Lower School Newsletter
Lower School Newsletter
Volume 6 September 14, 2016 GLADES DAY SCHOOL LOWER SCHOOL HAPPENINGS Gatorette and Fall Sports Pictures Gatorette and fall pictures will be taken on Thursday, September 15th. Gatorette forms have been sent home. Please send it back with the money on or before picture day. Gatorettes are to wear their Gatorette uniform to school on Thursday, September 15th and bring their school uniform to change into after pictures. Students in sixth grade taking fall sport pictures need to stop by the Lower or Upper School office to pick up a form. Students who do not have their form filled out with money will not be able to have their picture taken. Box-Tops 4 Education It is time again to start clipping BoxTops for Education. Help Glades Day reach it’s Box-Tops goal this year. Students who turn in $1.00 in BoxTops by Wednesday, October 26th will receive a “No Uniform Day” on Thur sday , O cto ber 27th. Thank you to Pastor Schroeder for visiting us today during Morning Devotions. Today’s message: “You are the salt of the earth.” Matt 5:13 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE JUNIOR HIGH VOLLEYBALL GIRLS FOR THEIR WIN OVER GRANDVIEW PREP YESTERDAY!!! WAY TO GO! CONGRATULATIONS TO CAMDYN CARTER! SHE WAS THE WINNER FOR SELLING THE MOST FOR OUR SCHOOL FUNDRAISER. SHE WON $100.00 AND WHEN ASKED WHAT SHE PLANNED ON DOING WITH THE MONEY, SHE SAID, “I’M GOING TO BUY A GIRAFFE”. THANK YOU CAMDYN FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK! Thursday, September 15th: Cheese Tortellini with Meatsauce served with 2 sides, Cucumber Dipper, Stir Fry Vegetables, Parfait or Fruit Students in grades 1-6 need to complete a total of 18 out of 20 assignments. Those who meet these requirements will be invited to an end of the year celebration. Below you will find the following due dates: September 16th, worksheet # 3 September 23rd, worksheet # 4 September 30th, worksheet #5 October 7th, worksheet #6 Friday, September 16th: House Made Pepperoni or Cheese Pizza served with a Side Salad, Dessert, and Choice of Side Monday, September 19th: Homestyle Chicken Strips served with 2 sides, Home Fries, Parfait, Carrot Dipper or Fruit GDS Madison Green Country Club 2001 Crestwood Blvd. N. Tuesday, September 20th: Southwest Beef Taco Bowl served with 2 sides, Chips and Salsa, Caesar Salad or Fruit CALL AMY WILKINS FOR INFO 561-996-6769 ext. 25 [email protected] West Palm Beach, FL Wednesday, September 21st: Beef and Sausage Baked Ziti with 2 sides, Garlic Breadstick, Roasted Italian Veggies, Broccoli Dipper or Fruit Upcoming Events: Thursday, September 15th: Picture Retakes, Fall Sport Pictures and Gatorette Pictures Friday, September 16th: Varsity Football Game against Miami Dade Christian (Away) Monday, October 10th: teacher Work Day Thursday, October 13th: Gator Growl 7 p.m. Tripp Hall Friday, October 14th: Homecoming Game at 7:00 p.m.
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Lower School NEWS - Glades Day School
This Thursday, September 17th, Moya will
be here to take the Gatorettes individual
and group pictures.