Our 9rtother o..f9rtercyCatholic Church
Our 9rtother o..f9rtercyCatholic Church
Our 9rtother o..f9rtercy Catholic Church 3390 Sarafi St. Beaumont, Texas 77705-3098 C1'arisfz'Esta6lisfzec£ 1937 "Our Spirit 1?§joices in golf Our Savior!" Father Lowell D. Case, S.S.J- Pastor Father Robert Zawacki, S.SJ. -Vicar November 24, 2013-Thirty-fourth Eucharistic Worship Celebrations Monday Sunday in Ordinary Time Office: 409-842-5533 Facsimile: 409-842-47 \0 Website: www.omomcc.org 6:30am Tuesday Email: [email protected] 6:00pm Wednesday -Friday 6:30am Office Hours: 8:00am-3:00pm Lunch: 12Noon till 1:OOpm Saturday Evening 4:30pm Sunday Mornings Numbers to Remember 7:00am 9:00am 11:30am Eucharistic Adoration-Convent 1st Friday of the Month Confessions Saturday 3:00--4:30pm Religious Education 409-842-0112 Federal Credit Union 409-842-4343 Social Outreach 409-842-1206 Monday Daniel 1:1-6,8-20, Daniel 3:52-56, Luke 21:1-4 Tuesday Daniel 2:31-45, Daniel 3:57-61, Luke 21:5-11 Wednesday Daniel 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17,23-28, Thursday Daniel 6:12-28, Daniel 3:68-74, Luke 21:20-28 Friday Daniel 7:2-14, Daniel 3:75-81, Luke 21:29-33 Saturday Romans 10:9-18, Psalm 19:8-11, Matthew 4:18-22 Daniel 3:62-67, Luke 21:12-19 Bulletin and Pulpit announcements deadline, Monday at 2:00pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~----~~-~~~~~~~~~-----~------~~~~-: jJlflasses for toe Week of ~ob23rb Saturday 4:30pm- Sunday 7:00am- 9:00am- 11:30am- Monday 6:30am- Tuesday6:00pm- Wednesday 6:30am- Thursday 6:30am- Friday 6:30am- Ben and Lorena Family req. by Mercede and Family In Thanksgiving req. by M/M Joseph Pitre and Family Vida M. Louis req. by Gladys Bernard Catholic Extensions Society For the Parish req. by Fr. Case Joshua Fusilier req. by Pam Norman Catholic Extension Society In Thanksgiving req. by Rita and William Ceclia Chaisson Archie Thibodeaux req. by Mary Lynn Earnestine Boutte req. by J.W. Boutte and Family Catholic Extensions Society Carol G. Pitre req. by Winston Pitre Wilbert J. Andrews Sr. req. by Andrews and Jefferson Family Joshua Fusilier req. by Pam Norman Felix and Alma White req. by Dorothy Daniels Catholic Extensions Society Joshua Fusilier req. by Pam Norman David Guidry req. by Sylvia Shelby Daniel Pollard req. by John Poullard Jr. In Thanksgiving req. by Rita and William Pearline Riggs req. by Ida Beverly Carr and Chaisson Family req. by Children Edgar Jordan req. by M/M Preston Richard Marie Haynes Charlton req. by Alma and Velina Catholic Extensions Society Merla C. Simon req. by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown ",·:Flower.Juod ..Commillee NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 23rd Kerany Robinson 29th Aubrey D. Foster 30th Joyce Lombard 29to -~ob If you wish to purchase a floral arrangement for any occasion (anniversary, birthday, remembrance or just because), please don't hesitate to do so. Flower Fund Order Forms are in the entrance of the Church. You may contact Cheryl James at 409-9200006 (call/text) or email: [email protected] to place your order. Once again we THANK YOU for your continued support. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES 24th Sun. *Closing the Year of Faith 25th Mon. *Last week of Ordinary Time begins *Optional Memorial of St. Catherine of Alexandria 28th Thu. *Hanukkah begins Thanksgiving Day 30th Sat. *Feast of St. Andrew ~ Thanksgiving Day Mass Thursday November 28,2013 10:00AM IF YOU KNOW OF ANYONE who is sick and unable to attend Mass, please have them or their family member call the rectory so their name can be placed on the Sick & Shut-in list. 3R.egtlfn ~eace Please pray for the soul of Frances Gallow whose Mass of Resurrection and Burial was Monday and for the soul of Raymond Lewis whose Mass of Resurrection and Burial was Tuesday. Please remember them and their family in your prayers and Masses. ~ g~ fRe6t Jn. 9'eace Typhoon Haiyan Collection In the Philippines, the area of greatest devastation, about 9.5 million people have been directly affected and there are estimated to be over 10,000 deaths. This s that same area struck by a 7.2 Scale earthquake 1st October. The greatest need is for water, food and shelter. The main focus will be relief to the Philippines, with assistance also offered to Vietnam. Our diocese has large Asian communities and some of their families have been affected by the Typhoon. The monies collected by the Church in the United States will be forwarded to Catholic Relief Services. For C.R.S., I have traveled to areas of natural disasters and have seen, first hand, the efficient and practical response of C.R.S. to the immediate needs of victims and refugees. The weekend before the Special Collection for the victims of the Typhoon, there will be the annual Special Collection for the Campaign for Human Development. Both Special Collections focus our awareness on the mystery of the Body of Christ and the call of the gospel for us to walk the extra mile for one another. The Funeral Mass for Tobe Duhon will be Tuesday November 26th at 11 am. Visitation is from 9 am to 10:30 am, followed by the rosary which is from 10:30 am to 11am. Four Things You Can't Recover: The Stone after the Throw TheWord after it's said The Ocassion after its Missed The Time after it's Gone Word of Life "No accidents, These lives of ours, created by a loving God with magnificent precision. The care and intricacy with which each human life is created- or as Isaiah and the psalmist tell it, knitted together in our mothers' wombs- are God's loving work. These basic spiritual truths- theses basic human truths- bring the tragedy of abortion into sharp relief. To snuff out any life desired, created, loved and given a purpose by God is an unspeakable tragedy." +Archbishop J. Peter Sartain. Archbishop of Seattle. .,We are to be people for life. ,., The Catholic Northwest Progress, January 24, 2013 The Knights of St. Peter Claver Council & Court 64 are selling tickets today for their afterThanksgiving Zydeco with Brian Jack and The Zydeco Gamblers he Block Rosary meets every ednesday at 4:00pm, during the fall and inter seasons. If you would like to join n and/or sponsor a rosary at your home lease call 678-1859. on November 29th at OMOM Church Hall from 9pm until 1am. Tickets are $12/ea presale and can be purchased at the table in front ofthe church. f{oliday Gala! The YWCA of Beaumont invites you to its 2013 Holiday Gala, honoring "Angels of Endurance", on Saturday, November 30, 2013 at 6:00pm at the MCM Elegante Hotel. Proceeds benefit the YWCA's programs to eliminate racism and empower women. Guest Speaker is Patricia Russell-McCloud. The evening also includes a reception and silent auction. Tickets are $75 and may be obtained by calling Coquese Williams @ 409-679-2954 or the YWCA Office @ 409-899- 1011. Bishop's FaithAppe~ Our Mother of Mercy 2013 BFA Our Mother of Mercy 2013 goal is $94,082. According to the November 18,2013 BFA report, 247 parishioners have pledged 75,705.25. The total payments received is $ 47, 875.25. We have until Dec. 31, 2013 to make full payment to be counted for the 20 J 3 campaign. Please take time and make a pledge/payment this week. Prayerfully, Father Lowell Case, Pastor, Greg Pumphrey, Stewardship Committee. Blanket and Throw Drive This year the KPC Jr. Daughters of St. Catherine :b Court #64 are having a Blanket and Throw Drive. The Jr. Daughters will be collecting the blankets and throws on the weekend of November 16th and 17th and again on the weekend of November 23rd and 24th after all Masses. Let's make this drive a big success before the Thanksgiving Holiday. Thanks for all you support. November 24, 2013 - Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 2 Sm 5: 1-3; Ps 122: 1-5; Col 1: 12-20; Lk 23: 35-43 Traditionally, the Solemnity which we celebrate this weekend was called Christ the King, but it is officially the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. It was originally established by Pope Pius XI in 1925, and he placed it on the last Sunday in October, just prior to the Feast of All Saints. In 1969 Pope Paul VI moved the Feast to the last Sunday in Ordinary Time and retitled it from Our Lord Jesus Christ the King to Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. The reasoning was that recognizing Christ as the King is most appropriate as we begin Advent the following weekend. It is natural, therefore, that all the readings for this week highlight kingship with Jesus as the central and uniting element. The first reading from 2 Samuel (recall that 1st and 2nd Samuel joins with 1st and 2nd Kings as a theological history of the Israelites) deals with the kingship of David. His anointing as King united the people of Israel under one ruler. It also contributed to the progression of the Jewish people as reflected in Jerusalem. Jerusalem had been called Jebus until this time, and then became Jerusalem, then the City of David; the Ark of the Covenant was brought to the city, and Solomon built the Temple to house it. - See more at: http://www.thecatholicsteward.com/ #sthash.ntDF2g0f.dpuf S'texoa.rdeh.i.p of Treasure Last Weekend's Mass attendance 641 Offering $ 12,930.57 Other $ 1~452.20 God bless your generosity! Alter Servers: Mr. Tommy Briggs Sacrament of Baptism: Mrs. Mary Sam Baptisms: 2nd Sunday of the Month. Baptism Class Wed. before the 2nd Sunday-7pm Bereavement/Funerals: Mrs. Gloria Cobb, Mr. Tommy Briggs Grief Share Support: Dr. Jonathan Castille Bible Study: Mrs. Beverly Williams, Wednesday at12 oon Mr. Samuel Peterson, Tuesday at 7:15pm Adult Choir: Ms. Claudette Session: Dr. Velina Johnson Children's Choir: Mrs. Maureen Cummings Gospel Choir: Mr. Carl Stewart Youth Minist'1'/CYM: Ms. Joyce Lombard (409)842-0103 DCCW: Mrs. Geraldine Beckett Parish Catechetical LeaderlDRE Mrs. Margaret Denson- 409-842-0112 Extraordinary Ministers ofthe Eucharist Mrs. Jeanette Rideau Sick and Shut-In Ministers: Ms. Renee Granger Finance Council Chairperson: Mr. Preston Sennet Question of the Week In what practical and public way can I manifest this week my allegiance Christ the King and my commitment to making his kingdom come? Who will work for Jesus, the King of Peace, Hope and Honor, the King of Love, Truth and Justice? Who is dedicated and enthusiastic enough to proclaim his Good News? It must be YOU! to Reflection on the Word: "Amen, I say to you; today you will be with me in Paradise." Are those not the words we all aspire to hear? Jesus reminds us throughout Holy Scripture that we must keep our stewardship focus on two points: Jesus Himself, lead to Eternity. LET YOUR WE REnICf YOUR PRAYERS Jr. Knights: Mr. Edward Clark Jr. Daughters: Mrs. Ruthie Evans Knights of Peter Claver Council #64: Grand Knight Mr. Daniel Prudhomme KPC Ladies Auxiliary Court # 64 Grand Lady Ms Joyce Lombard Lady's Sodality: Mrs. Barbara Fontenot Adult Lectors: Ms. Tanya Tanner Youth Lectors: Mrs. Delores Fulton Marriage Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. AI Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hebert Men of Mercy: Mr. Edward Clark, Parish Advisory Council Chairperson: Mr. Al Vincent Bernard Rosa Mystica Prayer Group, meet every Wednesday at 5pm. Contact # 6781859 RCIA: Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults Mr. Samuel Peterson, RCIC: Adapted for Children and Youth Ms. Claudette Session Social Outreach: Mrs. Evelyn Bernard Senior Citizen Group: Mrs. Bobbie J. Charles Stewardship: Greg Pumphrey Usher and Greeters: Ms. Alice Nettles Video Ministry: Jonathan Castille Women of G race: Mrs. Shirley Jones Youth Ushers: Ms. Viola Thibodeaux existences and the fact that our lives It is these thrusts that should allow us to live of stewardship. This Sunday Christ the King. Yes, we recognize is traditionally called Jesus' Kingship over all the earth and all its peoples, but the Gospel points to the part of His dominion that cannot be matched by anyone else: He rules over death as well as over life. St. Catherine the way to heaven way'." - See is heaven, more #sthash.ntDF2g0f.dpuf at: because of Siena once said, "All Jesus said, 'I am the http://www.thecatholicsteward.com/ OUR MOTHER OF MERCY CATHOLIC CHURCH BALANCE SHEETAND INCOME AND EXPENSESTATEMENT FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER30, 2013 Operating Designated Total Assets Cash Balance of all accounts 58,086.87 3,042.18 61,129.05 Net Cash Balances available 58,086.87 3,042.18 61,129.05 liabilities Special Collections/Mass 4,614.07 4,614.07 450,363.21 450,363.21 Stipends Note Payable - Gym Note Payable - School Closure Total Liabilities Net Equity 34,866.19 34,866.19 489,843.47 489,843.47 (431,756.60) 3,042.18 (428,714.42) Income General Contributions 197,018.83 Ladies Club Contributions Fundraising 3,64'1.00 197,018.83 168.41 168.41 40.88 3,681.88 Building Fund Plant Maintenance Religious Education Fees 6,101.95 6,101.95 35.00 35.00 Music/Choir Parish Social Ministry 5,864.88 5,864.88 Cemetery 1,500.00 1,500.00 Mise Income 8,507.45 8,507.45 Total Income 216,804.23 6,074.17 222,878.40 11,692.20 1,200.00 12,892.20 Expenses Religious Education/Youth RCiA 679.08 Family life 391.20 Educational Assistance Clergy 679.08 391.20 4,301.50 4,301.50 20,081.19 20,081.19 Worship Aids/Bread/Wine/supplies 4,176.07 Music/Choir 7,343.21 25.00 7,368.21 783.04 4,678.96 5,462.00 Parish Social Ministry 4,176.07 Bereavement Ladies Club Cathedraticum/BFA 41.65 Shortage 31,698.75 41.65 31,698.75 Office Administration 23,373.35 23,373.35 Plant 52,972.97 52,972.97 Insurance 12,726.00 12,726.00 Debt Service Cemetery Reimbursement-Acct. Service 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,658.70 1,658.70 Total Expenses 173,377.26 5,945.61 179,322.87 Net Revenue 43,426.97 128.56 43,555.53 Operating Fund includes normal weekly contributions, fundraising and day to day operational expenses. Designated Fund includes donations that have been given to the church for a specific purpose and cannot be used for day to day operations.
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Our :7V1otherqf:7V1ercy CathoCic Church
Mr. Preston Sennet
Women of Grace: Mrs. Shirley Jones
Health Ministry: Mrs. Frances Gallow,
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