Aug/Sept - Sydenham Fayre


Aug/Sept - Sydenham Fayre
Sydenham Newsletter
taken by
August/September 2012
A summer of sensations
As the Times put it: Hang out your bunting, dust off the flags and the plastic
Union Jack hats you bought for the Jubilee, Saturday August 4th, Day 9 of the
London Olympics was the day for going all GB bonkers. A day for blending
clichés in one patriotic cocktail: Super Saturday, Medal Mania, Golden Great
Britain – and they got it right! What a fantastic day for the Brits but also in
Sydenham it was the special wedding day of Melanie Ludgate and Kirk Crosby at
St Mary’s. The Village marquee was erected and we had an invasion of many of
their friends and family from Yorkshire. As our cover picture shows, the bride
looked lovely and a great reception was held in the OSR.
We are currently having a fantastic Olympics, what a great show they are putting
on. Have you been getting involved? Isn’t it exciting when your favourites are
doing well and in contention for medals, and equally disappointing when they
fail, sometimes miserably? In the early stages I think too much expectation was
put upon the athletes mainly by the media creating pressure out of proportion.
Has the old adage of ‘not winning but taking part and doing your best’ been
forgotten despite the months and years of a gruelling exercise and mental
schedule? I’ve got to admit getting Gold certainly matters! Well done team GB –
The Olympics follow Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations which
coincided with our annual Sydenham Fayre and we include a pictorial souvenir
pull out highlighting the wonderful weekend. Rosemary did an outstanding
job in organising the Jubilee Flower Festival, involving village organisations
and committees, from the cricket club to Stitch ‘n bitch and many individuals
dressing St Mary’s making it even more beautiful.
Despite so many alternative local and National attractions the Fayre was a great
success and the committee did an outstanding job in bringing the crowds in and
were fortunate to have pretty good weather. Unfortunately the weather changed
for Sunday’s Big Lunch but everyone somehow managed to get under cover. The
whole village enjoyed firstly the opening ceremony of the new St Mary’s Church
wall and unveiling of the specially commissioned Jubilee Plaque by Revd. Peter
Wainwright, but also despite the long wait, the fantastic BBQ and dancing to
Billy and the Bonquas. A really fun day organised by the Jubilee Committee.
Finally the Beacon lighting at the Inn at Emmington with wonderful fireworks,
BBQ and disco was a fitting conclusion to the extended Bank holiday weekend.
We have a report from the Fayre committee and also copy from Cecily Church
giving an overview of the weekend from a younger person’s perspective.
Since then, we have had Lucy Potts Concert, the Friends of the United Parish
Quiz Night and the WI have been out and about and Siobhan, Jean and Cyndy
give us excellent reports. President Fi and the WI ladies held a lovely tea party at
Upper Chalford Farm at the end of July courtesy of Jane & Paul Rooksby.
I’m really pleased to report that Tony Smith has returned home following his
fall resulting in a new hip and our thoughts are also with Gwen and wish her
Early next month we have the annual fund-raiser Ride & Stride with the money
raised shared equally between St. Mary’s Church and Oxfordshire’s Historic
Churches Trust. This great event has been going now for a number of years and
is well supported by the village. Do get involved.
We will publish the next issue in early October, so if you would like to ‘Have
your say’, feed us information on your group activities or give us Dates for the
Diary then email [email protected] by Friday 28th September.
Church News
Dates for your Diary in February
St. Mary’s Church Services
Sunday12th 10.00am BCP Matins – Mark Humphrey
Sunday 19th 6.00pm BCP Evensong – Revd. Joan DeVal and Tessa Wyatt
Friday 24th
9.00am Morning Prayer – Ministry Team (all welcome)
Sunday 26th 4.00pm Family Service – Revd. Peter Wainwright and
David Bartlett
Sunday 2nd 10.00am BCP Holy Communion – Revd. Peter Wainwright
Saturday 8th 10.00am Ride & Stride
Sunday 9th
10.00am BCP Matins – Revd. Joan DeVal
Sunday 16th 6.00pm BCP Evensong – Mark Humphrey and Bob Sluka
Sunday 23rd 4.00pm Harvest Festival – Revd. Joan DeVal and
Margaret Poole followed by refreshments in the OSR.
Please bring along a plate of canapés or cakes.
Friday 28th
9.00am Morning Prayer – Ministry Team (all welcome)
Sunday 30th 10.00am United Parish Holy Communion –
Revd. John Kinchin-Smith . Revd. Peter Wainwright
and Nigel Northcott (speaker from Steppin’ Stones)
Services from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer are marked *
FUP Village Quiz Night
Another successful fund raising evening took place
in early July and the OSR was comfortably full
with nine teams answering ten rounds of General
Knowledge questions set by Roy. The winners
this time were the local team of Siobhan & Lloyd
McKee, Fiona & Mark Kermack and Sandra & Jeff
Ludgate, just pipping the others by a couple of
points. The questions are all easy if you know the
answers! Margaret and John Poole put on a delightful
ploughman’s and £600 was raised for the Friends of
the United Parish coffers.
The next event organised by the Friends of the United Parish will be hosted
at St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Aston Rowant on September 22nd with the
Oxford Welsh Male Voice Choir starting at 7.30pm.
Tickets including light refreshments are £10 and available from Jenny Flynn on
01844 352345
Old School Room 100 Club Winners
Additional Jubilee OSR 100 Club Prize
£25 £15
Julie Harrison
Mark King
Tony Smith
Pam Rose
The Ashfields
Yvette Raisen
Peter Cox
The Lambs
Dan Hughes
Derek Randall
June Hall
The Ludgates
newington stadhampton ox10 7aw
tel 01865 400533
closed on Mondays except Bank Holidays
The 100 club draw remains the biggest
fundraiser for the OSR and with the 2012/13
year starting in October, we will be sending out the renewal forms in the near
future before the October Draw. Please continue to support.
Ride & Stride Saturday 8th September
Take a leaf out of our wonderful
Olympic Cycling team and get on
your bike! Yes guys and gals, it’s here
again. Adèle has the sponsorship
forms and we are looking for both
Rider’s and Greeter’s. The riding is
the easy part and whilst people can
set off on their own, in past years we
have got together in a group at an easy pace and followed a lovely country route
through Postcombe, South Weston, Adwell, Tetsworth, Stoke Talmage, Easington
and stopped off for a brilliant lunch at the Lord Nelson in Brightwell Baldwin.
Following this convivial stop off, it is on to the beautiful little Cuxham church
which will be decorated for Harvest, then onto Watlington, Perton, Sherborn,
Lewknor, then under the motorway to Aston Rowant and Crowell then St Andrew’s
in Chinnor before finished back at St Mary’s in Sydenham. That route covers just
15 churches but there are many more in the list that accompanies the forms.
If you cannot ride with us then can you give an hour of your time between
10am and 6pm? We also require greeter’s at St Mary’s to welcome other ‘Strider’s
and mark their cards.
Please give Adèle a call on 352805 or pick up a sponsorship form from the church.
Parish Council
P12/S1096/FUL Slade Farm, Sydenham Road
Replacement entrance gates and pillars and
new walls adjacent
No strong views
P12/S1295/HH Vine Cottage The Lane
Sydenham OX39 4LW
Single storey rear extension.
No strong Views
P12/S1494/HH Old Byre House,
Sydenham Road, Sydenham OX39 4LR
Demolition of existing glazed conservatory and
construction of new hardwood timber orangery
on back elevation corner of property.
Village Clear Up
A date for your diary.....the autumn village
clear up will take place on Sunday, 7th
October, meeting on the Village Green at
11am. As usual litter pickers and bags will
be provided. The more people who are able
to help, the easier - and quicker - it is! A
reminder will be sent out nearer the time.
Hope to see you there – after all, we all
benefit from an attractive, litter free village.
P11/S0443 and P11/S0246
Vears Farmhouse, Brookstones
Demolition of existing outbuilding and the
erection of a replacement outbuilding for
storage and garage use ancillary to the main residential dwelling (amended)
Planning permission and Conservation Area consent both Granted
P11/E2385 Slade Farm, Sydenham Road
Demolition and erection of
replacement stables and ancillary
groom accommodation
Permission Granted
P12/S0711/LDP The Hedgerow,
Construct semi-open porch to front
of property
Certificate of Lawful Development
P12/S0815/HH The Old Vicarage,
Sydenham Road
Extension, conversion and alteration
of existing single storey outbuildings
To form a one bedroom annexe
Permission Granted
The Swan
& Antiques Centre
Open 7 days a week
10am - 6pm
Lunches served every day
12 - 2.30pm
Morning Coffees & Afternoon Teas
Forty showrooms of Antiques
Friday Evening Dining
The last Friday of the month:
Private Parties & Evening Events
Please contact the team at The Swan
for further information
The Swan at Tetsworth
High St, Tetsworth
Oxfordshire OX9 7AB
R 01844 281182 A 281777
Public Consultation – Invitation
The Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust is applying to become a Foundation
Trust. NHS Foundation Trusts have more freedom to decide how to run their
affairs and deliver services.
As part of the public consultation period on the Trust’s strategy and proposed
governance arrangements you are invited to attend the meeting at the Barns
Centre, Thame on Thursday, 30 August.
Further information is available from the Foundation Trust on 01865 743491
The new telephone number for the future of non-emergency health services.
What is this about?
A new three-digit number 111 will make it easier for patients to access local
NHS healthcare services. It is coming to Oxfordshire this Summer, 2012;
NHS111 will be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls from landlines
and mobiles will be free. The new service is part of a national programme to
make it easier for the public to access urgent health services.
NHS111 will get you through to a team of fully trained call advisers, who are
supported by experienced clinicians. They will ask your questions to assess
your symptoms, and give you the healthcare advice you need or direct you to
the right local service. The NHS111 team will, where possible, book you an
appointment or transfer you directly to the people you need to speak to. If they
think you need an ambulance, they will send one immediately – just as if you
had originally dialled 999.
What is happening in Oxfordshire?
We aim to go live Summer 2012. Information will be distributed widely across
Oxfordshire to inform people about the launch of the new NHS111 service.
What do members of the public need to know?
You should call NHS111 if:
You need medical help fast, but it is not a 999 emergency
You think you need to go to accident and emergency or another NHS urgent
care service
You do not know who to call for medical help or you do not have a GP to call
You require health information or reassurance about what to do next
For less urgent health needs, you should still contact your GP in the usual way.
For more information please visit the NHS Choices website at
If you have any questions about the introduction of the 111 service in
Oxfordshire please email: [email protected]
07831 445691
01844 351519
[email protected]
Sydenham Fayre 2012
Besides the fact that we shared it with the Queens Diamond Jubilee, for many
reasons it was a very special Fayre this year. We had the one totally fine weather
day in a two week period on the day of the Fayre, we introduced our new
marquee, the previous one having been destroyed by high winds last October,
and moreover we had our own village royalty with the opening being performed
by Bridget Britain, one of Sydenham’s oldest residents. Bridget was to have been
joined by Tony Smith who has probably lived in the village longer than most but
regretfully Tony could not make the day due to being hospitalised. I understand
he is recovering well and we wish Tony a quick return to his Sydenham home.
Despite many Jubilee events elsewhere, visitor numbers were around the same
as in previous years and the village was busy till well after 6pm. Following
the opening by Bridget, the Green thronged with activity and colour from the
bouncy castle and Chinnor’s Warren Horlsey’s swing boats and roundabout. The
green’s biggest draws, as in previous years were the Bric a Brac and Tug of War
where The Crown again for the 3rd year in succession retained the trophy with a
pull off against Sydenham CC.
There was plenty to eat and drink and the new BBQ team put together by John
Ashfield exceeded expectations, and as in the previous years, then under Lloyd
McKee management, they
sold out of burgers and
sausages. Cream teas, cakes
etc were well catered for by
Sydenham’s wonderful WI
team under the supervision
of Ann Ashfield and though
not a particularly hot day,
the Pimms stall managed
by Roy and his team did
exceptionally well.
On the entertainment side of things I
would have to make special mention about
Her Majesty Nick Potts who this year
entered into the royal theme by becoming
the queen or a queen for the day (take
your pick). He/she managed to entertain
and embarrass in equal measures until
his high heels started to have a lasting
effect on how he walked and he developed
a serious case of ‘Padding Droop’.
Reluctantly he/she abdicated to Chinnor RFC for a game of rugby. (If only his
fellow players had known what he had been up to in the previous two hours).
All the many other activities on offer from Face Painting, Plate Smashing, Beat
the Goalie, Name the Donkey and a whole lot more went to make the Fayre what
it has been for years - a good family afternoon out that attracts many visitors
from beyond Sydenham. Thanks to everyone who helped out or participated on
the day. Without your help and support, the day would not have happened or
been so hugely successful.
Your efforts raised an outstanding £5001.00, which has now been allocated to
the following beneficiaries.
St Mary’s Church Fabric Fund
St Mary’s Church
Flower Fund
St Mary’s Church
Churchyard Mowing Operation
Aston Rowant School
Outdoor Equipment
Ladybird Playgroup
Soft Lego Equipment
Chinnor Skate Park
Promissory Funding 200.00
Friends of Lewknor School
Oasis Sand/Water Table
Jubilee Celebrations
The Big Lunch BBQ/Band
Sydenham OSR
Starter Fund for Defibrillator 500.00
Sydenham Cricket Club
Ground Fees
Sydenham Fayre
New Marquee
The overall sum includes some under spend from last year. If anyone has
any questions or comments on the Fayre etc please contact me either by
phone or e-mail.
Gordon McLeod. On behalf of the Fayre Committee
[email protected] 352366
In order to get a younger persons’ perspective, Fi invited Cecily to write
about the Jubilee weekend
There was some trepidation about the weather forecast before Sydenham Fayre
began. However, the morning’s threatening clouds soon cleared, and by the time
the Fayre was underway, there was bright sunshine. Izzy Grafham and I came
into the village riding Gilly’s horses Tonto and Tex, which we were bringing for
the pony rides, and by the time we arrived the crowds were already gathering.
I didn’t get the best view of Bridget Britain’s opening speech unfortunately as
Tonto wasn’t really cooperating, so we took him to the pony ride stall. I helped
Gilly with the rides for a while, encouraging the horses not to eat every plant
within reach. Then I was transferred to the Kids’ Games stand. For the next hour
I encouraged visitors to pick out lollies, drop pennies into a bucket to cover a
pound coin (harder than it sounds!) and shovel marbles into a flowerpot. This
last game had some incredible results- two particularly skilled contestants
managed to scoop 74 marbles into the pot in just 30 seconds!
I did get the chance to wander round the
rest of the Fayre as well. I stuffed myself
with gorgeous cakes from the OSR (I think
my family bought a record number of
chocolate éclairs) and picked up some
great bargains from the bric-a-brac. I am
now the proud owner of a ‘facial steamer
and nasal inhaler’, which I’d never realised
I needed! Sadly I missed out on the
Gladiator Challenge and the Tug of War,
but this was more than made up for when
I met the Queen herself, as well as her
beautiful corgi in the church.
The weather took a slight turn for the worse on the following day for the Jubilee
Street Party, but this didn’t put a damper on anyone’s spirits. After all we are
British, and this was certainly a patriotic day. The cheerful tunes from Billy and
the Bonquas – along with bunting, and flags depicting the Queen with slightly
scary red eyes – put everyone in the celebrating mood. Table by table we went
up to collect delicious burgers and sausages which Max Pettini was cooking up
at an incredible rate despite the rain. Time passes quickly when you’re having
fun, and before we knew it we’d spent several hours under the marquee. The
brilliant organisation ensured everything ran smoothly, and Sydenham’s Jubilee
weekend was a great success. It was rounded off with the lovely barbeque at
The Inn at Emmington. The Jubilee celebrations went out with a bang, quite
literally- firstly the Beacon was lit in the pub car park which was followed by
firework display. It was a great way to finish a wonderful weekend.
Cecily Church
See our ‘insert’ Sydenham Jubilee celebration picture montage in the centre
Jubilee Weekend Montage – centre pages
The jubilee was celebrated in true Sydenham Style and a great crowd of villagers
and friends, despite the intermittent rain (and in some cases, the drenching
downpour!) not only supported the Fayre but also the many activities over the
extended weekend. Our colour ‘pull out and keep for ever’ commemorative
section takes us on a journey through the celebrations. Commencing with the
official opening of the Fayre by Mrs Bridget Britain on the front cover, we are
then taken into.
St Mary’s Church to remind ourselves of the abundance of glorious and inventive
flower arrangements created by individuals and Sydenham ‘organisations’ for the
Sydenham Flower Festival organised by Rosemary. These were much admired by
the visitors. The hole for the burying of the time capsule organised by the Jubilee
Committee was dug and watched over by many of our youngsters who, in many
years to come will look back at their younger selves with pride. Our centre pages
show just a flavour of the fun and variety of the Fayre day itself. It was another
great success and you can read more about it as well as the profits made in the
report by Gordon Mcleod, Chairman of the Fayre Committee. Then it is onto
the unveiling of the Jubilee plaque by the Revd. Peter Wainwright amidst great
cheers and flag waving before cramming into the marquee for a soggy but very
jolly lunch with entertainment by Billy and the Bonquas and their enthusiastic
whistling star Pat Hardiman. Finally, The Inn at Emmington did Sydenham proud
by laying on a beacon lighting event with fireworks.
A stunning end to a superb, unforgettable Sydenham Jubilee.
Fi Kermack
JEWELLERY REPAIR & RESTORATION SERVICE I am a local semi-­retired master craftsman with over 45 years experience in repairing & restoring broken/damaged jewellery. Perhaps you have a ring that needs resizing or a chain that needs repairing? Maybe you would just like to have a piece of jewellery professionally cleaned and polished. I can offer you friendly & helpful advice in order to repair/restore any of your jewellery at affordable prices. All work is carried out to the highest standard in my workshop. Please call Stephen on 01844 354602 12
Diamond Jubilee Weekend
Souvenir Keepsake
Jubilee Flower Festival at St Mary’s
Burying the time capsule on The Green
am Fayre
Unveiling the Jubilee plaque
The Big Lunch
The “beacon” lighting
News from Sydenham Cricket Club
The weather has taken its inevitable toll on the cricket season with only 5
matches being played so far but when Sydenham village have taken to the field,
the performances and results have been positive with 2 wins under our belt,
already an improvement on last season!
The wins were against Great Milton and Great Haseley and both were very
comprehensive victories. We are now inevitably actively looking for fixtures
against clubs with “great” in their name!
Another highlight of the season so far has been the Sydenham Ashes,
contested between two teams from the club, with the Vice Captain’s XI
narrowly beating the Captain’s XI at our home ground at Lewknor. Honour was
satisfied with each captain taking the others wicket. The club have fixtures
either at home or within 15 minutes drive, until 16 September and nets are
held each Tuesday evening on the play area in the village, followed by a trip
to the Crown to discuss tactics
and strengthen the bowling
arm. The club is always on the
look out for new players to our
typical Sunday side of mixed
ability, so please do check out
for contact details and
match reports.
Toby Roe
News from Sydenham WI
Owls, Rock, cakes galore, keep fit, ……
Quite a lot to catch up on since the last pre jubilee
issue so let’s get cracking! As usual, a busy time for the
Sydenham WI with not only local happenings but also a
whole raft of National WI events to go to. You may think quilting is just a load
of old fabric, but think again… Siobhan’s report on our meeting in May shows
this skilled activity in a different light.
Then it was the turn of Sydenham to host
the group meeting - this is attended by
a ‘parliament’ of WI’s from the area so it
was our opportunity to play host. Owls
were our chosen attraction and we were
not disappointed. Then the WI in true
spirit, baked for England in celebration of
Queen and country for the occasion of the
Jubilee Fayre and weekend celebrations.
Our meeting in June had us stretching and
bending to a sedentary keep fit session encouraged by a fellow WI member and
marvellous teacher – Joan Creese (see report below by Jean Evans) then Sandra,
our secretary realised an ambition recently by joining Rock Choir and a bunch
of us went to cheer her on where she and over a hundred others in fine voice
performed a collection of contemporary songs.
The AGM held at the Albert Hall was
an amazing event and to be part of
it was an experience like none other.
In our box, we listened to a variety of
speakers, cheered on resolutions and
initiatives and knitted our way into
the Guinness Book of records. Then to
conclude the first half of the year, our
summer Jubilee party, kindly hosted
by the Rooksby’s in their glorious
grounds provided the opportunity to enjoy an enormous cream tea, win some
fantastic prizes and meet new friends. Cyndy’s report is glowing! So we have a
little break for the summer (August) before a packed menu of occasions planned
for the Autumn. If you can’t bear to miss out a moment longer on all we do (and
enjoy doing so much) then waste no time – come and join us!
For further information on the Sydenham WI and our next meeting on
September, please call me on 352990 or email [email protected]
Fiona Kermack
A stitch in time….
Our May meeting was a fascinating insight
into the world of Quilting. Some of us
may have thought that a quilt was just a
haphazard stitching together of bits of
fabric, but we soon found this was not the
case! The very talented Barbara Simpson
brought along a large selection of quilts
she has made over the years ranging from
table place mats to handbags to bedcovers
to throws through to huge wall hangings.
Each one is intricately made to a traditional design; some machined, some hand
stitched, but all truly amazing. She told us that it’s very easy and that anyone
can do it - some of us were not so sure, but it has spurred us on to start a small
quilting group, which Barbara is happy to mentor, with the hope that we could
produce a Sydenham WI quilt during the Jubilee Year.
Keeping fit –
the fun way
Sedentary keep fit was embraced
with much enthusiasm and we
were soon throwing arms in
all directions and tapping feet
vigorously to music. After many
more exercises we came to the
conclusion keep fit was a good
thing for all ages and it is fun
too. I wonder how many aches
there were the next morning?
Jean Evans
WI Annual Tea Party
On July 21 the Sydenham WI gathered for their annual tea party. This was held
at Upper Chalford Farm and kindly hosted by the Rooksby’s. It is always a
popular event and we were joined by not only other WI’s from the area but also
the ministry team, villagers and friends.
When the party started at 2 o’clock, surprise, surprise (!) the heavens opened
and whilst it rained, we all appreciated the cover afforded by the Rooksby’s
wonderful barns. Fortunately, after a while, the skies cleared and the party
continued on a dryer note.
Besides the scones and
cream teas, there were
many tasty cakes provided
by the members as well
as Rosemary Carter’s
renowned éclairs which
everyone enjoyed. After
tea, the raffle prizes
were awarded with many
delighted members
returning home with a
new gift, or prize to look
forward to taking. Our
fabulous line up included:
a back and neck massage
plus mini facial at the
newly refurbished Shapers in Chinnor, a lap tray and chopping board from
Cargo in Thame, Afternoon tea at The Spread Eagle in Thame, a scented herb
basket courtesy of Ann Ashfield, 2 tickets to Wycombe Swan to see Dry Rot and
afternoon tea at Juicy Juicy in The Newington garden centre at Stadhampton.
Cyndy Thomas
Heathfield Tree Services
All aspects of tree care provided
including hedgelaying.
Qualified ~ Experienced ~ Insured
Telephone: 01844 355100
Mobile: 07788 172853
Friendly advice
Free estimates
Top quality logs and charcoal also available
Village Environmental Services
Blocked Drains Cleared ~ CCTV Drain Surveys
Fencing ~ Grounds maintenance
Reasonable Rates
No extra charge for evening, weekend or Bank Holiday call-outs
24 hour polite, courteous service
Tel: 07850 635844 – 9a.m. – 6p.m.
01296 624221 All other times
Established 1979
Proprietor: Dennis Cook
Full Public Liability Insurance
Approved member of Trading Standards ‘Buy with Confidence’,
Friendly and reliable service offering ‘peace of mind’
Green deal on the horizon
The Green Deal is a government scheme created under the Energy Act 2011. It
provides a framework for householders to access energy saving measures at no
up-front cost.
Greg Barker, Minister of State has described
the Green Deal as “the biggest home
improvement programme since the Second
World War”.
To get your free, no obligation survey for
insulation, or for more advice on heating,
keeping warm, saving money on energy bills,
grants, switching supplier, and a whole host
of other helpful ways to cut your bills, call us
on freephone 0800 107 0044. Lines are open
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Dale Hoyland, United Sustainable
Energy Agency
newington stadhampton ox10 7aw
tel 01865 400533
Closed on Mondays except Bank Holidays
The Chiltern Brewery, Terrick, Bucks
Have you ever visited
The Chiltern Brewery and
brewery shop? With over 30
years of family heritage and
a warm friendly welcome, it
is a real pleasure to walk the
polished floor boards and
browse the shelves packed
with amazing local food and
drink. The full range of the
brewery’s award winning
bottled and draught ales
is here, as well as a huge choice of food, some using the beer as an ingredient.
Enjoy one of their famous Brewery Tours and discover the art of the Master
Brewer whilst enjoying a tutored beer and food matching session. These are
easy to book online. The Chiltern Brewery’s tap, The Farmers’ Bar at the Kings
Head in Market Square, Aylesbury is a wonderful historic pub in which to enjoy
their fine beers and a delicious lunch menu. You can also pop in for morning
coffee and a delightful selection of locally made fancies. Tel: 01296 613647
News from The Inn at Emmington
We really enjoyed welcoming everyone to the Jubilee Celebrations at the Inn at
Emmington. We were pleased with such a great turnout and relieved that the
weather cooperated for the barbecue, the bonfire and the garden games. Thanks
to all that attended - it was great to meet so many from the village. Weather
permitting; we are planning another barbecue on Sunday 26th of August, Bank
Holiday Weekend. More details closer to the time will be made available.
Improvements continue at the Inn with more work in the garden and thanks to
all that rain, it is looking rather lush and lovely. Every cloud and all that. Our
Aunt Sally team is maintaining its
position in the bottom half of the table
to ensure a place in the same league
next year! Rain or shine the evenings
have been great fun and upcoming
Poor Reception Solved - Aerials repaired & supplied
dates for the remaining home games
TVs - Hung on your wall for you. Also supplied & tuned
are Fridays 3rd, 10th and 31st August.
Extra TV Points - For aerial and Sky (In HD!)
So why not pop down and enjoy a
Sky TV - Also Foreign Language TV
refreshing drink in the garden as well
Call Thame 01844 259119
as a bit of light entertainment.
Shaun Guard
A part of
Paula & Jerry
THE THAME FOOD FESTIVAL - a note from the organisers
Please do join us on the day for this wonderful regional celebration of artisan
local food and drink produce, to meet fabulous local food producers and great
local food retailers and to enjoy a fantastic, free, fun packed, family day of food.
The festival will take place in the centre of the historic and beautiful market
town of Thame from 9am onwards on September 29th in an expanded area
closed to traffic. There will be up to 100 stallholders, with mouth-watering takeaway food, a ‘Pop-up-Pub’ and a cookery theatre for food demos by an amazing
line-up of celebrity chefs. Raymond Blanc will be signing copies of his cookery
books at the ‘Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons’ stall. Live entertainment will feature a
concert band, a live music marquee and a tombola stall.
Food events in the stables of The James Figg public house include wine tasting
for beginners and sausage making and there will be food demos, food talks and
book signings in the AGA shop. Cream teas and posh kebabs will be served at
The Spread Eagle Hotel with crepe and cocktail making demos. Beverley Glock
will be hosting Whizz Bang Food: molecular gastronomy and food science
classes for children in Thame
Town Hall. Smoothie Bike Hire
with their awesome custom
built Smoothie - making
bicycle will also be promoting
healthy eating, exercise and
sustainable energy for all the
family. Festival ambassador
Raymond Blanc will be signing
copies of his fantastic cookery
books. He will also perform
a demo with Kush in the
cookery theatre and may even
shop for the finale cook-off
between Mark and Adam of the
Raymond Blanc Cookery School
and Harding’s Restaurant at
Aylesbury College.
There are in the region of
100 stallholders including
the intriguing concept of the
‘Oyster Meister’. Raffle prizes
will include a fabulous day at
The Raymond Blanc Cookery
School, one night’s Bed &
Breakfast at The Spread Eagle
Hotel, a set of professional Raymond Blanc by Anolon cookware kindly provided
by Meyer Group Ltd, as used on the day in the cookery theatre, and a gorgeous
food hamper from Thame’s own Harrison Catering. The popular Thame Tart
competition, where festival goers are invited to make their own version of the
sophisticated classic jam tart recipe invented by John Fothergill owner of The
Spread Eagle Hotel in central Thame in the 1930’s, will be judged by festival
patron Lotte Duncan and the lucky winner will receive a signed copy of Lotte’s
amazing book ‘Lotte’s Country Kitchen’.
Gardening news – Create living architecture
Ask anyone to name an ornamental grass and the response is usually ‘Pampas
Grass’, now despised by many as these magnificent grasses were allowed to
grow to immense and uncontrollable proportions. Smaller varieties of the
beautiful Cortaderia are now available though and hopefully they will find
favour again as eye-catching specimen plants. However, there are other smaller,
ornamental grasses on offer which are suitable for most gardens whether
planted in borders or tubs.
These under-rated plants have superb architectural qualities, provide a touch of
the exotic and are relatively low maintenance. They are truly desirable additions
to gardens, offering spectacular displays throughout the year, are trouble free
and are fantastic for softening hard landscaping. The taller species and varieties
are wonderful for sensory environments, providing movement and sound as
the breeze moves through the leaves. Shorter grasses are suitable for container
planting or the fronts of borders. Grasses can be used as ground cover plants,
as focal points in the garden, in soil erosion control projects, naturalistic garden
designs and modern planting schemes. The foliage not only provides interest
for the best part of the year but the airy flower plumes create colour and
contrast from summer to winter.
There are 2 types of grasses to choose from: cool season and warm season. Cool
season grasses to look out for include Deschampsia, Festuca and Sesleria and
warm season grasses include Miscanthus, Panicum and Pennisetum.
When selecting grasses, choose the right grass for the location. We are happy to
advise you on this.
Once established, most ornamental grasses require very little attention except
for a spring clean and division as needed. New plants should be watered
thoroughly and frequently throughout the first growing season. By the following
year, the roots should be well established thus reducing the need for irrigation
unless drought conditions prevail.
Complied by Anne Hendry from Newington Nurseries (on the A329 on the
outskirts of Stadhampton)
Tel 01865 400533.
Pub & Restaurant, Cask Ales & Wines
En-suite Rooms
Beer Garden
Large Beer
Car Park
Car Park
Sunday Lunch from £9.95 per person
Lunch, Wednesday - Saturday 12-2pm & 3pm on Sundays
Lunch, Wednesday - Saturday 12-2pm & 3pm on Sundays
Monday -- Saturday
Saturday 6.30-9pm
Tel: 01844 351367
Tel: 01844 351367
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sydenham Road, Sydenham, Chinnor, OX39 4LD
Sydenham Road, Sydenham, Chinnor, OX39 4LD
Diary dates
12th Sydenham Cricket Club v Tetsworth (home)
Sydenham Cricket Club v Swyncombe (away)
26th Bank Holiday BBQ at the Inn at Emmington
Sydenham Cricket Club v Cuxham (away)
Ride & Stride, sponsored cycle ride to local churches.
Henley Show. (See insert)
Sydenham Cricket Club v Ibstone (home)
Sydenham Cricket Club v Old Berkeley (home)
WI September Meeting in the OSR
Cricket Club ‘Call my Wine Bluff’ event. OSR
FUP Welsh Male Voice Choir. Aston Rowant 7.30pm
Thame Food Festival
Village clear up
Pumpkin Competition
Please keep looking at the Sydenham website
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Watch, St Mary’s Church, Pubs & Restaurants and Local Cinemas & Theatres.
The Parish Council page includes Parish information, minutes of monthly meetings and latest
agendas, news & events, information that is posted on the notice boards, useful contact
details and Sydenham Newsletters in full colour.
We would like to receive feedback about these pages - please let us know if you have
suggestions for other content that you would like to see. The Parish Council can be
contacted at [email protected], or via the contact form on the website we look forward to hearing from you!
Views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the Sydenham Newsletter Team
or other contributors. The publication of content in the Sydenham Newsletter is at the sole
discretion of the Editorial Team, and although every effort is made to only include bona fide
advertisers, the Newsletter Team take no responsibility for the validity of claims or offers made.
T. 01296 613647 E. [email protected]