Volume 21 - Mattituck
Volume 21 - Mattituck
"Dames at sea" curcHocuENosrALGrA r,4 ,, . -,. /\. ,oy o).iiii-".'^{?1 1 ,#;$lilxfJ#t,T'lig"l, ,';l-'m .u,, tT.lL*w('4taqi44f-44wl'lzr--ForkcommunityTheatre'..t'rcteG Skunk Lane*"the narne evokes a wooded pastorand can be reserued by calling 298-5809. rl roadw..cv-not tle busy sLlmmerhighway teaainglo T h e r ea l s ow i l l b e p e r f o r m a n c e sA u g u s t 1 1 , Nassau Point and stilt ie,ferred to iy r;;;;;'E;i rz, rr, rB and re at B p.m Aveltre. Colorful Cutchogue history involves tliis DirectoroftheplayisJaniceolsenand producer is caroline'Farrell. The company roacl ancl Winilred Bitlaid' has compilecl her own i s g o i n gt o b e o r e of ,rlM:trituck on the North 'il:,n|.::":, " ' r t t t t s u e e11""": kend the Easr a]ro'er rrom [;1,**reenase* ,1,!?:*'!'.iilJrx',t;il;1,,.t.i;|r".i:,r,:1,:::atmu r v d r rd r \ u l u r r u s ' e ,,,t,,1:,,-n.1:t-, trork and long liiiii.+:.'i;l?t'iJ:1,T'5; n o A u c t i o n* i i o n S u n d a yA , u g u s tt z , t h e T h e a n n u a l m e e t i n g o f t h e c u t c h o s u e,.i*, i"l*l l " ' " i 3 " F " i o Librarv. ' Who rcnrenrbers Aunt Susan Horto' of Hurri- MattituckFree Library"AIl il Suffolk Historicalioun"it *a.--"ner ;; i,;;:';;t";"":u)ou,nftll "nrot u caleHa]]'aspiritrra1ist;],;.r;.y':;i.,i;r"*'iir'.yourfanrily''fairwil|takeplacea1Monday'Ju,ly17,inthewickhamfarmAu8ustl2.*h"n'1."'o",s.1113|. fiiJ:,j:: ;:;j:;:ik,r:""li,HTit"f: il::,ff:;jili,,l;tt.;l;j"lt*,rt;Ji1i iff,X:qiT:,I':i,'":H:i,f! Iiif::t{ii:rsii Fll;#""ffi*xl g1,gnt':';"r,,'*{; ;is,:'i,irir::f;; ,:u$;rr*,liii4*r* i:vlffiffft?*i:f*;ii{ ililqft:,4#H#1:i,,tu-l;l".:T::: joggers tlke Irote.) Then there was Ed Terry w)rb The Fair wiri fearqre arts and wasmoresuccessfulthaneverr#;;'*"jij u ' o l k e d a t o d d j o b s . H e c a r r i e d a r r a x e , b u c k s a u ' . 1 l a i l . ' r a | . t s v e n d o r 5 ' b o o k s ' g o - . ' . , M f ' n " * i " " l ' l " t . . ' i . i ; i , , : f i # ; l ; ; : ; l : " : ] ] illli" ol.redhotPepp-e].s,ir.Inclrpailandac]ockinaboxa])inoaaidentertainn]en,.4.11makingitsor']extyear'si.*i]!.irii j:bl: qrlt be added this o|1'c1'pcrs\Vi1]lw31er3l1(lbrewPcl)per1ea.TIioscC...oILollgo3n4KarenHand'A,aSquaredancetobe.heIrrons,i'.o"i,,.,ii:,ll]"]]. w i i o s a i n p l e c il t s a i d i t w a s h o t t e r t h a n H O T . l 2 n o o n .i ' H a g g l u n d ' s G u n b o a r. 1 : q : : ! t , o n t h e V i l l a g e G r e e n . A f t 6 r , , . : : : : : : , , : t " r i i b - e g / an r ' i p . n r " v a r r o u sr e p o r t s w e r e r e a d a n d a c c e p t e d , , ; ; t t ^ ' : : g r u c l o f d e o r g e ln tlie 1870's fotrr conrpanies fished Little Historv" uill be highlighted Bird u"'-.^'f, rillman. Tl"y *lir Puconic Bav for bunkers. Theseichoolsofrnerrhaclerr t h r o u g hf i l n r , p h o t o sa n - da o . r r - l Y l h G r a t h w o h l o f t h e n o m i n a t i n g i o . cll]lct]pt1iebaysejc]tseasonalldwerevaIuablef6psion-.F,o,ni.tozp''.iiii.l,,',9:.9"otheSIateforthecomi ferrrliz-tli''|i.eio,,'-'pulli.swerenanleC]tIreCrowi,InJetmaq.,ull (.J\lIi.cnU|5.'i..i([iu,.i..fjrcSktrrrk plrnyIracltheirfrshhoLtsewlterethecaltS9way1ol.'r1orm6!u/uyzZ"ul.r,ilJ,"n'Billard;treasuer, NassattI)oitltbegillshettcettrenanleSkurrkLaIrc''l.o""o'.i".,;'u';;?";i;iTiiidingsecretary,VirginiaMcCaf} Titejlottservas|aterIltovetltoNassauPoitltattdillcor. re78 "t.g' i-lill#,i.'ffi:Tiil":1,*fi1;"!.',:Jfeve'ntsof poratecl inro a tronre.Shares wereherctin the ttsh 'I's.bv..R']'|trr-s"t111e -w"ir"i'"i,"*lit]'al k)otball" bv..Tom Nikitas..will hotrsesand ttre d'iawlsel,ics.The Skurks' tro,is" co,i rut},,rr urs. *,trim u::]:ru;,,1:"*"Lr'u*::T;;];i' til,u',::;,llUli*ltffi;ixi;;#ffi:n^:#t[ii, |*rx"|U thet spfcirl clanr clrowder, pa.cakes and cofie'c. grapny anct memoriesthrough A f t e r . p u l l i r g i n t h t ' h t r g e s e i t r c i , t h e f i s l t e r n r e r rw o L r l c l l o l l e i t r b t e s . T h e r ew i l l b e a s h e l l :l],,1,!:I l :: r( rllil r)l til_,i,1_rr.-1,i,,11g"r 10 the farrns.The aro- rrt workshop by JesseGoodale -6t,1r.rlt',/.i 1) , rotltilg iltt'rtlrrd(.t) itwrillng r r r d r P p r e n r i r . ch l a c k s m i t h . tlrc jr1,;y g,, JohF L.ancrrl(cvoLrrpick Ambrcse ..,ril_h,, .rvarrabre fbrpuiuhrse.:ldl,il"ilHif;.lT,i::.:;il]:#ir;,'., 's'undinss"'that raburous'""";1""H',ll ou own Mai.tituckHigh SchoolSl W,B, Lodrwood on l Junel.l of lhis year, has been r quickrv. rnracr, ri,e.e oni,f i'l*":* Was Well-Known "ie left,soifvouareinterestedin,t'.3,f^?.:.1-o "--1"i$,-l-i, iriv- pleasecall Mrs. Eleano Sound, "-- ". Reitty ,( NormaMccook.andrara l:r,:rn"",'"rber gillil*:kli .i{x.'},1.:Hli:,:Jfi,;? ,lfii*fim*l J;?il,fiT: attheMattituck Presbvterian i1',1,J;"" ,^'l'he :'iitJ:J:l,li|l; li'[?*:-,il"Lffi:i: bride. given in marriage by her d"veito matchthe gown. 29B-B.0il,.assoor.aspo*,,r"r",olr,.ii]il,'""x\#:l#;H,:lx.-x."*11x,d$,j:'*,[":"J"Ji::".f#}:iJ:[:"J-1i;,]i:]ig: - can l:stento some of the tollowi Embraceabreyou; rn rhe ,".11 lil5j. Here,s That Rainy Day; St"rilo',,,1:ff " tg. r]1,*ii aB. ;.iiry i:'i:,;:'"i'J;:;i A summlr residenl'oi the-North'Fork scallops or ernbroidered alencon lice, aprhe best man was Frank Bullock o( pliqued on the bodice and trimrned with ftiverhead The ushers were Michael Med]ey;andE]eaDorRigbv.""",;"1","i1iI.t"."uiii,.r,","j,il[iiiiL]i!ijii i,rr'.ir,.".t.,.-orlr,"ii;?;id.i:;.T'":T:T:jl5;ln.wewsurtoltsincehis[:.J:ni'x'r-:iil.?.*"i;''j::"".,':ll"""iil};".|:' as wellas the Mattituck High Scho( Band.andmuchcreoitgo"stot,ir,i|rflifl..i[.iiii..hetlmeo{hisdeath.Mr.Lock-cmple|e( rherrmeandworkhehasprrt,nt"t'"lfr]l"oj thestudentsfinemusicians''n"".fI"li:{"':.:xl:::;;aniesinien"nsytvania,,.'][;"IiljJ"fi,'?i[."Y",".,l;,,T:1;":"t::]ljj''J:l$a;::i::.il"|;:","" Tuesdaynight concerts perform( "'*".1t"*i|ii,i; )oved sailing and had frontlawn of the school, oi."ct"ad#jff o3ipt'in,sinceigqq.H"*r" LesterandMr.p€trucci,nu""o""lJ,r]o['o '-',-, -- "*"Lorr"u""t a member of the shelter Island yacht club. Dy large crowds each week. MisSMaryEjlenSuIIivan.dauAhterofDnt9ff.S9undl19 gorvn with a yellow print cape, and a BocES l, weithanrpton Beach rhe horsehair picture hat. The bridesmaids l]ridegroom is emDloyed with A Reilly & were Marianne zappa, Terry Ambrose, soN. l))c .After spending their honeymoon androo siltivan.-;;;;;iiyT;,il:J1il* ota coveYachtclub,of whichhewasa. Brazii.where she spenr ;'r";;;;;;^;;- fomder in ls38 BT'i*Vj,f,":":*tf#i^.{:# Rosenrerd. u,ho won,r,"iqii "KtJiJ:lil"",'"t'niswre,MaryH.LockMarionMoshier chansestudent. rhesulivanram,rl,,--^'.. il;:, i1:,,1;:l trusteeof Eastern ""i,:lTti;"i: Hewasan honorarv ;;t"ff',!lf""5i,fJt;'r'.t-'3r'i;:: Anasr2cio, s:o paulo,Brazil,and they are lmdi u, orugn,*.;^*]r,t'6;h;'"i-8.;;; conn.I threesons,Bruceof WeslHartford, quitehopefuJ tnut ou"'"o.r-iv Jliirili ...^_t_"22}lrt7Vr, Award fur rhe mosrcreatjvedirectorof a smal, **.u ^1x1rt,ruj[ffi,[o[',oto,i"* s,, th#sday on . 11,]l'i^9,f "itJ.lno.rn ;:iktl!$l,ililT!.ilx.trr:i.: *:,lT;: ii:ill! rfi!,i"'i;.il;;,:,:"ii"qit*il:,ltn,'#n fi!,'""9.::':'afffiji:T:;ifit;ffi -il'::;":';:[*w,,'":?i! findn,lattitricliyour;;"i';;;;;;;,i; c r a v e s _ r d e . s e r a i c e s l e d b y M r . L m k w o o d sa n d , h a n d c r a h e d ; ; i l v e r j c w e J r y home,(!n;1,.!11-1 ,":,.",, iiltx;,il1',fi["ff"[?i'ff],illiliiiirT past -11".,,",heReek,","; ;1;f""gi'""ffin,lti:n*:]l;il'e ;il[::i ti',{*iy,ll*j '. ; onrh€ comp,ain,. ' Richard_rrvins. ? or Ftli'i{i:f ?i,;ij,:" ,. :ri*;.f"i:rj"".,,,-,1="ilii reportsthal the fa1ps15ssgs.6t south Drive. t",,"u"!^.-":,tjIt t"'"" around Cutchogue :l-,t^1t. varres irom four fo six in.he;in rnepastweer. rt is not rharrb,. si"pr.i wasarrcstedlastThusdaynighton asiault and harassmentcharges.The defendani wasarraignedbeforeTownJustice Martin upat6:45thateveninj bvNicho,as .Jl,:lf::,,wasreceived orttr"scnoot' ai h?linSii'if,li'rincipar ::",,i *l:tqir"ifi,ii:l-1,:T".."1i'iii comm'unity rr,.u,", --"i --North,Fork presents .op^cning "rgrr, "DamesAt-sea'ito"igti.'Na.rbersof the.ort i*r"o! " "ur*iv ,:::.:::1"-.oll,Mr. chick receivedanother ca.r,l.app€renily from the sameperson. pori.u orit"". iii't"i,ls ..^yln^!" ,n, ti,u ,,""0. Jl]:::_Try*"u, "a u-r",,*,'."i'0, 't"u.0,,. o"lir. and Jrrn Neuman. all having roles in the i;-;";;., chorus. producrron ''-""o rhe "'' rhrears. oj1]1;; ]liD*ed i1e.;rirr to be a prap;, **, 'ff";;i:t,::i ;*l;*.li:*'l'lk*sil r:1.rui*;r",:''r'J""r'iiri1'"* iilTl!:::"i inifi"E]i!!J*l;*ln*'.:*m wrrh more rairr rarring arone thr ;;illf,r:'n-J::f jnvesrisarins s o u n d a c r e a g et h a n f t l l s o n t Main Road *"". aggi;""r;'"li'' ifyouknew,rr"ori"-i".loilrit over.one..acre 'f gr.urpyrg',ln fr,jt1i;,ilU"3.':"T that the defendmt .tuim"o t'. r'"d?r"i'in selfdefenseafterhisaccuserstruckhim with a pool cue Mr' Iruing."r rr""l"i'"i ir:lir'"Ji::"i*'i.t,'"nl;XT 27.'5a gar ons'oi,,:;i,:,,!,.11i' 3i::13i:11JjJ3iwir,;i*f lj;*"1.I,1-;;lj:ni#:'lr: t ickets. Alonzg saluroaywnenrr crasneoInroa ravrnearteran aborted wasoamageo A Gssnaarrcrart rake off.ltspilotwasuninjured. furf . to rirtof enough MArrrrucK - A single-en- /.a', t 1 ^i.l re aboned rh_e F. Spith *orrrrur*ffirf , T'{;il lflfl Vaa I rrn "a ,, ,Uurr)Oli,'/i|; .1, r1,W,"ga'd.J*i, in futtr- saidhebrousht ,n. [i';-Ul:"il::';,-"i.t$,X.":i:,.;i.:l .chassaing 5:x"*f:::"^JJ:^1"T;T:.'iji]:f:"|'i"'T:';:l.jJ'f'ir'::1$iH:xj'iiT':--"f'[''}*y#:"f''ffii.'**l"t'',;tii"" ofT it crashedinto a swampy andwasunabletostopattheend engine was .*".in"['iy D r . s m i t h r e t i r e d f r o m h i s h o s p i t a lo u u o r n g . r n e r e l 2 t o 1 5 s h o v e l e r s a'l f;["JlX"#:i:.:fi;*n:i ";l."'il3#'.'::"ffT"iil-,t ffJJ :i:'il';',,:'*li:*] ;:,-1f','.i:"1';";lnations str*,f. #*Hl *"ffn"".,tr york roundtobei"s".d"""dTii"".,,1, sure'MedicJ s*i"tv'""i ;g rheuoaroinshousesandhotels tt" :::lJ"Twerenoinjuriesttn"il:ii:11;;"j;v[ir'l'l::: i];:,*t:n1*Tffi]friti -;1":J;;^Tl:*nlll**, 40, or5Rue char,eschassaing d,fuJu.',:ff:i'i:J;li';l :*:;,tr#i:1i,#x[#g*lJ%fi La Croix, Paris, Ftance, was the Chassaing,an insurance brok- atgra traternity. Ue "ii""O"O the Medical are making improvements by ::,i";i';iji1""ha:nopassen:ff'!i]iiiif.:l3J.:".:::'.;:""*:'.J;:1.""Jf.;|.':J.;Yn"'"jqi]h:itJ'x1ii't'Tff"i*"t'i' - ' Hague ii";p;a.i;;TF;: j:*:l"E:*:'"y:vor '"ii.iJiT"il"'il;::::'#i:i'"il :fi:TJ"';:Y.:l:ffi;;Ti:l xj:l:"::jiilij:i*l,rri the reach ;;;;'h";;;.;";;,';;;;,"'H".'i :;:i"";"i'.,til:''01",i'l:'rrl:ll: ui:il."".n'#;f ffi:*:in.::;to r"w K::liil: l1,watsr .ag,o ,oJ t';j.'"""],"j"1:,i::l,j::1,*::,;, Melnrsaidrhxr (he pilot qas said. rhe exacr w;ilt";;d r';;;d;,rg"f, or ,r,. "","n, attempting to take off when, 4sp4gghadnotb e e n d e t e r m i nter "d; ; ; ; " " , ; ; ' J ; ; : " " " " ' " * " ' feelingthathewasnotgoingfast earlier this week. Anpie G, ygqns -78 tf or rromrnesouth resend sourHoLD--A Ensland has it that if it rains on July 15,St. F u e r a l s e r v i c s w i t t b i t e l d t h i s m o r n i n gM i s s p h o e b e w o o d hsuslel t e c r -"' 'orslrsrnu. [tu4 atll:30attheDeFriestFmeralHome,Inclschool opens Septembcr 2 at Brother's Hrrrin Yi:l1il"!1;i.i*"li"*l,Tyl"t'3J::"":fl:l;lreeve Heart Cemetery, Cutchogue. Lfr to tr,.'ci'.'.tr,ru-lr cong-rat,]ations ,,litffitlt^t,[J,g:,gJ:iH;J,';#f ?,-*:'n?:**xlt',["rliilffi,tntJ':"li and d"yr i" August, H*pit"T upon tlhebirth of a son, Kevin Patrick,.born i.i.ii -il,ilig'ni i"ir."d;*; anc rn"nes _*trich.is Born in c'urchogueon october 20, 1886she oi eugust 21 at southampton Hospital ilit's:il;;ii;;in"Jih saidtobearecord{orSoutbotd.The.total*".1ir"O".rd'trt"iofthelateConradand weighinginasthelargestb.abythere-at10 p o i d s , - t 5 o u n c e s .I n a d d i t i o n t o . M o m e-"firl"ttJc."bie.Herfatherhadbeena ,"i"i"r6".""tnsofarhasreached985 *elcomert s"tty, u#D;;.'i;,'i";;yry inches. This figure is onry exceededbythe 61u.L..1,1, in Mattiruck. onsarurday, septenrber z,rne NaattiruckF.e! riii"rr'*u, ,"0""t the auction which was so popular lastyear.siooi"g*ilib.ri""ro a nr' with An Tillnran as auc' i,lii"".n"it.i"ithaifeliinAugustof1954.";i;S-.;;nj*u.,ntir"ti*.memberof.then".;uvi,i."n,.1i*-.y^';;Jc;!r.v91.1'^.i goou much happiness ,Ihe area experienced spots of flooding uut iatu'day's delugeput O*i"g i"ri*;"i, the icing on the cake, so ro speak. F;om 2 a.m. to ll a.m.. the heaviest part of the downpour,it rained 5.65inch6. Town HighwavSunerintendentRaymondDeanreports thaihe-hadhismenwiththeirpumptrucks *:t-nmisl**y;*kix; Mattituck Fresbyterian church and a we wish you all 9lld charter member of old To*n Arts & crafts health with vour new son arld brother' will b" n"enue S""*O ir f<u:u*r[i'Ji"." Guild. fi-u.urv uu"tion Dorothy fts r"*a 'Elizabeli She is survived by a daughter, "itn"^uriiitual *ill b" tb" s"pt"rnr"r'i.' e.t iitt.^n Tuthill of Mattituck; a sisier, "n Library fund-raisinE BondofMattiluck: a'granddaughter,.luoy "uctionee.-ior-tire M e n g e w e i t o fs o u t h o l r i , a n d t w J n i e c e s a n d c o m m i t t i e a " i " " v " " . h - i " " g a . 9 n a 1 i 9 r y 1 9 i nations of ir"n,r-ro. ii!'uu.,ion. Suall pieces can be Ieft at the library while artangements can be made for the convenrent Prckup ol larger items For lurthertnfornrationortomakea ^' i'l'i"ii3\ d, Yi $"",*::'rn:l*'il:"ffi[:l'']':F"771 ti'"1*t ;'.";;"';'esterdavar ";o;^;' the Lauel cemetery, with the ;";;. 6[ )- r Z t ^?* ;il;i-;"i ,ilt *iU tuk" ab"oriti/week ot pitcnng to Frederick Hummel officiating. r e p u i , a t t t h e d a m a d e dr o a d s , ' t M r . D e a n Rev. l h e h u s i c s ll i f t l e l o w n a r o u n d 'l'rudv Hrnus and (hcir childt cu lohn. strcv rnd Eddie, gavc East End larnrers were heartr uatnt s'elcorrrh c onrclo .lohn ened but nol eDthusiistic this p.'"oict"o :i1","*i"oi"' T:;::,';Ji:llilili":"i:il"l:..1'1,.',"":; i:,;ff:i"",1,fii1i:,"illii"lll.,?il; papery s1"111 *ir' ,1'e sundav ari"i."ii,r"," i:::l:;*T;:[::li ,1J,,]llii;i,i'-;1, l.lilf Li,*l[ "",i"l1iil,li,iti,,o l?y'," i:":;I"'i ,u", ",."n 'Jf1ni!":i$i:1,:,';X':f i:: .rs* rawf ''1k/oT"il'*"" t he weather this Past weekend ahuPesuccess'lthinkallot-uschancetoreiatr,esunoay :'1 " .:^Tl::"j:i"f:'*,;::a Sundaypaperto be hadin southoldu11g1beverageand a like amountof ili:J_;"#ilil'"r#;: l;'#i: chandi iLrsttrciorctheir rcturn aonridclrcnren. fii!ii1Tili:*y;llini:lf*#'it'Jt".r.r,"J,'i"o"l"ji;"x::':j""$:;iJJ-.;|;''i'ili;:,|l :fl".:1.;':.';;i;.;;"i:Ijl"""u*"ofth€NewYorknewspaperil]ll]lli;l"llil,::JliiJ.;::; ,: T"::,tll:ii,1:"2 ingruward , r? the Friends of the LrbrarY story Saturday was a diffsent f l"' "'II'J:; :::f,1,:T.i:J'f:X ?i'""L'"iT c h u r c h F a i r w a s r a i n e d - o tuht e. D nu L mbep r oafp e n i t p r i n t s t o m e e t t hMer a n d M r s* " o " * ; ' com'lg,'."J1'?l.L: rhis wirbeherd *if:ir.XH,:#i CandyWardBauercameallthe certainties of the strike ln addition' the 5'o1io" bv their lwo *:t '"t n:%Ili'"" l , , l ] , , n L l ] ] ' r l l i : l ' ' t " 3 : :l"l :; l,:ll f,'n* irt.,n.l. ft ".,r '7'"1f'n0.,." lor n)trre " .,r-"-."itr" *iiH;";'$if tn",s"" "f:3i,tioeu. P a u l . b o r n o n v a | e n t i n e , s | J a y ' a n d C a m e o C a r d s a n d G i f t S s o l d t h e i r l a s t o n c | r o n 1 , . " ' ' . , " . , l , . j ' - ' i " . ; ' ' : ' i ] ] n 1 . : ' | ] ] 'a.l \ { i l d Jii;: :i-:*J,":iJ::^::,:1: Rose a t a b o u t 8 : 3 0 . S u n d a ym o r n i n g l . , l - " " , r " , r'""r, ., n" un,rr- c o " " t i r n . H u g n l " ' r ' t . . t : ' * l l ) ] , , ' l il;;"d"t. '; lil'j\(" wi\cotr\i)) Candy, as many of yo, *ilt o u t , ^ a t , 8 : 1 t " i 1 " i v s o l d P h a r m a c y i i f n , s o u t h o l d s a r r n g a i l : ' : l ] i ' ' : 1 ' l i' f.,,., r e m e m b e r ,u s e d t o b e '""*'" rsrand i'*.f:I"4]'"il: li,ii:lUill+"i1,jji:l, lfffift*iiliryfll n"".'"1*n*:"*'sheter Mr. and Mls. Fiant rujl*tlt: AccordingtoLarryLaMaina,'wnero[the nfa iti t'."n31 eee;ive,he-co'ro rhe Doublecongrarulations l'. hive soldthreerimes go ro Karenann "iri"'.",."*" theirsth irr p"p"^ he wasallotted toannouncedihebirthof upontie birrhof twin !Lf^Tt[?: than^#]rh'u;ifti papers me2smore !Xilifllil5li,.illi;!i1,,i1,, ;ll",l:ly.:l;: on ;;;e;i:'; al douthampton Hospitar faminewas,iig:tllt-AmyLvnnweighedinatTpounds The Sundaynewspaper Etizaberh,whoweighs8lbs'.bzI weished6 or M'"' assravated tt"*'i'litirt r"ti 1f,if"f"1^;1tter' sarahJean' bv absence ;;:"1"i;" ;;il;iild ano. M;. York,citv New an{. the or or newsstands any EvelynAudioun i#t'"1";';-,"#,,";l:'fll-"lllrlit!|.n:: "J*l et""r W*ftingt*, Kujawski,..sr., of 5f111tnewspapers"nowbeing printed aaitv' 0"""",""5fi including some Sunday editions No*h Carolina' Fj".",il, "ii and rred yoerges and g"i Volinski. Much hlppiness ^;if,:;X|ff:ii ,ilXt l?lij rasfMonday uy:souttrota eol-ic. r;; ;ii;s^Ji,1'er1ng_r.... to u ^i"o''"0<h la,rt>ft penizi the or n"i'vin v"ttituJtl"i'::#;:; selling beer to a youth under the age of 18' police sav-Th,e-alleged :*g:l'fid.'1,-1u,","F/;rlil ",:** tifli:f;:+l action. .-Clv* t':< *' oL ri uL by ROBERT WINTERNITZ /r<../ /4.41'. REV. DR. CHIRLES SCOTGILES Superficiallvthe new minister in towii. the Four-Year CourseIn Three lev.br. Charles Scot Giles, who took over The employment Debbie found was as a lhe pulpit at the Universalrst lJnrtarian Chuih ln Southolda couple of weeks ago, computer analyst programer. Incidentally, strms to be a contradiction in terms. He is she has fomd th€ same kind of sophisticaCed since moving to the North Fork. youngin years but old in experience,soft- oc_cupation spotJnteicept in his soaring sermons) but - with noth-ingto do but pusue his studies, Scot Giles finished the four-year course in tough-minded-and even hard-nosed. school young Scot, as lf-trgeand became Doctor of Ministry with Ii g.am-ar everyo-necalls him, neaily flunked out. Highest Distinclion in Jue, i978.H€ did not Finally he won highest academic honors. know that he was top dog until he saw his name in the graduation program. "-t: I s i z t''n' *'[t " L- t "'' xfl;rn *'' - tL' < 4' 'l Florida Police Release Zegzula M #63J'6cript (Editor's note: the following is the script of a go-secondfilm which will be aired on Orlando.Fla.. televisionstationsthis week. tt is part of the "Crimewatch" series aimed at solving crimes in the Orlando area, The subject of this week's film is the unsolved murder of Elizabeth "Bea" Zegzula, the former anti-povertyworker lrom Mattituck who fled to Florida after she was threatened and fired upon with a gun by unknown a s s a i l a n t sl a s t y € a r . ) O n F r i d a y , M a r c h 1 0 , 1 9 7 8 a, t ? : 5 5 a . m . , The subject of the doctoral dissertation. Elizabeth Ann Zegzu.laleft het residenceat How come? It is not easy to explain. ApDemocratic Farth, is a pretty clear the Casa De Mar Apdtments, 1133South parently he bucked the establishmeni, go along with a teacherwho 1"i6 reflection of the charact€r of the man. He Miramar, in Indialantic to drive her three iefusingto 'iarv children to school. and was 16e had also passed the oral examinations in do"n ihe aibitrarily aulhoritarian for bis blmd. He simply December,l97T.sothattherewasnothingto rvouldn'tbuy it. Finally some teacher'oi do lhe last half yeu except take exlra It is believed that while she was gone a teachers,or others must have got under his courses' seroe as chaplain in three hospitals white male entered her apartment while and as intern minister at the Beverly another white male stood watch outside. It skin and motivated him. ] appears that when Ms. Zegzula returned In high school the boy made the upper Unitarian Chuch in Chicago, where hi home she suprised the intmder, who then third of his class and in college the top ten continued.tofmction mtil he landed the job strangled ber into mconsciousness, and percent But it was far from smooth riding rn.Southold ln tne pulprt anolher man emerges. Just then repeatedlystabbedher, causing death. all the way. He was nsrly derailed at the meeting Clarles Scot Giles in the office or The suspect then tmk a small amount of ageof t6, when the boy had a con{rontation on a social occasion does not quite prepare he cash from the victim's purse and fled, with the minister of a chuch in which y.ouJor the man's extraordinary eloquence. leaving other valuables behind. had beenextremely active. Again Scot felt The two suspects were previously seen in thal an authoritarian attitude was denying He does not read from a prepared sCript or qlance at notes: iust iooksat you and the area on at ieast one other occasion, himtherighttothinkandworshipaccording ever talks you. to What he tells you is plain anc to his 0w; lights. pracrical, but with winged words fiequenily dramatic and enlivenedwith a deft cbmedyl Old bottlesnever die: sooneror later tney coes "Church Shopping" So he went "cirurcfr iiiop"ping" and touch are scoopedup. A bottle wi th a postcard in it ' presently wound up ln a U"nilarian His sermons frequently turn poetic. A, was throlvn into Long lsland Soutld ln Universalistcongregationmadetoorderfor favorite quotation of his from a Sanskritj March,1969,by Tim Pumillo. then a student him, with a minister destined to have a pmm reveals a great deal about his at, in Richard Brooks'earth scienceclass. Mr' prof0undinJluenceontheyoungster.Allthis titude; "Every Yesterday is a dream of, Brooks recently receiveda letter from Dick happenedin the greater Bridgeport area in happiness.Every Tomorrow js a vision of H ) t c h c t r k o f S a n S a l v a d o r l s l a n d i n t h e Bahamas,saying thal he found Tim's bottl€ 196?,where Scot continuedto live mtil the hope". and Dostcard. Mr. Brooks estimates that fall of I9?0,when he entered the University Tim'; bottle has drifted the furthest of any of connecticut He was alreadv *:lk':F^T: on wedresday evenrng, october 18, the of those found and reported on thus far' way through scbool, doing all sorts of oaa t fle-rftaiiitucr<,Cutcnogue Schoo] jobs' Finally he became a chefEach year the earth science classesthrow will hold their riNt general meeting of th" , . . ,. "f*j. drift bottles conlaining postcards into the Thisdoesnot happenover night. In fact, it ."n*i in tle naattituck school ,"u. involvesanapprenticeshipoffour.ye^ai._i.ld a"ati*i,; Sound for a study of the ocean currents. Mr. ut i,lo. come and meet your a gruelling routine. But the money is pretty Brooks said the bottle traveled with the Gulf ci;;s'-;;ere."niui*", and vote on the goodi enough at any rate to nuu",t^:ooE,:9 Stream toward Europe, then southward -,tfr-rira""t. on rhe same evening with the Canary curent, and then back the)oung man and covered_.tuition.So.he ;r"p".;;;;Jilion. rn the Junior and ;;;;;;worked in resLauants westward acrms the Atlantic Oceanwith the S".i"iuigrrs.t""i*iuh"u"anopportuity "lt ",::.^_f": E"ls_fl1; Eouatorial Drif t to the BaIFr.nas.coverin&a ;;r-""itr," t"*r,"rs,', parents Ail are t!-t$.?yt:l::^Ill :l^"^ "j diilance of B,wo miles.A4+tr'7, tq lY s o u t n O l d sm e n o t L n e c n u r c n l s a l s o a i n v i t e d l o a t t e n d t h i s l m D o r t a n lm e e l l n e . . profess:onalgourmet cook. A card party *ili ;'r;;;r;;l;'i;" trrrs. llorothy Sawyer, formerly of Mat n."no, or'iiJs.noot on wednesday, oc_ .In college scot Giles .rf::l philomphy, specializedin logic,.m-ade-1"1 Phi tou". is, z,'io 0... in tt ruuttituck school tituck and now living in Lieg€, Belgium, ha: Beta Kappa as well as the Dean's List and cai;i;". "i Ci"-r."i..uy be" puchased at the been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry gr6hriat'ed(nJune, 1y74,witb high honors. door, or call Diane Corazziniat ?34-s824 or Charkow.Mrs. Sawyerenjoyedvisiting with Beforegraduation, however, he made an Dee Kruse at.?3+6510.There will be Drizes her many friends and relatives here. Mr. important discovery alter endlesshours of and refreshments.The donalipDis SitD/, z and Mrs. Eimer Quarty of Southoldand Mr. I 'l?t and Mrs. Charles Glover of Orient cn' soul searching."I came to the conclusion tertained her with dinner parties to help therewasmoretolifethanphilosophycould R^hhv B.DD. news reporler lor the get its hands around". There was no ,1iff1!i1 Suiti q.tl group. tells us that his celebrate her Stst birthday.before winginq her rvay back roBelgi\m/+,/vf revelalion. but a slow evolution toward ,i6, Jack Bopp. and the Rev. Frederick 7,t4-lF religion, aided and abetted. by two Mr. and Mrs. Harry Char(ow sbent the Airport on H;mel took ihe boysto the Islip weekend UniversalistUnitarian ministers. trip. in Morrisville. N.Y.. their field where first their for ?, sJurOuv, O"toUe, an opportunitv to- son, Dean, is enrolled at the State UniverThenscot ciles beganto put wheels r"t" iit..'.eq1,-1::"^.,91""" sity. Mre. takeotl Charkow is an alumnus of that visit the control tower' watched the motion.Two months after g"th;;;H;; how collegeand while there enjoyedmeetjng her ano tanoing of several planes and saw he married a girl he had met at titsgi]i#8. roommate as other classmatesof.theclass and informatron thev were give-n weather iili;ihle namedDeborahJovThibedt of 1943.Good luck to Dean. 7Y i'h;'v ri"* ou""t Longlslatd9a/L/f ""1X""" couege to stav on at v"Tl "notr,".degree in 19?5, cordinglytook his master's Parents and residents d .ouJ atter ihich the young ^"t:"."t"t "ouptE chicago,whereGiieseirolle<iatr,l.iault":1"^1t^,,.-Y^:"uck-cutchosue attemptins to Aggie Culture reports that the ior#.h oiuiniiv School o{ the university ::.1:"lPi:tlt:l ,1" to suPport potato market locally is slow. To or chi"ugo, sujrported by a full-timL 1:'i'' i: "lc"ll1"ion the extra-Nrricular athletic pro' make the price sound better, tii of that Debbie landed a gram at Mattitucft High School' ""irot^trr,ip.'on job t;. So for the first time ou farmers are lrow saying that they well-payin; goal provide Their is to commun' gego ctaiaiter got out from under the ate being offered six dollars per ity recognition.for out athletic two hundred weight or potatoes, f,reisure of cooki"ngmeals in all kinds of and teams to raise funds for that ieslauants at all iiours while be was supAggie also reports that some purpose Any resident beyond posedto be a full-time student. farmers have started storing high schoolage and living in the polatoes,Dow that coolerweather schooldistrict is eligible to be a has arrived so sqon after Labor member and to helo with this '1 Day. Kc],f{f,/q7f Y worthwhile proiect./'0- t z qha^i^l L:-4Li-- weupying a gold or brown colored 1973 Buick. SuspectNo. 1 is a white male, 31,5 feet, 11 inches. 145 pounds, black hair, dark and rough complexion. He was wearing dark pants and a dark shirt or a windbreaker type jacket. SuspectNo. 2 is a white male, 28,5 feet, t0 incbs, t55 pounds, brown hair. He was wearing blue jeans, white shirt, blue windbreaker jacket and brown boots. CRIMEWATCH is oflering a reward of up to $1,t100for information leading to the arest and convictionof this or any unsolved felony crime in the Central Florida area. lf you have any information, call Crimewatch at 849-2482.Outside the Orlando dialing area, dial operator and ask for WX-2482,toll free. No one needs to know who you are, because with Crimewatch, there are no names, no faces, and no hassles! Your information will be held in absolute confidenceand you will remain anonymous.An additional reward of $250 will be paid if information solving this crime is received within sevendays. The Crimewatch office is manned from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. At other times, tbe phone is handled by T.A.S. as a public service. JoanrButlelrwo4ft A,/4u(.7 / 9'7& ROCKVILLfl MD.-.JoahBurteruorth, 5t, formerly of Mattituck, died September2 at Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland. Born in Mattituck on June 11, 1927,she was the daughter of Howard I(. Berry of W i l l i a m s v i l l eN , . Y . a n d t h e l a t eE l l a R a y n o r Berl'. Sheis alsosurvived by her husband,Greig Butterworth: two daughters, Barbara Ann Butterworth and Donna Jean Bosley; a s i s t e r .D o r o l h y B a t a l o f W i l l i a m s v i l l e ,a n d one grandson. The family will be receiv)ng al lhe DeFriest Funeral Home, Inc., X{attituck f r o m l 0 a . n 1 . t h i s m o r n i n g , S e p t e m b e r7 , with the funeral service following at I p.m.Interment will follow in Cutchogue Cemetery. L)onatioDs may be rtade in the nremory of Joan Bulteruorth to the American Cancer Socictv The Mattituck t'resDytenan ljhurcn nas announcedthat new Sunday Schoolclasses for pre-schoolers through ninth graders begin on Sunday, SePtember l?, at l0 a.m' gill and Joanne'faylor nnd family recently retuned from a beautiful trip to Columbia, Missouri where theY have enrolled their oldest daughter, Terri, in the ColumbiaCollegeSchoolof Advertisingand Journalism. On their way' the Taylors toured the city of St. Louis, took many pictures of the Mississippi River and enjoyed meeting man)'of Terri's new friends ind instructors. On their return trip they stopped at many interesting places in Kentucky as well as Hershey, Pa , and roadside America. Goql luf k lu-t,Ter.ri in ht r t q ?-t i* t"ir oi .ott"ce * i*i Tabasko of .tsay Avenu( ^,1?5'_1 luailttuck, " reported thal someone hal rock rhrough a fronr picrui, j.i:""l" 1 rheMarriruck Moret 15"."' 6]ii' ['#y_1, du3rgg. poiice were rnrormed rha 1r1, lr'ouths been secn ,unn,ng from ,hud ti scene.,but a check of the neighborhoor .i^,^od no chres to their identity"g:7"_:/,2 MatQitqrd( Q-da{eScltorlt .'*,kr zr, /( 7ir Night Fire at AFP -BeingProbed l - J - r 1 *ttI l , da -/oV MATTITUCK--Thefirisory board of the childrens leachcrc 1n three short sessrons, ,/v44'v' Mattituck-CutcbogueFriends of the School gauged to accommodate parents of more youlhs who had-us^ed Suffott<cou-ni/ arson questionedare several MATTITUCK--The plans than made one student. for its activities in the coming tbe storage area a-tew ls investigating a fire of suipicious a restroom-next.to souad school at a meeting on Tuesday, The advisory group stressed that the .inutu. beforetheararmwassounded. .year #ffi iir;;;;;;;.i"rn*ro"y"ri"iiolnin september 12. sessronsdo noi rJpiaie the parent_teacher chief colemansaid the rire damase' ."". ot rnea c P ;;?;;;;";;;;i'th" It announced that a "Back to School meetings held at ieport card time. Rather llain RoaJ-in Mat- confinedtopapergoods'andthedamageby ; " ; ; ; ? ; k . t ; " i r r e Night'' wiil be held on Tiiesday, September than foidiscussrng rndividualstudents, water used in fighting the outbreak were they tituck. 26. with the Matlituck elementary school 21g to permit teaihem to iet parents slight. Some firefighters' however, inow acting as hGt, and on the following at the scenefor two hoursto makc -day, ho* lhey conducttheir ciassroomsanti what Mattituck Fire Chief Pel€r Coleman,who remainedwith the CutchogueEast and West Schools they reiurre of their students. were out *itft nearly 50 firefighters and sure the last emb€rs *.p""J"J playing hmt. on both nights the programs TheMattituckfiremenhadanotherrunoD lgeneral meeting or the Friends of the seueral piece" of apparatus. lsked the will open at 7 o'clock. for an automobrlefire' afternoon the Saturday in be heid,on wednesday, october SoutholdPolice Department to "uii parentsof Mattituck studentswill .""t in l^"ho3l-it^^to that the laid to a gas leak' on Main Road in Laurel' 18' at 7:30 p m in the auditorium, at which #;;;;';;";,i{J-oi'""ia"n"" the auditorium and the cutchog;'^:::-;' rc vorcr'6 anticipated programs will be discussedand blazehadbeenset'AnonglhosebeingDamagewasreportedtobeslight, at the CutchogueWest Scbool. The programs will include meetins with 1:^:!!^"jtTllv.,.11ll be given to vote on a p r o p o s e o c o o s t l t u t l o n tpachers in special fields -. n"urse, serseanr Josephsawickiis Detective -,*:]l:;tl;:"::1,^i::,ti;ll;,:; psychologist. speech therapist. learning was one of 13 junior u"u"un diiabilitiJs, remedial .urortig, gy.l',.i! luthlll lheir for volunteen who received awards rscl' rbr lr'1r' and muslc. pr.rscrr ri,. iii.i.,,o' in Bcr. ilJ?:Xftiil?:j11::::",'$5[y|ff:g:m Afterwarci theparents wiumeet wrrhtheir LaurelRoadProiect Avenue.Mauituck.in whichtwo gun-inerr :]:i,nJ,'l]'";I:'^.'e r e l o a d e r c , v a l u e d a t $ l 2 8 a p r e c e , w e r(el rsdt "ol l' e' ,n^ ' l: ], l:li * e o f M a t t i l i l c k il3:ffi: H,iil.::1::l'"*J":ltHj::fll $;ffffi:*;LT:T-:"""#;rl:"".i1!'fi: LAI-IREL-Construction on a half-mite school year a+t o/ weekdays during the / ? 7f /{./1.'1"'Z/t sectionof the Main Road that has been the summer. Scene of r)umerous traffic accidcnts in yearsisexpqpted recent to b.."rpl"i;l b; January_1. t 04./j!rr1fu ./V.'72 l{larV $Ngy|2\i"n Mat' MArrrrucK.Mfff,"b6t6',{sll/dI Lrzza lndusl.rles0/t(oslyni low blddel 16.ln tituck " ; ; ; n ' idied n A u at s t nher a . shome h e w aon s t hSeptemb€r edaughterof the$1.6millioncontract,beganworkinJuly and expects to spend most ol this_ fall tn" lut" Andrew and Mary Krolak. "'r[" trucking in fill to the lmation. A State is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Department of Transportation .?91."..T3n Wrlfred Coroin and Mrs. Joseph Maryards of fill yil] b9 said this week that 30,000 .,no*.Xi, both of Mattituck; a son, John used in the project, as well as 1,400feet of srx grandchildren; t1 greatil;kow;ki p i p e drainage .' erandchildren and one great-greatThe proJect.whrch covers .63 miles. en- i_^-r^i,ir lails the eliminationof an "s" curve About "' i"iuruii"-i.". were held at Our Lady of 12piecesof property have been condemned ifruch, Mattituck on SepCiJ i""ii"L bv the state, but no buildings hav-eto be ini".-"nt was in Sacred Heart ;;;";1, dpmolished,the spokesmansaid. He said a;;;;. --' Curctrogue -"---. paving would be completed by the end of The North Fork Community llext summer, and seeding, planting and other finishing touches will be completed Theatre is currently in rehearsals next fail. for its nexi prod uction " lnherit the Between 1967and 19?7,there were a total Wind" which is being produced by of 92 accidentson this stretch of Roule 25. Joanna Paulscn. directed by Jed 'l'wo fatalities and 60 injuies resulted. Phoebe Ray as Clauss. with watchdogs, a group of residents and property ownen which has protested what they deem an expansion of business activities at the Matt-A-Mar Marina, have filed suit againstthe SoutholdZoningBoard of .Appeals,which last June .granted the marina a variance to store boats on its premises. James Bitses,attorney for the group, said a motion to show cause has been served on the zoning board, calling uPon its representatlves to respond in SuPreme Court at Riverheadnext Tuesday morning. The papen served in the case require the board, Mr. Bitses said, to exPlain why it granted the variance.The attorney said the board is beingaskedto justify its action in a case in which, he said, hardship must be proved. He said the burden of proof for that rests with Matt-A-Mar, and that the zoning board ignored that requirement of the law in deciding to grant the varrance ^( r^r rTyhwel .l .JM a r r I u c kH i s r o r j c a l S o _ h u l di l s n e x t m e e t i n g on I u e s c a y 5, e p t e m b e r 2b at 8 .- r n t h e L i r r l eR e dS c h o o l H";r.. ;; ryratnKoad,Matlituck next to the r { u s e r t m .M r . J . C o b b of w.," o r n c h ,L o n gl s l a n dw ; t f aisplayln v , r L U 5 si n l r q u e p o w d e r horns. r r u o e n l sa r e e s p e c i a l l y encourasc u r 0 a ( r e n d !a n d r h e p u b l i c i"s cororatjy invited. Retrestrmenis $ iil. oe served followine Mr r o D b s p r e s e n t a t i o " . -c2St 7 ' l fromanofficeshelJ.Noindicationwasfound o f a f o r c e d e n l r v . o o l i c es a i d . i$<Z . d l,l lt of lvlainRoad. Mattituck, Harry Sheppar-d told police last Wednesday that someone had entereda trailer in which he lives, next to the Crown seruiceslation, and had taken $ 1 2 5i n c a s h a n d a l 2 ' i n c h t e l e v i s i o ns 2 t (e-<.1' l-, /q 7> v a l u e da t $ 1 0 0 . assistant director. The leads are being played by Jack Moffat, Anthony Leanza and Brian Gallagher, with Bob Shaw of Mattituck Karen Scara. as the "Judge". mucci. Sharon Nash, John Jackson rnd Trudi Bourne of Mattituck also rave supporting roles, Mark your alendar t'br this osg- November J' . ro.andrj. ,lw/r, /// 7) Maurecn Sanok relrlL-d r rutr story aboul her four verr'old, Slephanic, Bho came honrc lrom the Ecumenical Nurscrt School on hcr firsl day aJrd repOrted, "Monrny, I didn t learn to read yet." C47 r,l, t I z[ 'Septenrber On SatLrrday, 2J. members of the Mrlliluck Fire Departnrenl attended the ev!'nts mar,(ing the 75th Anniversrry of the Huntington Manor Fire De' partment. In tbe Antique Mustcr. the Mattituck Departnent wotr a troph)'for the best appeariDB restored apparatus, Fire Department owned. the men who represented the Department also rvon tltird place in the individual Iadder event. The men also received a plaque in recognition of their participation. October 8 to I-1 will mark Fire Prevention Week. As many of you nray kno*', the Mattituck and Cutchogue Fire Departments are sponsoilng a poster contest in local scirools front Laurel to New Suffolk. In the Mattituck school tbis contest is open to students iD grades I through 6, and award p r e s e n t a t i o n sl v i l l b e m a d e d u r i n g Fire Prevcntion Week. John Kuveikas of Hampton Bays, manager of +,he Crown service slation on Main Road, Mattituck, informed police on Wednesday that a man had punched and broken a $300, seven-by-four-foot plastic sign at the gas slation. Police said the seruice station owners had decided to make no formal charge against the person allegedly responsjble for the demage./i/-l unoercroft Bargain Shoppe"willhave its grand openingon Satuday. October 14. The ooors.wlll swing open for you browsrngor s h o p p i n gd e l i g h t sa t 9 a . m o n t h e l 4 t h a n d other Saruday. you may visit 91."y".y " U n d e r c r o f tB a r g a i nS h o p p e ' f r o m 9 u n t i l3 on satudays and from ll:30 until 3 on Wednesdays.you will find good. wearable and-usabte il(icles in clotiing, household goodsand jewelry. Come oD in and enjoy a c.upof coffeewhile you browse. Remember, ''Undercroft Bargain Shoppe.'is located in the Episcopal Chuch of ite n1o6enie.2i lrene A. Xrpp"t ('..;t'/-/:i-/t MATTTTUCK-IreneA Happelof Howard Avenue died October 11 at Eastern Long Island Hospilal. She was ?4. Mrs. Happel had been a bookkeeperfor the lleeve Lumber Co., Mattituck. Shewas born in Neu York. December I2, 1903,and was the widow of Artie Happel. !'uneral seruicestook place October l4 at the DeFriest Funerai Home,Mattitucl,, with the Rev. Frederick Hummel officiating. l n t e r m c n l w a s i n N e w B o t h a n yC e m e l e r y , Mattituck. Mini Ashton of Love Lane, had as her s u e s t .A n n K e l l y . a C u l c h o g u el i b r a r i a n ,o n 'fhursday, October 12. NIrs. Kelly entertained the three- and four-year-old nursery school childlen of Mrs. Ashtons creative classeswjth stories, including the lalc of "Katie-No-Pockets",compleie with 3-D charactem ol "Katie" and her newly foundpockets,"Freddie " The four-year-old classlater drew picturesof pretendanimals t o p l a c e i n " K a l i e ' s " n e w p o c k e t s .M r s . Kelly's visit was a preparation in teaching the children how to visit the library and care for books. Manl,of NIrs. Ashton's pupils already have bcgu their library visits to participantsin the Story rlour which is held in thc Mattituck Free Library on Fridays at I p . m . O t h e rc h i l C r e nh a v e s t a r t e dv i s i t i n g t l t e R i v e r h e e dl - r b r l r r l n d m o r e a r e g o i n g to attend the story hour program at the CutchogueLibrary, commencingNovember 6. AII of tbe chi)dren enjoyed their guest visitor, Mrs. Kelly. und her entertainrng tUfT /, ly -t sro|res u'edd" l t h r ' ' r c ' l . t h c i r- 5 0 t h i r r g . r r r n i t c r r r r br v r c n ( r r i r r gt h e i r r t a r r i r g ev o t v s M . r . D a w cs a . y h se slipped the ring on the tlnger" r{rio aild thcy had a wondcrful titrrc Rclatives canre tionr far r\!ry plucc{ - Houston, Tcxrs, Wr:hinpr,rrr,D.C.. Svracuse, N . * \ , , r k . B r r s r , ' i .( , ' r r r r c c r r L u t . r r t r l l . t r r s , - 1 , r l e ,I t c l n \ y l v i n l J . :j,r!cr!l ot lhcif N{rttituck fficnds ucrc ablc io join in lhis hrppv tinre *i(h rhcnr. lt wrs i grli rllrir undct a canopy wru c(rcktrlls, hors d ocuvrcs. tlirrner . r l , r r n . lr n d r i a n c i n g a l l i h l . l.hc Darvcs wcrc nrrrflcd on . S L , D t L - n r t r1c2r . 1 9 2 8 a n d l i v e . d i n Ea.st tsrunsrvrck, Ncrv Jccscy bclirfc .ontil)e to Mrttiluck flvc \ L'rrs rg{r. Wc all join ilt rvislrrnt tlrr f)arvcsrll thcjov 50 bcautiful \c.rrs err brin!.Ucf ,4-, /C I ) / l r N . r r i , , r r .M r ,c l r r . r . r r l r . r r r r r r t , ^ {'rl",tilttrr) \ l t . t \ . t n l r ) l r n r , . dt l t ( . ilrfirc5 (,[ 15,000 scnrillrrrlirrr rrr thc. 2,1th anrual Mcrit progran) xrctucl0g t\\.o lt.onl Mattituck. r ncse acadenticallv talented sru_ (teo(s q,ill have a r r o p p o 1 1 a n l 1 y1 , ; conllnue ln the conrpclitioD lor aooul 4.100 Metit Scholarships ro r , ( . r \ v J 1 1 l ( . idD t h c s p r i l g of lv-u. i \ l . r r r r r , r u kH i g l r S , l r o , , l lr.rr . r . c c o .r o t i l - i c d r h r r . J r r l r t . Br,r,k,. o , 1 i l g t l l L -of l M r . r r r d M r s ( i e , , , B',,,+, ;,iM:;,,;;,,;':lr";:li; l V I o n 5 g l 1 , . , r , , 9 lM r . rnd Mrs. 4 l l ' r ' r r M , , r r s tl l ! l U r r I c l Avcrrrr( M \ r t i t U . k . l l . t \( . r . r r I . c l \(,lIl I r r r , r l i s rd r s i g n . r r r . r p { S i rq Zt ,. ,r,- Li.,t,.\, \\,..r ,rrrP(,r r4rjt LU)r,- rltrrr:ly ercnt tJcine rpnnrorccl b., r r , r ' I n c r ) . 1 )o f r l r , . \ r l r n o l Nll lalc I ' l i l , ( " r r N r 1 r r . i l t l , ( . rh t r . h c i l Progranr "5.11:l]efense lirr Wo_ rik..r,la(crr MnUitu..k :,1:,] ),ll I.Il8n 5f1,,\,1 Mcn)t)crq Of lhe \ u . I r ' l k ( , , i l r r r\ l ) . , l i c t . f)eprrtnrenr utll h,'ld i l . i c n t n r \ l r n t i , , , ){ ) , o c l e l \ c t r , (h l i l , l l l L . r a n d r distur. <l,rl) wlllt \\r,I)en ol Ihe conr. nlunrtv. All rrc |tvited r ( r0 i l e n d nlgn school gtrl5 !o ,entor !iti. zens. Thrs pr(,grrnt- uill eom_ r t r e n c ea r 7 : . 1 0p . n t . l \ t . t l1/", // presentation r. .l"he :::j:_::"*,, Srrtcrel .ar"nronia, i,, rook ptace durrng assemblies _r,^i bro.ghrrogerher lii".,"*ll',.,1 J " r n I n h o n o r i n gt h c w i n n e r s e,.t fire prevention *eek i:-_',:: . r r" e jlj,,,. n n d t h e W i t c h , .r h ^ < u p p l r e db y t h e oeprrr_ llrr,was sately for .suiTolk ;^::'_, ", .i't: which f eonard Ltew. ,: :, ]; ,. ,: -j ',,sf :L. n a r r m a n for Mittrtuck A s s i s r a n rC h i e fJ a n r e s : -di, . r' vr t , . ( - h a i r D a D ,; ,\ ]' E f lroguc rs i $. /.) i 4 f^r 7) -a", ',' , 4 scc a tascinatingfilm on. the Librarvflrp dp,fTgtgtpd Field fOf '!,. r1t'' ,:-l 4 - --!!,,w6uc rrre LFpxrl- YOUthS .,;JJH "'i'::'"":::r':;:;,1":i North ForkAudubon ^s oMArrrrucK--rhe c r e t v ' s v o u t h f i e l d t r i p t h i s m o n t h w i l l b ep n r ' i t . r c s p o n d c d r , ) J b r l r \ h f i r ( . :l?i ;l L:X: l::J:'.1.,"Jr::l: ^p .u;b9l1i ct ^1l i1btroa Lr iEe rsi ' i i e N J f r i l F o r ' t . ' , r o u . w i l t b e r e c e i v i n gs a s . o o o lromsouthold.Tow"i"is?rrii";;ll i;*; S u p e r u t s oar l b e r t m a i t o c c h L - ' i p " n t u-gooo weet<endrevlewmi?e uudget fl:jj"if t r - t h e rlr.l cmingyear"narounoiio,oooror$," n Drarles. Tfip v,Lri,u.r,Hisr.ricrlSociety.The t r l , i l . l l H J p l r e r r c col n L o n P ( , l . , n d . t r R c , n gl 0 0 Y e J r s w r l l b c i r . c , , n r p a n i ebdy a n e q u a l l r "Dunes iilrcrcsringsnortcalied T h c r c i s n o c h a r g ea n d r e f r e s h - l o l h e H u s l n g P o n d P r e s e r v e .M a t t i t u c k ( ' r r M a l h e q s r o n " . " r r c " , : . r , , , , " . ( T h e g r o u p w i lml e e t a l t h e b a lpl a r k n e a r , t h e l t s a s g u i c t l v e x r i n g u r s h e o . c . , r t y v r F r r d , , vn r o r n i n g ,. ; l i M a t l i t u c kY a c h l C l u bo n P e c o n i cB a y B l v d .;;";;,';; at I a m on satudav, November l 5lar'dbJ il tt'" souttoi.r E r e r y o n e i s w e l c o m e 'f r o m t h i r d g r a d-f f i h o u r c $ r r h " " " 0 r . 0 " , . . ' t . " , n " ,rir" u ',r",, i'Ti5,i:itT:,;i;i.fl,:'1"J'Jii3,.S ;fi,,?:i:J';,""'i'"ff,:"j: U n d e r e x p e r t l e a d e r s h i p , t h e c h i l d r e n w i l il h " ' v i r . r , " n ' ' i , ' , 1 , f " ' - ' ( r a s s r s fa t Lasr ueek * was announced ,;;;;" lllj,;i"*:ii';..:i""]fi1' t;'.,-/a'^ Town'scontributiontothelibrarleswoutd i'*.#r*"iT';#ffi':r?*"'i;i:H:Mifthglltstr,fqlii*,#fi}1f*i*fii,' *r*H,$"r-rr',r' bers met at Cutchogue Free Thursday night to discuss tb( snrrrion a n i * " y . o r ' - . o n u i n . iM n rsl 7': xlartocchia and Lhe Town L,(E sider Lh,errprelimrnary budget "o".0.j,"^:ff::projections llr l\lartocchrasard $6,000of the newly. f o u n d$ 1 0 , 0 0l0o r l i b r a r i e sw i l l ' h e p o l r n e b u d g c r . w i r h r h e r e mc ao rmnei nfgr os m !.0o0 li','/L t . . ;i . t - . - , - r , , , , ., f z-l u i\;] l, J _ b! DTCXCURTTS Timessta(fRpporlpr a cREENp6RT_.Mjtcheil.R s estauranr. coming from miscellaneousareas of the *"jt,i."no",i $aterfront )andmark )r rhe budget ground riilage since 1933.buned to the ttaddiljon. thesuperuisorrecommendep drrtv lasl Fridav mornrng t h a ' r n t h e t u r u r er h e l i b r a r i e ss u b m i t al budgetrequeststo the Town Board prior to H"r.v Mitchell, estimatpd the damrge shoor budger votes every spring. w. s r,rlr i million dorlars Tbe building was ii Gardner, president of the Cutchogue total loss. L i b r a r y b o a r d o f t r u s t e e s ,w h o w o r k e d F i v e G r e e n p o r t p u m p t r u c k s ; n ad n a c r i r l .) 7223s65 - f,:i:"Ttl;:l:"';U;j;ilii'.', The restauianl and atiioining property has been a ccnter of interesl jn-Miscbny,s Dlar\ne.lerr\ lermrnal qhirh has been h x p p e r e r r r m o n g o r h e r r e a s o n s h. v a r a c k o[ parking arel.The bunjng of the reslaurant could now provide that parking a r e a l l u l n e t t h e rM a s c o n yn o r l h e M r l c h p l l nsrrucled b' rndio ro conliiuc ro v.eenDorr :nd "^^tL^. Ir,'n'Ir,,'' ;;;' ,,;:]",,.,,:"]ln"', lrr{ lrnrr(' ;r) r""; ",,,"^,1''j'"'l'rrr( rhc Nrj,r,,. ;.; ;i:"';,,::i':,],," hr,i rc.;;'r^;:.,,_:l"r:nrcDl (ne Luicho€uc lir(nuuse uilh a Dt,DIl(r f'h.rr r,,., rhe fiie might have on ihe ferry's prospects. any The Milch;ll familv has not ciiscrrssed f u t u r e u s e so t t h e p r o p e r t y . t.-rotrtstrcrtCloscdoff arspxtched rhere. Anorher ;_J5,..r. senrb.vMartrrucr,to rhc )l.i:T h o t r s e . r n ct h i c.tin)cs:111"n:q'" F i r e D e p a r r n r t ' r r. , , v c , r c c l lor,l iveek.saidsuchanarrangementwou]dbelaterintotheb]lzingbulding.bIjnging1heal{ji50I.-fidaymorningathishomcin,'.','nruIurIrt.]''UlUJIlIdl]ls accep|ab]etotheIibraries.Mr.GardnerireunclercontI0]b).6:}l|-a,m'F|reilP.PopperPike'dhi0byacallfromhiSSiStef r u c k s n r r r v eu p , o , h n t c h a i r e d _ l h es p e c j a l m e e t i n g a t l h e c u f .r|d Dojlv Erght hoursiater hc was in Green ,-,,i," ,,r" raratus lrom Nlattituck cuiclrogue deprrtnrent,s ,t,ipp"d,rr chogueLibrary Thusda./ night 1.o ioulhoid seNed as back,up units ansvor port ,,.', The North thIoughtheTownbudgetaretheFioydir,;'"ri..t.ucks'",ustationedaroundthe'.6nirrrebarlva]uees|imatedat$40,000)l|tesatne.i,u".n..''i.i,]j|.'..' M e m o r i a i L i b r a r y i n G r e e n p o r t , t h e u i t i a e e t o g u a r d a g a ) n s i s p a r k s o r e m b ecr sa n n o t T h a t s t h e s a d d e s t t h i n g a b o u t t h € F i r e t h e C u r c | , , , , , , ' " : , . , : l l J ' t l t " " S o u l h , , lF d r e e L r b r a r y .t h e C u t c h o g u F e ree dcpl.'yed rr, ;r.:i'r,.,.1:'^,,.1"' 0 t h e r a r e a s S o r n c2 7 5 v o l u n 1 1 r . ' ' l h e r . a s h i n t h e r e s l a u r r n t ' s s a f e L i b r a r v a n d t h P M a t t i t u c k F r e e L i b r a r y . "i e n "Or uf i"inegm" o . ,nr € w e r e i n v o l v e dI n l h e f o u r - l ) o u rn r d o , r r h r n u q h{ h p i r r e . s c t b u l ( ' l h e r w r s F e m b e r sr n d was The Fishen Island Library also shares ir "^,;;,;,,,:;.":ll^.].'"'"" ir"itr" which endedrvhenthe tast spark ,,nJn.^g"o ",r,", .i,uiai,,gr';3llll"'*"*,"f,1 'l'raflic \vas closedrrn Front Street until 4 thc approprialion. rvith Ilre. extinguishedafter B a.m. ore -. Suflolk County ?th Squad Detectives P nt ancl fire watches were posted at the OnNovemberBlheFricndsoflheSchool MA.t"rrtuLN i n v e s t i g a t i n g ,t h e p o s s r b i l i t y o f ? . r s o l : s c e n eu n t i l B p . m . T h e r e w e r e t w o r e k i n rgutrl: is are sponsoringa meaniagful program for all investigatrons ,,f which firemen brought such dlings the blaze MATTTTUCK-ptans for a tenth analthough 11 n i v e r s a r y d i n n e r - d a n c et o b e h e l d n e x t f i r e s o i t h i s m a g n i t u d e .D e t e c t N e s P r g e i l l , a c k t o t h e r u b b l e . A l 4 : 3 0 a . m .S a l u r d a y ' w o m e n o f o u c o m m u n i t y , e n t i t l c d " S c l f D e f e n s ef o r W o m e n " . M e m b e r s o f l h e monthandforatriptotheAmishc;;trti; JamesYagleoC f utchoguesaidtherers,notruckNrscailedoullodouseaflare-upin s t a r t e dw h . r t w r s l h e n o r t h w ( ' s t s e c t i o n o f t h e d i n i n sg u f i o l k C o t l n l y P o l i c e D e p a r t m e n l w i l l pennsylvania later this month were evidence that the blaze was discusSedatlaStweek'Smeetlngoiihedetiberately'ltSexactorigintsa;'}.e|'| pulledtrot *'a. .efrorlcd. theD with lhe women All are invited frotl Mattituck Senior CitizensClub at-Southold determined.Severalltems were in^pltr highschoolgirlstoseniorcitizens Cometo American Legion Hall. The meeting was the debris for closer rnspection, walk-ln the school at 7::]0 n m a lor motor attendedby t76 seniors and guesls. ticular a compressor i*l+J*i,1ffi ilJffi ,",""ff ;::.;ll*H&P"frnfl,::**:.?,.:::: t!,"*ry'l*fi ioyment. A lafBegroup has made reseruationsfor theAmishcourtrytripwhichwillleaveat 6 r l f ' a . m . o n T u e s d a y ,O c t o b e r 2 4 , a n d return lhe evening of the next day. .'fhe affair marking the club's tenthbirthdayislobeheldatMattituckManoron We(lnesduy,jjovemberIs,-from 6 to 10i30 pm rec-fr'/,/.q7,r, par] Erffp/ chell would nol piacc a figue on it. market the size of the Hill'i store in tut- beard a definite woid about it," he said. I'atrolnranlleprtrlslrulbreak chogueis boundto affect a large number 0f Bob Richmond, who managesthe IGA in T h e f i r c w a s r e F r t e d . . b - y - . . . C r e e . npqeoo1p1l e . T o t h o s e w h o r e l i e d o n t h a t r e l a i lG r e e n p n r t , h a s n ' t f e l t t h e s i m e l m p a c r a s P a t r o l m a nD o n a l d" D u c k y " M i l l e r a L 4 : 2 7 l t u t l e t f o r t h e i r g o o d s , i t m e a n s a d i s r u p t i o nh i s A & p n e i g h b o r . , . W e h a v e n . t r e a l i y f e l t a a.m . Iess lhan an hour after he had in- in their shopping routine and possibly a big differenie." he said. ,,I've seen a few s p e c t e d t h e o u t s j d e o f t h e p r e m i s e s w h i l e ol o n n g e r d r i v e i o g u i t h o s " v i t a t g o o d sl .t m a y s t r a n g e Gi n h e r e , I g u e s s s o m e o f t h e m r o u t i n e p a t r oA l t t h a t t i m e . h e s a i d , t h e r e a l s o m e a n a l o n g e r w a i t i n w h a t a r e a l r e a dmyu s t h a v e s h o p p e d a t - H i l l s . u'as no siEn of smoke or flames. long checkout lines at times. Some effect'is being felt €ven in the T,llf,lffl',in,ii;"f,T*:11 :"'?i'",'i,"J; ,"1:::;nJl'""ffi:i:ff.: :T,".iil#::l*.:fJil:ffff.J".i"ffi1 r"+'"'ail"? tofil,the sap ,i[:T:11H:l';, HH?: i;"'i;"i:']:J::ff1[Jifi[:"'_,llve "*","0[:*:,J,T$ff$;1;ii"":,j;,:::i*'Jlli The A&P in Mattituck reportedthe largest and bread...andbeer." rtlerrrrric.ri--e' tkLJ r-"i, contract the intense inside that creenport Fire chief M a t t i l u c k - C u t c h o g uBeo a r d o f E d u c a t i o n l : 1 l k l ' 7 . : i t l p l e : , k e p l f i f e ' f i g h l i n g l e a m s has iust ratifiad with the Teachers lrm.cntering thebuildinS. A s s o c i a l i o n p r o v i d e s s a l a r y g u i d e i n c r e a s.e- fsr t t e e n m r n u t e s l a t e r ' i n w h a t s e e m e d t o ol, seconds were oi .t.,1percentthe iirst yeai,).+ percent the f- 1,-ltll*,. .flames secondyear, and l.t p*ceni the third year, the. rhoor board has announced Once asain the Mattituck Fire annual Departmenl held its poster contest,rnrs year for the iirst timc in a joint etfod with thc cutchogueFireDepartmenr.This contest was sponiored by the d e p a r t m e n t isn o u r l o c a l s c h o o l s iniluding Laurel, Matlituck-cutchogue[rades K-6, SacredHeart School and the New Suffolk school.Judging *"lt ou.. too p o s t e r sr e c e i v e di n t n " I o n t " r t were: vincent Wi""ror"t, iil-.i, cutchogue Fire Depadment; James Fogarty, First Assistant Chief, Cutchogue Fire.Departmenr: Mrs. Connie Tuthilll Mr. Leonard Llewellyn of the Mattituck Fire Department,and former Chief, Mattituck Fire ,Dgpart' nent, Richard otmsteaa:o/if increase in sales. Store manager Ken NotalltheNorthForkstoreswelcom€the Bauenrfeind said that for the lew davs extra business.The Main street Market in b e t w e e nt h e H i l l s c l o s i n g a h d t h e i r r e - S o u t h o l d d o e s n ' t w a n t a n y m o r e c u s t o m e r s . opening for the l0 percent discount "We feel very little increase", John 8:',,".ti'T:",t;:f,i,:l';!,';tlo"f:l i i[?^t3::l:J:f::y:,i$',li,ilij"ii iJ,;'l; ;"T'Jl;Jlili,i;;:,:i*J,;XT Cheif Staples A few minutes att€rward lhe estimateswas 40percentto 50percent more put up a sign over the door saying. 'No A&P front uall collapsed inward with a thun' businessthan for the same time last year. or Hiils customers connectedwith lhe Rumors continueto fly atjout possibleuse i:ljl.g-tl:*:t:l']juries ilre,wm rcpnrteo GreenportA&P Benefits of the Hills store.once it is vacant The most c o m p a n i e s G r e e n p o r t ' sA & P a l s o h a s n o t i c e d a n p € r s i s t e n a t re that either King Kullen or -responded ^ l ] l - l i " , . . _to " 1 "fighl _ : n p othe r t . fbiaze ire appreciableincreasein activity, due to the waldbaum wiil be moving in. Theserumors H i l l s c l o s i n g . F r a n k M i l l e r , m a n a g e r , d i d n 'ct , o u l dn o t - b e v e r i f i e d . T o m A n g o n a , K i n g Rainstorilrl,esscrsPcril heavy deluge of rain greatiy lessened speak statislically. but did say. "lt's had a Kullen's director cf real esLate,said the .A of the fire spreading from uerl good effect. We've been drawing same thing that Aaron Malinsky, who holds l!9 :h1l"9r from the area of Cutchogueand the same positionfor Waldbam's, said that Mitchell's bui a coolrngstream of water was ::.I:T"P s p r a y e d o n t h e n e a r b y S t u d i o C a l l e r y . W h eMn a t t ' t u c k a n d e a s t . " T h e A & P i t s e l f i s s a i d n o w o r d c a n y e t b e r e l e a s e da b o u t i t , a u i n d s h r f t e dI r o r 1 6 u l o h e i n f i n a n c i a l s t r a i t sc o u i d i t b e c o m e t h e s t a t e m e n t w h i c h m a y i n d i c a t e l h a t :wesl . 1 ^ " ^to l r ] lthe : l " t pnorth "9,lhe which swept airborne next Hjlls and clme overnightl Mr. Miller somelhing is afoot. embers harmlessly over the harbor. The inferno was finallv brought under control around sunrise. A croq,d of around 200 watched from the opposite sidewalk as CreenDortbeEanits husinessdav. Jerr-vJ. Bourguignon,son ot Mr. "-1'1T1" uonald Paigle of Mattjtuck, has lll^lliT; foJtowing ;:;;j::,i_r"-l:t,assignm€nt ltom lhe aircraft maintenanc! ::::':ill:" Ltrrdrst^course conducted by the Air ' dr'lrlrtsrommand.at SheppardAFB, Tex. Y iu g r a d u a t eo f M a t t j t u c k ^ r : I r : : d r 'L7+ High scnool 2 t s /t frnuncn Markq lts Gentenary O;= - MATrrrucx.-Tn" "n ;?f Redeemer will celebrate the ( E D I T O R ' S N O T E : C o n g r e s s m a nO t i s g o v e r n m e n t a g e n c l e s , g o v e r n m e n t Pike's l8th and last aunual report to his assistance,and we are paying this price l constitucntsarrived in the mail this week. do not want to conclrrdethis final report in a ,\s usual,it rvasinterestiDgand informative downbeatfashion l have absolutely loved The followiDgis ar excerpt we thiDk worth the opportmity being you Congressmanfor lt| years. I leave with a deep sense of sharing.) "I leave with a deep feeling of concern gratitudefortheopportuityandanabiding jnability -' in even belief that our system does work For better al)out our )ration oI its prosperoustimes to balance ils budget. Of or for \Yorse.the Congressof the United its unwillingnessto make the sacrifjces and States, and especially the House of hard choicpswhich I feel are necessaryin order to sustain it as a leader in the free Representatives,does representthe people r v o r l d .T h e s l m p t o m s a r e o b v i o u s - a n o f l h e U n i t e d S t a t e st t i s r e s p o n s i v e t o l h e i r i n f l a t i o n s p i r a i i n g u p w a r d , a d o l l a r $ i s h e s ,t h e i r a s p i r a t i o nt,h e i r i d e a l s l w i s h spiraling downward. tnere is a price to be my successorthe very best of successin of the. Firet for"our unwillingness in Congressto say representing luid .people l . N o " t o t h o d e * o n d J o f e a c h p r e s s u e g r o u p c o n g r e s s i o n. alle Dl i s t r i c tb e t t e r t h a nI h a v e . I tor more anci more government programs, have tried " SOUTHOI,D--TownCouncilmanand Mrs. fil"'1r?!^",rinroa parjshRoom, doins a lars " an. part of the rvork themselves.the-prae-nt l00th niversary-ofthe laying of its cornerstoneat Parish Room was completed in 194d. a special commemorative service on In 19bbthe Rev. Lawrence B. Jones Sunday, October 29, at l0 a.m. A cordial became the first resiclent vicar of the invitation is extendedto all who would like Church. to ioin in the celebration. In 1877a lot was given by Henry A. and CarolineM. Dingeeto the EpiscopalDiocese of Long Island "only to be usedand occupied for an English Episcopal Cburch." The cornerstonewas laid in l87B and the first service was held on a Sunday aftcrnoon in July, 1879,by the Rev. ThomasCook,pries! in-chargeof Grace Chuch, Riverhead. The chuch brdlding was extensively remodeledand rebuilt in 1932.The cost was largely assumed by the Diocese of Long Island, as were many other expensesover the years. In 1945 the Executive committee and Ladies Guild begil to convert the dirt floor Dies at 100 Mabet Richmond iffil'iliiil1Xi.::iliifijii:::flli't tT;:i Hauock's rromMissRhoda ""t"' r. Ri.r,.oncdiedandgraduated .ui."oil-r,ir il:,i:"lj 3:1:.:: ;'tr"fi"? was a reportof the in, October 22 at. Eastern Suffolk Nursing Private School. Mrs. Richmond Boulevard.accordingto " her 100th bir- member of the Eastern Star. cident NIr Drurn give to town 'polrce qn Home.-She had celebrated Albst,-forproclamation two sons, by a is suvived and received She thd"y July 28 I.uesday Albert mer lown Clerk. of cutchogueand Earle of councilman Drum drscoverpda hole h3d from Southojfl Town Super_visor, '?.) Rutherford.N J.: sevengrandchildrenand tt'tartmchia.A ,.r- ,aQ, it. rhe lrd lo lrunk release heenpunchedor) ./,,i , ^, a t t h e a g e o f 9 4a s s i x t e e n g r € a l - g r a n d c h i l d r e n S h e w a s l o c k M i s s r n ga r e a c a m e r a w i t h f l i m , f l a s h M r s . R i c h m o n dr e t i r e d Store, predeceased by her son Harold-ofSoutholdproprietor General ot Rrchmond's cubes.shirts, sweaters,,nou" FuneralserviceswereheldOctober24at c i r e s s e s a n d i i s u i t c a s c . ' I h e "no-iiipp"r., t h i e v e s a l s o l oPoekc o n i c in lS?B,she was the the DeFriest Funeral Home with the Rev the car,s steel-beltedspare tire. ftre Orums _ Born in Maltituct daughtertf th.e late Atbert B. and Sarah Edmud claypool officiating. Intermenl -" frEuredthecostof-tlrclostE.tr"r""-irforrori ( D a v i d s ) T u t h i l l . S h e a t t e n d e d l o csacl h o o l s w a s i n t h e C u t c h o g u e C e m e t e r y . Z/11,;.7tqi/ i;il.-" At a special paish meeting in March, 1965, the mission chuch was incorporaled as a parish, and Vicar Peter Jacobsen became the first rector. He served in tbis capacity until AugNl. 1968. 'lhe present rector, the Rev. Charles R. Baker, was elected in October,1968. There was a ghostly black sky on Halloween night, when the witches and goblins were in their flight! All manner of strange creatures could be secn scurrying about Mattituck on Halloween and a large number of them lbllowed the fire rruck in thc annual Halloween parade. There were large ones. small ones and lots of in-betsecrrs. There werr cdts. tshosls, witches, cowbrrys. indians. bad men, spider men,, clowns. !rretty girls, scar-vboys and and all made up to have fun. The Lions were there to show cartoons at the school, award prizes and give ice cream treats to all. It was rnorher grect t{cl or lleal day Jor ' rLrf lh. .l,ird,F/. /? 7 Y NavyAirmanRecruitMalsaretMahon, ,,':1",",;:Tff;::;"::*r:il i:::i:ilH w. KTENDL on octoberzo,lsza ;, --J "*ryq"o.K joined ' /.1/,7:/ 6, / a / ) were r Young ;;;",;';;; N46cecir MATTITUCK-Frederick Mattituck ."#ffi,r;.ii"i.E'i,?I,illli id;;;;;:;'i;; ihewarmweathergaveaboostto in marria,e at the l'rcsbyterrrnChurch On Ociober the farmers u.-'Oitg;";;8i; their C u l t u r e . T h e " u u t i l o * i . . . o p - , i " 1: 1 . r o l U . l h c y c e l e b r a l e d ie I r a i n i n g C e n t e r , O r f . n a o , n r u l " l ' ' i g'ie qraduate of Mattituck Uign Scloof, . ioinedtheNavyinAugustt's.. w' Kicndl' born in Brooklynon Aptil 8'1922'diedsuddenlyNovemter ^i,,1iJi; l:'::1.:",i il;il;"i;;1&i'r* 6'i+".(uf"J(,""^ J;JK"JI l;*"u] ;1lil"ff,i':l?^il"1i""x:TJJ:'i"1 ii:":;1[:,-:1;"* , l S r a n l e ]J a r , dL t i t a[ , w o s a k o t S a l t a i r e ^""llo .u","r" "iil," ,ri.. ol way, has completed a basic avionics L"aviation eleclronics") techniciancourse. . " " f , n " - " . ' r i r " " a i ; ; ; " ' . ; ; ; " f o ;;;;;i,;;";;:-;;'iir" iur.* i", i"l,T"'s:?iliji ff"yii"jH:J1fi ir"i.::! It h ;;;".;i';"il; F; e potatoes tft""fO-U" corpsrn November,1977. ';;;.';; l lsr, . r c r 5 0 i n W o r l d W a r I I M r . K i e n < la ltr.rsbr'r ResrrrrranrO gu"rt, lorncd in this special served for nany yearson thc occasionorr this warm and lovely board of the North Fork Counrry ^iitt"r- Youngandhiswifecameupfrom H Crub, Roser aspresident rheirson, dav, october Serviccs will be held at the 'in" ff::;:,i:"X^*i fl1;f ilfi"ljh:"1.1 ",?i:"{'ti:,,," #ii* n",r*.v'oi'ti" Mauituck .=,a'it-:' :":ilT;":}: rel;.and their d""Cl]:ll y^t:' shouldbe all plantedbv then also, " t'ire Departmentis having it" J;;;i;;rnethPauley.camedown lrom v, Massachusetts s many of you will kr,uw, Mr' giving it a good start before the cold wintry wind stnr!! tq-blow i? ;7 ;;;".'ii,.;'LA',- ner-danceon November l0 trom 8 to midnjght at Mattituck lvlanor.and lhis year the danceis opento the pubtjc. All ";;;;"i;; -. o,^^^, ,^ survived Lvrr' Nrencl ts by his wife Caryl R Kiendl, a son Frederick w Kiendt Jr. and a ':? 'l *"-T,:" fil'iJ"ill";: fu:ru:i#,:";nl;"if,*: ;;".,;;,:tit"f.yl.:'-1::,ffJ';lli"i,,ll" litlT:!"lT] anollrer d a n c i n gt e l h e m u s i c o f G u n t h e r Z i p l i n p l a n n e d ":ll-ttft:I: Trckels are $J0 per couple includes fou evcnl ro .1"*: -p'."t", il L1t s th:"I M a l l i t u c k . f ' g h . h o u r s o fa l l l o u c a n e a t . d r i n k a n d a l l t h e "l;)l,. . l a n c i n g y o u i i e e t c a n h a n d l e . F o r f u r t h e vr e m b e r E M e m b ^ e r s o t t h e 5 u n o l x wtll informition or tickets,call SueSkrezec,298- County Police Deptrtmilt. ie2.rur.Karie Kosianouski.2s8SBse r e l , a n d M r s . Y o u n g p r o u d l y l - o r e s lH i l l s . N . Y a n d D o r o t h v laggard ol Jackson.Michigan. es that. she was born ;n Inlieuofflowersdonationscan itucy$r7^Ely')t / a r m c o n g r a t u l ; t i o n 5 f l o m a l bl e m a d e l o t h e C a n c e r S o c i e r y o r rs and wlshes that you will AmericanHeart Assocratlon. .rnuero share more DougLAscRAyrurrf+L -manv //7rr|t/6, /q i""f, /-Je0 novemrrerr:l.r.lt:L l"j*"*,.1,f"", 6D YEnRS " i ' a . f " " . . "J RIVERHEAD - Douglas Gray ISLAND AcAIN nlu". ona a discussionperiod.lf ^_EAS,|'EII ^L?-N,c T u t h i t l o f R i v e r h e a dd i e d a t t h e S W E P T B y G A L E O f H U R R I C A N E ,nr have ever been concerned i,+*" ."u*r,lng out your cai 1n a F oRCE. Plate g)ass windows were shat- central suffolk Hospital on No1 o 1o . t e r e d i n t h e b u s i n e s s s e c t i o n i n t h e u a k e o r av e m b e r l 0 , l e T 8 a t t h e a g e o f 7 3 . ;i ;;p;;;;n,?,.pu.ring i " ? " l . t L t p ^ \ u : , ' i ' ; ' Y " " t ' ' ' iTf uiutring. dom a- rathet seventy-mile gale which swept the east Mr' Tuthill was born in lvlattituck .Ihe incident was a*ributed io student *h*' coastFridaynight Recordhightideflooded where he graduated from high desertedstreet at dusk or dark, prankstere tr!,ing to maintain streets highu'ays and cellars Property school' He then graduated from n€etitrg is intended to helD ,r,i. ",;"iil;;;, rivalrybetrveenrheSourrroldanO'lraliiiiritl d a m a g e i n G r e e n F 0 r tV i l l a g e w a s n o t a s t h e E a s t m a n B u s i n e s sC o l l e g e overcome.your.vulnerabilitv Y o u CutchogueschoolSoccerteamswhichwere ' l w o s o c c e r B o anl e t s w h r c h \'lATilTUr'h disappearedfrom their l""Ytt:i,if^n;11; o n t h e S o u t h o l dH i g h S c h o o lp l a y r n g t t e t u last Thursday night were t"*o 1",,^1jjl; ;;:ti::l"l:::Llfi.rtiil,liiilil ^T,?'"J":"i'1'"'1,.H;"T; ,h:'ilD;;iilil:t*j::*":: ,ll,,::Tilj i:?f :;l#"er'''f,:l;il:tll"xti"ffi:J:; tocrash insourhord schedur-ed ili daiorice was interrupted rhenetswhile,n",, ili.ll-til"l"tr""'ll',"i'u*i"tl *.hodis.overed rgf attend was.;;p);i"r!' Prease \\'ere stirr saidone bun,ns "" 2c> 7|'!P ta a " destrovedand tie other badly damaeed 7:30 p m @=? ""1":':*:":ice Riverhead for nearlv50vearsand i:i,H:]"#:J"i"",tj:JB'r]:: "";TJ;,:Ti,:l':[,Hn:iffiiil.ift ;;;";i"';;;;;i,[""o, ,n" ,*o banks wjll as an Accountant as welr as ff"""'"?"T"il$'"liJ;#:i""!i'*!:ffi1;1 tuntabre ."Y;:l'"::J':;,,,11:?';;t';; Atabre tere,ision set, asrereo |;li"tJ il':::"ili"i'ii;,I" il 'i.ft \ltP-n:ll ,."9 Trust Co vith two at citizenry. and speaken, valued $200,.were s t o i e nf r o m t h e s u m m e r h o m e o - f G l a d y s S h e e h a no f N a u g l e s D r i v e , M a t t i t u c k , sometime during the week, the owner reported. Entry was gained !y fo.l"tlg_1 rear door in the house,she told policd '{ On Ocrober4. Mr. ano well as severalin-laws, famity of a t G r e e n pY:"I o r t ( ' u l c h o g u ea n d M a t Mrs.JosephShipmanbecameth" hislatewife,MadelineBenjamin. llll::. parentsofNicole,6lbs.loz,and rrtuck Funeral services were held steven, 5 lbs. I oz. Nicore and uoroiny Gocde of Eriiah's Lane. Mat- Monday, Novenber 13, l97g at Steven are very lucky ro.nave neginard H. Tuthiil Funeral the riruck, totd o"ti"" ;;u;;;;;;.;;";;;';; + big brother, tiirv. *rro":i <^.' i;;j;';;;,i;;:'.ts at a house Dartv on Hcme with the ReverendFrede. years-old.The grandparenrsare Saturdayl No-vember ,r, So:O in gss;; ricf Hummel, pastor of the Mr. and. Mrs. John Shipman of cjrsappeiredfrom a hiding pf"ce in *t icir-ii Mattituck presbyterian Church Peconic and Mt had beenput for safe-keep'ing. officiating.Interment followed at ,cf"o-is-g. 1n9r- Y,:.- RavmoDd Ettisot South6tt T'/l ;j';ff;f -"'r?l%ctrecliaoe orrrrobJr Mariiill*.",i"1,1?".f".erery. L u .1' Mattituck t t u,tt Y tth v , at 7 ,/ I Pat and Phil Mongomery recently celebrated a combination silver wedding anniversary and house warnring with a lawn party attended by 60 relatives and close friends. They had a lovely day for the gathering and were delighted with the gifts and good \eishes , l u l i a B r o o k s .d a u g h t e ro f M r . a n d M r s ceorge Brooks. New' Suf[o]k Avenue, \rlattituck. a senior at Mattituck High School.has been electedlo be a member of the 1978 New York All-State Wind En semble .Juiiee.ill play tenor saxophonein the highly select musical organizalion of they received. The Montgomerys, approximately60 playem and wi)l perform who are the parents of nine al the Nerv York State School Music children ranging in age fronr.] to Association's annual conference at the 2 J ( P h i l . J r . , P a t t i . P a m , K e v i n , ConcordHotel in December. Linda. Mike, Carol, Jeanne' At lvlattjtuck High SchoolJulie has been M a r i e a n d J i n r m l ' ) . f o r m e r l y a c t i v ei n m a n y m u s i c a lo r g a n i z a t i o n sS.h e r e s i d e d i n B a b y l o n a n d a r t ' n o w n l a v sl e n o r s a x o p h o n ei n t h e H i g h S c h o o l v e r y h a p p y t o b e n r a k i n g M a t t i StageBand and is the iirst cJarinetistin the tuck their year-round rcsidence. H i g h S c h o o lC o n c e r t B a n d . S h e h a s a l s o Rick AnDichi^rico of the Comin Derformed a saxophonequartet, been a m u n i t y R e l a t i o n s S e c t i o n o f t h e memberof the pit band for the high school S u f f o l k C o u n t y P o l i c eD e p a r t m e n t m u s i c a l sa n d v a r i e l v s h o w s a n d h a s p a r of l i c i p a t e di n s e l e c tb a n d so n t h e c o u D t ya n d a d d r e s s c d a s i z c a b l c a u d i e n c e wonren Ia5t Wednesday in the local levels w h e n h e Her selectionfor the All-State Wind En, h i g h s c h o o l c a f e t c r i a semblewas based upon superior ratings at p r e s e n t c d h i s t a l k o n " S e l f solocontests duing lhe past lhree years and Defensc liu Wonrcn . It was very t h p l a c l i h e a e h i e v e da 6 4 + r a t i n g a t l a s t i n f o r n r a t i v e , a n d t h e F r i e n d s o f the School are planning to v e a r ' ss o l oc o n t e s t . The wind ensemble. plus the All-State s D o n s o t a c o n i r n u l , x s c r i e s o n . /5, lq 7 i Band.chorus.orchestra,and stage band are r h r : i m p u r t r r r r r . , ' p i , lW cOmprisedof students from all over New t'sgtplunl.l Yofk Slate The organizationswill rehearse - t,;a( 'it\ '//L11 t .*F' for threedays before performing for music IERRY J, BOURGUIGNON, educators.parents and frjends. George L Lester. high school band s o n o l M r ' a n d M r s D o n a l d director. has noted that Julie is the first Palsle of Mattituck New York' instrumentalistfrom ilIattituck High Schooi h a s r e c e i v e d a n e w a s s i S n m e n t lo ever b€ selectedinto an All-State Wind following giaduation fronr. the Band. The schooi and community extends aircraft nraintenance sPectatrsr conducted bY the Air Training Command at ShePpard BourgutgAFB, Texas Airman non, who was trained to maiDtaln' cutrepair and service aircraft wttt rently in use bY the Air Force' Dakota' eo to Mrnot AFB' North the o l ^ ior dutv with a unity Lom' Strategi( Air Command earned tne oletion of the course arindividual credtls towards ceassociate in aPPlied sclence sree through the CommuiltY lne of the Air Force ioltege of it a 1978 graduate -..^" Mattituck Hish School' course Congralulationsare being extended to DeniseA. Loper, daqhter of Mr. and Mrs. John Loper of Pike Street. Denise recently graduatedfrom basic training al Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Tex., and is now at SheppardAir Force Base, where she is involved in the airplane mecbanics training program. Church senices were held on base in San Antonio on November 5 with formal graduation ceremonies having laken place on tbe 8tb. Denise writes that all is going well with he4.but it sue is mighty 'lexasl/'7tt', 21 cold in north /?Zl The SoutholdTown Blood Program is enco$aging all Mattituck residents to donatebloodon Friday, December8th at the CutchogueFire House from 3 to I p.m. Your donation assues ou community of sufficient blood whenver it should be needed. or For an apfrointment please call 765-3859 7344507. ol SOUTHOLD--Afortunate comblnation tiiruant pol.eman and an indiscreet ,ii-niurtrut'u.or,"nup a house'breakingring and ."0"i. f,"ipi"g t" t"tv'e recentburglaries End 'ir'it .ri'-it".ln sorthold and other East mowns, according lo ldetectlvs ,now ' e s t i g a i i n gt h e c a s e . {I ( " \ ' ' L 4 t t a / z who moved wifii"nt-.1. campbell lS' on :ecJlv from Riverheadto an apartment last was ar.rested Martituck' N;;;;!;ti;". douthold potice His a)leged *iii""A-u, Uouit Rrvera 23.,ot Old Quogue ..-*pii.", policeas the ir""i, fti"-in""o. describedbv later by i " " . " ' i n r f t " c a s e .u a s a r r e s t e d Squad detectives Police f""",t:'S"t"ntf, as the J"ii- u'oaitiona arrests are expected Drobe ''ir'" continues. Southold inu"stie.ationbegan when p o t r c . S " r d e a r l t H e n r y S an l a c r o c e by t..o""O"J t"it RtiOay to a. complaint in il;;t. a resrdent in the building l;f; apart' hrs rtlt. c".pu"l) lives that iJ'i al been iooterlof articles valued *""i frra .tf," arlicles included 3 stereo iiszs. ihree sPeak"*- turnl3ble an ;;;J*. polrce n"atet and som" loodstulfs "i"-.t.t" salo. r r l l p l e sl.' u n p k i n s( a s u a l t i e s Thomas wickhanr inlormed police last Saturdav ttral someone had entered a storage building at lhe $ ickham greenhouses on New Su.tfolk Avenue, Mattituck. last lvcekend.had forced open lhe door lo a coolerand dantaged20 boxesof apples. rvhich were fout4 smashed and \"rt,Ared rhour rhp flo"r' ll.t,lL, l( Zt r.-l r8. was - - Mi";;;ir. . . - : - - - - + .e;;"beu, . snesreo fnosy ano chargedwlth second degree burglary and possession of stolen property. Police salo ne ailegeoly Durtanzeothe A g g i e C u ) t u r er e p o r t st h a t t b e good weather is keeping the c a u l i O o w ehr a r v e s t i n gi n t i p t o p order. Prices are holding steady bul arc erpectedto drop ovcr the T h a n k s g i v i n gw e e k e n d d u e t o many warehouses being closed Thursdayand_J.lready slockedfor rhc h.liday. I t ;v l-4 /./ zy A'ph.lojt ,n "?i r:':-*ffi ;ln, ":, n"""::"""; burgtaries'/ )/tzv ;Lr-'/ q / ; '*.1:fl'lrr, jy,i1'""?; "J,i;:ln";"'."' x:I *$i;'"o1"i.'ot\1ll toVrtpiy)V *goot,ng, loJln :^i: zy york died i"lT.i. ff:,1n:?,!?:T:,ii:'i:i'ii,"::i ::l :::**:lrl,:the from ;;;-l;g;i-;;p;;;is ?sulting A:ffiTi:i!;;T:'[::;:':1;l fl I t ' 7 { \'f,tiP.,'', "'i i--t cr-_':_-r" 1W / 6 \nuther'< hain Srw Theft 14 ? X T h o m a sH a n s e no f D e e r P c t h . M a t t i t u c k . feported on Wcdnesdaythat a $160chain saw had been taken from the basementof his new homc there The saw disappeared u h i l e h e w a s m o v i n gf r o t n a f o r m e rh o m ei n I l u n t i n g t o nt o M a t t i t u c k . h e t o l d p o l j c e r ) f f i c e rJ a m e s M e l l a s .w h o i n v e s t i g a t e d . 'oi MAT'I ITUCK--A'iriue." L',maja Uat tituck died at Eastern Long Island Hospital on Novcmber 1? al the age of 90. ivlrs. Lomaga was born in Austria Hungary on Jan[ary 15, IBBB. She is survived by two sons, George MATTITUCK'-The Mattituck-Cutchogue Naugles Drive' Mattituck. SouthLomaga of Mattituck and Irrank Lomaga of Board of Education voted at last rveek's old Police said Campbellalleged' schoolbudget ly had in his possesionen electtic Speonk;three daughters,Olga l,omaga and meeting to amendthe 19?8-?9 Julia Denys of Mattituck, and Stephanie an increase.of heater belonging to Haas. Furiro* Sists,arz to g4,021,216, Kaplar of Riverhead;six grandchildrenand in the the\ investigationrevealed,police resulting Becase the items $105,804. l7 greal'gr?ndchildren. r n c r e a s ea r e s G ( a l l e d" c o n t l n g e n c y "t t e n t s '5 s y \ o t h e r - i t e m s , f r c m p r i o r Prayer services were held Sundav evening at the fmeral honre. A Funeral M r s s u a s c e l e b r a l e dM o n d a y m o r n i n g . November 20, at Sl. John lhe Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Chuch, Riverhead. June. With the largest portion.o-f the.rn' MATTiTUCK: ioln J. Koro- Interment followed at St. John's R.C. Cemetery. Riverhead. l-uneral arrangementswere under the direction of Horton's Funeral Home, Greenport. pay talks teacher '-e*"ng-;tlr"t He is survivedby-his wife' Rose' bsiness discussed at the two sons' John Jr' of Houston' On Thanksgiving Eve, th€ meeting was the apporntment of a new Texas' and Rob-ertof Mattituck' Junior Choir of the Mattituck Marv Burns' di"ptu"" ;;"t;il". ;;d;; two brothers' Frank of Jamesthg P r esbyerianChurch made its *i15 years i3 *io is r"ti.tn! after berg' New Jersey and Walter of debut with a lovely rendition district. James Corcoran is the appointee gurns Riverhead' and one sister' Mrs' "Come, Ye Thankful p.oot"."f friends of Iltisi iri" i""rq'.t"rr;;J Helen McBernie of Riverhead Come,,. Those _e_bers attlndfr"lOi"g a testimonialdinner and dance "i" fr"i onb..".ner I at Mattituck Manor' Four grandchildrenalso survive' io, A prayer service was held Olmsted, Lori Raebur -ior tickets and reservationscall the school ,q.t"tt"r from Librarian SusanC Hallock Friday morning, November 3, woodhull, Jennifer Holmar!her relirement was read The 1978 al the Reginald H. Tuthill "nnouncing oi sludent Julie Brooks to lhe All- Funeral Home. lnterment follow' selection o-n the Norrrs hsrare, anwas ed at the st. John's R.c. SuHolkAvenu€, Mattituck, about state Band and All_EasternBand ".;=...at.", special education BoCES 9"."1"tt, Riverhead,New York. seventy-fiye feet of chain link "'ii""J discusseo' were abrse classesand drug tence was damaged Sunday, police said. The incident was reportedby Edward Sawicki,the esrate.scarelaker,*f,o.rii*"i.j damase ar szooi"szinli'6iil schoolrp;d. L"\ly?=r, Congratulationsto Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh, Sr' of Bay Avenue, Mattituck, who celebrated their 50th wedding Anniversary on November 23. A large group of family and friends gathered al the Polish Hall in Riverheadon Saturday, Novem' ber 24, to help make this a very the memorable occasion for Walsh's. lncluded among the well-wishers were their four children - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freeseof Dix Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh (Tom is a Lieutenant with the New York City Police Dept.), Mr. and Mrs. Richard \{alsh of Charlestotr, SouthCarolina,and Mr. and Mrs. ThomasHarmon of Benkonkomaand l4 grandchiltlrerlft lo rer. The Walsh's have been'su'rirmering in Mattituck for about 45 years, and have been permanent residentssiDceMr. Walsh retired eight years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh were delighted with all the beautiful gifts they received, and one of th€ir most cherished keepsakes will be a card from Jimmy and RosalynCarterextendingthe best wishesof the White Houseon this specialoccasion. \ I 'Ihe New york and New Jersey _ Telephone Companies are putting a ntgnt system into the Euvoke house in Mattituck. The oftce of Gildcrsleeve Bros. has ,un u puy station days but they were unibie to handte the night calls. 7$- .. ! j Gracp_!1._Belggn '1.,(1)7 /1n MATIlTUCK-Crace M.' Bergeri, 83, of Riiey Avenue, widow of Clarence Bergen, died November 23 at Eastern Lons Island Hospil.al. Born in Greenport,Apnl I I, 1895.she was . l h e d a u g h t e ro l l h e l a t e C l a r e n c ea n d J a n e Hubbard. Mrs. Bergen is suryived by a son, Clarence Thomas Bergen and a daughler, Frances E. Bergen. Funeral seNices were held November 25 at the DeFriest Funeral Home, Mattituck, with the Rev. John Agria officiating. In_ termenl was in Betbany Cemetery, Mat tituck. 'fhe Mattituck Ilomemakers Extension Unit wili be holding a Christmas party and one-dishsupperon the eveningof December 7 at 6:30 in the Mattituck High School cafeteria. Members and friends are most welcome. Evel.]one aftending is asked to please bring a place setting. plus your favorite dish to pass.An exchangeof gifts will take place,with a $2limit upon the price of each gift. Ilenrember the date and remember to invite a friend. New members are always qrelcomedto Ihe Homemaker's /'l. lff,Jct/tt'x Unit. The Mattitirck Chamber-of Commerce met on November 20 at the Black Oak Restauant for their dinner meeting. Approxtmately 5,6peop.lewere in attendance. They nominated and elected the followins e r s f o r 1 9 7 9 : p r e s i d e n t ,D a i l . e ! g f f i cvlce prsroent ivlrcnetteBecker; l^19-'^il]-: sleve Perrrcone: and treasur€r. llctellrv' lrna ulaga At the meeting, final decisions ins rhe service*",..:oj"^l:i;f.,il::i ;:.,i;'i,Ji,i: Ji:T'J:Jt",l; Neef us, Jenn ifer*""*.iii, i;; I il,liill #,,.j':;::J;:5;iI-:.:$::1Xl ttre ctramuer'oitori-merce rvilt once again have Santa Clau come to our tou,n on Saturday, December 16. Remember ail the fun and laughter Santa brought )ast year w h e nh e c a m e a n d t a l k e dl o o u r y o u u go n e s fromhisiilllespotinbetrveenthe'Love-Lane Shopand L & L s Food Market? Remember, too. the rfi1151q25caroling led _bl our Cub scouls^ 1<*n 3 : . /f )t churrg!-c4tts '#1':','J,tf$"""1T;|i:',ffi: lEstor : er e 8" pik e'sr[e{q.Q Cg,r *m'm4r:niqflr"'i6iii*;*' rutf**xfq+*rn l,E rt qj l)Yi1 treeson LoveLanewhichwere NorthFork.BaptistChurchhasannounced - f c"iY;"lQi,tk,* *::: fi:$**i;i$i-','* $ff1;{ffiff;ffi;* L Pike's retirement annourrlEt ment. wherein he offered hts RIVERHEAD - congressman rnat people bug mc g*ob," i";;ii i.r :onclusron O,ir i,il"'rij nore than they used to as one and long-time supporters this e a s o n f o r l e a v i n g C o n g r e s su '' a s w e e k , a n d c o n f i r m e dr e p o r t s h e !r n itself tegardedas.somethrng will becomea washington-base6 jl3EiL4I3*-99S9: columnistfor Nervsday*hen r,i. ternrofoffice€xpiresinJanuary. DuringlgT5andlgTb,pik( . , T h i s i s t h e l a s t p u b l i c a p p e a r -e m e r g e d a s a n a t i o n a l f i g u r ( a n c e l . m e v e r g o i n g t o m a k e a s a* h e n - h e h e a d e du p a s p e c i a i nf C I A a c t i v i ' c o n g r e s s m a n , " t h e R i v e r h e a d h o u s ee x a m i n a t i o o Democrat told about 300 otd tres. l n a d e t a i l e dr e p o r t , t h e P i k e f r i e n d sa n d s u p p o r t e r sd u n n g a c o n c l u d e tdh e C I A w a s b e e r a n d k e i l b a s af a r e w e l lp a r t y c o m m i t t e e not providing the govetnment Friday in Polish Hall. "iniri"i."-urr,r that followed. with timely u-ndu..u-t" infornrrhe man who made the I st ation about potentially explosivc also District safe for situations in the world: it i""g;"r'i.""r raised on Long Island. He boldsa degreein political ."i"ri." f*.-i.wi -pasto.al Post college, a degree in tteotogy f.om lnd. Dallas Theologica)Seminary at the^wrtonbuy Baptist ^.He,intemed church in Bloomfield. conn., an<i recently serued as youth pastor at the Evangelical congregationajChuchinStamford'conn. speciaipe.son,santaclaus,*,i1 T h e R e v G u e J il S m a r r i e d a n d h a s o n e b e a r r i v i n g i n M a t t i t u c k ,b e i ' " child escoriedonafiretruckatabou": H i s i n s l a l l a t i o nq i l l b e h e l d o a S u n d a y , p . n r . W e h o p e u t t t f , " U o y . "" December l0 at 3 D m at th€ North Foik gi.t. in to*n will be there" L l Baptist church' Route zz' Mattituck' w e l c o m e S a n t a a n d t e l l h i m a* l l t J ]E u " t l o n " r s i n v i l e dt o a t t e D d things you hope to 8et -.-:chiistmas Santa. who will be l-'-l-'^ there to say hello to all the r":":,L-:y11"-ol Riverhead, custodian ol children between 2 and 5 p m.. UuifOing'oii il;t""'ff:t, Hl;9:iit': ,:J*q will have a presentfor eachchild' on Fridav $;;;;;";l#ii:ll,1l";,lliiy]ice charge of arrangementsfor this y"a.. Ray Nine, Chairmane11f1s DecorationsCommittee,coufOle seen working hard to be ,ur" r-l y r h e t r e e s w s l q l i g h t e d p r o p e"11 and prettilya!-rs.:7 t "t z h on n"..iu", ld, t'h"t""""u * rhe south tomlrethe 'io" tr'"it.'"-t','.T iljl";I' ili.:T,:"J',;1}'.i.1'i.i i,i;.l""j tt "i i:;"rru" ;l':"oi:',i',1;:::;:!:',:']:'examprc pike report arsosaid it was ?ip, vou warm while vou wait. l;,Ti;tl':I-*^$-;ffi;:d::i.Ti;t The too much of sovcrnment,and that Keeping our town looking oublic offrce holders, no matter unecoDomicto maintain highly e p e r a t i o n s h o l i d a y b e s t a n d p r o v i d i n gt h e i i - i r - i , . " r r , t i " y t r i " o , c o u l d e x p e n s i v ei n t e l l i g e n c o t r e c s a n d s p e c i a le v e n t sf o r l h e good not meet those expectations.if they failed to provide children becomesa more costlv ;:s",'r""."" t,""n g^ooo," pike intelliience. t wrnoowsare valued at vib')l' 'i1 'ArrrruLh'-lhe r n u s i cd e p a r t n r e n 0 t theMatlituck-cutchogueschoolDistrictwil present two holiday concerts featuring lh( ror Burthehouse nevirasked uJJ"olriuuu'u" rhe il::[lTX? .";*"1::';0""3: il"tJilil$ lH:,"ili''Xl]3'ilil J:riii rokeep voted On Thusday, Decembir l-1,at 7::10p m ' an{hins report secretagainst Pike s wishihen''breaking out his wellano lt, conientsonly became *" aod Pike ".1 known ukclelc. former.cBi.network ;;;ii";"" ti".i (on guitar),offered." Robert I"*.","n Daniel Schorr leaketl i withthelvrics"'MYhone,town-rs .opy to $'" Village^voice, o a one-horsetown but it s good v'ui.irott"n weekly. schorr war forme.' enoush "tt wa! a par(v rn rhe rlKe traditioD. sri,l daughter Lois , . A i o r o t p e o p l cs t a n d i n ga r o d r d , , , l t i n g , , r ' r * r i l n gb o t l t e so f t , " " , a n d c i l i n s k-'e i l b a s aa, n d a r o t o r these prolects *itt assistancJ from thc Lions, the Fire Depai: nrenr and varous youtt grouo, who donaremoney ro help o"tri, lf you would t'* il ""pens".. ulf uy tr," i!!.l.l,lii'll;1"?ll'"1tllj"';: ,"i."q,"",,y .usp"naea the elementary,'band..the.Jurrror lligh chorus, tbe Senior Hrgh scho-olBand, and the slage oT_u uitt 1reiornr1_t1E 1.c7. t 1 7 { iidc"^6". is. o ^^?"^l'::9:l :6iE, coneert w.rlJbe presented h,vthe elementarv 'l'he.ruDjor chorus HishbaDd, rhe.qeriol S c h o o tb r a s s e t r ' netwo;k;hehasrefusedtorevea' sent to: MattituckCtu*U".l"i J fl"l ,l e .fl1Sh sl *e. ,l r^ltonliP: 'a ', tn. o H I F ' hS c h o o lS t a g e b a n d w h e r eg o t h i s c o p y C o n r m e r c ec, / o C h r i s t m a s T s r' " " c o n c e r t s w i l l b e g i n al ;:10 p.m. and t - " . l . ' t t a m o n t h a g o , P r e s i ' F u n d ,M a t r i t u c k ,N . y . 1 1 9 5 2 . lt ? a tkne p l a c e i n t h c M a t l i t u c k H i g h s c h o o l , 1 " n 1 1 ' u ". n l"rgavetheCliasharp - cutchogue T h e M a t t i t u c k b e t r e r ot providing f " 6 , , 1 " f o r i"ru'i*';;,;; iis c -cofdially ^ - r : ^ , , _ .in'ited.Adrnission " * rhe l l " : l [public T; schootDrug Abuse Committee """' ;;;;;, Lii.liir"iT. l,,.l"ll"t o:t',T'li.:-" 't t',i"",,,,,,^u failurcto roresce !1:::::"*iil:t Burro rhoscwhoregardPikc's plethi agency's k e x t e n^,,,^-._ dsawarmwelcometothe p*'l J a n u a r y4 , 1 9 7 9 ,a l 0 - h o u r , M a t t i t u covr6^i. r t " i . " " . a , i h " i . ; ; i ; , ; ? ; t ' i p,,ii;i.;;;;ii,;",""i Issem family - Iialmond, Carolln and their "nd "f five-week course, "substance Asounded remrnrs3Dolher trarlfr()D, tnc evenlng lsar wasnotwithoutsadness. (lown in a cornc'r and cried at one dent,s renrarks centofthetlndingsinthePike buse"*'illbcofferedasanadult children'RobertandTara'whohavemoved ii--'efitT5; o,,sTrmm; ,*,., ", ;,'[i!iiu,itTir"Jl':ii'"::: cmorion i'l!il.""i,'l"*y':ri:ffl; rhe shccr poinr rrL.n familiar with ou town' since carolyD gu€d strenuouslyon the floor i1 torheschiolfacultyinaD.effortto it,, said BarbaraAndcrson, lvho I srartcrtworkinBlirr Pike 26 years I rgo wlrcn she $as still a studeDt ar Riverhead High School, the s Alma Mater. A congressnran intott'f"T to dealvith Congressthis year against oi, :t.hdy " o, arug and alcoholabuseproblems that has limited the amount coni'onringthem in our schoal" nloney a congressn,un..n tu*"j The couroJ.is no* o6"i--i outsideof ofhce. The structuref,ef .l:in.g summered here as a child and her family has spent much time visiting with her parents' Mr' and Mrs A Corbeletta' who resideon NassauPoint We wish much luck' t.., umu"lli:"j*,.1:li:,:;,^:X*:;{::; '";i.j^.j }:*1il:f y r u rhc thebill penarized ;:,x,ifftrffilU: ',r convcvccr banncr senerar E !"!'|e' s e s s i o n ss c h e d u l e d f o r J a n u a r y 4 , ' ::--:'---':;:-^^:^--^":-.:'"",; seDtiilrcnt. "i-hrnks, Otis, for beinB the best Cottgrcssman itr!'ad. ts sutfolkevcrhad. Arrr\L(drrrrrr'ts"ri")i*Jiiv' - members of congress' he salo. ,i ro , - , ;' l l ' l o ' "l J" a n o r e o r u a r y I ' I r o m while not touching money lio'r 7:30n)9iJ0pm Therewillbeno investments held by wealthie posrer showedmembers. Arirstcampaign :::'j",J"'Jn''",:lT::.":;'n;: a(-nrembers_of the open tu communitltg&Jr+z, Xll3:: ,::.,'ii-:":i:;iii:'"Jii:"'l; i",il:'i,"#'l:"0,,',:ll; i;;";t; r.rirenrc.t an.ou.(e_ lawasanotherrcasonforleaving office. The Congressnran and his wife. Doris, left for a vacation iD vero Beach. Florida following the tt farewell here and the nairation of "Peter Wolf.' at Riverhead tligh School sonle months ago. ln an impress conference, he prorlptu iolcl rcporters he enjoyed writing rhe cold snap on sundr) nrorning tinished the cauliflowei crop, according ro Aggie Culture. The freezing 'veaiher ruurn't predicted in the local forecasrs and some farmers who would Barbara Anderson said Pike's haveworkedinthehighwindson Riverhead office will shut De- 5rtutday lost hundreds of crates cember 15, ald all constituents of the flower. The temperature should direct their mail to Con- was down to 19 degrees Sunday morning. The snow on Monday William servative-Republican Carney, whose office is at 180 also ca(ght a lot of people by surprise. lt looks like/?n-unpreEast Main Streef iil Smithtown. Pike iS expected 1o reluln to cllctable\intertoASdi'e'Jd-7t Washington in January His son Douglas,29, is a free-iance writer and had even attempted a novel. But he had concluded, he said, rhat he lacked a knack for 3 iiialogue. piie.s colunrns. as distributed to newspapers in the distfict, show pike^ lacks no knack for based there. Robert, 25, is a law student at Anrcrican University rn Washingtor.Hesaidlastsunmer he might return to Riverhead with his degree, carrying with him too an interest in public servicc. The Pike tradition may not be over pieces holdi ing elual measure of wit and aci-id.AccordingtodaughterLois, Pike will now transpose hrs skill to a twice column-writing rveeklv effon for Newsday with sonre possibility of syndication. vet. grcssn)lng^rcwabealdan9.s:,:rl murnruts of surprise through the conscrvrtive district. Mr. Pike is clean,shave_r again, trim.and fit Iil)king al 57 and enrbarking on the last career he speculated he woul(l have time for in his retirenlent announcement early tnts -vcar. piie hinted this last career might lnvolve writing following a wtitrng well-crafted ^y'rc '' John tiather - I|/MATTlTlucK ';:ti,lJl '.x_L usPduD€nt lf: - Ef;:V t /, tr ) r .lq7[ Yr'J':J,i"3:#"1:,:-i was called out lo ex- :'ltil:'i,:,"ffi[::ru;l;tfl]U'":ji; theirway-.backtoti,eiiieDousewhena secor.tdcall of a buning car was turned in proceed"ed to tte j}"k" corner oi lld lla Neck's Lane and Meday no"O f- ifr,ii !9* llr€ Neither car was seriously O"m"g"l. The latest of a series of bug)aries in the torvnship was reported vesterday. Howard Kolbenheyer,sonoftheownerofAnchorlnn on Mill Road, Mattituck. told lown po)ice someone had forced an entry into the closed restaurant arrd stolen arlicles valued at $1,500. Those included a cash register. t]:tilmplifier2ndspeakers' a ::]:"111:l tape deck and lour cases of assorted wines and liquors The break'in 5-being,:n' vestigated bv Sergeanl sa*ickfi'rlL, 4 /t MATTITUCKFREELIBRARY The Mattituck Free Library gladly announces th€ receiving of a "present" - a $S0ograntfromtheNewYorkstatecouncil on the Arts. This amount will help defray coslsof editing video and soud interviews made recently for the Friends of the A new part of the exhibit introduces the humorous side of Chilles E. Craven, pastor of Mattituck Presbyterian Church (18961912) and author of "A History of MaC tituck," His daughter Julia (Mrs. Arthur H. Pennyr was one o[ the oral authors inteniiwed and was kind enoughto lend the q 2/ ,-f!..: lr,/,'!down t" rus .! q6s1 ,t6 up and ,, -^, .,:l'::': il;:ffi,:_ l.jJi,lit*,",H,18"","t,[IiT il*ii:{ii*i"$**""":i",T"1":i.15 "m."Xy_x?:::r{:{::1*,,i:i t^[,,-ir[lf.;jl director's salarfAnda steady irrLarnof show therove her'"0t"'id"r*r i""prffi ::il XTil""1frH rdlrr rs uurr wucensx), extendedCETA grant covem the proj€ct art original writings. These poetic portrayals ;;-';;; contributions- more the $1,000so far - places; his delightful hmor from interested lftal citizens has been enjoyable reading paying for . materials. tales, and pLv"j."r".tli.i"":;:;;;;';; ffi: on the scorrng column, with his totals in- makes them ilil;*d;'c-;:;', i,i y iV ?liXi sodosrop il;ji;tffif,t#'ij:;":"ffiXi:t+it1?:'S'; ", ,k^l,lj:?,,gT::r,.,ll: withusthese ;;;;';i" u"ti" l$i|3";"f,:X,iio.;lj?I """i,,,,i""';;"';;;:;: when, as a juior, Don averaged 22 points z -. "ilil{:il|!T"'"1"ji';'ji:i"f}ff:ffi"# urugs filffitgtft"h,,,t ljt*; u"g,ut.iilrin ;3:ii;'J$hlll" i,1i,l,i'*,"'?i.'1, :,::,,";Y 1ffi15ff;I*.g.:yj11j,YlF^1"lI,:LSi for^rion.m'st oef"rtunreiei.e'ip.".".iii],"i;;,i# il:31,"1.1"d9"q*"arnongtrigrischmrana ;;#ri;iffil;'J't]ii,lr1i1"f][i";f;!il .lt :J."m."lt".y students is being met in Mat- is i-ncluded onlv in etn ano loth Err.te to s.hont L- L^- ^,!^_r-, t', ;,1:a:. # ;ltji;,i,ln?1;i **N"*ffi*l*ffiff**ry''{# sessions will be on Jan. 11, 18, 2b, and Mbmentum for the movement to address ,,rt was rr DoN lvIl'cENsKI february 1. February r. the substance substance abue. ab6e problem Droblem began hpsqn Iast rrcf ,"^-'ll'l,ii..8,Tp-eJlelc-e-.playinc-witl) guys from ih;cii.;it;;;;.,j'." o,iaiji. ",,,," The commmity program comes after a spring when Southold pori"u prJv"J- tn. weltern .qil-stari'--in-'ln crri"i iuri Don is the son d. Mr. and nrrrs. John similariq'ServiceprogrambeldthisiallforCataldoStatedthatarueauusewasvd[*t'1uitioneu-"utthetvewyordtatJ -i'n teachers and administrators of the widespread througi it"u t"ttooL o.ro n" honors Don r,"i.""";"",i l.u of the rarnrry lo cxcer at sporrs elementary and high schools. Fifty par- reaction to the aiknowledged 11*rr9. r"l;;ii;" to iasr year,s t l c i p a n t s a t | e n d e d s e s s i o n s l e d b y c o I i n M a t t i t u c k - C u t c h o g u e r e s i d e,proble;, n - r f i r m e d , u , " t " i t n r I t e a m a n d ' i i r ' " i n ' a All,League . r ' r # i ? i k n ' " uora". ' b " , orr-il f t h e o..lntn;;,, 1 a t | i | u c k ;""';;, ourstancjing Campbell,whodirectstheEastEndBranch..FriendsoftheSchool,'organizationaimedsiaie--tlas.tuan their rbaction was "very favorable," ss- simicich wis named. chairperson oi a cording to Bruno Brauer' Drincipal of committee to establish 1 lioqr* . it"i Mattituck High School. tUr. CimpUett wilt would also conducttbe commmitv Drogrm._ citizens and pupils. i *ar thu .esurt or the lrattituct .sf,uact*,s uasketr;attsquao rr*nl'r*.rr"a ti. ii""ri ir,i-N"*'i1,| r.or rhe flitrrre, L)o!l,s prans rnclude "r Althout rn"i.,"r,"*,""j""ii,#.ii'l"r,harlnot'Mr'Brauerugeswidspreadpar."'n'."';it!",i,lil'ii'j:?,1ll'::l beenaware or curiculum changes man-ticipation as theniosterrective way. u",,',rJ;".iirid;i,:,:';li:jfiil":f B:::::T"lli:iT:f:;,:ilri##;,lll:' datedbythcstatewhjchrrrlethatiubsta4cecouterthegrowingandseriousprobiem'''justtokeepinsha MattitueFAirport Regjstsi'll'lr-,1*e{rurTf ,yiilTrru [**fi#:[t n+-,til;j+i+xi * o , , , , u . n - ' , ( # o t G ! , ( { / f i t t l t u " x a r r a n g e m e n t b e t w e e n S o u t h o l d T o w n a n d p i t c h e r baseball ',lsrnhisothei*"1o,..po.ii'.,t,.! ttivities were given ett't,"igue iirattiii"x Aviation. The lease, which exAirportareintentupon.".r"t,ngp."Lu"io pires March 31,19?9,permits town residents recognrhon' expandtheir faciliiy. for another chance at the stare cham pionship ^}Jlli' F.H'LFERr' f"H",:l;#','i'$:.1"Jl,|'{iT-xi{t'i iil""":ffiv"3,"t-H";i.,[:*1 JH""T 'ITUCK Ailhonv F p . m . L e s s o n s a n d n i g h t f l y i n g a r e c x p r e s s l y .,'''^.' whorunsMattituckAviationwithhisfather, wickham J parker bvtheagreemeni prohibited " ." "" , cutchogue ll'll;l:l;":'i.]Irix:,;;;:';':1,;:l 'll":;:l: ;:i:lTlll"ff*S.:lhlX':$:H;i:i; ',i"#ll'l3"TXH.ifil'"31'3J:ii'f wicr,i'ams. ;#ifiJ'; night flying in close proximity to their chain consid.ers (!t't,,;----'lr i"u.e *jth ttre c"urcH66uE - rhere were McD']oriarHospirar trttr'nfjrnrcd repr)rts this seek ::.d,i:l:1"'" o;1r<errbcr I0 i978 at lhe age ;'*Al;-- ;',',;;,.; ,"",n"'u had been arar,o il:::J;itil;',Tir:;;; l;i'fl::i":?n::ff""#*i:;iJ:*,'i; ,.,.i,1^:"'",,, T p w n a i r p o r", t s a i d t h i S w e e k t h e y m i g h t d r o p b e t w e e n $ l 2 , 0 0 0 . a n d $ l 3 , 0 0 o . L a rrrd n d i nwJ5 g f epasl e s : ] ] 9 ' | : . ' ] f . " | . r ' r . s o u l h a m p t o J ) . ' . j ; ' ] : ' ' ;'1"': ' , ] : : ' and .,]; prc\idctrl nf Holy Kev' which Jay ih"i. o*i, fo, , n.* facility rf the Wickhami from commerciai aircraft aeree to pemit lessonsand limited night Wicklam saysnearly otfset the annual rent _ gouernment. to*n to tt" over nied tuned are Jon,t -one fi'"il ;; il;il;;;*;W"l"uriy predictionsCalledWions of the ;"f," b,*ii, i',jJ'i,rj"ii.j:'r"ia oi the airport expansion drive. In an inteniew in The Suffolk iimes last "inrniri* choice. we .;;;:i i;;;k";wti,ti'". ;;';;;;;" "LT';;;;;i; i'.ior.i"J':tri. in i'i.io.y'i if the rown longest cout 6^* t"'f"* ioia secondone." , , l t m i g h t e l i m r n a t et h e n e e d f o r a n e w g o v e r n m e n t a"u." t t e m p t e dt o t a k e o v e r h i s a i r p o r i i f " w e h a d a v i a b l e o p e r a t i o n u p t h e r ef p " r " 1 r o n , w h i c h i i c e n t e r e da r o m d t h e , M ; t t i r u c k i , " M r . D u e l l s a i d . " W e w o u l d b e r ; p a i r a n d r e b u i l d i n go f L y c o m i n g a n d satisfied it he (Mr. Wickham, could ac- Continentalengines. "Tbey bave a major airport, The Suffolk commodatethoseof u who have supported r\arrreJr''relJ incrude his wile _,.Su:u':o.' EhzaberhC. (Scheiner)Hitferry, v"r\ Anllrony Jr'. Ccrard arrrt Plririp,,ctaughter,BernadetteRichar.is.. Mr. Hi]ferty is a)so survivedbvrwobrothers.'fvJlter Gctard Hilferry rnd RrcharJ Hrlftrtt and one grrnddauEhrer. l(ebccca.'!yc /1, t1 7.r F,,n-..) . ^-...^^^ ne c""i'ivii.p"itli'wi.iFtiji:lf^;X; ',,::l;;ili:::;i:.ll: t beiiive ;il;i;;;;i,uy;". theyears. ,f, ";i the air miles away, and futhermore -has an obligation to general aviation " Leas]eArrangelent Criticizetl planners have b"en *rong for 15 years on rentiheirpredctrons rhe.annual ir he berieves Asked private plane ";;A; i;"ffi":in traffic. There has been no Southold Town pays for the Mattituck iu.ltityira"uronu'll;,Mr.Duellreplied: "If a,ppreciableincrease in traffic here," Mr. lU:J0 a.m. ". ^ t','"Jiiilo",kor"*o , , :' .::l:i", |'_'l"t -ov utrty tnat the sale n"lt lbod chain srores is il'^,11,:^ Der)g mnducted now,. DUr r source al Keyfood said (nar thc cutchosue store is pu_rchas:,1tt:l-8]l:t:a \":*..being a K e y t o o dS u p e r r: :i ll r: lr-r"e1l : I , h cs t o r e s h c s a i d u s e j]l^ :ll"rn\ ninre but are indilt could not be i::'::'j ",-i:" rcarrredwlrcllrcr Keyfood is inte- ;..:j:[.T,j;iJii",.j:;*"-o;;;. - verend John ,_ill"'"h *;rt n.l tn,""nr.n,ritt"*.y-om.iu,lne'.' betoo'l b"il,i.:,l"ls t0anorrhe it *ourd ;ili"euavear, 'u:j.ol_" :l ":;'i::i I i;ff,[T'i"i;-; $i;;,:; FoodFair, owner of the Pantry I::l: lll"llji'';;J;i;;:1 3ll of ils 89 srores ll'lill I'n". ",'l,.io York rnd Connec(icurin ::'?;):H:'t"T ffilT"il'; "]: ;::lr:;r,:;.'lif tl:*',"7 ,:::::il1i+j'j:i$!|:#t{i;{fi*iili:l ,#i,;i:",1i;[I:lil,';i"",:'n*lililf;: ; lrliifigfil;::* near Orient Point. Mr'Dueltandthepro.airport|":::',11::f:...:rf;.#i"".n'"".-ir[:i-**fj.f..,t"'n.''.o,ioi,,,lg,[r;T:li.::...'"-*'TJ,';.lo'n,i.J:f.::;: been critical in recint days of rue rease jtieno*""'heard Rabson. Those in- the _ ^":'; _-^"",. ;;" "Jlf"ti';$?,aii ."ilJo"l.toi$l,."i"##i"llr#i1,,Aii B";*:'$"j"gx."it:11.',il$,:Hn,ii; !"11":r'"'TJ: rrmes,wasrecengythesubjectofafeatue h a u l . T h e c o l d waterhasbrought chorus,theJ$iorHighconcertBand,,the "" or frostfish and the Hofstra university chronicte, Junior High st"g" eina, the Junior High in a.supplv XiTl: Chuck,it.t\ tides havedeposited who hasn't let rr" bnorut, ttre mgtisctroot boncert Band, the winds and " *heel chair int".ie." *iir,Iis """iii".""i'1"'u of scallopson the quentitv pt^nr-to High school siage Band, the High School good recome.a professional The ,po.;-;il;-. Ctr"o.u.anothenewtyorganizedHfuhschoolbeaches in certain Points. iJ urren-tlycovenngtt"wu*vorr..i"t"ioi"n are small and might cut e;u.r-En."*ut" eliof ihesegroupsaddup 5qn11ep5 Dstatedaily newspaper. In the down on next season'ssupply. Chroni;l; to many hous of practicing and a strong j s u c r e , L h u c k i s q u o t e d a s s a y i n g , . , I w o u . l d 'uriainn ' l Thefrostfrshareadelicacyafrer schoo m u s i c a i i p t e r e s t w h i c l r _ o r g '-" alfvliketo *oiL ro, Nr"*.i"yl'ti;;;r" u". 2;":"i;;7 smoked. i;"r;;," beenproperty uy in"irinc ir,ii.';;.;:;,:" rriends to" cr"i't'J" ,,::' nu "on"..t D e c e m b e rI 9 M r s V a n d e r b e c k ;"";:t;i','.T"1:1.':.":*i1l*l oy gurtarand flute. Fo1owi., r."ii"r.,r*-ji,a-..;";;.1;ilit"' ,n.iigir,tri"".ii;:',;''j:.'':"''" r"rr,Ja.iichi"ii?i;:.I:lt::: c n r l d r e nt h e f e s l i v i t i e s i n c l u d e d a F:;ff:#"t:--X;rl ,:i/,Yr"I i/ : J A C XE ' A U G U S T I N E _ ^t(c.)-/./21 2. tJCI'lLlt I r - ' tt-ttw?v . a .H 4V r "| L . tIt' , , 1 , / t / " . sorrrHor n sourHolD -_ whaF con^^n wheh .]l',, ",, r ' , { l', ,,..1ilc'fl;,;i, Inldt :,,1; +n" ;;J",Assoc,arion.,-"Y*:i[iffi-,"ni: Ai'Mhi'iiruck the Mallituck Presb''terianMattituck and formerly of Copia' church held irs annuatchristmas gue and Lindenhurst,died at the Party on wednesday, DecemberEastern Long lsland Hospital on f\<\ T^-,^ D... *-.,-* 3::;l^.o,*l:,:, ouuururq' l\'y'' "",;',",m1,1X,";**:t ;*d,*,,: ix;I*rt"l l#*"xi* il;i*:lil'.itil'i:l,lnXl t!,,{ui,,.!i,{,r*,,,r, /c. v" Plrub tJidr woulo ljl(e to have their own presided over by Mrs, GraeU ancl /eteran of World War I and had bv Mountenore inspirationar tarks contributed by )eenemproyed "":'X',ii:'J:i"Tiifftri:il:: representa(ivesfrom each circle --emeteryiD St- Albans, N.Y. slrrllow for the boats to pass and Maranatha.Christmascarols Survivorsincludehis sonsJack, rl""'Bl' were sung. christmas gifts ex- Howard, Richard and ceorg", :'il,i.|uilfr':t"l:ili,l,l'j,li?i; , 0,."", llrght path of the Mattituck Air Base. lve dattime mishaps l:J:Jn'-::.Tiil,,close Virginia Koch,Marion sourhordrown corncitnran;;;;""",r:t;ljilxTJ;,rl: changed andal parrook;f coffeedaushters litlj.liffi,si Pierce, and Florence Daust, and and homemade cakes and s@kies. some of the women then sisters Hazel Branigan, Edna visited members of the church Jonesand Ruth Kern. Eighteen who were not able to attend and grandchildren, thirtygreal grand' broughr a "we care package of children and three great-great grandchildren also survive. hme-baked good(pce et.,1711 Funetal services were held ThewomenofMaranath/later tha(eveningvisitedseve.almem-Sunday evening, December 17, bers of the church who are 1978 at the DeFriest Funeral Homes, lnc., Mattituck, N.Y confinedtotheirhomesandagain with Pastor EIde. L.A. Killpack broughr good wishes and ,o." officiating. lnterment followed in Christmas cookies. t Mrs, Alberta Reeve graciously he Long Island National Ceme- Henry Drum said the situation v35 brought ro his persorral 111qr1i1'nlareThursclaJ,afternoon rvhen he found fislrernren knocking at his door. At the sante tinte Norlhville^ lndustries was tclling sou(h(rldsupervisor Albert Marl occhiaofrheproble$ Drunr said thc board began t : t l ( i n Es r e p s r o h a v e t h e c h a n n e l dredgcd Friday morning. The Army Corps of Engineers re. spondcd on Tuesday, iaying they rvere dispatching a team to survey tlrechannel Mondaynrorning. welcomed all of us and told us something of her beautiful ho." whichwaibuiltbyherfather"nd tery, Piretawn, N.Y. evenshowedushowherprivate charrlitl works. MATI.ITU.K tt].1,]"Y:.: Helen Mc\ h A . L i n - ^of r i hthe . ^ kchannel i ^ n - r i . . _durirg r^_ Speaking , _,","1"1,-M:Laughlin of Mill Road' Mattituck, the town board meering Tuesda! Yonkers' u;1..,oo,r. Drunl said ii *as "an ' );"t; 1|t,l"Jt;:],""r1, extrenrclJ dangcrous silualioD Nursing Home December 15, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reeve were wairing with a lighted porch light and s;d they Jould enioy the christmas treais Thev*"t" tHELEN " t ' " ' t M c lMCLAUGHLTN Auunlur flyingoveroLrrhomes.lflhedaycomes,anrl I hope"ilwrlin"""r"o.a,'i-rr"iinerewill be nt.ghtflyinganaiandingi"ftheu"tdtuct Air Base, I ior one uilisel my no-e ,nO move elsewhere. I ve lived here tn Mattituck allfiy Iife and I don't plan on movrng. I am-nol agarnst f].ting, having florir Ty:"]f lr{ldoagreewit"hMr.wickham. Suffolk County Arr Base ri lusl a shorL lh€l lf.thesegenrlemens,anttoiand L"It_::.?y I : : : l C l l .": lhe:rh.?twfouldbetheplacetogo. the Town oi Southotd hai to :::1: "hy Paylortnep leasuresandconvenienceo[so tew *llll" l"t" 1976af the age o{ 95. she is He addedrhat,in addirion to rhe thoughtful to have on a table in survived by a sister, Crace L. lishernren.s neeci, the living rom a pine coDe Drum;twonephews,HcnryDrum nrusr be able to Christmas decoration that the Board wants to spend some JdcortsidertheYouthof v* ?v l!i 'l !; r, t' T u t/ .u' lr"uyw rr' lm sure thev would apprecrate a recreational faciljty where thev could meet..Thjs .oulo more individuals than lhe"""orimoalt" "t-ot few *tr".e ftying IS concerned o",""]siTotilll Northville nlove its girrsrromMaranathahadmade i:'o:i*.**'andaniece'""";I";il"llj::'il1ff"l],"J'ii]:l .n.;,#i'".ii'.,Jlil'li,,ii,il'i,1llJ,iii, for them a fewyears Mrs ago Arthur Penny was waiting :;l,J:r;:';'''"':H;:tilJ'J:Jl was looking forward to our arrival but was disappointed when she ta""";1 ;:".-"rl"rr:ll"J":tliii; Funeral services were held special Northville equipJreDt Monday. Dccembcr lg, l97g at ncedcd rn thc event of an oil spill 3il.H:t:i,.T"Ti:Ji:"J"::; issrorcd the'|e John llenry officiating. Intermenl I-hc board sai.j it plans ro seek followed in Sacred Heart ceme cnrergcncv funding for the need- NY tcrv in cutchosue' Night", and we all did our best to sing this lovely melody, GertrudeCooperhasa house in the midsl of a rambling farm, and with the moon on the trees and lighting the way, it was an awesome sighl to approach her e<ldrcdging " l'1e silting was brought lo rhc alentiolr of the b.arrl bv Drurn i, June. Bot nr thlr rinre rhc nced lor 6reclging did nol appcaf cirticil and thc board sricl it was 'Cuts l V I o . .p a i d a s u r p r i s e v i s i t t o t h e i r a u n t a n d uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sullivan. two days arterchristmas whatrnadethis rons di-staDce visit extra special is the fact that NIr Sullivan is a patient in the Eastern Long Island Hospital. not expecting this group of his familvto be aroundat christmastjme Alsocomingto visitwith theSullivans were Mr. and NIrs. Pete McKenna and son, .leff, of Westbu\', and lheir daughter and son-inlarv. X4argaret an{ Rick llavens. of tlackellstown N.J. LLat 'f, r A, ),c7 i'l , olanrrinetohavetheworkdonein :inil"ffi";'*J:*.',"" ni"erhead Sffie her drning room talbe, an, t7 77 ,[.1,g; </ sh('p. B r e e t e du s w i t h I s m i l e a n d w a r n R I V E R H E A D - C h r i s t m a s welcome. and gave us a linl,pingactivitycametoaswifthalt historyofrhedevelopmentofthrSgls a n early last Friday as churches in our town morning fire swept through thrce Three Df,ores Mr. Arthur Hallock opeDed hir tritain 5h"q1 stores. A few firenen door and invited us in and "tr suffered minor injuries but none plcase sit down." He was verlw€re seriously hurt. The build happytoseeus.Werculdtellb.3lng5weredestroyed. all the papgls by his window thal Fire officials have ruled out helovestoread.Hekissedusancarsonasthecauseandbelievethe thanked us for ro--' blaze orieinated in the electrical renrained of Barth's Drug Store, GilsonsljniformCenlerandthe Holeinthewallclothesshop. According to Russell Fleisch' rran. chief of the Riverhead Fire Depar(nrent. the fire began at about 7:30 a.m. in the wiring urrdcr the fuse panel in the oniliirm store. "We checked it out nnd rvc siw tne wlres were meltcd topelher." be said. "ll ir-one of the stores,An<l time firemen rolle<jup probrblv causcctthe fire rhat's Nhrr $e suspect at this time iiwiring thl ". ,. iXl '.: ,' ;J: aHc' .kTs; o' "n" '(;C # "e. cf ii l ) , a n d h o * h ; b y pieces of cquipment, were on handtofighttheblaze.Thirtyfive voiuntecrs fronr the Jam€sport Firc Department assisted the Riverhead unit while members of (he Flanders department stood by in the Riverhcad station, The fi.e was reported under conlrol an hour and a half after the first alarnr was sounded but the area was not cleared for almost five hours. southoldPaiicesaidthehonrc was 8 0 | h i s n a m e . s h e w a s a d e l l g hgte. ai .t 'h lei tit rl eh bo ust ei h s aa rnr eddp sa lco k' eef rdo,Dal r , v l yAl b. o l ruel ]9| 0. l vl yo l$uan lye,c.r'so ful sl ienrgb IeIr r G o l d s c h n l i dB te.aoc{hB aRiol ae d- v M a t t i t u c k ' talk wirh and before leavrng, eni between of hcr cats came home, scratchrn; .- - H::",]]|::'r,r1',:';"titne ^.. ili a,rr, 26$aaryH9'*:tiffi:i1,i""il:n;til$lii'1kl'* ,*u'"1 ",i",::"JJl.-ii',"Ji-o -l$i[li#:rT:itJ:;.'.""': wonderfully well. Sreeted us .at Law'rence Tuesday,January 23,at?:30 p.m. there will seendr/Lie;t;n;;t the door and was glad t" oi oe-a.ieettng ui *i,i"h ir is planned to *li'"r*"*i.-r-oro'."naruto. had recelve rentembered.She Sony portablecolor television.a pDrtable tele:l::: "'l'i"):.|]it '"::.1:: ],:;:?,il"ix,":'",';: ,'"i :i:::if rrom that day visit anear,ier ?l".::T'Jii iffi::iif,fl'",.,,[.-:lit?'""iiiTi'jl:l i1!]i; rercnur'lr'J"i"i Jerrsens/Perkersand a Dortable ,,.op was doublY and friends for parents of Circle delightedwith this unusualatter ,ion DENNlsA,LopER.snofMr. _-i M.< rchn r roper ., s1, iii,,,i,jii. s.i.. r."' ueln r . . r e d f o r r e c h n i c ar rl a r n r n g . a r ttJ a" !T:""t""}:'^il:';;i"r- in f i e l d . it^H"";';;;r ".IJ"i..r"rt maintenance i; 1978gradyate " v/'.ttt *''nscnootl li'"i",i,,".'* sess-ion" t", r.,r"rnot" i".u.ting ctriia.en-ingraOesf rz ftuhiglr"li;i,tiTtl,i. ious Servicein Korea actron.. '"0;,:**Yy:.4 M a r ( i r u c k i s c o n l i n s a l ' u 8 - n i ri e l ;ti 1 ;ir,;'|;';.'k*;;;1;;;qu"riion.-rnJv andshouldopenaboutrhelll'l_"j ;;;""';;'."';"il;;;;;;;;;;iil;. t;'. N'llj1t March.our e""l"r lilr rherero ease ;;i;;i;;ilioi. B o h a c k "irrr. his son are attendiilg l'i'ili"ai,l"iir"lourluesrions.cometo school,in .Puitn' vih"..hool nrearrrai8rngcafereriin""t'ru"iory nigti to. usue. u A T ', ' ! V", . ' ' . ' l ' : . , i i i " - " r " " i i " i . N e w m e m b e nu i " i l * u y t welcome to join the Frrendsoiir'" s"tto'oi Road policesard.Missrngfronr 'J:,t:'^'j'^",,1":'o'nce\vere an R ( A p o n a b l et e l e v i s i oann d a Magrravox purlabletelevision' burslaro v n ( h es a n r e - : , t Ls3s ' ' l reporledsundrv bv R'ad Ci t q 7 ='i* n"*Bohack stor;::;ilgi*;];[i;"]fji:";|fUtllj;t;xl *i;i.9^u:"";l;;ll::;"*11:; DH.crtuilo.alsoofBailevBeach :lilji***_ll*l-*;"f*t"' - '" !:i,i;:1'.'i,'i:0"::ll'"",";""t,"; aDd i blrck and *hire porable televisiolr were stolen from the honre. Lassrd'RaYnPf The lviattituck Lions been p^tn"i,nvkffi,.xil"KJrx,*, ^"o p u r c h a s i n g a n d d i s t r i b have uting baswas Mrs. Charles V. Raynor of Greenport, united in marriage to Michael A Lessard' son of trIr. and Mrs. Victor G. kssard ot Mattituck on October 8. The double-ring ceremony took place at Holy Trinity EpiscopalChurch, Greenport' with the nev. i'.M.Renzulli officiating Escorted bv her father, the bride wore a sown of satin. double lace inserted with headiearls. with a fr:Jl-lengthtrain and oiece- also with double lace inserted with oearls. The ceremony was performed un' ierneath a trellis made of white and yellow iets of foJd to needy fanriiies in the Mattituck area during the Thanksgiving to New year Holi, day season for the past twentytiveyears.Figuresvaryfromyear - . r...,--...^-imiierv $21.000 ''" o:o'" wofth of tbods have been given awav ovef the vears to persons less fortuDate ihan others. This is just one of the many projects worked on bv the Ljons. Our Lion functions receive a /t, monies ntade at the sttawberty Festival and other fund raising events are givetr away each vear trenrendous amount of rupport fronr iocal people, and all of the to,qo-Llh-\hle tharrt)c& ,ou rliih{r(lrri{r,JnJnoo" to support them' dillconti'ue and their projects' soUTHoLDF|REoEPARTMENTmembershonorecueorgeL.Gat|ga,s75th Membersfrom 15 anniversaryas a votunree;firemanwifh a paradeon Saturdayafternoon. above,cenler' with left' departmentson Long tslandcelebratedthe occasionas Mr. Gatfga, his€1st birthday He is an chief paul Grattanand 1st Assistantchief Bob Dow, appSoaches /'//L/ E Prout e x - c h i ea f n d i s s t i l l a c t i v ei n t h e S o u t h o l dD e p a r t m e n t : r ) ' \ ( t ) weteam'oDs andtro Mirowski FooDBAsKETS-Mattituc* HoLrDAy !i"l' P1I-9:11'k The Liorsrclrr-b Lurrure reporrs rhar rhe u"rt *. a**--g tt-" holiday seasou' , the volunteers *h" d;;il;;"il;o --Agg-re Annette ciupryk of Greenport was maid of h o n o r ' B r i d e s m a i d S w e r e t , o r r l n e L e s S a r d . . S t i m a t e s t h a t a b o u t I i i ] 6 o i i " J ' i i i , i r ; o d h a s b e " n g 1 u e n t o 1 h e D e e d y . o v . e r t h - e , ! e a f s J , l'|' /".' /: * 1 tneprtcewasupro$4.S0 call\' sislerofihebride€troom.ofMattit',^L per hudredweight to ttJ MR.,IND MRS, JULES ADRTAENSSENS of Mattituck i"^".. c;;"p*i. crattan, sister of the bride, re Increase_in proud "i thc price was said are to announce the engagement of their daughter, unJ iu."n Kalinowski, cousinof the bride. bv the snow and cotd Doreen Marie, to Frank Joseph Krupski, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0f Ridgefield, Com. .::^:."j1,.t"9. wearher tn the nriddlewesr s,ua;o. Joseph Krupski of Mattituckl ? jg,.t" Dorato ateaslheyharentbeetlablcto z?!?'f)t' Jamesp LessardofMattituckservedas - , dhrpro n an r^s-h. aLl.l ,di ra,ul g M r s . S a r a L o ' a" i,n^e^M hter"l -tl]p--ll"i'.spuds.creating a . . l l l l T T Y t l ; - t : n s l o r a n a c h v etsheeaMs a o tnt i t u c k besl.manforhisbrorher.Ushers;;;;; M r . a n d M r s . c h i p p v B e n n e t t o f M a t t r t u c k . t e m P o r a r vs h o r t a e d , . i r , / / . " y^"1,"^y9:_ll^t*.TembeNof HuntofwadingRiu".,c."geupp"-oJpotou, of Mattituck and Tim Lessard i'"fiio"t'nJ of Mntlil.ck afc pleased r(\ t h e n e w y _ e a r . l a srt h u r s d a y a t s o u t h o l d 6 n D e c e m b e rl s . 1 9 7 8 .M r . a n d M r s . H a r r v "r Danielp.Grattan,Irrn"prr"*ortl"urii". !iHil'i"ltfi;#ilt:H:n*o *;;i.b";;;;,;lol:;'l"^"\.*"ii.1:f?ift"i':-j:if::'gn'fii;i^};o.Y3iinll].ill^j."'il.:Ji.;*H:";j."Jl,'1;:i; cousin of the bridegroom, was I Mrs.LessardiSagraduate"tc*"""p".t,.^D^:::l1y.^1.:T!^.ust,l,IoUrthairman,whileinMattitucktheirinfantdaughter,|tttl|.strtlof uigi'i.i""i""o"B"it"r"y".i".r''""r.*:iunT$?rJi:t'',',"1-,:Tj:'T:1"i,:]?i,:'i;ii;:]) -'' " - T'' ) Hicksville the parimouniHotelin the Catlkills. ,.cdrlirru is Dtilt\t)c(t / -,.1- )(/ rvrannepnvateAntoner.Berkoski,sonof -^Y.lljji"l1Tj:-P'i9:1T^-*i'.lT3i:jl nouceotnatBlngo'cardsandothergam E ed sw a r d a n d r e s s B e r k o s k i o f P i k e s t r e e t ht .c N o r r hF o r k c o m n r u n r r ) Mr Lessardis a graduateor Matttuck Highschool. '; atth€American herd .;;p.;"was ;*ffJ':"'T::X::i %:'Ti:X:li:":;: ^::nlf.,[iil,*;d,.*i il:{""ltm:::hHjj ;:; Ui*.."Tj;;:. itrrno s c A )978graduat;ol Mattrluch FrirJav.Jrruaryt2.*,,t.j5t,,onut '' Mlttrtuct "...,. n"Ji""o,tr'".""i,r"isresidingin *i;:r,*:1X".:''".',"ffi"J",1",1"i31i iLliiii;;l,TJ";'*.EljI]^".*0. f;i;:,,Tf"::IrllJlil;*ll, ,r,ri,.e Fox-fti^a,fh,?*,.F o,scn, ,n,,0,",,il,li x':1fl1f""#;.",ffiil#X'"#Yi"ii,i:iif,i3 r, an LegionHall,Southold. *iTlt*-t*lt:-c""";:,"I"" trip throughNerv Afrer a honeymoon tjjlt for all to enjoy wilh th;ir coffee. They were or rvI.. Nancv EtddffhtfferJ.l'ouulrt# wishedmany happy retuns of the day and rnd Mm. Gefige L. Matthews of Mattituck, thanked for-theii'goodies after they were Sophie and William A. Fox, III, son.of Mrs. io-xotftazetton,pa.,andWilliamA.i'ox, i ,,t r - t rr,M r t er ) rr f jL, r: '-'-1 1 ! / ) Jr.of Winterhaven.Fla.,were'thiradih la >1 .rble evening j" l-'1"", ^crr;o1 r(rr :rrr' ?" Lou Padavan. Marilee Schear'Dawn Spanosand Priscilla S1'ragtteareintheslarfln8roles. uolarnyarti(lelsblcallingJudy ,' An artlcil'iL t, ffi November onsunday, marriage 1n th9 J-oo ye ars Ago corrxn,.. performed mentlons that !r11son A f ,_,ifrf.if ,r""u was. ceremony. Thesingle-ring bttl1dlng attheFi;tpre;blterianch-uch,Southold, a flne on u-"il *itn1t'"n"u.tonnagriaofficiating. Love Lane,Mrttituck,f,rorn "to"u the 3ri,?::"" Yll"l-"],ou:.ol1r^:iryd".T""* evenings call295-4500')tuh lllqTl years ago ' \ 100 / / .'. ,; l.ebruaryr.r8;r " " e s s r s:w. i l s o na n dR c e v eS u u sl s q e n t ) y M E s c o r r e d b y h e r f a t h e r , t h e b r i d e w o roerao o , , - ^ . ^ : e . ' " . f : " , V' l . t : : : I : n * - r e n g t r ,i o * n o f w h i t es a t i n ,e m p i r e - a nd uthlll-r3 * " i r t . J , ' * i f r " e f * c o n l a c ea t t h e s l e e v s ;I " ; ;r;e; m ; i le; r r h e r ji ' rb] " a " 's. . " F " "e e v e . ar,d as u grocor" . Arnecolrar, l,ater lt beemo..las.r,.nelve;".'ri'ir[' "t.". anda eueen andbodice t o g e t h e r w i t h a M a d a m o i s e l l e p i c t u r e h at lt o sf p a c A o u s n p s t a l r s rrali,*r,i"fa had manv chiffon. ,t""ti"l t;""ir s u z a n n ec o t r a d i s o f H i c k s v i l l ew a s 'l:l il ". .: -- .1l : : " ! i r e n t , , ' 1 o y s , (Jr.J.(J.liii m a t r o n o f h o n o r . B r i d e s m a i d sw e r e A1t 1o?cOl g q t: v, , . l a n c e s , p o l i.t l/c, :! ,l r1, t t 1 t u c k e r a l ' y s M a t t i t u c k a n d L i s a e*iri""rJ"..ni"kof ';;" i,l;1,"?i:t:':1,#"Jt"?._il;X;j:Hl h s t e f u l l y p a i n t e d b y B o s s FA l ascrkh.i s r s a 1 " , " , *iei ' d . ' * a b o t hn r e m b e rgse n l l e m c n m u c h , r e s p e ci nt eodu r _ v i l l a gwee,c a nb u t wtshthenrlnr""'^-' af ter ilrr.neeve' ;;;;i;;;i; rtreatlendans; Morichs. orEasr Jackson "rril"". " ,'rovea"ii-to*itbdugrrt rrv $:HSHi:'.8ffitr-X""jtTf'ill,'lT'tf, \':l::i":"::le,who f , n e iI lVl :I-: 1 'in picture a t s . hats. M a d a l m o i s e l lPicture e -matthing u i t r , i n e Madamoiselle j o i t n f . n o * o f H a z e l t o n ,P a . s e r y e d a s bet man for his brother. Ushers were i,u: :e:e:""r1:l : :1, -t :, !u- nt h. e QonCtucted proprletof was as a James prsent R o a dd,, a na dn d restaurant. Al-bln of has s l n ccee Its f lrst l.,t,,iian old familv,-wlth c e o r s e M a u h e w s o r N e w y o r k c i t v , b r o t hi t€urc k his-w1fe,Emm;: ,r;; ;'"" o f t h " b r i d e ,a n do l i v e r c a m p b e uo f c u t . o p e r a r o r s n;:""1.::: r,ttrert 'rti"fl":T::"1t 9 f ? ; : ; i ; , . ; " : 1 s u a u e r a n d t r . l i t n 1 3 r c z, " T e f l " " o , , o nw a sh e t da t t h e A m e r j c a n l L 1 s a f s o in.ber' s!1tq t o n n t-"J l , i l " " i L e g i o nH a l l ,s o u t h o l do.u t - o f - t o wenu " s t s to the_brr11r1lne"of i n " t u a " ot n " b r i d e ' sp a - t e r n a lr ; r l o r the "gtrt aEn" a " go l h eM d im r ' r s . w . J . M a t t h e w so f i n 1 6 5 8 - 1 8 5 9 , - t h e s a m e i o J " i i o r - , " tro- ", ."0, B r i s t o l 'T e n n . a n d t h e b r i d € g r o o m ' sb e e n t h e s l t e of a stean1 ii",i]i;;ir. s Rozanskior maternarsrandmother'Mrs bLrllt and operared by Anclrewaii':i";:ii;r" Hazelton. rhe newlvwedsare residing'" :11^ if tas .tt5irJgck un,fer tne name rillder- wes'[hampron fqcda $.,Fa+_ ff;ii";5,Ii;" ;"13J:: 3il:; ' ;i::':"i.l lator (d.-.te not krownl,th;'-iii'*,.,". !1.e o{ destrovetlbv fire' {" " '" : -l;;;.,';:: ,orrrrrrt(3dl!7r7fi",8-2: Longlsland westphaliaRoad'previouslvof City, died January 3 at her home Iiorn in New York on Novembet rr, raso, shewasthedawhterof thelateMartinand Sophie (Besch)-Schutt. Sheissurwivedbyherbusband,CharlsJ. n"" ,"0*'ro* sophie A. Raura sister, J..<L-r, o n t h e b a s iiss o rf e x t ccnnssiioonn e r c r v a ( i n g ,c h a r l e s F . G o d d a t d c r t i n r a t e dt t r a tx t n o t i n l e d i d t h e ,l :, l,i,:^_k:_' "go_J". n j ,-Tl a ; fsl ,s, a l i rl ,d, , l ' , 1 1 , . * . ' . n o,YJ;.lio"Jti."foo"',Tn""13'"#,,;J n r a r r i a go e f t h e i r d a u g h t e rM, i c h e l l et,o RaymondKrogmanso Mnro. af n d M r sR. a y KrogmanM o fa t t i t u c k , a r a n u p t i a l M a s s i n $;tXrJ.,f"l:fr::t;1":Uitjii ./-,-,/ 24,1e78. -r,,1i,/ ;li,J:*,1i;1"'i;llnt"*"';,1"; l a c eb o d i c e . . H e r b o u q u ewt a i p i n kr o s e s -'*fit"tr*i;ilarongtimeo,""n,*". Ar its rastmonthtv^,meetins warmconsraturarl?:^,_:.yr^ fil:Jifi"!lffrtl;'";*::l;:Xfff:; held Januarv.loal.1i:.ll.ts.Iti R e s r a u r a ntth e M a r t i l u c kL h a m ' er of Commerce^ i.i"j^t-1 p--p"*]1"g.,]f:_Arm l:olps:l : '.""'u'"t 19 !lq'"::.T::^t1*: ';!iii::"i"it p?.ur..Rau, Ma"t' i;'j.":i Einest scr'uu, nephews, l[ Schuttand WiDim Schutt. Fueral senice wereheldJanuary6 at *"" theDeFriestFuneorgo.",frr"tUffliiitlt, the Rev. witriam cotu."n orri"iffil "''" ' ag -fiqrals] firgO /,i?"r Mallrlucklnlet Theyalsotis.* ol .r.h." :t'l ::9^^:T,:t-P,tll, Mattiruck i:i:";:i"l ,""1f;;:':rful in.tutv.)24 7!;:;:l;"'^" and Mrs. I-ittv *""r1o31 .111 becamerhep"::ly,:lib:l::'f:] brby girl. Sherrill Lynn, tom at ay. 4 ' r . l p . m . o n N e w Y e a r ' s D-ii st",,iitt"a ,r,.'ait""J"" i:';i"*1"j";;1i"],:*b,;: ucighingin at li"rt.r, unJr''r' wirriu. Mur-nu verv happv i. wll..t '''" "*lr" g*nafu'"nt" r,z4i',t "t"t'',' Lessard and Eileen Darrow .rhe mard of h';;;';".o russer and rhe arrendanr: ;;;;";" ":t"i'1."' o.$'"ll*,f,t""9#';;r, *"Jn";n":l *i1: i^#rfl"1**f;;ft",ir",'i;;u?l"Jj'ji"l receplionwas held at the Riverhead ^A. Independent Polish club trip'the ""ti"T:;:ffiUil?,1:::'*mn o'],']"j'."."",..r00 years ^r,.',Rescue Squad Firemgn a Double Duty vlji;;*:yl**";l;$l: Pertorm 'i7,i street from the Gildersleeve store on Love Lane, Mattituck. There are still a fev/ old time Matiiruckians as "Reeve and Tuthill's 2. and as a grocery store. Later i1 becane James L. Reeve's, Upstalrs ovcr the sl0re wa5 a spacious hall, q'hich iD its lime had many uses. They included lDcrl talert plays, a meeling room f o r a l o d g e ( . 1 r .O . U . A . M , , t h e Mattituck Literary Society. dances and even political rallies. After Mr. Reeve's passing, it was purchased bv Walter Grabie, rvho moved it to its present location on the Main Roaci, where it has since been conducted as a restaurantlis first proprietor nray have been Clarence Davis or Janres Albin. but it was Mr. Albin who gave it its wcll known nanre. He was oble rssisted by his rvife, Emma. Otlrer operators since have been Albert Hafker, Tessie Gauer, Michacl Winiarz, Mrs. Leon Lazianski. xrld the prcsert propilclor, Jinr Nava5.,who acquired (r /t///7, it last splrDg. -t l1is alsointeresting to not6 that pfi()r to the building ol this store i n l 8 - S 8 - 1 8 , S 9l h, e s a D e l o c a t i o n had been tlre silc of a stearrl tlouring nrill, which was built and opcralcd by Andrew Gildersleeve and SilasHallock untlet the name Gildersiecve and Hallock, who sold out aftcr a year and a hall to P i k e a n d A d a n t s . S o n ) et i n e l a t c r , date ilot kilown. thc nlill w,as dcstroyed b1 firc. Msttltucl Hall of Famsr Frank Canlelnri. rvhose school davs u cre spent in Mailituck, and norv livcs in Atascadero, Tcxas, was honored last November by being inducted into the T.C.tl. (fexas Christidn University) Hall o{ Fame. lhere he enjoyed a By DICK CURTIS Times StaftReporter You can dependon them, In facl the entire AdvancedLife Support systems which can monitor the status of the patient in the van East End does. Town and village rescue squads are on and transmit it to the hospital They also call 24 houls a day, every day of the vear' carry equipment to extricate victims from Tbey may respondto a car accidentin which crashes. In all communities except Maltiluck' a pereon is trapped in the wreckage, a drowning victim, or possiblyan emergency TOWNRESCT]ESQUAD the the one at Manaton as case, such cardiac TEI,EPHONE NLIMBERS House in Greenport last fall where the 9ll O r i e n t rescuesquad used a hook and ladder truck 9rl East Marion lo take a hearl atlack victim from an upper' Operator Greenport story $,indow. 765-3:70 southold Rescue squad members are on double 734-6333 Cutchogue duty. Nearly all are regular members of the $ll Maltituck village lire deputments, but in addition Shelterlsland $ll(orOPeralorl they hold advance fimt aid cards and are can be experts in cardiac resusciLation. Rescue squad memben are unsung taken to the hspital in the rescue vehicles. beroes in the community. Tbe work of the In those three hamlets, which are serviced fire departments is often seen by hundreds by a private ambulance company, an amof citizens, but the work of the rescue squads bulance from that company is dispatched if is done quietly. Most of the time members needed,when the rescue squad is nolified. How To Call For Aid are summoned by home piectron alarm At present there ar€ lhree different ways units, but often duing daylight hours an fire of conlactrng rescue squads on tbe North encodedsignal will sound on the town Fork aDd Shelter Island. 911is the nunber siren. usedby Mattituck, East NIarion,Orient and All Are Volutrtecrs All membeE are volunteen who go Shelter Island residents. These calls are l n handled by the police department dispatt h r o u g h i n t e n s i v ec o n t i n u o u sl r a i n i n g advancedfirst aid techniques,and cardio- chers, who then notiJy the appropriate pulmonary resusciLationSome menlbers of rescue squad. Cutchogueand Southoldhave a personon each squad are qualified emergency medical technicianswho have receiv€d 82 duty around the clock at their fire stalions by medicai personnel. and training so handleall calls directly The number hours of Their diligenceis reflecledin lhe response to call in Southold is 765-3270and Cuttimes of different uits. East Marion, for chogue'snumber 734,6333. When someone in Greenport needs the instance, usual)y takes less than five minutes to get men on the scene. Shelter assislance of the rescue squad, operator Island, which has the added problem of should be dialed. Tbe operator wiil caii being encircled with water that must be Yaphank where a dispatcherat LheCounty crossed,has an averageelapsedtime of only !-ire Control Center takes the informatioo 20 minuts betweeo when the call is phoned and alerts lhe Greenporl Rescue Squad in and arrival of the palient at Greenport's eithcr by directly act)vating the town siren or the home plectron units. hospiLal. Each town unit has a modern rescue No effort is being made at this time to vehicle with esential life support systems eslablish one number as the official one for and many are now installing what are called use in all area towns. brilliant career, starring in baskeibali. bas€ball and football. Writers dcscribed him as a dinrinutiveplaycr..5 foot six, but a n i u r n r e d i a t es e n s a t i o n i n b a s k e t ' brll, n('tcd lor his specd and agressivelcss aird his uncanny acturrct in sl:ots from nridcourt rrd fronr ciiffit:uit angles. He also Iettcrcd in lbotball and boseball. He *'as basketball tcalr captain in i927, and nranaScdthe football t e a m i n 1 9 2 6 .F r a n k a n d h i s w i f e , Alicc, have both retired. frank is 79. His younger brolher, Henr-y, also a lorncr N4attiluck High School rthlcte, ,s wa-s FraDk, still rcsides in Martitucl at Woodcliff Dfive. C)ne cannot help but observe that in tfreir playing days six looters were rare, while our present players afe loaded with thenr. Frank might havc made it, n e v e r t h c l e s s .? - ^ t - 1 t, 7 /./'7./ /' 'fhe lvlattLtuckChamber ol Cottrmercc held its monthly dinner meeling on Jatuary 16 al lhe Ding How RestalrraDt.At thrs necling an endorsemetl to SoutholdTown vaspassedfor the Anry Corpsof Engineers o be conlacted to take measure on lhe razatdous conditions which exist at the nouth of Mattituck lnlet. The Chamber of Jommerce is already thinking ahead lo surnmertimeas it beginsmaking plans for the secondJuly SaleDays which wil) be held on Love Lane. The nexl meeting will take p)ace on February I2 and will be a dinner meeting held at the Coach Sloppe. New members are always welcome to attend these meetings.If you would like to come, contact Steve Perricone at 298-4777by February L Normar Reilly, Jr., will be the TRAINING--Airman CHOSEN FOIt guestspeakeral the February meeting.His Thomas E, Mccaffery, son ot Mrs. Lillian t o p i c w i l l b e t h e R e s c u eS o u a do f l h e M a l . M. Bauer of Mattituck and James W. Mctriuck Fire Dcpartmenr'J'fly')-s-,1'1 7 ) Caffery of Appalachin. N.Y., has beetr selected for technical training aC Sheppatd Air Force Base, Texas, in the Air Force coDr medical service field. lIe rectnlly -DonardR G'dersreeve Edward Hanus, a teacher in ii"i::.iTi: i"i#:':,#"i:1lT:,L1"'i MattituckHigh School,will be the 'hioe*€.--ligh tI a tte smoiing "ttu.iid, exanples ot olter me ol the claHt aieiruselBsns.Dspiteyearsotcol' ttrting and publisNn8 these morl ,o ill data, the c,qwnms, *(lno* mee the toba@ crop to ftilri;i;. my medicat e f.f- A6o it ***ge search to produe a flIe for its Dil- . liGotci8ar€tteaddtcts- .."v t.::L./ to th€se wretcned ls Nistuce dryils cotrists almGt exclsively -of advie to dt it dt, which is like tre in-s bercin addicts by telling them"; g"i'";i*o:v i"5l"Jp ,ri#""i.L?a i . u j , , L ;t , ; l t , , ,,,.,;l I lz'{'"1' 7 ln earlv January Harry Jaquilwife,- Arlene, and t";;,-;i: daughter'.Dena sPeil a week at Lake Winnipesaukee' Nevr Hampshire while they did not have much snow. thanks to the p.enius of man and his snow machine,they were ableto get in ."." ,rii"*. f n. Jaquillard's are next planning a trip to Mexico to a s,onds like ne* fi'p co"met school M , , A 4 l ' l - , s )f q 7 7 . guest speakerat the next event sponsoredby the Friends of the Mattituck-CutchogueSchool.On Tuesday,February l3 at E p.m. Mr. Hanus will give a narrated slide presentationof his recent sabbaticaltrip to lndia. Mr. Hanusspent 8 weeksin this land of contrastsbetweenth€ poverty of yesterday and its on-going struggle ro modernizeg/-nd provirle more tor irs peoplelY 7-'i Flood Rains l5 'c7 r r 2i* "7 Many Areas SOUTHOLD-MOrethan 3.5 inchesof rarn fell on lhe North Fork lasl weekend,anrl while Lhe de)uge was regarded as bettet lhan snow,it created ils share of havoc in the shape of flooded roads. washouts,and inundatedcellars. Scores of complaints of roadways rendered practically impassableby the rising waters were received al the of{ice of the lown highwaydepartmenton PeconicLane, ard members of the various fire depart' nrents received a ntlmber of calls from resjdentslooking for aid in pumping water fron their basements. Raymond Dean, public works superintendent,said the situation was aggravaled by the fact that the ground was frozen and failed to absorb the downpour.As e result, torrenls of water ran off larm fields on to roadways instead of sinking into the soil. Sometown roads were still under water as late as Tuesday Mr. Dean said. Town police notified the Long Island Rail Road on Sunday morning that strearns of water pouring from a nearby field was threateningto wash out the railway roadbed just west of the Southoldstationon Traveler Streel.Part of one side of the roadbedwas washed away, but the tracks renained intact. Lloyd "Pepe" Kalin, who keePs the weather records at the Greenport public worksdepartment,reportedthat 3.54inches of rain fell during the 48-hourperiod ending Sundaymorning, and that the total rainfall so far in.lanuary now totals 11.07lnches'an unusuallyhigh amountof precipilation that couid be headedfor a new January record. In the evenl lhat the next weather disturbancelakes the form of snow instead of rain, Mr. Dean has askedthe coop€ration o[ town residentsin clearing the roads. The task of his snow'fighlingcrew wili be considerablylightened,he said. if cars are parkedin driveways insleadof on the roads during a snowsl,orm.Many residenlialroads are narrow and the presenceof cars parked on them makes plowing difficult. It is in the interestsof the public to facilitate operation ^f ,ko nlow he pointed out. Two t97B graduates of Mattituck High .School have gruduated from the U.S. A]r Force at Sheppard AFB, Tex., f|om the t e c h n i c a lt r a j n i n g c o u r s e f o r a i r c r a f t maintenancespecialists They are Airman DenrseA Lopet daughler of Mr cnd .\,lrs ,l t.,'po., .rnd Arrmrn Nan(y l9hl \lickaliger drrrghtgr ,rf Nlt. aId Mrs s ( r n J e )i \ l r c , i a l r g T e l6 Q\ . r7't, ? . . ,-. _ . , - ^ , , ^ . _r , . . , r . . PRADUATDD )' rt'h L\ t l'1 7 NlncviMirkrlig(r, dr(glltcr ol' M r . a n d M r s . S t r i l l c yN l i c k r l i g e r o l N l r t r r l u c kN, . Y . .h r s e r a d u r t c d r t S h c ' p p a r tAl F B , i - c x a s ,l i o n r t i r c L l 5 . A i r F o r c e t r - tl r r r i c a l i r u i n i r r gc , ; r r r s cl o r r i r c r a J Im r r i n ' I c r r n c c s p t ' c r a l i r t r\.i r m r r M i c k r r a sI r l r i r t c ldr r n r r i n rligcr, "'lro l . r i r l . f L ' p i r i fr n d s c r v i c c r i r a r l t l c r r r r c n t l i! n u s c b ] ' l h c A i r F ( r r c i ' . i s I ' c i n g a s s i g n c dt o M o u n t r i n H o r r r iA F B , I d a h o .f o r d u t l w i t h r u n i r( ) ft l r c - [ i r c t i c nAl i r ( i r n r n r a n d . C o n r p l c l i o oi lf t h ! ' c o u f s cc a r l c d t h e i r d r ! r d u i l c r e d i t sl o N r f d : ,a n a s s o c i a t ici l a p p l i c d s c i c n c cc l c g r c c t h r o u g hl h c C o n r n r r r r i i v C o l l e g cr : i t l r c A i r F o r c c . l l t c airrnln is a l9;^8 Bradualcof l ' , l r t l i t u c [] l i g h S c b o o l . /l S L o . P I T C H P R E S I D E N T R E T I R E S - E d A d a m s , I e t i r i t r g f r o m t h e p r e s i d e n c y o f t hote his.12 lears Nlattiluck Sl0-Pitch tf,ague, was auuded a plaque commemorathg the Board of on behalf of dedicaled service as presidetrt' Ltd Brigham' leil aciing risht at a Adams Ed the plaque to il M",titict sto'pitcrt rtagtig, preqentiq ;;;;;; -ll,f .' rqa .,, . - , d a "l ihcrins. MR.ANo MRs.HENRYRUrKosKl"l M."iti!'-tkliY: .ffitiililililJl;li *,ll #li,t:l."JJ, ffiffiitr hei r ch'rdren, honorol ;T,'.i:"{i:i i..lf Jj:'illili:". art heir 25th wedding annive'sary Cyprus-Ortowdci t' -'' f- I-/ ' I Mrs. Elenita M.ts. F-irch has / I ' r . \ c r l , d . r r n c t t ' ^ r : , r lg r h t , ' t h c r,. Urite. -l_il.t P.rfr.lr anur, Churclr of Christ in Janresport. l'lrc nrcnrorial, if the nnrount oi \ 1 , ) . O 0 r ' .r \ r . h c r r . r i f . , r r l r r p . i l . 1 . \ , ' i ( , r l ( ( . , j , , r l , .n ' | . ' J . ' l( , 1 t , i l , l , r r r : ' rIL' c . l ' I , r t l r u i7 /3, rj/! /\,': f i"L';t,'1ir: t < o s ' ,< A > 1 l't!,.,t'' tu;w'':L> IWL ThcDleellle Tlte Pecouic rnill ltad br.en in usc for rranv y e a r s . A r r u n r b e r o f l o c r l r t t c - 1hr i l ( l l o r n r e c l a c o l l I r u y a b o u t 1 8 4 0 , b u f i t r g s l t r r c : ;t o i i n l r t c c t l i c . b u i l < l i l g o t ' t h e n r i l l o n t j d e w r t e r . a r r c li t w a s l s r r c c c s s f i r vl e n t l r e . payilrg diviclen(ls for sorttr' lirrrc. NIy glanilfather'. us a y o u n g n r i r r r ,t l r o v e o n e o f t h c w l q o n s t l l a t b r o r r g h t t h e r l i l l s t o n e s t o t i l c s i t c l l o r r t l t c s l r i l ;w i r i c h i r n c l c c l 'l'he maid of honor was Connie Bullock. a t G r e c n p o r t . T l l e g r e i l t - i r r n l e c iw i r r d r v h c e l s t a l t i i i l t g c l ru f c t 1 , The bridesmaids were Sharon Orlowski. h r g h o n t o p o f t h e s q u r r i s h , g r e y s h i t r g l e c lb r r i l c l i n g Mrs Fitch nraclc lhc gifl in Nlajorie Brescta and Lorraine Johnnidis. w a s o n e s o l r r c e o f p o w e r . T J r e o t l t r r r ' . ' a st l r c . r v a t e r ' , 1 . 1' 1 . ' r l l r r r h r r ' l ' , ' r r ,Ci .r r : l F Ihe hest lnan was Nrck Cyprus. Jr w l i e e l i r r ( h e d e e p i r ; l e tc h r r r n c l . Frlch. hrs prrcnts. Rcvcrertcl Among the ushers were John Orlowski, A l o n g s t r a i g h t t i c l e - r L r n1 l ' o r r rt l r e S o L r n r ll c t l i n t o W c l l s H . F 1 t c h .a n d i r r r r e n r o r y o l ' william Brescia and John Johnnidrs.The w l l a t w e c a l l ed " ' f h o I n l c t " . l r o L r r r d b o c l y o l ' w x t c r bride is a graduateof Mattituck Hiqh School M r . I i , l r . 1 , . . rr' , r \ . \ v i t l i r r r r H ahnost landlocked by tlrc rreadows antl tire hishcr and Pace Univeruity Schoolof Nursing. She Bcrjanrir rrrrl Florertcc Downs w o o d e ( l b a i l k s o f t h c s l r r r o u n ( l i r r qs h o [ r . ] l c r r . t r v i c c is employed by Englewood Hospital in -'r' H,rt.'nrrn .2r 1f, t 1 ( luring the day's 14 hours tlre high tide wus irrrpor.rrtlF)nglewood, N J. She is the daughter of Mr. I l r e r r r r r r rr,r r l r i . r s r r f l i t r . r l l r and Mrs. waller Orlowski of Matlituck. , r ' , , , ' . r, n d . . , . t n r , , . r l r . r r t l r , e d b y s o l r d w o o t l e n g a t e s o r r a l ' o o l b r i d q e w h i c l r w r s , \ r . i l , t . {r Il , r r r . l \ l , t ' r r p . l ' r c b u i l t a c r o s st h c r r r r r o r v s L r t l e ro l ' t h c n r i l l s t r e l r r . A 1 The bridegroom was graduated lrom t ( l n r i n t r t f i r l l ( r i al f t h , : r r r c n r o r i t l t l l e t o p o l ' t h c t i L l t -l h e s e g l t e s l V r ' r | c l o s c c lr r r r t i l t l r c Tenaflv High Schooland New York lnslitute $ , r \ r r v , r r r ' t l , V L r s i C , r r r t i d c o u t s i d c l t a c l l r l l r : n e r t o r r g l tt o r r r l k e a c l r o p o r of Technology. He is emploved by t]ell w a t e r f a l l . T h e n t h c r s i d r r g a t e r v r s < ) P c n r ' dr l c l t h c t l i nllllcc. -l-!rc Laboratoriesin Whippany, N.J. lle is the Ilcvcrcrcl Wcll! ll. Filci' v c r t e d t j d e w a t e r : - r r s h o r lo u t u r l r i e r t h e b i g p a t l d l e sono[ Mr. and Mrs. Nick Cvprusof Tenafly, s c r \ c d l h c c l r u r c h l i o n r l c ) 0 J t o w h e c l . i t s w i d c b l a r l c s s h p l ) i l r g t l t r o r r g h t ) r c rr v a t e r , N.J., and lualtituck. His grandnolher is l9.ll. g l i s t e n i r l ga n d d r i p p i n g i l s i t w a s l o l u t e d b y t l r c f l o w . Mrs. Christina Averkiou of Mattituck. 'fhe fori:e of the tide sonletinles alrounted to l0 jnsidc tile ruill by a systenr 01'cogs, BrQ{Dks:Amatg v e h i e l e A d r r v e n l r v J o h I F . l . i o r s e p o u , e r ,a n ( l -lJ,h1. tq1'7 Parkin, 4,1, o{ Recve Avenue. p u l l e y s , b e l t s : r n c j w l t t c l s i t r r n t i r c g r j r ) d s t o D r s . Mrs. Louis Afn"atobf Fort t\{'ill,S. C. an M a t t i t u c k . o v e r t u r n e d M o n d a y , l ) L r r i n g t l r e b u s y s e r s o n w l t e r r t h e r ' . ' w a s n r L r c hs l i s t t o nounces the eDgagement of her daughter, police said. after Parkin swerved b e g l o L t n d t h c n i l l c r , w h o l i v ec l o n t h e n c a r b y h i l l , Katharine, to Andrew A. Brooks,son of Mr. t o a v o i d h i t t i n g a d o g . N o o n e w a s h a d t o t t s e b o t h h i g i t t i c l c s .I i v t ' r t i f o n e o f t h t - n r c : r n r c and Mrs. George G. Brooks of Mattituck. i n j u r e d i n l h e a c c i d e n t , o o l i c c i n l h e l r i L i L l l eo l t l r r ' n i g h t . h c l t r d t o u , o r k t l t r ' n . S o Miss Amato was graduatedfrom Fort Mill ' High School,and Wak€ Forest University said. ).4^ t , i'," 7.,t latcr ar arldition wrs btrilt onto lhe grev sllillgl!'d ( 1977),summa cum laude. Parkin was westbouid orr b r " r i l d i n g , a n r l o n t l r c : t o p w r s c r L r c t e d u t u l l f r a n r c Route 25 in Peconic when a w i t l t a g l e a t r n n ! ' ! l w i n ( l w l ) e r ' J s t a n c l i n g h i g h i r b o v e . Mr. Brooks was graduated from Mattituck High Scbooi,and SUNY at Albany in Gerntan shepherd dog crossed i T h i s : r L r r i l i l r v l ) o w ! - r i u c r c i r s ! ' !tll r e o L r t p r r o t l'thc ntill l9?5. front of his vehicle, according tt, a n d r r r a c l ei t e r s i e r t o f thc nrillcr'. present At both are studying at the police. Swelving to the left to F a r . n rt e a r r t sc l r o v e r r p t o t h c l o i l ( l i l t g p l a t l o n n o n University of Virginia Colgate Darden avoid the dog. hjs left front wheel thc rond sicle of the nrill, bringing sacks of grain to GraduateSchoolof BusinessAdministration c o l l a p s e d . p o l i c e s a i d . c a u s i n g t h e be grouncl. Sntall sclrooncls iln(l slo()l)s loadcLi with in Charlottesville. vehicle to ovcrturn and land on its wheat sailcd across [,o]'lglslrrntl Sorrrrtlfrorr ('orrnt:cA May wedding is planned. roof. t i c L r t t o t i c r r p a t t l r e b L t l k l r c l r do n ( l r e w r l c r s i c l er 1 l ( l Town Supervisor Alberi Martocchia When Aerolinas Argcntlna5 arcl wait lor tlteil grain to bc cottvcltctl illto flottt. n o t i f i e dp o l i c el a t e l a s tT u e s d a yn r g h tt h a t a U p s t a i r s i n s i d c t i r r r r i l l f ) r c g r r i r t w i r s ( l t t t n l ) e dj n t o r F l r u l r rA l l l l l l, tr KlnncLly Air large pack of dogs was keepingeveryonein b i g l r o p p c r l n r l r l n ( l o w n b c t $ ' c o n t l t c ' t . c r t t n t lf.' l r t the neighborhood awake. police were \p()rl lasr tr,cek on tn Antarticn :qdventurc Cruise. Ms. Ilarbara g l i n r l s t o r r e ss p i t t n i r g a g i l i l l s i e l c l l o t l t c - t , t l t e l l o t t r assignedto disperse the animals, and the -l-his gLtiderltltc I l c r c r , , f W r r k l r . r n rA v e n r r e , M a r falling oLrl bc)orv thtotrgh il clttrfc. lown dog wardens were notified rrruck aDd New York City was w h i t c s t : e r n r i n l O l b r g l t o o k e t l t t D L l c t t r e : ) 1l il kt e a r ) Two cases of wine valued at $60 were rurong lltc passcngcrs. Ms. Rcro p c : nn r o r r t h . taken from the office at Anchor fnn, Mat_ lcr loincd n tour group of 200 who :it-uck,by someonewho had forced open the The wirrdwlreel wrs wleclieil ir tlte wt'll-rt:rttcttrrvert llying from Neq, York City. rffice.door. Ilgward Kolbenheyer reporreo beled barl Novenbcr- stornr ol' l8()8, lncl tlrr' ilcrtrslVirnri and Los ADgelcsto Buenos opoJice. 7+.6 /, tr12q i n g L r s t .o f g a s o l j n e n r o t o r s s o o r r r l ' t t ' r w r r ( l n t r i l c l l r c Arres, Afgenliila whcre thel 'l w r t e r w h e e l o b s o l c t e . S o , g l u d L r r r l l yt h c l l i l l l r l l i n t o he tiEt grade clas,ses of_Mrs. Munch and cnrbarked on the MS World b e / f t r e s e n t r n g I\Iiss. Stanley wiit clisreprir and f-inllly clisintegrrted. lt wits ;t sld ilring a I)iscoveror.'l'he ship was then 'rrenlstonc t o s e e r h e r ' u i l l g o b c r c a u s ei r i t s P r i t r c i l w r s r n i t t t Life Forms..exhibil In lhe iailing soulh to ADtarctica and main foyer of the Mattituck High School.All p o r t a n t i n c l u s t r yi n t l r t ' c o n r n t L t n i t ) , r. r r t c ul l l t l r c l o c r l S r ) u t h l h c P o l e . w h c r e a r e t h e y parentsand fri€nds ar€ cordially invited to p e o p l c h l c i i l t t l s o n r t t c l t i r ' r t e r c s (r n ( l s o t t t i t n y g o c r r l c\lcrien.iilg lheir Arc(tc sum take a step back into time on FeDruary l4 t i n r e si n a n d a r o u n t l i t . nrcr". Wc hope to hcai mbre ot and l5 duing schoolhous. This display will Tire big bovs wottld divc o1'f the briclgcinto tltc Ms. lleiter's trip when she featue fossils,sketches,dicramas ind clay deep u,rtirrhoJescoureri out by tlre tide. wltilc rvc litrr-lrrrns frrrn her one-moDth sI3tues created by the children. piease tl!: oncs wa(le(l xn(l pldtllc'tl irt tltc shallorv wrtcr llt c r u i s e . f u 4f , t . , ' t 7 come. e-njoythe artwork and sign rhe guesl t l r e s i c l e so f t h e " g u t t e r - " . E v e t . y o n e w e t i t t o w i n g , bookl We sure have had fm ind enj"oyed clanrrlirrg, eeling and crahbirg, lnl:l wl)ell tltc snltplearningall about the djnosaws, fossils,etc. p c r s ( y o u n g b l L t e f i s l r s) t a r t e d t h e i r a n l r t r l r t t : r i r r l r t c The January t h a w 'r'<r - l^: ": :. "-, , sl|llnlef we colrl(lcrtcl) theDrtw'o at ir tir)lr'bl britS U U ' I H O L D - - V a n d a l si n d u l g e o and we nou rn a ;",;;;" i n g o L r r d o r r b l c - h o o k s p r c a c l c rr v i t h s i l v e r s i d e s( w l i i t e urndow,breakingspree that l r e e z e , , O l caused rnore D r i l i w o ".o, r ; ; ; ; i i l irait) ancl lcrtting tlre ltancl litte rtlrl ollt ftoltt tlte than$1,000 in dmage in d jfferentsecrtonsol too rne.lown last rveekend,according ; : ; ; , : : ' : : , 9D:e' m u c hs n o u r. r r e b r i c l g e o n t h c t i d e . S r t r l l p q ' r ' 5a r e s t t c l t t l t s t y l i t t l e f i s l t . lo com_ nrilder thi, p(anG received by Southoldtowr poilce. usuiLl. rrvetl now peoirlc fislr 1-oI tlrcDl rvltt'rt tltIrc rrle w;.;:^:,:, , .' "vPc nls old radio di,l",, _:.., rwenly-su windows rn a dozen b l i c l g c si r r l l t i ( l e l u n . nrm ltre old school , i u f o . ^ r , , " " i _ . ! l ' " ousesowned by the SunriseCoachLjnes I g l r d L r a t e c lf l o n t S o L r t h o l t l H i g l t S c h o o ) i r t t l t t ' alures in,tr" o[ to* r*.,,,,1i"u^" ure-enport, and kept at Lou.sseruicestation C l a s s o f 1 9 0 8 , l n d t l t i n e w a s t h t r p t ' i z - ee s s t i v , " - f h e rreplng lhe f . , r r " r , at Sowd Road and pacific Street, fr",; ;;";; (uu manv Old N4ill". When I reaclrt at tlte gr:tiluttiol) !-\crcis0s. Mat_ ''Y'" Irr'm \toraxe. trtuck, were fowd-broken last Friday. S..a p ^ .u, L, -d- r- o' -e s The I saw nrole thart one elderly lady jtr tltr'ltiriiienet' shoujd h. olTage..done withrocks . ' : " "--r..: In lour weeks ryodb_ricks,was srlrreptitiously wipitlg away a tear. We wlto ktlcw i1 ri." e s t i m a t e da t $ 7 f o . j 4 l . { , , i _ l ' , l l'\' , ' e r,/4?.i around the .dr..- >-_r; "8 tu!t cherishecla ror)rantic affection fol the oltl ntill, rrrtl " "-' f- L' /'/ !/ )t) I fincl that, even tod:ty. although atl trrces ol it rre g o n e , p e o p l e a r r : l n t e r e s t e ( 1i n i t s s t o r y Sandra Orlowki and Chris Cyprus rvere married Sunday,OctoberB, 1978, in St. John Theologian Greek Orthodox Church at Tenafly,N.J. A receptionfollowedat Clinton Tnn in Tenafly. ) , /. I rq Z -l / v . / ' j t ' / .TNE ln I LLLK ., j "tt pEar,,vr - GttaeRr lena'1 M / /-t- I L , i , 5 r t uu l ) ., it' .$1t feqS AEo Yeats Il - iOO T h e L a d i e s A i d S o c i a b l eh e l d a t Gildersleeve Hall, lv.lattituck was an oiltstanding success last Friday evening. About two hundred people rvere present and the proceedsof the evening anrount. ed 10 aboul $37. On SundaY evening at aboul eleven o clock the old dlvellinll house ln Mattituck owned bY Capt. Abranr TertY and used bY hin as a storellouse ior his l . r r r r r r ' uc r l t t t l ' n . e t st ti \ h l r f D c dt , ' the ground. The l,lss of the tools is quite a misfortullc to CaPt' Terre\'. 'i'-->r" l F....Y o . lo{'rrrrdtc'rr. r' .".'" // iil: ,"-;;;;'"ir reEII'rnr .'',"i;',: iY;:l;,f"i,:l,:,:,:;1. ' 1 , , i r . r r ,' H e n c l o . : v u u r; ' e \ r d u r d r r i l l " ^ i ; ; 1 , , , r r ,i1r r 1115 F n r i n s t d t l t t s l . i \ ' 1 1 S a L l l l d e f s' l t e I \ ;I ' d v e r / \ a t 1 r ;,' l d ' | r r F s u ' 'i' t ol "' r t ' tI ;:;i'l:1:;"'''," 'r: ' t''1"i" i1 ll ' ) ' r'r n,,,,,f'a':rdrrll'r " /'iri i' "Cue' n t e r 2 l - , t s " \ i , t | Andre J. Richards of Marratooka Roac has been nanled to the Dean,s List al BucknellUnivenity, Lewisbug, pa., for the frrst semesterof the 1978-?9 academicyear. SusanC. Deans.daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kelling of Lauelwood Drive, Lauel, has been named t0 the Dean's List at the Slate University of New York. Agric-qlruFal and Technical Cottegeat Cotlesii|T1i/ 7., N{issRosanneBennelt spenl tbree weeks in wisconsinat the homeof h€r sis[er,SaraLorraineNlarshall.Rosannelook care of trer infant niece,Loretta, while her sister, wclrl to Fort Bliss, Texas, lor lwo weeks/acliv( duty in the Arm]' Nurses ReservPlr/r''l ,i t:" :*ii.6$l:1. Peconic M ill in its prime. f)owt Mattituck .nVoils satrndp' cr;iro,rr !' r'-"1'^,ii,,;l:"1;l',i1" il'; i t'ill' rr i n c l i v e ,s e l i r r e s o f b t t : t t r e s s l ' 1 s e l 1' iif,."i.,t,,l,'' t iPlefs in ts L'An'\r' U,ft Title '!-.i' ?tw.t) u,: o, / /t/ -,itrffi;.."1,!rt,'li -i:f,'' ':;.tli,'i# :::'.T::1.'"r:'i;; Lf r'ni."r trainitrsat ;ilrjiil*' ,1"" ;",T: ],I"fi,:'i' ;;':!,li"lg .j-, llT or :t -.'::ff ffi "t.tcd basic traiiltrg aL R ?:;: ^r.u'-*"i"i is a.le?7$aduate l\\' M:,llilrrcl rcsrdcnls werc N l n 'f-" -, t rrhen ' , , ' , , , . . 1\ . r l r r r L l r l u r c t t i n g N $Sl r l r e . . , r r r r ( \ s c t c r r r s k r d d e c Lo n $.i tlint'.r't tJvcnrerrt artd iollided ,'li: * i i , , , , i . r , . t , t ' , ' ' r cp 1 l c . p r r l i r ' : s a i d . llorlr lhc (lri!er" Drr-w Dilling lranr. llJ. ol Woodcliff Drive and 197p/9 LEAGUE EIGHT Champions-Matlituck High School Tuckers. Front row (left to right) Rod Wells, Tony Caico, Troyan, Donald.lapel, Sid Beebe, Mike Sanchez, and Mike Bailey. Back row (left to right) Coach Jack Hussnatter, Steve from the picture were Dave l'Jupski, Mark Zimnoski, Donald Wilcenski, Mike Caico, and Scott Burlingame. Missing 18. !,.rr..r,Bcr ['rul LsPrrrser.. i,er. t.rk.,rto EastcrrtI.ng lsland lreatfor llosnir'rl tn Grcctrport coacnMike Hueyand Rog€ Assisrax ,r",.']":l*2tt'n **iir r. cr.ENNoN rhe Mattituck ,.."" ,,01";',;n,""'o,j"l"'0,?:'"li^T" MATTlrt)cK.tames L. cten- irscontinuing t" .""i'ti" n'unur!.sa.iswovenftomlhe Dani€l F. SUlliVan "n " n u n u t P a r ! .A v c . . M J t t i t u c k , d i e d needs of the community in its filest silks,. weddings in the 63. a MAT.IITUCK-Daniel F. Sullivan. 7 i' 1r7 7 '7 li;'::'iil1"::'i,"i1,["ili?;',1]1 lli";""."i,T'1,ff. il:,:.'Jill:" ::irei:tr.:lliti*#m'.T* ai:i,:l;?..'J;",1il:",i:"::il;1 s e o f 8 7 A r e t i r e db o o k k e e p e rt o " b o o k s * i i " t ' * i l lb e o f s p e c i ayt o " . h 1 d . , : - , , , _ " : s , h e vo nu " rrelf iiiT'i,i^iilr*,'1-"rii'**il;i.*was p:t{:i*f.T.#iJ,'',""u:"f""'"'" l;JI;"f;i"l,.J;,$:: ,'[: il:Till::ixii:,:i;11;r':,": i,'iJlii;"',"T3]]",11:iT,.::?:i'; M r . G l e n n o n w a s a m e n r b e r ot hf e i n c l u d c se v e r ) . t h i n fgr o m i e p a i r - p o r e r t y o f t h e c o s t r y - a l l o f t h i s Mattituck Senior citizens and ing video games, winteriiing, was only o pjl,_ot the storv *i.ifr"'i""Jilr"rrteitanielandMargarot uthoJdAmerican Legion. builcling a iurbe"u", dog traii- unfolded by Ed, Hanus at last (SextonlSullivan. M. ""tt" S u r v i v o t s i n c l r r d e h i s w i l e , A n n i n g , r e p a i r i n ga l r n o s te v i l t h i n g week's presentation by the ,i ,uru,u"a by his wife, Margaret M c C a r t h yO l e n n o n ;s o n s J a m e s i n y o u r h o m e , r e u p h o l s t e r i n g i F r i e n d s o f t h e s c h o o l . T h o s e w h o ,f,"ffaunnl-Suffiu-;adaughter,Margaret d e c o r a t i n g , a n d e v e n h o w t g l u i l - dw e r e u n a b l e t o a t t e n d b e c a u s e o f asoi,DanielF.,Jr' -1. and willianr Gletrnon of ;il,ii;i'N;j;;;y; grand- Massapequa and wantagh; yourown vacationtia"^*S.Z/ tlle inclemeilt werther mhsed a ni W"t".fo.O, Conn.; and one of aiio 6ourLi.r'e"rr,.io c,r"y ur lcri Also in irs very worrhwhile I'rrghi"i,^'u'"in e.n1e Sultivan ii"/iqq "u-eni,r{/tr'|1'1" "n""-i" cho, and sister Mary M. Egan of neededinformationto.the"pubtil,l 4"1' ltJ,_'i^?,? W"t"ertorO. Felix Orlowski of Mattituck 4 to village b€"fr9m,2 Thirteen Library the will Queens is sponsonnga sefles police SraDdViriting nouaatoday Southold to reDorted ofprogramsoverthelgilse1;1ar attheS B Horton s5il6t"nalsosurvive. p..r"Oiro9:3!p.m ;H;";;;,;;;;alsweredamFuneral wcre services held at montbs, the first ! Greenport of Home, ' huneral tJifi,|}:il''it "';":"'i;'i,;:;;";;,'N,ilr.n ;;iil;;;il*rtire 1 3 , 1 9 1 5h, e evenine tretjlttri; ourLad' c"oi c,'unser Rc "; M a s s o t c h u r c hM , a t t i t u c kF.e b r u a r2y1 . u t g " i t i ' " - H o . t o n n m c r a l h o mA, e followedat Sac will be said tomorrow'1979.lntermenr the Resurrection of Good."6 Heart cemetervin-cutch t0,3, iiialJ, 9y,!i"dy .M a t r i t u c k . , I n t e r m e n t .o*gi lul . . -7 4 " r z - , t 7' 7 '7 / i " * J "iC r - " " n ",i;.lj ceme'erv forow ar carvertonNa,ionar presetrrecr o, 0,""ui{,lii,,liili * T i . ' i , i , i i i i . l , i l o w s kltgflT isaid. M a r c h 8 a t 2 , 3 0 p . m . M r . i:,T..,i is Kujarvski, whoteachei._at Matti. and is tu.i ttigh schoor,wrrroner a ".';"""i;;;1:*;'farm lasr sometime p - c r u n i o r - l i E " , i " r u.,o n r " . u " . currentlyunused. s nda w e e k .h e s a i d .w i n d o w a theinterior ii,i;Jj ,x::::l::l: ,i::;::, ljj**:i:"j,":nd noca,t.tJ,gr+F9,,$earchedcorps HasFunds for JFK Heist Glues For Mattitucklnlet ,i" 7: trlAl'Il',lucK-A SqUa[ or ]U reoe. teiephone ,t"/4t,'/*/,t"/ u R'rron is iisted in the Bueau of lnvestigation agents {orciblr of the housebul With wr)rd gclliDg lhc iLrlhoril! lr) nlakc thal MATTITUCK ^,i-i",,i,i.,'^,n occupant lhis weeK fronr the ArnY CorPs of E:rgi- t r n n s l c r . h c 5 a l d . entereda one-family dwelling on Wickhatr it 'ui"o phbnenun'ber Avenue,F,st off NortL&Oad, last Saturday ll'ri ," " Clark soid that 'r ith final no*reply. necrs Ilst *'e€k Ihal funding tor ellcited afternoon in serch of evidence they had .^.,.r in r l r Rrooklyn on f u n < 1 r n ga p p r o v a l h e w o u l d m o v e rhe dredging 0f Mattituck IDlet is U.S Distnct Lou( I n . D ' w hopedwou.ldhelp to solve last December,s al $1'000'000 l",l for Sepe was set l o l ) r v e t l r e d r e d g i n g c l o n eb v l a t e available, town officjals were $5.8million robbery in the cargo area of tu"rauy, 000 at $500 sprirtg. Hc estlrnilcd thc cost.of r r p t i r r i s t i ct h a t t h c w o r k c o u l d b e i"r"c.irl""*"ro it wasfixed Lufthansa Airlin6 at Kemedy Ajrport. higr) the projccl a1 solllcNhcrc unoer A SimonChreinset lhe un f t ) n e l h l s s p r l D 8 . The raid came simultaneouslywith the Maerstrate ot tgld $100.000.|he prccisc rmount wlll T o w n C o u n c i l n r a nH e n t Y D r u m first two arrests in the sereationalairport u"ii-i"." i"p" arter being thal officral depentl upon thc configurrlion of told tbc lown boatd duting its holdup. descnbed rs the biggest cash i,?nun,r"atii*" slnke Force thc nrel to be drcdged aud thal nrectingl'hursdaY that the Corps roDoery rn nlstory h a s n o t y c 1 b c e n c l c c i d e du P o n l r e rvould nrove tt) granl the filnds il Angeio J. Sepe,36, who has homes on hl,fduo rn cnnveEatlonssecretrv sald. wickham Avenue and in Ozonepark, was ' law enJorcementautnorltles tlte to\vn can docunrcnt the F(rf thc pasl tlrr!e vears lne taken into custody Saluday afternmn by c o n r n r c r c i a lu s e o f t h c i n l e t D r u n r The court was also told *81 extenslve FBI agents as he was traveling between elmtronrc surveillanceof Sepeled olfictals n a t u f r l s l r i [ t i r r go t l l l c s a n d b a t i l said th{t that use call bc Ptoveo inolher Manhattan and his Ozonepark residence. io-U"fi"u" he poses a threat "lo tlle head 0f thc inlel has nnrrowcd and added lllat he is currentlY "The figures He is cha{gqdjvrth paricipating in the a,uiOurlt 'n rhe communtty " Edward the chrnrel considcrablY acB a t h e r i r r gt h e p r o o f robbery. J-t 11 Z 2t / r/ ? ,7 cording t() sonle fishernlen using will show the need to do the McDonald of the strike force rloted that A t a b o u t t h e s a m e t i m d p e t e r ilofh"t p"t on. implicated in this robbery rt. This \irrlcr's hiSlr wtn(ls ertrance this sprirlg," Drunr said Gruenewald, 39,of Levittown, was picked up have disaPPeared." i n t c n s i f i e c lt h c p r o b l e n l l h e r e a n d c u n f i d e nt l y . as a material witness in the case. on .lanurtY Il r llshing lroal rarl An extensivc dredging of the believes the first two arrests The FBI Gruenewaldis a Lufthansa employee who aground cloing over $2,00O in iDlct is planred for 1980, accordcracked the Lufthansaholdup' was atloul to leavefor SouthAmerica at the fr""" rtr*iv or lts o\r ner. AtlllonY drrtagc iIg to T.R. Clark, head of the December ll when six lime of his arrest, the FBI said. ".r masked men drove uP tn a D c N 4 r L I l a .b l a n t e ' d t h c g r o u D c l t n g local nrvigatiotr branch ol the "o*.iii"a'f ..u"n FBI spokesmendechnedto disclosewhat "tt"O, In the mornrngend escaped C o r p s . B u t c o n l P l a i r t s o f e x t e n - o i l t h e . h a n r l e l s P o o r c o n d i t i o n successthey had, if any, as they ransacked '*,-in "r" "*rv rnd called tlrc shoaling intolersive shoaling bY local fishermer $5 million tn small' lhe Wickham Avenue housefrom cellar to just "oo.n*itot"ly aLle, bfouglrt a survey of the nrouth of Ameriian bills which hrd "i#" allic Satuday in seilch of clues. ano ""it".iJrrr" T')$ n Iflrci.tls s cre highlY lhe inlet earliet this nonth. The rreen tntPP"O lrom West Cemany' Ey ironic coincidence,just a littie more lo cermany du(btlitl .tl tl)c lirnc wl)elher lhe survcy confirmed the need lbr iioo.oooi" 1ewelry sent trom than a year ago Sepewas arrestedin a raid lrade drt dgirrg collld l)c dotre tllis for lhe Chrislmas dtedgirrg, Clark said dnd the ifri"'."*'tv on tbe same Wicklam Avenue house. spfinS. citing P,rssible funding transfer funds now Stale policewho made the raid then seized The robbeN overpowerednine Lufthansa Corps can p r o b l e n ls . * o . t i n g i n - t h e c a r g o a r e a a n d rllocated tbr other ptojects. There ll). w.,apons,a quantity of marijuana and -n P I "p*i pr iinoty- "**t i p p e O o n e o l t h e m P o l i c e s a y i s a " p r e t t v g o o d c h a n c e o l other drugs, and some ski masks similar to those the bandits sed in the Lufthansa /enewaldwas not presentat the time, but T H E P A S S I N GB I L L B O A R D S ! t / ) i r , . - , . . t,,' n e r sL . t-,;,,11e.4,!,,, ), i l..r rey suspecthe seryed as a go'betweenfor i.tl/ A s r l r , n r l , l ; r i , r ' " r r r , r I l , e r i r t i i r r ll ' r l l l ' r ' t " i ' . r l " r r Al l r ( l r r x r r \ " r \ \ I'akcn in the l9?B raicl were Sepe, Hope the robber band. r)l ari\l(lr(r Ilt"logit:rllr' lhis tr;ttt tttlItrtrc l r l i r r B l c g i t l , r t c d , ) l r t . r l c I l l r r o n , 2 5 , d e s c r i b e da s a g i r l f r i e n d w h o Other suspectsnow being sottght includc r r r c t t tl o t t h o s c r l r r , d c s | r s c r l t l l c r r r r L l tsrl r ' r l ' r ' , l1r ' , . r 1 ( l l\l l r l ' " L l l \ \ ( ' l r J.'"r becamel)js wife, and Tony Rodriquez, Thomas DeSimone, also an Ozone Park r l l o r t l r l o r r g .N , r t r t , r t t c rs l l a t : t l r c t , ' t , ' L l r ' t , l r , ' r r r n l l r r r l r r r i l k ' l r l v ( ) l l 1 1 ,r l B c l l e r o s e resrdent.The FBi speculatedthis week that ; r l c t t . r s r o L t i r r q r r . r i r r t cltol t r l s ( l l r i t l t t l r c l r t : t l r n r l ( ) l l ) l r l l r lr ' ) l l l t r ! ) r r \ l on (lhargesDismisscd wife by his missing t l c l i ri o L r i k i r r r li r l b r r r o r t .C c t t l r r r r l r ,t l r c r t l r r l r r o t l r r l l r ' r r t t o s l t t : p e s v o t t DeSimone,reported been slain The lhrec were charged,. after lhe hale himself r l r r r r t t l r r l , r i r r u r , , , r r i so l t l r c t l . r r may i.l. January January 12,1978, raid, ufrthtrying to set up a He was betngsoughtearlier thls monln as a l - o r r g t r r l l c t r b c t c t l l r r r r ls l r r l l t r c F l c l l c t l t t t t l l r i r I r ' t r s r t r g1 t 1 1 11 1 1 1 ' ' r l t l h u s i n sr s s e l l i n gs t o l € ng w s a n d d r u g s . c t r c si r l r r h ; r tr r . t t l t r o r r ) . r s t l t c l l L r r n l r S l r l l \ . l ) i l r l . l \ ' B ( g t l l l i r l l 1 ) ? f ) susoecttn tie slaying of Steven Edwards' on Park The casefirsl came before Town Justice Ozone in , r n c ld i s l r : r r r d e <lls l r i r r i r r g o r t t l r v c d t l r c r l l i r l r c i r r l l X r i l t l l c s c s i x 1 l : r r l c l l r ' r l found shot to death Martin Suter in Soutbold Town Court. r c t s r ' s l r r r l l r t , r r t ' t t t t r l c . t t t i t t l l r ; t c ol r t l t l l , \ n t t t i c . l l t s l l t a l t l o r l t l r t r s r g r l December 18. Eventuallyit was referred to the grand jury o r . r r l l c t t i s r t l gl l l c s r ' l [ c e \ ( l t l r c l l t r l r s I l i l 5 s l . ( ) l s l L l n : / \ n l ( l r ( ' l l l t ' l l That sequenccof evenlsis leading tederul i t s l r t s t . W r ' \ \ r ' ! ( l l r l ( ) r r l { t l r o s c u l l t r u c r c c r l r { i c t j b \ ' { h c s c t l r c s s . l l l , ( sI l r : r l lor possibleindjclments. a u l h o r i t i e i t o b e l i e v et h a l a w a r o f e x ( ( ) \ ( , r ( ( ll l r ( r l J l l ( ) l i . Asked what the final disposition of the termination has broken out in th€ band case was, a state police department B r r t t i r t r c n r ' r r t ' sr r l r l r r r r lr r l l l s l x c l i l i r l l i t sg t . l r c t l l L r r t o ( l r ) s \ ! ( ) l l d , which committed the Lufthansa robbery, spokesmaDsaid this week the charges t l r t ' t t l t l r i l h t l t r i l r r r r ' l r l l c r l. t , l r c r i ' . r r r gr r g r ) s x r , f r t r t t o r t c l l r r r n r t l r c and that sooneror later therewill be another s t < r r r ' . W i t l r I ) . r r r r r \ r r ( ) r l *, ' c I c r a l l I ' r t i r v o r r l l t c s t g t t s n l o s t { ) l l r t l a g a r n s t h e l r i o w e r e d j s m i s s e dl a s t m o n t h mator break in the case rfl)(irllil try SupreneCourtJusticePaul D'Artrora,on Sepeand DeSimonehave both beenlinked a motjon by the cotmtv district attorney's s e p ei s s a i dt o I o m a i o rc r i m e o r g a n i z a l i o n S I ' r t s t / S c h o o l l t r > r r s c s /r-rlk c i t S l o r v / 1 . <t t l r c l - i t t l e / ofiice that said lbe raid had been execuceo b e a n a s s c i a t e o f P a u l V a r i o ,a p r o m i n e r t t Slralcrs ()row/Brtt ttta Slt;tvc on a fadly search warrant. member of the Lucchesecrime familv. 'l oil/And SirriYorrr Ht',rrl Grorvs Bald/ Within'I-lris Vrilc/OI That dispositionwas confirmed in a cali t( the chief clerk's office in Supreme Court Bttl N<tt Yottt Clrin/Btltnrlr Shrrvc t<Lii4tJ Riverhead, where a spokesman said th{ otr Wtx>cl/Whcn ()f ler ccl/Srrrnrtlting/ l.i\te n Shrvers/Ktrock A r m a l l l r u l e n l h u s r a s l L cg r o u p 0 l reason for the dismissal was, "In the in Sltavc As Oood/Burrtra residents met l-ebruary . f t r s t Tuesday evening, terestsof justice." lllrrtrrlcs FIat/Kiss Yotrr Wifi',/ 2 ? ,r t t h e s c h o o al n d l h e ' L a u e l C o m m u n i t y l-atc Risers Shrrc/lrr'I'u'o The January, 1978,raid followed Sepe's SchoolhouseAssocialion' was bornl They Hat/Bttrtlla Slravc Arr<l (lrab/Your releaseon pdole, in August, 1977,from the pian lo meet again 0n X'larch27,and hopelo Yotr/Worr't Sh:rvc/ federai penitentiary at Lewisburg, Pa., S a i c l - ft r l i c r i l - o R o n r c o / l l g r o w w i t h i n l o a m u c h l a r g e r o r g a n i z a t i o n where he had been senlng a l0-year term C" I l0lrle"/Btrlntrt Slt.trt' e a c h m e e t i n q J o r n M c N u l t Y s ' a s c l e u l p d for robbing a Manhattan bank messenger. Bottrrce At otttttl/Yotr'd Bettt'r [':trk/ I I Thcsc Signs Blrrr/And recording stiretar{Vlzt f, , t1 ?2 Authorities said Sepe has a record of And Walk J'o Town/Bur nll Shirve rvas iricluded'verv The q'ord 'community"v, arrests dating back to 1967. d c h b e r a r e l y .T h i s r s i u b e a c o m m u n i t y S a i c ll j l r n r e r B r o t v n / W l r o ' s B l r k l / O r r T o p / W i s h I C o u l d / Southoldtown police were notified of last orqanization-' parents.non-parents,Junior R()talc'l-l)e (lrop/Btrrnra Shave Saturday's rard on the Wickham Avenue -f and senior citiz€ns,everyone.The schoolis h0use,but had no commentto make 0n what M i s s i n ' / K i s s i n - : / P t ' r h a pY s o t t r h r t r s h / C l a n ' tC i et T l r r u / js a communal enterprise.It Lauel's only wenl on there. A {ield report at headquarl r c L l r r d e r b l t r s l t / f r y Btrrrra Sltave I real landmark. As il faces expansion.we lerc said Police Sergeant Cochran and E r c r v D a 1 ' / W c D o / C ) L r rP a r t / ' f o M a k e Y o u r F r c e / c a n a l l w o r k t o g e t h e ra n d b e c o m ea n i n Police Officer Joseph Conway were asked tegral part of its growthl The dictionary A l V o r k o t A r t / B t r t n r a5 h a v c by FBI AgentRichild P. Mika, leaderof the lists'community'as "...a unifiedgroup 0f raiding squad, to stand by while the house peoptg with a common interest" Let us And one tlrct' neuer tlid use wasbeingentered,but local policesaid they thr^ildhthaIaqAI had no knowledgeof what, iI anything, was .i foud inside the house. Door Xicked ln March 8' l8? It was learnedthat the FBI men had been we see urd! arr urc eurresponclentsare reconnoitering the Wickham Avenue home boastingof their railroad agents. we don'1. for several days last week, apparently in the wrsh t0 brag, but we think that our station hopeof intercepting someoneinvolved in the b\ flirrk R('wsorne lr' agent, NIrs. Iludson of Mattituck can ship Rh\nre\ !ro0r "'lhe Versc Br-l-he Srde ol fhc Road (;reene Prc(! Lufthansa crime. When no one tuned up by PQblrshed br .sl.pl)cD more cauliflower , strawberies etc. in less Saturday aftemoon, they decided to conduct time than any of them. She has been here for their search. When no onerespond€dto their the iast eight or nine years, and is a good kncks they kicked in the front door. It could exampleof the fact that a women's business not be learned if the home was occupied at capacity is equal to that of man's, and can the time of the raid. . fill satisfactorilyhis placeas railroad agent. tl""$i'J,li [,11"*,ioi' pri."l99l t:'-""rj, ]i '100Years ago ry'tI Viatof Life ts'Life'hver' -" -' ^'-#m$#-tri,?*'rtft ::;if,;i,,:::""#T;i a retireci MATTITUCK'-The Mattituck Fire for diagncis and treatment of the patient'l tion firm.",ntattiru.t, airjir o.riu"o on tiu,e. Also a..iving nlr."rr"1a iri Department'snewly formed rescue squad condition. Secondsare often critical in I Centra]Sufiolk Huspital. " u,, tin," is rhe truck loads of has begunto promote the national "vial oI medical emergency A lifetime.rmident of Mattituck. he was poraroes benring (he 'abel Life" program in the community of MatThrough commuity education, severa born Augyl;2, il"'r"t" ui"irr"] seed . Trre seed poraroes beea,r tituck. h u D d r e d ot fh e v i a l s a r e a l r e a d y i n u s e . T hat n d T e s s r e , z u111q,".9n h o s, R k iu t9i hinoski. . l2^/r.tl? 7 a r r i . i , , - ril5r wcetr rD JJDrired Everyminuleispreclouswhehapersonis rescue squad has given several in He was a nember of our Ladv quan(ities Ninety-fivepercenr for ahe right formationai The ned talks ostrabrama found unconscious-. throughout the com. of R.c. chrrroh ,nd rho cl r^ lhe seedrorv conresbv truck. Thc information immediately is crucial. Yet too munity. To date, the Mattituck Lions Club, sepbattsSoc)elv. often there is no one available to advise the Mattituck Senior citizens and th€ Survivors ,n.iudu hi, wlfe cenpuipva rrrlroid.versit')illerves5pnlqlhlrt desircd acc.tding r. rhe r e s c u e p e r s o n e l ' w b o a r e 6 e g i n n i n g M a t t i t u c k C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e h a v e b e ei Lnu s j k ) R u t h r n o s k rn. . o n . u r r t - a i " " ; ; ll it dcilc'rs-lt,:( L.rfs. ilI'r\)urecl r(r the centeN of ou talks. two brothefs.stanlev ald H""ir.'-i'ii"emergency treatment. P.rtthi'gucinsrurd ot Curctroaue Doesthepatienthaveallergis,highblood Vials may be obtained at the Mattituck sisters.Belle Ruthrn"oski. g"tt" M.r-;"iii 'rrrd ,'lher sirrrlar nrrsrakes.alr pressue or diabetes?Is there a history of fire houseMonday through Friday between and TessjeKowalslit. s t r o k e o r h e r t a t t a c k ? T h e a n s w e r s t o t h e s e S a . m . a n d 5 p . m . c o m p l e t e i n s t r u c t i o n s a n d - A R o s a r y s e r v i c e w a s h e l d M a r c h 1 6 a t , n loc a < l i r r g . t , , r r u c k r o u r i n g i n s r e . c t o r rirl\fiv.r'iZd4 23,-i questionsand more can be Provided and all necessaryforms are included. DeFriest Funerat Ho.". rvruitiir"-l-';'t r2 t" kept nearby if the patient has forethought, Remember,this is your rescuesquad.The neraI services rook pt""u s"f".aur'u, T 'c t.ri'ieis .,"- Liu.y ,,o.iig or" r,l r e r r s e e d a r r d . * o r i J t h e p a t i e n t i s e n c o u a g e d b y o t h e r s t o s q u a d m e m b e F a r e a l l h i g h l y t r a i n e d i n L a d y - o f O s t r a b r a m a R . CC . hurch"w-. ";' make the infomation available. firsl aid, CPR, and EMT lifesaving Rev. John. Cwalna officiai;;;. 1,aDrrup rhe pr,,*i,,g "u,,.t'liunil ,i"t."r"ii i;i;ff T h e p r o g r a m c e n t e m a r o u d - a . - s m a l l t e c h n i q u e s . T h e y . u e t r a i n e d t o h a n d l e a l l u ' a s i n s t . l s r d o r e s c e m e t e r y , ' R i " " r r , " " j . " i r r g r r r c r , , r s .M " " n , u i , t " o'gi.a conlainer,the "vial of Life". It contalns a types of medical emergencies,householc ,juDroerrre srril lrvitro ,n ,,hrr\./ 'lf;l:if :Jj'f'x'Tix?:.:""""1J,;'i;"::'# ':i,:1,1f x#'Hf c a p p e d c o n u r n e r a n d s r o r e d r n t h e p e rds ao yns' sp e r y e a r F o r h e r pr n a n v o r t r t i - ^ ' j l - , ; , , - { 1 : it t : I . - f l " i p " t L . n , gr s r r r r d ..ev ii; l)ll] "::'i:.q:ll of in theglove com' problmsmenr,oned reirigerator arhome l'Jilii,"ffi"f:,iXT,"fi",",tffrffilJ :g:":,,'"^-tl.^^y13 n.'t'^oht ^r hic ^.r rlrucx communi,r:i,.9iil-rr],:"*"::,\,.rh,: ahJ;;;*s comedy, is ro be R e f r i g e m t o r S w e r e c h o S e n f o r k e e p i n g t h e d i S p a t c h e r s p e c i f i c a J l y - f o r ! ! " . Y : l ] i . ' ! ' \ p ; ; ; " ; i ; o n a rwhich cb /(, ,'lii"i::"';l:ii,:: li il.$ J:: r,u,rdred$eishr i;"-i;,:;; :f]:.J."".."f;,".3]i'?1.,;J:T.j:Jf;I}l"""ToJJ;mentRescuesquad'Help*itti'.'.ii"."hml.auditorium.ii,"'clii""t familywillprovideyouwithaneveningol rclps in keeping rhe btooJ i s r e c o m m e n d e df o r t h e c a r g l o v e c o m - partm€nt grass win- iffi"."":"."T,1:':i.1","3l,"ollhot*l rhreerarse^prate m:';: :;]:'",;:l1rJ,":i"i"l:t "y[i q,erJ *"rir, Gilbreth, It is especiallvimportant tn"t,tlrillllfi life program be used by senior c chronicalty ill and by 1,o." p"6on.'*iri have allergic reactionst" ir"g. ii "ou"i* treatments. vrals rn the program were graciously donatedby Barkerc pharmacy in Marrituck. a*i fi ,zoo broken in store earlv :Sunday Yll::tuck_furniture morning, policesaid. The windows. at Country Time Slrop. Route25, were brokenwith rocks. pcrcc si'ur VlL4 i 'f , /4 21 pemoner Rescue squad have'::1"*:',;: tolookforthevialandtousetheintormat)on and the rest oL ,ur" sin,irar vegcrat,rcs rrcrps to pre. "r make up bis loveable.family and"rrt friends. r'crr r.krrr ea.ccr. The students involved are ;eadying their pafls to show.you how Dad's unorthodox llrL r)c\r lrr('griilr r(' be spun methods result in some embarrassing nrfcd by (hc Fricndsof thc school rvillbc orr April J u'lrcn nrenrbers bu1 provide thi :.1i:i! l9l.h! :hildren,. ii"i:ffi"ffil:iff Lung Mr andMrs. _Frank "n,",,,,n, J:'fJ-t:lg,:::?t't 'iill;l"!:il:l'.' t"llitil;:lil"i a n d m a y b e p u c h a s e d f r o m a n y _ h i g h s c h o o ll c s s r ) D r n ur..vcl-"""rr-"vitto*n,M-rs.olsenar thr, Mariruck HiSh L2-, / q ? 1 Mr. and Mrs. walter Kraniak of Mattitur stndent.'7'h+r Sctrrxrlcafcrcria at ti p.nr. Meir -I \ ' l a r c h 3 T h e o c c a s i on onSaturdayeveninp campatgntrcrs 'rl rhc Rcscrrcsquad tean [iiiniiv 'i;il -'-n"-1lnu"'"drng-a-lrng-du6" tor the gcthering fi;;;;;l'*d in full swins at Mattituck-cut- rravc bcc' appearing berorc varparty roi u.. ci-"i. M.. ;il-M;;. :j:::j:"ut High schml, as part of a drive to i(|us grouPs through('urrhe pasr choguerhemserves not s; it"o aio ,m" t o b e g i v e n t o s t . F r a n c i s s c v c r aw r ecks and(heitdcnronl o n g a g o . o n F"orun"rrins ebru"';;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;i3"*.funds ,rr^r rrr.uuK at A 5 0 - t j y - t 0 0 - f o roet c r e a t l o n o u i l d i n g Camp Malloy on Main Road Mattiiuck il;;ii;;;k burned to rhe sround sunday. , "" F'ire Department answered " r,i:i'".*. alarm.buralleffortsto"uu",n"'"i*"iu." failed.CampNlalloyhasnotueen"operateoatisurprisezsi'r',*"oi*i,""r"'"'il'yf;li".'".childr.enwithheartproblems,slrrli()|]snreeingverywell bvr'nerr chrrir*tj*lryi.rr,;;i r","""i,"."rparrv llil.ili,,ii.l",ll;,i:'..,11",'Jl;; ;:_t:ilfii.i7a;w' ,t?r^io*"" :::'; ;; io,iiuovu,.., i ' i I l i ' u ' . L * u " e n m e a l y t h e C a t h o l i c S o u | h "o l d a n d D o n a l d . G l a ' j| ' w : h | #---'^,,|./-7^7...iie;:aine.j-ii61aum', Mii bn \u,,dtv M'tcli repreentatrves Novaluehasbeenplacedon the from eachclasswho,withr,,wrrnt'rs il;;iii:; rrrs dcrilorsrrilri.rr are building. "iri"rlt"isunderinvesligationandisof suspiciousorig9r '/,/1Qt a a -.1 1,"_.' :,^^ €lso Department Mattituck The t0.,1 responded to a false m a i f u n c t i o n a t t h e c o m "fu.T,.-9!", puterbuildiltg-.ofth: NorthForkBankonMaichl,abrusntlreox DeerDriveonMarch3,achimneyfireatlhe McCaffrey home on village Lane.and 9 maliciousfalsealarmlunedinatthehrgh ""hmlonMarch5. r,onn?,.Jabronski R Jabronski MArrrrucK-'John "f Mattituck,adetectivef".lh9P,l::"ii"t::l office. Monmouthcounty, N J , died March 7 a t N e w Y o r k l l o s p i t a l .H e ' u r t J 5 . _ . - , Catherine Wolgo Sujeski celebraled hcr 75th birth<tayMrs Sujeskireccivcd a lovely corsage arrdwaslheEueslofhonorata birrhduy dirrner :tt soundview Resraurrrl il Southoldgiven by lrer ltrree daughrers, Frances Garz. Dorotby paulos and Chari , ' , " O".,rilr-^,,J ,.r"..,,,,a,ratrci.fanritie.. ur"it,er,in.law. ;; L.rcrrarrrdHenryWeronick. r heir home in f r o n r canre out the help of fellow class membem, lake on iDvrlcdn, ntc,r<(.'lzh,l,rLy/tr "'l':""'/\et'-' l )'t u n u s u a i c h a l l e n g e so r p r o j e c t s t o r a i s e l l " funds. E v e n t s s t a g e d f o r t h a t p u r p o s e i n c l u d e dEav e r y o n e l o c a l l y k n o w s i t , b u t 30-hourfloorhmkeymarathonwith30freshto tho." muny far-away submen participating and a garage sale sponscribcrs. scartered all over the soredbythejuniorclass. weekend Jim Bascomb,a sophomore,completedu rnap, it was one rainy 2 { F m i l ej o g a t b o Di n w h i c h i t t m k ' t r i n 3 4 t u l . t t l n g s n o w P o n d s a p p e a r e d hourstolo!fromtheMattituckFirehouseti everywhere.LakeOrlowskionthe o u t l y i n g s e c t i o N a n d b a c k t o t h e f i r e h o u sMea. i r r R o a , l y ; p . , d y q 1 f 9 . d b y L a h e Manyclassmatesandfriendspledgedf0 Doroskiorbiy'<it'Lide-zindLake H[,ll:'iff,:]l""'i:"ffii T:i?#]iJ:li"$i?:i?,:Il :j[:l$,*:.,i':::!]":jiiju,.r.etu"ilun, ;;;;"; is.that benent side ti;;;;;'',.1"1"i'"; c , , r n n r u n i r v . n c r i v r t i ct sl : , : , : pasr presrdent Df the colunbia [ d i s v e r y a c r i v er n O u r "rr"r detours one Ht"+:iJi-Siiin:t#"irt"t;"?tp"ffH;:'d i t " " o * * u n i t v a s , . c o n e h e a d s , , , b a l a n c i ntj roo to the benefit fund. """"r,'i" ,;'i:",ilt:,1"*;"'ffiril.:""",::T,lj, ii:i:,i'.il:;#j)',1:;i;;'Awa'rllglgys alttherainisgettingthefrostout nl tlr" grourJ before the next t".r".ul;>124., /, / / 7 ? -t .--.-. ' ."::-. llrc Sc-niorHigh Fcllowshipol Naicotics ltivision. t{e was formeriy an -,^^^,^,,^,,4Y\!-'h-!',/^7. lsland MATTITUCXIi[-e.'Bisi/tit't"orG ,u"-a llrc Marlituck Prcsbvtcriarr ot{rcer wrlh the Suffotk eounty police, and epp.or"an".-tutlaitoriiciatstras.{lventtre vice a been had police and the Riverhead SquaddetectiveinNewportNews,va.(Jlll')|.'||\||||(lr\\\ll|berra.".tt't""r.nivilii r " 'ar rl rl iDt ri}rs:tsr rl 0e va lr.ni l n r 5 i ) I c h i l d r e | H e w a S a i o o t b a I l c o a c h a t M e r c y H i g h r l l l r r k c t | h r . p . . ' ; ' : , ' . . ' ; . . " . ; ; , ; : ;L; .e1a; "gr "ut ei naeSr tpb vo tiht es vmo at enssohf oi fpf iAc iwa a l srwdh' oT h i "sra' 5wr at rrt rddr' r 'lrW , , r M . , , , , , , , . k , . ] ; : : I r i : . t ; l { ; '/ Jl :l1' l, : . ] s ' ' i r i r rH r t l )choor, Rrverhead and had reen ino b s e r v e d r h e c o n i e s l s i n v o l v i n g M a r ' t i t u' cr rkr,r ' i "ltlrcchurclr l,:::';]li ' . , , r ' . , . , r , r o N J R O T C Irrc first an lrinrf,tcd ancl s r r u m e n r air, b r i n g r n B - r h e on their evaluation of the /g).t sourhold - - s " . ; irrigh n e lschoot,ty'nM y p o r t , N ' vt,.;/ .,M a y ' z ? , 1 911,r,.s 4 3 , rcd h eo,l cr,1," r r a i,.,i, r r < iriili l M r s . , ; l j::,0-,I1: ; ^ : ] l ] il"*O :l;:,1iii:lliJ:-.',fl,"#,:"'":'j"* (Ducey) was the son of Mrs. Marje .lablonskiandthelateStanleyJablonski. L ,e s l i e( S m i t h ) Survivorsincludehiswife Jablonski;three sons, John, Jlm .and stlphanie; a brother, NL;;;l;';l*gnt"., Stanley; and three sisters, Barbara .Mc- p r r r t i c i l r , t ri cr r l J r c \ c r v i c c . r l l l ) c ndvcrrr i.ullrcriln (hurch rnd N i x r r t u c k\ B r ) \ \ n r r -r r n ) p i l n d c r t l r ul u . r r l e r s l r r pS , ,;l r n d r (ai , l c n r a n rill J.i' trt tlrc st'rvice at rhe Nlriiirc( Prc5brrcrian Clrurch. AwakeservicewasheldMarchS.althe DeFrlest Funeral Home, Mattituck FuneralServiceswereheldMarchga.tour Lady of Ostrabrama R.c church-,wtth the Rev. John Cwalina officiating Interment i,ir. r"""iirru lsiand Nationa-lcemetery. Calverton. t , . . , ' . i ' , gt i , ' r t r i ss i s n i l i c a rdi ra l p.m.Underthedirectionof ^-..:^r1.,.^ -r,ri, * ' , . r , r i ' r v \ r l l 1 , , i l r5 D r r i l u a l t , w h o i s o n a C E T A f e d e r a l g r a t r t , a n d r r i r r Lr r i r t S c , , u r r r . ' , , p r r 1 i , , t , g 1 , ,s, ur rp e r v i s e d b y A l i c e R 6 e n f e l d . . d i r e c t o r o f thi Mattituck Free Library, this program rrr\. L,.uilLr\.*tr,, .,rc ,,hseivrr,, has had the \ylglehearted support of tbe *rii I r\ (r:r\ rrrsr'rrc rrrr.rrrirretut ,o ^unity'.4i2i;*;i',"il';;r' ili,ii,r"'*,fi;; awardedat a .late t0 be "^i,r,i,"*iUVin"basketballofficials. The Mattituck Free Librarv will have i History of tcr.s , rill be slroqr f is Sarur, r 1 a y ,M a r c t r . L T h c d o n a r i o ni s $ t . ' i ) r r c l a l l n r o n i c s* . i l l b e t o r l;,::l:iil""';l1*l';i:l'ff1il1] preview of the Audio Visual ':r:"n'":"J,H: ;;;,'ir;'H"il;-ana joun.luuton.ti.., i;;; ;t;,''"i" u",ubusyre. rrrauituctoniu-niav,ep.iiiz,rromnuntilr :]lli:Jl i:,.:1 JohnTraversa, /v Mattjtuck Goes To I'inalsiz On 68-54 Semi-Fin if, OF il ii'ii $i Stuoenb at Martlluck ltlgb School are )usrly rehearsing the fun-filled play, 'Cheaper by the l)ozen." As the litle juggests,the play roilicks with ,.dozens,'of iaughs provided by a talented cast which r c . r r r rD . l r r a l c ll t a r l r a v c b c c n t l r c includes: John Anderson, Lenny Archer, M V l t r r s r c a d , r lM i r r l ) i t o i l h c l i r d Lori Brooks, MaryAnla Brush, Margaret rratl r q,rrd dr\ rl llrc l{)ul liile. Cain, Jamie Genis, Lesjie Grattan, Chad I l r r ' c l c r r L ) r ' r r e l r l\ \ i l l r d n t i l t l r r 1 Jerred, Lisa Martin, Kevin Monsell, Tim 5rt urrl,r\ \ i\ n,rr a grrrd drr . Pillsbury, Mike Tsontakis. Jordan Wittmerer and ruth Yagle. "Cheaper by the Dozen" will be presentedfor only two night SIDNEY performances,on N{arcb 30 and March 31. .ll7 Tickets may be purchasedfrom juniors and 5 6 Ih ( rtrirc seniors for $2. The proceeds tre fDr the l l-l benefitof the senior class trip./ t;/ 7 i) Mtrrhtl,, fi ll 19 'Cas'e. Congratulalions to Cheryl Janel R,\,1 .]l? Buckley, and Lois Distenfeld, who wiil U,rLrlrl |02 represenl Mattituck High in the NYSSMA l,)l!l\ I | 2.1o-s Area Ali-StateNorth Chorusthis year. This performarce will take place at HaU Hollow MATTITUCK Hills High Schoolin Dix Hills on March 3r. l.l Congratulationsalso to Amy Frost, Susan Kr rrpskr Gabusi and Lydia Glover, Mattituck Bth M. Caic,, I graders, and to Barbara Tsontakis,MattiL farcl I luck ?th grader, who have beenselectedto Slrrclrcz I perform in the l9?9 All-Suffoik County [Jccbc I Eastern Division Festival Chorusto be held ( apclI .1 Saturday at Sachem High Schoo). 'l.hese (r Zirrur,rsLi taleotedvocalistshave beenconscientiously -1,)lrl\ 2r preparing five choral numbers for the n t.t lb t8 J\Orrc\ festival. l5 rE rl l0 Maltiruck Kffi\';((iiiLuo,i-os sidnevDefea Ir a clarsic nratchup ()f (he N!nrbcf I raskcd snrall scl)ool playirg tlrc Nunrber 2 ranked snrall schrrrl in Ncw York 5lrte, lhc Nunrbcr l{o tcanr canle oul on lop. Nunrbet lwo ranked S i d n c \ . o l L r ps t a t e N e r v Y o r k . d c l e a l c d N u i ) r b c rl l r l l k e d M r t l i t u c k . b 5 - 5 bl i ) r t h c N c w Y o r k S t a t e I ) u b l i c l - l i g ) rS c h o o l A t h l e t i c A s s o c r a t i o r rC l r s ! B t r l l c . Mailitrrck s,as considered a lavofilc as a rcsLlll()t its rarrkiIg and its intprcssivc victor) over Meclranicsvrllcin thc Senri.final r o u n c J .F i v e q u i c k l i r u l s . a c o u p l c rrf nrisscd shots and cight ptrirts iirr Sidnev on onc-lnd-one situatioils li)(nd Mxtiituck dowrr 16.6. Nlat titut k fought back and took an carlv src()rd quarlct lead, but lheil bolh pcfsonal aild techDical h)ulsrooklhcir toll. and Martituck fi)uild irsell in frrul ttouble again. .ltri Mirabito ol Sitlrcl sark l.l rrl ll lirnr llrc l(jul iiilc aDd \\,as t r r c l r i g l r s c , r r c ro l t i r c g r n r c w i l h 2 g p , r i n t s . S i d r r c r s a r r k 2 . . ]f i , r - ' 1 0 lrlrr tlrc tirul lirc Nlrttituck l{rs{ tlrc gnrDc at tlrc l,rul liIc $lrefc Ilrcy \crc !surll\ vfr\ g,rrcl. brrr , r r l l r i s a J l c r n L r r rtrl r c l s l r r k ( ) r ) l y l1 ol 27. MrIituck out-rcbrruIdcd 5idrrc\' .l() lo 29 r'itlr bid Drrrreltl W i l c c n s k i p u l l i n g d o r r r 2 1 1 ,l r 4 i k c Coici' lrrd 5, Matl Zlnrnoski lrrd l . a r r d D a v c K r u p s [ t g r a L r b c ' c-l] . l i r l l r u c d b y M i k c S a n c l r c zs t u , r r 'forrv Caicrrrnd anclorrc caclr lirr D0rrrld Capcll. Donald Wilcenski hrci ;r grrrd g a n t c . s c o t i r t g 2 8 p , r i r r l s .r n d r a s r:arrrcd lo tlre All-'[()urnan]cnl Class B leanr for lhc sccond ycar irr d ro\v. Teanrnralcs Mikc Caico ard Dave Krupski rrcrc also ualrccl to the All"four raurcnt ) ou suna,(J?*p,i'|, /.r ii!" FT,, t'resbYtefian Church is \pou. s,'rrng.r Funrily Roller Skrrrne Prr) 3r lhe Hanrpton lk,ller Rini l r t r r nl : J 0 r t , 4 p . n r . T h e g r o u p w i l l L r r p r n l r , , t r rt h e ( h r r r c h r t I p . n r . ar)d relulr at.{:.10. Adnrission is $1.75 pef person aRd trnrilv ancl f f i c n d s a r e r v e l c o n r e .C h i l d r e n i n I\r gfadc arrd under nrusl Lc r c c o r r r p a n i e db \ a l a d u l l . liq I \*_-/ \ 1\ ,{*c tr,r} r]40ff Another change is conring to Cutchogue. The Rysko builcling rs in the process of being transferred to a new ownqr. Ptesenr plans are said 1o includc a deli arrd a bakerl ilt the rear futrlre. More as things dcvelop, I\lr. Adolph Rysko is re(iring afler beinB in the grocery busiress fol nearly fifiy years, starting in rhe A&P rvhich was f!rl ,\f I\i\ present building. Do vor knou wherc in rhe buildiils llre AJiP wrs siruared., a h^ \'. t a1 7 I * 1;,:;|:l|ffiii',i NEW YORK STATE CLASS B ALL.TOURNAMENT Schroeder and Jeri Mirabo of Sidney, and Mattituck's Donald Wilcenski and Dave Krupski. Plrorocourresvol Ted Brighar BRIGHAM of the southold savinss Bank ieam 237and255ontle,/waytoa666seriesinthe lo^l'Sgotes.of aclion last Wednesday nighl.\ I'r/rrconesv of walter Dohm Gd ftithV }f.a.t L tazl MU{e MATTITUCE-Anexpandedchoir will peiformanceat they'stateunjversity., present"The SevenLast woras oi Cuiri;; StonyBrook.Sheis the music by Theodore Duboisat the Mattituckp1g5- andchoirdirectorof theNorthnort "-rol,irto. aaDtiit b y t e r r a n C h u r c h o n C o o d F r i d a y , A p r iCl lh3u, sr cl h i n M a t t i t u c k . ;$il;;;;;#; /'g'. w e w v r e d i s r r e s s e d l o h e a rIl h a r Drrgk.l"'gr^ ;T;*#jitTffii*:^n,,*rm; H#t"'r,il'ffiliTiiir Bette-Jeanne Townsend' RonDe Hart and unjversity,wherehe studiedwith Adele Roadin Lauretnearher honre. oOff&oLll'lr' young Ron Meixsell. Addison. Mrs. Townsendis curently cmpleting Mr. Meixsell is well known professionally her master of music degree in- voca'i lor his oratorio roles anrt snr^ ,,,^-u RETTREMENT.-Henry Krouse orGreenporr rerired rlronday arrer thaD sryears as more atr awring maker with 1!illiam J. Mills & Co. Mr. Krouse, 84, ioined the firn in July 192?. Hislormerco-workersdoo'tknowwhowillturnupthethermostatinthenrorDjngqow. n("n.u, Foftulately Mrs. suffered ,, -egan last week at Long lsland's Dobrokenbonesbutwasvervbadlv biggest duck farm after fire U*ir",, ; .:j;"''i ";';;.;i;* ff:t:"'t1#:::l:9ilTii'ft!l ;:l;"-l:;;::llr";l;:ll* healthy enoush soirits on Mondav ,"',".,:"-";:-;:.::';;-^;^.::'' r r r a t w a s M r . K r o u s e ' s r i r s t c h o r e w h e n h e r e p o r t e d i o w o r k a . 6 a . m . e v e r y a a l ' ? / >; ;>' ;ff1f i1] i , i " r : T j , ; i ' l i ; " " " l l t The fite at the H. F. Corwin ^ Duck Farm, also known as c r e s c e nDt u c kp r o c e s s i ndgr,e w DouBLEs cHAMptoNs-1e7s MattitucK Bowr rwo-Men r i;:lill,,ri,,:;lr]:..J:"j:n*jli:T""lii:il'.'fi::.1;:l"5ll: Handicap champrrons The volunteers ftonr RiverBialeski and Ed Adams. Vyalter and qd-lead the field oF sixteen teams winning six mat Mattiruck.our best wistres ro sa , head' Jamesport, and Flanders vhile only losing two. ,Ll-. d, / 4 )7 her ror a vert q",.l ,".JvEfi", " J. McGarrery #]li#':';;"::"'"''i'"i:l llPl ". *u, "":";: fift1"/"i^::i.l:l:: rr",. ,,,Yj::'Ilffi Drphirip 1 s.ffi;3',,u, 76 ft+qq #gl ph'rip 'LATT'BURGH-Dr. __ .s. Keysor' 75, of ll south cathirine il':['ift",;:j1"ji"r.1""":"t"^t-;1 --' ano graduatedinlg30. In 1932he -mi to *o.k as the in. aurt.lat ptysici"n-Llii"?rpolit. Steet coip.uj'l'"'iyo""r,ao"",ur" mines and had his own prr'vate prac- claytonKeylnr'of Florence'NJ'i t w o s i s t e r s ,M r s . L u l a h p r o s s r srarred " ' , w " , . "in h , rq08. ,rtbythelossofthe barn and thc cost of pufting the ;; and seven*t"notlllg"l s e r v i c e w a s h e..l d -Monday ^..1-,1-":i? n*"*r'ii*","iii",i,1 Marrrruck arc-.,';,,,;.,'';'j.r",: ::T'lq,:1.9:ijl::, rucK r uneral ',n . . . servlces were heid April 3 at s a c r e d H e acrtlr . " t , c r t " r , o i r " i i ; i j i ' ' " ; i H"a'tc"muffi u",,a"" ii,"",',iooii"l)'o,,,l.lii n;;"-;1";,nJ; ,".t$'#"ftT"'?:;ljfl: of beautiful heads i,, Nc.r " i " " " r " " i ' f rw; lii 0 people and breeds' processes' inherilancetaxes EsrATEPLANN|NGandreductionof :i:-:'51,9t;::l|"t*.:"fr|:i Jresotdnraintytorcsiaurinrsanct hotels. on Wednesdayevening,February2'1at the MasonicTemple ETsE!-yjlII qfu^.r;1,rrtzy. vrrrrrucr_'rlnerWeri:r.,Ar l"'lii.'_."?ll ll_":;:^,:; nswer disPusslon nd a ";; Presldent,fealured a lively queslion a ""1*.) l',t427 u".*on Ct'upi";" sattrcrin{/}'taa rromthesmallbutenthusiastic "r"iriL'uJJj',i Tud<erp ill,i::lAssociation i,'ji:'^Tf ;1"^3:':,:'^1 llwlw Medicar Hewasa rire memberoftheElksLodge62l t - calling hours will be hetd today f.om_t6_4a;at;ep.;.,';;;i"-i ] ; : o l l a tv a l u co n i r " h e s a i d r h e d p roducrion., u'co,*in,, rarmcn,proys s0 ;;,n'J;;;;,,,;;;,rr.r,r, 1pi.i. Kevsorwasamemberorrhe ..pr ilflaTngl^lTl:ij'J:i,-[T]1'":';"iffi:?Slli,::: unired j,^:,:^ j,." Method,st church. He was a member of the Mounr ill'jjl,t*Tl"j"";:l[",,t;l l" fifJ"rllt}; fil#l: ::i: /gA Vi"" Asnton, bv John, siven ;;:Jil;?i Misscarra Keysor, both i,Xll ** p . " t i o " n t a n d T r u s"'.p"Ln tOfticerofNorthForkBank&TrustCo' s b u r g h ; a n d '" 6 . " i - -",' 'nephiw.r . i;i,.bt, "",ro:.;l]],iii;:,x",iL::;: feet of barn., said corrvin who managesthelarnrhisgrandfathcr t"t.f"-t, t:"dj_. 7s' ..- . 'rnon,u, e. Reevc & Son ,f i , r , . a r k c r r l , r s ' : , , : , l i i l : " i : , : l *u' tnsacred jdii sburgh to |ive. vise<t a crane removing debils that the farm,s operation would not be sigrificantlyiDt€rruptedb.y the fire. ,t,",,'- sisters. ErrzaberrrBoyle, Angerrne Mccarf""l.lur"'-'.ut,'",,-r",,,,",. s e l v e s k i c k a b n u t p a v i n g $ . 1 . 0 0 ae r y , K a t h e r i n € t r y t o . " n o " t r " r " n i i " . r i c ; alrount ,,f 1r,,111,1. r i r e i n s r a n d i s hu -i"' n t i r i r c 'i"^pr",tr e t i r e di n tsoi i"- ;"";d ilfli;ll""i*;X,?:Hh ,",'J:r,'",..TilX;:l,r,J: looksofthe sound the past week ;p;ii i -" rieilii!,.onglsland Ho-spital.He ""'C|U - floating ice. it. was ;;.-go.n tnstead of ;; ; / ,t /.-/ of lath A iin"ii"g ur"ar.t in pu.ir;?., aug0st x, is6, he was trr" .on oi ir," iri" Felix and Rose (Dixon) number of farmers were quite 'Nn""r,""',""'iri.ejng s.r,ne of u.curi".y.""'-' He is survived bylis wife, Ann ii 7J^ Mccaff"rior".are ,t rr...o ". roraroes ery; one son, ellen.l., Jr.; two daughters, .-l.u-..n."].: Pretry steep pfices lo pay l{)r aro."y trloore'and Ann williami f-our st., died Thursdav afternoon at the cvPH Medicai center in Platlsburgh May 18, 1903 ,-o":.^f.:,{r,*.y._b_om fn standish, the son of George and Ma-ribah tMorgan) Keysor' HewasagraduateofPlattsburgh $i!:i[":i;ir:ff,-^rl:lrlil ili,i;n1;.:i:i#":i:l-1 ",lliH'n1".n;*'FlL"!.f"rtF,fl,fl,lii'rfi *orrrrt#.o|r{":*^,":!:^g:r.'Lr;1"",1"i,"1""T:,f#lll?.r"1;':r":"1";:i'ji "'#:;t;:iJ;'::il";ltiil: ,"," s e a s o n i s o v e r , h o n o r s c o n t i n u e t o . c oi m i i "€* i)l" . " " ' , i . i , and call Betty dateop€n '-l-.-::fJ';85;';.-Silr; E d w a r d .i s s u r v i v e db v t h r e e oJthe MaltituckHighschool for mem_bers b.*kr tzs{i iiurn,",r. Doris Bruggeman, bovsbasketballteam,whichrinishedsecond -i'ji/^:::#;;;; u"'r"t".rr'"*'*riil9 [u"a",," o,Neiu. and Florence '";::\;li"};Jl':,T:"'flfi'",l'8:'lli*::i' *irn ri''tuo or lr"D"n""''lwo number Rira sisrcr\ al$l'l,i-!;*"1*ilu*;*-"'# -.i:i."li"lll-' " -"'Prat' "tsburgh F u n e r a l s e r v i c e sw i l l b e h e l d S u n day at 2:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church on Beekman S t r e e ti n P l a t t s b u r g h . Burial will be in Riverside C e m e t e r ya t a l a t e r d a t e . Donations may be made, to the Lyon Mountain Methodist Church MemorialFund. //t;'a't. (''."0.'/; t/ ir thitrlo-i!4 t\ i; lltlttr t ;f; ^i ( ., " 't utLO;le S-t:rtt rIL',,t: ./t'' . t- iv 6l Lr;5 > t?r LLt: > ' S//"'/Ut,/ MATTITUCK FREE LIBRARY C.l'ue,n z 7 Friends of the'Mattituck Frbe Library have received a new CETA grant to continue with its history of Mattituck. Our many hous of tap,es from our Oral History Program will be transcribed and written up in the form of articles. A priDted booklet updatjngCravensHistory of Mattituck from 1906 to l9?9 is the goal of the projet. Dirstor John Traversa will be assistedby Ms. Rose Tuthill, with Mrs. Rosenfeld jupervising overall. ::iff:iili?5Jiil';'T"Tl'"il!'.x'"T:l'' y:fm,i*::f".k*;"i:l f,"ru:..:,n:j"mi.'T""X._tiiif; the same time Jack Hussnatter,h"30":?1:l] Acc,,rding ro police, vandats grmdchildren. ;;*Tlif,"'"J::il F'":H/S:::","1J",XT m; l;.l..rti:.liXll*i:i ,,,::;;'iffilT:;J":'i,i,":., Ne\.il;"un,ki rorhe ilf YiJl'':i:,:*::';'lll been erecred hasarso ftlf"i,ii:l,l"i,tt:ii;I'.yii' cu'lch ceme'lcrv ;::Jl;ifti[:H':.i":ffii?x]',1:;[;,[:T; i;:::o^l.:"' l*:ll:::;:t .":i:::l * ;:J:"-:;-;l'l;ff'l;';'',;::,^yl':l-:i:*r,ruckn,shschm,w', ::','l'.[m['l;,i::Tllllr".""Tli:.',1 via,a/r,-z//', p;vers stiltedit potrce otrernu<orintv ilir"""'tii"i tt'" - at a dinner tonight at Polish Hall in Riverhead ,\r)rnrilr)r(errry.. ncr ;:r::ffilT:'i";;:Tll.Tft*#:t;ldT about ifter'spring vacation and to "teui raisemoneyforthes"t"ti.rrriprnarriiiLti" FieHrrip ;::l;iill"i:?"i1*,f:f;1[x klhfifiliis.H"'g:x'fi,tqi: Audubon MATTTTUCK-Members of the North fo.t nudutron Society will explore new territorvonitsmonthlyfreldtrip. 1L9 April 2l expeditionwill lake them to renconnetquot State Park in Oakdale, I trance io Sunrise Highway. Route 27, A tlreri.rrBnt tlre Higlr School on membersof theBIu"f"".,.ra"pt"in"a'U" April 2 On hanclro lrelp erplain David Krupski and Gale H"n.u'n, l ' r r s p ' { ' B I r I ) r I d d e n r o n s t r a t c m e m b e r s o f t h e G o l d T e a m , c G c a p"si;n"t t,ai;dbv i"rrreof llre very laresrlife-savine Donaldwilcenski and Ellen Fingir. Specta'equipnrer)twe ir) rhe conrnruniri tors are invited t-oASld and cheey,i ttr"it tavDriteteam B'4v lrare available,o ur. o.r" iirl stop c""' Asvou Library ror ""ni*':,,illyq :"1-;Ln'*nrt,:fir::::,tri".,;ll'i;lll:';:::l.:i1't;x'rn"ri" - :#iiF;djf*:[i#;;{r n'rr:rf $:,#t"' *J,11Ii{ i:ii:nf"tr{;ff il tr*xir*i:r'fcu'lchog ':e Highschool orrn'ls.tll,onltf"H Mauiruck i:i"., il ,.:],,;'"T,1'y lillliii;f,ll'fi,{'!i}_f:1".*"i:ilTriTr!'J'**i)nl.'",7:',"r^;';' qu.,tiuns somerearysriliul..piu"d" ,i" i"i""e "i "r, ;:}"1','".h:tr "#lfmi""n:t li viewrnc the h1ry[w9rrr iJ "ri 1"-,p;JJ"ll'ri, /7 ;" es .,il u1 le rrrr'rrg f"r 'luLkr lvbttittrrcllseau",lf:,'J::Irffi:,T.J'#:,1ffif JH%ll$ SoUTHoLD:Donato t trusteefor theMartiruck Y::.:l^,11'. -"j trerrrruo<-.ffiff"#&ar,lr'"'r" vying. pr€sbyrerian lnd is financial Factory Avenue, vas Mattiruck. bookea,on Church. lofiii* uu".int Iuuititu"t_"Cui harassment charges lastFriday.,i:"::g:j ;;;;ffi';i[il';;ffi ."ut"onti,"Ti;ii,t:ft'fi! woessner andJohnrarbotboth ...cenevieve pushing_andstriking a town,pglic: ofticer *,,,.be.on tbe ballot seeking the seat ."lilf"i""fi*s to be held on Wednesday, '' prwiouslv heldbyJohnDabroriski. q" r.i"vl "'"' y,1"".,t"-*:d:i:dl'-""j,"^t.!llli1Fil the A & P supermarkel in Mrs..woessner-believesthat a mother's bnly one incumbenl,DonajdLangan,is in :ll?,,.T,:. orricer sarvarore crimisaid *" |}:'i:;!""1"1:'ii:::ff::i:"fl:33i"iil: li:i:.""ifJ I""r"#,TJ"l;t3lf ;:l"',tJ; ;",,1,,,,eit,t';.;porice ciildren. 17 and years I rJ/c( , xnrD. .r,,'r i ',r',, l::ll^:"t.1lll^:^"!:"9,1:,1"1".:1,*j':" orqereq,oulDecameaDNIve,shovedhim ;;; ror rhe boardlasr year *iit*ii rs or age. Mrs. "r " 'ff.l:I;:iHX",lli",,lT'iii;ilT: ,::l,l i'il: ?lif:H.:,':,:;1"'H:l t;:,.1 ;:t .,ml!li:f:; ;#::fj#"" llin!,lli#fi,TS:1ff*","J rr I s,,.,..,rr,. '. '" "'' ,'' ,l . ,, ',.-,,,,, .,:,r , , r c t L rrri r r , . tl r q . tI ..a_' /, z "t i rirc lrrrrrrr tri.l l , . , ]; In hrs ir\iliq i'slr('fc ':,,,,,. ,i ,t,, "l: ''' 'l]. candidate. Woessnerworksasateacher'sassistantir officer a secondtime. Jrlrtu. una believes that il'n'-i" active as a leaderir cirl scoutsand 4-H and T h e o f f e n d e r t h e n t m k o f f , p o l i c e s a i d , b u ti i p s r a ; n gp r e t t y s m o o t h l y , ."u".ytt i n t f , u d i " ? r l " i h e l p e df o r m t h e " F r i e n d s o f t h e S c h m l " . w a s r o u n d e d _ . u p . s o mmei n u t e s l a t e r a n d n o w , a n d h ' e * a n t s t o h a v e a h a n d i n k e p l n g lh"wasawrite-incandidatefortheschool police h-eadquartersand bmked. it that way. Mr. Langan has lived i; board last yearand thinks the schml system 9:lgll l" beforeTown Justice Martin 6q1g56guefbr t2 of his lo years. is excellentand "would Iike to be a part in I11: lguppu"t AlexinderMatteoisdisirictmanagerfor improvingitevenmore" "1t""I-l?T9li9I_YTttHusingofMattituckreportedltrat y"l.ofolflunLifelnsurancecompanyand oneolhersummercottagson,Peconic.Bay feels he can bring strength to the ichool TalbotseeksNewTerm Boulevard was entered early.last *e* bi ;;;d";n-lh" --_-g-ent ur"u, of motivation and John Talbot served on the school boarr someonewhohadbrokenawindowlo.ga.in by objectives, two central from l9z1 to t9?6, when he resigned t( access Thingswere thrown about insiaJtn oaity wort<.He is against any continuebusinessstudiesat Brown univers cottage' bxt nothingwas taken or damaged, lyig "ffii.'"iiis qf sqstlrity budgetwhich takes awai ity. His present position is vice presidenr Pw'twc'atq/,/ activitiesforchildren.MrMatteofeelsthat and mortgage officer of the Riverheari tz tz _ (:h, ''/, /'t ) o/ ,h:'iil"itit,ltlijut"toeu"Dis*ictisrhebesr saviriii;:;"n:ili:!"r1,#, il':r*'l;#;i; '. ! on the Easl End. He has two children the area for the last t6 years and ts the ft:. stantev He -"rucriovos his rather or eishr children ^j:^"lt^T:t^-'o-!:::\ ll_tl "l.oiig6-rh;s.u" ialuetothe iii,ir,iJ,,ri'iii'"ii"' was investigated by police last Saturday. """' Robert Graeb is running unopposedfor schoolboard. Theintruderopenedthedoortoasunporch 1b"'rgal n"iJp."ulou"ly by peier Swahn. Also to be voted on will be the school andbrokeawindow,butfailedtogainentry, flitv y*ri oid and owner of budget and ,,proposition Three,' whicf M; C;;Ji; police said Peconic Buy-Rite Liquor Store and has an prop-oses to amend the current system ol accountingpractrce.He worked as supervi- electingofiicials to the board of education. LESLIEBERMINGHAM Mrs. r.esrieReeveBl,.r"s',. i";#hif"""rff#,.i;:r,r\?il:l"J:jjri: ;:J,""?::1".1.n:"$"J,":i."#"iHI"J,T: RVsko's I r/z DEB6RAHWICK agc90.fbrnrertyofMattituck,dierf,4""gilg'l-.k; 19il. board and instead would have the highest l;111jrrilil;Tt6';{"i"sijT**"""":::: i:iJi;:"*i"'ii mimi*,il;H:xffi#T*s ,.::.I,",'i"*".in'vnville, n o w i 6 2 1 d .H e - h a sf o u r c h i l d r e na n d i s o n t h e putintheseatwiththelongeitduration. L!'t':7 :il::t{t;;::Y*,/!,,11,^. ;ri"i;ili'?"Y,:;i'i"4:/:1il r.r,i, s,na"y, Apri, Frercher 2e,isirredayrorthe c U T c H o G U E _ L a s t M o n d a y . * \ " g ! 1 : w t c k h a | n R e e v e " n o K n . n " , , n " A ' / l . ? / o . carorine a G M l t i i t | l ^ LL. -.'tll^h^.'!lo'I^^.L^-l. rocar;::il'f;}":3: incutchosue's oi'nolner crrapter ena ,7"r"n",, * , 511ii:ll::lTiff:3ff:l"J;;$:'h'::ffi1 "itX9:i',!iJli *orrrruk"I!",,,n!7"',.7 history. Rysko,scornermarketatNewSuffolkR,:]],'':''|"':^**,.j].o.::',j].l1orio"ii".',i'i'"l".iiiii't&liIiii'*l.' will,.be shu is sunived by her husband,Howard Roa; and Route2s quietly changedowners. ;:l:l:: "' T h e r e w e r e n o l a r g e i . g o i n q - o u t - o f - b u s i n s s ' . x ' ; . " ."::'l: ^ " . 1 ' : . : ."^'::,,lifll|:'i:.,*:'],".."i,.:'R.F|etcher;hersonanddaughter-inaw' vou cnterlarned bv the musrcal Fretcrrer: and agrand' 'i:iil:'x"'"if"l;fi:fT,IitJJri; yjlly:l :"i.'?\:l'ii;:i;:Ii;,"iiJi".Hij:;1; i:f1:.,"ilx'eth rdrrenrentrrr1959 de lneris$Tforadullsand$5forchildrei FuneralserviceswereheldApril13atth ,l"p^riO"unil"tio*""n6wUtma"ute Shewas a""i,'Ii";'"",1:i"n':l devotedteacherand pspfls5l psner;l Home,Mattitick, with the under 10.As_inlhe past two years, we hopr his b6iness. over ' e^reryonewill palronize enloyedher involvementwith the lhis affair, as it ir **']'i'1"!*,lTx"l".r""''n"" in Mt orivel cemeterv' l:i"$: lx:"[::i.':ff"##l] ;::i:l; il,i'.J,fl:'iii :;r;x*1":::"1"ffi'.'#^Hyiffi will rename Corpsduring world war Il andthe eiter SSyeare as the proprietor of the Rev. Charles Baker officiating. Interment April 27 is Arbor Day I Since there is no of Cutchogue.The new owners Eastern Long lsland Hospital schoolthat day, Laurei will celebralejt on Mr. and Mrs. John Loper and family or it Nolan'sVillage Market. G u i l d . S h e s c r v e d a s a n E l d e r a n d W c d n e s d a y , A p r2i 5l . T h e c h i l d r e n w i l g l "PikeSlreetenjoyedanEastervisitwith WhilethebNinssitseUhasbensold,the trustee planting their market of daughter, Denise. stationedat Wurtthe church for several seedlingsmade available Lo them comer's lonStradition as a comtry lltroughthe l-H reforestationprogram. This smith Air Force Base, Michigan.They were has not ended.The Nolam plan to maintain years. ThewidowofLukeV. Bernring- year schools lhroughout the county trave g,.ull a tour 01 the base and the piane on thepremissasagrocerystoreandbutcher shop,as well as make some new additions, lranr.sheis survivedbv dauphreis ,r'deledlb.8uu5epdlrlgs , wlritp and black wlllch Denlsc rs now workrng and enjoyiDts s u c h a s a d e l i , b a k e r y a n d s p c i a l t y g m d s .M r r l L r n r p e , , f M i n r r c s , r r a . i a r hr r- n e a r r d N o | w a l s p r u c e , , t o b e p l a n t e d ol tne r w o r k . D e n i s e ,w h o g r a d u a t e df r o m #;;;-;;;;;";;*". Desday,rheMattiruckcunclub;i;.'-'f;; prslorr.eamextendedits "uu.on'.'iu"iJ',i iveanatwot,yoeie;G;;n;;;#;# p .a c r n g , r r " i , i i u i , . i r " [ r n a p p e r s .r u 3 J . 1 0 0 7 clforts was an outstandingindividual score 01 286,which included ll bullseves,posted bv sfeve Flurry, a dominant shooter'in the p_istolleagues.buring the .zr-catiuer seison F-lurrv,competing on LheRiverhead team, washighscorer 16r L*!-Irruno. "rste.n c-ompetition, For 2s-vard center-fire shootersiire two roundsof five shotsin five rninules at lwo targets (slow fire), two live-shotrounds in 20 secondsat one target (Limedlire).andtwofive-shotroundsirilo s e c o n d sa t a f i n a l t a r g e t ( r a p i d f ' e . M a x i m u m p o i n t t o t a l f o r 3 0 r o u n d si s ; d . ;,ii;i:'I:",iJl:il;i;"il'":t iiii,'#;i,x^,T,?;:::i'f,illh:x,r ff;!jrifij',''f',',:iii'iil}li'!l:'$ii;r^r; G r e e n w h i c h ,C o n n . " a n d f i' r "- l l " : : i l t j : " M u r p h v , a n d t h e c h r i d r e n w i l ij l r ^ e i l l l i c h i q l n v i s i t ' l h e L o p e r s w e n t o n t o ltave the pleasure of watching theJngrow. calada and Nit€9]'a belbre heading -grandchildre.. hom' w1tz lalls 2L, /4 >7 Furreralservice-s are schedured:.ilT-'*:",iii1..:ynuts,somemishrvtrees uill erou' 'we hope' (L14 Ll' rq \'? f o r F r i d a y ,o p ' l z t . ' i " v " t , i . , i i PresbylerianChurclr. Private in- Navy Gunner'sMate Seamn Apprentice "nr-u1s_{afNight Live,', the enterhrnrnts ternrentwillfollowinlarpr++.lart Timothy A. Iiaas, son of Frederick and showbeingpresCnteaonitrursOa',liavro, Ccnretery,r@'re.t3,';^tHyr/Madeline Haas of Brower Road, has graJuby the Friends of the schnnl r.d' ,sY3frt"(i. ated from Basic cunner's Mate sch"oot.a At Mri. Bernrirfu-ha. Mattituck-bri;;;;g;; i;"i'"';Y.'' il:""t:: corltributionsnraybe madeto the 197?graduate of Mattituck High School,he tion, promises you an evp.i"o ^r-i-^-- theNavyin ttt,;*Ai Martituck er".ty*",iu" o'u,"f i, lolnua ihe Mattituck Library. ii,iq"ii Navy Eiectronics recnnil({ifrr-iii brui. R_andolph c. Baunach,r"" .ii r<".i n. ,"0 End is now coming iu21je.ig r, s;""1;'"i'i';"Td, ..th".f1t, ;il alive when the farmers till gradiuated i.* eu.i. nr".t.oni* i""rr"l"g r o u n d m a k i n gl a r g e b r o w n f^the u r - i 2 n 5 q h e 6 1a. i g z i - g r " j " " i . ' ; i M ; i i l : ; r o w s a n d t h e d a n d e l i o n p i c k e r s ct lai g nhschool.neloineitnewivyi"j;;;;;;, b e s e e n s c a l r e r e d a m o n g r h e f i e ll qd us . _ fr" t'#;;;;;"'"H.1;1":'"?:Srli f T:',1 B^etl1'-urrrsry(:.}98.808s) or Sharon 'rlgg(298-4s58)or Barbara g.t".."nn Brooxs sB6B)to_reserve your tickets for this one night only perform"ti."'ii"'t"t, *iri'"'i"Jo" sold-atlhedoor,butinatimiteasupplvonly; t i c k e l sm a y b e p u r c h a s e J ; i - r h J ; ; r ; ; ; * o f f i c e so f r h e M a t t i t u c k s " r , " " r ^ " 1 , " , oiwy li;"*"1";*1i";"*H:'"qffi;:"TJ: i"Jii:::*:'-::"li*;;:;til* Eqrg*oxllm:":*:*fl?,.il""il"",1'""##: ":T pr.senrlvthemostpopular.LUu2qtQzT Fork.onceagaintheswanscanbe NoRTH MERWcyt'.1 'n{n|"nr-r 3 1 " , ^ y l - 9 j , gTickets r:gr"d;;;;;;;;^i'*Jp,seen nesting on the creek in Bassford, l2-year-old son >cnorarship. are-$2 uucn*7a/i-i of Steven M a t r i t u c kE s t a t e sa n d . w h e r e v e r B a r b r o B a s s f o r d , o " a " i r * " i o ' g - r i r n " " . , uIi .r-rrr.nnatiitJck e l s e r h e y c a n f i n d a s a f e p l a c e t o charl ls h o m eh e r e o n T u e s d a j ,M . ay-t. He was their own. Also caught sighr of a t{t: Fralrd:ol of Richard ind Esthe"r coupleof sailboarson the bay this bNStord.of KnollwoodLane, Mattituck. I uneral arrangements are incomplete. past weekend.t_{,u zt^ I q ) ? , Edmund T. Nash *^ii?m*Hr;fffii,.* lb xe9,gp,$90 -' ' t ' ' fTyrt *3, -, B o^-^ trru ^".,i,' .r( errlcrprising Mattiluck, a retired outside maintenance 30 m a n l o r G r u m l n a nA e r o s p a c ed'i e dA p r i l l r sl i ' r t u n r t er b o v e )]"'' l'lli"""u l"' "'ll.'.,1i,,""'e'rllrgct .ttt ' t i , l t * i , . ' ,",,a 't"'-'' s t a l i n ni r r l h e h . ' ' t " e " l ' ' . . , ; , ,, - . , . , , 't,' . : ' " . 1 '.i""hes halls ind ]ll::- ;t"liit But riong "]lltl. ll\)i"."-,i'and goes unusudl llil',ll,l'"0"",""ge ;? rrie Realizins )']T;:':.::.;'; l h e s o no i F r a n c e s( z u r a w s k i )M a j e s k ia n d t h e I a t es t e v eJ M a j e s k r ' He was a ntember of the Mattituck A m e n c a nL e g r o nP o s r "'ii" s'urvrvedby his wi{e' Jeraldine it "itoMajeski; two sons' steven of rnarroror washington and P:ul of Iuai(ituck: one daughlJr,Dorothv Figurniak of cutchosue; one on""utott'"t' Frank of New suffolk; iisier, Gertrude Bowden of New Suffolk; a-)-n 4c.-t /o, /q? q MATTITUCK--Edrtnd T. Nash./79, of Mattituck, formerly of Richmond Hill, Queens,died suddenly May 4 at Eastern Long Island Hospital. He was a retired shippingmanagerfor the National Health Councilof New York City. Born December29, 1899,in Sayre, Pa. he was lhe son of the late Anthony and Mary (Grunschinski)Nash. Survivors include his wite. Irene Elizabeth (Parslow) Nash; two sons, Edmund, Jr. and Robert; two daughters,Joan Skubliskas and lrene Rincoe; and eight grandchildren. Fueral services were held May ? at the DeFriest Funeral Home, Mattituick, with the Rev. Thomas Clarkin officiating. IntermenI was in CalvertonNational Cemeterv. ,l:::::llX::;:lt:'JJll::,,*?:1il,ilf,I;llll#Jioi.i[,n,n"*, l'"lllii"t""i"lt'ua"i'.tnute - ,. ri.. di(trict estaor)srres i'.'','."'"'""1:.lll']'i'1;"TltJf::Jl,l::TJ,u,iltg'on .''-il". *"," "",u,." crn r\s.e borLr\.'rtll,I.-*"-i,".t ttuld t".t night at the DeFriest Funeral r'c.'"urraPP"rulu.s-i,"i..".t,r" Home,MattrrucK GRAND LANCENY '//h"aa/ n, 11 z/ Close to 400fieces of nurserv stock were remo'ved from the Half Hollow Nursery iu Laurel sometime during the last two months, Southold Police said. The lncideot was rePQrted Thursdayby Bob Byrnes. manager ofthe nursery, who said the value of the stock was $1,600. Police also repotted the theft of a bicycle Thursday from a Mattituck youth. Thelveron bicycle valued at $125 was stolen fronr Marc Proferes,13. while it was lett unatteIded and locked to a bicvcle rack at the Mattituck High School James Looper, zr, ur Love Lane, MattiA SaturdaY night accidert orl tuck, received a summons for driving Boulevard in Laurel without a license after losing control of his Pecotlic BaY youths dazed car, Dolicesaid, and colliding with another left two lg-yeat'old Police said' on Rbute 25, Lautgl, last Saturday There b u t u D h u r t , S o u t h o l d .lanres DeGtoff, of Main Road, were no initriel /4 i", I i, t | /' J h i s a i d Plssengct' IvmfflrwcK- /1 ^ The second car was{driven by Rithard C u t c h o g u c "'i'v*;-5 , .1 7budgel Schneider, 41, of Saltaire Way' Mattituck A n c l r e w B e s c h . o f R o u t e 2 ? A , MATTITUC{-Therf ahnual s(hdol Police said the Cooper car was travelling Mattil uck, were driving west wlren .i"i^* "ilr," tt,ttituck-cutchogue otr sliPPerY eveningrn the sst and crossed the pavement marking, their cir skidded Mattituck, active in area senior citizen iiti.i"i"*". r,"ro fuesday Davenrert, Police said. The car endenl hitting the Schneidercar head-on clubs,died April 30 at Eastern Long Island i."ttooi' Sch('olSupelinl '"ii".iu-i"v, crashcct irrto a trec, and. still in' """""* ilospital. He was a retired coNtruction "uJi,or',t g".nt callcd lhc mcoting May 14, is the date of the m o v i n g . I l i t a t c l e P h o l l c a n d and laborer for local 66,Melville, N.Y. *ut presented ui'og"t Ll"olir":. regular rneetingof lhe Malliltic[ Bm4ch of aDother t(ee before conring to a Born May ?, 1901in Northville,he was the i . * i t " , t "'ir," i t * q u " e s t i o no s[ e l a r i l t c a t i o n tbe American Cancer Soc-rety. Ie* fnem'np.'J'74cus 3, / 777 F i r c " son of the late Michael and Caroline ;"";;.;"; " " lrom lhe irtiY or so (tli'Znns bers are urged to come to find out how they MctlituCk Police sagthe (Drumm) Armbrust. present can be of service in making this branch a resPonded lo lhe r P D c p a r t m e t r t t o l a l s h o w s He was a charter member in 1967of the " ' i t t " O u O * " tf o r 1 9 ? 9 - 8 { r for our immediate area This one stable ol scerterrtd washed leaking gasoline SoutholdSeniorCitizensClub and a charter *o 2?0261and re*enttes meeting will take place from I to 3 p.m in or,]ott",t'tit "t memberof the Mattituck SeniorCitizens.He o { ! a x e s - w h r c l r w i l l the basementof the EpiscopalChurchof the o l l l h c r ( ) r d . ii,iut'iio'"^.r*i"c p e r $ 1 0 0 was a member of the Mattituck Fire . - . ' i t ; " , l a x t a t e l n c r e a s eo f $ ? 6 on Sound and westphalia Aver s Redeemer ' Department for more than 30 years. v!luatiotrThe rate lhis rear nues. *"i*O r a l ( ' y P a r ' s l a s l Survivorsincludehis wife, Dorothy (Pariw h i l ' ". .i , l . u f " a a l $ 1 27 : . ilnd S O U T H O L D . E x p e r i e n c cads t h e y a r e i n l i , l s i eC h a r l e r s o f M r l t i l u c k zot) Armbrusl. two sons. Robert w. of New w a s$ 1 1 . 9 6 . \ r . , \ i l u c k a t r d contending with various forms of van- Marv BoPan rrf Crrlrlrtrgrtc alJersey and Ralph L. of Cutchogue; one The Dublic Iibrartesol tvt'rtt dalism, town police encounteredsomething tenctcdth;ir Golden .lubilcc.A,rtdaughter,Kalhryn Hunt of Smithtown; one brandnew last week when they learnedthat ol llrc nivctsirt rt honotcd gucsls sister, Elsie Chartersof Mattituck; and six ll td^ ''' mrrchief-makershad dumped two bicycles, on. are asking lor a $ on grandchildren. Alrrnrntc Assr,crrlihn B'lnqllcl approprralrons lotal rt'" io i'zz i.".'iri a bird bath, and several pieces of lawn L lrrt) bv $5300 furniture Funeral services will be held this afterAfril lg. l()7qrrl the Oflirct\ tncrease will rint"i"s r*o into an empty swimming pool at ioi'it'* l t t " " k l J r r 'l l t c r r ' l ' t " s o u l h o ludi l l noon al 2, al the DeFriest Funeral Home, i " ' s i , i , , i tr n " l o u rh b r a r t e s - r nl h e l o u n the home of Richard Schneideron Saltaire r r r ' B r v l { i . l A ct h ' i r l r r t r r n e Yr r r l g l ( Main Road, Mattituck. The Rev. George of 53 \t.rtt:d l o s sl r o m 1, t ./ ? Wa!. MaLtttuckn|r",, t r - " - . f . " i u t n$ gt 0 r ) 0 0 t / tltcir ILrrscs: ) a 5 tY e a r Summers and the Rev. F rederick Hummel Al the trme he reRdlted the vandalism, a n c j c o t D D l e l c d { o v c t n m e n lt h a n l h e Y d i d 'rr llr( wiil officiale. lnterment is in Cutchoeue "lo"tl oi tl" rotg"r increasesin this vear's Mr. Schneiderhad noldetermined whether t r r i r r i r x i r r N l . r r ( l l l u l g Cemetery. l v l e r l r , , r l i s rH , ' s p r r . r l r : 1 B f ' " r l l v r \ teacf,ers salaries up $8e'r02 the articies tDSsedinto the pool had damagd;;i;;" wls rlcc and fuel oil' Elsic conrnlcntedth{t lt ed its expensive linjng. lle could not be ii""n"*onu,ton costs'up $15031 \( ( llrf !rl \ \ ' i ( e ( ' L l l" l 1 ' \ r r l ' r l c \ f ,l l ( l reachedfor further comment. lr' onYesterdav The case was one of seven complaintsol "%il;TLo*",wasvoted MINNEAPoLIS, MINN.- Leslie Reeve l,*,Lirrg s,''""11. w-tl))l.i "l Bermingham, former Mattituck School J ( J(!lri'r! rrPl" (ll'' t q' l criminal mischief Southold Dolice investteacher.diqd Apnl 23 in Minneapolis.She i g a t e dd u r i n gt h e p a s t t e n d a y s . t h e same 'investigated I n Pnl(ntfrested Michrel Liquori, wasvo //fia7,<7 .j / f 7 7 period they"also t;; ;*g'i;M^rlrri/d<1wa{ Qa'"f"?riTn ", of, Br5 Avenrre',Mattituck' n u., iies, one ieport of a giand r"r*r,1,,'i,io J6 Born rn Frair{lvnville (now l(rrown as fhursdav rrtrd chirged hinr witll Laurel), in tgge,(hewas the daughterof the feels good, but cons'ider the frustration and three casesinvoiving pJtit larceny late Jameswickham Reeveand Katherine shock of Alexander Matteo of Cutchosue Ron Diachun,oper:aiorof a gas station on lrrrassrrrent rtler he allegedly who lost hrs bid for a seat on the sch;ol wells Reeve.SheattendedGreenportSchool Route 25 at Mariatooka Roa-d,Mattitucli, thres a crrP r'l hot tea in his board by just one vote to incumbentDonald and CortlandNormal School.She taugbt in reported last Monday the theft of t5 rrr'rlrrer\lJ\c " Langon. t would preferred have to lose by scrappedautomobile radiators. valued at l-iquori s Notltet, Dorothy LiOyster Bay, Rockville Centre, and in more than one vote," Mr. Matteosaid of the Maltituck until her reitrement in 1959. $225.Last montli he had complaincd1Lu1, cluori. l.rtet signed a conrplaint May-2 election.,.Too many thtngs come lo Mrs. Bermingham was a memb€r of the soda vending machine at the sl.ationhad agairrslhet son. He was subseMattituck PresbyterianChurch, where she mlnd that may have changedthe resul(S.A beenbrokeninto and damagedto the extent quenllv arraigned before .lustice served as an elder and trustee, and the gooddozenpeople have apologized to me for of $225.Police patroling the area last week .laurcsRich ^rid re'DaD(ledto the Eastern Long Island Hospital Guild. She not getlrng out to vote. It's a strons noticed the door on the station's vendirs c,runrr iril irr lic-uofS500 bail. , \v+,' lo,i'/ ?') was a member of the American Women argument against voler apathy. Mr. Mat- m a c h i n e w a s a g a i l o p e n a n d s o n o t i f i e d t h i teo received 299 vgtes to Mr. Langon's 300. ReserveCorps during World War IL owner. "Theres . no cause for o teaou-nt,'. Ma. The widow of Luke V. Bermingham,she is survived by two daughters,Mary Lampe of Matteo said. "There are only two machines The annuol Parent-Teather Tal' 'Pi,af€,9 Mimesota and Katherine Clark of and I checked the backs of them after the ent Shorv."Thursday Night Live" 0f Penan@' California; one son, John Reeve Ber- election." took plrce rt the Mattit(ck High 4 n n t / ' t ./ g ' ) a Also winning board posiIions were Robert mingham of Greenwich, Coon.; and five MATTITUCK--'rThe Pirates of Penzance" School lasl week aDd it was another who Graeb, received 45B unopDosed grandchildren. votes has been delighting audiencesfor 100years, h u q e s u c c e s s . T h e r i l u s i c s o n B a n d Fun€ral services were beld April 27 in the and Genevieve Wtrssner, wtro beat.lohn making it one of Gilbert & Sullivan's c l r i l c e w c l c d e l i g h t f u l , a n d i t w a s Mattituck Presbyterian Church. Private Talbot, 308 to 268. bestloved operettas. The North Fork Com- obviou s t'tont ihe appiduse that the Voters in the school district gave strong interment followed in Sacred Heart muDity tbeatre is presenting it on June 7, 8, show $ as vcrY nruch enioYed. The support lo proposed the 1929-80school and 9. 14. 15 and 16. This wiu be the 75th Cemetery,Cutchogue. rbsolute sllow-stoPPer was rne library budgets. The school budget of production offered by NFCT and promises Mcmorial contributionsmay be made to " r , , u s l r r gp e ! f o r r l i l n c c b ! t h e M a l ' which will Iift the tax assessment to be outsLanding. lhe Mattituck Presbyterian Church or the $4,2?0,261, riruck-Villrgc Pe.Ple" uf "YM rate by 9.76per hundred, passed 418 to 213. vlattituck Librarv. Th€ romantic leads of Mabel and Frede C A w h i c h h x d e v e t y o r l c c l a p p l n g ' The libraries' budgei passedby a sligh0y rick will be portrayed by Mary KopcieNki rvhistling and u'islring fot nrore' Ddrrcr last month Ceorge Lazarides of nrgDermargin, 431lo 195. of Bay Shore and Mark Kopcienski of Mt. lrlikc Cortcst', .linr Heinz, Riclt It was also overwhelmingly clear - by the Ruth Road. MattitutklnEiToi{ed that a Sinai. Musical director Debbie Tichy will cassette tape deck, an amplifier and a 4I5 to 195 vole - that townspeoplefavor play the part of Ruth. NFCT'S own Jack P h i l l i p s . W e s S i n r c h i c k a n d J i n r fishing tackle box containing s€veral sets of havrng sQhool board candidates run for Moffat will mark his 30th appearance by Undcr\rood N'ere ry$Polrsible. lor tools had disappearedfrom his boat, while it "at-large" seats instead of for pafticular portraying tbe major General. Gene Wood l l u q l r c r u e n d o r t s f i n ( f € 7 I I / 7 c , 'j {-"w was in storage at tbe Mattitupk Inlet Marina ssts. The Iatter sometimes results in a of Rmky Point is the Pirate King and Phil on Mill Rcd. He said he had.justplac€dthe candidate running unopposed,as it did this Fitzpatrick of Southold is the Police Sergitems, valued at $300,in the craft the day year. eant. o"l":::lL:-l":llh squadisinvestisating. Schml superintendent Roger Burns said the tunout of 631vDters was slighdy lower than last year. ]:'ix""i:::4:::"-:i il::[li:: ",i;Tiii:TJ;:'":i",n::,' ilri'itrrck.*iil:::":li;JJi:l ;;, Roua' u'rtitu"t' rnrermentwill be in cemererv' ." Nationar carverton "'.'#:i]'ilf, l]]Ii],,.";:';i:;;';i" Walter W. Armbntst zz,or werrkck&8*{ fl .7,flu,ust, c"r.i"J"""t'"'"-u:o.c:1.,Y1"."^',T1"".1:'::i LeslieR. Bermingham Mattitttdc 4o oial Hi#fv l9,f,Nailiiilctr :#f#rqffi'#r .' ,rf . ri!j:if1$,.X,iil):li): :j : 'I j::::' :j:rir:r:irer: U U JN @\_ cv H O 9 @ t.d1 '|e .- ('44dt,4(' t t E /'/ / 6 /,t MArrrrucKoRAlHrsroRy-Researcber8at*fW":,Wn"t:h;!'ffi{^J"#, on th€ Mattltuck Vlllsge Volc€ page, The above llroto, whlch Eill be exhtblted st the their oral bistory ol Mattltuck. It wlll be prevlewed at tbe library on tbe Main Road this Suday, April 22, between the homs of 4 and 7 p.m. A septrate artlcle otr the project apOn Sunday,April 22 from 4 to 7 p.nr. rt the Mattituck Free Librarv a trvo and one half 1r,ru. segnent of thc Oral History 61 Mattrtucl will be pretenle6. l{cli(shrIeIl\ sill be scrred. llrc preview, was taken ot the Mattltuck Rsllroad Statlou and Libluy HaIl ln ltre bscksrond. tround the tum ot tbe century. The photo&lpLer isshe{n Pl};.C ( bi4"4"( slides edited into a 20-nrinute s l i d e - t a p e p r e s e n t i l t i o D i2 1 6 b l a c k and white atrd 48 color photo, graphs to be used in Library ative Library Svstem. the East lslip Library aDd the West Islip Library Ioaned equipment and peLsonal assistance. There were c r h r b i t s ; 1 i l , 1 . u r i t r c l b i o e r a t r l r nlntry volusteers fronr lhe comi c a l I l a t e r i r l , , r r l , , L . , l f . r r r n l r i r r i - nrunlly who gave generously of OralHistorypro1ecthasjustlssn lies. All rhis material is being their time. So in fhe true senseof conrplcted afte, a year of very indexed and catalulrrecl. Trari the word "cornnunity," this was hard rvork otr the part of !iany sc|ipts are in tlte proeess of beiDg a c o n r n r u n i t y p r o j e c t : a n d , t h e cttited lor ucc irr r *ritlrrr lrisl.r). end product is a truly professional rcrpl' tl Zel --il" '/r/,, . t Qy'U z flrc ider ,,t r lrisrnry of i"b. A lew oT the video tapes and lvlattituck to supplenlent Reve r e n d s l i d e 5o f t h e V i l l a g e a D d i t s p e o p l c Craven s book which took fron 1900 to the present will be us to 1906 was suggested to the shown. John Traversa, Projcct Friends oI thc Library by Alice n u o s o n . A g a i n s tA t o m i c D e v e l o p m e n t i,r Director, has gathered on tape, Roscnleld, Libtary Director. She film presentarionat Mattitucl :gor-rsgrinC€ tilm and slides rich narratives, sawtheneedlbrkecpingalivelhe Htgn5choot,room 209_210, on Tuesday,Ma) aftusing aDecdotesand autobio- pcrsonal histories in order that 22., at I p.m. The film is by Dr. Helei graphical accounts of the "old they could bc shared in all their Caldicott, Boston pediatrician, and is en_ days thal the Frien(ls of the ofiginality. A CETA grant protitled, "The Medical Implicatiqns of Nuc. Mallilrck Frec Library are inter- vided the salarY li)r ihe proiect lear Power and Nuclear Weapons' ested ,n pfeserving for future dircctor. Addiiional expenses for ^.Available to answer quesiions will be JHA, representatives,Kathy Boylan geieralions. These will beconle a tlrc equipnrent, tape\. filn. etc., and t h e R e v .W i l l i a m B r i s o t t i . pernranent part of the Librarv's rvere ntet thfough tlte Friends of The film showing c o l l c c l i o na n d o p e l f o r p u b l i c u s e l h e L i b r a r y a n d 9 1 2 0 0 i r r d o n a is free and opento all. upon requesl tions front library palrons. The fhe coilccti<rn consists of: Nerv York State Council on the * One item that we tbrgot ra approrirlately l-1 hours of audio- Arts gave A $500 graDl for ihe includein reporting that big open visual lapes of intervie$s y;11 cditing. golftourneylast weekwas that all elderly citizens. comprehensive The Oral Histofy project re, of the players in the group had a r,icrvs of the crrrlmuni(y. song ceived help aDd encoilragement meeting after the event and recllals, etc.; 5J hours ol inter- frorn many peopie ald organiza decidedto hokl one every year in V l e \ r ' s o l j a u d t o c a s s e t t c ! ; 4 6 2 1 i o n s .1 ' h e S u t f b l k C o r r n t y C o o p e r - nry.e'.,I ,hf,$4r";"-:' sornij ..untrtrut4<-strAD,quiin"". .-vandals .tore out a s*itctr on a Jfarm, unq S::t:. .damased the fuet tine, Hlmv n-omanowski of Theresa O.iu", ffdtti.t-r.t1 reported last Monday. He said tfru *t"u*-"i ,n"^91T99" is.still ro be derermined. reporttng a similar offense lor the second .lrme E ithjn a few weeks,Joseph SotfilesaiJ someonehad taken eight spotiigf,ts itium]n] i;:{:,:r:-wi$l+;',$$;n;,;,:;;:;; May. They also decidedto name the event the Btrmmy Hudson Tourney, in honor of the late Harold Hudson of Mattituck, well known on the North Fork and alwaysinterestedin sportsof any kind./7h /yl t t, / /'., 7 N-.,1 qt!ff^lL "Alice in Wonderland" is comiDg to the Mattituck Auditorium stage on Wednesday, May 23,at 7:30p.m. Studentsfrom grades 5 and 6 have been working with Miss Carol Rabson, elementary msic teacher, and invite everyone to come to their musical, for lvhich there is noadmissioncharge.You are sure to enjoy Alice, played by Elizabeth Steele, and her acquaintances;the White Rabbit, played by John Brmks, the Queen, by Jennifer Wilson, the King, by Todd Burlingame, as well as Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, played by Lily Rosenstreich and Laney Haas. The list of characters in Alice's Wonderlandgoes on and on, and so does the enjoymentyou will re4gjye when you come Losee rhis pertormaiff Lf, J 7 to DeniseLoper, wHohas .Congratulations been promoted [o crew chief of her plane. Denise,who is stationedat the Wurtzsmith Air Force Base in Michigan, is now on a 'specialtraining program on midair refueling and will be spendinga few days in New Hampshire. While there she plans to visit NancySamuels Denisehas beencommended ior this pronotion, as very few women achieve the status of crew chiif. / 4 ) 7 Mrr,'r trl ot Ncrr SulfolI rr.'" r c p , r r r st h a r r P * - ( G i l r f l b c e nj u n r p i n ga l lo v e rt h e b a y .T h c f i s h i i l g s t a t i o n si n N c w S u f l b l k w e r er e a l b u s y o v e r t h e w t c k e n d d e s p i l et h e t h r e a t e n i n a\ v e a t h c r t aild nrost boats reported good c a t c h e !sv i t hn l a r r yf i s hi r r t h ( 'e i g h t t o t h i r l e e np o u i l dg r o u p .. l u s tI i k e f l f t v y e a f sa g o .s a v st h e M r v o r . 21, Outlook on Gas ls Both Good and Bad 6 {-' xnrHr,ooNRotr{ANo Specialto The Times GXEENPORT--Thegaso)inesiruation on , lhe,\orth Fork is beginnrngto soundlike one ol thosegood news_badnews slofles. The good news is that there should be at . teastonegas station open in each village of southoldtolvn on each day of the Memorial weekend.The bad ncws is that some of them wilt be selling gasoline that has been suppliedunder June's allocation "l've gofienpretty c]oseto what got I last Jear. Fhil !'inklc of lhe Orien( Servrce Lenler sard. His Gull station. whrch is o".-q0. percenr of tasr years l,gikllg sill be-open Sarurday. Sunday a:1,j1",!:i n o t v t o n d alyr o m Z a m . t o 6 D . m . Jeff ('hurchili uf Greenpoit Auro, who usuauy cioseson Monday, will be open all ( n r e ed a y sl r o m t 0 a .m . t o p . . , l 5 m. hive not o' gas yer, he said, in spite of the Iln. 9yt ract that his Sunocostation is dbwn to 80 percenl of the prevrousyear's aloca[ron. M a t t i l u c ks C r o w n s t a l . i o nw , hieh limits . r6elt to a lrxcd but undisclosedamount of gasoline,sales^each day, will also be open every day of lhe holiday weekend. A said lhe srarion would be open_ :!:I:r_mu" lng at 7 a m and shouldremain open aI least unlt noon each day..and p,roba_bly until 5 Pm. ,,/lre-/.!Tt // 7'/ Uther stati{h owners, rnost of them waiting for approval of tbeir applications for emergencysuppliesthe state has set aside for such requ€sts,said they would be in the same position if they did not receive oeJrvenesthrs week. Gasoiine from the sefasid€, which is 3 percentof the gallenage pumped in the state. can be applreOfor on'iy t w r c el n a t w e l v e , m o n t h Denod Peter Psbhogios . :. ? i i , j ' 7 i t/ '.-1.,".,. / + /rtt^v MATTITUCK-PeIer Psichogios,76, die( Monday at St. Charles Hospita), Port Jef ferson. A retired cafeteriamamger at C. W. Post College,Mr. Psichogioswas born in Greece He is survivedby his wife, Tessie (Bafis) Psichogios, two daughters, Bess Schinas and Julie Stagias; a brother, Michael. o{ Greece;a sister,Kevi Phillipq of Flushing, rnd five grandchildren. Funeral services are scheduled for I p.m. oday at the Church of the Transfiguration n Mattituck. Memorial donatidns may be nade to the Chuch of the Transfiguration. UNAUTHORIZED -7?. qtt z7, //t 7 r Berrrard Ctl/Donohue of {aurel l o J dp o l i c e S a f u r d a y t h a t s o m e t i m e durirrgtheoighr his l97l Chevrolet Vega was taken fron his honte. Police located the car on Reeve AveIue ir Mattitucft where Donolrue later retricved it. O' GAS Al lhe Matrituck Crown gasoline st rt i()il on Saturday. a dispute over live cents lvoilh of spilled gasoline turned ilro the thei of a tankful of gasoliIe. Atlendant Greg Burns told policclhai the dispute euded when tlre custonter. driving a white T, y,'rx 1,'',L.,11o,lr{,p ua l yinghis $ 7 . 8 5b i l l . 'lhe rg\r prouucrtun DV rhc NorrhfJrft 6Al,,l{,i;l1vrir^t," will be "The Piraresof penzance" whichrvil)be performedon June 7, 8, 14, l5 and 16. This play, .9. r v r r r r e nb y C i l b e n & S u l l i v a ni r 1 8 7 9 . i s c e l e b r a t i n gi t s 1 0 0 t i Sbawberry eueen Mauiruck Ljonsclub ...,YlTlI99_I1 wul nold its l979 -rhe Strawberry Queen compett- Gasoline Fol,l,u,tes ilIuttituek Veltrs ,, 7-l ocz.r 'V /. t g z I MATTITUCK-County heailh officials said Tuesday thdt *'ells 'in as manv ls 42 honres here could be coillamiltaled bt'gaso line in whar is believcd to be fhc worst case ever found on the Nonh Fork. 'fests ol sell $rter iD hones around Pikc Street ard Love Lane have found three positive casesof coIrrmiDrrion so far atrd irealth officials say the nurrrbcr u,ill go higher as nt()re ltonleownefs request tcsts.'Ihey sa! that an informal survel, found,12 honte owners who sxtd tlteJ, bclieved rheir wells wL'rc contaminatcd rvith gasolinc. The olllcials hr!'c nor becD ablc Io locate rhc source of the pollulioD. Bul rhel say it is likc'ly that the gas is leakiDg l\rrnrone or fiore ol soilc rinc dif{erent gasoline srorrgc tanks in the imDe(liatc !icirilv. Addirional tesring lo |)care the sourcc rs schcdulcd to bc donc ncxr scck b\'lhc sratc DepartD)ctt ol Transpo[lrion. the agen, cv responsiblc lirr clcan-rrp of spilleclpctrolcurn pr!)tlucts. While rhc olficials $'ork to find the s()urcu, tbr: thrcc frntilics. who \{crc l('ld tr} thc hcallh deparrnrcrt not to drrnk ot ccrok u,ith rhe rvater. ltave been cartinB srrpplics frorrr rhc holtes neighbors anrl relrtives. Pike Street home of Arthur Penly He and his wife stopped ilsing the !vater there last spring when they detected tlre gas smell 'At ' in the $ater. first, Penny 'the said, taste and snlell werc n0t ver! noticeabie. Then it becaile very apparert that it was sone lrydrocarbon, definitely gasoline...lou calt smell it from a distance of several feel away." Acrors the street, William F. Krause said that he too stopped using his well water a year ago alier noticirg tbe gasoiine odor. About t$'o rvreks ago Krause called the couoty in to tests and a secood confirrred. The countv ( h e y s h ( ) u l dc o d t i n u e t o like gasoline...)'ou can see a film ' on the glass, said Ktause. "a reeular.oily film.' The North Fork Baptist Church Choir will be presenting John Peterson's Cantata, "It Took A Miracle" on Sunday, .Iune 3, at 7:30 p.m. at the church. This is an exciting cantata dealing witb the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There will also be a dramatic presenLation within lhi${nutical / /1'24 message. AII are invited ,o ur1.n4l "The Eirl of Snow-Dom Meets the May Queen or Jack Frost Has Second'Thaws' About Spring" was a ore-act play written by tcachers Mfs. Margaret Munch arrd Miss Serena Stanley and presented on May l7 for pareDts and liiencls. fhese first graders were Drarvelous and all pertbrmed b e a u t i f u J l y .T h i s w a s a v e r y s p e c i a l eff(rrt on tl:e part of these teachers who now reler to themselvesas (he "lameandhalt". Mrs. Munch wh<r is expecti ng a baby il J une h as h ad 1() slop working due to doctor's orders and Miss Stanley has her fi)()l ilr a cast, but the show went on with these lwo ladies on hand aDd tl d r r i r r ga b a r r g - u o i " b . { - } ' l - 7 E y - M a y o rC r J r e p o r t s t h a t t h e Bay off of Neq Suffolk is futi of :i-,:ff ii"l,:":,$ydt#"?; :: the bluefish are in, ariving eariy tnls year and ire al!o respondtnA to-the bajred hooks. it vou knnw what to feed them. The boat stations are ready in New Suffoik for business. The ramp is also Derng used. The ramp is said to be filling in *ith sand again. make the case was told them cart water into their home and said the water was not lit for drinking or cooking. "'l'he wrter srnells just of 44 ,t{'4,. i;;E;; y*WLy"*T i'JLi:in ;, senior hfth schootgir( rrom .,r.:llo," 1"^ :'::J,lTo. sourhotdand Shetterrsjandare cohpete, with the queenro ll,^{19]9,r" be iJffii[r""':h',":X"3if,'.'r'ig "i,#:[lf rqrE ro..Apprlcstlons msy be obtained from m€-applicant's high school o" Uy catiini reter swahn, the chairman of the Strawberl ry queeD Cornrnittee, at W_2021. frtffi ,;"';-#,]iii+" julJ;r:ub"" is welcome to attend th€ tesrivalwill behetdar th€ sr-oundsfrom ll a m. urrii s ",.llu-r-,J^u-yb:*r l,:: on ::1T] p.rr. June16,rain or shine. On Saturday, June 16, the Mattituck Lions' 25th Annual Strawberry Festival will take place oD the High School grounds, beiween 1l a,m. and 5 p.m. In addition to delicious strawberry shortcake prepared by the Lions and their wives, there will be many local adists and craftsmen who will exhibit thcir talents. Among the other groups expectcd to participate will be the Association for the Help of Retarded Children, Mattituck Historicai Society, Bo.v Scouts. Girl Scouts. Long Island Banjo Association, Long Island Square Dance Association, and many, ,ranv morc. The Lions are also expecting to ha!c a sheep shearing exhibition. Of course, the main event each vear is the cro*ning of lhe new Strawberry Queen who will be chosen from rmong sonte of Mattiiltck's Dret. tiest hiEh school sirls)l'{4tq7 't4 ''/ " Q-.,*?,P",tgliCe SOUq{OLD--Thieves and vandals who made boal"sand automobiles thelr Drtme targets stole valuables and did property TNJUBED -11q u /) /.7 a t d a m a g e t o t a l i n g $ 5 , 2 5 0 l a s t w € ae ck c, o r d i n g . lt 4 A wedncsqJy nornlng acclto reports filed by town police. dent in Mallituck lcfl ttlo tnoltxThieves made their biggest haul during ists with trinor injuries. Southold the R'eekendat Strong's Marina on Main I'olice said. Road, Mattituck. They raided boats and Policc gave lhe follorving ac' cars behind the niarina and stol€ two outboard motors and five tires and rims, count: .luli{ Bufianrante. ,56. of valuedby Je{I Strong,who reporled the loss 010 Main Strcet, Grecnporr, was to police, at $3,500. tlrivinp her car nortlr of Wickham W i l l i a m L i e b l e i no f t h e P o r t o f E g y p t Averrrr. nakins i lcft turn on Marina, Southold,reported that a 25-horse- llorrle 274 wheri shc crossed rnto power outboard valued at $450 had been the path of an onconlng err. stolenfrom his pile-driving barge. Mariir Flrtlcy. 2t. of Woodclifl A citizens band radio and antenna, 4. Dtivc. Mattituck. who w:rs head_ compass,two tool chestsand two rods and ins sourlr on Wickham Avcnue, reels were stolen from a boat owned by .,iiia",t *,itt, Buifamante. His Morton Phillips and kept on Mattituck lnlet o"rr"nn",. '"-, -i,t,r.o.-olO -:.' Trace behind his Westview Drrve home. Mr. i; , ,{ were t:i Phillips reported iast saturday. He esirma! :l:l:.'t. .1:jrmanrc takerr lo Eastern Long Island e d h i s l o s sa t $ b 0 0 . Hospilal in Greerport where they 'lwo other Boat'l'hefts Nere treated for their injuries and walter R. silleck, anotherwestview Drive resident, r€ported that four life preservers, ,'ti,rrf$Y H' TUTHILL H TutMATTITUCK-MaIy a fire extinguisher, an anchor, 50 fftt of nylon rope and a quantity of oil were taken hill, of 188 Captain Kidd Drive' from his boat, moored at a dock at the rear died at Central Suffolk Hospital of his home. He estimaled his lossal $150. Nfay 29, 1979 at the age of 75 Howard Wells of Bayview Avenue,South- Boin in Westport, Connecticut old told police thieves had lootedhis boat, January 12, 1904, Mrs. Tuthill moored in Mattituck Inlet, of a quantity of was a retired registeled nutse tools on which he was unable to place an and a member of Jane A. Delano immediatevalue Nurses Post 344 American Le During a week in which pollce received eion. New york Cirv. three complaintsof burglaries,15reportsof She is survived by her huscriminal mischief and 14 cases of petit band, lrwin A. Tuthill, three larceny, instancesof rocks thrown through steDchildren and several nieces car windshields are among the reported uni n pn.*s/V;a9, lt,t?Zc7 offenses Funeral serviobs ivere held May 3l at Our LadY of Good CounselChurch, Mattituck. Intermenl was in SacredHeart Cemetery. Cutchogue. 'n3, j;!*f ;;;';q-*"t11gl,"ru":1,"'l''"'li"l'SfflH"J;8""'#dp :li, ;l a;a g"nm r Mavny:'-.: "^[lH.Y Mano i,,'nitt *r. ' ;^.xli,fl ''ii "i;trr'c"'qr' - {i:W ""J;Rerlly rrru ttor*"n t pinned oy-4r'" o, 1stAssistaN ii'Ji plr",' Colernan ",^""0 r e c e i v e d a o l a q u e " : " - _- - MATTITUCK--The strawberuies are coming. The strawberries - are |),n-* t"l, r? a, coming. Thg25thannualMattituckBons'LonglslandSirawberryFestival - .. iiiincipt Chid( to Be Honored 3iili,:Ti'*ili:it"i:!iffil.,,t[:l5l**fti"tl'm,:*'* (.' DEBoRAHwtcK . n / tt1 4' ' specialtoTheTimes /,rL/w--'t I p.m.Nicholas describedhis policiesover the years as ty'rrrruCX--o, "xactly but notclosedto innovationor for the Mattituck- conservative, ct ilr,, o"1.i"f p.incipal follows: 11.a-m.-l p.m-- Square dancing and instruction by the Long Island Square Dancer's Federation. l1 : 15 - Display of farm animals. r1:30--Gdjt-;mking exhibition bvtheLong Isrand Goat club. Hy":",:iT1fi;"S!.X"fijii"'ffj!!:dff ;l".T::ifffffffi:'fiT,::i::*,:t';*,* 17'nOOn- Rug-hOOking'exhibitiOn' out his closewoikingrelattratit-isiime'io eOana singteO hesignalsthe busdrivers ii"ii",i-""i,ig.riiJuv"""1r,"uu.","t riup tionshipwlth tbe.districtsuperint;dent' as ungin"ianduniformlysetoutontheir Rogerburns,andtheBoardof Education it as princiPal "i. By 3:10 p.m , Mr. Chick is thekeyto hissuccesses J.oroft!. Progra-t lntroduced satistiedttrit every child at Mattituck --^ -^^, ,. onhisbus issarerv "* ",.f 1-3-MattituckllighSchoolBantlconcert' l : 45 - Goat-milking exhibition. 2 - Rug-hooking exhibition' 2: 15 - JU-jit-SUeXhibitiOn. 2:4b- crowningof theStrawberryFestivaleueen. ,"',Xio::";::i:']|,t;1,";r':i,-:#!'"1 3-5 -.Music by.the Long Island Banjo Society. ofr rs parr of Mr. programshe workedto introduceinto the Seeingthe children ,,r He said In addition, other entertainment, craft displays and activities are curriculums. schools' the be in ;te;entary couldn'f .""ii"". crircl:.-o"iiv math planned. n"rir*. if i didn,t have the children," he hewasvery proudof thesupplemental in who are slower for.,children program Advance ^ tickets are on sale from l,ions Club members or at saia, reminiscingabout bis..30years in 'graiping '. math, the learninsdisabititvpro- eoucationanotris-Igyearsin tne niattituckBarker's Pharmacy, Mattituck Garden shop or L&L Market. The gram *.."^.'"ii'"Jrrii""''ti"r which proudly He said schooldistrict. curchogue grade,and.the advanee ticket price of $1.75 covers admis,sion, strawberry sbortcake thathecouldcall atmostuu"ry .hili in the [indergartenthroughthird readingprogram,whichfte and coffee. General admission on the day of the festival is $l for adults Hammonsport schoolby theirfirst name. auributedto the schools' "i"."ntu.y and $.b0 for children between five and 12. Tickets for shortcake and "T:"lt9ll andlE^l reading (state-wide administered Talh '"'^"eoffee are $1.25. Dinnerto MarkRetirement district's said the He.also tests)..scores wittieiirefrom ThismonthMr. Chick,62, soUTHoLD"Anl8-v('ar-old l-aurelman particular rhe lvrittco poftion ot thc was of lg?3 in consolidation lhe districtwherehe n", *",i'e.iiri""i cllargedtwo weeksaAowith a seriesof the districtto MirilirrckHisrrrrvpr.iecris norv sinceit enabled significance, ro, erua"ntury schools o, superintendent burglariL'sin the Mattituck area was trrrdetrvar' Thc directoroi the Hesaidt""Jii'0"'."1 ofiermoreprogramsandwidercufficulum since196?. Education arrestedagainTuesdaynight' accusedol' protect,.lohn l'rrversr,and hrs lo leave,buttbatit,a t,a" to a,up'"alJ"anJ ior trrestud€nts.^, ..giveSomeotheryoung".r"tto*'"uiiJn""!ui'_artnougt,Mr..ChickSaidhewillmiSStheiii'..''. beingpIincipa]'',Inhonorofhis;e;i,?,iJ,i,"r".*t a d i n n e r f o r M r . c h i c k , g ' " " " . u , . . j " i . i i i c h i l d r e n ' ' , . h e - . i s ' l o o3 6 k iynegafrosirnw a r d i o h i s l , o . ' i ' . , " i , $15000 'lv9v'1 /'Jt /f 2'7 i , ' , r , " * " t n " " , m . r c r c c c s s i b tl co t e a c h e r s a n d p a r e n t s , i s r " n " o r r o i r " ' . i ui e" "t i r e m e n t".r ' l l . b e n i a i r i e d 15atMattituckManor'July'I'vecontIibutedover30-.yearsto,'".iu..t.",.ni(jlo1o$,]]5pcl)P,""J",l:'..J*ffl,:l.;ii".f:fjl.:}: ro know nore rbort M r . c h i c k , a m o d e s t a n d s o f t - s p o k e ne mdaunc,a t i o n . N o w . l w a n t t o e n j o y l i f e a l i l i l e $ , i , n t i D E p e n d r nag J u t y l : l h e a r i n gb e f o r e , l o u , n M , , l i t u c k ' sh i 5 r o f yf.h i s w i l l l r y oa r v e w i t hm y w i f e . "H ea n dh r sf a m i l yh a v el i v e d s a i dh i s y e a r sa s a n a d m i n i s i ' r a t h J u s t i cJea m e sR i c h ,w a st a k e nj n t oc u s t o d y inSoutholdforthepastlByears fl"ff""1f;;i:n*r ( h c s r o u i l d r v o r kl o r t h c \ ! r i ( t c n b y S e v e n t hS q u a dd e t e c t i v e so n t h e s t o l e D l r i r t o r vo l l h e N 4 i t l i t u c k! f c a . r n v a n c h a r g e H e s a s b e i n gh e l d b v s o u t h o l d 8. rnf\r r , t r s h o o r o t o r a t h i \ r o r y r h e p orrce yesrerday. awaiting his ncw M A T T I T U C K , , T h e M a t t i t u cHki g b s c h o o t n g v ?E J V) pr'rgranr.on the evcniog .1 .)uttc lennis team's first singles p;y;;,- p;;i airaignrnent. --P 18. r1 the r!-gulnr Mattiluck Brauner.becametheConference.IVchamp M r . S h e p i s hh a d r e p o r t e dt h a t a g a r a g e l n N t a t t i t u c kB o s s C h a r l e sM . ion last Wednesday by defeating Jaime Chamber of Commerce meeting, owned by his cleanirtg firm on Factorv o^i.* r"a his men are build[{eSaIlesofLasa]lcMilitaryAcad.my,6-3,;"J.;;i;;;""..i-r""*""ii"ia'JohnTre''etsa*'illprcscrta:lic1c'Avenue'Iattituck 6-3. "This was about the same score that during th€ rveekend.and lhe van stolen prosrrnr ot Nlrilituck histof\'. ^,:*,;;';" ii.." frn. new rooms he'd bealenMesallesby during the regular During- an investigation bv town and rvith topics trl prrriculrr rnlc'resl Th" offi"" ^ '".-"-'hoi"t :;r;'^"#i;;, "*" ""' : season,"commentedBrauner's coach.iUike SeventhSquaddetectives,suspicion fell on "t". f,u, U".n ro IocalL.usiucsspcoplc. It shr)irld t Huey. First-seededBrauner was favored in Mr. fngliih, said to have be'ena former jourre} into thc bc !n inrc.resrioS lnt-:,1,"1-"'::ldand white, and beena"satisfyingpersonalexperience."He r-;- ^. -.-, YaA ,8S ' v!-:.--j ill#"iffJl ??n,io,"";a..1r, iXl,j'liill$"ljlli:"1,*i1.""Jt,i:'*H: seasonvl/q/2'/ rora busv oris,nar siteat Shorerram-wli'i!"'ii'itirooks 25 yoars ago i;iX,tf:n|:iHpW:iytf.^tth".,Btu" "';;';;,,;;;;' ,orrrrauk-iffitlr({r','r,7*"r* "r Whitman ;ffi;"-';i-W;lt tnL-uiiit"".i' Fla".at S"uing" und Loan Assmiation, has unnounc"Othit,effativeJune2through ofti"" will be open 6n i,-iLt ffi1".f,"; p.m to12:30 a.m. from s:30 Saiurdays ' ' B y r e m a i n i n g o p e n o n S a t u r d a y s ,w e hopetomakeitmoreconvenientforour to make their bankinB transacl"!to.u* tionsduringtheupcomingsummerseason," Mr. Cierachsaid. '-Lcated at Main Road and Bay Avenue, walt whitman Federat savings is a division oi-W".t SiO" Federal Savings and Loan and loan the largest saviigs e*".i"tl*, " associationin the northeast. Ap,ano .ecita, was at he,d homi of Mrs. Fred, Bourcher t,i Laurel on Saturday afternoon, June 2. The sollists w"re, Patty-JoDeerkoski, Jenny Deerkoski' Barbara sheren' Tracy Twomev' Tina Bassi' Dannv Bassi,Kevincrimn Cin'u "na *". Gianonne. A guitar a"a played by c"rtrt ci"r"""" ""j Mrs. Boutcher, o'l'inJalr"i ""uby " rina and wasperrormed DannyBassi.r"rr"*i", ii. *i n:;"",mti,:nk:*: ftiends. ltvt4 /./, /f ?, , ortheShepish lirm andcon,nren. emptovee 0u,,.\\'ithp,cr,,,es ':;],,-|1i ;;: l,i"',1' :iili ,l;;l],, ,,,,,' ,J'rvz)r, t q I " s1r" D1r*-I7-}Iaypue\;J' ,Jxxffiff:{ii;#."f;;;#d"i'i:i1; M:ttit::r s"r" of6,l'.1, k)1oii(.?r'h Lover.xoe. uppropriatins uv wrrwor\r iill;;;";;ui'illiritu.r try the chdmber ofl Corrrmerce, fronr {ables provide.t in strategrc will be held this year on Saturday. locnlionsthroughout the area. ,i July14.from9am.to6Pm.Love Ccneral Chairnran Dorothy Lane will be closed to truftic trorn )'oerges sa1,sa circus theme will to couer initial survey and planning $g,'ooo costs, The scene of the county-financed projectwillbeMattituckInlet,atwlmile liiuutary ot Long lsland Sound and ttre only H:?1ii11*::iT"I:l:n tn"'" o**"": -",1t;ff"'"",.t'i;,tl,lf.i"n,nu.,,u ";::r i:l:;""j ir:,i"i,.1,';i:,,-t: l i ( ' n s a n d p r e s e n ! l h e r r N a r c ' \ e D l p n d r t n r e n r* h i c h r n c t u d ei , d i r e c t l y i n f r o n t o f t h e i r p l a c e s o fl 4 i s s y M a t t i t u c k r o n l e s t , a n a r t , CircleJune30asthedateforthegemsand Mattituck junk s?le being sponsoredby the business,sayspresidentMicheltc isrs alley, a clown paraclc.music The Ladies Auiliary. Becker. Other participants, not and dancing. Fire Department's high schoolgroundsis the place to be from 8:30 to 3:30 on June 30 You will also find STRAWRERRY FESTtvAL-sunnv teathT'heapprarance crafts, yard sale itms, a pennycandy booth "j " l":9 :l,:.tC^T.t er and mounds of berries highli8hted the cows on the North Road' t"ttlll_tl; as welL as cakes, soda and chips for sale. Mattituck Lions' ?5th annual Strawberry or Katie Kosianlast Wednesday,tPstedtht melue or Call Deb Zuhoski,298-5081, police officers who responded-_to.a Festival saturday, Eelow' newly+rowned for more information. o*ski, 29g-58gg, ;:lTi,,TJ,[Tffi,lffiJ"';:::1'ff,11: li'l'f#"i:1"-:il""Jdl;"11,*ill#iHil"ilnil,ilJJfi,';Iiryill3"J i,O'iiu"r", which includes a Iarge cast of of well wishers. At l€ft, a mcmber of the ney Harris and Police Otficer John boys and girls from grades I through 6, Admission is free, so iall your friends or neighborand come to the schoolto see how w e l l o u r y o u n g s t e r s d o o n s L a gYeo u w i l l b e sure to enjoy chris DeckJr as oliverl clark proved their prowess as impromptu cowhandsby skillfully organizing a cattle drive that qurcxry J;;iitt"til;;;d"itrantt'"ra' ' ' ;;;;il;t;;;Gtiersponaea Donna Heinr as Mr. Bumble and Mrs. corny, and Renee chituk as the Artful Dod{o, to.name a few of the leading wyck of Freeman Drive' Mattituc[' thit a large pile of hay had-ble1 droopedonwickhamAvenue'Police NeJraborskyand r"T""-pi*f .limmycirriityasraiini '' :61'c '^'+h' ti?"r1|1ii",Ffrb? u'" f":I:TL: reputation depsrtment's P"!]1jii;;r"" Allwhoattendedtheretirementdinnerfor NickchickatlheMattituckManoronJure ii"'l iar"-v".nnv'' f"::tl"t ,,oriver,.,is b! being.directed d;il:;il;;ft;;a"l-upr,"ra characters. Mrs.carol Peters...'{ur'} /?/ / ? 7 1 t-t l[:J:"*il.' ],lJtil::l iii:? seemedto enjoy themselvesso very much. we all extend our best wishes to Mr. and ii!1ifil"?T',jJi^#1"{#3,T.::,l"j,tilrj,ll t".r.-ift.rr"g""'s+;J; ;;ll surery miss 'i "1;':^i" ''?i '",l,vi,eni1i, fJtl{Jii,it.:'il,i:frii-'" potential danger totrallicyr>'/2'f 24 Wffiffiffitrtr$ffid **lrd"ilil *s*r*il*hiHr*"; ; l",['"l'i:il1i"$itrdl,ffi Try ;'s:$inin fit*ffi r*u*'$***'"u "$*+ .,ffit* $$F'ntsiffi *"F it}*fr.*rr.'i ""#ql:e$mt{,- ffi**ffiffi*W H'*ffi'ffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffi** j s.f)estroY edB v Fire An ,r.Ltrg ;Z/, /Qa{/ (, 'ffi :: &," Wisp of smoke rises fi'om firecharred Anchor Inn, in Mattituck, Monday, as firemen f i n i s hf i g h l i n g b l a z e . More than MATTITUCK $150.000 in danrage was done to the Anchor lnn here Monday when a fire raged thrbugh the well-known restaurant. "Everything inside is burned out...trying to salvage anything is useless," said William Chudiak, commissioner of the Mattituck He said the Fire Department. building was completely Iost in the early rnorning fire. Firemen from ihree fire departments battled the blaze. Over 40 men from the Mattituck departmenl were joined at the scene on Mill Road by 20 men from Cutchogue and about 10 men from Southold. The fire was called in by lhe restaurant's owner, Lewis Welsh, at 9115a.m. Chudiak said that when the firemen arrived, the kitchcn was filled with intense heat and smoke and, as the men lorced their way into the area, the fire sPread was fullY Later, the building involved in flame, he said "lt looks like it was on fire since been there since 1932. Koch said that for many years the waterfront Anchor lnn had attracted boaters to the area. The business had become a well-known local said Chudiak. about 2 a.m.," "The minute they opened a door, up wcnt the building.' been known. By 3;30 Monday afternoon, the firemen had put the fire out but clean-up efforts continucd into the night. As the firemen rolled up hoses, membtrs of the police arson squad, who are called iD Welsh said he spotted the fire from his nearby hilltop home. He said he ran the busincss for the past four years. "l'm just Soing to try to get it going before the summer's over, We had a good season coming and now it's gone," he said. An employee a1 the restaurant, Louis Koch, said the building had feature said Koch, adding that while the owners have changed, the name and premises have long routinely to invesligate large fires, began combing the rubble. A spokesman for the squad said Tuesday that the fire was as yei of origin, He estiundetermined mated the loss at $150,000. .. -r^" I.ov€ ,i,,J* t(10 ycars_Aqe *i,.i#ililt ;flilT_"j,ll:"ffi ber by lrade, plan to engage in a new businessJuly t The two riei wrll start ^ muskrat farm on the wickham esrare.The rats will be raised for their fur, there beine a great demand for muskrat fur in the market. b, 14 7,; T,yl:L,J \$-rrelof iaulidower of ."-'lu'"t 89, was shipped l],tj"jtll,t9J9 r'A l ulhill to Westervelt ind if N Y. Earty cauliflower :1"tn::t' 1il.:",,:j:j,:.'i,f,"$"L.T":: thenl '),uvtz .zL lq 7(/ Mattftck-CutchogueTeacKersAssociation; Memory of Cynthia Siegel: Soroptimist 9800Mattituck Lions Club Scholarship. Internationalof North Fork ($50). CherylCase:ElizabethDohertyMemorial Jeffery Foster: Mattituck-Cutchogue Award ($100Scholarship). TeachersAssociation$23SScholarship. pr.',:ia Ruth Yagle: Friends of Mattituck Frtr Hurley: Mattituck-Cutcirogrre Library (925Award); Mattituck-Cutchogue TeachersAssmiation $235ScholarshiD. ($400 Teachers Association Schoiarship): Dantel Kuiawski: Mattituck Lions Club North Fork Environmental Council Award $800Scholar;hrD. ($25); Southold Velerans of Foreign Wars Claire Koch: Mattituck Lions Club $400 ($25SavinBsBond), ScholarshiD. W i l l i a m W i l s b e r g : I n d u s t r i a l A r t s A w a r d . B e a t r i c eN e m s c h i c k :M a s o n i c L o d s e o f Lorraine Guido: Ladies Auxiliary, Greenport ($lb0). Mattituck Fire Department {$25 Savings Bond); Mattituck-Cutchogue Teachers William Gildersleeve: Nichols Collese Association$235Service Award; Mattituck $2,000Scholarship. High SchoolStudent Council ($100). James Senatore: Nichols College gt,000 Ellen Fing€r: Mattituck-Cutchogue Scholarship. Friends of the Schml (9200Sdholarship). Paul Brauner: Northville Dock Corlrene Tsontakis: Mattituck-Cutchogue poration (925SavingsBond). Friends of the Schml ($200Scholarship): Paul Espensen: Southold Town SoutholdRotary Scholarship($300): Pqlicemen's BenevolentAssmiation (gZS). MarjorieSiegelr Maattituck-Cutchogue Daniel Sceviour: Southo)d Town Teachers Assmiation $400ScholarshiDin Policemen's BenevolentAssmiation ($7br OneBurSlary Reporteo e4 5p yearsago Awards at Mntlilgsl( High Schopll {-L/t5..' Ot: ) 41cl Julia Brmks: Bmrd /of Education Valedictorian Award (cold Trophy). Scott Burlingame: Bmrd of Education SaluLatorian Award (Gold Trophy); gbo Savings Bond for Highest Mathematics Average (given by Culligan Water Conditioning); $50 Savings Bond for Highest Mathematics and Science Average (given by Custer Irotitute for Research): 9400 Mattituck-Cutchogue Teachers Association Scholarship. Claudia Sawicki: Dorothy Worth Grant ($200)l Dr. Stanley P. Jones Memorial Scholarship (9200)i Eastern Long Island Hospital Association Scholarship (9300): Southold Senior Citizens Club Award ($25)i Southold Post No. 9205Veterans of Foreign Wars Award (925Savings Bond). Rcemary Quallis: CutchogueLions Club $500Scholarship; Friends of Mattituck Free Library Award (925)i Ladies Auxiliary, Griswold-Terry-Glover Post American Legion Scholarship; $400Scholarship from 200Gallonso( Ga s Stolen of Jul] excursions are ,.lth nunjerous this year. The .,Cott., rurrs.in thc murning between her re^g_urrrsropping places ancl Sag narbor, lenving Soulhold at 7:JO a.nr_ and retuining in rhe even_ 'uq . L o n g r a t u l a l l i ) nlso N o r m a P o r d a no f O l e Jule Lane. who has retired from her quarler o l a c e r ) l u r vp o s i t i o no n W a l l S t r e e t .N o r m a w a sh o o o r e di n a b i g w a y a t t h eV i l l a P a u lo n June 27 by scveral of her good friends, n i r r n e l y :C l a i r e a n d V e r a S t a i b , B e a a n d Howard Hardy, !-red Walters, Olga and Ed (lordes.Also on hand to surprise Norma on lhis special occasionwere her friends Ann Dunnrar: ol Philadelphia and Haywood V a u g h no l T e x a s .l t w a s a g r e a t p a r t y T h e M a l t i t u c k F i r e D e p a r t m e n tb r o u g h t honre all the honors ll'om the North Forl{ !olunteer F-lremet)s ,\ssociation parade a l r d t o u r n a r n e r l tw. h i c h w a s h o s t e db y t h € Southold F i f c D e p a r t m e n t o n . l u n e : ] 0f t w o n l j r s t p l a c e i D t h c B e s t A p p e a r a n c ec l a s s , h a v i n g2 i )m e m b e r si n t h el i n eo l m a r c h . l ' h e i \ l a t t i l u c kt s u l l d o g rsa c i n gl e a n t i s a l s oy e r ] ' proud 01 (herr lnany victories for lhe day, h a v i n g\ v o n : l i r s t p l a c ei n C a r t a n d H o s e : seconcp i lace in running ladder: second p l a c ei n e i l i c i e n c y :t h i r d p l a c ei n t h r e e - m a n l a d d e r : t h i r d p l a c o i n w a t e r b u c l t e t s :I i r s t place rn all-porrrrstt'oplryt), cL, $ /Q ?7 ( o n g l a t u l a t i o n s a. l s o . r , i l 5 ) / F - d M . n b . L a d r e sA u r r l r a r r. w h o w $ r s e i o n d p l a c e r n t h e B e s tA p p e a r a n c ed i v i s i o n . y""":ilT:lli-'H"'f;1"':lT:',i"i"l;F"l;T Y:'."l'jl"'j Jl;fx"'':il[";: ryl,i;ilxf "#"ilHil:"illl,il"'l;"ii,T;T,i.xTi,l y"::H'iii,,t'i,:'3"5f'lili"",'."1i'i'illi iiiJ,lTl,'ii1 ;1il:;,15j'T"-ln ff"f:ff:::.';f:"il"jl: :;:':ff":',ij:*H:: ffi""1i'i:1i:l,Ti:lHi"J.ilH,ffll ffi?fi::,i'.iJ;l',#::]"j,;ll:,tufl: n*";J"Iilllli,J;:i:fi'#,x'*.li: matches imide the house. Mr. Si:"T:. barnyte sald, but nothing else aDpearedto naLe. TeI distutbr*.;ea. -;n2;idl", --/ An illustrated feature Pi::: 11 (N.Y.) the Monroe-WoodburY ',ur,r-, 7 L't , l1 Junc 28.l8?9 Ptroto N e was h'&-d!)t't fi Rot..t | T[1eSundaynewspapertrain commenced Hughes:High on Life at 96" (date running on Sunday. We hear considerable M a y 3 0 ) r e v i e w s h i s c a r e e r , complaint about the boys charging t0 cents mentioning his early teaclting lor the Herald, Sun and other Sunday days, which included a few years papers. If they cannot sell papers at a fair as principal of Mattituck High price they shouldnol be palronized. School,circa 1912, but in more As engineer Heizman of engine 25 was detailof his life in Harriman. He speedingtoward Jamesport wilh the mail was principal at Harriman for 22 train for Greenport, on Monday, he disyears. Later he was appointed coveredon the track a short distanceahead village clerk of Harriman, where a little child. He immediately reversed his he served18 years, and continues engineand whistledfor down breaks,and as he did so the thought flashed through his to be the village's of{icial nota.y. And, the article continues, not mind that he had read of children being saved by the engineer hanging on to the content to sit back and take it pilot of the engine and grasping the child easy, he has just completed and offered for circulation his first Jusl as the locomotive got to it, and as he started to try the hazardousundertakinghe novel. entitled "Met", after the s a w t h a t h i s f i r e m a n h a d a n t i c i p a t e dh i m . p r i n c i p a lc h a r a c t e r ,T h e b o o k The fireman. Charles Jones.rvho a minute depicts the turn of the century beforehad steppedout on the plattorm of the with emphasis on the Spanish engine to oil some of lhe machinery, when AmericanWar and World War I. he heard l.he engineer blow the warning Mr. Hughes and his good wife. whistle,lookedaheadand saw the little child Leta, will celebrate their 6hh anniversaryon December10. toddling along, apparently not aware of its great danger, witli a remarkable presence of mind instantlystarted forward and swung We wanted to add our congrathimself down upon the pilot. Thrusting one uiationsto Mr. Norman Reilly Jr. foot betweenthe bars of the pilot, he rested ofthe Mattituck Fire Department on his knee,and bendingforward, was able who was named "Fireman of the to reacha little in advanceof the pilot. When Year". Mr. Reilly, who teaches the enginerushedupon the child Joneswith industrial arts and driver educaa tremendouseffort clutched the little one, tion at Mattituck High Schml, raised it from the ties and swung it cl€ar of was one of the principai organithe pilot. Taking the child in his arms he zers of the Rescue Squad and remainedin his dangerouspositjonuntil the devotesa great deal of personal lrain was stopped. time and effort to service to the community. T[is was a wel)a e s e r v e dh o n o r l l r t w L l , 1 ' 1 7 7 \7,'rt LY,!47 7 . t u n e 2 8!,9 2 $ Dtring the severe electrical storm on GeoffroyPenny, sonof Mr, and Tuesday evening of this week. while lhe Mrs. George Penny III, was Auditorium was crowded with parenG ano named to the Dean's List at friends at lhe 48th annual commencement Bentley College, Waltham, Masexercisesof the Greenport High School,the sachusettsG . eoff, a June'78 l l a g p o l eo n t h e l o w e r o f t h e b u r l d i n sw a s graduate of Mattituck HiSh splinteredby a bolt of lightning. School, is a najor in__Business -H, tr )2 Management.y(< 1@ Years-Ago large quantiry...V& -- -:' ' '/ ^7 SupervisorMertoachiaDiesin I supercREENpORT--AlbertMartocchia, vr. Year ,Kpor^ritysidetracked bv a bovhmd leg politically in 1939.when he was electec Iyrurto"r,n*u!*ffi'#08;o!r7"J He became heoublican committeman Southotrl Town GOP leader in 1963 He ierved u years as tax assessor of Southold Town until 1968,when he was apJrctntec supervisor to fill the unexpired term ot Leiter Albertson, who resigned tD become hard-nosed lTli L^-^*^ active .D}i\,6 countyclerk. Mr. Martmchia waselectedin "f tl1{ first became athleticswas Martocchia Mr' for competitive love and East H'is trr" lrufuJ rji"!i"i"iJ-'rt his own right in 1969and iD four successrve '{arionFirehouSeS.Afterreturninghomei:1'lljil:r]::::il!J]l1i]|:1liljili:]:!xll$}sNil$*ffitslwssM elections. ollouing the East Marion meetinS. he omDlainedof chestpainsand was rushedto .Mr. Martocchia prided himself on berng lasiern Long Island Hospital. He was accessibleto the public as supervisor.His rsnsuced dead shortly after midnight home telephon€ numb€r remained listed Mr Marttrchia's position as supervisor and he personally returned almost every will be assumed temporarily by Deputy phone call made to him at T0wn Hall. He SupervisorJames }loman, who presided was a familiar figure at parades, public over a regular Town Board meetinP meetings and sportjng eveDts, and be Tuesday. greeted almost everyoneby first name. the of a member Rensselaer Terry. Although he had a reputationas a sawv Republican nominating committee which political strategist, he maintained that had recently chosen Mr. Martocchia for politics had no place in town governmenl. reelectionas supervisor,said a meeting to "We don't play politics around here," he name Mr. Martocchia's successorwould be was quoted as saying in April, 1978."The service funeral today's after schedLrled only time we play politics is in November." The Town Board votedTuesdayafternoon 30 days for half mast at flags Town flv all to Mr. Martmchia was past presidentof the in honor of Mr. Martmchia's memory ln Greenport Rotary Club, a former trustee of addition. Town Hall will be closed until I Eastern Long Island Hospital, and a p.m. today, and all non-essentialTown member of the GreenportFire Department, employeeswill be given the morning off in the Greenport-SoutholdChamber ot Com, services funeral the to attend order merce, the Knights of Columbus and the Tuesdav Holy Name Smiety. Town Clerk Judith T. Terry said Town employeeswere collecting funds to planta gardenmemorial to Mr. Martocchia Mr. Martocchia is survived by his wife. near Town Hall. Marion, of S€venthStreet, Greenport. Also Justce Martin Suter, a member of the surviving are four sisters,Helen Taglieri of Town Board,said it had been suggestedby New Jersey, Yolanda Quinn of Southold. senior citizen-youth that the boardmembers Emily Conca and Agnes Engineri, both of center in Southold be named after Mr' SagHarbor; a brother,NicholasMartocchia Martocchia. of Utica, N.Y., and numerous nieces and Albert Martcchia was born in Greenport. nephews. i m o f I t a l i a n t h e s o n on May 28,1911, A Rcary servicewas held last night at the miaants. JoseDhand Camilla Martocchia Horton Funeral llome, Creenport. It was publicschoolin the village until He-attended preceded by special memorial services the age of ti, when he went to work fullcondiicted by tbe Grenport !-ire Departtime, at Veteran'sCigar Store following the ment and the Knights of Columbus. death of his father. ln ]ater years he spoke A funeral Mass will be held at 9:30 this with pride of scing his name spelled out on morning at St. Agnes R.C. Church. billboards during political campaigns. Greenportat which Father Rocco Gallitelli recalling that his father had been known will be the celebrant. Internrent follows all St Apnps CamPlprv only as "Numb€r Five" when he worked at the old Sage Brickyard. is-or J SoutnofA Town and chairman d the Southold Town Republican Comnittuu,OiuOot heart attack early Tueiday " 68. norning.He was Mr.Marlocchia'sdeathcameattheendof longwork day which concludedwith public Sportsmen'sCigar Store on Front Street, Greenport for 3? years. The establishment became a meeiing place for village residents, who stopped by regularly to discuss sports and' politics with the and other customers proprietor ' SoutholdTown Justice Martin Suter emerged as the town Republican'snominationthis week to succeedthe late Albert Martocchiaas supervisor. But CouncilmanJames Homan will remain as acting supervisoruntil January in the vaSOUTHOLD-Filling cuum left bY the death of Supervisor Albert Martocchia' Southold RePublicans met Monday night and named Towr Suter as thelr Justice Martin candidate for suPervisot' At the same meetinS' the town organization chose Fred Hulse Jr' toierve as PartY chairman for the hotly contested. n*tor*,A|nnry 9y"" .a-S0 yearsAso Jut)t::.re::) \\./4t}-'l{?1 unrlrrt'ck--fi"ilatt'iucl{Hrstor-ical Societv wiil be open every Saturday altercree{bofl and lhe East End were vrsrteo n o o n d u r r n g J u l y a n d A u g u s t [ r o m 2 l o 4 p m U u i t r " t a l t - e n ao f a ( r e a k e l e c t r r c a ls l o r m tnafter' The compler of hrstorical buildtngs ii"i .*"o, Long lsland wednesday DullI nlJny clude the Museum. the origirtal house noon.Creenportescapeddanlage.but 'n" krlleo and was t'ru.lr1[-Ll-91?[ in 1810.plus the barn. the milk-house r,uitainn.*ot" ''r{'' c'' Lrt(te Red Schoolhousewhich has been 21 fl1ys!5ps6 r) + v.\ " g o i n g l h r o u g h r e s t o r a l r o n l h i s p a s t y e a r-' - > A v o u n g m a r r u h o s c - n a { r t i w a s n o l stnull l n a d d r t r o nl o l l r e S a l u r d a v : 1 " : * : i Cirufi"J-"uho rs rhe ouncr ol a North openings,LheSociety has a prograT;vct.{ .ou.h- typu of auto, was on the ' " p u u t t t l h e he w h l c h fourth luesday to R o a d l a s t W e d n e s d a vn r g h l w l l e r e - rnvited DEAN'' Lrsr ferv remaining months of Martocchia's term. Sources say lt ls likely that Councilman James Homan, who has said he will not office seek election to anY town this year, will then be named to take over as Party chairman. Suter will face Democratic Councilman William R. Pell III in a campaign that is exPecled to be injury,butthatdidn't.stophimfr,rm.boxing and playrng football and baseball He foundedand coachedthe Greenport Rams semlprofessional football team, which developeda region-widereputation for its t *t * t I L TOWN JUSTICE M ARTIN SUTER Lar rlres Damagedb/y7?,1 Louis Lessard of Legion Avenue, Mlt tifuck. told policethat holeswere punchedit all four tires of his mother's car while it was parked at her home on Main Road. Mat_ tituck, and that the tires on a boat trailer and a Jeep at the same lmation had been dT1g"^9:,1: estimated the cost at $250. L e s l i eJ . E r d n r a no f M a n i r u c k has been namedto the dean's list with high honors at Nichols College for the second semester of the I 978-79 academic year. Ms. E r d m a n , c l a s s o f 1 9 7 9 ,r e c e i v e d her B.S.B.A. degreefrorn Nichols recently she mijored in systems nanagement while at Nichols' ,.Who's Who she wis selectedto Among Students in American Univereitiesand Colleges", and was a menrber of the AmericaD Marketing Association,the "N" Varsity Club and the track team. A graduate or uattituct< ttigh school,sheis the daugnte,ot M'i. and Mrs william "n gtarnan oi 1360Delmar Drire:fuL4tl'/ 7ri il::H'L;i;'l3';:1ffi':;";'J'''L';:l ':*:,'"J ilf"f;Ji""[ilff:y o u n g m a l "JiL"t$"; ing^rqnlltll The ni*r6*a looklng refused.With lhat he found himselt , n u "ri" of a revolver and the t t u inio sit still while strangercurtly ordered him to '[he stranger t toiO"d rf," rur into the car ' " eoiiniotteUactotthecarandinlormedthe speedto Eiiver that if he did not drive at full he would fill him full ot lead' ilu*r'"'a was Arriving in R'verhead' the liquor young unloadedin a place unfamiliar to the to back ride man. There was another wild still itre North Road site with the bootlegger mcupying the back seat with a revolver threitening the dri.ver' When they arrived back at the parking site th€ boollegger giving sprang out of the car and instead of tire yJEg man ttre$s0 the rum runner with an oath-tordered him to drive on or else he would shoot him down 26, 1Z Helicopter CrashKillspilot Pilot lnjured in PEne Oash MArrrrucK-.Fou , *-*o"^MEr^r(' J{,!t"?fil, thatbecause ofthehotmiddav engine B€chcraft plane esca{fO i"r- weather the air was not dense enough to ious in3ury when the cralt cra;ii-landed enable him to rise as quickly as he should, hericopter was operated bv rsrand ..1f'' .,ii'f:"tJiX.:1.';t'.i::;$,*!::ttij after overshooting the landing strip a1 with a full load of passengersand fuel. The craft narrowly missed telephone wires at Mattitucl- airport Sunday. Avenue in Jamesport. Police said ihe only casualty was the pilot, the edge of Marratooka Rmd and plunged Spiro Paulakis, lt, of Ho*uid Beach,'who 150feet into the woods before coming to a was raken from the crash site halt, its nose in the ground and its tail hung was treated at Eastern Long Island Hcpital \::,0"],:. f.uii u""iAJnt U""ru.u of the fair. ".u.t weather. Riverhead police and am- crear " for a cut lip that required several stiches. up in trees that had cushioned its fall. The !-ederar Aviation Ad11lullncet bulancevoiunteersstruggled ," r'e-:* Police Officer Dennis Bannon, who investHis passengers, including his l3-year-old ministration was-c"lludin to investigate the adminjstering oxygen a'Jita l]T daugbter, Ann, and her friend, Mary Ann igated the crash with Police Sgt. Theodore !l as hasmade nodec'ision qropurmonary as countzis, 13, massase, urt r," Beebe ,iXl; i,illi"Jj;3i1 vet and Police Officer Claude Kumjian, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and J a m e s E v a n g l o w , 3 0 , o f R i c h m o n d 1 1 1 ; 1 s, a i d t b e c r a f t w a s o u t o f R e p u b l i c A i r p o r t i n Farmingdaleand was ownedby the Lincoln escapedwith a shaking up. o f a L o n g l s l a n d L i g h t i n g C o . w e a t h e r t o w e. r r o r s e v e r a l w e e k s B r m k s h a d b e e n l i v i n p According to Federal Aviation Adminis- AviationCompany Thenseofthecraftand o n l a n d o w n e d b y t h e u t i l i t y , b u r w h r c h i s l l , 1 n o u l e .r n C u t c h o g u ea l o n g u i t h o r h e i tration iGpec[ors who investigated tbe one wtng were damaged l e a s e dt o l c a l f a r m e r s . T h e o r a n g e a n 4 l ' 1 9 : 1 n 9 h a d m a d e p l a n st o m a r r ) l , u a n n crash, The Mattituck Fire Department was Mr. Paulakis endeavored to gain u r o n o s k ro t ( u t c h o g u ei n O c t o b e r . q h r t e t o w e rw a s b u i l l i n 1 9 7 3 H i s h o d v altitude for a new landing attempt when he called to the scene shortly after nmn and i n a d v a n c eo f c o m p a n yp l a n s t o b u i l d t w o n u c l e a rD o w e r w a s . l a l { e n t o h i s f a m i l y s h o m e i n c o n - saw his craft was overrunning the airstrip. hoseddown the area becauseaviation fuel n e c l l c u tl o r b u r i a l . p l a n t si n t h e a r e a . He failed to take into consideration.Fee spillage had created a potentialfire hazard. a potalo-rierd rooyu,J.;itT"!:lll5 $l,,::.tJ;: "j",S,li:iSlil_l r:.*;:i x""""*, s;o"k.iii, oro*pwut"., ._111, ii| i""#'i-"]:l:5,T"iT:f.i,nfi,::fi:S ''iT"Xil#i:1,"",:Hli1T"j-"iX1',i?';,," '4 /'Lt r :2-, ?? Olin P. Tuthill[.(- t t_ ,,t,i74 t ,d 'n r trw,#r O l i n P T u l h i l l , 6 9 , { X i e d v u l3y a t h i s h o m ( in Riverhead. Mr. TuthiU farmed on Sound Avenue for many years, Iater working as a title overseer.He was a member of the SoundAvenue Grange for 50 years, and of the Sound Avenue Congregational Church (Firsl Parish Church). where he served as treasurer S u r v i v i n g i s h i s w i f e , M a d e l i n eY o u n g Tuthill: three children. Bradford of ttiverhead, Captain Lanny Tuthill of Germ a n y , a n d M r s . C a r o l y n L . S h e e h a no l CharlotteN . . C . ,a n d n i n e g r a n d c h i l d r e n . Funeral services were held at the Sound Avenue CongregationalChurch on July 6. with the Rev. Paul Martz officiating. Arrangements were by the Reginald H. Tuthill Funeral Home. Interment followed in lhe SoundAvenue Cemetery. f, Harvey Bagshawat the Starlite body shoD o n M a i n R o a d . M a t t i t u c k ,t o l d p o l j c ; l a ; t Sundaythat two speakersvalued it $ssohaO beenslolen from an automobile owned bv Jeffrey Beaulieu of Claremont. N.H. while the vehiclewas parked at lhe body shop. Tso days later Mr. Bagshaw reported , rnal gasollneamountingto about 40 gallons had been siphonedfrom the tanks of four cars standingat the same locat;oi!/tit4 The library would like to thank Bill Nicoi, Marine Sciences teach_ er at Mattituck High School, for senlng up the large salt water aquarium now on display in rhe library for the sunmer.'He *as ably assisted by Mike Cortese, Bill Ellwood and students Joe Taylor. Mark Ellwood and Chrrs Zimnoski, who moved the tanx from Mr. Nicot's room at rhe hiBh school. New additions to the tank include a seahorse and a purple starfish, so stop in and seeiheml I ne Crlchogue-New Suffolk Historical Council held its annral meeting in the Village Green's Wickham farmhouse on Monday, July 16, Officers elected were William Wickham, presidenr; Winifred Billard, vice president; Virginia McCaffery, recording secretary; Isabel Ross, corresponding sccretary; Walter Kae" lin, treasuret. Directors for a three-!ear term are W. presloD Tuthill, Mary Jane Horvath, Robert Horvdth, Mafiorie Burterworth and Margaret Szymanow-,r ski. Mrs. Joan Rowland is tlte. reririrg presidenr havilg Selved tor rhe pasr two terrns. fl/ac/ Uot toerges rePorted that great (iItADUATE-Thonras J. Sawicki, sou Mattituck Sale DaY was a of of Coml\'lm. llelen Sawicki and the la(e Johil V. success. The Chamber the Sawicki, was graduated luay 20 from merce i7., de)l\E,hted).wtth l)elaware Valley College of Science and r e s p o n s e j / L / v . l 7 , t I ' / ., to E-Year-old Concr6lulatlons ARrirulture, Doylesto*n, pa.. reteivilg a bachelor of sciencedegree il biology. Hel Kellv ErabtreL who was selected "Miss qas a member of ahe college horticultur.l from among 29 entrants as KellY. the daugnler societr. and is currently enrplo).edby Miller Mattituck" Lrab' ('hemical and Ferlilizer Corporatiotras at! of Mr. and Mrs William and area sales r€pres€ntativ€and Dlalaget.of tree, told us she "felt Sood the nOrtheaskrn !varehousein Riverltead. excited" at being selected Kelly tor has summeted in Mattituck ceorsr c. W,],f :r!"t& ceor(e and will be the past several Years and Wilma Matthews,receiveda bachelor,s Annuncla' entering 4th Srade at degree in anthropology from Fordham lne tion School in Westchester ln College in the Bronx May 22. A l97.-r fall. g r a d u a t eo f M a i l i t u c k H i g h S c h o o l C . (. *,. also go^to the Congratulations r s e m p l o v e db y C r t i b a n ki n \ e u . , . .1 ,1 1 1 r . 9-year- 'lhe Mattituck F-ree Library ts very i i p l l e c t a t r v eo l t h e t i m e g i v e n b y T e r e s a \ r l J w . u n e { } l O U rl o c a la r l t S t S . for lhe most ( ' r ) ) o y a b lper o j e c l ,. . p e b b l ep e o p t e , , , s h ed i d \ ) l h l h e c h i l d r e n i n t h e B _t o l 2 - v e a r - o l r l g r l u p i U a n )o f t h e I i n eo u t c o m e s a r i n o wo n r ] | . p l a . r r rt h e l r b r a r y .T h u r s d a y m o r n r n g sa l l . i ,( o n ( i n u e1 0b e a b u s yt i m e a t t h e libiarv. ( t r (n t h e , { - t o7 _ y e a r _ o t d s e n j g yt h e l rS D e c i a l .', on\\a/n z G/,q.t;/ l.y.llu : I ld^|,f-. sessi Eqwaro Ulctlanowjcz. (bn df Mi and -.J [lr s Joseph E. Cichanowicz of New SLffolk , \ v e i l u s . . 1 s s s 1 1 1 lj yo i n e d t h e E l e c t f l c p o w e r ncsearch tr)stltule in palo Alto, Calif. Ed is a r968 graduate of Mattituck High School. a runner'uD in this contest' she old JesslYn Lenzner. who said "feelshappy about it" Jesslyn ts Mrs the daughier of Mr' and and hel morn Robert Lenznsr, tells us that i1 w1s aJlh::.::jd idea to entel. Jesslynis a studer at Mattituck School and will enter 4th grade in September' Membsrsof the Hallockfamily from all parts of the country will be gatheringat the Holiday Inn in Riverhead for a gala familY reunion on August 4 and 5 beginningat 9 a,m. on Saturday morning. lncluded in this gettogetherwill be a tour of historic family sites, beginning at the Maftituck Presblteri4QChurchFt iz *on on sai,aavltr^'Lt)s The Mattitgc| Jree-lbrary is sponsoring,5nothdr Hdult Tour to take place on Sunday, July 29 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The four sites to visit are the Tuthill House, currently maintained by the Msftituck Historical Society. Built in 1775 and added to in 1820, houses many examples of local memorabilia;the Siemerline House on Reeve Avenue is a c o n t e m p o r a ( yC a l i f o r n i a r a n c h built in 1976,with a lovely view of Marratooka Lake and boasts sme very special interior designi the Jers House, renovated by the owners of Mattituck Greenhouse in 1976,with the original house dating backto 1850;the Kujawsti House,renovatedin 1976with the original land deeded to Richard Ho*'ell in 1675.Tickets are $4.00 and are availableat the Library. t-r/\ 25 YeqrsA.gg^ ". Y**^"" July 13.llrs{ The Gre6nport Band presented its firsl summer concert at thc conclusion of the annual Presbyterian Church Fair. The s i x t e e D - p i e cb[ a n d , u n d e r t h e d i r e c t i o no f Frank Corrvin o[ Greenpor[, presented a va.rietyol seloctionsand was enioyedby all. Xwith a record altendance. a special h o u s e - r v a r n r i nsgc r v i c e a t r d r e c e p t i o nw a s h e l d l a s l S u n d a va l l e r n o o nb y t h e A d v c n l Lutheran Church, Mallrluck, a( tls neu' l o c a t i o n( , n L € g r o nA v e n u e .M a t t i t u c k .T h e o l t h ed e d i c a t i o n wasa celebralion occasion o f t h e b a s e m e nut n i t o l t h e p r o p o s e dc h u r c h b u i l d i n g .w h i c h r v a s d e d i c a l e dl a s t E a s t e r Sunday S O U l l l u L U - r v r r , , u , , ' D s d u r r e uo l l v l a t t ! tuck was fined a total of $300 by Town Justice Martin Suter at last Friday's town cuurl session.Nilfleen caseswere schedttl t}t* c-Gt I S 2 7 ed on lhe dtrcket was Mr lleaulreuflrasvfined $200 and placed on probiiion {or three years olr a was Thc gasoline.iiurtion t a. c h r r e e o l c l r r v i n gw h i l e h i s l i c e n s e e . a s e du p 5 ( , m e w h ajru d g i n g b 1 " ievo[ed lte *as frned $50 each aflcr l h c h e a v ) t r a f f i c t a s r F r r d a y . r pieaOingguitty to disorderly conduct and S a t u r d a ya n d S u n d a y .L i t t l e S e a d r i v i n e; i l t e h i s a b i l i t y w a s i m p a i r e d ' Anttr'ony Swigget of Laurel was found S p r a y ,o u r t r a f f i c w a l c h e r , s a v : a luly trial of menacing and eu,Ltv t h a rr h e g a s h i r w a s o n l v t h e p a r r "ti". possessionol a dangerousweapon irirninal a n s w c ( ,( h e r e a l r c a s o nw a s t h c and wrs sentencedto serve a year in the b i g e v e n t s i n C u t c h o g u eo n the countyjail rn Riverhead.oneach charge' the weekend.'fhe antiqueflea nrarkel lern]s t(, run concurrently' o n t h c V i l l a g eG r e e nw a sa s b i g a s ever and the Lions'antique car 'fechs h o w o n g g n i s y a 1 t h e D e p o t 1972graduate oi Clarkson Ctollegeol Lane Schoolalso was a big evenL n o l o g ya n d a l 9 7 Sg r a d u a t eo l t h e G r a d u a t e a 5w a st h e B a r n D a n c e4 4e l o r ; e r ' s S c h o o lo l t h e U n i v c r s i t y o l C a l i f o r n i a a l B e r k e l e y A l E P R I E d i s m a n a g i n gs e v e r a r barrr last Frida5 night.'l/,e/7e1 resear(h proJectsdirccted at the develop'Th" m e n l o t e n v t r o n m q n t a l l yc l e a n ,g o ; l l , b u r n No.th Fork Community rngpo*cr plarrts. I ,\La .LGt I ( A Theatre production this summer Willrarn Frln olj'ecohlc Bay Bou'levard will be "Little Mary Sunshine" was r) charge of lhe peconic Rose Societv which will open on August 9, with gardeD lout whrch look place Saturrlav additional petformances on AugB o t h B r l l s b e a u t l l u lr o s eg a r d e l a n d t h a t o f ust 10, ll. 16, 17 and 18. All M r s S a r k i s r a r or l M a r r a t o o k ap o i n t u . e r e shows will begin at 8 p.m,, with en.loy,ed by nrany. l.-ollowirgthe tour lea and tickets at $3.00 each available by cookles were s('rvedOtrI he Bay fronl ldwn of calling Judy Utter at 298-45E3 lhe SarklstJie l stale between 9 atld 10 a.m. or 7 and 9 p.m. Some of the local talent you will enjoy seeing in this whimsical play will be Robert Taylor as Chief Brownbear, John Jackson. .lim and Mike Neumann as forest rangers. and Denise Neumann as one of the "Academy girls". Directed by Phoebe Rey, produced by Marilee Scheer, with musical direction by Jack Moffat, ably assisted by Alar Case.,this should be a good onel n(tA/l'l Oil Slid( in Greek \,L-LL )G,/'t79 MATTITU,ek-.Adninor oil slicl was dis' covered in Mattituck Creek last Saturday . '.1 mornlng. The oll leaked from a steel barge owned by the Pelroleum CombustionCorporation ".. o l D r x H l i l s . C h i e fB a y C o n s t a b l e w i l l i a m J a n u i c ks a i d . the barge was listing to starboard and caused a sligh( slick some 20 feet wide within the creek. The barge owners were notified and removed the v€ssel after pumping it so it floated upright. 27, N.F. Artists Exhibit MATTITUCK-Three North Fork Artists will exhibit their works at the Kron Gallery, Route 25. Mattituck, Augtst 3 through August 5, Teresa Shaw oiMattituck, and Haiold Olsen and Larry Waitz of CutchoBue in their will open the exhibit ai a reception -7 honor,Friday.A-ugust3^from to 9 p.m. at lhe gallery. 4/L4 r< / /q ? ? Mrs. Shaw was qii art educatiofteacher and supervisor in elemenlary and junior high schools before moving to Mattituck in 19?2.Active in community activities, sbe has designed sets for the North Fork Community Theatre and given arts and crafts demonstrationsand classs. Mr. olsen retired from his positionas art directorof the New York based advertising agencyB.B.D.&o. after 40 yeare. Mr. waitz retired in 196?after practicing veterinarian medicine in Nassau and Suffolk counties. He has served as Southold Town historian for five' years and is curently curator at the Indian Museum in southold. All thre€ have exhibited widely on the East End. Fridav,Aususr24,wirrbeparrydayairhe ano Mattiruik Library for all of the boys the ;i;;' ;h; have been participating-in classes Summer Reading Club and Cralt iliiiii"","i""op'rizeswillbeawarded,and wiil be served The children i"f*r1'.""t *-ifi-Ue' int.igu"O with the storytelling' Edmond ounto*i.ing inO acti$-tgleJEpf De tne i-elix. a talented perf#mel, Mo/wul telrx Mr. suesl entertainer for their party Arts Performing ii associated with the parents' found"tion in Huntington. So, p.m' on circle the above date and mark 2 vouchildren'ssmialcalendarsotheydon't summer miss this party given for their, involue-ents with the Mattituck Library. The North Fork Baptist church annomc€s blDle that in addition to their Vacatron study.of School.they will sponsora Mother's will take in" ilitlr" uira cr"its session which oiu*intn"6o."ofPastorJohnGuelialthe lame time the children will be attendrng in the church basement. MJs. if,"i, "t"r.". Townsend and Mrs. Ruthlyn iiltiul"unn" from I Gueli will teach the mother's classes sixth to U wlite the three-year-oldsto nursery eradersattendthe V.B.S.classes.A The rain finally came to Cutch ogue last Saturday morning anu aftemmn. An inch and a half fell in the northem part of Cutchogue while only about a half an inch fell in the soulhern secltrn. Needless to "ffitdr""L?Irt" while farmers received'enough those others still need a little more. The pumps on the irriga tions are shut off for the first time in over two months. Fuel bills have been averaging about two thousand per month for each frmer. It doesn't appeartbat the PresentPriceof the sPudswill PaY th*rpenses of raising Potatoe,s Mr. and Mrs, Henry Domaleski of OregonRoadrecentlyretumed from a trip to New Lndon, Connecticutwhere they attended the 15th Annual Polkabrationat OceanBeachand had a very gmd tine. They were accompaniedby their daughter,Geraldineand her girlfriend, GayleSurozenski. While in New London, the Domaleski'swerejoined for a day by Betty and Walt Larmie, former Mattituck residents, who traveled to New london from their homein Narragansett,Rhode Island, 4loog with their four children, Suzanne, Patricia, Michael and Erin. (i.e.-i,!,ttZT e +-^l^ r +^ onthehY12.the #:H:T:",1',l:ffiff.;ffill" Brunch uarlekLrT (rf,s suna"yr AugrFr Sunda.y, MATTTTUCK-.On r^' *'" societvis thar'onr{ M;;;,;;k; ciuu*il u" 11r"."1-11-" will be hostinsa 1"9-t*"lt-:.::i'annualBrunchontheBavr"'tn"'l?ilili'ii,'Pli on the Bay at the ManatookaCIub brunch '' the MattituckHistoricalSociety. The of the event are Los and B"b l"j!!"-Tl:fitofth€HistoricalSociety Sponsors rain or shine'from !ryI"h Yill^'if"-!lace' to the I-oveLane Barkerandtheir co-hosts*tu o"i6ii1 iii 8:30until.l2:30'-soiurrv HarleyArnold,Frank Murphy ;#'iliti for your 'gtiir"i st'op ot to Barker's Pharrnacy wickham."Th)s vear *u *'u 'i'i"-i'uii are $425for sdultsand$3for t"rlr' crepi!, chicren iuices, sausage' "hich andAmvwalkerandMary children riJi"i: 'susan coffee.cake iomatoes, haw rclunteeredto help with the yytll /^,;?iV Mrs.Bsrkersard.{/,rrri"no,rr'Jand mopping up, while velma seroin' darly Thecapacityof the clib is Smitid acceptingcoffeecakedonations' is c-atrow trre"slg;;; tor -oo"i^iion rservationsareneces$ary "'''- is roradults ;;,;;;;;;i Ticketsareonsal€ come to the fair and auctionat the $4258ndforchildren$3 th" Loua Lane Shop and Barker's Mattituck Presbyterianchuch on saidrpi"r.".v, "t uy ptroning'nelenBergenat Jay,Augustrl, frbm 10a m until4 p'm The auctionwill beginat I p.m , but the fair wiu 298-4843. ". t;::T:#:ij:i:::1*,ilttr1",::i":ll,:l. J.bdwardcichanoq,icz,sonor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Cichanowicz of New Suffolk Avenue, Maniruck. has recenrly joined the mqre. esting attic treasures, books.and ^Y- 7'l E6r'Achh.nts urll hc rvailable./ ErectricPowerResearchrnstitutJ nllil".T,"jJ"r::#lJ"g"Yt.r""U.1: (EPRI) in Palo Alto'-califomia. Ld rs an alumnus ol Manltu-cf, High school (1e6E),Clarkson and CollegeofTechnology(1972), the Graduate school of the University of California at Berke' ley (1975) He was formerly a research engineer with Ultrasystems' lnc ' a las Angeles based gqnsultin8 en_gineerinS firm. A^,7. ;, /tt>J EPRL wiy'ch serues .a(.rhe researcharm ofthe electricutility industry, is responsiblefor the developmentof advanc€dtechno' logiesfor electrtcalpower generstion. For the past five years, Ed has specializedin research concerned with the develoPmentof environmentallyacceptablefossil fuel combustion processes. At EPRI he is managing several researchprojects directed to the developmentof environmentally clean,coal'burningpowerPlants. Ed residesat 562 CarlisleWay in Sunnyvale,California. h'f""'ltlll: ,31,*l"\-"ft Marv Sunshine" opens toolght 8t 6 o.m., with additional Perfom' an'cesto be Siven August l0' 11' 16. 17 and lE See Robcrt tsylor as Chief Brownbear, John Jack' as son, Jim and Mike Newman-n forest rangcrs and Denise--Neu' mann as an "Academy girl ano manv, manYmore YouDgtalents' animals from i.J"a""t.i",i" th'e"abused "r pinto pony named Greenport- a pregnant :+;;;i;:,,,iJr",iulr"..,,hashadtender_ f*irA-"u.u .;;;", and produced a L"""fir"r."rtr*ilroniaymornrng,muchto in" a"i gti"f the wtrole iamily. Mlther and otfsprin"gare doing nicely and have become Iocal cei-ebrities. A]ndso a trasic tale comes to a very happy conclusion,fJr at least one /4 ?c/ of those'aniririis./r,"+4.,1, FIRSTACCIDENT ,a'/,1 S 7 7 /i The fir# lcciient a(ong the newlv ooeied stretch of Route 25 occurred Saiurday in iauiet mornins when a car lost control, skiddincinto constructionbarr€ls and the-cuardrail, police said. Frantlin H. Saunders, 17, of 615 DeeDHole Drive, Mattituck, was uninjuredin the ctash. Police said the car was totally demolished in the accident after hitting four construction barrels, and then skiddingalongthe guard rail for a distanceof some 149 feet. MATTITUCK--Felix Stankewicz. 61' of Tuckers Lane, Southold,was injured fatallr" last SundayniSht when his car' proceeding mst on not*, noad,-struck€ yt/iqy,p,ole I a/ | | / -/ near Elijah's Lane rlzq . When Dolicereachedttlb scene a passrng motorist'alreadyhad pulied Mr' Stankewicz oui of triscar, which appeared in imminent danger of bursting into flames Tf,e injured man was takcn to Eastern of t one l"tina Hospitalby the rescuesquad was t h e ' i d a t t i t u c kF i r e D e p a r t m e n l H e there arrivat oronounceddead on hnk N,F.f/4.u1 1(, ('/7 ) In his secoi'il qqrfrter t9?9 report to stockholdersof The'North Fork Bank & Trust Co., John A. Kanas, president, announced "outstanding results duing the past three months" and projected "another extremely successful year of operationsfor our bank." Mr. Kanas attributed these results [o a 20 percent increase in total operating income over the same period last year, and to a 30 percent increase in loan income.Earnings per share of NFB&T stock were up from 66 cenls a year ago to 92 cents for the second quarter of this year. "Never in the long history of our bank have such outslanding operating results been achieved ln a given operating quarter," Mr. Kanas reporteC. On a year-to-datebasis,net incomefor the first six months of 1979was up 26 percent over last year, while loan income grew 29 percent. Total operating income increased lB percent for the sam€ period. The Mattituck Presbfienan Churchis attemptingto assembte all historicalitems of the Church which may be in privatehands. tf you have such items and wish to donate then to the Church thcy w i l l b e p r e s e r v e di n t h e i r H i s t o r i cal Archives,if you do not wish to part with them, they would appreciateyour pernitting them 'o borrow these ro /bg_ piotopraphedand returned to\otlt2.1 d Oil Leak,f)isc,g';s"gre At MtriltiuckInlet berakl Robin, regional oPera' tions and maintenance engheer for the DEC, said the a8encywas called in when the Coast Guard "told us theY were not genlng coooeration from Vantage." He saii that when he lster visited the site, he found that it was oDerating without the ProPer licensinc and was in violation of article i2 of the st&te's naviSetion law, article 17 of state DEC cnvironmental cotrs€natlon law' and also sPPearsto be in violation of federal t2,*t g",":-lg ' t"!l tP'/ facilities wr9 / gatian on Monday came to an Robin said t# leak was foind abrupt halt when officials of the adiacent to the tanks in an area frrm refused to allow them to being dred8ed He said that the enter the facility. gasoline aPParenilYleaked from The DEC officials also said that ihe site, through a bulthead and the facility is operating in viola- sand, and into the newly drcdged tion of state and federal laws' area. The severity of the leak is without necessary Permits and unknown, he said, since authori licenses. ties do not know how long the leak U . 5 . C o a : t G u a r d o f f i c i a l s had gone undetected' began an investigation of the "lt's a company that s lust waterfront terminal last Wednes- f l a l r a n r l y v i o l s t i n g a u t h o r i t y ' day morning. The state DEC, the ."ild P.,". Coleman, chief of the He U.S, Environmental Protection ^ i Mattituck Fire DePartnent' last WednesdaY'ssPill Agency and the Matrituck Fire said that actually three leaks-two Department were later called to was fron an above ground PiPe and join the investigation. a P u m P .H i s i n s P e c Coast Guard offtcials reached a n o t h e ri n uncovered,he said oPen yesterday declined to give anY tion also without Proper shields details pending a meeting sche- licht bulbs ltre hazard on a duled at the Breakwater Road tJguard against terminal for 1 P.m. todaY,Thurs' loading Platform. "The firm removed thc PiPe' rtay. TheY said, however' thrt sroppedthe leek, claimedto have their information differed from leak in the PumP and the DEC and that the facilitY ,rooped ttre over the bulbs"' aDDesrsto be owned bY Petro' oui^shields but has Persisted leum Combustion International boleman said, in operatitrS lhe facilitY in an tnc. While th8t firm is listed in a unsaie condition "There's a lot Suffolk telephone directory, the there," he added' number had been disconnected' of sloppy stuff explainingthat other pipes carry' A rePorter who attemPted to gain at the site are also e n l r a D c e t o t h e f a c i l i t Y w a s ing gasoline escortedoff the Property and told to call Vantage P"t.o1qg6 Vantaee lefused to comment. MATTITUCK-Officials of the Stste Department of Environmcntal Conservation said yesterd8y that they sre inYestigating e gamline leak in a major storage focUity here but are being hampered by an uncooperativeoperator who has bsrred their etrtrance. The DEC officials said that the facility appears to be leased by Vantage Petroleum. They say that whil€ the firm was cooperative wh€n the legk was first disat@vered last Wednesday, tempts to continue their inYesti- J8 '1't' lnlet Dredgins fplt;3tqfil3':ffift146$r,:x' Matligsk yTffifJ",f 1ooY,9a12lBo ""ffi?tfi:'ii"li [[:?ffi'.T1""'*ffi ,,*i-oMd-?-,t(d,J*7"^*11n12^ rxs nrooosedmaifitenancedreogrngn]or, Cr'(;ri,riJri.'.,r.r{ Universityal Farmingdale.-tr,JgKnogp is a 1978graduateot BellportHish scnoot,(ffrd's'rp?&nttvem-proved uv n, Mnrriiuck il';";\"J,X'#:'##"ntll""'X"";*9g 11; rnenewri,cs-opar'i'i'i'"r, ;i$"r;;gj[,r1L]:;*;i'tl"::.iillJ; *ffu"lt'"ta:*i"{r*:gX,*lrlill3 eastern omins sermorr' reeastern ''"H;;Gh the p':i:l"d preiched aria east of the i",".ti0"1-u"*n I orrheharbor liiii'.i,'n".*,t will EnlargeChannel tnapubriclotrg:.de"s-:lt:1El::it;r;,: this Ialt' rn€Arlty Lul''l robeundertaken Mattituck Inret Marina A 1s81 weddins ispranned. ^-,1 a, rr rhp h^n,hru mpprind ^r rhp .,I11..T".1'li t:..'llt,,t: ShUt r rltr r Jr tstv-rrtt theclean.^utholdTownsupervisor TheCoaslGuardis monitoring enjoyeda visit riom Mr. John 'l""Hl"'i'? Traversaof theMattiruckLibrary 'T:::11#'i#H[: :i".''-":1 ;xn"il,", *",#"&i*l?:[:1.',',*:ni*,1*i;ll* 11,,:l*':'":-'::":;l""J"li ;:#t*i,ln;]"1*t; r$.{*:i,,"r""""r$jh"'fli*"Hi+ Hiii+ilil*'i;i';*! $1t"l*ffiflg;i+t'{"u#*,,1m*r*;**'***:r,:;i}il >c extending fronr Long lslano ;il';;;iM;i;it.kihechannelis100ret w i d e f o r a d i s t a n c eo f a p p r o x i m a t e l y2 0 0 0 tii';:T\t'J'f:"#''b(aIthdepartmenl betslir'ofaaivirier T h e C h a m b e ro f C o m m e r c ei s or'Terminalsortheleakinsfuel w'enaskerl rep'ied she ';i.ffii[",".1;:l';..ffi[:*;'1"'t i"":rj'"""'lri:*rili;,Til[Il#i:::Ii1;xx'nt1:-*ir' *i"1'"'"*il"in'.:'ii:":l'lli o"i-oii."li*"rr"i;sedthisweek.itwasalsowbyaVuntui""o.punv"uunwasseenat.the ,#l 3";,:'#Hi; ,",n" ii!}li:::i:,"i,,1''ii']:.:Ii1""'l ili;h";ru;:*l;.t,".*rt"m:['ll"'L'i[,To ::nr:t::*i;:",TJ';:,,1*i:'"f Michelle'sBeautysalon.Thiswill b e a v e r y w o r t h w h i l ea d d i t i o n . offering safe parking for our many.cyclistsandalso-encourag' ingthishealthy^methodofenergy conservationAal'27) n.7 2 t h e t r a n s f e r o f r u e r i r m t h e t a n k s t o t r u c k . s t e l e p h o n ed i r e c t o r y a n d t h e t e l e p h o n e p r e s e n t sa f i r e h a z a r d " b e c a u s e o f ( l h e c o m p a t r y h a s n o l i s t i n g f o r a c o r p o r a t i o n o f that'name in either Nassau -or Suffolk Theannouncementsaysthechanneldepth ii*"lor*iriivioinern"a."heexplaineci *oj,n"r*r, /) will include two fet illowable overdepth ,n" teatr became public lastlounties Petroleum combusiion fdt#":/l\t*^1/ below rhe planned seven feei oetow^tne -;';l-i"#'i".ri"".r,i"'il'i.f*r"ae;i pirn" or.""n low water. been reporteciinitialtv i""il;r,j'ii",''iiitt -^-^,ad h,s raken respmatthechannel'suppereno. .NeAdverselmpact' (P.cr)-Incorporalifl"'"t""111i"*ttl"u Itaddsthatdepositor32,400cubicvardsof lJ'TiilJT:;i*yconservarionpolicernan 'i:'f'!!:':i!].Ei|:l!!! -;:,1.:t':fi.;.: m :1".,:;' :::1:,'""1*l atXJx'";,xt:':ril'"n,:i, *iT.itl;jl ,Jl'"t"1':;61{"li:} X"Jn |jii[ 'ni'"liJ;,", ."J:i Ho, Frmee.S}lil'."i'uiTll''n".,'i :"",]fH: jl{T" roEnsisn Michaer ffi:f:#";T,"rl,Tilfl,*A:H":,,::il "",, rho carev's. v""-Ls^ll in thesaterand ofthecorps. in theopinion a pintol lueluasrorind ,lfil"tl,uJi"-.;ti'.fii '*1"::i::;*r""0 lsrsi it up "lr lou'resoins book site,it says,thebenthic coasrGuard cleaned At th; dredsins I'!::'Hii r you the bcttcr down shul to to tell somebody. community in the path of the dredgewill be destroyedrheareawillrecoloniziraoidlh v .a v e g o o d e n o u q n e v r d e r r c e r o h a c k i i i l p "d i r e c l o r v a s s i s t a n c e h a s n o n e w , t t s u r, + iiqt6?,"i"r"v a.bii grandopening l:":l:-*i: ;lT',]t ,tT,iff:r"'fii:,,;l: t ;il.,* '",i;r;$x: ll;".1'#r":idils ::'rk"#,i*H H$'il., *,,,, -*,-*,*r.,*i, u ;fiiu#if,:",;$*i+iiiitx$illt now knownas captainAhab's iately to seek newly exposedfmd sources. the fuel leak and * hal they,sec 1t "..Dt'ot-": i,:; irt"";i\," :n:.x"*1r*t1'#n:'lx 1,3im""""tqq,,r"""fri:#;l'rf,' trr#i:ffi , i?;.1-:', r *r,i.t (see $itq;ii;16;31ifl::"rr';il;:li"'+':i s€parare ''1ii'r,1,',, tocon]prain meetrng '"fi:?}:Ti,i',",*'ri:is*tr"',"r'Itlxff" -.ll;::i"*T :*l "*;.:*iul*1",'n'6:1;;",r t#jtT;'5#il""i.-""q ly requlre a ieo ye"rs ro retrn dottediis bankslons agowill be wrlliam Pell to pre-dredging levels. rown councilnran ,an nouncedar the meeringthat. rs of ,lal( a^#ri."n,'."' Y"^l *t::^,t::: at the site tutt r'.tfjttniil; in tnlt fearured f1l-t annualcar jlh:*,t,:n",1"';,.ff01,",11::::ii,nl Eart Deremer ,m."ru;*"it,'",1.11,li::lli:ll,'.:;:;'"i;.T;,"H::.:J",i:: viliase requires :ll"LliHL""llT?;il:'f; -0", [:llnj":nlrulJ,I*Tii":'1":"il"1ll ,,#fl[::Xr?i;1,"o""n':?T"""'*"HH: 'r:lr";:,:fi \,1,:*'lfru!",ii dav. Aususr ,sarEasrern Hospital.He was 78 years old. Borninsp'ngfierdcardens.N.y.onJune 9, 190t, Mr. Deremer owned his own Insuranceagency in c"ro* alir, ,il"lill w a s a r e s r d e n to t H o l l i s , e r t i l ; ' u ' ; t " i i movinsto Mauituck. H" *"r .i*i". ",:':l:::l:.:;.1;T:["y*;11 mfim'lln;,:l\';,ll:*.i"""Tfl".tl:l,ll :"i::ff.*-r"1"'*nilil-':::^-"::": 'ii"'ir,ri.oi"rion o[ lhe six agencres to chcck otr gtouno re.i C u i o " , ^ i r s e t , f o r , S r i n d a ya f t e r in.i"rr ""rts l: with the D-oT,h1li.l! g r o u n d \ \ a r e rc o n t a m r n a t i o na. n d a p p l v T''" ' ; ; ; "responsibilrtv.-fnltht ";;l;p". ih" cou.t cuard and the.state rlepartmenl -.clsn'up t h e s t a t e s p i l l s i n p e t i o l e u m ofrransporl,a.rionforspillclean-uppermils_ "rhe.iac,rlitvis.in.rrrrlv tiT ..^'",1'.']:: , , " "i "' I 'f .ir$'I*:l|.",TTl"5Jfr'il*'li;i:f;i""t f'"#"i'i#i"1'l"n's':;::il"n::rijll; 'Robert couen Deremer. a son. E. of H u n t i n g t o n ;a d a u g h t e r ,j a n e t M i r c h e l to f tanks are'T*iJ,"';'J"i;l;; i;;:;"i;, Incorporate: ,iti:]:-j:ii':.'lilLlin,"; Rev.Alexandersimeofficiated Inrermenr wasat Cutchogue Cemetery. :'r"."J,.iJ;ij,Y,:r';1il"J;;ilil;;l;i;itii RoMANo KATHLEEN * r . from 2 ro 5 n m n . s c p r e r n b ce 0... f h c p e c o n r cR i v e r w a s i m p o r - 'il';: n: ;1;:v,."",T:.i"$*:1; theru,eof the un-0". "on,. EnglishKinsforthewa(erpower . vu,ts,aryAtHishschml ^ olicecould"findnosignsofaforcedentri'1. itprovidedtorunthemanvgrist, p ---$:iiiy,'],:,'"'# #i'iffifli'litil,:':.ffifr $rua;;1a,;l.?#*::l u,{:H*fr-.':nl:i5l*i* ""#!i":1+ilfti:l*::ii*r;: :ll #""":il:,;Tl ;;"","il1:"1; ::i'*H f,:lnillti,['{3:u::Htrff]x""i:*: ;fl;:';"*xt:}"i::-:: :*:"- had been scatteredall over the ot,tFo.g",theruthillMillsitein Donations mav bemade totheEastern"-ln:::T:ni:;"flilj:i'fi':;;1* *iln"*,tjn'"ffi'.iJi:"Pfijil?H,{'t ;X'f,T:,1;::i;"J;;li,'jf[^:l '1,*. door, apparently in a Main Srreetand Howell Avenue, :",^Yl::Jl:'"t ,o,O them t0 enpty a1 on a locked closet Long Island Hosnitelin creenmrt *:i't!ii;1.F'ii:'i1'Tilill;*"*H LTi["f1.l;ft:L:i::i::f ."ff:iffi},:r,l'u,'**frl*", ", lni'*;l'.i:t!x;i:llfl;'ull1ti :ru;:;l*rm:':il;:'::li:]::: lttt*';i*fii;,[xyl:ffrlqxt il|g1{*J;if":!ffi ,"f"h,_#*9?#.,,**", '1l#')|i':!iit'liis *un,,o^",,.,nuiu'unvtina of hazarri" n" y;i:"l" Foundersparh,60uthold diedat homeon '^ii'"" SaturdavAugustl9 t" *':rliJ:"T"$:. for rhet'oasl rrr'"r. a spokesman A life-lonsresidentof Southold'rown. ! ^otlll_t"?L::l;,""'ii,'"*'J;';l;il;;i;;;, _r had oeen a"tine ;i$iJ;:H,ilti,lu"ury from lo5q Ar this poinr also a on the plaquewiu be dedicated _ Henry P. Tuthill. Mri. Baker was a retired practica) nurse and former member of the Mattituck presbyterianChurch.sheissurvivedbyher husband,Affreds.Baker;ason.HenryA.of P h € o n i x ,A r i z o n a ;a d a u g h t e r ,C l a i r e A n n the leak was first discovered last montl "but there's lots of product in the ground,' $250which charitable-mindedcontributors he added. gave to the annual fund-raising * J f .Macklin said. is for The next srep, ^Mr. "':ll?l-:j io o"te.mine ttre iheMattituckPresbyterianChuchlelill!: vantage to o.iff extentofwhatisinthegroud.Healsonoted evilhandslastweekwhenbothwerestolcn [1if;;"" i|3t'"T5:"';!t":'T;S'T"p'"V;:L?: orPheonix:ind threegrand- Funerai services were betd on Augusr 21 at the DeFriest Funeral Home in sJuthold withtheRev.Edu,ardHansenofficiatjng. Interment was at willow Hill cemetery in luthold. \\onations mav be made to the American \er Societv petroleum nad igreed to sign it and abide Ly tte conaltioni'it-impcsJ] wnich incluoe h i r i n g a c o m p ol'v a n y tLU'td' o c l e a n uuP p t hL'L e s pJFr!! ill. "3]$"i::"$i;t""*lttn,,.n CASHTAKEN. , t17'/ L'r6) ]' c a s hw a s s t o l e n i ' n over $700 rromtheNorthFork secretary, nru.sdav report'ed the theft- of a t'a-rtr.".pi"*Ji sit-down mower and a 2o-inchhand mower 3svv$g' tLv o pvv'rlv o l i c e rqe! lastT uesday f;;",tt ::"t:,:: cutchogue' portce I,Hl"titlt"l i " ' p t i o t o p ^ o l i c e . t h a tv a n d a l s i:::'J:if:flnflil?:i'?:'; the stole's unlockedsafe ALIFE RO-9ENFELD ,n""".',,13ii'iJ'ji"lo1'r-'''r""' ,.,-. .s,,nl ,,Booksand art have been the tu - ---!--ad::"j#Tfl;4r]ll!:;ifiliVampsMqinlaiq Fire Watch - investment counsel and energy conser' ,^- : ^ , ,lL"i 1'4',, tQ t'z 3c, " rrylife',,saysAliceRosenfeId,Ji:rq[i$:m.rlni::'.*'":l"irsrr';..,.IfTl',l.l[x^A.l",t"T;:*"l#lnllli;gf'r""r"$;T he llattituck Library,who mov.e_llu po.tuniuu.ursetodays yorngrt".r ;iu tr( stoodby for six hoursSundayat iho hadmoveda barier to Mattiluck rep'resentative $u NorthFork with ber dentisthusl EmilRosenfe]rl,inl970,She-*:i+x.i!j:I".i..];i,;''li.*:?l'l.#d;;-::l:.',n::ili:;*Y':CmstGuardgtablishedthisideof.l'jill3i'i.jl| successful artist'hadheldher owr th"* second class Petty officer ;spgs frontof thecar andJaid,"Holdit." r i'ooi'.ru-r,ro.'.nildren,ur'.j, NewYork, exhibitedin BrouPshow^sll rr";6"*a Brickettrequested tle iire watctrtotto*inl ofiicialsmet with federalEnw 0 n n u m e r o u s a w a r d s i n p , i i l i i 'ill c . . i ."".i!rlnip"ilo;. l 1 . . , l i . ' - i " . J " i " I o h a s e x p a n d e d r n d c l l v e r s a r o u t i n e i n i p e c t i o n o f M a t t i t u ccompany k qraphicsBut thelibrarybit wasstill rn the t' tncorporatedon BreakwaterRoadandthe tive paul Eliot in NewJereeyyesterday L"o Beforeembarking fi;;l;;;;;uiti". to lutufe. her new career as a librarian she hr refusal by that company's representatives begin working on the required ipill prevenrvrrs nosenrerosas Iar rrom already expandeclher creative work fror, to allow the guardsman onto the property. tion control and countermeasureplin. Mr. *l^L-*:p"i"trigi"'gi"pt,cs,wood-cutting,etching l o ' r o o m h o u s e i n c u t c h o g u e":iil"':""^ "Youcoutdsiethefumescoming'ouiaii etiotnoteothatthemeetinghadbeenatthe ralkedinto|hevil1agelibrary,"d,c^"],ll:^1!"i."iii"g."'pnJFo.-unyy",..,ho*"u"'.going.up'''Mr'Brickett'ula,"*pJi! raikwith Mrs. Lynch, the Iibrarian.That r h e f a m i l . vt h a t t h e i o i t w a s s a t u r a r e d w i t h g a s o i i n e a n i ;h;;;a;;Ji"vron".",.O".of wasinAuguSt.19?0,whenthecutcho8ueii,["l"Xi"."#."u'i}rngaboutherworkintherewasgasoIine.intrrewate?'--^']n;"""x.:i#,l:,l""5:':"Ji;;l: LibrarywaSstrugglingtoSurWe"l'iih;";t..nimety,treronlyson,Lewis'AsaBarricrss€tUp )udgetof$tt,ooo'whenAIiceRos.enfeldiiiiri.rijo.i"""i,ia.,""n"ur"a,on*tryt,i,efterevac.ua1ingih";;;cdyparkdiStrict4f"H*:$'.j'*|li','sH Lndicatedshemightbewillingr":"1,:jl:.",1 m;o i t r e i w o u t a b e w o r k r n g a t a n e a s e l r a t h { r b e a c h , . t h fei r e d i p a r t m e n t - m a i n t a i n e da M r s L v n c h a s k e d ," H o w " b * t Y : l ^ t - 1 v - ] . . i i r u n o o i n c s o m e l h i n g w i t h h i m . M r s . w a t c h i n . t h e a r e a f r c m . 3 t o s p , m . , w h e n t h e ya c o m u t t a n t f i r m t o a d v i s e m e m o n -*". r e m o v i n g t h e s p i l t e d g a s o l i n e .I n s p e c t o r and pesteredher so hard that lhe easieslout no""nt"ta sure tiie boy had decidedwere relieved by Marine pollution Controi, l !raStoSayyes'eventhoughhernewhouSel.ijiiii,iiI"i,j,ri'';gi;h"-;;"ldnotStudvIncorpor",*,lql^'".it{{};"'"diH'.,$,:$:"l':3li.*i::TJ"1;I'*i.i was still a mess. So|heneophy|e)jbraIjanwen|toworkaSfijn$i.J,'*::::Jli:li15'',"o*.31i',J""l1:iji|J'$,T"'';Tlili"''il".IthetanksandSinktest ';;;'f?",'"#ii,"",i"ri"if. "lrs5 product ground a voiunteer and continuedtill December g6ssp,firefightingcapabilities, was sent home at amount of in the "t shebecame a thatyear,when werer"t ,p i"t""p r"y r"iol.i""i,""e,i"i-"'""i; l;*;,;; is-norrani bairieis p l o y e e .T w o y e a r s l a t e r s h e t o oryg_"T_ k,ovtr as o f i g n i t i o n f r o m n e i r t h e k i a k i n g ,.H.i;TiTtf,:trTililT,*1;YlTjl: LeforetheAugustl0deadlinesetforthinthc director of the llattituck Fr€€ Library. " i t i r l l " r runO i " * h*e e r i of n t polished o m a k i n gstorie Jewe l r llhii s o utznks. rce for f,"..e,ii. r i o lfro *. sincethenthecirculation e conirontation tookptace-_Monday ::i5:"ir:'o:;,3"f"jlii,ii"iT|'"i;"i| iil",]lll to.the il;i;;:i;*iri""Jr,"."r,'iiii""oif11 doubledand aclivities have expanded hounds",collectingall kinds o morninguhen a representativeof Mattitucl ;;;;;ii,r;ck , supervisethe spillpointwherethe MattituckLibrary rermin'als rhreatened to .drive;i; ;;; ::Hn:ii:"LtiX ffii;lrl*i ;;;;; b o c o m ca s h o w p l a c e f o r t h e a l f l c a l s .-has . g n - ; ; ; f e w a"ii;;;;;;;;,il; t h r o u g h t h e c o a s t c u a r d b a r r i c a d e T h e n d f a^'' r b e"oour*"*rNTERNrrzman,-wl"rigy]o tweert. cerrs, exhibits, literarymeerings andwhat gir" ni. na*"-toiii" *jr,l" rl""lril,l", "illT"g;:;::tlff:: ""! n0t. rheprimenoverbackofa'rhisisBritish ...-^v, ::i:'l,li:lJlli:"3311;.lilriil Mattitucf;- m in Ypsilanti, ' Micbigan. No,therenovoru'Ala rfl t l(S t-" anyYpsiiantr Indiins Theto"n *"t n",tiui ( inS I tlr a f t e r a G r e e k g e n e t a l , t h o u g h n o b o d y s e eM mA sTTITUCK - W o r k i n gt o i tokn.whoworwhy c o m p l vw i t h a s t a t c o r d e r t o '. Attended Various School r\riss Rrchards u'enr rocorese ,"i;l,l"il: town for one year to study art h u m a n i t i e s , t h e n n o v e d t o c u . v , i . a -i " . .rourorfiveyearsandfinallyt"ro"a'iiiv"* york City in 194g,where uf,u a"O*ii.i rr"" efforts, putting in two years ,il;; ;;i students,League,two years tf," r.r"il#"i "t yn* Academy oi besign ,"a tun ui'i'ri" New Schbolfor Soiial Researcir,;;";; ;; also taught art for fjve V"u*.'ii""fJv fiually gdt her bachelor's,i"g."u eu""n'" C o l l e g e - i n 1 9 ? 0 , w i t h a m a i o ' r l n"i" r t * J i minoi in art history. TwentyyearsbeforethenshemarriedDr. il::1"'S3;"1'il$!lltjliSi3i;"lli,j":,ll girui*in:i$:":ili,';rm]:lul: st there's -lr.i'i,""1 noimmediat€ pertyorricer danser,,, :i:"lr*ilrhesuardwithresrricringrhe clean-up -i#'Jperatioi*tr"t' u"g"" Brickettanswered. *rr." -rt t" Departmint of En KAT1{LEEN RoMANo vironmentalConservation(D.E.C.)ordered loj)lhars.,Agrl ';:L' , v e r v h a D p vc b i l d r e n :T,1',1,.:1,'l:"i''i:*:l;"i ,rfiJ#,1',r"X'$i"j',rl"Jl.,l"fliJ,"lTi'iil . v rto., -t.r ? ) ) wrtb leaKs N?attituckLibraryonFriday,August24.The c h i l d r e n ' w e r e g r e e t e dw i t h a b a s k e t o f surprises for having completed their sumof g"::l'":. ear]ier thi: Y:ek . . mer reading club requirements.Then they By.latel uesday.offlcialsof the had a sing-along, Ied by Mike cortese on his the guitar. Edmond Felix was the guest entercountyherllh departmenhnd state's Departnrent of Environ- tainer and did an exceptional job. The m e n t a l C o n s e r v c t i o n w e r e r e P o r tc' h i l d r e n w e r e d e l i g h t e d w i t h h i s a n i m a t e d ing that most-of the tanks at the story-telling, pantominring, puppetry and Ereak*ater Rcad facility were singing.Mr.Felixaddedspicetohisstories empty or near empty and wele rvith his bird and monster puppets and his predicting that,the operator. lamDourlne' . 1"..1":n.pligued fhaul " l l l ] oul " _ i 1close : o l ] :to . k sacmillion o n t r n ugallons edto -JohnKopman,thewal(ist.of sag Harbor. writes us that he wants_to challeng. uny ^nn on Long lsland to walk ten"hours,on the sag Harbor roi. g.ounar, ti. the chanpionshipoi L,ng r.lrnd. each ro put up $i00. B e n j . ' R e e J e ,o f M a , i r u c k , i s readitrg law *ittr Juoge H"aees anrtwiilremainarri"r'rfr"*.i1, and teach tr," gri;R"h"n,Di,r, d i s t r i c (s c h o o ld u r i n g i h " , u i , , , " , 'ierm L is"*p""t"i 'lt'u'l M', ."i,'"'.T;:ili"",i:1',tT:lf[[Tii$i: Reeveswtll have inl,ffXil$:.1'*.i;:i,:lJ;1*m iia(!r',I^,J?;t7"fi;," a latger attend.l reading. Special mention should a.rea. be -' schooling.As Dr. ance puts Rosenfeld ir, advertisedfor a dental assistant,butgota but got a wifejnstead.,, abletocomplywirh.;;Y;;;;; state older. tnt-tt"t,""-t::t^, the ." made of all the hilp given by Mike cortese, for his photography and musical talents, this winter thao therc has been,for.years, as nranv will tt,e're'uv tt,e feoeral irrr"irr"i, p.",ection Ag€ni.ii.."-""i^i cv, stare.sDEc a6i Departmirt qrc rcqu.cu ''rvrrrPrsLr'b the required l0 ru """"t""i" "ii..'c"ompteting ilk" , Fred tsouclrerrs Jusrnome rrom ManDar- The people ougrrr :tu: to be"ng,ag,ed. glad to get'ro good'o teacher. Every day the "caplain's,, and Howth€coupremanasedtocom€ou': -rtTil:i:'il1,1:",""i",,il"1;; **:.t*,tnl,X{,$"Ji;rg r".iii,y up ,o p.op-", standards. is a bit of a shockingstory Th€ir.hous^ Flushingwasenteredandrobbedfivetim.es During one of these robberies *:^t;^Tt:l:, feld and her son were sleepingup:1l'",",:: did not hear the bandits ransac! .$ :i::}"Jt: J,:11"*";"fi,T 'oor, makin' orrevenw'bhevyilH!.ill [l',,1[Ti;l:il'";: ]lilit, n:"3;,:;l.,Ti.ri'H?t';IEll,,li :,jJn;:m:"l"l"iJl;,'.1:?. grandson, timber a big TV set. So the Rosenfelds pr in the cellar windows, then il"""r;:'"] f l o o r a n d e v e n t h e s e c o n d r , """ o..,ii*'it* fifth robbery rccurred the ".,t.J'il.l,,il]i thiswasnowaytolive. After moving to cutchogue the coul;r stayedthere until 19?7,when they m,v, , Maitituck, where Dr. Rosenfeldis serrr tired from what his rvife descriuc-. enormouspractise. He now takcs.or l r m i t e dn u m b e r o l p a t i e n t s ,w h i l e Rosenfeldwalkstoworkatthelibrar. nor, however,get the nolion rhar she lnrac,t, )onger invorveJin rhe arrs srr an award a year ago for a collograpi, turiedshowiretouy ureEasrEndAri. Humanitres in Riverhead Then'twovearsago,our indefatig' characler was named [he oulstandini brarianinasma'ribrary inthesrare b.\ New York Librarv Associatio' gru*l was based on an impressivc 11:,,:' circularion, success in lund,rarsrn' doingthemostcreativejoboi pfog in the entire State. What with all 'il,'",il,, Lnc;r,, concerrs and exhibi(snr ,n" Librar\ thr drrectorha. bce,ruu*{ rmpresallo. oneand-a-half-yearvicesoverthe last two weekshave nicely. His d i s c l o s e c l n u m e r o u s v i o l a t i o n s eol l d A n d r e w B o u c h e r , i s e n t e r i n g s t . F r a n c i s state a.d federarraws and a lack Hospitalfor heart surgery.The prayers and of necessaro y perriing permits, *:t^:1t-T:^:f lT"ommunityforasuccessful operation and quick recovery go witl' officialshare said. :{'' : him -''' "; ) Albert Machlin, regional engi" neerforenvironmentalquatity ior the DEC, said that Mattituck rerminal emplo'ees 4ppeled..to 100 YearS ---. AgO Augusr30,rB?$ b..onschedrt(inL'mpryingthe ::_.-::::::,"-"i,'::; TheseverestormotlastTuesdavnigbtdid t a n k s a n d s a i d t h a t ; ' ; ; ; ; r " r ; ; ;'i, in Mattituck George work will o. :,,ci:i_!.1:il "19:.ase ""r01!i"o il;;,i;;: ; Ji;;lii.i:,il ; Hi"1,.i3il"Xi"t"l"T lffii'S'*:ff'#: .onsentorder signe --o.i" ;;;: I ".pty,'n"".;"r" "carerul" *"r r".ll,l:.::i:':: C.'" danserous illil:: ::"|; woried out. He ad< ;:il""i;r;.;;"'.T,fi",:.T tf;*,otff"t;,.nt""i**:t#ti i[Xt*"rtot1tn".. ashisboats sorortunate, iv"'riiiii -r. pound carried *ii" #rit*o ""t i"o hiswhole :;:1"1,:,Ti"1"t:ij,t:U:11"#fuffi oniy eieht aboveground tanks at corn iill,i ,i'iiffit ruined the fruit and "'- """' ""i:_:::T::,':;;';" rearnea, i',iii""" trre"sit!, tnev i"i" nn* *frtJ,il'o r-:,^:-1,i!t",^ b",3 "tlt1 , . , has seeped in,otit" "..,,-,,gallons *"t".. Cto"" to 800,000 -^" *"i"a in the facility, whlch ;f i:""';^l,ll:X*:"ili'Jll[l " ;;';";' to the bay shore rnd when thef have a sufficientn(mber collectedthere we believeit t. be theirintentiontoformtheminioa raft-andtloal them down the bav tl!":f their proposed fisir ::-:!" taclory-althe "Pronrised Land." t:j a r a r m . r a s r) a r u r I;j';:t:1ff':"Tt1t":Jrt "m o m i n g s m i d all the barbecue Preparations.It was for a boat fire ;::*JJi'",il:J"liT":':":J: jumped overboard whentheboat ;::l"j::"llt"r::::lt"r1"; #: lines.Thesourhord rownporice yffi:"TLl::.T:fXyrX: bu-med completely despite all efforts to ,""'" it. it *""'"'r"i.ry large_boat with 160 gallons of gasoline on board. Sirty-five cutch.osue rirenenresponded wt1.:llff:.::l ::"lTl:.i":ll, Robinslsbnd Eurcpans BuY 'rr'r"*are ne ,;r;ft1r';^tr^1"'n/rr! rsrand, Robins am oreserue of John w. Mackiy of Locust vrlL'vi*tt"prtt2Syears,hasbeensoldto investors for an "-g.irp sum. undisclosed --R;-a-;*;,"t'nu.op""n i broker with the Morley which handled the ng"o"vln s;ttu*pton ."'fu, J"iO on Wednesday ibe closing came ge declined to identily the ro. oniufy investois except by their corporate name louii,ofJOut"iop*entCorpoiation-andhe declined to disciose the purchase price ';ih" pu."h".e.. havi no definite planstor lte iiuno no*," Mr. Greensaid. "But if itr""'a" u""tfri"e, it will be done in full Town. They will "-oo'pei"t,on'*itfr"iouthold Oo irottins to disturb lhe character of the isiand, but of course they would have the risht to subdivide it. ?;it"u'r" not looking to make an enormoui profit," Mr. Gieen added' "Euro p"ans oftun seem to be more conscious of environmenLalconsiderationsthan do do rirestic developers. They seem to have a greater respect for land because property .ll Anng Gefs Patt '" sohigiinEurope RESCUEO .l'.;f.1t./17'/ ,,!4/rt/ J. /'i7 Mr. Green said the nominal president of the corporation, is New York lawyer Ar' mande Lesser' Mr' Lesser could not be reached by press time Nor could Jobn W Mackay, the-wealthy sportsman.who.has owned the island since 1954and has been seeking to sell it for several y€ars Mr' Mackayat-onetimewasreportedlyasking $6 million for the property Robins Island, nestl€d in Peconic Bav between New Su{folk on the North Fork and Cow N€ck in Southampton Town .on the SouthFork, has beenused only as a hunting preserve in recent years by Mr' Mackay. ihe island has remained largely unchanged through the centuries, and is a haven for wildlife. Three years ago, two groups of local investors presented plans to develop the island as an exclusive retreat for wealthy sportsmen Their plans fell through in a maze of legal actionswith Mr. Mackay over the question of which group held the purchase contract' .wJl Three youths were rescued Peconic Bay off New Suffolk {ron Monday morning after theit boat capsized,Southold Town Police said. Police said thet James Best, operatinga l5-foot long outboard boat, apparentlyhit a submerged object that ripped the engine off the boat's stern, then capsizing the boat, Best,16, of Alvah's Lane, Cutchogue,his l2-year-old brother, William, and Mike Cuddy, 14. of Maratooka Lane, Msttituck.were pickedup by a passing boat and taken to New Suffolk. James Besl was taken to Eastern Long lsland Hospital iD Gre€nportby police vehicle 8nd treatedfor a head injury. Robert J.'Anrig has been named commercial loan officer at The North F orL Bndk & Trust Co., according to a recent announce ment by the bank president, John A. Kanas. Mr. Anrig was appointed assistant vice president in January of this year while serving as branch loan officer at tbe marn office in Mattituck, a position he had held since March, 1978.Prior to that time he had been branch manager of the Speonk-Remsenburg office since joining Tbe North Fork Bank in August of 1975.Previously he had fivr yeari of banking exp€rience in New Jersey. Mr. Affig is a 1970 Sraduate of Fort 'Lauderdale Univemity with a degree in businessadministration, and serued for six yean vith the New Jersey Nstional Guard A member of the Westhampton Kiwanis l-lub and a director of the Westhampton chamber of Commerce, he reside in Remsenburg with his wife, Kathleen. Rqsi{e4ts Rally to Pressfor Town Fire Code . ) . o 1 ' , ; ' /t t1, ' , no fire code," Ms. Tortora explained,saying that the recent gasoline spill at Mattituck Terminals, Inc. on Breakwater Road brought that fact to public attention. Mattituck Fire ahief Peter Coleman, meanwhile, accused the town board of nol "respondingproperly"toarequestforafire code by the SoutholdFir€ Chief's Council. "Each department voted in favor of this thin8," he said, adding that the fire elay and it calls for the preservationof the commissionersand the chief's council had agreedin Decemberon the need for a code. olet as a recreationaland fishing area. "So manv of us u,eren'taware that we had A spokesmanfor the state Department of MATTITUCK--A1&|yover Southold'(lack f a fire code, Mattituck inlet area residents egan circulating a petition last week sking that the town board adopt one ,nmediately. "This is one issue we're all uniting on," rccordingto Lydia Tortora of the Ciptain (idd Civic Association.Stiesaid the peaition rgestheboardtoadopttheNewYoikState 'irePreventionCodeastownlawwithout Word has been received from the State University of New york at plattsburgh that Karen Lessard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Lessard, has ben named to the dean's list for her high achievements duriry the past spring semester.Congratulatiomto Karen and good luck for a very successful and happy sophomoreyear. Ua{ Jt t q 7g rDc ncy. uharles R. Bakei, recir of the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer at Sound and Westphalia Avenues, Mattituck, told police last Thursday that someone had entered the cburch through a window and stolen.a communion set valued at g22S, consisting of a silver chalice. two llass cr:etsand,sey_e:lI r tf 7,t ^colg ?lat* v tar#1j of cast Gigon A. .vHeennure} . -MBaohci ht uacnk, . r e p o n e d 3aruroay rhat his light green Russ rU-speed bicycle valued at $lE0 was stolen ftom his home. ond Frrday. Jolan Gallo of ,, 9n nome I own Clcaners in Manrrucx reported an aftempted burglary al the store, police said rhe store s front ,loor had been tampered *ith.lrv! )t t I 7 I ,-r0\'gifs^;\qo 13. t 4c c" .4tAi. 'bLer{ Beach phims trivi en. gaging the attention of loc&l housewivesthese Iast few weets. Few regions are familiar with thrs fruit which is eagerly sought by our thrifty lsland cots to bc presewed for winter use. Sad to relate, the vast beaches were once plentiful with them, but now for the most part are develoDed aod the spots where the plums may now be pic&ed are beoming fewer and fewer with e8ch DaSSlng vear_ Environmental Conservation (DEC) said eligible for liceming "may be prohibitive," the tankswere declaredempty Friday by an according to Mr. Robin. "The new reqDireon-sightinspeetor.Thenextstep,according mentsforterminaloperationsaresostrict," to Gerald Robin, is for the company to he observed. On Friday the county health department install explosionproo{ fans to vent built up declared the facilily decommissionedand vapors to the air. opened the 1\{attituckPark District beach "Thesafetyofthefacilityhasimproved a great deal," he noted,saying that once the andBreakwater Roadin time fol Labor Day vapors have been safely dispelled, the weekend.James Pin of the health depart companywillbeginwashingdownthetanks mentsaidyesterdaythatMattituckTermand removing the sludge to a safe disposal inals is still required to recover gasoline trapped in the soil and to leave their tanks area. Costsof upgrading the facility to make it opento indicale they are not belng used #;:#;;.;:i"'.".:; poardi;,$Ff,nceon Gas iii",ii:i"rrril1d,rlr!"';m"i Eastern Long Island Hospital. SoUTHoLD-More t6#56 p;or;le M r . S m o l e n s k rw a s a L a b o r e r " , : h i | : e d . , T u e s d a y . n i g h r s t o w n b o a r d m"itsdeeting. Suffolk Shipyard atE a member of the S with most of those who spoke.expr€ssing ,",r,"^0,1"j:._|::.i"jti&^fi^(:2"t1"75 dissatisfactionwiththeboirds-hutiaiingoi Heissurvivedbyfo'urdaughters, Eerththe situation at Mattituck Inlet wh"ere sledieski of New suffolk, Carolvn Duhnovgssoline was first reDorted )eaking from ski of Mattituck, JessieKrupski of southol5lelsgs tanks July 21. and stella Dvbalski of Jamesport; for Defending the board's.posrrion,Supervigrandchildren and five greal-grandchil5el James Homan saio, I nave oeen High school teacher Michael Mattes of BreaiwaterRoadcontendedtha t ot w n l a w s already on the books should have been ,uiii#nt"io. rhe board to deat wirh the ;t,;;;;;. a"ccorOingto Mr. Mattes. Detrc i"i,.""ii."gi r;; iitrrii"o*t"li'aritii"iI permitted only with a special exception plan approval from town ;;;.;;';;j.,," Offjcials '"lun".ur held were seprembo,looiXiliJT"ii':J".i"Td:liiij:ilt services .,l""-filiT:il:r"1,:?$,;i::T"ff"':tjH at our Lady of ostrabrama Church, vilits life."-He told the group that the Suffotk ;;;;r;;';;" co not representa non_con, interment follolvingal Sacred Heart Cem,Counly Department of Frauds muld be i.*j"g *" r"a". t'hecode,the torvn had no tery. prosecutingMattituck Tgrr-nina]:,tnc., the sxglejj' toiaff for *J"f"1i"".-;;ir*#. Assie cu,ture reports that the 3r.T::i:ffJx:tt!t*JLi!liiil;ij#,: ffiil#**;;f ;JfHIfu,*iilT: to say they sa-w'thespill on the same day. mv oplnton,,,he said. farnrersare digging potatoesnow w i t h a s l o q ' m a r k e ta l $ 3 . 2 5p e r hundredweight. Storage digging s h o u l ds t a r t i n e a r n e s tw i t h t h e adventofcoolerweather'Thelate digginB stan will be hindererJ further with some farmers by the fact that cautifloweris maturing aheadof scheduleand they can't harvest both crops ar rhe same time with anv efficiencv rncident' rv, both crops afe of the usuar r""e I.t1"9 quality. Assie !i,ef :l'"",ffii::,i*:r'Xff"JT;: andtheyarealsoof goodquaritj dnu o.ngrng a rarr prce. The beans arepicted bvEs:lir:r,r 'Irrdno MrsK,chard w,r L y d i a T o r t o r a o f t h e C a p t a r nK i d d c i ; i c AssociationchallengedMr. Homan,s state, ment.shesaidchemicaltestingofthe*"t". bvthecoastGuard*ouraoe.i'oreei""i';; in court than a laymanls.rmpression, but witnessesare availible if they'.areneeded. An associatiomponso.eapdtilion clni;i; ing more than 600names was presented.to the board at the meeting. The petition the board ro adopt the *"ijT.l:",:l-^.L:r: Tk. prevention code as approved^oy,gi.lL: fire chiefs in 1s?4,and calls_Jorimmedia" crosingor the storaseraciritv f Meyer "'""""-,,,anunr"Inusecited In .""pon.i,;ra.. Mattessaid the changejn ,r"i.nri'un'iirstoragetacititytoagasoline il#i;:irir*^""changernuseunder the zoning 'io. law, since lhere are different u""n liquid, due to their ilJ;;i;;", 6i"1?;;ilj"'luu,gn,. ,n" change in use, h( ;;-L' ;;;i; have enabled the board tr ;;ilir;';;;cial exceptionpermit. j"o*"i.J. ended rhe meeting at lfi.n;';ft"; ""*rn saying the town shouldn,t ;;6i'; ril"=ioOu 1u., :ause mosr other ;;;;; , ;";;";" r, ' ECkett Mr. andMrs.Johnr. uckertor mattituct< f*ruU::l;f-'r:t;::fil',: tt:f;: flti$aprcko ,'tr.e,..!;vns,accordins - Padrong is . ruo u(K,o:: "i"^:irBabyron iXdHi:l':l*"*il*Jffi'",1J l'?JJ' X;[t*';T$ T':]iX'iffi{il,"^ll"*" the late Elizabeth Padrone. to Paul J uard of oklahoma Citv, ot<r, ,i.-ert is s.uouaL of liattituck "r rcma' spentpart of tleir'vacaiio--i ,,"rna i31sa51';oo1 and" ihe State University visiring Dictr's' coitege at Geneseo.She is now teaching at :^.I-t"',.Y.k wf,q6psf6l Strtuho"aS.nootinWebster,N.Y. -'Mr. l"jTj:.,Mttt_Eva o.o,,f:,|; Meyer is a graduate of Bennett High "no Yj,.4rrhur w;;;l -j,;; Michalecko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Michalecko.,of Mattituck Padrone is a graduate of Syracuse --\Iiss University and is attendingTufts University '*'",0 "i'1*'fiff:i::i:i?'i"rl"lt'#l? :::'^,.^'ire^!::!.",1t, i"y+lll;;fllijj'i:R':J;ffs"J""j -n' tu ;ruru*t :::,J::TliHi"ff::i::$Jl, ,:*,t:;il*,'""ift*1*:1 i"F",."J1l$:ffi:"tHi:n#*:ir A July, 1980,wedding is Dlanned. CouVty Acts on ELaks -----" YGas sre -.:jJ,./,ru ,ri7i- 3) .iil*irJ"'.;;r;*'sl.l+i MurderGalle d"'WxrUfi!;!;; park I tI' Board u"'iir'"r"i"i-'*f"i:-,':la "r Mnttit,nL t-L Jurotl(, stmrlar to lhe one lhi tUal.tituck?erminals Inc., the stncter guidelines for the oumptng of gasoline and otber hazardous materials. Goincidgnce -p..i"ir""',1" voice Recitat ,,o:r."Iorirsongoins3rrg:ar to enhancc' una The Florida detective investigating the arubric hearing in on l';i-*t'h*^uj:ffi:'lrr',"*""x ,.,arter weonesdav,.september 12,the ""uoou,r. Uor.a ,'iio"J ror Fl[rida after being shot u"ttit""[n"*. r'X!il1Y1x.3;#;11'l:I"ifi:y.Jll ,irT,:l::imf;lJ.J;:fih::: the library o;r Sunday, September30, at 4 has officialJy r""r"o tr* .ii,ill o*n"dp".c"t "ti""or'i."tr'i" front of the trf"t,i,".f i.*ii"l Alley on Route 25, v"ni,".t.""t p*. ^ Z-h./z^?7,,t7t Ms. Sayre wlll offer an inl6rmal concert that will include a variety of pieces from opera, show tunes, and sacred music. The special feature will be five songs by Dr' Project pjans ca]t tor rhe q e a t i o n " t i p u u r i " o " r u ' i ^ ' " . , ' r ' E G e o r g e P . B e r g m a n n , a w e l l - l o v e dl o c a l physician and surgeon and Barbara's faThe park wiil U" ;-""1^l,ji'iliY, ther 'Some Magc Thing," "Come and g r a s s . l a n d s c a p i n eqtr :' r"'6i ;:; ; ; #rrrrurrlraMake Believe," "Expectancy," and "Bluefi^--' arandrhreatened,believesherdeatirand rhe rhrears,pregedingil were pufely coin-7 cidentat. ,14,/tz,l- 1 a , 1r1 t, , t,f ,ooneiyTo not befieve th/re is any copnection"be[veenrhe att€mpr on her Iiii upthereiinltartituck)andthehomicide." siid Indialantic, Fia., Detective Robert Sparboroinatetephoneinterviewthiss'eek. ..ht's a coincidenie." :X:Y::'lt]"l"theCounlysanitaryCode it unlawful for any_peisonll ::r]|l Pakes transport toxic oi hizaroous 1u-T-p.',9:.y.9. "unless it is specifically in :'^::1:! with permil issued by, or :::::::I:". t l t - " l T , o ] : t 0 t h e H-ae a l t h C o m m i s s i o n e r . ' , ^rnapressreleasejssuedlastweek,Health :^TI:::l""".DavidHarriscalledthenew _regujatron.an "unprecedented effort 1o ii!'"ointv', o.i* ?::i::^ljf 11,:e*J'"r 'l :1q.111"t:,pqry suffolk re)iesintiriiyin for its fresh *ut"r sqppii"i; 5l:'",1Y,:t"I bird,"havea childikecharmandrresh- Scarboro andrhe rndiatantic ".ll"ilfl rtL "":*;,:ff*il: iDetecrive patk will be open dolice Deparrmenr were accused of dragging their feer in rhe zegzula murder ' ness. Past president of the Southold Town for;;;i;""n, '-' 'v"ucrr' use ,::: lri:'!ii';l;:,'.,lf'::"J1i;'ltl*:f::;:i,::i.J."*bythevictim.s1.";;:J:::'1','.,ii'"f,,l,1il::l9.F3iii'"i?"-]3?;5s, *"0'soit into ttre unueigrouii g;'nr:il"::i: fTJ::Jf'""".1'"x[i,THil]$xTl,?1"",1 lij,""1*[|1: ;"1.,,-:' ,r;i;i:",i'jii1";r:"',:r'r'J::"i:f;,"$]r ,,recenr guest ,-11:-Pt9t.'-."urgase noted that Yote Mrs Maureen Mcclatchy ol Brvn tncldents in Flanders anri Maftitrrnrr Mawr, Penn., in a letter to The Suffolk "-,,^^i' Times this week. "We also feel this is our ed the seriousnessof unregulated storage last chance," she wrote, referring to an tanks. The first incident involved a large quantity of number 2 heating oil ;n 1[g,. enclosedcopy of a ]et[er sent to Florida groundwatersupplyinthePriscillaAvenue publicofficralsandmedia.Theletterasks tbar the Indjaiantic police be pressured"to irea of Flandeij, and the second involved l e a k i n g a b o v e g r o u n d t a n k s a t a f u e l d e p o t i n i n t e n s i f yt h e i r i n v e s t i g a t i o n ". threp childien, was stabbedto death in her The leak at the l\4attituckfuel deDotwas Indialantic apartment in March, l9?8, five broughL untler conrrol only aftei state envlronmentalofficialsordered|heoper.montlsafterleavingheIhomeinMatti|uck and her job as director of Community Action ator. Vantage Petroleum, to empty ali its tanis. Residentshave complained SoutholdTown (CAST). She fled the North storage -Vantage Fork after being told by anonymous phone that should never have been permittedtousethetanksinthefirstolace. callersshewouldbeshotifshestaved. Lmal police officials suspectedthat the built decadds ago, the tanks had been abandonedforseveralyears,untilthefirm threatswererelatedtoMrs zegzula'spost ti t *"."?::: Jl;f ,[T' ?r':"it"[ulo1,o -i."ion".H^.. i"f posirionson .i*"-"orniv ris,2b documented casesol "ojfrjilffi; weredueto petroleum tankleaks in l9??in .""Lr r"i."i agencres' sulrork county. rn1e78, rhe roLar soared ro ,,minimize,, rhenew code w'r theeca Fusse/- zimnoski KimMarieZimnoski, daughterof Mr. and nomic impact of its requirementson retail gasolinebusinesses"beiauseofthels-vear Mrs. Edward Zimnoski of Mattituck, was p€riod allowed for substandard tank- re- marriedtoMahlonPhilipRussell,sonof Mr. p l a c e m e n t . "r € p o r t s t h e c o u n t y p r e s s r e - a n d . M r s . - P h i l i pR u s s e l lo f J a m e s u o r t .o n 'Yi'f:'d"',ffi iiiii;)""J'f,ll'r#"",ll'lElJilifl i/"" in i:"l: our Lady ofii"klh#{#r with leak detectionsystenis." Glood couniel churctr " perBrinsscoasrcuard #:ll;il:iffil"ception washeldat the lttheNorthForkCommunityThestre.Sh€ hasappearedin "Call Me Madam," "Kiss Me Kate," "Peanut Eutter Prince," and "There Comesa Time". On Thursday, September 27 (tonight)atTp.m.therewillbea showing of uia"otop" ..OI-"i " th Mrs"zeszuia, morher or a 3'-year,oid Mauih,ck,, been a soloist at local churches, communityevents,andweddingsforover25 years, and has p€rformed in musical plays 9fHishways,,."re';";i;;;,"ii' hea.,.u support to rhis nr^;.* '-- r'vJ!Lr' .n:,".r**lj:"1,,"j::;iil; s a half hour ,;;-"':::'j:':lt ,':'s 'ti'".t.: .l.j ;;;'J*..:J 1,":" v'E wanredto remind ouf i<ir{rmuntly onceagainofits very good fortune.;n having at its di.p"osai theservicesoflheManiruckFir; D"pulT:.nt Rescuesquaj. ^r.", man ReiJly,.o"*.".J^-i.r',i" *H:*:"."#3flif i"I;i.if;l"J["r.* the Shenandoahconservatoryof Music. She lives in Cutchogue,and is the organistat the For David Rutkoske, each season bringsnewdeligf.ti'".li rn. Laurel on suffolk,s North " . i l i i Fork, ottu.n, *t"rut"liuur*I't,nir'!uJl.,'.,r,*", vear" thesquadhasanswered lt:llr.:u"j],*itha20-gaugeshotgun he " i"':,':#*irt::i:;"::# lyi[:iilf;:Flift!,,:fi:F.. i',i:::!1?ru':lJt',ffiy,ff5r,|;.., fi::::"';::1;:LX:'""1";.;"',fi: shock-l; water resuce.2: bicvct" related.4;sick-t2: st".r.--r. r".,,^ abuse-ti motor 5 : m a t e r n i r v - 1".ta"'.".-,*^," .,' y91* 11.t.h9 lields, along with the loys.orrlshrnS(hecaughl hisfjfstmako snark,this year), swimming, &/"t zg and water-skiing. :l:??'"q,clammin$ made upor ffitJnff:"-'Ji::'lfilffieJ [:t ,.ll:J::::"-::""d tjme for tt6*"rc. r.lo* iirt'1"ftr.., zu.nrghlytrained volunteetswith :J"t;l''"" medicaland rescue haveresumed.rM"iiir".-l iiigi rown counc,man wi,,Fm Rlpe,, Ml *l,,jr,::::i**"tx,;:s",ll:l,iihilli *l'ttf,;:11,""l:l"li#f;{ ^r. "o"ii- ;rylitq'*:rumffi3' ,i"i"*,'p'riirii Diveuo,cathvHarri- Rescue rii. pact thisweekthathehasarransed-to bringa coastcuardofficialtothenextrwnBoird meetingto publicly discussthir ;;;];i;#"'sildon and Debbie Beck. ug;.'uniii?."nrry, .squad. :lio, :qn curariy_imponant " David had"no point because his own egg enrerprise. theeir as66.,a,;;;;;* ruer reak at'Mauitu"k r...in"i"]u'-"" Hewoutdawaken wiifi'rhu.dbrr",,, ;;; 'b"""i"i ff5"#j:::,1*;H"t""rl[Tr","i]iff; 'X"J;1 ft;;i,'J' ;i;; ri".'""" iTi iii,i: ;:XY ,1J"4:l ;I'";tTTU.'.'i.15:l,l':^'?", ;'::i#:^: ""ai,.. ;:.":"ir'""#:J"1,T",fl:"::;::: "#Jo,'ri';jh" mitmentlromU.s.coastcuardlieutenant ,nuun;FF;ua.;;'thbors."t squad. honevmoon in Florida and the il $irliJ':, ?tr!l,T*s:,1'*T:k;;i Com; .rnder Lrvache will "exp)arn hrs ,riii".rtv ,i',",pii? :tl::.:lo:,:'.^11,,* ..,..-1..-- RosAr. KRErr \ | , , ,..^ ;'"1.2 i,iiTjF:tiXl1ffi,ii"1:kTir:l'"'fi#li :'Tiil'i,:*-F# reprember ),:tl ,ri','Jt:;:;i and orheragenciesbeforesuch i racrrityas tfteoneinlliat,.ituakcanbelicensed.'said Mr pell,s press statement. J u f r b l k f i 6 5 p 1 1 r r 1 9 7a9t c e n t r J I she was sJ. Mrs. x..i :::.T::: ;;; ev'i ff[:,l:":.: ffi'iHil:?li; i:li'jdi;j:T?3:.1?il Whcn you do call. be preparedto ei* y'"",;;. ticularly inu'" nruitiir"ti'.r";;il:;f# residenb complained thefuel.;d;;;;;r " Ehich had'0"*,ur"a"""i'#"y"".Jll shottldnever bave b€en allowed to reopen. are pressurins rherbwn :""i::::.19::F soaro to adopt a fire code to sive tle town e"""i",'-"^'lt.n Jr. willt; herd .n"iji'J-ijsces 'llttJler to,oiil.. 20. 1979at pun.ru'i u"'."1fr"lt"D^:p'i."t 'oll'"tn Rd., tr.t, MattiN.y' charles r*., *,i,'"rrli,",!rend j'ili"'J:ll [?I"f;Jil; :liJil"*:"li':"".ffi1:"1; " eJ-?ilil': penuon srgned by 700 Soutbold Town residents complaining of the fuel leaks and asking for Town Bmrd action that he arranged for Lt. Commander Lavache,s visit to SoutholdTown Hall. non"tion"-ln'fr our lmmediate u."" e g.ouo ;i-X ff;.,;' ,";: fflyll:l-"llg:;ii.#1'"11'"0"'"31i,Tfl phone number and describe the;:hidi:.n?,"o,ijT"ifi:,::'l'"'""[",X vour problem and do ::1"* " u p u n t i l a l i o f t h i s : : l , n " " t informationis given to necessary the.dispatcher' rheruer leaks ,t:uiiiitu.rrerminals r'",0""0,'i,'"1.,'J11"'"."a-ir'n." Kreh when ratsed a furor in SouifrofJio"n';;;.;;;. bioke so *t.n ,ou *"n, ,i. " incur. ,","; ;";.';;"';;,;;.; 3;f;ili1*i*t'"X'*illTi.TlliJil::il:: *l^,T,;.'ii" 'no":....i,lipr"isresidins ':;1'':' lranspartation to the R; tol tbe Pope in Madison $qx313 ;;"{ wednesday october 3 rirllln'l]t'"olning '"1',;.Cjli!1"1H"::ffilJi".;1t|: this ,.,,y a number of Deon)pr"^- hospital is n.".r"u.y,thesquadl":n:iXllp on works in conjuncrion *irr, o. ii.,, aruurun." s.rui... ffl T october*ldlrt"j;i",ll",Tr:T 2 .r v"lrr,u"ir"a],,. ;rt;jWl-illi'i.T;,1J.1 :[t":::'ilXl"":.1 uay noonat SheaStadium.,&y'j'l),,11 1 Homan Syq Mattitrck Inlet FuelDepot should Go .Lrhr:; TI souTHoLD--The leaky fasotirG't:tJr^L"t . Illg! may be emptv, but fyt-il lY"t!it'"I trey continue to fuel the temDers of^M^attituck residents and charge 'nd at everv public meeting of the "ITTP,PT: southold Town Board. {urofficials from entering the depot. As a audience,Mr. Homan said he has stepped r".uir, tt . qj!.riiJ" and lts backers have into ';rrr^"agonetoworktoseewhatlcando the case. rem,ainedsunething of a mystery t" it" public. Governor. cirey's younger- brottrer to uplrade the area and get rid of the tanks, irasbeenreportedtou""*""iltipii"";;i". ;;#?;;"yareingo{dionditiqn,,,hesaid. ruesday's resurar boardmeetins at J1'"'."#:J:ii,HiiF?q&::"Jrl$ The community is pteased to wercomea new student Assistant Minister, Mrs, Jean Kietz, who wilt devote herself most particularly to the young peopre of th€ Mattituckeresuv,t"eriancnurctr. .[liffi1|;';'l;i:;l6'*itlrt"n:,,11 -.i;;;;";,-"l,ronday, southold rown Hall was u*"ul:l:l-1: containedJoo,ooo g"iro". oig"*ri"", i;;; ;;;;;?ii*ourorasraro,,g,rongtrme.,, supervisorJames Homan "o told the-9ud19nc.eemptied. They ari now empty, and MatMr. Homan said he has rude calls to heisworkingto"upgrade"theMattituck t i t u c k r e r m i n a l s h a s . b e e n b a r r e d f r o m m a n y l , e v e l so f g o v q m m e n t , , i n c l u d i n g Inletareaforresidentialandrecreatio.nalrefillingthemuntitauthe,requi'"J';: useaionebytryingtogelridoftbeMat- county_-andfederalpermilsaresecured. ameetingonOctoberrrti"t*ifflrinl tituck Terminals Inc. fuel depot. Accor'dingto Superviior Homan, the o"po' i"j"irr*,irany agencis to discussthe case. . .. "I'mnotsomuchconcerned*ttl::lill hadbenoperaringwithourthepermits. i l ; ; ; " ; i "" , i v i , - r , * l 1 r " . - J e t i ; ; i l r u the sloragetanks safe as I am with making Hom;n steps In treta-themoxtoftheare-,',-thesupervisor'toldUntilthisweek'SupwiSorHomanapthe audience, most of whom were residents peared to take a hands-off stand on the of.the Captain i(idd development near the itorage tanks case. At town board mqetings 'angiy lnlet. after ihe leak was discovered,he told The storage depot has been a hot issue in Mattituck area residents that the town hai town.eversinceit beganlaking fuer into the no juisdiction in the case, no raws goverInlet'.s waters. ln August, news of the ning tn" tuul depot operation, and no right to lgk first broke after the cmst Guard, the New rm[ect the tacility bi shut it down. He said York state Department of Environmen[al those responsibiliiis all fell to state, county Conservation,and the Suffolk County Ilealth and fedeial agencies Department entered the case. But on Tuesday, following a special preMattituck Terminals Inc., operal.ed by board sssion at which two Coast Gu'ard Vantage Petroleum, refused t0 discuss the reprsenLatives discussed the case and leakspubliclyandatonepointattemptedto answered the questionsof the board and Recreation Park r) ) '. ,,;-- a,th41./it/777 df southold sot'ruor-b--ifiipossibilitv Town acquiring property in the vicinity of the Mattituck Terminals gasoline storage complex for use as a marine-related the recreationalfacility is being pursued by Town Pianning Board. board chalrman Raynor said Tuesday night' Henry M.: n"yno. said the town is in the stages of seeking federal pr.ti.inuiy issistance to acquire the necessary DroD€rtvon Mattituck Inlet He satd there is no peimanent. public boat'launching faciliiy on the cieek, and that such a use soutd be consideredfor the slte The p)anningboard chairman dmied that in!:#tWK, tbiaiis at 66'h P*>"t l "t"" cents a bushel, the buYers commrssplitting their 3 Percent sion sith the tarmers' latest lf Vou want to see the cider making aPParatus'see-ueo' weqR i l l a r d ' sw , h o s eP l a n tr u n s nesdaysand is\pable of makinS sixty barrels & d\y. Harry Rose *!ro is opening oysters in Mattituck for Charles L. Fordham, is certainly s wonderful "shucker". He has opened as high as forty gallons solid oyster meat in one day, doilg it easily, too, and the pleasant young chap seems to think nothing of it eithet. Miss Sadie Albin is the champion escalop opener here and opens fifty quarts daily, for which she receives$3.00, or sir cents per quart. Both oysters and escalops, though,are ofunusual sizein this vicinity this fall. To watch Mulford Bros., Fred and Alvah, cart potatoests greal and it is evident they must hayq had an immense crop. Four trips' a day to the depot aod they fill aoout a cal. *u. s"1t;#Ilz, the official openingof the scallop seasonand thedaythatmostpeoplewere.,goneforthe homeoravarlableforanytypeofservicefor a while. Join them I Go out and scoop up yourownp€ckofthose,,Jewetsofthebay,,. coquille st. Jacqueswi]l be the day,s fare I 7irlears.hgo tt3!"u,#{*!'i,!,17^%* o b u s i n e s i ,g e t t i n g$ 1 . 2 5t o $ 1 . 7 5a gallon. From Cutchogue-Rensselaer Moore caught,with hook and line in the Sound, a blackfish weighing 8% tbs and measuring2 ft' long and 17% in. around How is this for size? This is a true fish story, George Billard's cider mill is kept on lhe move. Wednesdayof last week he made over 40 barrels. From Southold-Jas. J. Gagen, one of the matesfor the Americal F i s h e r r e sC o . , w a s i n t o w n l h i s week. His steamer has caught 12,000.000llsh this season.The steamerswill run until aboutNov LOCK, STOCK AND BARREL -Chinam on Msin Road in Southotd, once conslderedperhapsthe best Chincserestauranton the Eesi nnalis an empty strett. To everyone'ssurprise - incrudrngchinam's I"naroras tlrelacaursnt,s enilr€ cotrrentswere auctionedoff S€Dtemb€r16-and-a sign was put on the door 6sylng, "ctosed for renovationsuntit september 2e.,,onr d-r 0re oi;;;: ;""" Metthews, refusedto comment last week on th€ restatrrsnt,spl"nr; io h€r agaln on.sept€mber26. But yesterday Derthershe, notit" "f,"-*iO ""k *no o*n iro oii.i *o."n ChiDam,answeredcalls io theii homes. Mrs. polnt, Cr"i"i ll"srau who "f"r". ownsthe Chinam building with her husband,sald iuesday if,"i ;;furr. Lsnder (one o[ the owners) surrenderedahekeys io us. They're out _ lock, simlr and banel. The case is in 'he handsof otrr att6rDey." tt.". oi"r" o"iJv Ah..n" wtn".i" ^rE/t!|'j s-,Nru rq#resents "Rope Dancers" I J. ln Mattituck John M. Lupton's handsome new seed building is rapidly approaching comPletion says he is willing to and "Matt" christen it with a dance, so of course we are all on the qui vive for the invitations now 'Bc-;"-:Additional MATTITUCK cases of well water contamination have been discovered here, Suffolk Countv health officials said thisweeO k .. e ' f t O , l 4 7 , t l The offrcials said thaf a total ot five wells have become contaminated with an oily substance. ln May, the health dePartment had confirmed onlY three cases but M A T T I T U C K - - " T h eR o o ! D " n r e . ( , , , t h e irst productionof the Norih Fork Commun_ 1979--1980 season,will open for lI:!:ij,"': irx perlormancesNovember2. Georgia O'Connor and Robert Ackroyd readinsroles in.theshow, :1lll,. was t]:]'.lg,ll" wnrcn wrrtten bv Morton wishengrad ,lq by qir":l:,i Alten Derrick. b n!o h ' sw r l t r u n N o v e m b e r2 _ 4a n d B _ 1 0 inclusive.The November4 Derformance will b e a S u n d a vm a t i n e e ( c u r t a i n time 2:30 predicted that the number could go highet. . J a m e sP i m . c h i e f o f t h e i n d u s t r i a l w a s l e s e c t i o no f t h e c o u n t y ' s Department of Health Services' said TuesdaY that reports of contaminalion had been received from StanleY Winiarz. who resideson the Main Road. and from at 800 Maltituck Sanitalion. Wickham Avenue. Both locations are near the Pike Street area rvhere the first incidents were found. Pim said that the source of the inrpurity has nol been determined and that the state's DePanmen' of TransPortation is working to derermine where lhe oil is coming from, l Aggie Culture has good news and bad news. The farmers are losing acres and acres of cauliflower due to the warm foggy weather of a few weeks ago. Many shipmentswere returnedlo the farmers due to spoilage, G o v e r n m e n it n s p e c t o r sw e r e o n haDd at the auction block. The price dippedto just over 54 for the better flower. The cooler weather has bro[ght on better flower and thepriceon.Tuesdayofthisweek went up to the $10'$1I range for those that had oualitv cauli11o*"r.@2i /to, i7 Zt She ii6*rcp6rts tiui t4. seemsto be a little more demand for the goodInng Islandpotatoes. The rain has virtually stoppeclthe diggingoperationano tire price is expected to be $3.75 by ;;; weekend, just about a break-even price. Most fsrmers are putting the spuds in storagehoping for a bener Dricelater in lhe season p . m . ) . A l io t h e r d a t e s n a v e a n U p . m . c u r t a i r iime. Subscriptiof tickets are avaitable . for three,foui oi liul ,f,"o*. ut each, tS S0cents cheape, ti,an ile-singfeticket price. Sub_ scripiion ticreis'wiri' oe soro untit October 19i after that date onry singretickets wiir be sold. _-TicketinformationrsavailablefromJuriy utter at zss_ai8iilJi*"un , ,no l0 a.m. or 5 to Zp.m. Mrs. phyllis Cherringtirn, a former Mattiruck Jesidcnt. DasseO a*ay'o'n-3'ut!-.i7 fsli ln Ossining,N.y. Mattituck friends wishing to exlend sympathy to her huiband Lear and daughter, Denise,mav write to them at the followinp address: 36 Lincoln Avenue,bssinins, N.y, 10562. Cindy McKown, a junior at 4attittrck High School,has beenselectedto periorm in t h e N Y S S M A A l l - C o u n t yC h o r u sa t H a u p November0. cindv is ?auge High l9l "o]-9n amemberof.the2T0-memberchorusrepre senting the finest voices in Suffolk County with the All-countv Itj-lllYt:il] "qtbine orff's carmina 9::t^,.i1:-ryil3rm-carl B^urana congratulations to cindy anotller of our studentsto be proud of A'7,/6/97, ti{ tn \tt.t.t ttTq ' Jtom Setmons t t; es' rno,w, r,jB, f ?l?,!2,,Frc;q )rLlRR Steam ---F -.arl Fr J:_1".',;.;ilj":",1:,.0"1 *J,ff:'ii'jft,fi,l'"#Tfl UayS ' expressionof resourcefulnes ouisranding.r,iii.t."iiii'ji'fit",lliXt;'*"rt'"rl:'i; i s c o n s p i c u o utsh r o u g h o u tt il[:;:11."1#";?;";"'i;'J'li'"1"3;'3:TJ#ji:il #:?::l J:;n:rH :;.i I$ t'-:":T,,,T",[1"1"-:j, :1 tr"liq!:,,y"il^il,i*'lit$;',lili*'"1til'J;tf l'-'{::'ii,',{'"d;ttl##td:'iii;HiI"I""1ii lvlethodist Church, Mottituck - 1915 and so made plans to start o T /ta: 6' // u i< (: /1 ft-,R t Gt4,A!+y St:i',:p /c,f11/f D aHi: PvtP\7. "*",'il,'.lli.loJliJ,ffi?"y#,'ls,,iiJi::*[ii,iTE j\::-.,; llullii:-,ft:,'f,:li:!li',93;#"1".".},11 fifi:itlTHf,i,,ll*.,,*:l,r:uhlTtFti"""?t: t n L- ,)'t itJtr/rl 1/-: Vi: Ltj _ ) i 7_a F i i?,. / 7 t t'. Ssrtl ,1.S zt rv' D pastor-s,lhen the loca.lgroup ,"pur.t.d;"J;;;";; ;iil; ;;: ilirj'fi iill fff ,,l-Tt'"1Ti# ii'&;; D 1ty: ta \. D r( I' o trrni*o otswere so , *,lf,?ifL,',n;il;:1'f :: ;il" " " :j;,-"-" !:l*i;i"j: nTffiiiil* ii:i'flti; C._rg$idates "H* #::,i:; tpil,*":"' ,c##tiTiyf,r Niqhf :,." i 1:""",1".; i".;;:Ll,,,i'+ l:Ti:lTf .iH:tiff ".* and disciplinedbefore rhe sessionoi-ihe-'Cld;; il )) I n 1 8 9 6 t h e M e t h o d i s t sm o v e d t h e l g 3 0 struc_ ture past the south end of their i"i i"-;" ;; chapeljoined by siiding doors, to their _ new t h i s c o m b i n a t i o ni s b a i i c a l t yi t r " U " i f A i " g Cf,urit *.'r". L_ tandlirey nieaearoi ti,efi 9.lt ^T:."":l.l -J:!i;"L':L:1.'?ilJs''""' ;;p;;:,;; Arrtoosoon harJ ffi:: o.,.rit"' oi rir d;ffi Ni: []?,ff!""l'lji,j,X',lrl".t i: "i sell sented_ to the parsonageand one i;i-t.;-il; ;;;: their financiab t u r d e n sH . i v i n g r t u o i " J i ; -ir_"oi'ii. ;';i,;.i; minutes of their conferenceJfr"* tf,. c e n t u r y , I ' m i n c l i n e dt o c o n c l u d er t " O " . f , n . oi iir" MattiruckMethodrsC r h u r c ho c c u r r e i ; ; - ; ' ; ; i l , ' ; i three _factors. The members were not numerous enough,and their contributionsnot s"fficienienou'in t o , m e e t l h e o p e r a t i r ge x p e n s e so, r t h e , , e n o r m o u l i i 00 rhiy liadincuned io ;;;;i';;"i, l:3,,.f,l,li:too tL$ \ , t., ii * ,** ,$r J. iCii r:-:!: ri\'j..& :-+H. frprisr_, October ? through octoheT-Tlis I,'ire Prevention Week. In observingit. the Mattituck l-ire Department invites everyone to attend an openhouseal the firehouse o nS u n d a y O , c l 0 b e r1 4 ,f r o m 2 u n t i l 4 p . m . A t thjs time tbe firemen u'ill give a demonstra lion on fire safely. show fjlms on fjre preventionand theD,as the highlight of thc day, will arvard trophies lo winners from grades I through 6 of the Fire preventjon P o s l e r C o n t e s tw h i c h h a s b c e n g o l n g 0 n u'ithin the l\ilattituck-Cutchogue. Laurel and New Suffolk schools.This contesthas been sponsoredby both th€ Mattituck and Cuf chogue fjre departments, under the chairmanshjp of Mattituck's Lenny Llewellyn a n d C u t c h o g u e ' sS t a n l e y V j c t o r i a . D o n ' t miss this importg.0tevent on the 14th-, it,s a //./?) family affair W, ? '.,i:;i;i n:,'":"tilili.'";.";,1,iiix:,T.?i'.^xi,,',i'fl exceptionalJybroad_m !-ra_v_e.n,. ind.O m splnt, h^adconsislently acivocated ""a'.*, ""iirj ,;t;;;;;;;;:; a policy of brotherly loie and mutua.l reipeci two groupi He werco.eJ'iil;";i';i',h., te_ ::::im. were hrsown fanrilv. A r o u n d I 9 l 8 , i t w a st h e J u n i o rO r d e ro f U n i t e d American },lechanicswho bought the building for t h e j r n e w . m e e ( i n gh a l l .T h e y r e n o v x t e dt h e i n t i r i o r , a n d t u m e dt h e o l d c h a p e il n t o a d i n i n gr o o m . F o r t h e n e x t t h r r t y y e a r s" T h e l o d g ew a st h e g o i n g e sot r g a n i z a r r o nd t o n g t h e N o r t h F o r k , " s a y s D o n a l d C i i d e r , s l e e v e .' . t h e y c a n i e d o n t h e i i s t a t e Cm e e i i n c i . p J a y e dp o o J ,c a r r j s a . n d v o l l e y b a i l , l r e l d s u p p e r sa i . l l a d i e s ' ^ n i g hwr h . e . nt h e y h a c e l ntertainmeni,'drn.,np a n dr e t r e s h n l e n t s . " B y , r h e m i d - f i f t i e s ,t h e I o d g e r n e m b e r s h i h pr d , stayed horne wirhrheirrv's.-sonre l"Y"ll,i,i.tll,.#c , . A r o u n d l 9 b 0 t h e P r e s b y l e r i a nr se g a i n e do w n e r t i t h - J . S .M o r e n o . l n t p a 1 d c a t r e r o a n a g r e e m e nw J r o mS m i t h t o w n ' sO l d T o w n T h e a t r e ,t o c o n v e r lt l l ( Iodgeinto a theatre that would be uiea for sunini", productions- rent free. Ever since the North Foik Theatreopenedits doors in Juneof t SOt it hi, L..n , welcome . b y b o t h l o c a l p e o p l ea n d s u m m e rv i s i t o r i a s a n l n s t t t l r t j o nt h a t i s c a r r y i n go n r h e b e s tt r a d i t i o n : P J ,tltn,t :l sq c* ,hser rrc' sh . t t a c e s i n M a t t j r u c k ' sp a s t _ A p o l J o na H a l l .a n d L i b r a r yH a l l . ) o p l a r e t h a t i s a l r n o s th a l f a s o l d a st h e l o w r a , D a sn o l m e r e l ys u r v j v e db. u l l i v e ds e v e r auj s e f u l j v e s r e c y c t e r Jt h r o U g hM a l t i t u c kr e s o u r c e f i r l n e s s . l{GGtlletr V'Ctr / ,. /c/7.7 l V r . a n d M r s . R i c h m o n dS . C o r l v i n ,J r . . o f Mattituck recenily visited lheir daught€r, Midshipman Fourth Class pamela Co.win, d u r i n g p a r e n t s ' o p e nh o u s ew e e k e n cai l t h r : U . S . N a v a l A c a d e m y i n A n n a p o l i s ,M d . A c c o m p a n y r n gh e r p a r e n l s w e r e s l s t e r s U e b b r ea n d W e n d l r l s f l a n d r i g h r r n t h e p h o t o ) ,a n d g r a n d m o t h e rE l i z a b e t hW a m _ back lsecond from left). also of Mattituck. l \ l i d s h i p m a nC o r u . r n .w h o g r a d u a t e dl n I978 from Mailituck High School.is one of I 4 o 36 q 5 6 s . . . J t h e a c a d e m yc l a s so f t 9 8 3 , w n r c nr e p o r { e dt o A n n a p o l i si n J u l y . The new midshipmen-weres€lectedfrom among neariy 12,000applicants. Ninety women were included in th€ class of tg8i, the fourth year that w4men have attendcd the naval academy (V 4 /, t ??r/ M A T T I T U C K - . R 6 ' .Z1i 6 l . ' a i l i s l . q r i t e r , railroad hislorian. lecturer. This is the man who will bring all his enthusiasm and know-howabout railroading to the meeting of th€ luattituck Historicai Society at the Little Red Schooihouse,Main Road. on Tuesday,October 23, al 8 p.m. M r . Z i e l ' st a l k a b o u t t h e L o n g I s i a n dR a i l Road'sst€am days from 1895lo 1955wii) be iliustrated with rare slides of the island's history, his own pain[ings and actual paraph,trnaiiafrom the old s(eanrengines The topic is of special inlerest nolv thal r e s l o r a c i oonf S t e a n E n g i n eN o . 3 9i s f i n a l l v to be completedin spling of next year. afler more than five years of effort PIanscall for N o . 3 9 t o b e " b e r t h e d " a t R i v e r h e a da n d t o take passengers on runs to Grecnport. Montauk, Port Jefferson and olher points. Mr. Ziel's subject is as fascinatingas the man himself. He has gone lo all lengths to photographand collecl data on railroads -literally to 44 countries, including over a dozentrips behind the Iron Curtain. He was the first Westerner to photographtrains on the Trans.SiberianRailroad run. ''I was arrested I4 limes, bul curiously never in Russia ilself. only in salellite countries like Yogoslavia, Hungary, Erst G e r m a n y a n d C z e c h o s l o v a k i a ,h" e s a y s . "Poland was the only liatellile which issued a permit for me to pholograph,but I did so rn the other countriesanyway Now. however, I a m b a n n e dl r o m e v e r a g a i n e n t e r i n gt h e '' U.S.S.R, Born on l,ong Island, Mr. Ziel has never really lived anywhere else, excepl for lrips abroad. He now resides in Bridgehampton. Autographedcopiesof his latesl book"Long I s l a n dH e r i t a g e ,t h e G 5 ' w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e O n S u n d a yr h e M a n i r u c k F i r e _ uepallmenl held an open house of rhe community l:l-,r.rg:r: ourrng which rhey showed fire prevention films and conducled q€mnstrations of valiqq5 1ypa, or lrres caused by faulty eiecrncat wrres, oil fires such as mlght occurat your kitchen stove, and a bad socketon a Christmas tree light set that would cause your tree to ignite and the ,,flan|s proof" decorations to burn as well. There- was also a very m p r e s s t v ed e m o n s t r a t i obny lhe ( e s c u e5 q u a dw h a l w o u l d haDDen rescue of a badly l:,.:l ,"*uut Iu_ured man from Ihe rrcf of a ouildrng iin this case the .@f of rne tlre house).Firemen must be xnN,edgeable, very well trained derored to helping :l: ,u"ry. peopje and volunleerfiremen are ro oe commendedparticularly for rnqr un"selfish giving. rne lrremen followed lheir . oem-onslralions wiih an invitttion ro alt to enjoy coffee, cider and q o n u t sa n d v i e w thq qw2161r*,1 rrophresto thoseyoungsters iho prevention :r,:o-*on the Fire posterontest he,ld in our ,week -?#"li::;q.d l,fu l'Jl(, rrre tsreventionWeek Chairman Lconard Llewellyn and a larqe numDerot men from the deoaiwere on hand and assisted Jnent rn tne afternoon'sprogram, Mitchell,ig, was arrestedafter L^L^orance, n^mltegedly brole a plategJass wrndowand r botueof tiquoifrom the Norrh l:lf"T. Store in Mauiruck tasl i:l:,^f'quot . tuesoay ,L o-f f, /./ 77, s4 MATTITUCK--A flatbed truck carrying 200 crates of cauliflower overturned Thursday on Route 25 opposite the Presbyterian Church in Mattiluck. No injuries were reporIeo. The driver, Mark Zimnoski of Mattituck, told police he was en route to the Riverbead Auction Block when the accidentoccured. According to an eyewitness,Richard Ining of Mattituck, the 1979 GMC truck vr'as westbound when "it went up on its two outsidewheels as it was roundingthe curve. Then the crates shrftedand the lruck slowly fell over on irs right side.p-d "/. t,t lri Coast A NIATTITUCK Guard document released this week details the involvement of Martin Carey, Govemor Hugh Carey's younger brother, in a Mattituck Inlel tank farm that was ordered closedthis summer after pasoline tanks there werc found tteakins.@ tf 177y V, The docurhentsrAtesthat C6rey is the owner of both the tank farm and an adjacentpiece of property on the lnlet. Previously, town officials and sourceshad speculat€d that Carey owned the p a r c e l sb u l s l a t e a g e n c i e si n v e s tigating the Ieaksmaintainedthat Carey was only peripherally in! o l v e d . l h e t a n kt a r m i s o D e r a t e d b v M a n i t u c kT e r m i n a lI n c , ,w h i c h h a s s u b l e a s e dt h e f a c i l i t y t o V m r a g e p e r r o l e u mo f B o h e m r a . J i b r a r yi s J o o k i n g l o v c l i e ra j l t h e l j r n e ^,Our y.Tlo:. ol" sees rhi new snruDs which c a m ea b o u la s a r € s u l to f , q ,h"M;,;;;:;:;,;:;'i'i:f"lifl ff:Ilrt;fi (.ons.ervation purposes. Insrde, :.?f ,"n"rgl workers kom I-ETA have installed new l n s u t a t t o n . .nao w p e r i o d j c a j racx, a h3nd pamphlet racK Den€ath :-o,T-"--yood".n the bulierrn boards, and oursrde ,Il{::ilg u o r k e r sh a v e c o m p l e l e d a uesl p;;; _crA area and are finrshing anoil :i;#;l,JiilijJl ii::t,:gji:, :;;t;';;:. w n ok n o w s . w h awt i l l a p p e a r n e x t .L l b r a r y :lf:"r91 lll.u RosenfLid has on d,sptay rnsrde the^library many posters tilled with prcJuresof happy chitdien at worl ana plaf on^rhemanv_summerprojects cony'[c/e{ at tne lrbrary Stop in and ti,""6.rf?1,r. "":oV Conscienre SOUTHOLD-Burglaries,thefts and van_ d a l r s m c o n t r n g e dt o p l a g u € t h e t o w n l a s { ueek 7 - S ,-R.r c t > , WF ln the case of Grover ThomDson of Theresa Drive. Mattituck, however, rhe thief who stole his outboard motor had a change of heart. He abandoned it on the roadside and then phoned Mr. Thompson that he could find it at ,,Locust and New Suffolk Avenues.', 1l was found there undamaged.The l8-horsepowerEvinrude had been taken from ,he Thompson yard Thursday or Friday. Fforence C. King ll/ r* . ,' , t o t rI,r.r, U , ^LYK ,_fl t o r e nzcse , z a 7 2 C. K i n g ,a l t { a n r r,.,rrdr u^cKLresrdent for l3 years. dludfuesdrl.. at her home. She s.as 62. ""^,,oj"1.t.6 Arngvas born February B , 1 9 1 7j,n D j:irsj .-rovtdence. RI She is^survrvedb), her husband.Charles o and Mark : a daughrer, il;",*lloji.'.JuI"s ur s. uorothy DeMaula. t*^ l",j":I"9Is?*i;;il;0.l1;.""'::$:i:, rylrs.J€nel Calder,Mrs. Francesimith, and rvtrs.tjorothy Wilson: and two grandchjl. 0ren were ^-t::l]^..": .}leld Thursday ar rhe M a i l j r u c k .w r r hr h e ; : : . i : :wlllts ll-T""rHome. nev SceviourofficiatinE. r.*", i ^,]:,,;.lfKtngstov/n. _u I 1a ui d nesserICem ererv i n l\0r[n R J. in Mrs. King.s name may be *:Elri9,nr made.to lhe. AmyotrophiaLa teral Sclerosrs r^ocreryoJ America. Sherman Oaks, CaliIOrnla MATTITUCK a gazirnq gal Anu o gocat Jh,//, ,/tor,to MATTERS by f ohn Troversoi CJfu.l 1q 77 ,c,j't-c..Eo--fl*t-t; ,.,nn" P''r-,u.6.-J,!44:,:-. ,hu. Ta*xa *r- Everyonein Mattituck says it wasa great ha_ll. ,-!.. 4iJ ",l,Yharifu."/a_r-ntJc.,*('h,v@'./t* /-Z-uh*f.q= rrt24 liJ?l-J:lf #"'::"'3*'1i:i:;"Ti:',y,?'"JJfl11' k t'v:#:t /Lk<)-.-t-... But back in'1905 about a thousand people came "t through mid-winter snow to celebratethe openingof Library Hall. There were speeches,music by the Eclipse Orchestra,songsby ReverendC.E. Craven's Quintette and plenty of dancing.The dedicationset the pace for years to come and the Hall becamea center of culture and entertainmenton the North Fork. It came to representa "golden age" for this village, a period of lively pride, creativity, and fun Some remember acting in plays that were frequently presentedon the large stage upstairs locilta,lent'under-the.sugenisionofafewseasoled performers. .Al Tralrern's Stock Company, the De Rue .:;,;jl"i.::.fl.flll:il brosMinstrers, andothers t = ;!T:j;;i"#;J::lB:il?:i;X'^ijit|#.1';;";;l,l r v t r ' d t r u r v rrrP J u r ' e erir i l N i r d r ' l theirshows.somerecalld ancingtotheperkyrhythm s, t " t ' " t " " P t u L u r e i Y '.f6pa. altered the hall enough to make it itrto a rnovietheaDononan', uiolin, of ,.Slats,,Reeve,spiano, ter. In 1939 a flash fire causedenottgl]datnageand and peter Duryea,shom in tne"l"9lf{ commotion to stimulate the library's trtlstees into The handsome two-story silingfea structure, consideringa move; the theater was condenrnetlas t" th; witir lovely iall arched*lraonJs,;;a;.t.d unsafe,and eventuallyit was relocatedon the Main people of"Mattituck by Frank iV1.-iupion,i n"t*. the the automohile was strrPassing son who'd found successn f.iew Vorf Citv puUfisn- Road Gradually, train, the tracks gaveway to the roads'and business il;Fr ing. Soth the buiiding -a - ."Oo*'n*i h-adbeen shiftilrg away fror. Pike and the railwav ih; I-it"ir.y petual maintenancewere 'soci.iy, station and moving toward the traffic o' Love Lrne o; crt".i.t i;a;;I";;; then manageduv"ntrurt"J-to and Route 25 The hall changedorynersSipseveral the main floor were tne f-iurarv-iotm.,on. fott.udtimes - Mrs Wickhanr,Dr' Bergrnann'Dr Jatreczsko' ;tth i"s, ;;" ior meetings.Th" *;ilr;;;"';;;;;i It was a largebuildingfor anyoneto rraintain irr goo4 Tli; paneting, t'pt""i"of" itrr dark wood ;;;;; repatr' and with the passiugyears ttpkeep seemed original Mattituck Bank was ;h;, ffi"t"" ii";;.;; more and more difrrcult Bv 1960 the deterioratiorr the North Fork Bank, .rd ;;yb;h;;;;;;,;;;;was all too visible: tilere seemedto be a consenstts runner of Barker's. on the second floor was the that the once gloriorrshall had now becornea danserassemblyhall, it had ^ bis ;;;;'i"d]";';;;i; fire trap Soon after thedeath ofDr' Janeczsko's enough to accommodate,"".n t-o eight hundred :Yt widow' and not too long after grou'd was broketr lor the seatswere moved *h"nru!r'ti-*?it'".ii.Jr"t n e w a n d p r e s e n tl l b r a r y ' t h e o ) d l i b r a r y w a s d a n c i n g o r s p o r t sI.t w a s h o m e f o r t h e " L i t e r a r y " , t h e irrdnded ':e over to a wreckingcompally' Many who had Lecture course Association,and the Dramatic Assoseenit being erectedin 1904 now saw it being defiil"d ciation. In pre-TV davs tr;li"o|#i,],i;;; molished in 1963 1'm glad I wasn't around for suclt needstbr entertainmenr, an end Everyonesavsit was a sreat hall Now it's "o"iltiJrl-.#ri;-;#; i;llil;i'il;;;;";;; sion. Meetingswere usuallv just an ordinary parkinglot dancing, and social rt..u"troit."ii-i"l'tit"-p.ti..'i (',[t.'Gt_; place f6i old fashioneddates-. The ArnericanMechan'i ... fJ, i .L'I t,- /.., ,ics used to hold their annualbanquetsthere. And it , 'iL \ ,:1.-f Lk I' i <- r't n'" t'/ri, *.( w a s h o m e f o r t h e M a t t i t u c k G i a n t s ,o n e o f t h e t,,,,-r,, l;1, ,a?/-:1'<-. t o u B h e sbt a s k e t b a ltle a m so n t h e E a s t E n d . J u l i a Penny remembers sitting and reading under the .l ' ' L ' rD i "I I L. z z . a F A ' ' t y 't/ r ; I /' I f u r i o i r sp o u n d r n go f b a l l g a m e s u p s t a i r s , w o n d e r i n g i f I ' whole the she'd get to finish one mote book before ( t ',''"(,,, t I 11 tr't".]''t " /2.',.'" "' buiJdingwould collapse. y''tit'( t'cc(zc"( t7 i''/i^u"", After World war I things beganto change.'rhe -- (/ Bank moved to its new location on Love Lane, and o -, / Yct so did WilliamBarker'spharmacy.Drs. Frank Peterson "Ldo"/,f 0l / L( r"(La11z' a n d C e o r g e B e r g m a n n e s r a b l i s h e d t h e i r o f f i c e s i n t h e- , / , ,./ - i,.. / v | l-/c, z /pct t r , p u . . u r . i t . d u ! t h e b a n k . D r . D r u m m o v e di n t o t h e "/""(('4 f o r m e rd r u g s t o r e .T h e v a c u u ml e f t b y t h e D r a m a t i c , - .-. .r... < tw6-"/ w h i c h h a d d e lLf;ru\/Lv'at Lecture, aid Lit"rary associations %g*$E 7 2-2 MArrtruiR" -. - rl a l hn_nel nMga l t i t u c k s e n r o r c r t i z p n s c l u b / b e g a n p a t l a s t w e e k . sm e e t i n g ro ho?l a s p e c i a lb i n g o f o r rhe bencJro l i,r,o r-lrrrl r row-erChildren Servrces Home ," ir"ai"i recenth *,asseverely damagef, ;tvfershich !;;;f::::";!";'i," '/':r, i , T il"":f,i|f,# from the- flarne,swept i".T.'i1:,9 l h c y w i l l u r a p t h e g t l t s l n , d ^ " ' , rhome. .,,,^ contents as surtable lor * b";-,,;";i",',:: v a r r o u sa g e s a n d t h e size if ir"l.i.f"l: clothlng. ,r,1-u-:lbackflornaone-daybustourtoLake conn , where they staveo Jan ,]ll1T.i!gl m,cattngback to 1790,enjoyed rrl"t .i0", f",lr foliage. the club memberr ,1L1..11:, "'l!lseo.9tans te future trrps. lvill vlstt sag Harbor on Tuesday, -Iney November 13,and have lun.ho"" at :, Baron's -^-:l , uuve rhere, ,no a.r^llllln December t2,.will riJe ut uri ", il,'"'i1""""t' :if:1,:lfil'1'"'-#Jx"t"s-,'ll"ti j:: #::ii:.T*l." lnl':1 T,,r,""h;;;';i "i rn Aquebogue 'Ll ', /-t tc' t ' 't-1:(t 4 Lu F n ctu i /';t.,), j. rarsrng money rrom rhe ,.,j,]^"g9lll"" t)rn8o party. the senior,-s ^.; ;,."-':.:::^']: presentchrisr;;;;i; . ['trr71I , f\ k', ril€ driludr for Elementarv scboot chitdren will take place once again this biginnins vearat thi Firehouse at 6 p'm Don vour scariest c o s l u m ea n d j o i n t h e r a g ' a muffrns who wiu march behind , h e b i g r e d { i r e e n g i n e .w i n d i n g up at the schoolauditoriumwhere judgingof costumes will be tbllowedbv a children'sfilm. The festivities lvill end at aPproximatelv8 p.m when ice cteam will bc distributedto all youngsters. Parentsare ssked to te sure to pick up their K-6 graders. tn the evening ther€ will be a dancefor gradei 7-12 in the high :a;i::',',"f;{!z::,!a:li);. Baten; Poh'ceSeekThree fr;tpa{gr \-t * LC,? 79 MATTITUCK-County deteciives are medical recordsstatedthat NIr. Demimarck Detective purcell of the Suffolk ith Squac seekingthree young men who all but beat to sufferedsevere head.cuts,multiple bruises is registered in the name oI a ;;;;h; death Thomas Demimarch,28, of 320 Pine and lacerations of the body. a fractured ;;"; watker of Commack. J "". R o a d , S o u t h o l d , a b a r t e n d e r a t S u n d o w n B aw r ristandafracturedanlde.Hewastakento " piii.j satd the thre men were ir, shortly after midnight Sunday. the hospitalby the Mattituck RescueSquad. to*i*iuO unOcreating a disturbance,when T h e t h f e e a s s a i l a n t sw , ho also injured Mr.Guiliano,whowastreated.andreleaseO, ii,"'[r.g"n6eraskedtbemtoleave,andthat sam Guiliano 0f 320 Pine Road, southold, followed in a private allongPr]e: iir"v"pp""*otocomplyuntiltheyreached used a heavy club, police said, after Witnessesto the assault,w.hrchtook place iii"'.ij&"ft, where tire attack began.It is Demimarck and Guiliano escorted them in front of the Sundown.said th_ethree men fol lin-own wnether the heavy wooden in their early 20sdrove west on Route 25 in a weaponusedwas obtainedtrom their car or from the bar to the street. At Central Suffolk Hospital, Riverhead, 1969CadillacwithN.Y. registration lzoSOJ. g6nni-ln rhe street. Eqqiprnent Stolen fron, Matuladt ' 're, 6L:cf ftz? H,S. I | MATTITUCX-Between Octbber9 and 18. the closetappearedto hale been forced I laboratory equipment valued at approx| The equipmentmissing was describedas I imately $1,400was stolen from Mattituck followsi two Bausch& Lomb slereo binocu' I High School. Bruno Brauner, principal, reported to lar microscopes,Sray rn color with black poiiceThursdaythat a classroomclosethad lights; one Swift compound microscope, D e e n e n t e r e d a n d f i v e m i c r o s c o p e s a n d t h esi re r i e s 9 5 0 , g r a y ; t w o B a u s c h & L o m b illuminator attachmentstaken. The lock on microscopes.gray, and five illuminators Raynorofferc lnlet Proposal tqtl A ef )-t, ter months oI conttoversv SOUTHOLD--Af the Southold Town Planning Board has c o m eu p w i t h a p r o p o s atlo r r e c r e a t i o n aul s e of an area at the Mattituck Inlet now occupiedb}' a gasolinestorage lank farm. The concept 0f board chairman Henry Raynor, the proposal calls for a shore . a r i n a . r e c r e a t i o na l r d t i s h i n ga r e a .b e a c h m picnicarea, boal launchingramp, facilities for a Coast Guard installation, restaurant and parking. Mr. Raynor was quick to polnt out, however, that this was only a proposal: "lve're looking for community input. It s a conceptfor a recreationarea -- but it's Justa concept.We want to hear how the commun' ity feels about it. " Mr. Raynor estimated the cost of the project at $1.6million, saying that the town was looking into getting Iunding for 87'? percentof that figure from state and federal sources."A project of this sizeisn't feasible for the town to undertake alone," he said. The proposal is the result of a request from Town SupervisorJames Homan, asking the Plannin8Board to draw up a plan for the us€of the inlet area, Mr. Raynor said. The area has been aicepted into the Coastal Zone Management Program, a federally-fundedplan designed to protect waLerfrontareas.Being in the program also enablesthe town to apply for funding for such projects as the inlet proposal. Mr. Raynor said. "This proposal is designed for use by residentsof the whole township," he said. "We tried to designit lo run at no cost to the taxpayer." The CoastGuard facility would presentno building challenges,he said, becausethere is an existing building that would serve the purposewell. Mr. Raynor acknowledgedthat traffic is a potential problem with the proposal. but said,"We'd at Ieastbe eliminating the truck traffic that some people have complained aoout. "If I lived in that area and had children, I'd be in favor of such a facility," he added. "I certainly can't see it hurting property values." Maps of the site plan (reproducedon this page) are on file at SoutholdTown Hall. "If, after coromunity discussion,we get the gGahead,I don't feel this shouldremain a Plannjng Board function," Mr. Raynor said. "The project should go to a town committee Suter and Pell SOUTHoLD-Martin Suter and william Pell, rival candidatesfor the office of town supervisor on the Republican and Demtrratic tickets respectively,ran lnto a lively barrage of questionson the political issuesof the day at a meeting last Thursday of the Mattituck Senior Citizens Club in SoutholdAmerican Legion Hall It marked the first time any of Southold's three seniorsgroups have departed from a hard and fast policy of refraining from engaging in political discussions. There wasjust a suggestionthe innovation might becomepermanentin the enthusiasm with which the seniors fired their questions at the two candidates.Sometimesthey also questruncdthe answers/) Vf .7J\ t /.1)r L a s l r n gt o r r l m o s t a n h o u : r t, h e e x c h a n g e ended only when the moderator, club president John Krivacsy, decided il was time to call a halt althougha scatteredshow of hanosindicatedthere still were some who wanted to he heard. The civic center for seniors and youth groupsnow nearing completionin Pecortic, a controversialproposalfor a disco bar at Sound Avenue and Cox Neck Road, Matt i l u c k .t h et o w nf i r e c o d ec o n l r o v o r s yr.l s l n g taxes and the right to life were among the i s s u e sb r o u g h tu P . FRED C. ORTH RIVERHEAD-Fred C. Orth formerly of Flanders, died Octo ber 1E, 1979 at the home of hi! son, Allyn Orth of Baldwinsville, N.Y. at the age of E7. Mr. Orth had lived with his daughter and son-in'larv,Otis and Doris Pikeof Riverhead, since 1961. He had held the position of Cashier for the HamptonBays NationalBank sinceits inceptionuntil his retire' ment. He had been a Justice of the Peace in the Town of Southampton for 26 Years. He was a member of the New York State MagistratesAssociation'a memberof the RiverheadIodge #645 F&AM, and The Odd Fe.i,ows. /J4417I t.i7 I addition to the abdve' mentioned survivors, he leaves seven grandchildren: lois, Douglas and Robert Pike; Michael Orth of Bohemia; Daniel, John and ln Stephen Orth of Baldwinsville' N.Y.; and one great-grandchild, Alyssa Leigh Orth. Funelal services were held Saturday afternoon' October 20, at the Reginald H Tuthill Funeral Home. The Reverend Fred M. Moore o{ Baiting Hollow officiated lntermentfollowed atthe Flanders Cemetery. ANTEMAS E. WARD MATTITUCK Arremus E. Ward of Salt Lake Viltage passed away October 25, 1979 at his home. Mr. Ward was born in New York City August 26, 1665. He was predeceasedby his,laughte". Catherine Ultey. He is survived by his granddaughter, Mrs, Carherine Allen Fox and three greatgrandsons in Coral Cables, Florida and his brother Anton Wa(d of Lake Worth, Fla.^and sever.-l nieces and nephewi.fry |.1t17 Mr. Ward has been assdcrareJ with Suffolk County and its aclivities for over sirty vearsrhiny of those rr "Skunks Misery" in East Marion, the former home of his late wife, Catherine Metcalf, ard the pasr 20 years at his home in Salr Lake Village. Mr. Ward was one of the founders of th€ Nodh Fork Country Club and from I9JI ro 1gb4 he held every office. He was complerely dedicated lo the club and ils besr interests. The Art--mus Ward Scolch Foursome Day was firsr held August 20. 1978 and will be an annual tournament in hi5 honor. His favorile spol at the club wes on the dance floor, anc one of his most gratifying activi. ties was that of calling the dances, He always carried his gold whistle, and when it blew everyone knew Artie was there. Mr. Ward enjoyed a long and successful business career mainly in the field of public utilities. For many years he was vice president and comptroller of the J.G, White Management Corp. in New York. He developed a posting machine which made it possible lor the compan-v to establish the first time payment plan. He also belonged to the Seventh Regiment of New York and took great pride in being made a life member in the organization, participating when possible in sports and social activities. In short, Artie was a man of great integrity, a man of good spirit who brightened the lives of his family and friends who loved him as he loved them. Jeffrey R. Ackroyd,2l, of Wickham Avenue. Mattituck, was anested Friday and charged with criminal mischief ir;Jhe fourth degree, police saia/ flff l, t 4l tt They allege that Ackroid had damaged the window frane of a Love Lane, Mattituck residence. Frederick W. Schwicker, 18, of Deep Hole Drive, Mattitucli, was arrested Friday and charged with 73)-ears^Aoo ./llrr /, t{tq' The new fire enginb for rhe Southold Fire Department was shipped from Elmira, N.Y. on October 28. The hose is already here, The fall term of Southold Academy will begin November r{. rnls ls an excellent time ro enter this institution. The high wind of last week blew the r6f off of the dancrng pavilion at paridise point, October 31 was indeed ,,Wal.purges" night in Mattituck Vil_ Iage.It was by no means ,,All 5 a i n t s " t h a t d e c o r a t e de v e r y ousrnessplace with gates, stacks ol cornstalks, barrels, wagons and every conceivable form of mischief. Evidenrly the boys had rots ot sport. for the town l@ked like the dream of a disordered lmaginationTuesday morning. From CutchogueMr. and Mrs. CHARLOTTE M. FLEISCTIMAN LAUREL-Miss Charlotte M. Fleischmandied at Eastern lrng Island l{ospital October 29, 1979 at the age of 70. She was the former Postmistressoi the Laurel Post otfice. /f 7r" /, t { 77 Survivors include a brother. Harry H. Fleischman,and sister, Mrs. Margaret Hartigan, both of Laurel, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held N o v e m b e rl , 1 9 7 9 ,2 : 0 0 p . m . , a t tlre Reginald H. Tuthill Funeral Honrc, Riverheadwith the Reverend Paul F. Martz, pastor of the First ParishChurchof Jamesport. offtciating. Interment will follorv in the Southold Presbyterian , o u t h o l dN C h r r r c hC e m e t e r vS , .Y. A I R F O R ( . 8 P R ( ' M OI I U ' ' MOIJNTAIN HOl,4E' IdahG-NancvMick' a l i p e r .d a u g h t e ro f M r ' a n d M r s S t a n l e yC Itiititiger or Mattrtuck. has.beenpromoled in it'e ti'nr. of airman first class in the U S I /tf Air Force. l, , I a'r A i r m a n M i c k a l i g - el rs a n a i r c r a l tm a l n t e n speclatistwitt, a unit of the TacticalAir "nce command at Mounlain Home Air Forct here. Base, -it" li u lf}?Bgraduate of Mattituck High School. lf you are rz years or age or older and would enjoy earning money as a Laby sitter, the Mattituck PresbYterian Church is offering a babysitting course to help you be better Prepared to do so. Beginning on SaturdaY,November l0 at 10 a.m. there will bc four sessionsfrom l0 a.m. to 12 noon. The first session will emphasize first aid and emergencY medical treatment. Those completing all four sessions will receive the Church's recommen" dation for babysitting positions. There is a fee of $5.00 for materials, You do not have to be a member of the Church to attend this course. For infotmation call , /1 ty' t , t,i 77 2e8-414s. The Mattituck Ptesblterian Church will hold a one-dish Harvest Luncheon at 1l:30 a.m Sunday, November 1l in the SocialHall. 3.* D'-rl for Supervi i()I :' rett Tops Suter''l:fi:.j",Th::['.x:-i Y- -UFV,frrr^-Y- -- s tbr teennr b, u, gt h ,3 ' / . Democraticincum -""" 3ffi9;'I"Jl":J?xJ ;,*i,ll5l":,'J;i:' .:"iffi":P;:li,'l;T:"1;'"}ff'f; I,n[iitlm*h$,jj;,, #3ffiiiiiiilt ilpti*i*{i***;1:*g* :-l'mitl'fmU-ru #"-i?::";rriitr{i*"t."." fi*fii;tli$1ift#;tu'r'il"ffii: 6',i* ,e?? .{fr orrhe o""" i.tl,r,f*'"',?;u$:"i:',:J,lqff:'tii; ,,"+*lTjiTx:':"o"ihT*, *$*:3"1#i,3f111"e too .?;;$fltj,;;;;".armost .,,,, 8""*Tffi[:"il1"T*1ff:"'ffJh" ,"',i::g""rt$"':n:n:*:::ii",'"1':x *t"-*l!;'"ffiitrJfii"tnt$; ru;1tl*lj:""***1;ti *ffi,*t 3) (continued onpage il' to'i'eo *tro",,r,ri"un, shewas ill",l|"Yi! ll"o"'L;'J6 *"rtert the,",,";,:;,;;: "rfiiT*",lXd1*#ffiiiT captured Bill,Eell , The voters of SoutholdTown have spokenand what they said is that it's time for a change.By electingWilliam Pell III their newsupervisor, the peoplehave put an end to one-partyrule of Town Hall, at the same time declaringthat issues,not party labels,are what countat the polls. This is a refreshingdevelopmentthat makes us proud to be residentsof o ^,,rhnld To Mr. Peit's unsucuessrrll cnailengerfMartin Suter, we extendour congratulations for a clean,hard-foughtcampaign.And we hopehe will remain active in town affairs as a member of the ,,loyal opposition.,' To all the winnersand losersof Tuesday'selection,we say-thankyou. Thank you for caring enoughabout the future of SoutholdTown to ieek public office. Our future dependsin large part on the quality of tl, peoplewho representus, and that's why we,re optimisiic about the future. Of its many resources, Southold's peopl,eare its greatest Dammers - Steher Keith A. Dammers and Barbara Jane ;telzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. itelzer of Mattituck, were married July 14 rt Our Lady of GoodCgunselR C. Churt h in l_0Is swANl;Y v l a t t i t u c k J. I r t ' L/.1) i' Speciaito The Times The bridegioom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. MATTITUCK--TheNorlh Fork Commrrn_ LraulA. Dammers of Camillus, N.y. [ y I h e a t € ro p e n e di t s l 9 7 gI 9 g 0s e a s o n SusanRussoofPatchoguewas the maid of rast w^eexwlth an excellent.moving prooucuon honor.Matrons of honor were Laurie Reillv ,.The"Rope of Wishpngrads Danc_ and Terry Romanski, sisters of the Uride. Y,ol,:n * tense d.rama producedcomplete Bridesmaids were lhe bride's cousin, pal ::.- ] rhe audienceas the plor rapidty Zanicki; the bridegroom,s cousin. Judy :,:n.: mwed ]l through the slruggles of strengtir Hadden,and JoanneFinger and pat Wilcen. over weaknessoccurnng in a turn_of_the_sKl. centur-vlenementfamilv Mark Hadden, the bridegroom's cousin, Director.Allen Derrick powerfully inter- served as best man. Ushers were paul of rhe aurhor and skilJfuily Dammers, brother of the bridegroom: l:::el lfe lltenl orew superb acting from the well-balancei Eddie Stelzer,brother of the bride. Nor."n cast. &eilly, Jr., and Thomas Romanski, the Georgia O'Connor excelled as rne tor_ bride's brothers-in-lawi Sheldon Hadden. mented Margaret Hyland and held the the bridegroom's cousin. and Bill Roseauotenceas her capljve throughmost of the crans. pray.HobertAckroyd was very enjoyable A reception was held at the Riverhead as ne ,senslttvely portrayed her easy_going Polish Independence Club tollos,rns rne husband.James ceremony. Y o u n g R o c h e l l eF a b b . a s t h e H y l a n d . s The-bride is a graduate of Mercy High , ^ oaugnter Lrzzie, proved to be a very fine Scbool and attendedthe State Universrryal actress as she conquereddifficult scenes She is currently emptoyed by Yorlisvlle: Wilson.a secondyoung the Roy H. ReeveAgency in Mattituck Mi. I:tl,9u,t:.-1-*nif"r ouddrngacrrss. wasdelightful in the role oT uammers ls a graduate o[ West Cenessee LtentenUnet'arrow, whosecoarseness ol con_ Hish Schoolin Camillus and a graduate rrasred,welt with the refinement of Lizzie. the"State University at Morrisville He is scheer /Mrs. Farrow) skillfully ,_,]::-1,:"o employedby Otls Ford lnc in Quogue orought -eomic relief to the plot in her Aft"i, hon"v*oonto Florida the couple porrrayat_^of the Hyland familyis neighbor. now residesin Calverton Jack Moffat was quite believable is the welt-tntentionedDr. Jacobson D t r i e B e n l l e l l s e c o n dg r a d e r e a c h e rl n . The smaller roles of Douglas Scott (the t h e M a t t r t u c k - C u t c h o g usec h o o l s .e n j o y e d wily truant officerr, Len Archer {Officer t n e w e e k e n do f O c t o b e r2 0 b y l r r s t f l y i n g to K e l l e h e r ) .a n d J o h n C h r i s t i e ( t h e A t b a n ] t o m e e t h e r h u s b a n dJ, o h n .a n d moving thcn m3.n)-:verewell performed as eacn cnvlng 0n to plattsburgh. Jobn H. Bennett actor aqqedhis specialskill to the Dlav. w a s t h e r e c i p t e n to f a d r s t i n g u r s h e d service award Jt Plattsburgh Sl c. trnm *.hich .altracrion wai a baunting ,oauad, - t l . r 9 9 d"Lizzie's lre Theme." cornpced and graduated in l9S0 He is now serYing as sung.byJackMoffat. which set thl mood executlve director of the School District for tne orama. A d m i n i s t r a t o r so f N e w Y o r k S r a ( e . The Producer Judy Utter deserves much b e n n e l l s a l s o e n i o y e da s t o p o v e ri n Lake cr€dit for" successfully coordinating l'tacrd, where they vlsited wrth I\lrs. the Arthur numerous facets of the Dlav. rnompson, wrfe of the superintendent of "The-Rope Dancers.; wili be presented s c h o o t sr n L a k e p l a c i d .a n d a , s ol h e h o m eo f a g a r n N o v e m b e r8 . 9 a n d t 0 a t A : 3 0p . m . the 1980Olympic Games.This proved mosr Although tickets remain available tor rnterestrngand rewarding for Done, all as she pertormances,the choicestseats relnain for was aDleto obtain man-vbrochures,posters, l\ovember 8. Tickets may be ordered r plns and posslble filrps to be and used in her later picked up at the box c r a s s r o o mr. r l f U . . j t /q' 7,r ";," w r r i t h ep a s s i n go f M i s sC h a r l o t l eF l e i s c h man. a bjt of Laurel's heritagehas been lost. For many years she was its postmistress The existingpostoffice building was a sma)J country store, owned by the Fleischman famrly,and the ear)y postalservicpwas conductedfrom lhere Miss Fleischmansarv many changesin the communitv, during her l i f e r i m e a. n dh e r d e a l hi s m o u r n e db y m a n y Our sincere condolenceslo her sister and b r o l h e r . M r s . M a r g t r e r i t e, H a r t i g a n a n d /7 HarrvFleischman ''u/' " School Varie_ty tihow . /,,v., ,.ir-) IROY KNOllllN [AT[|A[I, NATURALIST,9 AS L.I, ,t'1, tr'1-t,^'e- Samples, of Wildlife AvidCollector Stock toMuseum's HeAdded ,@-w,r?z+ / EyGEOnGEGOODIIIANJT. Rov Lstham, a naturallst *hosd tsjd' msmmsls dem'lc collations of bltds, and lish and tndlan srtltrcE *lrl ssld to reDresent one ol the mocl comPlele Plc...1-^-- Island rclord wildllto, dldllla dted dted ln ln orlOrlot rt onc iuiii ^r "Martiruck'fiigh S6trbrit Goes ro rhe Movies .this year for its presentalion of r n e s c h o o sl 4 5 t ha n n u a lv a r i e t ys h o w . Potnt.L:I., on TUesdrY.He w8898 -.The show,under the direction of Richard P h j l l i p sa n d S c o t tV e r i t y . w i l l b e p r e s e n t e d "ni old, vears ' l \ o v e m b e r1 5 , 1 6 a n d 1 7 .f s 1 1 s | n t i m e i s Mr. hti8m, who l€tlrcd 12 YealE egP B as manercr of Latham Brcthers Farms' p.m. for all performances. r'i. soacft pouto tarm. spcnt mmt o-thls , -The show will take a look at American ii'r"iruavrni naruratblslirryor thecact' films from the silent era up to today. hlsbhhplsc.. blnhplsco. Islud, hls oi Lo-nt r,o'nststmd, em tiooi e m liio 'flp00 blrdt, mam"mIIn n i969.heaonated10,0@ to nountcd'to shlchhc nountcd' attol ot shlchhc anoit"n,all mals m"li and'llsh, in Coins, Jewelry Stolen /'( t'v /s, /.1 7./ SOUTHOLD,.Ashoeboi conraini6gjewelry and coins valued at $2.000 ano an irigation pump valued at g1.000 were reported stolenover the Dastweek. J. Edward Ross of Stiohson Road. Cuf chogue, said a cache of wrist watches. necklacesand silver coins he had hidden in the basementof his home was discoveredto be missing last Thursday. Mr Rosssaid the box containeda strinq of gold beads. a white-gold *oman's wiist watch with a diamond-studded face: a Wallbam and a Letkowjtz wrist watchi five diamond pins and two strings of cultured pearls. Tbe irrigation pump, weighing about 200 pounds, was removed from a farm lot betweenNovember6 and 10.off Old pasture Road, Cutchogue. The owner, John Doroski of peouash Avcnue, Cutchogue.describedthe pump as blue, Marlon model /3c6, Serial f4l8z9l. Both thefts have been refened to the ?th Sq_uad,county detectives. Ma,gl B. puilman .z /-i,,-f /.{../ qZ /) y ' u i l m a n ,a _-HATFrELD,tpa. Matiit b. 50-year.summerresid€ntof Mattituck, died November ll in Hatfield. pa. She was 100 years old. - Mrs. Pullman and her husband,the late Dr. James Pullman, built their summer nome rn 1920.They were among the fjrst members of the Norlh Fork Countrv CIub. , Mrs- Puiiman was born rn Branlford, O n t a r i o ,a n d l i v e d i n B r o o k l y na n d G a r d e n ( rl.y.Recently,she lived in Oreland, pa. She is survived by her son, James Pullman, M.D.: a daughter, Mrc. Certrude P Marvir,; l4 grandchildrenand 20 great_ grandchildren. _Amemorial servjcewas held in the chapel of..Creenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn. Cbn. tnDuttons may be made to the Hailield MennoniteHome, Rte. 309.Hatfield. pa. gat! the the New Yorli State M$cut!- Hc-8aw York Ationr Islud chrpter ot ttrc Ncn' York chs-lo gical 4:soc.tatlol 30'-ry flq9lt ar' trcm iiioit",-inctua.g ttndshc urcrnh€d iti-it't& 50 slteg near 6rtent, and hr doost€d nlailv too,ompresseaPhnt!, mo€lt€s,ll' unlErElry. to Cornell CornellUnlErElty. cheDisd rlrac t0 8nd rlSac chens natural exteilll€ Br|rr most erlQnSlE Even so, "tie "the mogt ;torv collecuon coltecUon cwr mrdg by rn lndihlstory ucea pcrmtttcd to bc xtldcly traO Do€r vldual" iuit'" had the Coolcy, thc P, coolcy, nncrea- wmtc mta lrrthur P, scattercd, iituiniJi, tn ttte xer Yorh Tlmes on Aprll16,1979. 'An UnbollqrrblcitdnorY "A metlculo$ rccot{er, Mr. Ir0ram hasan unbeuevablememoryof slSbtliSl madeveaN beloF," Mr. C@lcYqotc. "on o;e occlslon,whenln Ns 90'3'he r€discovercd t rat6 plant by SolnS th9 handg rnd lncca lnd last lew feet on hls han& dulf, uncilerlng the pulunt ltat dull, back tl|e lrst oulllnr back veruolmt hehadnot s€cn!n rlotl tlran a " qua-rterof ccnturY'" €rter of a ccntury, 'Amona htham'g rccognlz€d dle AmonS Mr. htham'8 of tle thJ tcdcc Ooittc tll6_sltc ol tty twlcc mverles wers a tty ctverles-wers houe ny that ha n8mrd. tbc -Lidella tho latharnt,'and a thy rnoth h! c8llcd Er.lcosmal&tlarDl. A small. m8cular msn, Mr. lrtian newr sttended c{llc8e Dut mrtntalncd In his houser llbrary ofmorc thln 2'm vol' mes. AmonP Dumetotts snlclcs tlat he mte, iere "The Flora ot the Town ol southold ard Gardner's lsland"(l0u)' "Distrlbutton ot Wlld Orchlds on lrnS Ie land" (19{0) and "The Grc€n lleroa 8t. Orienl" (1969). tte is s:urvlved bv hls wlfe, tho tormer Lulah M8e Vait: ihrce clllldlln. Rosc marv Barr"da, Lvdls Davtd rnd Dtana lathaml a ststcr, RubY PeteFon, and j touperaldchlldren. l TheMatlituck Historical Societv wilt hold its combined Christnras party andannuaimeetingat 6 p.m. on Tuesday,November27, when electionofofficers will take place,, saysChippyBennen,the ourgoing president who has seNed the Society for two years, Attendees are asked to briDg I mvered dish and a new item for the Chin€se Auction. The Society is hoping for wide support of this event, Members-rare inv-ited ro bring ' guests. /\'dr' 7/,) E'l nl F armers Tell Ptight farmerand townplannerJohnWickhamtells Southold taxesare makingfarmersan statecommitleeinheritance specieson the East End;/l[/f /&-/4 endangered ?7 pleaded tbr reliel tiom assessRIvERHEAD-Almostadozen ments which exrggeratethe value local farmers told members of the AgriculAssembly of their land. They asked that the New York State t u r e C o m m i t t e e a t a h e a r i n g i n t h ec u r r e n t f a r m l a n d p r e s e r v a t i o n C o u n t y C a n t e rT u e s d a yt h a t t h e p r o g r a m s b e e x p a n d e d . T h e y criticized governrnentin general futuri of rhe family farm was in g for redundant and insetsitive - r a v ej e o p a r d v . inheriof complained Farmers buteauctacies And they spoke in favorofaLonglslandregionalfood tance tax larvs which rob a patriarchofhia s b i l i t yt o b e q u e a t h ' * ' ' i n r l rhev irisfarmto bis offspring. SUtef lrl1m,ed park Trustee ,,li:i:,::'#Ji.'i'Jl:,'i;,Ji rhe crop of cauliflower is brrng_ ing fair prices.Aggie Culture also reportsthe disturbing news that many farmers are seriously cons i d e r i n gg i v i n gu p t h e p l a n t i n go f potatoes,or cutting way down on the acreage.They have already r e c e i v e dn o t i c e t h a t t h e c o s r o f fertilizer aloneis already uo fc (/t of./t;,-aj1;/ The Suffoik Cou,ity iegiJtatdre appointed Maiin suter. Southold's deputy supervisor. as a m e m b e r o f t h eB o a r d o f T r u s t e e s o f the county 5 Dep3trmentof Piuks. t(ecreation and Conservation luesoay. o.ri".,l,* i,"*i",iil;i,'*l ."i.J,l:fl J",[.,f:;l;;j,i"lJ;l nearly $ I ,300 to raise an acre or ment, said that a citizenfrom each potatoesthis year and the cuu price wirryusi ar,out ilI"-.";J ,/ farmecro b,5eakeven if he had a good crop! ltL tt-v I -1,/rl ?9 :ir:H"::;iJJ;:"]J";iln":: i'.';;;;;i;;,;,;;;i on." month with the dcpartment,s" MN. FERBERT N. BOUGHTON RIDGECREST, CALtF.-Her. berl N, Boughtonpassedaway at Ridgecresr Commuqity Hospital November 16, 1919.1\1il L'q Mr. Boughron *as u'ofi/iir, Rochesrer. Kent, Eng)andDecem. ber 17, 1907andcametotheUnited Statesat the age of twelve. When h e w 4 5 f e q n q q n ,h e a n d I i s ) a t c mother movedto Mattituck, N.Y., where he resideduntil [977 when he andhis wife movedro California to be trearertheir daughter. Mr. Boughton,know as "Bo" or "Herb", was a Pasr Chief of the Mattituck Fite Dcpartnrent from 1951-1953and Treasurer of that Departmentfrom 1953-1968.He wasone of the first drivers for the Mattituck Fire Dcpartmentracing team, the "Bulldogs." A forner Chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners,and ChairmanoI the SuffolkCounty Fire Advisory Board from which he was forced to retire in 1975due to poor health. He was a Past President of the North Fork Volunteer Firemen's Associationandthe SoutholdTown Chief's Council and a staunch supfDrter for a Fire Code for SoutholdTown. He was a memberofthe Suflolk County Volunteer Firemen's Association, Squthern New York VolunteerFiremen's Association, anda tife memberof the Firemen's Association, StateofNew York and served on the FASNY Chief's Forum. He wasa PastPresidentof both the Suffolk County and Nassau-SuffolkParade and Drill Team Captains Association, member of the New York Statr Parade and Drill Team Captains Associationand had servedas an official nore than ?.5years, He was employedas foremanof the now defunct Nortll Fork Wrecking Company of Mattituck for 34 yearsand later as a couricr for the Suffolk County Clerk at R i v e r b e a dN, . Y . He had been a member of the American Legion for 36 years, having served in tbe ETO from 1942-1945and was a S/SBt. wbe! honorabledischargedfrom the Air Force, He is survived by his wife, the former RuthButtetworth;a daughter, Patricia Kennedy; grandchildren, Barbara Hurd, Roben Browne, David and Kathy Kennedy; great-grandson, Timothy Hufl, all of Ridgecrest;grandsons Kevin Browne of Fontana, California and Chris Browne of Ardmore, Oklahoma. A Firemen's Memorial Service is planned for 2 p.m. Sunday, December2,1979,at the DeFriest FuneralHome, Main Road,Mattituck. A gravesideservice will be beld at the convenienceof the familyatthe familyplot i! Hillside, N.J. Il is requested that in lieu of flowers, donetions be made to "Operation Smali Change" c/o Firemen's Home, Hudson. N.Y. 12534. rz/,ln-Upstht"," ilSTi;,::::;,i,:i,Ti'l;,'"".';I: pi ' I \' SoUTHoLD..irlrie rur""r/"..,'iJ.#. 3,1tountv chogue resident who moved to Southold some years ago, died November 6 after a short illness.She was ?6. The next meeting of the She.and her husband, Rudolph Mueller, Commerce Vatiiiu.tCtu.U.rof moved from Rockville Centre to the North *iif ,"f," Dlace on Monday, Fork in 1952T , hey tived on Bay Avenue, tt," Cou.i, i;;";;;.'t9--"t 'ri.""i."i""i,"f Cutchogue,unrii his death in r9?4. luests at this Shewasafounderof asummerrecrearion ;i;';; tieuie Smith, a ;;ii;" program for_retardedchildren, which grew High School, ,r"r*.* 86-clie.nlworkshop program under """]"r'i Nelie is the ll9 ll ;;;";; ;;;;l:.. the auspices of the Associationf,or tne Help winner of ihe logo clesigncontest of Retarded Children (AHRC). 8A n a c t i v e A H R C v o l u n t e e r u n t i i h e r d e a t h . c o n d u c t e db. y . t h e . c h a m b e r m,ong high-.school students in she was made a life member in"'s-ii"iii presented Martituck she.will be chapter in tsot ,r grouti;o;ei""r ui';;;;; with her award, a $25 bond' at was named in her honor in 1975. she was a volunteer at the Roosevelt this dinner meeting' The new logo will be displaved al the cerebral Palsy center while ; .;il;;;;i dinner and will now appearon all NassauCounty,and later was a ;;;;;, ;i ntembers' plaques, received the First PresbyterianCr.urct'oiiouttr-JOl' when joining the Chamber' acMrs. Ivtuelleris survived by two sons, R. willjatn Mueller of Greenport ;; cording to Steve,,,Perricgne ^o{ J;;-k Mueller of upper saooi" fri""..'Nt.,"" T w i n F o r k F e n c e ! ' f i ( y ,l $ , 1 t 1 ' ] l brother,Renaid Posl of Phoenix,Ariz., eight Srandchlldrer.and one great-grandchiid. Dr. Paul Diefenbac her, 78 ,9/, /.(? t) ,4ft SOUTHOLD-Dr. paul r,. OieteirOaltr6l: of Southolddied Novembertg at his home. He was 78 Dr. IJrelenbacner tir. Diefenbacherwas born June 26, 26. 190t. l90t HepracticeddentjstryinSoutholdfor30 years belore he relired in 1970 Dr. Diefenbacherwas a graduate of the University oi PenrEylvan,a Medical Schooiand pracliced in Philadelphia and Mattituck before opening his Southold oflice in 1932. As a young man, Dr Diefenbacher headed the storage bauery Iaboratorv ownedby the famous inventor,Thomas A. Edison. He Ras credited with several inventioreln the chemistry field during his tenure with Mr. Edison. Dr. Diefenbacherwas both an elder and a trusteeof the First PresbyterianChurch of Southold. He served.on the board of directors of Eastern Long Island Hospital for 25years, and as secretaryof that body fo.'r0 u"ur..' He was president of the Suffolk County DentalStriety and a charter member and past presidentof the SoutholdRotary Club. ilewisalsoamasterinthepeconicLodge o[ the Free and Ancient Order of Masons Dr. Diefenbacheris survivedbVhis wife. Veral a daughter, Martha D.'Myers of Omaha, Nebraska; a son, Robert Diefenbacher of philadelphia; a sister, Laura Diefenbacherof oringe, N.J.i and five srandchildren. Visrtatronwas held November20 at the DeFriest Funeral Home in Southold. A Masonicfuneralservicewas held that davand a memorial servrce is pianned {or-Z p m. Sunday at the First presbyterian Church. Contributionsmaybemadetoth€Major MissionFund, Firsi presbyterianChurch, Southoldil971. TheMen's Clubof tbe M&ttituck Presblterian Chutch, who have enjoyed a very busy Fall program, are lookirg foilard to their ned meeting on November 26 when they are expecting an Austrialian exchangestudent ettending River' head High School to sddress the group on his native land, TonY Adams. presidenlof the Club' is hoping for a full membetshiP tumout to-suppod this interesting program( lq 1y i- l, 1 rl J c1 I A, very special birthday was celebrated in Maniruck q No. vember I I when ono Dohm, who wout0 be 95 years nta November'r:, ,iri*o" "lli r,"rl nrece. Mrs. Halsey Goldsmith ol rreematr Road. Mattiruct. Mr. uohm, vho now resides ar the nenry perkin: Adult Home rn Il!erhead! was greeled bl a nousetul of relatives*nephews. grandnePllews, and the youneesr lonm rn the family. 3,r,moirh oto brilna, d-aughter of Mike and q7 "'311,'lhl I trr t E^,1 7 Timothv G. Wvche ' )q''2'/ I.7, h /'? MATTITUCK-.Timothi C. Wycte, 30, of Hobson Drive, Mattituck, died Saturday from what the County Medical Examiner's office determinedwas natural causes,after he was found unconsciousby his father in their home. Mr. Wyche, 30, was employed by the Calverton National Cemelery and was a member of the First Baptist Church of Riverhead. Mr. Wyche is survived by his parents, William and Fannie wyche; iis grandmother, Fannie Harris of Aquebogue; a daughter, Tammyi a brother, Dr. James Wycheof Missouri: and threesistere,Elaine' Taylor ot Riverhead; Jean Wyche of Mich' igan, and Judith Wise of Baltimore. Funeral services were held at the First Saptist Church of Riverhead on wednesday with the Rev. Dr. Q. H. Tolbert officiating. Interment was at CalvertonNational Cemerery. T h e M a t t i t u c kH i s t o r i c a S l o c i e t yw i l l b e combiningits Christmas parly ano annuaJ meeting on November 2Z at 6 p.m. Al this meeling. Chippy Bennett. presidentof the society for the past two years, wil) administer his final official duties wnen new oflicets are elected. Members and their friends are u,elcomel.o come to the Little Red Schoolhouseon the Main Road and are askcdto brrng along a covered drih. plils a ne\r ilem I,,r lh(, ('hinese u u c l i , I r C r r m el o t h i s p a r ( v / m g e l t n ga n o I n i n i n l h e h o l r t l a vs p r r i t n 1 1 y n ' ? 1 N1 t / t i PL-e.'-.- -,- . O n M o n d a y , N o v e n r b e r1 9 , Michelle Becker,president of the Mattituck Chamberof Commerce, visited MatrituckHigh Schooland presented"appreciation awards', from the Chamberto all students who participaled in the recently held logo contest. That same eveningat the Chamber'smanthly dinner meeting, Nellie Smith and her parentswele guestsof honor. Nellie, as you will remember, was the winner of the logo contest. previously scheduled The speaker for the meeting u,as unableto attend and PoliceChief PaulCataldogenerouslyaccepted an invitation to appear. Chief Cataldo spoke on the problems presentedby teenagedirvers and the need for parents to take a positive interest in thei. tecn, a g e r s ' d r i v i n gh a b i t s . The Chamber also announced r h a rS a r ' t aC l a u s w i l l o n c e a g a i n be visiting fave Lanethis year oD December15 and wilt have candy for the Iinle onesand hot chocolate to kegq palents warm wlile they wait.' /Ld't' *? t / 'i) 9 After watching them grow all summer and fall, it was very distressingto find oneof the eight cygnets of Brush,s Creek dead on the beach this past weekend. It's a great pleasureto see them glide in a long line up and down the creek to the Biy eacir day...always getting larger, whiter and hungrier, and we bope no harm befaus tbe otheN. A number of seagulls have been lound dead on the beach as well. We hope [hey are not berng wen-to4lydestrovedbv pracfrcingmarksmeri /'{r Y a 11,tc7-l l 38. M#ff ?!,, &t*!V) ,,,,, u*, 5,^ {iHs . \ pv-.r',rx'n'7 bv rohnrraversa , ' ' / ..A GREAT TOSTOP'' PTACE A GREAT TOSHOP, PTACE Donald Gildersleeve donated several beautiful old photos ro the Mattituck Free Library. Onr of these shows a crowd of local people and an organ grrnder, fully equipped with instrument and monkey ir full dress uniform, posing in front of the old Gildersleeve Store. The stoor stood on the northeast corner of Live and Pike - where Michelle's Beauty Salon is now. Every Mattituck old-timer I t a l k t o a g r e e si t w a s a l a n d m a r k . T h e y m i s s i t . T o d a y ' s departnrent store, supermarkets, and drjve-thrus offer a lot more merchandise and quick convenienee. but they can't replace the friendli atmosphere and personal seruice that were the spirit of the Gildersleeve Store. It was rnore than a shop. It was a gatheringplace that welcomed people. A fire example of the rural Americrn store. it was a placewhere you could get in lrom the cold anci sit around the old Station Agent stove, swap stories, rekindle memories. exchange opinions. Jnd watch the smoke curl our of everyone-'s pipe rvithout any sense of being rushed. It was good to old-timers, and it was good to the young, In a 1961 letter to a recuperaiing Sid Gildersleeve, Miss Ella Jones reminds him of her 'lust visits to the store as a little girl, big enough to . the candy counter slJr)don tip toe and eye you or Jim would . . . select . . . big chocolatesand enonnous candy sticks and put them in a bag and give thern to mel Finally my mother told me to stop 'You going to the counter. She said. eat them with your eyes, and they think they rnust give theln to you . . . I don't want you to have so much candy . . ." R a l p h T u t h i l l , S r . r e m e m b e r sh i r n s e l f a n d o t h e r c h r l d ren taking breaks fronr their garnes and drinking all the lresh well-water they wanted at the hand purnp o t r t s i de . And it was quite a department store. Arthur Woodward, who worked there, can still smell the renowned "store cheese" that used to come in thirty p o u n d w h e e l s - s o m e c a l l e d i t " r a t " c h e e s e .l n t h e days before electric lights, people bought fuel for their kerosene lanters there, candles, footwarmers, and even coal for their stoves. In the earlier years the store sold farm irnplements, hardware and grain. One of their 1870's advertisingcards mentions groceries, rredicines. hats, shoes, clothing, etc. As tirres changed, so did needs, and so did the departtnents. The Dry Goods department ofl'ered a variety of fabrics. but was most noted for what sotne locals called "the largest and prettiest assortment of Percales on Long island". Helen Wells and others recall getting their jugs filled with "loose" molasses from a large barrel, and Gertrude Raynor rernernbers the aronra of the special coffee ground to order. B e f o r e c a r s c a u ) eo n t h e s c e n e ,d e l i v e r i e su s e d t o be a.lnrost a necessity to farm families, especially those in the outlying areas. Gildersleeve's horse and wagon made the roLrnds to take orders and drop off the goods at the customers' doorsteps. By the twenties the store had an auto for this task. As more customers obtained their own cars, however, the service became less of a necessity and more ofjust an attractive convenience. Eventually the general shift of business activlty toward the increasingly trusier I\'lail Road, gowing competition from the larger and selfservice chain stores and from newer specialty shops, among other things, led to the closmg of the store on February 2l , 1953. Oiiginally the store belonged to Barney Pike, and it was from him that Andrew Gildersleeve bought it around the end of the Civil War. Andrew's sons, Irad and James A., ran it after him. Following James A.'s unexpected death i-n 1895, lim A., Jr. and Sid took their father's place and kept things moving until the fifties, when they retired. Ralph Tuthill seesirony in the end. If they'd only waited a few rnore years before selling out, he says, the new appreciation and demand for antiques would have brought them a fortune in return lbr all their old store furnishings, which were sold in 1953 as Iittle more than used clutter. If you want some truly delightful descriptions and humorous stories by an insider aborit this store and country stores in general, read Donald Gildersleeve's column in his scrapbooks at the Mattituck Librarv. Last May 200copiesof "The pxpression" were sold by Hrgh School students. Just .?. recently, Lois Dunn€ and Joan Smith. J'l English and art teachers, respectively, conducteda contestfor studentsin grades? through 12,in which all forms of creativity and expression were encouraged to be 2 , , etrtered.Many studenlscontribuied poelry, 'J)Y ' ' macrame. pJlntings. photography, ceramics, etc. The winnersof each division will be announcednext May when the l980"Expression" is printed. Look for this exceptional form of literary and creative work and be s u r e t o p l a c ey o u r o r d e v . l n r T , j ' ) , , / i - , The North Fork Chorale. of wtiich many Mattituckersare members, will be presenting a winter concerton December8 at I p.m. in the Mattituck Presbyterian Church and a g a i n o n D e c € m b e rI a t 7 : 3 0 p . m . i n t h e Southold PresbyterianChurch. There will be a donationfce ^f {t (^ t;"r\"*,."11,if'"ii,"ort"l;"1if [f, :',:i:"'ff32:, 4 Kenneth Ftscher'5 Marv i."Z)irno-i,tnir' 'uiiiri'a 'oitt 3 1, 8, las ciuiur""e' 7' Msrac^o.t; n t;l;'II'z;;,1: 7 '"::,:,8',; !,I i,,'|;''lx,I:: f i';"E::: |i,21, li-' 6!,"! i' iiiTo"I l::,'!::""iu', (carpen ter ) Greenpor!! PresbyterianGhurch Jy"t GREllNPOIIT''After l.16yeafs. tlre First PresbyterianChurchof Greenport w i l l c l o s ci l s d o o r sD c c e r n b e iri l . In a report nade Tuesday to the l,ong Island Presbytery, declining m e n b e r s h i pa n d i n u o r n cd. w i n d l i n gf i n a n c i a lr e s o u r c e sa n d i n c r e a s e cd o s t so f m a i n t e n a n c eu,t i l i lr e sa n d p a s l o r a sl e r v t c e sw e r e c i t e d a s m a j o r f a c l o r si i l t h e c IosinEl 'l'he c o n g r e g a t i o n r r u ' n u m b e r sa b o u t 8 0 . s a i d t h e c h u r c h ' sn i n i s t e r , D r . N ' l y r o nS l a t e r .N l e r r b e r s h r hp a s b e e ns t e a d i l yd e c r e a s i n gs i n c ea b o u tl 5 y e a r s a g o .h e s a i d . "'fhe Presbvlery respondedlo a petition ol the congregation[o dissolvethe c o n g r e g a t i oans r ) lD ( c e m b e r3 l , s a i d t l r eR e v .D o n a l dS h a wo f S h e l t e rI s l a n d , c h a r r m a no l l h e s a r n t ' r D b eAr d r r i n i s t r a [ i v eC o m m i s s i o nt h a t r e p o r t e dt o t h e Presbyterylucs(lar.'lhrcotrntrsrrortwasappointedJuly3lbytheBoverninB 'A just institution doesn't fade out of the communitY' f 46-year-old body after a requestwas made by the congrcgationto explore lh€ viability of keepingthe GreenporIchurch in operation. The property. which is owned by the church but held in trust for the Presbytery,will be transferredto the Presbytery after December31.The Long Island Presbytery is an administrative body govcrning 68 churches. The dissolving of the church. which was founded in 1833,"is a highly emOlionalprocess! said Dr. Slater. "A 116-year-oldinstilution doesn't just ' fade out of the community. Dr. Slater is also pastorof the Easl N'larionCommunity Church,a positionhe s r l l s t i l l h o l d a f I e r D ( c e m b e rJ l So far as could be )earnedno specificplans have been made for members of the Greenport (hurch to attcnd arother elservhere,Jeaving it up to the individual members to lransfer to one of their own choice. The nearest c o n v e r i e n ct h u r c h r s t h e F i r s t P r e s b v t e r i a nC h u l c h i n S o u t h o l d . SearchContinuing Matt-A-Mar SOUTHOLD--lnOctober the Town Board o1Trusteesyielded lo intenselocar pressut? bv wilhholdrngmooring perrnits from three c o m m e r c i a lf r s h e r m e nt r h o w a n t t o k e e o fheir boatsat Gull pond.&/r: . u., / ,l )<' Two cutchogue residents have been listed {hottle in the full forward position. A' rrd Tuesdaynighl il was the other side of the ' as missing as a result of an apparent boating ing to the Coast Guard weather repc for coin as the Truslees okayed maintenance dredging at NIatt,A-Mar marina over the accidenlsouthofRobinslslandonSaturday. Saturday, the seas south of Robins : According to a Shinnecock group Co:rst were calm and the wind was fror th( intense objectjons of neighbors of the M a t t i t u c kI n l e t f a c i l i t y . Guard reporl, Stanley Victoria, 3?, and his southwestat ten knots. Members of the CutchogueFire Deparf Paul Stoutenburghechoedthe sentiments stepsonWayneGlover, 13,left their Alvah's Lane residenceat 5r l5 a.m Saturday for a ment and the K-9 Corpsof the SuffolkC:unty of his fellow hustees when he said: ,'We duck-hunting lrip near Robins lsland and Police have made a thorough search ol h a v e t o g o a l o n g w i t h i t ( t h e d r e d g i n g were not foundby presstime on Wednesday. Robins Island irr the hopes that the hunters e p p l l c a l i o n ) .W e r e a l l y d o n , t h a v e m u c h At 9;45 a.m. Saturday, the seaplane made it safell; to shore. Chief Cataldo, chorce The man has to be able to run his "Islander" reported sighting a partly sub- however,noted that the boat was "not that buslness. " merged small boat south of Robins Island. closetoRobinslsland,and itis unlikely that Opponentswere assuredthat the dredging Aninlensivesearchu'aslaunched.involving they made the island. But the possibility will be limited to the area immediately wesl C o a s t G u a r d a n d A i r N a t i o n a l G u a r d g s p p s t b e o v e r l o o k e d . ' C h i eCf a t a l d o p r a i s - o f t h e m a r i n a s l i f t p i t . a n d w r l l n o t e x i e n ctlo helicoplers,a Coast Guard launch and tbe ed the eflorts of the Cutchogue Fire a newly-bulkheadedstretch betweentbe Dit Southold Town Police marine unit. The Department in searchingthe island. and lhe Wickham Avenue bridge. The search area included Great and Lilile As of Tuesday, the CutchogueFire De- p e r m l l a l s o i s c o n t i n g e nut p o n r e c e r p lo f a PeconicBays trom west of Robins Island to partment has been coordinating tlle search l e t t e rl r o m l h e o w n e ru [ M a i l - A . M a r .F r a n k J e s s u p ' s N e c k . T h e C o a s t G u a r d t e r m i n a t eedf f o r t a s u ' e l l a . s m a i n t a i n i n g a c o n s t a n t v i gNowak, il stating that he has no intention of its search Saturday night, but the Town on the docks ol the North Fork Shipyard, expandingtbe operationjn the future. Police, Suffolk County Police and members where the search efforts are centered. from most of SoutholdTown's fire depart Professional skin divers from the ar€a ments have contrnuedto comb the area. have donatedtheir tlne Lol.hesearch effort. d-drfvbr <t1 i'tIQ-7') is Mr Victoria the second assistantchiel Cutchogue Irire Chiet Jrm Fogarty said wlio b6hevd RIVERHEAD-Anv o[ the CutchogueFire Department and has Monda)' nighl the search wouid continue he can escape a diunken driving charge becn a fireman for 16 yearsr He has also through Wednesday, bul "after that we with a slap on the wrist had beller think beenemployedas a plumber at.C.P.Tuthjll, d o n ' tk n o w . ' again - and especially the driver who has lnc. for 15years. M r . V i c t o r i as w i f e o f a b o u l f i v e m o n t h s , been in trouble in the past. positive why There are no indications of the former Nancv ( Douglass) Glovcr. fiied a With holiday merry-making ahead,lhis is the boatsank.but SoutholdPolice ChiefCarl missing personsreport wilh lioutholdPolice the word received from police, local town Cataldosaid it may have flipped over when Saturday morning. justices and the county district attorney's it hil a wave. The 16-foot MFG, with a MICHAEL STAIIL office, which is maintaining a four-man 50'borsepower engine, was found with the prcecuting team for the five East End Towns. ATTEMPTED MUBDER of ) MATTITUCK--Richard, Fogarty c / 1'; / /, t.- , vt r'/ /yw t/ Mattituck was arrested'for driving while On Wednesday the office of Suffolk Police MATTITUCK-Southold intoxicated when his car collided with a District Attorney Patrick Henry joined with with of and charged firstCarucci arrested by Casmo Dlatform truck driven Southold Justice Frederick J. Tedeschiand degree attempted murder SundaY Qre"n on Route 25 in Mattituck According Police Chief Carl Cataldo in expressing Floyd lAlexander St., 51, of ll to oolice Mr Fogarty. heading wst, fai)ed concernover the county'sreputationfor the Bell Lane in Levittown. Alexander to leep right and collidedwith the eastbomd highest number of highway fatalities in the is to appear in court tomotrow Carucii car. Alex Horton of Riverhead was state * 50 percent of them alcohol-conJustice befotc Southold Town unable to stop his car in time and hit the rear nected. afternoon' is He cu!Tedeschi. Sunday Frederick truck of the A spokesmanfor the district attorney's Mr. ! ogarty was Lakento Central Suffolk rently being held in the Sheriff's office made it clear that "when the police Hosoital ior treatment alter the Mattituck quarters in Riverhead. Fire Deoartment was^a-l)ed l, help remp-ve Police responded to a report Don.l miss the lirsl ol lhc schrx)lL.hrist. l7 7 7 hrm from hi5 g3p. d€as,(rt Sunday from Matlituck resident mas coDcerlss,hich will take place tonight. Maureen Samson who said she Thursday, al 7::J0io the Mafttuck auditor. j u m p e r f o r m l n gi n was threatened by Alexander ifre norttr Fork Chorale will perform a l h i s h o j i d a l , c o n c e rBt , i ) l p.m. her before E near be thc 4th gr;rric chorus, lh(, i;|lr and {,th shortly special Christmas concert on Saturday grade chorus. the Jurrior High Chofus, evening, December B, at 8 p.m. ln the home on East Road. She identithe Mattituck Presbyterian Church. Bill Trehy fied Samsonas a securitySsardin Junior High Band and the Z O'clock Band uunror llrgh StageBandr Then on Wednes_ will conductthe chorale in this, the first of possessionof at least on€ handd a y . l J e c e m b e l g . d t 7 J Up . f i r . ,e v e r . y o nlen two winter concerts. Bill and his wife are gun. lne comlnuntty is weleume(o come back to new residents oI Mattituck. Come to the Policcsaidthat Alexander,who the audi(orium for the second part ol the concertto welcome Bill as well as to enjoy was wounded by police when he hoiiday the beautifulmusic. Virginia Jones,also of concert. On the lg(h liou will be ignored orders to halt and came entertalnedand put in the Chnstmas splrit Mattituck, will be the choraleaccompanist. loward them offensively, was in Dy lhe fine tnusic ol our Elementary t3ind, Tickets may- be purchased at the door for possession of a containerof liquor S e n i o r H i g h C h o r u s .l h e S e n i o r H i g h 92.50. N<e /o, tq >z and a .25 caliber automati" fu Conc€fl Senror High Sh;e .Band arrd the handgunat the time of arrest. He Rande' / J t 4 ) '/ The Sacgd- He4B was riren trrnsported to Eastern Adhounced Fair comrffiEe"hdJ "Clrrislmas lnng lsland Hospital u,here he that they are planning a special %I:!?l9rGfq't for i woundin his wastr€ated boutioue for children to enable I)u''- v t | ' ' riglrt arm and arraigned. Alex' presents for their p to urchase them cases were adjournby SOUTHOLD-SeveD was custody taken into ander parents. This is just one of the ed, one was delayedand two were resolved the Sheriff'sOfficewhen he taited many attractions to be offered at in Southold Town Court on Friday with to post bail of $10,000 set by :he upcoming fair on December E Judge Jam€s H. Ricb presiding. Justicel'edeschi. reginningat 9 a.m. SpecialPrizes, The delay involved the arraignment of Making the arrest were Police loor prizes, free coffee, and manY James C Pickens of Greenport' The pro' Offrcer H"euryStepnoskiand Sgt. goodies and handcraftsare among ceedingswere delayed b€causePickens is Tlreodore Beebe. Stepnoski rehe temptatiotrs that await You. still being lreated at the Nassau County ported that four *arnings were itop by this Saturday, enjoy the berue he.was U;ji"X'":;:fi H 'i;:''"J";i;"il;*'"; varmth,and lmdthat sPecialgift. liventoArexmder fired upon After wresitinS^AlexThe Mattituck tlistorical Societyreports a Novemberg. Mr. pickens was arr€stedon a ander to the ground, the officers new slate of olficers. The new president is Alexander's disc-overed said they Iuary C. Boeckmann; vice President, ::i'::,",,t01:"il,1n*X'l:'t:",l'fftfl":Ti,li: gun loaded and cocked "Judge Ralph Tuthi)li treasurer. Kay French,17,ofshirley. Ms. French died from Katherine LascilJei secretaty. Gertrude i"|.i:: .ull"l-"j il the atrident _ lrma Koop: corresponding sefretary, Reeve. Yesterday. the llistorical Society openedthe doors oI the ]nuseumin honor of the Mattituck Lions and their spouseslor a r e c e p l i o n*. h r c h I n | l u d e dt ' l l r i s l m a sn l u s i c . The trusleeso[ thc socielyacted as hosts l1 is a rare occasronfof the museum tp be o p e n e da l l h i s t i m e o i t h ev e a r I 4 t 3 / ? " i For Vt#EinpHunteri At its last meeting on December 6, the Mattituck Senior Citizens' out-going president, John Krivacsy, installedthe new Board of Ofricers who will assume office on January 1, 1980: Marge Drape, president;WilliamA. Pfeffer,first vice president; Helen Cra*'ford, second vice president; George Bressler,treasurer:Ruth Wehlaw, secretary;and Henry Steinbrecher, correspondingsecretary. The seniors discussed their plalned bus trip to Manhattanon DecemberI 2to enjoythe shopping and beautiful holiday displaysat Rockefeller Centre and in the windowsof all the New York stores which welcomethevis.itorand add to tbe holiday spirit*\iJ. l3,ll7y Members are also lo6kinb forward to the Christmas Party to be held at Brasby's on December l8 when they x'ill collectgifts tor the children of the Little Flower Home in Wadins River. DA's Office Etrpregses Conern About Drunk Drivtng arrest a drunken drtnker we will prosecut+ to the fullest " Leniency in the case of "repeaters'' is "otrt , he sajd ljnless there are extenuating circum' stancestbe drunken driver with a recordof a previous offensefaces state prison,a $500 line and revocationof license. Speakingfortbedrstrictattorney'soffice' Arl Penny, information officer, said: "ThereisayoungEaslHamptonmannow serving a fiye-year prison senlence 0n a conviction for driving while intoxicated.He had a previous rrcord, so his last offense under the law was a felony." The case of James Pickens. 53. of Greenport, arrested on a drunken driving charge after a collisionon North Roadwhich claimed the life of a young woman on November 9, involves a felony charg€ and will go before the county grand jury, Mr. Penny said. Mr. Pickens, injured in the crash, is still hospitalized. The Public is invltedto Mattituck to Hieh School tonight at 7:30 P-m Chorus he-ar the Elementary the directed bY Ms. Carol Rabson' bY Junior High Chorus directed ano Scott Verity, and the Junior bY Senior High Bands directed the Amont George L Lester. "Mr' Santa"' offerings witl be "Let There Be Peace On Earth"' Fat for the Chimney"' "Peppermint Stick Parade", and much, much mote. Another concert will be held on Wednesday, December 19, when the ElemenratY Band and Stage Band, directed bY Mr. Brucc "Too Petrucci, the Senior HiSh Chorus' directed bY Mr. Scott Verity, and the High SchoolBand. directed bY Mr. George l. Lester, will Perform for your enjovmcnt Admission to /'1 ?'/ both eveilts is keell\!J Santa will be arriving on Love Laue this SaturdaY, Decentber 15, and all ofour local merchan{s have been puning on (heir b€st holiddJ faces io welcome all shoPpers and help vou find the right gift for all S3nta will have a special goodie lor all the children and will be anxious to herr all thc things You want for Christmas. When you are on Iove Lane be sure to take a look at the lovely Christmas trees which have been decorated by the various children's clubs in town. 40. -, Southold The Search Goes On SaaingsBanlt President Retires #il#,::t.",*JJji;r6tt''.:},,i::il:l*;"i,"u,."::, :":iJ:"::$l,f has SOUTHOLD-John H. Rose, In addition' Mr' Rose Presidpnl and Chief Executive setvedon the Board ol ulreqors s.::.uittt"' offiierofSouthold Savings Bank o{ the Institutionl City and since1969,plans to retire the ini Corporationin New.York i" Plttjntly a Director oll-ompu' ofthis year, bringing to Lrly banking career if il.ott" "lore forty'" thrift CorP in Garden three years. * Aft;r atlendingManhattancot- contributed.time1"d :llt1]t" p,ubllc..seNrce lege. Mr' Ro,;e6egan his career a wide variety of With Kay' work iir banking in 1938 as , t.tt"r'in and communitv the old Mattituck National Bank, his wife of,more than tony'one now the North Fork Bank and Mrs James Delehantyof Mattituck was Trust Company,He joined s""ti'- '#;il;;[' rtou"ru"r_.eeting of-the nffii"j-uJ-it" old Savings Bank in 1949, Hrstorical Socie[y. l'1... ""d twenty !'earslater, on January t, il"rlf,""iv was made an honorary member 1969, was elected President of her services as founder il-"pp.eiiation "na Chief ExecutiveOfficer. Upon iris -'r.r*ru presrdentof the Society. retiremenl he will continue to "nJiirst etected officers of the Mattituck are Beatrice Hardy two setve on the Board of Trustees. U"t*iiui3o.i"tv Southold Savings Bank, the ;;;'i;;*' Chippy Bennett and Howard 1s ' 1 ci? "/ first savings bank in suffolk ivJi.,'iiri"L-y""i'i"rmtWtt' "in" " Mary t"ti"trt*"n! county, was charteredi" 18;. ; *:.llotun praised and her 'commiltee were **ntnt l96q' when Mr' Rose u"'o;jl chrl:L$s tablesloaded 1". e;iit o;*-"d the presidency, its oepositlY *,-'Jj;"""tJ:t3il""?;: taled sirty .,',iou ooi,"i,' :*:'" **'* "l,oo assetssixty.eightmiltion dolars. ""1,i e.u.itin *u. both fun and a ft#11qt'$,il;,,::t,*x,*:illl :*1i*l_,,,*y ,p*j;;il*ilq;pffi F.q,'-;;,-.ru";{q5*''u"u,;5 p.nn oi, nnt,ii*:jrnn. l. -_i:i:il#: ;":ruTj,,.]'li, heshinne *#f 5tf*n"5'g#3gffi $t#itlHli"lr,T Robins lsbnd A ffiqtwry? dollaroin Much operarion. .savings._deposits,,y ijJJ,lir,",Jj.* to' 1e?ecomeseeour il;;k; ;; io n""'r*""t ::1"',':o"l:"li,l'li::"i::T'll surprus, undivided p.ont.ulii *ffiilr::il:tlll;ichard s. weus,sonor reservesby 14,000,000 dollars. About southold Savings Bank, Mr. Rose once said, 'fre don't wanr to be-thelargestbank in rhe courty. what we do want is to c,nt.inue ^serving tirc pcople of 5 u t t o t k . C o u n r - vr n d p r o v i d i n g rhem wirh d safe. drpendabli banl rn uhich ro keep rh(ir lir";1?!ping'R"';";;";";'i;. with thislphito sopnv, M'.. with the so-of,i"C w""ffr, t us beendecorated po."" Commendation Medal at ii{'-li" ii'"ie,iimestone, trle. ttre r".i i"i*l,ir, iii r;*" cor."ndation Medal is awarded outio'Uo"u inoiuiauuls who demonstrate or meritorious ser,i"iO-lnc " p e r f o r m a n c eo f t h e i r d u t i e s . u i " " i n " t t""t,i"u"aent wells is a I967 graduate of i".e";nt is la^itii*.r High school. His wife, Lydia, Henrv ine oaugnt"i.of. Mr and Mrs nuthinotki of Bridge street' Greenport' arenot tragedies :$T""liX,'J curcHoGUE'-Boat "ffiX11t$""31X1 .lfier tegislaiio; new to this or anv other hamlet on the Norlh ;;;' ;;t.; permininf .""i"gi o"nt"'ii ilf iolk couity a"';;;; i."'nif om."r, so,ltloio i;*"r;il establish€dof{ices in pon Jefferson Station, Bohemia. and southampton. Th" r;;-l;i"; colonialbuitding or th;;;r;;; Main Roadand ioung. at"iu"; southold, the b";af;;;;;;; 1927 and a i"* i*i.".1, T"i recently been ."n."","J una larged so thut *'e iobb;-;n"il cuslomerservtceareusur. gr.at' rort. but the loss of slanley L victoria' 3?' and his srePson,Allan wavne Glovcr, Jr" 13' *iLt u" tond g'urtnedand longrmembered Since Saturday' December l when a p o l i c e r a d i o b r o a d c a s td e c l a r e d t h e l w o iuckhunters were missinS.in Peconic Bav' every able'bodiedman and woman appears to have volunteered to eilher aid in the search or lend comfort to Nancy Douglass Victoria, mother and wife' and Lydia' Allan wayne's teenagesister' . whil" th"t" was still hope that the pair .-" "m"'i,n,ry ll_:lpTd.q,. 1x1.f,"j;1il?._::"!*""fi""1lii:,#"J;,:i ure 'ts depositors.Sarurday :erl: #ili"ff;i, bankitg hours have been adder at port Jefferson station andl Bohemia, where they were mosr needed Under r"r. ho.";t i""iership, Southold S"ulnp" n..nf, has succeededi" o;;il:;"-';;li the advantagesof Uis U"ni *it; " p.;r;;;i the old-fash'ioned ;;vice of a homelownbank." Mr. Rose has also become -i;; welt-known in ttre taisei York state s""it;. B;""1 ;;: munity.AgraduatJoftheStonier Craduate School fi""fli" "frr. r,". "i RutgersUniversity, ""ir"j as Assistant T.;;"ur";-;i';;; SavingsBank Associationof New York State, and on numerou, committees of the Association, including Savings Bank Investments, Administrative proccdure and the Committ€e on Savings lnvestors' Service. In 1977, ie chairedrhe 22nd Annual Meeting of the presidents of Smallei Member Banks, where 46 New York Statc savings banks.were represented. m?s*'i"o'le"r.t, open spaces of Robins lsland Standing in the vigil at the North Fork Shipyard, which became the base for the seaiih, wereschoolchildren,companionsoI Wayne and frtends of mother Nancy whom they knew as the thoughtful driver of the schoolbus The Matlituck Gun Club, of which Stanley was president' mobilized those who had boats to join the Coast Guard and the ,Southold Police marine unit who were then criss-crossingthe bay waters by launch and hclicoDter. annual Church Family ^.The ChristmasParty of the Mattituck Presbyterian Church will trte placeon Decemter 16, beginning at 4 p.m. After the renrce. conducted by the Senior Feltgwship,aone-dishsupperwillbeheld in the sociathall. Christmascarols willbesung,Santawillbetherefor the children, and the edults will eDjoythetraditionalWassailgowl. rt-r3?'l- laurel School HALIPPAUGE.-Robinslsland and its sur' rounding waters emerged as a strong contenderfor selectionas a New York Statt estuarine sanctuary after discussion of i and several other possible choices last week. The discussion occurred al a publi< informational meeting here sponsoredby a New York Statesleeringcommittee and th{ Long Island RegionalPlanning Board. Th( purpose of lhe sessionwas to consider ar estuarin€ sanctuary program establishec under the federal CoaslalManagementAct. The acl authorizesthe CoastalManagemenl Office lo award grants to states on a 50-percentmatchingbasisforacquisitionol wetlandsand uplar)dsadjacent to estuarin€ waters. Tbe estuarine areas would be managed, as "natural field laboratories", to gather data on natural and human processes.The general goal would be to preserve the estuarineareas for long-term research and educationaluses. Areas selected are to. bt representative of ecosystem types, so thal researchfindingsmay becometransferabl( I,osimilar areaswithin a given biogeograph' ical region. Federal FundsAvailable NewYorkState'sinterestinthe.matteris federal spurred by the fact up to $50,000.in funds could be available in 1980for pre-acquisition activities, including surveys, title searches and planning. Up to $2 million more could be oblained in 1981for actual land acquisition. NoDevelopmentPlansYet Conlaining433acres,RobirisIsland ls now best known as a wildlife haven, Several corporations have come up with plans duringthepastfewyearstodevelopitasan exclusive retreat for wealthy sportsmen, but noneof thoseplans ever ntaterialized. It was learled this week that the foreign corporationnow.owning the island has not yetapprGchedtheSoutholdTownP-lanning to develop the Board with ^ . €.9p*:l / / property. :yt'/ J / j:xli:lm"i",yJt"*l;:x: ,'fi,:Tlffi.",:,.* ii::1":'",liT.:ffi ilil;;;; *t, t\r - a l,lstrIGT . TAUREL-Like the old lady in the nursery rhyme who lived in a shoe, the residents ot Laurel School District have so many children in their little red schoolhousethat they are not sure just what they ought to do about r. f,Le.,,Ao, t1?'/ LookingTor one way out of that dilemma, last May the school board submitted a $1,i85,000plan to expand the present schml plant. The propGal was turned down by the Laxpayersby a vote of 140to 166. Noting that a swing of only 14 votes could have reversedthis defeat,the schml board's president, Frank Murphy, disclosed this week that the trustees are now weighing another, more modest proposal. For that purpose they have been conferring with the ichool s arciitect, George Beatty of Shore ham,whoisgorngbacktothedrawingboard to draft new;la;s The two most pressing problems for the dtstlct are today's need t-ouse the schoolhouse basemeni for classroom purpses, and todevoteapproximatelyhalf tire annuai budget- or aboutg250,000:for tuition in tbe Mattituck schoolsystem of Laurel's kinder_ garteners, junior and senior high school students.Ciassesat Laurel Sch6ol go up only to grade six. AnAitrsctiveLandmark Laurel's one-story, four-room school building, located at the western end of the Town of Southold, is a landmark which attracts the attention of travelers enteri;; the town via Route zs. It was built in 1928to accommodate 40 students. The average recent enrollment has been in the B0s,ddspite Uu"slng some fi Laurel klndergarten children to East Cutchogue elemenlarv school. Principal Lucius Ware said last week the total enrollment this year is zl. That drop however, is expecied to be temporaryl Schml officials eslimate the schml aee popuJationcf Southold,smmt western hai- .iii,rii,lliiiil: Rudo$,h o^tto Am brust i",il;fl:-f,?r"i:1,'rJ;1"fr Mr. Ware MA'I"TITUCK-RudolphOtlo Armbrust. lifelong resident of the North Fork. died at" Eastern Long Island Hospital December 14. Mr. Armbrust, 82, Iived in Mattituck. He was born in Setauket, L.L, December 22. 1896, the son of Michael and Caroline Armbmst. A r€tired gasoline slation owner, he was a member of the Mattituck presbyterian Church, the Junior Order of Mechanics, and the Mattituck SeniorCitizens. He is survived by a brother, Herbert, of Smithtown; a sister, Elsie Charters of Mattituckiandseveralniecesandnephews, Mr. Armbrust's wife, Marie, predeceased him. The Rev. Frederick Hummel conducted funeral servicesat DeFriest Funeral Home in Southold December lz. Intermenr was ln SoutholdPresbyterianCemetery. said recently that his district's pre-school population doubled within the past three years. In 19?8,h€ said, there were 20 Laurel births. Projections are for an enrollment of t2S students by 1984. According to Mr. Murphy, who gave a reporler a guided tour of the tiny schoot_ house last week, the consensusof tire school board is to provide Laurel with an adeouate .,n€ighborhood school through additio; of a Dnck and morlar building.,, Although now in its 51st year, the present school bu_ildingdisplays a spic ani span exterior. It is just as neat and clean imide, oesprte cramtEd quartere, - Wid<ham:-'l'm a Farmer' KapasHeadsL.l. -'*.::::":. BankersJohn --- Mv RootsRun Deep' "",0u*&,i:i:ili;; of The North Fork Bank & Trust Co., has been elected presidentof the Long Island 3ankers Association, it was announced 'ecently The Mattituck-CutchogueHolidayConcerton DecemberlJ was absolutely great The choral groups,directedbyCarolRabson, M r ' K a n a s p r e v i o u s l y s e r v e d a s , t r e a s u r e r s a n g b e a u t i f u l l yi n t h e h a p p y , rnd first vice president of the 48-year-old joy'ful spirit of t'h. r""ton. Ti!i. ndustry organization.which bas a memberuntrainid voicesblendedtosether ihip oI 23 Nassau and Suffolk County a n d s h o w e d w h a t f a i t h f u l o r-"", "actice :ommercial banks, including thr€e New and a concerned t"""f,'". ork City-basedfinancial institutions. Its ,;;Z';,,'-' )oardof directorsis cmprised of more than ".""*firi,Q"l-l W. it.n ii. ,r"_-^l.n," d"_. ,0 senior executivesfrom the 23 memoer -'" ::"'' member *,--,::':..^,^-i.:.;i":"" stirring music by the Junio-rHigh )anKS. GeorgeLester. Mr. Kanas was also elected first vice lglo:j't:otlot o:t,,Rois", "Come president of the Independentg"nku.r Ai;::,-Y-:l: to Sorrento", a medley of sociationof New yor-k State at an innmf l1"l Lhnstmascarols,"AllT'hatJazz", meetingincatskill,N.y.Hewillcontinuein and fnallv a beautiful "Staryars hjs role as chairman 61 16s g5s^:,;i,^--,Medley"whichmao"youreetti,ui tegislative committee, *i,r, the rocket ships were going to fly "".o1-"jitiiii foi liaison betweenthe sz menier ba;right out into the auailencel the New york state Lugi.ratu." uniil;'iildl .. The Junior Higl ^j coilgress. qau,ir.rc^n^nrin,,61^cd,!,o... ectedbvs.oftvcrll e c t e d b y s c o t t v e r i t y , mYlljj,,""l1; ovedusall H e w i l l a l s o c o n t i n u e t o s e r v e a s a d i r eii.-^r^ctor Standing six_foot_five, his eyes crystal blue, a hlu-century of work in the fields reflectedbyhishugehands,Johnwickham isCentralbastingtversionofawiseLong lsland farmer. ,?. - l,j Ja }<i But he's for ,""11J$r /'/1 / 1 / 7 -ll€goesbacktowhenallofNassauand Suffolk were.full of farms, to the original English selllers of Long Island - the lam)lreswhocame to Southoldin 1640.In his 7l years Mr. Wickham has farmed on the ;"'J;;:i: ;" south America and here, on anatnaiwaiunaercultivationforsooyears )y the Island's Native Americans before r4r.wickham's ancestorspurchasedit over i00years ago. "Despite the fact that this is the oldest wickha.mwassaying i:d':.1^T*i:.1,"Mr ,t-!--Y^"^"T,i!'s still the best land in "second to none" in the 'Jn9ll9ar, ^' -and orld. "l've seen the choicestagricultural t,nd r r u in r l r the L r r cworld," w u r r u ' rsays a v s r l,lr.wick-iram. vrr'wlcKnam A end nd +2. and then critical water shortageproblems. ,,Mrs. Wickham and I operated for erght years in california...They overdrew their water resource year after year, and the pipermwtbepaid,"saysMr.wickham.He recallslhe wat€r table in the salinas Valley plumelting.,.lt was a sure sign of the time whenthewholebasinwouldbe,exfdufed. This was one of the facts d.$[e which the peopleblrthely ignored." -!) Not being Laken as seriously as they shouldbe farmers on Long Island (with its soresource undergroud water supply) is theuse-indeedtheoveruse-ofa virietyof lethal chmicals, psticides, herbicid€sand the rest, of which Temik appearsto be the tip of an iceberg. on this, Mr. wickham takes a defeNive lpsition, maintaurng health and enviromintal authorities are "shootingin tbe dark" in determiningsafe levels. central to saving farmland, believs Mr. wickham, w r c K n a m , ris s.@ p a r a t e m ethe o e vdevelopment elopment "tos esiparate o|GroupvIIoftheIvewvorr.statJiari*eis:*l'':5l..;il.l"',l"lg:*''.reif}$Ji:il*ff?i:t,l*T:.Tj"ff'ni;;l: ;$:*;;l[1#;x]}.ig:*1i[::,1""I *,"lii*"ili")i'':,6;;tt* E ]T':,r,'#g,"1*r1!o1e-rs,3n,,,_Mr, KanasjoinedTheNorthForkBank&TrustNoel''.ThisverylargechoraIGw"henhewasforcedtoreSignbecauseofage *il groupwhoperformedsowell are a c0. in 1971and was named president in Enf 1imits(he'san outstandingexample of why June,l9??'Heisalsoadirectorofthebank,compIimenttotheirdirector'G;w.ili,"i'ri-it"canbeidiotic)haSbeenaleadeI a member ol the President's Council of The High School Stage Band. in the movementto preservethe remaining E\l ][ ' SouthamptonCollegeand of several other also directed by Georg! Lester, easternLnng Island farmland ;+,")ankingindustryarrdcommunityorganiza- openedwiththelovely:you'dBe He'sbrenakeysupporteroftheSuffolk S \I ]/ ,. rons. SoNiceToComeHomeTo"andset ISj, Countyfarmlandprservationprogramand U ' l, of the slale's agricultual districting plan o'-I the stage fcr some very jazzy EXCURSTONTONEWYORK -ending re" MATTiiUdg--i. enjoya day in Manhat- music, of driving, strut." t""-*itf,""i ihe inconvenience i'l"ttttucr. SeniorCitizens ;;#;;;;;i; " *trr ,,s"*1iii G.,t .-\.,' "' E isliffi;.H1.?"ir 1r*ry;r11111;aq$[1ii]:ii:iri Et ',"13f ,,[ ,",'. , " -'il . and was irvolved. in ..SoutholdTown's pr:lee.llnq'9'k "ln thelonsrln,l".Iit li-"]1tof tT ul!:9 ^ lhe,pe:ple iiii";#*:|.ui*ili",k:;:r juilnit'*"t'opoltSlast\1,edneSoay'.,;;;*".".."::1]:-_"",.:Ili.,i.::;stt;^:;;"".,i,,;ii;;."T^l.i""^-".,"..:'n," sjg1tse;ineini19"11ywell,w-orththetrip,Hospita]aftera-fewdaysillness.mm'U-'.fJiil.i?i^.will..notbeabletoconHe had recentlx celebrated his if,-"""nio.i left Mattiiuck at ?:30 a.m. and tinre"toeasilvtransportmuchofitsf@din g5thbirthday. someofwhathe'snotseen,hissonThomas. il,tv- ]7,,/?17 wentdirecilytoRadiocity. q:::': rhere I n e r e they t | l c y admired . * : i ; . ^ : : the , ^ . . Radio _ ; : ' - ^ .city ' ^ ; " ^ - ^-. .Born - . ^ _ in . . , N"**i . : . . - .vl.t : i ^ : : City', : : ' . : :il" : ; ' . ' ' p"'tnu* init'" wi"i*,"-:"'i'i.t "g"" i".-, ,l::t' fi""T":i.lll::$i,li,i,Tl11 is nowseeing-- in Asia as he preParesa book -^- _ family movedhere when he was a Christmas tiee with its 10,000glittering countvExecutiveJohnv N Kleinandnow onriceirrigitionhehasbeencommissioned young boy. He went to school iie:h;";i"0";*-.nopped the FifttiAvenui ^rt"*"J being utilized in Connecticut and other to author 5y Rockefeller brothers. here, ptayed u*"t"ii ,r'.l""li iiffuJ*itfr froii'daydisplays. one store .the "" " L i t t l e team,'anir"""O""tr.eitt",i* scenes'fiom , L a n d a n d c l i m a t e c o m b i n e t o - m - a k e . L o n gof.-development : J e j s ' m c e l s t hrighls i s b y p r oMr' v i d wickham i n g f o r p u rhas chase .i"*"J'""i-"t"0 Islano.tana.iaeal for farming, Mr. Wickham of his death, r," *^ *'i"".r"r| women,, wuch drew large crcwds to its is saying. "BecauseGod was .gmd to our offeredthe developmertrights on 171acres member 7 and ,h; ;"i'"'ii"tri windows. dlza_o, l,l / "'iii"|r.fiH."'Ji-t|ncneo/attrre..ropot"t'""",.".u",."i.nJi]'"iiul'.liil.l:TililL"..'i""."ifh'ix:;::.,":I;f:;i"ii}',]:'ii',i':.*lL the sixes", with its viev of^.9o*nioy_1 fromthe3sthrloor.oryI. [11j Manhattan j" til ITI r0 St. Patrick'scathedra-l Fire Department, which was or- very strongly it should remiin producing ;b,Hi$ift*hichthereissomuchon ,,r'ma ganized in 1907. rooiro.p"opl.," saysMr.wickham. r,ong rrr"na_ *|iiffi;;."D;il;#ii His actuttyearswerespent il;i;i;;r";;, rootsgodeep." t.L t,,and,,classrarmer.'My as,,Class '-:TY"l-T:fi ;l;l*""U:.lmlls.";.,;i,"o"e uv ;:iiff!,ll-,ft#":t"l:::" ,,r"no, ::::'::" ;:',:ll',:"J":[ , ,J,*,.u1i, "*"*,,,. ",uf*uo" Bili Pfeffer, a club member, will be.the speakerat the Mattituck se_ni?I_T::tl5 todayatlta.m.Hewilldiscusstheprosano co6oftheTownofSouthold'sProposedfir,e code.Mr,PfefferisaretiredNewYork-City batt2lionchief, who servedas a fireman for isyearsbeforehisretirement. _ News, New york Daily Mirroi, 'l New york imes, and or her papers. He worked in New york bit'y""tlft"*"rsoyearsold. -'iiiri..ii".f.risandasister, "ili.r' ar"" ;;;d e c e a s e d r , i"ini;;,-.u"i.",*i".jr," his alma mater, cornell university, in the ^*iu"o l,.ii..ii"elirhl"ttl"ii -j*rr"" I960s showing concluively that our they foundit oust noiigiv good,in conrrast plymouth. summer residenls were here" not marnly to ihe land at Jamesto"wnand because of "the salt water recreational Both of those.otoni"" *"." abindoned. a^spectbutbecauseoftheruralnatureofthe S o u t h o l ds t a r t e i a n a t e p t o n g r o w i n- g , " town." And "l can't express mv feelirgs notesMr. wictham. strongenough,"hesays,aboutanEastEnd Allowingtheland'sfertilityto.rise.toits lHg ":r":;i]3' ftfl"r*{-;'d,* ftnatffirer,,fef* $:;I'Ti'.iil'*','.f{*.ilff is.an Rilev; and,'""o"lii'*'"'i1ili $111ff1:-i:;.ffil;i*i;;;i.;:f NorE:rherorlowing ";ll$ll]: *iff'';,Tl"HX:,i:i13"[: {EDrroR's 'trunr hrt T'rsJ' P:'$rrjtertan i"ti"r "o"1 iir*it"fcreenport.r . ofihe community: ;;;;;.i;"d. "d"i*"arvo""",nb"r19:1t-3^"0j,p;$;[! be rel'! sulJ'IHol-D'-trr that oPPearEto malnranu. .because of availability on, Meadow Further, ,of ua inciO"nt . three lampposls. the Mr. vaxdalized,over were 1"n", ttlu,ti,u"t. markers we re in superb condrtion," Peter [oiio"y *u"L"no. John.Dabrowski, moming police- wicrham is saying.'Although almost all Early _su-nclay i"iii"v""t.ij"i"*ithuSinaspecial.Service'"3liio"j^ii"'ic,.*",-zb,otlhat.sleftofttre"eii,anseotfirmslhatonceiur-..ii..,'acl..t as we honora churchll1-il.-l::,*1t"1 x:uca''r*-t "J:fi[:- io*Ling spreadthrougtruoriglslandaretherarmsor ;;:;;]il"lifi-;;1"s in thiel'.r'mt vard" i""itlu.r*t, to con' ["."Ou.ug"iloneitherD€cemter22or23 irl" E"st gn"* they:re.still.enough lit."ofiin"ryru.uicetothiscon...-.-'J.-' 'rri"rtr -s"*t O"bo'i.";;"il.;;; do* suliolk county the top nlo pt"""ur"ntthis weekwas a'seri6 of "n over 146years w..i , .-'l the I'lT..,t:--:1le "'il"j,,ivr.i"oYo|d.l?^u^1l.ul|,,,i.in,tocomfortstation5,..:iil;;J;3iji::lH:$l:ii.:f;1.iil';l'f"-"l::l:H"f::'ltl;l.l"';''::3;;.lf.T;; expressed behind to our members that we tel lt -or makethisqneninvirarion,o"uoiriri"ia., mrnrsrers,ior members,former members. this final service your churches as God bless each of you in weallworkfortruepeace,ntn's-wJrld.*ittr God's love in our hears sincerely, Thepastor,Rev.Myronslater and the Sessionof the .":::'l'::';;:' ore"hrndred mitesirom +::;*"'i";;;; frcm which the East coast north and south' is a t"g"l"iliit't"t""as olale where. food can be grown super" a b u n d a n t l yB u r b e c a u s e o fc l o s e n e s s t o - ' t"uu.rla\,.f , 2 7 , t ' t ' 7 ' , i , tdot increased"in rec€nl years becauseof highpolice"dail tile incihent ways extending out -. th" center of olace at about 9:30 saturilay roff"r"d bruises population,it iJfarmland threatenedwith nigtt. rr,"."o the kind.of extinctronwhich has blanketed on hi, fa"e anclbody, police said, kickioshimsndtaking$6ircash' crews was apprehended at the ttigtr*ay Zl CiuU in Fl&nders and hei<lon a charge of second-degree ;;i;;;";!i;i-."po.t"o_ ":\:\/Yl. "; Xiiri:iirrgrr" either brokenor stole+,.";'7, And on- saturday night two Mattituck women told the police their purses hed been snatched bvfouivouthsoutsidethewslco siore oo Route 58' one woman ffiff ""*".,'"" f"u:l;'"',i;ff: i,"J':*$:",X1: l":,;:1"::l-,lt*,* lli,f,l"o, _9i::11,g:,,,g", fu$;fn::i[$H:L"j 7'2 /5 21 beenmade[lr'' nout" ZCh n111"t:i-^-,.. -*-- i-'lii' I ro I {. / ,I? rr <rt yetryg^flnn \/ -.rv /y-z- Llt/ ?7r Tu_rhillTown is srill on the rDap. .. Mr, BarneySidor has moved into a nw housethis fall. Mr. Henry Augntos[i has a new houseaboui into. Mr. Cl"r.n" fi9l.,9.* -t,u_ihill rs driving a new Chrysler, j,],r-_ .r"nl- -Dawson being tie satesman.Mr- Emest Dicklerson ras.Dought the old Seth Tuthill on north side of Main l:us.e ]h9 Koao,^and Messrs. Donald and uale bergen are home for lhe cnrrstmas holidavs- CuALftLt C-r,+ We wish all of our readers a Happy and prosperous New year. As we hnish 1979 anct go on to Ieap year, we wish to thuk all those who have given us liflle tidbits of news,parlicularlyAggie Culture, Ol' Driftwood. the Beachcomber,Little Sea Spray, and Hy Rhoder. A special thanks to Mayor Cal for keeping us abreasrof things in New-Suffolk, zZg south of the pear Tre..& Austin J. Gaftone 1t./'({r(on" MAruruc#-#Afn ai.d Decenber 2y'l at Eastern Long Island Hospital.He was 65. Ownerof Johnnie'sMarkel and a resident of Greenporlfor 35years,Mr. Carbonehad residedin Mattituck for the past 14 years. He was employedat Black Angus Meats in Riverheadas a butcher.Mr. Carbonewas also a member of the Mattituck Senior Cilizens. The son of Roseand Frank Carbone,he was born March 26, rgl4, in Connecticut. Mr. Carboneis survtvedby a 50n,Austin Jr. of Nova Scolia; a daughter, Prudence Comeau o[ Comecticut; three brotbers; four sisters,and six grandchildren Funeralserviceswere held December26 at SacredHeart R.C. Churchin Cutchogue' with the Rev. John Henry officiating lnternlentwas in SacredHeart Cemetery Ber.fr" Maston -5-ctZ 7 tztUc' MATTITT4/k-.Bertha'Mairon of Matri. luck died December 22 at Central Sufiolk HospiLalin Riverhead. She was 28. Mre. Maston, the widow oi William Maston,was bornJune 25,lgot,in powhatan County, Virginia. She was the daughter of Corneliusand Christine Hubbard. An actiye churchwoman, she was a member of rhe Unity Baptist Church,s SeniorChoir.MissionarySmietyand served on the DeaconessBoard. She also worked on the church's food committft. Mrs. Maslon is survivec oy a son, CorneliusMastonof Mattitucki six grandchildren; five great-grandchildrenf and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were beld at the Unity Baptist Church December 26. Intermeni was ln CulchogueCemetery. GREENPORT-..ThE Greenport has been blessed," said the E€v. Oonati straw of Shelter Island. "There has beena witnessin this placefor 146years." ift" fi.tt Presbyteiian Church held a farewe)lservice lait Sunday,and about ?5 personsturned out to pay th;ir last respects to a communityinstitutionthat had playeda large part '\'\"i"iT' , r, ;t' aeciaea to tn" utV("(natlrJsulti,v i'n'i"i" Nou"tu"t, otiii]"li#"""e.Jg"tlon """;misslon had iliii;";; ;i;;; ;;i;;-h for the church'sclosing OecfiningJtemUert"dwlndling ii*n"iii ;;';il;;;, sourcesand increasedcosts were ciled as Barbara schrlever recaueq ner sorxrcction with th€ church in the early l960's,when she was involved with the Girl Scouts' Christa Brown and Nancy Cook told of their gratitudeto tbe church'sfounders,and the hard work and dedication of more recent members. Another woman recalled attending sun' day schoolTsvears ago' in a small building that has been moved to Manor Place Frank covle' speaking on b.ehalf.of the StirlingHistoricalS@iety'recalledthat the societv-had.to clme its doors for a time' "But l promiseyou that even thoughyou've inthedecision iictors lfi:titjil.":fiii$"$T;:;;: """"'"u After the congregation sang "Joyful' ,l"ri"i. W" ea"* ihe"e" rwhich the Rev. Dr, "ut. i,it tune of tbe ;"J;; il,;;-;;n"d br. slater welcomed the ililil;;;;;'t intr;u""o rhe members of liii"iig'"',il lhe church session "This church bas contributed a great deal to this village," said the Rev Shaw "If all of us have the sens that God can use eYerv ev€nr, no matter how sad, then life is not in varn' "Theres no sermon today.Dr' Slater tio like to have rrt"'.li.on *io^.':v"""'." you te)l what this church has .!"-"."f "i "The life of this church by no m€aLsends at midnight Decefiber 3l God d@s not end the witness o{ a church like this " ;_ ""::15'i:'#?41?.i2*il_mh.ff u-9f1.""dto CirmanFirst 4 5 li:::,,i{,,T"c urasslJrlttsrmersofMinnesota,and.also, rc uenlse I-0,r beinggiven the honor of ..Airman ol lhe Month" at Wuthsmith Arr |.orce Dase. shere she is now stationed. Denise s3: lor a tate Christmas ceiebration lom-e M.r.and Mrs. John Loper of X]lln:l'amrty, rlxe streel. and while here she was - r .J r !,':fixl":iH 111 # d"J.:'f:j i ":Tlffi her sisrer. Debbre Loper. ,)enrse f!ly^119 and Brlt havea tuay ft weddingptanned and we wish them much happjnei. P.ersonnelCtnnge th" f,:r"T:H,r;I"cl,""uc"d "#Ji"Fil- fff:'iijil":T;:*!"f if,i-!r':lel tras b-ensuccelieo';;.*; J'ilf,"#1{;"i; Anderson, vrce president aid ;"6,11ruJ ""ru;;li.''ffil:R'il JoinedNFB&r in re5oand 11":,I-lj^TlT", ,i.. number of brancheson ihJ i:.-,"_.T^19 '':: "' ":q,H',uz',"ltoi\orSouthord : a southold resident. ,'i'io ?,i"fflXT',,irso s';H{J,i1*,i;'lT:.#x"*i:}"fr -or fi;l;"F:'J*'J;";T"#"!i"i;,;3g". I'""#'Jlt*:"::l"ij s'n""r Hieir "r,r," r'r''u"^ u" r'ruiirtuck i"3t"Jili?i:JlJlJ in the cateteria at u g"n"tut teeting Honor society joined in with 6hristmas "ii"no ih?-ptgiam will"feature Mrs Gloria celebrations for the worrers ot tnJn il i ' ;;'; ' thi president of the sulfolk in Riverheadrecently ln additionto herpingiito;rck' with serving ol foodat their party' the honoi co'nty ctotointting council -for the-EdMrs societv m;bers orovided'musical entet- icaiio'n ot tt'u G'trud and ralented to tainment, encouraging the handicappedGroocockwrll presentrnforr]atioqon [olv th6'!'ilted"and witn and retarded citizens to sing along *itrt **"o-u-."" an<i ae"t within your own families Prior to christmas carols and take part in dincing' 'al'en"ted an The workers alsoenjoyedsk-itsput on by tte itr" g"n".rl meeling, there will., be students when thi party was over' the 361v;p1vboard meetine from ? untll tt' honor societymembers all felt that this was Geoff penny has been home an excellent way to {evelop and enjoy the I.nD school for the holidays and true Christmasspirit.)d,1,1.1L), / q fL-/ has been busy visiting relatives All membersof the fqmmunrty are invited and triends. Geoff will be re. to a seminar on wMd and coal-burning (urningjo Bentley College rren stov6 which is to be held at the Mattituck week. e .1 ./ Firehouseon Sunday.January 27,at 3 i m ) tm 1 fo1 The(_fark area Town in front of Celic Ken Jones,chief fire inspectorfor the Catherine,s Beaury of Southampton,will be the guest speaker' fe.altl 1nd Salun.s being graued wilh Mr. Jones wrll talk on the installation ano a prne lrec, from an anonymous safe operationof thesestovPs on Ttrursday.januaru {2, ifrl-#iiinentcrr Nuser).,Schoolwrll be working in co_opera the school district to provrde 1,.o.?,*,ll ch]ldr.en be^lwglnthe agesof 3 and 4r, ysa15 wlth lhe "('hlld.Fjnd. pre-school.cr"rn,ng recommended by BOCES. This valuabli rree screen_lngts used to identify possible rearnrngdifflcultles in the areas of vlsion, neartng, .\pee{:hand developnrental tasks. ne screeililg will take place at lhe A(ivent ,l L u t n e r a nL h u r c h i n M a t t i t u c k .F o r furrher lnrormatron on thjs or to make p;.y p*tg:; i.T:.,?Fry t"Ii:!: ;:'jj::"S ,\\P PXrtrcrpatins rn operarion r r c rl:. e o u rn Antarctica. He is a aboard rhe Coast Cuarc :j^",y. T"-b:f i.^.^"il"fl .cr:li.r, homeporteo rn LonB T h i s i s c t a c i o r , s2 l s r . . D c e i :j: .j "rif r: :reezc uperatlon.The operallon ts geared qrov'dinC massive logisricat and l:.:L:. xrs-ru5(drnlngsupport lor scientists conaucltng researcll proJects sponsoredby the r \ a r l o n a iS c i e n c eF o u n d a t i o n . G l a c r e rr s a JUy-ro_ot lcebreakerwith a crew o, 229 ...::F,ffi[rH::*""", )cnoot. rn cooperationwtth lhe Mattituci :il:lt:cuq Schooi Disrrict, wiil conducr a Lnllo r Ind p_reschmi screeningprogram at rne Advent Lut.heranChurchl,i Uittituct rrm 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.Januail I? he scre€ningprogram ls dsigned to Lest ^.1 cnlioren lrom three to four_and_a:balf y€rs old.lo rdenrrfy"possible l€rning difficilries ln rne arss of vision. heringlspeech devetopmenlal.tasks. The -p.og.am and ,. recommendedby BOCES will be-askedto answersimple ^.-Ea.ch-child qluesrrons and perform tasks geared ior (nelr sprculc age level. The tsr ts a preasan(.non.threatening interview whtch BKes aDout20 minutA Time Doors At Ist 43 sroLEDlPOTAToES rrr 'Meniruct )(t4..? i_, Che+r Blasko/ of -reported ro police this week rhat uqnown person(s) forced open rne.dmr of the Agway building on avenue in Matti:uck "^*"bepeen Dccember 2t ::T.",j." zo^and tmk ren fifty pound :fu oags.of potatoes *onn 3t30, in aodttlon to other supplies. -received Denelaclor. The town is grateful ror thrs addilion and it is expected that when the landscaping of this area rs completed it wilt offer a pleasing ,,Welcome to Mattituck''.to visitors and townspeopre as well_ ji:lfrf?,i:ilr {",j; d,:iJ.r Aronch. Sotrthojd Town p" :;1111"= "1,;;-*;ft;:ff; Yotunteer proeram. rr".-, ,t,"r*"*rs'i:,^.;:,:':ff T:f " r c s r n g _ L o t t e s t :l s t c l a s sr i b b o n ooy uoll categorv 1,, ro Vera schwerje of_Mattiri.l,, :ii .,"r, ro Hanson of N4arrr_ llo^lo? ldirh BabY caregorv: ; : : ' : ' , - \i l 1 i"' rprrcki of Southold- for ;w5c, roocter category: Bettv W,l l1i:',""1, ^.'l;;.;"ni".'ll?1. Rufh Savageof Sorirn. ilry;.""9 I i , r . \ . o s r u m ec a t e g o r y . congrat_ T.V.'sgf.IDSTLVER ft/+-u",?,tq€r, Herberr ,j.::,X":*..resident New suffotk nve., ::l:.f . "f potice rhat s4cl0 Tl-o.T"o .lu in mtrciandise_including a black panasonrc teievision, a 3:::i* rvrng))avox color television, and srlver were raken froq f::.:: lf somelime between : r l ' I o n _ er and n. poricesuspect lilli:y. ili::,l T j;."'': -"- merchandisc i:;oj::d e v ' L r r c Jn,h neavv flt,$itrq,s$fr#j*# f .Tity enrerrainrnenr ;;i:.:l ,,lnj:, n;ghr o nF e b r u a r2y a t 7 : 3 { ; ; . , , , ; , , 1 ; : * : l':l?:j,-::n"or _l"ce gym parenrs to"ci,.'s ,na r ai ll e p a r t i r b a r l l qis1 l i i ; l ^ s t w r € n t s . p 1 r l s t o r e ' - f o r ' v # " ' r u nM a n ys u r p r r s easr Mafiiruck Scnior Citizen5 !x-cTr hu e- r, n e f last meeling on Janu_ ary.J and were privilegid to have a rnetr guest speater Mr. Fill who spoke on the subje d, .Ttler. to, *" n""d a Fire Code rn . Jouthold Town?,. pfeffer, Mr. former Barattion Chief .llTt.,l wtrn the" New york City Fire uepanment, concluded tfrat ," no need for a fire coqe a--, t - ll:.u he present timc based on accepted criterja that sould demonstrale the need.,,He discuss€d rt:ms as buildins and np , ulation p: :_: o density, industrial_ :il;il;"lTllgl,""",ii"?:i 11"'. Tl; rararrtres,. all of which are taken ..Joltn A. E.n"",, 72. ot Mattituck, was anested Ju-nuui *t ir. into^i"ui.i ],^1"rj.':l"g a,uxgnr. t) rn Cutchogue.police was driving in an :::.,-.rnu", uamage fo qrru , ^^li^- oriri"l "'llil: (I'"ii"'u lnto ii "*' uto ..,L: ' mlnor ^ :t':c.re dttq ller .Ytcktns Jjy"::T';:Tti;:;|;1 iuaeine M" went on to prais€ ,, Tttr:t rne work of volunteer fi,i_-, *hoshoutd behieii;;;#:il? ;:ffi HigDs 'o veno'rm Parkin Honored ltv l . rT . ., Amencan Unrverrsrty /.7'/t .. , ^r.kt: ft J. Sgnley Parkin of Mattituck rai been selectedfor inclusionin he 1g7g-lgg0edition of "who's by Becky Terry Preparations for the Great Race of 1909 started with the Automobile Association petitionins the town boards of fuverhead and SoL]thold foi permission io hul,l a speed and endurance coniest Sept. 21, 1909 from Centerville on Sound Ave., through Riverhead, on to Mattituck and back to start. 22 miles in di:tance. The Ass'n. was to oi] the road and indemnify the towns for any resulting damage. Ten practice days were held previous to the race from 5-7A.M. Though cars and wagons arrived early for the _ best vantage points and a L.l.R.R. excursion train brought I 25 racing fans from the city, those who had built grandstands found them only ha.lf full. Indeed the Greenport Band, hired for entertainment, were so d i s c o u r a g e da t t h e s m a l l a u d i e n c e t h a t t h e y l e f t b e f o r e f L r r s h i n gL h e i r p r o g r a m : The race itself, the fastest ever run locally, r e c _ o r d c d) | l e e d \ o f 7 0 r n p h . S p e c t a t o r s p o s i l i o n e d ' a rnile west of Mattituck (lrbar tlie present Jens horne) qitnesseJ a tragic accident. My iather was one wlro watched Herbert H. Lytle, a famous driver, attempt l o f , a s sa c a r o n t h e n o r t h s p e e d w a y . H i t t i n g s e n d . h e losl x wheel. upsettrng his Apperson car and totalli wrecking it. He was taken to E.L.I. Hospital in criti cal condition. His mechanic, James E. Bates. was crushed under the car and died at a nearbv farmhouse. L o u r s C h e v r o l e t . d r r v i n g a B u i c k r n ' C l a s s4 , w o n t h e r a c e h a v l n g b e s t a v e r a g et i m e . S i x l e e n c a r s s t a r t e J . I he coursc was 22 miles covered ten times. Cars in t h e 5 c l a s s e si n c l u d e d M e r c e d e s ,F i a t , F a t n j e r , P a l m e r . Sineer, Maxwell, Overland and Ciralmers Detroit . ,_.A happier auto racing event was that promoted b y W a l t e r _ C . G r a b j e a t t h e . - f u v e r h e a rftu i r C r l i , n j . l i June I910. Nevel 6gLt. in rhe history of liil;h;;; nad.a sporting event attracted so minv. Tfr. j"ll, recerpts lopped $-r000 and Grabie wis p.o,niiin, another race for July 4. Tle crowd ** ,iiilir'r,,i speed. It look real nervi to do 25 miles i" 33 ;i;;;;;; for the drive^rs wele racing on a narrow, low_batrkel rracK..truilt tor horse racing. In spi(e of.,throwins inors and _ b u r s t r n gt i r e s a n d t h e c o n g e s t i o n o i l i ilarlers tn 4 races.no serious accidents occured to mar the excitentent and enjoyment of the fanr. ttr. . j ) . m i l e . r a c e w _ a sw o n b y F r a n k G u m b u s i n a n E s s e x ioltowed by a lord and an Overland. . . N o .d o u b t s o m e i n t l ) e g r a n d s t a n d h a d m a d e t h e trip D thetr own new 3uto. At Ihat time a Hupmobile gg,ll^d,b.- purchased from VaiJ Sros. in pecinii foi $148-5.^Other dealers offered the Moon Sp";'S;d; for $1895, Studebaker Touring, STZZS aira foiifrl economy mmded buyer a Ford coupe at $530. Fincl Iy. tor Lhe rare man who wanted his wjfe behind th. w h e e l , a I 9 1 0 a d s u g g e s t e dt h a t h e i n t r o d u c e h e i ro-; Ch.:ndler. "tt's piker; peak motor wiJl give f,., ..r. rery. over every situation." Little cor.rld the womer ol- tho\j early car years imagine that even raring car: ol tll( luture woul,j be driven by the gentle sexl All ot us arc YciJ Pruuu or toe Mattituck-Cutchogue Sch@l Dis' trict and some of the reasons lt ls so outstandirg are: 8090 of the teaching staff hold master's desees: inrollment at 1320 stu' ients is ePProximatelY 150 less than mmbined enrollments m other area schools; 7190 of our 1979 grsduateswenl on to some type of advancedleaming lactllYi '79 ia'oua"nt. fron the class of won fegcnts scbolarshiPs; there are 35 v-arsity,junior varsity' and ans iunior high sthletic teams' ;anv. mauv availsble 'tstgd.e/t ( [S7-1Yn "7-t'1t ,.i"iii".. who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges." The honor comes after a lifetime jam-packed with honors and accomplishments. After a tulfilling 4S-yearcareer i n t h e T r u s t D e p a r t m e n to f t h e Chase Manhattan Bank, the Wilton, Conn., resident i'retired" to Mattituck phere he and his wife, Virginia, had summeled for many years. An active volunteer in community, hospital, school, scout, and church affairs throughouthis trusinesscareer,Parkin continued this role in retirement, serying with Troop 39 B.S.A. in Mattituck, the Peconic Bav Disirict, and becominga National Council representativeand memberof the Executive Board of the Suffolk County Council, He is also an officer of Mattituck youth Activi_ ties; president of the Mattituck cemetery; vice president of the Friends of the SouthamptonCol, lege Library; active in Eastem Long Island Hospitalfund raising and ln many other civic and social groups. As is true throughout the tf," number- of adult -uniry, students enrolled in the regular college program has grown at SouthamptonCollegeto the point whe.e th€re are now 200 nontraditional students out ol a s t u d e n tb o d y o f s o m e 1 3 0 0b u t only Stan Parkin performsa dual role-being listed as an out' standing student in "Who's W h o " w h i l e s e r v i n gt h e C o l l e g e a d m i n i s t r a t i o na s a m e m b e r o f the President'sAdvisory Council ISABELLE E. BEDELL MATTITUCK-lsabelle H. Bedell, a long time resident of Mattituck, died after a lons iliness at San Simeon by thi Sound,nCreenpon, January ' I9, reso.)1-n',AL/, ( clEr/ Sff r/as the ddughter of Laura WellN;and James Wines, bortr January 6, 1E86in Mattituck. Shc was the granddaughter of Barnabas Wines. lsabelle was bom and taised in the now Ruland house on the Mair Road. which dates back to pre-Revolutionary times. Bill and Lirrda Ruland and ,jtheir children now residle therc i ed work the farm. They, too, are ir r r, tJ\ , /) r\r\ lrr descendantsof the Wines family. The Wines family lived and tr'orked in this area all their lives. The fatm crop of asparagus, which they raised, was preserved by the Hudson Canning Company, also a relative of the Wines family. lsabelle was an historianin her own right, telling tales of the eally years to many an eager listenef. Sbe lived for some time in New Haven, Conn., where her husband, George Bedetl, was with AT&T. After his death, she contilued to drive to Sametaseta, Msine, to their summer homc, often alone. She then returnedto Mattituck to her home on Freeman Road for her reMr' and Mrs Fred Yoerges were honored maining years. Stan Parkin had always rea surprise 25th wedding anniversary She adopted her neighbors as Sretted that he had never 1! party on December 29 at- Porky's she leaves no family of her own. a liberal arts degree, "".n"0 After dlDner graduating from Eiasmus Hali T::lauran-t: The party, given- by their Her sister-in-law, Mary, wife of Mr. and Mrs. Illark Volinski of Mrs. Bedell's deceasedbrorher, nlgi's.to'ori"B.";kiy;i;tnjJ'children' Southold,and Roger, Jennifer and Chris- Mopison, resides paikin wanted to in Southampti. lopher Yoerges of Mattituck, was attended ton. "*tinu. schoolingat New Y"tk tni"";rit; bv c l o s e f r i e n d s a n d r e l a t i v e s , s o m e serviceswereheldatMattituck butthea-hiefclerk^tth;N;;;;i andNewP..';yr;;ir;6;;;ionruesday. parkBankurgedhim *o W:ir,t'itlf "t"ni;"#;3rii: lhe AmericanInstituteof Bankinc nstead when his daushter atChartes ,t,r.7, Os!gr.4|nzee ended Keuka Coltegein upsrate r.o,. lT,r.ar \ew York in lqb2. Parlrn rhere^"n.," PORT trFFFERSOlV-.Charl, upon became interesred in that Frazee, zl, an active ru.uur ii"it'u college's affairs aud hu. con- ruatiitucl co;munity and the Mattituck tinued to serve it as trustee. Presbyterianchurch,-diedJanuary 16u151. simirarry, whenhisson,Dean ofAdminiitration .loln p- partin, joinedthe faculty oi south"ift.i College. Parkin be""*" inuoiu"J with the schoot, becoming a memberofthePresident'sAd"visory Councilin 1970,a post he still holds. 'Ni$,*i:'f:f luav Margutsri, daughter or V"rgut. Vr.-liA.dr-sl-n-fr.ona Y ' is one of t*'t l1"T,i1:-*'^f over lS0.rfells c.ollegestudeDts January ln' participat"q 11,1n: uo.ninwuin*o,t *" ii':;'X'0"::'f#:;';::';nt::: "" South Fork on March 27, 1908.He moved to Maltituck in 1941. Mr. Frazee was active in scouting and church work, and served on the Matlituck an<i BOCES school boards He was a member of lhe RiverheadMasonic Lodse Sincehis reliremenl in l9?3after 43 yuutt Ms. Mrzgulski is interning at st' CharlesHospital in Port Jefferson as a volunteer inot!9 9!yli!"1^ theraPy_departme*% z-7/ lcl t/ -.^l'n-o" and James wolbert are rnthespring orre78, stan;:'l"y*-";;*tt:i:,*tlili""ll;Y; illilUdl;?i#",tnjf"'J"li"iY .. west Mill Rosd in Mattituck, The ip !h;c aFo. -- Parkin entered SouthamptonCollegeas a matriculatedst;dent, "I wasn't apprehensiveat ali about enrolling.ldothinkthat,ifolder peoplewho are consideringentering or returning to collegl have any fears about it, they should talktosomeone like me who has done it. I've loved it," he said. P a r k i n g r a d u a t e st h i s s p r i n p , having majorid in politicil Sc], elce. He has a lofty 3.94 average and will undoubtedJy graduate wrth sumntacum laudehonors.,,1 really ought to perform well in class," noted Parkin. "l have the advantagesof ali those years of experiencebehind me. And, the qualrty of instruction that I've received at the College is excelIent, The faculty is top notchalways willing to help and very involvedrvith their students." carving. He sharedhis lalent a teacherand leclurer. Mr. Frazee is survived by his wife, Wanda; a daughter, Helen Johnston of Columbia,Md.; two sons, John of Merrick unJ ino.u. oi North Kilgslon, R.1., and nine grandchildren. ThJfamily requests tlral memorial contributions be made to Eastern Long Island Hospital. D---^--- ' ' A l r n o s tA n y t h i n g G o e s w i l l b e g o i n go n in the high school gym on Saturday, F e b r u a r y2 , f r o m ? : 3 0u n t i l 9 : 3 0p . m . C o m e and see the hilarious contests and battles betweenstudents,teachersand parenls and take part in a fantastic raffle for only 25 cents a chance.Tickets will be sold at the door only, so come early and get a ringside seat Cheeronvour favorilesludent,leacher or parent. The Friends of the Schoolwill be selling soda at half-time, just prior to the raffle drawings. Support the Friends at Almosl Anything Goes.All proceedsgo for t h c s u p p o r t o f s l u d e n t s c b o l a r s h i o sa n d specia)issemblv programs.fw l-i, lltEt Wolberts 8nd their three mns, Jonathan, Anthony, and Greg, are psrticulatly proud of the-ir rltePlace which they coDstructed stones gathered on 3l l"lg. Llnoa s Dom's beach./-3t. Fd ^L^-r-!- b ' it'}*:1,6fu The Matlituck Seed Co. is a new organizationthat bids fair to do a large business. It is composed of J.M. Lupton, his son, Rober( Lupton, Wiltiam V, uuryee, and Barnabas Garvev. the latter of Cutchogue. The company occupies a large threestory building recently erected near the railroad station, where it has ample facilities for office work, storage and handliDc looms, etc. +4 tl(. DUTCHERSAWYEB MYAA rr "-lierrnucr-Myra Dutcher P gqFi"kt']# NFF*&J,[v!pt E@. ry j,, -'"','*!l{:i:*l;"s'y"T:,T"i:,ii I Cf ii"t**''u ""0 3l":'fil"T"t"Ti"t;"';,i" *16,r*l*,, "Wf i.""';"lJlli".,*';,o;T.-"111i.r," ,rrn". W, ,.X,,"*'""1"i*t,*]'f$:;,"* "* Wffi;, Sawyerdied JanuarY22, 1980'ar San Simeon BY'The-Sound' GrecnPon She was E?' 1. i y":t*:li"1H!-T!Fl":l ff,,j,.r, *11'l-"m '. wr,:v,, , % ii:i:'1i"il"Jii:'"ii.'l: E* tF ** : , & ! d. , :,*T,l^,"t ::.-:j:".."1:J,i: iii{.-".: Y:ffii"YT , # .61,,.;, *: "W **in!l*rr':'tr'ffi5 W' V'ffi96:t*#*rulil;fi \*' 'J;r'.",x'fi"x".'fxt:t ffi tii:*kir:*::Ji!"$ff"st\,$ d&W' MmJ ',:ld,;iHl,iifii#..}frfr*$"li l:i*"#:r;'i*'::;:'* s:li:i"",";'**l " -r-Gffiffi*rr:'ft :$tffl***** T'irill';i'""''-"-ll: :iiRl"'ll!'il1$'i"'*xl;iifu f)fr,i,fro llltlil'',""='Ir"ll;ln',xx"J"t iT 'tf"l+'l,tt"illlh:iJ}*'u:rr' ,":t*,'##i4,'is::"t: - xi*t**#*m*ntliflnjt': ;"CiownYoqry $uoaess Ratecl *i:"'J::l.;':"1't:lryi[r1"x#: flp-rn' ,?s:, arwaysremember"::*:11: tn"*attituckschool'iscurrentrv i:li#i"'"*Li"T"fi;il}i:',i: or the 1e7e-80 first semester ;;;r;#tr:"0(!;"rr^{o3"1rrry io t"t" dralo!.ueo{ N6il simon "o*u,n"i tne loriit'nott the current production. .oi uome community Th€ater, " iih" ; ' y ; ; adult Horn.,, a smashing ,u"""... Jactr M;fr;;; ##dy i:w;i;;ciedby rhe.rocar "J"'--emplo}ed by Suflolk county :lt-., . for her perfeir "h"*"tlffit"t Theromanticin-terestsofAlanandBuddy s i g n E r i c M . ltaas H a a s ,sonof.IohnA s o n o fJ o h n A . w e r e t t e i o t e s o t M a r y M o n a c o - K e l l e r , w h o N a v y E nrsisnF.ri.M P€ggy and Jane Haas of 6l ole Jule Lane, was realistically portrayed stage-struck gradualed rrom the Navy's Aviation Indoc' iluunr, ono eifr"a cindy Dascoli,"l:9"l9ll (AIC). He is a 1975 b r o u g h t A l a n ' s e v e n i n g e n t e r p r i s e s t o a h at lrtt n a t i o n c o u r s e academicyear' stearns' a junior majoring in eccounting st Nicho l s , h a s b e e n i n d u c t e di n t o t h e zetaAlphsPhiHonorsocietyand is 8 member of the Nichols soccer andtennisteams Agraduateof j:;j:"'":"ni;fl::ilj,1'JfilltI'-^i,ijil'j;ij'*,i "#:3#;:^r,iF],:"t,,".*ltl;$l Y:11'iI.::-"X',:i.T''*Hj:'3: -pui.onr f:J::::ff,:i:ffil,i"';: Annapolis. to an outstanding Nld.,rvitha bathelorof science Steatns of East Side Ave., treated wcre ur Droducedwithperfectlonoy"nouluR"y. Mat'iitqck- :1T':ir:l"itT:iv"i'"i|fil"ti'siiisioj.u 9u'" 'i/,i"7r" l,:'*lJffi#*;:m:yg;:lfnt 19 j'"4 i*:':*::-::r"{.fiiffi,-l,ii"'.r'8"$l*'*iltrt"tt rot ri'".'lanuary 1?' l8 and p"t"itt' stage progressed. Therr olay ,,na*..5'i"y-oa irateDeriormancesalthe}rlatlrtuck'Theatermav "::-i""':.{ "1,1",1;, h r s t e u r d e r e d b v c a l l n s 2 e B - 4 5 8 3 b e t s e e n e a n d $250 .ruav uir"i-" ili;;,,io ;;fi i" irt' iott c o n c e r n ewdi f e ,c o n t r r D u t *e'o" r r ""aiandTDm lnrsM' tensionsoftheplay.Judyisnotoftenseenon \NEY DAVID KRUPSKI: \fi / L/ - ;'4'4' i /t GaSh Of the iil"'tJ,'l,i',lil'"i;:Jfilffi"'il' ti",i#"Silit,",0 J.:!:!ik*::.;} Wegk b u n d l e so f i n s u l a t i o na n d 2 0 s h e e t sp a n e l r n g tbeMattituel! MATrlrucK--onewordror ','' varsitv basketbarr team is"hei8ht" bovs , whereNir lf;tr:""T: . Lanein curchogle, CfOWn i1il$::lln:s;{lli*n"#:'j[I".Hilt,',, xF citd l:;it}:"fi:fl;r,,,ffi1,.J;*"T"1|H'; t:^l* ers His point per game average b::,i::ifhigheston his team,andhe has"!li Mattituck on altitude to good advantage .-- ,"r,*. -^^--i- Ji.,^ r^'nac rliaL Li6 highscorerinfivegams,withhisoutstand' W$.\.fl1$Iflli::-. effort being tbe 32 points he scored asiinstsourhaript**'"**"i:flil$, l per rsrebounds averases same iiiiii't:i,l rild. Tfj:_J.l, on December 7. On the boards ir"i"l'f! down a high of 23againstPiersoni StatiOn in scheme -'ihe money, ac- rlleged credjt card lorgery schenrewhicl .salurday. police,, wai.removed riom a beini invesrigared6y seventh squ :9:q,l€ !: rerrigerator under the bar. Skip Dete-ctives, poiice -$;iiotd said LiiL ing StOlgn 24l' '1,tUh' s o u l H O L L ) - -gAr a n di a r c € n yi s b e i n g d a n a g e d . " l l i s r n i r a c l e w e g o t r t D a ( investiSated iJy Town Police after $?10 he said."Tho drutnwas brendnew ' worth of building supplies were reported Petruccr said the instfument rs worth i stolen last Monday frorn a building 5ilg i1 and probably would not have been repla VJ Vi/ . in'COld' ' ,,;.nii, Schoinhaar,resr.auranrowner, said a loci .r."..Jre'"i,, l,olice. Juli illiill-""il.T;:ffiJ,".T;i"'1fu"iffi :,:,",1*ii,,fllly,tig,ij:riilly] ;:m;;:,nkr::m1ilff$ffi? *,i:T'.11;*^r:4;'ti1!ili":s'"".1"",1 efforionJanuaryl1.ffiCesspooI,Inc.onRoute2?'Mattituck,ononDecen]bef4.l979.bulr'tr,iii,l,iu'i3. AveryconsiStentplayer,"sCoachJa.ckreFridiy'ArtieFosterofMattitucktoIdpo|icechangedtoread$l880 EUr a Ewu i:X"Jt!':l l;"|"tj||j ',1"[il3"-J,, i";: ,*.r"," -r*'" --*.-r tookprace between Januarv 26 :X"o,l;:o*t , oli*ri""' -'"ii"it'uy "." inrerviewir e mniovpps n h a cstation tati^n lto ^ 1 1 1 , tto ^ ^obta hr. employees 0fl tthe try -": i;: compensating. He Pays attention to the More fuel, lhis time in the form of moreevidenca lrnu..]rtshluebeenrnad '" Aftel that Krupski went on to junior high smail pointsof the game and managesto be [irewood,was reported stolen from behind .ftr" ,."nroo, nr ,n*,"ii" attherightplaceattherighttim;.,'Thisandjuniorvariityu^.l"l|"rrl-'ii'*?.ii,"c#e""1t.-]orenceBeliettiofMattituci;;"1::T,.:ljT sixthsenieforbasketballiitheproductotpromoiedtovarsityinhissophomoreyeai,;;;;i;;""lastweekend.lnali,t00piecesj3il")ilillJ;..ii'i# y e a r s o f e x p e r i e n c e . K r u p s k i , n o w a s e n i o r , b u t d i d n ' t h a v e ' m u c h t i m e t o e n j o y i t . " l t o r e c u t w o o d w € r e s t o l e n .v a l u e d a t g 3 0 , a c " sard lorgerv i. i"ij-io-p.oue withor has been playing bastetball since he was myrighlcalfmuscleinascrimmageat_the cording to police. corroboratrng -";;il;;i;";;*^. evidenceor admrssions. four or five years old, first with his older beginning of the season against Bridge A snire dium stolenfrom CutchogueEasr frr""t two week brothers Vinnie and Richard, both former Fampton," he explains. "I spent six weeks school two weeks ago was recovered lasr ago. a(ter detectives leafned"O of a double membersoftheMattituckvarsityteam.andoncrutches'Rehabili|ationtooka.while.-N{onday.JohnDiVel|oofMattituckfoundifr';il'i.'.r,.,iii|i lhenwiththeOurLadyofOstrabramaCYO the mild said'Do this'but the body thedrurnintheweedsbehindtheKeyFood Cro$; s|ation. tirey urged creurr car( teamandtheMattituckSchoolbiddyleague. couldn'i." Getting back in shape involved supermarket and notified police. Brucr clrstomers to examine'therr montht) Petrucci. music teacher al the school, s1glements carefully and reporr any c l a i m e d t h e d r u m . w h i c h h e s a j d w a s n o l d i s c r e p a n c i etso t h e ; l i c e 'Ovgr;idfng Congratulationsto Helen and 'lheir red :H':i"',i::l::;:m AsumriseDanvwas givenfnr ^.G them on January 19 by their - t !'/, Goncgrns' -- -' t't lil"i-ti;jlT,i;1,.J'3ii;5tl ^tlP"L?ryvoiced at Meeting I rt ;-: Y :- ,}!,:"11".1 ;t"m;git.T*H,1#",",ffitr ffi,*.ilr{ffi Goehrinser - - - Gets Endor$ernent theirdaughter. Joan,andgrand- onFebruary 4by^.ll* il,j#Jil ;f,V-f_ >; ;:iffil #6, daughter'Debbie'hadarrivedfor tnt oTJr-lT?7"i"d"{,I' of the library ti,".o ai'r-.i"". Gerard Goehringer,Jr., of Maftituck, a iour votes necessaryfor appoinrrneDr.. Mr. The four areas Mr. hrgh s( hool teacher and sDmcrrme rpgl coehringer nou n.ts rre rrpt,i)rr 0l ,^ , t,,i."" . e.t/"Ji""!iiiaf#y'*...n".uereltheincieas:e;;.";;1]il'i1:':T"'sed.ones'ta|esrIesmrn'rppearSlol)avetheinsioeneluLiic1nCounct|menlIenrvtlril.l.all5 bara bhd Ernest Wilsberg, Con- rtorary, the plannjns ot idf;;;::'l:.t "* tracli on appoinlmcnt to lhe SoutholdTown Murdock and John Nickles. Councilnan therestorajionofir;ir;;;ll,jl;1,:11:tsion, zonrng Boaid ol Appeals. ceorge sultivan. who originailr, supporred nie and Joe Moisa, Janer Brown, oudgel_andtherncr""*ir"."..lu,lriJ',,\',ll M t . G o e h r i n g o rr e c e t t l l y r e c e r v e d t h e M r . P e n n 5 .c o u i d n o t b o i o a c l , e . lt o r : e o m Bud Grabie. Marge Lecomte, (hc Southold Toun 6gp1th;srveekbutrsprcsumcdrosuppurr endolsrnrenl Heten's sisrer Sophie Burns, illl-o,ne r9r handcapped ;;,;;i'"#: ^oi R e o u b l i c a n c o r n m r l t e c . $ h i c h c a u s e d l \ l r ( ; o o h n n g e rn o w r l r a r h i s l r r s l c l r o r c a he *a.-'pleaslo to E l i z a b e t ha n d v i r i i l B r a n n o n . report anolher leading s" tu. c: lc: :el s. "siing a l l l o u r c a n d j d a l . ef o r t h e j o b , h a s w i t h d r a w n . Helen and Jerry Goehringel, "."uri''""'" lv'.towithdrawhisname alons with six or their r"""" [.:H-;:,":;,Til n , 3 ' J ] 1 _ * : , l n K i r btvoo r M a f t i r u c k , j "rr' l, lT, li lt,l lm j rai bnraatrtyr rsbp;et en;rtor n r ot or rtui ,e" r g r a n d c h i l d r e nT' o m ' c a t h y a n d M " rroyig, i6i g8 *r u th. o""n:" At rhe !ebruary 5 meerrng or rhe t l l " ? l : "s"ryttc'".tvco-m""itv ."tllto implementatron or.".".L"no,ii"n5[u6i sourmr<i-rown Boird,noneor ihe r0 a.p. :jil-li" 5'""":::";"i;l,X';.ffJ srudenls oI tt4attituck'cutchogr"'niii Iorthepostwasabletosecure the ori"unt" ringer.andsons-in-law Mike Kreshon, Jerty Goehringer, and Schoolafter they had prepared an energy inventory of the building. Steve Brannon. Unableto'make it from Upstate Mr. Tillman said he expectsground to be pondolfino brokenfortheproposedextensionearlylhis were son-in.law Joe a n d g r a n d s o n G r e g p o n d o l f i n o . yy'e a r . H e s a i d t h e p r o j € c t w o u l d h a v e b e e n i'^',11f ;:;'-fi".,,n";:1"';,llj]"1-",,^:i tends evening .f".... lr".l'SeldenCampui \gr-;;;^ ;; ::.: -u_::'";:.:1' L ^ _ .:!', -' ! 1,1: ,,rjr,_! vr vrDtur\--ryratLl[ucK Llons L]lub President Harry'Jaquillard (right)presentsaplaquetoex-presidentMike\\riniarzatarecentLions' was great bva'ir ifffi;""",?1l time had Tiil:,xt*u:l;';J.''',""i; ;fifiilislr'i;,f,:i:$:#iJ!'l*:",::ii1i,,T,i;,Yilrifif;,:T::'*" f o r ( h e l 2 0 - s q u a r e . l o oat d d i t r o n . $ 3 0 . 0 0 n ;';Ei;;'r7'F-..-.'- unidentifiedvehicleoverthethetownbudget'Heacknowledged@JuIius"Hub.bar<i,,l9,ofMgttiMattituck High School grounds Supervisor pell's efforts in helping the Friday or Saturday, doing esti. library. Mr. Tillman also said Mr. Pell was nated damage of $200. An es- irEtrumenlal in heipirg the town obtain a timated$100in damagewas done $50,000federal Srant for jts libraries -- *ffiffi in a similar manner to the W h a t e v e rm o n e yM a t t i t u c kF r e e L i b r a r y '*_ffi summer residence on School receives from the grant will go to E, House creek in New suffolk eliminating structural barriers which Eh ffi belonging to Leon Krement of binder access for the handicapped, [i tE smithtown Y..-t cording to Mr. Tillman. lt is our nT" ".!i E - Ihe nexr meetrns or the iiT:-th:_Mlllitl'l-l',b^:T^1":":^'"-c.1:iil Gf n ]T ntri $ I ur€ 0nF tutt H, w' nr tl e n r il -' driving struck a car driven by John L. Bednoski,Jt. of Peconic. Hubbard reportedly tolcl police that he blacfed out'while d;ivi;; westbound on Rte. 25 in cut.rrl ogue ard ran off th".oad, .triking Bednoski'svehicle. 6l.i."r*tl'"*1u::;N;;;:$.;:;.,L""#ii,f:l**,''i",,ii,W,.:i,.,.ffiLosTcoNTRoL i;'a"q;';i'1 '1,,1',1'*.:*i;::lTi'ill''-::i'.1!:"'lTJI"t ^ uwmn..o"r"o summer orcrrnr* Thisfg6meeveningat I p.m,, the Friends of the Schoolwil' presentation ,; offera special weightlifring,disranr-rournamenls Accordingroaburtdrngusesurveybyrhe -"";;r;:;] --mo t{i;'l,"f"iffi?lj"i"rr'?i1"0",;s ljri *ortorutthieedaysa " weekhaspardofffor ,..6 5, Mike rsonrak,s,*;t1';[ilff;;;; Hrgh School's loo-poud varsilv wrestler' John Hanus, who spent tris last ."i-jfi;";;;.1*;;;";'6v-"i."".'r"lb Ue-'sIz-t so far this season,with l2 pins to sabbatical leave touring Japan. Mr Tillman. Thereiore,i" rizS ih;"i,i;i You will enjoy a slide toirr of this purchasedbooksand periodicatsiir"ai-ig't't tt'. .t"ort, aDd setting hi: \sighjt ,ol J,lle a n c i e n t l a n d w h i c h h a s m a d e s u c hb g s l p a l l l s g l a r i n t e r e i t l o m e n . A l s o , p r r " . , pS u f f o l kC o u n t yt o u r n a m e n t) , / l - l 7 t l 1 r ' a great impression on the c@n- Kujawski offered courses in rvood-burning "Iguessyoucoulcisayl'vebeendevoting omy ofour modem world with its st.oves,insulationand solar energy whic[ mosto[ my free time to wrestling," said The Srtlfolk Times' Athletc of the Week "l m high prqductivity. Mr. Tillman said were well attended and ---- D:-a!r^,, *^ leeling.stronger this year because.of the -"in more men aware of the library. matle Reighllifting, and all the exlra work over ueorge Armbrssrjecq4y ret,i" ."pott, Mr. Tillman said he was turned to Denfti,-/C&6iaOo, p r o u O o t t t r " * o r k o f J o h n T r a v e r s a , a C E T A , t h e s u m m e r h a sh e l p e d " H e p a y s s p e c i a l rthanks to f{ead Coach Bill Nicol .and followinga ten-day visit with his who directed the Maltituck oral i*pby"" for thelr p"r"nt., Mr. and Mrs. lValter E. i,iaioay paog.u^. Mr. Traversa is about to Assistant Coach David Darrow extra on behaif oi Lhe wrestling ln effort Armbrust of O8k Street, Matticomoietea-tristoryofthetownsincelg00 prograningenerai'3nd-Mikil"pltl"lti tuck.Georgeisawell-sitegeolog- oaO,ilontothebook.Mr Trllmansaid,Mr' lrigh schoolBym o[)etr ist with Geosewices, lnc., m Traversa has collecteda iot of information The coacheskept thc for workouts last ihtemational firm headquartereo iuout the town through video tape, slides :"1:'.i:-T9.lf-y ll"": sported Mike n"d t" and photographs in Paris,.France.His duties take :l: an(l ,t:',?T,Ti::" " .. clinics Mi. Tillmin cited the work of Fran numbef ot tounramenls him to various drilling sites ir Ascione, an employee.who took a sign Wyoming, most recetrtly in the language course lo help patrons with JacltsonHole area. He is a 1975 pat sraduateor MattituckHish School and receivecl his BA degree in geological sciencesin uiy rlrl tio- s'uNv at Buffalo. hea'rin{problems. A literacy volunteer ptct'-T i::-,::: itarted in 1979to ieach reading and wr)trng lo adults Mr. andMrs. steffenor Burgistein-'switzerland visit' _are ing with Marna a-ndAt Masters of Laurel- Mrs',Steffen and their two children, 1l-year-old Patrick New,";1ii?i;:sli:il?:"xl,ffi"rtdlff:iil: arons ,ryou tobedrivins Mi'.i"J,Ti'T {;ff#l,"t?': and fewweekswhiletheirdadgoeson Suffotk Avenue by Manatooka ot, Lake, you'll notice hundfeds_. s e a g u l i s ,d u c k s , a n d . c a n a d i a n r geese.lt'sabeautifulsighttose€ but we trnderstand the presence of all the waterfowl pteveDtf the lake from freezing and ice salling isD'tasgreatasitissomeyears' But do look in that direction when i;,nu,ru"uri ine stuoents ;;;.i;i;; staff of Lrurel Schoolto a farewell party, at th;i;;"."onPeconicBayBoulevard,for Joelle and suzanne Bendull. The Bendulls are leaving shorlly for saudi-Arabia where, for the next two or three years, "Bud" Bendull will be working on the construction ofadsalinizationplantontheshoreofth€ Persian Gulf. The purpose is to control salt to Washinglon, D.C. to look for anapartmJntforthefanily.Mr. steffen is attached to th-e swiss govemment offices in washington for the next few years. Mama still has her christmas treeandallherdeorationsupfor this special visit from her grind- rorice repor,ed rhar Danier c. :1"'i:1,:lj"^'jng1l_".1 h i s v e h i c l e o n R e e v e":n,_."9t Ave. in MattituckFebruarvTandstrucka vehicle driven by scott Nonon of Mattituck..Sheldoncomplainedof head injuries and was taken by p _ r i v a t e v e h i c l e tCo e n t r a lS u f f o l k Hospital.ApassengerinNorton's cat, Cindy Saundersof Mattituck, was taken by ambulance to Eastern fong lsland Hospitat. Police report that Sheldon was traveling northbound and that conditions*"." ttipp"ry. Noion was traveling southbound. SKlDSONRTE.25 Anne otsen of Mahituck was taken ro Eastern tpDg lsland Hospital February z ti, i""i"i 'inluriesincutredwhenthecarshe ' l ilili:tJ:'lf":l;t";3:l1,IiT; c*rg" r"r. weidman of Hampton Bays. potice said that weidman sriided into the eastbound laoe o f R t e .2 5 . , FOt thOftgf )-?l^ LAtterS /1, llj F - orrent D earMr.cu.t u.on, "arir,ougntcertainlydonotwishtoappear to u" anti+."" .peech, I have waded througr] il;i";;"rs to the editor column of your 2_7.80 -*ii-l"tiu^ |o uLe to sugleii "oition ( m u c h .uu-iituo be less less) than 100 words. perhaps .- tnen * your reaOeri wouta i6;""t* ""'hu; li*x,u:*"oi'%'i:7'l\o)*"' Hii"il#il$;yllr"::"i.n Tl,."ji"j" *""*, ilii*lh{:tt.Hqt"d$*;;1$i Ite ln l e a v e w i t h m a n y f o n d m e m o r i e s o l " L-*"'rt"r --, Laurel". we sendtt'"- orr*ii'tr #t and salety'";h;;-"I;;;"l ror happrness 39 lil:l"k :l:l']:ttllg new surroundings J /v i E,)qiL .-.-,.,- . was an infant when Grandma'we hope lfi l'ilr"",T}ilifllr",;t. t ,.\ {: |L:!'r"'' ponyit it\ Remember uieibrsed "peanuts", ;:l?:iillJ*"$,i,",1ffi,1fiilXX1,:ffi:l *'l)g-.-,r::* "Cinnamon", ia beautiful, hearrl" -n, .-^!-- T^-ltt-^l-^ F^-a!-. TaDB E^-PrObg GOntinuing ?ij<> Fgr^nn / /.a ' n^, 'rheBoard sacrion was thar w n' / thele *i,T,?Il*;*ili;' *orr,rut4i#(/n'"f,,#-",,, mischievous'Heathertellsu.tr'.i.ii'.iiji9'i'1'fIx,':|':1"x:i'9l.",l':l".':,".";$:newSper Tierminal tankfarm,members William ofaSouthold Pellsaid. Mrs.Wirthhave oftered togive"peanurs" a ii",'rllloi"ii'Jiriili.'"t"" r,'".ft"lii".li aollsorycommrtteeclalmltrsoldnews. Atlhattime,thetown'sattornev,Rc permanent home, having small children ;;;;:;-""":;;,i-"r^."i.,o""i^s""." who can ride and enjoy n* ,n.oijilol?l;ili:"i'iii:i,"j{',i:i*ll'i*ii*"*l derishted withtherr?ppv ep{ins,oto rhe Liid;lji.$:li,::lllift:::.li " p 1 i 8 h t oPf e a n u t s " t1-, d'?:'L?'(": liff:t;iT:[l;il'?]T.l1lil''*iiff*'*i:T::1T"."',Liiii"l"'o'"" ",,n".,, .rilJl:"$$?iipra^rorecommend ffim:],*;;ff.,5"F.r"""1,,".'!:",1:.j ouensrn-thehugeslore. l**.3:,:::j*l i1#;* o f r h e M a u i r u c kl n l e t A d v i s o r y r h e B G r d s e e k a n o t h e r l e s a t o p i n i o n o r "riio co,rided ," ll'o',1'u'o,il^if,!x"1,1[!f-ilTd]Ttlili onReeve,Avenue fi:Ts:T?;i]'.H",iH'i:i*"';t;: :nur:i*l*,,:"arii*li:li*:j "",. Mattituckat5p.m'whenDanielsheldqnoJ:_9l^'-t.I9l.i.l'l"I'"l."l1.1'..":.,'.'l1l^t^.j." Southold'headingnorth'skiddedandstrdck,::'necessarylLemsIor.-Ewn.an:."-o^Y^*l' lncluding.an *t:"t]",lltl3j,^t',1\;^lll The terminal is owned by Martin carey, and t'll probibly chaii it.', i car driven byBcott Norton of Mattituck,' store has beena l*c:j:t".:::l1T::*^T:" who was driving south. cindy Samders of county Asks FBr probe cov, Hugh carey,s brother, and reportediy Along M-t_,-lillol deal€r' car, in the Norton pui."ng". u tr"sueen"operafligwithoutstatepeimitsor Mattituck, Yith Due to conc€rn about the lack ol ( :::. il"l suler, three other federal was treated at ELIH and released. approval.-Newsday states dination futher among state, federat and l :Te]oyT::fi'l: l!: storefrom8am to-6pm'sIxdaysaweek t h a t t h e s t a t e k n e w a b o u t t h i s f o r 1 s m o n t hasg e n c i e s c b a r { e d w i t h e n f o r c i n g l a w JustaftermidnightonSundaypolicesaid o n s u n d a y s t o 1 2 p m a n d f r o m g a m o f buttooknoactionuntilgasolinespillsfrom lecting the terminal, the suffolk co a c a r o p e r a t e du y " . l r t i u " H u b b i r d , 1 9 , ^ t h e t a n k s f o r c e d t h e c l o s i n g l a s t s u m m e r o f L e g i s l i t u r e v o t e d u n a n i m o u s l yt o r e c Mattituck ran off the road and struck a / - $L V//";'t'1 t { . > parkedcar.Police-saidHlbbardtoldthem anearbypublicbeach. aninvestigationoftheterminalbythe -t7 he blackedout while headingwest on Route No Town AuthoriaySecn | | ,,/; /\.1 ,t tl I |) "' \ 25 in Cutchogue.The parked car.belongsto Nri\ t I I l ucK Main Road, rrruitiiu"L reside-nts '' iohn e"dro;ki, Jr., ;t P""oni".I'01",,'ft was brought to the tr -\gO .-y^oNgR' i4t. Nrarriruck. isessoo.__N"*. o*ne. Nickil"""'.j,"., seprember, requesting *r}i,l ll(f I'gafS toscott Bu,ingame, **tigi*;";:'i.:lxl;Ti#ftti: ^.,"",3',e1,ry illli"l!"il$i::T'""f[:111;?"Jli Cadet- Fourth Classman, who has_been named to the dean'slist for the fall term at theU.SCoastGuardAcademy.scott,sonof M. Ai Burlingame, .l>,1,,rpg ,u1d Y..1 graduate of Mattituck High Schoof/+fic , _>/) -./. ''-'ru l rlt-r .lf 7 4 * t n, j rvlr. Dlsrmone and his staff of 20 maintain used from 1968to l9?4. their ,motto "caterers ol distinction" by stressinghospiLalitywhenrertheyhostan juick,nowl Whatfamouscomposerwas Inlroduce the.Ma.nor to North oo- h"r" in curchogue, alended local l.t]3,it_ 1o, a.noslalgia dance night is schoots. studied Tilfi-Vincenr d tndy in l^1,1-_ilil9!ll."l ,,"",-,?4,(,!:,'i{:,, southold Town today is Captain CharlesT. Brmks, Supervisorof s o u t h o l dT o w n , a n d t h e r e a s o n for his happinesslies in the fact th"r he hss succeededin getting liflri;u,ff11"1,:,"i::lslx?""!:..5:i ii,l,:i;Jl.,ffiu;.1:::HJ::,:+i*Jfi;! t:.1#;,.T0:l;:,,:;;l: r o r ( a r e r e d a r r a i r s . c a n b e m a d e f r o m - r\ 0 ,nJ6u^ur i ' f; f; i.; d ; : ' ; n ; : ; i h ; ' D ; ; i t a t l e a s ra y e a r b e f o r ei t w a s toepm,sevendavsaweek.rl-: ,,,llre?4,ic / / ,./ , .".1 , e : /, u1" 'f " C l ' " " .l ,. ' / - -i' " ,z'4 4'Lt':' wet"tot" ?,l/hL/:.llg1 plannedroconstructit.Theplan Moore, tf your answervasn't_Douglas. alsoby County hasbeenapproved t h e n y o u m a y n o t k n o w t h a t D i s t r i c t ' eerA.O.Smith. EPnr icni n t)5. ,r ,t '-rri i i ) i r l wasoneof the-late ,t r-. /d";'"';-;;;j6'iy'c"o.g. 'pirry"iitr"nii".tl'arneopuutic" i p u i " n o gpupils, u r ' s u and.is . n s chairmanof.the L A N E s t t o p , . L o v eL a n e ,M a t - "o-po.".;, t t * . , n g c o m m i u e . D ; i D;;h.'il;;5 ;;"i:;';;J';.li',, ,o,o "n ]: ' , 'a) ' 'il' : tv ,-E , , .ta . 'Stlt-u tl':t,/, Honor 2tilqf; Roll . - -- 1nF \.LovE a,,en' Xli:l;,3'"ffir ::il :::$lli ffi?xH::::iJ;;iT *: **s,n':t,r,'jh,t,"il'*i11e" r; :*i,:i,l;as,ed tiJT,T'":i::,ffi district's wll beheldthii ,u'.", uno which mosi poser, -siropping :1,,*^y.llLty:! ifl #:? over 100 Years itr;t:liffii#*{';#:,J"".ffi1il *i""r{yu;l"s:1"; i[{;"H1i".'"*;*'l;1ff1':"ffi was com'rete.egs stret' Greenport' 4ul-9800 when-M€nuelbackrmmiirui^"*r"""srr"pi."p"""ll o'v.,**ti.o*-sa m.tos:rop.m' 3r :Ji;$:i:,ff:!uil:ii""ii$ijffiff!j: came back yqrs later, Assiecurrurereportsthar seed Road will b;84 in tg7o hu opened upa restaurant asoss sirei .the "nJ il::?,"*::::' on February 22another Laurelschool arumrus e_r9!ra!eibirlh;y: ierand lillthe Main Fanning of NoRrH F'RKvARrEry srgR-q, rN.c.,sl1i:liil;f"i$:i}"1'r'ffTh-tJ-'* lromthepresentlcatio: ttlu,?^.^t-lT" carried on the business, and in tle.€rly 1900'stheywerejoinedbvanothernati-ve.of rrlri"'n""a,i"ilrrogue,z34-6?68.Thisshop,ita"y.*e..epo.t"drecenily.Theyarethe i"i'"p"Ltei by Ambrose Terp for two oroest aiumni of ou. ichoolli.,i t,aue "*""0 ;il;; t6;:;., certiinly lives up to its been friends€lt ihese y"r.r. w"-i,,*.,0 i:tT*rr:,".'n:+"{,fir"# thattheolvmpiciatLakeplacid cause. the main truck route to be closed to all traffic and an i1!.1'ii'"",i,;Il"[|,'%ilff;'i'l,-',$,H: ;i;;;.;."",.'."""* linili.','"""$;5";"*ll.'*n."im :*#::#;,1iffi[il*J"","#:,*:rllt ",,n,, ilsstrategiciocationat.n"o",u""i?"i""i,1ili'l,,lf,,I,1T".l""J,i[iii,lli;,"Ti':iiHn"^i'.n,,':"':hi';;";L:;;;:;I.zr;i^I;';' activ€ at the resLauant in 1929 slree[ on Greenport Harbor, claudio's has u.. i"il.'a"ior" r,e boughtthe siore he said :*T:i;:1.",X'ij:,,X',ri,","J::::::Tfi t;:i.?:t;;il;a;;Et";Iq$;lg rsrand sherrer onee embarked jJ:T.,!: iillii;#irJ!#',r'"T:;xil".T-1'J ^ ^^i- ...rr,,-Aggie cur'lure repo'!ts that ii':i'!:;i'i:",ill",dilil1t are still undecidedon hoy many ;";""'i;;i;;;ffi;;;;dwril ^:"'::'f'::""'l: i:'"i'^"'-- Bes"ie,r.,FB\g$ M:1"3,'iffill'J'h.Yil."J H*',":ji:i.!:+' ,,,, ;l,".j;:,"fiIi*:i":19"ffi1\ii:,i"1i |i:::Ti,',H;:3ll1"iili"i;Jllli Thevwishto wait and seefor a nrvennne6-1doJJ. Front its mammo,h^uhoeunvj::.',1-o._if ; to s p m..six daysa week. ;;;li"; '5#; ' fiLf*,.'J*';l,l'T.Tid[ , p.NNy??""il;;X"" :,:i;':,'',,';,;1,'';; L:: ihiff{lfrildi1j"Ti:f un,,,,yi1,.11,,1,,, ,,r' it,' illl?lii,ffii.:';:ho:il,??r LUMBER, ^-* *0, *", fff.f*"*r,i:*inwiuisio"i".[,iJ. u n p a r a l | e l e d v i e w o f t h e h a r b o r , c l a u d i o ' s "; i s . - / . 1 : . . . " _ . - . ] " - : . ' ' ' ' y e 8 r w h a t t h e a l t e r n a t i v € i ' . ' * i o L ' ' t " i - l i " 1 , ' i . , i i ' . /"!u",." i i j . F " L rz.u"" "'ii}ii \ tituck, 298-8559, and Main Road, creenporr, i:ili'f ,R"l',";""'l#ff: :T ,!Hlx":: i;: owner'snamearwayshasbeenceorqerPenny. The founier's i;"lrtriir"or"i, ceorgeL.Pennylv,isrhero-urthg"e;at;; tobeinvolvedinthebusiness.nJp.".""llv runs the Greenportyard, and bis fatherl GeorgeL. PennyIII, is in ctrareeoiihe oflice.TheCreenport Mattiluck faiititvwas purzhased fromGreenport Lumberin tgOt. .'PennyLumber is a full-service lumber yardthat has ;'-::, ;;;;; ""*fuil};. i,ou." o. ,"nouutin;;;;1;;;;. ffi;qf*,:; orr* t,r"."'^pi;;;";;;:'['il'il:; s e r v e"p dbyPennyincludes,tr.*,iJJ*l'rii I'ork,strelter rsianJ, norr ffi ol'iresouur jj t^y:" GARDEN sHoP, Main' Jil1*ilii-Ji uJ,9;"i,;il',1,1"J;.,'ifiLT3, '1v Harry Jaquruardand his wife, Arlene. g.a.s ^l::.11]nl"g,.fiom js seed ro garden batbs in stock..istore, :3L"::.rld.?i.9 rpecialtvistheirljneolorganicfertilizeis.' fhe-Jaquillards-have a completeflorist departmentandwilldeliverandietupfloral orsplaysThere is also a nursery with azaleas.and rhododendrons, amgngothers, anomulches andpeatmoss.Mr. Jaquillard has beenin the lardeninf busilJ;;;; vears.The-storeis opentr:omB$;,..;; p.m Mondavthroughsaturdav and to 4 pm onsundav. ,J- '!v'ru'd and beyond.Penny Lumber has a total of lB emp,oyees .lv]lt " A sisier, Olive A. Beebe, predecease( . her' suvivors aretwo nieces' orive Grael Mr.and Mrs. Edward cunr and virSiniaDick of Kinder ust returned;";-;;-;";;;; f,i#:i*1"tiqtoFloridawherethevvisited _runerai serviceswere hetd at the De 'ith their son and family in FriestFunerarno.uin-r*l"iiiiJ*Februan 3asselberry._They slso spent 2s,.withthen*F.J"-"ioi-li"rr];i;fi; ;ome time with Mr. and Mrs, iating. Interment was ln Cypress n1r: DonaldHildesheimof Titusville Cemetery,Brooklvn. rndMrs' WilliamPeterof LightrousePoint.Enmut€theyhsd8n rnjoyable visitwith Mt. andMrs Marine cpl- Ge9$e ! cullen' son lr& ruthil in SouthCarolina.A1 ceraldinecullen of Mattituck'wasprom areformerresidentsof Mattituct The cunans atsoenjoyedbrief edtohispresentlankwbileservingwith v i s i t s w'Jra-'"-" i t h s e v e r a l o t h q f r i e n d s iM J arineBrigade,MarjnecorpsAirstatit T"jia", sightseeing in old "*i.il;-u# st. Augristine fii"T.ffiffi.:*lil; virginia. 4,t/v, 21, tcJg'' -Tiflif Highschc #lhltlX?rilauituck Sil"i*ii,*?l*^ i:,tTT,itrtr" 'r?ty l4/c' ^ '' 'ftaU4A.--k/t/"/ic.'r- The Peconic gav Shoo MATTITUCK MATTERS by John Traverso . l\:iL^ief / f"[email protected],P(oe/LJ24:4(La/ ,t/,., ,- ,'/"*, l o r d n ' t k n o w a n y t h i n g a b o u t t h e C a t h o l i c R e l i g i o n ,s o I m a d e m y mind up that I was going to find out I was going with a Catholic g i r l . . . a n d m y m o t h e r s a i d ," I d o n ' t c a r ew h a t c h u r c hy o u g o t o . a sl o n g as you go to church . s h e c o u l d n ' t h e a ra s o u n d ,s o s h e d i d n ' t g o t o c h u r c h .S h er e a dl r e r B i b l e a n d s h e w a s a v e r y r e l i g i o u sw o m a n . . . n y o n e brother died when he was very young, but there were terr kids in the f a n i l y a : r d n o t o n e e v e r g o t . i n t o a n y t r o u b l e - s o I g u e s si l r e r e ' ss o l n e thrngto it s o r n y m o t h e r s a i d t h a t s h ed i d n ' t c a r ew h a t c h u r c h w e w e n t t o . . . l s a i d ," W e l l , w h a t a b o u t t h e C a t h o l i cC l r r - r r c h ?A" n d s h es a i d . " I f G o d d i d n ' t b e l i e v ei n i t , t h e n i t w o u l d n ' t b e t h e r e . " -Iuthill Irwin A. '-'::. . G a p t a i :K r iJtl Fsrates ., " )-w" t,<9 rz-r- z hfl l,h- r-Z"t r.hi_z.c^ Jon,.,* r. N o w . r t t y r r t o t h e rw l l a c t i v ( .l ^ o . f c a n r e r : r . 6 { t l 'ue lrr e l r: r r . . . W t r r l d W a r I I . t h e k n i t t i n g s h e u s e d t o d o . M o t h e r w a s v e r y a c t i v ei n t h e R e d C r o s s ,I c a n r c r n e r n b e rt h e s c u r r y i n ga r o : l n ds h e L ) s c dt o d o . . a n c lt h e p i c k i n g L i po f t h e 1 , n 1 1- t h e r ew e r e b o x e so f y a r n . . . M o t h e r w a s a l w a y s l i k e t h a t . S h e w a s a c t i v e i n t h e h o s l ; i t a la u x i l i a r y . . . i n d j f f e r e n tc l u b s - . e s p e c i a l l yt h e c o m m u n i t y c o n c e r t s t h e E a s t e r n S r - r f f o l kC o n c e r t Association s h e w a s o n e o f t h e o r g a n i z e r sS. h e r v a so n e . . . o f t h e S o u t h o l dT o r a n C h o r a l . . . a s i n g e r ,t o o . S h e s t r l l s i n g s i, f s o n r e b o d yr v i l l I i s t e n .M o t h e r a n d D a d w e r e b o t h v e r y a c t i v ei n t h e c o l n n t L L r r i tS y .i r ew l s p r e s i d e n to f t h e L a d i e sM e d i c a lA u x i l i a r y a n d t h e S u f f o l k C o u n t y M e d i c a l A r - r x i l i a r yt o w h i c h m y f a t h e r b e l o n g e d- h e w a s t h e p r e s i d e n t .T h e s p h e r e so f p e o p l e t h a t w e w o u l d m e e t i n f l r r e n c e dm e t o b e t h e k i u d o f p e r s o n I a m . S h e w a s i n c h o r a l , s o I j o i n e d c h o r a l , w e s a n gt o g e t l t e r . S h t ' g o t : r e i n t o D . A . R . a n d w e d i d t h i n g s. . n r y d a u g h t e br e l o n g e dt o C.A.R. Children of Anterican Revolution a n d h e r d a u g i r t e rw i l l l r r o b r b l l 'd o t h e s a n r el h i n g . , rt(!Lr:-ili, S h e w a s o n e o f t h e o r i g i n a t o r s ,a l o n g w i t h A t l e f €T u t h j l l a n c ls o n r e o t h e r s ,o f t h e M a t t i t u c k I m p r o v e m e n tS o c i e t y .S h e w a st h e o n e w l r o w e n t a r o u n dt o e a c ho f t h e r r e r c h a n t sa n d g o t d o t r a t i o l sf o r t h o s et r e e st h a t a r e p l a n t e di ; r t h e v i l l a g e .A n d e v e r y t u n e s h e c o n r r : sl r a i k t o t h e v i l l a g e .s h c j u s t s i t st h e r ea n d l o o k s a t t h o s e1 : r e easn d s a y s ." O J rt h e v ' . e s o b e a r r t i f u l l " S h e w o r k e dw i t h t J r eS u p e r i n t e n d e ror tf H r g h w r y s . . t o g i l r l l e f r e e s p i a n t e d .I c a n r e n t e n t L r etrh e t e l e p h o n er i n g i n g . I t a l w a y s r . a n g. . . M y f a t h e r r v a sa d e d r c a t e dd o c t o r a n d s u r g e o n .I n e v e rh e a r . d: n y f i t h e r s i g i r . . . h i s f a c em i g h t h a v e g o t t e n g r i m b e c a u s e h e h l r l j u s t g o t t e n h o r n ea n d J t a c lt o g o b a c k o u t a g a i n - b u t h e w e n t . S o I t h i n k l ) c w a s , r l a dt o b e a (loctor . N , l a y b em y m o t h e r r e s e n t e dj t . S l r eu s e dt o j o k c . , . W e l ly o u r f a t h e r ' sw i t h a n o t h e rw o n r a n . " A n d t h e w o m a n w o r r l c lb e h a v i n ga b a b y , t h a t w a s a l w a y sa j o k e . I t h i n k t h i s i s w h y , t o o , s h er e a l l y w a n t e dh l l t o r e t l r e s o t h e y c o u l d h a v ea l i f e t o g e t h e r .T h e y h a v e! T h e y ' v eh a d a l m o s t l w e n t yy e a r so f r r t i r e m e n tl i f e i r r F l o r i d a . ln - ({.uty* .,fuu,A., " V t/ J.a Zn,cli-t .*- -z-f a. u, ar7',f,au ,/ / B l r b a r : rB L , r g n i r ( S . 5 . r * Mr t t i t r r i k ,;\.t1/trT / T L' ck i! F n7 k t-l<a>-.),;,ui I i-: : 1 . ,""p r l H ; , r " " , , . . , , r - . . -f "i . " r " ' " i f " t l l ' " t f 8 " " 1 .H . not that he had anythrng against My father didn't want ne to get nlaried it . . . it was just that he didn't want to part with De. .. maybe thal'sasynrptonol . aging . . . I think fathers are keener about their daughters than they are their sons . I came here and we lived together; that's all there was to it . . . I don't ktiow why I guess he depended on me for so many things for such a long while, from the time q u e s t i o l l w a s w a s s p o i l e c l , D o I f i r s t , a n d I Of course. that I was out of college a b o u t 1 t , a n d I w a s v e r y f o n c l o f h i m , t h e r e w a s n o q u e s t i o n a b o L r lt h a t . . . I ' v e l l e c r t fortunate. verv forlunate. r " :,J'';'tt'': r)Sdl" i!;v! 41 rlu A lY'D ) /v'4 ; \r lr t-' 1lgr16/ f /:- l/ i- 11 fil /fr f ' g l'\v'vt F rvciu n1 s " 6 ' - " ' :l ' t ^ j ] (\ t\i tr l'\ i'. \B,ft;S{ttt* )(i. Elberta Hudson Reeve Etr)E&7tls HtJ.9rdlrrr !1-il \ l) Li flaf ''S/*A7\ fipct6 ffitmwb* uf Suttiturh [n*liw, Ifialhw,s | f, i ? i; $uvuywartJ ),"There ore froht lronscripts of interviews b;, John Troversaartd ore porl of the .erce$ts ftiends of Mottituck Free Librory's History proiect. (The prolect wos made possible by gront-sfrom C.E.T.A., the Friends of the t-ibrory, .locol contributions, ond olsoby a gront from the New York Stqte Council on the Arts.) & !i"".e. Jl""e,".',.,. :1.,..1ri.r (,&..r . u- ,i/t.,L,t I I remenrber, as a high sciiool student, thjnking that lnore was expectcd from ,ite b e c a u s e m y f a t h e r w a s a d o c t o r . T h e r e f o r e . I w i s s u p p o s e ( l l o l r e m o r e i n t e l l i g e r r : .I was supposed to be an A student. Whenever I wotrld fall clown or gct a lcrw grrde, I t h o u g t r l p e o p l e w e r e s a y i n g t h a t s h e s h o u l d h a v e d o D e n t o r e t h a n t h r t t r e c u a s eS h e i s Dr. Bergorarrl's claughter. Therc was a lot of pressure on nte, so I excelled. Mrybe I cxcelled because of the pressure or naybe I excelled naturally - wllo knows. ll d e f i n i t e l y h a d a b i g n l f i u e n c e o n n r 1 , i i f e . . . . l f I r i i d a n y t h i n g w r o n g , i n r n y r n r n i J ,i t was magnified ten thousand times. I could never slide into oblivion or obscurity because of it - maybe this kept nte on a lDore evcnkeel, ofrstraightan{l nrrrow plth. I don't know, mrybe it helped to mcke rne a better persotr . . . My father was a doctor twenty-four hours a day of his entire medical career. I never rcally knerv py fath!'r rs r person unlil)he_,retred. The recollections I have of lnything we ever dicl rs a farnily w a s w j t h " A d e f e ' - T u t h r l l a i l d S i d n e y T u t h i ) l a n d t h e i r 1 w o r - h i l c t r e n ,a n d M o t h e r . D r d . my brother and L We would go to the ocean on a picnic. We nright have dotre that five tDes ln my entire life-time as a child. We wcnt to the ocean. packed the two familics and stayed over for the day. Wc had to be away front the telephone hecauseif we we(e near the tel€phone Dad would get r call I crn renrember tlre telephone ringing. It always rng We would sit down to drnner and the phone wou)ri ring. My fither would come rn from the ofiice to take a nap and the phone would ring. Dad would always take care of it, he would always go. I never heard rry father say anything derrogatory about it, no sighs or anything. My lather was a dedicated doctor anclsur_ geon. I never heard my father sigh, his face might have golten grin because he had just gotten home and had to go back out agail - but he went. So I think he was slad to be a doctor. We did not use the telephone, as children, because it was a doeto-r'sphone and it had to be free. We never chatted on the phone lo our friends. I ncver felt resent_ ment about that either - that was the way of life. . . . I may have resented this, I don't know. I don't resent this anymorc, because I am very glad nly lather was r doctor. I am glad he did that, because he was a great seryice to the comrnunity in a great n)any ways. I know many peopJeowe lheir jjves to nry father, an(i they stop me today on the streetsand say, "lI it wasn't for your lather I woulcln't be here to(lay." People would aJwayssay, "Oh, I wish your fatherwere here, I wjsh he never Icfl here." But I always say to thenr, "You realjzethat if he l)ad rot left liere, he probably would have not been alive today." And lhey aBree tr,ith that _ but thcn asain. ,.But I wish Dr. Bergmann were here so that I could talk to him." .----\ , 9{o n L - 'i- Bergmann savre rt >,, q / )l}B-brn v\, '/lr c "'r / Mattiluck M y F a t h e r d e l i v e r e d e g g s t o t h a t s t o r e ( C i i t j e r s i e e v eB r o s . ) a n d b o u g h t g r o c e r i e s _ _ I ofteD rode in the box wagon with him and then I walked over to Lahy;s Dirrg Stor, in Libriry liall where I li-ked to buy strawberry lce crsam cqnes for 5 cents each would finish one cone before nry Father was finished shopping at the grocery store Then I would ask hiln for another 5 cents so I could go over ard buy aDother coDe I gucss I got my fill of strawberry ice crecm at lhat tiDe because now, I prefer any other kind rather than strawberry. . I can remember when a car broke through the old wooden (Wesiphrlia) bridge. I was with my Father, George Horton, jn the box wagon and held the reinsoi the horse after my Father stopped before going over the bridge, so hi: colrld get out and help the people in the car. . , . The men often had their mcetings with Oyster Stew suppers and ic€ creanl aft€rwards. The ice cream that was left over was djvided among the men afterward to brirlg home; so, on nights when fty father w€It to those Lodge Meetings (the Junior Order of United American Mechanics), I would try to renlain awake until he cane home, then I could have a sample of the ice cream. I renrenrber the Tutti Fruiti ice cream, especially. . . . My Father had wished that I had been a boy so ite coulci leave the farnt to me but I don'1 know what he would have done if I had been a boy an{i been drafted into an anxy. . I don't think I appreciated it in those days. I sort of envied some of my f r i e n d s w h o c o u l d g o t o o t h e r p l a c e s .B u t m y F a t h e r a l w a y s s a i d , , , l f y o r r e v e r g o s o m i p l a c e e l s e ,a i w a y s k e e p y o u r h o m e t o c o m e b a c k t o . " . . . My Father seldom went visiting on account of having to attend to the farm animals but once in awfule he wourd visit his sister in cornecticut for a few davs and he would always be glad to get home again and would say, ,,Cood Old Matiituck. There is no place like Mattituck." I can remember hin saying thar a grear many tlmes. EdithHorton Young M attitu ck +6, -Tl uf $utfituc( ,ffiprnuries j(--tl --J, ta n - ^ - Y"& "rl ,,, t,11,:.\car-^-' AL"A-" ,, Ast[vrfr J , \' f2+r'tt 4 "1. 4v, MATTITUCKUeffnRS -by PARTII 4.cr ' /' John Traverso part of the Theseexcerpts ore from trLnscripts of interuiews by lohn Traversoand 1re possible Friends of ll4ottituck Free Llbrory's History Proiect' (The project wos mIde o[so by b, grnr, fron C.E.T.A , the Friinds of the Librory, .locol contributions, ond i qiort fro, the New York State Council otl the Arts.) My Dad, aiso naned Arthur, had intentions of being a mining engineer'he went out to Colorado for that reason.After going to Williams for three yeats, he met my mother out there. she came fronr wisconsin.utrfortunately, matrimonial aspirations so Dad was a frustrated person,he really were in conflict with his job ambjtions was. They got marrled,and that's where his collegecareerended He came home wlth his bride and worked in the lumber and coal yard that my grandfather,Geotge L' Penny,'hadestablishedinl892,andwhich,lbelieYe,isnowtheoldestbusinesshere in Maitituck. Later he starteda farming career,mostly with chickens,although we also grew corn and severalother crops on WestphaiiaRoad. We hrd a squab farm at Laurel iorsometime.Asquabisapigeon,ayoungbird...it'saconnoisseur'stypeofdish, epicurean.That wai only a few years, and then he cane to Mattituck, to Westphalia Avenue, and establishedthe Mattituck White Leghorn farm, wNch got qurte a repu" tation becauseDad did some things that were very rarely done in those days fot It was a relatively small firm, although we had a rath€r large laying flock ou those times - in the neighborhoodo{ five thousand whjte leghorn hens We had w el p r o d u c t s p r i n c i p a l s o our o w n i n c u b a i o r s .W e g r e w c h i c k s n sf r o m t h e e g g u p ' h.hv chicks. which we sold to other poultrymen, and eggs,which, largely, Dad sol' wholesale. He )reverhad an elig route or anything like that. He clfi sell lo holcls ,nd boarding houses arld so fcrrth. And hroilcrs - I rccall thilt we had a numbcr of frthcl fancy custolners for thL'nr from Southrmplon. socirlly elitc people who lnsisteLlr brorler be absolulely pcrlcct. I J e i r n p o l t e d b r e e c l i l l gs t o e k f r o n r E n g l a n r l , w h e r c a p o u l t r v r t r a n t r y . J h c n a r l e o f o n r B a r r o n - . I c i n s t r L lr c n t e r n b c r h j s t r a n r e hird nrrde I irig repLltJliorl. f)ad jnrted srres, cocks. rnd I think lrc:rlso lntpofted sonlL' hens. if J !nt rlot nlislaken T l r r o i r t h t h e y e a r s h e L r L r i l lu p s o m c v e r y g o o ( l l r y l n g s t o c k . W e w c r e l l t e f i r s t o L l t hcre to trrp nest - thit's a kintl of nest thJt wlton a ltrn lrvs rn egg lt closes thc door you can keep recor,ls of lhr llets hecrus!'they are all banded - antl on the nest how iltany eggijthey lay y o u c r n p i c k t h c h c r v i e s t l a y i r ) g h e n s r s b r e e c l e r s .H e d i d lllat tluougll the vcars dncl hc irlult up a vcry frro sttrril of White Lcgltorns, *'ilh the r e s u l t t h r t h e v a s u h l e ' l o s e i l c g g s a n d c h L c k s. . . c g g s f o r h i t c h i n g . W e h r d c l e c i r i c i n c u b r t o r \ : w e h J d n o r e i n c u b a t o r r t p a c i t v t h r n 0 n v o n , l o n t h e l - l a s tE n r l . So hc sol.l cggs 1or hrtching chlcks, ard hc solcl eggsfor eating, he sold l)rollel a n d , o f c o u r s e , h c s o l d t h e o l d h e n s a f t e r t h o y h a d s e r e nt h e i r b e s t d d y s - t h e y w e r ( s o u p - s l o c k ,s o t o s p e x k . H e r J t t h i t f a r n l r o D ) I t ) l l ' r n t j l h i s r c l i r e J r c n t i n l q 4 6 o 194? He drd quite weil with rt. In those days, they had egg lJying contes(s.rnri hc rvould enter pens - I forgi' h o w m a n y w e r e i n a p e n , e i g h t o r t e n * t h e y w r i r l c is c n d t h c m t o Y u k o n , l h e U n i v e r sily of Connecticlrt, at Storrs, to Pearl River. ]\l3w Jersey. They had agrlculture co l e g e sa t t h e s e p l a c e s . I f y o u w o n a n e g g i a y i n i l c o , r t e s t . t h a t w o u l d g i v e y o u a b i g l i t And you would idv€rtise your chicks, or yonf hatching eggs as bred from these wir So he did quite weu on the farm; hr made a reasonable amount of money and 'etired after about thirty-five yeam at it. tle bought a house in Florida. My mother, A.nnette, died when I was seven years of age,and Dad remarried Amy Van Cleave, who was a friend of my mothers's, and she died in 1939. And then he n)arried Julia Craven twenty-five years ago. He died at the age of eighty-seven. Dad was always a bit frustrated in life because he through he would have liked to have been an engineer or a teacher, and he ended uf a farmer - a poultry nan. l{e didn't hate it; but I can't say he really enjoyed it eithcr He did some innovative thjngs, though. I can remembet we were th€ first to r artificial lighting in the hen houses, where. the layers were, to increase production remember that when we were kids one of my jobi was . . . well, I had help from o of the hiftd men or somebody that worked there . . . we used to use these gasob lanterns that had these real fragile mantles they were the bulkiest, da;necl things that-ever were . . . you'd hav€ to trinr them and what€ve. you drd with them was difficult to get theln started. We hung them up on hooks over pens in all the ( ferent laying houses. We had four laying houses. One of them, I ilunk was six_hundl feet long, which was the biggest house - we used to call it the l,long house,,, Another thing, in those days, feeding th€ chickens *", qrite a job. We _ troueys all through the houses and had theie carrie* that ran on overhead rails, right tkough th€ house and would scattcr the teeo ano carry nrasn to the mash-l pcrs and so forth. Dad was also one of the first, I think, to use additives, both in feed and also in the drinking water to ksep the chickens healthy _ medical sup mentary additives of some kind. I remember they used to come in little brown that the antique dealers now want anywhere from five to t"n aouui, roi.'irr. n.o',r by th€ hundreds . . . we threw them out . . . they went to the dmp: Artltur HavensPenny Arthur N. Penny's Fother ?irYears^fl.oo 'v4a<'6, )? tr'u MATTITUCK-The owner of Vantage Pe troleum, operator of the Mattituck Terrninal, said this weekhe was misled by Martin Carey when he signed a contract to lease the properly for five years. MLCerpy i$ the brother of Gov. Hugh Carey!,Lv-4-$ | {,-t Also this week. the U.S. Coa3t 6uard relirquished control as the lead agency in the continuing investigation of the tank farm. Two sLateagencies,the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Department of EnvironmentalConservation(DEC) now will bandle the monitoring of ground wells, accordingto Lawrence Peterec, DOT oil spill pr€ventionand control coordinator, b e c a u s e" i t i s a n i n l a n ds p i l l . " Originaliy, last August, the Cmst Guard out of New London, Conn., began an invesligation of a surface spill in the Mattituck Inlel of "a relatively minor amount," James H. Pim, chief of th€ Industrial Waste and Hazardous Material ControlSectionof the Suffolk County Health Department,said. Mr. Pim stated that the spill "appearedto be gasolinethat evaporated pretty quickly and didn't cause any problemsof any kind. That had nothingto do with the closing of the beach. The beach was recommended closed by the Health Deparf ment because of the danger from heavy furoes in the vicinity of the facility when it was fuil of gasoline.It had nothingto do with the spillagein the water." Chorus in MatfrTttd< MATTITUCK-The North Fork spring music season begins this week, with the famous Huntington Cboral Smiety of more than 100voices singing in Mattituck High Sch@lat 3 p.m. Sunday. The choral music to be sung will vary from chorals of the Middle Ags, Antonio Vivaldi's Mass "Gloria" to Mozart, Vaughn Williams and America's Black Spirituals. Berkoski' Marlne Lance Cpl Anlone.F Mrs Ddward Berkoski or ,";';;"M'-;;; to his present ii",uiu"'[. r'ut l""n promoted with tst M-arineBrisade' ii"i'*r"i"t"t"i"g BaY' ari statlon' Kaneohe il:'; ;;;;. Fire of undetemined origir swept the one story frame build_ ing occupied by the Mattituck Bcwling AIieys early Sunday m o r n t n g .l e a v i n g t h e p o p u l a r sporascenter a smoking ruin and c a u s i n ga l o s s i n e x c e s s o f r30,000. More than 100firemen and ten oiecesof apparatus were nobilzed ftom three departments to oattle the blaze after a passing lruck driver, Relious Bates of Cutchogue.saw flames bursting from the doomed sttucture and iounded the Mattituck alarm at 1 : 0 5a . m , Residentsare still having trouble remembering that the-y can now only go one way to reach thc BreakwaterBeach since the Old Mill Bridge has been closed. J o nS h i D , s o o n f M r . a n d M r s H e n r yS b i p of Mattituck, a second grader in Mrs' Bennett's class, was the winner of an .lz!*' "Olympic" gold medal The medal was 0 t s./ Everyon'e-rs coidially rnvited to an opendonated Uy David B. Tuthill, who had house at Mrs. Ashton's Pre-SchoolCrea- receivedit from the Olyr,pic Committe rn tive classeson Wednesday,March 12,from resoonseto his cashdonation.Each second l 0 r 3 0 t o l l : 3 0 a . m . T h e o p e n h o u s e w i l l g i veer a d e r c h o s ea c o u n t r y f r o m a m o n g t h e you an opportunity to watch the current iredal winners of the Lake Placid Winter four'year.old class in an art session, in Olympic Games and made lhe flag repremusic class and at supervisedplaytime. senting that country. Supl. Roger Burns There will be interestingdisplaysdcscrib- drew iie winner, Czechoslovakia, and Jon i n g i n f u l l l h e c u r r i c u l u m u s e d . F o r f u r t h e rl e a p e d f r o m h i s s e a t . J o n ' s c l a s s m a t e s information call 298-9498 or come to Mrs. cheered enthusiastically, showing great A s h l o ns a t ? 9 5L o v e L a n e o n t h e l 2 t h soorbmanship. / , ,. . -' Gunner MrssrleMate 3rd Class Tim ,4.tt1., 6, /'J V Haas, son of Mr and Mrs. Fred Haas, has Lee S.'Levine, son o[ Harold Levine of left on a seven-monthPacific Fleet cruise Mattituck, has been promoted in the U.S. w h i c h w i l l i n c l u d e9 0 d a y s i n t h e I n d i a n 4 i l p 6 l q g l o t h e r a n k o f a i r m a n f i r s t c l a s s . Ocean. While on the cruise, Tim will be Airman Levine is a medical service p l a y i n g b a s k e t b a l li n H a w a i i a n d t h e 5 p s q l 3 l l 5 t a t A n k a r a A i r s t a t i o n i n A n k a r a , P h i l i p p i n € sf o r h i s s h i p ' s t € a m , t h e t t S S T u r k e v .H e i s a l 9 ? ? g r a d u a t e o f M a t t i t u c k C o n s t e l l a t i o nT.i m a n d h i s f i a n c e e .C l a i r H r p hi c l r o o i K o c h .p i a n( ( 'b e m a r r i e d i n O c l o b e r .l g B 0 . Over 160 people were on hand at the Blue ind Gold Dinner held COntgSt POetry 471un6, / 4 Fc,- ..--, MATTITUCK-WaII whitman Federal Savingsiscurrentlyholdingitsl6th-annual Walt Whitman poetry contest. Each year t. ' a Hrsh School lnzf tpoltoi:^:l: "ti; ;i;.;,v, ilri'in r' the Mattituck this local savings institution a spagheltitraditional salute to the famed, poet s hold will Lit"tch ni'.uv"""" culturalcontributiontoLongl.lull_,,^-, Boutcher' rts ii""n? on behalf of Jerry The contestis opento any adult..:'sll"l: will be tor tne ministrY'. who :;ilj;ri; piin""ton rheolosical seminarv :ii:;il; -6i -t ' / .7 r ;"';h;rr-rt )+LThere^aurnuac"t"gort"aln-"tt. "'i;';;^"' '* wif served-between5:30 students. -triingt wirh rhree wrnnersrn *.n *.'lo.v' priced Tickels' hall tocial ttt" ,# i o*. st t". children under Prizesconsrstof united s0.for $2 i"t'lo'"rit li'io bonds and savlngs accounts. ""a The public t ii.'are auaitanleat the dmr' 'il""'-;i''H:t ;' ti rf 1"2:,"i FJ"'u'n :'rj|; YiJ"i:,:"!:':ilJ";:11 commemoratin8 the 50th Anniversary of Cub Scouts.A special award was presented to Russell Nine of Mattituck in recognition of 44 years of unselfish ser-vice to Cub Scouts and tsoy Scouts throughouttt. ia"t ena. nur" i, -"iil',ii tize nwho l:"]' -i: -::.'tput :;gci "1;the :i"*'"ffii,:'j:li:i-'??"lli'i [X nas always^ needsarrd invited Mr rnd Mrs Tony Adams are chalrpersons rrt the Matt)tuck Bloodmobilewhich ,u:lil" conductinga drive at the Mattituck 3 Histr Sctoot cafeteria on March 5 from uniil z,ls p.m. 1'his blood drive, which is residents' End beine conductedfor all East n"".a"Olu help supply 2000pints of blood "uscd per day by 43 Long Island Hospltals Donois are requested to call Georgia or Tonv Adams at 2984976for further informaj+/, t'7, t 1 F" tion. the- 9rrends of the More news frono 'din3 tiile begun to SchooL is that materialize for the big fund-raiser, the annual variety show. This year the F.O.S. are planning to have a game show with many rollicking surprisesand prizes from all over the world. Anyone interested in becominga part of this memory-making, fun filled extravaganza,should come to a m e e l i n gt o n i g h t ,M a r c h 6 , a t 7 : 3 0p . m . i o theschoolcafeteria.We will be lookingfor wild rdeas as well as lrish ji88ers. Mexican hat dancers, hula dancers, and polka kings and queens.All proceedswill go toward the scholarships to be given to worthy graduates this June. For further information call Betty Christy, 298-8085. Don t forPPt l^ ^^F^ '- -L " Aggie Culture reports that many farmers in Cutchogue and the North Fork have rnore problems. Nematode has been lbund in several farms and they cannot be planted il potatoes this year. That will cut the acreage down much further. Many farmers have already decided to plant Iess spuds on account of the Temik ban. Maine farmers ate also in trluble. They,alerffering 'm,cCoOt la r[seed potatoes ar the lowest Price in recent memory. Undet three dollars for one hundred Pounds still FOB Maine. Iocal farmers have plenty of potatoes in storaBe that they cannot sell. lt aPPears to all around, be a bad year accotding to Aggie Culture HONOR ROLL _ ..77aq4.' 1J, | ,"8:. Robert Johnson ol Manrtuck, N.Y. was named to the Chancellor's Honor Roll at the Uni' versity of Colorado, Boulder, for the fall semester. The Chancel' lor's Honor Roll recognizes students who have achieved a pedect 4.0 grade average for a semestet's work. .\ q1,{+Rr)/ Mary E. Wines Robert L. Cox -7'?t,t,./, z'former i,' nobert' T."?ot'/ a Mattituck resident,died February 29 at his home in BoyntonBeach, Fla. He was 62. Cox was born February s, 1913,in __MrMattituck, the sonof Ethel and Edgar iox. He moved to Florida from Mattituck t0 yeafs ago. .4 retired painting contractor, he was a member of the Mattituck Fire Department tor 35years and a 20_yearmember of the Mattituck Lions Club. is survived by his wife, Helen; two .He stepsons,Charles and William Gremler, both of.Mattituck; three brothers, Benlam jn,.Allan and Vernon, all of M;ttituck; and louf grandchildren. Funeral serviceswere held March 2 . at rhe B-oyntonMemorial Chapei, wrth the t ( e v , J o u g t a sH . S m i t ho f f i c i a t i n g . t::'-ntka b/".1bov-e his |it b / ci own //'L ttz !'J 1 Parents are asked to be on the look out for an informational sheet which will be comrng home win? tde,eleft6htary stu-' denls this week concerning the spring scholarshipfund-raisingactivity sponsored by the Friends of the School,inciuding parentsand teachers."Community Feud" will feature a twcact performanceof fun and laughter, with the first act following the format of a game show.Contestantsfor this show will be selected from the audjence and the lucky winners will receive many fine gifts from all over the world. The secondact will leature entertainment from such countries as France, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Ireland, Germany and mor€. May 15has ben set asideas the date for this one-night-onlyextravaganza. . 'u rawns,one ln Matlituck the otherlr^ Southold,were damaged last Thursday Donald Gratta told police a snowmobile ran across a hill in his backYard at Rosewood Lane, Mattituck, and caused $400worth of damage. Southold resident Madelene Mobyed of Town Harbor Lane told police a car drove across fer lpwn, causing $50 worth ot damage.l/6' f io -.74U,,\./.1,/ q 9c' Mary E. Wines, a former Mattituck resident,died after a long illnas on March 2. She had ben living in Southampton following a stay at the Todd Nursing Home. Mrs. Wines was born in Elmira, N.Y., in 1888.A graduate of Goucher College, she taught schml in the Mattituck school system until her marriage in l9l4 Mrs. Wines was a long-time member of lhe Sacred Heart R.C. Church of Cutchogue.She had been extremely active in the American Red Crossduring WorldWar II and continuedher interest and support of the Red Cross as well as many other charitable organizations,until her death. She was predeceased in 1969 by her husband, Morrison, a retired building contractor. Servicesand interment were hEldin Mt. Morris,N.Y. Memorial donationsmay be madeeither to the Sacred Heart Church of Cutchogue or the American Red Cross. ' qf-s' 73'l-ears^){qtr ' -TyL /Lt. /,t u ; /q , Ernest Cdrwin, for years our faithful stntion master, h"s resrgn_ed his position to accepr lhat of cashier in Mattituck s nerv bnnh. He will take a Do,rth,s rnstructton and p13ctice in the D.1nk at Southampton beforc enrenng upon his new duties. Mr. Rogers of Creenport now has charge of the R.R. station. The two schottner loads of coal lor J.M. Wells & SoD that were so long delaJ'ed on nccount of the ice ur the SouDd, reached Greenpon last Monday. g,-,o)'eatJj{qo A Brown celebrated ^^1u.:9 hrs Yvrh. birthday at his home rn vranrtuck. Mr. Brown is known rn over lhc Edsl End. He w45 1,11 horse doflor, and a pood i:drs,1 i."j:,Y::?:::", *r,or,asa fi.s. rrmlly ot children l i v i n g-p"1"" in various sectrons the Sta1s, _of 1r,, romc wr(h his daughrer, Miss Lueila lJrown. 1 o the Ru nr Runners of Eastern r,e n g t s l a n d : I r m giving you farr ::,:1,l,e,h , "otuzneu ' u i t r , o p bo ar our doct o nuaos, n g tl n, :olw Fuurders.funAing, anO rvq! ,,ds oelter slop usinp our ro rre up your rum 6oat.. ;),(r is owned and uscd i].'r:"property of our viltage for ;:,::,: . ' 6 ' r , ' , , l".pt" d r cp u r p o s e s . I know rhp t h a t . h a v eu s e d o u i lrl,l"l y- _! ,jt"J: .. : I nave telt it with the Federal men lo enforce the law, but I tell you I will take a hand if t h i s i s c o n t i n u e d .( S i s n e d ) F r e d E. Bgpth. )ffi;;39,;*g#",*u, u" nen holding auditions -for .i11 on oroduition. "GodsPell"' 7:30 P m tn i,'larch24 and 25 at show Needed for the 'i;'i; the theater' r6 to ;;; Per{ormers'-age casr 60 with thc bulk of the Also ,.i.a"O tto- those 21'60 who can needed are musicians feYuoara organ'.rhythm -P"tt"*it^s PiaYrne ind bass lf "*"li^t. 50 restoent M r s C h r i s ( i n eK i n g . a /|Jugn Gotd,smith,Givic Leader - /t 1/L( -t €) lq f r' Dr. James H. Rambo z-7na,t. t3, t96d Dr. Jamesg. nimbo, a Mattituck r'' / )- ., , --;- AIvah B. Goldsmith,a lonitimdsouthold Town trusteeand Republicanleader, died March 16at Eastern Long Island HosDital. He was 74. Born July 4, 1905 in peconic. Mr. Coldsmith was the son of Harrison and Louise Case Goldsmith. He had been president of Goldsmith Boat Shop, Inc., slnce 1922.and was awarded a plaque for owningthe oldestconlinuouspleasureboat dealership in the U.S. from Boatine osteopathic l"J'ii-iili*p;,t'v, Florida os- Industry Magazine of Academy Florida nJ.*ir,r*-iio He was also past master and past deputy t"lTllt""*t"o grand master of Peconic Lodge #349,Free Di a bvhiswire'.Emilv a and Accepted Masons; a member of the '#. i;;; L nahuoor P-alm.Beachi of,Lakeworth' SITHRA Chapter #216of the Royal Arch o""ehi";'Mi.v Mickley Masons; a member of Portland Hose i]"l"^ l.otr'"t, Dr. cedric Ramboof Mary Brown Companyof the SoutholFire Department; asister' w"tt' i b"iri"ii,r., and a charter member of the Southold rex : andsil-sFandchildren' Rotrry Club. ;iililli;; "'i.liiiltr will b€ heldMarch 70 Years Ago YL Marchlg,tglo 7',t4 17lat An amusing incident,or rather accident, occurred at the Mattituck railroi depota f e w d a y a g o w h e n ay o u n gm a n $ s c a u g h t in theactof shippingoyslersins ldof soft clams, as be announced. He stated that his barrel conLainedsoft clams. While it was being rolled along the Dlatform the head came out and with it a quantity of large Mattituck Creek oysters, insteadof soft clams. As he owns no oyster beds, and as some of the residents who do have lately comolainedthat their ovsters were mysaffair is being . teriously dissapearing,t t a_gB invesligated, , - !1.t"-:^ ,:jt /t'u" , ,.r-t 7t 1 I a t' 'LCr , (ii "** ' -. ' / '' |.r' LL' tL..-L*^,' i ,'.t, i iLal"'i'\ " "'' i,'; tut\tl a - ' ' f " ' - "' ; t (tK ' 1.. . ., t/ ir;tt n' .-1, 1 , . i r . . .14, fu: "' tl "-tt'; . 'i'r' , : y ' . '' l''. y'', haL/ 'ikY:'t,.l'r .krl"u i2 .1,: 6-i ',o:,+ .: ':l t':ac) L ?r\ t-i'L .-t- li' 1 Dr. llenrv A..Lett-l {.i* o, uen{ Fl6yh,3€l Jrt[,6fi.itu"r. died on March tZ at Central Sulfolk Hospital at the agb ol 67. He is suruived by his wife, Elizabeth (Varnum), and thre daughtem, Mrs. Jo Ann Isern of Dearborn, I Mich., Mrs. Ruth Knudsen of Bay Shore, and Mrs. Geraldine Melhus of Bayport N.Y. Two sisters, Miss Matthilda Lettal and Mrs. Elsie Kerner, both of Brooklvn. and eight grandchildrenalso sunive. Funeral services were held Saturdav morning at the ReginaldH. Tuthill Funei_ al Home. The Rev. Charles Baker. rector of The Chu-rchof the Redeemer, Episcopal Church, officiated. Interment followed at the Southold Presbyterian Cemetery. with old friends .,-.:- -, 'it, ALVAH B. GOLDSMITH A Masonicservice was held March lB at DeFriest Funeral Home in Southold.Funeral services were held March t9 at the Southold Presbyterian Church, with the Rev AlexanderSime officiating. Memorial donationsmay be made to the Masonic Brotherhood Fund in care of MasonicLodge#3{9in Greenportor to the SoutholdFree Library rr !: r. " r k / /Matlituck t ' t i + r 4 f'r/iiit 'oin"'ng and listening --ieseiu"o MATTITUCK-The cabaretitvte taute seatins{ i * scbool band, chorus and stage bani;iii priced at $3 u.lg c9!",t'l admission at fi ' " ;;; present their annual pops boththe': includes iie liice oreittrei.ticket nii'n-s"rri"i """";; 5'u-"*'i,r',r," :-;';;;;,"M;;;'ftil-ut "" concert and-the dance Tickets mav De "-ait"r** This vear's o p.-. - t-tiiif U" trumpet'soloist Douglas purchased from any band or chorus member or at the door' Further informa*i'" *irr p".fo.* ttre ieiSert [4"";";;; at 298-84?1' Clu.f..ofol'n.o* the Shoresof the Mighty tion is available Pacific" accompaniedby the high school Loud." tained .ry#:l,Tf"; ii:,*i:;;l j ^*:i:'"I#+Jj,,. i;,H;.*",y Murder,"-will rake place on f*li"iil:i: i""iil.;:':;:ii; oAnrttr,, -- - wrth the MeritoriousService Award The citation says,in part, rnat Captan Ward ....,throuch h i s i n s p i r i n gl e a d e r s h i pE n dt e J , _ nical erpertise,enablei AvU 193 to attain the highest levels of excellence.consistently Droduc_ ing major films. video iaoes. ana s o u n d - s l i d ep r e s e n t a t i o n st h a t providedinvaluabieassistance to Navy recruiting and trainine programs." Captain Ward, whi tormerly commendedthe audiovisual unit, now cmrdinates film aoivities between it and AVU 2E6,on the West Coast. Caotain Ward and his wife, Sallv, hsve a home on PeconicBay Boulevard. ;''.,i".'?T;T; !:",':;"i6,l :l ;:::T:fi:::,";ilJ;.:l"i;r: l;":"1,"i;:"?::T,l"ff ;T;L"",,t: il fii ;li"%'"T l,..TJ:."*.1 iiiu:;'J'", "',j:; J,..T::""" "l!illi!':ry4;;Wii,: :-,,--qeilr. at lasl three performances ot i?:";:'l:,-::."'. "i,r;Jrr::l' r^ TryO^uts Mattituck High Schml is very proud of its New York State winners. Out RegentsScholarship of a group of 120 taking the test, 16 or l3VtTo won these coveted scholarships.Congratul&tionsto the following students for bringing honor to th€mselves, therr families. and their sch@l: Michael Bailey, Augusta Bohn, Lori Brooks, Raymond Brooks. Eric Distenfeld, Larry Foley, Jamie Ginas, Karen Hancock,Joan Hansen, Andrew Kober, Robert Kujawski, Michael Manarel. Francesca Monsell, Maureen Sheppard,CIarg;fllen 51ilh, and Brenian wood.ft/ at l'!:"1-ft .*1rr:r!;i; Hobert_NobleThomas, Jr.. and Susar , L u - K a e . y o u n g ,b o t h o f M a t t i t u c k , werl married February 28at the United Metho orsl church of Cutchogue.The Rev. Ber burns oilrciated at. the doublerinA cere Inony. ..The-bride is lhe daughter of Mr. anc rvlrs.Laymond L. young of Mattituck. Th€ Dndegroomis the son of Mrs. Ann Locker of.Mattituck and Robert Noble Thomas o{ Glastonbury,Conn. Honor attendant was Kathy Ireland of _ Mattituck. Greeters were the bride,s cousins,Deborah and Nancy Armbrust. Jonathon Dudley of Mystic, Conn.,serv_ eo as best man. Ushers were Cary Geis of Nlattiturk and Richard Rayburn of Laurel. . rne orloes aunt. Jane Mather Arm_ Drust, was guest organist. A buffet was served in tbe church reeption. room following the ceremony. rne Dnoegroom, a graduate of Matti_ tuck High School, is a ground radio operator for the U.S. Arr Force. He is currently stationed at Scott Air Force Base in Belleville, Ill. ,.The^bride,also a graduate of Mattituck nlgn 5chool,attendedSuffolk Community *u..Tanager of Tic Tac Toys lol^l,e85,.Sh: ln Mattituck until her marriaqe. Following a honeymoon.thJ couple now residesin Belleville, Ill. wj i l i,i.::r r:.i rJi.w ft )r:ij r]: \i:: I r::i:]ii?;tw/z 33:*"f;".,irt"1"ffi:.nm'f'",1#;""','; ^^li.-!:tr "i" .un srte for'the rvuo pops concert and dance which will from Mr. Durney 744-0806. 'fochllelan prcdustions including,.Kisnet,i Nrvy tionur fnd Claoc Wll.' l i r t f i lJ . i ) ' B r l o n , ! 0 n 0 f W l l l l s m J , s n d _Alsenlc and OId Lace,,_ ..o+ lhee. I Sing',, and ..Cabaret;' \rno J ()'Brlon 0f Groenport, h0N b00n i, rwrrd{d .t t,ettot' 0f Comnr6nd0tlor,Hc vrrspllod fgt'gradu{llng as lh0 Htt|lrtt'r-rLI|n rorn I 6r,llrll'Inaln[6nane€c0uIE€ut lh€ '1001 AnllSubnurlno Wnlfuro Ttaltrlng dntsr lil stln Dlego, tI€ gradu!led fr,orn r^r rr.!At'c ,^ +tsi" ,nd ;lt ^iher rB 30.w(!el( courto wlth .l 9,1 p6rctjll /V/LAL. vataga\ 7 7, f a f o rr, Godspell' '7yt dz- Aqdl(or' ski and Ray Nine. wtth Mr' Mendmha' will ri ^urr"", MAT1TI['cK"Tryo ; trumpet trio, "The Magic ;;ri;;. "Godspelt" will be held at the North Fork i-,-""t ' 'f".fi"i"O" hv .lames Burke. Mattituck on March in CommunityTheat€r in the band part of the program 2{and25,at7:30pm r v i l l b e " s e l e c t i o n sf r o m t h e W i z " ' " A Twelve cast members are needed and "The Cershwin Portrait", e;;.;; ,,Choraleand Shak- both men and women are encouragedto iltarc"nesof ltancini", try outDirector Gene Durney recomO""."", and the march, "Nationai Inends that potential cast members be ".Emblem." " prepared to sing a Broadway show song. o.rr, under the direction of scott ft DTTI also recommends that cand"-.t will perform a number of light Verity, Yt: idates be 16 years old and above. otherclassical and contemporary selections ;;S"na in th; Raif' and the wise, there is no age limit. ;;i;;ft ,'Don't Cry Out Producer Bill Sousa is also looking for ii,i"it..r'nf"""ii".ter hit, ^, King it r""ti'e.r"'*'l"t: u"a' I?ii f, /" "- Pop.s ConFi:School hnds, Chorys cin t -fhe Mrs o';^^'ll",l"""ol1i ll*.ti""o x^*l Fork is haPPYro u' ;;;J i*; nin,i .".uui., JohnDabrow- : L<"' r"u ti,*, Mr. Goldsmith served as truste for 34 years, and was chairman of that body from 1964to his retirement in 1977. A longtime Republican committeeman, he also served on the Southold school board and was general chairman of the SoutholdTown Tercentenary celebration in 1940.During World War II his boat building business expanded to include rearming planesfor the U.S. Navy. He is survived by his wife, Jeanette; three sons,Alvah, Jr., and Bruce, both of Southold,and Allan of Cutchogue;and five grandchildren. ;*;;" ;t'l: t""::^''*o,;'T" wno *" n^* : nm:il,1iil.13&:"i: nlli't-"' "?fi iciating' d-"ih Iti-"ilt"a"t Church-off "l,rl*'oiitl oon"ttonsto a favoritecharity 'o'cntlv returned the PresbFerran tt"* *""i"g 'j^-J r" woodburY to San ,- a nailue, died March 9 while attending -Jical conuentionin Colorado Springs' He was 64. Colo. n.. ir*Uo had lived in Hypoluxo' Fla ' He was a graduateof Kirksville since 1950. ijlll-""-"r osleoDathicMedicine in Kirkin the ano t'eta memuershiPs il[."M; (Fla.r Rotary club, the Palm ;:'; 'u:;"h ;;;.; iquadron' the. American ;;"; American Acade;.t*lation' 5:i;;",;; service ':l::,]31i;*115l oruutiitu"t' to tne Edsrl be held rrJurgay nrght. March 29. in the high s ( n o o ta u d i t o n u m a t B o ( l o c k The Hi;h Jcnooruand. Chorus and Strge Band will tncluded in rhe progranr ::,,p::t:i.ilc will oe Broadway Showsongs,music from r e t e r ' t s l oann d t h e b e t t e r , . p o p and rock,. tunes of lod-ay. The evenirg wlll also lealure.DouglasMendocha. a frofessionat 'r ("r'per prayeLLas."guQt7,srof;igr. ur C L A S SO F t g u a . A t N . vifff .fJ;f Jnz'or ..n"re Mattituck, is presidlnt ol KoDert [. Bergen Oil Company, Inc.. Mattiruck, He was associarcd wirh lorm:rly tranklin Nalional Bank. SecurlrY National 8ank, and Firsr Jersey Narional Banh. Mr. Eergen is a member of tfic Manituck Chamber of Com_ merce and is on thc Board ol urrectors of the Maltiruck rlons Club. Mr. Bereen received his B.S. degrec" in 6 u s h e s sA d m i D i s t r a r i o n frum ne Unlversity of Arizona .n The PeconicBaY ShoPPet i, MATTITUCKMATTERS bY John Trov'erso Memories of Mothers lorii,inot hon' r lg inol no-, "The M onsion "-O '-Nri. Richard Bassford are ;;;- fi;. pleased to announce the arrival of their granddaughter,Stacy Carol, on March 20. Stacy is the daughter of Mr' and Mrs. SteDhenBassford of North Merrick Congraiulations and best wishes to the entire B a s s f o r df a m i l v . o L7' 14 E /)2taz 1-?,1 S tr' "V4a/. Siatf Serqianl Thohas G. Konkel,son of Mr. and Mrs. wiuiam O. Kodrel, Sr., of Matlituck has graduated from the Air Force Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Schoolat Rhein-Main Air Base in Frankfurt, Germany. Graduates of the course study leadership, management, supervision, and increase their perspective of the military as an instrument of national Power. Sergeant Konkel is an avionics systems technician at Rhein'Main. He is a 19?1 graduate of Mattituck High Schml. tn tnts envlronmentzlly consclolrsera we find it hard to understand thc quantity of litter that offends the eye and distorts in. U""uty o! the area. Since so much of it is beer cans and bottles, it has to be com!ng from an age group most.certainly We hope for what it is doing. ' -)ruceup """ouitubl" for that, as everyone starts to sorins". the litterbugs will do the same their and r.iill think twice before they t6s qarbage anywhere but in a b-ag, and the '/77 /to [ag in the proper receptacle . Wilsberg - SacQa-cz r t z' t-7' v\W " Donna Stachatz' daughter of Mr' and Mrs. Edmund Slachaczof Mattituck, was unitedin marriage toPaul Wilsberg,sonol Mr. and Mrs E;n6t Wilsberg of Matti iuck, on Saturday,Apri) 12'at Our Lady of Ostrabrama Churcb' Cutchogue Father John Cwalina officiated the double-ring ceremonv. The miid of honor was Diane Luca The bridesmaids were Janet Wilsberg, sister of the bridegroom, Yvette Demaic, Dena Elia and LeslieErdmann' Best man was Jamie Wilsberg, brother of the bridegroom. The ushers were Ronnie Stachicz, brother of the bride' p'alph Dennis Charkow, Ned Boxen and Schatz. A reception was held at Brasby's in Aouebogue. Aft"ri hon"Y*oon in the Bahamas and Florida. the couple will reside in Mattituck. The bridegroom graduated from Bryant Collee.ein Providence, R l , and is emolove-das manager of Eckert Oil Companv. The bride graduated from Niagara University, Niagara Falls' and is employed at Central Suffolk Hmpital as a nume' of E.hL*:f:tot, arco 1900' in7-.ltGrash Killed t.l f -' ah4 SOUTHOLDIA 22-year-old Mattituck .mident was killed Friday night when th€ Road in car tte *as a.iving veeredoff Main Southoldand struck a tree downtown -",qcforaing to the police reporl' Mark east Haas o[ Brower Road was lravellng hls on Route 25 at about 1l:30 p m when the . u i t " n u p o n t ( ' t h e s r d c w a l kn e r r iD .otn"t of i oungaAvenueand hil a lree itont of ilre Main Street Market' After P o l i ce vrewingthe damagc tu lhe car' been Chief darl Cataldo sDrrnisedit had The traveling nore than 50miles an hour' car's enline rvas forced onto the victim s lap. poiice sald T h e S o u r h o l dt ; l c D c p a r t m e n t a l s o respondedto the sceneand used torchesto help remove Mr. l{aas from tbe car' He wai transferredby DeFriest ambulanceto E a s t e r n L o n g I s l a n d H o s p i t a lw h e r e n e was oronnun,iedderd on arrival Marft T. Haas Mark T. Haas of Brower Road, Matti' tuck, died Friday after an automobile a c c i d e n tH . e w a s 2 2 H e w a sb o r nJ u l y 3 1 , f 4, lcl {0 1957,in creenporl. Aht Employed by Waltet Gatz Landscaping in Mattituck. he was also a volunteer member of the Mattituck Fire Department and active in the Mattituck Softball League. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Haas; his grandmother, Eleanor Stelzeri three brothers, David, Timothy and F rederick E. Haas,Jr., and a sister, Elizabeth,and two nephews. A fire departmentservice and a Rosary service were held Sunday night at DeFriest Funeral Home in Mattituck. The funeral service was at Our Lady of Good Counsel,Maltituck, on Monday, and inter' ment followed at Sacred Heart cemetery in Cutchogue. Donations to Sacred Heart School or Mercy High Schoolhave beensuggestedin lieu of flowers. Mrs. Evo lloodword practically everyday I had to wash . . it was a big family . . . . T h e r e w e r e t o o m a n y c l o t h e st o w a s h ,y o u c o u l d n ' t d o t h e m i n a d a y b y h a n d . Y o u h a d t o t a k e c a r e o f c h i l d r e n ,c o o k , a n d w a s hy o u r o w n d i s h e s . t h e r ew a s n ' t t i n i e , s o t h e i r o n i n g w a s r n o s t l y d o n e a t n i g h t . S a t u r d a y w a s t h e b a k ed a y - a l w a y s . . . W e m a d ep i e sa n d c a k e s b e s i d e s t h e b r e a d . Plus you had to keep your housecleanwith a broom-we didn't have v a c u u n l c l c a n e r si n t h o s e d a y s . Y o u d o n ' t h a v e a n y i d e a w h a t i t w a s t o l i v e i n t h o s e t i l r e s . Y o u ' d t r y g e t t i n g u p i n t h e r n o r n i n ga n d c o o k i n ga n d c l e a r i n ga w a y r n e a l s w , a s h i n gt h e d i s h e s ,p u t t i n g t h e n t a w a y , w a s h i n gt h e c h i l d r e n ,a n d k e e p i n gt h e m c l e a n ,a n d w a s h i n gt h e c l o t h e s ,a n d y o u d i d n ' t h a v ev e r y n r u c h t i m e t o d o a n y t h i n ge l s e .. . . A n d t h e c h i l d r e nh a d h o n r e r v o r k , a n d I a l w a y sh e l p e d t h e n . rw i t h t h a t . . . b u t a s f a r a s t e a c h i n st h e m o t h c r l h i r r g sI. l r i e d t o h e l p . . . . I can't say, one day I taLrghthent this, and the next day I t a u g h t t h e n i t h a t ; b e c a u s ey o u g e t u p a n d g o t h r o u g h a d a y a t r d ,w h e n t h e r e i s s o r n e t h i n gf o r t h e n t t o c l o ,y o u g i v ei t t o t h e m t o d o . T h e y a l r v a y s h a d t o d o t h o s e t h i i r g s ,l i k e f e e d i n gt h e c h i c k e n sa n c l t a k i n g t h e a s h e s o u t a n t l b r i n g i n gt o w o o d a n c lc o a i i n . . . . . . t l i e y k n e w w h e n I s p o k e ,I n r e a n ti t . T h e y g o t a s t i c k o n t h e n ti f t h e y d i d n ' t n r i n c l .T h e y g o t p u n i s h c d .I w a s u e v e ro n e t o f o o l a r o u n t ll v i t l t a t l y c o i t x i r l ga n d s o f o r t i l . W h e n I t o l d t h e r nt o t 1 os o n r e t h i t r gt.l r e y d i c li t . I f y o r r s t a r t r v h e nt h c y ' r e y o u n g t h e y f o r n r a h a b i t . y o u ( l ( l u ' t l t r v e t o t r e f i e l c e s , r t h t ) r e r n t; ) r e yk n o w w h e t h e ro r l t o t y o u n t e a ni t . E v aW o o t i w a r d P i k eS t r e e t (, l'rirl L,' /,":.,;t.t,c..i ' r t ' , ' c . , ,t ' t i ' " ' : ' t,.-,, tt,t"'' i''t /'-rr"L JamieGinas,sonM o fr . a n d M r s . a r s u r''lttqir../ vLr-..-t tr-'t'; '( i i t 'r'1 l ;",t Li a':"t i,.4''-7r G i n a s , h a s w o n t h e a n n u a l B a u s c ha n d .t,,,.,--".it-a L o m b S c i e n c eA w a r d a t M a t l i t u c k - C u t L t l i-- r / ! - ! r ! l ; . , . . . -1 . , r , ,1.u.,. r.il "i ,,' chogueHigh School Presentedeach year J \ , L,'t,.r.t,.,-' r,', t i n-' r-) to winners at participating schoolsin the ; , .'q, '.lu .'i.tLt ", "'i.i .. l-;t,/<..,:-,r United Sfates and Canada, the award ,. ...,,. 'ta ,*.,.r. i.i..,,,,"t< ,. ,.ii-t,, i t4r'': c( r-1 ': recognizesthe graduating senior with the ". h i g h e s t s c h o l a s t i cs t a n d i n g i n s c i e n c e ,1-,.<11ui,, -1.r 1:,,e*Q,., A-' r' "' t". ;r t subj€cts.Jamie, who is also a Nevr'York State Eegents Scholarshipwinner and a four-year ROTC Scholarshipwinner in the Army and Air Force, plans to attend The Mattituck El9qfftT4-,Banq. ?::; in ceorsetown univcrsirv ' september. . formed in two very 66j65able Sohcerts last t - zt Sarno' andDelia week on March25 the band was joined at welcome home to John stay the Mattituck Schoolbuildingby the southwho have returned from a four-month old Elementary Band and on the following in Florida. while rh"$ -Dtlie.uBrg.lun"t^ell day' the Mattituck musicians and their was hospitalized far liVe fu-eelts ^sne trlends Mattituck band director' BrucePetrucci' travelled to heartily thanks all those group IoI citizen southold to perform lt was c€rtainly a senior and th; Mattiiuck pravers' f9..th" voungsters -H:::.t]ll""Tp::,::1": the many selwell cards and )- New F*linister Church Hasti'"!' ^"W;!"is E--rhe curcHocu ven, minister for parish tevelopment d the First Unit€d Methodist Church of Delmar, N.Y., has been appointed pastor of the United Methodist Church of Cutchogue, Bishop W. Ralph Ward. Jr. fesident bishop of lhe New York Area of the United Melhodist Church, has announced. The Rev. Beaven. a native ol Catonsville. Nld.. is a graduateof American University and Drew University Theological School. He received his master of divinity degree and a graduate degree from the State University of New York at Albany in communications,cum laude. He was ordained a deacon io the Baltimore Conferenceol the United Methodist Church in 1968,transferring to tbe Troy conference in l9?0 and receiving elder's orders there in l9?1. He sened as minist6r of educalionof the Church of the Covenant,Averill Park, and Salem United Methodist Church, West Sand Lake, from l9?0 to 1972;as associateminister of Christ cburch United Methodist, Glens Falls' 19?2'?6;and in his present role in Delmar from 19?6 to the present, Prior to his transfer to the Troy Conference he had served the United Methodist Church in Livingston, N. J., and Calvary Church ( E p i s c o p a l i)n S u m m i t ,N . J . Aclive in the affairs of the Troy Conference, he is the former chairman of ils slructure evaluationcommittee, a lormer member of the Adirondack District Com' mittee on the Ordained Ministry, and a member of the former conlerence Board of Education. He is currently vice chairman of the Troy Conference Communica- The Mattituck PresbyterianChurch has announcedrts schedulelor Easter. Three soloists will join the choir to perform on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. The group will perform Gethsemane on Thursday, Faure's Requiem on Good Friday and the Hallelujah Chorus and Joseph's Lovely Garden on Easrer. Ct4.q,/?y'J I ne sotolsE: u Soprano Bette Jeane Townsend is a voice instructor, choir director at the Norlh Fork Baptist Cburch, and has performed in productions in the Stony Brook 0pera workshop and the North Fork Community Theater. Baritone Ron Meixsellhas sung Faure's Requiem with Susquehannaand Upsala Universities.He has held major roles tn the Maine Opera Workshop, been guest soloist at the stale university at Stony Brook,and is currently soloistat the First Churchof Christ, Scientist,in Huntington. Harpist Jim Palmer is a composeraDd musical director of the Lochlorien Ensemble. He also plays flute, obft, English horn, guitar and sitar. three-car accident SOUTHOLD-A resultedin a head-oncollisionbetweentwo of I : uars at the corner of Love Lane and Route 25 in Mattituck on MondaY. Accu.'dingto police Carole Moran, 20,of Peconicwas making a left turn from Love Lane onto Route 25 wben her car stalled on the road. A truck driven bY kander Glover, 55, of Cutchogue,who was heading west, collided with Ms. Moran's car, causing the truck's steering to lock. It swerved into the east bound lane and ran head-oninto a car driven by Job Hsieh of lslio Terrace. - 7 klu 5, tq'?-' Mr. Hsiehand t*o passengersin his car were taken to Central Suffolk Hospital but were not admitted said a hosPital sDokesman. No inJormation from the emergency room of the hospital was available regarding the extent of their injuies. Ms. Moran rvas issueda iraffic ticket after the accjdent {or failurQ'tovieJd. .#X" .4 poricesaid wet pavementcauseda rearend collision on Route 2s in Mutti,u"L on Saturday. A car driv€n uv'""n"L"" Giovannelli,21, stoppedin the eastbound lane and signaled to make left tun on to Biij"fr'. f,in" While waiting for westbojndtraffictoclear,hercarwashitfrom behindby onrtdriven by CharlotteHarvey, 69, of Cutchogue.Police said Ms. Harvey could not stopin time to avoid the collision, due to slippery conditiore.Ms. Giovannelli said she had som€ pain in her neck and rvoufd see her own doctor.t'{a -3, | 7[ J a cjfil.r.,^^in--. ^--. --- ! of Peconic "--T::l^ to [:f]:ski rePorted police that sometime 24 and April I a $X::l Ylln was removed from ]:u'lotl'l'1"t an unlocked garafreron his Main Road residence.4?a / t",t z1S t' A p p r o x i n l a t e l y$ 2 , 0 0 0i n r i f l e s were reporied missing from a Sound Ave , Mattituck residence sometimebetween March ?9 and 30 Missing are a .30 caliber Ml rifle. a .22 caliber semi.auro, nrrtic .l .C Higgins rifle with 53 scope and a .16 gauge semiautomatic Browning shotgun. Also reported nrissing rre $500 worth of nvlon,jackels. NFB&r s;o ilteetrng *XfLfpr, The annual stodholders' meeting of The North Fork Bank & Trust Company was held Triesday, March 25 in the Boa.d Room of the Bank's Cutchogue Office. highesi toral dividends to stockholders in its history. Thetwopropositionswerethen approved. The stockholders auih, orized a stock dividend of one share for every 23 held, to be rhe meetinswascailed,. lj"il:"::o,o"ol"*,i3uor?:oo"l? R E v . w A R R E N S .B g A V E I \ ('/./Lr4 lL' , rzV {"' -"t The Rev. Beaven is married to th€ former Carol Robinsonof Hyndsville,N.Y. Mrs. Beaven is a certified director of C h r i s t i a ne d u c a t i o na. n d r e c e n l l y r e s i g n . ed as education and audio-visualconsultanl to the Troy ConferenceCouncil on Ministrjes. They are parents of two children, Larissa, 6, and Tjark, 1r:. Mr. Beaven will be preaching in Cutchogue on Sunday, April 13, at the l0 L) eLll.drlttwz Thc Cutch(Jgue farrtrers iinrlll' potato got started itr their planting about the nliddle of last week. The wet rveather had held thenr back at least two lveeks later than previous years. The best estin)ates predict that the potato acreage this year will be dowD ltundred rcres in Cutcltogue. tlre reasons being that the Bolden nematode has been iound on several farms tn about,'ne order by Board Chairman lrving L. Price, Jr. and chaired by NFB&T President John A. Karas, Affadavits of rnailing i)f two propositions to be voted on were read by Frank A. Anderson. secrctaryofthecorporation. Directors, Trvel!e dircctors u,ere elected 'lley ro serve another term. are Anth()ny Coraci, Lloyd A. Gerard, John A. Kanas, lsiiore p. Krupski, Irving L. price, Jr., William H. price. Frederick y. Reeve, KaDas reviewed highlights -Mr. ofthe year 1979,during whiclt the Bankpostedanail.timerecorclfor George H. Rowsom, Chestet D. Shernan. William B. Sterling, R.G. Tcrry. Jr.. and Herbert W. Wclls, Jr. nei earnings and dlstrihulcd rhe l00l'ean"f,go lr lAUrel CClT ooL c!n,tc,1 a-LAUREI--Plans to expand the Laurel ichoolhave been"tabled" for the foresee lble future becauseof unfavorable eco r0m.: conditions,SchoolBoard President rrank Murphy said Tuesdaynight. "There still is a dire need for a new school. It is crowded, dangerousand not good for education." Mr Murphy said at lhe monthly meeting o{ the board. "But high intereslrates and the economictimes dictate that we table it, put it away for better times. "l still think the community made a mistake in not approving expansion last ycar," Mr. Murphy said. "With inflation, we would have been way ahead of the g a m e b y D o w .' btlv, /o)/fl( Grass is starting up fresh and greenand the buds of somekinds of trees and shrubs are burstirg, but under very discouraging crrcumstances,as ice formed a half inch or more thick tsst tright Gilbert Howell of Mattituck hss bought of W.C. Buckingham his house and loi. The same Mr Howell, during the pasr winter, haskilted 425 ducks. Gil is known on the lsland as an expert shot, |eCuTCl+o6/t; everY Besidesthe usual events VillaSe Year on the beautiful "Green, there will be two- adoeo rne attractions On August-lJ' bncamPBoard member John McNulty echoed councilis sPonsoringan wa.r Ntr. N{urphy'scaution."As a practical and ment. Men in revolutionarY wlll political maller. we're iir a worre ptrsition plarrring of potatoes. ll the price uniforms and their ladres y e r r , " h e s a i d ." l t l o d a yl h a nw e w e r el a s t doesn't improve this year tllere crmp on thc Village Green -at and.tlre would be improvrdeot of the ttoard to go will be more farns taken off the d a v .T h e m e n w i l l d i s P l a Y coDtrary to the wishcs of the community. rolls. Meanwhile some farnters o l d w e a P o n s . t n ob u l l e t s - 'J u s r The community has spoken." powder,) and ,nt t"61s5wlll cd are going to plant more Sreen 3 Last spring district voleN rejected a "'E fi' vegetables in the hope they can iheir lunch over trond issue that would have oY $1.?5 million stay in business. Aggie Culture Another event' not sPonsored schoolexpansion.The referendum ln funded Council,will bc held earller says the outlook fot farlns in this the lost by ?6 votes. on the glh All deta$s are Aueust Mr. Murphy now guessesit would cost i1 will noi*orf.d out as Yet' 5a1 $1.5million to completethe same project. ,riUu,. in memotY of Ul' One eslimate has the cost of construction "famo/us{omposer' Cutchogue's inqreasingby $10,000 a month becauseof u 1!' sec-ond-grade )l DouslasMoore (,W'l studenis of Mm. El. inflation. ..The I p a s t h l s w e e kend Chuch enjoyed an Easrer "I don't see any groundswell to push up ,:::::-.fol*," egg Adams and his Hofstra Rolling I est. i n rheir c lassroom c. into debt s,hen the prime interest rate is 20 tast :e.L:oJajil -col Dutchman WheelchairBasketball essswereondispray percent," Mr. McNulty said. "A lot of ;',il fli,::::i:qe l e a m m a t e st r a v e l e du p t o T o r o n arrda1Thursdavwhilethe parents are concerned about their chil:i^.j:.-1,..,,*u.y crassesteachers to, Canada to participate in the andprincrpals cameoy dren'seducation,but they're also concernvotes.Congrarularrons ed about their pocketbooks." "lnternational Spitfire Challenge ;:,".-Tj,lTl. ro w,rrrr_nussnalter. Tournament." Hofstra finished in whowontheprizclor w i i i i a m E . H a r r t s o nt l l w a s s w o r n i n a s egg. second place in the l0-team who an Air Force second lieutenant by his i1,^.-,l/l:,::l forandto Amy Brooks, the prerriestcgs t o u r n a m e n t ,w i t h p a l t i c i p a n t s falher. Ll. Col. W. E. Harrison, Jr., at ;:i:'::^pTl" napp/yo*n".s of-new aorh conringfrom St. Louis, Nebraska, sruffed recent ROTC ceremoniesat Purdue Uni' :X,,:-1:" o,trrrdrs. t lLl<a. 3 C ?_ Boston, New York, and Canada. versity, west Lafayette, Ind. Lt. Harrison, Chuck was named to the second a 1976graduate of Mattituck High School, t eam "All Tournamentl'for thq graduatedfrom Purdue with a bachelorof runner-up OutcnmanQft / >7 i i-) science degree in chemical engineering. Another member of the family, He will be assigned to the Air Force Greg Adams, spent part of his Systems Command at WrightPaltemon l0-day spring vacationat Daytona Air Force Base. Ohio. Col. Harrison, a Mattituck resident, is the AFROTC and Beach,Florida and came home to Air Force Academv adrnissions liaison Mattituck to visit with the family off icer for eastern Suffotk-}J-l'5,1 9F.' for Easter. tlre Dcpot Lane atea aDd they have to be laid up for a yeat attd treated. The other reisotl is thal Tenrik is no longer available and tlre farner is cutting back ()n lris il::,"f,.'Sp;r'z\hidlfV;'h" ffintdtd:*d;rTffi *,Fffi!"?fr"f"?*yntrtjBetrbvedToBe LostHunters *t rti;Wm*ulm s-ffiffi u'ererepoIiedmlssingon"*"*;"j...":'ff:|i,p 1979, after they were involvedin n-*lnllP,:,",'*[Jil'f,l,H-"'#; ] , ,:/ Ti..-Wi* r ; ": *J:li:.;[T;:,.1"#3HH?i':i:l'ff *E},ffi'# ;,," De,,e'eq roDerharorthe i.*L "c1 aJ&&,gfr Glover youth was discovered by a"-u'dLsickd€'"-'''i..iupo,ii ''ffi'xr'e-'- .-i-.. estate,at about 1t a.m. near the cutchosue, andinitiated ;;;';; " hopefully locate Mr. Victoria,s,-bo_dy. Several hours later, the.""on.t- -.ov uooy was *L discovered onRobins r.runo-. f ::-.'..;...d-.,,-., F rc u'|ulrr,or, -tflE--::::''-:"'" :'tvtilfto$r,it t 'i ; | ?'4'' ,,1 ' ,. ALLAN WAyNfj WAYNDGLovER,JR. GLOVER, JR. ,1"^^ ifJli*,1rEi"i"ffin n" nX iil:i""ft: officiating: A prjvat€ interment .Be€ren -ll'"J::-;t STANLEyL.vIcToRIA STANLEY L. VICTORIA June12,1e41, andwas thef,on^of stanl€vE. curchogue andserved assecond assisLant MrVictoria llrij:jit::ffi,'c"""T"["was born inGreenport on Y'fli'io"lJ,ll'ffi:,?#'3t,Tih,iifi ;T$iJ:l[{i#:irnii?:ixlffi* [xtrr"i#fl# Joseph Wieflrrcxe ":il',.,*oJ"1"!"n"u*n,o h'Is Matli yi:iq':o:'9'?; g'-d'l .IUCK l:':tl nome On ADnt 4 TOIOWInS a xnorrair. rrnsr r-rgufdi'n'r.r{Hoeenr'if66rvjic ti;;:::,*?p67;Xr;7(ili";"." 25Yeprs Aso R:Xlffiii9:l',iJl"J,:il:l'ji?"#Y,"iffl$ bUHilffi lenqtnv longtinremember of the East End farming community. He was a charter member of lhe Maftifuck Lions club. Surviving are his wife, Elizabeth, and several brothers and sisters liivins in *oland. p r a y e r s e r v i c e s w e r e h e l d o n A p6r ial t of Margaret Dow of Horlon's Lane, Southold and Robert Dow of Bay Avenue, Matt ituck. Mrs. Dow is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Boulton of Rayleigh, England. Following the weddingieremony at the pedin garracXs Chapel, where Lr. Dow is stationed with the u.s. Army,.a reception for famrlyandfriendswasheldattheofficersclub.Lt.Dowisa '7"' t ' "' " Aprtt 22,l9s5 ^, .-' l'lans for the consolidation of ihe Bank -routhold of with the North Fork Bank and announcedrhis week i.fr,i,,^a:3n*:"re ins-titutions, !\ly" ;'.ffiorl"tj:^"*:^:l ";Y'5En urcKersonandHenrvL.Fleet. A funeralMass was celebratedat St. lsidore'sR.C.Churchon April ?. lnler- andiscompletingathreeyearassignmentinGermany. Mrs. Dow is employed by the American Expre-ssCrcmpanyin banks,and i. no* u'*"iijng''rLo"i'toro". approval. ment followed in Sl. John's Cemetery, Riverhead. Werlhetm. Academy at westPoint of rheu.s. Mitirary 1972 sraduate Home, ri""#*a rheDinowski Funeral Eorrnvanqpua- YOUth .DfOWnS Li6tgp,E},pansionls Advanced ^ *,", Clawfuffliffi ooru*oo%o,lr'r'^rrn{*r,^. T:i':T:tNear Greek $"$Ji.i,l'l"Jl' :,Xiil"il born December 12,1893,in Peconic and was the daughter of Flovd w. v;fi ;;; Lizzie Penny Vail. She was a retired schml nume for the Mattituck and Southold schools and a s"nio.biii!*l of rhesouthold member Shealsobelongedto tneamencan'Llii-n Auiliary, the southoldHi.toti*iioij"iv and the SeagyanCtuu or reconf,. dhi: graduatedfrom the nro*e. iiisp"it l Schmlof Numingin NewYorkCi*' irthut, sheissurvivedbyhernusuano, a brother,carl vail or souttoii;"'ili rno r,i"mit'oi"l.tri".r" R.;thC"io;itr' erson,andseveralniecesandnephews. -ii'sJuGaJ 19 Funeralserviceswifr ue Satudai a.m. at DeFriestnunu."t ttome *n old. The Rev. Bruce Dodd "if"i"i"t". Intermentwill follow at tfre WiUo*'lii cemeteryin Southold. in Jail 60 Days /trl..'r ? t4 Yr' of Lau. J. W-arren auranoJ#i*"ter rel was sentencedto 60 days i" lurroft county Jail and placedon p.oouti*-ioi Uv,l,i,fget'redeiickreaescrri it"*'v.*t inJusticeCourtonFridav.rrt.o"f"i'"J""i -a *". f"""a g"ffty atter jury iria,t-oi ;;i.;;;i"g;;;;;"lun61x{61'n;'t'"rr"' Thechargestemmedfrom."i".ia""ii" *niJlat]w"t""n"asaccusedofi'i"*t"co*"rn"t ing with a Department 1o Affairs official who was "r "r,"*piing senlce inspectpricesat Mr' Warren's ;tationin Mattitucklastfall. LAUREL-Tbe bod-vof a Hampton Bavs teenager was recovered from Peconic Bay Sunday morning following his reported drownlng on Saturoay' sl:pl*, '."li,i'llilii"X'Ti1,l:;"::":r"ffifi Laurel lS-vear-old lt".l-It,"-policehe andwilliam youth'.told-Southold were clamming b.':::ll:i.lllllt:nBavs at themoxth of'BrushesCreekSaturdav ls' disappeared also yh"" 11"..D"1:lllov' tnewaler' beneatn hipbootsfilled lgtig!.lglievelhe-bov's him under'Young water',dragging with Pi3t:1,!l'-"9-Yltu"cessrullvto rescuehis -pal'.ponce ""t1: RiverheadandEastport the^. D.ivel;from PoliceDepailmenislmatedthebodvat lt serch with Soutbold a.m aftei,a length-y police and marine units and Mattituck Ilremen, MATTITUC(--After two and a half y e a r s o f d e l a y , c o n s t r u c l i o no f a $ ? 0 , 0 0 0 expansionattheMattituckFreeLibreryis expectedto begin within two wftks. The SoutholdTown PlanningBoard, in a special meeting last Monday, approved the site plans for the proposedexpansion and a building permit is expected to be issuedwithin the week. Arthur Tiliman, president oI the library's board of directors,said Monday thatdebateontheexpansionbascentered on the addition of an entranceramp to be used by the handicapped, the size of the iNide opeiling between the new and old extensions, insLallment of new parking spaces,and the hiring of an engineer to draw up plans for lie new wing. formal permission from Sacred Heart parishandReevesLumberYardforuseof t h e i r p a r k i n g f a c i l i t i e s .M r . T i l l m a n e x plained that to comply with the request would mean cutting down several large trees in the rear of the library property. The Mattituck Free Library recently has been designatedthe center library for the handicapp€d in Southold Town. The Mattituck library, along with the Southold Free Library, will share in a $50,000 federal grant to add facilities for the handicapped,includingthe elevator ramp, parking, and a separate restroom on the premises TheadditioNareexpectedtobe completed by August 1. DEaORAHWICK dicapped and will imtall a surveillance camera to monitor the new wjng. I'o comply with zoning regulations,tne.t911 has requested that the library_ add l9 parking spacesto the facility. However, the library board hops l}|e town willwalve' that requirementiI tbe library can obtain fuef'J.ffUCXjf{r6 lJJrie'5t gasotine founO its way into three private *ti"t weits'on pite Street has not yci been Jeterminea, said Darrel Korei of the g"i;"u spills of the New york State "fOif of hransportation. -O"*rt.unt irierrUy gas stationi and the firehouse, which has a gasoline storage tank, have been checked and eliminated as possible sources for gas. .*'.:lllil":lil'I"^T'i#ill'fl];: Gassgl!.rp,*t" New Glliefg ,-Elected r r l e t r t r u c x - n h e w i i r ? ; h i e fa n dt w o assistants havebmn electedby theMatti' it was announced F]i: D-ep€rtment' ITI the approvalof th€ l.i-tl I::I:.1^"91":lto NormanA fire district's comnlissioners' "Happily Ever-Once Upon" can be seen as chief' Reilly'Sr'' will.be inaugurated lhis Friday and Saturday in the High GregTyler' as fimt assistantand JohnC Schoolauditoriumat B:15p.m. Ticketswill Harrisonassecondassistant' be on sale at the door and may also be assumetbe Positior purchased from the seniors for $2 each. .^S^-,1."'lY,*ltl formerly held by Peter Coleman Mr Comeand enjoy the drama talentsof many previouslvwerefirsl you as lead through a of our students they HY^T3,Y::lll"r andsecondassistants'resFpctively comedy of the lives of those famous fairy tale characters twenty years later. Kathleen Rutkoske plays Cinderella, Jamie Ginas is Prince Charming, Claire Lundstedt plays the Fairy Godmotber, !o name a few of the actors and actresses.Fergember the dales. April l8 and B.a / /'l / Fc . . . . , u - d ^ . ,r Congratulations to Mattituck's new SirawbetrY Queen' Barbara jacobs. Barbara, a graduate of Mattituck High School' will be off to college in the Fall During the vear. she will have an oPporiunity to participate in many local events as reigning Queen' Remembei to be on hand WednesdaYeventngsat 7:30 P'm' during JulY for the ElementarY Band-andEvening Summer Band 'isg concerts,to be Presentedq ser\ lawn in front of tfe {igh ii1., ^'-^e. .:Fs? '' Res " tdot-'"' <b^!r""' S )'ears"fgo 7i'l'y\tu1 C l/i 7t 6 R e v e r e n d q / V i l l i aG mi l l i e s , t h e new pastorof SoutholdMethodist Church, and his fanrilY were given a reception. ' The new Mattituck llank was Bank Declares Dividend North tFork /, lq fc u of MATTITUcIt]-ti;6oard of Directors fne nortn Fork llanlt & Trust Company share one of i". a"ai"."a stock dividend " by stmkholders of record x held f* ";;;v 12.1980.according [o an announceon May tn" batrk's president John A opened for business. P. HarveY ."nfiv D u r y e eo p e n e dl l r e f i i s t a c c o u n t . O v e r $ 1 0 , 0 0 0w a s d e P o s i t e d daYs of during the first vo business. the Long Island Rail Road agreed to put on a fast freight to c a r r y t h e l o c a l a s P a r a g u st o market positivelyon time County MATTITUCK-The Legislature's Safe Drinking Water Committee is Planning to propose to county and town officials an "emergencY aclon plan lhat would Provide for the expeditiousreinstatementot warer sourceslost through Private diff,tcul' comoaniesexperiencing -here served bY the ty. Residents Captain Kidd Water ComPanY' for instance,would benefit should their warer supply ever .b-efvy^by a company malfnctionP /t/ b -' memb€rs enjoyed a bus trip to Amish Country in Pennsylvania and others are looking foryard to their Bermuda cruise on the SS Vollendam for seven days beginning Mav 4. If you haven't already made reservations for the one-day outing to Sag Harbor with dinner at Baron's Cove on May 22, contact the seqjors at ']65-1908.' t, t q /"' fhu.A, A vcry speclat event will take . place lhis Sarurday. May 10. at /:JU p.rn. at Mdrriruck High xho.'l k hen rhe penrbroie Lenlral High School gand from nragara Falls, Neq,york will off:r a con(.ert for uur community ancl wtri lhen combine with rhr mu5rcal talents of rhe Mattituck Hrgh Schoul Band under rhe very rrne dtrectioD ol George Lesler. Last 5aturday night rhe Malri_ luck_High SchoolBand (ravcled ro rembrokc Cenrrrl High ro give a concen with their band and were Doused overnighl by members of that community. TIris week memhers of the Mattiluck uommunily will act as hosts and nostesseslor (he Pe4rbroke k tds, 4) rn ail./J ,lrwr X 14| tP,: ) ' '-.--.-.-1 --.4- f -1:- | More big rhings coming up ir ^ Lutchogue: The Cutchogue-Neu Suffolk HistoricalCouncii is cele brating its 20th anniversary this ycar, Members are busily prepadng the Village Green for the opening of the buildinss on Memorial Day weekend, this year on May 24, 25 and 26. Costumed hostesseswill once again help you Io understand the _way our I htiu, ancesrors li;{t""6erb village. All the buildiaps wete built and occupiedby Cu-tchogue families,and many items of local historic interest are displayed in the buildings. The.y will be open on Saturdaysand Sundaysduring r"and Saturdays, Sundays, rdays during July and cm 2-5 p.m. and on September 1st. Many ties are beil-g planned mmer months. on The slock dividendwill be distributed June 27 RICH HURLEY: Athlete of the Week GAILTIANSEN Members of the Mattituck Senior Citizens are having a verJ. busy and enjoyable year. The trip to the Paramount Hotel in the Catskills was a great success with ahendees. On April 29 some s The actlon was taken at the board reeular meeting on April 15, and had been at prlviously authorized by stockholders itr" lant'i annual meeting on March 25 \\\ i k LORI BROOKS Valedictorian, Salutatoqian ''l'l-t Ate .Nqmed . MAl'tITUCK--Mattituck High School announcedlast week tbat Gale Hansen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Hansenof SailorsLane, Cutchogue,has been named valedictorian of the class of 1980.Named salutatorianwas Miss Lori Brooks,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brooks, KnollwoodLane, Matlituck. ln addition to her outstandingacademic record, Miss Hansenhas been very actlve in atbletics. Sh€ participated in both Jv and varsity field hockeyand volleyballand was selectedfor the leagueall-slar teams Ernest C.Juthill 'J'l7zq A |.l?, /t'uliiil ernest c a"tilelo6€ilsiaent or Mattituck, died al his home on Middle I Road May 4. He was 98. Born December 7, lBBl, rn Mattituck, Mr. Tuthiu was the son of George B. and Carrie Case Tuthill. A farmer, he was a member of the Cutchogue Presbyterian Church, the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, and tr'as a founder and past presidentof the Marratooka Club. He was predeceasedby his wife, Lerla. He is suvived by three sons, Ernest of West Hartford, Conn.; Jobn of Mattituck and Hallmk of Cutcbogue;three brothers, Raymond and Ralph, both of Mattituck, and J.S. of Cutchogue;one grandson and one great.granddaughler. Funeral serviceswere held May 6 at the CutchoguePresb]-terianChure-h,with the Rev. Bruce Dodd officiating. Interment was in CutchogueCemetery. Daryl Butkos. an uth grader at Matti_ tuck.HighSchool.is to be congratulated for comrng In -trrst place in t.heLong Island businesseducationcompetitionfor Suffolk Lounty. The competitiontook place recentiy,at rhe Half Hoilow Hills Sihool in Djx now be represenring X:,"1.1,,."1.y1 .wilt rurroix Uounty in an all_Long lslani at the Katharine cibbs Schoot in :gntejl Melvi,le. .7?4 er la'. t4g 4 Upon completion of his term Frank Murphy will be retiring from the Laurel School Board of Trustees after 15 years of dedicated service to tbe school and the community. We wish to echo the overwhelming sentimentsof Laurel and thank him for his steadfastinterest and concern for the education and well-being of our children and the successof the school. Under his ggd-a4qe !4urql_school has developed arf-lfrtsidndir{/ftctrolasdc record that he and we are justti proud of. X, / 7/ in fteld hoc(ey and votleyball She has served as an officer in the Mattituck chapter of the National Honor Srciety, has served for four years on the Student Council,has worked on the prom comnlit' iee and haspartjcipatedin both the variety show and the high school play. Miss Brooks has also contributed to schooland community life in a variety of ways. She has played varsity tennis, field hockeyand volleyballand was selectedfor the league all-star teams in field hockey and volleyball. She also has been a member of the High School Band and Chorus, has contributed art work to the student newspaperand the literary magazine and has served as a representativeto lhe Student Council. She also has participated in both the variety show and the high school play, and is a member of the Mattituck Chapter of the National Honor Society. Gale will attend Colgate University in September,while Lori will attend Cornell. '7>h;q 3-14{o MATiITU&--Tiris siems to be ar exceptional season for Lalent on loca baseball teams. Each of the four higl school varsity teams in our area hav( players who have demonstrated gm skills in pitching, catching, hitting, fielding or baserunning. One of the outsland' ing members of this group is Mattituck's center fielder Ricb Hurley, who also has the distinctionof being includedin the "big improvement" category. Hurley, a senior, leads the TuckeN at the plate, with a batting average that hovers around the .615 mark. He's hit safelyrn all the leaguegames his tsm has played so far, and in all but two he's connected at least twice when he has been at bat. The hits have also been timely; he has knockedhome runners in every game, and, thanks to his speedon the base paths, usually managesto score himself This consistency is in contrast to Hurley's rather more streaky record on offense last year. Hurley himself feels the improvement has come about because "I've grown up a little bit. I've settled down, and I'm enjoying myself and not putting so much weight on it. Last year was my first on varsity, and that was Eagle Rank for SSout --'72 u"4 /\t / qtrc) MA'l'TITUCK-lJamesBascomb, son of Mr. and lllrs. Roy Bascomb of Westvieu6.f D r i v e . w i l l a d v a n c et o t h e r a n k o f E a g l e ' ' Scout tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the Southold First Presbylerian Church. Janrs is." member of BoJ Scout Troop 477,which is spoDsoredby the Southold Kiwanis Club. 'fhe rank of Eagle rs the higtesl in scoutlng. Tegpik folnd ii tti;i^';f"^fri;ii; rVicc,t/r.'.t4fe _RIV_ERHEAd/-A6oultB percent ofz,tlt Ea_sl.Endwellfi,arersampiesshowdetectable le_vels of the pesticid; Temik, according to Union Carbide. . .Th€company, which manufacturers the provided the Suffolk li^Clr]I.t-olic.pestjcide. uepartrnent o[ Health Services wrth a compuLer prinfout this week detailing Tmik^_levels in the recently collec[ed Jo,,'p,es. Acc_ording to health department staffer _ Tom Martin, the figures show that 1,?8i samples,or roughjy 80 percent,showedno detectable levels. Another 27? wells con. tained levels of the pesticide of between ang seye.n-parts per billion. Slate and :JI: Ieoeral qurdelrnes currently set seven parts per biltion of Temik in water as the maximum. Some131samplesheld concentrationso1 Temik of betweeneight and 30 parts wr billion, or above the guideline.A;othe;88 wells had concentrationsbetween 3I and ?5, while 13 samples conlained more than TspartsperbillionofTemik. Mr. Martin said there has ben no effort yet Lo determine if there is a geographic pattern to the Temik contamination. He. ;aid the hGhe;; reaaings came froni scatteredlocationson both the North and SouthFork. The county health department, tjnion Cr.Uia", iL"".t"i" health department, the county Cooperative Extenslon, the U.S. Environmentat protection Agency, Cornell University and the Long Island Horticultural Research Lab are all coop. erating in Temik lesting; county healih a.p".fi"""i*".ii".i ,." ro collect some O,orM sanrplesin all - in lhe current round of . testing. SciJntists do not know the effect of the pesticide on humans in cases where low levels are ingestedover long pedods. .: " An ofllcial from the county waler quality unit said letters are sent to home owners as smn as the results are received from u-ruonCarbide by the health department. Hesaid the testinghas taken a little longer than. expected, but added most people shou.ldknow il their well is safe to use within six weeks of when the sample was obtarned -o1r*nvt*. gi7mi,qppd ttrH#n,Q4rpg^pEse T1.!jc+tz WFIW,$FP Ruth Virginia Haas '' curcHbcuelncrrarge"agi;sti'riitii .ipri."o.i{6ffin1"":{iiie'turntocourt carey of violating the New York State building constructioncode was dismissed in SoutholdTown Justice court on Friday before Judge Frederick Tedeschi. The chargestemmedfromallegedviolations.in constructronat asphalt tanks owned by Mr. Carey at Mattituck Inlet A similar charge against Asphalt, Inc., which is owned by Mr. Carey's Carey Resources,was granted an adjournment in conlemp)ationof dismissal. Later on Friday, Ed Hindermann of the Southold Town lown buildjng building department inspected the died .-RuthVirginiaHaasof Mauiruck iniixmonthiwhYnthedismissai motionis .t{ay 14 at Central Sufiolk Hosoiul. *' """ She 'Ji7"r, schtlduledto be heard. waist. zi,"iq'iJ In other court action Judge Tedeschi gorn Noie;b;/ rz, r6Zs in-C.u"npo.t. g50for Mrs. Haaswas ttr" olrg'h;i'"f i;;ri.;; fined Edgar serrano of Aqueb*ogue driving with abitrty impaiied. ihe charge D. and Mabel Butterw;th olmsteri. was reduced from driving wbile i-n- NIrs. Haas was employedbv the Su_ffoik toxicated. The defendant was also fined County Department of Health Services. and pnor to thal for many years at the $100for driving withoul insurance Mattituck High Scbool. Malcolm WiDDleof St. James rvas fined g35for speeding. speedrne.Geofge $35 GeorgeBaker of Maple MaDIe , She was also a memtrer of the Advent ahurch Mrttituck; lhe National Wood, N..1.wai tined"$tu tined"stu tor havins havine'an an Lutheran church uninsfEcted vehicle. Scven Seven other cises Rille Association, the Sulfoik County CanoeClub, a charter member and past siteandfoundthetanksto be sufficiently rere adjourred p r e s i d e n to f t h e L a d i e s A u x i l i a r y o f t h e _ M a t l i t u c kF i r e D e p a r l m e n t ;a m e m b e ro f MR. AND MRS. JOHN TALBOT of Mattituck are happy lhe C-iviiService Employees Assocranon, to announcethe engagement of their daughter Jean to Mr' founder of the first Brownie group in John James Scheffel, son ot Mr. and Mrs' otto Scheffer of Mattituck and a member ot the Seaside Swinger Square Dancers. Central lslip and Mattituck. Miss Talbot is a graduale ot Mattituck High Schooland attended Mohawk Valley College' Sheis employedwith the North Fork Bank and Trust Co Mr' Scheffer is a graduate ot Central lslip High School and is employed al Bayview cJrevrolet in west lslip. An August '3i t 6/ /:' wedding is planned. ))tcr-t JEANNE ANN R.ylltlD. WilJred B. Ruland o, daughter o, Mr. and Mrs. ire;;;;_)1i,?"iffit,yX#h[f.,.lifr :,ttlalExcf il# Exe.utive secretarial bv the Lons lsland e"'nerr- el-r-;t'i;n'iff'"-'j:''siv€n Ass*iationon Sturdal,, v"v ii, i'?l'3:l'' Jeanne is a 1980 "G;;;;" graduate oi .iett"rso"t"lln-Hauppauge' Jetferson, N.y. .,J_:lo'o j*tetarial.schootin port J.-tt),1< Spring CoPcett Schaol ')utrus, t',1 ar MATTITiJCK--TheMusic Departmenl of l ill holdits spring M a t t r r u c kH i g h S c h o ow concerton Thursday, June 5, at 8 p m in the school auditorium. The high school band, chorus. stage band and percussion ensemblewill Perform. The high school band, directed bY George Lester, will present a varied Drogram. rncluding "Tocatta For Band" Lv Erickson and "Highlights From Hello Dolly". The program for the high schoolchorus, directed by Scotl Verity, will include the song "somewhere" from "West Side Slory". and "Madame Jeanette". Theslageband will concludethe evening with "starburst" by Spyrogyraand "Take Me Oul To Tlre Ball Game". Mr. Lester alsodirects the slage band. Admission is free and the Public is nvited. ,,,i0iabu? uo You Know wno urtdrng Street was named for? lt was John Griffing, who built anC expanded the store that is now occupied bY the North Fork Variitv Store. He- olvD.ed-lhe house and propetiY-'ald-nf ine Main Road where Griffing Street is now. It is saidthat he expand€d his store bY saving all of the shipping crates that all goodsshoes, clothes and whateverarrived in bY freight, and used them to add on to his building' However, it was several owners (of the store) later that donated rhe Griffing House and ProPertY to tbe Village and Town for a roadway. He was Mr. Arthut Mehl and rvantedhis donalionto be named Gtifhng Street' $, t.l Ec, The Mattituck Yacht Club will be celebratingits 70thanniversary this year. In honor of the occasionthere will be a gala reunionthe weekendof July 12and 13 of past and present members and friends of lhe yachl club. At the same time the yacht club will also be honoringits Iifetime members, Mildred and Jules Seeth and Alma and Martin Suter. Weekend activities will include a tea on Saturday from 2 to4 p.m., banquetat Brasby's on Saturday from 7 to l2 p.m., and, to culminate weekendactivities, there will be a brunch a l t h eY a c h tC l u bf r o m l l a . m . t o I p . m . o n Sunday. Many past membem have not been located for lack of sufficient addresses.[f you were a member and have not been conlacted, or if you know of someoneinterestedin attendingand would like additionalinformation,pleasecall 298, 8?36or write to Ray Krogman, Box 902, Albo Drive, Mattiluck, on or before June ,l , t c; ;'' 15. 4vvu rRUCK HITS BRIDGE *7n** /,t; rcf.' A traiier trgck struck a ralltoao bridsc on Rte.25 in Laurel FridaY *hei itt d.iue. failed to see a posted warning of the bidge's 'Jte truck overiow cleatance. turned after striking the bridge' requirinQa washdownof flamable liq;ids by the Mattituck FireDipanment. Billy G BrYant ot Mmksville, North Carolina' the driver of the truck' escaPeo injury. Two events are.gchgQqled for M o n d a y ,J u n 3 9 . A t ' 2 , 3 b ' ! . m .a t the High School there will be TeacherAppreciationNight. This is also the last meeting of the Friendsof the Schoolfor the Year at which time members oI the Advisory Board will b,e elected. Volunteersare needed for manY positions.Be in on the Planning and donate a year to make the Friendsof the Schoolsuccessful, , - S h e i s s u r v i v e db y h e r h u s b a n d , J o h Jn. Haas; her mother, Mabel Butterworth O l m s t e d ;o n e s o n ,J o h n o f M a t t i r u c k ;o n e daughter, Lynn E. Dunbar of Cypress, Tex.; a brother,Ricbard Olmsled; and lwo grandchildren. F u n e r a ls e r v i c e s w e r eh e l dM a y l B a t t h e . Advent Lutheran Church in [tattituck, w i l h t h e R c v G e o r g eS u m m e r so f f r c i a t t n g . Interment qas rn Calverlon ttdiiona'l Uemetery in Calverton. D o n a t i o n si n M r s H a a s ' n a m e m a y b e n r a d et o l h e M e m o r i a lF u n d a t t h e Advent L u t h e r a nC h u r c h . ''--, New ' / ' r ' t ; r 4 Sqf{-olk q r u /s^., NEW SUFFOtiK-.Siity district vorers came to the schirol house Tuesday night and voicedtheir unanimoussupportfor th€ l9B0-1981school budget. The approved budget calls lor expenditures lotaling about a 1.3percentjncreaseover $173,903, the previous fiscal y€ar. The voters aiso reelectedJohn Case to anotherthree,yearterm as school trustee. He was unopposed. The two items which contributedmost to the budget increase were tuition paid to the Southold school district and utility costs. The tuition increased $4,?S0to $74,750,while the amount budgeted for heating fuel more than doubled to $5,500, up from 92400for t9?9-1980. Eleanoiand Mite Corwin, wnh . d a u g h l e r sD e b b i e a n d W e n d y , traveled to Annapolis, Maryland on rhe weekendof May 2J to visrr their daughter, pam. who was In,stllng her fir:t year at the tiaval Academy. Friday was the Commissionins :^:ql:",'q . .of week activiries which would end w l t h - U r a d u a t i o nC e l e m o n i e s on the foltowin_gw, arr{{&&. {, lt all began *itti rtr.'/.,'fl"e.be (ecognltior CereDony.,when the rtrst year Irfidshipmen. et massF aftack rl.eir zs_roo, r,lgr, gi."rui mol:mefr to r€trieve a ..Dixic cup (sailor'shat) from the toD, AIer lwo hoursand 4J minutes ol enort rhey were successir.il and rrom that point in rine are no l o n g e rc o n s i d e r e d , , p l e b e s . ' , Menbers oi tn" ,tua.nt tnOv o f M a t t i t u c k H i g h S c h o o lw i l l b e holding a papef drivq rhis S a t u r d a yM , a y 1 0 { r a i Do r s h i r e ) to raise nloneyfor a nremorialgift in urenrory of their friend and fornrer classmate, Mark Haas, 2 2 - y e a t - o l ds o n o f M r . a n d M t s . F r e dH a a sw h o d i e d o n A p r i l I 8 o f injuries resulting fronl an automobile accident. The youn,qsters plan of begirrning pickups at approxirnaleu 1,0 a.nr. , - ^ . - . - . ) - ' : - / - ' ., 4 i - ' KILLED IN CRASH (*+{4, l/ rtkz,c-z A Mattituck woman was killed and her husband injured when their vehicle was struck by a car driven by a Shorehamyouth who passed a stoF sign on Wednesday, RiverheadTown Police said. Ruth Haas, 54, of Route 27A, Mattituck died after the car driven by her husband, John J. Haas.55. was struck at ihe intersection of Roanoke and SoundAvenuesby a car driven by Anthony Scolza, 17, ol 27 Joht Street, Shoreham at about 7:15 p.m., accordingto police. Police also said that the brakes on Scolza's car were not working property.'/fi 6yt1^l1t qf ,' Mrs. Haas 1'1vas pronounced dead at the scene;Mr. Haas was treated for minor injuries at Central Suffolk Hospital, police said. Scolza is scheduled tq appearJune 2 in RiYerheadTown Court. The congregation of the Matti tucl Presbltedsn Church sanl "Happy Birthday" and "Happ1 Anniversary" during a pause in the seFice last Sunday. Pastor Fred Hummel and his wife, Ellen. were celebrating their 23rd wedding anniversary, ond Marian Neubach, tnown &ffcctionately as Wanka, was celebrsting her glst birthday :?zL 4.t z-4 I q 7c' Bidhdays atl ell !ges, md in even greater measure when yotr have had 9l of them, are made speci&l by cclebrsting with family and friends. And thst is what Wauka did. She had the pleasure of hearing her grandson, Ray Williams, play stdnS bass in a concert by the Eestem Suffolk Community Orchestra for the benefit of the Eastem Suffolk Schml of Music. She als eni:yed the musical accomplishments of the children tutored by her granddaughter, Ann Welcome, during a recital at Ann's home, Kristine Williams, Wanka's great-grandchild, was one of the performers in this recital. Her day was made mmplcte with the cutting of her birthday cake and enjoying th€ many gifts she received. PastorJohD GDf the North Fork Baptist Church 5L -€ 5'+ Mr. and Mrs. Val Stype allended the Kemper Open in Washington,D.C., al the Congressional Golf and Country Club T l r c r u e re l h e , € u e s l s o f t h e K e m D e r Insurrrrcc Croupf*y,a 12, t 4 {' 'Navy YeomaprseamanLaurie A Arch' e r , d a u g h l e r o l " I , e o n a r dJ . a n d A n n M . Archer ol lliattituck, has completed the basic yeoman course. During the nineu,eek corrrse at the Naval Techrtical ' l r a i n i n gC e n t e r . M e r i d i a n ,M i s s . ,s t u d e n t s l c c e r v e d r r ) s t n r c l r o no n o f f t c e o r E a r i z a lion, English. typing, and filing. A 1977 gradua(e ol Mattituck I{igh School, Yeom a n A r c h e rj o i n e dt h e N a v y i n M a y , 1 9 7 9 . ' t, RAYMOND E. TUTHILL MATTITUCK-Raymond . L. Turhili of Marratooka park died ar ,' E a s r e r n Long Island Hosoiral 'May 21,1980. He.u, bo.n ' August 4, 1887 in Mattituck, where he lived ntost of his life. , " Mr, Turhill u.asrhe son of the lare Ueorge Brydan and Carrie (Ca:e) ' Tuthitt:]'],Zd,q A 1, t 4 Fu ' He was a l[6-long mernber uf . (utchogrre tne PresbVlerian Church. havirg serued rs treasurer ofthe Sunday Schqol for ten years, later as trusiee and clder; he was a Charter Menber, firsl treasurer and past Commander of the Ravmond Cleaves post of thc Ametican Legion; a Drember ot the Masonic Order since l9lg, Junior Order of the llnited A n r e r i c a n M e c h a n i c s f o r - 5 0y e a r s and also a nrember o[ the Nortn Fork Country Club and arr llonorary ntembet of tlre pe0uasrl tru$De*liFlt -ffi-ffiuf,ffSn" u, .":"$li$'l;ily;i{"*l:ii*:?i :4fu* Joseph i,i'"ni5i.i"ifii.irhusdav-nish-L N-J and li.i lri.nr.iz*'o olFortLee' ' tiucktheYX:f :'*ls"i: ii,;;il; *u' il'io:;:Y,lo." *;::"J"$il'l^"$ a"'"ged' as was the car fii"*'uJt' tTl:$l' ):i'K'i3l tordporice. hewas :1":t;" *j:til jxlj*::T$'"J"" i: Swervingto avoid the lo:",il;i';il;i" ol his ).""""-,"n.^t' rtl. zevltslostcontrolabout :li;1,;;i:k;diJ""ross rheroadand the iir'j"Jt'"ir"*" andslammedagainst n"fi"";:"J::"'l:o rnjur,a and no trariic ;;nn f.;"":;t"f'.fl"#ii"f;l'""i$ h':--",!l"P,lllln:-1o11-, Alice Kruszeski .t t JAMIE GINAS .'Vtzza ?q latu MATTITUCK-Pole-vaulting at Materice xiuszJsri/l for*er Riverhead Ji"o in Maltituckon May24 she tihrck High School reached, if one will pardon the expression,new heights this ".1i""'. was seasonwhen Jamie Ginas cleared the l1"T i,'r"-,on*EastEnd resident',she foot mark in last Monday's tracK meet widow andwasthe n,,..i" p"lJn" i" 1901. with Stony Brook. Not only was it j " t " K r u s z e s k iH e r . , a cRosary t i v i t i e s school record, beating the former a new record "in"rua"a."*u".thip i'l"i" in the Holy ,h; AltarRosarYsocietyandthe of l0 feet.six inchesset eariier this season il;;;. by Cinas, bul it also gavc Mattituck the points needed for a definitive ??-64win over Swofkethe Brookers and as a consequence, nJ*o ot Siuttampton. Jeannette Barbara Dickereonof gained them the League B lrack cham*i"i.r".*p*i. Ali"" Krupski of James- piotrhip. il^uii."i. "Confidence"seemedto be the key rvord "nd Stanky Sepencki of .^lil ^ urott'er' sister' Sophie zaveski o[ both lor Ginas'sown achievementand for ["",n"ia,-"that three and of his team. Aboutreachitg the ll-ioot and 16 grandchildren ilih;il: m a r k i n t h e p o l e - v a u l tG, i n a ss a i d , " l w a s great-grandchildre ' piuiut secviceswere ield on.May 26 at confident I could do it. Every year l,ve A Mass o[ g o n eu p b y a f o o t , a n d l ' d d o n e l t f e e t i n tite'6ino*sri Funeral Home at St p r a c t l c e . "H e a d d e d ,' W e w e r e c o n f i d e n t i'r'ii.iiun Burial was celebrated 2?' wilh we'd win the leaguci Stony Brook was i.i;;;":t' R C Church on MaY follouing in St John's R C confident they'd win it. I guess we wefe i^i"t."^t mor€ cordidcnt thaD they were.' Cemetery, Riverhead !tas Traincd I'or Yrr"" 'Hif';fl"J"jj',:i?nl'iuet""" u"r*n A|Der{ E. Humpnreys Art Exhbit /)-'r98'l*ua q/. Iumphreys of Mattituck diec Alhcrt *orrr*kft7u*frd,(,ol1o{rfrntnt by Maria Xron will open the season of exhibitions of North Fork artists at the Kron Gallery, Main Road, Mattituck. Ms. Kron is an expressionistpaint€r of landscapes. figures and interiors. Although she has exhibited widely on Long Island and is r€presentedin many private colleclions. this will be her first onewoman show on the North Fork. The public is invil.ed to the opening reception,Friday, May 30,lrom ? to I p.m. The exhibitionwill contrnuethrough June ',c oenror athletes of Mattituck Hish Schoolwere honoreda( a buffet dinnerln the school cafeteria on Tuesday, May 20. Parenls, board members, principals and coaches were all on hand lo enjoy this first-time affair and to congratulaijall of the lrne. outstandingathletesin the senior class. Thanks to the Mattituck,Cutchogue Booster Club, which sponsor€d the dinn"er, eacn senror was presented with a handsome plaque listing his or her athletic achievementsand having a Dicture en_ )ossed on it -Vu ,1_2-1, iq tr o June 6 afCentral Suffolk Hospi(al ir Riverhead. He was 92. B o r n N o v e m b e r4 , 1 8 8 ? ,i n ( h e B r o n x , Mr. Humphreys was lhe son ot John and CatherineBoyle Humphreys, A former resident of Hempsteadand a retired accountant for the U S Chemical and Borax Company of New York city, he was also a member of Sacred Hearl Church, Cutchogue. He is survived by his wife' the former Nora Mccauleyi one son, Albert E. Jr', of Bellmorei eigbt giandchildren and l6 s" r e at - g r a n d c h i l d r e n . Funiral services were held June I0 al Sacred Heart Church. lnterment was in Mount St. Mary's Cemetery in FlushinB. Club of Cutchogue He served in World War I with the J02 lrench Morrnr Ba(erv. 77rh Division During World Wat ll he was Clrief Obrrver of rlre Aircraft Warning Service for tlrrs area and also chairman of the Red Cross on rhe North Fork for one year. He helped orgarize tlrc The Maltiluck Branch of the Dasrern _ Long Island ttospitalAuxrliary held rts i l l r r d a D n i l a lc h a m p a g n eb r e a k f a s t at the nome ol J. Stanley parkin on Wednesday, June 4 This year's ,,S0_S0 drarving,, wis d i v i d e df o u r w a y s , w i t h h a l f g o r n g to the a u x r l l a r ya n d h a l f t o t h r e e l u c k y w i n n e r s ( o n g r a l u l a l i o n tso A u r e l i c S t a c kw h o w a s the first-prize uinner; Mildred Xoch, second-prize;and Le€ Frjemann, third prize Thebranch president,Betty Gerber, r c p o r l e dl l t a t l h i s c v f , n t n e t t e di l , e a u x r l - CutchogrreCl,ambei,,1 Cunr. mercc and serred as tretsIrer and later becnnte its presideDt. He was treasurer rrrcl trustce of tlre Curchogue Lenretcr) A\suciation for J5 years. 1n 1924 hc was appointed cashier of the newlv lrrganizerJ Firsr National Bank of ( utchogue a0d later a director. When the bank nrergcd with the Mattituck Brnl,, hc he, cnre iccrerrr\'Treasurer of the newlv organized North Fork tsank & Trust Conrpany unril he retired in 1960, but continued as Secretary and Direcror ,rl rhe Buard u!ilil 19b5. Funeral services wele held in the Presbyterian Church in Cutchogue May 27 with Reverend Bruce Dodd officiatiDg. Interment was iD Cutchogue Cemetery. prll bearers u,ere John, Haliock, Richard and Ralph, Jr. Turhill. WrllranrHerr and Jolrrr Wiclharn ,r1,,1,,:::.if."n,$3lg z, r f ., )"yw r r inc lvtiIt(uck Ili{tFrical Mlseurn anrl Liltle ned Schoolhouie stll be opetr each SalurdJr allernnon fron) 3 lo 5 p.m durinB .rrne t' ls well q\rrlh your LilDc ro vrsll ur€se tv'o interesling buildinAs Come vnurs(ll ',r lredt voltr chilrlren t0 some IlAltlluck hlstor! IJ,,ecknrann. presidenr of the -_Ma11 lvlattrlllck Hrstorical Soclely. announces that the firsl {w(r progrsm dates which are open.lo (he public are June 21. whpr there 'r: showing of a 50_.vear_oldfitm, yjj ." r neJuty4. 1930M . ailituck parade.,.This " ilrm may be seen belween the hours of 3 and 5 p m. At B p.m. on June 2,t there ,*f wrll ne a strdr lalk.on Israel by Ahce Kappen, -jrn" d. berg..M.1rk both dates on yor, -'-- S. calendar of places to go. ,t; Mr. Tllthlll was ntarried June 25, l92l lo Anne Luce, who survives him. He is also survived by theif two sons. Brucc Raynrond and Ausrirr Berrjanrir, Iuthill: five grrndclrildren nno two brotirers. Ralph and .lat T t t t l r i l l ;a r r d r w . n t \ , r r r en . p l r c \ ! and nieces. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eimers, who were married on MaY 3l. Mrs. Eimers is the former Denise Loper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Loper of Pike Slreet. Denise and Bill arrived in Matlituck on May 23 from lhe Wurtsmith Air Force Base ir Michigan where they are both slationed, and had qujte a busy pre'weddingweek. Bill's parents.Mr. and Happy birthday to Jeanne Paulos, who Mrs William Eimers, and his sister, Dori, will add another candle on June 8. And bis best man, Bob Kivisto, all of New Hope, congratulationsto her for the many blue Minnesota, anived in town on the 27|h. ribbonsshe won for taking an active part Denjseand Bill and friends enjoyeda gala in the Special Olympics held recently at combinationbachelorparty and reunional Stony Brook University. Jeanne also has the home oi Chris Russell. The Lopers been an active participant of the S-Mile hosted a rehearsal djnner parly at their Club which meets each Saturday at Mercy home on the 30th. Following a second High School.Through this group she won a wedding reception at the home of Bill's large trophy and other ribbons for her parentsin Minnesota,Deniseand Bill will achievemen-ts in bowljng and running Air make their toge. on.tfe.lYflmith events. *u".u € lqft orce Dase n-r^har<',As_ / \ r a na u d C h a r l o t t eD i c k e r s o ni .i t h T o n r a r l dP a l l i . a t t e n d e dt h e g r a d u a t i o no f l h e i r s " i l .J r r n m \ ' .a l S l . L a w r e n c eU n i J e r s i l vi I t5nf;1frcr son. Currtnr. N:Y nrr Jufe-1 Rruce, drove over fron Rocheslef tnstiI u te oI Technologyfor lhe commencement Tonr hed arrived home in lime, after c o m p l e t i n gh i s s e c o n dv e a r a t S t . B o n a v e n l u r e U n i v e r s i t y . C o n g r a t u l a t i o n st o .linmy, whose future pians are to begin g r a d u a t es l u d j e s i n t h e d e n t a l m e d i c i n e prog^mmat-l'ufts University in Boslon -S'r ilrl vtt frrrl/(tt \ The prrblic is.i.uv-rtqd ,"r"pii,; .. ,,praise ro rt,.oTfiiiJe,dot,p choirs Joln(. of tlre North Fork" daptrs( (-hurch of Maftituck and me New Village Congregarronal (hurch of Lake Gro-ve, to be presented at 7 p.m. on both June t,st and June lsrh. On June lsr, rne 5U-voiced choir wilt be in \4artituck, and on rhe l5th in Lake Urove. Mrs. Bette-Jeanne ,,ornsend is the Direcror of rhe to.t C h o i r . The New lli,n rilage choir is under (he rreclton of Mrs. Joyce Didrikson. l00YearsJ{qo (Ln r z,a? t" The s(a*beny season is now at its height. On Monday the eastward bousd fteight train had eleven carloads of berries<ver 3,000 crates, or nearly 100,000 quarts in a single day, a percent, ageof which camefrom Mattituck station alone. In addition to the benies shipped east, many are sent to New York. During the beny seasonthe westwaid bound freight train does not Ieave Greenport-until oDe p.?. Mr. and Mrs. George Lascelr of Old .Tule Lane had tie honor o attending the recent graduation ceremotries at West point and sau,therr grandson, paul William l-ascelle. receive his Lieutenanr s C,'mmission. They repon having had a $,onderful tinte, and, of course, thev are very proud of Paul. Paul will have another very important day this Saturday when he will be married, under rne swords, to Miss Deborah Lee Marczak of o"'hn.'Coin&{fcut. Disaster D"C!J","-"Iy9q_po.yierirrr-)J Legendary l"!,ffi*;t**.t*iif:.:ffiirffi';i:"#n [i'i"'-"'ifi;t"*mf* ^"f;xlT:#:;::f:":;.::'i' ir*i'ii'*r'i*occurred dur iJ'.xi'lllii-llliT;'?ff':':li Capt. ter dril sundayinvorving 20 10:12 a.m.,involved "ro",l""Xjj :19,,:"1::'ir-;J:r1ij;iii"',li!l ';K. Kidd d[ftifl:.{i:rk{t *$#*ril#1'f'"# [:i;iT,,j,i'$ii,rl;L;ri Esiates praceof theaccidentwerekeota the,.victims',, u"tu"uy il"il;.*"H?T"r:;:,JJ ,fj croserv guarded secret, to simur- rromthe Mattituck;""."to,r"ni, ;;;; iiT$iJ:Hi::r","#Ijl?,1,j,:; ate actualacciaentconditions.broushr* *" r.",jr""y*iii fr';tjff.::':';."*:":",,Jj.,:,T;'j t"g-tag" 'i*i ^^,,^Vn*<ir,n," wesror lvhere ,,91inter l!: #iU Ihe bt-Maniru"r6."ur nowssouth "fii"i"i;'il'i:;:;'$'1"; l;*'""i';ii'.o'nii"ill,o*'"u ffiTJ.",::,:j fr:,, "*'"1,:ij:",*' c'"+em central suffotk i""iti"i gency Department o, .t, li,#Lnli'",i:"1.:"i"1*;*:'i*,;;#i their efforts tavo'ablv to the drill T"'l r)Rrpy a.wrlcllyro."nti. ''*n .r."ti i,"r *ni uni'L-,rol andnotinsmanv L:i1J":;"J"i:t ""0 lons I,rr"'J'ii"rot*"r. careareasetupi, tr,""r,.rjilit , lll;r;ri;;l,j*lxlil*:,.j1:;H ilr1;rr;r;#;iij1.i,gin:1.rf; *Ji:::T*r,..,il,:"*n*S;*m:lfu Com6t potato pesfs [:ttrjitixt$:::Tj."i":"ji#'-i:f;:'f,'f preside mrirberreign rer.mirates *tl;=",_ ft:Ii"Tltil{i":.:ffflll,.",h,}:;: .r,a i t | p"iii"[Eti"inthrspost-Temik.uu.on.-- tionof thenewqueen Massiveservingsof short cake peaked high wit}t fresh strawberries and n(cordrng ro Arthur ( ,, 't tl ,'( \ ,i, ili,irfi,1,; ,ro *"il-rr"i"ved caprarn X{i:!.i"lil,.iJ*i,l,fll",.,?,T""11,; 'i y r7;' l ';ll tr'' t ,' ':J;b r,'; ' ,,^r, V tz i. , t {ti l l /Y 4 ' . tI s c h n e r c l e r t1 A tu' mounds oIwhipped orthecurchosue-based *eamwillagainbefearured.Dresroenr rirm.rhe orherpalare spraring preasing orferings heand wiuinclude tn" ,illll1 !l lrriLe.an9 regend-filled K i c i dE s t a t e s irii*tHi,l1'fif::fi,ti1,ffi $il'j-Til#iil#"Lxlq":'""-r Ngw Technigue #il'r,ffi",TjT#ffi,&,#,".o, Being Testd r*f*::'1"',:*:lin;E'Tffiiii"trn thepast,thecentr'althemewillbethecrowaing,"'^:"':^-.of the StrawberryQueen.The 1979queen,lackii ,. ('ul'cH(JclrE.-The New Horrzor T a l b o lo f M a t t i t u c k w . i l l a r r i v e b v h e l i c o p t e rl o l l e l t c o p l c r . C o r p m t i ohna s b e g u nc r o p I n e c o l n m r r n i t ivs c a p t a l n hrrjd offe,ded the porvertu) East India rdrnpary by poach.is ih wr i3lt":"1# |."'XflffiHut 'r'"vton i'l"T:i[',fl:tl:;lt';;li:i:,11"'l; ( Lu ILrrl'L"vil ever-popuJar cram baru""n ll:i";,"rs'"' il:irti'fj Iil'1iJ!:'i".x',H5'!Tff il: ::JI'Jfi:l'x*: ,i:li:ilii*j{,1?,i?i",1"j"1"*1,9",,1i rflj:i"J'ri;;-';"'p;iir;' psrrcides vv,iJ", iivir"ii "":"* munitymindedcoupres, were.*, irdering hi! 'lihioclan ";;;,r;;'rhe iudo'armvdrillteam'NationalGuardandRescue squad demonstrations are part of the spectacular highJightsplanned for the expected attendance of 8-10,000 visitors. The Long Island Rai.lroad " irnti arc in controlling tr," rr"l'r".. or", applvtnlg the th.Le tractor-diawn rigs guests of honor at a reception giu",. by rheir children, James and Emity, on Sunday, June 15, -^(-;rNCrs X:.:,t''"t lli,t]l],t"..t_ this diremma roward whar he hoped "ll!:l"q would be sanctuary in Boston.in 9a.m.trainfromPennStati9.1,...st^1awber1':i;ijr;;.il]:.i:'.hi:iE;l"^.:::'."::.f":|weddinganniversaty.Mr.andn:-ilt'tl|+ Fes1iv.alSpecial.''Passengerswi1lbeofferedtt'"''iji'i'i",Llr'Schneid(,|' addedopportunitytotourlocalareasofprideand interestduringtheirbriefstayinMattituck.The resideotsofthe North Fork and have bolh beer verv active in to(n(ledlrrnwrtldonearlyallNorthFork .,frrirl.spray.t.tg.\truya(illtl fJ some treasure (rumor savsl against rainyday Hisbootyconsisted"ioigt"i a Disrrict zGs Lions craucoma J:l:q ;li,i'':Jlri-#,'f:l;:11i,',:l;': [i1#:[::f".Tli"ll,Llili:. ti"."1{r!s$':{'l':x1:iif';"x:x,'J}i l:; rl: Gardiners lsland as he passed.ttrere tions were receivedfrom presi- to provide gratis examinationsthroughout r}a ,,,,,i:""o.i"" posrr)on \r,harour conrfoj day. Planned exhibits will include handicrrttr, .t'g","g'i" be,,.he on said. antiouatedfarmequipment,iivestockandenergy r,1otrtc,;_muamare bearing rhe conservation in additionto cultural, educational, cotnrnonchemicalname oxamyl, is a of the^Girdiners ktand deniJimmycarterandGovernor ijl:::,j:tlil,ill:l Hushcareyand,ofcourse,from 1];;;ffi.,.f,:ff#l:"'rtii;Hltlilorr"rt many, many friends and relat- a n d s e r v i c ef o r a l l a g e g r o u p s . A p p r o p r i " t " G r a t h w o hhl o m e a n d f r i e n d s , .f;:'J:i1r11ir-"'J:ijffi$"ll?lJli: Englancl,whereheiingui.'t"aroruy"urin wasat the recreational,indusrrialandagilil;i;;;;il :::11.1:,,jll"'orbeettes, andis arso ab- ives.rhe reception i,liiiijltt'plantsvslemforfurtherkilling addilional exhibits canu"',""o'-oi"i'4. ''rjilliij",anorher.conracr kirer,is :iJii:T;;iJi',T;;:ff"-J;'fi,rlXi!;I,,1,1,l?ilfi;TiHH,l?""f,J InterestedpartiesshouldaddressMattituckLions chernically an endosulfan,and oflen used theiiwayro anotherfiftyyears. ,uay zl, 1701,he was hangld. club' Box1001'Matrituck'N'Y' 11e52 penne.-r&'o, M,r*hd. ceor Mrs. George Penny, was named onceagainthisy-eartotheDean's List at-Bentley College, Geof had the additional honor of being chosen as one of a four-member team to represent his school in the "Coliege Bowl", kno$'n as 'L- ^"r-!^^"c N-"' ("rr^"' llro::;'ll;l"il,#:il:tnr*F:l;i Even here rarewasmorethanmuafiy-unr<ind. rre ;.::$"frJi:#li"i f[tr,mXTH 1f"i,l,l-ffll?'":111*T:ilf; derivedlrom theAfrjcan daisy, alsocalled parnted daisies The IJ.S Environmehtal I'rotcction Agencl gra.nted an emergency cleirancc,ibr use oi the pyretheroil this scasoni linal testlng tor tts permanent labellrog rs incomplete. Last season' growers depended heavily I years later rhrs legendary s;;""i;'i;"" spot on Mattiluck Inlet was again ttre crucible for clandestine and dangerous rovenrure. Palriots lit,ing on Long Islanrl under British mcupali"on suftere'ri cruel oppression. Whigj who fled lo Conn*licut the..varsitisDortofthemind''';:.:ijJ""'xTiiIT:?^fil""]i:"'";i:l'< Mr.andMrS.MitchellwilcenSk)recentlvemplo1eclFuIadanl'oIbeeI)econtIo], l-'uradrilhrs.U€enuithdraqniromuscon..5?-\"".i rr.rurn,'drromorlando.nlorida.'*"neii i1,1\, L o n g l s J a n db y r l s I n a r l u i a c l u l e ra i l e r i t ' - ^ a e - . $o r h ( . ) i , t t ,n d e d t h e R e c r u i t C r a d u a t i o r ) *-'i 2'2,27,"" was ooV.t\ r^ Y-r,ar;eA lound rn groundwater. The i{evie$ o1 their daugh[er, SR Laurie %". Z- meninConnecllcutpetitionedrnegovern o r t n r p e r m i s s i o nL o c r o s s t h e S o u n dt o Long Isiand secretly, and visit lheir o]d :lr[;H-' llrTii;z-]"223\;;"")r'"ltZ *I?j:.*:n::'"iff:";i.","j".;ii,xj: i,,:i:';Jil,l:x:"'1il*Hj:ili":ll;'lli;;lJ,Jl'li,T:$ifi i u c c a r t h v o i\ \ e s t P a l m B e a c h . a l s o l o i n e c l 'tT:^..^,.-^. '.-Z7Z'n,"rL 't^j"rtl*t. ,:JT.f'"Si"$1l.iili.l*,.""1.,i .l;:::""::T,i"i"':;::::::::::'l::11,, r)eere sfi,fioncd in san^Dieso. ror carirornja g-wr< a( t |, ra rurtherrraining ,r"T-i"&e\ Earryjndj.ot,on., ,*?ij,ne,,, a.V,*"r,\ I Those caught faced rmpnson. Journey. and even ^;::,+" ment death a:t*:" _d;it!llfiil:1":t#*ilf$,"J,::j ,:::ff;;i,'";"f-,,il.,,jt;;#;#:""j;l vor:-*A,eq? 6ua1n\.about,Kidd,s rree,wasa rendezvous ror Jectiveness.tuttrl..creiae.-.";il:d; t4,,6^'qzq.ZL^ z1"g"*!."rrg""r.ltearttemouitroiirrJ..u"t*., nirentu,i,:;','J.i:,illl"TJ;;ltil,g:l;*i ?.fi,.,,"", ill!iltl!"!"#:,':l'il,*tl,H;,}i:i .""t-:'"e::i"& i ^#,r#?* /cHUncHBURGLABy it.ms *"r. reponed missing last week from the EpiscopafChurch of rhe Redeemer i" u""ii".-i. Itemsincludeda$200charrceano plates and bread boxes wortb $100-each.There was no sign of jntry,according rorcel toporice. rruwappeurrngon the undersidesot potaiJ -;;:' ..^, . , hi: heJrcoprer ,olll,"*tllffll:'. ..,i1jd . . a h r d h , , - ] : : 1 ] 1'1 , 9 " r e a d l ' i l t h e r e l s u rrdu DUg crop He slressed the ad- l' '/ 'A"A? ".T'i g z. t 1 I ea naiural beauty and enchantingsolitude.lr arrorceo a somewhat safe retreal for adven(urousre{ugees...andfor marauding partieswhichcametoharasstheBritish.; t!i! site you need a map of _T9..fing Mattituck. Follow Cox Road and Briak- ;,X:"J"-:""*l#:j"r,l"fi.5lllyiffiX1 CaptainKidd eslatesto the west of tle parkthal lhis is a privateco.HJy;o* N*RTH ,oRK THEATER, coMMtJNI,ly DtsrlNGUtsHED sERvtcE AWARD: The Mattituck-cutchogueAthletic Boostel Mattituct: :[,?"ffffli?l [Jffi'BoosterClubDirector.tiilfl,:!*:,i"3ffi l".Iii ,?i?l#H. Ernest"Topy" Jones' President, Al Mateo,RpberlMuir, Mrs. Muir,""3i.l.li],TT,:il;?i ,,i:iyff:T:i:'1: :r+Onrnfor*,:t.1 t16" {J uu "i t '4E. -7,,?, 't v .^;_, , . , . ^ , ^ ^ - and ^ _ , chiidren - 1 . , , _ - - of ^. tr{rs.John Bakelaar t or lHn Ia$$NNf tI lf f .l f n'!{r'o. tAfnt ,ri 'Godspell t .:"*"* LjoJth prace. [']ace or Borrh Bakelatrr of uakeranr The Blue Gro,:pof ihe GreenportUnite( women's societynreetsat: *"ftf]:l Melhcdist y:.Tl_: :?:,:!::"^"f":j-: : i I l;ifl, , jI I 1^* o"un Tom pianf on transferring to dreonra rn ".*t"',",L"""t1'.t*,9"-TT::iP--t1'l"t:' the falt i;;; ).,cr.i Ir; cildersleeve, soo ^LonsrM,a'ons ro Bru 6iio"isleeve,soo ^congrfulati"i'.tJ4ri !il'!r#T,T;:;::rm'''tiilnrr h*Ti"fi:iid:'.s::*ffii' $rlt*:affir1pt'd;;*1mu::l* .pmispsuntil-lle ,,nrir thp which occupied the premises Is NFCTts to"r- Id ail named tothedean's iist'ro;;h;sprins X"',i$!1i.tilt;J::?,t.";:."illtJT-*i': "jr*,.'r., I , "rtr';' *'i+r,J.i;irnr ,,is n6 - _ C u n g r a t u l a t i o nt so l , o m T a y l o r . s o n o f ur. an'Onlrs. n;.A-iryilii, *f;ir" -rruuv vr LrrcltnitedMetho of the Thcorchidcroup collegefor thespring :Jfl:l1i"tt"""v semester il*im1ri"fi1""".,n","'0,"*7-. ijii:rii,::;:ffi"#'#ffi:,?1.:1"'i""#:": perer' ,.l,''':,Y:'"'" sr 25^years Aso :f ,t;$:U:"J::l'iil";ifl":""i,IiJ,l l!!?"'flil.:llti13.*p,oi, '#ll'"ff""; 8LSt ShOw ! - l*"[:l**til*;+rl,* l,r** tsi',5'il":i["ff]#':l ,.&r;,!,';:,1f',""""jJ":t.,,"1J "-c,in'grarurat,omroMr firstcommunirv srrawberry andMm.Edwa, rsrands fesl ilval meqmbersof the Mattituck ;Li;r'::,Ji.":;il;1;,""i;,;lfi;,li;: Lions whocelebratr Kruk;f .AtlanticAvenue, Friday the North Fork communiry will stagett"r. v""rrv"ii"v. 1;,; ;;l Tl:eatrewilI5lageitsBlSlproduction.mcr.sperformarlc"*','JJi|u"ii,i#,."'t'"i.rqrr'."Jding.ann1v.epaiyon.luneI:::;",":.".,[:;:I"il|ll'""ll",i'.|'l M1',fT'i,o,ra ourbu,rrr,ns rosce il,*^ ;i,X't?:i;"ri:ili"'iiiij,"""11'^%1":Xr,ke 1.7,,af'. ffil-"",'Ji.'il"J;:,9ru;;;ld*:r:; :l;:ml';n;":x'ii::ifliq.';",#}nifIl1:::,l.,Jil],l,"'*:;;:.'*i:,':l;,,J*F^"*?il**'l*t.:,l.,,::::ill'; thealre group on easternLong lsland' that in addition to its regular perlorrnt n 1 9 5 6 J i m a n d D o r i s M a c C a m m o n da on fc e s L h e g r o u p w i l l b e g r nu s r n gt h e O n e n t p l a c e dl h p a d , h o p i n gl o s t i r s o m e l h e a t r e l o r c o n c e r t s .o n e - m a ns h o w sa n d ilJ"l'l#',tn"'l','J"""'i"i$":"'#;1i';:f i;I;"y,"""'"arpertors[t[li" 'fhe rtroi r e s u l lu t t h a l n9^, finance_ Lion-sponsn."O out *itt a l s o a d d n e w l u s t r e t o"i,"riti". thefameofthe , , b n e( ^ u a s b o r n O c t o b e r t 2 , l g l 0 . i n N e w rorx rl! l s l a n d - g r o w ns l r a w b e r r i e s .F o l k s came .,h:,,surr vod r,yr,er rwo so,)s .rohnii:irf":li,fl"l?r".X:ji:T"j::J1 [laltituck]ligh c-' ' l o c a lc i v i c a n d c o m m u n i t yo r g a n i z a l i o n s . t w o s l s t e r s ,V r c t o n aa r d E n r i l v A t r t e c k l " I t r c a l l v i s a c o m m u D i l yt h e a l r e .l t i c i l n d t w o g r a n d c h r l d r e n . an extensionof lhe communily," saiciNIr S Z i? ,q vu iJ l: t? RY A c k r o y d . A s a n a r n a t e u r l h e a t f e . t h e - A r o s a r y s e r v i c ew a s h e l d J u n e 1 8 a t ,: 't (. I G F1 -r n,' r"."i .*r.""iii". 1,li oenriesr Funerat Home i" liruiir"tl er""t'i"t,".t . r p p o t l r n c o m r n t l o l h e p c r f o r m a t r c c " , , " F u n e r a l s e r v i c e s .u i t h r h e R e v . t n i " lt-r't.wirichlS]ocaledinthehiStor)c*JIjashec.,mrrruinfnlv,'dil||hc|llPa|l|,Henrv|'i[lfla|tnB.*.*."r'ooi,r"ji*l1| production,"'fhe Man who Came to Ilinner". It was that kind o[ community interest lhatstartedthetheatreanditisthatsame fhat keeps lhe group tfii" i;;"i;;i;;;rt r n p . s a r d B o b A . k r o l d . p r e s i d e n to. f t h " Ma"i'iuck 'l''[he nex'i budns f.ii";i ran Church. The theatre' comprr members, still draws most of i whetherthevbeteachers'insurancesalesmen, housewivesor students,..lt_"il* North Fork communities.However, many of its members are from the South Fork :,"'.",;:,;;;;;,t;.lig:::lti Mg!:!r,"r:hI -r 'r l/l0f0fy ' rr.rrf J *l,riiiu'g';.n*;rl:**J[*l| ,:"Ji::;',,"+--,.(.^r " - - - west point gradu, Another ml", wedding, this one "na :-^ ^;'^.:: l:::"li::l::"", ::;,';r:":"'ff"it:TJ:";,,: frieMartiruckFreeLibraryhas beth Brauner, daughter of M puyrnase tl into operation with ihebreakingof groundtbrthe n e w a d d i t i o n , i n m i d M a y o ft t r i s year. While no Federal or State funds were arailablc or fonhi' n ' ' itni m a c v o f t h e t h e a l r e . r e h e a r s a l f o r t o n i g h t ' s c o m i n g ,t h e T r u s t e e s ,w i t h t h e l"..."nt o " r t , r . * u n " " , t b a t f e e l i n g o f c o m r a d e r s h l ph e l p o f r e s i d e n t s o f M a t t i t u c k a n d convey- Laurel who contributed for this ind community interest MS also ",1 project, have made Phase I "cJorur vl -G h recneet lDmuersno€vYe r ' o o s s i b l e .A s t o P h a s e I l , t h c d .hpafvuivc'ar as it .l e h ce lpol rs,tyG iurnistringsthatmusrbeprovided h e s a i d , e x p l a i n i n g t h g !h . ! i 9 t 0 - T : P ] f ,.lt is kind of contagious," saio tvtr. ,q.f.-vi:lW.g","ioioipeopf"*hohave seenoneofourshowscomingi"t"l.v""i thc i"r'nl.oOu"ti"n. They seem to sersc 'n parts actins 'lilll;'illrliL't'erevcn :;3i,li"" " ' , q , , O t t ' " i n t " i . . r , s n o t j u s t f r - o m u ?:@ i ' 1 1 il:,1"i"1,"."L fifi"..t^ndpossibtl'"u.p"iing.tt p::pt: actors,sald Mr Ackroyd ManY is inrporrrilr ro purchrse en j u s t h o p i n g t o g " J ^ : : Itno rp"r"nuua'tion ;j";;rJ;" i.v. mJnito. io. ttt" n"tu perhaps or crew, slage as pari of the n.* addiri,,n,ro prevenl lrrccnr. The Trusrces havc mide uP x oul wif h costumesor makeup. With localsupport,the group has stags6 list and are_appalingonce again i t s f i v e a n n u a ls h o w s a t t h e r v n i : r j " " " i t o o u r l o c aEl a s i E n c t i " r i d " n t i f o ' 1 9 6 1 .w h e n t h e g r o u p c o n v e r l e dt l r e o l d t h e i r s u p p o n i n r n a k i n g P h a s e l l a b u i l d i n g j n t o i l s p l a y h o u s e".T h e b u i l d i n s s u c c e s sA . l l c h e c k s( t a x d e d u c t is one of the things that really holds us iUte) should be made payable to t o g e l h e r , "s a i d M ; A c k r o y d , i x p l a i n i n g t h e M a t t i t u c k F r e e L i b r a r y W e lhat other acting groups on Long lsland lhink you will agree, the Library don't seem t0 have the longevity that the with additional space for childN I C T h a s h a d b e c a u s e t h e y l a c k t h e i l g w n r e n ' s p r o g r a m s ,i n c r e a s e dr e a d ' pJayhouse. i n g r o o m a n d r e f e L e n c ea r e a s i0. T h e a t e r s y m b o l 0 f l o n g e v i t yz w i i c h w r l l p r o v i d e f a c i l i t i e sf o r Even lhe theatfe itself is a symbol of new Library sponsoredprograns longevity.The buildingwas built in 1640a. developedby the Director of the a M e e t i n g - . H o u s eb y e a r l y M a t t i t u i k L i b r a r y , w i l l e n a b l e o u r c i t i z e n s t o setilers.Adjacentlo lhe building was ,.ye accepitheirresponsibilitiesin out olde Free Burying Ground" where-.community. partortheacreage' theP-re"ovrerian n"li"i Hir?"J'.":nT:lt,;: a n d M r s . B r u n o B r a u n e r , w i tl l m a r r i e d a t t h e c u t c h o g u eP r e blterian Church to SecondLie t e n a n t D o u g l a s S t c a r n s . s o nIo f Col.-Ret.and Mrs Robert ) StearnsT . he sir p,nl. ceremol will be performed by Reverer John Agria, with a recepti( following at the North For CountryClubinCutchogue. ,l:"5"*'".r0'? ,."";"'j,'","n'0, t',tattituckHighSchool.Dougju receivedhiscommissionatgrad a t i n g c e r e m o n i e sa t W e s t P o i n Beth graduated fior7r PrFcip q/f,c' Collegein lllinois./l The bride will walk doivn tl aisleinagownmadebyherset a c c o m p a n i e db y t h e f o l l o w i r membersofthe*'edding:maidr hono(, Susan Erauner; bridcr maids,ClaireHardy,AnneThon sen, Susan Krueger and Lesle Stearns. Flower girl will b S t e p h a n i eK r u e g e r , w i t h P a r Brauner, Jeff Ackroyd, Kin GeslerandRogerYoergesactinl as ushers. Best man wilt be th groom's brother, Craig Steams. D u r i n g t h e c e r e m o n y ,s p e c l a ;elections from the Bible anr Scienceand Health" by Eliza filtJ"::;ti,1 ;ii*:;i?*J x';:,?tj:";;"-i"",::l,l|'::;'sood A FRESHMEN FROM MATTITUCK, L.1., Don Wilcenski, has been awarded varsity letters tor his participation on this year,q Bentley 6llege (Wattham, " ' ' Mass.) basketball team. t y't-'-' g.** ;b, t tv 74A 4'er<-.-.kr::6.r.L ft,(--t-.,-l-/l rt tLlt ct+lzt +l 4, - >u 'u"',ott ?'-u,lt ')J.ii^.Ao-.r.)l,a-yLr.' cn-+ , I u t - l u, -c/. ( Su ( ,..r*,-o-Lr*"t .ilr1*, -,. lo l .t ---/ --- ?4,-u, q:4 ,Yi. r--rrn{ . r-" ,t* ' t 4r-n.i_ / ,) o ,r.r.t o-u t- I &,k u Tl+''< ,6't D).1 tt++Lr-e14-. 71|,,,Luturibt..e--+roT i d-y o't .< .rL.-, ).,ttI) .J, -^. / r -v-T-L /] | '/L"L.' ( '^tr/6-'t. ,.1 z ^ , k \l t'^ )d/Va tt, tr--,1 ', / ' lhe high sct)gol yearbggk "Reflectori'*ittrGpictur'Cs-oTtte seniors right on Jown to the kindergartenclasses,with grade pictures, sports teams, baby pi".ur"t, formal photos and c a n d i d s h o t s i s a n o t h e rv o l u m e filted with wondertul memories. This year's book was dedicatedro Joyci Grattan,who along with her husband, George, tiaches EnglishatMattituckiigh sclool. ll;::"*':l lr ,*,. rf i:: il"-:il1;,.?j,il,li:ffirlili career,this personwill always be s p e c i atl o u s a s a w a r m f r i e n d . a d€mandingandinnovativeteacher and an energetic supporter of student efforts. StrAvubelryFest Set Saturday 26t 74f a *tLv1-{ mnrrtr(dr-rne Long Island strawberrv FestivYland Countr:yFair, sponsored by the Mattituck Lions CIub, will make its 26thconsecutiveappearanceon June 28 at the groundsof Mattituck High School. Bob Graeb, first vice president of the club and main organizerof the event, said more than 5000people,mostly from out of the area, are expectedto converge on the school grounds if the weather is hospitable. One hundred and forty crates of s t r a w b e r r i e s c, o n t a i n i n g1 6 q u a r t s e a c h , have beenpurchasedfor the event which is the Lions largestfund raiser. Normally the festival generatesabout $7,000for Lions charilies, which include Eastern Long lsland and Cenlral Suffolk Hospitals, the Mattituck Library (to purchase largeprint booksfor th€ visually impaired) and for lhe club's scholarship fund. At last week's commencement activities the L i o n sC l u b a w a r d e d$ 2 , 8 0 i0n s c h o l a r s h i p s lo Mattituck-Cutchogue students. For $2.50for adults and $2 for children, oneisentitledtoenterthefairgroundsand have a piece of strawberry shortcake. Onceinside,parons wiil find many booths and displays to browse at and buy from. Mr. Graeb said there will be flea markettype vendors as well as artisans and Sale Day craftsmen displaying their wares. The Eastern Long Island Hospital Auxiliary also will have a booth. )4*.J, /s F<, M A T S I T I I C X - . T h el h i r d a n n u a t M a r r i tuck Sa)e Day is scheduled for next Saturday, July 12, lrom I a.m. to 4 p.m. The Mattituck Chamber of Commerce On hand will be B0to 100merchantsand sponsoredevent is like a mini-fair, said businessesto display and sell their goods. Tina Salaga,an organizerof the day. Love Brookhaven Laboratory and Long lsland Lighting Company, among others, will Lane, from Main Road to Pike Street. will have educational and in(ormational be closedlo vehicle traffic for the day and displays. transformed into a mall. with merchants Special a(rac[ions inciude a sky-diving and artisans displaying their wares. exhibitionat4p.m.andthecrowningofthe Sidewalk displays of merchandise will Strawberry eueen by SupervisorBill pell bc set up where many items will be sold at al 3 p.m. Croups of Greek and Ukrainian b a r g a i n p r i c e s .H o m e m a d ec a k e s .t a m s . folk dancers will put on sltows during the and crafls, as well as foodand beer, will be festival and the Mattituck High School available. A band will perform to supply perform. Dance Band will music for Polish and Greek dancers.There There will also be pony rides and other will be demonslrations of fancy frjsbee rides for children, on the fair grounds. f l y i n ga n d s t i l t w a l k i n g . In addition to the strawberries and the A h i g h l i g h to f t h e a f t e r n o o nw i l l b e l h e cake, hot dogs,clams on the half shell. ice j u d g i n gf o r " L i t t ) e M i s s M a I i t u c k . " G j r l s c r e a m , m i l k a n d s o d aw i l l b e a v a i l a b l e . b e t w e e nt h e a g e 0 f e i g h t a n d t e n s , i l l v i e An intensiveeffort by the 69 Lions Club f o r l h e h o n o r .M s . S a l a g as u g g e s t e dl h a t members and lheir families makes tbis I h o s e i n l e r e s t e di n e n l e r i n q t h e c o n l e s t y e a r ' s f e s t i v a l p o s s i b l es, a i d M r . G r a e b . a r r i v e a t l h e S a l e D a v e a r l y t o r e g i s t e rf o r Thursday night all the grecns were to be Ih e e v e n l picked from th€ berri€s. "lt should be a very festive day," Mr Graeb added."We just pray thal it doesn,l rain." Librarv News /tt r<* V4., r + r) Trusteis ofrireMarriruck . ^IATUTUCK. L_rDrary h a v ei n i l r a t e da [ u n d _ r a i s i ndgr i v e r o n e l pg a j n f u r n i s h i n gfso r t h e n e \ vw i n g o f xDrary wttjch is rrow under construclion p",.". Hanlon said rhc money c]:fo l i el::, c t e ds o f a r r r a ss u f f i c i e n lt o allow the construction of the rving, bul funds are now needed{o acquire lamps. cha..s, b o o k s h e i v e sc. a r p e t . l a b i e s a n , l a card calalog. h a v e .s t a r t e d i r ' . b u y - a . onck " - I : . , - - tcampajgn ,""t to help offsel inflat;onalv coslsfor the wing IUr. Hanlon sardlhe shoutd hetp to ;3:y_l1..brl:k q r m i n t s h t h e $-!ampdien B . 0 0 0s u r n o w e d o n I n e constructtonof the wing. li,br?rr u ili miintain a ,,go/den .^T]]: whlch Dool( wiil record all the donitions maoe to the I'brary. The book wili be on permanenl display. Since no srare or reoeral funds were available for lhe consl.ructionor furnishing. the library has nad (o rely on contributions from resi dents of Karie Dexter of Mattiruck, -,tlInn9. wiodonaled a great deal of furnishings to rne new wtng, the addition will bear ner name. Unipn Cybide Buying Filters ror Wells wlth Ternik was taking a responsiveand responsible HnUeenU€f,ffi dti,jn tu'.UiO" Co.p o r a t i o nw i l l S r o v i d F E a s t E n d r e s i d e n t s a c t i o n b y m a k i n g b o t h t h c f i l t e r s a n d t h e i r installationfree ofcharge." Union Carbide whoseweils are contaminatedwith Temik a b o v e s t a t e g u i d e l i n e s w i t h " s o p h i s t i c a t e dw i l l a l s o , h e s a i d , p r o v i d e a " l a r g e tothehomeowner,"SuffolkCountyExeculive Peter F. Cohalan announced this rveek. ln the past month some 8,000East EDd wells were tested for contamination with the aid of Union Carbide - which makes Temik - and some 12 per cent have amounts of the agricultural pesticide in excessof the state guidelineof sevenparts perbillion..{nequalamountwerefoundto containTenik, but below the guideline. Mr Cohatan declared "Uniotr Carbide free treatment unit and installation from withdraw Temik from the Suffolk market UnionCarbide.l' " w a s a f i r s t s t e p . " T h e " e x t e n s i v ew e l l water tesling program was anolher signifDr. Haris declared: "This offer by U nionCarbideshouldnotbeconstruedasa lcantmove.Whilescientificdataindicat€ public water supply in Greenport, which has beencontaminatedwith Temik. According lo Mr. Cohalan the "relail value" of each of the home-sizedcarbon filters is $650.They measure 40 by t0 inches. Dr. David Harris, Suffolk health commissioner,said"theunitsprovedtobe safe and effectivc in removing aldicarb," the generic name for Temik. InapressreleaseUnionCarbidequoted lhe corporation's president, Robert Old, ford, as saying the company's decisionto Nlatttfiuclt'Warct bv the New York State Department of Heallh is unduly conservative, Union Carbide is offering the carbon filtralion systems as a final step in the process to eliminateanyconcernthatmayexist with resp€ct to the presenceof trace levels of Temikaldicarbresiduesindrinkingwaler." Mr. Cohalansaid that "any wells tested over the next three years and found to have aldicarb levelsabovesevenparts per billion will be given the same offer of a Ratelz'ffi,I\? water supply on the East End. While it offers a safe and effective way to remove aldicarb. it is not a panacea for all other potential contaminants.The development of a public water supply is still tlr; bcst iong-term arrswer and offers a degree of protectionwhichcannotbeachievedany other way." The Union Carbide offer followed, said M r . C o h a l a n ,s e v e r a l m o n t h s o f n e g o t i a tions betwcen the counly and the corporalion Murphy Gets . r,,,-'l'l::: '' '"f,1;',',"Jf,::1.i"f"ffi:''t']:t]i{:j';i orrcr Demsi-NN.,. ;::il"il'#l'Jou'd -lft*yqru;{,,,9"*"1: avenuesblockedbt'"'*o''u",ll:tri,ii: i 1tI9+ * i"-uroa ;, llll';Jl" ;,T::"::iJ,"Jiiifi ;::;i::":.f::J:;::11,""' ?: Tlf -:ljfJ;:l::11,";,",1';':I:y:'":iii,ll f1{'il'ai:iir,["];';b"' ',i""I'iJ"l.":li"'l[:"i": ' nt iirl,,"",V,#'ifi,i.';;,;: rheresidenrs'conrprainrsccn harvestin€iof a ripentng rr'uuu' Commissionfor a rate increase ter on the facts that captain Kidc S r e v e ' f s o n t a k i s , t h e c o m p a n y 'pse a k w a t e r d e m a n dp e r i o d su n ' ,"i","i crease is necessary to keep the began the - st,urHoLn.Wffulfir'"{iror, *SI*g* ,t"1,-""'r"*a"""astul F _ an unsuccesstul r!, candidate for the llcK, ji Eq.qs, , F € = iJi,;::id*:],i'ii"":il; g:,"*;i::_'"*:iiilFE:i"Tl"i g* if"'"#J::;,'"x..i"j;-f:"iT$"^'L,:i :gIfiil; electrica) failures. 1 6 . 5 m i l l i o n b u s h e l s .g . o u n o ' i u " u ' t ' o t t ,,.1'r_ll:tl1it:::ivedlheclesignationtor FS,f; ;T-J' : Furthermore comprnvinopera,ion'Weve ,h.saj,homeson,h(hi'y.,.; i3;?:'I:li"$J,lffiX*,i,:;li::,,1ffi ;*,;"l,i..ri,ln*.:,1;rifuim ''\;rllrll\ llrPhl He ll.rsillso tecetved q-: ,reen nperrring rn rhe red lor llre o1 Captaill Krdd Estater recerve "h-n;nofirm\ rhreeyears,'hesardWednes. barelyarrickleof *orerqhen day'.'tlttstn\reasei5simpIyrodemandincreasesandpressure""liiii.i"r,ir,"Li'Rg,icuitur,tl'a"..l "X."i'V'i"ff"ofRiverhead.excculive ! r r ( i o r i + 1 n . nu, ll l h e l ( r g h l l o [ , r l e P a r t \ coverpresenrexpenses." dips.Fot thatrheyhavesug- ;""?'n1."'"riir"", *i:{g:j-,n" erreclivc-:lii,::l;l;::i;iJ"}fi?ri:?,J;;ii::,:i:T B u l r e s i d e n t s a, p p a l l e da t t h e g e s t e oa b o o s t e rp u m p t o a t l e a s t n e s so l t h e u n i o nc a m p a i g n . r a r e p r o p o s a lt h a t w o u l d s h o o t i n c r e a s eu p h i l l w a t e r t l o w . r l n o r t h e i r w a t e rb i l l s f r o m t h e p r e s e n t c a p a c i t y . mgasa E. D f f ^gfV, r i g s Jlaam F $ 3 7 . . 5s0e m i - a n n u a l l ) , f o R e s i d e n t se x p e c t r h e p s c t o r hr e f i r s t 30.000 galons to $40.50 senri- wirhholdthe rare incrcaseunril at James l.'. Devries, a five-year resident annually ior rhe first ls,0c0 leasrsomeoftheseconditionsare of Mattituck, died July ; ;i a;;i;;i g a l l o n s ,a r e c o m p l a r n i n gt o t h e a l l c l i a t e d . GeneraiHos6rtal;n Piainviep,N.Y He PSCBeforeanincreasecanbe AccordingtoaPSCspokes- wsc?^ /7:.' Y,*ail _ warercompanv'5 '" approved' reside"Is the man the contend CongratulationstoBrianWilliams, 13,of Mattituck, who was the first place winner of the American Cancer Society BikeaThon, and to Rochelle Faab, 12, also of Mattituck, who came in a clos€ second. Brian is now the proud owner of a lGspeed bicyciedonated_byCountry Time Shopsof Itlaitituck. Rochelle was awarded a $50 savings bond from the North Fork Bank and Tiust Co. and a gift certificate to East End SportingGoodsin Mattituck. It should be noted thal Brian raised $192in pledg€s for the cancer SGiEfy, white Rochellgwas l?,/q fa able to raise $t?g.lW r:''&3;:3X'Jli;'3ll'1,'\",l,'"i':il CatherineHoffman Devrjes A relired lithographerfor the University Press in New York City, he was a member of the Amalgamated LjrhoBraphers of America. He moved to Matlituck from Brooklyn in 19?5 He is survived by his wife, the Jornler Alice wurzbacher; a daughter,,Patric.ia: three brothers, Charles, Alfred and Willian I and a sister, Mildred Duxburv. Futteral serviceswere held July I at the DeFrtrst Funeral liome in Matlituck. with rhe Rev George Summers officiating. Illlcrrnent rvas in Cutcho5lue Cemeterv {a;i €:==pTtS g3;e l r r r t r t ' t p t l s t r l e n lo l ' \ l a l t j l u c kl - i o n sc k r b . 5 f$ r o ln l ( ' r c h i l J l l l l l n o l t h a t o r g a n i z t l t i o n ' s " r i l | i r u l ) c f r ' )l " c s t i v a l ,a n c lh a s b e e n a c t i v c ol comtnercc, ill,"il;,,i]illi].ti't,:,j,hrrrrlrer o", li,l, il;ll,'il'"|,'r,ll,,;1::i,'jll""t"'to ft" r.,,rJ fu,"rj 'ears on the Laurer s f l r ( r l) rt r a r d a n d i s a l o n g , t i m e m e m b e f " , r , S 3 j S Q o'whichhe ]l',;,lil':;:iir,ii.rin,nn,o.ion 2 - N.F. AftiStS ---Wttjl,jqfJ EXhibit- MATTIffCIgNor.th Fork artrsts Jane Rilchie and Sharen Dykeman will be exhibiting their work al the Krot Gallerv in Matfit;ck Argust l-.?q ._ Ms. Ritchie has exhibited widety on the Easr End, and her u,ork rs currenlry on display at the Hirschl and Adler Gallerres in New York City. SharenDykeman has exhibited in numerousjuried shows and is represenledin manv private collections. C.f:SrBSOf! NoRwAL(, conniCi]dlr s..^66^^,. nertr r"to K053 ""^:l::"Y,?I bc'
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