thursday morning, june t - West Virginia GeoExplorer Project
thursday morning, june t - West Virginia GeoExplorer Project
, TMbilm. pra*<AM taaW M. BIT iMM4M* MIlM iflaiat r JMklkV MMMM.M* Ittt fajua. i wit 1 1 HI II VWPVKu Mf *•• _ __ •» •• ss^.." -.^._ twill * i It* k*M |e thefart, i i WajeaM a*<Wa» com' H*Ovauami. I awatleo ifcew' twac*. UbB under my Immediate notice aftd hi aaati rf i« f l« Mw «SM of Pelem/and «•" rr*rf (ahweawi, Jta»tta«to me^Iha^ p4MM«TVV'MM lht«]»vMlM>artt>UOlM' CHARUBSTOWN, JKFFKRSON COUNTY, PRINTED AND PtJBLlSflEB WEEKLY BY GAttAHBRi NORTH& rtaKdr. I M, «<r jotnr TAU THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE I ww for niMjp • jKtfftttt •etdtoirjrl /OH, • tarn Miiiim. that otbcn. alaaHatt* •• . "'lllien>irl»r»orao»»lM«Mea»riwdy. nonr-ftT FULTON. n, IVe. 16. IS«9. ' I had ranch nprrWnce, far rnatiy ynn, l.tMa Ointment, and being agate con. tin prtrnt light, the nuMie havr a riajk IB* ilaqjssn ItepKHlftft awl, fnovfef I thla, Mid lo ttcnre to them the Rttmlm I hu Woi thoatto »Jtii»t>l<-, H .I»T« * aw th« wnhoftiY pMted »v Mr. She*. I to c»ll h alter IW (raptfetor's ow» lln«itiR will M -HNKPHKRn' <>L\TMK.\T. . .. 1 anld, wholcsAe and retail, hjr IIKHSTON8, near Frederick. Mil." I* tolly Riurd the tniMir, (the proprio Ilcntont' MOM trill appear in hit awn written ihronk the-»i*»l« ouUU* I JMrOIrW. auMPHBF.r feres. *. JltS. -O. iUYS. Harper,-ferry ; .tll.lM TOL'JfO, Je.d*. ~JF;tr>'3, »831. .TfoH*on'» JPIMs, -THE HYGEIAN SYSTEM. > Milltnm^al aarthiftr, l'.i 3. Ah. ?. if fo (Ac of .otieiv—io poliiict, me- I i, agriculture, law, phjsie, and theoloj 'ins teems destine J lo stand, that can -i. ln-lh« Iheorvand practice of as in ever; thing elte. all things it. • One school cures every thing by . and the lancet—another, by steaming eating—a third, by purging in a Ions; cathartics—a fourth, in imitation of -Nature; wmrtimei bleed,*pnJtfiiney •otnelimes purge, as Ihe patient may o require— ' • notuoin iuter vnttaolMepmnciierc lilts, fc'ho can decide when Doctors disagree? V"biir maxim has Melt; • Bring all thing* liteil. »nd hold f»«t that which tagood,' tried in our o«o hounhold and our friends and neighbor*, with plcature and suceeis, the llvgetan sjv' aetlmes called' Moriibniana,' or 'the Fills.' Such have been our expeand observation of the innocence, and efficacy- of this compomtiqn. i.the most disinterested principles of them to the —• • — -1.™ gy»rymJvSfHH . J obdurate diseases of the. stomach owel» aod of the.whole system have f relieved, or perfectly, cured .by .then, 'hey are worthy of trial, especially in -1 easn In which other remedies have Befega vegetable eotnpo.itioo, they •fectlj innortnl, which ii »ajing:a "hisguilty a'gei anffbirng a very Uf HUPy C«n I according to the printed EDITOR." : .agents 'for vending'lhe celebrated IMttnfl JlfwUrinw. in the Slate of beg leave to notify the public, that nuine Medicines can only be procured lly from them, or sub-agents'duly auU>J, lh.ejB.and. .th,ai JSB&W medicines bii(. I Stale agent* for Virginia, and alto, by bub-agent for the respective town or Ity where it may be offered for sale. D. HENDKRSON «c SON. Ml. Peraons wishing to obtain »b« ag«nthe sale of the above Medicine for l« _ ill plj.m I (|»»l paid) to D. Uenderson fc Son, rktburtc. D.ll.tS. 1 Agents are , fcifnm. . O. Sinn, ' «t'Victo, P. KiunlT, funmillf. ,itt Ktllv. CkarkUeniOf. li.'hu 0. Breekuiriihjr. Situation. llriirr P. Ward, Hinrkattr. I(,lu. T. Cookui, Slir , aw of i t-rft ry. I: U Sauodert,-£enfrtav. Veekt tt I jnlrlon. MiiOkkurs , Salem. .. - - . - . . ' ff '... -** : twojril by the mere paltering sound of the Idalioh to •^HV hy my opiMjiieiiM in rcgisVe-rinp tlici'r-lii . .... _ /VoM Mr .Vnr VorA- Commercial. ./ v , and cures', by a noisy gamthit tages; and it is only by injudicious mafriends and dependents,:my defeat, it to tory, killing and 'wognding hundreds, »»in/{ purcll««d^h. full «nd .»e!u«i»« rl«it of Oitking, u»- VERY LATE FROM ENGLAND. 5e nttn/ntteil. •• and taking many prisoner*. The loss romp*, the . weariness and neadaclm nagctmcntthatit is losf. 'Give him but »ho Spanish Krate, Captain Bernardo a moderateportion of fooil and .kind-. deSoto, under sentence of death at Jn« and Tending, in Ibw Couniici of Fnderiok, This morning packet ship England, ".Still when I compare the ad vantage one'hundrcd. in killed and wounded, which he gained in -his intercourse J«BVr»on, «nd ness, and the peanant's child is Happier Boston. Hearing at Comnha, in Spain, Captain. Maxwell, arrived.,from Livcrthui obtained in a iiingle election with lie states in his oflkial report that the «..ith iin-ii. j . . t *»«««•/ . ,! pool, whence she sailed on the Oth of the long, powerful, and popular resis-[field of battle ottered a frightful and But it is not only to their parrnU than the duke's; free from artificial!of the trial'and condemnation of her•re now reedj 10 niraUh item ft thote who j faaVi Our London dates are of the 6th tanos.rU,-liirh was made to tho Roman'{heart rending spectacle. _ He. has and near connexions that children are wants, 'Unassisted by indulgence, all husband, this unfortunate woman, M nature mmiiters to hit plca«urei<;'he wo nee it stated in the newspapers, im«»» , . inclu«ve , ,,,i 1-ai«l;:.LivCr- Catholic claims, L cannot but.feel that: completely il.estroyed;tho. hopes of the utcrcsting and delightful; they are mediately freighted a smalt schooner, ?iicuiud has gained the entire tuwv i the- cause' of liberiy, toleration, and. enemies of the present government. geneml favorites, and their carewetl are cancnrve oittfdiclty fwjm a bit of ha- and all-wh<» hate uied ii, or withe.»ed|P°ol of Saturday the 9th. leaving her three children, for Haeel twig, or fish for it^ucceisfully in, a Blighted by none but the strange, the I clearly Their cannon, omall arms and ammtmi_lts operation. U can, be propel'«» either by GREAT BRITAIN. truth has gained ground, .and clear!} vre, from \vlinic.c she arrived at this ~.j.n™ puddle? «M dr two hones; and the hone power It l~~l rnA_ /'„....// l)»f,,,i,',l affected, tir the .monvtc. . I have, in-stitution- lion, arc all in tho power of Santa Anforscc tho dayf when the i-.i:-^.^ unconstitutioa ^l,-.threat,'the ii_-i._. -iv^ rooted *^-i prejudice,and.the l.«t^ nav The battlu .took place on the dee'd, hoard a fmplady-dcclarc^hatshe • lie-' \vlio feels tliUs. Us. icannot contdm- port-Mx day*ago. \She has since visit* •^iSSS^Oa^&S^ Th^^S^^filled petty calumny which' haVei b«en BOO plains- of Gnadnlmipn Zicatccoa. in. prcfeitcil.a puppy pr^'a_kitfcn lo'n plalc, unmoved, the joys andTsportoipf nl Washington, returned to this city, filace, in a eowmon Hiht wagnn wllli one: with exyltdtiou nt tho defeat of Lord and departed hence for Boston, to aftlone. In a trial, made some time nine* at John Russell in Devonshire, by a very coiiful ngainut me, will shrink before'which latter place.Santa Annahn «•.-> child; and 1 wboflcred sl\f! liail HOI cllildtroml; -Bird-IIP fWt'» peril ir-prJas-^.,«arcfKe brow and rapture sonsc enough^ to the (arm of John P. Dulaney, Eiq., of thi« arge majority for that dutrict. The Ihe advance of political freedom and j.tabltahetl -hU heayi <i«artcrs. toiic.hing in* , .. with, tbe.rnclailcholy an<S Uebcc . •county, the above Machine, with a single Radicalt of the whole nation have been the diffusion of religious charity. (ii-ii. Parres Ims been «ent \vilh r>()ll womanly feeling; atid I know another coiinleiwim-i; -*.l-*-l- *l-- I I.- !.»_.? . .e 1^^ bone, threshed oat 151 buthels whest In 30 cavalry in pursuit of those of the ene- fair simpleton, who considers }t beneath awe which the lovely Victims ot' con stance of tho truth oMhe sentiment in I have the honor to bc.Gcntlci themselves lo prevent thin ca•- Jnhrate^t ami on anollier occiuion, at the sumption inspire, when, unconscious Moore's song: her to notice thosotfrOm.wnom no inYour faithful servant,.""}•Jny. .who escnpcil to the New Blinistcrs; and iu --3^J^Mri1j«>f«Ph Q^°"-» *»» °»"'-i above 'it Isiitatbd-bjfjQljrtatj Ciirrningham, tellectual inijmiyeiuMit can l>ci|eriveil, tb^t^ehe^Jy^fil«,:|^^^Vl^^ jvWdT«TOll <6enTa)B« Ma«rtiV*r wllh -Iwo r [nJiicljLfhaiJiejgjii: iHMge^j;'".,. -^--.— thttt n lav l»"irow bclbttTihe-y congress forgetting -we have lieiifte-to cultivate iones,thre«hed ontlSSbutheli of wheat in 5 I<ordship must have expended, the conof a mysterious 'secret, of,which boon. Thla was done with little or no fatigue tributions to his committee have amountParis advices are to the Gth of May. of Mexico the object of- which is to as well as heads. But these arc eitrato the honei. These trtkl* were made In impmlcr Malhiai being one of iht lion* The indemnity Bill has not yet passed prohibit the introduction of American ordinary exceptions to general'rule*, as happy children have no suspicion. He of The the pretence of hunilredi of pertona (many ed to JKtW8—equal to fifteen thousand Ihe day, thu p-iiirn are |iubli<lilng scrap* of knows what the life is on which they of rfaem experioncej fir men) who do not Julian, wanting ».. fraction. We pre- the Chamber of Peers. The Courier (.Meiilt) cottons. His rumored t hut -uncommon and disgusting as a beard on are about to enter, unil he i.-i sure that hi* htograpli^. The folluwing ii un rxlrnrt. ' a lady's chin, or a pipe .in her mouth. hesitate to t«itlfy lo the greal'tunerlorUy of itimc that the committee of this man I'rancnj.i announce!) the departure of! it would probably rjas^. • M.ilhia* (say* hi< biographer) woi at Another law is in discussion t< > c\ - Even men mny c'ondcscciid to sport whether it smiles or fruvyns-upon them, nchool, ambng'a~niirh1)or of other lioys. thit, ever all other Mochinci nnose opera* if the people must have expended at Mr. Livingston, leaving Mr. Barton, tion« hare ever been exhibited .in tlii» coun- least 35,000 «n thU election. The fol- Chief .Secretary of .the Embassy, as cmpt from any postage or duty foreign with children .without lenr of i:onienijit;' its brightest glance will be .cold and One day, from some occasion or anoth- • try. ,'•''. , and for those who like to shelter them- dull compared with those uitder which erj"a few EWOctmcaU, confectionBiy^af : the result of the poll:— . CmtrKO dc'Airaires. ; "If it is added, as-well as domestic period!cals»"i' ' These. Machines are simple In their eonthey arenow,.basking. -El Diario states that Colonel Butler, selves, under authority, and cannot vbnthe Chambers of Peers should adopt the Grot* District Pollinf. siruclion, durable and cheap. We Will furpossibly apptcs,_wcre distributed among who was charged .with negociations ture' to be AVISO and happy their own with the amendment to it ,'S_. by. the Parker. llu/isell. Bill pbnthem for |I40, and leis if the cost will the young fellows, just as they were let TV_, . * _ _ . J » . ( _ _ t : _ _ A »ii j u!_ from the United Status., of. America to. way, we have plentyJ of splendid czThe English must bo at a loss for 1 f J v^ J^SSe<^' '^*^'-'-* •" U33"^«-'*vii--« lWl* ~ looseL_frpjn scliopl. It .was rather a •-.-. "*.:-:/::- -f—-t* •y- —- ,-•->-.-,,-...••• •_•_ ,, '• We^»ef leare to refer nerions dUpo*ed to lioniton, P/e* .T^,«iS.pxfe^r'«;*«wn. turn, unless, before t -085 '418 thc->ppeo«aBC<l" purebate tojotiab TMball, ENJ-.of Fauquler, attached to grotesquo JKTlead,"tr> adduce uhich may sane :i< paring to set oil' on his return, having receive, other instructions. Such is the 941 8:26 nf tlu; day indicated «... thnhifpr gusli . «nd II. P. Powell, and Join P. Dulaney, Ksq Newton, formancc8_[i'rfc lhcJV)llowing:. . ' obtained a teniporarv leave of uhsi-nci! present state of thu relations between love . l'ojcjJheso_.,pig«iy_;pliiytliJ 695 . 805, fvjathias hu'l got rid of all liU shan: of .of Loudoun, who bate- »Unei»e<J their nipe- Kingsbriilgc, France ami America." •-...-:-'-...... to that cffccT.\ It TufUier isays tharthe Statesmen- hnvc:' romped with 456--;-. - 444 rior utility inThnthlng; but immediately af- Plymouth, thc-gpoils, and immediately, set himTownsend, the veteran ftcdestrinii, un>. relations of friendship between the onitoru told ihenv stories, roiiquerpni ter harre«l, a' Machine will be tent lo each iMMtock._. _L_j»fi_ ITALY. self at work to "replenish his |k)fcket 313 of the aho»e named counllta, when ibote Okchampton, • [two countries were well maintained submitted to their blows, .judges, di- dei took, for a wager of- live pounds, to from those of the other boys. They '" Bruftion'of HWHWOJ. • • ' 188 213 .concerned will have an opportunity of seeing by this functionary, and that hu con- vines, and philosophers listened to their pick-up with his mouth, and not touch refused him. His selfish nature,- even . Ah eruption took place on the 1st of and judging for Ibemultes. ~ April, at 7 io the evening, a- dreadful ciliatory manners and-open cominuni- prattle, and joined in their sports. • : : one with hia hunds, forty slonrs- at. one at.thjxj; age, began to bud,, jTurth^.ljoii; - ^3,7^ ; . the., infimic" pains' yftrd apart? 'walk mu' mife: \valk back- sireiigth.;. • • " : , . explosion was heard, and a mass of burn- cations wiln. the secretary and,-tho! _Jf6hvithstah.ding Hiddleburg, Loudoun County, Grot* Poll. .. ,'V v r wheelbarrow- one ing'lava was, seen to rush impetuously chiefs of the executive, as Well as his to npoil natUrc's. lovely WorKs, there is wards 1 mile;" drives June 4, 1835^-tT. Mr. Parker, . Then,' said young Bob, 'ifr •ybii mile; and run nhoop .1 mile, in uc ;; from the. crater. The .ft small crater* personal . >jir.tli t it's, Iniil, re ntle red lii n i a principle Of resistance, which allows Lord John Russell, , V«:,we an- .apple a-pieco, I'll Corn, Rneaml Uatj ww^^Aj-afwin-' ^suci;ii(.ij ^iid»viHiii-£rs, formed in the preceding eruption of the extreroelyl::pop!Ularr..Jtherefor(); con. of only pirtjnl Majority for Mr. Parkc ; ;e marr fa( the thunder speak'to • T : Wanted. -d tu.uiliH-ii.the l>cr"<if chililt*h exist, io rich' Jhf , wmi ' eludes by 'wishing him a itruc'pcrous 25th ol'-Mai'ch Ivacl vanished, and w.ere y6iI77~ •"" .--.-.. The Conservatives may well consi_ will giw c.»h for 100 bsrrfi.1* .of of the fpatr-rand.. about ji| unitc'd into pne'ftightfnl; abjrs*; at-letcst voyage;. above ;all, his: speedy return «ootl)e, and- divert- us, when ,\ve arc •pcrforiitaniT. .,,. fcoiiN, MO buthela of BYE, and a der the result a great triiinjph. Bob became fuv 1 ;r,The boys laughed. 6 clock, .iTd'^hsend ' commenced his "weary or .fretted by grown up people, few tons of Timothy «AY. The Conservatives \yere jirepariiig 'J,l)((0 feet.|n diameter; entirely filled rious. 'Sue,' said ho, 'that black cloud; task -opposite the Duke of Olatcnce at I'OKTBV. -•— WAGER It O'BVRNE. and to justify 'all. that has been nun or to celebrate, their triumph—with great by (lie column of fire,, which ruse .to : I'll make Ju'ju spuak in a li.-w minute*.' .' Harpera-Ferry, June 4, 1835. ', wririen of the charms of childhdotl.-JT- •the Dottani' of Notting Hillr which"'ne In *a*hort time a Hash of lightning^ eclat.•- The successful candidate was the height of 1,2(M) feet! the burning Frbm the I'hihJrtplnnrt. completed • in •! minutes and a h.ilf • Pcrhaps only women, their' natural substances projected into the air fell Piano for Sate. Edmond Montagu Ncwcomb Parker, SOM; OP mi: DIUJNKAKDS IN rur. the-cloud; it was followed by m nurses and faithful protectresses, can within the given time.- On the follow- broke FIRST-BATE new PIANO is offered Esq. who c'amc furward after the result back with a horrible crash upon tlio STATES. heavy peal of thunder. Some of the ing day he undertook, for .a wager of for sale. Apply to '• thoroughly .appreciate the attractions of j .was declared, amidst thti cheers of his I crater which had cast them upi carry- Wo cniiic, we come, with s-ul nmiYj 1 younger b6ys, got. frightened. .'Bob,' „.; ; JOHN P. MYLIUS. the first few months of human oxis- ten pound*), to walk 12i miles in- two said they d» v«m know the man in the ' at least g5 feet of the hour!;— whicli ill .(MUI-I- he performed in said ' " MJDW AND Gentlemen, in appearing before you lairfe^aVwittliig fo"walk CilTerence to notice, of"a very young IHE undsrtlgaed is now opening a very this, day as the successful candidate mountain., was convulsed, .and four 'Our banricru bcck'ning on to dcathf The young fellows handed over we have urirollcd; handsome and Extensive assortment of ' infontr render'it-uninteresting to most ett 100 miles, the honor of representing this South- shocks of an* earthquake were .fellas AndAbroad remain^ of .the spoils to ttic little ixi^uo l-'awino, Care, and wan Despair, , •. Spring ana fancy tiooatt for gentlemen,.exceptits father; nnd he is ern Division of the county in Parlia- far as Naples, though three leagues _Aro soon up^nih«ir_fHld._. . ,,.. ,..^_ AUbw-bouse recently occupied Ujr-M ' fleiiiHrftHy afraid to_touch it,, for fenterf' JL P,arrnf» love.— It i.t sometimes in ; bltjc ' breecues, without another Fiuiiamont as a Uvern," on Shenandoah mcnt, r have to express to you my reYo hcnrd what niusi« chi'iTi us u»— ' — breaking.• its• liuclc.. .Kut .cvuu'in tbi's He (-"m c<r b 'Tlie cold-jiearted. a mere A fearful explosion like r gret for niy inability to return you thanks' •Street; which he Callers ' ' ~ ~ the first soon .announced that the vio- "Th'iTmoUier'ii'cry tlial rang'-- ~<'—:.—r;~: Ihan di-ntht— In. till: f -iTccik. '' How many 'bright eyes grow, dim; irtmnnt l» llnt^fs-you that rtrongrittdith'n lection of <""tifay.«mn tin'nn t, ltt haiv' mjilm nn thi« twoquifin— ' ' ' . , luiwcvcr, rehiled i n the general, and consul!, in part,of the following (che'cirs^ GenUemen T have "not t* the -€rafet;;«nclt- till -ten at^nght, . the -r4*»Mpns-ef-«ense_o •', ^may-tbcij f m»ny lovely forms fade away, into the article'i, viz: YVe'rc. taken .poll;. and blighted joys. annexed paragraph, cut frcitn tho •-( Halh iHsccrncd*iqthii little annual; and ... ^ volcano Uirew up, without interruptoinlts, and none can tell the cause "^twfWfVW jliaveknown ft"Clatterof'su; my own part, but Iifeet them due to Olive and Mtied We're, trampled on Iho tlirobblii^hcart"^- -'" ttete*3.TgKttBgs:-™Artf8r truth of that sentiiiie excited through a whole family, and feet, immense .columns of fire and Do. .do. do. -do. do. .Caulmerei, And flouted sorrow's tear.^ those friends who have .asserted the indontly verified. "I cannot^ECC matter ailorded for twenty long letters Do. ,dp. do. :do.' dp. burning rocks'. ^-.^.^ dependence of the county— (ciiea of ami cover and conceal the arrow that ii We.ioiilet W« eometTroMre; searched tint land, itnd. ihlYtimcrnblo animated conversa- j»fS%jtfe4sfflrJuWllIC»i!J4Si5J\£^ _ Velvet Bilk, Valencia, Tollnetl and Mar "hp, no,'.' and "yes, yes;") and whose PORTUGAL. |» t-yini; onit-j vitalu, so is it the nattirC of . Tho rirh and poor arc oura;" •ellleavVallnga. in the heart of overj'.iMi^nt, anil syrritions,-liy some marvellous demonsirntho Enlitti il from, tlm thrinoi bf God, " determination to preserve the, Constitn- The latest 'date from Lisbon to hide from the world the ' ;ect in a creature in'lon -«SW9.k'W»\vaM-jfc>**to *!|t-':-:!.> :-,.-.«i t r> f 11 ^fc, Ani3 half Hose of every deirrlptloo, !bi^iibr;or^in^rf^? ^«' straight Figured and plain. Vreiiuh and Engllih Me- Lords, and Commons, and what is of remained perfectly tftuiquil. Both the Tliat swear to drink and die? anil silent. ' Even when ~fortuimt'i;, she .: rioo ofetery color—do. Circ.Hians, Hut as soon as the baby has acquired What boots to such man's muttered curso legislative chambers had sent deputastill great importance, in determination scarcely breaihfls it to herself, but Super new style Calicoes of every > color Or Hu, that .pans the i-ky ? . ••' firmness; as soon as it smiles at a famiSisiifn, witht&family, consislin;; 'of a wjieh otherwise, she buries it iu thu o uphold the religion of their forefa tions to Walt on the Queen, with inesand price a r r< n sageS'SoiioUing- hut^-to take muasurcs|o,rtv;irii: -th(Mi;;li cvi-u-ciumu niarcli. K'.fe.?flA C!Xfi;.Slul3 SSJJiSl'JhS *. J .:T ?. l "" .. Mic.ii as it employs its hands und eyes in Cherry JVolley, OsteiM co. tJrATlegha-" Hani; Mliery'. coiintlc '•• • Bobinetu, ThrciJ and Uobinclt Laces and Gentlemen, your decision of this day for a new matrimonial alliance. The •••—-•••--—«-«"••••—••—— it cower and brood among the ruins of Onward for Hell!—fi oni rank tu rank constant expeditions of discovery, and Edging,. ny co. took passage .on a • boat on thu following are her answers to these adhas removed those clouds of doubt and * -* • Look Pau wo the clip again 1 crows and leaps from the excesses of crooked^ Lake to Hnmnioud port, on her iicac':. .. * ih-«««pa[ «h.f rmpri wrijjfarther for. herv_qjid.,_yoj!Lj6nd_.Merino,'long and square Shawls, a good uppielieiisujn which 'did" before ererst ten. by herself, as she did not approve WocoiiK!!—of Iho world's scourge?, who 'ahTmaT contefflmem'—it becoiii hJ the yiltli ~ instant. ""»VII I nay that you have now given a lesuiortment, object of undelinablc "and powerful In-" the Lake, a-littla soiv, aged, five ye»«, IrioAdship weeping over, her untimely Like us have overthrown? son to the whole country, of a determi- of those prepared for her by her minis- What Embroidered and Thibet do. and wondering that; one who woo had ever earth like woo——. terest, to which all the sympathies of accidentally fell overboard'^—After a grave, Italian Lmlrlnjt, Groi de Swiss, Gros de nation not to suffer the institutions of ters, and if so, they are creditable to To our stern prowess'known?;_ * but lately glowed with all the radiance Naples, flguied anil plain, all colors, our nature,attach us—an object of cu- moment's pause,:the father, exclaimed, her talents'and feelings; they are short, of health and beauty, should so speedily _ Pariahiens and Oakereans, ne* style good* he Stall? lo be destroyed—(checrs.)r-r pithy, sensible and dignifiedriosity and tenderness, interesting as it | \Vo conic!,we comet to fill our gruvus.. = '^1 cannot sec htm peruH,!'':infljinmc.> brought duVn to darkness oiid the . fordrwiet;'^"":"""•""•— "••' ""•: ••"--—• Gentlemen, you have .consigned .to me •.."Noble Peers of tha Kingdom: J.^ ____ On whirli shall i>hiiie no bljr, ~ " . . ' , . " is in its helplessness and innocence'.' d'mtcly plunged in after him. 'flic be - Twitted Sflk Shawls and Handkerchiefs— a groat and most important trust. I worm."-— W. Irvinjf. ... To glut the WornTthut-neverdieSj——— sailg~were"lowered, but it-was-irnprosl' know full well that at any time, it is no "Twice in one day, to hear tho wish liurrab! hurrah 1 hurrah! Itlniid Gaiize, -~ tiling an infant, felt oppressed hy the hie to check the progress of the. boat iu *The Pirates*—^Tlie five men who ,. ''Do. I.eonidai, do. Cranes, Silk and Man- easy task to be a Member of Parliament, expressed which you have addressed W.-B. T, darians,.. weight of mystery which hangs over time tu nave them, ami both immedi- were executed at Boston on Friday but! do feel on the present occasion, to me, is a taNk wliiuh fur exceeds the — Do. nil prioes Blond Game Veils and,PI- that &• high responsibility'now attaches strength of . my. aQlicted heart. Those its fate? Perhaps we hojd in our arms, diutely sunk-toying an aflKctcd widow left the' follovvingdcclaration of. lareaos, an iiiiRj'!, kept hut a few months from andremaining "children" in" ft' land'Tjf to me—(cheers.) Gentlemen,, I may- amongst you who have known the genifgncb'r:~lt Was wntttMi in Spanish Super new »lyle Ginghams, ' the heaven in which it is .to spend the /'i-oiii tht J\ Vw MmlMy MugailM, erous and honoredhusband -whom I strjangcn destitute of all means of A good aisortment of Ladlci' and Genlle. say that I almost shrink from that res(Jibuti and sighed by hut' companreal <tf an immortal existence; perha'ps impniut. e\< r e|>t I'roiii the hand of char- by CHILDREN. men'* Kid, Beaver, and Silk Gloves, ponsibility, but I know that your Indul- had the misfortune to lose, will be able ion*. we see the germ of all that ia hidcoUs . Fashionable Spring Bonnets, ity. Mr. S. and in his • jxicket'all the TBe mil island- of U was delivered gence will put the kindest construction to appreciate, as they deserve, the lofti- He must bo incorrigibly tin amiable, llauvBobU and Shot*, tely cheap, upon, iny conduct~whil«f I oin your ness of bin mind and the, magnanimity who is nbt;i litUe-HnproYetl-ljyIi'ecoiiti' onrt, Thus looked,- njonc {from the plwfOriM » few mi»«tes totfore ,4 good OMorlment of;pi>niostics, '. ' " «iJ^7c^n^ii^J^^i0j^^TJuji Mcmbor, andTlmow thatyou will give of. hU...ihtention», ^powerful • reasons ; in j-a fulhcr. ' ' Soirto "there arc; hbwcy- 'iuid thtiii Spoiled,, thu.-) calinlj slumber: While and brown and lancy Drillings, ed and sweetly smiled,-the monster* of which justify a deep regret; but since ity the riti/i'Tis. of-HamniuiKlwMrt-Ar1in;-pne of the- tatltuji* -•-•-• Soatmer Ctottw,-»»l «olor»,•: , , ... me .tho :fuilcs| (Credit of heiiqving ,thi»t er, who know not how- to appreciate I he n - Clttna. Clasi. and Quccmmyire, the trust which you have reposed the Tnle're'Kt'rjif -the ethpinr nnd "!Wr-y«l- hleshinms with -which lTr<Vvr9'eiicc"has Alir-: ra'i'i! in tncui!; daj-g.M'JoMcy,r-t• j aUcildiuJCTJ...;;:-.^-;:,..,;;:;:... A good aiiortment of llardware and Cut- in mo shall never bo betrayed-— fare, which is inseparable •from it, load "filled uicir 'qUivcrT~who..J'<!Ceive wi.tli Where are the marCa,'to distinguish a .'comfortable. "•'* Ameriiiaiis! we,' tlie \indcreignfcdf (cheers.) Gentlemen, I beg leave to you thin day to my presence, I must, coldness a son's grretingora daughtcr'a Nero from a Trajarr, aObcl froni Cain?" ucic reduced to this uad and ignoininiGroceries,^' A good'in1 But it is not in this spirit that it is either Interesting.-*— iiit{'lligc"nce . ^ In ' t h e -_-Pllig«'ncc j OUH jaie by inlifortune, not by guilt.— . -iTogetber with almost every article usually relurli youbncc'inorc my sinccro^honVs nnd a;n ajile to reply to the No.hle kiss: who have principle enough pror---^-«t.--t kept in 'a Retail- Store, which be would rc- for|he great honor you have conferred Peon i>f the Kingdom; that -I •will take perly to feed, and clothe, and uducale wiro '.Or -liuppy 'to' • C3ptdm'(tla(6 '"any ivi-ii by nV» fijw days smce from trie In this w'oild^ we hayetnotl-iig lo hopd; apecitullr solicit lii» friends and'the public upon, me; nnd before I'lake iny lea\'e their .wishes and the interest' of the na- their children, to labor for their ^support thing. Better is it—when we behold Wheeling. Gazette in relation to-Mr.| hu t r i n , the nfcxt, we coiiCtientTy expect nnerally to call aqd exaiuiiio, and'judge for of you foe tho ])r«3cnt, I beg to say thnt tion into consideration. and provision, but possess not the jill'cc- the energy and animation of young Knight, the engineer's operations fur salvation from the 'benign mercy of. themselves, as he don. not.make any charge I think our thank^ure jointly due to the 'Cchtlcinen Deputies of Hie Portu- tion which turns duty into delight, who children, their warm all'cction, their continuing tho Uultimoro ulid Ohio raiUJ tnir heavenly . redeemer. Then, for ibowinz his Goods. . rebdy, unsuupicious- confidence, their mountains,-.there wan an Americans,. we .declare :to you "with High ShciiU'of the county for the high guese nation: are surrounded with blossoms, but know wild,unwearied glee,"their midli so ea- way over tho JOHN G. WILSON. u and honorable feelings which, he has If I did .not do justice to tho Jjaqler^Ferry, April 31>. 1635. n i it .the art of extracting Jhcir exquisite sily excised, their love so easily won—- important feature to which : we are our dying breath; that we are innoreiit: particularly desiroija of inviiiiv; atten- and v>e now aver so~iir the hearing of exhibited, and for the strictest impar- motives which have determined thei. Bwcets. How different is the affect of Chamber of Deputies of the. Portugui'in true parental litvt- where nature) duty ,1to enjoy unrestrained the pleasantness tion: it-consists in the fact that ".Om thai (iud btifurc vv hum we must 1ft • st tiality throughout the wholeof thiH ,,IS heauliful'ishment. liluated of UlcY lu'owuny,;'.:thiftv;in'6lSui'u-> so nation lo send me the present moiifiago kvv moment*- a;i|» :—but our souls in Jefferson County, Vfrginia, about 10 great contest.. (Mr. Parker was again I should witness with pain , the inter- habit and felting combine" to co\istitute bright .and JUVDIIH, and to leaeh us that single Ntationary.^ £.ngine>'-(- r-Thia, saluted with three cheers.) . :. ' ntit'at that sacred tribunal', bw miles »ouitc«e«l of Harpersan alli-c lion the purest , . Ihe deepehl. nature ihtenued us to bo-happy,-and haps, is even more lur'prising thaa tin* Furry, and Ave milci from the i Lord: John Russell did not address ruption to., my, -deep grief; 'since the and the titrongeiit, Ihe most enduring, '•eil with debating the last act of usually gaiitij her end till wu arc old discovery long sinccr made by Bounty .seal, (Charlattown,) it his frieuds in person; but departed for Representatives of the nation, who I i jho/least mil tvuoi exacting, i _ of any of which the enough to discover hotv wo may defeat wa __'.i_V!--. 3!-^..irr—a^.-iE±i..-rf fur the recaption of Vl.nm)nn gineera Ihal the l'arir-S|i ' innnnditttcly allcnHo' conttsst ""'S* * y^ ppt'ttk llin solemn truth ;-^»we are ^* I hum"ainVc5rrircSl'.«blut actually more cteviitcJlhan'the which we have sustained, not culpable,—and we reiterate here, The bi-Hish bachelor may shudder •'• The valuable qualities of tho water are He left no friend, on the hustings to , I.illle girl« are my favorites: Hoy--, Cumberland. ' under" the gallow^ what we ' uaivenally known and acknowledged •, and speak fiir him, but issiied'the following that in order to consolidate the inntitu- whi-n he thinks of .tile consequences of tions which emanated from my iiugusl a family; he may picture to him..i:lt though bilU'icienlly intbreiititig anil 'When it is reincinbered what gloomy on nur trial, 't.'mt i'->- iltt innocent' wen,' the facilities now afforded for reaching thh printed address:-^ rebodings the croakers, in the depth pleasant retreat, bby the Kail Hoi J and Stage., father, of glorious memory, I should amuiing, arc apt to be infuctcd as stioii Lord John Russell has proceeded to r May lioil furgivu llm-.i- w h'j brought Ul will render'ilajaaunt of pIcMtire and hcaltli* town, friend on his behalf spoke choose another husband, I reply to the littered rooms • and injured fu.ruitiire, ad they as.,»uue (In- uiatily garti,i with a of their despondency «a few yi-a'rs since, to this fatal cm!,' an W6 now freely do ; imagine the noise and ;confu8ioti, the ful recreation. The health of the neighborave 'out agaihiit tu« prac'ticahility of and wu leave thu world in peace with political necessity which has dictated expense and fear*, irotn which. he is little nt' that masculine violence and gave hood has been moil excellent for many year.. from the hustings, but the following adthe present message, that 1 am a Queen luckily free; hue hinikolf in hu soli' obstinacy, which, when they grow up, currying a rail-way over the. mountain-. all men.- Farewell, Americaim! Two line, of- SU(«i rim d»il> ftuiu liar- dress h.os heen issued by him:— pen-Ferry through Cbarl«*,town, and aceonv T» Ihi Eltttm of On feuflir* DMtim ofOu and a Portuguese. .'..In virtue" of "these tudc, and pity* his unfortunate neigh- they will call spirit ami iirinneiui, and by any means whatever, when we call modaiion carriage, lo tlii bpringt^caiibe bad two qualities the Deputies ought to, bor, who has half a dozen atpualliug they hue, earlier in. life, lliat docility, to mind how the sanguine and the en' •' • Caunly of Dtton. ANI...I. C A at aay time. . ' arid may expect from me the sacrifice children, to torment and impoverish tendcmens, and iguuranc<!' of • evil, terprising continued" neverthelens to RlAM'l-.I. U o v i i A , ''Gentlemen,—The contest .for the . . The subscriber* will «n<l«(t9r tu requile l which the country demands, and him. which arc.their sitters' iivculiar charms.' cheer and applaud the J U A N MOMKNI:UKO, in tbb mu,t aatisfaelor* manner, all thoie representation of tho Southern -Uivinion inarvellpiiHhr who may (nlourn with then. M \ N L I ; I . CASTILLO." of the County of Devon bos ended in which v. ill not derogate from my digniThe iinfiii-tnnatt: neighbor, however, In all the rangu of vi^iblu creation, piomi.tei i ty." there is no object, tu mo no attractive undertaking, we cannot but felicitate THOMAS COCKREM., . . . , „ . ^ my rejection. "" returns the complimt-ut with interest, A ,..,. .. un ;gh80Vertho ]AmXl i^,,of ,nc wea!a,y ami ilcli^htt'ul u> -a luvitly, iut«Uigent, our citizens in general upon the protnrtf w i,, Prince iv,..,. TK« i! JOHN 0. ClHXKtLL. l o disease ,of which ic rince A Rhode Island 'con«Ublo, sayi the "•Itisaconsolation tome tp think thai .'- t<*» 4. IMS—If. now .laled to h a v ebachelor, « . • never, gentle little uirl cL'M or nine years isod fortunate usue of un eateqirise I'awtuckpt (Chronicle, having failed to vc have not in any way .^wcmiil from and tarn boldly ciinceivt-d in prqfouild wi .dniii the 'croup, and the imprpssipn is feelings.. of regret, . room?,' where no. plil. 'I'hii i> the puiui at which may be arrent ihu peuon be was in pursuit of, the principle* which originally'gave me covrtvw strong and.general tha^ he was very stray playthirig telb of the occasional witnessed tht>'gr«atoat iioprdveinent of and executed with «> much industry, r'etunied tlm writ wilh the cuuomcmeht, a title to your support. Qf SkaiiaciiiW* vtlir, mtttrtmf It t)u " II ii likewise coiiHolutoiy to M niiskilfully treated by/ the court phyti- presence of a child, ganjens where no intellect coinnatiblo with that lily-like perseverance and e/l*. UU Or. UK BU'IVH, */ DiUimm. '•-Non (MI| i omu ut-lliui ft railuni nw.aniBelenlu, or, Sulph.n of Lime, knowledge, which I do with Uie warni cians. tiny footmark reminds hint of hi* trea- purity of iiiiml, to which taint is incom- . Excellent.—Lugitimii Reform, bir- |ni," which, iijiou being questioned W Carbonate of Lima, . From the Baltimore Gazette, est feeling of gratitude, that I' have re sure* at home- He has listened to his prehemiiblo, danger unsuspected, and irinnini: at the foundation-at woman— to its meaning by the Judg«, be uSd Sulphate of Uagnetia, (EiMon Salt.) INTKHKSTINCi I-'IIOM MI-.XICO ceived the strongest proof* of zeal and heart, and learned from it a precious which waut» not only the .vocabulary, ^_^-».. .L:__ nu-_ i-j!— was, that the fellow got out of hu reach, Muri.le of Maguesia, regard from those friends on whose un- HKVKRE IIATTI.K AND V1CTOKY OF secret; be know* hbw to convert noix- b'ut the vi-iy idea of kin. Kvt-n the by crossing a swamp on a nil road. MuriatsofSoda, IVterbom, N>Y. and Atkinson, Me. SANTA ANNASulphate of Iron, disputed worth and corrc n undentandinto harmony, expense into sclf-grati(r best and purest of wouieu would shrink oi' liiivii formed in each town an anli-corC.rboQ.ta of Iron, The Sultan hoi t&en blessed ntU) « iog I set Ihe highest value. On '.lie 11th f<Iuy early in the mom 'cation, and tronhln into,, amusement; from dinphiyiug her heart to' our gatva, Sulpburttud llvdrugaa Gas, ^randnon from his dat|j{hUir who mar. "To tlm effects' of 'intimidation and ing gant* Anna uttackeJ in several'and be reaps, in onu day's intercourse while luv«|y i-hililliAid.. allows us to »et society— Cajuool* Acid Oas. J.iiUrilH liitu • | riKilllalil uifa. Thu child was appoint'* undue influence the temporary alarm directions, with a. force of illOO men, witli hit family, a harvest pT love and read its every thought and fancy, fifty-five Thajr. talks not to wadje, ' degrees o on weak minds, caused by the revival cd tu tho dijrniry of Vizir, and nflt,the portion of Don Frtuiclnco- Oarcia, enjoyment ricli enqugl'i to n-\uy year* Children may teach us one blessed, .. . Nor erainu »or coui|if CM •tran^lud, a* was heretofore the cu purgative, or gentl of tlie cry'of "No PoperJ;" t(i the ad- the revolutionary chief, who was at!Of toil and can-. He listens eagerly on pn«-- eii'vwbHj _. ' -art—''»lie-kui-«t'' U».U... i» •foBortloa to is* quantity taken vantages rained by misroproientation the head of 0000 man. with « large! bin threshold for the boisterous greet- >ily haiipy. Kind nuturu has given -to. In Peteiboro three exijuiaitei only with male children' of "thepublic] UU lk« ttosawk, or eoadiUeai of the syileai and slander among the til-formed, and liooaries. Iriilttor MtUlery. After an obstinately JTfigKp'i» »ure"to wcelvc, ftwb rcfreib; them that ttnt-ful power- of-tecwnmo- htild out and refused to nigu.—1 A T l.-W.«..i^i-'i_ i^^_ **_ J:**l* tr ."-ir-.--^*- f , . .:. *,,.,,._Xrt,-...v..)—-. . . A—l~*_; ; : f*L. \ J-J •-- OP. -.. J--* -. ST received and the Celehrated , era-Ferry, A 1835. Cash iw Market. I'ISII to purchase a number uf likely .. Kegroes ; for which I Mill pay the bigbb.rkcl price, in c»»b. 1 M* hating Nefroe* to dispose of, will i to give me » call. Letters, addressed «h subject, will be promptly at- WM, CHOVV.ic. own, April 3d, 1835— ly IB mlncriberi bars lust f«eel»e«l-ra)did auorlmentof faabieaableSpring which they In vile their customer* ends to call and examine. they have on hand • large aiiortaaeot of emen.'a fine Boots—price. #1 75. Other '-T will ha sold iu the time proportion. U & J.JOHNSON. »p Hill, May U, 1635 :arl,, Unnch Vean*. CF.IVF.D-within the present month, (Ma>) al IheChurleatown Aputhcrary and r Store, another supply of Early Bunch ft of several aorta. • • JAMES BHOVVfV* fcy 7, 1939. rvauuin, WEIKLV, AT I'KH . V.V.Vt'.W. Table half yearly, bail Two Doij-iai IM received as peymenl in full, if p«'.J •ly iu advance. Whenever paynwot ia red bryoud the expiration ot the year, •I will be charged. tSuhacripliou* for ail mouth*, |1 Si, to ' i invariably w *k»»u. ADVEKTI8INO.«oraaqaare in --, for three iaaertioM—brger ones • uropaftsBaV bck • mwLauiaM* rsowt*. advertsMaseato «ot ordere* »V a er»«1)« eotttoued until forftld " • ' • ' • " —Twaic-ni ^i-.R'i^ --i-J^i-^ •'• .!..__- O T I I ' l - . l t i o i K fill** —l'—.? ' J^f-l_ *!-- *t - • vostKinnr. Governor Lircas' Me"s«ago ii;(oo long From ifit Mobile KQruter, Mty £1. mat leader of the Republican party, uniting can sticrVed, before the p*ople, The fate of Mrs. Anton, the acY<>;n- for insertion entire. U Is a recapituknd, but for the odiou* measured ol have nothihff to gain,—but every thing LATER FROM EUROPE. The United State* Gaiette of June rrr Ir. Adams'* administration—the alien to Ion and dread from division. Ano- I'mhfid lady of Oov. Alston, of South lation of tho provisions of the law of Wo received by yesterday cvenin/s iHxtatej tnat the venerable Chief JIMre* Ax»tm. Ohio for surveying the 'boundary and nd seditidB law*, direct taxes, eight ther violation of our will and solemn Carolina, .and daughter of Anron Burr, mail, New .York papers cnnlnininc trie lice M'arthall remains very unwell st cr cent loan*, standing armies, etc. mockery, are greatly to IMS deprecated ; as been shrouded in mystery for more extending her Jurisdiction over the dis- Intelligence received by the Orpneus, h'm lodgings in Walnut street, Pliila001.. LUCAS'S SPEECH. we, ere thi», might perhaps have ap- the election of Mr. Adam* produced ran twenty year*. Occasionally, in- puted territory, and the resistance of- Cant, uurscly, which we riotic«d^y«!S-dclphia. The. foll-j* In j upetcb,- dcll red bj Col. E. iroximated much .nearer to the Eng- tremendous agitation. Our free i eed, some clcamfc ofjight have 'been IcTreO by UlQ nulliorilina of Michigan to icrday tit havinjf been telcgraphPd 1 at r.ic»«, «t lite lal« diniWMl irt Constitution and British Form of tutions were fnen *hoken to their foun- irown around her melancholy end, the measure, the opinion of -tho'Oo- Kcw York on Tuesday. ' A correspondent of the New York rrr r iipjf from Uin. Clmrlcltoivn ArgUl : " Government, in accordance! With the dation. nd-the-belief is-that eho fell n viclii.-, • thc.inbject \» indicated very vTho chi«« fnim Paris arc Jo the 13lh Kiii|tiirci •mentions' that it nppoicd wishes nf Hamilton, John I need not add, that I feeUhe neces- o. piratical atrocity.. . SomethrecYcarj clearly in the roflowing extratit , Irom of > |*n et thcy^O not contain, any said in Paris 1hat General Bernard will ' " t ..... "* reponei that a Hie cbhcluiioii *f hlA Iratcd. by this now evidence of your Adam* and others, known to have been sity .of union, and pledged to .support go it was currently reported nuYlitioimf information"' Iif .rcfere.nco be, sent here, accompanied by (he CbitnJldrtrti*er, friendship wid esjfiem. . :1 trailer you tvorable to oh hereditary, aristocratic the nominees of the BMtlWOTT Con- nn TOiiding in one of the interior tho indemnity* ,Wo conclude, there- ncllnrnf Stale ," M, I'lrtcon.'to settle all "Gcnticihen — The whole subject is iovernmcnt-T-if not even .to monwmy •' hcunfMt -ncknow'tcdgcttienU tot vention V ft* they aro both tried and ex- mwntic* cf (hi* *tat«, mado tome disfore that the Cliambc^tif.p^rshad .not • • perienccd' 'Republicans, who ' .have ' de* l<wmeonhi»dr*tliH«l-*Mcr.we7rtto haw before yoii iforconsid'eratioiV. tfio at tlwt data 'acted on the hill wl.lch the dist'nRwithed honor you arc- this hy. But, those high 'handed measures, served well ot the country nnd of their onfirm'Uin confession previously made !|!iestioii .ijcccssnrily arises, what cliall passed the Chamber of Deputies. ilny i cnnfcrtim;, upon me, conscious * Thomas Moit, Esq. has hern Appoint- >a.*sed in violation uf the Conhtilution, party— ami arc men of unqucstionabl a culprit on the gallowo, that the be done? '. Shall we nh'uulon our just lM it, ii not justified by .nay Mr.' -M\ illusion nnd family, iCwill iiider the dangerous doctrine of «m^/iW integrity and talents. . which Mr*, Alston sailed, was r.laiiii, relinquish our indisputablo rights, be *tScnf wero-atjFlyrnoiutlv England, od Clerk of the Cmmty Court of Fairabilities, I ulay possess.. fax and proclaim to th0 world, that the Act v/w rrr, Mtiuit'At)w R^poWitajxpirty} ' ' i for.he>Jtiik,c of,..hc.r nlatc, niid the fijzajo Conntitulion hnviri't put in ftelwlntron* W im»T»»»'stssion <jf ' ITccl pccially under «uch ni I have been liey rallied in their strength and defeat- ment— ... f called upon to act, the highest rcwaid d Mr. Adam's, -who wa* again the THE . Dr.MocnAcr OR YlRciltiA,- we copy.'from the Alabama Journal, i\\f) .General Assembly jvero mere emp- Tho ftigate fired a royal salute, , which or a public servant, is the approbation itdcral candidate, andclected Thomas Npw and alway* triumphant, when pes to throw some additional light on ty things? • Or, rather, 'shall wo not was answered by tho San, Josef guard- delay h\s contemplated visit lo the Kip of his constituent*. -Thin, it .has been 'eflcnon. They then hod the major! great and vital principles are involved. no subject. The fact* mentioned in it fas was declared in said' resolutions to ship, Captain Falcop, C. B. the corn- Rapt until after the arrival of the United Frigate . Constitution—which my good fortune to' receive, greatly y, nnd they alway* have had it ever Tho Civil Revolution of 1801, was are now to us, and will be probably, to be our duty,]' prepato to carry their 1 maiuler, bavins; previoualy gone along- vessel, \vith Mr. Livingston on board, provisions into effect? The laitcrt I* side the -Constitution. A royal saluto enhanced by tho warm, gcncroui, and incc, and (till'have. Mr. Jefferson achieved undrfHhe auspices of their moat of our readers:— r.calun* Mippott given me, by my wa* 'decidedly democratic in all hi* Jefferson, and consummated .under CONFESSION OF A PIRATE. doubt not will be your resolution; and was also fired from the beltencstif the b now daily csp«ted.--v?/ex. Co*. The public, no doubt, remembers the I trust, that, by your acts, Votr will citndel m compliment to the American Democratic fellow-citizens of the dis- pinions and principle*; .and he carried Madison—That of. 1829, how in pro .Ahem ! The 'following is the condutrict, the recollection of which' shall nto power exalted virtue, transcendent grcs* under Jarkion,.will toon be con* story ol tho daughter of Aaron Burr, manifest to the world that Ohio knows ambassador. dmtf paragraph of an Address published her Constitutional rights;! that she has long bo cherished with pride aud grati alents, and unyielding firmness. He summated who Was the wife of Governor Alston, Van Burcn, of .the '. .GREAT BRITAIN. by Mr. Hugh Goodwin, Jr. one Of the toon put the Government upori the Empire State tudc.' if South Carolina, On the .return of independence chough to a^ert them; ' Parliament resumed! business on the Delegates to the late Baltimore Con)Vo arc met here, fellow-citizens, rue Iteniihliccn tatk, nnd set the seal icr father from Europe, about the year and that she can neither bo scdiiccd by 12th, but nothing of consequence had vcntiun,_aji having been delivered i>y for the purpose of interchanging grat- of condemnation upon Federal uaurpa- , . A FRATERNAL IcEllUKE. 1612, she embarked from Charleston on llntlrry, bullied by diplomatic manage- been done, .All the fm'nistcrs had not him to his Countrymen since JiU reV3lh what violence and bitter- The following paragraph U from a Jank.ion a visit to him at New York,, on board.a ment, nor driven by menaco* from the yet -taken their places, and would not • -,ul*ti«n«, <w'd , commemoratine the siic- ion. turn from that famous .Reunion : . ccsaof the Democratic party, in tho ness hi*administration WMopposed!^ tapfr, maKagtmcmn couik-i «ii* Enytifw. irivateer built vesnel. and wan never Mippnrt of.Jlipsc riithts. And, gentle- il u-a* onppiKrd till the 2(Hh. .'^. . . , late elections: and, I may be pcrmit- he Federal party;—with what dimicard of afterwards. It seems that her men, you may rest assured, that whatThe West- riding y district of .YorkTtuftfrnoertttic Prtuei in I'irginta, "'Fellow Citiiens: This Govern-. "riends at first thought the versel had ever measurcs,'.in y'nur wisdom, you shire, had returned Lord Morpeth by a ment tnl to tay, the day and Uic spot select- culty . he ,*aved .the, .then, We have been sickened and disgust belongs to the People. §oveniay : direct, .>r|il'be--;fnithfully pursued ed far llic occasion are most Ppprbpri- young, and' comparatively weak and with 'alien'into the hamlrt of thr ,.irates; and of iiidciieiidc'nce am » » » i n Uic wi» want win**, v*i IUUVVVUMVIIW M IIIS a • i .1 . ..* « majorjlyloi: ly .. -".' ' . , Me—They recall -incident* pint -oor, with the whole debt of the revo- manly filling ditplBr-l in the fitpn- aftcrwM«cOTdudcdthttt' it wasvvrcck- by the Executive, fo the' full extent of Sir John Bryn»e, the member for what you are a component part^ IJc-hiscences of thrilling intercut. During lution yet upon Ui from a war with rtrWni; inconMstent course pxinucd by «d and lost. inffiSears frTOB U5c |t5ic- hfeCOTslttnrtmitilTHmor; 'and the mean* PoolerKaV been ''created a Peer,-with liold, then, Ihe tree "" joth France and England, although that may be placed under hirtiontrol." our revolutionary struggle, and carrj some of the Democratic nrcsse* in Vir- gf «»* of a respectable merchant of Mothe title of Boron Stafford. Lord Pal- ed thereon is the American Engle, in the spring of '75, as it known to their high Handed lawless outrages up- inla," W« recollect that several of J>«e, that a mun died m that city recentmerston, the foreign Secretary is a can- with his broad and spreading winga, Wool.—Thi'i is bccomir.- to be one didate for the vacancy from Poole. rhpstv if upt'nlK oPyon, General .Wash- oa our peaceful commerce and national them, lone nine* expressed a profcrenc* ly^, who confestcd to his physician on holding in hi* beak a scroll, on which ington selected' Hugh Slflphonson ant rights, were unparalleled for enormity, to Richard M. Johnson; many "f them Ins dying bed, that ho'bad been a pi- of the most' important interests-of-the The mfimbfir Irotn Stnmdiiairacccpt' ls^ins^be^rVia~Bur rate, and helped to destroy the vessel country. The farmer, by the improveDaniel- Morgan, to command two urc familiar to all. when .they heard the result of. the. de cd the Chiltcrh Hundreds to make loom union, and Liberty!'" He wa* succeeded, by the virtuous liberations of the Baltimore Convcn and all the crew and passengers,' in ment of his utock, timl attention and for Lard..l, Russell. companies of • rifie-men— tlic quota judgement in its management, can with. Virginia had been called upon -to and distinguished Madison, who had m lion, hoisted the flag of ''Van Buren which Mr*. Alston hod embarked for The Melbourn ministry have had, It U stated that the stock of every iurniib. And such was the patriot* rough ana stormy sea to steer, and soon and Johnson." But when the Rich New York. He declared, nay* this out doubt make it a very valuable branch so far, great difficulties to contend with, finished nil road in the "country i* now The demand is rapidof his business. ntlcman, that after the men were all feeling in tbis,.Rart of '"the Ancien was imperiously com and do not appear to have much confimmd Enquirer refused. it* support to above par." iiilarlv great at this fed,:thoro. was an- unwillingness on incrcasi ~ wishes of his party, to re commend war panics were immediately raised ! subalterns, the dependants; WH sumption was so great as the following rcgardcdis very problematical,considagainst England, whose aggravated In. Alston, who had not resisted •_ .' '-Voluntary enlislment-^-one at Winches pusillanimity that we never looked fo ladclphia rimes ha.i-thi: following:— , iter;4 and* giother it ''Shc'phejrQiftswri wrongs could no longcr.kc Irajn the -Virginiapress,.they tremble them or fought t hem, nn d therefore they paragraph shows: ering that in the, House of Commons ,~,!iAno- P-r°Pr'(-tor. of •this paper Jut ' : composed of the. flower of tho coun without 'national diagrace and nacrifi- toko tcitfi ihtptojile against the disap 'drew lot's who oliouIdpciTuriu tliu'ileca;" IheV KaVe" ority !a'majority of •irom 15 "WCeV recovered-' jdilgtfinent" against a ;l»sl year in the: United .Suites was -75 to 30 in a body composed of between tryr~ They turned out for twelvi ces, which no free people could ointed Delegates to 'the Baltimore U it had lobe done. The jot fell on this. pirate, who de- millions of pounds, in addition to which six and seven -hundred members. Tho Postriiontcr for a paper not talii-n frum months—-inmished their own rifles an> And I surely need not remind you of lonvcntion.' They preferred follow-in hia office, of which lie neglected to equipments, ami marched, at n shoi the cour»e']>ursued by tliia Bame Fed- in the wako of the Richmond Enqnir clares that he effected his object" of put- about '3 . millions were imported from conservative party'scent to be very con- inform him. All Postmasters who-dp notice, to Boston, then invested by th eral party, under the significant desig- cr to doing their duty, by respondin ting the lady to death, hv the iayin-j; a abroad, making 'tmY'whoj? qua*ntijy fident of their strength, and we should so render themselvps liable, ant) ought • enemy in considerable-Jforee. in twen nation of ('The Peace Party." But to the voice, and sustaining the choice plank along the edge-o'f.tfibslfip half on manufactured in American factories se- not be surprised if on some importarit to be held accountable.'' ' ' notwithstanding thei mwt •trcnuotu of the people. it and half off, or. over the .edge,, and venty eight millions of pounds. In ad- question they would, out vote the minty one day*.. Opp'wltion.and o.almost overt treason made Airs.-Alston walk on '-the pjsuik dition to the above, manufactured wool* isters,"" We learn from the."Lewisburg AUeartford Cortvcntionisbf, and' till it -tilted" over into :ffio"water''with oil cloth was importe'd to till: umonnt of sixty .years ago, 'this Sh'cphcrdstow It is given us an instance of the ghaniAii, ttattho White Sulphur Springs six millions, making the entire contheir adhercnto, this war wns brought her. The dying pirate requested his company assembled for the purpose,o We extract the following. fconT tfl article physician to make his etoiy public,- sumption in this country eighty: four weakness of the. ministry, that before are already well attended, and that the.' u . ' organizing, and partaking of a barbc toi'a successful, and a glorious tcrmina- in the National Intelligencer: - ; _ „ , . . Lord John Russell's defeat in Southde- other great watering, places in. the. <rk *' —' ^-'--tefore •."-' the——*— 3 — of his second but his survivina; family will not permit millioiij ofppunds. ....... • '.'. cue, given them by Colonel Morgan turn, von, they had been: driven to bring in ciniiy.arc roceiv-uig'.ramd accessions of. r No one who has been familiar wit or consent that the name of the deceas1\ (isfiir.gtonian. . .-• -- • ~ . • the relative, of the present worthy pro- term. ,.-. • ' . - . ' • • nine of their members upon Scotch b'o'- company. '-•'.i , •" Our party next elected the amiable the hfstory of Congress but must be ed should be known. prietor within my eye; on which oc roughs,' and that now Lord John himsensible of the deterioration which th Front the JVVtc York Tran.icri]>t. The above tale was repeated. ovci casion, an arrangement wus made "tha and Revolutionary patriot! James Monself bos been obliged to resort to a said that Prince George of Cum- • BREACH OF PROMISE. ' the .W/TIPOM, of those, then prescn roe, who, unfortunately for us, appoint- character of the popular branch ha* and over by the merchant before .menrough to obtain a seat in the House of bcrland runs a fair chance of-being reexperienced since it came under th An action for breach of promise, un- Commons. ed John Quincy Adam* Secretary of tioned, in the presence oi a number of . _, should juect at this tpring, and ui • . stored to tight. The on <lit is; that ha " who was afterwards, U you all dominion of the principles of " th gentlemen whoso names can be given. der somewhat ncnrel circumstances, is Mr. O'Conn ell has publicly nnnounc- a to marry his cousin, the Princess for . ' \ on the tin t day of ; spcm of the then five surviving; patriot*, out al chair, "And" KaVing been reared sem of ninety seven—Major Henry Bedin- y his father a Federalist, and confirn.- tives,*cacb having equal' right) and i secrecy, than, that lie' should not dis- cuit Court, IH Judge Edwanls.— Lord Stanhope, the patron of : CasStrange but True.—To aidI. us, we g'jr.-of Berkeley, and his brother, Col. d in his anti-republican. notions, by equal wei it. • Qt the majority .there ose the name of the physician for the The. plaintiff is .i merchant of this city, iar Hausur, ii'af Berlin.'• ' '•' '.'.- - supjKMe, in settling the Michigan quesfor themselves, resent.- On beiti? asked -if the of highly respectable standing and conMichael ;Bc~dhigcr, of Kentucky. Tho wing, educated abroad, and in foreign are few Lord'Brougham has taken great of- tion 'taliafactorilyi-^^Vfn^Kr, Esq. a their lati was a man of veracity and rer.pcc- ncxtoiu— wcullliy . anil , . extcnsivp o,m&r.(l say- nothing *jf hi* ••'(ihjMp oJhwjJJlrM^the^ enco at the'appointment of Lord D^n- brother of the Hon. Silaa VViight,}r., businetis. The defendant u a married re was no one ilyV' ho . replied ther ' "—'- ^teMlftgJM$iaB8PHr lam;oartfae. speaker of the; House of thc-Ntw/YorkSenator in Congrc4s,ihJ v so th flloHllB. -'Tf ond General Finley, -of . Oliio, were an,) m "conMelitfaHnend of Mrr-VarrBiftPnT' Hudaob, of gtcat pc'rsonul attractions warned that his story would get ectly savage lit the neglect of his ta- together with Co\. Mack, Collector/of nto the nowspapcrSj to which ho made young, gay, ' frV mMiiHI ..«*«'iE&aai!* Jcnta mnmfestod by the. Premier, declarDetroit, is at preient on ;i diu utluUplu ~ from among, us, ' known to control the deliberations of informed, IVoni a wanton and cruel orm,) carried into practice by his fath I had the honor of making one of he first time about to be lrj,ed the Legislature of that .State whence Among ' the prisoner.-! tried and broach of. fjith on the port of tho lady. country how long a Government can' are noted for their courtesy to strangers,. the largo -company >. present, • at this 1 but they also are in the habit! of doing ' the rt'riM. of-this political' plague has the particulars of which arc, briefly as onvictcd at ftejjatejsessioni of the which had falicini-ccntrnninl, or OOyfinrcelebration, Thus did 'in,<l which u based on the principle their own business,-and their represen-" - . " ., in 1B'J3, and I regret that time will cn with the tint Adams, after having been cotninunica^cd to the General ;ircuit Court for the County of Wash- follows: .not including one man of talent." tative's now assembled arc well <:oin|ieeen at the -bottom of the wheel, some . ~ »'——•'* --fthe-Ute" ambassador ti-nt of Mcmsefcei-to execute their del«-:;r WrTntiff in the suit, rarnaaa who'was"then hristo..... ^'WW-rfFW'''**?**''&'"Vcytr* i •* — i*ri n n _____ _ ed by a portion of tkat band of patri. . . . i«wsp -a«ii opposition, and carries every thing ndictment for stealing .one cut-glass commercial firm at New Orleans, came lays with his family at WhiddcMvs hotel, ots—the first, I believe, to take- up liemselves at the top -.—and, aided by Old ,—During the last visit arms and cross the Potomac in the war" lie accession of apostate Republicans, before it But in the General Govern- rult and oilier articles from"'- Alc&jm- to this city to purchase goods, and at- n this borough.—His' excellency ar- of the U. S. ship United State*, at VotirIraurn tntn '* Pnnlitinn" hv Uflnrv ment, however it may have affected er Ray. When asked by the court tend to other business transactions, and rived here yesterday, in the ConstituCapt. Dacw*). th« ! ilay,—with what confid«nce and vio- tKf Exccuffvfc 'trirltnTlt -mu-u n in t h o cetjrse c£ tos pwssj'rS s he• however, to express, tho high gratificaiori'Amb'ncan 'fngatef "BO^'guns, "rti® der of the Guerriere, came into th»» been able completely to master the met the. lady who now, with .her htisencc did they rally to the charge. o say why sentence should not be tion I feel at seeing here,to-day, one of nen, Captain Elliott, bound to the U port in command of the English lioe-ofjaw, he band. is destined to figure as the defenlassedUUD ** • ' ' ' * didaheJtemote tboM gWlsrit'?plfltj;~of whom I have toppeddlo fonvord a few paces, and with danUm the law proceeding roferrcd to. i ad been off port in heavy wcnUieramT baUlg_gh_in Edinburg-—he immediately, been speaking,: honoring us -with hi* racy fight' (He cause of their violated ahd sovereignty;—how indigmanifest contrition in his look:* and de- They met ot the house of a mutual 'og for several days before she bore up. upon liis introduction to Capt. liallani, presence—at the head of our festive ngnts ™ . » t . M» J J«» . ft* _ _ J - . *» - after his old friend commodore cannot be rallied to every thin? the ontly discard thin Clay-made1'resiwrtment, addressed the, court in the friend, at a party to winch both were flic ladies of Mr. Livingston1! family inquired board—surrounded by, some of the HULL. -j_ • .-'- - : - . party detircs to accomplish. Someent;—How nobly triumph in Jackson's invited. She was then unmarried, nnd bllowing 'correct and touching mansons, grandsons', and great tpandiont, lave sufTered much from cea sickness, r*^^™' • ' ~"" the introduction led, after several, sub- and the' hon> gentleman himself ; does of tho.-ie who nerved with him in that ledion,—and how fully has he justi- times U U rallied only with great diffiWe notice in.«: London paper,-!be, culty, and after much drilling and la"May it please die Court.1 I am sequent interviews, to reciprocal decla- not appear in good health. The wind .memorable campaign, and Buffered icd the .wisdom of their choice;. report of a trial for a breach of promise, rations of the moat solemn* and fervent Hut by the •' machinations of tliis bor," and :<ow ami then it cannot be T-sensible that. I have offended -against with him incarceration on board of continues contrary; and it i» to be s :—ss —»w—TM • —_. in.which a verdict was rendered of 17," British prison *hips. I allude to ame party'with the same, distinguish- rallied at aO. Yet it is always uuflU he laws'of God and my country/end attachment. Vowa of an import so tcn- iopcd that ere it prove favorable for the 000 ciently powerful in numbers, when coler and affectionate had not been long am truly ashamed of my conduct,' d chamnipn, who made John Quincy Constitution' to proceed, himself and Major Bcdinger, whose nervice*. as an , officer during the Revolution, and uni- Adams President, and with oilier dc- operating, as it always does, with the and sincerely sorry for it. I am an exchanged, before our hero made pro- companions will have received the aldShoe Robinton.—'the long exform support of Democratic principles, orters from our ranks, some, no lest bxf cutivo, io prevent any action which ild soldier, now in the decline of life,. iosals of marriage, which were readily vohtagc.of repose and change of uir. pected Novel with thin title, by JOHN .ever since, entitle him to oar warmest listinguished than'he, aided and abetted " t h o party" disapproves. This has nd have, in .tiino-past, fought and icceptcd, on condition' only, Jiowcver, T2Vw«* May M. P. KENNEDY", Esq. of Baltimore, has _ gratitude, -He wrnow in his eighty- iy that powerful and corrupt institu- been seen in different instances, which iled'for my, country. I have got an hat ne should leave the .south and fix issued from the presdi of Mewrs. second year—emphatically apatriot and ionr-the U. 8. Bank; another attempt it is not necessary for us here to par- lonorablo discharge from the army, lisresidence in this., part, of tho contiFuris adviceB are to the 13th pfMay, been Carey lic«l»r«e, of the coriflicl f Lea * Blanchard, Philadelphia, . ' nent—»bu not being disposed to leave N now being made, to carry the clecvhich is now in my jiossossion. All I -owAfyof-'76—not-*^elt«tyled whig cluHve. Tiro pipehf are yet almost ipn, in '37, again into' the House of of the party orders with the not-whol- :an say, in extenuation of my conduct ho bracing and healthy climate of the. •utud y c ngtosscU by the State Trials, and' w announced for tale by the 1 . ly-extinct sense of independence in a s, that I was unfortunately inebriated lortli for tho bogj and morasses of New o wliich an additional interest -had sellers of Baltimore, The - United {eprcscntativcs—where:we -may. JD There arc' in fact, fellow State* <; aze Ho, i n unnounei ng t h i s l»^" ap'd ^rfere;: wcvc*'-.-Have ^existed'-' in this I>ccU K-t)jey.«hall ;su«;c«ed_, ,to be part of those who comprize ivhat is it the time I.committed, "the, dfTenct;, Orleans. Willing at any.risk-topolige >een gi ven by a how persecution of the test production. of Mr. Kennedy, say», termed the majority ; is; that the House lic-fairobjuct-of hi)i.fottil regards, and second time cheated but of our'choice. laving been tmguardedly •induced''-!® l*rej«,-cnture'd-'-ujHuvliytht! -Chamber Country, biit two parties—no_matter Fully convinced by the repeated of Representatives collectively, and as drink too much, -in company- AVittrrr anxious to delay as little as possible the of peers through a deceased member "We rrave-reod ori*; w'twiy'cnaptert what new names may be assumed^— riumpns of our cause, in elections, a Legislative body, appears to have al- >rother soldier whom 1 chanced to consummation of bi&. earthly bliss, hn of it. -The Tfibunt, it seems, was of the work, and find them racy and, Federal -and Republican; and these pleasing. The styj|> - in good, and the sprang up about the time of tho adop- hat we. have a large majority over most lost all regular volition. If we meet I know I'have done wrong;. •ompleted"his arrangements here, sei-/.<:«l on Sunday the 9th of May,- for story exceedingly interesting:*1 tion of the Federal Constitutions—Al- heir cnmAin<•(/ forces, they have brought look back, for example, to the history |here the old man seemed much afl'ect- lis loved one adieu, and started, full ol :ho 113th lime, for an article ' ogainit exander Hamilton had tiie credit of be- out Jmlt,e White;—and are now teck- of the last Congress, we shall find, that ;d) -and deserve punishment; but -I wpe and joy, to sottle his. aflkirs. al >he Oraml Referendary of the House ol Marry- not- 'a gambler,' a 'tippler, or a defeat with the sole exception of the honon lope the court will be pleased to take >omo, •preparatory to quitting^ there; Peers, the Oukn l>ecazc. It announing the leader of the* former, ant nc in thia way, to divide aridiavo ue haunter of U veins, because he who ofl'eredto the memory of LAFAYETTE ii forever. Ho was not idle in 'nto their consideration, that I am now the same time,. they " ; Thomas Jefferson of the latter, ces that, 'after being visited; since. Jan- ha* no regard for hiiuWli' will never term FtderaKit, wa* originally used U houhced most uniparihgljr our promi- an occasion which called forth mi ex- in the evening of life and will pass nuking the necessary preparations, for uary, IK'll, with fines to I he union n t u l have any^for his-wife or children. pression of genuine patriotic fruling— nent men, supposed to be .most populis return, and in' three months alter upon me a merciful sentence." designate the advocates for a genera Und it* editor with imoriion At thn close of,th|i tpuchingaddrcsn, lia 'doparturc he waa ' again in. \Ncw ncnt, forming, aUogethcr a period .of ; A» aitt: evidence, nf .improveiurjit in convention ftom the several Stales,, for lar and likely to be selected, as our the House of Representatives niaui Tested no energy, and made h'tllu which seemed to aflect the' court and York,—ready ial.fulflL.lha_inipi>ttaiiJ orty-nina yeani, its rau/tonncmirn/.has the West, it inaj' be- mcntiontffl that s. ' '---'^e articles candidates. Their abuse is (till kept gross.—It had, so to 6pcak,~TrcttlW 3tTWh i> he ard,i t, a pu t i t ion to -the Pr«nU xngagiiinent he had to'^lacUyjEnjcted d*.---'-'JVi'tsjiciuimb<.!i:U_»ay*, daily pajier4»«»taUuhed -at of the' old confederation ; or forming a nor. will. Its want of powe; dent in favor*of the prisoner was im- nto. In a few short weeks, however, " as the brave'do, with our looks fixed Ohio. Federal Government. . ' . _ , _ has. always been their policy-^Thomas •power and progress was not that ".wise am what casualties may occur, what difliJefferson, Mr. Madison and Gen. Jackmediately drawn up, and signed by upon the enemy. • -Let not this govern• Thomas Paine claimed to-be tin masterly inactivity" which 'Mr. BUHKK ton were, each in'their turn, assailed the Court, tho district Attorney, and culties may intervene, to mar the most ment exult too much in our fall. In -~-Jjirst~t ra.'-ftKo Cincinnati' Courier, ' re commcndu i it wau rathe .present ' I n .less '. " anil, in till* sense of,tlie term, to be the {iut as Mr. Van Buren, Col. Bentdn, the rolling of a hulk in the trough o •almost-every','oje " ~ the moil fervent and bright, anticipathan an hour the gentleman who waited it is, unwittingly, carried alo'hgt,.our first Federalist. And, truly, in ihi* tent have occurred during the preieiit sea, constantly tossed and agitated upon the President with the petition, tionil The-female whom ho had re- fall is but the fort-runner of its own." sense, Wa»lington, Jefferson, Madison mid other* have been, for some time the 1 v making no he id-way. For Illus- returned with a favorable answer, and garded as posucsMug ungeli' . purity PORTUGAL. . week. Amoag them Were a*, many ;iand all, were..Federalist*—so said Mr past. .And with what other view, but trations of thin, we may refer to the the prisoner was soon after discharged; without dissembling and without guil.c The intelligence from this kingdom four deaths. Jefferson in his inaugural address— nave they beeli crying in pack against cose Kentucky contested elec not. 'however, before a collection in whom liis soul's affection and warm- is not important. The principal topic "We are all Federalist!, all Rcpubli a National Convention? Arc WTE to tion, ofatthe the session before the taai amounting to $l9,"was made for the est hope* ware all • concentrated—liud of Malversation ami, q>e.nihtii>u is the - The_ Northampton Courier, tinvihg, blind, as not to see through all this?— cans.'* The first regular rallying o after • month'* .debate, th poor man, to enable him to get cloth- during hi* brief absence, given her hum marriage of the queen, lor whom va- ab.urtlly'enough, 'confounded Colonel parties was,' however, upon Jc-ht They tell u* that the Bank U dead- when, House voted that it was not able to dc to another, and,-"on his appearing to rioun princely personages are suggested Joluuon of Kentucky, with Colonel Adam* and. vThoma* Jefferson, durin thai" the question of its re-charter, or cide a question so plain that a'boy fron ing and to return to his family. Gas. claim her as her own, had passed the a* a second husband. A *on, of the Johnnou' of Viiginja, the (<lobn taktti tiie last terrn of General Washington' the creation ol another National Bank, the lowest form of a country schoo bridal honey moon. Archduke Charles of Austria,- and d Up thb cudgels to. dcfi-jid Ti-cumx-i'i administration—rail' parties having uni ha* nothing to do with the-{pending to a fool' thiitg 8uch nrb the ciirum«Uncei, »» rela- inline of the grand-ducal; family wf from butting, aud horse .acupj ted in the first place, after the adop- Presidential election, whilst that very would have been condemned A late candidate in a northern boled tt it for an instant ted to in, of the trial that is to take place Baden arc spoken of, but objections are of which it indigiiautly nays, he never" tion of the Federal (.'('institution, in tb Ilinls is now extending it* loan*, and rough of England, being asked whyhf question, menente during the-next month at the'Circui urged'against Uoluj the determination was guilty in bit lift). The Col. conelevatioti-tb tho Presidency of that goo in «omc instance*, we arc asiured,' so earnestly to Congress by. the Presi did not canvass the electors, replied: Court of this city. If, indeed, it be of the Cortex not to hav« any connec- fine* hirgeiiiui to. much safor speculaeven beyond the limited period, fixed and great man, who deservedly stow 'It'* useless; their independence is true, that developemenu *o extiuordi tion with the- Holy Alliance to thin C>r- tions, Sie;inilniLit.i and .Indian conlwtu for tho expiration of it* charter,—and dent at the opening of the last session first with all parties. too well known." ' . _ dered upon in sullen tilence fu nary-a* we have adverted .to will hi mer, ami his religion (1'rolentant) to with the (Jim-iniin'iil, when be ii »m«Hut, many who. called \hcmsclve U actively engaged in preparing the ie entire months, and at hut got ri indeed!" sneered the -mterVbeator.— tnudc in the progress of the |>ni<ved the, latti-r. A letter, dated Ijibon, lu'v,in mid cannot ln..e.--/i'ii'/i. ll'Ai.:;. Federalists, were really monarchists train for new scene* of dutre**, to fall of by til," replied the candidate, 'long ings, they will excite a more lively in spasmodic effort which bad th in principle. Hamilton wo* of'.In upon us, about the time of the election, air of aany experience hu taught me that the vo- tcrest among this community than fo April •:!>, state.! that I'lince Maximilian, 1 A young bull (Lafay«tte) the properthing bat volition." The Bank i* not dead.—The crisis not •Ump—ond the father of Federalism ters of the borough of . are the many year* ha* be'eu created by an; brother of the deceased, i» expected ••>! ty pi M i : - u . II, Clay and Samm-l the capital, on the invitation of hU tiiin this seme. Ana he succeeded, b over. "We know full well from put most indcp«ii(lctit Voters in England ter, the Enipron*. In the mean time, Siuilb, tui-nty-tliM-u mouth* of *g«> VtrythavgMM, •Day before ycbU-r for they uniformly take bribes from al nirijirvu cause presented to * jury. his ere at tslenU and address, in intro experience, the party opposed to us never tire*. It* effort* are unceasing; LAIIUK lUn. SniNts.—It is state it doe* not appear .ponitivoly ,tlut the Wdigh«d a few day* since ffltim hunday, a* one of'the joiner* j at work on on parties, aud vote fur whom they please ducmg his principle* and high tone lmtnty->fJurpoUidtH« *'*< land I have purposely recurred to our new office was engaged in siding u afteraU.- lam, therefore, resolved to in the papers that during a severe tqua! queen ha* yet contented to another •Jrttiand policy, (to some extent,) at the yet imiclux il of lien. Van Ren*«I«ar of commencement into the Federal Gt past history, to warn you against " the gable1 end, tome twenty five c profit by the lesson and save my cash. in Uallatm, Tenn. hail stones fell in th marriage. • There ww u rumor at Lisbon on the Albany. New York, by Mr- Clav. form of tolid chunks of it* many weigh vurnment, under tW adniini»tr»tiou a design*. • thirty feet from the ground, the. (login (LtMgtMCKy.)' If we do not unite upon tome par- upon which be *a* standing gave wa ing a quarter of a pound—and ayerag 2d of May, of the death of Don Mi, .Washington—tho father of hi* coun gui-l, but it wa* not•U-licvt-d. Very The-Michigan 'Convention have e»ticular candidate, we cannot succeed; ed from tiff/it to nxteen inchtt in fir and fell, but as good luck would hav try. ilification of voters to cuntftrrnct! One of t|ipm wa» picket lew adherents of the Don , if any, at»A lad tixteen or«***ntecn >«w* old, They artfully claimed him a* their We must be defeated before the pec- it «be (»ught in the gable cud window all white males above 91. who have up aJhir the dorm w^h weighed pear to rt main -ill, I {«4, Mid tin: jumped out of the tuurth slury window .—The election will then go into and remained safe. His first exclamaleader, and under the influence of hi* House.—What will there .take tion a* ipeclators gathered aroun resided two years in the United State* pound! It must have Men ratiier awV govurnment of thuqueen may-bo con- of a public house iu Nashua, N. H. on mat name, they succeeded in electing • and six month* in the State. All nut ward to have been caught out in sue tide red fully estabtisbed in the affection* Sunday night last, while asleep and es, no roan can fore**—Bui eftsJohn Adam* IVfuident in the first intake the oath of allegiance. over Tlionta* Jeffeitaoa, the of the people. . j, w*> who h«ve the majority, and by caped unhurt. afcbower. THE FUEE PRESS* mm*f»*\ •MH "rii It will N) Ihoro wa« »n i rllr <«f the Nuhv 'iud bwn sent froitij ;,..jattw to Van Dim of upp Thry ((tolled uprtn I ' nrnl <IHcrmln«d lo I . thCjl, U»| ha«n been Ihn d«T tnfethnr with lh« I bad...... hcen pled • .--- - • * ren ami Juhn«ont j dlgnantly a»k«l I (for there WM I rronttri,wllbo«t| rotes of » « tlmme to the i selOathe Van I holdhis; ami < ntabllihed at Na To Ik, EJil«r«/l HU: YOU Will/ into Ihn proceedin tinn. To pnta mnkrlh«f nnd after tho .M.urs hail thctr rommilloe apnoli appeared to b« TenneMfO. _ jlscplj wsfH inriitiiiiud iliat I Ml.UWMMSBij . . uLich I ncconlh the Pre«Ucntiall known,' that my j upon tho mull j f , Vio« Pronideocy.l fcrrnl Col. Jo Tot* for him if I prrfn-tlj lalhfl who >ot«f "In " clothed with nmfl NanhviHe.J •Now, if Oiuil "yield ' to " the ' ' two or Ilircu I teen TennesiM j . . ' • • . perceived thaU •iderablj lew i . he. would bat I To Mr. Rnfck ' not «(» Silas iVrigbt, triguun had.! ••uplonyferln,^ , before upon t and wilii Ihii votei, In leu avo requ nall», ori pxl) many types. was Johnionl " i 1 D - » . . ! " - » • *t • • '_*_ 1 C lion that the people." 1 i I.-.-jw*n«,-.-wrW.%rf!uri--«i-.r.^ ' The Al«» TMIDCMKC fen and John bandied iiit not be »urp hold him." ihnuld be i too hot, a < •be provided ward. Ma INSTIIUC SLAVE INSURANCE COMPANY. fy-The CommUtloneri appointed by Ih* THE FREE PKE8S. Jniled States Gazette of Jimn i that thai venerable Chief Jutshall remains, very unwell at tiga in Walnut itrect, Phil*. espondent of the New York <!i mention* that it U positively L Paris that General Jjcnmr^Ht Ihrrc.accomimmrclby the Cotm' State, M. PMcon.'lo settle all .nas Moss, Esq. hai been appoint*-- • Irk of the County Court of Fairfcunlyi Va. . probable that the President win it* contemplated 'visit to the Rip nlil after the arrival of the United Frigate Constitution— which _ with Mr. Livingston on board, I daily expected.—-Jllex, Go*. em! The following is theconclu. barapraph of an Address published *r. Hugh Goodwin, Jr. one of the «tes to the lato Baltimore Conbn, as having been delivered by L > his countrymen since hit rei that famous Reunion : (*».']«. Fallow citizens-. This Govern* belonjrs to the People. Sove- itself is nowhere foand, but ,, ju arc a component -part. —l}e\ then,, the tree of liberty ! pcrchbereon is the American Eagle, I his broad and spreading wings, in his beak a scroll, on which «ribcd, '..Van Huron Democracy a, tod LtbertyT"; i slated 'that the stock of every I rail road in tin- country is now Mlity of . ^ L '-, rimes hats the following:—" - P.r9pr'ctftr, .of, thia paper last r •recovered' judgement against B nastcr for a paper not taken from 'lice, of which he neglected to t him. All Postmasters who do Inder themselvesliable, and ought 7 held accountable." ' " . ' . ' (Te learn from the Lcwisburp: Allei*»«iuw t the White •* iiivtv, Bulpliur Ljuijiiiuroiijings ly well attended, tad that the great watering places in the vi•arc receiving nipid accessions of my. I is said that Prince George of Cum*' ind runt a fair chance of being refed to sight. The on dii is, (hat he marry his cousin, the Princess .:ge but True.—To .aid us, we t o, in settling the Michigan quciliajitfactorily, -Wright, Esq. a •S^fiJ^-:»™'--'-S-i1|W--W.rJgl»t,ji..;. pfew "If orkSenator in CpngrCTtatmT; ffiden t ial Tri<:nd" ofTWr;; VSffBBrenr* fiber wflh Col.,:jCollectSLijfJ iM^A6.^. J> •* Present on a I noted for their courtesy to strangers, I they also are in the habit of doing Ir own business, and their represenves now assembled ue well compcl of ttiemtclvei\Qexecute their dfele-During the Jast visit .J U. S. ship United,. i Capt. Dacres, -the former commanf of the. Uuerriere, came' into that •tin command of the English line-of: i- -I.:.. IJUlinbiirg—llr~ ——*~t-i-- bn his introduction to Capt. Ballard, r uired after his old friend commodore u.. '•''. . '' Ve notice in" a" London paper, the * Jrt of a tri>l for a breach of promise, which a verdict was rendered of 17,I dollars. ol; ^_.i___ Worse Shoe Rotrinton.—The long ejt» plcd Novel, with this title,'by. Joan f K i : > N E u v , Esq. of Baltimore, has . En iusued from the press of Messrs. 'rey, Lea &• Blanchard, Philadelphia, is announced for sale by the book* crs «f ;:Baltnn^e;rrThC 'United atcs Gazette, in announcing this la-• prbd.uoiion of MK Kcwjqdy, aay*, Ve have read one or two chapters f ihe work, and find them racy and , k s ° .'ng- The stjflp is good, a'nd the r r exceedingly interesting." " ilarry not a gambler, a tippler, 6r » inter of taverns, because he who rno regard (br himself will never be any for his wife or children. iAa an evidence of improvement in Went, it Jrtay 1w mentioned that a *1 paper is ejtabluhed^ at Cleveland, line 13, says several ease* of the Cho- •' n have occurred during the present: fcek. ' Among them were as many as "r deaths. . .. fllie Northampton Courier, having, ' mrdly enough, confounded Colonel hnson of Kentucky, with Colonel nnsbn of Virginia, the Globe takes i the cudgels to defend Tecumseb jin 1'i'ltiug aud horae racing—a thing .which it indignantly says, lie never M guilty in his life. The Col. conDCS, his genius to much safer ipecula> Bns, Steninlmals und Indian con track) |ith tho Qovcrnfiifiit, when bt>:i» aura I win and cannot lose.—liich. Whig* f A young bull (pantyette)thepiopH- , ' ol M.-.-isu. H. Clay and Samuel uitli, twenty-three nionllis of age, glied a few days since ffletn-hunI unit twenty-four povixft. H« was brchuscd of Ceil. Van Hcnselcar of [jbaiiy, New York, by M* Clay. ILexington (Ky.) Mel. | A ladsivteenor «iv«i>Ucn. imped out of the fourth story p public house in Nashua, N. H. on rnday night last, while asbjtp VtAtr fcued unhurt. . ' Legitlature to open books for subscription to tlie stock of the VhtmUi Blava Insurance Company, an requeited to mtot in Cbarlcn. ^ , "FRESH FROM tHE It will be reoMmbered that In our I then was an article, aUUng, umUr the autHnrlty of the Nai«h»ill« paper*, that no delegate had been sentfrom TenneMea to the Baltimore Contention. The Bte|rff; though d«»otod, endiu*faitic(illy derotcd to Gen. Jatlnon, wen M> . BTtne to Van Durr n, .that It was Imponible to ' ^t Opa necaoff Ib "Utai'urt of Bppobiting delegatei to the grand humbug. They looked upon the whole natter at a farce, and determined to act no part lit it. How aihare been the ilerelopcmc nt, that her 15 *Qte«, togelhnr with the Influence of her great name, had been pledged, hi eooTenUon, to Van Buren and Johnionl No wonder that they indignantly niked an explanation. The Wretch (for then wa» only one) who had hail the effrontery; without any authority, to cast the IS Totei of a wiTf relpi state, has published hit shame l» the world. He thus speab for himself In the Van Burcn paper which tho dfficehoMiiiK and office-seeking gentry liavo lately established at Nanlrtillct town on Friday the a.6th.)ntt. (to-morrow.) LOCAL !B««f*ni*HB*. Bale of the late LewdarJtakteVs property, al Bolivar, llfls «*7> fiale.of E. Hughes'* property, at Harpers: rerry, 'Satura'ay"8««r"~'''-. ---'---- Bale of lumber at Vlrglnlui, by O.' W. i jttnsfloa, deputy •berin^T.uesday next. ren THB"rtkaa rar.n. • Tbe belt melhod fur preserving Ice .through the lummcr, h»i been a dcnidrrat'im for many ' mere tuxtiVy; but more 11 phyilclani uu It In many cam of ulckoett, and in some •cawi conilder It' Inditpensable. Of course, any discovery for tho better preservation of itthould be. Imparted to the public. A gentleman In Frederick coimtj, Vn. (of ninrll observation) mad* the discovery I now communlcale, a tew.years ago, and. tlie plan has been ilnco tried in Jcflcrson with such success as to'prove its utility. • It ls.tltls—Fill the lea. house no higher than tho square; when Oiled, |K>mul the Ice to a level. In an Ico homo filled up to the nmf in Hie usual manner, lh*lcc become] poroiis Ihe Ant Warm weather ih the upring.ind forms n niiniber of tpiraclei, which give a pauage to'the water fronVthc melllnK Icaabove down on the Ctinapeakt and O!iio . Canal Compnny.—The adiotimcd General Meeting of the Stockholders of lh« Chcsaptml^e and Ohio Canal Company was held on the lOlh inst.; upoh which occasion a very largo amount of the stock of the Company, was represented. The report of " the General Committee", was presented; responding Very fully to the gratifying report of the President and Director!, and Concluding .willi. Ilio. usual, resolution that the accounU of the Company are .corrccUy stated. . The Stocltbnlden then proceeded to the election cT « Ptesiiknt and «i« Directors to manage the concern* of the Company for the ensuing' year,' .when the following gentlemen received cyc- E. NO YES, DBNTAI. aVKOBOVsT, B k given, Johntan received 178, which wat^nly. two or three more than two- thirds—the nura- propcr jou can giro them a placo Dijt of my.youth, je have: . Termt will he mnde known hy application for a'correct enunciation of language. Mr N.' It prepared to R!»e' the m'OTl aaWfietory trxtK monlalt, and the motl rctpeetable rrferenr«, Plrineiw Janncy, ai to lilt character, and nblllt/ and ikll| in hit William Clinton, profemlon. Wall»r Smith. . Charlentown, JUne 9S.-IB3S. Thus the lute Board is rc-clcctcd, except that Mr. Clarke it chosen to supply lh« place of Maj. George Bender, who had nVs'igiicd .upon rcceivirig the, appointment of CommiBsio'ricr of the Canal. ......... . A Committee was appointed An in-. quire and report to the Stockholders K^JI^. W^t.iu* " Slit I«M hrwi«w «*»ti^ -~ ' * •>-.« what mca>iirei should bo taken ta'porOOQj OVIOWi nil iTsD iW«U^P RW air,-but it cannot have too nine IVct nnd enlarge the water-rights of the . June, 1635. A NEIGHBOR. Company. ..And, after the transaction !,'.' [As the plan pnipOIMllH tho foregoing conr of eoiflo busincM-of nrincjr importance, journed until Monday, miinication woijil save much time and labor, the mee ptember next those who Hare ice-homes would do wej r to TKeTlK a Slit: Vou will iliicovw my name introdur'cd Baltimore Conveninto the tion.. make tho folWins »tutcnioiit I Wa»ttotlh> ~'~ legated to act In that Contcntitm. I liappento' be tn BaltlmorB at tin;)!M« of ity tltHnt; and-after tho delegates from tlie diBeretit states had their credential* examined by the preserves thli among their memoranda,and procommittne appointed for that purpose, there fit by ihe suggestion next winter— appeared to M no one present representing Tenneatee. This circumstance teemed to beTO rrta ¥iiiToai:brtMTViH :«««»• " deeply ngretted by many, and upon Its being A suhrcribej of yours, recently looking over mentioned that I wai there, and a Tenneaeee* te that I might vote, a bundle of old papers wlil.-h has not been o•n. it wu luggestod by lone wbichlacc«rn-in„ As to __ As tothe thevote vote npon pencd for many years, found a manuscript paper 5 lyrtid. tho Presidential nomination, it was well with the. line* (given below) written bv the known, that my vote would hare no effect lion. Henry St. George Tucker, dcc'd, (father upon the remit; at to the nomination for the of .the i-reffnt Judge Henry Bt. George,) on •"n&FPiwlBencv, the .TOIB&-WM- J»t So. cleat; and'beUevioa; as I did, thai Tennessee pro. fcrrcd Col. Joonsoa' for that office, I gave a gave an Immediate response. Although a (crap, vote for him as a citizen of tliis stale. I am 'til an evidence that, his poetic fancy was not ^perfectly lalUnc^-thai lain tSrqhty. tWMW blighted by age; anil every thing, these mowho voted In-tho Convention who was ;not mentous tiimn, ought to be. not iced .'.hat will serve to pcipebiate the momory, and remind clothed With ample delegated authority. the present race of- the good old patriots and , ,, . . EDMUND KUCKKR, I, Of RultcrArd ««m>. ,Tf"J«-, . worthies who lived in times to try men'a souls, and who ata now, I hope, mingling in Heaven, Nashville, June iM, 1835. where they are rewarded for their many (rood . Now, if Oils'Rucker had been too honest to deeds whilst living In this world, and particuyield to tho nbomlnable request of Iho Van larly that inestimable legacy (Liberty) l>cBiircn'managers at tiallimorc, Johnson could qufatheii to their'poUerlly Valuable Kt-nl E«talc; irittrAiriirjBitflT N. »,.: Mr. c,win «iio Tun* PHIBOI: :/ Chirlrtlown, jime 11.'lB3!l —If " JtVt0 antt Cheap tJootltt. I1F. lubicribenjiive lu*t rerelved their tupply of 8PRIJVO GOODS, which T makei.lheir stock very lirge'and complete, I N puniianca of a deerie of tbeXireu!) Bnperiur Court of Law 'and Chancery, for Berkeley .County, entered at Aprij.lerm, 1835, in a caute therein pending between Jacob Myen administrator with tht will annexed, of -Jamet Foreman, dte'd, plaintTA", «nj ilm liriri of James Foreman, defendants; the underiigned ai eommliiloner appninted by the Court, and at admlniitntor with' the will of Jahtet Foreman, will offer lor tale to the hiRlietl' lilildiir, upon " the pr'emi«e«, tn' embracing almost every article uniilly kept in country stores, and In demand. At .we aro diteifmined to reduce our "eilintlvi atoek, great bargain* niay be eipected. We ieviU'oUr frlendtand .cuttoueii to call and supply Ihemulvet. We.assure them they shall not be d If appointed, as"we positively will sell Good* very cheap. J. I., b R, RUSSELL, ».rp«n-r«rry, April 30. fMi. .- TJW7JST (tJtt*K. VIRGINIA,+*irtTt in tb* Circuit •uparktC Court of Law and T virtue of three aeveral d«»«i «f IrtiJ, Cbanetry for Jeiirion Ciiimly, »«e»l«»by John Iliatl, one M f. ; ; Arait San, 18U, uc< «be, In truit fof, and toseeOWt' " ir«. r. due to John Duke, blaring date on U- ' ' CUwtalU «M Stmwt H. day IMS*/ July, and duly M"J of ... W M . J , 1»M, «lr—^, —..— — — -f reiordM| - - - - . it ^ _^ tlirr lo Andrew Hunter, In Innt for, ««• > •• AGAINST . •renii, a i|*bt «<ii* to V,. fc >. B. An«*r*at l»m. Cbrtlnt »»i «Mi«tl It, In like mirinir duly reeordidi ind lh*-ts • Mt frn *J (I'm. Mrfmri lo thei tilil f*r,j*« ttM Andrew Hiinlrr, Hnnlrr, In trust Irutt far, If* Se H'lllf.m to tfrii If «!», cur* mv»r»l d*»U du* «*«p««tlvily lo It C»,t it. llushet, 0»6rj» ». StnUiwa^aiBil Tbomat . i Andnwt h Co, »lto <Hlv r»€«n • IN CI1ANCKRV. in the Clerk't Offic* of tb* County Costrt *f XTRARTt "Awl it further appearing to J*B«'r%on, «h* undirtlgned will procn. • the Court, In any event of ihii mil to 1m pr'<>ii«r, l.i hat* alllhB clslmt of ««ry v«m dtieriptiun, againtt the late Arm of I 'live- the- hltVtt bidder, B valuable land ft Co., audited before « Cjommitsloner ^ ^.m ^» iifBt.. • flttk titf.^ aiifva, ^ ^sttlaVatil of thH Court. 1-he,.Court doth therefore, • HOUSE AINU XtCMatf oti Motion «f tli* pllmOff* bj itielr 4-onriMt, iHuatid mi t'nion ^fr**t"i^tTiiV fowfriTw^w* • order and adjudge, thil Matter CommUtinfier var, flow Ih* prop* Mj of tald John Hy»U« ^OHhlBflfllS BTtmed, byi jwWto edv«rtlse» •iljoinlhjt thn • InU of, Vhilij. litfTinon, lK» V. ' mcnl, In the Utuil wode, to rill in ai.d take Suits, and olhert, and '-nhtainins; half's* ' - sonal ProaertV, . . . wiftiimftasr*1: ef the amount of theattetfor elUelt of «tid In part, of two ten plate Sloven, a good Mim Irn, aiilgiied td'the plimlint hy the dud of Cow, Bureaa, ftafe, «Hid4or ('Jjs(rt, TaWti, trail In the proceeding! mentioned, tilting Bedi, BidtleaM Slid llnlding, Cupeling, all inch mitten relating Iti tnid aerounti f» fcr,.fcr snrh title only ai la Utted Intn* he biay diem pertinent, or at he nnj be re. un'dirtignrd, nt aaid dfedi nf Irii-i, wilt be quired to ttite by any of the pirllci mlerett- eonvejed lo lh« purchiUni which, howed, and mtke report to Ihlt court, io -order ever, it believed lo be inditpullble. to a final dec rr e." A capy—Tette, Sale to commence at 19 n'i lnrk,.M. noBF.HT f . BftOWM, C. e. P. C. MfCABK, ANIirtF.W HUNTER, B B TntHt Male. Virtue of a Jet d nf trn/t, ener illrd to the tuhwriberon Ih. !Wlh dtv uf Au3, and duly recorded in the ClerVi K«»t, 1833, Office of the Ubuntj"" Court ol tecure a certain debt therein mentioned, ori'nally due from I.. Wrrnwag toJoteph L. utiell, but by lubttqu^nt anignment and agritniiDt between the partiu, now due from Joseph L. Smith to J. llopkint * Brothers of Baltimore, 1 shall proceed to idll, lo tin highett bidder, for cash, en Friday llu 34 vahiablt and well kncwp f.rm at the mmjlh of the Opcquooon the Potomac Illver, (being We notice the following " ajparkling". the late residence of laid James Foreman, advertisement in the last Richmond dec'd.) containing about 384 acres of Whip-: -1 .'^ ,,-.-= a greMer portion thereof being river and left on Saturday, by some person un- Opequon bottom. Attached to thi» properknown at 'the door of the senior Edi- ty,, Is a ferry acrust the Potomac, and a new acrott the Opequon, a good ay tft Julf uf nut, ill ttbaa N tor of the Whig, on Shockpe Hill. He toll -bridge thru K<»d - .'..HWr-IfotiH. ' held'by ' .»id Wrrnwag at said date.'ln the shall be agreeably disappointed if it Valuable Inland Property, near Ilarpe'ri-F«r*^. W.M, and * wo hearing" orchard, ry, embracing Ihn S.f W MILL, I) Wi FIRST-RATE LAND, Ofr A bo* of CHAMPAIGNE WM K icK'in without delay,'or hex* .wiU^not answer ofiers more sdvantagea than any other, in Ihe the thereon, or «o much IWrcor n ' .^r-_^. ' :..;„„. Thespccioovpoatfdfrom Boston and New YOJR aloncVuuring .the month ol May, is slatod' in the newspaper to have amounted to byerii million and a ouarter of dollars. This is the ebbwas of . the tide,, much more,, rapid .than its flood; every stage in /the rise of " Treasury in l.ta^ fact fa only important to shew the in- county of Berkeley,beingon the great ChenfMk.e..and Ohio; Canal, where boating, and •'trading, carried on';to any:e'atciit'.—. Th'uUnd is so liliiited that U can bo divided, into three pirt». viz: the boating etlablithiaen'l, ferry, bridge, Ite., with tome land, being one corner of Ihe farm, liaving a good bouse, itorV. house, cooper ihop, good Mabllng. War* haute, fcc. ..The balance oT'the land having a good boute and barn, orchard fcc. at rDch end thereof, ab that thii proper- „. I the'Administ ration presses, last, ycnr, at the extent of the importations of specie, Which,-on the turn of the tide, it now going back. Speaking, of the Silver, we are reminded to ask, what has become oWi* Gold currency 1 We have not seen- tho .color- of it thrice youth, ye much evil have seen ; tccn Tennessee votes be deducted, It will he | rperceived that Jobnson would have had con- Stre npth of my youth, all your vigor is gone ; siderably less than two thirds, and of course Thoughts of my youth, your gay visions are flown; . .. . .... • he would not have been nominated. • of my youth, I wish not your recall; To Mr. Backer, this result, it seems, "was Days Hairs of my youth',' I'm content ye should fall ; Silas Wright jrl and the other New York in' trlguurt bad more pcnjileaelly. .-They, were "up toiyfertn,Has Maj. Downing says. They hat some vuic'i' must t» inanufac- T JY»u Jfo. tO, te«e«nMI. JMIInwr*, r.INO on a v Wt to Jiflerton county, with * view to eitend the benrflu of hU pro. fenlon, will, for the trrient, bo found II the Vallrj Hotel In Charlettown. He rMp«-tf«lly tendril hU nrrtlf Mtoall who may need tuck nil In the several branrhe* »U»h ,BS toft* »hm embrace!, and ronftdenlly trusts that hh1 experience and tkill will bn found not Inferior to the mott popular Dentint* In the United, Stile*, ttnmui who wkb. to preserve their [ilia; ard avoid -Ihe coniratwaus.»hlidi Mtatch .Ibclr, Ibelr. inm innsj orraslon, cannot he ton Itrtingtj lm» prewed with the Importance of paying an early atlraUon ta .Jliem, etpeciilly at every nnheallhy 'CondlUoM of tbtv Intk anil fwi<, fevolvri lnter*>t« uf great If not of life-time Importance. The proMTVition of t)i* Irrl* might «ot>f»K*d. olijccl For PruWrnl. CJrorj:e C. Washington. Fur fJincfori. John J. Abert, M. St. Clair Clarke, Ilichard II. tlendenon, MtJftlC. IIR MiWrAvr Inforaw AM* »tm *r» dciirouilo hit* their daughter* laa|ht mutlc, IhM ho h«t engigrd Ih* Mrtkei of Mr. NilbanM Cirutl, of the District of CoInmhii, to leich • elm of yo«n| UdMi lit kit school, and my olbart In the lowajoreMn* Iry who may with to avail thiBiielvci of to favornbli in opportunity. >. . t Mr. C.wfttiw tnC6arl«tl<iwn r»«dj In «om. mntea about a o u thee Ami mo of mi mil month, n, and an w Instruction. , on the Flano .Fnrli and ltar'. It U druritd Inriptdentjo ipe*k of . <!.•* treat *kill-and pnifnundTinowledg* ill the te.itVce of muile( at well ai din hidefp1 Ignbl* and •urrrtiful ««'.rii«.i » |f BindIng his pupils in the nine, •• it N prMumid he It known by rlmraclcr, at leait, to man; mt.Mof J»fl!rrt»fle«Mrty Mr. tj: will alsoteielra flaw M -Mwph'iwitf town and llirpeM- Ferry, If luflirltnlly en- cettary. Bale lo take place on Ik* pnmltei al 2 o'clock, P. M. .Tune «. JOHN FITZS1MMON3. PUBLIC SAUL . upon the people. Rucker was a pliant tool, i tool" they mahufagturM-flfteBn- -Mopejof mj^agev ffottySBU.^^ have required to make as many horse-shoo _' of our readers.. They have frequently gone nails, or a .printer's devil, to put together .as tlie rounds of llie newspapers; but- they will many types. Thus was the job finished; thus was Johnson's nomination'brought aboul in bear repeating— Editon.] utter disregard of all-.troth: unu^fconcsty, in ohn. (E? The tbov* e i«e re maim open to receive claims on the lOlb day of neat month (July).on which dmyJbe report will 6ecloied i» to ereditqrs.havinj claims. U. WOKTIIINGtON.-V«. C»mV. June 95, -1835. ,N. Tuesday the 41 h o f A u g u i t n e x t t will offiir for tale, at the r'etidince of VIRGINIA, TO WIT: ,dec'd,'all the Ferional la the-Circuit Superior Court of Law'and Christian Allemong, AI Properly of »aid kaid dec'd; de contisting of Chancery for Jefferson County,. •"'• 1 . . . . arniL 4m, 1835. Jaieph and Martin -KcUWferifiT,' cha«er may ehottte. The terms will be.-on* CATTLE, fquflh of Ihc purchase money la band, the remainder will b* divided into very nay SUKKf ffMif 110US, payments; Ihe deferred paymente to b* lecur«rD"yV«»Bottth»Hnd.- - ; - , . ; . , - , A number of FARMING UTENSILS, JACOB MYEHS, JUm'r Jliid a variety of Household ff Kitchen with tht will onniztcl, o/ J. JVntun, Jte'il. June 95, 1835—ts. of 13 months will b* given on all sum* of- Bve dollars and ilpwsrdt, the-purTrustee's*. Sale. " iier giving bond and approved itcurity. IURSU ANT to a deed of trust; mad* by ALSO, at tlie same time 'and place, el M-rherton and Mary his wife, bar, 1833, in order to tteur. William U, Hough and William Suromert, tlie former II security for Ih* !iid Sartuf f M'Pherton, (n a curtain sum of monej.lherrhi mentioned, which deed of- trust, it on .record in the Clerk'i. office of Loudoun county, will be told, >l imlilir talr, on the astb of "the 7<h' ife^ St,;> 7V««M». . flfHtr," The tame Jatffih t'MMIxrgtr.und O&. Kicke'.bergcr, Mminitlrai'wt »f .}>/.im t'.l<(iiUicr•• 'jrer, ike*ifr anit Magilulinr. tlie ir.'i/o»,. ««J Jamfi.Wilttii,'iaviiui.Mn!iiliiUiir,Jjhii .^liiijn, and Snydur,, Ike infant hdn •/»<n« ttr, Jtc',1, TSSPrf. Mum JSi flANUKBY,ciute came on .to be heird, flitt 4th day of April, 1835, upon the bill, aniwen, and exhibits, and wit argued by counsel; whereupon t|ii Court, by cunteiitof the parlies hy thejr cbunncl irprc^i-nleil, dotb "" * afid, decree, that Ma«ler. •VK wilb a corretpoi . , a MI! bouies; two good welh of excellent ^•J^^water, and several good ponds.— Upon the whole, Ibe situation is quite a d«tirable one; am! the value of Ib* farm will doubtless he enhanced bv Ih* erection of a - ^rWtp;pn« mile of . taining on it one of the moit valuibl* Mtf MU.LH io Ih* U. States, together with a number of UWEI..I.INU HOUSES, WOIIKbl I OPS, and other iinproveruchtt . Slid proucrl; willlx loldloiallify th* luroof teve'o thbutind four hundred and twenty dolltrn, w llh interest from the Itl day of Dcce'tnbir, 1834, the •batinc*". of the oris;lnal nurchsw money remaining . d T to Coleman C. Beck"ham, aUbi auignee of raid Janict Stubblifiel*. Such title onlj a«1i vjitcd in the lubtcriWer Will' 1M( matte • tir lh- fufcliaicr. which, believed- to be inditpuUbla. . fala to lake place ul 12 o'clock, «l. . ;-.-.'• AKMSTKAD IIKCKIIAM, Way U.'IB3S. • Hunfong Tnatn, trte- B TriiN.t Sale. Y virtue of a deed of trust, rixecutcd to ilio subieribur by Jacob Mjert, beiring dutc on the of July, 1834, and now of record in the Counly Court of. Jnfienoii, n ill be oflbrtd, at public suction, to the htghett bidder, fur/catb, on Salnn(«tj Ikt lilt ill* the county'of 4c(Tenon, 'about a mile from plainliflt,. and to Ibe head of BuHtkln run. and about half A ooual ot what it du* ib the"plu mile from the Wincheiter and Polemic rail I all other the ocedilon of ihe taid Adam l.irosd. Said Farm contains about '•",_.'"• cholbtrger, dec'd: and ibal tho. taid Mulvr. do cause an adverlUumuul IQ be piibluhml in the county, of J.eOjerton, in the publio priiiln, for ihe crcJilon of ih* *ild inle>'ia.i«, to is now io a good state of'cullivailei north of Watorford, llon. The improvements are a lo- House. The Mill It a large brick buiMing, with three pair of stone-—two of *hich are for merchant work, ona* fiva and the oilier tix feet burn.' The wheels .are 17 or 18 feel , on a good ttroam, anil in a good June 1, 1335- Co. is to PrUay Iht 19|» <*"» »/*•*(I Clcrk't Office of inn county court of Jrfliermonlft, (June,) on which day iho»o person* r»on. , . will tell,, at public auction,, lo ll>* , :hlfbbaving cltimt, not ytt exhibited to the Com- ett bidder, foreatb,.on «V«id«( Oa 131* */ mtniooer, will pretent them, after which day July nut, before Ih* door of KiUnimmoot't Ihe report of Iho Commissioner nil! b* Motel, ilarpervFerry, thai part of the valuclosed and no claims received without leave able IsUnd of Virginia! which «o« originally being obtained iblefirlJ and w.if* to Lewi* and It now In the ponenloaof ••— •...'.•r.v *. r-x-xifrtva**,*--.,* *. <t—fc>_« .^.fc-t.!••••. Samuel M'Plicr«oii'n Mill, FISH.—Herrings continue in fair and ore selling freely at f 4.50 per bbl. Sales of Susquehamn Shad at 7.75 per bbl. Sales of 100 drums Codfish at 3.50 per 100 IDS.— Then Is no Mackerel in market, -but several ay Oi nrr. . _ , ? >M, lt>.tr.. 5 ill*abovi named firm of Wm. Cle»«l«i>dfcl„id died, which is duly recorded In tk* '--wts>mm&v&m Thoughts of my youth, ye have' led me astray; Strength of youth, why lament your decay? j Days of my will-shortly be pSst 5' ' UUUf, Pains of my nge, yet a while ye can last}. 0 Mil this town, on Wednesday the 17th iiis.t. fewV'BStSB!* .'•?IS? wltdotu.del > ' - . The ptrttet to the. above iuit nre htreliy ftotlfied that I have appointed the Olif, 22nJ, The tliovo sal* h postponed until S«liir*r» «nJ 5I3J ^tiJM.y nttl, for the purpote of Ihi 3Tl* ItM. JUB* as. IBIS. : ' • - ;^ _,_ :._^-_:-'.performing the dutiripreteribtd by the above derrm of ilm Court— o|*<*LwMM. »»J». BV .- • . * Trtttl Salt the office aforetaid, they are requeited lo attend. The crrdilori of the late 6rmbf Win. HARPEHS-FEKRY REAL ESTATE. ClevcliiH! fc O. arc- ah*) r<-<ii»'»lixi KI illcml Y-vtrtutrof »«W»J «J Uu»l,executed.flV. al the •• nie p4a«e, upon tlie , aanM days, and eahlblt ' agalnit the — jrtsranTI 1 . ^WOKTi'lNCfON, .*«». C** ilces fur the benefit oTVame* Stubvwmn. April y.lWJ. J the subscriber, as Ih* surviving truite*, and <J7-The time for receiving elilmi due from I under U.e authority veiled in him at tuch by lis't.alllt« iuler«»t of the laid Jacob Myera in and to a certain Til ACT uf I'.ANH, pirlicularly ilnicribv.d'in i»iJ trust, and luppoied to contain 934 ai-rti; the- iniurrtl of th* laid Jacob"- Uyfri 'bafngf kn'' u'lidir idui) «hrth larU-f said Isnd; ana, also, Ihe ftciimplo iiliretliio lbe>«Jrn_BI* lw.e etbet uinHtkleil and to fix a day ordays for that pufyott: and ti'xth"parts ol IhiTtita'tniet,' tu m It i Ilia .na Ibat he do ttate the t-harac'r.r aud dignity of dirlded «lilh parts of Culharinv I'jlct, (forsaid debit i and thai In do tule audutllathe merly Cslhsrin* Mjer*,.) und hi* brother nidi JC. which-taid fie• .Iniple ini**^*^lm ^trolort, Qeorg* • and JutcpU Eli-helhrri;er,' with this eilate of their iulotule; and thai he Jeremiah, were-cx»nveyed to 'the ia do also take an account ol the annual rtnla Mjen and bit brother Henry Mjers; the and profit*- of the real eilite of which Ihe •aid Jacob and Henry .being entitled to Ik* •aid Adam Kichelberncr died teized, deduct- half of each laid'tUtb part; but vtrlhclcfi, lo^' life eitelv f o'nn . "•* lion that tlie delegates thould be "fresh -from celebration of the aproaching Anni -all *c1i t cf «he »«fd-»»ott wlit. bfaale, and ailrh title made to the purchaser, Tfa* terms of''the iate wiil'be^ss follows.'.:' " I American Independence at by. Four llipusnnd.dollur. of Ibe purchase money deem pertinint, or ash* may be required lo etold to tecure to Mary M. M)rr» Ihe pa)U empowered. In. [Thft procession meni of tho sums ipecifii-d in ihe trutt, and to remain in the hin.r, oritie purehwer dur- stota by tbr parlies .oc, th r,i; : A. M. in front of Jacob Sheetz's tavern, in toe day and Wednesday aalea -were made at 6 fc! 1; saiddeed of trust. WILLIAM B. STEER, ...—-The, Alexandria Gazette, speaking of the I f0i{owjng ing the natural life of the widow of said de- he. main report of bis proccedingt'tb'lliu in«~tale will lake pla'cv "at ih* placV'nrlrfii on Thursday, upwardi of 3000 bbb. were sokl A copy—Teste. Court. fore mentioned, the reiideoce of laid Mary Tnutu. cedent, bearing interest from the tine of tile, . . June 25,, 1835.—U OUDEBi at 6.75, and to-day some parcels havo also Teoneesee delegate • "who gave the vote of KOOERT T. nnoWN, c. c. M. Myeri, behig on the premise* to b* told. Any person wiiKlng to purchase, had payable annually to the widow, after whose Chief Marshal on Horseback, been sold at 6.75.' Holder* are.finn to-day at ,. JOHN A. THOMPSON, TVtutit. ______c call and view ~tha -property, at I am death tba whole is to be paid In three equal, PotommrRifle «."5, anil tomo are asking 7. Wuknow of no belter M«y 91. 1835.—tt. ren and Johnson, says he "is most severely Shepherdstowta salet over 6.75. The wagon price opened and anxious it ihould be told, to satisfy theabovc •Duual. instalment* to the executor; said ini UI», 1835.. sum to bs tccured hy a deed of iruit on Ihe SAMUEL' M'PIIBRSOM. LEMONS andOllANOKS, handled in the papers of his state. We should Assistant Marshal, remained at 6.35 until Thursday, when 6.50 claims. Tbe ptclici Intefetlcd In Ihe ahuveiuih- ••SUES!I premiMS, conditioned for the regular payKigt, for sale by was paid by sumo dealers. To-day the wagon not be surprised if Tennessee got too hot to , ' Committee of Arrangements,- • lionid tuit, at well al those having claims C Pine Applet andWM. REMOVAJL. ment of Iho interest to the widow: the retiS. LOCK I CO. ' Orator of the Day,.. rate is uniform at C.50. BccaipU small. againtt Ih* eilate of Ad*m Eicbelberger, hold. bfa9,l'_ And tappote , frKnd-Snowden, it Reader of the Declaration nf.lndepenilenco, dne of the purchase money to be paid one >fay 98,1635. ' . -CHAIN— IH*«I.—A «»le of ailOII Inithcli B3. BKATTY . dee'd, (who are rtquiited to ciluUit thtni third in hand, one third at the expiration of : should be to, what of that? If Tennessee be rlors-y and Student* of Divinity,' very prime red was made from store in the before me,) ire hereby nolined, Hint I have A3 removed to Warebouse.oorner Pratt on* year," and the remaining third at the exMayor, Recorder and Town Council, early part of the week, at 1.50 per Inuhel.— __ and South street!, and hai associated too hot, a cool, comfortable office can easily LL persons indobted to the tubierlben iratinn of"two yean from the day of tale. appointed llie lllk etwi .ISIM tUyt •/:-JW*y Citizens and Strangera. Sincu then tliere havo been bul a few parceli UEOIIUK SANDEKS with him; they* will pir; . -be providad forJiim. He \villnotloMi hit reate hereby notified, that all debli due ml il it iinileritood, that ihould the deceit* m*t, for the purnote of carry lug the above Tho procemion will movB down German-Si. ut market, talei of which have ranged from Iriniacl Jill reeiisi order, of Court into cRicl—upon > icoeral [irucerj and CottimlHion war J. Mark the prediction. Tj of the widou liappon within two jean from lo them mint ba paid on or before llie Ut to the'Church, whVro tho Military will take L"45 to 1.5!1 pVr bunhcl.— which: da j«, a I the ofli ce aforcni ii I, I h e j ar e Butmrss under thn firm of liy of Auguit next, arthe tiiPierlbert havIbe day of tile, Ihe paymenl nf ihe Instalopen order to the right an4 loft Inward face, • •' —^•'t.*-^' Corn.—O;i Monday the market op \VM. II. UEATTV fc CO.' ments of the lour thousand dollars will not requetled lo attend with the ntcisiiry itate- ing disposed of their Hock of Uoodt loMtatn. and permit the procession to pass -through.— lii:;h prices lur Iho few pareelt oflnrii 1NSTUUCT10N WITH ENTERTAINmioli, evidence, and vouchrrt. ' June 35,183i5.^-3t_ «. ' HefOebower fc Slift-r, and .intend reinovint; be required to commence until the expiraThe Military will then close in, taking the Mats of while having been made at 1.00 a 1 MENT. K. WOKTIIINUTON, .Uai, C«*l. tion of three full year* from Ihe d»> of tala. to Ih* West, prompt pajrment it absolutely TqlloriiiiiT Bunf ncxH. • It will be perceived, from an advertisement assigned to them. "Tho ceremoniet -will com- of yellow at 97 cents. Subsequently ihe marApril 9, 1835, pavoienlt falling du* al the end of Ibe necessary. We feel under many' ohllgftlona mence with an appropriate prayer; after ket became Hat, n ml prices needed. The hi-l subtorihen hiving entered into The In I' .is day's paper, that a gentleman of this prayer, the Declaration of independence will sale* wereyetterday afternoon, of white at 95 first nnil ncciind jcart after, the purchite, to our kind friends ind patront for their put 1 copartiiertbip in the above business, |CJ*Thr lime for recflvinf cltimt du* will alto be ter.urtd by a deed pr.lrutt on favor*. Tb* butineii' will Hill conllau* at place proposes to deliver a course of Lectures be read by Edmund I. Lee, F.sq.—after which its'., and of yellow at UU cts. Tho latter price nuut -raineelfully.'.Inform the' citixsnt of from Ihe *ttate of Adam Eietielocrnr,<t*c'd, Iho froniUei -Pfrtoni wlthlng to virw llie Kabjctotrn, uiider Iheflrm-OfMarmidukr tt on ChDmUtry. Those who have <Kf aenuahv an Oration will be delivered by llemy Bedln- was ollcri'il lor yellow this morning, and ror Harpers-l-'erry and vicinity, that they have Isexlcndrd lo Solu.Joy Mi UUrti/ovii/ nfil Tana, will apply to Wr, jamn IMIuglie*, or Thompson until the tilth of September next. gcr, E»q.—the whole to conclude with piaver. fined. "We quote cvliltc to-day at 95 a — cU., taken tite shop formerly occupied by Mr. P. MJalk. (Juu*,) on which d»j pertont who " tance witli UiU interesting nnil useful »cic«-.e, Mr John P. Rtoly, .who reside in the imme; • SILAS MAHMADUKk. ' The Potomac llifle Company will then form nod yellow .ul 3D eta. .. ,. . . . Ferrell, end intend, carryiim on llie .abjiye hav* clilmt igilntt'ikid mtile, who hev* 1 _ In order, and the citizens unite with them in . JOHW H. THOMPSON. —SaloV iu tlio early. part of tlie week butineii in all i U various brine he t, and ho pe diate neighborhood. Sale to commenco at nol exhibitud ilium to (lie Cummlttlbiier,' Jun. 4,1835.—tf. to be derived from .op>l lectures, accompanied marching to tile SprinR of.the late Col.-Joteph M D7 a !«0c: i we quote tixlay at 95 a 97 ctn. by ilrfci altehllbn; and by lliuir King eXpe- 10 ifolock. AtlMidanee-jlven by • .will pretent-.tkrm—ifler -w'tiUJi. d<) the. re:?;.j-.ii.'. -"""jrillN ALLEMON O«(>.— TTT-niuus Sfilcs of Md, Oata In tho early part rcnce in biltluoit, lo receive a inm of pubwith experiments. The gentleman.wlip make* Bwearingen, where- a dinner will be prepared. purl of iho Cooimitiioner will hn e luted end House unit Lot in UoHvar. nf CMilinn JlUmong, Tho citizens of, tho place are. respectfully of the w week at 53 a 55 cts., and y*»UinUy a ,L. DUNN b BELL no claims racelvcd without leave of Ib* Court .tbo jiropotiupn, intends to prociue the ncccs- -invited to tuspend all business during the cele- tale was made at 53 cts. We quote Md. to- lie patronage. •Frederick Co., June 11, 1835..—Is. THE llouM and Lot in in tb* Hurpen-r'errv. June 85.1835:—31 being obtained. occupancy of Mr Daniel T. Malhlas, It fat} aary appiralut. We li.avo some reason to be- bration. day at 53 cl*.—none here. H. WORTillNOTON, Ma. Com. le. Il it I renxiiitnl anil plcaiaiit reSlii »f Seals will be reserved for the Ladies, who CticmMry. lieve that he U weU acquainted with lhe.sei*nce; May M, 163$. " druee, and will be sold ou aJvanlagvMiv' are respectfully witness the cereiaoN Ihe day of Ibe Matonic pro«ettloD in >L GENTLEMAN of thn town prappies to . . BOBOOZt. , _ and his untiring industry and research are a nict. '.:.,..-. ..: . . * . " . . |Uj» Tlie above can. remiint optn to retermi. ' Fnr furlher p»rlirnlnrt, icfi rtnce Snnilificld, on Salurdiy the 6th ioit.-, . deliver a course of Lecture* on the e*iv* cliiBM ontb* I lib of out n onth. (Ju- n n j be had to Mr. Multi'in, on the premiiei, Capt."Jacob Reynolds Is appointed Chief flMIK subscrilicr proposes an examination on boiuliful safe guaranty that be «till, if encouraged, make and inlere»ilng tcience of Chemis- soihe genllcman, through raisUke, look Mr. ly,) on which dij the report »ill b* cluttd or 1 Friday, July 3d. Tlic'ukaiuiniilioii of the lo the tubscribcr in Cliarlrtlowii. Martlial^and will be respected as such, M. 8. llunticker'i aaddl* in place of. hit lilt lectures both instructive and entertaining. Claulcal Kehiilan will comiacncn nl 9 o'clock try, duriug the naxt .fall and wmtor. If iufA. HUMltlCKIIOUSE, Cli'n. • ' JOIUi ft. OALLAIICIL.. ' from my liable. Ai Ml. Huoilcker at to eredilon having elalini. •One or two evenings spent, every week, in and. continue until half past 3— after whlnh fieirnl encoursgcmcnl be nffored to juttlfv own— - H. WOHTIIINIi'ru.N, . . f«niV. •=• ApHIO. 1835. -—-^ it not satHGed with the exchange, I would the expense of procuring the wcjiury .If tho Englitb Scholars will be examined., PaJune 95, 1835. / the • proaacotion of scknlifio investlgalions, v . . . . . . A CARD. .* «ait fiwijrU/i,- the Leclural iblll ho be obliged, if Ihe penon who hat- Ihe ledtront of the sehool. and. . the public geacrally. Notice. ^ Soldteri die, -would leave It eilh«r si Mr, FiUsim. would afford a pleasing variety Juring Ibe '7i> the turvhing-Cffleerf-and Invited to-aftehd. 'fill- BlorkhoUer* .of tbn fiuiithnsltl.. mont'l* llotel, Hirperi'Ferry ; |). EntJerSi, «/ M* Revolution -_ drt-ary fall an,J winter montliV. Chemistry U ; ttewUl commence a new term the Sd MonI' Charltttown, aod Harpett-Frrry Tui»HbepherdttownVor nt Carler't in Thai lr»At a meeting of tho citizens of this place day in August pike Conipany, m e itquttuJ to beet -it not the nbttruie tubjcct, difficult lo ho under- and Its vicinity, held for the purpone of making until a comprehintlv* and (II it hoped) in' IOWB, : and give me Info'r". itioii, when Jiit TKIfTf JOSEPH HOYDEN. Carter^ Hotel, Cbirliituwn, on lha Itih stood, which some imagine U lo he. We have suitable arrangements for the celebration -of •true-live rourio thill have been delivered. own oin be returned to him^-The «aJ4le Charldlown, June 25, 1835. IIVT fine FAIIM, now in thr pMtetlUm lul(, for ihe purput* of *lcclmf a Froidiol frrijuently known large' popular aud ieneet- *hr ^rrr»""M"|TiH>' of Jti'fi U" Utt^criTjpted Tlrt.price'of a ticket of admbiion will b*, taken away hat padded tklrlt, covered wllb of J. ti S. CraiMt.'iituatrd uUoul two andlhrr* Jim lorn fur the ih. in—lomo dc|fra*, rsgtilatcd by the, nm^bcr culf tkin ; large brass pliltd tp'rlng Ulrrupi, milat uorU-tvetl of CbarlutloMii, J«Qcr»on pn-.1-1,1 Board »ie rrquftUilif lo ' embracing : 'men, women, and children—of wen appointed to invite the Revolutionary lu uu mccl on tat) tlidot on Ihe ulrfup-La* Olfiocn anil Soldiers of Jefferson to join their compating the-Clau, but It will not be ib.ivo HE pirtnenhip heretofore exitling un'every grade-of inteliecU-lo listen, with fixed fellow-citUeot in the celebration oT the apor six dollars. Those who may be Jit- ilmr»; mid * blue cluth—Mr. Huntieker th* vVincheiwr BIH! MirpeM-F*rr) riil-juad, der the name and firm of IIHo fc Will- fur b. XV LACkUNlV poicd l;i promote ' the propiual, will leave tbinki litt nsme it written »-ber* th* muker't eontainlnt; Four 'Hundred *nd hix or Elukl .attention, to lectures on Cbemlslry. In some proaching Anniversary of the declaration of Jun* , in the Satllhing builneit, wai Ihit'day II grneially put. * • Acrei of lint-rite Hnilttgii* LAM)—80 or toxvM, Iho people attend almost as regularly our Independence; and they would respectful- diiiolvcd by mulual i-onscnt; and as II is n*- ihcir name* with Mr. N. <i North, or Mr. SAMUEL STONE. ly avail themselves of this channel to convey N. tja.l|abcr, who nan (Ivo any infonu»Sale. 90 of which' it in Rood limber, sad ih* ba-" ce'stsry tint the butineii of .ih* eoocein II. to tlieir ulrniitic u to their religious lecture*. tho invitation. l, June 18, 1835. " ' lion about the maUer. . ILL b> vilil, it tlirrill'-t til*, f*r line* in a b,lgb state of eullivalion, every ibould be closed, all person* Indebted are r*-. J. Pi HAMTRAMCK. Why Is theru men an absence of every thing CharUtlown, June 35, 1635. nth, al tli* t*w null oo tb* lilaitt aer* vf which, lhat b not ia gfiln; U wi-n Strayed nr Stolen CHAHLES HARPEn, ; quelled to come forward and aellle their acof Iho kind in thi> plnc*> In clover, Thli f»rm i* so iltuilcd, with of Virfinlut, near 'Haru«ri.F*rry, Vi., oa counts li j note or olberwiie, with James ROM Hi. lulitcrilMivaiaialai'i Mill, i*t ••JPrcMirre«f fruit, Off. ARCHIBALD CAMEKON. r We bope thai the lubject will be considered, Ilite, ooe of Ibe'late firm. Bulttkin Kun, leoerion county, Virginia, regard lo water and timber, (hating, upon n l.VMUKH, contitttui uf a viricly vl pin*, 8k?pherdstowti, June 19,1835. RESERVED Limes, JAMES HITE, and thai by Mat fall there will be o-largo on Monday ni^ht lha Hili Intlaot, (June,) a two wells of n*v«r-f*llip| water, ind a fin« oik, do. • Pine Applei, walnut. curUd unpla, and puplir VlaM that water* nearly on* mure lid* of U E N J . WII.TSIHICE. • SOldtEI. HOUSE, 6 jcirt.uld, hit a itar In ipring do. (Irjtigci, -,. dim lu particijiatu in t.h>-i'!'a»i|r«! uf lUl'-mling TEMPERANCE BOCIETV. In* farm,) at to b* eonnoif ntlj'divided iijlu and Scinlliiig, Logt, Locust Puilt. axe, UJun. 12, 1835. . • . hit forchtad, and • *inill while ring around do. Ciiron, ' a aourae of chemical lectures, accompanied ftriui of equtl tuc. 'I l.« soil ol'lHl abd^a vaiitly of M*cli*nlci' Tuolt} lli« At the meeting of the Charlettown TempeN. u __ The Smilbinc basinsis will hi hi> n*eki occatloned by a yoke. Any Infor- two : l.rmon«, Oranget, ....... firm li of Ik* y*rjr U»l V.llty land, ai.d porlj vf Ju*. L. So.nb Ut. to »ti*f| with tplendld cxpuriinenU. If Ib* olati be rance Society on Saturday evening the 30th, cirried on by JamM Ilite ai utuil, who bit g the horte will be thinkful- ha* mation i I'..-, Ditei, ItaUIni, Pninis, alwajt prodilc^d eqitil to my land in On. lioot in ui« hituli iu favuur of ib* the P,r«iid«nt expretted hit with that the So- attblllime •number of Barihare Plou|[|it, ly received; and »n> pirton who will bring Valley. large, the expetiM will be small. Almondi, Palm Nul», Tbe inproranwult ire a good Ap- Bank, llopklu* fc Hrotb*r«, ciety would select another I'rc.ident, and tlated ready for delivery, mad* by Mr George Tahi in home, shall b* liberally rewardtd ple Orchard, * onoifortabl* l>««llinf Houte, W . k S . B. And*no»,lle<UirMl . the reatoM it length fur tendering hit resigna- venner, weU known as a calibrated Plough ' Ollfea and Caper., JAMES C. FORD. DENTI8TKY. . And frailt Salad Oil, good Ham, Stabling, and olh«r nicctiar) U Brjin, *t*i(D*e. The p(u|wity tion. After tome debate, whtruin, tlie oianncr miker. ' Jua* 'J5, 1834. IB35. For tale by Ju.tly oul-buutci. For term*, which are liberal, douhl b* Mid, and thai* liitertttBtt We refer our readers to the adveftltement in which the office had been E. M. fc C. W. AISQt'lTH. cullj rv,utsi«a U alten* IB* til*. M»irt» - ••*-•'- Jp».s«i »plt- it <l id 4)n rriage - of Dr. Noxt, who U u u w i'n Ihit i-ounty.-'- commended,UieBoekty proceeded to an elecCoHfcfttoHitry, fruit antl June 35, 1833. U. W. aArriNUTON. tion, which retailed In the choice of A. I|DNApril 30,1134- it. FOR OAZJB. Prom the testimonials be hat in his poueulon, TM, Eta. as Preildeiit. Mr. Hunter relqnied FANCY CTOftE. '.;! f*J. T.d. Mi HE lubtiriber oflanforul* a b**ullful E.M. at C. W. Jun* IH. IS3B. some of which an from men whom w* know hit Ihanki In a brief address, for th» honor con. * I MlE luburibir bin ILKB to inform hit C.tNJIMU£ and lUUfESS. (aaarly RK now r-.cci>iti( a frith' tupply of I fjicnJt aud tb* publir. generally, thai b* to he highly respectable, we feel perfectly ufe ferred upon him, and pledged hlnuelf to ittt- aew) UloHtiag to the Mist* of J. J.. Frame, 0FFEU for Ml* Ik* tract uf LAND on J*Nfrf <r Salt. GOODS suliabl* to, and a* v*r*ou* at tain, wilh hit belt efforts, Ihe intereitsof the dec'd. AUo. a ue.l. Sl/l.k'V. If not dtthat opvBfd a Conhcliouary, Fruit, and Fanlha Optquon, now la Ih* poucaiioa of HE pertooal property ut )ii recommending bio to our fellow-citizens, Society. the pftienl tenon. cy Stor* la the roomi foroierly occupied by Willlim Wijelj. II etmliiint txtxiia 75 of at private kale, before July court, «UcM. will b* wU, * t f c i i u * Jun.'J5, IMS. . ai well worthy of confidence. We have no TCP gentlemen were choacn a* delegate! they will him *s a dwelling, and Immediately abovi and aa huodrw) aer** of fin* Op*quo» but- ildeoc«,ktoeV then ba exoo.ed to public ill* in Bolivar, on hit Drug and Apolhei-irjr ilnnl where b* torn, b*tid*i from 150 to 900 atrtt «.f up- no * credll doubt tfeiV be U well qualiood, by a careful from Ih'w Society to th* Convenllon propoted before thr court-home door in CbarleiShoe », Shoe*. of fiUsT Uualht, tk* to be held on the 4th Judy, and n committee of intcndi Kiepinr, a Urge Bad graaral a**orlunder good (inciog aud eullivttlnn — Ing bond wllb itipfuvod t*cnrUy, Mady and eaUnslv* practice of hi* prufetsion, five, to make Ihe liecmary wraufeawnU for towu. ADYS: Prunvlte Skoti, lor 3U elt, fo> tuiol of frnh 1'rult, Cuafoellooiriii, and all lind, Th* who)* tricl will coetain from ilHUo ufaitd above fS; for umalUr suaw. tl asKby H.. k J. JOHNSON. to give full uttitfaclkw to Ibote wh*>may need Ibe oecastotol after which In* Bocielj adjournarllele* eomiected with tb* butiixtt TboM 450 atr*t at tb* BurchiMr BMI ckevM, a* I will be (Mulrtd. ' ' 1 P«r*oot ludcUad to tb* lltate of. John J. ed; ^--- ' -. Who buy to Mil will find II lo ll.rir idi Camp-H" May U, 1835 luiMrvioas. own also tb* (dtolalng I*a4. Tirau will b* frana, die'd. ant eirne.lly reiju«.ted to U. W. MAPMNtlTON, D. i lig* to call, and ixaoilac in* prko* a fir /. T. Jt. call and m»k* pay twul at aa early day. quality of tli* tiiiclit offered. II. •» G. TUCKER. 8pe*klng of Ori. Joonsou't prospect, the Wm. Qwyia Joaas Has not gone to Uoulh I. II. DOUOLA89. W* ADAM YOUNO, Jr. B much needed at thli tisac , JIB,.. 18,1835.-lat. Jaa.19,1104. •f J»t. jr. frtmt AtMriea- H* was ballad out, bul wait after•altisaor* Clirtxilel* aavs, lUrpen-Ferry, Tab. IS, 1815. *w" v H A J T W F P T i' Btwdows, cU^b, MB jujhusi rest apon-it.14 ward* Incarcerated again, for debt. Joa* 18, 183S. f*r «*%!•. 1 I . , FREE PRESS OFFICE T mat TKomotron BRBD FROSPFXJTUS Celebrated Raft OF TUB FAMDVT .i u*r*/y *#>vq*r lo eV JiraiKfW fr ' to take Ihy calling ihankftilly And ihon ft* Jjath *» l»«ta<jy Hi* To follow pcoM.earneatlt, ilat meddle not with pllfery. 1!0 b** outBOl laOjUAInplr,. JW. fear of Inching penury. fa) wed glad wife for company, Anil lire in wcdlork honestly. - matisj.®^™ , , . It will be •aniat! with Jli* etrnM iwan |« dworun and mertlHy-Aer«by rwofrinr U a nnblimillm , *dby ofhwt. the Faidly fl^lff will faithful!) moid the cvcola which may transpire In lh*pi>--|lKWwiwi3.Mi.urtUi'.pfmnrtinnl^m7;:The Of tb* Stale. 1/egltl.tnre : . Jtffnion Comly, Virginia llortf. ll.l. aland Ihe entulnj tcaion at the liable of Wm. C. How, Elk Wood, l n«*r ll*lt town, about S mllea We*t of. H.rerrf. Ia»a»e4<et«4f e« UW SbaphertiTAKB the liberty loa»nounci! to the pub.od l^etborf toai, al 415 Ihe leap, lic. that I shell, «o Monday m*l, (eellng ««r«lee-la Mriatirf. (93 the aeaiioh, or |4IT to Ih^urr, to b* jpaid ai Agent for a Joint Bloek Company.) open a rv*d .4 ewarie* a. a. a art,o»-»aoihe at won. a* the mare it known lo bk with foal.. Hou.c of Enlrrlalnmonl bat My be dltrbargM by the paywii-nl of Ifl'CWrrtwtnwh, leflwton Cotmty; viiytftta -*• trtllwatem fofeilt the at Ihe old aland, nearly In the centre 6T IBr centteaihlo the Groom In all caaei, lobe lown, whlcb hit for many yeara been occupi mare er Irregnlar attendance at ibe-ati «m*^ithlha mire. Oreal tare will be laa*'* T**ern byy' nomenttn peraonei and'.T-f W^*w»'**t*4»ih« P«**\** »»h»oprrTaM.*«IJ»i.Ui but ut I w will «0 «0I « l'lul^llotot. accounJaW for ...y AarMy h.ppen. Tb. now rallwl Ihe Vel .|,h the.b., nlthrd at. 50 era!a IHT week, bat I will not br «•• countable foraeeWent. or eteapea. GrwuVaten UMr'tnarn fed on W ._. prove Ihlt griat raw horte w.tcontidered b> alt. at the very bed race bwsr f/ hi. day. upon Ibr hetl Irinl eourte*. and amnnj the hril htrfrt— having bwvt trl«t«l by Ihe beat juilgra, nftrt Irltl with all Ibe (trvalrat rare horse., to eonteWI atali.M Killptr lh«. celebrated race for $1O.«», iinil.-beaia.liiil beina: nnMn.tally lamed, Henry wae eubttitiitei). In Ihit irl»t, Brtty Hithardt, hit full titter and ranthlrml the rrlrhratrd « niii.l. ran aetnnd In Jfthn UicbaiiU t,ni II l«'him In ill. f.wr mile trial i Id be Ihla imwh «ti|ierl..r tn HH- «•!• bnrterl Itrhry muM all that Kirlnrdt bail nol hit Hintl in sTItt. '*" ' '' ' ** Tbeg«*ralt»der willaUobpehi.'thar.of the •orlll, II «ill »l»n appear that lieiaof a ra. who «ill beimlwl/ tertcd .lib the cing family of a'virv l.i|;li grade, hi. dam being intrre«tln»i*wrrenMa of the iUy. and «h« rr pab- ,.lv. Ihi dam of tin juMlyo-K-liraleil Ilrt.y.KirhUeeUon of the nxM^opulwartlelci of a IHi^j anlt, OM amo»i> the l..-u four mile animal.- of her day. Kverypenno Mqmi'it"<l will, the raand miaMlbmeoaaebanater. <%C. nalm of Columbia, re.peelully tefwrm hi. la* .Illwn. of O*rle*. traerally, that h« eonti- HoWlind'tToniA Mlilura, aCKBMlTHINO In all Rernedv for flick llttdtebe, hrawWmd In **«< . be* 'JJj^.Jf1';' Hay 'a Liniment for PIlM, Dige.llvn I'.lixir, fool Mannfaclory ofJolinttWiFrica fc Co., ll«1 1 Conkltn * pippU Ralre, iwJown. MA ., wW will t» r«t*r * all tin.*, Jayne's Carminative, tn W*el OM Atrt wilK ttwl-lfef I. makln. them Acoustic Oil, . ' nearly t< toon ft i.e.. tie will alto make ami forrilth A»ct nf .nv'wiithl, to orwerjal Ihe thnrtMineral' Hair Powderi, • ill aU.'«Mk*. Mill I'ieke. Mr Butler*! EBeft-eieing MaJMaia Apeilint, i.i will altn allenr! to the Shoeing of horn-v ll.ilcl.T'i Compound, * . • Mtdfiom hi.t knin» I. .l«f and experience af Ihli Jeweti't Water Proof Part*, 1 bu.tnett, aa a uracUenl wnrtfrnan, 1 rlo net he«iAmbler * Tonth Pnwd»r'., tn aay,r, that t*ry few »a«»tb«arrr»e'«»aw* Received' and for llr» '*» <sT<Hfl«r» ' i 'In t'Klfbfimebi ami f,et !«• ral tali.facltnji tolhoM »ho mt) DRUGSTORE. . will render ' for Harpera-Ft/ry^ April M. fatnr me wilb a rail. r^ l*lca_te call and ^"tnTfe" lun£" T»*ir'TO1 ~ iln-re ia'no teelloh of country avhere fine hone, Sec ll. Winter are more highly prlxrd than in oiir Immediati- thall be received in ditcherc* of Uie aeaton nenl part; hul unde'r all cimiraitSneei' have «?ll**od. Tlnw.'' A-et mty I« pretrrvcif t,, *lor«, a tecond tunply of frjeih Whiter Cab--;, | Mr. Wm. Moot* ia-authorized to receive concluded for the pretenl. to keep.Llquon of irmiinr. an4 the Toot converted Into any abap-i, age Beet), vis i and- nreipi lor any money due (br Star?* the bn«l qillljty for Iravrllcrt-tnd .Irangrr^ builbi-ntlnnl way it alwatt right. Large Drumhead, Fill Hutch, and green •arvicei. , N.*.-Mr. Joiph Cnft hat rel.rne.1, an. i. urlcd Savoy Cabbage Seed. A "crog-tbqjp" ihall ninr be kept under • -* deaeripwga.rU In OeaU»« BM^t^a^ r '.STAR, T-^rj*) e'rooFoT • bout* ovef.Whteh I hsve eon* now -HSnrTm*nt of Oirden and Pluwer li'ii.i AnJ-lront. Btlirflp., C«« MoUBti|inj, awl Seed, it Hill very gooVI.' . Person, withing to h ten yein old Ihit ipring, a Hne black, tii- trol; • every other aHicle In Ibe line, which may be haJ Iren halidt hiicb, of cicellenl action, form, purchate teed of any kind (n hU way, can To ia»e trouble, I give notice at Ihe on<M. ihortrnt notice. tlnnetb and boo*. . be . at lathfancorlly tupplied now ah at any that no credit need be atked, a» none will be at the Mav 14, IMS. •OIIN O. HAflNKSS. lime'herelofore. ,I.\MK^ BIIOWN. Riven. I moil rr'pcclfull) .olicit a ..bare of (larch 96; 183S. VALUABLE LAND April 93, 1853. . . public patronac/!. r/ ^ '. IftAAO N. CAtlTEn. . Cliarlettown, Jan. IS 1835. , . , . '*' - Star wat fjot by the" felebraled rare horte • WISH' to diipo.n of thjre liumired acre* MR«OilANTh, 1 of my Jeflbrtdo Landi.«t being part of a Virginian, certainly jimong Sir Archie'a faSpear't Wharf, vorite aona; hit .dam MerRrif by Migogg; larger ia ret r tract 11 •«;» lying *J*"a on and •«»' near " r ' r the river she~'f" — ^ * Baltimore, i . -Md. --- . Krand d«m.N*rel.ta by Ihe imported horte nandoah, three mite* ditlant front Charlei A m; prlneipjlly engaged in .the tale of caa «r T«a Tnwn and not nrora than'leven or-eigbt jfpn)roduce;h»vingao»«ralflre-proofwareShark: c. t. dam Rotetla by.VVilkin's Centi- Hygeiaif Vegetable Univet«iljMedicnu» a Sally Sall from ll'arpt-«-Fe«r. 'Al»B».,oe» *J»w4 o« tjiVsi on tut line of the H jil-Koad, anuVara 'iineomn/on'iipenl, tUMitneit a*tt ganie. h «UI neli'if. p. p. j»»:W»»», .by Clodioo.; a KarnUy N ,—B— r, Of the DHtith College of flrallb, l*nden. ' tbit tract la heavily clothed wilb fine, thrifty nt all timea prepared to make liberal advan To ellmb to thrift right quickly. Ibe community may npect lo find something stilt- alto be'teen, that allh»U|(h thit fantmit >lallion Partner by ih'e Bakise Arabian. Blir'l dam. Illrll have obtained the approbation atood la a ennnlry whrre.lbrrejMT.bu! frwblooilA competent HvinR,.*ndhoneaUy had, ........ , vdlo-lkrirdtAW**! j*ho wai oul of .Ihe.iinio .mare, a* tbe rule g» . ,-dlolWirdirt>r»nt taata*. uttet, exawsUboamVwbo except loot*' Jre. timtitr; Uio balance clWfetf, well fenc«.l, c'e"* on con.rjniucnlt. 'and recommendation of thoutandt, and biteolla priHnite U be fu«ir mile hnr- tinted Old Tlmoleon, was bjr the Impdrted narot, M Maket tack as are holy both thankful and (ltd. viclunvelv polllUit** i we will tea» leave toother* ed mam. In a pretty good ttale of cultivation, at Jff/rf/itfM. who have been cured in Contumplionl, C.ho- lea»t 100 acrea thereof being welUetitt CloIhu t»ik of crimin«tim amlmHminelion— «tm, Sir Harry, the best »nn uf-Sir Petec Teazel . nettr c tented with Boneat estate^ . hit cofft. o^v/a OL,_ ... ... *& ^tod.^jQ^tf^feog., lb» ewlw-er W amrtae awl liinnid aU, wiibwil tare Mefbu*. lnfl»miba - Ui uv»d h ftj 'mt UiMnted too laUt ' llnpklnt * *ti won ainiit race.oJ foor mile grand liarn by-lhe imported -hon>-6allrimr ter«*ll>i Ojlpeptia, Feven, Ague, Indiset- ! ,) having wn mill- marei. When God bai bleat lhee,ai able to lire. • ofirnwtnanr.' Lauek k Sleplicn, Martintburg. >I I nti, bi-lng tli.'n mil of ard«-r,| Ihe beat ion. of tb* > nglith' Ecliptr.; hit g. lion, Dlliou»or Nenroui AOVctions; and all dit- Houie«,twoKileheni, a good new Barn, with rent Ihf liil, brata, (except the TBRM8'-T»«/' "«"J VMI'rjW b»print«l And thou bait to rest thee, and able to fire, . s> g. dim by Col.Hymeet' noted hp'irte Wildlh ..tabling and other out houses in abundance; bealini; horaee of «TM« fanw. On Hie ecnlnl Alto, to ftteitrs. Wager If O'Byrne, J l » r *e«kly, on paper of a good<)<ullt> » alxe of ea«i.of the l.iver, Yellow Fever, Gout, IlheuI.j-ncnl thy oflencejj-ierve God for amends, ed In lhUta«i;, with lypr oiurae, Oallimnn.. tpriiiR mn tint IKK. tie won air. Driver, Fallow, Vampler. kc. filar'. malitm, l.umbigo. Tic Doloreui.I)rop.y,8l. it is well watered, (Evit'a Hun,) a fine, bold pen-Ferry, who will forward to consignIhe paprrt lio nohliihed lh» puneof JIOOU. U-allng llw'AnMua X»lll»er dam wat alto. Ilia dam of Ihe celebrated nee Anil make ready thfl»ul, when God for it sends. tlrcam, 'patting" through: If, tiesMet baviiyj "' " Springs of linwnloneM rtb.5 I«1S_C funiit:>edlo aoWribrrt at M.5O per annum, if hv KcliuMMiiil <•( Suir't <l«i*; Kff.'irm bj' Marjt hone Aratut and Snow Storm, that wen VitutSDance; Epilepiy, App.plefcy.'faniysit, leveraT never falling 'i'priit .__!, .l.»li:..» r i r t i . a n . I null) on the a p e u « e of tha ftrtl number, or l.n.ler,and SinrfowlnitV 1^ Hlr f.liarii'l— Uhl™ both iiieeraafiil rnnnrra, and aold for Four (^rartc, L. I. be wnn UK- »Wlt purv. 4 mile Thouiand Five Hundred Dollar! t hh dam, which Ihe Female fiirm it Id ditlreaiingly IIWould you have your, children hap,ion-.inay;.4-.9 had a( .any time -. be»t.. hrrting J»ne.fir.f by Or|.b.,, Itoy. .IH! at seventeen yean old, .old for- One Thou- ^'^^^^^^^^^'^^^^^ and Which icndi to many of the (.' py and therefore healthy, encourage flMlB nubcriber* are now receivimj and Olack M:iria THOMAS sand Dollars eaibv WM. II. JOllNSON. Jl opening"fthadditlnnal tupply of very heavy and deep aOer a them to play. The question for you to gravr.-, 8roall Po», Mcaalei, Whooping rr> The «rat nnmber will appear at IOOT Ma cnnrte Rharleitown. JeOenon County, Va Maria agalnat ihe Ji,-|.l before ManlnK. and star'H PcrlbriuimccR. rough, 3e»le.l. Fever, Ailhma, Jaundice, decide t* between the Rackets or the euintienl aumber of aubteriben are recetfol to auon SPRfNG AND SUMMER March, 19, 1835— tf ., . . 100 lri.«S after lalbeat-^woneaty". The,Spring he wat 3yean old, he won tbe Gn»el, St'oDe, and all. Urinary Obtlruclioni, ' Rickets. You must have llic Rackets iujtily thimmlrrUkina;. — ' L-U coimlv. N; Y. ' pc»t ,tivte|.stiikcv.owr Jtm. L|iurenc«vilje 'riatutJ.'PasBif'SlTictitr**, Rupltire',. an,d SjGi-nllcmen into to whicnlKef invite'the aHchlion of their ciiir '«wthfyth<r Rickets- - [Jofm^Venl. luilo heals, wilb gre'aTiSu* at two plillli In all Hi ttageii Conttipaled Dowels, ____________- . be'wito eoiine, tomcrt and Uic publin generally. I, Scurvy, Hi liiii)(« of Ihn skin, King'i four mile beala, beating heati, to which there*were 7 subscribers, at FOR HAI.K. W,M. »• ' LOCK t CO, The Drunkard.—Late one night. Ttchicialiv Crifton; Tuaeunibla hy Moiuieur 200 'dollar* each, beating Wuxey, Manlin't " allA'utanePUi. l>iioriler»; in thorl, NTBNDING to remove to lh« Wincbetter, J»ne 18,1S3J Toulon— FUrfield, woo iheWaiill. pur- Sir Archie, Brunette, the full tiSler of CohanInint l» which the h u m a n franir ._: drunken Divy. after spending fit).;tfmys fcrfortile, the Farm upon wbichllive, eii«SlleKeiitt; Beairnjj IbccclebwrwlJlorla by ni, CdlHoral Trim, Mr, Wettl filly by Alex^subjict .aider all _their ... _ Tvaried ~ . _. lying near the Shtnandoah ttiver, in Jeffer. fcarnines at the grocery, set, out for .-The Richmond'Coupler Oohamw, Ariel by Mewieur T<m.«i, ami olhera snder, and two otben in qtiick time; 8ime ihe Hygeian couVlcuon /ott* ;<)1,Dir( va., about three milei 'from twrTe.- "Well," sayilie, Vifl find'my by Tonton,81r Arrl,y, Matoh't ' Hatller "•d"''*;. tpring lie won the coil's race at Tree Hill; fbrmiaud ERSONS hairing N K O I t O K S for lale,' • Weekly Compiler. Charle»to w ii. and .»c vc n from Harpcrs-Kcrrj. doll. (300 each, beating three others very easily. is, tlii'l *Me Up4'll lick her—what businesa has are Teqnetted to gfve the abbaeitber» Editon of;th« Coatntaa, in con- rilT-Ne.rn.rkrt. Va. 4 mile heata^COO '. - ,atau* la> unlijeel »• wolr I contain* IOC acrei offirti rale race, and out of call, an he will give ai hiith prints at any she to set up bunting fire and light, ch ? _ ...Jag to, what tkey- believe to be Ihe pub- SfeSjelii^heait. Jackton, Tbe next week he *en't to Norfolk in the OMB RBA1. BXSBASE. there only on* day bcfere other purchaier. in tnit market, for all sexri, JLimc Stone JLaml, And if I find her in bed, I'll kick her— lie ta*te,*avedaermined. wilhout changing tbe. (anoihl-rof Ma eo'llt,>m thSTJuehcM coooty Steamboat,'got .^--^_ ' ' :Y- _•__«_.• r«^ ...A A'£FAj.nB«abAj . . ' TtilT I*.. ''J gnenl tbaracu-r of Iheif \ffftr. to |ive It a eoune. N. Y. aHHiig 18.13, won tbe 800 doll; « the • . . , •'. ... race, and itarled fur' tbe sweepstake j, ena fourtli of .which it. in "Timber, .and Ihe from the ages of 8 to 2.1. what Dusiness has she to go to. bed be- iprinViny a( (n'itiei. They know there It aw* ' -WM II. ORIGGS. ' L. I. 400 doll. 3 mile mile heals, when he waabealenby.Polly Hop-. cleared land in 'a high ttale "of cultivation..— • <• ' * • .aurfeJIlBg^lbe raider wilt. fore I got home ?" ' : "" Chirletldwn, April3(r,-183>.—tf. -- '. ,' Kins'.about' 3Je£.ti ITho fall aflcr ho wai 3 ery coniplaint that can It'.U wate:red :bx..a ne.ver-failing.jit'riim. (iho .!»me,»tidlb« Clrarlcbto'wii run,) and hat. upon It teveral yean oldhle went .le.'19oi)*U"MHrnw^1iiT|^ 1|^w^ d Alice Cray by Ilennf—Fall 1JM.O-i iweepttaltet, two mileheali, which wai won woo H, I-'. i% • ^L._ _-—....... ilraggle ,i.,.,*\, of „( tbia vital; pure fine Springn, one of which linear Ihe DwelAND -OHIOi RAIL ROAP, -'Sambo, where does squire Potcnr ',he perpetual n«iottr«. M hewnn«n.ilebei.t..beai»Bt* by Pully Honkini, beating Star about 3 feel, eel, ilrtwn O fnfo. rthe gifl^f Aluiighty power,) ling,- -The improvement* area, comfortable live?' said a traveller to a negro lad, r. br itobtehood, and ibeerfebreleilBcrennu-r fcy am) distancing three others. Thit w a. a at Uw people' of Virjiuia iuelf of it« »iteo>u), .aorid imiCK iiwfcU.INt;, with ihretf rooin<Wewho sat grinning and balancing himself HenrV out of Lady Uglittoot, and dltfanclng An- beautiful 'race, and run in remarkable lo-diiencumber N and after Sunday -moisiimjsiiritli- tlie take. p-li •• by CclipK nut of ^rUI'a dim, ItiiJi? by time. The nest week'h* went to Newmark- hnmon, with which it bat becomeeomimxed, jow, and two eboVe. alto, a Kitchen, Snuik*on a rail. 'Turn up dal street; deit usually Sth iintam thi'-mortim: Train-j* CW> I'nr •RicfimnniMilooked lost . through Che negligence of parenU, or^tbe boute, corn Crib, and 8t»b,le. ' I'HKDKIilCK and IIAHI'F.lfS I-T.IIHV will Sir Cbarlra oul,iof, Betty •Kobiaaoa.a&d other.— pas* dat pond; den turn de right, den litical tyttemj the rpoiiil'where, I6M et and won the proprietor's pune, $300, i! vicious,vrGormandizing proneauUea There is a fine Merchant Mill and Saw tt'ul at »i» o'clock every- monilug. Daebeaa countyrVinC be won the 500 . .;' ., .lllinr., the eoecenlrated-. U-gitUllve "de lef; 'den strike off dc ole farm side the Mill, within two hundred yards of the-Farm. d«ll. 4 mile b.^tt, be.liiiir il« f-romia O'Kelly and mile beats, beating several distingultheii raApril t. 18.H. : -. •; Hi- State retilktai aod it it from thiipoi.a cen of all agea, »ih gnat eat*. Tbe next . This valuable medicine.,bflln|f eoiupoied Medora, at Trenton,-Uiirlc S»m ami <iem-r»l Marm Shed's House, and keep going of AI persons desirous of purchasing will doubtinlcllleeuce II expected lobe aealtered over,e.»eTy run at Tree Hill only of vegetable matter, or medicinal herb), less view the premise!, Ihe terms and furJackion.'both by. John Kichanl., run HH; 3 mile Week (01nly 3 yean old) he ru on where you see PhilKs in the Geld, part of Ibe Commonwealth. _ . . House fa Kent. bealt,beatingotbcra-Hth,-«won club purte, (1:000, 4 mile heals, and warranted on oath, ai containing not one ther particulars will be made known on up- 1 for the 8 I piirpote (if life be spared) tpenilins and you can't help, missing on't. .- • f . •*__•-'—t_l ' _"...•.._„! ABt ^ f i n m i i ' ^ l ' L ,,' * . iTr..M-Jrr u •-! <- -^^i *'i'*iini'A i T'r^TTrr lore Ihy neighbor, neighborly; i skow him no dUcourtoay._ •** no man deceitfully, oBernowanvMany. . not With uturt, Nor Wtt& money foolishly. To barn to ibutt ill company, And inch ai live dishonestly. To bear Ihy crones patiently, For worldly things are illppery. To pra* to Ood contintially, ^ To ipend thy Sabbath holily. . To live in contcicnce quietly. And blew the poor right speedily. mav be either. lnitnictr»«|ir.-^ - . To Farmer* w» will endeavor-In rtmlcr the rVrifer peculiarly by. detailing aenriret aeejwntof Ihe Male ..f the markrtt*t Ihoce cltlra t« which they uenally lra«le( Ind by devolint tr portion of llt'enliimn. in article! of a milore corresponding with their puriuitt. At we inu.l look to Ihlt portion of the enmrounlly for •Mitldrnble aid In the accomplishment of oer undeTtakinj, we ihall MiUcavor tn d*»rrve It by keeping them regularly Ippntrd nf all Information which may In any manner affect their mte- zis AZ.TZI W -.._,,^ GOODS, :;'.-w f P ••* • • —•' " ' " '-«•-'• -...•.-«.--,.-—»»!,».,_~e«a*._**ri.j*-t O ,,«Hy Ctmfiler." We ihall, at we havealre*. IT •"•• ».»^M.VJ, •».-»— "... -«" - --[-"..-EMTtEME^ Broth Hal». of a rape- dy ttalcd. battle for the principle* of Virginia .*fl!«,.ll pr^..H,,bU C «4.bito, a,,. rt R k K! an.1 a Coatlllutlimal Uniin. We believe that niiitiirv. (Sec, hit advcrtitcniriu in Ibe Bicfa. both are new imperilledi and, under thai belief, iD-Hlll, May 14. IMS we .hall raiK a warning voice to l«*c •«'*« »« hope thit our eountrymi-n can be awakenert • •—'-which they now eeem next il»T be- wotrtnp-»0 irief etnotlllon of our view, and "-- • — ccmnly. N. Y. nvoke the tuppoct of a scuerau. mile heall run ptirpoict, "III ifce*l»lt public. nubile. . running .lujMl, flc. Ibe tr-tk outtidr. ami rut •ate eonI LTke IHe IXHy iwwy Compitorwlll uompiief wm be-Jrt. nc-»j -». - .- several jumpa In the Ian or training track; after eern, and pureae tbe eourae wkicb it baa adopted which litcame on tbe track and a 6ne race WT (Turf Regrattr)-Fall I KM. Ijnr»Mt-r 4 mile Compiler, Five TJoll.n per wmiinit hul *«Uio ..._,-, — » - i -.—. — — — ' ~ V » E»OwB*ll*l*i advaiVce will be received at payment in full fer UvS^.d.ll.bM".!* by J.ihn Iticharilt-TOninn COIIIH-. U I. tjirin five tubtcrlplloai. ISS3, * mile, irnk'-ychib^puric with J|b r f w m ------ ------ . - i. — , credit, and $3.000 were oBured for him that evening.allhoiigh he wus beaten. The'tpring he wat 4 yean old lie won Ihe proprietor. purae, 9 mile al Newmarket, beating Polly Hopkin* and Corporal Trim i Pully h»d •»ir.-'*~rL'^:fM'^i-irM«»'nnA*''^""»l*tiWi»Wi IL uiitl* l i i > U j > l l l Hill aiid 'ran Tor the" post tlake "ale Kearney, Polly " Kate Kearney, making an excellent and most beautiful race; Tbe'neit week he- run ai Nottoway, 3 mile heats; fire itarled; he the third and losing Ihe fourth at tbe start. The fall be wai 4 year, old be won tbe proprietor'! purse at Norfolk, 9 'mile bents, with great ewe beating four olhun. Tbe March 26, 1635.—If of the human frame) ii found to be^erfeclly harmless to Ibe moil tender a^c, or weakest fra'mej under every, ilaife'iif human tuOcringi thu most pleasant and benign'in ila ojwntion, »llJ,jl'|iho1ta'me..,tWe,,the.ni6s); certain."in searching put the jrpoit of jVery cora'plaint. however deep', a'mlof perforuii:iga cure, that was ever oflercd to the world. Tlinwon-eferrW-«6^lr'0<^^r*«ll»*A-*ut-lhM-J**tt trouble lo-thti patients, by merely iwallow. Ing a certain number of pills, with the leail pbtsible icnsa.tion of pain,' esbauition of ttbr/ste* citobing cold-, or attention iodreii or diet, in any wayjlinVent from their accustomed habiti. The above for ealej; S "" _ «: Property OFFERED AT PRJVATJE SALE. QrntiB <tibicriber,inlendine to remove: loib* •UL SoU(h,"offers -his'^resHence ."for nter^Tfae lot frentl 99-feet-on-W^thinglnrf ttnet; and run», back 378 feel, divi tLeyartf on which the, bou»a itandt ja 99 bf 171 feel, and thi garden 901 Oy-yu, to exeellent order; and the lot contain* al.' kinds of select fruit (or nearly BO) that can. be named; " " iK'n.ha Stf. fcr- ThX Yard. NO. II • Oni a plnin nithi Whfn'nproiiil 3 Tlirnw a alil That t'»* with «J From the mulberrj Andahnmk.hMfl Away from her «M Whjr i; reptile, fii : Jthiiflhatshcwat A» calmly lo it -Alikn a ttravfer I she'd no dltqulet J And-lived of m* \Vhii-h lln'«- it<-b To flml wmn way T.I thr haiifhty .1 And thut did the I To trach bar w ii That'tbe humble ] A (il^ii . That to carry I "No more," I 111 spin and weati To wrup me up r And hi.!.- my nc . In M-IT rll toll for I'll leave behin ^ To'bevecle riffKimg in Anil when ilie iThro1 the very( ."-- - death;When aheflniU,| As to wear the I May the hear IirthBirirntm The follow ii |y inl.-re-.tim;, for the time that| It is copied (tot . -xinc—ir vnlu ' *rtp» House tn'w'hlt'h'if now live. The time of giving postessip'n may be arranged toluil Uie tenant. JOHN -B..O ALLAH EIU April 9; 1835. - . __^_'- turn, tn bo that j LINE 1-M II'-'- , punioni yho 'know thrmailm ' indebted to the lale firm oF'Lane k Towner, and Townertt Jlarrlt, ire reminded Hist tiny tieml nut e i jmer thet* nrtei n > n ' retained bj me much loni;errns I'aia lalisfied each, one concerned will agree -that fromHve lo tenjean' 'indu'ljtence iienough: ind and garden are latlefrfly arbor, 130 or 140 ftsel long, .with different lice, through 'the. nieaium of a newspaper, kinds of vines, which produce tbe very, bctt will put off at Ihe frit, I pledge Itavnitny quality, of grape; together with Stable, Corn, word, a few weeka will find their notrs out ifK as herself, maj . —. vai compose, my and ucgin' shadow -oviBI •|i utiiil tlhd . behold, ibinJ ^ _______ . _____________ . . . terials, and i» coMmodiout, and in' point of that wave bj( B. LBV.ERIN . Parpen- ferry. |tf» Subscriptions received'at th'ii office. STi.w,iddls^0ei^Mi:..WaUri.»8lrAr. .tarllng. The next week he won thejockey v: JVotlce. _ convenience nirnaited perbapt. by. few..j.._.. . WM. intcrccplir proving ihul IlKfc-ll. by John Rich- clubpnneatNewmarkel, t700, 4 miltf beall, Alto— An»U»c»-L»W aft fact JwBVbSi^Bfli ,, lipenona.wb*iher *t debton P.rrMte. them in n out of * half-iriir-rirarVf WRiWRflVltbpkln.Jind -Miclln't gray Sir—- , H. G. 8AUNDEU8, Lenhurr. §. tort, who have accounts with ihe etlale on whith there ia a Driek Store Home, 24 have beaten li,e Ix-ti of Kcliiue'i fiolianna't and" lulwiibeate. The next week he woo the I live for "t WKKKS tt LriTtETON. AiiUltburj by 97 feet, completely finithed, and now oc- of the jaUtjIrl Jobn BHieoe, are hercb'j reJt weekly MWipaptr, devoted to PoliMonkii-ur Toilton't gi-t and dittanc'ing one of the jockey club pume at Tree Hill, 1000 dollan, Wool! HHIBI.US k I1IXON, Salei*. vain—and ' quetted lo preaent their clainu,. or clo?" cupied ai inch by the lubseriber. tic*, Literature, and District Jlffair*, belt of Ili-nry'. and one of rVlipte't, all out of 4 mile beau, beating the distinguished race any OOL, lo an/ quantity, andforof merJA8. W. PAYNE, bert of brood mare*. Otbi-rt of Jill l«t Alto— Another Lot, fronting 33 feet, and their arcouoli aa Ihe cate may be. at ipeedily too, lie IHMI.J Kale Kearney, who bad told the week it published aery Saturday at the Ike Nov. 6, 1834. have diMingiiislicd lliemaclica alto, unnecessary mare at postible. I will ipend every Saturday in running' back' 139 Jfecl; on Which there it a .over AM" before , for 2,750 dollan.; Tn this nee his teat of tfte General Government, Ip oVlatl Ibem. - .-—ehandize'. W'&JS£i8$fc*& Shepherd.lriwn, for one or two months, fur ' two Itory Brick. 'Bnilding, with a <uie ttory 1B35. Such ptrformaneei binenrrly; if ever, been sinew itarled, and ho run Um last mile of. lite back Building recently erected; another Lol, the convenience.^ tli;epncerhedr"~ BY WILLlAM^THOMPSON. enuaOeil by the cull, of any hort« under'tucb aecond.haat.ontbree.lega, aud was taken 30 feet front sod running back 130 feet, with EMOK SVHUP, Pin* Apple*. «w..l OrPWF.NTY-SIX numbera of this Joornal eireumMauce*, hot even «xceptin|( Sir Archy and from the turf. . . AND THE HYGEIAN SYSTEM. vfBr. J. B. dtc'J. a conifnrlahle Homo tbereon; al»o, a Lot, Uimons, Figs, Prune* and Ra^ and another SlrCbaHet. foralthm^l, llrey »i.| ISiieni* liorI trained and' run my hone STAR for the havcbren : and Knglitb WalnUlt, FilMarch 7>,183S-tf. humiliating| tcillwy b "I fine mare*, ami John Ilicbanlt grt- above races, which are all be ever started Front Ihe Milennial Harbinger^ K«i 5, AV, 4, fronting 40 ft., and running back 130; a large edited 6y «Ae Hn>. AW«A»IIXB C*>raiUL Frame Building, 30 by 40 feel, .ami Iwo itatiiiR .ndi * mile race hor»<-a Truiinurli niiiK-. must just received and for tale at „ Tbe pobUihcr^nd editor baa I #bould for, ind which arc correctly titled. • ".In this age of theory and experiment in riet high, tuitable for a tavern— ail on WatbUiaaoa. from the Medium lo the prove he eonveya thit valuable racinj; property, Apothecary and Book store. WM. R, JOHNSON. if it i v all department! of looiely—in pollllci, me- inglon Slri-rt. ' oo good paper and undoubtedly ulaeea him upon an cmiiii-nce UST received and frr tale, • mppy o f JAMES BROWN. blindness, chanic»vagriculture, law, phjsio, anc-Uieolothat mav well be envii-d by ijie.bctl ttoek hortei Ai»n « frame. Houte. one ilory lh.r.-l^.f.t.d North River Cream Ale , VIRGINIA, TO .wii-:_ l anf.Uhnew type, anil •»""«<*'«:"*.«•£" jun* 11,1835. •ion» arerriidenee' of each aubtertber ln-watniiigio», of llMS^tJnlwf 8ta1rt.--lV^KeriBTrtlerTni it At rule* hpJdjiinoheSluim I lou»c and l.ul . 40 f •!•• t by I -JO or 1 30... •t-Young'i F41U1T-STORB.— OeorgetowA'aMl Alexandria, on-the day of pub.'icnury to go Inlii ihe detail uf bit many Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chan- be ahaken. In Ihe thedry and practice of rnadness, Tobacco. Alto— Another Lot, (ill feel front and runHarpers-Ferry, April 33, 1835. m_f '•*__ Doit*** t\.>n *• ••• per *u->* amrmin i<nM t|deudid Mhievrroenla, na a reference lo the dlf„ „ •I»riee Two aohum-r<b« cery for Jefl'^noo County, the first Mon- medicine, at in every thing elie, all ihmp> ning back .lG5,.wiih.a. comforlable Frame ATENT Natural Roapok* Uaf Cb*w- flrtt balf vrar Invariably In advance. MUtcrip-1 fervnt iiilun-etof ibr American Turf Krgitler guiH. 4are afloat. One school' cures every tiling by Dwelling Houte— both on JeRenon street— day in May 1635: . ' . <ivttt4Cr>A. far tale «v tlnotaod Advertltemenlt arc reiiwctfully tolleil-1 v}|| .iv» every information iletirol a* re.jK-ctt It is_unB Cnxh in Market. etffe Hanilall anilMarv Hi v(fe, lale Mary calomel and the lancel— another, by steaming together wilb 107 unimproved' t-ott, lying in KEVES. «l. VoattnaHera and othen re»ding out of ihr hi. perf.-rm •••« t >i,d xei^-ral Oiltlory, hit pediH'jfiikoofi, mi heir luutatantaue - «f(larret and mealing— a third, 'by purging in a long Ihe town of Bolivar, bandiumely lilualed for '' juvcnilo V1 WISH to purchate a nunAer of. l-kely l>i.tricl.-whn will proeiire five mbieriken. an.l Krt.e wilt he tern then-duly twornto. ByriaroChirleslown, lilt of cathurlits— a fourth, in imllation of building. _ .Ne-roet | for which I will pay the bi(hremltil,ln*d«a«eeforh:i|f ynr't tnbacriplion, |uin|; bit hiaturi, il will beaeenUiat he bat at* i nyHtttf dtceu'icil, thic bouni ^ PLaiHTirrt, Doctor Nature, tometitnei bleed, aoiuetlmei will ra-celv«* eralulloiifeoiivof the Waam*"- «av I contended with tlm n-n belt hurtetin the A further deacription it deemed unnecet- cat market price, iu catb. large lamilj AGAINST '" -' U,,iteil8l.let<lK:runtholati Iwo miltt of the •weal! tomelimet purge, as tbe patient may lary. as persona desirous to purchate "are inTho.r ha»iiig N««ruet l'> ditpot* vf. will ty wiih Cftrail Billmtter, aihilnitli-nltr . of flarrtt 8. CONRAD.* Jalofiristb* •flrtt tit-Hi nf 4 niilrs in ibeltinaikalile time of 3 lo require—•vited lo call and c lamiiie th» premlwt;— pieate Ip give toe a eu'll...- -Latlera, adi|ie>>i-J HV/itoo/) dfCd,- and .Mrf«n If'tpikvap. ll'il- teem • Harpen-Ferrj and. U« vicinity, tb.t.he obtain correct ai^ w»-> indv rain, and 4Steeonift over Ibe New-Market courk.( Non nottrum inter vot tantiieBmpnpere^lle*. Term*, one third cash, balance jn.tJ.. !•<, ami 16 in.) on this tubjecl. .will be. pru.Mplly atliiim n'ynliafi,JalM H'yiikuofi ami Garret •levi'tkne carri?. o" the Millinery and Mantua Making me'nli'trid hit editorial eommentt wUI be w lni, trme it rarely beaten ina ain'tle Iwo mile •' Who ciiin decide whenDoClon ilisaprec .' 24 monthi, wilh 4Utere»|. tended to. i . >VAI.-CBOW,Jr. much a. poaslble free fre* awly «r^aectleaal i^n tbrt.tom^.iuidrwtwver^tt.ncefrf butinett. in Bolivar, ne*t door to Dr. Hay-,ma buta.ourtaaxiaib»tb«cD, •BriiignlUliii'gi • tincalc , ,— —- hirtnhtryttn-t"ijo«n.ey to dan'i it»r.,wber,^rf,ei, prepared U> Waeutc, frond, out Garret If. //w/Wra «. eri/v J«i ««</ to Iheieit, and hold fait that which It good.' Bolivar, March 1'J, I«35. oeio be'lVbenlly natroolxed, Ibe pvUltber .will fun Ibe nee for 4O.OOO ilull. and even after that klnd of h heir of Margaret lltnilricl-i dec'il late Mar- wo have, tried in our own household and •,t}fc«j*orl«»» »«««. •" » f" ^ Injury beat tome ol .the fiuett.bonca on tbe In make further lmprovem«.l». Spring Good*. bla millinery and mantua making, vU: I an- continue ' - -i, ,i daughter tf.nitd Garret amorist our friend* and nelghbori, with He retpcclfuDy anuounec. the new turf. • .. the; ••tlorallkindi,Capt and Turbana. Ladies great pleasure and success, the. Hjgeian i)t> 'igranled.—\nj gti.ilrroan putting 5 l l K lubtcrlberi bav« jutl received a 1 wqullllo W»it» and DrMie*, after tbe Jaleal '"utf'The WaJ.iprtnn Mirror will conliniK on neiu, tuiiictiinr.a1 W»ed ' Moritoniana,' or Mb* i. owp Hill IK- fiilitli-d tn thr.Slh liujrr tplendldataurtiuantoC (uliiopalile Spring Mil4}pbot," wlilcb lliey invite llirir' cu»luiit 11 - a i - 8i»« aW ninufietur.. and it. lirrtent liie and price without any ehingevor ni ir. ., anil i-aib onr being aceouulnbli; fur all'.' rVlllE defendunt., Adrian Wynkoop, Wl|.. Morijien Hilt. ' 8uek have been ouroxpekeep. «n band, Bhutto Brittle rnms Sluck,, riencc and obiervalion pf Ilia, innocence, aodTriendt local! and examine. • liuvo «h« • Ill beenlitMto Ike Clb mare irrallt—^A-nwre U. li»ni Wynkoop, John Wynkoop, Hariri mildneu, and efficaey of this composition, ,trf the late.t palterni, and of every:.W*l>li, They have on hand a (urge ataortment bf ' lull I'lVCll Inking but once will he charged for tbe leap 01.- Wynkoop, Nathan llendricki and tiarrcl W. that from Ihn moil disinlercMni principle of which will bT»old by Ibe *ngle ilocfcvbrU. per. regularly ajaik-d qutke day of publication. '» fine Uoiilt— price Jl 73. .Otlier the i ii jili-A ^Sd. Diirinitlbe Seatlw ^-S^Wft'* werk" ly (uiilrtt-luitreil.) . If <d USte, al1 Ihe time of Ili'ialricki.not lia.vinjf enlcred Ilieir apnearanee,- benevolence we muat recommend them to Ihe merrhaut. bj the doisn.on reatonable terWS. I, irtielrt will be mid in the tartt prvpurliuuarticle wlfi be prepared and invariably appear ine trcond pi-rfnrmance, her owner may K-lecl and given tecurlly according to the act of MM-racpiineque alllictrd who huvo tried many thlngt In vain. Stock, repaired at the iborteit notice It Ii J. JOHNSONniidi-r ibe bi-adof "SayM.|taiKl Dulugt In Coo- rillier araton or inturanre. Oenllemen wbeii Uy ami ibe rulra of Ihlt court ( and H appearing April fa 1M5.-tf mod cloth thry »enil their maret uutl wrlle upon what by aalltfaetory evidence that llwy are not Inliahi- So many obdurate of tba ttomtcb Camp Hill, May 14,1835 -ret. '* icrnti Ibey will put il>,-m. Mam nol MlltAcd at lantiof'lhlt eounlry : II it ordered, That the and bowels and of tha' whole ly.lem have «ib.-n<uina- lh« reteH Ihe noAitlral.rnroort 1 J Mmith, TUeexprriitt fl'of^bi'^Win'lilH be pt-rrottlrirltJ tilil ilrfi;iii1»nt« ilo appear here on ibefinl ilny relidved, ttr perfectly cured -by;1h»mi , anf ou-iiili/tllfl« liea('QrHieG^fnl «»reniat Philadelphia tome meui. will be naicd for Ik* lafpruution of di.i»nt r.i onto him fi-rr of fnrllicr chaise for hit arrvio-a. of the nrxt term, anil « i . « » i r the bill of ibe that they are worthy of Irla),- etpcciilly in ASMS plalulilT.; -araHhataicopr-ofHvri^-erirr^4iii4*tiliVIru*V~*a>raSted:To":b]l th* uni|enigned linve procured from M' to lake Ibera from lap Into llw wilb Inserted in tome ue'wtpa|Kr publitlied In failed.1 Being a vegetable isoBiDotilwn, they tbe, »rmtof healthy "'sib. The namrt of all tbe Mibteriben. lo lb> uiffiiieiil following arrangement* nip* of .tbe KatUrn eiliti, and Blow olfisr fur Mirror In Washington. Oeorg.towa and Alex until he I. >it • h. rr ; mum put hut ytar bj Ihe Cbarlrslowii, for IWO roonlli. HieeeMlvely, and are perfectly .nncxritl, which U saying a anil that children of reip*eUble^*inili*i, U aoilrla, will be publitiled owe every til njonlb* fciiA br trafUl ani) •failing may b- iuaurnl ihii potted al Die front door of the eourt-bouie in tinhave been adopted for the travelling between «ulo, torn* of tb* |.uie»t slid be.l iMfUor* Itu great deal in tbii guiily age; and bcinR a >crv Ballimoie and Harper'i Feriy *;id Frederidi ciiimirj can afford—among' them are to t^aV.fMstaj. .liber at bit office or in an ad.ertUlne; directory, with the profcttlop )f*r at KtHMi pricr if their «ccountt Jull be aaHllp'wil of t;bai'li-.lo»il. i,.lid mid ha|i|iy cumliiiialiim. llirj fail il'JMie H" I'.'jiiwiil up by'tb"fim «f-»J»y-« «narc» piilibia four —~-A-C«pt—Vi Very eld L. P. Madeira, and rrrlileneee* eath ' "atlaa A«tfr*tkt«n«**.>. _• |ta' for the prue'iit Bnrlng tnd Suipmer'; an.l »ill tr sliluiiun when uted according to the printed Clb. Forilie lnforniallnnof.ennin«ni»t rtiut.' liv Ibe Itfif •eutu and lotting nu) be iiitui t-d llllUK.H'r T. BROWX;; Cltrk. Very old Pale Sherry, .• . Ck«rl*itow«, June 4,1939. ' cuuimenre on Friday next, the 1 Huh, viz. . of our (ir Jlfectioni. EDITOB." Mty «l. IS35. • ' . ' . ' '.' en. * .election will be made and poMuhed every Ihe ncal year lo any bno* then lUuidiiig al my • Port Wine* in balf b*rr*ls, 1-viglh'catkt, ,• For Frederick and Harper ! Ferry. week, from ibe New York Journal ofCommerH-i ttable at the price nf tbe araton of kurh horee, if barreli, and quarter ratks, O Th* tubtertben having been appoint- A iralowillitarlat half aflcfiin Ilu, morning. Vlltr.INIA.-ro WITJ *lao* price eurrent, adapted to ihe Wathirigloi. lh,-ir account, for tbit ji-ar thi.ll IK aellli-d al the nt lluv i Alto, I'ourib Proof Cojniio Brandy,. 'reib Zanla ('urrantt, And fur Frederiek,. and «forrel.iwn mtrktl. and carrfullv correclnl ,-jcf»rall*a at this araton i no mare •ill be tuti- At nil. . hnlden In Ibe Clrrk't Office of Ihe Cir- ed tole agcntt for vending Ihe .celebrated (urtuiKttulj HvUtnd i;in,-I.. P- Tenerifl* Wine, ill cuit Hu|irrior Court of .|AW a»uU.(Jhauerry for /ii/g.iun IJiirrrial Mtfteinil, III the; Slate of A car ol balf efterlbn* In Ihe aflrinonu. ', TAMARIND*, llcil to ll.i-M- prlvili-grt and advantage! unlit, the for the Mlnw by iiitellig'i'l meraantlle. gentleJi-fli'i ton County, (be Ertt Monday iu May, Virginia, beg leave to notify the public, that ia boxe. Mmcltel Haiiiua, Ai ileim engine* have been introduced uo of which will b* mid on •|ccomawdilii>£ Tfclt information will beV«i underlie tenua are ttnctly coiupli. .1 • ill.': K. ml. mm b»d B BNE .>V.A.GE.tt_jt.9' X . . ' lh*-geuuin«. Medicine* can .only be pro.eiin-d Ibe road, »iid will vtutk fruiu llulllmorc.and term*, ,1 ., , b> Her »-i*.- Ulil BplMHtwJIJ .1" *ililaiu.a».luaiiJ . .MOIbtTrcsbFlo*.. ., _ .,- ' , , TmaTirt, wi Ibi. cektralfd race turte and gi-tttr of tleorye B. licall, ' directly from Ibem, or tub-occult from Frederiek, it ii intended that the morn3 bwnH aoft tbelled Alawodt, 7lh. for llw t-dlct1 aw« Ulenry Depart, AfiAINST ru:. u ibiy cut, for it will eetlaiulv be menu of Ihe Mirror, good original and well aeIhorited by them, and that 11 a further secu- ing tnin from Baltimore ibsll reach Freder. Uraucet and Ltinooi, ll»irl..teb.|H>e, JO»(IAII W. WAIlfe. Margaret Brail, in her evil right and at ejeetu, rity againil eouolerfelu, ivk imctil Of Ib* iek by • quarter before eleven, wbllit that b », Suwr, Butter fc Water Oraekeri, lecled mailer will be constantly provided. M'rvpure for Jf«rwil, trit.ff HaeHah HeaU Jee'd, .tie. Mating ilirad.iwwlv«ve»bu«diwl tubacrU Kred>co. April», ISM. A f r w ^caanUters of riekW Oyitera. gcnMiiu medicine! it tigned II- lleiiderion k fromFnderiek md lUrpen I'crrv willtrriv* Jtdamt und Mary .1 hii vife, •''"'na IIAVE on bind a go«d tupply «C 'fl'beniiilbefily of WatUnltoa alone, and every Sou, Slats agents for Virginia, and alto, by in Baltimore al or before on* o'clock. J i l l I I I , Mulilila *JUII(«H< •*- CFWI'lf trttit*" •• • 1'dge •= • ' in, .l/..»/i H. falrk, ratc eeaaoned limber fw repairlnaj ami liamltome wbetrlntloa in Georgetown awl Ale.lite iub-ageot for the. rttpectlve town or unilll-'riiM /..« -wife. John H. Ueall, Thorn. April7. 1835— U Mtrug* •mlrla, Ibe Mirror will. Hit prcaumcd, obulaa making new tiRAIN CUAW-K8, which can at SHtaV, H-Aerl Uutke atut Harriet L. county where il may be uOered fur isle. *fr. ' H-i'inrd I fair iMirtlonof advartlaln« petrenan, -- be dime at the tborta.l nolle*. I can be All vf/r, anil (trig* Taylor, IU r ' r, D. HENDKHHONfcHON. Caaniiwkltiout, whether coolamini order, or JfeetersoM( t\i.)J<irl.ey flub. found .1 «, ab..M Cat T.U Kun. ils; lubtcriber reipaclfullt inform, the sal. at .-'.*MM . INlillANCKHV. Frcderlektburg, Nov. 3, 1834. ' remliuaeea, mwt be *"n«"rdfl»«ai. fr«) 10 riilxcni of Harperk-Fcriy and in vicinity ILL b* run for, on the fint day'. HE defendant! A.leiander A.tann and W. THOMMOII, Bailor ot the Mirror, Wmliii.g- lhatke Harjnn-F«rry. May 38,1635. N. B. Persona" withing lo obuin the agipJune II. Ie3i—-31, • bat received a large and general iupmeeting next fall, »rcrj»/uJL>i for Mary A. bit wife. Matilda II liumi, Th.... i luii-.l ai| 0. II. Heall, i....l Itiibt-H Uurke, ai.i! lltrrirl I. bit cy fur lit* ill* of th* abdia Mrilicme for coltt and Glltyt, 3 years old, une mile- and of nccri-t • which, added to hi. former Stork, miket hit wife, net having futend Ibrlr appvkraner, and aii) town or i ininlj in th* Hi**», will pl*a>e repeal— entrance flUU, half fuifeit — 4 ui rrtii.nn,, wssBLf, AT [ ' ~"'tiMnpCjrwiu •uorlment complete. He awuret bit friends given tecurily according tu Ibe act uf attembly adJre.. i pott paiJ][to U. Uendenon ai Ron, jrN>f <» time for more to make a race. '. whitoAer] end tb* public K cnr rally, lhat th« ariirle. .N.I the rulei of tblt eourl t ami il appearing by I'rederiektburg. «»• "• * 8On tha tcci.nd datH meetioe.a twee ptlaket TWO DOLLAB8 t\ tfUff •g *W*rAIBo avldtliee |hat llwy are iml ll%.btl«i.U Aulborited Agents are have been purchased wilb car*, and are war- aaiufuctori fur colt. HU filleyt, 3 yean old. twonilet *«•<*«•*• 1 UU anal • i.l ll.ii counfry r It I. u-dcred, Tb«t Ibe aaid Ucorgu Huin|ibrryt, VHarlfttov*. } and repcal_entram*|300, half furfeil— 3or II* wouU alau rtqiitlt RE pnpand lo neeive lud will forr ranted genuine Payabl* balf y««r|yi but Tw* Duii»«« da ippnr Iwre on Jlui.litl iky KliilM iitirbprram,- Hiehmattd. wtrd, wilb promptitude, either loth* Iboa* who nay be In want of Fmll*, t'on- tbe next term asM more lo make a race. will be received it (.uvunnt in full, if )""' ._ answe r Ihe bill of Ihe plalntilfi J. C. 8«an. l'ttmtiHr . S feclionariet, Fancy Articles, fce., lo Mil at A coll'i title it alw open far tb* gal "I itb iiu Ditlrlct by tb* Canal, or to Baltimore by. ib. eiilirely In idvanre. Wbenavrr paymctii it aud Ikat * eopy of lbi«,o«lrr be fiirthnltb ii*rr|. Ci«x»s«t»wa. June 1 1, !»»*• H Hall, AtrfM, his Fruit Store, imnvidiaUly above hit Drug cJin toaa*isafwt|iaprr |«bli*bed In thli tpring «f .any aud all the ttalliout In ibe deferred beyond Ibe expiration .of tba year,. RtlUNo**, • H » . k Victor, I* S|ore, where U lo be found ill ariirlei con- fur two netiUii tucccttiicly, and putted al tbe Vtllt j of V i i g i n i t . la b. run tbe fill o inlciril will b« «barg*4'<ii-a H. Knaiiff, fai-mHlle. nected wilb and belonging to a Coofacbonary fi .M.I door of tbe court-bout* le the laid t*wn of entrance |&00, half foiftii-ii or npr« to Bran k Kcllv. ChtulMftvmf.' •(>niibtnipii«us-far-iix atoiilbjr'f 1 9i, ><• tarleatowa. \ txiuy—'IVaie. J. l.n H. lln»kiuri<ljie. Xtiamlm. Eilablbbatent anp oruxa mtk* a rar*. • ' . uour. r. BROWN, m-. Hi nrv P. Ward, Hlitchetter. ADAM YOUNG, Jr. All Ib. abov* .likes lo clot* by Ib* lit of be |>sld Invariably «• e<la«a«. " May «. IIM. ADVKRTIKINO. llarpan-Firry, May W, I83S August, IMS. , rr Produc* TbetermtofaJ»erli»u.|{,areer atijtwr* In Will ' Due nolke will b. given of Ib. tlnw of Cmth for flour. ceoiiffaad to tbvaa (or eitlar pla^*, *»4 will, or lc>^ (I, for three iuwrtlont—lar|*r wxa H. racing, sic., which will b* arranged to suit E with to purchat* '1000 bbls. of For Male, wbe* dMirad. make *al* of tbat wM. tb* gnat courtct. Our purtM will, at WM.. io the aim* jjrwpwUuu. Kacb txmtiauMO will give tbe Th* QOOD8»fMarchaetoaldolkeneoan which w* FRW barreb prime 8bad and llerrinj t, be at the atand, andit*llM< tbM »400 (ur 4 Hi c«ul. per aiiwaie. Half* .BbiiW. lag from eUker Burkal will r*e*iv* Ibe grtalMAN advertit*iM»li •«( »wdar»d for a ro.ap.o Ball, price (rotla »f TrantpoiUtioa kc.,offi) •cveral barrel! of Tar awl ro.ap.on Jat. W. Fayne,, wbjwl to Ibe Billiawre impeclivn. cit allantlon. utn.ily of Slone <;ual. .JcUk lime, will be «*U»-*4 until forftM WHII W puickat* clean wa»b»d WOOL, Wkukcy, and a larg* qutn.i . J.U...M. NJlc, CWfv*.r CV ' _f_ j - av ... A-..* --- ^^^M^.—*^ WAGKR W« alMtl kam fawslMlIf «• but • tarf* VVAUErt fc . f«r wUeh t will |»ft th» bkb,.l aaarket Cb*ri«.l*WB,APrUSO, 18Ji. W». T, Jest*. J^tttwMr Cttmly. ly of IA LT and PLASTtUt. llarDeia-rerrv, AftU 30, 1834. asl U, JUS—*t ^MtV II, 1IM, . The W J P To the B t sM O V T T A W 1 1 1 W