Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church 25-02 80th Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Telephone (718) 899-2801 Fax (718) 429-6404 Parish Web Site: www.olfatimaparish.org E-mail Address: [email protected] Rectory Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am-12Noon, 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Evenings: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am - 6:00 pm / Sun. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Rev. Msgr. John E. Mahoney, Pastor Rev. Michael Udoh, In Residence and Part Time Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Breen, P.E. Rev. Edwin H. Lozada, In Residence Rev. Patrick J. Frawley, In Residence Rev. James Fedigan S.J., In Residence Deacon Marco Lopez, Permanent Deacon Ms. Leslie De Paz, Financial Secretary Mrs. Anna Maria Mejia, Parish Secretary MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Liturgy Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:15 am - Family Liturgy (Sept. - May) 12:00 pm 5:30 pm Weekdays: Monday thru Friday 7:00 am & 8:30 am Saturday - 8:30 am First Fridays and Holy Days - As announced in the Bulletin INFANT BAPTISMS For children under 8 years of age, the sacrament is celebrated the FIRST Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm. The parents must register in the parish office at least 3 weeks prior to the baptism. Both parents and godparents are expected to attend one catechetical session in advance, on the Tuesday before the baptism, at 7:00 pm. SACRAMENTS OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION Before being fully initiated into the sacramental life of the Church, children over the age of 8 will need catechetical preparation through the RCIC process. Teenagers and adults will participate in separate RCIA processes. CONFIRMATION and COMMUNION For those already baptized, preparation for these Sacraments will take place according to the person’s age and knowledge of the Catholic Faith. For further information contact the Office of Faith Formation Program. MARRIAGES Couples should contact the parish office at least six months in advance to make the proper arrangements for the Sacrament of Matrimony. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact the parish office. Mrs. Cassie Zelic, School Principal 25-38 80th Street 429-7031 Sister Patricia Reills PBVM, Pastoral Associate & Director of Faith Formation 25-02 80th Street 457-3457 Mrs. Josephine Sanges, Director of Music Mr. Stephen Smith, Principal Organist Mr. José Aquino, Trustee Mr. John Blaney, Trustee HORARIO DE MISAS en español Domingo 10:30am Jueves 7:00pm Dias Festivos: Se publica en el boletín. EL BAUTISMO DE NIÑOS Solamente para los niños menores de los 8 años de edad, se celebra el sacramento el SEGUNDO y el CUARTO domingo del mes a las 2:00pm. Es preciso que los padres se inscriban en la parroquia por lo menos tres semanas antes del bautismo. Ambos padres y padrinos deberán asistir a una instrucción catequética, la noche del Martes anterior al bautizo a las 7:00 pm. SACRAMENTOS DE LA INICIACION CRISTIANA Con el propósito de participar plenamente en la vida sacramental de la Iglesia, los niños mayores de los 8 años de edad, necesitarán prepararse en el proceso de Iniciación Cristiana Para Niños. Los jóvenes y los adultos se preparán separadamente en el proceso del RICA. CONFIRMACION Y COMUNION La preparación para estos Sacramentos se cumple según la edad de la persona y su conocimiento de la Fe Católica. Para más información comunicarse con la Oficina de Formación de la Fe. MATRIMONIOS La pareja deberá hacer su solicitud en el despacho pastoral por los menos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda, para entrevistarse con el sacerdote e iniciar la preparación matrimonial. UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Comunicarse con el despacho pastoral. RECONCILIATION A priest is available for Confessions on Saturday afternoon from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. You can also make an individual appointment. RECONCILIACION El Sacramento se celebra semanalmente los sábados de las 3:30 a las 4:30 pm. También se puede fijar una cita para la Confesión otro día de la semana con un sacerdote. PARISH DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Fatima Novena and Rosary Monday 7:30 pm DEVOCION EN HONOR AL DIVINO NIÑO Ultimo Viernes de cada mes. 6:00 pm - Confesiones - Rosario - Novena 7:00 pm - Misa First Friday: Exposition 10:00 am / Holy Hour 6:30pm, followed by Benediction & Mass at 7:30 pm. SATURDAY, JULY 5 8:30 am - Catherine Mahoney 5:00 pm - Giovanni Fama SUNDAY, JULY 6 8:00 am - Carmine & Concetta Esposito 10:30 am - Remedios Henriquez del Prado 12:00 pm - Wilson Pinos 5:30 pm - For the People of the Parish MONDAY, JULY 7 7:00 am - Jean Fowles 8:30 am - Patricia Butler TUESDAY, JULY 8 7:00 am - Sarah Powers 8:30 am - Salvatore & Josephine Acciarito WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 7:00 am - Walter Strakowski 8:30 am - Lucille Mazzoli THURSDAY, JULY 10 7:00 am - Ann Avery 8:30 am - Gloria Tompkins 7:00 pm - Misa Comunitaria TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Rejoice heartily, O Jerusalem! For see, your savior comes (Zechariah 9:9-10). Psalm — I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God (Psalm 145). Second Reading — The one who raised Christ from death will give life to your mortal bodies (Romans 8:9, 11-13). Gospel — Come, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:25-30). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9 Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10 Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-7 Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17 Saturday: Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33 Sunday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 65:10-14; Rom 8:18-23 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Wednesday: Friday: Saturday: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions St. Benedict Blessed Virgin Mary FRIDAY, JULY 11 7:00 am - Angela & Mary Grilli 8:30 am - Francesco Verber SATURDAY, JULY 12 8:30 am - Edward Malloy 5:00 pm - Marcelo Salas SUNDAY, JULY 13 8:00 am - For the People of the Parish 10:30 am - Aura Lozano 12:00 pm - John & Johanna Blaney 5:30 pm - Philip McCauley Please pray for the sick: Msgr. Edward Breen, Father Jack Newell, Wayne Warren, Alex & Olivia Murillo, Margaret Grabowski, Jennifer Garcia Yepes Please pray for the deceased: Leonor Agudelo, Ana & Moises Chiquito, Blanca Leonor Lopez, Guillermina De Besser LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Nuestro Salvador es un pacificador que reina hasta los confines de la tierra (Zacarías 9:9-10). Salmo — Siempre bendeciré tu nombre, mi rey y mi Dios (Salmo 145 [144]). Segunda lectura — Si por el Espíritu matan las obras de la carne, vivirán en el Espíritu de Dios (Romanos 8: 9, 11-13). Evangelio — Vengan a mí los que se sientan cargados y agobiados, porque yo los aliviaré (Mateo 11:25-30). THE RIGHT DIRECTION If we walk one step toward God, God will run ten steps toward us. EN DIRECCION CORRECTA Si damos un paso hacia Dios, Dios correrá diez pasos hacia nosotros. FINDING PEACE If you want peace, work for justice. ENCONTRANDO PAZ Si quieres la paz, lucha por la justicia. —Pope Paul VI —Papa Pablo VI Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 6, 2014 “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” “Vengan a mí, todos los que están fatigados y agobiados por la carga, y yo los aliviaré”. — Matthew 11:28 MONSIGNOR BREEN We wish to announce that Msgr. Edward Breen, our Pastor Emeritus, who faithfully served as the third Pastor of Our Lady of Fatima from 1987-2004, has officially moved to the Bishop Mugavero Residence for Senior Priests in Douglaston, as of last Monday, June 16th. We wish Msgr. Breen many happy and healthy years and promise him our prayers. Msgr. Breen’s address is: 7200 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston, NY 11362 MONSEÑOR BREEN Deseamos comunicarles que Mons. Edward Breen, nuestro Pastor Emérito, quien sirvió fielmente como el tercer párroco de Nuestra Señora de Fátima 1987-2004, se ha trasladado oficialmente a la Residencia Obispo Mugavero para Sacerdotes Mayores en Douglaston, a partir del pasado lunes, 16 de junio. Le deseamos a Mons. Breen muchos años felices y saludables y prometemos tenerlo en nuestras oraciones. La dirección de Mons. Breen es: 7200 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston, NY 11362 COLLECTIONS June 29, 2014 - $5,001.00 Poor Box - $85.00 Second Collection (Peter’s Pence) - $1,234.00 June 30, 2013 - $4,833.00 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL CONGRATULATIONS– WE HAVE REACHED OUR GOAL IN PLEDGES, BUT WE WANT TO GO WAY, WAY OVER THE GOAL! Our sincere thanks for your generosity during the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal. Your gifts and pledges will have a lasting impact on or ability to serve the People of God here in Brooklyn and Queens. As of June 23rd our parish had 165 pledges for a total of $58,758 which represents 109% of our parish goal ($53,901). Of this amount, $45,698 has already been paid. This means that about 16% of our registered parish families have already pledged almost 100% of our parish goal! Your generosity is crucial to providing vital pastoral, charitable and educational ministries throughout the Diocese and all gifts, great or small, help us to do God’s work. We thank ALL who have pledged so far and urge every family to make an effort to support the Appeal. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ALL MONIES RECEIVED OVER THE GOAL WILL BE RETURNED TO THE PARISH AND WILL ASSIST US IN MEETING OUR MANY EXPENSES. WE STILL NEED 77 ADDITONAL PLEDGES TO EQUAL LAST YEAR’S TOTAL OF 242. PLEASE HELP US!! May God bless each one of us for responding to this call with so much enthusiasm and generosity! IMPORTANT MEETING There will be an important meeting for all the members of the Pastoral Planning Council (PPC) and the Parish Finance Committee on this Tuesday, July 8th at 7:30 P.M. in the Fatima Room. Please make every effort to be present. HEALING MASS Father Joseph Faller will celebrate a Healing Mass in our parish on Wednesday, July 16th at 7:30 P.M. All are welcome. PRO-LIFE CORNER – The right to life is questioned or flat out denied on the basis of majority vote or the so-called rights of women to choose to kill her own child. This is the direct result of a culture of relativism when there is no consequence for bad behavior. Believing that we can do whatever we want without any negative consequence fuels every revolt against God. Pope John Paul II FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Dear Parishioners, Last Friday our nation celebrated the 238th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. As we reflect on the courage, dedication and commitment of our country’s founders, we should pray for all those fine men and women who serve in the military, guaranteeing that our freedoms are protected from those who would seek to do us harm. It is wonderful to witness the great international spirit generated by the World Cup Events taking place in Brazil. Yet we are also saddened by the continued sectarian violence in Nigeria and the growing conflict in Iraq, both fueled by radial Islamic jihadists. In other areas Christians are victimized by oppression and intolerance. Let us pray that the basic human rights of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” proclaimed by the Declaration of Independence, will be expanded and protected throughout the world! Msgr. Mahoney Queridos Feligreses: El viernes pasado nuestra nación celebro el 238 aniversario de la Declaración de la Independencia. Al reflexionar sobre el coraje, la dedicación y el compromiso de los fundadores de nuestro país, debemos orar por todos esos buenos hombres y mujeres que sirven en las fuerzas armadas, lo que garantiza que nuestras libertades están protegidas de aquellos que tratan de hacernos daño. Es maravilloso ver el gran espíritu internacional generada por los eventos de la Copa Mundial que se lleva a cabo en Brasil. Sin embargo, también estamos entristecidos por la violencia sectaria que continúa en Nigeria y el creciente conflicto en Irak, tanto alimentada por los yihadistas islámicos radiales. En otras áreas los cristianos son víctimas de la opresión y la intolerancia. Oremos para que los derechos humanos básicos de la "vida, libertad y la búsqueda de la felicidad", proclamado por la Declaración de la Independencia, se ampliarán y protegidas en todo el mundo! Mons. Mahoney PARISH CALENDAR Any parish groups or organizations that were unable to attend last Monday’s Calendar Meeting are reminded to submit their dates for 2014-2015 to the rectory office, c/o Msgr. Mahoney or Anna Maria so that they can be included on the parish calendar. CALENDARIO PARROQUIAL Cualquiera de los grupos parroquiales que no pudieron asistir al Calendario de reuniones de el lunes pasado se les recuerda presentar sus fechas para 2014-2015 a la oficina de la rectoría, c/o mons. Mahoney o Anna Maria, para que puedan ser incluidos en el calendario de la parroquia. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL GIVES BACK Our Lady of Fatima should share in the profits. For each car, truck or van, running or not. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will give back to our church $50/100 per vehicle. Maybe you don’t have a vehicle, but a family member, friend or neighbor has an old or neglected vehicle in their driveway that they would like to dispose of. Call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at (718) 491-2525. Thanks for your participation! PLEASE SUPPORT OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS! EVANGELIZATION TEAM MEETING There will be a meeting of the Evangelization Team on Saturday, July 19th at 11:00 AM in the rectory. If anyone is interested in joining the team, please contact Msgr. Mahoney at the rectory office 718-899-2801. OUR LADY OF CHIQUINQUIRA There will a Special Mass in honor of Our Lady of Chiquinquira, Patroness of Colombia, on Thursday, July 10th at 7:00 P.M. NUESTRA SEÑORA DE CHIQUINQUIRA Habrá una misa especial en honor de Nuestra Señora de Chiquinquirá, Patrona de Colombia, el jueves, 10 de julio a 7:00 P.M. SUMMER MISSION APPEAL The Annual Summer Mission Appeal will take place at all the Masses on the weekend of July 19-20. The Appeal Collection will be taken on behalf of the Passionist Missions. THE PARISH OF ST. MARTIN DE PORRES 583 Throop Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11216 Promoting the Canonization of Monsignor Bernard J. Quinn Among the saintly persons whose portraits are elegantly adorning the ceiling of our new co-Cathedral is Msgr. Bernard J. Quinn. This Brooklyn priest was only 52 years old when he died on April 7th, 1940, but has bequeathed to us a legacy of his life giving, sacrificial priestly ministry, which imitated the Good Shepherd who gave his life for his sheep. In his willingness “to shed the last drop of his life blood for the least” among his people, Fr. Quinn put his life on the line in founding an orphanage for black children which is now incorporated under Little Flower Children and Family Services of New York. Fr. Quinn, as he was known by everyone, is the quintessential fatherly priest for our diocese. Though he founded St. Peter Claver Church for Blacks, it drew people from just about all the parishes in the diocese, on account of his magnetic saintliness. People found refuge there in St. Therese, the Little Flower, Fr. Quinn’s soul mate, who never failed him is bestowing her heavenly help to all those who sought her intercession. Parishioners from all the parishes of our diocese are invited to promote the canonization of Fr. Quinn by seeking his intercession for recovery from illness, and for answers to their various supplications by obtaining his prayer card which are now available, along with brochures on Fr. Quinn’s life. For prayer cards and brochures, please contact the Parish of St. Martin de Porres. THE DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE ON SEPTEMBER 27, 2014 The cost is $45.00 per person. This Course will be held at: Our Lady of Fatima 25-02 80 Street East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Class 1: Saturday, September 27th, 2014 Time: 9:30 am—4:00 pm Call today 631– 360-9720 Driver Education Consultants Diocesan Lenten Pilgrimage - March 12-20, 2015 500th Anniversary—St. Therese of Avila Visiting Fatima, Lisbon, Avila, Madrid, Segovia, Toledo Bishop Octavio Cisneros, Spiritual Director For brochure call Lucille, Regine Tours 1-800-Catholic x208 50%/50% ANNUAL GRAND RAFFLE OUR LADY OF FATIMA CHURCH 25-02 80th Street East Elmhurst, NY 11370 50%/50% (*) (**) As follows: 1st Prize: $3,000.00 2nd Prize: 1,500.00 3rd Prize: $500.00 RAFFLE RIFA (*) above prizes if all tickets are sold or (**) 30%, 15%, 5% of 50 % of tickets sold. DRAWING: Sunday, July 13, 2014 Fatima Room Basement 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Ticket Price @$20.00/each Tickets available after masses or at the rectory For more information call (718) 899-2801 COMING ATTRACTIONS Our Lady of Fatima Parish will soon be introducing the option of ON-LINE GIVING to our parishioners. PARISH CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS ET S AV A HE D T E! PPC & FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, July 8th at 7:30 P.M. MASS IN HONOR OF OUR LADY OF CHINQUINQUIRA Thursday, July 10th at 7:00 P.M. MISA DE SANACION Y CONSAGRACIÓN A LA PRECIOSÍSIMA SANGRE DE CRISTO Sabado 12 de Julio a las 12 de Mediodia GRAND RAFFLE DRAWING Sunday, July 13th at 1:00 P.M. HEALING MASS Wednesday, July 16th at 7:30 PM FOURTH ANNUAL PARISH GOLF OUTING Monday, September 22nd Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Fatima 25-02 Calle 80, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Invitación: Misa Solemne y Consagración y Renovación a la Preciosísima Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo FECHA: Sábado 12 de Julio de 2014 HORA: 12:00 AM Rosario de la Sangre de Cristo 12:30 AM Santa Misa de Sanación y Consagración a la Preciosísima Sangre de Jesucristo Como llegar a la Iglesia—Tren 7: Hasta la 74, tomar el Bus Q47 hasta la calle 80 y 25 Avenida Para mas informacion llamar a Beatriz al 718-779-2818 Misa Anual en Honor a Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Chiquinquirá - Patrona de Colombia
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