now is the time


now is the time
Working to End
Domestic Violence
Laurel House is dedicated to the vision of ending domestic
violence in each life, home, and community. Our mission is to
provide safe haven for abused women and their children, to raise
public awareness about domestic violence and to advocate for
social change against domestic violence.
P.O. Box 764 | Norristown, PA 19404 | 610.277.1860
now is the time
If you are a victim of domestic violence, now is the time to
start thinking about protecting yourself and your children who
depend on you for safety.
Laurel House services are available to female and male victims
of domestic abuse, and their children.
If you would like to talk with a counselor, or would like to learn
more about supportive services that are available for you and
your family, please call our hotline: 1-800-642-3150.
Laurel House has offices, counseling space and supportive housing
in Norristown and in North Wales (our Laurel House-Nehemiah’s
Way location), and provides domestic violence prevention and
supportive services throughout Montgomery County. Our
Marian’s Attic Upscale Resale Shop is located in King of Prussia.
on the cover
(Top to bottom): Marian’s Attic volunteers Pam Walter, Melissa Lorenz,
and Eileen McFalls, with a Laurel House banner to raise awareness at
an Eagles game; Chief County Detective Oscar Vance and Assistant DA
Wallis Brooks, along with Johnny and Carole Bruno, at the Marian’s Attic
Fashion Show; Jenny Boyer and Bill Baldwin at an Acme Shopping Spree
event which resulted in nearly $2,000 in food for Laurel House; Officer
Fred Lynch of the Upper Gwynedd Police Department at the lead of the
2008 5K DASH; Bertha Staples-Tucker, a Laurel House Children’s
Advocate, reading to a resident at the shelter.
Laurel House appreciates the generous assistance from Original Digital
Graphics who provided the graphic design services for this report.
794 hotline calls
from the co-presidents
Dear Laurel House Friends and Supporters:
As we enter our 30th year we would like to thank our supporters and friends for their commitment to our
mission to serve women and children who are victims of domestic abuse. These are challenging economic times
for individuals and organizations both non-profit and for-profit but we believe that opportunities can be found
even in challenges times.
Funding: As with most organizations, Laurel House has seen some of its financial resources diminish during
this past year. Government subsidies and private donations have decreased and grant award amounts have
been cut. In response, we have ramped up our fund raising activities and our Development office continues to
uncover new funding streams and we have applied for additional grants. Our grant awards for 2008 - 2009
exceeded our budgeted amount by $75,000.
Investment Portfolio: During the past year many have seen their investment portfolios experience a sharp
decline. Several years ago Laurel House had established a conservative approach to our investment guidelines
which has fortunately minimized the negative effect on our portfolio due to the downturn in the stock market
Strategic Plan: We completed our most recent multi-year Strategic Plan and have embarked on our new 3 year
plan. We continue to challenge ourselves to advance our mission by improving our facilities, supporting and
developing our staff and resources, and continuing to be responsive to the needs of individuals affected by
domestic violence.
Programs and Services: Even in these difficult times, we continue to provide the same quality of services and
programs to the women and children who come to Laurel House. In fact, in some areas we have even
strengthened and expanded our programs focusing on community outreach and counseling.
The Laurel House Board of Directors has recently welcomed 5 new board members to strengthen our board
expertise in several key areas. As board members, we value and appreciate the hard work and dedication of our
exemplary staff. Their professionalism and commitment are the driving force in our mission to serve women
and children who are victims of domestic abuse.
Thank you for sustaining us during these challenging times and we thank you in advance for your continued
Lisa M. Altomare and James D. Mahoney
Board Co-Presidents
15,262 hours
of volunteer service
4,032 students attended high school programs
from the executive director
Dear Friends and Community Members,
Thank you, as always, for the support you have provided to Laurel House over this past year. We are so
fortunate to have a broad base of community support, including children who sell handicrafts and donate the
proceeds to Laurel House, teens who do service projects for us, and adults who provide financial and in-kind
donations, as well as people of all ages who volunteer their time and talents to help us further our mission.
The “Battered Women’s Movement” began in this country almost 40 years ago. Over that time, considerable
progress has been made. What was once considered a “private family matter” is now much more openly talked
about and addressed, and the legal system has made big strides on many levels. Over the years, many of us
who work in domestic abuse organizations have come to recognize that men can be victims too, and ‘The
Movement” has grown to include a coordinated network of services and supports for women, men and children
who are endangered due to domestic abuse. While it is our hope that one day the need for our direct services –
Hotline support, Shelter, Transitional Housing, Emergency Response, Legal Assistance, and Counseling – will
no longer be necessary, we know that day will, most likely, be a long time coming. Until then, we thank you for
all that you do to help us keep our doors open and our phone lines running.
Our Community Education/Prevention efforts continue to expand, with the help of countless volunteers. Over
this past year, our Community Educator presented to over 5000 high school and college students about teen
dating violence and healthy relationships. In addition, many of you assisted us by “staffing” information tables
at local community fairs, national night out events, and health promotion workshops. Perhaps you helped out by
putting up domestic violence awareness posters at your church or temple. Perhaps you talked with your elected
officials about the need for legislation to help survivors stay safe, or maybe you talked with one of your friends
about the “early warning signs” of abuse. For whatever ways you helped to “raise awareness”, we thank you.
Domestic Abuse is a community concern – it affects all of us, directly or indirectly. As Laurel House embarks on
our 30th year, we hope that each of you will continue to join with us in our efforts to provide the supportive
services that are needed by survivors and their children, as well as the prevention/education work that will,
hopefully, lessen the need for services for future generations.
Thank you,
Beth E. Sturman
Executive Director
Anna Vo, Beth, Tommie, and Alanna
Messner at the senior project fashion show
with live music that raised over $2000.
women served
through our
stories of hope and inspiration
Domestic violence takes many forms and its victims come from all walks of life. They are our neighbors, friends, co-workers and family
members. Over the past year, Laurel House has touched the lives of many who have suffered abuse. While the names have been changed
to ensure confidentiality and safely, the stories below reflect a true sample of those experiences.
52 counseling
support group
I called Laurel House one morning after my husband was hurting
me. I was afraid for my 3 year-old son and my unborn child. I heard
about Laurel House from a friend of mine. I called the hotline and
was so glad when they said they had space for me. When I got there I
felt safe, but still very scared about what would happen next because
I was pregnant and due in less then 2 weeks. During my stay at the
shelter I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. My counselor, Michelle,
assisted me in applying for housing. I was accepted into a
transitional Housing program where I will be able to continue to get
the support for myself and my family.
Laurel House’s Domestic Abuse Response Team is in its 5th year of
partnering with the Hatfield Township Police Department. According
to Sergeant Jane Robertson, the program’s value became especially
clear when a woman’s family and friends called the station from
Georgia. After learning her whereabouts, the woman’s boyfriend (a
Hatfield Township resident) drove all night to Georgia, intent on
retrieving his girlfriend from her friends’ home. Afraid for their
safety, the woman went with the boyfriend. She endured repeated
violent acts – with her son present - during the drive back to
Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, because of the tips from Georgia, Hatfield
Township officers were waiting. At the residence, they observed the
woman hiding upstairs; even at that distance, they could tell she had
a black eye and was terrified. Initially, she declined the police’s help.
But then came the offer that made the difference – the promise to
safely escort her and her son away. With the support and assistance
received from Laurel House’s DART II advocate, she and her son
would have a chance for a new life. Within an hour, and with the
DART II advocate, she and her child were on their way to safety.
I had always been terrified of going to a shelter, though I had been in
an abusive marriage for nearly 25 years. I figured they could not
possibly help me escape my husband and keep me safe if he decided
to carry out his threat to kill me if I ever left him.
Since my husband had never actually physically beaten me, and he
was not violent in front of or to my son, I figured I didn’t have a
legitimate reason to call the police or a violence hotline number
when a violent episode broke out. So, I sought answers through
counseling for many years, but it was not helpful. My counselors
simply did not understand my Enemy—Domestic Violence—and
neither did I. Recently, I came to my final breaking point. My son
had informed me he’d been verbally abused by his father over the
years when I was not home. “Go to Laurel House,” the counselor
said. I thank God for that one little sentence—it has changed all of
our lives. When I walked into the office of Minna Davis at Laurel
House, I knew I had finally found someone who understood what I
was saying—and I had been saying it for years. The stress had done
so much damage to my mental and physical health I felt as if I were
slowly being strangled to death. And, though my husband had made
much progress over the years, I was still afraid to leave him. Minna
listened, she spoke in a calm voice, she compassionately helped me
to see the truth about my life, and then gave me the most practical
and helpful advice I had ever received. I now had knowledge,
courage, legal aide and the support of men and women who not only
knew and understood my Enemy—this Evil Giant, the Beast called
Domestic Violence—but could help me take up the weapons to fight
him. I went home and told my husband that I was going to
Domestic Violence counseling and that there was a group for abusers
if he was willing. He has been in the S.A.F.E program Minna
recommended for four weeks now, and has been getting honest
about his life. He has finally confessed to his violent behavior and
seems to be finding healing for the abuse he suffered in his own
childhood. One of the most powerful weapons the Laurel House
gave me is their Support Group. Hearing the stories of other women
is healing and informative. Bonds of love and trust are forming.
I am learning how the others overcame the isolation, hopelessness,
mental and physical stress, fear, legal challenges, poverty,
powerlessness, denial, escape, humiliation and danger. At last I have
hope for recovery from my illnesses, hope for my son and even my
husband, and am finally free from this Evil Giant, this Beast I could
not battle alone.
92 children received shelter
stories of hope and inspiration
41 women in the community received counseling services
Because of their work with Laurel House, Lankenau Hospital has
gone above and beyond to make sure their employees and others are
aware of the signs of domestic violence. They have started a domestic
violence task force and have encouraged other Main Line Health
facilities to do the same. Domestic violence training is part of physician
grand rounds at Lankenau. They have encouraged their volunteers to
become trained and knowledgeable about domestic violence, to better
assist them with their volunteer work. Lankenau Hospital is truly
dedicated to providing outstanding care but also a sense of overall
safety and well-being for the communities that they serve.
60 women
served through
partnership with
law enforcement
Founding Mothers Luncheon
Late last fall, we gathered for lunch with some of our Founding
Mothers. Throughout the meal, and well past dessert, we asked them
to share their stories of three decades gone by – a time when abuse
was silent behind closed suburban doors; a time when neighbors
were loud in their fight against the possibility of a domestic violence
shelter opening on their block.
At the Luncheon, our Founding Mothers told us they used to look
towards their “magic ceiling” at the shelter for needed funds, and
how the response often came in the form of inexplicable and
unexpected gifts. The grown children of some of our Founders, the
ones gone too soon and only with us in spirit, brought their
mothers’ diaries and photos. They read their mothers’ stories and
they shared their own recollections of how they would sometimes
awaken to find a family sleeping on the living room sofa, safe for one
These women’s stories were captured for safekeeping and now form
the basis of our new Laurel House video. As we embark upon our
30th anniversary of providing a safe haven to families in crisis, we do
so while still looking up at the “magic ceiling,” with a thank you to
those who built it for those yet to come.
Natalie Lang Keppler Challenge
When a significant source of funding for Laurel House’s legal services
program ended in August 2008, a generous donor stepped in with a
special opportunity.
Creating a new Laurel House video was a collaborative effort among
staff, volunteers, residents, and a generous donor who provided funds
for the project. After watching the video, people often comment on
the dedication of the staff and the determination of the people who
succeed because of our strong programs. In just 11 minutes, the film
captures so much of what makes Laurel House truly a safe haven.
Special thanks to Bill Sturman for contributing his time and talents
and the Clayman Family Foundation for funding for this project.
Named in memory of the donor’s mother, the Natalie Lang Keppler
Challenge encouraged contributions in order to help keep the legal
services program as a vital resource for women living in Laurel
House’s shelter. For each dollar that Laurel House raised for this
program from individuals, corporations, foundations, or community
groups, the donor would match it.
With $15,220 raised in just a few short months, we received the
donor’s $15,000 match by year’s end. We are so grateful to all our
supporters, especially our challenge match donor, who recognized
the importance of keeping legal services free and accessible to
women and children at Laurel House, and in doing so, helped us to
surpass our goal.
1,256 health care providers trained by Medical Advocate
The anticipated outcome of our effort to provide safe haven is not
to simply provide a refuge from the violence. We also aim to
encourage and resource those who are being abused to begin working
toward a new vision for their lives that includes securing a level of
security, stability and self sufficiency for their families.
• Shelter: Women and children who need immediate safe housing
due to domestic violence in their homes may stay at our shelter
for up to 30 days.
• Transitional Housing: This program provides a “Bridge” between
the shelter and independent community living. Families may stay
in our Bridge Housing apartments for up to two years. Laurel
House maintains 7 apartments in Norristown and 5 in North
Wales. The North Wales program is also known as our
“Nehemiah’s Way” program.
• Counseling: Trained domestic violence counselors are available,
at no cost, to provide individual and group counseling to those
affected by domestic violence, including dating violence.
• Mentoring program: Offering supportive counseling and referrals
in areas such as goal planning, domestic violence education,
safety planning, and financial literacy that will enhance the
safety, and maximize the possibility for self sufficiency, for victims
of domestic violence in Montgomery County.
• Unique populations community outreach: Provide domestic
violence education, consultation and training to unique populations
needing domestic violence services, linking their victims/survivors
to existing resources and/or developing their own. Examples include
the Latina community and the LGBTQ communities.
• Children’s Services: Our Children’s Advocates work directly with
the children in our shelter and transitional housing program to
address trauma that they have experienced.
It is also critical to recognize that there are many more victims in the
Montgomery County area who are silently suffering, often unaware
of where to turn for help. Using a vast array of presentation tools,
Laurel House’s community awareness efforts reach out to break the
silence by sharing early warning signs of abuse, ways to help,
resources for victims, and training for professionals.
• DART I/Medical Advocacy: Our DART I Coordinator provides
training about domestic violence to medical personnel
throughout Montgomery County. She recruits and trains
volunteers who are then available to respond to requests from
hospital emergency rooms.
• DART II for Law Enforcement: Our DART II Coordinator
provides training about domestic violence to police departments
and other law enforcement personnel throughout Montgomery
County. She recruits and trains volunteers who are then available
to respond to requests from police departments and from survivors.
Officers Timothy Boyle and
David A. Klepfer of the
Franconia Police Dept.,
with Tina Reynolds (center)
at the DART table
Medical Advocate Jan Biresch presenting at United Way Day of Caring
• Schools: Our Community Education program provides trainings
about domestic violence for students in elementary, middle and
high schools, and colleges throughout Montgomery County.
• Faith Organizations: Our DOVE program provides training about
domestic violence to pastors, priests, rabbis and lay leaders in
faith communities throughout Montgomery County.
• Community Groups: Our Community Education program provides
trained staff and volunteers as well as printed materials, displays,
and speakers about domestic violence at community events.
Laurel House advocates for social change in the community in the
following ways:
• Was active in local, regional, and national advocacy networks
• Staff members participate in community task forces and other
committee work to address issues related to domestic violence
throughout Montgomery County
• Communicate with elected officials to keep them informed of
domestic violence issues
• Partner with Cabrini College to co-teach a social justice course on
domestic violence
• Train new volunteers as domestic violence advocates who then
assist in the shelter, respond to hospital and police calls and
represent Laurel House in the broader community
• Promote An Empty Place at the Table™, an exhibit educating the
community about abuse by honoring Montgomery County
residents who have been killed by abusers
• Partner with businesses and individuals who host events featuring
Laurel House and messages of domestic violence awareness
• Continue annual awareness and fundraising events, including the
Marian’s Attic Fashion Show and Laurel House Bowl-a-Thon
• Hosted our first Basket Bingo fundraising event organized by
DART II volunteers
All of these programs and activities are
an important part of prevention of
domestic violence in our community.
Laurel House is dedicated to the vision
of ending domestic violence in each life,
home, and community.
Tommie Wilkins presenting
signature events
Laurel House’s “Signature Events” for this past year included:
“The Fabulous
Fifties” Gala
Gala Chair Pat Younce and
Board Member Etta Szeftel
in their festive attire
Our Gala is an annual spring time
event, organized by Board members
and volunteer committee members.
This year’s event honored important
contributors to Laurel House – Merck,
The Reporter, Verizon, Verizon Telecom
Pioneers and Kelly Whalen. Hosted by
Tammy and Andrew Reid at Normandy
Farm, the event featured many special
Eagles auction items, a CD jukebox,
box seats for the Phillies July 4th game,
and unique items and gift certificates
for the lucky auction winners.
Annual Breaking the Silence
Luncheon and Fashion Show
This event is organized each year by a dedicated group of volunteers
who are members of the Laurel House Women’s Committee. This past
year’s event featured Bill Mitchell, the father of a domestic violence
victim as the powerful keynote speaker. Held at Pennsylvania Academy
of the Fine Arts, the event featured a fashion show by Saks Fifth Avenue.
Team Chiropractic at the 5K DASH in Upper Gwynedd
This year the 5K was more successful than ever before! What a turnout! Over 300 people participated as walkers or runners and just over
$22,000 was raised to support our Nehemiah’s Way and DART II
programs. Tracy Davidson served as Grand Marshall, and the lead
vehicle was Upper Gwynedd Township Police’s new motorcycle. The
event is held in Upper Gywnedd Township Park each year and is a lot
of fun for everyone involved.
Marian’s Attic
Fashion Show
The second annual event was held
at the Crowne Plaza in King of
Prussia, to help raise awareness,
as well as funds. All fashions came
directly from our Marian’s Attic
Shop, and models included shop
volunteers, and Laurel House staff
and board members. Attendees
were dazzled by the numerous
raffle prizes and the models.
DART II supporter Lt. Jeff Kratz
from Towamencin Township Police
Department, escorting Legal
Advocate Carolyn Coleman at
the Marian’s Attic Fashion Show
Strike Out Domestic Violence
Beth Sturman with Patty Mark and Michele and Bill Mitchell, who
represented the Kristin Mitchell Foundation at the BTS luncheon
Our Second Annual Strike-Out Domestic Violence Bowl-a-thon was
held at Facenda-Whitaker Bowling Lanes in May. This popular family
event featured three hours of bowling, good food, raffle prizes and
fabulous goody bags for all participants.
save the date
Marian’s Attic Fashion Show & Dinner
March 16, 2010 at 6 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in King of Prussia
Annual Gala
April 17, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at the Meadowlands Country Club in
Blue Bell, celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Laurel House
Strike Out DomesticViolence Bowl-a-Thon
May 2010
laurel house volunteers make a difference
• During the past year,
volunteers contributed
services valued at
over $300,000,
dedicated toward the
vision of ending
domestic violence.
• Beyond their day-today work our
volunteers have been
instrumental in
connecting the
agency with local
communities and
Patty Mark with the Auerbach family and
forging together
their donation of Girl Scout cookies
with the communityat-large to further our mission of ending domestic violence.
Some highlights from the past year:
• Allstate Foundation $20,000 grant for the Self-Sufficiency Task
Force to strengthen our efforts to help women enter and succeed
in the workplace. The group uses a mentorship approach and
financial empowerment curriculum from Allstate that is specifically
designed to help women who are domestic violence survivors
become financially self-sufficient
• The Merck Partnership for Giving campaign has resulted in more
than $40,000 in charitable contributions each year to Laurel
House for over a decade. For many years, Merck has also proudly
supported Laurel House’s annual 5K DASH.
• Core group of 80 program volunteers (increased from 66 in the
previous year) dedicate regular hours on a monthly basis.
• The volunteer program has expanded to include quarterly
e-newsletters and All-Volunteer meetings.
• Numerous groups, school clubs, church groups, and corporations
provided 1183 hours of service. These volunteers prepared lunch
for shelter residents, organized craft activities for children in the
shelter, painted, taught yoga to shelter residents, and collected
thousands of donated items.
Tina Reynolds, Dr. Tammy Portolese, Jenny Boyer at check presentation from
Portolese Family Chiropratic
• The Reporter raises awareness of domestic violence in the North
Penn community by publishing articles about Laurel House’s
services for victims and survivors, as well as strong opinion and
editorial pieces advocating for societal change against domestic
abuse. For the 2008 5K DASH, The Reporter was the event’s first
Media Sponsor and donated valuable ad space that helped to
attract a record-breaking crowd.
• Verizon Wireless was among the first foundations funding Laurel
House’s Domestic Abuse Response Team for Law Enforcement, a
program which continues to receive generous support from the
Verizon Foundation through a recent grant of $20,000.
• Verizon Telephone Pioneers of America: A group of Verizon
retirees, (TeleCompioneers), coordinates food drives for Laurel
House’s shelter throughout the year and makes generous financial
Jan Biresch, James Aston, a medical student at PCOM and organizer, Julia
Cheringal, President of Student Physicians for Social Responsibility at PCOM,
Beth Sturman, and Jenny Boyer at check presentation from funds raised at
the “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event.
• Graduate students and undergrads continue to play a very
important role in our volunteer program. Students from
numerous area colleges continue to make it possible for Laurel
House to significantly increase counseling and other supportive
services to residents and the community. Interns provided 3000
hours of service to victims of domestic violence over the past year.
• St. Eleanor Parish CYO chose Laurel House as the recipient of
their bake sale proceeds.
• Phila. College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) continued annual
support of Laurel House in response to the training provided for
1st year medical students by the MAP
• Two DART II volunteers, Heather Chiarlanza and Siobhan Klinger
organized our first Basket Bingo fundraiser.
• A dedicated group of 43 volunteers work tirelessly at Marian’s
Attic, processing donations, as well as creating a safe, fun
environment for customers.
• Committee members work on a daily basis, along side staff, to
reach the year’s goals. With their service and guidance, this year’s
dreams have become a reality.
…and the list goes on, heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our
volunteers for making Laurel House a priority.
Tara Barker, Carrie Nelligan, Michelle Boyer, Jenny Boyer at Basket Bingo at
Limerick Fire Dept.
financial information – fiscal year 2008-2009
494 hours of counseling
to children in shelter
(Total Expenses – $1,888,383)
Special Events
(Total Revenue – $1,890,316)
Government Donations
Foundations United Way
30 DART II trainings
for law enforcement personnel
Individual Donors
Kari Becker
Verna Brown
Marcie Cohn
Joanna Aaron
Ms. Patricia Beckman
Judith M. Bucko
Phil Colicchio
Louisa Abney-Babcock
James and
Maryanne Bednar
Amanda Bullock
John Colocousis*
Lucille and James Burns
Jane Condi
Dicky Abraham and
Elizabeth George
Daniel J. Beery
Shari Abramowitz and
Evette Lutman
Rosemarie Beier
Patricia Adamek
Sharon Bell
Helen Adams
Heidi B. Bencsik
Jane T. Adams
Lori Bencsik
Carol D. Adelsberger
Loryn Benedict
Anne Adler
Lisa Benna
Jeffrey S. Adler
Meredith Bennett
Lorraine Adler
Barry Bergman
Ms. Robin Alderfer
Sue Berman
Hope Bell
Jacqueline L. Allen
Tim and Lisa Berman
Estate of Frances Aller
Carole Alter
Mr. and Mrs.
Charles J. Bernard
Ms. Lisa Altomare
Mrs. Dene K. Bernstein
Mary E. Altomare
Stephen Berr
Leigh A. Amey
Andrew Bevan
Suzanne Amor
Kelly Biesecker
Betsy Anderson
Catherine L. Birney
Katherine and
Beatrice Anderson
Eugene and
Joann S. Bissell
Anonymous (38)
Judy Bitting
Joan Anton
Mr. John Blackwell
Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Apple
Simon M. Blake
Ms. Nancy Blair
Timothy H. Arnold
Katherine Blenko
Dr. Janice Asher and
Dr. David Kenty
Clare Block
Charles Ashley
Caronne Taylor Bloom
and Roger Bloom
Chelsea and
Joseph Audesirk
Debra B. Bluestein
Robert Butler
Colleen Coney
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brian
Christina Conger
Kathleen Butrica
Rita W. Conley
Ms. Patricia Buynak
Frank Connor
Kathie L. Calandra
Marilee Connor
Josephine Sasso Callahan
Michael D. Conolly
Ms. Lisa Callinan
Rebecca Conrad
Charlene Calvanese
Carmen Conrad
Mr. and Mrs.
Donald J. Direso
Robert and Barbara Dixon
Bet Dolaway
Debbie Dolbow
Edward Donnelly
Francis Donnelly
Mary B. Dorr
Angela Draghici
Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Duke
James Dunlap
William Dunlap
Ellen R. Cameron
Kent Conway
Bernadette V. Campbell
Misty Conway
Elsie Campman
Helen B. Cooke
Linda J. Campman
Terry Cooney
Timothy Canfield
Linda Cooper
Dr. Ellie Cantor
Patricia Corr
Charlotte M. Caracappa
Beth Corrigan
Mr. and Mrs.
Barry Edelstein
Chelle Carlson
Karen Coryell-Moore
Louise Egan
Ms. Beverly Carroll
Karen C. Coscia
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eitner
Cindy Carroll
Diane Costanzo
Jeanne Ernst
Bruce and
Jennifer Carter
Ms. Sharon Jay Cox
Karen F. Dunn
Ms. Mary H. Dunn
Sandy Flocco
Nicole Flynn
Teresa Fontenot
Marg Ford
Mr. Glen Forsyth
Julie Foster
Mr. Bennett Fox
Barbara Frank
Christopher and
Jennifer Franklin
Jane Frantz
Mr. and Mrs.
David Frazier
Michelle and Keith Eby
Marilyn Frazier
Amber Eck
Evie Fredericks and
Harold Davis
Barbara and
Robert Freedman
Lydia R. Freeman
Lauranne T. Freyhof
Dena and Bob Fritz
Mr. and Mrs.
David M. Evans
Sherry Frost
Eileen Everhardt
Amy K. Fuhrmeister
Albert K. Fung
Susan Casciato
Howard and
Marjorie Crawford
Stacy N. Cashman
Shannon Cressman
Mr. Chuck Everhart
Catherine B. Castor
Ms. Barbara Cresswell
Melva Exner
Shirley Furcron
Fernando Cavalcanti
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Croce
Stephen J. Fadden
Michael J. Cavalier
Maralee Csellar
Camille L. Fala
Sarabeth and
William Gadd
Carol Cemini
Christine Cucchiaro
Betsy A. Fallen
Lori Cerretti
Kate D’Aray
Alicia Fantini
Gillian Chapline
Pat Danner
Laura Farnum
Dennis S. Chapman
Laura Danoff-Brucker
Mrs. Elaine K. Faulkner
Jacqueline Blumenfeld
Janet Chapman
Bernice Dare
Cindy Feder
Ms. Joyce Blunt
N. David Charkes
Trish Dascanio
Michele Fedgechin
Mr. and Mrs.
Mark Auerbach
Kristi Blust
Lorenzo H. Chen
Ashley Bohn
Ms. Susan Chen
Cheryl Lynne Austin, Esq.
Leslie Bohn
Cheryl Cherry
Kathleen T. Bonenberger
Ms. Diane Fletcher
Robin Ebright
Dan and Lisa Auerbach
and Family
Janet and James Averill
Jane A. Fitzgerald
Julia Fleischner
Robert R. Chierici
Stephanie Bacharach
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bonner
Dennis Christensen
Joan L. Bachman
Karen Book
Tracy Davidson and
David Tinsch
Madeleine E. Davis
Sharon M. Davis
Lynn Deemer
Wendy Demchick-Alloy
Judith T. Feiner-DeRose
Jill Feld
Ms. Suzanne Fellman Jacob
Ms. Mariellyn Ferreri
Richard and Donna Ferrier
Rosemary Gagliardi
James Gainor
Colin Gallagher
Deidre B. Gallagher
Eileen Gallagher
Rebecca Gallagher
Yvonne Gallo Keagy
Sheila Margaret Galloway
Susan Gamzre
Jeff H. Gang
Donna Ganley
Jean Gantz
Matthew Bahner
Ms. Linda Boorse
Catherine Cifonelli/
Behind Closed Doors
Cynthia Jean Bailey
Alan Borthwick
Jon Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Steve DePaul
Donna and Jon Boscia
Jill Clauser
Kathleen P. DeStefano
Mr. Thomas Diamond
Fillies Financing
Fantastic Futures
Kate Garlick
Jeanette Balady
Linda Lee Dennis
Suzanne and David Fields
Ms. Eileen Figueroa
Marge Figun
Margarita Gardiner
Leah Garlan
Corrie Garlick
Bill Baldwin
Elton Brand
Pat Clemens
Tracy Banks
Linda Brant
Kelly Clement
Debra DiBattista
Ms Polly C. Fine
Jennifer Garner
Molly Clement
Debra DiBono
Martin and Joan Finerty
Tim Garrison
James Brecker
Michelle Cody
Lucia DiGiovanni
Diana Brody and
Justin Kaplan
Arlene Cohen
Karen Banner
Sherry Barag
Kathy Barry
Margaret M. Barth
Heather Braver
Joanne Bayer
Marcy and Dan Brody
Ms. Carol Beattie
Kathryn A. Brook
Christine Beausoleil
Wallis Brooks
Gary and Shirley Cohen
Ms. Hope Cohen
Stephen and
Arlene Cohen
Michael Dickey
Sharon Finnegan
Susan Ann Gartenberg
Janice Gault
Patricia Dietrich
Michelle Finsel and
Crystal Palko
Diane M. Dillon
Jaye Fissel
Ms. Louise Geesaman
Carolyn I. Dimmig
Alicia Fitzgerald
Ann Marie Geiger
Catherine H. Dingley
Gretchen Fitzgerald
Shannon George
Linda Gaun
Nigel George
Dan Halpin
Linda A. Gerhart
Tom Gerhart
Anna Gerrity
Monica Jefferson
Kevin Kray
Dianne Linden
Jim McCallister
Lynn M. Hamilton-Watters
Ms. Carolyn M. Jevit
Gloria Krebs
Hubert and Phyllis Linn
Carrie McCarthy
Dorothy A. Hammett
Wendy Johnson
Mr. Paul Kreider
Denise J. Liszewski
Alec McConnell
Mr. and Mrs.
Christopher J. Haney
Mr. and Mrs.
Morgan Jones
Marlene Krempansky
Judith Lit
Ms. Peg McConnell
Margaret A. Krengel
Marianne Little
Terese W. Harbaugh
John and Barbara Jordan
Sharon and Tom Lorefice
Ms. Donna McConnellThayer
Ruth Hardin
Terence and Susan Jordan
Fern, Steven and
Jason Krieg
Kendell Hardy
Helen Joyce
Laura Kruger
Michael J. Harff
Michael R. Kaercher
K.E. Kunkel
Mr. David Harper
John and Lida Kaiser
Lisa Kupper
Erika Harris
Wonwoo and Kerrie Kang
Tracy A. Kurman
Jocelyn Madden
The Harris Family
Jennifer H. Kanike
Peter Kusma
Zandra L. Maffett
Kelly A. Hartnett
Carol and Manuel Kaplan
Sandra Labbee
Zelig and Dolores T. Magid
Maureen McGorry and
Janet Hasenmayer
Ms. Inge Karo
Christopher J. La Rue
Bernadette L. Maguire
Darcy McGrath
Ms. Randi Harycki
Roger W. Keyser
Dawn Lally
Brett Maguire
Amy McGrory
Sue Glazier
Susanne Hay
Eileen Perez Kelsell
Nancy Lanard
Susan J. McGuirk
Dr. and Mrs.
Allan Goldberg
Denise Hayes
Brian P. Kelly
Maria J. Landry
Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Mahle
Nathan Hayward
Janice Kelly
Debra Hazard and
The Body Shop at Home
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelly
Mr. William L.
Landsburg, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs.
James Mahoney
Dale Gibson and
Connie Migliarese
Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Gibson
Marietta Gies
Kelsey Gilland
Raymond Gillen
Mr. and Mrs.
Matthew Gillin
Connie Ginther
Terry Siman and
Janie Glatt
Aurelia Goldberg*
David Goldberg,
Mary Fabri, and
Joshua Goldberg
Ms. Rhoda Goldberg
Elmer Heiland and the
Administrative Staff at
Brittany Pointe Estates
Ms. Margaret F. Goldfarb
Genevieve Hellings
Ms. Marci Goldshlack, Ph.D.
Ms. Marjorie Heney
Stacy Gorberg
Rod and Kerry Henkels
Dorrie Gordon
Colleen Henry
Katherine Gormley
Ms. Barbara Hertzberg
Karen Kennedy Gotimer
Karl and Joanne Heuser
Susan Goudy
Maria and
William Highlands
Elaine R. Grabar
Christine Gracin
Kristina D. Granor
Tamar and Marshal Granor
Deborah Graver
Barbara and James Gray
Joyce Gray
Theresa A. Greco
Allison E. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Green
Johanne Greenblatt
Susan Grimes
Irene Kennedy
Michael Kennedy and
Jennifer Bryan
Gail Keppler
Lynn Kern
Michelle Kichline
Mimi Killian
Mary Ann Killinger
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kimmel
Ms Suzanne B. Kinard
John Kinast
Sally Hilderbrand
Judith A. Kindon
David Himmelberger
Kathleen H. Klein
Mary Cay Hollen
Leah Kleylein
Mr. and Mrs. George Homa
Edie Kligman
Walter and Edith Hoppe
Nancy Loughery
Ms. Stefanie Lucas
Ms. Nancy MacNamara
Joan C. Madden
Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas E. McDonald
Nancy McDowell
Katherine K. McGettigan
Gail McGinley
Patrick J. McGinnis
Joe McKagen
Mr. and Mrs.
Peter McKernan
Anna Lee Lapinski
Lois E. Mair
Lucille Larkin
Ida Maletz
Erica R. Laue
Guy and Rebecca Malick
Laurel House
Management Team
Dot Malone
R.D. and Cecelia
Raymond Mangin
Nancy T. McNamara
Sheena M. Lawrence
Ellen Manning
Richard F. Lazzuri
Lynn M. Manns
Wendy Fleischmann
Carryn McLaughlin
Shawn McLaughlin
Alma A. Leadbeater
Philip M. Manos
Elaine C. Meckling
Jacquelyn Leasure
Jill Mantz
Denise M. Melito
Michele and Andy Leber
Claire and Jack Mapes
Wendy Mengel
Robert S. and
Catherine Merritt
Mr. Michael J. Lederer*
Michael Marcucio
Debbie and Stephen Lee
Lois E. Marcum
Lorraine Lee
Julie A. Marengo
Debra Leeper
Laura R. Marinari
Peter and Diane Messner
Ms. Judy Meyer
Ellen and
Michael Michelson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lehocky
Alisa Marino
Bart Kline
Julia S. Leimkuhler
Michael Marino
Roseanne A. Milazzo
Lucy Kline
Colleen and Michael Lelli
Mr. Patrick P. Marion
Courtney Miller
Beth Knize
Susan Leon
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Miller
Deborah Hopewell
Sandra Knowles
Maribeth Lerner
Marion Prochazka
Charitable Remainder
Denise Horbach
Aviele Koffler
Julie Leslie
Patricia and Anthony Mark
Matthew Horne
Jan Lessin
Carla Markizon
Y.C. Houser
Shelly Koffler and
Tony Ferretti
Rachael Levenson
Matt Markland
Nicole Hood and
Steve D’Aulerio
Mr. and Ms.
George F. Miller
Susan Papp Mlodzienski
Maria Monshaw
Barbara Moore
Linda Lee Hubler
Mr. David Kohn
Dr. Sandra Levenson
Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis Gross
Robert and Lois Marquardt
Carolyn Hufnagle
Ms. Kimberlea Konowitch
Shayna Levenson
David and Barbara Mascaro
Richard Gross
Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Hunsberger
Megan Korch
Gail Miller Levin
Amy Korman
Kelly A. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs.
Michael L. Matthews
Michael Lewis
Marybelle Matthews
Rhonda and Jim Mordy
Mary E. Mattioni
Christina T. Morrison
Kate Gulian
Jim and Carol Hunsicker
Janet M. Koszalka
Fredryc O. and
Aline L. Haggert
Joseph Hussey
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Kowey
Liz Ann Iacovetti
Shirley Kraft
Brian and Sonja Haggert
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Jabs
Margaret Kramer
Oscar* and
Margaret Lichtenstein
Jamie Haines
Chelsea Jackson
Rebecca A. Kramer
The Hall Family
Genevieve Jarrett
Ms. Barbara D. Krause
Mary E. Guminski
Patricia Marie Lewis
Thomas Moore
Jan C. Morabito
Edith C. Moran
Lawrence Maxwell
Joanne Leva Moser
Vivian Mayer
Joseph J. Moskal
Jane Lichterman
Eleanor McBride
Ms. Mary Motsavage
Wendy A. Liebling
Rosemary McBride
Alicia and Kevin Motzer
women who received shelter136
Bill and Patricia Motzer
Rene Marie Peoples
Laura Motzer
Rachel Peterson
Donna J. Mourar
Denise Peurcell
Elizabeth, Sophia,
and Andrew Moy
Bea Piccirilli
Shirley Moyer
J. Edmund Mullen
Robert and
Deborah Muma
Jason Christopher Murphy
Carol W. Murray
Paul Murray
Lindsay Musselman
Eleanor W. Myers
Janice Nader
Bonnie S. Neiderer
Patrice Nelson
Ms. Whitney Nelson
Anton P. Ness
Janet R. Newman
Etta Nissman
Mary Ellen Nicholson
Ms. Georgiana Noll
Dan Norden
Anita G. Pierce
Daniel C. Pietrzykoski
Tammy Portolese
David Peter Platt
Joel Port
Nancy Posel
Mary Viechnicki Potter
Bryn Prieston
John Primerano
Leah Pro
Sandra Prochaska
Bill Procyson
Beth Prusky
Lorraine Pruitt
Stephen Pulley
Joanne Pyott
Lorraine Pyott
Karen Pypniowski
Joseph Quigley
Shara Jordan Rizzo and
Jason Rizzo
Cynthia Roberson
Lauren Roberts
Ms. Patti Roberts
Janice M. Scheihing
Scott Schenker,
Anne Kulak and
SMART Business Advisory
and Consulting
Catherine and
David Snyder
Leila Sobel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sobel
Gail Somer
Lindsay J. Townhill
Benjamin and
Joelle Townsend
Mr. and Mrs.
Craig Tractenberg
Margie Scherzer and
Beverly Somerson
Eleanor Schimmel
Barbara Spector
Marilyn J. Schneider
Shannon Spencer
Molly Schneider
Doris M. Spera
Robert J. Schneider
Barbara Springer
Joshua Stauffer
Nadine Wallo Rogers
John C. and
Michelle Schroeder
Lisa Rolette
Katie Schultz
Marshall R. Sterling
Janine A. Roll
Kurt Schwartz
Rachel Sterling
Giuliana Romeo
Susan Schwarz
Scott and Melissa Sterling
Diane and Michael Romito
Orlando Sciambi
Beryl B. Stine
Jeffrey A. Rose
Nina Scimenes
Elizabeth Stone
Carolyn Rosenberg
Diana M. and Robert Scott
Kenneth A. Storck
Joan Rosenberg
The Scott Family
Jane Westwood Storer
Dr. Michelle Vichnin and
Mitchell Edelson
Angela Rossetti
Elizabeth Segal Rosenbaum
Ann Rossi
Andrea M. Seltzer
Minna Davis and
Janie Storman
Cindy, Loren, and
Devon Volpe
Constance Rossi
Jane Robertson and
Robert Turner, III
Debbie Robinson
Alison Rock
Frank and Kathy Rock
Lisa and James Roese
Kevin M. Sterling
Julie Tran
Lisa Traxler
Ms. Jean Tremblay
Tina Triglia and
Dyan Leodora
Ms. Kathleen Troncelliti
Rita Tuma
Patrice Urban
M. Rita Valois
Mary Ellen Vanbuskirk
Ms. Keira Vederman
Mr. Ben Ventresca
Joe Verna
Richard Shaginaw
Janice Storms
Joe Volpe
Nicole Rossi
Louise J. Shaheen
Donna Stroh
Pamela J. Vorhauer
Portia Rossi
Lisa Share
Daniel and Eugenia Strong
Jane Voss
Lori Wachs
Allison Martin Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Quigley
Robert Rossi
Jennifer Sharpe
Wendy Strowhouer
Judith O’Neill
Eileen D. Quinn
Marilyn and Skip Rosskam
Laura R. Shauger
Lucetta Strumia
Rebecca Wachtel
Patricia J. O’Shaughnessy
Gregory and
Ginger Rowen
Dr. Jamine L. Shechter
Joan Stuart
Patricia A. Oehrli
Mr. and Mrs.
Conrad Radcliffe
Beth Sturman
Angela Okumura
Charles Rager
Charlotte W. Rowland
Amy Shepard and Huck
Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Wahl
Arlene Olshin
Darren and
Phyllis Sudman
Gregory Waller
John Shinpaugh
Sophie and Kevin Olson
The Rappaport Family
Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Ruben
Eugene Sheridan
Renee Rainville
Dennis Sullivan, M.D.
Greta Rubinstein
Tina S. Olson
Henry and Patricia Ratke
Marcy and
Robert A. Shoemaker
Joan Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Walsh
Catherine Ormerod
Robert Rau, Jr.
Courtney Shronk
Kristin Sullivan
Dana Walton
Kathryn A. Siegfried
Cary Scott Summers
Mr. and Mrs. James Wang
Shirley Osbourne
Elizabeth C. Ray
Sabina Otto
Lizabeth Raynes
Stefanie A. Owen
Terry Razzano
Kathy Oxberry
Valentina H. Palange
Betsy Palmer
Joanne H. Palmer
Beth Palser
Kelli J. Pardue
Joan D. Paris
Mr. and Mrs.
William Reckmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Reed
Carol Reeder
Karen Refsnyder
Michael and Denise Riebe
Barbara Reichley
Barbara L. Rudolph
Eleanor Ruddy
Jean Ruggieri
Mr. and Mrs.
William Ruhling
The Rushlau Family
Anita and Frank Russo
Myrtle E. Ryan
Susan Rybarchyk
Jill A. Sabol
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saks
Lane Walsh
Barbara Sikora and
Laura R. Sutliff
Barbara Ward
Christine Swannie
Lee C. Silverman
Ann Swift
Christine and
Christopher Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Silvi
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Szeftel
Terry Simon and
Janie Glatt
Lawrence B. Talley
Debra Sitner
Tamika Slater
Mark E. Slick
Dorothy Tarka
Mary and Frank Tatnall
Ms. Janet B. Taylor
LaQuecia C. Taylor
Sudha Warrier
Barbara and Don Watkins
Chris and Martha Watkins
Tom and Patti Watkins
Marilou E. Watson
Rosemarie Watson
Andrew and Tammy Reid
Frances A. Salamone
Deborah Renner
Jeannette Leanza Sanders
Tina Reynolds
Barbara Santangelo
Scott Reynolds
Stephanie Santoro
Dr. and Mrs.
Dennis Slochower
Wil Reynolds
Sheryl Sapriel
Antoinette Smith
Sally A. Riddle
Marc Satalof
Cynthia Ann Smith
Carmen Pelaez
Sue Rieck
Marget C. Satell
Megan Smith
Andrew Pellegrino
Deborah L. Riegner
Penny Satell Berman
Olga Smith
Mr. and Mrs.
Richard W. Thatcher, Jr.
Julia Pepper
The Riether Family
Ms. Carol Saunders
Pat Smith
Megan Thomas
Deborah P. Weinstein
Katherine Parker
Cynthia L. Patterson
Jane Patterson
Endowment Fund
Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel J. Patterson
Patricia Sloan
Stephanie Sloan
Mr. Ernest Ten Eyck
Mr. and Mrs.
Fabio Terlevich
Harold Terwilliger
Carol Teutsch
Anita Thallmayer
Karen K. Watt
Roselyn Wealth
Rachel Weber and
Charlotte Clifford
John and Nancy Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Weber
William L. Weber
Matthew Wecht
Marla H. Pepper
Deborah L. Rittenhouse
Michele Saylor
Cricket Snearing
Dana W. Toedtman
Marjorie Weiss
Susan Peleggi
Christine Ritter
Richard Schaphorst
Levi Snow
Aixa Torregrosa
Juli Weitzen
Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Welsch
Patricia Middleman
Dawn M. Westermann
Kelly and Tom Whelan
Helyn and
Dale T. Whitman
Herbert Wilf
Kirsten Wilf
M. Courtnay Willcox
Suzanne Williams
J. Scott Wilson
Katherine R. Wilson
Thomas P. Wilson
Brian and Carolyn Winter
Chastity Wise
Merle Wolf
Kimberly D. Wolfe
Kristin K. Wonderling
Mary Wood
Alexandra Wooley
Andrew and
Melissa Woolford
Joanne Worr
Judith and Wayne Worrell
The Active Network
General Electric
Reclaimed Creations
Fourjay Foundation
Residents Association
Aesthetic Dermatology
Global Education
Settlement Administrator
Rethreads by Nita
Frenkel Family Foundation
Brittany Pointe
Worship Committee
Aetna Foundation, Inc. –
Partners in Community
GAP Foundation Money
for Time Program
Bryn Mawr College
Aetna Insurance
Almac Clinical Services
American Heritage
Federal Credit Union
Amy Ragsdale Jewelry
Analytical Graphics
ANRO Printing
Aramark Higher Education
Asher’s Chocolates
BAE Systems/BAE Employee Community Fund
Bank of America
Matching Gifts
Bank of America
United Way Campaign
Bank of New York Mellon
Community Partnership
Bath and Body Works
Bella Mariposa Salon
Blooming Affairs Florist
BNP Paribas
Diane and
Frank Wosczyna
Bob Randall Associates, Inc.
Kimberly Woudsma
Borders Express
Julie Wowk-Jacobson
and Joy Wowk
Bristol Myers Squibb
Lisa Yablonski and Family
Burns, White & Hickton,
Linda Yarnell
Dorothy Yeh
Centocor, Inc.
Dasha Yermakova
Charles J. Piermani & Co.
Patricia and
Jerry K. Younce
Chestnut Hill Dental Lab
Francis Young
Gregory Young
Kathryn Young
Michele Zedaker
Ruth Ann Zeigler
Becky Zellner
Ms. Joanne Zeoli
Jacqueline Ziegler
Barbara W. Zikos and
the Red Hat Ladies
Karen Zimmer
Camille Ziviello
Cirillo Cosmetic
Dermatology Spa
Goodman Properties
Gordon Eadie Associates,
Security Abstract of PA,
Genuardi Family
SEER Interactive
IES Engineers
Sincere Expressions
Employee Fund
Grandom Institution
Hamburg, Rubin, Mullin,
Maxwell, and Lupin
Macy’s Foundation
SL Associates, LLC
Nicole’s Kloset
Johnson & Johnson
Spring Mill Cafe
Stumar Investigations
The Patricia Kind
Family Foundation
Christ Covenant Church
John Juckniewitz
JP Morgan Chase
Christ Lutheran Church
K&S Towing, Inc.
Texas Roadhouse
The Philadelphia
League Collegiate Wear
The CBS Group, Inc.
Lilly Pulitzer
The Reporter
MAC Capital Partners
The Wellynn Group, LLC
Macy’s Foundation
Tim Berman, C.P.A.
Malvern Federal Savings
Mars Fishcare
North America
TYME Gallery
Quaker Chemical
Rathmann Family
Raynier Institute &
Solomon Family
The Sunshine Lady
Foundation, Inc.
MDS Pharmaservices
Wawa, Inc.
Terri Lynne Lokoff
Childcare Foundation
Colony Club of Ambler
Merck and Company, Inc.
Weichert Financial Services
Merck Partnership for
Wellington Management
Company, LLP
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Wexler Commercial Real
Estate, Inc.
Merrill Y. Landis, Ltd.
Wolf, Block, Schorr and
Moore Brothers
Wine Company
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
The W.W. Smith
Charitable Trust
ACCU Books
Gateway Pharmaceuticals,
Office of John S. Murray
PECO Energy –
Support Services
Penntex Construction
Pepper, Eric
Piccolini, Inc.
Portolese Family
Private Quarters
Progressive Casualty
Insurance Company
The Allstate Foundation
Betty and Leo Balzereit
Community Club of
Wal-Mart Foundation
Delaware Valley Regional
Planning Commission
Foundation, Inc.
Fairview Village Church
of the Nazerene
First Baptist Church
Abington Memorial
Hospital Dixon School
of Nursing
Garment Recovery Services
Cloverleaf High School
Colonial Village Women’s
Abington Bank
Circle of Angels Giongo
Children’s Benefit
Beef & Beer
Wachovia Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
PECO Energy Network of
Exelon Women
Franklin Covey
Church of the Messiah
McNeil Consumer
Custom Cut Hairstyling
Christian Network
Outreach Church, Inc.
Susquehanna Foundation
Forbes Design
Consultants, LLC
Christ United
Methodist Church
TD Banknorth Charitable
Verizon Business
Cumberland Advisors
and Businesses
Christ Covenant Church
McNeil Consumer &
Specialty Pharmaceuticals
Zachary’s Smile, Inc.
Family Dental Care Center
Chestnut Hill Garden
Cloverleaf Middle School
Padget Dermatology
Environmental Services
Pest Control
Charities and
New Endeavors
Spitfire Designs
Eastern Diversified
Services, Inc.
Carmel Presbyterian
Java Brewin’
Abington Kiwansis
Aktion Club
Dolce Valley Forge
Calvary Presbyterian
ING Direct
OPI Products, Inc.
Deloitte & Touche
Cabrini College –
Body Image Coalition
Morgan Stanley
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals –
Global Safety Surveillance
& Epidemiology Group
Classic Designs Fine Art,
Firstrust Bank
Rippert’s Custom Tailoring and Dressmaking
Abington Senior High
School, Minority Cultural
Affairs Step Team
First Baptist Church
of Lansdale –
The Seekers Class
First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church
of Port Kennedy
Foulkeways –
Housekeeping Dept.
FVH Club
General Federation of
Women’s Clubs
Adath Jeshurun Women’s
Association Sisterhood
Jewish Centre
The Calabi Fund
Adath Jeshurun
Girl Scout Troop #7123
Chase Your Dream
BJNB Foundation
Breinig Foundation
Clayman Family
Prudential Insurance
David and Sybil Yurman
Humanitarian Arts
Foundation, Inc.
Radwell International
Degenstein Foundation
Lutheran Church
Barker Pond Association
Beth Or Sisterhood
Boy Scouts Troop 140
Brittany Pointe Estates
Girl Scout Troop #7259
Girl Scout Troop #73388
Girl Scouts of Eastern PA –
The Horizon Service Unit
Girl Scouts of Spring-Ford
Elementary School
Glenside United
Church of Christ
Good Shepherd
Lutheran Church
Good Shepherd
Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Church –
The Giving in Service
Grace Presbyterian Church
Grand View Hospital –
District Attorney –
Law Enforcement Funds
Resurrection Lutheran
United Methodist
Women’s Group
George Asher –
For Father’s Day
Montgomery County
Medical Society Alliance
Review Club of
Montgomery County
United Way of
Camden County
Joan Bachman
Montgomery County
Republican Committee
Rotary Club of
United Way of
Chester County
Montgomery Elementary
School Goodwill
The Saturday Club
United Way of
Southeastern PA
Mount Zion AME Church
Gwynedd-Mercy College
Take Back the Night
Planning Committee
Newcomers of Great Valley
Gwynedd Square
Elementary School
North Penn
Duplicate Bridge Club
Gwynedd Square
Presbyterian Church
The Children of
Happy Days Preschool
Harleysville Jaycees
Hatfield Women’s
Civic Club, Inc.
Hearts and Hands Quilters
Hope Community
Holy Trinity Evangelical
Lutheran Church
Huntingdon Valley
Women’s Club
Immanuel Leidy’s Church
Jack and Jill of America,
Inc., Montgomery Co
Baptist Church
North Penn
Nonprofit Academy
The North Penn
Rotary Club Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Operation Warm
Or Hadash
Oreland Presbyterian
Church, Women’s Bible
ORT America –
Valley Forge Chapter
Pajama Program
Penn State University –
Abington, Third Wave
Kappa Delta Kappa Sorority
Pennsylvania College of
Osteopathic Medicine
Lower Gwynedd
Elementary School
Main Line Reform Temple
Manor College
Merck Employees
Mom’s Club of
Harleysville – South
Montgomery County
Community College
Montgomery County
Council of Republican
Montgomery County
Perkiomen Valley
Women’s Club
Philadelphia Eagles
Philadelphia University
Plymouth Whitemarsh
High School –
Life Skills Class
Plymouth Valley
Women’s Club
Presbyterian Women
of the Bryn Mawr
Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Women
of the First Presbyterian
Church of Springfield
Lorraine Bardsley
Kathy Rock
Bill Schindler
Sharon Sheffer
Carol Teutsch
Tim Thomas
Carole Wanko
Barbara Watkins –
For Mother’s Day
Elyse Barroway
Don Watkins –
For Father’s Day
Valley Forge Ambucs Inc.
Lucine Beauchard
Ellen Wang
Rotary Club
Valley Forge
Knitting Guild
Jenny Boyer
Spring City United
Methodist Church
Valley Forge
Presbyterian Church
St. Aloysius School
Valley View
Community Church
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Siloam Baptist Church
St. Eleanor CYO
Girls’ Basketball
St. John’s
United Church of Christ
Old York Road Temple
Beth Am
Ursinus College –
Hobson Hall Community
Service House
Ursinus College –
Homecoming Funds
North Penn United Way
Jewish Women International Chai Chapter
Limerick Fire Company
Sigma Rho Lambda
North Penn
School District
Pathway School
Lansdale United
Methodist Church
Shepherd of the Hills
St. James
United Church of Christ
Jewish Women
Lansdale Hospital
Shelter Alliance
Miss Balsam,
Mrs. Gallagher,
and Miss A. –
For their undaunting
support of Miguel and
their commitment to the
education of the children
of Roberts Elementary
Shara and Jason Rizzo
St. Matthews
Episcopal Church
St. Matthews United
Methodist Church of
Valley Forge
St. Paul’s Episcopal
Church – Middle School
St. Paul’s Lutheran
Church – Women of the
St. Peter’s
Episcopal Church
St. Peter’s Evangelical
Lutheran Church
St. Peter’s
Lutheran Church
St. Peter’s Thrift Shop
St. Philip in the Fields
Talbots – Store 1086
Tau Sigma Gamma
Telecom Pioneers
Northeast Council
Temple University
Verizon “Shower a
Shelter” Program
Vernsfield Elementary
School Teachers
Victory Christian Fellowship Outreach Ministry
Thomas Paine Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship
Sarah Daniels and
Steven Dickoff –
For their wedding
Rick Delano –
For good health!
Sue DePaul –
For Mother’s Day
Sandee Devine
Donations Made
In Memory Of…
Anita Auerbach
Devon Anne Boyles
Lois Brown
Patrick and
Margaret Cooke
Rev. Paul Corcoran
Jessie Davis
Walnut Meadows
Community Association
The Emergency Staff
at the Emergency
Department of
Montgomery Hospital
Medical Center –
For their hard work
Westmont Soccer
Dorothy and Eli Fatow
Fredryc Haggert
Elementary School
Gail and Jerry Fatow
Emily Jablonsky
Stephen Fugale,
Villanova University
Amy Kahan
Villanova University
Technology Department
Whitemarsh Lioness Club
The Woman’s Club of
Suburban Philadelphia
The Woman’s Club of
The Woman’s Club of
Women’s Bridge League
of Philadelphia
Women Business Owners
Idea Café
Women’s Progressive
League, Inc.
Zeta Phi Beta, Kappa
Omega Zeta Chapter
The “N” Club
The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints
Alan and Faith Breece
Donations Made
In Honor Of…
Project Linus
TOVA, Inc.
The Administrative Staff
of WillowBrooke Court,
Brittany Pointe Estates
Random Garden Club
Triangle United Way
Jacqueline Allen
The Reserve at Gwynedd
Trinity Reformed U.C.C.
Jennifer Arnott
Geraldine Dewees
Aurelia Goldberg
Zev Goldberg
Alvin Goldfarb
Anne Getty
Deceased Members of
The Maier Family
Joyce and Allan Goldberg
Gale Maloney
Nancy Hart
Maryann Marick
Leslie Hernandez and
Baby Alejandra Maria
Gale Maloney
Linda Heuser
Ellen Gregory Robb
Donna and John James
Connie Rossa
Debbie Pieri
Carol Josel
Jane O. Schmidt
Elsie Kamens
Lena Sciambi
Krista Letizia
Barbara Ann Sheridan
Libby Lundy
Carol Smith
Kenneth Mapes
Tom Stuart
Jeannie McKiernan
Doris Tieger
Marcena Moore
Ted Voss
Rhonda LaHue Mordy –
For Mother’s Day
Helen Wall
Anna Mae Papso’s mother
Molly Pietchke
Marlee Rizzo –
Newborn daughter of
Walter Wetlesen
Jane Storman’s mother
Evette Lutman’s father
Jan Biresch’s mother
In addition to the many benefactors listed here, we are extremely grateful to all of you who generously respond to our “Wish List” and in-kind donation needs on an
on-going basis. Your donations of needed items – food, shelter supplies, merchandise for our thrift shop and so on – help to ensure that we are able to meet the needs
of the families who turn to us for help. While not all of your names are included on these pages, we trust that each of you knows how very much we appreciate your
support. Thank you, on behalf of all of us!
board members
for fiscal year 2008-2009
Gauri Agnihotri, M.D.
Lisa Altomare, Board co-President
Janice Asher, M.D.
Wallis Brooks, Esq.
Sue DePaul
Sandy Flocco
Joyce Goldberg
Sonja Haggert
Deborah Hopewell, M.S.W.
Shelly Koffler
James Mahoney, CPA, Board co-President
Paul Murray
Steve O’Driscoll
Jane Robertson, Board Secretary
Kathy Rock
Diana Scott
Scott Sterling, Board Treasurer
Etta Szeftel, Board Vice President
Carol Teutsch, M.D.
Jane Voss
Patricia Younce, Esq.
advisory board
for fiscal year 2008-2009
Jackie Allen, Co-Chair
Cheryl Austin, Esq.
Penny Satell Berman, Co-Chair
Beverly Lee Carroll
Suzanne Fields
Vernon Hunsberger, CPA
Barbara Jordan
Marian Kimmel
Dr. Sandra Levenson
Catherine Ormerod
Tammy Reid
Shara Rizzo
Joan Stuart, Esq.
Michelle Vichnin, M.D.
Judy Worrell
Dasha Yermakova
Shown at right, top-bottom: Jane Voss and granddaughter Megan; Sgt. Jane Robertson; Brian and
Sonja Haggert; Wallis Brooks; Paul Murray