The Sacred Heart Guardian
The Sacred Heart Guardian
22430 Michigan Ave. The Sacred Heart Guardian Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 Addison Abraham Nadia Betts John Calder Molly Chinery Ryan Cornejo Ava Danysh Anthony Ganzaveld Connor Godin Elizabeth Harris Jacob Hazamy Grace Houston Jenna Jamgochian Samantha Jamgochian Blaise Kane Eamon Kennedy Emily Kudreiko Drew LePage Karol Lesnick Vincent Mancini Natalie Monzon Phoebe Morris Anthony Nicosia Dominic Nicosia Kaari Peecher Naomi Piasecki Bridget Polk Mitchell Polk Ethan Przywara Willem Pung Madeline Raetz Lauren Romano Sophia Smith Andrew Stawara Darcy Strombom Brenden Walker Noah Wazni Noah Williams Liam Zafarana Welcome to the table of the Lord! Page 2 Sacred Heart, Dearborn 6$&5('+($573$5,6+ 6$&5('+($573$5,6+ 0,&+,*$1$9('($5%2510,&+,*$1 0,&+,*$1$9('($5%2510,&+,*$1 )281'(' MISSION STATEMENT Sacred Heart, a welcoming parish, proclaims the gospel to all through worship, education, service and stewardship. Sacred Heart Catholic School demonstrates academic excellence, discipline and faith formation inspired by the gospel. Sacred Heart Parish Office 912 S. Military Dearborn, MI 48124 Parish Office Phone (313) 278-5555 Fax (313) 278-8582 Religious Education, (313) 565-1020 Youth Ministry Sacred Heart School, (313) 561-9192 Fax (313) 561-1598 22513 Garrison Ave. Sacred Heart Website Rev. Kenneth Chase, Pastor [email protected] Rev. John Child, Weekend Associate Senior Clergy Village 14467 Levan Rd. Apt. A Livonia, MI 48154 Rev. Mr. David Carignan, Deacon/Pastoral Associate [email protected] Brandon D. Spence, D.M.A., Director of Music, [email protected] Terri Gall, Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor [email protected] Carol Hutcherson, Business Manager [email protected] Religious Education/Youth Ministry: (313) 565-1020 Julie Wieleba-Milkie, Director of Religious Education/Coordinator of Youth Ministry, & Young Adult Ministry [email protected] Kelly Bruno, Secretary [email protected] Sacred Heart School: (313) 561-9192 Mrs. Melissa Lambrecht [email protected] Anne Pennisi, School Secretary [email protected] Elizabeth Wolfenden, School Counselor [email protected] Maintenance (313) 278-5555 ext. 108 Bob DeBerardino, Dir. of Buildings & Grounds, [email protected] SCHEDULE OF WORSHIP Daily Mass: 9:00 a.m. Mon. through Fri. Saturday evenings: 4:30 p.m. Sundays: 7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 a.m. Holy Day Masses: Schedule printed in this paper 1 week prior. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays: 3:00 p.m. Parish Office Hours: 9:00a.m.—5:00 p.m. (Closed for Lunch from 12:00—1:00pm) Sacrament of Marriage: If one person of the engaged couple is registered at SH, and practicing his/her religion, arrangements may be made personally by the couple with the priest or deacon at least six months in advance. Eight to ten months or more is preferred. N.B. Young adults, by the age of 21, should register in the parish in their own name, not that of their parents. Sacrament of Baptism: Infant Baptisms are celebrated every second weekend, either during one of the weekend Masses or after Mass. Parents must be registered parishioners, practicing Catholics, and are required to attend a preparation session prior to Baptism. Godparents are also required to attend the preparation session with the parents if at all possible. To register for infant Baptism or for more information, call the Parish Office at 313 -278-5555 or e-mail Deacon Dave Carignan at [email protected] Webmaster: Laurie Pakron, School; Julie Wieleba-Milkie, Faith Formation Mt. Kelly Cemetery Cherry Hill & N. Elizabeth Contact Elaine Lovelace at the Parish Office or [email protected] S.H. Alumni Association Dick Fellrath (President), Helen Donnelly (Vice President), Margaret Ribianszky (Treasurer/Membership), Mary Beth Oravec (Member at Large) Alumni Business Address: [email protected] Parish Nurses, Kathy Overwater Adoration Contact: Marcia Michalik 565-0476 Parish Registration—Call the Parish Office for information or stop by during Office Hours. PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Pastoral Council [email protected] Fr. Ken Chase (Pastor) Deacon Dave Carignan (Pastoral Associate) Marty Barbour (Chairperson) Tricia Brosnahan (Vice Chair) Claudia Walters(Secretary) Kathleen Brichta (Christian Service Rep.) Tricia Brosnahan (Worship Rep) Rotating (Stewardship Rep.) Rotating (Education Rep.) Rick Byrnes (Senior Representative) Eugene Miller (Vicariate Representative) Tom Saroglia(Member at Large) John Michalik (Member at Large) Debbie Kibble (Member at Large) Terry Burke (Member at Large) Jeff Ambrosia (Member at Large) Maureen O’Reilly (Member at Large) Jan Gaynor (Member at Large) Finance Council Members Jim Richter Pat Campbell Gerry Kacpura Lisa Kowalski Eric Riha Aaron Sikora Fr. Ken Chase Christian Service Kathleen Brichta (Christian Outreach) Right To life - Lifespan Ellie & Gary Hillebrand Tabernacle Society Louise Podges (President) St. Vincent dePaul Jack Smith Ushers/Ministers of Welcome Steve Assenmacher CYO Athletics Complete fall schedules are on our website: We update the schedule as soon as we receive information. Joe Caruso (CYO Board Chairman) Aaron Sikora (Winter Athletic Director) Rob Shinske (Fall Athletic Dir.) Tony Abela (Spring Athletic Dir.) Page 3 Sacred Heart, Dearborn Offertory for Easter week - April 27th Please pray for those in need of prayer in our community Please pray for: Marianne Anderzak Gregory Assenmacher Bonnie Baranowski Heather (Snider) Bray Mary Beth Brazell Brian Brosnahan Lynn Bruce Alice Bushta Ted Buot Annabelle Busher John Calder Joey Caretti Raymond J. Casey Tim Cote Edward Cebulski Virginia Ciolek Joyce Colucci Ada Comeau David Core Maureen Creighan Sean Densmore Mary Ann Dinallo Theresa Dobry Rose & Joe Driessen Louise Dudy JoAnn Dulmage Michael & Sue Ann Dunham Marian Dunn Jim & Doris Esper Dorothy Finnerty Joseph Franko Joe Furdak Larry Goebel (Deceased) Olga Gorak Nick Grad Pat Haggerty Leah Hammet Jim Hart Larry & Lynn Herrick Mel Hibbard Earl Knedgen Elizabeth (Fish) Kotlarczyk Rick Kuehls Dick Loftus Albert P. Long, Sr. Leo Long Mary Ellen Matigian Joan (Gentilia) McCloskey Mary McElroy Lucille McCormick Kathy McMillan Irene Miles Betty Miller Nancy Misovich Michael Mitchell Beth Nussdorfer Eugene Orzech Alice Parker George Parker, Jr. (Deceased) Cindy Pask Helen Piestrak Steven Prusak Patrick Rogan Margie Rossi Dominic Rossi Renee Ruch Alison Rupp Jeanne Saari Bunnie Sandhu Mary Jane Sawabini Anthony Sciarrotta Barbara Smerecki Gerald Smith Ted Stewart Irene Tamagne Marcy Tarlow Genevieve Tarlow James Thurman Catherine Twork Ruth West Dennis Wilson Phyllis Wnetrzak Margaret Wolsky Marjorie Wuerth John ZanWeelde Zeke Zell Frances Zdeba Darrin Ziga $13.462 $592,328 Actual $14,055 $587,961 Variance Hilary Cummer, Boatswains Mate: Petty Officer 3rd Class U.S. Coast Guard—Belle Isle Station, MI WO 2 Laura A. Tanski, Army, Afghanistan, Safely Home Nate, Andrew & Nicholas Whaley, US Military Services, Iraq Nick Nussdorfer, Captain U. S. Army, Sgt. Major James T. Herrington Col. Glenn Klassa, USMC, Washington D.C. 1st Lt. Andrew Starkey, 1st/503rd 173rd Airborne, Vicenza, Italy Perry W. Edgell, 5th—U.S. Navy Richard Marchand, Spl. Private, Army, just returned from Afghanistan. Stationed in Washington, D.C. $ 593 ($ 4,367) (318 envelopes) Capital Improvement Fund $298 Thank you for supporting our parish programs. Blessed Resurrection Lawrence Goebel George Parker, Jr. Sarah Leirstein & Benjamin Krater May 10, 2014 To receive Communion or to arrange for a pastoral visit for the homebound, please call the parish office at 313-278-5555. Please call the parish office with information that will allow us to keep this list accurate and up to date. Christopher Czernia,Captain, 75th Rangers Annual Budget New: Carol Smith Bernice Czajkowski Isabella Gojcaj Caroline Ray Please remember in your prayers those serving in the Military Services, especially: Mitchell Assenmacher, Afghanistan Weekly Melissa Ruch & Eric Rinke May 16, 2014 Parish Pastoral Council Announcement Each year at this time we invite parishioners to consider serving their parish as a Parish Council representative. The Parish Council is an ordinary group of parishioners who assist and support the Pastor in an advisory capacity on various aspects of parish life. Council members serve three year terms, and meet monthly, eight times a year (the are no summer meetings, nor does the Council meet during Advent or Lent). There are two openings for Parish Council for the 2014-2017 term, both would commence in September of this year. If you would like to consider serving in this capacity or would like to nominate another for this role, please contact Fr. Ken at the Parish Office. All those willing to fill these two open positions would have their names drawn by lot on Pentecost Sunday, June 8th, 2014 at the 9:30 A.M. Mass. 042314 Page 4 Sacred Heart, Dearborn V.B.S. 2014 June 23 to 27th @ St. Sebastian Parish ~ 9:00 to 12:00 for kids K thru 6. Plus we have lots of areas where middle-schoolers beginning in 7th grade, high school teens, and adults can help out each VBS day to make a huge success for everyone! Registration NOW AVAILABLE ~ Space is limited We are also looking NOW for people who can help out with Weird Animals 2014! Ages for volunteering for any of these areas of ministry begin with those currently in the 7th grade to adults. Volunteer Forms available by calling the Religious Education office (565-1020). Volunteers are taken from all participating parishes on a first-come basis. We usually fill up so volunteer NOW! Summer Rel. Ed. Program: Our 2014-15 Summer Religious Education program takes place this year the THIRD week of June—the 16th to June 20th and the times will be 8:30 to 1:30 p.m. ∗Keep in mind that if it is a sacramental year for your child, the parent/child parish monthly sacramental sessions must still be attended, which will begin in May for those preparing for Confirmation and in October for those preparing for First Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. Registered children who attended last year will progress to the next grade. The new students accepted into the Summer program are those coming into the 1st grade or transferring over from the Fall program or if coming from another Catholic parish. This program is not designed for a make-up of this past faith formation year. SUMMER Registrations forms will be available in April. ALL PARTICIPANTS IN THE SUMMER PROGRAM ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND (5) of the (8) FAITH EVENTS OFFERED DURING THE COURSE OF THE YEAR. Please Note: If a student attended last summer but has NOT attended 5 out of 8 continuing formation events during this past year, they will not be accepted into the 2013-2014 Summer program. They will instead need to be registered for the Fall/Spring 2013 program taking place on Wednesday evenings REGISTRATION FORMS AVAILABLE from Faith Formation Office (313-565-1020). Baby Bottle Drive! On Mother’s day, May 11 , 2014, Sacred Heart will sponsor a Baby Bottle Drive in support of the Lennon Pregnancy Center. This baby bottle drive is a simple fund raiser to help support the good work that the Lennon Center does to promote, support and walk with those facing difficult or unplanned pregnancies. The Lennon Center continues to offer valuable assistance to parents and caregivers up to five years after the birth the baby. Baby bottles will be available and distributed after all the Masses on Mother’s day. Parishioners then fill the bottles with loose change over the course of the month, bills and checks are also welcomed, and then return them on Father’s day, June 15th. The Lennon Center provides a very valuable outreach to those in desperate need of help and stays with them all the way. Please seriously consider taking a baby bottle on Mother’s day and then returning it on Father’s day. This is a perfect way to show and provide support for families and to build up the culture of life. th Sharing the Gospel Even though he had risen from the dead, two of Jesus' friends had not seen him yet. These men were still sad and confused. Imagine their surprise when Jesus walked with them, explained the Scriptures about the Savior, and then broke bread for a meal. They saw him alive! Prayer Jesus, when I am sad or confused, help me to remember that you are alive and with me always. Something to Draw Draw a picture of Jesus walking with you on a long road. Mission for the Week Pack a bag with some snacks and your Bible, and take a long walk with your family. When you stop to eat your snacks, read your favorite story about Jesus. ©2007 - PO Box 510817, New Berlin, WI 53151-0817 - 1-800-950-9952 x2469 - Sacred Heart, Dearborn SHAA…Saluting the past, supporting the future As I pondered a quarterly SHAA article for this month, I decided to write about Mr. Lawrence Goebel, who recently passed away at 95 years old. Although circumstance prevented Larry from graduating from Sacred Heart High School, he was definitely alumnus and told me that Sacred Heart always felt like home. I interviewed Mr. Goebel in 2011, when our parish was celebrating our 175th parish anniversary. Larry’s parents, Mae Wittersheim and Frank Goebel were married in the chapel of the old Mason Street Church in 1914 by Fr. Rudolph Marker. By the time that Larry was born in December 1918, Fr. Alphonse Sharpe had arrived and had started our first building on Michigan Avenue, which would serve the fast growing community of Sacred Heart Parish. Larry was born just a month after the end of World War I and during the great flu pandemic. The 1920’s was a time of great change for Dearborn, as it grew from town to city in 1927. Monsignor Sharpe strongly encouraged Catholic school education and Larry indeed started his schooling at Sacred Heart. Unfortunately when the Great Depression hit, Larry’s parents were forced to move to a flat in Detroit to survive economically. Larry finished his school years in Detroit Public Schools graduating from Southwestern High School. Nevertheless, his early years of indoctrination in the faith at Sacred Heart held firm. Larry recalled being an altar server as a youngster for Page 5 Monsignor Sharpe. And so important was Sharpe to his early years, that Larry recalled that when he was in college and given an assignment to write about the person most influential in his life, he wrote his essay about none other than Monsignor Sharpe. Larry went on to earn two degrees, worked as an engineer at both FoMoCo and Chrysler and also taught speech at Henry Ford Community College for 22 years. Larry married and raised his own family in Dearborn and at Sacred Heart. He was able to provide the diploma he himself missed for his own children. Judi (class of 1963) and Dave (class of 1967) both graduated from Sacred Heart High School. So this weekend as our SHAA organization presents its first two scholarships to parish students who will pursue a Catholic high school education, we salute Mr. Larry Goebel. Although not a graduate of SHHS, he understood and appreciated the value of a Catholic high school education. Larry surely would approve of our scholarships. We also thank Larry’s daughter Judi and her husband Lou Stanford, who are both SHHS graduates, as SHAA members and supporters! Mary Beth (Dignan) Oravec, Class of 1967 It easy to join SHAA, please contact [email protected] Sacred Heart Parish & School The offee onnection Enjoy a hot beverage or bite to eat, Take a moment for yourself, Meet new people, Connect with old friends All are Welcome Wednesday, May 7 - Parish Hall - 8:20—10.30 am Page 6 Sacred Heart, Dearborn WHERE HAVE ALL THE USHERS GONE? For over 90 years, members of the Sacred Heart Ushers’ Club have been at the doors of our church on Sundays and Holy Days to welcome all who enter, to assist at the celebration, and to wish parishioners well as they leave the church. Throughout the proud history of the Ushers’ Club, it is easy to see how the ushers have always been ready to answer the call of the pastor for help, to assist other parish organizations when called upon, to work in support of the many fundraisers that have been conducted within our parish, or at times, even help out financially when called upon for different parish needs. For most of those years, our membership was adequate to fulfill our responsibilities to our parish. Recently, however, our membership has declined because of illness, death, or ushers moving out of the parish. Our goal is to have an usher at each of the church doors, but that has become almost impossible. We have had to reorganize in a manner we’d hoped would never be necessary. Now we are asking for your help! Our schedule is not as demanding as it might appear to you. Members usually usher three out of every eight weeks, according to a schedule that’s rotating among the 4:30 PM, 9:30 AM, and 11:30 AM Masses. You are always welcome to usher more often; just volunteer on weeks you are not assigned. The alternating schedule allows each usher to meet all the parishioners at one time or another, and they in turn to meet you. We have a dedicated crew assigned to the 7:30 AM Mass who usher every week. You may join that team if you’re a regular 7:30 AM attendee. We also have two social events during the course of the year. Members receive a monthly publication, The Ministry of Welcome, which contains informative and interesting material regarding our ministry and the parish. Please consider getting more involved in your parish by joining the Ministry of Welcome. For more information, contact Steve Assenmacher, listed in the parish Guardian under Ushers/Ministry of Welcome at 313-278-8226. Thank you from the Membership Committee of the Ministry of Welcome Rachel’s Corner There are many post-abortive women and men in our churches who live in silent torment. They believe that if their friends knew what they had done, they would reject and condemn them. We must reach out in truth, love and mercy, and bring the good news of Christ’s forgiveness and healing to these hurting women and men. If you or someone you know has experienced abortion, we can help Detroit Rachel’s Vineyard Call 248-494-6363 to attend the next retreat May 16—18, 2014 It is with great pleasure that I announce to the Sacred Heart Parish Community, our students that have achieved Honor Roll status at Divine Child High School for the third quarter of the 2013-2014 school year: Summa Cum Laude 5.33-3.9 Haley Divis, Mary Elizabeth Mozeleski, Christian Walters, Brendin Godin, Samantha Soter, Sarah Morgan, Emma Woods Magna Cum Laude 3.89—3.70 Madelyn Kaplan Cum Laude 3.69—3.50 Matthew Burns, Samantha Kohn, Brandie Sakulidis, Andrew Kohn, Melanie Mark, Laura Moore We are very proud of our students! Third Sunday of Easter There is a line from the movie Evan Almighty in which God, played by Morgan Freeman, explains to Evan what prayer should mean. He tells him that when people pray for patience, for example, God doesn't give them patience but rather the opportunity to be patient. Our problem is in recognizing these opportunities. It is just as true that we should recognize the opportunity to live with Christ in our lives. On the very day in which Mary Magdalene, Peter, John and the others found the empty tomb following Jesus' crucifixion, two followers were returning to their homes in Emmaus. Obviously distraught over the events of the past few days, they were joined by another traveler who explained to them how the events had fulfilled all of the promises of the Scriptures. They did not recognize their fellow traveler as Jesus; only when he broke bread with them were their eyes opened. By means of touch and the sharing of a meal, the risen Jesus establishes direct contact with his disciples (CCC 645). But the failure to recognize him immediately teaches us that we must look for him more deeply in others; the homeless man asleep beneath a bridge, the single mom trying to feed her children, the quiet co-worker who goes home alone every night. To live and love as Christ we must recognize the opportunity to see him in others, as well. ©2008 Liturgical Publications Inc Page 7 Sacred Heart, Dearborn 2013-2014 Math Counts Team The 8th graders took their peers on a Walk Through Holy Week on April 14, 2014. The production was written under the direction of Mrs. Nash their Religion and English teacher. On February 8, 2014 the “Sacred Heart School 2013-2014 Math Counts Team” competed at the “Fairlane Chapter Mathematics” event held at Strong Middle School, Melvindale. The team, made up of 7th and 8th grade students, who all enjoy math, were presented with extremely challenging mathematical problems to be solved both individually and as a group. Our Sacred Heart School team received a 3rd place trophy. All team members should be recognized for doing a great job during the competition. Art in the Afternoon Summer Art Enrichment Art classes are being offered for two weeks this summer! Come be a part of the fun and creativity. Sign up for a 1 or 2 week session. Students entering 3rd grade through 8th grade will be accepted. Classes will be held the week of June 16—20 and June 23—27 from 1:30 thru 3:00. Class fee is $60 per week. Instructor: Mrs. Guido. To reserve your spot call the School Office at 313-5619192. Alliance Catholic Credit Union Scholarships! Alliance will be awarding $10,000 in educational scholarships to our members to help support: Catholic elementary and middle school tuition Catholic High School tuition College tuition for current college students College tuition for graduating high school seniors Applications for each scholarship category will be available starting Friday, April 25, 2014. To obtain an application please visit All scholarship applications will be due by Friday, May 23, 2014. Must be a member of Alliance Catholic Credit to participate. May Crowning next Wednesday, May 7 during the 9am Mass. Page 8 Sacred Heart, Dearborn The Catechism of the Catholic Church: IN BRIEF PART TWO: SECTION TWO THE SEVEN SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH CHAPTER 1: ARTICLE 2 “THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION” 1315 “Now when the apostles at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent to them Peter and John, who came down and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit; for it had not yet fallen on any of them, but they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then they laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit” (Acts 8:14-17). 1316 Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the sacrament which gives the Holy Spirit in order to root us more deeply in the divine filiation, incorporate us more firmly into Christ, strengthen our bond with the Church, associate us more closely with her mission, and help us bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds. 1317 Confirmation, like Baptism, imprints a spiritual mark or indelible character on the Christian’s soul; for this reason one can receive this sacrament only once in one’s life. 1318 In the East this sacrament is administered immediately after Baptism and is followed by participation in the Eucharist; this tradition highlights the unity of the three sacraments of Christian initiation. In the Latin Church this sacrament is administered when the age of reason has been reached, and its celebration is ordinarily reserved to the bishop, thus signifying that this sacrament strengthens the ecclesial bond. 1319 A candidate for Confirmation who has attained the age of reason must profess the faith, be in the state of grace, have the intention of receiving the sacrament, and be prepared to assume the role of disciple and witness to Christ, both within the ecclesial community and in temporal affairs. 1320 The essential rite of Confirmation is anointing the forehead of the baptized with sacred chrism (in the East other sense -organs as well), together with the laying on of the minister’s hand and the words: “Accipe signaculum doni Spiritus Sancti” (Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.) in the Roman rite, or: Signaculum doni Spiritus Sancti (the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit) in the Byzantine rite. 1321 When Confirmation is celebrated separately from Baptism, its connection with Baptism is expressed, among other ways, by the renewal of baptismal promises. The celebration of Confirmation during the Eucharist helps underline the unity of the sacraments of Christian initiation. By the numbers 16 million: Number of kids in America living in households without consistent access to adequate food. That’s 1 out of 5 kids. (U.S. Department of Agriculture) 22% Percentage of kids under the age of 18 who live in poverty in America. (U.S. Census) 145,600 Children in Detroit living in areas of concentrated poverty, that’s 67% of Detroit kids. (Anne E. Casey Foundation, National KIDS COUNT Project) Too much poverty to count? Too many people to help? Too costly to solve? When Jesus walked the earth, He healed one person at a time, but he encouraged His apostles to feed thousands at once, and then performed the miracle of the loaves and fishes. Jesus also said, “Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12) If each one of us brings just one food item to donate at church each week, we can help feed many, many families. If each one of us donates just one dollar to the poor box each week, we can prevent homelessness for many. If each one of us donated a few hours each month in Christian Service to the needy or the lonely we could mend the countless holes in our hearts and rest our heads on Jesus’ shoulder. Thank you for your support of the St. Vincent de Paul, and please remember to pray for the poor. God bless. As Music Director to Sacred Heart Parish, I am pleased to announce that Grace DeBerardino has been named as an official section leader/team captain for the Sacred Heart Parish Children’s Choir. Grace (3rd grade student of Sacred Heart School) is the daughter of Maureen and Bob DeBerardino. Grace’s responsibilities include assisting Dr. Spence in the administration of the children’s choir program following the guidelines of the Royal School of Church Music. The appointment acknowledges not only talent but a personal commitment to model the role of an ideal chorister. As her training develops, we may expect to see Grace in various roles, particularly as that of cantor. Congratulations, Grace! Brandon D. Spence, D.M.A. Director of Music Sacred Heart Parish Page 9 Sacred Heart, Dearborn Please join us for the Mother Daughter - Sister - Friend Breakfast, which will take place on Sunday, May 18th. Tickets must be purchased in advance, so don't wait! They will be sold after masses this weekend, or contact Arlene Fedewa at 563-6894. Tickets are also available at the parish office. All women of the parish are invited to the breakfast, and you don't have to be a "mother daughter" pair to attend. Bring a niece, cousin, best friend, or neighbor - anyone who would enjoy a morning of prayer, food and fellowship with other women. We will attend 9:30 mass together, then gather in the parish hall for a catered breakfast. At our last meeting, Irene Bruen gave a presentation about the Blessed Virgin Mary, an appropriate topic for the month of May. Thank you, Irene, for sharing your knowledge with us. Tabernacle members should save the date for our annual Mass and Installation dinner, which will take place on June 5th at 5:30. Our May Cleaning Schedule: May 8th -Team #1 - Anne Mulligan, Julia Zamarron, Janet Mrowka May 15th Team # 2 - Mary Jo O'Connor, and Eve Toohey, Nancy Colbert, Marianne Simmons May 22nd- Team # 3 Margaret Podges, Louise Podges and Gigi Cacicedo May 29th -Team # 4 Jean Rinna, and Pat Mankus and Bev Gies If you need a sub please call Debbie Greco at 213-9629, or Diana Marx at 277-2952, Marianne Simmons at 563-1002, or Pat Abbott at 476-7235. Christian Outreach—Social Ministry Sacred Heart Christian Outreach I stopped to visit my friend Betty Plasters last week, and she was very excited about a craft project that parish member Donna Hetner is working on. I can't tell you what it is, because the completed items will be given to our sick and home bound parishioners next Christmas. If you, or a group you are a part of, is interested in creating gifts for the home bound, please contact me and I will guide you. We usually deliver 65 gift bags with several items in each. Gift ideas include home made jelly, cookies, book marks, magnets, religious items, soap, sachets, note pads...anything that a home bound person might find useful or beautiful. We also send cards to people on our parish prayer list for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Easter. If you or your group would like to make cards for one of these holidays, please contact me. Kathleen Brichta 277-8879 Meals provided by the Knights of Columbus will be delivered on May 15th. Share A Morsel: Food collected in our S.A.M. baskets this weekend will go to the food pantry at St. Mary's of Wayne, and next weekend's food will be sent to the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry at St. Sebastian. Let's show our Easter Spirit by overflowing the S.A.M. baskets during this Easter Season. Right to Life-Lifespan Mother’s Day Roses Roses will be available for a small donation at the entrances to the church after all masses on the weekend of May 10th and 11th. Liturgical Ministers’ Schedule May 10-11 Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday, 7:30am Sunday, 9:30am Sunday, 11:30am Celebrant Fr. John Child Fr. Ken Chase Fr. Ken Chase Fr. John Child Lectors MC Johns M. McNally J. Benson M. Bugeia M. Welsh E.M. Captains J. Archer V. Guibord M. Michalik M. Kostrewa Ushers M. Coleman ©, T. Core (A), J. Assenmacher, D. Lorincz C. Nichols ©, P. Nichols W. Snider ©, K. Gusfa (A), S. Lum, C. Kurys, (A), J. Hetner, R. Larys D. Porte T. Kyle ©, D. Wolocko (A), R. Knasiak, L. Wolocko Altar Servers M. Kaltenbach (A), N. Mualem N. Ilderton, G. Zafarana M. Divis, P. Tanner N. & G. Alford Page 10 Sacred Heart, Dearborn The Week Ahead Monday, May 5—Eucharistic Adoration, following 9am Mass (Church), Evening Prayer & Benediction, 5:30pm CYO Meeting, 7pm (Parish Office Lower Level) Tuesday, May 6—Active Families Playgroup, 9:30am (Latchkey Room); School Choir, 3:30pm (Church); Children’s Choir, 3:45pm (Church); Fine Arts Night, 6:30pm (Cafeteria); Baptism Prep Session, 7pm (Parish Office Lower Level) Wednesday, May 7—Coffee Connection, 8:20am, (Parish Hall); All School Mass/May Crowning, 9am (Church); School Liturgy Rehearsal, 3:15pm (Parish Hall); Children’s Handbell, 3:30pm (Church); Chant Schola, 5:15pm (Church); Technology Committee Mtg., 5:30pm (School Library); PTO Meeting, 6:30pm (School Library); Adult Choir, 7pm (Church); RCIA, 7pm (Parish Office Lower Level) Thursday, May 8—Scripture Study, 7pm (Parish Office Lower Level); Spirited Sound, 7pm (Church); Men’s Fellowship, 8pm (Library) Friday, May 9—JAMS Youth Mtg., 3:30pm (Youth Room); Boy Scout Mtg., 6:30pm (Cafeteria); Good Shepherd Family Night, 7pm (Parish Hall); Active Families Book Club, 7pm (Parish Office Lower Level) Saturday, May 10—Men’s Fellowship, 7am (Parish Library); Scouts Blue & Gold Banquet, 6pm (Parish Hall) Monday, May 5, 2014 Easter Weekday 9:00 A.M. +Louise Stinnett—req. by Diane Stinnet +For Holy Souls in Purgatory Tuesday, May 6, 2014 Easter Weekday 9:00 A.M +Madeline Grinnell—req. by Diane Stinnett +Edward Drey—req. by Howe Peterson Funeral Home Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Easter Weekday 9:00 A.M. For the Intentions of Helen Verchota—req. by Charlotte Chase +Antonio Massimilla—req. by The Sacred Heart Ushers Thursday, May 8, 2014 Easter Weekday 9:00 A.M. +Edward & Raymond Hnatowich—req. by Florence Gomolka +Margaret Vanderwill—req. by The Vanderwill Family Friday, May 9, 2014 Easter Weekday 9:00 A.M. +Gigi Dingell—req. by Celeste & Dave Gilmartin For the Intentions of the Norlock Family Saturday, May 10, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Easter 4:30 P.M. +Gregory Gusfa & For Living and Deceased Family Members—req. by Family +Thomas Lavery—req. by Margaret Lavery Sunday, May 11, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Easter 7:30 A.M. For the People of the Parish 9:30 A.M For the People of the Parish 11:30 A.M. For the People of the Parish Third Sunday of Easter Catholic Services Appeal This weekend marks the beginning of our annual Catholic Services Appeal. This year’s CSA theme is Serve One Another, emphasizing Christ’s Gospel message that all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (John 13:35). This is indeed fitting as the Church focuses on the New Evangelization — spreading the Good News of Christ to the world. Gifts to the CSA make possible a wealth of ministries, programs, and services that touch the lives of thousands of Catholics throughout the six counties of the Archdiocese of Detroit each day. These are blessings that benefit everyone in the Archdiocese, and that no one parish could provide on its own. The CSA is a pledge program, allowing you to spread your gift over several months. Please prayerfully consider the most generous gift possible to support the 2014 Catholic Services Appeal. Readings for the Week of May 4, 2014 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Acts 2:14, 22-33/1 Pt 1:17-21/Lk 24:13-35 Acts 6:8-15/Jn 6:22-29 Acts 7:51--8:1a/Jn 6:30-35 Acts 8:1b-8/Jn 6:35-40 Acts 8:26-40/Jn 6:44-51 Acts 9:1-20/Jn 6:52-59 Acts 9:31-42/Jn 6:60-69 Next Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36-41/1 Pt 2:20b-25/Jn 10:1-10 Page 11 Sacred Heart, Dearborn Bulletin Board Diocesan News Dinner and Silent Auction to Benefit Right to Life— LIFESPAN, Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at the San Marino Club, Troy. Silent auction begins at 5:30pm. Dinner served 7:15pm. Dinner reservations: $50 per person/ $475 per table of 10. Students, under 21, $25 per person. For more information call the main office at 734-5240162. Office of Priestly Vocations May 11, World Day of Prayer for Vocations Next Sunday is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. How can you nurture vocations to the priesthood or religious life in the home? One way is to encourage your sons and daughters to serve the Church. For those young people who already serve the Church as altar servers, and are finishing 7th grade and older, two days are offered to assist them in discerning God’s call in their lives. For the altar girls, the Women Religious Vocation Directors in the Archdiocese of Detroit are hosting God Squad Altar Girls and Sisters at the Mercy Center in Farmington on Saturday, May 31, 2014. For altar boys the second Seminary Day for Altar Boys hosted by the Office of Priestly Vocations will be held at Sacred Heart Major Seminary on Friday, June 20, 2014. Registration and information for each event may be found on our website: Follow us on Facebook: Office of Priestly Vocations or Twitter @DetroitPriest. Vocations, one of the seven mission priorities for the Archdiocese of Detroit Mother’s Day Brunch, May 11 at 11am & 3pm. $20.00 for Adults; children 5—12 are $10 and 4 & under are free. Seating is limited, for tickets call Barb at 313-278-5600 Parish Services—Supporting Lay Ministry Formation with a variety of programs and services, Nancy Mason Bordley, D.Min. Founder and Operator of Parish Services, Director of Center for Discipleship at St. John Fisher Chapel University Parish—Spirituality and Prayer, Course offered for Bachelor Degree: Religious Education (B.R.E.). Instructor: Janet Schaeffler, OP, May 6 and 8 from 4—6pm, May 13, 15, 17 & 29, from 4—7pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays at St. John Fisher Chapel, Auburn Hills, MI. Visit for more information or email [email protected] “WIDOWED FRIENDS” A peer support group in the Archdiocese of Detroit, invites all widowed men & women to attend Mass & Fellowship, Sunday, May 18 at 2:30pm at St. Kenneth’s Church, Plymouth. For more information call Pat at 734895-6246. May: St. Patrick Senior Center Spring Beautification Day! Saturday, May 17, 2014, 9am—1pm. Come help plant flowers, paint, build flower beds, spring cleaning inside building. We welcome individuals, families, or groups. For more information contact Michael Betts at 313-833-7080. - That Mary, Star of Evangelization, may guide the Church in proclaiming Christ to all nations. CYO Summer Camp— (on Lake Huron near Port Sanilac) Traditional Camps: for Boys, Girls, Coed, & Mini Camp; Family Camps: Mom & Daughter or Dad & Son Weekend; Specialty Camps: Horse Adventure. At CYO Camps your child will actively practice their faith and deepen their Catholic identity through new friendships and meaningful relationships with caring and supportive counselors. For pricing information call 810 -622-8744 or visit - That the media may be instruments in the service of truth and peace. A Divine Mercy Moment “Encourage the souls with whom you come in contact to trust in MY infinite mercy. Oh, how I love those souls who have complete confidence in Me. I will do everything for them.” - Jesus to St. Faustina (Diary 294) Live Theatrical Drama Coming Monday, May 12 @ 7:00 p.m. Trenton Village Theatre, Trenton More info: 734-288-7380 or Page 12 Sacred Heart, Dearborn Sacred Heart Mother—Daughter—Sister—Friend Breakfast Sunday - May 18 – After 9:30 Mass Parish Hall Adults $12.00 Children (5 – 12 yrs.) $6.00 Catering by Park Place For Additional Information or Tickets Contact: Arlene Fedewa (313) 563-6894 Or Cindy Core (313) 218-0140