ST. MICHAEL’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 20 Page Avenue ~ Cohoes, N.Y. 12047 Rev. Peter Tkocz, Pastor MISSION STATEMENT: To enhance and promote the fulfillment of St. Michael the Archangel, we will: CELEBRATE THE PAST: By examining, studying and capturing the history of the men and women, religious and lay, who established, nurtured and built it and all of its facets; LEARN TODAY: By learning from their faith, vision, passion commitment and actions so that we may better understand our history and their legacy; PREPARE FOR TOMORROW: By renewing the parish and its religious and lay leaders and its lay members; build on the legacy of the past and use our present strengths and abilities to help St. Michael’s be a shining example and light of Christ and our history for all we touch. Handicapped Accessible MASS SCHEDULE: Daily Eucharist: as stated in the bulletin Lord’s Day Eucharist: Saturday Vigil: at 4:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am (English) & 11:00 am (Polish) Eve. of Holy Days - Consult Bulletin Parish Office: 237-5151 Office Hours: Mon. – Thurs. 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Fax: Dial above number to notify E-mail address: [email protected] Web site: Church Hall: 237-7121 Faith Formation: 237-2373 Sandra Cornwell, Parish Nurse: 237-2373 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday Evening 3:15 to 3:45 pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: By arrangement with the Parish Office. Parents should be registered and active members of the Parish. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: The Bride and/or Groom must be a registered parishioner for at least one year before making marriage arrangements. The Bride and Groom should call the Parish Office at least six months before the date of the marriage. Please bring recent copies of your Baptismal certificate. Those under 21 should not set a marriage date until Diocesan permission has been obtained. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: We want to assist those who cannot celebrate Mass with us because of illness, age or handicap. If you or a family member desires to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Eucharist or Anointing of the Sick at home or in the hospital, please call the PARISH OFFICE. In the event of an upcoming surgery, call the Parish Office to arrange a mutually convenient time for Anointing. By LAW, hospitals cannot notify us when parishioners are admitted. If you or a family member is hospitalized, please notify us. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: We ask every member of the parish to be properly registered. All adults should have and use envelopes. New members need to register as soon as possible. All address changes should be given to the Parish Office. April 13, 2014 Weekly Contributions Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Masses April 12th, 2014 - April 20th, 2014 Apr. 12, Sat. PALM SUNDAY VIGIL 4:00 p.m. †Mary Chaszczewski req. by her Husband †Frances A. Naccarato req. by the Busta Family †Cecilia Izzo req. by Annunziata Cappabianca †Bob Callanan req. by Mom & Dad †Arthur & Helene Geboskey req. by Frank & Jane †Edward Potyrala req. by Frank & Irene Sokolowski Apr. 13, Sun. PALM SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Intention of Parishioners req. by Father Peter †James & Andrew Savage req. by their Family 11:00 a.m. †Ted & Jeanne T. Bartnick req. by the Estate of Jeanne T. Bartnick †Deceased Members of St. Michael’s Community Center req. by the Members Apr. 14, Mon. Mass, Stations of the Cross & Reconciliation 9:00 a. m. †Edward Potyrala req. by Ed & Kathy Kosek and Family Apr. 15, Tue. Mass, Stations of the Cross & Reconciliation 9:00 a. m. †Florent Langdoc & †Eva Langdoc req. by the Estate of Eva Langdoc †Zygmunt Palyswiat req. by St. Michael’s Bereavement Ministry Apr. 16, Wed. Mass, Stations of the Cross & Reconciliation 9:00 a.m. †Gloria R. Galeo, her parents Frank & Susan D’Amico, and her brothers Cosimo & Anthony req. by the Estate of †Gloria R. Galeo Apr. 17, Thu. HOLY THURSDAY 5:30p.m. THE LORD’S SUPPER Intention of Parishioners req. by Fr. Peter Apr. 18, Fri. GOOD FRIDAY 3:00p.m. THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS 5:30p.m. THE PASSION AND DEATH OF THE LORD AND HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE Apr. 19, Sat HOLY SATURDAY 8:00 p.m. THE GREAT VIGIL OF EASTER Intention of Parishioners req. by Fr. Peter Apr. 20, Sun. EASTER SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Intention of Parishioners req. by Father Peter †James & Andrew Savage req. by their Family †John Sloboda req. by Helen Sloboda & Family 11:00 a.m. Intention of Parishioners (W intencji Parafian) req. by Fr. Peter †Christopher Panufnik req. by Żona z Rodziną †Boleslaw Mikołajczyk req. by Corka z Rodziną In case of a funeral, the daily Mass intention(s) will be included in the funeral Mass celebration. April 5th & April 6th, 2014 Year 2013 Easter Flowers Candle Offerings Evangelist Easter Ash Wednesday Catholic Relief Services Annual Appeal Saturday, 4:00 PM Mass Sunday, 9:00 AM Mass Sunday, 11:00 AM Mass Mail Mass 8:00pm 9:00am 11:00am $ 3,974.00 $ 4,934.00 $ 628.00 $ 57.00 $ 40.00 $ 25.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 1,218.00 $ 1,039.00 $ 623.00 $ 339.00 Weekend of April 19th & April 20th Extraordinary Lectors Sacristans Ministers J.Gebosky J.Harrington K.Twiss E.Twiss N.Signoracci M.Zandri M.Horner E.Twiss F.Dudwoire R. Zandri B.Brehm P.Ostiguy D.Vojnar D.Vojnar D.Partyka P.Ostiguy M.Marois Dr.A.Bania E.Kosek,Jr. J.Cook M.Sala A.Brewka E.Leoniak T.Pecak W.Lubowski M.Zielinski A complete listing of Lectors & Extraordinary Ministers for Holy Week will be posted on the bulletin board at the side entrance of the Church. BLESSING OF FOOD The blessing of food will be on Holy Saturday, April 19 th, at 12noon in English and at 1pm in Polish. 50/50 RAFFLE WINNER FOR MARCH: Doris Vojnar $100.50. Congratulations! There be no 50/50 raffle in April. PLEASE NOTE: There is no bingo on Tuesday, April 15th. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Rosary & Novena Tuesday, 6:30pm Polish School Wed. & Thu. 6pm, Sat 9am Cohoes Heritage Day May 17 Spring Dance May 31 THANK YOU to all who gave of their time and effort to make the April social hours so pleasant. THANK YOU... TO ALL WHO SHARED THEIR TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE FOR THE GOOD OF OUR PARISH COMMUNITY LAST WEEK. PLEASE NOTE: The parish office will be closed on Holy Thursday, April 17th through Monday, April 21st. BULLETIN: The deadline for information (in writing) to be in the bulletin is Monday before 11am. April 13, 2014 LENTEN RECONCILIATION SERVICES: Palm Sunday weekend, April 12th & 13th, after every Mass. On GOOD FRIDAY our parish will take up the annual collection for the Holy Land. Your financial contribution helps to support the struggling Catholic Community in the Middle East & protect Christianity’s holiest places. Many Christians in the Holy Land depend on this collection for living their faith. Please be generous. EASTER FLOWERS: In memory of †Henrietta & Sam Couchot, †Allen & Rita Couchot, †Nancy Giroux, †Mario & Josephine Zandri, †Alice & Bert Fontaine from Mike & Rosemary Zandri $50. In memory of †Thomas Gorsky, †Stacia Gorsky from Janet Gorsky $40. In memory of †Flora B. Roy, †John & Elizabeth McOmber, †Bud & Jean Frainier from Mr. & Mrs. John Frainier $30. In memory of †Leoda A. Adams, †Delmina Lemieux, †Evelyn Lemieux, †Leona Lemieux, †Ida Des Laulier from Walter L. Adams $25. Norman Gauthier $25. In memory of †Krupski and Fronczek Families from Ann Krupski $25. In memory of †Shirley Marro, †Marro Family, †Warren Smith Family from Frank Marro $25. In memory of †Brennan & Pater Families from Mr. & Mrs. James T. Brennan $20. In memory of †Anna Anania, †Gerald Anania from Anne Bumbulsky $20. In memory of †Antoni Klebieko, †Dawid Korczyński, †Zbigniew Usciński from Mr. & Mrs. Kazimierz Ciesielczyk $20. In memory of †John A. Gebosky, †Frank Geboskey Family, †John A. Jarosz Family, †Soltys Family from Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gebosky, Sr. $20. In memory of †Stefania Wnuk, †Stanisław Wnuk, †Josefa Jez, †Bronisław Jez from Mr. & Mrs. Stanislaw Jez $20. In memory of †Stanisław Puczyłowski, †Wiesław Puczyłowski, †Teodora Puczyłowska from Mr. & Mrs. Marek Kokoszko $20. In memory of †Flanagan, Kennedy, Lipka & Wyzykowski Families from Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lipka $20. In memory of †Charles & Marge Holden, †John & Monika Rogowski from Mr. & Mrs. Adam Rogowski $20. In memory of †Stephen & Mary Mroczko, †John & Josephine Smith from Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Smith $20. In memory of †Herbert Tkocz, †Rev. Dominic Szabajkowicz, †Ryszard Niemczyk, †Jadwiga Dziubaltowski from Rev. Peter Tkocz $20. In memory of †Jan & Waleska Tkocz, †Joachim Franz, †Elzbieta Franz, †Aleksander & Anna Franz from Rev. Peter Tkocz $20. In honor of Roza Tkocz, Anna & Herbert Macha, Wilhelm Franz, Maria Plachetta from Rev. Peter Tkocz $20. In memory of †Mary Chaszczewski, †Chaszczewski Family, †Ciepcielinski Family from Michael H. Chaszczewski $10. In memory of †Joelean & Michael Potyrala from Joelean Dearstyne $10. In memory of †Joseph Garceau, †Frank & Rose Rainville, †Frank Rainville, †Chuck & Bea Aiker from Lorraine Garceau$10. In memory of †Parents from John & Diane Grego $10. In memory of †Deno Valentini, †Anne Valentini from Timothy & Mary Grace Jacon $10. In memory of †Joseph & Edward Kilcullen, †Frank & Elizabeth McCarthy from Patricia Kilcullen $10. In memory of †Helnarski Family, †Kobasa Family from Joyce & Ronald Kobasa $10. In memory of †Florence Giles, †Caroline Couture, †Regina & Antonio LePage, †Evarista Tarlo from Tony & Sandy LePage $10. In memory of †Adele Sadlowski from Diane Lipka $10. In memory of †Pecak Families from Mr. & Mrs. William Pecak $10. In memory of †Charles & Marge Holden, †John & Monika Rogowski from Krysti Rogowski $10. In memory of †Burzynski Family, †Sagan Family from Helen Sagan $10. (continued top of next column) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Skotnicki $10. John & Donna Sunkis $10. In memory of †Ratajczyk Family, †Wiercioch Family, †Podkowa Family, †Ks. Franciszek Nowakowski from Mr. & Mrs. Marian Wiercioch $10. In memory of †Zofia i Władysław Parzych, †Leokadia i Władysław Dylewscy, †Anajat William from Sylwia & Cicil William $10. In memory of †Kocienski Family, †Razzano Family from Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kocienski $7. In memory of †Donna M. Gragnano, †Alice M. Grilli from Mary Ellen Abdelnour $5. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Castle $5. In memory of †Shirley Duquette from Homer E. Duquette $5. In memory of †Krzysztof Figiel from Mr. & Mrs. Darius Figiel $5. Joseph & Kelly Garceau $5. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Iachetta $5. In memory of †Anna Izzo, †Nicola Izzo, †Nicola (Nicky) Izzo from Michael & Denise Izzo $5. In memory of †Jan Jucha, †Anna Jucha from Halina & Franciszek Jucha $5. Mr. & Mrs. Andrzej Jurak $5. In memory of †Josephine Kosek, †Edward J. Kosek, Sr. from Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kosek, Jr. $5. In memory of †Jania Styk, †Lopatniuk Family from Marion Lopatniuk $5. Wladyslaw Lubowski $5. Sophie Maxwell $5. In memory of †Ruth Barns from Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Mentrak $5. Mr. & Mrs. Pawel Nowak $5. In memory of †Christofer Panufnik from Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Panufnik $5. Barbara Smith $5. George & Lisa Soloyna $5. In memory of †Luigi, Rosa, & Giovanni Parillo, †Anna Parillo, †Nicky Izzo from Serafina Carangelo $3. In memory of †Joseph & Yvonne Bechard & Family, †Leo Dalpe from Viola Dalpe $2. In memory of †Emelda Allendorph from Charles Allendorph $1. In memory of †Lucille LaCombe, †George LaCombe, †Eleanor Martinez, †Jim McElroy from Mr. & Mrs. Paul LaCombe $1. In memory of †Jim McDonald, †Irene & Ralph Chamberland, †Leona & Jim McDonald from Sandra McDonald $1. THANK YOU. FAITH FORMATION Grades 1-5: Sessions will NOT meet on April 20th due to Spring Break. Sessions will resume on April 27 th at 9am in the Holy Trinity Parish Center. This will be our last class for the year. YOUTH MINISTRY NOTES "ALL YOU REALLY REALLY NEED TO GET INTO COLLEGE/ JOB" Workshop for Teens & Parents on Monday, April 21st in the Holy Trinity Parish Center. Grades 9 & 10: 7pm to 8pm; Grades 6-8: 8pm to 8:30pm. Our Presenter is parishioner & Associate Director of Admissions at Siena College, Marie Nocella. Preparing for our children's future is an enormous responsibility and can be extremely stressful for years. So much "advice", so much "info". Let us help! 5K CROSS COUNTRY RUN FOR VOCATIONS (walkers welcome too) will take off from CBA on Saturday, May 3 rd, 9:30am Registration, 10am Kickoff. Not a fundraiser but a prayer raiser! Suggested donation is $20 (includes catered lunch) $25 after April 15th & $30 for a family! Noon FUN RUN for kids under 10 years old. Register on line at Prayer Patrons (offering rosaries, communions, silent prayers throughout day, adoration, other prayer forms, etc) are needed. Contact Sandi to put your name on the list! [email protected] or 2372373 . Our Final Youth Ministry Faith Formation Session will be April 28th. All enrolled youth are expected to attend! Thank you!
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20 Page Avenue - St. Michael`s Church
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