c h i l d r e n ` s a s s o c i a t i o n


c h i l d r e n ` s a s s o c i a t i o n
hephzibah annual report
c h i l d r e n ’ s
a s s o c i a t i o n
2012 - 2013
“Unless someone like you cares a
Dear Friend of Hephzibah,
Number of neglected
and abused
children who found
a safe haven in
our Diagnostic
Treatment Center
and therapeutic
Almost daily during the fiscal year, we heard unsettling reports
about violence — in our streets, in our schools and in our homes. While politicians
and pundits debated over gun control in the wake of the Colorado and Connecticut
shootings, gun and gang violence in Chicago continued unabated, prompting city
leaders to convene an emergency summit on urban violence in July 2013.
As I reflected on the violence at our doorstep and across the nation, my
thoughts turned to Hephzibah and our efforts to keep young people safe in a
dangerous world.
In FY13 — with the help of friends like you who care deeply about the welfare of
Illinois children and families — we protected young people in many ways.
We provided a safe haven for 49 neglected and abused children at our
internationally recognized Diagnostic Treatment Center and therapeutic Residence.
Because Hephzibah operates one of the only diagnostic centers in the state equipped
to rehabilitate severely traumatized children, nearly half of the children we served were
admitted directly from pediatric psychiatric hospitals. Almost all were suffering from
post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety and other disorders.
As we put the therapeutic supports in place to help these children heal, we
surrounded them with love, optimism, laughter, high
expectations and abundant opportunities for growth
and enrichment — from art, music and pet therapy
programs to our Second Annual Healthy Living Program
in collaboration with West Suburban Hospital.
Number of community
Running a house for 49 active kids takes a lot of
and corporate partners
that enhanced the lives
elbow grease. Thanks to Adidas and Tellabs, Inc. — two
of Hephzibah’s children
new corporate partners that sent crews of employees
with vital support and
to help us out with chores big and small — Hephzibah
Home was spic and span throughout the year.
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Another new community partner, the
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club, brightened the
children’s lives with a major gift of $150,000 and
Number of generous donors
a host of activities and special events — from
who supported our mission
a day at the circus to a family-style Thanksgiving
with financial and in-kind
feast cooked and served at Hephzibah.
While we met the children’s day-to-day
needs, we were also thinking about their futures.
To address the academic gaps caused by the many disruptions in their lives, we
continued our After-School Academy powered by an all-volunteer force of Homework
Helpers and partnered with Dominican University for our 14th annual Summer
Reading Academy. In early June 2013, we piloted One Book, One Hephzibah — a
12-week summer program designed to take the solitary struggle out of reading and
make it fun by engaging the children in group activities and field trips related to each
week’s featured book.
We also ushered our young charges into the digital age. When it became
evident that the children in our group homes were lagging behind their tech-savvy
peers, a group of generous donors and technology professionals stepped forward
to create a new Technology Room at Hephzibah — complete with its own server,
computers and iPads.
Because keeping children safe also means keeping them off the streets, we
offered safe, enriching and affordable after-school day care and a full-day summer
camp for the school-age children of working parents in the Oak Park community.
We also partnered with the Community and Economic Development Association
of Cook County (CEDA) for the second year to provide Head Start programming,
which was offered free of charge to promote the social and cognitive development of
preschoolers from low-income families. In FY13, we added an afternoon session to
whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
the program — and received glowing reviews from CEDA and our Head Start parents.
Behind the scenes, our staff was preparing for a rigorous review by the Council
on Accreditation for Children and Family Services. We passed the review with flying
colors, earning a commendation from the Council for our innovative programming, our
consistently successful outcomes and our knowledgeable staff.
As we helped children thrive and families flourish, our three auxiliary boards
continued to raise awareness of our mission while raising more than $330,000 to
support our programming through events such as the Oak Park Auxiliary’s 2013 Heart
of Gold Gala, the Western Auxiliary’s Hoof it for Hephzibah Memorial Day 2013 5K Fun
Run/Walk and the Chicago Auxiliary’s 5th annual Dodgeball Tournament.
As the need for our services continued to grow, Hephzibah grew as well. We
created a new marketing and communications position, hired a special events manager
and welcomed Shaun Lane to Hephzibah to fill our newly created chief operating officer
position. Lane, who most recently served as deputy director of the Illinois Department of
Children and Family Services, also teaches graduate courses in social welfare policy and
management at the University of Chicago School of Social Services. The creation of this
new COO position will enable me to spend more time developing a strategic vision for
Hephzibah’s future, cultivating new donors and continuing my work as an Illinois State
Child Welfare System consulting expert.
I hope you will take a few moments to browse through the following pages to find
out more about the year’s highlights — and the many ways that our benefactors, boards,
staff, corporate and community partners and volunteers kept children safe, engaged and
enriched throughout the year.
Thank you for your steadfast support!
— T h e o d o r S e u s s G e i s e l , better known to the world as the beloved Dr. Seuss (1904 -1991)
Hephzibah Children’s
Association Executive
Director Mary Anne
Brown with some
young friends from
Hephzibah’s awardwinning Day Care
program. In FY13,
Hephzibah’s Head
Start program for
preschoolers from
low-income families and
Day Care program for
school-age children of all
income levels provided
safe, enriching and
affordable day care for
584 children in the Oak
Park community.
Mary Anne Brown, Executive Director
2013 Annual Report
Bringing Brothers
and Sisters Together
ibling bonds are among life’s most enduring connections — outlasting our
relationships with our parents and sometimes even our marriages. Our relationships with our
brothers and sisters are inextricably intertwined with our sense of identity and belonging.
Yet 75 percent of all foster children are separated from their siblings because most foster families
don’t have the room or the resources to care for sibling groups. It is often the last,
and most devastating, loss for children who have already been separated from their
parents, their home, their school and their community.
To help mend these broken sibling bonds, Hephzibah founded Camp
HepSIBah in 2003. Every summer since then, brothers and sisters living in different Number of
foster homes have reunited at this rustic woodland camp in northern Illinois to
siblings reunited at
create shared childhood memories that will last a lifetime.
Hephzibah’s Summer
In Summer 2012, 63 campers in 17 sibling groups enjoyed a week of
2012 Sibling Camp
camp experiences such as canoeing, archery, rock climbing, gathering around the
campfire for songs and s’mores and cookouts manned by corporate volunteers
from McDonald’s.
But often it was the unstructured time that had the most meaning. Each day, the children were able
to experience shared moments that most siblings take for granted, such as waking up and having breakfast
together, sharing their thoughts and feelings while walking in the woods and ending the day with whispered
conversations and stifled laughter when the lights went out at bedtime.
We are grateful to the Lerner Family Foundation for making it possible for these separated siblings
to reconnect and form deep emotional bonds that will support and sustain them throughout their lives.
Sibling Camp 2012
One Book
One Hephzibah
good education is the foundation for a successful and
fulfilling life. Yet many children in substitute care lag far behind
their peers academically.
By the 10th or 11th grade, the average foster child is reading at
a seventh-grade level. Because reading fluency is strongly correlated with
scholastic achievement, deficits in this area can seriously compromise a
child’s academic performance. Of all of the problems that plague foster
children, poor academic performance may have the most crippling effect
on their long-term success and well-being.
To help close this achievement gap and foster a love of reading in
the children living in our group and foster homes, Hephzibah launched
One Book, One Hephzibah at the end of the fiscal year. The summerlong reading program combined weekly book selections with themed
weekly activities, recreational outings and special guest presentations.
Even the children in our Day Care program joined in, reading along with
the Day Care staff and participating in related activities and field trips.
Week One kicked off on June 3 with the children’s book, B is for
Buckaroo: A Cowboy Alphabet, a visit from a real singing cowboy and a
field trip to a horse farm. Judging from the enthusiastic participation of
the children, reading was no longer a solitary struggle, but a lot of fun!
Making Sure The Kids Are All Right
Safe, enriching and affordable Day Care for the children of working parents
Number of Oak Park
children served by
Hephzibah’s award-winning
Day Care program in FY13
n his cover story for the April 29, 2013, issue of The New Republic, “The
Hell of American Day Care,” journalist Jonathan Cohn touches on a topic
that haunts many working parents.
“Trusting your child with someone else is one of the hardest things a
parent has to do,” he writes, “and in the U.S., it’s harder still, because American
day care is a mess.”
Cohn goes on to decry a day care system that is “barely regulated,
sometimes unsafe and difficult for many working parents to afford.”
While he reports that there is a small percentage of day care that
is “really, really bad, as in actually hazardous to children’s health,” he also
acknowledges that there is a “small percentage of day care that is very good.”
These high-quality day care programs can be a real boon for children’s
growth and development. Data analyzed by the Children’s Defense Fund shows
that school-age children attending quality day care programs “are significantly
more likely to succeed in school, have better work habits and relationships with
peers and are better adjusted and less antisocial
than children who spend their out-of-school hours
alone, with their mothers or informally supervised
by other adults.”
The Defense Fund’s conclusion that
“good school-age care can have a major
positive impact on children’s development,
safety and school achievement” comes as no
surprise to Hephzibah’s Day Care parents,
who have experienced the many benefits of our
internationally recognized Day Care program
In FY13, Hephzibah’s Day Care program
provided after-school day care for 545 children
at eight Oak Park elementary schools during the
academic year and a nine-week day camp during
the summer months. Fees for the program were
assessed on a sliding scale and offset by financial
aid when necessary to ensure that children from
low-income families had the same opportunities for growth and enrichment as
their peers.
What made the program truly distinctive, however, was the comprehensive
array of wraparound social services offered to Day Care families, from parent
education classes and support groups facilitated by a full-time social worker to
referrals for assistance with housing, food and clothing to direct assistance with
respite services, bus passes, gas money, transportation, grocery store gift certificates,
furniture, clothing, sports equipment, school supplies and other family needs.
Given the current day care crisis in America, Hephzibah Day Care parents
know they’ve got a good thing going.
“I sent my daughter to Hephzibah Day Care many years ago, when I was a
working mom,” says a Hephzibah grandmother, who recently attended a Day Care
graduation ceremony for her sixth-grade grandchild. “It was such a nurturing and
enriching environment. I never had a moment’s worry about my daughter’s wellbeing.
I felt like I’d transferred her from my womb to Hephzibah’s womb.”
2012 Annual Report
The Healing Embrace
of a Caring Community
Mobile Medicine
ccording to a report published by the
American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on
Foster Care, foster children have a much higher
incidence of physical, dental and behavioral health
problems than any other group of children. More than
80 percent enter the foster care system with serious,
chronic health issues that are
often the direct result of past
neglect or abuse.
This vulnerable
population got an extra dose
Percentage of
of good medicine in FY13 —
children entering the
thanks to the dedicated health
foster care system
care crew manning the Ronald
with serious, chronic
McDonald Children’s Hospital
health issues
Loyola University Pediatric
Mobile Health Care Unit.
This 40-foot-long, 13-ton children’s clinic on
wheels rolled into Oak Park on April 27, 2013, to provide
health exams and screenings for the children living in
Hephzibah foster homes. The services were provided
free of charge for all Hephzibah foster families, thanks
to philanthropic support from the Wallace D. Johnson
Children’s Care Foundation, the Ronald McDonald
House of Chicago and Northwest Indiana and other
generous donors.
Hephzibah Children’s Association
ast year, more than 26,000 children were abused or
neglected in the State of Illinois. Half of these children were
age five or under. Without expert intervention, the physical,
psychological and social-emotional damage from this abuse
and neglect can last a lifetime.
This is where Hephzibah steps in. Each year, many of the
worst cases of child abuse and neglect in the State of Illinois are
referred to Hephzibah Children’s Association.
Why Hephzibah? Because our therapeutic programs to
rehabilitate severely traumatized children are internationally
recognized for their successful outcomes.
But helping these children heal requires a tremendous
investment of financial and therapeutic resources. It would not be
possible without the involvement of compassionate community
partners like the Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club.
Every two years, this philanthropic community organization
selects a new cause to support through fundraising efforts and
hands-on service projects. In Spring 2012, we were notified that this
committed group of nearly 200 women had selected Hephzibah as
its next philanthropic beneficiary.
In FY13, the Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club enriched the
lives of the children in our group homes beyond measure with
a major gift of $150,000 to support educational enrichment
programs and a wide variety of hands-on service projects, including
group outings to Lifetime Fitness and the circus, a back-to-school
pizza party, health-related activities, holiday crafts and a build-yourown teddy bear party on Valentine’s Day. They even set up a mock
restaurant to give the children an opportunity to practice their
“restaurant manners,” cooked and served a Thanksgiving Dinner
at Hephzibah Home and organized a festive New Year’s Eve
celebration to help the children ring in the new year with laughter
and joy.
“The Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club has brightened the
lives of our children and given them family life experiences that
will follow them everywhere,” reports Executive Director Mary
Anne Brown. “We are so grateful for their generous support,
their unwavering commitment to our mission and all of their
wonderfully organized activities.”
In May 2013, the
Hinsdale Junior
Woman’s Club presented
$150,000 to Hephzibah
Development Director
Molly Philosophos
(center). Their generous
gift, which will be used
to support educational
enrichment programs,
was presented by
club members (left to
right): Anna Fiascone,
President Amity
Comiskey, Christine
Cuthbert and Ali Rago.
High School Heroes
Opening Doors
to the Digital World
e live in a wired world. The way we learn, work,
create, communicate, shop, socialize and even bank has
been transformed by computer technologies.
Yet prior to Summer 2012, the children in Hephzibah’s group
homes had limited access to the technological tools of our digital
age. Education Coordinator Paula Andries noticed that the children
were not developing technological skills at the same rate as their
peers. They were showing signs of what social scientists call “digital
exclusion,” a term coined to describe populations with limited access
to the digital technologies that have become an integral part of 21st
century life.
In FY12 and FY13, some generous donors and visionary volunteers stepped forward to change that. The Sweet Water Foundation
and the Terri Race Educational Technology Fund provided funding
for iPads. Volunteers Brian Druley and Sue Stark formed a Children’s
Technology Committee and pooled their IT expertise to convert
Hephzibah’s former library into a Technology Room.
Druley, the director of administration and information
technology for the Health Service at Northwestern University,
coordinated a donation of computers and a server from his own
department and Northwestern’s Student Affairs Information
Technology department. Stark, an institutional technology coordinator
at Robert Morris University, arranged for another donation of
computers from her employer.
By June 2013, the technology room was up and running.
Druley and Stark and their growing team of Technology Mentors
continue to volunteer every Saturday to teach technology to the kids,
whose tech skills have really taken off.
Thanks to these committed benefactors and volunteers,
the children at Hephzibah Home are now tech-savvy citizens of the
digital age.
nyone who dismisses American teens as
hopelessly self-absorbed hasn’t met the Hephzibah
Huskies. These altruistic Oak Park River Forest
High School students have spent countless hours
serving as mentors, role models and friends for the traumatized children living in Hephzibah’s group homes.
The group, which was spearheaded by students Jake
Johnson and Luke Trinka in 2010, became an officially sanctioned high school service club in August 2012. Although
Jake and Luke have since graduated, Luke’s younger sister,
Tess Trinka, is carrying on the cofounders’ mission as club
Despite heavy homework loads, college searches
and other high school commitments during the 2012-2013
academic year, these big-hearted teens met every other
Monday to organize fundraising events and activities for
the children.
The Huskies also volunteered at Hephzibah’s group
homes and day care sites, took the children to high school
events, participated in game and movie nights and held their
signature event, the Hephzibah Rodeo. This joyous June
celebration, complete with pony rides and a petting zoo, is
held annually to reward the children in our group homes
70 +
for completing the school
year, despite the tremendous
upheavals in their lives.
The teens’ commitment
Number of Hephzibah
to the children at Hephzibah
Huskies serving as mentors,
didn’t go unnoticed by the Oak
role models and friends for
Park River Forest Community
the traumatized children
Foundation, which selected
living in Hephzibah’s group
the Hephzibah Huskies as the
2012 recipient of the foundation’s Outstanding Youth Group
Award for Excellence in Philanthropy. At the Heart of Gold
Gala in March, Hephzibah also honored the group with its
2013 Hephzibah Heart of the Home Award, which is presented
annually to individuals or groups that have made outstanding
contributions in support of Hephzibah’s mission.
“We are tremendously grateful to the Huskies for their
commitment and support,” notes Executive Director Mary
Anne Brown. “They have brought fresh ideas and energy to
our organization — and the children in our group homes just
light up with happiness whenever the Huskies are around. I
tell everyone that these exceptional young humanitarians are
the future of Hephzibah.”
2013 Annual Report
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Total amount raised by Hephzibah’s Oak Park,
Western and Chicago Auxiliary Boards in FY13.
We are deeply grateful for their passionate commitment
and support!
for your gifts of help and hope!
$100,000 and above
Estate of Mr. Burtram B. Butler
Hephzibah Auxiliary Boards
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club
$25,000 to $49,999
McDonald’s Corporation
NOW Health Group, Inc.
The John Buck Company Foundation
$10,000 to $24,999
Paul and Sherry Carbery
Cashel Foundation
CME Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dahir
Economy Shop
Mr. Ron Ferrin
GE Capital Commercial Finance, Inc.
Helen Brach Foundation
Hephzibah Foundation
HSBC – North America
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
Latham & Watkins-California
Lerner Family Foundation
Northern Trust Company
Oak Park River Forest Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Paice
Richter Consulting, Inc.
Union Pacific Railroad Foundation
United Way Metro Chicago
US Bank
$5,000 to $9,999
AccuVal Associates
Mr. James Allen
Alterra Bermuda Limited
Anderson, Rasor & Partners, L.L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Andrews
Aon Risk Services Central, Inc
Aspen Specialty
Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Brown
Ms. Carol J. Dunning
Mr. Jassem el Mahmoud and
Ms. Francesca DeBiase
First Midwest Bank
George M. Eisenberg Foundation for Charities
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Jordahl
King & Spalding LLP
LJ Foundation
Macquarie Securities (USA) Inc.
Mary Lou Downs Foundation
McCarthy & Trinka, Inc.
Million Dollar Round Table Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rosenwinkel
Mr. Joseph C. Scully and
Dr. Judith Scully
Sector3 Appraisals, Inc.
The REAM Foundation
Truist Credit
UPS Foundation, Inc.
Vegetable Juices, Inc.
W.R. Berkley Corporation
Ward Foundation
$1,000 to $4,999
Alix Partners, LLC
Allen N. Schwartz, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Ambrosino
Anna Kushel Marshall Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aque
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Arends
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Arnett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Babbo
Mr. Jeff Babcock
Bank of America Foundation
Barker and Castro LLC
Ms. Jackie M. Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Beil
Berwyn United Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Alec P. Bliss
Mr. Robert Bloch and
Ms. Barbara Kahn
Ms. Diane Bonina
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bonomo
Mr. Gene Brandt and
Ms. Elizabeth Holland
Mr. Brad Browder
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cuyler Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Erich E. Brueschke
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Buccheri
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Caldarone
Capital One Leverage Finance
Chicago Teacher, Inc.
Chicago United, Inc.
Dr. Joseph Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary
Mr. William Cleaveland and
Ms. Lisa Collings
CNA US Specialty Lines
Mr. Kevin Colligan and
Mrs. Irene Franze
Mr. Burt Constable and
Ms. Cheryl ter Horst
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deitch
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Diomede
Mr. Brian Druley
Ms. Dawn Drumm and
Ms. Kim Hefner
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwardson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Ellenbogen
Mr. Sumner T. Farren
Mr. John C. Filosa and
Mrs. Cathaleen Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Fisher
Flat Top Grill
Forest Park National Bank
FTI Consulting
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N. Gaeddert
Dr. Frances Gaik
Mr. and Mrs. John Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. John Glavin
Mr. Morris B. Goldman and
Ms. Hilarie Lieb
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guzzetta
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Hadelman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Hager
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Harris
Harry F. Chaddick & Elaine Chaddick Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Haupers
Hilco Appraisal
Hogan Marren, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Horwich
Mr. and Mrs. T. Kendall Hunt
Huntersure LLC
Ironshore Insurance Services LLC
Iron-Starr Excess Agency, Ltd.
James Hardie Building Products, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jarrett
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Jensen
Jocarno Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Johnson
Ms. Dianne R. Jones *
Mr. Thomas Johnson and
Ms. Leslie Ann A. Jones
Mrs. Mary Ann Karris
Mr. Steve Kiger and Ms. Leslie Berns
Mr. William Knittle and
Ms. Alma Lizcano
Knowledge Advisors, Inc.
Mr. Peter Kovler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kozak
Mr. and Mrs. John Kulie
Mr. and Mrs. James Laurenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Laurenzo
Mr. Aaron Lebovitz and
Ms. Donna Myers
Mr. Byron Lee and
Ms. Audrey Williams-Lee
Prof. Richard Leftwich
Dr. David Levy and Dr. Janis Wiener
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Loftus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loro
McCarthy Tetrault LLP
Dr. Gregory J. Macchio and
Dr. Rosa M. Navarro
Mancini’s Pizza & Pasta
Mr. Sheldon Mandell
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Matas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
Ms. Deborah McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCauley
McDermott, Will & Emery
Mr. and Mrs. John McIlwain
Dr. and Mrs. Lou McKeever
Ms. Cary McLean
Mesirow Financial
Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush LLC
Dr. Anthony Millard and
Dr. Dietra D. Millard
Mr. Jeff Miller and Ms. Lisa Garling
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Noel G. Moore
Morris-Anderson & Associates, Ltd.
Ms. Frances Nauth
Mr. and Mrs. Donald X. Nekrosius
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Nesburg
Northwestern University
Health Service
Oak Park & River Forest High School
Mr. and Mrs. Dave L. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Chris O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pasternak
Mr. and Mrs. Zdenek A. Pecenka
Pepsico Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd D. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Pero
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pogvara
PPM America, Inc.
QBE North America
Rainold Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Ramquist Jr.
RBS Citizen’s Bank
River Forest Tennis Club
Rotary Club of Oak Park &
River Forest
Mr. Trevor Roy and
Ms. Norma Rosenhain
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Salerno
Ms. Donata Sapp
Scheck Industries
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Scheck
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Shiner
Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP
Sidley Austin Foundation
Sloan Valve Company
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Smith
Mrs. Virginia Sonnenschein
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Sorensen
Spot Trading L.L.C.
Mr. John Spurgeon and
Ms. Martha Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Stratton
Mr. Michael Stutz and
Ms. Kari McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Byron F. Taylor
Terri Race Educational
Technology Fund
The Lumpkin Family Foundation
The Sweet Water Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tinervia
Dr. and Mrs. Pietro Tonino
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Tortorici
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Toye
United Way of The National Capital Area
United Way of Westchester and Putnam, Inc.
Unity Temple Unitarian
Universalist Congregation
Vanguard Health System
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Whalen
Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker LLP
Winston & Strawn LLP
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wojack
Mr. Gregory E. Wolski
Mr. Thomas Yates and
Ms. Diane Ratekin
$500 to $999
Ms. Barb Althaus and
Ms. Lynn Morrison
Amsted Industries Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Anderson
Mr. Don Babwin and
Ms. Joan Radovich
Mr. Curt Bachman
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Baker
Mr. Timothy Bannon and
Ms. Cecelia Bacom
Mr. Brandon Bell and
Ms. Elizabeth Stohl
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bianucci
Blake, Cassels & Graydon, LLC.
Mrs. Walter R. Bloch
Mr. and Mrs. William Bower
Dr. Michael J. Bowker
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyaris
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Bynum
Cab’s Wine Bar Bistro
Mr. Scott Caudell
Ms. Juanita Chaidez
Mr. and Mrs. James Christie
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Coffee
Community Bank of Oak Park & River Forest
Conway MacKenzie, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cox
David James Company
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. DelBeccaro
Mr. and Mrs. John Dudzik
Mr. Sean Dunn and Ms. Eri Okawa
Mr. Patrick Dunne and Ms. Jami Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Euler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Finley
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gravely
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gunden
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Guyer
Ms. Brian Hammersley
Mr. Richard Harris and Ms. Paula Kovarik
Hephzibah Board of Directors
Ms. Margaret E. Herman
The Herseth Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. High
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoban
Mr. Julius Lloyd Horwich
Mr. Richard C. Huettel and
Ms. Susan J. Harrold
Illinois Action For Children
IL Poggiolo Ristorante, Inc.
Mr. Clark Joiner and Ms. Tracy Cardin
Mr. and Mrs. Ken P. Kansa
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kerr
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Kerth
Mr. David Kerwin
Ms. Michele K. Kitch
Mr. Carl Knutson and Ms. Jennifer Couzens
Kohl’s Cares for Kids/Community Relations
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kottke
Mr. Neal Kottke
Ms. Barbara Krause and Family
Mr. Peter Labadie and Ms. Suzanne Saxman
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lefko
Ms. Anna Lentz
Mr. and Mrs. David Linde
Mr. and Mrs. Eric London
2013 Annual Report
Mr. Sam F. Lostroscio
Lucy’s Children’s Fund
Mr. David Lupo and
Ms. Elizabeth A. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael MacKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mann
Mr. Andrew Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Matticks
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maychruk
MB Financial
Mr. and Mrs. James P. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Medland
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Miller
Mr. Roger J. Modder
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Noll
Northern Trust Matching Gift
and Volunteer Grant Program
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nussbaum
Oak Park & River Forest Huskie Booster Club
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. John Ormsby
OSI Group, LLC
Our Lady of Lebanon Church
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paris
Parkview Presbyterian
Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Pelzer, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Petrosino
Mr. and Mrs. Pravin Rao
Mr. Michael E. Reed and
Ms. Camille A. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Richardson
Mr. Michael Salvati and
Ms. Charlotte Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Samuels
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saporito
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schoon
Schulz-Brundage, Inc.
Ms. Sandra L. Seegers
Mr. Thomas Simmons and
Ms. Marketa Lindt
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Soffer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Spadoni
St. Giles Family Mass
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steadman
Mr. and Mrs. Al Stepan
Mr. Daniel J. Sturch
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Traczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Treinkman
UBS Matching Gift Program
Mrs. Herbert A. Vance
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Vuckovic
Mr. Steve Wade and
Dr. Elaine Lee Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wanless
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weldon-Linne
West Suburban Mothers of Multiples
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Wicker
Mr. Kenneth Wojciak
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Zeller
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Zoberis
$250 to $499
Mr. and Mrs. Suresh T. Advani
Mr. Michael Antonietti
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Atchison
Avis Rent A Car System, LLC
Ms. Marilyn J. Ayersman
Ms. Patricia Badami
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Barkidjija
Ms. Danitra Barnett
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Barrows
Mr. and Mrs. Connie Barsanti
Mr. Kenneth K. Bellaire
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benson
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruce Bernstein
Ms. Jessica K. Boelter
Ms. Sarah R. Borders
Mr. John Box and
Ms. Carol Zajackowski
Ms. Jean Brackett
Ms. Elizabeth Britt
Mr. Leonard Brown and
Ms. Rudi Vanderburg
Ms. Denise Broz
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Mr. and Mrs. Ram Burshtine
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Carbery
Mrs. Rose M. Carroll
Chase Community Giving Program
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Clemente
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cunningham
Mr. Larry G. Dakof and
Ms. Irma Aguilar
Ms. Rupa Datta-Nemana
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis
Discover Financial Services
You Care, We Share Program
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Downey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dvorsky
EMC Insurance Companies
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Fahrney
Feinberg Management
Ms. Lois M. Flaherty
The Fluecke Family
Mr. Michael J. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. James Froslid
Ms. Joy Fulton
Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Galavotti
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Galo
Ms. Eileen M. Garvey
Mr. Martin Giblin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Gold
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Golla
Ms. Alyssa Gorski
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gottsman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Greenberg
Mr. Jerome Griffin and
Mrs. V. Alexandra Darrow
Mr. Craig Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. John Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Bojan Guzina
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Hagle
Mr. Alec Harris and
Ms. Carollina Song
Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hershberger
Mr. Norman M. Hirsh and
Ms. Ann C. Courter
Mr. Kevin J. Hochberg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hopps
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hutchinson
Mr. Thomas H. Jacobs
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Karczewski
Kittleman & Associates
Mr. John Klaas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Klepacki
Mr. Stephen Kohn
Ms. Elizabeth J. Kovacs
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kowalski
Mr. David Kroopkin and
Ms. Michelle Brode
Ms. Jennifer Krysinski
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Kuiken
Mr. and Mrs. James Lago
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Laible
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Landis
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Laney
Mr. Jerry Leiner and
Ms. Rita Richardson
Leo Burnett Company Charitable Foundation
Ms. Lisa Liegl
Ms. Marketa Lindt
Mr. and Mrs. George Locasto
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Loughran
Mr. and Mrs. John Lubbe
Mr. Scott Maesel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mann
Mr. Weston Mariottini
Mr. Glenn Mazade
Mr. and Mrs. James McCracken
Mr. Edward McGillen and
Ms. Mary Raleigh
Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mead
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Merlo
Mr. and Mrs. John Messina
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mizgala
Monahan Law Group, LLC.
Municipal Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muriello
Mr. Thomas Muriello
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nations
Mr. John R. Neurauter III
Mr. and Mrs. James Nugent
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Nyhan
Oak Park Police Department
Mr. and Mrs. David O’Leary
Ms. Kat Olewinski
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pardo, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pellegrini
Mr. Mark Pellegrino and
Ms. Carrie Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Petty
Timothy and Molly Philosophos
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Pisani
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Planek
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pontrelli
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Powers
Ms. Marcia Preston
Prudential Foundation
Mrs. Edward Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Karuna Rawal
Resurrection University
College of Nursing
Ms. Leslyn G. Rigoni
Ms. Joy Ringger
Riverside Junior Women’s Charity
The Roarty-Swanson Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rohn
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sadow
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Sagal
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Schaff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schoeny
Sear’s Pharmacy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seltzer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sichlau
Mr. Aaron Smith and
Ms. Lisa Rhodes
Ms. Melissa Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stamm
Stars by Stephanie
Mr. G.Ralph Strohl and
Ms. Meena C. Rao
Mr. Ari Studnitzer
Mr. Danny Sugimoto and
Ms. Sondra L. Summers
Mr. David Sullivan II
Ms. Patricia Svientek
Systech Information Services, Inc.
Chief Rick Tanksley
Mr. Michael Tannen and
Ms. Michelle Anderson
Ms. Leesa Tinervia
Ms. Victoria Tovar
Unity In Chicago
Mr. Matt Walter
West Suburban Medical Center
Wheaton Bank & Trust
Mr. David H. Wick
Ms. Davida E. Williams
Ms. Stacey Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson
Dr. Wilfried Witthuhn
Mr. Gerald T. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. James Woywod
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Zampa
$100 to $249
ABC Bank
Mr. and Mrs. John Adam
Mr. Kenneth Agrimonti and
Mrs. Andrea Cohen-Agrimonti
Alex Cook, Ltd.
Ms. Ann Alexander
Mr. Michael Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ames
Ms. Mary L. Anderson
Mr. Brian Andersen
Ms. Patricia L. Angell
Aqua Jewelry
Mr. and Mrs. Chad M. Archer
ARES Operations, LLC.
Argo Group US
Ms. Laura L. Arterburn
Azizi Books
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baisley
Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Bakken
Mr. John Balanoff
Mr. Bango and Ms. Malinski
Ms. Emily Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Basile
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Bates II
Mr. Brian Bauer and
Mrs. Martina Munsters
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Beeman
Dr. Diane F. Bejcek
Ms. Amy Benson
Ms. Denise Berdelle and Family
Berwyn-Cicero Emblem Club No.169
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Blair
Dr. Jeff Boehm and
Mr. Keith Rosenthal
Ms. Theresa H. Boland
Ms. Simone M. Boutet
BP Fabric of America Fund
Mr. Wan Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. Max Brigide
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Birmingham
Ms. Gina Bruzzichesi
Mr. Joseph Bulcheri
Mr. Thomas Bullins
Mr. Drew Burlak
Ms. Sandra Burns
Mr. John M. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Comiskey
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Condon
Mr. Albert H. Conrad Jr.
Mr. Robert Conrardy
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Coon IV
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cornman
Mr. Andrew Corsini
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Corsino
Mr. David Cotter
Dr. Francine Cournos
Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Cultra
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cusimano
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Dable
Dancing Lights
Rev. and Mrs. Stanley L. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeGroot
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Demerath
Mr. Evan Dennison
Ms. Jennifer Dettloff
Ms. Mary Pat Devereux
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. DiNapoli
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Divis
Ms. Nina Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Butkus
Mrs. Delilah Butler
Mrs. Roz Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Calabrese
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Calkins
Mrs. Kathy-Anne Cardinal-Davison
Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Carstenbrock
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casey
Mr. and Mrs. John Cavalaris
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Chagnon
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chamberlin
Mr. Kevin Charnota
Mr. James Chiarelli
Mr. and Mrs. John Christiansen
Christina Publishing Society
Christopher S. McCaffrey-Boss, DDS, PC
CLO Marketing, Inc.
CNA Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Coaker
Mr. Mitchell D. Cohen
Ms. Michele Dodds
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Domio
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Donnelly
Mr. David Dranoff and Ms. Wendy Epstein
Ms. Jane R. Driscoll
Dwellings Real Estate, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ebert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edwalds
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Alain Falkenburger
Ms. Barbara Fanta
Mrs. Julia B. Faust
Mr. Paul Feehan
Fine Jewelry By Karen
Mrs. Mary Anne Fishman
Ms. Meagan E. Fitzgerald
Mr. John B. Flanigan and
Ms. Michele M. Zurakowski
Ms. Gale Floyel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Follett Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Foreman
Mr. and Mrs. William Fuller
2011 Annual Report
COMMUNIT y & C o r p o r a t e
Hephzibah owes a debt of gratitude to the following 29 community
and 32 corporate partners for enhancing the lives
of children and families in FY13. We appreciate all that you do!
Amicus/CME’s Charitable Outreach
Aon Risk Services Central, Inc.
Avis Budget Group
Carleton Hotel
Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association
DePaul University Kellstadt Graduate School
of Business
DePaul University Steans Center
for Service Learning
Ebert Photography
EMC Insurance Companies
Eyrie Restaurant
Flat Top Grill
GE Commercial Finance
Greenline Wheels
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club
Junior Achievement
Junior League of Chicago
Knights of Columbus – Commodore Barry Post #1118
Kohl’s Department Store
Loyola University Children’s Hospital
Pediatric Mobile Health Unit
McDonald’s Corporation
Legal Team
McScrapper’s Group
Working Mothers’ Council
Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush LLC
Northwestern University
Health Service
School of Law
Oak Park School District #97
Oak Park Women’s Exchange–Project Linus
Oak Park Women’s Guild
Oak Park and River Forest High School –
Dance Marathon Committee
Hephzibah Huskies
Girl’s Soccer Team
Tau Gamma Service Club
Our Lady of Lebanon Church
Pajama Program, Illinois Chapter
Paramount Catering
Peninsula Chicago
Phillips Lighting Systems and Control
Project Night Night
R.P. Fox and Associates
River Forest Tennis Club
Robert Morris University – Technology Department
Rotary Club of Oak Park and River Forest
Rush Oak Park Hospital
Scheck Industries
Select Specialty Managers, LLC
Silent Angels
St. Luke Religious Education Office
Star Touring and Riding Chicago Chapter 394
Tellabs, Inc.
The Allstate Corporation
The John Buck Company Foundation
The Lake Theatre
True Value Hardware
United Parcel Service, Inc.
UPS Franklin Park Branch
UPS Metro Chicago District
US Bank
Viet Now-Berwyn/Cicero Chapter
West Suburban Medical Center
Whole Foods Market
Women Everywhere Partners in Service Project, Inc.
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Mr. William C. Funke
Gabriel John Naturals
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Galland
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gancer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gartland
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gatrell
Dr. Stephen R. Gawne
GE Foundation
GE United Way Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gebert
Mr. Peter J. Genz
Ms. Cherise Gerin
Mr. Steven Gillman and
Ms. Gillian Siegel
Glen Ellyn Runners
Mr. Richard C. Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gold
Mr. Eric S. Golinvaux
Ms. Evalyn Grant
Green Envee Organics
Mr. Joseph Greenlee
Mr. Daniel N. Greenstone and
Ms. Heidi K. Lynch
Mr. George Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. John Guzman
Mr. Kevin Hammett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hannigan
Mr. and Mrs. David Hansberger
Ms. Margaret Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hardtke
Mr. Brett Haring
Mrs. Harriet Hausman
Ms. Kathryn Heavey
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hedges
Mr. Sam Heigerick
Mr. and Mrs. John Henek
Mr. Scott Henely
Ms. Amy Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hlinka
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. William Holby
Ms. Jeanette A. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Holmes
Ms. Tiffany Hornbach
Ms. Cheri Houha
Mr. Clay Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hurley
Mr. Robert M. Hyman and
Ms. Sara Caswell
Mr. Bruce Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Emad N. Isaac
Ms. Beth Isaacs
Mr. Ferdinand Isserman
Mr. Donald Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jackson
Mr. Thomas Jackson and
Ms. Linda Masilotti
Ms. Deb Jamrose
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jessopp
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson
Ms. Constance Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Johnson
Mrs. Ramona Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jordan
Dr. Wayne Juhnke and
Ms. Alice Ireland
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Kamper
Mr. Neville Kanga and
Ms. Tricia Thomase
Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae Association
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kavalir
Ms. Clarmarie Keenan
Mr. Kevin Kelly
Mrs. Mary Ellen Kelly
Kelty Lawn Care LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kelty
Mr. G.R. Kearney and
Ms. Tara Malone
Mr. Robert Ketchum and
Ms. Amy Ketchum
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kolke
Ms. Lanita Koster
Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Kotte
Mr. and Mrs. John Krenzer
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Kulick
Mr. Matthew Kunkel and
Mr. Neal Lenhoff
Ms. Joan Labue
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Leavy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lefley
Mr. Glenn Lemmon
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lettenberger
Dr. Sybil Licht
Ms. Sandra Lindahl
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Lipkin
Little Piggies
Ms. Susanne Lodgen
Mr. and Mrs. Hector E. Lorens
Low Voltage Service, Inc.
Ms. Karon Ludwig
Dr. John R. Lurain and
Dr. Nell S. Lurain
Ms. Michelle Maddalozzo
Ms. Ilyssa Madsen
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Maggio
Mr. Daniel Malagoli Jr.
Ms. Patricia A. Malespin
Ms. Jacqueline Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Marnell
Mrs. Antoinette Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Javier Martinez
Mr. Ben Matherly
Ms. Keiko Matthewson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Matusiak
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McAlpine
Dr. Philip E. McAndrew and
Mr. Rex B. Reeve
Ms. Noreen McCann
Ms. Karen W. McClard
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McElroy
McGaffer’s Saloon
Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. McIlroy
Mr. and Mrs. John McNamara
Megan Arity Interior Design
Mr. and Mrs. John Merker
Micor Development Corporation
Mr. Michael Mikoola
Mr. and Mrs. Duschan W. Milojevic
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Moawad
Ms. Kathleen M. Mogy
Mr. Tom Mohr and
Ms. Rose Marie Reed
Mom’s Enterprises
Monalisa Boutique
Mr. Ernest Moore and Ms. Anita Swapsy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Moran
Mr. George Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Murphy
Mr. John Neu and Ms. Claire St. Jean
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Newman
Nicolette’s Creations
Ms. Sarah Niederman
Ms. Carla Nitz
Mr. Bryan Northup and
Mr. Mark Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Ed O’Brien
Ms. Anne O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Adekunle Onayemi
Ms. Esther O’Neal
Mr. Timothy P. O’Neill and
Ms. Jane Rutherford
Optimist Club of Oak Park
Ms. Margarita Orozco
Pacific Jewel
Mr. Donald Pafford
Mr. Michael W. Papciak
Ms. Amy Paris
Park District of Oak Park
Ms. Jessica Parks
Pashmena’s Travel, LLC
Ms. Maryann Patterson
Ms. Christine Pequet
Mr. and Mrs. David Persino
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Pilditch
Polka Dot Stiching
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Prendergast
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Prus
Mr. Steve Puiszis and
Ms. Claudia Marciniak
Queen of Hearts Studio
Mr. Devon Quinn and Ms. Jodi Fyfe
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Rafiei
Mr. Glen A. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Reese
Mr. and Mrs. John Reust
Mr. Harry M. Richter III
Mr. and Mrs. Katie W. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Robinson
Ms. Carolyn J. Roche
Ms. Abigail Rogers
Mr. Fred Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Rupe
Ms. Barbara Rupp
Mr. Micheal Rush
Ruthie’s Garden
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Ryan
Ms. Mary E. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Rypl
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Scheck
Ms. Mary T. Schneider
Mrs. Liz Schrader
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Schuler
Mr. Franklin Schwerin
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Seaberg
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Shannon
Sharp Advantage
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Shorser
Ms. Kelly Shugrue
Mr. and Mrs. Athanasios Sinioris
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Sjostrom
Mr. Robert Snyder
Ms. Charlene A. Soby
Mr. and Mrs. John Sokolowski
Mr. Donald Southworth and
Ms. Marilyn Cantisano
Sprovieri’s Custom Counters, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Sean St. Clair
Ms. Helena Stancikas
Star Touring and Riding Chicago Chapter 394
Ms. Holly G. Starck
Mr. David Starr
Mr. Michael Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Steinberg
Dr. Robert I. Steinberg
Stelton Motors
Mr. and Mrs. Mason W. Stephenson
Ms. Donna Stoll
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoll
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stump
Ms. Janet A. Sullivan
Mr. Ronald J. Suszek
Ms. Sara Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Talaske
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Taubman
Rev. and Mrs. Alan C. Taylor
The Bag Lady
The Sunflower Garden Club
of Sun City
The Wine Family
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Thompson
Tiburon Homes LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Titus
Tivoli Enterprises, Inc.
Ms. Kathryn Tortorice
Mr. Matthew Trainor
Ms. Barbara Trinka
Mr. Mark Trinka and
Ms. Bernadette Diaz
Ms. Ginny Tunnicliff
TypeCase Marketing Resource
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Employee Matching Gift Program
U.S. Cellular
United Methodist Women
United Way of the Columbia-
United Way of Rhode Island
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Van Vliet
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Vliet
Ms. Elizabeth Vavrek
Ms. Patricia S. Wagner
Mr. William Wallace
Ms. Jeriann Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh
Ms. Lynn Walter
Mrs. Debra N. Walters
Mr. Mike Warren and
Ms. Julie Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Weicher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Weil
Mr. Dustin R. Weinberger and
Ms. Erika A. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Weinheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Tage Welindt
Mr. and Mrs. John Wickes
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson
Windy City Carpet Service, Inc.
Mr. Scott Wise
Ms. Dorothy D. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. James Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Dean N. Yannias
Mr. Jon Yates
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Yoder
Ms. Katy Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Zaniolo
Mr. Thomas C. Zimm
Under $100
Mr. Paul Aeschleman
Ms. Kristine K. Aguirre
Mr. Victor Aguirre
Ms. Laura Albun
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Allen
Mr. Eric Alley
Allstate Giving Campaign
Ms. Catherine Amato
Mr. David Anderson and
Ms. Becky Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Anderson
Andrea Burridge Interior Design, LTD
Mr. and Mrs. Dirk W. Andringa
Ms. Carol L. Anglet
Mr. Brian Antenucci
Ms. Elva Antonio
Arminda Munoz Insurance Agency
Mr. Alex Avila
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Babbo
Ms. Barbara Ballinger
Mr. Joshua Banks
Mr. Kirk Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bartenhagen
Ms. Lynnea Bauer
Mr. Domenico T. Beatini
Mr. Neil Beaufait
Beijo Bags — Kim Leider, Consultant
Master Daniel Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Everett J. Bell
Ms. Sandra Bello
Ms. Natalie A. Belmonte
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Benton
The Berglund Family
Mr. Neill Beurskens
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Birkett
Mr. Michael Blum
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boban
Mr. Henry J. Bode and
Mrs. Susan Cartland-Bode
Ms. Keena Bonds
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Borrelli
Mr. and Mrs. Darric Brambora
Bright Designs
Ms. Lauren Brinkmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Britt
Mr. and Mrs. Juergen Broscheit
Mr. Doug Brown
Ms. Katrina Brown
Mr. Ralph L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brownlee
Mr. Dushan Budimir
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Burdett
Ms. Ashley Bush
Ms. Veronica Camarillo
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Campbell
Ms. Martha Cantu
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cardamone
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K. Carroll
Mr. Jack Casey
Mr. Calvin Castaneda
Mr. Edison Castaneda
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Castillo
Mr. Christopher Chakmakjian
Mr. Chayne Chamberlain
Mr. Jim Chamberlain
Mr. Mike Chamberlain
Mr. Steve Chamberlain
Ms. Carla Champagne
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chapleau
Ms. Sue Charlwood
Mr. and Mrs. Maneesh K. Chawla
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cheris
Mr. Vik Chitkara
Mr. James Christofferson
Ms. Shari Christofferson
Mr. Brendan Christy
Mr. Matt Christy
Ms. Emma Chrystal
Ms. Nancy Cibula
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clark
Mr. David Clauson
Mr. and Mrs. William Cleaver
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cole
Mr. Travis Cole
Mr. Ron Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Connelly
Ms. Carrie Cook
Miss Mia Corsino
Mr. Don Cote
Ms. Sarah Cripe
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Cuthbert
Mr. Daniel Czapla
Mr. Rafal Czapla
Ms. Erica Dahlmeier
Ms. Xan Daniels
Mr. Al Daoud
Mr. Ronny Daoud
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dedoes
Mr. Cody Deitch
Mr. William Delaplane
Ms. Jane Dennis
Mr. Paul Dilfer
The Dillon Family
Ms. Nadine P. Dillon
Ms. Karyn L. Doerfler
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dohman
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Domask
Ms. Crystal Dominguez
Ms. Mary Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Donnelly
Ms. Donna Doonan
Mr. Darrell Dortch
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Dring
Ms. Juliette Driscol
Mr. Devon Dudley
Mr. Alex Dull
Ms. Cherie Duve
Mr. Andrew Dwyer
Mr. Patrick Dwyer
Mr. Charles Eder
Ms. Lindsey Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Egolf
Mr. Brent Ehret
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Emme
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Engesser
Mrs. Charlotte Erickson
Mrs. Robert Erickson
Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church
Ms. Kristin Fancsalszki
Ms. Eva Favela
Ms. Julie Fekete
Ms. Annie Ferro
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ferrone
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Fessler
Mr. Scott Fiero
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Finn
Ms. Amber Floyd
Mr. Sean Flynn and
Ms. Emily Dagostino
Mr. Gregory Fohl
Ms. Colette Foley
Ms. Pamela Fontana
Mr. and Mrs. John Fournier
Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman
Mr. Luke Frerker
Ms. Kacey Fuldauer
Ms. LaTonya Gaddis
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gadek
Ms. Kristen Gallagher
Mr. Gallagher and Ms. Barthel
Ms. Mary Gamauf
Mr. Douglas Gardiner
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gates
Ms. Ann Gelsomino
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Gettle
Ms. Antonette Gianneschi
Mr. Michael Gianneschi
Mr. Kevin Gibbons
Ms. Jennifer Gingras
Ginny Stewart, Inc.
Mr. Kevin Gleason
Mr. Todd Glickstern
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gofron
Ms. Cheryl Goggins
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Goldbranson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Goldstein
Mr. Alex Gonzales
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gordon
Mr. Paul Gorski
Ms. Abigail Gotstein
Ms. Melissa Gotstein
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Graff
Ms. Erin Granger
Mr. Matt Granger
Green Eyed Maven
Mr. Kenneth Green and
Ms. Holly Wathan
Ms. Rebekah Gregory
Master Henry Griffin
Ms. Michelle Groth
Mr. Charles Gruner
Ms. Trina Gruner
Ms. Doris M. Gruskin
Mr. Anthony Guerreso
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Guerriero
Mr. Mannie Gurrola
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gwozdz
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haake
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Hajek
Ms. Linda Hajny
Mr. and Mrs. James Haunty
Mr. Brian Hedges
Mr. Gregg Helfer
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Helle
Ms. Lorene Heninger
Mr. Alex Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Hibbard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Higgins
Mr. Dan Hisey
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hlinka
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hlinka
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Ho
Ms. Dallas Hockman
Mr. Alan Hoffstadter
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Hohulin
Ms. Laurie A. Hoppe
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hopson
Ms. Amy Hornat-Kaval
Mr. Andrew Hugger
Ms. Lauren Hughes
Ms. Susan Huhndorf
Dr. Julia Hulcher M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hunley
Mrs. Lawrence H. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hunter
Ms. Shalonda Hurt
Ms. Inger Hyde
Mr. and Mrs. John Iatrides
Ms. Geralyn M. Ignarski
Ms. Alexandra Incandela
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jakobsze
Ms. Lisa Jarvis
Mr. Lee C. Jenne III
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jerousek
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jew
Ms. Alice Ji
Ms. Carrie Johnson
Mr. Jake Johnson
Mr. Ken Johnson and
Ms. Amy Stearns
Mr. Ray Johnson
Mr. Christopher Johnston
Ms. Carol Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Deskin Jones
Ms. Christie Jordan
Mr. David Jordan and
Ms. Judith Newman
Mr. Nick Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jordan
Ms. Taylor Jordan
Mr. Theo Jordan
JP Morgan Chase
J.R. Construction Company
Mr. Donald R. Kaczmarek and
Ms. Terri Tyner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Kaslewicz
Mr. and Ms. Jonathan F. Kaspar
Mr. Justin Kay
Ms. Elizabeth Keeney
Mr. Matt Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Kelley
Mr. Paul Kenny
Mr. Don Kenworthy
Mr. Curt Kessler
Mr. Gregg Killoren
The King Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jay King
Ms. Carrie Kisicki
Kissed By The Sun Creations
Art Gallery
Ms. Mary Klich
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery T. Kline
Mr. Dan Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Folkert Kosten
Mr. and Mrs. August Koster
Van Groos
Ms. Mary Kowalski
Ms. Susan M. Kraemer
Ms. Linda Kralik
Ms. Hannah Kralovec
Ms. Marie Kruse
Ms. Cynthia L. Kurucar
Ms. Marian Kwilosz
Ms. Jayme Landers
Ms. Mary W. Landreth
Mr. Noah Lauricella
Ms. Renee Lawson
Ms. Ann Ledajaks
Mr. Charles Lee IV
Mr. Jonathon Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lefevour
Ms. Lara LeGrand
Ms. Rhonda M. Leonard
Mr. Joshua Lesko
Mr. Dan T. Ligon
The Lindsay Family
Ms. Mary Jane Linke
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lipinski
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Liskiewitz
Little Lamb’s, Inc.
Ms. Regina Litz
Ms. Christa Llewellyn
Ms. Kerry Logan
Mr. Paulo F. Lopez
Mr. Jeff Lorenzo
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lovelace
Mr. Brian Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lutz
Ms. Marie Lykos
Mr. Joe Lynch
Ms. Deborah L. Mace
Ms. Rosay Macias
Mr. and Mrs. David Majewski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malec
Mr. and Mrs. James Malpede
Mama Concierge
Mr. Bryan Mar
Mr. Louis Maravilla
Mr. Alan J. Maresso
Mr. Mark Maroney
Ms. Jaime Marsico
Mr. James W. Martin
Mr. Ryan Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Marcos Martinez
Masha’s Handpainted Cards
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Massarello
Mr. and Mrs. Cathy May
Ms. Cordelia M. McCall
Ms. Marsha McClellan and
Ms. Nancy Powell
Ms. Amy McFarlane
Mr. John McInerney
Mr. Jeffrey McMahon
Mr. Joseph McWhirter
Mr. Eddie Medina
Mr. Jack Mehoff
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mercer
Miss Madeline Merker
Mr. Brian Merlot
Mr. and Mrs. William Metz
Ms. Veronica Micklin
Mr. Tony Millard
Mr. Randi Miller
Ms. Samantha Minc
Ms. Tamara M. Miner-Corso
Ms. Lara Minetz
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Minnix
Ms. Maureen Mizwicki
The Moen Family
Ms. Rachel Mogy
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mojonnier
Ms. Alycia Molenaar
Ms. Cyndi Molenaar
Monroe Capital LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Moody
Ms. Shannon Morton
Ms. Patricia Mota
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mugnani
Mr. and Mrs. John Mundt
Mr. Dan Murphy
Mr. Peter Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Corey T. Nelson
Nestle Foundation
Ms. Cindy Nguyen
Ms. Laura Nickas
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Niederman
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Nix
Ms. Stephanie Nixon
Mrs. Nancy J. Norton
Ms. Jaimee Novak
Ms. Laura Nozicka
Ms. Mallory O’Connor
2013 Annual Report
Ms. Kathleen O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Olivieri
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Olson
Ms. Sarah Olson
Mr. William Ortman
Ms. Christine Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Osterholm
Ms. Aris Padillo
Mr. Mel Padillo
Mr. Timothy Pagani
Ms. Beth Palecek
Ms. Beth Parisi
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker
Ms. Jhaneen Parker
Mr. Alexander Parrott
Mr. Jordan Parwani
Mr. Hiren Patel
Ms. Erica Peek
Ms. Stephanie Perkins
Mr. Michael Pesigan and
Ms. Dianna Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Picone Sr.
Mr. Matt Piekarz
Ms. Karen Pinnella
Ms. Renee A. Pleshar
Ms. Kari Pligge
Mr. Alex Policht
Mr. Willie M. Polite
Ms. Joanne Ponzio
Mr. Tommy Poulos
Ms. Janice T. Powers
Mr. Jack Prager
The Law Office of Jennifer A. Pritz
Mr. Brad Procell
Mr. Ben Protess
Ms. Patricia Pruitt
Mr. Erik Publ
Mr. Scott Puck
Ms. Jennifer Pullen
Ms. Molly Pyne
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Quinn
Mr. Joshua Radin
Ms. Nedra Ragsdale and
Ms. Rachel E. Rambow
Ms. Colleen Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Ramsey
Siobhra Redmond
Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Rees
Mr. Raymond Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Reisig
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reitz
Mr. Andrew Remo
Ms. Mariya Reznikova
Mr. Ben Richter
Ms. Harriette Robinet
Ms. Margaret Rohter
Mr. Jake Roland
Ms. Nancy Rolock
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Rooney
Ms. Janice M. Rosales
Ms. Cindy Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryan
Mr. Alex Rydzewski
Ms. Natalie Salerno
The Samatas Family
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Sampson
Ms. Gwendolyn D. Saunders
Ms. Marcia Schattauer
Mr. Michael Schenk
Mr. and Mrs. John Schiess
Ms. Patricia Schlatter
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Schlueter
Ms. Mandy Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Schoenherr
Mr. Bryan Schrippe
Ms. Kathleen Schroer
Ms. Shirley Schultz
Mr. Andrew Schuster
Ms. Liz Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schwartz
Ms. Alexandra M. Scoptur
Mr. Jeff Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Seifert
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Senger
Mr. Martin Senica
Ms. Leah Shapiro
Mr. Brent Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sher
Mr. Nell Shuttleworth
Mr. Glenn Siegel
Ms. Megan Silverstein
Ms. Jennifer Simon and
Ms. Dorothy Proctor
Mr. Aaron D. Sims
Mr. John Skaggs and
Ms. Liz Schwartz
Ms. Susan Slater
Mr. Mark Slusarski
Mr. Eric Smies
Ms. Brittany Smith
Mr. George Smith
Ms. Mandy Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Sonnamaker
Ms. Donna Sorensen
Ms. Deborah A. Sorochtey
Ms. Georgiana E. Soumar and
Ms. Martha Hracek
Source Healing
St. Luke School
Ms. Doris Stanek
Mr. Matt Stelter
Mr. Dustin Stender
Mrs. Muriel Stix *
Mr. Daniel Straface
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Strand
Mr. Peter Striebel
Mr. Tim Stuchly
Mr. Brandon Sturman
Ms. Alanna Sullivan
Ms. Joanne Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Swartz
The Swiniarski Family
Ms. Patricia Tabet
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tarpey Jr.
Mr. Kenneth E. Taylor
Ms. Sharyn A. Tepper
Ms. Annie Todor
Ms. Jelena Todorovich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tom
Ms. Angela Topel
Mr. Dave Traverso
Mr. Robert Trombley
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Tumba
Mr. Jarret Turbin
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turnbull
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Tushman
Ms. Claire Tylke
Ms. Sira Urbina
Ms. Anastasia Valentine
Mr. Carlos Valenzuela
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Van Ermen
Mr. Thomas Van Winkle
Ms. Shelby Varcla
Ms. Nicole Vassalotti
Ms. Norma J. Vavra
Mr. Juan Vazquez
Mr. Manuel Vazquez
Mr. Mitchell Vega
Mr. Tony Virgilio
Mr. Marc Virruso
The Vogel Family
Mr. Jonny Vu
Ms. Carrie Wall
Ms. Tasia Wallace
Ms. Margaret Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walsh
Ms. Christina Wasserman
The Weaver Family
Ms. Melanie Weiss
Mr. Ben Welken
Mr. Adam L. Weller
Mr. Brian Welling
Mr. Zach West
Ms. Barbara Westermann
Mr. and Mrs. James Whalen
Ms. Melissa Cabanas Wheeler
Ms. Anita R. White
Mr. Rob White
Mr. Nathan Whybrew
Mr. Christopher Wick
Mr. David Wildfield and
Ms. Jennifer Mannebach
Ms. Rita M. Williams
Ms. Willa J. Williams
Ms. Mary Jo Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Wilson
Mr. Ronnail Wilson
Mr. Todd Winkelhake
Mr. James M. Withrow
Mr. David Wolfe
Ms. Sarah Wong
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wyman
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Yakel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yehnert
Ms. Marion Young
Mr. Rob Zaldivar
Ms. Agnes Zarkadas
Mr. Ulises Zermeno
Ms. Christine Zielinski
In Memory of Stephanie Andryc
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
In Memory of Gwendolyn Angell
Ms. Patricia L. Angell
In Memory of Keith Cady
United Methodist Women
In Memory of Louise C. Chapleski
Ms. Marilyn J. Stummeier
In Memory of Marcia Christian
Dr. Joseph Christian
In Memory of Clare DeLage
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Horwich
In Memory of Kathy DeLeo
Ms. Nadine P. Dillon
Ms. Patricia Mota
In Memory of Thomas and Robert
Mrs. Robert Erickson
Mrs. Charlotte Erickson
In Memory of Ryan Farrelly
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muriello
In Memory of Matthew Goldbranson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Goldbranson
In Memory of Kenneth J. Gwozdz
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gwozdz
In Memory of Jeff Hague
Ms. Mary W. Landreth
In Memory of Richard Hague
Mr. Neil Beaufait
In Memory of Merrill Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Tage Welindt
In Memory of Dianne Jones
Ms. Lanita Koster
In Memory of Marty Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jordan
In Memory of Janet Kavalir
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kavalir
In Memory of Gene Kelly
Mrs. Mary Ellen Kelly
In Memory of Jamie Kurucar
Ms. Cynthia L. Kurucar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yehnert
In Memory of Danny Laurenzo to benefit Danny’s Birthday Closet
Advanced Search Group
David James Company
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. James Laurenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Laurenzo
Ms. Elizabeth Vavrek
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Henson
Ms. Sasha McNeal
In Memory of Marvin Licht
Dr. Sybil Licht
In Memory of Muriel Stix
Mr. and Mrs. Tage Welindt
In Memory of Thomas Magnussen
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Castillo
Mr. Micheal Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Seaberg
In Memory of Richard Sullivan as a
tribute to Katherine “Katie” Vogg
Ms. Joanne Sullivan
In Memory of Annette Palucci
Ms. Giovina Grizzoffi
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Richards
Ms. Fran Schwichtenberg
In Memory of Rasario Picone, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Picone Sr.
In Memory of Mr. Pierozio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoll
In Memory of Dennis Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boban
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker
Ms. Janice T. Powers
In Memory of Adeline Ramquist
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Anderson
Ms. Carol L. Anglet
Mr. Leonard Brown and
Ms. Rudi Vanderburg
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Chagnon
Mr. and Mrs. David Farrow
Ms. Ann Gelsomino
Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Hajek
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hlinka
Ms. Helen Hlinka
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hlinka
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hlinka
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pinnella
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Ramquist Jr.
Ms. Georgiana E. Soumar and
Ms. Martha Hracek
In Memory of Sandy Hook Elementary School
Mr. Samar Condon
In Memory of Kathryn “Katie” Vogg
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Burdett
Mr. Jim Mann and
Mrs. Katharine Mann
Ms. Joanne Sullivan
In Memory of Rose Virginia Williams
to benefit the Rose Virginia Williams
Music Enrichment Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Blair
Ms. Barbara D. Krause and Family
Mr. John Spurgeon and
Ms. Martha R. Williams
Ms. Davida E. Williams
In Memory of Sheila Yeager
Ms. Sandra Lindahl
We are deeply grateful to the
individuals, businesses and
organizations that provided in-kind
gifts during the fiscal year. Your
generosity, compassion and
commitment played a vital role in
helping us fulfill our mission in FY13.
Thank you for your support!
AA Rental Center
Mr. and Mrs. Acevedo
The Adair Family
Advanced Healthcare
Advanced Search Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Aguirre
Mr. Victor Aguirre
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto S. Albiter
Ms. Bethany Alexander
Mr. David Algozino
Mr. and Mrs. John Alioto
Ms. Teresa Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Allgood
Ms. Ofelia Amador
Ms. Catherine Amato
Amato’s Pizzeria, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ames
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Anderson
Ms. Paula Andronis
Annie’s Homegrown
Ms. Beth Apilado
Apollo Theater Chicago
Aqua Jewelry
Arbonne-Gayle McWherter, Consultant
Mr. DJ Arends
Ms. Melissa Arista
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Arnett
Arts N Spirits
Ms. Allison Ashby
Aspen Specialty
Atlas Galleries, Inc.
Au Sable Grove Presbyterian Church
Autobahn Country Club
Automatic Ice
Ms. Lucy Avalos
Avis Budget Group
Ms. Marilyn J. Ayersman
AYSO Soccer Region #425
Mr. Don Babwin and
Ms. Joan Radovich
Ms. Linda Bachelder
Ms. Kristin Bailitz
The Balaz Family
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ballard
Ms. Daniela Barbosa Pamleiro
Ms. Jackie M. Barlow
Ms. Ann Barrios
Ms. Marcia Barton
The Battoglia Family
The Baxter and Vangelisti Family
Ms. Emily Beal
Ms. Tarshel Beards
Beijo Bags-Kim Leider, Consultant
Ms. Susanne Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benson
Mr. Martin A. Berg and
Ms. Gina Orlando
Ms. Mary Berg
Mrs. Nancy Berman
Berwyn-Cicero Emblem Club No.169
Mr. Justice Beske and
Ms. Marla Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bianucci
Ms. Lisa Biedron
Ms. Sheila Bielecki
Ms. Barb Biezawski and
Ms. Laura Wahlfeldt
Bikefix, Inc.
Mr. Joseph Binder
Ms. Sabrina Blackney
Ms. Marilyn A. Bloom
Ms. Lorna Bobbie
Ms. Marion Bodmer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Boelke
BOKA Restaurant Group
Bolingbrook Sign
Books Are Fun
Bounce Sportsplex
Mr. Andrew Boyd
Boyle Design Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Brandanisio
Ms. Yvett Branham
Ms. Emily Brigell and
Ms. Maddy Brigell
Bright Designs
Ms. Laura Brinkman
Broadway in Chicago
Ms. Ina W. Broeman
Mr. Leonard Brown and
Ms. Rudi Vanderburg
Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Brown
Brownie Troop #40187
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Stephanie Brzozowski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Buccheri
Mr. Con Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. George Buhai-Jacobus
Miss Samantha Buhai-Jacobus
Ms. Abigail Burns
Mr. and Mrs. David Burns
Mr. Ryan Burns and
Ms. Lauren Burns
Mr. Joe Burton and Dr. Gloria Groom
Buzz Cafe, Inc.
Buzzing Hearts
Ms. Nora Byrne
Cab’s Wine Bar Bistro
Ms. Debra O. Callen
Ms. Theresa Callevo
Ms. Cleraine Camper
Master Ronnie Cappuzzo
Ms. Olivia Carberry
Paul and Sherry Carbery
Carol Ryan Fine Art
Ms. Susan Carpenter
The Carroll Family
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K. Carroll
Mrs. Rose M. Carroll
Ms. Kitty Carson
Ms. Suzy Carson
Mrs. Sarah Deardorff Carter
Ms. Susan Carter
Ms. Tina Casale
Ms. Suzanne Casey Lavin
Ms. Adrienne F. Castillo
Mr. Rick Catalano
Cathedral of St. Raymond School
Ms. Mary Celis
Ms. Minnie Ceragioli and
Ms. Judith Biancalana
Maris Cervantes
Ms. Juanita Chaidez
Ms. Karyn Chandra
Chapter 989 Eastern Star (Reflections)
Cheryl’s Cookies
Chicago Architecture Foundation
Chicago Blackhawks Hockey
Team, Inc.
Chicago Bulls/White Sox
Training Academy
Chicago Kids Company –
Theatre for Children!
Chicago Teacher, Inc.
Chicago Tribune
Chicago White Sox Community Relations
Chicago White Sox
Premium Seating Services
Mr. Peter Chico
Ms. Sarah Child
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Ms. Shari Christofferson
Ms. Julie Chyna
Ms. Michelle Ciszwiski
Coach Leatherware
Mr. and Mrs. James Cogan
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Colapietro
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cole
Cole Taylor Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Coleman
Ms. Allison Colliers and
Ms. Lindy Colliers
Mr. and Mrs. James Colombo
Community Bank of Oak Park & River Forest
Competitive Foot
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Condon
Mr. Samar Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Condon
Ms. Meredith E. Conn
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Connelly
Ms. Madeline Connelly
Mr. Burt Constable and
Ms. Cheryl ter Horst
Ms. Laura Cook
Costco Marketing
Miss Lily Cozzens
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cozzens
Craig Stevens Development
Mr. Bradley Crandall
Mr. Steve Crane
Creata USA Inc.
Mr. Tim Cullom
Ms. Cheryl Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dahir
Ms. Amy Daigler
Ms. Lauren Dain
Dancing Lights
Ms. Jane Davies
Ms. Georgetta Davis
Ms. Andrea Davis-Baptiste
Ms. Kathleen Dawson
Ms. Amy De Witte
Mr. Benjamin DeBerry and
Ms. Alicia Perla
Miss Amelie DeBiase
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dee
deedee & edee
Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeGroot
Ms. Melinda Degucz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deitch
Democratic Party of Oak Park
Ms. Mercita Demuynck
Ms. Denise Denman
Ms. Raye-Ann O. deRegnier
Ms. Jennifer Dettloff
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dietrich
Ms. Nadine P. Dillon
Ditka’s Restaurant
Doc Ryan’s
Mr. Bob Dockendorf
Ms. Jen Dockendorf
Ms. Tina Dockendorf
Dockers Men’s
Ms. Susan Dombrowski
Ms. Anna Dominguez
Mr. Gilbert Dominguez and
Ms. Ann Mastic
Dominican University
Dominican University
Performing Arts Center
Ms. Nina Domma
Ms. Mary Donahue
Mr. Frank Dorn and
Ms. Michelle Testoni
DoubleTree by Hilton
Ms. Catherine Doyle
Ms. Cindy Doyle
Mr. David Dranoff and
Ms. Wendy Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Draus
Mr. Zach Draus
Dream Big Toy Company
Ms. Elizabeth Drehobl
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dressel
Ms. Dawn Drumm and
Ms. Kim Hefner
Ms. Ruth Dudenas
Eyrie Restaurant
Facets Multi-Media
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Fachet
Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church
Mr. Rhian Fazzini
Mr. James Feeney and
Dr. Kristine Bordenave
The Ferrell Family
Ms. Liesl Field
Fieldwork Chicago
M. Figueroa
Fine Jewelry By Karen
Ms. Caitlin K. Finnegan
Ms. Natalie Fitzpatrick
Flat Top Grill
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dumelle
Ms. Carol J. Dunning
Ms. Sue Dutton
Ms. Cherie Duve
Duxiana, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dvorsky
Dwellings Real Estate, Inc.
Mr. Petroux Dykes
The East Bank Club
Ebert Photography
Edit Home
Edward Don & Company
Mr. Jassem el Mahmoud and
Ms. Francesca DeBiase
Elan Hair Body and Sole
Mr. and Mrs. James Eldred
Ella Knits
Elmwood Park Early Childhood Center
Mr. Michael Elsen and
Ms. Lynn Galuska Elsen
Ms. Marg Emanuel
EMC Insurance Companies
Emerald City Theatre
En Your Image Salon
Ms. Jean Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. John Erickson
Ms. Veronica Esper
Ms. Amy L. Estep
Eva Deitch Photography
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Evenson
Mr. James Evers
Ms. Deirdre Flynn
Mr. Michael J. Flynn
Food Donation Connection
Mr. and Mrs. John Fournier
Ms. Kathy Fox
Fox River Foods
Frame Warehouse
Framing For Friends
Frances B. McCord School
Ms. Eleanor Freeland
Mr. Raymond Freeland
Mr. John Frey and Ms. Laura Stuart
Friends of River Grove Public Library
Mr. and Mrs. James Froslid
Ms. Jill Ftacek
Ms. Valerie Furr
Gabriel John Naturals
Ms. Nancy Gardner
Garland Flowers
Mrs. Maria E. Garvy
Ms. Kim Gehman
Ms. Kimberly Genardo
Geppetto’s Toy Box
Mr. Steven Gillman and
Ms. Gillian Siegel
Mrs. Peggy Gilmore
Girl Scout Troop #42803
Mr. John Giuga
Mr. and Mrs. John Giura
Glass from the Past
Go Bananas
2013 Annual Report
Ms. Kristen Goggin
Ms. Grace Gopp
Mr. Michael Gordon
Ms. Melissa Gotstein
Mr. and Mrs. James Gotti
Ms. Mary Lou Graham
Ms. Maryalice Grauer
Mr. Kyle Green
Ms. Linda A. Green
Green Envee Organics
Green Eyed Maven
Green Home Experts
Greenline Wheels
Mr. and Mrs. John Grimes
Mr. Michael Grimes
Ms. Giovina Grizzoffi
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Guarino
Ms. Debbie Guilbeau
Ms. Sonal Gupta
The Haas Family
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hachem
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Hager
Mr. Edward Halstead
Mrs. Jeanne Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hampson
Hanna Andersson
Ms. Kate Hanson
Ms. Mary Hardison
Ms. Maureen Harnett
Ms. Lenore Harris
Ms. Mary Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hart
Mrs. Amy Hartman
The Hartschuh Family
Ms. Gwendolyn Hassan
Hatch School PTO
Ms. Victoria Hattaway and
Ms. Natalya Hattaway
Haymarket Pub & Brewery
Ms. Jill Heady
Ms. Colleen Heath
Heaven on Seven
Mr. Joseph C. Heininger
Ms. Brenda Hendrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Henson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Herr
Ms. Deana Herrman
Mr. Kurt Hessler
Ms. Cyndi Hester
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Higgins
The Higgins-Urban Family
Ms. Emlee Hilliard-Smith
Hines Employee Association
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club
Mrs. Helen Hlinka
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoban
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Hofmeister
The Holbrook Family
The Holden Family
Holley Court Terrace
Holmes PTO Book Fair
Holt’s Cigar Company
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Holtz
Horse Drawn Productions
Ms. Roseland Howard
The Howe Family
HR Plus
The Hray Family
HSBC - North America
Mr. Richard C. Huettel and
Ms. Susan J. Harrold
Ms. Susan Huizinga
Mrs. Mikki Hunsberger
Mr. and Mrs. James Hunt
Ms. Josephine Huss
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hutchinson
Mr. Liam Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. John Ide
Improv Olympic
Ms. Abby Imrem
Independence Charters LLC –
Windy City Salmon
Information Diggers
Mr. Michael Iversen and
Ms. Laura Young
J. Gordon Designs, LTD.
Ms. Jewel Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobs
Jam Entertainment &
Creative Services
James Anthony Salon & Day Spa
Ms. Deb Jamrose
Mr. Brian Jasik
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Mr. Steve Jedd
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Jenkins
Mr. John Jennings
Jim Beam Brands Company
John G. Shedd Aquarium
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jones
Ms. Leslie Jordano
Ms. Anne Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. John Jozefowicz
Dr. Wayne Juhnke and
Ms. Alice Ireland
Julie Kaplan Photography
Just Say Cheese
Ms. Margaret Kadol
The Kaidaley Family
Ms. Rae Kalin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kaniecki
Miss Amelia Kansa
The Keenon Family
Miss Avery Kendrick
Ms. Jan Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kerr
The King Family
Mr. and Mrs. Chris King
Mr. and Mrs. David King
Ms. Debbie J. King
Ms. Amy Kinney
Ms. Carrie Kisicki
Kissed By The Sun Creations
Art Gallery
Ms. Lisa Kitzman
Ms. Maxine Klein
Mr. Richard Klein
Ms. Mary Klich
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knaul
Kohl’s Cares for Kids/
Community Relations
Miss Allison Kooser
The Korczak Family
Mr. Matthew Koritz and
Ms. Sarah Joyce
Ms. Alexis Kosik
Mr. Jake Koval
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kowalski
Ms. Hannah Kralovec
Ms. Barbara Krause and Family
Ms. Victoria Krause-Schutte
Ms. Nelly Krems
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Krisco
Ms. Joy Kucharski
Ms. Cindy Kullcore
Ms. Amanda Kuznacic
La Majada – The Haggar Family
Ms. Amy Laban
Ms. Joan Labue
Mr. and Mrs. James Lago
Lakeview Bus Lines
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Landay
Ms. Jayme Landers
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Lane
Ms. Angelika Langenleldes
Mr. Brian K. Lantz
Ms. Eloise LaPalio
Mr. Steve Lefco
The Leffers Family
Legal Prep Charter School
Ms. Marilyn C. Lein
Ms. Stacy Lempka
Ms. Donna M. Leoni
Ms. Connie Lepore
Ms. Maria Lernere
Mr. Daniel J. Lesser
Let Luciano Cook For You
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Lettvin
Dr. David Levy and Dr. Janis Wiener
Lia Sophia
Ms. Traci M. Liddell
Lillies and Spikes Hair Salon
Lincoln School-River Forest
Lincoln School-River Forest
Heartworks Program
Mr. and Mrs. David Linde
Ms. Lisa Liss
Little Piggies
Mr. Michael Loiacom
Ms. Kathi Lombardi
Mr. and Mrs. Eric London
Mr. Jose Lopez
Lori’s Gifts
Loyola Center for Health & Fitness
Lucky Luggage
Ms. Katy Ludwig
The Lustick Family
Lutz Family Center
Ms. Quinteria Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael MacKinnon
Ms. Susan Magee
Magic Tree Book Store
Ms. Cheryl Mairson
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Majestic
Ms. Sandra Mallory
Ms. Mary Claire Malloy
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Maly
Mama Concierge
Ms. Lorella Marchi
Marianjoy of Oak Brook Terrace
Mark Brown Photography
Ms. Eleni Marsh
Ms. Laura Marshall
Mrs. Antoinette Martin
Mr. Chris Marzel and
Ms. Maggie Kelly
Masha’s Handpainted Cards
Ms. Cristy Mattas
The Matusiak Family
Ms. Kelly Matyas
Mr. Jeff Mauro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
Maya del Sol Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Maza
Ms. Peggy McCallister
McCarthy & Trinka, Inc.
Ms. Karen W. McClard
Ms. Leah McCluskey
The McConnell Family
Mr. Drew McConville
Miss Tess McConville
McDonald’s Corporation
McDonald’s Corporation –
McScrapper’s Group
Working Mother’s Council
Ms. Bernadette McHale
Dr. and Mrs. Lou McKeever
Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin
Ms. Maureen McMullen
Ms. Theresa McMullen and
Mr. Nick Harvey
Ms. Sasha McNeal
Ms. Lisa McPolin
Ms. Lisa McWeeny
Mrs. Jean Meister
Ms. Amy Mentgen
Mr. and Mrs. Conner Mentgen
Mercadito Chicago
Mercat a La Planxa Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. John Merker
The Merritt Family
Ms. Cynthia Meyer
Ms. Janet Miceli
Midtown Fitness
Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush LLC
Dr. Anthony Millard and
Dr. Dietra D. Millard
Mr. Jeff Miller and Ms. Lisa Garling
Mom’s Enterprises
Monalisa Boutique
Mr. Esteban Monclova
Ms. Cynthia Montebone
Montopoli Custom Clothiers
Ms. Dominique Moore
Ms. Mary Moore
Ms. Joanna Moran
Ms. Donna Morris
Ms. Marguerite Morris
Moss Modern Flowers
Ms. Patricia Mota
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Moy
Ms. Marie Muha
Ms. Karen Murphy
Ms. Melissa Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Murphy
Ms. Teresa Murray
Muse, LLC.
Musikgarten of Oak Park
Mr. William Musser
Muvico Theaters
Ms. Brooke Nanni
Ms. Frances Nauth
NBC Studios, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Negron
Ms. Sybille Nelson
Ms. Keiko Nemeth
David and Lee Neubecker
Nicolette’s Creations
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Niederman
Mr. Max Niederman
Ms. Sarah Niederman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nightengale
Nineteenth Century Charitable Association
93XRT Chicago’s Finest Rock
Ms. Melissa Nio
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Nohalty
Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Noll
Northwestern University
Health Service
NOW Health Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Nugent
Oak Park & River Forest
High School
Oak Park & River Forest
Huskie Booster Club
Oak Park District 97
Teachers Asst. Association
Oak Park Farmer’s Market
Oak Park Fire Station #1
Oak Park River Forest
Historical Society
Oak Park Women’s Exchange –
Project Linus
Oak Park Women’s Guild
Ms. Karla Oberholtzer
The O’Brien Family
Ms. Caron O’Brien
Ms. Joei Ocenasek
Ms. Dee O’Hair
Old Town School of Folk Music
Ms. Annie Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Oliver
Opportunity Knocks
Mr. and Mrs. Justin O’Reilly
Organizing With You
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence O’Sullivan
Pacific Jewel
Ms. Keishla Padilla
Ms. Beth Palecek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palmer
Ms. Carmela Paolella
Paramount Arts Centre
Paramount Events
Ms. Dina Parikh
Park Avenue Hair Studio
Park District of Oak Park
Ms. Aziza Parker
Ms. Ingrid M. Parker
Ms. Jessica Parks
Pashmena’s Travel, LLC
Mr. Robert Pasin and
Ms. Muriel Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Passis
Ms. Rita Patel
Mr. Ganesh Patil
Pat’s Pet Emporium
Ms. Pam Paxton
Mr. and Mrs. Zdenek A. Pecenka
Mr. Ryan Peet and
Ms. Crystal Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Poe
Mr. Richard Pogvara
Polka Dot Stiching
Ms. Tam’me Pompilio
Ms. Anna Poulin
Ms. Kathryn C. Poulos
Ms. Anne Prasse
Ms. Linda Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Proko
Mr. and Mrs. John Prouty
Pumpkin Moon
Queen of Hearts Studio
Ms. Kristine Quintana
Radio Flyer
R.P. Fox and Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Rafiei
Ms. Addison Rao
Ms. Tallin Rao
Mr. Ray Raspatello
Mr. Raul Raymundo
The Read Family
Ms. Lisa Reed
Ms. Sage Reed
The Regan Family
Ms. Susan Reich
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reitz
Ms. Samantha Rekas
Revision Home
Ms. Jen Richards
Ms. Roberta Richards
Peninsula Chicago Hotel
Ms. Tabitha Penleton
Ms. Louise Pennington
Mr. Michael Pesigan and
Ms. Dianna Thomas
Ms. June Petricig
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Petrosino
Mr. Harry Pfaltzgraff
Philips Lighting Systems and Control
Philly G’s Restaurant
Tim and Molly Philosophos
Ms. Deborah Pickering
Ms. Tamee Pikor
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Pilditch
Mr. and Mrs. Maks Piper
Ms. Kimberly Plaxton-Drobot
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Richards
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Richards
Right Point
River Forest Health &
Wellness Center
River Forest Tennis Club
Robert Morris University –
Technology Department
Mrs. Rita Roberts
Ms. Harriette Robinet
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Robinson
Ms. Lois Roche
Mr. Paul Roche
Dr. Fred Rodriguez
The Rojas Family
Mr. Wyatt Roland
roots &wings
Roosevelt Middle School
Ms. Joanne Rosenbush
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rosenwinkel
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Rossell
Mr. Charles Rossiter
Rotary Club of Oak Park &
River Forest
Ms. Renee Rotatori
Ms. Kathy Rush
Ruthie’s Garden
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ryan
Ms. Susan Ryba
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Sagal
Ms. Liz Santiago
Ms. Marcia Schattauer
Ms. Heather Schauer
Mr. and Mrs. David Scheftel
Mr. Brian Schoenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schoeny
School of Rock
Schulz-Brundage, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Schumacker
Ms. Cathy Schwab
Ms. Heidi Schwartz
Mr. Kevin Schwartz and
Ms. Rachael Telleen
Ms. Fran Schwichtenberg
Second City
Securities Exchange Commission – Chicago Regional Office
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Segal
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seltzer
Ms. Mary Selvie
Seven Generations Ahead
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Shaker
Anthony R. Shaker, Attorney at Law
Pauline and Brian Sharpe
Mr. Steven Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shay
The Sheridan Family
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Shiner
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Shorser
Ms. Linda Shurhay
Mrs. Diane Silha
Ms. Jackie Simmons
Ms. Maura Simms
Mr. Mark Sitzman and
Ms. Cathy Morgan
Skidmore Owings & Merrill
Ms. Susan Slater
Sloan Valve Company
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Smith
Master Logan Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Snelling
Ms. Mandy Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Soffer
Ms. Paulete Solinski
Sons and Daughters of Italy
in America
Ms. Barb Soper
Ms. Donna Sorensen
Ms. Anne Sorkin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Spadoni
Ms. Tim Sparkes
Sports Traveler
St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church
St. Giles Parish
Ms. Antoinette St. Paul
St. Pius V School
St. Vincent Ferrer 1st Grade
CCD Class
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stamm
Starbucks Company
Ms. Susan Stark
Stars by Stephanie
Starship Subs
STATE Restaurant & Café
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steadman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stieber
Mrs. Robert Stoll
Mrs. Kimberly Stoltz
Stonehouse Publishing Company
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Stratton
Ms. Marilyn J. Stummeier
Mr. Mark Suchomel and
Ms. Liz Ziehl
Mr. Danny Sugimoto and
Ms. Sondra L. Summers
Mr. and Mrs. David Sullivan
Mr. Ian Sutherland
Mr. James Sveinsson
Ms. Seven Swinbank
Systech Information Services, Inc.
Talmer Bank and Trust
Ms. Beverly Tann and Family
Target – Group 192
Telepictures Productions, Inc.
Tellabs, Inc.
Mr. Christian Terrado
Terzo Piano
The Allstate Corporation
The Bag Lady
The Bazaar Inc
The Blackstone,
A Renaissance Hotel
The Dailey Method
The Fox Bowl
The Frame House, Inc.
The Good Heart, Work Smart Foundation
The HAVI Group
The Language and Music School
The Printing Store
The Purple Pig
The Signature Room at the 95th
The Sweet Water Foundation
The Tennis and Fitness Centre
The United Center
The Westin Lombard Yorktown Center
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Their
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Thompson
3 CG Records
Ms. Carol Threlkeld
Ms. Andrea Thury
Ms. Mary Tiffin
Ms. Cynthia Tinervia
Ms. Jill Tondu
Top Store, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Tortorici
Trader Joes
The Trainer Family
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Traus
Ms. Tamara Travis
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Traylor
Mr. Mark Trinka and
Ms. Bernadette Diaz
Triton College Cernan Space Center
Ms. Jennifer Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. John Tulley
Ms. Carol Umlauf
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ummel
Ms. Lisa Underwood
Unity Lutheran Church
Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation
University of Chicago-Medicine & Biological Sciences
UPS – Franklin Park Branch
Ms. Tina Valentino
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Van Vliet
Ms. Shelby Varcla
The Vertin Family
Vienna Beef
Viet Now-Berwyn/Cicero Chapter
Village of Melrose Park
Mr. George A. Vuckovic and
Ms. Esther M. Hunt
Ms. Margaret H. Walsh
Ms. Lynn Walter
Ms. Yolanda Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wanless
The Ward Family
Ms. Charlotte Ward
Ms. Yvette Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Watson
Ms. Megan Weibler
Ms. Elizabeth Weintraub
Ayten Welch
Ms. Jackie Welch
Ms. Kimberly Werner
West Cook YMCA
West Elm
West Suburban Medical Center –
Family Medicine Residency Program
Westin Lombard Yorktown Center
Ms. Elizabeth Wheeler
Ms. Alison White
Ms. Angel White
Mr. Gregory White
Ms. Tawny Whittek
Whole Foods Market
Mr. and Mrs. John Wickes
Willard School
William Hammerschmidt School
Pat Williams
Mr. Mark Wilson and
Mr. Bryan Northup
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson
Winberie Café
The Wine Family
Wirtz Beverage Illinois
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wojack
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wolthusen
Wonder Works
Ms. Donna Woodrow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wootton
Mr. and Mrs. James Woywod
Mr. Joseph Young
Zanies Comedy Nite Club
Ms. Jean Zelinska
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Zelkin
Ms. Ardith Zucker
Mr. Sherwood M. Zwirn
“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give to our children.
One of these is roots — the other, wings.”
H o d d i n g Ca r t e r
Hephzibah Children’s Association thanks the members of our
Roots and Wings Society for their generous support.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Allen
Mr. James Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Ambrosino
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aque
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Arends
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Arnett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Babbo
Mr. Jeff Babcock
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Beil
Mr. and Mrs. Alec P. Bliss
Mr. Robert Bloch and Ms. Barbara Kahn
Ms. Diane Bonina
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bonomo
Mr. Gene Brandt and
Ms. Elizabeth Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Erich E. Brueschke
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Buckley
Dr. Joseph Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary
Mr. Kevin Colligan and
Mrs. Irene Franze
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dahir
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deitch
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Diomede
Mr. Brian Druley
Ms. Dawn Drumm and Ms. Kim Hefner
Ms. Carol J. Dunning
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwardson
Mr. Jassem el Mahmoud and
Ms. Francesca DeBiase
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Ellenbogen
Mr. Sumner T. Farren
Mr. Ron Ferrin
Mr. John C. Filosa and Mrs. Cathaleen Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N. Gaeddert
Dr. Frances Gaik
Mr. and Mrs. John Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. John Glavin
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Hadelman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Haupers
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Horwich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jarrett
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Johnson
Mr. Thomas Johnson and
Ms. Leslie Ann A. Jones
Ms. Dianne R. Jones *
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Jordahl
Mrs. Mary Ann Karris
Mr. William Knittle and Ms. Alma Lizcano
Mr. Peter Kovler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kozak
Mr. and Mrs. James Laurenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Laurenzo
Mr. Aaron Lebovitz and Ms. Donna Myers
Mr. Byron Lee and Ms. Audrey Williams-Lee
Prof. Richard Leftwich
Dr. David Levy and Dr. Janis Wiener
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Loftus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loro
Dr. Gregory J. Macchio and
Dr. Rosa M. Navarro
Mr. Sheldon Mandell
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Matas
Ms. Deborah McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCauley
Dr. and Mrs. Lou McKeever
Ms. Cary McLean
Dr. Anthony Millard and
Dr. Dietra D. Millard
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mooney
Ms. Frances Nauth
Mr. and Mrs. Donald X. Nekrosius
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Nesburg
Mr. and Mrs. Chris O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Paice
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pasternak
Mr. and Mrs. Zdenek A. Pecenka
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd D. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Pero
Ms. Laura Petrie and Ms. Shelley Petrie
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Poe
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Ramquist Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rosenwinkel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Salerno
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Scheck
Mr. Joseph C. Scully and Dr. Judith Scully
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Shiner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Smith
Mrs. Virginia Sonnenschein
Mr. John Spurgeon and
Ms. Martha Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Stratton
Mr. Michael Stutz and Ms. Kari McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Byron F. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tinervia
Dr. and Mrs. Pietro Tonino
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Toye
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Whalen
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wojack
Mr. Gregory E. Wolski
* deceased
* deceased
To err is human, to forgive, divine...
Have we erred? Please contact Barb
Krause in the Development Office
at 708.649.7160. We sincerely regret
any errors or omissions.
Most of the children pictured in this
report are friends of Hephzibah or
children enrolled in Hephzibah’s Day
Care Program. To ensure the safety
and protect the privacy of the children
living in our group homes and foster
homes, we have not featured any
photos showing their faces.
2008 Annual Report
The People
Behind Hephzibah
Bo a r d of
Direc t or s
Oak Par k
A ux i li a r y
Mark Trinka
Chair and President
Melissa Kowalski
Maureen Stratton
Immediate Past President
Christine Linde *
Immediate Past President
and Co-Chair
Leslie Ann Jones
Vice President
Sarah Arnett
Elizabeth Seltzer *
Immediate Past President
and Co-Chair
Terry Brown
Kathy Hager
Vice President
Mary Anne Brown
Executive Director
Sherry Carbery
Joe Dahir
Francesca DeBiase
Carol Dunning
Audrey Williams-Lee
Kenna MacKinnon
John McIlwain
Beth Pecenka
Eric Sorensen
Byron Taylor
Cheryl ter Horst
Tom Yates
Fou nd at ion
Maureen Stratton
Nancy Quinn
Vice President
Gail Hague
Sarah Arnett
Sue Beeman
Margaret Horstman
Leslie Ann Jones
Nancy McCracken
Anneke Taglia
Mark Trinka
Katherine Nix
Treasurer and Membership
Christine Stamm
Greta Landis
Board Liaison
Sarah Aldrich
Natalia Barrera
Karin Bianucci
Lauren Dain
Meredith Davis
Pamela Dombrowski
Jodi Fyfe
Colleen Heath
Sarah Joyce *
Jayme Landers
Sheila London
Christa Payton
Richard Payton
Karuna Rawal
Marissa Scott
Rachel Telleen
Amy Unell
Lynn Walter
Dave Wick
we st e r n
A ux i li a r y
Heather Froslid
Cindy Glavin
Immediate Past President
Jacqueline Merker
Vice President
Karen Hoban
Julie Cole
Megan Scheck
Membership Co-Chair
Tami Wanless
Membership Co-Chair
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Jennifer Bartenhagen*
Ashley Beil*
Debbie Brambora*
Mary Campagna
Stephanie Clark
Lisa Cleaver*
Erinn Dillon*
Lisa Diomede
Doreen Domask
Maha Engesser
Megan Feinberg
Missy Gettle*
Jessica Gottsman*
Laney Haake*
Sandy Hibbard*
Tina Hutchinson
Lynn Kaslewicz*
Laura King
Dottie Lipinski*
Kim Lutz*
Rebecca Majewski*
Jennifer Malec*
Kathy Malpede*
Sherry Martinez
Laura McLaughlin
Janelle Metz
Suzanne Oliveieri
Courtney Osterholm
Terri Persino
Elise Powell
Wendy Reitz
Jennifer Schoenherr
Kelly Swartz*
Annie Todor
Stephanie Wilson *
A ux i li a ry
Stephen Kohn
Jennifer Dettloff
Immediate Past President
Jessica Parks
Sarah Withrow
Lindsay Merlihan
Liz Schwartz
Katie Braun
Laura Brinkman
Cuyler Brown
Shari Christofferson
Graham Gibbs
Allyssa Gorsky
Melissa Gotstein
Michelle Groth
Jerry Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Tony Millard
* Sustaining Member
Exec uti ve
Leader s hi p
Mary Anne Brown
Executive Director
Shaun Lane
Chief Operating Officer
Julie Dvorsky
Director of Family Based Services
Jan Maxson
Director of Day Care Services
Molly Philosophos
Director of Development
Mary Tortorici
Director of Finance
Rudi Vanderburg
Director of Operations
James Woywod
Director of Group Homes
Consecutive years that
Hephzibah has been
recognized as one of
Chicago’s Best and
Brightest Companies to
work for — a distinction
we earned again in FY13
for our best practices
in human resource
Wri ti ng and Photog rap hy :
Susan Reich
Desi g n:
Anne Boyle
Hephzibah helps children
thrive and families flourish
Financial Statement
For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012, and ending June 30, 2013
Individual, Corporate and Foundation
Contributions and Grants*
Fees and Grants:
State Government Agencies
Local Government Agencies
Other Revenue:
Program Service Fees and Grants
Investment and Other Income
$ 5,470,092
$ 1,295,759
$ 121,551
$ 6,562,948
$ 1,241,757
Fundraising, Development, Volunteers* $ 567,836
$ 8,372,540
Increase in Net Assets
Net Assets, End of Year
$ 4,710,693
Unaudited totals — includes unrealized gain on investments of $65,115
* Line items exclude a $1M estate gift transferred to the Hephzibah Foundation
Cashel Foundation
Chase Community Giving Program
CME Foundation
Community Bank of Oak Park & River Forest
First Midwest Bank
George M. Eisenberg Foundation for Charities
Harry F. Chaddick & Elaine Chaddick Foundation
Helen Brach Foundation
HSBC – North America
Jocarno Fund
Lerner Family Foundation
Million Dollar Round Table Foundation
Northern Trust Company
Oak Park River Forest Community Foundation
Rotary Club of Oak Park & River Forest
Terri Race Educational Technology Fund
The John Buck Company Foundation
The REAM Foundation
The Sweet Water Foundation
Union Pacific Railroad Foundation
UPS Foundation, Inc.
Ward Foundation
sources of funding
State Government
Service Fees
the children living in our Diagnostic Treatment Center and Residence.
jMembers of the Hephzibah Children’s Association Board of Directors contributed individual gifts totaling $58,288
to support Hephzibah’s award-winning programming.
j A 25,000 grant from the John Buck Company partially funded a full-time Education Coordinator position.
Contributions and
Investment Income
Hephzibah is licensed by the
Illinois Department of Children and
Family Services as a Child Welfare
Agency, Group Home, Child Care
Institution and Day Care Center.
Distribution of revenues
and Development
Distribution of revenues
a l l o c at e d t o p r o g r a m s
Family Based Services
Foster Care)
Day Care
(includes Head Start)
jHephzibah Children’s Association employees contributed $8,400 to demonstrate their strong support for
Hephzibah’s mission.
jThe Peninsula Chicago hotel donated $6,597 to support Hephzibah’s mission.
jA new $5,000 grant from the Million Dollar Round Table Foundation supported Hephzibah’s Summer 2013 Sibling Camp.
Hephzibah is accredited by the
National Council on Accreditation
for Children and Family Services,
Inc. in New York.
FY13 Fundraising highlights
jA $150,000 grant from the Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club supported educational enrichment programming for
through a continuum of
internationally recognized
programs that include short-term
and long-term group homes for
neglected and abused children,
foster care and adoption services,
comprehensive services for
children and families in crisis and
award-winning day care services
on a sliding scale for families of all
income levels.
All Other
Group Homes
Hephzibah receives funding
from the Illinois Department of
Children and Family Services
and Department of Human
Services, parent fees from our Day
Care program, the Community
and Economic Development
Association of Cook County, the
Illinois State Board of Education,
Oak Park’s School District 97
and our own fundraising activities.
Helping children thrive
and families flourish
since 1897
946 North Boulevard
Oak Park IL 60301
708.649.7100 Fax 708.649.7102
1144 Lake Street
Oak Park IL 60301
708.649.7140 Fax 708.649.7194
Hephzibah Children’s Association