Mt. Moriah - Regional Office of Education 40
Mt. Moriah - Regional Office of Education 40
Mt. Moriah #30 12-9 Mt Moriah, No' 30, TwP' r*!: l7o>-a/ Preliminary Class rfication Report Of School in.=: -----r-District- -o/ "f County 9Gtr For the term commenci eacher SYLLABUS OF CLASSES REMARKS ON INDIVIDUAL PUPILS PAGES Pupils in each class (by number) 7 A t'3 / oa4-4--tA--/ 3 4 I I c 7 ,/I 3 3 )^)--./-;,-"--^- 2g b1 r- a 1, 9, _ _9 rl z 04H, -6^-., JtA-atl / ?r7 o, GRAMMAR h /r\3,1b;GrttfrT 7, /ot?t2tzrlL/-, /4iesouecp /L,t7, lY, l?,2i, q D.----:., "* q . ARITHMETIC -/c 7 J-'-"*'f-4tu* */,4*l , li -"V rJonn -:^ +-rh^ /{4 rl Otl\122 13,1+,1 , /.1) | t, 413#rf,l-,'l,ff,7l ,ut,l 7,1 3, | 4rl t, | ?,Lo, / b.l 2 ,1 23rlq,2b' - WRITING ^l|at7* a nn "7 ,6 ut/j,t rl L l/12---'Jt 44 ^^^^hn^/ .r7 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE 7 / la, /L/,t /V"*"-.--..- i 7 a- fA/.r-r-=) ,b ^Jn ?^.rt'*,-J fl'%^' 6,' GIQGRAPIIY.I /, 2,3,# 66,?, 8? ,A 7. o,thl1, U. S. HISTORY /,7,3,q,8:t4,tr3t2 / 4 / l,/ z ? HISTORY OF ILLINOIS CIVICS, /,2 ,3,+r5-,bl,tf ,27, MUSIC AGRICUI,TURE hqM-." ./Ll4J t9 t ./4. HOUSEHOLD ARTS DRAWING . ALGEBRA ENGLISH ENGLISH HISTORY AL GEOGRAPHY cou. This Term cBbcRAPHY H^nn ////.J-r -t t-a -rf f- t? ( ',1ri,4t'.,bJ,?rl ^ I , / 3)/r/, / 6' 7 I /r 2 3 I I /, I / 7t ll,- SPELLING ,// a, BJ/.,-,.;,^-- /r2,3rqrb; c,| ,?J_L '/0t 3 Began Last Term READING v2 Closed ,, DAILY PROGRAM I rvB ,TIME ;l; FoRENooN i SUBJECTS f;::l-; AFTERNOON SUBJECTS Ll l,r , oJ,r,"o ,7 :oc',?:t s' Ot, n-iq:3 y'/ tl 30 ti?:e ,i?:, iili 5P:06, I '-r', t '4 t'/0 ,01 7:' ?:+ t. '/ 5,' )io o:/0,'/ i/0 / o:a I t/0,'l t/o:, tr'l t''Ito:g3ol I 7 I i,/0.rj3t0,',lo.r/ i,/o:J 4i, it. iyo:+ t/o: ti4(b"'//; 0c ool I ,o t, ,, ,Ji, ,;, ol'rl l,TJ '!,;o E?,e I t1t:+ :4t.6. 'f /:, ,/ I e-eftAzo?, rc* 64 (lL/\1'e:affi:oo g,'o 7' 43,'/ b'' G, :ai ?iat I ,rot0' t/2,'a i/2; 0 #"-rq- ?44 I I 7pdg,4{' g4,v l,?.'/ bL,3's d t,l I o'gy ei a --;; vL 4 ""A(/ lit I 'll;:ltI J', t:!3t '//: t,i).1i1 '41' til //.'3.'310,"/ 'r'4, ,#f t'Lo !,iu/li23il '>c*-,J^4.; I '!I ' rt f)& I I &^a / 1n41, I 07:475; 70 '"lu''"1 I Give No. vo Library a!- of your gene SPECIAL REPORT schoolroom with regard to ln a rd t ull name of Gi of cover n of your schopl Conditi in bl d \P o on the $, ? use- N ) grouqdsl . /^J^tt No. livi condition Girls' b& Term Coalhouse U/tful/I- Teacher's name of_ \6\ outbuildings, Boys' N l ,ro9Address while teachi M,'J JE o---z..vt- 'rO THE TEACFIER: ' i This Pf'eliminary Report sliould show the present organization of your school, and the condition of your schoolroom and grounds. It will enable rne to give you prompland valuable assistance during your present terrn of school. Plea-se fill our carefully with ink, and mail to o I "7 Preliminary Classificarion Rppolt .r-v^r-,e\-zir.-h- p66s "r-yr,o,?A ors"r,.a;" Ylflfu To..i;;.rSfidarrl-!:- 17 SYLLABUS OF CLASSBS REMARKS ON INDIVIDUAL PUPIS /r '/? t1 W /r /3 / ? 3 I5 r 0 lL l-7 E/a"nA /'^.A tl 7 5 /( /b l2 l0 l'/ Wi /t nd-LiJ-k /6 /=l /8- l7 ?o \l 1? 23 L1 ?,5 a6 3eW ftr-^-^q€-\-\rzl :t t^l /,\),4, 5, 6,7, ',?, I o,l I \, I J, t f, i ltl 6 11,ttr l?,x o,u,?233t4s GRAMMAR tollt,1.,z,f, ii b.-1, )r lx,,9,,qtt,tt l3,lt/4:/ (, LANGUAGE t3 ARITHMETIC t t8 4 8 (, 6 6 1, 3,1N(,t1,/3, l1/\l |t,11,26,2t7t^t tt tl ? j/,5:b, SPELLING ?, I t{ /b t3 l"fl 1,1,3, rt{ r I l/ RBADING ^l tq\ /5- 6 Pupils in each class (by number) d-l {rr-ftt { tatl t, ?,1,1{, i, (,,7, afr \t,9, 16, l t, | 2, 1.3,t /,/t I | 17,ry1,?o)J,2E,73, t " LU-hrftr-'s WBITING a/t( ^^,-/t^.*tt 5' .G ',6 - '-.1.- ?i r 1 t r U. S. HISTORY 14,1,4,1:L,7, t"l, t o,l l, | 1,, I 3,/1, /5; | 6 d}.r.-.-*-rj HISTORY OF ILLINOIS uur.q-l.,(-,l.iu 1,a,7,ry,6,6.,-r CIVICS 114,3,4,6 a---J-9.,"' 67 -]/-\-.o--X/<-d...e MUSIC AGRICUI,TURE HOUSEHOLD ARTS DRA\MING ALGEBRA .ENGIISH ENGLISH HISTORY YSICAL GEOGRAPH COM. GEOGRAPHY BOTANY EEK rro ROMAN s1 H --l:---.--.--<:-< 1 'TIME "l DAILY PROGRAM I I t- AFTERNOON FORBNOON SUBJECTS SUBTECTS W R"tun M dW ffi W SPECIAL REPORT of your schoolroom P .regard to cleanliness, stove, windows and decorations Do you keep General condition of library Library d Re-cor-d? condition /'-\ n(. f /|.,<fg:c,t ' I W.hat is the general condition GArd, Kind of of your school groundsl 0 r*' No. ition of outbuildings, Boys' I Girls' Term e0-0- en ress while teachi Teacher's :HER'S REMARK$ ON CLASSIFICAT Atrr ca,nl M fr/aYaa/'L a*a'yu o^/aAqr*t@ a 1 to - Il gta : Teacher REMARKS ON No. INDIVIDUAL / (t Z L / I 5 6 PUPITS v,.lrvro. t"t|;'i,ff;L;",' l RDADING , I '2- /, a, PAGES : I t.ij,3;"u -!< /'2r?'41; ,' ; f", % /0, t/, /.1 tfr\4 /e^/uh 74r" fr--r-ar-a-<l / cRRvrrtlan /Y,17,20,9/,2 a7,2y,el-, . LANGUAGE q q /o % // /? ilr /.3 /4 l6/L ,'////azu/) fl-rnztr<Aza-<z flo.urffua'rz ? 9,7" t o, t7 l4 ';&u Xf e.t- fl,3 fl4 Nr4x--r.t' r/rt+rn"n 4, s.T Mt-a.A-<t( f jFr/dj tq//, tEt /, 6//2/d' / 3, t5 trr/?rg,o,2Laa 3, 29, 2 5' tt lr {e tl l7 %r',/4ln/12 H, d (;EOGRAPHY f- le ga 6', 'fl, (o,ll/ la t 9o '&i PHYSIOLOGY AND . HYGIENE i l5 )' Ji ARITHMETIC E /r /7 fr ., ? "t' I -:a 1 / 3., t 2, 71, t *"-,ly / 3,/#,/[ tC / 7 6-.ttto-< -*orfl, t/ It il /l - ll Y /a This Term SPDLLING b, 7,, * Began b,7, t, ? /or//,/t . ^ 1 I Term I Last 'l?"-//^r-,"h 3, t/, b, y&r, b.#\t I / Closed U. S. HISTORY It - 26' HISTORY OF ILLINOIS ' clvrcs /g- t"T . oH/. zltt", MUSIC ; AGRICULTURE HOUSEHOLD ARTS -j.l DRA\ilING t AtcEBRa DNGIISH ENGLISH HISTORY TIYSICAL GEOGRAPH COM. GEOGRAPHY BOTANY REEK eno ROMAN HI "t { l DAILY PROGRAM TIMEIII II TIME AFTBRNOON SUBJECTS FORENOON SUBIECTS Atr*<*;., ,(**LJ e/rL/Lx4/d/L/ / & &.*"-d, --"J" fl-'r-/uooHtLa-. 2 ',r 7 Ct+;tf, 3 ,, I .,*t? ku^/)a 7 6- c- v 7 ff*he/(, W tzl*L<-r / Z,Trq"+ 3 u't d; / j.'> g r rl- 7 3 f 7 SPECIAL REPORT your schoolroom with regard to cleanliness, desks, Give general condition '/t/./V Library F;ecord?-1i. No. volumes inlibrary * ' stove, indows and decorations U Do you keep General condition of library of di a appears on the condition of outbuildings, Boys' No. living trees on school ground month, Girls' L-LO- tgll Term efds ddress while teachi Teacher's name CLA/SSIFICATION h To THE It will TEACHER' 5 tr tr Jw 'q-<.f nu This Preliminary Report shoul<! show the present organization of your school, and the conditio of your schoolroom and grounds. give.v:r,n:_i:t *H ill out carefully with ink, and mail to enable me to /7lt-/A Preliminary Class tfication Report LgTI : Teacher INDIVIDUAL 1. b;***),- Yuor.. &-L"^,{,a- }.F.-,n c.n PAGES SYLLABUS OF CLASSES RDMARKS ON v,.l PUPILS vro. t"?|;'ilffi},;"" l g llegan Last I This Closed t.ti,lo""o I Term READING t Q 2't, r't rl 6.0)"-^ n, Jt ll .*l 72 7t 1" 't : I / oi t r,/2, / 3, /q. BdM^;*",t lq,/L,)q,,tviqzo, 'r 7e\ Yyud;^^ .,.^- LA) A)R'. n.^ . Iood WrL,W. ?, 3, SPDILING 4 7. 6. 5, b, 4, 7, 2, GRAMMAR l,1 t+,t q, /0 It. I t3, t1 : AL"'-o''*f,n^^-o- O TniQ-druA 9,10., ;*,J" lqd;,,)*A 60 r+k $.'&o {, g. t0, qr-Jch,--'+e-. ttr "tLa- d P.9*"t" 7t, 10, E;J*'tg", ^*r^,lg o-'-ar^-. )0 |'rTo-o-,['r,t, I t.& h -0g L7, Ltr, L!- i3 r7r;|fisi6 ,ffi:ffi 5 21, *atvtat. F^ , a 6) o, dJ,^^t*t Or HI J OCIU- r t{' . '[i 8 Wr- E ^l'{-!e"^^ Pt+^^7t Ht''^, S,---jt-W, lt 9,rg ( t, t\13, tt1. t5!?+g,M!36+v*# ,a \,0[,;)-ah e*d. ,**.fu " lTrtE-1--1 x,D^;A,1 B $YGIENE Y, r Ll tltta 'til ilft. r Q, l) ro, lt tq t 3, lt1, O*uf'v-r^ 2, ?,4,5,trL{, tt t br )1) lvl?rto, GDOGRAPHY 1,2r 3,4) 5) q 1/ Y. trvtr), trt ovh- "--dI rl:arrrU '{l ' WRITING (", Alyu X;i,e- lE,l6,t7,,ty /ql 2oa lr 11 31 4,1L,1, A^i&ly q--&.,r^;*,**trL,*. 6,. tl Edt',J",r 3"--J v-v'- Ll, ?, b aatl 34 x5 (, !/L,3)41r 7 "1)tqlL t4l3) 14 oo-u-d W fi-Y.Q-. U o-G-d\ lN vJre-. ol^t-A-n-. S-qa^--..-d U.ealL. ARITHMETIC n^ qN&. f','-{0| L 2e, U &-e.,o-.J-^.,e- E,'^h-!rp'r*" 1"3. 0,t tr{rct l-tojat"""- . ZA Q^roA ^t-drth,, lu",J*. tt,tttr///. l5,ll,l7lV/q/ 2 o/Ll. v I3-oqrar.,-^. Wt?W*+ rc-:'4 E"-/t rANcuecs )5 )6, TfLa...i-rtt ei- o lfl, Ho.^.r*r. A"9^*, tq 2o L Y. L- *"-J qd^,AlJ U ".A "-"'t , 1il d'1,?-. U. S. HISTORY tA 3' 4r5,1,1{ Boy-t^* FIISTORY OF ILLINOIS 112,3, 415 er'r,U _ crvlcs l, \3, 4 5rt,,7, Y MUSIC AGRICULTURE HOUSEHOTD ARTS DRA\ilING ALGEBRA BNGLISH DNCiLISH HISTORY PHYSICAL GBOGRAPH\ COM. GBOGRAPHY \,otilrt {*t/". ^hyr^W, "9I1. TYpf** I Term : DAILY PROGRAM TIME TIIVIE FORENOON SUBJECTS To From ill AFTDRNOON SUBJECTS To I'rorn C) 9:za Q:to z, t, l: oo,l.'- |t&'l l:trlt: ttl rjry l:33l tol l:351l:so 1i 5o l0;oJ b,_ l:5ol ?itorl lQ:oi l0;go 4, 9: oa 1io\ 9, oi 7:?n -1, 1:sn V:zo - t0:3a t0:41 c 4' L, I L:t1,, 7: 301 lL lo:4s to:55 J, Aodl ?:,ttl r l0:u t0i3c t. C fr 7:?o 9.:rryl .-c w, ll qs 3;:o5l t, lq 'rtl /1, L, 3:t5 'r,,l ir, v lt:36 Y, 3i3 o lli3o u:4c tt:1t u;5 4, 3:40 6, 3:50 Ilito & 10:55 I I }iol :, lios ll: 15 lt; t5 llj6c 3:oa [3; l3j b, rrl ,1, 6, 13, '51 trl r, Y' l2ion l.oo a .t-Q., I I I I I I t. SPECIAL REPORT m with regard to cleanliness, desks, Give general conditiorl ofnyoy o. volumes in library dows and decorations stor ,8, General condition oflibrarv Library Record I full name of dictionary -Give .J cover of blackboard rn use I is the general condition of your school groundsl Condition No. living trees on school grou ate condition I' Jn t-7 n-['Y as it appears on the qD_+g){.4t {,4 . o-, t', - ends Teacher's name 191 t --- ddress while teachi TEACHER'S REMARKS ON CLASSIFICATION TO THE TEACHER:. This Preliminary Report I , of outbuildings, Boys' y per month, Term . g 50 orschoo, ," rL(t of 7f r " County , ', ' . ,Pt'h^ t{/ t ' 8lu:|ification ^\:ty st2. Forthe rerm commencing Teacher SYLLABUS OF CI,ASSES REMARKS ON INDIVIDUAT .2 /. e J ^li^^X/ q"*L (by L I ft6,JrA,4/ H-^qq/A-f d b o< t fi*" Fruqw (oD,'o /",--* ol I .| I A/ut / r f ( o F r g /q -'lf Used /2 . - / I4 /') I M I At IJ".(d^"r-') ,r,, .. SPDLLING b v b v t Text Book READING K,y^Jt'*.^44"*^ v X A^ class I number) | Pupils in each PUPILS PAGES /2- | u /6' 2o 2t .^ zl )n tl , -<1 '/Ja-t4d-e.'VL /t T'I C r'rrlt-l-< ,l GRAMMAR 2l- &l /"o,-rrJ, g4,*4 ? 'l 'i *,',1?A tr|,,/,h'*t a,u-/ vr /o E^4fh r,-%l-. /t [erL{,'n a..1/t-, [/oJ-rt;-r. </ lJ IANGUAGE /8 I lrlr tt ^ tr I l1- 20 I ARITHMETIC T,{r"^a /z le -6Jn r"*.t cJ- ^ "/;rr,/- l3 A /r a^ r'JA 0 An/rt, {l"l*il",/ }) I q V f,--,^^ U o-<z-u-.e f^ /*I "l nln-+ 0,+ / // Al^ 27 /A ^.2rt I WRITING q tf. T)/",-, lir/.c*?r*,a,M /o PHYSIOLOGY AND IIYGIENE '-'?"** '4 fl^"n,/J,ru- /5 ll'/n k 6r,*t tlut- I Ll ^ vI QN9GRAPHY I IB t{ lc t /^ J0 27 l8 lA tl 2-t I Q.t0 q 2r -: 2 7 tl q t, U. S. HISTORY HISTORY OF ILLINOIS 4t dr/ 44 of< 6,*-J,L tuo4- 6^l,l,"M n'4"tiL {#^ Cdluu4,, ,fr".^ry---n- lM'rn-"-rrtt e.# tht-#t tt x "/tu,A-o-Ll' e5 a^ 4O 3b el ry/A*,( ll*; A/anzu-<t yo{4zL/ /f l3 t4 /a t/) I cIv,Ics MUSIC AGRICULTURE O<- /3 '/a O*r"f*r^1, HOUSEHOLD ARTS a DRA\ilING ALGBBRA D,NGLISH ENGLISH HISTORY PHYSICAL GBOGRAPH COM, GBOGRAPHY BOTANY REEK eru ROMAN H Ii"'hr^"1 ,l+Lh-t Closed Began Last This Term Term I I , ,DAILY b l t-. PROGRAM AFTERNOON SUBJECTS FORENOON SUBJECTS 4/,{/rrrt& (?"""^a/u4 l'?-*J'.^F ,! o I q d- .,*"J" t- t., lt't"""r.r^t D I "" I Fu*/;^a' F** D/. I I i6"d'wfu q ,1 4 o( r J It7 U Y I I SPECIAL REPORT Give general condition of your schoolroom witt r&ard to cleanliness, indows and desks, i i I Do you keep General condition of librarv of ln Noiiiuinu o on school grou Girls' Term condition dictionary a it appears on the use_ outbuildings, Boys' s Coal house salary lr, fi {O 9t2 ends ddress while teaching Teacher's name TEACHER'S REMARKS ON CLASSIFICATION + t : I r-_tl.. I I iI '{ 3 I I I I I . tT I TO THE TEACHER: This Preliminary Report It will enable me to give you prompt ,fo $ ld sFow the present organization cif your school, and the conditioir of your schoolroom and grounds. d valuable assistance during your present rerm of school. Pleas{'fill out carefully with ink, and miil to qification Report For the term commencing rqrS .Teacher / a oL 3 t' tutu Y.*-- Ca J- e Lv Yr-<----'--"--,* 2a-<-e- ""--.-^24-r---; 7 ?n----t-;-",1 /b // /a, -6-Z* 7_ /r: /7t /r /r3 /r la /df ff /d GRAMMAR ry LANGUAGE n//-'(- L tt ,/3 tl ,l ARITHMETIC X-t-^-/d- WRITING X-e.---h PHYSIOI.OGY AND HYGIENE 0--<J;- tl lt F T 7 L'tr 3f, It /2/ 7 7 /o ai 4-/ 36 37 ?.^-er*'( SPNLLING n 2sz6 J5' u;-,.- I, {,-,-/-^*-Zr^-*-.--,- p-"2?J 4U* J"--."- /?^-Az;,- ,>L*-y 6>--(r-^- Jftu-."-t-v' //^zZ/ ,ea:-%* 7n^:W-z^-/ /'uz^4- 91Zg 6^----."-/ 7{^-.4& / f b 2 d 3 I 4, 2) i, 2la-aa'-.C GEOGRAPHY ?.t / L 6 T L U. S, HISTORY i HISTORY OF'ILLINOIS L 7 crvlcs L \ MUSIC AGRICUI,TURE HOUSEHOLD ARTS DRAWING ALGNBRA BNGLISH ENGLISH HISTORY PHYSICAL GEOGRAP COM. GEOGRAPHY I Iast I Closed Term 1) t-P 2-f "99 3 -/- I t.t;.t"0""0 It / J_3 ,t 2- 1 *til;'ilffi:,;"" u o<- Jo 3/ r',r". PAGES '/, /3.-* t/ 2-7 v"l f &,t,0 J SYLLABUS OF CLASSES /L /v /ts /3' /6 t7 TNDIVIDUAL PUPILS ,'?--7 t3 F REMARKS ON I Began This Term //rs- ty' DAILY PROGRAM TIME TIME From 7 /0 7 2-!-, 7eo ,,:'.' 7F FORENOON SUBJECTS a! To AFTERNOON SUBJECTS To Frorn I s' 7:do 7,!: ro:F' loi/ d' /oiL) r' 't J '(" / Tn ez,.h, f,_ gFL tt- . 1 SPECIAL REPORT I Give' general condition of your schoolroom with regard to cleanliness, desks, stove, indows and decora ttons a e*)-(^2-z -t,--i, (g. i G.n"r"l condition of library ,oou, f&-o--t-tin library J f, "","*., I Give full H"ue you a suitable book-case?-%-4:-Library llecord? Uc .(Eaz-t/ n2-J= n Kind of blackb' *( condirion "or., Z--/+ohuL is the eeyrll condition of your school-groundsl Condtlon..Q 4< --.-what ' , /-< . cz( ->*.:<<Ot Zlu -)-t.-.? (-,1-J--State con-dition of outbuildings, Boys' " on school g No. living tr l,' , r 7'z--( Co^t t our. Girls'--z ../ i e/ 'zz-z--a{<:--tl-<,-Z /e/t-Q--a/ /t you keep a rs it appears on the : of dictionary -Do 27in *"---fu.a-zu1- - Term ends / &+ AD /.? ( 'l'--^L^.r. TO THE TEACHER: -l--, lC),:+ I This Preliminary Report stroild It will -BrT -t{a I :her's salary per rr ,onth, $7d--?- Addrccc rrhile teechino 0 the present organization of your school, and the co enable me to give you prompt and valuable assistance during your preser)t term of school. n of your schoolroom and grounds. fill out carefully with ink, and mail to Preliminary Classification Repr Drrt irt 2z-, 3a For the term --Township PAGES REMARKS ON Punils ^(by in each class number) INDIVIDUAL PUPES /4. I /2 /L 7 /rs a r o /L L /J /3 /3 7 ,7 ', q /J- /L /o // /+ /2, /2 7 7 7 7 ,/ s- /2 // r /L 7 ,J &Z*.>f^4b4 2z---^4- zv e-/ LANGUAGE / l.{' / eJ' r , J 7 2 /9 h T / 7 J- /tr 2"4*rZ-L*tZ GRAMMAR gr-"J-f NUMBERS AND OR/II ARITHMETIC A,RITHMETIC d g ./ U. S. HISTORY - .{. HISTORY a t t oF MtssettRt J/U\, "22 6/"--,2- 7 // /, /,6 //;*L". 7 /g /7 READING a,3 h'"c, %r^"Az-. ,'rffi,/ CIVIL GOVERNMENT ZJ+ z,J- V'fu-'g e-,---=.t--r- f&-.-"tr&;---* D.--.-: iJ-J-Tt fE^*- ^z lf,.-*-a-ffia-A r-tr \I1?/:/UZ'*.,@ J >-2..4.-*7 T J | d/ --(--r-"/r7-tZL.<-d/A-{- l2?r**% / V/-2/,t-*,-'R*.Lt-" ,jZ le>-;-,-z?zh'-h- r7 7 /6 GEOGRAPHY 8 b L L L PHYSIOLOGY AGRICULTURE LITERATURE NATURE STUDY /&C.=-,4VOCAL MUSIC fu^L-, /lt4 -/,t- DAILY PROGRAM aFTERNOON SUBJDCTS SPECIAL REPORT Give general condition of your schoolroom with regard to cieanliness, desks, stove, windows and decorations t' C No vblumes t inlibrary Jl Library Record? 0 cover <^ k'b-:-.Have 4/ +. .\ Conditiond-/ - What Generalcondition of library boo ./ is you a suitable //' ,... %-rz-t/ Condition book-casel t / Do you keep a Give full name of dictionary as it appears on the Kind of blackboard i nur" '&%- th" g"r,"r"l condition of yo*rtchool grounds? No. living trees on school grounds State condition of outbuildings, Boys' Coal house Girls' Term ks g*-),2 ends Teacher's TEACHER'S REMARKS CLASSIFICATION -.-*-4. 6^d- T,_ ) TO THE TEACHER 2 | ,r . This Preliminary Report should show'the present organization of your school, and the of your schoolroom and grounds. ft "o.rdltion will enable me to give you prompt and valuable assistance during ycur present term of school. Please fill out carefully with ink, and mail to me '\['nnr< First Week's Classifi of ool, District No. tl0n Report q? County, Illinois. For the term commencing REMARKS ON INDIVIDUAL PUPIS SYLI,ABUS OF CLASSES yr. l''o. I 6 6 th?F,'i.b,1,Y'b g 6 1 ( (by ,7 )),b].--r= \ $ 1[a nlo t\ rj oA qrt[ h4 P{\ r),-l ii fr,!1.'t( 4,F 7, 7 7v 7 r0 GRAMMAR 0 T sjl n5$ "W m"w t[, t trr r? , trl,i % 4^&, t2 ( I b r i l0 r.\ riT ARITHMETIC ,tAtll Y,' t 3,l! +r-r-h,tlnfi-{Or*t fizarr) ?-Lt, *f,t ?6 WRJTING GEOGRAPHY ffiw w. ry /c,u-/a A,b^frr"- +id , /r '/f* A//ar/t/oJ'od w * /L 14.vlJ e^-1-o(t-*t 5t 'h ts'"-?4r//v,r1/ LANGUAGE , 0 v tl ,fz'i-t- ^t\ j'^\, This Term ( tP' 0?\ Began @tntr-u Y \q $ r erm last U,frAa'L 6 1\ t\ Used L( fo, E42 32,r't 6 1U $ Text Book SPELLING \ fv I | READING 6 6 b class number) Pupils in each YEAR inished { /7, > t N \ $ 1f*< U. S. HISTORY HISTORY OF ILLINOIS N s MUSIC AGRICULTURE HOUSEHOLD. ARTS DRAWING ALGEBRA ENGLISH ENGLTSH HISTORY PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY coM. GEOGRAPHY R /%r-t / DAILY PROGRAM .oRDNooN $ | f i-1) '.oS 7,oS t, '/ f L J v 4 t '6,00 t4.t /0 t: rc5 l(. v I I l.(/U 2 uI 3 f(tury r tpr 5 t 1,30 t.3o 4 pfa t1fu s ILfi v tt,lo T;l; t J,t 'd AFTERNOON SUBJDCTS Fcd :z,f 36 T0 suBJEcrs .?<*r -ii-* --*.++ +--+-+: . -- ' Do you keep a SPECIAL REPORT Give general condition of4our schoolroom with regard to cleanliness, desks, stove, windows pnd decorations No. volumes in library General condition of library books Give Have you a suitable book-casel full name of dictio Kind of blackboard in What is the general condition of your school groundsl ltron ot out No. living trrgs on school Girls' Term ends Teacher's nam TO THE TEACHER I Coal house 19J.O w ildings, Boy's.'['eacher's salary per montb, ion record properly filled out at the c Iast rml Address while teaching This Preliminary Report should show the present organization of your school, and the condition of your schoolroom and grounds. It mail to me will enable me to give you prompt and valuable assistance during your_present term of school. Please fill out carefully with ink, and * i--" after-school is organized. Due credit will be given for filing this report promptly. | 3--+;:' -- First Week's Classification Report or,rr" )-I-l-t- . 11. ^,+ i ,a 4 , , School, District No. Countg lllinois. For the term commen'cing .Teacher . REMARKS ON INDIVIDUAL Y3^<*^"- I i 3 + f W \^-&+-l- tla"-[-{-td( G-l-o-X'- r..r-{ UJ-^n ^1 l.+.eo^^,-rL l.Lr-r-L ).n^-q'"l.,'- T3 N-r'{/-'t Tho,-t r^-, e-[o.J\r^-e-t- J t-.:*-fu lo ,f E'.r.FqX-^-r- l3-*atr.-cq ,, I t, I n-!.-o",'.,-slu- 7 H-"L^- ,T t J S r.,i-r.,..$ g I t',.a**".r ern^,-Uloq gD uo^^- IL tl ,0 Itl tt d"- Il*r.t"-J. t5- t I 3 J- I 1 I I Tc-,., I ,6 t f, 3 I l.l 5- I. t, 7 I ' .t Text Book Used Tenn Began This Term ,1, trZ)3, 4t ilorlrv, g, ,o, | | 3r*;f, 11'lt?-'gr,Orll l31ll-t ti,rlt ,t1, IVF tt I t, On G .X4--cr-ru gf , ?esj-q-1y I ,, tt I I tljm'&"J(*, Cq,.rt<zn_0., I - sfi as LANGUAGE 3_ 5- r, &rg, $r 5g, I o/ , I .b, 1;?, 19, llirSl '(.Q.r--lt, lt"t,"1, ,Pr11, c-lrLL) +g-urr, ZV "-g) ARITHMETIC I L 3 + 6- ..*^,t-!-- q%"J \rr"/..-).. 0[.-., '.4;^''*-,ft_ +ol, I I GRAMMAR I O/--L t, 'l a. t3,,+,ti\tL, ,?,,&/9 ?q t3,2+ a6-, a u. .t 1?o.-[J/rli/",/ D ,+-,t Jl,*r- f-rr. l" 0"<^- )'to,'.f-^--+-f. \-At^^-- t 2 t+ -AX'- Zr9.-{-*"- 00 \rrrt\-r". A":Jo t+ n Jr),*^L J "^jl]") J tc,tu D .,e'q4r) I+a/.fi4 D !^h^ N 7fr-,rn/.-qr- I g Jr^;x I {r,^- \r..",1" . Y h1<r,,.rr J J:'"JJ- Lt 'n.o- r"-LJ^>Q^,( 9o-.-r- ,0 t0 $ E *l^- 'f,s-.,t 'l r.';tl" 5+.lA g& rap,r-,rn*J. I $ Tn o.,\q H-,r+a-r.r, ,1 2t 1 8 )*aU-^--& lu-tur-l-l- J I6 I d -rt^iiJv ' Pupils in each Finished Last READINC U.^^1 q.o-Dd',--r.-le- t YEAR class (bynumber) Il. yr. lfuf.. I PUPILS b, .T t )'t<-.;lru1 l{r-^-r-0.i-. 7 U *^rJ.l= 0 ^^,q-q:r, $ t n SYLLABUS OF CLASSES 7 l)zr3)+rbtr 1, to,tl 9:1t l?- ---j---:-' lnl+rt'-:, tL,t't I P, I j reorLt, 2.2r?42+. at-,a 6. rf ., f3.ia^lUh .. ,l I , 'J4JIL-% tsr.,r,n-, Jv...,;ff^f F^-(-u-< ,8-.^lf-qa aa,,,n.^r,^ lfft.l WRITING ift,'*o-. Z g PHYSIOLOGY -.rr---fe- qT*#ie1'1l*t" Qru".-Q-+ tr tII tcr-..'--r,^.t j 13--irL $ AND HYGIENE 2b', LL (9at<fi*-,afiA',v, GEOGRAPHY +t, 5-, | 6, llrlF rlirzo, Ll, &Lt 7' 2-+r* 13, t 2"6-, '-to Jq,r,t" *?-/? eTnttu"l )'lti-ul=G.-dr..,-.O -l U. S. HTSTORY atl-I HISTORY a 6) Lt" "fnulAu'/) clvtcs a6; e6 MUSIC AGRICULTURE HpusEHoLD ARTS DRAWTNG ALGEBRA ENGLISH ENGLISH HISTORY PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY coM. GEOGRAPHY BOTANY GREEK AND ROMAN HIST. t {5I 7 OF ILLINOTS -.7 t '.-1 n H JA-eo-t6a-ad-qa-. U\ -^ t l+f. /7a -/7 DAILY PROGRAM TIME TIME AFTERNOON SUBJECTS FORENOON SUBJBCTS 9loo q; 05' 9; o,l 1"%. rul 9: an 9jso ? q;3p 9l+o 3 1: +v 9:l'S' 7' ?; st ,0;0f + /o; ot 0: l6' f, 1030 7 ,o;, I f f I Cirr*-1.-r.'uU*- M M n oru t0;t*t ll io-o I I t;25 n:40 .tt'. +a ,t;5'0 ,/; c'0 t2: to /t;f-d II n-c 'l't' t: o! li of ll o5 l;f s i4[ $vo-*., t. \-.t.r rr l:"r ti?5 L l;35 3 f; ,0;3u f 0;+6' ll; rt ,r;,0 ,,;/0 ll;at To From To From f:35- ,;50 5- ,i 5-0 Jiof, 1 2i oS Jitn rut 2i"A 2:30 5- 2:8 0 Xiryt I-al 2:4d 3; oo I J- 3" ro 3;,5- "l 7 3: tr 3ia0 L 3;0f f L J 3;+t'. 4iro T P. 3 4j tr J 3;30 ,l -./-. D. t}D 0fl 36 SPECIAL REPORT Give genei'al i6-ridition'of your schoolroom with regard to cleanliness, deiks, stove, No. volumes in tiur"rv [ [ ;3 3, General conditio,! of library books '-Have you asuitable Record? TL& +: .. 0 cover LLl-*-l"ctt-r.}', 9-".t; *r-,r- Library T4,,trt-rl erounds No. living trees on school J Ll -coal '1 Give full name of dictionary as it j book-casel Kind of blackdoard in ,rr" condition- What is the general condition of your school Condition -f.arh^l State condition erounart 3 u-r:!r Do you keep a appears on the J { e-tq ' Boy'spcr. monrh, eather's salary nonth, $-.L-O-t-AOr."lh.t's srlary per $-40,-t!. propcrly fillcd out atthc closc of last tcrrnr 0 Q,-o.'{t o-- of outbuildings, housc ? -azL 4 -*J r*.."a.,u CAh.,.r.0 -nt/,, , 3, - tqll ,war the dassif-crtion record Addresswhiteteachin, P..,0--^'fr.,.' ', S o Qn, ,a, t. I3^rt. A.r a, Teapher,s""r" 0 TEACHER'S REMARKS ON CLASSIFICATION TO THE TEACI{ER : This Preliminary Report should show the present organization of your school, and the condition of your schoolroom and grounds. It will enable me to give you prompt and valuable assistance during your present term of school. Please fill out carefully with ink, and mail to me immediately afterichool is organized.; Due credit will be given for filing this report promptly. FajU-. Classif ication Teacher SYLLABLIS OF CLASSES REMARKS ON INDIVIDUAL PUPILS D DIYISION 1g^^d- 1q /e-,*4 /7_ at 6l 7V'1Y74 t 7,' /0, / / lol" 4 /r A--:_:--_= t, p,g. +, 6,7. { 'Ji-3a-'V.""' &0,21,22,2 24a."-d e L, / t* /to / / / GRAMMA M.EDIATE DIVISION I' L l2 il 3 'l Jdtr-4-vrv, f (' '$tl,n't^aat, l5 1 Mwr'!'e-' Evu.lh^,,tl/vt l"q r /2 (, rt 'ih 'h ARITHM INT 7 lo &n nn '&t&^fu** lo tl fw Q-a,l,ofrt--r.', /z &il,oiu-^ l3 /rl /J Tftai-u/rL GEOGRAP {annpa Thgn^^^ , -nafuua!A-cl^/n^'c4 't + u g + ,f B 3 q 3 5 I ?,/ q r s^,,^y' 0A "!'/L. I{ISTOR /,/F,v,UL, 7 7^n rtaq,', c'^-.,*d- 9PfiYSIO tht,rf q{",7,V, Q4^uh^) 7r/ o,'/( | L, CIVIL PI /6 t7 7 b l6 ,l /1 9) VDanL 9l 9z 23 2q s-S ARY DMSION n ,_ 8 lMtL UJ(nl.e//L P,"414-/" L F^r,(";"s B"Y-JL/ (t }ruall- Dt""rA^, b zl-ua-|*L7{-^'* b f l{an*j nil'v;/," 6 :/r*Ufu- UF,/<' ,u//r{ra qftd. W M, 6kr/. ( ,8/or"- L 2 I I tzl t0f /ffi*?l' /0 lA'l b b b IL pafu- Dur*o.etv, / b I 7 /57 e /0, I l, 12,13 GO 4/r-// Daily Program TIME o 'I'o From TIME o F 7os 5 cll ?,'05 1:ts lo I f;n ?,' /i ?:u /0 7,'25 9:sa ? I l0 2 :ts q:{t la 3 7:tt fu:m la ,€- /6 6 l0:et l0i4l /5 all t0: i5 lpi\a I /D:56 /l:01 lo I 0:de W.-*# M 1lu-uta, To /,' 00 t:t0 /0 qA I ,',10 l.'a /0 I /o ./ /,'10 l:fl /: I: b( /[ bV" tt'P 2! zt W rt-to W"t U lo L //:t5 ll:30 /{ b 2 l0 6 /0 4 6 frTJ L:7 lo v 2")0 /"vl /6 ,r 0( 2;V5 1ifr /o 2'.2A 2:rd V.'oe /0 /t2 3 tf (" i:)t /o o V:o{ 3,'2t //;{D Il:& lo + tt:51 il: bt lo b J,'20 lln t: yt f,w /5 l:ra SUBJECTS E 2ln 2lt /0 / I ,'05 ll,'/5 /l :30 II;LiT /o rom za /:20 /.' jo /;7a /iqt /o tu M. /0 I / l:Lt, o I SUBJECTS ztr TlJo 7:<lt ba tu1 /6 r', I6 SPECIAL REPORT Give general condition of your No. votumes in library....... Library Y 0- ...........Genera1 condition of library aooks.........sfu)/L... ....... .......Give Record?...-.... Do you keep a full name of dictionary as it appears on the Kind of blackboard in use----......... .ou.r..fuU.. ...Has your school a nrgt-....-.V.Lff. What iethe geDeral condition of your school grounds? Number living trees Girls' ..... -.. .. -.{-#lf- Term ende...I.. Teacher's Dame... Director'g name.. AM.., ^^ * t(s ---....coal house......... I/& Qdlt^k {*o"-t*(REMARKs ress while teaching..... .4........ouu,., "...........Q.a oN GLAssrFrcATroN /. -*.(-(.., TO TEE TEAGEER: This Preliminary Report ehould show the present organization of your school, and-the-con$it{qn of y-our school-room and grounds. and valuable asgistance dgring your present telm gf schooJ.' Please fill out carefully with ink, and niail to me at the cloEe of the Fmst Wnur of school. Due credit will be given you for filing this report promptly. It will enable me to give y6u prompt . COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCI{OOLS Preliminary Classification SYLLABUS OF CLASSES REMARKS ON INDIVIDUAL PUPILS b /, b / '/f, f'inflr, 7 7 7 I t,3t 2 r ,F 2- 6 2 r, 7 r L t, 7 3 ,trffi{.ffi 5" 7+ .r/2 J, b J, t2//. b. Wi&;rfl,o'eo- Wa,r* / x tr, //. //, ? 12. /t /3. /'1, )- J tb /f" r :*J /L 7 r/ &a,-fta6/r*; /t /r. "2-'') g/. J_2. ' p3- /3 /,2 ,717r7;7,tu . /7, z-o(/4nLT' L alz 'y,,ffi /5-o ^lX t4 //:/2lw., ,,gaz5; t,!,L7 6,2/!,4 ,/0 /r /r-"/6. 5' 7 /'5-. 7,,{W /q, 7 I 4tv&// /b; ltr l?i+o,: GEOGRAPII I 3,t1, /6.' /72/,212f,, z4 L3 HISTORY "z'a,Ji,"";i* t-U /V, tr 2l' 22,1^3 't'%ffi /8,/4 ,zo, 2,;L V //u'4 Daily Program i;tl f,?a 7,7t f'lo /,' /0 :'6 //,', /o l:, /0," /0 0,'/, /o:Ea a-,'*5. ,/; //i00 /: 1/;/, ,'/l V/r-A /t /,'2o /; /, ,,J.J ;l ,6 /0 J,l /5, J,' // '80 /!= r J 5' /f ,5 /, /;, /t,Ja a t/,', lJ;, t4, 6L tl /,'u lt v- v/ndL 1 /t "2 /: /tg, t/1, ,I /;// ;80 / iy, /4 F, T,,A Tff?rh Vr".-"/e/- /, 7,'?, | e:u.rrz-arr.rf ?''J'o /0 '/'t /5-17 5- 3;J 151J-. {- /5'lJ_ /5'l F /t tion of your scboolroom rd to clean , stove, windows and General condition of library 4-4: books---V.'d-{Z/z- / ..-.-.-.Do you keep a Library F.;ecofi?_Zft..-.......--..........-..Have you a suitable book-case?.... Zt-2 salary per month, Director's n^^"%r. r.{5..5-..nn..-.. ..-.........Address NNMANXS ON CLASSIFICATION Y/r7a- <4'8 Yt/ /4 t7, ,/.na./t4,, /.ca. &{,U z ylo,l/tr 4/a,a : {.f.f^fzrtW..a'o n 4- a*@t 6'.tu t<<-e-r.,Uft/U 77 ^-4-4/4-2/ TO TEE ,TEACEER: This Preliminary Report should show the present organization of your school, and the condition of your school-room and grounds. Itwillenablemetogiveyoupromptandvaluable aseistanceduringyourpresenttermof school. Pleasefill outcarefully with ink, mail to me at the close of the Ftnst Wnpx of school, Due credit will be given you for filing this report promptly. and COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCI{OOLS erJ ol ryf-&o Prelim inary Classification Rep rt A4-.-.....-.....--..-.. -..-.... ....-....For the term ..-..........Teacher Anomo6a. Iow& PAGES SYLLABLIS OF CLASSES REMARKS ON INDIVIDUAL PUPILS / 7 2 6 READING /.2,x{,a6 7.9 q ta 3 4 *-'f, 6 / g 7 /0 ,1/ go @ 2/ // 2L 23 L// 2t 1-6 a2 -.4 {/t 6 lo,e/,2e,2 2 l, 2)"2 6,2>. / 7f 76 lh/0 @,^/ l/,/2,13,/q/f ,/l 6 r o / / 8,/?,lcr71,2L,23 t7 /J 6 24,)t21,2, 7a /z ARITHM , 7. ,7 / 2 3 4 L /r | / / GRAMMAR 142 7u /3 /7 /s', /0 6 f 7 T 'o /7 (, r 0 /Itt,/3,171q/6 e a 0 r /a l7 /2 6 r 1,2,3,4,A 0 Y.?.q. r ) l, / 2, I o. / | 3,//y',6" / 6 /, 66 /o |tr,|9.2 o. Zt,zLzg ^4,2 ?,2 C-7.> f, /?,16,2 t,22,zJ 7r/, zs;26, I ), .zcevl tJ?t'A tY^ / 0'l // (3 t,l It,/ l2o,2I22,r 24' 2 5:2 (,2> I Iv j IIISTORY / 22 2 :'' I3 2/f.29;7 0,2? MUSIC Daily Program TIME From To Zt From v @/r-"< fu. 7'/5 U g 7-ve r'r 5' /0 /-3 o tl tl tr 3 f /c 6 @ {tgt /Q /04t /ort t|-t S ra-90 tL/ li 7 lo'3o /0J/t' / Cl'r: /d-5f /D 6 t'e0 /5 'S oo I,r 6 3-oa 3-/,i l'Jc /r+, /0 7 I lt!, l/-Jt /o r % T/A *zc /0 2-2 J.JO /o /r-ot lYr t0 (-r t //*Vo tl /6of /0 3 v 2-4J' 4f'J t t0 0 /t 4 ? r t*L /o 6 7zr 3-3 t /d v 'Lt 3-/t 6 )-3s' 3'! tl'$t I >ot /. 8 1 e f t;*1 I r 2. | ? ,q"-.'r,-/ + /0 2-oo TOO z-t )-"-"4 7 {t /-5Z, tO l-00 r rf /-?" 0 SUBJECTS za To /-oa l- /o /0 l-t o f-to /o /-zo l-Ja /o ffiL-,*/.1lfuk o a SUBJDCTS ?<o 7-/o /a /-to ?-to /0 / Tzo 7-s o ta J 7-30 TIME a 70 v /5- 6 W Y* JufV.S, tl (t tl tI tr Lt Wt€-,n;q-o desks, stove, windows and t library.--..... 3 g .........General condition of library uoous............5%A-th--......-.- l=-,'l-.....-....... -......Do you keep a of dictionayT a;:tit ap condition of your school gtounds? Number g, oond"...... -.. /.....ff I ......... r r"," Coal house Girls'".2 3.. /-..........ts. .2..0- Term ende Teacher's name... Directoi's name /-.L44......................\--.-........-.Address.......t"1-.... CEER'S REMARI(S ON GLASSIFICATION TO TEE TDAGEEI: preliminary Report should show the present organization of your school, and-the.condiliqn of yrcur school-ro,ot" qP.d grounds. This te^rm of. schoo]. Please fill out carefully with ink, It *irr-.*lr" ;;6;i'"; t6r p"omfi aoavaluabie assiltan-ce during..youi present will be given you for filing this report promptly. credit Due of school. Wnpx .to-se of the'Fms^r ttre 1J-" -"if "t COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS and Prelimin ary Classification Report -rtn-l' Of School in....{..LU1-*..'or the terin bommen County of "^r....r-fi-At),.....2..-.-.--....--....-......-.----ts-&l- .. .l1.u.Lu 61b"Ju/:ahf-. .......ruu.n"" t[stroDolttru SuDpIy GompaDy, Alemora, Iowa-lll REMARKS ON INDI\TTDUAIJ PI'PII'S Yr, I | /n /. 9, 4 /t, n (t, n a F n l-z W'ra.t M gJ'AzyvuLLU /t il tn (" n Tn!-!,r-* /h.'uLrru /0 fSlAiL PrdL -[0"[.no^zna]#.* (, )Tw"yJ, \4 5-- $yft'tt r3J Wu.t A.V o rQ d ,9 I 6 ; o <) J I a) 2// TJalfui'm batd,urn" 17, t-rt,9//n,_?3 f-!.unw n 9, trt, 15, I b/ /7, ly ul/ **n**o* I ,2) //, 5, {o,, 7, ,"iW f lt, 1a, ll, 7,'la, f, lz lz iyta,'5 l{v A ,, ,yt 17,/r,'--' ,l/ /(, /l nurwntd /0 :/0- . lL, g, + /t, //, 1z l"''" 'njlnt /?, ;)0,2/ sL23 -a: c 5' /f l2 Wti'"y kui-nw /4 ,lb{.a'LhlLkA\/tul 'A{il L'vlL?U)v,urt't /4 s/ 1r) ec( /2 t"o Tfu,t'rLo ,41 *tV I? |t'7 / tA -) ") ptr z//'2L/ 23, ..;,.;i t.t- .- hJt-+ 'aA/t+ 7 I q. )8 lta,U1w K)#d /E 7 7 7 EISTORY //, Lrt, NrL'y'l m4, 17 zo.pJ ./ ,/Lq-,/ 2e CnrIL / ?, 20, L/ D, t, 2 lV ,20 , 2/,, 2-a L v, ift- ThlB Term' ba[fuwn /.1 /v Began ua,(fu1^ tl b,7, r /[// /4- Last Term 13a/' /, lo, I l, l2- 0) dail. ' l,L,3r'fg 5, b., 7/ I Closeil I Text Books Used | READING / / /) r q Pupilr iu Each Class (by uumber) I | / o Qnara"H^t '^l-ptn I Mo. TTLIl 6 /fxo " -?J,/ Daily Program TIME trtom o 2., To Fron a!/ /! / /t oZa /,0 7n fs-D t< ?,3! SUBJECITS H f/n _ g ln I' 5 t,, 7lqa AlfrA Ia O,' TIME o o SUBJECTS ZE To H tU A*o /,'r7 /t L'/t /t l,'?0 t4 7 / /,'J0 ft 4a-rttt - /tQt p .aw r':u- l/J t_::6_ 15 7_ u,6r' 4 VO .Ll /a I) J|30 /() It t,' r)n I ft)lt l/, ),::t A,'t7 1.0 2.:4 // g,'r,1 /) l!z t),:- .7 3:!.j- /5- 3:gt /v_ 9,'ll' /s- c) l1?t- ll //|n /o llist h E4+-U,->4<e lPAwur,_h "nn)C).h tluJt 5' ltz I/:/0 A4tvc",t3A- a /0-30 t rnl-! 3a v, tn' c-7 .f SPECIAL REPORT Give general tion of,your school room'with regard to cleanliness, desks, stove, windops and decorations.--..-.......-.-. {:q:I....n.rt:J..zL-.".-1a...,{zr:L......u..I.t7d.....a.M-......C..,txrrlo.f-*trr* .h t*/:yn-- h .).rr^ n'-ti : A ifu t.Vl",{."-.1. A, ^ffi.. t./ | .J' I 4"1 . L/.t-LAJ.-aLa.,...L,l/-.1.....n..1.1.!-d-u, fibrarv. ------------t-/---4-No. of volumes in libraryyou a suitable Library necor4z-Uf.!--.da-.-rt1.rff,..---r,rave necor4z-!lf.!- .d, ;,*".: "ou.,)U/'!.lhfu-h)-5...M-*.c "ou",)il/.ilhfu)t) Condition...-.. book-case? conditiou..-. ...L//.l..rhaZ{ -,..(...*ru.full name of dictionary . ..tJ 4.-..........Kind or brackboard as i!appears on the ^ 'r.........5*tr.nfu-*.................... -/r*..", vfio school a u^"r-W..,L.-..hotZ..ty.tlttwaatis the general condition of your school grounds m, of outbuildings, Boys'.--. ^t coat Eouse-h.[.il--.d* .Teacher's salary per month, $ n a/1 tJ",{' (' - -7/a /.//- -.Q.. ---- - --. ---- , ....1^0..a,**r&t:v:L/-............address..... TEACHER'S REMARKS ON CLASSIFICATION TO TEE TEACwnBT report shoul-d slow the plesent organization of your school, qnd the coqdition of your school-room and grounds. It wifl -This Prelilninary to give you prompt aud valu?ble as-sistance dgring yo-lrr pr_esent term of school. Please fill but carefully wttn int, and mail to me at the close of the............ -Week of school. Due credit will be given you for filing this report promptty. ena-ble me couNTy SUPERTNTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Prelimipary Classification Report ,^.0.d-;..mt1/.n"L-...or,**............-3Q "r .Sethlo{h , orSchoor rownship . UetroDolttsl Supply Oompauy, Anenogan lowa-1ll BegBD Tem 4 4 G2 -t ()0 bAzna-t-Wtl eauL;^ul/a, -/J ".a-Prtl 4/t&l//- -L _7_ "lJ 7 .( ,1_ ft4, lo // , t2, 13, t//.t4- ) 17/tr ,Ltr/L /t) /e lt/12)13,/4/t' UAzazrl,r-ru *3 q ft lL 19, r/7, /tr , tl I L4 7, l, b, .tg til- ,tb t7 t8 Sqrlo , bt 7 I /, /e, /'J / 14f/ l6-, Odi n lt"/ /7, Is.taL{rrra -fd lrq, /e tl /l ,lz , 13, t4, /4' 10,/7, /( u/, sil. /// /z/3,/,+/i' /b, /7r/tr /br/7, /( Thlg I Tem //.A I -o?r"ZJ Daily Program SIIBJECTS - SPEelAii-RE'PORT- Give general condition of your school room with regard to cleanliness,.desks,. stove, windows and decorations---II<,4. .11/-a-."nx/A s4rnq{L fr.L.aht,....1'I/-lz--2t*-!d Cn.h..aL-uxA.-A.h,*t*f No. of volumes in library. ......----.--l--(/----....-.-...--.--..-...General condition of library books.--..----Llf/\4/- Library .-(4*--------------..-.----.-.Do Recora?-.--..-7-1zl).,.-.--...---.--..-Have --.-..A4,A/-.,-.-..-..--...-.-"t# ,fdtlame of dictionary as r.-.--..---.--..-Have you a suitable book-case?... --.-..WA2,,-.-..-..-.......Gi+l A ' 't-. it you keep a appears on the condition of your school grounds ^ t! -l- Number iiving trees oa school govnds.(l,M-L.t;L-./.2-.-...State coudition of outbuildings, Boys'-.-..-.-.-. Girls'--------ZL Term ends.. Teacher's Director's name.. Goal Cnn.-d4[44*.Teacher,ssalarypermonth,g../.(a./-,.. ffii::*' 0 :ffi TEACIIER'S REMARKS ON CLASSIFICATION -tu^fru 17 2'A-, TO THE TEACEER: This Preliminary report should ehow the present organization of your school, and the condition of your school-room and grounds. It will enable me to give you prompt a.nd valuable assistrnce during your present term of school. Please fill out carefully with ink, and mail to me at the close of the-......--........-.--.-...-..--....-week of school. Due credit will be given """ t""33t*"ff $tif$"tiiigilbrll, oF sc*ools. First Week's Classification Report , District No. .....-8.-D..-...... nAA For the term .....Teacher SYLLABUS OF CLASSES Finishe Pupils in each class Last Tenn (by number) Tn*#n rt t t ' fn-tttdA>'"4' '/./,", J^ It v f *.f { q-oA ffi 7 7 t1 I rf ffi^W% 9t w'^fr // /3 u- ,,( 6 n-bL,,n^,A I 2 F^rn %24 /q'nd /qn-nd- /a*4 /2-- /7 rt*t- E /At fn/-' ,.,/n'.49b['4 gz/-f7/"^-,^a S/. 3 ,r r ,f ,f 6' ,f q^-4 g-^-t t, 7 +",J.v {7 TtuL 7 . 2'r?z( , SPEI,LING 2 2 6' 7 u /-3 ,f7 2 _3 n READING 2 /t. /3 // &,1 L) / 7 13 -U,Yl4i{ 1il.,-(li /2_ /r l, /+-'ft1,t A^//"h F-.u)O;ft. /t II r;; M /qlrd /ry-4 P^nryo vr4-E1l/1t1/t4 lrA ^k *t :2";,.An It rd L $^-,.t-'*h/ fhJtG,4 / l( I /./,."* /t^e,^/ Fl^'fi. f?t^,,,Lta D-u'& T; j- GRAMMAR /f,- / 2 g^";7tw LANGUAGE +- /7 ABITEMEAIC /(- z- | n -)7 r- sw;fl,ffu 9,-rTr^, f"tt^^"^O" )b WRITING PIIYSTOT.NGT AND EYCIENE /tr- 2-/ GEOCRAPET t- ll tI- t / / f- a-t U. g. SISTORY / (- 2-i SISTORY OF IIJLINOIS I r- 2-l crvrcs /r- L/ MUSIC AGRICULTUBE gOUSEHOLD ARTS DRAWING . ALGEBRA ENGLISE ENGLISH EISTOBY . PEYSICAL GEOGRAPEY coM. GEOGRAPIIY BOTANY GREEK AND ROMAN IIIST. hat*Afl'(Yharyl -Tv # Begcn This Terrn /lR4' -a-S DAILY'PROGRAM 'l'l r\t t{ I,'rom To V,'oo f/ro ?TO 7 rll {rr 7 Tuf ll!ro 3 lLito , '/,'/f lti/J- /thd I /rt,- r6!tt 2 7 /XTD . lieo tl:30 5- i3o \(:*, J 2: i ao l,'15.- i lia o ?,'1.)- ): j^ I jo iYt 7 /J!tr, w ffi 'tYca4 t'U^C:""+ a r ,!no) 5' '("'i , v!b' 'r;to | !+a-a-4r Xu*nq rll fsa 1:3t Vta Lt tt't' it3iu J t/:/tt' 2_ Ir'4f ' 2 u:Jo, 'lrlSl rti+5 '-4/2 4/l to,!g l,'&0 I r /fu-a-n ft^; /0:w loltt u,t30 /;/0 M M M,, AFTERNOON SUBJECTS To /,'oo l,/ o w6& h/' I U,'15- '-l*-^r-,*;t-- o( A hSt o, (" iAo a FORENOON SUBJECTS From 82tt Tisa 7,? o TIME I o @ {?/p-ar{ a/.1 ffi (n/ t- W /) Vt I 7 /{ltu14 t. 3 ?:rt W 7 l VO' I I i i I I I I I I t, I I I I I J. I t l j.t II r* t- SPECIAL REPORT Give general condition of your schoolroom with regard to cleanliness, desks, stovq windows and decorations No. volumes in library.. Library .. .A.4......-.........-.........General Record.?....../.-lE. condition of iibrary .Have you a suitable book-case? .-Give full name of dictionary of blackboar cover...........-. Condition... qe24.........-....-.....What (/ No. livitrg tlees on €choot d, in as it appears on the use...'S'..& is the general condition of your school grounds?--.....,f.n-..r,n* grouras..-L.-1.-.*.-...-..*.-.*gtate condition of outbuildings ,Bovg----N- s*r",-*-H!,_T-, --,__*y-fg***- --- . _-- ,.ffi1:"**iTq 'fermena{....7M..J-_..7......^..........rgz....?...wastheClasKficationr.ecord.proper'lyfilledoutatthec1oseoflast Teacher's n .......-..Address $-g.Lf,a while TEACHER'S REMARKS .oN CLASSIFICATION TO THX TEACHER: This Preliiina.ry Report shouldshoy the pres€trJ organization of your school, end tie co[ditiotr of your schoolrooE and gaounds. assistance duringyout-presetrt telln of school. Please fill out carefully with -iak, and It will enable me to give ygu proEpt 3nd. valuable i8 Due credit will bs given for fflitrg t\is r€port promptly. after the school orgaDized. iilmediately fie to mail County Superintendent of Schools. Preliminary Classification Report REMARKS ON INDIVIDUAI. PUPII,S rcr/r-# I I *HnWr,i{ // v /,4'3 4 T;'r tl / 3 3 c9r,rt aArr.*n trrq, lo I It r / lL (/) i1 lr l' F;/, ,lJ r !., + 3 L, Vn,e//'V. 4 A/rd'r/ *nncK, r 0 ?) / ,o) ,n r7 lf,5, d ,rfu h,,7- t/, u rl GE 4,; ur7 t7, :, / 7,9 r (," 'a/lLtfu 7:; I lr'r,'/,3' t t-t' v Lo p 3 /t' ia blf?'o'L,/AH,?zhd. l,'2., tc,/br) / ,1' u' s' l, LrS *, 53.1, // CIVIL 2?, /2 7 ,'ll /a-r.r,-,,t/ r(, r '1*Y' il Classify accorailg tol St tl )t' t" Course of Study. GO / /4J3-2+ / /// --- COMPITTE PROGRAM SHOWING THE HOURS OF STUDY AND RECITATION Eighth Gratle Seventh Grade q" /0 q', 20 / -;:T ,. '"t I 11 l0 ta 'll fi,'Tr 'J //- il:s It *;jiu.t/ir:. l.- Jf'//4 l,or',' t0 0 flT:ii ,{t-,l; "{-.!i .,. {f "i';t! "t lo ),r't /0 t0 t0i [, !{t46 l{) ll:t!' ,,:i liM ba /t) li;d0 'lnat It;to ry l:t0 ll' 1,,2t' l,i: li+D 2'. oJ l;i z't, L 0 2-" 3.0. rtlln;U W Jf/,;^/ 4/(i.4 /q tl - 2l '/,6' /[ |'^r'' l! i) l,I t t' l5 3 ., {/A ,ia- 'b;");"*t x / Give #-general condition of your schoolroom with regard '; at tion of library Do you keep a books.....- full name of diclionary ard in Give as it ,r".....-A...hIA appears on .Condition {/_ Ls23 TEACHER'S REMARKS ON CLASSIFICATION TO THE TEACEER: .-_ This_preliminary Report should show the present organization of yriur School, and the condition of your schooirooni and gtoUnds. it will enable_me _to give y,ou plqmqt and valu.a,hle assistance during yo-ur- present term of school. Please fill out carefully with ink, and mail to me at the close of the FIRST WEEK of school. Due creclit will be given you for filing this report promptly. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Preliminary Classification Report t\n-*ffi- y'-?-a ryZ-/ - E- " ^2o--*-........Teacher. REMARKS ON Began ThlB INDIVIDUAI, PUPILS Tem DIVISION / a9? 3^ a;* d* &L 2rAZ-, n )e::;t A-* ry14 e../^-* "4./r/41a2'- )\/ 7 5 / 3 ry) 5) L /7 3 4 h,rtlo 7 /)2./3 5 4 5,67 fi 6) q) /o l, 7 5 "&,n)A \ 41a Ua'A/r@ ,l "vriil), 2,3 'b 5,@rZ 8) 7t /O Zl/zy*..n ll, tL DIVISION ( Qrrt;JA<" P"-r*-,.Q t5 Ue-r,z /?ahZn" ll 6 n4*.1/z /3e-^4 ll /0 7 X.-o^ ?*-:ot* 5 7 q ,0 ffi 8 t, S.U-^r u', &"rrrr- ' '.0 ,u &^-L /4;;A- "rr"4/"r- .Z l) 2)3 . d*,> f, 5, L,j / rzr3 ?-44-La7r,a , A/z*/4, I 4 5,efl, 7r?r/o ry Haz,a. Y "a. /, z',3 7 u. s. /,+3 DIVISION It )'4u/o; uV*no* t3 ?^"*"^ /z n I /t l5 lb /7 t{. !_; {**-P-*r-"-A A/;^il P.----A a 7 Tczl*1 7n 4-(*r^-- Z"*4 ,ea-4- l- ts {+,ttrlX,}l'rr4r?rza 6 6U.^ R-?-Z-* Y , R.Z* b SX';-/z-?A t /, CTVIL 2-r3 tr GO MENT 7Try U2y'-Q-r THE COMPLETE PROGRAM SHOWING HOTJRS OF STUDY AND RECITATION Eighth Grade 7; oo to Q: ro r6 Q :25 /0 q :35 lo tl la: n t5 /0: l5 tf /o,'30 /5 /d:ft /o ld :35 /o tt:o5l //,20 td /i:3 0 t/: r6' tt /A:rv 60 /:to !-,"f ,V / : l5', /5 to / ta5 /5 /:la / :5D t5 q :'15 J.!0 t5 ry w z:L0 t0 2tgo lb 1:Ll5 t5 3ifr, 3:30 3: 15 1:o'z t5. t5 /5 lb SPECIAL REPORT Give general'condition of your schoolroom with regard to cleanliness, desks, stove, windows and decorations.... No.volumesinlibrary.3.a-Generalconditionoflibrary Library fuk:At....-...Give full name of dictionary as it appears on n{of. blackboard in u""...........5-h"fu*-. . ......Condition yourr Schoo SchoolI aaflag?...72-,.....Hu{pdl"r..fuo.-....What nag 2...V,2-,.....F1 is the general condition of your school grounds? of certificate do you holdt.S-.e.Caa4"ur it been registered in this county,since July tst?..Qe*.. school grounds.....&0..........,Stu1" condition of out buildings: Boys'.....-.. &*;rIt ..( Teacher's salary per month, O.-K=...-................. Record?..... Term ends. Teacher's name... Director's ___.__.__, lgz{ ........... $ 7 Address .r......-..2.€A)do..... Date of this TEACI]ER'S REMARKS ON CLASSIFICATION i. TO THE TEACEER: ._- This-preliminary Report should show the present orgaaization of your school, and the eondition of yotrr schooirooni and erounds. it will enable_r4e _to give y_ou plqr_rgt qnd_v_alua]'le _assjstarrce durrlg yo-gr- present term of school. Please fill out carefully with i.q and mail to me at the close of the FIRST WEEK of school. Due credit will be given you for filing this report promptly. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. -t firul Week's Classification Report No. 0934A Or hool, District No. 3D County, Illinois. , ts9'f For the terrn commencing SYLLABUS OF CLASSES REMARKS ON INDTVIDUAL PUPNS l3{r^l4A p!,o$-.&, t4 t, au.dg Tno..a, Rp,A,ctrn.l t* E IDULJ t9e^".tL t 1,1 + J R-err* 3+ -qlvN J S )\,tll.La.r P"^ls.-h tb I l,l_ o.^a...r-Fsa^*ch 6i*j Ert olrrr*rr.c i-0 I /o It I i?,god.!-c*R-qs-^A, e&j?\r"-ft,a-OaJenv 7?Atx t, l3oil-ilr.t I3 'lTlat+a Bxxrrn / gL, tlo- ll o.&, "nq tp t+ /6 q{|r^S" Br.^ /q ^dR4 /Q l5 Ja"^r *-q- €ai^t^enr! I'la tb P*c<s<A q b(tn ?Feat,l"<.'. t lb Vn"-!t t ) )Pau-*ql',^, t4- j 81 t1 WJ-g. P,qo^j=-lQ, & Vo,*rd-Q. {F{ *4Ai^, )( A J-;-;.,' --^', Ye^Nt^.,^.r 1 dr*fu P-e^M--k, 93 A,q"j., 3,F""r^o-,o, &.{ 13 d.tud/ $ Lb 31 ;--'."-- -xg- TarJ.'.J I J.^u.l & ,t/o-rd_ "U o-o-d- 4 L Y -gi,' ' .AttJ-, 3o.iy.r f+)-eh^, Jt-rAt!. F-p-o-rxr*-- Faa-rs.&' ql E 8, u "l "1, a u 4 *b*. Punils (by il..:-1:ll_:1",' I nurnber) | Text Began Book Tltis Used Term ie$'aJ-bJ e-?,- $,t READING l9rg o1 3,1r Lar L3 rl-D'B: ttl-16.4b-t"I E-b-"1-t-9'/o t-.2--3-4 6'm, J'L'{' Wx ?31, J*g:'X : 3o.-r.,ru t?. Du'J+ I,(ru-, ]fur^arPorrXxa,, 0J.lalb-InosP"o t?' v.. I uo, I YDAR ,tild-o-d, jJ ord_ 8 lo.'9.-.3-+ (" -L-7-9,-1- +" -tJ t6 It-n-ts-t 1-t5' xilr.tq':tr gt 7 o-oi3cl;ru 3i 2J 8 t 3or^,tu l" *o.)Jr) gojN. J o-tlw Eps!lp^*, 3o.^/u Ywo otd. A n&,M El-*.t-L!"'r^t 3'qlrrl g aft-J-' Na+4- b,')d^ O$[rag.*Ii ti f.A. Or.Stqr Spucti^^a ,{a,f., !,.l.l ' GRAMMAR Po'#u /p:ft\) 7i.E 6l) I 4-L4r"X, lr .t - 3..+ LANGUAGE + l(> ?+8 b E-L-:t -s-s- /o Vjr.o,oesn ll-t&-t-?-it -,5-{U- 'n rr hr. t9li 18 ARITHMETIC ,- L-i3-9. or r,.l, r, t o,Thr{.!.r,s;$ 5-*6-1-"Y-9-lo 4 It2- oLA. lPrJzn\rlu PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE I - 7-3,f 5"'L-7-x-9-lo -GEOGRAPHY__ l-&'"3-{ 6" 6- "1 - x-fl Yu,\.| lli lt -- t0 ,u. s. HISToRY t& .'34. 6'-b.1 -t-7 - t() HISTORY OF ILLINOIS ' clvrcs lrc'el er -a -tlMUSIC AGRICULTURE HOUSEHOLD ARTS DRAWING ALGEBRA ENGLIIII{ ENGLISH HISTORY coM. GEOGRAPHY BOTANY CREEK AND ROMAN HIST. P.rt}r"ir )")'lq,l TYl.'.fuua,A*. #.^r.rar-r*4| r-. 3.f orruYns. 0 --' :" A Auur 3t d^--drrn tb *.4.rrt s*6 /%f,_ _2_G DAILY PROGRAM TIME TIME ";;,I ;; ITORENOON SUBJBCTS Fronr To AFTERNOON SUBJECTS ldo ri, !. 8 '10 ila I u2o :A_0 !l- :Rfu-A- :I /.'30 .tl|5- _b_ Va^r.-t t-t)- Ujl5. ,0:0r g I t trr r0:0c +_ O.xijil^"^rt, /p:u l0:2c tli3p _E Axr;.t$-,.. '9i3p ,\:k rp:g /.E56 1d z_ t0:65 ll:o3 f- l-1.: os_ t!:ts- g, rlus (" 9lo-r gt,0- 7a O la,R mrrr..j 6tP.St-Cta-a-a nu"n-Aqra-l-- ?:t-o- 1leo I Leq ?_,:.e .&_ 1:_ao lik ,0,7 0 tg_!to t.l-:95 ll:9^€ t_l:3! lt;95 ,/50 tJ:5:a ,155 /[s 5 Itro (t l- ,| otin M, -Ro. o aAs u?p J_ &sA Hb 4 ).i3t -("- i!+5 r0{ .l#J iqa 8_ ,,'00 t;l0 4o :t6 ,t2S l{.2 1&5I l:a5. '!/* rtsli t;st tt*- g 7' 8 tlJtorrnrn a-'d 4 J*"llir-^ h -d;,uI ;.1 v:4 t_ i T00 L nC 31., Y?nr tn-A) 2-,r A o -f, ( U o[^'^A-' 0 I 0 I I d ,goro /:q0 t :30 {%*^lr^n - ^ O. g, 4,4 - 7l-u-mn-l WM t0 I tI .SPECIAL REPORT Give general ccindition of your schoolroom with regard'to cleanliness, desLs, stove, windows and decorations No. volumes in library .56 &r*A.z'0 Give full name of dictionar as Have vou a suitable book-case? Liblary Record? Corrditior, Do you keep condition of library books , _ -.. !,00,,*0 IS;&;r4 ' No. living trees on school What is gr Girlr. .80-rel, T"r.n"nd,)??art r,(,3/ Teacher's nu*"-.6d^*rAr-€* general condition : -Kind of blackboard in \ Coultour" 9r)_e.{. appears on the use 3^ ixt of your school lrounds? Stut".ondYtion'of outbuildings, it a Boyr' X (Fi>r{ - Teacher'ssalarypermonth,s KO.r*o lg&b Wastheclassificationrecordproperly6lledoutatthecloseof lasttermlOQznn-m4 ? ct *0 o 0' ' \ 'r'J Address while teaching .U TEACHER'S REMARKS ON CLASSIFICATION TO THE TEACHER: This Prelirninary Report should show the present organization of your school, and the condition of your s:hoolroom and grounds. I t will enable me to give you prompt and valuable assistance during your present term of school.' Please fill out carefully with ink and First Week's Classification Report (-..-.............................County, Illinois. . --{.:.e-2...................................Teacher For the term commencing-.-.-.. SYLLABUS OF CLASSES REMARKS ON , No. Pupils in each class (by number) INDIVIDUAL PUPILS /& // 4- v ,f ? C^-/:-.-ft,^e*'/ t '-'o"ZLub-*-r-t 7 NEADING . /.4 7 /r,-*t/t /G- 7- 4 v/-- / 4 -/ 6 7't! /J /d /L' SPELLING 'a tFr ee,;;.A ' f,,l-ta r r //./-- l,t' t 7 /o // fr+.-e-=4 j."-"-t--r^*Z/Z d-/*o-o- &l^-o- // ' " \ {/---Zf-bt ,j- L1*:-,); r.- /J;--r' & * z o) 4 ;4;, " /,3 )7 /'/-- {:-,t;;*-( €:)Z-"--;Q,-A*-; /7 ,tr /4 f*-""-,6-W t/ 61/ a. ,7 74 r rd f L]\NGUAGE //J<r-/!s ARITEMETIC /rb-7 ./.5 - WNITING Lqfa,--'-{ &-2.2. frRzbea^--4^- /frlry ttI a//'a "^ GRAMMAR 1J 9' 2 {2 - /3-4 J.,-,-,-*;*-' // // faz-*-/< F-eC GEOGRAPSY /18/ a .,- U. S. FISTORY 2'r-"t-uIIISTORY OF ILLINOIS crvrcs //F7 MUSIC AGRICULTURE a EOUSDEOLD ARTS DRAWING ALGEBBA ENGLISE ENGLISE EISTOBY PEYSICAL GEOGRAPEY coM. GEOGRAPfl,Y BOTANY GREEK ANI) ROMAN IIIST. \7 ,9 PEYSIOI,OGY //"-a 4 .a AND EYGIENE rft /e UWIA-cvzZ .t ,*,mr/ 7 7 7 7 n? DA,t(f*n?oAM AFTERNOON SUBJECTS SPECIAL REPORT Give general condition of your schoolroom with regard to cleanliness, deslts, stove, windows and decorations Library you a suitable book-case?...2rG..........................-.....Give full name of dictiona^ry as it appears on the Record?..... couu"2fu-/*&h. C ondition =&a.o2...-.-...-Kind ,What f( tfr" gerreLat condition of your school grounds of blackb oard in rrq6 .%" j:. ? TEACHER'S REMARKS ON ze-- I '/ TO TEE TEACHER: This Preltlinary Report should show !h9 preseDt organiz€tion of your school, and the conditioa of your rchoolroom and gaoulrds., me to give ygu prompt _atrd_ valuable assistance duringyour-present tetrm of school. Please fill out carefuly with inb and enable It will . mail to me immediately after the sc.hool is organized' Due credit wjll be given for fling this rq)ort pmmptlJr. SYI,LABUS OF CLASSES REMARKS ON INDIVIDUAL PUPILS _1. ?-2"ert4-- -2- r- 9,-f-t-L lltt2' ,-/17.ty'-1 l,-?,-3- 11,L l-3-s l3 AGE t .4aJrt'44u( f;/r--'-X?^14 y:r",+-ry*- 7J,/4- * U*,#lru,*.-!^ "**}r- &-*"tA1,-Q,'3' U. S. HJ --/t L-Rehfu- fuo lc? _F---=l-\z-_ .-Lz w _/ WRIl J_ t1. RNI{ENT rT- _L e I - fu.ap"-& DOMEST MANUAL Classify according Course of Study /fu?-"2€ COMPLETE PROGRAM SIIOWING THE HOURS OF STUDY AND RECITATION Elghth Grealo >7-,2-tll-o ?-i TtLl-/-rf_:tt_l^/-u I ?.: t-0- |./ 12' oS I tJl_ /aL{0.-l*{_ p:td,l--,fL0) I l.:-oo-l-1rr- !!_i.t_a_lJ-!_ //-:-24- /t :sa- t0 i/:)/t" t0. /./-:J"r_ -tJ '/J/,tl'n / -0_, _/-J_ 1_:a.,{_ /-1.- /-:.f /-s7 t: l: rS 2:-vi /-b. ? i-o o. t.: / _0 fu 3;2J ,), lttI. 4': t d ..,SPECIAL REPORT eneral condition of your schoolroom with regard to cleanliness, desks, stove, windows, and decorations-----------.------- ,u;i"y'ouu'"""-"'('n'h=T' I$AUII$K'S I(!jIUAT(ITS UN L;LASSI! UA'I'IUN TO THE TEACHER: \ This preliminary Report should show the present organization of your school, and the condition of your schoolroom and grounds. It will enable me to give you prompt and valuable assistance during your present term of school. Please fill out carefully with ink, and mail to me at close of the FIRST WEEK of school. Due credit will be given you for filing this report promptly. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. .L Report of Classification, Standing, Advan cement and Attend ance ' Of School For lla..-t$-v::r.::r:u ol.._S.C,effi*,rrn**, ,.....Q.o............ .......--tgo(o, in District Nr................3.O...........-....Townshfp Copyrighteat eual published by W. lll --..-..-..cort//,en;rg......S.ooht Welcb Company, Chicogo. I and ---**----.,go J, Au rightireserved. Copyright by W. M, Welcb. SYLI,ABIIS OF CI]ASSES -uiQi-.rep )*o,.-"rUl-u I e- 3 4 5 r3 I I I tl ) I Wor-le, t( l)=t I 6 Btt 0 0 b I READING ? G{J./. !'.}"d,'l$ q R,tnnq-Q.-t,e"-".r.rtr lo ll lq I ol- l3 \4 slesl ,, | 3ltorl ', I I 61115l .. t,,ot-o'r y )8 It tt I t9o-1 l? lq I 0-p )q , IU I ll Tol ,, z ?'-l u o eb- 6 r-) , ?-lt3 -l -,1lrq. *7lt0d o 0 ?8 1.3 E ,, llYd t, xt +-0 L/Y\-L t'.: € llr+al " q il).) e_l z L+-xc\-,lR-r ., qO cf- s{ e %Fv U I tlltlSb I illLlLll I rlr\q lhr\J WRITING 8 tl - lb olt ) lrtsj I , I^r*-'., b e o 8b 0 o I lJ 5 g6 )A I 6o t? 55 o , 3 I A U F EISTOR,Y i!I rt; claseificadiu-ala-ny-sctt9gl is the most Suporintendent'sl---'6th. Reportinthe flle this to Faihrre difrcult, and ehould be macle with mucb caro. succeedofoce will be entered in his Record. against ing teachers should not change the classification left by the Teaoher as Dereliction of Duty. their I J without gootl reason. The classification as left by each teacber ehoultl shov tlre status of each pupil at tbe close of each term preclecesgors Is your daily prograrn 6th. Thisreporting sheet oorresponds to a page ofyour Classifrcation Register (not Attendance Register); please fill it each out with ink from your Cltssification Registerandreturn to me at the end of the last month of the term. It will be kept for public inspection. Stutly the plan given be' lorv and follow it accurately. If you have not a Claesiff' cation Register in your School let me know at once; alsoin'form tho President of your School Boartl or your Director. The Register caube obtained at the County Superin- being claesifiecl school room in the gratle which he has just posted up in your f;\:&_* Do you make daily preparation for finiehed, 7th. A pupil changing from one school to any other in which this Register is usecl, may receive from his teacheracertificate of his standing, which will enable your work ?----.L*4J-lOl0 the teacher vhose school he enters to classify him without examination. 8th. Oertif,cates of Promotion ancl Monthly Reports to Parents may be founcl to be valuable helps. 9th. Bejusttnd.farir in your markings, neither too high nor too low, eo as to avoicl clashing of opinion by tenclent/s office. Please endeavor to have a Register provitlecl for your school al once, so that all the scbools may be claesified before the end of the term' Write Answers to the loltowing Questions: to the First and Second Reader classes, and have them write from ten to twenty minutes daily ? Do you give Oral Language Lessons guccessive teachere. Do you spend iri giving special Eow to Olassify Your School in the Olassiflcation Register. , lst. Reacl the courge of study carefully; notice the at least fifteen minutes daily drills in writing to all grades f r Do you have those in the Third and Fourth number of grades and. the work that eash grade includes. 2tl. Ascertainin which grade ofthe Course oach pupil has nroel oi his work, and classify him in that gracle' If he hae not aU of hie etudies in this gratle, mark the cracle in which such other etuclies are found, under the f,eadingff6r these respective studies. (See sample form at least one letter each vreek besides other lansuase work l.-Vd.f)J...U Do you give Number Work to the lower in Register.) 3<I. When grades daily I Reader grades write pupil has completeil a stucly anclpassed a eatisfactory examination, credit hilrr with itin the column of "stucliee Completed tbis Term," also record it in the 'sRecord of Stutlies Completed," iu the back part of the Register. Thie recoral shoukl show every study which each pupil completes, until he finishes the course and gracluates from the dietrict gchool. The glacluating of clasgea T* a ?. Do you try decorate your school room ? ! *- ' is one Ofthe greatesi incentives that can be usocl inkeepingpupilsfrom "dropping out" of echool, Diplomas for graduation will be furnished by the County Sttperintendent for all pupils who finish the course of study. 4th. The "SyllabusofClassee"shows every class in each study, antl the pupila (inclicatecl by numbers) belonging to it, also the pages canvaseed by each clags dur- ingtheterm. Thenameg of pupils belonging to each class may be founcl by relerring to the names, corresponding to each number, in the column of *s -i--*g::- 4-- Allpersons&re re&rneal ag&inst makiDg "Names of or publishingi tbis bleDk, or any Eodiflcation of it, os it belongs to & series consistiDg of "Welcb's System ol SupervisioD," end is unaler copyright t--._> -r t / 7t l c- |7 t1 ir. TEACHEB'S REMARKS TO SUPERINTEilDENT (NorE.-State what your school neecls. in a,pparatus, blool<- with noarfii e!i'c.:-,itJo tite lbe names of pupils lot provitieat Sugggst Yhcrein theCountv rrooti,'na-inc thdboolrs needeal. you ol odvancement for the Sup6iin-tenaenl cin co-oporate with IIIEMS OT' REPORITI a). your school, etc.) No. pupils enrolled No. non-reeiclent pupils enrollecl Total No. daYs . attentlauce . . Averageclailyattenclance .... t92L . .6.G.a Total No. daysabsenco .ips No. cases tardinees -dJ.--t - --nr-ln*rr:{-l -i.=.,.o.J"/. OAITY PROGRAM TBflGflEN'S SUftl[IflNY REFORT No. rreither tartly nor absent '.. I I it T , S& J*c*.-oStJ @, No. vorumes in ribrarylll,o No. living treee on f--[r]a,,-t groooa..BiijL'q.-t I I I t, ............ U 'Whole No. of tlayetausht............L..f-.8 A1 Compensation of teacher per monttr...-Y-5...D...................... Average cost of tuition per month for each pupi1................ Percentage of Attenclance I CERTIFY IHAT THE ABOVE AND WITHIIT REPORTS ARE CORBECT Teacher.$JM,x,-:.\.-.R*ad*r*1. Dlstrlct 1qo...3D......... Copyrighted &nal Publisheal by W. ![. WELCE (P. ( , t l Report of /7r7^t10tr Classification, Standing, Advancement and Attendance SYLLABUS OF CLASSES Text Booh Useil "') 3 V al WJ*tn -t )^^tJ-!: O'"^;'"'--* V X[t"^"^ 4)" e u,-r-tLd'Lfit"uL-t 3 Y lrlN-,.$z Y O*, I )' 0 rU t0 b 7o $o Bo b f' lo 2- I b 8o )4 J4 0 ARITHMETIC {" 8b 7g (t 3o *+^W 6 4{oJ[L 3,r^-o*T{.,t't ClL&#*f { 5 qa Y**Lvhr r.2ts zrt.Lb il 6 "Jt4-X-' )urv"rr'^aA rca-!d' ,. l.rl.t'-ltlztl\ b W 7 F, G 6U+il*h!*Ow*,'.1" A'tLA.A Le, d^ :^A d r n^,,-)*I $^;.,* 1.2,,3. t-t 5 \.1 t V^--l,,tt IAt,^)"--"t RTHOGRAPH n t 1., ; n n r 0^"4 H*.").D-rt I 1,2.7 2 \^/RITING ,r,lt ht /to 77 c c7 Q, r O.! t,.l t-/3 '9rl?, lbt tV, qI 4.--l-l>t ,{ lf,70 t,2-z t-3 v.Lb, C I .-zl, z? GEOGRAPHY i 4A L\ Vdt-Bzv-a- .jn.'uuu-vtro qft^t S ^^r,r.J" tu*,ol e il-t^), /) n- x' + + t' ? 7 .<)/ttGlt)l/vLry ql q A d 27 3 1 W"a-A!^- Y3,"^orr-r.t b GRAMMAR a) to d, q t- tL3+5b '7, g. lo,t1-12 ryh q, 7b COMPOSITION t?.tq. lti, LD ti $t'-r,-na Ur-/- LLe H.-!I J+W f--|"",,r 3 2-t. 23,Lq, 6l ,z) "U!-^.; t' t2t LANGUAGE v *t 2J .2-, 7 +. 5, v13,' ?' t,o6t h &t aa ? I 6 I 70 b I 70 nrl /ol 7t 6 I 7D 7o 0 ' lo U. S. HISTORY ,L S+ 0*61 t. Q.r0. lt, tztS RY OF IILIN iv.15 Ib /T> r PHYSIOLOGY \'.ot{ifilt GOVERN /b s GRICULTURE DRAWING $ the namesr--corresponding to each number, in the column of "Names of Pupils." 5th. The frst classification of any school is the most difficult, and should be made with much care. Failgre_tg file this Report in the Superintendent's Office will be Lntered in his Record against the Teacher as Dereliction of Duty. tion left by their predecessors without good reason. 6th. The classification as left by each teacher should show the status of each pupil at the close of of the last month of the term. It will be kept for public inspection. and return it to me at the end If it each term each being classified you have not a Classification Register in your in the grade which he has justfnisled. accurately. 7th. A pupil changing from one school to any other in which this Register is used, may receive from his teacher a certificate of his standing, which will enable the teacher whose school he enters to , School let me lnozu at once; also inform the President of your School Board or your Director. The Register can be obtained at the County Super- classify him without examination. 8th. Certifcates of Promotion and Monthly Reports to Parents may be found to be valuable helps. intendent's offce. Please endeavor to have a Register provided for your school at once, so that all the schools may be classified before the end of the term. 9th. Be just and fair in yoirr markings, too high nor too low, so as opinicin by successive teachers. to neither avoid clashing or How to Classify Your School in the Classification Register. . schoolroom? )f ors 0 Do you make daily preparation for your work ? l,ll ol-" Do you give Oral Language Lessons to the First and Second Reader classes, and havethem writefrom ten to twentv minutes .Q A-* daily ? Do you spend at least fifteen minutes daily in giving special drills in writing to all grades? t+"\ Do you have those in the Third and Fourth Reader grades write at least one letter each week besides other language 1st. Read the course of study carefully; notice the number of grades and the work that each grade includes. 2d. Ascertain in which grade of the Course each pupil has nnst of his work, and classify him in that 'grade. If he has not all of his studies in this grade, mark the grade in which such other studies are found, work? v n 0 \ Number Work to the lower grades ctailv? 1-4 o L Do you try to decorate your school room? 0 t-, _," 0 C q.tu- n -0, [r-, under the headings for these respective studies. (See sample form in Register. ) 3d. When a pupil has .completed a study and passed a satisfactory examination, credit Answers to the.following Questions: fs your daily program posted up in your Succeeding teachers should not change the classifica- _ This reporting sheet corresponds to a page of your Classification Register (not ttttcndance Rtetti); please fill it out with ink from your ClassificJtion Register Study the plan given below and follow Ifrite Do you him with it in the column of "Studies Completed this I'erm," also record it in the "Record of Studies Completed," in the back part of the Register. This record should show every study which each pupil completes, until he finishes the course and graduates from the district school. The graduating of classes is one of the greatest.incentives that can be used in keepingpupils giv-e from "dropping out" of school. I)iplomas for graduation will be furnished by the County Superintendent for all pupils who finish the course of study. 4th. The "svllabus of Classes" shows everv class in each study, and the pupils (indicated by numbers) belonging to it, also the pages canvassed by each class during the term. f'he names of pupils belonging to each class may be found by referring to All pcnons arc mmcd agaimt mlking or publi8bing this blanh or ary mod. it. as ltbclongs to a Ecrics atrd is uldcr copyrigbu lGcation of vbion,'r corsisting of "Wctch's Sy6tcm of Supcr. t= t ,/r lah, Teacher's R.em."h" to Superintendent (Norrs6tc whrt your scbool lceds in apDam$s, blackboards, ctc. 7 - 0 ( DAILY PROGRAM TEACHER'S SUMMARY REPORT i also FORENOON SESSION ITEMS OF REPORT givc tbc namcs of puDils nct providcd witb books. naming thc books ncclcJ. Sug' gest whcrcin thc County Supcritrtendcnt can co-otEratc with you for tbc advanccment of your schml, ctc.) 'o Tine Besiu ' No. pupils enrolled Lergtf, in Minstg Clu BRANCHES No. non-resident pupils enrolled Total No. days attendance Average daily attendance I Total No. days absence I No. I No. neither tardy nor cases tardiness absent t Value of school appar'^r", fl C, 0 No. volumes in library Y-\ riA-QNo. living trees on S, -,,,c (v .l,'--n,-4lno.n* t |-Jaa'",tto-,c <'o t t ,lrgut' ground I t 4b- Whole No. of days taught Compensation of teacher nr, ^on*, Average cost of tuition per month p", Percentage I of Attendanc " AFTERNOON SESSION fi 4 b I puplfl /,b d 27 CERTITY THAT THE ABOVE AND WITHIN REPORTS ARE CORRECT Teacherjf-to0:n District Township (ln on" No. 3 d t9, Copyrigxt by W. tvl. Wclch I { )T o?- o I Report of Classification, Standing, Advancement and ^Attendance 30 of--5-c.n+^'i!)-.t------- Cr,*ty "f Yt1-u.*"+,"-^r-- ' For tbe-E-zz-oa-comnmcin2 tt^t. 2 *lt ig07, and'ndks 0*r;! PJh. Of Schoot in Jl l I I 0l o 7 D { Dirtrict No, n'o YJ a,rc] blr-- o Toton'bi\ tl J-{".'-t"nn r.".h.. b et 0 D At )/ H I { , TLla)..lrr-}n%r-'r,t--" /n nnvA Uru,ilUb-t+.yrnfu atn 9 t7 tb .ryYyf Y3r-",^r,-L J-{^'*o-^ Ioil*d' SYLLABUS OF CLASSES U c p l II r d r a AO r1 ? t C, U> ql e/ llt. 8rr q, -{ il 5b78 /.13+ \ 6 I lo.tu2rsr+ v) t"?/f,ll:tTf+ -{(RTHOGRAPH READING +5to7' -9, i X4^t*-.,t IQ lv V,:"Ly,.1"^.*,*,, tq l& t la v /7 tl \o /0 l"l tt t,1 tt t7 b /\) ARITHMETIC t< p,3+5b 1g \D ,I v n""^^r-[ s;"".r" la IL t4 t/- Yy,oJo,"!- t7 lto a 8+- (.0 3 a,v v b &''*og*J4, A ltn. un *yYh*ft vY/ tf, "^-t" . l0 t(.t213 y;Tt,yi1,q "/,7 s, l/4 \, t+ l3 0 7o n te \ - x a{v' ,{ \J c,] WRITING Jo 1-7 t t0tl,t2,/3t+t t4 >/ ,C 25,Lb21Z7 1tt t q20'2't,2 3 aq L53-b.2 s -3 n 2l to GEOGRAPHY $ -f E/ 8o 1,3Ltib7g \ \'B c) t3.t+Jt.l cl (J I,ANGUAGE l7 =bf^;r-.-"-"" '0. "o;t*^;l tf qfrS-"* lq 4., JU clt lla oV d- A n"to, Cx-l-1 lo 0^*,*- y,:l-,,,)" YYun'rL )H*r')"-* f-}0v , aw|h ..U wx) ^ : 1 t v + tl ro + l-/ f/ n ') 6l' t& !J to (^ 84 Y6 I o I 1-/to2f 84 C GRAMMAR lLz+bb78 to.t t t2 t3./? C t5 lte C COMPOSITION I ! * ) tE f oge U. S. HISTORY se 7tt "/n q/^ W$t**,"'q^ J<!-gy\nJ | 6 rt o<J.t'lv J-l&*B,-^"--t-v [o-"'r^rr--tv 4J fl d t'l Jetg,11 g+ r*uu,4 H An a-l'-u- 8.-1",r)" b b q C\ n f) d/ c /t-\ F\ 4' g0 C\ 70 8 M gJ q.! t.l2fitl1, lb t,\r' RY OF ILLIN Fo o 1231-tt 78 .}haj"q^ryt PHYSIOLOGY n Qto 9,3 5*udur" GOVERNME rq,3f5d8 AGRICULTU DRAWING )#f, Co\^XAg t90g. Failure to file this Report in the Superintendent's Office will be entered in his Record against the Teacher as Dereliction of Duty. the names, corresponding to each numberr'in the column of "Names of Pupils." 5th. 'The frst classification of any school is the most dificult, and made with much care. This reporting sheet corresponds to a page of your Succeeding teachers should not change the classifica- Classification Registei (not'4 ttendance Register) ; please fill it out with ink from your Classification Register and return it to me at the end of the last month of It will be kept for public inspection. Study the plan given below and follorv it accurately. If you have not a Classification Register in your the term. School let me Inow at znce; also inform the President of your School Board or your Director. The Register can be obtained at the County Superintendent's office. Please endeavor to have a Register provided for your school at once, so that all the schools may be classified before the end of the term. tion left by their predecessors without good reason. 6th. The classification as left by each teacher should show the status of each pupil at the ckse of each term each being classified in the grade which he has just fnished. 7th. A pupil clfanging from one school to any other in which this Register is used, may receive from his teacher a certificate of his standing, which will enable the teacher whose school he enters to classify him without examination. 8th. Certifcates Ef Protnotion and Monthly Reports to Parents may be found to be valuable helps. 9th. Beiust and fair in your markings, neither too high nor too low, so as to avoid clashing ot opinion by successive teachers. How to Classify Your School in the Classification Register. includes. 2d. Ascertain in which grade of the Course each pupil has most of his work, and classify him in that grade. If he has not all of his studies in this grade, mark the grade in which such other studies are found, under the headings for these respective studies. (See sample form in Register. ) 3d. When a pupil has completed a study and passed a satisfactory examination, credit i Is your daily program posted up in your school room? ,,.tt, rr\. .nc'.,, c Do you make daily preparation for your ,work? f r"b tl Do you give Oral Language Lessons to the First and Second'Reader blasses, anci havcthem write from ten to tr.venty rninutes I qr^ daily Do you spend at least fifteen minutes daily in giving special drills in writing to ,\. dJ) all gradesl '' Do you have those in the Third and Fourth Reader grades write at least'one letter each week besides other language work ? Do you give Number Work to the' lower grades daily? I { ob, 1st. Read the course of study carefully; notice the number of grades and the work that each grade ' lVrite Answers to the following Qlestions: him with it Do you try to decorate your school rooml Ov n .., $ afu,Q- c-q.^r' in the column of "Studies Completed this Term," also record it in the "Record of Studies Completed," in the back part of the Register. This record should show every study which each pupil completes, until he finishes the course and graduates from the district , classes is one of the greatest.incentives that can be used in keepingpupils school. T'he graduating of from "dropping out" of school. Diplomas for graduation will be furnished by the County Superintendent for all pupils who finish the course of study. 4th. The "syllabus of Classes" shows every class in each study, and the pupils (indicated by numbers) belonging to it, also the pages canvassed by each class during the term. f-he names of pupils belonging to each class may be found by referring to All per6ons arc wancd agaltrst mrking or publishing this blank, or any mod. iEcationofit asitbclongstoa scries coneisting of "Wclch's sy6tcm ot Supct. vi8ior," ard is uodcr cogyrighu -:-. (Nors-statcwbatyour schml nccds in apDantus, blrchboards, ete; also glvc thc namcs of pupils not provided witlt books' naming tbc books nec:led. Suggcst wbcrcin thc County supcrintcndcnt catr co'opcratc with you tor thc adsancc- ITEI!.IS OF REPORT nent of your school, ctc.) No. pupils enrolled - Boys cirls tq lln 0 0 No. non-resident puoils enrolled Total No. No. No. days absence "ru !-,* r uf (, uh r U tLt A t'/ L'r t1b J.'q4 Llb t0 - 4 cases tardiness lo J- No. neither tardy nor absent 0'^.d t FORENOON SESSION qr) Average daily attendance Totzll Tot!l days attendance 4 l0 t0 Value of school apparatus tq No. volumes in on ground No, AFTERNOON SESSION Whole No. of days taught Compensation of teacher n., -ontn Average cost of tuition per month per Percentage I of Attendanc # Lf 5 pupifiLh-Q-f?- Lt " CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE AND WITHIN REPORTS ARE CORRECT Teacher ]f u-t.. fir- District No. 3 0 Township Copyrisbtby W. M. Welcb '."u --: DAILY PROGRAM TEACHER'S SUMMARY REPORT Teacher's Remarks to Superintendent :- -+.4-r-=:=.:--i:--=- t l7o7-)o Report of Classification, Of School For ig-Qistrict ttfo. ? C u/ylzzu-/ tlte Townslfu co*r,rncing-- Advancement and Attendance of 6--{f q and ending SYLLABUS OF CLASSES BRANCHES 1/l/qe*Wyzj,z bJ*. e --./? I I lou;f." V.-rt^ l6h;6h;- l.A I a u.-L )"1-,r"t/,rt-.ldi4*,' *i: I t lLJ.*,.( I z lKu't-^o't/ N,-.*Art4,, ,M.4 r lfu,b.Zr - -&t).,-."*,W'9"1,, TJ,i,WM,F,,ir elfov,*+,el/*f,t I ,a r l?"-. 7 7 v 7, 7 7 7 7 7 2 READING a-A l, -" ,4 Aa--roLtzLh 7 7 lr'14,, 7 7 7 O, /l' l2 /4, /4. 7 I,,WfuI{A, tW& - 6-/bou.Vdal ARITHMETIC lr t z lfo t d-z-za/L.( 76-Ji7 l",l r*', 6.,".rU-- l/*') l, rllt /r2,3,U2A b,,r\q) /o,/1,11 / a,J 4. ) ,217r4, ';LWH#;a{# Aj6"Jq- )4^^^-'^) brZKr? ,27, GEOGRAPHY 7i+;, W ul-&r** &'"r,--*l o,t} lEzlTttaA IA^..*|,FA /& yrz-4^..--lrtorl K.t>t t& le I J'; /0,/ /,)2 I rlf,u-/^ f f 1fr * " -A ti rrlll o ).,2 PHYSIOLOGY t :v 2 AND HYGIEN l r' 9t/^t'x \^/RITING ltr lfr e -do K4 a-z,o,z-,,Jlrl4 y',41 z o l-'{o.^bt 6/ ^---) latl%**a--+ &/)oA e attoztw // ./,*J r, ful le Ko^/, VdzA,, 7 I I o7 b, L'7" g"7 oIs I V- "-,,.re*-1, f:i iritl lilll Iiilii iliii cwrcs A,43;42 g,q) 2), z ?, ,/r2, \ft MUSIC.'' lil rllil lli' rriil lllilr ti rrlill lliili iittll lliill tttitl -"*"[" I I I I F -J: 2' 7 Teacher's Remarhs to Superintendent TEACHER'S SUMMARY REPORT (Norr-Statc wbat your rhml acds ln appamtus, blackboards, ctc.; alp of pupils not prcyidcd witb boks, naming tbc books nccdcd. Suggcst wbcr:ln thc County Sulrcrintcadcot d @{!Eratc witb you for thc advanccmcnt of your *hml, ac.) give thc '! nme ITEIts oF REPORT No. pupils enrolled No. non-resident pupils enrolled Total No. c days attendance Average daily attendance Total No. No. days absence cases tardiness No. neither tardy nor Value of school No. volumes in absent apparatus dt y'4 o. tib,;ry Yrtr -' t, I ! l{ No. living trees on ground-L/- ,l tl of Whole No. days taueht / Cornpensation of teacher per Percentage I ,4'3,. mon*t f6-O of Attendanc CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE AND WITHIN REPORTS ARE CORRECT . .= 6 Teacher ?-! --s DistrictNo. 3a _ Township /s Copyright by lV. M, lvclch \' ri++ar:r:,i*+1*r a'.i. :- #+i&.!95*.s4' .DAILY PROGRAM DAILY PROGRAM A Tioe Tinc B4iu ?,'a Jil r Via li4 Ail' oF o,4, l1 /tr '/:3 Basior l4 l4l V1",.-,---h,qa--. Azu'flr-,.r".ett- -6, iH ,: 'frwv: &q?;Z:q4#h ffi7YF.a-oL^-.'t ,, 34 74 ,, F: ,;4 "1r4/ z4lA, fltnJ^n^,u le-f''d/ ilw rr Leostl ir Mirutcr l,'0 ;0 t jl t.Q | I | TEiNOON | Grade BRANCHES I | 41al slr4 / b-l?e / tl;4 itl / 6'124 q? io fl;Jn 2 f...--.1 rl34 I b-lt + t 2:y ?io 3:t Re'4-'a- o 3',3 3" 3ic 4A4 lo l0 T tq /o -ll I l/ Report of Classification, Slanding, Advancement and Attendance CountY;X %wnSltip ofOf Scltool in District Atrr. 3 0 90f, and en,ilng UIGLA)' tr, connnencing-dL/tJ Fo, t/,, {o Ltn L IglO SYLLAtsUS OF CLASSES al"l3 NAMES OF PUPITS Pupils Each Class (by uumber) FIgIE I READING ? 1,2,3,1r1 q o I G-tn*;r^AW. drr'-tm 16 !-,U S/ ru*vt 7 r Y /0 ll l$" *""Jrt,* rlt !*rr*- C(, K el lt,z,,t,tt,t, LANGUAGE d'"4 r0l 9l I WJnGn.-"t /6 U!^U"*,C,s-t;t tt-rl l7 dl-u^rvrtcrc.qr'-ttttx ,li ,31 ri t? d{r^'v, hrt^rl ?o 44Ak:^frw,,k ri {4,nv'.ro}'o(,W JxnvtulWtvourv- ql x?i &^^"r,{rG.'r^,(/r/r& t-i ?r Wd' ddn,tto-rn 1"6 gffiW x7 AiftJt1f,"q/-( ?9 30 3( /5)/6/2/t,r VWmq/L/1/L(% 5' 1 lWh,//, R,ts,/ GRAMMAR ,tl si t,J I t7i l0l 2l Yll,z,z,+,+;6,7, t6l ,3 13 .F_Ur"r"dt )1i /01 tt SPELLING I ,I /\ /4 10,il,12blZ/4 Llt WQ"-,N1/tc-!- Cfu&"t 6l 6l bl Vhful ? 6 b X 6 (" ?, b v ,. x dre.0rdlti^14- 5l 8l dl )^,f<rD 6l Y X Ll o) 31, 6l 6l 1l 33 6l 5 3+ |t"i x 3J- l1l 5' X Teacher's Remarks to Superintendent TEACHER'S SUMMA.RY REPORT (NorB-statc ehrt your rbol nccde ln appantus, blackboards, ctc.i alrc givc tbc tram6 of lruDlls not proeidcd witb b@ks. naming tbc b@k nccded. Suggcst wbcr:in t[c County sulErirtcodcrt on co{IEratc with you for tbc acvancc- ,..ncnt of your Boys ITEIUS OF REPORT i cirls t xhml, ac) No. pupils enrolled No. non-resident pupils enrolled A Total No. days attendance Average daily attendance Total No. No. /30 days absence 0 cases tardiness No. neither tardy nor absent No. volumes in librar5' No. living trees on ground- X 0 taught----/l-LCompensation of teacher per *ontn4ll--, Whole No. of days Percentage I , of Attendance- CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE AND WTHINREPORTS ARE CORRECT Teacher District No. ,-? 0 - TownshipW Copyrigbt by }V. M. Wclcb YFrriq?r-t,r'.- DAILY PROGRAM DAILY PROGRAM FORENOON AFTERNOON / t J:' r. t- A1:\ finc I /1 I I .." Lclgtf, | Miruta I in I @/ -----1 i Gnilc 1.0 lLensthl-urroe | *.r!, rl BRANCHES Bcriu BRANCHES c4 =s N F I I 6 A z, L '-\ @ t R \l i I t \ l" q T\ ( \ )\-/ q \ A 1 \ ) I te- \1. tt Sn hr,q tE *''N Nr \__--' K) : ) > <S \ )\ \-n sf. s\ q$ 6 : -'.i:€ lj t/*/ L Report of Classification, Standin Towns/tip tf-i Of Schoot in Distict No. ? 0 m, tU Ttt+.-2, 2 Advancement and Attendance cornrnencing Pupilr' Each Clasr (by nurnber) I a 3 tF( /*"^r'* f€,A,t; d 'uh f"/4t"- 7 g fu.atrrn rx, I \e /o L I 7t v ? Va 7 3 q g 3 6.CAt ){""n "-.rztl %t/Lr'6r*.,+* 7 3 l3 ^/y I 3 /0 t{ tr6 q { RTHOGRA (t 5 b 7o '12 3 t4 3 (c 0l b- t2 3- 9L READING /,4sJ5 3\4 4 '.oft6. 'rJ.[oh I -21 t. \rRITING ARITHMETIC l3 ul /5 a 5 tl /b t? lt t7 ttr I 5 5 t , 5 GEOGRAPHY t{ 3- lao,21,91,2 4, e,b"21,,- LANGUAGE t( /? 7 ?- &o e"/ 2A 7 GRAMMAR 7 3e 7 2 ,. r- 26 7 J,"*rr(t H rA*,*4r;ril""^-'-- /e-rr*r/ -6--r.-tcz COMPOSITION r Y Y U. S. HISTORY q- 2 L ,-la. s-tt PIJ.I:SIo.LO€Y fIL 22 GOVERNM f-a u " Failure to file this Report in the Suderintendent's Office will be Lntered in his Record against the Teacher as Dereliction of Duty. the names, corresponding to each number, in the. ) I column of "Names of Pupils." -1'( .r5th. The frst classification of any school is thi' most difficult, and should be made with much care.. Succeeding teachers should not change the classification left by their predecessors without good reason. 6th. The classification as left by each teacher should show the status of each pupil at the close of each term each being classified in the grade which he has just fnisled. 7th. A pupil changing from one school to any other in which this Register is'used gray receive from his teacher a certificate of his standing, which will enable the teacher whose school he enters to classify him without examination. 8th. Certifcates of Promotion and Monthly Reports to Parents may be found to be valuable helps. 9th. Be just and fair in your markings, neither too high nor too low, so as to avoid clashing or opinion by successive teachers. ^ This reporting sheet corresponds to a page of your Register (not tt ttendanre Regi tter) ; please fill it out with ink from your Classification Rigister and return it to me at the end of the last month of CIassifi cation the term. It will be kept for public inspection. Study the plan given below and follow it aciurately. you have not a Classification 'Register in your School let rne know at nnce; also inform the President If 1 ' of your School Board or your Director. The Register can be obtained at the County Super- intendent's oficePlease endeavor to have a Register provided for your school at lnce, so that all the schools may be classified before the end of the term. How to Classify Your School in the Classification R.egister. school room? Do you make daf/y preparation for your .: work I Do you give Oral Lan the First and Second Reader havethemwrite classes, and m ten to twentyrninutes daily ? Do you spe -at-lsxs1 fifteen minutes daily in giuiog sp"cia\dritts in writing to all grades ? in the Third you and Fourth Reader grades write at least one letter each week besides other language work ? to the includes. 2d. Ascertain in which grade of the Course each pupil has ?ilz$ of. his work, and classify him in that grade. If he has not all of his studies in this grade, mark the grade in which such other studies are found, ' Questions: Is your daily program posted Lrp in your 'Do lst. Read the course of study carefully; notice the number of grades and the work that each gradc . 'Write Ansirers to the following under the headings for these respective studies. (See sample form in Register. ) 3d. When a pupil has completed a study and passed a satisfactory examination, credit him with it in the column of "Studies Completed this T'erm," lor.ver grades daily? Do " also record it in the ''Record of Studies Completed, in the back part of the Register. This record should to room? show every study which each pupil completes, until he finishes the conrse and graduates frorn the district school. The graduating of classes is one of the greatest.incentives that can be used in keepingpupils frorrl "dropping out" of school. Diplomas for graduation will be furnished by the County Superintendent for all pupils who finish the course of study. 4th. The "Syllabus of Classes" shows every class in each study, and the pupils (indicated by numbers) belonging to it, also the pages canvassed by each class during the term. f'he names cf pupils belonging to each class may be found by referring to ' All nccds in blank, or any mod. of "Wclch's Systcm of Sutrcr. 'l Teacherts Remarks to Superintendent (NorE-statcwhatyour sb@l pcrsons arc wamcd against making or publishing dris lfcation of it, as itbclongs to a 8cric8 cotr8istiDg vision,'r ud is undd coDyrighu appamtus, blackboards, DAILY PROGRAM TEACHER'S SUMMARY REPORT ctc.; alrc FORENOON SESSION ITEMS OF REPORT gitc thc nams of pupils nct providcd sitL books, Dtming thc books nccJeJ. suggest wherein thc County Superiltcndcnt 6tr co-operate vith you for the advanccmcnt of your school, ac.) BRANCHES, No. pupils enrolled No. non-resident pupils enrolled Total No. / days attendance Average daily attendance a 3 Total No. 7 days absence 5 cases tardiness lNo. T abser"rt .f Value of school unr^r^ru, fl7 No. volumes in tit ^ry-- Z ZM No. living trees on ground Whole No. of days p", f -L- I li.o ol:o / 4I ^on n f L!. { 3. 6'? -l' Attendanc" If * Teacher No. 6, O AnIL^"^tt l?,o/',;q ^6 e,;;---'aA'/ AFTERNooN sEsstoN t ltu ,A: ,',13 :/o I d n5l tf l7 larl ool : tfl3 \t A' tt lall \61 rol :' utl rol I bt5l? 30dl s.r-!l tol District *4tfu k"J^,^7 ,loul:,91t, CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE AND WITHIN REPORTS ARE CORRECT Tor.vnship ' 6o Average cost of tuition per month per pupill Percentageof . I Z o- taught Compensation of teacher ^1 0r/tttStiaa4 il R*-*/ I iNo. neither tardy nor "q 3 Copyrigllt by lV. IU. Wclcb r? zlaol r o l? sieol tol? Ii+ol lt,+ol tolc tolS t,nol loll Report Of School in District of Classification, Standing, Advancement and Attendance Na. oB 0 Tount/tip of- County of Teacher 6;"*jJ* 8^^A; [,e",*"^,d H-*n-.,",&.t"^;A O,t,o' q-S.^""^-". \}-" -$-* S,.r= rq". J*-Q-o, RTHOGRA J l)xr3r4,5,lrzYq. I to,tytz,t!ltl.,t5. Yuo..t*a.{.. )7, ,b to e3. )+\^^,vm,. )+-,.r^a1^,. )s hn;',-"r^on, &,,rj[-ln-l^Yu^/Y.til^,^ 9e READING Q} tdl !,",7r/,6 q. l0 Uo /5. ),t qL r4 7T 1 ?t. J t--t* t^;-^"r..rm. )t fd^^ rll S;^ ^,c,. )3 )t, &;"- S',t-l.-l^,,. b^il-rlr,rd o b"^t I "lJ ARITHMETIC lt I r-, g. t3, I )oLo tb l ) b+D ?-3. I 3l eV za 'lrU,ill"-^. t5. )lt qe- >kLfr*k Al"-'^* A*"At". Yurtl,i-r- ho-,^ *^.t-. Tf"o^^/uLe-c- S4J.l,,t* . ,8. H, r.*.1o6fu.\) tq. I!<nnt'-r+ .tg -^t"t rt t, r7, ,B.C-o{ }u.o,--,. 71, )+q^ ^r qA*J. qq o1-er- 93 Qo S^'.il-la t,0?.ifut. S*;JxJt GEOGRAPHY It4 84 q, /bto 23. 76 8o It& 88 8o l3 10, ?o ) 7o 84 16t"23. ?0 qL &t, GRAMMAR 8o iu "9^*,&.-E*. S"!.*- )zn,.,o^t, o9i,e^^^^"\ Xto* to TLh 35 f,*- &u ,, SptuA WRITING I' t. ,,It0*r'*.r'..rr- tiloor"o. '.3, 1% 2i, ,,Jb,a. t9.. I Li, q^,dl'^ .,Varnl)*' 381" 3 S-r.di^, 8 r.'*a" J0. bt" S af\u^ ], P, LANGUAGE 0Ya't5, q, 8 r'r^-"tt P;4'*"A,, 8* 9,c-*r'tl-rvl3-r^,,e,'l<tt-^*.r, $.L{w.'xIZo,0*"-. &;* 8'.*o\. g t. I U. S. HISTORY &^^rJd,tB,",:-Wr'"^ tbq. R*"r"^rtt'-F""1rt-*. .9r,r^ -o- F[onlrt-"&. lotb /5 Eor.^"ri. 'U^d 2 PHYSIOI,OGY 0 thq. )tto t5, 3 t. Sr,"&ilo.F 8c IL 53 et. ,% 3A 93. )81 GOV q. GRICULTURE E,tirli' S.uu.tntr,it t Failure to file this Report in the Superintend. ent's Office will be Lntered in his Record against tlle Teacher as Dereliction of Duty. ^.T\ir reporting sheet- corresponds to a page of your Classification Register (not ttmdance nee;s;) ; p["ut" / fill it out with ink from your Classification liigister and return it to me at ttre end of the last monih of the term. It will be kept for public inspection. Study the plan given below and follow it aciuratelv. your School bt mz Anout at once; also inform the Presiient of your School Board or your Director. U yort have not a Classification Register in The Register can be obtained at the County Super- intendent's ofice. Please endeavor to have a Register provided for at nnce, so that all the schools may be classified before the end of the term. the narnes, corre'sponding to each number, in the column of "Names of Pupils." 5th. The'first classification of any school is the most difrcult, and should be made with much care. Write.Answers to the following Questions: Succeeding teachers should not change the classifica- Is your daily program posted up in your tion left by their predecessors without good reason. 6th. The classification as left by'each teacher should show the status of each pupil at the cbse of. o ,t/. school room? Do you.make dai/y preparation for your each term each being classified in the grade which he has justfinished. 7th. A pupil changing from one school to any other in which this Register is used, may receive from his teacher a certificate of his standing, which will enable the teacher whose school he enters to classify him without examination. 8th. Cerxifcates Ef Prornotion and Monthly Reports to Parents may be found to be valuable helps. 9th. Be.iux and fair in your markings, neither or too high nor too low, so as to avoid clashing t opinion by successive teachers. ltrow to Classify Your School in the Classification Registen lst. Read the course of study carefully; notice !Ie- number of grades and the work that each grade -\,f workl )'or' Do you givd Oral Language Lessons to the First and Second Reader classes, and have them write from ten to twenty minutes daily I Do you spbnd at least fifteen minutes daily in giving special drills in writing to all grades? 5n ,r1., ;+ o" ' hn ,--,' .at,(" Do you havS tho$ in the Third and Fourth Reader grades write at least one letter each week besides other language includes. 2d. Ascertain in which grade of the Course each pupil has most of. his work, and classify him in that grade. If he has not all of his studies in this grade, mar-k thg grade in which such other studies are found, under the headings for these respective studies. (See sample form in.Register.) 3d. When a pupil has completed a study and passed a satisfactory examination, credit him with it in the column of "studies Completed this Termr" t* Oi Do you give Number ork to the lower grades daily? )4,r t. Do you try to d..o0ut" your school also record it in the "Record of Studies Completedr,, room? V.n , l in the back part of the Register. This record should show every study which each pupil completes, until he finishes the course and graduates from the district school. The graduating of classes is one of the greatest.incentives that can be used in keeping'pupils from "dropping out" of school. Diplomas for graduation will be furnished by the County Superintendent for all pupils who finish the course of study. 4th. The "Syllabus of Classes" shows every class in each study, and the pupils (indicated by numbers) belonging to it, also the pages canvassed by each class during the term. The names of pupils belonging to each class may be found by referring to All DenoDs m vmed agah* naldrg or pub[rhlag tbte blads or any mod. tdadon of lg s lt belotrg! to a serles @Ddstirg of "Welch's syst@ of sqEr. vldoD." @d ls uder sDyrlaht' // 4-r/,//-: /:^at l I "' Teacheds Renarks to Superintendent DAILY PFIOGRAM TEACFIER'S SUMMARY REPORT (Norstatewbatyour eb@l Deds ln appantls, blackbords. €tc.t ateo glve the tme ol puplls Dot provlded wlth b@ls. lmitrg the |rooks needed. Sugg6t whereh the Couty SUD€d[te[dmt d co{Derate wlth you lor the advuce- FORENOON SESSION ITEMS OF REPORT Bmt of your rh@I, etq) fimo No. pupils enrolled Bqtos No. non-resident pupils enrolled 91:o I.gndh u Chs 5. G,ll. q:a q:20 Total No. days attendance 3, O p-l^^,1^^,9 Ec P*t';nt'' ru fi.-^',,"'5t"" T-,il; ,4 Onlt 7;a g:30 Average daily attendance q,:3 9:6o lw qF5 rcio6 a-; Total No. days absence ro No. roi9 lo:30 l0:3 to:tti Y4, cases tardiness No. neither tardy nor j;o 10:90 rorq to:55 )0:€ t l:05 absent l!o ll:15 I l,i li If:30 I t]:? ,l:40 It:t1 l, I Value of school apparatus- No. volumes in library b ' -,r? -t-q'[-u, . A No. Iiving trees Whole No. of davs taugnt lf Compensation of teacher n., -o.r,h fl5,0. # pupffllLtt 8? +. I of Attendanc" CERTIFT THAT THE ABOVE AND WTTHNREPORTS ANE CORRECT Teacher Fn cl,n\ o ,$ ^' -. . District No. Township S e,r,rfir,n ! !re. Cotryrigbt by W. M. Welch . ,J!h, +rL I JrA e.;E W, fuen"'r^tq' '@')! f|;NJ odr,n,l Si;; FLn qp^-Selu^4 13. Rr,od[l^^a '' &,4tt- ^zy.,rry$,,ovlt. [e. Srarl-l,;^,*. S rrdj,;^,*. XH ,[e. rL. Iu otl- P:H:3-o vuil AFTERNOON SESSION ,,',00 (2r. Average cosr of tuition per month p", Percentage rd o' g.ound J,..X.n-o^^tI BRAI{CUES l:t5 t:95 li95 ,t35 l:50 9fo, gt:15 gb^x l?ro"dsu. /v{ S-q,e^r",L ftbad;uv. r:16 tr8, ;il O t:35. &. t:50 ritE Td. l:05 s& Ct". Lit6 ub '(v.P liSo ilt, Eno t':ge a:tt6 nlfl -6nt g:tla ?iob 3:05 3:t5. bB B. 9:t6 Ar. 3:3U s4 3j3o 3:40 H&. n", 3,:Ll( 3:50 i4- B. 3i6o ry;00 r4 V of Report Of Sc Advancement and Attendance Classification, -i\Distict.No. 3 a 7, County l9ffl, For of and e/3 syir,q.sus oF Te".huJ CLASSES nrlr -/l a) H ? 5-32 ,4 23-3.0 d. 5+ //. o8 F lo g2 /" READING a-3 ,l ,l 7 / r4 q loT A-4 4 /-2p 3 /0 - ?0 \^/RITING /t ln/ . 3o ARITHMBTIC /-/t /2 t? %-,/(*#,,,^* /L /;*** 6r,*'*rr^'/11"rfl;"[h tr /7 t / ,: /&-Ea qt /.r 2t t 32 %"*'{"/ 2t && 4'r",!14 lf-eP yt, 93- f: I go I,ANGUAGE /J--2"a Uaq )ry^"liu, Urrutlth-e- t\i-z'tttl. GEOGRAPHY I U4t ft/,',/ Ao-d-b- |hz,rzti-t e-a 4) d-l ,rg r, t4 7n",{- o 1 -']rt 7/ 7a JV GRAMMAR Q3 - 3o a cotr,tpbstT.tott /-, 3 A" 2r l2 d7 alV d-l 2/ 0 Z^r"r'",*" {7r/,"r*r,A ..! /3 J l2 f /3 4 & /3 / /7 0 b ftl d e 2? /5 I/" ll 0 7 + ? I tt 7o tx 2 Y(r 7 b1 72 m ft c. 7o I U U. S. HISTORY &3 - 3c, RY OF ILLIN PHYSIOLOGY 3-30 IL GOVERNM GRICULTURE DRA.WING flf r,',to . the names, corresponding to each number, in the column of "Names of Pupils." 5th. The frst classification of any school is the most difficult, and should be made rvith much care. Failure to file this Report in the Superintendent's Office will be entered in his Record against the Teacher as Dereliction of Duty. Succeedine tiachers should not change the classifica- This reporting sheet corresponds to a page of your Classification Register (not t{ttendance Register) tion'left by their ; please as left by each teacher' should show the status of each pupil at the close of 6th. The classification fill it out with ink from your Classification Register and retuin it to me at the end of the last month of the term. It will be kept for public inspection. Study the plan given below and follow If it predecessors without good reason. each term each b'eing classified he has justfnisled. accurately. in the grade which 7th. A pupil changing from one school to any other in which this Register is used, may receive from his teacher a certificate of his standing, which will enable the teacher whose school he enters to classify him without examination. you have not a Classification Register in your School let rne lnow at nnce; also inform the President of your School Board or your Director. The Register can be obtained at the County Superintendent's offce. Please endeavor to have .a Register provided for your school at lnce, so that all the schools may be classified before the end of the term. 8th. Certifcates of Promotion and Monthly.Reports to Parents may be found to be valuable helps. 9th. Be iust and fair in your markings, neither too high nor too low, so as to avoid clashing o' opinion by successive teachers. How to Classify Your School in the Classification Register. Write Answers to the following Questions: . posted up in your Is your daily school room? preparation for your 'Do you make work I Oral Language Lessons to Second Reader classes, and have them write from ten to twenty minutes daily I at least fifteen minutes Do you daily in giving special drills in writing to all grades? Do you 1st. Read the course of study carefully;-notice the number 'of grades and the rvork that each grade in the Third and Fourth Reader grades write at least one letter each week besides other language work ? includes. 2d. Ascertain in which grade of the Course each pupil has nnst of. his work, and classify him in that grade. If he has not all of his studies in this grade, mark the grade in which such other studies are found, Do you under the headings for these respective studies. (See sample form in Register. ) 3d. When a pupil has completed a study and passed a satisfactory examination, credit him with it in the column of "Studies Completed this Term," also record it in the "Reiord of Studies Cbmpleted," in the back part of the Register. f-his record should show every study which each pupil completes, until grve lower grades daily? Do vou try to room? he finishes the course and graduates from the district classes is one of the, greatest incentives that can be used in keepingpupils ' school. The graduating of from "dropping out" of school. Diplomas for will be furnished by the County Superintendent for all pupils who finish the course of study. 4th. The "syllabus of Classes" shows every class in each study, and the pupils (indicated by numbers) belonging to it, also the pages canvassed by each class during the term. f'he names of pupils belonging to each class may be found by referring to graduation All pcBons arc wamcd agaiNt making or publislrine tbls blank' or any ood' licatiotr ot it, as it bclongs to I scrice coNisting of "Wclch'8 SyEtcD of sutrct' vision,!' and Is undcr copyrigbL r'"' ' DAILY PROGRAM Teacherts Remarhs to Superintendent (Norn-Statewhatyour rhool nceds in appantus, blackborrds' ctc'i als ' glvc thc trtrmcs of pupils nct Drovidcd with boks. naming thc books nce,lel' Suggcst whcrcin the County Supcritrtendcnt cao co'oi,cratc wilh yor fol thc advatrccmcnt of your *bool, ctc.) FORENOON SESSION ITEMS OF REPORT EC ltD No. pupils enrolled Lcrsth in Miaqter Clu BRANCHES No. non-resident pupils enrolled Total No. days attendance ( Average daily attendance Total No. No. days absence - cases tardiness No. neither tardy nor absent Value of school apparatus i s/ No. volumes in library No. Iiving trees on ground AFTERNOON SESSION 4 9 , F./ oo // / A /Compensation of teacher pr, ^onth Whole No. of d^vs t^ugt t / /Y Average cost of tuition permonth Percentage I of p., pupilkJ!{!s 7/.70 Attendance * CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE AND WITHIN REPORTS ARE CORRECT Teacher District'No. 3 o Township 4 "rlt CopyriSht by W. M. Wclch ,t Distict No. -3 n For the ,%n --- z O/ Scltool in --- Report of Classification, $tanding,' Advancemtint-and-ffilance 'L L Township of IT/s , and endingT'z comrnencin - u J' ;t&' IqIf SYLLABUS OF CLASSES --+-- READING 3t' -a-- 2 6'*c-7 J + 6-L:"2. SPBLLING /-^-5'f o- c -7 J L 7 )/.-* v L 7 L /0 (" L GRAMMAIT l - e-- -b-l 7s Qq /J- 3-"1 L. 4 UMBNRS AN ARITH y6 /'l '/T /6/( /7 4u, '( V.-n-r.-*ttl, 6,^-t&l 7>; €,*e* htil^-e 6 "-.tvtut /7 m,?,il, f-/"*"" 0 W*ry 7r/h/'ft//r /8 L a /6 L gt ARITHMDTI /'b (' 6 8 L 9 &t) . S. I{ISTOR /{; a-o 8 :9"."flJ' /3----"..-*Z h4*"14@ 7."<,7t j (/ 1r .(9ct-a rc_,,D{ nrah WT*h,l, Qo GOVERNM \t 2 <T a <o 'J .C JQ GEOGRAPHY pL' PHYSIOLOG 1 q-7 </ JY )o "</ at> -16'2-o {'-. nr/rb" fu*'q €*.U. C:.m2 Z.r',.r-t*t LITERATUR 3a 3/ / 4z-ru //*ffi. Jz-;^ i/ 3a JVlzttzz/ 33 af /4*2/ /,h& 6 o-r-*rzo< A7FZ< /!*r-.oa (( I ATURE SIU I DRAWING VOCAL MUSI )+azt r'<tl-atL /: ,l l1 L* r.-F .'I t t a Failure to file this Report in the Superintendent's Office will be entered in his Record against the Teacher as Dereliction of Duty. This reporting sheet corresponds to a page of your Classifi cation Register (not / ttendance Register) ; please fill it out with ink from your Classification Register and return it to me at the end of the last month of the term. It will be kept for public inspection. Study the plan given below and follow If you have not a it aciurately. Classification Register in your School let me inow at once; also inform the President of your School Board or your Director. The Register can be obtained at the County Super- . intendends ofice. Please endeavor to have a Register provided for your school at once, so that all the schools may be classifred before the end of the term. How to Classify Your School in the Classification R.egister. lst, Read the course of study carefully; notice the number of grades and the work that each grade . includes. 2d,. Ascertain in which grade of the Course each pupil has most of. his work, and classify him in that grade. If he has not all of his studies in this grade, mark the grade in which such other studies are found, under the headings for these respective studies. (See sample form in Register. ) 3d. When a pupil has completed a study and passed a satisfactory examination, credit him with it in the column of "Studies Completed this Termr"' lf the namesr_.corresponding to each number, in the column of "Names of Pupils." 5th. ,They'rrr classification of any school is the most dificult, and should be made with much care. L ---$it. Answers to the following Questidns: fs your daily program posted up in your Succeeding teachers should not change the classificapredecessors without good reason. 6th. The classification as left by each teacher should show the status of each pupil'at the close of. each term each being classified in the grade which tion left by their school rooml Do you make daily preparation for your work ? ?nn-. / Do you"give Oral Language Lessons to the First and Second Reader classes, and be has justfnislnd. 7th. A pupil changing from one school to any other in which this Register is used, may receive from his teacher a certificate of his standing, which will enable the teacher whose school he enters to classify him without examination. 8th. Certifcates o1f Pronotiotr and Monthly Repons to Parents may be found to be valuable helps. 9th. Be jux and, fair in your markings, neither too high nor too low, so as to avoid clashing of opinion by successive teachers. have them write from ten to twenty miriutes daily -/? ? nDo you spend at least fifteen minutes daily in giving special drills in writing to /, all grades? Section 9808. "The county superintendent shall require of each teacher under his supervision a term report, givingname, classification and gradesof each' pupil: Provided, that in schools employing more than one teacher the term report for the entire school shall be prepared and filed bythe principal in charge. No teacher shall receive the last month's salaryuntil he presents a receipt for the term report, signed by the county superintendent. " (Revised Statutes 1909. ) -?72 Do you have those in the Third and Fourth Reader grades write at least one letter each week besides other language work ? fu-.2-. Do you give Number Work to the Iower grades daily? **z' Do you try to -deEdiaie-your your school also record it in the "Record of Studies Completed," in the back part of the Register. This record should room? show every study which each pupil completes, until he finishes the course and graduates from the district school. The graduating of classes is one of the greatest_incentives that can be used in keepingpufils from "dropping out" of school. Diplomas for will be furnished by the County Superintendent for all pupils who finish the course of study. 4th. -The "Syllabus of Classes" shows every class in each study, and the pupils (indicated by numbers) belonging to it, also the pages canvassed by each class during the term. The names of pupils belonging to each class may be found by referring t6 graduation :L--' :E! *.*E+-;rra&. .,sa_+._-;a--<.i.G -=gxq;as //rc- /1 OF \ty t Teacher's Remarhs to Sunerintendent a.) DAILY PROGRAM ,1, (Norrstatc what your kh@l nccds ln alpantus, blackboards, ctc.; alffi glvc the nues of pupits not providcd with b@ks, naming thc booke nccdcd. SugI g6t whcrcitr thc County SupcrintcDdctrt d cFlrcratc wltb you for thc advancc' lllllJ''l gl, Ld'g i ,:z I -i L I -i E) \r'l a ts' o. B o rJl i, t l€lllEf l"J l, lg€ ,,1*E; .2 l[]l'i lFllr q B a (J an >l e,i]\l @ o /'lJful 'JJ€ (J F Jg | 5i B q) g3i z idi ?itiE+qEt Z,Z t z L : JiP€ .i q, -: .: d t- 7, i Z Z F L E) ') ;".i c.r m + vi .ci r- <j kngth io Mfuuls CIu BRANCHES -i : \ 2 a\r'1,a -€\ c I I Y l! a-.--- (\ I I I -r) -Y: :--q E- 7= io q -o 39o o@o a 9.2 I L=; AFTERNOON SESSION FE;t .=- I ! i;lli l# e r* cr. U) z cginr '- JIt€,'J iage i'rflE' i liig I ll'i/8 | |g lt k L tml t: F{ c, L € FORENOON SESSION s: =.. o \ 3iE doE .4tr5 r:tr: ttl d tr.= ei> E9A 9.1p ooQ apP p=Y 6tr: E<h ",oE x€3 >9! ,2,.9 *llli ".=; F ( . Report of Classification, Standing, Advancement aird 'Of Schoot in Dittict No. ./d , Siate of U/ino*, 9/X, .---co'mmencing 'County anzl ending ^A,ttendance 2-{-.- School was ih Session SYLLABUS OF CLASSES a z -t J fr..-ea %*2 /6^*-J n^ih: *&a^-fu- 7 t' J^ 6 D^ZD- q/ 2€,'-*, W*kt 7 fJL-^iL%^-h-4/ T tg f"-^-t*J /z-r-r-.-t"""e €-=-,-----"t/ L Ls 7L L 7z s/ 8 fl /o 7 w trJ 7 t ) 4--;-r-. NUMBERS OR ARITHMETIC Z.----.d- PHYSIOLOGY @-^-^-/A, GEOGRAPHY h-a/Eel 7y 7/" 87 7o 8o ("" 7a 70 7J 85 READING rE h.r-'*r/ 6'.,J--t' a4:- G-.;----/ 80 b****/ )d r f,* //4 ./ : /L 4 t4 '//7..?7 Pt:# )+^%-,rt:Z-O +--4-%"-"^-t /t- AND HYGIEN 'L tz_ /9, /i J.-O z,l /,L R--^-&J,, hl-" &--^2,6,--.--- / 2,3 2-f €---l^- pr--^;---u{' *Z* 4;*--"". Z:-*"-./ 17 p---",'-.r-.-* e^^=-*^/J5 2t': X-^-b--"or J7 b-z-'il-- h1."-,.---Jo J ---1 he/;^-oe-=*--^r- /,' 32 7/ 7o 9-n-'^< 2T HISTORY of A* .,/----, .V 7/ o Q. 7o 7a 7r /4 ft 7r s7 &) Jt 70 ).^. tz 7r HISTORY OF ILLINOIS b-r-Z-.v' Days. I ry//-,/{- Teacher's Remarks to Superintendent on (NOTE--Sugget whcrcin thc Conty Superintcn&nt you for thc advanemcnl of your nhol, etc.) t DAILY PROGRAM DAILY PROGRA,M co-opcratc with 7 J L J- J' * -7 7 J- I I J. 7 q J_ * .' ;'_---_---: ---- _--..- Teacher's Summary for Period Commen cing&.1-+-lg+and School was in Session Number of non-resident pupils enrolled, Boys J- Whole number of pupils enrolled, Boys Total days attendance, Boys Girls J./ ,Girls, Number of days absent, - - days l ,'l'otal f ',Total ^? z" // , Girls , Total Girls Total Boys-, Boys-, Average daily attendance, Number of cases tardiness, / f 7 Endine.....(?/..:L-lg/J' Girls--, Girls,Girls Boys Number neither absent nor tardy, T ,T nral / / Number volumes in school library Value of school library General condition of library books General condition of school room .{- :^, a-,--, Number of trees on school ground in thrifty condition Condition of'out buildings, Boys' x t.-. Condition of out buildings, Girls' Condition of Coal House Teacher's salary per month, $ Number of Visits; Superintendent 'k--1- 74- -' - .*-- -, t & ,Zz ------l -^l- School - 'Ott.r, Officers- I ,Total I General Remarks I hereby certify that the above report is correct. I Report For tlc- of Classification, Standing, Advancement and Attendance n Of Scloot in piltrict N".F O. . , Staa of IIho*, eourrty oJ@ iUvv.r\t--ronnte,,oirg {+fE'G--J9l'Ll, axd ndixs-- g^Aa&Al9-/ 4 schoot wer in serkn-!-flLDay. SYLLABUS OF CLASSES fu)*1,*a- ) z $ + #[r"m#^ RJv* R*<X"-ct ,l fat&,,;u.-ll+aru-, l- 6 7' f+<.t lltV LLlJtcJ- READING (, b v 3 2o- 2? b r 3o (" b t%"rt !"'0J /3 .Tlwllll- tt P-'<.enrttl ?l 1- 2- 2,1 1-r p\t LL L,I /-? 71 I7 3o tl-)-7 3a f t0 8 -36 NUMBERS OR ARITHMETIC 2 | {Y'a-7'v -36 Jr*rr/; WRITING all' PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIEN :ffi /tll-<t- ,/NM ,&*;A,, dhan*+4- 6t*^",. ") f?^/^t*,, efi^fuar/ &^,ufrw 3o -3G (0 GEOGRAPHY Lt -27 30-a6 t0 l0 ll 7a-27 I HISTORI of U. fl 3o-3b f HISTORY OF ILUNOIS I r.f t EI 7. ?z- L 3v SPELLING L Jo gr1^^/4r e*yutr{/?/rb 33 -36 tl- *? q )-o ad-K' C"a^r;-rtt, b 1 6aZ' f/' 30-3b v I? *,ltt' b t q ,!t n-"f 7 /,f artrl. I q ty t 7LafitAA,L q q t6 t7 L Y q l2- tt-n Lo C tl lo b 6/1vU'v1A) q tr^q g"!/r't,". I f, 3J' I 3 3 Wa,E^Mn' WT^'N d1+n4t. .7W 3tr 'lrtr !_ '1 Teacherts Remarks / ) ,/.t/2,2 7/ P'- - /, (2 1 .\ DA.ILY PROGRAM to Superintendent (NOTE--Suggest whcrcin the Conty Superintcndcnt you lor the odvonement of your shool, ctc.) en -.\ co-opcrate with Tiuo Bcsilt d to ( t0 ? 3 ,,f 6 0 .( a f, 0o,\ t$ ? &r$ ta I O.l lu 2- los ,o hs r5 l l4t u ,t- 3o *r/71-' arr^fu-' 6?*> l\tt) ltte r/ lpt tn-e @r4e' J Ycu I 2 3 8 q J 6 L/ e?Aae.e' lu I t0 4. (0 7 RJ44->1 t0 T l0 lo { a^tll, fr--,4-3-l lqEr ei ' ),.,/9a/vv''</\/'- 3 v(, r0 lo ts' /(/ /) la AAln-' t iq l(r4 ta /1 0 l0 2.4 1+o 6 tcdtri q !6 Ura.t a44/ &dvt O' Number volumes in school libra4r value of school library General condition of library books *ar.ttt General condition of school room ' W *@ Number of trees on school ground in thrifty condition l7- Condition of out buildings, Boys' Condition of out buildings, Girls' Condition of Coal House I 4-4 General Rema certify that the above -report is correct. i Report of Classification, Standing, Advancement and Attendance. Commencins W, #rtg...t..L..., and ending Syllgbus oI Classee Pupils in Each Chss 1'his Term (By Nunrbcr) NAMES OF PUPILS an fu'o" Y3^-"*,-- S*_&"il.,\fu#( W+-l"Af^Xd^l qD;-!"*,la-["f^{ X"-r-rJ Il"r...r.'.+ )rLux--q- )t -,.r-1..-L (t I 4 b I 6- 7 I b I b tx xa fnqr.r*; J'r 'e]t l-Q-att .ur:- '8 ritlt6.*"-l;- E-,.tlq- L 7 9+ $ 8 t 7 1 ?7 7 lo n 3 3, tq e t 6.,?,tr,1lo,tt q0 ,e,I3,r3:,)?,ag,3z bx 2.1 ,1) I g, 34,e L ,2.3, a +) 33, 3 l+' 1 6l Lr?, 5 ql 14, 16, f Er 9, 12,13. lo, ,l' tij l\dq ttr 7 t4 5J tr?rgrg) rorrl 'l [? Lb ,aJ,3,fq,?r19,3 6i ?0 \U-\LLJ'^;t* 7C jrJ.--r./ /rrJt-L" fu-" E r,}l &-. ]f-o.rj**./< et"lYn^rt1_!'17lD,A^-O-aeX l&-.u-,a-,.l- t,tt"t b l" t+l$- b ,f, (, l$-'"^4-0- T?"-1"*^^^t D 3 t I Crr*A-fn".^, R"-0^t -..r ft-{ir-, TL"-' r-"1?q-t"tr^l r.1- 2rl I I Fo.--r.*, ls ral? ..t s+lJ? 1+17 J?"-u-t^-., 4€"-r@ 3 g ,l 5- ,q Jbl3 7 lq I I 'l ,(, | , 1 t4t3 rlf 7 t7 1 l+ +1f, ? 3'J !4 U/1,. ,1,7{T,, ll t7, ;-9r 5-, ? 6o E0 3l 5_ev, l+)lb,n, n, bf&.w ,+., , I tV) i+, l\ ,t4,2 t ll ,t e-rrr, tq,ib'alt?l,a a+r 33,3{. Orlruar^.t I b, 1t a$', ) l, a?,2*, 33,3+ $t&,1 $te,tl". a6l a b,ht ll 1 tufi,^4 ^^u Jr hl^.h.a- 1rutt, l9l lq )hti a2l3'1+J33' 3 F trs-,2 L, At t6 ,,$l1 7 g0 t, t 9 I $/*41-rr.-.rleci"-t^o-r.., &4 ,1 ,4 f t 0 ,1 3ol 5- ? tt ,d6lr b trq tr b 6' l0 l0 $r.--' -}l.^J:Mad 7 4, @b 3rlo,3ou ,, l& kr.cirr [, zt 8 I5 ?r I34iJdw g--r C,t'^ tt;,rJ-re-(.c-o D^t a.o^., 9q d4,, )J2 2l+S;2\30,3 t4 +ia"L. 74tL lt 2r)a3,2uraJr 34 +UJo.{ L7 Yn^^4 ,{rA-*!-!- a1 19, rl 3713 n ir-^r;J I?rs/.'.\- er 3rr1$i??, 7 I (Ily Nunrbe:) tr$-,,;--T I ,J.L Used 1 ,t*^ttr$-r1) 3 Nex t 'l'erm h*tc'; Ji-, alo, lt 7 ,0 l+o tonslilutc Dilch Clrss ft 74 g3 , r+, , 6, tlte follorving l'upi ls Author of 'l'ex t Ilook EdlADi-, x t?? A-.4 0 L 4t it, 5, 1,2, tr U )'Lr"l./ I (, L 1 6b mNu4 JI L 8 1 9o 7 r .try"-E-,tr,9l Yttn$r<ttr"T&r^^r""-" t YflAt^<-P*Nafia+--!< l*.---Cn- J r,.nJ-\" 3a-l t '1 T 16 Name and t- l, 13, lbf, l? O..^-!- ,tr9,lo, lt 7 7 3 p,19, .t tlr 1 x3'/ ?6, lS-r l?,ag ,1, ,9, ?.,? eg, a+, d9r 3 r, lb, t++ | ?t ,-t, x.7 iltl ){"J":d-t^-,* 16-, l3L ), !ma.r-'i t+7 aoj 1T 3 16 $"r*^n xe" 34, l g 0 P+il"i"tft a t') ef., ?d1 ti^{t rt 13-/ eL, ax ll sl l't3 31713? 1" 7oo :EP u,gL 92 c == t,- -i:> ti,nishecl ln makins vour recommendations in the seciion at right of "Pales Canvassedthis Term," be just. This section classifies this school for your successo!. Make no recommendation that you would not follow scrupulously were you to 'continue work in this school Failure to File this Boport in the Superintend' ent'e Olfice will b6 entereil in hie Record . againet tho Teachor as a Dereliction of Dnty. Write Answers to the Following Questions: 1. Is your daily program posted up in your next term. This reportingsheet corresponds to the classffication section of youf Combined Register; pleaee fill it out with ink from your Register and return to me at the end of the last-month oi the term. It will be kept for public inspection. Studv the plan qiven below and foliow it acc^urately. If ybu have noi a Combined Register in your Scfrool lei me lcnow at oncel also inform the President of your School Board or your Director. The Register can be obtained atthe County Superintendent's office. Please endeavor to have a Register provided for your school @t once, so that your school may be classified before the end of the term. ?th. A pupil changing from one school to any other in which ^thii negis[er-is used, may receive fiom his teacher a certificate of his standing, which will enable the teacher whose school he enters to classify him without examination, 8th. Certtificates of Promotion an.d Monthly Reports to Parents are valuable helps, and may be obtained from the County Superintendent. 9th. Berzsl andfuir in your markings, neithertoo high nor tbo low, so as to avoidclashing of opinion by s chool 2. ro om .........WAJ-. ? 0, Do you make daily preparation for your lvork? YlAt ^r.^t.....aJl..,sh*dL-ol \ 3. Do you give Oral Language Lessons to successlve f,eacners. the First and Second Reader Classes, and have them write from lollowing will assiet you in rnaking your Tho Roport aoouratoly: Eow to Glaseify Your Sahool in tho Glaeeification Refieter. 1st. Reail'the course of study carefully; notice the number of forms and the work thateach form includes. 2d. Ascertain in which form oftheCourse each pupil most of his work, and classify him in that form. If he has not all of his studies in this form, mark the form in which such other studies are found, under the headings foi these respective studies. (See sample form in Register.) 3d. When a pupil has completed a study and passetl a satisfactory examination, credit him with it in the column of "Studies Completecl this Term," also record it in the "Record of Studies Completecl," in the back part of the Register. This record should show every study which each pupil completes, until he finishes the . grades I half i. 5. recess, count him absent a half day. Observe the same rule for the afternoon session. n;t :r..u*a*X *?.,............. Do you have your pupils use noo-n in,the Writing Lessons Total Number of Days of Attendance-Thig will be the sum of the tlays of attendance of all pupils enrolled during the term. The total number of days of attendance, plus the total number days of absence, ehould ALWAYS equal the total number days of membership. This fact will enable you to test the ac- the district school. The graduating of classes is one of the greatest incentives that can be used in keeping pupils from "dropping out" of school. Diplomas for graduationwill be furnished by the County Superinteri-dent for all pupils who course and graduates from 'i. If you do not at ink A^er-, term? present have a position for next term, will you notify this office as soon as you get the promise of a position-and give Alwavs express the quotient as a whole taueht, - A fractioi that- is less th-an a half should be dropped, but a fraction that is a half or more should davs nu-mber. 1. .Number Violating Compulsory Attendance LawThe law requires all pupils between the ages of seven and sixteen- to attend sc-hool regularly at least twentyfour consecutive weeks. It does not apply to pupils who live more than two miles from school. corresponding to each number, in the column of ,'Names of Pupils." 5th. The /irst classification. of any school ie the most difficult, an'd should be made with riuch care. Succeeding teachers should not change the classification left by their predecessors without good reason. 6th. The classification as left bv eachteacher should show the status of each Dupil at ihe close of each term 'thb grade each being classified in which he has just e l4Atf tl Whole Number of Days Taught-Count every the name of the school?........-.--,.....-............ ........:.......... Vacation Address: day - City, for which you draw pay as taught. Average Cost of Tuition per Month per Pupil-This is found by dividing the amount paid the teacher per month by the average daily attendance for the term R. F. D. No. I I I I //ru -/Z I t { I TEACHER'S SUMMARY REPORT TEACI|EB'S BElilARKS TO SUPERII|TEI'IDEl|T. DAILY PROGRAM. .3..,..ts.t.1 FORENOON SESSION (NorE.-Stste wltot your schoql needs in appalatwr b,lachboards, etb.: also eive the nemcs of pupils not provided with books, naminc ihe books needed. Suggest wherein the County Superintendenl can co-operotc with you for the sdvancement of your sclrool' Tlme Eeglns etc. ) Director's Name ,..$.t-4;r^rrr;-,. Address.LP-. k....... July 2. i3o I Whole numberdifferentpu- pils enrolled this term 3. No. enrollednotpreviously enrolled in this county this school year *A-e-... enrolled elsewhere this term 9. Total number days of membership 10. Total number days absence + /6- , l: tro f,ioS t0 fils t0 lir$ f0 I i3$' t0 12. Total number cases tardiness 13. Average daily attendance l3iop l5e, r5t ,6* I r+s 14. Number neither absent nor tardv 15, Number violating compulsory attend16. Whole number days taught'...... .r.. 1...Lt.3............d.. I 1?. Average cost of tuition p""-onlh'for eacttpupll!2.,3 3Lo 18. Compensation of teacher per month 19. Number volumes in library....... .+-.4 29. Number living trees on ground.. ,tA.*- ....... .l.S 2- 1 33 7 .P-al-rl-rr.Xaa-, lcai-cr4l- I e 3 5* ? 5- f6- ,+$ ,j' ,5l0 ,fr I 1 ?- 3 6- ,0- 1 n-^|e.-Ar! R. F. D. No..3.-$. Ilome Addrer. llgo ,0 .. 21. Has your school a flagt.........Y..'Lfi. -... .... .................... I certify that the above and within reports a-re correct . 51 AFTERNOON SESSION 11. Total number days attendance li I f0 f0 ,5ts- rf:+ ,0 fti 50 fo ,t iEo' O,r.lki'rulis 3 i51' ,6- enrolled........... ........................ {r a t0 8. Number pupils previously ,,-a:rrtA-..6 ,0 ,0 ,6- ?. Number non-residentpupils reactrer......U I t5- 0:30 BRANCHES T!\-tr/o;- t5- ;+0 0:, 4. Number pupils belonging at date of this report 5. Number pupils dropped this term and not returned -6. Number enrolled. between 7 and 16 years of age rrh-r-fur-,..lJrr. : Class -5- 1. Wholenumberdifterentpupils enrolled to date eince tr-amru ln Lllnutes . ITEI\IS OF REPORT - - S a*- ;*=t'-"d- to fuA. ing the total days of attendance by the.number of be called ?-.... pe"n and 6. \Mhere do vou exDect to teach next curacy of your results, Average Daily Attendance-This is found by divid- finieh the course of study. 4th. The "Syllabus of Classes" shows every class in each study, and the pupils (indicated by numbers) belonging to it, also the pages canvassed by each class during the term. 'J'he names of pupils belonging to each class may be found by referring to the names, , -",*.ild".7 4, Do you spend at least fifteen . minutes daily in giving special drills in writing in all clay's absencel for example, if a pupil comes before the close of the forenoon recess, count him tardy onlv: but if he should not arrive until after the foreas a ten to twentv minutes dailv? ..W-' .0.iJ..-.r**..-\^l*Jl=l-- Total Number of Days of Absence-This will be the sum of the days of absence of all pupils enrolled during the term. Do not count the days a pupil was "dropped" as "days of absence." When a pupil is "droiired" he is not a member of your schbol and hence cannot be considered as "absent" in the sense in which the word "absent" is here used. Absence that is less than half aday willbe reported };^as /.-O-...,L.E!*. ( Ue.-L. .l-t}o-.&- i I Repol! of Classifi.ptig+, Standing; "Advancement and Attendance o.---J-9-------Stqteof.---W-----Countyot'---J:rffi ---------commencing- J4ft.-3-.----. -ts:trJ,and ending Af/1il --l-Q.r---tsl-fi school was in session-y'-2 l---n^y, Of School in leLa- SYLLABUS OF CLASSES BRANCHES !; gE aol:= tiE F; i€= l L 3 ,l { (" Dr?r;-[.d. b lbwwnA qt 5 fLt -bYr-!- D od/-. b ?o WD:rur l*^h.Fn 6 ?c b 8! Tlut o/+o!, b 7t W"lr4rrrL ilatt*, rail1g, - -, I- t'. 35 t*p,45/1'//. -8, ?{ 8r, 't I o 'il,il',t 7 ? 5,/ g, ,J q 5 ',?:!f k'J 7 1 ql 7o 6 7. 7 b 1t ffi 3 v q l0 8 1 ?a 4 /h-l-o-bn!, b 1 ;l 9tz 4 ,+ { 8 II l2 t3 g q t+ ?8,911ffii t{ /b t1 It 71 fJa-ln-f,,r-n .. 7*,&M., r{,7ff l1 70 6l'ttqtql 9n 86 g5 ?oi?,ltffil 2l 7{a/t)/4vOrvfift,nn-a 2s 7rut-{"JA"/^*,e Ifu^t 1lQa-lat'tn0u-yt a-y. 8,26. 9,to ttl,tz,13 ,tt t rt I 19,t5)b,t ll8ll 71 &3 ,,Ar7rqrdAft; g7,&olf$l 9o go"q bl b 6 w(u,vb) tl ft,w, 6 a!!- . 3 t-l b 6eograpty 7 ,l e7 rc,^f-l* t, t7,2q2l T2,23,J 8, u',no1/0. r. lSrt\ I o, ';f,l?l# I 2_ i,2 3 t8,Zl, lLl,lEl b,l1 9aa- @\-o,!-. i 3 ,l 4 , 2 7 e-b P.AA Plysiology rnd Hlgiede 70i,ffilt\l 86 eo,?o$nl 4A lcl 85181811 b ? Arithmefic %"quflol tur 5 1 f 5 /Z/-/r . Teache/s Remarks. to -t (NoTE)-Sugge", *n"r"i-il EAILY,PROGRAM. DAILV PROGRAM. Superintendent i Countv superintendent can AFTERNOON- FORENOON .co-operate with you for the aalvancement'of yo-ur. school' etc' Tlmg). I'EBgins '-iit{lt!1 l: ro *L ,e r.& ft. ....................... "";q1;3't'f'r'i*1. tr : J:P-.rttt'=, 11-tr%'.€et; $ .;< j-F -- /:u l0 7:tt lo 'ta V:* 7:& lo I 2 "n^^t't 'bctlat. 3 + 5 0:a /{ 0;t5 0:3c r0j# I BRIIIGIIES | 0', oaL l0\ I 7: 00 1 F * lw l:ot 'l:15 'l:3d tt:rlfl M M rel td b ts a-ql /5 I t{ z td b tfl q 3 /o t0 4. !201t (" v;fl) /o 'ruO e'6 0|3 ,t ---:=.*. t' . I -:+.----,-.*F Whole number of pupils rotar days attendance enrolled, - , - iffi:::iffi':T.:il:"' . Number of cases tardiness, General condition of school roo^ ---- Boys- ---:--.J-3---r--:.---, ;";----{ fliSb-----, llXl.-...aWeovr-----/- -fu)At-! -- 3-l:--- Eilll 'bfirrt.....: ll3l.-...i lfe ----, Girls- -qg -- -- -- -- -- --.-- Number of trees on school'ground in thriftv conditidn-Condition of out buildings, Bov s' - - - - 1ffiQ--OL- -..: -------/-p=--i-----, Total------ -L:1t-c*t, 7 h -0J^ ,roiar----fu-{--6^f-Girls-- ---- ?-------., Tot'al------ - ----l-K--- I hereby certify that the above report is -{,;t*.- e Lq -..--.- Standing, Advancement and Attendance Report of Classifi Of School4 irr District For the-%:- No.-fu--------State 4"24.------ -rc/2, commencing 'antl endingSYLLABUS OF CLASSES NAMES OF PUPILS FromlTo ltE tear lYear I / ,9,h* J I / 5 fl,3,a5;13 a,z8/.zt I&4 oz."/4 2 /r4r,,4272;/* ru&.v;,6+/"Ez 4/ni^> I /4 tl./d '/a""/" 6 t2r*/trz{r, B, ?a v I ? Spelling 7 { 0 & r,/z tt // /5 /6 /r 1f liltl wfr W oi{:'Zfn, a'l,Vf i#,H:'" rtlttltuinl rartrrlyri ra ftifrifA rjtziszirrl ,lrtvul I / 'Atlttu r t{riting lza pntsioiogy and Hygiene /,2 ?h?Z, .t zg.rr, lzo l'to l/r'/,; : /t6. *aa? ,ry, ?,JJ'z Y.r,9Jt &'u#2a-. \! lzr f'li, I 6 .//'-//l/r2 26,,27' Geosraphy 2 f, / iAAa+ rz6,ia 175 I ll,/4 lrztff,fz, , r 3 ? V ltlytz J- a /r -,/r2' 6r/tr, /J /3 6,/q,, u tr, UirsVslYcl Vz /o 2l20 2ft 23 i ,?10 Jil&lo?i ln | ',f'/ blT l{l /? / Arithmclic rArlllfil izi j,f"zigfr 3l r 0rammar ti{5 ti,{5 /tiY r6 5' 6 7#,,{ti:"o a llTt' t"iVt ,\rtlzttYtl 7 /3 tF c 3 4r, 41 rs /Q//,k 0liv ? IL fil;t^ J J^ t/1l11j,zV ti'fl z z I Histon ot ,t I lJ4! r: U U.S. . z,/y /z "' Hlstory 7 of lf lilhoit l I I I I Civies ', lt a,/?, ;Jb4 r"t I *n,,,,n, Erercise | I I ,r'r*'t'" | '22-27u ( ,rylL,z 4 / 7 .J l I lr tf ////-// a tt' lonrlv DAILY PROGRAM , FoREN,ooN I (NOTE)-Suggest @-oDente with you for fn', [englh ln lilrnules Year PROGRAM AFTERNOON BRIIICHES lseclns ?;u (Q/z'zwn-a /1) I /0 lito li*r^a r/",/* I ?;ru t0 2?4,1.T/:4t'0&/ r5 r so t;11 7! /0 h;ts tb' 7 '{:J, /--fu,9t/u^*/M. tw<aa=ol-.r,*,-f*r4 ;(t "W I 2 f0 /0 b7 bo /0 a l0 5 ttf 17 "iiltr A.uZ/z-uZ'u ;tt) / 9,13 /0 | 6 6?/z/h'/-/ r5 az /?-z*r.o-41/ 'glt t5 ffit{a*&M Mn/L4a* i2/ llll /zaizkz'/t@ + /41/ ';3 0 n*il**Z'L hu: t0 5' ";fu4:"/2,*e"u*/ ;// '. dzuz4.rnP'n ct tlr 3 ?i55 fA2t///4a) t5\ (: z r 9ivi ,t\l i nea-am-/- iEl A'ls ,$zar**''l'- ,ek///";"- !/t///''/? nz-fv/* 6o -'i I 'l +a'is411-* I i I l--=: Teacher's Summary for Period Comme n"ingJ.el/-t) 19 /f--and, EndineflaaJ-/t- lg school was in / s"rriotr-.--/Lif- -----days 1/ Numberbfnon-residentpupilqenrolled,Boys--a----:---,Git|s-V--------'Tota|--2-.Wholenumberofpupilsenrolled,.Boy.s--I1----.,-Git|s--/$t/ -aJ t.ta-/^ln a / 1// Total days attendance , Boys-i-b-!^Zt ------, ear--t4O;J-A---------, Totat--9--IA4 - -----,-= attendance, Average daily Number of dayd absent,' sovr-/-9-tfr-:------------, Girls- Vffit . noys-.frft/:& ' 45 .- --- ----, eihr-9-2LMfr-/') ,rrtLi-L-l-ffi ----, totat- / /i/e-:r -----:- Nurhberofcasestardiness,.-govs---.7J----,.Girls--y4------------..--.,Tota|--/-6--.1-----.--tardy, .-- Boys----ZTotal----8------:----- ---Number rieither absent nor tardy, Girls----Z--O---------------.--, -----, Total----8------:-------.--, Girls----0^Boys.- Number volumes in school 'value of school tin librarv---9 -Y-------r.. urv----fu/--&Ml:J:Mrp- General condition ot titrrarv a*ur -' &-Ailf-: - -- ------- *a t --- Generalconditionof,.hoolroom-@&/_-j--------- Teachei's salary per month, $---6 6-: Number of Visits, Superintenfent, ----l-- -- --'-.---, I -/*e;, rotat----/-Q hereby certify that the above report is correct TEACHER SYLLABUS OF CLASSES NAMES OF PUPILS / f I L I 0 { 4 ( 6^ C r fL /9**-U, \t ll E/'-az/t^/ c/A ? /L /J /( /J' a.*/yn r I ?_ q- '.f,,f, J l./L,tJ./ry/, ry 17, J a / r 1- ? 6 ? 3 I t 3 // + (tr (, ( 2 v I L J 'v ,r6& -J,( Language or I Grammar I tt.t t0./7 qt?,L4xt, g 7, a 3 q q i0 (t #vti llumbers or Arith|l|etlc / q 0LAl .L r3, 6 7 7,tt?'tO, /h/J,1t111; tf /z 6 lTll.lit,z't. r zr+,LfiL I LL,L',. tI 'tru; t !t (r Q,' ;:;'t,;v Wrlting Physlology and Hyglene rlilfl+7't tt I rt I t( ( IO 3 g ifn"'lf. E/nt,:a f r ( + r ,t 3-d Geographj llrt7,1n,,U. 5 lt-./6, /t, A/r-^-4 /r,17,2b? G'rtu*>ttz, 2 z'r- t, ( il .7 2 I t tl cl 1r L4 ,,1/&' t/,zL,l',- I I / ra /V/tla (p I3 I \\?,4frQ l , q WazzX42 fleadlng I 6 /6 /f 6 T /0 (l ll I d2/-, ,l a-'{,t5t4, 7( lq) L7,J'f" ,rf, )d Ml,/' a)at Hlstory ot U, 3. zLo,L (" !,/L,Llr L r TurL J',rQ L1.r-7'1-? Hlslory ol lllinols Clvlcs l{uslc General Elerclsa / 'ltq ,) t zhrL'za Teachel,s flemarks to Superintendent DAILY PROGRAM DAILY PROGRAM FORENOON AFTERNOON (NoTE)-susger, *n"r"ill County Superlntenilent can for thE adr.ancement of your school, etc. co-opsrate with you Tlne lrglns r L -10 r b 1b 4J t0 { /0 -4 /", 3 T l0 ll ,&*'*"4"*-'^ r [L.'c/+d- /J /0 4 o j' ,l r /J /!^ | /o r/{l t 'hJ4/ olJt: /-44/ 0 b rs''l to I J Number volumes in school AIY Iibrary...........-.............i1...f,.. General condition of school Number of trees on school ground in Condition of out buildings, Boys'..-...... Condition of out buildings, Girls' General Remarks thrifty *y(,9 tO 0 i .:-- :,'.-*e;s+ 6 1 _ e:_J-.+*- - I '--:-*'-'' Report of Classificatio4,^.Stand1ng, Advancement and Attendance of. school itrDisbict N o. --t9-0-------- ro"tr,. ----sat -tc^-. ----l---- "- ot----"--:J,tlh-tii---.---------------coun6 of.--..--qJ1AZ47,(&-t z.L*----.------ ---------: iidf*-z---riJt,i*^":;--A4'z;--i; _: ;;_t. ;;;fi;;;;.:_l:r:r.____;; SYLLABUS OF CLASSES / p, 4 .q // J- ss ar ar.b l{,a/a}',, ll rrrz tlr/r"o'"ra (/ T'to'-a Lluna' Po-ut-cttzs,t U4n) l,lo-/.Ct J'J-*b*Alar,f f4 l/ /k \J,\ (/ /n \ l/ J/L N a/r-- (l /JrrA".v 7 Lnarta a/t a:ttry u r 1t/'9-ua/ fta-/4hr. b f tl l!, td l\o-r."a-A 7/.ou-,1-o- /n 7/ q r/ { trl il t//*t/,*"^ fl r 0 70 ry ?3 a I /b fr 7t // 7 fJ /F U I W u o/ 73 /a q/l o/-u \.J IJ t,t /kil,/^"/ fl-a^ft\rr"rd- Tta/t // Q\\ \* ,,\ \\a N\ i\J f\ a$ fr lh e9,+o"rr,, 't7 AoL"t/,l,.t Cru.da U,0rd44 7n a44 /tA) , lr N \< 7J' 0 Nx IN t/ ?7 rl \ lll2r13,1Y tlrlxltT,l$ 17,)/ I .C.i N) /t7 f4' At 7/ NS \)\ \\ n 4tfr(api,na I Jt3,4 2 t9, iTr'E 7 2 /, I t2)b, t A 7 I I7r'21 lr\fl4' L, b., /, J, t, E ,9 ef- tl/ lt JO 47 t/ -h.Laru,.rut 5, C f, /r)t3, ?/,"r2":/' J*W 7 l V%hM 'fffi{u alTilJal Physlology and Hyglele l,L' aSre''t' ;L5/ trb, 27, K.. lr A.trrrdrnt frwf 7 q/ t/ tr zl;/zz/28 ?J // g' u- Nr2L/ !,7, /J- 6J p'/ 7/ uJ- 73 7/ 7t v/ 7 /r /? t- , t'4W 77 fJ- L/- q U2 I I b 4 (/ { (, 4 b I b v b I 3 yu,1, Bd-"4i. | c') ,T ya*,rdqt 7 tLltL I U '&i' "0;"t Jita-{7.6,A/r\ }{rlllng- 2.2-/9-3/a'r/9J' 74 ll d,- -{ l7t ttJ . A irt v Ft- 74 na-Hu'/,r/ fnzlu fuil--r///e4"4- /0/-t/ I!'{/"fu, Tilh+ tt rhAl,-nMaX f!,il "nt#i,#/ Arllhmstic Jdt f4 3 /) ea^n^$tAtfl,i 6 Geograp[y ql- ryLtu-frati / lbt \)\ 4 /t) I N a.) 14' /ord-/, I \x a t4 fYUt-mznt4' bt fr r/{,,.t jLu-amL Y-"td'// {f { A/^r- q ./ f{ il 19cdd- /t v s , a*#m 'Hlstory of U. S, 2\ls,r+, rnc,rn4 3r. l||story of lllhols ( 7 ( / r Clrlcs t2,23r//, //n/ !, 2!, sL,27, 4ffstc 7 r r 42o- Teacher's Bemarks lo DAILY PROGRAM DAILY PROGRAM Superintendent AFTERNOON (NoTD)-suggerr ron"""lll County Superintenilent csn co-operate with you for the adsancement of your school, etc. ilr.n *xA */il| tI I I I *€ i-- 1-€ .- n---=:- ..-- 1,-<='.-:'-j+--.s -:-+_-.-- Teacher's Summary for Period Commencing s"vr . l9W and Ending A/pz' tU- .19 {L/, I3r7-l- Bov General Remarks I hereby certify that the a L%ua/t'fEACHER. Report of Classifi Of School in District N". --t3-0---- State {For the _ _ _ _ -.L#-yyJ__ _ _ _ __ _ _ commencing_ of Advancement and Attendance -- SYLLABUS OF CLASSES Ecadlng I I J2'3,'+' 3 ea^^,[-r*/d^^i 4 L 7r(,lto, lt H/l+tL l,t\ I8,4tl 5b 7 r Wnk ertlttltzl) 0 (/man<t-W,il*, a J 4rtd,r iltuw lqll, 0 q 7 "1l^/cr4 Q,,a/u,/tt{, /t l0l !t/-g Bju'"'tL gL tl Lgrrrn/"( Lt n r/** (/ r I t+l 5 191tt1/r11 "qt l/7 t|ft/)] tr0 qt, 'r4 t tnC'ru '*5ni llunbers or Arilhmellc ',-93,+ .), u, ?t y(, i'J, lo,l/ &t4tq/15/L ,,T,,,,,,,, ler l3 ltl U ruaAL r4) ?J l6! M il l5d sl r4[ ba Ii t6 Physlology l:i;- ',T vlr/wa/ 0eograpty 4?,tt,11 t// ,blrh*r"/A4*r// tt tq futtj"t^-ruL^L &4 ft'a-,UJnw A/rtLIl*""ki,Ml t9)Lt,lltL I t3 (! tJ 3 '11 I' IJ 17 /l,tf,2t, 2-1, Hlstory ol U, S. 3 t2/tZ tY/t4 I tJot$ t?,20, 4lfrory of lllinols ErA-fu,, ma,cL\7h Clvlcs ll t(t7zu, vl. lluslc Gencral Exerclso lgriculture r71tlrltzo erUru-t Jfud/t 'l ta /4n r ,/ u/J 1 .- -,- Qtl TeachePs Remalks lo Superinlendent (NoTE)-Sugieiest wherein ths Couuty Superlntenrlent can for the ailvancement of your Bchool, etc. DAtLv-PnOCnnrVr DAILY PROGRAM FORENOON AFTERNOON co-operate with you IIF! Eetlns t d \) s \ J \ N$ N {* \ w\ _\w l\\ ,\ \ \R (v \\. I tl \ar RN O\ ss t{ O/l .\ P \ Teacher's Summary for Period Commencing S-r$L, f,- l 9L'J...and Ending." ma4 Schoot was in Se.sior,.-...... I .A f ......................a"y, t tl lg 9L. Numbei of non-resident pupils enrolled, Whole number oJ pupils enrolled, Total days attendance, Average daily attendance. Number of days absent, Number of cases tardiness, Number neither absent nor tardy, Number volumes in school library I 4 Value of school library........ General condition of .library books.............-............ 'General condition of school room...............-.............u-...-.... Number of trees on school ground in thrifty condi I : Condition of out buildings, Boys' Condition of out buildings, Girls'.....-....-.. others..,......./.. Number of Visits, Superinten aent.....-......../-.-.--.-..-.-.--, School Officers..........9-- 0........... -..........., T oraL....-.... f-. 3r.... General Remarks I herebv certif v tn* to" .w rtff:t'Elfll)roL TEACHER. '{ Report of Of School in District \.' calio4r, Standing, Advancement and Attendance /. ekrl No.--f-4------ County of. - -.. - - - -1 f,/syir,aeus oF / 7lrut,rt P^r"o',n L ZAt^M-ei>--"^- I t. 5' lQ--t/r:d / 7 t{ n ,. 7 6 f"..J,;c /{*"t 4 v 3 L ? 1. I /0 /( /L /3 fh/u*/D-uWnt 7n2J,,,; rJ-e fU-4.- P"r-<"'%hJ*,.z_WrZ D^'-Ztt e^-'A JZ-r^ R-ttf.^ /y J +;t tf' /ft,4 ,lb t7 ,nriA t-r 7 3 L L 7a ( &-'ft &/ A,dr/Vl'//'t {1414 L3 YJ^;- Eu-;^;Z,, ty ? 1/ 7 t 1/ r ?o a c /t n /7 1-o 2. ,?Jl; Wrltlng f^-h // PhyslologX and flygleno O rt:t t 0eograpl|y [*r'a-.V ilhhry of U, $ Hlstory of lllinols Clvlcs Qntn iluslc General Exerclse cLASSES I a f; /le e -23 I I ' DAILY PROGRAM Teachefs Bemarks to Superintendent ,6 i, t: I I' t; I '\1 DAILY.PROGRAM (NOTE)-Suggest wherein the County Superintentlent can for the advancemeat of your gchool, etc. co-opsrate wlth you tu -t 5j-'1. I _=-=€'.F._\d: +:- 'r \ \ I 9 72and Ending Teacher's Summary for Period Commencing. School was I in Session.........f i-..........................d ays I Totaldaysattendance,--Boys.....#.&|J-2{e*ts............ffi.f./#,,roa;..ffi.2/rz Averagedailyattendance.-Boys.....4 Number of cases tardiness, - 8oys......... Numberneitherabsentnortardy,-Boys......................-a-... Number of trees on school ground in thrifty condition.i... .........../.. V Condition of out buildings, BoYs' Number of Visits, Superintendent................. ....d................, School Officers.......... ....d)-......................, Others. -{::,-r;;;:,: y' General'Remarks I hereby certify that the above report is correct TEACIIER. i i1 I I 1 Report classificationo standing, Advancement and Attendance -of of school ia.DiEtrict No -_3.0---.. -..stx..* ,ro9-?.1o;= 'o-,,,-----.:;-__._oco 'norr$.-Zn-a_ea.d<da-'ra ;,;.4;&;::;ffifioor :.W*,[d;M; ."s io ieu"io,' _- r tur. SYLLABUS OF CLASSES NAMES OF PUPILS e-r-c/* / &W"t, &-aue6 / 3l{AA/ft-4/*e 7 l{r=,(Z //,-4h, / l-ldjU**^ fr.ZZ I 5lgd.44,ga* (fa-,teu, 2 U** .0 0 7ln"/-:r"' '{.un-t Y e**&, T,ffi I ttld*-"-da, nl --\i CA<i%a trz qo t5 lt. 75 EO 8 (0 6D o x0 /.,L/ Qr 7,, fq e^r"-/* tl l! tl tc |{ln *"//e n*-^lls ll / 6 | Tara-r,z- P.- u/- I,r //, t7l-!"4*/-n*eZ-r,lr /flA--h 4^&h,lz /3 rA I 4.4A'- lr { tr?1 r S-4 Shl / 3 Ha. ry Ha,, .r H^ 7 Spslllnt 3 r tY t/ 7r/0,l/, tuz jtds 7 tTr r(,U, 3 i-' t7lc9r.Xr-^ 81 60 0. 61ry.4; 87 l8l lo,l(' ; ls l1 V, tr', qC {1 tt ',lX '0,I 18t 7: i 178 {i 0, I gr oJ EJ 6 t Iil' 8 t, ?l (o lafltuage or 7 8 6' t1 r0 8o 8 7' / ? x o I 801t, t t 0 7, TolT 7 *4,,rr3r4'5 7( 7t 77 7q 73 q0 tt tlz 5 t; l- rl,r!l;,'!,' tb. lrtlhmotlc T1 q I 7 llumbils or 6 sl (4 ffits 7 | rt, /fitg il tt I Wtlz 0rammar YI Eo gtl E5 ol t5 77 '8t t1 t0 t 7Ur,/g,t?, t(, 8 8) ol 5ln,t7;trir,. 18, ry* "rlc"kli;'1,, I lzrntTtt.t, lf,*, I ltz 3w 2*J 4 b 7l t4lt,/t 7*, lyrtllnt 7l+<r, t -?-l Phlslolotl and Hlglcnc I J. Gilgrap|iy 4 I 7 eq)tq/1, L/ 7fl ?rne.- ,r '?'7,in: ttr /t lr, 7 Hlstory ot U, S. ttlg,l1,2 . Hlstory of llllnols ClYlcs t.r,, /$lg tluslc ---- I r wv a (p -2{ ,/fez/ DAILY PROGRAM Teacher's Remarks to Superintendent AFTERNOON can (NOTE)-sugsest wherein the Countv- SuDerintendent school' etc' v-o-u lor ute advancement of vour Tltttc Beglns .o-op'i"it-"aitn l: trv t5 I +2. l: l5 ,o. 3 l0 t5 t0 IO t5 7 t: /, tir fue- r /5 I I6 t5 t0 t /; :l il /5 ,7tt /:, t6 ,fr)t trkf M 7 aL ltuo{o*' trU@la'' I tg il) ..1 a: t0 te 5l l:0 ,/: t5 t5, / l( 't/: l0: I I l 7l I ti 7l ti j -\ 6o ;l I I Teacher's Summary for Period Commenc invl#, school was in session---.-- t Number of non-resident pupils enr.olled, nov"-...-...-fu**..-n--.---., So;s A^&**?^---..-., Whole number of pupils enrolled, Total days attendance, - +LgT{and Ending Tzlpr rs/, L92r U U""""""--""'tlavs Girlil---k*zz*g-'--''---', Girls.-- {'€4tt/------', '{ Average daily attendance, ! >\, Number volumes in school librarv-'---.General condition of library General condition of school I *-;fu bool<s---....-M,..... roorn---.----.".'. ondition of out b uildin gs, B oys'...-------Condition of out buildin gs, Girl s' -...------.- "--*/:ffita C - 64{ZI?* "' - * -V-:''A/U2?-' - - - -- - -ffi -"5'{"1 :------?---""" t4r' \ Number of Visits, { General Remarks..... I hereby certifY that the above TEACIIER. Report of Classifica Of School iq District Fot No........7.A-..........-..........-.....State tneSY.fu.w* t and Attendance , Standing, Advancem of .-.*commencin n..Oo and ending fi.LL.. schooiwas in session. /1/- . -...-.....Days SYLLABUS OF CLASSES NAMES OF PUPIS E l-tn;*;; neadlng I '[ 2 (" cZ-99rt I q )'/ { 3 56 2 7. c. a /E/1, /, Spelllng ?o 91, '( -.a R /3 .< Crammar { ( I l-l-/-1' zftt/a// L J^"1n, / . '21)-/qJ+/l r,*/r^ llumlas or lrilhmeth hiltr"/,t^. { 6 a? /s' laotuagt or 8l 2 -ff--4lLW zltrtlrfuqza /z Wqrt^+ fcnto4, r 2.?;- -4 9 lWyraiL{ralLt. ftll-'////.cr // L-/./L4a[I^-A ( "/r / #w rr 'A'"11. tzl I/t' t 6P!t 3 f /,ra 7 4 7 4 L 7 f / { /- tz-/t -rA 4 ? 1' ll)q/t/(, Vztptlrnca 1 t 7i4^. fo*r'to fu,".*4 Physlolott snd llyglcnc . /2 )ytcz9( /z,r/ 2t)/9tf14 /? Grograpil 1o Zr 2e 3*tj' 'ry o/-^.r locJ^/t-,. (7n .1 744/t//??r ?) ?z 'll 4/'{ lluslc A ) ) 2 J '7Q?/trr 2J I 2 3 2 3 { 30 I / VZJT:- -2'L I Teacher's Remarhi to DAILY PROGRAM Superintendent LY PROGRAM AFTERNOON F.ORENOON (NOTE)-Suscest wherein the Countv Superintendent can co-operate with you for the advancement of your school, etc. Tlme Eeglns .englh lr llllnules gnmCnfs Year t $ \ S A. \ \ \ G\ N \ N" \ R f\ i ! F:'+l-{*&**.'_ - Teacher's Summary {or Period Commenc School was ngQ*fr2( Lg4l'and in Sessioo..-/ End ingQ4at ( ? Lgz 4/ -. .... ...............days Number of non-resident pupils enrolled, Whole number of pupils enrolled, Total days attendance, Average daily attendance, Number of days absent, Number of cases tardiness, Number neither absent nor tardy, Number of trees on school glound in thrifty Condition of out buildings, Boys'....................... Condition of out buildings, Girls'................o-.--.. Condition of Coal House...........-...........] 'Ieacher's salary per month, $ /./-.-Q.. ( Number I hereby certify that the above report is conect a-K-/.J-*t / U TEACHER' -6- ,.1 gtila oo\*1 %---u a / 1.ot NAIIES OF PUPILS & :<l /& /t .sEcoIrD TNTEBMEDTATS DmSION -.. |I | I 'a*-fui, J FIBST II\TERMDIATT DIVISION tMtu ln I WrZt*-'B----=r/ f'g W 4/ a .T the space below to report any books which are not adopted by this county and to .grve the in which used" Please use you nste Name of books. Used in which grade. Failure to fill this report and file it with the county superintendent and to leave a copy of it in the Classifieotion regigter, will be sufficient cause to refuse renewal or registration of the certiffcste. Do you use the NrInber Primer in your recoud grades ?----.-.-. .:/-4.<"4-.- accurately: Do your pupilg_use pen.and ink above the second ' ' *-r^i srsuc; t ) o2-/--- -"""""""-fla:*1""""""' n^ L---^ your".nwfrb Do --^------4L ,}eSe fie wr{ti4g, qanual or books? ...x!,-/.2-e.-.1ik*-z:z--z^'-.27.1-./..(azrz,z4. Are you t€arhing drawing from the books at Lc: least twice each week?-.--.-...:27=Z:_. Do you have the primer class and First Reader at least three times each aayt.-.-.Qe2-.--Do you have the Second .lgeader OKs read at Report Class *i,,:f; *"ffi"THlA;j first and Do you t..g,,eh wxi{tg af least 46 minutes each week? ...-.-...-.:....2./,ZJ/. Tlris r_eport asqes ruth the_outline fol-this Colrn- _ ty and the State Course. Pupils shau complete the work ouflined for each year and spend the iest of the time in review. The classification report in your register and the daily program yju leaye 1n_q b_g_o mueh he-lp--to your sucreessor' rtey shoul'l be flled verv carefully' The following will assist you in making your -l reas*wice ttdu uwrGe ezutlr each ua'y .rav?..... ...:..:AAZL._.__.._ ........ !"'-"""'-"ulf=v* the sum of the days of absence of all pupils enrolled qfnng pupil tbS t"ry.- Do"1?i,ll"tojr%i1_'*ii n-ot a your Do children . tnow #d sive the flas salute ,count .tFe $3vs ttdropped" as ttdavs of absence". a oupil.was is .-*-r':* :+;""-/l .,dro|!ed,, he is not a member of W[en ..dropped,,heisnotamemberofyourschool,andeac[qay!.....(-f../.:.l.-.@...:..i eacn day'!.-.--(.t-4--Z:. your schdol, and the rs your cerrincate cerrircate resistered?..regisarcaz..L?/*-dt1.:..... ffinmn"J#;"ry;$ff, H$fuffiff"J#;"ry;Sff, sense tr;:*i$.in coNr'Nr'r{r 77-<-221.-... // re#l.Y.::::: *::-".:.T * :T DrBEG:rroNs 'j:"""-"'--'-"--"- I total 1. | Duy.-F"o. Number number enrolled""ti#X"%*il) subtract the number \rhose names have been 2. ntftl;rux;br?i;.t ID @ ic tt d am-oonf- p-aid- *epl""--pet daily attendance for tem- dt -g I 4u Itr qc *i- 2 t 2E Gl= trF l5 .-€ FE !l odt6 co I I .3 6 I H 0{ I I HE fs €tr 5E CJE Number Belonging. ttre - Divide ** all pupils belonged bv nurnber o ED miintfl-Ui tir;- a a a;;ra;; Total Number of different- perso,ns enrolled during the year is found by takins the sun of the te+s! enrollment for the ffrst t".$ll- the number enrolled second not enrolled the drst and the number enrolled the third not enrolled the first or What, o E CoMPULSOBY ATTENDANCE LAW The law requires a,ll pupils between the ages dl z tions?........24* G" grade? ..2/-e/z you nse the tn" language hnguage text in I I l ] I I I ':zZ*--e*r*t..-z*.;*{;lt aftended -t'l a,| Nvnlr2t book}ead by children this term? ----..-../A<-d:z=z.z-...-.t:----&-\1-----------.Do you do the Janitor work after 4 p. M. each aavZ --.-----.-?,224/, ----..-;:--._.= , " ,^ - ;;::;7*u expect to t€qch nexr rer..?-g... *.*{=,-, \<b) ._..;._.....__._. Give date of beginning of next lrln,..&<'.ZA of seven and sixteen to attend school regu.larly at least twenty-four consecutive weeks' besinning sept' lst' Whole Number of Days Taught-Count every day for which vou draw pav as taught' Do E&f$igoal V9lt; have you this term? for yofr | -t-. tenn' Do you make daily prepa,ration to I the tortm!22ot,nages outlined for each grade each year? ---....(/z=-... Are they doing zupplementary and review work after.they t7-:. frnish fte t'o1rk outlined foi the maaei I | | I ,.1 ......W pLEASE ANSWEB FULLy rs your daily prosam posted?..........-...?/422.. .D I Are yotrallowing-y-ouqpupils to do more than - € Fo I Number of eighth grade pupils who.eTtt! toHave they fnished all of eradtleltr-""'L' the books as per Course of Study Outline?....--..-.....-... 6. tte second I mofihz-../---- B. Average Daily Attendance.-Divide the total number of days attended by the number of days t rghd nxpGJ" thtqdtieni as ;whoie nuntei.' 4. Averare Cost of Tuition per Month.-Divide o ()a parcnts.--..8.-....-;.-_...._.._.-. _ Number of visits from Director.-.\J.-.... Co. Sup't...../-..--...-..-.-.... Have you sent report card to parents at the end of each .-...--....-.......-...-......:... dropped. I | 1 l -------------:'--..---:- recita- Do ygu @aah fhy. Ed. ten minutes each | day? . ..?=t4 t Z:, 6.':--u4r-Gk'*TA;h;;."-6_*"*h-_Z second your second | i i i I I -------' IEACEEB'S RDITIA"BKS TO SIIPEBII{TENDENT i I t,.I (NoteState wbat your sehool needs in apparatus, blacliboa,rds, etc.; also give the name of pupils not provided with books, nq.?iling the books needed. Suggest wherein the Cormty Superintendent oan cooperate with you for the advancement of your school, etc.) I -'. 426;7 REPOBT DAILY PROGRAM rot --&.*z.z-Z:-'.endiag--{2.t^<-.-Ze-*k-nse-Z , , FoBEN(x)N srcsroN l District ...3..a........ ro*orarp&-kZ-..hiZ4-Z rD 7-l /+r-.-z'i---'zZ)e"'-^ Director's N"o -'117:1{ dl f7'.. aelz,.o-f Zfu*=;:ffiu, ,-\(---:#--%;-...*z-<z.Ifra-2.--cal Ade.*.*k.*.z:-.tV-|_ \l--l TEACEEF'S SUMMABY nwso'nsponr 7,.s-elto,,r$ e,t4 M I l | I i I rorel,/a ; /. lr.,al TVE__; ; :--.-__(-/__rz, )'" t1 Whole number aieerent pu-l | | | | pils enrolled to date sincel | . | /a; ga l'a"Z{2rt' -'/f-z-e'Z'Z-z'Z rast september.....-........-.....1./-.2.1.../-.2,t1-...*..f* | I / I zo ./ /a a TVhole number direrent pu-l | | lra"r( l-/ E4--a-d-./-:zf "3 I I I I I I I I Boys I chre /t:rr l, "1*-41&^-"{-"--= I l4'-22=-=-2---t-'te f/,'/q pirsenroredthistem........l-./..,7.V3"1..R-.-aNo. enrolled not previouslyl | /:;55 | enrolledintbiscountrthisl l ,rtl .schoolyear-.-.---..-......-.........1-......1-t:..:..-.1.._......f-^._..._ /1,,/,t Vr;a4 t Numberofpupilsbetooernel atdateof | J l* ,./-z-^:"2.-.,i- -,' | | ,t o, zz //"2J-f/;4+''l;41b-z-zz2-=7' | thisrerort----.11.241-/.2,-1.-2'1 //;la *ffiT,"lf*H"f T:l-_l_-l Numberenrolledbetween?l | | __- of | I I I l ,. I | I I -w z4-="t' lr,'af-,7 lZ?:2-Z'-"-?-a /2 a-al | ace............1-/-2-l-./.-"1*e2 Numberofpupilsf"o-ott""l | -l districts enrolled this teml-.1-.-l-...;{--l---.iZ-. and 16 years I | | | | | I I | | | I | I I Averagenumberbelonging I a//ff _ ,, , T*Tlj"*,ot.. Totalnumberdaysabsence......--.-..-.......|.....-.._.-/',,r_a(,,tz|/|1fu--i1| /i t z f , <q 7 | -.4-:-.rl--z-z-;-z-rz,a?z2i Total number days attendance I.S..ZJ:J gl /,'<,r Averagedailyattendance-.-....-..-...........-lat& tardiness l-..--*-tardy | - fNumber viol,ating eompulsory atten| d"r"" t"r -...---. Total nnmber cases of Nnmber neither absent nor | I Vrf4 rl 4.a'=.,-z+-.oa-a", i 'r i f I Y'.a--. -Jt-----r=<:----a i / ,' c;-,: 'O4 c-al :'fz-=---. la.'"f 2,' a,t7l .gz-*V-/z*27. - 2: ,g a l""rt k, ilA "L /z? / :.r I | . I I Whole number of days taught -...../.#--7--tuition per month for each 2: +6 pupil a**f t'n-*"tf 3" a-a 16' la;\ 4-€e-------*-''--;=-"*-------rs---.------.-. 3 ,' / 6 la:a,f Zl 7ya-4,*2-.2 . compensation of teacher n", ^oorKqo.'m-.-....-....Number volumes in libra.rry ---J--A-..:..-..... J,. J.5-b,f"V Number tiving trees on ground ../:{*--.---------:............. I | | Average cost of I | ' ' 4ZZ?-.-*6^L--A Has your school a flag and pole and rope? -..2Ae:.:-. ' thztlhe ,o w'fhir o'a .AEM+ I certify y4tlin pryrrfts are,correct TeacherMr,....(2..,.-.G.-a-*a-(o-Cz:....-........ Value of apparatus $.--.-........-.---.......... IromeAddre*.?:{*;Z-:*Z-.t | | | | | I| | I | | I | I | I 1 | I r I I I I ' le0-27M1 ,7 t' A.; TO BE FILLED OIIT'BY TDACEER OR PRINCIPAL TpAcHERS' AxxuAr- ' ' c678sd@,2 /r. i< RnpoRT For districts maintaining ten years of school work or less : Year of 1912-13 lst Yr. Eoyd 2nd -Yr. Gir!s Boys a. t.)a 2 c/ (3. 't (a.) :)1' (5.) .i. Girle 3rd Yr. | 4th Yr. ao""loo'"1".'"loo'. 3lo | 0 6th Yr. Bovs Girls I 5la | ?th Yr. oo* """" Boya Girls t) 5 I Boys Girls Boys those who may have resigned during the Boys Girls Gids Boys ttr 0 t43 rl year).. . . . . . .IVIen..... t/l ./ .A.Oat-S* \[omen.......1]tt...... Toicll-.U.a".1d Nrriirber (a) Sites and ,fi ... :... . .Pubnc..,U":7zLL. (capacity). . buildings. t Total.... .$.....N,A...9,|*rr- etc.)...... .....&...A..g..Y::$./..()....P..A..,...... z) How- many years have you. tays!! length of .service of each, in in this district?.,:2....Wat*a............ (If more than district.) .- _ () , (20b.) Number of truant officers employed. alltaxesleviedforschoolpurposes,madeAugusi,LgL2. (22.) Amount of bonded indebtedness, July 1, 1913. (23,) Number of volumes in library exclusive of supgfementary reading books for class use. tYl n (24,) Number of private schools in the clistrict:.,.'./Il:!l/::* , employed. (b) Number of pupils enrolled.... .:.... one teacher is employed, as shown by /h.- - item .-t)rt---*--._. 11, give .V - ...2 ..Men.../.!./r.v..4-..... Women..../.1.(?!&.\ Amouotof (a) Number of teachers //) i( ..........\L1..(t.......... Rentecl.......::14...... Total...V.,n/.1k- ..... .. . (b) Equipment (furniture, library, apparatus, .... . ..... fii'., ,...... l.tT{.$u , ... '.8-i._ .: .: ^(25.)Numberofpersonsbetweentheagesof.|2and'21whoareunable. '(26.) " i'{6!s[':-* Yr, Actual nrimber ol days sctrool was in ses$oo:,....... Whole number of difierent teachers employed during the year (include item 11 and (17.) Number of seats or sittings for study (18.) Value of school property: Ql) Gids lfth Length of school yeat in months (14.) Total days' attendance of all pupils enro11ed.....,...... 4...J.'V4 (16.) Number of school houses. (19.) 9th Yr. 8th Yr, Amount of endowment orpermaoent fuocl belonging to this distriit. (Confer with the Clerk of the Board relative to qustions 8, 21. 22. 24, 25 afi, 26,) (The numbers in ptrentheses conespond to auberc in the Directorst Amual Report). Tbe foregoing is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. . ......:......:.$.....12..r[A..... .... ..$.......-:=.,......... 4( .........d^.1........... Men..........*.......,... Women.....;.......... Tota1.......i........ . . . . . . . .Boys.. , ....... .......?............ Gir1s...........:*........ Tota1.........1...... .....$......::=......... FJ i.E FI: +J intendeht of Schools, aL the close of schoot. TO EE TIIT&D OIIT BY IEACEB, OR PRXNCIPAL IN CEARGE OR BI'ILIIING TnacHERS'AxxuAL RnpoRT Ysan or Enrolloent for the year by grade* (Elo ntit count any pupil a613 3. tength of school +'hqn 1913-14 ono.) Totel: Beootary..,..l oL'v | / a / year in Achral number of days schol ^onthst..*.*."^o*J.........., ll was Srecdda,rv ia IMhole aumber of difie'rent pe$oos emploved as tecb€rs ia this building for tho whole or part of the 5rear, who have aot been trarsfeired to aoother builtling in'?'is dis;trist. J. Number of eig+'th grade graatuates or ptonotions 6. Ntmbe'r,of elemeotary pupils paying tuitiod. 7. Number of higfi school grailuat€s 8. Numbc sf fiigh 9. Admioistrative offioers (does not apply to ooe-room distrists): school TOIAL FEUAI.E 7 J- tnition pupdls. (a) Superinteodeots who clo ae f,saohing. (b) Pdncipals and Supervisors who @ch lqs tban halJ time..... taught in a 10. who teach half time or more (if more than olre persoo bas Teachers aad nrincipals rom, only -couat-the oae teaching the lolrger part of tho tetm) 11. Totalaumberof te,chingpositioas (srmof ga'nal 10) (showoolytheactualpositioas) 12. Teathers' grralifcatioas: Number A Normal ane 13. - sesdon:"/..d..:41........-............... MAI.E 4. (IilgL).....| / '......... graduates of a Colege and State Noraal If oot a gradnats, how -eny have atteodeil .....?AStateNorma1Schoo1?....'..'....AIrchschdr........'f(Givoon1ybch€8t$aituatiot Schml?........... A four-year fiigh school?...:............................ of eac,h teacher at work at encl of a ollego? term. The total must correspatl wit'h No. 11 above.) Amonnt of aonual saJarrr earned bv tachers: w"a, $..,..!4..A..r1.L...'...; (If a peitioa bas b€d held by dore than oae pers6n, gife as a.nnual salany the sum ea,raed by a[ but couat t'he one (man o3 wsman) who served longest.) 14. ,fotal ilays' attenilanco of all pupils enrolled. ' . lhr7 .4. / t6. 17. 18. Value of school properby: (a) Sites anal buildiogs... ft) fauipment (fuflIiturc, Totar. . 19. Give tength of libraqr, apparatus, .. servico 8..'/..,fikf1. io tbis etc.)... ,i i.... 8"./"J"'4""""-"""' dishict of teachm holiling positioas at eilose of school: tyt.?...Q*a'**..,.,.2yrs.1-..-.'..'..'-...... 1?-yrs"?,,.-., 20. Promotioa of heafth aad attendane: (a) Nuober of inspec'tors 21. Amountof alltaxeslwiedforsefhoolpurposes,madeAugust, 22. Amovn|oIboaddindebtedaess,Julyl, L914... 23. Ntrmber of volumes in library exclusive of supplemeotary Lg13..,.....'. '...... rea,tling boots ilistticti........-....-..'....... (a) Number of teaclers eoployed. (b) Nunber of pupils eorolted $""";""""' for dass use. -%"';r.4/.?.4:v..*, 24" Nua$er of prinato schmts in tbe 25. &-Kt:.€:n.'.......'... , O .. ....Men .....V'............. ...,,. Womeor-...'-.'.-.'...... Total... . . .-Boys'........ Ntrmber of persons betweea the ages of. LZ and2l who a,re unabte to read sn(l write . .Boys... 26. Ilave you aay alspartm€stat .. .. . r. 2t. -Amouat of eeritowment or petmanent funil beloring to this district to oldio tne i"toroaUo cafledlor in quesbions 18, 21, 22, 2q 25 a^d 2l rredily ,let the items re'main blsok.) ' Gf |6[1 ,* "dbG (ovn) 29. SALIIRIES OF TEACEF;RS. Enter lu tho following table t.he number of teachers in day sohools pald the dif,erent aorual salaries. Er,puBNrenv Er.sMohrranv Spcorolnv Men SALanms Less than Woaen Men Sar.erurs Womea $1100 to !B2OO $7@to $799 .. $1,800 to $11899 to $900 to $E99... $1,900 to $1,999 $999... $2rfi10 to Ur499 $800 . $r"300 to $1,399 $399... $1,400 to $1,499 S49... $1,5(X, $599... !*l -6tl0 fn $699.... $11700 $299.. Men Women to $1,599 llt -rtoo to $1,799 st,(xlo to $1p99. $21500 to $21999 to $1,199. !R3-o0o and aver S1,100 W'omen $lle9 to $300 to S400 to $500 to $600 to &r0ll Mea Spcortoanv NOTICE. 6uf thic report in duplicate, except ia districts having two or more buildings and a superinteodeat, and file one copy wit& t'he clerk of the schoot board and meil the other copy to the count5r superintentlent at the close of school. t\rfafos Ia districts havi"S two or more buitdings and a superiatcndent, only one @py is to be made by the Principal of ea& buildine aod filed with the Superintendent who is to consolidate the several repo$s and make otre copy for the Clerk of the school board and one to be mailed to the County Superintendeut at the dose of school. {-r t{ E, A" o o '$S+5 \: \N\\ J: \: $: ^o \ ti (lJ A I 5 \ { U Cg ? (,) F ..N 'r \\ N\ \i : \s .sg !! \i \i q) rH '6 5 (t) .E ook A o b b Jd k {, € o I Er E "\! NE :h ig J3 .1j8 -:k d"9 z.d -N .E.o ,g : +t d r! & EF o, 5 (,) cg d EI H rct o, trl A2 {r8}!0t[) TO DE EIIIAD OIIT BY TD,ACEE:N OR PRIITCIPAL IIY CEARCE OF BIIII,DItrG TEACHERS' ANNUAL REPORT Ynen oF 191f15 *v;#,.tz*-..z-*,k&^..'...."fi::3a......@.'.....'.'.County,Ill|norls. 2. Enrollment for the year by gtades. (Do not count any pupil more tr'an once.) 6ch Yr. ----T---- Bovs I Ghls I i 2a. How many of the above were enrolled in some other di trict of this State --aGtri"t "an"tf,itii" yot . ....3.. g. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I -\ tn /{-,t/ of , theyearandwhohavenotbeentrandeiredfromanotherbuildingiat[isdistrict .Men.. L.........Women............Tota1.... . . ..8oVs....../r......Git1s.....-f-....Total Number of eighth grade graduates or promotions..... 7 Number'of elenentary pupils paying tuition. . . . . .8oys......2^.....Gir1s......2- ......Tota1........t'...... Numberofhighsctroolgraduates'...:...........Boys......'.........Girls...'.... . . . .8oys......... Number of high school tuition pupils. Whole number of difierent persons emptoyed i.s teachers in this buitding for the whole or part Administrative officers (does no't apply to one-room districts): (a) Superintmdents who do io teaching half . . I .,. , . . .Men............,...Women............Tota1. .'....'. time, ....Men...............Women...........Total. Teachers and principals who teach half time or more (if more than one persotr 'has taught only count the one teaching the longer part of the term). t. Total number of teaching positions tt. ) ... .. . .ooyr.....J-........Gir1r..3..........totat...1.:... r-Actual nunber of days sc.hool was in session: ...../... Length -of school year in-;mont n"r&**-- (b) PrincipalsaodSupervisorswhoteachlessthan 10. this before enrolling ia (sum of 9 and 10) (show only the actual in a positions). room . . . . .Men................Women............Total.................. Qualifcationsofteachers:NumbergraduatesofaCollegeandStateNormalSchool?......'.....ACol1egeonly?...... A Normal School only?... A four-year High Schcol only?............,........... If not a graduate, how many have attcnded a collegei ...............,....,...? A State Norrnal School?........................ A High School?........... (Give ouly bighest graduation or attendance of each teacher at work at end of term. The total must not be more than No. 11 above.) Amount of annual salar earned (If a position has been held by more than one person, give ns annual salary the sum earaed by all for the sex holdiag the position longest.) 14. Total days' attendance of alt pupils enrolled. J.9.7./...... t6. r7. Number of sittings for study (capacity) (doubte 18.. seats to be counterl as two sittings) .... .t7.6 Vglf q.of school. propert5r (a) Sites and buildings. $.. (b) Equipment (fumiture, library, apparatus, etc.). .. Total.. 19. $..q.A..d.....,...... Give lergth of service in this district of teschers holding positions at close of school: 1 yr.?............... 17 ym.?......,............... 18 yrs.?.................... 19 yrs.?........ ............20 yrs. or more?. 2 yrs.?... n;=.= (Count part of a year as a year.) 20.Promotionofhea1th:Numberofnursesemployed?...,'..'''.'....Physicians?...'......'.....Amountpaidnurses?..Pheians?.............'.. Number of pupils eiamined for physical defects or contagion?........-...,...,.......Number found a.ffected?.......... .............Number of homes visited by nurse or inspecting officer?..,..................,.. Amount paid truant ofreers?................ Promotion of attendance: Number of truant ofrcers employed?................Men?.........,....Women?. Number of children not attending school between the ages of 7 and 14?....-*........ 14 and placed in 16?....-;....... Number of childrea arrested aad charge of teadrer?,,..Number senteaced by a court to a deliaquent school?....................Number of school. aad age certificates issued ?.................... 21. Amount of all taxes levied for school purposes, made August 1914. .. S..... ...........,........... 22. Amount of bonded indebtedness, July 1, 1915. . . ,$................. 23. Number of volumes in library exclusive of supplemeatary reading booksforclassuse.... .....J.0. 24. Number ofjprivate schools in the district?..........=..... Number of teachers mployed?..........:...... Me?................Women?................ Number of pupils eorolled in elementary grades (lst to 8th) I Girls?........,............... College Grades (13th to 16th): 25. Boys?..........,......... Girls].........,...... Secondar5r Gmd-e-(9th Boys?. Nt mber of persons between the ages ot 12 ard 21 who are unable to read and Girls?........................ write: 26, If l<"<-............... .27, Amount of odowmeqt or permanent fuad belongiag to this district. Have you any departmental teaching below.the high school?... (If you ts l2tb)z i Boys..................--.1 -Cirt"---..,--........-..--- Tota,L so, whicb years?........1.r. ...7....-....5--.m-. $.............................. unable to obtain the infonnation called for in questions 18, 21, 22, 25 and 27 readily, let the iteas remain blank.) (ovER) Bo.ys?.... ........... 29. saItrRIFS OF TEACEERS. Enter ln the follorvlry table the nunbor of tachers la day echools patd the difiereot anngal salarios. Er-pusru*v Men Sar-enrBs fhan Women Er,wBwrlny Srcoxonnv Men Women S1-2OO !R20O to $300 to S400 to $500 to $600 to $70o to $8fi1 to $900 to ![l3OO to $130O $399... $1.4Xt to !81.499 S499. . . !81-Soo trl Sl-SoO $599. . . !11-60O to !8l-60O $699. . . lBl-7OO fn !81-7O{t $79e. . . lBl $899... IBI.OOO fo !Bl-0{10 S999... !B2 OOO fn $2-4(Xl $rP99. $2-5OO to $tJfi) to $l'199. [^I-OOO and $1,0fl1 to $299.. Women Mea Womenr tn SI-2OO . $2(X) Men Sar,enrss SEcoNDABy -t0n tn lRl -RoO !R2-(XXI Total (same as ltem ff ).. .. .. . NOTICE. Make out this'report in duplicate, except in districts having two or more buildiogs and a superintendeat, and file one copy with the derk of the with the township treasurer, and meil the other copy to the county superintendent at tbe close of school. school board to be"filed In distric'Ls having two or more buildings and a superintendent, oaly one copy is to be made by the Principal of gach building aod filed with the Superiotendent, who is to consolidate the sel'eral reports and make one copy for the Cterk of the school board to be filed with the townsbip tn*wurer, and be mailed to the County Superintendent at the close of sclool. +r6 k9 &4, oi & r-< \r.rl $$ \ \! ?. H\: €st ?\N o iN - fi \l: .;: ,,! -\' u \'i t 6 z I n 6 l) g. J nl ./' i (Ftr&t0M) &o2 TO DB FIIJ,U' OI'T BY IEACEN, OR PRIITCIPAL IN CEARGE OF BIIIU)IITG TEACHERS' ANNUAL REPORT Ynen All Undm 2t Years of Age. l. School censtrs: Boyo Glrls I I o"* 3t | or 1915-16 All Betle€elr 6 and 2l Years of Age. I 2t i ,t2 ,fZ I I to," i Date of-Cosus: t Ghl6 I Jsre............................1916 _-;"' yr. | -;;;.-,yr. -"* I ;;; r.nv" rruy' I ro*r i I '** r;l;T;! ;;T;i .i+ |;h,! "s'E i;1.*|;A*^|".+f "tr I z,lzlt, tr l ulill?:tr":_ i_._l_ l l5'+lbtzlt: lr l-l ;lI I lflrTIT l":ti ::l L :t l 6l| T Elementary v* | .ru | Er.**-T;; I ,".t".1 "t*-;". ;dF;l;I;l;E tf I *ru**- | ,* *' I "tr z l-tr ,ou 4th 5th i I I t secondary (High) € r5m | * "" \ | i t*n ,*o rtrt vr. ,rrt vr. v" |I rrn"t. v" yr. t2rhvr Yr. l2th t^r,,- I| Total Total Grand totot c.and Total "* ;l*-i |;1*"i ";il"""i"";"*i"";l;i i"t* ",i,,u"^1",". |||2.'{,i. ".ILiIII l-l-itl-l -, '--.J- ?a,; IIow many of the above were enrolled in ;; some other drsln{;t of this State before enrolling r6 = in this 3. Leogth of schol yer io months:.....[..J...1.....r.1{.ffi$#r Actual number of days school was ia session: 4. Number of vacancies caused by d.rthi.-..-...e.. Reignation, etc.t......d......... Change of teachers for spring ter?..........9!..... totar.........1,.1......, ..noys......4..-...Gir1s.......9......."otat.......0...... 5. Number of eighth grade graduates or promotions .... ...Boys.-....0-.....Oirtr.... .!)........forri'"...P....,..... 6. Nnmber of elecneotery hritioa pupils af,fsoding this schoot rr 4l . . . .8oys.......(1...."Gir1s..,..--q-......"otaf........9-..... 7, Number of high school graduates. . . .. A. ?^ .Boys.-....Q.....Gir1s......*.......ToaL......Q....-. 8. Number of high sclool tuition pupils attending this school 9, Adninistrative officers (does not apply to one-room districts): ......Meo...........,....Women............Tota1.. (a) Superiatendarts who do ao teaching . .Men................Women..,.....,...Tot4l.....-.......... (b) Principals aod Supervisore who teach less than hdf time. 10. Teaclers eod priacipals wbo teacb half time or more (if more than ene persoo has taught in a room I t .Meo.....1.........'Women............Tota1....1.......... only count the one teching the longer part of the term). . .tVtet.........1.....Wome4,...........totaf-.......f ........ f L Total nunber of teaching positions (strm of 9 and 10) (show only the actual positions) ,. . . 12,Qudifcatioasofteaehers:NumbergraduateofeCo|legeandStateNormaISchoot?........... A four-year High School onty?--...-.............- If not a gnduate, how many have attencled a college? A Noroal School only?... l' -..............1.......f A State Normal School?........... A High Schml?........... (Give only highest graduation or attendance of eacb teachpr,at gork at end of term. The total must not be more 13. Amount of annual salary earned by teachers: t:::jT:jo. Men, $........ff.'..k9l'women, s......'.........................; Total, $""""""' salary the sua earaed bv all for the sex 14. ben t",: n"*"og??Tuel ?otal days' attendance of all pupils enrolled.... ....3.f 1.1.. 15. Number of teaebee contributing to the Illinois State Teacher's Pension and Retirement (If a position 16. has contributed.... Number of school houss:. Number of sittiags for stuily (capacity) (double seats to be counted 18. Value of school (a) Sites and pioperty, buildings O)Equipment (furniture, library, apparatus' as two yre.?..-.*......... Fu4d............... Tota.l amount sittings) .............. I S......'f,. ...,.... etc)... . $"1't1i'L"-,,-''': Give leogth of service in t&is disbict of teechets holdng posidoos at ctose of school: 1? the positioo longet.) ......... Total" yrs.?*-......... above.) .Pub[c...........J...................Rented................................Total............... L7. 3 1 yt,?'..'.,.ffi-..'". t -(l 2 yrs.?.....-.-... 4 18 yrs.t-..........,....... 19 yrs.?.,.-., 20 yrs. or mor1|.....-.,....... (Count part of a yer as a 5rear.) ) Promotionofhelt,h;Nrrmberofnusesemptoyed?....'"?.....'..Y......Amountpaidaurses?.........?-........Physiciaos?.... Number of pupils eaa?nined for physical ddects or contagion? r-tor fonnd atrectd?.......0.............Number of homes visited by nurse or iospectiiag omcer?....'...'9..'....". promotion of attendance: Number of truant officepemdoyell*....-O-...u*1....?......Womea?........9-.. a-o,-t paid truant omcen?'.....-.0.Number of chilttren not atteoding school between the ages of ? and 14?.........Q....... 14 and 16?....9........... Number of chitdren arreted aad placed in charge of teae,her?.......P.......Number sentenced by a "f";";i; court?....-....Y............ .....Number of school and age certificetes tt 22. 23. 24. Girls?.... Secontlary Grades (9th to.l2th):,1 Bovs?-.--.---of pupils esrolled in elmeatary grades (lst to 8tfi) : Boys?....*-...-Girls?"""""""""""" Girls?........................ College Gratles (13te to-16th)dBoys?."---- 25. Nnmber or persoas between the ages or 12 and rt 26. Ilave you any deparhental teachiag below the high 27. ;;..-"i2....-... *u;;"; ';";;-##;;* If school?... Gi'1s.........9........ uta....Q*.....- so, which ye,rs?, t*to;Xnfff);:,i+n:lW;;Y;''*r.l of entlownent or permanent fuatt betoaging to t'his district Amount the informatioa called for io]quetioas 1, L8,21,2 yoo""uoo"bletoobtain (If (oYER) il I lrl I !;l I 20. SAI"ARIES OF TEACEERS. Enter in the followlng table the number of teachers ln ilay schools paid the difierent annual salaries, Er,sueNTary Dr.pMsNTA,sy Secowouv Sncorrroeny Men Mea Less than $200.. $1,200 to $f . I to 8300 to $400 to $500 to &00 $299.. . $399.. . to xI $,199. . . to ] Wooen..': . '299 Slr400 to $11499. $lr500 to $fr599. $599... Sfr600to$1,699..... $11700 to $1,799 . $799... $f ,800 to $1,899. $8(X)to S899... icoo I Men $1,300 to $1n399. I $6()0to $609... $700 lWomen $11900 seee... to $fr999. $2rflD to $21499. 31rdl0 to $11009. $2F00to $2,999.... .... $3rfiX! anrl ove!. . . NOTICE. DISTRICTS OF ONE BUILDINeFMeke out this report in duplicate, and file one oopy with the clerk of the township treasurer, and mail the other cnpy to the county superinteodeot at the dose of schoot ec,hool board to be fild with the IN OTIIER DISTRICT$-In districts having two or more buildings and a superintendmf only oae copy is to bemade by the priocipal of eacb building and 6led with the superinteadeat, who ie to coasolidate the several reports aod ma"ke one copy for the clerk of tbe school board to be 6led with the towuship treasurer, and one to be mailed to the county superintendent at the ctoso of school. +J h 8 o € c) : O. & a h E o\ S-, \o o\ a q rO d) CB H FI F *) EB. : k no E o q h 6o B P. >l o () / (€ (u F o o k z .ai rr a 'a H =Q- s s . o ai o \| n o o € a lri.- sai.'-1 *.t L.rr{ld'- '*td'ti' '. Qz (P4o22-szw) To be fllert out in duptcate by Teacher or Priacipal iffigi"Si$.#f"rard both copies fled with the Countv Superintendent TEACHERS'ANNUAL RtrPORT YEAtr-or t910-17 ffil: gr, . Na,me of School.... AI Atl ltailotr 2l Years of Age. Boye GhlB 21 76 KltratsrgErt€dl Boye GhlB € lst Yt Boys Gtrls b q z.= Boys 7 ehls J- 2r 'tr 3nl Yr, 2ail Yr. Boye I 4t;h Ghtg Boys Sth Yr. Yn Tls + 2 Date of Census: Iun€..,.............'...........1917 ?U"^r4,?L,1117 I Boye Glrlg Glrls Boys Totsl 8th Tr. 7th Yr. Yr. Bqvr Boys Gltls I 2 GklB x.t' + .Seonalary (High) h 9th llth Yr Gmod Total Yr. this ''""""r How many of the above were enrolled in some other district of this State before enrolling in 2a, ..........&*tY, Illinois. ,7 6tlh uoy, I ci"t. Glrls .rnaGlrb Boys Totcl Elementary ...... Botw€@ 6 aod 2r ol AeP' district,-duringtheyear. qornr.......j;....Oirls. til.|...... - ., . Lengthofschoo1yearinmoni;hs:..'..............,..7......,,,,,'Actualnuober 3, J. term?...'.O":.. Totat"""'O""""""" Number of vacancies caused by death?........d.......Resignation, etc?......0..... Change of teachers for spriag ' ' ' ' 'Boys"""d"""'Olttt""O" """'Tot{14"" "" Number of eighth grade graduates or promotions..... . . 6. Number of elemeatary tuition pupils attencling this t. Number of high,school 8. Number of high school tuition pupils attencling this o Superintendents who do no teaching (applies 4. school. . .Bov,"' I "'Girls""'3-"""'Total' Ih .'.8oys"""0"""'Gir1s""""0"""Tota1"""0""' gailuates. to school. grade schools only). ""'d"'Totar"""'o"' " " " 'Men""""""""Women"""""Tota1""""""" . . . . ' .Men""""""""Women""" "'Tota1""""""" ' .noys....'.0"""'Girb':" . priocipals aad Supervisors who teach less than half time (grade schools only). . in a room 10. Teachers ancl principals who teach half time or mof,e (if more than one person has taught " 'Men""""" ""'Wo-tt""1""'Totat"'"/""""' """' only couat the one teaching the loager part of the term) . . .. .Men.............'..Women"'I""'Total"'/""""' positions).. . . . the actual only (sum aad.10) of 9,9a Ghow 11. Total aumber of teaching positioas ..' A College only?' """0"' L2. eualifcations of teachers: Numbrr graduates of a C.rlllegeand State Normal School?.............4."............ many have attended a college? A Normal School only?.. ........A........... A Sodr,year High Sclool only?.....-../.............. If not a graduate, how 9a. ............0......... A State Normal S&oo1?........../'....'..'.... A lligh School?.' No' 11 above') (Give only highest graduation or attendance of each teacher at work at end of ter:m. The total will not be more than t3.Amorratofa,nnualsataryearnedbyteachers:Men,$.......'......'.........;Women,$.3'ra"*:.......;,tota1,$..3..J:.0, holding p"r*, t4. Total days' attendarxce of all pupils enrollecl. (rf a position has beeo held by more than one 15. give as annual salary the sum earned by all for the teacher Nurnber of teachers contributing to ttre Illinois State Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund'............. 0. ...... . . the oosition loneest') '^"""'3-"A"t' '4""""""""" Z'9'* Total amouat cootributed ....,.... 16. t7. *18. $...J...0-..7:4.... .........e-.ffi... $..1..e....0:?... ,2t. .22. 23, 24. *25. , 26. *27. I I 2e. SALARTES fbter ln the followlry table tle aumber of teachers io day schools Er-pugxreRc Less rhen $200.. to $q, to $40{t to $500 to $6{X} to s?00 to Er,wpnrl,nr .. $399. .. S490... $599. .. $699. .. $8fi)to S9lt0 paid the rllfrermt aoaual salulee. . S299. $200 I bp tplcmns. to s799. .. .. . . . . . $899... $999. . . $11000 to $1,099. glrl00 to $trl99. NOTICE. Io distric{s havine two or more buildiags anct a superintenrden! only one copy is to be ma4qFy t-hg principal of each builcting and filed with the su.per.ioteadent, who tu-to consolidate the seieral rceoi6-and-make't6'""pG of lne ia,ne and-fu;;tl'th;-,nu"ty at the close of "gpfrffi;dent se.hool. to fill out each it€nc of this report. This is the initial report for data that is consolidsted for the State aad forwarded to the u. s. comnisiioner of Education. Mucn aepenoinpo; the or your answern. Teachers are reotested "ccurac} +J h! +: 1.. o O. o = =a E8 ^ch |r -11 c) -(J (g C) F f \ o\ sct :: -\Hse & Cg F s\ ''1 fl s N N : \ s N z +s JH; $ is* s'3! H' \H- d ,9, .s -\:-hclE€ iaE qi.3 b: ,?, € i6.9 2;.i. .E 8gH ctll iF ill *i & :. ,:\ ot r t \ 'n { -q- EJ : Is ;i ll fi\zu uII I 'ci o a o ? I 3 a 5$+ll $> sil ONE ROOM TEACHERSN ANNUAL YEAR OF TTEPORT 1917-t9r8 To be filled out in duplicate by Teacher in charge and both copies filed with the County Superintendent at the close of school T?"ie"! are requestetl to ffll out each item of this report. This is the initial rqrort for ilata that wariled to the U. S. Commissioner of Education. Mueh tlepenils upon the accur&cy of your answers. *ffiJi ..)44t" is consolialatetl for the State and. for- ?llr,ia,/L) To be lieteil as they are at the cloge of the year beforepromotion. Elementary rI I I I E €) 2.4o |"*T*-l"*I*' l*"l "'-;l*'T"*|;J;l"*I;| *'' |*-|*"T*"I *"]-; lslBlolLlelolsltloltlsip lolol olol tt"l tl I I Secondary (High) ,l tr 9th Yr. Gids Boys 10th Yr. Gids Boys \ I 24. How many of the above were enrolled this year in some other tlistrict of this State hefore enrolling district, ...i... 3. Length of school year h months: .d.Ca* 4. 5. 6. 12. ..8oys...d...Ci"t...*...totrt. .*... Actual num,ber of itaysschoolwasin sesgion: Vaeanciesof teacherseausedbydeath?....0......Byresignation?....0......8y Nurnber of eighth grarle graduates or Schogl? School only ..... A u,"," i""-<,##H.:::: THJ'"^::::,':Y: (Give only highest gracluation or attendance of each teacher at work at enil t3. Amount of annual salary earnecl by teacher: Men, ' (If springterm?.....A..... Total....A... A) ...3oys... /.. -Gitt.. ..4...'totot..A.,... ,... . . .Boys. .. ..O.G}irir'... .A. .Totut. . A . .. . Qualiffcations of teachers: Clratluate of a College and State Normal g. . .. .; Women, changefor promotions..... Nunber of elementary tuition pupils atteniling this school. Ansver only one in item 12. A Normal in this A "' rf College only?.., nor a gra"uate' have vou a*ende" a co"ege? oflterm. The total will not Ir9- nnore than No. Il above.) fi{s. .{.0.,. .; Tota! $. .{"7.d..0. a positionhas been heltl by more than one person, give as qnnualsalarythesumearnecllbyallfortheteacherholilingtheposition.) 14. Total days' attendanee of all pnpils I5. *:W:T:ll:to enrolled. L S h 7 ..- A^ount eontributeilthis year: .,...Fuhlic.....l......Renteil. 17. Number of srttings for study (capacity) (tlouble s€ats to lbe counteil as one sitting) ...'.C7' !.. lg. Give length of service in this tlistrict of teacher holding position at close of school: f yr.?.. 14*alZ, tl ....Total....1 ..... the rtlinois State reactrers'Pension anrl RctirementFuntl. U l1 16. .144*.02.. Nurrberof 3 t oneroomschoolhousesintheilistrict:...... yrs.?. 4 yrs.?. 5 yrs, ?. 6 yrs'?. 7 yrs.?"""'"" E yrs'?' 2 yrs.?. 9 yrs'?' 16 yrs.?. 15 yrs.?. ra ... 12 yrs. ?.......... lg yrs.?.. ..n(Countpartofayearasayear.) ...19yrs.?..........20 yrs.ornore? -.',lTyrs.?. . . .. . "a3. Number of volumes in lihrary exclusive of supplementar\r reaaling books for class use. A/y/fZI-t4-.q 'W'omen?. Men?-.. employecl?. '. 24. Nunber of private schoolsin the district7...Q.....Number of teachers (9th : lZth) Boys?. to . Secontlary Clratles ..Girls?. Sth): (lst Boys?. gmiles to ' of pupils enrolletl in elementary Girls?' Boys?' (l3th l6th): to Grades .College " Girls?. ' $' " " 28. Salary. l0 yrs.?. ---.._ Il yrs.? 18yrs.? (ovER) Number /7t -rE Teachers' Annual Report Dirr. No.. .. 3 Q ., 7.(&t!4k. .:l&-,w, Illinoir, for rchool yeor ending June fr), lglE. -*t";t"-.-../r.. .'s7. School closed Co. EupL j- ^ '1 TEACHERS'ANNUAI. REPORT scH@L ' OF YE^A,R 1918-19 To the Teacher or Superintendent: The State and National authorities need and.demand all the data called for in this report. You are renderinE a mlued service by a careful and prompt 6.lling out of each item. For common.schools of one teacher, items with starred numft; ;ntt-;;6"b. 6IIed. In schools of two or more teachers the data should be collected pf t-he Supe{ntefdent or Pridcipat and embodied io o"" t"port. "1.*o copi", are to be filed with tle County Superintendent ritbia one week after the close of echool. *.2;..r,x;r/; - "t*o*'Ty..l ............................."Ri..da...-.... ' Elementary. To be listed as they are at tbe close of the year before promotion. ?rh Yn | 8th yr. o a.z Sccondary (High) 9!b Yr. 8cn llth Y!, teth Ys, Clrh Boye ek& Beys t2th Yr. chb BoYe r2a. How many of the above qere enrolled this year in Glrts Total Bevs aome other Grand Gtrle Totd Boys Glrls district of this State before .3, {,[. .5. 36. t. 8. 9. 9a, s10. Teachere and priacipale who teach half time or more (if more than one person has taught in a rq)m eount only tll. Total numbcr ef teaching positions (sum of 9, 9a and l0) (show onl;, tla. n2, Total number cf higb school teaching positions (show only che actual positions).--.----.-..-\Ien-"....--."...".-Women..-.-"-..-Tot"t-- Qualifications df teachers: (Give only highest graduation or attendaoce of each teacher at work at end of term. The total will not thenNo.l1ebove.)NumbergraduatescfaCollegeandStateNorr,ts.fchool?...........ACollegeoy?........,..... A four-year High School on yl. If not a graduate, how many School only?--- A Normal acollege?...-.... lila. A High A State Normal School?.--.-. - l---.: be more have attended School?..-.-.t..-L Quali6catione of high school teachers: (Give only highest graduation or attenCence of each teacher dt wgrk atend of term: The total will only?-----*------ aot be more than No. l1a above). Number graduates of a college and Stat-e Norma! School?-.--..-.-.-------...---.:-.---- A College A Normal School only?.- A four-year High School only?----.--...-. If not a graduate, how many have attended |3a.Amountofannualsalarearnedbyhighschoolteachersonly:Men,$-........-.---.-.'.... (If a position has been held by more than oa€ p€rson, give as annual salary the sum earned by all for q'L4, Total days attendance of all pupils enrolled iE both elementary aad high *15. Number of tsc.bers contributiog to the Illinoie State Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund: this year, t19. J-b b/f ---.f.----. Amount contributed S--S---. Give tength of cervice 1? school------------ thc teacher holding the position). ps.?-----------...- ln thts dtgtrlct of teachers holding positien+at 18 yrs.?---.------..---.-..- 19 should equal that of No. 11.) yrs.?.--- 20 yrs. elose of school; I vr?.---.t'-..--..-. or more?.-.-.-.--.-.-.------ (Count part 2 yrs?-- of a year as a year. Total - - Physicians?--- {.*---.--- Amountpaid nurt*?-..If..---.--. Physicians.--.-2.-----',2o. Promotioaof bealt!: Numberof nureesemployed?---. I Number of ptpils eramined for physical defecto or contagion.......4---.-----*omber found afreta....--.Q-..-..-.....Number of homes visited by nurse or inspeting otrrcu?.---{.------------Pgomotion of atteodance: , Number of truant officers employed?...-d.---..-Men?-...d------Women?.--.d.---.-- Amount paid truant oftcera?--"-Sl------Number of children not attending school betwcen the ages of 7 and 14?----..------------.. 14 and 16?....---..---.---.-"- Number of children arrested and placed in charge of teacher?----.--..---."------ Number sentenced by a '23. ry. Number of voluraes in library erclusive of supplementary reading books for class Number of sclool32l aSe certificates issued?-...-...-----.----.- use.-.Qafu(ft-.lfu- Number of private schoots in the district1-.------A---- Number of teachers employed?----...-..------ N{en?----.----.--."--Womcn?--.. ,..-------- Number of pupile enrolled in elementary grades (lst to 8th): Girla?-.---..----....-.. College Grades (13 to 26. court?..... 16th):-- Boys?--..-..-.---- Girls?--.-."..-"... Secondary Grades (9th to 12th): Boys-.- Boys?..-.-."--......--- Girle?....----..----.--- Have you any departme 26E, Number of years of bigh school work offered in the following courses: Academic (classical, scientifi c, etc.)-...-.-------------- Commercial.----...---..--..--. Teahnical(M.T.).....--....-.Agricultural...............DomesticScience................Normal..............-!.ocationa|(under (own) 2E. SALARIES OF TEACHERS. Enter ln the followtn6 tabtre the number of teachers fn day echools patd the dlfrerent annual salarlee. Er,rilsrreny Secorroenr SelenIps. Lcss than f200- lEfi) to $9fi)to $1,1D0 to SE99--.-.-.-----..--------. S999--..-.-.--..---- ----- f l,lXtlD...---.-.-....---.-..--- Sl,l00 to $f.f99--..:.. - \ \ \ ! $ +, I -oe br 3 --l (! G a o h 5 B C) A u) o n t t. ct t- Ni v! sL! o !i J i X s It.: \tr: N 'N \t c..l Sl N]X \\i :t \ii Qi a N ii ri; :i iO\b0 idc 'sile E il, ) Ei c Fo* I z.€ 6= + =E .E : .g .E d .l $* e,; i \i dtY i \.r .\\i \risR ifN ^\ \.J .\\ \J -RN \N\ i \)f \i \ '- .*slt E,N {i' )i =:iu ?a i -r vi -l ;!,N isN 4 - :_- -:.ji-+r:.ta TEACHERS' ANNUAL REPORT scHool. YEAR OF 1e19.1920 To !he- Teacher or Superlntenilent: The State and National authorlu€s need autl ilema,ntl aU the d{rta calletl for tn thls repoft. Y_ou a'f,€ a valu€al servlco b a cqrefirl a,nal lroEpt flUDei out of each ttom. tr'or cornmon schools of one teacher, ltems wlth sGaaled !u'm-reDalorlng o.Dly are to be dlled. -In-schools.o! t& or. mgro feach-ers ind-aata-ino-u-ta -t-e-coiGctea-n-f tne-Sunoitatende4t o-r lrlnctpal ancl emlqq boaueal tn one report. t-Eo coples are to be frfefl,1fltb. the Oou,ntfr glrpertttaldort wlthln oro seets after the close of school. "' il??&':- 7-W%*tuW.k tl"y at Memeptary. To be ltsteat fI l8t I I are "" znd Yr. "ifJ.:.-*l--d- Srdl Yr. 6th I I 9rtls H ,= tr .2. GlrIs 2 Boys I Glrlo I Lt 2 Y!. Boyg Gtrls Boys Gllrls 3 3 / I 8th 'rhors Yr. etrb Boys Glrls 2 I7 t.t Seconatary (Elerh) o E Boys urty, the closg of the year before promoflon gth Yr. I l0th Yr. .2a. How many of the above rrero earolletl thls year ln some other tllstrtct of thls State before enrolllng .8. ln this BovaJ-- ctdsJ--_ Totalx- austrtct.*...--* ta morti.s:.-.."-- ..-,.y*--school was ln sosslo[*.r4. Vacancles of teachers causeat by Oeatu,{-- by reslgnauo"..--{-.-.- by '5. Number of etghtb giraale eirailuates or promottons--.:*.-.-.-.i.6. Number of elementary tultlon puptls gttendlng thls school-.-.. ?. Number of hleih school eirailuates..--.-..-*..-.. 8. Number of htgh scbool tultton puptls attentllng thts sohool..-.-.....-. rJenEith .A,ctual of schoor year nuEb€r of ala,ys 9. Superlntentlents who ilo TotaLA---.-.-_*.. Totsf-X-sovs...-{-- Glrrs{goy!.--k TotaLA._ .. Cr.f"-{*------ for sprlng t""--.*rf-- Glrls_-.- Total......--_ Gltrls-*.-.-- Total..-..---* M€n.--TfomeD---- Total--Men....------. Women---*. TotalBoys*_-- Boys...........- no 9a. Prlnclpals anil Superelsors who teach less than r10. change half tlma--..-..* Teacbers atral prlnclpals who feach half tlme or more (tf more tha.n one pelson has taught ln a room rl couat only ths ore teachlng t'he longer part of tJre term)--.'-*-..-.--.. Men-...J--. 'W:omeD------ Total.-J-'11. Total uumber of atl teachtng posttlons (slrr of, 9, 9a alttl 10) (show only tho actual posltlou"l..-.u"o-.-ln- WoEen-.-.-- TotatJ11a- Total number of htgh school teachlng posltlons (show only the actual poFltlons) Men.-*--- 'Women.-* Total-.*..12. Qualtdcattons of all teachors: (Gtve oll_ybtehestgiraduauonorattendancs of each teacher at work at enal of tgfrD- The total wtll not be moro than No. 11 above,) Number gTqaluates of a College ancl Stats Normal School?-----..A College Only?-.-._-* A NorEal Scbool ouly?. .A. four-yea,r lltgh School only? If not a graduate, how maay haYe attenaleal I a coll€ge? A State Nomal Scbool?--A tttgb School?---/----..12a. Qualtflcatlous of, hlgh school teachers! (Glve only hlghest Eratluatlon or atteudalco of each teachsr at work at enal of term. The total wul not be more than No. l1a above). Number Eiradluates of a college atril St ,te Normal School?-.:...- A Colleele only?-.--A Normal School only?lf not a Eraaluate, iow -any have attentleil A four-year Etgh School only?.--..--.-*.. Lga. 'Women, $..---.-*-..---j Totqf, $-._ Anount of a,nrrual salary earaeal by bteh school teachers orrly: Men, S--..--**.*; (If a posltlou has been hetd by more thatr otre persorL glve as annual salary the sum earneal by all for the teacher holtllng the posltlon at eril of, term.) tI4. i[ot&l days ottsnata,soo of all pupils enSolleit tn both elementary arxtt t4a^ Of aU htgh school puplls (above 8th gratlo)-.--... hltih school --:--------* .16. Number of teachors contrtbuflnEi to the llllnots State Teachers, penstotr and Reurement tnund: -----X--.--Amount coatrlbuteil thls year, $-...-.-.-.-y--t-t r10. Number of all publlc school houses 14 t,he tllstrlct:--*-----------:-.--. publtc..-ARenteil 4.- TotaL-J-10a- Number of school houses ln the dlstrlct used by blgh schools orly -*-_..* publtc._____- Rentep"___ Total.-___ .1?. Number of slttla8is for stuily: (Double seats to be coutxteal alr olte stttrng) ;l +_ '19. Glve leagitb of servlce h tDts drrtllot of tea,oberq holaltag trosttlorxs at close of school: f vrf...-...1------.----:2 yrs?-.---I yrs.?--.-.--.--- 4 yrs'?---* 6 yrs.?----...* 6 yrs.?.......---.--...- ? yrs.?---....-.-*... 8 yrs.?-.-*-9 yrs.?-.-.-.10 vrs.?.---_----. 11 yrs.?-*---yrs.?..-yrs.?--.-12 13 14 yrs.?-----*-..- 16 yrs,?.-.*=.- 16 yrs.?---1? q!.?----.-....-.---1-8- yrs.?-*19 yrs.?--_20 yrs. or more.....-....-..--.-.-.- (Ctiuat part of a year as a year. Tota,l should '20. equal that of No. 11) Promotion of health: Number of nurses employedl?--*- Phystctars?.-.Amount patd nurses?-.:-r+- rnvutctaorf-ldNumber of, puplls exanlneil for physlcal tlefects or conta€Joa-*_..._A_-_. Number founil afiected-__ _X__ Number of homes vtstteal by nurse or laspectlng officer?..--.$=Promotion of, atterxalaace: Number of, trua^nt offcers emptoyetl?--L-. Menr--[.-..... womea?-.K-_ a-ouat pald truant omoersf{Numbor of chtlalr€a not attendllug scbool betweetr the aeies of ? auat 14?--+--...- 14 anal 16?. V.. Number of chilalrea arresteil and placed ln charge of teaeher?--ft- NuTber sentenced by a court?--...(.-'i".ber of schoor':\a;s" ceftlncates tssueor-)._ \ . /\ r23. Number of volumes ln llbrary excluslvg of supplementa^rtr rgatltDg books for class o66--.----4-L--.24. ![umbe! of tr]rlyate schools tn the illstrtct?-- lt ot_ ."""T: eT]oyed?--**-* rce"i--{-.womenr.*-\.-- Number -&^:-:" secontrarv c'""t"" (e!h to rztnr:\novsr ::i::'" "l'"":l::::"::T.::::^'::::;:'*" 3":1:-;-V:; "::::*)-" j'- of years of hteh scbool work offereil la the followlng eoulses Acaatsmlo (classtcal, sclenttflc, etc.).ComEerclal.-_Techldcal (M. T.)*---*-. Agrloultural ..-_- Domestlo Sclence.-.*".-.-. Normal Vocatlotal (unal€r State Boaril).-_-- 26s- Number (over) -;=_---.1 I I I A. htd SA"LIIRIES OF TEACEEBS to the followtng table the aumber . D,EIIIIWAAY d toachens tn iluy setrools patd the dlfrerent a,mual silart€d. SroolvDAE fuICDAAY m I TroEer I L€ss t'han $200 to $800 to 8400 to $500 to S600 to $700 to $81)0 to $91,0 to 8L000 to $L1ts0---.-:** $t 100 tD Total (ssme es rten 11)--1.-J-]-:-l-...-J- 0 \ I \ \ \\\ - l l E 6 'i .' I rq I s qi <,! <! c-{ -i N E I o o -g I a TEACHERS' ANNU^AL REPORT SCHOOI: YEAR OF 1920-1921 To tho Teacher or Superlntentlent: Tbe Sta,te a.nd Natlonal auutofltles neeil atral tlemand all th€ atat€, ca,Ugtl for ln thls report. You aro renderlng a valueal servlce by a careful aDal prompt nulng out of each ltem. tr'or cotnmon Fchools of one teacher, ltems vlth sta,tted l[rlbgtt oaly are to be fllled. In schools of two or more teachers the ttata, should b€ collecteal by th€ Sup€rlntenalent or Prlnclpal anal embotlleil Ir otro report. tso coples ere to bo trleit wlth tbe Go8tlt S[t]g!|at€Eilert slthtn oto w@! a.ft€r the cloEe of scbool. "' S"ffi,o.'- n-lL *llul,La*/::-... Ellementa.ry. To b€ Usteil as they a,ro at the cloae of the year bsfore.promotlon. 8th Yr. otb Yr. --T-I noys OhIr Boye E o I or:s I I .2, aE E t{ttbYr.ltrthYr.lrztlYr, H o,"rs t .2a- tlow many eBrolllngi I aore | *" n* I of the above wsre earolleil thls ln thls dlstrtct...--....- | "",, ysa,r ln 2 EoB€ other illstrlct of thls State sovu.--./.-- crrrs...../---. zlota..Z*.. .8f. Actual number of ilays school was ln sesston..-..... l.:/.7. .{. tobl A.yr attodr'lo. of aU puplls euolleil tn both elementary and htgh 4a- Of au hltlh school Dutlls (a,bov€ 8th gradte)...... .6. .8. 7. 8. 9a. .10. before school-...-.-..--.....- 3A b0 Number of etghth grail€ graaluates or Dromottons--.....--.............2} Number of elem€rtary tultlon puplls attentlln8 thls school.-.-.........--.--ayJ Number of hlgh school grailuat€s-..--...-....-..-.,Number of hlch school tultlon puplls attenallng thls school*.... Boys.-......-,-.. GlrIE..-..."*...- Total.....-.--.. 8oys.........-..-. Glrls...-....--.-. Total.--.- Boys.-....---.. Gfrfs.....-----...- Total-.--..... Glrls.......---. Total-.--*.- Boys.-.-.........- hlnclpals auil [ftrpervlsors wbo teach less thatr half tlme......-..-....... Teach€rs and prlnclpals who teach half tlme or more (lf more the,D one person Mer.......-..-..... T[omen.-.-.-.- Total.-.*-..-. has ta,ught ln a room couDt oDly the one teachlnEi tho lonEler part of, the term).--...-M€D..............-.. w'omeL-........ Total---.*..--all teacblng posltlons (Bums of 9, 9q and 10) (show oaly tbe actual posltlons) Men.**-..--... T[omea.-.-...-" Total-..-.--11a. Total number of high school teachlng pqsltloas (show only tJre actual Dosltions) Men.-..---... Womon-...-...-.Total* .L2, Quallf,catlons of all teachors: (Gtve only blghest tratluatlon or attenilaace of eae.b teacher at work at eail of terB. The total wlllnotbe mor€ than No. 11 above.) Number grqduates of a, College a,nal State Norma,t School--.-----..... A Colloge Only.-*.-.A Normal School A l'our-yea! Hlgh School oaly..----..-.... If Dot a. graduat€, how many ha,vs atten<letl .11. Tote,l numbet of a Colle8e.......-.-........--.....-? A State Normal School-..---......-...-....-..-.-.-...1a A Etgh School.-..-.-.--.--!*-.-? of hlgh school teacbers: (Glve oDly hlahest giraaluatloa or a,ttenalance of each teacher at work at entl of term. Tho total wlll not be morg tha,n No. lla above). Number graaluates of a Colleep aDd State Normal School........-.... A. Coue€is oDly----.A Normal School ody--A four-year Elgh Scbool only.--...-.--.*.. If not a Erattuate, how many bave attenil€al a Col ? A State Normal School.-.-....--.....-....--.-...-? A Elch .13. Vacancles of teochers ca,useil by ileath-.-....--..- by restgaa.tlon..-...........-. by change for p.rpqterm .15. Anouat of arlrrel salar? earneit by all teachers: MeD, t.-....-............-.-.'-...-......r 'Women f.-.-/-ll1/*--.-...- Total, 16a. ADouDt of annual aalary earBetl by hleb school teachers oEllr: Men, S..-...................*...-.; 'Women $......---.*.-.- Total, $*....-...* (If a, positloD has beeD held by moro then oDe persoD, glve as annual salary the sum earnetl by all for the teacher holtllng the post12a- Qualtflcations I '18. tlon at eDal of term.) Number of t€achers contrlbutlag to the ltllaots State Teachers' Penslon a,nd Retiremefi S\ta----m{134/--.........; Amount contrlb,uted thts year, $....-al2.t-J4-'...---- XZa. Number of school houses ln the t[strtct useal by .18. Number of sltdn8ts for stutly: (Double seats to be counted as one stttlng) .24. Number of volumes lu llbrary excluslve of supplemeatary r€adtng books for class .29. Number of prlvate schools ltr the dlstrlct. Number of teachers errployeal,.-................ M€D--.... Tyomea-*--.....--.-.. Number of puplls enrolled In elementary Eiraales (lst to 8tb): Boys-... Girls-..-........---.---. Seconila,r:r Gratl€s (9th to 12tb): Boys.-.Ghls-..-...-.....-...... Collos:e craales (18th to 16th):-.----* Boys.-_-.-.._-_.-........ Girls._.......-.-."_._... .27.Promotlouofhealth:Numb€rofnuragsemploye&...-....-...-_yglc Number of puBlls examlneil for physlepl alefects or contag'ton-. . by Durse or Inspectlng ofrce!...--...-.. 29. Number founil afrecteil Number of homes vlslted Promotlon of att€nalancs: ![umber of trua,Dt of,cers employed.-.---. .... Meu.-..------..-.-,.... Women..-. Amount patal tf,uant omcers-.-...*.Number of chllaben Dot attontllDg school betweeE the ages of ? a,nal 14..-.-.-.-.-..,-.-- 14 and 16--.-.-.--..- Numbsr of chlltlren arrested, and placetl ln chargs of teacher.....-.......- Number ssDtenceal by a court.-... Numlrer of school a,aal ag:e certlf,cates lssuetl--....-.--.....-.Nunber of years of hlgh school work offeretl ln the followlng courses: Acatlentc (elasstcal, scleutlflc, etc.).-..*".".--. Commerclal..-...-..-.."..... Technlcal(M.T.)..'.............AgxtculturalDomestlcSc|ence......."..... (ovElR) I T4. SAL.ARIES OF TEACEEBS. Enter in the following table the nunber of tpachers in day schools paid the different annual sslaries. Dr,Dummlrv Eh.mISNTABY SsmNDtBr Les trhan $200--......----..-....--.-.-$200 $500 to $299.--.-.....-..--..-..--.- to $1,400 to $1,499...--.,--.--...-....--.-1....----.-..-.---'.-.-. $1"500 to $1,599....-...---.........--..-l $599..-.-. $600to $699-.....-..--. $900 to 91,000 to $1"100 to $1, Total (same as ltem { \ I rf, s\ *, tl o a o & - .I, , tr tr 'ol h (, A -Id (, @ F €trl tr e I I I li i r.J * i N o I I I iI i iI i \at \i -t--|. \u -.Ji \$ c\ Nn v s N \i S G( .o z r'a : I \-k I € @ o 61 9o !t id 35 11)---..-- ----..---.--.----1.--.-. SEcoNDABt l-t F' i'. i. i- (62022-86M-18r21) (8: @e TEACHERS' ANNUAL REPORT I SOEOOL Natlonal authorttles neoil Lnal tlemanil aI the dat€, @.lleat for ln thtq re-port"- You.qre To the Teacher or Superlntentlent: - Tho State anal ie-naEir-nf i-iliired-sJffcli--6i;-caraful ;;d-piompt nrttng out of e&ch_ ltem. For common schools of one teacher, lt-ergs wlt_h stantd numbe!'s irilv-aii-to i;aited.-- fa scfioots-of two or inore--ioacneFs-tni aata-Enould- bo collecteal by the Superlntenilenr..' Pdnslpal anil emboClleal ln one-roport. lwo cofites ar.e to be filed qtth thqCounty Superlntendent wlthh one week after the close of school. . 1. Name of School ..-...,...... Ellemeqta,ry, To be llsteil as they are at tIE closo of tho lstYr. | 2ndYr. Yn Sral fi;lct"r" I I Secondary (lltEih) lothYr. . I tt*=* 12th Yr. "trt1* Eov many of the above were enrolletl tbls year tn 2a. Clrand Total soms other allstrlct of thls state before .8e. LeDstb of sch@l veaf, r" months--.-.-..-. :":::(":r:;;:;::--"' . gf. Aotsaf lumber of tlays school was tn Eesslon"....--,,.'..J-A2.-.-.-,...-*. l. Total days attendance of all . {a. Avorags dally attendance of ajll Dulrlls enrolted ln both elementary antl btCh school " n (See note t below).'.. a (n J'Z'4 ' """"""1 ) otr€-room sohool ts tounat by dlvldFB tb€ tots,l atqys attoDalance bv the number of alavs tllc (Note-Tho av€Fa8e dally attendqncg -iii'ircn,iois t[-a, tee.chers, jf-attenda.g^c-o glo-k€pt oi. to tu scFrooG-rrhbse scFrooG-wn.!se iecordslf-a,ttenalanco ot trio of two or-m&e-rooms, oi-mJrJ-r-ooms, oi Qv gesston .!9*99* rn'jeiiiiii. ln selSili.-iii';iil;is actuaJly was Jctrialv scuooT{[s school ?*u-k^gPLII^l"T1"f averages-o! IpE'trntts composlng the g:rcup.- I'or_ exa,Eple:. -The Drlnc-lpal of a, two-roo|n [i6-ii,.ri;i'Ee di,tt' "atltenarin6i-ts thtsun;a-tUe work whos€ pitnclpai'or severgl-r-ooms co:nlalntng a s-chgol tlqs rooms-..-ih-e tw.o school shoulat enter ln rt.iio'-ea*tfi?JnG-o-r tne ave-rasAi o1 gratle rooJns and- of .the hlsl,r- school tDcludes tbe etsbt srades?rd*dligi-i"u-ooiiiouia eii6r ir tl6ni la titsnn-of ff;;n-eracotottne ward and of tbe scbools varlous fte ;A.roG--snouU-eirter t"TttF 4a-th-e sum of the ai_e_rases of a-cltfsvstdfr-of iil6-iiieiritejioent-oi -d;c-h 1e!;d ;;ni6f ;"1:&ipiinc$ai-ot e"cn-trls-f.scnoot-snorite r-eport the avorase for hls school found bv htsh Bchool The prrnctpii-6f urs s!dw.., oompoatng tne scnool., sesslon Evsys or Essre! rootns eI the YsruE varlous lvvl@ Etroups w|gl1Dut6 of uB averages oI tho AYgfAg€A attatng tIfO addfDgi A A n n h h .t0. Teachera anrl prtnclpals s'ho teach hau ttme or moro (lf more thanr one person has taught ln a .rr.TbtalnumberofallteaeJttDgiposltlona(sumof9,9a,a,'1d10)(showonlytbeactualposttlons)''.''...Men...... 11a. Total number of htgh school teachlng .lZ. eualtocauons of au teacherF: (Clive only hlghest graduaflon or attentlance of each teacher at work at end of term. The total will trot be morothanNo.11above.)Numbgreira.luatesofacollegi€aatlStato A Normal School only.'... .'..- A Xrout-yea! Eleih ''........? lza. Qualtncattons of hlgh school t€achers: (Gllve only htghost graduauon or attenalance of each teacher at work a,t enal of term. Ths tota,l wlu onlv'.......--...."""""""" not be more than No. 11a above.) Numb€r gf,aituates of a College anal state Normal schoo1................ A college A Normal School only..... -.-. A t'our-year Etgb coueBe'.'...'......'.'........''..............?.{sta,te .16. Amount of annual posltlon bes been held by more tharl ono person, Elv6 as annual sal,ary the sum earned by all for the teacher holdlng th€ :lI1Ir|d....:(!/-trXL.&^------..; Amount contrlbuted a^nrnrhtrnno to +^ the rha Illlnots nrn^ra Stats srr.ra'r.n.-hem'p€nston and Retlrement R'ettlemerft X'und.. Teacbers' P€Dslon antl .16, Number of teachers contrlbutlng (If a. poBltloD rit end of term'1 tblsvear'$*....'*-.....'--"1?a. I I _--. t I Nusber t20. Glve length ol servlce ln thle dlEtrlct equal that of No. .28. 11.) at A Numberofprlvat€sclroolstnthe.ttstrlotNumberofteachersemployetl---......-......Men......' enrolletllnelementargTail€s(1stto8tb):sova....l..0--.-.'clrl!....../.l'.'.....Socondary to 16th: 8oy8.................". Gltrls'.'...............Promotlon of health: Number of Durdes Numb€r of hom6 vlslt€d by Number founal aflect€iL Number of DuBtls exambed for phydcal alefocta or @Dta8lotr..Dura€ or lnspectlng off,cer.--:-.* promotlon ot attenalance: Numb€a oi truatd ofttoers employeal..---.-.-.. Men.......,..,....,.. TFomea.....-.----.. Amount patd trua[t offlcer€ l-.....-..--. Numb€r of chlltlren arrested anal Number o{ cblldr€tr rot att€DdlnB school D€tween the agi€s of ? and U..(ufr.!*.. 14 anat 18 .kmL CoUegie Graeles (13th ," ,: ! i I I L. t F r27. pl,acetllno1rargooftdacher*.....'...'..........Numbgrsontence.1byaoorrrt....'..Numborofschool Number of years of hlgh scbool work oEered ln the followtog courses: Acadomlc (classlcal, sclentlf,c, etc.)......'......-...... Comm€rclal"""""':""-Tecbnlcal (M. T.)-.........0!FoBTANT-TWo ltems,lo$#;u are on baok of thts sheet') . -_l 14. SAI,ABIES OF TEAOEEBS. hter in the follorlng table the number of teaohers in day schools paid the different annual salsrlss. l.*"" I Less than $200.--.....-..-.-- to $299.....--.........-, $800 to S99..-....-...-... S400 to $499.......... $200 to $600 to $1,&t0 $otb to $1,?fl1to $1,800 to $1899.-....-....-.. io S00 to $?00 $?ee.- $Lm0 to $1,999.,... $2,000 to $2d99...-.-.-- S8ss.- $900 to $1,000 to $1,099...-. $1,100 ' to $1,199.-. lng---.- $9,000 and over.-.-.......--- ; (h) Cooldng... Transportatlon furntehed by dlstrlcL vehtcles......-.---.--..-.--; Aunual cost of transportatton .a E8E oaE eii (D 4 Bi OFi ii I :i i.Fi I \l S- P a -5 =s!'i -SL: N-E q E e \: Xg € *c1 xE \" 'E NNi '1 \iE E H 'q l- -bd SE 2r N ,\ raA ; .16 6E ! o !! qE R$ si E e$ d JI d tr F o F H P t! .E € 6 ii iN sx N"+ ,i rq E$ () Dr E;= gE --{ i $-..---*...----. Yes**----, No-..--.--.; Number ol TBACHERS' ANNUAL R.EPOR.T scEool, YEAB ts?,'-ts98 To tho Tea..oEef or ,SuperllteBileqt-: 1lhe State anil Naflonal autJlorlues roed a.nal dlemaual all tho data calleil for la thls report You a,rs reailel!ar€ !ag_a lglug'bls-serv{ce_by a,.careful antl promlt flll.tng out of_oaqb !tem. - For common schoors ofonG teaauCi, tielns-wttE etarrsd numoerb only to be fllleal. In scboolB of trqo or more teacbora tbg alata .slgultl be collected by tho SupertnteDd€Dt or Frtlilpal atral emboalleal ln oD€ roport. - Two coples ars to be flled wttlq the County Superlnt€ndont wlthln one week after-the cfos-o of sc[ool - "' S?T3":-M4,,Y,/.Lttah,*L IhrollmeEtt Note: All whosd rrames have been yea.r befors promotlon, Elometrt r|y enr-olleal .-.-.....--""H:-..--.8.o-.."county, thg year bo and classlfleil as they are at tbs reported. shoutat or at ths ttEd they may haye -dq4gF teft the dtsirlct rurnors. c,loss { ol the I lst Yr. Klnderga,rten I I Girls Boyg Boys Gtrls L I I 1 2adIr. Srtl Yr. Boys Strls ? I Boys 4th Yr, Girls I Boy8 . . . . I 6th Gtrls BoYs Yr. ?th Glrlg 4 t3 I Secorilary (Eigh)-(See aote after . 5th Yr. Boys Yr. 8thYr. Girlg L 2 Boys Tota;l Girls e BoyE I Cirls tll7/ above). 2,a- g:o:w ma.Dy of the abor/e were entoll€il thls year ln some other dlstFtct of tbls st ,te before eurolllng ln thfs austrlctctr's......r...... o,otat.A....... "o*............/8o" IJstrgtJr of school y€ar ln moDtJrs,.-,.-.....,-...,.........,..r........ 8t Actuaf rumbor ot tlaylr school waa ln sesslon....,.... l."ll1-..,,.....,,........ 4. Totat days atten.lanoo of all puplls enrotred tn both ele:nentarry alral hlgb school ......................,..*ffie . . ...*..1 I t/. -t\ 4a- Average dally attendance of all puplls enrolled ln botb elementary antl blelh school (See note below lc)..,....,!,.1..,.,... -'t;'--^--" 4G Ayorage dally attendanoe of all hlsh school puplls (above 8th graafs) (Ses nr (Notd-fhe (N-otd-The averase a onri-room ono-room schdol foural by dlvtdtnEi the total atays atteDdance by the DuEber of alays tb€ average dally attan.lance attendance ti ln d, school ls fori.ud school wa^s actually ln sesslon. In schools of two or more rootnsr or Ix schools whose records of atteuda,rco a,re kept by sesslon teachers, thd av€raEie delly attenilance ls tlle sum of the averagies of the ullts composlng the Eroup. For erample: The prlnclpal of a two-room school shoultl ent€r ln ltem 4a the sum of the averagies of tbe two rooma. Tbe prlnclpal of a school conts,tnlng several room8 whose work tocludes thd el€tht gratles and a hlgh Bchool sboulal €nter tn ttem 4a ttre sum of the averages of tJro gtads rooms and of the blgh scbool. lto supeflnt€ndetrt of a clty system of schools sbould snter ln ltem 4a, the sum of thd averaeies of the varlous wartlhls schools a.aal of the htEih school. trlle prlnalpal of each waral scbool a,nl the prlnctpal of eacb hlgh school shoulal roport the avera€ie for school found by grouBs ths school.) aalttlJlg tbe a,v€ragies of the varlous rooEt8 or s€sslon composhg 6'v5PD wdlv aA t. Number of hlsh scbool tultlon puplls attentthg thls 9; Srperlatendenta Fho do Bo teb,chlng....--. 94. Hnclpals o10. T€acherg .11. thnn h4lf frrhctpals wlrc teach half ttme or more (tf more than one person has taught a,nd Supervlslors who teach less s.Bat mom coutt Tota.l aumber of all t€achlng posltlons (sum of I, ga, artat 10) (show ln Boys-------- Glrls-............ Total--........,... MeB..-............- 'Womett.-.,..- fotal-.--:....- a only the actual po8ltloDs)---......- ,.- Men--..........-- Womeu........- Tota1....,....... Total number of htgb scbool teachlng posltlons (show ouly the actual posltloDs) .12. Quall8cauons of eU teachers: (Glve only hlg:b€st graduatlon or attefudance of eaob teacher at work at €nal of tert!. trho total wlll not bo more tha,n No. 11 abovs). Number graaluates of a Collegio antl State Nomal A Nomal School only.-. If not a gra,aluate, how many havs attendeal --- A Four-yea,r EUEih Scbool orly.-..-..-..-.... ,..-.? A Statd Norrra,l School..........-----..---.....,-....? .A EIeh 12a- Quailncatlons of hlgh school teacher8: (Gllve only hlghest giraaluatlon or attenala,ace of eacJr teacher at work at snil of tenn The tota.l wlll not be more than 1la abovd.) Number graduates of a Coll€ge a,atl State Norma,l 11a. r13. ....- A I'our-yea.r HIgb Sohool only.-. A Norme,l ScJrool ouly..... U Dot a graduate, bow ma^ny hav€ acoltegie..,.....'..?AStateNormalsctoot..-.........../*''...-...........?Ameh Vaca,ncl€g of teachers cause'tl by death-........-..-..-by cba,ngo for sprlng term......-..-......- 116. Amou[t of annual salary earnetl by all teachers: Me& ($ a pos_ttlon attetraled ?'es be€B helal by more tha.E orre lrebso!, g:lve aa a,nnual salary the suE ea,roeal by all for th€ teacher holaltixg the posltlou at end ot term.) 16a. Amount s1 annual salsrry earaoat by btsh school tdachsrg only: *"*5....rJjL.Q.,,;,wo *,$................; Total, $................ .16.Numb€rofteachers,9ontrlbutIagtotheItttno|sstatefeacherg.Il€nstona!r.lRettremgatx.un.l...........'........a....--............-;Amount tlls year, 9....----.6---... of all publto sohool houses ln the tUstrtct--..---.."..-/ 17a. NuEber of schqrl houses tn the altFtrlct us€tl by blBh sohools only r18. Number ol slttlngs for stuily: (3, double seat to be counteal as oDe stttlEEf) .20. Glve leugtb of servlce tn thls dlotrtct of tsaolt€tss holillng BosltloDa at closc of sc&ool: .1?. Numbcts f g-*--rf*.-..-...--..--. 2 yrs.-*----.,--...g !rN..".-..-*.* yrE.-..-...--..--yrs....-0 8 IEs*.---*!ns---*......-.-- ? yrd*.-*.-..-.-* yrs.-.....-*----* 11 yrs..--*.-.-.---- 12 yrs** yrr..-.18 14 16 16 yri!--..-*-;yrs._--.---::"-.':a yrs..---..--....-yrg.-.-.. yre 1? part of a yoar as a yea,r. Total shoulil 19 20 or more-*-.*--*(Count equal that ol No. 1L)-lt yrs-*.---10 nr-.**:-....* 8 4 5 .21. Number of voluE€r ltr ltbrafy excluslve of supplem€tntaJv reaalltrgi books for class use...-* of prtvato scnoob h the iltstrtct--.-....*Number ol t€achers emlrloyetl--.-..-.-----Men"...**..-*T[omen.-.----.....Number .29. Number ehrolled ln elemelrtar5r gmder (1st to 8th): Boy8..*.-*Otrb----*-secoratarv ot pupllr Glrades (gth to tzth): Boyr------..---clrls. CoU€96 Graales (18th to 16th): Boys-----.-*-Ghls-*--. Promotlon of health: Nlrmber of tlurs€! employerl-------Physlolans----*.3Eout Battl Durs€s 9......-......--- Phystotars $.-.--Number of puplls sr4hlned lor physlcal alefscts or contagloD---..---Number founal afidcted-.*.-..-.-Number of homes ytstted by trur8e or llspeotlDg ofilcer--..--*Promotloa of atteBalo.nce: Number of truant offlcere enployed--**.-Men........,,......,.,.'Women-.................-A,eount palat truaJrt ofilcers S*-_Number of chlltlren not a,ttendLng school bstwedb tie a€ies of ? a,ad 14..,.,..,....-.,-.....14 a.[d of ahllfu'en anestetl alral placeil ln charge of teaoh€r.....-..,.,.,..-..Number sentenced by a court..--....-..........-Numbets of school atral ag€ certlf,cat€s tssued_-._...Numb€r ol years of htsh school work offered ln the folowlng cours€s: Aoademlo (clasd@f, solelBtlflc, eto.)---------Commerclal-.. T€cholcal (I& 1L)**.-.*. Aerfcultural**Domestto Scls[ca---*-. Normal--..-*.- Voca.tlonal (nrPoRrANT-trso t trBlHT are oa baok ol thre rh€eL) "* (uBaler Stato Boar1f)- r. --_] F &f€r in tho foflorldg tsbto 14, TATABIEE OF TEAOEEBS. ths nunbc of toaohm tn dsy schoob pai$ fto dlfferent a,rnual rala,rls. womq Usr te$ tbatr ll -""- I u@ 1.".- I "- ;i $I,200t0 @e.-*..-.--- $t9(Xlto FfXlto $se9..-.."....-_ $qc00to szmto , :l I I 'l I I $L6mb $4mto $5@to :i ;l wE-i-.---=a- $I,g_00b] 'l $099....-...- $4000to $4frmto $Srmand over. W00to smto $O00 to a f_ ffi fb "lI O(tul ** No-------..; ons butti[ot?*.-.rf, \l| t\, \ 08. SPEOIAL REPORT IF A CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL (b) Number s! Dlstrtcts aonsoltitatsil-(a) Are the graile school puptts all asEsmbleil tn -; If not" ln how many butLllngs?-..----.-..-*--...... (d) Area ln square m[eg-**--..-*:.-i. ,.-;. (€} Number tng-.' ; Hfgh School-..-..-..-....--.*; @ Numbor of students: Ulementary._*,._-___--;; EtSb Agr&ufture*-*--; Maaual frautng.-..--..---.----.-,'g€w. GookluS--------.----*; (h) Tlansporta6on &rnlsheit by dlstrteL Yes*-, No---**; Numb€r ot teachets: Elememtaryi o],o*, .; t< (s) Check Yocattoaa,l, Subteots taught; F-vahlclee--------; (Nots Il vehlcle ls owtrsil by the (ustrlat, one.ifth Annual cost of translnrtadon $-----. ': ot lts cost shoulil b€ countod aB a Dart of the annual-cost oi tnansflorXafioa") li ll e g d qg !'tu E u$ ll € .H;g $ ili li s ll .!k .l I $L0m to $q$e.... (\' -\f 'l $,Odlto $1"700 to $1,800 to 85e0..-.-..*..--. $600 to',, ; I :l o .l a c aa $s c\ n l s 6o m $s ,J \ q{ € E e $$ d C) (90480-40M-l2-23) 11''@ TEACHERS' ANNUAL R.EPORT scHool- YEAR tg2&-1924 lro lhq Teacheg or_guperlntend€Bt: Ths Stats and Na,tlona,l authorlttes ngedl and alema.nil a.U the alqta, eg,Iled for h thts report. Ilou e,ro rend_erlag a,-y&luablo sorv_lco_by_a. cs"Iefqf and prompt nUhg out of caob lt€@, For common schools ot ono toacher, ttemi wltl ffI'tld au:aber3_only are to be flUe& In schools of two_or.more teachers tho atate ehould be colloct€d _by -the.supertntea!6nt or f{Uctp-at-and omboiued la ono report lfl'o-coples ar€ to be ry.n Enh tbe OoEty !|rperf,rt EdoDt wlthln otto sestr after tbe'cloge ot Ccnool r L Name of School EnrollmeDt tho y€e.r Elom€Btary Klndergarten been enfolletl durlna the yl 'e proEouou, or a,t tbo tlme they Ea,y ha,ve lolt ttrro lstYn 2udYn Boys Yn Srtl {tbYn Boys "i*l """ I tI DUnols. : All Fhose namo6 have J 0 classlfleil as trhoy are at ths clo6€ ot 6thYn 6th Yr. "';'l';" Boys Gtrls ?th Yr. StJr -EoysTEEG Yn 10tb Yn Boys I G$trls lzthYn l1th Yr. *i=* -Eovsl e-Fi; Tota.l I blrl I I gecotrdary (CIIsh)-(See note after 'TlDrollment" above). oth rotar Yn Grantl Tota,l (Enem. anal EIgh) I I I . 2a- rlow many of tAo above were eBroll€al thls year ln somo otras1 err{alot . 8e. LeugtJr of thls stat€ betore r,ov"..& of school year ltr moaths, - a*a 2,- rotaH- . 8f. A€rtrEEl number of days school wag ltr sosslon-.---- --JAf. 4. llobl deys atteadanoe of all puplls enrolleal lD both olementsry and hlgh school--. . 44. Av€tragio datly atto!ilaoce of all puplls enrolled la both elementary anal hlgh scbool (See note below 4c) lb. ilotal dsys ettsDda,rae ol all hlgb school puplls (above 8th eratle)-tlBlly attotrila,loo of a,ll hlgh school puplls (abovo 8th grad6) (gee note bolow)----40, -- Aeetag:6 (ryatq-dhe evorag:e..lalty otteior,rroe_tn i 6ne-rdom school'is fointt-bi drvidr4s irrd iotai d;tJ;i6;aandbv th;fiffi;;f e;; - school was actually ln sesslo4' In €cbooLs of two or more rootns-, or In schools whose recorfrs of attendance ari keot-tv i..ii6i the teachers, th€ a-eeragg tlqtlv attondance ls the- sum of the- &vera.g€s of the -unlts composlng_tho Brou!. For example: - T.t5 -prtictpei-6? a tvo-room gchool should enter lr ltom 4a tho sum_of-the_avere€i€s of the two rooms. The pltnclpat of a sch6ol contal;lnt-B;;;raf toomg whose work lnelutles the. elgh! gratlgs and a hl8h sch,ool sho-ulal enter ln lt€m 4a the suli of tlio averages oi-ire srade r6omri a;a of tle qfgh- scho-ol,- The-superl_4ten6sn! of a_city system of schools should onter ln ltem 4a the su-m of tf,e avlragej <rf ttie-vaif.:ui waral schools anfl of t_he-btg! scbogl:- The prlnclpa.l of eacb ward school and the.prtDclpal of each btgh scboo!-ino"ta -iJpo"i.'in-i a,yera,Be for hts school found by atltltng th€ avera,ges of tho varlous rooms or seselon groups composlng fue icnooll r 5. Number ot elahth Erads Eraduates or promouon*----ALmj/Boys.--.-- Gtrls..*-....-... Total--. 8. Number of €lemontary tultlon puplls attenallDc thtb acnoot-----,Z4m%--k--.---- Boys..-_-- Glrls-.Total.-..-. 9. Superlntentlents who tlo no Prlnclpals and Supervlsors sho teach lesa than half tlme-*---._ Men.-*.*-*__ Women...-.-._ Total..-__ .10. Teachers enal prlnclpals who t€ach half tlm€ or more (lt Eor6 thaa olro person has taught tD u , room coult oDly tho one teaohlng at the enal of the term)--.------.- Mon--..,--,__._ 'Women_/_ Total*_ .11. Total Bumbor of a,ll t€achlng posttlone (sum of 9, 9a, aad 10) (Bhow only ths a,ctual postgons) 3tten..-*--.- Women.../--- Tota.l'Women_._* Total_*_ 114- Total number of hlgh school teachlng posltlons (show oaly tbe actual positlons) ttZ, Qualiflcatlons ot all tea,cbers: (G$lve only hlgh€st graduatlon or attenilance of each teacher at Men__.___ work at enal of tern" The total wlll not be more than No. 11 aboye). Number €ratlua,tes of a, Colle8le anil St€.te Normal Schoot--------_---*A Couege only-._-__.-__-_ A. Normal School only A Four-yea'r Iltgih gchool orrly--------------.- If, Dot a graduate, how many have attelraleal .? A State Normal a College-? A Etgh School------r/---------..--? 12a. Qualtflcatlons of hlgh school teacbers: (Glve only htghest graalua,tloB or a,ttentlanco of each teach.6r at work at end of term. T'he total wlll not be more tlraa 1la above.) Number gxaatuates of a CollegE audl Stato Normal School-___--__ A College oaly---.._._-_---_. A, Normal School oaly--A Four-year Etg:h gchool only If not a graduate, how many bave attendell a Colleg€--------.----.-...-.-.--? A Eltate Normal ? A EISh School-------..-.----.---? 94. r18. Yacancles ot teachers causoal by dealth,4ltil/iy relleinatlon -4hMd/ ctlstgo for sprlngi term-..._----Total- , -* .16.Amou[tot6aDuelsaIaryeartr€dbyaIlteachers:Men'$-..----__;women.€Jk1.-Jn-_,"-iW (If a posltlon has been held bv more tbatr one person, glve as aurual Ealary the sum earnetl by all for ths teacher holaltp' tho Dosltlon at eaal, ol terE ) .womon, lSa.Amouut of annual salary earneil by hlsh school teachers only: Men, g.-_--_--; $.---..*--_ ,..; ?otal, $_*.--...--_rt6. Number of teachers contrlbutlngi to the Illlnols gta,te Teachers' P€rsloD and Retlrcmeat grnt-a/Lt172--%---; amount co.t tbutsdl uils year, 9-*-..---.-I I .1?. Number of all publlo school houses la the allstrtct pubftc.--l__._...-_ Rentet1.* J--Total--_-_______-._ pubuc_____-_._-_ RentetL 1?a- Number of school houses ln the allstrlct useil by htBh schools only-Totat.-._-.-.--.--__--__ '18. t20. Number of slttlng:s for study: (A doubl€ seat to he couated asr one sltttng)--.1h---.Glve leagth of servlce h tels .ustdot of t€achors holdlng posltlons at olos6 of school: L yr.----------. z yrs._-------__-..- 3yrs.--__---1yts.-7X__--6yrs.-*--_0yrs.-..-..-.-.*?yrg'_-.-8yrs.---..-...**9yrs..-... 10 yrs.-_-_-11 yrs.---12 yrs.-.--....._- 19 yrs.---___ 14 yrs.._._______.* 16 yrs._*_ 16 yrs.---.--_--____ 17 vrs.---.-----*..--.-- 18 yrs.---------.._- 19 vrs.---*_._ 20 yrs. or moro------.-----*-.--(cout Baat of e y€ar aa a yean Total shoutd equa,l that of No. 11.) 334 Number of volumes tn ubraty excluslve ot supplementary reaallnt books for clasg use--.* 3.e---* .26. Number of prlvate scbools ln tle dlstrtctfu4g-*o^ber of teachers employe&.*.-*---Men-----Wome"---.-----.;;;, enrolled ln elementary gratles (lst to 8th): Boys__----_--_. Cltrls-.-__-_---- Secoa<Iar5r Grades (9th to lzth): Boys--*_-_.*clrls_. """* Collegie Graites (13tI to 10th): Boys.-----.----Gtrls-._--------__-__ tzl, Fromotlon of health: Number of nurses emproyeeJ-----PhyslclaaJ---------o-ount pald nurses g.---phystclaas g-----..--.Number of puplls oxamln.eil for phydtcal ilefects or contagton- --/-?-N"mber found a,fiected--.-__Number of homes vlstt€d by nurse or lnspeetlag: of,cer---*-.homotlon of attentlance: Number of truant off.csrs employed------trrten-----TFomen---Amouat pald truant oncerg $__--.._ Number of chtlalrer not attentltng sn.hool between the ages ol 7 and. L4-Mt4 arrd fi fu2r/Number of cbltatr€n arrested a'al placeal ln chargle of teacher-/M-Number senteaceal by a court-(//tz%Ilunber of school aad bge Gertlflcates tssue(L_*__ It. Number of years of hlch school work offereil lu ths followtng coursos: Academlo (classlcal, scleltlflc" otc.) Tecbnlca,l (M. E )-----*-Agrlcultural.-.-.-_----.Domesuo gclence_*__.___Normd-___-_._.-_Vocatlonal (uDal€r Stats Boaral)----....-__ (IMPOR.TAI{1I-TWo ltems to be fllleit are on beot of urls sheel) (ov3!R) 14. SALARIES OF TEACIIERS. tnter in the following table the urmb& of teachers in day scheots paid t&e difrerent anlru{rl Men Salar|s I'Womea to L€s tban &fiI to Sfll to. to $6(X) to $800 to $?@ to Sfi) to $4O0 to to to to 700 to to to to to and over-..---- $49e.-. $6e9.........-....-. $?se-........-. S{X} o $1,(m to $l,l(Xl to $U99.-..---.-.- Toal \ salarles. (same as Itenn 11)-,. 58. SPECIAL REFOBT IF A CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL I a (b) Numb€r of Dlstrtc'ts oorsltdateil: (e) ArE tbe graile school 1nptrs all asssmbleil tn No*-, I (s) Number ,* (d) Area |1 slpars It not" la bow nsilV bulldfngs one bulldlng?.*.*..(O Number of students. ; IIr# ElSt School---; ot tea,oherc: DlemeatalT-*-.t Sew' Uaau&l @' ; (g) Cheok Yooaflonaf Stbj@ts taught; Agrtcrlturt..-*---; ris..- ...-, Ooo6ng:---.-; G) ftansportattt tr tsmisbed by iiletrlt"t YeF--* ..-* No.-.-.."..*; Numbc ot (Note: It vehtole ts onaeil by tbe dtstr&t' on*fftb of ; Auual oost of transportanon S--*(a) Dld. tb. oost sboulil bs .ld l.r e a coultd as e tlart of the armlal omt of ensEorta8oD.) I ! rt 6l o \.i I d o |l q) & ill fl I Cll t--rl EI -uz l-a €) rEl e) crt # I r.i a$ \ I A -g d E F o F a b g !d ll m I I q s\l \l tl $; {J a o g Ih 6o o tt FI cl E H (26410-A6M-r2-2t' 4b7 TEACHERS' ANNUAL REPORT scHooT. YEAR te2+r926 To the Teacher or Superlnteniletrt: lEuqEuL. Tbe-Stato rus sr4re auq aDtl NatloDal r\arroBu autborlttes a,uulouf,les nee(l--aud Deeil..aual CLemallal dlemand -;j-eaih all tbe the-data, called for ln tn thls thts repoft. report. yoU a,re afe -f6i-ii-fron*icnook reDaleriDg a reDaleriDB -datA, CAlletl a- valuable servlce by bv aua- prompi ntttnE-out-!-i]-ea-cit--ltea. fllthc _;ut ltem. -Ina carefiil aua-prompi tr'or common scboola of crn^rr6+^ir^-. ole teacher, ltems*,:vttb oue vl starrod numbera only numbePa ntted. -In only aro aro to tO be be fllleat. schooknC two-_or schoots.d two'or hore more teic5erL feidhern ine-abtaftA aoto inoufA ch^'rrd -Ue-tb-ffected ha .^lt6a+^d h, .L^ Supertrtendent by tle -- or 1rrlnclpat aaal emboflled lir one r€porL Two coples are to be'flted tne-Eountv-stiitjrln{enirent witnlii--o-ni-we,in itt:erit}1--cr6l1-6ilcloot. - nr-*-^ f 1. r\-ameof lllZl 7 1a^ ttith tRf';'€ mrnors. , =U44-tb4La--couaty, -ctasstfled oument f{ot€: an whose names have been enrolleal d.url yeaf_shodal'be report€tl an'd as t*y a,re at't!6-ctriie-of-tnrj year before promotlon, or at the tl'nj they mtt iav; the distrlct, 4., zatl Yn Srfl Yr, EoysTffi 3t0 0 Sscontlary (Htgh1-15.a note after ..tbroUmeat', abovo). 10th Yt 1lth Yr. 12th Yr. r2L Eow EaDy of the above wsre eDrolleal thls year ln soEe othen distrtct of tlls state before . 3s. I€ngtb of school year h mootns Boy$- u"l,E-L- rovr 4 7 | 8f. Actuaf Bunber of days school was to uuurtoo | | 4 )4. Total dayo attendanco of all puplls earolleil ta botb elementary and htgb ' ] 4a. Averago dally attendanco of all Duplls eDroUed tn both elenentalry anat hlgh sahool (See aote bElop e6 _-"J4b. Total davs att€ndance of au hteh schoot puplls (above 8tb grade)_..._----. 4c. Average Av€r3go.|a|!yattendance.ofaI!.hlg-hscloolpuplIs(above8!h.gEa.te)(s€enotebelow) dally attendance of aU (N-otSThe average (Nots-The averag-e dally dallv attendanoe tn a-on-e-iooh sclooi-ls-iounil tf at .. iotar aavs attenatance by the number of days -ovtqiae-th! tre school tlle school-was was actually actuaLv.!u la -essio-n' sessi ra schools of two or moie rooms, oi tn scto6b'wn6ie recoias-6i-alle-u1-aide iii -fniibrtirctpat-oi lEi-t riv-leJsr6n teach€r6, tho a_ver-age dallyr a,ttendance a.ttendance ls the sum of tbetUe- averages averas€s-of-Ee-untts--coilposi;e-fr;-c"-onp.--Fd-exa;-piel-Th;brfirciplii-iri of giroup. f'of tho- unlts composlng exam-pte: lhe -of -tG-tne a. two'room e Lwvrrus' seuuur school sruuu should- e4r€r eDter u ln lfeE ltem sB 4a ue the sum o_r.ure o_f-t!e o_f ayeiqges averg.Ele_s alrer?gie_s p-r$cipaf oi o_fof, tho tht ux€ p-rtnEipar prhglpal two iwo-ioo'mi. tqfo rooini. rooms. Tbe of a, a-icn6-ofa-icni-orschool Sggf,4lntng ss-11-gllnrnE several conti,rfi!--i-eierat .the sc.looilJngura rooms whose work hcluttes )s the trq 9En-t elgh-t $adps aqal a hrsh htgh scboolshgurtl enter enlgitri ln tt;; tiem-li d tnl-juff6-iile tne-Ju6-oitle avlragjJoi-ind-sfide av-erages oi-ib;-aa^d; rooms arat -Jonools aral of t+e 4Eq scholI. -The suo-erlaten{ent gf a cti1. su-erlrtenalent of clty svst-gm s-vstlm of o! sobools sboiria gntei$-rtem-la-tne-su6 sbould 9nt9;-in-item 6-tnJsun 6f-fn-;-avirasis--oitbe-va,rrous 6f-fn-;-avi6'sis--6r the vartoug waralwErq Esrools Ecbools uq atral or of ule. t"he. 4lgn gglool., prlncipal prtncipat prurclpal 'l'ne The of tiriact prlnctpal each^waro each. waie-lcioiri waril sciool school 9g!oor' and-th; anit the lrcb irdfiiDal 6-r Eiln hrrh school should renort rrre ,.serof ea;b eacb btch btgh sch;l-sh;uid-rei-ort school irdfiipat reDort tue avertbe average for bls Bchool found [tcb-Sg!ool'.. by atltUag the aveiaeel-oi tbe-v;bus-;oo;Joi lession Foupli corip6sfn? tu?JcUoll) s 6. Nnhber of, etghtb grails graduates or promotlotrsJ . 6. Number of elementary tuttlor puplls attendtDg thls school__ Boys_.J_ clt'ls A Tottt-<r_ 7. Numbor of hlgb school grailuates_ BoyE_ Glrls-- Totan_-_ 8, Number of htgh school tultlon puplls attenaung tlls BoysclllsCotal.wom€|r- Total9. Supsrlntetrilents who do no teachlng MetlPdnclDals antl Supervlsors Fho less than hau trfienTromea- TotalTeachers antl prlactpals wbo teach balf ttrne or more (lf more tbaJr ong persoD has taught tn a toom count only tho otre teachhg at the ond of the term)__ Meu-Womea..--- lfotel r11. TotFr aumbor of all teachldg lrosluons (suE of 9, 9a" anii 10) (shov onfy th€ actual posltloas) _.__ MeD Womea -Totat_ ua. Tota.l number of btgb scbool teachhgi positlons (show only the actual poslttons) 'womeD -Men Total_ t12. Quallfcatlons of a'Il teachers: (Glve only htghest grailuatton or attendance of each t€acher at work--at end of term. Ths totat Flll not be more tban No. 11 above). Number graduates of a coltege and state Normal -_ Collegs A Norma,l School oDly A t'our-year Etgh School orrtv--.-l u aot a graduat€, how maay ba,ye attsnileal ? A State Normal ? A Htsh School-..---_-? 124- Quauflcatlons of hlgh lobool teachers: (Gfve oaly htEihest EFaduauolr or atteDilaacs of each tsacber at sork at eail of terE" Tbe total wlll aot be more than lla above.) Number trailua,tes ot I coueg€ aaal state Normal school-A Couege onlyA NorEal Scbool only -4,3'our-year ltrgb Scbool onty If not a, graduate, hov ma,ay ha,ve att€niled a Collegs-? A State NotEat School-_-? 4 Ellgb 9a- t10. r13. Vacarclesbf teachers by d66fS -- hy reslguatlon by charge for sprlng term Toto.l .Women, annuat salarr €arn€al by all teach€rs: M€!, L-444L-; Totor, $ $- - 4 { d -d (If a..Dosltton las-b.een Aelil by more tb&n one psrson, gtye aa arnual salerJ, the sum earaeal by all f,or the teacber hokltlB th€ posltlon at €nd of term.) caused .16. Amount ot 16a-Anour0tofaanuglsalaryearDe.[byhtehschoolteachersorrIy:Merr'$-;wom€&s-;Total,t'16. Number of teachers contrlbutJag to the llInols State Teachers' Feaslon aadl Retlrenent tri.unil thls year, $--_Jg.-t1?. Number of all Dubllc school houses tD the ittstrlct.-_.._.-.-....---17a- Number of sc.hool houses ln the itlstrtct usgdl by hlgh scbools only .18. Number of stttlqgs for stutly: (A ilouble aeat to be counteal as oae sltuuei) '20. Glve leDgth of aervlce In thls distrlct of teachers holtltng posttlotrs at olose Irubuc--J_-_ Publlo----- contrtbut€al Tr*ar I Tot&l__ Z ws. g 16 yr&_ yrs.- r- l./ / lt,rea 6l Wom"r d 6.+,.Secoudary Graates (9t! to ltlt!): SWs tSu6ber of ptrpls (lst to 8th): BoyB--Zl- Glrls ll Glfls A CoIIege G$rades (18th to 18tb): Boys-A-cfrls d Promotlon of health: Number of nurses employed phystota,ls patal BursEs g Physlclans Number of puplls eramtaedl for phystcal defects or-contaglon- i{-Anount lvumber fountl aeecteit---of homes vtdt€d by Durse or lnEpecttng of,cer--o-r-.--Number Promouon of atteDilarce: Number of quaat oncers employealMen TFonen----Amount patd trua,Dt oficera f-_Numbe! of chllalreD not attetr.{lng setool betwee! tbe agies of ? anil t4 L4 a,nil 16 Nunher of chtldren a,Eesteal a,aat placeal ln charge of teacher----Numbor santelced by a court-------------Number of school a,nit age certtdcateB tssuoilNumber of years of htgh school Tork oflereil ln the tollowtng cours€a3 Academtc (classlcal, sclenflflc, eto.)---Connerclal-Techtrlcal (M. T.)------acrtl*tu6*, .NT-*go1t3il:8"lT",fim" (un.ler state Board)*"a;*"jcatlonal (oYElR) """ "'1.[?ffi1, earolleil ta elementar':r'gratles .27. I I yrs.--_ 4 5rrs.6 yrs.I yrs._-? yrs.8 yrs.10 yrs.11 !rrs.yrs.-12yrs.---18 14 rrrs.16 yrs.1?yrs.--18yrs.*-.-10yr8.-20yrs.ormo!€-(countpartofaygarasayea,f.Totalsboultl equal that of No. 11.) )2*, Nuhber of volumes ln tlbra.ry exoluslve of supplemstta,ry reaillDg books for class use .28. Number of prtvate schools la the itlstrlct Aj{umber of teach€rs €mploy€al 4 / Renteil Retrteil- r_3i- of schoot: L yr, ; Amouat / -t l 'l :l tor" Enter in the roltowins *"tl*i#Hr$JntlrT ElgEe[taf,y I€ss lhen $200 to paid the dinerent annual salarie gecoatlalF $200...... $299......... ,4{tO to $1 $3fi) to to $500 to $6OO to $7OO to $E0O to $9(X) to $l,Qoo to $1 $1,1OO to $1,199.. S40O to $11799...!.......... to $1'E99.-......... t, To'hl (rane ar lten 11).... "( oe. spEctAL REpoRT tF A coNsoLtDATED soHooL. I $,t"1 DlsL No.......-.-...--------; (b) Number ot Dtstricts consolldateal-..-.--.--..-.-..--r..--; (c) .Are the grade school pulttls aU assenbleil tD \t, one buildlng?-........-*..*-.- It nol tn how many bu!tUneF?-..---.--.-"-. ---.*....- (d) Area lu sguare mltes-*--....-..-.-.---; (e) I\rumb€r h.$ ...-; Etsh teachers: Eilementary; Etgh SchooL-*..-.-....--,.-.---..; (f) Number of stualents; Elemeatary... N\t Manual (e) *; Tralnlng.*-....-..........-..-.*, SewCheoa Yooatlonal Subjects taught; Agrlculture-\School----..--.-...--; (h) furalsheil by illstrtal Yes------, Transportatloa No.-.*..--*-..-..; Numb€r of Cooklng----*---; , (Note: If vehlole 16 owneil by the dtstrtct, oneffth of yehicles-.--..-.-....---..--....; Antrual cost of traJrslrortatlon 9--.-.-.-.- tts cost sboulil ho counteil as a Bert of the anlual cost of transportatlon.) iiI * _at -tN 6D; €E q5 i 'N I I I q.. *-t \N \LS E \t JNi. $t s .N $e \ Nu E e, sl -\"8 = E E N NE 'd E --' ?NI f, 'r;E -l E H rrI NNe \\ | B \r-li<rt" -- E I \l c'Jl ;€ \Ji N as J\E€ I o t0 rl 6l q I E N a 4 \t NJ I \ ^J \t J "$ I I tr JI a lis !$ E F o rl N a Eo E{ t! ll rE st c (' o g $$ ss :i (46680-351[-2-26) 1r€b TEACHERS'ANNUAL REPORT SCHOOL YEAR 1925-1926 oF SupcrlntcndGntr The State end Natlonal authorltles need aril domanal atl th. data calted tor tn thl! rcDort You aF. lllnalerlng a- valuablo servlco by a, carcful and prompt fllllng out of oach ltcm. Fur ccrmmun achool.s ol onc teaeheF, ltoma s'lth atanrGd iumbGna only aro to bs Olled. -In schools of tsdor rnore teacherg the d&ta shoultl bo collected lry tho Suoerluteudent or Prlaclsal ard cmbodl€d To tho Tcachrr lD oDe roDort" Two coplee to tllod wttb the County Superlntondent rvlthln onc wock ritter tho cluge rrf cchool of ' l, Name qchoql *.-.--. Dlsf, 7 0 _:l-.- Etrrollment; Note: AU whoas names have been enrolled durlngi ---No. the year should bo roporteal aad claasroed alt th6y aro y€ar bofore prtEouon, or at the Um€ tb€y rtray havo toft thc dlstrlcL nltnot., at-County, tho cloie or tbo El6EeDtary 2nd Yr. | 3rd Yr, 8th ln Boys I Glrls ?th Yr. "": I Seconalarf, (Etgh)-(See noto aft€r "tnrollmen!" above). gth Yr. 10th Ilor-b . Yn LltJl Yr. 12th Cranal Total Yn (tlem. End lrleih.) Cfrls obovo were enrolled thls yoar tn som€ oth€r dlrtrlct of thls atate b€loro dl8trlcL..-.--.-..eDrolung In thls t !6. I!€ngth ot Bchool year ln montts----Z-{ / '!t Actuat number ot ttays school was ,^ ooro .ffiff! . Eb. Number of ilayg when fewer than 5 puplls wer€ presenl- P**------. . l. Total day! attendancc ot all Duptls enrclleal ln both elementary and blgh . aa. Av€rago dally attGndanco of all puptts enrolleil ln both elementary antl btgh scbool (S€o note ab. Totat day! attGndancc ol all hlgh Echool puplls (above 8tb Sxaalo)Ea. Ilow naDy of ths o soy.{)'* Grds-4.---. xota-(2- below lc) {o. AYErcgqucl1'.rrE.lgd|.|r5t.5srl9v.PuPrlo\6w!9olrro|Gqs, AvcFaqo dally .ttcndanco of all hl8h school puplls (abov6 sth Erade) (See not€ below)-.._ (N(tte-Tho averaq€ total da!-s attendance by by dlTldlng the the total by th6 averag€ dally attcndancc ln & oile-room school la found by th6 number of daya tNete-Tho s'hose records.rl achools s'hose r(x)rns, or In schools records.rl nttendance are sas actually In-sesslon. ln schools ol of tlvo or or mor€ rq)rnsr In-sesslon. ln are kept by gesston the-echool $aa gruup. For e.xample: unltE composlng ls the sum of avernges of of thg the unlt8 composln€i the gruup. dally attendance dally att€ndance ls of the averngea example: Thd The prfnclpal o! avera8e ilally teachera, the averaEie teacher€, prlnclpal averaaes ol tho two rooms. The ?he 4a the sum of the averages of a school contalnlng e t$o-room school should entcr ln ltemgrades contalnlnE cCverel a {a the sum of the averages Bchool should enter In ltem la averages of the Bnrde rooms end elEiht and a hlgh school rooms whose work lneludes the elaht tho averaget of the va.rlout clty system of schools should enter In ttem {a the sum of tho ol th€ hlHh sehool. Tlre superlntendent of a Bchool should report schools and ol the hlgh school. The prlnclpal ol oach $ard school and the pnlnclpal of each hlgh Bchool reDort tho avoaward(or avorag6 Bg6 for hls acbool touod by addlng tbe avorages ol tbs varloua rooms or aesslo! gFouts compoBltrg the school,) . 6. Number of €l8hth graale graduatos or promotlons-----.*-noya--Q,* o*r"*?--a, . 8, Number of elementaty tultlon Duptls attendtng thls school--------* r, Gttrs-.Q---. TotaL-F.-* Boys---- Glrls---.-...- Total....-_ ?. Number ot hlgh school giraaluates--.--*.---. Boys--*.- Glrls..--_.- TotaL..*8. Number ol hlgh school tultlon puplls attentllng thls school-*-------Ilen--*-..- Women *-..- Total..-_ 0. Superlntenalents who alo no llen--.-..--- WoEeE *- Total..-9a" Prlnclpals antl Supenlsorr rvho teach legs than half .10. Teocholr anil prlnctpals who teach hall tlme or moro (lf more than oDe lrersoD has taught tn I room count onty the one teachtngi at the ond ot the term)U"tL--.*. tVomen 4--- tot*-/---t11. Total numbor ol alt teachtng posttlons (sum o! 9, ga, anil 10) (show onty tho actual Dosttlons)-U.nJ--WomengT;otel;LUa- fotal number of hlgb school teacblDg Dosltlons (show only the actual posltlons) !Ien-.-.-.- TVomcn ---.* Total.--..,.--. .11!. Quall8cattons of all teachers. (Total not to excoeal total of ltem 11.) Number of graaluates of Coueg€ anil State Normal School.--.-..........-.; Couege only-.-.-..-.---.---; Normal School only-....-....-.-.--....; Craaluates ot 4 year lllgh School anal attendetl College 3 years...............-..-., Cotlege 2 yeatr.-.---.-..---......, Colleas or NorEal School 1 year..-...-..--...-.-..., Delther College nor NorEal School......,-...-....-...i Attendetl lltgb school oDly Totar3- ono year*.-two yeors--.-.turee years-/l2a- QuallflcauonF ol Elgb School teachers. (Total Dot to esceetl total of ltem 11a) Number of Eiraduates of College and Stats Normal only-..-----...-.-; Normal ouly-.---......--.......; School Collego Graduates of 4 year hlSih school anal atteniled College threo School......-.-*-.; yEars------.-.--..-., College tlfo ]'ears, ColleEle or Normal School one year-.-.-.-..:....---., nelther College uor Normal School-..--.-.....-.-...*: Atlllgh years-- two yea!s---.- one yean-.--...-...-....-.. cbango tor tsprlng tera--.4--.-Total restEoatlo+1--.---a" cbangio resEDauo*J;;-.x.-oY lten, 1..-Il5--Q*---...*.1 women, ; Total. (lf a posltlon has been held by moro tha[ one person, glve a^s annual salary tho sum elrrned by aU (or th6 teacber holdlng tho Dosltloo at end of term.) Women, t---*----.-; 16a- Amount of annual-salary earnetl by hlgh school teachers only: trIen, 9-----; Total, l.....-_--.-._ 'r18. Number ot teachor9-colltf,tbuun8 to the Illlnols Stato Teachets' Penslon and Retlremeut EIJ\d.I--.; Amoutrt eontrlbutoat tentleal School only tbree .11. vacanctes death---!2-*-by racancleg ot of teachers causeil causetl Dy by death-.--Iz---Dy .16. Amount of annual Balary eararett by atl teachers z r. A''/ thfs yean S-4-.2-*--.-----*-- I q1?. Number ot arl pubue school houses ln the dtstrtcL----.G-*----Pttbllc/.--__ Rentetl *-A,---TofaL-l----*.Rented l1a- Number of school houses ln tho tltstrtct usetl by hlgh schools only----.------*- BUbUCTotal-...-.---'.18. Number of Bltttngs tor study: (A double seat to be countetl aB one sttttngl --*lL.20. Glve tength of sorvtce In thl8 dlstrtct of teachers holitlng posltlons at ctoso of school: t yt,-/-----2 Yrs,-.-.------ 20 yI€. or mor€-.-..----------rlco.ytt part ot a ycar a"s a, year. Tot4l BhouLl l7 yrs.----*--.-------.- l8 yrs.-.-.-----,----- 19 yrs.---.---equal that of No' u') F /) h^ foa class uae -.{,/-*+-.-----.3{. Numbor ot volumes tn llbrary exclustvo of supplementary -,,-^r^*^s+^-., readlnB --,Arho books t!8. Number of prlvats schools ln the tllstrtct.--4*....Nu-uer ot teachers emptoyea*.C-.*--:rten---fl.....---women....(2-.-.--..No.ber ot puptlr enrolleil ln elemeDtary Erades (lst to tth): uoys.-.0.--....*. Chfs-...(J--...---.Seconilary Crattes (gtb to lgth) Sovs--.Q----.. etrb--Q,college craales (13th to 16tb): aova--O----....- Gtrts-..O-.-.--.8t. Promotlon of health: Number of nurses employetl.-O-..----physlctans/).----.-.-*-lmount patal nurseg S..-..9-.-..-- phystctans tA----lNumber ol homes vlsltetl Number ot DuDlls aremln€rd for Dbystcal alefects or contagton--O-...---Nomber founal afrecteA()by nurse or tnsp€ctln8 omcer-4.-Promotlon ot attenalaoc€: Num'b€r of tnrant ofrcers erirptoyea-O----lfen-4,--.-IV'omea /?*-Smount Datal truont onfccrs t.--d-Number ot chttatreD not ettcBaltDgi achool botseen the ogleo ot ? anal M-Ct:L---Jl and t|-Q.----Numbor of chlloren a.rrest€d a.ait Dl,aced ln chertio ot teecher--9--*Number gentenced by a court..-.2---f*u-ber ot achool anil a8is eertlfrcates tssusa.-€L*.-t9. Number of years of hlab se,hool work ofierd ln tho tollowlng coursas: Academlo (clagalcal rclentlno, otG)---.Commerctal-Tratles anil luilustrtss--.--.....--A,grlcultural--.--.--..-..-Domestlc Sclen"a--*-----:.!ormal-----.*\'ocauo!at (Entlor State Bosral)---.----.,-. (nlPOIlTA:inf-Slx lt€ms to be filleal are oD back ol thlr rbcct.) (ovER) --------1 I Enter i" th. roltorviug ,"ur, ,o.ti'^iffiL:J trJffi;s $1,200 paid the different annuat sata,ries. to $1,299-- $I,800to $1,899---.-.. ,. I ..-., ...-. $1,900 to $1,099---.--... i .--..*..*... $2,000 to $2,499.__-_- i - to $Ass9-.---........ $1,100 Total (sa,me as Item 11)- IS SPECIAL REPORT IF A CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL. (b) No.---: Number ot l}|strlcts aonsollilateal-; (c1 Are the grade ecbool DuDtls all assembleal ln rt not, tn how many bullillngg?-one builtFng?-_(it) Area tn squaro mlles--_.*-.---_; (e) Numbor (f) of teacherg: Elemeataly Number ol stualeutg; Slementartg ; Elgh ; ; m8h (g) Check Vosadonal Sublects taught; Agrlculture-; School--.-; Manuel (h) TransBortatloB tur.|rtshed by iltstrlct Yes ing.__-__-; CooHng-; - , No--*__.-_; Number ot (Noto: U vehlcle ts owueil by the illstrtct onc,ffth ol vshlcles--.--; Atrlual cost of transportatton Its cost shoulal be counted as a psrt of the annual cost ol transportatlon") (a) DlsL !! F F F 60. SPECIAL REPORT ON PUBLIC (a) (il) SCHOOL KINDEBGABTEN8. i[strlct ot teaehers $--.---- Number ln Salarlee i\9 @. APECIAL REPORT ON DEAF AND DUMB AND BLIND CHILDREN. (a) NumDof, Nu:nber, agies eges $ to 21, lD ic{ (4) i^l ; (b) Nunber ln Stato or prlvate ; (c) Number ln gBeclal il-0 - 0 scbool (il) ot ot iltstrlct----: or classes classes Number of teachers: Men--.._._'---; Womon___; ; (e; Number ot seDarate ltI r scuoot (f) Yelue ot bulldtlng, grounds anil equtpment t_-*** schools---; ib ; 61. SPECIAL BEPORT oN cRtppLED OH|LDREN. SX ig\talNumbel,ages6to21,reItorteitbytnrantof,cer-;(b)NumberenrolIEiltngDeclaldlsHr,tgchoolorolasles: (o) Number teacherg: Glrts--; teaiherg: IMen--; ; G|rrs--; (aI) Number (il) t\"yr Womea-; Numbor seDarato sohoolr-; $"vt . '(e) Value of bulliltng, grounils anil equiBment g(a) Number Women-; t A?. SPECIAL REPORT ON DELINQUENT CHILDREN. Boys--; (c) Number tea,chen: Msn.--._-; Glrls-; (il) Number seE)arate gahools ; (e) Yalue of builrUng, gmurlr and qutDment l- ; +, h I i o g $+ {t) M - cf u tr tr d U H a E c h b E 6 I E o h -g q c a h o a I d 4t o E E o rC I eo9 El g t dt E g € ll EI 3If r-^ r I L I c tE , (b1 Ehrollmeat: -t l I TEACHER'S ANNUAL REPOR1 scHool" YEAR re43-re4 To the TeacheF or SuperlntendEnt! Tho State aDil Natlotral authorttles n€gd antl demantl all tho data calleil for ln thls repott. You aae rentlertng a valuablo servlco by a car€ful anal prompt f,lltng: out of each ltem. l'or ootnmon schools of oDo teacher, ltsms vlth starred lumbsrs oDly are to be flU€at. Itr schools of two or more teachers the data, shoulal be collected by the SuperlnteDal€Dt or Prlrrclpal a,Dal emboalloal ln one toporL One copv ls to bo fflett wtth the Cou[ty Suporlnt€ndotrt vtthll one week after tto close of school. ; Illlaols year fbe of the yea'r rsported are a't olose the should be clasgl6etl as they have errolled durlng a,ntl nanes beeu Ehrotlmert; Note: AIl whose beforc promotlon, or at the tlme they ma'y havo left the tllstrlat. 1. IIEIACEEIRS AND ENNOI,IffEN|I Dlementary (See note after 'Etrrollmeat" aboYe.) Number of T€achers Men Klnalor- Ilfsb q after'slnrollmo[t" of Tea shers .wom€n Men 9t! Yr. cot 2,a^ 8rd Yn 4th Yn IJ€ngth of school Ysa,r lrr I + 6th Yr. 6t.h 3 a Yn Glraduates 10tb llth Yn Yn 12tJr ?tb Yr. 2 2 Post yea,r tn soEe other dlstrlot of tlrls stato Sth Tn Total /1 L Grantl Total (Elom. antl glgb) Total bef,ors ry f ^ootnu Aotual aumb€r of tlays sohool was ln n^-n.^i /b 4 2 {1 naron. 3 ag. Total days attsrdralce of aU puptls enrolledl ta gratles ore to elgiht . Ayerags tla,lly attenilanco of all puplls etrrolled ln traales oae to elght tncluslYe. (See nots below 3a- Yr. ,l eDfolltrg ln thls tltstrlct: X,lemont o Yn above.) la- Ilow ma,ny of tho above were earoUeil tlrts .2. zaal 7 I Sc,bool (SeE Dote Num ber Y!. Tot ,l TyomeD I I Xst gp,rten - 8c!R) 2 543 r B& Total days atteralancs of all puplls tn graales one to etght hcluslyo, oxcluslvo of tuttton popu" -r Aa;E Ayeraeie ataily atteBala,rca of, all puptls la graaloa oBe to €ltiht tttoluslvo, excluslve of tultlou pirDls (mu8t atfee wlth ttom 6a of Stats Alal Clnln) 8b. Total alays attelrilence of all puplls onrolled tn htgb 3c.Avera8ie.lallyatt€Bt!anceofallputr'|lseurouodl1ahtshsohooL(Sootrotgbelow3cx)3b& Ootal alays attontlaace of all puplls elloUoal ltr htsh school, exoluslvo of tultloD gcx. Ayeradie tlally attearlance of all puplls €nroUeil tn hlgh school, excluslve of tultlon puplls---_ (Note-The averaso tlaily attendance lu a ono-room school ls fountl by attvliunB tho total alays atten-ala,nce by the quDober-of dayq the sbhool was actuaUy ln sesslon. In scJrools of two or more rooms, or lu schools whoEe recorals of a,ttenalaqce qle l(epl b-y s-ess-lolr teachers' tne averaEe datly-attenalaDce ls ths sum of th€ averages of the unlts composlng tl0e Eroup. For esamplel Tbeprl4ctpal qf a,-!wo-room sotroot snri"uta enier tn ltem 3a the sum of the averaged of tlre two rooms. The slrperlnteudtgnt 9f a! clty systeq of- sc4oqls slroqlq -entgr ln itiii--Sa-the sum of the av€raEies o! the -varlgqs wqr-t! schgols. Tbe prla_ctpal of each wartl school anal the prlnclpal o{ eagld hlgb school ;i-riUa repoif tne averaeE for Eis school found by atldtng the average-s of the vartous rooms or sesslon EEoubs compost0g the se.bool.) promotlons__-__ 34. Numbor of etghth Eratle eradlua,tes or o6. Number of elementarlf tulttotr puptls attenttlng thl6 6. Number of htgh school Eiradua.tes (X'our - school-- Total--{- I f,ots,l yoar)- Boys-_Glrls--tlotaf--_ Number of btelb school tultlon puplls atteadlng thls 88. 8a,. Number of sc.lrool builtlings iJl tbo tltstrtct usedt by elementary Number of sebool butlittugs i! the iusuct usetl by btgb scJrool---------Putffc Puhuo school- .14. Number ot ltbrartes-. *14a- Number of volumes tE llbrarles excluelve of supplemEntary roa,illng books for {16. Nunber of prlvate schools lD the austrlct-----Sumlter -J puplls eurolled la elementarlr graales (1st to 8tb): r1z. promotlotr of hearth: Number of nurseg ol Boys-Gltrls.---.Seconalary teadher- llo+at 2 OO :WoDea---:{uEb€r Grades (gth to 12tlr): --Number fountl ajtecteil trualt onc€rs w oEtiloyeal . Nnaber sentoncetl by a court- 14-----14 aatt 16--- of Boys..._-_-Cllrls-_pbyslclens, $l*u"* \u-ber of homes (OVEIB) patal tnra,Dt o6cors, - r{t'nbsr of lYumher of school a,nd a€ie certtf,cates (IMPORTANT-Throe ltems to bo ffllod are on back of thls theot.) (60476-26M-12-44) .14BtFz R€ateil employed--- Fbystcla,ns---Amouat pald nursos, $A;;m;;r"t Numb€r of chtltben not atteatUag school between tlre agies of 7 a,!i[ char8ie of t rrt"..- To -"f vl,sltetl by o6cer--- Promotlon of attonalance: Number of ln "l" - neatsil teachers employe;I Number of puplle exa,Elnedl for physlcal alefeots o! lrrrtse or hslrecthgi / 9_(Doilars oaly) chtld:reE a,rrestetl artl placeil lo?. APECIAL REPORT IF A CONSOLIDATED (&) DtsL No.*-l G) Nlmb€8 of Dtstdc; cgnso[dated* AOHOOL '(c) Are the graile school trutrtls all aas€6ublod tn oae buldlns? mlles.=--_ ; (e) Nunbff ol t€a6hon3 Dl€ln€rrta,ry t *uo i (f) Nunber of stutlots: Ellementar!r--.------:--; gtBb school-; (a) cb€ck Yogatlonal Subr€ots teught: Agrtclrlturs-; gewlnCi--; MaEus,l Trabtrg_; (b) Traasporta,tloa furnlshell bV atlsttlc'L Yee_; ; U aot' ta hov maaY bultattlgs? ; (al) Alee ln.square 8PECIAL REPORT ON PUBLIO gCHOOL KINDERAARTENS (a) Nurllbe! tr (b) ElaroUnort: (al) Sala,rles of teachers, 9.-_-. ; (6) Clrr€Dt eEpensss for year, Glrls...-.--....._-; (a) NuDbsr teashers--..---...-_--; g."............---- Bl8nes tunrtshsal tV VERNON L. NIOKELL, AUPERTNTENDENT OF pUBLtC TNaTRUCT|ON, SBdssAet4 llltrots Other lnformaflo! wblch nay be requestsil by Couaty SulrertnteldeDL Fart tlEo t€ecbsss (aot subsuhrtes) Na,ms Subj€ot +f o o lr o € a o !. FI e { i{ M q o 6t E g G) o u' c c p f.r o F -o 6l c) F.r bt I & E b \l I F o }| I I€ Fr a o bl 'o E v) 5l z ,8 E H \f'8 d. E rI I d F| o d o t0 tr F 'tt e trl l'' trl .tt q, !a $ 6 I A Fl o h I ict 0, a € o o € a - ---r I I t/' TEACHER'S ANNUAL REPORT To th6 TeachcF or Superlntrndlnt! llh€ Stat€ a,aal Nattoral authorltlas ae€d and deme,nal all the al,at , natled for to tbls roport. lou &re rentlerlng a valuablE servlce by a @,r€ful anal prompt olllaB out of each lten. For oommd schools ot one tsa,oheB ltsms vltJl starreal numbers oaly aao to be AnsiL In schools of tso or mors t€achsrB th€ dla,ta, shouLl bo coneoted by the Suporhtenaleat or Rtactpa,l aaal embodleat la oae report. ODe copy ls to b€ 6leal wttb tho Courty Supertntend€rt Trlthtr oue wo€k after'tlre close of gchool ol 1. . llllaols TEACENBS A}ID ENROI.ItrDNT tlem€Bta,ry (Soe Doto aftsr '5lrollDent" abov€.) KlnderNumbor of lleaeheIs lst Yn garte|t a ![el 'Wol[eD Total D I I 2ndYr. 8rdYr. g I Etgh school (See Bote after 'Tlnrollment" abovs.) Nunber ol Teachors gth Yr. 10tI Yr. 'Womon Men . la. EIov ma,ay of .as thsy ars at th€ closs ot the yea,t 6th Yr. 12Or Post Yr. Yr. | ?th Yr. I stn Yr. I Total 2lz lz lrs 2 I l1thYn 6th Gra,rd Total Tota,l Graaluetss (EleE. a,nal gtgib) Total ths above were earolled tlts yoaa tn some otler allstrlot of thls stote beforo elrollltnB ttr tJds austf,tcr? . g. 4th Yr. Semefiatt-J&- BEih Irotgth ol schoot year tn . 2a- Aotual aumber of de,ys ^oorrr- -0iq4l a sohool lpas t! .8. Total . aa" Ayorage atratly attonafance ot all pupus €Droll€d ln gratles onE to €lght Inctuslve. . ga- Totat days . gax. Avera,€ie da,lly att€ndasce of an puplls ala.y6 atterilaace ol aU D[Pils elrotrsil tn grades ore to elght lDcltrslv, attenata,nce (so6 Boto belo." of all puptts ln grades one to etght lncluglve, eroluslve ot tuttton ln aot.)- / I f oonn"-J $-$/--*'--_- grades one to €t8ibt lnolusleo, ercluslve of tultloD Dupll8 (must atree wlth ltem 8a of State Attl Echools.-- 3b. Totat il,ays att€tralanc€ ol all pupllB earolled ta btsb 3c. AvoraEi€ dally attenatance 3b:r. Total atays atteDalatlce ol aU puplls eBrolleal la hlgh school, otrclustve of tultlon of all puplls elrolletl la hlsh sohool. (See note below 3sr) ta hteb solrool, eacluslv€ of tultloa pupu (Note-lfhs averas€ da,tly attenalatce ln a oD€-r(x)m school ls tounil by dtvlillng the total qeyg attenqaEae by -tbe aumber,ol dayE tbe ricbool was agtuauv ln Besslon. In schools ol two or more roomg, or lD scboola vhosg rgq)tqa ot atteDdarce are k€pt by sossloa teaobors, the ayoraqo dally-atteDala,rce ls tbo sum of th€ ayeragies of tbeu[lts composlng the giroup. For oxa.mplo: Tb€ prlnclpal of a two-room lD Bcbool sho-uld enler tn ltem 3s, the sum of the avera8p of tbe two rooms. Tlre sup€rlnt€ndent of a clty system of scbools shoultl ent€r lism Ba the sum of tbe aver.ages of the varlous ward sobools. Ths pdqclpal of -each warrl sclrool qnd tb€ Ddrclpal of eac'h hlgh qfbool tXr€ varlous rooms ol sssslon oomp{rslDg school) fountl th€ averagies of the by addln8 shouLl report the average for hls school Eiroups 3cx. Avorage alally attoDdaace . 4. NuEb€f ol . 6. .t. 84. puDtrs earolletl olBhth 'lc6t.l. Numbor of el€m€Dtary tdtloa puDtls attenillagi tlrls 0. Numbsr of hlgh 7. ol all (Four Bc,hool Eradua,t€s Boys--_--Cllrls----Tot'.1 6 146 arstrlot used by elemonta.ry Number ol sctrrool bullrjllngs ta the altstrlot useal by btgh FZA .l4'. Numb€r of volumes la llbra,rles e:rolustve of supplemeatarp reaaltng bootss .16. Numb€E of, Drtvato sctrools Promotton of health: Number of nursea or lnspscttng rut--& L 0 Boys-Glrl$-----SecoDtlary ---._- Wo-en---J{umber Graal€c (9th to X2th): Boys----Gllrls- of limF;frF'. Irhystcta,ns, $i*l;;;ii, or coDtaEiloD-- . IYumb€r fountl a,fieot€d----f\luEbor of bomos vtdted by emilweall&ketr Number of chllilren Dot ettelaltlg sahool between the ages ot ? rnnler@j|tu uer gsnt€Bcsdl Tfomen AFlount patal tlualt ofitc€rsr $ao"r"","r, aril fiJ/lJD!*,rq alil 10&Aa{+Iumber of chtldren tv a court-&dd,Nrrmber of scbool a.oal agis (IMPORTANT-Thr€a ltGm! to bc fillod arc on back of thlE sbcst.) (oYEB) (78ds?-261[-1s-lt) odfup2 -_-- oEloer_- Promotto! of attoaala,Doe: Number of trnaat ofilcers ta chareie ot ctture TV)4-Q-- emptoyea*&ftA+lystclans---.Amoutrt pald nulEeE, Number of puplls €aa,mln€d for pbyslca,l def€cts Durse for B€ntod_--llot8'l afstf,lcLUlZ4l$umber ol tsaahors emptoyeil-------------.1[o. truplls orrroll€(l In olementa,nr gades (lst to 8th): .t?. - Renteal-_-.-_.?:otA Purrl|. school-- NuEb.,uua*t& tne g,rblto "c^6oo1 .11 h -- |rota.L.-..- Nunber of hteh school tultloa puplls attenallng tldrs Numb€r of sc'hool bntltllngs 6& 'to'^t A'6-7'2' school-- yeef)- i I SCHOOL YEAR T94l.-1945 Elroltmsnt Note: AII whoag tra,Eea hayo beoB earo[eil atuflng tbo y€ar sbouLt be Foportod anil bofors DromotloB, or at tho ttne thoy t[ay helZe left tto lllstr|ot I oerttflcates atrestoal anal tlacecl -_ i lOE SPECIAL REPORT IF A (b) Number ot DtsHots (o) DlsL glsh .--; Agrlorrlture-; thaosportatloa fhfalgheil tty attstrtcl Nlbbs tr ; (d) Salarlos ot toach€F, 9-_--t krt latmatton ; (D) nlroumert: Boys.:--; t--- L NICKELI- SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLTC lNgfRUCTtONi SEdrgtrsLl,'Inbots. ' $ o o 6 & o -(c I F H s'1 H o h o et o -d c) F 16 I F tr to t0 tr I I CD 'i \ & ,l$ .l I s{l I I -+ H o JI o2 I 6o €0 F I € o ti 2 € *l a d t0 o rE H o R Dr c, €ktn a F a I A Fl I I I F 4 J(l, E' E t4 CooklDA_-_---; 'i (ot Numbgr t€aolrsrs_-; wbtch na1 be mqgbstqt by County SuBertnto!4ert. 3. ; (s) Chech .i Subt€at o a o ; glgh SPECIAL REPORT ON'PUBLIC SCHOOL KINDERAAHTENS ttae teachetlr (rot Fub$tut€r, Lr (o) Nurilbgr oi tsaoh€s5: Elleneataiy No.--- NaDe +r oDo butlaltngi? ; 1Xtalatns-=a:-------.-; Sovlag-----t .(6) Cutf,ert oxt}e,lseq tor ysar,. Blanks f,urDtshed by VERNON €pber (it) Area la-squarc lf.naua,l Yes I@. (e) (ol Aro tho Sm,ils school puplls all agsembleil h (O N|r!$€tr of $f[d6t1ts:![€Beata*T_._* Vooadonal Subrost8 taugbt! ft) CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL ooasollilated--_*.._; butLtl[gis?_--:-*-; ; If not" tn how Eary --'-_- '-:I d Fl. a oo E -t i-L I I TEACHER'S ANNUAL REPORT scHool, YEAR 1945-1946. To the Teacher or Superlntendent: lltre Stato anil Natlonal a,'uthorltles aeetl and demantl all the ilata oallEd for tn tbls reporl You a,rs reBal€rlnEi a valuable senlce by a caroful anil prompt fllllng out of eaoh.ltom. For @tnmon schools ol ore teaoh€r, ttoms wltb starred aumberg ody are to bs Olletl" br schools of two or more teachers tbe data sbould bo colleot€d by the SupsrhtondoDt or Hnotpal antl embodledl ln ouE report. One copy ts /':' zt' : Illbols /-/ EarollmeDt Not€: All whose-Dames har'e bosa oaroU€al durtn6 the yea,r shoultl be reporteal alral olasst8sd as t6€y are a,t tbe close ot tb€ y6ar bofore promotlon, or at tbo tlme tbey Ea'y havo left the dlstrloL 1. ITEIACEEIB,S M{ROI/T,MTINT I\ISD Ell€m€nta.t'lr (Ses note Klncler- Number of Tea,chers 'Womerl Merl \ aftor 'Slnrollmeat" lst Yr. €iart€rt Total School (Se€ trote Mer r 1a. 9th Yr. Srtl Yn 4th Yr. 6th Yr. 6tJr Yn ?thYn Eth Yn 3 10th Yr. 1lth Yr. lztf,r Yr. PostGFaduates aDal Speclal Total Claeses Total Graual (E[€m. Total a,Dd Elah) -Iow rnaay of the aboye w€re eDroUetl thls year la some otler dlstf,lct of tlrls state before ,ry_-. ourolltng ln ttrls dlstrlct? Enemetrt I 2. Yn after "Elnrollmeut" above.) Number of |reach€rs 'w'omen znal e I Iltgh above.) Xrength of school Year ln 5^-i$6 c 2a. Actuat number of (Same as ltem dayB- School.- ols to stgbt lrrdrrtufro / /t I school saA t \ seaslo 4 on cla.lm Trlgh -- for state alcl, . 3. tlays attentlance of all rruptls €n!,ousal -- Total (Same aE ltem 5 on clalm for stats ald) I aadatly attoDqa4ce-of ..Jl lupth -- Av€ragie iSa,me-as ltem 6 on clalm for stat€ a,ld) , ,/ .,4 ---L-Q-:l-- tD Sraales erroueal tn Erades otre to otght |lcluslve. 4-'+ / ', A /..2.f (Sso trot€ b€low 8aa) | 3x. Total alays att€4daDc€-ol au puptls ln.girades oDo to €lght ltrcludve, excludyo 0f tultlon -- (Si,me ad ltem 6a oD clalm for stat€ alal) . ga& Average dally attende,uco -of all pupqg-ltr '--(same is lten 6a ou cla,lm for stat€ ald) Siraales otlo 3b. Total alays attoDdaDce of a.I puplls eq{oUeal ln bIAb ' (Same as ltem 6 oD clo1E tol stat€ ald) datty alteatlg,n-os 9f all Pup{q.eDrolled 8c. --- Averag€ (Sa,me-as ltein 0 oa claln tor Etat€ ald) to otght tncluslve, ercluslve of tultlon DuDlls--- schoolll-* ta bGh school (flee aote b€lot 8s-) Bb& Total alays att€ndancg gf aI puplls eur-olletl t! btgb ---isame as-ltem 6a oB ola,lm for Etate alal) se.hool, oroludvs of tultlo! puDlls----.- of a,U.pupllg-etrrolleal ls htcb school, ercluslve of tultloa Dupllc lt€E 6ax on clalm rol stato atq, EcrL Averago ttalty-att€aalapqg (SiaEo as (Note-:Ihe &v€rage dauy attenata,Dce ln a on€-room sohool ls foulal by dlvldtrB ttre tota,l days attelalanc€ by th€ trunbor of da,ys ttrc richool was actually ln sessloD. Ia scbools of two or more rr(xtmg, or ln schooLs whose records qf a,ttoldaEce are kept by sossloE teacbore, the ayerage daUy attonalance ls the sum of ths ar/eraEie of the uDlts comltoslng th€ Eiroup. For examDle: ll1[€ prlDclpal of a two-moE school shoultl euter in Item 3a tl|e sum of tho average of ths two roomg. The Buper|ltendeDt of a ctty syatem of schools shoulal ent€r la of each ward school and the prlnclpal of €ac,b hlsh sahool Item 3a the sum of the average ol the va,rtou8 ward schools. I'bo pruslpalya,rtous rooms or sosslon groupE comg)stng the scEool.) shoulil report the average for hls scbool founil by sddtDg tJro averagea of th€ ,o^4L"-,o |4. Number of elgihth grad€ .6. Numbsr of elementr,rT tutttoB lruDtls atto!illlg tbe school6. Numb€r of htgh ?. . t. sohool gra€uates (Frour Numbet of htsh school puplls att€tdtng FoF ,-Glrls_--Tota|-- hltrlo* Publlc- Reuteal-----7jotsj year)- *Zou*- ttts Numb€r of school bulliltngs lD the austrtct usod by elemoata,ry 8a- Number go.^r scbool of school bulltllngs ln tbe iustrlot ussal by btgh achool-_- / S€Dtedl--=Tota,l-- .14. NuEber of llbrarts & 6. M€n-----._-Wome!Grailes (gtlr to 12th)3 Boys Dursen, $(DGmmf Dbyrlclans, *" oo-Z 116, Number of prlvato sohools h tbe dlstrlot---..- Nn-bor of teachers employoal puplla eDroUeal tn elementa,ry graales (lst to Etlr):'Boys-Glrls------Seao!ale,ty .14a. Numbsr of votum€s tn ltbrerlos excluslve of supplementa,ry roadtrrg bootss tot .17. Promotlo! of hea,ltb: Number of trursos €mDloved-.pbvdolans---------amouat peltl Number of puplls exBmt!€tl for pbyslcal alef€cts o! ,turss or lnsEscttng oorta8f,o!------Number fouad tmmmf ot hom€c vtdteil TfonoD----3!rouDt €mploy€d----!4en- Nunber of chllilren not attenallugi school betsee! the ageg of ? anal 14-11 and 10 DaLl truaat oflost8, bt (!MPORTANT-Throo ltetns to be trtlsd (OYER) a|! on back ot thls Bhoot) f-(DoUarE o!ly) lVnnber ol cblldren affsstotl a,!al DlaaGd ln oharge of teacrher--Numb€r sentencsd by a courL----llumb€r of school aDd age oortlg@,tes <@." GlrtF ofrc€r- RoEoUoB of a,tteBtle,acs: Number of tfirart of,oers (8232-26M-12-45) \nmber 6! - -t ' (a) Dist' No..-.--._-..----..-..-1.; -: i: t't07.- S_PECIAL REPORT lE'A-CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL' .::'. t /3'.i''"'i'' :u :' r.. "'l-., 1.;-. --i. (b) Number of Dlstricts consolldlateal-*---; (c) Are the Eratle school puplls all ----; If not, ln how many bullallngs?-._---; ---; Ergh schoor----.....1--.---.---; ar Number of Area, tn squaro mlles----; *i;; ii'i"r.t?;j;"-;;;;:t' stutleDts: Elementary----; Vocatlonal SubJects t€,ught: Agrlculture-'-, (h) Transportatlon furnlshetl by.clistrict. . Yes----.-_.---_; i .''''' ' ' (e) Nuhber ot t€ach€rE: lllementa,ry ; (s) Check Etgh ; SewlnA----; ; Manual Traln tr assemblei tD one building? CooklnB----.--.-.---; 't7. , No-_*.__--.-_._ '" 108. SPECIAL REPORT ON PUBLIC SCHOOL KTNDERGARTENS q t' /.-+1.- - * '-t '--: r'. i -1 -*- Blanks VERNON L. NICKELL;SUPERT,NTENDENT OF pUBLtc lNsTRUcTtoN, Sprlngfelcl, Ilttnols. Other lnformation whlch lttay be requestetl by Courity Superintenalent. i, ' . .1 , l- Part time teachers (not substitutes) Na,me SubJect t. a* i 1-- - +) . 1 Lr I o I a ,I I I C)) I q) i0 tal OJ Fl + , rn o q) b0 tr d I ,r-t I I I pl o ?n \,' I I Fq lr d. o h nO l-{ (l) U (€ o f th- 't |1 z+t o o a o .H I a + o '31 Fo F o H o u0 ',: . : I TBACHER'S ANNUAL REPORT li I scHool, YEAR 1946-1947 l: I i, I I To the Teacher or Superlntondent! T.he State and Nauoual authorltles neetl atttt demantl all the data caueal for ln tJrls report. you are retrderhg a valuable servlc€ by a, careful attal prompt nlling out of each ltem. trior conrmon schools of otre teacher, ltems with sta,rreal numbers only a^ro to be fllletl. In'schools of two or tuore teacbers the data shoulil be coU€cted by the Sup€rtntenaleDt or Prlnclpal and embodled ln one reporl Oae copy ls to be fllotl with the Couaty Superlntenileut wlthtn ouo week after the olose of school {m,":fuZall 24 RE!:.s-a. 2*= :-.:.--.Couaty, Elanollnent Note: whose names have been enrolled durtas the year shoutd be ir€ported aDal classl6ed as before promotlon, or at the ttroe they have left tJre dtstrtct, nl In ols are at the close of the year |DEIACEERS AND TNROI/LII3INT Ellomertary (See note after "Enrollm€nt" a,bor/e.) a,boye.) I(lntler- Number of Teacher:s 'Womerr Meu Ja garten Total lst Yr. znal Yr. 8rd Yr. 4th Yr. 6th Yr. 2 2 6th Yn ?tfl Yr. 8th Yr. Specl,al Classes Tota.l _r // I Iflgh School (See note aftor "Enrollment" above.) Numbor of Teach€rs .women Meu llth Yr, 10th Yr. Post cra,fluates and Speclal 12th Yr. Grantl Total (Elem. and Htgh) Total Classes Total r la- IIow mally of the Gnrolltn€i 9th Yr. aboYe wsre eurolleil tJrls year tn thts dtstrtct? ln some other dlstrlot of thls sts,te b€fore Elementary-.... ...---...-.e*==-=--......-....-".:..............81ch rrinmonths.- ...{-e School... ,/6J" o 2a. Actual number of tlays scbool was ln sesslou.... (Same as ltem 4 on clalm for state alal) (laclucte holltlays aud lnBtltute d.ays) . 3. . /6*{-7 Tota,l atays atto-ndtance.of -s.ll puplls-€lrou€al tn graales khderEp,rten to otgbt lnclusive...."...--. ------'-'-''-..'-"""/"" (Same ai lteB 6 on clalm for sla,fe alal) 8a- Avora€ie tlally attentlance of all puplls €nrollsd (Same as ltom 6 on clslm for stBts ald) ln gracles trdDalettsarten to etght ttrcluslvs. (see note below 3cr).-..... ./-.4..t.-..4.:---. .8x. pupllF tD-grades klndergarten to etg:ht lnolustvg, excluslye of tuliloD puptts.---....--/--A.-={ / -- Tgt8,l days.atteData,Dce.of al-l foi tsame a.! ttem . 6a, on claim sa,ate afdt 8a,x.-Averagi6.gatly^attenqapce-of ?lI. pup-tls (Stra.rne as lteB 6a on clalm for str.te alal) ln girades klnderga'rten to elght ltrcluslv€, exclustve of tuiuon prlp1tt........,/-dt......A.-tr-.-. NOTET Dp wt allm nbte tham 26 dtt por da! le K&dmg*tao in itorc 3, 8a, S*, 8u. 3b. Total alays attelralancg 9f qu pullls €_nroueal ln btgb sohoo1s.............. 80. AIet?^ge dFlly s,ttentlaD_ce (Same as ltem 6 oa clal.m Sbx..Lotat (Sa,me as gf all pupqq. eDrolled h bfgh school. (S€e aote below for stat€ atd) 8cx).-..............-.. ltem 5a on clalm for sta,te altl) 8ca.,Average fauy gttendancg o{ all putplls-g-arolleal tt! htgih (ftame as ltem 6ax on clalm for st€,te aid) (Note-The avera,se dallyattenda'Dce ln a one-room school ls found dlyfdlng _the total days-att€n4fnco by the number of days the school was actually f+ Bession.. rB schools oI tjwo or more flx)ttrs, or Qv ln schools-whose recordi-qt iitenain66 aie fiit-ff aesaloD teacb€r€, ' $f,"'"i"ff""'uu3$%'l"Ftf#"3"'tB"qr,ffi'i&fd&1ffg"r EiJii.a""tBrr"ii"'ffq"fi,J3.fl"%Td;"tll.jx+""y;,#".;;ili:f,i'Si1l..{f,:?"fr Item 3a the sum of the averagie of the-various ward dchools. Tho prln-clpal of eicnEarit-s-cno-ot-aiflt6;tr";i'diTeach should report the aYeragie for hls school founil by addlng the averages of the va.rtouC rooEs oi sesslon rotat...fus .. 4. Number of elghth Eratle graduates or | 6. Numbsr of el€mentary tuluon puplls attenalln8i the sohool...... ?. Number of hleb r14ra. ................-..Totat lL ...Z.(fu-d school tultion puptls atteDdlng thls school.. r 8. Number of school r14. Numbor of blgh school eioip[|o;-postia ttisc;lool.-l----' butlclhgs ln the tltstrlct usetl by elemeat librarles-..-.. ry ......Publ1c...........--..-........ReDteaI...............-........To t-t..-....../-.......-.... -------.----./..--..--...-'- Number of volumos tn llbraries excluslve of supplementary readlug books for class use........*....2.-2.6-..... I(lnalergarten Elnrollment Boys Gtrls Gratles 1-8 Boys I otrt" Grades 9-12 Boys Gtrls Total Boys | .** 1?.HeaIth'spoclalEduca,tlouaa.tAtt€!c€:No.ofaursosemployedPbyslclans................:..,.....Iscompletephyslc6,l ofatlpupll,satleastonceevery4years?..--..--..........:.................(YesorNo).No.ofstuouts EANDIC.APPED (tletemlnetl by pbyslciaa, uurse or teacher) Epllepttc.....-...........-....... Cart11ac..........."............. No.llNRoIZI,ElDINsPEcAI.EIDucATIoNcI,AssEsorservlcosesta.bushedormatnt€,tne.l Eea,rtng..-..........-......... .Speech (260e{-26M-10-46) @F>2 Oth€r phystcaly hatrdtlcattped... (IMPORTANT-Three ltems to be fillod are on baok of thlo sheet) (ovIlR) T. B. (Aoflyo) 107. SPECIAL REPORT IF A CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL (a)Dlst.No....'....................;(b)Numb€rolDlstrtetEaonsoudat€d...........;(c)Arethegra.lesohoolputltls (h) Trausportauolr furntshed by illstrtct. Yes.....................----..----; No---...................-....."-.. l(n. SPECIAL (d) of teaobefs, sa,rarles $.......................,...----.; Blan!(s fumlsh€d by VERNON REPORT ON PUBLIC SCHOOL KINDERGARTENS (o) curreDt eapoDs€a lot ysaa, $--..-..-......-...-......*..-... L. NICKELL, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIO INSTRUCTION, SP"IOEa"Td, TUhOtrS. Ottrer lnforma,tlon wblch may be r€questeal by Coutrty Superltrt€aaleDt. Part tlme teachers (not subsdtutes) Subteot Na,m€ ( i-\ '\$ - k! \. s- '\\'1, -!*' [\ -- 1 s\" \"t' P f*'-_'o tI \-" -o \tl rd \. \", \ s. I \ G t\ i s$ \t.\ c{S-.i a* \" uRi It ,tl,o.-=f *5o {,[tr--r-l-"-q"*--- ';t[h il il of \r! \f \s I t P=>; b A q €E i €q l.Nl & .i .\ \N =X i € p -tr o .tr -O Gl ;i t- F 3 r.l \i ^Nl -d3 z* ^Ni \Nl tr \\i 'E'5 ! I t0 F cl ;.8 i5E c I I I I f\ \J Ea 0 FI F tr .9 b0 tr 5 m \ s I € 0\ -s I d. \\ 1 $Dl slt=€g trt od f; a +5 I I {NC NI\E H^Nl F{ u) o .H o I .ti g .Nl tl ''N {t F I I I I G' a) .q 9b -3 9o fi€ da G &! ,s 'Oa eofl '-, c - : J :TEACHDR'S ANNUAL REFORT scHool, YEAR 1947-1948 To tho T€aoheF ot Supetlntendent: T'ho gtats &nd N&tlonal &uthorltles n€sd and demanil the d&ts calted for ln thts rslror0. You a,ro renderlng a valu&ble sorvlco by a careful anal prompt Rtung out of each ltem. For common schools of one tea,cher, lteEs wtth sterred numboDs only a,ro to be flled. fn schools of tvo or more bv ths sup€rlateudent or hlncipal and embodiEd tn one report. on€ gopv ls ro be 1y1T"t::.9:il^"1199:"S*fed Na,me ot School---- . Illlnols f,a1ollmgatr Note: All whose n6mes havo beon snrolled durlng the year should bo rcported an(l classmed a€ or at the tlme thsy have Ieft the dlstdst. I. they sr€ a,t the of the yeer b€fore promotlon, TDACEERS AND ENROLLMENT Elementa,ry (See noto D,fter "Enrollment" above.) Number of Teachers Men Women Klnd€rgerfen lsf Yr. 2nd Yr. Tota,l I 3rd Yr. 4th Yr. 6th Yr. z L I 5th Yr. 7th Yr. Sth Yr. J- Snectal Cla€ses I Total /z Eigh School (Eee note after "EDrollment" &bove.) Nu mb€r of Tel rchers Motr * I Women * 2. | i; Post Graduateg and Sueclal Claises l2th Yr. Yr. rorar I cr,9ff:$#"*iL"r L€ncth of school dlstric[? Jrear h -.-- Elementa,rJr-.-.-- months- -.--- --,3- ..-.-------.-Etgh Fchool.----..------. - Z<=44[/ 2s,. Actua,l number of d&ys echool w&s ln sesslon-....--..----..--/..4..5-(ga,me as lteE 4 on clalm for stats atd) (toclude hoUda,ys and b.stltute dayr) * A. i t. llth l0th Yr. 9th Yr. Total 14. How many of the abovo were enrollEd thls year ln some other dlrtrlct of thls ststo b€fore enrollLus !n thls i' I day-B &tte-ndenqe.ot ell Dupils ggrolled tn grades klnd€rgarten to etght Aotel (gsne as lt€E 6 on.l&fm for $ete eld) t^drrd""-../-{2-.4.--.......-. .-... t 3o. AJerage dgUy e,ttondqqcs of a,ll puplls eEoll€d tn grades Hnderga,rten to etgbt elgbt tBcludvo. lncludve. (g€e nots notsb€lolr b€lolr gc"l & --------ratleg Hnate8sa,ilen (fta,mo-a,s rterm 0 on grarm fsl $et€ dd) - t* . 3a,&-Avorass q€|Iy gttend:itj*"r?lf-tg$Ji (gs,Ee as ltem 6s on r I I' *.*t"u*t#$xHff"?[S""JBH NOTE: Do not alloe more - | (: 2 {- -.-- / S- ZL ex&ds klndqsa,rtea to ststt lncludys, erctudvs of tutrtonpupf* I t ? {- Suf** ldndorza,rto! to eteht tncludyo, dcludvo oltu$loapupne than ll day jes dat tor KlndsrgaFton In ltom! 3, Ba. Or, Oar. 3b. Totel d&ys etterala,nco o 3c. Ayerago da,[y &tt€uda,rcs of all puplh oDrolbd fa hlgh (Sa,Ee as ttefo 6 on clalm for stiltd ald)*3t,*"yrl#tXrgf&S?*f$B1l3 ffuf*u sch;L (S€o noto b€low Aoa)-...-....-.-----. ta hlgh ae.hool, ercludvo ol tutloa pupll&..*-.....-..". r*.(d'J;ff frtHgl*"**.ffrr8*"*"fo* rD hrsh school, excludve ot rnruon puprs-----. ---"-- (Note:-The-avelago- da.[y ettenddrco lD a ono-loo4 sclool ls found Dy dlvtdtng the tot4 days ettordance by the 4umbor ot days tho Bchool was actu8lly ln sqsslon. In schoiols of.iwo or rqpms, or ln schools whqs6 recordi of attqnlgnce are tepi bylesslotieacbdn, ilie ev€r&go-d'dfi;iitio-diic,i$ ifi6tifi of ths B,ver&ge ot the u+lts cgmpostng !,Bo gro_up. !'or example: The prtnclpal ot q tw_o-roo6-scfigbl tnouli euteiili Itstir sailfiilE-o'i t-ue av6nfob-6r-iEi twq rooma. -Tho superlntendent of I ctty system -of qpl@lq]should rioic ir-ltee aa-i'Fo-sun-oi tlo riveragg of liro viiiouiididi1ffio,fi."-ifii'ffift;afi esch ward school a,nA thg pr.lnclpal ol oadh Elgh school should relnrt the averago tor hlC school iounri 6i-aailinFtire-affi&'oi-ti6fiirio-us roods or Barston grouBs composhg ths school) r 4. Number ot etghth erode graduat€s or promotlons* 6. N'mbel of elemeltary tultlon puplls attondtry the dahooL-,6. 7. * 8. ----------.. --/- ?7e Totd - - Numbor of btgh sohool graalua,tes (Four Numbs of hlgh school tultlon pupls a1totrdlnC thls Total_--_--......- Number ol school buildtngs tn tho dtstrid used by oleb€trtsf,J 8e. Nrmb€r of school butldlngs Totsl-----/---- FubUc.--_--. in the distrlot used by tlgh school--- -------Publlc.__*_.__-._n€il,sd---_-_--__Total-_--- pfucfpab?----------Elmenta,ry----_-_--_ ) Numb€r ot uura,rlec----/-.. - Q*--W ra. ni rmtc ot volum€s tn ubrarts$prlvete 16. No. ot schools ln dlstrtct, EleBeata,Ey--.__------.--.--*S€cordarif._-TotaJ.-* 8b. Eow many of &bovo teachers wErs supsrvlsor8 or esslstont rilgh sl4. GBADES K'D'C-8 GBADES 9.T2 Etrrollme[t Boys Gtrb Bom Teaa,bors MoE WoBen Men 17. EEAI,TE, SPECIAI, EDUCATION AND AT-TENDANCE: l; Womel' TOTAIJ Boys Glrls Men Womstr . Is gbydcal cam. lequ&€d ev€rjr tolE No. gtvel DbJdcal .-n. thls 5rea,rs? yoar....----(Y6 No. trua,nt omcers pald by AgD cor0tflc&teg iT HANDICAPPED Eard ol (ItUPORTANT-Throo ltems to bo 6n€d are on baok ot thls she€t) (ovEB) or No) I Iffi. CONSOUDATED DISTRICTS rO8, PI'BLIC SCEOOL KINDEBGABTENS rOO. EMPLOTEES OTEER EMPLOYEES Other lDforEetlon whlch mey be rsquested by County gup€dttendent. Part tlmo toecherd (not substltutes) Na,ne +r h o a C) & F{ 6l p E8 p 1.. o o F4 GI I (,) F SubJ@t €cL 5 a 6 Fl de ME og ZE .v, JE H a gE FAg F r.H g H8 .EH aze ..i .qH Ettr -E(, trl d ttn dlE gry lr F e T E b T o Nl EI +I . e): County Physician's Rural School fteport Name of School......-..!Lount...Mor.tah. .-...----------.Township Nome of Teacher..-..--D--o--f-a.-- San*f.rr'l'l I e Fres.SchoolBoard.P-arl"e....P-e.acock...'..." School Building: General Repair paint Clean Falr DrainaSe Falr Room for Plal' Falr Repalnted. trnside Ileeoration Oood Light Ileat Yentilation Well Water: School Grounds: Good Falr Well Closed Yes Water Bad taettng See Co. Suplt. All chlldren should be vacclnated and. have dental exanlnatlon. Toilets: 0. K. Good. Nq. of Puptls P.qpent'e Nome P. O. Address =-Jclelrhono Na- Name of Chtld PN 8a.nuel Palnyra PN PN PN PN Grover iStlqt*t-le ![ eaan PN PO Coneu].t PN Tongo PO Mark 0onsult PN PO ul:Lst-- .Pe.lngra- D EO PN PO PN D EO PN PN Orvi11e Peacock 18 dr DE 3 NF esk/make lqn -/?es Pavl s lal=ny_rq- County Physician's Rural School Report NemeofTeacher-_---..--Bgr.a..$te*art...'....-...t,.o.Addres Fres.SchooIBoard......Fav.1.e.-}-eacock.........P.o.Address...P.a1rnyr.a-.....Tel. School Building: General Repair Paint Inside l)ecoration LiEht IIeat Ventilation School Grounds: Clean Drainage Iloom for Play Well Water: Well Closed lYater Water ehould be examined. Sehool much lmproved ovex laet year. Toilets: No. of Pupile Parent's Name P. O. Addreps Telephone No. Name of Child Erneet DI\I PO Tel. X _Martha Bateg lyebster Palmyra-- .Backward-_ Harold- 0oneult James \PE ECF Ive gL Polmyra el= NDE EGF Tel. PO PN PO 'el. PN NDE NDE ND est<,rnakd /?d7- /qlg . Pa-fuq]rra.---_- - County Physician's'"Rural School Report a o No. of Pupils /f >l k oe €o k Ez -: 8E'o . r gtlCac Nanre of Child I 4 ocl E'6 'dF8i "s& z> 5z ctrlc 3z;le 3 3 6 t_ I.r .7 /n 7 E " /L't/ zvtl - 1 d, t 7 +122"1-1- 4 I . -4,.-1 7 /1 7 4 /4 E. h-zz l *-.t -a_ g /c { 2 f,r-,/*-, 1t // /) .<a // ,f-tt1 n" --r// ti.?- b U'tu<ra-4-Lz EGFP Y/l NDEO w../r I L R Ft Y-^AU EGFP R vt NDEOI NDF I LL EGFP Yil NDEO NDFI I R I R NDEO N/ rl I R EGFP Yrl NDE ND l EGFP NDE N I L It R EGFPI Y$l NDEO N,F I NDEO ND I EGFF YN NDEO NDFI I EGFP YN NDEO NDF] I EGFP YN NDEO NDFI I N HN PO '//-r-t/t- -"*j L L ffi,tt R PO R PO L R PO R L R PO It R t PO R PO lJ R I R ND [/.O lJ EGFF YN ND'EO NDF I DE '.'t R NDEO NDF I EGT'P YN NDEO NPF I PO l) R tl "rl Cr4-a,odC R EGF'P YilI NDEoI NDF I EGFP YJfi N/,sol NPF I , Lt b /t 6 It r /f r (?- R R EGFPI , R EGFP YtrINDEO NDFI I esk POlln., >/;Z/+e& )/.^-e'a'""' L b /( / --ffi)<''f YN 4-t74/ r EGFP YX NDEO mdr I EGFP h*9r PO '* 4- NEg-q twy'rl I R L EGFP YF ,IDEO NBF I R EGFP I I R L PO EGFI I L R q EGFP Y )fi NDEOI NDF I EGFP NDEO NDF I o Ut h EGFP Yil NDEO N^$ r I 2 EGFF 7 @ iE EGFP] YN NDEO NDFI I 7 Porent'e Nome P. O. Addrese Reconrmendntions =9! ;6! ..j;9: PN rtake /?z?-/?30 PO ,a}:, County Physician's Flural School Repoit School Building: General Repair Faint Clean Fair Draina$e Fair lloom for Play Falr Repainted. trnside Decoration Good Li$ht Ileat VeFtilation Well Water: School Grounds: Good Falr Well Closed Yes \{ater Bad ta,sting See Co. Suprt All should. be vaccinated. and have dental examination. 'l'oilets: 0. K. Good -tt r.::';' Name of Child Samuel Palmyra Eil een Ral et.-. PN Grover f! nu,r*y"* PN Adam PO PN PO PN PO fi[ lta"t I{.P:J-my-raPN PO FU Pavi s r€r--i.a$ly.Ie PN PO T€l*----.--PN PO ,t at 4 0rvi11e Peacock 18 (,r p DE ,' NF esklrnakd- /qil -/?Lg Rta j s. DiSTtrrcT 30, .tsCARTJ L L" Fe:.ris Go'i'J. Dcvrl"irnd Hendley Rees ifr. oF DinEc?cns Pal-n;ra Pal-rrr.wa PaIm;ra ; f, '1.-. { .i'cgr - October ,, .,. :l Lgt+3 trF. G. F{. Dotrlatrd, Cletk Eoar{ of, Dtroctore, Dletr*.et j0 iralryra, I1ltrpte GerrLleneni i Crt S$L''Loaibw 3A I rrloited lfiorlalr gchoole #.etrlet lC. 'fr. ii' $aooupln 6oun0y. r H';1' *,,*::*^*"f:^:r-$-A;-d;hil a& euro Jrou apllrecl.ats her vAiue and lor ::rteraet, j:r-;il.eiffi ai you ltlrve rear-pl0yed her o rnrnbor of lrau.e fui-orrccesslon. i ,. l; I ;u:r 6la<l.I* q:o atrqyc. bd; o;a;rir,€J i*rr iteadlng dlrcle for'iho nupLro, Those r* tne bsst e$d-ih6ap{rEt booke 3.u-"* hijz. i bopo l-i,u t":I *r"oy; ilritro,r. to ord*"-irr*,. booke I !0fuht'.su5gost. that paper cups wo.r-ld be a valuoble addltlon, and arso a dr'l,klng iorurtatn tl Lo us"i indo;io A nerr bocrke;-lse r.e also neeide{ as your otrrurs-r**edrrlru, bad weather. pretty trel.r. anrwded. us known If we can bs of ery ftrrther g€lrrrtso to Srou at u1y tlne, lpt Sf.lrctroly youro, f. F. rhergensnCIyor ^ County grper$.ntendent oi. scnooU I$(Jlde '1 r rsirnt io c,:ripr-inent you on the j.nte:"oat you tr-sve taken Stour school. rt, is rrcry ;rttraltive s.ra noseiiie tcl tlre chfJ"dren.F The new r{ecoratlons irnd ne' froors- add vsry @lch to iho gchoor atfuosphere. I '- ./-+ ' ' I I -l ." "t: i.,, '.. ,t:'.' :}. ..: iJ ,.-u ,, . srrt! or illrxorg HENRY I{ORNER. GlovrRNoR DEPARTTENT at3tt?axr Dtitc?oi C,F PUELIC! SPRINOFIELI' HEALT'H - AC?rNO DtRICTOi IN -.frtrdtr 15> REPLY RCFER TO FILE t, r*tt I* fi,sarld{ cHrer cAxFrtv $LlN[!|t GLAiE|€E W- ttLAtCSr E. hrql|rr _*rgrs.-i. F _s,-'h,I|L] !q'EE, ilffir* en* ffi",& lf,ffii \n*" Snffitlrffii Snd*{l ?ta!l s[ s ltry+ctlrtn of t]w {ffiil$teffid, fmf}tttw e* tft. Hffil*k &s,[ ff, Ih v* csaclqfrs tt!e$ t!$ **l,lxn*na #40, fuffi@ffi emu*W $nct,6 SsLr s!l[ee#S *],pfim** ntrlil&r tno$X, in w$$'w* ts ssnbffdnert*mr W uh"*ffi*fi #Fmute nnrt6r g*{ipfid} . aI Sh* mfnr tlrnq& milsd&T thet *sxr dtwtw $n tlr* br{* uei.l }fiutn6f- ntnl.rn. ry wB$t*s effisb b'*.t$ an$ r?rg wfttnllqlehtlprr a*ilch mng *ntnr S.lrn s{sli t$ s{kt eff}qfiil trl$ tps{e{f l{+r$,eh tr*qq}CIr* $!e pw&!g *rstr }|,l* ffiS. {ng wrt*r*pd,mrtte,ren tbm,t se,F bs u${ehsd, t$t* Utis pp}.tr thrwr*r *ra*}m lfi mrs {tpltt;16* pqq *antqwl"np-[s* wwE** I:q,Nrr"]s rfilcl.:, tr**!.[ sfr&rr;e{'rto Srus s.ffifi ut"wpmm&1,*f,t *ks r$sl.:. {rffil r*utgh setr $**etltcsr {t. 'se*sto F$dlr&Sr tby$r,s'.',& *umsfudr hl 6*w yy&qt*s e.m !.aer+rltlrey *r thqr &sr* {rs,}#$stbfs t* fltrsar tsmt* *vt$ rodmh* bom,ss +f Ss rryrmtwctq&,{rlY,c [n *rs ss*t* rsrartr *ea]tsr t]i& ts16*tissns$ rnqn**.r tlas sbgwt*o sf L$.rt* tn 'llllc bqryf o Fr|'sH, tl;s u*n*mlf *lgnt*re I.f;",'}s il"n th* SLrt.f s F*tW. tn offier tc s*rgogt tl*s* $est*arr ilsf+cts m* th* sclrosl,, $m r*sqtr$:rwrfi fi',s fstleq*lrg le{rtrrs.qolt$xt !* S*rur uu # fnoh lulgfonned wnm*twTnn?.* .tnrnoss$1 tlr,r irrr*alfig *f ttr* tstr* linfr45 ts e {*Wf+h eS wt, 3"**ast * f**t 1.ra1** t}w ffirssn&&}.}W :'t&t*rtt JFLtwt[wts for w]r *mrm**rtctsr-r$ nrs w'ln*w au:lsrp fl ef w$fffsfi&. *':rnrtt#[ h\s wm$*uox3 beltretln. Sgctrn*tr*g* Hw vel.l" :faxtf,slrvl nrttT't ;u ,t $qd,h $iltr#,rst$ $s}ft$l q,*rlltcq$i6 lat Loo"*tt gt*-sr.fs#t l-n rst"l tli.rq*t]',rrw. ,{ r*'"rnrt frnn;**,1w xlocrve tfigs$ ,St*n$h*sr wtXl. cr;,].$w t?lrE :''g${r,}sd"l$ *;' *li* -rw{'r rn-lfusl*t-, $lra{#,{ htl irlogqfi {tr Sire $}.nt**xn a* thcr ttro af c*n$twlgt$*n. $L*aw *ircrdtl. r;;t*rul r*'!xn',* wna $.*slr Itt*r th,tr ttrtq* tmqa, *,* pur.t* slurEl.f! r*cs* ftnectfui *n Sj'm rrsrrr*wr** "nnd, ir* fiut#,y tnlt**l& In iL.te*, o.i* *.* *lrtrsn n:lr ,P$",lI. il of Sl* e;tr;$s* *a]1,4131. fi* bqa*nii L?r+ m'1,1$ H. ft**I*ns ilx# Er!{t-l}a** pntgr vt!1i e npryr lirr"*"i.&tr e {i?ts i{.*cg ei;-y"*sf -JnsmEF. I^f +*tl*t"jlsxudt aaoxrl:T{#qt.r fTm r}Sm*taru x*ag ql:r*sr to f;rrv*.1 ?T:rn kr** ntl**! t$#otlr$g *n &li*t th$rs slll t:s m r4'r*n*,r!";n *rr tlr."e ht*sso ryI{.$* so, s?r$rj,":$ n p*hat*,rattffik], w$q$sr tt:;*t tr*rq;h ?S f,*6t *n t_*Wfih w**&S ;tt$f,t:r#kjlo ffimtffir fgsi$ tli+ !,er**lnt* t*[*!,nlti' c?f *]rrn r.wffi. '*st,t ' o|vratdr oF ADDREga ALL coRREaPoNDENcE To THE AcTtNo DIFEGToR = -,':r-r .Arrarv lro|tqfil{r C. TAXTIR, f,. D. ^tr t* . cmrqr S. ,ttffi'fLtx* ?-hw wry1,3, vruttnr r*f,tsr ths *,'he?H 1,ryw'+w,umnt* ?rnw bom rmnlo* tt [s *tal for *rk["t** f$q3ss't]*r ffiru y,rnwthxs* f+g qtsri]tmtlcn 'hmifttfs I,s 'Lftaelb#l on pflll'Tss ,*,rril 1? sf a ,: t?r+ crrelo${ri? ?}r*.:.s,t[$r ' ... , -,:" t -.- ,' ATATE OF TLLINOIg , HENRY HORNER. CovrRNoi DEPART}IENT G'F PUELIS HEALTH APR I NG FI ELD A33I'iANT DIRTCTOi Ar C. Drvtrtoil oF tAXTln, X. D. ACT|NO DTRICTOT aailttaiY rtitotNrtttt|(l - EOONEEE ALL CORREIIPONDENCE TO ?HE ACTING DTRECTOR IN NEPLY REFER TO FILE A. (naclsI CHII' IENEIF 'ANTTAIY CLAIIENCIg W. KLAS'E'I E. #f--*fl*-tt* uWg_*f* trr rrd,h uf;U ta fifttdtt. ry{&fn#r *s thn ffit* M, ffitn 11 {het ?' f;H'ffit[ thr vwt** #[& ts w* opjrrilin *maffi, tnl$ili te;*wmt &* #trWr str illt*fi* S+ Me *mm cl*amd the.privtw stth htsrgs,r m,*#*pl**tnd dw{!l[ f[t aa fi* ts rffi*?sfr fl,t_ax. If**, qffis ttd, In r*dtffi 0f tlts gwr-ouultt*,trur *f Hln 'prd"rytcr rstd *p,* l6olr of, lry;cm* t* s.sM lhlwq urm[5n** wn nnmg*rt S!*t ths $ffi{r$ gf nfiwtrBrs rygtl.ryt*.*muy #o*rfrs{ffi {rw *!*1#fi *f #x# ;&nff,r,{r }rltr nrlw* B*til ttrgis af slrf,,ry f;frhr W*r *f ligples-'t$$-1*F{sildei"ffi'ffiffi'" I*r *ry' edlrd$q&sss syqs$ of €t**nEm *F n"r rrmm*1,[itcn. "]d; Jrffittffios" yl5 *?_$3rytlon prlntr'oa fi}s$€ asn b* sbt*lao* th*.w.1gr prroj*et tn x*rffi{n *unry.-' I $.F,*. s ]w gelr eopt te tlre r*fu*t. dt$etrc.ot 'tlstnr thd G i; *g i*titii},, *ti idirxs. I{u. f*-P&d. s. F*t}"sft i1-Lr* q}ntn*3n of 3*$* ptnjgpt, ourl ffi}rsr fni'*ro*t{*" ffi*o lut+f iry sot,tserutng htn a? Bnd fl1, mlmildir'ff1. $ hwe the *a?mcl. *f{'to{n1s {tr},w rr*ugro*u{"bL* f*y t}w pmta*tinn sf tfis ryT,tl}t"n $t$* n* ac*noh lt ln tryerto*t* Lsnt t:t* +trow !re6$"*1#dtlstlors ba ftet.f,llld. tf tlu trfiglrfi"r- pf ttrls etFsptffie$ft .,, r* wrs& Fsffis sutgf,se'r$.. ffi{rdr nBr$l;r ef ss@sqw @rr b{r sf ffisvlsa in muawti*t Srubtrom*1 w #rmlk }* p,},**m& t+ hE m K,ff/*r I$rslmffiH?il1 $*}ry te* hl3 ffi,Latts ffisritssf p[t pr&ry pnE*h].*t S, &r*ts*r ffiowti StW$t. *f S*lmolu *h#ttrss&Xfue1 tlX. tr*fi,r} ,WW l#* Io* ffitt*u&rom* $fiait&sf $&ri$,no*rr fie$-L!.M[].1"*r I],]. #lF f-,SF.'t$tffitrtl b{ntriot Xfualth sr4.!?* STATE OF ILLINOIS VERNON L. NICKELL SUPIDIIINTENDENII OfT PUBI,IC INSIDITUCTION RTIRAL SCHOOL ANNUAL REPORT AND AP?LICATION FOR RECOGNITION For School Year L944-!945 To be filed by all districts with one or two teachers This report is to be made in triplicate by the teacher and signed by both the teacher and the clerk of the board. The teacher is to keep one copy for the files of the school. Not later than October 1st, two copies are to be delivered to the county superintendent of schools who, in turn, will forward a coly to the State Office. For assistance in filiing ln the report, see the Rural Elementary School Handbook, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Name of Assessed Valua 1st. Teachet --Address Years in this school D72o , in other schools | 7 Type of Salary this yearJhTA- Salary last year-7/-o- Years of Traini Date of last credits earned--,/-/-/-2- If you have less than two years of'college completed live semester hours since Sept. 1, 1941? / 'a 2nd. Teacher -AddreKs Type of Certificate Years in this schoo!ia other schools- Salarythisyear-Salarylastyear-YearsofTraining * If you have less than trvo years of college credit, have you Date of last credits earnedcompletdd five semester - hours since Sept. 1, 1941?Address Clerk of tne noanflor,.za&':, )nz* Enrollment by Grades Meaning of (Please Check) 1. 2. 3. , t+. 5. 6. 7. t9. B. 10. 11. L2. 13. UNDS School grounds landscaped t/ Ample playground space----Building painted on outsideBuilding in good repair-----.1 '' Cloakrooms provided-Safe and sanitary lVater supply---------lToilet and lavatory facilities --lWalls and ceiling decorated and clean-- --l-t' Adequate window space-----l " Light from left (or left and rear) L4. 15. 16. L7. 18. il. EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 1. Library facilities & materials-----------l 2. Tables and chcirs -----------l 3. Adequate maps and globes-------------l 4. Provisions for storage of supplies-------l 5. " Approved musical instruments----------l I -t =l -l rl -l -l -l -t rl -l -l rl REMARKS REMARKS t _t I -t-t- 10. Janitorial supplies and housekeeping--12. First aid kit---------------i- __-___-_i 13. Thermometer properly placed---- ------lt4. Clock in g:ood repair----15. Flags properly displayed-16. Textbooks and supplementary readers___ ,III. ' --v TEACHER 2, Training VII. -// and Experiehce in Rural Fields DESIRABLE FEATURES Are there indoor toilets ? . ,1,o Does school have a radio ?----nAWarm lunch program? Special health program? Are there insect screens for doors and Status last year: . ? Explai Explai windows? fLO - "L--' PR- R. Non. Sisn"a R.- Date: Signed 0ooo Action Recommended: Whai type ? Artificial lighting oooooo R_'PR_ Signed: Co. Supt. (67600*45II-7-4.1) @l* 1 of Schools Non. R Approved for: R- PR- Non. R. Signed: Asst. Supt. of Pub. Inst.