2016 Programme - Contract Bridge
2016 Programme - Contract Bridge
2016 Programme Name ………………..………………..…………….. Computer No…………………...…..……………….. THE TAUPO BRIDGE CLUB (INC), PO BOX 734, TAUPO 3351 CLUBROOMS: Tauhara Road, Phone 378 6621 Email: [email protected] Website: www.contractbridge.net/taupo OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Imm. Past President PATRICIA TYLER 377 4649 BARRY FITZGERALD 378 2458 STUART McKINLAY 376 8551 SUZANNE FLOWERS 378 2314 CONVENORS Monday PATRICIA TYLER 377 4649 Tuesday Partner Guaranteed by 1.15pm Wednesday ROSEMARY RITCHIE 378 1799 Friday JOAN BERG 377 1313 NICOLA CHAPMAN 378 6462 Please use the sign-up sheets at the club, or ring the convenors if you can’t find a partner. They are always keen to help. COMMITTEE Sharon Barton 372 8919 Mike Corkin 378 8940 Rona Driscoll 377 8808 Hazel Milliken 377 3973 John Paine 378 5638 Marilyn Sunley 377 2402 TOURNAMENTS BAYLEYS INTERMEDIATE 5B Sat 12th March PAK’N’SAVE OPEN 5A Sat 7th & Sun 8th May SUMMERSET OPEN 8B Sat 15th October NZ WIDE PAIRS Fri 4th November CLUB EVENTS Annual General Meeting Tues 25th October Prize Giving & Christmas Bridge Mon 12th December United Travel Midwinter Bridge & Dinner Sun 26th June Tues 1st November Melbourne Cup NOTE: if you win the toss, you MUST sit N/S Advertisers help pay our printing costs. Please use their services where possible and tell them you are a member and appreciate their help to the Club. 2 Proud Supporters of the Taupo Bridge Club Everyone wins when you DEAL with United Travel. Taupo United Travel Taupo 07 3789709 Email: [email protected] Visit Us... 40 Heuheu Street, Taupo Pauline Petty Samantha Johnston Loren Borck Megan Bishop Steve Sievwright Julie Sievwright 3 MONDAY PROGRAMME Please be seated by 7.20pm Conditions of play - Monday 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The same pair cannot win more than one Monday night competition other than the Junior Championship Pairs and the Swiss Pairs. The Barbara Wright Trophy is played over ten sessions with a different partner for each session and is awarded to the highest scoring player with less than 30 rating points as at 31 January 2016. A minimum of 7 sessions are required, and all scores count. If a pair plays twice, the first score counts. For two-night events, both scores count. For three-night events, the best 2 scores count. If a substitute is used, that score will be dropped. Junior Championship Pairs: played over 4 nights, best 3 to count. Qualifying pairs must have no more than 60 combined rating points as at 31 January 2016. Systems: Restricted to those systems that are allowed for Junior Tournaments www.nzcba.co.nz/systems-guide -for-junior-intermediate-tournaments.html with the addition of Benjamin Acol as played at Taupo Bridge Club (see page 18) 4 5 MONDAY PROGRAMME – continued January 11 Open................……………………………………………… 18 Open………………………………………………………… 25 Open………………………………………………………… February 1 Barbara Wright (1)......………………………………………. 8 February Pairs.………………………………………….…… 15 February Pairs.………………………………………….…… 22 Summer Pairs..………………………………………….…… 29 Summer Pairs..………………………………………….…… March 7 Barbara Wright (2)…………………………………….……. 12 Taupo Bayleys Intermediate 5B Tournament (Saturday) 14 March Pairs…………………………………….…………… 21 March Pairs…………………………………….…………… 28 March Pairs…………………………………….…………… April 4 Barbara Wright (3)…………………………………….….… 11 April Pairs……………………………………..………….… 18 April Pairs……………………………………..………….… 25 April Pairs……………………………………..………….… May 2 Barbara Wright (4).……………………………………...….. 7/8 Taupo Pak’nSave Open 5A Tournament (Sat/Sun) 9 May Pairs…………………………………….………..……. 16 May Pairs…………………………………….………..……. 23 May Teams………………………………...……………..…. 30 May Teams………………………………...……………..…. 6 7 MONDAY PROGRAMME – continued June 6 Barbara Wright (5).…………………………………….……. 13 June Pairs……………………………………....……………. 20 June Pairs……………………………………………………. 26 United Travel Mid-Winter Bridge and Dinner (Sunday) 27 June Pairs…………………………………….………....... July 4 Barbara Wright (6).……………………………………...… 11 July Pairs…………………………………….………..…… 18 July Pairs…………………………………….…………..… 25 July Pairs…………………………………….…………..… August 1 Barbara Wright (7).…………………………………….….… 8 Junior Championship Pairs………………………………….. 15 Junior Championship Pairs………………………………….. 22 Junior Championship Pairs………………………………….. 29 Junior Championship Pairs…………………….……….....… September 5 Barbara Wright (8)…………………………………….…….. 12 September Pairs….................…………………...…………... 19 September Pairs….................…………………...…………... 26 September Pairs….................…………………...…………... 8 Taupo 99 Bella George Lane Phone:07 378 6540 www.mitre10.co.nz 9 MONDAY PROGRAMME – continued October 3 Barbara Wright (9)……………………………………...…… 10 October Swiss Pairs…………………………...…………….. 15 Taupo Summerset Open 8B Tournament (Saturday) 17 October Swiss Pairs…………………………...…………….. 24 October Pairs……………………………………...………… 25 Annual General Meeting (Tuesday) 31 October Pairs……………………………………...………… November 7 Barbara Wright (10)…………………………….…………… 1 Melbourne Cup (Tuesday) 4 NZ Wide Pairs (Friday) 14 November Pairs……………………………………...……… 21 November Pairs……………………………………...……… 28 Christmas Pairs……………………...………………........... December 5 Christmas Pairs……………………...………………........... 12 Prize Giving & Christmas Bridge Want to improve your bridge? Supervised play and beginners & improvers lessons will continue in 2016. Contact Rona or check out the notice board for details 10 11 TUESDAY PROGRAMME Please be seated by 1.20pm Conditions of play –Tuesday 1. 2. 3. Any member wishing to play on a Tuesday afternoon must arrive by 1.15pm to be guaranteed a partner. C points will be awarded at all playing sessions. The 25th Anniversary Rosebowl is awarded to the player with the highest average score over all sessions. At least 20 sessions must be played, all sessions count. February 2 Open...……………………………………..………………… 9 Open...……………………………………..………………… 16 Open...……………………………………..………………… 23 Open…………………………………….…………………… March 1 Open…………………………………….…………………… 8 Open…………………………………….…………………… 12 Taupo Bayleys Intermediate 5B Tournament (Saturday) 15 Open…………………………………….…………………… 22 Open…………………………………….…………………… 29 Open…………………………………….…………………… April 5 Open…………………………………….…………………… 12 Open…………………………………….…………………… 19 Open…………………………………….…………………… 26 Open…………………………………….…………………… 12 Taupo Proud to support the Taupo Bridge Club Come in and meet our team for the best deals on Wine Beer Spirits 74 Tuwharetoa St Taupo Telephone: 07 378 9000 Facsimile: 07 378 9001 Email: [email protected] www.liquorland.co.nz 100% locally owned & operated by Derek Newton 13 TUESDAY PROGRAMME – continued May 3 Open…………………………………….…………………… 7/8 Taupo Pak’nSave Open 5A Tournament (Sat/Sun) 10 Open…………………………………….…………………… 17 Open…………………………………….…………………… 24 Open…………………………………….…………………… 31 Open…………………………………….…………………… June 7 Open…………………………………….…………………… 14 Open…………………………………….…………………… 21 Open…………………………………….…………………… 26 United Travel Mid-Winter Bridge and Dinner (Sunday) 28 Open…………………………………….…………………… July 5 Open…………………………………….…………………… 12 Open…………………………………….…………………… 19 Open…………………………………….…………………… 26 Open…………………………………….…………………… Tournament gradings In NZ you do not need to qualify for tournaments—you are simply restricted from some tournaments if your grade is too high. Generally all Taupo members are eligible to play in all of our tournaments, except that open players are excluded from our intermediate tournament. 14 15 TUESDAY PROGRAMME – continued August 2 Open…………………………………….…………………… 9 Open…………………………………….…………………… 16 Open…………………………………….…………………… 23 Open…………………………………….…………………… 30 Open…………………………………….…………………… September 6 Open…………………………………….…………………… 13 Open…………………………………….…………………… 20 Open…………………………………….…………………… 27 Open…………………………………….…………………… October 4 Open…………………………………….…………………… 11 Open…………………………………….…………………… 15 Taupo Summerset Open 8B Tournament (Saturday) 18 Open…………………………………….…………………… 25 Open…………………………………….…………………… 25 Annual General Meeting (Tuesday) November 1 Melbourne Cup (Tuesday) 4 NZ Wide Pairs (Friday) 8 Open…………………………………….…………………… 15 Open…………………………………….…………………… 22 Open…………………………………….…………………… 29 Open…………………………………….…………………… December 6 Final…………………………………….…………………… 12 Prize Giving & Christmas Bridge (Monday) 16 LAVISH Look good Feel good Women’s fashion labels sizes 8-20 - made in NZ Lyn, Sally and Janis 24 Horomatangi Street, Taupo Phone 378 9564 [email protected] www.lavishfashion.co.nz 17 Bidding Systems common in Taupo Most players in Taupo play Acol-based systems, where 1 level suit bids are basically natural, and 1NT shows 12-14 HCP. There are three main systems common for two-level opening bids. All can be used at any bridge session in Taupo: Weak Twos (currently taught at beginners classes based on NZ Bridge lessons) 2♣ = game force, 23+ balanced or 20+ unbalanced 2♦ = 6-10 HCP, 6 diamonds 2♥ = 6-10 HCP, 6 hearts 2♠ = 6-10 HCP, 6 spades 2NT = 20-22 balanced Strong Twos (previously taught at beginners classes, often known as Basic Acol) 2♣ = game force, 23+ 2♦ = strong, 5+ diamonds 2♥ = strong, 5+ hearts 2♠ = strong, 6+ spades 2NT = 20-22 balanced Benjamin Twos (as played in Taupo) 2♣ = 20-22 balanced or 8 playing tricks with a 5+ card suit [must be alerted] 2♦ = game force, 23+ [must be alerted] 2♥ = 6-10 HCP, 6 hearts 2♠ = 6-10 HCP, 6 spades 2NT = 5/5 minors [must be alerted; note that this bid is not permitted in junior tournaments] 18 WEDNESDAY PROGRAMME (Please check with your partner at least 2 days prior to play) Please be seated by 7.20pm Conditions of play –Wednesday 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The same pair cannot win more than one Wednesday night competition other than the Championship Pairs and the Swiss Pairs. Championship Pairs contest two trophies. Melville Trophy - This is played over 6 nights during October and November the best 5 scores counting. Ballantyne Salver - This is contested on the same basis as the Melville Trophy, but pairs that win the Melville Trophy or include any open players do not qualify. The Singles Ladder is played over seven nights with the best six scores to count. If a pair plays twice, the first score counts. The winner receives the Molly and Russell Bates Trophy and the runner up receives the Ngaire Christiansen Trophy. January Ladder and Congress Ladder: best two scores to count, different partner each night Substitutes: One substitute is allowed in all pairs events of three sessions or more, excluding the Championship Pairs. If you or your partner are a substitute, you must advise the director before the start of play. 19 FOOD WAREHOUSE Trading Hours Monday 7.30 am – 10.00 pm Tuesday 7.30 am – 10.00 pm Wednesday 7.30 am – 10.00 pm Thursday 7.30 am – 10.00 pm Friday 7.30 am – 10.00 pm Saturday 7.30 am – 10.00 pm Sunday 7.30 am – 10.00 pm Sponsor of the Taupo Bridge Club Good Luck for the 2016 Season Our policy… NZ ’ s Lowest Food prices 20 WEDNESDAY PROGRAMME – continued January 13 January Ladder…………………….……………………….. 20 January Ladder.…………………….………………………. 27 January Ladder……………………….…………………….. February 3 Hatepe Pairs……………………….….…………………….. 10 Hatepe Pairs……………………….….…………………….. 17 Hatepe Pairs……………………….….…………………….. 24 Hatepe Pairs...…………………….…….…………………... March 2 Singles Ladder (1)..…………………………....…….……… 9 Tongariro Pairs…….…………..……………………………. 12 Taupo Bayleys Intermediate 5B Tournament (Saturday) 16 Tongariro Pairs…….…………….………………………….. 23 Tongariro Pairs……………………………………………… 30 Tongariro Pairs……………………………………………… April 6 Singles Ladder (2).........…………………………………..… 13 Ruapehu Pairs…….………………………………………..... 20 Ruapehu Pairs…….…………………………………………. 27 Ruapehu Pairs…….………………………………………..... May 4 Singles Ladder (3).......……..…….…………………………. 7/8 Taupo Pak’nSave Open 5A Tournament (Sat/Sun) 11 Swiss Pairs………….…………….……….………………… 18 Swiss Pairs………….…………….……….………………… 25 Swiss Pairs………….…………….……….………………… 21 WEDNESDAY PROGRAMME – continued June 1 Singles Ladder (4).........…………………………………….. 8 Ngauruhoe Pairs………………………………………..….... 15 Ngauruhoe Pairs………………………………………..….... 22 Ngauruhoe Pairs………………………………………..….... 26 United Travel Mid-Winter Bridge and Dinner (Sunday) 29 Ngauruhoe Pairs………………………………………..….... July 6 Singles Ladder (5)........……………………………………... 13 Huia Pairs………………………………….……….……….. 20 Huia Pairs…………………………………...….……...……. 27 Huia Pairs……………………………………....………...…. NUMBER ONE IN ORUANUI STREET NUMBER ONE IN FLOORING Ph (07) 378 3456 22 WEDNESDAY PROGRAMME – continued August 3 Singles Ladder (6)......……………………………..………... 10 Neil Marshall Teams of 4 Cup......……………….……….… 17 Neil Marshall Teams of 4 Cup......……………….……….… 24 Neil Marshall Teams of 4 Cup......……………….……….… 31 Neil Marshall Teams of 4 Cup......……………….……….… September 7 Singles Ladder (7)........……………………………………... 14 Wairakei Pairs..……………………………………………... 21 Wairakei Pairs..……………………………………………... 28 Congress Ladder.…………………………………………..... October 5 Congress Ladder.…………………………………………..... 12 Congress Ladder.…………………………………………..... 15 Taupo Summerset Open 8B Tournament (Saturday) 19 Championship Pairs (1).…………………………………….. 25 Annual General Meeting (Tuesday) 26 Championship Pairs (2).…………………………………….. November 1 Melbourne Cup (Tuesday) 2 Championship Pairs (3).…………………………………….. 4 NZ Wide Pairs (Friday) 9 Championship Pairs (4).…………………………………….. 16 Championship Pairs (5).…………………………………….. 23 Championship Pairs (6).…………………………………….. 30 Christmas Pairs……………………………………………… December 7 Christmas Pairs…………………………………………….... 12 Prize Giving & Christmas Bridge (Monday) 23 24 FRIDAY PROGRAMME (Please check with your partner at least 2 days prior to play) Please be seated by 10.50am Play commences at 11.00am Bring your lunch – tea/coffee provided. Play finishes at approximately 2.45pm Conditions of play –Friday 1. 2. 3. The Rangatira Trophy is open to all club members and is awarded to the player accumulating the best eight scores out of ten provided there is a different partner for each session. If a pair plays twice, the first score counts. The Jocelyn Langdon Trophy is a ladder competition and is awarded to the top Intermediate or Junior player. The best eight scores count. If a pair plays twice, the first score counts. The Elizabeth Gray Trophy is played over ten sessions with a different partner for each session and is awarded to the highest scoring player with less than 30 rating points as at 31 January 2016., providing that player has not won the Rangatira or Jocelyn Langdon trophy. A minimum of 7 sessions are required, and all scores count. If a pair plays twice, the first score counts. Ineligible players are requested to play with eligible partners for this event. 25 26 FRIDAY PROGRAMME – continued January 15 Open...………………………………………………………. 22 Open...………………………………………………………. 29 Open...………………………………………………………. February 5 Open...………………………………………………………. 12 Rangatira Trophy (1)……….……………………………….. 19 Elizabeth Gray Trophy (1)...……………………………...… 26 Jocelyn Langdon Trophy (1)...……………………………… March 4 Rangatira Trophy (2)...……………………………………… 11 Elizabeth Gray Trophy (2)...………………………………... 12 Taupo Bayleys Intermediate 5B Tournament (Saturday) 18 Jocelyn Langdon Trophy (2)....……………………………... 25 No play (Good Friday)……….……….…………………… April 1 Rimu Pairs .............................................................................. 8 Rimu Pairs .............................................................................. 15 Rangatira Trophy (3)………….…………………………….. 22 Elizabeth Gray Trophy (3)...………………………………… 29 Jocelyn Langdon Trophy (3)...……………………………… May 6 Rangatira Trophy (4)..………………….…………………… 7/8 Taupo Pak’nSave Open 5A Tournament (Sat/Sun) 13 Elizabeth Gray Trophy (4)......…………….………………... 20 Jocelyn Langdon Trophy (4)..……………….……………… 27 Totara Pairs.............................................................................. 27 FRIDAY PROGRAMME – continued June 3 Totara Pairs.............................................................................. 10 Rangatira Trophy (5)...…………………………………….... 17 Elizabeth Gray Trophy (5)...………………………………... 24 Jocelyn Langdon Trophy (5)...………………………….…... 26 United Travel Mid-Winter Bridge and Dinner (Sunday) July 1 Rangatira Trophy (6)...…………………………………….... 8 Elizabeth Gray Trophy (6)...………………………………... 15 Jocelyn Langdon Trophy (6)...…………………………….... 22 Puriri Pairs............................................................................... 29 Puriri Pairs............................................................................... August 5 Puriri Pairs............................................................................... 12 Rangatira Trophy (7)………….……….……………………. 19 Elizabeth Gray Trophy (7)...………………………………... 26 Jocelyn Langdon Trophy (7)....……………………………... September 2 Rangatira Trophy (8)...……………………………….……... 9 Elizabeth Gray Trophy (8)...………………………………... 16 Jocelyn Langdon Trophy (8)...……………………….……... 23 Tawa Pairs .............................................................................. 30 Tawa Pairs .............................................................................. 28 BEAUTY THERAPIST/ ELECTROLOGIST SUZANNE FLOWERS 18 Kiwi Street Taupo Home 07 378 2314 Phone or text Mobile 021 176 5666 Email: [email protected] Web: Suzanneflowers.nz Facebook: Suzanne Flowers Beauty Therapist 29 FRIDAY PROGRAMME – continued October 7 Tawa Pairs .............................................................................. 14 Rangatira Trophy (9)...…………………………………….... 15 Taupo Summerset Open 8B Tournament (Saturday) 21 Elizabeth Gray Trophy (9)...….……………………………... 25 Annual General Meeting (Tuesday) 28 Jocelyn Langdon Trophy (9)...…………………………….... November 1 Melbourne Cup (Tuesday) 4 Rangatira Trophy (10)...…………………………………...... 4 NZ Wide Pairs (Friday) 11 Elizabeth Gray Trophy (10)...……………………………..... 18 Jocelyn Langdon Trophy (10)...…………………………...... 25 Matipo Pairs............................................................................ December 2 Matipo Pairs............................................................................ 9 Christmas Final……………………...………….…………… 12 Prize Giving & Christmas Bridge (Monday) Thanks to all our volunteers! Please remember to thank all the volunteers that keep our club running—not only the committee and the convenors, but also the directors, scorers, dealers, gardeners, kitchen helpers,...... 30 31 CONDUCT AND ETIQUETTE OF DUPLICATE BRIDGE A. Proper Attitude 1. A player should maintain a courteous attitude at all times. 2. A player should carefully avoid any remark or action that might cause annoyance or embarrassment to another player or might interfere with the enjoyment of the game. 3. Every player should follow uniform and correct procedure in calling and playing. B. Etiquette As a matter of courtesy a player should refrain from: 1. paying insufficient attention to the game. 2. making gratuitous comments during the auction and play. 3. detaching a card before it is his turn to play. 4. prolonging play unnecessarily (as in playing on although he knows that all the tricks are surely his) for the purpose of disconcerting an opponent. 5. summoning and addressing the Director in a manner discourteous to him or to other contestants. C. Violations of Procedure The following are examples of violations of procedure: 1. using different designations for the same call. 2. indicating approval or disapproval of a call or play. 3. indicating the expectation or intention of winning or losing a trick that has not been completed. 4. commenting or acting during the auction or play so as to call attention to a significant occurrence, or to the number of tricks still required for success. 5. looking intently at any other player during the auction and play, or at another player’s hand as for the purpose of seeing his cards or of observing the place from which he draws a card (but it is appropriate to act on information acquired by unintentionally seeing an opponent’s card). 6. showing an obvious lack of further interest in a deal (as by folding one’s cards). 7. varying the normal tempo of bidding or play for the purpose of disconcerting an opponent. 8. leaving the table needlessly before the round is called. 32 Membership list 39519 Catherine 36490 Annie Adams Armstrong 378 5457 027 3780579 52788 26079 36485 6969 16527 18188 26123 22588 33570 34242 36950 42661 26640 45738 36597 44052 18222 33572 36947 39546 33605 Baldwin Barnes Barton Battell Berg Bevan Biesenbach Biesenbach Birch Bockett Boyd Brabyn Branfield Bretherton Broad Brockway Brown Buchanan Burrow Burry Butler 386 5140 378 4560 372 8919 386 6969 377 1313 Tineke Delia Sharon Brian Joan Lorraine Anmari Ulrich Paula Celia Linda Anna John Bette Pip Joanna Betty Lizzie Eleanor Pam Sue 33 377 1336 027 2810286 377 3531 377 8589 378 6896 377 0113 027 4524433 376 5860 378 7511 378 2219 378 6168 377 6468 377 4697 377 3500 378 7870 377 3382 34 21413 36494 26644 3899 3924 26119 39210 26077 36489 33623 26094 39204 33614 6361 44066 36479 44059 26078 Liz Paddy Martin John Nicola Denise Gary Kim Jack Noel Jan Honor Mike Rose Lois Lesley James Julie Campbell Carl Cazaubon Chapman Chapman Chisholm Chisholm Chung Clunie Cochrane Cook Copeland Corkin Corkin Cory-Wright Cotterill Cowie Cowie 378 1810 376 7134 378 4262 378 6462 378 6462 377 0528 377 0528 377 6250 021 1004380 377 0701 378 6676 378 8978 021 1138689 378 2920 378 8940 021 378945 378 9454 53582 39216 42660 33587 19976 36946 Estelle Judith Heather John Rona Judy Davis Davis Dickie Driscoll Driscoll Duffy 027 2611081 378 5555 021 2618654 027 6410242 377 8808 377 8808 021 1771461 376 9999 Eastwood 377 2242 18262 Ann 35 377 3210 378 3194 378 3194 44064 39228 36492 6408 Julie Christopher Robyn Jenny Entwistle Evans Evans Ewart 021 1228990 377 2370 377 2370 377 0874 26104 33579 33592 36486 45751 Michael Barry Marie Suzanne Pamela Fisher Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Flowers Frank 378 0610 021 1503023 378 2458 027 4755611 378 2458 378 2314 021 1765666 376 7201 18261 39564 44069 26120 33582 42664 39224 Sue Ev Peter Liz Susan Sue Christina Gallien Gardiner Gaston Giesen Giesen Giller Gillett 377 6391 377 2529 36487 7154 33591 39211 63325 39533 18185 Fiona Kate Mary Leone Pamela Molly Mary 378 0747 376 8188 378 4946 3788446 021 02445744 Gladding 378 1193 Goodbehere 378 8451 Grant 378 5133 Graves 378 7834 Grayling 378 3626 027 4832005 Green 378 8073 Griffin 378 7112 36 37 44071 18250 18251 44050 26097 45749 33597 36482 26112 36481 36495 45746 26121 18241 51011 21743 18259 29463 45813 Sue David Julie Elle Helen Lea Ann Chris Merryn Peter Clare Susan Barbara Claire Barbara Pip Bette Huia Heather Hadlington-Hight 378 0066 Hamilton 378 2296 Hamilton 378 2296 Heappey 027 4768658 Heatley 377 1952 021 1795372 Henderson 027 2906488 Hennebry 378 9483 Herrick 378 0060 021 1816511 Herrick 378 1024 Herrick 378 0060 Hill 376 8438 Hine 378 7648 Hoadley 376 8939 Hooton 378 5257 Horner 376 7663 Hull 377 4599 027 5222567 Hume 378 9243 Hunter 378 8819 Huygen 377 0133 44048 30267 8854 6416 33619 36477 44063 Karen Alison Barbara Penny Chris Jill Christine Jacobs Jenkins Jennings Johns Jones Jones Judd 38 378 7612 377 4589 378 9114 374 8121 021 2526311 378 7346 021 324848 39 9562 Ci Ci Jull 376 7577 6417 Vicky 50037 Ann 36493 Christine Kain Kelly Knowles 378 2869 378 2282 378 8684 027 2359926 10105 42657 33606 26102 26093 26100 18265 44053 36961 42656 Langdon Law Lee Lehndorf Leverell Lewis Light Lilburn Lindeman Lourie 378 9504 027 4845254 386 6969 378 5158 378 4519 377 3379 378 3036 027 7773787 378 6568 378 6579 378 3610 Jocelyn Karen Ann Lauren Jan Cathie Colin Jeannie Jan Marian 39227 John 7823 Lyn 27626 Caroline MacLeod MacLeod Martin 26110 Philip Martin 11665 26109 4310 36959 Mathias Maxwell McBreen McCallum Carol Jeanette Kate Sue 40 378 7424 378 7424 07 2171072 027 2235992 07 2171072 027 2235994 378 3488 377 1552 378 6068 378 9372 LAWYERS TAUPO Friendly Professional LEGAL SERVICES Cargill Stent Law 81 Horomatangi Street Taupo Telephone 07 376-0000 Visit our website cargillstent.co.nz 41 24102 28978 39650 33593 54882 11816 39221 42659 33583 26116 44070 39209 24073 24060 26146 Glenis Jean Ivy Stuart Bernie Wene Jo Jude Dave Fran Jay Hazel Dermot Gillian Marianne McCarty McKenzie McKinlay McKinlay McLean McMillin McNeile Merwood Meuli Meuli Miles Milliken Murphy Murphy Murray 378 4191 378 6849 376 8551 376 8551 377 1325 377 1077 376 5646 021 0572342 378 7334 378 7334 386 6391 377 3973 378 6771 378 6771 386 5242 36476 26076 26090 26086 Owen Peggy John Wendy Nelson Nisbet Norwood Norwood 377 8595 027 5548177 377 8137 377 4590 377 4590 021 2775772 33578 Anne O'Rourke 378 6161 44060 26131 6427 36483 Paine Pearce Pearce Penlington 378 5638 377 1960 377 1960 378 4676 John Diane Tom Valerie 42 Masterpoints explained The majority of games, both club and tournament level, at affiliated clubs are played for Master Points. If you finish in the top one third of your field, you will receive Master Points. There are three categories of Master Point awards: A Points: Awarded to players who finish in the top placings, and to all session winners of Pairs Tournaments approved for the award of A Points. Fractional A points are awarded to the winners of each match in approved A Point Match-Play (teams). B Points: Awarded to players who finish in the top placings, and to all session winners of Pairs Tournaments approved for the award of B Points. C Points: Awarded to players who are successful in any one session of play organised by a licensed club, Region, or NZ Bridge. B Points are not convertible to A Points. C Points are converted to B Points in the ratio of 100 C Points to one B Point. Rating points are calculated annually, based on A and B points. Grades A points Junior <5 Intermediate <50 Open >50 A+B points Rating points AND <50 AND <30 AND <250 AND <100 OR >250 OR >100 43 56580 26080 36532 33617 13978 Chris Mary Lou Anne Helen Player Plummer Polon Powell Pringle 377 4099 378 8979 378 0681 378 8883 376 5224 29377 26111 14153 43162 44057 19305 52073 44055 29440 43035 43032 32296 26624 29361 Karen Derek Frances Lee Jane Adrienne Toni Alison Rosemary Diana Ralph Ann Garth Phyl Randell Rankin Rankin Read Redfern Rehioui Reyburn Richardson Ritchie Robertshawe Robertshawe Robertson Robinson Ruscoe 027 4420078 021 878641 021 878641 386 8620 377 1040 378 2606 377 1272 376 5955 021 529524 378 1799 027 4954679 378 6526 378 6526 378 0182 027 4506940 378 8909 378 7524 45741 45739 27237 27238 44058 39215 Niel Tricia Margaret Tony Alan Gillian Sanders Sanders Seavill Seavill Sedcole Sellar 377 8929 377 8929 377 2210 377 2210 377 3002 376 5821 44 26147 39213 44056 29446 45742 33567 36944 45817 3167 24908 24907 6359 36948 36491 Jen Ben Diana Louise Jo Pat Helen Martyn Shona John Marilyn Audrey Sue Ted Shieff Simmons Sinclair Skiba Smith Smith Spencer Spencer Spencer Sunley Sunley Swann Swanney Swanney 021 729081 377 1014 022 169 011 20935 34910 26118 16965 44054 17096 36480 26073 26072 Sheila Gretchen Gay Dick Jeni Sue Brenda Patricia Warwick Taylor Thompson Thorburn Timmer Tolhurst Treadwell Tyler Tyler Tyler 281 7040 0210733734 377 2014 378 2325 027 5500444 06 877 6144 378 3008 376 9030 378 6665 377 4649 377 4649 Velvin 377 2922 26115 Anne 45 378 3537 027 484 6827 377 1935 378 6488 378 1182 378 1182 377 2402 377 2402 378 3291 377 1004 377 1004 36960 36484 33613 44068 42658 45745 17839 8257 18247 36962 32188 36954 26117 16467 42662 29425 33580 45748 45747 36488 Valerie Bryan Cathy Jenny Bruce Yve Betty Frank Dinah Mary Eileen Jann Anna Nanette Dee Mary Linda Chris Helen Allen Walker Walkinton Walkinton Ward Waterworth Watson Watts Weeks Welsh Weston Whitmore William Willis Wilson Wilson Wright Wylie Younger Younger Zohrab 021 657937 377 2288 027 2772288 377 2288 022 23772278 368 8137 027 4975963 378 0309 378 5444 376 9947 378 6556 377 6033 377 0230 0212695887 377 2099 377 1956 377 2145 378 0096 378 2254 021 0422548 378 2905 Additional trophies: The club also has two trophies that are awarded over all sessions Bert Bowling trophy: awarded to the most improved player Yope Van der Leden Trophy: awarded to the player who comes first the most times over all sessions of bridge at the Taupo Bridge Club provided each first place is with a different partner 46 Looking for a vehicle? ... NEW or USED ... Ask me to find it for you BARRY FITZGERALD Motor Vehicle Broker Phone: 378 2458 or 0274 755611 “You’ll do a good ‘deal’ better” Pleased to support Taupo Bridge Club 47 Moving? Cleaning out? Oakleaf Antiques buys & sells… China, Crystal, Silver and Gold, Books, Interesting Collectables, Coins, Stamps, Postcards, Cigarette Cards, Photos, Badges, Medals, etc., etc., The Old, The Unusual, Dolls, Toys, Tools, Tackle, etc., etc. Now stocking bridge supplies Oakleaf Antiques 141 Tongariro Street Phone 377 4848 John & Rona Driscoll 48
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