Gen Khun Sa - His Life and His Speeches
Gen Khun Sa - His Life and His Speeches
Ic /. t m.' HIS HIS l ( F:,'-: GEI\ERAL KHTII\ SA HIS LIFE AND HIS SPEBCHES Published ond distributed by Shon Herold Agency for News rees ,ONTENT5 !I)R\\ \RI) -l t, j \R] ()\1. Llll. P\RI T\1() l.l\ l R \( 1S l Ro\l SPhl.( tllls \\l) l\l'lR\lll\\s t. Rlt\ot.( | lo\ ll. \\,\Rl \Rll I. \.\t l()\ \l- t \ll r t\. t \|l \ \ lll oItI].R \.\rlo\\l.s \. POI-III( S ()t \.1R( OI I( S |L t( ()\ollr \ It. I lt I \ls \ l. foREl(i\ RBl.\ I l()\S lI. POt.Ll l( ,\1. ( Rlll:t)s \. I\IPRO\ l\(; 1)\tisl:l.l s ()R l \((r)l\l{}l \PPE\I)I( a It l0 t3 t6 It A 26 LS sl(;\llt( .\\( u ()l \lo\(;\t.\l l|.\sl: \Rll\ sll,\\ l Hlt |L PROI'OS.\I. t()R llR.\l)l( \-llo\ ()l ()Plt ll lR()\l sll,\\ sr,\'l t: - (;ol.l)U\ I Rl'\\(;t,lj - | .1 .lt \ll l9ll9 , L tIIS',IORI( \1. 26 THE t( )ll\\'\rir ) :::i:-*Y$'trffiY*'H'r SHORT ACCOUNT OF LIFT Khun Ss b l|'E serenlh senenlhr fu(trdant o, hb srEimfidgmlad ln tlE l&h ctnn|ry frun N.r.rq - so.lifu). |cs *no !n cicrl Shsn Fincinlty in Chim. Onc of th€m ron chi{iinship - muana in Shflr ) of Ore lrirun territory* in Hsenwi Prin cipality through meritorious se.vice to the princ€dom. Khun S., .lso kno*n rs Chrng Si - l'u. *.s born in Hpa - perng villa8e, t inur w.rd, T|ng Yln To*Nhip, l,sshio Pmvince on l7 l-ebruery 1934. Sotne outiidcrs lhink lhe " Khur| Ss " bl|d a ndn da grt.rft ( S{. 8on Tharorn dd othefsl l rs . matter of fra. th.t is Irol so, It is not unusual lo see ethnic Chinese Fople *ho bacotr|e natur.liz€d ciliz.ns of tbeir adopled countries tlking up ! o.ncs. Plchri Rrrlakul. tor instance. wirhout doubi r lypicrl Tl|ri, bcloogs !o a fanous Chinese livil|g in Ba[gkol's Chinr To*n. He l.ter bcc.nre vice Premicr o] the Royd Thri Cnvedurnnl. lt b sbo inr.ft.riqg to nole thal Khun Ss's moah.r rvrs r hburg Sl|Ir by th. |nt|t oa Nrng SerE zmm. Hb lather t[.s Khon Ai. Khun is a pr.fix uscd by people who hsd been promoted into Sb.n royalty. Khun Ai died trrm.lurely i|r 1937. His eido$ rem.rried. this time to Xhun Ji, lhe Chlel ol Mong Torm, s n€ighboring ter ritory. She too pass.d evsy I*o yerrs bt€.. The flrc le3r old orphrn lres sdopted rnd irkcn csr€ ol by thc slepfatb.r and wa.$ laler rcclaim€d by his gr:ndfather, Khutt Yi Sai. th€ Cbief of l,oimaw. He w&s sent to srhool for a phil€ bul wrs soon r€call€d when lh€ war broke out. His grandfather himself lutored him lo re.d .nd write Chines€. and also te8 cultiralion and hors€ / mule brceding in the prsctical n€|d. He was much innu€nced by lhe thoughts and exploits of his uncle. Khun Ja, lfho fought &longside the Alli€s cgcinsl the Jspanese and who prs clso polilically actire efler lbe rrsr. M sm.*r hrd th. !ih.n S|.te llraived th€ l{at 8Dd echiewd independ€nce lhan the Koominlang ( KMT l. defeat€d by the Communists in l9{9. took sanctosrt in (he Shrn Slrie b} the thousinds. l,oimae. silusted on lhc restern bank of the Sallfe€n, h.d to besr the brunt ol this unerp.ct€d foreign invtsion. p€opl€ w€re conscripled for lsbor and nililsry s€rlicet trxes werc levied on th€m snd lhef were subj€cl€d to h&rsh. lawless rule. On€ dry they csnE lor his gr.ndfsther's ho.!i€. 3nd muk . Khun S{ can stlll recrll his grsndfathe., eyes lilled wilh tears, as he direcled his ( Zao 5 gmodson !o sho* the KMl per$onnel pres€nt .l the o(cssion. the dtsignatcd pr(ksaddle f()r ta(h oflhe m0trs.-l his reso|!€d hin, h€ isn, b rqa.rd lh€ KIll s foftismrs and en€mijs to br drir€n tnxn lh€ motherhnd. lle ttrcn rrg.uri^rl .|o arli KItl forft f(xn hb bovhood {rd d4d.r r.rkl ,r|(.artr da$n (xr an lT4\ "tr."slE(rng Klll unil. Ihr surpri\L scemrd lo br lorat. b<{:ause occordins t; him. he managd to quift nx,re rhan.t0 assorr€d $t-aFx$ fnxn th! sinSk rdrenture. ItuI hi,i ri.ror) ard lh€ r€drirlg huolan(l $ero $hort livcd. b(\(aur* rh€ KM't quickty mor€d to pu( hili grandlathrr in custodt and demanded. tog€thcr eith the rctum of th. s€aFrns. dis(rntinuam: of his ,ctivities. .rrlseqtrnt!, lhe toung rebel hrd i(, fit|e for his lifr inlo lhc urba! disrricrs and immcdiatelJ found himicll among another foreign invrder - th€ Burm€sc, lrho had (x.cupied thc nain towns and cities. Th€ bitter exFri€n(t lhrt hc had lritt|esr€d under fo€ign occupalion, lirst bt the J.Fnese. and lsler by th€ KMTrnd th€ Burmese r.,€re rnough for lhis rebcllious man rhos4 heart had. bc€n imbu€d b) his lsre uncte sith 'oung tore;nd byatty to rhe motherLnd. Thc knowledge of rhc Burmesc betr|ict ;f rheir promis€ to resp€ct the dghl of th€ Shin State to Inrnage her own desliny aner s t|r| - Je{r trid Friod led hln to f{rm a drrd.stirr underground mor€mcnt on :te$ Year'r Dr), 1960. H€ w.s at once lrced $ilh imm€diste problrms $hich demsndfd pnrmpt uolution: was he to fighl both thc KMT snd the Burlncse sihuttenmusty? r not. !..hich lve! to bo r€gerd€d as the most dcngerous? Ho$ best should he build up his strength? Thc solulion of these p.oblems, howercr. caln€ in lh€ p€rson of Col Msung Sh$e. the Burmes. ( ommrnd€r of lh€ Ea\lcrn Strrteeic Comnrnd t Shan Strt€ ). *ho, on 6 Jsnusry 1960, ofercd him the slst||s of s volunt er milili. chief rnd s lrec hand in the build - up of his strength tn relurn lor his pl€dge to light th€ KMT rnd tha Communisr irrlv of Bunrn I CPB l. tk NEpa.d with alefii$, ttb*fi, rl+?ortil D' lh€ lo.rl mcrchrnts who *cre by nalunr sverse to so(irli!,tn, gradurll, 8r€* and bJ l96J spr$d ro Xengtung. *hich bordels 8! then. duc to lhe liMl s promotion .r'urn|€sie_e(onomic mi.smanagement polhy co{phd *ith and *arct encourrgamentt popl) cultaration snd opium trading hsd jumped on r shodinglv rapid $sle. Khun Sa $as a$arc of lh€ dis{srrou\ side - etfKdof lhb derelopmrnt. He felt rhat onlr cuft rnd €ducarion a\ a prc|enlr!€ nEas|rre c.ruld €a!€ rrd flrunter rh( rf6r' Acradingb. fran l96a oDrrrrds, hc hrd bullt tlro hGpltds rnd more lh.n .lghty acbooar. On 15 JrD 1964, . *..b1 ca|'6tt|cc ws hdd h l-dnl,' whcrc Bo D.tin8, i vetctrn of llte frmous 1959 Tcn8]nn Brtd. A*n w.s rbo t *r|| to €tt ld w$ dEr s dE 8tur9's l*. forc!3 lnto .t rs bord.rtng Thdlrnd. Th€y r..ched Thrihnd htcr in thrt y?.r. Hov.vcr, thc KMT[nts. ti. Third Army clm mr|dcd'bv Gtn Ll Wen hu.[ ond the Fillh Army commsndcd bv Gco Tuln Shi - *€n, $ by Khun Ss's emergencl ri e rivC. Tlry nrqrd 1o b.b. Do D.lirq' r dtnpL ttfiid.d nttn' d oo 7 Novrnrb.r t!l64, thcy .tt ck.d th€ SUA unit stitloned .t Ban Hln T!t, rbc scalta ot yat rnollt.r ftmous $nnict ncerl] tro d..rd6 ha.r. Tb. rt3ullrr|t failurc 10 €strblish perminent b.5.s .loag rhc Thal bo.d.t k{f Khutr S. tlth only $rother rlt.rnrtivc - ao (rcntltl. oo tL troabr E{t lb 6- XMT, &.t bo?dar. b.d io sl4 Xhun $ .l d c6, tr6. Th. baltle r.8ad for tour Kttn, drd(.d hb torc. b Ean &v!. 6 - 9 Jotr 196? tbd l|roxr rr the " 1967 Odum wir '. rtr *i faOa r q.rriE 4id hin b ft robi'q v..r. rttrdilta hlE ar 8.! N.lh.. Moog t(|o t+.rd' Motr8 LurD i""uo. t"rrlt nott*.. FrliD8 io d6rroy hlm' th" KMT ul.d r rflali rErh.! ttb orrd d! to h. ut*Fnmah d'div' s lohd||att av-aott Dm{ad. Througl couricr3 rrd cndt|cts' thcl .r - xfit Ultmca hc lutrEr. GoYd n Dt ol Kbun $ t ]t ov.'d!mt torriSt ruh b' tore. S. .Flv.d b Tru4t[d otr 17 tuobcr 1969 h'viD8 b..r bvft.d to a6a.d a tD.chl!t. Oo 24 (Xob'r h' wls In r lon' ctll rrir.a.d |rd lata to Mrdibt Prbon lot llv. rlh tatdt b A b, dly . copt oa l, K|nq _ dlurA's l:rE! rotu ' 'Rodatca oatt Tf,rc.l{IrSdo r "' Il tc n.r,cdnd's d 6' Sl|.tl rcvl.* ds!.4h n| lt a ta dL !o b b..ta h. ta|ll, dtuathn .!d loauxLL tbE lo. th. lhturc. ir.-r* B li$ U nd b ltlh' Md d lb|r b'h3 tHv H. .tfiv ld d. totE ud Jdt d h.| l wni 6' Sl|'n srr.'irr.y, OOy r; Ugn"o nl|!r|h.. e.r! ct4bt trtr&E- 'tl ak.i-d.'f* 6ran .-tr|r tt! tldr l.d bJ tb. rtrlc ud loyrl irh : ' ftcdct " fC ChLt ol Stdt It w.r h. tho cfl'riv'd lh drha DL! r. Uddp ih. Ror.l|D ddtor! to hold " hct4l ir archrDsa lot li. rcloro of lHt laadcr. tDLndocr 1.a., to Klo! 7 Th. Rord.Dr r.ra rDdscld oo l5 Aptil 1973 .trd Xlu! S. rs rd.d.d tb. louoxhs F.. o t SaALmb.t .ft.r dbfmic hu.dLc bad ba.D d..rd rert. H. b.d 10 t'dl rDd whlc rwry bb alD. sdrt .s . pLyboy !o ti. Gvcrriid ul BorD6. M la.ry |idt@ 56& h mr tl|I. y.-, Ih*, o Slff NdEl Iby, 7 fchnrly f9,6,ha tq.d rd rcc.ldtty rr| tL blodtd. io rrjoltr htr Datr. llc rrirad in B|D Hltr Trt Ltc. thrl y.a. ald drtr up lbe Sir Y..r p&r lor th. cofol .!d .rrd.dd d opar|tr| .nd oDlun rd||d croF. O! 16 AFll l9t, Co|r8rtr.rD.D kc.r wollt wbo ta Cbslrn D oa tbc U.S. Rour. S.Lct Commlti.. od Nar$d.s, !.oa bla 6lo"if, Jocapb N.[b, ,o nr..r Khun S., ncl' dubH by tb. U.S. N.rt!d.r Ag!trcy aDd lt prt!8 I ihc'Oplum Kir8 ". H. pmob.d !o c6Fr.t. ril|i ab. lnt ftr tlond clmnudty io ltbt rgdDn trrttoaic druSr .trd lobmlSt d hl dr y... pl|!. Thk ta d by lh. C.rt r Adr&*tl.ho od lt Jr y iD aL rrm ya, Hl bt r dlploodc d?o.f! .bo io D|U8ht, rrd o 2l Jr|r'y 1942, tb. Thi BaG Ptll FoIc., Itrd by dr DE,|, atbcl(.d Brtr Hh T.d(. SlD.r tb.r dlo8att r lo.ty .tLA! hava b..i Lurbd Bdd hh |,d $ h dl h.v. d ao FodE .!y coocrlt. ft$rls to Jt$tfy ft. 3uh!.qu.!i 16.' '. broogil .baot oo boah dd6 by tt.r. E .rhgh66 rcnbrt.. Oo 3 M.fti 1965 h. r(t.It d tt ahr.. condldoor of fb. T.i R.voluttoouy Co||!dl ( TIC ):ADd -BSPP; Artl - CPBi |||d, And - Nrfcoah3. loa.Ocr rft i16 hro pt ..d Coarol .!d Erdlc.tin Progr.!! .!d Joltr d ll. H. b curr.lily ita VLa hrCdaoa lbc nfit|ry rDd 0rrd.l podfo&.. t I! oa tha TnC! |!d carih. I' \R I T\\'( I IXTRA( TS FROM SPEE( IIES AND INTERVIEWs I EN|INCIATED ()N Dll-fiRENT OCCASIONS I I. REVOLUTION \1IT\ ] This hnd hrs been giren to os b! our forefethers sincc lime im - ()ur counlr) is full of mlurrl *ealth. W€ rrc jost llke beggers *ho \le€p on brds made ol gold cnd live in huts built ol gens. h is b€cau!€ we don't enjoy s.lf - govcrmnenl.Th. Aneri(ro|s os.d to lire in r lesser dereloped condition lhsn ui, Yel theJ hav€ mt naged to b€(ome a supcrpolvcr lodr!, Why? B.crus. lhey hrve th€ir orrn qovernment. lf tolr hare yoor olvn co|t|n-a but noa !!or or}n Boremrnant, noahirlg l.,ou osn i5 secltc. Th€ rmney )ou errn iJ for ofi€ts to bke and $quanderi lhc rk? you gmw is to teed thcmi the horne you build i5 tor th€tn to burn downi your sons ar€ to b€ pr€ss - ganged {3 iheir camon fodder .d F.larsi rrd you. dsud ers ate to be rreed and sold 15 prostitutes. The selfish Burmes. have. through their mism.nagcmenl. made us sullcr for dealdes. We cannot conlinue to humor their whims Iny long€r. How csn we bdiev€ lh€y lore us when they rre only trling (o msk€ us mot.t snd more ignorsnl rnd poor? Ignorancc and F r€nr {x ttules tls rdmirc olhcr people. Thb in lurn €l|cour4t3 us lo pailern ourselvt! rfter lhem, therebJ rfe oorslelves become _ other pcople ". That is the aim olthc Eurm€s€. That's why I sry t take back our oen lend. I he Shsn ptoplc have b€€n too good for th€ir o$n good. we becn so yieldin8 lo other people's encrorchm€nts thrt we now have \rarcel! enoogh rmm to stlnd, nol to mention sit and $leep. 'lrll me one Country lhrt indep€nd€nt withoot hevlng to bcar hardshiF, wirhout h.vlng to stroggle 8nd light, lf the struggle of the Sh3n peopL. to *hom thb caontry lcdtimst€lt bdonss, is unfalr, so wrs lhe Americ.n Revolution. WHY _ INDEPENDANCE'! $r take up rrms becsuse ol our people. And wb{ do our pcoplc sat? liertone of them, from their children uprards, h&i been safing lhsl thef eanl beck thr countr' *hich *|s giv€n lo lhem hr iheir forefalhers. W€ or€ merelt their s€rvanls, lnd s€rlants can acl only sccording to th€ wish ol their masters. @ Why sr€n't thc Americrns nghaing *i1h thc Ruisians then? To li8hl o superior enemy is like pralnring s new field to cullivate. Firsa you hrv€ to cLar lhc *€eds rnd blsh€s lhrl get in lour wrt. Only then rrill you b. .blc io cut down the big tre?. lf you rre *eak. nobody will lkren !o you cven tl$o8h tou bcg then to with Jour hands clrsped in fmnt ol you rs a sign ol homage. On lhc othct hsnd, if yoo .ne strolgr Fople t}ill rcsdilJ li$ten to you eren though you are sitling on h€rds. We mry then eren r€cover our motherl.nd *ithoot h.vin8 to fight rt all. OUR ENEMIT5 m;fEuffi-- meaninS succcrsivc Bunr*s€ goverm€nls Red Burm€se - me.ning th€ Communist Psrty of Burm. While Chines€ - meaning the Xuomintsrg rcmnrnls If you ..e€ to recogllze yoor .n.ny, then yoo will probably bccom€ his Buide *hen he con*s lo plunder rnd lay *aste to your villaqes and towns. The CPB is led by thc Burmesc. lt *orLs lor ahe good otthe BUIm€$. lr'! firished *ithout Chinese help. The KM'l rr€Chinere. TheJ work for their osn good. The' rrc linlshed oncr our Thri cousins stop brcking them. The Rrngoon regitne b dlo Burln€se. lb prim.ry mission is rllo the good of the Surmese. They're dore lor once we are united. Its for us, *e art Shrrs. We arc in our orvn Ld srd w€ arc world|r! for thc gurd of our o$n p€oplr. \le can never pcdsh even though no oulsiders lcnd us a helping hrnd. l0 The fate of thc Shan p€oplt is no! in o(her people\' hands. It s in crrry you fer. Only relirnce on ones€lf can see one lhrough. There ar€ p€ople who ere trying to persurde us to go .nd ent€r a crying cff 4st in front of d|e people ol Ote W€st. It wil he s milake Raliance on others can never to pey much allentiod to lhem. Wilhout th€ Burm€se. $,€ live. Withoul us. the Burmes€ don't. Enlighten yours€lf with this reslity, and we crn win the .Yar jl|st by keeping the Burmese out ltr aha cold l\H\ sHol_Ll) ofiu Bucol\lD A SoLDIER? ffiennr. lfon€ (ountr) can bc reeained bt pating homage. on€ should not s fight. Ketp lhb in mind: W€ arr no. paying hul onlt 1o lhc inlerests ot our p€ople. ft+ed !o drt€r p€opl€. A 5lrong armed forcc i\ a $arp tish bore ofa nalion. like a fish bone. il po*s a\ an obsla(le lo those sho *ish to seallon lh€ nati(x|. and. like a fNh lxne. it cln o|l fte irlsid,6 of th€ agrtssor nation if swallow€d. $ e h:rw ! p{'pulation of dghl milion nud€ up o{ one millixr families (eight membors t{, r famil! l. ltljach fanily furnishes a soldi€r, thcn we will have an anned force of one million tr(rlp6 and the rar will be won with ease. Shouldn'l elch familJ be r€sponsible for (on(ribuline one soldi€r? Vl€ should not hire substitules to $erre in our ovn arm€d forces bccause se are nol protccting oth(r nations |tul our v€ry own. You don't dodg€ de{h b} s{*ling mili(ary s.rvic. l ens of lhousands of our p€opl€ hav€ been killed during the lasl ]orlJ years becaus. of few enlistment in the nalional ,rmed force. Had thes€ p€ople unit€d to form. nalionel armed force, we could hrt€ s.ared the invaders olYjust bt our she(r numh.s lnd nohody would hav€ died. Even independent countrics h.avc laws nrtuiring er"ry able boditd citizcn lo enlist in the arncd s$rircs tbr a period. In Thailand' even the cro$n prince h.s lo s€rv€ in the Armt. By conlrdst, re are not indcpcndent yel $ alt we ool more rtsponsible for natfrmsl defense than olher peoplcs who are already independent? ll @ The p€ople come before the Armed Force rnd l|ot oth€.sis€. The pcople do nol b€long to the Armed Force, On the conarary' it is 0|€ Arn€d Forcr th*t belongs to lhe pcoDk. aut th€y musl be one rnd indivisible. HOW TO WACD A WAR Should $,e turn to thc regulrr co{rse of fighting .ll the lin€. In Iny Orittg, it b nor dvbehL, b.c&F we vo|{ ju$ tuln honE, p.opcrtl.s rnd th€ liv€s ol the pcoplc |nd soldiers inlo Plsythings ao rntcnlein ourselvcs. heaious litcs rG 161 but our land is not recorerad.Th€y sr€ sacrlficed n€cdlessly. A lr.r c.Dmr be fooght by foabving 0E c$urs€ of *tixt preyindy enploy.d. h the prst, the Burmatc lr€r. still grcen but no* th€y hrvc b..!me brltle - h.rdencd ard cip.ricllced. Use o$r brsins md find the r|,ay that will klll rhem, prot€ct us, ard s,in back our |rnd, Wc must compcrc our stren$h with lhat of th€ €n€my .nd slrive to bulH l|p ours until we are rbk !o conterd f,ith him. So ah3t lvhen th€ time ls rip€ hc ll/ill return our l.nd rrithout rcsortlng lo irr, md il w. sre comp€ll€d to tighr, w€ $all he in a po6ition Io def$t him in . seift campsign, Srges ssid th€re were live points to renr€mt€r : Frist, COMPARISON shich ft€sns to compire our strenght $ilh that l,Page l0 of tlrc enemy cnd slrite lo build up ours. Sccond. A( ( URACY ehich mcans lo mske the comparison lmm reliable information.snd intelligence drt!. Third, SECRECY to keep the €n€my In the dark about our plrns. Fourth, SPEED !o b€ s-rvii in tlE exc$tird of plr6 {d in milltrt} operalions. Fifth, AUDACITY to win a spRd] tietory, daring, decisiteness and determinrtion are indisDensable. if yo|| c.hnor defeot him' Don't Invite *nn ,* * ",*mJ him to come neer. Wht are odFrs b€ilg .ttrdcd nd .nEH dl the tirB? lt's b..ause ol ih€fu invitation virhout belng prepared to m€€t him. A nroqg.rEny Crcold be bn ahoe and l(apt in indukrtc€. Y(xr trke him onl) *hen he is olf guard. Our cruntry is not ofdcsens.nd plains lik€ som€ munlri€s. Lven thGc c{ontfi€s, d.qite thcs. hrndhlF, hsve won *ars. lf we, with rll the fscilities €ndowed by n.ture, crnnot win lhis war, we hste no on. elsc to blrtm bul ounelve!. *l 17 f,' I l3 FOR WHOM? Evrry Friy necds uiti9. So do $r. But f(r lrt|an? Not fq. Xhun Sq o. fd S{i lnk elher, but f(r ot|I sr.Ed caue : To €ryd 0r hv&s .nd tste beck our counary. w!!!LwtoM? With our people of rI mc€s from all retigious fsiths. WiO .[ O€ ditcrse gmups. bt rt|d smrl. of the Shrn Fopte. With th. r.tir.d r€6istrrc? fighters. WiO,ahe retird militir ncn. HOW? iiEE not bc besed on p€rsonrl ina€resls or btmd rutrtions. Fersor|al con0icis shor d bG bysorr b. bygone. ()ld lcuds slEuld not be r€counted, Don't runors uttercd by other peoph with dre .lrn to diitde h Don't ule ahem 9s slitrgshots distsnce. One should hcve eviderce to ao be throrin at one mother trodr r brct ort€'s charss. lf we hrw !o find fsult $ith oR smd|€r. rfEre w b€ no.odtB !o it. Inst€ad. it will b€ otrl] self def.stinl. ldle talk lile - Khun Sr, is h€ not r Chtne$? .. lrr ontv me.trt to divide uLs. Other nrtions rlso hrlc lerders *ho mnc trom Chinesc ba.*grounds ( lik€ Kbg Tatsin h Th.ilend and Aquino h the Philippires, and €ver Ne Win, himselt, in Bnrrne ), yrt Dobody h.s rnrde issu6 out oI thctrr. llo*€ver! it is . hig irsu. in oor country. Through whom |nd lrby? Th€ .[ &s plrin .5 c.r| lre. It b unwbe t4 dir(rimi||rac {8|tid dr aDodE d tb. brir d raial, cLss, culaurrl snd religious differencs. If one fultrlls th. bsric requiremcnt, i.e., to upbold the same MOTHERLAND, FLAG .nd SEALrrhit should b€ emurh. We .re dcliShted to l€lm rboui v.riour torcigt| .g.nci6, olt ]! to hdp forgE 0|e Sh.n nriitod udq. Ard l|t &a.rdy e$cqr.S. tbi *E il b e ixJ Ir ht rd d!ir, r fn{y p.otfdr$ f .trorrs._ But, .r|r| nnidy by tu rf th. hrrly e;id$6. stodd b. rdn&.d d higiryaalas b *Ug|'6 ot cr. orn rfrirs. Il? dnid rl.lize hom pcn e4eri.!E tlnr- w6 Jprla through dcp.dencyon ourdders th.t th. Slun pcopla hsvc suffered, slbttld bGt W-. t.l wlsr sorhne ehe faris, yur llt stl t@ rcady io ssy il s 8ol a ple6ant $r|ell. Bul t(xl ftfi$e to lism rvlEn aE of tool olrn people sp'aks' Jlrsl l€l m€ n\l lou $ho ]r'u art? t).xr I rel\ (n th( Burlr|t r. both 8|Il( atd R€d alik' and llrc lrhftt Chineje l; bring alnui our unitJ. Uten though th€v are ftghting a*annl each olhrr. tldobvblr\ fa(t is ftsr it is ('|lr o*n poti and Frns lhat ert snu$h.d dnd our or|n p(tDl( $h' hare lo b€ar the bnrnt of lheir f€h xt (an I'nlr lhem sood hat'i tht\ doth ftr u\ rn\$ar': I {conren a\ tlxir l*dpan\' and u\ing our eatinc our shan slatr h it;ol at"o r ta( lhal ihmuqh thLm' lar8t rill,g€{ in big hidr dtar'|att' lltconlf ('l€s. {ffi hatr srnall at'd srnall hrre b.n,n€ *ays har€ brclxn€ s|rAI n'ad tr.l<|.\. the rth lt€tonx Frtr ad tlt€ pmr beconr btflFrs and pro{ilule\l' lliai codtl.. hol th.l hart to li'tefl lo d|€ h? want to tins. llhal rit ril lh dv;.'UI We wsnt to rcly oo our l.s ({rtlsins kn. bul thel halt to li(€n to th€ we sbo war lo rdy on d|r Chitrr. neightrcnt. bul rine th€irs b a hl4e frndy ttrh n;r r|drtl6 i0 feed. ther- .r€ bus} att'rdhg to 0E rE& of o$n P.oPk. So. it w€ don | ftlr ar ah olh.r. slt can $e tum lo? Sorlr (ountri€s ,r* t*,. rttr frrnxfs with lar8e rtor6 't ri? se.ds. Thc! wodd no{ jttd iw ll*rn a*at jtl51 lrcrF *€ sa} $e wd b rcelly s'riout rbui s"" "i.t. ff"t *o,rta $s{ to kro$ if se wet !o do [' l,e stt h2lth and slrow &n rm ric. aira 'not|8h "|cOlef E ar|d ft'rgk lot alt ft'bL if b-'r &p.r -t rydaxr finm lh.rn dne .dids. wh; Jnid re nr so nrrh dlantin tt lo$er-shsriB wh'i d[ L t r,i *t *r dE g.rr(rs .|d r?g'in d|r ltttt DorYdb -# " 0t 9.t .rll? f+h!. rrt eterl hrrP b bow llon 5..1 i qr F{r!'J di c nit" 16 - ntr-unit oa Bdd.r Pbud Folit Ec th [to."&if.r *" uAt rnO tHtt fq tl|e power rvhih wil slow un PG4L Or o atg f lrll i ot . ;rdda. rldn|t ftet of dt(ti|nbsr|. hold r Lr p.rt+6 yor ft6f pdttr io h. b odEr dh!' 'td Krn J'r|I,' oa lr"i[ b. ft.r.d t! th .*d "fud Ad to b' dE IGLP dlt .d ui\€, narov-r' JCii\' r.#ir' * o-!dv l, tu| td rlo fpr tb rsriq d bciq wtD& NARROW, HAnD. .d SOFT. r'tr)i nsns to lc uca - mid.d. To lc|olr it b Us ev6| thoogh $c sw€ar at 4.ll oth€r tsn tirne. r day. l5 NARROW IIARD to keep your att€ntixl within th€ boulds oa y(I|r netio. To kI|ow it b THEM even tlmugh OEy bral lqr lEn tirrE a dey. nsr|l ftm in your prlxipl€s. strong your en€mbs nuy be, m€ans to b€ SOFT lne.E ro be t€xibh in ya|r irlgs with tlE p€@. TI|e Sovi.t Unin ce.ded in for|nirg lb Itdis- tud be unyidding however to be gdde in your d€d a|rd Chinr, with hutdreds of mcts .rd hibcs, suc If we, witft y 25 r.cs, cannot do it, lve dins, fl alt ufirq$J oa sr ind.Ael|d.d te, I aln rtaly $€d with p.ople who rlt not happy lrith 0r unmca tim €{torts. lt b s tllfl4h dtey srE straid of rcgrinilE tHr mothcr - bnd. Hsv c.n they d thflxdYfs Slsts? Th. p(!bb|r ot tlrivttg (,rl the invad.t b fl|r ld( rt herd, It @|||of b. p.dlored bd.fotdy. Ho{cvtr, ftthLlE dtutg 16 c.n b. Frr d und w€ hrw undislEd th bd( oa eredlturg rI tlr ftun olu courfy. Then, if {€ stil wi* to sdl oul pmblcltrs drt, lv€ can, by trnldiy d|g*, # Jrn86 b rffi.r Ji& fG us [-l ft 't I ;!llllf I'r :q \ L tb .\ l6 RACIAI, AIT'AIRS fr=EEiffiot'ry m.dirBb brEd - dE nqinity in the Shan Sr.!e, stbuld b minded ard g€r*tq|s. Why b Eurriu ahr.Js h! nfrlxil? It b bcaus€ th€ BumE€ n€v€r wanl to €l€v.t€ sny rG oth.r than rh€ir ovn. W€ canrnt folle$ the Bunnese wry if *r ldi$ fn s peful and pm6p€roir nrlion. We must prorno(€ odFr thetr tlp Trb to b€coflE mlional lead€rs. Whaver.ftar.s raid ctnffds m6l pry wilh hb own ffe-l don't see enJ ,llarttrlive couls.. Yor hsv. to rwiv€ thb F$tshmed ev€r| rs dl though yoo etlrnplsh€d miny merilorixE deeds thmoghort Ev€ry Bum|€se who wirlEs ao SIate b abo rrvelc(frr !o The Dr6€nt Eht tor jdn dtr rrnl$. the Indeperd€mt of tlle Shrn Unin of Burma can be likened to an oocn human hand. 'Ihc seven states sre the fing€rs snd Burma a nul in the depreli\ion in lhe palIll s ctnler. if eveD firyer is sliong and c{h ad in (r,r|(1rl *ith lh€ rest. lhc nul (an be crushed wilh eax. Wc supF rt. h prirriple. th. fsrn tion of a Unitd Fror{ silh oft€r nati.rnals. €.e.. Arakan. Chin. Kschin. Karenni. Karen and Mon. Howcver, th€ prescnt United l'ront is inedvi$ble. It is werk i resolulions are msde b l cannot br carried orl i meetings are for difers gouF to (!.n€ rnd erg*€ in eodhss qturr*. A FRONT, Jes; but UNITIID, r|o. lNlcad of devoling th€ir lim€ lo Brest th€ir tcrritories back from the Bu.mere, th€f, are only conc€ntraling on thc Dosscssion of territory from one another. Pl€lsing to lhe eyes and ears bul il has no r€al forc€ to back up its blufis. This kird of Lnitd lnmt n eds no 6Eny to crlrr|e ard bodEr. lt wil dbint€gnt€ If too keep on spending lour mon€y, €xhs'|llin8 Jour ammunition rnd pit{ing yol|r one ageins lh€ €r|€rnJ's ttn, you oni} bring su|feri|E t{r r"our osn people, death to your troops at|d frustraiion to your sacred caus€, Hoe €n this mode of w.drr€ - fithting wilhout sufli(itnt strength bring fonh rictoQ? Thct sat the r*ational Demorratic Front adhcrrs lo lhe frun -;:iirld ignores.'lh€r me ho* $€ aft B,'ing lo $in:' I)or I lel lhcr( fmplt hlranguts mak€ lou saver. ll r hale lh€ legal clsim. silnessed bt none other t7 dnn the Bri&h. If ftati.5 rI€ ordy to b€ brolcn later, wlnf,s d. pdrt oa rtrddn8 lh.'n I rI? | soletlmly ||Ige yqr mt !o r.rdLL. Have complele faiah in your cause, in yoorselyes, in your lcsdeisl end in your orgenizatiol. Our !'olicy concerning the pre.ent Uniled Front is thrt of ragehcnt rnd lri€ndly Persuarion. Bxou- l8 I don't grow poppies. I'm working for thc fredom of my counlry. It is my p€ople *ho grow them. And, they arc not doing i( for fun. They do it because the) ne€d 10 buy rkt lo €at.8nd clothB to $esr for lh€msrlves rnd lheir famili€s. I hrven't heard anlrrherc lhat they are growing it for'th€ sake of d€stroying other nations. To gros !n slternalive crop. our People need road\ lo transporl rhei producrs lo markets. But the Aurmese do nol csre to build them, Our toSether wiah orher fruits, iust rot ar+ay. On thc oth€r hrnd, opium n.eds no roads. The m€rchanls are riSht ther€ rt th€ir doorstep6 or rt th..ntrrnc6 to lhcir poppy fields lo buv it. Thl Shsn DeoDle do not the knoe - ho* and colnettions lo !o d !d;siqics tbrrd. Th.'t b m qium in th. diTlr] t,ffi 6f the stores. nobodr bothcrs to plicc rds' and drug enforcement omcirb rrc orrmine aroDod wherev€r Jou go Yet our opium hss rntnaSad lo ltrval to yoor coutrtrhs, thanls to Joor own drug 3mugglcrs. I d;-t sor|, poDr*s rnd I dm t d..l h dq8s. t'|Il iusr my p€opb s seryut. lhhlrtrg to win brc* our 161 lud. I &.r't lika- dru5, I th.rn. Fff I In wd r*rft af the dangers lh.r Do6e for h-umrr lo.hties. Thtt is eh' I hrvt oftered lo help c di;ll dEnt cv.r i|E 197t, wih my dr vs dr|. Thb ofrer still stands. We nsrd orium eredi:rtix 6 o|rr dut] eve$ thordr nohody catt! to heli us. dne of our llrsl jobs .thr Indep?ndcnc€ will be ils era dication. PoDDv cullirslion wai terminaled inchins becaus€ il hrd it! own lhe ro" By lhe rsme logic. the termination of poppies inShen Stran State i" i;separable with lhe set up of rn indcp.nd€nl sorernment. Th€ indeprndenl Chin€se Sowrnmeni n€ver found tlr€ _,r..a dt"n to.*bt gowrfiftnrs !o do it. Nej0!6 w o *"r *r "tg. L.e.lization of druP5 is not comm€ndsblc. The proFr l*ay i5 to loii gl"*ittg p.ppi"". f tl|er€ b no PoPP' pbn. m ld*er ein 0|ett h'rnr aealeis ina even il lhe) th€ mon€v lo buv il' I rcck;n thcrt srt only t*o p€rsons in thc $orH sls r'allJ $ant to stoo oDiumi the prre;B oflhe .ddict rnd l. mls.lf. The olh€rs .It loo buly tnckinC political ind financirl Profil5 oul ol it - lh'v erc just it mlt really end. l9 To ftEc O|€n rt.p.clive p.opl€s, th. Kehins rcly on their jrde fi€Us, the Ksrens on th€ir timb€rland, snd ee Shsns on our orrn p€ople. How€ver, our people have no choice but lo grow opium for th€ir srl'6b1€ncr. Strrrssive R.ar4oon gov.rflrEr lor this stote of rffeirs. s haw been rcspocith U.S,DRUC FOLICY f,Gm?GTEn art its lesal own€rs. R€pft.enting tlpm, coop€rste eith you but you h8v€ repea redl! shul tour eyes .nd esrs lo my offel. The real culprirs, e.g. the KMT remnants. are rrell protected by Sa.te I have€lessly otlered 1o - Y(x| dofl'l h{ve tl|e guts to cfferd th€ eoveflun€nts of ind.perdent counlri€s thal grow rnd dcal in drugs. But your courage i5 lruly outstending when il com€s to os pcople who hav€ losl our hunen righli. - On the one hrnd, you hrvG hired Thsi troops to rttsck us forty times during which lives and property wcre lost but th.t meenl nothine to you. On. noteworthy f.ct $,hich crme out of th.s€ nu mero$ a{.rul.s was no druls hrd GvGr bt.n s€izad, On th. othcr hrnd, yor h.v. hircd Burm"s€ troops to cotrahrue thcb GuFtin camltgtns rgrnrs1 dE Shen p.ople. Yo|i eho gcve them drng€rous herbicides to sprry on our people. Their fruit srddc and rtc€ psddies l'tft d.stoyed. Tlt s(i be.arr unftt for cultitraion. Poultry rnd liv€stock werc slrln. As . result th.y could no mo.e n y h d*ir old s.ltLmenbi |xioE cqdd they rmv. I|ywh.ll €be. hopl€ w€ft r€p.{t€dy p.oldbitd ftcn visr'li!8 n|e, whcc cdr|. is to hclp you. ls thb ihc v.y to shos. your r.sFct tor Joor fello* hum3n beings? ls tbk the vey oa dcmocratic countri.s? ls thb th. lr.y of lh. rule of l.w? Or lr! only Anr.rlc.ns considcred cs hutnln b€ings? Ar. lr. t|o{ .liglble to be cbssifi.d as human b€ings !lso? Is thb thc rtgt $ry io nop opium, considcring th€ ever incrc.sing produ.lior dcspit. your hv .nforc.mcnt ellorts? Befor. your countr} becamc s drug - cru?rd soci€ty, lhe Britbh rrd yorr orvr Foplc thcr$.lv€s h8d b€€n in th€ for.front of drug running, f..diDg Ari.ns with opium. *hil€ thr Germons *€re doing it with hen in. But you dkt not h,ther to blame anybody. Hower€r, now thrt yo rre ulr to Jour neck in drug addiction. Jou just pick llp Khun Sa and s.l it is his fault. Why? 20 It P|rI$tE r !e[ - dde.llE podcy by eopbynB ofi' FrnnB lt d$ forc6 tlc ShrI people to gron mone lnd more poppies. Persirt on it for moaber 60 strd ihc r6{lts wil stil b. tl|e !.|n rld probobly wil b€ worse. h tle yd| pld.ed oul I-o Sit|g - Han G yDc An r his dcparturc, you pick€d m€ out. I h.v€ no doubt th3t you ll be ablc to litld rnother sclpcgost .ller I rm gonc. You, yours€lf, sre th€ one *ho's .frrid of thc end of opilm. Yan m€tlrcd. You, yoursclf, ar€ the orc g,ho hrs betrry€d your own nrtioo. You, yours.lf, rr€ th€ one rho hrs m.deyour Fopl. suffer for so lolg. P.oplc gol f.d op .rd it brd !o b. *ith tdetr the CIA'S mcddling rft€r thc Victnrm W.t to the brcl roe. To repb.t it, thc DEA vfl clt.tad Like lls predecessor, the CIA wh€r€v€r ih. DEA goes, Ame.k D polilics folows. lr grrh6 Brngkok's hrir with oD. hand rd R ngon's wltft the oah.r, snd neddles in th€ir in&rnd rfirirs. In 0E .rd, tb th. DEA its.lf lhr. hrs becn rEloruitte for thc Airn druar in Ari.ric.. You hrv. to ]tvh€ your drug polky. If you don'r. mort Doppies f,iI be gmtrtr, morc !o ia nill rrrive or tbe s.:coe. By rnd by, you t'ill tlnd difhculty itr choosing .ligible c.odi.bacs for your ht r prcid.rci6. h Ari. itself, thcrc will be borc turtnoil r|rd itrslrbillty. It i5 noa th.t ahe Shsns arc rtrdd of you, they h3ve priisrt with you so fsr. Il is only be.suse they do not t8l€ r to the other politicd systems- Stop t€lling ui th.t our frle r6lt with you. Tbt kird oa .trogrn.t brrxr8ht you d.fe.1 ard shfiE in vifiem. Sfap b.luvirB s if yo.r |Ir rb. ddy m thrt mrtL.s in thb *orld. It is of you th.t lh€ freedom ol the Shro p.opl. b|5 d&y.d - so hs th ftt€do|n of 0r x/6U tom Srllrn Sl& qi!n. WHAT SHOULD BE DOND Idql of sttscking us, you should erEge in 1eshi4 our P.oplc to gror rubstitute crop6, build rord! for lhem rnd buy th€ir .gricul tural products. I|g oa ddivrri|r8 ld lFbiid.. to lh.m yot Sd& 8lw th fo.d. d&g rd trEIhiF. Ard' yan w b. h dt P.od.'t Fyets d.J |rd rlaht. Ev.r it I horns. frnSt .nd . tril' Fopl€ should b. .llovcd to visilm€ and verify the am the king, isn'1 it just one more resson you shoold emPloy rDy s€rvices ao stop it? Il I Hoe can you exped dre Shsn pe4( to slop odum *irhrrrr them sssistence end restoration of lhcir riqhrs in r€turn? ; I'O 'I'HE PIjOPI,E OT THE SHAN ST Al }, we don l hare lo fear arybodr. Our conscience i\ clear. We don t gro\r opium lt) commit injusticc to anr"bodJ.On lhe contrary. it is *e lrho sre suflering all the injusriccs m€ted our bv outsiders. lsn t it bitl€r and outragmus io be used as pawnl br outsiders? Som€ don't eren hare th€ Jilighteir hesiiatior to maniputate us for their greedJ int€rests despit€ hrriog blood relationship. Are *e goang to k€€p on submitting lo this kind of humitiarion? OIh€rs ar€ eetting all the rnoreJ and 8lorl, while ne are gerting dl lhe blame. If we are 1(l g€t atl the blamc. il is jusl as Fe that t+e 8el all lhc monriJ and glor! too, I.€l us stand up tog€th€r to rcversc this situation. The road to Shan IndeFndcnce is thmugh the opium issue berausr in lhc slrategic calculalions of the superpow€rs our Shan Stst€ is only a small countrJ which is t€tter ignored, except for its opium producaim. 9) we musl sfiv€ to keep it under controt .t all tirEs. lhinking cssually all along, the Eurmest have succetded only in brinsing moft porerty ro d*ir peoPle. Bunna us€d to bG ecrrflrfi:rly me gdrgncd lhat Thailsnd bul I|o$, il i! b+hind tht bn.r. t,rrEe numb€rs of banknotes hsve be€n continuatly printcd rnd put inlo cimrlrtin. Bul ttEy hrve b.etr abl€ to Fri€ve or y a t, lh of whrl ther lel oul. The resl rhc! Ino$ not hos lo 8et lhem b3cl br urine lo*down nrernoar Ure 6ffifi66ib6 B! thcir nui*rous airs of uqiusr rule. rhey hrve foiiil?lGrilfilaith of th€ir D.ople' And. without the Fopk's failh. th€ir att4mprs to rcgetErca4 .Cd|o|ny is hoDeless. For its own survival they are selling lhe country's rich nrtursl resourc€s st knockdown prices. Bul (heir quick receipls are only mstched by their equallJ quick outlays which are on the ahol€ wastage. They can keep on doing it tor all I car€ cnd wc mal €ven get our country back wilhoul hating to fight if the e(onomr is *eak, our brave soldiers can neve. betome good fi8hters. On ahe contrar], €ren our inf€ or soldi€rs crn b..:ome good lighters if the econofiy is sarong. the buildop of rhe ecooom! must bc Proportionrt€ to th€ bulldop ofour military power, Th3 buildup ofour military power, in lurn, must b€ pmDortionate to tlp Burm€s€ militarl strqrgh in lhe Shln State. Don't imilate Zsofrhs' ( Shsn prlnces' ) way of proturing lh€ir reyenues : by organizing gsmbling houses. TheJ can only 8dd to lhe pcoplr's suferingr. Thefu aft lh6r sho onlr lo rob our o$n p€ople. holding lhcm as ho6tages and d€manding huge ransom moner. $hilc saying.ll lhe timelhey ar€ *orking for ihe good of th€ people. lf thoy reallr" lrlnt to lle|p Ihe people ard kno$ no other $al to h€lp lhcm €xctpt by mlrbir4; wht dm't tlEy stage bank rdits and hdaclcs in RrBoo.l and othrr foreign cities? We c5n lrin lhis war not b! demsnding loo much of th€ Fopl€' tel srlbfying thc ne€ds of our troops Mon€v knoss no €nemi€s or n€lional boundarir\. W( (;nnot r\pccl cooptraiion liom anl fi,reign sov€rnment riSh( no\ . Ilul sc can from thc D.iral( seclor' 'lca(h people ho* lo make moncl. Bncoursg€ them in the free cntcrprisr sr_slem. li,u wish lo develop Iour nalion !3 You \rish to attrin Nirvans But ifyou don't pay proper sttenllon and food, you must be dreaming. 1o acquiring sh€lter, clothin8 The Shans and Tb.b sre alca llnsm.n. The Shans revere His Majestv th€ King no l€ss thsn th€ Thais. We are well aware that wilhout him, this part of Asia will berome s hotbed oftrouble. W€ are also a*ar€ that with His Mqi€sty in the lead, th€ Shans together $ilh lhe l,ao cousins vill be frer asain and Asir will become a zone 0f prr$ and tranquillitt. Wilh lhr lnd€pendence ol the Shan SlaIe, th€ country \rhich will benefir th€ mosr $ill be Thailand. l hcrr $as onc'ltai om(ial $ho. $hil€ visitins me, spoke ill of the Lmlians and th€ Vi€hames€. I said : .. It'$ not their faull. lt's the tunerilns ard drc Russians' and Jours. Y, oor faul lies in d€Fdiqg ioo much on the Ameri€lr|. If tou hate corrage cnough to stand on tour own feel and Iak€ the lead, we can rlso b€come a pow€r 1o be (onsidered wilh in the world. " lron't conducl forrign relstions on the basis of politicd cr€€d bul on lhat of nrtioml intcr€st. Wa crnr|ot bacofita Caras to any nadon bul, we can btcont youEer baothers becaus€ ours is r small nstion. WG e|noa betor|E srefeG to rny mtixts, hn te el be dEn bcottt fri.nds. The U.S. .nd the USSR crn dford to rdvoccte the Flicy : " Fight thosc nerr and bcfriend thc. .frr "i bul n'c c{trtro1 follorv rn thcir t€F. In conEss, oUIs b : " E frind il|6e lrar rnd rvin over tl|6 afrr. " We have no desir€ to fight with anybody Gxc€or th€ Burmesa rf,ho hsve Invgd€d our country. I I I & I li) D( POTITICAT CREEDS No political creed can pr€vail orer the inlerests of one'\ nation. That is why ther€ is the Sino Soricl (onflict. IJ thc \ame (r,ken. thlt is wh1_ there is ihe lran lras srr. h i! throush polili(d creds thal $c hare the problem of displa(ed, uneanted (hin€s€. lf $€ loo are idcol"gl crazed. it sould nol surpris. me lo se€ displa(ed. un$rnicd Shans in the future. Politicol creeds are formulaled on cach countr) s characlerislics. Onr coun(r)'s charactcristicr are not idenliral lo anolhtr's. Il is $€ftfoft un"{se lo pattern one (r)untr--r atur alrcther $ith ditTercn! ll lre a.rpl amther nation's ideol(ry), it i\ likc lctting its p(\)pk ridr on our backs. We can never cxrrriso rreedom of motem€nt and Contrary to our expe(lalion\. $e did nol rcccirc anJ aid evcn rftcr we had adopt€d their polilical srstems. lnslead s€ *ffe cven jumped on and lrampled orer. I*t us har€ our o$n polilical cre€d. Surelr $e can afford lhal. We dor| t hare lo brcom€ stepsons and s(epdaughler! to an) foreign countrJ. What tjnd oa polilirl s)|1ern sl|al ee adopl? Th€ allsrer nusl co|r|e frun th. nqtnit consent of our Fople. Aft4r aI, il k their (r)llntr! and rie are m€rely th€ir senants. I "t '? f, a -.f I ffit 26 Hotr ale the Alnnese snd th€ Whit€ Chin se shle to exerl tlEir will ln our lsnd which i! cornpletely forcign to th€m? lt is br(.|ts€ of our shortcomings. Or bodies sre like machines, th€ longer we use lhcm, the poorel th€ir cspscities b€come. Unlike ihem, our brains 8re like knites, lhe morc we *hcl th€rl, th€ shsrpcr lh€y become. Therefore, wc can l.l our bodies .ge, bul our brrins. n€ver Don'l behave like druns and goqs: Tltey lnate sounds only slrcn beaten. Acl like clocks : The] sound ofi evcrytimc the netdhrises. I lranl to ask those p€ople who refuse to improvr th€mselves : Are you afraid of Shan State b€comlng ind€p€ndenl? " HISTORICAL SICNIFICANCE OF MONC MAI " THE SHAN ARMY BASE Exerpled fmm Seo Saimoru Mangrli's " Tl|e Shan Slrl6 r'ld d|€ B.itish Ann€xeaion " MorBrui or Mo.E Mru ss T€lLd in mrF .td dd rt({.6, wss founded b! the f.mous Zaofsh ol Mswkflsi, Khuo Nri Noi ( lE44 lllllT ). b€tter known .s the Kolsn Sawbws " betcus€ " he $rs reporled to hsve be€n sble tojump acrods a length of nin€ hn I 9 f.thon$ ) $ilh lhe h€lp of his long sptri which, it is s8id, h€ d"ays cr.ri{ rhout, togcrher with hb mus&er. Kobn s€e|ni to hrve b€en . mrn of crctpaiorC str.ngth |nd € hciShl for N Shen. lt is s|kt th.t vhcn hc saa on bb hrumhE with his kntes up, his two lnecc.p6 rere or the ssmc l.vGl ar his he.d. and the lhr€€ poiols *.rc lil€ncd to the threc cooling - pot stoncs of a Shm kitrhen, As f.r .s tcrritorics south of Ms*kmri wer. conccrn€d, Kolcn wrs no p..cefnl neighbor, lor he csni.d on nidin8 foruls in to Kaftflni snd the t'old Thsi territory of M- Hong Sbrn' .nd it is th.l nothirB cluld srand in hb *ry ooce h. nnde up hb mid lo E) lor efirin objecliv6. L.g.nds |bout Kols's cddb crn fl b€ heird lrom old peoph of Mowkmri. " HG urd thmen inro Brrr|.se Fison fn hir rtn6C b ttcognize Burm€s. ruthoritt. He nsde a speci3cular .nd eent €6t of lhc $lwcar and founded tl|€ dbtrkl of Mongnri frr|tn *hich he €mbarked on a 20 yearlong slruggle lo regain his land. the effort which paid olf in the end. t1 DuriB hb n f? h rbo t6l Mr Ho|!g So.r, serd.d by Slu lrom M.*kmai Nnd Moogn.i, and rcplsccd th€ Zromong thcr. *tth hb nke, NsrlB Mlr, d6.rih.d .s " . ldy of sdrr di{.r.Lr ". AftGr Kolsn's, his son' Khun Mung, succ.€ded. Al his succescion Nsng Myr *ithdrc* h€r, " My. rro& ao l|er (qtin. $. Mrwtnni Scrrblra, 1o say th.t 3 i1 h5 dccid€d in B&tgkok thst rll in th. lcrritories of th. b.lo.Ecd l,o S!|tn, lE C[lrH ma iri4fferr h rh. ftrn|rt dr&ifdal of Mong Mau " together *ith Mr€ Hong Son. Sro S.inrong ctntino€s : " Shortl} rfter this th€ whok disl.ict wrs oi,erntn by M.c Hong Iiorn Shrns rnd r p.rtJ of som€ m or J0 t 106 cstablbh.d thems€lves at Taheepong hoisting ahe Whit€ flr8.....,.. wh€n the British Boundary Commlssion cross.d thc Sd*..|r fmm Mrwlsnsi into tl|. darpotad .E , tlFy wer? rl( rl tlE polnt r,lnr! th. rEd l€ft tlE rivcr toerrds Mong M.u by r tn{or of lhc Sbrr.3 Army, Lu.rU R.nRon. vho dcscrlb€d hlmself .5 r n mler of th. Siamcse Comlnls.sion rrd " *.lcorEd M. Ney Elii.s ittto Si.mcs. lerritory ". Atlcr rn Inquiry *hkh hrd establish.d Lct5........1h. Srwb*r of Mrlfkmsi w.s told lo rcsunrc the .dministr.tion of th. .rr.. Th. Srvb$r etdEtd . loftt of J{tr |tEn and *Ln h. |p! hefor. Hw€pong aerry th. Si.m.* Srrrison wilhdre*. " It 116 fcnr[y ft.rord to M.rfurd......" o|r 17 th Ocioh.', l8gl.KfB CftdCn$nr oa tihm .nd th. Srt$r Mhbcr d 8&4kd( fo.mrlly€d m{rs sfto$/ing the boud.ry lln. rs lt .pp.rrs lod.y. " PROPOSAT FOR ERADICATION OF OPIUM FROM THE SHAN STATE " GOLDEN TRIANCLE " I ] JUNE 1989 I L OVERVIEW : A5 thc crFndllu.e of *orldeidc drug supprtrrbn fuid! gm*s so docs lhf produc-don fid distributbr oa opium products. Billior$ of h.v. la rFot to stop dru8s, y.t|'.'linl han |b (;o| Trb|rllc h rL.dily ..cC.r.d. In l9t6 mo.e thD 9m lon3 p.s..d ihro{gh lhb rf!r. Th. aigure incrus.d to 1,200 tons h 't9, This ye|' productlon vill .xc€cd 2.(m tons. Eristing druS sopensrkn p.lgB|ns .nn't *ortiqg. How do you thint $ch mormous shipments c.n b. erported from Ihis rndcrdcvclop.d rlSioo witl|o||t th. bcdg..., cl€arrrKts, .|rd involvdrFrt 26 of coftupt .uthorities? lt ccn't rnd is isn'l! Tax paler dollars onlt imrcase th€ incentives ol lho6c involved in drog supprersion to inc.ersc the tlo* of nrrcolics, 'l h€re is e positir€ solution. 8y uprooling all opium plants th€rr cen be no prtr€siing of heroin. Thc p.obbm$ a,iociated *irh sddilbo would go alral. di\amdry tt|6 lrho lroold legdire drugs. Witlin fire lo lreren yerrs, opium from lhe (;oldenTrisngl€ can b€ cxtinct! lle havc th€ capobility ard the d6ire. $t *ill do lhe lfort, buI $e need Jour help. The TRC ( Tai Revolutionar! Co ncil I ha5 no* unified all 3J Shrn principalilies snd provides recognized lcrden$ip and r€prescnbtion over 8,0m,000 Shan State p€opl{:. lhr lR(' is r l€gitirMtc governrrnl - in€xil€, organizrd with a Co|r\titulk,n and funclionel br.nches pataerned eller the Uniled Slate!. Progr6\ through tree eflterpris€ and progrrnrs cantinu€s d6pite opprBi\irr efTorts by the Burme.€ Sochlisl and Communist prrlies. Th€ Sh.n Slcl€ " Mong Tsi " Army is an exceplionalh dfuciplined, equipped, rnd spirited self defens€ folce thrt $curcs our borders lrom all inv.ders. Th€ solldaritJ ol our lr€€ p€oplc iEurrs oor ca inued saarriry. We co|bla o||r ngbo ard lhe drws thrl pas$ through it. We cln stog th€ trrmcking and eliminat€ rll fulure growing. To do it or y requires rc$onrble assislrncr and c:oop€rrtion in repbcing our €condnk &pcnd€ncy on poppies. It must b€ r€m.mbc.€d thrt wc are not the g€nesis of th€ heroin problem. ll w&s the Britirh th.l €xploiled .ultivation rnd pd lrws to prd€cr di{rihnin of opium that addit€d }r-.{ ,{&. DurinS the French Indo.hinr era dru8s continued to b€ u!€d lor politicrl |nd.ommercial advant ge by for€ign interests. 'Ihe Americen CIA Colonel Edl|ord G. l,ansdslc reported in Jull 1953 to his suFriors in W$hinglon. D.C. th8l the french milit8r! h8d booght up lhe entirc 5J ooium harver( on ord€rs of tb€ fr€nch Comm.nder - in - Chief,Cen€r.l Rroul S8lan. The opium w&! lrd €xp(rr. Thmueh tl|€ U.S, trri in, l}.s .crll.rsted to hclp linanct CIA ntercrnar! erprnsion campoigns ln 1,co6 ind Crmbodi.. lt r|lri further us.d to d{!,t'ot thc *iI of thc Arn.tirn Fo0L !t lmm. .nd on lhe fclds, Todry th. operalion rcnrin6 thc ssm.. only r fe* ol rhe n.mes changed as people hav. di.d or bcer promoi€d. Aner fte (:(|rnmunH trteo1er itr IylS . thc CIA stc*@ ee{pons in Thdland and the PftilipdrEi ro continm oFrs tins h Shcd|.a,r Aria. llerIi't provides the n|ear!,r. (Frials an u*e nown to lhbon for sah heroin prodoction the laundrt of funds ihrough inlernationsl hankr. Mslia conlacls 29 bndle *orldwide distriblaion. W. wcr€ not surpri!.d to ham of Mr. Richsrd Armit{ge's rppointmonl .s U.S. Assistrnt€arry of strae for Easl Asia. He is rell knorn to us rs . k€v mrmb€r of thc CIA leam. His po6itioo ov.r this psrt of th€ *ortd will rssure buliness as usurl *hilc arsuring his inrolyamcot. It b beca|se of tlb d.lrud fff l|erdn thd we rfl p|.tvct|t.d fmm 6trblishing a legd eronomy, We Shrns hsvc slav.s to west4n Sov€f|crE sr.ttf de.lirys vhi(t hcve Fisdrd t}e lrorld's F?oldin. ftr rLl4rrnit tih 1o fre o|rsdve5 h6 to thb led.r of rpp.el. We hsve fofted ro rdy on opium f6 our liveliM. The Americin DEA supplics rh€ Bu.mes. Soci.llsts with aircrrfl, chemicrls, rnd other flsources whicb ere us€d sgainst our paople, dcnestic animrls, food, crop6, .nd w.tcr. Public relrtions glorify supp.ession r€sults *hilc ahe *orld continues to overd6c. The Sha.| Stste pmpoasl is clerr, cod etfici.nt, and con dusiv€! Toad $.t€ss wil ]r{uin only five lio scven dcFdirB upon the degr€€ of externd cooperation, We musa hrv. dipiomra[ $pport ao rerlrein Burme6e sggresslon, open commerclrl trrda rootes l}itbid Thrilsnd, end legsliz. for€ign acoesr to oor r6oort.s. W€ must l|sre frurriC sliif.nce to conpar6afe grol/ars .s thcy uprooa their poppy croF. Sp.cirlisrs wil hrve io srrbcdtrt l€Silimate dt€rn.tire6. We sill necd hclp prcp.ri|rg for domcstic and industrial exDsnslon. following iJ s mstrix ootlining our plrn for ccotlofiic -Th€ r{ I I' -l 'l I 30 ET '-6 E9 -iE "O BBB F ir:ad. ?tt =2 lFf;ire I rT E l rt '98"3F 5,"E"' ?! E!!EE ?FE:t *FgTE ti \: x q 5 d-", g d! E ! sI a ; .a t! r.:E rEI EFT )z= I:I " 3, Lir' ;6 EE= ,12 x-; t5E z i5z 26. 3; ?iE d; Zd -i8 i= 'Ii lz -rE '!i ;6 a8;::: Iiril I ,if*iiI F ;8: lr9 9; 6E!l i JI III. CONCLUSION : lhrre be no mistalc. se htte lhc dcsi.r. {ill. lhililr. -h .nd sr.nd rcadr t,' *ipr oul opirm the (iolden lrianllr' do thk $ill trl. eme tine. diplomati( coop€rati{'n. lNh.iol!\si\t!me. snd RDrl. $e ,.e nol lq'ktuq fd a hddout: lhr.hp.!n* hare correcll! opined lhal lho Shrn slep ot a brd of Sold . Orr unlrpprd .rsouRrs are eell knolrn. We art *ilhrt to shart our $ealth in erch!trq for thc opporlunily lo.harl our de(ir! lrs a free p@ph. I hu\ far sr hr\r hld no rhoie bua to supplt ille8al tor ill u* br Fredl indiridual\. orqanirclion\. rM to re.nimenb. rlr hrr. be.r lihel.d _ thc $orld s *or!t crimrolh ' bt thN $ho solld kc€p u5 t on oblrinin8 otr. hi.IhriSht.'lheir accusations arc rcltrclions ol their oso quilt. I-bey lrrte 8itttr us no option. To \urrire $e hrv. h.d to ulisf! lhei. demrnds. 'l he l'rnglong ASrenent of 1947 Btrblishe. our ri*hl to b. rn indeDe.dttri nliion sl.le. Wc Nrc as difler€nt trom lhe Burmrsc as 0rr lrench. Getmans. llnElisb. ltali8ns, Ameri(Nrrs. aod Mexirn\ {ft. To cleim er in&D+nkre m must }uvt { rilble leSitimate Fonom!. for *hich *e h,rr the resourcs. No$. sith you. hrlp. thir .d bftome a rrslit! shile riddirt lh€ sorld ot a enemt. hrroin. Prcsidrnl (;@r8e Bush is not likel! 1o supporl our plan. T@ nan! of hi\ asso(irtrs hav. tE r inrolred in drut rrht({ op€.alions. Wr ccl uodersland his diltmma. but his cotnpassion 6 a l€.der should orerride his (on(rn fot (!mp.omie. No ob{lclc should be rllored to stand in lht *s! ol our rishtcous ob.icclirts. Yd @mt sy thaa opium iJ ml] ur problem. lt it B dobal tpi&mk srd ee didn'l cre{e il- Iou canoot sar rhst eradiotiou should be lefi io lhe DtA. Ihey hire proren them*lres inpoaetrt. Ar *drld ciliErs @ch of ur ha r rgponsibilil! k, do shittver re can ft, ri.l the E{rlh oI ihi\ eril. I Bi\t m) pledg€ thal unds tbe -l RC leadeEhip. *hich I rcpresit. thc Shans eill, *ilh tour bclp. rid (he Colden-lriansle of opidn. 'lhis is xol just my ptNnd proposl. It is thc promisr Khun Sa vice prelidrnt.-l Rc Kbun Xa$ t{h ltemb... -l R(' Member, TR(drt€d .l Jon( t989 ,\bhot. tlong ]ll!i Manrsrtrl Y. I J \ Shan Herald.Agency tor tlews @ (S.H.A.N.) 1993 .'......--'.'', € ililt;ilflfitililrl fl, fi fi||ll ll il