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< - -= ," .:.- ',- ',c" '.' - .. ~. :.' -~ ~ -'.- .:tJ;~Fll.A ,'if,!.... S A ,~~ & L COMUNITA'ITAUANA ~ ,B A A C H E N "<, "',' ,~ ~. , T T 1 ••• . " '/" . . , . Alla Villa· Carl:9tta si,nangia,si beiJee ~iballg., i,n una sala p~vata cdpaeedi ospitare 150 Persone. A 001 la sceltadell'occasione. . ,,' '. . " - ," ~ c, • daftste~re!! C,cmtattare Sig$~Robet:ts -1/71 11.941 .- - 637 . . " -- .39 Charlotte Street 'LondonWlP ilIA .. .- 2 "' - ~, .. " lVovel1ibir'94 . :1J;~FJJ..A COMIJNITA'ITALIANA - Contents Sommario lVover.nbrellVover.nber Servizi Speciali Non abbandono il fronte Quattro Maestri La Boheme Wedding Integrazione al Minimo Antonietta Gasparro Una Nuova Storia p. 5 p. 8 p. 9 p. 9 p.11 p.20 p.32 Regular Features Due Parole The"Hill Cronaca Dall'Italia In Cammino con Carmelo For a Rainy Day Face to Face p. 4 p. 14 p.18 p.23 p.24 p.33 p.36 Un saluto da P. Gaetano Vedete p. 5 Entertainment, Leisure & Sport Cinema Sportlight Italsport Backhill Golf Tournament A.I.F.L. Tempo Libero Mamma's Ricetta Foto: Salvatore Mancuso p.37 p.40 p.41 To advertise in Backhill write to: p.42 p.42 p.45 Anna Advertising Department Backhill Magazine 4 Back Hill p.46 London EC1 R 5EN Notices - A vvisi Chiesa di San Pietro Calendario Noticeboard 01718371966 p.25 p.47 p.48 Printed by Sterling Printing Co. Lttl. llL..---- Novembre9 (Q 1994 BACKHILL, 136 Clerkenwell Road, LondonEC1 164 High Street, Damet.llerts. EN65XP 4 _ 3 Due Parol'e Mi e' piaciuta tanto la domanda che nel Vangelo domenicale Gesu" ha rivolto ai suoi discepoli e che poi e' rivolta a tutti noi, perche' iI Vangelo e' sempre per tutti. GcSu' dice: , "Cosa volete che io faccia per voi?". E' bella questa frase, vero?'Sentire proprio che Gesu' dice ad ognuno di noi: "Cosa vuoi che io faccia per te?". E' bello sentire queste parole nel cuore, nell'anima, nella vita. E' bello erederci. E',bellocredere che in questo momento Gesu" mi dice: "Cosa vuoi che io faccia per te?". Guardate, e' un atto di fede. E' proprio la nostra fede questa. Ma Perche" Gesu' ci 'dice: "Cosa vuoi che io faccia per te?"? Cc 10 dice perche' noi'abbiamo ricevuto i1' battesimo e con iI battesimo siamo diventatL flgli di Dio e Suoi fratelli. Siarrio noi che fonniamo la Chiesa, siamo noi gli eredi del Regno di Dio. Noi siamo gli uomini nuovi che portiamo neL mondo la novita', la Padre Roberto Russo forza, I'entusiasmo del Vangelo: e' questo iI pensieio ,del nostro Fondatore San Vincenzo Pallotti e' per questo Gesu' cidice:, "Cosa vuoi che io ,faccia'per te" perche' ci vede iiuovi,ci vcde uomini imovi, ci vede 'pCrSone'che possiamo far eonoscere iI Vangelo agli altri. ' ," La.fiase dl'Gesu': "Cosa vuoi che io faecia per te", , e' una frase piena ,di speranZa da parte di Gesu'. Gesu' ha fiducia in noi. Per questo ci vuole dare,tutto I'aiuto nclla vita perche' sa eh': noi gliClo chicdiamo. Noi apriamo g1i "ocehi sulla. nostra vita di ogni giomo. Guardiamo la nostra vita: guardiamoci in famiglia, nel lavoro, nelle feste, nei dolori. E' qui la nostra vita di ogni giorno, con le stesse persone, con le stesse cose, ogni giomo le stesse persone e le stesse cose. Tutta questa vita pero' per noi puo' diventare anche un deserto: vuota, senza niente. Anche se siamo pieni di lavoro, puo' essere che nel nostro cuore e nella nostra anima c'e' Life! Hi, Lord, can we talk? Just a little "Thank you". My life, I'm loving it. (Well, at the moment anyway!) It's great. There's so much to do, so many things to sec. It's so exciting. ' , I know there are hard times. Times I fecI like giving up, jacking it all in. Times' when. it Seems the world's against me, and eve1)'lhing's going wrong. But if I just sit back, then I sec that things aren't so bad after,all. It's all had a purpose, helped me to grow up in some small way. And it even seems that there's a direction to it all. Are you guiding me, Lord? Only it doesn't seem ,very obvious. Is there a path you iI deserto. A1lora questo dobbiamo chicdere, a Gesu: che ci dia una vita nuova. Noi chicdaiamolo, scnza farci tanti problemi. E' Gesu' che ci invita: "Cosa posso fare pCr te?" e allora chicdiamo 'di predicare iI Vangelo, ,cioe' cbiediamo di essere sereni e di portare la screnita'. Cbicdiamo ,di credere in Dio e di aiutare gli altri a credere. Chiediamo di avere tanto amore nel cuore e di portare questo amore agli altri. Gesu' e' con noi. E' nella nostra vita di ogni giorno, con le solite cose, con le solite persone ma Gesu' e' con noi, con tanta speranza che potremo fare tanto bene. n riwroo ~mpre ~e i~ ~ Roberto Russo, sono a disposizione di chi ha bisogno e di chi vuol parlare. Vi, conviene sempre telefonare prima alla chiesa 071-837 1528 0 al mio telefono portabile 0860 612964. Fatevi venire idee sulla vostra vita, sulla vita del prossimo. Grazie. o want me to follow? Is there away I should take? (Could I have a map, Lord?) It's like being on a big expedition, the greatest adventure ever. Round every corner there are new things to discover, new places to sec, new people to meet, new things to do. And like every expedition, you need to be prepared, have the right equipment to survive. And you've even thought that through, Lord. The most obvious need is a map, or a guidebook, and what more could wc ask for - the Bible, the guide bookl Every page answers questions, poses problems, makes me think, shows me the Way. And for any expedition, you also need it guide, someone to, interpret, to help you understand the map, someone who knows the Way, a person who's been there - you Lord, the best guide in the world! And that's it. What an adventure! You and tile Guide Book to show us the way! Let's gol (Extractftom ""Can we talk. Lord? '-0. Copyright Kevin Meyhew: I;cence , , no. 29031) •...it's like being on a big expedition... " 4 November 94 " -b~ . ~ RIVISI'A DEI.LA COMUNlTA'ITAUANA . . Non abbando'no if frdnte • Sono andalo' ad intelVistare il Padre Gaetano perehe' partira': ci lascia, ma come ha delto e come ripete in questa inlelVista: '''Cambio il cielo, ma non il cuore" e ancora "Non abbandono il fronte", Sappiamo taille cose di Padre Gaetano, e le cose che s.'1ppiamo sono tulte belle, Ma questa -intelVista' ha il· valore di farci scntire tulti affeltuosa: mente uniti' in un modo moUo familiarc. Padre Russo: Allora, Padre Gaetano, raceontaei qualehe cosa della tua vita da quando sei nalO. Padre Gae/ano: Sono nato a Mussolente, un paesino in provineia di Viccnza, nelle colline ridenti che corrono dal Brcnta al Piave. Bei luoghi che Dio ha regalato ai vencti di quelle parti, ora anche economicamente prosperi. Non era cosi' 47 anni fa, quando la gente lavorava a mezzadria la term 0 cmigrava per trovarc lavoro, in Picmonte 0 all'estcro. Di familiari,. parenti e pacs.'1ni, ci sono comunita' intcre in Canada, in Australia cd in Brasile. 10 sono arrivalo uUimo di sclte fratelli,. come il figlio della promessa. I genitori erano gia" altempati, la miseria cm grande, cd una bocca in piu' crcava problcma. Ma grazie a Dio, nonostanle gli stenti, la vita andava avanti. Sono stato pure gmzialo da San!'Antonio dopo una malaltia che minacciava la testa cd il ccrvello. Ben prcslo due sorelle cd un fratello emigravano in Canad.'1. Piu' tardi un'aUra mia sorella scguiva il marito a Torino. L'cmigrazione quindi c~ stata subito I'cspcricnza piu' immcdiata della mia giovinczza. Padre Russo: Va bene, ma e' qucsta espericnza che ti ha falto nasccrc la voc.'1zione? In parole scmplici: Pcrche' ti sei fhlto prele? Padre Gae/ano: Quando a scuola, ero in quarta elcmentare, e' arrivato il vocazionista dci Padri Scalabriniani di Bass.'1no, mi sono lasciato convinccre c sono entrato in Seminario, per divenlare missionario degli cmigrati. Nc conosccvo cosi' tanti! Pcr la famiglia ovviamente si c' posto subito il problema. Due braceia in mcno per la terra quando I'altro fratello, unico rimaslo a c.'1s.'1, cra addiriltura richiamato al fronte, a Trieste. L'aUra sorella lavorava ncl cotonificio del paese per guadagnare qualche soldo. Ma poi. sopratulto, dove trovarc i soldi per pagare la relta? Qualche anima buona ci ha pens.'1to. vcdi la Novembre94 P. Russo campi e per la glcse e frcquentavo I'universita' dove ho preso un MA in Theology. Dopo· un paio di anni ai' servizio aI Centro Scalabririi di Londra ne!" 1979 ho prcso la Voce deglilllaIiani. a seguito della partenza'del grande Direllore, P. Umberto Marin. . Padre Russo:" E' stalo un grande S3cerdote Padre Marin: certo, dopo che e' andato via lui, i tuoi rapporti ¥ . con la Comunita' ilaliana si sono ,' •. ,~ :'\"l ,.~"~r~\?~ ."..=.. . .'.,.... ~ strciti ancora di piu'1 \0: \ Padre Gae/ano: Certo, e' da ai~\;'\i\ ;j~,'. lora, caro Padre Roberto, che la storia l\i\.~:, ,,:~:,,~:. ~."\~~ ( ''-" .~~ s;. ,~; ~ la conosei molto bene. Penso infalti .'~<;_~~-:~~,:\:~ ~. '--~~ 'i -:~< che di cose cd avvcnture, sempre aI servizio della comunita', ne abbiamo rl-j;;';.;,. 'l~l" . falle tante insieme. ~ .~-' Porto con me un ricordo molto Un ricordo dagli amici di Lo"ndra in bello di Londra e della comunita' onore della sua ·ultima· messa italiana. 10 e le, poco santo come me, Padre Russo: E" stalo lungo iI iI Centro Scalabrini e la Chicsa ltaliana di San Pietro, la Voce degli cammino per la prima Mcssa? Padre Gae/ano: A' Bassano ho llaIiani e le Associazioni, siamo fallo le mcdie cd il ginnasio. Nel crcsciuti insieme. 1963 sono entrato in noviziato a Quel poco che ho cercalo di fare Crespano del Grappa, ho falto la I'ho fallo veramente con grande sodveslizione e, nel seltembre del 1964, ,disfazione perche' ho senlito la risla prima profcssione religiosa. Oa posta, la stima e,I'apprezzamento, la Crespano sono passato in Licco, a collaborazione e la solidarieta' delCermenale in provincia di Como cd ('intera comunita'. Londra e la mia ho conseguito la maturita' elassica al gente mi maneheranno moltissimo. Licco Volota di Como. GU studi ARoma domi lavorare aI nostro andavano anche bene, nonostanle la Centro Sludi, una istiluzione di un lesta che. da piccolo. dovcva marcire. certo prestigio, che segue 10 sviluppo E naturalmenle andava malurando an- dei fenomeni migratori e della mobiliche la sccUa per la v0C3zione sacer- ta' umana. Per un anno almeno domi dotale e missionaria, che a undici anni pero' avere la possibilita' di fare un non era poi cosi' coseiente. po' di aggiomamenlo. di rificssione e Nel 1967 sono andato a Roma per di studio che faceia tcsoro dell'esfrcquenlare la Ponlificia Universita' perienza vissuta a Londra. Mi interGregoriana dove ho conscguilo la cssa particolarmenle 10 studio della Licenza in Filosofia cd iI Baccalau- antropologia e dei fenomeni intereulrcalo in Tcologia. Nell'agoslo del turaU cd intcrreligiosi. anche perehe' 1974 sono stato ordinalo sacerdole al questi problemi sono la sfida piu' mio pacse. Alia grande festa mancava alluale alia nostra missione sealabrinipurtroppo il papa', ritomalo alia casa ana nel mondo. del Padre nove mesi prima. Non abbandono quindi iI fronle e Inutile dire che gli antichi prob- la causa di chi vivc all'estero. Anzi, e lemi della famiglia erano diventati come ho serillo nell'ultimo cditoriale orgoglio c grande soddisfhzione. ehe ho firmalo per la Voce degli Padre Russo: Divenlato prete, con ltaliani, "Cambi iI cielo, ma non il la voglia di predic.'1re iI Vangelo, Cuore" che restera' legalo agli emidove ti hanno mandato i Superiori? grati, sopralullo a quelli che ho Padre. Gaetano: Dopo I'ordinazi- incontrato e conoseiuti in Gran Breonc, subito la destinazione Londra, tagna." dove sono arrivato nel seltembre del Padre Russo: "Grazie, Padre Ga1974. 11 primo anno I'ho passalo etano. Sei Slalo un prele cosi' caro per interamente a Canterbury, a mangiare tulli noi. Ci hai dalo affello. coraggio, fish and chips, bacon and eggs. ospile speranza. Che Dio ti accomp.'1gni al SI. Augustine's College dove i come ti accompagnano le nostre ministri anglicani. sposati, passano prcghiere e noi sappiamo che lu non ti I'ultimo anno prima di cssere ordinati dimenticherai mai di noi nelle tue ministri. A Canterbury studiavo, in- preghierc. Ciao." Provvi!lcnza, per rctta. t.', ." ,t-. :. ll.-: .. 5 I -b~ .•. ~ RIVISrA.. DELLA. C0MI!NITA'rrAOANA .' , The 17 Forte Agip proeerties in Italy com»ine qualitY accommodation. good service and exceptional value for money• .Conveniently'located on principal motorways -.", 11 _ : ~r:td access routes to major, towns. Forte- A-gip are ideal for the modern traveller. . ~9tels . - OBOLOGNA , OCAGLlARI SKIn fron"l the (entre aM 10kM frorn the , .itport.129 .ait-<.Of\d;tlonofd r~ ,~aur..1'It" W, ~rldl'\g. ,For m~,yaiions~~~~": o , ·'nfonmtlOn'call[- 034s404()40~-----~-_ from o"n~re in tiJi{UK- ,for th~ piiU of - - -. < 12km to ~ north of C05Mz... 6S ait-e:onditlo:N'wd rooms,. ,n~~ atOaf;aIl':' ~_ 'E_~ __ COSENZA -",'-- Nt.~rking.. OCATANIA'V 6Iu'n: frOfl'l the CitY (entre aM Ilkrrt from' the airport. S6 .it-(ono;J"ttiOn«l rooms,. bU. parking. bre.U,"t room 5eI'Vlce. O'IIUNl( 1SIu'n north of flol'ence. J i) ••-conditioned roomswlth~. remurM'lf" 2 b¥s" gift shop,. e~ faewtie!., o L1VOIll:NO G MIlANO ASSAGO S~fromS ~ 12\.M from Piw At Assago on the West ....t ng rc.d 1)\M r"uut~ bM. P'r1cJng, lOOMS,. outdoot ~ resUut.n", "ifport. SO "it-<onditlonc'Cl foot'M" fromOty(~~.227 "it-<ondit~ W. p.vking, o MOO(NA Qcrn from Modt-NI centre. t 84 "iI-<onditioned rooms,. rest.......nt fa<:iitin M"rby. OPA1U.MO .it. <lkM<lUtSidot the city... OS conditiotltd rooms,. r"t....."nt, bM, p.vkng..brH"folStroom~e. 5~ from ~ome, witNn ~"S'J rHCh of the 2 ....ports. 21) rOOMS,. g"",cHns. outdoot pool.. resuut.. nt" G"rdM Nr. CDSAIUANA 21u'n from Wt.."", on the tJvomoo'GMoy.. MOT.«w~.$1 ..iI-<ondit~rOOMS,. rest......~ W • ........ fD SylltACUSA ([)TOIltINO Mt ovu;doI the city <entre. 87 101cm from the City centre otnd 1Slo;m .air-<onditlonf'd rooms, '~M'lf,,~. from Nport.l00"'~root'M" ItitMM.-nt. bM, pMUng. ~ bruU.as1 lOOI'l' 5ofI'Yk~ QVENUIA $kIl'l from V~. ' " N-<onditiofwd rOOMS with~. resUut.-n", Atl'l«k-. ""r, brHUutrOQl'l'l ~~. CDVnONA Slun frOln VffONl centr. on Mi¥vVffONi f'/IIOt«w'y. 116 ...... Conditioned rooms. rest........ nt" W, po...... fIt UIUTE 2Cknt frOM, Trie5t~ ..,.l(J 1Slun from ....port, SO .....-<onditioned rOOl'\'lS, U'Sto1IUl'.anf.,.Nt,~ CDVICENZA oIkrrtfrOl'l'l «nU. on Venk~ rr«orw~. U2 .. it-<onditiOM<J r~..,..", boW, P"'!'IUn9. roorns. I 6 November 94 :tJ;~FJLA _--.. f . '" ~. COMUNITA'ITAlJANA 'C-r CHAPMAN ·/T,....-A-Y-LO-R- ItXCLUSIVE CATERERS ince 1961 we nave built <1ur reputation on quality, excellence and a personal service. We offer a wide range of venues which vary from exclusive city restaurants, banqueting and conference centres, to graceful, elegant and, in some cases, unusual surroundings. S , i I Chapman Taylor are able to offer banqueting, conference or party packages specifically designed to offer high standards and value for money, for groups as small as 10 to as many as 500. Of course we can equally tailor the function to suit your specific requirements and budget. But don't take our word for it - contact our sales office and we will be delighted to show you what Chapman Taylor Exclusive Caterers can offer. CHAPMAN TAYLOR EXCLUSIVE CATERERS Head Office: Unit 5 Bracken Industrial Estate, 185 Forest Road, Hainault, Essex. IG6 3HL. Tel: 08'1-5008654 081-5007783 Fax: 081-5598637 Bridatwear Specialists We indi~idually design and llandmal\e Wedding Dresses Bridesmaids Dresses Pages Outfits Veils etc... Christenings first Communion Amanda Maccini Linda Bertola TeI: 0923 835041 TeI: 0&1 940 3&07 Nl1vembre 94 SilNDWICH BiIH FORSilLE SMALL WELL SITUATED AND ESTABLISHED BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF LONDON NEAR THE BANK STATION WITH A GOOD TURNOVER. THIS EASILY RUN, RECENTLY REFURBISHED BAR WOULD IDEALLY SUIT A SMALL FAMILY. FOR FURTHER DETAILS AND APPOINTMENTS TO VIEW PLEASE PHONE: 071-6262159 (Daytime) 081-4455748 (Evenings) PLEASE NO AGENTS I 'l . ( tvIrAJ/I.-. ~ ,J::> RIVrSTA DELLA' COMUNrrA' ITALIANA Quattro maestri L'Accademia ltaJiana trasloca e inaugura la sua nuova dimora con la mostra di opere di Mauri, Lombardo, Mochetti e Cucchi Chi avesse cercato I'Accadcmia alsontuoso, . indirizzo 'di 24 ,Rutland Gate,. a, Londra, si sara' ormai icSo conto"che' I' Accademia ha cambiato di casa. Forse stanca del lusso, a volte un po' pretenzioso e liinitante nella scelta delle opere da esporre, I'Accademia ha dedso di prendersi una vacanza nclla zone piu' trendy di Londm. DaI 18 ,ottobre si trova alia Smith's Gallery, 56 Earlham Street, Covent Garden, con una nuova· mostm. , Ma chi, sono gli artisti ehe IAc~ cademia si appresta ad ospitare e con quali criteri sono stati scelti? Si tmtta di Fabio Mauri (Roma 1929), Sergio Lombardo(Roma 1939), Enzo Cuechi (Morro d'Alba, 1949) e del giovane romano Maurizio Mochetti. Con Miriam Mirolla, la curatrice della mostm, parlo di come e' sorta I'idca di ,mcttere insieme qucsti artisti. Miriam dice che 10 scopo e' quello di prcscntare aleuni filoni dell'arte italiana ehe piu' hanno marcato gli ultimi quamnt'anni della nostra storia. Nelle sale della mostra e' diffusa la vocc degli artisti in qucstione. Sono interviste ehe Miriam ha condotto con loro. L'effetto immcdiato e' la totale immersione dell'osservatore nel mondo poctico cd ideologico di questi macstri. AlI'entmta, iI visitatore e' subito colpito da "Africa", un imponente quadro - olio su tela e griglia di ferro - del Cuechiche riproduce iI cono del continente africano. Le partieolarita' del quadro sono delle piecole forme concave all'intemo delle quali vi sono dipinte delle mani con iI palmo semiaperto c rivolto verso I'alto. Qucste ultime, applicatc sopm la tela c sostenute dalla rete sembmno dellc foglic trasmigranti, simboleggianti forse le popolazioni afrie.me che si dirigono verso altri continenti in cerca di cio' che non' hanno 0 ehe e' stato loro negato. "Africa'" c' affiancata dalla sequenza di una dccina di quadri intitolata "Roma" (vcdetc la foto). In essi Cuechi rapprescnta delle visioni della citta' etema. I "Quadri Stocastiei" - aerilico su tela - di lombardo propongono geometric pittoriehe che 8 Monica PeJlegrini .c 10 spettatore si trovera' ad interpretare dica due monocromi (uno bianco e diversamentc in relazione aI proprio J'altro nero)'del 1959-60 che rapprestato d'animo:Lombardo espone an~ sentano J'azzcramento della piltum che iI suo j'Spccchio Tachistoscopj~ tradizionale per ereare uno spazio co" - 'si tratta di un apparecchio e!te VII0tO, nuovo, ehe diventa, schermo. conscnte,la1visualizzazione di un:im- "Con la serie degli Schermi, J'ogrnagine" subliminale alla'velocita' di gelto-quadro smctte' di essere uno ,una frnziorie di .secondo e che viene spazio convenzio'nale dell'immagine utilizzato in psicologia spcriinentale per diventarc urio degli oggelti del ed applicata per misumrc. la reazione mondo". Allo spettatore c' lasciata la di una )icrsona agli stimoli visivi. 11 Iiberta' di proieltarc se stesso, la sua pubblico potra' ~ar" ricorso allo espcrienza c la sua identita' e, ancom una volia, egli c' chiamato ad intetagir,e con I'oggelto artistico. Per Lombardo, I'opem deve sempliccmente' dare 1-'--';*1:. ",' fJ""~"""'-""'" "_! ,,' ,,T·"?:-'·_" allo, spettatore 10 stimolo iniziale che fa, scattare un "0~~\\~ r~~;'i'~~11~:~ '-<~~<'~l'~:~ : . ~ <::,,~~t~:~"'::: l>'-'!i'[f"1.' {J.t·~.F"1o"''-U~ .. !:",s, , "", ....... :.. mcccanismo di autoanalisi ,', '1-- A':" "";:, '")f-''''' ''l>-~ ~ ,,~. ',; e scoperta. Sceondo Lom'~ '~I~~1\':,"'; J;~.¥' i~;-f'r"7:. ~~Wi'~i .~\.,.?, bardo, J'arlista che si' serve ~, ·,.,.1 ~"-!~-: --;'~-" ,,'~_".''' . . -~'.. ~~'''' .,' 1, •. _~£ 1. ~ dell'arte Per esprimerc se I'-~"~ts:( ;',tt;:~~~ -;':-'• '. ..:!r ~ ...., '''<'~'''''-'' stcsso (ossia, it proprio stato emotivo cosi' come ~ ~~'"~'~~~I'~!t{~ ~~~ J'aveva concepito J'artista "-~ Vi~« '3 ~ del periodo romantico) pro:~ !'~'~t ~';;~~'''' ~ _. • ~ (:.» t",- '1'"" • duce una visione supemta ~'1'" L ' ,~,~~, -1)~, .. ~>., '~ai'~ii!W&l~~ dell'arte. "L'artista e' uno scienziato che sperimenta "Spccchio Taehistoscopico" per con- con I'immaginazione dello spettatore durrc un esperimento con it proprio fomendogli gli stimoli che I'aiutano a inconscio. scoprire quella profondita' e storia Mauri esponc parte della sua inconsce che gli appartengono c 10 collezione intitolata "Ebrca", si tmtta costituiscono". di oggetti ehe I'artista sirnula di avere MOchetii rapprcscnta la linea tccrealizzato in pelle ebrca. Con "E- nologica dell'arte: usa la tecnologia brea'" Mauri cclcbra Ja- "n6n-5toria"; modema per crearc mimcoli di luec e quello che sarebbe succsso se i naz- per sorprendere 10 spettatore. La sua ':listi avessero vinto la scconda guerm opera propone un perfetto cquilibrio mondiale c avcsscro imposto la loro tra creazione artistica c tccnologia. I idcologia politica. L'"Assc Oscillante" 'veri protagonisti nelle opere di Modi Mochelti colpisce I'occhio del- chetti sono I'occhio' cd it pensicro. I'osscrvatorc per I'inganno perceltivo L'artista stimola nello spettatorc "la ehe quest'oggelto crea.. . percezione della zona mrcfatta del Mi avvieino a Maun e comm- possibile, del praticabile. dell'esistenciamo a parlarc delle sue operc qui te" (M.Volpi). esposte. La Galleria d'Artc Moderna c Cuechi, iI massimo esponenle 'Contempomnea ha appena esPOSta della Tmnsavanguardia italiana, e' una mostra delle sue operc dal 1954 invecc I'artista Iirico che maggior:11 1994 con notevolc successo. Per mentc adcrisce alia tradizione pitMauri, I'arte ha la funzione di interp- torica delle origini, di Giotto. Con la retare c dar forma ad cventi che sono Trnnsavanguardia, I'arte ritorna alle la nostra storia c che direltamente ci leggi del disegno. GIi oggetti c la coinvolgono come spettatori. In Mauri realta' sono i veri protagonisti delle artista. iI connubio tra storia cd· sue 'opere che coinvolgendo direltaideologia e' molto, forte. "Ebrea" mente 10 spettatorc suscitano in lui insieme a "Manipolaizone di Cultur- ,immaghii poctiehi:. a'" riereano Juoghi 'c situazioni che La mostra. ehc sara' ulteriormentc estcsa il9 csplieitamente si riferiscono a precise nov'cinbrc con ."apCrtura di nuove salc c I'csidcologie, c rievocano parti~lari ~n -poszione di a1rrc opere di questi arcisti. rimana' sazioni c memorie di camltere stonco. aperta fin<> al 6,dicembre. 11 biglietto d"e:ntrata Dumnte la converSazione, Mauri in- . intero 0' di solo £2.50:0 qiJelloridottodi £!.SO. ~:·'~~·'~.!.:;~tt:~~'l~f~~~. ,f<. .: ' 0, _,'. <. .... - . ; . 1 ~ , ,- c November 94 _l -b~ ..P RIVISJ'A DEU1 COMUNITA'ITALlANA Weddings Solari and Nicoli GiIdo Solari and Rita Nicoli Anyone who knows Gildo would hardly bat an eyelid at ~e Arsenal penant he is wearing in the photograph taken on hIs wedding day. . In fact, it took Gildo three months to ask Rita out on thear first date: after all the 1990 World Cup was on. She was, however, a more inviting prospect then watching the final between Germany and Argentinal Four years later, Rita managed to distract the Arsenal fanatic away from the Norwich game long enough to say "I do" at St. Peter's Italian Church on 10th September. Best Man, and Southampton supporter;. was Gildo's brother Renato. Maid of Honour was Rita's cousin, Francesea Niccoli. Bridesmaids were Rita's nieces Emily and Mary Nicoli and Page Boy was David Nicoli. The guests, including those from Switzerland, then moved on to the Fornello for the reception. _~.. , Gildo has said that although they enjoyed their honeymoon in Malta he was sorry he could not have changed it for Cyprus where the Gunners were playing their away leg in the UEFA Cup! La Boheme La Scala, Milan 20th September 1994 In my last article, October '94, I said that I. would like to make an al\nnal visit to Italy. Thus it was that on 19th September I went to Milan. The time chosen was primarily for the purpose of a visit to La Scala. When Mirella Freni was here for Fedora in the spring, I happened to remark to her that I had he.1rd her sing in Verona, Bologna and London, but never at la Se.1Ia. Mirella told me that she would be singing in three performances of Boheme in September and I immediately told her, "I will be thcrc u • As I had expected the performance was mcmora· ble. As one of the finest Mimis, if not Novembre94 RegSuter the finest, of our time I knew that it would be something special. So it proved. Rodolfo was sung by Robcrto Alagna the tenor who I think is currently the best young tenor and the one most likely to inherit the mantle of the great Luciano Pavarotti. He has a beautiful lyric voice which he uses to splendid effeet. A ringing top, (Squillo as it .is known in Italy) and he knows how to sing pianissimo! La Freni was her usual marvellous self, thoroughly convincing and very moving, particularly in the third act when she says farewell to Rodolfo, "Addio senza rancor'" and at the cnd there were many handkerchiefs in view, including that of Mirella's daughter Michela, with whom I was silting. The Colline was sung by the veteran, but still formidable bass, Nicolai Ghiaurov. Musetta was sung by Daniela Mazzucato who last appeared at Covent Garden in Donizetti's "L'elisir d'amore" partnered by Pavarotti. The conductor was Gianandrea Gavazzcni, the doyen of today's conductors. The rest of the cast was made up of young singers, none of whose names was familiar to mc, but ail were more than adequate in their roles. It was a Franco Zeffirelli production and it was exactly what onc would expect with a brilliant Act 2 street scene. It was marvellous to hear members of the older sehool mixing with the younger and Freni and Alagna made an ideal pair of lovers. The secret is, of course, that despite advancing years, Mirella is still young at heart and the music of Pueeini is as fresh sounding as eVer. As for Roberto Alagna, having heard him in La Traviata and La Boheme I am very much looking forward to hearing him at Covent Garden in Gounod's "Romco and Juliel". 9 :tJ;~EU.ACOMUNITA' ITAUANA Integrazione al ,~inimo \ Penso che sonq' poche le persone di un uomo di 54 anni che ha versalo che non si rendono conto del- mo- 35 anni. di conlributi e si qualifica a mento particolarrnente diflicile che' lit. 700.000 aI mcsc. La riduzione in stiamo attraversando in ltalia. Questa questo caSo sara'· del 33% e quindi situazione di crisi, come al solilo, si .egli ricevera' una pensione non piu' fa sentire e toe? in modo particolare di Lit. 700.000 bens;' di 469.000. e piu' direttamente chi ha piu' bi- Questo ·imj)orto verra' pagalo anche 'sogno:.gli anziani, i malati, i disoccu- dopo che I'interessalo superera' I'eta' patio ',' pensionabile. In questi, giomi, iI Parlamento sta .La pensione di vecchiala: vi ridiscutendo la legge. Finanziaria e ~cordo che la pensione ilaliana di quindi la previdenza. La proposta di vccchiaia si otliene 'al compimento legge contiene nonne che tendono a deJl'eta' pensionabile. realizzare rispanni sulla, spesa pubL.'ela' pensionabile in questi ulblica. I risparmi che vengono realiz- timi anni di attivita' legislativa sta zati <la questa legge eadono in mas- diventando mollo elastica. Mi' ricorda sima parte con i tgli sulla previdenza. uno· di quei sogni dove tu corri ed In gencre uno aspetta iI completamento dell'iter deUa legge prima di esprimere pareri sulla intera monovra, ma i cambiamenli propoSli sono cos;' radicali che e' necessario parlame sin da adesso. . Le proposle di cambiamenlo riguardano in particolare le. pensioni di anzianita' e .quelle di vccchiaia. Vediamone insiemc le principali propOSlc. Le pensioni di anzianita ': la pensione di anzianita' viene concessa dall'INPS a chi ha maluralO almeno .35 anni di conlribuli, qualunque sia la sua eta'. La nuova legge propone che a partire dal 28.9.94 vengano bloccale lutte le domande rivoUe ad ottenere la pensione di anzianita' fine a dicembre 1995. ogni volta che ti scmbra di aver Vi sono delle eccezioni a quesla raggiunto .i1, trguardo, ,c'c' iI solito regola di carattere generale che len- d,ispettoso che sposta)e linea; done a garanlire che coloro che hanno eertmente ricordale che tempo fa, gia' presentalo la domanda non si prima del 19~2, si andava in pesione a lrovino senza pensione e scnza lavoro. 55 anni se donna ed a 60 anni se La decorrenza della pensione vi- uomo. Venne iI govcmo "Amalo" e ene anche cambiata. Menlre ora la I'eta' pensionabile aumentava di, un pensione decorre <lal mese scguenle a anno ogni due anni a partire dal 1994. quello di doman<la, la legge in discus- .E' venulo iI govemo "Bcrlusconi" e sione propone che a partire <lal 1995 I'eta' pensionabile'ora aumenta di un la decorrenza venga fissata <lal prime anno ogni 18 mesi a panire <lal gennaio dcll'anno successive a quello 1.7.1995. Se la legge vicne approvata di domanda. Non ha importanza cioc' cosi' come e' stata proposta questa e' fare la doman<la di anzianita' a gcn- I'<:ta" pensionabile: naio 1995 oppure a dicembre 1995 Donne Uomini perche' iI prime pagamenlo.· potra' 56 61 essere effcttualo solo dil gcnnaio Oggi daI 1 luglio 1995 62 57 1996. Comunque, anche quando la do- dal I gennaio 1997 58 63 man<la viene acceltata I'imoporto di dal 1 luglio 1998 59 64 tale prestazione verra' ridotto del 3% <lal 1 gennaio 2000 60 65 per ogrii anno di distanza daU'eta' pension.1bile. Le proposte di legge c:imbiano Per capirci, vi propongo I'esempio anehe le percenluaff di rendimenlo. 10 Pietro Molle Queste percentuaIi sono iI valore che ha ogni anno di lavoro per iI calcolo della pensione. Per la maggior parte degli assicurati deU'INPS ogni anno vale iI 2% della media saIariale, cos;' dopo 40 anni di assicurazione si ottiene 1'80%. Con la Finauziaria iI rendimento annuo vienc abbassato a 1,75% per tutti coloro che avevano piu" di 15 anni di contributi aI 31.12.1992. Vi porto anche qui I'cscmpio di una persona che avendo raggiunlo I'eta' pesionabile ha versalo 40 anni di contributi con una media salariale di lit. 1,000,000 mensili. Prima di questa proposta di legge la sua pensione . sarebbe stata di Lit • 9,600,000 annue, mentre applicando le nuove regale egli avia" una pensione di Lit. 8,400,000: una perdita anniIale di Lit 1,200,000. Ma il prowedimento che piu' direttamente tocchera' i diritti dei gia' miseri importi dclle pensioni dei connazionali all'estero e' contenuto nella modifica dell'Art. 4 della legge 438/ 92 dove si sostituisce le parole "a cinquc anni" con "a died anni". Sembra una modifica insignificanle, dice una circolare del CEPA, ma nei fatti comportera' che per i connazionali aU'estero, al fine di poter godcre della inlegrazione af minimo, sara' necessario far valcie in ltalia almeno 10 anni di contribuzione effettiva in costanza di lavoro. Questo significa precludere I'integrazione, al trattamento minimo ad una intera generaiione di cOnnazionali iI cui diritto a pensione decorrem' in fuluro ma e' anche la 'manifesta volonta' del govemo di non erogare aUro che spiecioli al connazianale che ha dovulo emigrare. November 94 j The Glory of Venice Eightccnth century Venicc has always had a bad press: sandwiched betwccn the glories of the sixteenth celllury and the city's ignominious fan to Napoleon's army 'in 1797, the eightccnth century has always been regarded as a period of consistent and accelerating dccline. On an economic and political level this may be true; a city once rated as a world power coming to terms with the fact that it was but onc of many Italian city St.1tcs trying to retain its independence in an age of international super po\vers. somewhat introspective painter who spent most of his working life in VeniCe and was painstaking in his efforts to produce the finished painting which met his own high standards. Initially influenced by Caravaggio, he developed the use of ehiaroscuro (use of light and shadow). "The Supper at Emmaus" is a good example of this: the still life especially is marvellous with its depiction ofasparagus, a spring vegetable serving as a symbolic allusion to Christ's Resurrection. Piazzctta, like Rubens who came to influence him View on the Cannaregio Canal by Francesco Guard; However" the Exhibition at present at the Royal Academy, ','The Glory of Venice: Art in the Eighteenth Century" shows that in artistic terms eightccnth century Venice saw a gala>.)' of talelll, its only rival as artistic capital of Europe being Paris. Ushering in the century were such painters as Sebastiano Ricei and Luea Carlevaris. Ricei was a prolific artist who worked happily on any scale: it is in fact his paintings that flank the stairs 1c.1ding into the exhibition. The cxhibition conlains many examples of his work including the tender depiction of "The Flight into Egypt", Luca Cmlevaris specialised in view paintings. However. the beginning of the century saw the \maeknowledged rivalry betwccn two olher grc.11 Venetian painters: GiambaUista Pia7.zeUa and Giambauista Tiepolo. PiazzeUa was a Novembre 94 Daniele Servini aspect of the Exhibition is the ability to view logether three paintings by Scbastiano Rieci, Piazzctta and Tiepolo contributed as a part of a series of paintings on similar themes to S. Stae. Other painters in the Exhibition include the light and decorative Antonio Pellegrini ("Venus and Cupid") and his sister-in,law, Rosalba Carrera. The Exhibition includes a wonderful self-potrait by this painter. CanaJello, as a landscape artist, stands in a class of his own. As onc contemporary put it ,"he paints with such accuracy and cunning that the eye is deceived and truly believes that it is reality it secs, not a painting", The use of a camera obscura helped but il is Canaleuo's recreation of the atmosphere that has come to be associated with Venice ("Bacino di S. Maria"). Portrative and genre painting was popular with Venetian painters and Pietro Longhi specialised in depicting the daily round of Venetian society. ("A Painter is his Studio"). Franccsco Guardi was a painter who combined an early career as a genre painter ("The RudoUo") and a later career as a landscape artist specialising in Venetian views. However, in contrast to Canalello his painting shows a greater immediacy and a willingness to explore the by-ways of Venice. The landscape tradition was continued by Bernardo Bellollo (CanaleUo's nephew) who seemed to eateh all his views at the first light ofdawn. The Exhibition is rounded off as follows first, by examples of the work of the architecl Piranesi who although he never built anything had a great influence on contemporary taste: examples of his work in the Exhibition include his highly detailed studies of Rome, Ancient and Modern, and his rather vertiginous studies of forms and shadows, '''Prisons''; secondly there arc examples of the work of the greatest sculptor of his age, Antonio Canova, which include the modello for the "Monument to Titian". Definitely an exhibition not 10 be missed! later in life, developed a love for chalk drawings: the most f.1mous of these are his "eharaeler hc.1ds" which arc well represented in the Exhibition. Tiepolo. on the other hand, was known for lhe speed of his work and lightness of loueh: he built up an international clientele. Many of his masterpieces arc awe inspiringfrcscocs on the ceilings and walls of palaces and churches. However.: wc arc given a glimpse of this work through the modelli used for these projects (including "The Coroll.1tion of lhe Virgin). Tiepolo in much of his work is able to Crc.1te a n1.1rvellous sense of theatre, complete with beautiful women and an oblique sense of humour (such as the The exhibition continues until J4 December /994 rc-working of the myth of Danae and aJ the Ro)'al Academ)' ofArt. Piccadlli)'. Open Jupiter). His more sombre and medita- every Jay. JO.OO a.m. to 6,{)() p.m. includmg tive mood is reflected in the Il.1turalistic ...wkends. AJmiu;on [6.S0full charge.l4.S0 re· "Flighl into Egypt". Onc fascill.1ting ducedcharge. Jl OUR NAME GUARANTEES A 'GREAT DEAL MORE! We're dedicated to give you ,the best service we can - whatever yaur needs: New/pre-owned car sales, Light commercial vehicles, servicing, Body repairs, Spare parts, MOT testing or Car rental. 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'Olive, you've really got me going, this is something that I thought of doing for years. Perhaps my grandehildren will be pleased to read it in years to eome'. He's right of course; I may have mentioned previously that I too have been Uying to trace the exaet location of my grandfather's place of birth. I know that it is in the region of Borgo Val di Taro, (parma). I have even been told that he did indeed teaeh in the school there, prior to his emigration to England but enough of that .... let us get on with Franccsco's Stories. Don't forget readers if you have any memorabilia, stories or photographs ete of the life and times enjoyed (or enduredl) in the old days in '11 Quartiere ltaliano', indeed any reminiscences of those times passcd on by parenti or remembered by some of you then please contaet me on 071-837 4830. I leave you with Franccsco. iron handles. It stands on its side and it is raised on four legs. With a cushion on top it scrves as a window scat The lid is adorned with autumnal leaves and in the centre, the figure of a girl in traditional dress; the scroll bCneath tells us that it is the costume of Lombardia as described by Alessandro Manzoni in his 'Promessi Sposi'. The painting is the work of my father and it has always been known in the family as the 'Lombardia Box'. What a tale it could telll It has been a part of my life as far baek as I can remember. Lurate Abbate is a 'frazione' (hamlet) above Lago Di Como. At some time in the distant past a family from this little haven moved down into Ponte Chiasso and they bCcome known as I Lurati. It was here in 11 Patrio Tello (the ancestral home) that my great-grandfather Giovanni Lurati was born in the year 1821. He had two sons and a daughter. One of his sons, Giuseppe Antonio, my grandfather, was born on the 15th Mareh 1852. The picture of the old house in Via Brogeda was painted by my father in 1930. Just behind the house The Lombardia Box was '11 Rete'- the chain fence that defined the frontier with Switzerland. Over by the window in our lounge in the shade of the large leaves of a There was also a 'Iaghello' with an ten foot high 'Mostera Deliziosa', island in the middle. This idyllic rural selling was also there is a box, now painted while. The the scene of a tragedy when Zia eorners are iron bound, and it has two :; "". ""'"' - Luigia, on 2nd August 1961, went, as was her custom, to rinse a blanket in the stream. She was 77 years old. It seems that she either slipped or lost her balance, fell forward and was drowned in the shallow water. 1869. At the age of seventeen my grandfather arrived in London accompanied by two boxes, one of which was of course the above mentioned family heirloom (the Lombardia Box). Unlike so many of our emigrati, Giuseppe had a job waiting for him with Sig. Corti, a family friend who had emigrated earlier and was already established as a manufacturer of artificial flO\vers. His next job was with the Salvia's, in the same trade, at 117 Pitfield St, Hoxton. Even in those days there was moonlighting because he also worked behind the bar in Gatti's Musie Hall in ViJliers Street, the Strand. It is now 'The Players Theatre'. WaIter Salvia, the son, told me that he was the bCst worker ,that they had ever employed. He was also, he said, 'quite a tough guy'. If ever there was trouble at Gatti's he did not waste time going round the counter, but would jump over the top, straight into the fray. It was here that he met Martha Durham, my grandmother. She had a small scar ori the bridge of her nose, a souvenir'of an evening "vhen during a fracas, bottles and glasses started to fly. I like to think that Nonno rescued this d.1msel in distress and carried her off to the altar. Their son, my father, another Giuseppe Antonio, was born on the 1st July 1882. His sister, Zia Giuseppina, on the 2nd November 1888. I have a postcard that was sent to my Nonno dated 10th December 1903. It is from his old employer Sig. Corti, who had returned to Chiasso with his ~{:'~~t - -::.i- 14 " A painting of "11 Patrio Telto" Pontc Chiosso November 94 :tJ;~FJLA English wife Anna ElIis. The natives of Chiasso always referred .to him as 'Vlnglese'. Having made his fortune in London, he, with Anna,. spent the rest of his days in happy retirement. The photograph of -the Musica Cittadina is on the front of the postcard mentioned. above. My Zio Vittorio is in the front row second on the right with his" finger on the mouthpiece of his 'bombardino'. My Nonno used to play the trumpet in this band and it is eertain that it was through this connection that he was able to arrange for his journey to England. The gentleman seated on the group to the right of the 'Grancassa,' with his hat resting his knee, is Sig. Corti. I find it quite a coincidence that, as a young .'Avanguardista' in the Fanfara Di Londra, I played the same instrument as my Zio Vittorio. My father Giuseppe, would tell me stories' of how he, with his sister Giuseppina, would wander round Hoxton Market amply protected by their pet Bulldog. The market runs parallel to Pitfield Street where my Nonno worked. I do not know how fieree the dog really was. Zia Pina told me that she used to dress him up in baby clothes! Later the family moved to Southwark and my father attended the school attached to Southwark C.1tholie C.1thedral. Occasionally he would accompany' his father to work at Gatti's where he would amuse himself behind the scenes trying on the artists' costumes. Nonno died in 1905 at the age of 53. He suffered' from asthma, probably brought on by the atmosphere of the workshops full of Powdered dies and 'farina' (potato flour) used for stiffening flower petals etc. Workshops in those days were grim places. At the age of fourteen my fa,ther started work at the City Sandblast Novembre94 COMtlNITA'TrALIANA windows of 99 Grosvenor there is the Chiasso railway and Canonbury Station. DurMusica ing the war amunition trains rumbled Citladina postcard sent up and down so my father beat a to Francesco's hasty but strategical retreat to 48 father in /903 Beresford Road, Highbury, where the remainder of the family were born: Franeesco, Veronica, Benito, Maria Company in and Eugenio. New North There was some suggestion that to Road, where avoid being called up, papa' might be he created de- able to claim Swiss nationality - he signs which just had to cross out the 'Ponte' off were sand- Ponte Chiasso. However, looking blasted on to down the list of options and with his the frosted ever-growing family in mind, he nowindows and mirrors used in Public ticed that the' best paid job in the Houses at that time. From there he forces was that of stoker in the British found his way into the firm of T.B. Navy. Brown, an advertising agency in UpHe volunteered but they would not per Thames Street and eventually let him have even a sniff at the rum went freelance. He became the artist ration I He had an Italian namell In for 'Clamico' (Clarke, Nieholls and any case it is quite certain that he Coombes) and PascaU's, both confec- would never have lasted a day down tioners. He designed chocolate and in the fiery depths of the hold of a sweet boxes, sweet jars and the warship. wrapping for the contents. Another of He spent his army days in France his clients was Tom Smith's who in the trenches, painting crosses for were I believe, tne originators of the victims, pUlling the names and Chri;tmas .Crackers. APart· from the company insignia on thcsc memorials. boxeS, he design~ the little stiek:<)Il Even during the war, when on leave, motifs of figures and flowers whIch he still did work for Clamico and children used to collect and stick in continued after the war under contract . their scrapbooks.' to them. My father met Christina PillS at St Monica's Church, Hoxton. They were Continued next month married on his 30th ~~~~aY'i~~i:st :.~~ 'r1.~,:~.[_'. :.',{.~.' {.' .':':t:'I .. home was in Noel .'.i._,•. c. " Road, Islington.::;:'••,_ .-_ .. Then they moved to )_,~~t, the top floor and at;; -., c,_ tics of 99 Grosvenor .'.,',-,c' -'. Road (Grosvenor Avenue ) Highbury, where my sisters Agncsc, Theresa and Margherita were born. The Great War was in progress, in fact, Margherila was born during an airraid. Benc.1th the rear . This photo tak~,! i'1 /894 shows Franc~ esco's nonno, Giuseppe seated. Standing: nonna Martha, a 12year.old Giuseppe (Francesco's father) and Zia Giuseppina. 15 HIGH POST LOOKING FOR A BREAK AWAY FROM . WITHiN EASY REACH? LONDON, ~UT Come and see The Sgueglia Family (Enzo, GilIian, Paul and Marina) at THE INN AT HIGH POST - a modern hotellIeisure complex, with a' Night Club too, near historic Salisbury. There is lots to see and do without any pressure, and the beautiful indoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna sunbed and gym will help you relax completely. Opposite there is lovely eighteen hole golf course. .All· rooms are en-suite' with every- ·facility including Sky television. . The food is excellent, and, head chef AntonioMarin will be delighted to cook his' favourite specialities for you. Nowhere will you find a warmer welcome with a distinct Italian bias. Rec~ntly we have opened Enzo's Night Club (Named after Papa, but run by son Paul and daughter Marina) - ~ sophisticated Night Spot with the latest in sound and light technology, top D.J's, live Saturday entertainme~t and an authentic Cocktail Bar. The Club is open until 2 a.m. Dress to impress - no jeans are allowed in the Club! FANTASTIC WEEKEND BREAK OFFER Starting on Friday evening with diriner, accommodation and full English breakfast, Saturday dinner, accommodation and breakfast, and a wonderful carvery speciality lunch on Sunday to complete your weekend. £94 per pers<.m (sharing a twin or double room) THE INN is situated on A345 between Amesbury &Salisbury. (Out of London westwards on M3 to A303. Turn left at Amesbury and The Inn is 3 miles on the right. Easy!) PHONE NOW! The Inn, High Post, Nr. Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 6AT Telephone: 0722-782592 Fax: 0722-782630 .Proprietors: Enzo & Gllllan Squeglia 16 November 94 -badt/IJI/- ..P . RIVISfA DEILA COMIJNITA'ITALlANA. TAR-OX TAR-OX Performance Braking Products A range of brake discs and brake pads to improve braking efficiency of vehicles for road and track. The brake discs are manufactured from special cast iron and have up to 40 grooves per surface to increase stopping power. The brake pads can be Supplied in different compounds to suit the driver's requirements. , . I Replacement Parts For FIAT - Yugo -Lada - Polski Lancia - Alfa Romeo • I =======locks&tooIs • HAND & POWER TOOL SPECIALISTS • PLANT HIRE & POWER TOOL REPAIRS • ARCHITECTURAL & BUILDERS IRONMONGERS • LOCKSMITIiS HOUSEKEEPER PART TIME HOUSEKEEPER Central London Belgravia SWl Gentleman requires a part-fime person to look after prestigious aparfment in centrallondon. The candidate should ideally be retired, Italian speaking, with a good personality, seeking a satisfying and re"Yarding 'position. S days per week, hours 9am-lpm and 4pm-9pm. Excellent references required. Excellent salary, clothes allowance. 1/(o./(fOIl/Cf.' ~1~1 k6.)W~ Uo,llt.l0ll0.1(lI1 N1 (,N( .1Jt;;o:U ft'k111Ol"" .-I.t "'6k.c'f~llowllno."'('(.ll.blNWltlQO on I,O/?,X"x') TeI:071-828 6842 between lOam-4pm 1("Ics:"Ut(' Oil :i'l.il:J133 Novembre 94 17 -b~ " RIVISI'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA .,P: Cronaca attivita' dellacomunita' J Festa degli Lucchesi Mi e' piaciuta molto la festiccioJa che i Lucchesi hanno falto nel Club: perche' c'era gente nuova: questo non significa che gli aItri non sono venuti. Ci sono i fedelissimi che non inancano mai: ma non scmpre le stessc persone possono andare a tulte le feste: I'importante e' che la gente si muova anche per le feste: perche' muoversi per le feste, significa' anche muoversi per tante altre cose: significa aprire iI cuore e la mente su tulto iI mondo che e' intomo a noi: dove non e' semprc festa, e' chiaro: ma che ci impegna con la nostra bonta' e con le sue nccessita'. Come aI solito, la festa e' stata una esplosione di mangiare e bere buonissimo, musica incandesccnte, organiz. zazione e amicizia favolose.· Durante la lolleria ( Foto: P. Russo ) Corvo SPOrts Day CONO, . the Italian winemilkcrs, held their annual Gold Cup Golf ConljJctition'for60 hotcliers and restaurateurs in Surrey, on Tuesday 20th September. . The event was held at the luxury Foxhills Country' Club, in parkland selting at Ottershaw, near Chertsey, which has two championship golf courses, " , While golfers played for the Cup, another 20 sporting guests enjoyed a tennis tournament in the grounds and like all good restauratcurs those with time on their hands organised an unofficial funghi picking toumament! The day ended with a grand banquet, arranged by Ciborio, UK, sole agents for Corvo, Duca di Salaparula, wines, which are becoming a big name in the UK in line with international export growth. The golf eup is a big attraction to Italian restaurant owners although the wines are now being sold throughout the On and "Off trade commented Simone Octgen"Marketing Manager for Ciborio. Photos:. Salvatore Mancuso 18 Presentation ofthe trophies. Above: the GolfGold Cup. Below: the tennis tournament Below left: guess what? November 94 \\ " ~tv/tAJIl- ",,&> . RlVISl'A DEILA COMUNlTA'ITALIANA Assoc. Parmigiani-VaIceno Dinner and Dance I ! I, I The Associazione Pannigiani Valceno held their Annual Dinner Danee at the Grosvenor House Hotel on Saturday 8th October. Amongst the 450+ guests were a group especially over from Parma, Sig. Silingardi the president of the Cassa di Risparmio di Panna & Piaeenza that sponsor the Association and Mr. Lany Adler the famous hannonica player who delighted the guests with a tunc. It was John Belli's maiden speech at the Dinner & Danee as President of the Association. In his more than adequate Italian he praised the work of his predecessor Sergio Pavarani reminding those present that his humility and dedication were two of the reasons why the Association were in his debt. Mr. Belli then went on to encourage AC Valceno, who have still to win the elusive Anglo·ltalian Football League Championship. His last comments were to the young and old, the commillce, friends and 'sindacati, to those in England and back in Valeeno, of the importance of co-operation and mutual respect needed if the Association is to have any life. Sig. Silingardi said that Pannigiani living in England could take pride in the Cassa di Risparmio. Not only have they merged, but have also recently aequired the Credito Coinmerciale and \vill soon be one of the top 20 finaneial institutions in Italy. However, it was the speech from Giuseppc Costella the Consigliere Regionale that deserved the most attention from those who were willing to listen. He stressed that it was the time for unity between the different Associations. It was' time to become one eommunity. He acknowledged that each had their own home, their own land, their own paese, their own past but the road forward could only be done together. Nothing but extinetion could result if the different Associations from tile Emiglia·Romagna region refused to join forces and worked in unison and therefore in strength. After the speeches, which followed a wonderful Top: amici da Panna meal, we were tre.1ted to a cabaret by Eduardo Above: P. Russo collecting his keys/ Below: the Guests ofHonour Vianello just floWII in from Rome and then dancing to thc Orchestra Rara. But for some perhaps, the highlight of the evening was when P. Russo walked across the danee floor to collect the keys of the rame 1st prize - a Fiat Cinqucccnto! The Associazione Parmigiani-Valeeno have actively taken steps to cncourage the younger generation to participate actively in the organisation. For this re.1son, it has a strong youth committee as well as an unusually high number (for Italian associations) of young faees on its Committee surely a vital constituent in ensuring a he.1lthy fulure. Novembrc94 Foto: S&1valOre MIIl<USO /9 :t:~;;;JJ'" COMUNlTA'ITAUANA Cronaca continua da pagina 19 ( The Glory of Venice 1 A new exhibition of 18th Centwy Venetian art, "The Glory of Venicc", opened in October at the Royal Academy, Piccadilly. Here at' the official opening wc sce ]ames Sherwood, Chairman of Sea Conlainers, sponsors of the exhibition; Sir Philip Dawson, President of the Royal Academy of Art; Sotto Segretario Ronehetti and the Italian Ambassador Giacomo Attolico, For a review of this fine exhibition sce page H. Photo: Salvatorc Mancuso Antonietta Gasparro P. Carmelo Carissima Antonietta, Ci hai lasciato improvvisamente nel piu' profondo dolore. Ti vogliamo ricordare come ti abbiamo conosciuto: una sposa e una mamma scmplicc e buona. In te ho rivisto scmpre la mia cara mamma ehe hai conosciuto e della quale ehiedevi scmpre notizie, fino alia sua morte. La Chicsa Italiana ti e' grata per tutto eio' ehe hai fatto. Hai lasciato nel vuolo e nella profonde tristczza i tuoi amati Alfredo e Mario insieme alia nuora e i nipotini. Tutta la massa di gente ehe e" venuta al tuo funerale, e' stata una prova di quanti ti hanno rispettato e voluto bene. Prega e interccdi per noi dal eielo prcsso la Vergine Maria e S. Miehele Arcangelo. Ciao Mamma. Antonietta col,fratello 20 November 94 " 1 • ®1Mb>'~~~~ ~PRAGUE 16th - 19th J\.1arch 1995 PRICE £449 - Price Include~ The Following ,. tll: tll: tll: tll: tll: Accomodation in twin-bedded rooms with private facilities. Four Star H ote!. Schedule Airline Flights. All excursions with private coach, guide, meals as per itinerary. Airport taxes and transfers. mERE WILL BE AN OPPORTUNIlY TO VISIT" THE CHILD JESUS OF PRAGUE" Complete and return to COl, 20 Brixton Road, London SW9 GBU, not later than 28th November 1994. Name Tel: _ Address' _ I enclose deposit of £50 per person. Total £ ASSOCIAZIONE PEDINA VAL D'ARDA If SUO L 'Associazione Celebra 15mo AnniversarioDi Costituzione Con CENA E BALLO ANNUALE SABATO 26 NOVEMBRE 1994 SUONERA' IL COMPLESSO CLAUDIO ALLODI 7 .15pm per 7.45pm - Carrozze A 2am Admission By Ticket only - £35 Marriott Hotel, Grosvenor Square, Duke Street, London WI Dress Optional PRENOTAZIONEPRESSO A. PEROlil 0817698497 - P. CAVACIUTI 0712536194 G. CAVACIUTI 071 2267678 - G. ANTONIONI 071 2268674 Nm'cmbrc 94 21 ~:e=___a~tI!!ft~~'A~D~'iIACOMUNlT'A'ITALIAN'A r- cA lUClL i , I UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON FUNCTION CATERING STUDIO PARIS FROM £15.50 PER PERSON PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO INCLUDING WINE A Personal & Friendly Service for Your Wedding Day SMALL PARTIES TO FORMAL BANQUETS (10 to 400 guestsl Colour, Black & White and Hand-Tinted Photographs presented in Hand·Made Itall3n Leather Albums. HOLD YOUR FUNCTION IN ONE OF OUR TRADITIONAL DINING ROOMS. EXCELLENT FACILITIES FOR LUNCHEONS; DINNERS; RECEPTIONS; MEETINGS; CONFERENCES; ETC. Other Services Also Available: Two-Camera Video. Commercial, Social & P.R FURTHER DETAILS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM: - Call Arturo·on: (081) 690 4781, (081) 852 7362 or 0860 478222 THE CATERING OFFICER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON GOWER STREET WC1E 6BT 071-380 7032 11 \ I Oggetti Religi<;lsi :1 Ogni domeniea dalle 9.45 am - 2.00pm al No.2 Back Hill I' r~tt~~~r~";~~tN~l I • , .I [i9Jftl.'~_ tl. ~_ . Itfft-= ~~!~~_ . '- ... Potete trovare tutti gli oggetti religiosi per: Prima Comunione, Cresima, Matrimoni, Benedizione del Papa, Rosari, Bibbie, Statue, it Nuovo Cateehismo della Chiesa Cattoliea, quadri, eee... 22 November 94 :if:.~ Dall'ltalia Diminiuiscono i morti per droga. DaII'inizio dcll'anno i dcecssi aecertati sono stati 576. Per la fine del ·'94 se ne prevedono 813, contro gli 888 del ·'93 e i 1.2 17 del'n. Questi alcuni dei dati fomiti dal ministro della Famiglia. Antonio Guidi. • The Fiat Cinquecento is the greenest car on sale in the U.K., aeeording to Britain's Environmental Transport Association. The organisation's 1994 Buyer's Guide lists cars in order of the noise emissions and manufacturing damage thcy inflict on the environment, and ineludes four Fiat models in its top ten. In five years 7.000 coins. 40 vases and more than 30 statues have dis,1ppcarcd from the Archacological Museum in Naples. The government has ordered an investigation into the silently perpetrated thefts. whose sheer number makes it diffieult to work out exaetly whieh 'works are missing. Police are investigating a fire which swept through a makeshift c.1mp occupied mainly by north Mric.1n immigrants at Villa Literno in southern Italy. There were nc injuries. Conditions at the camp, known as .'.' the ghetto", have crc.1ted nationwide concern: A proposal allowing women to volunteer for duty in the anned forces and the Guardia di Finanza. a unit dc.1ling with smuggling and tax fraud, was approved by the caliinet. The propos,1l, whieh now goes before parliamcnt. also calls for overall rednctions in the number military personncl and civilians working in the armed forces. But il would also enhance the role of volunteers. who would comprise about a third of the military. or The leader of Italy's nco-fascist s,1id that the MSI party that was founded by the politic.11 heirs of wartime dictator Benito Mussolini would be formally disbanded at a closing congress planned for 19-23 January 1995. Novembre 94 COMUNITA'ITALlANA news from Italy you may have missed Italy has beCOme the first country in Europe to propose ncw laws to cut Icvcls of benzenc in petrol. Italian toxicologists recently linked benzene to an inereased risk of leukaemia. Thcy estimatc that 40% of Icukaemia cases attributablc to benzene could be avoided with tougher limits. Via Veneto in Rome is in mourning for Hany's Bar, made intcrnationally famous in Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita, and frequented by sueh stars as Anna Magnani, Vittorio Gassman, Rcx Harrison, Elizabeth Taylor and Orson Welles. The fashionable restaurant has been bought by Burghy, an Italian hamburger chain. Italian doctors praised the parents of a seven.year-old boy for donating his organs after he was shot and killed by motorway bandits in Sicily. The heart of Nieholas Green, from California, was given to a Roman teenager whose only hope for life was a transplant. His liver was destined for a 19·year-old Sieilian woman and at least one of his kidneys to an lI-year-old Sieilian. Doctors hoped the gesture would prompot Italians to ovcrcome their reluetance to donate organs; Italy' has one of the Sangue e panico sulia Lanrentina lowest rates in theWest. a Roma. Due ragazzi a bordo di un'auto rubata non ·si· sono fennati .all'all e i carabinieri; 'dopo un The Italian Health minister drammatico inseguimento, hanno sought to allay fears that Albanian sparato alle gomme dclla macchina in immigrants wcre bringing eholera to fuga colpendo anche entrambi i the country after reports of some 300 giovani. Alfredo Wiecck, 19 anni, e' cases of the disease in the Balkan stato raggiunto da due proicttilialla country. Laboratory tests on' food, drains, water supplies and the arriving schicna ed e' morto poco dopo. Albanian immigrants so far have shown no evidence of the disease, Italian rowing is cnjoying the grc.,test moment in its history after its teams surprisingly dominated the the Sicily's Roman 'Catholic Chureh World Rowing Championships in has annulled the marriage of a man Indianapolis. The Italians earried off who wed lhe pregnant daughter of a sevcn medals in all four gold, two Mafia boss in 1977 because his family was threatened. Carmelo Moola, then silver and one bronze. 17, had no desire to many Filomena Manchera' forse il fuoricJasse Scaglione. 16, but did so out of fear, assoluto, la prima firma in grado di Moola filed for divorce after his aspirare ai vcrtiei continentali, ma il father·in·law was killed in gangland plotone delle banehe italiane e' il piu' rivalry in 1982. folio nella cJassifica dei primi 500 istituti di credito europei, stilata dalla The world's largest solar reaetor rivista amcrieana The Bankcr. Nella came on stream in Serre, Italy. It will, "top 500.... relativa ai conti di fine gcnerte five million kilowatt·hours of '93, ben 10I sono italiane, ollre il energy a year, enough for 3000 homes. 20% del totale. When police 'arrested Calogcro Galali, 25, for killing his psychiatrist in Sicily, his motive should have been obvious. He had a persecution complcx. "I know he never liked me, which is why he nevcr tried to cure me", he told police. "Voglio ricreare le immagtm della dolce vita, e per questo ho scello la citta' piu' bella del mondo, Roma, e la donna piu' amata del momento, Claudia Schiffer". Cosi' Valentino a Parigi ha annuneiato la sua piu' recente campagna pubblicitaria. 23 -badrAJ/l-- ~ . RIVISrA DELLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA In CamminoCon Carmelo Carissimi Fratel/i e Sorelle, Ringraziamo it Signorc con tullo it cuore che ci ha portati fine a qucsto mese di novembrc, dedicate ai morti. 'Auguro ad ognuno di trovare un po' ditempo per fcrmarsi a rillcllere suI senso della vita. La morte e' un mistero; it riostro pensicro si infrangc contro 10 scoglio della morte. Noi crediamo che solo Cristo puo' iIIuminare questo mistcro. Gesu' morendo, ha cambiato ital di dentro it volto della mortc: cssa non c'· piu' I'abisso spavcntoso dovc tullo finiscc, ma' un passaggio doloroso. un tunnel oscuro che apre alia lucc senza in. finita. Anticamente i cristiani chiamavane it giomo della mortc '''dies natalis", cioe'" "giomo dclla nascita" alia vita etema. Cosi' abbiamo· due datc di nascita: nascita alia vita terrena c nascita alia vita ctcma. Dove sono i nostri morti? Sono ancora in rclazione con noi 0 la mortc ha segnato' un' distacco totale? Possiamo comunicare con loro? Possono vcderei c aiutarci? Con la preghiera possiamo cntrarc in comunione con i nostri morti. La preghiera ped defunti c' un'al\tichissima tradizione dclla chicsa. La prima c' la cclebrazione del funeralc cristiano. Noi tUlli accompagniamo con amorc it defunto alia sua ultima dimora nella fede. preghiamo per lui e nonostante it dolorc della sepanizionc proclamiamo. la speranza chc i morti .in Cristo risorgeranno. La preghiera di sulfragio piu' grandc c' la' Santa mcssa, spccialmcntc nel giomo dell'annivcrsario della morte. Non basta pero' farlo celcbrarc dal prete, ma e' importante partcciparvi c riceverc la S. Comunionc ehc ci melle in comunione con Cristo c con i nostri defunti. Una tradizione cara al cuorc di molti cristiani e' la visita al cimitero. Andiamo a trovarc i nostri morti. Una volta i cimiteri crano nel ccntro degli abitati, allomo alia chicsa, quasi a significarc che i Vivic i morti formavano un'unica famiglia. La visita at cimitero era quasi ogni giomo. Ora i cimiterisono lontani dalla citta', per tanti motivi e anche perehc' l'uomo' di oggi non vuol- penc sarc alia morte, La parola "cimitero" deriva dal greco' C significa "dormitori~ 0": cioc' luogo dove dormono i cristiani nell'allcsa di sVegliarsi alia risurrczione. UsiamoanchC'la parola "camPo sane to" per indicare. ehe la terra che accoglic it cadavere 'e' stata benedetta, ma anche per ricordare che it corpo c' un senie; gettato nella terra chc fiorira' nella risUrrczione. Noi adoriamo le,tombc con i segni della speranza: it freddo marmo. porta una foto, un name e due date: it vollo ehc ci ricorda la, persona amata; it nome ricevuto nel' ballesimo e chc Dio ha serillo suI palmo della mane; Ic date di nascita c di morte in allcsa di vcder serillo. con caralleri di lucc, la data della risurrczione; . - ·10 Croce proclama che la morte del cristiano avviene all'ombra. della .moi1e di Gesu'; - iI cera acceso ricorda itccro pasqualc, siinbolo di Gcsu' risorto; - i fiori, segni dCI nostro alfcllo semprc rinnovato, annunciano la sper.anza della primavera ctema.. Davanti alia tomba della persona cara a voltc si sta.in sitenzio perchc' non si trovano le parolc 0 forse perchc' it silenzio c' it linguagio .dell'ctenlita'. Altre vollc iI silcnzio favorisccla nostra prcghiera. La visita al cimitero sia per noi, qucsto mcsc di novembrc, un vero pellegrinaggio della 'stieranza: andiamo incontro ai nostri morti e alia nostra mortc, alia lucc della Risurrezione. La mortc, nonostante sia una realta' terribile, non imprcssiona piu' come una volta. La fretla, it chiasso, la superficialita' cc la fanno dimenticare. La guerra, le Stragi, le erudelta', le vendelle, gli egoismi, gli spettacoli hanno rcso spesso insensibite i nostri cuori. Molti ragionano cosi': ". Quando la mortc verra' cc la prenderemo ma ora viviamo spcnsierati, cerchiamo di goderc piu' ehcpossiamo". Molti vivono come non dovcsscro mai morirc c si alfannano per la vita tcrrcna. senza prcoccuparsi alfallo della vita spirituale. Si deve morire, lasciare tullo: ricchezze e lussi, divertimenti e piaceri. Creati da Dio, a lui dobbiamo tornare. Qucsta rcalta' fa paura. ci fa rabbrividirc. Un giorno rcstera' di noi solo una tomba c una lapide. Poi anehe questc seompariranno. Anchc it nostro ricordo svanira', come se non fossimo mai stati sulla terra. Ma se diamo alIa morte it significato cristiano, tullo cambia, tullo rifulge di luce. E' un passaggio alia vcra felicita', ad una vita di gloria. Chicdiamo al Signore c alia Vergine Maria di conservarci I'anima nella grazia perche' lasciando it corpo. possa volarc libcra c bclla aI suo Crcatorc. Quindi almeno in qucsto mcsc rientriamo in noi stcssi per conosccrci e orizzontarci meglio. La vita non c' sempre primavera, non e' semprc una fcsta, e' anehc autunno e rigido invemo, c' anehe dolore e sacrificio. TUllO. passa nel mondo, tullo si trasforma e cambia. . Vi auguro chc questi pensieri non ci mellono paura 0 nel pcssimismo ma ci mellono la gioia nel cuorc a pensare come stanno bene i nostri morti c qu.1nto aiuto ci danno dal .cielo. ,I I !• I " Messe ai Cirfliteri - ore 11 Sabato 12 novembre Sabato 19 novembre Cimitero di Finchley Cimitero di Kensal Green (High Road, N12) (Harrow Road, NWIO) 24 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N._o_V_C_m_b_c_r_9_4 ,j :/f;"~aLA COMUNITA'ITAlJANA La Vita della nostra Parrocchia Sono nati alia vita di Dio con iI Santo Battesimo Tcrcsa Maria Monica Aleorano: Arturo c Dcspina A1corano Emily Franeesea l\faearce: David e Lueia Macarcc Luke Raffaello Maearcc: David e Lucia Macaree Daniela Moro: Amcdco e Norma Moro Lia Stdania Croci: Marco Croci e Giuliana Forzoni Franeesea Geraci: Calogero Geraci e Maria Ricotta Lorenzo Paolo Ribeeea: Paolo Ribccca e Caroline AlIen Cassie Napolitano: Anthony Napolitano e Traccy White Charles Rene' Trenbolm: John Trenholm e Patricia Bellieni Luea Di Trolio: Gerardo Di Trolio e Maria Amese Chiara Marina Yasmin Col-done: Claudio Cordone e Oona'Campbell Matteo Luea Maria Dalla Valle: Giovanni Dalle Nalle e !kvico Nishimura Luke Ryan Jobnston: Liam ]obnslon e Linda Maneini Angela Josellhine Fuseo: ,Thomas Fusco e Slella Marina Mareo Paolo Moruzzi·Lee: Anlhony Lee e Paola Moruzzi Vineenzo Maniano: Antonio Marziano e Maria Rinaldo Alessandra Daniela Costa: Massimo Costa e Genoveffa Argenza Gabriella Claudia Bruzzi: Paolo Brozzi e Oriana Solicari Luke Sergio Maberly: Stepben Maberly e Adriana Pompa Stefania Anna Po!verino:'Giuseppc Polverino e Maria Lacovara Sabrina June Carroll: Jonathan Carroll e Maria Dc Novellia Stuart Andrew Webber:, Grcgory Webber e Paolina Morozzi Hanno unito le loro vite davanti a Dio nel Matrimonio Rosa Renzullo • Luca Barone Atbena Hajiloizou • Angelo Vella Yvonne Tomei • Giuscppc Merola Angela Delle GroW· Nigel Gcorge Maria Malhizzo .' Calogero Saito Riposanll nella Pace del nostro Signore Eliana Mareuccilli Micbelina Lombardini Roberto Foradini Sandro Sartini Novembre94 '25 ELITES f . A LE .' :~ < , ... < ., Beautiful homes stal1 with Elitestyle. For all your furniture needs from the traditional to the most . modern Italian designs. '<> "I :1J;~DLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA THOMAS B. TREACY FUNERAL DIRECfORS & MONUMENTAL MASONS 4 CHADWELL STREET, LONDON ECl (lKm from St. Peter's) FUNERAL DIRECTOR IN RESIDENCE REPATRIATIONS TO ITALY ROMAN CATHOLIC MEMORIAL CARDS ITALIAN LAST SUPPER COFFINS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL OF REST STONEMASONRY WITH ITALIAN INSCRIPTIONS, PHOTOS, EMBLEMS AND PERSONAL HANDWRITTEN MESSAGE. Maria Grace Highspeed colour printing Artwork and Design PlateMaking Registered residential Care home for the Elderly Welcome to Maria Grace residential Care Home * Home/rom Home * The Home where individual tradition value is the nonn. Providing 24 hour long tenn Residential Care. Short TennIRespite Care, Day Care, Community/Domieiliary Care. .For Details Please Call :. (0622) 755859 31 Buekland Road, Maidstone MEl6 OSL Storllng PrlnHng. Photo Typeseffing Company Umlt~d 164 High Str..t 0181-364 805218072 Novcl1ibre 94 Mr. & Mrs. Cirelli Resident Proprietors & Managers Registered Nurses.Specialists in the Care of the Elderly. MEMBER OF K.C.H.A. 27 :tJ;~EILA COMUNITA'ITALIANA Cronaca ( .' continua da pagina 20 ) In Memoria di Alessandro Vaciago Siamo stati all'Istituto di cultura. Ci siamo ritrovati in tanti earl amici perche' abbiamo ricordato un nostro vero amici>, che ha onorato la Comunita' ltaliana di Londra e ha portato it suo intelligenteeontributo alia Cultura e alia Civitta' ltaliananel mondo: abbiamo ricordato Alessandro Vaciago. Noi 10 abbiamo ricordato, con it nostro affelto. Sua Eccellenza l'Onorevole Francesco Cossiga cc 10 ha falto riviverc con delle bellissime parole: non parole di occasione, ma parole' che hanno reso presente it nostro caro Alessandro Vaciago nel, suo lavoro aIl'Istituto Italiano di Cultura e nclla spinta picna di cntusiasmo cl}e ha saputo dare per la diffusione della Civitta' e della, Cultura Italiana ncl mondo. Sopra: la vedova efigli di Alessandro'Vaciago con Francesco Cossiga ' Sinislra: gli amici e colleghi presenli con iI loro rispello ed affelto Foto: Salvatore Mancuso ( Ponti's a Piccadilly ) Giovcdi' 22 scltembrc eo' stata una giornata spccialc per Ponti's. E' stato inaugurato it magnifico locale di Piccadilly. Luminoso, emcientc, dove vi e' un bancone picno di tante cose buonc. Oltre ad esscre veramentc clegante e' anche bene organizzato quindi it cliente chc vi cntra si sente a suo agio sia per it mangiare che per I'accoglienza. Questo, d'altra parte e' 10 stile di Ponti's: cleganza, roba buona, 'prezzi intelligcnli. I nostri cari amici che dirigono Ponti's per prima cosa vogliono rispcltarc i clienli perchc' questo non e' soltanto it scgrelo del business, ma si tratta anchc di viverc rispettilndo'il prossimo che e' uno dei punti centrali del Vangelo. 28 November 94 :/f;~FnA ( COMUNlTA'ITAUANA Festa di Onorina per la Chiesa I Serata indimenticabife quella di sabalo IS ottobre. Le due sale del Club piene di tanta brava genie cbe ha portalo allegria, enlusiasmo c generosita'. Onorina (nella folO a sinistra) ha sponsorizzalO qucsta ccna per poler raccogliere fondi ondc rnandarc avanti i lavori del tetto: c veramente c' riuscita molto bene perebe' sono stalc raccolle piu' di seimila slerline. L'csilo un succcsso da ricordarc, ma quello cbe ha imprcssionalo'vcraniente, e' stata la partccipazione di tutti quelli cbe hanno Javoralo proprio per l' organizzazionc della fcsta: Ic fisarmonicbe, if cuoco c i suoi aiutanli, i camerieri, g1i organiizatori del servizio e della cueina. Superiori aI risultalo cconomico sono stati I'allegria e l'entusiasmo cbe hanno accompagnalo la fcsta. Con due sale piene, tutto si e' svollo in modo meraviglioso. Veramenle, qucslo Club, con la sua cspcrienza di tanti anni, e' un aiulo enorme per la coniunita' italiana e per la Cbicsa. Per questo sono vcnutc tante persone alia fcsta: non solo per aiutare la Chicsa, ma ancbe percbe' sanno cbe ncl Club sono trattate sempre bene. Ancbe a queste care persone va l'a/fetto cd il ringraziamento della Chicsa: a tutti un abbraccio forte forte per la bonta' cbe banno dimostralo, per I'incoraggiamenlo cbe sanno dare, per la generosita' cbe c' stata sempre prcsenle nella loco vita e cbe conlinua ad csscre prescnle nel loro cuore. ' Grazie Onorina. Grazie a tutti. Sinislra: alcpni amici, camerier! per la serala Sollo: la fesla familiare Foro: P. Russo Novembre94 29 :tJ:~EILA COMUNITA'ITALIANA Cronaca continua da pagina 29 [ ) 11 Monumento ai Caduti Italiani Domenica 4 settembre 1994 c' stato inaugurato it monumento ai Caduti italiaiti'- sepolti nel Cimitero di Bcaehley, Chepston nel Galles, prcsso I'Army Apprentice College. Ci sono le salme di 30 soldati italiani, morti nei campi di conccnlramento. o Si e' trattato di una cerimonia molto commovente. Certe esperienze, specie nei campi di concentramento, non si possono dimenticare e nemmeno si possono dimenticare coloro ehe in questi tragicieventi hanno perso la vita. 1I 4 Settembre 1994 e' stata scritta una pagina storic.1. poiehc' dalle macerie della guerra rinascc uno spirito di riconciliazione che parte dal Galles. Raimondo Zavaglia ( 11 ritiro a Grottaferrata ) Nella seconda settimana di settembrc abbiamo avuto una riunione molto bella: iri Italia. nella nostra casa di spiritualita' di Grottaferrata. Ci siamo ritrovati in molti saccrdoti. snorc c altri cari Amici che ci aiutano nelle nostre altivita' religiose. Da Londra eravamo P.Carmelo. P.Russo. Onorina e Vincenzo. E' stato molto bello ritrovarsi insieme anehe per parlare. per farc qualche risata. per raccontare barzcllette. per mangiare e berc bene. Non solo eravamo in Italia. ma addirittura ai castelli romani. Certo. non abbiamo falto solo questo. 1I motivo prineipale c· stato quello di pregare insieme. Prcgarc insieme significa vivere insieme la preghiera che abbiamo fatto. E qui c' ildifficile perche' sono i fatti della nostra vita quelli che contano. Non dico che la prcghiera e' una parola vuota. La prcghiera e' la Parola di Dio che noi acccltiamo nel nostro cuore e quando la acccltiamo, qllcsta Parola ci cambia la vita: fa nasccre nel cuore umilta\- sinccrita', carita', tunc le virtu' che ci fanno amare Dio c it prossimo.' Sembra che io vi stia facendo IIna predica, invecc e' un pensiero che e' pill' forte di 1111.1 bomba alomica: ma dobbiamo chiedere a Dio tanta fona per vivere la Sua Parola; c tanta umilta'. Uno dei punti centrali delle celebrazioni religiose, che ci ha riempito di cntusiasmo, e' stato quello in cui i nostri cari confratelli Danicle Dueo c Anlonio Spagnoletti. si sono consacrati .11 Signore, olTrendo la loro vita .11 servizio~ religioso dclla Chicsa di Dio. Li scguiamo con iI nostro alTelto c con la nostra preghiera. . 30 November 94 ----------------- :t:~EILA - COMUNITA'ITAUANA .MAZZINI-GARIBALDI CLUB Annual DINNER AND DANCE UNDERTIlE PATROliAGEOF LORD CHARLES FORTE OF RIPLEY ON SATURDAY 12th NOVEMBER 1994 NAPOLEON ROOM CAFE' ROYAL, REGENT STREET WI TICKETS EVENING DRESS 8.00pm to 2.30am £ 40.00 OPTIONAL MUSIC BY CLAUDlO ALLODI & HIS ORCHESTRA TICKETS FROM President: Gino Basliani 081-3408129 (Evening) - 071-240 7675 (Daytime) Vice President: Avv. John Zani 081-444 5098 (Evenings) Cav: Bruno Besagni 071·8374830 Ivo Cardelli 071 631 1740 (Daytime) Photography & Video Production 5 Backhill, London Eel Tel: 071-278 6722 '\}> '\}> '\}> '\}> '\}> '\}> '\}> '\}> Weddings Portraits Christenings Video Wedding Invitations Wedding Cars Passport Photos Selection of Designer Albums from Italy THE CLASSIC CHOICE FOR CLASSICAL MUSIC Rare, live and historic recordings a speciality Italian nostalgia also available such as Claudio Villa, Carlo Buti etc... What is not in stock we will e.--::-~~-~ High quality service at affordable price ~::-~~-2e-=> The studio is located next to the Italian Church e.,..e.:-~~-~ Open every day including Sunday morning Novcmbrc 94 happily order Contact: Mario Renzullo 38 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AA Tel: 071-430 0240 Fax: 071-4300241 31 :tJ;~LA Una Nuova Storia ARoma. Filippo Neri. il Fiorentino naturalizzato Romano. si fccc faneiullo con i piccoli e smonto' I'orgoglio romano 0 con la sapienza del suo umorismo. A Milano. Carlo Borromeo. ,faito Cardinale a quindiei anni"riempj" la porpora di tanta santita" da diventare luee al Coneilio di Trento:' , Feliee Roma. nella quale si davano convegno Filippo Neri. Carlo Borromeo e Feliee da Cantaliee. il frate eercatore ehe non sapcva leggere, ma quando Filippo gli ehicsc il suo parere sulla R;egola degli Oblati. seritta da san Carlo. la soppcso' sulla mano e 10 awerti' ehe vi mancava la vita comune. Al trio bisogna aggiungere Ignazio ,di Loiola, che divento' Romano. Veniva dalla Spagna per fondare in Roma la Compagnio di Gcsu' . Giunto a La Storta ebbc una visione: Vide Gcsu' Cristo. carico della Crocc, che per invito di Dio Padre. gli disse: COMUNITA'ITALIANA Francesco Amoroso SAC Giovanni Cabato c Giovanni da Verrazano aprirono le vie dell'Occidente a nuovi popoli c a nuovi 'Martiri. che ballczzarono le nuove terre. come gli Apostoli aVeVano ballczzato il suolo di Roma. L'uomo vi porto' la sua ingordigia e la sua violenza. ma 10 Spirito di Dio vi semino' luee e santita'. "U 1700 fu scosso da due grandi anime. da Alfonso M. de' Liguori. in Campania, da Paolo della Croce, in Piemonte; ma la loro azionc supero' subito i confini regioilali e si diffuse nel mondo. Alfonso. Dollore della Chiesa per la sua Teologia Morale, incontro' e istrui' le masse, popolari con i suoi canti: parole e musica ancora insupcrati. c Paolo, con la forza cd eflicaCia miracolose della sua prcdicazioric. risvcglio' il culto e la sequela del Crocifisso. L'uno c I'altro fccc leva sull'Umanita~ di 'Gcsu' Cristo:.Dio Bambino. Dio Crocifisso; cd cbbero ragionc, perehc' Dio si fccc uomo per rendersi visibilc agli uomini. U ,1800 fu denso di awenimenti ehc coinvolsero l'ltalia e il mondo intero. Napoloeone scossC il millenario Regno Pontificio e i Principi di Savoia 10 inglobarono nel Regno d'ltalia. Scomparve il Potere Temporale dei Papi, ma briIJo' piu' fulgido il Potere Spiritualc della Chiesa: Pio IX, di Sinigallia, proclamo' l'lmmascolata Con" eezione'di Maria e il suo messaggio riempi' di gioia tullO I'universo, e con la San Vincenzo Pal/olli definizione della "Infallibilita' dei "10 saro' con voW' Ma. in quegli Papi". per I'assistenia dello Spirito anni. aRoma e'era pure Palcstrina Santo. porto' I'autorita' dei Pontefici con la sua eelcste polifonia, che era al di sopra di ogni potere umano. preghiera. prima di cssere canto. e Ma la prcscnza dello' Spirilo di c'era Michelangelo. che. con le sue Dio in italia si dimostro' particolarseulture. pillure e solidita' arehitet- mentc eflicaee anehe allraverso i suoi tonica. sembrava darc corpo alia gran- Santuari. Ne rieordiamo solo Ire, che dczza e alia verita' di Dio. Marco diffusero luee e grazia molto al di la' Polo aveva apcrto ai missionari Ic vie dei confini nazionali. Intendiamo S dell'Oricntc c Ci-istoforo ColombO. Maria degli Angeli, che con il Per- 32 c dono d'Assisi, convoglio' alia Porziuncola folic immense. ogni anno, il 2 agosto. che vi si rccavano in eerea di perdono e di spirituale rinnovamento; la Santa Casa di Loreto, dove Maria rieevelle I'annunzio della Divina Matemita', e la tcstimonianza della poverta', dell'amore infinito di Dio. che Ii si fccc uomo. ha fallo vcdere Nazaret nei nostri confini; e Pompei. dove una vecchia tela, dcstinata al letarnaio, rccupcrata da Bartolo Longo cd csposta sopra un treppicdi sulle antiehe rovine del pagancsimo. e' diventata il Santuario del,Rosario, segno di sper'anza e di saivczia, nel nome della dolee Vergine Maria, madre di Dio e Regina delle Villorie. Nel sccolo seorso, durante la travagliata gcslaZione degli eventi poliliei acccnnnati. a Torino. capitale dei Savoia, Giovanni Bosco, di po~er issima famiglia. feee sua la Causa della gioventu' piu'povera. diede ,Ioro, nell'Oratorio, seuola e famiglia, e formo' un csercito di Salcsiani, che si diffusero in Italia e portarono 'la luee di Gcsu' Cristo spccialmente in America Latinil. Contemporancamente, dal 1795 al 1850. opero' san Vineenzo Pallolli a Roma. Ed il suo nome merita una pausa. perchc' e' imminente il Biccntenario della sua naseita, 21 aprile 1795, e piu' ancora pcrehe'. per il suo tempo c per il nostro. fu luee dello Spirito Sanlo. Siamo eerti ehe tUlli i Santi tendono 'all'infinito. perche' altingono a Gcsu' Cristo. ma per don Vincenzo Pallolli. Romano, superare i tempi e 10 spazio. abbracciare cielo e terra, farsi carico di tullO il male del mondo. puntare a tullO il bene possibile e piu ancora e con infinita perfezione. coinvolgendo tulle le creature, infinitamente moltiplicate, era un'csigenza della sua costituzione spirituale. U suo obiellivo era la gloria infinita di Dio, promossa da tulle le creature. infinitamentc moltiplieate, per infinite etemita'. c oltre ancora, e la felieita' temporale cd etema di tUlli gli uomini; e la priorita' della temporale sull'eterna I'ha pensata lui. La conclusion nel prossimo numero November 94 Rainy Days Financial Planning for Single People . Single people living on their own, WIthout any dependants, have different financial planning needs from those who have· partncrs. Single people can fall under a number of categories such as:l. youngstcrs who havc left home to become totally independcnt and selfreliant; 2. individuals in their early twcnties to thirties who prefer to further their career before committing themselves to a relationship; 3. people who are divorced; 4. widow/ers. In order to qualify under either 3 or 4 an individual nlUst cither have no children or, if children do exist, they should be old enough to financially look after themselves. Although they do not have family responsi~i1ities single people will ~eed seriously to assess their proteclion, pension and savings/investment needs. A person living on his/her own is not likely to want life cover for a family he/she does not have - unless he/she Wl!nts to m~e provisions for young children from a previous marriage. Often the only need for life assurance will be to ensure the repay!'lent of a mortgage or personal loan m the event of premature death before the mortgage or loan is fully repaid' usually at the insistence of the lender' ~ome single peol?le may regard this M Irrelevant, adoptmg the attitude that should they die, the building society or bank C?uld take over the property an sell It. However, there is no guarantee that the single person will remain single. Therefore, should an individual consequcntly get married hislher family will inherit the out: standing debt and the possibility of selling the property to repay the loan become .less of a practical alternative. A Single person's main requiren.'ents for protection lie in the provisIon of financial support in time of sickness and injury. This is important given that an individual will lack the financial, cmotional and moral support which a family or partner can provide. A typical protection package could include the following;l. Permanent Health Insurance to supplement lost income in the event of iII~ess or disability; 2. Pnvate Medical Insurance to overcome prolonged National Health Service waiting lists for treatment of Novembre94 Richard Si/via non urgent conditions. 3. Critical Illness Insurance to enable a capital lump sum to be paid on diagnosis of anyone of a number of possible diseases or in the event of total permanent disability; 4. Long-tcrm Care Insurance, which will be of particular interest to older single people who will want to make provision for old age, when they are unable to look after themselves. The single person in employment who belongs to an occupational pen- ing Additional Voluntary Contributions or "FSAVCs"). If a single person is self-employed or employed by a company which has not set up an occupational scheme, pension contributions will take the form of a personal pension. In funding individual is permitfor a pension ted to contribute up to a maximum of between 17.5% to 40% of his net relevant earnings, depending on his age. Generally speaking, the Jevels of permilled contributions increase with age. A further, limitation, as far as personal pensions are concerned, is that net relevant earnings are subjected to an upper •limit (termed the "Earnings Cap"), which currently stands at £76,800. Therefore any qualifying earnings beyond this level will not be permilled to be taken into account when calculating the maximum contributions towards a personal pension plan. Once a single person fully funds his ,pension provisions there ,are a number of investment vehicles available to either supplement the pensions provisions in place or to provide tax free capital grO\\1h in the medium to long term prior to retirement;l. Personal Equity Plans (PEPs); 2. Tax Exempt Special Savings Account (TESSA); 3. Maximum Investment Plans; 4. Friendly Society Bonds; 5. Unit Trusts; 6. Investment Trusts. Whatever product is effected by a single' person it is important to include waiver of premium to ensure that premiums are maintained, if a single person is unable to work due to either sickness or disability. Where this option is selected, the insurance company would take over the contributions until the single person is able to resume work. This \\ill safeguard any protection, pension or investment/savings provisions that exist and ensure that such plans do not come to an abrupt cnd due·'to a single person's inability to maintain the pensions. However, payment will only be made after a deferred period elapses and it is important that a deposit based emergency fund is built up in either a bank or a building society to maintain premium payment during the initial deferred period before this benefit becomes payable. an sion scheme will probably have some form of death in scrvice life cover as part of hislher package. Unless this amount can be applied to reducing or repaying an existing loam or debt should death occur prior to retirement, it is probable that some distant relative will receive a "'vindfall". The decision as to who, receives the death in scrvice benefit will be made by the pension scheme trustees. It is usual for an employce to make a contribution of about 4% to 6% of his salary into the occupational scheme (which is quite separate from any contribution made by the employer). Given that the Inland Revenl\e permits an employee to make a contribution of up,to 15% of pensionable pay, there will be cope for a single person to increase contributions to an employer's pension scheme in order to maximise pension provisions and to fund an acceptable level of income in retirement. Additional contributions can either be made in·house into a scheme run by the employer to supplement the main occupational scheme (known as Additional Voluntary contributions or "AVCs") or Richan/ Si/vio can be cantacted on: 081independently (known as Free Stand- 424 9411. 33 :/!f:~;;;1 lA COMUNlTA'ITALIANA THE GARTHHOTEL BANQUETING & CONFERENCE SUITES ~~~\::. '...t. ~:: > . .;",-: -- The hotel has two new purpose built conference and banqueting suites capable of accommodating up to 300 people. Each suite is elegantly furnished and equipped to the highest standards with purpose built bars,- full audio visual and lighting facilities,. which help to provide the atmosphere for any occasion. A selection of menus are available for banquets ,~ith an emphasis on Italian cuisine. For n}orc information or a brochure pack please contact Mr Marino at:. the Hotel. G~" GARTHHOTEL '!lendon W.y·Crickkwood· London NW22NL RES ER VATIONS 081-209 151'1 34 November 94 :tJ;~FLLA ,...-----------------, FELIX BUREAU COMUNlTA'ITAUANA AOENZIA DILA VORO SPECIALIZZATO PER PERSONALE ALBERGHIERO HA A D ISPOSIZIONE POSTI VACANTI PER PERSONALE QUALIFICATO NEL SETIORE FOR ALL CATER.lNO STAFF EMPLOYMENTBUREAU MANAGERS, HEAD WAITERS, WAITERS, WAITRESSES,lst/2nd/3rd CHEFS, VEG COOKS, KITCHEN PORTERS, SNACK BAR COUNTER HANDS AND' STAFF ETC... 80 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE LONDONWl TEL: 071-437 8513 OR 071-4714/4840/4467 bomboniere tulle eonletti liori BOMBONIERE NELLA PIU' SELLA TRADIZIONE ITALIANA Claudia Simioni n Pine Walk Carshalton Beeches Surrey SM5 4HA TeI: 081·6427 172 '~.. ~ ~ Melis Interior Designs Sp('('iuli~( Cm"fain ~lak(lr ~Iod"rn & Anli'lur Uphol'h'ry and H"pairs SlIOWROOM: 21 Hig" S",,,I Walthmn Cm,... '''''IS ENS 7AA Tel. 0992 6511·H Fax. 0992 652:n3 Specialists in Italian Cheeses, Fresh Pasta and Meat Products Importers and Distributors of Wines and Provisions CARNEVALE HOUSE BLUNDELL STREET LONDON N7 9BN TEL:071·607 8777 FAX:07l·6078774 Novclllbrc 94 COll(eziolle e Posa ill Overa: Telidaggi - Tappezzeri~ Tende Vedicali • Copriletti . Trapunte. Ricopertura e Restauro di Salotti e Sedie. Vasto Assortimento di Tessuti e Parati Coordinati. /nterpellateci! QUEENS MILL ROAD HUDDERSFIELD 1101 3PG WEST YORKSIIIRE TEL:(0484)SI4117 FAX:(0484)432861 Lavol'azionc Artigianalc Italiana ~"'4:l! B~·rnan.lo Som:lllillC)' .35 :if;~EJ.LA COMUNlTA'ITAUANA Face to 'Face It was 2 o'clock in the morning and Father Dolan had been asleep for many hours. Suddenly the telephone rang and he heard a voice that he recognized immediately. It was little Bobby who lived several blocks away from the ehurch.' "Father," he said; "come quickly because Grandma is dying and she needs you right away!" Immediately the priest got out of bed and dressed as quickly as he could. He ran downstairs into the Church and got the Blessed Sacrament and out he went. In order to gct to this particular house where the family was waiting for him, he had to go down a very dark and very long allcy. The neighbourhood was not exactly the best around. It was filled with drug dealers and thieves and other sorts of colourful characters. He held his breath for a minute and asked God to protect him while he went through the alley. He was just about three quarters of the way through and feeling more confident when suddenly a man appeared from behind a garbage bin. He stuck a gun in the priest's face and said, "Alright. Your money or your life!". The priest was terrified and did not know what to do. Suddenly he blurted out, "Lookl I'm a priest and I, havc no money and I am on a mission of merey to a dying woman". All of a sudden there was silence and the man holding the gun began to tremble. "You're a priest?" he asked. "I.,.. I... I didn't know. I'm really sorry! I'm a Catholic too!!" The man put the gun away. At this point Father Dolan began to relax and he reached for a cigarCUe. He lit the cigarcuc and -then held one out to the would·be mugger. The man turned to the priest and said: "Oh no Father. I can't smoke. I'vc given it up for Lent"!! When I first heard this story, I laughed really hard, but then I began to rea!!y think about what happened it made a vcry decp impression on me. This story, when you reflect upon it should tell you somcthing as 'well. How was it possible for this man to quit smoking for Lent and at the same time continue to Icad a life of crime? In the Gospels Jesus always spoke against men-who wcre known as the 36 MicheJe Scotto SAC Pharisees. TheSe men practised their rcligion in a very extcrnal way. They practised with a very strict observation of all the laws that were contained within the Jewish religion. However they paid no aucntion to the interior aspects of their faith. What kind of faith does one have if one just goes through the motions of what is required by law and does nothing else? For me that is no faith at all. November is the month in which we remember all those who have gone before us to the Lord marked with the seal of salvation. As wc pray for them we should also think about ourselves and our own judgement day. How are we aeting here on earth? How much does our faith truly mean to us in our lives? Do we live a Pharisaical form of Christianity or do we truly live as followers of Christ? How many limes.... ? When we go before our great Judge \Vc will reveal to' Him all that we have done. In the Particular Judg· ment, we will make a decision whether or not we want to live in communion with Him. If we are in sin, we have made the choice to make ourselves our' own masters and we will tell God that we have no more need of Him. We will send ourselves to Hell. For me, the most important meditation that I will make this month is to recall how much I have truly imitated ~hrist in my life - especially in my good works and interior dispositions. It is true that no one is perfect and we all do sin; however we can help ourselves to be more perfect by our love. The more we love, the more we become like Christ. We will also begin to spread this love to others when we grow in it. We will increase in works of eharity and we will also begin to sce how Christ is present in everyone. In coming back to the story that I told you earlier, perhaps now you can see how being hypocritical in our faith serves no one - least of all ourselves. It was in St. MaUhew's gospel that Christ told us that whatever we did to the least of our brothers we would also do unto Him. How many times do we hear of someone in need and fail to help that person? How many times do we speak ill of ,someone o.r even try to damage that person's reputation? When we do these .things we are doing them to the Lord Himself? As Christians we are always in a constant formation process until we are finally with the Lord in heaven. This formation is not always tlie easiest to master. As I said earlier, we are all imperfect and tend toward what is evil. If we stay close to the sacraments and really try to read and understand' what is written in the Gospel, the wc are already on tile right road. If you really think about it, this life does not last forever. The Psalms state that a man who lived to be 80 was a very strong man. Even in our modem times, do you know of anyone who has really lived past lOO? I dare say very few! We must remember that the next life in the world to cOme is the most important one. This life is very important as well - but for a different reason. This life will determine what our next life, the life after death, will be like. The more we spend this life doing good works and growing in the love of the Lord, the more treasures we will have stored up for ourselves in heaven. In heaven there will be no robber who can take it away from us. To put this month's artiele into a nutshell, I guess that what I am trying to say is that each one of us is a light. In essence we are the lights before the World'since we are the 'followers of Christ. We must let those lights shine in all the good that we do so that others may sce and in turn also give glory to God. God, in 'tnrn will welcome us into our heavenly home calling c.1eh of us by name as His sons and daughters. November 94 ) Cinema \ I confidently predict this month that Keanu Reeves will soon be no more than bluetae markings on my teenage niece's wall. Instead I offer two rcplacement eandidates. The first was recently scen in the wonderful independent film What's Eating Gilbert Grape? Johnny Depp will next turn up in Ed Wood based on the true story of who was arguably the worst film director of the 1940s and 50s. He has recently wrapped up filming Don Juan De Mareo and the Centrefold. With co-stars .Marlon Brando and Faye Dunaway, it is about a retiring psychiatrist who devclops a bond with his final patient, who thinks he is the legendary lover Don Juan. Still in pre-produetion is Dead }llan one of his first forays into Western US in the 1800s. And finally there are rumours that he may be signing to play James Dean in a biopie. Whereas Johnny Depp has been constantly compared to Marlon Brando, after A River Runs Through It one couldn't help but compare Robert Redford and Brad Pill (sce photo). Though no-one really questions his screen looks he has, nevertheless, only been in small budget - though enjoyable - films: e.g Kalifornia, Johnny Suede and fifteen minutes in Thelma and Louise. Two major films are about to come to our screens that will possibly make him or break him. The first' is IntervielV with the Vampire co-starring Tom Cruise and directed by Neil Jordan. The second is Legends of the Fall co-starring Anthony Hopkins about a Montana family during the First World War. For sheer perseverence and hard work Gary Oldman deserves to make it to the top - not that he will ever cnd up on my niece's wall! Scout around films in production and you just can't fail to see his name. (11' seven rumoured he is making more films than Harvey Keitel.) The star of Bram Stoker's Dracula is currently involved in Murder in the First with Christian Slater and Kevin Bacon. Immortal Beloved is a biopie about Beethoven which has just finished filming in Praglle. Currently in post-production is The Scarleft Lefter directed by Roland Joffe and co-starring Demi Moore and Rober! Duvall. My lifeline to my niece, however;, is the news that KR is wrapping lip filming of Johnny Mnemonic. This Novembre94 Agrifoglio Boseo sci-fi film co-stars·Dolph Lundgren. Now you may be asking where the \\"Omen arc. Well, quite frankly, rarely arc their contributions in the film industry quite as prolific. One name you should be looking out for (and you read it here first) is the British actress Julia Ormond. She too is in Legends of the Fall getting to kiss both Mcsscrs Hopkins and Pitt. Next we will sce her in Roger Christian's Nostradamus and then in Jeery Zueker's First Knight with Scan Connery and Richard Gere. (1 wonder if she gelS to kiss them as well?) The second woman is better known to liS and for this I have to switch to the small screen. Although Prime Suspect is currently being filmed for Granada TV with Helen Mirren it does not involve Lynda La Plante, its creator and writer - in any way. Instead she has launched La Plante Productions with four feature films in the pipeline. The first is She's Out, six one hour episodes currently filming in Buckinghamshire and then The Governor, another drama series comissioned by ITV. But the big news on the small screen this month must be the arrival of the dinosaur. The biggest film in history may set to become the biggest video. Jurassic Park will be available to buy in the shops from 21 November. (Just in time to give your young children their Christmas nightmare). It will be available in three formats: the video for £14.99, the Rock Pack at £19.99 (I assume it is the video with some er... rocks) and for the dinosaurholies the DNA pack with er... DNA? 'The Video Rental sales Top 10 before Jurassic Park looked like this: I. ET 2. Gone with the Wind 3. 101 Dalmations 4. Star Wars 5. Fantasia 6. Jaws 7. Jungle Book 8. Beverly Hills Cop 9. Sound of Music 10. AJaddin Just for interest the Box Offiee earners of all time arc: I. Jurassie Park (S900.lm) 2. ET ($701.lm) 3. Ghost ($517.6m) 4. Star Wars (S513m) 5. The Bodyguard (S507.6m) 6. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (S498.8m) 7. Termina8. Home Alone tor 2 (S490m) (S474.7m) 9. Jaws ($458m) 10. Pretty Woman ($454.4m) Now you have some idea what True Lies is up against in order to gross $400m before it makes a profit. Makes you wonder how Universal could approve Wafenvorld which reportedly has a budget of SIOOm S130m. Since the script wasn't even completed before it went into production I ean only assume Kevin Costner got involved purely for the money which even the most conservative report puts at over S15m. So is this the most expensive film of all timc? Not by a long shot. Accounting for inflation Spartacus cost S133m, Ben Hur S166.5m but top of the expenses column goes Cleopatra at a staggering $250m - $350m. (The auditors cannot deeide what it originally cost to make). Just time for some openings: The Specialist sees SS star with SS. Stallone and Stone. Opens 11 November. Nicholas Cage hands over some of his lottery winnings in It Could Happen to You. (11 could happen but nevcr will!). Opens 11 November. Alec Baldwin is The Shadow. Average business in the States. Opens 18 November. Dear Diary (Caro Diario). Winner of a special prize in Cannes opens 25 November. Corrina, Corrino. A comedy set in 1950s about a handsome white widower (Ray Liotta) and his black housekeeper-nanny (Whoopi Goldberg). Opens 25 November. Miracle on 34th Street. Remake of the classic with Richard Attenborough as Father Christmas. (Why did no-one think of it before? He's a natura!!) Opens 2 December. 37 :if!:~EU.A COMUNITA'ITAUANA • j I • KEYS CUT WHILE-U-WAIT • • LOCKS SUPPLIED & FITTED • • DIGITAL DOOR LOCKS • • INTERCOM SYSTEMS SUPPLIED & FITTED • • SECURITY GRILLS SUPPLIED & FITTED • • FAST & EFFICIENT SERVICE. - - BOSCH - MAKITA - ELU ~ Macpherson TRADE PAINT CENTRE Power Tool Centre Head Office 329/331 GRAYS INN ROAD LONDON WCIX8BZ SUPER CENTRE PAINT BRUSH &. ROLLER CENTRE TEL: 071-2788628/1308/6014 Branches Also At: 38 20 GOLDHAWK ROAD SHEPHERDS BUSH LONDON W12 4 CROWNDALE. ROAD CAMDENTOWN LONDON NWl 2TU 22 PANcRAS ROAD KINGS CROSS LONDON NW12TB TEL: 081-7496909/081-7461347 TEL: 071-387 6782 TEL: 071-833 4736 November 94 I I \ :/f!;~ElLA ) II COMUNITNITALIANA 11. i ITALIAN RESTAURANT 150 Southampton Row London WCl -n- 071-837 4584/5837 \ , Open 11.30am until 11pm. WE WELCOME WEDDINGS, BANQUETS AND PARTIES IN OUR COMPLETELY REFURBISHED DOWNSTAIRS RESTAURANT Travel 2001 EST 1965 = R.PROIETTI L'Agenzia specializzata in voli charter e 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 di linea per le principali citta d'ltalia ITALIAN CAR SPECIALISTS -~n , - Qualsiasi durata Partenza con ritomi da citta' diverse Vol; per molte altre citta' europea e resto del mondo Noleggio auto ed assicurozione a tariffe convenientissime .SERVICING .GENERAL REPAIRS • BODYWORK • RESTORATIONS FOR YOUR CLASSIC/NEW Chiamateci al : 071-381 5883 FIAT * ALFA * LANCIA Tel: 071-6070798 Agenti per Operatori con Ucenza ATOL 2 BLUNDELL STREET, LONDON N7 9BJ Novcmbrc 94 39 , :!J;~.ILA I i COMUNITA'ITALIANA Sportlight This artiele is being dictated the Southampton star also found himwhilst watching Manchester United in self out Wide on far too many occatheir home European Champions -sions. Inee was a power-house in mid League tic against Barcelona. 24 field and whilst Barnes would not hours -earlier, Neweastle had surren- have been my personal seleetion I dered a 3 goal lead to finish only 3 -2 have to admit he was an influential up in their UEFA tie alsi> - against player. His tackling back was a Spanish opposition revelation and he Athletico Bilbao. more than justified The pattern of his' seleCtion. With play in both Platt and Beardsley matches seemcd out of the team remarkably simithrough injury, I relar. Fast and furimain confident that ous using pace England under Vedown the wings nables are -on the has enabled both right track but I am British sides to esjust wondering how tablish early adlong the "honeyvantage. Inevitamoon period" is bly, it was imposgoing to last for the sible to kcep going new manager. at that frenetic rate Before leaving and as the game the subject of footslowed to a speed ball, I do feel that nemer that of a comment must be typical Spanish passed about the new guidelines weekend match, so No-one is pelject. Rejl the away team which referees arc started to stroke the ball around and following this year. I have been enjoy their own period of supremacy. surprised by the overwhelming supThese games followed the England port given by the press to these international against Romania in initiatives. Of course, dirty play must which again the foreign opposition be stamped out. Yes, I accept that the showed supreme skill on the ball and_ professional foul and dirty trick had with a little more adventure in the become _an integral part of the game seCond half, may well have secured a and had to be weeded out. But no, the victory. Strangely, for an English game should not be so sanitised that it team, my criticism of them in the first loses its physical essence. Yes, gifted half \vas that they did not close down players must be protected but not the opposition and step up the tempo' given the complete freedom of the of the game enough. Instead, Hagi & park so that they ean exercise their Co were given time to dwell on the skills without challenge. Referees ball and control the game by their must understand that no onc is perfect elose possession play. An opportunist and a defender will slightly mistime a goal by Newcastle's Robert Lee, just tackle and catch a player late. The before -half-time levelled the scores good referee should only punish with and the draw was probably just about yellow or red cards those tackles a fair result. I will feel happier, which arc clearly malevolent. I fear however, when England settle into a that wc may have redressed the style of play which enables them to balance too far and may soon lose appear comfortable and in control. At perspective between honest endeavour the moment, there is still too great an and genuine evil. emphasis on individual skills and the Finally, a brief word about the industry of Alan Shearer up front. I 1994 Ridor Cup. Congratulations arc was pleased that Ian Wright was due to D A P Giacon of Totteridge given an opportunity to partner the upon his four point success, culminatBlackburn striker but disappointed ing in a fine round at Gullane Number that he spent a lot of the time out on three course in the wind. May I the flanks. A dlml spearhead with Le wholeheartedly recommend to all Tissier tucked in behind would have golfers a visit to the Marine Hotel and given the side more shape but again a game on the adjoining North Ber- 40 Richard Evans wick course. The hotel is steeped in golfing tradition with photographs of all the great players who have stayed there adorning its walls - Nieklaus, Watson, Faldo, Miller, Trevino, Couples, Azinger, Pavin, Thompson need I go on? Oh by the way, Winston Churchill and JFK stayed there as well but you will not find any pictures of them \vhich sho\Vs where the priorities of this particular estabIishmentlie. The course itself is memorable with a three foot stone wall having to be -cleared on at least three of the holes. The layout is a figure of eight and on .the tenth tee there is a marvellous view of "Treasure Island" where Robert Louis Stevenson used to row as a young boy, giving him the idea for his famous book. The fifteenth is a par t1lree ealled Rcdan which has been copied by the golf course architect Charles McDonald on at least two coursci in the USA. The sixteenth has onc of the longest greens I have seen with a dip in the middle of such severity that it makes one wonder how it is possible to putt from onc cnd to the other. It is a truly memorable course which I whole heartedly commend to you. The Triumvirate were indeed fortunate to have a good week's weather and in addition to Gullane number one, wc also visited Dalmahoy (the scene of the 1992 Ladies Solheim Cup triumph), Longniddry and Dunbar. The first three holes and the 18th at Dunbar arc all on the right hand side of the wall. Step on to the fourth tee and you arc virtually on the beach. It is incredible that the architect was able to fit two holes side by side into this strctch of land and when the wind blows, onc can imagine the course is virtually unplayable except to the most skilful and even then a great deal of experience in playing under those conditions would be a necessity. Fortunately, the sun shone and there was not a hint of wind and so I am pleased to say that I managed to negotiate the 18 holes with only onc lost ball when an errant drive went out of bounds over the wall to lhe right, just before the turn. - It was another marvellous week's golf and next year there is talk of a return to France! See you next month. November 94 ) I Italsport Motociclismo: Max Biaggi e' divent.1to iI nuovo re della 250; succede a Cadalora, due anni dopo, con la freddezza che Luca ha dimostrato a 30 anni. A 23 anni ha dimostrato che in questo momento e' iI piu' bravo. E' sucecsso a Barcellona nell'ultima gara del Campionato Mondiale. Pallavolo: GIi azzuri campioni del mondo! E' avvenuto ad Atene dove l'Ualia ha battuto l'Olanda. Rugby: L'Ualia seonfitta. La nazionale ha perso 30-19 contro iI Galles. 11 risullato ha un significato importante: vuol dire che 011 mondiale del 1995 I'Italia si trovera' nello stesso girone dell'lnghilterra. Calcio: II mondo del pallone si da' una rcgolata. Non solo con i forti tagli agli stipendi dei giocatori (nel campionato 1993-94, -66 miliardi in serie A e -33 in B rispetto 011 precendente), radiografhti dal Fondo di fine camera. L'analisi sulla campagna trasfrimenti dello seorso luglio, elaborata dalla lega nazionale profcssionisti guidata da Lueiano Nizzola, indica chiaramente ehe iI rigore e' arrivato anche 011 momento di meltere mano 011 portafoglio per acquistare giocatori piu' 0 meno famosi. Partiamo dal luglio "93, eioe' dal periodo che la Lega individna come cmnpagna trasferimenti 1993-94, visto che i contralti possono essere deposi-' tati dal 1 luglio di ogni anno. Per I'acquisto degli italiani e degli stranieri "intend" (che gia' militavano nel nostro cmnpionato e cambiavano solo casacca) i presidenti dclla scrie A c B avevano sbors.1lo, 011 nelto dcll'lva, 580 miliardi, mentrc ne avevano incass,1ti per Ic cessioni .536. Lo sbilaneio di 44 Illiliardi, sccondo I'analisi della lega, cra andato a finirc quasi intcgralmcntc nellc cassc dci club di C, vivaio naturalc per Ic scrie Illaggiori. II Illercato dclla SCOrs,1 cstatc ha, invccc, rcgistrato una fortc contrazionc: 445 Illiliardi gli acquisti c 414 ccssioni (incluso iI trasfcrlllentobomba di Daniel Foncsca dal Napoli alia Roma), con un saldo negativo contcnulO in 31' Illiliardi. Novembre94 Sandro Pratoli Calcio: La domenica del eaIcio in testacoda mettc "in fuorigioco" Gianni Bcschin, 41 anni, arbilro interna· zionale, 75 prcscnzc in serie A. 11 designatorc Casarin, insieme coi suoi piu' strctti collaboralori (Mattei. Bal· das e Cappellutti), ha visionato iI filmato di Sampdoria·Parma. I componenti sono stati concordi nel rilcvarc quatlrO gravi crrori da parte di Bcschin: I) c' stato ignorato iI fallo di rcazione di .Maneini su Couto; 2) non sono state' punite le ripctute c ingiuriose proteste dello stesso capi. tano sampdoriano, soprattutto nei confronti di un guardalinee; 3) sui primo rigore in favorc della Samp (fallo di Couto su Lombardo) non c'era volontarieta'; 4) non c'era fallo nel contatto fra Apolloni c Maneini, cd c' stato un errore consultare il guardalinee su un'azione che I'arbitro aveva visto t>ene c che aveva iI dovere di giudi· care in prima persona. E cosi' Bcschin restera'- fuori per un mcse, prima di ricomineiarc dalla Formula 1: 11 Gran Premio di San serie B. Marino potrcbbe esserc cscluso dal calendario mondiale se verra' provato che le morti di Ratzcnberger c Senna Pallanuoto: Colpo romano, Massi(sopra) sono dipese dal eircuito di miliano Ferrelti iI prossimo campionImola. Questa la deeisione della Fia ato di pallanuoto, (si comincia il 12 che ha rcso noti gli appuntamenti per novembre), giochera'- nella Roma iI '95 in attcsa della ratifica del· Raeing. Con iI forte bomber campionc del mondo acquistato dal Vollumo iI I' Asscmblca generale. club giallorosso tenta iI gran colpo sfuggitogli 10 scorso anno quando la Atletica: 11 Golden Gala, meeting Roma c' useita dai play off in romano di atlelica, sara' nel 1995 iI semifinale sconfitta dal Posillipo. sccondo del circuito Grand Prix per la consistenZ3 del monteprcmi. 11 budget previsto c' di 2,67 milioni di franehi Boxe: 11 campione italiano Silvio svizzcri (3 miliardi c 300 milioni di Branco, 28 anni di Civitavecchia, ha lire). AI primo posto rimane il meet· conquistato iI "mondialino" dei mcdi ing di Zurigo con 5,5 milioni (6 nella versione Wbc, battendo ai punti iI detentorc I'argentino Miguel Angel miliardi c 700 milioni). Arro)'o. 11 match si c' svollo a Tandille, a 400 chilometri da Buenos Ciclismo: 11 fiorentino Francsco Aires. Cas.1grandc (Mercatone Uno·' Mc· deghini) ha vinlo I'undiccsima cd· izione dclla Firenzc·Pistoia di cilic· Rugby: Quarant'anni, ma in campo smo, a cronometro individuale sulla non Ii domostra proprio. Serafino distanza di 33 chilometri, preccdendo Ghizzoni Ii ha compiuli iI 18 ottobrc, Luca Scinto c Maurizio Fondriest. giorno d'inizio del massimo campionQuesta la classifica finale: I) Casa· ate di rugby. Per la gara d'csordio grande in 38'21" (media dell'Aquila, campione d'ltalia che ha kmh.5I.630); 2) Scinto a 21"; 3) ospitato iI Rovigo e' andato in Fondriest a 30"; 4) Cipollini a 35";. panchina, ma soltanto perche' due 5) Giraldi a 54"; 6) Lclli 011'52"; 7) settimane prima era rimasto vittima di Bortolami a 1'54". uno stiramento. 41 Golf Tournament Quarter-Final Results N. Benacci ~eat M. Gravestock V.Vietro beat P. Capella V. Deritis beat A. Ferro G. Romagnol.o beat C. Arrieale Semi-Final Results G, V. Vietro beat V. Deritis Romagnolo beat N. Benaeei The Final will take place over two legs on the weekend of22/23 October and 5/6 November Anglo-Italian Football League Sponsored by Barilla 11.9.94 Division 1 A.C. Piaccnza 2v 4 De Mennato Tailors A.C. Baffi F.C. 5 v.5 Ciborio F.C. Italia Unitli I v 2 AC. Valeeno Di Sotto Ice Cream 2 v.5 Italia Wastccls Inrs Division 2 Regents F.C. 8 v 2 U.S. Calabrittana Europa F.C. 3 v 2 AC. Italia A.C. Carrera London 4 v 0 L'Artista AS. Luccliese 0 v 2 AC. Baffi Reserves 25.9.94 Division 1 A.C. Baffi 3 v 2 A.C. Piaccnza Italia Unita I v I Dc Mennato Tailors Di Sotto Ice Cream 2 v I Ciborio F.C. A.C. Valccno 3 v I Valtaro Alivini Charles Ivey Mondial 4 v 7 Italia Wastecls Inrs Division 2 Regents F.C. 0 v I AS. Lueeese AC. Carrera London I v.3 A.C. Italia U.S. Calabrittana I v 3 L'Artista Europa F.C. I v 2 A.C. Bam Reserves 18.9.94 Division 1 Italia Wastccls Iunrs I v 3 Dc Mennato Tailors Italia Unita I v 3 A.C. Piaccnza A.C. Valeeno 9 v 0 AC. Bam Charles Ivey Mondial I v 3 Di SottoIce Cream National Cup 1st Round Dc Mennato Tailors 2 v 2 Regents F.C. (AET) Italia Wastccls Inrs 2 v 2 Ciborio F.C. Charles Ivey Mondial 5 v 4 A.C. Piaccnza AS. Lueehese 2 v 3 U.S. Calabrittana Italia Unita 6 v I A.C. Carrcra London Division 2 AS. Lucchese 2 v 2 Europa F.C. A.C. Italia 0 v I Regents F.e. U.S. Calabrittana I v 4 A.C. Carrera London A.C. Baffi Reserves 6 v 0 L'Artista BoUa Wine League Cup 1st Round A.S. Lucchese 4 v I A.C~ Bam Reserves A.C. Valccno 6v I Europa F:C. Italia Unita 2 v I Charles Ivey Mondial Dc Mennato Tailors 4 v 2 A.C. Italia . 42 November 94 \ ---- --------------------------- :t:~FlLA - COMUNITA'ITAUANA A. FRANCE & SON INDEPENDENT CATHOLIC FAMILY UNDERTAKERS SERVIZI FUNEBRI ALL'ITALlANA LUNGA ESPERIENZA TRASLOCHI SALME IN ITALlA FUNERALS ARRANGED IN LONDON, THE COUNTRY AND ITALY Personal Attention At All Times It.,lian If desired, funeral arrangements can be made at your home "ULTIMA CENA" COFFINS * RICORDINI * It.,lian Or Englisl. * Pre-Payment Funeral Plans available for England and Italy LAPIDE It.,lian Or English Inscriptions PRIVATE CHAPEL OF REST OPEN 7 DAYS FOR VISITING Also At Head Office 41 MONMOUTH ST., LONDON WC2 45 LAMB'S CONDUIT ST., LONDON WCt 14 WATFORD WAY, LONDON NW4 TEL: 071-405 4901'oR 071-405 2094 166 CALEDONIAN RD., LONDON NI For Immediate 24 Hour Service GEORGE & GRAHAM NEWSAGENTS Italian and English Newspapers and Magazines Don't miss your favourite newspaper or magazine... Subscribe with GEORGE & GRAHAM Per ricevere la vostra copia di qualsiasi rivista giornale italiano.... 0 ABBONATEVI con GEORGE & GRAHAM Tel: 071-278 1770 Novembre 94 43 :/f!;~EU.A COMUNITA'ITALlANA -I TO TREASURE THE BEST MOMENTS OF YOUR LIFE Photographer & Video Producer sA, Spencer Hill - Wimbledo~, London SW19 4NY J WEDDINGS * BANQUETS COMMERCIAL * STUDIO PORTRAITS CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHEDAT HOME Phone: 081 - 819 1318 Good selection of top quality frames and albums available on request NEGRONI. THE ITAUAN STAR· AT YOUR TABLE 44 November 94 ;1 I;.... Tempo Libero SOAPSUDS 3 letters Hot 4 letter. Heat line Prop Soap Soda -Sud>Tubs 5 retters Clean Dolly Folds Rinse Scrub Steam Stove 610tters Basket Bleach Ory;ng Manglo Peg bag Stains Starch Whites 0000000 0 0 0 00000000000 0 00 0 rn 0 o 0 000000 OOO@]O 0 00 0 0 @lOO o 0 00000 rnoooo 00000 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 o 0 000000000 0 o 0 000 0 o 0 DD 00000 o 0 000000 ODD -0 000000 0 000000000 0 o 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0000000 0 0 DO 0 0 . 00 o 0 0 000000 000000000 0 0 I o Boilers 11 letters ClothO$·line 91ettera Washer woman ON THE SPOT • Clothes-pegs Flatiron.s Wash·boMd WMh·house I Yes Doctor.... It's been one ofthose days!!! 71atters W~h.day EMERGENCY • • • 121etten Copper sticks • Complete the crossword using the words listed. ~ ....... ~ A 'El fJ Now look here lad ... nobody·'s ever complained about parachutes not opening!! I :;> '\ VI •j.f i ~ v ~ A ) 1t Id ~ J! \J h Solution to last month's Spot the Difference re--• • • fj Can you place the dominoes into the grid so that four vertical. four horizontal and both diagonal rows each have a spot total ofsix? SPOT THE DIFFERENCE Spot the 8 differences between the two pictures r--::;;:-;:5;-~~~~~ o Novclllbrc 94 45 _ ------------------------- :iJ;~nLA Mamma's Ricetta Mrs M.G. Fettucine alia Fiorentina Fettucine Florentine (Questa rieetta mi fu data dal euoeo della Pappagalli's Pizza Ine) (This l"eeipe was given to me by the chef of Pappagalli's Pizza Inc.) Salsa Ingredienti: 40 grburro 40 gr farina 275 gr latte 125 gr vino bianco 0 latte sale & noce moscata 120 gr spinaci colli 25 gr parrnigiano 0 pccorino Metodo: Amalgamate insieme la farina. iI latte c iI vino. Aggiungete iI sale, la nace moscata c iI burro. chc c' stato sciolto. e lasciatc a raffredarc. Mcttctc sui fuoco mcscolando continuamcntc finehe' la salsa si adensa. Unite gli spinaei ed iI forrnaggio. Sauce Ingredients: 2 oz butter 2 oz flour % pint milk It. pint white winc or milk salt & nutmeg 4 oz cooked spinach 1 oz Parrncsan or pccorino cheese, grated Method: Mix thc flour with the milk and wine until well blended. Add the salt. nutmeg and the butter which has been softened and allowed to cool. Place on hcat and stir continuously until the sauce thickens. Stir in the chopped spinach and the cheese. Fettucine Ingredienti: 350 gr fettueinc 0 tagliatelle. verdi 0 bianehc 4 uova 2 mozzarcllc tagliate a fettine 25 gr paCl1)igiano grattugiato 380 gr spinaei cueinati e tritati 25 grburro Metodo": Cueinate la pasta "al dentc" in aequa s.1Iata. Scoli'tela. Aggiungetc iI burro c mettetela in una pirofila imburrata di circa 24em x 24em. Vcrsatc la salsa sopra la pasta. Fatc quattro bueehi nella pasta. Foderate ogni bueo con gli spinaci. Rompetevi un uovo in ogni bueo. Coprite la pasta con la mozzarella cd iI parmigiano. Passatela nel foruo pre-scaldaio 190Cln05 per circa 30 minuti 0 finche' le uova 'siano cotte. Servitc. Fettucine Ingredients: 12 oz green or white fettucine or tagliatelle 4 cggs 2 mozzarelle cuI inlo thin slices 1 oz Parrncsan cheese, grated 12 oz spinach. cooked and chopped 1 oz butter Method: Cook the fettucine "al dente" in plenty of salty water. Drain. Add the butter. Put pasta into a greased oven-to-table dish about 9.5"x9.5". Pour the sauce over the pasta. Make four holes in the pasta. Line each hole with the spinach. Break an egg into caeh hole. Cov~r the top of the pasta with thc mozzarella and Parmesan. Place in a pre-hcated oven 190/no.5 for about 30 minutes or until eggs arc cooked. Serve. Fettuccine con Zucchini e Broccoli Fettuccine with Broccoli and Courgettes Ingredienti: 350 gr fettucinc 200 gr broccoli tagliati a pezzclli 2 zucehini l,1gliati a dadini 50 gr burro 300 ml di panna 50 gr parmigiano gartlugiato 1 cucehiaino' di zucehero I cucehiaio di succo di limonc 2 cucehiai di prezzcmolo tritato Ingredients: 12 oz fettuccine 7 oz broccoli. chopped 2 courgettes. diced 2 oz butter 10 fl' oz double cream 20z greated parmcsan cheese 1 teaspoon caster sugar ·1 l,1blespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons chopped parsley Metodo: Cucinalc la pasta in abbondantc acqua s.1Iata. Scolatela. Cuciitate i broccoli c gli zucehini. Scolateli. Scioglictc il burro in una pentola. Aggiungele la panna. iI formaggio e 10 zucehero. Mcscolatc scnza lasciarlo bollirc c 'cucinatc finchc' la salsa c· calda. Lcvatc lL11 fuoco c aggiungcte i broccoli. gli zucehini. iI succo di Iimone ed il prezzcmolo. Condite la pasta con questa salsa c servitc. Method: Cook pasta in plenty of salty water. Drain. Stc.1m or boil broccoli and courgettes until just tender. Drain. Melt butter in pan. Stir in the cream. parmcsan cheese and sugar. Cook without boiling until- sauce is heated through. .Remove from heat. stir in broccoli. courgettes. lemon juice and parsley. Pour sauce over pasta. Toss wcll and servc. 46 I , COMUNITA'ITALIANA November 94 1 I .I, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - -----,---,--:-c----- ., ,. , , I I j , /. • L'a1?bonamcnto annualo (10 cdWonl) con sPeso postall, solo per la GB, costa £10.00. RJcordatcvl che BACKHILL"iene prodotto da \'olontarl c n~!1·ha scopo dt profitto. Qualunqu.e \'051..0 dODO cl alutcra' a continuarc a scrnre la comuitUa' Italiana. The a~Dual subscription (10 Issues) Including postage, UK only, Is £10.00. Please remember that DACKIIILLis a ,",oluDlal")' and non profit making pub~cation, -and a"oy additional donation )'OU make wUl help us to continue th15 sen1~ to the Itallan Community. 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