tersebut pada pokok brafaks dengan hormat disampaikan hal


tersebut pada pokok brafaks dengan hormat disampaikan hal
Perihal tersebut pada pokok brafaks dengan hormat disampaikan hal-hal sebagai
Pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2010, Konsul dan Konsul Muda Ekonomi telah menerima
kunjungan dari Mr. Charles Knobloch, pengacara dari Kantor Hukum Arnold & Knobloch,
LLP di Houston, yang juga merupakan salah satu pengurus dari organisasi penyelenggara
Offshore Technology Conference. Dalam kesempatan tersebut Mr. Charles Knobloch
memperkenalkan Director of lnstitutional Partnerships dari Michigan Tech, Mr. Todd
Stewart, Maj.Gen. (Ret) US Air Force yang kebetulan sedang melakukan kunjungan keria
ke sejumlah perusahaan energiyang berada di Houston.
Mr. Todd Stewart pada pertemuan tersebut secara khusus memberikan penjelasan
mengenai ltlichigan Tegh. sebpoai salg[_satg_dari lima Publiq Rese,aroh -UniverSitigs di
Michigan yEh$ menawhrkan kurang lebih 130 program undergraduate dan graduate
melalui lima fakultasnya yaitu
a. College of Sciertce and Arts;
b. College of Engineering;
Schoolof Business and Economics;
Schoolof Forest Resources and Environmental Science; dan
School of Technology.
Menurutnya Michigan Tech yang mempunyaiannual enrollment sekitar 7,500 mahasiswa/i
termasuk 1,200 graduate student dan 5,900 undergraduate student menerima bantuan
dari U.S. Federal Government (termasuk National Science Foundation) untuk sekitar 76%
dari research awards yang diberikannya. President Michigan Tech merupakan salah satu
dari 137 American Research University Presidents dan Chancellors yang menandatangani
surat kepada President Barack Obama tertanggal 28 Juni 2010 untuk mendukung
pengembangan kemitraan antara Perguruan Tinggi Amerika Serikat dan Indonesii
khususnya di bidang penelitian.
Dalam kaitan ini pihaknya sangat menyambut baik bagian kerjasama antar perguruan
tinggi dalam comprehensive partnership US-lndonesia dimana Pemerintah RS tehn
berkomitmen untuk menyediakan dana $160 juta untuk berbagai program peningkatan
educational exchanges dan ioint programs antara AS dan Indonesia, dan menyampaikan
minat Michigan Tech untuk bekerjasama dengan berbagai perguruan tihggi di Indonesia
dalam rangka mengembangkan kerjasama penelitian atau pendidikan di berbagai bidang.
Secara khusus dia menyebutkan expertise dan pengalaman Michigan Tech di bidang
penelitian teknologi minyak dan gas, batu bara, energi tenaga surya, kehutanan dan
pemrosesan air bersih.
Berkaitan dengan hal-hal tersebut kami berjanji kepada Mr. Todd Stewart bahwa kami
akan menyampaikan hal ini kepada KBRI Washington u.p. Atase Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan serta KJRI Chicago yang membawahi wilayah kerja Negara Bagian
Apabila KBRI Washington atau KJRI Chicago atau pihak-pihak perguruan tinggi di
lndonesia.;tlgin nErnj?iaqi lebih 14 potensi kerjasama yang dapai CifemOangt<an
dengan Michigan Tech dapat menghubungi Mr. Todd Stewart, Director of Institutional
fartnerships, Office of Development, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, Ml 49931-1295,
ts.t"e_U'Frt9rurtu.eglu, Ph. (906)487-1 923 Cell (906)3708437 atau Fax
Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatiannya diucapkan terima ka$ih.
Houston, 27 Agustus 201 0
Press Room
Paut F. Hassen, APLU,202.478.6073
Barlv Toiv, AAU, 202'408-7500
137 American Research University Presidents Endorse Expanding Partnerships
With Indonesian Universities in Letter to President Barack Obama
Washington, DC (June 28, }01q - One hundred thirty-seven American research
university presidents and chancettors totd President Barack Obama in a letter reteased
today that they "strongly support expanded partnerships between United States and
lndonesian universities on research and other matters."
The Letter, sent to the White House in May, was reteased today fotl'owing the
announcement during the G20 Summit in Toronto of an agreement with lndonesia to
spend 5160 mittion on programs to encourage educational exchanges and joint
programs between the two countries.
In their letter, devetoped by the Association of Public and Land'grant Universities
(A. P.L. U) and the Association of American Universities (MU), the research university
teaders apptauded President Obama's "commitment to a much deeper and ctoser
relatiohship between U.5. and lndonesian institutions of higher education and with
institutions across the Mustim wortd."
Further, the tetter states: "As presidents and chancettors of U.5. universities, we are
very supportive of your goat to strengthen ties with Indonesia, its institutions and its
peopte. We ptedge our fult and enthusiastic cooperation with this effort."
The number of U.S. students who study in Indonesia is fewer than 250 annuatly. White
about 7,500 lndonesian students came to the United States to study in the 2007-08
academic year, this is down significantty from the 1997-98 peak
of 13,782.Indonesia
has a population of nearty 250 mittion, making
it the fourth
most populous nation.
"Knowtedge is truty the internationa[ language," said A.P.L.U presiOent Peter
McPherson. "Through education exchanges and joint research initiatives, we can
work on common areas of interest such as agriculture, energy, heatth and ctimate
"Coltaboration on education and science enhances our retationships with other
countries throughout the world," said AAU President Robert M. Berdahl,.
ptay an especiatly important part in the President's outreach to the Muslim wortd, and
the nation's research universities are essential to this effort."
U.5. institutions have numerous initiatives underway with Indonesian universities,
non-profit organizations and the government focused on research and training across
a wide array of fietds inctuding: agriculture, communications, engineering,
government, and heatth.
About the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Founded in 1887, the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (A.P.L.U) is an
association of pubtic research universities, land-giant institutions, and many state
pubtic university systems. A.P.L.U member campuses enrotl more than 3.5 mittion
undergraduate and 1.1 mitlion graduate students, emptoy more than 645,000 facutty
members, and conduct nearly two-thirds of att academic research, totating more than
534 bitlion annuatl.y. As the nation's otdest higher education association, A.P.L.U is
dedicated to excettence in [earning, discovery and engagement. For more
information, visit www.aplu.ore (Formerly known as NASULGC).
About the Association of American Universities
The Association of American Uniyersities (AAU) is an organization of leading research
universities devoted to maintaining a strong system of academic research and
education. lt consists of 61 U.S. universities and two Canadian universities, divided
about eventy between pubtic and private. AAU member universities are on the teading
edge of innovation, schotarship, and problem-solving, contributing significant vatue to
the nation's economy, security, and culture.
Michigan Technological University- Michigan Tech - was founded in 1885 and is one of Michigan's five
major public research Universities. lts main campus is located in the city of Houghton, in Michigan's
Upper Peninsula. The Michigan Tech Research Institute, one of the university's 18 interdisciplinary
research institutes and centers, is located in Ann Arbor, Ml. The total number of alumni exceeds 76,000.
Michigan Tech is nationatly ranked in the top tier of colleges and universities, according to the U.S. News
& Wortd Repoffs Americu's Best Collegesfor 2070. lt is also highly rated for academic$ career
preparation, and quality of lifu, ,n Princeton Review's Best 377 Colleges (2070 Edition). Michigan Tech
leads the nation in the percentage of female engineering PhD graduates. Michigan Tech ranks among
the top 2O "Best Bargain Colleges" in the nation.
Mlchigan Tech offers approximately 130 undergraduate- and graduate-degree proBrams (and related
certificate programs) through its five primary academic units:
College of Sciences & Arts
College of Engin€ering
School of Business & Economics
School of Forest Resources & Environmental Science
School ofTechnology
The university annually grants about 240 graduate degrees {including 60 PhDs} and 1,100 undergraduate
degrees. Approximately 83% of the academic degreesgranted annually are In "STEM" disciplines, i.e.,
science, technology, engineerlng and mathematics. Michigan Tech leads the nataon in the number of
PhD degrees in engineering awarded to women.
Over the past five years, 94 percent of Michigan Tech's students secured jobs in their chosen field,
enrolled in graduate school, or were commissioned as officers in the military, by the tame they
Michigan Tech has an annual enrollment of more than 7,100 students, including 1,2fi) graduate
students and 5,900 undergraduate students. Approximately 900 international students are enrolled.
The university employs 445 full-time faculty and 1,220 staff. Michigan Tech operates with an annual
budget of about Szzz million.
The university annuatly expends more than S6Gmillion in research sponsored by government and
industry. The National Science Foundation ranks Michigan Tech in the top 25% of all U.S. research
universities, in terms of annual expenditures. About 75% of the universi{s research awards are
sponsored by the U.S. federal government (including the NationglScience Foundation),with24%
sponsored by industry and others. In 2(X)9, research award funding grew by more than 28%.
Additional information about Michigan Tech is available
at www.mtu.qd!!.
July 2010
Itllaior Generel, United States Air Force (Retired)
Michigan Technological Univensittf
Dr. Todd Stewart was appointed as the Direcbr of Inetitutionel Partnerships,
Michigan Technological university, in September 2008. He is responsible for
build ing mutually-beneficial partnersh ips between the un iversity and
organizations of all types, including corporations, foundations, industry
associations, governrnent agencies and other non-government organizations,
The goal of these partnerships is to help advance the university's research,
education and outreach programs, by contributing to the success of its
supporting corporate, government and other organ izational partners.
General $tewart also serves as the university's Senior Advieor for National
$ecurity Affairs. In this role, he is responsible for encouraging, supporting and
facilitating research and teaching related to allaspects of national securig,throughout the university. This includes activities related to (e.g^) defense,
intelligence, homeland security, foreign relations and international development.
Prior to accepting his current appointments, Dr. Stewart served for six years as
the Director of National Security Research and Education Programs at The Ohio
State University. He founded and served as Executive Director of the Nationat
Academic Consortium for Homeland Security, an alliance of more than 360
colleges and universities. Dr. Stewart was also appointed as an Adjunct
Assistant Professor of National Security Affairs, at the John Glenn $chool of
Public Affairs, The Ohio State University.
ln 2006, President George W. Bush appointed Dr. Stewart (with U.S. Senate
confirmation) to a four-year term, as a member of the National Security
Education lcard. This board overciees the National Security Education Program,
a maior Federal initiative, established in law, designed to build a larger poolof
U.S. citizens with enhanced foreign language skills and a better understanding of
the culture, history, economics, politics and government of other countries.
General stewart served for 34 years with the United states Air Force. His
military career included numercus command and staff assignments in positions
responsible for combat engineering and installation rhanagement, including
infrastructure construction, operation and maintena nce, energy ma nagement,
envif'onmental protection and military family housing management at Air Force
bases in the United States and around the world. While on active duty, he also
served as an Associate Professor of Management at the Air Force Insiitute of
Technology. In his final assignment, General Stewart was responsible for
developing and implementing long-range plans and programs related to Air Force
organizations responsible for systems acquisition, research and development,
test and evaluation, depot-level maintenance, supply and transportation. He
retired from active service In April 20A2, in the grade of major general. General
Stewart continues to serve as a con$ultant to the Air Force and other government
and private-sector organizations, on a variety of national-security issues.
Dr. Stewart's academic education includes a bachelor-of-science degree in civil
engineering, from Michigan Technological University; a master-of- science
degree in engineering administration, from Southem Methodist Universit$ and a
doctor of philosophy degree in management, from the University of Nebraska.
He is also a graduate of the Air Force squadrcn officer schoor, the Air
Command and Staff College, and the Air War College.
Dr. Stewart is an Senior Fellow with the Center for Transformation and Strategic
Initiatives; an Alumni Hall of Fame Laureate of the Theta Tau National
Professional Engineering Fraternity; and a member of Michigan Technological
University's Academy of Civil and Environmental Engineers; He is also a member
of the Academy of Management, the Society of American Military Engineers, and
the Air Force Association. Dr. Stewart is the author of numerous joumal articles,
technical reports and several book chapters.
General Stewart is married to the former Dorothy Salani of Hancock, Michigan.
They have one daughter, Sarah, who is an Air Force officer and nurse.
Augnst 2010