26th September 19
26th September 19
Sss&iardmgj put ffrrt w i t h hi&? parrslspert. Xn a fewxpinut@shs explained t o sirs tBs% %hemwas diff'iaultyj the s f f i ~ S a 1hsB. t m a d In hlis book as order prohibiting Zhab paissags of L ~ g t a eofftcialg #p 02 anybor31$ caanarc%ed,d t h the League. The f o l l o ia ~ a bare arasm%~ of what folXcmuad 88 J report+& s f e w drays later t o tha S u p s d a o r y Comittaer V h s Leegur garty oon~fstsda f Laster, Saoklia, Bbalsr, 8aBiSnr ( ~ o r t u y a s e )and one 2aglish m d one Preach stanogrrphar. They aoeoapanisd by Guerrarop Yseaidant of Court, and were fo piak I@ W- mu& Ou+ss+ro bil dgploraabtSrcr visa frm Spanish Yiniafar who hatd r s f i a e d diplornatis vlls% *Q Lastar, althsugh Xrttmr oarrim4 dfpXomaP;3ro passport, par$y. Spanish Consurf in Oanava gave oca$nsry visas for aZl. %;M Yoxt~cdaseS.inisfars gave B i p L t x m t i ~v i a a s f o r rlT. QP arrival at Le Partbur, Dusrrero and Eesfsr first eaterat& Spanf sb froaf f er sff'ior where QfPiaer-Ln-ubrge inrtructiorrar about beape yaopla, segd he b d ssrta In hfs book be turned up aa inlrtruation which he mid arrra dated 13th of August and forbade the s n t q of any Leb%meo f f i c i a l or any oat8 aomsaterS w2th Lhs Esam+r Oa thfs ground be refuasd t o allow the League o f f i a i a l s t o pass h$ thought there would be no d i f f f e u l t y about Suabsrerol SundsLy, 3#.lra. T h i 8 mar %Ilsringpsotest, frontier a f f i o i a l a p e e d r e f * r xiattar t a Governor, Cavcr~or'a 8tcraltary thought there wou1d be ao diffiaulty about Cuarrem, but Governor could not be fbuadl; aot mtiX MYIOIP&J t k f C O V ~ ~ Q F C* ISD Z L ~ ~ ~ P D B~ ~u~. rQ iLwL d . it ra8 Cuerraw fhea spaka yereanrmPly protesting agraiast deaf e i o a and urging refrsxen~* Oovsmor und-esto~kt o do so arad promised reply before t o Madrid. - rp,a.M~n&ye.lrming. f o r e p l y u ~ s%ill N t s d a y r f 11 a.m. tha maant%am, Lsstrr parmuadad Ouemrsrs through but wished t o remain with party - - r h o thought ha oou1d get that he sbsu;ld go alone narqAng a far .rrbtrl2 g%y@rn For the lwtinia;. rant3 Tuesday 3aorning r f t a r fi-l rmi&dPJr on ZP He etgreed reLurztan4lly daaisfon, apgl5ad for his owa entry. W e t b r the sntfrs party sst o f f for Geneva. @I Monday Irster. sent telegram t o Phalrn warning him of d i f f t rrtdtiars m d urging lrim Zo do all posrriblab that ~ a s a f g n garhouZd be held. alao to& prooapI retion f o S a r l l i t r b %bs amating f%nancially. "(~ecretr On 'Puss&). aorning the l l o r r e g i r n Legation (Vichy) piaslead over frontier rad Lsster gave Bbrg a p l p r f o r P h b l ~%&(3oxp0~8t S~armtary-Genera3 s pro@oaala t o Castmimion far aggroverl. ) @ %Ina paateed h a t i e r Su&ay sftarnoon- olertensibl;p on boPf b y -sit. WllBa rrewar yet o f Costa &U RoIs* "Lsater hrsd anticipatad deleya and possibly indtgnity buf no f l a t rehaaL He waited pafiantly at frontier until the goint requests Cuerssro and Lestar had been gushed t o ultimate point an& fSxzm3, refieaz uorraaflj and ur&srarlim%he war rebuked baosuse hs had @vma defaiZr and &er of h i a QNS.IP~ be-g t ~ l dbe s b u l d merely have refbse&antry 1p8thmt e~li~2anafiorr.~ l a kiaksd o m heels for 48 hour6 l i k e s batch of ~ePugeesr a I waib detemined t o ee3cerciss paSianoa and t o push the yrofsst t o t h lhit, aeoepting Sn aeblmosd m y ~ i r a m a t ~ & nthe c e passage sas aur obJaetfre -8 so i m p a r t ~ t . both the Spaenish M& We ha& tiara t o msge the aogucS9taaas OS Z%"EBaeh affir;iala$ %be latter, although ns hsd alxarsq offiufa3ly left fscr~ztc;r@reaeonably allowed urs t o ga b a ~ kr few hundTed yards t o l i v e i n a ~omewbarrt;dirty l i t t l e im in the villrga, 'IAihsn we got there about 8 o*clocsk and asked f o r r9Zntn~r~the queslfioa of bmlad osrdrs n 8 rania~dbut a rrxightly inebriz~&ed French [email protected] r&i%rsee saying tkrsrf Be had re%fed for f i v e &yrs for his visas t o be crheekad and o f f thm next ~ a o r n i a ~ r We sera quite grate- arora than grora;sf%l Per the food which fol2ored, The mealer during ear 2 5 m in 9R.Snee was* beompasarbly poorer than Qae usuallp expaatadt thsp rere Suet barely rds~uafrj even fn as good rrss-tauraaf or tro share n etappsdl. ua Lha journey, the hors-dvoreuvre, f o r cz&a4gZm, usually es re11 dona, consisfed of some choppsa beet and tamaCoei~; these were a164 of QQUTS. restriation8 0n quantStie8 and the number af even a &ishe@, In the 3btZla v5ll~geof Le Eerthu~thexe r a ~ difficul%y about frui4; h a P f tha street was in Syrafn aad erpp&mu!i%Zy usually aupglirsd the fruit, but an bnbargo ha& bean plaaed aa t h f s trade %ha,pr-ccrioua weak, Bot once dSd re get any milk or magar, OF even bread far Brukkfiast an& only ones d w f n g the f2ve Bdiys abacarncre d3.6 X eea a rsllaall pat of butter# bssa%rfasrt uamlly crsnpiieted o f wrrrwcaetsned and uxaailked @offeewithout bread* 'She aaait9Jrgr a ~ r mentn Sn the hot41 left aonethfng t o be desired. Sur3.q aus watch on the frontiar, nobody yaeraarf but a few Balm rend hi8 nsfe bu* ha hear4 %here waia t ~ ~ u b land a earsfcnSly av;oi&ad any rsaaoiation 8)i~yiaghe .aruuXd wait for us ia 23amsXoru. 018 Presf&uat Guarrero aate8 fhxoughowt wPSh tha m a t esos2ls]1ltf; in ~ u c hcircumm.tmoas. At one tias however, he did begia t, l o m ~ patience w b z a the Govarmar we saugbt a o U d net Bie fouacl and rapliea promiaad did acrt osrrrr 'Tltou people - he mid - havs tmdm 8 mvoludi811c t o aatabliah ardsr i n yanr ciorrntrp sad ilt aa*nr to as p u have mrea diaordarr %hraP ever rsu had.$ The DfsfAcst Commfsbsionar and fronfiar oifioara volubly yrotested seying that the order SIsfdas thea ~ o u n t r y waa nrs~piffloaat. - %M, myra old &eaf deernf, order bagSsr at; thar frontieran 033 oxne of the oeeasf~nswhen they mesa exaaining ay Irish dfplonatie pasaport with ourioeity, one of thea rctmrke8 mats i ~ a1 friend af Spain - ~freld Oh yes, she seat volunteers t o f f e t for us - order isaued (on tha b y that Phelsn'~p u t 7 got throzygh) usually wcberiag "aapaPdriJI+~*and a mwslvsr in the b e l t wjith r -kind o f ~ i f ~ m * loose-fitting .h.bby On .p# pmba,bZo aaafher ooc~arsfona ijrmart diplomatis arr drove s mmi get out and went t;hsougtir the passpart faramlftfrr h o~batst tm saPautes an4 an he war getting Sn am-:, be suddsnly recroggiscrd ~ u PGQSJ. r isl?ee2Wt ad I a U I e d UP t o the bt.1 orr. of the ~ i t a ~ o a u st , in th. &inL%ag a bottle aE wafer (even I 2 n a n l atam w a n scrraa urb orsnge or leaon jpioa minutcrar he syokt, ia s v in I f e l t that a mtbr at the nmx* Mb3.e was eyehg me ~22doftar a feu good-looking -EL Isft G available m y ) ao Re .turned out t o be OF half Jrar%shblood m4 hrd 833 sshhlfsh%ngh h m l f i a Bell@wn where be manages f o r a facotory, Wi%hout; tsrlliq h5m ~ny%hfngrbeut my ')s~.n ,NeEl'lsn with whom he had basina%s relation8 in r%sttirrg up a b-h affair oonpars4 with h i s ather'psolspimta at f he 3a nas tijre. travelling on s apsrriaP rerf'ug~sparsnport issued by tb6 Belgiaa Qo-v men* and t o 1 4 a8 h. hrd a l t i t n d the &die o f his b i r t h as men a n b t 443 rare aut srl3awed t o 1eave P r a m . Be had 2ria d m a a fer S i p a b urd interamant camp an& thought ha w o a d be shot if he fell %#to bmnds. HPe Spani~hon8 Ysrhaparss: vim@r e r e a$prwchigp; Be n r go* t o try Borne msthoa o f gllsftbg acrrossg Qt- 8 ~ g i ~ dlltd y he hoped t o r B r i t i a L e e t i o n ar Conatlra%arbars he oauld offer U e ~erv&ema is rs, he sraiQo I maoff. Z19b%erthat eranfag3 was agoin bsckr2f;h Cusrrero at the Spaair~hfrsatier post whara do= the hill-S%& WWNB three Spanish sol8Aass he raj.^ faur civ3.Xianar %hey were a bigaif%cd Yolisih Jew ai about TO1 bearded and rww?hg a iroek-croat and hi8 i8quar'lZy aged dfsr m&a c U l d o f abaut 8 years rof age$ ropurintance of the caf&. ~eoognitioa, behSnd came ay Be oaqgbt my eye but gave au 8%- They wsm hustle4 iaZe the frontier office ea4 Guerram strolle4 kn t o o b ~ + r ~ rlPbd aoldiibret reported - ha thecbfr f a m r - that they bad giocm tha~seXveaug barving crossed thQ Prontier cUnQbr- tinely some t w o stiles bsok. Z b Some oro~~-eutmina'kion follows& o f f i c i a l reyortsd to hie Sanfor Offfuer br talephone. Qudrrre~oiafss- n n a d (these e f f i e i s l s had a l m o s t become o l d iricadsl) and witid that these poor creatures rare only flying to colas safety and f f bar ouuZ.d Tat them through it would ba a good act, or sonetbPng l i k e that. Eventually, the two o l d yeagle and the u h i l d were relsrseii our4 th+ last Z aaw of then wars msrchSng down tha main road i n t o Spainr afaat, but mother stage ~OWOTBB liberty* Then cams the case of the German Jew. It, l o f t an ~pratsrsfonon my mhQ, He had, it is true, a~terabd the dste on the gassport, but aould o a l y do so t o the extent of his 39 years aad 9 months, insttsad af h f a real age of 35, but he h6 t o be r s J s ~ t s & ,beuihbuse he r a a still under 40. Again Outrrers h&br.~.. renad and they agreed t o put him Wek aacretly over the frontfrr mdt not gut kfra i n t o the hands of ths,uatchful Pranoh gsndarsfpea at kh+ frontier. A dolighthil human touch in spit. o f i l l rhea the Spanish & ~ s c i s %o f f i o i o l asksd the President of the InternutforuS. Court to keep the French gbncUrme engaged in coneultrtion at an a where he could not see the Baan b l a g brouQght o u t of the 'Spanish offsaa. This ras done and the refuges dissyyeared t o be h e l d somewhere wti2 night f e l l . On anothes oocaaion Guersera*~p o d haart helped r Belgf&n refugee, his w i f e and a c h i l d . They ware telling him the history of their flight, havfng lost t h e i r car +n route, and s a i d their destim- tion was to be Tfrugwrp. Guerrero advised ther t o see the XinisCsr at Li~boawho war r f r i e n d of bin, whereupon the enCaryrisSgg; Z r d y askad for a letter of intraductiong off the hacld%ngof L the Spansah p b l r n g i ~ ttore 60 pieae of gaper and the P~slaidento f the Court wrote an Pntroduction f o r 6 family he had never aersn b s f s s a , Aa we were walk%= Back from the frontier whea .the F i n n 1 mfi-l t o l e t any one through was seoeiveb, we n o t i ~ e dthssa -2s befora the Prench Cuetoms Offfcs and r e ~ o p S s s 8fhm BorregfuL Iregatiua an route for Lisbon after being kfaka8 out of Vichy a t tha raqueest. Gierr~oa Wi%h them was Berg, Co\ursellor of the Legation sad fosatsrz$ r Lesgrre o f f i c i a l * One o f owr Snmsdiata problems was t o get a fan quits iaoffaalarivrr but d t n l l y Zzaportatnt do.czumeafs through f ~ r the \ sreatizag. X amk~6.&srg i f he would gut somataing in h i s poekrt for drat* report* 3 oong;raleuZr.t;admyself on 6 bYf o f quiok area urisllbful thinkiw. me news of the attack by free &reach and Britieh f o w e s ua had just orrSve8 arrd J a u k l i a anticfpated t h i a aright lead %er ser_iatls oonaegusneas a t Zhs f'rbntiess far belligemats, so, although Z thought th%s aoiuerhat wslikeZy, Z Look ad-ntb~ge OS a private oar belonging t o the ~aasaageacy a a the bus whieb without atoppfng. He travePlad rerpiegnsn at nearly 2 p.a., SO raia returning ddract t o Geneva f a e t t b t , although he 2 e f t ha wra in Annesasse at nidnlght and s a o w d from the Frentsh and the Swfaa the possibility of paaerisg the, frontier after i t was c l o s e d . We Game bactk s e b t s l y , our bus d o t t a r e d along a% a good 70 MS,an hour an the long straight TO&&@ and %as p i t e of a eabrtafa m o u n t of shaking and an o c c s ~ S o ~w 1h i f f of aro~sout, i t aaa not too uapXsabi%%~t;.Uer Ianchrsd in P ~ r p S g w aand dine$ in brignon, where we took the oyportuai0;y of rargsrdiag the famsus "Pant B*AvS$pc)a~ ail that L-@pegsakzrlace, slsix We slwt at Valenes far the usual five or hours, notoblrr as the apot where I s a w e pat of butter, After our orrival we haord t h a L there m8 jubPlrtion at LQ kelou+, r e iadeed war only just and @roger4 By the way, en rout;s S mu trro asked t o aarry t o W b a o BD& Kin&. Jaoklfn hard been The oae to H a ~ b r aroe ~ I s w r X y restssinard and dignifiibd &a tone and srsmtionsd the intantioa o f Avaszbl t o IMLV~ prepa~eamm, u s e f u l reports, but t b ? rrae n o r h p o s s i b % eo t o the encloe%dl e t t e r . The sna3oaura war@ a aopy of a letter f W J ,was gregareb t o agree to h f a mm*@*, t~ A Y ~ ~ Otolling Z him that that furfhem~rb)the t w o g r l m t a ecearetsriicsa oosting 20,000 r yssr r b had bilsaa plcseebd at hia, diapmal, erhoull;r-% also report for 8uty0ar@a9ltn ilrr tbs Seoretariaf on fhs s m s b t u , P f that ware agreeable to him. xe~ceio9ngthPa Zatfsr ~oae~ntusicatiors, by the =g, Oa Avenal had tcb%sphoasd t a Jctcklirr sputterbg with fury that he was dcriag the fnoat importlsnt work off hfrs l i f e , that hs muPd b6 engaged on it until %he erid crf lovembsr, and t b t he nras being treated I f k e a Member o f Section. B+ h refused Jaraklin'a mg&carstiun that be might tell ma aorarrrthiag about f t and threatened t o brSag the matter t o the Supsstrfso~yCommiseion, 1 had the& remarkad %o Ja~klinthat 1 would be greatly relieved if X were treated by kin as ~omsthiagse important a# a Member of Section and that while 2: had hopad not to have t o make aqy report on ArenoX t o fhs Su;ierviso~yCornittee, if he r i i s a d the mrttir, myself for half-an-hour, hand, r o u l d indug. The other letter to Kiech m s written by 1 think the mason muat haye been that h~ b r a d not Set him private Secretsry Beet it. In it he said hs wished only to ssrpreers heartfelt &nil$rofolllld admiration f a r %hep 1 2 s a t fight the 3ritSPsh were pnttiag yp; they were fZgbtirrg not on3y f o r theaarctlvea, but fur a l l 09 ua in the worlldt 1 have, often bean musea%ab by Avsno2 i n rescent xaon.t;kar, but thie mar the lfmitg 5?t reflected, 1 mgposa, thr, reaction oa him of the: contiauatj. British defence, but he a1s0 d i ~ e l o ~ a t o J a c k l b mother rczsrson, by roscd of rnoutha he told him hat hope& be rnsdt the go-between fox the lkwnch and B r i t i s h g o ~ r ~ e n t Ibaa e ~ JacklSn t o l d me thle, Z laughed, mying that neither one nor the other woulh touch bPnt than that in LOP&OZ&. Atreno1 aaa naboQ in &&noe an4 en lot less lie car%ainly ia an PncredibZe creature* frbllorin(3 is for y o u r uae rrS Suyosv3sory Commission Stop 3 ha& iatended di~cuasingd t h the Comrniasfon the sftwltf~lhlrof t h ~ Seoredt;arf at in 3wit~errlosut3, %he po r ~ s i b i l iite s of vcrk on& 3 r r ~ v S ~ d l