Winter 2013 - Humane Society


Winter 2013 - Humane Society
Winter 2013
Buyer Beware:
Puppy Mills and Backyard Breeders
More puppies and kittens are sold during the holiday
season than at any other time of year. The Humane
Society is happy to see so many homes with new pets.
However, we want to make sure our friends understand
our concerns with purchasing pets from “puppy mills”,
“backyard breeders” and “kitty mills.” We receive many calls
and complaints from pet owners who have purchased
pets from these types of businesses. These operations
choose profit over animal welfare and their animals
often do not receive proper veterinary care. Animals may
seem healthy at first but later may suffer from issues like
congenital eye and hip defects, parasites or even the
deadly Parvovirus. We want to inform our readers about
these operations and encourage you to adopt from an
animal shelter or rescue center.
Puppy and kitty mills are commercial breeding facilities
that mass-produce dogs and cats for sale directly to
consumers through classified ads or the internet. South
Carolina does not have laws that regulate commercial
breeding kennels that operate for the sole purpose of
producing large litters of puppies. Breeding animals at the
mills sometimes spend their entire lives outdoors or inside
filthy structures with little to no veterinary care. Females
usually have very short, if any, recovery time between
litters. When the females can no longer reproduce or when
their breed goes out of “style,” they are often abandoned
or put down.
Of the 53 million dogs in the U.S., about two-thirds come
from backyard breeders. They are the single greatest cause
of the pet overpopulation crisis in this country. A backyard
breeder is someone who keeps a number of dogs and
either breeds them deliberately or just lets them breed for
profit. These breeders usually have no understanding or
concern for the breed standard, genetics, socializing the
dogs, and maintaining their health.
continued on page 2
Buyer Beware – continued
purchasing a purebred dog or cat. Many shelters and rescue
groups will have purebred animals available for adoption and
a great selection of mix breeds that will steal your heart.
l Always visit your local animal shelter or rescue group before
Steps you should take before buying/adopting a new pet:
2 Be a responsible, informed consumer. If you do buy from a breeder, go to a reputable
one who:
Will show you where the dogs spend their time and introduces you to the puppy’s parents.
Explains the puppy’s medical history, including vaccines, and gives you their veterinarian’s contact
Doesn’t have puppies available year-round, yet may keep a waiting list for interested people.
Asks about your family’s lifestyle, why you want a dog, and your care and training plans for the puppy.
Doesn’t use pressure sales tactics.
National Feral Cat Day
The Humane Society celebrated National Feral Cat day on Wednesday, October 16th.
In recognition of this event, the Humane Society offered free spay/neuter procedures
to feral cats as part of our ongoing efforts to prevent breeding and the growth of feral
National Feral Cat day was initiated by “Alley Cat
Allies” a national nonprofit organization dedicated
to protecting and improving the lives of our nation’s
cats. This organization advocates the practice of
Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) as a means of reducing the
number of feral cats in our communities.
Feral cats are the offspring of domestic cats that were
born in the wild and have grown up free roaming
and without human contact. These cats are anti-social
and typically avoid humans. Feral cats present several
problems, not the least of which is the fact that they
contribute to our already overcrowded shelters.
Properly implemented TNR is growing in popularity
and is fast becoming the method of choice for
managing colonies in communities across the nation. As a process, TNR helps provide
a permanent reduction of feral and stray cat populations and presents a cost savings
to animal control agencies and the elimination of nuisance behaviors like spraying and
To date, the Humane Society’s Feral Cat program (Urban Cats) has provided low costs
sterilization to more than 2,142 feral cats. We applaud the efforts of Alley Cat Allies and
of our community’s feral cat caregivers. By working together, we are providing a better
alternative for these beautiful creatures.
October 16, 2013
The Purrrrfect Gift
for the Pet lover who
already has it all!
Still struggling to finish your Holiday Shopping?
Wondering what to get for the person who “has
Why not consider a donation to the HSPCA in honor of your
friend or family member. The HSPCA will send the honoree
a letter informing them of your gift made in their honor.
We will share with them information about how this gift
will help us in our efforts to stop animal cruelty, abuse, and
over population.
Honoree donations can be made on our website, or by calling us at 803-783-1267.
Thank you for considering a gift to help animals!!
Looking for a service project for your
church group, school, or civic club?
Below is a copy of our HSPCA “Wish List”. Your group can organize a drive to
collect these common household and office items which will help us in our
clinic and animal care. Funds saved from these donations are funneled back
into our efforts to end cruelty, abuse and overpopulation. It’s easy and fun.
For more info, call us at 803-783-1267.
Paper Towels
Printer/Copier Paper
Laundry Detergent (high efficiency)
Rubbing (Isopropyl) Alcohol
Tall Kitchen Trash Bags
Hydrogen Peroxide
39 Gallon Trash Bags
Distilled Water
Hand Sanitizer
Larger (1 gallon) Zip Lock Storage Bags
Cleaning Products (Lysol, Mr. Clean, Clorox Wipes,etc.)
Small (1 quart) Zip Lock Storage Bags
Office Supplies (pens, tape, paperclips, etc.)
Employee Spotlight
Betty Cleckley, a part-time customer
service representative, has been with
the Humane Society since 2010. She is
committed to providing great service
to everyone she meets and is a joy to
work with. Betty always demonstrates
her commitment to the Humane
Society and to our customers and their
pets. She took a moment to share some
detail of her duties and responsibilities.
Q: What is a typical day on the job at the Humane Society
like for you?
A: The day begins with the intake of our patients for surgery in
a timely and efficient manner. Many of our clients are dropping
off their “babies” on the way to work and we want to assure
them that their pets will receive proper care and attention.
After surgery our patients are monitored as they recover. We
then call the client to update them and reassure them that their
pet is doing well. I strive to offer all clients the best customer
service and answer their questions while assisting them with
any questions or concerns they may have about their pet or
with the services we offer at the Humane Society.
Q: Can you think of anything the Humane Society does or is
responsible for that the general public would be surprised to
A: When we take on a cruelty case, we do extensive follow-up
until we are assured that the animals are receiving proper care.
Right now, we have 8 horses from an abuse case that took place
several years ago. We remain responsible for providing care to
these horses, that includes food, shelter, veterinary care, and love.
Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?
A: I feel good knowing that we are making a difference in
animal overpopulation by offering affordable spay or neuter
surgery. I also enjoy educating pet owners about proper pet
care and about issues relating to abuse or neglect.
Q: What do you enjoy least about your job?
A: Many callers do not realize that our services are limited to
spay or neuter surgery and cruelty prevention. It is difficult to
have to tell someone that we cannot help them with a sick or
injured pet.
Q: What do you enjoy doing outside work?
A: I enjoy traveling, meeting new people, watching football
and cheering for the Cowboys. I am also the caregiver for my
Q: What pets do you own?
A: I have a Chihuahua named “Cha-Cha” who was rescued by
our Humane Society. I also have a fat cat named “Dallas” after
my favorite team. I rescued her in my neighborhood when she
was a tiny kitten.
Grant from PetSmart
Charities® Helps
Humane Society
Spay and Neuter
The Humane Society
was awarded
a grant of
$33,000 per year for
2013 and 2014 to
provide free spay and
neuter surgeries to
residents of Gaston
and Swansea, SC.
In 2013, thanks to the support
of PetSmart Charities, the Humane Society sterilized
800 pets from the Gaston and Swansea area. We were
truly fortunate to receive these funds and will again be
offering free surgeries to these communities in 2014.
PetSmart Charities and the Humane Society decided
to focus on these two rural communities in an effort
to make an impact on the number of animals who
are picked up by or surrendered to Lexington County
Animal Services.
Gaston and Swansea are two rural communities where
more than 15% of the households have income below
the national poverty level. It was determined that this
grant could have a significant impact on the number of
animals from those two communities that end up being
The Humane Society continues to seek funds which will
allow us to offer reduced price or free surgeries to other
Lexington County communities. Additionally, we run a
reduced price promotion every month to offer all pet
owners affordable services.
Richland County residents can contact the Animal
Mission to see if Spay/Neuter coupons are available.
Those coupons can be brought to the Humane
Society and will provide for the full costs of your pets
sterilization surgery.
We strive to keep the costs of our services as low as
possible and want all our customer to know that the
prices we offer are below our actual costs. We are only
able to offer the services at these prices because of the
generous support we receive from our donors.
Through the generous support of the Animal Mission,
the Humane Society has been able to offer free
surgeries to more than 2,200 pets and the Animal
Mission has donated more than $114,000 to the HSPCA
to cover the costs of those surgeries.
Our friends at the City of Columbia Animal Shelter
report that our joint spay/neuter efforts are working
and that intake and euthanasia numbers continue to
decline at a rate of 10% per year.
Thank you to the Animal Mission and all the volunteers
and donors who are supporting this fine organization.
Working together, we know we will be successful in
helping end pet overpopulation and making Columbia
a “no kill” community.
2014 See Spot Run
Saturday, May 17, 2014 – Earlewood Park
Our 2013 event raised more than
$24,000 in support four programs
and services and we are hoping to
surpass that total for 2014. To help
raise additional funds, we are currently
recruiting sponsors to help us build
Our See Spot Run planning committee
is already hard at work in an effort
to make the 2014 event even better
than last year. Participant feedback
has been very helpful and we are
working to incorporate your ideas and
suggestions into this year’s race.
The Humane Society wants
to thank and recognize
the Animal Mission for
their efforts to help end
pet overpopulation. The
Animal Mission is a 501 C3
nonprofit organization
which funds FREE spay/neuter programs throughout
South Carolina. They also sponsor a permanent exhibit
at EdVenture Children’s Museum in Columbia to
educate children about how to care for pets.
Humane Society is Gearing up for
Humane Society
and Animal
Mission – working
together to reduce
pet overpopulation
N/ W a
We are pleased to announce that River Rat Brewery is the first
local business to agree to serve as a sponsor for the race.
We are hoping that many others will join them.
If you or your company would like to help by serving as a sponsor,
please contact Wayne Brennessel at 803-783-1267. Sponsor
benefits include promotion of your support on our website, race
apparel, and in all printed materials, including this newsletter.
Sponsors at the Gold level and Platinum levels will also receive
complimentary entries into the race and vendor area. For more
information give us a call.
Please join us in thanking last year’s sponsors.
In Memory of Chris and Ruth
Rick and Jill Migliore
Lowest cost spay/neuter in South Carolina!
Dog Spay ........ $75
Dog Neuter ..... $55
Cat Spay .........$45
Cat Neuter .....$25
ART Doc Ironman Triathlons
Charles Karesh
Jim and Laura Sonefeld
and Family
Thanks to the ...
Thank You for Your
The HSPCA wants to recognize all our donors whose support over the past
year has allowed us to provide vital services to animals in our community.
Through the support of the generous individuals listed below, we are able
to continue offering low cost spay/neuter surgeries, investigations into
reports of animal cruelty and neglect, and the many other vital services
aimed at keeping our animal friends safe, happy, and healthy.
Without you, we couldn’t do it!
Listed below are all donations received
between 11/1/12 and 10/31/13.
The Humane Society of Columbia was founded in 1902
and, in the spirit of our long history, the 1902 Society was
created to sustain the organization year-round. Special
thanks to our members of the 1902 Society, who have
each pledged to donate $19.02 or more each month to
our organization. As a part of your New Year’s resolutions,
why not consider joining this group of supporters?
Please join us
in recognizing
the members of
our 1902 Society.
Ms. Susan Bennett
Ms. Bridgette Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brennessel
Ms. Susan Brownlee
Mr. Danny Burnstein
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Caulk
Ms. Mary Denis Cauthn
Ms. Sherry Copeland
Mr. Kent Demars
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellington
Ms. Norma Kay Fricker
Ms. Gayla Issacson
Ms. Michelle Jones
Ms. Allison Forbes
Ms. Carrie Geary
Ms. Cynthia Gilliam
Ms. Virginia Harmon
Mr. David Kirchman
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Libet
Mr. and Mrs. James Mayfield
Ms. Donaldeen Perrich
Ms. Kristen Rutledge
Ms. Maria Safie
Diamond Level
Ms. Margaret Brandon
Ms. Betsy Broome
Ms. Mildred Buist
Ms. Mary Denis Cauthen
Mr. Geroge B. Cauthen
Ms. Sandra Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellington
First Citizens Bank
Merri M. Gandhi, DMD
Mr. Samuel B. George, II
Ms. Debbie Johnson
Ms. Kathryn Lang
Mr. and Mrs. James Mayfield
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKeown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Migliore
Mr. Brian Mitchell
Ms. Rachel and
Ms. Stephanie Pedersen
Dr. Shawn Verbrick
Mrs. Amy Zeifang
Platinum Level
$500 – $999
Abacus Planning Group, Inc.
Mr. Steve Alexander
Mr. Rudolph Barnes
Mr. Kevin Blaes DVM
Mr. Bruce Bowlby
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brennessel
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burnstein
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cole
Mr. John W. Currie
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Dedman, Jr.
Ms. Sandra Dubose
Elliott Davis, LLC
Mrs. Alison Forbes
Ms. Grace Lovell
Mr. and Mrs. John Masek, Jr.
Ms. Patricia P. Matsen
Mrs. Brenda McMillan
Ms. Melissa Melgoza
Ms. Shirley Mokritsky
Nelson Mullins Riley &
Scarborough LLP
Palmetto Computer Labs, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Papadea
Ms. Shirley Ann Parrish
Ms. Deborah Pearson
Ms. Donaldeen and
Ms. Kathy Perrich
Ms. Cynthia Perthou
Ms. Sandra A. Rains
Renaisance Administration
Mr. William Schwab
Mr. Bruce Shaw
Mr. William Short, II
Mr. and Mrs. James Sonefeld
Ms. Laurie W. Walker
Woodhill Storage
Gold Level
$250 – $499
Mr. Hawes Adams
Mrs. Donna Andreo
Ms. Heidi Ankeny
Ms. Sheila Bantz
Mr. Peter W. Becker
Ms. Karen R. Belser
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brandenburg
Mrs. Susan Brownlee
Mrs. Norma Buff
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Chandler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Clary
Ms. Sherry Copeland
Mr. James D. Cureton
Ms. Barbara Davis
Ms. Jacki Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Day
Staff of DBD Trucking
Mr. Joseph E. Dixon, Jr.
Ms. Lesley M. Drucker
Dutch Fork Animal Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Edwards, Jr.
Ms. Lisa A. Eichhorn
Ms. Carol Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Finn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Fortson, Jr.
Ms. Ronella Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fusco
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gilkerson
Ms. Cynthia Gilliam
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Greer
Mr. and Mrs. John Grimball
The Honorable and
Mrs. Clyde Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harris
Ms. Katharine Hartley
Ms. Patricia Hile
Mr. and Mrs. Winston Holliday, Jr.
Ms. Stephany J. Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hulbert
Ms. Carolyn K. Hunter
Mr. Roy Hutchinson
Ms. Gayla Isaacson
Ms. Sharon J. Kaminer
Mr. Charlie Karench
Mr. Karl Kemmerlin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kimball
Mr. Ryan Kirchman
Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Sue Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Langley
Ms. Jane Lindner
Ms. Margaret Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Lowrance
Ms. Alice B. Lucas
Ms. Mimi Maddock
Ms. Helen D. Mauldin
Mrs. Reba McFarland
Mr. William McMaster
Mr. Sam McNutt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meehan
Ms. Angie Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pentecost
Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pifer
Ms. Anita Recchio
Ms. Sandra Rikard
Mrs. Pamela L. Robinson
Mr. Chad Rubin
Ms. Jennifer Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rucker
Ms Kristen Rutledge
Ms. Sue Sakellarios
Mr. and Mrs. David Shealy
Ms. Patricia Shoemaker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Small
Tyler Smith
Ms. Harriet Smoak
Ms. June Spicer
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Steff
Ms. Debra J. Stevens
Ms. Lynn Stoudenmire
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Swain
Mr. and Mrs. Don Thurmond
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Timmerman
Ms. Betty Vannoy Trent
Mr. James L. Ward
Mr. James Ward
Mrs. Jessica Watts
Caroline A. Weber, DVM
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wessinger
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wickwire
Mrs. Pamela Williams
Ms. Carol Williams
Ms. Tiffany Winston
Ms. Ann Yancey
Mr. Donald Youmans
Mr. Timothy Zlogar
Silver Level
$100 – $249
Mr. and Mrs. James Addison
Mr and Mrs. Harold Adkins
Mrs. Virginia Albrecht
Mr. Carroll L. Allen
Ms. Claire Allen
Mrs. Allison Patsy
Allstate Giving Campaign
Mrs. Lynn Amick
Ms. Anna M. Amick
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. William Argentieri
Mrs. Betty Armstrong
Mrs. Teresa Arnold-Simmons
Ms. Suzanne Axland
Ms. Gayle Aycock
Mr. Norman Bailey
Ms. Patricia S. Baldwin
Ms. Angela Ball
Dr. Barbara A. Ballinger
First Community Bank
Judge and Mrs.
James R. Barber, III
Ms. Judith Baughman
Mr. Harold J. Bayerl
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Beaudrot
Mrs. Patricia Beckham
Mrs. Sara Bell
Ms. Beth H. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Benzer
Mrs. Jill Blanchar
Mr. Barry Blose
Ms. Jennifer Bomar
Mrs. Patricia Bonig
Dr. James G. Bouknight
Mrs. Cathering Bowden
Mrs. Julia Bowers
Mrs. Barbara Boyd
Ms. Helen Brabham
Mr. Eric S. Bretch
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brockhard
Ms. Barrie Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Broome
Mr. William Browning
Mr. Duncan Buell
Ms. Chris Bunch
Mrs. Elva Burns
Mr. Danny Burnstein
Carol, Michelle & Gary Bussert
Ms. Lynn M. Butler
Mrs. Jeannine Hopkins Callahan
Ms. Lula Camp
Campbell’s Wrecker Service &
Body Shop
Mrs. Yong Cannon
Ms. Lucia Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Caruso
Ms. Helen Caughman
Mrs. Caroline Cauthen
Ms. Bonnie Chance
Mr. and Mrs. John Chappell, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Chappell
Charleston County
Coroner’s Office
Mr. and Mrs. David Christiansen
Ms. Robin M. Christmus
Mrs. Marsha Clark
Ms. Lynn H. Clark
Ms. Jessica Clary
Mrs. Marjorie Claytor
Ms. Phyllis Clements
Mr. and Mrs. David Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Coleman III
Mrs. Doris Collins
Ms. Betty E. Colquhoun
Mr. Michan and
Mrs. Heather Connor
Mr. and Mrs. John Corbacho
Ms. Mary Corderman
Dr. Yvonne Corppetts
Ms. Sara Corwin
Ms. Leonide Cousins
Ms. Barbara Cox
Merle Cureton
Mrs. Sabrina Czarnecki
Dr. Evelyn Davis
Ms. Emma Thomas and
Mr. Gavin B. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. James Dennis
Ms. Ann Derrick
Ms. Helen Derrick
Mr. and Mrs. John Dickerson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dicus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dillard
Mr. and Mrs. David Dolak
Drs. Harold and Marsha Dowda, Jr.
Ms. Joyce Downey
Mr. Woodrow Drayton Sr.
Ms. Annie Dumenil
Ms. Marianne Duncan
Ms. Deborah Dusseljee
Mr. Fred Eastwood III
Ms. F. Alicia Eatmon
Ms. Jeri Edwards
Ms. Sandy Ehret
Mr. Clifford Eleazer
Ms. Maxcine Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Falinsky, Jr.
Ms. Katherine Fanning
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Fayard
Ms. Sue C. Ferguson
First Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald
Ms. Madilyn M. Fletcher
Ms. Debra Floyd
Ms. Muriel Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Keller Foster
Ms. Patricia Fowler
Drs. Robert and Elaine Frank
Mrs. Nicole French
Ms. Marilyn Gaither
Ms. Alka Garde
Mrs. Thomas A. Gardner Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.
Marshall C. Gardner, Jr.
Mrs. Suzan Garland
Mrs. Betty Gasque
Mrs. Barbara Gatlin
Mr. Edward and
Mrs. Andrea Gatzke
Ms. Morgan Gauthreaux
Mrs. Cary Geary
Ms. Glenda Gilstrap
Mrs. Terri Gleason
Mrs. Anne Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. David Graley
Mr. and Mrs. E. Raymond Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gray
Mrs. Tasha Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Grubbs
Mrs. Frances Haderecker
Ms. Gejuan Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hall
Ms. Joyce A. Hallenbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hampton
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hann, II
Mr. Marion Hanna
Mr. Charles Hansell
Ms. Daisy W. Harman
Ms. Virginia Harmon
Ms. Virginia B. Harmon
Mrs. Veronica Hatcher
Ms. Janet Hawkins
Mrs. Connie Hayden
Ms. Patricia Heaton
Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Held
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hensley
Mr. and Mrs. James Herndon
Frank and Janet Herty
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Hill
Mrs. Elise Hoffman
Ms. Kimberly Holliday
Mrs. Linda Hoover
Mr. Joseph Horvath
Mr. and Mrs. F. Patrick Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Huebner
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Huffman
Mr. William R. Hunt
Irmo Insurance Agency
Mr. Peter Jamison
Ms. Mary Janicki
Ms. Alice Jeffreys
Ms. Melva Jean Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jolley
Mr. Ashley Poole
Ms. Sharon Jones and
Mr. Bill Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jones, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Ms. Michelle Jones
Mrs. Suzanne G. Joye
Ms. Doris Kahn
Mr. William J. Keenan III
Ms. Harriet Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Kennedy
Ms. Jiyeon Kim
Ms. Mary M. Kinard
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kingkade
Ms. Betty Kirwan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knight, Jr.
Mrs. Sheila Kolb
Mr. and Mrs. Sompong
Mrs. Lauren Kronthal
Mr. James Laborde
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Lacy
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Landreth
Mrs. Esther Langford
Mrs. Debbie Langley
AF JROTC Booster Club
In care of Perry Langston
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lassetter
Mr. Jos Lauziere
Mrs. Desiree Lawless
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lee
Mrs. Stephanie Lee
Mr. Charles LeFevre
Mrs. Mary Jane LeFevre
Ms. Naomi Leonard
Ms. Sarah Leverette
Mr. Todd Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Libet
Drs. Keith and Melanie Lobel
Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Locklear, Jr.
Loom Craft, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Loomis
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Lott, Jr.
Mrs. Marcia Lucius
Mrs. Sylvia Lufkin
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lundy
Mr. James M. Lyles, III
Mr. Brian Magargle
Mr. and Mrs. John Mahon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marchi
The Chapin Chirpers
Singing Group
Mr. and Mrs. Delfo Marini
Mr. John A. Mason, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Maunz
Ms. Peggy Mcbride
Dr. and Mrs. W. Pearce McCall
Ms. Rosemarie McCallum
Mr. and Mrs. William McCarthy, Jr.
Ms. Jamie Young McCulloch
Ms. Winifred McDowell
Mrs. Cornelia H. McGhee
Ms. Glenna McKee
Ms. Sylvia McLachlan
Mrs. Joyce McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Billy McLemore
Ms. Eloise Mcmillan
Ms. Dale McPherson
Ms. Rebecca McSwain
Mr. Bruce Milhouse
Ms. Kelly Miller
Mr. Ansel Miller
Ms. Charlene S. Mode
Ms. Mary T. Molten
Mr. Mickey Moore
Mrs. Harriet Moore
Mr. John H. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore
Mrs. Bonita Moore
Toni Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Basil N. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Morris
Ms. Susan Morris
Ms. Michelle Motchos
Mr. and Mrs.
Strother E. Murdoch, Jr.
Ms. Rebecca Nabors
Ms. Beverly C. Nance
Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Nappier
Mr. Floyd M. Neese
Mrs. Francis Neuffer
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Neville
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Niemeyer
Mrs. Deborah Noonan
Jamie Nostrant
Dr. and Mrs. James Nottingham
Dr. James Nottingham
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Nussbaum
Ms. Teresa Payne
Mr. Randall Penn
Mrs. Joyce Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pickens
Mr. E.L. Pooser
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pope
Mrs. Ina W. Porter
Ms. Pamela F. Posey
Mrs. Ann Powell
Ms. Margaret Prentice and
Ms. Marchar Stagg
Ms. Gloria Prevost
Ms. Ann Price
Mr. James Privett
Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Prosser
Ms. Ellen Pugh
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quin
Ms. Inez Radcliffe
Ms. Dianne Radigan
Ms. Pamela Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rasmussen
Ms. Janet Raught
Mr. and Mrs. Hayne Rawls
Mr. Denzil Ready
Ms. Nancy Reynolds
Mr. Lester Reynolds, Jr.
Ms. Diane Rice
Mrs. Dolores Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Richardson
Mrs. Kay Riley
Mr. John S. Rinehart, Sr.
Ms. Angela Rish
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robbins
Ms. Nathalia Rodriguez
Mr. David Ross
Ms. Arlene Rowland
Ms. Lucie Roy
Mr. and Mrs. William Rullman
Ms. Carolyn C. Russell
Ms. Elizabeth J. Ryland
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sabo
Ms. Maria E. Safie
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Salter
Ms. I. J. Samson
Ms. Patricia Sandgren
Mrs. Holly Sarratt
Mr. and Mrs. William Schanck
Mrs. Angela Schauble
Ms. Becky Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Schmoyer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schwab
Mr. James Scully
Ms. Cathy F. Sease
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sessions
Mr. Dale Shealy
Mrs. Bonnie Shealy
Ms. Amy E. Shell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheppard, Jr.
Mr. David and Mrs. Sheridan
Ms. Rita Sherrer
Ms. Joyce A. Shirley
Mrs. Carole Shull
Ms. Yvonne Sightler
Ms. Brigitte Silva
Ms. Sisi Sims
Mr. Tony Singh
Ms. Carol Smith
Mr. Kevin Smith
Ms. Sallie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith
Mrs. Mary Sorrel
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Spencer
Mrs. Jacqueline Springs
Mrs. Wanda Stanley
Morgan Stanley
Ms. Melody Stevens
Ms. Ada Stewart, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Stone
Mrs. Betty J. Strohecker
Mr. Rick Stroud
Mr. Alice Sullivan
Mr. George Surles
Mr. Jack B. Swerling
Mr. and Mrs. JB Swygert
Mr. and Mrs. William Tangney
Ms. Patty Lou Templar
Ms. Barbara Testor
Ms. Susan M. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas
Ms. Allison Timpe
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tinsley
Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Toal
Ms. Jean Anne Toole
Ms. Carol Tosi
Kittrell L. Tucker
Ms. Margaret J. Tupper
Ms. Pamela Turner
Mrs. Debbie Tychkowsky
Dr. John M. Uhl
Mrs. Katrina Van Dine
Mr. A. R. Verlinden
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vinck
Dr. Kari Wagner
Mr. Fritz Waidner
Ms. Susan Walker
Ms. Susan M. Walters
Mrs. Michelle Watts
Ms. Ethel Weagly
Ms. Frances M. Webb
Mr. Robert Wells and
Ms. Lucilla Schoenlein
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
Mr. Dorie J. White
Ms. Marissa Whitehead
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm
Mr. James Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Winter
Mr. and Mrs. Corliss Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wood
The Wright Family
Mrs. Eleanor Wright
Ms. Charwyn Wyndham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yanity
Ms. Beatrice Yates
Mrs. Betty Zeigler
Bronze Level
$10 – $99
Ms. Chauntney Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Adams
Mr. Garland Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Addy
Ms. Marjorie Adkins
Mr. Richard Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alexander
Ms. Stephanie Alexander
Mrs. Alexis Alia
Mr. Greg Allcut
Ms. Tina Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Allen
Ms. Harrietta Allen
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Allen
Mr. Joseph W. Allen III
Ms. Becky Allen
Ms. Cecile Allison-Ard
Ms. Pamela Kay Alls
Mrs. Mary Alrus
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Amick
Mr. Brady Amick
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ammons
Ms. Betty Anderson
Mr. Duke L. Anderson
Ms. Renate Anderson
Mr. Victor Andiano
Ms. Marci Andino
Ms. Fran Andrews
Mr. Jerry Arnold
CSM Ret. John Asbury
Ms. Marie Askins
Professional Insurance Associates
Ms. Judith Aucoin
Mr. David Auerbach
Mrs. Lois Ausbeck
Ms. Deborah Autry
Ms. Shirley Babbitt
Ms. Anita Babish
Frank Backman Family
Mrs. Angela Bagwell
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey
Mr and Mrs. Robert Bailey
Mrs. Karen Bailey
Mr. Richard Bailey
Mrs. Maureen Bailey
Mrs. Angie Baker
Mrs. Marguerite Baker
Ms. Shelly Baker
Mrs. Victoria Baker
Mrs. Mary Balbach
Ms. Doris Ballard
Mrs. Lynn Ballentine
Mr. Gregory Ballentine
Mrs. Mary Ballou
Mrs. Tessie Bannister
Ms. Sarah Barber
Ms. Patti Bardwell
Mr. Robert Barham
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Barker
Mrs. Dana Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Max Barker
Mrs. Tanya Barnette
Dr. and Mrs. William Barr
Barr-Price Funeral Homes
Ms. Aree Barton
Mr. Edward R. Barwick
Mr. and Mrs. William Bassett, Sr.
Ms. Ida Bassi
Mr. Gary Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Batha
Mrs. Patricia Batten
Mrs. Susan Beason
Mr. Robert Bedenbaugh
Mrs. Regina Belanger
Ms. Earlene Belk
Mr. David Bell
Mr. Thomas Bell
Ms. Susan Bennett
Mrs. Patricia Bennett
Ms. Kelly Bennett
Ms. Suzanne S. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Berendsen
Ms. Sondra Berger
Mr. Dagmar Bermudez
Ms. Delores Berry
Ms. Jean Berry
Ms. Carol Berry
Mrs. Sharon Berry
Mrs. Josephine Best
Mr. Adam Bettinger
Ms. Ellen Betts
Ms. Janie Beville
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bezrd
Ms. Agnes Bickley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black
Mrs. Luetta Black
Mrs. Laura Blackmon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackwell
Ms. Tiffni Blackwell
Mrs. Christina Blackwell
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Blake
Mr. Jack Blake
Mr. Brian Blatt
Ms. Ruth Bligh-Willis
Mr. Robert M. Blizzard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blount
Ms. Ann Boan
Mrs. Judith Bock
Ms. Jeanette Bodie
Mr. William Bohan
Mrs. Gretchen Boland
Ms. Charlotte Boleyn
Mr. Fred Bollenbach
Ms. Dorothy Boltz
Mrs. Elizabeth Bone
Mr. and Mrs. Von Boozer
Mrs. Marie Bostain
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bostic
Ms. Mary Bostick
Mr. Chris C. Boswell
Ms. Brigitte Bowen
Ms. Brenda Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Boyce
Ms. Twila Boynton
Mrs. Joyce Bozard
Mr. Brad Bradberry
Mrs. Cathy Bradberry
Mr. Geoffrey Bradbury
Ms. Patricia Bradley
Ms. Lily Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Bradley
Ms. Shirley M. Bradley
Mr. James Bradshaw
Mrs. Melinda Bradshaw
Mrs. Clara Bradwell
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Branch
Mrs. Tereatha Branham
Ms. Gloria Brannon
Mr. and Mrs. James Brennan
Ms. Mary P. Brewer
Mrs. Grace Brigman
Ms. Harriett Brinker
Ms. Ellen Brinson
Mrs. Kay Britt
Mrs. Jean Britt
Mrs. Ann Britton
Ms. Karen Bromwell
Mrs. Erin Brooks
Mr. Faron Brooks
Ms. Faye Brooks
Ms. Beryl Brooks-Groines
Mrs. F. Drucilla Brookshire
Mr. Robert Broom
Ms. Sarah Browder
Ms. Sarah Browder
Mr. David Brown and
Mrs. Nina Glasgow
Ms. Ethel Brown
Mrs. Mary Brown
Ms. Sara Brutscher
Mrs. Tamira Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley
Ms. Becky Buie
Ms. Norma Bunch
Ms. Elmina Bunch
Ms. Shirley Burdick
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burgess
Ms. Sarah Burhart
Ms. Melissa Burnett
Mrs. Cindy Burns
Mr. and Mrs. John Burnside, Jr.
Ms. Anne C. Burriss
Mr. Jerry D. Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Busby
Ms. Jeannette Busby
Ms. Terri Butler
Mr. Clifford Butler
Mr. John B. Butler, III
Ms. Beverly Byars
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Byrd
Ms. Frances Byrd
Ms. Denise Cagle
Mrs. Sandra Calhoon
Mr. Roger Calhoun
Mrs. Frances Cameron
Mr. Raymond Camp
Mr. Tom and Mrs. Peggy Camp
Ms. Catherine Campbell
Ms. Minnie Campbell
Mr. James Campbell
Mr. Gordon Cantor
Mr. Walter Carll
Mrs. Elizabeth Carnabuci
Mrs. Janet Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Carney, Sr.
Miss Linda Dale Carruth
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carson
Ms. R. Annadell Carter
Mrs. Sandra Carter
Mrs. Cynthia Carter
Mrs. Joye Carter-Collier
Ms. Lila A. Cartledge
Mrs. Mary Cason
Mrs. Charlene Cassidy
Mrs. Deborah Castine
Ms. Erin Castine
Mrs. Jane Caulder
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Caulk
Mr. Jack Cecil
Mrs. Barbara Cesaro
Ms. Lotte Chakowski
Mr. Michael D. Chalfant
Mr. and Mrs.
Robert G. Chambers, Jr.
Ms. Roxie Chambers
Ms. Kristie Chapman
Mr. Eland Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Charles
Mrs. Tanya Charumilind
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Chavis
Ms. Margaret Chernek
Ms. Carolyn Chestnut
Mrs. Helen Childers
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Childress
Ms. Tammy Childs
Ms. Shirley Christiansen
Ms. Brenda Church
Ms. Robin Ciarcia
Mrs. Leslie Cramp
Ms. Becky Clark
Mrs. Susan Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Corky Clark
Mrs. Bessie Clark
Ms. Cindy Clark
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clarkson, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Clary
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clay
Ms. Daisy Clemens
Mr. & Mrs. Kendrick A. Clements
Mrs. Cora Cleveland
Mr. Glenn Clonts
Mr. R. Wayne Coats
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cobb
Ms. Celeste G. Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coble
Mrs. Mana Cochran
Mrs. Brenda Coker
Mr. Grif Cole
Ms. Marilyn Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coleman
Mr. Clifford D. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Collins
Ms. Margaret Collins
Mr. Troy Comalander
Ms. Jacqueline S. Cominotti
Ms. Betty Compton
Mrs. Gay Conder
Mrs. Donna Confair
Mrs. Maria Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Conner
Ms. Patricia Conrad
Mrs. Cindy Conrads
Ms. Y. S. Conrow
Ms. Barbara Coogler
Mrs. Harriet Cook
Mrs. Alice Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cooper, Jr.
Mr. Eric Cooper
Ms. Cathy Cooper
Ms. C. C Cooper
Mrs. Selma Cooper
Mr. David Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper
Mr. Cam Copley
Ms. Paige Corder
Mr. Adrian Cordoni
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cornell
Ms. Gladys B. Cornette
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cornwell
SGt. Maj. And Mrs. William
Mr. Joseph Coulter
Ms. Leigh Coulter
Ms. Cathy A. Counts
Ms. Ruth Counts
Mr. Joe Counts
Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Counts
Mr. David R. Cowan
Mrs. Jennifer Coward
Mrs. Susan Cox
Mrs. Melissa Coxe
Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Craft
Mrs. Shari Cranford
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Crapps, II
Crayton Faculty Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Creech
Mrs. Faye Creel
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Crittenden
Ms. Karen Crocker
Mr. Phillip Cromer
Mrs. Maryann Cronin
Mrs. Virginia Crook
Ms. Jenny Crouse
Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Culclasure
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cumbie
Mr. and Mrs. David Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Curnow
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Curtis
Ms. Victoria Cushman
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dabrowski
Mrs. Elinor Dagle
Mr. Gregory Dahl
Mr. Michael Dall
Mrs. Donna Dangelo
Mrs. Gloria Danielowski
Mr. Joseph Daniels, Sr.
Ms. Linda Darling
Mr. Saied Darvish
Ms. Ruthie Dasher
Ms. Carol David
Kristine Davidston
Ms. Sandra A. Davidson
Ms. Melissa Davis
Mrs. Jane Daivs
Mr. Charles Davis
Mrs. Sandra Davis
Mrs. Elizabeth Davis
Mr. John R. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis
Ms. Sallie W. Davis
Mrs. Kim Dcosta
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Degnan
Ms. Muguette Dekeyser
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Delfidio
Ms. Carolyn Delton
Mr. Richard DeMarest
Mr. Kent Demars
Ms. Judy Demers
Mr. and Mrs. George Dendrinos
Ms. Betty S. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dennis, Sr.
Ms. Laura Dennison
Mr. Milton Densman
Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Dent, Jr.
Mr. John L. Dent
Mr. Jim Denton
Mr. and Mrs. James Deweese
Mrs. Denise Dick
Mrs. Dorothy Dickert
Mr. Jeffery Dickey
Ms. Norma Dickinson
Mr. Keith Didyoung
Mrs. Elma Dillard
Ms. Dolores Dimaria
Mrs. Julianna Dinney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Dixon
Ms. Betty H. Dixon
Ms. Jena Dixon
Mrs. Michelle Dobbs
Mr. A. Domnas
Ms. Rebecca Dotterer
Ms. Robin E. Dow
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dowd
Ms. Linda Dreher
Mr. Ernest Dreher
Mr. and Mrs.
Mann Drumheller, Jr.
Ms. Jacqueline H. Duckworth
Mrs. Pamela Dudzinski
Mr. William Dufford
Mr. Paul Dufries
Ms. Rose Dukes
Ms. Lula McCraw Duncan
Mr. Rick Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunn
Ms. Patricia Durham
Mr. and Mrs. Chevis Durham
Ms. Martha F. Durst
Mrs. Lynne Dyches
Dynamic Systems
Mrs. Hattie Eads-Dorrell
Mr. and Mrs. Pernell Earhardt
Mrs. Deborah Easterling
Mrs. Catherine Eckman
Ms. Carola Edelmann
The HSPCA and Humane
Education Center Of Sumpter
Mr. and Mrs. Derald Edwards
Ms. Theresa Egipciaco
Dr. Carl A. Ek
Mrs. Lillian Elder
Ms. Paticia Elias
Ms. Elizabeth Elijah
Mr. William Ellerbe, Jr.
Ms. Shirley Ellingsen
Mrs. Katherine Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis, Jr.
Mrs. Gwyn Ellis
Ms. Yvette Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. John Ellison
Mr. Bennie Ellisor
Ms. Deborah Embrey
Ms. Blythe Emens
Ms. Sonja England
Mrs. Vonetta Epperson
Mrs. Evelyn Epting
Mr. Leonel Ergle
Mrs. Bonny Erwin
Mrs. Mary Ellen Evans
Ms. Kathryn C. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evans
Mr. Harold Ewing
Mr. Denny Fallaw
Mrs. Betty Fant
Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Farrell
Mr. John Favors
Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson
Ms. Patricia Ferguson
Mrs. Elaine Ferrell
Robert V. Ferrell
Mr. Joseph Fesce
Ms. Barbara Finch
Ms. Mary Finlay
Ms. Charlene J. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fitch
Mr. Garrett Fitzgerald
Ms. Sally Floyd
Mr. John Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. James Floyd
Ms. Julie Foley
Ms. Mary S. Folger
Ms. Mary Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Forsyth
Ms. Edith Fortune
Mr. and Mrs. David Foster, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Fowles, III
Ms. Marguerite Fox
Ms. Mary Frances Wendt
Mr. E. Douglas Franklin
Mrs. Alice Fredrickson
Mr. Jon W. Fredrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Freeman, Jr.
Mr. G. Brantley Freeman, Jr.
Mrs. Joyce Frick
Ms. Lauren L. Frick
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Frick
Mrs. Norma Fricker
Mrs. Dolores B. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friendly
Mrs. Donna Fuller
Ms. Carol Fuller
Ms. Susan Fulmer
Mrs. Jane Fulmer
Ms. Patricia Fulton
Mrs. Caroline Funderburk
Ms. Rosalind Funk
Ms. Brenda Furtick
Ms. Kaye R. Fusaro
Mr. and Mrs. George Gainey
Mrs. Debra Gainey
Ms. Carol B. Gamble
Mrs. Jane Gambrell
Ms. Beth Garber
Ms. Vicky Gardner
Mrs. Teresa Garner
Miss Ivar Garren
Mrs. Constance Garvey
Mr. Burnett Gaston
Mrs. Nina Gates
Mrs. Fran Gedney
Ms. Shitley Gee
Mrs. Clara Gency
Ms. Bonnie George
Ms. Mavis K. George
Ms. Carol Gerald
Ms. Erica gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gifford
Ms. Anne Gillespie
Mrs. Sandra Gilliam
Mrs. Patricia Gilmartin
Ms. Janette Gleaton
Ms. Sandra Glymph
Ms. Susan Glymph
Mr. John Goad
Going & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. John Goldsmith
Ms. Jane Goldsmith
Ms. Annette Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. George Gooch
Ms. Arline Goodglass
Mrs. Laura Goodman
Ms. Shirley Goodwin
Ms Linda Goodwin
Ms. Diane Goolsby
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Goolsby
Courtney Love & David Gowans
Ms. Bonnie Graham
Mr. Edward Graham
Mrs. Kelly Grahn
Mrs. Kelly Grahn
Ms. Ana Grant
Ms. Betty Gray
Mr. Anthony Green
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green
Ms. Mary Green
Mrs. Lorraine Greenleaf
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Greenwalt
Mrs. Ruth Greer
Mrs. Joyce Greer
Ms. M. MacDonald Gregory
Mrs. Jane Griffin
Ms. Martha Griffin
Mrs. Terri Griffin
Mrs. Milla Griffith
Ms. Carol Griffith
Dr. Elizabeth Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gross
Ms. Janet Groves
Ms. Elberta Grubbs
Mr. and Mrs. John Guinther
Mrs. Marsha Gurwitch
Ms. Margaret Guyor
Mrs. Jenny Hackler
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hadley
Mrs. Claude Hair
Mrs. Nicole Hall
Ms. Marguerite Hall and
Mr. M. Shannon Haycox
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Hall
Ms. Katherine Hall
Mrs. Betsy Hall
Ms. Mary Hall
Mr. and Mrs. William Hall
Mr. Beverly Hall, Sr.
Mr. Charles Hallman
Mrs. Kaye Hallman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hallyburton
Ms. Cheryl L. Haltiwanger
Ms. Carole Haltiwanger
Ms. Ann Ham
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hamilton
Mrs. Martha Hamrick
Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Hare
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harmon
Ms. Melinda Harrill
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hart
Ms. Laura Harvel
Mrs. Patricia Hatcher
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hathorne
Ms. Linda Hauenstein
Mrs. Sandy Havens
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hawkins
Mrs. Andy Smith Hawkins
Ms. Danielle Hawley
Mrs. Elza Hayen
Mrs. Lorraine Hayes
Ms. Ellen Hazel
Mr. Michael Heaton
Mrs. Carol Hefner
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Heise
Mrs. Jane Helmer
Ms. Susan Hendrix Elmore
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Henry
Miss Happy Henry
Mrs. Marthanna Hensley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hershberger
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Heuer
Ms. Barbara Hevener
Mrs. W. S. Hiatt
Mrs. Mona Hiatt
Mrs. P. B. Hicks
Mr. Larry Higgins
Ms. Heather D. High
Mr. Michael Hill
Mrs. Ruth Hill
Mrs. Alice Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Garth Hill
Ms. Patsy Hill
Mr. Joe Hill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hilliard
Mrs. Cathy Hilton
Ms. Melanie H. Hindman
Mr. Victor Hirth
Ms. Norma Hitchcock
Ms. Betty S. Hite
Ms. Nancy Hobbs
Ms. Edith Hodge
Mrs. Brenda Hodges
Ms. Loyce Hoge
Mrs. Carolyn Holaday
Ms. Ingeborg Holan
Mrs. Barbara Holbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holland
Mrs. Alana Holmes
Ms. Melva C. Hoover
Ms. Frances Hopkins
Mrs. Tammy Horton
Tate and Anne Horton
Mrs. Leilani Horton
Crossroads Animal Hospital
Ms. May Hotinger
Ms. Virginia Hough and Ms.
Bonnie Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Howell
William Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hudson
Mrs. Shelia Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Hudspith
Mrs. Stephanie Hugger
Mr. Walter Hughes Jr.
Mrs. Teresa Humphrey
Ms. Delores Hunter
Ms. Cynthia Huston-Porterfield
Mrs. Marion Ike
Mrs. Jana Inabinet
Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson
Mr. Louis Jackson
Mrs. Julie Jackson
Ms. Margie Jan Jackson
Ms. Marla Jackson
Mrs. Nancy Jackson
Mr. Patrick Janice
Ms. Nelda E. Jay
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jayne
Mrs. Crystal Jeffcoat
Ms. Christina Jefferies
Mrs. Mazie Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jennings
Ms. Dianne Jensen
Ms. Jane Hammond Hervey
Ms. Carolyn Jeter
Sande C. Jeter
Mrs. Louise Johns
Mrs. Nancy Johnson
Mr. Steven Johnson
Ms. Gail Johnson
Ms. Liliana Colombo Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson
Mrs. Susan Johnson
Mrs. Linda Johnson
Ms. Phyllismary Johnson
Mrs. Michele Johnson
P. R. Johntston
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joiner
Ms. Alice Jonas
Ms. Susan Jones
Ms. Joni Jones
Mr. Robert Jones
Ms. Mary Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jones
Mrs. Sheliah Jones
Mrs. Maria Jones
Ms. Dale Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Jones
Mr. Kevin Jones
Ms. Sarah Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jordan, Jr.
Ms. Gail Jordan
Mr. Barry Jordan
Mrs. Edith Jordan
Mr. John Joseph
Ms. Rosemary Joseph
Ms. Elsie Joyce
Mrs. Kimberlie Julin
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kammer, Jr.
Mrs. Ferne Kantsiper
Mrs. Linda Kanuch
Mrs. Carolyn Kay
Ms. Jeanne Keen
Mrs. Thelma Keith
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Keitt, Jr.
Mrs. Linda Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Brion Kenline
Mrs. Valerie Kennedy
Ms. Linda Kennison
Mr. Thomas Keyes
Mr. John Kientzler
Mr. Hary R Kim
Ms. Peggy Kinard
Mrs. Julie King
Ms. Ilene King
Mrs. Martha King
Mr. and Mrs. King
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kinsey
Ms. Donna Kirby
Ms. Carol Kirby
Mrs. Janie Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kirn
Mrs. Sheryl Kitchings
Mrs. Mary Anne Klemkosky
Mrs. Carla M. Klemy
Mr. James Knight
Mr. David Knight
Mrs. Bessie Knoche
Ms. Louise Knotts and Ms.
Paula Toal
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Knouse
Mrs. Ardelia Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koch
Mrs. Judy Koelpin
Mrs. Henry Koepcke
Ms. Patricia Kohn
Mr. Sanford Koon
Mr. and Mrs. Waldorf Korb
Ms. Andrea Krause
Ms. Sarah Kummer
Ms. Miriam Kurz
Ms. Nancy Kyre
Mrs. Ann Kyzer
Mr. and Mrs. William Ladkau
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Lafaye
Mrs. Pam Laird
Ms. Sharon G. Laird
Ms. P.W. Lamar
Ms. Ursula I. Lamatsch
Ms. Ursula Lamatsch
Ms. Patty Lambert
Mrs. Fran Lamonika
Ms. Patricia Lamont
Mr. and Mrs. James Lander
Mr. William Landess
Mrs. Judy Landrum
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Landrum
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lareau
Ms. Genevieve LaRose
Ms. Teri LaSalle
Mr. William Laval
Ms. Peggy Lawrence
Mr. James Lawrence
Mr. John Laws
Mrs. Michelle Laws-Hoadwonic
Mrs. Nancy Layman
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lee
Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, Jr.
Mrs. Gidlinde Lee
Mr. Michael Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lee
Ms. Alyce Leech
Mrs. Mary Jane LeFevre
Legal Staff Professional of
South Carolina
Karen & Don Lemons
Ms. Edna E. Lennon
Ms. Athena J. Leventis
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Leverette
Ms. Shannon Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lewis
Ms. Brenda Libner
Mr. Frederick Lieb
Ms. Lynette Likes
Lloyd S. Liles
Ms. Jeanne Lillard
Ms. Amelia Linder
Ms. Alice Linder
Ms. Julie Lindstrom
Ms. Deborah Link
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Lipton
Mrs. Barbara Lisbon
Mrs. Adele Little
Ms. Daisy Littlejohn
Mrs. Evelyn Lloyd
LLR Hope Committee
Ms. Charlene Locke
Mrs. Stephanie Lockhart
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lockleir
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Logan
Mr. Cosmo Lombardi
Mr. and Mrs. John Lombardi
Ms. Geraldine London
Ms. Deidra Long
Ms. Jacqueline Long
Ms. Jacqueline S. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Lopez
Mrs. Theresa Lopresti
Mr. and Mrs. John Lorka
Ms. Barbara Lowman
Mrs. Marjan S. Lucas
Ms. Debra W. Lybrand
Ms. Gwen Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenze Mabry
Elizabeth Mack
Ms. Margie Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mackintosh
Ms. Brandon Madden
Mrs. Rahina Mahtab
Mrs. Marie Maine
Mrs. Joyce Maleeki
Mrs. Karen Malloy
Ms. Linda S. Maloch
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Mandeville
Mrs. Eva Mapp
Ms. Brenda Marcotte
Ms. Evelyn Marion
Mrs. Carol Marse
Miss Debbie Marshall
Mr. John Martin
Mrs. Rachel Martin
Ms. Nancy Martin
Mrs. Sue Martin
Ms. Marsha Martin
Mrs. Sherry Martinez
Ms. Marie Marz
Mr. Leck Mason
Mrs. Cynthia Mason
Ms. Lora Matthews
Ms. Sherry Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. William Mattson
Dr. and Mrs. Ruben Mayer
Mrs. Jane Mazes
Ms. Ann McAndrews
Mrs. Kristin Mcarthur
Mrs. Madlyn McCabe
Ms. Gretchen McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. William McCarter
Ms. Nancy McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McCarty
Mr. Samuel McCarty
Mrs. Caroline Mccauley
Mr. and Mrs. George McClain
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McClure
Mrs. Heddy Mcclure
Mrs. Cheryl McColl
Mr. Robert B Mcconkey
Mr. and Mrs. Russell McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Larry McConnell
Mrs. Christine Mccormack
Ms. Harriet McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Duane McCoy
Ms. Charlotte M. McCreary
Mr. and Mrs.
William E. McCullough, Jr.
Ms. Lisa McCurdy
Dr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald
Mr. Joseph McDonald
Miss Beth McDonald
Mrs. Joyce Mcdonald
Mrs. Pamela McEntire
Mr. and Mrs. William McEntire
Ms. Dee McFarland
Ms. Shelley McGeorge
Ms. Jayne McGirt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McGrath
Mr. Bob McIlwain
Ms. Cathy McIlwain
Ms. Michelle McIver
Mrs. Emily McLaughlin
Ms. Gail McLemore
Ms. Sally McLeod
Ms. Sachiko Mcmahan
Mrs. Virginia McNair-Crooks
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McNish
Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Wayne McPherson
Ms. Rebecca McSwain
Mr. Henry Mcteer
Mrs. Betty Meadows
Mr. Clyde Meares Jr.
Ms. Jo Ann Mears
Mr. John D. Medlin
Ms. Varunee Meek
Ms. Joan Meeting
Ms. Dianne Meetze
Mr. Thomas R. Meetze
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mellitz
Mr. Terry Meredith
Mrs. Karen Merrit
Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Merson
Mrs. Mary Metcalf
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Meyer
Mrs. Marybeth Meyers
Mrs. Rita Miele
Ms. Theresa Mikes
Mr. Ray Miles
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller
Mr. Tom Miller
Mrs. Patricia Miller
Mr. Glenn Miller
Ms. Tammy Miller
Ms. Cynthia J. Miller
Mrs. Jennifer Miller
Mrs. Barbara Miller
Ms. Ira Miller
Mr. Jeffery Miller
Mrs. Wanda Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Miller
Ms. Ruth Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Minor
Mrs. Pan Miranda
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell, Jr.
Mrs. Iris Mitchum
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mobley
Mrs. Zita Molinary
Ms. Frances Molten
Mr. and Mrs.
Earnie Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Montgomery
Mrs. Emma Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore
Ms. Nancy Moorer
Mrs. Joyce Morgan
Mrs. Aegina Morris
Ms. Louann Morris
Mr. David Morris
Ms. Rebecca Morris
Ms. Molly Morris
Ms. Greta Morris
Mrs. Robin Moseley
Ms. Ruth W Moss
Mrs. Jessica Mosteller
Mrs. Joyce Muller
Mrs. Patricia Munn
Ms. Darlene Murdoch
Ms. Deborah Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. William Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Muthig
Ms. Lisa Nadeau
Ms. Judi Nagaran
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nalepka
Ms. Elizabeth Narr
Mr. Michael E. Nave
Mr. & Mrs. John Neeley, III
Ms. Joan Neese
Mrs. Linda Nelson
Ms. June Nelson
Ms. Laura Nettles
Mrs. Cheryl Neuner
Mr. William Nixon
Ms. Gretchen Nolte
Mr. David Noonan
Ms. Georgie Norris
Mr. Joe North
Ms. Carmen Novellas
Mrs. Orlinda Nunez
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nuttall, III
Ms. Elizabeth O’Grady
Mr. John Allen O’leary
Mrs. Loueen D. O’Neal
Mrs. Margaret Odell
Discount Tire of Irmo Inc.
Ms. Caroline Ogburn
Ms. Victoria Oglan
Ms. Hoa Okelley
Mrs. Rebecca Olenchak
Mr. Earl Olson
Mrs. Kathleen Ortlund
Mr. and Mrs. Juraj Osterman
Ms. Barbara Ostrowski
Mrs. Anna Ousley
Ms. Carol Outlaw
Mr. and Mrs. David Outlaw
Mrs. Helen Ouzounidis
Mr. and Mrs. Pleasant Overby, III
Mrs. Effie Oversheet
Mrs. Sandra Owen
Mrs. Barbara Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Owens
Ms. Suzanne Owens
Mrs. Harriet Owrutsky
Mr. and Mrs. Ismail Ozbek
Mrs. Natalie Ozga
Ms. Jo Paddock
Ms. Christie R. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Palmer
Mr. Frank Palmer
Mr. Ed Panavich
Mrs. Betty Park
Mrs. Ann Parker
Mr. Robert Parnell
Ms. Denise Paschall
Ms. Cornelia Pasky
Ms. Barbara Pate
Mrs. Charlotte Patricia
Mr. Dwight Patterson
Ms. Trish Patterson
Mrs. Cindy Patton
Mr. Jeffery Pawlek
Ms. Kelly M. Paysinger
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. George Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peck
Ms. Susan H. Penland
Ms.. Wanda Pennekamp
Ms. Diana Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perreault
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Perry
Ms. Nancy Peters
Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson
Ms. Elvira and
Ms. Suzanne Petrich
Mr. and Mrs. Urias Phipps
Mr. Paul Pickel
Mrs. Sheri Pickell
Mrs. Sherry Pino
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Plant
Mrs. Angela Pluta
Ms. Frances Plyler
Mrs. Molly Polk
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ponti
Mrs. Sarah Poole
Mrs. Elaine Pope
Mrs. Shari Porter
Ms. Freda Porter
Mrs. Ann Porterfield
Mr. and Mrs. David Poster
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Poston
Ms. Denise Poteat
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pou
Ms. Margaret Powell-Holton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Powers
Ms. Patricia Prather
Mrs. Lindsay Pressley
Mrs. Loretta Price
Ms. Dollie Privett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruzin
Mr. and Mrs. Niel Ptachchinski
Dr. Joseph Puett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Puffenbarger
Mr. Phillip Pugh
Mrs. Gail Pukl
Ms. Patti Putnam
Mr. Otis Rackley
Ms. Susan Radamski
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Radenbaugh
Ms. Janet Ramsey
Mrs. Sue Ratledge
Mrs. Carol Rauch
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rawl, Jr.
Ms. Lillian Rawls
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ray
Ms. Shelley Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raymond, Jr.
Ms. Ina Redemann
Ms. Sally Reed
Ms. Victoria Regensburg
Rev. Barbara Reid
Ms. David Rembert
Mrs. Ida Renfroe
Mrs. Judy Renton
Mrs. Judy G. Reynolds
Ms. Rita Rhodes
Ms. Carolyn Rhodes
Ms. Mary Richards
Mr. and Mrs.
James Richardson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richardson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson
Mrs. Kathy Richardson
Mr. Tad Ridgell
Mr. and Mrs. Munsy Ridgill
Ms. Kathleen Riggin
Ms. Suzette Rikard
Ms. Rosemary Riles
Mrs. Mary Riley
Mrs. Sandy Rinzel
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rittman
Mrs. Jean F. Roark
Ms. Patricia Robbins
Mr. Randy Roberts
Ms. Gayle Roberts
Mr. J L Roberts
Ms. Lynn Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. William Roberttson
Mrs. Renee Robey
Ms. Barbara L. Robinson
Mrs. Patricia Robinson
Mrs. Katherine Robinson
Ms. Jane P. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson
Ms. Ginny Robinson
Ms. Jennifer Rodgers
Ms. Page Rogers
Ms. Cheryl Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers
Ms. Catherine K. Rollings
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rollison
Mrs. Diana Roof
Ms. Beverly Roof
Mrs. Merrie Roof
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rooten
Ms. Mary Ropeter
Ms. Betty Rosenblatt
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross
Ms. Sylvia Roth and
Ms. Frances Miller
Mrs. Elaine Rowe
Mr. Howard Rowell
Ms. Isabelle H. Rowland
Mr. Daniel Roxanne
Ms. Sandra Ruff
Ms. Catherine Ruff
Ms. Betty Ruff
Mr. and Mrs. David
Mrs. Denise Rysz
Ms. Maria E. Safie
Mrs. Joan Sallenger
Ms. Lois D Samellas
Mr. Guerry Sample
Mrs. Pamela Sanchez
Mr. Don Sanders
Ms. Patricia Sanders
Ms. Sally Sansbury
Mr. and Mrs. Pavel Sasek
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Satterfield
Mr. Barry Saunders
Mrs. Sandy Scarborough
Mrs. Mary Schaeffer
Mrs. Angelique Schiano
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schilling
Mrs. Janice Schmieding
Mr. and Mrs. Loy Schrack
Ms. Linda Schwartz
Ms. Thelma Sciadini
Ms. Mary Ann Scott
Ms. Jo Ann Scott
Mr. Edwin Seal
Mrs. Ann Sease
Mrs. Sylvia Sease
Ms. Jane Sease
Mrs. Patty Seawright
Mr. Martin Sedlar
Eloise & Joe Seegars
Ms. Carol Seering
LTC Alexis Seifhert
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sellers
Mrs. Kathy Sells
Mr. Joe Sewell
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Sharpe
Donna Sharpe
Ms. Carol C. Sharpe
Ms. Linda Sharpe
Mrs. Sharyn P Shaw
Mr. R. Bruce Shaw
Mrs. Shannon Shawver
Ms. Ruth McIntosh Shay and
Ms. Donna McIntosh Aiken
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shealy
Mr. and Mrs. James Shealy
Ms. Sandra Shealy
Mr. Stan Shealy
Mr. James Shealy
Mrs. Lois Shealy
Ms. Betty Shearin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sheffer
Ms. Jo’el Sheldon
Mrs. Karen Shelton
Mr. T.L. Shelton
Fung Shen
Ms. Norma I. Shepherd
Ms. Lee Shepherd
Mrs. Sharon Sherbourne
Mr. Michael Sherlock
Ms. Tiny Shine
Mr. and Mrs. George Shissias
Mrs. Judith Shroads
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Siegel
Mr. Charles Sigel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simmons
Ms. Brenda Simmons
Mrs. Polly Simpson
Ms. Susan Sims
Mrs. Colleen Siniard
Mr. and Mrs. John Sisario
Mr. and Mrs. John Sivewright
Ms. Margaret Sizemore
Mrs. Katri Skinner
Mrs. Pam Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. John Slater
Mr. Robert Slice
Mrs. Linda Slice
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slimp
Ms. Margaret Slovick
Ms. Debra F. Small
Mr. Bruce Smalley
Ms. Dorothy Smart
Miss Margie Smart
Dr. and Mrs. Terry Smith
Mrs. Valerie Smith
Ms. Jutta Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith
Ms. Rose Mary S. Smith
Mr. J. Timothy Smith
Mr. Raymond Smith
Ms. Linda G. Smith
Ms. Cynthia Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith III
Mrs. Barbara Smith
Mrs. Donna Smith
Ms. Anne Macon Smith
Ms. Donna Smith
Ms. Ivey Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith
Mr. Alonzo Smith, Sr.
Ms. Josephine Smith
Mrs. Diane Smith
Ms. Elaine Smith-Foster
Ms. Susie Smithson
Mr. David Smoak
Mrs. Monica Smoak
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smoak
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smurthwaite
Ms. Sally Smyrl
Ms. Maria Snow
Mr. Robert Solesbee
Ms. Yvette Sorenson
Mrs. Yvette Sorenson
Mr. Gregory Sox
Ms. Brenda Sox
Mrs. Caroline L. Sozzi
Ms. Penny Sparrow
Ms. Marie Speel
Ms. Amy Spigner
Mr. Darrell Spires
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Springs
Mrs. Jacqueline Springs
Mrs. Kathy Stabler
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stack
Mrs . R. H. Stafford
Ms. Betty Stanley
Mr. Sherwood and
Dr. Susan Stark
Mrs. Pamela Steck
Mr. John Steedly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Steele
Mr. William Stephenson, III
Ms. Marcia Stephenson
Mrs. Tamara Sterling
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stevens
Mr. Jemme Stewart
Ms. Brenda Stewart
Mrs. Cynthia Stewart
Ms. Karen Stewart
Mrs. Mary Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stiles
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stillinger
Ms. Kathleen Stogner
Mrs. Rhonda Stokes
Mrs. Redia Stokes
Mr. Allen Stokes, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Stokes
Ms. Nancy Stokes
Mr. Randy Stoner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Storey
Mrs. Carol Stork
Mr. and Mrs. William Stork
Mrs. Mary Stout
Ms. Megan Stout
Ms. Mary Strasburger
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Strauss
Mrs. Patricia Strawn
Mrs. Betty Strohecker
Ms. Rachel Strong
Ms. Barbara Stutts
Barbara C. Suddeth
Mr. Robert Sunderland
Mrs. Sue Sussman
Mrs. Kathleen Sutton
Ms. Sue Swanson
Ms. Edna Swartzbeck
Ms. Edna Swartzbeck
Ms. Cora Swink
Ms. Christina Szczepanski
Mrs. James Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tankersley
Ms. Elaine Tankersley
Mrs. Paula Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. John Tarrant
Ms. Betty Tarrer
Col. and Mrs. Lester Tate
Pat Tate
Mr. Richard Taylor
Mrs. Stephanie Taylor
Mr. Larry Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Taylor
Mrs. Melissa Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Billy J. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Teague
Mr. A. R. Tehan
TerraCycle, Inc.
Mrs. Victor Theriot
Mr. Dale Thiel
Mr. Donald Thomas
Ms. Martha Thompson
Mr. Robert Thompson
Ms. Elizabeth Thompson
Ms. Laura Thompson, Ph.D
Ms. Sophie Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John Thornberry
Mrs. Janice E. Thornton
Mr. William Thurber
Mrs. Marilyn Tilley
Ms. Jill Tino
Mrs. Patricia Tipton
Mr. Joseph Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tomczyk
Ms. Patricia Townsend
Mrs. Andrea Trapp
Ms. Betsy Treadway
Ms. Barbara B. Trinkley
Mr. Jeffery Trone
Mr. Sherwood Trunk
Ms. Roberta Tryggestad
Ms. Monika Tschoche
Ms. Chase Tucker
Mr. Robert Tunell
Mr. Paul Turkopuls
Mrs. Mildred Turner
Mrs. Susan Turner
Mrs. Joan Tweed
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ufen
Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Valpey
Mr. Chris Van Erkelens
Mrs. Janette H. VanBorsch
Ms. Susan J. Vanderborg
Mrs. Susan Vanderborg
Ms. Margo Vanderkolk
Mrs. Barbara VanHorn
Mr. David Varano
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vaughn
Mrs. Kayleigh Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vest
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Vicini
Mr. Robert Vick
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Vinson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vogel
Mr. Gay Vogt
Mrs. Katherine Vorhauer
Ms. Melanie Wactor
Ms. Mathilde Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Wagnitz
Mrs. Debbie Wainwright
Mr. Robert Waites
Mrs. Stella Walch
Ms. Joan Waldhour
Mr. G. R. P. Walker
Mrs. Katie Alice Walker
Ms. Sue Wall
Mrs. Jo Ann Wallace
Mrs. Elaine Waller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walling
Mr. Gary E. Walsh
Mrs. Connie Walters
Mrs. Lita Wangensteen
Mrs. Margie Wannamaker
Mrs. Sandra Wardlaw
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Warren
Mrs. Linda Waselus
Ms. Stephanie Watford
Ms. Margaret Watford
Mr. Joe F. Watson
Mr. Herman Watson
Mrs. Mary Watson
Mr. David Watts
Mrs. Sitina Watts
Mrs. Margaret Waugh
Mrs. Leatha Waymyers
Elizabeth Weathersby
Mrs. Melanie Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weems, Jr.
Mrs. Jane Weidenbacker
Mrs. Irene Weigand
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Weldon
Mrs. Jean Weldon
Ms. Cynthia Wellborn
Ms. Eileen Welsh
Ms. Sara Werts
Mrs. Doris Wessinger
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Westbury
Mr. Charles Weston
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weymouth
Mr. and Mrs. John Whalen
Ms. Brenda Whaley
Mrs. Joan B. Wheeler
Mrs. Susan White
Ms. Leslie White
Ms. Dolores S. White
Mr. and Mrs. Walter White
Ms. Ann White
Mr. and Mrs. Dolton White, Sr.
Mrs. Deborah White
Ms. Nancy Whitlaw
Mr. Donald Whittaker
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Whitten, Jr.
Ms. Cynthia Wiggins
Ms. Cindy Wiggins
Mrs. Mary Wilbur
Ms. Geneva S. Wilkins
Ms. Beverly Williams
Ms. Melinda Williams
Mr. and Mrs. William Williams
Mrs. Ronald Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Williams
Mrs. Rosa Williams
Mrs. Mary Williams
Ms. Susan Carter Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James Williams
Ms. Carolyn Williamson
Mr. J.C. Willis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson
Mrs. Karen Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson
Ms. Josanne Wilson
Ms. Jacqueline E. Wilson
Mrs. Ann Wilson
Chappell Wilson
Ms. Clarice Wilson
Ms. Monique Wilson
Mrs. Roasalind Winn
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Winn
Mrs. Nancy Winrotte
Mrs. Jean Winterbottom
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wise
Mrs. Patricia Witt
Mr. N.S. Wodogaza
Ms. Robin Wofford
Mrs. Dianna Wolfe
Mrs. Doreen Wollman
Mr. David Wood
Mrs. Edith Wood
Ms. Melissa Woods
Ms. Patricia Wooten
Princa Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wuori
Mr. and Mrs. William Wynn, III
Ms. Margaret E. Wyse
Ms. Deborah Yandle
Yandle’s Roadside Market
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Yetman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shealy
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yonce
Mrs. Nancy Young
Ms. Sharon Young
Ms. Jane Young
Ms. Brenda Young
Ms. Shirley Young
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Young
Mr. Bobby and Mrs. Patty Zeigler
Ms. Katherine Zeigler
Mr. & Mrs. James Zeigler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zeno, Jr.
Mrs. Bell Zeoli
Mr. and Mrs. Bodo Zimmermann
Ms. Marie Askins
Ms. Gayle Aycock
Ms. Gayle Aycock
Mrs. Mary Balbach
Mr. and Mrs. Von Boozer
Ms. Brigitte Bowen
Ms. Mary Denis Cauthen
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cumbie
Mrs. Donna Dangelo
Mr. Woodrow Drayton Sr.
Mrs. Donna Fuller
Mrs. Ruth Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hall
Ms. Janet Hawkins
Mrs. Elise Hoffman
Ms. Stephany J. Houston
Mr. Peter Jamison
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson
Ms. Carolyn Jones
Mr. John Laws
Mrs. Stephanie Lee
Ms. Daisy Littlejohn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Lowrance
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Lowrance
Mrs. Carol Marse
Ms. Helen D. Mauldin
Ms. Glenna McKee
Ms. Eloise Mcmillan
Ms. Mary T. Molten
Ms. Susan Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Strother E. Murdoch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nuttall, III
Mr. and Mrs. Wanda Pennekamp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruzin
Mrs. Sandy Scarborough
Mr. and Mrs. David Shealy
Ms. Harriet Smoak
Ms. Harriet Smoak
Ms. Sally Smyrl
Mrs. Caroline L. Sozzi
Mr. and Mrs. William Stork
Ms. Christina Szczepanski
Ms. Betty Vannoy Trent
Mr. Robert Waites
Mr. Gary E. Walsh
Ms. Ann White
Mrs. Pamela Williams
Mrs. Amy Zeifang
Carol, Michelle & Gary Bussert
Legal Staff Professional
of South Carolina
Mr. Brady Amick
Mrs. Lynn Amick
Mr. Duke L. Anderson
Mrs. Teresa Arnold-Simmons
Professional Insurance Associates
Frank Backman Family
Mrs. Angela Bagwell
Mrs. Angie Baker
Ms. Patricia S. Baldwin
Mrs. Lynn Ballentine
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Max Barker
Mrs. Susan Beason
Ms. Karen R. Belser
Ms. Karen R. Belser
Mr. and Mrs. Benzer
Mrs. Jill Blanchar
Mrs. Gretchen Boland
Mrs. Patricia Bonig
Mr. and Mrs. Von Boozer
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Boyce
Mrs. Clara Bradwell
Mrs. Jean Britt
Mrs. Erin Brooks
Mrs. F. Drucilla Brookshire
Mr. Robert Broom
Mr. David Brown and
Mrs. Nina Glasgow
Ms. Chris Bunch
In Honor of...
Lynda Miller
Sarah Leverette
Kathy Elliott
Tim Ervolina
Paula Karesh
Blackie and Shadown
Eddie O’Cain
Rebekah Maxwell
Dr. Lynn Hackett
Margie T Shueller
Dr. Anne Dickert and Mr. Mickey Huffmond
Pat and Tommy Fortson
Pretty Girl
Pat and Tommy Fortson
Dr. Lynn Hackett
Winston and Lottie
John and Nancy Laws
Brooks and Donna Barton
Carol Barnett
Dr. Robert Alexander
JV Animal Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. J Kenneth Morris
Kelly Mac
Mr. and Mrs. Marini
Mrs. Dave Granham
Anne Morris
Merri Gandhi
Jake Sheldon Nuttall
Carol Fischbach
Sisi Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Mazzell
Ronny and Belinda Yonce
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Babbith
Mr. and Mrs. John Vining
Annie, Ruth, Ernie, and Bob
Caroline Matthew Kinney
Mrs. Ann Powell
The Rountrees
Ann Eisenstein
Addison and Coltan Arnold
Betsy Fuller
Brian Mitchell
Betty Bartholow Plott & David Bussert
Ms. Martha McConnell
In Memory of...
Arnold Wendell
Bruce Rodenbough
Rhonda Kay Dunn
Jon Thurmond
Chole Belle Hendrix
Bruce Duke
Gloyce Howell
Heather M. Harlen
Anna Mae
Bruce Radenbaugh
Louie Harrison
Danny Klemy
Natalie Stalter
Hazel Thomas Kiser
Frances LaBorde
Boinest Lee Amick
Tracy Glasgow
Mrs. Jeannine Hopkins Callahan
Mr. Tom and Mrs. Peggy Camp
Ms. Minnie Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carson
Mrs. Charlene Cassidy
Mrs. Deborah Castine
Mr. Geroge B. Cauthen
Ms. Mary Denis Cauthen
Ms. Mary Denis Cauthen
Ms. Mary Denis Cauthen
Ms. Mary Denis Cauthen
Ms. Mary Denis Cauthen
Ms. Mary Denis Cauthen
Mrs. Tanya Charumilind
Mrs. Helen Childers
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Childress
First Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Corky Clark
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clarkson, Jr.
Mr. R. Wayne Coats
Mrs. Brenda Coker
Mr. Clifford D. Coleman
Mrs. Doris Collins
Mrs. Gay Conder
Mr. and Mrs. Michan Connor
Mrs. Cindy Conrads
Mrs. Harriet Cook
Ms. Sherry Copeland
Ms. Sherry Copeland
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cornwell
Charleston County Coroner’s Office
Mrs. Melissa Coxe
Mrs. Shari Cranford
Mrs. Faye Creel
Mrs. Maryann Cronin
Merle Cureton
Mr. Saied Darvish
Ms. Carol David
Dr. Evelyn Davis Mrs. Elizabeth Davis
Mrs. Denise Dick
Mrs. Elma Dillard
Mr. A. Domnas
Mrs. Lynne Dyches
Mr. and Mrs. Pernell Earhardt
Mrs. Evelyn Epting
Mrs. Mary Ellen Evans
Robert V. Ferrell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald
Mr. John Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Fowles, III
Mrs. Nina Gates
Mrs. Barbara Gatlin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gatzke
Mrs. Clara Gency
Anne Gillespie
Anne Gillespie
Ms. Susan Glymph
Mrs. Jane Griffin
Mrs. Claude Hair
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Hall
Mrs. Betsy Hall
Mrs. Nicole Hall
Ms. Claire Haltiwanger
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hann, II
Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Hare
Ms. Virginia Harmon
Ms. Katharine Hartley
Mrs. Patricia Hatcher
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Heise
Mr. and Mrs.Herbert Henry
Ms. Happy Henry
Mrs. Marthanna Hensley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hershberger
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hershberger
Mrs. P. B. Hicks
Mr. Larry Higgins Mrs. Alice Hill
Mrs. Ruth Hill
Ms. Betty S. Hite
Mrs. Brenda Hodges
Mrs. Carolyn Holaday
In Memory of...
Gloria Thomasson
Ulrika Robinson
Jack Campbell, Sr.
Lisa Gibbons
Jazz Bo
Bruce Duke
Hazel Thomas Kiser
Julie Britt
Elisabeth Underwood Wheeler
Doris Shealy
Louie Harrison
Louie Harrison
Amanda Marie Mack
Novelle Rish Barnes
Babe, Shadow, and Corky
Frances LaBorde
John Choate
John Choate
Gloyce Howell
Zoe Hoover
Marvel Fern Recklinghausen
Gloria Thomasson
Olive Jean Brown
Bill Elvington
Earnie Lennie Montgomery
John Ehremelou
Jane Register
Elmo Creytons
Gail Ward
Madelaine Roy
Ralph Cannon Myers
Marvel Fern Recklinghausen
Doris Shealy
Mrs. Dona Walker
Priscilla Lynn
Mrs. Marguerite Blackwell
Lisa Gibbons
Olive Ann Intermill
Bruce Duke
Frances LaBorde
Lisa Gibbons
Bruce Radenbaugh
Lucy Bernhardt Erwin Harper
Royda Powers
Larry Hutto
Gloyce Howell
Philip Adams
Jackie Mccullough
Solstice Peters
Lil Mo
Ms. Juanita Keim
Gloria Thomasson
Cali Hyre
Novelle Rish Barnes
Larry Hutto
Frances LaBorde
Ralph Cannon Myers
Blanche S. Sproul
Dot Crews
Bruce Radenbaugh
Brandon Johnson
Daniel Klemy
Lisa Gibbons
Happy, Honeysuckle, Febbie, and Coco
Mrs. Barbara Holbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holland
Crossroads Animal Hospital
Ms. Stephany J. Houston
Ms. Stephany J. Houston
Mrs. Shelia Hudson
Mrs. Stephanie Hugger
Mr. Walter Hughes Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hulbert
Mrs. Marion Ike
Ms. Alice Jeffreys
Mattie Jennings and Billy Jennings
Ms. Sharon Jones and Mr. Bill Sullivan
Mr. Barry Jordan
Ms. Gail Jordan
Ms. Doris Kahn
Mrs. Julie King
Mrs. Martha King
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kinsey
Mrs. Janie Kirk
Mrs. Sheryl Kitchings
Mrs. Mary Anne Klemkosky
Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Sue Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knight, Jr.
Mrs. Judy Koelpin
Mr. and Mrs. Sompong
Mrs. Lauren Kronthal
Mr. James Laborde
Ms. Peggy Lawrence
Ms. Peggy Lawrence
Ms. Peggy Lawrence
Ms. Naomi Leonard
Ms. Margaret Jane Lindsay
Mrs. Stephanie Lockhart
Mr. and Mrs. John Lorka
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Lowrance
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Lowrance
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Lowrance
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Lowrance
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Lowrance
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Lowrance
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Lowrance
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Lowrance
Elizabeth Mack
Ms. Mimi Maddock
Mrs. Rahina Mahtab
Mrs. Marie Maine
The Chapin Chirpers Singing Group
Dr. and Mrs. Ruben Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. William McCarthy, Jr.
Mr. Samuel McCarty
Mr. and Mrs. William McEntire
Mrs. Pamela McEntire
Mrs. Reba McFarland
Ms. Dee McFarland
Ms. Glenna McKee
Ms. Eloise Mcmillan
Mrs. Jennifer Miller
Ms. Cynthia J. Miller
Mr. Brian Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery
Mrs. Joyce Morgan
Mrs. Aegina Morris
Mrs. Robin Moseley
Mrs. Patricia Munn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Muthig
Ms. June Nelson
Mrs. Deborah Noonan
B. A. O.
Ms. Suzanne Owens
Mrs. Natalie Ozga
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Papadea
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Papadea
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Papadea
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Papadea
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Papadea
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Papadea
Mrs. Betty Park
Ms. Rachel and Ms. Stephanie Pedersen
Mr. Randall Penn
Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips
Mrs. Joyce Phillips
In Memory of...
Marvel Fern Recklinghausen
Patricia Gleaton
Angel and Sneaky Pie
Cinnamon and Honey
Chloe and Maxie
Hazel Thomas Kiser
Frances Van Unen
Marylee Stabler
Maria Weber
Albert Whatley and Shepherd
Bleu, Brownie, Pumpkin, and Kronos
Jane Register
Chris Koepche
Danny Klemy
Frances LaBorde
Dona Walter
Bruce Duke
Daniel Klemy
Patricia Gleaton
Gloyce Howell
Bruce Duke
Heather Harlen
Frances LaBorde
Sweet Pea
The 20 Children and 6 Educators in Newtown, CT
Hammond Legree “H. L.” Gleaton
Daniel Klemy
Nipper and Collette
Cherie and BoJo
Brie, Millie, Bailey, Ruffin, and Taffy
Bailey and Brie
Ruffin and Taffy
Bailey, Brie, and Briton
Allen Faulkner Savitz
Marvel Fern Recklinghausen
Bruce Radenbaugh
Chris Koepche
Louie Harrison
Amanda Marie Mack
H. Wendell Corley
Amanda Marie Mack
Mark McKies
Suzanne House
Dorothy Ann Grice Crews
Gloria Hall Mitchell
Bruce Radenbaugh
Francis Cone
Nancy Ann Brown Bigelow
Dorothy Ann Grice Crews
Daniel Klemy
Doris Shealy
Corkey and Bear
Hazel Thomas Kiser
Ralph Cannon Myers
Heather May Harlen
Sunny and Maggie
Sunshine and Maggie
Sunshine and Maggie
Sunshine and Maggie
Sunshine and Maggie
Sunshine and Maggie
Bruce Radenbaugh
Betey Roddey
Isla Mae Lewis
Gloyce Howell
Rhonda Kay Dunn
Mrs. Molly Polk
Mr. E.L. Pooser
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pope
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pou
Mrs. Sue Ratledge
Ms. Shelley Ray
Mrs. Kay Riley
Mrs. Sandy Rinzel
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. William Roberttson
Mrs. Renee Robey
Mrs. Patricia Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers
Ms. Page Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross
Ms. Betty Ruff
Mrs. Mary Schaeffer
Mrs. Angela Schauble
Mrs. Janice Schmieding
Mr. William Schwab
Eloise & Joe Seegars
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sessions
Mrs. Shannon Shawver
Mr. and Mrs. David Shealy
Mr. and Mrs. David Shealy
Mr. and Mrs. David Sheridan
Mrs. Katri Skinner
Mrs. Barbara Smith
Ms. Harriet Smoak
Ms. Harriet Smoak
Ms. Harriet Smoak
Ms. Harriet Smoak
Ms. Harriet Smoak
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smurthwaite
Ms. Sally Smyrl
Mr. Gregory Sox
Mrs. Tamara Sterling
Mrs. Rhonda Stokes
Mrs. Carol Stork
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Strauss
Mr. Rick Stroud
Mr. Alice Sullivan
Mr. Alice Sullivan
Mr. George Surles
Ms. Edna Swartzbeck
Ms. Edna Swartzbeck
Ms. Edna Swartzbeck
Ms. Edna Swartzbeck
Mr. Richard Taylor
Ms. Patty Lou Templar
Mrs. Janice E. Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Don Thurmond
Mr. Joseph Todd
Mrs. Susan Vanderborg
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vaughn
Dr. Shawn Verbrick
Mr. A. R. Verlinden
Mrs. Jo Ann Wallace
Mrs. Connie Walters
Mr. Herman Watson
Mrs. Mary Watson
Mrs. Margaret Waugh
Mrs. Melanie Webb
Mrs. Doris Wessinger
Mrs. Mary Wilbur
Ms. Susan Carter Williams
Mr. J.C. Willis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Winn
Princa Wright
Princa Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shealy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zeigler
Ms. Katherine Zeigler
Campbell’s Wrecker Service & Body Shop
Crayton Faculty Fund
Going & Associates
Irmo Insurance Agency
Irmo Insurance Agency
LLR Hope Committee
Loom Craft, Inc.
In Memory of...
Dorothy Ann Grice Crews
Ronda Sanford
Dorothy Ann Grice Crews
Fran Cook and Van Unen
Gloria Hall Mitchell
Joe Thurmond
Frank Yetman
Petie Roberts
Charles D. Paggett
Frances LaBorde
Peter Tarpley
Buttercup and Precious
Bruce Radenbaugh
Bruce Duke
Alice Schwab
Nancy Ann Brown Bigelow
Gerald and Bettina Drucker
Monk and Tarbaby
Doris Shealy
Lisa Gibbons
Larry Hutto
Frances LaBorde
Gloria Thomasson
Martha Jenks
Mr. Ronnie Jordan
Bruce Radenbaugh
Kay Smyrl
Edith Ginn
Lisa Gibbons
Bruce Radenbaugh
H.L. Gleaton
Agustus and Toby
Jon Thurmond
Dorothy Ann Grice Crews
Clive and Cali
Doris Shealy
In Memory of former patients
Bobbie Verlinden
Lisa Gibbons
Allen F. Savity
Bruce Duke
Ione Merchant
Lisa Gibbons
Carolyn Brown
Dorothy Ann Grice Crews
Gloria Thomasson
Bart and Rufus
Marvel Fern Recklinghausen
Bruce Duke
Bruce Duke
Doris Shealy
Hammond Legree “H. L.” Gleaton
Ann Fersner
Gloria Thomasson
Olive Jean Brown
Gail Ward
Bruce Duke
Dorothy Ann Grice Crews
Bruce Duke
Louie Harrison
January – Female Feline Frenzy
$25.00 for feline spay surgery
February – Valentines Special
$10.00 off dog and $5.00 cat
March – TBD
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Society by following us on Facebook at and
on Twitter: @HSPCAColumbiaSC.