annual report - MHY Family Services


annual report - MHY Family Services
MHY Family Services and Mars Home for Youth Foundation
“When I came here,
I thought I was
worthless. I thought
I was a mistake.
They taught me
coping skills, ways to
calm me down. Now
I know God is planning
something for me.”
­— Becca
“What we have to remember is
that we can still do anything.
We can change our minds.
We can start over...
We must not lose this sense of
possibility because in the end,
it’s all we have.”
— Marina Keegan
Dear Friend of MHY,
Possibilities. It’s one word, yet it can mean the difference in choosing between
a pro-social or anti-social way of life.
At MHY Family Services, we nurture the possibilities in each of the young
people, families and adults we serve. Over many decades, the organization
has evolved, responding to changes in the environment. Long gone are the
days of the United Presbyterian Orphan’s Home. Today, MHY is a vibrant,
regional resource providing multiple services across many disciplines in many
locations. Although the manner in which MHY delivers services has changed,
the organization has remained true to its faith-based mission of serving
families and children.
We are fortunate that MHY’s leadership shares a vision for how the
organization can continue to evolve to best meet the changing needs of the
people and communities we serve. Under the leadership of Lisa Schiller, the
MHY staff is rejuvenated, our community relationships are revitalized, and our
supporters are recommitted.
We do, however, face financial challenges. The demands for our services
continue to increase; reimbursement rates are stagnant, at best; and our aging
campus requires ongoing maintenance and upgrades. The financial gap is
significant, but it is lessened because of wonderful donors, like you.
You are helping us to make a difference for youth who so often are invisible
in society. It’s easy to look away from their needs; but unless we address their
needs, the cycle will continue. Your support helps to provide a more promising
future not only for the young people we serve, but also for our communities as
a whole.
On behalf of the MHY Board of Directors and the Mars Home for Youth
Foundation Board of Trustees, we thank you for sharing our passion and our
belief in possibilities.
Pam Schiller
MHY Board of Directors
Annual Report
Pam Wigley
Mars Home for Youth Foundation
Board of Trustees
Our mission is
to promote the
safety, health,
education and
spiritual well
being of youth
and families.
Pamela M. Schiller
Joanna Papada
Vice President
Toni L. Felice, PhD
Sandra H. Miller
Lisa Hollingsworth-Segedy
Selina P. Johnson
Amy Tacik
Megan Van Fossan
Peter Watt-Morse
Pam E. Wigley
Sandra H. Miller
Vice President
Richard Reynolds
Donna Ryzinski
Pamela M. Schiller
Jill DeStefano Smelko
Mary Lou Spory
Cindy Thomas
Selina P. Johnson
Photo at right, left to right:
Lukas Carothers, Director of Community Services
Lisa Schiller, Executive Director
Liz Hays, Director of Human Resources
Mark King, Principal of Longmore Academy
Amy Smith, Director of Development
Dennis McNamara, Director of Finance and Facilities
MHY Family Services and Mars Home for Youth Foundation
A Message from the
Executive Director
As I reflect on the past year at MHY Family Services, I think of it as a year of
transition. Building on a strong base developed over decades of devotion, MHY
is now ensuring our future success by adding more diversified
services, expanding our evidence-based care and developing more strategic
therapeutic services. These steps will help us to provide the best outcomes
for those we serve.
MHY’s progress is made possible only through the support of our donors.
Your investment provides tangible benefits, including therapeutic and
recreational activities, a chaplaincy program, training for staff and upkeep
of our physical plant.
Your support also provides intangible benefits. You are helping to unite
children with their families. You are enabling young people to become
productive members of the community. You are contributing to the
development of young adults who will break the cycle of trauma. You are
creating possibilities.
Our structure and methods have evolved over the years to meet the changing
needs of those we serve. What has remained constant, however, is the passion
of MHY staff to bring out amazing things in traumatized children. I am indebted
to them and to the leadership of our boards for advancing our vision.
On the next few pages you’ll meet some of the recipients of MHY services
and learn directly from them how MHY has helped them on their journey.
The stories are theirs, but you play an integral role in them.
Thank you for investing a few minutes of your time to read about MHY Family
Services. Your continuing support is changing lives.
Lisa Schiller
Executive Director
Annual Report
Eagle Scouts Fly
with MHY Projects
As anyone knows who passes or visits MHY Family Services, the campus is
beautiful. In winter months, snow covers the rolling hills; in summer, flowers
appear to be hugged by luscious green grass.
Just as the work that takes place at MHY Family Services is transformative, the
campus also was transformed recently through the generosity of three Eagle
Scout candidates. One of the requirements young men must fulfill to attain
Eagle Scout status is the completion of a project that betters a community nonprofit organization. Cole Greer, Rob Kooser and Zach Kugel each chose MHY as
the beneficiary of their time and talents.
Cole Greer, a student
at Mars Area High School,
chose to refurbish the MHY
baseball field. Throughout the summer
months of 2014, Cole brought his vision of a renewed field to life, with
some help from his parents, his twin sister and some friends. After
eliminating the field’s weeds, Cole leveled the infield and rebuilt the
pitcher’s mound. He then installed a new pitching rubber and new
bases, and he sanded and stained the bleachers that line the field.
“It was a major relief when it was done,” Cole says. “But I’m proud
I got something like this completed.”
MHY Family Services and Mars Home for Youth Foundation
In the summer of 2013,
between his sophomore
and junior years at Central
Catholic High School, Rob Kooser
constructed a 40’ x 16’ raised
garden bed. With help from some of his fellow troop
members, he transformed an area of the campus by leveling it, adding
topsoil and framing it with lumber and mesh wiring. To get the garden
underway, he planted a variety of herbs and vegetables, something
MHY youth will maintain. “I’m happy to have constructed something
that gives the kids another outlet. I’m happy if I helped in some small
way, and I hope they have fun with it.”
Zach Kugel found his inspiration in an outdoor mural. “I knew the
significance of the mural, in terms of helping youth improve their outlook
on life,” the Freedom Area High School senior explains. “I decided I could
make it a place for them to hang out.” In February 2013, Zach began
planning his project. He found online resources, procured supplies from
nearby builders’ supply stores and willingly accepted some guidance from
his dad, grandfather and brother. The result: a new deck with benches
surrounding the mural. By July 2013, it had become a favorite spot for
MHY youth to gather.
Annual Report
Embracing the Power
of Starting Over
Beginning as a modest orphanage over 135 years ago, MHY Family Services
has evolved in response to community needs. Today, on our tranquil campus,
MHY provides intensive trauma-informed residential services and treatment
as well as quality education for youth who have struggled to succeed in public
school. In addition, we continue to expand our services to the community,
serving seven counties throughout western and central Pennsylvania. In total,
each year we provide services to meet an array of behavioral health needs for up
to 1,000 youth, families and adults.
MHY provides four services in communities,
working with children and the people they
interact with, including their parents or
guardians, siblings and friends. Our goal is to
provide the intervention necessary to keep youth
enrolled in our program while they stay in their
own home.
Community Monitoring provides 24/7
in-home and community monitoring in
Butler and Venango counties for adjudicated,
delinquent and dependent youth ages 11 to 21
and adults, at risk for committing additional
High Fidelity Wraparound is a collaborative
partnership between MHY, Crawford County and
Venango County Human Services. The program
targets youth with behavioral challenges and
brings together youth, family, MHY, community
and natural supports to develop and implement
a plan for increasing supports to prevent out-ofhome placement and/or hospitalization.
With the generous
support of corporate
and individual
donors many of our
young community
services clients are
given opportunities
to expand interests
and experiences. For
four summers, Dutilh
Methodist Church has
devoted resources
to sending MHY
youth to camp. The
camping experience
undoubtedly created
memories that
continue to live,
long after the end
of summer.
Independent Living Services is designed for adjudicated or delinquent
youth 16 and older. Individuals gain the knowledge required to live healthy,
independent adult lives. Training focuses on developing skills in areas such
as managing money, locating affordable housing, accessing health care and
completing education.
Multisystemic Therapy is an evidence-based, intensive family and communitybased treatment program that focuses on juvenile offenders – their homes and
families, schools and teachers, neighborhoods and friends. The program is
designed to serve dependent and delinquent youth who are at-risk for out-ofhome placement.
MHY Family Services and Mars Home for Youth Foundation
Meet Christele:
Christele, mom, and children Taylor (18), Jonathon (17), Wezley (16), and
Zachary (14), living in Venango County
In a very short period of time, my brother died, my mother died, and I was
diagnosed with cancer, diabetes and depression. My kids acted out – skipping
school, drinking and doing drugs.
I had four different services coming into my home. It’s hard to have people
in your home when you’re not perfect. They look down on you. None of the
services worked – they all wanted to take my kids from me. For eight months
I cried out for help. Then the school suggested MHY’s High Fidelity (Hi-Fi)
Wraparound Services program.
The Hi Fi staff showed us how to make changes. They didn’t do it for us. They
got the kids involved in decision making about the changes we needed to make.
It was all about the kids, and they liked that. They liked having input into the
solutions. And the staff taught me to think about their point of view.
The kids came up with a contest for getting chores done. Every night we sit
around a table and have dinner together. One day a week, each of them gets to
pick what we’ll have and they help me make it. It’s great one-on-one time.
And every dinner begins with prayer – they have someone different they want to
pray for every night.
I used to cry myself to sleep; it was so overwhelming. Now, I have a whole
different life. They’re different kids. They haven’t missed one day of school, they
made the honor roll, and Taylor is doing double the work so she can graduate
on time. I’m proud of my kids and I’m happy for myself. HiFi has been a
blessing to me.
Annual Report
“My therapist
helped with
coping skills and
how to deal with
my grief.”
­— MHY Youth
MHY Family Services and Mars Home for Youth Foundation
MHY is passionate
about introducing
new experiences
for the youth in
residential services.
This year, through our
team of volunteers
and donors, our
youth have engaged
in yoga classes,
gardening, art
lessons, jewelrymaking, kite flying,
building birdhouses
and so much more.
Youth in the MHY
Gilfilian Cottage
participated in a
fishing tournament
this summer with
the support of
a donor. Much to
their surprise,
each boy was
given their own
fishing rod and
tackle box.
MHY offers a continuum of three specialized
residential programs, each addressing the unique
behavioral health and trauma-based needs for
boys and girls between the ages of 9-18. Through
a highly skilled work force, youth receive intensive
mental and behavioral health services to improve
behavioral and emotional issues and remove the
barriers that prevent youth from succeeding in
home, school and community settings.
Our trauma informed residential programs use
creative approaches to build self-esteem, problem
solving, and life skills while helping youth to work
through issues and manage behavioral health
symptoms. Each youth is supported by a multidisciplinary team of professionals and family
members, to guide care throughout the program
and provide thoughtful preparation for the future.
“MHY Family
Services made
me realize I am
important and
need to take care
of myself.”
­— MHY Youth
Annual Report
MHY donors who
support Longmore
Academy see
tangible results of
their investment.
During the 20142015 school year,
Longmore students
improved their math
scores by an average
of 1.3 grade levels
and their reading
scores by an average
1.7 grade levels.
Longmore Academy, located on the main MHY
campus in Mars, PA, provides quality and
individualized education for at-risk youth. Most
MHY residents and students from surrounding
public school districts benefit from a structured,
supportive learning environment that is responsive
to behavioral and emotional factors that impede
students’ academic success. The curriculum
incorporates traditional core subjects with electives
such as art, current events and character education.
Remedial interventions, including Title I Math
and Reading, tutoring and special education, are
provided to address academic deficiencies.
“I’m a better person
than what I used to be.
The staff here helped me
cope with some things.
I’m able to deal better
with anger, to go out there
and do more service and
feel more comfortable
with it.”
­— Ray
MHY Family Services and Mars Home for Youth Foundation
October 1, 2013 – June 30, 2015
The life-changing work of MHY Family Services is not possible without the
support of generous donors, like you. It is your support that reminds our young
people that they can still do anything. It is your belief in them that enables all of
us to believe in possibilities.
Sanctuary Donors
Ms. Laurie Adams
Mrs. Cynthia Bracken
Emerson Process
Estate of Marjorie J.
Estate of Martha Lockhart
Estate of R.A. Wilkinson
Dr. LaDonna Fuge Scheetz
Highmark Blue Cross/Blue
Kerrish Family Trust
Mars Area Soccer Club
Morgan Stanley Global
Impact Funding Trust,
Morgan Stanley Smith
Barney, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Olsen
PNC Charitable Trusts
Rex Energy Operating
Rich-Mar Rotary Club
Schwab Charitable Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Ron and Cindy
Hope Donors
American Eagle
Best Insurance Agency Inc.
Blaufeld Schiller &
Holmes, LLP
College Hill Presbyterian
Mr. Douglas Comley
Mrs. Jill DeStefano Smelko
& Mr. John J. Smelko
Douglas Insurance
EQT Corporation
F.O.F. Golf Association
FBC Chemical Corporation
Toni Felice, Ph.D & Dr.
Edward M. Kendjelic
Mr. & Mrs. Cy and Jane Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Gilson
Glade Run United
Presbyterian Church
Groundwater &
Environmental Services
Inc. (GES)
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel
Harbison, III
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hays
Hill United Presbyterian
Ms. Annette Hillman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A.
John and Jean Utz
Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and
Selina Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth
Mr. Allen Kline
Kozik Bros., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James
Mr. & Mrs. Ted
Mr. A.J. Maloney
Mars National Bank
Mars United
Presbyterian Church
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Ms. Sandra Miller
Mitsubishi Electric Power
Products, Inc.
Ms. Joanna Papada
Pittsburgh Christian
Hockey Camp
Women of Third
Saxonburg Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. Walt and
Pamela Schiller
Sixth Presbyterian Church
of Pittsburgh
Ms. Mary Lou Spory
Ms. Margaret Stanley
The Circle of Friends
United Way of Allegheny
County Workplace
United Way of Butler
County Workplace
United Way of Monongalia
& Preston Counties, Inc.
Workplace Campaign
Wardle Family Foundation
en O
First Presbyterian Church
– Bakerstown
Grace Community Church
NexTier Bank
Ohio United Presbyterian
Perry Highway Lutheran
Mr. Joseph Piccirilli
Rex Energy
Mr.& Mrs. Anthony and
Donna Ryzinski
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory and
Lisa Schiller
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald
Tom Henry Chevrolet
West Sunbury United
Presbyterian Church
Mr. Corey Wirtz
Healing Donors
Close to 1,700 donors
financially supported
Mars Home for Youth
Foundation, which
directly impacted
MHY Family Services
programs, facilities
and youth care.*
e 30
, 2015
Sanctuary Donors...................................................................... $5,000+
Hope Donors............................................................... $2,500 to $4,999
Healing Donors........................................................... $1,000 to $2,499
Commitment Donors......................................................... $500 to $999
Friendship Donors............................................................. $250 to $499
Support Donors..................................................................... up to $249
Annual Report
Commitment Donors
en O
Parkwood United
Presbyterian Church
Bull Creek United
Purvis Brothers, Inc.
Presbyterian Church
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Reese
Women’s Association
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and
Ms. Violet Campbell
Katharine RobinsonMrs. Dolores Click
TK Dimond Climate
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Sauer
Scholarship America
Cohen & Grigsby, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J.
Cranberry Rotary Sunrise
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip H. Smith
Crestview Community
Mr. Richard Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Snyder
Ms. Judith Danielson
St. Luke Lutheran Church
Ms. Lois Davie
and School
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J.
Mr. & Mrs. David Turner
Dr. James Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Voytovich
Mr. Maurice Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Cameron
EverGreen Facility Services
Mr. & Mrs. Peter WattPharmaceuticals, Inc.
First Presbyterian Church
Westinghouse Electric
– East Brady
First Presbyterian Church
White Oak Springs
– Murrysville
Presbyterian Church
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Grada
Mrs. Pam E. Wigley
Harsco Metals & Minerals
Youth Elite Soccer, LLC
Ms. Linda HollisterCrocker
Hope Evangelical Lutheran
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hoyle
Dr. Kenneth Judson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark King
More than
Mr. & Mrs. Edward
900 donors provided
Mr. Paul Lieber
in-kind donations,
Mr. Timothy
including clothing,
W. McGuire &
shoes, bedding,
Ms. Donna
toiletries, gift cards,
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis
recreational items and
much more.*
Metz Culinary
Northmont United
30, 2
Presbyterian Church
Old Union United
Presbyterian Church
PNC Foundation Matching
Gift Program
Mr. Joseph Pajer
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Paracca
Friendship Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Balash
Mr. Eric Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Bernacki, III
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Blum
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Broad
Bronder Technical
Mr. Michael Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Lukas
Clara Henderson
Missionary Society
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cratty
Mr. & Ms. Nick DeMartini
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Douglas
Mr. John Ellis
Mr. James Faller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ferree
First Presbyterian Church
– Elizabeth
Ms. Leslie Fleischner
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Flesher
Gap, Inc.
Generoasta Coffee
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Giovannelli
Mr. Sam Gonzalez
H.P. Starr Lumber Co., LLC
Mr. Eric K. Falk & Ms.
Barbara Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B.
Jamestown Presbyterian
Dr. Matthew Keener
Lope, Casker & Casker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
McCutcheon Enterprises
MHY Family Services and Mars Home for Youth Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Mignogna
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mott
Dr. & Mrs. Robert F.
Mr. Craig Nunamaker
Dr. James O’Keefe
Mr. Phillip Oliveri
Mr. David Pasquini
Ms. Karen Pool
Mr. & Ms. Robert Prorok
Mr. & Ms. Doug Raisley
Mr. & Mrs. Nick
Sandy Lake Presbyterian
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sekel
Mrs. Dolores Shanahan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Mr. & Ms. David Shilling
Slate Lick United
Presbyterian Church
Mr. & Mrs. Chris and Amy
Spinneweber Auto Sales
and Service, Inc.
Springfield Grille
Corporate Office
St. Pauls United Methodist
Church Women
Sterling Property, LLC
Taylor Ridge Plan
Mr. & Ms. Victor Thomas
Mr. William Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. John Utz
Mrs. Megan Van Fossan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Vogel
Vogel Disposal Services
Waltman Furniture Co.
Annual Report
Support Donors
Mrs. Lisa Aaron
Ms. Jill Allman
Mr. Timothy Andrew
Mrs. Monica Angoff
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C.
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Austin
Mr. & Mrs. John Austin
Mrs. Barbara Bakken
Mr. & Mrs. William Barth
Ms. Earlene Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. Steven
Bartolac, Jr.
Mrs. Rebecca Bauer
Mr. Robert M. Bayne
Ms. Jacquette Bazemore
Ms. Georgeanne Beck
Mrs. Rebecca Beck
Mr. Ryan Beck
Mr. William Been
Mrs. Pamela Belschner
Ms. Louise Benjamin
Mr. & Mrs. Mark
Beulah United
Presbyterian Church –
Ms. Melissa Ann Bitzer
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Black
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Gina
Mr. & Mrs. J. Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Borland, II
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Bowser
Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P.
Mr. George Brakeley
Mr. Lyle Bramson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Breck
Mrs. Jodi Brennan
Bridgewater Presbyterian
Ms. Florence Bronder
Mr. & Ms. Andrew Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W.
Ms. Cindi Brunsell
Ms. Kimberly Brunsell
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Buchanan
Mr. Mark Buchek
Mr. James Budzilek
Ms. Dorothy Burk
Mrs. January Bush
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Byrne
Ms. Rosemarie Caldwell
Sponsor a laptop,
a new couch, a bed
or an art class.
Ms. Janine Callen
Calvin United Presbyterian
Church – Scottdale
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander R.
Mrs. Dorothy Campbell
Mr. Ron Campbell
Mrs. Kim Castelnovo
Mrs. Christine Castora
Mr. Glen Chaffee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Ms. Johnna Chicots
Ms. Diane Cimini
Mr. James Clark
Clearview Federal Credit
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P.
Mrs. Tori Codd
Ms. Hilda Colflesh
Concord Presbyterian
Church – WA
Mrs. Michelle Conley
Ms. Sara Coon
Mr. Shawn Cortner
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Covert
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew
Ms. Ann Crogs
Crossroads Presbyterian
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Ms. Caterina Cuzzocrea
Mrs. Wilfred Daehnick
Ms. Evelyn Darcy
Mr. Douglas Davidson
Ms. Katherine Davin-Flynn
Mrs. Karen Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M.
Mr. John Delaney
Mr. Christopher Derouin
Mr. Joseph Dietz
Mr. Arthur Perkins & Dr.
Yolanda Dingess
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Dollhopf
Ms. Patricia Dombroski
Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Ginger
Mr. Patrick Dugan
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Eckard
Mrs. Reuben Emerson
Encotech, Inc.
Rev. & Mrs. Nathan Esser
Mrs. Heather Evanko
Support Donors
Faith United Presbyterian
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Feevey
Mr. & Mrs. John Feraco
Mr. & Mrs. William
Ms. Janet Fesq
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fetter
Mrs. Susan Finegan
First Commonwealth Bank
First Presbyterian Church
– Clairton
First Presbyterian Church
– Freedom
First United Presbyterian
Church – Tarentum
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Fischer
Ms. Amy Flanders
Mr. Richard Flinn
Mrs. Sally Folger Thomas
Ms. Louise Ford
Mr. Hugh Forsyth
Four Points by Sheraton
Mr. & Ms. Thomas L.
Mrs. Diane Fregosi
Ms. Lauren Froelich
Mr. Raymond Furman
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Ms. Michelle Garrison
Rev. & Mrs. James
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gerhart
Ms. Yvonne Geruschat
Mrs. Jocelyn Gerwig
Ms. Mary Godfrey
Mrs. Martha Goetz
Mrs. Leah Golebiewski
Mr. Ryan Good
Mrs. Eileen Grande
Ms. Jeannie Granger
Ms. Marie Haller
Hampton Inn Pittsburgh/
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hanley
Ms. Abigail Hardt
Ms. Linda Harger
Mr. Robert Heaton
Mr. Clayton Heberling
Hebron United
Presbyterian Church
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy J.
Heritage Presbyterian
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Herleman
Mr. & Mrs. John Herp, Jr.
Mr. Paul Holcomb
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth
Mrs. Lisa HollingsworthSegedy & Mr. James
Mrs. Walter Holmes
Mr. Timothy Holt
Ms. Pamela Howryla
Mr. Steve Hruska
Mr. & Mrs. Zack Hubbard
Ms. Nancy Huggins
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Irwin
JDM, Inc. – Little House
Learning Center
JJV, LLC – Nzone Sports of
Jefferson Center United
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Maxine Jenkins
Ms. Judith Jerry
Mr. Gilbert Jobe
Mrs. Karen Johanknecht
Johnson Auction Service,
Mrs. Michelle Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A.
Mrs. Christina Kapolka
Ms. Dianna Karg
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E.
Kehm, Sr.
Ms. Susan Keiller
Mr. & Mrs. Steven
Mr. & Mrs. Edward and
Barb Kennedy
Mrs. Kimberly Kinneer
Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Kish
Dr. Teresa Kissinger
Mrs. Edith Klebacha
Mr. Lambertus Klei
Ms. Elsie Knappenberger
Mr. & Mrs. James Kopp
Mr. & Mrs. A. Frederick
Mr. John Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lauzon
Ms. Lorraine Lederbrink
Mr. & Mrs. James Lees
Mr. & Mrs. Guido Lepore
Liberty Insurance Agency
Mr. & Mrs. Gene P.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G.
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lockette
Mrs. Jane Lutinski
Magee Plastics
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mahon
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Makinak
Mrs. Jennifer Mallin
Mango Bean
Marburger Farm Dairy Inc.
Mars-Bethel Golf
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Marscher
Mr. Robert Marti
Mr. & Mrs. Donald S.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Mathews
Mrs. Maria Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. Glen H. Maus
Mrs. Kristen McAlpine
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Ms. Loretta McElhattan
Mrs. R. McFadden
Ms. Kayla McGrath
Mr. Patrick McGrath
Ms. Virginia McMullan
Ms. Annamary McMullen
Ms. Cynthia McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Mead
Mr. & Mrs. James Mellin
Dr. Nancy Melone & Dr.
Tim W. McGuire
Ms. Mary Merkt
Mrs. Diann Metal
Mr. Matthew Metheney
Ms. Donna Meyers
Ms. Anne Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Minner
Mr. & Mrs. William Moisey
Mon-D-Aid & Cleanit Co.
Mrs. Caroline Montgomery
Ms. Kathy Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. David Morgan
Ms. Dolores Motz
Mt. Nebo United
Presbyterian Church –
Mr. Kevin Muchnok
Mr. Charles Muller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Mr. Kenneth Murphy
Mrs. Diane Murray
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A.
Nassif, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nelson
Ms. Mary Nesbitt
Mrs. Samuel Newbury
Mr. & Mrs. Roger
Ms. Rhea Nicotra
Mr. Jeffrey Niklaus
Mr. & Mrs. James Noland
North Star Motors
MHY Family Services and Mars Home for Youth Foundation
Consider MHY Family Services to direct your
volunteer hours.
Northmont Brotherhood
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Norton
Mr. William Oles
Mr. John Olmsted III
Mrs. & Mrs. Mary Olney
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Orosz
Ms. Cecilia Ottenweller
Mr. Todd Owens
Park United Presbyterian
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J.
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Pecoraro
Mr. & Mrs. John Petricko
Ms. Brenda Petrilena
Ms. Donna Piccirilli
Mrs. Beryl Piper
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Poole,
Precious People Childcare,
Premier Power Solutions,
Mrs. Angela Price
Mr. Richard Pro
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Prokay
Pulaski Presbyterian
Raisley Home
Dr. & Mrs. N. Ramakrishna
Mr. & Mrs. George
Rapsinski, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L.
Ms. Vivian Reed
Mr. Mike Reese
Rehoboth Presbyterian
Ms. Ellen Reynolds
Mrs. Nancy Rinehart
Mr. & Mrs. David Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. John M.
Robinson Fans
Mr. Arthur Roppo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Ms. Tina Rufer
Mrs. Christina Rupp
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Santillo
Ms. Mary Sawyer
Mr. Richard Schinagl
Mrs. Amy Schmeider
Mrs. Anna Schmidt
Mr. Mark Schoen
Mr. Chuck Schramm
Annual Report
Sebring Presbyterian
Mrs. Donna Shaffer Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Shane
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond
Ms. Robin Shoup
T. Sickles & Sandy Mencini
Mr. Martine Sigouin
Mr. James Sinicki
Ms. Mary Slowik
Mr. & Mrs. David Smarrelli
Mr. & Mrs. John Edward
Mr. Richard Spear
Speckled Hen Chocolate
St. John Lutheran Church
St. Peters Lutheran Church
St. Thomas Church in the
Mrs. Dolores Staley
Ms. Judith Steenson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Sterling
Ms. Dina Stipetic
Ms. June Stirling
Ms. Margaret Stouffer
Mrs. Lisa Sunderland
Supremo’s Pizza
Ms. Jill Swaney
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Swank
Mrs. Amy Tacik
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Ms. Donna Taverni
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Taylor
Mrs. Carole Timblin
Trinity Presbyterian
Mrs. Ruth Tully
Mrs. Kris Uher
United Presbyterian
United Way of the Greater
Triangle Workplace
Unity United Presbyterian
Church – WA
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Urmson
Mr. & Mrs. George Valko
Mr. Bill Van Fossan
Mr. Dom Viletto
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M.
Mr. & Mrs. George Wargo
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Warren
Ms. Molly Wawrzynski
Mrs. Ellen Weber
Ms. Katherine Weber
Ms. Patricia Weber
Ms. Deborah Weis
Ms. Janet Welsh
Westminster Church of
Evans City
Rev. & Mrs. Gary Weston
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Wheland
Mr. Dawson White
Mr. & Mrs. John Wills
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Wilson
Ms. Tina Wilson
Mrs. Adrienne Winstead
Ms. Deborah Wojtalik
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wolf
Mr. Charles Wynn
Dr. Mary Zervos
Mr. Christopher Zona
Mr. Douglas S. Decker &
Mrs. Laura Zymboly
Gifts of Support
(in-kind donations)
AAFES Military
Ms. Bev Abate
Ms. Chelsea Acock
Mr. David Agosti
Mr. Paul Aiello
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Albright
Ms. Olivia Alexander
Allegent Community FCU
Allegeny Settlement Co.
Allegheny Health Network
Allegheny Presbyterian
Ms. Betty Allison
Allison Park Church
Mrs. Keightley Amen
American Heritage Girl
Scout Troop #2551
American Red Cross
Mrs. Heather Lee AmosYeo
Mr. Harry Amsler
Mr. Nick Andy
The Andy Warhol Museum
Angel’s Run Stables
Mr. Kevin Anglemyir
Animal Friends
Mrs. Nagappan
Mrs. Pam Asfahani
Mr. Evens Augustin
Auto Palace
Ms. Jennifer Avolio
Mr. Alan Bachmann
The Bair Foundation
Ms. Yvonne Balouris
Baltimore Life Companies
Mr. Shawn Barg
Ms. Dana Barkley
Mr. Brett Baumgardner
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bayer
Mr. & Ms. Rob Beasley
Beaver Valley Piecemakers
Quilt Guild
Ms. Lauri Becker
Ms. Madeline Becker
Mrs. Darcy Beckett
Mr. Ben Becze
Mr. Jake Bernett
Share our mission
with a friend.
Ms. Judith Bernhood
Ms. Ann Best
Mr. Greg Betant
Mr. Joel Betts
Mr. Sean Beverley
Ms. Rhonda Bezaire
Mrs. Janet Biery
Ms. Bobbie Binnie
Mr. Randy Black
Mr. Austin Blauser
Mrs. Deanna Blincow
Bob Warren Boat Sales
Mr. Aaron Borchert
Ms. Kathy Bourque
Bradford Woods
Elementary School
Ms. Holly Branch
Ms. Chris Brennan
Mr. Steve Brewer
Ms. Judy Brice
Mr. Garrett Bromley
Mr. Robert Brown
The Brown Family
Ms. Marcie Burket
Ms. Kristine Burns
Mrs. Jane Buss
Butler City Police
Butler County Community
Butler County Library
Mr. & Mrs. David
Ms. Mindy Cable
Mr. Paul Camacho
Ms. Lydia Campbell
Dr. L.B. Caplin
Caps for Kids
Mr. & Mrs. William S.
Carnegie Museums of
Carnegie Science Center
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Mrs. Sherry Cashdollar
Mr. Christopher Caton
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Catt
Mr. Greg Cercone
Mr. Colin Champ
Mrs. Jessica Charlton
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Check
Ms. Dawn Check
Mr. Dick Cherry
Mr. Simon Cheung
Children’s Museum of
Mr. Ryan Chung
Mr. Zach Chwatek
Mr. Gokhan Cinar
Citizens Bank
Mr. Charles Clark
Ms. Carolyn Claus
Ms. Krystal Clay
Clearview Federal Credit
Ms. Sharon Cohen
Mr. Bruce Conley
Mr. Ryan Conover
Conway United
Presbyterian Church
Ms. Heidi Cook
Mr. Howard Cope
Costco, Cranberry Twp.
Ms. Lorry Cowan
Cranberry Community
United Presbyterian
Cranberry Girl Scouts
Cranberry Highlands Golf
Cranberry Township
Rotary Club
Cub Scout Pack 413
Ms. Daneen Culpepper
Ms. Sarah Cunningham
Mrs. Barb Dakan
Dave’s Country Meats
Mrs. Keisha Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. George
Mr. Robert DeLucia
Mrs. Ann Marie DePretis
Mr. Frank DeVenecia
Mr. Jeff DeWalt
Mr. Evan Deddo
Mr. Brian Delaney
The Delos Family
Mr. Jim Dempsey
Ms. Patricia Denniston
Devine Dezynes
Ms. Michele Dietz
Mr. Brian Dillemuth
Dollar Energy
Double Wide Grill
Mr. Nicholas Druga
Mr. Zack Duda
Mrs. Malesia Dunn
Dutilh United Methodist
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dziewisz
East Union Presbyterian
Eat’n Park Hospitality
Group, Inc.
Ms. Christy Ecsedy-Blair
Eden Christian Academy
MHY Family Services and Mars Home for Youth Foundation
Mr. Reid Elattrache
Mrs. Stephanie Elder
Mrs. Kathlyn Ellis
Ms. Jaclyn Enderle
Mr. Michael Endler
Ms. Alexis England
Mrs. Karen Erdahl
Mr. Anthony Esposito
Ms. Christian Etzi
Evans City Middle School
The Bossola Family
Mr. Jason Farmakis
Ms. Rebecca Farmakis
Farmer’s National Bank
Mr. Joseph Fazio
FedEx Ground
Ms. Heather Fedak
The Feger Family
Mr. Chris Felton
Ms. Cathie Ferrence
Ms. Missy Fierst
Ms. Carol Fiffas
First United Presbyterian
Church of Rennerdale
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Fizer
Mr. Corbin Flak
Mr. Rob Flynn
Ms. Catherine Fodor
Ford Business Machines
Ms. Kim Fost
Dr. Susan Frantz
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Fredericks
Freedom Farms
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Frerotte
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Friel
Mrs. Suzanne Froehlich
Ms. Emily Froney
Attorney LeeAnn Fulena
Fun Fore All
Mr. Roderick Funk
Mrs. Michele Galioto
Mrs. Catherine Gallagher
Mrs. Kristina Gantner
Mr. & Mrs. James Garrity
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Garrow
Mr. Brandon Gazzanigo
Giant Eagle Market
District, Wexford
Gifted Hands
The Gilson Family
Girl Scout Troop #20151
Girl Scout Troop #21902
Girl Scout Troop #50048
Girl Scout Troop #51496
Girl Scout Troop Trefoil
Annual Report
Ms. Anna Godlewski
Mrs. Polly Goettler
The Golden Apple
Mrs. Tanya Gore-White
Ms. Debbie Gras
Mrs. Priscilla Green
Mr. Cole Greer
Greeting Gallery
Ms. Katy Gresh
Mr. Amit Grover
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gruber
The Gruber Family
Mr. & Mrs. Mario
Anil Gupta
Mr. Shruti Gupta
Ms. Vanessa Gurpilhares
Mr. Colin Gwin
Ms. Amanda Hagan
Mr. & Mrs. John Hagan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hagen
Hair Symmetry
Mr. Michael Hall
Ms. Dianne Hamerly
Mr. Bob Hamilton
Mr. Vladimir Hanczar
Mr. Bryan Hanna
Mr. Bryan Harchuck
Mr. Randy Harper
Mr. Brad Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hartman
Ms. Allyson Hayes
Mrs. Ellie Hebb
Ms. Julie Heins
Ms. Mitzi Hemstreet
Ms. Evelyn Hendershot
Ms. Bonnie Herp
Mr. Dwight Herron
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Herzer
Hi on Hats
Mrs. Allison Hickenboth
Highmark Caring Place
Ms. Marjorie Hobaugh
Ms. Taylor Hockenberry
Holy Sepulcher Church
Holy Trinity Greek
Orthodox Church
Ms. Lydia Horvath
Mrs. Michelle Hosack
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan
Ms. Julie Hudak
Mr. Bob Hulings
Ms. Kathleen Hunt
Ms. Stephanie Hunter
Mr. Fred Hyde
IOF Foresters
Ice Box Creamery & Cafe
Ms. Kate Ihlenfeld
In 2014,
400 donors provided
holiday support for
youth and families
served through
residential services.
Ms. Caitlin Ionadi
Irene Stacy Community
Mental Health Center
Mrs. Cinda Isler
Mrs. Lynn Ismail
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and
Kim Jackson
Ms. Patricia Jackson
Mrs. Stephanie Jardine
Mr. Craig Jenkins
Jewelry By Alex
Mr. & Mrs. Don Jones
Ms. Janine Jones
Mr. Kevin Jones
Ms. Montana Jones
Mr. Josh Kahle
Mr. Steve Kalla
Mr. Alex Kamenski
Mrs. Kathi Kandracs
Miss Emma Kapoor
Mrs. Laurie Kapoor
Ms. Carolyn Karl
Ms. Beth Karos
Mr. Martin Kato
Mr. Kevin Kearney
Mrs. Rosemary Keasey
Ms. Maddy Kelly
Mr. Mike Kelly
Ms. Tara Kelly
Ms. Sarah Kelosky
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kemp
Mrs. Jeanette Kent
Mrs. Una Kilberg
Mrs. Laura King
Ms. Connie Kinghorn
Kinstaria’s Dance and
Mr. Edward Kitson
Kiwanis Club of Mars
Knichel Logistics
Knights of Columbus
Mr. Brendan Knox
Knox United Presbyterian
Kenneth Koenig
Ms. Michele Konyha
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kooser
Mrs. Saundra Kosar
Mr. Nicko Koutavas
Gifts of Support
Mr. Daniel Kraemer
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Kremmel
The Krepins Family
Mr. David Krudwig
Mrs. Debbie Kubiak
L.J. Marks Jewelers
Mr. Jay LaMond
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew
Mrs. Megan Labrecque
Mr. Mark Lamison
Mr. Dan Landoni
Mr. Doug Lang
Mrs. Kim Larsh
Ms. Lorraine Laster
Laurie’s Hallmark
The Law Family
Mr. Jamaur Law
Mrs. Kristine LeFebvre
Mr. Kevin Lee
Ms. Lorraine Lee
Mrs. Enid Leeds
Mr. Stephen Leonard
Ms. Suzanne Leonberg
Ms. Leslie Leonetti
Mrs. Michelle Leta
Mr. Jim Leydig
Mr. Mike Lin
Mr. James Lincoln
Mr. John Linko
Mrs. Audrey Lipke
Mr. Michael Litvak
Mr. Anthony Lombard
Ms. Tiffany Lorenzini
Ms. Cheryl Loutsenhizer
Ms. Donna Love
Mrs. Barbara Lubejko
Ms. Autumn Lucas
Ms. Susan Lucot
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Lugo
Ms. Cindy Lutz
Mr. Tim Lutz
Ms. Norma Lyle
Mr. John Lynch
MOMS Club of Gibsonia/
Ms. Beth Machine
Mr. Bryan Mack
Ms. Katarina Maggs
Ms. Kelley Mahoney
Ms. Laura Mahood
Malec, Herring & Krause
The Malkowski Family
Mr. Rich Maloney
Mr. Brendan Mannella
Mrs. Cristina Marinucci
Mrs. Martha Markivich
Ms. Cindy Maro
Ms. Ines Marques
Marriott Pittsburgh North
at Cranberry Woods
Mars Agway
Mars Area Girl Scouts
Mars Area High School
Mars Area Middle School
Mars Area School District
Administrative Offices
Mars Pizza
Mars Stars Jump Rope
Ms. Emmy Marshall
Mr. Bill Martin
Mr. Brent Martin
Mr. David Martin
The Martin Family
Mr. George Massie
Mr. Gary Matis
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Matusek
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P.
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Maust
Ms. Maureen May
Mr. Jessee Mayfield
Ms. Megan McCarthy
Ms. Diana McCauley
Mrs. Linda McCleary
Brad McCoy
Mr. Jeff McGill
Ms. LuAnn McGuire
The McKinney Family
Ms. Melissa McKrell
Ms. Joyce McLellan
Mr. Mike McLellan
Mr. Colby Mcllvaine
Ms. Beth Meahl
Ms. Jane Meltzer
Mr. Bryan Miller
Ms. Lisa Miller
Mr. Adam Mills
Ms. Joyce Mills
Ms. Diane Minard
Moe’s Southwest Grill,
Cranberry Twp.
Mojo Running &
Mrs. Mary Monahan
Ms. Susan Moniot
Mr. Jason Monyok
Ms. Christine Moon
Ms. Jessica Moore
Ms. Taylor Moore
Mrs. Lynn Moran
Morella & Associates
Ms. Kerri Moriarty
Mt. Chestnut Senior
Ms. Kelly Mullen
Ms. Mary Ann Muska
Mr. Joseph Mycka
Ms. Nancy Nahi
Ms. Caitlin Nance
Nativity Lutheran
Mrs. Brenda Navolio
Ms. Cynthia Neely
Mr. Alex Negrini
Ms. Barbara Negrini
Ms. Erica Negrini
Ms. Holly Nesbitt
New Bethlehem United
Presbyterian Church
New Community Church
Mrs. Carol Ney
Miss Corthina Nichols
Mr. Benny Nicklas
Mrs. Barb Nielsen
The Noir Family
North Hills Ebony Women,
Northmont Presbyterian
Northwood Realty, Mars
Mr. Josh Novak
Ms. Natalie Novak
OSIRIS Wellness and Day
Ohio Township Police
Department Canine
Old Navy – Ross Park Mall
Old Navy – The Streets of
Ms. Eve Olejar
Mr. Federico Olivares
Omega Federal Credit
Oncology Nursing Society
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Onufer
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Orr
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Orr
PNC Education Loan
Mr. Winthrop Palmer
Ms. Sue Pappas
Mr. Todd Pastor
Donors made it
possible for MHY
youth to engage in
and develop skills in
athletics, art, yoga
and more.
MHY Family Services and Mars Home for Youth Foundation
Consider MHY Family Services for your
United Way Giving Contributions — Allegheny #465,
Butler #6046.
Mrs. Kara Patrick
Mrs. Barb Patterson
Mr. David Patterson
Ms. Lois Patton
Mrs. Gynisha Peeks
The Penska Family
Mrs. Stephanie Peret
Mr. Christopher Petricko
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Pfeiffer Hardware
Philly Pretzel Factory
Mr. Sean Pieszak
Mr. Todd Pifer
Ms. Ashley Pile
Ms. Marion Piotiowski
Pittsburgh Cars ‘N’ Coffee
The Pittsburgh Glass
Pittsburgh Magazine
Pittsburgh North Regional
Pittsburgh Penguins
Pittsburgh Steelers
Pittsburgh Zoo &
Planet Mart
Mrs. Emily Pollak
Ms. Riley Polley
Mr. Steven Polyack
Mr. Jason Posey
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Powell
Mr. Roy Powell
Prestige Auto Armor
Ms. Tanya Pretola
Mrs. Debbie Price
Mr. Adam Primi
Project Linus
Puckety Presbyterian
Quality Emergency
Medical Services
Quality Gardens
Ms. Britley Raabe
Mr. Kiran Rajasenan
Mrs. Jill Rangos
Mrs. Linda Sue Rankin
Ms. Sue Read
Ms. Rachel Rebel
Mr. Aaron Rectenwald
Ms. Irina Redford
Mrs. Amy Redilla
Mrs. Janel Reedy
Mr. Thomas Reep
Regional Learning Alliance
Relax the Back
Mr. Ed Rice
Ms. Darah Richardson
Ms. Lydia Richardson
Annual Report
Ms. Hannah Richter
Right Direction Real Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Rory Rightmyer
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Rite Aid, Mars
Ms. Stephanie Ritter
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ritz
Mr. Ray Roccon
Ms. Ivy Rodgers
Ms. Jackie Rodu
Ms. Jan Rogers
Ms. Kristen Rogers
Ms. Cheryl Rosato
Mr. Michael Rosemeyer
Mr. & Mrs. James Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Rouda
Mr. Lowell Rowley
Ms. Stephanie Rozman
Mr. Gary Russell
Ms. Karen Sabol
Salon Vivace
Mr. & Mrs. Chester
Mrs. Jessica Sandherr
Ms. Barb Sappie
Mrs. Jane Sarandou
Mr. Clete Scalo
Mr. Aaron Schaeffer
Mrs. Diane Scheuring
Ms. Janice Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Mr. & Ms. George Schoedel
Ms. Lois Schoewe
Ms. Penny Schroth
Ms. Holly Schwab
Mr. Will Seader
Mr. Ray Senko
Sewickley Valley YMCA
Ms. Susan Shamey
Ms. Sue Shedio
Sheetz, Cranberry Twp.
Mr. Andy Sheih
Ms. Dorothy Shemela
Mr. & Mrs. Troy Shullick
Mr. & Mrs. Harry D.
Ms. Laura Sigurdsson
Ms. Jennifer Sikora
The Silvester Family
Mr. Ian Simms
Ms. Mary Simon
Ms. Constance Simpson
Mr. Doug Sliker
The Sloan Family
Mr. Wesley Sluss
Ms. Cecelia Smelko
Ms. Brittany Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Smith
Ms. Dawna Snyder
Ms. Lynnette Snyder
Soergel Orchards
The Spallek Family
St. Andrew’s United
Presbyterian Church
St. Ferdinand’s Parish
St. John & Paul Catholic
St. Richard Church
Ms. Cheryl Stadnik
Carla Stanford
Mr. Chris Stanford
Mrs. Diana Steines
Mr. & Mrs. JP Stephan
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Stephens
The Straub Family
Mr. & Mrs. David Studt
Subway, Cranberry Twp.
Swann Inc.
Mr. Jeff Swartz
Ms. Theresa Swartz
Mr. & Mrs. Butch Sweedar
Mr. Carson Tanda
Target, Cranberry Twp.
Mr. Brian Taylor
Mr. Dennis Terzich
Mr. Collin Thomas
Three Rivers Paintball
Together We Rise
Mr. Jason Tomsic
Mr. Bill Tony
Ms. Lois Trimbur
Mrs. Michelle Troia Hogan
Mr. Matthew Trosan
Mrs. Linda Troy
Ms. Elizabeth Tuell
Dr. & Mrs. Dan Turo
Ms. Lindsey Ulizio
Ms. Betty Ulrich
Uncle Joe’s Scuba
Mr. Dehlen Urban
Mrs. Heather Venderlic
The Vinton Family
Mr. Vince Viviano
Mr. John Voelzke
Ms. Debbie Vogel
Mrs. Diane Vular
Women’s Business
Network (WBN) – Seven
Fields Chapter
Mrs. Allyson Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth
Ms. Kristin Wagner
Mr. Robert Wahl
Mr. John Walczak
Gifts of Support
Ms. Hattie Wallace
Walmart #01-1770
Mr. David Walnoha
Ms. Kristin Walsh
Mr. Mark Walsh
Mr. Yu Wang
Mr. Harry Wargo
Ms. E. Wasko
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Watson
Mr. Rich Watson
Mr. & Mrs. John Watson
Ms. Angela Weaver
Mrs. Melissa Wells
Ms. Lisa Welsh
Wendy’s, Wexford
Ms. Nicole Werner
Mr. Ron Werth
Wexford Community
United Presbyterian
Wexford Health & Wellness
Mrs. Leslie Whipple
Ms. Shirley Whittlinger
Mr. David Wiggins
Ms. Karen Wilber
Ms. Cameron Williams
Mrs. Kim Williams
Williams Printing
The Wilson Family
Mr. Anthony Wincko
Ms. Renetta Winkler
Ms. Nicole Winters
Mr. C.J. Wise
Mr. John Wisniewski
Mrs. Carrie Witter
Womens’ Club of Mars
Mrs. Agnes Wong
Ms. Susan Woodward
Mrs. Linda Worrall
Ms. J. Wotus
Ms. Anna Wrask
Mr. Michael Yeager
Ms. Crystal Yost
Mrs. Abigayle Ytterberg
Dr. George Zambelli
Mr. John Zaphyr
Ms. Erin Zinkham
Ms. Susan Zitelli
Mr. Michael Zoria
In Memory of…
In Honor of…
Ellen Brakeley
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Lowery
by Jane Fox
Rebecca Wirtz
by Mr. & Mrs. Robert W.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy J.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Mathews,
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Mr. Corey Wirtz,
Mr. John Ellis,
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G.
Gloria Summers
by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Byrne
Claire Fullerton Daehnick
by Jane T. Fox
Sara Harding
by Mr. & Ms. Nick
Mrs. Reuben Emerson
by Jane Fox
Donna and Dean Mead
by Pam and Walt Schiller
Sue and Sam Irwin
by Pam and Walt Schiller
Robert Mainwaring
by Mr. & Mrs. Wallace
Mrs. & Mrs. Mary Olney
by Cy and Jane Fox
Mrs. Sally Folger Thomas
by Cy and Jane Fox
Ms. & Ms. Louise Ford
by Jane Fox
The Horvath Family
by Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A.
by Ms. Patricia Dombroski
Mr. & Mrs. David Roberts
Betty and Walter
by Robert Mainwaring
Reed B. Day
by Cy and Jane Fox
Samuel Newbury
by Jane Fox
Marion Heaton
Help with holiday
celebrations —
organize a gift drive.
by Robert Heaton
Stephen A. Horvath, Jr.
by Liberty Insurance
R. Lee McFadden
by Jane Fox
Margaret Muller
by Cy and Jane Fox
Every effort has been made to accurately reflect gifts received
between 10/1/13 - 6/30/15. Please contact Amy Smith, Director of
Development at 724-625-3141 x228 to address inadvertent omissions
or errors.
MHY Family Services is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. A copy of
the official registration and financial information may be obtained by
calling 800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
MHY Family Services and Mars Home for Youth Foundation
Main Campus and
Longmore Academy
521 Route 228
Mars, PA 16046
Ph: 724-625-3141
F: 724-625-2226
[email protected]
Allegheny County:
820 Evergreen Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15209
Ph: 412-408-3693
F: 412-408-3692
Beaver County:
303 Jackson St.
Rochester, PA 15074
Ph: 724-775-1895
F: 724-477-0096
Butler County:
Clarion, Forest and
Venango Counties:
1243 Liberty St.
Franklin, PA 16323
Ph: 814-437-1246
F: 814-437-1366
Crawford County:
18282 Technology Dr.
Suite 101
Meadville, PA 16335
Ph: 814-437-1246
F: 814-337-8080
220 S. Washington St.
Butler, PA 16001
Ph: 724-256-5037
F: 724-477-0096
Some photos in this annual report are representative
of individuals served by MHY Family Services, not the
actual individuals.
Main Campus and Longmore Academy
521 Route 228 • Mars, PA 16046