Our :7V1otherqf:7V1ercy CathoCic Church
Our :7V1otherqf:7V1ercy CathoCic Church
Our :7V1otherqf:7V1ercy CathoCic Church 3390 Sarafi St. CBeaumont, rreJeas77705-3098 "Our (Parish 'Esta5lishea 1937 Spirit !J<#joicesin qoa Our Savior! " Father Lowell D. Case, S.S.J- Pastor Father Robert Zawacki, S.SJ. -Vicar November 10, 2013-Thirty-second Eucharistic Wofsfiip Celebrations Monday Sunday in Ordinary Time Office: 409-842-5533 Facsimile: 409-842-4710 Website: www.omomcc.org 6:30am Tuesday Email: [email protected] 6:00pm Wednesday -Friday 6:30am Office Hours: 8:00am-3:00pm Lunch: 12Noon till 1:OOpm Saturday Evening 4:30pm Sunday Mornings Numbers to Remember 7:00am 9:00am II :30am Eucharistic Adoration-Convent 1st Friday of the Month Confessions Saturday 3:00--4:30pm Religious Education 409-842-0112 Federal Credit Union 409-842-4343 Social Outreach 409-842-1206 Monday Wisdom 1:1-7, Ps 139:1b-3, 4-6, 7-10, Luke 17:1-6 Tuesday Wisdom 2:23- 3:9, Ps 34:2-3,16-19, Luke 17:7-10 Wednesday Wisdom 6:1-11, Ps 82:3-4, 6-7, Luke 17:11-19 Thursday Wisdom 7:22b- 8:1, Ps 119:89-90, 130, 135, 175, Luke 17:20-25 Friday Wisdom 13:1-9, Ps 19:2-3, 4-5ab, Luke 17:26-37 Saturday Wisdom 18:14-16; 19:6-9, Ps 105:2-3,36-37,42-43, Luke 18:1-8 Bulletin and Pulpit announcements deadline, Monday at 2:00pm r """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" : ;fflffasses for the Week of ~ob 9tl) -~ob 15tl) ~"""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""'~ Saturday 4:30pm- Catholic Extension Society Sunday 7:00am- 9:00am- 11:30am- Monday 6:30am- Tuesday6:00pm- Wednesday 6:30am- Thursday 6:30am- Friday 6:30am- J.D. Melonson, Jr. req. by Melonson Family Cornelius and Betty Taylor req. by Margie and Anthony LeBlanc Mynolia and Wesley Wiltz req. by Marshall Wiltz Lloyd M. and Lloyd J. Bryant req. by Ann Bryant Clara Chaisson req. by Children Mary Helen Davis req. by Herman Davis ,Sr. For the Parish Archie Thibodeaux req. By Mary Lynn Mary and Ronald Ambers req. by Lil Sis and Aunt Clara Yay G. Smith II req. by Mary and Yay Smith Merla C. Simon req. by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown Merla Mae C. Simon req. by Maureen Cummings Frugie and Gauthier Families req. by Family Catholic Extensfon Society Nora Bullock req. by Rose Garment Peggy McDaniels req. by Clara Muller and Betty Gray Special Intentions for Ida Beverly and Family David Guidry req. by Marshall and Theresa Anderpoint Grace Poullard Broussard req. by John Poullard Jr. Catholic Extension Society Marie Haynes Charlton ieq. by Alma and Velina George J. Simon req. by Ella Mitchell and Mary Simon Catholic Extension Society Lawrence Daniels req. by Dorothy Daniels Nando J. Hebert req. by Andrews and Jefferson Families Felix Miller req. by Gloria Miller Catholic Extension Society SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 5th Kenneth Bettis, Jr 6th Joy Thompson 9th Betty Burleson 10th Audrey Pitre 11 th Jackie Winn 12th Marie Gregory 13th Dorothy Daniels Rocking 88yrs young If you wish to purchase a floral arrangement for any occasion (anniversary, birthday, remembrance or just because), please don't hesitate to do so. Flower Fund Order Forms are in the entrance of the Church. You may contact Cheryl James at 409-9200006 (call/text) or email: [email protected] to place your order. Once again we THANK YOU for your continued support. 11 th Mon. Memorial of St. Martin of Tours Veteran Day Remembrance Day (Canada) 12th Tue. Memorial of St. Josaphat 13th Wed. Memorial ofSt. Frances Xavier Cabrini 15th Fri. Optional Memorial of St. Albert the Great 16th Sat. Optional Memorial of St. Margaret of Scotland Optional Memorial ofSt. Gertrude Optional Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary : Om thanks to you for all you do Defending our flag the red. white and blue As Americans, we know what freedom means The joy, the peace and the right to dream Freedom we love hut it is not free The sacrjjfce is great and you give willingly Our thoughts and (''£aye.rsare with you tad ay As you fight for freedom so far away May God keep you safe In all thar you do And bring you ba.:k home to those who love you The Rectory and the Social Outreach offices will be closed in honor of Veterans Day. Blanket and Throw Drive This year the KPC Jr. Daughters of St. Catherine ~;r,;:"~_ , Court #64 are having a """"'"--" Blanket and Throw Drive. The Jr. Daughters will be collecting the blankets and throws on the weekend of November 16th and 17th and again on the weekend ofNovember 23rd and 24th after all Masses. Let's make this drive a big success before the Thanksgiving Holiday. Thanks for all you support. ~' YOUTH 26TH ANNIVERSARY MASS NOVEMBER 17,2013 9:00AM MASS Word of Life "I would like to say a special word to women who have had an abortion. .. The wound in your heart may not yet have healed. Certainly what happened was and remains terribly wrong. But do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. Try rather to understand what happened and face it honestly. If you have not already done so, give yourselves over with humility and trust to repentance. The Father of mercies is ready to give you his forgiveness and his peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. " -Pope John Paul II, Evangelism Vitae (the gospel of Life) n. 99, March 25, 1995 Sible Study • 12 noon Soup, Salad and Scripture Bible study will be held in the convent , starting November 6, 2013 Please come and join us. Tuesday night Bible Study All are welcome, 7:15 pm meeting room 1 PARISH ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 20, 2013 AT6PM The Knights of St. Peter Claver Council & Court 64 are selling tickets today for their afterThanksgiving Zydeco with Brian Jack and The Zydeco Gamblers on November 29th at OM OM Church Hall from 9pm until 1am. Tickets are $12/ea presale and can be purchased at the table in front of the church. Bishop's Faith Appeal Our Mother of Mercy 2013 BFA Our Mother of Mercy 2013 goal is $94,082. According to the October 28, 2013 BFA report, 245 parishioners have pledged 74,780.25. The total payments received is $ 47, 875.25. We have until Dec. 31, 2013 to make full payment to be counted for the 2013 campaign. Please take time and make a pledge/payment this week. Prayerfully, Father Lowell Case, Pastor, Greg Pumphrey, Stewardship Committee. Infant Baptismal Requirements Baptism Class: 1st Wednesday7:00pm in Meeting room 1 Baptism: 2nd Sunday of Every Month *One God Parent must Catholic -Please Call Church office for Registration RCIA RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Member of Our Mother of Mercy: contact the office for more information Marriage Requirements *Attend Marriage Preparation session. *Couple must see a priest six months prior to proposed wedding date 2 Mc 7: 1-2,9-14; Ps 17: 1,5-6,8,15; 2 Thes 2: 16 - 3: 5; Lk 20: 27-38 We are all familiar with the Scriptural statement, "Faith, Hope, and Love, but the greatest of these is love." That might be considered to be a stewardship primer for the focus of our lives. The readings for this 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time concentrate on the Hope aspect of that evocation. Again, a historical perspective is helpful to deal with the first reading from 2 Maccabees. It is the second century before Christ and the Greek empire under Alexander the Great has been established. The Greek rulers attempted to suppress the practice of the Jewish religion, and there was a revolt. Maccabees is basically the history of this revolt. This particular reading is the story of the seven brothers who were put to death for refusing to violate Jewish law. The theme is hope in salvation and resurrection. The stress is on the rewards which Heaven will hold and the guarantee of salvation for those of faith: "the King of the world will raise us up to live again forever." The fact that there were seven brothers is significant. The number seven was considered sacred and occurs throughout Holy Scripture from the seven days of creation to Jesus instructing us to forgive "seventy times seven." The number seven appears more than 700 times in the Bible, 54 times in the Book of Revelation alone. A central part of good stewardship is understanding Scripture. . :lIwww.thecatholicsteward.coml #sthash. BDk3Xoa4.d puf St eto ard sh.ip of Treasure Last Weekend's ~assattendance: 619 Offering $ 27,301.57 Other. $ 5,363.96 God bless your generosity! LET YOUR LIfE REnECT YOUR PRAYERS A6 the church-year comee to a cioee, may the Lord Je6u6 etrenqthen your heart for every good work and word. May you live your vocation. Alter Servers: Mr. Tommy Briggs Sacrament of Baptism: Mrs. Mary Sam Baptisms: 2nd Sundayof the Month. Baptism Class Wed. beforethe 2nd Sunday-7pm Bereavement/Funerals: Jr. Knights: Mr. Edward Clark Jr. Daughters: Mrs. Ruthie Evans Knights of Peter Claver Council #64: Mrs. Gloria Cobb, Mr. Tommy Briggs Lady's Sodality: Mrs. Barbara Fontenot Adult Lectors: Ms. Tanya Tanner Youth Lectors: Mrs. Delores Fulton Marriage Sponsors: Grief Share Support: Dr. Jonathan Castille Bible Study: Mrs. Beverly Williams, Wednesdayat12 Noon Mr. Samuel Peterson, Tuesday at 7:15pm Adult Choir: Ms. Claudette Session: Dr. Velina Johnson Children's Choir: Mrs. Maureen Cummings Gospel Choir: Mr. Carl Stewart Youth Ministry/CYM: Ms. Joyce Lombard (409)842·0103 DCCW: Mrs. Geraldine Beckett Parish Catechetical LeaderillRE Mrs. Margaret Denson- 409-842-0112 Grand Knight Mr. Daniel Prudhomme KPC Ladies Auxiliary Court # 64 Grand Lady Ms Joyce Lombard Mr. and Mrs. Al Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hebert Men of Mercy: Mr. Edward Clark, Parish Advisory Council Chairperson: Mr. Al Vincent Bernard Rosa Mystica Prayer Group, meet every Wednesdayat 5pm. Contact# 6781859 RCIA: Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults Mr. Samuel Peterson, RCIC: Adapted for Children and Youth Ms. Claudette Session Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Social Outreach: Mrs. Evelyn Bernard Mrs. Jeanette Rideau Senior Citizen Group: Mrs. Bobbie J. Charles Sick and Shut-In Ministers: Stewardship: Greg Pumphrey Ms. Renee Granger Usher and Greeters: Ms. Alice Nettles Finance Council Chairperson: Video Ministry: Jonathan Castille Mr. Preston Sennet Women of Grace: Mrs. Shirley Jones Health Ministry: Mrs. Frances Gallow, Youth Ushers: Ms. Viola Thibodeaux Question of the Week England's late Cardinal Basil Hume said he like to imagine "judgment" whispering into the ear of an infinitely compassionate God the story of his life as he'd never been able to tell it to anyone else. How do I picture the judgment that will follow my death? Reflection on the Word: .What does it mean to hope in the Lord? The seven brothers and their mother who are featured in the first reading from 2 Maccabees both know and understand what it means. One of the brothers declares that everything he has received came from God, and he hopes to receive God's blessings again. Another brother speaks of the "hope God gives of being raised up by Him." Living lives of stewardship is living lives of hope. In his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul speaks of the "good hope" we have of God's grace. Paul reminds us that the Lord "will strengthen and guard you." The hope we have in the Lord is what gives us the total trust in Him which allows us to live lives of stewardship. - See more at: http:// www.thecatholicsteward.com/#sthash.BDk3Xoa4.dpuf ATTENTION THIS YEAR THE KPC JR. DAUGHTER OF ST. CATHERINE COURT #64 ARE HAVING A BLANKET AND THROW DRIVE THESE ITEMS WILL BE GIVEN TO OMOM SOCIAL OUTREACH. PLEASE SUPPORT US BY DONATING BLANKETS AND THROWS TO HELP OUR LESS FORTUNATE NEIGHBORS DURING THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. WE WILL BE COLLECTING THE BLANKET AND THROW ON THE FOLLOWING DATES AND TIMES AT THE CHURCH: NOVEMBER 16TH AFTER 4:30 MASS NOVEMBER 17m ALLL MASSES NOVEMBER 23RD AFTER 4:30 MASS NOVEMBER 24TH ALL MASSES LET'S MAKE TmS BLANKET AND THROW DRIVE A BIG SUCCESS. ITEMS WILL BE GIVEN OUT BEFORE THANKSGIVING. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT.
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