Fall/Winter 2014 Newsletter


Fall/Winter 2014 Newsletter
Our Schlarman community celebrated Homecoming the week of October 13-18th. The senior class
sponsored several spirit-filled activities for the students throughout the week including class unity and
theme days, class competitions, powder puff football, and dodgeball.
On Friday evening, October 17th, a large crowd of Schlarman students, parents, alumni, and football
fans gathered together on Drummy Field to watch our Hoopeston/Schlarman football team take on area
rival Georgetown. During half-time the 2014 Homecoming Court was honored, the Hoopeston Area
Marching Band performed, and the Schlarman Cheerleaders did a special routine. Seniors Laura Gross
and Travis Maxwell were announced as Homecoming Queen and King.
The week concluded with the Homecoming dance and coronation held on Saturday night.
Dear Friends of Schlarman Academy,
I am not only celebrating year two as principal at Schlarman Academy but also
twenty years as a graduate of Schlarman High School. As many of my classmates
reminisce about the days of high school, I am lucky enough to still “walk the
halls.” Watching the students enjoy their Homecoming activities this year makes
me proud to call myself a Hilltopper. I have spent the last year talking to many
alumni, giving tours, and getting to know the next generation of Hilltoppers.
What an amazing experience!
Homecoming was a very special event this year! Students, families, and alumni were all excited to be
celebrating with a football game. As many know, we formed a co-op with Hoopeston Area schools to
give our boys a chance to play football again. The co-op went better than ever expected. Our students
have formed new and lasting friendships with Hoopeston students. We have shared experiences with
Hoopeston Homecoming activities as well as having their students joining ours. I want to take the
opportunity to thank everyone involved in this venture. It exceeded our expectations!
With a successful Homecoming week, we also take pride in the accomplishments so far this year and the
goals set and reached at Schlarman. Our enrollment is growing, and we continue to strive for academic
excellence with our course offerings. I encourage you to view our strategic plan at www.schlarman.com
under Academics where you can see our enrollment and academic goals, as well as the marketing,
development, financial and facilities goals. Most importantly our profession of Faith continues to lead
the way.
A special thank you to all the alumni, parents, families, and Schlarman friends who have continued to
support us over the last year! Your dedication to Schlarman continues to light our way on the Hill. As
always, we invite you to come visit the halls of Schlarman as well as our fantastic faculty and staff. We
love to show off what we do!
Gail Lewis
Schlarman Academy Principal
Dear Schlarman Academy Family & Friends,
A recent phone conversation with a fellow alumni put in perspective my new journey
at Schlarman Academy. He said, “Going to Schlarman helped me be who I am today
with my family and parish family.” I wholeheartedly agree! This connects with my
gratitude to my parents for being able to be here at Schlarman. I am grateful that my
parents, John and Jo Ann (Josephine Sakotnik – Class of 1952) Thompson were able
to raise me in the Catholic faith, send me to St. Mary’s Grade School and Schlarman
High School, and give me the opportunity to attend Illinois State University (ISU).
THEY…are why I am where I am today…and with God’s grace!
As my conversation continued, I was told, “What I do matters and there is something much bigger for
me.” We do not always look at our lives that way, living only in the present. I think these words are
powerful not only for me but also for our students at Schlarman Academy, especially our seniors. As
the mom of one of those seniors, I know there are numerous decisions to be made regarding life after
Schlarman. Our house has been inundated with college/university mail, emails and phone calls. It can
be overwhelming, especially without a plan, but God has a plan for us all. You must focus and trust
God to steer you where you need to go. Along with your prayers and faith, you will get where you want
to be. God, your parents and Schlarman have prepared you!
We do encounter bumps in the road or detours in life’s journey before we get where we want to be. It’s
normal. It was for me. Before I even started classes at ISU in mid-August of 1987, my grandma passed
away and then my cousin. It was awful for me. When I did get to ISU, the day before my first class, I
decided I could not do it. My parents immediately came over to support me. We discussed it over
dinner. Needless to say, I graduated from ISU in May 1991 with a Bachelor’s of Science in
This accomplishment for me has taken me from Country Companies
Communications Department to Schlarman Academy. I held an elected position and communication/
marketing jobs in between. I feel this is where I need to be with a lot of prayers and faith. This may be
my “something much bigger.”
When I wrote the Annual Appeal/Top of the Hill Challenge letter several weeks back, I wanted to give
the big picture of what Schlarman has to offer our students. I wanted you to be as proud as I am and
embrace it as I have been doing every day. In no way did I think the letter I drafted would impact me in
such a way until the alumni called me that day. He said he “sensed the Holy Spirit was in my
penmanship” and “appreciated the enthusiasm” in my letter. Wow! I was certainly blessed with this
conversation. I was not looking for accolades, but I received much more than you will ever know.
We never know where our strength, courage, inspiration, reassurance and blessings may come from. It
could be your parents, students, friends, co-workers, or alumni. I think mine have come from all these
mentioned. I thank those who have given me encouragement in person, through the mail, or in a phone
call. I am blessed tenfold by your faith in me.
Many blessings to all and may our seniors be guided by the Holy Spirit the rest of the school year!
Christina (Thompson) Dietzen ‘87
Schlarman Academy Development Director
Hello Schlarman Family!
Despite the hectic time that Autumn usually presents to a pastor and school
chaplain, I love this time of year. I love the cool, crisp weather, the gorgeous colors
of the changing leaves, and I love the spiritual significance of the season.
On the first weekend of November, the Church celebrated two of my favorite
feasts - All Saints and All Souls. These two days remind us that the Church is much
bigger and better than what we know and experience here on Earth, and that we are
part of the larger whole. We honor our brothers and sisters who have made it home - all those men,
women and children who now enjoy the fullness of life, happiness, and peace with God in the glory of
heaven, and who constantly pray for us, on All Saints Day. We remember in prayer and love all those
who have gone before us in faith and are being readied and purified by God’s mercy in purgatory, and in
turn are helped by their prayers for us, on All Souls Day. We here on Earth are still striving towards the
goal of eternal life, helped by our brothers and sisters who are now in eternity.
For a long time now, I’ve had a devotion to the Holy Souls in purgatory. When I hear confessions
and then assign a penance, it’s usually prayers for them. Our love for those who have preceded us
doesn’t stop when the person dies; it lives on. Our human love is rooted in the divine love of God for
each of us, and love never loses. Since we love them, we pray for them and assist them in their
purification to enter into the presence of God.
I usually compare purgatory to summer school. No one likes to go to summer school, but sometimes
a person has to attend. If the students fail a class, they have to take it again, and pass it, so that they rise
to the next level of learning. Purgatory is God’s summer school for us. We were created in love by
God, so that we can love God and neighbor as they deserve and be loved by them. But none of us get it
quite right in this life. We all fail in various measures - we call it sin. If we die reconciled to God and
his people, we are forgiven and worthy of eternal life, but we’re still imperfect, since we didn’t love and
live as we should have. However, God doesn’t give up on us. In his mercy, he graciously prepares us,
purifying our love until it is perfect. We call that Purgatory, which is rooted in the ancient Jewish belief
that God does forgive and purify, even after death.
Our prayers for our brothers and sisters who have died help them in learning the lesson of love. In
their gratitude, they pray for us, so that we can learn to love here on Earth. Of course, the best prayer we
have is the offering of the Mass. It is Christ’s prayer shared with us, the members of his Body the
Church. That’s why the Church has always encouraged offering Masses for the departed.
The month of November is traditionally set aside to remind us to pray for the dead, to pray for all
those people whom God placed in our lives to help us be saints, and to pray for those who have died,
whom we didn’t meet or know, but who are still our brothers and sisters. We pray for those who may
have no friends or families to remember them in prayer.
Just as we have Schlarman Academy to help our young people learn what is needed for them to be
competent and successful adults, and especially help them to live and love their faith, we have our
brothers and sisters in God’s school of love and mercy in purgatory. We’d certainly lend a helping hand
to summer school students - helping them to learn and master the lesson. All the more reason to help
our brothers and sisters in Purgatory learn and master the greatest lesson of all - to love God above all
things, and to love their neighbor as themselves.
Never forget the souls in Purgatory! In a special way, please pray for all our departed alumni,
departed faculty and staff of Schlarman during this month of November. Their gratitude for your help
will be their prayers of thanksgiving and intercession to God for your wellbeing.
God bless!
Fr. Patrick O’Neal
Photo by Bob Schifo
On November 6th, fifty-six students and parishoners were confirmed by Bishop Daniel Jenky at Holy Family
Church. All those confirmed were from St. Anthony’s, St. Paul’s, Holy Family, St. Mary’s, and St. Isacc
Jogues Parishes. Congratulations to the following:
Trisdan Allison
Selena Caballero
Cameron Colunga
Froylan Cruz
Mariela Cruz
Daniel De La Hoya
Daisy Garcia
Jonathan Gilbreath
Daniel Matthews
Samuel Matthews
Angel Perez
Kayro Perez
Krystian Perez
Lucia Perez
Thomas Quick
Catarina Rangel
Kevin Sanchez
Armando Segura
Marisol Segura
Abby Spicer
Madaline Winn
Maria Romero
Madison Watson
Rosalinda Gonzalez
Daniel Adam Colunga
Daniel Anthony Colunga
Maya Cornelius
Hannah Gregory
The end of November marks the beginning of the Year
of Consecrated Life. Several Sisters recently visited
with Schlarman Academy students and spoke about
vocations, religious life, and the upcoming Wake Up the
World Conference planned for September 18-19, 2015.
The Wake Up the World Conference is meant to share
the joy of the consecrated life. To go along with the
conference there are plans to have a poster contest for
the middle school students and a video contest for the
high school students.
Visiting sisters were Sister Theresa Samson, FMA
(pictured at right) and Sister Maryann Schaefer, FMA,
both Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco, from the U of I,
Newman Center, Champaign.
Alejandra Limon
Angelina Limon
Lauren Linares
Daniel Luis Lugo
Donald Alwardt (AJ)
Bea Abrajano
Kyle Carlton
Kelli Colleen
Sarah Craig
Mollie DeBord
David Espino
Ana Fitzgerald
Jenna Foster
Carrigan Gard
Quinn Gard
Thomas Hantz
Noah Kimmell
Sarita Kumpuckal
Jasmine Labayog
Justin Maniquis
Roberto Rangel
Christopher Rongey
Blanka Rubio
Sara Southwell
Esperanza Torres
Emma Wilkins
Michael Greene
Alexander Lyon
Members of the 2014 Homecoming court are back row, left to right: sophomores Emily Christian,
daughter of Beth & Butch Christian and Ethen Brown, son of Angie & Jeff Brown; seniors Sass Johnson,
daughter of Ronnie & Lee Ann Johnson and Donovan Rathgeber, son of Allen & Carrie Rathgeber; 2013
Prom King Garrett Fields & Queen Anna Martindill; seniors Mason Gard, son of the late Chad Gard, and
Tom & Kristin DePratt and Bridgit Bateman, daughter of Con & Tina Bateman; juniors Lane DePratt,
son of Tom DePratt & Johanna DePratt and Shelby Mascari, daughter of Donnie & Stacie Mascari;
freshmen Syrus Sears, son of Dan Sears & Jennifer Sanders and Jayden King, daughter of Traci & Buddy
King. Front row: King Travis Maxwell, son of Todd Maxwell & Michelle Hendricks and Queen Laura
Gross, daughter of Brad & Lisa Gross.
Mrs. Oakwood’s American history classes at
Schlarman Academy were given the assignment
to make a drawing of a totem pole, indicating
information about them and their families or to
draw a Viking ship, designing it to reflect their
own personality. Some students went beyond
the original assignment by actually carving their
own totem poles or building a scale model of a
Viking ship.
Standing left to right are the following: Mathias
Miles, Nick Labayog, Rachel Wallis, and Erin
Overley. Kneeling left to right are Savannah
Rangel and Noemi Torres.
Four Schlarman Academy students were recently named winners in the Red Ribbon
Contest, sponsored by the Prairie Center Health Systems. This program promotes and
celebrates the importance of building a drug-free community. Rachel Wallis and Nick
Labayog each won two U of I Men’s basketball tickets as well as bookmarks made from their
poems. Joslyn Dietzen and De’Ja Echols each received $500 scholarships to the college of
their choice as well as two U of I Men’s Basketball tickets. Congratulations to all the
Pictured left to right are Rachel Wallis, Nick Labayog, presenter Lisa Snider from Prairie Center,
Joslyn Dietzen and De’Ja Echols.
Several Schlarman students recently attended a Leadership Conference held by the diocese in Peoria. The
president and vice president of each class, as well as the president of the student council attended. The
students heard from former NFL quarterback Christopher Grieson on attitude and personal stories from the
NFL. The students also participated in team games. After the lunch, students walked to the Cathedral and
celebrated mass with the Bishop. Those attending were Freshmen - Jake Shemershein and Reagan Gifford;
Sophomores - Nick Labayog and Taylor Dowers; Juniors - Catherine Lescak and Jessica Berenz; Seniors Anna Martindill, Garrett Fields, and Student Council Rep - Nicholas Rademacher
students, faculty & staff
raised $1,558.00 during
the month of October for
Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Dr. Jomel Labayog accepted the
Foundation at Schlarman Academy’s
North Campus from the Lady
Topper Volleyball Team.
This summer Schlarman Academy held a National Cheerleaders
Association (NCA) cheer camp. The team was nominated to participate in
the Annual Disney Christmas Extravaganza Parade in December. Two
Schlarman cheerleaders are participating. Pictured at left are Jillian
Allsopp, daughter of Tom & Jennifer Allsopp and Anna Martindill
daughter of Gregory & Jennifer Martindill.
Stephen P. Bratkowski Foundation
Cedarwood Winery
Dawson Logistics
FLP Wealth Advisors of Raymond James
Kuchefski Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Mason, Jr.
Presence United Samaritans Medical Center
Sand Rats, Inc.
Shore Wealth Management
SHS Class of '49 - Mary Jane O'Rourke Brady
First Savings Bank of Danville
Lynn Foster - Your County Clerk
Frank's House of Color
Dr. Curt Girouard (’90) & Laura Girouard
In Memory of Ray & Esther Girouard
Dr. Ron & Mrs. Carolle Girouard
State Representative Chad Hays
Compliments of Bob & Barb Hoecker
Illini Family Fun Center
Iroquois Federal, Iroquois Financial,
Iroquois Insurance
Paul & Debra Janosik
JCH Inc.
Most Rev. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Karinattu
Bev & Bill Kesler - In Memory of Jack Shea
In Memory of Jack Klage-The Klage Family
Knights of Columbus
Jerry & Carol Kuemmerle In Memory of Herman &
Evelyn Kuemmerle
Compliments of Bob & Suzanne Lang ('62)
Roland Lim Photography
Lincoln Lanes
Linne & O'Brien Appraisal Group, LLC
McLaughlin Asset Management, Inc.
Mervis Industries
Tuck Meyer - Class of '62
Terrence R. Miles, Attorney
Myers Carpet Weavers
The Myers Group at Morgan Stanley Wealth
Mel & Judy Myers
Fr. Dennis O'Riley
Jan & John O'RourkeIn Honor of SHS class of 1950
Thomas M. O'Shaughnessy for Judge
Pabst Disposal
Pape Family Funeral Home
Mark and Sue Pellegrini
American Pavilion
Bill & Ann Anaya - Class of 1970
Jim & Linda Anderson
Fritz & Ann Bateman
Beltone Hearing Aid Service
Tim and Joy Bott
Tom Bott & Ron Stitt Families
Bowers Tree Service
In Memory of Dave Brady and Pete & Ann
Stephen P. Bratkowski Foundation
Ray & Linda Broderick
Brook Street Material Supply, Inc.
Bryant Industries, Inc.
BSN Sports
Cahill's Family Restaurant
Chem-Cast, Ltd
Collins & Company
Colonial Manor
Compliments of Dr. Phil Conn
Country Carpentry
John & Michele Craig In Honor of SHS Class of 1992
Dairy Queen
Timothy Dann's Salon - Dann Roth, Heather
Eltzeroth, Grace Judd, and Mary Randall
Danville Auto Parts
Danville Days Hotel & Conference Center
Danville Paper & Supply, Inc.
Danville Polyclinic - Naveed Sadiq MD
Danville Symphony Orchestra
Dawson Logistics
Depke Welding Supplies
Christina & Robb Dietzen SHS Classes of '87 & '88
Dillman Eye Care Associates
Emulsicoat, Inc.
Bob & Sue Ewbank
Faulstich Printing Company
Pets Plus & Caring Hearts Animal Hospital
Dave Price Painting
Riverview Pediatrics
John A. and Kay Ronchetto
Dave & Dee Ann Ryan
Al and Claudine Scheeter
Shick School & Office Supply Co.
St. Anthony's Parish, Hoopeston, IL
Sue Stine - County Treasurer
Toni Stone - State Farm Insurance
Sunset Funeral Homes
Clint & Cheryl Towne
Toyota of Danville
Aaron, Terra, Reagan, and Grace Troglia
Tuggle, Schiro & Lichtenberger Attorneys at Law
Bill and Mary Underwood
Elect Karen Wall for Circuit Judge
Judge Karen Wall
In Loving Memory of Linda Ward
Frank R. Young, Attorney
The following donations were made to Schlarman Academy from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. Donations
made to the Schlarman Foundation can be found on page 15. Please note that those individuals marked (†)
have since passed away. We are very grateful for all the alumni and friends of Schlarman who support our
mission. We do apologize for any errors. Thank you again!
Mr. Eric Echols and Ms. Glenda Roulaine
Ms. Carol Ann Eck '60
Ms. Eileen Eichelkraut '98
Ms. Patricia Ely '55
Aqua Illinois Water Company
Mr. and Mrs. Shad Etchason (Laura '89)
Mrs. Gerry Fahey
Judges Thomas & Nancy Fahey
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Falconio
Mrs. Mary Alice Falconio
Mr. Tim Falconio
Mrs. Margaret Falconio '79 West and
Mr. Thomas West
Mr. Ernest Joe Fecker '59
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fecker '56
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Fiely (Nancy '64)
Sheila Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Garinger
Mr. Gill (†) and The Honorable Rita Garman
Mr. Nore Ghibaudy '74
Mr. Robert Gleber '69
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Glogowski
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney J. Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gondry (Wanda '54)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Goodwin
Ms. Mary Ann Graham
Mr. Thomas Grites '62
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Gross
Margaret M. Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hahne '80
Mr. and Ms. Gary Hangebrauck (Jackie '72)
Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen
Mrs. Evelyn Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. James Hardgrove '63
Mr. Charles Harris '51
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Heffernan '80
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Henk
Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Hensold
Ms. Lisa Hilleary '79
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hirt '73
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoecker
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Huffman
Mr. Kenneth Hunter and Mrs. Mona Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jacobs '53
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jenkins '54
Friend $1-$249
Dr. and Dr. Kamal Abusief
Mr. Charles '74 and Mrs. Mary Kay '54 Ahrens
Mr. and Mrs. Abu Alam (Catherine '70)
Sr. Rosemarie Anglum '49
Mr. and Mrs. David Bateman
Mr. Earle Baucum '67
Mr. and Mrs. John Becker (Teri '86)
Mr. Daniel '66 and Mrs. Linda '66 Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bott '67
Robert Boyer
Mr. David Brady
Mr. and Mrs. John Brady
Mrs. Mary Jane Brady '49
Mr. Dale Brown
Mr. James Brown and Mrs. Susan Brown
Mr. Mike Bryant
Mr. Tim Bunton and Mrs. Mary Ellen Bunton
Landmark Credit Union
Sara Carley '02
Ms. Carol Ann Carter '70
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Catney '67
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Chouinard (Sharon '61)
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Christian '70
Mr. and Mrs. Chris T. Ciecka '80
Ms. Annabelle Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Clark (Kelsy '98)
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Colbert (Carole '60)
Mr. and Mrs. John Colleen
Honorable Glenn Collier '68
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Connor '55
Ms. Heidi Crane '98
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. David Darr
Rev. Francis Dauss
Douglas Davis '99
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Davis '62
Mr. William Day and Mrs. Patricia Day
Mrs. Judith DeMuth
Dr. and Mrs. Howard T. Devine '63
Mr. Ray Dillon
Mr. Dennis Doran
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Drake (Susan '76)
Mr. Bill Dugas and Mrs. Joyce Dugas
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kalitzky (Mary Alice † '62)
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kaminski '73
Dr. Joseph '62 and Mrs. Paula '64 Karcavich
Mr. Robert Kariba '73
Mr. Jeffrey Karinattu '87 and
Mrs. Betcy Vincent-Karinattu
Ms. Ruth Karuzis
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kasallis
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Kennedy
Ms. Leigh Ann Kenow '00
Mr. Bob Kesler
Ms. Connie Kimmell
Mr. Harold Klaman
Mr. Michael Kramer '76
Ms. Eden Kratchman
Mrs. Frances Krevalis
Mrs. Jewell LaCombe '51
Mr. and Mrs. William Lanter '72
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Layden
Mr. Larry Leahy '69
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Leichner (Jeannine '53)
Mrs. Doris Lemaire
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lewis (Gail '94)
Mr. and Mrs Larry Lindahl (Diana '65)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Linn '75
Mary Ellen Lovejoy '07
Mr. Robert Lovell and Mrs. Teresa Lovell
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Luttrell (Sue '72)
Mrs. Ellen Macieiski
Dr. Holly Maes
Mr. and Mrs. John Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mascari
Dr. and Mrs. John Mason
Col. (RET) Thomas McGurk and
Mrs. Donna McGur
Mr. Daniel McIntyre '68
Mr. Kevin McKenzie and Mrs. Julie McKenzie
Mr. John '62 and Mrs. Toni '63 Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller
Ms. Stacey Miller '87
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Minnette
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Muehl (Susan '82)
Ms. Jody Mueller '72
Ms. Ann Muench
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muirhead
Mr. Royce Mulholland
Ms. Raeanna Nicoson
Mrs. Sharon L. Oakwood
Ms. Kathleen O'Brien '70
Mr. and Mrs. Lou O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien (Teresa '82)
Mrs. Reva Omahen
Ms. Meg O'Rourke '89 and Mr. Jeffrey D. Head
Mrs. Ellen O'Rourke-McCormack '83 and
Peter McCormack
Mrs. Beth O'Rourke-Reiman '82 and
Mr. Kevin Reiman
Mr. Wesley '02 and Mrs. Katie '02 Pabst
Dr. Judith Pachciarz '60
Dr. and Mrs. Lyn Page '61
Mr. Brad Pantaleo '72
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Paskey '72
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petersak
Ms. Konstance Peterwas '76
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Polancyak (Dolores '50)
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Reese (Jill '03)
Mrs. Tamara Reichert '80
Mr. Gary Resh '67
Ms. Barb Rew
David and Monica Ribbe
Ms. Julia Ringus '55
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robeck (Mary '55)
Joe and Dee Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rocco
Mr. Owen Rouse
Mr. and Mrs. John Sabalaskey
Mrs. Mary Sadler '65
Mr. William Sakotnik
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schingel '64
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmitt
Amy A. Sermersheim '06
Mrs. Carol Sermersheim
Mr. Steve '86 and Mrs. Laurie '84 Sermersheim
Ms. Teresa Sermersheim
Virginia Shen '60
Mr. Dan Silver
Mr. and Mrs. John Sleva
Mr. and Mrs. Dannie Smith (Joan '73)
Mr. John Smith '52
Mr. Richard J. Smith '53
Mr. Timothy Smith '67
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Souza
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Spezia
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Terry (Rebecca '96)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tilton '61
Mrs. Sol Tindera
Mr. Aaron '01 and Mrs. Terra '02 Troglia
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Turner
Mr. and Mrs. John Tyner (Mary '77)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Burk
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wall
Mrs. Linda Werts
Mrs. Richard Wesner
Mr. Herb Wiese '59
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Williamson (Faye '55)
Mrs. Michele Winn '84
Ms. Abigail Wojtowicz '00
Mr. Jason Woodworth '95
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wright
Mrs. Frances Ann Yarusinsky Dobbles
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Yates
Ms. Lou Ann Young
Dr. and Mrs. George Zundo '71
Mr. Robert McGraugh '65
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Medlin
Mr. Curt Mettam '52
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Neville (Judy '81)
Mr. and Mrs. Mike O'Kane (Nancy '68)
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker (Dianne '68)
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Pellegrini
Mr. Dan Pentony
Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Porritt
Ms. Kathleen Puhr '72 and Mr. Louis Axeman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Puhr '73
Mr. and Mrs. Rick R. Rotramel
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ruschau '81
Mr. James Shields '74
Mr. and Mrs. John Shields '67
Mr. Tom Shields 70
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Taylor (Tracy '87)
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thornton '73
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Truax
The Fabric of America Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Westphal (Patricia '58)
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Chris White '78
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wurtsbaugh
Sponsor $250-$499
Mr. and Mrs. John Ady (Sharon '58)
Mrs. Nadean Amos
Mr. and Mrs. James Boinest (Audrey '52)
Ms. Claire E. Bolton '64
Mr. Benjamin '01 and Mrs. Beth '02 Cahill
Mrs. Georgia Carey '58
Mrs. Wilma Cole '54
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cooke '90
Dr. and Mrs. Brad Cooper
Mr. William Donahue
Mr. Christopher Doran '94
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Edwards
Mrs. Mary L. Engle
Ms. Mary Pat Farrell ' 75 and
Mr. Michel Thouati
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hanrahan
Mr. George William Hardgrove, II '67
Mr. and Mrs. William Hardgrove '54
Ms. Lois Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Henry '74
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hurley '84
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jordan (Marjorie '68)
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly '62
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kesler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kiddoo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Klein
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Krevalis '69
Mrs. Jane Lesko '51
Mr. Robert L. Linn
Mrs. Margaret Lowery
Mr. and Mrs. John Lukas
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lynch '80
Mr. Michael Maxwell
Patron $500-$749
Drs. S.R. Amin
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin C. Beaulier
Mr. and Mrs. John Bodensteiner
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buyno
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chamberlain
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chantos '71
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cooper
Mr. John '92 and Mrs. Michele '92 Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Danner
Mrs. Jeane Deltuva
Mr. Robert '88 and Mrs. Christina '87 Dietzen
Elizabeth Early
Ms. Erin Eberhardt Spence
Mr. Tim Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gifford
Mrs. Sandra Golseth
Ms. Cheri Hembrey
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoess
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ingrum (Lynn '80)
Mr. and Dr. Darrel Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Kasper
Dr. and Mrs. James Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Kelly '62
Mr. Rob '93 and Mrs. Megan '93 Kelsey
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kuemmerle '58
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lesak
Ms. Linda Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mulvaney
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Myers '00
Fr. Greg Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Mr. Jeffrey '76 and Mrs. Debbie '76 O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O'Neill
Fr. Dennis O'Riley '49
Mr. Mark Ottarski '70
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Pascual
Harold Pelszynski '54
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pickard
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pitlik '50
Mr. Ray Randall '51
Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Reitemeier
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Rolnicki '76
Mr. Leonard Rybarczyk
Rev. Tim Sauppe
Dr. and Mrs. Romeo Sembrano
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shedlock '68
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Smith
Ms. Carolyn Spisok
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson (Joann '52)
Ms. Celeste Widolff & Mr. Thomas Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Max Woo (Linda '63)
Benefactor $1,000-$1,499
Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes (Annette ;63)
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baszis
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Beeson
Mr. & Mrs. W. Michael Burress
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Craig
Faulstich Printing Company
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Federman
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Gross
Mr. John Hammer
Dr. Richard '52 and Mrs. Veronica '51 Hendricks
Rev. Msgr. Doug Hennessy
Mr. Earl Hittinger
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Janosik '64
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Kinate
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kittell (Suzette '90)
Mrs. Eileen Layden
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meyer '62
Iroquois Federal Savings & Loan
Danville Metal Stamping Co., Inc.
Mr. Ronald Reimann '57
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruskin
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Shepherd
First Savings Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Smith '70
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Trimble '51
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vassen
Mr. and Mrs. John Vogt
Mr. Mahlon White
Mrs. Marlys Ann Wlodarski
David and Sandi Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Yusko (Martha '78)
Guardian $750-$999
Dr. Christina Biava '71
Mr. Luke '02 and Mrs. Mary '01 Cahill
Mrs. Barbara Dudich '59
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fink
Mr. John Isringhausen & Ms. Maureen Donofrio
Ms. Barbara Kotcher
Mr. Nicholas Lipousky
Mrs. Nadine Maxey
Mr. Gregory '60 and Mrs. Mary '60 Morgan
Mr. Tom '73 and Mrs. Kathy '74 Morrissey
Ms. Mary Ann Pettigrew '49
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schingel
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Tissier
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Underwood (Mary '68)
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wagner '74
Mansion Club $1500-$1999
Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Gotardo
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Picillo
Blue & Gold $2000-$2499
Mr. Patrick '95 and Mrs. Sarah '95 Bogen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Christman
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Karinattu
Dr. and Mrs. John Legett
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Martindill
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Timko '67
Ms. Vicki Anne Vogel '61
Ms. Margaret Wodetzki '49
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wodetzki
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Friend $1-$249
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chamberlain
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Karinattu
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kittell (Suzette '90)
Ms. Kerry O'Rourke '80
Ms. Amy O'Rourke '85 and Mr. Steve Marsey
Mrs. Ellen O'Rourke-McCormack '83 and
Mr. Peter McCormack
Mr. Mike O'Brien '74 and Ms. Anne Sacheli
Spirit $2500-$2999
The Sursum Corda Foudation
Mrs. Cathy Bott '52
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Girouard '62
Mrs. Charlotte Luebbers
Mr. Steve Miller
Mr. Edward Smith '51
Hilltopper $3000-$4999
Mrs. Mary Michael Bateman '55
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Faulstich '59
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Rancuret
Patron $500-$749
Mr. and Mrs. John Ady (Sharon '58)
Benefactor $1,000-$2,499
Mr. Scott Summerville
Leadership $5000-$7499
Dr. David '50 and Mrs. Agnes '50 Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hauser (Linda '67)
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Myers
Judge and Mrs. John O'Rourke '50
Ms. Sara Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Tulli (Karen '76)
Mr. John Wymer '79
Founder $10,000-$24,999
Mrs. Inez Giardino Estate
Rev. John P. Farrell $25,000-$49,000
Mr. Fred Faulstich '56
Cornerstone $7,500-$9,900
Ms. Sue Beck '70
Founder $10,000-$24,999
Mrs. Sarah Sebat
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gondron (Nancy '72)
Chem-Cast, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mervis
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hamer
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Scheeter
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Mezosi
John P. Cadle Foundation
Ms. Jennifer Causey
Mr. Fred Faulstich '56
Rev. John P. Farrell $25,000-$49,000
Schlarman High School Foundation, Inc.
Rev. Frank J. Faulstich $50,000-$99,999
Vermilion Healthcare Foundations
In honor of the dedication and commitment of Msgr. C. B. Motsett, Schlarman Academy is pleased to
have established the Motsett Society. The Society’s purpose is to provide annual unrestricted funds for
use by Schlarman Academy to help fulfill our mission of providing a student-focused educational
environment based on the Gospel values. For further information on membership in the Motsett Society,
please call Christina Dietzen, Development Director at (217) 442-1184 or 1-(800) 747-0880.
Mrs. Mary Michael Bateman
Mr. Tom (†) and Mrs. Cathy Bott
Mrs. Mary Jane Brady
Chem-Cast, Ltd.
Kenneth & Mary Lou Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Faulstich
Mr. Fred Faulstich
Faulstich Printing Company
Mrs. Ruth Faulstich (†)
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Girouard
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hamer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hauser
Richard and Veronica Hendricks
Rev. Msgr. Doug Hennessy
James and Annette Barnes (Hmura)In Memory of Michael J. Hmura Family
Iroquois Federal Savings & Loan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Janosik
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Karinattu
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Mervis - Mervis Industries
Mr. John P. (†) and Mrs. Mertyce Meyer, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Mezosi
Rev. Msgr. C.B. Motsett (†)
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Myers
Judge and Mrs. John O'Rourke
Mr. Judd Peck - Danville Metal Stamping
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Picillo
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scheeter
Mrs. Sarah Sebat
Mr. Edward Smith
Ms. Margaret Wodetzki
David and Sandi Wood
Mr. John Wymer
Schlarman Academy and the Schlarman Foundation are grateful for the many memorial and honor gifts
they have received. The following gifts were made from May 29, 2014, through October 31, 2014. All
contributions are truly appreciated by the students, faculty, and staff, and are very meaningful to the
recipients and families of those that are honored. Please accept our apologies for any errors or omissions.
Dr. Steve ’54 & Mrs. Judy
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shank
Gill Garman
Mrs. Carol Sermersheim
John Kochvar
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson
Barbara Mayoras
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ahrens
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Larry McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Thorlton
Virginia Meuser
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Rourke
John Meyer, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Lyn Page
John Morrissey
Mrs. Cathy Bott
Mr. Peter Gernand
Mr. and Mrs. William Gross
North Vermilion Community
School Corporation
Mrs. Karen Higgins
Mr. Frank Kamerer
Mr. Michael O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sloan
Dr. and Mrs. John Shea
Ms. Lou Ann Young
Billie Jean Wahlfeldt
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fink
July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Income
Tuition & Fees
July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Expenses
Parish Assessments
Academic Expense
Building Expense
Athletic Expense
General Expense
Total Income
Fundraising Expense
Raffle Expense
Capital Expense
Total Expense
Academic Expense
These financial statements are assembled by school management, and have not been compiled (according to compilation standards) by
our independent CPA firm.
Congratulations to the SHS Class of 1950 who won the 2013/14 Top of the Hill Challenge. Their class
contributed a total of $5,250.00.
The 2014-2015 Top of the Hill Challenge is in full swing with the class of 1959 leading the way. We
are challenging you again to support our mission by giving to your class year and winning the Top of
the Hill Challenge for 2015. You, as a graduate, are the most important part of our annual appeal.
Remember your gift to the Top of the Hill Challenge impacts every student here at Schlarman
Academy. Figures below represent donations received between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2014.
Watch for your postcard or check online to see how
your class’s climb is going!
The Class of ’64 held their 50th Reunion on July 26th. The day started with a tour of Schlarman with Principal
Gail Lewis, followed by a dinner and social gathering at the K of C. Mass together was on Sunday, with the
intention for the deceased classmates. The Alma Mater was sung during the Mass much to the delight of the
attending classmates, some of whom sang along. Bio books, the “ ’64 Summit 2014 Edition,” were filled with
stories and thoughts from classmates. As our paths crossed again, they were full of hugs, laughter and a few
tears at seeing some friends for the first time in 50 yrs. The weekend ended with breakfast/brunch together in
downtown Danville.
Those who made more memories together were: Karolyn (Lesko) Alvarez, Edmond Barnard, John Borgers,
Terry Bullock, Ron Cail, Tim Calvin, Tony Carp, Michell (Puirowski) Crain, Norma (Lanter) Davis, Phil Davis,
Nancy (Guggemos) Fiely, Jeanne (Gordon) Flessner, Dennis Gaudio, Rita (Welsch) Gayler, Donna (Graves)
Guggemos, Paul Janosik, Paula (Herman) Karcavich, Ron Kirk, Becky (Harrold) Kuchefski, Carol (Murphy)
LaFoy, Dan Lesko, Lisa (Siefert) Lindsey,Gary Oakes, Maureen O’Connell, Al Rampone, Richard Schingel,
Jennifer (Roth) Skowronski, Marilyn (Armes) Tarvin, Mike Tevebaugh, Mike Wargo. What a special weekend!
Norma (Lanter) Davis, 1964 Class Secretary [email protected]
The Class of 1966 gathers monthly for
lunch. Any 1966 class member who is
interested in joining them, please contact
Judy Puzey at 427-2573.
Pictured at right are a few of the lunch
regulars. Back Row from left: Chris
(Hible) Ramsey, Linda (O’Neil) Woods,
Judy (Roth) Puzey, Kathy (Leemon)
Meyers and Linda (Ridens) Johnson.
Front Row from left: Darlene (Pasierb)
Oakes, Alice (Tatar) Fletcher, Pat
(Spicer) Johnson, and Marilyn (Wise)
We want to know what you’ve been up to! Help keep us updated by filling out this page and returning it
in the envelope in the center of the View. We look forward to hearing from you!
Contact Information
You: SHS Graduation Year_________
Prefix ________ First Name_______________________________ MI_______ Last Name________________________________ Suffix_______
Spouse: SHS Graduation Year_________
Prefix ________ First Name_______________________________ MI_______ Last Name________________________________ Suffix_______
Address_________________________________________________________________ City________________________________ State________ Zip___________
Home phone_______________________________________________ Cell phone_____________________________________________________________________
Email Address________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Educational Information
Colleges/Universities Attended_______________________________________________________________________ Graduation Year_______________
Degrees earned:
Undergraduate_____________________________________________ Post-Graduate________________________________________________
Professional Information
Company/Employer________________________________________________________ Job Title_____________________________________________________
Other Information
Academic/Professional Awards/Accomplishments______________________________________________________________________________________
Family Information_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
U.S. Postage
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VIEW FROM THE HILL is published by the Schlarman Academy Development Office. Please send
corrections and/or address changes to: Schlarman Academy Development Office, 2112 N. Vermilion St.,
Danville, IL 61832. Special thanks to: Mrs. Judy Turner, our copy editor; Mr. Kent Nelson and his
yearbook staff for helping us with pictures; Mrs. Carolle Girouard for golf outing pictures. All articles
are written by staff unless otherwise noted. We also use various Internet sources for information.