c h i l d r e n ` s a s s o c i a t i o n


c h i l d r e n ` s a s s o c i a t i o n
hephzibah annual report
c h i l d r e n ’ s
a s s o c i a t i o n
2013 - 2014
needs beauty... places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul alike.”
Dear Friend of Hephzibah,
Number of garden
lovers who gave
generously of their
time, energy and
talent to create
the Alex Anderson
Memorial Garden at
Hephzibah Home.
NATURE — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”
These words were written half a century ago by naturalist Rachel Carson. Yet
they still resonate today, perhaps because so many of us are suffering from a “nature
deficit.” Urbanization, the rise of technology and a fear of “stranger danger” have all
conspired to drive us indoors and away from the natural world.
Just breathing in the oxygen created by plants and trees or watching a butterfly
alight on a flower makes us feel more optimistic, alert and alive. Studies show that
a connection with nature promotes physical and mental well-being — and makes us
kinder and more caring as our values shift from a focus on personal gain to a deeper
connection with the world around us.
Nature’s healing influences are especially important for the children living in
our group homes — children who have been severely traumatized by neglect, abuse,
abandonment, disrupted adoptions and multiple failed foster care placements.
In FY14, these young survivors of neglect and abuse experienced the healing
power of nature firsthand — thanks to a committed group of garden lovers who
created the Alex Anderson Memorial Garden at Hephzibah Home. We hope you’ll
turn to page four of our report to learn more about this living tribute to the gentle,
nurturing nature of the late Alex Anderson, a beloved and sorely missed former
member of our Day Care team.
As the children in our group homes were nurtured by nature in their new garden,
they also reaped the rewards of many other opportunities for growth, healing and
enrichment. We kicked off the second year of our One Book, One Hephzibah summer
reading program with the children’s book “Jack’s Garden,” a tale about a boy who
plants a garden and watches it grow. We expanded our Technology Program, which
pairs our children with volunteer Technology Mentors who teach them the skills
they’ll need to become tech-savvy citizens of the digital age.
It’s a heartbreaking reality that 75 percent of all neglected and abused children
are separated from one or more of their siblings when they enter the child welfare
system. The effects of this separation can be devastating for children who are already
mourning the loss of their parents, their peers and their communities. To help mend
Hephzibah Children’s Association
— J ohn M uir , n a t ur alis t an d a u t h o r (183 8 -1914)
these broken family bonds, Hephzibah founded
Number of neglected and
an annual sibling camp that reunites brothers
abused children who found
and sisters living in different group, foster or
a safe haven in our
adoptive homes. In FY14, 56 children reunited
Diagnostic Treatment Center
with their siblings at this rustic overnight camp
and Residence
in northern Illinois and created shared memories
that will last a lifetime.
Meanwhile, teens from our Foster Care program were having a different
kind of camp experience at Camp Old Navy. This partnership between Gap, Inc.
and local youth organizations brings disadvantaged teens into Old Navy stores
for a half-day vocational prep program that helps them develop job readiness
skills and explore career opportunities.
We also nurtured and enriched more than 600 children from diverse
socioeconomic backgrounds through Hephzibah’s nationally recognized Day
Care program. Last year, we celebrated the 40th anniversary of this awardwinning program, which began with 12 school-aged children in 1974. Since that
time, generations have benefited from our innovative Day Care curriculum,
including award-winning Chicago Tribune editorial cartoonist Joe Fournier and
Faith Cole, who is continuing the tradition of helping children achieve their
full potential as principal of Oak Park’s Horace Mann Elementary School. Our
waiting list for this critically important community resource, which provides
high-quality day care services on a sliding scale after school and during the
summer months, has grown so long that we could easily double our enrollment.
We formed a special committee in FY14 to study the feasibility of finding
additional day care space to accommodate more children of working parents.
Once again in FY14, our
corporate and community partners
stepped forward to provide
invaluable service and support for
our mission. The members of the
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club raised
LEFT: Executive Director Mary Anne Brown, Board President Eric Sorensen and some young
friends from Hephzibah’s Day Care program, surrounded by nature’s bounty in the new Alex
Anderson Memorial Garden at Hephzibah Home.
Number of community
and corporate partners
that enhanced the lives of
Hephzibah’s children with
vital support and services
$262,000 for educational programming during the second year of their
two-year commitment to Hephzibah and spent countless hours engaged in
service projects to enhance the lives of the children in our group homes. A
team of volunteers from Ecolab, a new corporate partner, deep cleaned the
kitchen at Hephzibah Home during the winter holidays and returned in the
spring to inspire and amaze our children with a dazzling array of chemistry
experiments. The Neighborhood Giving Project, a new community partner,
inspired our children to be better citizens of the world with hands-on
community service projects such as making dog and cat toys and treats for
the homeless pets at the Animal Care League and Earth Day conservation
As the need for our services continues to grow, our staff has been
working diligently behind the scenes to raise awareness of Hephzibah’s
mission and generate critically needed support for our programs. We
enhanced our presence in social media, added a Foster Fridays section to our
Facebook page to recruit more foster parents and launched an endowment
campaign to sustain Hephzibah’s services for the children and families of
We hope you will take a few moments to browse through this report to learn
more about the many ways that our benefactors, boards, staff, corporate and
community partners and volunteers helped children thrive and families flourish
throughout the fiscal year.
Thank you for your generous support!
Mary Anne Brown
Executive Director
Eric Sorensen
Board President
2014 Annual Report
Tomatoes harvested
from our garden were
donated to the Oak
Park River Forest Food
Pantry to feed people
in need.
Root-Riot cofounder Seamus Ford
(below) measured for a garden
fence in April 2014.
Healthier Choices,
Happier Lives
Changing lives
through music: A new
The Alex Anderson Memorial Garden
A community unites to create a healing oasis at Hephzibah Home
tudies have shown that children’s stress
levels fall within minutes of seeing green spaces — and
that immersion in the natural world can be as effective as
medication or therapy in treating depression and anxiety. Yet
many of the traumatized children we serve have never taken a walk
in the woods, canoed down a quiet river or planted a garden and
watched it grow.
In September 2013, Hephzibah Development Director Molly
Philosophos decided that it was time to harness the healing power
of nature for these traumatized children by building a community
garden at Hephzibah Home.
Transforming the hard-packed soil in Hephzibah’s backyard into
a fertile growing space was no easy task, so Philosophos enlisted the
aid of the fellow members of her Oak Park-River Forest Community
Foundation Community Leadership Team, as well as Root-Riot (a
local community garden organization), the Oak Park River Forest
Food Pantry, the Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation
and Dominican University. This committed group of community
organizations and garden lovers generously agreed to share their
financial resources and pick up their garden tools to bring the
project to fruition.
The group spent several chilly spring weekends building fences
and preparing the garden beds under the guidance of Root-Riot
cofounders Amy Beltemacchi and Seamus Ford. Oak Park River
Forest Food Pantry Executive Director Michele Zurakowski pitched
in with other food pantry volunteers, while Dominican University
administrator Kathleen Mullaney and Oak Park-River Forest
Community Foundation Donor and Grants Officer Rhea Yapp dug
in with an enthusiastic group of university students. Together, they
hauled in fresh soil and mulch, tucked young plants donated by
Root-Riot and Hoy Landscaping into their garden beds and taught
the children about soil composition. Master gardener Don Nekrosius
stopped by to give the children a short course on worm composting.
The garden was dedicated in May 2013 and named in honor
of the late Alex Anderson—a former Day Care staff member and a
longtime volunteer in our group homes.
“This amazing group of community partners has transformed
Hephzibah’s backyard into a living oasis that will benefit our
children immeasurably,” says Hephzibah Executive Director Mary
Anne Brown. “We are deeply grateful for their gifts of time, talent
and financial resources to bring nature within reach for the children
we serve.”
Generosity Makes
Our Garden Grow
Oak Park-River Forest
Community Foundation
Leadership Team members
(above, l-r) Hephzibah
Development Director
Molly Philosophos, Oak
Park River Forest Food
Pantry Executive Director
Michele Zurakowski,
Dominican University
administrator Kathleen
Mullaney, PhD, and Oak
Park-River Forest
Community Foundation
Donor and Grants Officer
Rhea Yapp (not pictured)
spearheaded Hephzibah’s
garden project.
The Road to
hen teens “age out” of foster care, state services such as
housing, food, medical care and caseworker support abruptly cease —
and these vulnerable young people are left to fend for themselves
in a complex and often confusing world. The road to self-reliance is
riddled with challenges that range from filling out job applications to budgeting for
daily necessities to navigating the college search and application process.
To help Hephzibah foster teens make a successful transition to adulthood,
Hephzibah launched The Road to Independence in February 2014. During the eightweek program, five teens got a crash course in life skills
such as finding affordable housing, obtaining employment,
mapping out education and career goals, managing
money, accessing community resources and making
healthy and responsible decisions. We are grateful to the Hephzibah board member
who funded this life skills program for helping our foster
teens become responsible, resilient and engaged members
of society.
David Kindler
at your peas. Drink your
milk. Brush your teeth.
Most of us remember
the constant nudging from our
parents to eat well and practice
good habits and hygiene. But
many of the children living in
our group homes—who have
been removed from unhealthy
home environments where they
endured neglect or abuse—do
not have healthy lifestyle habits
or healthy relationships with their
bodies. To empower them to make
positive choices, the medical staff
at the West Suburban Medical
Center conducted a Healthy Living
Program at Hephzibah, with
sessions devoted to topics such as
Getting to Know Your Body, Your
Body and Exercise, Healthy Eating
and General Hygiene, as well as
age-appropriate sex education.
We’re grateful to West Suburban
Medical Center for giving our
children the guidance they need
to lead safer, healthier and
happier lives.
partnership with the
School of Rock in Oak
Park gives every child
in our group homes
an opportunity to be a
rock star.
Inspiring Kids to ROCK
on Stage and in Life
ow do you make young survivors of neglect and abuse feel like
rock stars? By sending them to Oak Park’s School of Rock— a new community
partner that is using music to inspire and empower the children living in our
group homes.
Through the generosity of School of Rock owner Amy Renzulli, the children at
Hephzibah Home are reaping the benefits of the school’s unique program, which gives
children of all ages and skill levels opportunities to master the techniques of rock and roll
while developing their problem-solving and interpersonal skills.
“Our music teachers have just fallen in love with Hephzibah’s kids,” says Renzulli, a
former member of Hephzibah’s Oak Park Auxiliary Board. “We’re all so glad they’re here.
We’re looking forward to growing this partnership so that we can do even more.”
Thank you, School of Rock, for giving our children an opportunity to let their spirits and
passion for music run wild. Through this exciting new partnership, we hope Hephzibah’s
kids will have many more opportunities to rock on!
2014 Annual Report
Amount raised at our 2014 Heart of Gold Ball
Amount raised at the Chicago
Auxiliary Board’s 7th annual
Dodgeball Tournament
Hoofing It for Hephzibah
Dodging for Dollars
n August, scores of young urban
professionals enjoyed a sun-kissed
day of sports, socializing and more
at our Chicago Auxiliary Board’s 7th
annual Dodgeball Tournament. This
year, our dodgeball fundraiser coincided
with the Big Dig, Chicago’s largest
beach volleyball tournament. Thanks
to the generosity of Big Dig organizer
Players Sports & Social Group, our event
participants had access to many Big Dig
activities, including volleyball, live music
and dancing. With the support of our
dodgeballers and the generosity of event
sponsors Mesirow Financial, SG360
and Sloan Valve Company—as well as
refreshment sponsors Mariano’s and
Midwest Foods — our Summer 2014
tournament raised more than $9,000 to
help make our mission possible.
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Record turnout of nearly 700 Hephzibah supporters —
including more than 200 children — laced up their athletic
shoes and hit the ground running at our 13th annual Hoof it for
Hephzibah 5K run/walk and Hop It for Hephzibah children’s races.
Organized by our Western Auxiliary Board, the May 2014 event
raised more than $30,000
to support Hephzibah’s
Twenty-six children from
Amount raised at our Hoof it for
our group homes joined the
Hephzibah 5K run/walk and Hop it for
fun and had a great time
Hephzibah children’s races
getting to know our auxiliary
board members and Glen Ellyn residents while learning about health
and fitness firsthand.
With the support of our enthusiastic race participants — who
collectively logged close to 2,200 miles to support our mission — and
race sponsors W.R. Berkley Corporation Charitable Foundation, adidas,
Greentarget Global Group, Per Se Group, Spot Trading and Scheck
Industries, the event was a runaway success!
In May 2014, members of the Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club presented Hephzibah with
a final check for $262,000 as the club wrapped up its two-year commitment of service
and support.
An Extraordinary Gift
of Service and Support
he Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club is a powerful force for
good in the Chicago area, supporting organizations in need with
service projects and hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations
each year.
In Spring 2012, we were notified that this committed group of nearly 200
women had selected Hephzibah as its next philanthropic beneficiary. Over
the course of the past two years, the club’s members have raised a remarkable
$412,000 for Hephzibah and dedicated countless hours of their time to
enrichment activities, life skills
training and recreational events
for the children living in our
group homes.
Thank you, Hinsdale
Amount raised for Hephzibah by the
Junior Woman’s Club, for your
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club
extraordinary commitment
to our children, for your generous financial support and for your warmth and
friendship over the past two years. The children at Hephzibah Home will
continue to benefit from your generosity and service for many years to come.
The Sandwich King
Competes for Hephzibah’s Kids
f you’re a foodie, a Food Network devotee, an improv comedy fan or simply a
sandwich lover, you’ve probably heard of Jeff Mauro— host of the Food Network’s
Emmy-nominated television show, The Sandwich King, as well as $24 in 24 and the wildly
successful talk show, The Kitchen.
Mauro—whose colorful past includes stints as a stand-up comic, cast member of
the interactive theater show Tony and Tina’s Wedding, corporate chef and deli co-owner — has
made a habit out of naming Hephzibah as the beneficiary of his prize money whenever he
competes in a Food Network cooking contest.
Last year, the 30-something sandwich chef won $3,000 for Hephzibah during a cook-off
with three other Food Network star chefs. He recently competed for Hephzibah in Cutthroat
Kitchen, a new Food Network series featuring four chef contestants. The show has yet to air,
so Mauro is keeping mum about the outcome.
Mauro’s ties with Hephzibah go back to childhood.
“I play for Hephzibah because my mother, Pam, was on the
board there when I was younger,” explains Mauro, who grew up in
River Forest. “She would often bring me along on weekends with
my siblings, and we would spend the day playing with the other
children, just hanging out, laughing and yucking it up! As we got
older, we learned more about the mission of Hephzibah Home. I
will forever have a special place in my heart for Hephzibah and the
children it serves.”
Scenes from our 2014 Heart of Gold Ball (from top): Board
President Eric Sorensen, Executive Director Mary Anne Brown
with members of the Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club and gala
guests Lynde and David O’Brien on the dance floor
A Glittering
Gala on a Snowy Night
hat’s a little snow when there are kids who need us? That seemed to be the
sentiment of the 350 loyal supporters who braved a winter storm on March 1 to
attend our 2014 Heart of Gold Ball.
Clad in sleek tuxedos and elegant evening gowns—with just a few telltale snow crystals in their hair—they joined their fellow revelers in the Bridgeport Art Center’s
dramatic Skyline Loft for a night of cocktails, live and silent auctions, dinner and dancing to the
music of The Becca Kaufman Orchestra.
We are deeply grateful to the dedicated members of our Oak Park Auxiliary for making this
beautiful evening happen; to Heart of Gold sponsors McDonald’s Corporation, the Hephzibah
Foundation, US Bank and Sidley Austin for underwriting our gala expenses; to our 21 table
sponsors for their generous contributions totaling $52,500; and to our winter-hardy gala guests
for their unwavering commitment to children and families in need.
2014 Annual Report
Total amount raised by Hephzibah’s Oak Park,
Western and Chicago Auxiliary Boards in FY14.
We are deeply grateful for their passionate commitment
and support!
THANK YOU for your gifts of help and hope!
The John Buck Company Foundation
UPS Foundation, Inc.
US Bank
$100,000 and above
$5,000 to $9,999
Estate of David A. Angell
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club
AccuVal Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Buccheri
Collaboration for Early Childhood
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dahir
Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation
Mr. Drew Dinsmore
Mr. Jassem el Mahmoud and
Ms. Francesca DeBiase
First Midwest Bank
GE Antares Capital
George M. Eisenberg Foundation for Charities
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Higgins
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Jordahl
Prof. Richard Leftwich and
Ms. Susan Hammond
LJ Foundation
Macquarie Securities (USA) Inc.
Mary Lou Downs Foundation
Post Game
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Salerno
Mr. Joseph C. Scully and
Dr. Judith Scully
Sector3 Appraisals, Inc.
The Dolan Family Foundation
The REAM Foundation
United Way Metro Chicago
Vegetable Juices, Inc.
W.R. Berkley Corporation
Charitable Foundation
Ward Foundation
Zurich Global Corporate
$50,000 to $99,999
Hephzibah Foundation
$25,000 to $49,999
Cashel Foundation
NOW Health Group, Inc.
Village of Oak Park Community Development Block Grant
$10,000 to $24,999
Number of generous donors
who supported our mission
with financial and in-kind
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Baird & Warner Good Will
Network Fund
Ecolab Foundation
Economy Shop
GE Capital
GE Capital Solutions
Helen Brach Foundation
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
Latham & Watkins-California
Lerner Family Foundation
McDonald’s Corporation
Northern Trust Company
Oak Park River Forest Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Paice
Peninsula Chicago Hotel
Richter Consulting, Inc.
The Grainger Foundation
$1,000 to $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Anan Abu-Taleb
Ms. Catherine Adduci
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Ambrosino
Anderson, Rasor & Partners, L.L.P.
Anna Kushel Marshall Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Arnett
Ms. Jackie M. Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Beil
Mr. and Mrs. William Black
Mr. Robert Bloch and
Ms. Barbara Kahn
Ms. Theresa H. Boland
Mr. Gene Brandt and
Ms. Elizabeth Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Cuyler C. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Brown
Capstone Financial Advisors
Paul and Sherry Carbery
Chicago Teacher, Inc.
Dr. Joseph Christian
Chuhak & Tecson
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Clancy
Clayton A. Struve Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coffing
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Condon
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Connelly
Mr. Burt Constable and
Ms. Cheryl ter Horst
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Conway
Mr. Ravi Datta and Ms. Rupa Datta
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis
Mr. Allen Dick and
Ms. Diane Bonina
Dominican University
Mr. Michael Doody and
Ms. Katie Ernst
Mr. Brian Druley
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwardson
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Emerson
Mr. Ron Ferrin
Mr. John C. Filosa and
Ms. Cathaleen Roach
First Presbyterian Church
of River Forest
First United Methodist Church
Ms. Shirley Freeman
FTI Consulting
Dr. Frances Gaik
Mr. and Mrs. John Gallo
Mr. Tony Garcia
GE Capital Commercial Finance
Mr. and Mrs. John Glavin
Mr. Robert Glick
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Goldring
Graham R. Putnam Family Foundation
Mr. Daniel N. Greenstone and
Ms. Heidi K. Lynch
Greentarget Global Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Hager
Harry F. Chaddick & Elaine Chaddick Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Jeffrey L. Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Haupers
Hogan Marren, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Horwich
Huron Consulting Group
IMC Chicago Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jarrett
Jocarno Fund
Mr. Thomas Johnson and
Ms. Leslie A. Jones
Jones Day
Mrs. Mary Ann Karris
Mr. Steve Kiger and Ms. Leslie Berns
Knights of Columbus –
Commodore Barry Post #1118
Kohl’s Cares for Kids/
Community Relations
Kottke Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kottke
Mr. Peter Kovler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kowalski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kozak
Mr. David Krupp and
Ms. Beth Ann Cafaro
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Lane
Mr. and Mrs. James Laurenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Laurenzo
Mr. Aaron Lebovitz and
Ms. Donna Myers
Mr. Byron Lee and
Ms. Audrey Williams-Lee
Dr. David Levy and Dr. Janis Wiener
Mr. and Mrs. George Locasto
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Loftus
Mr. and Mrs. Eric London
Loro Auto Works, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loro
Lucy’s Children’s Fund
Dr. Gregory J. Macchio and
Dr. Rosa M. Navarro
Mr. and Mrs. Michael MacKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. David Majewski
Mr. Sheldon Mandell
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk L. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Matas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
Ms. Deborah McCann
McCarthy & Trinka, Inc.
McCarthy Tetrault LLP
McGuireWoods LLP
Mr. and Mrs. John McIlwain
Dr. and Mrs. Lou McKeever
Ms. Cary McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mead
Midwest Real Estate Data LLC
Dr. Anthony Millard and
Dr. Dietra D. Millard
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Miller
Motorola Foundation
Ms. Frances Nauth
Mr. and Mrs. Donald X. Nekrosius
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Nesburg
Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry
Oak Park Women’s Guild
Mr. and Mrs. Dave L. O’Brien
Mr. Thomas Pasternak and
Ms. Carolyn Kilbride
Mr. and Mrs. Zdenek A. Pecenka
Pepsico Foundation
Pepsico Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Per Se Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd D. Perkins
Ms. Laura Petrie and
Ms. Shelley Petrie
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pogvara
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Ramquist Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Pravin Rao
Mr. and Mrs. Viresh P. Rawal
RBS Citizen’s Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rhomberg
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rosenwinkel
Rotary Club of Oak Park &
River Forest
Mr. Michael Salvati and
Ms. Charlotte Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Samuels
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saporito
Scheck Industries
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schiffman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Schimmel
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Shiner
Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP
Sidley Austin Foundation
Sloan Valve Company
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smedstad
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Smith
Mrs. Virginia Sonnenschein
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Sorensen
Spot Trading L.L.C.
Mr. John Spurgeon and
Ms. Martha Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Stanislaw
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Stratton
Mr. Danny Sugimoto and
Ms. Sondra L. Summers
T. Kendall Hunt Family Foundation
Mr. Venu V. Talanki and Mrs. Ritu Vig
Mr. and Mrs. Byron F. Taylor
The Good Heart, Work Smart Foundation
The Sweet Water Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thier
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tinervia
Dr. and Mrs. Pietro Tonino
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Tortorici
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Toye
United Way Of The National
Capital Area
Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation
UPS – Franklin Park Branch
Mrs. Herbert A. Vance
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Whalen
Mr. James A. White and
Ms. Andrea Ravin
William Blair & Company
Windgate Wealth Management
Winston & Strawn LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wojack
Mr. Gregory E. Wolski
Mr. Thomas Yates and
Ms. Diane Ratekin
Ms. Carol Young
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Zoberis
$500 to $999
Mr. and Mrs. Suresh T. Advani
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. David Andries
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aque
ARES Operations, LLC.
Ms. Laura L. Arterburn
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Atchison
Ms. Marilyn J. Ayersman
Ms. Rachel Baber and Ms. Michelle Capio
Mr. Curt Bachman
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Baker
Ms. Mary Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bianucci
Blake, Cassels & Graydon, LLC.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec P. Bliss
Dr. Michael J. Bowker
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyaris
BP Fabric of America Fund
Mr. Carl Branch and Mr. Patrick Fahey
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Brzozowski
Mr. Daniel Burke and Ms. Margot McMahon
Mr. Michael A. Burrello
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Caldarone
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cargie
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Caudell
Mr. William Cleaveland and Ms. Lisa Collings
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Clesle
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Coffee
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cofsky
Community Bank of Oak Park & River Forest
Mr. Jim Coughlan and Ms. Sheila Nix
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cox
Mr. Larry G. Dakof and Ms. Irma Aguilar
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Deaton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deitch
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. DelBeccaro
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Dombrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Doody
Mr. and Mrs. John Duffy
Ms. Carol J. Dunning
Mr. and Mrs. David Dunning
Mr. and Mrs. James Eldred
Mr. Sumner T. Farren and
Ms. Sharon L. Hermanns
Mr. and Mrs. Walid M. Fikri
First United Church of Oak Park –
The Evening Division
Ms. Meagan E. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fletcher
2014 Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flynn
Forest Park National Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Galo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Geselbracht
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gravely
Mr. and Mrs. John Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Harris
Ms. Patricia Harris
Mr. Richard Harris and
Ms. Paula Kovarik
Healthcare Services Corporation
Ms. Amy Hennessy
Ms. Mercedes Hennessy
Mr. Norman M. Hirsh and
Ms. Ann C. Courter
Mr. and Mrs. James Hopkinson
Mr. Julius Lloyd Horwich
Mr. Richard C. Huettel and
Ms. Susan J. Harrold
Ms. Phyllis A. Isaacson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kagan
Mr. and Mrs. Ken P. Kansa
Mr. David Kerwin
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Killoren
Ms. Michele K. Kitch
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Klinger
Mr. Carl Knutson and
Ms. Jennifer Couzens
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kopecky
Mr. Gregory Lawler
Ms. Marketa Lindt
Ms. Mary Los-Klasen
Mr. David Lupo and
Ms. Elizabeth A. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. James Malpede
Mancini’s Pizza & Pasta
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maychruk
Ms. Kristin Mayhew
McDermott, Will & Emery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Mc Gillivray
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Miller
Mr. Robert Miller and
Ms. Amy Renzulli
Mr. Roger J. Modder
Mr. and Mrs. Noel G. Moore
Morris-Anderson & Associates, Ltd.
Ms. Tracey A. Nicastro
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Noll
Mr. and Mrs. Neil O’Connor
OSI Group, LLC
Parkview Presbyterian
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pellegrini
Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Pelzer, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Petrosino
Timothy and Molly Philosophos
Mr. Pete Piazza
Mr. John Polhill
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pontrelli
Ms. Carolyn J. Roche
Ruth H. And Arthur S. Replogle Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sadow
Mr. Rodney Schainis and
Ms. Lisa Chorzempa
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schoon
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schutte
Mr. Leif L. Selkregg and
Ms. Laura Myntti
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seltzer
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sloan
Ms. Melissa Smith
Mr. Arthur H. Soudek and
Ms. Nora M. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. James Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stetson
Mr. Darryl J. Strouse and
Ms. Josephine E. Halpin
The Lumpkin Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Traczyk
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Trimble
Mr. Mark Trinka and
Ms. Bernadette Diaz
TTX Company
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Tuck
United Way Truist Credit
Victorian Painters & General Contractors
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wahlgren
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wanless
Wanless-Claus Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weldon-Linne
Mr. Benjamin White and
Ms. Sandra Seegers
Mr. David H. Wick
Mr. and Mrs. John Wickes
Ms. Davida E. Williams
Hephzibah Children’s Association
$250 to $499
Mr. and Mrs. John Adam
Allstate Insurance Company
Mr. Michael Antonietti
Argo Group US
Au Sable Grove Presbyterian Church
Avis Rent A Car System, LLC
Mr. Kevin Ball
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Barkidjija
Dr.* and Mrs. William H. Barrows
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Beliveau
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Blair
Ms. Simone M. Boutet
Mr. Mathew E. Briesch
Mr. Leonard Brown and
Ms. Rudi Vanderburg
Mr. and Mrs. David Burns
Calabresi in America
Careful Peach Boutique
Mrs. Rose M. Carroll
Mr. Allan C. Cave and
Ms. Lisa B. Newlin
CDW Coworker Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Juanita Chaidez
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. John Coaker
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Corsino
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cunningham
Ms. Jessica Davies
Ms. Nadine P. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Diomede
Discover Financial Services You Care, We Share Program
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dixon
Mr. Vincent Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dunne
DuPage Cheer and Power Tumbling
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dvorsky
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dyson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Fisher
Mr. Michael J. Flynn
Frito Lay
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gancer
Ms. Eileen M. Garvey
Mr. John Hague
HealthTrack Sport Wellness
Ms. Kathryn Heavey
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hennessy
Mr. Van E. Holkeboer and
Ms. Linda K. Bachelder
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jackson
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Mishel Keta
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Knight
Mr. Steve Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kotara
Ms. Elizabeth J. Kovacs
Mr. and Mrs. John Kulie
Ms. Maureen Kunze
Mr. Peter Labadie and
Ms. Suzanne Saxman
Mr. and Mrs. James Lago
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Landis
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Laney
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leadley
Ms. Anna Lentz
Leo Burnett Company Charitable Foundation
Miss Ava Lessin
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Levy
Ms. Susanne Lodgen
Mr. Ralph Langhons and
Ms. Diane L. Mustain
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lovelace
Ms. Barbara Lucchese
Ms. Regina MacAskill
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Magas
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Malagoli
Ms. Patricia A. Malespin
Mama Tola’s Sweets
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Marnell
Mr. George Matkov
Ms. Karen Matusinec
Mr. Edward McGillen and
Ms. Mary Raleigh
Mr. and Mrs. Evan McKerns
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McKune
Meathead Management, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Merlo
Mr. Robert Merriweather
Ms. Kerriann Mills
Monahan Law Group, LLC.
Mr. Paul Monson and Ms. Joy Fulton
Ms. Robin G. Moss
Municipal Systems, Inc.
Mr. John R. Neurauter III
New York Life
Northern Trust Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant Program
Northside Tavern
Mr. and Mrs. James Nugent
Oak Park Fraternal Order of
Police – Lodge #8
Mr. John C. Osswald
Mr. Mark Pellegrino and
Ms. Carrie Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Perkins
Perkins, Pryde & Kennedy
Architects PC
Mr. George Pine
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Pisani
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Planek
Poor Phil’s, Inc.
Prudential Foundation
Mr. Devon Quinn and Ms. Jodi Fyfe
Mrs. Edward Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Rafiei
Mr. Michael E. Reed and
Ms. Camille A. Olson
Renee Hughes Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Resch
Retail Properties of America
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Riekse
Ms. Leslyn G. Rigoni
Mr. and Mrs. Jon K. Rodgers
Ms. Rosa Santos
Mr. Hassan von Schlegell
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Schuler
Schulz-Brundage, Inc.
Mr. Franklin Schwerin
Sear’s Pharmacy
Mr. Craig M. Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sichlau
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slingluff
Stars by Stephanie
Strategic Hotel Funding, L.L.C.
Systech Information Services, Inc.
The Stand
Thrivent Choice
Ms. Leesa Tinervia
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Uhlir
Mr. and Mrs. Ved D. Vig
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Weinheimer
West Suburban Alumnae Association
of Kappa Delta
Mr. Tim White and Ms. Jackie Tamas
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Wilbur Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Woywod
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Young
$100 to $249
Mr. Marvin Abrahamson
Mr. and Mrs. Gyan Agarwal
Ms. Wincy Alforque
Mr. Michael Alkaraki
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Alles
Alliance Bernstein Matching Gift Program
Ms. Bonnie S. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Anderson
Ms. Donna Anderson
Ms. Mary L. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Anderson
Ms. Patricia L. Angell
Mr. DeAndre Antoine
Mr. Patrick Antoine
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Arlaskey
Art Girl Pottery
Ascension Church
AT&T Illinois Employees PAC
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Atchley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baisley
Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Bakken
Mr. John Balanoff
Mr. Timothy Bannon and
Ms. Cecelia Bacom
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Barsanti
Dr. Diane F. Bejcek
Mr. John Belcaster and
Dr. Kellyn Marks
Mr. Kenneth K. Bellaire
Ms. Christal Bemont
Ms. Denise Berdelle and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berg
Ms. Abigail Bodinet
Dr. Jeff Boehm and
Mr. Keith Rosenthal
Ms. Jessica K. Boelter
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bosco
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bowhay
Ms. Kara H. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Max Brigide
Ms. Elizabeth Britt
Ms. Totjana Brown
Ms. Gina Bruzzichesi
Mr. and Mrs. David Burna
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Burns
Ms. Sandra Burns
Mrs. Delilah Butler
Buzz Cafe, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn M. Byers
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Calkins
Ms. V.H. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Case
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casey
Ms. Elizabeth G. Cherry
Ms. Elizabeth Chi
Mr. and Mrs. Kellen Choi
Christina Publishing Society
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Clemente
CNA Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Comiskey
Ms. Cynthia Conboy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conner
Mr. Robert Conrardy and
Ms. Diane Dygert
Ms. Joan E. Coogan
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cornman
Mr. Andrew Corsini
Ms. Barbara Fanta
Ms. Brenda Feltman
Mr. Thomas Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ferrone
Ms. Sara Feteau
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Fiascone
Fine Jewelry By Karen
Mr. Harry Fishman and
Ms. Alison J. Aarons
Ms. Lois M. Flaherty
Ms. Deirdre Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Follett Jr.
Ms. Pamela Fontana
Mr. Tim Ford
Mr. Bradley Foreman
Forensicon, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Foster
Ms. Kathleen Franke
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Frisoni
Mr. and Mrs. James Froslid
Mr. William C. Funke
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Galland
Ms. Susan Gancer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gartland
Mr. James Gattone
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gershenson
Girl Scouts Troop #40751
Dr. Francine Cournos
Coverall North America, Inc.
Ms. Lisa M. Davis
Rev. and Mrs. Stanley L. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Don DeBruin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Deddish
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeGiorgio
Ms. Jennifer Dettloff
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. DiNapoli
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Divis
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Domask
Mr. and Mrs. Manny Dominguez Sr.
Mr. David Dranoff and
Ms. Wendy Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Drumm
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunne
Dwellings Real Estate, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ebert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edwalds
Mr. Stuart Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Egolf
Elm Middle School
EMC Insurance Companies
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Fahrney
St. Edmund School
Mr. Richard C. Godfrey
Ms. Cheryl Goggins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Gold
Mr. Morris B. Goldman and
Ms. Hilarie Lieb
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Golla
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gorski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Grandholm
Ms. Evalyn Grant
Green Envee Organics
Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Greene
Mr. David Griffin and
Ms. Susan Warner
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Bojan Guzina
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hacker
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Hagle
Ms. Margaret Hansen
Mr. Jason Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hardtke
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Harren
2014 Annual Report
C O M M U N I T y & C orporate
Hephzibah owes a debt of gratitude to the following 20 community
and 27 corporate partners for enhancing the lives
of children and families in FY14. We appreciate all that you do!
Amicus/CME’s Charitable Outreach
Astellas Pharma US, Inc
AT&T Corporate Real Estate
Avis Budget Group
Carleton Hotel
Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association
CIT Group, Inc
DePaul University Kellstadt Graduate School
of Business
DePaul University Steans Center for Service Learning
Dominican University
Ebert Photography
EMC Insurance Companies
Flat Top Grill
GE Capital Commercial Finance
Greenline Wheels
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club
Junior Achievement
Knights of Columbus – Commodore Barry Post #1118
Kohl’s Department Store
Loyola University Children’s Hospital
Pediatric Mobile Health Unit
McDonalds Corporation – Legal Team
McDonald’s Corporation – McScrapper’s Group
McDonald’s Corporation – Working Mother’s Council
Nalco an Ecolab Company
Northwestern University Health Service
Oak Park School District #97
Oak Park Women’s Guild
Oak Park and River Forest High School –
Hephzibah Huskies
Paramount Events
Peninsula Chicago Hotel
Phillips Lighting Systems and Control
R.P. Fox and Associates
Robert Morris University – Technology Department
Rush Oak Park Hospital
Spirit Cultural Exchange
St. Luke Religious Education Office
The Ismaili Religious Education Center, Glenview
The Lake Theatre
The Menta Group – Hillside Academy Team Transition
The Neighborhood Giving Project
UPS Metro Chicago District
UPS Franklin Park Branch
Viet Now – Berwyn/Cicero Chapter
West Suburban Medical Center
Whole Foods Market
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Mr. Geoffrey Harris
Ms. Cara Harrison
Mrs. Harriet Hausman
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. Haussman
Mr. Chris Hedrich
Mr. Josh Hedrich
Ms. Sarah Henson
Mr. Mark Hester and
Ms. Nadia Bradley
Ms. Andrea M. Hingst
Mr. Kenneth A. Hinkle
Mr. John C. Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Hoffman
Honeywell International
Ms. Colleen Hulen
Mr. and Mrs. George Husick
Ms. Jewel Hyland
Mr. Robert M. Hyman and
Ms. Sara Caswell
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Imbrogno
Ms. Beth Isaacs
Ms. Sally Ivaska
J.R. Construction Company
Ms. Dipika Jain
Mr. Dan Jaskiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Jensen
Mr. James L. Jepsen and
Ms. Jackie Finch
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jessopp
Ms. Margaret Jessopp
Mrs. Ramona Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Deskin Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jordan
Mr. Wayne Juhnke
Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Kadlec
Ms. Rebecca Kaegi
Mr. Lyndsey Kaiser
Ms. Marilyn Kamm
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kawa
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly
Mr. John A. Kelly
Mrs. Mary Ellen Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Kelly
Kelty Lawn Care LLC
Ms. Fowziya Kelty
Ms. Colleen Kiernan
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford King
Mr. William Kocolowski
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kohnke
Ms. Judith L. Kolet
Ms. Allie Komessar
Mr. and Mrs. August Koster
Van Groos
Ms. Lanita Koster
Ms. Barbara D. Krause & Family
Mr. and Mrs. John Krenzer
Ms. Jennifer Krysinski
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Kuiken
Ms. Roberta Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Latta
Ms. Mitzi Launerts
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lazzeretti
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Leavy
Ms. Barbara LeBuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lefley
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Lena
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Logerquist
Mr. Sam F. Lostroscio
Ms. Margaret Loughran
Mr. Jim Luccas
Dr. John R. Lurain and
Dr. Nell S. Lurain
Lutz Family Center
Mr. Scott Maesel
Ms. Cate Maidlow
Mr. and Mrs. Dibyen Majumdar
Ms. Anne-Marie Malfait
Mr. Mikhail Malyshev
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mann
Mr. Dan Manzella
Mr. Rocco Manzella
Ms. Maureen Marsden
Mrs. Antoinette Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Mike May
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McAlpine
Dr. Philip E. McAndrew and
Mr. Rex B. Reeve
Ms. Noreen McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McElroy
Ms. Jana McIlroy
Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin
Ms. Colleen O. McNellis
Ms. Mary Ann Meserati
Mr. and Mrs. William Metz
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Michon
Ms. Veronica Micklin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Duschan W. Milojevic
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Minnix
Ms. Mary Kay Mireles
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Moawad
Ms. Kathleen M. Mogy
Ms. Rachel Mogy
Mr. Tom Mohr and
Ms. Rose Marie Reed
Mom’s Enterprises
Mr. Joseph Monahan and
Ms. Kathleen McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Montanye
MSK Realty LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Munroe
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muriello
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Murphy
Dr. and Mrs. Meredith B. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nations
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Niederman
Ms. Sarah Niederman
Mr. and Mrs. William Nordby
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Nyhan
Ms. Katelyn Olewinski
Mr. and Mrs. Adekunle Onayemi
Ms. Esther O’Neal
Mr. Timothy P. O’Neill and
Ms. Jane Rutherford
On-Line Communications
Ms. Margarita Orozco
Mrs. Suzanne Osorio
Mr. Timothy Pagani
Mr. Michael W. Papciak
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Paretzkin
Pashmena’s Travel, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. David Persino
Mr. and Mrs. Jad S. Peterson
Photography by Ebert
Ms. Sophia Pizzo
Ms. Renee A. Pleshar
Mr. John G. Plumpe and
Ms. Jennifer M. Owens
Ms. Josie Poe
Polka Dot Stiching
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Pollard
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Pont
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Prendergast
Mrs. Jennifer Price
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Prus
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Puterbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Puterbaugh
Mr. Jack G. Pytka
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Radcliffe
Rahn USA, Corporation
Ms. Kristin Rakstang
Ms. Bonnie B. Rickard
Mr. and Mrs. Randy M. Richmond
Mr. Harry M. Richter III
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Riley
Ms. Joanna Riopelle
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. LeVoyd Robinson
Rocking for a Cause
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rohn
Ms. Reiny Rolock
Mr. David A. Rooney
Roosevelt Middle School
Ms. Bridget Roth
Mr. Joe Salvati
Mr. Christopher Sayadian
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Schaff
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Scheck
Mr. and Mrs. John Schiess
Ms. Anne K. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. James Schumacker
Mr. and Mrs. William Schumann
Ms. Gloria Schwartz
Mr. Kevin Schwartz and
Ms. Rachael Telleen
Mr. Samir Shah
Shaker Family Foundation
Ms. Cindy Shanholtz
Ms. Susan Shannon
Mr. Jeffrey B. Shaw
Mr. Glenn Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Damian Silver
Ms. Angela M. Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Sjostrom
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Skodol
Mr. Thomas Smiley
Ms. Mary Beth Smith
Ms. Charlene A. Soby
Ms. Donna Sorensen
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Soumar
Mr. Donald Southworth and
Ms. Marilyn Cantisano
Mr. and Mrs. Sean St.Clair
Ms. Helena Stancikas
Ms. Anna Staunton
Dr. Robert I. Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Steinke
Ms. Mary Stella
Mr. Larry Stelter and
Ms. Peggy Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoll
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Stone
Mr. G.Ralph Strohl and
Ms. Meena C. Rao
Mr. David Sullivan II
Ms. Janet A. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Sullivan
Mr. Ronald J. Suszek
Sweet Pea’s Chocolates
The Swiniarski Family
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Taubman
The Adorned Apron
The Bag Lady
Ms. Susan E. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. David Todus
Ms. Victoria Tovar
Mr. Matthew Trainor
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Twomey
United Methodist Women
United Way of Columbia – Williamette
Unity Temple 5th/6th Grade
Sunday School Class
Ms. Sira Urbina
U.S. Bank Foundation
Employee Matching Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Uxa, Jr.
Mr. Brandon Vahl
Mr. and Mrs. David Valenti
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Van Vliet
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Vliet
Mr. Edward Van
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua N. Vanderberg
Ms. Michelle Vanderlaan
Mr. Andrew Vaughn
Ms. Elizabeth Vavrek
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Vietzen
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Walsh
Ms. Jeriann Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Walsh
Mr. Matthew Walter
Ms. Kim Warburton
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Watkins
Ms. Heidi Waltner-Pepper
Mr. Mark C. Weber and
Ms. Joanne Kinoy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Weicher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Weil
Mr. Dustin R. Weinberger and
Ms. Erika A. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Tage Welindt
Ms. Kimberly Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wheaton
Ms. Pamela Wiese
Ms. Merrill Wilk
Mr. James M. Withrow
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Withrow
Mr. Kenneth Wojciak
Mr. Robert N. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Dean N. Yannias
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Yep
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Zampa
Ms. Beth Zeiter
Mr. Thomas C. Zimm
Under $100
Abbott Laboratories Fund
ABC Bank
Mr. Paul Aeschleman and
Ms. Patricia Feeley
Mr. Rick Aguilar
Mr. Victor Aguirre
Ms. Leslie R. Ahern
Ms. Miranda Albert
Mr. Michael C. Alexander
Mr. Charles S. Allen
Ms. Elise Allison and
Ms. Nora Allison
Allstate Giving Campaign
Mr. Alex Anderson *
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Anderson
Mr. David N. Anderson and
Ms. Becky Palmer
Ms. Mary Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Angel
Ms. Carol L. Anglet
Ms. Elva Antonio
Mr. Michael Apolzan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Apple
Mr. Matthew Aquino
Ms. Brenda Arelano
Mr. Mohammed Arif
Arminda Munoz Insurance Agency
Ms. Jan Arnold
Art Fusion
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Auvinen
Ms. Stephanie Aylward
Ms. Patricia Badami
Baird & Warner Countryside Office
Mr. Joe Baker and
Mrs. Kristin Colber-Baker
Ms. Lona Baldwin
Mr. Luis Banuelos
Ms. Pamela Bardo
Mr. Robert Barlow
Ms. Emily Barnes
Mr. Kirk Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bartenhagen
Mr. Evan Bass
Mr. Lance Beatch
Mr. Domenico T. Beatini
Dr. Mark Becker
Mr. Vegim Begolli
Mr. and Mrs. Everett J. Bell
Ms. Marley Bellwood
Ms. Susan Bendl
Mr. Brad Benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Benton
Ms. Jessica Bergeron
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bergin
Ms. Patricia J. Bickel
Ms. Elisa Bildner
Ms. Suzanne M. Blaising
Mr. Duane Blank
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Blentlinger
Blue Flame Thinking
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boban
Mr. Henry J. Bode and
Mrs. Susan Cartland-Bode
Mr. Matthew Borkowski
Ms. Jane R. Boyle
Mr. Jake Braceros
Mr. and Mrs. Darric Brambora
Mr. Dan Bresnahan
Ms. Laura Brinkman
Ms. Liela C. Brode
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Brost
The Brown Family
Mr. Ralph L. Brown
Ms. Theresa Brown
Mr. Rob Buckley
Ms. Christine Bullock
Mr. Jorge Bustamante
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Buttita
Ms. Julie Byrnes
Mr. Carlos Cabrera
Ms. Elena Caceres
Ms. Kim Calabrese
Mr. Alejandro Calderon
Ms. Piper Caldwell
Ms. Joanne Campanile
Mr. Tod Cantor
Ms. Martha Cantu
Ms. Mary Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Carter
Ms. Karen Cartland
Ms. Tina Casale
Mr. Jack Casey
Ms. Karen Cason
Mr. and Mrs. John Cavalaris
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cavanagh
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Celestino
Ms. Chayne Chamberlain
Mr. Jim Chamberlain
Mr. Michael Chamberlain
Mr. Steve Chamberlain
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chiappetta
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chiotti
Mr. Wayne E. Christenson and
Ms. Cheryl Flinn
Ms. Shari Christofferson
Mr. and Mrs. William Ciota
Mr. Scott Circo
Ms. Marsha Clark
Ms. Rebekah Clark
Dr. William Clark M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cleaver
Ms. Caitlin Closser
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Coleman
Mr. Ron Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Comiskey
Ms. Meredith E. Conn
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Coon IV
Mr. Matthew Corbett
Ms. Janice Cousin
Mr. and Mrs. Cortt C. Cousino
Ms. Kadree Cox
Ms. Marilyn Cramton
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert O. Crippen
Ms. Pamela Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cuculich
Ms. Erin Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dahlgren
Mr. Ryan Daily
Ms. Lauren Dain
Mr. Nicholas Damas
Dancing Lights
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Ms. Carol Danstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. James Decorrevont
Mr. and Mrs. Rich DeFalco
Mr. Cody Deitch
Ms. Eva Deitch
Ms. Patricia Delgado
Mr. and Mrs. Larry De Marino
Mrs. Patricia J. Demerath
Ms. Tatiana Diaz
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dibadj
Miss Sofia DiGiorgio
Miss Vita DiGiorgio
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dillman
Ms. Nina Dixon
Mr. Thomas Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dohman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Domenz
Ms. Crystal Dominguez
Mr. and Mrs. William Donnelly
Mr. Eric Donovan
Ms. Mira Dragisic
Ms. Diana R. Drouillard
Ms. Kerri Druckmiller
Ms. Tina Duffy
Ms. Anne T. Durkin
Mr. Patrick Dwyer
Mr. Haris Dzaferovic
Mr. Richard L. Easty and
Ms. Patricia Inman
Mr. Jamie Edwards
Mr. Steve Egan
Mr. Case Elder
Ella Knits
Ms. Kimberly A. Elsey
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Engesser
Mr. Mike Enright
Euclid Avenue United Methodist Women
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Falk
Mr. Mark Fehr
Mr. John Fei
Ms. Megan Feinberg
Dr. Charles L. Filipiak
Mr. and Mrs. Panos Fiorentinos
Mrs. Mary Anne Fishman
Mr. Christopher Fitch
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Flagler
Mr. Zach Forbes
Mr. Carson Foreman
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fournier
Mr. Mark Frank
Ms. Katie Frankle
Ms. Sabrina French
Mr. Luke Frerker
Ms. Kacey Fuldauer
Ms. Sara T. Funck
Mr. Paul Fuoss and
Ms. Ann Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Galitz
Ms. Melissa Gambino
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gambla
Gabriel John Naturals
Mr. Alberto Garcia
Mr. Estreberto Garcia
Ms. Guadalupe Garcia
Ms. Denine Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gaunt
Ms. Wendy Gawlik
GE Foundation
Ms. Ann Gelsomino
Mr. and Mrs. George Georgiou
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Gettle
Mr. Graham Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gibbs
Ms. Hannah Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Gilyot
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glass
Mr. Todd Glickstern
Ms. Candice Glover
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Goldbranson
Golden Basket
Mr. David Goldman
Mr. Noah Goldman
Mr. Eric S. Golinvaux
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Golinvaux
Mr. Alex Gonzales
Mr. Charles Gonzalez
Ms. Katie Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gordon
Ms. Alyssa Gorski
Mr. Chuck Gorski
Ms. Abigail Gotstein
Ms. Carrie Grady
Mr. Paul Grealish
Ms. Elisa Greenacre
Mr. Charles Griffin
Master Henry Griffin
Ms. Doris M. Gruskin
Ms. Tasha Guerino
Ms. Olivia Gunter
Mr. and Mrs. Ankur Gupta
Mr. Brewster Hague
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O. Haiman
Ms. Rachel Haley
Mr. David Hambourger
Ms. Loreli Hand
Ms. Regina Harbor
Ms. Marion E. Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harrington
Ms. Diann Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartge
Ms. Lynne Hartzell
Ms. Gwendolyn Hassan
Ms. Pat Healey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Heller
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Henaghan
Ms. Mary Joan Hennessy
Ms. Patricia Hensler
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Herner
Ms. Katie Herrmann
Mr. Michael Hewitt
Mr. David Hildner
Mrs. Ellen Hildner
Mr. Jacob Hildner
Hill Middle School
Ms. Sydney Hill
Mr. Lee Hinsberger
Mr. Dan Hisey
Mr. Rick Hiton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hlinka
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoban
Mr. Timothy Hoekstra
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoffman
Mr. Alan Hoffstadter
Ms. Carole A. Holdsworth
Ms. Jennifer Homer
Mr. and Mrs. Toshi Homma
Ms. Laurie A. Hoppe
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hopson
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hosty
Mr. Melvin D. Hover
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Huizenga
Ms. Elizabeth Hulke
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Hunigan
Ms. Kori Huston
Mr. Todd Huston
Ms. Jessica Jacknow
Ms. Alexandria Jackson
Ms. Stacey Jackson
Ms. Catherine Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jakobsze
Ms. Anna Janssen
Mr. Lee C. Jenne III
Ms. Nadia Jesuthasan
Mr. and Mrs. Corey S. Johnson
Ms. Gertrude Johnson
Mr. Ken Johnson and
Ms. Amy Stearns
Ms. Penelope S. Johnson
Mr. Christopher Johnston
Ms. Crystal Jones
Mr. David Jordan and
Ms. Judith Newman
Ms. Taylor Jordan
Mr. Rory Junius
Ms. Karen Jurcazak
Master Ben Kadlec
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Kahn
Mr. Pete Karnowski
Ms. Patricia Karr
Ms. Erica Kazimir
Ms. Patricia Kennedy Jones
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kennelly
Ms. Jan Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Kessler
Ms. Cherie Kibblesmith
Mr. Glen A. Kienitz
Mrs. Denise Kirk
Ms. Mary Klich
Mr. Darren Kliss
The Knabel Family
Mr. Ronald Koch
Ms. Melissa Koehl
Ms. Liz Kohn
Mr. Kerem Korkmaz
Mr. and Mrs. Folkert Kosten
Mr. and Mrs. Casey Kosydor
Mr. Jeff Kowalsky
Ms. Susan M. Kraemer
Ms. Rachel Kravitz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kroopkin
Mr. Ed Krzyzanowski
Mr. and Mrs. Ordell Kuno
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lambert
Ms. Jayme Landers
Ms. Mary W. Landreth
Mr. James E. Larrick
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Laska
Ms. Joan Lasky
Mr. Timothy Latta
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Lawrence
Ms. Renee Lawson
Mr. Michael Ledajaks
Mr. Jonathon Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lefevour
Ms. Evangeline Leggin
Ms. Augusta Lenehan
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lerner
Ms. Debra Lessin
Mr. Dan Letsinger
Ms. Mindy Levenson
Liam Brex Cabinet Design
Mr. Dan T. Ligon
Ms. Sandra Lindahl
Mrs. Christine Linde
Ms. Judith Linden
Mr. Grady Linder
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lipinski
Ms. Eva Liss
Ms. Patricia Littlecreek
Ms. Chandra Littooy
Ms. Christa Llewellyn
Ms. Kerry Logan
Mr. and Mrs. John Long
Mr. John McKinney
Ms. Erin McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McMahon
Mr. Jeffrey McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. James P. McNally
Ms. Laura McNeill
Mr. Joseph McWhirter
Mr. Martin Medina
Mr. Darell D. Medley
Mr. Jack Mehoff
Mr. and Mrs. David Merhar
Mr. and Mrs. John Merker
Mr. and Mrs. John Messina
Mr. Geoff Mikelsons
Mr. Rodolfo Loo
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Ludington
Ms. Teresa Lugo
Ms. Sallie Lupescu
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lutz
Ms. Marie Lykos
Mr. James Lynch
Mr. Joseph Lynch
Mr. Jose Macias
Ms. Kelsey Madsen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Maloney
Ms. Donna Manners
Mr. Matthew Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Manuel
Mr. Norman V. Mareci
Ms. Ashley Markgraf
Mr. Eric Markin
Mr. Zachary Markin
Mr. Mark Maroney
Mr. Thomas Marrero
Ms. Jan Marsden Johnson
Mr. James W. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Marcos Martinez
Mr. Felix Marty
Ms. Melissa Martz
Ms. Clare Mason
Ms. Nena Mass
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Massarello
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mastropietro
Ms. Madelyn Matya
Ms. Stephanie McDonald
Ms. Amy McFarlane
Mr. Rob McGehee
Ms. Meghan McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. John W. McInerney
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McKee
The McKenzie Family
Mr. Randi Miller
Mr. David Miner
Ms. Maura Mitchell
Ms. Maureen Mizwicki
The Moen Family
Ms. Alycia Molenaar
Ms. Megan Moller
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Moore
Mr. George Morris
Mr. Mike Moster
Ms. Patricia Mota
Mr. Andrew Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mugnani
Mr. Nate Murawski
The Murphy Family
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy
Mr. Martin Murphy
Mr. Peter Murphy
Ms. Dorothy Myerscough
Ms. Carrie Nance
Mr. Jon Nau
Nicky’s Things
Ms. Rachel Niewoehner
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Nix
Mr. Nikolai Nodal
Mrs. Nancy J. Norton
Mr. Frank L. Nudo
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nugent
Oak Park & River Forest Chamber
of Commerce
Oak Park Temple
Ms. Jana R. O’Brien
Mr. Dylan O’Connell
Mr. William O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. O’Day
Ms. Kelly F. O’Dell
Ms. Barbara T. O’Keefe
2014 Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Olderr
Mr. Mark Olegario
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Olson
Mr. Akinyele Oluwole
Mr. and Mrs. Chris O’Neill
Ms. Patricia O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Rourke
Ms. Chelsey Osborne
Ms. Christine Osborne
Mr. Erik Osborne
Ms. Lynn Ostergaard
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Osterholm
Mr. Ron Otte
Ms. Jaya Oza
Mr. Mel Padillo
Mr. Molloy Padraic
Mr. Aurelio Parenti
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker
Ms. Diana T. Pascarella
Ms. Danielle Paschke
Ms. Stephanie Passoff
Ms. Angie Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Patterson
Ms. Tania Patton
Ms. Whitney Payne
Ms. Teresa Peavy
Mr. Rob Peck
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pedersen
Ms. Erica Peek
Mr. and Mrs. Drew G. Peel
Mr. Kevin Peleschak
Mr. Doug Pelletier
Ms. Teresa Pena
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron E. Perry
Ms. Kathleen M. Perry
Mr. Michael Pesigan and
Ms. Dianna Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Phoenix
Ms. Jasmin Phua
Mr. Palemon Picena
Mr. Thomas Pickett
Mr. Lance Pierce
Mr. Kent Pilcher
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Pilditch
Mr. Patryk Piwinski
Ms. Joan Polner
Ms. Joanne Ponzio
Pop Design
Mr. Paul Popp
Mr. Thomas Porter
Mr. Michael H. Possley and
Ms. Mary Alice McAllister
Mr. Tommy Poulos
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Powell
Ms. Janice T. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Prasse
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Press
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prischman
Ms. Patricia Pruitt
Mr. Erik Publ
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Puccini
Mr. Colin Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Quinn
Mr. Emmanuel Quintana
Ms. Nedra Ragsdale and
Ms. Rachel E. Rambow
Ms. Julia Rahn
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raimondi
Mr. Anthony Reder and
Ms. Marta Coblitz
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Reed
Ms. Alexandra Reich
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reitz
Ms. Jessica Replogle
Mr. Will Rigali
Ms. Cassie Ringsdorf
Ms. Renee Rivers-Proby
Ms. Harriette Robinet
Ms. Jenell Rodriguez
Mr. Bill Rogers
Ms. Nancy Rolock
Mr. Eugui Roman
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Rooney
Ms. Janice M. Rosales
Ms. Anna Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl J. Rossini
Mr. Ryan R. Roth
Mr. Michael Roy and
Ms. Michelle M. Ueland
Mr. Fred Rubin
Ms. Barbara Rupp
Mr. James Russ Jr.
Ruthie’s Garden
Ms. Cecilia Ruvalcaba
Mr. Joshua Sacks
Ms. Oulayvanh Satasin
Ms. Deborah Savaiano
Ms. Cynthia Scalzo
Ms. Marcia Schattauer
Mr. Jon L. Schmidt
Ms. Whitney Schmidt
Mr. Steve Schmieder
Ms. Suzanne T. Schnaitman
Ms. Harriet E. Schoenfeld
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Schoenherr
Ms. Kathleen Schroer
Ms. Wendy Schultz
Ms. Elizabeth Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schwartz
Ms. Marissa Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Seipel
Mr. Martin Senica
Mr. Julian Sergi
Ms. Laura Shafer
Ms. Mariya Shatsky
Mr. Brent Shepherd
Mr. Steven Shields
Ms. Sherri Sipes
Mr. James M. Sisco
Mr. John Skaggs and
Ms. Liz Schwartz
Mr. Ted Skinner
Mr. Dan Slattery and
Ms. Ellen Mrazek
Ms. Abby Smidt
Ms. Amanda Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith
Mr. George Smith
Ms. Mindee Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Smith Jr.
Mr. Richard Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John Sokolowski
Mr. Ron Solesky
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Sonnamaker
Mr. Gustavo Sosa
Specialty Jewelry
Ms. Deborah Spira
Master Brennan Stamm
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stamm
Mr. Terry Stanciel
Mr. Donald Stapleton
Ms. Holly G. Starck
Dr. Catherine Stark
Mr. and Mrs. John Starmann
Master Mickey Steinberg
Miss Sloane Steinberg
Ms. Carolyn Steirer
Ms. Deborah L. Stewart
Mr. Oscar Stice
Ms. Donna Stoll
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Strand
Mr. Steven Strickler
Mr. Dan J. Sturch
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Sullivan
Ms. Alanna Sullivan
Ms. Lorna Sullivan
Mr. Robert R. Sullivan
Mr. Charlie Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Swartz
Ms. Jeanne Swiatowiec
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Swikle
Ms. Patricia Tabet
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Taylor
Mr. Ben Teichman
Mr. Seth Teske
The Wheatlands Elementary School
Ms. Karen Thiesse
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thompson
Ms. Lena Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Tillotson
Mr. Michael Tobin
Ms. Angela Topel
Mr. Dave Traverso
Ms. Patricia Tripar
Mr. Robert Trombley
True Value Hardware
Ms. Clare Tuchscherer
Ms. Jane Tueche
Ms. Joanne Turko
Ms. Alexandria Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tylke
United Way Of Central & Northeastern Connecticut
Ms. Mary Unterbrunner
Ms. Shilpa Upadhye
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Van Ermen
Mr. Luke VanCleave
Mr. Michael Vanpoucke
Ms. Shelby Varela
Ms. Norma J. Vavra-Klein
Ms. Maricela Venegas
Ms. Felicia Vertin
Ms. Cristen C. Vincent
Ms. Nicole Vlahos
The Vogel Family
Ms. Nancy Vogel
Mr. Dima Volovik
Ms. Lynn Voss
Mr. and Mrs. James Vostal
Mr. Jeremy Vrtis
Mr. Gordana Vujanovich
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Wagner
Ms. Susan Wallace
Ms. Tasia Wallace
Mr. William Wallace
Ms. Margaret Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walsh
Mr. Andy Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Walther
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Wartner
Ms. Amanda Weaver
Ms. Anne C. Weber
Ms. Robin Weber
Ms. Elizabeth Weintraub
Mr. and Mrs. David Weinberg
Ms. Francine Weinberg
Ms. Joan Weinstein
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Weiss
Ms. Ayten Welch
Ms. Shelley Weller
Ms. Ellen Weston
Mr. and Mrs. James Whalen
Mr. James M. Whealan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wheaton
Ms. Denise Whennen
Ms. Anita R. White
Ms. Marie White
Mr. Robert White
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Whitehead
Ms. Sonia Wielosinski
Mr. Steve Wilensky
Ms. Rita M. Williams
Ms. Mary Jo Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Wilson
Ms. Beth Winter
Mr. Joshua D. Wittenberg
Ms. Michelle Wong
Ms. Maryanne Woo
Mr. Daryl Woolridge and
Ms. Jerri Gapastione
Dr. Donald V. Woznica
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wyman
Ms. Judy Yang-Murawski
Ms. Marion Young
Mr. Tony Young
Ms. Jamie Zahn
Mr. Zbigniew Kusnierz
Mr. David C. Ziegler
Ms. Shannon Ziegler
Ms. Christine Zielinski
In Memory of Alex Anderson, Jr.
Mr. Luis Banuelos
Buzz Café, Inc.
Ms. Joan E. Coogan
Ms. Marilyn Cramton
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Doody
Mr. Stuart Edwards
Dr. Charles L. Filipiak
Ms. Katie Frankle
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Geselbracht
Mr. Noah Goldman
Mr. David Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Grandholm
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O. Halman
Ms. Mary Joan Hennessy
Ms. Mercedes Hennessy
Ms. Andrea M. Hingst
Mr. and Mrs. Toshi Homma
Ms. Gertrude Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kennelly
Mr. Ronald Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
Ms. Mary Ann Meserati
Ms. Robin G. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Donald X. Nekrosius
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. Patterson
Mr. Joe Salvati
Mr. Michael Salvati and
Ms. Charlotte Rubenstein
Mr. Jon L. Schmidt
Ms. Anne K. Schmidt
Ms. Mary Beth Smith
Mr. Donald Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Walsh
Mr. Mark C. Weber and
Ms. Joanne Kinoy
Mr. and Mrs. Tage Welindt
Mr. Robert N. Wolf
Dr. Donald V. Woznica
In Memory of Gwendolyn Angell
Ms. Patricia L. Angell
In Memory of Judy Beehman
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mead
In Memory of Tom Boyle
Ms. Jane R. Boyle
In Memory of Marcia Christian
Dr. Joseph Christian
In Memory of Kathy DeLeo
Ms. Patricia Mota
In Memory of Pastor Patrick
Mr. Michael Apolzan
Ms. Elizabeth G. Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chiotti
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davidson
Ms. Katie Herrmann
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Munroe
The Wheatlands Elementary School
Ms. Mary Unterbrunner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wheaton
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Ms. Lorna Sullivan
In Memory of George Georgiou
Mrs. Peri Georgiou
In Memory of Matthew Goldbranson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Goldbranson
In Memory of Jeff Hague
Ms. Mary W. Landreth
In Memory of Lillian Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
In Memory of Robert Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
In Memory of Dianne Jones
Ms. Lanita Koster
In Memory of Marty Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jordan
In Memory of William K. Kelaplane Jr.
Dr. Anthony Millard and
Dr. Dietra D. Millard
In Memory of Jamie Kurucar
Ms. Deborah L. Stewart
In Memory of Danny Laurenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hacker
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Corey S. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James Laurenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Laurenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Quinn
Mr. Michael Roy and
Ms. Michelle M. Ueland
Ms. Elizabeth Vavrek
In Memory of Thomas K. Magnussen
Mr. Lance Beatch
Mr. and Mrs. Cortt C. Cousino
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Frisoni
Mr. Jason Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jessopp
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Radcliffe
Ms. Mary Stella
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Wagner
In Memory of Colin McBlaine
Ms. Erin McBlaine
In Memory of Brendan Melmuson
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Burns
In Memory of Mary Kay O’Hara
Ms. Mary Jo Willis
In Memory of (Sis) Margaret Mary Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
Ms. Harriet E. Schoenfeld
In Memory of Walter Polner
Ms. Joan Polner
In Memory of Dennis Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boban
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker
Ms. Janice T. Powers
Ms. Jeanne Swiatowiec
In Memory of Richard Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McKee
In Memory of Philip M. Puterbaugh
Ms. Marilyn J. Ayersman
In Memory of Kiara Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Quinn
In Memory of Fred and Adeline Ramquist
Mr and Mrs. Fred C. Ramquist Jr.
In Memory of Leon Raptis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hardtke
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Golinvaux
Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Murphy
Mr. Larry Stelter and
Ms. Peggy Fisher
In Memory of Art and Ruth Replogle
Ruth H. and Arthur S. Replogle Memorial Fund
In Memory of Thomas Richardt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
In Memory of June Ross
Ms. Amy Hennessy
In Memory of Bonnie Rossell
ABC Bank
Baird & Warner
Ms. Patricia J. Bickle
Ms. Karen Cartland
Mr. Harry Fishman and
Ms. Alison J. Aarons
Mr. Tim Ford
Mr. Mark Frank
Mr. and Mrs. William H Gibbs
Mr. Rick Hilton
Mr. and Mrs. Ordell Kuno
Ms. Joan Lasky
Mr. Norman V. Mareci
Midwest Real Estate Data LLC
Mr. George Morris
MSK Realty LLC
Oak Park & River Forest Chamber
of Commerce
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert O. Crippen
Mrs. Suzanne Osorio
Poor Phil’s, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Riley
Ms. Carolyn Steirer
Mr. David C. Ziegler
In Memory of Marilyn Ruf
Ms. Cherie Kibblesmith
In Memory of Jerilyn D. Solomon Fyffe
Mr. Vito Brancato and
Ms. Rebecca Fyffe
In Memory of Michael Liam Tobin
Mr. Michael Tobin
In Memory of Christopher Todus
Mr. and Mrs. David Todus
In Memory of Katie Vogg
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Domask
In Memory of Rose V. Williams,
her daughter and siblings
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Blair
Mr. John Spurgeon and
Ms. Martha Williams
In Memory of Sheila Yeager
Ms. Sandra Lindahl
Mr. Mark Battrell
Ms. Gina Bazer
Mr. Tom Bearrows and
Ms. Holly Hirst
Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Beech
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Beliveau
Ms. Beth Benedict
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benson
Mr. Martin A. Berg and
Ms. Gina Orlando
Ms. Jean Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Berke
Ms. Barbara Best
Ms. Laura Best
Mr. Jim Betsanes
Mr. Leo Bruyn
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Brzozowski
Mr. Emmet Buchmeier
Mr. Holden Buchmeier
Ms. Con Buckley
Bump City Auto Body
Burke Beverage
Mr. and Mrs. David Burns
Ms. Unna Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Burton
Mrs. Delilah Butler
Mr. John Butler and
Ms. Lisa Masucci
Ms. Nora Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bianucci
Ms. Lisa Biedron
Ms. Sheila Bielecki
Ms. Jasmine Bielecki-Garlie
Ms. Barb Biezawski and
Ms. Laura Wahlfeldt
Mr. Robert Bloch and
Ms. Barbara Kahn
Ms. Christine Bodnar
Mr. Jay Boersma and
Ms. Deborah Holdstein
Bolingbrook Sign
Ms. Tammy Borg
Ms. Renata Bormann
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bowker
Boyle Design Associates
Mr. Vito Brancato and
Ms. Rebecca Fyffe
Mr. Carl Branch
Mr. Gene Brandt and
Ms. Elizabeth Holland
Ms. Patricia Braun-Schroeder
Breit and Clean Cleaners
Ms. Laura Brinkman
The Brisben Family
Ms. Genevieve Broaddus
Bronco Resale
The Brown Family
Mr. Dylan Brown
Ms. Kyia Brown
Mr. Leonard Brown and
Ms. Rudi Vanderburg
Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Brown
Brown Cow Ice Cream
Ms. Alexandra Brozek
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brundage II
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Caldarone
Ms. Danielle Calderone
Ms. Piper Caldwell
Ms. Debra O. Callen
Ms. Theresa Callero
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Cappelli
Ms. Angela Caravetta
Paul and Sherry Carbery
Mr. Anthony Cardon
Ms. Carissa Cariaga
Caribou Coffee
Carla Bank Designs
Carleton Hotel
Ms. Ann Carlson
Mr. Bradley F. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carlson
The Carr Family
Ms. Abbie Carrigan
Ms. Betsy Carroll
Ms. Juliet Carroll
Mrs. Rose M. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carter
Mrs. Sarah Deardorff Carter
Ms. Jacqueline Casale
Ms. Kristin Cellone
Ceramic Art Cafe
Ms. Christine Centeno
Chicago Bulls/White Sox
Training Academy
Chicago Tribune
Chicago White Sox
Premium Seating Services
Mr. Peter Chico
Children’s Home & Aid
Ms. Tessa Christman
Ms. Erin Christmas
Hephzibah would like to thank all of
the individuals, businesses and
organizations that provided in-kind
gifts during the fiscal year. Your
generosity, compassion and
commitment played a vital role in
helping us fulfill our mission in FY14.
Thank you for your support!
AA Rental Center
The Abel Family
Ms. Linda Abrams
Ms. Tracy Abrusci
The Adair Family
Ms. Sarah Adam
Ms. Jill Adams
Ms. Toyin Adeyemi
Ms. Stephanie Afryl
Mr. Victor Aguirre
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Allgood
Alliance Pension Consultants, LLC
Always Great Smiles.com
Ms. Tammi Amon
Amundson & Schwartz
Psychological Consulting, Inc.
Ms. Melin Anas
Ms. Leslie Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Anderson
Andrew Campbell Photography
Annie’s Organics
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Anton
Apollo Theater Chicago
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aque
Arbonne – Ms. Yasmeen Archer, Consultant
Ms. Melin Arias
Ms. Kate Arneth
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Arnett
Arts N Spirits
AT&T Corporate Real Estate
Atlas Toyota Material Handling
Avis Budget Group
Ms. Marilyn J. Ayersman
AYSO Soccer Region #425
Ms. Kristin Bailitz
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Baker
Bar Louie
Ms. Christine Barnard
Bartlett Park District Preschool
Ms. Robin Basney
The Battoglia Family
Ms. Whitney Christmas
Ms. Julie Chyna
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ciacciarelli
CIT Group, Inc.
City Beverage
Mr. Tommy Clark
Cleanique Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cogan
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Colapietro
Cold Stone Creamery
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cole
Mr. and Mrs. James Colombo
Competitive Foot
Concur Technologies
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Condon
Ms. Diane Conmy
Ms. Meredith E. Conn
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Conner
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Coogan
Ms. Karen Constantino
Craig Stevens Development
Creata USA Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Creighton
Crumbs Bake Shop
Ms. Kim Curran
Ms. Jill Dahl
Mr. and Mrs. Peder Dahlberg
Dairy Queen
Dawes Elementary School
DCFS-Illinois Department of Children
and Family Services
Ms. Mercita De Muyuck
Ms. Amy De Witte
Ms. Melinda Degucz
Mr. Cody Deitch
Ms. Jane Dennis
Derby Lite
Ms. Raye-Ann O. deRegnier
Mr. Kempali Desai
Mr. Michael J. Desmond
Ms. Jennifer Dettloff
Ms. Tatiana Diaz
Ms. Nina Dixon
Doc Ryan’s
Ms. Barbara Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Dombrowski
Ms. Anna Dominguez
Ms. Crystal Dominguez
Mr. Gilbert Dominguez and
Ms. Ann Mastic
Ms. Anna Dooley
Ms. Emily Dowd
Mr. Jonathan Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Downey
The Downing Family
Downtown Oak Park Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Draus
Dream Big Toy Company
Dressel’s Hardware
Ms. Ruta Dudenas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DuFresne
Ms. Leslie Durden
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dvorsky
Dwellings Real Estate, Inc.
Ms. Judie Dziura
Ms. Charice Eakins
Early Childhood Center of Elmwood Park
The East Bank Club
roots &wings
“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give to our children.
One of these is roots — the other, wings.”
H odding C arter
Hephzibah Children’s Association thanks the members of our
Roots and Wings Society for their generous support.
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Ambrosino
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Arnett
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Beil
Mr. and Mrs. William Black
Mr. Robert Bloch and Ms. Barbara Kahn
Ms. Theresa H. Boland
Mr. Gene Brandt and Ms. Elizabeth Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Brown
Paul and Sherry Carbery
Dr. Joseph Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Clancy
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coffing
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dahir
Mr. and Mrs. Ravi Datta
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis
Mr. Allen Dick and Ms. Diane Bonina
Mr. Drew Dinsmore
Mr. Michael Doody and Ms. Katie Ernst
Mr. Brian Druley
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwardson
Mr. Jassem el Mahmoud and
Ms. Francesca DeBiase
Mr. Ron Ferrin
Mr. John C. Filosa and
Ms. Cathaleen Roach
Ms. Shirley Freeman
Dr. Frances Gaik
Mr. and Mrs. John Gallo
Mr. Tony Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. John Glavin
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Goldring
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Hager
Mr. Jeffrey L. Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Haupers
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Horwich
Mr. and Mrs. T. Kendall Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jarrett
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Jensen
Mr. Thomas Johnson and Ms. Leslie A. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Jordahl
Mrs. Mary Ann Karris
Mr. Steve Kiger and Ms. Leslie Berns
Mr. Peter Kovler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kozak
Mr. and Mrs. James Laurenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Laurenzo
Mr. Aaron Lebovitz and Ms. Donna Myers
Mr. Byron Lee and Ms. Audrey Williams-Lee
Prof. Richard Leftwich and
Ms. Susan Hammond
Dr. David Levy and Dr. Janis Wiener
Mr. and Mrs. George Locasto
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Loftus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loro
Dr. Gregory J. Macchio and
Dr. Rosa M. Navarro
Mr. and Mrs. David Majewski
Mr. Sheldon Mandell
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk L. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Matas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
Ms. Deborah McCann
Dr. and Mrs. Lou McKeever
Ms. Cary McLean
Dr. Anthony Millard and Dr. Dietra D. Millard
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Miller
Ms. Frances Nauth
Mr. and Mrs. Donald X. Nekrosius
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Nesburg
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Paice
Mr. and Mrs. Zdenek A. Pecenka
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd D. Perkins
Ms. Laura Petrie and Ms. Shelley Petrie
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Poe
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Ramquist Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Pravin Rao
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rosenwinkel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Salerno
Mr. Michael Salvati and
Ms. Charlotte Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Samuels
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Schimmel
Mr. Joseph C. Scully and Dr. Judith Scully
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Shiner
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smedstad
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Smith
Mrs. Virginia Sonnenschein
Mr. John Spurgeon and
Ms. Martha Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Stanislaw
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Stratton
Mr. Venu V. Talanki and Mrs. Ritu Vig
Mr. and Mrs. Byron F. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tinervia
Dr. and Mrs. Pietro Tonino
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Toye
Mrs. Herbert A. Vance
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Whalen
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wojack
Mr. Gregory E. Wolski
Ms. Carol Young
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Zoberis
2008 Annual Report
Eastlake Chiropractic & Healthcare Center
Ms. Mary M. Ebzery
Mr. Jassem el Mahmoud and
Ms. Francesca DeBiase
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Elsen
Emerald City Theatre
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Emerson
Empire Cooler Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Evans
Eze Castle Integration
Mr. Patrick Fahey
Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church
Famous Wine & Spirits
Mr. Vito Favia
Ms. Christine Fenno
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ferrone
Ms. Sara Feteau
FFC – Formula Fitness Club
Fifth Third Bank
Mr. Clark Finkelstein
Ms. Maria Finkelstein
Ms. Danah Fisher
Fit Golf Performance Centers
Ms. Meagan E. Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald’s Fine Stationery
Flanagan Family
Flat Top Grill
Flavour Cooking School
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Fluegge
Ms. Deirdre Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fournier
Frame Warehouse
Frank Lloyd Wright Trust
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Frick
Friends and Family
of PetMate Faith
Frito Lay
Mr. and Mrs. James Froslid
Ms. Kay Furey
Ms. Ruth Gacek
Ms. Joan Galantha
Mr. Dan Gallagher and
Ms. Susanna Pagliaro
Ms. Nancy Gardner
Garland Flowers
Ms. Lisa Gaudio-Gergen
Ms. Kim Gehman
Geppetto’s Toy Box
Ms. Tammy Gill
Ms. Gail Ginsberg
Ms. Laura Giovanni
Girl Scout Troop # 51965
Mr. and Mrs. John Giura
Mr. and Mrs. John Glavin
Mr. Max Glucksberg
Go Bananas
Mr. John Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Golla
Ms. Laurie Goodey
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gordon
Gottlieb Health & Fitness Center
Gourmet Spice Company
Grace Lutheran Church & School
Ms. Ericka Graunke
Ms. Susan Greeley
Mr. Kyle Green
Ms. Theresa Gribauskas
Ms. Catherine Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. John Grimes
Mr. Michael Grimes
Ms. Elizabeth Grooms
Ms. Katherine Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Gross
Ms. Diana Grows
Ms. Sonal Guptz
Ms. Gabby Gutierrez
The Haas Family
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Haas
The Haga Family
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Hager
Mr. Christopher Hahs
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hampson
Ms. Mary Hardison
Ms. Aiden Harmston
Ms. Maureen Harnett
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Harren
Ms. Kim Hartman
The Hartschuh Family
Ms. Natalya Hattaway
Ms. Victoria Hattaway
Mr. Andrew Hausoul
Ms. Pat Healey
Ms. Maureen Heffern
Dr. Mary Heidkamp
Ms. Kim Heiferman
Ms. Ann Helming
Ms. Donna Hemstreet
Mr. Fred Henders
Ms. Amy Hennessy
Ms. Emilie Hennessy
Ms. Retta Hennessy
Ms. Katherine Henry
Ms. Sarah Hensen
Ms. Angelica Hernandez
Ms. Kimberly Herrera
Mr. Kurt Hessler
Ms. Cyndi Hester
Mr. Mark Hester and
Ms. Nadia Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Higgins
Mrs. Karen Hill
Hill Middle School
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. David Hlinka
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoban
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Hofmeister
Holley Court Terrace
Holmes PTO
House Red
Hoy Landscaping
HSBC – North America
Hughes Photography
Ms. Susan Huizinga
Hulen Landscape Contractors
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. John Ide
Improv Olympic
Independence Charters LLC –
Windy City Salmon
Independent Paving Company
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Infelise
J. Gordon Designs, LTD.
J.R. Construction Company
Ms. Wioletta Jablecka
Ms. Alexandria Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobs
Ms. Chloe Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jakubosky
James Anthony Salon & Day Spa
Ms. Jeri L. Jarvis
Mr. Brian Jask
Ms. Muriel Jean-Jarques
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Jenkins
Mr. Jeff Jenks and
Ms. Dawn Broussard
Mr. James L. Jepsen and
Ms. Jackie Finch
Jim Beam Brands Company
John G. Shedd Aquarium
Ms. Coco Johnson
Mr. Thomas Johnson and
Ms. Leslie A. Jones
Ms. Crystal T. Jones
Ms. Leslie Jordano
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Joseph
Ms. Anne Joyce
Juice Joint
Julie Kaplan Photography
Junior League of Chicago
Ms. Gretchen Junker
Ms. January Kallas
Mr. Gary Kantor
Ms. Carol Katsis
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Katz
Ms. Georgia Keleher
Judge Carol Kelly
Ms. Meredith Kelvington
Miss Aisling Kerr
Ms. Cindy Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kerr
Miss Saoirse Kerr
Ms. JoAnn Kiefer
Ms. Cindy Kielkucki
Mr. Rick Kiley
Mr. Zach Kiley
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford King
Ms. Debbie J. King
Ms. Diane King
Ms. Elizabeth Kirwan
Ms. Karen Kitto
Ms. Mary Klich
Ms. Lisa Klicman
The Knabel Family
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knaul
Mr. Steve Kohn
Ms. Alexis Kosik
Mr. and Mrs. Casey Kosydor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kowalski
Ms. Anne Koziel
Ms. Dene Krall
Ms. Barbara D. Krause & Family
Ms. Victoria Krause-Schutte
Ms. Jan Kroeschell
Mr. David Krupp and
Ms. Beth Ann Cafaro
Ms. Marie Kruse
Ms. Begum Kutay
La Majada – The Haggar Family
Lakeview Bus Lines
Ms. Laura Lallos
Mr. Charles Lambert and
Ms. Ella Lambert
Ms. Jayme Landers
Mr. Samuel Landers and
Ms. Kathleen Roderick
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Landis
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Lane
Mr. and Mrs. James Laurenzo
Learning Express
Ms. Barbara LeBuhn
Mr. Byron Lee and
Mrs. Audrey Williams-Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lefko
Prof. Richard Leftwich and
Ms. Susan Hammond
Ms. Marilyn C. Lein
Mr. Dan N. Lekousis
Lemonmade Style and Snips
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lerner
Dr. David Levy and Dr. Janis Wiener
Ms. Joanne Lewandowski
Lincoln School
Lincoln School – Heartworks
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes
Mrs. David Linde
Ms. Marketa Lindt
Ms. Mary Jane Linke
Ms. Patricia Littlecreek
Mr. Michael Loiacono
Mr. and Mrs. Eric London
Longfellow School
Ms. Sarai Lopez
Lori’s Gifts
Loro Auto Works, Inc.
Ms. Teagan Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lucci
Luo’s Peking House
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Lutz
Lutz Family Center
MacDaddy On Madison Hair Salon
Ms. Kristin McCluskey
McDonald’s Corporation –
Global Total Compensation Group 145
Mr. Edward McGillen and
Ms. Mary Raleigh
Ms. Bernadette McHale
Mr. and Mrs. John McIlwain
Ms. Lisa McWeeny
Mrs. Barbara Meilinger
Ms. Naida Melendez
Mr. and Mrs. David Menzel
Mr. and Mrs. John Merker
Ms. Cynthia Meyer
Ms. Hannah Meyer
Midwest Foods
Dr. Anthony Millard and
Dr. Dietra D. Millard
Ms. Margaret Minn
Mr. Tom Mohr and
Ms. Rose Marie Reed
Ms. Megan Moller
Moms Club of West Chicagoland
Montopoli Custom Clothiers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael MacKinnon
Ms. Nicoleta Madonis
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mahon
Mr. Phil Malhiot
Mr. Tim Maly and
Ms. Barbara LeBuhn
Mama Concierge
Mama Tola’s Sweets
Ms. Karen Mansfield
Marion Street Cheese Market
Mark Brown Photography
Ms. Arielle Markowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Markowitz
Mars Corporation
Ms. Laura Marshall
Ms. Kelly Martin
Ms. Annie Marusich
Ms. Christina Maursich
Ms. Mary A. Maschke
Ms. Nena Mass
Ms. Kelly Matyas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson
Maya del Sol Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Maza
Dr. Philip E. McAndrew and
Mr. Rex B. Reeve
Ms. Erin McBlaine
Ms. Deborah McCann
McCarthy & Trinka, Inc.
Ms. Yolanda McClain
Mr. Henry Morgan
Ms. Lillian Morgan-Lewis
Moss Modern Flowers
Mrs. Driscoll’s 1st Grade Class
Ms. Lisa Mulligan
Mr. Nate Murawski
Ms. Catherine Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy
Ms. Karen Murphy
Nalco an Ecolab Company
David and Lee Neubecker
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Niederman
Ms. Sarah Niederman
Ms. Melissa Nio
Niro, Haller & Niro
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Nohalty
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Noll
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Norgaard
North Riverside Recreation
Mr. Bryan Northup and
Mr. Mark Wilson
Northwestern Alumni Group
Mr. and Mrs. James Nugent
Mr. John Nykkel
Oak Park & River Forest High School Huskie Athletic Council
Oak Park & River Forest High School Huskie Booster Club
Oak Park Bakery
Oak Park District 97 Teachers
Asst. Association
Oak Park Fire Station #1
Oak Park Police Department
Oak Park Public Library
Oak Park Temple
Oak Park Youth Baseball
Ms. Jacqui Oddo
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. O’Floy
Olive Garden – Melrose Park
Ms. Victoria E. Ondrla
Ms. Patricia O’Neill
On-Line Communications
Mr. Sky Opila
Opportunity Knocks
Mr. and Mrs. Justin O’Reilly
Organizing With You
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Rourke
Ms. Elva Ortiz
Ms. Keishla Padilla
Mr. Jim Pagani
Mr. Timothy Pagani
Ms. Donna Palade
Ms. Carmela Paolella
Paramount Arts Centre
Paramount Events
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Parchman
Park Avenue Hair Studio
Ms. Aziza Parker
Ms. Rita Patel
Pat’s Pet Emporium
Pay It Forward ChiTown
Ms. Ileana Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Zdenek A. Pecenka
Mr. and Mrs. Drew G. Peel
Peninsula Chicago Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. James Perez
Performance Food Service
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron E. Perry and
Ms. Abigail Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Peters
Philips Lighting Systems and Control
Master Mason Phillips
Timothy and Molly Philosophos
Photography by Ebert
Ms. Tamee Pikor
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pikul
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Pilditch
Mrs. Magda Piper
Pivotal 5
Ms. Kimberly Plaxton-Drobot
Pleasant Home Foundation
Ms. Kari Pligge
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pogvara
Poor Phil’s, Inc.
Ms. Vivienne Pope
Ms. Mary Kay Poreda
Prairie State Animal Hospital
Mr. John Pratola
Ms. Joyce Proce
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Proko
Mr. and Mrs. John Prouty
Mr. Alex Ptah
Ms. Marianne Pudelek
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Pulliam
Pumpkin Moon
Puree’s Pizza and Pasta
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Puterbaugh
Ms. Kyra Pych
Quick Food Mart
Mr. Devon Quinn and Ms. Jodi Fyfe
R.P. Fox and Associates
Radio Flyer
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Rafiei
Ms. Addison Rao
Mr. Tallin Rao
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Raspatello
The Read Family
Ms. Betty Redmond
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Reed
Mrs. Kundace Regan
Ms. Susan Reich
Ms. Alix Reid
Ms. Samantha Rekas
Retail Properties of America
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Rettberg
Reuters Bakery
Revision Home
Revolution Brewing
Mr. and Mrs. Randy M. Richmond
Ms. Cassie Ringsdorf
River Forest Health &
Wellness Center
River Forest Tennis Club
Robert Morris University
Robert Morris University
Eagle Scholars
Ms. Rita Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Robinson
Mr. Paul Roche
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rock
Ms. Chloe Rodriguez
Mr. Bill Rogers
Ms. Maggie Romanovich
Roosevelt Middle School
Ms. Caroline Rose
Ms. Stephanie Rosemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A.
Mr. Alejandro Rosiles and
Ms. Nancy Garcia
Ms. Linda Ross
Mr. Alan Rossell
Mr. Trevor Roy and
Ms. Norma Rosenhain
Ms. Kathy Rush
Ms. Ceci Ryan
Ms. Natalie Salerno
Ms. Harmony Savage
Mr. Thomas Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Scheck
Mr. and Mrs. David Scheftel
Mr. Henry A. Schiff and
Ms. Fran Hersh
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schiffman
Ms. Abby Schmelling
Mr. Richard Schmitt
School of Rock – Glen Ellyn
School Of Rock – Oak Park
Ms. Janet Schroeder
Schulz-Brundage, Inc.
Ms. Grace Schumacker
Mr. and Mrs. James Schumacker
Ms. Mary Beth Schumacker
Mr. Kevin Schwartz and
Ms. Rachael Telleen
Securities Exchange Commission – Chicago Regional Office
Ms. Ann Seigler
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seltzer
Ms. Mary Selvie
Service Club of Chicago
Mr. Jetal Sesen
Seven Generations Ahead
Mrs. Silvia Shannon
Mr. Colin Sharpe
Pauline and Brian Sharpe
Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association – Local 484
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Shelton
The Sheridan Family
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Shiner
Ms. Tisha Siler
Ms. Stephanie Simmons
Ms. Kathryn Skegland
Skidmore Owings & Merrill
Ms. Susan Slater
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sloan
Sloan Valve Company
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Snelling
Sons and Daughters of Italy
in America
Ms. Donna Sorensen
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Sorensen
Southwest Airlines Charitable Giving
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Spadoni
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sparkes
St. Edmunds Parish
St. Giles Council of Catholic Women Ms. Kelley Staley
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stamm
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stanard
Ms. Helena Stancikas
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Stanislaw
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Stankovich
Starbucks Company
Mr. Joel Stark
Mr. and Mrs. James Stark
Starship Subs
STATE Restaurant and Cafe
Ms. Mary L. Stefanic
Mr. Rich Steiber
Master Mickey Steinberg
Mr. Jim Stickler
Ms. Diane Stocker
Ms. Donna Stoll
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Stratton
Ms. Denise Strom
Ms. Amy Strong
Ms. Marilyn J. Stummeier
Mr. Mark Suchomel and
Ms. Liz Ziehl
Mrs. Maureen A. Sullivan
Mr. James Sveinsson
Ms. Kathleen Sweeney
Systech Information Services, Inc.
Ms. Andrea Szabo
Mr. and Mrs. James Taglia
Ms. Karen Tann
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Byron F. Taylor
Ms. Diane Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. David Terebessy
Terry Lee Creations
The Becca Kaufman Orchestra
The Blue Jean Bar
The Book Table, Inc.
The Container Store
The Dailey Method
The Dry Cleaning Factory
The Fox Bowl
The Frame House, Inc.
The Hair Cuttery
The Ismaili Religious Education Center, Glenview
The Junction Diner
The Kids Table
The Kinderhook Tap
The Lake Theater
The Language and Music School
The Mazel Company
The Nineteenth Century Charitable Association
The Printing Store
The Stand
The Tennis and Fitness Centre
The United Center
The Village Links Golf Course
The Wine Cellar
The Yoga Center
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Their
Mr. Abe Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Thompson
Ms. Andrea Thury
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Tietz
Ms. Mary Tiffin
Ms. Monica Tijerina
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Tillotson
Todd & Holland Tea Merchants
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toliopoulos
Mr. Taghi Tolooi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tom
Dr. and Mrs. Pietro Tonino
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Tortorici
Ms. Tracy Toth
Trader Joe’s
The Trainer Family
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Trimble
Triton College Cernan Space Center
Ms. Kathy Tuite
Ms. Adrienne Turner
Ms. Beth Uhen
Ms. Carol Umlauf
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ummel
Ms. Barbara Uniek
Unity Temple Unitarian
Universalist Congregation
UPS – Metro Chicago Branch
UPS – Franklin Park Branch
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Van Vliet
Ms. Patricia VanBuskick
Vanguard/West Suburban Medical Center
Ms. Shelby Varela
Mr. Stephen Vasko
Ms. Griselda Verdin
The Victorian Resort Bed & Breakfast
Vienna Beef
Ms. Varsha Vig
Village of Melrose Park
Ms. Jean Villari
Ms. Liz Vondrasek
Ms. Jenny Vondrehle
Ms. Meg VonGlahn
Wachs Water Services
Ms. Kim Wade
Ms. Mary Wagner
Ms. Margaret H. Walsh
Ms. Tyrrell Walsh
Mr. James G. Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Watson
Ms. Rhonda Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wax
We Clean Green
Ms. Tracy Webb
Ms. Marion Weedermann
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weiler
Ms. Jeanne Weiler
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Weiss
Ms. Meghan Welch
Wells Street Popcorn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Werthmann
Ms. Deborah Wess
West Cook YMCA
West Suburban Cardiac Rehab
and Services
West Suburban Eye Association
Mr. Luke Whalen
Ms. Elizabeth Wheeler
Ms. Maureen Whelan
Ms. Carina Whetter
Ms. Marie White
Mr. Tim White and Ms. Jackie Tamas
Ms. Stacey Whitsett
Whole Foods Market
Mr. and Mrs. John Wickes
Ms. Lori Wilken
Willard School
Willard School –
Mrs. Driscoll’s 1st Grade Class
Willard School –
Ms.Garvey’s AM/PM Kindergarten Classes
Willard School –
Mr. Strain’s 4th Grade Class
Willard School –
Mrs. Zika’s 1st Grade Class
Mr. and Mrs. Williams
Ms. Davida E. Williams
Ms. Heather Williams
Ms. Louevetta Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Williams
Ms. Tamika Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams
Wilson Sporting Goods
Wing Boss
Ms. Carol Winters
The Witort Family
Ms. Melissa Wlodkowski
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Foundation
Mr. Ken Wojtas
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wolthusen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wolthusen
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Wolven
Woodlawn Memorial Park
Ms. Randi Woodworth
World Book Publishers
Mr. and Mrs. James Woywod
WXRT-FM 93.1
Mr. Kris Young
Zanies Comedy Nite Club
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Zarosl
Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Zawacki
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Zelkin
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Zimbler
Zurich Global Corporate
To err is human, to forgive, divine...
Have we erred? Please contact Barb
Krause in the Development Office
at 708.649.7160. We sincerely regret
any errors or omissions.
Most of the children pictured in this
report are friends of Hephzibah or
children enrolled in Hephzibah’s Day
Care Program. To ensure the safety
and protect the privacy of the children
living in our group homes and foster
homes, we have not featured any
photos showing their faces.
2014 Annual Report
Financial Statement
The People
Behind Hephzibah
Board of
O ak P ark
A u x iliary
Eric Sorensen
Chair and President
Kathy Hager
Mark Trinka
Immediate Past President
Rachael Telleen
Tom Yates
Vice President
Christine Stamm
Sarah Arnett
Melissa Kowalski
Membership Chair
Terry Brown
Greta Landis
Board Liaison
Mary Anne Brown
Executive Director
Natalia Barrera
Karin Bianucci
Amber Blatt
Lauren Dain
Pamela Dombrowski
Jodi Fyfe
Amy Hennessy
Sarah Joyce
Jayme Landers
Sheila London
Katherine Nix
Elizabeth Seltzer *
Marissa Scott
Jackie Barlow
Sherry Carbery
Francesca DeBiase
Brian Druley
Carol Dunning
Mark Fisher
Leslie Ann Jones
Audrey Williams-Lee
Kenna MacKinnon
John McIlwain
Beth Pecenka
Maureen Stratton
Byron Taylor
Cheryl terHorst
Maureen Stratton
Nancy Quinn
Vice President
Sarah Arnett
Gail Hague
Sue Beeman
Margaret Horstman
Leslie Ann Jones
Nancy McCracken
Anneke Taglia
Mark Trinka
A u x iliary
Heather Froslid
Jacqueline Merker
Vice President
Karen Hoban
Julie Cole
Recording Secretary
Megan Scheck
Membership Co-Chair
Tami Wanless
Membership Co-Chair
Lesley Arlaskey
Ashley Beil *
Debbie Brambora *
Mary Campagna
Stephanie Clark
Lisa Cleaver *
Mary Ellen Dahlgren
Nicolette Di Giorgio
Lisa Diomede
Doreen Domask *
Hephzibah Children’s Association
Maha Engesser
Megan Feinberg
Missy Gettle *
Cindy Glavin
Annie Henaghan
Tina Hutchinson
Laura King
Gretchen Laska
Penny Latta
Dottie Lipinski *
Kim Lutz *
Kathy Malpede *
Tara Manuel
Sherry Martinez
Laura McLaughlin
Janelle Metz
Angel Oakley-Kawa
Kristin O’Neill
Courtney Osterholm
Terri Persino
Elise Powell
Carla Puccini
Wendy Reitz
Jennifer Schoenherr
Courtney Seipel
Alicia Skodol
Erin Stafford-Nugent
Molly Starmann
Janelle Sullivan
A u x iliary
For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013, and ending June 30, 2014
Lindsay Merlihan*
Tony Millard*
Raluca Motoi
Jenell Rodriguez
Liz Schwartz
Meg Von Glahn
Sarah Withrow
Individual, Corporate and Foundation
Contributions and Grants
Fees and Grants:
State Government Agencies
Local Government Agencies
Other Revenue:
Program Service Fees and Grants
Investment and Other Income
* Sustaining Member
Executi ve
L eadership
Mary Anne Brown
Executive Director
Shaun Lane
Chief Operating Officer
Jan Maxson
Director of Day Care Services
Melissa Gotstein Killoren
Membership Chair
Katie Braun
Cuyler Brown*
Shari Christofferson
Jennifer Dettloff*
Kristina Dolezal
Graham Gibbs
Alyssa Gorsky
Michelle Groth
Karen James
Lisa Johnson
Jerry Johnson
Sulina Larrick
$ 5,450,569
$ 1,321,079
$ 189,773
$ 8,649,946
Molly Philosophos
Director of Development
Mary Tortorici
Director of Finance
Rudi Vanderburg
Director of Operations
James Woywod
Director of Group Homes
Jessica Parks
Vice President
Lindsay Gift
Julie Dvorsky
Director of Family Based Services
Stephen Kohn
Laura Brinkman
Fundraising, Development, Volunteers
$ 6,454,063
$ 1,339,283
$ 437,445
$ 8,230,791
Increase in Net Assets
Net Assets, End of Year
$ 5,078,663
Unaudited totals—includes unrealized loss on investments of $32,042
Number of volunteer hours
contributed by our caring
community of friends and
Writing and P hotography:
jMembers of the Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club contributed $262,000 to support educational enrichment $2,450
D esign :
Anne Boyle
Baird & Warner Good Will Network Fund
Clayton A. Struve Family Foundation
Collaboration for Early Childhood
Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation
Dolan Family Foundation
Ecolab Foundation
First Midwest Bank
GE Capital
George M. Eisenberg Foundation for Charities
Good Heart Work Smart Foundation
Graham R. Putnam Family Foundation
Harry F. Chaddick & Elaine Chaddick Foundation, Inc.
Helen Brach Foundation
Hephzibah Foundation
Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club
Jocarno Fund
Lerner Family Foundation
LJ Foundation
Locasto Family Foundation
Lucy’s Children’s Fund
Mary Lou Downs Foundation
Motorola Foundation
Northern Trust Company
Oak Park River Forest Community Foundation
Rotary Club of Oak Park and River Forest
T. Kendall Hunt Family Foundation
The Grainger Foundation
The John Buck Company Foundation
The Lumpkin Family Foundation
The REAM Foundation
The Sweet Water Foundation
UPS Foundation, Inc.
Village of Oak Park Community Development Block Grant
Ward Foundation
FY14 Fundraising highlights
Susan Reich
Hephzibah helps children
thrive and families flourish
Amount raised during our email fundraising campaign
on Giving Tuesday — a global day of giving back to
kick off the holiday season.
programming for the children in our group and foster homes.
sources of funding
State Government
Service Fees
Hephzibah is accredited by the
National Council on Accreditation
for Children and Family Services,
Inc. in New York.
Contributions and
Investment Income
D istri b ution of re v enues
and Development
D istri b ution of re v enues
allocated to programs
Day Care
(includes Head Start)
jHephzibah Children’s Association employees contributed individual gifts totaling more than $18,000 to demonstrate their strong support for our mission.
jA $10,500 Village of Oak Park Community Development Block Grant provided critically needed funding for our Family Support Program, which helps local families in crisis.
jThe Ecolab Foundation, a new corporate partner in FY14, contributed $10,000 in general operating support for
our group homes.
All Other
Hephzibah is licensed by the
Illinois Department of Children and
Family Services as a Child Welfare
Agency, Group Home, Child Care
Institution and Day Care Center.
Hephzibah receives funding from
Oak Park School District 97, United
Way, the Illinois Department of
Children and Family Services, the
Department of Mental Health, the
Department of Human Services
and our own fundraising activities.
Family Based Services
Foster Care)
through a continuum of
internationally recognized
programs that include short-term
and long-term group homes for
neglected and abused children,
foster care and adoption services,
comprehensive services for
children and families in crisis and
award-winning after-school day
care services on a sliding scale for
families of all income levels.
Group Homes
Helping children thrive
and families f lourish
since 1897
946 North Boulevard
Oak Park IL 60301
708.649.7100 Fax 708.649.7102
1144 Lake Street
Oak Park IL 60301
708.649.7140 Fax 708.649.7194