May 26, 2013 - St. Bernard`s Church • Levittown NY


May 26, 2013 - St. Bernard`s Church • Levittown NY
A community of Faith
and love
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
May 26, 2013
Praise the Trinity; undivided unity !
We are a Parish Community
of men and women who serve God,
our country and one another.
Inspired by St. Bernard’s love
of God and humanity,
we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by
praying and worshipping together,
educating one another in faith,
providing assistance for those in need,
working for justice in the world, and
welcoming all to the sacramental life of the Church
in the Roman Catholic tradition.
With Faith, Hope, and Love, we dedicate
ourselves to the mission of living and sharing
the Good News of Jesus Christ in the world.
Spiritual Life
Schedule of Masses:
Saturday: 8:00 am and 5:00 pm
Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, (Family Mass), 10:30 am, 12 Noon, 5:30 pm
Weekdays: 8:00 am
Holy Days: see website:
Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 pm. Weekdays: After the 8:00 am Mass
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena and Benediction:
Monday: Check schedule on page 5
731-4220/731-4355 Fax Morning Prayer:
Email: [email protected] Monday through Saturday 8:30 am, Prayer Room. Books are available.
Rev. Msgr. Gerard A. Ringenback, Pastor
Rev. Christopher M. Costigan, Assistant Pastor
Rev. Mr. John Blakeney, Deacon
Rev. Mr. James Flannery, Deacon
Rev. Joy Varkey, Resident
Center for Religious Education & RCIA
Sr. Margaret Sammon, O.P., Director
731-8511/731-7860 Fax
The Religious Center is closed on Fridays.
Parish Social Ministry
Sr. Christine Sammons, O.P., Coordinator
Youth Ministry
Mike Rodgers, Coordinator
[email protected]
or 516-978-8193
Liturgical Music
Mary Jane Witte, Director 731-4220
Adult Faith Formation
Diane Vella, Pastoral Associate
[email protected]
or 731-4220
Rose Marie Rotondo, Sacristan 731-4220
Len Lanzi, Facilities Manager 731-4220
Stefan Jensen, Maintenance Supervisor
Rev. Martin J. Hall
Would you like to join our vibrant community of
Faith, Hope and Love at St. Bernard’s? Sign-up and
get to know us at one of our monthly New Parishioner Registration and Welcome evenings! For
information, call the parish office at 516-731-4220,
or download a form from our website Click on “Join St.
Bernard’s Parish” on the left side of the home
page. form. If you move away, please notify us as
Bulletin Deadline: Friday, 5:00 pm, nine days
prior to publication. You may email us at
[email protected] or leave a
hard copy in the inbox on the bulletin desk in the
Parish Office. Thank you for your cooperation!
Baptism of Children: We welcome infants and children to our Christian
community! Baptisms are held on select Sundays at 1:30 pm. Please
contact the parish at least 3 months before an anticipated baptism –
even before a new child is born – to ensure enough time to complete
the baptism preparation process. Our three-step preparation process
includes: 1) at-home reading and preparation by the parents; 2) an
intake conversation with a member of our parish staff; and 3)
participation with other parents in a Sunday morning gathering, which
begins with attendance at our 9:00 AM “Family-friendly” Mass. Please
call 731-4220 or e-mail [email protected]
to request a Baptism information and preparation packet.
Marriages: Church arrangements should be made at least 6 months
before the marriage and before making any contracts with restaurants
or caterers. Please call the Rectory to set up an appointment with a
priest, 731-4220.
Ministry to the Sick and Aging: If you are, or know of someone
who is
homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion,
please call the rectory at 731-4220.
St. Vincent De Paul Society: 735-3218
clairvaux chronicle
Get rid of it
hose of you who have moved from your
home to a new location probably have
discovered, as I am discovering at this time,
how much stuff you can accumulate from year
to year. I use the term “stuff” rather than other terms that would
not be proper to put into print, but you get my point. I would not
classify myself as a “pack rat,” but I do tend to be a saver and
think more is better than less. Getting rid of books is especially
difficult. A book seems to be something you just don’t throw
away. Then there are the paper files, the old bank statements,
records of all kinds, the little curios, plaques, and assorted gifts
from people whose names you have forgotten, etc, etc. I don’t
even want to think about furniture.
Always remember
those who made the
ultimate sacrifice
for our country.
Happy Memorial Day
As Americans we love stuff. When we have no more room, we
clean out all the stuff only to leave room for more. How many
trips have you made to the clothing bin to leave more space in
your closet for more clothes, We have all varieties of garage sales
and people flock to them to take home the treasure that was
someone else’s trash. Chinese Auctions are notorious for luring
people into taking chances on things they could easily do
without. But we love to have the winning ticket!
Jesus takes a dim view of hoarding and frowns upon filling up
our barns with stuff. He bids us to travel light and to store up
treasure in heaven “where neither moth destroys nor. We have
to admit that he is right. There is a famous story of Queen
Victoria of England who on her death bed called out, “Half my
kingdom for one more breath.” Alas, she died moments later.
Pope Francis has given us a striking example of living simply
and keeping our focus on those who have so little. The words of
the gospel and his call to simplicity are helpful reminders that all
the stuff we have and all the stuff we leave behind means little to
God. He asks only for our hearts, something we can freely give
parish news
Gifts of treasure
Sunday collections
Miraculous Novena will be held after 8:00 am Mass on Monday
Gathers this Saturday, June1st at 8:00
pm in the Church. All are welcome to
attend and spend time in
adoration of
our Lord Jesus Christ
The Catholic Daughters of the
Americas, Court St. Pius will be
selling St. Bernard’s magnets after all
Masses on June 2 and 3.
The Catholic Daughters are one of the
oldest and largest organizations of
women in America, see article on page 10.
Please support the Catholic Daughters by purchasing
one for yourself, your family and friends for $5.00 each.
Transition Team
This June, St. Bernard’s will be saying goodbye to
Father Jerry and welcoming Father Ralph. A
Transition Team has been established to work with
Fr. Jerry as well as Fr. Ralph to foster a smooth
transition over the next 8 months. If you have any
questions, comments, or concerns regarding the
transition, please email us at
[email protected]
On Sunday, June 9th after the 10:30am Mass, there
will be a special blessing of the newest bricks for the
Memorial Garden located by the statue of St.
Farewell Mass for Father Jerry and Father Chris
Please keep in mind the date, Sunday, June 23. At the
noon day Mass Father Jerry and Father Chris will say
their Farewell Mass, followed by a reception which will
be held in the school auditorium. All are welcome to
attend. See page 6 for more details.
May 19, 2013
May 20, 2012
$ 11,750.70
$ 13,858.85
549 envelopes
593 envelopes
Faith Direct
$ 2,305.13
$ 2,189.00
Total Collection
$ 14,055.83
$ 16,047.85
Campaign Program
Goal: $1,000,000.00
Pledged: $1,189,416.00
Paid: $ 372,548.00
Please continue to fulfill your pledge commitment
so that all of the planned projects can be accomplished.
Catholic Ministries Appeal 2013
# of Gifts :
% of Goal:
$ 97,500.00
$ 81,150.00
$ 51,221.00
83 %
Next weekend, June 1 and 2 is the annual collection for
the Religious Retirement Fund. Religious Sisters and
Brothers who have been involved in education, health
care and social ministry in our Diocese need our help.
The stipends being earned by young members of
Religious Communities are not enough to support the
needs of the elderly members of their communities. For
this reason, the Diocese, for the past 28 years has
committed a portion of our Gifts of Treasure in
appreciation for the many years of service to the people
of our Diocese.
the Gifts of bread and wine
for the weekend of May 25th and May 26th
were requested in memory of
Virginia Dennington
requested by
Marie and Julio Chavez and family
Please Pray Daily: “Jesus and Mary, we love you, please restore our religious Freedom.”
Prayer requests
mass intentions
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
12 noon
5:30 pm
May 27, St. Augustine
Gloria Gushue
May 28
Catherine Kelleher & Thomas Kelleher
May 29
John G. Griffith
May 30
Alice and Ted Wasielewski
May 31, Visitation of the BlessedVirgin Mary
Sr. Rose Alonzo
June 1, St. Justin
Gus J. Kyranakis
Grace Coleman
Dennis Kessler
Mary Ann Phillips
Frank Liscinski
June 3, Body and Blood of Christ
Living and deceased members of
The Lynch and Albano Families
Jacqueline Mineo
For all parishioners
Kathleen Kelleher 1st Anniversary
John Bonadonna
John Mateer
Kathleen Kelleher
Patricia Flanagan
Parish schedule
8:00 am
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
10:00 am
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
10:00 am
2:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:00 pm
10:00 am
11:00 am
8:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
May 27, Memorial Day
Miraculous Medal Novena, Church
May 28
Cub Scout Meeting, School
Boy Scouts, Youth Ministry Room
Spanish Rosary, Prayer Room
Adult Choir, Church
Baptism Gathering Team, Parish Center
AA Meeting, Cafeteria
May 29
Strengths Group 1, Parish Center
Strengths Group 1, Parish Center
Prayer Group, Parish Center
May 30
Shawl Ministry, Parish Center
St. Vincent Meeting, Clairvaux House
The Most Holy Trinity Adoration,
Prayer Room
Welcome Orientation, Parish Center
May 31
Sports Night, Gym
June 1
Jumpin’ with Jesus, Parish Center
Women’s AA Meeting, Cafeteria
Nocturnal Adoration, Church
June 2, Hospitality Sunday
Youth Ministry, Parish Center
Men’s Prayer Group, Prayer Room
AA Meeting, Cafeteria
We welcome into the parish the following new members:
Arianna Faith Corr
James Jordan Powell
Jax Thomas Stabile
Congratulations to the parents
Second Time
Kelly Simpson, St. Bernard Parish, Levittown, NY
Kevin McGough, Sacred Heart Parish, Merrick, NY
for the sick of our parish
All names will remain on the list for 4 weeks after you call in.
After that time we ask, if necessary, to call again.
Thank you for cooperating and God bless all.
Vicki Jacona
Laureen Quinn-Sturge
Orlino Tabog
Rosalie Travers
Please pray for all those on our Long-term Sick List
Baby Christian Murphy Susan Arena
Helen Clarke
Rosemary Clark
Vincent Davi
Roberta Curran
Bridget Dell’Aera
Jim Finlan
Mike Hach
Juanita Dones
Gerry Dowling
Colleen Grasing
Margaret Habermehl
Carolyn Hakim
Betty Lalonde
Jerome W. Kalkhof
Andrew Mahoney
Mary Messina
William McDonagh
Mary McLean
Kerri Orlando
Johnny Perdue
Rosina Perri
Joseph Pfeifer
Raymond Pfiefer
Catherine Pipinou
Deanne Reilly
Thomas Saint
Terri Saccente
Gerard Pokorny
Eve Saint
Jeannette Sepe
Joseph Smithwick, Sr.
Norma Steiger
Marina Suazo
David Testa
Theresa Votto
Rob Weidermann
Pat Welisher
Pray for our beloved deceased
And those who mourn for them
Robert W. Migliorino
Edna Mary Pokorny
Helen Pfeifer
Edward Rzemieniewski
Preparations are underway to bid farewell to Father Jerry, who is leaving St. Bernard’s at the
end of June and taking a new assignment at Good Shepherd Parish in Holbrook, and to bid
farewell to Father Chris who will be moving to another parish, as yet undisclosed.
On Sunday, June 23rd, events will begin with Father Jerry celebrating his last Mass at St.
Bernard’s with Father Chris at 12 noon. Following the Mass, till 3 PM, they will receive well
wishers in the school gymnasium where a buffet lunch will be served. There is no fee to attend,
but reservations are requested to help the committee with food arrangements.
Reservations may be made by completing the tear off below and mailing it to Mauro and Louise
Cassano at 29 Lilac Lane, Levittown, NY 11756 or by dropping it off at the rectory or dropping
it into the collection basket.
Autograph albums, one for Father Jerry and one for Father Chris, will be set up in the church
following Masses on the weekends of June 15/16 and June 22/23 for those individuals who may
not be able to attend the events on June 23rd, but who wish to extend their good wishes to
Father Jerry and Father Chris. The albums will also be open for entries at the June 23rd event.
Those parishioners who were baptized by Father Jerry or Father Chris and who are attending
Mass and the reception are asked to wear a blue ribbon. Those couples who were married by one
of the priests are asked to wear a white ribbon.
We are asking those who are attending the reception, who wish to contribute, to provide
homemade desserts.
Volunteers to help set up, serve, greet and take down are needed. We also need volunteers to
photograph, videotape and provide music for the events. Anyone interested in volunteering,
should indicate how they would like to help on the attached tear off.
I/We will be attending the farewell luncheon on June 23rd.
Address:________________________________________ Town___________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________E-Mail: _______________________________________ # Attending:____________
I will provide a homemade dessert: (Please tell us what kind)_______________________________________________
I would like to volunteer to help with: Setting up__________ Serving __________ Greeting ___________
Taking down ________
Music ________
Photography ________
st. Bernard’s pastoral plan
Goal 2: To motivate and equip engaged parishioners to reach out and invite others to become engaged.
St. Bernard’s Faithful Families presents
Friday, May 31, 7:00-9:00 p.m.,
St. Bernard’s School Gym
Bring your family & shoot some hoops,
toss some bean bags and run some races!
There will be activities appropriate for
children from 2 to 12 years old!
All activities are designed for parents
to participate with children.
Free snacks provided!
Let us know you are coming by contacting
[email protected]
4 Saturdays starting June 1,
10-11:30 a.m. in the Parish Center
Parents and children ages 18 mos.—4 years play,
pray and jump together in this faith-themed prayer,
craft and exercise program.
Pre-registration necessary! Go to
home page for link to information and registration
Contact Diane Vella at 516-731-4220 or
[email protected]
Goal #1:
To provide opportunities for all parishioners to discover and live their strengths,
and thereby engage more parishioners in service to the parish and community
Explore Your Strengths Group Part 2!!
(pre-requisite: Part 1)
If you’ve already explored your God-given Strengths in a Strengths group, you now have the opportunity to
take it a step further with an “advanced” group! In six hours over three evenings, you will have the chance
to consider and explore:
What new insights have you gained about learning and living your
Strengths since Part 1?
How can you develop each of your Strengths to its fullest potential?
How can you come to see your Strengths as a clue to your “Divine Calling?”
and more!
3 Tuesday evenings June 4, 11, 18
7:30-9:30 p.m.
Parish Center
Facilitated by Diane Vella, St. Bernard’s Pastoral Associate, and certified Gallup Strengths Advocate
Minimum number required to run group; please pre-register! 516-731-4220 or [email protected]
Goal 3: To increase support and recognition
of engaged parishioners
What Happened
at Vatican II?
A six-session monthly series celebrating
the anniversary of the opening of
the Second Vatican Council
What changed and what didn’t and why?
The Role of the Laity in the Church
Thursday, June 13, 7:30-9:00 p.m. or
Friday, June 14, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
in the Parish Center
st. Bernard’s pastoral plan
Goal 3: To increase support and recognition
of engaged parishioners
Who He Is and
Why He Matters
This 3-week adult education course will explore
how the Scriptures and the Christian tradition past
and present view the person of Jesus, how and
from what he saved and continues to save us, and
why he matters for us today.
3 Tuesday mornings starting June 11
10:00-11:30 a.m.
in the Parish Center
Instructor: Diane Vella, M.A.
Pastoral Associate
Instructor: Diane Vella, M.A.
Pastoral Associate
For information contact Diane Vella at 516-731-4220
or [email protected]
Contact Diane Vella at 516-731-4220 or
[email protected] for information.
Goal 3: To increase recognition and support of engaged parishioners
Many thanks to another St. Bernard’s “Angel” using his STRENGTHS!
St. Bernard’s Church has a very busy little angel by the name of Dick McKinney. Dick
does a lot of little but very important things to keep our church building “in shape.” Dick
comes on Mondays and goes through the “tower room” of the church and puts up all the
kneelers and neatens up the hymnals that have been scattered about over the weekend. In
addition, every morning before the 8:00 a.m. Mass, Dick empties the holy water fonts at
the church doors, washes them out, and replenishes them with fresh holy water. Little
things like this make a big difference in how we all experience our church building!
There are many “behind-the-scenes” people like Dick in the parish whose quiet contributions contribute to the health and well-being and the mission of the parish. No matter what talent or interest
you have, or how much or little time you have, your contribution of time and talent to our parish is welcome!
Contact the Diane Vella at 516-731-4220 or [email protected].
Liturgy corner
May 26, 2013
Today’s solemnity commemorates the central
dogma of Christianity: the Trinity. This
dogma says there is one God in three divine
persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit. One of the greatest gifts of the
Christian faith is the dogma of the triune
God: God is three (tri) in one (une). The
readings for this solemnity speak of all aspects
of the Holy Trinity.
First Reading: In today’s reading, the
personified wisdom of God speaks.
She—both the Hebrew and Greek words
for wisdom are feminine—is begotten by
God in the very beginning of time, even
before the creation of the earth. What is
more, Wisdom is present at creation,
serving as God’s craftsman. Our reading
concludes on a note of joy: God’s delight
in Wisdom and Wisdom’s delight in
human creatures. God delights in us. We
can take these words to heart.
Responsorial Psalm 8: All creation is
crafted by the hand of God. Its beauty
and magnificence move us to awe. O
Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in
all the earth!
Second Reading: Paul’s words delve
deeply into the mystery of the Trinity at
work in our lives. We are set in the right
relationship with God through faith in
the Lord Jesus Christ and the
reconciliation he accomplished through
his Death and Resurrection, our hope of
glory. God has poured the gift of his
Holy Spirit into our hearts. Suffering
afflictions serves only to prove the
genuineness of our faith and make us
ever more ready to be transformed in the
glory of God.
Gospel: The words of today’s Gospel are
from Jesus’ last discourse to his disciples
the night before he died. Today’s verses
focus on the Holy Spirit, who will be
sent by the Father and given by Jesus to
those who are his own. The work of the
Spirit is to guide us to the truth, speaking
in the name of Jesus. In the truth that is
revealed, we are set free. In this truth,
Jesus is glorified.
Sourcebook 2013
Friday, May 31
Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Entrance Antiphon:
Come and hear all who fear God; I will tell what the Lord did for my soul.
What a gift it must have been for these two women to spend time together. Given their miraculous pregnancies and unique experiences of
God, they could only turn to each other to ponder and process what was
happening. As God brought them together, their companionship during
this time must have been a source of mutual comfort, encouragement,
and joyful anticipation. Just as Mary praised God in her Magnificat, we
pray that we may “magnify [God’s] greatness/ with the Virgin Mary.
Magnificat, May 2013
Readings FOR
may 26, 2013 - June 2, 2013
A Time of Transition
Over the next few weeks, this column will
include something about Fr. Ralph that he
would like us to know.
Things to Know About Father Ralph -Part 5
Sunday, May 26. The Solemnity of the Most Holy
Trinity. Proverbs 8:22-31; Psalm 8:4-9; Romans 5:1-5;
John 16:12-15
Monday, May 27. Sirach 17:20-24; Psalm 32:1-2, 5-7;
Mark 10:17-27
Tuesday, May 28. Sirach 35:1-12; Psalm 50:5-8, 14, 23;
Mark 10:28-31
Wednesday, May 29. Sirach 36:1, 4-5, 10-17; Psalm
79:8-9, 11, 13; Mark 10:32-45
Thursday, May 30. Sirach 42:15-25; Psalm 33:2-9;
Mark 10:46-52
Friday, May 31. Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed
Virgin Mary. Zephaniah 3:14-18; (Ps) Isaiah 12:2-6;
Luke 1:39-56
Saturday, June 1. Memorial of Saint Justin, Martyr.
Sirach 51: 12- 20; Psalm 19:8 - 11; Mark 11:27-33
Sunday, June 2. The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body
and Blood of Christ. Genesis 14:18-20; Psalm 110:1, 2, 3,
4; 1 Corinthian 11:23 - 26; Luke 9:11B - 17
For the ride home
This feature is for families to share their
thoughts as they travel to and from Church.
May 26, 2013
Sunday: Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
First Reading: Proverbs 8: 22-31
Second Reading: Romans 5: 1-5
Gospel: John 16: 12-15
Adults : In what situation has the Holy Spirit helped you
to see more clearly ?
Children: What kind of decision can the Holy Spirit help
you with ?
Father Ralph Sommer celebrated his 30th anniversary as
a priest on May 14th. He was ordained by Bishop
McGann in 1983 and was first assigned to Our Holy
Redeemer in Freeport. In 1989 he was assigned as
Associate Pastor to St. Thomas More in Hauppauge.
Then he was appointed as the Diocesan Coordinator for
RENEW 2000, a spiritual renewal program for the new
millennium. In 2001 he became pastor of St. Brigid’s
Parish in Westbury-- a parish of 7500 families with 11
Masses in four languages every weekend. ( Father
Ralph speaks English rather well, Spanish somewhat
well - especially if he has it written out; his Italian and
Kreyol are much more rusty.)
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court St. Pius X
#1690 is the Court here at St. Bernard Church. All our
members are parishioners of St. Bernard.
The Catholic Daughters organization was started in April
1903 in Utica, NY and called at that time “The Daughters
of Isabella”. The name was changed and it is now a
national organization.
Our fund raising efforts here at St. Bernard’s include bake
and basket sales, our annual Lenten soup and salad supper,
garage sale and a Chinese auction.
We provide assistance to our youth by way of the National
education and scholarship fund, aid to elderly religious and
other charities. Our members write to our legislators
concerning our Catholic Faith. We support many national
Once a year members of the Courts of Nassau and Suffolk
Counties meet at a special Mass honoring our deceased
members who have passed the previous year. This is
followed by a luncheon.
Our Courts meets on the second Thursday of the month
from September to June at 7:30 pm in the Parish Center.
Refreshments are served after each meeting.
We invite other parishioners to be our guests and take the
opportunity to speak to members about our Court. All are
Marie Bartnick
Parish social ministry
Sr. Christine Sammons, O.P., 731-6074
Have Fun~~Be Fit
As you may know, we have received a grant from the
Town of Hempstead
which we would like to use for a summer program for
children ages 8-12.
The program will focus on
It will take place on six weekdays—
July 1, 2, 3 and July 8, 9, 10
from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon.
The program will be limited to
25 children
born between 7/1/2001 and 6/30/2005.
Registration will open on Monday, June 3
and children will be accepted on a
first-come, first served basis.
To register, please call our office
{731-6074} for a registration form.
A one-time fee of $10.00 is requested.
St. Vincent de Paul:
As always, we are most grateful to our many parishioners who provide the food and monetary donations
which we share with those who visit the pantry on a
regular basis. We are grateful for the privilege of serving
in your name.
This week, our pantry needs include:
Canned meat, fish
Chef Boy-ar-dee pasta
Canned soups
Tomato products of all kinds
Tomato sauce
Long-grain rice, beans, potatoes
Canned fruit
Dessert mixes (cake, Jell-o, pudding, icing,
Coffee, tea, juice
Paper towels, napkins, tissues, toilet tissue
Toiletries of all kinds
Laundry and dish detergent
Pampers (5, 6) and wipes
Please remember the poor boxes
Long Island Cares:
and to “buy one, get one free!”
As members of Long Island Cares, The Harry Chapin
Food Bank, through Parish Social Ministry, we receive a
yearly federal and state grant which can be used to purchase food and other items for our pantry. We can place
an order, and the food is delivered curb-side for us to
unpack, store and distribute. The costs are low because
Long Island Cares buys in bulk for its member agencies.
As you watch the news, you may note that these grants,
called HPNAP and TEFAP, are always threatened with
cutting or extinction, but are very important to food pantry and soup kitchens who serve those with low incomes.
We are in the process of applying for a grant for 20132014 so that we will always be able to provide for our
neighbors who look to us for assistance and support.
Are you or someone you know having family or interpersonal problems due to drinking ALCOHOL and/or
using DRUGS?
CATHOLIC CHARITIES / Talbot House, a Chemical
Dependence Crisis Center, located in Bohemia provides
withdrawal and stabilization services on a voluntary basis to males and females over the age of 18, who are
seeking to stop and/or withdraw from alcohol and/or
other drug use. The medical and clinical staff at Talbot
House will assess the kind of care the person needs, to
begin his/her journey in recovery. For more information, please call: 631-589-4144. Talbot House staff is
available 24/7. Each call is confidential. Talbot House
is a NO fee for service program.
Don’t forget to fill your Baby
Bottle. If you didn’t get one last
week , pick one up today.
The collection date will be the
weekend of Father’s Day
June 15th and 16th.
St. Bernard school of religion
Sister Margaret Sammon, OP, Director 731-8511
If you are already a current registered parishioner and DO NOT already have other children in
our program, registration for your First Year child will take place at the Religious Education
Center :
Sunday, June 2 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
In order to register you will need:
Parish Envelope Number , Your payment (cash or check only) for $195
A copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate (Even if they were Baptized at St. Bernard’s )
150 students were confirmed by bishop ROBERT brennan
Jamie Alvino
Kayla Aquilina
Hannah Argiros
Alexa Baignosche
Carmelina Baio
Chelsie Barbaro
Giusseppe Barsallo
Gianlucca Barsallo
Michael Barsch
Anthony Baudone
Kayla Benischek
Lauren Biegner
Hunter Bradley
Nicholas Brennan
Jesse Brennan
Caitlin Butt-Robertson
John Cahill
Kristi Cahill
Shawn Calkins
Ryan Calkins
Mikayla Cardona
Patrick Carew
Samantha Carreras
Patrick Carroll
Sammi Casamassino
Tina Cataldo
Ava Catapano
Kerry Chavez
Brianna Chua
Kyle Clancy
Skyla Clifford
Dylan Coffey
Jennifer Cohen
Alicia Connelly
Gianna Critelli
Christopher Cuartas
Kevin Cunningham
Chris Cvitkovic
Kaitlin Deegan
John Deegan
Brianna Demmett
Hunter Diamond
Brianna Diaz
Aaron Diaz
Kyle Draghi
Tiana Espada
Matthew Evans
John Flagler
James Forchelli
Meghan Friedman
George Gatt
Nicholas Gioletti
Melissa Giordano
James Giovanakis
Carissa Giuliano
Emily Glynn
Jessica Goldstein
Christopher Gray
George Hafner
Katilyn Hare
Jack Heimink
James Hinshaw
Steven Horodecki
Matthew Ianelli
Olivia Infante
Steven Jansky
Bridget Johnson
Nicolette Jordan
Ian Kavanaugh
Jesse Keller
Sarah Kemp
Ryan Kennedy
Angeline Klein
Madison Kleppan-Mella
Stephanie Klingler
Salvatore LaBarbera
Colleen Lamberti
Matthew Leshinsky
Tyler Lima
Jessica Mannarino
Marissa Manzione
Joseph Marcolini
Bianca Marinelli
James May
Daniel Mazza
Jacqueline Mazzella
Katie McCarthy
Robert McCormick
Rachael McGuire
Matthew McGuirk
Dana McLoughlin
Patrick McManus
Kaitlyn McNeil
Douglas Melgar
Justin Meza
Gabrielle Minuto
Nicole Miranda
Brian Mondella
Alex Montoya
Michael Moore
Nicholas Morales
Reva Moran
Chelsea Morrison
Nicholas Motschmann
Shannon Myles
Alexa Nania
Eduardo Navarrete Zapata
Brandon O'Brien
Kayla Oliveri
Drew O'Mara
Sean O'Regan
Kelsy Orlando
Ryan O'Shea
Sean Paprocki
Meghan Purcell
Giovanni Purpura
Amber Ramirez
Barbara-Ann Reyman
Alex Rios-Mastermaker
Paris Romano
John Rottkamp
Margaret Ruane
Alexandra Ruzzo
Christopher Rzemieniewski
Joseph Salerno
Kayla Samala
Diego Sanchez
Jamie Sculco
Jonathan Smith
Rene Soriano
Juan Soriano
Jose Soriano
Kristina Spano
Robert Sutch
Steven Szilagyi
Michael Tamburello
Marcus Tan
Kaitlyn Toscano
Kirstin Traenkle
Giuseppe Vicidomini
Thomas Villa
Kelleen Vita
Patrick Wilson
Joseph Wolf
Kyle Young
Christopher Zampini
Carmela Zampini
Memorial Day, May 27, 2013
Fred Auer
Henry Witold Berg
Peter T. Borosky
Jerome Brunoforte
John Burrafato
Edward J. Byrnes
Jack Carswell
James I. Carswell
Joe Courtney
Calvin DeSouza
Rocco Florio
John Gaine
Nunzio Giovaniello
Edwin Gribbon
Barney Gulotta
George Hampson
Joseph Keller
Jack McDonald
Joseph H. McHugh
Robert W. Migliorino
Stanley J. Partyka
Gene Porqueddu
Michael Sanchez
Edward J. Schneider
Frank Squillace, Sr.
Michael Walsh
Thomas A. Walsh
Ted Wasielewski
Joseph Cosenza
John Acerno
James A. Barnes
Peter Edward Bopp
Tom Cronin
Patrick F. Devlin
Roger R. Gagnon
Carl Giovaniello
Joseph J. Curcio
Joseph R. Franco
Edward Rick IV
Joseph Lanzisera
C.Howard McGinn
Ignatius”Big John” Lane
Andy Lopez
Richard M. Lyons
Joseph T. McBride
William McBride
John “Jack” Reilly
John “Jack” McGinn
John J. Quinn
Ray Steinberg
Jacob John Wilhelm
John Yalamas
This community, Levittown, was begun by veterans. We wish to honor them,
and all the men and women who have served to protect our Freedom.
They will always be remembered in our prayers.
Community Bulletin Board
Atlantic City
Holy Innocents Council
Philippine Madrigal Singers
On May 31, 2013 at 7:30 pm a concert will be performed by the Philippine Madrigal Singers at St. Frances de Chantal Parish Church located at 1309 Wantagh
Avenue, Wantagh, NY. This concert is for the benefit
of the continuing Free Religious Education of the Children in the Diocese of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines. Tickets are available at St. Frances de Chantal
Pastoral Center Front Desk. For inquiries contact Sandy
Alonzo at [email protected] or Fr. Gius Garcia at
516-785-2333 ext. 228 or [email protected].
Year of Faith Pilgrimage
In celebration of the Year of Faith, the
Diocese of Rockville Centre is offering
a Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception , Washington, DC on Saturday, September 28, 2013, so save the
date. More details from the Office of
the Bishop and the Office of Worship will be in the bulletin soon. Visit for more information.
Marianist Family Retreat Center - “a seashore setting
for a unique and Christ-centered Catholic family experience”.
You are invited to enhance your family’s spiritual
growth by joining other families and the Marianist
Community in a weekend or week-long retreat. Weeklong Family Retreat (every Monday - Saturday), June
24th - August 24th. Single-parent Family Retreat July 15th
- 20th. For information, rates, brochure and application:
The Marianist Family Retreat Center
P.O. Box 488, Cape May Point, New Jersey 08212
e-mail: [email protected]
Italy Via Perillo Tours
Sept. 22nd - 29th (Sun. - Sun.) $3499 All inclusive: R/T
airfare on Alitalia, 3 nights in Rome & 3 nights in
Taormina (Sicily) at 4-Star Hotels. Breakfast, Dinner
and wine included. Join Fr. Mickey Bancroft, Chaplain
at Mather Memorial Hospital, in residence at Infant Jesus Parish, Port Jefferson, on a trip of a lifetime!
Bus trip to Showboat Casino
June 29 – Saturday
Bus will leave Holy Innocents @ 9 am
Six Hour Stay in Atlantic City
You may bring food and drink on the bus
$40 per person
Casino will give you $20 back
Limited to 50 Tickets - First come first served
All tickets must be paid for as we can not hold tickets
Please no refunds unless ticket is resold
Proceeds to benefit Holy Innocents Council
Sign up sheet at the Council
Vin Mineo 516-306-1152 or
Peggy Coyne 516-783-4088 for ticket information
Golf Outing
The Sisters of Charity - Halifax will
be holding their 13th Annual Golf
Outing on Monday, July 8, 2013 at
the Cherry Valley Country Club in
Garden City. This year the honoree is
Rev. Msgr. Jamie J. Gigantiello, Vicar
for Development, Diocese of Brooklyn. All funds raised
from the outing will support the ministry, healthcare and
the retirement needs of the Congregation. The Sisters
work in schools and universities, as well as parishes and
many other social service organizations throughout New
York. For more information or to make reservations,
please contact Sister Marie Sorensen at 718-424-1813 or
[email protected] . Golfers RSVP by June 1 to
take advantage of special early bird pricing!
Spirituality For Singles - Monthly Singles Gathering
Saturday, June 1, 2013, 8:30PM. St. Aidan Parish, 510
Willis Ave., Williston Park, NY, 11596. Our Monthly
gathering for singles; discussion, meditation, socialization. $5.00 donation - snacks, pizza and beverages will
be served. Contact: Ray (516) 561-6994 or [email protected]