tourist guide 2016
tourist guide 2016
TOURIST GUIDE 2016 Distances to Rauma Pori: 49km Turku: 94km Tampere: 145km Helsinki: 242km Vaasa: 242km Jyväskylä: 293km Oulu: 548km Rauma Turku Tampere Welcome to Rauma! Helsinki Make yourself at home 4 Sammallahdenmäki... 8 Art and culture....... 10 Lace........................ 12 Old Rauma................. CONTENTS 20 The archipelago..... 22 The sea................... Hiking and hobbies................... Winter and Christmas.............. 26 Events..................... 28 Shopping................ 14 Cafés, restaurants and accommodation..... 16 Families with children.................. 18 30 Services.................. 32 Maps....................... 24 Fall in love with Rauma – one of the oldest towns in Finland, famous for its long lacemaking tradition and distinctive dialect. Rauma is a town of culture, with a rich history, fascinating museums and a diverse range of events. The town was established in 1442. It has long traditions as a significant centre of industry and trade, where history meets the present, creating a vibrant town with a unique atmosphere. Rauma is home to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Old Rauma and Sammallahdenmäki, a Bronze Age burial site. Rauma has developed from a small village into a lively and friendly industrial and harbour town with around 40,000 residents. On the pages of this brochure, you can read how people living in Rauma see their home town. They are marked with . About this brochure: Rauma Tourist Guide 2016. Publisher: City of Rauma, Communications and Tourism Services. Layout and design: SST Advertising Agency. Printed by: Newprint. Printed on PEFC-certified paper. Print run: 27,000. Photos: City of Rauma Image Bank. The information was compiled in November 2015. The publisher is not responsible for changes to or the accuracy of the contact information, opening hours, prices and other similar information. “People in Rauma are warm and friendly. The atmosphere is pleasant and relaxed. People treat you nicely everywhere: in shops, municipal offices and health-care centres. Someone living in Turku suspected that the friendliest people in western Finland live in Rauma.” 2 3 Old Rauma in numbers: • area: 30 hectares • buildings: 600 • residents: 800 #VisitRauma Share your experiences and enjoy images shared by others. History meets modern times Old Rauma – the heart of the town Old Rauma offers a fascinating combination of history and the spirit of modern times. Old Rauma is the most extensive, most complete and best preserved historical wooden town in the Nordic countries. It is also the vibrant centre of a modern town. Its prestigious atmosphere and beautiful buildings provide a unique setting for shops and services. Old Rauma was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1991. Old Rauma is a unique example of an old Nordic wooden town. In Old Rauma, people live, work and enjoy their free time in a historical environment. Located in the centre of the city, the Market Square is surrounded by more than 100 shops and boutiques as well as ateliers and atmospheric cafés and restaurants. Distances are short in Old Rauma: shops, sights and attractions are located within walking distance. Narrow and meandering streets and lanes are characteristic of Old Rauma, following medieval routes. The district is also known for its impressive gates, wooden fences and asymmetric plots. 4 Cafés You can enjoy a refreshing cup of coffee at a traditional café in Old Rauma or choose a modern atmosphere for your relaxing break. The vanilla doughnuts served at Café Kontio are famous around the country. Early risers can enjoy a cup of coffee at the marketplace. 5 ATTRACTIONS IN OLD RAUMA Fish Market and the ruins of the Church of the Holy Trinity The oldest buildings in Rauma are believed to have been located near the Fish Market (Kalatori). The waves of the sea were still washing the region in the fourteenth century. The ruins of the Church of the Holy Trinity are located by the Fish Market. The church was destroyed in a fire in 1640. “I value Old Rauma and the history and attractions of Rauma.” Old Town Hall Church of the Holy Cross L o c a t e d b y t h e m a r ke t place, the Old Town Hall was completed in 1776. Today, it serves as a museum. Its collections are related to the history of the town, including lacemaking. The Old Town Hall also houses changing exhibitions. It is a baroque-style building, but its basic shape – a two-storey town hall with a clock tower – was common in medieval towns. Around the time that the town was established, a Franciscan brotherhood built a monastery and a church in Rauma. The church was inaugurated in 1512. The monastery was later closed down, and the church became a Lutheran church. The beautiful Church of the Holy Cross continues to be one of the most popular attractions in Rauma. Hauenguano Hauenguano Square is located at the junction of the two main streets of Old Rauma: Kauppakatu and Kuninkaankatu. The town was surrounded by a wooden customs wall from the early seventeenth century to 1808. At the time, entrance to the town was through the Pori customs, which was located here. Rauma Art Museum is located in Pinnala House, and the area is home to artisans’ workshops and shops. Marela Museum Marela is a home museum of merchant and shipowner families. The exterior of the main building was renovated in Neo Renaissance style in the late nineteenth century. At the time, the house was owned by Gabriel Granlund, a leading tradesman. Its decorative tile stoves, doors, panelwork and murals on the ceilings reveal the wealth of its former residents. The interior reflects the lifestyle of an old shipowner family. Kitukränn Kitukränn, often cited as the narrowest street in Finland, runs between Kuninkaankatu and Kauppakatu. Along Kitukränn, you will find an old prohibition sign typeset in Fraktur. Kirsti Museum The buildings and yard of the Kirsti Museum are representative of construction in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Over the course of history, the house has been owned by sailors, workers and craftsmen. Before becoming a museum in the 1970s, it was owned by the same family for 200 years. The museum exhibits the lifestyles of house owners and tenant families in the twentieth century. Summer attraction. See page 31 for a map of Old Rauma. You can also experience Rauma with the help of mobile applications. More information is available on the website, where you can also order a brochure with maps. 6 7 Tammela Tammela House showcases UNESCO World Heritage in Rauma as well as renovation activities in Old Rauma. It houses a spare part bank of old construction components, with red ochre paint being made in the summer time. SEASONS COLOUR THE SCENERY, SETTING THE MOOD Visit Sammallahdenmäki on your mobile device: Summer Autumn Nature wakes up in the spring in Sammallahdenmäki. Trees burst into leaf, wild rosemary scents the air and violets and forget-me-nots reach for the sun. Sounds of migrating birds carry from the old bay, Lake Saarnijärvi. A cuckoo is calling, swans and cranes are trumpeting, and little birds are chirping. The pine forest scenery fills with shades of green and grey. It is peaceful here, despite the busy summer season. On sunny days, you can feel the heat on the rocks. When stopping for a drink, you can just marvel at how much time and effort was spent on building the cairns. In the autumn, the rocks and cairns in Sammallahdenmäki are coloured by moss, lichen and heather. When leaves fall from the trees, the scenery turns transparent. From Kirkonlaattia, Church Floor, you can see far into the ancient sea, listening to ravens and the humming of the wind – wondering how ancient wanderers prepared for the winter. sammallahdentie ie 8 nt The largest and most famous cairn in the area is called Kirkonlaattia, Church Floor. According to a folk tale, it is the floor of a church built by goblins that was never finished. The cairn is quadrangular, with an even surface. Kivikylän Kotipalvaamo joe This unique area reflects the religious beliefs and burial practices of a community in Western Finland in the Scandinavian Bronze Age and early Iron Age (1500–50 BCE). Spanning less than a kilometre, the area features 36 burial cairns of different shapes and sizes. The site is located in Kivikylä in Lappi, around 20 kilometres from the centre of Rauma. You can visit the site on your own (signage from Highway 8 and Highway 12). The area has parking and signposts, and brochures are available. ra sammallahdenmäki P Sammallahdenmäki is a Bronze Age burial site that was included on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1999. It was the first archaeological site in Finland to make the list. How to get there P eu Sammallahdenmäki remains a mystery Spring 2070 savul aakso ntie huiluntie Rauma has two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Old Rauma and Sammallahdenmäki. You can visit them on your own or with a guide. Order a brochure with maps or a guided tour from the Rauma Tourist Office: [email protected], tel. +358 2 834 3512. 9 MUSEUMS IN RAUMA ARE NEVER BORING Art and culture are part of daily life in Rauma. “For a small town, Rauma has a delightfully diverse cultural life.” Work of art: Szilvia Vihriälä Lönnström museums Rauma Maritime Museum Teresia and Rafael Lönnström’s home museum displays the unique home and art collection of this Rauma-based industrialist couple. In the home museum, the interior design of the home has been preserved utilising furniture as well as various design and art objects. Lönnström Art Museum collaborates with artists to implement modern art projects. The Rauma Maritime Museum is located in the former Rauma Maritime School, which was completed in 1900. It exhibits the rich seafaring traditions in Rauma, focusing not only on ships, but also the lives of sailors. The museum also offers conference services with catering. Kerttu Horila: Three Beauties © Kuvasto 2015 Rauma Art Museum Powerful experiences, culture and art Rauma Art Museum is located in the Pinnala House in Old Rauma. The museum buildings and their sheltered yard form one of Old Rauma’s best preserved groups of buildings. The museum’s calendar contains temporary exhibitions, events, workshops and lectures. The Rauma Biennale Balticum exhibition, organised in the summer of 2016, will display the contemporary art of the Baltic countries. The Eino Valtonen collection will also be on display, containing works from key artists of the Finnish golden era, such as Elin Danielson-Gambogi, Akseli Gallen-Kallela and Pekka Halonen. Rauma is a real treat for museum and art lovers. Its museums offer something to see and experience for visitors of all ages. You can learn about lacemaking and the history of seafaring as well as life in the heart of Old Rauma throughout the times. The Rauma water tower offers a spectacular view over the centre of the city. The Kiikartorni lookout tower by Syväraumanlahti Bay offers the best view of maritime landscapes. A city of artists 10 Rauma Art Museum, the professional artists based in the city and associations that actively work with fine arts have created a versatile environment of fine arts. Some of the art associations located in Rauma are for example Rauma Artists’ Association, Rauma Printmakers, clay artists’ group Keramos, Art Hauenguano, Inspira and RaumArs, which is the Artist in Residence Program of international community art. Many artists welcome guests to their workshops throughout the year. Contact details of art locations and galleries can be found in the Artists’ Rauma map brochure. 11 RAUMA IS PROUD OF ITS LACEMAKING TRADITION Rauma Lace Week, 23–31 July 2016 Rauma is a lovely town of lacemakers The many faces of lace Arts and crafts everywhere Lace is a versatile material, and lacemaking is a versatile method. In addition to traditional tablecloths, it has served as inspiration for metal jewellery, choreographies, art, installations, visual images and international lacemaking conferences. Above all, lace and lacemaking unite people in Rauma, who are proud of the tradition. Artists’ and artisans’ open doors welcome you into their workshops. In addition to the local lace-making associations’ lace exhibitions, internationally made lace can also be admired. In the summer of 2016, a temporary lace exhibit arrives from Poland. The whole week, favoured by crafts aficionados, offers not only lace in its various forms but also a wide variety of different exhibitions as well as music and theatre performances for the whole family. The Night of Black Lace, July 29, 2016 The Night of Black Lace – the culmination of the Lace Week – is a happy folk event that fills the streets and alleys in the city of lace. Market atmosphere, music, singing and relaxed events occur late into the night. Rauma Lace Week This year, Rauma Lace Week will be organised for the 46th time. The event, known for its traditional touch, has grown into a large city festival over the years. The increased international nature and modern trends in lace making have, for their part, moved the event steer from its traditional feel toward a more lively, modern and approachable look. Lacemaking is an old tradition in Rauma. The tradition dates back to the 1750s, if not earlier. The town was particularly famous for tykkimyssy caps, embroidered silk bonnets with a lace trimming, traditionally worn with national costumes in western Finland. Lacemakers earned a considerable income, and the governor decided that lacemaking was to be regarded as an industry – after all, Rauma had more lacemakers than any other region in Finland. Today, imagination is the only limit for the various uses of lace in Rauma. This is evident in the lacemaking exhibition at Old Town Hall, the museum shop and the Pits-Priia shop of the local lacemaking association, among other places. Lacemaking continues to inspire new generations. 12 Rauman giäl – the local dialect The exact origin of the Rauma dialect is not known, but the dialect has been enriched by foreign words introduced by sailors. Speakers of the Rauma dialect tend to shorten words but talk at length. Author Hj. Nortamo was a popular advocate of the Rauma dialect, local culture and community spirit. He was also known for his great sense of humour, Rauma style. 13 FASCINATING SHOPS AND PRODUCTS Open yards and flea markets in Old Rauma 23–31 July 2016 Market Square The Market Square is located in the heart of Old Rauma. It is open for business from Monday to Saturday throughout the year. Events organised on summer evenings have proven highly popular. Come and enjoy the pleasant atmosphere! High-quality crafts and souvenirs Artists and artisans in Rauma are famous for their skills. Their shops offer unique and high-quality products for souvenirs. Popular souvenirs include lace products, such as tablecloths, bookmarks and jewellery. Rauma is a great place for shopping Flea markets Rauma offers a diverse range of shopping opportunities. Old Rauma has fascinating specialist stores: clothes, gifts, interior design, antiques and much more. Old Rauma has more than 100 shops and boutiques, complemented by other shops in the centre of the town. Everything is located within walking distance. Opening hours change by season, so it is a good idea to check them before your arrival. See pp. 34–35 for a list of shops that sell interior design products, gifts and souvenirs. 14 Rauma has several flea markets that are open all year round. Try them all – great finds await you! “The centre of Rauma is pleasant and has a distinctive character. The service is excellent, and people are friendly and talkative. Old Rauma is a nice and easy place to go shopping.” 15 Factory outlets In and near the centre of Rauma, you can find factory outlets with inexpensive selections of high-quality products, from honey to linen. YOU NAME IT, WE HAVE IT See pp. 32–34 for a comprehensive list of cafés, restaurants and accommodation services. Unique accommodation Hungry? How about a stay in a hotel room in a lighthouse? At Kylmäpihjala Lighthouse, all rooms have a stunning view over the sea. Explore the lunch options offered by local restaurants at You can also stay in Old Rauma, in the middle of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, within walking distance of sights and shops. “Visitors praise Rauma for good and friendly service.” Conference facilities Rauma offers both traditional and refreshingly different settings for meetings. How about a meeting in a peaceful location by the sea – or in the middle of maritime history in Rauma? We have facilities for all sizes of events, complete with excellent acoustics. See p. 34 for more information on conference facilities. Delicious food and sweet dreams! Rauma offers plenty to see and experience. Occasionally, it is refreshing to take a little break in an atmospheric café, watching life in Old Rauma from a terrace. The cafés and restaurants in Rauma offer something to please every palate. Rauma is too fascinating to be explored in just one day. It is a good idea to stay overnight. Accommodation options range from hotels in the heart of the town to campsites and holiday cottages by the sea. A stay in the archipelago offers unforgettable sunsets, evenings and nights. Local delicacies Lapskoussi is a traditional speciality that sailors originally brought to Rauma. It is also known in other European harbour towns. The main ingredients are tender meat, root vegetables and spices. Both children and adults like lapskoussi. Another local delicacy is Rauman pipari, a sweet biscuit best enjoyed with a cup of coffee. 16 17 RAUMA IS A GOOD PLACE TO ENJOY LIFE Explore the town in a fun way aboard the Kake City Train: Fun in the water The beaches in Rauma invite you to relax by the water: a pond, a lake or the sea. The nearest beach is right next to the centre of the town. In addition to a pool with lap lanes for exercise, the local swimming centre has a diving pool, a pool with a slide, a pool for children and two whirlpool baths. “There is always something fun for children to do here.” Rauma is fun for children Play in the park! Rauma is an excellent destination for families with children. It has attractions where you can spend a short while or a longer time. Short distances and free parking make getting around a breeze. Rauma offers a diverse range of recreational activities and exercise opportunities. The islands of Kylmäpihlaja, Kuuskajaskari and Reksaari are magnificent sites for the whole family. Open throughout the year, the Poroholma holiday centre is located in a park-like setting by the sea, yet near the centre of the town. Kippari Park is open yearround, welcoming everyone to engage in self-directed play. In the summer, children have a chance to cycle and use pedal cars in the traffic park. The new, accessible playground at the Kaunisjärvi Park is worth a visit as well. Additionally, there are numerous smaller playgrounds all over Rauma. “I like the pleasant atmosphere and people in Rauma. This is a safe place to live. I also appreciate the free parking and short distances.” Crafty skills The various crafts classes available at the Taitokeskus craft centre follow changes in seasons and trends. In the summer time, there are various workshops that allow children to create their own Rauma souvenir. Crafty skills are also strongly present at the Rauma Adult Education Centre, whose long-term and versatile operations have received a national quality award. 18 19 SHIPPING IS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF RAUMA The Rauma harbour has around 16km of railways. Bothnian Sea National Park The Rauma archipelago is the heart of the Bothnian Sea National Park, established in 2011. The national park runs from Kustavi to Merikarvia. Visit the virtual guide to learn more about the opportunities offered by Bothnian Sea National Park in Rauma and other locations. You can also enjoy stunning 360° panoramic views of the area., Boats have a special significance for people living on the coast. So much so that when they hear that someone has passed away, they may not be interested in the cause of death. Instead, they may ask: “What kind of boat did he leave behind?” A maritime town, now and forever Without the sea and shipping, the town of Rauma might never have emerged. Rauma is one of the oldest towns in Finland. Much like many other old towns, it has developed from an easily accessible trading centre into a modern maritime town. Documents suggest that ships have been built in Rauma for around 500 years – and probably much longer. Trading and shipping became the most important industries in Rauma in the nineteenth century. Today, the Port of Rauma is the leading paper port in Finland and the largest container port on the western coast. Seaside Industry Park and Lakari, new business parks with excellent logistics connections support the development of the modern town., 20 The golden era of sailing ships Living off the sea In 1870, sailors and their families constituted 40% of the population of Rauma. Shipbuilders, dockers and people who supplied food to sailing ships also relied on the sea for their livelihood. Training for maritime officers was launched in Rauma in 1880, and the town still provides education for future seafarers. For several years in the 1890s, Rauma had the largest sailing ship tonnage in Finland. In the golden era of sailing ships, from the 1840s to the 1870s, Rauma lived and breathed shipping. 21 ATTRACTIONS ON THE SEA Tourist islands have regular boat traffic in the summer. Kylmäpihlaja The Kylmäpihlaja lighthouse island is located about 10 kilometres from the shore, by the open sea. The lighthouse stretches to the heights above rocks shaped by winds and the sea. The view of the open sea from the observation deck and hotel rooms is breathtaking. The lighthouse also houses a restaurant, café, chapel and sauna. Water traffic in the archipelago The tourist islands of Rauma are easily accessible by water bus in June, July and August. The timetables also allow for overnight stays on the islands. Water bus lines in Rauma are run by Rauman Saaristokuljetus and RSP-Charter., People in Rauma genuinely love the sea Rauma is an atmospheric town by the sea. The variety of natural environments in the archipelago offers fascinating experiences. The tourist islands in front of Rauma provide a wide range of accommodation, restaurant, conference and sauna services. In the summer, water buses run regularly to the islands. Charter cruises and boat taxi services are also available. See p. 35 for more information on service providers. Rauma offers memorable maritime experiences! Kuuskajaskari Reksaari Poroholma The Kuuskajaskari island, a former fort, offers experiences and activities as well as the peace and quiet of the forests. The Kuuskajaskari trail serves as an introduction to the landscapes and geology of the island. Guided tours are also available. Kuuskajaskari has a café, restaurant and sauna and overnight accommodation. The oldest tourist island in Rauma, Reksaari is an excellent nature destination for the entire family in the summer. Its groves and trails invite visitors to explore the diversity of flora and birds on the island. With its area of about 300 hectares, Reksaari offers excellent opportunities for recreation. In addition to a beach and play equipment for children, Reksaari has a café, sauna and overnight accommodation. This active, lush and maritime holiday centre and its camping area are located on the shore of Otanlahti, approximately 2 kilometres from the city centre. Poroholma is a five-star holiday centre, renovated with an eye on the town’s maritime traditions and the area’s old and valuable buildings. Poroholma is also the home port of three beautiful sailing ships. 22 23 RECREATION IN BEAUTIFUL NATURE “My home town is just the right size and beautifully built. The sea is nearby, and people enjoy it.” Enjoy hiking and the sea breeze The best hiking trails in Rauma can be found on the large islands in front of the town: Nurmes and Reksaari. The trails have signage and are suitable for hiking on your own or with a group or a guide. The stops along the trails have shelters, toilets, campfire sites and wood for burning. Visitors can also book a cottage with a sauna. The buildings have been renovated in the style of old archipelago farms. A brochure with maps of hiking trails near the sea is available. Fishing The green is calling The Rauma fishing licence area covers more than 5,000 hectares of water areas. A local licence is not required for reel fishing on the shore in Kylmäpihlaja, Kuuskajaskari and Poroholma. Rauma Golf is located just 2.5 kilometres from the Market Square. On the Pomppunen golf course, the fairways are located in diverse forest terrain, with many water hazards. In addition, the course has excellent practice areas. The natural beauty of Rauma is second to none Underwater nature and cultural heritage are particularly important for the Bothnian Sea National Park. Boating, cruises, hiking and birdwatching are the best ways to explore the archipelago, an area of culturally and historically significant natural beauty. The national park area in front of Rauma has more than 30 kilometres of marked hiking trails. Along the trails, you will experience history from stone ovens built by Russian soldiers in the eighteenth century to relics of world wars. The extensive and fragmented archipelago, which emerged as a result of uplift, is also ideal for canoeing trips. Boating Bothnian Coast Road You can also explore Rauma on your own boat and enjoy the routes and channels and the 300 islands. Poroholma has a guest marina, and Rauma has many service and leisure harbours. See p. 35 for contact information. The newest national tourist route in Finland runs along the shores of the Bothnian Sea National Park, offering an opportunity to explore valuable cultural heritage. For centuries, it served as an important postal road. Brown signs with a picture of a lighthouse guide travellers to the route. 24 25 Fåfänga – recreation and sea views The Fåfänga peninsula, a rapidly developing recreational area, is the location of the Rauma Summer Theatre, beautiful beaches, a wide range of sauna services, the Kiikartorni observation tower, the renovated Merijakamo service harbour and a restaurant at Fåfänga Pavilion. WINTER IS ENCHANTING Christmas season in Rauma 1–31 December 2016 Enjoy the great outdoors Skiing, skating, walking – you can reach Reksaari, Nurmes and other islands on ice. However, remember to study in advance which routes are safe and which areas should be avoided because of thin ice. When walking on ice, remember that you have a responsibility to be careful yourself. Explore the events of the Christmas season at Rauma is charming throughout the year Winter in Rauma offers theatre, art, music and much more – something for all the senses. The archipelago provides a perfect setting for recreational activities in the winter. The events and Christmas bazaar in Old Rauma invite people to leave the hustle and bustle behind and enjoy the unique atmosphere. Stop for a moment, treat yourself to delicacies and let your mind unwind. 26 Skating Winter swimming Artificial ice rinks and, weather permitting, natural ice rinks are available for everyone free of charge all through the winter. Rauma is proud of its local ice hockey team: Rauman Lukko. Its first team plays in the national league. All of its teams – and many of its fans – carry the team colours: blue and yellow. Home matches at the Äijänsuo ice stadium are intense experiences. In Rauma, you can try winter swimming in the sea or a lake. Take a dip in the icy water and then a quick sprint back to the warmth of the sauna. What a wonderful feeling! Public saunas and winter swimming sites are open nearly every day in the winter. Visit for more information. The mayor wishes everyone a peaceful Christmas at noon on Christmas Eve. May your days be merry and bright! 27 RAUMA OFFERS EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR A comprehensive calendar of events is available at Theatre The Rauma Town Theatre offers experiences for theatre lovers throughout the year. The programme includes interesting plays as well as visiting performances: drama, comedy and romance accompanied by good music. More information: Summer theatres offer plenty of shows in the various parts of Rauma. The summer of 2016 at the Fåfänga Summer Theatre will bring you Neil Hardwick’s “Sisko ja sen veli”. See p. 35 for all Rauma summer theatres’ contact information. Programme information: Finnish championship sports Rauma has highly competitive ice hockey, floorball and women’s Finnish baseball teams. Enjoy a good match!,, Events in Rauma in 2016 21.5. 11.6. 2.6.–9.7. 24.–25.6. 28.6.–4.8. 3.7.–6.8. 23.–31.7. 23.–31.7. 28.–30.7. 29.–30.7. 29.7. 2.–6.8. Rauma Rock, Klustermus, ”Sisko ja sen veli”, Rauma Summer Theatre, Fåfänga, RMJ Music Festival, Evening market on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sunday jumble sales in Market Place, Open yards and yard sales in Old Rauma Rauma Lace Week, International Markets, Lace week´s handicraft market, Black Lace Night, Rauma Festivo Music Festival, 5.8. 5.–7.8. 12.–13.8. 19.–20.8. 19.–21.8. 27.8. 17.–18.9. 1.–2.10. 19.11. 9.12. 9.–22.12. 18.12. Ice Hockey Lace Tournament, Lappi Sauna Festival, Rauma Blues, Poroholma Music Carnival, XXIII Blue Sea Film Festival, Poroholma Venetian Festival, Rauma Baltic Herring Fair Build, Decorate, Live exhibition, Christmas Season Opening, Elves Night, Christmas Market in the Market Place, Christmas Market, Events in the archipelago Forward to festivals Many fun events are hosted also in the archipelago of Rauma. Browse through the event calendar and find your own favourites among the traditional archipelago day, summer theatre, trail running, lighthouse day or unforgettable sailing experiences! The event calendar and the sailing schedule are located at The pace of summer in Rauma is set by a string of festivals, bringing various cultural activities to the city. The super popular RMJ Music Festival will also return to the summer of Rauma. Several festivals in Rauma have long traditions. These are just some examples of events in Rauma. Schedules and programmes may change. 28 29 Kattiltie 1 5 7 1 5 Kie ka t 58 3 Ka Tulliva 3a he Kitukränn 7 4 ki k a 30tu 7 Kain 1 unk 11 Neulav Kulmala 3 1 Kalatori nkatu 2 Isopo9ik u n is järven Harmaid enveljeste nkuja 11 Pappilankatu 14 1 Isoraa katu stuva Koulu nk Is 8 okirkko 4 k 1 Vähäraas- Vähäkirkkok tuvank 15 Iso p oikki katu n nk 2 ilänt 4 6 Koulut Peltomaant tie Lä 11 5 Savilan- katu 3 r Nortamon katu 30 15 Nan u Mets Vännin v sik 1 3 a tu Posellink Kivin 3 5 tie ritie ton Vänkä p o mppus tent Ala-P 1 mo 1 nt 0 Maalaam onpolku la a Aron-12 peränt 6 8 n ka32 t a ll ion i oj 2 an t aa ri rastaa3 nk u ul La l ant 15 4 11 0 3 rvati 30 6 la i k Kua o n aro iti nk Vi h do n Kallionikula ne 17 14 5 164 TARVOLA Kourujärvi Kourulantie Hi rsi stö nti e 28 Ka Ve iko ntie Vasakuja 6 27 k u 18 15 59 tu Ka lli 16 23 m un t Ka rik um ol ku on p e ik 40 10 Vink r T uu 18 P ult6 e ri k uja e n ti 8 Ka na ö Ku ää mäekku- nt nt or e n Vu 2 4 Pall op Lehd ont n- nt 1 Aho vain siont Äijäntaust ant ton tie 5 Po st 1 haan 4 tie 1 3 en Järv tie Pä 2 äs 7 ky tie Tu om 1 is 0 n järven hö 3 1 10 K o Vä lik hön 56 Äy 45 a Lato mäe nt ka Lo Me ta 3 llitie 3 30 S Jo uuta kk ron p 1 3 k ent Ka 29 lk- 9 ns un p 2 5 alli on t Taimip nk 2 di n oja Iso ar o K ou 1 Som 3 pap Ke 4 lkkap 2 7 e pe llo 12 8 Somp ap yh Pr i is 8 itie Pa rati ntie 8 4 tu 23 Ka 3 i ra 6 ka nn Vilk inv un 4 tie känti e Mäli ku 2 19 Pa 48 roalhon- katu 22 ki Kuk 20 lin ie iiv it St at Poh 6 joisn 3 eulant Wattivahe e Vo ltt iti VT 2 Me ts et sä d entie ätäh 12 47 4 2 2 de 1 Porm npun oja es tar ink nk Ve atu 23 lj 1 esk K atu 1 asvi tar 19 ha nk 21 Ka 6 Vä 1 svit lip a rh anpo 3 l 8 VT u 4 47 Kukkiskatu31 36 Pitkäjärvenk 2 Ahoka tu Lehtok atu 30 2 ä hkin äp 10 ol ku 3 Ko l an 1 Sarav l tie 1 Sork an 8 ka tu järven 58 u nis Ka 3a Tullivahe S va ave la n K 3 jan pu öyde 1 v n n Na ojan u ta 1 v K öy v K5 lin app ka e tu 1 23 ka tu 2 nt i e k atu 40 se 52 en ka tu so m 7 Palov 2 Vah 1 verot Ra vi 6 npiiri 2 G 12 ä v l 10 3 Kitukränn 4 11 Kulmalan 3 katu en Nu 33 Hir 3 sip mm äs 63 Pä iv P Nortam onkatu nk a 2 tu de - 7 Neulav 1 Kalatori kat 30 u 7 Kain 1 unk ki 29 Iso p oik 15 Kap teen inkatu 18 17 Meijerika tu nkatu Hakri Asevelik 8 2 Num m 1 6 env 2 25 ontie 7 21 Pe rk - 2 p Harma veljesteidennkuja Vä nninv s ik 1 a tu 3 n Lä 11 Pappilankatu 14 1 Isoraa stu va K oul u katu nk Iso 8 4 kirk ko k 1 Vähäraas- Vähäkirkkok tuvank 15 Iso p oikki katu 3 lin 3 11 5 Savilankatu Nan3 unk 2 Ka na 5 Nortamonk r atu 30 k 16 N po yber lku gin K 1 4 lotie a rp 2 Ka 2 KOURUJÄRVI 26 P uolu8 2 3 Vadelmap k M 61 17k us 20 t ik kati 22 Mansikka p e 1 3 39 2 Kirs i 26 K n ta 54 n ik 47 u 1 19 Ty 8 rn ip M 18 uura in p Takalampi n ka lan tie 8 Ka u s sta 8 taa 7 14 Le 12 kula ulalio np u - kat n Ve sa la Nikula e u ti pPp 5 Lim ö llöp o ts ä lku Me l Kaik n 11 11 kse np Ku rjenp Ma r 2 np 11 lmiojantie Ma 6 ie t ul a n P erkk au 2 nt rin tee 2 nt Isom et So rk a V kinä hänont Kuovinkj Pohjolanp 1 6 2 2 Tuule4n suunk 10 Posellin k Kivin T s ar pu aar von e Vä isto n-rinAjuk lik Alf redink 6 15 Verkkov Siikap 2 4 7 3 1 Lyseokatu 4 o 2 5 Vähämaanpuist Siikav Timperinv Styyrmanninp Häpläntie So rk 11antie 6 M y 3 6 llym äe nk 19 Rau man m 7 erenka tu 22 Jäk ä Silik 7Ke linnhato- Heilu häntä1 al 17 41 12 r viti e Hi Peura tie r p p ätie13 hd an k m Sa m 16 3 Luhtav 8 Ki vi v 2 Airov 2 Kous 1 av 2 24 1 1 24 ie 2 30 24 2 ank 4 Kiviluhd 21 An 6 tin 5 k 1 11 Lahden katu 1 Alav 8 Juhonk Hir vit 5 Knypylv Ah m ap R 14 2 3 Yläv 1 Melav Kapp el in lu 1 Kustaan p 2 Ruorip Satokj 1 Merika 14 tu 8 Järvenpä 16 änkatu 2 1a ntie 16 4 Supiv 1 Naalitie Plättv 14 en lah dentie Klo m ppolku i K ud po ou U lk ku Ve sik 10 2 kop Lu 12 mik kop Ruonajärvenp kn 2 Hal ssiv 1 Klyyssivahe 50 tie 13 Kry polkssiu v 20 2 6 ink t Niku 3 j atie ata 11 44 l po k l Nik 1 20 n tie 6 in an 1T3 20 kati e 2 Av a a 7 Kaakkurit po lan tie e entie rint 4 Kourula 8 u rtt 32 ra nn a Huipun 6 1 e 4 dink Kesä kodi ink K rin ippa kj - Nikulanmäk 9 31 Church of the Holy Cross 32 Market Square and Old Town Hall Museum 33 Naulamäki, Helsinki Square and the Lacemaker statue 34Tammela 35Kalatori 36 Ruins of the Church of the Holy Trinity 37 Alfred Kordelin Chapel 38 Marela Museum 39 Rauma Art Museum and Hauenguano 40Kitukränn 41 Kirsti Museum ie 3 Siilotie 2 ntie Eetu C Rauman kaupunki 2015 14Kier o ntie Pähkinätie Niksulantie 1 Ra 11 um a-R e 3 nk 3 37 u at nk Hakatie Sippola 6 3 68 lli Torninp T ru Tu K 15 P lank 2 nt Koulup ä ril Porin tu Tasa kj j tu 2 6 UOTILA MAP OF OLD RAUMA ulu Ko atie a 26 pilank Pap 29 14 tu 3 Tu tie kko esa e V ikkoti m katie ylä lisvä Koil anh Pe lt 3 ok 8 1 1 14 l Kantan i k u 15 11 11 32 Isoarontie lku lopo pa Kelk nv otila e Kentänti U 4 lot Pal 36 17 22 8 Lä n n entie 15 5 El 7 lä e Pomppustenti14 2 Tuul6entie 3 9 Antolantie Myllykalliont Sarkontie lä s e 20 p äntie Vanhakylä spu Marinp mp Po nkuja o nt te 10 Eteläkatu 12 Itäkatu äy ntta Sa kPöniniont va po lku Ma a 24 kaankatu 13 Pohjanka 22 tu 2 Itäkatu sv K j Onnenpellontie 6 2 6 Ke p 1 21 S epä kuja Elon 41 40 27 6 32 16 Kauppakatu 3937 38 9 17 4 35 Vanhan ki rkon 3 nv katu 24 Anundila 28 Pakka-4 21 huoneenk Eteläpitkä22 Kalliv 36 Golfken katu 4 17 P ka 12 34 31 Ta i almink 7 a m 33 Mäkiv ä som l m 16 4 I h i nkatu Vä 1 2 10 17 Naulan ka 20 P tu 200 m 12 2 kit 20 Re tu Lin nka a s Lem 3 VT 12 25 atie Kodis joenti e 2 14 18 4 Urp o s e Akselintie na L in22 25 nt r 5 2 1 Ka 4 Ran nanti Läh d 4 2 kkap tinp L u is 4 Ky F 28 kelikuja ar na 14 Sah ra p olku 12 kap stik Mu 4 34 Va olu Pu sip U 2 3 ore Vu 14 apolk u Lännenv k Su 5 3 Äyhönjärvi Isoar 12 ontie Loukku3 p Bergströmin lampi täjän t 8 2 Tuom tonk is- Po j. sthaa nkj tie 1 2 4 Hallitie 7 10 VANHA RAUMA OLD RAUMA 16 2 Vähäpoikkik illi e nti e p rin Monnankatu 2 R 1 öyskäp 6 Linjavahe 9 LAJO Na 1 appukj 9 6 Vä 1 lttip Kä r köp 18 31 22 Luostarinkatu 13 6 10 Ko tala Ra ah 3 u arh 8 T j 24 2 6 2 ila d o n tie 8 entie st 9 Kurtta 2 t arhan t ntie 1 Kunin- 2 Anun d i lan 8 Luotilangant lttiv Pu 1 e Lensunkallio 6 K ol m 6 Väh 4 äkou luk 11 P 4 t ha au 5 Teeren 6 enk iem 2 tie en ntie Vännink Pomppunen 0 8 Äy 12 2 hd 5 Kirvestie ÄYHÖ 8 L e Pe tä 6 jäp ent Oja5 k e nkatu 2 Ruutikellarin Hiih 4 mäki Niittyk 9 Tarvolan tie PAROALHO u Ah opolk us en ti e 1 Lensunk 1 1 2 4 Kourujärv Le hti ku 11 2 Pu mp pu t tu ti 44 e rin tie 13 Ah2 te 15 e Kaija 3 te Huittis 1 lk- kent Ka An Py tto yrm nin a v Pe 1 nu 1 Ja1 nk Vil nv ke nv ku n N Ju aula 5 ss in K p6 yä 6 22 ka 12 t u 14 enti Lattat tä nkj 2 np Ottila lku n po el a 1 2 e hte mm vahe atu 6 6 atu ok Oik 1 nu Pe lti va h 2 19 Ä ti e 7 2 Eskolant Kivelänti e 5 Vastmäe H o oiv en ut valk Pii pu 6 rin t tu Kairaka 11 Lukko 12 Itäkatu nk ru Tu tu erika M eij7 10 2 lank Tasa 2 Hi uk Torn 3 10 2 2 Itäkatu 2 Vähä poikkik 4 nk L2 eh 1 t okatu 12 P 1 aranv a r u rila r e n- ola sä 1 Leika rinp H 2 pp aa 4 Steniuksenkatu s ka 28 Pitkä 56 järvenk P 26 eltokatu 3 Mo isio nk te us 8 L 31iväsenkatu P ä 18 at nk Ilta 2 2 2 F 25 su2 n- Aro n 1te2enkah- Paropolk u 53 2 tie lan ie ka nt ak ar ean tie utie Parr 2 nt V st a pä uore Kiv än n tau iku n M v r o aake kun Kall i llarin 8tuomis p t ä Uu v 10 s ainio 23 ntie änt np ä Mä e tie n o Golfkenttä hk 4 e lpiKo nk no 2 1 np m 25 atu r p nk äjä ylä 6 Hö 1 be R in u p olk u olk Ny 10 t ie neTuo aa 44 Pohjoiska arre l an HirsiAro 12 na 5 Äyhön teollisuusalue 2 6 ie smat 80 Hela Mänt yläntie Porintie jan k Raja pyyk int ss tie oli Kir kk ok atu Jokiranta 1 2a hä Bu I ie rit isk e Luostarinkylä 14 P oltti 1 mo 0 1 2 n ka tu Torninp Torn ink 3 orentie Susivu hjo v tan LuostarinMit 3 k 7 ylänt ie Koukkutie Empuntie 18 1 Len oliit titie 2 Oras Oy tu Kairaka a Ma k mp p rin iste p an aj Sa mo 12 N Maanpäänniemen 5e ti an 7 Maa npä änti e ti e än 3 7 e5l ht 6 Kartanontie 5 tie an 15 ie MAANPÄÄ lä isväy 1 7 o una 2 L ntie or p il a h 2 Tuo T 1 Forchem Oy Mäntyöljytehdas 47 C Rauman kaupunki 2015 5 P i rt tit än K k S 2 4 2vaalaven- 3 Pajak 30 2 aarnap a ul Na 2 kk 1 L Summank 1 7 Ve s itorni Kollaank 12 1 14 Töyryntie 3 1 11 Na 1 8 ulaajan k Hon Sahuri 22 kajuu nkatu 1 renti Sor vaa e4 jank 13e s n ta A jan 1 Tu 34 Oy Metsä-Botnia Ab Rauman tehdas p Se 1 tu ka än 7 Sep 18 it i e Po 11 ari NUMMI Ma Polari Hankkarintie 1 km 20 UPM-Kymmene Oyj 16 29 Aline nk 1 Aarningonkatu 28 Töyrynkj 1 23 SUSIVUORI 8 1 9 Leik Äijänsuon urheilukeskus Teollisuuskatu1 0 3 2 onkatu 11 Vetisk 8 1 katu Vainio 2 tu Iironka 5 e u 26 pi lankat Pap 3 3 2 Töyryntie ti an Eteläkatu 4 nkatu 9 sa Lem 3 Isok6atu 9 12 19 3 lol Ta 2 29 14 tu T 5 Rauma-Repolan teollisuuspuisto kala ntie 5 24 katu 28 21 22 Etelä pitk äk Kalliv atu 4 17 ka 12 31 a lmink 7 a Mäkiv äm om l m 16 4 Is h inkatu Vä 1 10 17 Naula n katu 20 12 20 n 3 Anundilanv atu Karink Tik init Te 2 2 Anun d ilan 8 Sahankatu 4 np Vuorik 1 kuja pelo Kop 5 14 Laakeritie Isometsän teollisuusalue e nk Gjö 2 2 16 21 Nestv a Pip VÄHÄ JÄRVILUOTO Riekkop Leikarinkaari 1 3 2 Karisuonkatu et 2 vik y Py itie ar Ka J ou s Le ntie nu taant e uvah ie luk Kiu Paa- . nanp 10 u polk 10 3 an Sah 10 11 M Ra op kk Rie 7 katu 1 17 T ilhitie 22 Teod Luosta rin ie nt sä tie kajan Hylsylä Hu u h Susivuorenpolku 2 ppälin- 20 s K iur - una Kiirhe va k aarin 1 16 SINISAARI Kaija tu ie 1 ä - Aittakarinkatu 27 Pakka-4 huoneenk a 20kank 13 29 35 rhit Nä 6 2 nt ie nt lho ia rtt Pi 30 lh o 13 nkatu 12 ä nv äv Jäkäläpartijanp Mäentausta o lk 7 u 20 36 Oravanmarjantie 15 18 Saniaisvahe Hanhikkiv 13 8 1 et s 26 8 4 1 5 1 Pyyv 29 7 Laivurinpolku PIRTTIALHO tti katu ent ä nPyy27npä Saunamaa Te on Varik katu in Se m 1 Alhokuja Avainv in k 1 at u Alho kuja Telakank 6 ns L 30 L tähdentie Kinnonv no 1 10 Volttitie Susivuoren teollisuusalue a Ma 12 nva esä Rapalanvahe 1 1 24 impunk 28 Laivurinpolku 1 47 ailma Pohjoiskehä tsä p Mehden tä 24 28 e 13 t s äruusunkatu 19 31 Tallike d 57 78 8 ir P 1 np 1 rr e 2 5 ak Hak Yrittäjäinv Telakanp Lo o Lu k Pe 11 LONSI s tin 10 kRuodonk luo n eon nk a nvahe Kpajank aj e ieh k m in rä 16 ts 4 1 Poosunpolku son Va st ru Ko n koulu Meri k oilan rs de An Juss 5 Kalasatama Rolls-Royce Oy Ab - inv Hakun 23 9 16 1 atu niok 6 Rau en p 24 30 e nti oja 2 Su nis Män j tönk Aarn 14 Kauras tenkatu Kaskistenk Pöllänk 1 43 2 Katavistonk 10 9 Loutunk Laakonk Kalastajant 20 tol a 15 tu onka 8 Osm16 20 13 lku 13 L 8 M 3 18 Ku 2 Omenamä Papinhakaeriv maPom lku rinpo ap o vila p Lo 51 4 Otanlahden urheilukeskus 4 1 2 5 19 ntie Ota Otanlahti 1 2 a Havu o k s 2 HopeaPYYNPÄÄ Metsot 19 mäentie orin 1 rin Varemäki Viapio Viapoti 14 Sy 15 Teinip auk port k 6u n v ik to Pa rs ä ananv 214 ra POROHOLMA t 12 Pu usis ka 1 1 um Ku1 iv is - 8 tonk 6 Pallerokj en K oo nkj . oivis a tu 2 nk t K I PETÄJÄS Rie Itsen ä isyyd Petäjäksentie nka uka8tu tö il a tu e is n a n 4 än t 178 Urh 11 1 12iehenk M 2 6u Poro katu m 20 75 3 holm 8 Junae risto nt tie 4 ant einästenk Saa L epp ä ti ie 2 H unin lä 31 Petä unin 11 tu nt katu 12 k Hak Pidesluodonka jäks Hak 30 ie 25 hanenti 9 okin u R a R 114 e A 14 15 po jur K arjala nka 15 tu tu Te15 lku innka 62 13 Petäjäksentie 6 tatie ht Rau aa 14 Porintie 7 n26 Kompintie 4 6 V 10 2 Kukon karinkatu e katu ti atu a 23 k in n lt a 9 katu Tallike don 13 ku2n4 arjala a 7 k K Kir 1 5 H 22 a 2 kk 6 tu ok Kom p p i 5 Jokiranta k Hollmingint Luostarinkatu 13 atu in n ie Ilva 2 Vän nink VANHA RAUMA 4 Ha Vähä llikatu 8 koul inaaOLD RAUMA atu 6 en k uk Sem ja 12 2a 1 16 iem mak 22 rinku 11 Pohj ank a tu Sata 6 KallioKun in38 24 1 katu 32 19 kaa nkatu 13 Porin atu tulli mak Sata 27 i Kanavakatu 6 2 3 37 16 34 Kauppakatu ie 9 nt 17 14 4 Kanavakatu Vanh an kirko 2 Hu nty Mä jant rin ku ka nt k Lu ello p 21 a lo Pa 8 Nor Vähäkinnonp nk Haahka 4 2 p V kinähä 7 no nt katu Telkän ha an 1 3 atav R 2 4 ll i mas Haam h 2 2 o lau R u oh Kääpäp 5 Ka 1 8 ll i o n kolo 28 katu ion15 ll a Silikallio 8uharin 8 i M rille Hi iha p v 4 ppa 1 Sotkanv 1 ink Tav 6 1 iv 1 9 illeriH ahe v 50 Nä 1 1 1 P a1 p in 3 Ka 1 ivo tu pu ist ka on 16 tie 6 n pää n y 5 y 1 P l väy 20 33 5 12 1 t Kumpareent lan Viljo ant Alakulima mantie r Virnav a V 12Vesiniittu K 2 1 2 in Kalli o kielon26 Harjunt kat u 1 1 0 5 -n 5 MännVuokkov 8 3 Rapalant ikns tie 13 a kövahe 2 Vanamov Horsmav1 H Htinv an 4 Kielov Lepo st lant 6 in t 13 v Hippulan p Vie tä Majavap Piisamip 9 14 8 25 7 Rajahorsmantie 9 16 u 1 6 v 32 14uoneenkatu31 h 17 n- 11ra Lo senuh o ktie Koske lonk teis Luo 10 in u 12 U t ie SANTAMAANKARI nk ieme 2 Rihtn 12 2 17 1 17 katu n Säikä tu onka Sauk 27 FÅFÄNGA PETÄJÄKSEN KOIVUKARI ko Sin 11 53 lä 34 äy ank sv hd ei nlu ot 14 peli L u Ka p katu 2 iehen Merim ie vit Su 29 ksaaRe 18 katu renk eksen Nurm 4 VÄHÄ BOCKHOLM 14 5 tu 41 umanka ra 11 Syvä tu 29 rin- ka Suoka 14 LINTUKARIT Kaivopuiston u yritysalue kat R ou sk 6 KINNO o lku O hä hteen 1 v 5 pul So S 1 Kappelinsalmi 2 Syväraumanlahti Petäjäksenlahti o hj ä eh isk 7 kkiv Ruonajärvi Merira u m antie KAURANEN II PETÄJÄS nv pu 34 pip u polku 2 Naalitie 1 yrä 19 My liv Naa 2 1 7kkov Rusa 6 2 Kouk n i iske hjo lku Myy räpo M 1 tip Pa a t U 241 u p olk My yr ä 43 Varhon 6 1 AARNKARI m ti Po e 2 ivah 5 Siil Orava 1 12 59 KASKINEN AHLHOLM un 4 p u Ko 3 9 ns- Mynsterv Myrp te 2 Nuljatti men he va 6 MÄNTKARI BOCKHOLM UUSI-LAHTI e Vinssip 2 7 elv nd 2 Ma lt 1 de del- Spi n n- Spine p vah 22 3 28 Je p yrtie S de pi 10 l v er kk Vi 2 1 ivah 2 19 e 2 elv ss 23 Ruona - järventie 30 39 ie 5 1 ntie Kauristie Po 1 e ati 42 atu 2 Ah m k rhut ie 4 uonank 6 29 en 1 2 Ka hd 31 11 N a np 25 Ke Järvika 45 37 po L2a 1 lle tu lk 21 ttu 13 Koivuha Meriraumantie KAPPELINLUHTA 1 an 53 9 k Ylinenka Jä 1 1 37 17 tu nis 18 p Mäkikatu 4 2 p 2 1 yrä Erkinka Mä 3 tu 1 SYVÄRAUMATuomis8to 67 42 nk 49 Ainonk Anti5 Erkinka 37 Kä ä atu nv atu tu Ka 1 2 l 4 uh p Koivu Purjeht lan ka ijank da pe 1 tu atu 17 V 3 Ainonkatu1 1 nv lin9 3 e 32 ne 28 rtov 10 7 v Kappelinsa lmentie Isoniittu KUKKISKARI PÖLLÄ Lenssi- 13 28 tie 19 Meritu ulentie SUUTARKARI ie me ff Ta 14 Tuomon 2 in V 37 Kly ys sip 19 13 Pa loahteent iv 7 11 1 8 KuukusvValmuskav 2 2 6 Helokkav 5 1 4 nitie 1 Sieniv Sie Uusi-Lahti 11 i 40 46 v Lu o nt are ie 54 v da nt p uli Tu Ku ar i u sk Kryssit m nie Tuo m o 3 Ven Parking is always TUOMONIEMI free in Rauma! Some car parks require a parking disc, MERIRAUMA and some have no time limits. KUUSKARI a sa tent 69 k 8 us e en ti Jiipp Ha a p Va i k ki ntie v Kaussi us tenp en tie Ro 30 Vaik k 73 tö ie nt Helistö Hirsi MAP OF RAUMA 1 Rauma Maritime Museum 2 Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Home Museum 3 Potter’s Workshop Museum 4 Nokka Art Croft 5 Kiikartorni Lookout Tower 6 Rauma Water Tower, Lookout Tower 7 Town Hall 8 Poselli Culture House 9 Rauma Hall 10 Main Library 11 Rauma Town Theatre 12 Rauma Summer Theatre 13 Poroholma: holiday centre, campsite, marina, water bus connections, minigolf 14 Syväraumanlahti Bay service harbour, water bus connections 15 Petäjäs Shipyard, service harbour 16 Suoja Harbour 17 Fåfänga, leisure area 18 Golf course 19 Äijänsuo Sports Centre: swimming centre, ice arena, winter practice facility 20 Otanlahti Sports Centre 21 Lähdepelto recreational area 22 Tennis, badminton and floorball centre 23 Kuntosumppu Fitness Centre 24 Bowling alley 25 Regional hospital, healthcare services 26 Bus station 27 Stops for local buses 28 Police, lost property office 29 Post office 30 Railway station (only cargo) Mobile tours You can explore Rauma on your mobile device. The following applications are available free of charge (subscription-specific data transfer fees apply): •The Citynomadi route application will take you on a tour of Old Rauma, Sammallahdenmäki and Kuuskajaskari ( •MP3 tour of Old Rauma ( •CITY-OPAS mobile tourist map application (Google Play, App Store, Windows Store) 30 Rauma Tourist Office Pyyrman Service Point Valtakatu 2, tel. +358 2 834 3512 [email protected], U Beach F Disc golf courses T Taxi Station P Old Rauma car park and information board L Playgrounds 31 Poroholma holiday centre, campsite and marina Poroholmantie 8 Tel. +358 2 533 5522 Onnela Sauna and Accommodation Kulmalankatu 6 Tel. +358 44 282 2849 Sailing Ship Hotel Gerda Poroholmantie 8 Tel. +358 2 533 5522 Reksaari Tel. +358 40 556 2659 MUSEUMS AND ATTRACTIONS Alfred Kordelin Chapel Kaunisjärvenkatu 4 Tel. +358 2 8377 5290 Kiikartorni Lookout Tower Suvitie 10 Tel. +358 2 834 3532 Kirsti Museum Pohjankatu 3 Tel. +358 2 834 3529 Kodisjoki Church Kodisjoentie 1445, Kodisjoki Tel. +358 2 8377 5290 Kodisjoki Museums Kodisjoentie 1445, Kodisjoki Tel. +358 2 834 3532 Ruins of the Church of the Holy Trinity Fish Market Rauma Maritime Museum Kalliokatu 34 Tel. +358 2 822 4911 Church of the Holy Cross Luostarinkatu 1 Tel. +358 2 8377 5300 Lappi Church Kirkkotie 23, Lappi Tel. +358 2 8377 5290 Potter’s Workshop Museum Nummenkatu 12 Tel. +358 2 834 3532 Lappi Regional Museum and church stables Museotie, Lappi Tel. +358 44 387 2136 Ylen Art House Kodisjoentie 1535, Kodisjoki Tel. +358 40 511 3203, +358 40 549 8749 Marela Museum Kauppakatu 24 Tel. +358 2 834 3528 Nokka Art Croft Suvitie 10 Tel. +358 2 822 4828 Old Rauma UNESCO World Heritage Site Tel. +358 2 834 3512 OTHER ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION HOTELS Rauma Water Tower, Lookout Tower Vesitornintie 2 Tel. +358 2 822 0550 Muina Homestead Museum Muinantie 7, Vasarainen Tel. +358 2 534 6056 Hotel Old Rauma Vanhankirkonkatu 26 Tel. +358 2 8376 2200 Tammela Eteläpitkäkatu 17 Tel. +358 2 834 4282 Rauma Art Museum Kuninkaankatu 37 Tel. +358 2 822 4346 Sammallahdenmäki UNESCO World Heritage Site Savulaaksontie 181, Lappi Tel. +358 2 834 3532 sammallahdenmaki Old Town Hall (museum) Kauppakatu 13 Tel. +358 2 834 3532 Best Western Hotel Kalliohovi Kalliokatu 25 Tel. +358 2 83 881 Best Western Hotel Raumanlinna Valtakatu 5 Tel. +358 2 83 221 Hotel Cityhovi Nortamonkatu 18 Tel. +358 2 8376 9200 Hotel Cumulus Rauma Aittakarinkatu 9 Tel. +358 2 837 821 Hotel Kuntosumppu Karjalankatu 29 Tel. +358 2 822 1639 Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Home Museum, Lönnström Art Museum Syväraumankatu 41 Tel. +358 45 261 0504 Hotel Linnanpiha Välikatu +358 2 83 221 32 B & B Haus Anna Satamakatu 7 Tel. +358 50 551 1222 B & B Johanna Lassila Kotirannantie 36, Kodisjoki Tel. +358 44 552 2143 Honkajuurentien Majatalo (inn) Honkajuurentie 1 Tel. +358 50 561 7301 www.honkajuurentien- Pikkurivi Apartment Hotel Tullivahe 2 Tel. +358 50 462 0303 Old Rauma Apartment Hotel Kauppakatu 18 Tel. +358 500 785 304 Health, Well-Being and Leisure Centre Helmiranta Puuluntie 388 Tel. +358 40 703 5585 Kiinteistö Oy Riva Varustajanvahe 1 Tel. +358 40 565 4120, +358 400 468 558 Kuuskajaskari holiday and fortress island Tel. +358 50 313 9160 Kylmäpihlaja Lighthouse Hotel Kylmäpihlaja Island Tel. +358 45 175 0619 Soukaisten Rustholli Soukaistentie 103 Tel. +358 44 236 8170 Viipurin Puiston Majatalo (inn) Karjalankatu 18 Tel. +358 44 021 5021 Wähä-Kesklä Kirkkokatu 5 Tel. +358 40 515 4121 COTTAGES Poroholma holiday centre, campsite and marina Poroholmantie 8 Tel. +358 2 533 5522 Saaren-Kierola Cottages Tel. +358 400 723 617 saarenkierola Siikluoma Cottage Siikluomantie 15 Tel. +358 40 501 2104 RESTAURANT SERVICES RESTAURANTS Wen Jing – Asian Restaurant Kauppakatu 11 Tel. +358 2 533 6801 Amarillo Rauma Savilankatu 1 Tel. +358 2 833 0530 Buena Vista Kanalinranta 5 Tel. +358 2 822 7757 Captain Jack’s (summer restaurant, Galleass Marita) Poroholmantie 8 Tel. +358 2 533 5522 Everest 8848 – Nepalese Restaurant Kuninkaankatu 6 Tel. +358 46 616 2764 Villa Tallbo Petäjäksentie 178 Tel. +358 2 822 0733 Goto Kuninkaankatu 17 Tel. +358 2 822 2750 Wanhan Rauman Kellari Anundilankatu 8 Tel. +358 2 866 6700 Huviretki Rauma Aittakarinkatu 9 Tel. +358 2 837 821 Wähä-Tallbo Vanhankirkonkatu 3 Tel. +358 2 822 6610 Torni Restaurant and Café Vesitornintie 2 Tel. +358 2 822 0550 CAFÉS AND LUNCH RESTAURANTS Augustin Juhlatalo (summer restaurant) Poroholmantie 8 Tel. +358 2 533 5522 Kapteeninhuone Kalliokatu 25 Tel. +358 2 83 881 Aurinkoterassi Ruormies Bar & Café (summer café) Poroholmantie 8 Tel. +358 2 533 5522 Min Yuan – Chinese Restaurant Kuninkaankatu 4 Tel. +358 2 822 6869 La Bamba Posellinkatu 6 Tel. +358 2 822 7756 Café Cherryberry Swimming Centre, Hankkarintie 8 Tel. +358 440 781 196 Lungi Asian Kuninkaankatu 19 Tel. +358 10 423 3163 Café Käpälä Main Library, Alfredinkatu 1 Tel. +358 44 403 2034 Mr. Jones Valtakatu 5 Tel. +358 2 821 0717 Café Passion Valtakatu 2 B Tel. +358 2 822 8888 Café Sali and Sali Lounge Kuninkaankatu 22 Tel. +358 10 423 3161 Osteria da Filippo Kauppakatu 20 Tel. +358 440 639 824 Café Bistro Kauppakatu 3 Tel. +358 2 822 8878 Pizzeria and Café Poroholma Beach House Suvitie Tel. +358 2 533 5522 Café and Bakery Ohvanainen Merja Syväraumankatu 12 Tel. +358 2 824 0363 Pizzeria Riviera Hallikatu 6 Tel. +358 2 822 8991 Satamanportti Café and Restaurant Hakunintie 28 Tel. +358 400 170 168 Puosun Kellari (summer restaurant, Schooner Kathrina) Poroholmantie 8 Tel. +358 2 533 5522 Kontio Bakery Old Rauma Café Kuninkaankatu 9 Tel. +358 2 822 1758 Leikari Café and Bakery Leikari 1 Tel. +358 2 822 1422 S.J. Nyyper Vanhankirkonkatu 26 Tel. +358 2 8376 2200 Lempi Restaurant at Villa Jussoila Karjalankatu 16 Tel. +358 44 762 0108 Pyörni Café and Gift Shop Sahamäentie 1, Lappi Tel. +358 40 596 2307 33 Byssa Lunch and Banquet Restaurant Sinkokatu 11 Tel. +358 10 229 5229 Sininen Tupa Café and Lunch Restaurant Huittistentie 1257, VT 12 Lappi Tel. +358 40 520 4995 Tullin Kaffe Lunch Restaurant Kuninkaankatu 50 Tel. +358 2 822 7678 LounasPaana Paananvahe 3 Tel. +358 2 821 0091 Foster’s Lunch Restaurant Kivikylä Arena Nortamonkatu 23 Tel. +358 40 515 1063 Pieni Pullapuoti Café Kauppakatu 11 Tel. +358 40 680 8819 Pinja Restaurant Kairakatu 5 Tel. +358 2 822 8891 Prassen Café and Bakery Posellinkatu 6 Tel. +358 44 780 0125 Presso-Buffa Prisma, Porintie 4 Tel. +358 2 833 0330 Presso Äyhö Äyhönjärventie 1 Tel. +358 2 833 0270 Pystökaffe Market Square Tel. +358 50 538 1823 (Jaana) Tel. +358 44 714 7483 (SPR) Suvitien Merijakamo Suvitie 14 Tel. +358 40 563 3432 Ankkuri Theatre Restaurant Alfredinkatu 2 Tel. +358 44 099 6799 Wanhan Rauman Kaffebar Kuninkaankatu 27 Tel. +358 44 982 1225 Wanha Suvituuli Nortamonkatu 10 Tel. +358 2 823 5870 Öysti Café and Kiosk Market Square Tel. +358 2 822 0368 NIGHTCLUBS Domino Nightclub Valtakatu 5 Tel. +358 2 821 0717 Kulttuurikuppila Brummi Karjalankatu 15 Tel. +358 50 321 1431 Ooperi Banquet and Sports House Vanha Turuntie 56 Tel. +358 2 533 4685 Old Copper’s Valtakatu 7 Tel. +358 2 533 5522 Torni Restaurant and Café Vesitornintie 2 Tel. +358 2 822 0550 Panama Joe Myllymäenkatu 3 Tel. +358 10 423 3271 Kiviranta Kivirannantie 133 Tel. +358 40 516 1206 Rauman Wanha Krouvi Välikatu +358 45 645 7370 Etappi *22* Banquet and Meeting House Satamakatu 22 Tel. +358 40 516 1206 Restaurant Kallio Kalliokatu 25 +358 41 459 0289 Putka and Sinisoihtu Restaurant Aittakarinkatu 14 Tel. +358 2 823 5950 Street Bar Valtakatu 4 +358 2 822 8459 Toripöllö Kauppakatu 16 +358 2 822 1201 BANQUET RESTAURANTS, BANQUET AND MEETING FACILITIES Augustin Juhlatalo Poroholmantie 8 Tel. +358 2 533 5522 Best Western Hotel Kalliohovi Kalliokatu 25 Tel. +358 10 229 5210 Blomqvist Taverna Poroholmantie 8 Tel. +358 50 560 9076 Hotel Cumulus Rauma Aittakarinkatu 9 Tel. +358 2 837 821 Health, Well-Being and Leisure Centre Helmiranta Puuluntie 388 Tel. +358 40 703 5585 SHOPPING Fåfänga Pavilion Banquet and Meeting Facilities Suvitie 4 Tel. +358 40 350 6242 Rauman Antiikkikellari Antique Shop Kalliokatu 16 Tel. +358 44 059 9509 Atelier Mika Honkanen Kuninkaankatu 40 Tel. +358 40 753 0774 Rauman Höyhensaari Kauppakatu 5 Tel. +358 2 822 6624 Kempas Gallery Ylinenkatu 6 Tel. +358 500 325 309 Kistupuad Museum Shop Old Town Hall Kauppakatu 13 Tel. +358 2 834 3532 Market Square Monday through Saturday Evening markets and Sunday flea markets in July Pits-Priia Kauppakatu 29 Tel. +358 2 822 0087, +358 44 282 2859 Rauma China and Gift Shop / Puuhaputiikki Kauppakatu 19 Tel. +358 2 822 2039 INTERIOR DESIGN AND GIFT SHOPS Sisustus Idea Interior Design Shop Kuninkaankatu 15 Tel. +358 400 532 393 Heikklän art yard Itäkatu 4 –Art Maija Kantanen, +358 40 530 5103 –Gallery Keinutuoli, Anu Sukanen, +358 50 339 5169 –Artist Tommi-Wihtori Roström, +358 41 773 0898 – Arts and crafts Pirkko Lehtinen, +358 40 508 2035 – Rauma Printmakers, +358 44 022 6204 RAUMA LACE Kajava Gift and Handicraft Shop Kuninkaankatu 28 Tel. +358 2 822 5437 Annen Astiakauppa (kitchen cutlery) Isoraastuvankatu 8 Tel. +358 2 822 0264 Poselli Culture House Nortamonkatu 12 Tel. +358 2 834 5001 Embroidery Terhi Stenroos Telakankatu 7 Tel. +358 40 554 4697 Byssa Lunch and Banquet Restaurant Technology House Sytytin Sinkokatu 11 Tel. +358 10 229 5229 Hauenguano Antique Shop Kuninkaankatu 52 Tel. +358 2 825 0691, +358 50 567 6866 Rauma Maritime Museum Kalliokatu 34 Tel. +358 2 822 4911 Koti-Vakka Kauppakatu 9 Tel. +358 2 822 7520 Rauma Hall Satamakatu 26 Tel. +358 2 834 5001 Pyörni Café and Gift Shop Sahamäentie 1, Lappi Tel. +358 2 826 0806 Siikluoma Sauna and Cottage Siikluomantie 15 Tel. +358 40 501 2104 Lasiapu Kuninkaankatu 40 Tel. +358 2 822 6668 Aarnkari Banquet Restaurant Aarnkari 1 Tel. +358 44 237 2297 Mantin Maailma Kuninkaankatu 30 Tel. +358 50 400 3755 Juhlahovi Banquet Restaurant Tikkalantie 7 Tel. +358 10 229 5210 Pentik Kuninkaankatu 18 Tel. +358 20 722 0396 Villa Tallbo Petäjäksentie 178 Tel. +358 2 822 0733 Pikku Suutarin sekatavarapuoti Kuninkaankatu 7 (courtyard) Tel. +358 40 776 2288 Äijänsuo Arena Services Nortamonkatu 23 Tel. +358 40 515 1063 Purkki Aitta Santtahkontie 1 Tel. +358 45 139 6960 34 Kodinonni Interior Design Shop Kauppakatu 17 Tel. +358 2 822 1030 Stamholt & Design Kuninkaankatu 7 (courtyard) Tel. +358 50 574 6391 Wanhan Rauman Putiikki TaruLiina Kuninkaankatu 17 Tel. +358 40 774 2642 Valtava Kääpiö Hakunintie 10 Tel. +358 41 433 9982 valtava-kaapio Makasiini Upholstery and Interior Design Shop Kuninkaankatu 28 Tel. +358 45 352 8393 ARTISTS Arja Nummi Kauppakatu 15 (courtyard) Tel. +358 40 543 2437 Art & Design Salme Kauppi Kuninkaankatu 40 Tel. +358 40 504 6609 Atelier Eila Minkkinen Vanhankirkonkatu 20 Tel. +358 50 572 0916 Atelier Hulda Komppi 14 Tel. +358 50 441 6168 Atelier Kerttu Horila Länsikatu 7 Tel. +358 2 822 4606, +358 500 994 686 Ceramic Artist Kirsi Backman Kuninkaankatu 21 Tel. +358 50 549 4663 Keramos Isokirkkokatu 1 Tel. +358 44 272 9662 Mysteeri, Eija Suneli, Artist Kuninkaankatu 6 (courtyard) Tel. +358 40 068 6936 Art Gallery Artturi and Caricatures Gallery Isokirkkokatu 7 +358 400 498 926 FACTORY OUTLETS Eskimo Finland (disposable and packing products) Eurajoentie 10, Lappi Tel. +358 2 838 7271 Rauma Wooden Bail and Barrel Factory Sorkantie 2 Tel. +358 2 822 1150 Kivikylän Kotipalvaamo (smoke-cured meat) Savulaaksontie 121, Lappi Tel. +358 2 8387 7713 Polar Honey Finland Lappi-Tupa, Sahamäentie 23, Lappi Tel. +358 2 822 2018 Vormu (bedding) Niittaajantie 7, Sampaanala industrial district Tel. +358 2 824 0100 FLEA MARKETS More specialty shops: Flea market Retriika Hakunintie 10 Tel. +358 44 780 0087 THEATRES AND SUMMER THEATRES Kirpputori-Kahvio Radanvarsi Hakunintie 6 Tel. +358 2 825 8234 Iso-Hannu Cinema Savilankatu 4 Tel. +358 50 555 6644 Lasten Kirppis Karuselli (kids’ clothes, toys) Sahankatu 2 (Pick´n Pay) Tel. +358 44 292 4851 Kuuskajaskari Summer Theatre Kuuskajaskari Island Tel. +358 50 313 9160 Patolampi Theatre Lappi Tel. +358 40 839 1084 Lokki-kirppis Satamakatu 2 and 4 Tel. +358 50 592 1135 Rauman Iltanäyttelijät Theatre Kuperkeikka Kalatori 1 Tel. +358 50 540 9880 Puoti and Wanhat Tawarat Karjalankatu 15 and Valtakatu 10 Tel. +358 2 822 8591 Rauma Town Theatre Alfredinkatu 2 Tel. +358 2 8376 9900 Susivuoren Kirppis Köydenpunojanvahe 4 Tel. +358 41 704 2603 Torin Kymppi Myllymäenkatu 3 Tel. +358 2 821 0070 Rauma Summer Theatre Suvitie 3, Fåfänga Tel. +358 2 8376 9900, +358 2 822 0119 OTHER SPECIALTY SHOPS EXPERIENCE SERVICES Design House Hellapuu Kuninkaankatu 13 +358 40 820 6490 Eräheppu Tel. +358 50 408 9061 Erä-Kutsu Tel. +358 44 526 5031 Goldsmith Laiho (Rauma lace jewellery) Kuninkaankatu 12 +358 2 822 1211 Kajak-Sport Tel. +358 2 868 0844 Bakery Ketunleipä Kauppakatu 20 +358 40 709 9166 Raumanmeri Sea Guided Services Tel. +358 40 556 2659 Rauman Tehopakkaus Kairakatu 7 +358 2 823 0945 MARITIME SERVICES CHARTER CRUISES, BOAT TAXI SERVICES AND SAILING TRIPS Food Boutique Lumo Kuninkaankatu 26 +358 50 366 6674 Amatheia Tel. +358 44 974 9038, +358 44 974 9037 Sissos Metallitie 3 +358 2 822 8282 CharteRauma CR Tel. +358 400 270 050 Tmi Tuula Heininen, Specialty silk flowers Telkkätie 9 B +358 2 823 4910 Eräheppu Tel. +358 50 408 9061 35 Erä-Kutsu Tel. +358 44 526 5031 Olmere Tel. +358 500 599 194 Schooner Kathrina Tel. +358 50 555 6644 Rauman Länsituuli Tel. +358 50 558 7630 Raumanmeri Sea Guided Services Tel. +358 40 556 2659 Raumanmeren veneily Tel. +358 50 342 5514 Rauman Saaristokuljetus Tickets: +358 50 349 8104 Charter cruises: Tel. +358 400 775 875 RSP-Charter Tel. +358 45 129 6111 MARINAS Kuuskajaskari leisure harbour Tel. +358 50 313 9160 Kylmäpihlaja leisure harbour Tel. +358 45 175 0619 Petäjäs service harbour Tel. +358 2 824 1041 Poroholma marina Tel. +358 2 533 5522 Reksaari leisure harbour Tel. +358 40 556 2659 Syvärauma Bay service harbour Suvitien Merijakamo Tel. +358 40 563 3432 Welcome to Rauma! Rauma Tourist Office Pyyrman Service Point Valtakatu 2, tel. +358 2 834 3512 [email protected]
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