la Caixa
la Caixa
Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona Avenida Diagonal, 621-629 - 08028 Barcelona, Spain Tax ID Number: G-58899998 Telephone: (34) 93 404 60 00 Fax: (34) 93 339 57 03 Website: 2007 ”la Caixa” Corporate Responsibility Report Trust, social commitment and quality Index Letter from the Chairman and President & CEO of ”la Caixa” 1. Introduction 1.1 Loyalty to our commitments 1.2 Corporate Governance of ”la Caixa” 2. Social impact from the operations at ”la Caixa”, objectives achieved in 2007 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity 3.1 Financial Inclusion for People with Limited Resources 3.2 Answers to ever-changing Needs of each Generation, and its Enterprising Pioneers 3.3 Financial Products that Contribute to a more Sustainable World 3.4 Accessibility to Financial Services 3.5 Sustainable Finance 4. Tailored banking for our Customers 4.1 Sound Solutions to Meet Customers’ Needs 4.2 Customer Satisfaction 4.3 Innovation 4.4 Solvency, Security and Transparency 5. Commitment to the Environment 5.1 A Benefit to the Community 5.2 Environmentally Friendly 5.3 Suppliers 6. An excellent place to work 6.1 Recognizing diversity 6.2 Respect for Collective Rights 6.3 Social Advantages and Benefits 6.4 Fostering Professional Expertise 6.5 Technological Innovation 6.6 Internal Customer Satisfaction 7. Summary of Indicators 8. Verification Report Isidre Fainé Chairman Joan Maria Nin President & CEO We are pleased to present the 4th Annual Corporate Responsibility Report detailing the foremost events and developments in the management of ”la Caixa” in 2007, in terms of corporate responsibility. For the first time, this year the report presents data from subsidiaries of ”la Caixa” –GDS-Cusa, MicroBank, PromoCaixa, Serveis Informàtics, ServiHabitat, Sumasa and Vivenda Assequible–, together with recommendations from expert independent consultants within the framework of the consultancy and dialogue process we carry out in accordance with the principles of standard AA1000. This report has been verified by external audit by Deloitte, complies with the indicators established by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI-3), at its highest possible level (A+), and constitutes a presentation of the advances in the strategic objective of developing the Triple Bottom Line: Economic, Social and Sustainable. The report also details our actions in financial and social engagement with stakeholders, which consists of advancing people’s social and financial integration, improving accessibility to financial services, and furthering both professional and personal development of employees. In order to enable financial and social integration of those at risk of exclusion, ”la Caixa” has created MicroBank, the ”la Caixa” community bank, which aims to provide support for personal, family, and self-employment projects by awarding social and financial microcredits. At the same time, we have provided our foreign customers with the necessary services and technological channels to help them integrate within our society and facilitate them in the transfer of in excess of 100,000 remittances to their native countries each month. With regard to access to financial services, all new branches of ”la Caixa” incorporate the concept of “no barriers” –eliminating the height difference between footpaths and the interior of the branches–. All 8,000 ATMs have been adapted to include a keyboard for the visually impaired so that basic operations are no longer a problem. Also, our internet banking services have been modified to include several new operations, thereby providing access to a more complete range of services. Our commitment to respecting the environment is a reality for ”la Caixa” with the entire branch network adopting sound initiatives, not to mention the ambitious projects undertaken by Obra Social. The most important event in 2007 has been the adoption of the Equator Principles by which the Institution makes the commitment that any project financing with a project capital financial threshold above USD10 million, rates positively in its environmental and social impact, in accordance with International Finance Corporation regulations. Finally, ”la Caixa” continues to promote the personal and professional development of all those working for the Institution and to foster the reconciliation of family life and working life. In line with recent trends, once again in 2007 the increase in the number of staff, with 1,004 new employees, is a reflection of the growth and expansion of ”la Caixa”, which has made us one of the most important full-time job creators in Spain. With regard to labour issues, ”la Caixa” has reached an agreement with trade unions about a far-reaching protocol on Equality and Reconciliation to assist our employees in striking a balance between working life and family life. This agreement details the new measures affecting Equality, leaves of absence, and staff training programs. All these measures have contributed to ”la Caixa” being named the top rated Institution to work for by a MERCO (Spanish Monitor of Corporate Reputation) study, for the second year running. With the present Corporate Responsibility Annual Report, we summarize ”la Caixa”’s commitment to our customers, employees, and the community in general. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all of you who have placed your trust in us and we hope that the information in this report is a suitable reflection and presentation of the principal developments and events over the past year. Introduction 1.1 Loyalty to our commitments 1.2 Corporate Governance of ”la Caixa” 1 1. Introduction 1.1 Loyalty to our commitments A history based on our commitment to responsible management The key elements and driving forces behind the activity of ”la Caixa” are, to promote financial inclusion for those with limited resources, provide solutions to the ever-changing needs of each generation of customers and Banking Access for those with limited resources its enterprising pioneers, to offer a range of financial products and services that contribute to a more sustainable world, and to secure universal access to financial services and sustainable financing. Our response to our customers’ ever-changing needs Financial products to promote a more sustainable world Accessibility to financial services Sustainable Finance 1905 1910 1904 Creation of la Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez. 1909 First branch office is inaugurated in Igualada (Barcelona). 1915 1918 1920 Integration of Obra Social in the organisation. 1925 1930 1935 1955 Beginning of housing developments of a social nature. 1940 1945 1963 1960 ”la Caixa” now has over 237 branches and 1,000 employees. Computerisation of la Caja de Pensiones begins. 1950 1955 1960 1965 1975 1970 1979 The first banking cards are introduced. Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) are introduced for the first time. 1975 1982 The Scholarship programme of ”la Caixa” is started to further study programmes abroad. 1980 1985 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 1. Introduction 1990 1990 Fruit of the merger between Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros de Cataluña y Baleares and la Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Barcelona (founded in 1844), the Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona is born. The number of ”la Caixa” branches reaches a total of 2,296, with 2,681 ATMs. 1993 The ServiCaixa ATMs go into action. 1995 1997 Creation of the ”la Caixa” website. First donations from the Puntos Estrella programme to non-profit organisations. 2000 2004 • ”la Caixa” celebrates its centenary year. • The launch of the Libreta and Tarjeta Básica as well as the Microcredit line for persons with difficulty accessing the financial system. • The portal is set up to provide resources and information for new residents. • Creation of the Financial Advisor for Entrepreneurs. Creation of the Financial Advisor for Entrepreneurs and Obra Social Affordable Housing Programme. 2005 2005 ”la Caixa” signs up to the United Nations Global Compact. 2007 MicroBank, the community bank of ”la Caixa” is founded. The keys of 1,084 new homes presented, thereby completing Phase I of the Obra Social project, Affordable Housing Programme. 2010 Launch of the Depósito Estrella Solidario. • ”la Caixa” Group: 5,480 branches, 8,011 ATMs and 26,342 employees. • 75% of all branches are completely accessible. ”la Caixa” adopts the Equator Principles. 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 1. Introduction Mission, Vision and Values The commitment of ”la Caixa” to our customers, employees and the community is the foundation of its mission, and this is transmitted through its vision and values. Mission To promote saving and investment by offering the best and most complete financial service to the greatest number of customers and to contribute to our community in order to assist in covering basic financial and social needs, in whatever way best meets those needs. Vision To be the leading Spanish Finance Group in creating value for the community, customers and employees. Values The values that best define ”la Caixa” have been present since its origins and have constituted the pillars on which our activity rests, and a benchmark for the entire organization. Trust, based on honesty and respect for others. Commitment to the Community, which is evident, not only in the Community Welfare Projects, but in all the activities of ”la Caixa”. And finally, Quality, through professionalism and innovation. These are the three values which best define and identify ”la Caixa”, shape the management model of the Institution, and establish the quality of the relationship between the organization, employees, customers, and the community. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 1. Introduction Financial Bottom Line of ”la Caixa” The growth of ”la Caixa” is based on solvency, profitability, and efficiency. Efficiency Efficiency, together with solvency and profitability, is another of the key elements that constitute the basis for growth of ”la Caixa”. • The recurring efficiency ratio stood at 42.9%, with a reduction of 5 points. Profitability Profitability, the decisive factor and basis for the economic bottom line of ”la Caixa” grew together with solvency. • Recurring ROE (attributed profit/average equity) is 19.4%. • Recurring ROA (net recurring profit/ average total assets) stood at 1%. • Recurring RORWA (net recurring profit/risk weighted assets) is 1.5%. Solvency Our risk policy at ”la Caixa” is best defined as prudent and diversified, and this translates to a high level of solvency that surpasses the legally required standards. • The capital ratio (BIS ratio) stood at 12.1%, TIER 1 at 9.8% and Core Capital at 8%. • The NPL ratio stood at 0.55% • NPL coverage ratio improved and reached 281.1%. Economic value, generated, distributed and retained by the ”la Caixa” Group (amount in thousands of euros) Growth Successful management of challenges has meant that ”la Caixa” is well established as the third biggest Spanish financial institution and the leading Spanish and European savings bank. • EUR 385,639 million in total banking business volume. • EUR 2,488 million attributed profit of the ”la Caixa” Group. • EUR 2,011 million recurring profit of the ”la Caixa” Group. • EUR 21,918 million market value of listed companies. • EUR 12,033 million unrealised gains on listed companies. • EUR 14,418 million in own funds. 2007 2006 Economic value generated 6,666,919 8,013,315 Gross income 6,308,428 5,626,264 Sales less costs of sales 202,091 366,824 Other operating income 236,539 226,072 Other gains minus other losses -80,139 1,794,155 3,551,856 3,978,929 826,148 774,904 1,949,868 1,783,174 Income tax plus taxes included in other general operating expenses 138,680 927,543 Result attributed to minority 137,160 117,308 Obra Social 500,000 376,000 3,115,063 4,034,386 Economic value distributed Other general administrative expenses (excluding taxes) plus other operating expenses Personnel expenses Economic value retained NOTE 1: Data taken from consolidated annual accounts of the “la Caixa” Group for financial year 2007. NOTE 2: given the scope of the report in the 2006 Corporate Responsibility Report the EC1 indicator was only given at an individual level for ”la Caixa”. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 10 1. Introduction Contribution to economic growth Active contribution with a positive impact The direct contribution of ”la Caixa” to the Spanish GDP over the financial year 2007 accounted for 0.43% of the overall total. In addition, the indirect effects of the Institution’s activity have a significant impact on GDP. These effects are the result of the economic activity derived from the purchases ”la Caixa” makes from our suppliers. In order to meet this demand, our suppliers, who in turn, increase purchases from their suppliers; also generate a contribution to GDP. To calculate this indirect effect, the input-output table of the Spanish economy is used, which provides data regarding structure of intermediate purchases between the different sectors of the economy. According to this table, for every EUR 100 added value of the financial intermediary services sector, the sector in which ”la Caixa” operates, approximately EUR 29 is generated indirectly within the economy. This represents an overall effect of 29% greater than the direct effect. The sum, therefore, of both direct and indirect contributions by ”la Caixa” over the financial year 2007 accounted for 0.55% of Spanish GDP. Source: Research Department of ”la Caixa” ”la Caixa” has been the biggest creator of steady employment in the country over the past few years ”la Caixa” is the most prominent financial institution in the entire country. The 5,468 branches located throughout the country, as well as 1 in Poland, 1 in Romania and 10 representative branches have become a driving force in job creation. During the period 2006-2007, the Institution has taken on an additional 1,000 new members of staff. The team of professionals at ”la Caixa” have a calling for service that contributes to making the Institution’s Project a reality. This natural calling has meant that ”la Caixa” has become the number one financial institution in Spain for creating fulltime employment. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 11 Dialogue with our stakeholders Stakeholders of ”la Caixa” ”la Caixa” is a privately founded non-profit Savings and Provision Institution, independent of all other companies dedicated to raising, managing and investing savings deposited. The stakeholders of ”la Caixa” who form part of the General Assembly are its customers, its employees and the community. These three groups are represented in the General Assembly, the Institutions highest governing and decision-making body. The Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona has made provision in its Statutes for the percentage representation in the following way: From a total of 160 members of the Assembly: • 58 members representing deposit holders, or 36% • 48 members representing founding institutions and other community interest entities (30%). • 34 members representing local corporations (21%). • 20 representatives of employees (13%). 1. Introduction Management model For ”la Caixa”, corporate responsibility means operating in a manner that reflects, and is in accordance with, our corporate values of Trust, Social Commitment and Quality, and taking these values one step beyond the legal requirements. Furthermore, we aim to share the profits of our actions with employees, customers and the community. These values lay down the business and organizational strategy of ”la Caixa”. In order to assure coherent application of these principles, ”la Caixa” has a management model resting on five principal mainstays: • Focused on the customer and their social and financial needs. • Personalised attention from our 26,342 professionals in the ”la Caixa” Group. • Risk management based on prudence and solvency. • Multi-channel management to enable greater access to the services offered by ”la Caixa”. • Close ties to each community with the largest network of branches in the country. Principal headway made in terms of responsible management in 2007 • Setting up of Committee for Corporate Reputation made up of the different areas of management in ”la Caixa”. • Completion of roadmap for reputation risk of ”la Caixa”. • Adoption of the RepTrak® Pulse for monitoring stakeholders’ perception of ”la Caixa”. • Launching a process of dialogue between ”la Caixa” and its stakeholders: customers, employees and the community. • Adopting the Equator Principles. • Setting up of the MicroBank, the Community Bank of ”la Caixa”. • Joining the European Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility. Dialogue and main aspects ”la Caixa” provides a range of channels for dialogue with its stakeholders, among which the principal elements are: • A network of 5,480 branches and 24,725 employees in ”la Caixa”. • Internal and external instruments of communication. • Research and studies detailing financial and social needs. • Contact and collaboration with organisations and bodies from the world of business, society, culture, education, and the environment. These channels provide ”la Caixa” with the information regarding what is expected of us. This data is then used by the Institution to design the actions required to provide appropriate solutions, thereby reducing the probability of risks and optimising opportunities. Stemming from a desire to improve dialogue with stakeholders, in 2007 ”la Caixa” initiated a process based on the AA1000 standard. This process consisted of several meetings with those responsible for the business areas and subsidiaries of ”la Caixa” (GDS-Cusa, MicroBank, Promocaixa, Serveis Informàtics, Servihabitat, Sumasa and Vivenda Assequible) reporting herein and organising two workshops with representatives from those organisations and bodies of the stakeholders of ”la Caixa”: customers, employees, the community and the environment. Overall, 25 people took part in the study, 7 of whom represented the different areas of the organisation and the remaining 18 were representatives from organisations and bodies. During these meetings several aspects regarding the structure, style and treatment of the contents of the 2006 Annual Report were discussed, as well as the issues which should be included in the ”la Caixa” 2007 Corporate Responsibility Report. Operating principles • A benefit to the community, demonstrated in financial terms and through Obra Social • Constant innovation, focused on the capacity for turning ideas into value • Proactive approach to finding solutions to meet the needs of our customers • Efficiency in business management • Excellent service received from the team of professionals working for the Institution Organisational principles • Challenge-driven Management • Decentralization and independence of decision making • Personal and professional betterment of employees • Flexibility and adaptability Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 12 1. Introduction Summary of opinions regarding structure, style, and contents of 2006 Report: • The clarity, structure and layout of the report was seen in a positive light, with a recommendation to report information regarding the main corporate responsibility actions of ”la Caixa” to customers and society at large, in a more comprehensible and straightforward manner. • Greater emphasis should be given to reporting long-term vision, by establishing challenges in each of the areas, in such a way as to measure and observe the progress in attaining this vision. • More detailed information outlining the degree to which established goals are being met. • With regard to quantitative data, a request was put forward to provide the information, not only in percentage form, but also in terms of absolute value. Aspects to be included in the ”la Caixa” 2007 Corporate Responsibility Report The following method was used in order to decide what material should be used in the Report: • Comparative analysis of data included in reporting from other companies in the sector. To do this we conducted an exhaustive revision process of the main Reports at a national and international level. • Parallel to this, a review of channels of communication was conducted with the intention of identifying the principal issues affecting stakeholders. • Finally, extensive internal and external consultations were performed to determine expectations and pinpoint the most prominent issues. The result of this process is the following list detailing the most prominent issues affecting stakeholders: CustomersEmployeesSocietyEnvironment Ethics and transparency (7) Dialogue (8) Contribution to economic and social development (12) Direct environmental impact (8) Quality (7) Communication and participation (2) Actions of a financial nature in the community and Obra Social (3) Environmental management (3) Risk management, solvency and security (7) Managing diversity (2) Relationship with suppliers (2) Environmental risk analysis (3) Universal service and financial inclusion (3) Satisfaction (2) Standards and Certifications (2) Innovation (2) Training (2) Environmental training and awareness (2) Accessibility (1) Employee Code of Ethics (2) Professional advancement (2) Recognition of a job well done (1) Freedom of Association (1) Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 13 1. Introduction 1.2 Corporate Governance at ”la Caixa” Governing bodies Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona, ”la Caixa”, is a financial institution governed by Legislative Decree 1/1994, of 6 April, regulating Catalan savings banks and is registered in the special register of the Catalonia Autonomous Community Government. In accordance with its constituent origin, it is a non-profit financial institution promoting social and welfare goals; it is privately managed and independent of any other company or institution and engages in attracting, administering and investing the savings entrusted to it. According to the powers established in the law and its bylaws, ”la Caixa” is governed, ruled, run, represented and controlled by the General Assembly, the Board of Directors and the Control Committee. The General Assembly The General Assembly is the highest governing and decision-making body of ”la Caixa”. In addition to its general governing powers, the following duties also fall especially and exclusively within its powers: • to appoint directors and members of the Control Committee; • to decide upon the reasons for the removal and revocation of the powers of the members of the governing bodies before the end of their term of office; • to approve and amend the Bylaws and Regulations governing the system for electing the members of the governing bodies; • to resolve upon the change of registered office; • to resolve upon the alteration of the Institution’s legal form, or its merger with other institutions, or make any decision affecting its nature, and resolve upon dissolution and liquidation; • to define the general guidelines for the Institution’s annual action plan; • to approve management of affairs by the Board of Directors, the notes to the financial statements, annual balance sheet and income statement, and the allocation of its profit to the aims of ”la Caixa”; • to approve management of Welfare Projects, and the related annual budgets and expenditure; • to confirm the appointment of the Chairman and President & CEO of the Institution; • to designate, at the proposal of the Board of Directors, the communityinterest entities that are able to appoint members of the General Assembly; • to deal with any other matter submitted to it for consideration by the bodies empowered to do so. The General Assembly is the highest governing and decision-making body of ”la Caixa” Relation of members in the General Assembly 20 (13%) 58 (36%) 34 (21%) Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 48 (30%) total: 160 Deposit holders Founding entities and other communityinterest entities Local government corporations Employees 14 The members of the General Assembly, known as General Advisors, oversee that the interests of deposit holders and customers are safeguarded, that the Institution’s community-oriented aims in its area of influence are fulfilled and that the integrity of its assets is preserved, while setting the regulations guiding the Institution’s activities. The stakeholders making up the General Assembly are represented. The Catalan savings bank law divides these stakeholders into four separate groups: a) deposit holders b)founding entities and other community-interest entities c) local government corporations d)the employees of the institution The first three sectors always refer to the geographical sphere of influence of ”la Caixa” and this requirement is also implicit in the fourth sector. Pursuant to the law, each of the above sectors must be proportionally represented as follows: a) between 30% and 40% representing the deposit holders; b)between 25% and 35% representing the founder entities and other community-interest entities; c) between 15% and 25% representing the local government corporations; d)between 5% and 15% representing the employees. Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona has stipulated these percentages in its Bylaws in the following manner, from a total of 160 General Assembly members: a) 58 members representing the deposit holders (36.25%); 1. Introduction b) 48 members representing the founder entities and other community-interest entities (30%); c) 34 members representing the local government corporations (21.25%); d)20 members representing the employees (12.5%). General Assembly Meetings may be held annually or extraordinarily. Annual Assembly Meetings are held once a year within the first six months of the calendar year to approve, where applicable, the notes to the financial statements, balance sheet, income statement, the proposed transfer to Welfare Projects, and to reappoint, where required, positions on the Board of Directors and the Control Committee, and to discuss and make decisions in relation to the other matters and proposals on the agenda. Extraordinary Assembly Meetings are held as and when they are called, and may only deal with the purpose for the meeting. The Board of Directors Pursuant to the law, the Board of Directors is the body appointed by the General Assembly to govern, manage and run the savings bank and may be made up of a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 21 members. Its composition must reflect the composition of the General Assembly. governing bodies are as representative as possible, both in terms of the four main stakeholders represented as well as from a geographical standpoint, in view of the areas where the Institution pursues its activities and the close ties that savings banks have in the territories where they operate. This relationship is especially clear in the way in which its Community Welfare Projects are distributed. The Board of Directors is made up of: • 8 members representing deposit holders, of which 6 must be elected from among the General Assembly Members representing this sector and 2 may be elected from among non members meeting the appropriate professional conduct requirements; • 6 members representing the founder entities or community interest institutions, elected from among the General Assembly Members representing this sector; • 4 members representing local government corporations, of which 2 must be elected from among the General Assembly members representing this sector and 2 may be elected from among non members meeting the appropriate professional conduct requirements; • 3 members representing employees, elected from among the General Assembly members representing this sector. The Board of Directors is charged with deciding the actions to be taken for developing the goals and objectives of ”la Caixa” Board meetings are attended by the members as well as the Chairman and President & CEO of ”la Caixa”, who pursuant to the law, may intervene and vote. The Board of Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona is made up of 21 members. As it is the largest savings bank in Spain, it is reasonable for it to have chosen to appoint the maximum number of Board members (and General Assembly members) to ensure that its The Welfare Projects Committee and the Executive Committee are delegate committees of the Board of Directors. Community Welfare Projects Committee The role of the Community Welfare Projects Committee is to submit for Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 15 Composition of the Board of Directors 3 8 4 6 Total: 21 Deposit holders Founding entities and other communityinterest entities Local government corporations Employees approval by the Board of Directors all new community welfare projects for which support has been sought from ”la Caixa”, and the budgets for existing projects, and to manage and run the projects, in accordance with criteria of economic rationality and to serve the general interests of the area where they are carried out to the fullest possible extent. The members of the Community Welfare Projects Committee are the Chairman of the Board of Directors and eight people elected by the Board of Directors from among its members, in proportion to the sectors represented on the Board. The Chairman and President & CEO of ”la Caixa” and the Executive VicePresident in charge of Community Welfare Projects also attend committee 1. Introduction meetings. Executive Committee The Executive Committee is the permanent delegate body of the Board of Directors. Its powers include those delegated to it by the Board of Directors. The following Board members sit on the Executive Committee: the Chairman, the Deputy Chairmen and four members, one from each of the sectors represented at the General Assembly. The Chairman and President & CEO of ”la Caixa” also attend executive Committee meetings. The Investment Committee and the Remuneration Committee are formed within the Board of Directors and play an informative role. Investment Committee The role of the Investment Committee is to inform the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee of the investments or divestitures which, in accordance with current legislation, are of a strategic and stable nature. It must also inform on the financial viability of these investments and how they fit in with the Institution’s budgets and strategic plans. Current legislation defines “strategic” as the purchase or sale of a significant investment in a listed company or participation in business projects with a presence on managing or governing bodies which entail a total investment by ”la Caixa” of over 3% of its equity. The Investment Committee is made up of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and two directors, who must be elected in view of their technical ability and professional experience. The Chairman and President & CEO of ”la Caixa” also attend meetings. Remuneration Committee The role of the Remuneration Committee is to inform the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee of the general remuneration and incentives policy for the members of the Board of Directors and executive personnel. The Remuneration Committee is made up of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and two directors. The Chairman and President & CEO of ”la Caixa” also attend meetings. Steering Committee The role of the Steering Committee is to act as an independent supervisory body of the Board of Directors, though it stands independently of the latter and is not subordinate to it. Its supervisory role not only encompasses financial issues but it also plays a predominant role in the Institution’s election processes and can even make recommendations to the Department of Economy and Finance of the Catalonian Autonomous Community Government regarding the suspension of any Board resolutions it considers to contravene current provisions. Its composition must reflect the proportional representation of the various interest groups in the General Assembly. Moreover, there may be no duplication of representatives so that no entity may have representatives on both the Board of Directors and the Steering Committee at the same time. To carry out these duties the Steering Committee has the following powers: • to oversee management of affairs by the Board of Directors, while ensuring that their decisions are consistent with the guidelines and resolutions of the General Assembly and with the aims of the Institution; • to monitor the operation of, and tasks carried out by the Institution’s supervisory bodies; • to examine the external auditors’ reports and be familiar with any recommendations made therein; • to review the balance sheet and income statement for each year and make such observations as it Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 16 sees fit; • to report on its activities to the General Assembly at least once a year; • to request that the Chairman call an extraordinary General Assembly Meeting whenever it sees fit; • to supervise elections for members of the General Assembly and Board of Directors, jointly with the Department of Economy and Finance. Also, the Steering Committee will often supervise elections of new Steering Committee members; • to examine the reports of the delegate Community Welfare Projects Committee and issue its opinion thereon; • to propose to the Department of Economy and Finance to suspend the Board of Directors’ resolutions if they contravene current provisions; • all of the duties conferred upon the Audit Committee by virtue of additional provision eighteen of Securities Market Law 24/1998, of 28 July, with regard to the whatever area they have not previously been attributed powers, in particular: a) to inform the General Assembly of issues arising in their committee meetings and which fall within their area of responsibility. b)to propose the appointment of external financial auditors to the Board of Directors for submission to the General Assembly. c) to supervise internal audit services. d)to be familiar with the financial reporting process and internal control systems. e)to contact the external auditors to receive information on any issues that could jeopardize their independence, including issues related to the audit process and any other communications envisaged under current legislation. • Any other powers conferred upon it by the General Assembly within the framework of the guidelines set out in the foregoing paragraphs. 1. Introduction The Steering Committee safeguards correct management of the Board of Directors Composition of the Control Committee 1 3 2 3 Total: 9 Deposit holders Founding entities and other communityinterest entities Local government corporations Employees The Steering Committee has 9 members elected by the General Assembly from among its non-director members, in the following proportions: • 3 members from deposit holders sector. • 3 members from the sector of the founding institutions and community interest groups. • 2 members from the local government corporation sector. • 1 member from the employee sector. In addition to the above bodies, it is also important to highlight the figure of the Chairman and President & CEO of ”la Caixa” as the executive to responsible by law for performing the resolutions of the Board and carrying out the other duties entrusted to him under the Institution’s bylaws or regulations. The role of the Chairman and President & CEO is especially important as, although appointed by the Board, the office must be confirmed by the General Assembly, as well as removal from office. Moreover, Catalan law provides that the Chairman and President & CEO have a voice and a vote on the Board of Directors. Hence, there is a separation between the various bodies with different functions, which acts as a means of control and, in line with codes of good corporate governance, provides a balance. Each of the governing bodies contains a suitable balance between the various sectors, thereby ensuring equal proportionality. Regime applicable to members of the Governing Bodies As far as the characteristics of the members of the Board of Directors are concerned, it is worth noting that with respect to savings banks there is no need to apply marks for practice in the governing codes, since there cannot be nominee directors as the institution is foundational in nature. All directors are attached to or represent a specific interest group, although within the depositors groups and those of local corporations directors may be appointed as members of the Board of Directors. There can be up to 2 members for each of these groups elected from people who do not have the capacity of members of the General Assembly and who meet the suitable professional requirements. This does not necessarily mean that representatives from the aforementioned groups who are members of the General Assembly can be present on the Board. With respect to the circumstances surrounding both the members of the Assembly and the members of the Board of Directors and the Steering Committee, current legislation stipulates various incompatibilities. Consequently, these posts cannot be taken up by: a)Debtors under bankruptcy or reorganisation proceedings not following rehabilitation, in addition to persons sentenced to penalties that entail being banned from holding public posts; Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 17 b)Those who prior to appointment or during the exercise of their post breach their obligations with ”la Caixa”. c) Administrators and members of governing bodies of more than three trading companies, delegate directors, members of the Board, directors, advisors and employees of other credit institutions or companies attached thereto, or of Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona and corporations and institutions promoting, supporting or warranting credit establishments or institutions; d)Public servants with duties directly related to the activities of savings banks; e)Those holding public offices by political appointment of public authorities and the Chairman of the founding institution or corporation; f) Those who have held the offices of Board Member or Chairman and President & CEO for more than 20 years in the same savings bank or in an another which has been absorbed or merged. The term of office of the members of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors and the Steering Committee is 6 years, and members are eligible for re-election for a second term if they meet the conditions for appointment, up to a maximum term of 12 continuous or uninterrupted years. The calculation of this limit does not include periods when the office may have been held through substitution, since the term must be calculated in its entirety for the person who was appointed in the first instance. Once 8 years have expired since the end of the previous term, the limit is once again calculated for a period of 12 years. In addition, members of the General Assembly, of the Board of Directors and the Steering Committee may not be linked to ”la Caixa” or to companies in which ”la Caixa” holds over 25% due to work, services, supplies or paid work contracts during the period in which they hold said office and in the two 1. Introduction years following their cessation, except in the case of labour relations when the position is held in representation of employees. Moreover, concession of credits, endorsements and guarantees to members of the Board of Directors, the Steering Committee, to the CEO and his or her spouses, ascendants, descendents and collateral relatives up to the second degree, and also to companies for which these persons own a majority investment, either jointly or individually, or even for those companies in which they hold executive posts, must be approved by the Board of Directors and expressly authorised by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Generalitat. This regime is also applicable to operations by the aforementioned individuals or legal entities or issued by the latter for the purposes of disposing of assets, property rights or values they own to the Institution. Operations by individuals to a value not exceeding a total of EUR 132,193 and those not exceeding EUR 330,494 in the case of legal entities are generally given approval. However, operations with legal entities in which the executive acts on behalf of the Institution and has no personal or family financial interest, either directly or through a nominee, do not require authorisation. From another standpoint, as an Institution that issues securities, Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona is bound by the Standard Internal Rules of Conduct on the Securities Market, approved by the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks, which it adhered to by a resolution of the Board of Directors dated 19th July 2007. These regulations govern various areas such as compliance with current legislation, abuse of the market, relevant information, general rules of conduct, acting on behalf of third parties and on behalf of oneself, operations on behalf of directors or employees of another institution, information of conflicts of interest, obligations of issuers, information barriers and the supervisory body in charge of monitoring and ensuring compliance with the Regulations. Therefore, the current Regulations have been adapted to the latest changes with respect to Spanish Financial Market Law which, in turn, has been implemented and completed by a set of Circulars approved by the Institution which relate to a series of specific issues such as the control structure and compliance, scope of application and operations for persons bound, separate areas and information barriers, abuse of the market, communication of suspicious operations and the policy on conflict of interests. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 18 Other Corporate Governance measures Having set forth above the legal regime applicable to the governing bodies of Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona, there follows a description of certain measures adopted by the Institution concerning Corporate Governance: 1) In order to address one of the accusations traditionally made against savings banks, namely that they are subject to excessive political influence, Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona chose a system for the election of members of the General Assembly to represent deposit holders based on delegates drawn by lots and elected from among the members in each electoral district. A direct electoral system could distort representation of these interests as there are very few 1. Introduction organisations the size of ”la Caixa”, besides political parties, capable of organising candidatures and a genuine electoral campaign throughout the territory where they operate. The mediator system and the election of mediators in each district seeks to prevent the election of representatives for the depositors being affected by politics and from exerting an excessive influence on ”la Caixa”. 2) With regard to the duties the law attributes to the Audit Committee (the delegate body of the Board of Directors) in the sphere of corporations, pursuant to the Bylaws of the Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona, it has been decided that they should be taken on by the Steering Committee. The reason for this is that this committee is a body that is not in any way related to the Board of Directors, thereby enabling it to fulfil recommendations for good governance with greater strictness. 3) The Institution has chosen to establish the maximum age for its Board members as well as Steering Committee members at 78, although the member in question may continue to hold the position until the first Annual General Assembly following the person reaching the age of 78. In addition, in order to avoid short-term appointments, members must be under 75 years of age at the time of appointment. 4) The bylaws of Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona also stipulate that persons belonging to the Board of Directors or Steering Committee of another savings bank or financial or credit institution are incompatible and may not take a seat on the Institution’s Board of Directors. Public or private entities and local government corporations represented on the Board of Directors or Steering Committee of another savings bank may not have the same representatives on the Steering Committee of Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona. Finally, in accordance with recommendations made by corporate governing bodies, faced with the flotation of its subsidiary, Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A., on September 19th 2007 ”la Caixa” subscribed to an Internal Relations Protocol. The aim of this Protocol is to regulate relations between ”la Caixa” and Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A., and their respective groups, with the intention of defining the required methods to assure optimal level of coordination and which will benefit and be an advantage to the entire ”la Caixa” Group (of which Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A. is a part), as well as the floated company itself, while assuring the due respect and protection of all shareholders of Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A. within a framework of transparency. However, the main objective of the Protocol is to achieve a balance in the operating relationship that will allow a reduction in the appearance and regulation of conflicts of interest, as well as responding to demands of the market and the various regulating bodies. In accordance with these objectives, the Protocol regulates the following areas: principles and objectives, the main areas of activity of Criteria CaixaCorp Group, Intra-group transactions and services, the flow of information and the follow up of the Protocol. You may consult the Protocol by visiting the website of the CNMV ( or the website of Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A. ( Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 19 Social impact from the operations at ”la Caixa”, objectives achieved in 2007 2 2. Social impact from the operations at ”la Caixa”, objectives achieved in 2007 The management model used by ”la Caixa” integrates corporate responsibility. As a result, the organisation defines objectives to be achieved, which are detailed below. Prioritary components in our financial activity Objectives achieved in 2007 Financial inclusion for those with limited resources • Creation of MicroBank, the Community Bank of ”la Caixa” focused on providing microcredit aimed at fostering personal, family or self-employment projects. • Increase of 32% in the number of remittances made by new residents, reaching a steady rate of over 117,000 operations every month. Answers to ever-changing needs of each generation, and its enterprising pioneers • Affordable Housing Programme (Vivienda Asequible): construction of 3,000 properties for the young and elderly. In 2007, 1,084 homes were handed over, thus completing the 1st phase of the project. • Direct financing for 56 new projects and co-financing of a further 32 with an overall investment of EUR 17.9 million. • Creation of the Premio Emprendedor XXI, in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry. Financial products which contribute to a more sustainable world • Launch of the Depósito Estrella Solidario, an innovative long-term savings deposit that enables customers to finance any one of the four NGO projects by allocating the interest from the deposit. • EUR 4 million donated over the past 10 years through Puntos Estrella to more than 30 non-profit organisations devoted to activities of a welfare nature. • Addition to the Puntos Estrella Catalogue of welfare products created by groups at risk of social exclusion. Accessibility to financial services and products • Extension of the network to every community where its presence can make a positive impact. In 2007, an additional 98 branches were opened in small rural communities providing a service for more than 246,000 people. • New branches opened in Poland and Romania. • AA rating for the La Caixa and Obra Social websites, in accordance with the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) standards. Sustainable Financing • Adoption of the Equator Principles. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 21 2. Social impact from the operations at ”la Caixa”, objectives achieved in 2007 Tailored banking for customers Objectives achieved in 2007 Quality • Improved response time to customer complaints (by letter and phone) from 4.2 days to 3.9. • Decrease in the overall ratio of customer complaints to the Customer Care Line for every 100,000 customers from 20.5 in 2006 to 19.9 in 2007. • Creation of a training programme for employees with the specific goal to achieve maximum customer satisfaction (COR: Calidad Orientada a Resultados). Innovation • Launch of new products and services for customers of ”la Caixa”: Implementation of Financial Terminal TF7, installation of IP Telephony in the entire branch network, E-billing for companies, new functions “My Regular Operations” and “Menu CaixaFácil” in the finance terminals, the beginning of introduction of the Cajero Punto Amarillo, Contactless project for payment by credit card, new savings product Ahorra el Cambio to promote thrift and savings. Security • Improved security for both customers and employees. Once again, this year ”la Caixa” registers the lowest number of robberies for any financial institution in the entire sector, with a ratio that fell from 1.4% in 2006 to 1.3% in 2007. • In 2007, ”la Caixa” had a team of 25 people collaborating in the tasks to prevent money laundering. • Since 2007, all employees of the Institutions branch network can avail of an online course on prevention of money laundering. In 2007, 2,294 employees participated in the course. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 22 2. Social impact from the operations at ”la Caixa”, objectives achieved in 2007 Commitment to our environment A benefit to the community The relationship with our suppliers Objectives achieved in 2007 • Investment of EUR 400 million in the community through Obra Social. • Leaders in job creation. Over 1,000 new employees joined the Group in 2007. • Joined the European Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility, an initiative by the European Commission. • Beginning of the supplier satisfaction survey, the result of which was published in the final quarter of 2007. • Addition of a clause in all new contracts regarding suppliers’ obligation to be in full compliance with the United Nations Global Compact. • The awarding of over 40% of contracts through public tender in an effort to improve transparency. An excellent place to work Objectives achieved in 2007 Recognition of diversity • Signing of the Equality and Reconciliation Protocol with trade unions. Professional excellence • Promotion of the financial advisors programme with 939 new members. • Development of managerial responsibilities and skills through the introduction of the FOCUS and GPS programmes for Business Division and Operations Management at Head Office. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 23 Principal social benefits of our financial activity 3.1 Financial Inclusion for People with Limited Resources 3.2 Answers to ever-changing Needs of each Generation, and its Enterprising Pioneers 3.3 Financial Products that Contribute to a more Sustainable World 3.4 Accessibility to Financial Services 3.5 Sustainable Finance 3 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity Answers to ever-changing needs of each generation, and its enterprising pioneers: Affordable housing; Entrepreneures. Financial inclusion for those with limited resources: MicroBank; Economic and social integration for new residents; Basic range of products; Monte de Piedad. Accesibility to financial services: Nationwide presence of ”la Caixa”; New branch model; Elimination of barriers for the disabled in the entire Institution’s network of branches and channels. PRINCIPAL SOCIAL BENEFITS OF OUR FINANCIAL ACTIVITY Sustainable Financing: Application of the Equator Principles; Finance for renewable energy projects. Financial products to contribute to a more sustainable world: Socially responsible Investment funds; Depósito Estrella Solidario; Waiving of all service charges for non-profit organisations; Donations through the Puntos Estrella; etc. Area Commitments 2008-2010 Financial inclusion for those with limited resources • To make MicroBank the benchmark in European community banking. • To gradually introduce a post in the entire ”la Caixa” branch network aimed solely at attending to the needs of customers of MicroBank. • To launch new products from MicroBank. Providing solutions for ever-changing needs • Affordable Housing Programme: finalize Phase II and III of the programme with the building of 3,000 homes. Accessibility to financial services • Opening of 600 new branches (150 in communities where banking network does not exist). • Every branch will be provided with 1 completely accessible ATM. • 100% of the branches will be accessible. Sustainable Financing • Environmental risk analysis of credit portfolio. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 25 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity 3.1 Financial inclusion for those with Limited Resources The Institution extends this commitment to its own area of operations: the financial world. From this perspective, it promotes the inclusion of those groups who are at a greater disadvantage within the financial system, providing them with a range of financial products and services to enable them to improve their economic and social situation. Parallel to this, ”la Caixa” has developed an extensive social and cultural programme through Obra Social. This includes social, educational, and cultural activities, which go towards assisting in these people’s progress and eventually their wellbeing. This sensitivity toward community welfare issues is also reflected in ”la Caixa”’s Strategic Plan. The Institution bases its actions on two principles: on the one hand, anticipation in order to carry the shortfall, and on the other hand, flexibility to adapt the institution’s initiatives to constantly evolving demands of an ever-changing society. ”la Caixa” promotes the inclusion of those groups who are at a greater disadvantage in the financial system by the provision of specific products MicroBank, the Community Bank of ”la Caixa” Ever since its inception, ”la Caixa” has aimed to make a real commitment to a broad base of people, devoting special attention to those who lack the necessary economic resources. This too is the starting point for MicroBank, the community bank of ”la Caixa”. This initiative aims to promote and support individual, family and self-employment projects, and is well on its way to becoming a benchmark in European community banking. The mission of MicroBank is to provide the necessary support for generating self-employment and personal development, and to this end it channels support through conceding social microcredit, financial microcredit, and family assistance. At the end of 2007, MicroBank already had a customer base of 4,267. The main activity of MicroBank is the concession of social and financial microcredit. Social microcredit is aimed at disadvantaged groups who suffer social and/or financial exclusion, or those who require guided training in matters of start-up and development of their business project. These people can avail of a personal loan of a maximum of EUR 15,000. MicroBank provides this assistance through social institutions, and since its beginnings three years ago, ”la Caixa” and MicroBank have conceded 2,624 social microcredit loans for an Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 26 amount of EUR 36.4 million. At the end of 2007, 539 social microcredits were conceded for a total amount of EUR 7.1 million, channelled through 281 social institutions. In order to consolidate the role played by these institutions in concession of microcredit, ”la Caixa” has developed a training programme, which includes quarterly workshops. Furthermore, a virtual area has been created with two basic objectives in mind: to provide social and technical training for the individuals involved in these institutions, and to establish a space where experience is shared and common projects are promoted. Also, collaboration with the Obra Social Incorpora Programme has been implanted with synergies in job creation and support for integration in the workplace. In addition to social credits, there are also the financial credits. This modality has been designed for those, while 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity demonstrating repayment capability; do not have the required resources, as annual income is below EUR 18,000. For this group, the loan - also with a personal guarantee – can be as much as EUR 25,000. In these cases the loan is processed through the relevant branches of ”la Caixa”. Throughout 2007, a total number of 1,783 financial microcredits have been processed for an overall amount of EUR 21.7 million. The two global microcredit lines –social and financial– are adapted to the needs of several social groups, stimulating productive activity and enabling the creation of jobs. MicroBank assistance is also designed to help with basic household requirements. These are designed to tackle strictly domestic requirements, such as home improvements, moving house, financing the purchase of furniture and fittings, refurbishment, contracting basic amenities, etc. With MicroBank, support for self-employment becomes an excellent platform for personal and professional development Another type of family assistance the MicroBank plan is designed to meet is that of regrouping family members of new residents. In this situation, finance is provided to cover any extraordinary expenses resulting from the process of regrouping family members, such as travel expenses, transportation costs, or to cover expenses resulting from various bureaucratic procedures. This same assistance is also available to help with family projects such as the purchase of housing in the country of origin. In this case, ”la Caixa” backs the future projects of those from other countries, who as often is the case, require a loan to purchase property in their native countries. In 2007, 777 microcredit loans aimed at family assistance were granted for a total amount of EUR 4.9 million. First Microcredit Chair in Spain Along these same lines of support for microcredits, in 2007, ”la Caixa”, together with the Universitat Jaume I in Valencia, set up the very first microcredit Chair in Spain, with the support of Valencian University Committee on International Relations and Cooperation (Cuvric). The Chair is focused on three main axes of operations: training and research into the causes of financial exclusion and the channels to find a solution, sensitizing the university community and society in general, and providing expert advice for disadvantaged groups about the steps that can be taken to overcome their exclusion, viability and possible channels of financing. An award has been created within the framework of this Chair, the Premio ”la Caixa” de Iniciación a la Investigación sobre Microcréditos. (”la Caixa” Award for Initiation into Microcredit Research). Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 27 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE PUBLIC STRATEGY DEPENDANT / INDEPENDANT SELF-EMPLOYED Incomes < 18,000 MODEST INCOMES FAMILY ECONOMY BUSINESS SELF-EMPLOYED YOUNG PERSONS GROUPS 3rd SECTOR COMPANIES LABOUR INSERTION COMPANIES IMMIGRANTS DEPENDANT SELF-EMPLOYED THE ELDERLY FAMILY NON-PROFIT COMPANY AGRICULTURAL SECTOR MicroBank: a project as ambitious as it is versatile The creation of a social bank like MicroBank is indeed an ambitious initiative with considerable complexity. The reward in this case is the satisfaction of knowing that thousands of people with limited resources are provided with access to the finance they need to make their projects a reality. Employees at ”la Caixa” get the chance to see this on a daily basis in the branches; aware that they are part of the structure that has made this possible. personal projects. The statistics show its extremely versatile nature, given the diversity of customer profile, a direct consequence of the universal nature the bank adopted as its operational starting point. With regard to financial microcredit, 40% of customers are new residents. The average customer age is 36, although the age range of customers varies. However, new residents only accounted for 29% of all social microcredit, with an average age of 39. The global nature of MicroBank loans make them a useful finance tool for family projects as much as Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 28 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity From Nepal to Barcelona with MicroBank It has been six years since Tfering Dorje Gurung decided to embark on a business adventure: He opened a shop in Barcelona selling products from his native Nepal, everything from Buddhist articles to statues and clothing. After seeing that business was going well, he decided to open a second shop, but this time he decided to avail of the services offered by MicroBank. While chatting with a trusted staff member at his local branch, he was made aware of the existence of this type of loan. He did not need to give it a second thought. “Maybe I would have been able to do it on my own, but it would have made things really tough, and with the loan I can breathe much easier”, says Tfering. Thanks to this second shop, this entrepreneur has been able to provide employment for his wife and another individual, and he is currently considering other new business options. “I’d like to open more shops, a restaurant serving Nepalese food, and maybe, if it were possible, set up a factory in my native country to make my own products”, he explained. Economic and Social Integration for New Residents ”la Caixa” is a pioneer in Europe in establishing a programme for new residents aimed at providing global solutions to their financial and social requirements. Apart from MicroBank, another clear example of this initiative is the increase in the number of remittances to foreign countries, fruit of our active policy to lower commission rates for new residents. Over the past year, the Institution has handled a total of 117,000 remittances per month from new residents. So much in fact that these operations now account for 51% of overall international transfers carried out by the institution. Throughout 2007, remittances have increased 27%. Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru, with over 57% of the overall total volume, are the main destinations of transfers by customers through ”la Caixa”. The Institution is well aware that sending remittances to foreign countries is a key element for the economic growth of these countries. As well as the knock-on effect of new banking networks being established in these countries, this factor also favours the banking and financial culture in the destination countries of these remittances, thereby becoming an incentive to opening bank accounts in the native countries. Thanks to CaixaGiros, new resident customers at ”la Caixa”, have greatly benefited from reduced commissions involved in processing remittances to countries such as Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Cuba, The Dominican Republic, Argentina, Brazil, Morocco, Senegal, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, The Philippines, and more recently Pakistan and Paraguay. Currently, he Institution is working to continue increasing the Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 29 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity list with the addition of new countries or new distribution banks in order to increase capillary action. The most recent development in 2007 is that New Resident customers of ”la Caixa” who have their salary paid through the bank can now enjoy 100% commission free remittances through CaixaGiros. 0 euro indefinitely, whenever the transfers are processed through the self-service channels: ATMs, Línea Abierta or SMS. Apart from remittances, we should also highlight here the programme “Como en Casa” (Just Like Home), a set of actions and resources tailored for new residents with the basic objective of directly approaching this particular group and to create permanent bonds. In order to achieve these objectives ”la Caixa” has developed several initiatives designed specifically for this group, such as collaboration with new resident’s associations, organising meetings, sponsorship, merchandising, as well as courses in banking (training in banking products and services). There were a total of 97 activities of this kind in which 747,792 people participated. In addition, the introduction of a new product with certain special conditions Libreta Proyecto Estrella, which is designed to motivate new residents to save, so that they will be able to have access to loan opportunities in the future. ”la Caixa”, supports earthquake victims in Peru Supporting those suffering the consequences of the tragic earthquake that struck Peru last summer, ”la Caixa” decided to waive commissions on all remittances from Spain destined for the Latin-American country. This measure included all transfers carried out regardless of the regular channels used: branches, ATMs, mobile phone and Internet. During the past year, ”la Caixa” has consolidated over 117,000 remittances each month from new residents Principal destinations of remittences in 2007 469,838 178,374 167,364 120,902 Ecuador Bolivia Peru China 86,768 Morocco Num. of remittences Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 30 80,116 Colombia 38,902 31,500 Poland Romania 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity with three specific needs: purchases of essential products (supermarkets, chemists, etc.), assistance for nursery school payments and families with an elderly relative in their care. Monte de Piedad With a long-standing tradition, which for ”la Caixa”, dates back to the middle of 18th century, the credit formula facilitated by ‘Monte de Piedad’ appears as a valid and current alternative. It is a method of fast credit, which enables cover for temporary cash-flow problems or to overcome difficult situations like unemployment. Loans are granted for a one-year period under guarantee of valuables entrusted in exchange. In general, loans are returned promptly by customers, however, in case of default on payment, ”la Caixa” grants a prudent late repayment period, and if the situation persists, the process is concluded with the sale, by public auction, of the valuables entrusted as surety, in a fully transparent and professional manner in order to cover the debt and generate income at the same time. Basic Range of Products for Financial Integration ”la Caixa” continues to stimulate integration of social groups at risk of exclusion from the financial system through financial products such as “Libreta Básica” and the “Tarjeta Básica”. The Libreta Básica facilitates access to basic banking services for those going through a period of economic difficulty, such as those earning a salary below minimum wage. Thanks to this account, these people can administer direct debits for basic services (electricity, water, gas, etc.) without having to pay commission or any other operating costs. The Tarjeta Básica, which also enjoys similar cost-free conditions, is a debit card with no associated charges that provides the comfort of easy payment and availability of cash of this financial product. In 2007, the number of customers who availed of the Libreta Básica increased by over 6,300, rising from 14,284 to 20,639, an increase of 44%. Along similar lines, three banking cards were designed by ”la Caixa” for the Government of the Balearic Islands (Gobierno Balear), in this case aimed at providing financial assistance to cope Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 31 In 2007, the loans active portfolio amounted to over EUR 20.5 million, with an overall number of 13,026 current and valid loans. The average amount loaned was EUR 1,806, with an average life of 807 days. It should be highlighted here that 43% of all loans are repaid in under a year. On the other hand, the percentage of operations granted to new residents in 2007 was 12.28%, accounting for 8.91% of the total portfolio. The largest group among new residents is of Hispanic origin (61%), undoubtedly as a result of the Spanish tradition of Montes de Piedad. 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity 3.2 Providing Solutions to the ever changing needs of the different generations and enterprising pioneers For ”la Caixa”, providing solutions to the needs of different generations of customers and businesses is an extremely high priority. Whether young or not so young, ”la Caixa” takes the needs of these groups into careful consideration when designing new initiatives or products. Affordable Housing The difficulty involved in acquiring your first home has now become one of the most serious problems facing our society today, and this especially affects those in the 30 to 35 or under age bracket, as well as those over 65. In order to contribute to the solution of this deficit, ”la Caixa” began the Affordable Housing project, which includes the development of 3,000 homes to be marketed as rental properties. By the end of 2007, ”la Caixa” had already assigned 1,084 homes, of which 826 were located in Catalonia and 258 in Madrid, as well as a further 933 properties in the construction phase or awaiting permits. Furthermore, we are currently in the final stages of negotiations with several town and city councils, the majority of whom have already signed agreements, to acquire lands for the building of a further 1,000 properties, until reaching a total of 3,000. ”la Caixa” has allocated and invested a total of EUR 190 million over the period 2004 – 2007. The houses under this project have an approximate surface area of between 40 and 50 square metres, built following strict guidelines in order to minimize environmental impact. Furthermore, to guarantee maximum transparency in the adjudication of these special category priced properties, there is a draw in the presence of a public notary, open to anyone under the age of 35 or over the age of 65, with limited income and registered in the same area as the development. The rental contract is for five years in the case of under 35 year olds, while the contract for over 65s will be renewable. How do I apply for affordable housing? In order to apply for affordable rental housing there are certain conditions that must be met regarding age, place of residence, or income. In this way, ”la Caixa” is assured of compliance with the principles of fairness that were the inspiration for the initiative in the first place. Applicants, who must be over 18, should also be under 35 or over 65. Their minimum household income must be such that the annual rent of the property cannot account for 30% of this income, while the maximum annual income cannot exceed 4.5 times the current IPREM, and neither the applicant, nor any other family member can be a property owner. Moreover, applicants cannot form part of a family unit with more than two members. Investment by ”la Caixa” in rental property will amount to EUR 413 million, enabling the building of 3,000 properties Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 32 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity Enterprising individuals Loyal to its enterprising spirit and the undertaking of a commitment to society, ”la Caixa” channels support for business projects. One of these initiatives is the Programa Emprendedor XXI, a set of initiatives designed to transform the ideas of talented young business people into reality. The programme is structured around three central ideas and focus points: raising awareness, training, and innovative financial instruments. The aim of raising awareness is to foster a culture of entrepreneurialism within our society. This is achieved by providing relevant information through seminars, like the case of the Día del Emprendedor (Entrepreneur’s Day) underway in 13 autonomous regions, together with several other initiatives, like the setting up of the website This site is a tool designed for new businesses and people with a project in mind. It presents some principal guidelines regarding innovation, internationalization, and even detailed information explaining the procedures required when starting up a business. In addition to this website, ”la Caixa” regularly carries out studies and publishes information to highlight progress and innovation in this field. Yet another of the actions in 2007, and worthy of a mention, was the award Premio Emprendedor XXI, in collaboration with the Spanish Ministry of Industry. The first phase of this prize, presented in recognition and promotion of outstanding business achievement, was developed in autonomous regions in Spain and the second phase was a national final. This year’s winner was the Granada based SME, Intergromics. With regard to the pivotal role of training, its importance is undisputed when the objective is to provide incentives for business initiative in the university setting, business schools, and in general, in the educational world. In practice, this translates to collaborations to conduct seminars about entrepreneurship or innovation, as well as in actions focused on improving training of lecturers and experts in setting up businesses. Furthermore, ”la Caixa” provides educational centres with personalized telematic tools to assist in the academic process. Finally, in the third area of innovative financial instruments, ”la Caixa” cooperates in the creation of regional ‘business angels’ networks and invests in innovative projects at start-up stage by way of the standard vehicles for venture capital: ‘seed’ and ‘growth’. As part of the Programa Emprendedor XXI, in 2007 there have been 32 activities sponsored in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation, both with individual units and business schools. Moreover, specific innovative business creation programs have been implemented in several different sectors: Life Sciences, Energy and Environment, and CIT/Internet. Over 50 companies have been involved in these programmes. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 33 Through the Group’s venture capital administration, Caixa Capital Risc, ”la Caixa” has set up two venture capital companies with very significant names: Caixa Capital Semilla (with funds amounting to EUR 15 million committed by ”la Caixa”) and Caixa Capital Pyme Innovación with funds of EUR 31 million, 25 million of which is provided by ”la Caixa”, with the remaining amount in equal parts by Empresa Nacional de Innovación and the Institut Cátala de Finances, both with the objective of financing innovative companies at the seed capital stage. By 2007, both these companies had directly financed 56 innovative business projects, of which 32 were in co-financing arrangements with other institutions. The total amount invested in these projects by ”la Caixa” amounted to EUR 17.9 million, and somewhere in the region of 400 new jobs have been created. Overall investment commitment by ”la Caixa” for financing innovative business ideas increased, at the time of writing EUR 17.9 million, generating somewhere in the region of 400 new jobs 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity Most relevant indicators Project portfolio Number of projects financed 56* Total amount of finance from ”la Caixa” EUR 17.9 million Total amount of finance to projects EUR 40 million Nº of projects co-financed with other institutions 32 Employment generated In the region of 400 jobs Sectoral distribution 64% CIT Geographic distribution by regions 60% Catalonia / 40% other Autonomous regions * There are three projects that have been approved by the Investments Committee and are pending completion. Emprendedor XXI Award The Emprendedor XXI programme reached its highpoint with the presentation of the award for the most innovative company. This year’s prize was won by the SME from Granada, Integromics, at the awards ceremony held in Madrid. In addition, the prizewinners were given personalized expert consultancy in corporate communication and the winning business ideas were included in a book which will detail all the successful companies that competed for the award. Integromics competed against another 230 projects, mostly from the service, technological, media, and telecommunications sectors. First of all, companies were selected through a regional selection process, and therefore, on the night there was a winner from each autonomous region. The winners received a services package valued at 20,000 Euros. Each winner also received the additional prize of a trip to the University of Cambridge, where they attended the renowned Ignite Fast Tracking Innovation course. This course is complemented by a trip to China to discover business opportunities and to establish collaborations with companies and institutions in China. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 34 The national winner received an award valued at 35,000 Euros, together with advice from an internationally renowned mentor who will guide the winning company through the development and growth process. The Emprendedor XXI Award has become one of the most prestigious symbols of recognition that a company in the process of expansion can achieve. The panel of judges is selected from a committee of renowned business and academic experts. 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity 3.3 Financial Products to Contribute to a more Sustainable World As a demonstration of the spirit of our commitment to people, ”la Caixa” promotes cooperation actions with non-governmental organisations and provides customers with readily available access to simple and easy options for collaborating with these causes. Socially Responsible Investment (Socially Responsible Investment Funds) Furthering responsible investment committed to society is one of the challenges ”la Caixa” has taken on board. With this in mind, several investment products have been designed, such as Foncaixa Cooperación or Foncaixa 133 Socialmente Responsable, both of which are managed by Invercaixa Gestión, the area responsible for fund management at ”la Caixa”, currently in the process of merging, and soon to be known as Foncaixa Cooperación Socialmente Responsable. Parallel to this, it offers these social interest groups the chance to establish cooperation agreements which benefit those most in need of resources, thereby contributing to the building of a more balanced world. The stocks chosen by socially responsible funds of ”la Caixa” all form part of the companies which constitute the FTSE4GOOD EUROPE, an index which selects companies with contrasted solvency, not only strictly financially The development of new financial products is compatible with the possibility of making a generous contribution to welfare projects. Developing certain financial products has proved to be an excellent way to support social initiatives. Fund Name FONCAIXA Cooperación FONCAIXA 133 Socialmente Responsable % over total funds managed Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 speaking, but also socially. This way, it is possible to assure that all investment goes toward companies that stand out for their sensitive approach to society in general, the environment, and definitively, to a development model based on sustainability in the broadest sense of the word. To this effect, the Steering Committee at ”la Caixa” takes its principal longterm reference from the Responsible Investment Principles as put forward by The United Nations. In particular, the Steering Committee opposes investment in companies or groups whose carry out a substantial part or the entirety of their activities in the arms, tobacco, or gambling industries, or engage in any socially perverse activities such as child labour, human rights or workers rights violations or who cause irreparable damage to the environment. Volume (millions of Euros) Total Nº of participants 2004 2005 2006 2007 2004 2005 2006 2007 6.9 8.2 8.9 6.3 495 480 442 303 na 3.0 6.6 3.3 na 17 378 723 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0,.3% 35 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity ”la Caixa” Employee Pension Funds By the close of 2007, ”la Caixa” employee pension funds has a total of EUR 112.9 million invested in socially responsible funds, representing 12.5% of the equity securities portfolio and 4.73% of overall fund investment. FonCaixa Cooperación Internacional, solidarity in an investment fund Profitability and risk are not the only criteria when choosing investment options. In recent years, yet another factor has been added to the equation: the social responsibility of the fund. Since 1999, ”la Caixa” has included the FonCaixa Cooperación Internacional among its offer of funds, an ethical fund for solidarity which allocates 0.35% of its commission to the Foundation ”la Caixa” for emergency lines. The overall contribution by ”la Caixa” since 2000 amounts to EUR 1.5 million, of which EUR 1 million comes from the budgets of the Foundation, EUR 200,000 corresponds to the contribution from FonCaixa Cooperación and the remaining EUR 300,000 in private donations made to the current accounts set up for different emergencies. Financial Products for Solidarity Depósito Solidario Promotion and investment in social projects all in one operation is possible with ”la Caixa”. The Depósito Solidario is an investment formula that offers customers the chance to collaborate with a range of social projects of non-governmental organizations through a fund. Customers interested in this accounts can choose from a range of NGO projects and then decide to donate anything from 25% to 100% of the profits from their investment. This product is designed for customers with very diverse investor profiles with the sole condition that they deposit a minimum of 1,000 Euros in a 12-month period, with the possibility Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 36 of early cancellation of the product. Furthermore, as the deposit is partly a donation, tax breaks are especially favourable. Deposito Estrella Solidario ”la Caixa” has strengthened the range of social products it offers with the launch in December 2007 of an innovative term savings deposit which enables customers to finance the project 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity of their choice from four options by allocating the interest earned from the deposit. Customers can choose from one of the following four NGOs: Spanish Red Cross (Cruz Roja), Médicos Sin Fronteras, Cáritas and Intermón Oxfam. With a contribution of between 100 and 120 Euros, you can choose between providing school materials for a year for two children in Maputo (Mozambique), helping 14 families from Tarija (Bolivia) to set up a poultry breeding farm, fund a water purifying system so that 3,000 people in Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) will have access to drinkable water, or provide 11 sanitation kits for Sudanese refugees in Darfur (Sudan). Catalogue of Ecological and Fair Trade Products and Donations of Puntos Estrella to Non-Profit Organisations Assisting disadvantaged communities and groups, together with caring for the environment, are among the social priorities set forth by ”la Caixa”, and over the past years the number and scope of collaborations has increased and been extended. One of the most successful of these has been the possibility to exchange Puntos Estrella for donations to charitable projects. The International Cooperation programme of the ”la Caixa”’s Obra Social division carries out a follow up of each organization and their initiatives”, and present deposit holders with a regular update detailing the progress made by their chosen project, and these institutions send receipts for donations made for subsequent tax deductible status of these donations. In recent years, card-holding customers have exchanged points for donations to the value of EUR 4 million to a total of 30 non-profit organizations If customers prefer to exchange points for gifts they can also choose from a range of fair trade products, the latest addition to the catalogue in 2007 (thereby encouraging the production of consumer goods in Third World countries and with the assurance that each product has been manufactured under working conditions respectful of human rights), as well as social products (made by groups who suffer from social exclusion). Fair trade sweets in all branches of ”la Caixa” Services of ”la Caixa” to the Third Sector Private donations for solidarity to non-governmental organisations are something that ”la Caixa” both shares in and aims to stimulate. Any financial donation that adds value to society is perfectly in line with the Institution’s commitment, and as a result, it has made the decision to waive all administrative charges for any donations to authorized and accredited accounts. The Puntos Estrella programme, set up to reward ”la Caixa” customer loyalty with gifts, also offers customers the option of exchanging the points for donations, so customers voluntarily waive gifts and ”la Caixa”, in turn, automatically converts them into monetary contributions for projects chosen by the customer. In 2007, there were a total of 44 projects to choose from. Overall, in 2007 there have been collaborations with 46 organisations and the total volume of commission free charges for transfers amounted to more than EUR 900,000. In the ten years that ”la Caixa” has been offering this option, card holding customers have exchanged points for donations to the value of EUR 4 million to a total of 30 non-profit organizations. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 37 Since November 2007 ”la Caixa” has distributed 48 million fair trade sweets through our network of branches in an initiative within the framework of the International Cooperation programme of Obra Social, which celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. The sugar used to produce the sweets comes from the Paraguayan Association of Organic and Conventional Sugarcane Producers. These sweets and the wrappers are gluten free, making them suitable for celiacs. 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity 3.4 Accessibility to Financial Services For ”la Caixa”, growth and creating value go hand in hand and are inseparable concepts. As a result, expansion of the institution has been conducted bearing in mind people with special needs, bringing banking services to customers living outside urban areas, and improving access to banking services for disabled people. Territorial Presence of ”la Caixa” and New Banking Distribution Model to reach Small Towns The presence of ”la Caixa” in Spain has been growing gradually with the aim to extend its products and services to customers. Currently, the Institution has 5,468 branches distributed all around Spain, 296 of which were opened in 2007. ”la Caixa” is the number one savings bank in Europe and as a result of the internationalisation process which began in 2005, it opened new branches in Poland and Romania in 2007. Presence in every Spanish city One of the traits that distinguishes ”la Caixa” from its competitors is the effort it makes to reach out to every point around the country where its presence could be of use. Currently, the Institution is present in 100% of Spanish towns with a population over 20,000, and in 91% of those areas with a population of between 5,000 and 20,000. This significant presence is also made evident in smaller towns and villages; in fact, one in every two towns with a population between 3,000 and 5,000 inhabitants has a branch of ”la Caixa”, and also, one in every four towns with fewer than 3,000 inhabitants. In order to be closer to its customers, ”la Caixa” has developed a model for growth that extends beyond the large cities and which aims to reach those small population centres around Spain that do not have any bank branches. On this note, the Institution operates a flexible growth process, opening branches on a part time basis in these small towns and villages, known as rural expansion branches. These branches are also equipped with ATMs enabling inhabitants to perform operations at any time. In 2007, 98 rural expansion branches were opened providing a service to a total of 246,000 people. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 38 A Fresh Branch Model that gives Priority to Customers Advice The urge to provide answers every day to the requirements of our customers has motivated ”la Caixa” to develop a branch model specifically designed to meet this objective. This is an innovative concept in branches that grants greater importance to the space given over to personalized attention. To achieve this, each branch is divided into three areas: the 24 hour area enhances functionality, security, and customer privacy; the area assigned to fast operations concentrates all commercial activities that take up less time and are less complex; and finally, the area dedicated exclusively to personal service is made up of individual spaces where the customer can get advice and information. ”la Caixa” is currently promoting a new concept in bank branches which gives priority to the space allocated for personalised attention to customers 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity This concept of space is accompanied by a series of additional improvements, such as accessibility and visibility of ATMs – providing increased security for our customers – or the introduction of flat screens to communicate and offer information to customers about product campaigns or the programs of Obra Social. In 2007, of the 296 new branches opened, 191 have adopted the new model. In 2007, ”la Caixa” opened 296 new branches in Spain and 2 abroad. Of these 298 branches, 191 have adopted the new model, 98 are rural expansion branches in small towns and the remaining 7 are another concept Eliminating Physical and Sensorial Barriers in all Branches and Channels of ”la Caixa” for People with Special Needs ”la Caixa” continues to uphold its firm commitment to eliminating all physical and sensorial barriers of all classes that might represent an obstacle for those with special needs. This effort is coordinated from General Services and Head Office, a company belonging to the ”la Caixa” Group, and which translates to the adaptation of branches, ATMs and our online services. Branch adaptation and accessibility ”la Caixa” strives to achieve its objective of ‘zero elevation’, in other words, eliminating height difference between footpaths and the entrance to the bank branches. When this is not possible, low gradient ramps are installed or even lift platforms if required. All of this in an effort to grant universal access to the branches. Furthermore, ”la Caixa” is preparing more than 2,000 dispensers to improve operational capacity of the visually impaired. All of these will include an audio system designed especially for the blind or visually impaired. In 2008, the installation of 100% accessible ATMs will begin in accordance with the Proposal for Normalisation of Accessibility of the Barcelona Digital Foundation. The objective here is that by 2010, there will be at least one ATM terminal completely adapted to this standard in every branch of the Institution. All new branches incorporate this idea of ‘zero elevation’ as indispensable design criteria in functional architecture. At the same time, ”la Caixa” constantly addresses accessibility problems in existing branches, given that its aim is to make 100% of the branches accessible. Currently, 4,076 already are, accounting for 75% of the total number of branches. Another innovation introduced by ”la Caixa” in ATMs is the operational CaixaFácil, a simplification process that allows customers to personalise their most frequent operations using ATMs. This service is programmed from each ”la Caixa” branch, and the advantage is that it makes it much easier for our elderly customers to use ATMs. Apart from architectural accessibility, the Institution is conscious of several other basic issues affecting the day-today operational capacity for people with physical limitations. One example of this is the effort made to foster the concept of Totally Personalized Attention, which offers customers an area which favours direct contact, with both the furniture and the workstation designed to facilitate a more personalized contact with customers. Parallel to this, and bearing in mind the opening of new branches of ”la Caixa” in Romania and Poland, there are now 15 different languages to choose from on all the ATMs of the Institution. Accessibility to ATMs With regard to ATMs, all 8,011 ”la Caixa” terminals have been adapted to cater for the needs of the visually impaired. All ATMs have Braille labelled keyboards and are equipped with a system that enlarges the size of the characters used in the information screens, thereby giving the visually impaired easier access to the most common operations: withdrawals, updating bank books, statement requests, lodgements, etc. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 39 ”la Caixa” is preparing more than 2,000 dispensers to improve operational capacity of the visually impaired 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity Accessibility to Internet ”la Caixa”, pioneer in Spain in accessible on-line banking, continues to enhance the range of accessibility functions in all areas of service. Already in 2006 it was awarded the ‘A’ rating in accordance with the international accessibility standards of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). Now also it has adapted the ”la Caixa” website and the 200 pages within to the standards for compliance with the ‘AA’ rating. This adaptation was also carried out for the Obra Social website. with the established criteria. Once the successive filters have been passed and any problems have been dealt with, it is distributed among programming suppliers. All services available on the Línea Abierta website are now available in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Basque, Galician, Catalan, and Spanish. Therefore, the visually impaired using JAWS software –the most common used– can navigate the website menu easily the same as any other Internet user. ”la Caixa” was able to do this as a result of close collaboration with the Spanish Foundation for the Blind, ONCE. The screen migration from Línea Abierta has also been included in the new ‘Style guide’, in compliance with WAI standards. Every new proposed module or design must first pass internal code validation, then overcome a further validation filter to ensure compliance The INREDIS Project: a commitment to universal integration One of the accessibility related initiatives ”la Caixa” is involved in is the INREDIS Project (acronym for INterfaces for RElations and people with DISabilities). The Project will develop basic technologies for communication and interaction between people with special needs and their technological environment. The project consists of nine operational packages, five of which have the participation of ”la Caixa”, and which are: detecting the technological use requirements among groups with special needs; analysis of technological environment, its development and impact; interoperability in mobile communications; inclusion of users with disability Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 in the information society, and finally the normalisation package. The INREDIS Project is managed by a business consortium led by Technosite, the technology company belonging to ONCE. Apart from ”la Caixa”, there are many other companies and public research bodies involved, as well as technological research centres linked to universities, among others. The overall budget for the Project is EUR 24.1 million between 2007 and 2010 as well as a EUR 10.4 million subsidy from the CENIT Programme (Spanish Ministry of Industry). ”la Caixa” has allocated EUR 2.3 million, of which one million is subsidised. 40 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity 3.5 Sustainable Financing Application of the Equator Principles This year, ”La Caixa” has adopted the guidelines set forth in the Equator Principles. With the adoption if these principles, ”la Caixa” is making a commitment that all project finance provided by the Institution of costs exceeding USD 10 million –in any sector and anywhere in the world– include a positive social and environmental evaluation in accordance with performance standards established by the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Within the policy framework of support for foreign trade operations, ”la Caixa” has also signed an agreement with the IFC to cover political and commercial risk resulting from import-export operations in emerging markets. With this agreement, ”la Caixa” now acts as a Confirming Bank within the IFC’s Global Trade Finance Programme, and can therefore benefit from the World Bank guarantees of payment. At the time of publishing 94 banks had become Confirming Banks of the IFC. The Equator Principles came about in 2003 fruit of the work of ten Banks and currently 45 financial institutions have voluntarily adopted the principles. By voluntarily adopting the Equator Principles, ”la Caixa” reasserts its commitment to good corporate government, which is based on responsible and transparent management The fact that institutions from all around the world adopt these principles means that it is making it possible to create a standard for social and environmental criteria required for projects seeking financing, to such an extent that in the OECD zone, compliance with environmental law now includes compliance with these principles. In accordance with the Equator Principles, ”la Caixa” has participated in 28 category C projects with an overall investment of EUR 4,649,75 million, of which it has allocated EUR 925.31 million. 24 of these projects correspond to Spain and 4 to Europe. Financing Renewable Energy Projects One of ”la Caixa”s most solid commitments is closely tied in with the concept of sustainability. Respect for the environment is not only demonstrated by the day-to-day operations in each and every one of its branches, but also, the Institution is actively involved with directly financing projects for sustainable development. Along these lines, ”la Caixa” participates in what is soon to become the largest biodiesel plant in Spain, located in the La Rioja region. “By adhering to these principles ”la Caixa” reasserts its growing commitment to good corporate government, which is based on responsible and transparent management, acting ethically, taking into account labour relations and the environment and contribution to the socioeconomic development of the milieu”. Isidre Fainé (Europa Press, March 19, 2007). “As a bank active in project finance in developing countries, ”la Caixa”’s adoption of the Equator Principles is a major step forward and one which IFC welcomes with enthusiasm”. Lars Thunell, IFC’s Executive Vice President (Europa Press, March 19, 2007). The overall cost of the operation amounts to EUR 101 million, available through a senior credit, a VAT credit and guarantees to suppliers over a period of 7 years. This is the first time the Institution has invested in a project of this kind, which in this case includes the building and subsequent running of the plant. The future biodiesel plant is located within the town limits of Calahorra, on a site measuring 180,000 square metres and it will produce 250,000 tons of biodiesel annually. ”la Caixa” also financed 16 other projects in the field of renewable energies for an overall amount of EUR 389.78 million with an output of 1539MW. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 41 Fruit of its commitment to sustainability, ”la Caixa” has financed what is soon to become the largest biodiesel plant in Spain, with a surface area of measuring 180,000 square metres 3. Principal social benefits of our financial activity Financing Wind Farms 1,539 389.78* 16 07 Total Nº of syndicated operations signed Total Nº of wind MW financed Overall investment by ”la Caixa” in this area (in thousands of Euros)* Conventions for financing projects devoted to environmental upkeep and improvement ”la Caixa” also cooperates with government bodies on energy saving projects and establishing credit lines for industry. At the level of the State, cooperation agreements have been signed to finance the repair or replacement of industrial and commercial, agricultural, forestry, livestock farming and irrigation facilities and equipment, motor vehicles, motorcycles, motorbikes for private use, commercial vehicles, agricultural machinery and places of business that have been damaged by fire or flooding. • ICO – Incendios 2007 (Fires 2007). • ICO – Inundaciones Desbordamiento Río Ebro (Flooding). • ICO – Inundaciones El Hierro 2007 (Flooding). • ICO – Inundaciones R.D.L. 5/2007 (Flooding). At a regional level, a total number of 15 operations have been agreed for an overall amount of more than EUR 421,000. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 42 Tailored banking for our Customers 4.1 Sound Solutions to Meet Customers’ Needs 4.2 Customer Satisfaction 4.3 Innovation 4.4 Solvency, Security and Transparency 4 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Area Commitments 2008-2010 Quality • Improve quality indicators perceived by customers. • Improve response time for customer complaints. • Reduce ratio of complaints received by Customer Care for every 100,000 customers to 16/100,000. Innovation • Develop INREDIS Project to improve accessibility for disabled people to CIT. • New services and products for customers. • Introduction of new ATM Punto Amarillo in the entire branch network. • Extend IP telephony and applications to entire branch network, making it the institution with the largest IP network in Europe • Extend the electronic invoice to all departments in the Institution, customers of the Línea Abierta service and other companies. Security • Increase security for customers and employees Global Customer, Personalised Attention With almost 10.5 million customers, the management model at ”la Caixa” is based on personalized, professional and quality advice; an ongoing effort to innovate and diversify, and a competitive range of products and services on offer, tailored to the needs of a wide range of customer profiles. With this management model, ”la Caixa” hopes to achieve complete customer satisfaction, given that our aim is not just to cover these needs, but also to surpass expectations thereby consolidating customer loyalty and confidence. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 44 4. Tailored banking for our Customers 4.1 Sound Solutions to Meet Customers’ Needs Thanks to the experience of the team of professionals at ”la Caixa” and the hands-on relationship with customers through the 5,468 branches in Spain, the Institution adapts products and services to meet the needs of its customers. In this sense, the Institution’s commitment to the community is concentrated in its will to offer the best and most complete financial and non-financial service to the greatest possible number of customers without excluding anyone. Leader in Spain ”la Caixa” has increased its number of customers in every single autonomous region. The specific needs of each region have been an ever-present factor in the process of expansion of the branch network. Therefore, individuals, business people, small, medium, and large sized enterprises have found a professional answer tailored to their real and specific needs. ”la Caixa” has increased its network of branches to 5,468 with the aim to make life a little easier for its customers ”la Caixa” now has more than 9,930,000 individual customers. Furthermore, each and every age group of customers has increased thanks to the initiatives undertaken for each group with the aim of earning customer loyalty through specific commitments. Payroll Campaigns Almost 2 million customers now have their payroll lodged directly into their ”la Caixa” account. Financial Products and Services for Individuals, Infancy, Young People, Elderly, Businesses and the Agricultural Sector Overall, 10,483,337 customers entrust their finances to ”la Caixa”. The capacity for innovation and adaptation to the demand of the business community explains the constant growth in the number of customers in the business sector. Over 365,000 companies are customers of ”la Caixa”, mostly SMEs. A Global Bank In 2007, 29.37% of all new customers of the Institution were new residents. ”la Caixa” has devoted a large part of its projects for innovation to this growing demand, and which will be a key element in the Institution’s future. ”la Caixa” customer base 9,279,374 8,990,323 8,636,450 651,703 494,972 572,564 311,025 343,347 367,152 164,745 05 06 07 Private individuals 05 06 07 05 Individual Business people Total 2005: 9,607,192 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 06 Companies TOTAL 2006: 10,083,517 45 07 177,283 185,108 06 07 05 Others TOTAL 2007: 10,483,337 4. Tailored banking for our Customers trend in the number of clients of ”la Caixa” (in thousands) % of new individual customers of ”la Caixa” in 2007 who are new residents 10,483 657,423 10,083 9,607 8,744 New customers 9,154 New residents (Third world) 8,285 193,060 (29.37%) 02 03 04 05 06 New residents with residence in Spain 114,556 (17.43%) 07 07 399,820 customers more than 2006. Origin of individual customers (residents) of other nationalities Not classified EUROPe EUROPe/ASIA ASIA DEC 05 DEC 06 DEC 07 DEC 05 156,012 DEC 06 191,261 DEC 07 234,893 DEC 05 DEC 06 DEC 07 DEC 05 DEC 06 DEC 07 293 299 352 North America TOTAL DEc 05 DEC 06 DEC 07 580,648 711,231 802,266 DEc 05 DEC 06 DEC 07 23,308 27,649 30,571 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 4,677 5,965 6,858 62,821 77,975 89,832 South America Africa OCEANiA DEc 05 204,937 DEC 06 249,879 DEC 07 263,331 DEc 05 128,263 DEC 06 157,806 DEC 07 176,005 DEc 05 DEC 06 DEC 07 46 337 397 424 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Little Big Customers ”la Caixa” has designed a range of services to strengthen the bond between the youngest segment of our society and the business community. The ”la Caixa” programme for young people is aimed at children up to the age of 13 and young people under the age of 18. The aim of the project is to strengthen the relationship between the Institution and its youngest customers, while at the same time helping them to discover the value of money and saving in a fun and accessible way. clubs, such as Club Súper 3 in Catalonia and Betizu Kluba in the Basque Country. In 2007, ”la Caixa” had almost 1,250,000 customers under the age of 18, which accounts for 12.5% of the overall private individual customers of the institution. Among the list of new initiatives in 2007 in this area we have the Recién Nacidos (Newborns) programme. In fact, since this service was first introduced in August 2005, the number of newborns ‘customers’ has grown by 28%. Furthermore, there are regular campaigns organized to reward customer loyalty with gifts for infants upon opening an account or for making a lodgement. Beyond the sphere of financial products and services, ”la Caixa” also cooperates with several widely known and popular kids Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 47 The Programa Infantil at ”la Caixa” strengthens the relationship between the Institution and its youngest customers, while at the same time helping them to discover the value of money and saving in a fun and accessible way 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Young People, Here and Now Studies, housing, and integration within the labour market are the principal challenges facing new generations. ”la Caixa” understands these priorities and pinpoints them through new and innovative services and programs like the LKXA, which is enjoyed by over 500,000 customers. This programme establishes a new kind of relationship with a financial institution tailored to the needs of this section of the population and which offers customers an extensive programme of financial and nonfinancial advantages and benefits. In 2007, the LKXA standard was acknowledged as one of the bestpositioned brand strategies according to the ESADE Brand Centre, which, together with the economic daily Expansión and the consultancy firm Accenture, aims to promote brand management among Spanish companies. ”la Caixa” currently has somewhere in the region of 1 million customers between the ages of 18 and 25. New impetus, new challenges Together with cooperation agreements the Institution is involved in with several university centres, ”la Caixa” facilitates and supports access for Young people to third level education through two types of credit over a maximum repayment period of 10 years. These are the CrediEstudios, to finance third level education, and the CrediEstudios Posgrado, to cover economic needs after completing university or third level course. The worry attached to gaining access to third level education and housing has been LKXA tops the list in young customer sector The number of young people who are members of the LKXA programme is evidence enough of the programme’s success. Events like the Gira LKXA have established its leadership role even further, making it the benchmarking financial programme among young Spanish people. ”la Caixa” organised the Gira LKXA tour, which travelled to seven different Spanish cities, attended by more than 65,000 people who danced the night away to groups like La Oreja de Van Gogh, Coti and Dover. The promoters of the Gira LKXA tour have called it an excellent example of the involvement of the entire commercial network in the project, given that all the Institution’s regional management were completely committed to make the event a success and turn it into a benchmarking programme. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 48 the impetus for launching new products targeting first time buyers, like the Libreta Vivienda or the Hipoteca Joven. The latter is the only product with a revolving credit loan structure that enables the holder to avail of a portion of the capital repaid to cover unexpected or future financial needs. By the end of 2007, there were already 53,200 Hipoteca Joven contracts in portfolio. Communication is another key aspect when it comes to designing several products tailored especially for young people. New technologies are at the service of our younger customers by way of the multi-channel offer of ”la Caixa” via mobile phone, digital television and the Internet website Línea Abierta. In 2007, beneficiaries of the LKXA scheme were also able to enjoy commission free ticket prices when purchasing tickets through the ServiCaixa ATMs, Internet or by mobile phone. The worry involved in buying a property has been the impetus for launching new products designed to assist first time buyers, like the Libreta Vivienda or the Hipoteca Joven 4. Tailored banking for our Customers People of Advanced Years ”la Caixa” has also become a benchmark in the field of measures adopted for welfare programmes. The Institution’s commitment to the elderly is a standing reality. Currently, over 1,400,000 customers over the age of 65 enjoy the conditions on offer from the Club Estrella programme. With Club Estrella, the elderly can manage private pension payments, social welfare pension payments on the 25th of every month, contract the Immediate Lifetime Pension, access the Tarjeta Club Estrella, all free of charge, and thereby benefit from discounts of up to 40% in train tickets, get advance pension payments when required, among the many services available to this sector of the population. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 49 In this area, 2007 saw the launch of the Depósito Pensión, a novel credit product for pensioners. The deposit, over an 18 month period with guaranteed capital offers very competitive interest rates with halfyearly growth, as well as an additional 1% premium on the nominal amount on maturity just for having your pension payments paid through the bank. Furthermore, there have been regular leisure activity promotions for theatre, cinema, reductions in travel prices for IMSERSO trips, etc. Club Estrella customers also enjoy half-price tickets to see any activity organised in the Fundación ”la Caixa” centres. 4. Tailored banking for our Customers systems. The incorporation of foreign members of staff in branches and as sales representatives in geographic areas with significant concentration of new residents, strengthens the commitment of ”la Caixa” to fully comprehend and offer advice to new customers. One in every three new customers of the Institution is a new resident, a figure that reflects the approval of services designed specifically with this group in mind Financial integration Also this year, ”la Caixa” has entered into several international agreements with the principal banks in the countries of origin of these new residents in order to facilitate and assure the handling of money transfers. This year saw the inclusion of several new countries, such as the Ukraine, Cuba, Paraguay and Pakistan, and improvements made to existing agreements with Romania, Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Morocco in order to reduce commission costs. New Residents The volume of customers who are originally from other countries has meant a combined new demand that has been met with direct and efficient answers at ”la Caixa”. If at the close of 2006, there were more than 711,000 new resident customers, 2007 saw this figure reach over 800,000. Over the past year, the number of new customers of ”la Caixa” has grown 15.7%, and over 30% of these customers are new residents, a fact which reflects the approval ”la Caixa” has established a service network especially aimed at stimulating and educating people about saving. The aim of this network is to improve banking know-how among these customers and raise their awareness regarding financial culture. More customers, more facilities When a customer can perform money transfers in their own native language, it makes the operation a much easier affair. This year, both Romanian and Polish have been included in operating Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 50 of services designed specifically with this group in mind. In order to meet these fresh needs, ”la Caixa” has at its disposal two classes of specific cards, the Internacional Transfer and the Visa Giros. Another fact worthy of mention is the development of new products or the redesign of existing products, like for example the Libreta Project Estrella, complete with conditions tailored for this sector of the population, as well as the Arabic IPF, similar to a product extended by the Banca Islámica (without interest in cash). ”la Caixa” has also promoted the concession of microcredits. This year, it has also strengthened the service with an additional line of financial microcredits to assist in the process of integration of new residents and which has two principal objectives: to cover expenses incurred during the family reunification process and acquiring property in the country of origin. One of this year’s most attractive promotions were the draws held with prizes of trips, which allowed many customers and family members to travel to their countries or receive visits from relatives. 4. Tailored banking for our Customers CaixaEmpresas The number of businesses that are customers of ”la Caixa” has now reached over 365,000, which means an increase of 6.9% compared to last year. We should highlight here the growth in the number of microenterprises and small enterprises, with an increase of almost 21,000 businesses. One of the highlights in 2007 was the consolidation of the home banking system Línea Abierta Empresa, which has repeatedly earned the highest sectoral rating from the independent consultancy AQ Metrix. Last year alone, a total of 227,290 enterprises were operating using the Línea Abierta system. Greater assistance for SMEs SMEs are the front line in the business sector for the banking market. The high level of participation of the sector has brought about a substantial number of initiatives favouring entrepreneurial spirit. Among those that stand out are the agreement with the Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO) which was signed in 2007 for five lines of finance: ICO-Pyme 2007, ICO-Internacionalización, ICO-Crecimiento empresarial, ICO Emprendedores and, finally, Plan Avanza ICO-TIC. All of these combined make up the Plan de Fomento Empresarial (Plan for Enterprise Development), for an overall amount of EUR 9.796 million. In total, there were over 25,000 credit operations. These five lines enable cover for the financial needs of businesses as well as the self-employed, offering financial instruments required to improve competitive level of Spanish enterprise as well as supporting their investments during the different stages of development. Along the same lines, a new loan for the amount of EUR 200 million for investment projects in advantageous conditions was signed in conjunction with the European Investment Bank (EIB). Furthermore, beyond financial support, the Institution participated in several conferences, which among others, were devoted to the central idea of bridging the digital divide, which is currently an issue for the majority of small enterprises. Along the same lines, ‘Polígonos en red’ (Industrial Estates on the Net) is an initiative organised by the Spanish Ministry of Industry and Technology and the public institution Red. es, whereby almost 60 conferences have been organized targeting almost 5,000 SMEs and self-employed workers from all over Spain, and in which ”la Caixa”, through the Fundación Barcelona Digital has collaborated. Línea Abierta Empresa has repeatedly earned the highest sectoral rating from the independent consultancy AQ Metrix. Last year alone, a total of 227,290 enterprises were operating using this service Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 51 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Agricultural Sector The needs of the agricultural sector have always been a pivotal focus of attention for ”la Caixa”. Year after year, fresh products are designed specifically to cater for the needs of this sector, for individuals as well as agricultural cooperatives and livestock breeding farms. In 2007, over 800 specialised branches have responded directly and provided advice and guidance to this sector, as well as assisting in the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) procedures. For this processing, ”la Caixa” issues free insurance covering Civil Liability, accidents and theft of sheep and goats, highly valued by customers for the advantages it provides as well as the speedy processing of claims. Also in 2007 the Libreta AgroCaixa Euribor was introduced as well as a novel application for managing bills paid by members to their respective Irrigation Communities. In closer proximity, in order to reach further The direct participation and implication of ”la Caixa” is reflected in the numerous agreements and collaborations with different agricultural associations, trade fairs, congresses and administrations. This year, an agreement was finalized with the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture in order to bridge the divide between the information society and rural communities, facilitate renewal of agricultural machinery, develop localised agricultural agreements, provide social microcredit, etc. Apart from participating in several different sectoral events and conferences, ”la Caixa” has been present for the first time in major trade fairs like Expooliva or Agroexpo, and again in the Fira de Sant Miquel de Lleida or the Feria de la Maquinaria de Lerma. One of the principal developments in 2007 was the participation in the pioneering project MERCOPAC, the rights of single payment market as an intermediary in the on-line market of these rights, thereby complementing even further the range of services on offer to the agricultural sector. By the close of 2007, 216,000 agricultural sector customers placed their trust in the services and products of ”la Caixa”. Among those new developments projected for 2008, the company would like to highlight the fostering of the Rural Development framework, aimed at promoting economic activity in general and in particular, the agri-foodstuffs industry. Granting social microcredit and financing entrepreneurs, who wish to abandon agricultural activity but not the rural environment, will be priority goals for ”la Caixa”. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 52 In 2007, over 800 specialised branches have responded directly and provided advice and guidance to this sector, as well as assisting in the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) procedures 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Solutions that Go Beyond Banking Business of ”la Caixa” ”la Caixa” has a set of subsidiary companies, which, in addition to providing a service to the organisation itself, also design and offer services to other customers. The activities of these subsidiaries take in a number of different sectors, among which the most notable are handling commercial affairs, construction and new technologies. PromoCaixa Promocaixa carries out activities related to launching, information consultancy and promotion of marketing movable property for the companies own services as well as the services for third parties. In 2007 its main lines of business included: management of the Puntos Estrella programme, the sale of the Puntos Estrella programme to the retail sector, marketing and information services, management of purchases of promotions for ”la Caixa”, management of Club Compra, as well as management of external loyalty programs. ServiHabitat This company, part of the ”la Caixa” Group, is devoted to the construction, acquisition, promotion, sale, administration and leasing operation of all class of immovable property for private individuals, business peopledevelopers, tourism industry and shopping centres. It provides the following services: managing the sale of immovable property, managing auction of immovable property, project management for the company itself or for third parties, administration of immovable property from auction and immovable property leasing operations. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 53 Sumasa Sumasa engages in management of all class of services relating to construction and maintenance of buildings or properties and facilities for third parties, as well as management of purchases and supply of office material for third parties. It is also involved in managing IT platforms and applications via Internet and other media. 4. Tailored banking for our Customers 4.2 Customer Satisfaction The central element in the ”la Caixa” organisation is the customer, and we therefore consider it of fundamental importance to meet their expectations. The only way to assure consistent growth of the Institution and future results is to continue being worthy of the trust placed in us. A satisfied customer is the most valuable asset any financial institution can have, given that not only does this mean a recommendation of services to others, but also through contracting new products and strengthening ties. In this regard, ”la Caixa” focuses all its efforts on achieving the highest possible level of excellence in the service it provides. In order to achieve this objective, the Institution carries out constant monitoring of customer appreciation with regard to the quality of financial services it provides and examines the different channels for dialogue available to customers for expressing their requirements, concerns and complaints. The principal concerns of customers are addressed by ”la Caixa” through taking multiple actions. Private Individual and Business Customer Satisfaction Regular customer satisfaction surveys performed in 2006 provided information on the customers’ ratings of the treatment they received, of the advice given on products and services, speed of service and effective operation of the electronic channels, among others. The aim of these surveys is to measure Customer Satisfaction Index which is the indicator used to implement ongoing improvement measures at more than 5,000 branches. In addition, ”la Caixa” also carries out a half-yearly monitoring system to measure the level of satisfaction among our business customers, obtaining a rating of 8,2 out of 10. In 2008 an entirely new questionnaire will be designed to measure customer satisfaction primarily focusing on issues regarding personal attention and advice, as well as the introduction of a new statistical model that will update and improve the existing one. On a different note, ”la Caixa” also performs objective evaluation of the quality of its branches, by applying the Mystery Shopping method, which is based on the observations of specialized auditors who pose concerns or questions typical of potential customers, and which allows for an evaluation of the performance of employees. In this way, ”la Caixa” complements the process for monitoring customer appreciation of quality levels In 2007, 546 mystery shoppers revealed the strong points of the Institution to be aspects of the treatment and friendliness of staff and areas for improvement such as those relating to cross sale and inquiring about the customers’ needs. Private individual customer satisfaction survey of branches (The rating of the Customer Satisfaction on a scale of 0 to 10) 8.6 8.6 8.6 05 06 07 206,752 surveys were performed. Private individual customer satisfaction survey of channels ATM 8.7 8.5 8.5 05 06 7.8 7.9 05 06 07 ATM zone Customer satisfaction: distribution by rating Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 8.0 5% 29% 29% 07 Línea Abierta 8.4 8.6 37% Up to 6 8-9 6-8 Above 9 54 06 07 8,731 surveys were performed 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Constant quality training With the objective to constantly provide training for employees in the best techniques for achieving the utmost in customer satisfaction, ”la Caixa” initiated the COR Programme in 2007 (Calidad Orientada a Resultados / ResultsDriven Quality), an incentive that allows professionals in the Institution to improve their commercial approach, while at the same time getting help to resolve specific issues in the most efficient manner. service (900 32 32 32), the system of Letters to the President, available in all branches, and an e-mail addressed to e-lacaixa. In this respect, the application available on the Institution’s corporate Intranet website, together with the Virt@ula platform, details the strategies to be followed in attention and customer service, as well as commercial actions. Last year, a series of good conduct guidelines were defined and set out in a response protocol which will serve as a guide for all employees. We should highlight here that the commitment of ”la Caixa” to respond to complaints received was modified in 2007, passing from 4.2 to 3.9 days (Letters to the President and calls to 900 free phone number). In 2007, the Customer Care Office received a total of 18,425 complaints. Each and every one was dealt with by their corresponding regulators of the Regional network, Head Office or subsidiaries of the Group, depending on each complaint. Percentage of complaints 99.3% 74.9% One of the most ambitious challenges anticipated for 2008 is the plan to develop a novel on-site training programme, which will employ roleplaying methodology for all conducts detailed in the virtual training programme. The Customer’s Opinion, a Driving Force for Change Attentiveness to the opinions of our customers is a priority for ”la Caixa”. In this respect, all customer complaints and suggestions constitute an open, direct and important source of information which allows the Institution to amend incidents and identify varying aspects to be highlighted in order to achieve greater effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, as part of the Customer Care Office, ”la Caixa” provides customers with several channels through which complaints and comments can be easily and comfortably transmitted. This consists of a Customer Care Free Phone 38.9% Internet Letter Telephone 82.1% (before 48 hrs.) In addition to these well-established channels, ”la Caixa” also provides its customers with Customer Care Service and the Catalonian Savings Banks Customer Ombudsman. The figure of the Ombudsman, even though it is not an obligatory requirement, is an independent and free body, outside the Institution and whose rulings can be accepted or not by the customer, but for the savings banks are of compulsory compliance. In terms of complaints received by the Customer Care Service / Catalonian Savings Banks Customer Ombudsman, Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 55 overall there were 641 complaints, 282 of which were resolved in favour of the Institution, 210 in favour of the claimant, 59 were ruled to be unfounded, on 20 occasions the customer in question dropped the complaint and another 70 are still pending resolution. The decrease in number of complaints is fruit of one of the challenges outlined in the Strategic Plan 2007-2010. The level of efficient management is also reflected in the Bank of Spain’s Complaints Report, in which ”la Caixa” figures as the second financial institution with the lowest number of complaints received in relation to business volume, according to the latest information available. For ”la Caixa”, every complaint is a fresh opportunity to improve procedures and customers’ evaluation of services. Proof of this fact is that in 2007, resulting from a complaint, several departments implemented changes in performance: head office management (30), ATMs (25), Línea Abierta (16), banking services (12) and Caifor (11), among others. 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Classification of complaints by type 18,962 18,425 13,985 Complaints 10,419 10,343 Compliments 9,414 Consults or Suggestions 05 06 07 210 189 163 05 06 07 05 06 07 Reasons for complaint (Communications received by letter, call and e-mail) 4,397 (24%) 3.754 3,754 (20%) Products Commissions & Charges Services & Operations Credit cards 1,128 (6%) 819 (4%) 119 (1%) Interaction / Dealings 3,258 (18%) Image / Advertising Environment / Transfers 3,009 (16%) 1,941 (11%) Others TOTAL: 18,425 (100%) Average response time for complaints (days) 8.4 Ratio of complaints to customer care per 100,000 customers 20.5 7.2 19.9 6.6 4 05 3 06 2.3 07 Letters Calls Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 56 06 07 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Principal reasons for complaints to customer care service 1,367 1,345 (-2%) 421 277 225 (52%) 194 66 (-14%) 06 07 06 07 06 07 (21%) 06 80 55 07 06 (11%) 116 61 07 06 TOTAL 2006: 2,106 (-33%) 78 07 TOTAL 2007: 2,179 Variation 2006 - 2007: 3% Service received (non-compliance, late payment, errors …) Queues Complaints by Letter and Phone pending answer Business hours (late opening, early closing of branches …) Rudeness Other reasons (staff changes, language, facilities, personalised attention...) Complaints filed with the Catalonian Savings Banks Customer Ombudsman 277 In favour of ‘la Caixa’ 209 In favour of the customer Unfounded Dropped by customer 70 Pending resolution 57 Internet 19 1 1 07 TOTAL: 634 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 57 Remitted to SAC 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Complaints filed with Customer Care Service 7 4 3 1 05 06 07 1 0 05 06 07 Accepted for processing Resolved in favour of customer 5 3 Resolved in favour of ‘la Caixa’ 2 Unfounded 1 05 06 07 07 Improvements carried out by department as a result of customer complaints 30 25 16 12 11 10 9 5 2 2 1 1 1 07 TOTAL: 125 Head Office Management Security IT Services (Atms) PromoCaixa IT Services (Línea Abierta) InverCaixa Banking Services Risk CaiFor Legal Affairs SeviTicket Customer Care On-line Banking Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 58 4. Tailored banking for our Customers 4.3 Innovation The commitment to provide excellent service to our customers is the motor for technological innovation at ”la Caixa”. In 2007, the total amount invested in technology amounted to EUR 152.3 million, of which almost EUR 6.5 million was allocated to Research and Development projects (R+D) and innovations such as, among others, video surveillance in branches, installation of IP telephones or the Dynamic Marketing project. The aim is to improve customer relations by way of projects while, at the same time, promoting leadership capacity of the company in the future. Ongoing Technological Innovation as Competitive Advantage Technological challenges have been specified in the ”la Caixa” Strategic Plan 2007-2010. ”la Caixa” has carried out several projects with technological innovation as a business support tool. Among the proposals that stand out is the implementation of a new Treasury platform, promotion of foreign trade, development of a new structured deposits application, together with the introduction of the new sales consultant, new sales organization and advertising campaign manager. TF7, with customers in mind One of the most daring technological initiatives in the IT field is the new TF7 financial terminal, a practical, useful and intuitive tool. One of its principal advantages is that it integrates both operational as well as administrative aspects all in one desktop. The aim of this improvement is to safeguard the relationship between ”la Caixa” and the customer even further. If by the end of 2007 the TF7 had been extended to 1,241 branches, by the end of 2008 it is hoped that the TF7 will have been installed in the entire network. IP Telephony, customers at a ‘Click’ The Internet boom, increased processing capacity of computers and the improvements in communication lines have all meant a drastic change in data and voice transmission. Among the technological projects currently underway, one that stands out is the implementation of IP telephony. This is another significant step towards the convergence of data and voice, which serves to integrate all Information Systems, given that IP telephony transforms voice and streams it into data packets, thereby introducing a new scheme enabling significant cost reduction, which in the long run will benefit customers. Moreover, the system allows for new functions, some of which have already been implemented such as calling customers from the financial terminal and the telephone displaying the customer’s name. IP telephony heralds the arrival of the Virtual Exchange. This means one single Exchange connecting every branch and through which employees can receive calls directly from their customers, improving the quality of service rendered. Another advantage of this system is that customer calls are charged at the same price as a Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 59 mobile-mobile call. In total, ”la Caixa” will have 24,000 IP telephones at its disposal, making it the European institution with the largest IP telephony network in Europe. In total, ”la Caixa” will have 24,000 IP telephones at its disposal, making it the European institution with the largest IP telephony network in Europe DPCs, Centres of technological leadership The solid growth of ”la Caixa” has given rise to the decision to construct two new DPCs (Data Processing Centres). The aim is to avail of facilities with unlimited energy, power and capacity in order to assure scalability and sustainability of the Institution’s growth model. In 2008, work will begin on the facilities to house the new DPCs, The introduction of these new centres is the most ambitious technological initiative of ”la Caixa”, with a proposed investment of EUR 200 million. 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Technology to provide Customers with Uninterrupted “24 Hour a Day” Service ”la Caixa” hopes to offer its customers the best quality tools in order to permit excellent management of their finances. Technology is placed at the service of customers so that they can gain access to banking services anytime and from anywhere. Applied technology is therefore transformed into the ideal complement to personalized treatment of customers through our branch network. Furthermore, this year it has established itself as a benchmark in all new banking channels (Internet, mobile phone…), by way of a strategy of accessibility and adaptation to the needs of its customers. Also in ATMs, ”la Caixa” reinforces its commitment to the environment and as a result, since July, 2007, the installation of a new ATM model is in compliance with the directive 2002/95/ EC, which covers the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) in electrical and electronic appliances, restricting the use of six hazardous substances. For 2008, one of the highlights will be the implantation of the Cajero Punto Amarillo, a new ATM that, apart from other new features, has two screens: one for financial operations and another, displaying commercial information for customers. Leader in ATM Network ”la Caixa” is the leading Spanish financial institution in terms of the number of ATMs in Spain, 8,011, and the second in Europe. The majority include a wide range of functions, such as information services, stock market operations, administering Puntos Estrella, consulting availability on the property market, payment of bills, auctions and ticket sales, among others. Each ATM at ”la Caixa” offers the possibility of more than 200 operations. Throughout 2007 the total number of operations carried out using ATMs was over 530 million. In 2007 ”la Caixa” introduced new functions to further facilitate account management of all our customers. The options ‘My most frequent operations’ and Menú CaixaFácil meet the conditions required to make any operation easier. Furthermore, the ATM application has been translated into Romanian and Polish with the aim of providing optimum cover for new residents. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 ”la Caixa” is the leading Spanish financial institution in terms of the number of ATMs in Spain, 8,011, and the second in Europe ”la Caixa” reinforces its commitment to the environment and as a result, since July, 2007, the installation of a new ATM model is in compliance with the RoHS directive ”la Caixa” and m-ticketing ”la Caixa”, together with the collaboration of Movistar, has designed the first ticketing system which allows access to cinemas by way of a cyberticket sent to your mobile phone. M-ticketing is a commitment to the most advanced technology and, as well as saving paper, it introduces a new electronic form of ticket to the market. ”la Caixa” takes a step into the digital future and speeds up the process, as the customer no longer need collect a paper ticket either at the ATM or at the box office. The system has already undergone successful trial runs and will be put into practice in 2008. ServiCaixa leader in the Spanish ticketing services market Through Serviticket, ”la Caixa” is at the head in the Spanish on-line ticket sales market in both volume and diversity. In fact, it is the only financial institution that sells tickets with a global and permanent billboard of shows and events. In a comfortable and fast way, customers can access pre-event sale of tickets for the cinema, theatre, concerts, sporting events, museums, theme parks, etc. In 2007, 7.7 million tickets were sold through electronic channels and the Club ServiCaixa has now over one million members, making it one of the principal cultural clubs in the country. It is distributed through a multichannel operation (6,469 ServiCaixa ATMs, 151 ServiCaixa terminals, as well as telephone, mobile phone, and Internet). 60 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Línea Abierta… open and direct The Internet portal es provides access to all corporate information of the ”la Caixa” Group, Obra Social as well as non-financial proposals, such as property services (ServiHabitat), shopping (Clubcompra) or leisure (ServiCaixa), among others. On-line banking services allow private individual and business customers to perform over 790 different operations. In 2007, over 1,964 million transactions were carried out using this channel, 4.95 million customers signed up with Línea Abierta and 2.31 million operational customers. The Línea Abierta service of ”la Caixa”, available in 19 different languages, is the leading on-line banking service for the business sector. According to independent studies, ”la Caixa” is the leading institution in terms of number of on-line banking customers. In the same way, the company portal consolidates its leadership in on-line banking services with a market share of 29,5% of active Internet users. Through Línea Abierta, ”la Caixa” is also leader in terms of foreign trade by Internet, according to the ranking of consultants, AQmetrix. For 2008, ”la Caixa” will carry out the programming and redesign of over 2,000 pages of the ”la Caixa” portal in accordance with WAI standards for AA compliance. Bank on the mobile Trading under the name of CaixaMóvil, ”la Caixa” groups together all the products and services available through the mobile phone. Overall, 85,000 customers performed a total of 4.35 million operations in 2007. In addition, the financial services of Línea Abierta Móvil and Línea Abierta SMS enable customers to perform a wide range of financial operations by mobile phone, such as checking account balance, transfer money, consult Puntos Estrella points, or change mode of payment on cards. Another feature in operation is the SMS alert service. In 2007, over 23.5 million messages were sent to ”la Caixa” customers with information regarding treasury, cards, and files. Complete cover: Telephone Banking and Digital Television Providing cover for all our customer’s needs, regardless of where they might be, has led the institution to broaden even further the communication channels with the customer. Telephone Banking and Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 61 Digital Television are just two examples of new channels that allow fast and simple management of our customers’ finances. Currently, ”la Caixa” is the only Spanish financial institution offering remote banking services via digital television. As a result, Línea Abierta is present in Imagenio and in Windows Media Center. The company portal consolidates its leadership in on-line banking services with a market share of 29.5% of active Internet users 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Línea Abierta (millions) 1,964 Nº customers with Línea Abierta contract 864 639 3.70 05 Nº Operational Customers Overall Nº of transactions carried out 4.95 4.31 06 07 1.62 1.95 2.31 05 06 07 05 06 07 Self-service (millions) 502 484 462 Nº Average Customers 3.50 3.88 05 06 Nº total de operations carried out 4.12 07 05 06 07 ATMS 8,011 7,208 7,535 7,493 6,469 Overall Nº of ATMs 5,695 5,225 5,600 ATMs with ticketing service 2,542 ATMs that permit lodgements 05 06 07 05 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 06 07 62 05 06 07 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Línea Abierta móvil 4,350,500 2,875,000 1,460,117 Línea Abierta Móvil Customers Línea Abierta Móvil Operations 72,491 85,000 46,016 05 06 07 05 06 07 Alerts-SMS 23,485,929 Customer Alerts 5,999,413 4,962,924 Alerts sent by year 745,000 360,000 287,865 05 06 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 07 05 63 06 07 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Distribution of ATMs by region PRINCIPALITY OF ASTURIAS CANTABRIA 83 52 GALICIA BASQUE COUNTRY 202 208 NAVARRE 59 LA RIOJA CATALONIA 31 CASTILLA AND LEON ARAGON 301 3.605 109 COMMUNITY OF MADRID 944 CASTILLA-LA MANCHA EXTREMADURA 528 122 97 VALENCIA BALEARIC ISLANDS 349 REGION OF MURCIA 147 961 ANDALUSIA CANARY ISLANDS 202 CEUTA 6 MELILLA Innovation in Products and Services at ”la Caixa” For ”la Caixa”, to innovate means to transform ideas into value. As a result, the company’s challenge is to convert innovation into comfort and saving. In this way, the structure of branches is directed towards anticipating the needs of customers and providing solutions by way of fresh products and services. Innovation therefore becomes a meeting point between the needs of the customer and the calling to provide a service of ”la Caixa”. Digital billing CaixaFactura is an electronic billing service which ”la Caixa” offers its Línea Abierta customers. As well as sending and receiving invoices, the digital invoice 5 provides the service of file safekeeping thereby enabling customers to dispense with traditional files. Contactless ”la Caixa” has launched ‘payWave’in Spain, a new form of contactless payment by card, which means a simple and comfortable alternative to cash for businesses with a high level of invoicing in cash and who require swift payment. This technology facilitates and speeds up transactions by card, above all for small, everyday purchases as all that is required is to swipe the card in front of, or close to the terminal, without having to insert the card into the machine or swipe it through a reading slot. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 64 OVERALL TOTAL: 8,011 4. Tailored banking for our Customers The system allows the customer to make instant payments using wireless technology. Payment details are safely exchanged between the card with a chip and a reader connected to the sales point terminal, and customers therefore are not required to hand in their card at the register, but rather pass the card close to a specially adapted terminal instead. The initiative does not signify a change in the way the card operates nor is there any expense incurred either by the buyer or seller. Furthermore, in order to facilitate the adoption of this payment method, ”la Caixa” plans to progressively introduce card reading machines to business premises without any additional cost. Ahorra el cambio (Save the Change) An innovative savings plan with which card holding customers of ”la Caixa” may automatically pay a small sum of money into a savings account with a nominal annual interest rate of 5% each time the card is used to make a purchase. This service enables customers who expressly subscribe to it to save while using the card and is in the context of added value services included among the range of ”la Caixa” payment methods. The new service is very simple: every time the card is used to make a purchase over 5 Euros, the difference between the sum of the transaction and the next highest multiple of 5 Euros is automatically paid into the “Ahorra el cambio” account. Payment is made in the same way as the charge, that is, daily for debit cards, operation by operation, weekly for the Visa Estrella cards and monthly for monthly credit cards. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 65 4. Tailored banking for our Customers 4.4 Solvency, Security and Transparency Professional business management is key to generating trust. This trust is conveyed through security and professionalism in business management on a day-to-day basis, and because of this, ”la Caixa” always offers the maximum level of efficiency and solvency in matters of risk management, security and transparency. By maintaining a relationship with customers based on responsibility and commitment, ”la Caixa” has developed a prudent and diversified risk policy guaranteeing the maximum levels of security in all its operations. At the close of 2007, the Capital ratio for the ”la Caixa” group was 12.1%, with Tier 1 (basic own resources or primary category) of 9.8% and Core Capital of 8.0%. Risk Management Management of business at ”la Caixa” is carried out using rigorous solvency criteria of securities, in line with best practices. In accordance with the regulatory framework in force, year after year the Institution sets in motion a series of quantification and monitoring tools and techniques in line with the most advanced risk management standards and practices. In accordance with Basel II – known as ‘International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework’, a recommendation from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision of the Bank for International Settlements- as well as the resulting incorporation by the European Union in the form of a directive and the corresponding adaptation by Spanish law, ”la Caixa” has implemented advanced internal models of measurement in order to quantify credit risk, which in turn enable the institution to manage finance for individuals and enterprises in a manner which enhances sensitivity to risk. of each operation in case of noncompliance. These tools assist branches and risk analysts in the decision making process and speed up the resolution of applications. More profitability, less risk For private individuals, risk management translates into a set of scorings. These tools play an important and valuable role in managing the relationship with customers and in the prevention of default rate. ”la Caixa” has implemented advanced internal measurement models in order to quantify credit risk, which in turn enables the institution to manage finance for individuals and enterprises in a manner that enhances sensitivity to risk With regard to enterprises, ”la Caixa” has at its disposal ratings that allow it to monitor the level of risk assumed by each investor. The Strategic Plan of ”la Caixa” strives to offer the best possible service at this level, especially with regard to SMEs. Moreover, in order to guarantee the quality of the portfolio, there is an independent monitoring unit which analyses possible depreciation of the different risks. By way of tools of ‘scorings’ for individuals and ‘ratings’ for enterprises, ”la Caixa” measures statistical probability of customers going into default as well as expected and unexpected losses In practical terms, this set of policies means a systematically lower rate of nonperformance compared with the industry standards, together with coverage ratios and capitalization levels well above sectoral rates. RISK INDICATORS. CREDIT. (Classification by % guarantees) 71.8% 72.2% 26.3% 26.1% 1.9% Public Sector Mortgage Guarantee 28.5% 1.7% 05 06 Personal Guarantee 70% 1.5% 07 (Annual Report 2006. Main features. 4.1 Comprehensive Risk Management. Credit Risk Management. Page 74) (Annual Report 2005. Main Features. 4.1 Comprehensive Risk Management. Credit Risk Management. Page 71) Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 66 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Default Rate Coverage of Default Coverage of Default mortgage guarantee 490% 444% 425% 379% 336% 281% 0.55% 0.39% 05 0.33% 06 07 05 06 07 05 06 07 (Annual Report 2006. Main features. 4.1 Comprehensive Risk Management. Credit Risk Management. Page 75) (Annual Report 2005. Main features. 4.1 Comprehensive Risk Management. Credit Risk Management. Page 71 - 72) Solvency Ratio (BIS ratio) Solvency Ratio (Core Capital) 12.1 11.2 11.5 9.8 8.4 8.3 8.0 6.2 5.9 3.2 2.8 05* 06 Ratio BIS 07 06 05* Tier 1 Tier 2 (*) 2005 Figures standardised Bank of Spain Circular BE 2/2006 07 06 05* 2.3 07 05 06 07 (Annual Report 2006. Main features. 1.4 Increase in basic capital adequacy. Page 51) (Annual Report 2005. Main features. 1.4 Increase in basic capital adequacy. Page 49) Breakdown of credit portfolio 49.5% 49.9% 53.4% 16% 17.7% 4.6% 4% 19% 3.9% 27.6% 28.4% 26% 05 06 Low risk Moderate risk Moderate-low risk Moderate-high & high risk 07 (Annual Report 2006. Main features. 4.1 Comprehensive Risk Management. Credit Risk Management. Page 74) (Annual Report 2005. Main features. 4.1 Comprehensive Risk Management. Credit Risk Management. Page 71) Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 67 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Security Guaranteeing the highest level of security for customers and employees has been the main focus of ”la Caixa” and the efforts made in technological innovation for many years. As a result, among other systems, branches are equipped to minimise the risk of holdups and robberies. Moreover, many branches are fitted with additional measures which are not required by law and which operate as test sites for control and surveillance systems that could be put into practice in the future. Some examples of these measures are the digital image captioning and recording equipment, the locking door access to security areas and the automatic cash dispensing and recycling machines, or individualised access control by way of metal detectors. Also, in the first half of 2007, improvements were made to control access to branches located in high risk areas with the installation of security locks, intercoms and video entry phones. Last year, the number of robberies per branch was the lowest for the entire sector, while at the same time this indicator decreased from 1.4 registered in 2006 to 1.3 in 2007. Training security personnel is a key factor for improving the manual security of facilities year after year. As a result, ”la Caixa” assures that all security and surveillance personnel working at the Institution undergo Safety Officer Rating Course. To compliment the training, ”la Caixa” provides security personnel with the chance to take voluntarily training in Multimedia Course Legal Area and the Rehabilitation Course in Legal Standards Applied to Operational Procedure. Both courses have as a starting point the understanding of basic human rights in their activity within the company. These measures also involve other employees and mean in practice specific training for employees responsible in case of an emergency, as well as employees at specific head office buildings or hazard prevention delegates. In this respect, 275 employees received training in 2007 in these areas. Once again this year, ”la Caixa” is the financial institution with the lowest number of robberies per branch in the entire sector, while at the same time this indicator decreased from 1.4 registered in 2006 to 1.3 in 2007 Security and innovation, both for customers and employees ”la Caixa” will set in motion a biometric security pilot scheme in its network of ATMs that will allow reading of each individual’s vein pattern on the palm of the hand. This recognition system will enhance security and serve to correct imperfections in other biometric systems, such as fingerprint or iris recognition. Research shows that vein pattern is unique to each person, even in the case of identical twins. With the deployment of this system, ”la Caixa” will become the first Spanish institution to equip its ATMs with this technology, known as ‘PalmSecure’. 2005 Number of security officers who have received training in Safety Officer Rating Course or similar courses which focus on the human rights aspects 111 relevant to their activity. 2006 2007 109 112 2005 2006 2007 Total nº of robberies per 100 ”la Caixa” branches 1.0 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.4 Percentage of Branches with Digital Video captioning 40% 55% 59% Percentage of Branches with automatic cash recycling / dispensing machines 100% 100%(1) 100%(1) Total nº of robberies per 100 branches of principal banks and savings banks (1) Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 Except for Light Branches, which do not have cash available. 68 4. Tailored banking for our Customers NO. robberies per 100 branches 3.3 2.9 2.4 2.6 2.2 1.7 1.8 1.4 97 98 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.7 1.5 99 1.9 00 01 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.0 02 03 04 05 06 07 ”la Caixa” Principal Banks & Savings Banks Transparency Money Laundering Prevention and Anti-corruption Policy Money laundering not only affects the financial system on a global level, but also has a negative impact on the reputation of institutions and debilitates their relationship not just with intermediaries and regulators, but also with the general public. ”la Caixa” is currently cooperating actively with several policies, which assist in protecting the integrity of banking systems in order to reduce to the absolute minimum the probability of becoming a vehicle or victim of financial crime. These are a series of specific measures which, in accordance with the reformed Spanish Law 19/93 Movement of Capital and Money Laundering Prevention Measures, guarantees identification of customers, setting-up of internal control systems, training and information for employees in these compulsory requirements and the maximum level of cooperation with the authorities. In 2007, ”la Caixa” had a team of 25 individuals who have collaborated in these tasks and another 12 people whose activities were focused entirely and exclusively on the prevention of money laundering. For its part, the Prevention of Money Laundering Operational Unit (UOPBC in Spanish) investigated a total of 654 operations in 2007, detecting 42 cases by way of the ”la Caixa” warning system. Finally, 178 of these operations were referred to the Executive Service of The Bank of Spain. Training 10, risk 0 Since 2007, all employees in the regional network of the Institution can avail of a course in prevention of money laundering through the corporate Intranet site. In 2007, 2,294 employees took part in the course, of which 585 reached completion. The company also set in motion a special conference devoted to this subject as part of the activities programmed by the ”la Caixa” Chair Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 69 in Financial and Banking Studies. The conference, which was held in the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, served to transmit general aspects that comprise the current regulation on prevention of money laundering, application of this regulation in real estate and financial sectors, as well as the role of consultants and lawyers regarding the prevention of this crime. Respecting Privacy and Information Confidentiality Data protection and the right to privacy are ever present in all aspects of the company’s management and in all communications established between customers and employees. The firm commitment to legislation in force regarding privacy, data protection and banking secrecy is reinforced by the strictest internal measures put in place by ”la Caixa”. Furthermore, the Institution keeps a register of all files in its care 4. Tailored banking for our Customers containing personal information with the General Registry of Data Protection and also has a security document with which compliance is mandatory for all staff members that have access to personal automated data and information systems. The aim here is to maintain the highest possible level of security of personal data, thus avoiding alteration, loss, unauthorized processing or access. Internal Regulation 47 and 66 consummate the effort made by ”la Caixa” in this material. It is noteworthy that the Institution provides training for new employees and carries out advisory acts and training sessions targeting the entire workforce on a regular basis. 2005 2006 2007 Total nº of professionals at ”la Caixa” who cooperate in prevention of money laundering. 25 25 25 Total nº of professionals at ”la Caixa” who are exclusively devoted to prevention of money laundering. 12 12 12 Total nº of employees who have received specific training in prevention of money laundering. — (1) (2) Total nº of operations investigated by the UOPBC as susceptible to money laundering. 763 75 290 591 654 57 42 223 178 Total nº of operations detected through warning system of ”la Caixa”. Total nº of operations communicated to the Executive Service of the Commission on Prevention of Money Laundering of the Bank of Spain. (1) 2,229 employees participated in the training process in this material and a total of 178 employees completed training. (2) 2,294 employees participated in the training process in this material and a total of 585 employees completed training. 2005 2006 2007 100% 100% % of customer data covered by data protection procedures. 100% Nº and class of offences committed within the framework of legislation regarding respect for privacy of customer. — — Nº of legal actions due to unfair competition practices, competition and monopolistic practices and result. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 70 1 fine of 2,000 Euros (LSSI) and four of 60,101.22 Euros each (LOPD) — 1 fine of 60,101.21 Euros and 1 refund of 52,101.21 for reduction in fine (LOPD) — 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Protection Against Fraud In order to avoid the risk of possible irregular use, ”la Caixa” wishes to offer the maximum peace of mind to all its customers. The formula is very straightforward: through a policy of prevention, the aim is to avoid and detect fraud and to the greatest extent possible, to cause the absolute minimum burden to the customer and the least damage to ”la Caixa”. Through a policy of prevention, ”la Caixa” aims to avoid and detect fraud and to the cause the absolute minimum burden to the customer Ethics and Transparency of Commercial Information In line with legislation and as detailed in the various voluntary self-imposed codes of professional responsibility, ”la Caixa” is in full compliance with all established parameters in its offer of products and services, as well as in the manner they are conveyed to customers. As well as laws 34 and 26 of 1988, ”la Caixa” guarantees compliance with the General Code of Conduct in Advertising of the Association of Collective Investment Institutions and Pension Funds (INVERCO). Furthermore, it is a member of the Spanish Advertising Self-Regulation Organisation (AUTOCONTROL), whose principles are based on veracity, honesty, legality, and loyalty covering advertising, as well as contractual aspects of commercial transactions carried out via the Internet and other electronic media. The relationship between ”la Caixa” and its customers is based on the rigor of information conveyed, so that it is always clear and transparent. In this way, advertising of ”la Caixa” may not contain false, ambiguous, imprecise, or misleading information. As a demonstration of this commitment, ”la Caixa” adheres to an Internal Code of Service Area for Marketing and Advertising that is applicable in areas such as respect for constitutional rights, gender equality and protection of image rights, among others. As was the case in previous years, during the financial year, 2007 there were no registers regarding contradictory information or any resolutions whatsoever against ”la Caixa” in matters of advertising or product information. Relationship with the Media As a result of its management model, national and international projection and informative relevance, ”la Caixa” generates substantial media interest. The policy of communication of ”la Caixa” is developed in line with principles of credibility, transparency, information, efficiency, and rigor. The Area of Communications of ”la Caixa” maintains an open and direct relationship with the media. Besides the press conferences organized (24 in 2007) and press releases issued to the media (111), ”la Caixa” has a specific area on its website called the Press Room (www. Professional reporters can access regularly updated contents, figures and corporate information, products, services, etc. From the Press room, through Mediateca (media library), the media can access the archive of press releases and photographs. At the same time, the relationship with the media extends to requests for information from journalists, either by telephone or through an e-mail address exclusively for this purpose. In 2007 there was a daily average of 36 activities to attend to these requests and answer questions. Project CaixaProtect ”la Caixa” has developed CaixaProtect with the objective of offering customers the maximum peace of mind to provide them with complete security in the case of irregular use, a pioneering service in Spain which guarantees customers protection against any fraudulent operations which have been carried out by persons other than titleholder in Línea Abierta, ATMs and by fraudulent use of ”la Caixa” banking cards. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 The CaixaProtect service is free and its immediate application is available to any customers who perform multi-channel operations. This service has been made possible by technological developments at ”la Caixa” in order to prevent and detect fraudulent use of cards and the on-line service, Línea Abierta. 71 4. Tailored banking for our Customers Press conferences organised by ”la Caixa” 23 21 Business 10 9 Corporate / Institutional 3 1 05 06 TOTAL: 11 07 TOTAL: 32 TOTAL: 24 Press releases prepared and issued by ”la Caixa” 69 63 57 55 42 Business Corporate / Institutional 28 05 06 TOTAL: 83 07 TOTAL: 120 TOTAL: 111 Other informative acts carried out by ”la Caixa” in 2007 27 18 2 Interviews with leading management Interviews with regional management Interviews with other management 4 Chairs TOTAL: 51 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 72 Commitment to the Environment 5.1 A Benefit to the Community 5.2 Environmentally Friendly 5.3 Suppliers 5 5. Commitment to the Environment Area Commitments 2008-2010 A Benefit to the Community • Job and wealth creation. • Increased investment in the Community through Obra Social. EUR 500 million in 2008, with an estimated EUR 625 million in 2010. Environmentally Friendly • Achieve environmental quality label in branches of ”la Caixa”. • Reduce paper consumption and waste. • Increase the use of recycled paper to as much as 60%. • Reduce emissions of CO². • Reduce water and electricity consumption. • Continue to hold events and actions raising awareness and in favour of good practices. • Specific finance and investment products. Suppliers • Assure that every Special Management supplier assumes their commitments to environmental risk and the principles of the Global Compact. • Improve transparency in contracting (% tenders). • Adjust terms of payment to agreed conditions. • Improve level of satisfaction of relationship with ”la Caixa”. ”la Caixa” is the leading private Spanish institution in terms of the volume of resources it allocates to meeting the needs and requirements of the community, and it does so with solid proposals and solutions to individual and universal demands, both from a banking and a social point of view. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 74 5. Commitment to the Environment 5.1 A Benefit to the Community The challenge for ”la Caixa” is to guarantee fresh opportunities that have a positive impact on progress and well-being of the community through ordinary everyday acts and those of Obra Social. Employment and Wealth ”la Caixa” is the number one financial institution in the country in terms of presence. The 5,468 branches spread throughout Spain, to which we must add 1 in Poland, 1 in Romania and a further 10 representative branches in various countries, have become an important motor for job creation. In fact, in the period from 2006 - 2007 the institution increased its workforce by the addition of over 1,000 new employees. The team of professionals at ”la Caixa” has a vocation for service that contributes to making the institution’s project a reality. As a consequence of this natural calling for service, ”la Caixa” has become the leading financial institution in terms of fulltime stable job creation in Spain. purchases from their own suppliers, also make a contribution to GDP. When it comes to calculating indirect effect, the input-output table for the Spanish economy is used, which provides data for structure of intermediate goods and services that are exchanged among the different sectors in an economy. According to this table, for every 100 Euros added value from the services sector of financial intermediation, to which ”la Caixa” belongs, approximately 29 Euros are indirectly generated in the entire economy. That is to say, the overall effect is greater than direct effect to the tune of 29%. Active contribution and positive impact The direct contribution of ”la Caixa” to the Spanish GDP over the past year of 2007 was 0.43% of the overall amount. In addition, other indirect effects stemming from the activity of the Institution also have an impact on GDP and should be taken into account. These effects are produced as a result of the economic activity derived from purchases from suppliers of ”la Caixa”. In order to meet this demand, suppliers, while at the same time increasing Therefore, the sum of direct and indirect contributions from ”la Caixa” in 2007 represented 0.55% of Spanish GDP. Contribution and overall impact generated by the activity of ”la Caixa” during the financial year 2007 by Autonomous Community PRINCIPALITY OF ASTURIAS GALICIA 0.29 0.37 BASQUE COUNTRY CANTABRIA 0.37 0.48 NAVARRE 0.28 0.27 0.36 0.34 0.44 0.35 LA RIOJA CASTILLA AND LEON CATALONIA 0.32 0.41 1.36 1.75 ARAGON 0.30 0.38 0.33 0.42 COMMUNITY OF MADRID 0.48 0.61 EXTREMADURA CASTILLA-LA MANCHA 0.34 0.44 0.35 0.45 0.46 0.59 REGION OF VALENCIA BALEARIC ISLANDS 0.98 1.26 REGION OF MURCIA ANDALUSIA 0.46 0.60 0.49 0.63 Only direct CANARY ISLANDS 0.43 0.55 Direct & indirect CEUTA 0.27 0.35 MELILLA Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 75 Contribution by Autonomous Community (in % of GDP of AC) 5. Commitment to the Environment Dialogue and Institutional Participation ”la Caixa” maintains an ongoing relationship with several associations and organisations both within the financial sector as well as from other fields of action. The following is a list of just some of these collaborations ”la Caixa” is involved in: • Fomento del Trabajo (Spanish Employment Development Agency). • Barcelona Chamber of Commerce. • Instituto Agrícola Catalán San Isidro. • Ateneu Barcelonés. • Sociedad Económica Barcelonesa de Amigos del País. • Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks (CECA). • The Conference Board. • Spain – USA Council. • Asociación para el Progreso y la Dirección (APD). • Barcelona Centro Financiero Europeo. • Fundación de Estudios Bursátiles y Financieros (Valencia). • Patronato de la Escuela de Organización Industrial - EOI (Madrid). • United Nations Global Compact. • El Club de Excelencia en Sostenibilidad. The United Nations Global Compact Social responsibility now plays a key role at the core of every organisation and enterprise. As a result, in 2005 ”la Caixa” joined up to the United Nations Global Compact. By way of this ethical, social and environmental commitment, ”la Caixa” has adopted the ten universally accepted principles of this initiative as its own, which have a bearing on the corporate strategy and culture of institutions. The following are the ten core values of the Global Compact: • Respect the protection of internationally recognised human rights • Assure that its companies are not complicit in human rights abuses. • Uphold the freedom of association and the recognition of the right to collective bargaining. • Eliminate of all forms of forced and compulsory labour. • Abolition of child labour. • Support the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. • Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenge. • Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. • Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. • Work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. According to these principles, the, integral commitment to social responsibility and sustainability should also be extended to the activity of suppliers in order to guarantee a complete commitment in every life cycle phase of a product or service. In this respect, since 2007 ”la Caixa” has included an application clause for all its suppliers, who with a two year adaptation period, which provides for the application of the commitments established in the Global Compact in all its activities. In accordance with regular undertakings of the Global Compact, ”la Caixa” published its second Progress Report corresponding to 2006. This year in addition, a specific section has been included within the Corporate Responsibility link on the Institution’s website, which includes progress reports, news and activities of ”la Caixa” with respect to the Global Compact. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 76 Commitment to CSR Parallel to its involvement in the United Nations Global Compact, since 2004 ”la Caixa” has been involved with the Excellence in Sustainability Club, the first Spanish corporate platform in matters regarding sustainability and a benchmark business forum in sustainable development. The principal mission of this institution is to promote the development of sustainable business practices in order to contribute to business excellence in terms of the environment and social progress. Moreover, ”la Caixa” has also joined the European Alliance on Corporate Social Responsibility, with backing from the European Commission, and whose objective is to raise awareness among enterprises and stakeholders and improve CSR knowledge base. 5. Commitment to the Environment A Charity for Social Progress With a budget of EUR 400 million in 2007, ”la Caixa”’s Obra Social, which can be translated as ‘Community Welfare Projects’, occupies first position among private Spanish foundations in terms of resources devoted to community welfare projects, the second position in Europe and the fifth in the global ranking. In this way, society reaps the benefits of a substantial part of the profits derived from the financial activity of the Institution, through projects and initiatives with substantial positive impact. Specifically, in 2007 ”la Caixa” allocated 25% of the Group’s overall recurring profit to this type of activity. Investment through Obra Social of ”la Caixa” is focused on social, educational, environmental and cultural projects. The aim is to effect a marked improvement in the quality of life of worst affected groups in the community and to address some of society’s pressing needs.. In 2007, Obra Social developed Caixa Proinfancia a new programme dedicated to households with small children in a situation, or at risk of social exclusion. The CiberCaixa Escolares were set up to provide fun educational areas in schools, especially aimed at children from socially susceptible groups so that they may be used during extracurricular hours. It also introduced a drug prevention programme targeting young people and their families, with a help line, a guideline booklet for school goers and another for parents, as well as an exhibition. In addition to these new initiatives, there is a series of well established existing programmes with a long standing tradition, which are the very expression of the community service calling of Obra Social of ”la Caixa”: Voluntariado (volunteer workers), Personas Mayores (care for the elderly), CiberCaixa Hospitalarias (hospital classrooms) and the International Cooperation programs and care for dependant persons. Among these projects are those providing assistance to special needs groups, such as the disabled, young people, immigrants and the prison population. Obra Social of ”la Caixa” occupies the first position among private Spanish foundations in terms of resources allocated to community welfare projects, second position in Europe and the fifth in the global ranking Other lines of action carried out by Obra Social of ”la Caixa” include the promotion of academic excellence and furthering equal opportunity by way of study scholarships, protecting nature reserves, and the dissemination of cultural and scientific knowledge. If in 2007, ”la Caixa” allocated EUR 400 million for Obra Social, the budget for 2008 is predicted to be somewhere in the region of EUR 500 million. In total, the institution estimated the total number of participants and beneficiaries of its activities to be around 25 million. Furthermore, ”la Caixa” stresses its social nature on an ever-increasing scale, and in this respect it has made a firm undertaking to increase this budget to a minimum of EUR 625 million by 2010. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 77 In 2007, Obra Social of ”la Caixa” focused its attention on social groups with very specific concerns (young people, immigrants, dependant persons, etc.) 5. Commitment to the Environment ”la Caixa” has made a firm undertaking to increase this budget to a minimum of EUR 625 million by 2010 2008 will see an increase in community welfare activities promoted by Obra Social and over 60% of the overall budget will be allocated to these projects. Special attention will be given to projects devoted to eliminating poverty and protecting socially disadvantaged groups. Among the new features in 2008, one that should be highlighted is the infant immunisation programme that Obra Social will carry out in collaboration with Gavi Alliance, the first global alliance to extend immunisation coverage and to combat infant mortality. It will also participate in a programme to promote healthy eating habits targeting young people and families and another programme to provide psycho-social assistance to people suffering from a terminally illness as well as their families. Total investment ”la Caixa” in Obra Social (EUR million) 399 303 246 Finally, one of the most important milestones in 2008 will be the inauguration of CaixaForum Madrid, the headquarters of Obra Social ”la Caixa” in the Spanish capital city. 05 06 % increase on figure from previous year 07 2005 2006 2007 — 23.2% 31.7% 25% 25% 25% % of total investment managed directly by Community Welfare Projects Commission ”la Caixa” 37.8% 44.7% 36.9% % of total investment managed by the Foundation ”la Caixa” 62.2% 55.3% 63.1% % of Group ”la Caixa” recurring profit Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 78 5. Commitment to the Environment Investment and participation data by programme 2005 2006 M. euros Nº Ast. M. euros Nº 2007 Ast. M. euros Nº Ast. Social 119 24,438 6,169,941 160 25,874 7,509,397 256 Education 19 840 633,796 19 1,505 668,567 23 1,360 Cultural 64 1,766 2,022,563 66 2,354 6,456,136 59 5,548 10,840,264 Environment and Science 44 914 3,692,253 58 1,461 4,010,618 61 6,226 4,830,602 TOTAL 246 27,958 12,518,553 303 31,194 18,644,718 399 45,379 24,640,137 Corporate Volunteer Work More and more, corporate volunteer work is an integral part in the philosophy of the Institution. This is a tool, highly valued by society, which has been made possible by the goodwill of hundreds of employees who have chosen to devote their free time to projects that have a positive effect on the day-today lives of thousands of people. The aim of ”la Caixa” corporate volunteer work is to foster potential action of the Institution’s human resources, as well as promoting volunteer work in general and strengthening social fabric. Currently, ”la Caixa” has 45 volunteer associations present in 46 Spanish provinces, made up of 2,107 volunteers. Of these, 92% are active employees and the remaining 8% are retired. ”la Caixa” comprehends that each of these associations is independent and, therefore, have complete freedom to choose the volunteer projects they wish to get involved in. In 2007, ”la Caixa” transferred a total amount of EUR 257,600 to these associations, with which 867 volunteer actions were carried out. 32,245 8,345,978 623,293 Corporate volunteer work at ”la Caixa” is social needs-driven through collaboration with all regional branches and this assistance is put into practice on two levels: volunteer work in contact with those in need, through which volunteers participate in social institution programmes and carry out important tasks in benefit of these individuals, and management volunteer work, where volunteers of ” la Caixa” assist social institutions in administrative labours, management, fundraising, internal organisation, etc. In October 2007, ”la Caixa” was awarded the Andalusian Award for Volunteer Work in the category of Business Project for its community commitment, vocation for service and work in benefit of the general interest. In order to assure optimum growth of corporate volunteer work programmes, the Institution has undertaken the training of volunteers in community project policy and decision making. Corporate volunteer work is a tool highly valued by society and which is made possible by the goodwill of hundreds of workers who identify with the projects of Obra Social 2006 2007 45 Associations of volunteers 44 Number of volunteer employees 1,350 Volunteer participation in community actions Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 79 11,755 2,107 13,801 5. Commitment to the Environment Successful volunteer work The Corporate volunteer work programme of Obra Social ”la Caixa” has put together and published in book form a set of Buenas Prácticas en la Gestión de Voluntariado (Good Practices in Volunteer Work Management) so that any other institution may repeat the experience with similar guarantees of success. In order to do this, over one hundred heads of institutions that work with volunteers were interviewed, bearing in mind the management cycles of volunteer work for each organisation. Based on these experiences, each institution may reflect upon their situation and enhance an improvement in the area of coordination of volunteer work that results in a benefit as much for the organization as for those who collaborate with it. This publication joins the Guía para Promover el Voluntariado desde la Empresa (Guide to Promote Volunteer work from within the Enterprise) which was presented by Obra Social in 2006. ”la Caixa” and Child Poverty Throughout 2007, a series of actions have been put in motion with the aim to facilitate the process of social integration for families with small children in situation of risk of social exclusion. a greater disadvantage and whose needs are not entirely covered by public services. School clothing, orthopaedics, educational psychology attention, as well as care during early childhood are just some of the examples of the areas of action. In Spain alone there are in excess of eight million people living in relative poverty, five percentage points above the average for the European Union member states. Specifically, it is estimated that 13.3% of Spanish children live in conditions of poverty. In 2007, ”la Caixa” allocated EUR 41 million budgeted for the CaixaProinfancia programme, with a scope of action which takes in ten Spanish cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Malaga, Saragossa, Murcia, Las Palmas, Palma de Mallorca and Bilbao. As a result, within the framework of the European strategy on social inclusion Obra Social ”la Caixa” has reinforced its commitment to the fight against child poverty by setting up the programme CaixaProinfancia, an economic aid fund targeting families with children under the age of 16. In this way, the Institution hopes to raise awareness and mobilise society as a whole. The goal is that this aid reaches families with young children, living in Spain’s larger towns and cities, who are at Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 80 Obra Social ”la Caixa” has reinforced its commitment to the fight against child poverty. In 2007, it set up the CaixaProinfancia programme, an economic aid fund targeting families with children under the age of 16 at risk of social exclusion 5. Commitment to the Environment Programa Incorpora, Integration into Working Life Through its Programa Incorpora, Obra Social of ”la Caixa” supports the incorporation into working life of those groups at risk of social exclusion, such as, persons with physical, intellectual or sensorial disability, young people with difficulty accessing their first employment, persons over the age of 45, who lack work experience, immigrants, the long-term unemployed or women who have been victims of domestic violence. responsibility programme which promotes integration into working life as a first step towards social integration of these sectors of the population. Currently, there are over 3,000 companies who are actively involved in the initiative, which in previous months has been strengthened by the signing of a cooperation agreement between ”la Caixa” and the Fundación Pimec. New employment opportunities in companies will be generated as a result of this collaboration, a fact that will be made possible by the establishment, in conjunction with 167 social institutions at a state-wide level, of a network of professionals, experts in incorporating persons into working life. One of the principal axes of the Programa Incorpora, which since its origins has assisted almost 8,500 individuals in incorporation into working life, is to provide the Spanish business community with the service of a social corporate First Edition of the Incorpora Awards In recognition of the companies involved in the programme and which voluntarily integrate social concerns within their business strategy, Obra Social of ”la Caixa” convened the first edition of the Incorpora Awards, to be held in 2008. International Cooperation Since 1997, the International Cooperation programme, set up by Obra Social of ”la Caixa”, strives to eliminate poverty in the most harshly stricken areas of our planet. The aid, for collective projects of solidarity on four of the five continents, is a result of the collaboration between ”la Caixa”, non-governmental organisations and local institutions. To coincide with its tenth anniversary, a total of 345 projects have been selected, Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 81 with an overall budget in excess of EUR 31.5 million. Specifically, in 2007, EUR 8.3 million was allocated to promote socioeconomic development projects in Peru, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ethiopia and Angola. ”la Caixa” estimates the total number of beneficiaries from these projects to be somewhere in the region of 275,000 persons. As part of the international actions developed under the programme, other initiatives have been set in motion to 5. Commitment to the Environment promote the raising of equity capital in Africa, thereby strengthening training for upper and mid-level professionals with the aim of improving basic social services. Furthermore, in the field of humanitarian action, this programme includes activities focused on the protection and aid for victims of natural or human disasters, in the case of armed conflicts, and its direct consequences. These activities are carried out with contributions from Obra Social ”la Caixa”, ethical and joint investment funds of FonCaixa Cooperación and the new Depósito Estrella Solidario, as well as donations received from the general public. Apart for economic assistance, from the point of view of the International Cooperation programme it is considered essential that our society is acutely aware of the realities facing disadvantaged countries. As a result, conferences and seminars are organised by experts offering direct testimony and fostering analysis and social debate. In this respect, the programme affords priority to training in management, internal administration of non-governmental development organisations (NGDO), by way of the Training Programme in NGO Management and Administration, as well as the Training Programme in NGDO Leadership and Social Innovation. At the same time, training courses are organised in Humanitarian Action, aimed at technical officers within the organisations. The aim of these courses is to contribute to improving the quality of humanitarian actions by way of improving instruments for the evaluation of same. Holidays devoted to solidarity ”la Caixa” has set in motion the CooperantesCaixa programme. The aim of this project is to improve the day-to-day living conditions in towns in developing countries, while at the same time offering solutions to the personal concerns of volunteer employees who make up the team of corporate volunteer work programme of the Institution. This programme provides NGOs with the professional profile of candidates so they may choose those that best suit their needs. This year saw the first edition of the programme, which provided training for 11 employees who later devoted their holidays to supporting the work of the counterpart NGOs that collaborate with ”la Caixa”. The country chosen for the first pilot test was Ecuador. In 2008, the second edition of the programme will be held and will open up to new countries and NGOs. Successful candidates will be chosen through a professional selection process by a Human Resources consultancy firm, as well as having to attend on-line training courses. Economic donations will be increased to the sum of 2,300 Euros for every volunteer. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 82 In 2007, and to coincide with its 10th anniversary, the International Cooperation programme has organised, among other initiatives, the 2007 ”la Caixa” calendar, devoted to the projects supported by Obra Social, it has introduced Fair Trade products to the Spanish market, such as new sweets at ”la Caixa” branches, and it has also provided new products for the Institution’s Puntos Estrella catalogue 5. Commitment to the Environment Contribution to the Dissemination of Knowledge ”la Caixa” contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and information through publications and other activities organised by its Research Department and through Obra Social. Publications by the ”la Caixa” Research Department Through its publications, the ”la Caixa” Research Department aims to disseminate knowledge and information regarding economic and social realities, with the objective to generate debate and Exchange of experiences between all sectors of society. All publications are available in electronic format on the Research Department website ( Below are some of the main collections: • Monthly Report. Offering synthesis of the economic situation on a monthly basis as well as information regarding the development of Spanish and international financial markets with due attention given to the most immediate context of the Euro zone. Published in Catalan, Spanish and English, this report is prepared by economists at the Research Department. • Economic Studies Collection. Monographs concerning the economy and business management prepared by experts in the material. Since 1994, 35 volumes have been edited. • Autonomous Community Collection. Collection that aims to perform a strategic individualised diagnostic of the various Spanish economic territories. The collection began in 2007 with the first volume dedicated to Galicia. • ”la Caixa” Economic Papers. Monographs offering in-depth analysis of various interesting aspects of the Spanish and international economy. The documents are prepared by economists at the Research Department. • Spain Economic Yearbook. Offers statistical socioeconomic information of each municipality aimed at a wide business community, professionals and individuals. The publication can be consulted like a database on the Research Department website. Parallel to this, the Research Department at ”la Caixa” edits, exclusively in English, the publications ”la Caixa” Economic Papers and ”la Caixa” Working Papers, targeting the scientific and professional community. Working papers are only available in electronic format. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 83 Social Studies by Obra Social The Collection of Social Studies constitutes an instrument for the analysis, reflection and debate on the social reality of our times, based on the publication of benchmark studies in the area of social sciences. The pursuit of the publication is to be advisory, without shying away from the complexity resulting from rigor, objectivity and scientific pluralism. Each volume aims to highlight social aspects for public debate and underline 5. Commitment to the Environment the factors which deserve special attention and which can be addressed by way of focused action in order to contribute to the fight against exclusion and the integration of vulnerable groups. With 23 volumes edited to date, the subjects dealt with such as immigration, the elderly, dependant persons, housing policy and family policy, are all of great importance to our society. In 2007, Obra Social of ”la Caixa” presented the following titles: “The immigrant entrepreneur in Spain”; “Adolescents facing alcohol”; and “Intergenerational Programmes”. ”la Caixa” Chair of Economy and Society The aim of the Chair, created towards the end of 2005, is to foster a broad series of academic initiatives, with a commitment to being intellectually demanding, regarding the principal issues which interest and concern today’s society. These initiatives carried out in different Spanish cities are promoted by the Research Department at ”la Caixa”. Together with this series of conferences the Chair also programmed a series of Master Classes. These classes endeavour to provide systematic developments in important issues affecting the culture of our time, both in its humanistic and scientific dimensions and always applying the inexorable criteria of intellectual excellence. These were developed in several sessions and a diploma accreditation was provided upon completion. ”la Caixa” Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance In 2005, ”la Caixa”, in association with the IESE Business School, created the Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance. This initiative aims to broaden the knowledge base regarding the possibilities available in the current economic framework to affect ethically responsible and socially committed corporate action. In 2007, seven master classes were programmed: “One European Law governing contracts? (A review of the problem)”; “Identity and democracy: the origins of political friendship”; ”Geostrategy and economy of water: an issue for the 21st century”; ”International financial integration: risks and opportunities”; ”Chemistry, environment and sustainable development”; “Democracy in crisis and recovering public space”; and “Quantum physics, IT and communications: a new technological era for the 21st century”. The ”la Caixa” Chair organises a yearly gathering, known as the Business Forum, which brings together Presidents, CEOs and General Managers of some of the most important Spanish companies. It also programmes expert symposia and master classes given by internationally renowned academics and industry leaders. In this respect, the ”la Caixa” Chair of Economy and Society programmed a series of four conferences in 2007, “Education and values in an open society” in which several illustrious famous faces have taken part, like for example Ángel Gabilondo, José Antonio Marina, Victoria Camps and Carlos Castilla del Pino. Also in 2007, two conferences were held titled, “Latin America and Spain: the 21st century or the 1960’s?”, “Spain’s moment in Europe” and “Hopes and challenges of oncology research in Spain”, given by, respectively, Julio María Sanguinetti, Jorge Semprún and Joan Massagué. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 84 Throughout 2007, the activity of the Chair was focused on disseminating knowledge and research through actively organising several meetings relating to corporate social responsibility. 5. Commitment to the Environment Sponsorship and Patronage Year after year, ”la Caixa” strives to take an active part, and be present in diverse popular and far reaching social, cultural and sporting events. For this, it carefully selects the events with which to associate its brand image. ”la Caixa” comprehends that, far from merely generating some favourable publicity, sponsorship is also an excellent opportunity to collaborate with social and cultural institutions on a national and local level, and whose work goes toward the overall progress of society. ADO Programme As part of its commitment to society, ”la Caixa” fosters the professional career of top class athletes by collaborating actively with the Olympic Sports Association (ADO in Spanish). Nowadays, ADO is an entity which brings together the cream of Spanish athletes and which has close ties with the Spanish Olympic Committee (SOC) and the Spanish High Council for Sport. Backing the ADO programme is a clear effort to support Olympic training and preparation for our best sporting figures. The Prince of Asturias Foundation In line with the philosophy of maximum social involvement, ”la Caixa” offers its support to the Prince of Asturias Foundation, one of the cultural institutions with the longest standing tradition in Spain. It is a well known fact that the foundation promotes the celebrated awards of the same name, which are presented in acknowledgement of the work of individuals in such diverse areas as the arts, literature, concord, international cooperation or sport, among others. The Prince of Asturias Awards contribute to highlighting the work of individuals, who through their efforts –on occasions with widespread media coverage, other times in virtual anonymity– benefit society. Among those who have received awards are some internationally acclaimed figures like, Ryszard Kapuscinski, Bob Dylan, Al Gore, Vinton Cerf, Arthur Miller, Michael Schumacher, Paul Auster, Joan Massagué, and a very long list of etceteras. A substantial number of employees from Head Office and the Regional network of ”la Caixa” participated in the 16th TV3 Marató The TV3 Marató Since 1992, ”la Caixa” has given its operative and technological support to the TV3 Marató. Specifically, it manages the collection of donations and provides the entire technical infrastructure required to retrieve telephone donations: from printers and supplies, to IT programmes, faxes installed in call-in centres located all over Catalonia, and since 2007 account for six rooms. As on previous occasions, in the 16th TV3 Marató, a substantial number of employees from Head Office and the Regional network of ”la Caixa” participated in the event. For its part, the Institution’s Corporate Volunteer Association also helped out by answering calls from the public . Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 85 5. Commitment to the Environment 5.2 Environmentally friendly Being environmentally friendly in ”la Caixa” is a reality that extends to all projects, services and products, from the specific measures put in place for the network of branches, to the more ambitious projects of Obra Social. In this respect, ”la Caixa” goes one step beyond the normative framework and seeks the involvement of the entire workforce of the institution. The objective is to achieve excellence in sustainability in every process it undertakes and all consumption arising from within the organisation. For the institution, environmental responsibility is the responsibility of everyone, customers, employees and associated companies. For this, ”la Caixa” expresses this commitment in concrete terms along six lines that guarantee environmentally friendly productive processes. Firstly, the verified environmental management system, subject to regular audit and review by Head Office, corresponding to an internal and external auditing and EMAS, as well as in the Catalonia branch network. Secondly, the institution has adopted and implemented the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative. Furthermore, ”la Caixa” fosters and finances enterprise related to the protection of the environment and carries out awareness raising activities targeting its stakeholders. The Institution organizes a wide variety of actions to disseminate knowledge and protect nature through the efforts of its Obra Social section. And finally, in 2007, ”la Caixa” adopted the guidelines of the Equator Principles. Being environmentally friendly is a reality extending to all ”la Caixa” projects, services and products ”la Caixa” operates in a completely environmentally friendly way through verified environmental management systems; the adoption of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative; by fostering and financing enterprise related to the protection of the environment; involving the entire workforce of the Institution in improvements and by carrying out a wide range of activities to disseminate knowledge and protect nature through the efforts of Obra Social Environmental Management Environment Committee Currently, ”la Caixa” has numerous employees devoted to environmental issues on a part-time basis. The Environment Committee was set up in 2003, is permanently comprised of the Auditing, Efficiency, Head Office and Human Resources departments and on a nonpermanent basis, by any other area that is affected by the issues to be dealt with. The Committee meets a minimum of twice a year and its functions include establishing, approving and maintaining an updated management programme in order to achieve the established goals in terms of environmental policy of ”la Caixa”. The Committee’s actions are focused on aspects affecting energy efficiency, paper consumption, water consumption, awareness, communication and participation, risk management and trade management, among others. Responsible objectives Among the most significant objectives ”la Caixa” has set itself in terms of being environmentally friendly in 2007, are the following: • To promote selective collection of paper at source. • To increase the use of recycled paper. • To extend the use of e-billing. • To raise awareness about reducing consumption and promoting good practices. • To expanding e-file for finance operations. • To introduce specific finance and investment products. • To propose the extension of Ecolabel to branch networks in other Autonomous Communities as well as Catalonia. • To research tools for calculating environmental risk of credit portfolio. Overall number of Environmental Committee meetings held 5 05 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 86 2 2 06 07 5. Commitment to the Environment Standards and Regulations The ISO 14001 standard and the European regulation 761/2001 (EMAS) are the two certifications that seal the Institution’s Environmental Management System. Their application was first begun in 2003, in the Head Office building, located in Barcelona. Sumasa, an affiliate company of ”la Caixa” is also ISO 14001 certified. With the aim of facilitating dissemination of these policies among its stakeholders, ”la Caixa”, has outlined the most significant points in more concrete terms in the Environmental Declaration, available to the public on the Institution’s corporate website and at The Property Register. Internal and external audits are performed on a yearly basis to verify that ongoing improvements to the services are implemented and to renew corresponding environmental certificates branch networks has been certified by AENOR. Currently, ”la Caixa” is aiming to propose the extension of the Ecolabel to other autonomous communities outside Catalonia. Environmental quality assurance Label In 2006, ”la Caixa” became the first financial institution to achieve the environmental quality assurance label for its branch network in Catalonia. The Ecolabel is another step in the Institution’s environmental commitment to ongoing improvement in environmental practices and is also significant of a response to concerns made patent by some of its more environmentally aware customers. Published as the Catalonian Government Ministry of Environment and Housing resolution MAH/1389/2006, the creation of the environmental quality assurance label for customer service Nº EMAS or ISO 14001 certifications which ”la Caixa” holds. In 2007, apart from renewal of the EMAS certification, SGMA ISO 14001 and the internal MA audit, ”la Caixa” obtained the OHSAS 18001 certification in Prevention of Occupational Hazards. The Ecolabel is another step in the Institution’s environmental commitment to ongoing improvement of environmental practices and is also significant of a response to concerns made patent by some of its more environmentally aware customers 2005 2006 2007 2 2 2 Nº of employees affected by EMAS or ISO 14001 Standard. 1,564 Overall investment allocated by ”la Caixa” to maintenance, implementation and certification of EMAS or ISO 14001 (in thousands of Euros). Integrated within overall management of activity. Overall number of products developed and marketed by ”la Caixa” which come under the umbrella of the EMAS certification system. General corporate services and all financial products and services. Overall number of branches affected by Ecolabel. 1,775 Overall number of employees affected by Ecolabel. 1,808 8,746 Overall number and type of fines or legal sentencing against ”la Caixa” for non-compliance with environmental regulations. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 1,788 87 0 0 0 5. Commitment to the Environment Legal compliance and other environmental activities, beyond the regulatory framework ”la Caixa” has also made several legal commitments, among which the most notable are, updating management system with new regulations, the impetus to achieve the legalisation of diesel deposits, and the presentation of the plan to minimise waste in the Waste Disposal Agency. Institutional Participation ”la Caixa” has also contributed to several forums, conventions and work groups aimed at disseminating good practice in environmental management. The benchmarking conferences of the Excellence in Sustainability Club in Port Aventura, the work group of stakeholders in ASPAPEL, the conference to disseminate EMAS + Agenda 21, the 1st Convention of Senior Management of Real Estate and Savings Bank General Services, or the presentation of the ecoshopping manual of ”la Caixa” at the conference held for the Global Compact in the IESE, are just some examples. Moreover, ”la Caixa” has adapted its management system to include several legal commitments, among which the most notable are, updating management system with new regulations, the impetus to achieve the legalisation of diesel deposits, and the presentation of the plan to minimise waste in the Waste Disposal Agency. United Nations Environment Programme Since September 2003, ”la Caixa” has been signed up to several voluntary commitments, among which the most notable is the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI). By becoming a signatory of the Statement by Financial Institutions on the Environment & Sustainable Development, ”la Caixa” has adopted a commitment in favour of sustainable development, inclusion of environmental aspects in financial sector operations and services, as well as in favour of awareness and communication. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 88 ”la Caixa” at the Doing Good and Doing Well Conference In March 2007, the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative for Financial Institutions (UNEP-FI) was invited by ESADE and IESE, as part of their MBA programmes, to participate in the 4th edition of the Doing Good and Doing Well Conference, the leading student conference on responsible business in Europe. Within this framework, ”la Caixa” and the UNEP-FI Secretariat spoke about CSR and competitiveness in the financial sector, providing information and sharing experience on good business practices as well as the programmes developed by the financial Institution in this area. Overall, more than 350 people took part in the conference between students, university lecturers and professionals. 5. Commitment to the Environment Environmental training and awareness Raising awareness and consciousness among the public are the axes upon which any environmental related policy should rest. Consequently, all material regarding environmentally friendly practices are central to the training programmes at ”la Caixa”. The value of leading by example For ”la Caixa”, giving example is a basic requisite attitude in order to better spread the message regarding environmentally friendly practices. Therefore, through Virt@ula, employees have access to an environmental awareness course, which is especially recommended for employees who have just joined the company. The aim of the course is to introduce employees to the basic terminology of sustainable development and to measure the impact of work activities and the day-to-day tasks of the Institution and its environment. This course is designed, among other practical aspects, to demonstrate how environmental management affects the daily activities of each employee and possible ways to participate in improving management procedures. workforce at ”la Caixa” is qualified and responsible to act in accordance with the specified environmental requirements, both in procedural aspects and internal regulations. A proactive approach must articulate all these sustainable practices, and therefore, ”la Caixa” invites its employees to transmit their environmental initiatives directly by way of a mail box set up specifically for this purpose. Great ideas in the Inbox All employees are responsible for taking an active role in the improvement of the branch environment, and this is why there are regular competitions for new ideas, selected and put into practice and published in the in-house magazine. By promoting suggestions, ”la Caixa” wishes to reinforce the use of a suggestion’s box to collect ideas for environmental improvement. These ideas are later analysed by the Environment Committee. Throughout 2007, 1,853 employees of the Institution took part in the “ISO 14001 Environmental Management System” training course, with 1,133 having completed it, with a total of 16,995 training hours devoted to this issue. The aim is that the entire In Virt@ula, employees have access to an environmental awareness course, which is especially recommended for employees who have just joined the company Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 89 Parallel to this, ”la Caixa” has given priority to the initiative to foster the use of consumption data sheets for every centre. The information gathered is to promote good practices among employees, especially with the aim of sensitizing staff as to correct use of waste and recycling bins. One of the most significant steps towards promoting suitable use of document printing is the addition of the ecological message to all e-mails and in ATMs. In terms of sustainable mobility, ”la Caixa” has provided employees with a bicycle park (interior and exterior).. Last but by no means least; a forum was set up in September 2007 titled ‘A Debate on Ecology’ in the Institution’s corporate Intranet service. Already, there have been 176 contributions from 133 employees, almost entirely targeting energy saving and paper recycling. One of the most popular initiatives in the forum is the suggestion to place a limit on summer/winter temperatures in centres. Also, there were 126 suggestions with reference to environmental issues from employees during 2007. 5. Commitment to the Environment “Debate on Ecology” forum in the ”la Caixa” Intranet The Font size of the different texts highlights the quantity of coinciding opinions between forum participants in “Debate on Ecology” about one single issue. Therefore, anything related to reducing, recycling and reusing paper, plastic and water is the main concern of forum members. The next most popular suggestion is the generalised proposal to use electronic alternatives to traditional use of paper, moderate room temperature in branches, only print documents when essential, use double-sided printing, and the systematic use of recycled paper, as well as centrally disconnecting machines, are just some of the more popular concerns to be found among employee contributions. This reduction automatically implies a decrease in waste and therefore a double saving, both at the source and in the end treatment process. Consequently, regular monitoring of measures adopted to optimize the consumption of both resources is being carried out. Overall, during 2007 direct costs of environmental management have increased to 65,141 Euros. A campaign was run in November and December under the title, “Don’t forget, the preferred comfortable temperature in winter is 20º C”. The initiative included banners on the Institution’s corporate Intranet and sending a thermometer as a Christmas present to every branch Reducing Direct Environmental Impact ”la Caixa”’s commitment to the Environment on a daily basis results in a series of measures aimed at reducing its impact. Although the activity of the Institution does not cause a very significant environmental impact, the most serious effects are in the areas of paper and electric power consumption, areas in which the company wishes to reduce consumption. Internal consumption: Indicators and initiatives for Improvement in Head Office and Regional Network Branches In order to contribute to reducing the environmental impact resulting from materials and components used in building, use and maintenance of a branch, ”la Caixa” has carried out a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of its bank branches. This type of investigation permits identification and classification by priority of options to reduce the impact and environmental toll of a branch. Electric power ”la Caixa” has defined a number of formulas for energy saving in centralised systems by adopting new lighting criteria. Examples include, lighting controls, photoelectric cells and motion detection. These systems allow for a significant energy saving in areas where human presence is much less frequent, such as toilets, filing rooms and basements. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 90 Furthermore, all PCs and TFT monitors in the Institution are FCC, Energy Star and GS mark (TUV) certified, thereby guaranteeing lower consumption and more efficient energy use. Moreover, improvements have been made to the lighting fixtures in the building by replacing them with more efficient models, with a pilot test carried out on the 15th floor of the Head Office building. Night cleaning procedures have also been affected by the energy saving initiatives. In more concrete terms, the cleaning of the building has been reorganised and since November, Head Office can now turn off as much as 50% of its lighting at night. A new policy regarding night time lighting has also been set in motion in branches (signs, emergency lighting in the back-office, ATMs…). This control and monitoring of electric power consumption in branches will enable the institution to carry out awareness raising acts in upcoming financial years, as well as reporting on consumption in the Regional network. Night cleaning at Head Office in Barcelona has undergone a complete overhaul. Since November, 2007, the building can now reduce lighting by 50% at its facilities during the night 5. Commitment to the Environment Less light, longer life On February 1st, 2007, ”la Caixa” took part in the global action against climate change, organised by the Alliance for the Earth, an initiative that brings together over 70 ecologist, scientific and consumer associations. Head Office in Barcelona (Avenida Diagonal 621-629), as well as in Madrid (Paseo de la Castellana, 51) turned off the lighting in both buildings in an aim to raise awareness about climate change and the impact which energy consumption has on it. Diesel Diesel consumption is at a minimum given that it is only put into operation in emergencies. The increase in 2007 corresponds to 463 hours use (144 in 2006) as a result of maintenance requirements, an internal power cut in December and principally, a total power failure by the electric power supply company in August in the entire city of Barcelona. Water Water consumption, for both the central buildings and the branch network and ”la Caixa” company buildings is supplied by the municipal water network. Among the measures introduced to save water consumption, the Head Office building in Barcelona uses a system to reduce water discharge time for domestic water taps, one of several systems, in addition to the replacement of the cooling towers in 2005. In 2007, after carrying out actions to improve water treatment and performing a general study into the suitability of ornamental fountains, with the aim to reduce water and biocide consumption, the decision was taken to replace the fountains with a landscaped garden area. The increase in water consumption in 2007 may be considered a natural process, nevertheless, ”la Caixa” has decided to treat it as a significant event and to investigate new water saving measures. Paper In 2006, ”la Caixa” introduced one permanent environmental awareness initiative regarding the printing of documents, which benefits consumption of the most significant waste product in the Institution: paper. This is now a well established policy regarding paper consumption and targets both employees and customers alike. The aim is to avoid printing whenever possible and if not, to print one single copy of a document, with a second copy optional. Currently, somewhere in the region of 40% of paper used is recycled and the goal is to reach 60%. The Audit department has included this measure in its performance protocol in branches. Office material has been replaced by recycled material in many cases (employee business cards, folders, files, etc.). If it’s on-line, it’s sustainable ”la Caixa” has placed the Personalized Correspondence Service at the disposal of its customers, thereby replacing the sending of a posted letter with electronic documents. The measure has reduced paper consumption required to produce statements and envelopes. In general terms, ”la Caixa” has reduced the number of printed communications it sends to customers by an overall amount in excess of 42.9 million in this past year. In Línea Abierta services, by unifying the documents sent to customers and the Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 91 Single Invoice, it has contributed greatly to rationalizing paper consumption, not to mention the CaixaMóvil warning service, included among the services provided by the on-line platform. Digitalization is one of the most important processes which affects the vast amount of information ”la Caixa” accumulates between contracts, documents, signatures, etc. Moreover, it has enabled a significant reduction in storage, retrieval, consultation and transmission of documents in paper format. Over the last two years, new electronic panels have also been introduced in the branch network to reduce the number of printed pages. Furthermore, the electronic file has been implemented in branches and the employee in-house magazine is now edited in an electronic version. Other measures that effect a reduction in paper consumption are the sending of Curriculum Vitae and Christmas greetings in electronic versions only. The most significant challenges facing the company in 2008 include the introduction of electronic salary slips, which will contribute to providing greater access for employees to information through their portal, as well as effecting an improvement in paper saving and environmental impact. 5. Commitment to the Environment Indicators of the direct environmental Impact Consumption of Natural Resources 2005 2006 2007 85,369.9 90,701.90 95,132.7 54.55 55.17 57.83 — + 6.2% +4.8% Total diesel consumption 1,547 3,023 6,770 Total diesel consumed per employee 1.09 2.02 4.54 114 224 501 CO2 emissions per electric power consumption (Tn) 9,953 9,837 10,398 Total tons of CO2 10,067 10,060 10,899 Total water consumption 56,133 75,036 76,036 Total water consumed per employee 35.87 45.64 46.56 — +33.6% +1.3% 100,000 120,912 115,868 62.85 72.45 65.38 ”la Caixa” 43% Sumasa 110% Vivenda Assequible 11.8% ”la Caixa” 42% Sumasa 102% Vivenda Assequible 54.8% ”la Caixa” 40% Sumasa 136% Vivenda Assequible 62.9% Electric power (GJ) (1) Total electric power consumption (4) Total electric power consumed per employee % electric power saving (reduced consumption) Diesel (GJ) (2) CO2 (Tn) (3) CO2 emissions per diesel consumption (Tn) Water (m3) % water saving (reduced consumption) Paper (Kg) Total paper consumption Total paper consumed per employee % paper saving (reduced consumption) (1) Conversion factor: GJ for Kwh: 0.0036. Source: GRI Technical protocols. (2) Conversion factor: GJ for gallon of diesel (3.78 litres): 0.138. Source: GRI Technical protocols. (3) Conversion factor: kg of CO² for litre of diesel: 2.7. Source: Spanish automotive sector. In-house study prepared from data for the sector as well as average emission factors as recognized by available technology. (4) Data for electrical energy and water consumption include data from ”la Caixa” Head Office and Sumasa. Data for diesel and CO² emissions includes data for “la Caixa” Head Office. Data for paper consumption for 2005 and 2006 includes data for ”la Caixa” Head Office, Sumasa and Vivenda Assequible and in 2007 data includes information from ”la Caixa” Head Office, Sumasa, Vivenda Assequible and ServiHabitat. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 92 5. Commitment to the Environment Indirect energy consumption broken down by primary energy consumed (GJ) ”la Caixa” 2005 2006 2007 Biomasa 1,969 2,092 2,194 110,433 117,330 123,092 3,927 4,172 4,377 12,972 13,782 14,459 104,640 111,175 116,634 Petrol 23,232 24,683 25,895 Wind 1,620 1,721 1,806 Coal Natural gas Hydro power Nuclear Conversion factor: GJ for Kwh: 0.0036. Source: GRO Technical protocols. Waste management and recycling Despite its low recovery level in terms of comparison with other sectors, ”la Caixa” assures that all waste is managed through the legitimate channels provided. This means internal regulations assuring the most adequate waste treatment for each class of waste. For example, every day the Head Office building generates waste such as debris, wood, plastic, glass, furniture residues, etc. Even though this waste is not hazardous, it is subject to ongoing rigorous waste collection procedures. Moreover, other residue, like batteries, fluorescent lighting, containers from chemical products, among others are also dealt with by the authorised personnel. More than just Eco-zones The Eco-zones are different containers for the selective collection of paper, toners, batteries, plastic, and ink cartridges. These containers are a way for Head Office employees to actively participate in waste management and recycling. When IT equipment is no longer of use they are removed to a storage facility, transported and later recycled by an authorized waste management service. Every floor of the Head Office building in Barcelona is equipped with a series of separate containers for the selective collection of paper, toners, batteries, plastic and ink cartridges Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 93 5. Commitment to the Environment Waste collected subject to specific regulatory treatment 2005 2006 2007 Paper and cardboard (kg) (1) 86,870 171,982 190,933 Plastic (kg) (2) 37,240 51,380 34,832 150 720 820 80 360 312 Machine batteries (kg) (3) 308 647 682 Toner cartridges (units) (3) 3,649 3,986 4,054 Fluorescent lights (kg) (3) Batteries (kg) (3) (1) Data for waste paper and cardboard collected in 2005 and 2006 includes information from ”la Caixa” Head Office and Sumasa, and in 2007 includes the data for ”la Caixa” Head Office, ServiHabitat, Sumasa and Vivenda Assequible. (2) The data for plastic waste collected in 2005 and 2006 includes data for ”la Caixa” Head Office and in 2007 data for ”la Caixa” Head Office and ServiHabitat. (3) The data for waste material of fluorescent lighting, batteries, toner cartridges and containers for chemical products, includes data for ”la Caixa” Head Office. Atmospheric emissions ”la Caixa” seeks to foster the commitments it has undertaken with the Kyoto Protocol regarding CO² emissions. Currently, the atmospheric impact effected by ”la Caixa” is mainly centred around emissions of greenhouse gases generated as a result of its management activities and, in emergency cases, operating turbines and generators, as well as air conditioning facilities. Indirect emissions are generated by electric power consumption and trips taken. Inside branches, separate lighting is now in use in the work area, and all other areas use general lighting. This means a reduction in the installed power capacity and an improvement of around 30% in electric power consumption. In addition, at night and on weekends during the winter months the heat generated by the DPC’s cooling plants is utilized to maintain a comfortable temperature in the Head Office building, as well as in the case of low or extreme temperatures during the day. which began in 2006, in 2007, for the first time it has been possible to make a comparative analysis. This figure is calculated based on transport type and distance. If in 2007, with a total of 24,233 employees, emissions were 3,228 tons of CO², in 2006, and with a total of 23,229 employees, emissions amounted to 3,177 tons, therefore, the relative increase was negative. Moreover, videoconference meetings are becoming increasingly more popular as a substitute for travelling. As part of the measures affecting this issue, ”la Caixa” has an automatic condenser batteries installation at its disposal in order to compensate reactive electric power in electric contracts in excess of 15 Kw. Lighting signs have also been redesigned to optimise light efficiency by using LED lighting. In 2007, employees covered a total of 25,608,192 kilometres in travelling to and from work and corporate trips, accounting for CO² emissions to the sum of 3,228 tons. Finally, we should mention also the reduction in the number of printers, scanners and fax machines at Head Office, which has in turn meant a 33 ton reduction in CO² equivalents. With the CO² emissions control in place to measure travel by employees, Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 94 5. Commitment to the Environment Trips Annual Data 2006 Total journey (*) (flight + rented car + railway) (Km.) Annual Data 2007Variation 06/07 25,041,884 25,608,192 2.26% Km. per employee 1,078 1,056 -2.04% Tn CO² (eqt) 3,176 3,228 1.64% (*) According to factors for change obtained from World Resources Institute Environmentally Friendly Credits Environmental risk is one of the aspects measured in the evaluation procedure for the concession of loans to corporate clients. This is especially true when the company operates in potentially contaminating sectors. At ”la Caixa”, we analyse whether environmental protection systems have been put in place and how these issues could affect the business’s financial stability, sustainability of the area, and its future development capacity. Consequently, ”la Caixa” uses risk criteria protocol available for every branch, which lists the principal requisites to be observed at the time of analysing an operation. It also assesses whether or not measures have been taken to maintain environmental risk at the absolute minimum. This process of evaluation is especially relevant in project finance operations where the potential environmental impact must be carefully considered from the very early design stages of the operation. As a result, ”la Caixa” seeks to assure that the borrower complies fully with standards in each case and that it possesses certifications of adherence to environmental management systems (EMAS, ISO 14001, etc.). ”la Caixa” uses risk criteria protocol available for every branch, which lists the principal requisites to be observed at the time of analysing an operation Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 95 5. Commitment to the Environment 5.3 Suppliers Purchasing and Relation Policy with ”la Caixa” Suppliers Every single process, ranging from preparation of the expenditure and investment budget for the financial year, to payment of invoices from the various suppliers, is managed via IT systems and applications which enable information and data processing from all companies who collaborate with ”la Caixa”, the services they are hired to provide. Purchasing and Relation Policy with ”la Caixa” Suppliers Below is a list of some of the more prominent initiatives in this area which ”la Caixa” put into practice in 2007: • Identifying suppliers of Special Management. • Creating a database of all the ”la Caixa” Group suppliers. • Including a clause in all new contracts signed on compulsory compliance with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. • Transparency, given that more than 40% of contracts are granted via public adjudication. Servicios Informáticos ”la Caixa” GDSCusa PromoCaixa ServiHabitat Sumasa Vivienda Asequible TOTAL Volume of goods and services purchased (in million Euro) 1,127,3 63.4 4.5 19.6 132 239 56.9 1,642,7 Number of invoices 521,961 7,579 3,038 2,532 1,574 35,400 NA 572,084 82% 100% 100% 98% 100% 96,1% 100% — 302 29 60 32 39 359 NA 821 Punctual payment Number of suppliers In the financial year 2007, the 5 principal suppliers of ”la Caixa”, with the greatest volume of turnover, showed an overall turnover of EUR 257.8 million. In all, there are a total of 821 suppliers to ”la Caixa” and its affiliates. Several departments are involved in managing suppliers - legal services, the centres managing the contracting divisions, expense checks, etc. overseeing the contracting process, the exchange of legal documents with suppliers and fulfilment of their obligations when it comes to occupational hazard prevention. ”la Caixa” provides an assessment of occupational hazards, preventive planning stemming from it and the certificate confirming that all workers have been given suitable training in prevention. It is also necessary, both prior to and after provision of any service, to provide an assessment of occupational hazards, preventive planning stemming from it and the certificate confirming that all workers have been given suitable training in prevention. In all cases for contracts of what have been legally classified as a suppliers own activities, it is necessary to provide records from the General Treasury of Social Security Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 96 and the Tax Administration to certify that they are up-to-date with payment of legal obligations for workers and the administration. In accordance with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, ”la Caixa” extends this commitment regarding respect for human rights and support for the fight against environment degradation to its suppliers. Also, in 2007, suppliers were asked to complete a survey of supplier satisfaction. The result was a rating of 6.83 from 10 with a response rate of 20%. 5. Commitment to the Environment Environmental Obligations for Suppliers An effective environmental policy is not just one that applies to the internal organisation, but should also take the entire value chain into account. For this reason, the Institution includes a clause in contracts with suppliers on compliance with environmental regulations, above all with regard to waste management. By doing so, suppliers identify with and adhere to the environmental values of ”la Caixa”. With an aim to implement environmentally responsible purchase criteria, in 2005, the Environmentally Friendly Purchase Guide was introduced in all branches. This document offers advice on how best to engage in purchasing environmentally sustainable office material and seeks to combine quality with minimal environmental impact. It provides recommendations for purchasing material as well as a questionnaire for the supplier. The supplier must fill in this questionnaire by rating several different considerations concerning the company method for dealing with varying environmental aspects. In accordance with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, ”la Caixa” extends this commitment to its suppliers in terms of respect for human rights and support for the fight against environmental degradation Apart from ”la Caixa”, since 2007, the companies GDS-Cusa, PromoCaixa and Sumasa also include an environmental clause in all contracts with suppliers, and require suppliers to provide any environmental or quality certification they may hold Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 97 6 An excellent place to work 6.1 Recognizing diversity 6.2 Respect for Collective Rights 6.3 Social Advantages and Benefits 6.4 Fostering Professional Expertise 6.5 Technological Innovation 6.6 Internal Customer Satisfaction Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 98 6. An excellent place to work Area Commitments 2008-2010 Acknowledgement of diversity • In 2008 setting in motion of actions in protocol of equality and conciliation. Training and professional development • 100% of the ”la Caixa” financial network staff to receive training in money laundering prevention and data protection. • Training plan for employees at Head Office of ”la Caixa” to improve communication skills, team building and leadership. • 100% of the ”la Caixa” Regional Network staff evaluated based on their skills. ”la Caixa” goes to great lengths to create an environment of respect and dialogue by favouring personal and professional advancement of its team members, not to mention fostering the work/life balance of family and professional life. All of this based on the premise of equal opportunities and in the most secure and healthy environment possible. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 99 6. An excellent place to work 6.1 Recognizing diversity The increase in size of its workforce is a reflection of the expansion of ”la Caixa” as well as its subsidiaries. Currently, there are 24,725 employees in ”la Caixa”, Serveis Informàtics, GDS-Cusa, MicroBank, PromoCaixa, ServiHabitat, Sumasa and Vivenda Assequible (not including Criteria CaixaCorp), which represents an increase of 4.51% on the number for 2006. Characteristics of the workforce at ”la Caixa” and its subsidiaries 24,725 professionals, without counting Criteria CaixaCorp, make up the team of employees working at ”la Caixa”, Serveis Informàtics, GDS-Cusa, MicroBank, PromoCaixa, ServiHabitat, Sumasa and Vivenda Assequible. Of the total number of 24,725 employees, 24,700 are located in Spain, 13 in Poland and Romania and 12 dispersed around other countries where ”la Caixa” possesses representative branches. In this sense, the Institution has demonstrated continuity in the trend set over the past three years, making it one of the leading steady job creators in all Spain. Throughout 2007, the workforce received an additional 1,068 new members, which accounts for an increase of 4.51%. There has been a significant progressive incorporation of female staff members, who now account for 45% of the workforce, compared to 55% males. In accordance with its goal to foster employees’ professional development, the minimum wage for staff, both at ”la Caixa” as well as its subsidiaries, is above the rate established by law and standing trade union agreements. In fact, basic salary is regulated by tables established by agreement and is well above the legally established minimum wage. 99% of all contracts are indefinite. 83% of the workforce are university graduates. The average service period of employees at ”la Caixa” is 12.19 years, in GDS-Cusa 12.1 years, 0.5 years in MicroBank, in PromoCaixa the average service period is between 2 and 8 years, 9.2 years for ServiHabitat, 5.6 years for Sumasa and, finally, 11 years for Vivenda Assequible. The average age of the workforce in ”la Caixa” is 38.8 years, in Serveis Informàtics it is 39.3 years, in GDS-Cusa 41.2 years, 48 years in MicroBank, in PromoCaixa the average age is between 30 and 40 years, 39.1 years for ServiHabitat, 38.5 years for Sumasa and, finally, 41 years for Vivienda. Number of times salary of workers at ”la Caixa” and subsidiaries exceeds legally established minimum wage ”la Caixa” 2.4 Serveis Informàtics 2.7 GDS-Cusa 2 MicroBank 1.89 PromoCaixa 2.2 ServiHabitat 1.4 Sumasa 2.4 Vivenda Assequible 1.34 Since 2006, full-time personnel are hired by affiliates of ”la Caixa” through promoting employees under temporary contract and with positive evaluation. Affiliates continue to prioritise full time contracts with a 9 month trial period. The average period of service for employees of ”la Caixa” is 12.19 years, 12.1 years in GDS-Cusa, 0.5 years in MicroBank, in PromoCaixa the average period of service is between 2 and 8 years, 9.2 years for ServiHabitat, 5.6 years for Sumasa and, finally, 11 years for Vivenda Assequible. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 100 While the average age of the workforce in ”la Caixa” is 38.8 years, in Serveis Informàtics it is 39.3 years, in GDSCusa 41.2 years, 48 years in MicroBank, in PromoCaixa the average age is between 30 and 40 years, 39.1 years for ServiHabitat, 38.5 years for Sumasa and, finally, 41 years for Vivenda Assequible. These figures demonstrate a real balance between younger staff members, with a clear projection for the future, and experienced professionals. Qualification levels of new employees are another positive indicator of the current 6. An excellent place to work state of companies. In 2007, 83% of all employees were university graduates. National and international expansion of ”la Caixa” and its affiliates is deeply rooted in the proximity of staff members to the geographic areas they operate in. Consistent with this policy, each section is organised from within by divisions and by territories, in order to build strong ties with and integrate in the culture, values and individual traits of each region. This is the reason why the institution fosters the incorporation of persons, originally from and / or resident in each region. Overall investment in personnel expenses of ”la Caixa” and its affiliates (in million Euros) Company ”la Caixa” Serveis Informàtics GDS-Cusa MicroBank PromoCaixa ServiHabitat Sumasa Vivenda Assequible TOTAL Wages and salaries Social Insurance Donations and contributions to pension fund 1,252,647 240,986 113,063 186,350 1,793,046 8,534 1,463 0 340 10,337 2,970 475 23 480 3,948 250 42 1 11 304 1,593 293 0 40 1,926 4,769 872 0 0 5,641 6,063 1.349 0 0 7,412 1,696 192 0 102 1,990 1,278,522 245,672 113,087 187,323 1,824,604 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 101 Other expenses TOTAL 6. An excellent place to work Total Nº of employees that make up workforce of ”la Caixa” and its affiliates Company 2005 2006 2007 ”la Caixa” ”la Caixa” Head Office 22,333 1,420 23,229 1,493 24,233 1,564 20,913 21,736 22.,669 Serveis Informàtics 121 156 111 GDS-Cusa 82 66 56 MicroBank NA NA 9 PromoCaixa 27 30 33 ServiHabitat NA NA 99 Sumasa 145 151 156 Vivenda Assequible 26 25 28 22,734 23,657 24,725 Regional Network TOTAL (*) MicroBank and ServiHabitat have employees since mid 2007, therefore, all information is collected from this period. NA: Not Available Evolution of workforce of ”la Caixa” and its affiliates 13,120 (58%) 13,296 (56%) 13,560 (55%) 9,614 (42%) 05 10,361 (44%) 06 Males Females Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 102 11,165 (45%) 07 6. An excellent place to work Type of contract of workforce of ”la Caixa” and its affiliates. Employees with permanent and temporary contract 24,489 23,623 21,476 1,256 135 101 05 06 07 2 2 05 06 32 07 Permanent / indefinite full-time Permanent / indefinite part-time 05 06 07 TOTAL 2005: 22,734 TOTAL 2006: 23,657 TOTAL 2007: 24,725 Temporary Distribution by professional category of workforce of ”la Caixa” and its affiliates Average years of service of workforce of ”la Caixa” and its affiliates (years) 2007 ”la Caixa” 12.19 1,012 9,885 13,828 Serveis Informàtics NA* GDS-Cusa 12.1 MicroBank 0.5 PromoCaixa Between 2 and 8 ServiHabitat 9,2 Sumasa 5,6 Vivenda Assequible 11 TOTAL: 24,725 Directors Intermediate Positions (*) NA: Not Available Rest of workforce Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 103 6. An excellent place to work Average age of workforce of ”la Caixa” and its affiliates 2007 ”la Caixa” 38.8 Serveis Informàtics 39.3 GDS-Cusa 41.2 MicroBank 48 PromoCaixa Between 30 - 40 ServiHabitat 39.1 Sumasa 38.5 Vivenda Assequible Dialogue The team of professionals at ”la Caixa” and its affiliates are crucial in transmitting the values of the Institution, through their day-to-day actions. Therefore, it is fundamental that employees express their needs, aspirations and preferences by way of open and ongoing dialogue. In this respect, a conscious effort is made to promote honest and respectful dealings between team members, based on a policy of open dialogue. This dialogue is expressed through several channels. Specific Internal Communication Channels of ”la Caixa” One of these channels is the ‘working environment survey’, issued to all the financial institution’s Regional Network and Head Office employees on a regular basis, which constitutes a highly useful allowing the Institution to gather information about the needs, concerns and aspects of personnel management which require improvement. 41 The ‘reconciliation survey’ is another survey carried out and which has made it possible to develop a series of measures in favour of assisting Regional Network and Head Office employees in striking a balance between family and professional life. ”la Caixa” seeks to foster personal, direct internal communication in order to generate the free flow of information between personnel and departments Meetings between the Directorate General and the Regional Network Throughout 2007, the Directorate General continued to promote the policy to hold meetings with branches in the Regional Network. In this respect, 125 out of the existing 218 Subarea Management met with the Directorate General. By way of this procedure, the Directorate General seeks to remain in close proximity Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 104 ”la Caixa”, the one everybody wants to work for For the second year in succession, the MERCO corporate reputation barometer (Spanish Corporate Reputation Monitor) has named ”la Caixa” as the highest rated institution to work for. This was the result of the second edition of the annual report, which measures corporate reputation of Spanish companies and organisations from the point of view of employees, general public and Human Resources Management. ”la Caixa” is not only the institution most people want to work for, but also the highest rated by its own workforce. Without a doubt, this high level of satisfaction contributes to the quality of service customers receive and serves as an impetus for the social actions carried out. with the reality in branches in order to understand and manage the needs of its activity. At the same time, it is an excellent opportunity to get first hand information, suggestions and proposals from employees, thus fostering improvement in the Institution’s operational and commercial procedures. Overall, in 2007 meetings were held with 341 branches, which generated 10,637 suggestions on behalf of 4,342 employees, 217 of which were subsequently implemented. Over the past three years, there have been a total of 534 visits to Subarea Management; the number of branches visited rises to 1,112, and the overall number of suggestions for improvement that were later implemented amounts to almost one thousand. 6. An excellent place to work meetings between the Directorate General and the Regional network 543 441 330 341 230 218 217 191 05 06 125 07 05 06 07 05 06 07 Total Nº of SAM visited Total Nº of branches visited Total Nº of suggestions for improvement implemented Total nº of suggestions in 2007 (from 4,342 employees) DT NORTE 943 9% DT CATALUÑA 5.933 56% SSCC 58 1% DT CENTRO 1.222 11% DT BALEARES 322 3% DT VALENCIA-MURCIA DT SUR 985 9% 870 8% DT CANARIAS 304 3% TOTAL GENERAL: 10,637 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 105 6. An excellent place to work Canal Caixa Canal Caixa is an instrument for identifying two of the most significant internal communication medium targeting employees: the monthly in-house magazine and the corporate information section located in the Intranet. The magazine, which has a press run of 270,000 copies annually, informs employees of the business initiatives undertaken by the different branches, as well as providing information about promotional campaigns, organisational changes, or the main activities of Obra Social, among other issues. Overall number of editions published 10 9 8 05 270,000 260,000 202,800 05 Call Center for Branches All ”la Caixa” branches have a call service line at their disposal offering assistance on an ongoing basis in whatever area is required. This tool provides branches with access to the entire financial and commercial contents of the institution and which allows them to resolve any doubts or consultations they may have with regard to business related issues. 07 Overall number of copies distributed The magazine is also available in an electronic version on the Intranet. This option allows employees to evaluate the contents of the latest news and also to send in their own suggestions or proposals for upcoming editions. Channels for Employee Communication and Participation Apart from the in-house publication, ”la Caixa” also has other channels suitable for fostering communication between employees and the Institution. 06 06 07 navigation and guide them through the most frequently asked questions and answers on the home or main page of the corporate Intranet service. The Call Centre for Branches received more than 2.36 million calls in 2007, which meant 52,000 less than the previous year. Nº of calls made to Call Centre telephone service for branches (millions) One of the most interesting options available through this service is the possibility to resolve any class of individual consultations or administrative tasks on-line. To facilitate this process, employees have an assistant at their disposal to provide more intuitive Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 2.415 2.363 2.255 05 06 106 07 Corporate Intranet The corporate Intranet service of ”la Caixa” is one of the basic communication tools at the disposal of employees of the Institution. Intranet has become a fast mode of communication and participation which the entire workforce has access to. With this tool, personnel are constantly kept up to date with the most significant issues affecting the Institution. Intranet is an information providing instrument, which can also be used to provide training and management. As far as the first utility is concerned , the section devoted to welcoming new members of staff stands out, as well as the general principles of action in ”la Caixa”, the ‘telematic Code of Conduct’, and the social benefits for employees, work regulations and new issues. As regards the second utility, Intranet is used to 6. An excellent place to work apply for selection processes and internal promotions, transfers or requests for leave, etc. At the same time, it is also used to manage training related issues of those working for ”la Caixa”. Another section to highlight is the area devoted to ‘Hazard Prevention’, where the workforce is kept informed of policy governing the evaluation and prevention of occupational hazards and which provides direct access to on-line courses in this material. The section devoted to ‘Health’ provides access to the different private health care websites who work in direct cooperation with ”la Caixa” or its employees. Corporate Intranet (Nº of intranet pages visited daily) 466,183 331,390 06 07 Furthermore, since 2008, all employees can communicate with each other using the peer-to-peer system of Link-Caixa also on the Intranet, regarding more personal matters not necessarily related to their professional activities. Suggestions Box and the Forum for Participatory Innovation Employee participation is essential to the growth of any organisation and ”la Caixa” is well aware of its importance. Consequently, with an aim to foster contributions from workers of the Regional Network and Head Office in the development of innovative actions, the Institution provides a suggestions box for employees. Access is extremely simple and employees can make their contribution from their desktop. In fact, in 2007, a total of 3,970 employees proposed ideas for improvement in the Institution. Moreover, more than 10,000 suggestions were sent to the service, of which 42% have already been put into practice, with a further 21% currently in the development phase. improvement. The results of these debates are then available for all through the corporate Intranet. The proposals received so far are all related to improvements in customer care issues, environmental preservation, strengthening the activities of Obra Social, increased business or simplification of operational procedures. In order to get the most from this resource and transform it into a genuinely useful instrument, communication is a two way concept. Head Office at ”la Caixa” has vowed to respond personally to all employee proposals, providing reasons and arguments when required, within a maximum of 45 days. Rate of compliance with established response time was around 95%. The Forum for Innovative Participation complements the suggestion box. The Forum is an area for dialogue where specific issues are debated with the aim to identifying opportunities for Throughout 2007, overall, 3,970 employees proposed ideas for improvement in the Institution by way of the Suggestions Box Suggestions Box 2005 2006 2007 Number of participants 1,989 3,800 3,970 Number of proposals received 4,070 8,634 10,752 Percentage of proposals implanted 55% 61% 73% Suggestions Box 2006 2007 3,399 (39%) 4,516 (42%) 1,968 (23%) 2,903 (27%) 1,822 (21%) 2,150 (20%) 1,445 (17%) 1,183 (11%) Completed Rejected Planned design stage In Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 107 6. An excellent place to work Nº of ”la Caixa” Employee Suggestions by Autonomous Community PRINCIPALITY OF ASTURIAS 30 GALICIA 50 CANTABRIA BASQUE COUNTRY 47 161 55 NAVARRE 158 195 226 348 121 LA RIOJA 24 CASTILLA AND LEON 136 CATALONIA 30 4,610 5,992 ARAGON 179 130 164 COMMUNITY OF MADRID 859 EXTREMADURA 82 954 CASTILLA-LA MANCHA 85 79 117 643 818 valencia BALEARIC ISLANDS 261 343 REGION OF MURCIA ANDALUSIA 814 130 197 791 2006 CANARY ISLANDS 232 312 2007 CEUTA 4 7 MELILLA 2 0 Other Mechanisms for Communication and Participation • The Annual Director’s Convention, in which the Chairman and CEO present the results for the year and advance the projected plans for the upcoming financial year. • Programmes for directors involve a meeting, at least once a year, for groups of between 25 and 30 people at sessions over two to three days. During these conferences, the directors of ”la Caixa” have the opportunity to become acquainted with colleagues who hold other positions of responsibility and come from other areas, leading to a an opportunity to expand their professional outlook. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 108 • Meetings focused on a specific aspect of banking activity, such as commercial campaigns, branch organisation, available IT equipment, etc. These multilateral meetings, in which branch employees (users) and employees of Head Office (suppliers) intervene, address a monographic issue that is subject to analysis in order to pinpoint the problem insofar as its efficient improvement is concerned, both in terms of the quality of customer service and the improvement of internal circuits. • The Teamwork Model of each of the ”la Caixa” branches aims to regularly pool all the issues that affect the work centre. 6. An excellent place to work • The ”Virt@ula” space, which can be accessed from any Internet connection point, fosters the generation of learning communities, in addition to the sharing of experiences and viewpoints. Specific Internal Communication Channels of ”la Caixa” affiliates Specific internal communication channels for affiliates of ”la Caixa” are tailored for each company, depending on the specific scope and dimension of each affiliate. In this sense, telematic media are the principal channels used for dialogue with employees, such as e-mail, and corporate Intranet, together with weekly meetings for the management teams, and regular meetings with employees. Equal Opportunities The concept of equal opportunities for men and women is not only a widely recognised legal obligation, but also an excellent opportunity for improving working conditions for employees. ”la Caixa”, together with its affiliate companies are aware that by creating an environment of equality in all its work centres, they are contributing directly to the well-being of associates. ”la Caixa” and its companies understand equality as a global commitment that effects both the gender and nationality of its employees. Regarding the first aspect, since 2006 ”la Caixa” is certified by the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in the Optima Programme, in recognition of companies that show commitment and responsibility when it comes to equal opportunities between men and women. In order to achieve this certification certain factors have been taken into consideration, like for example, the Institution’s respect for non-discrimination on account on gender in screening processes, in promotions, and in professional development. This certification is renewed annually, thus committing ”la Caixa” to the ongoing monitoring of the aforementioned processes. The last revision was carried out during the financial year 2007. Female employees in ”la Caixa” and its affiliates now account for 45% of staff and males, 55%. In this sense, the application of a policy of nondiscrimination over the coming years will enable the eventual elimination of the gender gap, even in managerial positions. At the time of writing, women occupy 30% of these positions. Similarly, equal opportunities in screening processes at ”la Caixa” and its affiliates are clearly visible by observing the figures for new employees, which are currently Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 109 58% women and 42% men. In 2007, the consolidation of the presence of women was undertaken without a single case of discrimination. Also worthy of note is the fact that economic compensation paid to workers of ”la Caixa” and its affiliates is established on the basis of professional category and performance levels, independently of the candidate’s gender. A further manifestation of equality that distinguished ”la Caixa” and its affiliates as equality friendly organisations is its sensitivity toward job applications from new residents. At the time of writing there were almost 465 persons of 47 different nationalities working for the Group. With the Optima Programme, ”la Caixa” makes an undertaking to carry out a series of positive actions to foster balance between men and women, facilitate their incorporation to positions in which they are underrepresented, guarantee their permanence and promotion in positions of responsibility and introduce measures in support of reconciling family and professional life 6. An excellent place to work New employees at ”la Caixa” and its affiliates Internal promotions in ”la Caixa” and its affiliates 4,609 4,420 4,334 57% 55% 1,739 52% 1,544 1,462 59% 58% 57% 05 07 06 New employees 05 % females 06 Total nº of internal promotions* 07 % females of overall internal promotions * MicroBank was formed in 2007. Nationalities in ”la Caixa” and its affiliates (Total nº of foreign employees) Distribution by gender of management team in ”la Caixa” and its affiliates 79% (23) 79% (22) 465 70% (704) 393 21% (6) 30% (308) 21% (6) 05 07 06 Males 320 05 Females Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 110 06 07 6. An excellent place to work Equal opportunities in ”la Caixa” and its affiliates In 2007, 58% of all new employees were females and 57% of internal promotions were awarded to female employees. 30% of management positions are held by female employees. 47 different nationalities are represented in the workforce by a total of almost 465 employees from foreign countries. Award for equal opportunities In 2007, ”la Caixa” sponsored the ‘Awards for Equal Opportunities’ organised by the La Rioja Association of Young Entrepreneurs (AJER). The participation of the Institution in these awards obeys its solid commitment to policies on equality. Work/life balance Reconciling family and professional life is one of the pillars on which the welfare state is built. Using this as a basis, ”la Caixa” and its affiliates reaffirm once again this year their commitment to workers by way of specific projects. All of these have one thing in common, the utmost respect for the individual personal circumstances of each employee, which are unique and therefore each deserving an individual approach. Armonía Project in ”la Caixa” Along similar lines, and as part of the policies of action related to the Optima Programme, ”la Caixa” instituted in 2006 the Armonía project, with the aim to design and implement Policies of Equality and Work/life balance, considering within the spectrum of work/life balance, issues relating to maternity and diversity, as well as redefining working habits and time management. In this context, the Equality and Work/life balance Protocol, which was agreed in December 2007 between ”la Caixa” and trade unions, outlines a series of new measures on equality, leave of absence and training programmes aimed at improving well-being of employees. The Protocol also includes the creation of a Commission on Equality and Work/life balance presided over by the Institution’s Human Resources department, and which is in charge of monitoring the application of the agreement, the proposal of training measures and initiatives, as well as monitoring initiatives for reconciling family and professional life. As a result of its policies of respect for the individual needs of each employee, at present, workers of ”la Caixa” and its affiliates enjoy working conditions in matters concerning work/life balance and equality which clearly exceed those provided for under Spanish Law and in the corresponding sectoral Conventions ”la Caixa” and trade unions sign an agreement on an extensive Equality and Work/life balance Protocol benefiting more than 24,000 employees Some of the specific issues covered under the protocol are as follows: • The reference to the individual right to Work/life balance as established by the Spanish Equality Law, through adapting working hours, possibility of reducing hours below the legal minimum. • The institutionalisation of independent management of leave up to one day in as far as is necessary at the level of each work centre, together with flexibility in starting and finishing times. • Increasing maternity and paternity leave and time-off for breastfeeding and other paid time-off, as well as improvements in and extension of events leading to leave of absence. • The establishment of the right to “conservation of position” in order to look after a dependant relative. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 • The creation of “senior teams”, to facilitate positive adaptation of the contribution from more senior members of staff. • Immediate cover for maternity leave, leave of absence or prolonged illnesses. • Training in equality and work/life balance, diversity, time management and in planning and organising work, as well as improvements in efficiency of meetings. • Specification of situations to receive special attention: maternity and paternity, victims of harassment or discrimination and in particular, victims of gender violence, who –among other supportive measures– may avail of paid leave of absence of 3 months, if so required for reasons of a restraining order. • The setting-up of a Commission on Equality and Work/life balance and elaboration of quantitative indicators of equal opportunities. 111 6. An excellent place to work Measures for striking a balance between family and working life available to employees of ”la Caixa” and its affiliates Flexibility of maternity and paternity leave General Flexibility of timetables in nursing periods General Coverage of maternity leave with temping businesses General Economic compensation for help with nursery schools General Leave and permits General Ongoing training in a virtual platform General Flexible working timetable General Pre-retirement or partial retirement programme Partial (under specific conditions) Overall nº of employees working full-time Total nº of employees who work in reduced working hour scheme (requested for maternity, illness, studies, other reasons...) 24,514 23,341 22,448 286 316 110 05 06 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 07 05 112 06 07 6. An excellent place to work Integration into Working Life In line with the legal directives of Spanish Law of Social Integration of the Disabled (LISMI), ”la Caixa” and ServiHabitat strictly adhere to and are in full compliance with the reservation of 2% of all positions for disabled workers, an obligation for all companies with 50 or more employees, and therefore not applicable in the case of MicroBank and PromoCaixa. Currently, there are a total of 108 persons with disabilities working for ”la Caixa”, whether through direct contract or by way of agreement with special employment centres for the supply of raw materials or the provision of services. In addition, the Institution makes economic donations to, and sponsors acts for, the development of activities in labour market integration and creation of jobs for persons with disabilities. In 2007, the figure allocated to these activities amounted to EUR 3,752,103. GDS-Cusa also makes donations equivalent to contracting persons with a disability given that it possesses a certificate of exception from the Catalan Department of Labour. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 113 6. An excellent place to work 6.2 Respect for collective rights ”la Caixa” as well as its affiliates consider that bargaining with workers is one of the instruments that has fostered social development and progress throughout history. The well-being of the workforce is not just a legitimate claim shared by all companies, but also leads to better service for its customers. of joint committees are in place, such as the Joint Career and Salaries Commission, Control Pension Plan Commission, Single Committee on Health and Occupational Safety and the Training Commission, among others. ”la Caixa”, beyond sectoral collective agreement For ”la Caixa”, collective bargaining goes beyond the Collective Agreement for Savings Bank Sector, which the Institute belongs to, it also includes internal agreements signed between Management and trade unions, which by doing so, improve the conditions of the Agreement. As a result of the trade union elections held in 2006, there are a total of six organisations currently present in some of the 40 Employees Committees (the majority with regional scope). These are CCOO (Comisiones Obreras), SECPB (Sindicato de Empleados de Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona), UGT (Unión General de Trabajadores), FEC (Federació d’Estalvi de Catalunya), SIB (Sindicat Independent de Balears) and ASI (Alternativa Sindical Independiente). As part of customary operations between company and trade unions, a series Nevertheless, apart from trade union representation by election, trade unions are also represented on the various governing bodies of the institution. There are 20 trade union representatives on the General Assembly, 3 on the Board of Directors, a further 3 on the Board of Trustees of the Foundation ”la Caixa”, and 1 on each of the four committees: the Executive Committee, the Steering Committee, the Community Welfare Projects Committee and the Investment Committee. In total, ”la Caixa” has 130 fully “released” representatives. Both GDS-Cusa and Sumasa have trade union association represented on the Workers Committee. In the case of Vivenda Assequible, ServiHabitat, PromoCaixa and MicroBank, no trade union association is as yet represented on the Workers Committee. Respect for collective rights in ”la Caixa” and its affiliates ”la Caixa” % of employees represented by independent trade unions or covered under collective agreements (*) Minimum period (Nº of days) notice and consulting and negotiation practices with employees and/or with their representatives, in relation to operational changes Total nº of incidents of infringement of freedom of association and collective bargaining Serveis Informàtics GDS-Cusa MicroBank PromoCaixa ServiHabitat Sumasa Vivenda Assequible 100% 100% * 100% 100% * 100% 100% 100% 100% * 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 114 6. An excellent place to work 6.3 Advantages & Social benefits Apart from the purely working advantages of forming part of the team at ”la Caixa” or in any of its affiliates, there are other forms of compensation available to employees in the shape of cover and retributive complements, there are no significant differences between the rights enjoyed by parttime and full-time staff members. This is yet another demonstration of the company’s commitment to the well-being of its employees, while at the same time safeguarding the loyalty of workers with a compensation policy committed to making their future with the organisation an attractive proposal. Throughout 2007, ”la Caixa” and its affiliate companies invested more than EUR 212.8 million in social services and benefits for its workers. Overall cost by ”la Caixa” and its affiliates in social services and benefits for employees (in thousands) Furthermore, in 2007, other measures benefiting workers were introduced. One of these was the issue of stock in Criteria CaixaCorp to employees of ”la Caixa”. Coinciding with the flotation of the Group company, the Institution issued a total of 200 shares to employees, and reserved an additional 1% participation for those interested with preferential finance conditions. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 212,974 204,365 81,496 05 115 06 07 6. An excellent place to work 6.4 Fostering professional expertise ”la Caixa” and its affiliates have distinguished themselves over the past years for being highly valued companies to work for. Once this complex goal was achieved, they realized that they now faced a new and two-fold challenge: on the one hand, to maintain the high volume of job applications it receives – it is estimated for example that ”la Caixa” receives anywhere between 50,000 and 80,000 curricula annually – and on the other hand, to maintain high training standards, creating ever more added value for the professional careers of those who choose to commit to the company. If we are to speak of fresh challenges, then it is worthy of note that in 2008 the entire workforce of Regional Network of ”la Caixa” is to be assessed based on their skills. Employee Code of Ethics In 1998 ”la Caixa” introduced a code of ethics which details general principles for performance and which affects all employees of the Regional Network and Head Office in their relationship with customers, the Institution itself, and the various Government bodies. most qualified professionals in the labour market. Under the title, Professional Ethics, General Principles for Performance in ”la Caixa”, this document is available for all employees and persons, who either permanently or occasionally, provide their services to the Institution. Employees can access the code of ethics via the corporate Intranet, in the section devoted to Admission Programme for New Employees, and under the title of Principios Generales de Actuación en ”la Caixa” (General Principles for Performance in ”la Caixa”). In 2007, 1,729 new employees joined the company. Therefore, any selection process in ”la Caixa” and its affiliates is initiated through recruitment processes via the different internal communication channels: the company’s website, publication of job offers on specialised websites, presentations given in Universities, attending forums and career fairs, etc. Selection When a selection process is set in motion, ”la Caixa”, as well as its affiliates, rely on the principle of equal opportunities. This requisite takes into account and measures capacity, suitability to corporate duties and responsibilities, and identifying the potential for development of each candidate. Systems to assure equality are used in the selection process, thereby enabling the Institution to identify the Throughout 2007 ”la Caixa” gave a total of 17 corporate presentations at Spanish universities, and as a result of these and similar acts, received more than 50,000 curricula from young people interested in building their professional future in the Institution Talent retention rate as a % of university graduates who remain with ”la Caixa” and its affiliates after two years ”la Caixa” 98% Serveis Informàtics 100% GDS-Cusa 12.5% MicroBank NA* PromoCaixa NA** ServiHabitat 100% Sumasa 84% Vivenda Assequible NA** (*) MicroBank was set-up in 2007. NA: ������������������ Not aplicable (**) NA: Not Available Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 116 6. An excellent place to work Profile of candidate of the Regional Network of ”la Caixa” The objective is always to select the best professionals, for the purpose of offering customers an ever greater quality of care. Given that customers do not only demand quality of service, but also technical advice, the latter influences greatly in the selection of candidates, who in 100% of cases are university graduates. The profile of the ideal candidate is that of a young graduate, between 21 and 27 years of age, multi-skilled, with initiative, capacity to take on responsibility, people skills and a clearly commercial profile. Recruiting professionals who fit this profile is possible, partly due to the existing employees of ”la Caixa”, who receive information via the corporate Intranet regarding external selection processes as they come up. Admission Programme for New Employees of ”la Caixa” Once a new member has joined the workforce of ”la Caixa”, these professionals who are embarking on their careers in the Institution can avail of the Admission Programme for New Employees. This is a very useful instrument for transmitting the Institution’s corporate culture, while at the same time assisting new employees in the process of integration while bringing them up to speed with the dynamics at ”la Caixa”. Beyond strictly training ends, this programme enables stimulation and fosters the hope of new members of the professional team. By introducing the programme at this initial phase, it is an important element that allows the new employee to establish a binding connection with the institution, which in turn strengthens commitment. Furthermore, due to this programme, ”la Caixa” can inform new employees of the advantages to being a ”la Caixa” employee; and to generate feedback through a series of interviews and questionnaires which enable the institution to familiarize itself with the subjective perception of new recruits and any differences between their expectations and the reality on the ground. Training in ”la Caixa” and its affiliates In 2007, total investment in training programmes was EUR 14.17 million. 14,790 employees took part in the more than 2,587 internal training sessions carried out (59.9% of total workforce). The majority of these received training targeting specific needs, requirements and capacities of employees in question, demonstrating the importance of personalized training. 557,950 training hours, between on-site and on-line sessions. This programme is supplemented by an exhaustive training plan, basic requirement in order to provide customers with the standards of quality ”la Caixa” demands from all its employees. In addition, the programme helps new recruits to integrate directly in their new positions while providing them with the necessary assurances and support. Training Training is a vitally important strategic axis in the development of the dayto-day activities at ”la Caixa” and its affiliates. Moreover, in a competitive atmosphere in a sector where customers demand more and more from a financial institution, training for employees becomes a fundamental added value. From this point of view, three strategic objectives stand out: investment in professional and personal development of human capital; progress and improvement in day-to-day procedures and tasks to assure better service for customers, and advancement in the differences that make us stand out from our competitors. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 117 Training activities 2007 in ”la Caixa” In order to achieve these objectives, the financial institution has at its disposal several training models for employees of Head Office and the Regional Network: • Regulated / Institutional. • Definition of training itineraries (training menus) depending on the task carried out by the staff member in question. • Banking management courses (Head Office): prepared in conjunction with universities by means of yearly cooperation agreements (usually for employees over the age of 40). • Courses in preparation to become a Financial Services Advisor: open to all employees who are interested and who pass a series of aptitude tests (in 2007, from a total of 2,028 applicants, 939 were chosen). 6. An excellent place to work In 2008, ”la Caixa” expects to implement a training programme for employees of Head Office, with the aim of improving communication, teamwork and leadership skills. Self-tuition On-Line Once again, in 2007 ”la Caixa” continued to promote on-line training for employees through the training portal Virt@ula, which allows employees of ”la Caixa” to follow distance training courses (i.e. selftuition) . The promotion of distance learning is a very important system in the training policy of ”la Caixa”, although the Institution also devotes energy and resources to mixed models of training (on-site and e-learning). Regarding the level of resources allocated, ”la Caixa” invested in excess of EUR 13.9 million in training in 2007, which is an increase of 10.3% on the previous financial year. In this sense, and by way of state subsidies from the Spanish State Foundation for Occupational Training (FEFE), the Institution received EUR 2.2 million to allocate to employee training. 76% of the total workforce took training courses, with over 555,000 hours given over to training. Every activity of this kind that takes place in ”la Caixa” is subject to evaluation by employees, and in this sense, employees highlighted the overall satisfaction with training received. Finally, in 2007, 492 in-house trainers provided their services voluntarily in collaborations, offering on-site training sessions, or virtual tuition. Once the necessary candidates had been selected, 61 sessions for ‘training the trainers’ were held. This model for training at ”la Caixa”, inspired by the figure of the tutor and the in-house trainer, was acknowledged with an award for Innovation in Human Resources given by the prestigious newspaper, Expansión. Training for New Employees The importance which ”la Caixa” grants to training new employees cannot be stressed enough. Therefore, the Plan for Integration and Professional Development lasts a whole year and, apart from on-site courses, also includes three month long e-learning courses with assistance from experts in Economy, Banking and Finance, as well as information regarding the legal aspects of banking activity. Also, a calendar of tailored on-site and on-line courses is developed together with a tutor in issues relating to taxation, services, on-line banking, and insurance, among others. In their first year with the company, new employees take a course in Security, Money Laundering and Occupational Hazard Prevention. The training programme includes activities related to product knowledge and skills development. The course that stands out is that devoted to Prevention of Money Laundering, attended by 2,294 employees in 2007, as well as the course on Data Protection, which was completed by 391 assistants. ”la Caixa” has set itself the goal of providing training in both these matters for the entire workforce before the end of 2008. The role played by the voluntary tutors is especially relevant if we are to bear in mind that, since it was setup in 1999, the community of tutors have provided support for over 9,000 new employees Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 118 Symposiums, “Discover la Caixa” and “Discover the Network” To round off the training and integration plan attended by all members of staff at the Institution, the Human Resources Department organizes a symposium titled, “Discover la Caixa”, which is held in the Head Office building. This symposium has been held annually since 1987 for employees of the Regional branch network; it is a first opportunity to visit corporate headquarters of the Institution, as well as a chance to meet colleagues from all over Spain. Throughout 2007, 79 groups were organised with a total of 1,463 participants. Furthermore, another course on the programme is “Discover the Network”, in which employees of Head Office get acquainted with the Regional network of branches of ”la Caixa”. 6. An excellent place to work Training in ”la Caixa” and its affiliates (euros) ”la Caixa” Serveis Informàtics GDS-Cusa MicroBank PromoCaixa ServiHabitat Sumasa Vivenda Assequible Overall investment in training 13,878,000 166,400 20,100 4,177 8,563 28,500 72,000 41,168 Investment received through State Foundation for Occupational Training (FEFE), for employee training 2,200,000 0 0 0 0 4,586 0 2,890.94 Total nº of training internal exercises performed 2,551 36 NA* 1 NA* NA* 10 NA* Total nº of employees who attended internal training exercises 14,587 111 NA* 5 NA* 92 62 25 Total nº of hours given 555,182 in internal training exercises 1,736 1,032 30 NA* NA* NA* 3,391 (*) NA: Not Available Average employee turnover rate for ”la Caixa” and its affiliates MALES ”la Caixa” FEMALES 0.44% 0.36% 9 6 GDS-Cusa 31% 69% MicroBank 0% 0% PromoCaixa 15.6% 15.6% ServiHabitat NA* NA* Sumasa 8% 5% Vivenda Assequible 0% 0.035% Serveis Informàtics (*) NA: Not Available Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 119 6. An excellent place to work Professional Development Throughout 2007 ”la Caixa” continued to make progress in the definition of professional profiles, both in Head Office and Regional Network. The methodology used, which enables identification and development of critical skills to face the challenges of the years ahead, is already implanted among the Business Area Management team (DAN) and Financial Services Advisors. The plan for the future is to extend this method gradually to cover every position in the company. The Financial Services Advisor Programme was subject to several specific improvements over the year, such as the II FSA Development Meeting, held in Granada, in which 29 support tutors to the new FSA took part. The aim of these conferences was to share the vision of the FSA project among tutors and foster improvements in training and development initiatives, while at the same time, to perfect their skills as trainers. The FSA training and development programme aims to create a space devoted to learning and development through the exchange of experience and knowledge. Started in 2002, the programme has grown in strength to such an extent that it has become a fundamental strategic element for the commercial management of the network. In 2007, 939 persons joined the programme, which brought the total number of employees participating to 3,015 by the end of the year. The FSA Programme constitutes a regulated professional training and development plan, which is objective, transparent and open to all non-position holding employees within the Regional network and who can accredit at least a year of service in the Institution. Currently, the FSA training plan covers areas such as Personal Banking, Company Banking, Management and Planning and Commercial and Communication. Throughout 2007, there have been other specific programmes aimed at developing managerial skills and duties. Management staff from the Business Area (Focus programme) and function managers from Head Office (GPS Programme) took part in the course about managerial content regarding vision, leadership and results driven issues. ‘FOCUS 2007’, is an area of dialogue that this year focused on the analysis of generational phenomenon associated with new technologies and new 2.0 generations. It was organized to include several areas: new employees, customers, or new emerging companies in this sector. At the same time and in order to achieve the specific challenges facing each region, there were several development projects carried out in the area of identifying and improving potential, support for role changes (new branch managers), incentives for company business and design and implementation of branch plan. Acknowledgement of Merit The staff of ”la Caixa” and its affiliates are paid via a fixed remuneration system in accordance with individual and general goals, complemented by another variable scheme. Logically, the latter payment scheme is subject to meeting individual or general targets or goals. This system promotes a culture of teamwork, and consequently, it links performance of work on an individual basis to the results of teamwork. This means that the variable remuneration system has an established compensation system associated with goals that focus the efforts of each and every employee, in line with results contemplated and expected in the Institution’s business plan. % variable remuneration over total remuneration ”la Caixa” 4,64% Serveis Informàtics 100% GDS-Cusa 7,3% MicroBank 11,2% PromoCaixa 20% ServiHabitat 15% Sumasa 8% Vivenda Assequible Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 15% 120 6. An excellent place to work % of employees with regulated compensation conditions based on collective agreements 2007 % of employees with fixed remuneration 2007 ”la Caixa” 100% ”la Caixa” 100% Serveis Informàtics 100% Serveis Informàtics 100% GDS-Cusa 100% GDS-Cusa 100% MicroBank 100% MicroBank 100% PromoCaixa 100% PromoCaixa 100% ServiHabitat 100% ServiHabitat 100% Sumasa 100% Sumasa 100% Vivenda Assequible 100% Vivenda Assequible 100% total 100% total 100% Total nº of employees subject to variable remuneration based on achievement of individual or group goals 2007 ”la Caixa” 100% Serveis Informàtics 100% GDS-Cusa 7.14% MicroBank 44.4% PromoCaixa 84.8% ServiHabitat 90.9% Sumasa 32.7% Vivenda Assequible 92.8% total 99.3% Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 121 6. An excellent place to work Health and Safety Compliance with the highest levels of health and safety is a requirement ”la Caixa” and its affiliates are fully committed to. This does not simply mean compliance with legal requirements, but rather to take this one step further and reach a safety standard coherent with the line of excellence the organisations pursue in every area. As an example of this commitment, ”la Caixa” voluntarily submits to several audits: • Regulatory audit: ”la Caixa” subjects its General Occupational Hazard Prevention System (SGPRL) to an external audit check at least once every four years or whenever required to do so by the labour authority • Voluntary audit: On a voluntary basis, and aside from the regulatory audit, ”la Caixa” submits its SGPRL to a yearly monitoring and check audit. • OHSAS 18001 audit: ”la Caixa” has acquired certification for its SGPRL, in accordance with the requirements of international specification OHSAS 18001:1999 which certifies the excellence of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System In order to attain the required safety levels it is essential to inform and train all employees about the existing hazards and how to prevent them. Along these lines, ”la Caixa” conducts several training courses in Occupational Hazard Prevention, in which 1,385 employees took part and completed in 2007, adding up to a total of 13,850 training hours. For the past ten years, ”la Caixa” has had a Single Committee on Health and Safety, which is the joint, associate participatory body, intended to regularly check the actions undertaken by the institution in the area of hazard prevention It is composed of 11 Prevention Delegates on the one hand, and a further 11 representatives from management of the Institution. In addition, ”la Caixa” has an Occupational Hazard Prevention Coordination Committee (CCPRL) which acts as a representative of Management in order to monitor the Occupational Hazard Prevention Management System, keeping Management up to date on how the system is unfolding. In 2007, the number of working days lost owing to accidents in the workplace increased from last year to 3,714, which must be added to the number of working days lost on account of illness, which were 262,520. On the other hand, in 2007 there were 1,050 leaves granted for maternity and paternity. In the area of personal safety of each and every employee of ”la Caixa”, the Institution is a member of the Joint Health and Safety Service for Savings Banks, while at the same time, it has also contracted an external health and safety service through Mutua Universal, thereby providing all employees who care to avail of it with a regular surveillance service to monitor their state of health. In fact, in 2007, the role of private health care services has been crucial in resolving a series of cases diagnosed among employees of ”la Caixa” of semicircular lipoatrophy, an illness recognised as ‘light occupational accident not requiring sick leave’ by the Administration. In total, 124 cases were diagnosed during the second quarter of the year, principally affecting female employees (87%). The incidence in relative terms is scarce, bearing in mind that the Institution currently employs almost 25,000 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 122 people, and it was resolved with relative ease, given the fact that the private health care’s medical service took charge of the personal monitoring and follow-up of each case, in accordance with protocol. Despite the scarcity of incidents, ”la Caixa” has fostered the conducting of a scientific study into semicircular lipoatrophy, LipoSearch, with the aim of identifying the causes and proposing suitable solutions to prevent it. The Project will also address a population study which will permit establishing the index of the population affected by the condition. This study, promoted by ”la Caixa” in collaboration with other companies, is also supported by the Administration and trade unions. The study was structured in several implementation phases and is expected to reach completion during the first quarter of 2008. During each phase, regular reports were made with the results obtained and the conclusions of the study will be made public in due time and course, so as to be of use to society in general. With regard to affiliates of ”la Caixa”, GDS-Cusa and Sumasa have Health and Safety Committees with representatives from employees and Management. Regarding hazard prevention mechanisms, the affiliates of ”la Caixa” are under contract with an independent health and safety service, and in each case, training exercises are conducted in occupational hazard prevention in accordance with current regulation. 6. An excellent place to work Absenteeism for illness and maternity leave Absenteeism as a result of occupational accidents in the workplace 262,520 6,054 3,714 1,050 287 124 07 07 Total nº of accidents not requiring leave Total nº of maternity leave Total nº of accidents requiring leave Total nº of sick-days for common illness Total nº of days lost as a result of accidents Total nº of days lost 6.5 Tecnological innovation Technological innovation becomes an effective instrument for improving customer service whenever it facilitates the work of employees. A prime example of this proactive approach in technological matters is the newly established Human Resources platform, as asset which includes the so-called “Employee Self-Service Portal”. It is available via Intranet and is designed to offer an extensive portfolio of services in a comfortable and easy way. The Employee Self-Service Portal includes, apart from information, a self-service application to manage time off and leave, view pay clips, request holidays, plan training exercises or update personal information, among other options. Together with this portal there is also the Manager’s Portal, a tool that provides the person in charge of each unit with the appropriate information in order to manage more closely the members of their team. The aim of this initiative is to provide a faster and safer user identification system in the connection in the work station, thus replacing the current password protection system with a fingerprint reading device. In both cases, the set-up is being performed progressively and progress made will be made known in due course through Intranet. They are both, however, intuitive and userfriendly platforms. Biometry, fingerprint identification As well as the progress made in the area of Human Resources, this year ”la Caixa” developed another highly technological initiative. Biometry, a project consisting of the introduction of a identification system based on fingerprint recognition, as a substitute for password protection. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 123 Deployment of the Biometry initiative was completed in October 2007 with the installation 28,850 devices in all desktop PCs and laptops in the Institution 6. An excellent place to work 6.6 Internal customer satisfaction Satisfying the internal customer is one of the indicators that ”la Caixa” pays special attention to, given that if we are to achieve the maintenance and improvement of excellent quality of service the Institution provides for its customers, then it is necessary to firstly reach the highest levels of employee satisfaction with the service they receive from internal suppliers. In this respect, the index offers an opportunity to see how the actual employees perceive the Institution, therefore a crucial index in terms of quality and competitive nature. Feedback from employees Every quarter, all branches receive a satisfaction survey to complete. With an average response rate of 65%, branches consulted have made 1,704 suggestions. The current accumulated rating in 2007 was 7. Surveys are conducted through Intranet, and branches/employees answer voluntarily. These surveys are added to other measures already mentioned, like the participation channel via Intranet, where employees may request information or offer proposals or complaints regarding products and/or procedures that affect their day-to-day work. Along the same lines, another application has been set in motion via Intranet for branch maintenance by way of which employees of the Regional network of ”la Caixa” can report any incident regarding IT equipment, office systems, safety… The principal indicators of quality of maintenance service and reliability of equipment and systems are controlled through this system with the aim of improving the degree of satisfaction of employees in ”la Caixa” branches. Employees rate a total of 61 services that include questions about IT applications, assistance provided in cases of consultations and resolution of applications or requests, among the many other questions. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 124 Summary of Indicators 7 7. Summary of Indicators CONTENTS GRI G3 1 Strategy and analysis Page numbers 1.1 • Statement from the most senior decision maker of the organization about the relevance of sustainability to the organization and its strategy. 1.2 • Description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities. 2 5 12 - 13 Organisational profile Page numbers 2.1 • Name of the organisation. 2.2 • Primary brands, products, and/or services. 2.3 • Operational structure of the organisation, including main divisions, operating companies, subsidiaries, and joint ventures. 2.4 • Location of organisation’s headquarters. 2.5 • Number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries with either major operations or that are specifically relevant to the sustainability issues covered in the report. 2.6 • Nature of ownership and legal form. 14 - 19 2.7 • Markets served (including geographic breakdown, sectors served, and types of customers/beneficiaries). 45 - 46 2.8 • Scale of the reporting organization, including: - Number of employees - Net sales (for private sector organizations) or net revenues (for public sector organisations) - Total capitalization broken down in terms of debt and equity (for private sector organizations) - Quantity of products or services provided 2.9 • Significant changes during the reporting period regarding size, structure, or ownership including: - The location of, or changes in operations, including facility openings, closings, and expansions and; - Changes in the share capital structure and other capital formation, maintenance, and alteration operations (for private sector organizations) 2.10 3 8 26 - 37, 44 - 52, 60 - 65 Annual Report 2007 (26 , 27, 58 - 65) Inside Cover • Awards received in the reporting period. 38 10 - 12, 102, Annual Report 2007 (Inside Cover) 19, 26 - 29. For any further information, please see the Annual Report 2007. 79, 118 Report parameters Page numbers 3.1 • Reporting period (e.g., fiscal/calendar year) for information provided. 5 3.2 • Date of most recent previous report (if any). 5 3.3 • Reporting cycle (annual, biennial, etc.). 5 3.4 • Contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 126 Inside back cover 7. Summary of Indicators 3.5 • Process for defining report content, including: - Determining materiality; - Prioritizing topics within the report; and - Identifying stakeholders the organization expects to use the report 3.6 • Boundary of the report (e.g., countries, divisions, subsidiaries, leased facilities, joint ventures, suppliers). 5 3.7 • State any specific limitations on the scope or boundary of the report. 5 3.8 • Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, leased facilities, outsourced operations, and other entities that can significantly affect comparability from period to period and/or between organizations. 5 3.9 • Data measurement techniques and the bases of calculations, including assumptions and techniques underlying estimations applied to the compilation of the Indicators and other information in the report. In every chapter of the Report. 3.10 • Explanation of the effect of any re-statements of information provided in earlier reports, and the reasons for such re-statement (e.g., mergers/acquisitions, change of base years/periods, nature of business, measurement methods). Not Applicable. 3.11 • Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary, or measurement methods applied in the report. 3.12 • Table identifying the location of the Standard Disclosures in the report. 3.13 • Policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report. If not included in the assurance report accompanying the sustainability report, explain the scope and basis of any external assurance provided. Also explain the relationship between the reporting organization and the assurance provider(s). 4 Governance, Commitments and Stakeholder engagement 11 - 13 In 2007 this report parameter has been extended to include affiliates of ”la Caixa”. 125 - 140 143 Page numbers 4.1 • Governance structure of the organization, including committees under the highest governance body responsible for specific tasks, such as setting strategy or organizational oversight. 14 - 19 4.2 • Indicate whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer (and, if so, their function within the organization’s management and the reasons for this arrangement). 14 -19 4.3 • For organizations that have a unitary board structure, state the number of members of the highest governance body that are independent and/or non-executive members. 14 - 19 4.4 • Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance body. 14 - 19, 106 -110 4.5 • Linkage between compensation for members of the highest governance body, senior managers, and executives (including departure arrangements), and the organization’s performance (including social and environmental performance). 14 - 19 4.6 • Processes in place for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided. 14 - 19 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 127 7. Summary of Indicators 4.7 • Process for determining the qualifications and expertise of the members of the highest governance body for guiding the organization’s strategy on economic, environmental, and social topics. 14 - 19 4.8 • Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of conduct, and principles relevant to economic, environmental, and social performance and the status of their implementation. 9 4.9 • Procedures of the highest governance body for overseeing the organization’s identification and management of economic, environmental, and social performance, including relevant risks and opportunities, and adherence or compliance with internationally agreed standards, codes of conduct, and principles. 14 - 19 4.10 • Processes for evaluating the highest governance body’s own performance, particularly with respect to economic, environmental, and social performance. 14 - 19 4.11 • Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organization. 10, 66 - 72 4.12 • Externally developed economic, environmental, and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes or endorses. 76, 85, 88 4.13 • Memberships in associations (such as industry associations) and/or national/ international advocacy organizations in which the organization: - Has positions in governance bodies - Participates in projects or committees - Provides substantive funding beyond routine membership dues - Views membership as strategic 76, 85, 88 4.14 • List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization. 11 - 12 4.15 • Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage. 11 - 12 4.16 • Approaches to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group. 12 -13 4.17 • Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting. 12 - 13 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 128 7. Summary of Indicators Information on management approach ECONOMIC DIMENSION Page numbers • Economic Performance 10 • Market Presence 45 - 46 • Indirect Economic Impacts 10 - 13 Page numbers ENVIRONMENTAL DIMENSION • Materials 90 - 91 • Energy 90 - 91 • Water 90 - 91 • Biodiversity 41 - 42 • Emissions, Effluents, and Waste 94 • Products and services 97 • Compliance 87 • Transport 95 • Overall 86 Page numbers SOCIAL DIMENSION – Labour Practices and Descent Work • Employment 100 - 110 • Labour/Management Relations 106 - 111 • Occupational Health and Safety 122 - 123 • Training and Education 117 - 120 • Diversity and Equal Opportunity 109 - 111 SOCIAL DIMENSION - Human Rights Page numbers • Investment and Procurement Practices 117 -118 109 - 112, 116 • Non-discrimination 114 • Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining • Abolition of Child Labour In light of the sphere of operation of ”la Caixa” no risk operations or activities have been identified. • Prevention of Forced and Compulsory Labour In light of the sphere of operation of ”la Caixa” no risk operations or activities have been identified. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 129 7. Summary of Indicators • Security Practices 122 - 123 • Indigenous Rights Not applicable to the activities of ”la Caixa”. Page numbers SOCIAL DIMENSION - Society 74 - 85 • Community 69 • Corruption ”la Caixa” is not in any way involved in carrying out lobbying activities or policies. • Public Policy There are no open procedures being followed against ”la Caixa” due to anti-competitive practices. • Anti-Competitive Behaviour The Full Annual Report on Good Corporate Governance 2007, 2007 Annual Repor • Compliance Page numbers SOCIAL DIMENSION - Product Responsibility • Customer Health and Safety 66 - 72 • Product and Service Labelling 66 - 72 • Marketing Communications 66 - 72 • Customer Privacy 66 - 72 • Compliance 66 - 72 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 130 7. Summary of Indicators CONTENTS GRI G3 Indicator GRI G3 Type Page numbers Assurance ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE INDICATORS EC1 • Direct economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, operating costs, employee compensation, donations and other community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital providers and governments. C 10 4 EC2 • Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organization’s activities due to climate change. C 41 - 42 4 EC3 • Coverage of the organization’s defined benefit plan obligations. C 115 4 EC4 • Significant financial assistance received from government. C 118 Reporting only on training assistance received. EC5 • Range of ratios of standard entry level wage compared to local minimum wage at significant locations of operation. A 100 4 EC6 • Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers at significant locations of operation. C 96 - 97 4 EC7 • Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior management hired from the local community at locations of significant operation. C 116 - 117. 4 EC8 EC9 There are no existing procedures in place for the local hiring of senior management. • Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, in-kind, or pro bono engagement. C • Understanding and describing significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts. A 4 35, 37, 41, 42 4 75 - 82 4 ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS EN1 • Materials used by weight or volume. C 92 4 EN2 • Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials. C 92 4 EN3 • Direct energy consumption by primary energy source. C 92 Report only provides information for ”la Caixa” Head Office. EN4 • Indirect energy consumption by primary source. C 93 Report only provides information for ”la Caixa” Head Office and Sumasa. EN5 • Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements. A The only direct energy consumption is gas oil for emergency equipment. Its consumptions not relative and savings due to efficiency cannot be estimated. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 131 4 7. Summary of Indicators Indicator GRI G3 Type Page numbers Assurance ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS EN6 • Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable energy based products and services, and reductions in energy requirements as a result of these initiatives. A 41 – 42 Report only provides qualitative information. EN7 • Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption and reductions achieved. A 90, 94 Report only provides qualitative information. EN8 • Total water withdrawal by source. C 91, 92 Report only provides information of emissions for ”la Caixa” Head Office and Sumasa. EN9 • Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water. A Indicator not applicable to activities of ”la Caixa”. N/A EN10 • Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused. A Indicator not applicable to activities of ”la Caixa”. N/A EN11 • Location and size of land owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas. C Indicator not applicable as ”la Caixa” does not dispose of infrastructures in areas of high biodiversity or protected. N/A EN12 • Description of significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas. C Indicator not applicable as ”la Caixa” does not dispose of infrastructures in areas of high biodiversity or protected. N/A EN13 • Habitats protected or restored. A Indicator not applicable to activities of ”la Caixa”. N/A EN14 • Strategies, current actions, and future plans for managing impacts on biodiversity. A Indicator not applicable to activities of ”la Caixa”. N/A EN15 • Number of IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of extinction risk. A Indicator not applicable to activities of ”la Caixa”. N/A EN16 • Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight. C 92 Report only provides information of emissions for ”la Caixa” Head Office and Sumasa. EN17 • Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight. C 95 4 EN18 • Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achieved. A 94 Report only provides qualitative information. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 132 7. Summary of Indicators Indicator GRI G3 Type Page numbers Assurance ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS EN19 • Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weight. C Indicator Not Applicable as ”la Caixa” does not produce high levels of emissions which destroy the ozone layer. N/A EN20 • NO, SO, and other significant air emissions by type and weight. C Indicator Not Applicable in light of the low level of fossil fuel consumption of ”la Caixa”. N/A EN21 • Total water discharge by quality and destination. C Indicator Not Applicable as in 2007 ”la Caixa” was not responsible for any significant spillage of waste waters. N/A EN22 • Total weight of waste by type and disposal method. C 94 Data reported only for ”la Caixa” Head Office and some affiliates. EN23 • Total number and volume of significant spills. C Indicator Not Applicable as in 2007 no significant spill occurred in ”la Caixa” N/A EN24 • Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste deemed hazardous under the terms of the Basel Convention Annex I, II, III, and VIII, and percentage of transported waste shipped internationally. A Indicator not applicable to activities of ”la Caixa”. N/A EN25 • Identity, size, protected status, and biodiversity value of water bodies and related habitats significantly affected by the reporting organization’s discharges of water and runoff. A Indicator not applicable to activities of ”la Caixa”. N/A EN26 • Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services, and extent of impact. C 41 - 42, 90 - 91 Report only provides qualitative information. EN27 • Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by category. C Indicator Not Applicable given that ”la Caixa” does not sell products susceptible to being reclaimed. N/A EN28 • Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations. C During the financial year 2007 ”la Caixa” was not subject to any fines or legal sanctions whatsoever, related to compliance with environmental regulations. 4 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 133 7. Summary of Indicators Indicator GRI G3 Type Page numbers Assurance ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS EN29 • Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials used for the organization’s operations, and transporting members of the personal. A 94 - 95 4 EN30 • Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type. A 90 Report only provides information regarding the direct expenditures on environmental management. SOCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS - Labor practices LA1 • Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, and region. C 103 4 LA2 • Total number and rate of employee turnover by age group, gender, and region. C 102, 119 No reporting of workforce and average employee turnover by age group. LA3 • Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees, by major operations. A 115 4 LA4 • Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements. C 114 4 LA5 • Minimum notice period(s) regarding operational changes, including whether it is specified in collective agreements. C 114 4 LA6 • Percentage of total workforce represented In formal joint management– worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programs. A 122 4 LA7 • Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work related fatalities by region. C 123 4 LA8 • Education, training, counselling, prevention, and risk-control programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or community members regarding serious diseases. C 122 4 LA9 • Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions. A 122 4 LA10 • Average hours of training per year per employee by employee category. C 118 - 119 Information not broken down by employee category. LA11 • Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings. A 118 - 119 4 LA12 • Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews. A 120 4 LA13 • Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity. C 110, 113. Corporate Governance 2007 Information not broken down by age group. LA14 • Ratio of basic salary of men to women by employee category. C 109 4 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 134 7. Summary of Indicators Indicator GRI G3 Type Page numbers Assurance SOCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS - Human rights HR1 • Percentage and total number of significant investment agreements that include human rights clauses or that have undergone human rights screening. C Indicator not applicable as all major investments were carried in OECD countries where no significant Human Rights risks were determined. N/A HR2 • Percentage of significant suppliers and contractors that have undergone screening on human rights and actions taken. C 76, 96 4 HR3 • Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees trained. A Information unavailable. I/U HR4 • Total number of incidents of discrimination and actions taken. C 109 4 HR5 • Operations identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at significant risk, and actions taken to support these rights. C 114. In light of the sphere of operation of ”la Caixa” no risk operations or activities have been identified. 4 HR6 • Operations identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labour, and measures taken to contribute to the elimination of child labour. C In light of the sphere of operation of ”la Caixa” no risk operations or activities have been identified. 4 HR7 • Operations identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labour, and measures to contribute to the elimination of forced or compulsory labour. C In light of the sphere of operation of ”la Caixa” no risk operations or activities have been identified. 4 HR8 • Percentage of security personnel trained in the organization’s policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations. A 68 4 HR9 • Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous people and actions taken. A Indicator Not Applicable to The Activities of ”la Caixa”. N/A SOCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS - Society SO1 • Nature, scope, and effectiveness of any programs and practices that assess and manage the impacts of operations on communities, including entering, operating, and exiting. C SO2 • Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for risks related to corruption. C SO3 • Percentage of employees trained in organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures. C SO4 • Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption C Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 135 74 - 75 4 69 - 71 4 70 4 69 - 70 Information is provided regarding policy in this area. 7. Summary of Indicators Indicator GRI G3 Type Page numbers Assurance SO5 • Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying. C ”la Caixa” is not in any way involved in nor has it any policy regarding public policies or the activity of lobbying. 4 SO6 • Total value of financial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians, and related institutions by country. A Good Corporate Governance 2007. Information only provided on credits to political groups with representatives on local corporations and autonomous legislative assemblies which have participated in the election process. SO7 • Total number of legal actions for anticompetitive behaviour, anti-trust, and monopoly practices and their outcomes. A There are no procedures open against ”la Caixa” for anti-competitive practices. 4 SO8 • Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations. C 70 4 SOCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS - Product reponsability PR1 • Life cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products and services are assessed for improvement, and percentage of significant products and services categories subject to such procedures. C 68 - 71 4 PR2 • Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle, by type of outcomes. A 55, 70 4 PR3 • Type of product and service information required by procedures, and percentage of significant products and services subject to such information requirements. C 71 4 PR4 • Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labelling, by type of outcomes. A 58, 71 4 PR5 • Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction. A 54 - 58 4 PR6 • Programs for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship. C 71 4 PR7 • Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship by type of outcomes. A 71 4 PR8 • Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data. A 56 - 57 4 PR9 • Monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the provision and use of products and services. C 70 4 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 136 7. Summary of Indicators FINANCIAL SERVICES SECTOR INDICATORS Page numbers Assurance CSR 1 • CSR policy 5, 9, 11 - 13 4 CSR 2 • CSR Organisation 5, 9, 11 - 13 4 CSR 3 • CSR Audits 86 - 87, 143 Information only on assurance of the SR report and the Quality and Environmental Audits. 69 - 71 4 70, See indicators EN28, EN30, HR4, SO4, SO7, SO8, PR2, PR4, PR7, PR8, PR9 4 11 - 13 4 109 - 123 4 109, 119 4 124 4 2007 Annual Report on Good Corporate Governance. 4 No direct relationship. 4 109 4 102, 112 4 77 - 86. Entire 2007 Obra Social Annual Repor. Assured except with respect to the Obra Social report. 75 4 SOCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS CSR 4 • Management of Sensitive Issues (corruption, contributions to political parties, money laundering, identification of terrorist money…) CSR 5 • Non-Compliance (laws, regulatory codes of conduct, standards…) CSR6 • Stakeholder Dialogue (including socially oriented awards) INTERNAL SOCIAL PERFORMANCE INT 1 • Internal CSR HR Policy (equal opportunity, freedom of association, training, layoff policy, health and safety…) INT 2 • Staff Turnover and Job Creation INT 3 • Employee Satisfaction INT 4 • Senior Management Remuneration and board of directors INT 5 • Bonuses Fostering Sustainable Success INT 6 • Female-Male Salary Ratio INT 7 • Employee Profile (gender, disability…) PERFORMANCE TO SOCIETY SOC1 • Charitable Contributions, community investment and sponsorship SOC2 • Economic Value Added SUPPLIERS SUP1 • Screening of Major Suppliers. 96 Information only on legal compliance and actions to be implemented in 2007. SUP2 • Supplier Satisfaction. 96 4 Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 137 7. Summary of Indicators FINANCIAL SERVICES SECTOR INDICATORS Page numbers Assurance 25 - 31 4 25 - 34 2007 Annual Report. 4 25 - 34 4 35 - 36, 41 - 42 4 All Investment Banking operations are carried out with OECD clients. 4 25 - 42 4 RETAIL BANKING RB1 • Socially relevant elements of Retail Banking (products to fight social exclusion…) RB2 • Lending profile (sectors, S&MEs…) RB3 • Lending with High Social Benefits and Sustainability (products with social criteria…) INVESTMENT BANKING IB1 • Social and Environmental elements in Investment Banking Policy IB2 • Customer Profile Global Transaction Structure of Investment Banking Customers IB3 • Transactions with High Social-Environmental Benefit ASSET MANAGEMENT AM1 • Socially relevant elements of Asset Management Policy Indicator not applicable due to the coverage of CSR Report. N/A AM2 • Assets under Management with High Social Benefit Indicator not applicable due to the coverage of CSR Report. N/A AM3 • Promoting Socially Responsable Investment Indicator not applicable due to the coverage of CSR Report. N/A INSURANCE INS1 • Socially relevant elements of Underwriting Policy Indicator not applicable due to the coverage of CSR Report. N/A INS2 • Customer Profile Indicator not applicable due to the coverage of CSR Report. N/A INS3 • Customer Complaints Indicator not applicable due to the coverage of CSR Report. N/A INS4 • Insurance with High Social Benefit Indicator not applicable due to the coverage of CSR Report. N/A 41 - 42, 95 4 95 4 SOCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS F1 • Description of environmental policies applied to core business lines. F2 • Description of process(es) for assessing and screening environmental risks in core business lines. F3 • State the threshold(s) at which environmental risk assessment procedures are applied to each core business line. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 138 Information unavailable. I/U 7. Summary of Indicators FINANCIAL SERVICES SECTOR INDICATORS Page numbers Assurance SOCIAL performance indicators F4 • Description of processes for monitoring clients’ implementation of and compliance with environmental aspects raised in risk assessment process(es). Information unavailable. I/U F5 • Description of process(es) for improving staff competency in addressing environmental risks and opportunities. 89 - 90 4 F6 • Number and frequency of audits that include the examination of environmental risk systems and procedures related to core business lines. 86 - 87 4 F7 • Description of interactions with clients/investee companies/business partners regarding environmental risks and opportunities. 41 - 42 4 F8 • Percentage and number of companies held in the institution’s portfolio with which the reporting organisation has engaged on environmental issues. 41 - 42, 88, 95 Information only given on funding for renewable energies. F9 • Percentage of assets subjected to positive, negative and best-in-class environmental screening. Information unavailable. I/U F10 • Description of voting policy on environmental issues for shares over which the reporting organisation holds the right to vote shares or advise on voting. ”la Caixa” does not have specific procedures in this respect. 4 F11 • Percentage of assets under management where the reporting organisation holds the right to vote shares or advise on voting. Information unavailable. I/U F12 • Total monetary value of specific environmental products and services broken down according to the core business lines. Information unavailable. I/U F13 • Value of portfolio for each core business line broken down by specific region and by sector. Information unavailable. I/U Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 139 7. Summary of Indicators GLOBAL COMPACT HUMAN RIGHTS Page numbers • Companies must support and respect the protection of international human rights, within their scope of influence. 116 • Companies must assure they are not involved in or party to any human rights violations. 116 Page numbers LABOR • Companies must defend freedom of association and collective bargaining. 114, 116 • Companies must prevent forced and compulsory labour. 116 • Companies must work towards the abolition of child labour. 116 • Companies must eliminate promote non-discrimination regarding work and employment. 116 Page numbers ENVIRONMENTAL • Companies must support a policy of precaution regarding environmental challenges. 86, 89 - 90 • Companies must undertake initiatives to promote environmental responsibility. 89 - 90 • Companies must advance the development and promotion of environmentally friendly technologies. 89 - 90 Page numbers ANTI-CORRUPTION • Companies must fight all forms of corruption, including blackmail and bribery. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 140 69 - 70, 116 Verification Report 8 8. Verification Report The present Corporate Responsibility Report of “la Caixa” has been compiled in accordance with the standards set by the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines published in 2006 and known as G3 Guidelines. According to the guidelines, certain requirements must be met regarding levels of application of these and which are listed in the table below. “la Caixa” considers that the Corporate Responsibility Report meets the requirements associated with Level A+ of the G3 Application, which implies compliance with specifications associated with level A of G3 in regard to Profile, Management Approach and Performance Indicators, and that the report has also been submitted for assurance or methods of verification which have entailed: • External assurance by an independent firm that are demonstrably competent in the subject matter and professional assurance practices. • Follow up of the assurance procedures applied; described in the auditor’s report and which have been duly documented. • Assessment of the extent which the contents and structure of the Corporate Responsibility Report have applied the Global Reporting Initiative G3 guidelines and verification whether content and indicators presented correspond to those recommended by the aforementioned guidelines. • Presentation of results of assurance report, complete with the auditor’s conclusions and which is included in the Corporate Responsibility Report. In Chapter 7 of the Corporate Responsibility Report, in the section regarding the Summary of GRI Indicators, page numbers and scope of requirements, management approach and indicators are provided. In case of omission of core performance indicators, but also for additional indicators, the page number of the Report explaining the reason for the omission is given, having taken into account the Materiality Principle in these cases. Corporate Responsibility Report ”la Caixa” 2007 142 For further information: General ”la Caixa” Avda. Diagonal, 621-629. 08028 - Barcelona Telephone no.: (0034) 93 404 60 00 / Fax: (0034) 93 339 57 03 Website address: Corporate Responsibility Report Corporate Responsibility and Brand Division Avda. Diagonal, 621-629. 08028 - Barcelona Telephone no.: (0034) 93 404 60 00 / Fax: (0034) 93 339 57 03 If you wish to send us any remarks or have any queries regarding this report, please write to the following address: [email protected] Other publications: ”la Caixa” Annual Report 2007 ”la Caixa” Annual Report on the Obra Social 2007 Credits Concept and coordination of content: Valores & Marketing Design: Exit de disseny Layout: MediaResponsable Photographs: Front cover: GETTI IMAGES Pg. 6, 9, 11, 18, 20, 22 (2nd photography), 23 (3rd and 4th photography), 24, 31, 33, 38, 43, 44, 47, 49, 50, 65 (2nd photography), 98, 99, 101, 113, 121, 125, 141: EXITDESIGN Pg. 21: Andersen Ross Pg. 22 (1st photography), 59: David Campos Pg. 23 (1st photography): Joan Magats Pg. 23 (2nd photography), 80 (2nd photography): Pere Ferrer Pg. 26, 27: Agencia Bassat Pg. 32: Jordi Nieva Pg. 77, 80: Frame Zero Pg. 97: Jordi Martínez de Setcases
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