Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani" THE


Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani" THE
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani"
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Via Adolfo Ferrata, 9
27100 Pavia PV
Partita IVA: IT00462870189 C. F.: 8007270186
Catalogue n. 21
tel.: +39.0382.98.5530 fax: +39.0382.986328
Cali for applications concerning a public competition, with q
and interview assessments, for the award of n. 1 type b) research gr
the conducting of research activities at the Università degli Studi
Pavia's Department of Biology and Biotechnology "Lazzaro
Spallanzani", Via Ferrata 9 - 27100 Pavia
Prot. n.: 1029
Title: I I I class: 13
Law dated 30 December 2010, n. 240, concerning 'Regulations governing t
of universities, academic personnel and recruitment, as well as gover
improve the quality and effìciency of the university system', and in
concerning the award of research grants for the conducting of research
the Ministerial Decree. 09.03.2011, n. 102, recorded by the Court of Aud
the University Regulations regarding the assignation of research grants
Law n. 240/2010, emanateti by D.R. n. 1148 - prot. n. 21281 dated 31.0
on the University's officiai noticeboard on 06.06.2011, in force fr
amended with Decree of the Rector n. 1146 - prot. n. 22064 dated 11.05
on the University's officiai noticeboard on 12.05.2015;
in particular articles. 3, 4 and 7 of the said Regulations concerning th
B research grants with funds provided whoUy by the University grant and/
dated 31 December 2014, n. 192, converted with modiflcations by
February 2015, n. 11, which extended for two years the total durati
established pursuing Art. 22 Law n. 240/2010 prolonging it from four to
the Board resolution of the Biolog)' and Biotechnology Department "Lazz
dated May 25* 2016, that approved the estabUshment of type B research
the requests presented by University teaching staff;
to emanate a public cali for applications document that considers
interviews for the assignation n. 1 B-type research grants for resea
Università degli Studi di Pavia's Department of Biology and Biotech
Spallanzani", Via Ferrata 9 - 27100 Pavia
Art. 1
The Università degli Studi di Pavia's Department of Biology and Biotec
Spallanzani", Via Ferrata 9 - 27100 Pavia announces a public cali for app
qualifications and interviews, for the assignation n. 1 B-type research gran
specified below:
Population genomics of co-evolution between non-retroviral RNA viruse
their hosts (NIRV_HOST_INT)
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani"
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Via Adolfo Ferrata, 9
27100 Pavia PV
Partita IVA: IT00462870189 C. F.: 8007270186
tel.: +39.0382.98.5530 fax: +39.0382. 986328
Department of Biology and Biotechnology
"Lazzaro SpaUanzani", Via Ferrata 9-27100
The aim of research grants is to allow qualified candidates to conduct res
The grant, including eventual renewals, cannot exceed six years in duratio
in which the grant has been has been utilised concurrendy with a research
scholarship. within the established duration of the relative course. Ev
dependent upon a positive evaluation of the research activities by the Depa
as an avallability of funds.
Art. 2
Research grants are destined to those who possess a degree (with a course
than 4 years, as referred to in the pre-existing academic regulations
509/1999) or post-graduate degrees (pursuant to D . M . n. 509/1999 and t
accompanied by adequate professional scientiflc experience in conducting
Research doctorates, or equivalent quaUficatìons awarded overseas, are cons
namely speciaUst quaUfications in the medicai field together with adequate
in the chosen research sector. The educational quaHfication has to concern t
Candidates in possession of a qualification awarded overseas but which has
pursuant to the laws currentiy in force, should attach to their application
allow the examining board to assess the qualifications for the sole purp
procedure only.
Candidates must be in possession of the required qualifications at the app
Selected candidates are provisionally admitted subject to the select
administration office reserves the tight, at any time and with motivated
candidates who do not meet the established requirements. These decisions wiU
to the interested party via recorded delivery.
Research grants cannot be awarded to staff at the University, at pubUc bo
testing institutions, at the national agency for new technologies and
sustainable economie development ( E N E A ) and at the Italian Space Agency (AS
institutions whose post-graduate scientiflc qualification has been recogni
research doctorate pursuant to Art. 74, comma 4, of D.P.R. 11 |uly 1980 n. 38
Research grants may be assigned to personnel at public institutions other
previous comma provided they are on leave and do not receive a grant from
per the entire period of the contract referred to in article 10 of this cali
Research grants cannot be awarded to those enrolled, for the duration of
to in article 10 of this cali for applications, on degree courses, specia
masters degrees, funded research doctorates or medicai specialisations, in
university Masters course.
Pursuant to Art. 18, comma 1, lett. and of Law n. 240 dated 30 December
grants cannot be awarded to those related by marriage, consanguinity or a
degree relations, to teaching staff from the department/research centre o
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani"
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Via Adolfo Ferrata, 9
27100 Pavia PV
Partita IVA: IT00462870189 C. F.: 8007270186
tel.: +39.0382.98.5530 fax: +39.0382. 986328
proposing to offer the contract, the Dean, the Director General or member
Administration Board.
Research grants cannot be awarded to those who bave signed contracts, p
and Art. 24 of Law n. 240 dated 30 December 2010,
with other universides and/or other subjects outlined in comma 5 of the pr
duration together with that of the contract outlined in this cali for appl
(including six years of research grants, except during periods in which t
been utilised concurrendy with a research doctorate without a scholarship,
duration of the relative corse), even when non-continuous, as set out in Ar
cited Law; maternity leave and sick leave are not taken into consideratio
time limit.
Art. 3
Research grant amounts
The gross amount of the research grant is € 26,000, inclusive of ali the
recipient of the grant.
The research grant is paid in monthly instalments.
From 2011, grants for research activities wiU be subject to: article 4 of
476 (concerning tax); article 2, comma 26 and successive commas, of Law 8
and successive moditications (regarding social security); Labour and Soci
decree of 12 July 2007, published in the G . U . n. 247 dated 23 October 2007
suspension from work during maternity); and art. 1, comma 78, of Law 27 D
296, and successive moditications (regarding sick leave). During the pe
maternity leave, benefits from INPS, pursuant to art. 5 of the cited decree
be assimilateti by the university until the fuU research grant amount is rea
Art. 4
Applications and deadlines
The application,
in ItaUan
in English,
http://www.unipv.eu/site/home/ricerca/assegni-di-ricerca.html. This form sh
single folder, to the Director of the Università degli Studi di Pavia's Dep
Biotechnology "Lazzaro Spallanzani", Via Ferrata 9 - 27100 Pavia by June 2
the following ways:
a) via recorded delivery
b) by band to the Department of Biology and Biotechnology "Lazzaro Spall
Ferrata 9 - 27100 Pavia, during the following times: Monday to Thursday;
14:00-16:00; Friday: 8:30-13:00.
c) as an alternative to the methods outlined in a) and b) the applicati
Certified Email ( P E C ) to [email protected]. The P E C address must
candidate's name. Otherwise, the candidate will be excluded from the se
shoiJd be sent via P E C by the deadline.
2. I n terms of the deadline stateti in comma 1, the postmark, stamp of the d
the application or date the P E C is sent will be considered as valiti.
Candidates whose applications are posteti or handed in by others must att
of an identity document to their application.
The cover of the folder should bear:
a) the candidate's personal details;
b) correspondence details for the purposed of the application;
c) details of the competition for which the candidate intends to apply.
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani"
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Via Adolfo Ferrata, 9
27100 Pavia PV
Partita IVA: IT00462870189 C. F.: 8007270186
tel.: +39.0382.98.5530 fax: +39.0382. 986328
Candidates should declare, under their sole responsibility and pursuant
the Presidential decree dated 28 December 2000, n. 445:
a) their personal details, date and place of birth, citizenship, fis
correspondence details for the purposes of the competition, specif
telephone number, fax number and email address if available;
b) the exact denomination of the competition in which the candidate intend
that they possess a degree (with a course duration of not less than 4
pre-existing academic regulations pursuant to D.M. n. 509/1999) or po
(pursuant to D . M . n. 509/1999 and to n. 270/2004), the mark, thesis
supervisor, the date and university that awarded the degree or the
awarded by an overseas university or,
to request validity for the sole purposes of participation in the compet
qualification awarded overseas in E U states: personal sworn declaration
n. 445 and successive moditications, using
the form
together with the university qualifications awarded
complete with a
taken, the relative marks and duration of the course; qualification award
E U states: translations into Italian or English of the qualifications a
examinations taken, the relative marks and the duration o f the course
declaration pursuant to D.P.R. n. 445/2000, limited to circumstances,
personal qualities contained in Italian public records.
Candidates should also provide any other documents (e.g. Diploma Supplem
that will allow the examining board to reach a decision as to the vali
for the sole purposes of participation in the selection procedure;
ti) a research doctorate diploma, i f possessed, the thesis titie, the na
well as the date the diploma was awarded and the name of the university
course was taken - in the form referred to in the preceding letter c)
e) details of any research grants previously awarded;
f) tìdes of any other qualifications awarded (e.g. specialisation diploma
for post-graduate specialisation courses held in Italy or overseas, docu
contract, conducted at public or private bodies, scholarships or appoi
and abroad) - supplied in the format outlined in the successive commas 7
g) that they are wiUing to undertake a English language test
h) state the research programme they intenti to follow;
provide details of the professor who will lead the research;
the scientific-disciplinary sector in which the research wUl be conduct
any eventual links to a public institution referred to Art.2, com
that they wiU not exceed the time limit of 12 years, even non-continuo
overall duration of the contracts referred to in Art. 22 and Art. 24
of Law n. 240 dated 30 December 2010, including at other universi
and/or other subjects referred to in the successive letter of the pres
duration of the contract referred to in this cali for applications;
m) that they are not part of the personnel of any university, public body
institution, at the national agency for new technologies and the devel
economie development ( E N E A ) and at the Italian Space Agency (ASI),
institutions whose post-graduate scientific qualification has been recog
research doctorate pursuant to Art. 74, comma four, of D.P.R. 11 July 198
that they wiU communicate promptiy any changes in the positions referr
well as changes to the residency and contact details;
that they bave reati and understood the regulations governing the cali
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani"
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Via Adolfo Ferrata, 9
27100 Pavia PV
Partita IVA: IT00462870189 C. F.: 8007270186
tel.: +39.0382.98.5530 fax: +39.0382. 986328
The signature that appears on the application document does not need t
Omitdng to sign the application will result in the candidate being exclude
Italian and E U citizens with qualifications awarded in Italy or in E U sta
applications document, authenticate, to the fullest extent authorise by
qualifications required for participating in the competition and ali the doc
for appraisal. I n the personal sworn declaration, the candidate must pro
document submitted for appraisal to the examining board that will enable
decision as to the validity of the qualification for the sole purposes
selection procedure and to assess the veracity of the personal sworn declar
40, comma 1, D.P.R. 445/2000, no originai certificates need be attached
document; only an authenticated copy need be supplied. Any certificates iss
wiH not be considered in the candidate selection process.
8. Only certificates issued by private individuals and/or private bodies ma
originai form, as authenticated copies or as a copy declared to be authent
ricerca/ articolol253.html
Citizens from non-EU states who are legally resident in Italy, pursuant
force, may only provide a self-certification declaration of circumstances
personal qualities that are contained in Italian public records, except i
concerning the immigration and the status of foreigner.
In other cases, citizens from non-EU states with qualifications awarded in
present the documents required for partìcipation in the competition (follo
referred to in the preceding comma 5, letter c), point 2) and ali other q
deem opportune for appraisal as originals or photocopies, translated into It
10. Disabled candidates can specify the support they require as well as any a
complete the interview. DisabUitìes should be documented by means of a certi
competent health service, pursuant to articles 4 and 20 of Law 104/199
modificatìons and integratìons.
11. Candidates should also attach to the applicatìon document:
a) a signed and dated scientific-professional curriculum vitae;
b) a detailed list of possible publicatìons in International format, includi
c) the pubUcations listed in b), preferably in electronic form, or photocop
together with a self-declaration in substitution of attested affidavi
D.P.R. 445/2000, attesting to the conformity to the originai, by using
ti) any documents referred to in Art. 4 - comma 5 - lett. c) of this cali
e) a photocopy, not authenticated, of a valid identity document.
12. Candidates may not cite documents and publications already quoted in ot
Studi di Pavia competition applications.
13. Any unsigned applications, those lacking the personal details, documents o
in this article, the exact denominatìon of the competition in which the can
part or those presented after the deadline referred to in comma 1 wiU
consideration. Candidates whose competition applications are considered i
informed of their exclusion from the selection process by recorded delivery.
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani"
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Via Adolfo Ferrata, 9
27100 Pavia PV
Partita IVA: IT00462870189 C. F.: 8007270186
tel.: +39.0382.98.5530 fax: +39.0382.986328
The administration office cannot be held responsible for post not being
candidate's providing of an incorrect residence or correspondence address
these addresses are not communicated prompdy, for any postai or Communica
third party delays due to fortuitous events or force majeure.
Art. 5
Examining board
Once the deadline for the presentation of applications for selection has
the Department of Biology and Biotechnology "Lazzaro Spallanzani", Via Ferra
will nominate the examining board. The formai act of nomination will be
Department's web page or noticeboard.
The examining board is composed of three teaching staff designated by the D
The examining board must conclude its task within sixty days of the nominat
Examining board members are not remunerateti.
Art. 6
Selection procedure
Selection of candidates is based on a joint comparative
presented and an interview, together with a language test.
The examining board, in their comparative evaluation, can assign
qualifications held and 50 for the interview.
The examining board subdivide the 50 points reserved to qualifications
criteria defined before the applications are assessed.
The evaluation of qualifications must, in any case, take place before th
The restilts of the evaluation of qualifications will be communicated t
days before interviews. Results wHl be posteti on the noticeboard of the
and communicated via telephone on at the number 0382-985530
Candidates wiU be called for interview provided they score at least 35
will take place either in the Laboratory of insects of agricultural an
importance of the Department of Biology and Biotechnology "Lazzaro Spall
via Ferrata 1 or via skype. at 14 on July 7*'' 2016. The publication of th
will be considered as constituting notification to candidates who do no
communication from the University administration office.
Interviews wiU focus on candidates' scientific output. The examining
evaluate, through an assessment of the qualifications and interview, tha
the competencies necessary to conduct research in particular experi
mosquitoes and strong molecular biology skiUs to be appUed to mosquitoes.
appropriate for implementing the research activity proposed is required, as
in a topic related to public health or infectious diseases and the availab
for field coUections of mosquitoes are required. The board will also assess
of the candidate. The selected candidate will conduct research within the
N I R V _ H O S T _ l N T , specifically he/she will be responsible of coUecting wil
testing for virai infections, assessing presence and expression of nonr
integrations followed by whole genome sequencing.
8. Candidates will be considered to bave passed the interview if they score
In order to be admitted to the competition
following, valid, identity documents:
candidates must
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani"
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Via Adolfo Ferrata, 9
27100 Pavia PV
Partita IVA: IT00462870189 C. F.: 8007270186
tel.: +39.0382.98.5530 fax: +39.0382. 986328
10. identity card;
11. driving licence;
12. passport.
13. Candidates who fail to appear for the admission tests wiU be considered
from the competidon.
14. At the end of each interview session, in the test room, the President
will affix a Ust of the candidates who bave taken the test and their relat
15. The examining board will draw up a report of the evaluation criteria, i
candidates' overall scores and the ranking list.
Art. 7
Fotmation of the ranking list
The ranking list is drawn up, in descending order, based on the total sc
candidate in the evaluation of qualifications and the interview. I n instan
candidates bave the same score, the youngest candidate will prevali.
The Department Director, by decree, wiE ascertain the validity of the compe
approve the ranking list. Candidates who place in the top positions of eac
considered as winners, subject to confirmation that they meet the requireme
in the selection procedure.
The winners' ranking list will be come into effect immediately and will
noticeboard of the department where the competition was held as well as o
officiai online noticeboard at http://www-5.unipv.it/alboufficiale/. The d
publication of the ranking list on the University's online noticeboard wUl
start date for any eventual appeals.
Should a winner withdraw, the candidate not meet the selection participat
cases where research activities bave not commenced within the established pe
wiU be awarded to candidates who meet the criteria, in strict ranking list o
A position on a competition winners' ranking list does not imply any prio
Art. 8
of the competition procedure
The University wiU make public the examining board's evaluation of each ca
Assessment results wiU be
competition test was held.
Art. 9
Acceptance of research grants
Winners should senti to the Department of Biology and Biotechnology "Laz
Via Ferrata 9 - 27100 Pavia the foUowing documents within 15 days of receiv
(the 15-day period begins one day after the notification was received):
a declaration of formai acceptance of the research grant via the
b) a photocopy of a.valid identity document;
c) photocopy of the Italian fiscal code.
Winners must also provide a declaration that adheres to articles 46 and 47
dated 20 December 2000, n. 445 that includes the:
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani"
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Via Adolfo Ferrata, 9
27100 Pavia PV
Partita IVA: IT00462870189 C. F.: 8007270186
tel.: +39.0382.98.5530 fax: +39.0382. 986328
a) date of birth, residency and citizenship;
b) degree certificate (course duration not less than 4 years, as estab
regulations in D . M . n. 509/1999) or a Masters degree/specialisation (pu
509/1999 and n. 270/2004).
Winners - ItaUan, E U and non-EU citizens - in possession of a quaUfication
(in a non-EU state), must provide a photocopy of their degree certificate,
vaUdated, together with a declaration of value, certified, translated
complete with an indication of the examinations taken, relative marks and
The declaration of value legai is issued by the competent ItaUan diplomatic
country where the institution that made the award is based.
a doctorate, i f held, specifying whether the candidate benefited from
the course and the duration of the scholarship (as set out in the precedin
ti) candidates should not be in receipt of another research grant for con
be contraeteti to coUaborate in research activities;
e) candidates should not hold concurrendy the research grant and any for
research feUowship unless they are awarded by national and overseas in
purposes of supplementing, during an overseas assignment, the research act
candidates should not hold a substitute teaching position in the scho
wUl be suspended in such case;
g) candidates should be committed, if they intenti to undertake an occasi
require, subject to complete fulfilment of their tasks and provided the
paragraph 5 of the grants' Regulation, the prior written authorisation of
research, and of the Director of the structure where the research wUl be de
h) candidates should not be enroUed, for the entire duration of the contra
10 of this caU for appUcations, on degree courses, speciaUst or short Mast
courses benefiting from a scholarship or medicai speciaUsations, in Ital
University Masters degree courses;
candidates should not be related by marriage, consanguinity or affin
degree relations, to teaching staff from the department/research centre
proposing to offer the contract, the Dean, the Director General or member
Administration Board pursuant to art. 18, comma 1, lett. and of Law n.
December 2010;
candidates should state whether they are employed at a pubUc body refe
art. 2 of this caU for appUcations and, i f they are employed in such a cap
placed on leave without remuneration for the entire duration of the cont
receive a research grant.
2. Candidates who bave successfuUy passed the selection procedure but who do
to accept the research grant for the conducting of research activities by
comma 1, will forfeit their right to the grant.
The Administration office reserves the right to check the veracity of th
declarations. Should such declarations prove to be false, the candidate wil
arising from the use of said documents and false declarations will be annuUe
Art. 10
Conferment of the research grant
Research grants for the conducting of research activities are awarded und
in which contractual rights and obUgations are stateti. The contract wiU be
months of acceptance. This type of contract does not constitute, in any
Successful candidates will estabUsh a participatory relationship with the
conducting of research activities. This relationship does not form part
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani"
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Via Adolfo Ferrata, 9
27100 Pavia PV
Partita IVA: IT00462870189 C. F.: 8007270186
tel.: +39.0382.98.5530 fax: +39.0382. 986328
Structure of university teaching and the role of university researchers and
useful in terms of gaining employment in Italian universides and university
Research grants, without excepdon, become effecdve
succeeds that in which the contract was stipulated.
Deferments from this start date will only be authorised for successful
document that they were pregnant, recovering from giving birth or suffer
niness on the date they were nodfìed of the awarding of the research grant.
Candidates who are allowed to defer the start of their research activit
Administration office a medicai certificate in support of their claim fo
awarded research grants must begin their research activities on the first
succeeds the end of the deferrai period.
Successful candidates who do not begin their research within the establish
their right to a grant.
Art. 11
Conducting research
The activities of research fellows will be overseen by a team leader, ap
department, and wiU focus on activities closely related to a research progra
programme, and will not be concerned with the mere providing of technical
conducting of the research programme. Research activities will be defined i
the team leader and attached to the contract, referred to in article 10, of
Research fellows wiU normaUy undertake their activities in the department w
is based, making use of the instruments and services available there. Pro
gives his/her consent, research activities may also be conducted in other U
or at other qualified Italian or overseas centres.
Under motivated proposai of the Department, in accordance with the researc
research grants related to scientific-disciplinary fields of medical-cUnic
assistance activity in support of the teacher in charge of the project, only
to the needs of the research project. This activity will take place in the
Umits stipulated in the contract and, in the case of activities in Heath
agreements between the University and the Companies themselves.
Art. 12
of research fellows
The Director of the department that has offered the contract may, prompted
leader, authorise research fellows to carry out study missions in Italy o
establishment of research programmes and/or presentations to scientific conf
Art. 13
Evaluation of research activities
Research fellows must, at least 30 days before the end of each year of
Board of the department where the research is conducted a written repor
undertaken, together with the team leader's appraisal. The Board wHl evalua
research activities.
Art. 14
cover of research fellows
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani"
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Via Adolfo Ferrata, 9
27100 Pavia PV '
Partita IVA: IT00462870189 C. F.: 8007270186
tel.: +39.0382.98.5530 fax: +39.0382. 986328
The University of Pavia provides its research fellows with:
1. adequate protection I N A I L against accidents through the mechanism of "ma
of the State" under D.P.R. dated 30 May 1965, n, 1124;
Insurance coverage for risks arising from Civil Responsibility.
The research fellows must provide, under their responsibility:
The Insurance coverage for accidents, as recommended by the Universit
The Civil Professional Responsibility Insurance coverage related t
holders of research grants related to the scientific-disciplinary s
area who perform assistance activities in support of the teacher
Art. 15
fellows' teaching activities
Subject to the scientific manager's authorisation, teaching assignments
research fellows in possession of research doctorates pursuing Art. 23 of
n. 240, with limit of 36 hours per academic year and from the second year
to the
leader's authorisation, research
activities/tutoring with limit of 36 hours per academic year.
Research fellows' teaching activities must not interfere with their resea
Art, 16
Research grants cannot be granted to candidates who already holti other r
of collaboration to the research activity.
Research grants are incompatible with enrolment for the entire duration
to in this cali for applications, on degree courses, specialist or short
courses benefiting from a scholarship or metiical specialisations, in I
University Masters degree courses;
Research grants cannot be awarded to candidates related by marriage, co
including fourth degree relations, to teaching staff from the departmen
institution that is proposing to offer the contract, the Dean, the Directo
the University Administration Board;
Research grants cannot be held concurrendy with any form of scholars
activities unless they are awarded by national or overseas institution
supplementing, during an overseas assignment, the research activities;
5. Research fellows may not accept a substitute teaching position in the sc
will be suspended in such case.
Subject to the team leader and Department Director's written authorisati
accept occasionai working contracts if:
- these do not interfere with their research activities;
- these are compatible with the research activities;
- these do not involve a confiict of interest with the research activities.
Art. 17
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani"
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Via Adolfo Ferrata, 9
27100 Pavia PV
Partita IVA: IT00462870189 C. F.: 8007270186
tel.: +39.0382.98.5530 fax: +39.0382. 986328
Research activities may be interrupted, provided notification is given,
pregnant, need to recover after giving birth or suffer from a serious illne
The overall duration covered by the research grant cannot be reduced be
referred to in the previous comma.
The research grant will be suspended during periods when research activit
Art. 18
Termination of the contractual arrangement
The contract between the University and the research fellow wiU be termin
the following cases:
a) unjustifìed delay to commencing research activities;
violating the current incompatibility regulations
for research activities;
concerning the awar
a negative evaluation of the research activities by the boarti of t
research is conducted, in instances of multì-year grant awartis.
2. The team leatier may communicate serious shortcomings, in writìng, to th
department boarti may decide to terminate the contract if the research fe
deemed unsatis factory.
Art. 19
1. Research fellows who wish to withtiraw from the contract shoulti communic
the department in order for the subsequent measures to be taken.
Art. 20
Return of certificates
Candidates should arrange, at their own expense, for their degree certifi
presented during the selection process to be returned once three months
publication of the ranking list.
Once six months bave passed since the publication of the ranking list,
any way be held responsible for the documents anti pubUsheti works present
during the selection process.
Art. 21
Handling of personal data
Pursuant to
personal data
Department of
conducting of
Legislative Decree dated 30 June 2003, n. 196 (Personal d
supplied by candidates will be processeti at the Universit
Biology and Biotechnology "Lazzaro Spallanzani"and handled
any eventual procedures concerning the awarding of resear
research activities.
Cantiidates are entitied to the rights stateti in the decree mentioneti
personal data, its modification, uptiating, integration, cancellation
incomplete or tilegally-collected data, as well as reserving the right to
other than the institutional purposes stateti above.
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Lazzaro Spallanzani"
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Via Adolfo Ferrata, 9
27100 Pavia PV
Partita IVA: IT00462870189 C. F.: 8007270186
tel.: +39.0382.98.5530 fax: +39.0382. 986328
Axt. 22
of administrative
Pursuant to article 5 of the Law dated 7 August 1990, n. 241 and subseq
integrations, the Head of Administrative Procedures overseeing the indivi
referred to in this cali for applications is Dr Livia Bertoni, Depart
Biotechnology "Lazzaro Spallanzani", Via A. Ferrata 9-27100 Pavia-tei 0382/
Art. 23
Reference regulations
Though not explicitiy stateti in this cali for applications, current law
internai regulations will be appHed.
Pavia, May 26*^ 2016
i4lessandra Albertini