The SWIMkids USA Difference
The SWIMkids USA Difference
swim safe swim smart The SWIMkids USA Difference • International Experts in Water Safety, Stroke Development, and Swimming’s Benefits on Brain Development We offer: ☺ Parent-Tot Classes 6 months—2 years ☺ Survival Classes 1 year+ ☺ Stroke Development Classes • Lowest Student to Teacher Ratio in the Phoenix Metro area ☺ Competitive Swim Classes & Swim Teams • Certified Instructors with 150 Additional Hours of SWIMkids USA Certification and over 200 Years of Experience ☺ Adult Classes— Swim & Dance ☺ Gym Classes • Free Practice Times ☺ Dance Classes—Ballet, Tap, Jazz & Hip-Hop • Awards for Achievement— Ribbons, Medals, T-shirts ☺ Special Needs Classes—Swim & Gym • Make-Up Classes 2725 West Guadalupe Road at Loop 101 SWIMkids 480-820-9109 Active Movement Increases Academic Skills Many researchers (Houston 1982, Ayers 1991, Hannaford 1995) verify that sensory integration involved in motor planning is fundamental to school readiness. In a study, third grade students in Seattle, Washington, studied language arts through active movement activities. Although students reading scores district-wide were plummeting, the children involved in the “active movement” activities raised their scores by 13% in six months (Gilbert 1977). The complete routine included rolling, spinning, tumbling, rocking and crawling, skills that are used in activities such as swimming, gymnastics and dance. At Winona State University, Lyelle Palmer documented significant gains in reading and concentration from these activities (Palmer 1980). Research suggests that the relationship between movement and learning continues throughout life. The sensory motor skills learned as children through play and organized skill instruction mean the proper neural pathways have been laid for later learning (Miller 1989). GYMkids USA: Developing the Whole Child While swimming is what we’re known for at SWIMkids USA, we have designed quality gym programs specifically to complement our swimming program. These programs have been successful because children in different activities progress faster. In gym classes, we build: • Strength • Balance • Alignment • Coordination • Flexibility • Breath control • Agility • Body awareness • Posture • Conditioning We offer a 50% discount for a second different activity because of these cross-benefits. Take advantage of a free trial class. These skills directly benefit swimming. Page 2 SWIMkids USA Swimming Develops a Child in Three Areas 1. Motor Development: By giving a child so many sensory experiences in swim class, his neural memories of motor skills become more precise. The child will have an accurate base so that his proprioceptors (sensors of where body is in space) can update the brain with information, so the brain can plan the next movement. This results in a stronger, more coordinated child. 2. Cognitive Development: More stimulation causes a child’s neurons to grow interconnecting fibers and twigs reaching out to the other neurons. Each new synapse adds to a child’s perceptions. The more synapses a person has the more capable he is of learning. 3. Emotional Development: If the sensory-motor processes are well organized, a child will have an easier time learning emotional control. The more organized the brain is, the easier it is to instill self control and self discipline. The easier the emotional, cognitive and complex skills are, the greater the feeling of success and self-esteem experienced by the child. Movement Essential to Learning For years, the educational and scientific communities believed thinking was thinking and movement was movement. They believed they were completely separate functions of the brain and the body. Today, scientific studies reveal the strong links between early motor activity and learning. As parents, we need to take advantage of the hidden power of movement to facilitate our children’s intellectual achievement. Norman Weinberger, a scientist at the University of California at Irvine in the Department of the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, stated that movement education facilitates reading readiness and language development (1998). Movement helps to develop the whole nervous system. The child needs to progress from the brain stem up. We need to supply the child with creative movement opportunities so that they will be ready for basic success in school. If teaching experiences skip the sensory/ motor levels, then gaps will appear in a child’s development and learning will be more difficult. “Physical activity is essential in promoting normal growth of mental function,” reports Donald Kirkendall. Carla Hannaford states, “Arts and athletics are not frills. They constitute powerful ways of thinking and skilled ways of communicating with the world.” They deserve a greater, not lesser portion of a child’s daily routine and education. Movement must become as important as computer and “book work.” SWIMkids USA Page 3 2725 West Guadalupe Road @ Loop 101 Mesa, Arizona 85202 Phone:480-820-9109 Fax: 480-820-3590 Email: [email protected] Web: swim safe swim smart SWIMkids In an atmosphere of patience and love, our instructors build each child's self-esteem through repeated success. SWIMkids USA's style of teaching keeps our kids swimming, smiling and safe in the water. Our swim lessons have successfully trained over 50,000 children in one of the most effective swim school programs in the Phoenix metro area. Our swim and float sequence is the standard in water safety training that many methods have tried to replicate: because it works! This award winning technique has saved thousands of children, plus every individual who has been trained by this method is safer in the water. Our instructors equip their students with an immediate method of survival in an emergency situation by teaching them to roll on their backs where they can breathe and rest for an indefinite amount of time. After a short rest period, they are then taught to roll back onto their stomachs and continue to swim to the safety of the wall or steps. Funny Things that Kids Say... DANCEkids USA: Show Business! Mom to child in Tony’s class: “Why do you have to wear your goggles?” Child: “Because of the nectarine in the water.” Pasquale was scrubbing the pool with a brush. A child asked him, “Why are you combing the pool?” Britt was playing with her children in the play pool. One of her students asked, “Do you live here?” Child: “Mr. Chris, do hate your life?” H a i r challenged Coach Chris: “No, why would you ask that?” Child: "Because my dad says that he hates his life and is going to rip all his hair out, is that what happened to you?" Join DANCEkids USA as a dancer or audience member for the beautiful annual dance recital. The dance program is structured around learning the choreography of the recital dances, as well as dance basics. “We want the kids to have fun at the recital, not get stressed out about performing. They are so cutewaving at their parents and trying to remember the steps,” says Allison Price, Program Director. She adds, “Performing at the recital builds self-esteem.” Weekly dance classes are available for ages three to adult, and are 45 minutes long. Dance classes are 50% off if you are enrolled in a different activity. Try a free class! SWIMkids USA Page 4