where to go, what to do, when…
where to go, what to do, when…
TM MOVIES TV LISTINGS EVENTS CALENDAR SPORTS SCHEDULES, COUPONS FOOD & DRINK GUIDE, CROSSWORD & MUCH MORE… WHERE TO GO, what to do, WHEN… BEER The Greatest Invention in the History of Mankind. MrKup.com YOU FORGOT TO MENTION IT’S A FREE WEB APP. Adverteria.com I LIST, AND LINK TO, THE BEST PRICES EVERY DAY ! Huge Selection of Domestic, Craft & Imported Beers New Beers added Monthly! beer tastingS 1st Friday of each month. Wood-Fired Pizza, Steaks, Ribs, Burgers, Fajitas, Seafood, Salads, Pasta... Enjoy a 1 $ 2 $ Restaurant • Nite Club • Sports Bar ALL-DAY EVERY FRIDAY Yuengling Lager Drafts All Day EVERY Tuesday 24oz. Lager & Light Lager Cans Menu at: TheIronwoodGrill.com 1830 OAKLAND AVENUE • 724-465-8826 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • TAKE-OUT AVAILABLE VOL. 2, No. 7 (ISSUE 19) INSIDE MARCH 2013 WHERE TO GO.......................5 BEER GUIDE..........................6 MOVIES................................8 TV LISTINGS.................... 11 CALENDAR....................16 SPORTS SCHEDULES..18 DINING GUIDE............ 20 NAPKINS & BARSTOOLS.............21 BEERMAN’s CORNER 28 DAY TRIPPER............ 29 CROSSWORD............. 30 Created & published by Adverteria publisher / editor-in-chief Tony C. editor Tracy Levitz beerman Sam Kenly sales Laura, Eric, You website 157LIVE.com © 2013 ADVERTERIA All Rights Reserved. SOME IRISH SONGS FOUND ON TOUCH TUNES... Beer, Beer, Beer / Clancy Brothers Rocky Road to Dublin / The Young Dubliners Sally MacLennane / The Pogues Of course Streams of Whiskey / The Pogues there are more! Coney Island / Van Morrison Finnegan’s Wake / Drop Kick Murphys Come on Eileen / Dexy’s Midnight Runners THIS MONTH The two St. Patrick’s Days and other occurences… op o’ the mornin’ lads and lassies… It’s that time of year, once again, when our thoughts turn to fancy… Spring is in the air (20th) and Daylight Savings Time is back (10th). There’s something about St. Patrick’s Day that just makes you feel good about things (besides your Guinness). It signals that winter is finally over and we can go out and enjoy the world around us. Now isn’t that special! Anyway, IU-Patty’s Day is on Saturday the 9th this year. It’s a nice cash day for the local pubs, but besides seeing some wearin’ o’ the green, I was disappointed last year, when I walked (crawled) into a couple of different bars and they were playing country and hip-hop on their jukeboxes. In my book, this is sacrilegious on the patron saint’s holiday. Play Irish music for cryin’ out loud! See a sampling below of Irish songs we found on a TouchTunes jukebox. Of course the real St. Patrick’s Day comes the following week, with the Parade on the 16th. I intend to drink copious amounts of beer on the 17th; and hope to see you all—after church, of course. Speaking of observances… Palm Sunday, Passover, Good Friday and Easter Sunday also take place in March this year—Happy Holidays! A shout-out to Chamber president, Dana Henr y, who retires this month—it was a heluva good run… Spring break begins on the 18th (for most, probably on the 15th); classes resume on the 25th. Now for the toast… Here’s to a long life and a merr y one. A quick death and an easy one. A pretty girl and an honest one. A cold pint — and another one ! Cheers, TC MARCH 2013 where to go, when ArtDiningEventsTheatreMoviesMusicSportsTVTrips Exhibit: “In Sisterhood…” MARCH MADNESS First Four March 19-20 Second Round March 21-24 Third Round March 21-24 Final Four April 6th Renée Fleming Sat, 2nd 8 p.m. Fisher Aud. Performing Arts Center World-renowned operatic soprano born in Indiana Tickets: $12 to $35 through March 16th > Tues-Weds-Fri. 2-6:30 p.m. Thurs. Noon-7:30; Sat. Noon-4 p.m. IUP University Museum Exhibit: “Promised Land” through March 21st > Tuesday-Friday Noon-4 p.m. Kipp Gallery, Sprowls Hall IUP Bands In Concert Sunday, March 3rd 3 p.m. Fisher Auditorium Wind Ensemble and Symphony Band Reserved seating ticket prices are: $9 Regular, $8 Discount, and $6 I-Card. IUP Symphony Orchestra Sunday, March 12th 8 p.m. Fisher Auditorium Free admission Rodney Atkins with Josh Thompson Friday, 22nd 8 p.m. KCAC Tickets: $23.50/25.50/29.50 Foreign Film Festival Mar. 10 (Italy) & 24 (Russia) 5:30 p.m. McVitty Aud., free 157LIVE.com IU-Patty’s Day Sat. March 9th Parade Saturday, March 16th St. Patrick’s Day Sunday 17th Quota Club St. Patty’s Open 5 p.m., Friday, March 22nd You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown March 6, 7, 8 & 9 8 p.m. Waller Hall mainstage Tickets are: $15 Regular, $13 Discount, and $9 I-Card Oedipus the King March 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, & 17 Indiana Players Directed by Ronald L. Murphy, Jr. Classic tragedy by Sophocles Daedalus Quartet Wednesday, March 13th 8 p.m. Sutton Hall Blue Room String Ensemble Tickets are: $20 Regular, $16 Discount, and $12 I-Card. IUP Choral Program Sunday, March 10th, 8 p.m. Calvary Presbyterian Church $9 Reg., $8 Discount, $6 I-Card email events to: [email protected] Contrary to recorded history, but according to an Irish drinking song, “a man by the name of Charlie Mopps” was the man who invented it—saving us from innumerable cups of tea. Homer Simpson believed it, and its intoxicating brethren, to be “the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s little problems.” And Ben Franklin famously declared it proof that someone up there loves us and wants us to be happy. Between St. Patrick’s Day and the coming of Spring, we figure there is no finer time to honor man’s (and woman’s) other best friend. Thus, we give you The-Beer Issue… —TL The BEER GUIDE Alex pours a Vanilla Java Porter at The Brown Hotel (left) Jess at The Coney’s back bar; (right) Danielle serves up a couple of Bud Lights in the Upper Deck Sports Bar at Culpepper’s WHAT’S AVAILABLE WHERE… See Dining Guide on page 21 for location, hours and more… Al Patti’s Bottle (only): Murphy’s Irish Stout, New Castle Brown, Penn Pilsner, Sam Adams, Shock Top, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Southern Tier 2X IPA, Stella Artois, Wild Blue, Wild Red, Angry Orchard, Bass Ale, Blue Moon, Church Brew Works Pious Monk Dunkle, Corona, Dos Equis, Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA, Erie Brewing Company Railbender, Flying Dog Snake Dog IPA, Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat, Guinness Stout, Harp Lager, Labatt, Labatt Light, Magic Hat #9, Magic Hat Circus Boy, Molson Canadian, Molson Golden, Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin, Troeg’s Nugget Nectar, Budweiser, Bud Black Crown, Bud Light, Bud Light Lime, Bud Light Platinum, Coors Light, Genesee, IC Light, Iron City, Michelob Ultra, Miller High Life, MGD, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Rolling Rock, Yuengling Lager, Yuengling Black & Tan Benjamin’s Draft: Victory Ranch R Double IPA, Lagunitas Sucks, Harpoon Chocolate Stout, East End Big Hop IPA, Troegs Mad Elf Ale, Heavy Seas Loose Cannon, Anderson Valley Winter Solstice Ale, Bell’s Double Cream Stout, Stone IPA, Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat Ale, Angry Orchard Crisp Apple, Bud Light, Coors Light, Miller Lite, Yuengling Lager, Blue Moon, Guinness; Bottle: Amstel Light, Anchor Steam, Corona, Corona Light, Great Lakes- Burning River, Flying Dog Pale Ale, Dogfish Head 60 Min IPA, Heineken, Hoegaarden, Land Shark, New Castle, Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat, Leinenkuegel Summer Shandy, Magic Hat #9, Red Stripe, Redbridge- Gluten Free, Rogue Dead Guy Ale, Sam Adams Boston Lager, Sierra Nevada, Stella Artois, Strongbow, Wild Blue, Odoul’s Boomies Draft: Bud Light, Shock Top, Coors Light, Miller Light, Michelob Ultra, Wailua Wheat, Labatt, Angry Orchard, Curious Traveller, Rolling Rock, Lion’s Head, Hoegaarden, Goose Island Honkers Ale, Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat, Dos Equis, Budweiser, Shock Top Honey Crisp Apple Wheat, Shock Top Raspberry, Shock Top Belgian Wheat; BOTTLE: Yuengling Light Lager, Woodchuck, Duquesne Pilsner, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Bud Light, Coors Light, Shock Top, New Castle Brown Ale, Molson Canadian, MGD, Corona, Guinness Black Lager, Leinenkugel’s Shandy, Sam Adams Cherry Wheat, Sam Adams, IC Light, IC Light Mango, IC Light Berry, O’Doul’s, Labatt Blue, Bud Light Platinum, Michelob Ultra, Bud Light Lime A Rita, Heineken… Brown Hotel Draft: Bud Light, Yuengling, Dogfish Head, Vanilla Java Porter, 2 rotating taps (inquire); BOTTLE: Amstel Light, Blue Moon, Buckler N/A, Duquesne Pilsner, Great Lakes Elliot Ness, Great Lakes Commodore Perry, Flying Dog (inquire), Guinness Black Lager, Heineken, King Cool Light, Number 9, Michelob Ultra, Straub Amber, Pilsner Urquell, Red Hook, Rogue Hazelnut Brown, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Sol, Strawberry > Featured beers subject to change at barkeeps' whims. continued on page 9 e MARCH 2013 IUPatty’s Day St. featuring After the Patrick’s Parade Day Irish FOOD & DRINKthroughout Specials the month with the Bagpipers Brilliant! Have Fun! $4.00 GuINNESS PINTS All Day, EVERY Sunday Lunch Dinner Late Night DJ/Dancing 642 Philadelphia St. • Downtown Indiana • 724.465.8082 • TheConey.com/mobile —Available for Receptions, Banquets, Luncheons, Private Parties & Special Events— The Place for Wood-Fired Pizza Steaks • Burgers • Wings Ribs • Sandwiches Seafood • Fajitas & more… For Events, Text (all caps): THEWOOD to 46786 1 $ 00 16oz. Bud Light Drafts All Day Sat. $ 4.75 Bud Light Pitchers All Day Every Sunday $ 4.75 Pitchers of 157LIVE.com All Day Weds. Restaurant • Nite Club • Sports Bar 1830 Oakland Ave. • 724.465.8826 TheIronwoodGrill.com © 2013 Disney OZ The Great and Powerful MARCH Movies & Release Dates © MMXIII Adverteria/157LIVE - All Rights Reserved. Release dates subject to change. Jack the Giant Slayer Nicholas Hoult, Ewan McGregor New twist on the “Beanstalk” tale… Last Exorcism Pt. 2 Ashley Bell, Andrew Sensenig First one mustn’t’ve worked… The Sweeney R Ray Winstone, Damien Lewis Unorthodox cops get results... Hummingbird R Jason Statham Ex-special forces soldier / avenger.. 22 Admission PG-13 Tina Fey, Paul Rudd Recruiter gets caught off guard (comedy)... 21 And Over Miles Teller, Sarah Wright 21st b-day debauchery… Phantom R Ed Harris, David Duchovny Cold War sub flick… 8 15 Oz the Great and Powerful James Franco, Mila Kunis Origins of the man behind the curtain Olympus Has Fallen Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman, Angela Bassett President kidnapped by a terrorist... 29 The Place Beyond the Pines R Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes New family, bank robbery, rookie cop... Tyler Perry’s Temptation PG-13 And yet another... Weekly Movie Updates @ 157LIVE.com © 2013 Sony Pictures © 2013 Entainment One Incredible Burt Wonderstone Steve Carell, Jim Carey Superstar Vegas magicians (comedy) 8 The Host Saoirse Ronan, Max Irons Humans become hosts for invaders... G.I. Joe Retaliation Channing Tatum, Dwayne Johnson Bruce Willis Follow up to the 2009 warrior flick... Dead Man Down R also Colin Farrell Emperor A story of revenge... Tommy Lee The Call Jones Halle Berry 911 operator confronts a killer... (left to right) Ray Winstone in The Sweeney; Halle Berry in The Call; and, Aaron Eckhart in Olympus Has Fallen The Croods animation © 2013 FilmDistrict 1 Try Our Veal Parmesan, Fresh Steaks, Seafood & Pasta 4.99 $ BEST KARAOKE IN TOWN FRIDAYS Pitchers All Day Every Day! 563 Philadelphia St. Indiana’s #1 Italian Restaurant & Lounge Ph: (724) 357-8822 • Fax: 471-7264 • SpaghettiBenders.com BEER GUIDE continued HAPPY HOURS MON-THURS 8-10 PM 2 Domestic Bottles $2 Wells, $2 Drafts $ Highlight favs! …(Brown Hotel) Wheat, assorted seasonals (inquire) Bud Light, Miller Light, Coors Light… Bruno’s Draft: Coors Light, Miller Light, Yuengling Lager, Stella Artois, Southern Tier 2X IPA, New Castle Brown Ale, Penn Pilsner, Sam Adams Seasonal, Harpoon IPA BOTTLE: Budweiser, Bud Light, Coors Light, Miller Light, MGD, Yuengling Lager, Michelob Ultra, Corona, Heineken, IC Light, Iron City, Sam Adams Boston Lager, Peroni, Rolling Rock, Rolling Rock Green Light, O’Doul’s… Cosumel Draft: Bud Light, Dos Equis Amber Lager, Woodchuck; Bottle: Coors Light, Bud Light, So, Tecate, Bohemia, Carta Blanca, Modelo Especial, Negra Modelo The Coney Draft: Bud Light, Smithwick’s, Franziskaner, Yuengling Lager, Miller Light, Blue Moon, Penn Marzen, Amstel Light, Dogfish 60 Minute IPA, Guinness Stout, Sam Adams Seasonals, Leinekugel’s Shandy, Pot-O-Gold; Domestic Bottle: Bud, Bud Light, Bud Light Platinum, Bud Light Lime, Coors Light, Michelob, MIchelob Light, Michelob Ultra, MGD, Miller High Life, O’Doul’s N/A, Red Bridge (Gluten Free), Iron City, IC Ligh, IC Light Mango, Rolling Rock, Yuengling Light Lager, Sam Adams, Sam Adams Light, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Straub, Woodchuck Amber; IMPORTS: Labatt Blue, Molson, Bass, New Castle, Beck’s, St. Pauli Girl, Amstel Light, Heineken, Heineken Light, Guinness, Harp, Corona, Corona Light, Dos Equis, Hoegaarden, Stella Artois; CRAFT: Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA, Leinenkugel’s Sunset Wheat, Troeg’s Hopback Amber Ale, Full Pint Chinookie IPA, Full Pint White Lightning, Victory HopDevil… Coventry Inn Draft: Yuengling Lager, Guest Tap (inquire); Bottle: Wood Chuck, Blue Moon, Smithwicks HB Culpepper’s/Upper Deck Sports Bar Draft: Bud Light, Miller Light, Yuengling Lager, Yuengling Black & Tan, Chimay, Shock Top Honey Crisp Apple, Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat, Smitten Golden Rye Ale, IPAs: Southern Tier 2X, Dogfish Head, Dogfish 60 min., Troegs Perpetual… Bottle: Bud Light, Bud Light Lime, Coors Light, Iron City, IC Light, Miller, Miller Light, Miller High Life, Yuengling Lager, Sam Adams, Rolling Rock, Michelob, Michelob Ultra, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Amstel Light, Corona, Labatt Blue, Heineken, New Castle, St. Pauli Girl, Bass, Becks, Strongbow, Rogue Dead Guy Ale, Franziskaner, Commodore Perry, Amstel Light… Dingbats Draft: Bud Light, Miller Lite, Coors Light, IC Light, Michelob Ultra, New Castle, Sam Adams Boston Lager, Sam Adams Seasonal, Yuengling Lager, Yuengling Black & Tan, Yuengling Bock, Blue Moon, Labatt, Guiness, Curious Traveler, Woodchuck Amber; Bottle: Guinness; Bottles: Bud, Bud Light, Bud Light Platinum, continued on page 14 e NOW AVAILABLE AT INDIANA SIX PACK STORES & DISTRIBUTORS… Also on Tap at The Ironwood Grill and Dingbats 3 Sam Adams Boston Lager Drafts $ All Day—Every Day Large selection of Domestic, Imported & Craft Draft & Bottle Beers Hot Lunch & Salad Buffet All You Can Eat… $6.99 Includes soft drink Daily 11 am - 3 pm. Indiana Mall • 724-801-8372 10 Check out our BANQUET FACILITY MARCH 2013 R&P Café Celebrating Our 5 Year Anniversary! The new crime drama, Golden Boy, about a rising star cop premieres March 6 before settling in to its regular time, Friday 9 p.m on CBS. Vegas, starring Dennis Quaid and Michael Chiklis returns Tuesday, March 12 to CBS… Revolution is back on NBC, after two and a half months, on Monday, March 25… Retro TV fans (who work at home, or do nothing) can catch the Rockford Files weekdays at 11 a.m. on MeTV, followed by the original Hawaii Five-O at noon featuring Kam Fong as Chin Ho (photo right). BREAKFAST, LUNCH or LATE LUNCH Breakfast Sandwiches (on Muffins, Bagels or Toast), Burgers, Wraps, Hoagies, Dogs, Wedgies, Fish, Salads, Pizza, Soup, Sides, Shakes, Ice Cream $500 Anniversary Special EAT-IN TAKE-OUT 655 Church St. (Uptown behind Post Office) 724-349-7737 Open M-F 8-5 (44) USA Law | Order all day marathon 7:00 (129) G4 Attack of the Show [weekdays] 5:45 (110) PCN Weather World [M-F] 8:00 @º CBS How I Met Your Mother 8:00 @º CBS NCIS $ ABC The Bachelor... $ ABC Celebrity Wife Swap * FOX Bones * FOX Raising Hope ¡ NBC The Biggest Loser ¡ NBC Off Their Rockers CW The Carrie Diaries (27) SyFy Continium CW Hart of Dixie (61) ABC FAMILY Pretty Little Liars (61) ABC Family Switched at Birth 9:00 @º CBS NCIS: LA 8:30 @º CBS Rules of Engagement $ ABC The Taste 9:00 @º CBS Two Broke Girls * FOX New Girl $ ABC Bachelor or Extreme Makeover Highlight ¡ NBC Go On * FOX The Following your favs! CW Cult ¡ NBC The Biggest Loser Weekly TV updates (27) SyFy Face Off CW 90210 at 157LIVE (61) ABC Family The Lying Game (44) USA Monday Night Raw .com (84) HIST Top Gear (27) SyFy Being Human (102) DESTA US of Bacon (38) COMEDY Futurama (42) TNT Dallas 9:30 * FOX The Mindy Project (54) TRVL Bizarre Foods America ¡ NBC The New Normal 10:00@º CBS Vegas new on 12th 9:30 @º CBS Mike | Molly $ ABC Body of Proof 10:00@º CBS Hawaii Five-O ¡ NBC Smash $ ABC Castle (41) SPIKE Joe Schmo ¡ NBC Deception I Revolution 25th (44) USA White Collar finale on 5th (27) SyFy Lost Girl (45) MTV Snooki | JWoww (52) FOOD Diners, Drive-ins | Dives (58) (38) COMEDY The Daily Show Mon-Thurs. FX Justified 11:00 157LIVE.com 11 ( ) Comcast channels King Buffet Online Printing Easy to Order, Fits All Budgets Shipped to your home or office Chinese Restaurant All You Can Eat Buffet 2401 Oakland Ave. 724-349-8535 15% OFF Seniors (60+) All Day 10% OFF IUP Students All Day ThePrintingBroker.com WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 8:00 @º CBS The Big Bang Theory 6:00 (227) ION Positive Living [M-F] $ ABC Zero Hour 7:00 * FOX The Big Bang Theory * FOX American Idol 8:00 @º CBS Survivor ¡ NBC Community $ ABC The Middle CW Vampire Diaries * FOX American Idol (44) USA NCIS marathon ¡ NBC Whitney 8:30 @º CBS Two and a Half Men CW Arrow ¡ NBC Parks and Recreation 8:30 $ ABC The Neighbors 9:00 @º CBS Person of Interest ¡ NBC Guys with Kids $ ABC Grey’s Anatomy 9:00 @º CBS Criminal Minds Weekly TV *FOX Glee or American Idol $ ABC Modern Family updates at ¡ NBC The Office ¡ NBC Law | Order SVU 157LIVE .com CW Beauty and the Beast * (HD-803) FOX Am. Idol (111) BBC World News CW Supernatural (27) SyFy Ghost Hunters 9:30 ¡ NBC 1600 Penn (50) AMC Freakshow (42) TNT Boston’s Finest (58) FX Anger Management (52) FOOD Restaurant: Impossible 10:00@º CBS Elementary 9:30 $ ABC Suburgatory $ ABC Scandal 10:00 @º CBS CSI: Crime Scene Invest. ¡ NBC Do No Harm $ ABC Nashville (37) COMEDY The Ben Show ¡ NBC Chicago Fire (50) AMC Immortalized (38) COMEDY Workaholics (44) (58) FX Archer USA Psych (58) FX The Americans 11:00 (35) TBS Conan Mon-Thurs. ( )Comcast Channels (58) FX Brand X 10:30 (38) COMEDY Kroll Show Why Rent When You Can Own? • First-Time Home Buyer Program • ZERO Money Down = 100% Financing • FREE Pre-Qualification • Investment Property • FHA Financing Available American Dream Mortgage 164 Philadelphia St., Indiana, PA 15701 Ron Markle Office: 724-464-2274 Fax: 724-463-1321 Cell: 724-422-3668 Email: [email protected] Licensed by PA Department of Banking SATURDAY (184) CSPAN-2 Book TV all day 5:45 (110) PCN Weather World [M-F] 7:00 ¡ NBC Jeopardy/ 6:00 (109) BBCA Star Trek Next Gen. (109) BBC Am. Trek or Dr. Who reruns 7:00 ¡ NBC Jeopardy/ weeknights 8:00 @ º CBS 48 hours or rerun (38) COMEDY Colbert Report rerun * FOX Cops or Primetime reruns 8:00 @º CBS The Job ¡ NBC American Ninja Warrior $ ABC Last Man Standing (190) MeTV Lost in Space * FOX Kitchen Nightmares 9:00 @ º CBS Crime reruns or special ¡ NBC Dateline NBC $ ABC 20/20 Saturday CW Nikita ¡ NBC American Ninja Warrior (190) MeTV Bewitched [M-F] * (HD-803) FOX rerun or special (27) (HD-829) SyFy WWE Smackdown (109) BBC Am. Ripper Street 8:30 $ ABC Malibu Country (115) BIO Ghost Stories + (17) PBS Need to Know (190) MeTV Star Trek TOS 9:00 @º CBS Golden Boy 10:00 @ º CBS 48 Hours $ ABC Shark Tank (109) BBC Am. Graham Norton Show * FOX Touch ¡ NBC Dateline NBC 11:30 ¡ NBC Saturday Night Live CW Cult or other rerun SUNDAY (52) FOOD Diners, Drive-ins... 7:00 @º CBS 60 Minutes (111) BBC World News ¡ NBC rerun or special 10:00@º CBS Blue Bloods $ ABC Am. Funniest Videos $ ABC 20/20 8:00 @º CBS The Amazing Race * (HD-803) FOX News $ ABC Once Upon a Time ¡ NBC Rock Center * FOX The Simpsons (27) SyFy Merlin ¡ NBC Dateline NBC or rerun (51) HGTV House Hunters 8:30 * (HD-803) FOX Cleveland Show (70) E! Fashion Police 9:00 @º CBS The Good Wife (147) IFC Portlandia $ ABC Red Window or rerun (201) HBO Real Time with Bill Maher * (HD-803) FOX Family Guy 10:30 (49) VH1 The Jenny McCarthy Show ¡ NBC Celebrity Apprentice (50) AMC Walking Dead (201) HBO Girls (221) SHO Shameless 9:30 * FOX Bob’s Burgers (201) HBO Enlightened 10:00@º CBS The Mentalist $ ABC rerun or special (41) SPIKE Bar Rescue (50) AMC Talking Dead (221) SHO House of Lies 10:30 (221) SHO Californication CROSSWORD ANSWERS FRIDAY BEER GUIDE continued … (Dingbats continued)… Busch, Coors, Coors Light, Corona, Corona Light, Dos Equis Lager, Founding Father’s Lager, Founding, Father’s Light, Gennesee Light, Heineken, Heineken Light, Iron City, IC Light, IC Light Mango, Labatt’s 52, Labatt’s Blue, Labatt’s Blue, Light, Labatt’s Blue Light Lime, Michelob Lager, Michelob Light, Michelob Ultra, MGD, MGD 64, Miller High Life, Miller Lite, O’Douls, Red Stripe, Rolling Rock, Sam Adam’s Cherry Wheat, Sam Adams, Lager, Straub, Straub Dark, Yuengling Black & Tan, Yuengling Light Lager, Yuengling Lager… The Grapevine Draft: Yuengling Lager, Coors Light, Michelob Ultra, AmberBock; BOTTLE: Coors, Bud Light, Budweiser, Michelob Ultra, Guinness, Straub, Miller 64, Miller Lite, Miller, Sam Adams, Corona, Gennesee, O’Douls, Heineken, Amstel Light… Grub’s / Wolfie’s Draft: Guinness, Kona Fire Rock, Moosehead, Hoegaarden, Penn Berry, Barking Squirrel, Sam Adams seasonal, Bud Light, Yuengling Lager, Rolling Rock, Shock Top, Goosehead… Bottles: Yuengling Light Lager, Yuengling Black & Tan, Yuengling Lager, Moosehead, Budweiser, Bud Light, Miller Lite, Coors Lite, Sam Adams, Heineken, Corona (partial list - inquire)… Harrigan’s / Holiday Inn Draft: Yuengling Lager, Bud Light, Coors Light, Miller Lite, Sam Adams seasonal, Railbender Ale, Shock Top; BOTTLE: Bud Light, Miller Lite, MGD, Corona, Corona Light, Guinness, O’Douls, Coors Light, Michelob Ultra, Bud Light Lime, Sam Adams, Budweiser, Yuengling Lager, Rolling Rock, Bass, New Castle, Labatt Blue, Blue Moon, Heineken, Stella Artois… Ironwood Grill Draft: Sam Adams Boston Lager- Vienna Lager, Sam Adams Cherry Wheat, Sam Adams Alpine Spring, Blue Moon, Atwater Vanilla Java Porter, Magic Hat #9, Magic Hat Heart of Darkness, Angry Orchard, Dogfish Head 60, Hopcity Barking Squirrel, Curious Traveler, Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat, Flying Dog Gonzo Porter, Yuengling Bock, Bud light, Budweiser, I.C. Light, Coors Light, Miller Lite, Yuengling Lager; Bottle: (Microbrews): Abita Purple Haze, Dogfish Head 60, Dogfish Head 90, Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale, Flying Dog Old Scratch, Flying Dog Raging Bitch, Great Lakes Burning River, Great Lakes Black Out Stout, Landshark, Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat, North Coast Pranqster, North Coast Old Rasputin, Ommegang Hennepin, Ommegang BPA, Rogue Dead Guy Ale, Magic Hat #9, Magic Hat Circus Boy, Sam Adams Boston Lager, Shiner Bock, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Southern Tier 2xIPA, Troegs Nugget Nectar, Troegs Perpetual IPA, Victory Golden Monkey, Victory Whirlwind; (Seasonals): 21st Ammendment Sneak Attack, Goose Island Mild Winter; (Domestic): Bud Light, Bud Light Lime, Bud Light Platinum, Budweiser, Coors, Coors Light, Iron City, Iron City Light, Michelob, Mich Ultra, Mich Ultra Lime Cactus, Mich Ultra Dragonfruit Peach, Mich Ultra Pomegranate Raspberry, MGD, MGD 64, Miller Lite, PBR, Rolling Rock, Straub, Straub Light, Yuengling Lager, Yuengling Light Lager; (Imports): Amstel Light, Barking Squirrel, Becks, Corona, Corona Light, Dos Equis, Guinness Draught, Guinness Black Lager, Heineken, Hoegaarden, Killians Irish Red, Labatt, Labatt Light, Modello Molsen, Moosehead, New Castle, Red Stripe, Stella Artois, St. Pauli Girl… Nap’s Cucina Mia Bottle: Genesee, IC Light, Straub, Yuengling Lager, Moretti, Penn Pilsner, Penn Dark, Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada… Spaghetti Benders Draft: Sam Adams seasonal, Miller Lite, Abita Purple Haze, Yuengling Lager, Shock Top, Church Brew Works Pious Monk Dunkle, Young’s Double 14 MARCH 2013 The Bull returns this month BUD LIGHT BEACH PARTY Thursday, March 28th 9-Midnight See ya on IU-Patty’s day, FOR the parade, st. paTRICK’s DAY, & THE Quota club ST. PATTY’S OPEN Try some of Clem’s Ribs 1.50 $ BL bottles *thuR-fri-sat *See All Specials & Events at: BoomiesBar.com Happy Hours Must be 21. Drink Responsibly Chocolate Stout; BOTTLE: Iron City, IC Light, La Rossa, Michelob Ultra, Miller High Life, RedBridge (gluten free), Red Stripe, Stella Artois, Troegenator, Yuengling lager, Amstel Light, Angry Orchard, Blue Moon, Budweiser, Bud Light, Coors Light, Corona, Guinness, Hieneken, Heineken Light, Foster’s (oil can)… Steel City Samiches / Twisted Jimmy’s Draft: Guinness, Batch 19, Woodchuck Amber, Blue Moon, Black Chocolate Stout, Labatt Blue, Bud Light, Coors Light, Yards, Yuengling Lager, IPA (inquire); BOTTLE: PREMIUM: Amstel Light, Arrogant Bastard Ale (22oz), Blue Moon, Brooklyn Brown Ale, Corona, Dos Equis, Dogfish Head 60 Min. IPA, Heineken, Lancaster Hop Hog, Magic Hat Number 9, New Castle Brown Ale, Rivertowne, Babbling Blonde, Rogue Dead Guy Ale, Sam Adams Boston Lager, Shiner, Southern Tier 2X IPA, Stella Artois, St.Pauli Girl, Troegs Perpetual IPA, Troegs Dreamweaver, Troegs Troegenator, Victory HopDevil, Victory Hop Wallop, Victory Golden Monkey, Woodchuck Amber (Gluten Free), Redbridge (Gluten Free) STANDARD: Bud, Bud Light, Coors Light, IC Light, IC Light Mango, Iron City, Iron City Amber, Labatt Blue, Labatt Blue Light, Miller Lite, Michelob Ultra, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Rolling Rock, Straub, Yuengling, Yuengling Light Light Lager; WINTER: Penn Nut Roll Ale, Sam Adams Winter, Blue Moon Winter Abbey Ale… Strike Zone Draft: Yuengling Lager, Miller Light, Bud Light, Coors Light, Shock Top; BOTTLE: Michelob Ultra, Genessee, Rolling Rock, Bud, IC Light, Coors Original, Guinness Draught, Corona, Heineken, O’Doul’s, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Miller… Tres Amigos Bottle (only): Bud Light, Miller Light, Coors Light, Michelob Ultra, Michelob Light, Michelob Lager, Yuengling Lager, Dos Equis Amber, Dos Equis Lager, Corona, Corona Light, Sol, Tecate, Heineken, Negra Modelo, Modelo Especial, Pacifico… 157LIVE.com Cristin pours a Sam Adams Alpine Spring at Dingbats 15 IndIana almanac Sunrise: 6:53 a.m. | Sunset: 6:12 p.m. High Temp: 50° Low: 25° | Precip: 3.90” Signs: Pisces > Aries SUNDAY MONDAY STRIKE ZONE Saturday, March 9 starts at 7 p.m. Happy Hours (every Sun.) 2-4p @ Dingbats Free Pool 7-9 Boomies 3 Ads start at only $25! See page 5 for descriptions and prices of featured events. 10 Daylight Savings > Happy Hours 2-4p @ Dingbats Brass Ens. & Concert Band 3p @ Fisher Auditorium Penguins v. Islanders 7p Foreign Film Fest. @ Sprowls Everything All in One Place! MAR TUESDAY Everyone’s Invited! Past & Present Employees and Customers... Guest Bartenders, Give-a-Ways, Raffles, Trivia & more WEDN Proceeds benefit MS Society Sean & Mark 8-mid. 1924 OAKLAND AVE. (724) 463-3655 4 Happy Hours (every Mon.) 5-7 Dingbats, Ironwood Wing Nites: Steel City, Culpeppers (4-11) Wing Eating Contest @ Twisted Jimmy’s Six o’clock Series: Social Media @ HUB Ohio Room TalkAbout: Giving Back 7p @ Indiana Free Library 11 5 Exhibit: In Sisterhood... @ University Museum > 16 YARDS Beer Tasting 4-7p @ Holiday Beverage Happy Hours 5-7p @ Dingbats, Ironwood Cancer Shootout 7p @ IHS Trivia Night @ Dingbats Open Mic @ The Brown 12 Exhibit: “Prom @ Kipp Galler Happy Hours 5 @ Dingbats, I Hold ‘em/Pool Free Jukebox “Idol” Karaok Open Stage @ Line Dancing Happy Hours 5-7p Happy Hours 5 @ Dingbats, Ironwood @ Dingbats, I IUP Symphony 8p @ Fisher Free Pool 7-9 Trivia Night @ Dingbats Free Jukebox Homebrew Club @ Coney “Idol” Karaok Open Mic @ The Brown Daedalus Q Pole Dance @ The Coney 8p @ Sutton Pool Tourney @ Ironwood ALL DAY BEER SPECIALS… MRKUP.com $ 2 Shock Top @ Boomies $2 SHOCK TOP @ Boomies $2 24oz Yuengs Ironwood $1.50 Yueng. $ 2 Coors Lt. bot. Strike Zone $2 I.C. Light @ Dingbats $ and @ Wolfies 2 Woodchuc $ 3 Sam Adams @ Dingbats $ $ $ 2 IC Amber bot. Steel City 2 Miller Lite @ Ironwood 2 Shock Top $ 4 Guinness @ The Coney $ $ $ $ 2.50 Imports 5 Yueng. Pitchers @ Culpeppers 3 BL pitchers Wolfies 2 I.C. Light @ Dingbats 17 Six o’clock Series: Science or Religion? @ Ohio Room IFL Book Club 7p @ Library Arm Wrestling @ Spag. B. Wing Nites: Steel City, Culpeppers (4-11) Beer Sampling 19 18 Abita 4-7p @ Holiday Beverage Happy Hours 5- Wing Nites: Steel City, Bridal Show 11a @ mall Culpeppers (4-11) Indiana Builders Home Wing Eating Contest @ Twisted Jimmy’s Show 12-4p @ S&T Arena Oedipus 2:30 @ Ind. Players Indiana Garden Club meets 7p @ Trinity United the parties continue... HH 2-4p @ Dingbats 24 IUP Classes resume 25 Happy Hours 5-7p @ Dingbats, Ironwood Trivia Night @ Dingbats Open Mic @ The Brown Pool Tourney @ Ironwood NCAA First Four 6p on TruTV 26 Pirates v. Balt. 1p, on ROOT Six o’clock Series: Athiest’s Happy Hours 5-7p Dingbats, Ironwood Survival Guide Foreign Film Fest. McVitty @ Ohio Room Trivia Night @ Dingbats Penguins v. Flyers 7p Wing Nites: Steel City, Open Mic @ The Brown Culpeppers (4-11) Pole Dance @ The Coney Wing Eating Contest Pool Tourney @ Ironwood @ Twisted Jimmy’s NCAA Regionals Craft Brewers Convention Washington DC > 29th Sunrise: 7:05a | Sunset: 7:44p Habitat for Humanity @ Grace United Methodist 31 16 @ Dingbats, Iro Free Juke 8-1 Karaoke @ Iro Texas Hold ‘e 7-9p @ Boom NCAA First Fo Happy Hours @ Dingbats, I IFL Film Club: Gazette Cooki @ KCAC Free Juke 8-1 “Idol” Karaok Texas Hold ‘e Free Pool 7-9 NESDAY THURSDAY READ IT, KNOW IT, LIVE IT! FRIDAY Happy Hours 5-7p Cosmic Bowling, Parties & more Leagues, Tournaments… (724) 463-7443 6 1 SATURDAY 2 Fam. Fun Fest. 10-3 @ mall Murder Mystery 5p Rustic Lodge Pirates @ Boston 7p, ROOT Renée Fleming Jason Gamble @ Ironwood 8p @ Fisher Aud. (PAC) Fireball Night @ The Coney (YARDS Beer Tasting) Karaoke Our Place, Spag. B. Juke Left @ Ironwood Grill Post Traumatik @ Wolfies Look Left @ Brown band t.b.a. @ Brown Hotel Singles Dance @ VFW @ Boomies, Culpeppers, Dingbats, Ironwood Grill MOHAWK LANES Automatic Scoring, Full Pro Shop, .COM RCH Available as a Free Web App! (first and third Fridays) 9 7 8 14 15 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 YMCA Bowl for Kids @ Mohawk Lanes Happy Hours 5-7p Annual Coin Show (see above) 10-5 @ S&T Arena, free Oedipus 7:30 @ Ind. Players > Pirates v. Minn. 1:05p, ROOT Pirates v. Balt. 7:05p, ROOT YARDS Beer Tasting SPJ Benefit @ Brown Hotel 4-7p @ Holiday Beverage Adam Frey, Euphonium 8p Gorell Jammin’ Jim @ Ironwood 13 Stories @ Ironwood Read by thousands! Sean & Mark @ Strike Zone party Happy Hours 5-7p 5-7 CMB @ The Brown Hotel Happy Hours (every Thu) (see above) Ironwood 5-7p Dingbats, Ironwood Oedipus 7:30 @ Ind. Players > Parade @ Boomies IFL Book Club: The x @ Strike Zone Sherlockian 11a @ Library Yueng. Girls 8-10 Ironwood Indiana Builders Home Show Senior High Musical 8p >17 < 12-9p @ S&T Arena > ke @ Ironwood) Thursdays 101: Interview Karaoke Our Place, Spag. B. Post Traumatik @ Coney Quartet Skills 2p @ Indiana Library Andrew S. @ Brown Hotel Coastal Remedy @ Brown n Hall Blue Rm. Matt B @ Brown Ad deadline for Apr issue DJ 4 Dice @ Ironwood $ $ 1 BUD LIGHT @ Ironwood Strike Zone $ 1 Domestic Drafts @ Brown $1 Yuengling @ Ironwood 2 22oz. Coors Light Ironwood $2.25 BUD LIGHT @ Coney $ 1 Domestic Drafts @ Boomies ck @ Dingbats $2.25 Yuengling @ The Coney $ $ 2 Shock Top @ Boomies > 2 I.C. Light pints Dingbats p @ Boomies $2.25 Dos Equis @ Cosumel $ $ $ 2 Domestic bottles @ The Brown 5 BL pitchers @ Cosumel s @ Brown 4.99 Yueng Pitch Spag.Bend. Happy Hours Easter Bunny @ mall Quota Club & Wing Nites St. Patty’s Open 5p IUP Baseball vs. -7 (see above) onwood Rodney Atkins 8p @ KCAC Millersville 1p Dougherty Field IRMC Bus. After Hours 12 Strike Zone Kevin Dale 5-7 @ Ironwood Pirates @ Boston 1:35p, ROOT Karoake @ Dingbats onwood Southside Strays @ Ironwood Open Mic. @ Spag. Benders (Yuengling girls 8-10) em + Free Pool Abita Beer Sampling Unknown String... @ Brown Glenn Henry @ Brown mies Post Traumatik @ Backyard 4-7p @ Holiday Beverage Paint... Red Cross Gala our 6p TruTV /NCAA > opens for Faster Pussycat Brandon Payne @ Brown @ Country Club IUP Baseball vs. 5-7 Happy Hours Mercyhurst 1p Dougherty Field Ironwood 5-7p Dingbats, Ironwood Happy Hours 5-7p @ Boomies, Culpeppers, Jimmy Stewart flick (every Sat.) : Argo Wing Nites (see above) Dingbats, Ironwood Grill 1p @ Jimmy Stewart museum ing Show Faculty Recital 8p @ Gorell Karaoke @ Our Place Brett Cogley @ Ironwood Karoake @ Dingbats Aultman Bros. @ Ironwood 12 Strike Zone Open Mic. @ Spag. Benders Don’t forget, Karaoke @ Spag. Benders you have to ke @ Ironwood band t.b.a. @ Brown Triple Divide @ Ind. Theater tell us about em Tourn. + your events NCAA Regionals also 29 & 30 Jason Carney, David Nemo 9 @ Boomies to get them @ Brown Hotel 17 mised Land” ry > Mar. 21 5-7 Ironwood l 7-9 Boomies x @ Strike Zone ke @ Ironwood @ Ind. Theater @ VFW 13 Happy Hours (every Thu) 5-7p Dingbats, Ironwood IFL Book to Film: Cry, the Beloved Country Wing Nites (every Thurs.): @ Coney, Culpeppers, Ironwood & Grubs Karoake @ Dingbats Glenn Henry @ Brown 16 listed. 18 The Sporting Life March Madness First Four (TruTV, ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN3, ESPNU): Tuesday & Wednesday, 19 & 20, 6 p.m. Tip-Off Second and Third Rounds: Thursday and Saturday, March 21 & 23 Friday and Sunday, March 22 & 24 Regionals: Thursday and Saturday, March 28 & 30 Friday & Sunday, 29 & 31 Final Four: April 6 & 8 PITTSBURGH PENGUINS Direct Links to Game Stats @ 157LIVE .com Watch Games on ROOT Sat. 2 at Montreal 7:00 p.m. Mon. 4 Tampa Bay 7:30 p.m. Thurs. 7 at Philadelphia 7:00 p.m. Sat. 9 at Toronto 7:00 p.m. Sun. 10 NY Islanders 7:00 p.m. Tues. 12 Boston 7:30 p.m. Thurs. 14 at Toronto 7:00 p.m. Sat. 16 NY Rangers 1:00 p.m. Sun. 17 Boston 12:30 p.m. Tues. 19 Washington 7:30 p.m. Fri. 22 at NY Islanders 7:00 p.m. Sun. 24 Philadelphia 7:00 p.m. Tues. 26 Montreal 7:00 p.m. Thurs. 28 Winnipeg 7:00 p.m. Sat. 30 NY Islanders 1:00 p.m. PITTSBURGH PIRATES 1 8 9 23 24 Televised Spring Training Games @ Boston 7:05 pm ROOT vs Baltimore 7:05 pm ROOT vs Minnesota 1:05 pm ROOT @ Boston 1:35 pm ROOT vs Baltimore 1:05 pm ROOT SPRINT CUP Sun 3 Subway 500 Sun 10 Cobalt 400 Sun 17 Food City 500 Sun 24 Auto Club 400 Avondale Las Vegas Bristol Fontana NATIONWIDE Sat 2 Dollar Gen. 200 Avondale Sat 9 Sam’s Town 300 Las Vegas Sat 16 Foxworthy’s 300 Bristol Sat 23 Royal Purple 300 Fontana 3 p.m. *FOX 3 p.m. FOX 1 p.m. FOX 3 p.m. FOX 4:30 ESPN2 4:00 ESPN2 2:00 ESPN2 5:00 ESPN *FOX Sports IUP BASEBALL (HOME GAMES) Sat 23 Millersville Sat 30 Mercyhurst 1 p.m. 1 p.m. Dougherty Field Dougherty Field WATCH ALL THE PENGUIN GAMES HERE! Complete NHL Package on our Giant HDTVs PENS GAME SPECIAL: BUY ONE APP, GET ONE FREE LIKE US at: H.B. Culpeppers All Specials posted at: hbculpeppers.com 5.00 Pitchers every Sunday $ 580 Philadelphia Street • Indiana Corner of 6th & Philadelphia Streets • Fax: 724-465-9369 • www.foxspizzadeniup.com 724-463-8369 $ DeliverY 5 Minimum & Delivery Charges May Apply Carry-Out • Dine-In • Order On-Line DELICIOUS FOX’S PIZZA—HOME OF THE BIG ONE Personal 4 Pieces 8 Pieces 10 Pieces 12 Pieces 16 Pieces 21 Pieces 52 Pieces Bambino Small Medium Large X-Large Champ Big Daddy Big One 5” round 9” round 12” round 14” round 16” round 16” square 24” x 12” 30” round $ $ $ $ $ $ Cheese Pizza 2.49 5.49 7.99 9.99 11.99 $11.49 15.49 $38.99 $ $ $ $ $ $ Price Per Topping 25¢ 75¢ 1.00 1.25 1.75 1.75 2.00 4.00 Toppings: Pepperoni • Sausage • Ham • Beef Topping • Green Peppers • Hot Banana Peppers Onions • Tomatoes • Extra Cheese • Sweet Peppers • Jalapeno Peppers • Mushrooms • Black Olives Pineapple • Bacon • Anchovies Also Available: Chicken • Steak • Meatball (charged as double topping) DOUBLE DEALS — Save on 2 One Topping Pizzas! Your Choice of Two Pizzas… One Topping on Each - One LOW Price! 2 Small $10.48 • 2 Med. $15.98 • 2 Large $20.48 • 2 XL $25.48 • 2 Big Daddy $32.98 GOURMET PIZZA Look at All the Toppings You Get & Save! Bambino $499 • Small $899 • Med. $1299 • Lg. $1549 • Champ $1688 • XL $1799 • Big Daddy $2299 Deluxe Pizza, Taco Pizza, Meat Supreme Pizza, Steak Pizza, Four Cheese, Hawaiian Pizza, Pierogie Pizza, Mega Pepperoni Pizza, Veggie Pizza, Italian Hoagie Pizza, Chicken Rancher, Steak Rancher, Buffalo Chicken, Double-Bacon Cheeseburger FOX’S STROMBOLI —Bring Friends and Family! So Big You Need Help! SMALL STROMBOLI $6.99 • MEDIUM $9.99 • LARGE $12.99 • X-LARGE $14.99 Deluxe, Custom Five (5) Pizza Toppings, Steak, Barbeque Chicken, Meatball, Italian, Buffalo Chicken FOX’S WEDGIES Wedgies (created by Fox’s Pizza Den®) are like a sandwich but served between two halves of a 9” pizza crust. Whole Wedgie…$7.99 | Half Wedgie …$4.99 Extra Meat... $1 per half Extra Cheese or Veggie... 50¢ per half ALL WEDGIES are TOPPED w/LETTUCE, TOMATO & MAYO unless otherwise specified. Steak & Cheese, Chicken or Turkey Breast, Bacon Cheeseburger, Buffalo Chicken, Turkey, Bacon & Cheddar, Veggie, Italian, Ham & Cheese, Steak Rancher, Chicken Club Rancher, Club, Barbeque Chicken, Pizzaroni, Taco, BLT FOX’S WINGS WE MAKE GREAT PIZZA BUT OUR FANS KEEP COMIN’ BACK FOR MORE WINGS TOO! 25 Wings… $18.99 | 1 Doz. (12) Wings… $10.99 | 1/2 Doz. (6)… $5.99 FOX’S SALADS Tossed Salad Side…$2.29 Large…$3.99 Family-size… $9.99 Chef Salad…$5.99 Taco Salad…$6.79 Buffalo Chicken Fry Salad…$6.79 Chicken or Steak Fry Salad…$6.79 Antipasta Salad…$5.99 Dressings: Buttermilk Ranch, Golden Italian, Creamy Italian, Thousand Island, French, Blue Cheese, Fat Free Ranch, Lite Vinaigrette, Fat Free Raspberry Vinaigrette Side Salads come w/ONE pack of dressing. All others come w/TWO dressings. Extra dressing 50¢ All prices subject to change without notice. SIDES & DESSERT Plain, BBQ, Mild, Buffalo, Hot, Old Bay, Garlic Parmesan Side of Ranch, Blue Cheese or Wing Sauce… 50¢ Wedge Fries…$2.19 w/Cheese…$2.99 Bacon Cheddar Fries $3.99 Onion Rings $3.99 (8) Chicken Tenders $4.69 (8) We Carry Pepsi Products Nachos & Cheese…$3.99 Mozzarella Cheese Sticks…$4.99 (8) Garlic Bread…$1.99 | Zucchini Slices…$5.69 (6) Bread Sticks (8 pieces) $3.99 w/Cheese…$4.99 (16) Pepperoni Rolls…$4.99 (4) Hot Cheese Balls…$3.99 | Combo Platter…$7.99 (4 Cheese Stix, 4 Wings, 4 Chicken Tenders & 4 Onion Rings) (All Bread Sticks and Bread Cheese Rolls come with one 4 oz. cup of marinara sauce) Extra Marinara… 50¢ Garlic Dipping Sauce... 50¢ Honey Mustard 50¢ 16 Cinnamon Sticks with White Icing…$4.99 Z © MMXIII Adverteria INDIANA DINING A to “…and the dish ran away with the spoon.” AL PATTI’S 552 Philadelphia St. 724-349-5717 M-8p, Tu-Fri 4p, Sat 3p-2a Sports on TV | Jukebox BAR Known for their Steak Nights Tues. thru Friday Eat-In facebook.com/alpattisbar $3 U-Call-Its Daily Take-Out Lunch: M-Sa 11:30a-1:30p; Dinner: M-Th 4:30-9; F-Sa 4:30-10p BAR 724-465-4446 Appetizers, Soup, Salads, Gourmet Pizza, Wraps, Eat-In 458 Philadelphia St. Sandwiches, Burgers, Pasta, Seafood, Steaks… Music BenjaminsIndianapa.com facebook: Benjamins-Restaurant Outdoor Bar & Patio BOB’S PIZZA 461 N. 4th St. 724-465-4339 BOB’S SUB 550 Philadelphia St. 724-471-2127 M-Th 10-30a-11:30; F-S 10:30-1; Su 4-10:30 Eat-In Pizza (w/or w/o Pepperoni), Sandwiches… Take-Out facebook: Bob’s Pizza, Indiana M-Sun 10:30 a.m.-10 p.m.; walk up Th-Sat 10-3 a.m. Subs ($3.50, 5.25, 6.75), salads, shakes… Eat-In/Take-Out BobsSub.com $5 Lunch Special: Sub, Soda, Side Open Sun-Wed at 5; Th-Sat 11a-2a Happy Hours BAR Daily Drink Specials, DJs, Live Ent., Dancing... Eat-In Clem’s Ribs, etc...! H 6-Packs-to-Go H 3 Pool Tables facebook: BoomiesBar See our ads in this issue. BROWN HOTEL Mon-Sat 4:00p-2a Darts, Pool, Foosball BAR Sam’s Pizza, Live music, Beer Club… Open Mic Tues. facebook.com/DownAtTheBrown Bands (Thurs. > Sat.) BRUNO’S M-Th 11-9, F 11-10; Sat 4-10; Sun Noon-6 Italian Restaurant… BrunosIndianaPA.com facebook.com/BrunosItalianRestaurant CAFFÉ Amadeus 628 Philadelphia St. M-F 7a-5p; Sat 9a-5p; Sun 9a-2p Eat-In Viennese-style coffeehouse Take-Out Caffeamadeus.com | facebook.com/caffe.amadeus Capri Pizza China King Indiana Mall (Oakland Ave.) 724-349-9000 Eat-In/Take-Out 547 Philadelphia St. 724-463-7264 BoomiesBar.com 6th & Water St. 724-463-0881 1108 Philadelphia St. 724-465-8493 724-349-0540 731 Philadelphia St. COMMONPLACE 1176 Grant St. 724-465-6529 Szechuan, Cantonese, Hunan… 724-349-0803 Eat-In Take-Out Delivery Eat-In Take-Out M-F 7a-10p; Sat 9a-10p; Sun 9a-10p Eat-In Lattes, Espresso, Teas, Iced Drinks, Specialties Take-Out ipacoffee.com | facebook: commonplacecoffee COSUMEL Lunch Specials 11-2; Dinner Happy Hours 5-7p BAR 626 Phila. St. 724-463-1388 Mexican cuisine… Eat-In / Take-Out COY’S GRILLE 660 Philadelphia St. M-T 11a-3p; W-Th 11-9; F-Sat 11-10p; closed Sun. Eat-In 724-465-2500 Known for Sausage Sandwiches Take-Out F F F HIGHLIGHT YOUR LISTING & ADD YOUR LOGO for only $10/mo. F F F For all practical purposes, 157LIVE (this guide) is the new Phone Book! 20 © MMXIII Adverteria - All Rights Reserved. - READ IT, KNOW IT, LIVE BY IT! MARCH 2013 see ad pg. 15 by Tony C W Drinking-man Beers sans Fruit or Spice ay before I ever stepped foot on the streets of Indiana of PA, I was a bit of a traveller (to put it mildly). I guess another way of phrasing it, is that I lived in a lot of places; like NYC, DC, Philly, Malibu and parts in between. I was also fortunate to spend a bunch of time downunder (Australia) as well as traversing the big pond (the Altantic Ocean). (drinking) beers from the global village. Here are several standouts (NOT for IPA-ers): 1) Asahi Super Dry from Japan 2) Krombacher Pils from Germany 3) TSINGTAO from China 4) Pilsner Urquell from Czech Republic 5) XXXX Gold from Australia 6) Yuengling PREMIUM from the U.S. There are many more “session” beers: like the Czech Budweiser Budvar (not to be confused with U.S. Bud); Holland’s Grolsch; Brazil’s Skol or Brahma; Japan’s Kirin or Sopporo; Bavarian Helles Schlenkerla Lagerbier; even Wisconsin’s Olympia. Then there’s Yuengling Premium. It’s Premium, not Lager, that is America’s oldest beer. I know IPA drinkers and the citrusyhops lovers are popping their stoppers now. Relax… I’m not saying micros aren’t good (there are plenty of really good ones), I’m just saying you gotta give old world classics a try; especially when you’re having more than one. Cheers & enjoy! © MMXIII Adverteria / 157LIVE Beer drinker that I am, I had the opportunity to enjoy many a malted beverage in all sorts of pubs, clubs, bars and cafés. And all of this before the microbrew/ craft-beer craze. In fact, the more that I think about it, there are so many truly great beers around the world (and regionally across the U.S); that many of the new fruit and spice flavored brews are like soda-pop compared to what the true brew-masters have created. —Yes, I know, that’s a bold statement. Flashback… Beer has been around a long time. Perhaps as long as 15,000 years— with the first recipe written down by the Sumerians about 6,000 years ago. The people who built the pyramids drank it, as well as the ancient Greeks and Romans. German records indicate brewing as early as 800 B.C.; and of course the Celts were drinking ale a very long time ago. Unfortunately, while many bars are quick to carry the latest microbrews—with a fancy name or label—few have any popular 157LIVE.com TIP: Don’t base trying a beer solely on an online review—taste it yourself! 21 AdS • Promotions CopyWriting/Editing Print Materials Check $5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 22 15% .75 .90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 1.95 2.10 2.25 2.40 2.55 2.70 2.85 3.00 3.15 3.30 3.45 3.60 3.75 20% 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 Check 30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 44.00 45.00 46.00 47.00 48.00 49.00 50.00 15% 20% 4.50 6.00 4.65 6.20 4.80 6.40 4.95 6.60 5.10 6.80 5.25 7.00 5.40 7.20 5.55 7.40 5.70 7.60 5.85 7.80 6.00 8.00 6.15 8.20 6.30 8.40 6.45 8.60 6.60 8.80 6.75 9.00 6.90 9.20 7.05 9.40 7.20 9.60 7.35 9.80 7.50 10.00 Since 1996 A FULL SERVICE ADVERTISING AGENCY 724-463-3992 for Lent available at your favorite taverns and bottle shops MARCH 2013 Large Pizza w/2 Toppings 9 $ 99 VENICE 2 Large Pizzas w/2 Toppings on each 17 $ Café & Pizzeria No Coupon Necessary. Limited Time Offer. Must Mention Special When Ordering No Coupon Necessary. Limited Time Offer. Must Mention Special When Ordering 9” Hoagie Large Pizza 1 lb. Fresh Cut Fries & Can of Soda w/1 Topping & Breadsticks 10 $ 99 No Coupon Necessary. Limited Time Offer. Must Mention Special When Ordering 99 9 $ 99 TAKE OUT DELIVERY No Coupon Necessary. Limited Time Offer. Must Mention Special When Ordering 724-349-0100 Large Pizza w/1 Topping, 10 Jumbo Cut Wings No Coupon Necessary. Limited Time Offer. 157LIVE.com 1599 $ Must Mention Special When Ordering 2 Gyros 1 lb. Fresh Cut Fries No Coupon Necessary. Limited Time Offer. 10 $ 99 Must Mention Special When Ordering 23 THE CONEY r 642 Philadelphia St. 724-465-8082 theConey.com (back bar only) Open Daily at 11 a.m Daily Specials, DJ, Karaoke BAR Appetizers, Soups, Salads, Burgers, Jumbo Wings Eat-In Chili, Steak, Chicken, Seafood, Desserts… Take-Out facebook: The Coney r foursquare Banquets/Parties COVENTRY INN Th-Sat 4:30-10p French, Irish, Italian, Seafood… BAR 724-463-0776 | covinn.com | facebook: The-Coventry-Inn COZY CORNER CAFE Open for Breakfast & Lunch “Capitol Rolls” Eat-In Soup, salad, burgers, sandwiches, cheesesteaksTake-Out CozyCorneripa.com Coffee & Espresso Drinks, Teas… 11 N. Sixth St. 701 Phila. St. (Gatti’s) 724-349-9600 see ads pages 7 & 31 Open Daily at 11a — Daily Food & Drink Specials BAR Indiana Mall 724-801-8372 Hot Lunch & Salad Buffet 11a-3p DingbatsIndiana.com Eat-In / Take-Out Domino’s Pizza 1176 Grant St. DONATELLO’S Lunch, Dinner, Pasta, Fish, Veal, Pizza, Desserts… BAR 724-349-5865 donatellosrestaurant.com Eat-In/Take-Out see ad pg. 10 724-349-7310 Dominos.com DELIVERY Artisan Pizzas, Build Your Own Pizza, Parmesan Bread Bites, Chicken, Breadbowl Pasta... 791 Philadelphia St. DUGOUT PIZZA see ad on back Pizza, Stromboli, Calzone, Wings, Salads, Pasta, Desserts 114 S. Main St., Homer City 724-479-3595 Catering / Gourmet Pizza Eat-In/Take-Out GOLDEN DRAGON 3100 Oakland Ave. (Walmart) 724-464-0575 Chinese Eat-In Fortune Buffet Sushi, Habashi… Over 200 Items! Eat-In/Take-Out 475 Ben Franklin Rd. 724-463-0688 Open Sun-Thur 11a-9:30p; Fri & Sat 11a-10:30p FOX’S PIZZA DEN 724-463-8369 580 Phila. St. Pizza, Stromboli, Hoagies, Wings, Sides... DELIVERY order online FoxsPizzaDenIUP.com THE GRAPEVINE ad on pg. 19 M-Th 4-10:30p; Fri-Sat 4-11:30p; Sun 4-9:30p BAR Steak, Prime Rib, Surf & Turf, Wine List Eat-In TheGvine.com Music on Fri & Sat HB CuLPEPPER’S M-Sat 11a-2a; Sun Noon-2a Upperdeck Sports Bar BAR see ad 653 Philadelphia St. Lunch, Dinner, Drinks… NFL Package w/20 HDTVs Eat-In pg 724-349-5486 HBCulpeppers.com facebook: HB-Culpeppers Take-Out 18 HARRIGAN’S at Holiday Inn Breakfast, Dinner… BAR 1395 Wayne Ave. 724-463-3561 HiIndiana.com Eat-In HOSS’S 1198 Wayne 724-349-5750 Steakhouse… Soups, Salads, Sides… Eat-In 1155 Wayne Ave. 724-349-8170 INDIA GRILL 1047 Philadelphia St. Indian Cuisine / Catering available DELIVERY Eat-In 724-464-5300 IndiaGrillcuisine.com Take-Out IRONWOOD GRILL M-Sat 9a-2a; Sun. 11a-2a Happy Hours 5-7 M-Sat BAR 1830 Oakland Ave. 724-465-8826 Full Menu+ Wood-fired pizza, WingsLive Music/DJ E at-In TheIronwoodGrill.com Karaoke Weds. Take-Out ITALIAN VILLAGE PIZZA M-Th 11a-9p; Fri-Sat 11a-10p; Sun 12-9p Eat-In 633 Philadelphia St. Hand-tossed pizza by the slice, wings… Take-Out 724-349-6873 Italianvillagepizzapa.com Delivery KIM MOON 718 Phila. 724-349-6336 Vietnamese & Chinese Eat-In/Take-Out/Delivery F F F HIGHLIGHT YOUR LISTING & ADD YOUR LOGO for only $10/mo. F F F 24 MARCH 2013 FREE HIGHLIGHTED LISTING WITH ANY SIZE AD PLACEMENT! see ad pg. 3 King Buffet Chinese Restaurant - All You Can Eat Buffet 2401 Oakland Ave. 724-349-8535 10% Student Discount - All Day / 15% Seniors (60+) KRANGER’S CAFÉ M-F 9a-7p; Sat-Sun 9a-2p Eat-In/ Take-Out 724-349-1001 KrangersCafe.com LITTLE CAESARS 2334 Oakland Ave. (in Kmart) 724-349-3521 Eat-In/Take-Out MAUDIE’S SIXERS Su-W 11a-9p; Th-Sa 11a-10p (bar open later) BAR 8033 Hwy 286 W. 724-479-4150 Pizza, Wings, Subs... maudies6ers.com Eat-In/Take-Out 895 Wayne Ave. MADRES MEXICAN 734 Philadelphia St. 724-463-8689 NAP’S CUCINA MIA 1033 Philadelphia St. NINTH STREET DELI 901 Philadelphia St. 724-465-5221 Open Daily 11a-9p MEX2GO—Eat-In/Take-Out Burritos, Tacos, Mexican Salads, Nachos, Quesadillas, Fast service Full menu online: madresburritos.com Tu-Sa 4:30p Italian Specialties… BAR Eat-In/ Take-Out 724-465-5396 NapsCucina.com M-F 8a-9p; Sat 9a-8p; Sun 11a-7p Eat-In Two-foot subs, sandwiches, soup and salad… Take-Out 9thStreetDeliIndiana.com OUR PLACE PAPA JOHNS PIKEL’S BP INN Paisano’s 38 S. Main St. Homer City 724-479-2626 BAR Eat-In PIZZA HUT* / KFC PONDEROSA Wayne Ave. & Locust Street. 724-349-7001 724-349-0909 | PapaJohns.com Delivery 119 North 724-465-2525 PikelsOnline.com BAR Eat-In Salads, Sandwiches, Subs, Pizza, Burgers, BAR 221 S Main St. (Homer City) Italian Entreés, Wings, Desserts… Eat-In 724-479-4111 foursquare Take-Out PIZZA HOUSE Pizza, Salads, Heated Hoagies, Gyros, Soup Delivery 990 Oakland Ave. 724-463-2274 or 724-463-9986 Eat-In/Take-Out 1416 Indian Springs Rd. 724-465-2642 R & P Café 655 Church St. 724-349-7737 *Delivery Steaks, Chicken, Seafood Lunch Specials 11a-4p All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Eat-In ponderosasteakhouses.com Mon-Fri 8a-5p | RnPcafe.com Outdoor Deck Eat-In Breakfast Sandwiches, Burgers, Salads, Wraps, Dogs, Take-Out Wedgies, Hoagies, Grilled Cheese, Fish, Pizza, Shakes, Ice Cream… ROMEO’S PIZZERIA & MEDITERRANEAN KITCHEN Open 7 Days Delivery 1112 Oakland Ave. 724-349-7663 ROSEANN’S… Appetizers, Pasta, Pizza, Gourmet Pizza, Seafood, Eat-In Stromboli, Salads, Dessert… romeos-pizza.comTake-Out 2035 Route 286 South 724-349-7727 | roseanns.com THE ROSE INN M-F 10-1:30; Sat 11-1:30; Sun 12-10 Bands / DJs BAR 724-463-3060 | Lunch & Dinner Eat-In / Take-Out RUBY TUESDAY SINOBI EXPRESS 1414 Indian Springs Rd. 724-465-7553 Eat-In/Take-Out 2711 Rte. 110 Hwy W. Japanese, Sushi Bar, Hibachi Entrees… Eat-In 724-801-8308 | facebook: Sinobi-Express Take-Out SIX HAND BAKERY Tue., Wed. & Fri. 10-6; Sat. 9-3 Take-Out 29 North 8th St. 724-349-1030 Specialty Breads and Treats… : Six Hand Bakery STARBUCKS 2125 Oakland Ave. 724-349-3981 Eat-In/Take-Out/ Drive-Thru Indiana Mall 157LIVE.com © 2013 Adverteria - All Rights Reserved. 25 see ad pg. 11 see ad pg. 9 SPAGHETTI BENDERS M-Th 11a-10p; Fri 10-11; Sat 10-11p Karaoke-Fri. BAR 563 Philadelphia St. Apps., Homemade Pasta, Soups, Hoagies, Salads Eat-In 724-357-8822 spaghettibenders.com Steaks, Seafood Happy Hrs M-Th 8-10 Take-Out STEEL CITY SAMICHES 15 North 7th St. 724-801-8402 STRIKE ZONE 1926 Oakland Ave. 724-463-3665 Pittsburgh-Style “Samiches,” Burgers… BAR samiches.com Eat-In / Take-Out M-Th 3p-close; Fri, Sat, Sun Noon-close DJs/Bands BAR Pizza, Sandwiches, Salad, Hoagies, Nachos…Eat-In/Take-Out Pens Game Special $3 20oz. Bud Light mohawklanes.com SUBS N SUDS Subs, Salads, Large Slice Pizza, Stromboli, TAKE-OUT BEER 470 Philadelphia St. Burgers, Cheesesteaks, Fries … Eat-In 724-349-2770 ‘Strip District’ sandwich… subsnsudsindianapa.com Take-Out SUBWAY 724-465-9979 subway.com +Salads, Breakfast… Eat-In 574 Philadelphia St. 2334 Oakland Ave. | Univ. Sq. Bldg. II | Walmart Take-Out TANDOOR 720 Phila St. 724-464-5230 Indian cuisine... Lunch buffet Take-Out TOM’S PIZZA 7 days a week 10:30a.m. - midnight (B.Y.O.B.) Delivery 11 S. 7th St. 724-463-7960 Greek Cuisine… Gyros, Kabobs… TRES AMIGOS 1540 Oakland Ave. (724) 349-1040 Authentic Mexican Food — Quesadillas, Fajitas… BAR Lunch Specials 11-2 Soup, Salads, Seafood, Chicken, Steak… tresamigosbarandgrill.com Margaritas Eat-In / Take-Out TWISTED JIMMY’S 29 N. 7th St see ad pg. 23 Eat-In/ Take-Out 11am-2am every day DJs, Live Music twistedjimmys.com @twistedjimmy BAR Eat-In VALLEY DAIRY 3100 Oakland Ave. 724-349-6052 Open at 6 a.m. valleydairy.net VENICE CAFÉ & PIZZERIA (Across from IUP Tennis Courts) Delivery 504 South 13th St. Pizza, Gyros, Hoagies, Wings, Stromboli, Pasta… Eat-In 724-349-0100 Open 7 Days a Week Take-Out WHITEY’S Off Rt. 119 724-479-2544 whiteyspeetza.com BAR Eat-In/Take-Out WOLFIE’S / GRUBS 560-566 Philadelphia St. 724-349-0372 BAR Eat-In 26 Basic listings are editorial content. © 2013 Adverteria - All Rights Reserved. MARCH 2013 ad pg 16 10%* OFF You READ IT, KNOW IT, LIVE IT Support your LOCAL businesses. only ’ll be glad you did… DON’T MISS A SINGLE EXCITING ISSUE $ 16/yr. Send Check Payable to: ADVERTERIA P.O. 1422 • Indiana, PA 15701 Name................................................................... Address.............................................................. City....................................................................... State / Zip........................................................... email.................................................................... order securely online at: 157LIVE.com/subscribe FOR USE ON YOUR NEXT VISIT—THAT’S, THE NEXT TIME YOU’RE HERE. FREE DOMESTIC DRAFT @IRONWOOD GRILL WITH THIS COUPON LIMIT ONE PER PERSON • MUST BE 21 OR OVER • APPLICABLE LAWS APPLY. 157LIVE.com expires: 3-31-13 ADVERTERIA *with this Coupon 27 Cheers! Calling All Beer Lovers to Reporting & Drinking Beer in Indiana & Beyond! by Samuel A. Kenly and Tracy Levitz Tom Kehoe and Jon Bonvit began homebrewing as broke but enterprising students at Western Maryland College. Their hobby bourgeoned into a full-blown vocation involving apprenticeships at a British-style brewery and ultimately, the founding of Yards Brewing Company in Philly. Yards outgrew two locations in 13 years before landing in a former skatepark on the Delaware River waterfront. Now heading into its 19th year, the brewery specializes in Britishstyle ales including these five “signature” varieties available yearround. The citrusy, crisp and hoppy, Philadelphia Pale Ale, which won praise from the New York Times, is recommended to serve with everything from salads and fish Visit Beerman’s Corner on: “A fine beer may be judged with only one sip, but it’s better to be thoroughly sure.” to “hot dogs and peanuts at the ballpark.” Yards considers Extra Special Ale to be its flagship beer. A traditional English-style ale, the chocolaty and bitter ESA is suggested to have with grilled meats and hard cheeses. Yards also produces a robust IPA that is ideal with sharp cheeses, grilled lamb, and other strong flavors. Last but not least among the signature brews are Love Stout (available on draft only) and Brawler. Malty and with a lower alcohol content, Brawler claims to be crafted for session drinking (you’ll have to see). Try it with slow cooked BBQ and pizzas. Other offerings include several limitedrun creations, a small line of Revolutionary War-inspired beers (two of the three are only available at the brewery) and three seasonals. The next of which, Saison, a Belgianstyle ale, will be available April 1st. Yards may be found at your nearest six-pack shop or distributor, as well as sampled at the places and dates below: Yards Brewing Company Samplings: Ironwood Grill March 1st 5 to 7 p.m. Holiday Beverage March 5th & 9th 4 to 7 pm 28 MARCH 2013 Western PA DATE 1>2 3 5>6 in association with 1FIVE2.com 6 8 9 12 14 (top to bottom) Tenacious D 15 17 Jewel 20 Faster Pussycat Old 97s 21 22 24 26> 27 Western 28 PA Events: 29 30 1FIVE2 .com 31 157LIVE.com CONCERT / EVENT...........................................................LOCATION Brit Floyd (Pink Floyd tribute)......................Benedum Center Vintage Trouble............................................................Stage AE Autumn Owls..............................................The Smiling Moose Gaelic Storm.............................Palace Theatre (Greensburg) Indigo Girls........................................................Byham Theater Hoodie Allen......................................................... The Altar Bar Tenacious D..................................................................Stage AE Bang Tango....................................................... Hard Rock Cafe The Steel Wheels................. Pittsburgh Center For The Arts Deathfix....................................................... Mr. Roboto Project Joel McHale...............................Carnegie Library Music Hall Johnny Winter........................................................ Rex Theater The Apache Relay.......................................................Stage AE Lunasa....................................................Carnegie Lecture Hall Michael Flatley’s “Lord Of The Dance”................. Heinz Hall Elaine Paige................................ The Cabaret At Theater Sq. Jackie Evancho......................................................... Heinz Hall The Saw Doctors.........................................................Altar Bar The Tossers..................................................................Club Cafe Lindsey Stirling............................................................Stage AE Old 97’s ..................................................................... Mr. Small’s Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra (>17th)................ Heinz Hall Slightly Stoopid...........................................................Stage AE Brian Regan.......................................................Palace Theatre Jewel..................................................................Palace Theatre They Might Be Giants............................................. Mr. Small’s BoomBox................................................................. Rex Theater Kate Nash.................................................................. Mr. Small’s The Smithereens............................................................Jergel’s The 1975................................................................................ 6119 Rockapella........................... Pasquerilla Center (Johnstown) Here Come The Mummies ................................ The Altar Bar KMFDM...................................................................... Mr. Small’s The Devil Wears Prada.......................................... Mr. Small’s “The Book Of Mormon”................................Benedum Center Celtic Woman............................................................. Heinz Hall Badfish (Sublime tribute)....................Mr. Small’s Skate Park Orgy........................................................................ The Altar Bar Kenny Wayne Shepherd...........Carnegie Library Music Hall Elvis Lives (tribute).................................................... Heinz Hall Faster Pussycat . ............................. The Dead Horse Cantina Grizzly Bear..............................................Carnegie Music Hall Green Day w/Best Coast..................... Consol Energy Center 29 © 2013 Adverteria ACROSS 1. Native soprano performing here this month 12. Medical drama starring 2-Down 13. Trivia answer in ‘93 “Got Milk” commercial 14. Mouse’s stock symbol or insult 16. Hand or bar 17. Club, sponsors our kind of golf outing 20. Yards makes it British-style 23. Beermaker title 26. Kaplet-provided service 27. Popular secondary color this month 28. Thyroid-produced protein, abbr. 29. D&D Forgotten Realms deity 30. As opposed to a yap 31. Component of a Canadian question 33. Famed Irish stout 35. Persephone to the Greek, Proserpine to the _____ 37. It kicks in March 10 38. Persephone (or Prosperine)’s season 40. Carte preceed-er 42. Dionysus’s goat-like companion 43. USA show with faux clairvoyant Crossword hints at: facebook.com/157LIVE Answers on page 13 30 Down 1. Popular primary color last month 2. 12-Across actor La Salle 3. “Indiv.” 4. Hops to the mall this month 5. Pierre’s country code 6. Angeles preceed-er 7. Former Roxy Music member, ambient music innovator 8. Advanced degree offered by IUP 9. Green day to students 10. Some video games have this designation 11. Mrs. Miniver Garson 15. Bob’s Spicy Italian, for one 18. Feature of non-profit’s domain 19. Admiration, and then some 21. Legal expert 22. Paddy’s Parade Participants 24. Intended 25. Later, but soon 32. “Puts the bitter in beer” 33. Amble or gambol 34. “Novocaine For The Soul” band 36. Creates images of the arteries with a magnet, abbr. 39. Persephone’s country code 40. American news agency MARCH 2013 41. Ha’s partner SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY $ $ All Day All Day $4 All Day $4 All Day $225 Yuengs All Day $4 Kona All Day 4 4 $ Guinness Sam Adams Penn Seasonal Blue Moon 50¢ WELLS 10-12$ 175 BL Drafts Drafts $ 75Seasonal $ 25 1 Domestic $ 50¢ WELLS 1 Bud Light $4 Bud Light $ 1 WELLS 10-12 $225 4 BL Pitchers Drafts 10-12 4 BL Pitchers 10-12 Drafts 10-12 Pitchers 10-12 Call Brands $5.95 Shakers DJ Jack in the Dub $1 WELLS DJ Jack in the Dub > $250 Fireball “The only publication that reaches people who actually go out and buy things” No need to advertise anywhere else. 157LIVE AD RATES Lowest Targeted Color Ads in Town! 1/12 Page Ad...........Full Color only $25 Size: 2.25” x 1” 1/8 Page Ad............................... $45 Cube: 2.25” or Banner: 1” x 4.75” 4.75” x 2” or 2.25” x 3.75” 3.75” x 4.75” or Column 2.25” x 7.75” 1/4 Page Ad................................$75 1/3 Page Ad 4.75” x 2.5”..................$99 1/2 Page Ad...............................$175 NOBODY DOES IT BETTER! 157LIVE.com indiana’s entertainment guide Full Page.................... What a Deal! $325 5.5” x 8.5” (bleeds o.k.) Covers… $375 & $395 Order online at: 157LIVE.com Call or Text: 724-471-6080 We accept credit cards & PayPal / Bill Me Later 31 Fortune Buffet Unit #70 Townfair Shopping Center W< < fax: 724-463-0677 N < 724-463-0688 W. PIKE RD. S pafortunebuffet.com < (former Fire Mountain bldg.) E BEN FRANKLIN RD. 475 Ben Franklin Rd. PHILADELPHIA ST. Lowe’s Giant Eagle We’re Here WARREN RD. Indiana Mall OAKLAND AVE. 286 OPEN: Sun-Thurs. 11am - 9:30pm Fri & Sat 11am 10:30pm The Largest Buffet in Town! Over 200 Items! BUFFET, SUSHI & HIBACHI ALL FOR ONE PRICE Mon.-Sat. T LUNC$H BUFFE 5.99 SENIORS 10% OFF m 11 am - 3:30 p DINNER BUFFET 3:30 pm to close
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