The Parish Family of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The Parish Family of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The Parish Family of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Dedicated to Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ As We Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present, and Prepare for the Future. September 29, 2013 This Parish is Served by: Rev. Msgr. Ronald J. Marczewski, K.H.S., V.F. Pastor Rev. Msgr. Anthony J. Kulig, K.H.S. Pastor Emeritus Rev. Robert A. Pachana, Parochial Vicar Rev. Andrzej Kujawa, SDS, Parochial Vicar Rev. Michael Barone, Parochial Vicar Florence Dobies Kerry G. Fryczynski Parish Trustees Marjorie Mierzejewski, Parish Secretary Debra Czerwienski, CCD Principal Dayle VanderSande, Music Minister Sunday Masses: Weekday Masses: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sundays: Monday to Saturday: 7:00 am 7:00 am (Polish) 8:00 am (Polish) 8:15 am Tuesdays - 7:00 PM (English) 9:30 am Thursdays - 7:00 PM (Polish) 10:45 am (Polish) 12:15 pm Rectory Office Hours; Monday to Thursday: Friday Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (Closed 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm) 9:00 am to 12:00 noon; (Closed Fridays June thru August) OFFICE CLOSED BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Parish Membership: We welcome new parishioners and ask that they register at the rectory as soon as possible. Our Parish School: We are part of an excellent co-sponsored elementary school: All Saints Academy. For information call: 201-443-8384 Religious Education For Children: CCD classes are held every Sunday from September through April at 9:15 am. Classes are conducted in our school building. Rectory Telephone Numbers: Office: 201-339-2070 Fax: 201-339-3676 Confessions: Daily Monday to Saturday following the 7:00 am Mass. Saturday afternoons at 3:30 pm. Sacrament Of The Sick: Sick Calls or other Emergency Calls should be made to the rectory at any time. Arrangements can also be made for regular visitations at home or hospital for Holy Communion and/or Confession. We urge you to keep us aware of parishioners who are ill in the hospital or at home. Marriages: Please make arrangements at least one year in advance. Couples are urged to solemnize their vows at a Nuptial Mass. Baptisms: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated each month on the First Sunday (in English) and on the Third Sunday (in Polish). A required Baptismal Program for Parents is conducted at 1:00 pm on the second Sunday of the month in Polish and on the last Sunday in English. Novenas: Every Tuesday Evening to Saint Anne following the 7:00 pm Mass. Every Thursday Evening to Divine Mercy following the 7:00 pm Mass. Parish Website Parish e-mail: 39 East 22nd Street, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002-3753 [email protected] Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 29, 2013 Keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ. — 1 Timothy 6:14 5:00 PM +Joan Czerwienski (Grandson, Alex) SUNDAY, September 29, 2013, NIEDZIELA 7:00 AM - Krystyna & Janusz Hrynkiewicz, 50th Anniversary (Son) 8:15 AM +Rev. John Olszewski (Teri & Ted Czachur) 9:30 AM +Edmund Plytynski (Zaniewski Family) 10:45 AM +Jan Gosiewski (żona i rodziny) 12:15 PM +Edmund Krasowski (Family) MONDAY, September 30, 2013, PONIEDZIAŁEK 7:00 AM +Charles Koval (Friend) 8:00 AM +Philip L. Carolan (R. Chmara & Family) TUESDAY, October 1, 2013, WTOREK 7:00 AM - In Thanksgiving 8:00 AM +Ludwiga & Theodora Lyp (Daughter & Family) 7:00 PM - Friends of St. Thérèse WEDNESDAY, October 2, 2013, ŚRODA 7:00 AM +Regina Lombardo (A Friend) 8:00 AM +Dr. Vincent Taraszkiewicz (Social Studies Dept., Bayonne High School) THURSDAY, October 3, 2013, CZWARTEK 7:00 AM +Adam Golda (Family) 8:00 AM +Stanley & Halina Karulski (Wendy & Tommy) 7:00 PM - Anniversary Blessings for John & Clara Durak FRIDAY, October 4, 2013, PIĄTEK 7:00 AM +Pauline Karaffa (Royal Arcanum) 8:00 AM +Zdzisław Babecki (Wife) SATURDAY, October 5, 2013, SOBOTA 7:00 AM +Deceased Members of Korzun Family (Kenneth & Irene) 8:00 AM +Memorial Mass +Anthony Murowski +Alfred Sokalski +Józef Zielinski +James M. Petronick, Jr. 5:00 PM +Julia Chodkiewicz (Ted & Carol Grasz) SUNDAY, October 6, 2013, NIEDZIELA 7:00 AM +Irena i Roman Budny (Son & Family) 8:15 AM +Felix Florczak (Wife & Family) 9:30 AM +Keith D. Pierce (Mother) CCD Family Mass 10:45 AM +Józef Zielinski (Gromadzki Family) 12:15 PM +Rebecca Olivia Barlow (Pat & Eric Behrens) Memorials September 29 - October 5, 2013 CHURCH SANCTUARY LAMP Special Intention ALTAR BREAD & WINE +Mary Balasia (Carol Whaselsky) INFANT OF PRAGUE CANDLE Special Intention SACRED HEART CANDLE For our new Co-Adjutor Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda DIVINE MERCY CANDLE For couples seeking to have a child BLESSED MOTHER CANDLE +Frank Pirkowski (Mark & Ginny) ST. ANNE CANDLE +Mary Huylebroeck (Daughter, Marion) ST. ANTHONY CANDLE +Richard Lapkiewicz (Mary Bannon) ST. FRANCIS CANDLE Intentions of the Oranchak/Miskura Families ST. STANISLAUS CANDLE Birthday Blessings for Julia Kochanek Woolley (Marjorie Mierzejewski) BLESSED POPE JOHN PAUL II CANDLE +Casimir Horzepa (Wife, Lucy) Our Grateful Tithe to God: Sept. 22, 2013 Regular: $5,050.00 GUARDIAN ANGELS (Feast Day - Tuesday, Oct. 2) The servants of Christ are protected by invisible, rather than visible, beings. But if these guard you, they do so because they have been summoned by your prayers. —St. Ambrose, fourth century The Week Saturday-Sunday, September 28-29, 2013: Collection - Pulaski Parade Monday, September 30, 2013: Family of Nazareth - 6:00 PM Tuesday, October 1, 2013: Rosary Devotions - English after 7 PM Mass Cub Scouts - 7:00 PM Thursday, October 3, 2013: Boy Scouts - 7:30 PM Friday, October 4, 2013: Blessing of Animals in Front of Church - 5 PM Saturday-Sunday, October 5-6, 2013: Maintenance Collection Sunday, October 6, 2013: CCD Family Mass - 9:30 AM Rosary Devotions - Polish - 4:00PM Pulaski Parade participants will assemble at 12:30 PM on Sunday, October 6th, at the Polish American Community Center (29 West 22nd St.). Buses will leave for New York City from this location.. Boys age 11 to 16 !! You are Invited!! Come to Scout meeting and see the Scouts in action. Thursdays 7:30 to 9 PM. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Center 3rd Floor Scout room. Join the Scouts for activities and Adventure trips. Parents Welcome! For info.: Mark Dobies 201-823-2704. Congratulations to Jane Wojslawowicz! Jane is being honored at the Oct. 10th “Women of Distinction and Hall of Fame Dinner” of Immaculate Conception High School for her work in Alumnae Affairs. The event is at 6:30 PM at Biagio’s in Paramus. For tickets or info: 973-472-7231. October is the month of the Rosary. We will have Rosary Devotions in English every Tuesday after the 7:00 PM Mass. Sunday afternoon, at 4:00 PM they will be in Polish. There will be a special devotion on Monday evening, Oct. 7, the “Feast of the Holy Rosary” at 6:00 PM in the church. Also: 6th Annual “America Needs the Rosary” rally at St. Vincent’s Church, Oct. 12 at 12:00 Noon. All will gather in front of the Our Lady of Fatima Statue. Information: Roseann - 210-436-9159. “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ!” St. Jerome A Scripture course: The Bible Timeline Will be offered at St. Vincent church every Tuesday ( 7 - 9 PM) and Wednesday (1 - 3 PM) starting in October. Call Fr. Roy for info.: 201-243-6307 Also, at St. Michael/Joseph’s Parish: Madonna Hall A 6 week Bible Study will begin on Oct. 1. Every Tuesday at 2:00 PM For information: 201-436-1412 (No registration is required. There is no cost.) Mt. Carmel’s Attic Sale* Come find treasures!! Sat. Oct. 12, 2013 8:00AM - 3:00 PM Mt. Carmel Gym Those interested in reserving a table to sell items are asked to call the rectory. 201-339-2070 ext 10 Tables: $15.00 (* Parish “Flea Market”) OPTIMISM A cheerful frame of mind that enables a tea kettle to sing though in hot water up to its nose. —Anonymous PAŹDZIERNIK MIESIĄCEM RÓŻAŃCA Jak każdego roku w październiku, odmawiając różaniec, zanosimy nasze prośby i modlitwy, aby przez wstawiennictwo Maryi wielbić Boga. We wtorkowe wieczory po Mszy świętej odprawiane będzie nabożeństwo różańcowe w języku angielskim, natomiast w czwartki po wieczornej Mszy świętej w języku polskim. W każdą niedzielę zapraszamy na wspólną modlitwę różańcową w języku polskim o godzinie 4.00 PM. RUCH RODZIN NAZARETAŃSKICH Jest to międzynarodowy katolicki ruch apostolstwa rodzin, którego celem jest uświęcenie członków poprzez pogłębienie życia Ewangelią w oparciu o komunię życia z Chrystusem w codzienności, naśladując Maryję. Jeżeli pragniesz włączyć się w to dzieło, chcesz pogłębić swoje życie duchowe i wiarę zapraszamy na spotkania w każdy poniedziałek o 6 PM w salce na plebanii. The Blessed Pope John Paul II Society of Mt. Carmel Parish, cordially invites all to attend their annual commemoration of the election of Blessed Pope John Paul II to the Papacy. At the conclusion of the 5:00 PM Mass on Saturday, Oct.12, 2013, there will be Benediction with intercessory prayers for the World’s Youth and for an increase in Priestly Vocations. (The First Class relic of Blessed Pope John Paul II will be made available for the devotion of the faithful.) The Religious part of the evening will be followed by an “Octoberfest Roast Pork” dinner in the parish center at 6:30 PM. Tickets for the dinner are $ 35.00. All proceeds assist young people in local Catholic High Schools, support to Religious Vocation programs and our parish Youth Ministry program. For more information or for tickets, contact 201-339-2070 ext 10 Tickets also on sale this weekend.
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