908 Photo Typeseffing Company Umlted 164 High Street Jetcphone;01t-6072200 Bamet. Herts. EN65XP T~:Otl·2613138 0181-364 805218072 32 December 94/Jaltllary 95 :J;~EUA COMUNlTA'ITALlANA •• WINDOWS & SECURDOOR TOP QUALITYINSTALLATION OF ALL RANGES OF WINDOWS IT'AL 1III WITH MAXIMUM SECURITY Brilliant UPVC with Shoot-Bolt & Spagnolette Locking. Maximum Security On All Windows. White Aluminium & Timber Mahogany Windows DOORS- PATIO DOORS CONSERVATORIES- PORCHES Easy Repayments - Licensed Brokers 10 Years Insurance Guarantee 20 HOUSES INSTALLED IN QNEJWAD ALONE A COMPLETE FREE DOOR * * * * * * * I l D CD I . WHEN YOU REPLACE YOUR WINDOWS WITH US. FORA FREE QUOTATION AND MORE INFORMATION CALL NOlVllfR. VINCENZO TEL: 081-9092210 OR 081-4229213 liTHE BESTJOB AT A VERY GOOD PRICE" EST 1965 R.PROIETTI ITALIAN CAR SPECIALISTS e Specialists in Italian Checscs, Frcsh Pasta and Mcat Products Importcrs and Distributors of Wines and Provisions CARNEVALE HOUSE BLUNDELL l>"TREIIT LONDON N7 9BN TEL:071·6078777 FAX:071.6078774 Diccmb,.c 94/GcllllUio 95 QUEENS MILL ROAD HUDDERSFIELD 1101 3PG WEST YORKSIIIRE TEL:(0484)SI4117 FAX:(0484)432861 • SERVICING .GENERAL REPAIRS o BODYWORK • RESTORATIONS FOR YOUR CLASSIC/NEW FIAT * ALFA * LANCIA Tel: 071-6070798 2 BLUNDELL STREET, LONDON N7 9BJ 33 -btvirAJII- ..P" A Terrible Crime Archbishop Amigo and 1940 Archbishop Peter Emmanuel Amigo, Bishop of Southwark, is still remembered as the prelate who was never,afraid to speak out in ,a forthright manner on such diverse subjects as Ireland, the sChools, or refugees, even,though these issues were often viewed differently, by some of his flock thereby earning him much opprobrium.' Until, ,the appearance of Michael Clifton's Amigo, Friend of the Poor, few were aware of the numerous' exchanges between the bishop and the government during the second world war 'which included among other concerns - the quesiion of internment. Sir John Anderson, the, Home Secretary, was the' minister: popularly supposed to be, responsible for the the adoption and implementation detention policy, even though it is n,?w known he was personally against the wholesale internment drive, having been overruled by the majority of his Cabinet colleagues who were acting at the bidding of the Army and security forces. In July 1940, in the wake of the round-up of Italians and the loSs, of the Arandora Star, Amigo, wrote to the Home Secretary: "Italian men have all been interned and matters were made worse by suddenly shipping off a large number to America. No adequate protection for their s:if"ety was taken. At a time, when we especially need the blessing of God, we commit what other Nations will call a terrible crime. When we should be making friends instead of increasing' our enemies wc, unfortunately send excellent oc. . RIVJSl'A DELLA COMUNlTA'ITALIANA men to an undeserved dcath. I beg of you to use all your powerful influence to obtain that those Italians who have bOrne good character in England for some years be allowed to remiin with their families and to go on earning their living instead of being interned. The wholesale internment of foreigners will be a huge burden for the Nation and will unnecessarily irritate those who could assist us in these very critical' days. I have been, in contact with many Italians among' my flock' and I know that the greater part are thoroughly reliable and' worthy' of esteem. We shall never regret showing mercy to those who through no fault of their own belong to a Nation dragged into war with us". . Such sentiments, which at this distance in time seem to be levelheaded and 'reasonable, were not made public in 1940. An examination of the Catholic press of the time reveals hardly' any public utterances regarding internment. It should be remembered that large sections of the secular press had been' urging an "intern the lot" policy for some time. More is now becoming known of the allilude of individual bishops who did not go along with public' opinion in this respect. . Salford's Bishop Marshall, for instance, attempted unsuccessfully to secure the release from detention Fr. JP. Dunleavy ;t~ Archbishop Peter Amigo Gaetano Fracassi; who' becanie an Arandora Star victim; while Glasgow's Archbishop MaeIntosh, after strenuous representations managed to persuade the authorities to free Fr. Gaetano Rossi. Cardinal Hinsley and the Apostolic Delegate, Mgr. William Godfrey, were drawn into these efforts, though the extent of their involvement has still not been determined. For these reasons the appearance of Fr. Clifton's study of Archbishop Amigo is to be welcomed and deserves a ,vide readership. M. CHfton. uAml80, Friend of the Poor. Bis/wp of Southward 1904-1949" (Fowler Wr;ghl Books Ltd., '-eom;lISter, 1987) augura a tutti i suoi lettori e sostenitori un . natale di pace egioia ed un felice 1995 , 34 December 94/January 95 ~ :iJ:.~U.A COMUNITA'ITALIANA Raleigh International Raleigh celebra iI decimo anniversario della propria fondazione all'italiana Per coloro che gia' consocono Raleigh International fara' piacerc sapere che, iI 18 oltobre 1994, I'organizzazione ha costituito un fondo monetario per permeltere i giovani italiani di far parte alle spcdizioni che sono periodicamente messc in alto da Raleigh, nelle parti piu' recondite del mondo.. Ma che cos'e' Raleigh International? Raleigh e' un istituzione apolitiea e areligiosa iI cui scopo e' di permeltere a giovani provenienti da diversc parti del mondo, culture e religioni, di impararc gli uni dagli altri mentre operano per iI benefieio di comunita' bisognosc' del loro aiuto. Nel solo 1993, i membri di questa organizzazione hanno operato in Russia (Siberia), Guyana, Namibia, Mauritins, Cile e Zimbabwe. Oltrc 1000 miliziani di buona ventura hanno· preso parte in queste spcdizioni che hanno visto la costruzione di ospedali, ponti 0 scuole, come pure 10 sviluppo di progelti per la salvaguardia delI'ambiente, a beneficio delle comunita' indigene che Ii hanno ospitati. Ma chi sono questi giovani che deeidono di andare, cosi',. all'avventura? Lasciamoli parlare e sentiamo che cosa hanno da dirci. Lorenzo Neltuno e,. un giovane ingegnere (29. anni) che nel 1993 ha parteeipato alia spcdizione in Cile. Questo evenlo 10 ha visto protagonist."l nella ricostruzione di un villaggio del luogo. Tulto cio' che lui ricorda e' "i1 profondo scnso di amieizia cd espericllza umanu iI cui valorc va ben oltre iI piacere di una spcdizione in una delle parti piu' belle, esotiehe e misteriosc che iI mondo". R."lleigh gli ha faUo capire che la fiducia nelle proprie capaeita' e'· una qualita' e risorsa che ogni giovane puo' colti· vare in se stcsso, con I'aiuto delle persone ehe gli stanno aUomo e la sua collaborazione con la comunita' cd iI gruppo di eui e' partccipe. Paolo de Rienzio, un cconomista di 24 3nni, ci ticnc a soltolincare I'importanza di potcr aiutare I'un I'altro in situazioni difficili. Moniql Pellegrini loporsi ad un breve corso di addestra· mento di gruppo ehe meUera' alia prova le capaeita' fisiche e mentali dell'aspirante awenluriere. Superata questa prima fase, iI giovane eandidato, con I'ausilio degli altri parteci· panti e 10 staff della Raleigh, dovra' ccrcare una· sposorizzazione di circa £2,200 presso aziende cd imprenditori disposti a sostenere la sua causa. A questa sponsoriizazione, vanno ago giuntc le spese del viaggio a1luogo di destinazione. Finita questa seconda fase, tuUo e' pronto per la partenza. La spcdizione, che durera' circa 10·11 scuimane, permcuera' al nostro awenturiere di contribuire ad un eslimabile lavoro di sviluppo e ricos· truzione dell'ambiente con organizzazioni mondiali. NcI 1992·93, 88 International Venturers, provenienli da 28 diversi paesi si sono uniti alia Raleigh per portare avanli ben nove spcdizioni. Forse vale la pena di finire con le parole di !.orenzo NeUuno: "La cosa peggiore che mi e' capitata .e' stata ·'!'infezione da Raleigh' che mi sono preso. Soltanto· un anno dopo iI mio ritomo dalla spcdizione in Cile, iI 'virus Raleigh' mi ha spinto a chiedere di divenire parte del personale ehe organizzera' un'altra di queste spcdizioni nel 1995, a dispcuo degli effeUi negativi (0 i benefici) che questa decisione avra' sulla mia carri· Quello chc !.orenzo c Paolo vogliono dire e' che .Ia loro cspcrienza con la Raleigh ha rapprcscntato·un profondo momento di crescita sia individuale che collettiva; un'es· perienza di vita die Ii accompagnera' per iI resto della loro vita. Raleigh, fond.1ta con iI partrocinio di Sua Altezza iI Principe di Galles, e' un'organizzazione di beneficcnza iI cui scopo e' di aiutare i giovani a tirar fuori iI rneglio di se stessi. Jamie Robertson·Maclcod, direUore dell'or- era." ganizzazione, precisa che i parteci· Chi volesse avere ulteriori infor· panti a queste spcdizioni non sono forza lavoroa buon rnercato, quanto mazioni sulla Raleigh Inlernational, piUUOSlO un catalizzatore che meUe in puo' rivolgersi a: Flora lViIi/bread, moto un proccsso di ricostruzione e International Liaison Manager, sviluppo· ehe va a benefieio sia delle Raleigh International, comunila' che Ii ospitano ehe dei 27 Parsons Green lane, giovani stessi. London. SIV6 4HZ. Per poter partccipare ad una Tel: 0171 371 51/6 spcdizione R.1leigh e' ncccssario sot· Shop Kitchen Equipment for sale Peeler, slicer, fridgeetc~ Tel: 018l.. 343 9203 for further details Dicembre 94/Genluiio 95 35 OUR NAME GUARANTEES A GREAT DEAL'MOREI We're dedicated to give you the best service we can - whatever your needs: New/pre-owned car sales, light commercial vehicles,' servicing, Body repairs, Spare parts, MOT testing or Car rental. Right now we have some very special offers and the details are only a visit or a telephone call away - so why not contact us? UNO • SEATS FOUR ADULTS IN COMFORT • STEREO • RADIO CASSETTE • GOMPG ~T ~ SIDE ~MPACT BEAMS 66MPH • REAR WASH WIPE 0NTHE FROM, ONLY £5 736 ROAD ,, • RECLINING FRONT SEATS· fOLDING REAR • STEREO RADIO/CASSEnE PLAYER • ADJUSTABLE DOOR MIRRORS· 5 SPEED SEATS. TINTED GLASS. 2 SPEED WIPERS· 5 SPEED GEARBOX. REAR WASH/WIPE GEARBOX· TINTED WINDOWS • RECUHING FRONT SEATS· FOLDING REAR SEATS ~{lL~ £5 880~~:gE PUNTO TEMPRA IiJIIBII • 8 VERSrONS IN 3 &; 5 DOOR. 4 DIFFERENT • nECTRlC nLT/SUDE & GLASS SUNROOF • POWER ASSiSTED STEERING. n.ECTRIC moNY ENGINES • DIS~NcnvE REAR UGHT CLUSTERS • CHOiCE OF 13 COLOURS. SLEEK. WINDOWS. CrNrRAL LOCKING. FASHIONABlE UNES FROM ,ONLY spur REAR SEATS £6 9800NTHE ROAD FIORINO TIPO • STEREO RADIO/CASSETTE PLAYER • ADJUSTABLE DOOR MIRRORS. REAR -1700cC OIESD. ENGINE +3.2M· LOAD VOLUME WASH/WIPE • 5 SPEED GEARBOX -620KG PAYLOAD • LOADING "DOHT BEST IN ClASS FROM ONLY £8 961 0NTHE ROAD 1.~RJwHj •. • , 36 ~{lL~ £8 SERVICING • 6 YEAR ANTI-PERFORAnON WARRANTY. PEfROL AND DIESEL MOOns. 70% GALVANISED BODY ~ • UP to 1120 KG LOAD 757~~:~E I. FROM ONLY Auto Clinic £113190NTH ROAD Im_~O.E..~~'!!1 , . OPENING HOURS December 94/JallllUry 95 l ....:jf; __~_,.::RIVISI;.;.;;;,..::A;,;;.D~FIJAcOMUNITA.rrAIJANA r- MUSICA PER OGNI OCCASIONE Sposalizi, balli, parties ele ..... Ramon Gallo ed il suo Complesso Ravello si e' esibilo con grande succe.<;.~o alia Royal Albert,Hall nel ballo 'La Veneziana, 'Holiday Show Earls Court It'-tHan-Theme 1989' ed a '11 fe.~lival di Musica' a Henley per Martini Rossi. A lUClL I I , , UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LO~DON FUNCTION CATERING; Prczzi ragioncYoli FROM £15.50 PER PERSON MUSIC PLA rED LIVE AROUND THE TABLES ANDFROMSTAGE Musica lradizionale c llIodcma, italiana, inglcsc, contincntale., INCLUDING WINE- SMALL PARTIES TO FORMAL BANQUETS (10 to 400 gu.sts) HOLD YOUR FUNCTION IN ONE OF OUR TRADITIONAL DINING ROOMS. EXCELLENT FACILITIES FOR LUNCHEONS; DINNERS; RECEPTIONS; MEETINGS; CONFE'RENCES; ETC. FURTHER DETAILS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM: Raimondo Galla Tel: 081-888 4666 THE CATERING OFFICER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON GOWER STREET WC1E 6BT 071·380 7032 Bridalwear Specialists Weddin Da s NEGRONI. TIiE ITAUAN STAR AT YOUR TABLE Dicclllbrc 94/Gcmzaio 95 11.0........- We indi~dually design and handmake Wedding Dresses Bridesmaids Dresses Pages Outfits Veils ete.., Christenings first Communion Amanda Maccini Unda Bertola TeI: 092) 8)5041 TeI: 081 940 )807 _ 37 -b~ ~ Una Nuova Storia Continua da novembre "Desidero grandemente ~ diCe San Vincenzo • di amare Dio;, ma .vorrci avedo amato e amar con perfezione infinita, infinitamente, per tutta I'eternita' e da tutta I'eternita'. Vorrci stare contemporaneamentc in eielo e in terra; in eielo, per amare Iddio som~ mamente, e in" terra, per"patire'sommamente per suo amore. Conoseo la mia" incapacita'; eppure io' voglio amare Dio, com'egli merita di' cssere amato, e come io desidero ch'egli sia amato. Intendo che tutte le creature 10 amino, come io desidero; con perfezione infinita, ciascuna con I'amore di tutte le creature e con I'amore di Gesu' e di Maria. Vorrci fare io cio' che farebbero tutte le creature, e piu" ancora~' ~ ." - E' pronto a rinunziare 31 Paradiso, per iI piacere di rimanere in terra per tlitta I'eternita' a'testimoniare la MiseJ:icordia di Dio, poiche: e:" sicuro di L'approvazone pontificia deii'Opera cssere iI Prodigio' della misericordia, come Maria e' iI Prodigio della Grazia. , Pubblieo' tre versioni del "Mese di Maggio"; la prima per i Religiosi, perehe' vivcssero iI messaggio delle Beatitudini; la seeonda per i Sceolari, perehe' divenissero tutti santi, presto e grandi santi; e la terza per i Sacerdoti, perche' vivcsscio e" diffondcsscro I'amore dei Scrafini. Tutte e tre le versioni andarono a ruba, videro varie edizioni' e' quella per i Sacerdoti fu giudieata Aurea' Opella, ' operelta d'oro. Fondo' laSocieta' dell'Apostolalo CattolicO sotto la protezione di Maria 38 ,,, RIVISTA DEU,ACOMllNITA'ITALIANA Francesco Amoroso SAC SS. Regina degli Apostoli, partendo dal prineipio che, se Maria, ehe non predico' ne' disse rilcssa, e' Regina degli Apostoli, non e'e' laico, che non possa csscre apostolo; e apri' le porte a tutti, uomini e donne; la Societa' volcva essere la Tromba Evangelica ehe chiama tutU, invita tutti, risveglia tutti, perche' eolaborino con I'apostolalo di Gesu' Cristo; come posSono: con ..opera personale, con la preghi-' era, con una offerta. ' La sintesi del suo spirilO la troviamo in una preghieralofferta ehe egli lascio' come ispirazione ai suoi seguaci, 0 come espressione delI'anima apostolica; e ci ieneva, perehe' la trascrisse fedelmente nei suoi tre Manuali della Regola, composti nel 1846, 1847 e 1849; La ehiamo' Sagra Offerta, e non e' una preghiera da recitare, e' uno stile di vita da assimilare. E' I'esprcssione del suo modo d'intendere la santita' e I'apostolalo. La sua 'aspirazionc, infatti, era quella di dare a Dio tanta gloria, quanta gliene diede Gesu' Cristo;, quando era tra noi; di vivere iI sacerdozio, come se fosse stalo affidato, anehe a lui, iI sacerdozio elerno e universale di Gcsu' Cristo. C'e' una premessa, ehe non si puo' tralasciare. "Etemo Padre, sebbene la mia indegnita' sia misurata solamente dalla vostra infinita perfezione, e sebbene io innanzi a voi sia tanle volle abominevole, quante volte ho peceato, e quanti peceati ho fallo commellere con i miei scandali, e quanle volle non ho profittnio, delle vostre grazie seeondo le mire santissime della vostra ,infinita misericordin" pure, con fidueia nelln stessa vostra misericordia e nei meriti di Gcsu' Cristo, unito a tutte le creature passate, presenti, future e possibiJi, immaginandole ncl numero, santita' e merilo infinitamenle molliplicate, a ogni momento, da tutta I'etemita' e per tuttn I'eternita', e soprallullo unilo n Gesu' e a Mnria Immncolnta, vi offro iI s.1ngue preziosissimo dello stcsso Gesu' Cristo, In sua vita san-tissima, i suoi ncerbissimi dolori mentali, la sua dolorisissima passione, agonia e morte, i suoi merili infinili e quelli della Sua chiesa, passati, presenti e futuri, in 'conto dei mici peceali e 'di quelli, di tutto iI mondo; per i bisognL della S. Chiesa e di tutto iI mondo; per la perfetta dilatazione e progrcsso della Congregazione e della Societa'; per la istantanea liberazione di tutte le Anime del Purgatorio; per rimediare a tutti i mali di tutto iI morido; per iinpedire tutti i mali futurl; per risareire tullo iI bene non fatto da me e da tutte le creature; per compire in me e in tulti ,la vita perfelta di Gesu' Cristo; per vivere la vita di perfetta e perpetua crocifissione, di perfetto e perpetuo saerifiei, condividendo tUlle le sofferenze di Gcsu' e di Maria; per vivere la vita di amore di Dio e di tulle le virtu'; per vivere e morire nell'esercizio delle opere buone; -per vivere e morire per la violenza dell'amor di Dio e delle virtu' nel grado piu' perfello; perehe' in me e in tutti sia distrutta la nostra vita e la vita di Gcsu' Cristo diventi la nostrn vita in ringraziamento dei doni 'concessi alia B.ma Vergine Maria nostra Madre e a tutte le creature; e in ringraziamento come se a me,ea,tulli aveste concesso i doni, ehe 'ci aveste conecsso, se avessimo corrisposto con la corrispondenza della Umanita' santissima ,di Gesu Cristo; e come se gia' si fossero effieaeemenle compite totalmenle e in tutti le mire della vostra infinita misericordia, come se aveste gia' fortificato tutli con la vostra infinita potenza, ilIuminato tutti con la vostra infinita sapienza, santificato tutti con la vostrn infinita carita" trasforrnato tutti nei vostri divini attributi e in voi stcsso, Padre, Figlio e Spirito Santo; per vivere e morire nella S. Fede della S. Chiesa romana; per vivere e morire nella piu' perfetta osservanza delle nostre SS. Regole e in ringraziamento come se gia' I'nveste conecsso a me e a tutli, presenli e futuri". San Vincenzo Pallotli non vide coronnta da successo la sua oPera; iI suo appello ai Laici non fu eompreso, ma la sua era la voce dello Spirito Santo e la sua eco non si spense. Leone XIII, che aveva nel suo studio un busto del Santo, avvicino' la Chiesa .11 temporale, come Gesu' che guariva tutti i malati, e penso' alia falica, alia famiglia, .11 salario degli operai..Pio XI 10 saluto' Antcsigitano dell'Azione Callolica, e iI ConciJio Vaticano '11, proprio nel senso concepito dal nostro Santo, emano' un decreto sui Rinnovamento della Vita religiosa e un altro su' L' Apostolalo dei Laici. La luce che Dio ha profuso inecssantemente sulla nostra Nazione e' immensa, altretlant.1 e' la rcsponsabiJita' dell'ItaJia di fronte a Dio e agli altri popoli. December 94/January95 I Rainy Days What would you go with your money if you inherited one million pounds or became a millionaire overnight on the National Lollery? I am certain that sueh thoughts have entered your mind in the last week or so. My mother-in-law was "fortunate" enough to win £10.00 last week on the .National Lottery - which' was quite an achievement given the odds and the fact that she did not pay for her tieket in the first placel Whether you admit it or not (and I have certainly given the matter a lot of thought) a .. Windfall" of this nature could, potentially, have a tremendous impaet on your lifestyle. You would have to rearrange your life and seriously consider how you were going to make the best use of your fortune. Besides contemplating the possibility of early retirement, I would book an exotic holiday for a couplc of months in order to formulatc somc kind of strategy as to how I could put my moncy to good use. My first course of action would be to payoff all my debts such as any outsk1nding mortgage, eredit card balance or bank overdraft facility that may exist. It costs more to borrow moncy in this way thcn thc relurn you can expect to receive by investing an equivalent amount of,money. Secondly, I would engage the services of: a financial adviser,- an accounlant, a solicilor,. a stockbroker and an estate agent. Each will be able to advise along the following lines, depending on thc course of action you wish to take:(a) Financial adviscr: will assist you in fornlUlaling your iuvestmcnt strategy, taking into aceount your short-term, medium-tcrm and longterm goals and aspirations as well as your attitude 10 risk. He will be ablc to formulate a financial aetion plan and recommend investment vehicles 10 suit your personal profile. (b) Accountant: will be' ablc to advise you on various aspects of tax planning relating to your incomc, c.1pital gains and estate. (c) Solicitor: c.1n advise you on such mallers as drafting a will, effecting a trust or conveyancing. (d) Stockbrokcr: will advise and act on your behalf in the buying and Dicembre 94/Gennaio 95 Richard Si/via selling of shares and gilts as well as offering you the possibility of managing your portfolio of stocks and shares. (e) Estate Agent: will be able 10 assist in the purehasing of properties for privale and commereial use, advise you on the drafting of lelting agreements and offer a management, service for any property that is purchased forlelling purposes. Thirdly, I would ensure that.iJiere would al\vays be an emergenCy;'cash fund in reserve to cover any immediate short-term or unforeseen expenses. this cOuld be with either:a bank of building society provided lhat I could obtain the money immediately should an emergeney arise. Beyond this basic provision, I would probably also place some money in a 90 Days' Notice ->; Account in order to cam more interest. As such accounts are deposit hascd Ihe amount you invest (your capital) is guaranteed and, therefore, does not grow (appreciate in value). You will only gel income in the form of the interest you cam from your deposit. the real value of your money (i.e. what you can actually buy with it) \\ill diminish each year in line with the rate of inflation. Lastly, I would have 10 seriously consider the various alternative investment vehicles available and decide Ihe amounl of risk I am prepared to accept. This would depend on whelher I was investing for income, capital gro"th or a combination of the IWo. Gills will probably produce a higher income than deposil based investments - but the capital value is not protected and could go dO\\n. However, fixed intcrest securities such as gilts are generally the best way of providing a higher income. ShareS probably provide the best long-Ierm .prospeclS of capital appreciation and, therefore. protection against the eroding effects of inflation. By implication, they will produce little income in the form of dividends. It should be noted that shares arc volatile, particularly in the short-term, and can give rise 10 the polenlial for a substanlial capital gain (as well as a loss) in the long-term. Investment Trusts and Unil Trusts 'arc safer than dealing dircctly on the stock market, is is the case with shares. Unit Trusts are a form of collective investmerit, whereby various investors pool their resources together to ereate a fund that is managed by a professional fund manager who is responsible for making investment decisions. As sueh funds tend to be very large in size, the fund manager will invest in the shares of a large number of different companies, thereby spreading the risk involved. Investment Trusts are limited companies who specialise in investing in the shares of other companies. An interested investor' would purchase a share in an Investment Trust, ori the Stock Exchange dircctly, in the normal way. The allraetion of investing in commercial properties is that income can be generated in the form of rents and there is always the possibility lhatthe properties will inerease in value. Liability to income laX and capital gains laX will always be a problem. It is Iherefore sensible to take full advantage of various laX free investments sueh as Tax Exempt Special Savings Schemes, Personal Equity Plans and certain National Savings produets in order to benefit from the allowances available. Certain other investment vehicles, sueh as Investment Bonds, offer higher rate income tax payers the opportunily to make tax free withdrawals wilhin prescribed limits. Also, offshore investment vehicles will provide the investor wilh laX frce gro"th in a designated laX haven and defer any income laX liability until the money is brought baek onshore. 11 may well be Ihat you would want to leave a proportion of Ihe "windfall" 10 relatives when you die. If so, you should make a "ill and seek expert advice upon Ihe use of trusts in order 10 miligate any inheritance laX liability on your estate. , I did not \\in the jaekpol on the National Lollery. However, I look forward to doiJig so in the future! . .39 -btJAJ/l- .,J;> . RIVISI'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITALlANA Face to Face A certain priest was teaching a theology class to a group of freshman studcnts in a certain university .in America. It was the first day of class and the whole crew came shuffiing. into thc room. The priest sized them alI up the first Clay as individuals and he was pretty much correct on the assumptions he made about each onc of them. ' Onc boy was a troublemaker right from the start and gave the priest a hard time alI year long, It was apparent he did not. want to be in the class. Even worse was the fad that the boy professed himsclf to be a quasi-atheist. Every day he would shake his head in disgust at what the priest said. The· priest made him stay after class onc day and tried to discuss the situation with him. The boy's response to the priesi was, "I can't find God so why should I believe that He exists?" After debating with him for half an hour, the priest finalIy gave up and told "Tommy" that he would pray for him. Tommy responded: "Save your breath Father, it's no usc". Tommy was 18 years old at the time. He attended the university for 4 years and even though he did not realIy talk to the priest, they still managed to say helIo when they passed onc another on the Campus. When Tommy was 22 years old he developed leukemia. Unfortunately they were not able to control it since it had gone undetected for so long. Tommy found himsclf in great crisis. He started to pray. and Tommy began to attend he truly began .to seck. God. He felt, however, .very empty and discouraged becausc he felt as· though God was not answering his prayers or, even worsc, that. he just did not exist. He felt that there was nothing inside of Mass 40 Michele Scotto sAc him. He began to become very depressed. Something began to happen to Tommy over the next few weeks. He began to realize how short his life would be. So, he began to appreciate all the experiences that he had or was having - every moment became precious to him. He began to really treasure the gift of his family. He realized how important they were to him and how much he loved them. One afternoon while his father was reading the paper, Tommy walked into the room and told his father that he wanted to talk to him. His ,father He tought He didn't exist at all acted somewhat interested and asked him what he wanted. Tommy said, "I love you Dad". His father was shocked becausc his son had never said thosc words before to him. His father also had a reaction that Tommy did not expect - he started to cry and hugged his son. They then sat down together and began to talk. They spoke so profoundly. The two of them rcalIy felt something good inside. Then Tommy went to his mother and told her that he loved her as well. They also had some beautiful things to say to onc another. Tommy realIy began to feel something vastly different inside of him. It was something.. that he had. never had before.. It was something that he found that he truly did lack in his life. A scnsc of peace and joy came over him that made him rejoice. He had found God. He -had opened 'himself up to love and to the things that really mattered in life. Indeed, Jesus was truly right beside him. He began to sce that his illness Was necessary for him to come to this Teatization. He then began to think about all the people in the world who were like himsclf. They were too wrapped up in themsclves to really care about the things that truly did matter in life. The next day, he went back to the university and looked for the priest When he finally found him; they sat down and' talked. Tommy told -the priest everything and the priest's eyes filled with tears. Tommy's faith experience had really touched him. He could not get ovcr how many times Tommy kept repeating, "I found God, I found God!" "Tommy,". the priest finally said. "God was always there, He was waiting for you. He was waiting for 'you to be open to Him". Then the priest asked Tommy if he wanted him to pray for a physical healing. "Gee father," Tommy responded, "I've already had my miracle and I won't stop praising God for it all the days of my life." As Tommy left the room, father could not help but think how that little troublemaker had now become such a happy man - indeed - even a living saintl "I guess miracles do 'happen", he muttcred to himsclf. In this story is a wonderful lesson for all of us during this Advent season. Arc we preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ? Will He find our hearts open (Jr closed· when He tries to knock? Let us keep in mind the real meaning of Christmas this season and be ready to welcome into the world the King of Kings and keep in mind too that miracles really do happen. Anything is possible with faith in God's presence always with us and a little love. It certainly changed Tommy's life. I hope I have made my point. ¥e~ry Christmas and God bless you all. December 94/January 95 I'.' :/f;~Fll.A COMUNlTA'ITALlANA Cinema Dear Diary, Managed to catch some films at the London Film Festival. One ,was by an Italian Nanni Moretti. He's known as the Woody Alien of Italian cinema. He produced, directed, wrote and starred in Caro Diario (Dear Diary) winner of Best Director at Cannes Film Festival. It was divided into three main. Sections. On his Vespa around Rome, travelling the Acolian Islands and an illness he discovers. An amusing film taking a satirical look at why Italian families seem to have only one child, the deserved reputation of Italian medicine and what effect Flashdance has had on the Italian psyche! I enjoyed it. Not rolling around funny but ccrtainly for those who understand the Italian mentality. Onc word description? Carino. Somewhat more perplexing was Mrs Parker and the Vicious Circle. Dorothy Parker could be vicious enough herself. As she said of Katherine Hepbum in a Broadway play:' ,"She ran the whole gamut of emotion from A to B". A distinclly atmospheric' film but what atmosphere director Alan Rudolph was trying to create, I am not sure. Fine performances from Matthew Broderick, Campbel Scott and most especial1y Jennifer Jason Leigh asD.P. What was ultimately disappointing about the film was that other than the line ""Please God let me write like a man" it did not real1y let me get to know Mrs P." the mind behind the words, yet I suspect that was the whole intention. Agrifoglio Boseo technology, in which an actor's features are scanned and combined with a three-dimensional skeletal "body map". Without gelling too technical it then records every nuance of their onserecn activities and transfers them to computer. Richard Allenborogh In Miracle on 34th Street. At last a film that won't Irreprably damage the children! Complicated stuff but the system works in such a way that the computerised images actual1y look every bit as lifelike as the actors themselves. , One major advantage is that the film's stars will not be physically involved in special cffects scenes in any way. This will mean that the whole FX process will be extremely cost-effective, cut down film budgets and save a lot of time. The actors may not even have to be there. The next step is to ask why have the actors act at all. Why not turn up day one, get scanned and the let the Quote ofthe Month computer do the rest? "'It's now cal1ed The Madness Of On the plus side I wonder if it will King Gcorge. There were worries that mean that the new James Bond will American audiences would have been be debonair, charming and classy? Be put off if they thought they had serious, it's a computer not a miracle missed The Madness of Gcorge I and worker! the Madness Of Gcorge 11." Channel 4 film chief David Aukin on the Backlot Gossip Just to confirm Ihat the three retilling of The Madness of George Ill. (Every word is true!) musketecrs are onc for all. In October Jeffrey Katzenberg (former Wait DisSpecial FX update ney studio chairman), Steven SpielAcclaim Entertainment· Inc: have berg and David Geffen (music mogul) joined forces with Warner Bros. to joined forces hoping to create the first create ground-bre:lking special effects successful major studio from seratch sinee Disney in the 1920s. for next summer's Batman Forever. The effccts for the Val Kilmer! The three men who have E.T., Nieole KidmanfJim Carrcy film will Jaws. Jurasslc Park, Schind!er's List, utilise a tcchnique unsccn in the The Eagles, Guns N' Roses, Pretty cinema, known as Motion C:lpture Woman, Aladdin, The Lion King on their C.V. seem to find that the hardest decision is what to call themselves. It is not expected that the $2 billion capital to kickstart the company which will preduce animated films, TV programmes and interactive entertainment will be difficult to find. Since the first project will not reach the public for about two years, it's a good job :each will be allowed to work outside the company. Films In Production I've got such a pile to get through that we will keep to hare facts., Cracker. The best programme on television is currenUy only at the planning stage for, a, full movie version with Robbie Coltrane as FilZ. Forgd Paris finds Billy Crystal as a basketball referee who falls in love with Debra Winger, an American living in Paris. The Twelve Monkeys stars Brad Pill, Madeleine Stow'e and 'Bruee Willis. Terry Gilliam directs this story about a deadly virus that threatens humankind in Ihe21st eentury. Star Man. Giuseppe Tomatore directs this story about a 1950s con man who poses as a talent seout for "Hollywood on the Tiber", Cinecitta·. The Dam will, if Stallone can be coerced, see him reprising the role of mountaineer Gabe Walker in Cliffhanger. This time he is rescuing the Hoover Dam. Sabrina marks the remake of this Billy Wilder classic. This time Julia Ormand will play the female lead alongside Harrison Ford. E=MC' finds Lord Atlenborough doing his bit for British cinema by lending his weight behind Benjamin Fryc's £700,000 feature debut. This romantic drama deals with a US physicist who must overcome professional hostility to complete Einstein's unfinished work. Assassins marks victory for Sean Connery at beating Westey Snipes, Schwarzenegger and Michael Douglas to Ihe plum role of a killer of some years standing forced to fight for his life when a younger hitman decides to knock him off. Richard Donner directs. But the one to look out for is Tom Cruise in Interview With The Vampire. Good stuff apparently. Opens 20 January. In the meantime have a Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. 41 .D_Ic.c.'m.b.r.c.'.9.4/i.G_en.n.a_l_.o_95_' _ , . $~~J A. COMUNITA' ITALIANA HIGH POST • LOOKING FOR A BREAK AWAY FROM WITHIN EASY REACH? LONDON, BUT Come and see The Sgueglia Family (Enzo, GiIlian, Paul. and Marina) at THE INN AT HIGH POST - a modern hQtel/leisure complex, with a Night Club too, near historic Salisbury. There is lots to see and do without any pressure, and the beautiful indoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna' simbed and gym will help you relax completely. Opposite there is lovely ~ighteen hole golf course., AUr~oms are en-suite with every facility including Sky television. The 'food is exceUent, and head chef Antonio Marin will be delight~d' to cook his favourite specialities for you. Nowhere, will you find a· warmer welcome with a distinct Italian bias. Recently we have opened Enzo's Night Club (Named after Papa, but run by son Paul and daughter Marina) - a sophisticated Night Spot with the latest in sound and light technology, top D.J's, live Saturday entertainment and an authentic Cocktail Bar. The Club is open until 2 a.m. Dress to impress - no jeans are allowed in the Club! FANTASTIC WEEKEND BREAK OFFER ~tarting on Friday evening with dinner, accommodation and fuU English breakfast, Saturday dinner,' accommodation and breakfast, and a wonderful carvery speciality lunch on Sunday to complete your weekend. £94 per person (sharing a twin or double room) THE INN is situated on A345 between Amesbury & Salisbury. (Out of London westwards on M3 to A303. Turn left at Amesbury and The Inn is 3 miles on the right. Easy!) PHONE NOW! The Inn, High Post, Nr. Salisbury, Wlllshlre, SP4 6AT Telephone: 0722-782592 Fax: 0722-782630 Proprietors: Enzo & GlIIian Squeglla 42 December 941Jaflllary 95 -I -barJhlt- .P . RIVISl'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA TAR-OX TAR-OX Performance Braking Products A range of brake discs and brake pads to improve braking efficiency of vehicles for road and track. The brake discs are manufactured from special cast iron and have up to 40 grooves per surface to increase stopping power. The brake pads can be supplied in different compounds to suit the driver's requirements. Replacement Parts For FIAT - Yugo - Lada - Polski Lancia - Alfa Romeo The Bomboniere ractory Let us capture the enchantment and romance ofyour special day with our photography We make each wedding Precious & Personal Award winning Photography ADAMADAMOU BOMBONIERE FOR ALL OCCASIONS BEAUTlF1JllJ()AfIJONJERE TUlLE (J}NFEflI FlOWERS INVITATIONS FOR IVEDf)/}{GS & 1i HOLY COMMUNIONS All AT PR/(}J YOU CAN AFFOIW I I I '- Call Anna-Maria or Jayne on; ABIPP, AMPA 87 Green Lanes, Palmers Green London NI3 41D Tel:08I-888 32 75 Dicclllbrc 94/G,!II'.IU{O 95 TEl;08J·44HS48 FAX;07J-284-DS09 45 HOLMES RV,KENTISH TOWN,NW5 3AN 43 :t:~;;;u A COMUNITA'ITALIANA .Sportlight It is said that the British love a loser. Dear old Frank Bruno is ,cited as an example. The great domestic public have taken him to their heartS and yet, to date, 1)e h3S failed in his three attempts to become world champion. You would have to say his best -shot is now behind him but with George Foreman acquiring one of the various world titles at the grand old age 'of 45, I suppose, nothing is imixJssible. . On the other side of the coin, when' an Englishman becomes successful, his hard nosed, committed attitude is criticised and he is not warmly looked upon. Nick Faldo may bean example of someone falling within this category. Of course, gencralisations are dangerous and I, for one,' would not Want to categorise, Damon Hill, aftcr the final race at Adelaide in which we narrowly failed to land the World Motor RaCing Drivers Championship. Hill himself was quoted as saying (admittedly before' the race began) that the only people who remember the person finishing second are his wife and the dog. . I do not intend to do a millisecond by miilisecond' analysis of what happened on the 36th lap. Schumacher was ahead in the championship ,by one point and was in the lead in the race closely pursued by Hill. If the English driver finished in front of his 44 Richard Evans Genitan rival then the World Championship would be his. Schumacher lost the car on the bend' bounced off a wall"went across the road, and as Hill attemptCd to pass ,on the inside there was a collision which ultimately ruled both drivers out of the race. Should Hill have been more patient? Did he not realise the damage' Schumacher had done to his ear? About the only thing one can say with absolute certainty is that the answer to that latter question must be no. The great problem with any post race analysis is that' one tends" to forget the speed at which these cars are travelling and the fractional moments in time in which the drivers have to make career, and even worse, life, determining decisions. I will simply say that I know what my gut reaction was when I saw the incident for the first time. What has impressed me most of all, however, has been Hill's reaction to this setback. No ·formal complaint was lodged by' the Williams team. . I have at home a book written about the life of Graham Hill, who is one of my great sportIng heroes and there are pictures of his son who was aged 'only 15 at the time of his fathcr's tragic death. I have also visited, admittedly during the course of a round, the plaque which marks the spot where Hill's planc crashed on a foggy night nearly 20 years ago on Arklcy Golf Course. So I wanted Damon Hill to win but if I am being truthful, it may have been as much for the memory of his fathcr as for the son himself. The 1994 World Champion is Michael Schumacher. We should not forgct that Schumachcr had been, so far ahead in the championship that it had taken a suspension to enable Hill to get close enough for everything to dcpend upon Adelaide. That final race .has illustrated clearly for me, however, the. standing and integrity of Damon Hill. In defeat he has grown out of the shadow of his father and like many others I want him to win the 1995 Championship for himself. He should take great pride in being called a truly great sportsman and I, for one, will be voting for him as the 1994' BBC Sports Personality of the Year. As reliular readers of this column will· know, loyalty and sportsmanship are' standards which I think it is important our authorities. fight to retain: I must admit, therefore, that I was disappointed when Ron Atkinson left Sheffield Wednesday for Aston Villa and Mike Walker dcparted from Carrow Road to go to the "bigger club" at Everton. Thcir recent respective demises indicate that perhaps they may have been better off to stay where they .were after all. At the moment of dictating this note, Brian Little haS just handed in his notice at Leicester and it looks as if he is going to IX: appointed the new Villa Manager. Again, a vcry disappointing devclopment. I have much'more sympathy with Gerry Francis who seems to have been given the runaround by his chairman at QPR and frankly thc Spurs defensive record effectively left Sugar with no !Illernative than to part company with Ossie Ardiles. After a year of relative stability, it would secm that the managerial merry-go-round is alive and kicking in the premier league. Finally, 1 have yet to read the world exclusive in the Daily Mirror about the sad news concerning one of my club's home grown stars, Paul Merson. Let us hope that he can sort his problems out because there is nothing worse than a burgeoning ,talent which withers on the vine. Have a happy Christmas. , , i December 94/January 95 11 I~---. :tJ;~FllA COMUNlTA'ITAlJANA . Italsport Sandro Pratoli Volley: Volley azzurro piglialtttuo. Nell'anno della villoria mondiale, la nazionale di Velasco ha conquistalo I'unico alloro che le mancava. il lomco del Super Four, competizione fra le prime tre squadre e1assificale nella rassegna iridata piu' la, squadra del Paesc ospitanle. Nella finale di Tokio, g1i azzurri hanno ballulo per 3-1 l'Olanda (15-lI, 9-15, 15-4, 15-4), guadagnando il premio di 250 mila dollari, vale a dire 400 milioni di lire. n lrionfo e' stalo completalo dalla mcssc di riconoseimenti piovuli sulla squadra italiana. Velasco e' stalo nominalo miglior allenalore, Papi si e' preso addirillura Ire riconoseimenti (schiaccialore. difensore e giocalore piu' speltacolarc), Zorzi ha avulo la soddisfazione di csscre slalo VOlalo come miglior giocalore assolulo. La villoria nel Super Four conscnte all'Ualia di consolidare iI primo poslo nella classifica della Fcdervolly inlemazionale: ora ha 318 punli, al secondo poslo il Brasile con 215. Basket: Milano ha il nuovo americano alposlo ,dell'infortunato Slokes: e' Aloe Kessler,' 27 anni, bianco, 2.09, I'anno scorso nella Miami Heat. Turismo: Dopo l'lnghilterra I'Alfa conquisla anche la Spagna. La 155 TS ha bissalo il litolo di Tarquini nel lurismo brilannico con I'ex pilola della Minardi, Adrian Campos. NelI'ullima gara di Jerez Campos ha chiuso quinlo, davanli al rivale Ferte' (Bmw). Sci: Manuela Di Centa ha subito I'asportazione di una. parte dell'inleslino cicco infiammato e perferalo. I mcdici sono ollimisli ma resl:mo i misleri sulle quale del malanno. Problemi anche per Deborah Compagnoni: sulle condizioni di salule della campionessa, La Fise ha diramalo un COIllUnicalo. In esso si a1ferma che ·"a scguilO del risconlro dell'alterazione di alcuni paramelri emalici e urinari. l'atleta Deborah COlllpagnoni e' slata ricoverala in via prccauzionale presso una nOla casa di cura milancsc csclusivalllenle per esscre solloposla a ulteriori e piu' approfondite analisi. II sospello diagnoslieo e' di una glolllemlonefrile di probabile nalura acuta conscgucntc a una infczionc delle vie aeree superiori. ·.Le alluali coudizioni dell'allela solio buone e la lendenza a una norlllalizzazione dei paralllenlri alterali depone per una lhsc di risoluzione della malallia. I tempi e i modi della rispresa dell'attivila' sportiva saranno stabilili dopo la valutazone dei prossillli c&1mi" Dicembre 94/Gennaio 95 _ _ ~ Calcio: A Brcscia, un vicequestore gravissilllo, Giovanni Selmin, ae-' collellalo all'addome e SOllOposto ad intervento chirurgico: e' in prognosi riservata. Un ispellore colpilo da una bomba carta, Angelo De Rosa: gnarira' in Irenta giomi. Sono le due villime prinCipali di una giornata di gnerriglia. GIi ultra' della Roma si sono prcsentali a Brcscia con un vero arsenale: bolllbc, coltelli, persino ascc e picconi. Kiekboxing: A Milano, davanti a 8 mila speltatori accorsi a Kickboxingmania 2, I'italofranccsc Francois Pannacchio ha conquistato ai puiiti contro I'olandcse· Ramon Dckkcrs iI mondiale - 67 kg. Pari iI match lullo italiano Ira iI detentore del litolo inlercontinentale Iska Micbele Araldi (-72 kg) e 10 sfidante Davide Carli. Velasco con if migHor giocatore Zoni Sei: E' partita male la Coppa del mondo masehile di sei e per Scstriere e' subito delusione: tradita dalla neve che non c'e' la locaIita' piemontcse non ha ospitato. il suo weekend di garc. Calcio: II Malera, sccondo in C2 (girone C), ha un nuovo allenatore: Pino Raffaele. E' iI quinto dall'inizio della stagione. Boxe: A Cardiff, nell'europeo dei mosca, Camputaro ha perso mateh e tilolo conlro iI gallcse Regan, vinei· lorc con verdello scandaloso. Calcio: 11 jolly del P<1rma, Tomas Brolin, e" stato operato alia caviglia sinislra, dopo I'infortunio occorsogli in Svezia·Ungheria (frallura all'arti· colazione del collo del piede). 11 Seherma: Terzo POSIO per Gio- dOllor Jan Ekstrand ha applicalo una vanna Trillini nella gara d'csordio placca con ollo viti di acciaio. Sembra della coppa del Mondo di fiorello ad ehe per Brolin la stagione sia definitiAlene. La Trillini e' stata sconfilta vamente conclusa. dalla Fieblel per 15·8 in semifinale e ba diebiarato: "Sono soddisfatta Seherma: Salvatore Sanzo campicomunque della gara, e' appena I'i· one europeo di fiorello a Cracovia nizio di stagione, la slrada e' lunga". negli under 20, ha vinto a Londra Meno positivo iI risultato degli l'Eden Cup di fiorello, prova della seiabolatori cbe sempre ad Atene coppa Mondo under 20. In finale ha hanno dispulato la scconda prova di balluto il ledcsco Scbiccbweg per Coppa. n' inigliore degli italiani e' 15·12. stato Tarantjno, Scslo alle spalle di un quintello di russi: . Boeee: La De Merolis Teramo (D'AIcssandro, Castagna, Formicone, Di Calcio: n laziale Gascoigne, in fase DOlllenico) ha conquistato a Toronto di convalcsccnza, wole laseiare l'Ita· (Canada) iI litolo mondiale di club lia: "Le cose vanno nlo11e, non vedo (spccialita' raffa), succedendo alia squadra eincse delle Shaanxi. !'ora di tornme in Ingbilterra". 45 _ -b~ ...P" 1,I . RIVISl'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA Baekhill Serie "A" Fantasy League League Table Positions as at 28-11-1994 Serie "A" Matches No. 8 to No. 11 Manager of the Month AHhe end of a high scoring month the Mafiettes have just managed to keep ahead of Malesi del Boseo, so congratulations to oui. first manager of the month L. Ciccone, a bottle of Baekhill Premier Grand Cm eounesy of Assoeiazione Parmigiani Valccno wiiI be making its way to you. -. ~.. Anglo-ltaIian Football League Sponsored by Barilla Plyd Won .Drw Lost Gioc Vinto Par Pars Division 1. , A.C. VALCENO' 5 0 5 Fino 20.11.94 For Agst Points "LA VOCE" Par Sub Punti SDortsmanshiD Marks. ! 0 ' 23 5 1 <; - I-'-D_E_M,;.;E:...N..:.N..:.A:.:T:.:0~T_'.:.;Rc:::S_-l-c:::6-i~~L;~I-+~13:!-!-,I~I4-.-!I'-o!I'-l CIBORIO F.C. ITALIA WASTEELS / 5 6 l 3 1 3 1 1 I 2 , I I DI SOTTO ICECREA~ 6 3 : 0 3 VALTARO ALIVINI 3 2. 1 A.C.PIACENZA o I, , 6 1 A.C.BAFFI 4 46 I' I o MoNDIAIl. 5_....... ' 0: -'- ITALIA UNITA CHARLES ......_---,."'", 1 : 3 7 .66 R ?n 5 ? 10 7 18 16 10 8.11;' 18 16 9 7.40 .12 5 6 7.80 5 7.50 20 3 8.00 6 1 7.00 I , 0 3 .1 2 14 1I5 3. 10 IQ I _-..:.._....:...,..----L..~~ 1, • ~ 4n I 2 • 3 , :1 , 7.20 December 94/January 95 'I :iJ;a1/1!f!;;;;;u A. COMIJNITA'ITAUANA A. FRANCE & S'ON INDEPENDENT CATHOLIC FAMILY UNDERTAKERS SERVIZI FUNEBRI ALL'ITALIANA LUNGA ESPERIENZA TRASLOCHI SALME IN ITALIA FUNERALS ARRANGED IN LONDON, THE COUNTRY AND ITALY Personal Attention Ai All Times Italian If desired, funeral arrangements c.m be made at your home "ULTIMA CENA" COFFINS * RICORDINI * It.,li.,n Or English * Pre-Payment Funeral Plans available for England and Italy LAPIDE. It.,lian Or English Inscriptions PRIVATE CHAPEL OF REST OPE1'-17 DAYS FOR VISITING Also At Head Office 41 JII0NJIIOUTH ST., LONDON WC2 45 LAMB'S CONDUIT ST~, LONDON WCt TEL: 071-405 4901 OR 071-405 2094 I4 WATFORD WAY, LONDON NW4 166 CALEDONIAN RD., LONDON NI For Immediate 24 Hour Service GEORGE & GRAHAM NEWSAGENTS Italian and English Newspapers and Magazines Don't miss your favourite newspaper or magazine... Subscribe with GEORGE& GRAHAM. Per ricevere la vostra copia di qualsiasi rivista giornale italiano.... 0 ABBONATEVI con GEORGE & GRAHAM Tel: 071-278 1770 Diccmbrc 94/GCIIIW/O 95 47 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b~ . ~ . RIVISTA DEILA COMUNITA'ITALIANA .------------'--=----=-==::; FELIX BUREAU AGENZIA DILA VORO SPECIALIZZATO PER PERSONALE ALBERGHIERO HA A DISPOSIZIONE POSTI VACANTI PER PERSONALE QUALIFICATO NEL SETTORE PREJllER ROOFING CO~IPANY NEW ROOFS SLATING & TILING LEAD & ZINC WORK LOFT CONVERSIONS FELT & ASPHALT REP.! !RS GUTTERING , .. CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE IDEilLCHRlSTMJlSGIFT ..Ave Maria" Uplifting music - harp, violin, organ and voice. Artists from major recording companies. FOR ALL CATERING STAFF EMPLOYMENTBUREAU MANAGERS, HEAD WAITERS, WAITERS, WAITRESSES,lstj2ndj3rdCHEFS, VEG COOKS, KITCHEN PORTERS, SNACK BAR COUNTER HANDS AND" STAFF ETC... 80 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE LONDONWl TEL: 071'-437 8513 OR 071-4714/4840/4467 Travel 2001 L'Agenzia specializzata in vali charter e di linea per le principali citta d'ltalia . .~n ~~'~~~b- ....... CD £11 - Cassette £8 Qualsiasi durata Partenza con ritomi da citta' diverse Hayward Segal Phone/Fa~: 081-346 8975 27 CyprusAvenue, Finchley' lo'ndbn N31SS voti per molte altre citta' europea e resto del mondo Noleggio auto ed assicuraZione a tariffe converiientissinie Chianiateci al : 071-381 5883 Agenti per Operatori con Licenza ATOl 48 December.94/January 95 ] I -b~ . ~ RIVISI'A DEILA COMUNITA'ITALIANA Tempo Libero JOIN THE DOTS WHAT IS IT? '0. .25 26 C 28. SS' 29' .32 '31 '- .24 23' 20 22. 21 • \ -19' i 16.- 15. 34 •• ". I., 12' 30. Fill in the areas marked with a dot. 3. v: .10 //.9 .13 / • 14 8 -7 - '2 33 ~~, s_4 '6 Join the dots in the numbered sequence. Solutions to last month's puzzles • • • , • \, •• • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • Oh darling... my favourite dish ... Nobody ever asks me ... to dance!! smoked salmon!!! SPOT THE DIFFERENCE Spot the 25 differences between the two pictures ...-------.:-r---=---;...,...-------, Dicembre 94/GellllUio 95 , , 49 Mamma's Ricetta Tacchino 0 Pesce con Verdura .Ingredienti: 4 petti di tacehino 4 ceucehiai di olio 1 cipolla trillata 1 melanzana tagliata a cubetti 1 peperone verde tagliato a quadrctti 1 peperone rosso tgaglato a quadretti 250 gr di passato di pomodoro (pomi') sale, una prcsina di pepe di Caiene succo di Y, limone, 1 cucehiaino do zucehero 100 gr vino bianco eiuffo di prezzcmolo mtato Ripieno: 60 gr briceiole di pane 60 gr parmigiano grallugiato 1 eucehiaio di erbe sccche sale, pepe, 1 uovo Amalgamate insieme tutti gli ingredienti MrsM.G. Turkey or Fish with vegetables Ingredients: 4 turkey breasts 4 tablespoons of oil 1 onion finely chopped I aubergine cut into cubes 1 green pepper cut into small squares 1 red pepper cut into small squares. 9 oz sievcd tomatoes (pomi') salt, a pinch of eayenne pepper 1 teaspoon of sugar Juice of Y, lemon 3 fl oz white wine handful of chopped parsley Stuffing: 2 oz bread crumbs 2 oz grated parmcsan 1 tablespoon of mixed dried herbS 1 egg, salt, pepper Mix all the ingredients together Metodo: Method: Cucinate la cipolla, i peperoni e la melanzana nel olio per Fry the onion, peppers, aubergines in the oil for 5 minutes. 5 minuti. Aggiungete iI passato di pomodoro, 10 zucehero, Add the sieved tomatoes, sugar, salt and pepper and iI sale cd iI pepe e continuate la coUura per aIm 10 minut;, continue cooking for a further 10 minutes. Make a cut into Fate un taglio in ogni peUo di tacehino e riempitelo con un the turkey breast and put some of the stuffing in each. po' del ripieno. MeUete i peUi di tacehino in una profila Place the turkey breast into a greased oven dish. Pour the imburrata. Spruzzotevi sopra iI limone cd iI vino bianco. lemon juice and wine over thcm. Cover with the Coprite con la verdura. vegetables. Place in pre-heated ovcn no.5/190' for 30 Cueinateli nel fomo pre-scaldato no. 5/190' per 30 minut;, minutes. Garnish with parsley and serve. Con iI Pesce: 4 filetti di pescc 100 gr gambereUi MeUete i gamberetti sui pescc e piegatelo. Continuate come per la ricetta del tacehino. Fish Dish: 4 fillets of fish (plaice, sole etc.) 4 oz prawns Place the prawns on half of the fish, fold forming an envelope. Continue as for the above recipe. Semi-freddo di Marroni Chestnut Iced Dessert I Ingredienti: .30 amarctti 100 gr marsala sccco 250 gr marroni 0 ercma di marronni 60 gr cioccolato fondente graUugiato 300 gr di panna Ingredients: 30 amareui biscuits 4 floz dry Marsala 9 oz marrons glace" 2 oz dark chocolate grated 10 oz double cream Metodo: Foderata uno stampo con pellicoJa trasparente. Bagnate leggermente 24 amarcUi nel Marsala. Rivestite fondo e pareti dello stampo con gli amarcUi. McUetc in una terrina i 'marroni sminuzzati, i restanti amareui sbriceiolati, iI cioccolato grauugiato cd iI marsala rimasto. Mcscolatele tuUi insiemc. Montate la paura cd amalgamalcla ai marroni.. Versale iI composlo nello stampo e coprile con la pellicola. MeUetelo nel freezer. Lcvatc dal freezer I~ minuti prima di servirlo. Immergetc iI stampo in acqua tiepida per qualchc minuto, e sforriatclo nel piauo di portata. Spargete un po' di eioccoJato grauugiato sui dolce. Method: Line the lib loaf tin \vith cling film. Lightly dip about 24 amarcUi in the Marsala. Lone the boUom and sides of the tin \vith the amareUi. Chop the marrons into thin pieces. Put thcm into a mixing bowl, add the remaining 6 amareUi which you have crushed, the chocolate and the rest of the marsaJa. Mix them all. together. Whip the cream and gently blend it into the chestnut mixture. Put it into the loaf tin and cover with cling film. Place in freezer. Remove from frcezer about 10 minutes before serving. Put tin into a bowl of warm water for a few minutes. Turn dessert onto scrving dish. Cover \vith a Iiule grated chocolate. Serve 50 i December 94/January 95 ; 'i I' r ~==== ~--'" ~ 5abato 4 5abato 11 Cena e Ballo dell'Associazione Pedina Val D'Arda pro restauri tetto Chiesa San Pietro; 5ala Rossa, Casa San Vincenzo Pallotti, 136 Clerkenwell Road, EC1. Tel; Mr Perotti 0181·769 8497 ".. i~:J ~ Cena e Ballo Annuale del Circolo Veneto, Centro Scalabrini, Brixton Road Tel: 5ig. Giacon 0171·837 1966 per dettagli. ~-:~~~£~~~~t~:~:--~~t~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~i~~~=;=- ~~~1t~~i~""~~~i~.=-~~~ I I I,, L'abbonamento annualc (10 cdlz1oni) con spese postall, solo per la Cll, costa £10.0~. Rlcordatcvl che BACKIIILL l1cnc prodotto da volontari c non ha scopo dl profitto. Qualunque vo5tro dODO cl alutera' a contlnuare a servlre la comuntta' lIallana. ./ BACKHILL Subscriptions, 11 Fieldview Court, Fryent Close, London NW9 ,I I I. The annual sUbscription (10 Issues) IndudlDg postage, uK only, is £10.00. Pltase remember that DACKIIILL Is a voluntary and non profit making publication, and any addillonal dOD2t1on )'OU make will help us to coDth:~ue this stn1ce to the ltJ1lan Community. Name Nome DalcIDala I' SubslAbbonamcnlo Address Indirizzo DonationIDono Total Enclosed Somma Aeclusa £ --Cheques payable to: "BACKIIILL" - Vaglic Inleslati a: "BACKIIILL" ., , I .' Dicembre 941Ge'IIIo;0 95 51 ~. - _ OPERA GALA NIGHT ,~ inc excerpts from Verdi;Leoncavallo & Puccini CARO DIARIO ' 11" Wednesday 28 December at,7.30pm directed by ~anni Moretti Curzon West End- Tel: 01719369 1,722 '~ Barbican Centre, Silk Street, ECI Renoir Brunswick:Sq. - TeI: 0171-837'8402 ;1 Tel: 0171-6388891 Ode()!1 Ken~ington - Te!: 0171-371~166 ,~'::jhji j';!!'p~g~~-':c:tE:~:;E~::~:cE':'::j":~'l >. ... ." '~m '~~:'!::~'~'~~:!:~:~::::~:::::::lr:'::ffi!:~1!::~::;: :d~::::: . ="." :::: OTELLO ::':::~ by Giuseppe Verdi 13,17,20,24,26 January J February 1!)95 at 7.30pm Conducted by Carlo Rizii Royal Opera House, CoventGarden Tel: 0171-3044000 . CLASSICAL FAMILY GALA inc Verdi, Mascagili & Puccini Friday 30 December at 3.00pm & 7.30pm Barbican Centre, Silk Street, EC1· Tel: 0171-638 8891 ~" 1 ~,:~ ~~ Thursday 22 December at 7.30pm . Barbican Centre, Silk Street, ECl Tel: 0171-638 8891 ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSES Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Istituto Italiano di Cultura 39 Belgrave Square, SWl Tel: 071 235 1461 ~:i~ '. ~t~F#~~~~-£:~~~~:~~~~-~:§"~~:"~~ ;:H:::=:::':;b 't~::::~:"'~ ~::;:: ,: LA BOHEME I(,!I]"" by Puccini Travelling Opera Compariy ~::~~ ':~ ':~;:~~!!~~~:~~~~~~~E.tL~~:~:gU~J ~ji~ VENETIAN TWINS JOY OF CHRISTMAS inc excerpts from Corelli's Christmas Concerto· B:r~c~~,~~~:le,1§5~ ~~r:;t~)fc;1 Tel: 9171-638 8891 ~-"",a ::--=_-=..::::-:::=.:-~~~=====--=-~:;.~-===-~~-_----" ~~-- -::- .:::::.=-==- -===_-::.--=---=--=-~,=-",,-~~~~--~-~~-." . by Carlo Gqldoni ' ...... ..."'" Royal Shakespeare Company 13,14,15,30,31 December 1994 at 7.30pm THE YOUNG MICHELANGELO 2,3,11,12,13,27,28 January 1995 at 7.30pm ==~ until 15th January 1995 Barbican Centre, Silk Street, ECl National Gallery g:;:: Tel: 0171-638 8891 Sainsbury' Wing, Trafalgar Sq. . ¥-~ l' Ii ~I . Dm"", _~~;:"~:~lE-~c;.~a=-=~-~-~~_::~- ~ \ --..~~~,"~-~~~~~~~!:r.~i~g~--:,::-~-:=-~;:-~:~~~~~~~~·~-:~~~~2~~~~~-n~r~~~F;;~~-~_